#sush sunny
lilbitosunny · 4 months
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grac3333 · 5 months
georgia stanway x reader
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“so……how was your run?” it was about midday and you were sat across from olly, georgia’s boyfriend just trying to make conversation. You didn’t like him very much and you were certain that he didn’t like you either. but seeing as this lockdown didn’t seem like it was going to stop soon you were trying to put an effort in.
“it was good. thanks” he replied glancing up from his phone to look at you. you sighed and rolled your eyes at his lack of effort with you before standing up and walking out of the room.
you and Georgia had met when you had moved to barrow-in-furness, way back when you were 12 and joined dowdales school. coming from liverpool you had a pretty strong scouse accent but it had died down from living in south london for the past few years.
you had moved when your parents split up, your dad getting custody and he wanted to go back to his family. for you and your older brother to see where he grew up.
your aunt owned a small cafe that was next to a local rugby club (whitch you would soon learn that gorgias house backed onto) and the rest was pretty much history.
but right now you faced a dilemma. through the door you stood outside was georgia and your phone. but georgia was doing and interview and you really wanted your phone.
you decided to just go really quietly, grab your phone then leave. like a ninja. so you slowly opened the door and crept in. g was sat on the floor with her laptop on the low table in front of her and milo laying on her lap. sadly though, the laptop was facing the door so you were caught in the act.
“sorry I have an intruder” georgia teased smiling at you, her eyes gleaming.
“i just forgot my phone” you rolled your eyes at her but grinned back.
“is that y/n l/n i hear” you heard a familiar voice call from the laptop and your smile grew.
“is that my least favourite right back i hear” you teased walking closer and g patter the space behind her to sit down. you did, sitting beside her, your thighs pressing together and you flashed at smile at the camera. milo seemed to enjoy your presence as he jumped up and clambered onto your lap.
“and we are now joined by one of england’s and chelsea’s super star y/n l/n” ben haines announced while you waved at him.
“hi, thank you and sorry for just barging in” you smiled, stroking milo who had seemingly fallen asleep on your lap.
“no worries it’s a pleasure to have you” he smiled.
“right now say hi to me” the other person on the call demanded.
“hey luce miss you” you said and the face of lucy bronze smiled, happy to be acknowledged.
“miss you toooo” she said blowing you a kiss.
“oi get a room you two” g grinned from next to you so you pinched her thigh as she yelped.
“come now geogia don’t be jealous” lucy teased and g rolled her eyes playfully.
“yeah g don’t be jealous” you parroted lucys words and it was g’s turn to pinch your thigh.
“sush you or ill kick you out” she threatened and you closed your mouth quickly as she grinned to herself. you currently played for chelsea in london but seeing as you lived alone, had to come to ride out the lockdown with your best mate in sunny manny.
“anyway back to the question” ben was quick to bring the conversation back to the topic to the video and you weren’t sure if you should leave or not. you weren’t supposed to be there and was slightly worried they didn’t want you there.
as if she could read your thoughts g put her hand over yours. “You might as well stay” she said. “please” she added as if you were even thinking of leaving after she asked you to stay. you nodded, squeezing her hand in reply. you would do anything for georgia.
“right on the topic of phone what was your first social media app” ben asked.
“i think mine was snapchat” g answered and you looked up at her.
“oh come on” ben looked genuinely shocked.
“shut up” lucy said in disbelief, smiling.
“yeah it was, cause i was dead late to social media. i just wasn’t interested. but i do remember i had snapchat” g tried to reason and i smiled at the look on lucy’s face.
“georgia actually dosn’t text people - wait no y/n don’t sit there ginning when you are the worst at this! right basically the both of you only text people on snapchat and like it’s the stupidest thing i have ever seen” lucy went off on a little rant seeing you into a little fit of giggles.
“nah but it’s just- it’s just like easier innit” you reasoned elbowing g for her to help back you both up.
“yeah you just get used to it. and it’s better cause you know why, you actually have to open it to see what it says otherwise like on whatsApp you read it then forget to reply” she replied with you nodding.
