#supervillain x detective
avvail · 2 years
tw: heavy intoxication, kidnapping, implied sc (dub-con, nothing explicit)
The detective swirled the liquid inside of their glass, staring at the ice cubes clattering inside. The atmosphere of the bar was loud in their ears, and heat was beginning to crawl down their cheeks and through the back of their neck.
They tossed the alcohol back, the contents burning their chest, before signaling for another.
“Don’t you think you’ve had enough?”
They tilted their head, glancing at the figure that had stopped beside them. They had a hand on the bar, lips pulled into a strained smile.
The detective frowned, stifling an offended hiccup. “And who are you?”
They knew it wasn’t a good idea to drown in their sorrows, but the investigation about Supervillain had just gone down the drain, and they’d been forbidden to indulge in the case any longer.
Apparently, it was being transferred to somebody else. They felt like snorting when they’d heard that. Detective didn’t boast often, but there was no way they would close this investigation without them.
They had been so close. So close.
“A concerned party,” the figure hummed, taking a seat next to them. “That’s all you need to know.”
Detective didn’t look at them. The bartender rolled them another drink, and they knocked a few large swigs down, a heavy sigh escaping their lips.
“Do I want to know any more?” They asked.
The figure smiled fondly. “I doubt it.”
They waved a hand sharply. Everything around the edges was starting to go fuzzy, yet they hadn’t drowned in their sorrows just enough yet. Pain bloomed in their chest, unsure whether that was from their lost case, or the whiskey.
The figure was still staring at them, head resting in their hand.
“Go on, scram,” the detective slurred. “Go away.”
They seemed a little closer than before, but maybe that the just the impossible heat catching under their collar. They felt fingers brushing their hair from their eyes, but didn’t bother to pull away. After squinting quite dramatically at them, they drunkenly deduced they had a pleasant face.
“If you knew who I was, you’d hold that pretty tongue of yours,” they hummed, smiling. “Though, I find you’re boldness very amusing.”
“I’m drunk,” they grunted.
Detective leaned away from their touch, finishing their—how many glasses was it now?—whiskey in a foul gulp, ice cubes clinking against the intricately cut glass. They felt those fingers on their hair again, brushing them back behind their ear. The detective stiffled a hiccup.
“Got cut from my motherfucking case,” Detective frowned, their tongue seemingly unraveling from such a simple touch. It was cool against their skin, and they hummed as it travelled a little lower, to the corner of their jaw.
“Is that so?” The figure hummed. “Poor thing.”
“It was...mine,” they huffed, clumsily trying to wave the bartender over for another drink. “It was supposed to be mine. They ain’t gonna get ’em, without...my help.”
Their lips were barely even working. The figure’s hand was stroking gently under their jaw.
“Mm, what are you doing?”
They had a coy smile on their face that a detective might have been able to see wasn’t right, but there was also this pitiful softness beneath those alluring eyes that had them drawn into them instantly. Detective’s own eyes flickered, heart beating in their ears.
“Look at you,” a hushed whisper tickled their ear. “So upset that a simple touch has you practically falling into me.”
Detective braced their hand on the counter, stopping themselves. They tried to straighten up, feeling their stomach pool as the figure rose to their feet, towering over them. Their lips were by their ears, but not before pressing them to their jaw.
They shuddered.
“Alcohol isn’t going to help you feel better, but I can,” they whispered smoothly, dizzying their senses with that tone. “After all, you’ve done such a good job trying to find me. It won’t hurt to reward you a little, will it?”
The detective sucked in a cold breath. Their drunken mind could barely even fathom what they were saying. They were Supervillain? Were they just messing with them, trying to make them feel more miserable than they already were...?
“Yeah...” They weakly smiled, not believing them. “Yeah, right.”
The detective was still grumbling incoherent words under their breath as they were helped up off their chair, warm around their waist and guiding their own arm around their shoulders. They rocked and staggered, but the figure kept them steady.
“Maybe I might indulge you and show you where my base of operations are too,” the supervillain chuckled lightly, as if they weren’t sweeping the detective away in broad daylight. “You were rather close, after all.”
Detective snorted at that. “I...was, wasn’t I?”
Even though the detective didn’t believe it really was Supervillain, the latter had them crying out their name later that night regardless.
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puddleslimewrites · 2 years
Deadly Distraction 🖤
Pairing: Flirty/Playful!Supervillain x Detective (OG Pairing that I read wrong before writing c': -> Gentle Supervillain x Investigative Reporter)
Scenario/Dialogue: "I'd die for you." / "Go ahead."
Bonus: Extra scene below the cut c:
Tag List: @black-rose-events CW: Mention of/Implied murder (no details)
Supervillain watched Detective go over the evidence on their desk. They leaned over their shoulder, draping their arms around their neck.
"You know I did it, darling. Why don't you go ahead and call it a night?" they purred in their ear.
Detective let out a deep sigh. "I deplore you."
Supervillain chuckled. It was low, smooth - a perfect parallel to their methods. "Aw, how cute," they crooned. They took the detective's chin between their thumb and forefinger and forced them to turn their head. "Now, say it to my face this time."
The detective scoffed, twisting out of their grip as they grumbled something under their breath.
"Ooo, detest?" Supervillain repeated. "That's new. Creative today, aren't we? Perhaps it's the lack of sleep."
Detective huffed and glared at them out of the corner of their eye. "Would you just leave me alone, already?"
"Oh, but why would I do that?" The criminal circled around to the front of the desk. "Your investigation concerns me, does it not?"
Supervillain leaned in, casting a shadow over the detective's work. "Come now," they whispered, voice sultry and sweet. "Is it that hard to love a killer?"
Detective pulled the papers from beneath the villain's shadow. The picture at the very top of the pile smirked up at them in an all too familiar way. They shuffled it to the bottom to look at the other images.
Supervillain was practically sitting on the desk by now. "Hm." Their eyes traced the detective's features, patiently searching. When they didn't find what they were looking for, they frowned and hummed thoughtfully.
"...I'd die for you, you know."
Detective didn't even bat an eye at the declaration. "Go ahead," they said dismissively. "You have my permission."
Supervillain didn't seem to register the answer at first. When they did, they threw their head back and laughed - truly laughed - for the first time in ages.
Supervillain sighed and threw themself upon a conveniently placed daybed under the small window in Detective's office. "Are you always this cold to your guests?"
Detective flipped a page in the file they were going through. For a long moment it didn't seem like they were going to respond.
"...Perhaps," they said evenly.
Supervillain, who had sat up eagerly when they finally got something out of the detective, flopped back down onto the couch. "Your poor, unfortunate soulmate," they bemoaned. "Who could love such a creature as you?"
As per usual, their effort to get a rise out of their favorite investigator was useless. Supervillain sighed again and threw an arm over their eyes to block out the light. It seemed they weren't getting any entertainment today.
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creadigol · 11 months
*This one also contains and bit of a creepy villain. Mentions of stalking.
Detective knew they had made a wrong turn the moment the light overhead went out. 
There was something initially creepy about an alleyway in the middle of the night, but when the one and only light source burned out…that was another level. Perhaps they should call the city planners about having dark allies…not that they thought they would have the chance now. 
“Can’t say I’m surprised,” came the ice cold voice from behind them. “You’ve been annoyingly persistent my dear detective.” 
Detective knew that voice, it haunted the dreams of almost everyone in the city…but Supervillain wasn’t supposed to be here. Detective had only been following a small lead…an informant who said they had information about the drug ring. God, they should have known it was too easy; Police-Partner was going to be so mad when he heard about this!
“Supervillain,” Detective said it conversationally despite the fear in their soul. “What brings scum like you out on a beautiful night like this?” 
Detective tried to be discrete as they placed their hand on their holster and turned. 
Well, attempted to turn. 
Supervillian was on them in an instant. Not allowing them to turn all the way before a strong arm was cinched around their neck and a super powered hand was squeezing their wrist, making it impossible to control their hand as it went limp.
“Now, now, there’s no need for name calling; and after all the attention I’ve graced you will too.” Detective felt the air pulse with each word against their ear. 
“Attention?” they gasped, he had tried to sound strong, but with Supervillain holding them like this they knew their death could come at any second, they also knew Supervillain felt every fearful shake of their body. 
Supervillain practically purred into their hair. 
“Of course attention!” Supervillain spoke. “Afterall, I make a habit of keeping tabs on the smart ones. And you, my dear, are the most intelligent of them all. I must say, watching your day to day, everyday, has been most entertaining.” 
Detective felt themself drain of all color. Everyday? Oh god, had Supervillain been stalking them and they never knew?
“But alas, all good things must come to an end.” 
Detective jerked against Supervillain to no success. “What’s coming to an end?” They asked. Was Supervillain going to kill them? Here? Now? In a dark ally? Who would find their mutilated body? Some bum? An innocent bystander? Or worst of all…Police-Partner? 
“Why, your day to day routine. Not that I wish to cause Police-Partner worry, I know he’s the more responsible of the two of you; but detective, you personally have got a bit too close my dear. Can’t have you going back on the track you were on,” Supervillain squeezed Detective's wrist harder, earning a cry of pain. 
“So..” Detective hated how their voice shook. Honestly, it wasn’t death itself that they feared, it was death by Supervillain. They had seen what Supervillain does to someone they don’t like…it was…there wasn’t a word for the horror Supervillain produced when they decided to kill someone. 
“That’s it then?” Detective spoke. “I got too close so now I’m destined to be smeared across the bricks?” 
Supervillain chuckled. 
“Of course not Detective!” 
 “I already said you’re one of the smart ones. I can’t have my best form of entertainment die in such a pathetic way.” 
Supervillain let go of their neck just long enough to reach over and dispose of Detective's gun and cell phone. 
“You’ll love your new place. It’s beautiful. I set it all up just for you!”
“At least it will be beautiful as long as you answer my questions…if not…well I can convert your stay from five stars to hell in an instant.” 
“You’re…You’re..” Detective searched for the words as they were manhandled, arms wrenched behind their back, tied, and Supervillain’s arm wrapped around their torso. “You’re..Kidnapping me?” 
“An archaic term, but yes.” Supervillain picked up their own phone in their other hand and texted something. 
“You..” You what? Detective thought. What were they going to say? You can’t do that? How could you? Supervillain could essentially do whatever they wanted. That’s the whole reason Detective was so active in trying to stop them. “Hero will find out,” they blurted.
“Hah!” Supervillain seemed legitly amused at that. They started walking toward the entrance of the alleyway, taking Detective easily with them.
Curse their damn superpowers! And curse Detective’s lack of them!
“Hero’s too busy with Villain at the moment.” 
They arrived at the street and were waiting for a car, Detective assumed. 
“You could say that Police-Partner will find out, because that would be a more accurate statement,” Supervillain continued. 
Detective felt ice in their veins, “No! You leave him out of this! I didn’t tell him anything…” 
“Oh calm down!” Supervillain chuckled. “I already know. Your office has been bugged for months. Though, I must say your friendship is simply adorable. He knows what kind of food to order that coincides with your stomach problems, you remember that he likes putting pickles on his pizza, he knows the names of every one of your many cousins, and you remember that his mother likes those silly little ceramic cats…I could go on all night. Simply adorable. ” 
Detective felt like throwing up. 
“I’ll leave him alone of course,” Supervillain said. Detective felt a little lighter at those words. A long black car pulled up next to them on the empty street. 
“But if he proves an inconvenience in all of this, I will have to intervene.” Supervillain forced Detective into the back of the car. On the outside it would have appeared gentle if not for Supervillain’s bruising grip and exceptional strength. 
Supervillian reached over Detective and buckled the seatbelt. “He won’t prove to be an inconvenience will he?” Supervillain was so close Detective had to lean their head back to avoid knocking foreheads. It exposed their throat and left them feeling vulnerable. 
“Of course not. Who could ever prove to be an inconvenience to you?” 
Supervillain laughed and patted their cheek. 
“How right you are, Detective. See? I said you were the smart one.” 
Supervillain shut the door and walked to the other side of car. They got in next to Detective. 
Yes, I am the smart one. Detective thought. But Police-Partner is the determined one and there’s no farce on heaven or earth that will protect you from them now that you’ve crossed the line. 
Supervillain never noticed that Detective had dropped a small silver disk in the alleyway.
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ladyathenawisdom · 1 year
Gangster's Wife / Pt. 3
Warnings: Mature Themes, Violence, Language, Spicy, Horny.
Part 4
"Oh, dear."
Hero scrambled all around her apartment, her eyes narrowed as she went into a frenzy.
Her beautiful black dress clung to her curves, with short sleeves, an off shoulder design and showing her collarbone and shoulders. A slit was near her right leg, for more access to kick and fight if needed. Her hair was open and curled, since she looked better when it was free. Hee makeup was neat, nude and neutral.
Nothing over the top. It was just classical and elegant.
