#detective x hero
The Lair in the Woods: Part 7
A/N: I totally didn’t have to reread this series to remember where I was going with this or with the desperate hope I left clues for myself to jog my memory. Nope definitely not😅 Also, SORRY IT’S BEEN SO LONG SINCE MY LAST UPDATE💜
Warnings: swearing, inferences to flirting, reference to a near-death experience (freezing to death), reference to stalking/being stalked, teasing (or bullying depending on how you look at it. Imma call it ‘banter amongst enemies’), manipulative/power-play dynamics, minor self-depreciation
My Masterlist | Taglist Info | The Lair in the Woods masterlist
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Hero cursed the buzzing phone on their nightstand. With the blizzard coming down from the mountains, they knew it was going to be a long couple of days until the snow cleared and had been trying to get some sleep while they could, but alas, the universe had other plans for them. Barely awake, they slapped their hand down on their nightstand, grumbling to themselves as they patted around the hard surface for their phone.
Finding it, they blindly accepted the call and brought it to their ear, tucking themselves back into the warm cocoon of their blankets where they had shifted in their attempt to grab the wretched device.
“Hello,” they mumbled.
“I need a favor.” Hero’s eyes opened slowly at the quiet but commanding voice on the other end of the line. Brows furrowed, Hero debated whether or not they should hang up on the master criminal bold enough to call them personally.
“No, now goodni—”
“It involves a civilian, and I can’t help them.”
Hero hummed. Taking a deep breath, they forced themselves into a sitting position. Bringing their knees to their chest, Hero smirked. “Oh? What, did someone worse than you capture your lover or something and now you’re forced to come begging to me for hel—”
“No. It’s much simpler than that. The blizzard blew a civilian off-course and they ended up half-freezing to death before my henchmen found them on a patrol.”
Hero blew out a breath. Of course. Supervillain didn’t have it in them to love someone, obviously. “And now you’re holding them hostage until I do something for you. Look, I’d love to play your little game, but that blizzard’s coming my way next and I’d rather get some sleep than fall into your trap. Try Superhero instead. They’ve been rather bored lately.”
“For the love of god, you cynical bastard, listen. This civilian is being stalked and I think it’s a super behind it. That’s why they’re on this mountain at all.”
Hero paused as Supervillain’s words sank into their half-conscious mind. They blinked. “Oh.”
“Yeah, ‘oh.’” Supervillain’s voice held an edge to it Hero hadn’t heard in a long time. “Here’s what I’m asking you for: poke around, see what you can find. My team and I can’t do anything until the roads clear, so I need you to be—”
“I’m not your sidekick, Supervillain,” Hero rolled their eyes, “Or one of your henchmen. You can’t order me around—”
“So you won’t help?”
Hero pinched the bridge of their nose. “I didn’t say that.”
At Hero’s words, there was a beat of silence before Supervillain said, “Thank you.”
Hero’s smirk returned. That was a first, for sure. Just who was this civilian, and what did they mean to Supervillain?
A long sigh sounded in their ear. “I can hear you thinking all the way over here. Don’t give yourself a headache, Hero. I actually need you to be useful.”
“I’ll help,” Hero said slowly, “but only if you answer one question: who’s the civilian?”
A second ticked by before Supervillain responded as if through clenched teeth. “Civilian Surname.”
Hero sagged in disappointment. The name didn’t ring any bells in their mind. “And here I was hoping for something scandalous, like a reporter or someone of note. So who are they to you?”
“A frightened mouse,” Supervillain sighed heavily. Hero narrowed their eyes in suspicion, dissecting what the master criminal had said for any hidden meaning, for a telling inflection in their voice, but their examination yielded them nothing. “I can’t even keep them calm. They’re terrified.”
“Well, yeah, being around an imposing, shapeshifting murderer will do that.” Hero leaned back against the wall at the head of their bed. “Though I suppose if they’re being stalked that wouldn’t help them any either. All right, I’ll start looking into it.”
“I’ll be in touch then.”
Hero didn’t even have time to respond before Supervillain disconnected the call. They were hoping to get another “thank you” out of them, but they supposed that was a once in a lifetime deal. Just who was Civilian Surname that their mere presence in the master criminal’s life had them asking for help? Supervillain was cunning, capable, but most of all, they were resourceful. They had a reach and influence no other villain had, and it plagued the caped community to no end, no matter the side you were on. Every one wanted to know how they did, and in Hero’s case, they wanted to bring them down. The information Supervillain was privy to, or allegedly privy to, was too dangerous for one single person to have—or for anyone to have at all.
And, the mere existence of such a compilation of data, shook them to their very core. If Supervillain knew where to look to get things like their phone number, what else did they know? And what were they doing with it? Were they selling parcels of information to other villains? Or were they taking their enemies down one by one just like they did with Other Superhero?
Hero shook their head. They didn’t have any answers to any of their questions, just as they hadn’t the slightest clue who Civilian Surname was. But they’d said they would help. Why they’d agreed, they didn’t know. They could’ve easily told Supervillain to piss off and poked around in secret, for Civilian’s sake, but instead they’d verbally agreed to help Supervillain.
Cursing themselves, Hero ran a hand through their hair. Sucking in a breath, they picked up their phone and tapped the shortcut they were looking for. The call barely rang before it was picked up, bringing a slight smile to their face as the familiar voice greeted them.
“It’s four in the morning, what do you want?”
“Good morning to you too, Detective. I miss you too, the weather’s been absolutely dreadful, hasn’t—”
“Hero, please,” Detective begged, their voice sounding utterly exhausted. A pang of guilt wormed its way through Hero’s heart. “I have three hours left of this god-awful shift, so please just get to the point.”
“Right, sorry,” Hero said sheepishly. “I got a call just now asking me to look into a stalker case?”
“That’s not my department.”
“I know, but I like working with you. Other Detective is such a—”
“Hero, the point,” Detective interrupted again.
“Right, the point,” Hero smiled softly. “I don’t know if they’ve filed a report or not, but could you check for anything involving a Civilian Surname for me? I mean anything, not just the stalker report.”
Detective sighed. Hero squeezed their eyes shut, knowing the reproach they were about to receive. “You know I can’t do that without cause. It’s unlawful. The best I can do is get you a copy of the report if you want to formerly adopt the case under Clause 71.”
