#super rewritten
autisticgoten · 2 years
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[Image ID/transcript under the cut]
Goten over the years! These are some concepts for a Super rewrite thing a friend and I have been working on :)
Goten is the main character along with Trunks... To expand on what Toriyama sort-of set up in DBZ, Goten and Trunks are intended to be the new generation full of promise, and take a much more important role in the story and conflicts than Super as it is.
There's a lot here and I've been drawing a lot of concept art regardless so I'm sure I'll expand on some of this stuff later haha. Goten and Trunks' fusion training on Metamor in particular is something I've been having a lot of fun with...
[Image ID.
Image 1: A digital artwork of three full-body depictions of Goten, lined up next to each other against a blank background, at different ages. The first age, labelled '>7' at the top, shows a young Goten in his gi as he appears in Dragon Ball Z, smiling at the viewer. Handwritten notes around him read:
Makeshift gi made by Chi-Chi for his training
No tail... yet (removed at birth)
Chi-Chi & Goten can't cut hair very well so it became a Goku-esque bird's nest
Lives simply and happily with his family, but becomes uncomfortable when he feels like something is being kept from him or he is missing something
Semi-frequent excursions to West City to see the Briefs -- his world is Mt. Paozu and Capsule Corp
Partners-in-crime with Trunks -- though this is actually the phase of life they see each other the least. Their partnership is also less equal at this time with Trunks taking the lead more & Goten deferring to the older kid.
The second age is labelled '11', and shows a visibly older Goten, over a head taller than the last age. He is dressed in the outfit he wears for most of Dragon Ball Super, and now as a tail hanging by his side. He is smiling at the viewer and holding up a peace sign. Handwritten notes around him read:
Super timeline starts
Grew back tail from the stress of Beerus's threats (along with Trunks) -- they were so excited their parents didn't remove them again (so long as the moon stays destroyed)
Struggles with loneliness when Gohan marries Videl & moves out, and visits him regularly, often without warning
Motivated to train more seriously with Goku -- wants to protect Earth and his family
The third age is labelled '14-15', and is also visibly older. He is wearing his outfit from the 'Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero' movie and has a sheepish smile on his face while waving at the viewer. His tail is curled up by his side. Handwritten notes around him read:
Now attending Blue Hal School with Trunks -- they are getting a lot closer
Getting very serious abt training -- now doing fusion training on Metamor with Trunks
Increasingly feeling the toll of Earth's safety beginning to be entrusted to him
Gets along very well with most ppl at school but struggles to form deeper connections -- a bit of a social drifter
In his spare time, video games are starting to be a major form of escapism
More assertive around people he knows well, but struggles with acquaintances
Realises he's bi :)
Image 2: A digital artwork of three more full-body depictions of Goten, continuing on from the last image. The first age is labelled '16-17' and shows an older Goten in his school uniform from the latest manga arc of Dragon Ball Super, holding his school bag with his other hand on his waist, smiling confidently at the viewer. His tail curls inward towards his legs. Handwritten notes around him read:
More involved in the community -- operating as a hero with Trunks, forming deeper bonds at school
Keeps himself busy with a variety of extracurriculars, parties, casual dates, and odd jobs for cash
Learns instant transmission!
Still goes with the flow but now more confident in his independence
Some of his activities take him away from Trunks but even apart they are close -- always texting
Official video game addict
Training is still very important to him but just one factor of his schedule & interests
The next age is labelled '19'. Goten is dressed in a loose-fitting purple shirt with Sonic the Hedgehog on it, with a black undershirt under it, loose yellow pants, and large black boots with red soles. He is stretching his arms and looking to the left with a dazed expression, and his tail is wrapped around his left leg. Handwritten notes around him read:
Has moved out & is living with Trunks in a bid for independence
Attempted uni for a semester, quit, still doing odd jobs -- a tiny bit directionless
No longer operating regularly as a hero but sometimes helps Gohan
Dedicated to training as a lifestyle, much like Goku, but does a lot of other things
He and Trunks are attempting to be financially indepedent
Sometimes suffers burnout
Apartment is in Central City, but frequently visits home and Gohan with instant transmission.