Hero scrambled around as she put on her heels, glancing at the clock. She might be late by a few minutes, but then again, it's not like anyone else would be. She quickly put on the Black platform heels, a series frown on her face.
She sighs, patting her skirt as she let out a deep breath. Shaking her head, she quickly grabs her clutch, her invite and her keys, quickly walking out of her apartment and locking the door.
The gala seemed so boring and peaceful, with every hero and villain talking rather calmly.
Hero sighs, walking around with a flute of champagne as the hard-drive felt heavy in her clutch. She looked all around, looking for any familiar face.
The walls and colors were gold and shallow, showing the power and wealth the hero industry had. Along with the many. The chandeliers were all lit with candles.
Many tables were set around the sides, with different appetizers that were sweet, sour, spicy and exotic. A few mini bars were also around the room, with barmen shaking their drinks and laughing heroes and villains alike.
The gala was a way to keep the villains tame, to keep the heroes good. It was supposed to show the true nature of how the two sides worked together. They may have been fighting each other, against each other, but they could also maintain peace and be good to one another.
Currently, the music was playing as many people danced to the classical song. Heroes and villains all talked with another, some civil, some kind and some not nice. A few hard glares, a few arguments had happened but it was nothing new. Especially with the rivalries and hated villains and stupid heroes against each other.
Hero pursues her lips, shaking her head as she took a sip of her drink. It was all stupid to her, heroes and villains would never understand each other.
"My, my, my, don't you look ready to fight."
Hero turns around, glaring as she spots Villain in front of her, smirking. She scowls. "What do you want?"
Villain grins. "I want a lot of things. Including a bit of info on all your precious heroes. But alas, that is only a dream." He sighs. "As your team only keeps stopping me."
Hero smiles fakely. "Well, whenever we do catch you, you somehow escape." She eyes him warily. "Your not going to do anything, right? This gala is supposed to show peace and tranquility." She crosses her arms, gripping her clutch tightly and pulling it closer.
She can't have anyone finding out that most of the information on many top heroes was in her hands, it would be too easy for the villains to steal it and gain info on them. And then how would they fight them if they knew their weaknesses?
"Peace and tranquility," Villain snorts, taking a sip of his drink. "Please, Hero. You and I both know that's bullshit. We hate each other, we all do. We're just forced to show we can be tame together so the public can be affirmed or some shit."
Hero frowns, her eyes going all around the large and luxurious ballroom. She looks back at him, playing with her feet as she swished the bottom of her dress with her heels.
Villain smirks. "And even if I did try, it would lead to a very big, very chaotic fight." He starts walking away. "And we wouldn't want that, now would we?"
Hero watched him go with narrowed her eyes, clutching her clutch tightly, she looked around warily.
She bites her lower lip, spotting Leader and Superhero talking to the hero council. Mentor seemed to be relaxed and poised, along with everyone else. It seemed that Superhero and Leader hadn't told them yet. They hadn't told them of the lead or clue. Or for the fact what had happened and what Superhero had ordered them to do.
Hero frowns, tilting her head in her usual cute way as she watched them.
This was bad and stupid at the same time. If the council found out, they wouldn't be happy. But then again, they would be happy if he was ever caught.
Hero snorts at that, shaking her head humorously. No way would that happen. He was like a shadow, lurking around but never getting caught. No one knew who he was, no one.
Even the villains feared him, especially the most powerful villains. They wouldn't even say his name for fear of provoking him, she scoffs at that. It was stupid but very nice as it showed just how strong his reputation was, even if he had never showed his face.
People thought he was myth, many civilians did. Many of the lower villains and heroes did. But they knew the truth, he was no myth. He was true as could be. He was the King of the Criminal World. He ruled it, even if he was never officially elected. He ruled it. Everyone knew this.
Hero looks back at Leader who was looking around warily, his gaze series. He was stupid, he really was. Along with Superhero. They really should tell the council of what had happened and what Superhero himself had ordered. They would be delighted but also exhausted as the attempts would be futile.
No one could ever catch the bastard.
Hero hummed, glancing down at her flute of champagne. She sighs before downing it in one go, swallowing the fizzy drink. She puts it on a empty tray before walking away, her hips swaying.
All of a sudden, a fire alarm blares out loudly, causing everyone to panic and scream. Many heroes look around in anger and annoyance, getting into positions as they looked around for any sign of danger. Many villains also run along and get into position, looking around wildly.
A few were running along and scrambling away, towards the exit and trying to leave the ballroom in a frenzy.
Hero's eyes widen in horror. "Villain," she hissed in irritation as she noticed the familiar armed goons running towards where Superhero's office was, located in the east hallway on the third floor.
"Hero has the hard-drive!"
Hero froze when she heard the yell, noticing it to be one of Villain's men, who was pointing at her. She swallows hard when she notices many of the villains turn to look in her direction, along with a few heroes.
"In her clutch!"
"Fuck," Hero mumbles before she quickly turns and runs out of the room, she hears a few yells and battle cries. She glances back to see a fight ensue between the heroes and villains. Along with an annoyed Superhero and Mastermind, who tried to control the situation which was now getting out of hand.
Hero panics as she hears the yells and footsteps of many villains running after her, she runs faster, gripping her clutch tightly. She nearly trips but rights herself, hurrying down a long corridor in panic.
She turns many corridors and corners, trying to confuse the crowd of villlains after her.
Hero huffs, turning a corner and leaning against the wall, panting as she breathed for air. She takes deep breathes, her lungs burning. Atleast she still knew she could still run in heels. She sighs, hearing the voices of Villains.
"Where did she go?!"
"Where's Hero!"
"Where the fuck did she go?!"
"Get off of me!"
"Leave! That hard drive is mine!"
"Make me!"
Hero let's out a sigh of relief as she hears a few footsteps run down the opposite hallway, with many arguments between the villains.
Biting her lower lip, she opens her clutch and hesitatinly pulls the hard drive out. She stares at it, debating what to do and where to hide it.
She makes a face. She looks around before stuffing the hard drive in her bra. She sighs in relief before she turns and heads down the corridor.
Her smile falls off when she sees who's in front of her. She gulps, seeing Villain stand before her with his men behind him. Her heart starts to race in fear and anticipation, she eyes him.
"I knew I should have cuffed you," Hero scowls.
Villain smirks, his hands in his pockets. "Kinky." His eyes narrow as he snaps his fingers. "Grab her and bring me the hard drive." He pauses. "Unless, you'll hand it over."
"Never." Hero glares hard at him.
"Fine by me," Villain shrugs.
All at once the men charge at her, Hero throws the clutch at them and they fight over it to grab it. She watches in amusement, smirking as she slowly backs away.
"It's empty, boss." One of the men spoke up.
Villain's eyes snap towards the young but also old hero. "You hid it. Where? Give it to me."
Hero chuckles. "Sure, come and get it if your bold enough." She then gets into a fighting position, her eyes smug and not at all looking like a hero.
Villain clenches his jaw in anger. "You bitch! Get her you idiots!"
Hero jumps back before punching the man in the face, causing him to groan. She then kicks his chest, causing him to be pushed back on a another man.
She then cartwheels, before wrapping her legs around one of the men's neck and twisting it, causing him to cry out at the pain.
She gets off and runs to another, punching and kicking. She flips in the air before grabbing his wrist and twisting it. The man groans, whimpering.
Hero then kicks him in between the legs before turning towards the last two, smirking and beckoning them forward.
They charge at her and she immediately dives down, punching one of their face and kicking the other. She grabs both their heads and hits them against each other, smirking as they fell down and in pain.
Hero's eyes snap up towards Villain, who was now glaring at her with hatred, looking annoyed. He clenched his jaw. "Give me the hard drive. Give it to me," he states, stepping forward threateningly.
Hero hums. "Let me think," she giggles, shaking her head. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Did I mention no?" She raises an eyebrow. She quickly turns to dart down the opposite hallway.
Villain growls, running after her. "Hero! Come back here! Give me the hard drive!" He yells out, grunting as he turns left down a corridor.
Hero grunts, turning a sharp corner. As she runs, she debates what to do and what not to do. Fuck it, why should she be scared of Villain? It's not like he'll grab it off her, no one has the guts to grab it from her from where she put it on her. She pauses and turns around, as he comes to stop a few feet away, glaring at her.
"Give it to me," Villain glares hard at her. "Come on, Hero. Don't be a pathetic little hero, give it to me."
Hero gulps, looking around as the hallway only consisted of Villain. She looks at him, her heart racing. Her eyes widen when she turns to see more men run behind her.
Villain's lips quirk up. "Whoever gets the hard drive from Hero, I'll reward them." He spoke up, his eyes full of malice.
Hero gulps as she turns to see all the villains, minor assistants and henchmen behind her, eyeing her like she was some sort of weak pray.
Other Villain smirks. "Fine by me, come here Hero...." He purred, stepping forward with a creepy grin.
Hero takes a deep breath, shaking her head as she loosened herself. "Alright. Bring it," she says, before they charge at her.
She dodges most of them, ducking down and punching them in the throat or kicking them back. Her heels were good for that, that shit actually hurt.
She yelps, jumping back as a henchmen continues to throw punches at her. She narrows her eyes before ducking behind him and kicking the back of his knees, she then punches his face, knocking him out.
"Can't one of you get her!" Villain groans, leaning against the wall as he watched with growing irritation. He watched as she defeated almost ever villain easily, afterall, her skills were unparalleled.
Hero dodges another hit and instead kicks him with her heel, hearing him groan in pain. She smirks and punches him back. She looks down at her now brushed knuckles, she shakes them off and instead continues fighting the others.
"Come here," Other Villain grins.
Hero only rolls her eyes, punching his face easily. She watches him whimper before he falls down on the floor, she put a hand on her hip and tutted. "He really should train more,"
"Couldn't agree," Villain mutters.
Hero lunges at the last man, kicking him in the nose, his vision blurred and he grunted, falling to the floor. She sighs, rubbing her sore knuckles with a frown.
Villain scowls, getting off from where he was leaning against the wall. "Hero. Give me the hard drive. You know me. I wouldn't release the information,"
Hero narrows her eyes. "No, but you'd sell it."
Villain pauses, clicking his tongue. "Yes, well. I need a way to get rich and important." He shrugs before turning his dark stare on her. "Give it to me."
Hero starts to back away, shaking her head. "No..." she holds her hands up. "Do you really think I have it?"
Villain scoffs. "You may have hidden it. If you hadn't, then why did you run?"
Hero pauses. "I'm not giving it to you," she shakes her head before saying.
Villain clenched his jaw. "When I get my hands on you-"
"Touch her, and you die."
Hero froze, her whole figure stiffening up as she heard the cold and powerful voice. Her heart leaped, racing faster in her chest. She dug her nails in her palms, feeling the pain and welcoming it. She let's out a breath.
No. No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. This couldn't be happening. She had hoped, begged and pleaded that she was wrong, that the clue was wrong. She didn't want him here. Fear grew in her as her eyes snapped up.
Villain blinks, slowly turning around to see two men stood behind him, a few feet away. Both of them had had a powerful but dangerous aura, especially the man who stood in front of the other man.
Hero felt her heart lurch. She discreetly patted her chest, checking if the hard drive had fell out. It hadn't, it was still stuffed in her bra.
Villain narrows his eyes, but stayed silent, not making any move. Even if he didn't know who these men were, the aura they gave off was quite dangerous. "Who are you?" He finally spoke up, his voice hesitant.
The other man spoke up. "Forgive the interruption, Villain." He didn't seem sorry, only in disdain as he looked at the criminal. "But I'm-"
"Right Hand," Hero breathes out.
Villain's eyes glance towards her.
The man looks at her, smiling. "Yes. Right Hand."
"Right Hand, that means...." Villain slowly looks over at the other men with pure fear. He gulps, trying to stay strong. "I, I, I, forgive me." He looks down, stepping back slightly.
Right Hand smirks.
Hero felt her heart race as the familar man began to walk towards her.
Villain watched with fear, anger and confusion. He needed that hard drive from that puny human. How could, how could he know about it?
Right Hand breathes out, watching his boss.
Hero looks at the tall man stood in front of her, staring at her intently. "Supervillain," she whispers quietly, his name a sweet essence on her tongue.
Villain narrows his eyes, willing his hands to stop shaking with fear. Why should he be scared? He really shouldn't. He was villain afterall. He looks between the two, perplexed.
Supervillain's lips quirk up in a small smirk, his eyes dark. He steps closer so his breath hit her face, she clenches her fists together.
He hums. "The hard drive," he spoke quietly.
Hero only stared at him in a daze. "I don't have it," she half heartily lied. His voice was rich and smooth, causing her skin to tingle.
Supervillain raised his eyebrows. "No?" His hands grabbed her hips, causing her to jolt and let out a soft gasp.
Right Hand averts his eyes, looking away from his boss and the hero.
Villain's eyes watched them, interested and confused. He narrowed his eyes, frowning and shifting in his spot, feeling uncomfortable slightly.
