#supplying us with two idiots who are too extra
latbak · 2 years
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a little gift that I drew for @threeheadedhydra ‘s birthday long ago and also little kissies 
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mrsharrington83 · 6 months
Idiots in Love
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REQUESTED – My asks are open if you have a request ^_^
Summary; (For the sake of this fic, Steve and Nancy never happened) Steve and reader being dumb and having moments of being iconic together. Since everyone knows that Steve isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, maybe he just needs another person to be as dumb as him or maybe he just needs someone else to match him mentally.
Words; 3.4k
warnings; swearing, usual stranger things, things, slight mention of drug use, blood and injury. not proof read.
A/N; thank you for all the requests! I apologise for taking so long getting through them all. i cant write a 0.5k-1.0k fic for the life of me at the minute! Its 2am for me now, but i really wanted to get this out!
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Dustin said Steve was an idiot because he had too much hair on top of his head which left too much room for air. For you, Dustin said it was because you’d been around Steve for far too long.
Hawkins, Indiana, 1983.
School was a bore, you tried your hardest and whilst you did ace some classes, you also completely failed in others. Picking up extra tuition and getting help from anyone who would give it to you was a struggle. You didn’t like asking for help, it made you feel dumb, but more than that, it made you feel useless. Why did you struggle so much in certain classes and not in others?
You honestly thought it was from a fall you had as a child when you were learning how to ride a bike. Your father had stupidly taken off your stabiliser wheels and let you go on the hill of your childhood garden, right into a tree. Whilst you were fine overall, you did end up with a nasty bump on your head.
Not only were you not that smart academically, but you were also very accident-prone, which is how you met Steve ‘the hair’ Harrington. You weren’t the most popular person in school, you had a small group of friends and that was enough for you. You didn’t want to be known by everyone. As you walked down the busy hall to your locker, hardly taking in your surroundings and paying attention, you slammed into someone’s back. Your extra tuition books and folders fell to the floor,
“I’m so sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going!” The person you slammed into turned around, Steve Harrington, one of the most popular, sought for guys in school looking down at you, “I- I” you stuttered and he smiled, placing his sunglasses on the top of his head, he always found your first meeting adorable, it was something the party had heard several times and not got bored of hearing it. The nervousness in your eyes, the way you pushed some of your hair back behind your ear. The way you bent down to get your books, just as he was doing the same. Your heads collided and bounced off each other, his glasses joining your books on the floor, thankfully not broken,
“Shit! Sorry!” It was Steve’s turn to apologise as he slipped his discarded glasses into his pocket and pulled all of your books and folders into his arms, standing quickly so as not to embarrass himself further, “are you okay?” you just laughed and nodded, taking the books from his arms as you thanked him. That was the start of yours twos budding romance.
Hawkins, Indiana, October, 1984
It was a constant source of amusement for the party, they couldn’t believe some of the stuff you and Steve came out with half the time and how you were both so in sync,
“Maybe if we set this on fire,” Mike stated as he looked toward all the drawings on the floor,
“Oh, yeah. That’s a no.” Steve bites back, shaking his head, throwing a tea towel over his shoulder as he leaned on one foot, hand on his hip,
“A double no at that,” you called back to scrambling kids who were already gathering supplies and pointing at drawings on the floor,
“The mind flayer would call away his army,”
“They’d all come to stop us,”
“We circle back to the exit,”
“Guys.” Steve interrupted the party as they carried on talking between themselves, rushing around, completely ignoring the two older people in the house,
“By the time they realise we’re gone-“
“El would be at the gate,”
“HEY, HEY, HEY, this is not happening!” You and Steve bellowed over the party as they stopped to look at the both of you, your arms falling around as Steve grabbed the tea towel from his shoulder, whipping the air,
“Do you two share the same brain cell?” Dustin looked towards you both,
“No!” you both shouted in unison again, looking towards each other before laughing, the kids joining you.
They were all ecstatic when they found out you were both dating, though they did have to push you both in the right direction, this whole thing was an unlikely friendship between people. The only reason you were involved with Dustin and his friends was because you babysat him whilst his mum was at work, this caused you to get involved with the disappearance of Will last year and in turn, with you being close to Steve. He was brought into the mix also.
It was so obvious to others, how you both felt about each other, but it wasn’t for you and Steve. After some coxing and words of wisdom from the younger party, as you called it. You and Steve were finally an item, though they didn’t find out until months later when Steve let it slip,
“Dustin, stop picking on my girlfriend, would you?” Steve looked up from his plate of food as he moved bacon around with his fork, leaning back against the dining room chair as he stretched,
“But she just- wait? What... girlfriend?” Dustin looked back and forth between you both, the pair of you looking confused, “you’re meant to tell us!” Steve carried on moving food around his plate as you took a bite of toast leaning against the counter,
“Tell you what?” you asked wiping the crumbs off your hands onto a discarded tea towel,
“Have you been listening to any of this conversation?!” Dustin questioned, “That you’re together! I can’t believe this! How long have you two been a thing?! Wait until the others find out about this!” You picked up your plate with half a slice of toast left and took a seat opposite Steve as Dustin still stood shocked, playing with his walkie,
Steve finished up his food and stood up to put his plate in the sink, he looked at the calendar furrowing his brows slightly at the small writing, “Like seven months? Right?” he looked back at you as you nodded, your mouth full of toast.
Dustin once again stood dumbfounded, his mouth visibly agape as he pressed a button on his walkie, “you are not going to believe this, guys.”
Hawkins, Indiana, June 1985
“Oh, this is ridiculous.” You smoothed out part of your Scoops uniform that was now creased and bloody from your split lip and Steve’s as he was continuously hunching over you in a Russian loading car trying to gather his senses and not be knocked from pillar to post by Dustin’s driving up front, laughter bubbling in your throat, the situation was anything, but funny. All three of you (Steve, Y/N, and Robin) had been interrogated to the max, but once they found out there was a tie between you and Steve, they took advantage of that.
“Who do you work for?” the guard got down into your face once more, holding the arms of the chair you were tied to, his eyes glaring into your own,
“How many times do I have to tell you I work for Scoops Ahoy? I scoop ice cream for a living!” you cried out as you earned another slap across your already throbbing jaw. Steve was tied up behind you already passed out, they’d done a number on him and all you wanted to do was get out of this place and tend to his injuries, he didn’t deserve any of this. Robin was tied to the corner of the room having to witness her two new best friends being treated like this.
The Russian guard got in your face once more, “it looks like your friend here needs a doctor. Just as well we have the very best.” A smirk across his face made you see red, and without thinking you spat at him. A slight tinge of blood from your split lip was dripping down your chin, staining the collar of your uniform, “you’re going to regret that little one.” With that he muttered something else in Russian before leaving the room with the other guards, leaving you three on your own once more, but not without Robin calling them all bastards and yelling to let you all out of there.
“Steve?” you called gently as Robin tried to manoeuvre her arms from her binds to no avail. Unlike you two, she was tied to a bench so she couldn’t do much whilst she was bound up. Steve started to stir, pain evident in the way he groaned, “oh thank god... are you okay?” you asked quietly not wanting to be too loud,
“Ears are ringing, I can barely breathe and, my eye feels like it’s about to pop out of my skull, but apart from that I’m doing pretty good.” His voice was laced with pain and sarcasm.
You were pulled out of your thoughts as you came to an abrupt end, all three of you hitting already pained parts of your body as Dustin crashed into something,
“You guys alright back there?” Dustin asked as he looked to Erica with a slight shrug, “They’re fine, come on. Let’s go.” Dustin hurried out and opened the back of the loading car, hurrying you all out. Time was of the essence after all. This definitely made him think about how he acted sometimes, it was a handful and the fact you and Steve cared for him and all of his friends ample times made him furrow his brow slightly, not that he would change after they got out of this mess, he had an excuse, he was still younger than you.
 “Guys! Come on!” Dustin bellowed as he huffed in annoyance, slapping his wrist, and ushering everyone into the elevator.
“Oh my god! A skateboard!” you screamed out in joy, jumping on a red platform truck as Dustin got to work pressing buttons and hoping for the best, once the elevator started to move, you started to struggle. Steve grabbed hold of the platform truck to stop it from moving too much,
“It looks like you're surfing!” Robin pointed at you as Dustin and Erica glanced at each other quite clearly done with your shit.
“They look drunk,” Erica stated, all of you now splayed on the floor talking about food, “why are they drunk, or drugged?” she questioned as Dustin felt Steve’s forehead,
“He’s burning up,” Dustin spoke to Erica alarmed,
“You’re burning up” Steve bit back, trying to push Dustin away with his hand whilst you and Robin laughed at the ceiling,
 “Eyes are bloodshot, pupils dilated, Steve,” Dustin pat his cheek lightly, “are you drugged?”
“How many times, Dad? I don’t do drugs. It’s only marijuana.” Steve poked Dustin’s cheek and started laughing again as you and Robin shot up,
“you have marijuana?!” you crawled over to Steve and laid next to him, “gimme!” more laughs erupted from the three of you as Dustin and Erica watched on, wondering what the hell they were going to do to get you all out of this mess in one piece.
Getting you all back to the mall safely was a lot harder than Dustin could have imagined, Robin was picking at her uniform whilst tripping up over thin air whilst you and Steve were trailing behind humming and drumming the air to Simple Minds- Don’t You (Forget About Me) a song that had been on the radio continuously for the past month- a song Dustin thought you were both getting annoyed with as it came on the radio hours before you were in this mess and you were both scrambling with the radio to turn it off with rushed words of, fuck sake, turn it off, not this again, if I hear this song one more time I swear,
“Don’t you, forget about me.”
“Don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t.”
“Don’t you, forget about me.”
Keeping you all hidden from the Russians was a lot harder than it could have been, with you three wanting food, and then trying to separate to find food, Dustin thought of a quick solution and got you all into the movie theatre but not before Steve reached into the bin to pull out a bag of discarded popcorn,
“You three sit.” Dustin pointed at the three vacant chairs as you all complained about being too close, and how the seats sucked. “Well then don’t watch the movie!”
“But we want to watch the movie!” Robin exclaimed as other people around you started to get agitated,
“Then watch it!” Dustin apologised to other people trying to shush you all, changing his tone to a hushed annoyed whisper, “Whatever you do. Don’t... go... anywhere.”
“Fine, Dad.” Steve perked up shaking his shoulders slightly as you and Robin snickered, taking handfuls of popcorn and shoving it in your mouth.
“That settles it,” Dustin huffed, “I'm never having kids." The pair sat down a few seats away, keeping their eyes off you trying to fetch up a plan.
Once they both realised you three had left the movie theatre, Dustin let out an audible sigh from his chest, this day, was not it.
“So, like, I wasn’t totally focused in there or anything, but... I’m pretty sure...that mum was trying to bang her son.” Robin leaned against the wall as you and Steve took turns drinking water from the fountain,
“But they’re the same age.” you stopped drinking and looked towards Robin,
“No, but he went back in time.” Robin looked up to the ceiling, balancing on one foot and then the other,
“Then why is it called back to the future?” Steve asked confused as he stopped drinking, letting Robin get to the fountain.
“It doesn’t make any sense,” you stated “Back means past so how could he be travelling back to something that hasn’t even happened yet?” you questioned Robin, Steve looking at you doe-eyed, completely agreeing with you,
“He has to go back to the future because he’s in the past, so, the future is actually the present, which is his time” Robin added as you looked confused,
“wh...What?” you and Steve looked at each other astonished before you both got distracted by the ceiling lights, dizziness, and churning in your stomach had you all rushing to the toilet, bringing up everything that happened in the day.
“Well that was no fun,” your voice was harsh, your throat sore as you leaned back against the cold wall of the cubical, no longer dizzy, everything still, the walls no longer moving around you, “Back to the Future though, I can’t get over that.”
Hawkins, Indiana, March 1986
Walking into the creel house was way more disturbing than it looked outside, creaking floorboards, furnishings covered in dust and cobwebs, completely derelict, wherever you stood, something creaked.
Lucas went to check on a small lamp for some light, probably to take the edge off an already eerie situation, “looks like someone forgot to pay their electric bill.” He stated as Dustin turned on his flashlight, you and Steve stood behind him glancing back and forth to each other,
“Where’d everyone get those?” Steve asked noticing that everyone had one except you and him.
Dustin looked back at the both of you as if to say unbelievable, “Do you two need to be told everything? You’re not children.”
“Thank you.” You said under your breath a little, huffing as Dustin took his backpack off,
“Back pocket.” He was used to you both forgetting things like that, you were both usually good with weapons and things you might need, and everything you didn’t, but never flashlights. You really did need to be told.
Max pointed out a big grandfather clock, hoping that everyone else could see it taking you away from looking at the scattered furniture,
“Why is this wizard obsessed with clocks?” you asked looking at the hands that were still,
“Maybe he’s, like, a clockmaker or something?” Steve said next to you, as you pursed your lips actually thinking about it,
"I think you cracked the case, Steve.” Dustin chimed in, shaking his head in disapproval as you watched on, nudging Dustin slightly. Nancy told everyone to go in groups of two leaving you, Steve and a smiling Dustin. Steve let out a sigh and walked off signalling you to follow, “Was that a sigh?”
“No, I did not sigh.”
“Why’d you sigh?”
“I didn’t sigh. Just come on, dude.”
“I heard you.”
“We were just always partnered up with you, okay?”
“You have a problem with that?”
“It’d just be nice to, I don’t know, mix it up a bit.”
You continued to walk the stairs, creaking with every other step, as Dustin hurried up behind you, the pair of them starting to bicker a bit, a usual occurrence, “I’m boring to you? Is that it?”
“No it’s the opposite,” Steve added as he moved his (Dustin’s) flashlight around careful not to knock anything off the walls,
“Maybe me and Y/N should partner up and you go around this creepy house alone, is that what you want?” Dustin asked as Steve shot his head around almost tumbling back down the stairs,
“No! I don’t want that, sorry man.” Steve moved his hair that had fallen a little flat huffing once more. “We do make a good team, The Three Musketeers and all that.” You smiled at Steve’s remark, it was a book you both had to read when you were at school, though boring at the time, the lessons you learned from the book stayed with you. Chivalry, honour, heroics, and willingness. It was true. You, Steve, and Dustin probably had spent the most time together because even though you could both be a bit daft from time to time, you were both reliable and trustworthy with any problem Dustin had, even if that meant issues outside of the upside down. You both never found anything that Dustin had to say daft.
“Hey, uh, Henderson?” Steve asked, looking at the cobwebs that littered the place, “could you maybe, uh, clarify what sort of clues we’re supposed to be looking for here?”
“I second that,” you cut in,
“The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes.” Dustin looked back at the both of you smiling, “Sherlock Holmes.” Seeing you both confused he huffed sincerely.
“That’s great. Thanks. That’s great. Really helpful” You huffed and shook your head, feeling dumb as Steve placed a hand on your shoulder, rubbing his thumb slowly, a knowing glance only the both of you understood.
“You're not stupid, not to me anyway.” Steve smiled as a small laugh escaped your lips a small vent in the floor catching your eyeline as you walked over to it, “Y/N, let me.” Steve crouched down in front of you lifting the metal from the floor, jars of preserved insects had you grimacing before Steve shot up alarmed, shaking his arm and flailing his hand to get a spider off, both of you clumsily falling through cobwebs and the door, into Nancy,
“Hey, hey, both of you, stay still. Stop moving.” She took time to rid you both of cobwebs as she lightly dusted dust off your arm, you and Steve then looking over each other,
“It was a black widow.” Steve lets out a breath of air, calmer than he was before, “Don’t go in there.” He shut the door adverting his attention back to you, moving a stray piece of your hair behind your ear, kissing your nose lightly. “So uh, Nance. Maybe after we find Vecna, kill him, save the world, and stuff. Maybe we can all go out. You know? Me, Y/N, you, Jonathan, when he’s back.”
“I’d love to.” Nancy looked at you both endearingly, she was glad you both had each other. Everyone needed someone. She knew you both back in school, but never really spoke to either of you. She was too wrapped up in perfecting her grades, reading the next book on the shelf, but she was so thankful to be in your lives now.
Steve was finally with someone he could be himself around without feeling bad or awkward, even in this messed up world the both of you bounced off each other as though it were effortless. Although you were sometimes the biggest idiots, you were the biggest idiots in love.
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hugmekenobi · 1 year
The Bad Batch (10)
Chapter Ten: Common Ground
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Gif by @kamino-coruscant
Hunter x femaleJedi!reader
Series Summary: You joined the Batch 8 months ago and everything was going well. But then, Order 66 happened and suddenly the galaxy around you changed. Now, not only do you need to be careful given your new 'social status', but you also need to navigate your feelings towards a certain Sergeant.
Chapter Summary: Your road to recovery begins and a mission has the Batch seeing their ideology challenged.
<Previous Chapter
Genre: Friends (idiots) to Lovers
Chapter Warnings: Canon-typical violence, swearing, mild hurt/comfort, infected wound descriptions, mild illness, Star Wars cleaning supplies being what I require, (most likely inaccurate) Star Wars first aid and it being what I need, the clothes hyper fixation continues (I wish I knew why my brain thought this so crucial)
Word Count: 6.7K
Rating: 18+
Author's notes: Pretty much follow the plot of the show here, not a whole lot extra going on but I'm excited for you guys to read this one cause then we have my favourite chapter next lol. Any new readers, please see Ch8 for explanation of certain warnings that aren't included in every chapter warning because they appear a lot. Enjoy!
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“You ready to go?”
You glanced up to see Hunter, armour all back on, looking down as you finished tying the laces to your boots. “Yup.” You grabbed the bag with your ruined clothes and got ready to get up.
“You sure you don’t want my help?”
“Yes, thanks though.” You stood up but put a bit too much weight on your injured leg, much to its protest, and you felt it start to collapse beneath you.
“Easy.” Hunter said as he caught you by the shoulders.
“Okay, so I may need a little bit of assistance.” You admitted begrudgingly as you straightened up, only applying weight on the toes of your left foot.
“Come on.” Hunter tucked his arm around you, making sure to avoid your side injury and acted as a support for you.
Leaning against him (and finding it quite a nice arrangement), the two of you walked down the steps of the ship to join the others as they waited for you. As you all started to walk, you chucked your clothes into the first dumpster you could find before continuing to walk back to Cid’s parlour. You weren’t sure how your debt with Cid was going to be settled but you were sure she would think of something.
“How’s the Mantell Mix, kid?” Wrecker asked Omega who was perched on his shoulder.
“Better than ever.” Omega said, dropping a few pieces into his mouth.
“Yeah, it is!” Wrecker said with a laugh as he swallowed it.
“So, when’s our next mission?” Omega asked, with a mouth full of mix.
“With two bounty hunters after you, it’d be wise to keep a low profile.” Tech said, glancing up at her.
“Tech’s right.” Hunter stopped walking just before they reached the entrance to Cid’s and turned you both around, making sure to do it gently, and directed Omega to come down off of Wrecker. “There’s too much heat on us right now.”
“Ha! That never stopped us before.” Wrecker said.
“The kid’s been through enough. She needs a break.” Hunter muttered to him.
Wrecker looked over to where Omega, Tech and Echo were. The latter inspecting the Mantell Mix with suspicion. “She seems fine to me.”
“A break wouldn’t hurt her.” You agreed. “It was pretty rough for her, even if it doesn’t look like it was.”
Hunter nodded at you and made the first move to step down into the parlour, making sure he took his time so you wouldn’t have to strain yourself too hard.
“Time to face my favourite person.” You grumbled as you limped down the stairs.
“Be nice.” Hunter chided playfully.
You snorted just as you all entered the parlour, and you walked over to the bar.
“I got a mission for you boys.” Cid revealed. “What happened to you?” She asked as she saw how you were situated. You were missing a layer and the presence of bandages was evident, plus you were being propped up by the sergeant when you came in and now the bar counter was acting as a means to hold you up.
“I made a friend.” You replied sarcastically.
“Hmph. Well, don’t go dripping blood on my floor.”
“Like it would make it any worse.” You mumbled under your breath.
“What did you say?” Cid narrowed her gaze at you.
Before you could reply, you felt Hunter lightly nudge his hip into you, so you held back your comment.
Hunter coughed. “What’s the mission?”
“A simple extraction on Raxus.” Cid responded.
“Raxus?” You repeated, a hint of disgust in your tone.
“That is the former centre of the Separatist government.” Tech said. “It has since become an Imperial outpost-”
“I’m not interested in a history lesson, Goggles.” Cid said dismissively. “You’re being hired to locate and free Senator Avi Sing from his confinement.” She brought up an image of the senator on her datapad. “My client will meet you at the given coordinates to brief you. Details are on this.” She held up the chip. “Now get going.” She threw it in the direction of Tech, but Hunter intercepted it.
You found the simple action more attractive that you should have but you brought yourself back to the moment at hand which was you were being asked to assist a Separatist. The very concept left a bad taste in your mouth.
“Help a Separatist?” Hunter said, uncertainly as he caught it. “Not gonna happen.” He chucked the info chip back at Cid and left your side to step in front of her.
“Your debt’s still not paid, remember? A job’s a job.” Cid said.
Hunter gestured for them both to move away from the group. “I am not bringing Omega or (Y/N) to a planet swarming with Imperials.”
“So, leave them here with me. I’ll keep an eye on them.” Cid offered.
“I don’t exactly trust you either.”
“Good. You shouldn’t. But if keeping the kid and your girlfriend safe means more money in my pocket, it’s in my best interest to do so, isn’t it?” She said, jabbing him with her clawed finger.
“She’s not my girlfriend.” Hunter objected tiredly.
“Right, and I’m not green.” Cid said, rolling her eyes.
Hunter let out an exasperated sigh. He was not getting involved in this with Cid of all people. “If anything happens to them-”
“Yeah, yeah, Bandana.” Cid said, flippantly as she handed him back the chip. “Just get outta here, would ya?” She walked away from him.
Hunter headed over to let Omega know the plan first. She was already geared up, so he didn’t think this was going to go down too well.
“Ready when you are, Sergeant.” Omega said cheerily.
Hunter kneeled down in front of her. “Not this time, Omega. You’re staying with (Y/N) and Cid.”
“But th-the mission. I’m part of the squad too.” Omega said, a tad irritated.
“Then following orders shouldn’t be a problem.” Hunter said, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Stay close to (Y/N) and Cid and don’t leave this parlour.”
“I heard my name.” You called over.
“I’ll deal with you in a minute.” Hunter replied.
“Gee, am I in trouble?” You called back light-heartedly.
Hunter gave you a small smile before focusing back on Omega. “Got it, soldier?”
Omega groaned. “Yes, sir.”
Hunter nodded at her before getting up to walk over to you. He figured you weren’t going to take this well.
“Am I in trouble?” You asked genuinely as you saw the slightly more serious than normal expression on his face.
“No, no.” Hunter assured you. “You’re just uh staying here with Omega and Cid.”