“All right, fine, I’ll do that.” Hero tilted their head back. “I’ll file the paperwork as soon as the office opens. But, can you at least tell me if Civilian Surname rings any bells for you? You’ve been on the beat for a long time, so maybe you’ve had a run-in with them or there’s something that comes to mind about them.”
Hero counted their heartbeats in the silence that followed their question. They tapped their fingers against their thigh as they waited, knowing Detective was giving their question a careful consideration they gave to all their work.
“No,” they said at last. “I can’t think of anything. Maybe you should try public records just in case there’s something I don’t know about. It might not yield anything useful, but it’s something.”
“Ah, well if the paperwork goes through…” Hero trailed off, a mischievous smile playing at their lips.
Detective let out a soft laugh on the other end of the phone. “Yes, if the paperwork goes through, then I can look up Civilian Surname in our database, but you better have a cause for me!”
“Would a suspected association with a known criminal count?”
A pause. “What?”
“Would a suspected—”
“No I heard you, I just don’t know if I believe you. I thought you were asking about a stalker case?”
“I am, but the call I got…” Hero hesitated. They knew they could trust Detective, but how far did that really go? “It was from a less than reputable party, let’s say.”
“Hero,” Detective started, “are you mixed up in something?”
Hero turned the question around in their head for a moment before they answered honestly. “I don’t know yet, but I’ll be careful, I promise.”
“Good. I can’t lose my job, you know that.”
Another pang of guilt struck their heart. “I do. I’ll call my handler and tell them the whole thing before I file the paperwork.”
“Good. Well, if that’s all…I gotta go.”
“Yeah,” Hero said. “I should too. This blizzard looks like it’s going to be a bad one.”
“Speak for yourself, it might give me an easy day.”
Hero chuckled, “Goodnight, Detective.”
“Good morning, Hero.”
Hero disconnected the call, smiling like an idiot. It was always a pleasure conversing with Detective, though there were many reasons for that aside from their not-so-secret feelings for them. For one, Detective didn’t get all star-struck working with heroes, and secondly, they didn’t care that they had a dark sense of humor, and in fact, Hero preened, they seemed to like it as they’d often caught Detective hiding their smirks and laughter whenever Hero said something off-color at a crime scene they were working together.
They only hoped doing this favor for Supervillain—and actually agreeing to it—didn’t cost them both their jobs and their reputations.
At least there wasn’t anything in writing, Hero thought to themselves as their smile fell. Slipping back beneath the covers, Hero draped their arm over their eyes, knowing the premise of actually sleeping was long-gone at this point. Their mind was consumed by the events of the last several minutes. They might as well be Supervillain’s lackey now with how easily—and foolishly—they’d agreed to help them figure out Civilian Surname’s stalker problem.
But at least they had a plan, and a way to cover their tracks and make this whole ordeal a little more by-the-book.
First, they’d adopt the case and call their handler. Then they’d look into Civilian Surname, and finally, they’d take the case seriously and root out their stalker, if one even existed in the first place and this wasn’t some grand scheme of Supervillain’s to distract them while they did something truly destructive.
Hero grumbled under their breath. “You damn idiot.”
The Lair in the Woods Taglist: @just-a-space-rabbit, @classicplesiosaur, @pigeonwhumps, @heninthegarden, @kaiwewi, @korejon, @rivalriotrenegade, @alpacamelons Let me know if you’d like to be added or removed (no reason necessary😊)! You can also fill out this handy dandy form if you’d like to be added too!
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transman-badass · 2 years
Outside the Detective's apartment, a vicious thunderstorm lights up the city. There's nothing for them to do, so they sit in the dark, listening to the radio, the bounce of sound between the 'hottest hits' of the last five decades, and the worried ramblings of the weatherman soothing nerves that never seem to calm completely
But the radio's not loud enough that they don't hear the click, drag, squeal, of a window opening. The thud, and pained, familiar gasp.
Detective grabs their favorite weapon, steps into the dark side room, turns on the light. They draw in a breath.
Hero - the Hero they'd spent months trying to unmask, failing every time - lays on the floor, so many feet above ground level, injured, dirty, tears draining down their cheeks. Detective can't feel their legs. Can't think of taking another step towards their pet project.
Hero raises their head off the floor, takes a ragged breath.
"Hey, Detective," they gasp. "Sorry... I didn't know where else to go."
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aterfish · 6 months
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We just had "Guess That Artist" game in Haunting Heroes discord server! I just had to try drawing in Detective Conan style and limited color palette :D
@noir-renard thanks for hosting!
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nelkcats · 2 years
War Day
After Danny was crowned he decided that the truce party had to have a counterpart, after all ghosts became friends mostly through battles, and he assumed that one day letting them fight wouldn't be a bad thing, it might even help stir up some grudges.
This was how High King Phantom, ruler of the infinite realms inaugurated the long-awaited "Day of War" or just "War Day", a moment when the Infinite Realms naturally became chaotic; alliances were allowed but it was not advisable to trust on them.
And of course, you were free not to participate, you just had to put a blue or green band on your arm, or a little green clock in the backyard of your haunt so the ghosts would leave you, your haunt or your territory in general alone.
Danny thought of it as some kind of giant paintball day, only with no paintballs and full of aggressive ghosts with various powers, it was especially exciting since everyone knew there would be no hard feelings after it and they would end up in the king's palace eating sweets as little children.
They usually celebrated it on a day close to any celebration related to death in human world, when their powers were especially powerful and therefore everyone could have more fun.
The problem was that since Danny had human friends (liminals?) who came to play, they didn't really consider it weird when some humans fell into the realms by a natural portal, and since they weren't wearing any blue or green arm bands they were definitely in the game.
For their part, the family of bats along with some League allies found themselves literally standing on a field of war where everyone seemed to be going for the kill, Jason was strangely excited about it, as was Damian.
When Dick asked one of the locals for an explanation, a guy on a motorbike threw him into the air laughing and yelled "LET THE HUNGER GAMES BEGIN!"
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fleur-alise · 7 months
I'm sick of the ever brilliant, diabolical villains. I want a villain that's so dumb nobody can figure out what the fuck he's doing. I want the detective tasked at tracking him down constantly on the verge of tearing his hair out. I want bugs bunny level shenanigans between the two. and obviously I want it to be an enemies to lovers story.