The next age is labelled '22+', and shows Goten in a gi very similar to Goku's during DBZ, complete with the 悟 ('go') kanji, with chunky blue boots. He is smiling broadly at the viewer, and has hair similar to Goku's except much longer -- going down past his chin. Handwritten notes around him read:
Runs a martial arts/swordsmanship school with Trunks!
Still messes around with odd jobs but the school is his main focus
Also runs community programs through the school
He and Trunks are two of the major Z Fighters on call in case of emergency
Image 3: The last two images put together, except without the handwritten notes.
End ID.]
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rewrittenwrongs · 4 months
It must be horrible having super strength. Imagine being half asleep and ripping your bedroom door off its hinges. All the bent cutlery and shattered plates and smashed eggs. How often you know you can fix something but can’t because it would reveal your identities/powers. Accidentally breaking your steering wheel or car horn because you couldn’t quite get a lid on the road rage. Crushing whatever you’re holding the second something startles you. How terrifying it must be to hold or pet animals. Friendly punching someone in the arm and seeing a wicked bruise there the next day, or maybe a cast…
On a funnier note, I am now imagining the Super family playing catch with various fruit as part of their Learn How Not To Crush Everything You Touch training. Tim starts recording when they upgrade to eggs.
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tarantulovely · 5 days
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Hello! I'm finally posting art to this blog! This isn't what my art usually looks like, it's just an intro for this blog. A little collection of stuff I like and might draw in the future, which I'm going to try and do more often.
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iamnotawomanimagod · 4 months
you know, I've rarely really enjoyed any end to Dimension 20 stories
I think it's really, really hard to pull off a brilliantly satisfying ending when you're a group of improvisers on an unscripted comedy show.
they shoot their seasons in a matter of days or, at most, a couple of weeks. there aren't big long breaks between episodes where they can scrape their notes and remember all the little details that have happened so far and plan ahead for a perfect ending.
also, they get to choose where they take the story. that's the fun of TTRPGs!! and it makes sense that a group of comedic improvisors who love making each other laugh are going to be drawn to doing funny bits instead of digging deep for super meaningful scenes. there have been plenty of those scenes, throughout all of the seasons. but that has never been the ultimate premise of Dimension 20.
I also think the Intrepid Heroes have been pretty clear that they don't love doing those really dramatic scenes. they don't actually enjoy crying on camera and being sad. they want to make each other laugh and they want to do dumb bits, and since that's the priority, super cohesive endings take a backseat.
but it's not really about the ending for me. the journey along the way is always really worthwhile.
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monpalace · 10 months
where are the girlies that are still actively into tmnt i have a treat coming sometime this weekend
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flurry-of-stars · 3 days
*taps microphone* New chapter for These Hollow Halls coming soon--
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nievea · 8 months
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some time had passed since his surgery. anxieties had begun to seize. his recovery was going well. he, now with a faded brand had been showing more confidence because of its removal. while it is yet fully healed, she could see such an attractive difference. he held himself high — a symbol of his captivity now forever removed from his face. it made her happy to see him such a way — she felt a bit guilty for being so apprehensive & so against the surgery. but she just couldn't handle the risks.
there was another change about him, too.
did she come into his ( sometimes shared ) chambers. he, as always, busy working at the desk. there was a new gruffness to him. thanks largely in part to the hairs that grew without interruption along his face. he was not yet allowed to shave. not to the stubble he preferred. a giggle then.
❛ I almost hardly recognize you like that. ❜
he would know what she spoke about. a grin across her face. she sat at the edge of the desk, ignoring the work that awaited them.
❛ I find it hard to believe that is not driving you crazy. ❜
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britishchick09 · 7 months
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rewrite eristine drawn by the amazing @jenjanart! :D
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misguidedlavender · 1 year
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the difference between peace and violence
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d1zzybees · 5 months
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The main ghost herself, February Acres!
In Threadsong, she's already dead and what remains of her follows Mahogany throughout their ventures. She's not entirely aware of things, but they know something bad is going to happen.
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himeprincessa · 6 months
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autisticgoten · 2 years
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some silly gotenks doodles/experimentation. i have become inordinately attached to him having this kind of hair already i think it's fun
[Image ID in alt text/under cut]
[Image ID.