“You wanna run that by me again?” You said, eyebrows raised.
Hunter sighed. Yeah, he’d expected as much. “You’re going to remain here until we get back.”
“Give me one good reason as to why.” You argued.
“I can give you two.” Hunter countered.
“Enlighten me.”
“One being this place is being controlled by the Empire and is filled with people that would love nothing more than to kill you if they found out what you were.”
“The key word being ‘if’.” You disputed.
“Two, and perhaps the most important one, you almost died. If you say, ‘the key word being almost’ I’ll bench you for more than one mission.” Hunter warned as he saw you go to open your mouth.
You held your hands up in mock surrender and pushed down the fact that the demanding tone his voice took was a lot more attractive to you than you cared to admit. “Carry on, Sergeant.”
“You need time to recover, and to pull this off, we need everyone at their full strength that’s not you right now. You’d hold us back.” It was blunt but he figured it would be the only way you would listen to him right now.
You let out a low whistle. “Harsh.” You said, your tone mildly conveying your frustration. “And if I told you being a Jedi meant I could push through and manage it?”
“I’d tell you that if you could hold yourself up, your full weight on your injured leg, without the support of the bar counter then you could come.”
You glowered at him. “Fine.” You pushed yourself off the countertop and applied full pressure on both your legs. “See?” You breathed out, ignoring the fact that your brain was screaming at you to ease up.
“Great. Now try it without Echo’s hand on your back.” Hunter said, crossing his arms.
In your desperate state, you hadn’t even noticed Echo had lent you a helping hand.
“Sorry.” Echo muttered, stepping out from behind you.
As soon as he left you, you felt your leg start to shake so you sat down before it collapsed from under you.
“Well, I think that concludes that.” Tech said.
The look Hunter gave you just screamed ‘I told you so.’ “Don’t say it.” You grumbled at him.
“Sorry, but you’re staying.” Hunter said, decisively.
“Ugh fine. Get out the lot of you.” You waved them away. “But I’d like the record to reflect that I think it’s ridiculous that you were shot too but apparently you’re good to go.” You said to Hunter.
“At least I can stand on my own.” Hunter joshed back.
You stuck your tongue out at him. “Away with you and good luck you guys. Be careful.” You said sincerely.
They all nodded at you before turning around to leave.
You noticed Omega as she watched them leave and it was clear she wasn’t too happy about being left behind either.
“Hey, Tiny, I got a mission for you.” Cid said to her, wagging a sponge in her direction.
“They’re not even two minutes out the door and you’re already at it with the child labour?” You said to her, shaking your head.
“I got one for you too, if you can even manage.” Cid clapped back, tossing a sponge in your direction before chucking one to Omega. “Now get scrubbing.”
If you weren’t so determined to prove that you were able to do such a simple task, you would’ve fought her on the matter more. You stood up and with Omega, began to scrub down the bar counter.
“We’ve never been to Raxus before.” Wrecker said, coming with the others to join Tech in the cockpit as the ship travelled through hyperspace.
“The coordinates from Cid have us landing outside the capital city of Raxulon, the home of their Senate.” Tech informed them.
“I can’t believe we’re helping a Separatist senator.” Echo grumbled.
“So, you have said. Repeatedly.” Tech replied.
“I always thought we’d make it to Raxus someday. But not like this.” Hunter said.
A couple moments of silence passed before Echo broke it. “So…are you and (Y/N) going to talk about what she said?” He broached, carefully.
Hunter pinched the bridge of his nose before he looked over at Echo. “You mean am I going to talk to her about something she said while in a delirious state? Funnily enough, Echo, no I’m not.”
“But she said-”
“I know what you’re talking about Wrecker and in case you forgot, she was talking about all of us. You know, her friends.”
“She did look directly at you.” Tech pointed out.
Hunter huffed out an exasperated sigh. Time to bring out the deflections once again. “We go round and round with this but for the sake of argument, I’ll humour you boys. Say what your saying is true, and it mattered to me, I am not going to take the words she said to heart because she was already half dead and just rambling whatever thoughts came to her head. She can’t even remember what she said, and you all would expect me to run with it and have what would be just a horrendously awkward and, quite frankly, a disappointing conversation? You all are her friends and I’m her friend and that’s it. There’s nothing more there.”
“But Hunter-”
“That’s it, Echo.” Hunter repeated assertively. “We’re coming up on Raxus.” He looked out the ship window as they came out of hyperspace. “Our focus here is the mission, nothing else. Bring us in, Tech. We’ll gear up when we land.”
You and Omega were both giving the most half-hearted scrubs that you could possibly do.
“Enough with the moping around. You’re bringing the mood down in here.” Cid said as she walked over to you both.
“Ah yes, business is booming.” You said cynically. The only two people that were currently in were her two regulars. You stopped scrubbing and put your head down on your arms.
“Sorree.” Omega added, leaning a cheek against her palm.
“Alright, I’ll bite. What’s wrong with you? Not you.” She added as she saw you sit you sit up and look at her sceptically.
You gave her a fake smile and went back to leaning your chin on your arms as you studied Omega.
“We haven’t heard back from them yet. Do you think they’re okay?” Omega asked.
“They better be for what this job’s paying.” Cid answered.
“I’m sure they’re just busy. That’s all.” You comforted.
“I should’ve gone with them on the mission.” Omega groused, pushing her sponge away. “It’s not fair.”
“I’ve got news for you, kid. Life ain’t fair.” Cid said, gruffly. “You don’t like it. Stop pouting and do something about it. Maybe it you weren’t so helpless those four laser brains wouldn’t have left you here with me.”
Omega glared at her and stormed off to one of the booths.
You just stared at Cid and shook your head. “Wow. You really got a way with kids.” You stepped down lightly off your seat and limped over to join Omega.
“I’m not helpless.” Omega said.
“I know.” You assured her, grunting as you sat down next to her. “Right?” You looked intently at Cid as she walked over to you both.
“Look, kid, I told dark and broody I’d keep an eye on you and keep you safe. I even cut Wisecrack in on that deal and meant it when I said that I’d look out for you.” Cid said.
You chose to ignore the unflattering nickname and instead gave Cid a small but sincere smile. It was the kindest you’d ever seen or heard her.
“Hmm. For how much?” Omega asked, unimpressed.
You turned to look at her as she angled her body away from you both. Maybe a bit more talking out was necessary here. “Hey, Cid, you got anything that can wash some specks of dried blood out?”
“What do you think I’m running here? A drycleaner?” Cid said indignantly.
You darted your eyes down to Omega.
Cid let out a huffy sigh. “I’ll be right back.”
Until Cid came back, you decided you were going to let Omega stew. You wouldn’t get anywhere with interruptions, so you waited in the silence.
You took the rag from her as well as a container that was filled with a bubbling, warm, blue liquid. “Thank you.” You said.
“Don’t take too long, I still got things that need scrubbing.” Cid said before she walked away.
You rolled your eyes but angled yourself to face Omega, but you were still being greeted with her back. “You going turn around for me, kid?”
“Hmph.” Omega grunted.
“Really? You’re going to have the person who nearly died not twelve hours ago come around in front of you and kneel down in that cramped space by the wall, probably aggravating her injuries?” You said, in an exaggerated manner, rubbing your arms to get rid of the goosebumps that had begun to appear. Would it really kill Cid to get some heating in this place? You thought moodily as a shiver ran down your spine.   
Omega sighed and slowly scooted herself around to face you.
“Okay, now we’re getting somewhere. Next step is for you to uncross your arms.”
Omega rolled her eyes but did as you said.
“Wow, you’re almost there. Top tip from someone who developed this skill over the years, any good eye roll should be accompanied by a sigh. Both those elements really gets the point across.”
Omega didn’t say anything.
“Come on, Omega. What’s going on? I’m all for giving Cid a bit of attitude but I’m a bit surprised to see it come from you.” You said gently as you began to dampen her sleeve with the liquid. To your surprise, it was actually working pretty well. You regretted chucking your stuff cause this would probably work on them too but you weren’t going to resort to dumpster diving, you’d find something else.
When she made no move to respond, you stopped what you were doing. “Look, kid. You can either talk to me about what’s bothering you or I can leave you alone and at the mercy of Cid’s chores. I’m fairly sure I heard her mention that the ‘freshers need cleaning. Now, knowing her, she’ll stick me on that, but I can make it that you gotta help me out. I don’t want to but that’s what we’re dealing with here unless you talk to me.” You said, your tone firmer this time.
“But-” Omega began to object.
“Start talking.” You said, working on her top again.
Omega huffed out a breath. “I just don’t get why I wasn’t allowed to go. I’ve helped out before; I don’t understand what was so different about this.”
“Hunter thought, and I agreed with him, you could use a break after everything that happened.” You said kindly as you moved on to the upper part of her arm.
 “But that was decided for me. Don’t I get to at least say how I’m feeling? I can handle missions.”
“Hmm.” You lingered on your thoughts for a moment. On the one hand, Omega was a child. She was all of your responsibility, so you all had to make choices that protected her from unnecessary harm. On the other, she was wanting to be treated as a proper member of the squad and she had been getting that in the more recent times. You all had the chance to express your views or feelings about missions, whether that be personal or tactical, and it was only after that that Hunter made a call which you all would then obey. Omega hadn’t been given that opportunity, not really, and your own past always brought you on the side of giving her more independence and freedom. “You’re right.” You told her understandingly. You finished dabbing at the final stain. “When Hunter gets back, you should talk to him, come up with some sorta deal. I’ll help if you need it.”
“Really?” Omega said, eyes widening in both surprise and happiness.
“Yeah. It’s only fair you get a voice too. It can’t always be me that gives him a hard time anyway.” You added with a grin.
“Thanks!” Omega threw her arms around your neck.
“No problem, kid.” You said, squeezing her briefly. “You’re all finished here too.”
“Oh, good. You’re all sorted out. Now I got some ‘freshers that need cleaning and they’re not going to scrub themselves.” Cid called over to you both.
“I’ve got it.” You said resignedly, grabbing your sponge. As you stood up though, the whole room spun, and you fell back down on your seat. “Whoa.” You said, quietly as you closed your eyes tight to try and re-centre yourself.
“Are you alright?” Omega asked.
“Yeah, just got a bit dizzy. Probably just stood up too fast.”
“It’s not that. You’re running a fever, that’s why.”
You opened your eyes to see Cid standing in front of you. “No, I’m actually kinda cold. Not used to just being in this top.” You provided by way of explanation.
“Then how do you explain the sweat on your brow?”
You pressed the back of your hand to your forehead and sure enough, when you took it away and examined it, there were beads of sweat decorating it. “Huh.”
“My guess, one of your wounds is infected.”
“Nah, can’t be that. Tech cleaned them…” You trailed off as you realised there was a slightly older one that he hadn’t tended to, and it was one you hadn’t been too careful about dealing with.
You peeled the bacta patch away from the wound Wrecker’s shot had caused and sure enough, it was infected. There was increased redness surrounding it and the sight of your stitches had swelled, plus it did not smell the best, especially with the slight discharge of puss that was coming out of it. “Gross.” You complained. “Another top tip, Omega. Don’t use out-of-date med supplies on an open wound in a decrepit and dirty ship. Apparently, the end-result isn’t the best.” You said dismally as you hid you face in your hands. The infection was the least of your worries, Tech was going to have a field day with this. Stupid, stupid, stupid. “And now I gotta wait for Tech to get back and I’ll never hear the end of it.”
“Enough with the dramatics… I’ll get you fixed up.”
You looked up at Cid, your expression nothing short of perplexed. “What?”
“I got some med supplies in the back. You’ll be fever-free before the others even get back.”
“Why?” You said, unable to hide your suspicion.
“Can’t you just accept a gift when it’s given to you?” Cid said irritably.
“So, this is a gift? You’re not getting an extra cut out of this?”
“What I’m getting out of this is I avoid a lecture from Bandana about how I didn’t look after you and I don’t have to deal with disproving glares of the others.”
“Aw and here’s me thinking you cared about my well-being.”
“Keep talking Wisecrack and I’ll leave you to Goggles and his ‘I told you so’ speech.”
“Sorry.” You said shamefacedly. “I appreciate the offer, thank you.”
“Come with me.” Cid gestured for you to get up.
You heaved out a sigh as you stood. “But what about Omega?”
“Those two can watch her.” Cid tilted her head in the direction of her two regulars.
“Dumb and Dumber? You gotta be joking.”
“Oi!” The Weequay objected.
“I’ll be fine. You should just focus on getting better.” Omega said reassuringly.
“Listen to Tiny. I won’t be gone long, and nothing’ll happen. Do you want the infection gone or not?” Cid added.
“Fine. You two!” You shouted over at the usuals. “Anything happens to her while I’m gone or any funny business goes on, see that sword over there?” You pointed over to where your modified vibroblade was (your smaller dagger was still strapped to your good thigh). “I’ll only need to use it once.” When you were satisfied that they’re expressions showed a sufficient amount of fear, you followed Cid into the back, a task that was easier said than done since your perspective still had the room teetered on its side.
“Didn’t know this existed.” You mused as you took in the tiny room. All it consisted of was one small bed, a sink, and a bedside table with a couple of drawers.
“Sit.” She shoved you so you were forced to sit on the bed.
“Gee, talk about TLC.” You mumbled under your breath. You inhaled sharply as Cid poured some of a dark brown liquid on your wound. “Little warning next time?” You grumbled.
“You want Tiny alone out there for much longer?”
“No.” You admitted.
“Then you’ll deal with how this goes.”
“Ow!” You complained as she stuck a needle into your arm.
“Quit whining. That’ll sort the fever.”
“You know, you have a charming beside manner. I think you chose the wrong career.”
“Were all Jedi this sarcastic or is it just you?” Cid snapped back as she tidied away the stuff.
“There were a couple.” You said, thinking fondly back to one Jedi in particular. You then started to feel your eyes grow heavy and you found yourself letting out a yawn.
“Yeah, the fever stuff makes you pretty drowsy. You’re better off sleeping until it passes.”
“No, I… gotta… watch… over… Omega.” You said through another yawn as you moved to stand.
“Trust me, you’ll feel better after this, and I’ll make sure she’s safe.” Cid said, pushing you back down.
“Stay put.”
“Okay.” You conceded, laying down and lacking the energy to stand back up and fight her. Cid hadn’t killed you and she seemed to care about Omega to a degree so you would give her your trust. “Just find her something to do beside scrubbing, yeah? She’s not just here to be your cleaner.”
“Just you focus on getting through this before Bandana and Goggles show up. For both our sakes.” Cid said, before she walked out the door.
You closed your eyes and found yourself drifting off with no difficulty at all. Your last conscious thought was of Hunter and the rest of the squad. You hoped their mission was going smoothly.
Hunter paused with Tech before he rounded the corner. So far, they’d managed to infiltrate the capital building without much difficulty thanks to Tech hacking into their security system and he supposed the droid, who was acting on behalf of their client, had helped to some extent, but he wasn’t ready to ease up on his distrust of the droid just yet which was why he made sure she stayed with him. He’d sent Wrecker and Echo to clear the upper levels. He peered around and saw two troopers guarding the door. “There’s two at the door.” He said to Tech.
“I’m clocking four in the adjacent corridor.” Tech added.
“(Y/N) and I will handle them. You and Omega loop back around.”
“That would be impossible seeing as they aren’t on this mission.” Tech pointed out.
“Ah…right.” Hunter acknowledged. Evidently, he wasn’t used to that idea.  
“Not to worry, I’m getting the hang of this.” The droid said, rounding the corner.
“No, wait.” Hunter hissed but it was too late, the droid was already in the line of sight. He nodded to Tech who then rolled a stun grenade in the direction of the troopers. Once he heard the sound of bodies fall, he stood up, indicating that Tech should follow. As they stepped over the bodies, another trooper opened the door. Hunter acted quickly, grabbing the trooper’s blaster, and using it to hit him in the gut. He then shoved him into a vase, shattering it before slamming his head into another pillar. He watched as the vase on top of it began to teeter and fall, but the droid caught it before it smashed on the ground.
“Do be careful.” The droid tisked, clutching the ornament. “This antique vase was gifted to Senator Singh for his years of service. It is priceless.”
Hunter turned his helmet towards Tech before looking back at her. “Droids.” He said disparagingly. They all then ran through the door to make their way to the Senator. He at least hoped you having a less irritating time back with Omega and Cid.
Omega was still cleaning the bar counter, an even more trivial task when you weren’t around but she knew you needed to shake the infection. Then, she heard a laugh behind her. She turned around to see Cid playing Dejarik with the Weequay.
“You got her cornered.” The Ithorian jeered over his friend’s shoulder.
“Oh, yeah, I’m real scared.” Cid said sarcastically as she studied the board.
“Delay all you want; you’re not getting out of this one.” The Weequay taunted.
Cid went to lock in her move when Omega’s voice stopped her.
“I wouldn’t do that.” Omega advised.
“Here that? We got an expert here.” Cid said with a roll of her eyes before she inputted her original move. The move itself resulted in her piece getting wiped off the holoboard.
“She’s done for!” The Ithorian said with a laugh.
“I told you.” Omega said.
“Well, expert, what should I do next?” Cid asked.
Omega walked down from her stool and briefly looked at the board before she locked in the move and watched as Cid’s final piece removed the other opposing pieces of the board.
“You blew it!” The Ithorian complained to his friend.
“Yeah, but you’re the one who said to bet it all!” The Weequay shot back.
“You wanna take this outside?” The Ithorian threatened, leering down.
“Gladly!” The Weequay responded and the two of them left the parlour.
Cid stared at the board. “How’d you know to do that?” She asked.
“It’s a strategy game. I’m good at strategy.” Omega replied simply.
“Hmm.” Cid rubbed a hand along her chin. You had said to find another job for the kid to do. “How good? Enough to, uh, win a few matches for some money?”
“Depends.” Omega said hesitantly. “What’s my cut?”
“Hmm. Thirty percent.” Cid offered.
“Sixty.” Omega countered.
Cid pondered it for a couple seconds. “Deal.”
“Senator! I followed your instructions to the letter.”
“I knew you’d come through, GS-8.” Senator Avi said with relief as he rubbed his wrists which the clone with the lighter coloured armour had now freed from the binders.
“And behold. I have saved your most prized vase.” GS-8 said, holding it up to him.
“Great. Now can we get out of here?” Hunter interrupted, looking at the Senator.
“With pleasure.” Senator Avi said as he stood out of his chair.
Tech tapped his datapad and studied the surveillance footage. “An alert has been triggered. Our position has been compromised.”
“Follow us.” Hunter directed to the Senator as he and Tech ran out the door.
When they came out onto a balcony, Hunter could see that the Imperial forces and their tanks were being mobilised. He waited until Echo and Wrecker came out to join them before peering over the left-hand side. “There.” He pointed down. “We’ll seize that tank and blow our way outta here.”
“How do you intend to gain control of the armoured vehicle from up here?” GS-8 enquired.
“Coming through.” Wrecker said gruffly, making his way to the front of the group where he attached a cable to the side of the walker.
Tech and Echo slid down first and quickly commandeered the tank from the Imperial soldiers that were in it. As it powered down, Tech spoke into his comm. “All clear.”
“Impressive.” GS-8 said with mild admiration.
“You can’t possibly expect me to do that.” Senator Singh said sceptically.
Wrecker checked the security of the cable before letting out a groan. “Just don’t look down.” With that, he grabbed the Senator and glided down the cable with him to the inside of the tank.
Hunter grabbed the droid and followed suit.
“Nicely done.” GS-8 complimented.
Hunter hastily made his way to the steering. “Get this thing moving, Tech.”
Tech nodded and put the walker into motion.
Wrecker chucked the unconscious troopers out. “They’ll feel that in the morning!”
The walker shook violently and stopped with the impact of the shot.
“The rear axle stabiliser is off-line.” Tech said, shielding his eyes from the sparks that flew off the control panel. “We will need to recalibrate manually.” He told Hunter.
“Get this bucket up and running.” He ordered Tech and Echo. “Wrecker and I will hold them off.” As he said that, he found himself missing you. You would’ve been really helpful right now.
Sliding under the advancing Imperial walker, Hunter fired multiple stun blasts in the direction of the soldiers who were shooting at him before he went up to join Wrecker and assist him in disabling that tank. Together, the two of them were able to decommission it but a quick exist was needed since another tank sent a shot in their direction. Tucking and rolling to cushion his landing, Hunter stood back up alongside Wrecker and continued to send stun shots in the direction of the Imperial soldiers, but they had to take cover behind the fallen walker since the Imperial troopers had numbers on their side and Hunter knew they couldn’t hold them back for long. “Tech, how we doing?” Hunter spoke into his comm.
Glancing up at the new walker that was moving steadily towards them all, Tech replied. “I need more time.”
Tech and Echo turned with their hands raised as a small squad of troopers walked towards them, their blasters raised.
“Drop your weapons.” One trooper ordered.
Reacting swiftly to the Senator throwing his vase at the head of one of the clones, Tech managed to stun the remaining two soldiers. He looked down at his datapad. “Repairs complete.” He informed Hunter.
“We’re on our way.” Hunter confirmed, firing a couple more shots in the direction of the troopers before he and Wrecker ran back into their captured walker.
As the clone got the walker moving, Senator Singh joined the two clones in the front. “Turn down that alleyway.”
“We’ll be trapped in a choke point.” Tech said warily.
“You’re going to have to trust me.”
Tech glanced over at Hunter, double checking that this is something they were going to do. Only after Hunter gave a nod did Tech do as the Senator instructed.
“Move into position next to that wall. It leads to a subterranean passage.” Senator Singh revealed.
Tech angled the walker into position.
Senator Singh opened the door to the wall. “If you don’t mind, please blast a whole in the wall right here.” He patted the area he was referring to.
“That I can do.” Wrecker said, stepping forward. He placed a charge on the wall and closed the door. The explosion rattled the walker slightly, but it did the trick. As the door opened, they were greeted by a passage.
“Hurry. This way.” Senator Singh directed.
The rest of the squad followed him, Wrecker being the last of them to do so since he placed another charge to seal the passageway shut behind them.
Senator Singh paused before joining the others on their ship. “What am I doing?” He whispered to himself. He turned back in the direction of the capital. “I cannot abandon my people.”
“You will, Senator, but not if you are in Imperial custody.” GS-8 said.
“She’s right. Live to fight another day.” Echo advised as he approached the Senator’s side.
Senator Sing nodded, looking back one final time at his home before he stepped on the ship with the others.
Loud cheering and whistling were what woke you up. Those sounds were not ones you associated with this place. You rubbed your eyes, stretched, and swung your legs out of bed, finding that you could already put a lot more pressure on your injured leg.
You lightly limped out the room to the main part of the parlour and you were quite taken aback, not to mention a little bit horrified by what you saw. You were taken aback by just how busy Cid’s actually was, you’d never seen it like this, but you were not thrilled by the sight of Omega sitting with a large crowd surrounding her at a Dejarik table as she played against a total stranger. You pulled Cid off from where she had positioned herself next to Omega.