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mooblybloom · 4 months
I noticed something different about the Danny phantom phandom that sets it apart from most fandoms that being:
In the Danny phantom phandom we as a community or at least most of us are completely fine with shipping him with people like Dick Grayson Jason Todd Tim Drake and Wayne despite these four candidates being very different ages. Aging up or down Danny as needed for the ship but if this is done in a different fandom say MHA it is seen as weird and frowned upon Why is that?
It's just something I noticed I'm not trying to attack anyone here but like I'm curious?
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Moriarty the Patriot
First Meetings {Sebastian Moran}
First Meetings {Sebastian Moran} pt 2
Jealousy {Mycroft Holmes}
Questions {Mycroft Holmes}
Scary Story {Louis James Moriarty}
I'll Invent It Just For You Though {Von Herder}
Apologies {Mycroft Holmes}
Precious {William James Moriarty}
Worried Sick {Mycroft Holmes}
Wedding Traditions {Albert James Moriarty}
Moving In Together Can Be Tough {Sherlock Holmes}
We Can Make This Work {William James Moriarty}
We Can Make This Work {William James Moriarty} (pt 2)
Jujutsu Kaisen
Sunday Mornings {Gojo Satoru}
What We Didn't Know {Gojo Satoru}
Pleasure To Meet You {Gojo Satoru}
After Hours {Gojo Satoru}
Kabedon {Gojo Satoru}
Last Call {Nanami Kento}
Quite The Romantic {Gojo Satoru}
Misunderstandings Can Often Be Helpful {Gojo Satoru}
Day Off {Gojo Satoru}
Relationship Headcanons with Gojo and Nanami
Obey Me
Money Getter {Mammon}
Indulgence {Mammon}
Make A Wish {Mammon}
His Usual Tactics {Mammon}
Pride {Mammon}
The Millionaire Detective
I Live To Impress {Kambe Daisuke}
He Lives Alone? {Haru Kato}
Tokyo Revengers
A Not So Normal Marriage Proposal {Shinichiro Sano}
The Secrets Are Out {Shinichiro Sano}
Just A Regular Day {Shinichiro Sano}
What Will Happen Then? {Shinichiro Sano}
Comfort {Shinichiro Sano}
Better Than Expected {Kurokawa Izana}
Getting Married {Shinichiro Sano}
Period Problems {Shinichiro Sano}
Guitars Bring People Together {Kurokawa Izana}
And They Were Roommates {Mitsuya Takashi}
Touche {Mitsuya Takashi}
No Chance {Mitsuya Takashi}
Failed {Shinichiro Sano}
There For You {Shinichiro Sano}
Bad Is The New Soft {Shinichiro Sano}
Too Late {Shinichiro Sano}
After All This Time {Takashi Mitsuya}
Unexpected {Mitsuya Takashi}
Black Butler
Comfort {Sebastian Michaelis}
Boku No Hero Academia
Once Upon A January {Dabi}
And I Don't Care If I Am Forgiven {Dabi}
Nobody's Son, Nobody's Daughter {Dabi}
My Girl {Dabi}
My Girl {Dabi} (pt 2)
My Girl {Dabi} (pt 3)
Right Person, Not Enough Time {Dabi}
I Love You {Dabi}
Once Upon A Dream {Dabi}
Admiration {Kyoraku}
Attack On Titan
You Were More Than Just Somebody I Was Destined To Meet {Levi Ackerman}
Prefer It Like This {Levi Ackerman}
Reborn {Levi Ackerman}
Say That You Will {Levi Ackerman}
Providing Comfort {Levi Ackerman}
Bungo Stray Dogs
Figuring It Out {Dazai Osamu}
When You Know, You Know {Dazai Osamu}
Port Mafia Black {Dazai Osamu}
Bernadette {Dazai Osamu}
Waltz Suite No 2 {Dazai Osamu}
Trying To Forget {Dazai Osamu}
It Was A Mistake {Dazai Osamu}
Tokyo Ghoul
Kisses {Hideyoshi Nagachika}
Sorrows And Kisses {Hideyoshi Nagachika}
Play Pretend {Hideyoshi Nagachika}
In His Own Way {Sakata Gintoki}
The Way Of The Curls {Sakata Gintoki}
Getting Caught Making Out {Sakata Gintoki}
Kabedon {Sakata Gintoki}
Two Sides {Sakata Gintoki}
Overreacting {Sakata Gintoki}
Perfect Girlfriend {Sakata Gintoki}
Ghosts {Sakata Gintoki}
Missed You {Sakata Gintoki}
Pregnancy News {Sakata Gintoki}
Uramichi Onii-San
Relationship Headcanons {Uramichi}
Falling In Love & Jealousy Headcanons With Uramichi and Kumatani
Rainy Days Like This {Uramichi}
Chainsaw Man
No Commitments {Kishibe}
Lunch Break {Kishibe}
Kishibe With a Fiend!Reader
Baking With Kishibe
Father Figure {Kishibe}
Shyness Might Get You Far {Kishibe}
Forgetful {Kishibe}
Heaven Official's Blessing
Trouble {Mu Qing}
A Tiny Bit Of Jealousy {Mu Qing}
Lovely Little Thing {Mu Qing}
Call of Duty
Such a cute shirt {Simon "Ghost" Riley}
Relaxing Activities {Simon "Ghost" Riley}
It's Been A While {Kyle "Gaz" Garrick}
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lesinquietes · 10 months
Summary: Dynamight can’t seem to focus on his duties with a pretty little thing like you taking your sweet time scoping the crime scene.
Adult!Bakugou x Forensic Detective!Reader
⚠️ fluff. violence.
l Next l
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You’re trying to gather a sample of blood for evidence and he’s standing behind you with his arms crossed, jabbing at his teeth with a little wooden pick. When he’s done his idle activity, he tosses the pick in the trash. At least he’s meticulous about keeping the crime scene uncontaminated… for the most part.
“You done yet, princess?”
You purse your lips. If this was the first handful of times he used the pet name, you might have corrected him. It’s clear, at this point, that he doesn’t care to respect your wishes, so you elect to ignore him. Unfortunately, he seems to have a chip on his shoulder.