Hero takes a sharp intake of breath as his hands ghosted over her hips to her waist, she watches as his eyes raked over her form with appreciation. She felt her breath hitch when he paused, meeting her eyes.
Her heart drops when he smirks. He knew. But he wouldn't, would he? He didn't seem to be bold, no, that's wrong. He was bold. But he wouldn't do it in front of Villain and Right Hand, would he?
Hero only raised her eyebrow, staring at him.
Supervillain chuckles. "I see, smart and clever." He hums, his hands ghosted over her chest. "No one would dare to grab it, yet...." His fingers dipped in her bra, grabbing the hard drive and gently pulling it out.
Hero ignored the flush of her cheeks, feeling his fingers linger on her collarbone as he pulled his hand away. She could feel tingles on her skin, her eyes staring at him intensely, she gulps as her eyes glance towards the hardrive. Maybe he was bold, really bold.
Villain chokes, looking away as his face turned red in humiliation and embarrassment. His eyes grew with shock and partly disgust, what was happening?
Right Hand only sighs, looking back at them.
Supervillain hummed as he stared at the small black thing. "Very clever." He meets her gaze.
Hero only stares at him, before she blinks and her eyes go to the hard drive with a panic. She meets his gaze again with a frown.
Supervillain takes out another hard drive, similar to the first before gripping her hand and putting it in her palm.
Hero could feel her stomach churn and her heart leap as she felt his cold skin on her hand, his fingers brushing against hers. She let's out a breath, meeting his gaze.
Supervillain finally eyes her up and down, a small smirk on his face. "You look ravishing, Mi Amor." He chuckles before turning and throwing the hard drive at Villain, who catches it. He looks up in surprise, swallowing hard.
Right Hand sighs.
Hero's lips part, frowning as she looked back at the copy of the hard drive.
Supervillain leans in towards her, his breath hot on her ear. "Stay near the left of the entrance, wait there." He whispers before pulling away and addressing the criminal.
"You won't bother Hero anymore," Supervillain hums, fixing his cuff links casually. "You'll instead only bother and annoy and attack her team. Not her." His gaze is dark. "Got it?"
Villain gulps fearfully, nodding eagerly.
Supervillain smiles, but it held no humor. "Good." He nods, before sparing one last glance towards Hero before walking away with Right Hand following him with a serious expression.
Villain grins happily, looking at the hero smugly but it falls when he sees the shock and star struck expression on her face, along with....longing? He frowns. However, he quickly hides the hard drive and stands up straight when the hero council run over.
"Hero!" Leader calls out, the team behind him. Superhero and Mentor, along with the council walk behind them. "Is the hard drive safe?" He asks with a frown.
Hero silently holds it up, not looking at him. She just held it out, not opening her mouth.
Leader sighs in relief, grabbing it. "It's safe,"
"Oh thank goodness," Hero 2 sighs. "It's safe."
"Yeah, the villains attacking us really wanted those documents." Sidekick nods.
Teammate frowns but also nods.
Teammate 2 glances at Villain. "What happened, Hero?" She asks suspiciously.
Hero only shakes her head. "Nothing. Absolutely, nothing." She looks down.
Later that hour, Hero stood outside. As soon as all the heroes and most of the villains and sidekicks were gone, and she was alone, she let out a yell.
She immediately begins to pace, muttering curses. "I'm so stupid. I'm so stupid. I'm so stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid." She paced back and forth. "Why am I so stupid, this wasn't supposed to happen!" She yells. She smacks her forehead.
Hero could feel a headache coming on, she groans and rubs her head. "Why did this have to happen? Why couldn't I have stayed at home and ate ice cream?" She frowns and hugs herself, glancing at her black coat.
"I really don't understand what happened."
Hero's eyes snap up to see Villain, she sighs and stands up straight. "What do you want?" She crosses her arms.
Villain pursues his lips, staring hard at her. He doesn't say anything, only shaking his head and letting out a breath.
Hero frowns. She goes to say something but a limo pulls up in front of them on the street, she looks towards it and swallows hard.
Villain blinks.
Right Hand steps out from the front seat, giving a small smile as he turned to them. "My boss already gave orders, Villain. You should leave," he spoke coldly.
Villain nods, slowly walking away. He hesitates though, keeping an ear out to listen in on the conversation.
Right Hand turns to the young but also old hero, he smiles kindly and opens the door for her.
Hero stays put, only hugging herself as she stared at the door with furrowed eyebrows. Once she sat down, she would have to talk to him. She wasn't gonna take that chance. "I have my car, I can drive home." She spoke quietly.
Right Hand frowns. "He insists." He gives her a look.
Hero bites her lower lip.
Right Hand sighs. "You may have aged but your still as stubborn as a mule."
Hero smiles. "I thought I was stubborn as a brat according to you,"
Right Hand only chuckles. "Please. Get in," he nods to the open door he held. "It's cold. We wouldn't want you to get sick."
Hero pursues her lips before slowly nodding. She ducks down and takes a seat, watching as the door closed. She sighs as the warm heat of the limo engulfed her, warming her up from the cold. She looks down at her lap, not bothering to look at the person who sat across from her.
She closes her eyes, vaguely feeling the limo start to move. She let's out a breath, playing with her fingers.
"You've changed,"
Hero's eyes snap up to meet his when he speaks up. He leant back against the italian black leather of the limo, one of his arms spread on the seat while the other was in his lap. He was staring at her.
"People change," Is the only thing she says before turning her gaze out the window. She watched as the city lights went by, the buildings tall and regal. People laughed all around, the civilians all free and happy.
"Why did you give that hard drive to Villain?" She finally spoke up, turning to him seriously.
Supervillain only cocked an eyebrow. "Why did you hide that hard drive in your bra?"
Hero felt her cheeks flush. "I asked the question first,"
Supervillain shrugs. "It's not like he'll do anything, pesky roach." He mutters, shaking his head.
Hero frowns, shaking her head. "You don't know him like I do. He'll use it for his own benefit, he won't care about the consequences. He'll sell the information and then many heroes will fall under danger."
Supervillain stares at her. "Are you and Villain close?" He asks, patting his lap casually.
Hero shakes her head. "What does that have to do with anything? He's mainly Hero 2's nemesis," she answered his question regardless.
Supervillain only hummed, turning his gaze to the window.
Hero scowls. "Are you even fucking listening to me?" She sits up, her eyes narrowing.
Supervillain chuckles. "There she is. The Hero I know," he smirks, turning to her. "You've been so...docile."
"Call me docile again, I dare you."
"Your docile."
Hero glares at him.
Supervillain shrugs. "Am I wrong? Your so...obedient. Not that it's a bad thing," He shakes his head. "But listening to others obediently is so stupid."
Hero scoffs. "I have a job."
"Yeah. A faulty one,"
Hero glares at him.
Supervillain hums. "Although Villain is powerful, he's not that strong. He won't do anything stupid."
Hero sighs, looking down at her lap and playing with her hands.
"Speaking of stupid... "
Hero looks up at him.
"Since when do you smoke?" Supervillain was frowning at her.
Hero scowls. "Since 2-3 months ago,"
Supervillain stares at her.
Hero huffs. "What? Are you-what are you doing?" She asks in a panic when he moves, sitting down next to her. She squirms, moving closer to the window, eyeing him.
Supervillain stares at her. "Sitting down. Why? Do you have a problem? It's my limo."
Hero glares at him, squirming away from him. "That doesn't make you entitled to come in someone's personal space." She eyes him.
Supervillain leans closer. "Everything in this limo, belongs to me." He whispered.
Hero swallows hard, gripping the fur of her coat tightly as she stared into his eyes.
Supervillain stares at her for a few moments before smirking and pulling away.
Hero looks away, a scowl on her pretty face.
"Still so alluring...." Supervillain hums. "But just as fiery and passionate."
Hero's eyes snap towards his hand which was no on her lap, gentle tracing patterns on her hand. She slaps its away, snapping. "Don't touch me."
Supervillain chuckles, raising his hands in surrender.
Hero sighs as the limo comes to a stop outside her apartment building. She quickly gets out even before Right Hand has a chance to open the door. She pauses, giving him a polite smile.
She spares one last glance towards Supervillain before turning and walking inside.
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sp1cy-t0ss · 1 year
I have one scenario in which I will get annoyed at fanfiction, and it is ‘please learn how to spell that character’s name first, I’m begging you.’
The sole exception is Mister Mxyzptlk. Partly because we’re all human, and partly because it would be really funny if someone wrote a fic with him and his name gets longer every time until it takes up entire paragraphs ala that one letterkenny gag.
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slowlyzealouslover · 2 years
"My, how dark of you…how perverted."
"I don’t know what you’re talking about."
Pov: villain power is can sence other people arousal and right now villain is sencing his f/o arousel.
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The Lair in the Woods: Part 7
A/N: I totally didn’t have to reread this series to remember where I was going with this or with the desperate hope I left clues for myself to jog my memory. Nope definitely not😅 Also, SORRY IT’S BEEN SO LONG SINCE MY LAST UPDATE💜
Warnings: swearing, inferences to flirting, reference to a near-death experience (freezing to death), reference to stalking/being stalked, teasing (or bullying depending on how you look at it. Imma call it ‘banter amongst enemies’), manipulative/power-play dynamics, minor self-depreciation
My Masterlist | Taglist Info | The Lair in the Woods masterlist
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Hero cursed the buzzing phone on their nightstand. With the blizzard coming down from the mountains, they knew it was going to be a long couple of days until the snow cleared and had been trying to get some sleep while they could, but alas, the universe had other plans for them. Barely awake, they slapped their hand down on their nightstand, grumbling to themselves as they patted around the hard surface for their phone.
Finding it, they blindly accepted the call and brought it to their ear, tucking themselves back into the warm cocoon of their blankets where they had shifted in their attempt to grab the wretched device.
“Hello,” they mumbled.
“I need a favor.” Hero’s eyes opened slowly at the quiet but commanding voice on the other end of the line. Brows furrowed, Hero debated whether or not they should hang up on the master criminal bold enough to call them personally.
“No, now goodni—”
“It involves a civilian, and I can’t help them.”
Hero hummed. Taking a deep breath, they forced themselves into a sitting position. Bringing their knees to their chest, Hero smirked. “Oh? What, did someone worse than you capture your lover or something and now you’re forced to come begging to me for hel—”
“No. It’s much simpler than that. The blizzard blew a civilian off-course and they ended up half-freezing to death before my henchmen found them on a patrol.”
Hero blew out a breath. Of course. Supervillain didn’t have it in them to love someone, obviously. “And now you’re holding them hostage until I do something for you. Look, I’d love to play your little game, but that blizzard’s coming my way next and I’d rather get some sleep than fall into your trap. Try Superhero instead. They’ve been rather bored lately.”
“For the love of god, you cynical bastard, listen. This civilian is being stalked and I think it’s a super behind it. That’s why they’re on this mountain at all.”
Hero paused as Supervillain’s words sank into their half-conscious mind. They blinked. “Oh.”
“Yeah, ‘oh.’” Supervillain’s voice held an edge to it Hero hadn’t heard in a long time. “Here’s what I’m asking you for: poke around, see what you can find. My team and I can’t do anything until the roads clear, so I need you to be—”
“I’m not your sidekick, Supervillain,” Hero rolled their eyes, “Or one of your henchmen. You can’t order me around—”
“So you won’t help?”
Hero pinched the bridge of their nose. “I didn’t say that.”
At Hero’s words, there was a beat of silence before Supervillain said, “Thank you.”
Hero’s smirk returned. That was a first, for sure. Just who was this civilian, and what did they mean to Supervillain?
A long sigh sounded in their ear. “I can hear you thinking all the way over here. Don’t give yourself a headache, Hero. I actually need you to be useful.”
“I’ll help,” Hero said slowly, “but only if you answer one question: who’s the civilian?”
A second ticked by before Supervillain responded as if through clenched teeth. “Civilian Surname.”
Hero sagged in disappointment. The name didn’t ring any bells in their mind. “And here I was hoping for something scandalous, like a reporter or someone of note. So who are they to you?”
“A frightened mouse,” Supervillain sighed heavily. Hero narrowed their eyes in suspicion, dissecting what the master criminal had said for any hidden meaning, for a telling inflection in their voice, but their examination yielded them nothing. “I can’t even keep them calm. They’re terrified.”
“Well, yeah, being around an imposing, shapeshifting murderer will do that.” Hero leaned back against the wall at the head of their bed. “Though I suppose if they’re being stalked that wouldn’t help them any either. All right, I’ll start looking into it.”
“I’ll be in touch then.”
Hero didn’t even have time to respond before Supervillain disconnected the call. They were hoping to get another “thank you” out of them, but they supposed that was a once in a lifetime deal. Just who was Civilian Surname that their mere presence in the master criminal’s life had them asking for help? Supervillain was cunning, capable, but most of all, they were resourceful. They had a reach and influence no other villain had, and it plagued the caped community to no end, no matter the side you were on. Every one wanted to know how they did, and in Hero’s case, they wanted to bring them down. The information Supervillain was privy to, or allegedly privy to, was too dangerous for one single person to have—or for anyone to have at all.