“Glad to see you’re doing better but ease up on the death grip there.” Cid objected.
You kept your hand where it was. “What the hell is this?” You hissed angrily. “One, I’m sure whatever it is, is illegal in some way since she’s a child and two, she’s supposed to be laying low and this looks like anything but. What if one of these goons turned out to be a hunter?”
“I don’t know what you’re complaining about.” Cid said roughly as she removed your hand from the upper part of her arm. “You told me to find another job for her, so I did, and nothing’s gone wrong.”
“Plus, she’s already earned enough credits to pay back the debt you folks owe me. If anything, you should be thanking me. I put this partnership together and the kid’s doing just fine.”
You looked past her to see Omega defeat her opponent. She didn’t look to be in any danger and the only out of place thing you could sense right now was the fact that Cid’s was so popular. “Fine, but it stops before Hunter…” You trailed off as you sensed Hunter approach and sure enough, two seconds later, Hunter and the rest of the squad came down the stairs to the parlour, along with two others who you assumed were the Senator they were sent to rescue and his droid. “Shows up.” You finished dismally.
Cid turned to see that Omega had left the table and the clones had made their appearance. “Alright, show’s over. No more bets.” She shooed the onlookers out of the parlour.
You walked over to join your squad, smiling as you saw Wrecker pick Omega up.
“Kid, where’d you learn to do that?” Wrecker said proudly.
“She’s a natural. I’ve never seen anything like it.” Cid said admirably.
“I told you to keep a low profile. This is the opposite.” Hunter said sternly.
Noticing the way Omega’s face dropped, you gently grabbed Hunter’s shoulder to get him to face you. “I wasn’t thrilled either, Hunter, but she made enough money to pay off the debt we owe Cid. We should be thanking her to be honest.”
“Yeah, try showing a little gratitude my friend.” Cid said, walking past him. “You did good.” She told Omega before addressing the Senator. “Senator, glad you made it. Let’s talk payment.” She said, guiding him and his droid towards the back.
Hunter watched them go before turning to talk to you again. “You were okay with all of that?”
“Well… no, but I was uh otherwise engaged when Cid decided to employ her services that way.” You said, shifting your feet awkwardly.
“You know you’re going to have to do better than that.” Hunter said, crossing his arms.
“I may have fallen asleep.” You winced out. “See, the wound I got on my left shoulder on Bracca became infected and I ended up running a fever. It wasn’t too bad and I’m fine now.” You added quickly, seeing the flash of concern in Hunter’s eyes.
“I told you using those medical supplies in that environment was a bad idea.” Tech chimed in.
“Thank you, Tech.” You grumbled as he passed you. “But Cid offered to treat it and I accepted, hoping to avoid the ‘I told you so’ from Tech but obviously that didn’t work out. The thing she gave me made me pretty drowsy. Cid assured me she would watch Omega, but I didn’t know that was what she had in mind. If I had, I would’ve just stuck it out until you all got back, especially cause I ended up with Tech finding out anyway.”
Hunter just shook his head with mild amusement. He could easily believe that the only reason you accepted help was to avoid a telling off from Tech rather than for your own health.
You then noticed Omega start to slowly walk past you guys. “She was helpful, Hunter. She can handle herself. You should reconsider the mission ban.” You added with a whisper before you walked away, tapping Omega on the shoulder to get her to stop before you sat down at the counter, watching their conversation hopefully.
Hunter let out a small sigh and half turned back to speak to Omega. “You really paid off our debt?”
“I wanted to be useful, even if I couldn’t go on the mission.” Omega replied, keeping her back to him.
“Hmm.” Hunter turned around fully. “How about we put those strategy skills to the test?” He walked over the holochess board. “One match. If you win, then no more sitting out on missions.” He sat down at the table and activated the board. He looked back at her, tilting his head in the direction of the other seat.
Omega eagerly ran over and sat down.
“You ready for this?” Hunter asked her.
“Are you?” Omega countered with a smile before she programmed in her first move.   
Your smile was concealed by the cup you were drinking from, but you found that the interaction was one that was making your insides feel all warm and fuzzy. This was the first time you’d really seen them interact on a more normal level, without a threat looming over them and it was something you could get used to seeing.
Next Chapter>
Tagging: @noeasyisnoisy, @tpwkcalli, @fuckoffthanos, @arctrooper69, @graciexmarvel, @flyingkangaroo, @nightmonkeysstuff, @brujaporfavor, @a-streakofblue, @ladytano420
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jisungsdaydreamer · 1 year
Stray Kids as Different Kinds of Shopaholics
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Pairing: OT8 x gn!reader Genre: headcanon, fluff, crack Warnings: none
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1. Bang Chan- The Idiot
You would think that Bang Chan would be the sensible one when it comes to shopping 
This is false.
Unlike the other boys, he doesn’t really have super niche hobbies like art or dance, so he believes that he doesn’t need to spend so much money on such “unnecessary things”
He’ll even hoard coupons and try to use them, even though they expired months ago
But two seconds later, he’ll be whipping out his wallet to buy the most useless shit ever
He would 100% fall for stupid scams, like a self-stirring coffee mug or a “gravity-defying” umbrella hat
As long as they make “life more efficient”
But if you want to buy a book or socks or something, he’ll side eye you and scold you for buying dumb things, as if he just didn’t spend a fortune on an automatic shoe-tying machine
2. Lee Know- The Gordon Ramsay Wannabe
Now Minho is pretty wise with money, except when it comes to one thing
His kitchen
I can absolutely envision him wanting to have an immaculately stocked kitchen
After all, he likes to try making new and elaborate dishes, and he needs the tools for that
Minho will have no problem with buying the fanciest, most expensive supplies
He’ll have a bluetooth wireless cooking sensor to time his roasts from a distance, a soy milk maker, and that KitchenAid artisan mini stand mixer with the fancy beater
He’s so extra that he will even buy a juice extractor to facilitate his morning fix for green juice (gross)
Will get mad if you question his purchases.
3. Changbin- The Gym Bro
Every single exercise contraption known to man will go into his personal home gym
He needs fifty different kinds of weights, 
Maybe even those arm exercise bands for when he’s “on a road trip”
Also spends a lot of money on nutrition
Like those organic seed packets or high-quality kale or something so he can make healthy stuff for himself
If you even open your mouth, he will immediately get defensive, explaining why each and every one of his purchases make sense and why you need them too to be healthy
4. Hyunjin- Ariana Grande
The “I want it, I got it” mentality
Going shopping with him has no budget. He hates that word
The kind of person who doesn’t bring a shopping list; he just strolls the aisles and buys anything he wants
Likes buying name brands: Gucci, Versace, Tom Ford, Chanel, and of course, Celine
Bougie bitch right here
LOVES jewelry and accessories even more than clothes; anything that glitters
Might ask you to go shopping with him sometimes just because he needs someone to help him hold all of his bags
Simply will ignore you if you ask him why he needs $5000 in new shirts when he’s already got a closet full at home
5. Han- The Real One
Surprisingly, Jisung would be one of the more practical shoppers
He has a normal budget that he follows religiously, because there’s only one thing that he really wants
Whenever he goes out, he absolutely must buy a drink. Probably boba, to sip on while walking or when sitting in the car
He’ll have “secret” hiding spots in his room for his snacks
Can’t cook so loves taking it as an excuse to always get food outside & he loves doing it with you
Loves ordering-in all kinds of meals as well, whether it’s pizza or butter chicken
Every morning, Jisung needs to buy his coffee at Starbucks and be all aesthetic, or else he can’t do his work
Pouts when you remind him that you literally have a coffee machine at home.
6. Felix- Santa Claus
Now Felix is also a little like Jisung, being a little more realistic
EXCEPT when it comes to his friends & family, especially you.
Will spoil you rotten will all sorts of gifts, from new clothes to perfume
And he insists on taking you on shopping sprees and showering you with new things you don’t really need
Receiving expensive chocolates imported from Paris or somewhere is a regular thing for you
And he’s even managed to get you a designer bag that even the richest people have to be on waiting lists for
Doesn’t get offended at all when you tell him that he needs to cut down on the spending; he’ll just cutely hold out a pretty dress for you to wear
And how can you refuse him?
7. Seungmin- The Mom
Doesn’t give a crap about being fashionable; definitely stingy when it comes to that
“But Seungmin, that hoodie is seven years old…” “Well it fits, so I can wear it.”
Will lecture people (Hyunjin) on their horrible spending habits
Meanwhile, he’d rather spend time in the cleaning sections
He’ll stock up on extra paper towels and wipes and other practical materials
The kind of shopper to absolutely ADORE sales, and will buy everything with a discount
Would buy snow gear in June just because it’s 5% off and will force you to try on a hideous sweater just because it’s in clearance or something
8. I.N.- The Guilty One
Can’t be trusted when given money to go shopping
You could give him your wallet to tell him to go buy milk and when he comes back, he’ll have his arms full of crap that you didn’t even mention
Is such a binge-shopper that he has no choice but to live simple
Because the moment he steps into Target or the mall or somewhere, it’s over.
You had to stop giving him your credit card and just hand him a limited wad of cash when you need him to run errands for you
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TAGLIST @hamburgers101 @chansburgah @ajxreads @hash2013 @pixigreen @ana-marais98 @ohish @chizumiyoshi @lilydaisyyy @jetblackbelle @143hyunes
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raccoxn · 2 years
SCENARIO: you're a civilian who got caught up in a mission soap was on. he ends up in your care while the rest of the 141 is dealing with the mission at hand while looking for him. 
you live in a small cabin and it's quite literally in the middle of the woods. it's big enough for one or two people, so taking in soap wasn't an issue. the only issue on the table was the fact he was bleeding out...
**told in y/n pov**
By the time I got into town, the sun was just cresting over the mountains and illuminating the sky. I kept glancing to my phone to see if Moira send a text back on meeting me, but I didn't see anything yet.  So, I opted to go buy new clothes for Soap since he was filthy and covered in blood. He could probably use a shower too so i'll get him his own shampoo, conditioner, and body wash.
I parked at the front of the small store and got out of my car, eyeing the open sign and sighing in relief. I'm never in town often since I come once or twice a month to get things I need. I just don't like people, so living alone was great.
Until Soap came into your life, a small part of me grumbled. I couldn't agree more, but I couldn't let him die. I'm not that heartless.
I walked into the store and waved to the cashier. He waved back before going on his phone again, completely engulfed in whatever he was doing. I made my way to the men's section and grabbed anything that would suit Soap. I grabbed t-shirts, henley shirts, sweatpants, sweatshirts, wool socks, underwear—anything to keep him comfortable. I didn't know what size he was, but I took a guess with a large or extra large, then moved on to toiletries. I grabbed travel sized items then went to the medical area to get bandages, ointments, and more ibuprofen and melatonin. If he's going to be with me for awhile, might as well give him a supply of his own.
I noticed a woman staring at me as I grabbed a couple bottles of men's shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. She then eyed my cart full of clothes and other medical items.
"My brother's an idiot. Forgot all his clothes at home and then had the audacity to cut himself with a kitchen knife while cooking." I grumbled at her and she walked away. I wasn't in the mood for that.
Once I got what Soap needed, I pushed my cart to the snack aisle. I grabbed three boxes of poptarts, some chips, and a jar of Tostitos queso. 
My phone buzzed on my pocket and I pulled it out, seeing a text from my pharmacist friend, Moira. I had explained to her VERY vaguely that I needed stronger medication for Soap without mentioning him, but judging from her text message, she wasn't going to give me any. I tried to convince her again, but she just told me to buy Tylenol, ibuprofen, and make sure to keep him elevated enough. After that, she completely ignored my text messages and I was left in my problems yet again.
Shoving my phone back in my pocket, I started to head in the direction of the checkout. As I walked closer, I noticed a group of armed men enter the store and the few of us in here started to panic. I stayed where I was and ducked behind the cart as if it would protect me. 
"Stay calm, everyone!" One of the men shouted, his Spanish accent heavy as he looked at everyone around him. The cashier I waved to earlier glanced to me and tried to come over. Gun shots went off and everyone screamed. The cashier fell to the ground, bullet wounds littering his body and his eyes stared at mine. 
I stood up completely when the armed men glanced at everyone.
"We're from the Las Almas cartel, and we're looking for someone who has info about our leader, El Sin Nombre. He's Special Forces—goes by the call sign Soap."
I kept my face void of emotion but I was screaming inwardly. How the hell was I going to get out of this situation alive? More importantly, why are cartel members so far up here? Like I thought before, I knew it wasn't impossible, but it was weird to me. I always thought of them as staying by the border..... I don't know if that's stereotypical or not....
"My men last saw him around this area. This is a small town. Someone must have seen a tactical-armed hombre with a stupid little mohawk?"
I almost cracked a smile and laughed at his statement, but I stayed silent. One of the men walked amongst the other terrified customers, his eyes looking over the groceries and items they had. I stared back at him when he approached me, his eyes looking at the mens clothing and toiletries in my cart.
He shouted in Spanish at me before he aimed his gun at my head. I didn't even flinch or scream when he did that, but rather stared with a bored look at my face. How was I doing this shit emotionlessly?!
"I have a name, y'know."
"You've seen him. Where?"
"I haven't seen him, you idiot. I'm buying clothes for my brother because he's a dumbass and forgot to bring his entire duffel bag to visit me."
I kept my gaze steady on the cartel member in front of me, my heart pounding against my chest and my head getting light. I kept my hands on my pockets to keep them from shaking, but I also dialed 911 by triple-pressing my lock button. 
"You don't come clean, we'll kill you!"
"Even if I kept the guy you're hunting for under my watch, you don't have evidence to prove it!"
He grabbed the front of my shirt and hit the end of his gun to my temple. He got in my face, his hot breath hitting my skin and I resisted the urge to gag from how it smelled.
"We'll kill everyone here if you don't tell us."
"Just tell them!" A bystander shouted from her cart.
"Tell them! I can't die!"
"Save us!"
"Don't kill us, please! I have a baby at home!"
I looked at the innocents around me, strategizing a way to bargain and even get everyone out alive. I didn't care what happened to me. If I died, that would insure Soap's secrecy and safety. 
But who would take care of Nic?
I sighed and nodded my head, telling them I would concede....not that I'm actually going to tell them where I live....
"Before I tell you, I want to strike a deal: everyone here gets to leave unharmed and not threatened. They remain anonymous. Second, if I tell you, I get to go free as well. Whether I'm unharmed or not, I get to go."
I happened to see something flicker from the back of a truck, then I saw someone duck down behind my car. The realization of who they were hit me and I decided now would be a good time to get out of the way.
"Anything else?" 
"Yeah. How good are your reflexes?" I threw a box of poptarts at hm before diving behind a cash register. That's when all the bullets came through and the cartel members either dropped dead or scattered. 
I tried to crawl toward one of the aisles but I was grabbed my the ankles. A remaining cartel member yanked me back, clawing at my legs and getting on top of me.
"Everyone run to the emergency exits!" I shouted and they didn't hesitate to do just that. 
My fear overwhelmed me as I started to cry and scream for help. My "tough guy" facade was no more, and now I was a sobbing mess.
"GET OFF ME!" I screamed as I kicked him in the face and crawled. 
A gun shot went off again, but this time it was me who got shot. The bullet burned into my calf and a scream ripped from my throat. I couldn't move as he grabbed me by the back of my shirt and yanked me upwards.
"You kill me, you kill this one!" The cartel member shouted as I cried. I looked out the shattered windows, seeing that the cops and Soap's team was aiming their weapons at me.
"TAKE THE SHOT!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, fearful tears streaming down my face. "TAKE THE SHOT!"
I closed my eyes and moved my head away to clear a shot. When I heard the bullet tear through the man's skull and his grip loosened, the two of us fell, except he was dead and I was a sobbing mess.
I felt someone gently place their hand on my shoulder as I cried from everything I felt. Pain, fear, trauma, my worry for my dog—hell, even Soap crossed my mind.
"You're the one who helped Johnny. Where is he?!" That familiar British accent asked me as I started to drift off.
I managed to tell him my address before completely blacking out, my head resting on my arm and tears continuing to drench my face.
When I woke up, I was greeted by an annoyingly bright light and the smell of disinfectant and alcohol. I blinked rapidly as I looked to my left, seeing Soap in the hospital bed beside mine. He was asleep and had oxygen tubes at his nose.
"You're awake. Finally."
I looked over at the corner to see a hooded man with a skull mask on. Only his eyes were visible and there was black smudged around them. When he stood, I couldn't help but stare. He was a unit....like, his bicep was probably the size of my head.
"No shit, Sherlock." I sighed, keeping my awe under control as he walked up to me. I could tell he was untrusting of me, but after glancing over to Soap, he loosened up a bit.
"I hear you found him?"
"More like he broke into my cabin and temporarily passed out in the bath tub. I stitched him up as best as I could and helped him rest. I just didn't expect, well, this."
I gestured to my elevated leg that was bandages heavily.
"I'm guessing you're the one Soap calls Ghost. I'm sorry I was cryptic when I replied to your 'how copy'." I did an impression of his accent and he stared back with a blank look. "I didn't mean to sound like I was holding him hostage."
The two of us went silent for a moment before the room door opened. Another man walked in, but he wasn't masked. He seemed more welcoming than Ghost but he still intimidated me.
"Y/N L/N, the one who, to an extent, saved Soap's life. While you were extremely cryptic in that response, I thank you for keeping my comrade safe. I'm also impressed with how you handled the whole hostage situation."
"Oh, that was pure adrenaline, now that I think about it. I sobbed like a baby when I dove away."
The man laughed a little and walked up to me.
"I'm Captain John Price, but you can call me John. The masked one is Ghost, and Soap is John McTavish."
"Do I get to know Ghost's real name?"
"Negative." Ghost responded and I looked away.
"Fair enough. Wait! My dog, Nic! Is she—"
"One of my men, Gaz, and two of our allies, Alejandro and Rudy, are taking care of her. If the hospital allows, we can bring her in."
I relaxed when I heard she was okay, sighing in relief as I ran a hand through my hair. I glanced to Soap when I heard him grumble and stir in his sleep. Price and Ghost immediately joined his side when he woke up, his Scottish accent hoarse and scratchy from being asleep.
"Bloody hospital..."
"Agreed." I said from my side and he looked at me. I pressed my lips together, staring at him as he stared back.
"Can I speak to Y/N alone?" Soap asked as he looked at his two friends. They glanced at me before nodding, the two leaving and Soap and I stayed silent for a moment.
I picked at my nails as Soap started to speak.
"I want to thank you. Ghost told me what you did for me while we were in the ambulance."
"It was nothing. Figured I got morals, might as well use them."
Soap laughed at my statement before looking at his hands. 
"You remind me of Ghost in a way. He's the same as you: doesn't like people but he still has the honorable morals."
"Glad I could be of service." 
Soap nodded, but I noticed his expression became solemn.
"Once I leave, it'll be like we never met one another. I'll go back to being in the field; you'll go back to whatever you do...."
"Do you want my phone number?"
I looked at him with my eyebrow raised, the man staring in shock over me being so straightforward. I almost laughed but I didn't to keep the unfazed facade up. Inwardly, I was screeching and kicking my feet. I mean, it's not everyday a man covered in blood and grime comes into your life to make it interesting.
"That'd be nice." He replied, smiling softly as he looked back at me. I felt my cheek heat up.
"Do you have a phone I can put it in?" I managed to get out and scratched the back of my head nervously.
"How about writing it down on paper?"
"Dude, that's so middle school..." 
I looked at him, Soap completely confused about what I said but I didn't elaborate. Instead, I grabbed a tissue from the Kleenex box on the bedside table and held out my hand.
"Do you have a pen?"
+   +   +
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mangoisms · 2 years
chapter 5 of forever is a maybe (but i like our chances, baby) is up and posted and i'd just like to cut out what is some of my favorite dialogue from this chapter. no real spoilers either, just some Shenanigans!
“You could ask one of the assistant managers to get it for you,” Miyuki points out as Eijun leads you two into the lower levels of the stadium, where extra equipment, cleaning supplies, and other miscellaneous items are stored. Very little people are around, so the only noise is the soft sound of your footsteps, with the occasional squeak of the soles on the concrete floors. It’s a bit unsettling, but these sections are part of a larger area entirely off-limits to fans and the like, so it should be fine. 
Eijun tosses a scandalized look over his shoulder. “That’s not what they’re here for, Miyuki Kazuya! Don’t be rude!”
“Sawamoron, you literally have two of them assigned to you to wait on you hand and foot. That is their job.”
“Well, I still feel bad! And don’t you see how creepy it is down here? Why would I want to make one of those poor assistants go through this? No! Strength in numbers!”
You chuckle fondly. “I’m not sure this park is old enough to have ghosts, Eijun.”
“You don’t know that! Gramps says we can carry ghosts with us sometimes.”
You frown. “Is that why I always see stuff in the corner of my eye whenever you come over?”
“Eugh.” You shudder.
Miyuki snickers. The industrial lights overhead flash over the lens of his glasses. “Don’t tell me you actually believe in ghosts. The country bumpkin I get but —”
“Hey, she’s like me! Tell him!”
You shrug. “I’m from Montana, which probably has more cows than people. I’ve been raised to respect the supernatural.”
He laughs hard at that. “Oh, my stomach hurts . . . You two are hilarious . . . Ghosts, please —”
As if on cue, the lights illuminating the long tunnel flicker. 
“You’re upsetting the ghosts, Miyuki Kazuya,” Eijun whispers, annoyed, though he does take your hand, pulling you closer to him. “Say sorry.”
“I am not saying sorry —”
The lights flicker again.
“Who am I apologizing, too, huh? What ghosts could possibly be here?”
“The ghosts of old!”
“Old what, you idiot?”
The look of incredulity on his face makes you want to laugh but you figure both he and Eijun don’t want you laughing right now. 
“Old baseball, obviously!”
“What ghosts of old would want to haunt a place called T-Mobile Park? You think Babe Ruth is hanging around here when he could be at Yankee Stadium?”
“Alright! I’m sorry, ghosts of old baseball!”
Another tunnel comes up on your right and all three of you flinch and skid to a stop when metal screeches loudly against concrete.
Several things happen in that moment. You, decidedly spooked, drop back at the same time that Eijun, using your left hand clasped in his right, pushes you back to stand behind him and Miyuki, while Miyuki’s left arm shoots out protectively over Eijun. In between all of this, somehow, your right hand ends up finding the back of Miyuki’s Nike track jacket, fabric clasped tightly in your hand. 
A surprised worker meets your gazes, standing at the foot of a tall ladder, clearly having just moved it; at the top of the ladder is an open box in the wall, lines of wire exposed.
“Sorry,” the man says, getting over his shock first and gesturing to the box with a pair of pliers in his hand. “Electrical work.”