“Hey. You hear me?”
And you ponder to yourself, who the fuck do you think you are? because never, in your four years of being a forensic detective, have you dealt with a hero who acted like this.
You snap your head around to glare at him. When he greets you with a cocky grin — a very made you look expression — you want nothing more than to throw the victim’s keys at his face. Dynamight. You heard he helped save the world from All For One’s return, years ago, when the world was abandoning hope. You don’t doubt that his involvement is true, but surely his personality should have matured since then.
“Do I look done to you?” You ask rhetorically, latex gloves strapped to your elbows and vibrant eyes hidden behind thick lenses. “It’s only been half an hour.”
Bakugou’s grin widens upon getting a good look at you. You think he’s going to laugh. He’s seems like one of those jock types that still bullies because he never grew out of it. Much to your surprise, he doesn’t do anything of the sort. Instead, he sighs and walks over to you.
Normally, you would tell him to back away from the scene, but the words of caution catch in your throat. His sharp auburn eyes are boring into yours. There’s a spark on amusement dancing in the depths of his irises, though it’s the other emotion that catches your attention: curiosity. Perhaps this blunt hero has some semblance of professional focus, after all.
“Exactly. Half an hour. We could’ve gotten this shit done in five minutes.”
You roll your eyes. Forget what you thought. He just wants to go home. Well, if that’s the case, you can put him to work.
“Make yourself useful and hold this device for me.”
You shove the item into his hand. He grasps it instinctively. You don’t hear any complaints.
While you swab for a solid sample of the victim’s blood, he waits idly next to you, silently studying your process. He observes your craft with respect, knowing heroes can’t do their jobs as well without your role. His younger self — who so visibly struggled with disobeying any form of authority — might have roofed the device after it was forced upon him. He’ll hold onto it for you. At least it looks like you’re being thorough with the case.
But as the sequence goes on, he finds his gaze drifting to your features. He’s immune to a lot of things, but not pretty women.
You catch him when you finish your task. He’s swift to glance away. Oblivious to his fascination, you smirk.
“Didn’t know you were interested in forensics.”
He snorts.
“I ain’t. I’m interested in you.”
And he doesn’t miss how you bite your lips to stop yourself from smiling.
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thepenultimateword · 8 months
Not That Special
"Good evening."
Detective cursed loudly, tea splattering the wall as they whipped around to face the thief lounging, ankle crossed over the knee, on their sofa. "What are you-- How did you get in?"
"What key? There is no other key, I have the only set."
"Ah, the only set you knew of. I asked your landlord for the spares when you moved in. He thinks we're married."
Detective let that sink in a moment before forcing their mouth shut and running an exasperated hand down their face. "Alright. Ignoring that for now. Why are you here? I could have you arrested with one phone call."
"Oh, please don't do that. I'd have to make run for it, and I'm really trying to stay off the streets right now." Detective raised their eyebrows inquiringly, and they continued, "I'm on the downlow. A recent target really did not like being robbed. Two of my places are being watched, and I would not like to risk the third. You see I'm rather attached to my skin."
They slid the back of their hand down their cheek, turning their head haughtily to the side, almost like an invitation to admire them.
"So you decided you'd put me in danger?" Detective said.
Thief scoffed. "Nobody even knows who you are, let alone that I crash here in my off afternoons."
"You what?"
"Landlord thinks we're married, remember? You think that was a one-lie assumption? Keep up."
Detective had to sit down. Everything sort of felt like it was spinning out of control. Before they could think better of it they'd sunk down to the cushion on Thief's left and ducked their head between their knees with a long groan.
"I'm going to have to inform them I'm very much single. Then I'll have to change the locks. Probably change all my passwords--who knows where you've been snooping. Then there's the police."
Thief reached over their back and began massaging their neck. "Why. go through the stress? It's just a few measly days. I'll even return my set of the keys. As for the police, why is any of their business?"
Detective didn't have the energy to swat them away. The day had been exhausting enough all on it's own, and now all this...
Villain hit a knot, and they practically puddled at its gentle unraveling.
"Maybe because they're paying me to catch you? Besides, they already think I treat you specially. If it got out you were in my house and I didn't report it--"
"Like you said, if it got out I was in your house. Many times at that. With an eye witness. You really think they're going to believe I got in on my own?" Thief leaned against their shoulder, breath hot in Detective's ear. "After all. I am special."
Detective jerked out of their grip, their stomach dropping to their toes as they wheeled on Thief's pouted lips and innocent-seeming dark eyes. "Are you blackmailing me?"
Thief surged forward, wrapping their arms around Detective's neck. The scent of rosemary and mint wafted up from their hair. "Only a little. And only if you call someone."
Detective moved to shove them off, but Thief clung tight.
"I would like you to leave," Detective said, squeezing hard on Thief's wrists. "Now."
Thief still did not unlock. "I told you, I'm in trouble!"
"So? That's your thing! You love danger. Your court it so often your practically a suitor."
"But I went too far." Thief shifted a little. Detective didn't notice they'd climbed into their lap until their legs were wrapped as tightly around their waist as their arms were around their neck. "I robbed Corvina Sedero."
Just the name made Detective shiver. Dragging hidden criminals into the light was one thing. But the ones that stood in plain sight were quite another. Detective had been young when they realized that mere knowledge of wrongdoing was not enough. Evidence was one manacle and decent law enforcement the other, and Corvina Sedero with all her reputation remained chain-free. The rumor was that she skinned the people who crossed her. Detective had never taken it as hyperbole.
"If she catches me..." Thief drew out a hairbreadth from Detective's face, dark eyes shining. "I'm scared."
Detective probably would have taken it for a lie if they couldn't feel the rapid pound of Thief's heart against their chest. For a moment, they considered making the call anyway, telling Thief that the safest place for them was behind bars. But even if Thief didn't run for it, Detective doubted any prison was truly outside the reach of Corvina's claws.
"A few days," they sighed.
"But we come up with another solution in the meantime."
"Of course, it's not as if I planned on moving in." Thief snuggled against Detective's chest, limbs loosening into less of a death grip and into more of a real embrace. "I knew I could trust you."
Detective jolted a little. That was not a good thing. A Thief should not feel comfortable with the person actively trying to jail them. Yet they couldn't stop the warmth flooding their chest cavity. "Don't get used to it. I'm still telling my landlord I'm not married."
