#sunny road
play-my-game · 11 months
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techtechonmymind · 1 year
haechan in this song is so darling lol
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editsty · 1 year
〖Sunny Road〗
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puppyeared · 5 months
so a few things
my brother and i have our rooms facing each other he recently got a mood light installed and he can change the color his favorite color is purple
which would normally be. FINE but every time i walk to my room its just been this
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datura-tea · 1 year
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got boxes full of courier six
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selineram3421 · 1 month
You're Off-key
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Reader X Gravity Falls
Warnings ⚠
⚠ The Book of Bill SPOILERS HERE! Do NOT read if you don't want any spoils of the book. Other than that, enjoy. -mentions of madness, blood, cryptids, italics= thoughts, ya know..the usual. Oh! And for our old pal Stan, some swear words. ⚠
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You missed this.
Being one of the weird kids who loved the supernatural, interested in solving puzzles, uncovering secrets. Of course you ended up watching Gravity Falls.
Never really growing out of it, you'd still watch videos about ghosts or getting a heavy duty flashlight and a pair of brass knuckles for whatever made a noise in your apartment.
Ghost or not, they'd learn not to mess with you!
At some point you got The Book of Bill.
It was so cool! Little funny and silly at times. There was also the triangle's descent into madness. Man those pictures were good.
Also an axolotl?
You don't know but it looked cute.
As you kept reading, the more you wanted to experience everything you didn't get to when you were younger.
So you decided on a road trip!
A road trip to all the places that inspired the creator of the show and the final stop would be Bill's statue!
Best friend in the passenger seat! Sun glasses in the glove boxes! And snacks to last you a while before the next gas station stop!
You even brought a camera!
"Ready for the time of your life?", you asked excitedly.
"In this heat?", your best friend fanned their face with the paper map. "It'll be meh but yeah, I'm ready for the car AC."
You both were in the car, ready to begin the adventure to Oregon, but you were just double checking before it actually began.
"Ok, ok. I'll start the car.", you said and put the key in the ignition, turning it and starting the car.
Immediately putting the AC on high, both of you were ready and you slowly backed out the driveway.
"Let's get that fucking pie!", you said and put on the sun glasses.
It was really bright today.
First you went to the famous diner with the pie. It was a give in, honestly but the pie was really good. Next to the Oregon Vortex. Now that was a really weird shack! Everything was leveled but you were standing slanted a bit. Then you both went to every roadside attraction that you could and got some key chains for souvenirs. It's been really clear weather since you started the road trip, which was a bit of a surprise. It was supposed to sprinkle at some point.
Finally, the last thing on the list arrived.
Playing the song "We'll Meet Again" by Vera Lynn as you drove to the parking area and both of you were singing along to it before you had to turn off the car.
You brought The Book of Bill for fun.
Deciding to joke around, you bought some spaghetti to go and went to park the car before venturing into the woods where Bill's Statue was.
"Are you seriously gonna try it?", your best friend laughed.
"Why not?", you smiled while putting a water bottle in your pack. "It's ok to be silly. Mabel says so. Trust the silliness!"
"Yeah, ok.", they agreed with a smile. "If we get mauled by a bear, I'm sacrificing you first."
Camera, spaghetti, book of Bill, and water! (Also a flashlight.) You were ready for a photo shoot with the oh so famous Dream Demon!
Looking back to see the sun, you guessed that you had about two hours to find Bill's statue before it got too dark. Your best friend had a map they downloaded off the internet that would lead you straight to it. Of course, with you having some attention issues, you'd get sidetracked by anything you found interesting, hence needing the two hours.
You were right!
The two hours were needed because you were still trying to solve one of the codes in the book, while also getting distracted by some cool looking bugs around the area.
"Did you try the Caesar cipher?", your friend asked.
"Yeah, but this is new. It's something else.", you sighed. "I should have tried the website before leaving.", you grumbled sadly.
"Hey, it's totally fine!", they said and patted your back a few times. "You'll get to do that when we go back home.", then they pointed towards the right with their thumb. "By the way, Bill statue is next to us, over by those bushes."
"WHAT!?", you screeched and ran over, whispering a few ouches as the branches of the bush scratched your legs.
That's when you saw it.
In all of its odd glory was the Bill statue with its hand out, waiting for a hand shake.
"Eeeeee!", you cheered as you got closer, hearing your friend laugh behind you as you did so. "I gotta give him spaghetti!"
Opening up your bag, you took out the take-out box that held the noodley deliciousness and took a quick forkfull for yourself before putting it in front of the stone triangle.