And, the mere existence of such a compilation of data, shook them to their very core. If Supervillain knew where to look to get things like their phone number, what else did they know? And what were they doing with it? Were they selling parcels of information to other villains? Or were they taking their enemies down one by one just like they did with Other Superhero?
Hero shook their head. They didn’t have any answers to any of their questions, just as they hadn’t the slightest clue who Civilian Surname was. But they’d said they would help. Why they’d agreed, they didn’t know. They could’ve easily told Supervillain to piss off and poked around in secret, for Civilian’s sake, but instead they’d verbally agreed to help Supervillain.
Cursing themselves, Hero ran a hand through their hair. Sucking in a breath, they picked up their phone and tapped the shortcut they were looking for. The call barely rang before it was picked up, bringing a slight smile to their face as the familiar voice greeted them.
“It’s four in the morning, what do you want?”
“Good morning to you too, Detective. I miss you too, the weather’s been absolutely dreadful, hasn’t—”
“Hero, please,” Detective begged, their voice sounding utterly exhausted. A pang of guilt wormed its way through Hero’s heart. “I have three hours left of this god-awful shift, so please just get to the point.”
“Right, sorry,” Hero said sheepishly. “I got a call just now asking me to look into a stalker case?”
“That’s not my department.”
“I know, but I like working with you. Other Detective is such a—”
“Hero, the point,” Detective interrupted again.
“Right, the point,” Hero smiled softly. “I don’t know if they’ve filed a report or not, but could you check for anything involving a Civilian Surname for me? I mean anything, not just the stalker report.”
Detective sighed. Hero squeezed their eyes shut, knowing the reproach they were about to receive. “You know I can’t do that without cause. It’s unlawful. The best I can do is get you a copy of the report if you want to formerly adopt the case under Clause 71.”
“All right, fine, I’ll do that.” Hero tilted their head back. “I’ll file the paperwork as soon as the office opens. But, can you at least tell me if Civilian Surname rings any bells for you? You’ve been on the beat for a long time, so maybe you’ve had a run-in with them or there’s something that comes to mind about them.”
Hero counted their heartbeats in the silence that followed their question. They tapped their fingers against their thigh as they waited, knowing Detective was giving their question a careful consideration they gave to all their work.
“No,” they said at last. “I can’t think of anything. Maybe you should try public records just in case there’s something I don’t know about. It might not yield anything useful, but it’s something.”
“Ah, well if the paperwork goes through…” Hero trailed off, a mischievous smile playing at their lips.
Detective let out a soft laugh on the other end of the phone. “Yes, if the paperwork goes through, then I can look up Civilian Surname in our database, but you better have a cause for me!”
“Would a suspected association with a known criminal count?”
A pause. “What?”
“Would a suspected—”
“No I heard you, I just don’t know if I believe you. I thought you were asking about a stalker case?”
“I am, but the call I got…” Hero hesitated. They knew they could trust Detective, but how far did that really go? “It was from a less than reputable party, let’s say.”
“Hero,” Detective started, “are you mixed up in something?”
Hero turned the question around in their head for a moment before they answered honestly. “I don’t know yet, but I’ll be careful, I promise.”
“Good. I can’t lose my job, you know that.”
Another pang of guilt struck their heart. “I do. I’ll call my handler and tell them the whole thing before I file the paperwork.”
“Good. Well, if that’s all…I gotta go.”
“Yeah,” Hero said. “I should too. This blizzard looks like it’s going to be a bad one.”
“Speak for yourself, it might give me an easy day.”
Hero chuckled, “Goodnight, Detective.”
“Good morning, Hero.”
Hero disconnected the call, smiling like an idiot. It was always a pleasure conversing with Detective, though there were many reasons for that aside from their not-so-secret feelings for them. For one, Detective didn’t get all star-struck working with heroes, and secondly, they didn’t care that they had a dark sense of humor, and in fact, Hero preened, they seemed to like it as they’d often caught Detective hiding their smirks and laughter whenever Hero said something off-color at a crime scene they were working together.
They only hoped doing this favor for Supervillain—and actually agreeing to it—didn’t cost them both their jobs and their reputations.
At least there wasn’t anything in writing, Hero thought to themselves as their smile fell. Slipping back beneath the covers, Hero draped their arm over their eyes, knowing the premise of actually sleeping was long-gone at this point. Their mind was consumed by the events of the last several minutes. They might as well be Supervillain’s lackey now with how easily—and foolishly—they’d agreed to help them figure out Civilian Surname’s stalker problem.
But at least they had a plan, and a way to cover their tracks and make this whole ordeal a little more by-the-book.
First, they’d adopt the case and call their handler. Then they’d look into Civilian Surname, and finally, they’d take the case seriously and root out their stalker, if one even existed in the first place and this wasn’t some grand scheme of Supervillain’s to distract them while they did something truly destructive.
Hero grumbled under their breath. “You damn idiot.”
The Lair in the Woods Taglist: @just-a-space-rabbit, @classicplesiosaur, @pigeonwhumps, @heninthegarden, @kaiwewi, @korejon, @rivalriotrenegade, @alpacamelons Let me know if you’d like to be added or removed (no reason necessary😊)! You can also fill out this handy dandy form if you’d like to be added too!
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rivalriotrenegade · 1 year
Hero x Villain #1 Banter
@write-it-motherfuckers Thank you for the prompt! Here’s a little blurb I wrote from it. 
“I don’t need your help!” Villain snarls, trying to push Hero off of them. “You don’t need my help? You can hardly stand right now, much less fight.” 
“I’m fine. Now let go of me, dammit!” Hero’s eyes narrow in annoyance. “You want me to let go. Fine, be stubborn.” Hero lets go only for Villains knees to immediately give out from under them. “See, just look at yourself. Let me help you.” Hero begs, stepping closer. “I don’t want your pity!”
“It’s not pity, I care about you.” They say before gently sweeping the pitiful looking villain up into their arms. “Now let’s get you home.” 
“You should have stayed out of it.” Villain hisses. 
“Well what was I supposed to do, watch my friend die?” Hero asks. 
The Villains head snaps towards them, a look of pure repulsion on their face. “Disgusting! Don’t ever refer to me as that again!”
“What? Refer to you as ‘My friend?’  
Villain gags loudly. “What did I just say? I would hate for someone to overhear you. My reputation would never recover!” Hero gasps in mock offense. “I’ll have you know I am a great person to be friends with!”
“Why would I, the villain, want to be friends with a goody two shoes like you? You, someone who can’t even jay-walk without feeling guilty!”
“I can jay-walk! I just never see the need to.” Villain looks at Hero disbelieving. “Hero, you're the type of person who can’t leave a store without buying something because you’d feel guilty if you didn’t!” 
Hero sputters for a moment “Y-Yeah, well only a friend would know that about me!”  
“I don’t need to be your friend to know that. Your whole persona screams ‘desperate people pleaser!’ 
“It does not!” 
“It does. Don’t even try to deny it.”
“Careful, I might just drop you into the nearest lake.” Hero threatens. 
“Sure, whatever you say. Now walk faster will you? The new season of ‘Delish Us’ premiers tonight and I want to get there in time to actually watch it.”
Hero sighs but picks up the pace anyway. Villain smirks. “People pleaser.”
Hey guys! I’d love to know what you thought, creative criticism is appreciated  and if you have a prompt you’d like me to write for please send it in! (Makes it easier on me! Then I don’t have to go out and find them myself lol) 
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raiha-storm65557 · 2 years
Prompt 3
Bit of a longer read //tw: implied cheating “Superdad?” Supervillain ask trying to hide his excitement. “Yes! Superdad!” the child squealed happily, running up to hug the man’s legs. Villain was watching from a distance, smirking as their partners brain visibly blue screened. They still weren’t sure if Supervillain could handle this whole parenting thing, especially since their marriage was just a facet. But it seems to be going well enough considering Villains kid likes the guy already.
But what to do about Villains own parents? Leader has been trying to get back in touch with them and they aren’t sure how to handle that. Not to mention that Leaders new plaything, Detective, is trying their best to find Villain. On one hand as the Leaders child, Villain, and on the other the feared menace to society, Villain. Somehow, they haven’t connected the dots that Villain and Villain are the same person. So much so to being “the greatest detective in the world”.
Yes, Villains everyday name and work name are the same, they never saw the point in hiding it considering how useless heroes are and that most civilians don’t mind living under villainous rule.
They remember how when they were younger Leader was always bashing their head in, metaphorically speaking, about how this and that scum escaped once again and how they wished they had more competent people on their team. But no competent person would join the “good side” since the council, deemed the worst of the worst, are fair rulers.
Villain leaned back and sight causing Supervillain Superdad to turn his head, it took him little to no time to understand that there was something to talk about. Most likely not something to be discussed Infront of the kid “Say kiddo, isn’t it past your bed time?”. The kid tried to protest but they were no match against Supervillains persuasion. With little fight he got them tugged in and sent off to dreamland. The door creaked a little as he closed it, looks like oiling the hinges was now also on the to-do list.
Supervillain sat down next to Villain and started talking gently “We can find another nickname if you don’t want the kid to call me dad. “
“No.” Villain denied that worry, in fact they were happy that their little hell spawn was adjusting so well to their new, temporary, partner in life. “There’s something else to talk about. I think it’s time to talk about my parents.”
Supervillain didn’t know if he should have been relived or if this was an even worse topic to discuss. Villain had been transparent with him about their family the whole time but made it clear that they had no longer any ties to them, “Leader and former Superhero, right?”
“Yeah…” Villain answered “Leader wants to find me. Me as in Leader’s child. And… well, Leader has no knowledge of us being married, not even that I’m married.”
Villain watched as Supervillains eyes widened but this wasn’t the bombshell yet. “Nor does Leader know that I have a child.”
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jinjeriffic · 30 days
Dan Phantom vs. the Justice League
Most DCxDP fanworks gloss over how Dark Danny/Phantom kills the JL, or argue that TUE wouldn't play out the same way in the DC universe, since there are tons of superheroes and some would have a way of beating Dan. So let us dig into this with a shovel!
I would like to point out that we have seen plenty of apocalyptic/dark futures in DC. Even without Dan, that superhero multiverse is constantly teetering on the knife's edge of catastrophe! It feels like every couple of months someone has to stop the end of the world. Dan is just one more possible future to avert.
Dan is not a mindless monster, he is capable of planning, subterfuge and working with/coercing others to work with him (i.e. Fright Knight). He has both Danny and Vlad's memories, so in a crossover setting there is no way he wouldn't know about the public superheroes and villains at least.
Speaking of, DC is obviously crawling with supervillains and world destroying entities. Nobody said Dan had to conquer the world alone! I can totally see him working with and manipulating other villains to achieve his goals, only to stab them in the back later (ho-ho).
Dan's powers of invisibility, intangibility, duplication, overshadowing etc. make him an ideal candidate for infiltration, espionage and sabotage. Unless a person or location is specifically shielded against ghosts with tech or magic, he can get in and out without anybody noticing. Sure, someone like Batman probably had his home proofed against supernatural attacks, but surely not most of them! I envision him taking down Earth's heroes by extensively spying on them first.
Consider: Dan causes a major disaster that requires superhero intervention (runaway train, high-rise fire, sinking oil tanker etc.) and waits for someone to show up. When they do, Dan uses his duplicates to follow the hero(es) home/to work etc. Learn their identity, their weaknesses, their loved ones etc.
Dan could strategically leak hero identities to villains with a grudge who have no problem going after their civilian lives. This could also act as a smoke screen so the heroes don't immediately realize someone is targeting all of them.
Overshadow a loved one and use them to kill the hero - "Oh, Hero X got in an argument with their SO and their SO shot them in a fit of passion? Their SO claims having blacked out just before they picked up the gun? Trauma will do that."
Use intangibility to plant bombs, nerve gas, radioactive materials, etc. in the homes of various heroes and set them off in a coordinated strike.
Probably the biggest threat to Dan would be magic based heroes or supernatural entities (Captain Marvel, Doctor Fate, the JLD, etc.). They would also be the most likely to have countermeasures in place against ghosts, or a way to detect him. But they're also mostly suited for fighting the supernatural. I admittedly don't know enough about a lot of these characters - would say, Zatanna think to have a shield in place against sudden sniper attacks? Dan could steal some money and hire Deathstroke/Deadshot etc to blow their head off when they're out in the open.
Have I mentioned what a nightmare Dan would be in terms of security? I can totally see him say, breaking into the CDC and unleashing smallpox, ebola and any number of virulent diseases on the world. Cause some nuclear meltdowns. Knock down a dam. Steal some highly radioactive isotopes! Would the magic heroes be protected against something that can give you a lethal dose of radiation within minutes?