Thief did not argue.
"You're not going to say no? Tell me what a mistake I'd be making?"
Their only reply was soft breathing.
Detective flicked their gaze to Thief's face, eyes closed and tucked snuggly against their shoulder. They must have been as exhausted as Detective, holding on for confirmation before finally letting themselves drift off. Detective couldn't imagine how much running they must have done, how many dead ends they faced, before they got here.
Their arms hovered awkwardly over the criminal's thin back, stuck between ideas of guiding their wiry figure to the couch cushions and holding them back. They'd once read that hugging made the body release the oxytocin hormone to combat anxiety, and Thief probably could use as little anxiety as possible. But that didn't mean Detective needed to be the one to do it. The weighted blanket on their bed probably would do just as well.
Detective braced one palm against the couch back and gingerly rose to their feet. They turned off lights as they went, brain growing drowsier out of habit with the dark hall and spattering of wall lights ahead. They'd tuck Thief in and then collapse on the sofa.
It was just one night.
It wasn't wrong if they weren't in the same room.
And these were extenuating circumstances.
Anyone would be swayed.
Thief was not special.
Master Taglist:
@moss-tombstone @crazytwentythrees @just-1-lonely-person @the-vagabond-nun @willow-trees-are-beautiful @cocoasprite @insanedreamer7905 @valiantlytransparentwhispers @whovian378 @watercolorfreckles @thebluepolarbear @yulanlavender @kitsunesakii @deflated-bouncingball @lem-hhn @office-plant-in-a-trenchcoat@ghostfacepepper @pigeonwhumps @demonictumble @inkbirdie @vuvulia @bouncyartist @lunatic-moss-studio @breilobrealdi @freefallingup13 @i-am-a-story-goblin @ryunniez @rainy-knights-of-villany @distractedlydistracted @saspas-corner @echoednonny @perilous-dreamer @blood-enthusiast @randomfixation @alexkolax @pksnowie @blessupblessup @wolfeyedwitch @thedeepvoidinmyheart @cornflower-cowboy @bestblob @a-chaotic-gremlin @espresso-depresso-system @prompt-fills-and-writing-spills @paleassprince @takingawildbreath @yindonessy @psychiclibrariesquotestoad @harpycartoons @pickleking8 @urmyhopeeee @goldenflame2516 @tobeornottobeateacher @talesofurbania1 @sweetsigyn @girl-of-the-sea-and-stars @kurai-hono-blog
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epiclamer · 1 year
hii if you are taking requests,, a confident detective x mute/(semimute) villain,, like if they’re interrogating and villains likes 🙃
directions it takes up to you..
- if you don’t still know that am appreciating your writing a lot !! :D
Awwww, this could be... cute?
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Language Barrier
Detective placed their neatly organized files onto the interrogation table with a dull 'thwap'. Pulling a chair out and seating themselves, Villain compared them idly to their files. Both of them dressed in a dark navy blue, with white--maybe beige--underneath.
"Villain, you are being detained under investigative motive for the murder of... Civilian." The detectives' eyes flicked from fixing their cufflinks to the criminal. "Is that correct?"
The villain couldn't help their smirk, but their demeanour didn't change otherwise. They noticed the cursive handwriting on the folder matched the detective's name tag, careful and tidy, just like every other aspect of them.
Upon the stretching silence the detective sighed, pulling their folder close before opening its pages to the villain's keen eyes. Villain found it almost intimate, but they often read into things too much. It was awfully easy when one was constantly stuck in their own head, mulling things over again and again.
Smoothly, the detective slid a large printed photo towards the villain, facing it towards them as they spoke. "This is you, correct?" The image was blurry, taken from a security camera Villain figured. "On the night of the fifth?"
The one in question didn't even bother to open their mouth nor communicate. Truthfully, the one in the footage was them, but purely by incident of 'right place, wrong time'. They had left by the backdoor only minutes later after realizing their error... The backdoor that had no camera to prove it.
This was going to be a shit-show no matter how they decided to deal with it, they may as well have a little fun.
"A simple yes or no will do the trick." The detective deadpanned, expression falling flat as they were losing their patience.
Villain grinned, shrugging as they leaned back in their seat; they were beginning to grow fond of this detective.
The detective made a face, somewhat mocking, somewhat annoyance, before they retrieved the image and shuffled through what seemed to be the next part of their discoveries. "You know your rights?" Holding a text document in hand they looked back up to the villain. "Or you just like being a pain in my ass?" They frowned, putting the document back as they continued their search.
Evidently, the villain said nothing. Tapping their fingers against their lap in boredom as they waited for the other to find what they needed to 'crack' the villain.
"Aha!" The detective blurted, jumping just a little bit off their seat due to their uncontrolled excitement.
Villain would definitely have to come back sometime later, or break into their apartment. Either one would do.
Before the villain could blink a paper was shoved into their face. It was an image of text messages, ones off their personal phone which they had kept as private as possible. Apparently not to the detective.
"Proof. That you were the last person in contact with the victim and your conversation is practically a confession." The detective waved their arms around a little while the villain studied the messages, sure they were off their personal phone, but they weren't theirs. They didn't even know the victim, let alone have text arguments with them.
The criminal's mouth hung open, reading over and over the words in bubbles across the paper. Triple checking the number at the top to make sure it wasn't theirs...
Seven-Nine-One Three-Two-Nine Five-Five-Eight-Seven
It was theirs alright.
"Got ya." The detective peered over the print, a smug smile on their moisturized face, giving it a sheen and a soft smell of coconuts. With two hands on the table they leaned forwards even more. "Still speechless? Or have you got something to say now that you've been caught?"
Villain lowered the image back to the table, noses practically touching between the two of them when there was no barrier left. Deftly they swiped the prestigious looking pen from the detective's pocket, flipping the text picture over onto its face as they began to write, ignoring the yelp from the other.
'For someone as thorough as yourself, you still managed to miss the most important detail in your case.'
After twenty-four hours had passed the villain had been released due to insufficient evidence. With the detective unable to get them to 'talk' and the villain refusing to elaborate further, the officers had no choice.