You know Eijun is sighing in relief at that but it’s not your imagination, either, when you feel Miyuki relaxing, too. Then you realize you’re still holding him and, with your face burning, you let him go. 
He sends you a quick glance over his shoulder but you avoid his eyes awkwardly, shuffling closer to Eijun. 
Looking back forward, he straightens his jacket. “Told you, Sawamoron,” he mutters, though it lacks any real heat. 
Eijun ignores him still, saluting the man. “Thank you for your hard work! And sorry if we scared you!”
The man smiles, bemused, and shakes his head. “’S alright. No worries.”
The three of you continue on your way, all of you silently agreeing to not bring up any of that. 
you can find the masterpost for this fic here!
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Day 9: The Very Noisy Night, with inspiration from the extra prompt Sleeping in Shifts.
An AU where Tommy and Dream are survivors in the apocalypse. Tommy, a thief, tries to raid mad scientist Dream's base and gets caught up in his experiments on the living dead as his unwilling protege. Warnings for child poverty, children in very dangerous situations, guns, kidnapping, abuse, and sleep deprivation.
AO3 link, if you prefer.
The world may have ended three years ago, but Tommy’s world ended last month.
See, when the dead stopped staying dead, he was twelve-and-a-half, huddled up in an abandoned building with a stolen loaf of bread and a knife being the only two things to his name. Society collapsing meant little to those outside its reach, and Tommy was quick enough to avoid the shambling masses, or at least escape their grasp if they got too close.
Zombie movies were wrong about all that biting shit, anyway. The dead couldn’t infect you because they were just corpses. Thing was, though, if you died, no matter what, you’d come back as one of them. Peacefully in your bed or throat torn out, didn’t make a difference. And if there was one thing Tommy was good at, it was bullshitting his way outta death.
So, he’d been having the time of his life, really. He’d gotten some friends for once- Tubbo, who could make generators and cool shit like that and even found them an old 3DS they could play Animal Crossing on, and Ranboo, who looked fucking ridiculous in a neat suit trawling through the ruins but had an eye for the coolest of scavenge- and they’d wandered place to place, bartering and exploring but mostly stealing supplies. After all, theft was Tommy’s speciality.
Through that, honestly, Tommy’s life began in stride as the world’s life waned. He had friends- family, really. He had enough that he didn’t starve for days between meals all that much anymore, especially after the plants started growing in the cracks. Tubbo had found a wilderness guide, so they knew what to pick, and the taste of wild berries was something he’d grown used to. And, inexplicably, he had respect.
That wasn’t something Tommy had ever intended to get, but apparently, the three of them helped more than they hurt. Bandits tended to have more than settlements, so it was absolutely just business, definitely. Tommy wasn’t some kind of Robin Hood; he was just a Tommy, no matter what people said. Tubbo and Ranboo might have liked the praise, but it grated on Tommy.
(After all, if he was so special, why did no one ever help him?)
And then, of course, he had to go and fuck it all up.
Sixteen-to-the-day and too cocky by half, Tommy had gotten it into his head to pull off the most daring raid of his life. For food and trinkets, not for anyone else’s gain. Never for anyone else’s gain. That’d be fucking stupid, and Tommy- well, he was an idiot, but not in that way.
Everyone knew that nothing good was going on in the old apartment building. No matter how many dead they’d cleared out- burn them and their ashes can’t do much of anything- there were always more around the apartments. There were always lights on in the building, but no one knew who lived there (not even Tubbo, who’d have had to have been the one to get a generator for them, unless they could also build their own). Anyone who tried to enter never left.
All in all, it seemed like a fun challenge.
What could be up there? Maybe impossible tech, or a secret weapon, or maybe even a very pretty girl? That would be the best reward, Tommy thought, because women were more pog than anything in the world. Except women weren’t a reward and that was a horrible thing to think, so he discarded the thought.
Turns out, the world didn’t work on fucking video game logic, and instead of some grand revelation, all he got was a shotgun to his face.
Tommy remembered the sheer paralysing agony of that one thought. I am going to die here. At the time, it felt like a tragic inevitably. Now, it felt like a naïve wish. At least if he was dead, he wouldn’t feel anything anymore. After all, while the dead might move, there’s no soul in them, nothing but wild animalistic rage. No hurt, no tears, no desperate drive to escape. No missing anyone.
No, no, God knows that Tommy used up the luck that’d let him just die quickly long ago. Instead, he’d looked into where the face of his attacker would be- shrouded by so many layers and a complicated gas mask that all he could make out were eyes that might have been green- and he definitely didn’t cry, and he didn’t beg for his mama because that’d be stupid considering she died when he was little, and Tommy wasn’t stupid.
With the only bit of softness the maniac had left in him- or perhaps, a cruelty more than Tommy could name- he’d lowered his weapon, and said that while Tommy had to repay him for his impudence, he could choose whether that was as another body to study, or a living assistant, because, to quote, Tommy was young enough he could be moulded into the perfect protege, and stupidly Tommy chose to live.
And that’s how Tommy Innit wound up curled up in the world's barest apartment back-to-back with a fucking psychotic mad scientist, ankle chained to the radiator so he wouldn’t try and run again and given the order to stay up and watch the doors until further notice in case the subjects break out. His arm was already smarting from the last time he’d tried to fuck around and be a “disobedient little shit”, as his captor had oh-so-lovingly described him as.
Tommy wasn’t scared, though. Au contraire, he was feeling fucking excellent. Au contraire meant the opposite, right? The fancy fella who had all the books taught him that. Wil-something. He was nice. Nothing like Dream, no matter how much he tried to flip to awkward kindness after threats and pain.
He didn’t like thinking of the bastard as Dream, though- taking on a new name after the end was a thing everyone did here, of course, something to do with growth, but Dream wasn’t one of them. Tommy refused to think of him like that. No, he was worse than the dead he loved to study so much. At least they didn’t draw shit out.
No, Tommy wasn’t scared. He wasn’t shaking, and he wasn’t at all feeling tears build up in his eyes. He wasn’t fighting the tempting urge to fall asleep, because Dream would make him fucking regret it, the agony of fighting against the lulling void overwhelmingly difficult. He could stay up on night watch all day every day no issues. None at all.
He could hear shifting. Banging on the doors, scratching, screaming, and no matter how much Dream had reinforced them, every sound made him terrified it was about to be broken down, and the test subjects would descend on the both of them and rip them to shreds. At least Dream had a gun. Tommy wasn’t even allowed a knife, after his last stunt, and he felt so much weaker now. At least in the past, maybe he could break a nose with a lucky punch. Now he could barely get off the floor in the morning.
The apartment was mostly converted into a lab, and Tommy could hear the machines through the thin floors, too, a cacophony of noise. Less a gentle hum and more a crashing wave, it still was drowned out by the struggling of the dead. Tommy couldn’t hear his own heartbeat over it though. He couldn’t hear Dream’s snoring behind him (how the fuck the man managed to sleep through the cacophony, Tommy didn’t know, especially since this hellhole of a “home” didn’t even have a fucking bed), and he definitely didn’t start hyperventilating from panic whenever he stirred slightly.
And the cacophony didn’t make his ears ring, didn’t make him wish that the building would just collapse. It didn’t. It didn’t make him cover his ears with his hands and hum the songs Tubbo and Ranboo had taught him under his breath. It didn’t make him wish more than anything he could see them again. Tommy was an idiot, but not a sentimental idiot.
No. Tommy was fine. He’d lived through the world ending, and he’d live through his own ending too.
(Whether he wanted to or not.)
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buraidragon · 2 years
Someone wanted more Cephalon Cy so you now get Cephalon Cy being a dad Notes. (And some of my idiot Tenno’s notes.)
Cy is. A good dad. Strict, yes, but willing to explain why if asked. That said, if it’s your birthday you’re getting spoiled rotten. Little Luna got frequent shoulder rides and got to command Cadogan around like a massive mount.
Glace.... gets fishing supplies and snake food seeing as fishing addict/they kept one of the false water cobra’s kids as they ended up Thyrst-red. (The noodle is named Thyrst. Well-taken care of snake, along with all of Glace’s Kubrows and Kavats. A good diet of Kuakas with supplemental Murkray fillets and vitamin powders.) Cy is also always open to comforting his kids if needed. Glace has nightmares? Get plopped on his lap and snuggled, nerd. @apprenticenerd‘s Jhia has wing cramps? If wanted, Cy will gladly gently apply massages. @mythandlaur‘s Kepler getting too overwhelmed? Cy will give her his coat to hide under until things stop being so much.
That said this idiot is also a chronic overworker. This is a habit that’s carried over from his days since Cadogan. Cy will work through at least five scheduled maintenance cycles and crash only once he starts lagging to a noticeable amount. ....Ordis has had to enter his office several times, use his override permissions, and drag him off to sleep. Seeing as my Cy’s Ordis is shorter than him, sometimes this giant is dragged off like a sack of potatoes slung over a shoulder.
Cy’s little bit of the weave looks like a tropical island, more often than not. Like the Dog-Days arena but smaller. Sometimes the simulated land mass is wrapped in a dome of glass and resting at the bottom of the Uranus waves, simulated wildlife swimming by above head. If resting, more often than not he prefers a hammock as he’s used one most of his life. (Saves more space as you can just unclip one side if extra storage is needed on a ship.)
Cy cares deeply for all his staff. When allowed public Drydock space, he made sure there were amenities that went above and beyond. All staff has medical insurance, a comprehensive time off policy, and several on-staff mental health professionals if needed. (Despite this the dumbass still doesn’t go to get his own mental health looked over.) There’s also at least two top of the line commercial coffee makers per drydock, one for regular coffee and one for cyborg/other modification friendly coffee. Despite the New Loka being the New Loka, they do make arguably the best coffee in the Origin system. Cy begrudgingly pays them for the good stuff, not because his staff doesn’t deserve it, but because it’s The New Loka.
The info that Ballas wanted to get from Luna? What was that last ship you sent out towards the edge of the solar system. The answer? A cache of history and culturally relevant artefacts from the Yvo clan and the others that fought with them until their end. Because as long as one is remembered, they are never forgotten.
The main members of the last Pirate Hoard were the Mercenaries of Yvo, the last few survivors of Ordan’s clan, Javi’s group of Europan Geneticists, the Neptunian Coders, and a few bits the Orokin dedicated servant class (apprenticenerd gave them the name of Tsei) who were super fed up and said ‘fuck it might as well die fighting for once.’
Of course, such a special project couldn’t go off unmanned. Problem is, a human-based Cephalon would go batty from the planned centuries in the Void Proxima region. So what did they do? Take a Cephalon they captured that’s broken, rip out the human ‘personality’ components and leave enough of the base coding that any mind smacked in there would be elevated to near-human levels of thinking.  And the very lucky Sir Reginald was put in. This massive ass snake somehow made it off of Lua on the last supply cache to the Yvo as part of an old treaty.
Cy and Ordis managed to recover the cache on an experimental science-based Railjack loadout run. Cy is fucking ecstatic to be reunited with his “Number one boop noodle!”
Nowadays Sir Reginald still has free-roam of Cy’s current office. The Snakephalon does not have a spectral meat space form, but is more than content to just noodle around the Datascape bits of Cy’s office. Feet her a rat and she will love you forever. (Note that Rats for the Snakephalon translate to bits of bad data. You got a bad hard drive sector? She’ll eat it right up and be a content noodle.)
One last Cy thing. Glace happens to be cursed with a lot of aquatic based void mutations (Yes, it’s a good idea, I’m using it.) and one of them is basically super-charged shark teeth. Sometimes they fall out, and new ones growing in itch sometimes. If it’s bad enough, Cy will lend Glace their Atlas Prime arm to gnaw on for a bit. Just casually disconnect it from the elbow-down and hand it over, as void-mimicing-warframe is oddly hell teeth resistant. Glace appreciates this but is also lightly embarrassed, which is why they always hide under his desk when gnawing on his arm. Cy doesn’t mind one bit.
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seeklovenet · 2 years
eharmony: Relationship & Actual Love On The App Store
‎eharmony: Relationship & Actual Love On The App Store
It is very important to do your personal evaluation earlier than making any investment based mostly on your own private circumstances and consult with your individual investment, financial, tax and legal advisers. Harvard Business School graduate, Mark Brooks, has been an expert within the Internet dating business since 1998. He is presently the CEO of Courtland Brooks, a consultancy company for the Internet dating trade, and runs OnlinePersonalsWatch.com.
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To be a part of, customers should fill out a comprehensive questionnaire. EHarmony conducts all searches for its members – users do not have the choice of searching or searching profiles themselves. EHarmony generates matches based on a compatibility take a look at and profile standards that members fill out. The site sends e mail alerts when new matches are found. When it started, eHarmony did not offer same-sex matches; however from 2009 through 2019 the company supplied service by way of a separate platform, Compatible Partners.
Rankings And Reviews
four,183,308 critiques on ConsumerAffairs are verified. In 2014, eHarmony was criticized by the National Advertising Division of the Better Business Bureau over claims the company had made about their charges of success. This occurred after Match.com challenged claims made by eHarmony about the two corporations' relative success.
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Give us a attempt when you’re ready for something real. What occurs when you apply scientific research to courting behavior? That’s why every 14 minutes, someone finds love on eharmony. Both eHarmony and Match supply their own statistics. EHarmony promotes that its site is responsible for 5 p.c of all U.S. marriages. Of couples who met on a relationship site then married, 25 % met on eHarmony.
Matchcom Vs Eharmony
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Of marriages that began on a dating web site, 3.86 percent of eHarmony's lead to divorce, the bottom proportion of all sites. My frustrating with eHarmony was with their computerized renewal course of and the inability to cancel it. Once I was able to get someone from their customer eharmony worth it service area to respond it was too late to cancel. They renewed at a lot larger quantity than I had originally paid and were not willing to negotiate a shorter time frame nor regulate the amount. It is estimated that about 20% of eHarmony applicants are rejected.
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Feedback: Matchcom Vs Eharmony
The FTC and FBI wants to investigate these idiots. They are crooks and liars and stealing folks's cash. It’s a catch 22 and the collection agency is ready within the sidelines to Badger you for money.
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Match profiles embrace basics, corresponding to age, top, hair color, eye colour, physique sort and ethnicity. Profiles also embody sexual orientation, relationship standing, whether or not the member has youngsters, whether they smoke or drink, and their location. Members write an open-ended essay about themselves and their match. Profiles might embrace interests, train habits, hobbies, political opinions, education, religion, background values, and whether or not the member has and even likes pets. Users could add as a lot as 26 pictures and even import photos from Facebook.
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blipblooopp · 2 years
Tattoo Cherry
Summary: You've been working as the receptionist for Deja Vu Tattoo for about two years now and you still haven’t gotten a tattoo. But recently, you've been playing with the idea in your head so what's the plan? Oh right, ask your friend and the owner, Hongjoong, to do the honors. Pairing: Tattoo Artist!Hongjoong x F!Reader Words: 4k Warnings: corruption kink highk, fingering/oral (fem receiving), vaginal sex, no protection (please... use protection), a bit of dirty talk, they're horny idiots, mutual pining, besties with tension Genre: smut
You didn't hate tattoos. Quite the opposite, actually. You thought tattoos were amazing. You couldn't wrap your mind around the idea of someone committing to something so personal for the rest of their life. Marriage was a similar concept in that area but even that wasn't as permanent.
You've always wanted one in the back of your mind. Despite the pain, despite the scariness of keeping it on your skin, and despite the fact that you didn't have a single clue what you'd get. A butterfly was too basic and so were flowers and lions and whatever else. The more you thought about it, the more it made your head hurt. It had to mean something for sure but you didn't think anything was worthy enough to be tatted on your skin.
You thought working for your best friend Hongjoong would help with this. He had come to you a few weeks after he had opened his shop called Deja Vu Tattoo and asked if you needed a job. You didn't, really. You had a job at a boring office working a simple nine to five but you also had a Hongjoong and after knowing him for a few years, you knew working for him would be better than any office job.
It was an easy job, for sure. You answered calls, booked appointments, ordered supplies, and made sure the shop was running when Hongjoong got too overwhelmed. He paid you decently and through him, you met his seven other best friends who were absolute dreams. Not only were they insanely nice to look at but they were sweet guys who made you feel included. It was a family.
"Y/n, you should've been here! The client was practically screaming and I didn't even pierce her yet." Jongho huffed as he threw himself on the couch in the waiting area. He was ranting about some client that was so sensitive. You just wanted to order masks in peace but you decided to listen anyway. "And get this, it was just her ears. Can you imagine?"
"You sound extra bothered today, Jongho." You pointed out, your fingers stilling over the keyboard just so you could give him a look. He pouted at you.
"I get that it's my job but I don't understand how you can be so squeamish over an ear-piercing. She even brought her boyfriend and he just kept apologizing the entire time. I didn't even get to pierce her." Jongho's the youngest of the bunch and while he was mature in a lot of ways, his age seemed to show whenever he was feeling petty.
"Are you bothering y/n again?" Seonghwa asked, running a hand through his hair. "You know she's busy."
"Busy, my ass. She's probably playing tetris or something."
You gasp and put your hand on your chest as if you’d been shot. “I would never.”
"And what if she gets calls?" The elder scolded, "Or someone comes in and hears you talking shit about a client. Can you at least wait till we close?"
Seonghwa's the oldest of the eight men. While you made sure the shop was in tip-top shape whenever Hongjoong was busy, Seonghwa made sure the boys kept their heads on straight. He was the official second in command and he didn't hesitate to keep the boys in their place.
"Seonghwa, you can relax. Let the little boy rant." Seonghwa immediately burst into a fit of laughter but Jongho stayed silent with crossed arms and a frown.
"I'm literally twenty-two years old!"
"Then you should probably act like it!" Hongjoong called from his office. You and Seonghwa were practically hollering as Jongho stomped back to his tattoo station. Hongjoong came out of his office shortly after, standing beside you as you continued to order things. "Hello, Beautiful." He greeted.
"Hello," You smiled up at him, "Is there anything else you need from me before we head out?"
"Head out? Where are you guys going?" Seonghwa asks, making himself more comfortable on the couch and taking out his phone.
"We're going to get some lunch. We'll be out for a little bit." Hongjoong replied.
"So a date?" Seonghwa teased. You choked on your spit. A date with Hongjoong?
He shifted slightly in his spot, "We're going out for a good meal. Hold down the fort till I get back?"
Seonghwa finally looks up from his phone, "I always do."
It wasn't a date. Hongjoong didn't think of you like that but you couldn't really say that you didn't think of him like that. The guy was dripping with charisma. He was a talented tattoo artist who always made sure that his personal clients and the other boys' clients felt comfortable. He took his craft seriously and treated everyone with respect. Not to mention, the man was a walking example of sex appeal. Anyone with a pair of eyes could see that much.
Maybe it was the way he carried himself, making sure to walk around with confidence but staying humble. Maybe it was the way that he was comfortable in his masculinity to the point where he wasn't afraid of painting his nails or occasionally showing up to work with makeup on. Or maybe it was that not-so-random neck tattoo of the flower you drew for him when you first met. You'd love to date Hongjoong, you just didn't know if he wanted to date you and you sure as hell weren't going to make the first move.
The restaurant you pull up to is small and cozy. The atmosphere was nice and you were well aware that you and Hongjoong looked so out of place. It was like Beauty and the Beast but only if the Beast was covered in black ink and not brown fur. Hongjoong didn't seem to mind the staring though so neither did you. They were probably staring because he was so good-looking.
"What are you going to order?" He asks, flipping through the menu.
"I'm thinking this kimchi plate. You?" It wasn't unnatural for Hongjoong to take you out on your lunch break. In fact, it was pretty common. He didn't take you out when he was super busy but those were the days that you would bring him food to make sure he had something in his system. You cared for each other.
"This curry ramen looks really good."
Any situation that involved Hongjoong flowed really well. There was never a dull moment when you spent time with him. He carried the conversation if there was even a moment of awkwardness.
"So, I've been thinking..." You start, leaning back in your chair.
Hongjoong laughs, "That can't be good."
"I'm being serious, right now." You shot back even though you laughed at his joke, "I'm thinking of getting a tattoo."
"Finally! You've been working at the shop for some time now. I'm surprised you didn't want one sooner."
"I still have no idea what to get but I want you to tattoo me."
Hongjoong's eyes widened as he sipped his soda. He felt a sudden foreign feeling... was it nervousness? Sure was. He's tattooed hundreds of people. It wasn't a matter of whether or not he thought he was good enough. He was just scared to fuck up your first-ever tattoo, especially because you meant so much to him.
He also felt strangely turned on at the idea of being your first. Your skin's as smooth as porcelain, and even though you weren't a virgin by any means, he'd be the first to permanently taint your skin. There'd be physical proof that he had been there. It was sick to think this way, he knew. You weren't an object that needed to be branded but it sparked a sudden sense of possessiveness.
He wasn’t blind either. You’re the most beautiful human he’s ever laid his eyes on. Your hair was always styled so nice and your makeup on point, although he preferred you without. You were such a sweet woman too, occasionally getting the guys coffee and snacks in between clients.
When Hongjoong’s tattoo shop was a mere dream, you encouraged him. You were actually the first person who didn’t laugh in his face. You’d been there for every step and whenever he felt like he’d fail, you’d be there in a flash to lift him up.
"Are you sure?" He asked, still on the fence. "You're not really good at making decisions."
"What are you even talking about?"
"Remember when you thought that office job was your dream?" He was trying his best to be smooth. He felt gross about the dirty thoughts that were coming up in his head.
"Remember when you wanted to be a poet?" You sassed back. "You even wrote me a poem."
"You don't need to remind me of Star 1117. I really did want to be a writer but I was more passionate about tattooing people." He rambled. Star 1117 held a special place in your heart mostly because he dedicated it to you. You could recite it word for word if he asked, not that he would. Hongjoong thought that was his worst poem.
"Hey, Star 1117 was, and still is, iconic."
Hongjoong tells you that you'll get the tattoo in a week so you can think of what you want to get. He was going to give you a few months, more than a few, but you insisted that you wanted to get it as soon as you could because you were so excited.
"I heard you're letting Hongjoong pop your cherry." Yeosang mused. He started working at the tattoo shop a year after you did, already having a few dainty tattoos scattered on his right arm. Now, he's covered in bigger, more elaborate, tattoos all over his body.
"I'm kind of hurt. I thought we were besties." He pouts at you as he leans over the counter in front of you. You roll your eyes but don't spare too much attention. You were trying to find space in Hongjoong's schedule. Your design, even though it took you the full week to come up with, was small so you knew it wouldn't take long but you knew Hongjoong. He'd probably take his time and make sure you were comfortable.
"No offense, but I wouldn't trust you to even draw with a sharpie on my skin."
"You do realize I work here too, right? I tattoo people daily like, that's what I get paid to do?" Yeosang's head tilted to the side as he sarcastically asked. You laughed to yourself.