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What I'm saying is, a clever and ruthless villain like Dan could unleash enough chaos with his OP powerset to overwhelm the heroes and then pick a lot of them off. He's pretty much the definition of someone who just wants to see the world burn!
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hellbornsworld · 7 months
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💚 Banter | Superhero!Jungkook X Supervillain!Reader | OneShot | @littlemisskookie
💚 Send Me a Pic | Jungkook x female reader | OneShot | @74jeon
💚 new beginnings | Ceo!jungkook x figureskater!oc | OneShot | @nochukoo97
💚 LOVE ON ICE | Jungkook × reader | OneShot | @btsbrat
💚 heajix | jungkook/reader | alien!au | OneShot | @httpjeon
💚 Our Time | Detective!Jk x Graphic Designer!OC | OneShot | @taestefully-in-luv
💚 please please PLEASE! | JK X Reader | Drabble | @aajjks
💚 domestic daydreams | influencer jungkook x f. reader | OneShot | @euphoricfilter
💚 the right choice | college student! jk x college student! oc | OneShot | @honeytae
💚 Eye-Opener | Jungkook x Reader | Series | @taeshobipop
💚 paid in full | StepBrother!JK X Reader | Series | @trivia-yandere
💚 white lies | athlete!jungkook x reader | OneShot | @noteguk
💚 Secret Slut | Personal Assistant!Jungkook x CEO!Reader | TwoShot | @jeonsweetpea
💚 Marked Kisses | Yandere!JK X Reader | Series | @74jeon
💚 tis the damn season’ | jungkook x reader | @jqngkooz
💚 WELCOME TO THE HEARTBREAK SHOW | kind-of-tsundere!jungkook x female!reader | OneShot | @numinousher 
💚 Home for the Holidays | idol!Jungkook x female reader | OneShot | @writemywaytoyourheart
💚 closer | dongsaeng jungkook × noona reader | OneShot | @blublublujk
💚 Everything In You | Jungkook x f. Reader  | OneShot | @jjungkookislife
💚 pent up stress | husband!jungkook x wife!reader | OneShot | @rrjkive
💚 How to Get a Guy. | Jungkook x Reader | TwoShot | @taeshobipop
💚 Chasing Shadows | Jungkook x f.Reader | OneShot | @colormepurplex2
💚 PROPOSALS | Jeongguk x reader | OneShot | @pjxmin
💚 Something Wicked This Way Comes | Jungkook X Reader | OneShot | @softyoongiionly
💚 La Belle et la Bête | Jungkook X Reader | OneShot | @chaoticpuff17
💚 I Don't Share | Idol!Jeon Jungkook x Back up Dancer!fem reader | OneShot | @atinystraynstay
💚 holi-blaze | dealer!jeon jungkook x (f)reader | Series | @darklingjeon
💚 desperation | jungkook x reader | OneShot | @jungkwok
💚 Workaholic | ceo!jungkook x wife!reader | TwoShot | @kookxmira
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Don't Touch Her - James Wilson x peds!reader
description: y/n will challenge whatever threat there is to her children, at any consequence to herself. James will always be there to pick up the pieces.
word count: 2.1k
warnings: sexual assault, child sexual assault, mentions of rape, yelling, angst
authors note: I've realised I'm great at writing angst!
REQUESTS OPEN - request here
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House’s pov
I stared at the test in front of me.
Everybody lies.
I held the DNA test in my hand, and I could feel it burn through my skin as I limped my way down to the office of my ‘sister-in-law’.
Knock knock.
“Is that Mrs Wilson in there? I can hear you caring.” I shouted through the wood in hopes of gaining access. The door was flung open. I was met by sunshine itself.
“Mrs Wilson? I thought that was you?” She jabbed. “What can I do for you, House?”
Her face was the picture of innocence, and the smile never left her face despite the witty comment. I worried about her reaction. Usually, I relished in the extent of human outbursts, wondering how far I could push them so long as the consequences never fell on me. But this didn’t feel right. This wasn’t going to be fun. I only prayed I could get to Wilson fast enough before these consequences ricocheted back on to her.
She widened her eyes in a silent question of why I was here. Her eyes flitted down to the piece of paper in my hand.
“Well come on, what medical supervillain are you going to brag about curing to me now?”
“Actually, this isn’t my patient. It’s yours.”
She scoffed at my ambiguity and proceeded to take the paper from my hands.
“What is that supposed to mean?” She giggled at the joke she assumed I was trying to make. But my face revealed the truth. When she received no further taunt or clever wordplay her smile dropped. Without much further thought she practically tore the paper trying to unfold it. Her eyes danced across the words on the page and each word took a little bit more life from her face each time.
In a flash she had exited her doorframe and had unceremoniously crashed into my shoulder. I couldn’t even bring myself to mock her for ‘injuring a cripple’ because as I watched her frame run further down the hospital hallway I had more important things on my mind. Primarily, protecting her from herself. And there was only one person I needed for that.
I limped down a few more doors and finally barged into the one office I needed. Wilson turned away from the new photo he was hanging on his wall. It was him and y/n at the beach.
“Please, come in. Have a seat. Thank you for knocking.” He mocked but I remained unmoved. “You’re not taunting back?” His brows furrowed at the abnormality. “Why are you here?”
I looked to my feet, suddenly afraid of my friend’s reaction.
“Your girlfriend is about to do something incredibly brave and incredibly stupid.”
Wilson carefully removed the nail and placed the picture neatly back on his desk. His eyes never met mine until he said.
“Where is she?”
Your pov
Flames burned my soul, and my heart was filled with anguish. I flew down the hallway. People jumped out of the way when they saw my sunny disposition replaced by hard stone. Normally, I didn’t like feeling like an imposition in the hospital. I would run towards a patients room when they’re seizing whilst simultaneously apologising to anyone who moved out of the way for me. Yet here I was, a torpedo through a sea of colleagues.
I made it. Room 309. The doors creaked at the weight of my push. A mother and father sit at their daughters bedside. 10 years old, in for a heart attack. The two parents turned towards me as their daughter remained peaceful and sedated. I was thankful, as the words that were about to spew out of my mouth were not for young ears. I held up the paper and presented it in front of them like a detective who just cracked the case.
“Three days ago, your daughter was brought in for a heart attack. Because of her extremely young age I decided to keep her in for observation so I could come up with a diagnosis for a myocardial infarction in a 10-year-old girl. I was coming up blank and eventually I was going to have to release her back into your care, but I was terrified. Terrified that if I let you go, I’d be dooming your daughter to a disease I missed. That was until today when I found out that your daughters heart attack was brought on by a short but severe onslaught of emotional distress.” At this point the two parents had closed in on me, eager to hear my findings. At this the mother became confused and sought answers amongst her tears. The father remained quiet.
“Emotional distress-I don’t—I don’t understand? Nothing happened before. We would---I would’ve known?”
I opened my mouth to speak but it just wouldn’t come out as my eyes fell on the little girls sleeping form. My eyes drew in and I decided to merely hand the mother the results which I had been given moments ago. She took them from me with shaky hands. I turned to face the man to the side of me.
“The police are on their way.” A loud shriek exploded from Mrs Hart as the words on the page resonated in her already fragile mind. I stared him down. “I don’t suggest running.”
I made my way to exit the room, preparing to actually call the police but also because, as selfish as it was, I couldn’t be subjected to that level of despair any longer. The screams of a mother learning about her child’s pain were enough. However, I was harshly ripped away from the door.
“What the fuck do you mean by that.” Mr Hart had my arm in an iron grip.
“I think you know. And now, so does your wife.” I tried to pry myself free, but he was too strong, and I was thrown up against the wall.
“What are you insinuating!”
“She had vaginal tearing, and her 10-year-old uterus was filled with semen. Semen that was just confirmed as having your DNA from a test which your wife is now holding the results of. Along with a comprehensive list of the injuries you subjected your daughter’s body to.”
I gained new strength and shoved the significantly taller male away from my body.
“My professional opinion is that when you crept into your daughters room that night and started subjecting her to your own examinations, the extreme emotional distress caused her body to shut down and brought on a heart attack. At least we now have the cure, no more playtime with daddy.”
He lunged for my throat but not before I fled the room. I should have ran; found James or House or anyone. That would have been the smart thing to do. But I just couldn’t. This man disgusted me, and he needed to feel it. I needed to say it. The police would deal with him later, but I needed to get a few shots in first. I turned back to face him.
“That little girl in there, she depends on you because she has no one else. She trusts you to take care of her and you treat her like that. Every day I take in children, and I work to save them and I work to protect them. Every day I do my job as best as I can only for there to be people like you who take the innocence of a child and control it for their own perverted needs.”
Now he was fuming, and he stalked towards me. A lion to its prey. My resolve began to crumble, my bravery slowly lacking. He towered over my body, and I suddenly felt the fear that his little girl felt every night when daddy came in to her room. His face was confident, but his body held an anger.
“You’re lying.” His face was now inches away from mine. His hot breath washed over my face, and I began to shrink into my body.
“I have the proof. I have medical proof.” I whispered, my eyes struggling to hold his firm gaze
“Papers can go missing. It happens.” As he spoke his tainted fingers found a new resting point in my hair as they slowly began to stroke through my locks. I shuddered at the action that I ordinarily found so much comfort in. I remembered the nights where I would lie on James’ chest as he ran his fingers through my hair. The memory couldn’t save me from the situation I currently found myself in. As I went to speak I could feel the words crawling back in my throat. ‘Don’t antagonise. Play along. Wait for someone. He’s stronger. He’s bigger.’ But these inner thoughts were overshadowed and my mind replayed the first moment that little girl walked into my care.
“Enjoy your last moments of freedom.”
“I’m not going to prison.” He smirked at this, concocting a plan of escape. I had to say it.
“Really? I hear it’s so much fun for kiddy touchers.” In my peripheral I saw his hands fly up to grip my neck. I gasped. But before I could even feel his icy touch around my throat, he was ripped away from me and his back hit the floor in a matter of seconds.
“Don’t ever touch her.” James stood over his body. Just looking at him I felt my racing heart slow. He wasn’t wearing his lab coat, only his shirt and tie with his sleeves rolled up to the elbows. He panted from the long run from his office. Once he composed himself his professional nature returned.
“Officers, please escort Mr Hart off the premises. I believe Dr Y/l/n and Dr House have the medical proof of the sexual assault of a minor along with the DNA evidence to prove Mr Harts involvement.” The two police officers, who had obviously been called, but not by me, held Mr Hart by his arms as they hoisted him up off the floor. They secured the handcuffs around his wrist whilst reading him his Miranda Rights. “Whilst you’re there you can also add the physical assault of Dr y/l/n to his list of accusations.”
As he spoke, James approached me. At this point, I realised I hadn’t moved since the confrontation. James noticed my thousand-yard stare and approached me like how one would handle a skittish horse. He carefully rolled up the sleeves of my lab coat and he saw the beginnings of a bruise where his hands had gripped me.
I uttered a less than believable, “I’m fine.” Despite the lump in my throat.
His arms eventually wrapped around me, and I sunk into his embrace. He placed a gentle kiss onto my hair. I allowed myself to sink into him more. My head rested on his heart and the gentle thud offered me a consistent beat to focus on.
“How did you know?” My once strong voice came out as a whimper. He only needed to utter the word.
“House.” I felt a warmth spread through my heart at that. He knew. Somehow, he’d known. And James had known. And he knew how to take care of me.
“I don’t need you to defend me.” I spoke, uncertainly, into his chest.
“I know.” James softly said as he stroked my hair and brushed his thumb against the exposed skin of my waist.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He punctuated his sentence with the lightest kiss to my lips. As he retreated, I leaned in to seek him out again and he answered with another, deeper kiss.
We stayed there for a while. Neither of us speaking but our breaths saying everything for us. In that moment, despite what my words said, I had needed him and now, more than ever, I needed him to save me from myself. From the spiralling thoughts that flooded my head ready to push me down further and further. Eventually we separated but our intertwined hands meant I could still make sure he was there, and he wasn’t going to leave. He led me down the corridor, in the direction of his office rather than mine.
“What did you tell the police, when you called them? I was so blinded; I couldn’t even think about following procedure.”
“I didn’t call them. House did. Seconds after he got the results.”
We made it to his office where I remained for the rest of the day. James explained what happened to Cuddy and she allowed me the rest of the day off. James offered to drive me home but, honestly, there was nowhere I wanted to be, nowhere I felt safer than in his arms. So, he sighed and pushed out his chair in a silent allowance. I curled up on his lap as he sat and filled out forms. His left hand wrote as his right gently ran up and down my thighs. We didn’t need to speak; we were just there.