Two days later, when the villain couldn't help themselves anymore, they were one foot through the window of the detectives' house when their eyes caught on the silhouette in the corner. Hunched over a book, mumbling incoherently to themselves and squinting against the light of their computer screen, Villain's heart pounded in their ears when they realized the detective was learning sign language.
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saltydumplings · 1 year
Prompt #62
"Did you figure it out yet?" they asked.
Before them, the detective startled, shooting up from where they'd been sat on their desk only to calm again once they saw their visitor's face.
"Don't you ever knock?" they asked, sighing when they got nothing but a smirk in response. "Whatever, just, come look at this."
They motioned to the wall in front of them, what had once been blank space now covered in clippings and photos and names, all bound together in a spiderweb of red string. The detective began at the centre of the mess.
"The first victim: everything else revolves around this first incident - I know it does. At a glance, the murders seemed only connected by the way they were carried out. Same weapon, same wound, but these people themselves are connected. This isn't just some serial killer going on a rampage, this is someone burying information."
The visitor raised a brow, expression intrigued. "Go on," they encouraged.
And the detective did. They went over each and every case, explaining the little details they'd missed before and the significance they held. Their hand danced across the paths of their investigation, working its way up from the centre to the outer ring and then further out still, following a single branch that led away from the rest - the one tiny lead that gave them so little and so much all at once. It was them: the killer. They didn't have their face or their name, just the knowledge of a single meeting that had derailed everything they'd originally assumed.
Their fingers froze as they reached the pinpoint. They narrowed their eyes, confused when they noticed that their string continued on from it instead of dangling uselessly as it had before. Slowly, they followed it. The red branched off from the wall, swooping down and out, and when they turned they found the end of it held against the chest of their trusted visitor.
"Civilian?" they asked. "Wh-What are you doing?"
The villain smiled down at them, curling the string around their pinkie as they took one calculated step forwards.
"Helping you," they said. Their free hand rose up to cup the detective's face, thumb tracing softly across the dark shadows beneath their eyes. "You're tired, Detective. You've worked so hard...and I simply can't bare to let you work one second longer."
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rdkennith · 5 months
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Black hair anime characters' headshots drawing
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frickingnerd · 7 months
tsukauchi dating UA's vice principal
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pairing: naomasa tsukauchi x gn!reader
tags: wholesome fluff, established romantic relationship, set during the early parts of the anime, friends to lovers
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nobody was really surprised when naomasa and you started dating
sure, people wondered how you got to know each other, but nobody was surprised that two people so similar to each other had found one another
both naomasa's and your job include protecting people. for naomasa it's the people of the city, while you have to protect your students
the two of you met shortly after the new school year started and all might became a teacher at UA
naomasa was well acquainted with him and as the vice principal, you too knew about all might's secret!
after the press broke into UA, naomasa and you met for the first time, as you investigated how they broke in and if anything else had happened
you got along well back then, but you only really became close after the attack on USJ, after which naomasa became increasingly worried about the events at UA – and about you too!
naomasa kept visiting UA on a regular basis, to check in on you and make sure everything was alright with the students
but people began to pick up on the real reason he came to visit – you! and when it got as far as all might teasing him about it, naomasa finally gathered the courage to ask you out!
by that point, everyone already knew you two had a thing for each other and your co workers were relieved to hear you started dating!
if they weren't your subordinates, you might've heard more teasing comments about your boyfriend's regular visits. but those only happened occasionally and only from the really bold teachers or students!
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surplus-of-sarcasm · 3 months
Mind Games
New story who diiisss. Anyway, thank you to @hufflepuffwritingstuff2 for the whole idea of this story! Hero x detective for a twist.
TW: Blood, stabbing, knife, mentioned murder, kidnapping, restraints, blindfold, mentioned drugging, male whump
Waking up blindfolded and bound to a chair wasn't exactly a novelty for the hero, but that didn't make it any less irritating. There was something about the forced ignorance a blindfold subjected you to that got on the hero's nerves and blew fuses in his brain.
The patter of footsteps on a parquet floor rang in the hero's ears, and he could already sense his mystery assailant get near him and flick him on the head like a disobedient child.
"You up, sunshine?" Detective's sharp voice called out.
The rough grunt he gave seemed to be enough of a response, and the detective removed the blindfold from around his head.
The light seemed to assault his eyes, too bright and cold and violent, and the hero let out a soft cuss. "Do you make a habit out of kidnapping people and tying them up in your basement, detective?" he questioned irritably, his eyes half-screwed shut.
The detective, immaculate as ever, wearing a goddamn three-piece suit in his own house, gave out a soft, but unsettling laugh, leaving his lips in a tight smile that was all teeth. "No, Hero. But you already know why you're here, don't you? Because I know you think playing dumb might save you, but I'm here to tell you it won't," he growled, baring his teeth.
The detective was never a particularly pleasant human being, dryer than a desert more often than not, but he was always calm, like no problem in the world could even sour his mood. So to see him already lash out, even this slightly told the hero that even with him tied up and possibly drugged with how groggy he was feeling, the detective probably saw him as a threat.
Shame he'd have to play another set of cards to win the game.
"Alright," the hero said calmly, fixing the other man with a piercing look, "if we're agreeing neither of us is here to screw around, then how about you cut to the chase. You don't seem like the 'pace and around the room and monologue' type of guy," he reasoned, an easy smile on his face.
Maybe he wasn't feigning oblivion anymore, but he wasn't giving the detective the satisfaction of feeling like he was scaring him.
The detective made a scoffing noise, reaching into his pocket to pull out a switchblade. "Maybe you'll learn to smile less at the wrong times, asshole," he spat as he unfurled the blade, looking eerily calm, nothing behind the whirpools of black that were his eyes.
"You're going to talk. Answer all my questions properly. And if you don't, I think even you are not dumb enough to not be able to guess what's going to happen."
The knife really didn't faze the hero the way it should. Sure, it left him uneasy, sharp and disturbingly pristine. But he'd been roughed up before one too many times, so he knew to some extent how this stuff worked.
The hardest part was selling his act.
"How did you find out it was me?" the detective started, pulling up another chair and carelessly throwing one leg over the other.
"I'm good at what I do," the hero shrugged, his face blank. But he couldn't help wincing as the detective grazed his thigh with the knife, his body already tormented enough with his ridiculously cramped muscles.