"I do know that. I'm the one who fills up your schedule with clients. I just... I trust Hongjoong more." Which is true. While you did trust the men in the shop with your life, Hongjoong was on a different level for you. You wouldn't feel right if you had someone else tattoo you.
"No, I get it. I'm just teasing."
"Thank you."
"We all want our first time to be special." The man walked off before you could say anything, not like you could come up with anything in the first place.
"So, you're sure about this?" Hongjoong asked, his hand gripping the tattoo machine tightly.
"For crying out loud, Hongjoong, I will literally go to a different shop." Actually, you wouldn't. Plus, no other shop was going to give you the tattoo for free.
"Alright, fine." He didn't want to admit he was nervous but he was. He could feel the sweat in his pits. "But don't blame me when you regret it. Now, let me see the design."
You feel a rush a giddiness take over as you giggle like a child and take out the folded piece of paper from your back pocket. Hongjoong takes the paper and his eyes go wide.
"No way. No. I'm not tattooing this." He pushes the paper back to you and you whine.
"It's my tattoo, on my body. Please?"
"You want me to tattoo lines from a poem I wrote four years ago?" You knew he wouldn't like the idea at first but you thought he would just roll his eyes before silently tattooing you.
"I gave you the paper, didn't I?" You roll your eyes, "Come on! I love this part." You point it out for him and he sighs to himself, visibly struggling to wrap his head around the idea.
“…Fine.” You shriek with excitement and clap. “Just shut up and tell me where you want it.” You point to the inner part of your upper left arm.
Maybe it was because this was your first time or the location of the tattoo but it was way worse than you thought it’d be. Your eyes were screwed shut underneath your right arm which you had wrapped around your head in response to the pain. You tried to calm yourself down with breathing but they came out like whimpers.
It was torture for Hongjoong. As much as he wanted to hear all the noises you were making, it was getting difficult to tattoo you. He wanted so badly to be on top of you, to be doing not so holy things to elicit this same response.
He doesn't know how he did it but he finished the tattoo and heaved a heavy breath.
"It looks great." Hongjoong compliments. "You did really... well."
"I was crying like a baby." He laughs at this and stands in between your legs in front of you. You sit up and let him wrap up the new tattoo, all the while watching it get wrapped in cellophane. It looked so pretty.
"You were really loud but you did so well for me, babygirl." His hand reached to caress your cheek and you felt yourself gulp. Kiss me. Kiss me. KISS ME.
"Did I?" You ask, playing into his playful tone. "I should be rewarded then, right?" You hook your pointer fingers into his belt loops and pull him closer, feeling his warm breath fan your face.
His eyebrow quirks as he looks down at you. Your silent prayers seem to be answered when his lips finally collide with yours. It's messy and hot, teeth hitting each other as all the built-up tension takes over your bodies. Hongjoong's hands are all over you, touching you everywhere his hands can reach while your hands are too busy messing up his hair.
Your hands find the hem of his shirt and pull it off of him and yours follows suit with your bra. You pull away just far enough to take him in. You knew he was fit but damn, you could stare at him all day. You rake your hands over his abs softly and relish how they contract under your touch.
His tattoos were no joke, either. You never knew he had so many on his upper body. There was a huge dragon that started on the left side of his ribcage and disappeared as it wrapped around his back, its tail resting on his right shoulder. You never noticed his collarbone tattoo which read 'eight makes one team'
Hongjoong snatches your hand and breaks you out of your haze, your worried eyes snapping up to see if you had done something wrong.
"I'm gonna reward you now, beautiful." He said, kissing your palm softly before letting it go. He helps you out of your shorts, tossing them to some corner of the room and getting on his knees. The new cool air hits your skin, helping you sober up slightly from the intoxicating moment. You're just about to feel nervous when you feel that first small lick to your clit.
Your head falls back, eyes rolling. Your hands immediately find Hongjoong's head, pushing him further into you. He feels pride take over at the way you react, your moans egging him on as he lets himself go. His arms wrap around your thighs, locking them onto his shoulders as he dives in, lapping up every bit of your arousal and making sure you're legs stay open.
"Oh, fuck!" You cry, pulling his hair.
"You're so wet, baby." He replies, pulling away so he can drag a single finger along your lower lips, occasionally circling your hole just to drag his finger back up. "… so pretty."
"Hongjoong, please..."
"Please what? I'm not a mind-reader." His finger stops right at your hole again and your back arches with anticipation. But he doesn't enter you, he stops completely.
You look down at him and the sight alone makes you need him even more than before. His chin is still wet from your juices, his eyes dark and dilated with want. He looks so good between your thighs and the thought of him eating you out all night has you clenching on nothing.
He chuckles lowly, "Did you need something from me?"
"Please touch me."
"Where?" He taunts, standing up and putting his hands on your chest, playing with your nipples until they get hard. "Here?"
You shake your head no.
He hums as he plays dumb, his hands tracing the curves of your body, "Maybe you want me to just hold you here?" His hands resting on your hips.
"Baby, please, I need your fingers inside me." You rush out.
"Ah, that was going to be my next guess." His two fingers finally enter you slowly and your head falls back again. His thumb rubs circles into your clit and your hands are gripping the sides of the chair.
"Joong, I'm- I'm gonna-" You stutter, your mind slowly slipping away.
"I know, baby. Go ahead whenever you're ready." He encourages, his fingers continuing to bring you to your high. His voice sounded like pure aphrodisiac to you. How could you refuse? You came in an instant, painting Hongjoong's fingers with your juices.
"I gotta be in you, right now. I feel like I'm going crazy." His hands fiddled with the buckle, his excitement clouding his mind and making him struggle. Maybe this was a mistake but you guys were flowing so well. You had to feel the same way, right? He had to know before you continued.
"Tell me how you want it." Hongjoong huffed. He was above you now, his dick rubbing between your wet folds. It was driving you crazy; you just wanted him to fuck you but the words weren't coming out. He pulls away slightly, his eyebrows knitting together and eyes pleading. "No, look at me and tell me you want this... want me."
The vibe was suddenly very serious. You almost forgot why you were in this position. You didn't even have to think though. You knew what he meant even though he didn't explain himself. You did want him. You've wanted him since you met him.
You look into his eyes and cup his face. You give him a small smile. "I've wanted you, in every possible way ever since I laid eyes on you."
You can feel him relax as he sighs, "Thank god... I'm definitely gonna fuck you now."
You mutter out a please and Hongjoong's entering you without another beat. His dick is big, bigger than in your wet dreams. He bites his lip, forcing himself to take it slow despite really not wanting to. The look on your face is what keeps him strong though. He hated knowing you were in pain even if would only last a second.
Even when he was all the way inside, he waited until you were fully adjusted. You looked into his eyes and gave him a reassuring nod. His hips moved slowly as he gripped your waist like he wouldn’t ever let go. You knew you’d have bruises and the thought of this moment having physical proof on your body was making you more excited.
"Move, please, faster" You look up at him and move your hands to rest on his shoulders, trying to speak through the cloudiness of pleasure. Hongjoong wanted to imprint the look you were giving him into his brain. It was better than anything his wildest fantasies could come up with. But he obliged before you completely lost your patience. You both had been waiting too long.
He moved quick just like you asked, burying his head in your neck and occasionally leaving soft kisses. His hips were pistoning into you just right.
"Oh, fuck, baby. You're so fucking tight." His hands moved from your hips to the back of your legs, pushing them up so you were bent in half on the chair. Your hands instantly grabbed the sides of the chair, trying to keep yourself from flying off from the strong thrusts.
Hongjoong felt so good inside of you. He was filling you just right and you wanted to watch so bad but your eyes wouldn't stop rolling. You were reaching your limit but you didn't want it to stop. It was too good.
Hongjoong was fighting his own battle. You felt like a glove, warm and tight. You looked so beautiful under him. It all felt like a dream to him. He wasn't going to last long.
"Hongjoong!" You cried, feeling the knot in your stomach about to burst, "Please,"
"I know. I got you. I'm almost there" He replied back between moans. He shoved his head between your breasts, planting hickies along your chest. You didn't think it was possible but his thrusts were becoming faster and harder.
Your orgasm hit you in a flash. It caught you by surprise but Hongjoong was right there with you. He let you ride out your high before pulling himself out with a grunt and releasing on your stomach.
He let out a heavy sigh of satisfaction and put his hands on the side of the chair, shifting his weight on his arms so he could rest while standing.
"That was..." He started, taking deep breaths.
Post nut clarity started to hit you as you closed your eyes, trying your hardest to calm down from the high.
"Did you hate it?" You asked, your eyes practically glued shut so you wouldn't have to see the look of disapproval if he really did hate it.
Instead, he laughed... really loud. The sound surprised you enough to make you look at him. "Did I like it?" His tone was sarcastic. "Y/N, I have wanted this since we saw each other."
You felt your face warm up at this. "Me too."
"I know." Hongjoong said, feeling cocky. "You said something like 'I've wanted you since the first time I saw you! Muah, muah, muah." His tone was high-pitched in an awful attempt to mimic you.
"Hey!" You sat up and pushed him lightly. "I don't sound like that."
He just smiled warmly at you before kissing your lips and getting you a few napkins to clean up. After you wiped all the sex off your body, you got up and looked in the mirror, holding your arm out in a way to look at your new tattoo.
It's exactly the way you wanted it, in his handwriting and everything. You smiled to yourself.
"Do you like it?" Hongjoong asked, coming up from behind and wrapping an arm around your waist. Your head nods fast like a child who's just been asked if they want ice cream.
"It means everything to me."
"You look different." Seonghwa narrowed his eyes at you.
"I got a new tattoo!" You beamed, extending your arm so he could see.
"No, no, this is different."
"You're crazy."
"No he's right... There's something about you." Jongho joined in, narrowing his eyes too and shaking his finger at you.
"Hongjoong gave her head!" Wooyoung screamed from his station. You gasped, your head whipping in his direction.
"Woo!" You cried.
"Dicked her down too!" Hongjoong screamed back from his office.
"Yeah, you thought you were the only two in the store but you weren't! But don't worry, I left and locked the door the moment I heard." Wooyoung explained, walking over to your desk.
"What's the tattoo say?" Jongho asked, grabbing your wrist and coming closer.
Thinking of you. That’s the greatest happiness for me.
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A new servant desperately struggles to understand what exactly Merlin is:
A cryptid? Arthur's boyfriend? Simply a dude? The court jester? Something else entirely? Who knows, certainly not the new guy.
The first time the new kitchen-hand, Tristan, saw The King’s dark-haired servant sprinting down the corridor, he couldn’t tell if the man was laughing or crying.
He was fast, faster than Tristan thought possible for someone whose arms were so full of laundry, but he politely steps out of the way, coming to the conclusion that he must’ve been late for something. At least... he did think that, until he turns the next corner to see three of The king’s most trusted knights peering out of windows and into random doors. Tristan freezes in the corridor, he’d heard that servants were treated extremely well here, but he’d only been employed for a few days and he didn’t want to risk anything by pushing past or addressing his betters.
One of the knights, Sir Leon, his brain helpfully supplies, spots him stood there, and his annoyed frown quickly morphs into a friendly smile:
“Pardon me, sorry, I don’t suppose you’ve seen Merlin around anywhere, have you?”
Tristan’s eyes go wide and the grip he has on his tray tightens, but he forces himself to take a breath and answer, trying his best to keep his voice even:
“Merlin is... The King’s manservant? Tall, with dark hair?”
Another knight pushes forward, he looks to be the oldest, with dark hair falling in an almost deliberately tousled way around his bearded jawline. His charming grin seems just a little too wide to be genuine, but Tristan isn’t quite sure if that’s because he’s about to take pleasure in punishing someone, or if he’s just being polite to a stranger:
“Yeah, yeah that’s him, seen him? Arsehole turned our shirts pink in the wash, and something tells me it was deliberate.”
Tristan gulps at the accusation and he takes a shaky step back, but before he can even think of defending the stranger that he now thinks must’ve been crying, the last of the three knights, a giant, if Tristan believed in such things, steps forward:
“Don’t worry, we won’t beat him too much.” 
He says it with a grin and a quirk of his eyebrows, but once again the kitchen-hand can’t tell if it was cruel or genuine, if he was being sarcastic or not.
“Uh... yeah, he turned left at the end of this corridor, but I didn’t see where he went after that, I apologise.”
Sir Leon waves away his apology with a smile, looking to the long-haired knight with a raised eyebrow:
“The stables?”
The man grins widely, nodding his agreement as he turns his grin to the giant. Sir Leon offers Tristan another soft smile, murmuring his thanks before moving past him, elbowing the other two to prompt them in to thanking him as well. The three of them march down the corridor with almost vindictive smiles on their faces, and Tristan prepares himself to see a vacancy note, or possibly a funeral invite, posted on the notice board by the next morning.
When he passes a window that evening to see the King’s manservant being carried on the giant’s shoulders as five other knights pelt them with gloves, a grin on every face, he decides that... well... it’s probably best to just not to ask.
The next time he sees Merlin, a few days later, The King is also there.
This is the first time Tristan has been in Arthur Pendragon’s presence, and though the other servant’s all rave on about how awkwardly kind he is, he’s a bundle of nerves. Not even Cook’s stories about how often she whacks The King’s knuckles with a wooden spoon when she catches him about to pilfer something stops Tristan’s heart from racing. 
The King was overseeing a few of the servants decorate the main hall for a feast, and whilst Tristan is certain that that’s not something The King normally does, he doesn’t question it, just thinks that maybe the other servants had been telling the truth, and he was a genuinely nice, but normal man. 
Merlin stands at his side, and though Tristan can’t hear their conversation, the two of them are clearly bickering over something. The servant can’t help his curiosity, wanting desperately to move closer to find out what sort of things The King allows his servant to bicker with him about; luckily, the table right next to them has yet to be laid, so he moves towards it quickly. He doesn’t even glance at them, terrified of being caught out, but perhaps Merlin surviving the knights non-wrath the other day is encouraging him, and his steps don’t falter. Their words come in to focus, and he has to stop the confused, and slightly horrified, frown from spreading across his face:
“Arthur, I swear to the Gods, if you make me wear that hat again, I’ll piss in your wine and serve it to you in front of a crowd.”
The King scoffs just as Tristan shakily begins laying down the cutlery:
“That’s treason, Merlin.”
“Do I look like I care? Not only will I piss in your wine, I will not hesitate to push you over a balcony at the first opportunity. This hall is high up and it’s a long way down to the gardens. He drank toxic wine and turned loopy and tipped himself off a balcony and went splat! That’s what people will say. I’m not wearing the Godamn hat.”
Tristan has to focus extra carefully to stop himself from gasping; Merlin just threatened to kill The King... that’s got to be a death sentence. Pissing off some knights that he’s obviously friendly with is one thing, but threatening to kill The-
“Ha ha. Very funny. If you can’t tell, Merlin, I’m being sarcastic, I know you struggle with complex concepts like that.”
Merlin just rolls his eyes, crossing his arms as he says with no hesitation:
“My mind is more than capable of coping, My Lord, it’s your belt I worry about being able to cope nowadays.”
Tristan bites his tongue to stop himself from yelping and turns away so neither of them can see his horrified face. The King just makes an outraged noise in the back of his throat, and Tristan can hear Merlin snort in laughter at whatever expression Arthur was wearing to match such a noise:
“Go to the stocks. I want you there for three hours.”
Tristan lets out a confused breath; Merlin threatens to kill The King, and gets playful sarcasm, but he implies The King might be a tad overweight, and gets sent to the stocks for three hours? How is that-
“Yeah... no. Not happening. The feast starts in less than two hours and I still have to help Guinevere organise some stuff in the courtyard, do Gaius’ rounds for him, then put an extra hole in your belt and help you get dressed because, despite being a grown man, you’re still an idiot who’s incapable of putting clothes on in any sort of decent manner.”
Tristan finds himself relaxing a little. This seems to be the norm for them, but surely... surely The King had a line somewhere, and a servant just flat out refusing to be disciplined must be where it lies?
Arthur just scoffs, and Tristan angles his head in such a way that he can see him roll his eyes:
“Fuck off.”
Merlin grins, seeming to cast a suspicious gaze over the room to make sure no one was watching and somehow completely missing Tristan stood just there, before saying quietly:
“You love me really, you prat.”
With that, Merlin reaches up to yank at a lock of The King’s hair before hurrying off in the direction of the courtyard before Arthur can react. The King jumps slightly, clearly caught by surprise as an annoyed flush rises on his face, but Tristan just frowns in confusion when his shock gives way to a softly amused smile.
The next few times Tristan saw Merlin made him fear for the servant’s safety. He was being taken on hunts by The King and his knights, that’s meant to be for squires, to learn the ropes and gain experience in tracking and riding. 
He supposes it isn’t entirely unheard of for a servant to follow their master on a hunt, but with the way Merlin complains without pause, and The King in turn complains about his complaining, he thinks it would better for everyone if Merlin just... didn’t go. When he brings it up to another servant, a lovely woman named Guinevere who had helped him get unlost at least three times in his first week, she just laughs and smiles at him pityingly:
“I wouldn’t worry, those two have been like that forever, they’re practically inseparable.”
Tristan responds with a rather intelligent sounding:
Gwen laughs softly again, shaking her head and patting his shoulder consolingly:
“You’ll get used to it, they’re just... like that.”
She gives him one more smile before turning to wave the boys out of the gates and walking back to the castle as if this were the most normal thing in the world. Tristan supposes that it probably is.
The next time Tristan sees Merlin leave the city gates with the knights, Sir Elyan, Sir Mordred, and Sir Lancelot this time, it’s distinctly worse. Because he’d caught sight of the patrol rota last time he ran food down to the training ground, and he was certain that those three had a city patrol right about now.
Before he even has time to gape in shock, he hears Merlin’s pleading voice as he trails Sir Elyan like a lost puppy:
“Please, El, I promise to stay out of the way, I will do anything, but I swear to the Gods if I have to spend one more minute around that prat, I’ll hurl myself from the battlements.”
Swearing to the Gods and threating to hurl various people, including himself, from significant heights seems to be some sort of theme for The King’s manservant. Before Tristan can consider the implications of that, Sir Elyan turns to Merlin with a wide, teasing grin on his face:
“You know, I would’ve let you tag along for free, Merlin, but now that you’ve promised me something I feel the need to take advantage.”
Tristan tenses at that, a shot of ice spiking down his spine. He has keen eyes and sharp ears, he knows that Sir Elyan is the lovely Gwen’s brother, Sir Mordred seems to have an... odd worship for the servant, and he’s definitely picked up on the close bond between Merlin and Sir Lancelot, but is this where Camelot’s image comes crashing down in Tristan’s head? He knew that it was better here for servant’s than other Kingdoms, but there are always people who’ll take advantage of their position, no matter where you are. Merlin’s shoulders just drop and he asks in a sulking voice:
“What do you want?”
Tristan grits his teeth, moving his gaze so no one would catch him glaring at the knight as he tries to figure out a way to help, a way to get this virtual stranger out of being... abused, in such a manner. If he’d carried on glaring, he would’ve noticed Elyan’s soft smile and amused raised eyebrow:
“Next time you gather herbs for Gaius, bring back some more of those flowers that you got for Gwen. She said they added vibrancy to the house, whatever that means, but they make her happy, so...-”
Merlin just giggles and nods and Tristan relaxes, looking back to them with a confused smile on his face. That was... actually kind of sweet, he can definitely see the resemblance between the knight and his sister:
“-AND I want whatever Arthur’s having for dinner tonight, his food always looks way nicer than ours.”
Merlin lets out a faux annoyed groan, but then rolls his eyes and grins, nodding:
“Consider it done. Can we go now? I really don’t want to risk him seeing me and giving me some stupid chore to do.”
Elyan laughs and nods, and the four of them begin making their way out of the courtyard and into the city. Sir Lancelot finally joins the conversation, clearly amused as he says:
“You know it’s literally your job to do chores, right?”
Merlin turns to glare at him as Sir Mordred and Sir Elyan laugh, and Tristan only just hears his reply as the castle gates shut behind them:
“Fuck off.”
Tristan decides it would be pointless to bring this up to anyone again, he figures he’ll probably just get the same answer as last time.
The next confusing incident happens only a few days later. But Tristan supposes that at this point... it really shouldn’t be confusing. Gwen was right, he did just... get used to it.
He heard the steps pounding down the corridor before he saw him, but they were coming fast and hard, so he presses himself against the wall, holding the tray to his side to protect it as best he could as Merlin comes skidding round the corner. 
He stops just long enough for Tristan to calm himself by spying the wide grin on his face, but he’s quickly sprinting down the hall again, laughing as he waves whatever it is he’s got clutched in his hands. The second set of loud, rapid footsteps stops Tristan from stepping away from the wall quite yet. Just a moment later, Sir Gwaine follows Merlin’s skidded path around the corner, though the heavier man overshoots slightly and he runs into the wall opposite Tristan with a crash and a deep groan.
The rebellious knight gives a wide-eyed Tristan an awkward nod before pushing himself off the wall and following Merlin’s blazing trail, screaming down the corridor:
“I warned you Merlin!! Don’t come between a man and his ale, now give that back you bastard!”
Tristan hears Merlin’s laughter grow louder, even from the two corridors away that the other servant had managed to race to.
He shrugs to himself, waiting for a moment to see if anyone else was going to come barrelling around the corner before sighing, and continuing his journey up to the visiting Lord’s chambers.
It was unusual, he thought, how quickly he’d come to terms with the fact that a servant was sassing The King and pranking the knights and inviting himself on various hunts and patrols that he really had no business on. Unusual indeed.
He’d learnt to ignore it. Or at least brush it off.
In the two weeks since Merlin had (presumably) stolen Sir Gwaine’s skin of ale, he’d seen the servant call The King a long list of imaginative insults (what the hell is a dollop head?), walk around with Sir Leon’s cloak on because he was a little chilly, accuse someone of treason (and somehow been right about it), and threaten to kill at least seven people; including, but not limited to: The King himself, The King’s already dead father, some stuck up Noble (though that was under his breath, Tristan just happened to be stood next to him), and Sir Percival.
And Gwen was... absolutely right. He's just... like that. He's Merlin, and that’s what Merlin does.
So when he turns a corner in a rarely used to corridor to see him pressing The King against a wall, snogging the life out of him, Tristan simply turns around and walks back the other way. Both of them look fairly happy with the arrangement, and they’d probably chosen this corridor for the exact same reason Tristan had: it was out of everyone’s way, and was unlikely to be inhabited.
He thinks it’s odd, how... un-odd he finds it. He absent-mindedly thinks that, with the way they acted around each other, he really should’ve seen this coming. A sudden thought occurs to him, and he ducks into a storage cupboard, laying his tray down carefully as he rummages through the boxes. He lets out a quiet “Yay” when he finds what he’s looking for, carefully picking up his tray with only one hand and nudging the door open again with his hip. 