“and you can send pictures easier! so if you like, wanna show your mates you can be like, this is what I’m having for me tea and it’s so much easier!” you grinned, your words rushing out and not many much sense in a sentence.
“ah no why would I send someone what i’m having for me tea!” lucy laughed.
“because lucy bronze that’s what friends do sometimes but you wouldn’t know cause your to old and don’t have any friends!” you teased and g beside you started laughing her head off making you laugh as well.
“i used to have my hair in like dreads” g answer the new question.
“oh my god i remember thattt” you said laughing at the memory of baby faced georgia with braids.
“yeah i remember georgia turned up to training one day with her hair full on braided like i could see her scalp” lucy recalled making you laugh again.
g whipped up a baby photos of her with braids on her phone.
“oh bless you were such a cute baby!” you cooed at the phone (as if you hadn’t see the photo a thousand times before) before looking up. “what happened” you grinned and she pinched your cheeks playfully but your cheeks flushed, especially as her big brown eyes bore into yours.
“anyway so i used to always have my hair in like dreadlockes” you snapped out of whatever you were in so g could explain her photos.
“you look a bit confused as to why you’ve made that decision in the picture” ben said.
“that’s just her happy face” lucy smiled making you all laugh. “like death stare”
“what about you y/n what was your worst fashion choice” ben asked.
“oh god probably like when i used to rock a bob” you said cringing at the memory.
“that’s not even that bad man, of course that’s yours, you’ve always been a little model” lucy rolled her eyes grinning.
“yeah always been bloody gorgeous” g tapped your nose as you blushed.
“ummm i don’t remember my first poster but when i moved to barrow i had about a million one direction posters” you giggled and g laughed next to you.
“lord you should have seen this girls room it have covered in one direction” g laughed with you.
“what can i say i love one direction” you smiled.
“guys thank you so much for you three making me feel incredibly old and nice and nostalgic at the same time” ben laughed.
“no worries”
“thanks for having us”
a while later your head was on g’s stomach as her hands ran through your hair.
“i’m really happy you came to stay with me. ive missed you now you live all the way in london” she mumbled quietly but you could still hear her.
before you moved to chelsea, you had the fattest crush on g and you were pretty sure she liked you back. lingering stares were shared along with soft touches and rosy cheeks. g was your best friend but she was also so much more that than.
but you moved. it wasn’t anything to do with her at all but you had to put your career first and as much as you weren’t a chelsea fan at all, they were winning things you wanted to win and playing games you wanted to play in.
anyway you moved and the next england camp you heard all about how olly had asked her out. you were sad but needed to get over it. you went gonna let a stupid little crush ruin childhood friendship.
“i’ve missed you to g” you replied and she smiled. “your my best friend” you added and little did you know that even though she had olly, georgia’s heart broke a little as you said it.
hey guys this is my fic after and very very very long time just reading woso fics. always love feedback but please be nice. thank you for reading xoxoxoxo
Also I’m hoping for a pt 2?!?!
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I've got another one in the: "kanthony things I would like to see in s3" section.
A lovely moment shared between Kate, Anthony, Gregory and Hyacinth.
Can you imagine Kate and Anthony, having dinner with Hy and Greg, talking about random things. They are skipping proper protocol by sitting next to each other with the kids on the other end of the table. And as the evening continues Greg and Hy start to ask both Kate and Anthony about their youths, about what they did for fun. Anthony shares a story about him and Benedict playing hide and seek, and him hiding so well, Benedict was afraid he was truly lost and alarmed his parents. They all laughed, but it was Kate who had the best story that evening.
Because Kate tells about how she always drew with her father. How they took their art supplies with them to sit at a lovely spot alongside the river, often when it was hot and sunny. How they would go in the late afternoon to avoid getting sunburned, sitting under their favorite tree, with a lovely summer breeze cooling them a bit. She tells how every time she would see something new to paint. How her father encouraged her and she kept getting better and better. 