"I really thought you were joking.", says your friend as they watch you take out the book and camera from your backpack.
"Nope!", you smile, snapping a quick picture of the statue with spaghetti. "Ok, now for the silliest part."
You take out Parmesan cheese and a cheese grater.
"Oh this is fucking hilarious.", your best friend says and takes pictures of you with their phone.
The sun hits the horizon and the sky is slowly darkening, you start grating the cheese and when you think it's enough, you stop.
"Hey, take a pic with me shaking his hand.", you say and get closer to the statue, reaching out to touch it.
"Sure thing jellybean.", they say and lift their phone up. "It's my turn after you."
"Ok!", you say and put a thumbs up as you put your other hand on the statue's.
As you look to where your best friend is, all you can see is darkness.
You call their name in confusion. "Are you there?", you ask. "Turn on the flashlight, its really dark out here."
But you get no response.
And then you hear something odd.
Kinda sounds like someone with a weird sound filter over their laughing.
"Ok, ha ha.", you roll your eyes. "Quit playing the Bill audio and take the picture already."
When you try to get a better hold on the statue, you realize you weren't holding anything at all.
"What?", you say and look at your hand. "Wait.. Why can I see my hand perfectly fine when everything else is-"
"Well, well, well!", says a familiar voice from behind you.
Turning around you see a floating, glowing Dorito chip with a fancy bow tie and a top hat.
Holy shit.
"Here we are at last! I've been waiting an eternity to meet you."
How is this happening? Was one of the snacks you ate expired? Did you eat the wrong brownies!?
"Thanks for reading my best seller kid!", Bill says and twirls his cane into existence in his hand. "And for the handshake.", he blinks. Winks?
"Wait, hold on! I-!", you start.
"See you in Gravity Falls!", the triangle snaps his fingers and suddenly there's a hole beneath your feet that reveals a cartoon animated forest.
"Don't break your neck on the way down!", the one eyed demon waves.
And you begin to fall.
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~Seline, the person.
Part 1
YO-🎹 | GF List🏞️
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groovygrub · 3 months
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charmac · 6 months
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mybeautifulpoland · 8 days
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Owl Mountains, Poland by Natalia Bogubowicz
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royalarchivist · 10 months
Fit: It's just a small concussion, he'll be fine, he'll be fine.
Phil and Chayanne's Rainbow Road build is already creating so many fun and silly moments.
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hoss-bonaventure · 2 years
one of my favorite underrated iasip moments is when frank adds a random stop sign on a street as a “prank” and charlie is like “you created a four way intersection, if anything you made this road safer”
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truepinkshape · 26 days
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pellinni-photo · 1 month
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village in the valley between grassy hills at sunrise. beautiful rural landscape of transcarpathia, ukraine. nature scenery with red clouds above carpathian mountains
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dennisboobs · 2 years
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why does he smoke like this
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literallyjusttoa · 1 year
Idk if I talked about this hc in here before but I am a believer in Apollo being an absolute hoarder. Like, this man keeps everything, and it’s been 4000 years so that’s a lot of shit. I like to imagine he has one half of his house on Olympus that is for guests, and one half that no one can enter bc every room is packed to the brim and it is completely impossible to navigate. Examples of rooms on this side include:
The shiny room: Anything Apollo has found that reflects light, from precious crystals to cool prisms to bottles from the side of the road. This room is blinding.
The prophecy room: Technically Apollo’s study, this room is covered wall to wall with bookshelves holding old prophecies. There’s probably a desk in here somewhere, but no one can find it under all the tablets and scrolls.
The music room: Not only does this room have multiples of every instrument you can think of, it also contains an unseemly amount of cassette tapes, vinyls, sheet music, cd’s, and old radios. Whenever Apollo wants to play any instruments, he has to bring them to another room bc the acoustics in this one have been ruined.
The trinket room: This room is for any miscellaneous things Apollo finds and decides that he absolutely needs to keep and cherish forever. Old suits of armor, fancy figurines, ancient games and toys, road signs (don’t ask) You could probably find anything in this room if you really wanted to.
The bedroom: Only Apollo’s most prized possession end up in this room, but that still means this room is filled to brim. Apollo mainly keeps gifts in this room, from people like his mother, siblings, children, lovers, and most devoted worshippers. He also keeps at least 50 soft things on his bed at all times, so it usually looks like a mountain of blankets and fluff.
And of course, many more. Lmk if y’all can think of any other rooms Apollo might have.
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frogoru · 2 years
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so sweet of aubrey
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