He walks back towards the corner he had just turned (and turned again) making a conscious effort to keep his steps quiet; he places the danger sign, usually used where walls had collapsed or windows had been smashed, in the middle of the corridor, a clear indication of “Do Not Enter”.
He nods smugly at his quick thinking and easy handy work before mentally planning the quickest route to the kitchens and following it hurriedly.
He casually wonders if he has time to circle around to the other end of the corridor so he could put another sign down before Cook gets angry at him for being late. Probably not. At least, not before they... finish up and move on. Hmm. He suddenly panics about the thought of them seeing the sign and knowing that someone had spotted them but... well. Hopefully they would just appreciate it and move on.
Yet again, he decides not to bring this up to anyone. He may or may not have overheard a few of the knights making some sort of bet, and he may or may not want to watch on with amusement as they fail to realise that all of them have already lost.
Tristan smiles to himself; working here had turned out to be rather entertaining, in the end.
I know it’s short, but I really didn’t know what else to add without it sounding like I was just repeating myself over and over😅
I hope y’all enjoyed it!!
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I come bearing a request! The Brothers with an MC who's really good at cooking and baking? Like, the stuff food blogs dream of. Master-level instagram pastries. Could compete with the chocolate guy if they put their mind to it.
👀 ooooo, I do love me some pastries-
(I know you have an *ahem* distaste for Lucifer, dear moot, so enjoy Lucifer acting like a bit of a dingus in his section!)
Oh, the human can cook. *insert asshole eyeroll here*. Great. Wonderful. Groundbreaking. That’s what’s got all his brothers acting like- what was that word Levi used? Simps? This human has turned six of the seven rulers of hell into a bunch of simps.
Sure, the human has near godlike cooking prowess. Sure, everyone looks forward to their day for cooking. And sure, everyone thinks the human’s pretty great.
Tsk, not him though. He’s a refined demon. Some silly food isn’t going to make him a lovesick fool… did he smell eclairs..?
Lucifer peered into the kitchen to see MC carefully taking a tray of eclairs out of the oven and letting them cool off on the counter. His favourite dessert… right there in front of him…
Due to not being a total moron, MC notices Lucifer and asks him what the hell he’s doing just standing ominously in the doorway. Lucifer makes up some bullshit excuse about reminding MC to do their homework and just leaves. Okay, game plan, he needs those fucking eclairs or he will spontaneously combust.
As he snuck into the kitchen that night, Lucifer took a moment to briefly wonder why he was creeping around his own house. He was the Avatar of Pride for pity’s sake! He could eat whatever he damn well pleased! Oh shit was someone coming- no? Okay, back to sneaking.
Lucifer crept into the kitchen, saw the eclairs, and all logic was thrown out the window. Time to eat!
“BEEL NO! NOT THE- Lucifer..?” “…” “…” “…you’re very talented, MC, do you mind making more of these?”
Ugh, stuck babysittin’ some dumb human, how lame…
As Mammon was throwing a “I’m broke and I’m stuck in a pact with a dumb human” pity party, the most heavenly smell entered his nostrils. Cooking… good cooking… was Barbatos visiting or somethin’? Nah, Lucifer woulda made a big fuss about gettin’ ready for Lord Diavolo. Huh, so what was goin’ on in the kitchen?
Huh? The human? The human can cook? Well damn, maybe this whole deal wouldn’t be so bad. Oi! MC! As payment for babysittin’ ‘em, he got to have an extra big share of- OW!
Did- did the human just hit him with a spoon?! Th-they can’t do that!
Apparently they fucking can. Mammon gets told to sit the fuck down and wait for the food like everyone else. He grumbles on the way to the dining room, but he can’t fully hide his excitement to try the food.
The food even looked pretty! How did they do that?! Magic. It had to be!
After everyone’s tastebuds were blessed with the heavenly substance that is MC’s culinary exploits, Mammon decides he needs to get on this human’s good side in order to receive more food! Maybe even find some way to make a profit or somethin’!
After weeks go by of trying to suck up to the human without looking like too much of a chump, Mammon eventually realizes… hey, this human ain’t so bad. They’re nice, they make him feel good about himself, they give him headpats… he’s really hit the jackpot here!
He’ll offer to help MC bake or cook, but beware, he will try and sample the food before it’s done. Don’t let him lick the spoon!!!
First thought? This human ain’t shit. Thought after seeing their food? WOAAAAAAAH! JUST LIKE THAT ONE ANIME-
He was unceremoniously cut off by Beel asking demanding seconds. Humph, fine, he doesn’t actually care about this dumb normie food anyway.
…well at least until Levi saw a little something something on TV that he just had to ask MC to try and make. He shyly knocked on their door and when they answered, Levi shoved the screenshot in their face and stuttered out a dinner request.
On the day MC was supposed to make dinner, Levi poked his head into the kitchen and tried to make it look like he was just standing in the same room as MC and not checking to see if they were making his dinner request.
Not that he’d blame them for not doing that… who’d wanna make some anime dinner for a yucky Otaku- OMG JAHSHSHABA THEY’RE MAKING IT! *fangirl squeals*
As Levi continues to commit the SIN of being in the kitchen at the same time as someone else, MC eventually just asks him if he’d like to help out.
“Here! Just keep turning the takoyaki.” “R-really? You trust me?” “Yes, Levi. You watched how they made it on your show, right?” “Yes! I won’t mess up! I swear on my honour as an otaku!”
All in all, it was a very cute bonding experience for the two. Now it’s a regular thing. Levi requests something for dinner or dessert, MC makes it, Levi helps out.
So, the human can cook. That’s nice. At least someone in this literally god forsaken house can.
He makes sure to thank MC every time they cook, then he makes sure to thank whatever deity is watching over him that Solomon wasn’t the human staying with them.
As the months progress, Satan realizes, he should learn how to cook better. I mean, Levi and Mammon were somehow both improving in their cooking endeavours, and if MC could teach those two, then he would be a breeze.
Satan walked into the kitchen and simply asked if MC needed any assistance with what they were doing. MC just slid him some garlic to dice and that’s how this mentor/student relationship was formed.
Satan was a star pupil, but Mammon and Levi weren’t above trying to sabotage Satan’s progress to get him to leave.
Here’s the thing, the sabotage worked, but it only worked once, and the two idiots didn’t stop to think that maybe they shouldn’t sabotage the meal they were going to have to eat later.
Well, cooking lessons continued uninterrupted after the ghost pepper incident…
Even when he’s ‘graduated’ their little cooking class, Satan’s always willing to lend a hand if needed. He also will slyly hand over some recipe books and cute baking supplies that he finds. MC should be prepared for lots of cat related things to come their way.
The human can cook? Oh frabcious day! He’s saved from a life of his brother’s mediocre cooking! And the human’s so cute too! What a bonus!
Not only is the human cute, but their food is just so… aesthetic??? Pretty???? Omigosh he just has to get a picture for Devilgram!
For the first few months, MC’s relationship with Asmo consists of Asmo not at all subtly asking to take pictures of their food and post it to his Devilgram. Listen MC, his followers would just love it!
Being the saint-sheep they are, MC lets Asmo sit in whenever they’re making anything in the kitchen. And Asmo slowly realizes “hey, this cute human with the awesome food is actually pretty cool too!”
New Mission: Make the human fall madly in love with him so they’ll want to hang out more.
Whether the mission succeeds is up to MC of course. (I mean, I’m already smitten with him sooooooooo-)
MC offers Asmo a lot of the pastries they make, but the Avatar of Lust almost always declines. Listen honey, he’s on a diet- wait, don’t make that sad face! He’ll eat it! Look! It’s- it’s delicious…
Diet cheat day is now every day MC makes dessert. The feeling of bliss Asmo gets when he takes a bite out of anything MC makes is only second of the treats is second only to the joy he feels at seeing MC happy that he likes their food. It’s just so wholesome I can’t-
MC’s food Devilgram has almost surpassed Asmo in terms of followers and honestly- he isn’t even mad.
Gasp! Lucifer finally got him the pet personal chef he’d always wanted! Thanks big bro! :D he’ll be sure not to eat this human!
On the first night MC was supposed to make dinner, Lucifer needed to hold Beel back from breaking into the kitchen to see what was causing that heavenly smell. It was, difficult… especially because Lucifer hadn’t slept in three days.
When they all sat down to eat, Beel practically inhaled everything and held up his half bitten plate for seconds.
We here at Stupid Headcanons incorporated recommend that MC have as many bodyguards as possible stationed around the kitchen at all times to ward off a hungry Beel. We don’t want him eating the ingredients and half-tempered chocolate.
A cinnamon roll through and through, he’ll eat everything MC gives him with a big ol’ smile on his cute little face. He’s not the best person to go to if MC wants advice or critique because the best thing Beel can usually muster is “it was really good.”
As Luke said in Lesson 5, Beel would make an awful food reporter. But we love him.
Similar to Levi, he’ll give meal requests on what to make for dinner. (At this rate, MC’s going to have to make some kind of list).
He kind of just waits by the door like a sad puppy whenever MC is making anything because he can’t get into the kitchen :(
The smell of freshly made chocolate chip cookies wafting through the house did reach the attic and it only fuelled his rage more. How dare the human win everyone over with cookies?!
After the attic incident, Belphie was won over with cookies.
Belphie just stands creepily in the kitchen doorway whenever MC is making anything and just makes shit really uncomfortable. Why’s he doing that, you may be wondering, well, he’s trying to calculate the energy needed to swipe the bowl of cookie dough and sprint to safety.
He never succeeds, mainly because once he gets to the bowl, MC already has the wooden spoon ready to smack him, so he just freezes mid-theft and slowly puts the bowl down.
“Oh my gosh, it says let the bread dough rest overnight? Let’s get a headstart and go to sleep now.” “Belphie what-” “I made a pillow Fort, come in. Let’s sleep.” “In the kitchen????”
How’d he make the pillow Fort without MC noticing? Years of experience. He’s trained in the art of- MC? What do you mean you can’t sleep right now and you need to get a head start on shaping fondant?
…he may have eaten the fondant while MC wasn’t looking… whoops… Beel may have rubbed off on him a little…
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thepenultimateword · 2 years
Dearest Darling Part 2
Part One
CW: Blood, serious injuries, medical treatment/supplies
The man behind the reception desk didn't even flinch when Villain pushed through the motel door, side soaked with blood and leaving behind red handprints on the glass. He simply slid a pen and clipboard across the desk and reached under the counter for a heavy metal box with a red cross painted on the lid.
He probably saw a lot of types this close to the Hero HQ.
The paper contained a few basic questions, time of check-in, name (which Villain quickly faked), number of guests, etc. Villain hesitated a second too long over the line that said Length of Stay. That wasn’t exactly predictable; it depended on Supervillain's wounds, as well as how quickly the area became clear of heroes.
Perhaps two days. Just to be safe.
She jotted it down along with a scribbly signature.
"Cash or credit?" the man drawled looking over the clipboard as slowly as possible. Come on, come on, Supervillain was going to be dead at this rate.
Villain slammed the heel of her boot on top of the desk and snapped open the buttoned seam of her pantleg up to the thigh. A simple black garter secured a large wad of cash along the side of her leg, just above the knee. She loosed a few bills from the stack and tossed them in front of the man's suddenly wide-eyed face.
"Er...ID?" he croaked,
Villain thumbed out an extra hundred and waved it under his nose. "Why don’t we forget the ID?"
The receptionist took all of two seconds to pluck the bill from her fingers and replace it with a small golden key, accompanied on its keyring by a bright, plastic flamingo with the number 5 Sharpied on its chest.
"Enjoy your stay."
Villain spared a nod, not bothering to rebutton her pantleg before hefting the first aid kit off the desk and shoving back outside to nearly passed out Supervillain draped over the handlebars of her motorcycle.
"Ok, darling," she said, looping one long arm over her shoulder and summing up all her strength to drag him over the side of the bike. Sticky scarlet stained the grey leather seat and drizzled off the chrome. Not good.
"I got us a room. Why don't you have a laydown, and when you're feeling better we'll have a nice, long talk about trespassing?"
"I...h-h-hate you," Supervillain gasped.
"Not very nice words for someone who saved your life, pumpkin."
She scanned the row of doors up and down. There. Number five. Right in the middle. Villain shoved the key in the lock and opened the door to a small, dim room with little more than a microwave and a coffee maker on the point of short-circuiting for amenities.
She flopped Supervillain on his back on the single Queen bed and popped open the first aid kit on the floor, immediately selecting a large pair of half-rusted scissors. She started at the cuffs of his black jeans and ended at the collar of his silk turtleneck.
"G-get away." A spray of saliva escaped through Supervillain's gritted teeth and flecked Villain's cheek. "I'm n-not...interested."
"Sweetheart," Villain said, pinning his warding hand back at his side and pressing a cooling hand to his blazing forehead, "you're delirious. Stop flattering yourself and let me save your life."
He may have understood, or he may have simply been too woozy to continue protesting, but either way, he flopped his head back against the pillows and allowed Villain to begin inspecting his wounds. Not good. Very not good. This idiot had better not die when she'd only just started.
Staunching the bleeding on the major wounds was probably the best first move. Then from there, the abdominal wound--it seemed the most serious.
Her hands hovered over the large stake for several moment before she finally touched her fingers to it. The splintering end felt like a weapon in her hands, to further damage at her will or maybe even against it too. Images of breaking the tip or ripping the flesh raced through her head, forcing her movements slow and gentle. Luckily, it looked like the ribs had taken the brunt of the blow, holding the stake short of piercing anything internal. Or at least, Villain hoped so. There was only so much she could see with her own eyes. But might as well be optimistic.
Supervillain’s skin burned hot and slick beneath her fingers, and the two sides of ripped flesh squelched as she pinched them together. The needle almost slipped from her other bloody hand, but somehow she managed to begin the thick stitching.
“You know,” Villain muttered, screwing her eyes at the crooked line slowly coming into being across Supervillain’s rib cage, “being Supervillain doesn’t make you invincible. If it did, I wouldn’t even be here. Do you have no sense of self-preservation?”
Supervillain mumbled incoherently, eyes rolling back into his head.
Villain shook her head and grabbed the roll of bandages from the first aid kit. Wedging one arm beneath Supervillain’s back, she lifted him in a sort of almost embrace, creating a gap just big enough to begin wrapping the roll several times around his abdomen.
Her arm screamed beneath his bulk. It was already sore from that little piggyback ride through the wood, so she couldn’t judge herself to harshly for its incessant trembling. When she reached the last loop, she didn’t hesitate to drop him ungracefully back to the mattress with a stressed squeal from the bed springs.
“Why are you so big?” she complained, barely giving herself time to breath before slapping a new coat of disinfectant into her hands and moved on to the next weeping wound. “You must have drank all your milk and ate all your veggies as a kid. You know it wouldn’t have hurt to be smaller. Might’ve missed more of those spikes if you weren’t such a massive target.”
“Frifmrrr…” Supervillain mumbled softly.
“Yes, dear,” Villain said, stroking his brow. “It’s all very frifmrrr.”
Over the next several hours, she found herself falling into a rhythm, disinfecting, stitching, bandaging, and moving on to inspect the next wound. By the time she had squelched the danger of bleeding out and gotten to the twisted leg, she felt about ready to collapse. Supervillain had passed out long ago--from pain, blood loss, or exhaustion Villain wasn't sure--and now breathed shallowly on top of the covers, face twisting into a grimace every few seconds.
She glowered enviously before running her hands gingerly down the injured limb, feeling out each displaced piece. Probably best not to mess with it she eventually decided; splinting was not her expertise, and she would probably only make it worse. At the very least he was alive.
"You don’t mind if I take this spot, do you, darling?” Villain said, crawling to the other side of the bed and collapsing next to him. “Thanks.”
She squished her cheek into one of the cool pillows and more a moment just stared at the master criminal’s scrunching, twisting expression. She’d get painkillers in a couple hours. For now…she really needed a moment.
Her hand crawled its way along Supervillain’s feverish throat, drifting over each little ridged bone in his trachea and the soft rise of his Adam’s apple until she located his pulse, weak, but steady. It would have to do.
Her eyelids drooped heavily, and soon all Villain was aware of was the soft thump, thump, thump against her fingertips, each beat a step carrying her further into sleep.
Hmmm…this part felt a little boring to me. And I’m having one of those days where I’m getting stuck over writing characters doing normal things like crossing a room, so everything also seems a bit choppy. But oh well, I wanted to finish this scene and I did, so I suppose it’s still sort of a win 😅
Master Taglist:
@moss-tombstone e @crazytwentythrees @just-1-lonely-person @the-vagabond-nun @willow-trees-are-beautiful l @cocoasprite @insanedreamer7905 @valiantlytransparentwhispers @whovian378 @watercolorfreckles @thebluepolarbear @yulanlavender @kitsunesakii i @deflated-bouncingball @lem-hhn @office-plant-in-a-trenchcoat @last-ditch-entry @ghostfacepepper @pigeonwhumps
106 notes · View notes
dadbodosamu · 3 years
only you || part iii
Stepdad Osamu x Fem!Reader
WARNINGS: shower sex, oral (m receiving), snowballing, semi-public sex, mild degradation, spit, squirting, daddy kink
4.1k words
also i forgot to tag them in the last part but thanks to @waka-chan-out and @vanilleswtmacaron for beta reading this!!
part i || part ii || part iii || part iv || part v || part vi || extras || only you, too
In the morning, Osamu was once again sliding into your bed. He wrapped his arms around you from behind and hummed in your ear as he settled down.
“Good morning, baby,” he muttered.
“Morning,” you mumbled, shimmying closer to him. You yawned and rolled to face him. 
“Beautiful,” Osamu said, kissing your forehead. You smiled tiredly.
“Handsome,” you said, kissing his nose. 
“Shower with me?” He asked. You hummed in agreement. He rolled you out of the bed, pulling you into your attached bathroom.
You pushed your shorts down to your ankles as Osamu pulled your shirt off.
“Cute,” he said, pinching your nipple playfully.
“We should start the shower,” you mumbled as Osamu leaned down in front of you. 
“Mhmm,” he hummed, wrapping his lips around one of your nipples.
“Samu,” you breathed as he sucked at your nipple. 
“Just can’t get enough of ya,” he mumbled against your skin.
You tangled your fingers in his hair as he swapped over to your other nipple. 
“Yer sweet, lil’ body, so responsive,” Osamu said as your back arched, pushing your breasts into his face.
You pulled him up by his hair to press your lips together. He stood up, lifting you by your thighs. You wrapped your legs around him as he pushed you against the shower wall.
“Samu,” you moaned. You tugged his hair as he kissed down your neck. “No-no bruises.”
“Just blame Bokuto again,” he mumbled, sucking at your skin.
“At least leave them where I can hide them,” you said. He moved lower, kissing and biting over your breasts.
Osamu pulled back as you whined.
“Shower,” he said. You sighed as you stepped out of the shower and watched as Osamu started the water. Once the water had warmed up, you stepped under the water flow. 
“How can ya stand it that hot?” Osamu complained, following you under the water. He hissed as the water hit his back and quickly spun you around so the water was hitting your back. You laughed.
“Just turn it down, babe,” you giggled, turning the cold water up.
“Just turn it down, babe,” he mocked, caging you against the shower wall. You wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Imitation is the highest form of flattery,” you said, pecking his lips. 
He moved in closer to you, deepening the kiss. He lifted you by your thighs, wrapping your legs around him as the warm water coated your body.
“Samu, don’t drop me,” you mumbled against his lips. He lined up his cock with your entrance, teasing you with just the tip.
“Not gonna drop ya, princess,” he grunted. His cock slid into you slowly, drawing a long, low moan from your lips.
“Samu,” you moaned, tightening your legs around him. He rolled his hips against yours, forcing his cock deeper. 
“Feels good, baby?” Osamu asked. “Feels so good havin’ ya wrapped around my cock, princess.”
“Feels good having you in me, daddy,” you said, digging your nails into Osamu’s skin.
“Ah, no marks, princess,” Osamu said, smiling at you teasingly. You kissed him deeply.
“Just not where they can show,” you said, pulling away from him. He buried his face in your neck and smiled against your skin. He snapped his hips up making you moan loudly.
“Samu, please,” you moaned, moving your hips against his. “Wanna cum.”
He reached between you and rubbed your clit in time with his slow thrusts. 
“Not stopping you,” he said. You cried out as your stomach tightened.
“Samu, please!” You cried. “Harder please!”
Osamu rubbed your clit furiously as your walls clenched around him.
“Come on, baby,” he grunted. “Cum around daddy’s cock.”
Your stomach tightened and your walls fluttered as your juices squirted out.
“Cum in me, please, daddy,” you begged as you gushed around him. “Want you to breed me.”
“Fuck,” Osamu hissed as his cock twitched in you. “Want my babies, huh? Want me to knock ya up?”
You nodded as you pressed your chest against his. “Wanna make you a daddy.” Osamu groaned as he emptied his balls into your cunt.
“Fuck, yer too much for me, princess,” Osamu breathed, dick falling limply from you. You laughed as his cum leaked from your hole. 
“Old man,” you teased as Osamu gently set you on your feet.
“Only four years older than ya, princess,” Osamu said, pecking your lips.
You two showered quickly after that as the water continued to cool down. By the time you were stepping out, you were shivering from the cold water.
“Aw, come here, baby,” Osamu said, wrapping a towel around you and pulling you against his body. “Let me warm ya up.”
“Th-thanks,” you stuttered, shivering in his arms.
“Y/n!” You jumped as your mom’s voice rang out. You pushed away from Osamu, stepping into your room where your mom was poking her head in from the hallway.
“Mom! Hi!” You exclaimed, rushing over to stop her from coming all the way in. “What are you doing here, shouldn’t you be at work?”
“Had to come back and grab my phone,” she said. “Where’s Osamu? His phone’s in our bedroom but I don’t see him anywhere.”
“I think he said he had to run by the restaurant,” you said. “Must’ve forgotten his phone.”
“Oh, okay,” she said. “Well, I’m going to take the car to work, so let Osamu know when he gets back.”
“No problem,” you said. 
“Bye, sweetie, love you,” she called, walking down the hallway.
“Love you, too,” you called after her. You waited until you heard the car pull away before running back to the bathroom where Osamu was standing, looking like he’d had the most silent panic attack ever.
“She’s gone,” you breathed. “That was a close one.”
Osamu let out a long breath, his whole body relaxing.
“A close one,” he laughed, coldly. “My whole life flashed before my eyes.”
“Tell me about it,” you said. “I thought she was going to come in.”
“We have to start being more careful,” Osamu said. You nodded in agreement. 
“Come on, let’s just get ready, the game’s soon,” you said. You smacked Osamu’s ass as he walked past you. 
“Don’t start something you can’t finish,” Osamu said. You smirked at him as he wrapped his arms around your waist. 