Anthony, who had heard a lot, didn't know this and was just as memorized by her story as his siblings were. When the evening was over, Anthony made sure he was the last to say goodnight to Hy and Greg when both he and Kate put them to bed. 
And just as he suspected, because they love her almost as much as he does, they came up with the same idea; they want to take Kate to the lake at Aubrey Hall, buy the best brushes and surprise her with a family trip to what hopefully will be a restored tradition for them.
So later that week, Hy and Greg blindfolded Kate, guided her through the large gardens, right to where Anthony awaited for them all to arrive.
"My love," Anthony announced himself, he closed the little distance that was still there between him and his wife, "I'm so glad you came." He let his fingers brush over Kate's cheeks before he brought them to the nod on the back of her head that kept the blindfold covering her eyes together, "I've missed you."
"I was not granted the opportunity to say no," Kate smirked, and Anthony felt a glimpse of relief when he noticed how she had given in to the situation, how she understood this was a good thing, that there was no need to be afraid. "So I just decided it was best for me to follow, since both Hyacinth and Gregory seemed very convinced I should."
"You know, I love to see you can obey some that carry the Bridgerton name," Anthony's hands had the nod uncovered but he kept the fold in place, "I love you, and this is for you," he dropped a quick kiss on her mouth before he gave his wife her sight back.
Kate needed a few seconds to adjust to the light, but as soon as she did, tears appeared quickly.
"What is.... what did you... why?"
Gregory jumped up and down, overly excited and ready to tell, but it was Hyacinth who, as usual, was faster.
"We just wanted you to feel as happy as when you were a child again. Like the time you told about, with your Appa," she spread her arms and pointed at the easels, brushes and paint that stood before them. "Are you happy Kate? We really like to paint with you, can you teach us how to?" Hyacinth rambled on.
"Hy," Anthony tried to sush the little girl, "please give Kate some time to react first before you demand all of her time."
"But I want to learn how to paint too," Gregory added, "that is why you brought four easels, right?" Gregory looked expectantly, but when Anthony stayed silent for a bit his face dropped into something more disappointed.
Anthony rubbed his head, the chaotic scene that unfolded was getting a bit too much, and he didn't even know if Kate truly liked it.
So he looked to his right again, to his wife, who kept wiping her face. Worry started to enter his mind. Did he overstep? Was this some tradition that wasn't meant to be claimed as his? 
"My love?" He asked, his voice trembling and the worry he felt was very audible as well, "is this okay? We can go back inside if it is not, I just.. we just.."
Kate inhaled deeply, and Anthony embraced himself for what was about to come. It seemed like forever but eventually Kate nodded softly, and before she spoke she took his hands and squeezed them firmly. Yet it was only when the smile on her face reached her eyes that Anthony could relax again.
"This is utterly beautiful," Kate said, wrapping her arms around him, "thank you, thank you for bringing some part of me that belonged to home back."
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badnew2005 · 3 years
confessions .. my dad had been trying to get me to watch sunny for YEARS but i actually finally started watching it because one of my mutuals at the time was reblogging loads of sunny gifs and like the One i stopped and looked at i recognised mac as pw </3 i did only start watching sunny because rob & pete wentz kind of look alike a bit
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adventurepunks · 3 years
Accountability and responsibility
It was a beautiful sunny day when a blue luxurious BMW would park near the antique shoppe and a enthusiastic blond girl fed the machine quarter after quarter. To her it was another adventure, she was a detective on the trail of a missing jewel and even had a magnifying glass in her little backpack to keep on the trail.
Somehow Alexis managed to sleep through the whole flight and even behaved herself while Talia took a working lunch so she’d reward Alexis by not only visiting Jason but by inviting him to dine with them. Alexis was brought mostly as a distraction should the resident vigilante decide to bother her. How easily he would be thrown off just because she had a little girl in her arms..
The door chimed open and a tall woman in six inch stilettos,expensive clothing and large sunglasses held the door for Alexis yet when she stepped in her little hand was held with a death grip.