Image 1: A coloured sketch showing the heads of Goten and Trunks with a plus symbol between them, and an arrow pointing downwards at Gotenks. Unlike his canon hairstyle, Gotenks' hair goes downwards like Goten's, but it has a front part like Trunks'. The top is still black with the sides purple.
Image 2: A coloured sketch showing the same drawing of Gotenks with three different hairstyles. The first is his canon hair, the second resembles Goten's teenage hair with purple sides, and the third is the rendition from the last image.
Image 3: A partially coloured doodle page. To the lower left is a coloured waist-up sketch of Gotenks with the new hairstyle and grinning at the viewer, wearing the Metamoran fusion clothes as well as a grey undershirt, holding out his hand to hold a PNG of a low-quality Gotenks plush. To the left of this is a small doodle of Gotenks' head in this drawing in a simpler style. In the bottom right corner is a small sketch of Gotenks with his canon hairstyle, smirking and holding a plunger, with 'what is he up to???' handwritten beside him. To the upper right there is a large coloured bust sketch labelled 'Adult Gotenks!', with him looking at the viewer and smiling slightly, wearing the traditional Metamoran fusion outfit with visible top surgery scars underneath. To the right of this is a small doodle of this version of Gotenks holding a bucket with the writing 'never too old for jokes and jests'. To the top left is a doodle of Gotenks with his canon hair holding a comically oversized permanent market, with writing near him saying 'what pranks are he pulling???'
End ID.]
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rewrittenwrongs · 4 months
I feel like one day Cassie gets too fed up with her hair getting in her food and in her eyes, having to carry hair ties and pins everywhere, how long she has to spend washing and brushing it, so she just grabs the nearest pair of scissors and hacks off a huge chunk as the rest of young justice look on in shock. Cut to her kneeling in the bathroom as Tim, whose parents either weren’t around to or forgot to schedule him appointments, fixes the mess she made with Actual hairdressing scissors because he isn’t a heathen, while the others watch and eat snacks or something
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ask-andante · 6 months
Would you say you've ever rewritten plot? Or have you always known how you wanted the story to go?
I've rewritten the plot so many times BSDBFBSDFB. Originally the plan was that everyone was gonna die but I didn't know how , and then months later I had a dream about a giant Uxie by a stone wall, the seas stretching behind them, and their eyes were pure black... I designed the Mythics based off of it.
A lot of key points I had planned since around then but things have been tweaked a lot over time, and a lot of things were improvised. I think the askblog format sort of encourages improvising, there's a lot of unpredictable asks/interactions, and for some blogs they'll do things comboed with other blogs that weren't planned for initially (like the thing with Deva wasn't planned for right away).
imo, I think making shit up as you go between key points is fine and fun. Do what you want, shitton of super popular anime are defiNITELY made up as they went. Entertainment is entertainment, like sure strive to do your best, but long as you have fun yanno?
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sacrialege · 5 months
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❛  what do you need?  ❜
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athenodora looks decidedly genuine as she stands in the doorway of esme's room. aro had given her and carlisle one for their stay, although athenodora knows precious little about the duration. she knew it was special, though, because this was the first time carlisle had brought esme—his mate. athenodora was instantly curious, eager to meet someone carlisle loved so much. he had taught her quite a lot in his time with them and had become her mentor in a lot of ways. however bitter she might still be about his leaving, she loves and respects him enough to honor his mate.
she'd shut the door behind her after entering—she hadn't waited for a welcome. "nothing important," dora answers before confidently walking over to esme and reaching out to grasp the other's hands inside her own as if they'd known each other forever. they weren't friends—they had met only for a few moments upon their arrival—but that doesn't bother athenodora. "i wanted to see how you were getting acquainted, and i thought you might like some company… we could get to know each other a bit."
releasing esme's hands, athenodora moves with a supernatural speed to sit on a lounge chair facing the window, the sun glinting beautifully against her blonde hair. she looks carefree here, and eager to get to know esme. "athenodora, if you don't remember… caius' mate—we only met for a moment," she says, smiling, "you can call me dora." she motions to the chair beside her, gesturing for esme to join her. "carlisle hasn't told me anything juicy about you! i do intend to have a talk with him about it."
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bluestarsbumblesocks · 11 months
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toontown trading cards canon in ttrcu (toontown rewritten cinematic universe)????????????????
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