“Who says I can’t finish it?”
“If we miss the subway, I’m going to cry,” you threatened as Osamu slowly got dressed. “Do you want me to cry?”
“I dunno, are you a cute cryer?” He asked, going through his closet to find a shirt.
“I won’t be if we miss the game,” you said, laying back on Osamu’s bed.
“Black or white?” Osamu asked, holding up two Onigiri Miya shirts. 
“Samu,” you whined. “They’re the same shirt!”
“Black or white?” He asked again. You huffed. 
“Black,” you said. “Do you only own Onigiri Miya shirts?”
“Pretty much,” Osamu said, shrugging. He tugged on the shirt and held his hand out for you. You grabbed it and let him pull you into a sitting up position. “Are you sure you don’t want to wear something else?”
You smiled widely as you smoothed down your sundress. “How else am I going to seduce Bokkun to join us for dinner?”
“I’ll kill him if he looks at you for more than three seconds,” Osamu said, pulling you up to your feet. His arms wrapped around you and he held you tightly against his body. “Also, no cutesie nicknames for him.”
“You do know I have to make it believable that he and I hooked up, right?” You asked. 
“Just tell him ya hooked up with someone yer mom won’t approve of, which ya did, and that ya lied to her about who it was, which ya did,” Osamu said. “The best lies are ones that hold a touch of truth.”
“Oh and you’d know all about this, how, Mr. Lies?” You asked, looking up at him. 
“I’ve been avoiding fucking my wife for a week,” Osamu said. “I know how to lie.”
“I’ll remember that,” you said. 
“I would never lie to ya, baby,” Osamu said, pecking your lips. 
“Better not,” you mumbled, kissing him again. “Come on, we’re gonna be late.”
Osamu’s hand was permanently pulling your dress down as the two of you travelled to the game. At the game, Osamu offered his hoodie to drape over your bare knees after you took a seat.
“Samu, stop,” you hissed as he tugged your dress down in a vain attempt to cover your knees as you sat. “I’m going to end up flashing everyone here my boobs.”
“Well now I have a new fear,” he said, thrusting his hoodie into your arms. “Aren’t ya cold? Put my hoodie on.”
“Will you leave me alone and let me watch the game if I put the hoodie on?” You asked. He nodded, scowling at a guy that had glanced at you a little too long. 
You pulled the hoodie on, content as you watched the game, if not a little warm.
After the game, which MSBY had won 3-1 over the Adlers, you let Osamu lead you down to the court where the boys were all excited to see you.
“Y/n! Did you see my last spike?!” Bokuto exclaimed, spinning you around in a tight hug.
“You were amazing! All of you!” You exclaimed once he sat you down. 
“Y/n, this is our captain, Meian Shugo,” Sakusa said, introducing you to their tall, handsome captain.
“This is Y/n, my new niece!” Atsumu exclaimed, tossing his arm over your shoulders. 
“L/n Y/n, I’m a big fan,” you said, bowing lowly to him. “It’s an honour to meet you.”
“You’re the setter that these guys won’t stop talking about,” Meian said. “It’s nice to meet you.”
You smiled widely as the guys made their way to the locker rooms and Osamu was dragging you through hallway after hallway until he shoved you into a supply closet and pushed you down to your knees. 
“Ya look so fuckin’ hot wearin’ my clothes,” Osamu said, undoing his jeans and tugging them down. “I really, really want ya suckin’ my cock, right now.”
You wasted no time, immediately taking the pierced tip into your mouth, swirling your tongue around the cool, metal of his piercing.
“Bokuto, the fuckin’ idiot, flashed everyone your cute lil’ lace panties,” Osamu growled, tangling his fingers in your hair. “Thought Hinata was gonna cum in his shorts.”
You moaned around him.
“Oh, ya like that? Hinata’s probably jerkin’ his cock right now, jus’ thinkin’ ‘bout yer lil white, lace panties, barely hidden under yer lil dress,” Osamu said, pushing your head down, forcing more of his cock in your mouth. You moaned again, the vibrations drawing a low moan from Osamu’s throat. “S’too bad that’s all he’s ever gonna get. Yer my lil cock whore, isn’t that right, baby?”
You hummed as he let your head up for you to take a breath. As soon as oxygen filled your lungs, Osamu was forcing you back down on his cock.
“Come on, suck my cock, princess,” he groaned. “Before I fuck yer throat.”
You hollowed your cheeks and forced yourself to take more of his cock down your throat. The corners of your lips burned with the stretch and you forced the urge to gag down as you bobbed your head on his cock.
“Fuck, good girl, takin’ daddy’s cock so well,” Osamu groaned. “Should cum on yer fuckin’ face, just to show everyone who ya belong to.”
You clenched your thighs together as you pulled back and teased his piercing with your tongue. 
“Don’t swallow,” Osamu choked out as his cock twitched in your mouth. “Hold it in your mouth.”
You hummed as his cock twitched again.
“Fuck,” he moaned, throatily, as he spilled into your mouth. Your eyes watered as salty cum filled your mouth and leaked down your chin. 
“Come ‘ere,” Osamu said, pulling you up to your feet. He kissed you deeply. You pushed the cum into his mouth and grinned when he pulled back. “Open.”
Your mouth fell open and you moaned as he spat his cum back onto your waiting tongue.
“Swallow,” he mumbled, watching as his cum dripped from your tongue. You swallowed and opened your mouth to show him. “Good girl.”
Osamu pulled his hoodie off of you and wiped your chin clean with it before folding it over his arm.
“Come on, let’s go before they start wondering where we are,” Osamu said, tugging you out of the closet. 
“We still have to talk to Bokkun,” you said, following Osamu closely. 
“Talk to Bokuto about what?”
You jumped nearly in Osamu’s arms when you heard Atsumu from behind you.
“Tsumu! How long have you been there?!” You exclaimed, turning on your heel to face him. 
“Long enough,” Atsumu said. He reached out and wiped at your chin with his thumb. “Heard something about ‘cumming on yer face to show who ya belong to’. Didn’t think he’d actually do it.” Atsumu casually wiped his thumb on his jeans. 
“We can explain,” Osamu said.
“Yer fucking yer stepdaughter,” Atsumu said, crossing his arms.
“I, um, yeah, I guess so,” Osamu said, scratching the back of his neck. “It’s more than that, Tsumu.”
“A whole affair,” Atsumu said. 
“You can’t tell my mom!” You exclaimed. “I’ll do anything.”
“Anything?” Atsumu asked, smirking.
“I’ll kill ya,” Osamu threatened.
“Chill out, it was a joke,” Atsumu said, holding his hands up. “Besides, I don’t plan on telling her. Frankly, I don’t care.”
“Ya want something,” Osamu said, narrowing his eyes at Atsumu. 
“Let me have a turn,” Atsumu said. Osamu stepped in front of you, pushing you behind him.
“I wasn’t joking when I said I’d kill ya,” Osamu said. “We’ve shared in the past but Y/n is different.”
“Osamu,” you cooed. 
“I really, really like her,” Osamu said, ignoring you. “Like, it could be love one day.”
You melted a little. Your face softened and you hugged your arms around Osamu’s waist.
“Fine, fine,” Atsumu said. “I won’t say anything. I’ll even be yer cover.”
“What do you want?” Osamu asked. 
“Free food whenever I go to any Onigiri Miya,” Atsumu said. “And maybe just one kiss.”
“Free food for a year and a kiss on the cheek,” Osamu bargained. 
“Free food for a year and a real kiss,” Atsumu said. “With tongue.”
“What are we, in high school?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Free food for two years and a peck,” Osamu said. “And I won’t even kick ya after the kiss.”
“Or hit me at all!” Atsumu said.
“Fine,” Osamu said.
“Deal,” Atsumu said, smirking. “Come ‘ere, doll.”
Osamu stepped to the side, letting you move closer to Atsumu.
“No tongue,” you warned, before leaning in. Atsumu swiped his tongue along your bottom lip as you kissed him. You stomped his foot as you jerked away.
“Worth it,” Atsumu said, smiling victoriously.
“Shut up,” you said as Osamu wrapped an arm around your shoulders. He kissed your temple.
“Hope my cum tastes good,” Osamu said, smirking wickedly. Atsumu’s face dropped as he gagged.
“Ew! Gross, I demand a redo after she brushes her teeth!” Atsumu exclaimed, following after the two of you. You and Osamu laughed loudly as he complained behind you.
“Bokuto couldn’t make it?” Your mom asked as she sat the food on the table.
“That’s why we brought Atsumu to replace him,” you said, smiling widely. 
Atsumu smiled at your mom wryly. “M/n,” he said.
“Atsumu,” your mom said, barely containing her glare. “I’m so glad you could come.”
“I’m sure,” Atsumu said. 
You and Osamu awkwardly loaded food onto your plates as your mom and Atsumu glared at each other.
“So, how was work?” You asked. 
“Oh, it’s terrible!” Your mom exclaimed. “Just the worst!”
“Oh? What happened?” Osamu asked, slurping up his soup.
“I have to work in Tokyo for the next week!” Your mom said. You bit your lip to keep from smiling.
“Oh, no! That’s awful,” you said. “But Tokyo, that’s nice.”
“It’s just now I really won’t get to see you,” your mom said, pouting.
“Maybe I could extend my trip a little,” you said. “That way when you get back we can still have a day or two just us.”
“Oh, as long as Osamu doesn’t mind having you here,” your mom said. 
“Oh, I don’t mind,” Osamu said. “This is her house, too.”
“Okay, then, that’s settled! We have to have a girls day when I get back,” your mom said. “I feel like I’ve just been pawning you off on Osamu this whole week.”
“I’m sure he doesn’t mind,” Atsumu snarked. You kicked him in the shin.
“I don’t mind,” Osamu said. “It’s father daughter bonding.”
“Oh, it’s bonding all right,” Atsumu muttered. You kicked him again. He hissed in pain.
“What was that?” Your mom asked.
“Just said that bonding is nice,” Atsumu said.
“So, when do you leave?” You asked.
“Tomorrow morning, around 5,” she said. “Way before you two will be up.”
“Are you taking the train?” Osamu asked. Your mom shook her head.
“I’m taking the car, hope you don’t mind,” she said. 
“It’s fine, we’ll probably just hang around here, anyway,” Osamu said. 
Atsumu smirked as he sipped his tea. 
“We have that pick up game later this week,” you said. “With Bokkun, Hinata, and Sakusa.”
“It’ll be great, we’re gonna crush you,” Atsumu said.
“You don’t even know the teams yet,” you said, rolling your eyes.
“Me, Omi-kun, and Shoyo versus ya, Samu, and Bokuto,” he said.
“That’s not fair! You three are all professionals! You take Samu!” You exclaimed.
“Ya don’t want me on yer team? I’m hurt,” Osamu said, clutching his heart. 
“Against three pros? No, I don’t want you on my team,” you said. “I want Sho-kun!”
“Rock, paper, scissors, loser gets Samu,” Atsumu said, making a fist. 
Your mom laughed as Osamu gasped in offense. 
“Sorry, Samu, but I want to win tomorrow,” you said, holding up a fist. 
In the end, Atsumu ended up stuck with Osamu and was still complaining when he left. 
“Bye, Mom,” you mumbled tiredly as your mom packed her bags in the car. 
“Bye, sweetie,” she said, hugging you tightly. “Tell Osamu I said bye.”
“I will,” you said. As she pulled off, you walked back into the house. You padded down the hallway and almost turned into your room when you remembered Osamu was currently laying down all alone. 
You turned into his room and carefully crawled into his arms.
“Good morning, baby,” he mumbled, pulling you closer to him. 
“Morning, daddy,” you said. You smirked as his eyes opened slightly.
“Oh?” He questioned. You rolled him over to his back and climbed on top of him, straddling his hips.
“Wanna feel you,” you mumbled, rolling your hips against his. 
“G’head, baby,” he said, holding your hips. You ran your hands along his thick chest and stomach, stopping to play with his pierced nipples.
He hissed softly.
“Sensitive?” You asked, pinching his nipple. He nodded. You leaned down and sucked one into your mouth, flicking your tongue against the cool metal. You teased the hardening bud then switched to the other one, only completely pulling away when they were shining with spit and swollen. 
“Pretty,” you muttered. You kissed up his neck, sucking and biting at his slightly prickly skin. 
“D’ya jus’ call me pretty?” Osamu asked as you nibbled at his jawline. 
“You are,” you said, pecking his lips. You shimmied down his body, tugging his briefs off and tossing them to the floor. You palmed his hardening cock until it was bobbing heavily against your hand.
“Wanna ride you,” you said, straddling him again. You ground your wet folds against his cock. 
“I wanna fold ya in half, princess,” Osamu said, holding your hips. “Throw yer legs over my shoulders and pound yer cute, lil pussy until ya cry.”
“No reason we can’t do both,” you said, reaching down to line his cock up with your dripping core. “We have all day.”
“‘m not lettin’ ya leave this bed,” he said. You sank down on his cock with a soft moan. 
“Daddy,” you whimpered as his cock nudged your abused cervix. 
“Take it all, baby, I know ya can,” he said, holding your hips tightly. You let him hold up as he pounded into you, fucking past your cervix with one, quick thrust. 
“Samu!” You moaned loudly, digging your nails into his shoulders. You bounced on his cock in time with his thrusts.
“Takin’ daddy’s cock so well, look at ya,” he grunted. “Such a lil princess, wanting to ride daddy’s cock and not being able to take it all without daddy’s help.”
“S’too big,” you whined as his apadravya dragged against that spongy spot inside you.
“Ya jus’ need a lil’ help, baby,” Osamu said, hands tightening on your hips. “Yer daddy’s little girl, after all.”
You moaned as he pulled you down, your chests flush against each other. He smacked your ass as you bit at his chest. 
“Can feel ya clenchin’ ’round me, go ‘head and cum for me, princess,” Osamu grunted. You cried out, your cunt walls squeezing him as you squirted around his cock.
“Good girl,” he praised before flipping you over to your back. Osamu hovered over you, kissing your lips gently before pushing your legs up against your chest. 
“Daddy!” You cried as he continued to thrust into you. Your legs shook with overstimulation as he pressed two fingers against your clit. 
“Want ya to make a mess for me,” he said, flicking your swollen clit. “Want ya to squirt around my cock again.”
“Harder, Samu, please!” You begged, gripping the white sheets underneath you. Osamu braced himself against the bed as he pounded into you harder. 
“Gonna fill ya up all day,” he grunted. “‘Til yer swollen with my seed. Gonna be all fucked out and dumb when I’m finished with ya. Isn’t that right, baby?”
“Uh-huh,” you moaned, nodding. “Want daddy to breed me until it sticks! Wanna be full of you!”
Osamu grabbed your face roughly, forcing your mouth open. “Tongue out,” he ordered. Your tongue lolled out, drool dripping onto your chin. “Good girl.”
He spat on your tongue before kissing you messily, spit covering both of your chins and thin strands of saliva connecting you two when he pulled away. 
“Gonna cum,” you gasped as he pinched your clit. He leaned up, watching you squirm as he relentlessly rutted into you.
“Squirt around my cock, baby,” he said, strumming your clit. “Come on, daddy wants ya to make a mess on him.”
You let out a high pitched moan as he pressed down on your bladder.
“No, no, daddy, gonna make a mess!” You squealed. 
“Come on, princess,” he muttered, pushing down harder. “Make a mess on daddy.”
You cried loudly as cum gushed out of you, covering Osamu’s stomach and chest.
“Fuck,” Osamu groaned, balls tightening as he painted your walls white. “Good girl.”
You breathed heavily as Osamu pulled out of you and collapsed next to you. 
“Daddy,” you breathed, cuddling into his side. “Didn’t know I could cum that hard.”
“Me either, baby,” he mumbled, pulling you closer to him. “Ya did so good, princess.”
“I made a mess,” you said.
“Just like daddy asked,” he said. “Ya want daddy to clean ya up?”
“Please,” you mumbled. Osamu stood up and lifted you easily, carrying you to the shower. He cleaned both of you off quickly before running a bath in the large bathtub. 
“Ya want anything, princess?” Osamu asked as you leaned back in the large tub.
“Join me,” you said. Osamu climbed in behind you, wrapping his arms around you. You leaned against his chest and relaxed into him. 
“This is so bittersweet,” Osamu said, rubbing his hand over your stomach soothingly.
“Why?” You asked.
“I just wish I had met ya first,” Osamu said. “Before yer mom. Now, I’ll always be the guy that got with his stepdaughter.”
“Hey, you didn’t raise me or anything,” you said. “It’s not like you’re my father figure or anything. You’re only four years older than me. If anything, my mom’s the weird one for marrying a guy her child’s age.”
“I really, really like ya.” Osamu said, nuzzling your neck. “More than I’ve ever liked anyone.”
“I really, really like you, too,” you said, smiling. You rested your hands on Osamu’s as he pressed small kisses up your neck. “I thought you were the most handsome man I’d ever seen when we first met. Nearly took my breath away.”
“I thought ya were the most beautiful woman,” Osamu said. “Couldn’t take my eyes off ya.”
You lifted his hand to your lips, pressing a soft kiss to his skin. 
“I’m falling in love with ya,” he mumbled against your skin. “This is the closest to love at first sight anyone has ever been.”
You kissed his hand again.
“What the fuck is this?”
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NXX goes to hell, literally: Day 1 - NXX is out of touch
Previous chapter below:
Day 0 |
There was a faint light out when they started to stir awake the next day.
Marius was the first to wake up; he found himself still bundled in his sleeping bag pressed against Artem's back, which was fine. No awkward positions like an arm wrapped around the other, or some-such.
So far, so good. He wiggled even deeper into his sleeping bag and closed his eyes for a bit.
It was so cold, so he almost fell back to sleep...until Artem's groaning broke the icy silence.
"Marius, please tell me that's a flashlight poking at my back."
"Huh...?" Marius mumbled, himself still sleep-addled to comprehend what the lawyer was talking about. "I don't have a flashlight here..."
"What the hell," Artem quickly turned and pushed Marius away. "Don't stick your junk at me!" His voice came out raspy; his face flushed and looking awkwardly embarrassed.
"Ow!" Marius winced, his head hitting a box of supplies as a result of Artem's flustered pushing. "What the hell was that about? What junk?" He rubbed the back of his head.
Then realization eventually dawned on the younger man. Marius slowly, surreptitiously peeked down.
"Oh. Um. Sorry about that."
The awkwardness of the situation was such that Artem was forced to get up and start to make his way out of the tent.
"Geez. Why is it such a big deal?" Marius moaned as he sat up, wincing at the pain blooming from where the box corner hit his head. "Is this your first boys camping ever?
Radio silence from Artem as he busied himself with undoing the knots and zippers that closed the entrance to the tent, vapor puffing from his mouth and nose as he focused single-mindedly on the task to nope out of the tent.
"...don't tell me I hit the jackpot. You never did get to experience camping as a kid."
"Shut up, Marius." Artem's shaky fingers pulled a little bit too strongly in the zipper that served as closure for the tent flap.
Marius was having none of it, and continued to blab. "That's sad. Even I got to experience it. Even if its just two or three times. We even held contests who had the biggest di--"
"Damn it. Will you--oh fucking hell."
As soon as Artem was able to pull open the tent flap he was greeted with nothing but white.
White snow packed against the entrance to their tent.
They were snowed in. The snowfall overnight was such that the snow easily piled higher than the height of the tent itself.
Snow swallowed their tent whole.
"Oh shit," Marius quickly shuffled to a standing position. "Can we still get out? Fuck, it's so c-cold..."
"Let's try," Artem muttered as he grabbed his scarf and wound it around his neck. He also tossed Marius his extra scarf. "There, use that for now. Can you check if the snow is packed too tightly?"
Marius wound the thick woolen red scarf around his head and neck, leaving only a slit above his eyes open to allow sight. "Thanks, man."
Then he tried pushing at the snow to see if the white mass yielded to his arm, at least.
It did. Or at least, Marius could poke holes at the snow with his arm.
"I think I can try digging us out, Artem. Just be on standby when I get tired, I guess." Marius started by plunging both of his arms into the snow at the same time. "S-shit s-so cold..."
"Keep on moving!" Artem said with urgency. "Don't stop or you'll get even colder!"
"I-I know..." Marius all but flailed his arms into the snow; then somehow found himself diving into the snow. His limbs pushed struggled to propel himself upwards in the idiotic hope that doing so may let him surface above snow.
From Artem's vantage point Marius looked a bit stupid and suicidal--who else would dive into deep snow at subzero weather?--and so, grumbling, he planted his feet squarely onto the ground and tried to assist Marius by grabbing the underside of his thighs, pushing the younger man upwards as hard as he could.
Artem hoped that doing so would finally allow Marius to emerge to the topside of the snow pile. Grunting, he pushed Marius up the snow even harder, and he could hear Marius mumble something in the snow incoherently but he paid it no mind, getting out of the snow was of the utmost importance...
"I'm out! I'm out! Hahaha!" Marius could be heard laughing triumphantly. After a minute of flailing around he managed to emerge out of the snow pile, leaving a tunnel hole that led to the top of the snow pile connected to the tent's entrance.
It was not the most ideal way to enter or exit the tent, but the option to do so was there, and that was the most important.
"Hahahaha whooo!" Marius was still playing around in the cold snow outside like an idiot who promptly forgot about their predicament.
Artem took let out a deep sigh. It was going to be a long morning.
In the meantime, Vyn and Luke were still asleep.
Good for them, Artem grumbled inwardly as he braced himself for what seems to be the start of a harrowing day.
"I forgot my phone inside the tent," Marius muttered as he checked his pockets. "Gotta go back inside."
"I left mine there too," Artem said as he surveyed the area around them. White as far as the eye can see. Even the dead tree forest to the side that once looked like a set up for a horror film last night now looked like a winter wonderland.
"I'd appreciate it if you grab mine too, if you see it."
"Yeah, yeah," Marius said as he trudged to the freshly dug tunnel entrance. "I'll get it for you no prob."
Marius slid down the snow tunnel and tumbled into the tent. "Whee!" He yelped as he landed, grinning a little; if he was going to be stuck in here for a while might as well enjoy himself for a bit...
"Uggh..." Luke groaned; he was still lying down curled up against Vyn. "M-Marius...?"
"Hey, Luke," Marius said as he shook off the snow from his pants. "You may wanna check outside, we're--oh pffft--hahaha!" Marius burst out laughing at the sight in front of him.
Vyn, still fast asleep, clung to Luke's arm as if he were a blanket, with one of the doctor's legs wrapped around the detective's waist.
"H-help, please," Luke moaned. "I can't--I can't move! He's holding on too tightly!"
"Hang on!" Marius rummaged at his backpack and fished out his phone. "I'ma take a pic of this first and send it to Rosa!"
"MARIUS!" Luke shouted, panicking. "WHAT THE HELL?!"