Nothing he couldn't handle, anyway.
"The evidence. What lead you to me?" Detective tried again, the blade still in his hand with Hero's fresh blood snaking down it.
"Does it matter? I figured you out anyways," the hero supplied listlessly, his gaze languid and half-lidded.
The detective stabbed harder this time, twisting the knife in the hero's shoulder and forcing a snarl out of him. He truly wasn't sure for how long he could keep playing the defiant card, the pain blooming across his shoulder and even down to his arm as the detective snatched the knife out just as fast as he'd put it in.
If he could incinerate the detective by staring at him wrong, he seriously would've. Instead he grit his teeth and tried to ignore his throbbing shoulder, looking up at the detective, irritated.
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't slit your throat right now." The detective's voice seemed a little too relaxed for comfort, the dirty switchblade now resting on the hero's jugular. The hero was no longer even slightly surprised the other man was a criminal.
It took an insurmountable amount of self-restraint to keep his lips from curving into a self-satisfied grin. Sure, it wasn't very believable if an agency-trained hero crumbled under a few stabs, but death was a reasonable enough fear for even someone as formidable as him. Nevermind that the wide eyes and the harsh bite of the lips were actually fake.
"W-wait. There's no point of you killing me. Not without finding out what you need to know. And do you really need anymore blood on your hands?" the hero breathed out, a little desperation sprinkled into his tone.
The detective looked almost lost in thought, until something wicked burned a fire in his eyes for just a moment. "You only get one chance, Hero. Don't waste it," he drawled lazily, pulling the knife away and twirling it elegantly with one hand.
The hero nodded gratefully, readying himself to lie through his teeth. "When you said the victim had died of asphyxiation, even before you were granted access to the autopsy report."
The detective's brow furrowed and his lips were pulled into a tight frown. "I never said he died of asphyxiation, he died of mercury poisoning."
"Bingo," the hero, his hands now free of their bonds, crooned, as he used the detective's momentary surprise as a distraction, pulling the knife out of his hand and using it to cut through the ropes around his legs.
Say something wrong about a subject and your target will rush to correct you. A surprisingly effective trick as the hero had come to learn.
The detective's face twisted into an expression of pure, unbridled fury as he tried to wrench the knife out of the hero's hand, but he dodged, quick on his feet much to the other man's chagrin.
Hero had to give him credit, the man was almost nearly impossible to stab, parrying the crime-fighter's attacks with calm, stable, maybe even clever moves, so much so that all he'd managed to do was lightly nick him with the blade.
But with all his focus on blocking, he hadn't even noticed that all the hero's fighting had backed him into a corner until too late, until thr crime-stopper's leg had slammed him into the wall with a painful kick, and the knife's cold edge had bit into his skin.
"Don't. Move."
The detective was breathing hard, practically paralysed by the knife and the glint of warning in his enemy's eyes. His face burned with the shame and humiliation of being frozen in place, his own weapon at his neck.
"How d-did. . .you find out it was me?" the detective panted, voice desperate.
It was the hero's turn to smile wickedly. "On the day of the victim's death, he got a visit from his doctor. I searched the trash and found a broken thermometer. It was pretty clear from the bruising on the poor bastard's face the killer was left-handed. The doctor you paid off that I interviewed was right-handed. To test out my theory, I told the doctor I was taking him to prison for the murder, and his tongue might've just slipped too much for your hush money to fix it."
And with that, the hero knocked him out with a punch to the jaw, dragging the other's body and praying desperately the adrenaline would keep the pain in his shoulder at bay until he got out of here at least.
Some trails are shadowy and unclear, obscuring the vision and playing tricks on the mind. But the smallest amount of resilience can very well go a long way, if only you learn to time your moves right. Because even if you only get a short string, you can still sew a mark on the tapestry of your fate.
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Wanna be on the taglist? This'll take you there!
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creadigol · 4 months
Hello i just recently found this blog and i'm in love with your writing.
Can you please continue the hero x villain story with the criminal please?
I am so sorry for the long wait…but here it finally is! Thank you so much for the ask! I hope y’all like part 2! 
*Warning for slight flashbacks of a traumatic event, but nothing bad.
Part One here.
“Once again Detective, I have no answers to your questions, I have no clue where they are, and if you don’t leave my property within the next thirty seconds I claim the right to shoot you for trespassing.” 
 Hero heard the voice below them speak with little attempt at patience. Their eyes were heavy and their body felt like lead, but their ears seemed to awaken with no problem. Why would Villain be threatening to shoot Detective? Hero had thought the two tended to keep out of each other’s way. Wait, why was Hero asleep in the same vicinity as Villain in the first place? 
“I know you have them! All accounts place you following Hero into the house! Dammit Villain! What happened?” 
God, Hero had never heard Detective so worked up before. The man was usually made of stone, even in the face of absolute evil. Hell, Hero once saw the man play a game of russian roulette with a mob boss and win through sheer intimidation. How had Villain got him so worked up? Of course they were enemies, being on opposite sides of a moral code tended to do that…but they had never been outright hostile to each other. 
“Fifteen…sixteen…seventeen…” Villain counted. Hero could just picture them casually looking at their watch while unholstering a weapon. 
“Fine!” Screamed Detective. “But don’t think I won’t be back! I’ll not rest until Hero is found!” 
Hero heard the stomping of boot heels on the walk. 
“Then maybe you shouldn’t have lost them in the first place!” Villain yelled back. 
“Fuck you!” 
Hero fought to open their eyes. They moved their fingers and toes, feeling like they were some kind of mummy awakening after centuries of death. 
What was Detective talking about? Hero was right here. They had just finished up another case for them when…
The memory flashed before their eyes…the Criminal…the knife…that goddamn smile as Hero bled onto the kitchen floor…the fear…Villain!
No amount of lead in their veins could keep them down at the thought. Hero shot out of the plush bed with speed their body was not ready for. 
The window to their right was open, that must be how they heard the conversation at the front door, and Hero stumbled towards it. It took a moment, as their foot got caught in the exceptionally soft bedspread, but they made it. 
Hero stood to the side, not wanting anyone outside to see them in such a state of weakness…nor did they want Detective to see them…and looked out. Sure enough, this was Villains street…at least this was the street of their safe house. Hero had found it six months ago while following Villain after a deal gone wrong. They had just wanted to make sure Villain wasn’t too beat up…they ended up staying all night wrapping the Villains wounds. 