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whumble-beeee · 13 days
Yur Gonna Get Murdalated, Rookie
The (Un)Official Guide to Hero-Keeping | Cont'd from Part 15.5
Content: adult character perceived as a minor, kidnapping/captivity, noncon drugging, guns, recreational drug use, disabled whumpee, trans whumpee, past captivity references
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Excerpt from: The Law Enforcement Policy Handbook, Chapter X: Superhumans
[Officers of the law have the right to ask any civilian to show their upper right arm to verify whether or not the civilian bears the ‘General Super Brand’. If the civilian does possess such a marking, they are superhuman; the officer has the right to use whatever superhuman training they may possess. 
If the brand indicates that the superhuman is also a ‘Latent Supervillain,’ ‘Supervillain,’ or Test Subject,’ the officer is also compelled to check the superhuman’s upper right shoulder blade for the ‘Hazardous Super Brand,’ colloquially known as ‘The Villain Brand.’ Depending on the contents of the brand, the officer may be required to arrest or otherwise subdue the superhuman. They are advised to use their best judgment to subdue the superhuman or hide and call for backup.]
* * * * * * * *
The night was peaceful. Boring, even. The type of night where you’d wanna just sit back and smoke a cigar in the amber-dusking twilight that spilled through the half-closed blinds of your office. It’s filled to bursting with old bookshelves sworn by the tests of time, a single chair for you to sit in as you work, and a sprawling, book-laden red oak wood desk, surrounded on all sides by stacks and stacks of notes, files, crucial evidence about your latest case. The scent of cigars burns your nose. You’re so close to a breakthrough, you could just about taste it on the tip of your tongue, You would find it, you always did, and you could feel it now, edging ever closer after a tirelessly rewarding and sleepless night.
And yet here Officer Kalis Brooks sat instead, bored out of her skull watching some dinky ass highway that was lucky if a car graced its beaten roads once every twenty minutes. 
If only she were a film noir detective. Truly an unfair life she led.
It was a suspicious sort of fellow she finally spotted slowly making his way down the highway. A scoundrel who wore a bandana over the lower half of his face.
A person with something to hide.
Of course, she pulled him over. Simply her duty as an officer of the law.
She approached the truck and rapped lightly on the driver’s side window, and it rolled down with a gentle whirr. She shined her flashlight into the vehicle, and the view to greet her was almost something of a–
Holy shit.
The driver sat there, lazily gripping the steering wheel, looking like some sort of modernized pseudo-cowboy with a buncha scary lookin’ gadgets. A burn scar ran all the way up the side of his face, down his neck, and reappeared on his arm where his leather jacket rolled up to his elbows. His eyes were dilated, every movement markedly relaxed. Disjointed. Uncanny even. 
He was definitely high. But at least he’d had the forethought to take off that bandana concealing his identity. That was a good thing, right?
Then her jaw nearly dropped when she registered the passenger. He didn’t even look at her, his gaze stiff and unseeing. Very obviously also high on some sort of drug, though Kalis reckoned this high was less than consensual. Not to mention the super-power suppression collar wrapped around his neck. 
He was a super. 
She wasn’t trained to handle cases like this. Was this a super kidnapping in progress?! Something more?
Shit, no time for film noir roleplay bullshit, this is serious.
This is a villain.
Her gaze snapped back to the driver, just as her hand unclipped the gun holstered at her hip.
“Sir, please step out of the car slowly with your hands up. You’re being detained under suspicion of committing an in-progress felony.”
The driver’s gaze immediately shot to his passenger. “Officer, there uh… seems to be a misunderstanding–”
“Step out of the car or I’ll have you arrested for disobeying an officer of the law.”
That got his attention. The driver blew his bangs out of his face with a slow, deep sigh, and equally slowly reached down to open the door. The metallic creak of the door swinging open was almost deafening in the moonlit night. 
“I should mention I have a gun holstered on my belt,” he drawled inattentively, boots crunching the sparse gravel scattered across the shoulder of the highway. His arms stayed firmly raised, thankfully. “A revolver. Left side.” 
“Thank you for informing me,” Officer Brooks said quickly. This man seemed to be an easy-going fella, thankfully, but air around him stank of danger, like the haze of the walking dead. She slipped the ornately decorated gun out of its holster and slapped all the bullets to the roadway with 6 distinctly clean clinks. Then triple-checked that the safety was on. Then a fourth time. The matching knife too, for good measure. 
“I’d like to ask you some questions,” she stated, barely halting her transatlantic accent from slipping through. Stop it with the film noir. “Show me your upper right arm, please.”
He sighed, then nodded, then struggled to push up the leather sleeves of his jacket enough to show her the clear absence of a super brand. 
Good, one less thing to worry about. Not a supervillain.
“Alright then, what’s going on with that boy in the truck, friend?”
“Nothin’ much. That’s Stan. He’s my ward.”
“Your ward?”
“Yuh. I have custody over him. He’s a test subject.”
“Really?” She said, voice full of faux intrigue.
“And who are you, exactly?”
“Handler, of sorts. A bounty hunter. I work with the police sometimes, actually, we have an arrangement.”
“Oh? An arrangement?” she asked, as if daring him to tell her all the illegal dealings he held in his hidden hand of cards.
He just shrugged.
Ugh, she hated these types.
 “Fine. You have any proof?”
“Think I left my bounty huntin’ papers in my other pants,” he quipped. “Check the kid's villain brand, call in my ID, talk to your boss. Should be proof enough.”
That was absolutely not how that worked. Though she did feel a slight vindication in her chest that she would actually probably arrest this man.
“You have your ID on you?”
He flicked out his ID between forefinger and middle to the officer, seemingly plucking it from thin air before she snatched it out of his hand, noting every piece of identifying information, checking for signs of a fake. Nothing seemed to be out of order… Had he really just handed her his real ID?
“And you said something about the boy having a villain brand?”
The man– Declan Cansano, so said the ID– nodded. Then rolled his damn eyes.
“Oh, I'm sorry, am I boring you?” She smiled sarcastically. “Need I make it obvious that you are suspected of kidnapping?” 
“I just have somewhere to be. It’s late. If you’d call in to ask about–”
“Are you telling me how to do my job?”
“No ma'am, I'm sayin’ you'd save yourself a lot–”
“Well stop ‘sayin'’ or I'll be ‘sayin’’ that you resisted arrest when I’m writing up your arrest report. This way.” 
She had to keep from grabbing his arm and yanking him as she led him over to her cruiser and deposited him near the passenger side door. Only after ordering him to turn around so she could cuff him behind his back of course.
“Stay here until I come back,” she ordered. “And remember that running from a uniformed officer is a criminal offense.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” he lulled back, almost sing-songy while leaning nonchalantly against the car. “Keep an eye on the kid, he's the type you’d have to worry about.”
Because you kidnapped him? God, she couldn't wait to throw the book at that man. 
Kalis pressed the talk button on the radio clipped to her shoulder. “Officer Brooks reporting, I have a man pulled over here named Declan Cansano, roughly 6 and a half feet tall, blond, possibly… Latino? I have him detained for suspected kidnapping of the boy he has with him, a white brown-haired male, very battered and bruised and likely drugged who looks to be about… sixteen-ish? The man claims the boy is a super with villain status, and that he has jurisdiction over him as a ‘handler’ or ‘bounty hunter’ or something. Can you look him up for me?”
There was a moment of silence, then the radio crackled to life. “Report received, I'll look into a ‘Declan Cansano’ for you real quick. Do you have a name for the white male I can look into as well?”
“Not yet, I’m going to check that out now and get back to you shortly.”
“Wait,” A third voice interupted, familiar in just the right way to make Kalis’ heart flutter in her chest. Officer Frida Galleta. Her mentor, her favorite person on the force, one of the people she trusted most in this world. And… well, it didn’t hurt that she was easy on the eyes as well. “Brooks, did I hear you right? You said last name Cansano?”
Just as fast as it had soared, her heart dropped like a stone in a vacuum. She’d never heard that tone from Frida before. “I– I– Uh... yes. Why?”
“Oh god, I… Brooks, don’t engage with him– Look, I’m gonna call you on your personal cell–”
“Wait, Frida, what do you mean ‘don’t engage with him?’ I have him detained, I can’t not engage with him.”
“Officers, please keep small talk to a minimum over the radio,” Dispatch interrupted. “Officer Brooks, I couldn’t find anything on a ‘Declan Cansano’ anywhere, not the super or villain database, the criminal database, the employee database. But uh… to Officer Galleta’s point, if he said he’s a bounty hunter... Well, let’s just say you might wanna follow up with the chief about that before you make any decisions. They might have some sort of arrangement, so to speak.”
Arrangement…? Like a… Like…
Officer Brooks smelled the stinking injustice of a rat.
“Co–... Come again, dispatch?” she breathed into the radio.
“No!” Officer Galleta’s voice interrupted. “Dispatch, I’l’-I’lll handle this, no need to get the higher-ups involved. Please.” 
Then her phone rang. Officer Galleta’s beautiful profile photo graced her periphery as she pulled out the phone and promptly sent the call straight to voicemail, eyes straight ahead and staring into the pitch-black night. At the car that a captive was waiting for her in.
“Kalis, please answer your phone,” Galleta pleaded.
Officer Brooks silenced her radio, that wretched squeal, and started toward crime scene in the making.
It was a pig-filled world out there. She wouldn’t stand idly by as they made the entire world their mud pit.
Her phone rang again.
A single deep breath to steel her razor-sharp wit, then slammed open the passenger side door, preparing for the occupant to do anything from attacking like a spit-fire to running for the hills to grasping onto her and holding her close as the first friendly face this boy had seen in years.
Somehow, she didn’t expect the boy inside to startle and struggle, legs scrambling and weakly kicking at her to put distance between them. He leaned precariously back on the console of the car, shaking as if he were in hell when it finally froze over, and only then did she realize his hands were restrained behind his back.
Now that she wasn’t looking at him over the angry presence of a kidnapper, she could see clearly now that her first impression of him was so very wrong; He was so much worse off than she could have imagined. Deep-set dark circles under his eyes, so many bruises lining his skin, specks of dried blood flakes dotting his body, cuts caked with disgusting oozing brown, eyes dilated and bloodshot, angry red welts peaking out from under the power-suppressing collar that only could have been from being yanked around or choked, and dried blood-stains that drip-drip-dripped down the front of his oversized white t-shirt.
Her face went ashen at the ghastly scene. What had that man done?
Her phone rang once more. She muted it. It still buzzed in her pocket.
“Hi,” she started slowly. Her voice cracked slightly. “My name is Officer Brooks, or Kalis. I'm here to help you. What's your name?”
He simply returned her a wide-eyed stare. Then glanced over to her cruiser. At the man leaning on it. Then at her badge. Then down to his lap, not a single word uttered.
The phone buzzed with another call.
“It's alright,” she soothed, like a mother beckoning a lost child home. “He can't hurt you right now. I'm here to help you, but I need you to talk to me or else I can't help you. I need to know your name. It’s Stan, right? Stan? That’s what I heard from him.”
He looked up, staring into her as if she wasn't even there again, eyes so wide, so dilated. No words. He frowned, considering for a moment. Then a vindictive determination spread across his features and he moved his gaze right back to his lap.
“Alright, that's uh… that's alright.” She felt like a kindergarten teacher with the way she was talking. Her phone buzzed with yet another call. “Can I… can I at least see the super brand on your back? Can you do that for me, Stan?”
He jolted back. “No.”
More phone buzzing. Adrenaline surged in her chest. “Stan, please. I can't get you back to your family if I can't find out who you are.”
“... fam–... family?...” His eyes widened, pupils somehow blown even wider, unfocused into the middle distance.
“Yes, Stan.” She very carefully reached for the collar of his shirt, ready to pull back at any time. The boy didn’t react. “I just want to get you back to your family.”
Kalis pulled the shirt down just enough to reveal that awful blue of the villain brand. The blue that signified a test subject.
Shit, the bounty hunter had been telling the truth.
The phone buzzed once more. Kalis snatched it out of her pocket. Turning around swiftly so Stan wouldn’t think what was about to happen next was directed at him.
“What do you want?” She hissed. “I’m trying to talk to a kidnapping victim.”
“Oh thank god, you’re alright,” Frida's tinny voice came through the speaker.
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I– Look, Kalis, I know this sounds bad, but I need you to let the bounty hunter go. Now.”
Officer Brooks grit her teeth. This was exactly what she was afraid of. “Why.”
“He’s… look, alright, I’m surprised no one told you before, but the police have a sort of… deal… with certain criminals and organizations. Mr. Cansano is one of them–”
“So you’re a dirty cop, then?” Kalis interrupted, voice strained, chest tight. “And– and you’re trying to bring me down with you, now? Frida, I–...  You should see what he’s done to this captive. I can't let him go.”
"I’m not a dirty cop! Not the way you’re thinking at least, I– just trust me, I can't even say over the phone but I'm on my way and I’ll tell you when I get there, I swear. Please don't do anything, for both our sakes.I know him, he's–”
“You know him?!”
“Yes, he’s–”
“How do you know him?!”