Marius took a burst of snaps to capture Luke's predicament, and a short ten-second video clip that also captured Luke's moaning.
"Marius, I can't feel my limbs..." Luke groaned. "I don't know what kind of creature Vyn is! Even I can't hold on this tight for more than a few minutes, but he's been like this overnight!"
"Um. We did say that we won't wake him, right?" Marius said as he pocketed his phone. "And I already got injured when I tried to last night."
"Yes! But!" Luke protested. "I really can't feel my limbs! I need to get away from Vyn!"
Marius shook his head. "Sorry man, but if he grabs my wrist like that again he'll break my bones--"
"MARIUS, REMEMBER THAT IN YOUR HOUR OF NEED I SAVED YOU!" Luke shouted, panicking at the thought of being left alone with Vyn for god knows how long. "I SLAPPED HIS FACE FOR YOU. HOW DARE YOU ABANDON ME."
Vyn shifted a bit, then snuggled closer against Luke, his arm now pulling Luke closer to him. "...Rosa..." he mumbled again, his face now cradled against Luke's neck, his lips dangerously close to his skin...
Marius totally lost it. "Pfffft--hahahahahahaha!!!"
Luke screamed in horror.
"Does anybody remember where we parked my car."
Vyn's question came flat, emotionless, without any inflection.
He rubbed his still throbbing cheek, the beginnings of a huge bruise slowly forming on his once-pristine skin.
He and the others were checking out the wide swath of snow covering the entire area; it swallowed everything that was below seven feet.
This included their tent, and Vyn's car that was currently under the pure white cover of snow.
The car who nobody could exactly pinpoint its location, thanks to the harrowed state of mind that all four of them were in last night.
"Just to remind you, most of our food and water supplies are in that car," said Vyn in the same robotic tone.
"Shitshitshit--" Marius panicked, his agitation producing puffs of breath vapor. "Guys, we need to dig out the car soon--it's going to be a couple of hours til the sun sets. We can't go through this night without food!"
"God damn it," Luke muttered. "We can't just stand around here." He looked around them; there was no markers to indicate where the car was under the snow. Everything was all white.
"I think it's around here," Artem walked a few paces over to a spot that had no telltale markers or indicators that there was something underneath. "It's just a hunch, but I did haul supplies from the car and into the tent." He cupped his hands over his mouth to warm them with his breath. "It's probably around here."
"Probably is not a good vouch of confidence, Artem," Vyn muttered, hand still on the raw cheek that Luke outright punched in utter panic earlier.
"Unless you have any ideas, Richter, then let us do what we can to locate our supplies," Artem hissed. "If you want, you can just sit there and let us functional people do the work."
"How dare--"
"Okay, okay, let's not start now," Marius said, his hands raised up. He made it a point to stand in between the doctor and the lawyer. "Come on. We need to get the damn supplies if we are to see this through, okay? Hey Luke, think we have anything in the tent that we can use to dig the snow?"
"Negative. We'll need to uh use our hands."
"Jesus. Seriously?"
"Yeah." Luke shrugged. "It's a hassle, and it'll be a big pain if we dig at the wrong spot, but it's doable."
Marius took a sharp, deep breath to hype himself up. "Well, let's get started then."
The next hour was spent with all hands, even Vyn's digging through the snow. Nobody dared open their mouths to speak unless when necessary; all four of them were concentrated in the one task of digging out Vyn's car and retrieve their food and water supply.
After an hour the sun sank considerably lower over the horizon; the temperature was gradually dropping. Everyone's hands were freezing and numb, but still they kept at digging...
"Looks like we finally hit goldmine," Artem said as his hand managed to take hold of the roof of Vyn's car.
"About time," Luke muttered as he started to dig even faster, encouraged by the knowledge that they were right on the money. "Or not, because it's already sunset."
"Dig now, questions later," said Vyn, gritting his teeth as his hands furiously plowed through the snow. "We can just break the moonroof of my car and go through there so we do not have to waste time more than what is necessary..."
"Are you sure that's wise, Vyn?" Luke asked, not letting up on his digging. "I mean..."
"Survival comes first!" Vyn hissed. "Does anyone have something I can use to break tempered glass."
"I don't think we have any hammer on hand, Vyn," Marius said. "Er, how about you guys?"
"Not me," Artem said as he cleared more snow above the moonroof.
Vyn tsk-ed. "How about a steel key?"
"Like a house key?" Marius asked. He finally managed to clear out the last of the snow covering the moonroof to Vyn's car.
"Give it to me. Now."
"Oookay." Marius fiddled with a hidden pocket of his pants and fished out his keyholder. "Whatever you're trying, I hope it works," he said.
"You better pray to your respective gods that it does," Vyn muttered. "Because if not..." He tapped one of the corner edges of the glass, as if trying out the trajectory of his strike.
Then he chose the sharpest-looking key in the bunch. Having selected one, he held it in his closed fist.
Taking a deep breath, Vyn cocked his striking arm behind him, and with one strong thrust of his fist, he struck the corner of the tempered glass with the key blade...
At first there was nothing--then the tempered glass shattered into thousands of broken fragments, cascading all over the backseat area of the car.
Marius whistled. "Damn."
"I will go ahead inside and grab the supplies," Vyn said as he prepared to shimmy inside the car. "Be ready to receive them and transport them quickly into the tent."
"Yessir," Luke said.
"So," Artem said, looking at the containers of water.
"What," Vyn spat out, testy.
The both of them sat inside the tent, staring at their water supply--that were frozen over and currently useless for the purpose of slaking their thirst.
There were five large containers, certainly more than enough for an overnight trip or two for four men, but right now they were frozen over and none of them can drink, and they were all thirsty.
And frustrated. And irritated.
Artem and Vyn even more so.
Marius and Luke wisely huddled over in a corner farthest from the lawyer and doctor, which is to say, still within striking distance as the interior of the tent is cramped.
"You knew we were going camping, Richter. And that it's going to be cold. Why did you put the water in these non-insulated containers?"
"I am not going to make excuses, Wing, but just to let you know, I was not in a right state of mind when Rosa threw us out of MY HOME, and so here we are, in the fucking middle of nowhere, ill-prepared," Vyn seethed from the very core of his being.
"Oh, so you are making it out to be anyone's fault but yours, Richter?"
"Yes, Wing, that is exactly what I am on to," Vyn hissed. "Congratulations, you have exhibited good use of your two remaining brain cells. Now that your tomfoolery from yesterday has sent us into this mess, I hope You. Are. Fucking. Proud. Of. Yourself."
"Okay, okay, that's fucking enough already," Marius hollered from their impromptu peanut gallery. "If you guys want to get physical, just take it outside please? We can't fix the tent if you guys thrash it while we're still snowed in."
"Yeah, yeah, sure let's take it outside," Artem said as he straightened out his jacket. "Come on, Richter, let's settle this now once and for all."
"Holy shit," Luke muttered as he and Marius watching the feuding men quietly exit the tent. "I didn't think they'd really take it outside. If you could order them around, Marius, you should have told them to stand down. You know."
"I wish I knew that a minute earlie--"
Sounds of violence could be heard outside the tent.
Luke sighed. "I think it's up to us know to try and thaw the water. Wanna set the portable fire pit? Let's just get the water started while they...settle things."
"Riiiiiichter!" came Artem's snarl, followed by a dull thudding sound.
"Ha, you have to do better than--argh!"
Sounds of metal crashing could be heard.
"You, how dare you, Wing!"
"I hope that's not the portable fire pit," Marius moaned. "We're fucked if they thrashed it..."
When Luke peeked out of their snow tunnel, he was thankful to note that while the doctorate-possessing halfwits did knock over some of their implements the portable fire pit was unharmed.
Luke and Marius then proceeded to start a fire, putting the containers filled with frozen water nearby to start the thawing process.
Meanwhile, Artem and Vyn were still trying to murder each other with their gloved fists.
"Wanna try to stop them?" Marius mumbled to Luke as he held out his hands over the warm, comforting fire. "Wanna risk it?"
Several feet away from them, Artem grabbed Vyn's head by his hair and threw him face down to the ground, then gave Vyn a good stomp on his back.
"Uh. I'm getting a bit comfortable here, but..." Luke said, also warming his hands over the fire. "But yeah. It'd be bad news if either of them are maimed out of commission."
Vyn then managed to recover his footing and kicked Artem at the crotch, sending the lawyer kneeling on the snow.
Luke winced. "Ouch." Then he turned to Marius, "So, what did Rosa say when you sent her our SOS?"
Marius snorted, and instead of telling Luke he just pulled out his smartphone, tapped a few times on the screen, and showed Rosa's message:
Rosa: Oh that's good! More chances for you guys to practice teamwork. I am proud of all of you.
Marius: MISSY no please really we're in deep trouble and need help, here are our coordinates...
Rosa: Marius, you are all members of NXX. Put on your big NXX pants and deal with it. Don't bother me until you get back.
"Fuck, Watson is heartless," Luke muttered, then stood up. "Marius, I have an idea--can you get these items, and set them here? I'll just break up these two halfwits. We can't have our doctor beaten up to a pulp, or our lawyer for that matter."
Marius ran by the list of items that Luke told him to get. "You sure?"
"Yeah," Luke said. "We'll just fix their feud NSB field agent style." He then strode to where Artem and Vyn were still clawing at each other.
"If you say so," Marius shrugged. "I'll leave it up to you then."
Half an hour later, in the cold dead of night, all four of them huddled together in front of the fire set in front of the tent, with Artem and Vyn sporting several bandages on their faces.
Marius sat beside Artem, taking it upon himself to be ready to restrain the lawyer should Artem attempt another go at the doctor.
Luke took the same role, this time for Vyn.
Luke poured red wine into a paper cup and handed it to Vyn--but only after surreptitiously mixing in a little actual medical grade alcohol into the cup. "Heeeere ya go, Vyn. Drink up and relax, okay?"
"Thank you," Vyn murmured as he sipped the wine. Luke checked if Vyn noticed the addition of more alcohol...
Vyn didn't, and instead asked for refills every time he finished his cup.
In the meantime, Marius did the exact same for Artem, feeding the lawyer red wine spiked with additional alcohol and quietly but regularly refilled his cup so it appeared that the cup did not run out. "Yeaaaaah drink up, this'll keep you warm..."
After a few rounds of plying the doctor and lawyer with alcohol spiked with more alcohol the two became more subdued, and even amiable including towards each other...
Marius and Luke carefully moved Artem and Vyn so they sat right next to each other.
"Just watch," Luke whispered to Marius. He pulled out his smartphone and searched for one song that has been making rounds as part of a meme...
He hit Play.
Two minutes into the song Artem says "Oh, oh--I knowthat *hic* song--"
Then he proceeds to sing along to the chorus.
You're out of touch I'm out of time But I'm out of my head when you're not around
And, to their surprise, Vyn actually hums to the tune of the song. He knew the song. The elegant man who appeared to listen to nothing but classical music knew the song. And hummed along.
Marius captured the entire moment in his phone. "Goddamn, this is brilliant, Luke," he said as he held his phone out, aiming the camera lenses at Artem and Vyn who were now singing together in tandem.
"No better proof that the team building is a success. Maybe Missy would change her mind and send help once she sees this..."
"Yeah, let's send it to her tomorrow," Luke said. "Hopefully we'll be out of this hellhole tomorrow. I want to take a hot bath..."
But of course, even the best plans fall through, and Luke and Marius would be disappointed to find out that their ordeal is in no way over...
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vendettaparker · 4 years
What a Dumbass [P.P]
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Summary: Peter’s mistake leads to you being injured. 
Pairing: Peter Parker x Avenger!Reader
Word Count: 2.1K
Warnings: Swearing, like a substantial amount, suggestive content kinda, gun shot wound, and flustered!Peter 
a/n: I really liked writing this. I couldn’t stop laughing at some of the dialogue. and the mistake peter made to cause the whole set-up of the story is so funny to me. like i can legit see him making this mistake. also, i’m gonna make a permanent tag list, so please send me an ask or message me if you want to be on it! <3
        ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
     Peter Benjamin Parker is a fucking dumbass. All the time mostly. Most of the time his dumbassery leads to a lot of annoyed avengers, a lot of clean up, and a lot of spilled secrets. Hence why like three people who definitely shouldn’t know he is Spider-man do. But every once in while his idiocy can lead to an unexpected happily ever after, at least until he fucks something up again. 
     This particular fuck up has yet to be determined as a happy accident or your new 13th reason. It all started when that spider bitch decided it’d be a good idea to watch some explicit content on his laptop. Now, this wasn’t particularly an unknown activity for him to partake in, since we all know about his little impromptu purchase in Germany, but unbeknownst to this dork, his aunt was in the next room over working on a tear in his suit. And to make matters worse, he accidentally just so happened to purchase a subscription using said aunt’s credit card that was pre-setup in his laptop. 
     Now May is a very understanding woman. Very sex-positive, very loving, and inclusive; the whole shebang really. So when she happened to catch this idiot doing what he most certainly shouldn’t have been doing, she wasn’t mad, just thoroughly disturbed. Then she got the notification about the purchase. That was a bit more taboo in her eyes. So Peter was grounded from patrolling for a week and his laptop privileges were revoked for two weeks. That was fucking merciful compared to what this whole fuck up put you through. 
     At the school that following Monday, Peter spent the whole first, second, fourth, and lunch period trying to convince you to take over patrol for a week. Sure, you could definitely handle it, not to pat yourself on the back or anything, but you were significantly stronger than Peter, so it shouldn’t have been that big of a deal. But you just really didn’t want to. Peter had his ‘Peter Tingle’ to help him find danger, while you’d actually have to look. It just seemed harder for you to do than it would be for him. 
     “Why are you even grounded?” You sighed after Peter's 3rd time bringing up the possibility of you patrolling for him at lunch. 
     “He got caught watching and buying p—” Ned started laughing.
     “Ned! Shut up!” Peter yelled, slapping his hand over his friend's mouth. 
     “How has your identity not been leaked yet, Jesus Christ.” You mumbled, giggling. You flipped through your chemistry textbook, writing notes to prepare for Friday’s quiz. 
     “Yeah, and how come you didn’t know May was home?” Ned pushed Peter’s hand away. “Where was your ‘Peter Tingle’ then?” 
     “She’s not a threat, dude. But shit, I really wish my tingle detected her.” Peter groaned, a deep blush covering his features. “Please (Y/N). I really, really don’t wanna leave Queens without any protection for a week. I’ll try to convince May to let me go out on the weekend, so really it’s only five days.” 
     “I guess I could help you out, but you owe me. I should really spend this time studying for my chemistry test. Iron bitch is gonna have my head on a spike if I fail another chem test.” You said, highlighting more notes. 
     “Okay! Delmar’s for a week, anytime, anywhere.” Peter said putting his hand out for you to shake. 
     “Make it a month, I know my worth.” 
     Peter hesitated, but eventually gave in, “Fine, but you better do a good job.” 
        ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
     So now you were stuck patrolling from 8:30 to 11:00 every night. It wasn't bad per se, and nothing too eventful happened. You stopped a small convenience store robbery, gave a few kids some tips at the skatepark, ran some errands for an old lady, and saved a cat from a tree. Thursday night was the real kicker though. Your night had barely started and you accidentally got in the middle of a drug deal between some smaller mob and a real messed-up junkie. This should’ve been an easy takedown, only six people in total that needed to be taken out, but like was mentioned before, you don’t have Peter’s goddamn, stupid fucking tingle. So after taking all six of the perps out you started to walk away after alerting the police. Unfortunately, one of those assclowns had come to, and grabbed the gun a few feet away from him and shot it towards you. The bullet went through your thigh and out the other side. Screaming in shock and pain, you used your own throwing knives and knocked the gun out of the mobster’s hand, then you proceeded to knock him out again with a few good punches to his noggin, maybe a few more, just for good measure. But this wound would need to be cleaned and stitched up. And if you went back to the Tower, Steve and Tony would give you an earful about “watching your surroundings” and “being more careful”. So in a moment of pure adrenaline and desperation, you texted Peter. 
You: are you home
Spider-Dork: Yeah, why?
You: i’ll be there in 5 
Spider-Dork: What? Why? Is everything ok?
Spider-Dork: Hello??? (Y/N)????
(Y/N) declined (3) calls 
Spider-Dork: Answer my calls idiot. 
     Peter’s texting and constant calling was cut short from a crash in his room. 
     “(Y/N)? Is that you?” Peter called from the couch in the living room. 
     “Yeah, can I borrow a t-shirt?” You called, fumbling around accidentally knocking over another lamp. “Oops, sorry!”
     “Uh, yeah sure. In the closet!” Peter called back pausing his show, prepared to make his way over to you. 
     “And some sweats?” You called back, blood dripping all over Peter’s hardwood floor. 
     Peter got up to make his way to his room. “Yeah, second drawer on the left side.” He said as he made his way to his bedroom. Knowing you were in there, most likely changing, he knocked. “You decent?” 
     “Nope, not really. I need a pair of your boxers too, though.” You called through the door, now seeing that the blood splattered on your underwear as well. “Also, bring the first aid kit when you come in.” 
     ‘What? Why?” Peter said in a more stressed tone, pushing his way into the room, completely ignoring the fact that you were very much not decent. “Holy shit.” He said seeing you out of your suit, in your bra and underwear, blood dripping down your right leg, pooling onto the floor. Your hand, red and bloody, pressed onto what he only assumed was the wound and blood seeping through your fingers. 
     “Bring a mop too.” 
     Peter ran out of the room to grab the first aid kit, plus some extra bandages and a cleaning solution. When he came back in he found you in the same state, standing in the middle of the room, eyebrows furrowed in pain, clutching your right thigh. 
     “What the hell happened?” He gasped, motioning for you to sit on his bed. You hesitated, not wanting to mess up his sheets. He seemed to notice your thought process quickly adding, “I have to wash my sheets anyway.” 
     “Gross.” You mumbled, scrunching up your face in disgust and finally settling down on his bed. 
     “Move your hand and tell me what happened,” Peter said kneeling on the floor next to the bed, positioned right at your hips. You removed your hand, bloody instantly seeping onto the bed. Peter winced looking at the hole in your leg, quickly grabbing the peroxide and dumping heaps of it onto your leg, much to your distaste. 
     “I got shot.” You stated as he cleaned the blood around the hole with alcohol pads.
     “Well, no shit. I mean by who and how?” 
     “Mobster. Sneaky bitch got me while I was walking away.” You winced as Peter inspected the wound further. 
     “I need to stitch this up. Did it go all the way through?” He said lifting your leg to look underneath for an exit wound. 
     “Yeah.” Peter found the exit wound and held your leg up with one hand, pouring peroxide on the back of your thigh with the other. 
     “You have to be more careful, (Y/N)! This looks really nasty.” Peter scolded, setting your leg back down and prepping the needle and sutures. “What if this was in your chest? Or—or if you didn’t get here in time? You could’ve bled out!” 
     “Well sorry that I don’t have your stupid tingle to help me out when I’m being fucking shot at!” You yelped, gripping the bedsheets. 
     “You don’t need spidey sense, you need fucking common sense,” Peter mumbled, stitching his first suture.
     “What the fuck did you just say?” You looked at him incredulously. 
     “I— uh, nothing.” Peter huffed, focusing back on stitching you up.
     “This is your all your fault, to begin with!” You accused, shifting uncomfortably, due to the needle constantly being stuck into your leg. “You’re the one that begged me to go on patrol for you! You’re the dumb bitch that got caught watc—” 
     “Ok! Shut up! For God’s sake, you’re never gonna let me live that down.” Peter groaned, finishing up the last stitch. “Flip over.” He commanded, pushing at the side of your waist to help with the movement. 
     “Well, it was fucking dumb. Don’t you check to make sure nobody’s home? God, we all know you’re a vocal bitch too.” You said, fully situated on your stomach. 
     “What the fuck is that suppose to mean!?” He gasped, prepping another needle. 
     “You’re a sensitive boy.” You shrugged, wincing when Peter started his next stitch. 
     “I-I am not sensitive! I’m emotionally and physically staunch!” He defended, going in for another stitch. 
     You just raised an eyebrow in amusement. “Sure, whatever you say, babe.” You winked at him, blowing an exaggerated kiss. 
     “You're a jerk,” Peter mumbled, finishing up his stitching job. “A jerk with a fucked up leg.” 
     You hummed, quite amused. Peter got up and started to collect his medical supplies. He shuffled out of the room to put everything away. When he returned you were trying to get up and walk, wincing at every slight movement. 
     “Here, let me just—” Peter lifted you up, bridal style. A small yelp coming from you when a sharp pain shot through your leg. “Sorry.”
     “It’s fine. Can you help me get dressed?” You said as he walked you over to his desk and set you down in his desk chair. 
     “Sure.” Peter blushed, painfully aware of your lack of clothes. He picked out some clothes from his closet and drawers. He helped you into them, wallowing in the uncomfortable silence, taking in each whimper and wince from you whenever he brushed against your thigh. 
     “Fuck, I’m so sorry.” He sighed after you were all dressed. “This is my fault.” 
     You looked at his distraught face, feeling bad for initially blaming him for the events of tonight. “No, Pete. It’s fine. I should’ve made sure all of the guys were knocked out.” You put a hand on his shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze.
     “No, I should’ve been more careful when I was watching that stuff. I have my spidey sense, I would’ve been able to avoid getting shot. It’s not your fault that you didn’t get bit by a radioactive spider.”
     “Pete, really, I’ll be better by next week anyway. It’s fine.” 
     Peter shook his head, sighing. “I just feel so bad, I shouldn’t have forced patrolling on you.” You hugged him and rubbed his back soothingly. “It’s my fault you got hurt.” 
     “Peter stop. It’s just an unfortunate accident.” You mumbled, hugging him closer. “It could’ve happened to anyone.”
     “But it didn’t happen to just anyone (Y/N), it happened to you. And I caused it. I-I don't know what I’d do if something ever happened to you. What if it was worse?”
     You sighed, pulling away from Peter and cupping his face, seeing the regret and shame pooling in his eyes. Without much thought, you pulled him closer, slowly connecting your lips in a sweet kiss. Truly getting lost in the feeling of his lips against yours, the feeling of perfection. 
     Peter’s eyes widened in shock for a moment, before he was kissing you back, reveling in the feeling he’s been dreaming about for months. You finally pulled away to catch your breath. Peter flushed at your actions, unable to stop the wide smile crossing his features. 
     “Sorry,” You mumbled sheepishly, “just needed to shut you up for a second.”
     “Maybe I should talk more, just to see what happens,” Peter smirked, pulling you in for another shorter, but just as sweet, kiss. 
     You hummed against his lips. “I really like you. Even when you're a dumbass.” You sighed against his lips.
     “The feeling is mutual.” 
     “Rude. I’m not a dumbass.” You gasped in faux offense. 
     “You’re the one with a bullet wound.” he deadpanned 
     “You’re the one who got caught watchin—”
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