Hero assumed Villain would have changed houses after that. Guess not. 
Hero watched as Detective stomped angrily to his silver sedan. Now how had Detective found the safe house? And why did he not just raid the place? Why put up with Villain’s taunts if he knew Hero was here? 
Hero took stock of the room. It was a nice bedroom, rather typical. Blue walls and a matching white and blue quilt. There was a small dresser, night stand and desk that looked like they were bought together at the local Big Lots. Nothing expensive, like how Villain usually liked. Nothing gleaming of elegance or gilding. Nothing special…but comfortable. Actually really comfortable. And kind of cute. 
Nothing at all like Villain. 
A shuffling outside the bedroom door made Hero stiffen. The door opened revealing Villain, still muttering to themselves about ‘nosy, pain in the ass detectives’. Hero stayed frozen by the window. 
Villain was carrying a tray with a sup and bowl on it, something steaming from the bowl when they glanced at the bed and saw it was empty. 
“Shit!” They swung around frantically, somehow not spilling anything, and immediately laid eyes on Hero. 
“Hero!” Villain gasped. They placed the tray on the nightstand as the tension in their shoulders released. “What in the hell are you doing up? Do you have any idea wha…”
“Where am I?” Hero interrupted them. Villain froze. “What the hell is going on?” 
Villain’s eyebrows scrunched. “Hero…” They started. “Do you remember what happened? I mean, I understand if not…” 
“Of course I remember,” Hero snapped. “But that does not explain why I’m in your safe house or why Detective was here.” 
“Fuck. I knew his voice carried,” muttered Villain. They looked at Hero, seeming to take in their appearance, which Hero felt was probably not great. “You were stabbed Hero. It was bad…really bad. I had to heal you, but…” Villain gestured vaguely. 
“You redirected my body’s energy to heal the wound,” Hero finished. That’s why they were sleeping. That’s why they had no energy to spare. 
“You should still be out,” Villain said as they walked forward. “I estimated at least another week, if not more. Had planned on Doctor giving you an IV tonight.” 
Hero looked down at themselves and took stock of their appearance. Their hair was down, though that had happened during their scuffle with Criminal, and their arms were bruised. Finger prints littered their wrists and elbows. They lifted the front of their t-shirt and glanced at their stomach. Only a slight discoloration showed any sign of the life threatening injury they had received. 
“How long was I out?” 
“Four days. Detective’s been following me incessantly after they couldn’t find you in that damn house.” 
Villain had walked to only an arm's length away. Seeming reluctant to come any closer, yet holding themselves as if to reach out. 
“Followed you here I see,” Hero said. They traced their fingers over the discoloration on their stomach. 
Hero let the shirt fall back down and only then comprehended their attire.
“Did you dress me in your pajamas?” Hero asked incredulously. 
Villain laughed, “Well your clothes were ruined and there wasn’t much else here.”
“You didn’t…” Hero gave them a look that promised quick vengeance should they hear the wrong answer to their question. 
“I was perfectly professional, I assure you. Nothing but doctoring on my part.” Villain clapped them on the shoulder. “You should get back to bed though. You still need time to recover.” 
Hero was feeling faint standing, so they agreed and got back into the bed. They got situated under the covers, but sat up by the headboard. Villain stood hovering for a moment before stepping back.
“Why did Detective need to follow you? Why not just tell him I’m here?” Hero eyed Villain as they fiddled with the covered steaming bowl, “Not like saving my life is very illegal. Unless you..you know.” 
Hero didn’t finish as they thought about Villain’s words to them before they passed out. 
Best not to look to your right though…you have too fair a disposition to look at Criminal now.
“Criminal’s alive,” Villain spoke as if reading their mind. “Did my best, but the bastard lived.” 
Hero felt their insides freeze. 
You really are perfect aren't you?
Let’s not prolong this dear. 
“They’re secured in the hospital ward of the prison.” Villain sat down on the edge of the bed and placed their hand over Hero’s pale one. “You got enough for the case while you were undercover. Better than a confession.” 
Villain made eye contact, “They’re never getting out Hero. And if they did, I would finish the job.” 
Hero smiled softly. “I have no doubt you would finish the job now if I asked.” 
Villain chuckled, “Wouldn’t be the worst job I ever took.” 
“But why Detective?” Asked Hero. 
“But why Detective what?” Villain said. They patted Hero’s hand and got up to go back to the tray once more. 
“Why lie about saving me?” 
Villain took the top off the bowl and Hero saw that it contained hot water and a white cloth. 
“Should have known you’d have heard that. Damn hearing.” 
“Why?” Hero pressed. 
Villain handed them a hair tie. “Because I don’t trust him. Or at least I don’t trust who he works for.” 
Hero pulled their hair into a bun. “Why?”
Villain swirled the cloth through the water a couple of times. Hero could smell what they assumed were salts or oils mixed in. 
“They never should have called you in,” Villain spoke.
Hero reached out for the cloth, “They call me in all the time.” 
The cloth stayed in Villain’s hand, submerged in water. “They don’t for the petty stuff.” 
“Well this wasn’t exactly petty. Criminal was the killer we’ve been looking for.” 
“Exactly!” The water sloshed with Villain’s outburst. “All the victims look like you. All the Criminal’s ‘types’ look like you. Every outfit, hair style, and mannerism was just like you. Criminal’s had an obsession for a while Hero and those bastards banked on it.” 
Hero faltered. 
“You’re saying they tricked me to get them?” 
“I’m saying something’s going on and until we figure it out you’re not safe to go back.” 
Hero went silent for a few moments.
“Damn.” They finally whispered.
Villain handed them the warm cloth. “Yeah…damn.” 
The scent infused water felt heavenly on Hero’s neck and face. They wondered if this was how Villain kept them clean while they slept. 
“So what do we do?” 
“You,” Villain pointed, “rest. At least for the next couple of days.”
“And you?” Hero handed the cloth back. 
“I’m going to pay the good Commissioner a little visit this week.” 
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kiwinatorwaffles · 7 months
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SHITTY VALENTINES ARE BACK! featuring evan from vdhau and gem from pdgt <3
last year's lineup can be found here
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