“Kalis. Listen to me.” Her voice turned deathly serious. “He's got ties everywhere. Hell, he does jobs for the police sometimes, they won't protect you if you get in trouble. He might try to kill you, and even if he doesn't and you get him arrested, now you have a target on your back from both the mob AND the corrupt police. If you try to arrest him, you're going to die. Please just leave him alone. Please."
She grit her teeth. “So that means he doesn't have any… official paperwork to prove he has authority over the super?”
“I– uh… probably not? They don't work within the law, that's why you need to let him go.”
Well then…
That’s all she needed to hear.
“I’m arresting him.”
“No! No, Khalis, I'm on my way, I'll-I’ll be two minutes, just wait–”
She slammed her phone down and turned back around to Stan, only then realizing that the poor boy probably heard everything she just said–
Nope, he was off in his own little world again.
No response.
She waved her hand in front of his face. “Stan!”
He startled back to himself, terrified, scrambling to get away from her just like the first time she'd walked up to him.
She didn't have time for this.
“Stan, honey, I'm going to arrest the man who hurt you alright? He won't hurt you anymore. I have to leave now, but one of my friends will be here very soon. She'll help you out, alright? Everything will be alright. Just please stay here. Hopefully I'll see you soon.”
Officer Brooks closed the door of the truck before she could catch a reaction, hoping that ditching Stan to be found by Officer Galleta was the best choice here.
It had to be, it was the only choice.
She steeled herself, resting her hand on her gun once more, and walked back over through the oppressive black night and into the spotlighting brights of her police car. 
To face down the bounty hunter.
“Mr. Cansano, you're–...” 
Then all of her built-up courage suddenly burst. What the hell was–...
She gaped.
Then scoffed.
“Are–… are you… smoking a blunt right now?”
The bounty hunter’s hand withdrew from his mouth, followed by a puff of dark white smoke. His gaze never once broke from the bright dot of red-yellow ash that oh-so-subtly lit his face. “Yup.”
She just stared at him for a moment. Then shook her head out. Whatever.
“Mr. Cansano, you're under arrest for suspected kidnapping of a super and illegal bounty hunting.” He didn’t so much as blink. “You have the right to remain silent, as anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney, and if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided to you.” Crickets chirped somewhere in the forest sidelining them. “Do you understand these rights as I’ve spoken them to you?”
He didn’t move in the slightest through her whole spiel. He almost seemed to have paused time around him, actually, a frozen snapshot.
A pause as Kalis stood ready to arrest a few feet away, yet unable to move closer as the air turned sticky with his low chuckle.
A pause because, only then, did Kalis realize that when she last left the man, she'd left him in handcuffs.
The bounty hunter shoved the burning tip of the blunt into the metal siding of her cruiser, instantly extinguishing the bright ember. “You talked to your boss?”
She clutched her gun. “I've been made aware of the situation.”
“Brave one, you are.”
He pushed up out of his lean. She whipped out her gun and aimed it squarely at his chest. “Freeze.”
He stopped, staring at her gun hand, eyes narrowed, hands shooting up to show he wasn’t a threat.
Yeah right.
Police sirens in the distance. Couldn’t be anyone but Frida.
“Put your hands on the car. Slowly.”
He looked her up and down. It was funny, his eyes almost looked red, with the way the headlights shined off his eyes.
“Hands on the car.”
The hunter almost seemed to think about it for a moment. Then he laughed, pulled his bandana up over his face, and took a step forward. 
Her vision tunneled, heart pounding in her ears. All she had to do was pull the trigger.
“Shame,” he drawled. Now he had… a string? A metal string, the type used to cut clay. Held taut between his hands. “I’ll try not to make this hurt, youu seem lie one of the good ones.”
Kalis’s gun hand shook. She should shoot him. She’d never shot anyone before. Shoot him. Shoot him. In the chest, in the leg, somewhere, shoot him, shoot him, you’re going to die shoot him shoot him do it fucking SHOOT HIM–
Her finger squeezed the trigger as he lunged forward, a flash of light, everything bright white and hot and blinding as a loud CRACK split through her eardrums, her very skull. Her gun arm knocked to the side, the gun flew from her hands. Her only chance at defending herself disappeared somewhere into the inky black night.
Suddenly she was staring right into his dark brown eyes that seemed to gleam red. His hands slammed just short on either side of her neck, the wire held gingerly between them pressing into the hard muscle of her larynx.
Just the two of them. 
The crickets, the trees.
The stars, shining above so sweetly.
Her last witnesses.
She was going to die here.
“Sorry about this,” he whispered, a low grumble that reverberated her entire soul. She couldn’t look away from those blood-red eyes. Would her blood be added to that as well?
A deafening screech of tires.
His brow furrowed, gaze stuttering elsewhere. A new set of headlights spotlighted them like startled deer, two omens of death and justice heading straight for them, night turned into a shining white day. 
 Brighter, brighter.
“Holy shit,” the bounty hunter yelled. Low engine revs turned into deafening roars that wholly swallowed any screams that ripped from Kalis’ or Declan’s throats, right before a hand yanked off her feet, just barely heaved over the hood of the car and tumbling jarringonto the ground next to the man who had apparently saved them both as a giant mass of immoveable flashing red and blue and black and white metal screeched past them as it attempted to grind to a stuttering halt before flying into the ditch that sidelined the highway.
Kalis slammed into the ground.
The world spun around her.
It was Frida!
She was saved!
Or wait, was Frida trying to kill her now?
Why had the bounty hunter saved her, were they on the same side now?
What was happening?!
The door of the cop car flew open before the car even fully screeched to a halt, and there she stood in all of her gorgeous, life-saving, terrified and anger-filled glory, pointing her gun over the top of her cop car right at the man in the cowboy hat sprawled dazed on the ground next to her.
* * * * * * * *
Next (when posted)
Also linking this rq for anyone who didn't see bc I think I'm hilarious
Taglist: @flowersarefreetherapy | @pirefyrelight | @cakeinthevoid | @painsandconfusion | @books-are-everything
@paperprinxe | @tippytappytyping | @chaotic-orphan | @notactuallyluska | @lumpofsand
@watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees | @whumpwhittler | @thelazywitchphotographer
(If you'd like to be added or subtracted from the taglist, don't be afraid to ask!)
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ladyathenawisdom · 1 year
Gangster's Wife / Pt. 4
Warnings: Mature Themes, Violence, Language, Spicy, Drinking, Intoxication, Alcohol Intake, Drugs, Drunk.
It was a week later when Hero realized she was vulnerable and weak against all clever tactics. And that her guard was down, along with her apartment's security.
Leader had now gone absolutely bonkers in finding information about Supervillain, along with Teammate and Sidekick. Teammate wanted to go against all odds and find him, wanting to prove she was a good hero.
Sidekick wanted to be deemed important too. But it seemed as if something else lingered, something dark. He wanted to find the criminal, with borderline obsession.
Teammate 2 was begrudgingly agreeing with them, just going along their views. She didn't want to work so much, especially if it lead to nothing. She had high hopes that nothing would happen.
Hero 2 didn't want too, showing her visible fear against the large criminal.
Hero hadn't cared. Except for the fact that Leader had added more hours to track down Supervillain. It gave them more unnecessary extra work, making them more sluggish.
Maybe Hero was being selfish, she hadn't told anyone about what had happened the night of the gala. And she knew she wasn't obligated too. She knew no one knew about her past. No one except her mentor and best friend, who had died a few years ago. Age had finally caught up to them.
But that didn't mean that she was all innocent and free. No, it meant quite the opposite.
"Eek!" Hero yelped, tightening her grip on the towel around her body, her eyes widening as she saw all the henchmen around her lovely living room. It didn't look so lovely anymore.
Many of the henchmen averted their gazes immediately as the hero stepped out of the bathroom. They looked away, fearing the wrath of their boss. Many turned around while others turned their gaze to the ceiling or floor in fear, feeling rather uncomfortable.
Supervillain, who was leaning back against the coach, looked up. His eyes met her gaze, his eyes rake her form.
Hero narrows her eyes. "Are you out of your mind! Get out!" She screams, looking at all the men.
Supervillain snaps his fingers, keeping his gaze on her. "You heard the lady. Step away."
Much to Hero's disdain, they only went in the direction of her kitchen and entryway. Some even went as far to go outside her balcony.
She scowls, turning to look at him.
Supervillain only raised his eyebrows.
Hero stares hard at him. "What are you doing here?" She questions with a frown, pulling the towel down slightly to cover her bottom. She starts to slowly walk towards her bedroom, needing actual clothes on. Her cheeks were still flushing from the slight surprise of the men in her home.
Supervillain follows her, much to her obvious annoyance. "I'm here to visit you. Can I not do that? I need to make sure all the heroes are abiding the law," he said, mock clear in his voice.
Hero pushes him out of her room. "Stay," she points at him. "I need to change."
Supervillain rolls his eyes. "It's nothing I haven't seen before," he smirks, eyeing her up and down.
Hero turns red, either from embarrassment or anger. Maybe both most likely.
Supervillain stares at her, moving closer as he leant against the door ledge. "Don't you remember those nights? Those sweet, quiet and sometimes very loud nights." He purred. "Remember that one night? That night in Ibiza."
Hero clenches her jaw before slamming the door in his face, she huffs and leans her back against the door before locking it and trying to find some clothes and hopefully find her dignity. She breathes out nervously.
Yeah, she was screwed.
It had been almost 2 weeks since then.
Upon Hero 2's request, or rather demand, the team had decided to relax for a night and come out of their worrisome loads of stress for a night out.
Leader had been annoyed and had rejected the idea immediately. But upon learning they needed clear heads to actually work, he begrudgingly agreed. Teammate and Teammate 2 were on board. And Sidekick, he was ready to party. Hero was hesitant but she had also agreed.
She had put on a short black dress with spaghetti straps, a leather jacket, some black heeled ankle boots and her black bag. She had opened and curled her hair and put on some makeup.
Her outfit wasn't as sparkly, sultry, or frizzey as her team's, but she didn't care. She just wanted a relaxing night out without any stress or worry for the future. But it seemed as if destiny hated her.
Hero sighed in annoyance as the loud music of the club rung in her ears. She was sat at the bar, playing with her gin and tonic. She didn't want to drink too much, seeing as they would probably work tomorrow. She didn't need to be hungover.
Hero's exquisite eyes went to Teammate and Teammate 2 who were dancing wildy on the dance floor with smiles on their face, yelling and cheering.
Leader was sat on the side, drinking some scotch sip by sip, looking around in boredom. He really needed to loosen up or something, he was so rigid.
Sidekick was sat on the side with many girls around him, smoking a vape as they all laughed and cheered him on.
Hero shakes her head at him, so immature and irresponsible. Her eyes snap towards Hero 2, she was unfortunately, smoking weed. And holding a small bag with some white substance in it.
Hero's heart starts to race, she sits up slightly as Hero 2 thanks the man.
This wasn't the first time that Hero had seen a hero or even a sidekick get drugs, or drink. In fact, if you looked at it in a different way, the heroes did drugs more then villains. They drank more, they spent more money, they did drugs, it was the fame and money that got to them.
It was all so...twisted.
Hero sighs, shaking her head. She looks back at her gin and bites her bottom lip. Grabbing the drink, she downs it and shakes her head. She takes a deep breath, thinking everything over. She tried not to overthink.
Tonight, she wouldn't think about Supervillain nor the Industry.
She would only have fun.
Without getting drunk or high.
Hero's eyes snap towards the bartender. But then again, it wasn't like she had a low tolerance. She had a high alcohol tolerance, as expected, seeing as she was decades old and drank some times. And over the years, her tolerance grew. "Excuse me."
"Yeah." The bartender turns to her.
"Can I have a few shots of tequila?"
Well, there was no going back now.
Hero stares at the tiny shot glasses with some hesitation. She had told herself she wouldn't get drunk, but she wouldn't if she drank to much. She didn't need or want a hangover. Pushing back all the things holding her back, she grabs each glass and starts downing them.
The alcohol burned her throat but she let it in, feeling a slight buzz in her head. She shakes her head, liking the feeling.
"Go, Hero!" Hero 2 came over, grinned widely as her eyes shone.
Teammate also came over, smiling but also tired from all the dancing. Teammate 2 seemed to be preoccupied with a man, enjoying him as she danced rather proactively.
"You having fun?" Teammate smirks, ordering a vodka.
Hero 2 was holding a martini, taking small sips.
Hero groans. "Maybe I shouldn't have downed them all at once."
"Don't be silly." Hero 2 laughs. "Hey! Can we get another round of tequila?"
Hero huffs. But she didn't regret her decision. Okay, maybe she did. But she downed the next few drinks with her team, taking caution and going slow this time.
"Ooh, I feel so amazing." Heri 2 slurs, giggling. "I'm gonna go find leader." She then walks away, cheering and yelling.
Teammate rolls her eyes, downing another shot.
"We really shouldn't mix drinks," Hero says, eyeing the tequila and voda that Teammate was drinking.
Teammate only shrugs. "Who cares? I don't. I'm not gonna remember this anyway. I'm go find myself a guy to sleep with. See ya!" She then downs her vodka and struts sway.
Hero sighs, groaning as the loud music now seemed to be much louder. Maybe the alcohol really did start to affect her now. The last time she had drank was about a year ago.
She debated about whether leaving the club or not. She really didn't want to leave her friends. But seeing as Teammate went to find a guy, along with Teammate 2, and Hero 2 seemed really preoccupied with her dealer or something. She didn't think she had a choice.
And Sidekick seemed to be busy with a girl, really busy.
Hero quickly looks away, spotting Leader. Her eyebrows furrowed before they widened in panic.
Right Hand seemed to be talking with Leader, both chatting casually.
Hero swallows. If Right Hand was here, that meant that Supervillain....
Her eyes look all over the club, but she finds him no where. She looks back at the two, eyeing them with concern. Surely, Supervillain had sent his right hand here to extract info.
She grabs the last tequila shot and downs it.
She quickly makes her way towards them, meeting Right Hand's gaze. She narrows in on him, frowning deeply.
"Oh, Hero." Leader spoke up. "You're still here. I would have thought you left some asshole or something."
As if boss would ever let that happen, Right Hand, thought.
Hero smiles politely. "You know I'm not the sleeping type. Nor the drinking get drunk type. I'm good."
Leader nods. "Yeah, I get that." He takes a sip of his scotch. "Hero 2 said she was gonna leave with some jerk. Teammate and Teammate 2 already left with their guys. And Sidekick is also probably going to leave."
Hero frowns. Would they just abandon each other for some sex? They could have atleast told her, or each other. "Right.. " Her eyes go to Right Hand, who only gives her kind smile.
Leader downs his glass of scotch.
Hero clears her throat. "Well, I'm also going to leave. If you don't mind."
Leader shakes his head. "Yeah, I don't mind. You can go ahead. I was gonna leave in a couple minutes anyway," he nods.
Hero stares at him for a few seconds before she slowly nods, glances at Right Hand, and gives him a polite smile, before turning and walking away.
Her heart was hammering in her chest, almost beating out of her chest. There was no doubt that he was also here. She was gonna pummel him into the ground, pull him up and then pummel him again.
As she was leaving, a waiter came up to her, holding a tray. It held a black rose and card.
Hero narrows her eyes, already knowing who it was from.
"Miss, this came from a secret admirer for you."
"Secret admirer, eh?" Hero snorts. But she grabs the card anyway, opening it up to read it.
You look absolutely gorgeous
So glad you came out to party
S. V.
Hero rolls her eyes. She quickly rips up the, possibly expensive card, before grabbing the black rose and stalking away. She storms out of the club, her eyes narrowed as she looked around the parking lot and entrance of the club.
The line was long. A few people outside were smoking cigarettes, cigars and vapes. A few were even making out and taking a breath of fresh air.
She then spots it.
His car was parked a few feet away, with some cars with his people surrounding it. It looked as if they were in a gang as his men were dressed in leather jackets and jeans instead of their usual suits.
Supervillain was leaning against the car, smoking a cigar.
Hero clenches her jaw, not bothering to notice the three girls stood a few feet away, they also seemed to be a part of his people. They looked like his assistants or something. She didn't care though, she didn't care if they had the hots for him or not.
Right now, she was fuming.
She starts to storm towards him, her fists clenching as her grip on the Black Rose tightened. Her heels clicked against the pavement.
"Are you out of your fucking mind!" Hero snaps, ignoring the shocked and surprised expressions of some of his men. They must have been new.
Supervillain chuckles. "I see you got my gift,"
Hero scowls. She brings up the rose to his face before dropping it to the floor and stomping on it with her heel.
Supervillain frowns. "Now that hurts my feelings, Hero." He looks at her. "Are you really that angry at me, my love?"
"Don't call me that!"
Supervillain rolls his eyes.
Hero scoffs, crossing her arms. "Have you finally lost your mind? You do realize that my team was also in the club? They could have spotted you. You do know they're tracking you, right?"
"Speaking of," Supervillain eyes her up and down. "You look absolutely-"
"Don't." Hero holds her hand up.
"Is there a reason why you interrupting us, Assistant?" Supervillain raised an eyebrow, a warning in his eyes as he spoke coldly.
Assistant gulps, shaking her head before she backs away towards the other two girls.
Hero narrows her eyes. "Have you grown so lonely, your keeping girls?" She snorts, crossing her arms. Her eyes flashed with a weird but familiar emotion.
Supervillain smirks. "Jealous, my little hero? They're my most trusted tech people. Very intelligent and good at tracking people online."
Hero frowns.
"Do what you want. Your team won't even find me."
Hero sighs, groaning as she held her head.
"Now," Supervillain throws his cigar to the floor, stepping on it. He gestures to his men, who open up the car door. "Get in. I'll drop you off."
"I'm good. No thanks," Hero scoffs.
"You have alcohol in your system, I'm not gonna let you go alone." Supervillain chides gently. He abruptly grabs her wrist, causing her to yelp. "Come."
"No! Let go! I'm only buzzed, tipsy even." She pulls her wrist out of his hand. "Let go of me! I'm not drunk!"
Supervillain snorts. "Sure you are."
Hero pulls away from him. "Fuck off!" She snaps before turning around to storm away. She yells as she's suddenly lifted into the air.
"Oh my gosh! Are you out of your fucking mind! Let me go!" Hero yells as he had lifted her over his shoulder. "Let go of me!" She starts to wiggles her legs, squirming.
Supervillain rolls his eyes, a small smirk on his lips. He nods to his men. "Take the car back. I'll come back in my own." He starts walking towards his own black Mercedes.
Hero yells, squirming and wiggling her legs to get out of his grip. "Let go of me!" She gasps when he delivers a sharp slap on her ass.
"Shush, would you? Your screaming is distracting."
Hero's whole face had turned red.
Supervillain chuckles. "I forgot how much you enjoyed me slapping your ass. In fights and in the bedroom." He smirks.
Hero growls. "That so not fucking true! Forget about it! Let me go! I can arrest you for manhandling and harassment!"
Supervillain snorts, opening up the front seat. "Sure, you can. But you won't." He drops her onto the seat, closing the door. He quickly makes his way to the driver's seat.
Hero scoffs, trying to open the door but finding it's locked. "Open the door." She turns to him.
Supervillain ignores her, starting up the car. He quickly turns and backs out of the parking of the club.
"This is kidnapping!"
Supervillain scoffs. "Yeah, sure it is. Especially when I'm dropping you back at your apartment."
Hero glares at him heatedly. "Fuck you." She crosses her arms and leans back in her seat.
Supervillain smirked as he drove through the road of the city lights. "I would. But you would get angry."
Hero clenches her jaw.
Supervillain glances at her. "Oh come on, that was funny."
"No, it wasn't." Hero replied coldly.
"Wow. You really have gotten boring over the years,"
"I have not!"
"I haven't!"
"Then where's your sense of humor?"
"I don't laugh at your stupid jokes."
Supervillain gasps, looking possibly offended. "My jokes aren't stupid. They are the best,"
Hero shakes her head, glaring out the window.
Supervillain glances at her, humming quietly as he eyed her and down. "You really do look beautiful."
"I know."
"Humble, much?" Supervillain rolls his eyes.
"Fuck off."
Supervillain smirks. "There's that fire. I've missed somebody scolding and yelling at me." He sighs. "It's always everyone who's scared of me. It's pretty annoying."
Hero ignores him.
Supervillain puts a hand on her thigh.
She immediately slaps it away.
"Ow!" He pulls his hand back, his brows furrowed as he stared at the road. "You slap hard."
Slap with a flat palm. That's what he had told her long ago. Hero glares at him. "Don't touch me."
Supervillain smirks. "Your forgetting, darling. That I've touched you everywhere. Multiple times." He purred.
Hero's cheeks tinted, her mind wavering. They went headfirst and without falter, into the gutter. Unwanted memories flashed in their mind, demanding and hot.
All the touches, kisses, tangled sheets, late nights, all those moments came back at her like a train. She scowls. "That was a long time ago," she says quietly.
Supervillain only hums. "And yet, I haven't forgotten about you."
Her eyes glanced towards him, but she didn't say anything. She didn't need to. The silence said everything.
Supervillain continues driving, humming quietly.
Hero swallows, looking away with her eyebrows furrowed. Her pretty eyes go to him as his hands, large and callused, turn the radio on. She takes a deep breath, spotting his muscled and veiny forearm. She looks away.
Yo, what's up? If you trying to get into contact with me
Leave a quick message after the beep
And I'll make sure to get back to you
In one handshake, peace
Hey Mijo, it's me again
I've been tryin' to call you already five to six times
You're not pickin' up your phone and I'm worried
Ya son las tres de la mañana, babe, ¿dónde estás? I know I always bring this up but now it's time we talk Mijo, please take a lil minute, sit back and relax Listen to my words, I ain't tryin to be your mom Te quiero mucho por favor and I deserve to know what's up
Hero frowns, shifting in her seat. Her eyes go outside the window, watching the city buildings go by. It was night now, almost midnight. The lights were still on, with people walking about normally.
Many cars were also speeding away on the road, with horns honking. She could spot civilians walking safely.
All those late night calls, when you gotta bounce Your homies coming first, what's that all about?
I fell in love with a gangster, yeah, that's right
Hero's eyes snap towards him, her eyes narrowed.
Supervillain only hums along, tapping the wheel with beat.
But I don't think you realize how I hurt inside Always worryin', mi pelon, if you're comin home
That's why I call you so much when you leave me alone I don't wanna bug and this I promise you But in this situation, it's so hard to trust you I care about you so much, lovin' you like crazy
All I really want is to have your little baby Tell me that you love me, you will never leave me Soy la reina de tu vida and you're happy to be with me
Hero clenches her jaw.
Daddy, let me know that I'm your only girl The only man that I need in this gangster world is you
Hero starts glaring hard at him.
And I wouldn't trade it
So why you think I would lie, won't you tell me, girl? The only one that I need in my gangster world is youAnd I wouldn't trade it
Hero scoffs, turning away from. "Your unbelievable."
Supervillain only smirks.
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Hero x Villain Masterlist
Recurring Characters:
These Two Dorks Masterlist (mostly fluff but angst looms on the horizon, hurt/comfort)
Vampire Hero Masterlist (black comedy, affectionate whump parody, lots of torture attempts/mentions even if that rarely turns out the way the torturer planned)
1-Word Prompt Masterlist: Marvel as I turn one random word into a bunch of H/V prompts. Plus, it's short for once.
Reverse chronological order. (prompt) indicates when the original idea is from someone else.
Augusnippets 2024: Want something short to read? Check this collection of lil’ snippets. Reporters having complicated relationships with Heroes, Supervillain giving great advice and heroes offering presents to foes, friends and families, it’s all in there.
Poll Prompt 1: Civilian is trapped in a strangely nice room. Meanwhile, Supervillain has a bit of a crisis.
The Fakers: Three heroes in a small town despair: there's no villain around. What can they do?
A taste of revenge: Supervillain doesn’t really mind the three young heroes who keep coming after him, until the fateful day everyone goes for ice cream. (ask)
Through the mirror : What’s the thing to do after having an epic fight with the local Villainess ? Drinking a couple of beers with her, of course. It’s only polite.
Crash Meeting (prompt): Detective tries to bring down Villain. They don’t succeed, but what they’ve just discovered might be even more important.
Jack-in-a-box Surprise: A bunch of civilians are stuck in the room with a villain taking the form of their worst fears. Good luck with that.
Pounding Headache (sicktember): Thief has a bad day. The burglary didn’t turn well, Villain turned on them, what better moment for a migraine to begin?
Gilded Cage (prompt): Villain has Hero trapped in a ghastly – wait actually, it’s a pretty cool apartment. That’s a trick, right?
Who dies, who lives (prompt): You’ve always been a fan of Superhero, and you don’t take too well that they’ve just been killed. Where’s your partner anyway?
To make a right (prompt): A gritty detective informs his unlikely friend and unanimously beloved superhero Sunblade that distasteful things were made in his name.
Mind-Melting (prompt) part 1 and 2: Hero has a lot to do between an amnesic Supervillain, an emo teen Sidekick, and a cat. One of them is much more powerful than the others. One of my first posts here so the style is, ah, certainly made of words.
Detective x Thief
Cold Case (for sicktember): A detective gets hired to find a stolen painting. Unfortunately, he catches a cold before catching the culprits.
Cold Meeting (prompt): This detective really wishes this client would leave him in peace. He might have secrets of his own.
And now for something mildly different:
Whump/Horror Masterlist.
Fantasy Masterlist
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slowlyzealouslover · 2 years
"I like it! it's very chaotic!"
"because you only like to cause trouble"
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