“OI OI BOSSMAN!” she called out and was sushed by her mother. “Indoor voices my darling, a lady does not yell.” she cautioned.
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“Yeh kin stop daydreamin’ of me I is ‘ere me ‘andsum knight who grows more ‘andsum every day” she leaned her elbow on the display case to offer a beaming grin the moment Jason’s customer vacated the spot happy with his purchase of a Fabergé egg he had commissioned the man to find for him.
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“Apologies for only calling you from the airport, I was not sure someone would be up for accompanying me, I was pleasantly surprised that the promise of seeing you is motivation enough to have madam roll out of bed-” she put her hands on Alexis’ shoulders who was literally vibrating from joy making an odd choked noise.
“’ello!!! I traveled an ocean ta see ye, where’s me cuddle?” she demanded with extended arms.
“Darling girl, one does not demand intimacy, consent is important. Perhaps sir Jason does not wish to be touched” Talia was trying to teach her children body autonomy and consent from young..and yet Alexis seemed deaf on the subject making grabby arms towards Jason.
“Buh maaaaa...”
“No maaa. Calm yourself before I decide to change my mind” Talia warned.
“I was hoping you would be ammenable to join us for dinner after you close” Talia spoke gently.
“And my son is turning thirteen soon, he deserves a pocketwatch- so I shall let you two chat for a moment-” she would take a look through his display.
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“Please andsum sire favor me with a cuddle” she giggled with a grin. So funny.
“I brought yeh a prezzie” she opened her backpack to hand him over a red rose, a little crumbled from being in a bag for an hour. “Red. Like yeh ‘air.”
Talia shook her head and rolled her eyes.
“Inside voice Casanova”
“Huh? Must be yeh, she knows me name” Alexis spoke to a random nearby bystander that smiled to herself finding this all too cute.
“Join me fer dinna an’ make me evenin’?” she grinned and even winked imitating her father.
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saltynsassy31 · 3 years
Dude. I NEED You to write this!! I can't wait. I would read tf out of it. Fck Canon, lets gooooooo
I'm going to write kinda of a basis for it, kinda like an introduction of sorts
I've been thinking and I kinda want this to be kinda long term 🤔
Like I'll doodle it and write rendom stuff for it gkskgkak
Idk but have this for now, still just an idea, I'll be perfecting it over time
Also this is their age and names (I'll put this in the beginning of every fic I write of them so whoever reads it won't get lost):
Yellow - Sunny - 18 - he/him
Orange - Mango - 17 - he/him
Pink - Peach - 16 - he/she
Blue - Plum - 15 - he/they
Spamton - ø - 10 - he/him
Ok here ya go!
Asks are currently open so if you like what I write you can ask for me to write you a fic
The Addisons, from the outside, seemed like a normal family
They had just recently moved into the neighbourhood, not much was known about them but rumours say that their parents were killed and and the eldest who had just turned 18 took legal responsibility for the rest and with their parents money moved into town
Not much else was known about them though, they always kept it to themselves
But the people of the neighbourhood were quick to grow fond of the family not really caring for why they came here
They became like family, the town was small so everyone knew everone so it's not like they could isolate themselves for ever, and it's not like they wanted too
They wanted for Spamton to grow up in a safe neighbourhood, to feel safe and comfortable after.... their parent's death
Their first day there was already very welcoming so they don't doubt that he will have an amazing time here
"Woooow! This place it HUGE!" Spamton said throwing himself to the sofa that was still covered by a dusty cloth
Sunny laughed picking up Spamton out of the sofa "it is, isn't it? Well I got good news for you, this is going to be our new home!"
His eyes grew with excitement "really!? AWESOME!"
"You can go explore the place"
Without a second word Spamton was off to explore their new home opening every cabinet there was "Oh and you get to pick your room first" Sunny shouted from the other room, Spamton squealed and ran up to choose his bedroom
Peach approached Sunny with a worried expression "how are we going to afford this place? It's not even close to our budget, I don't know how you even managed to get a place like this"
"Don't worry Peach, I got a job that pays really well"
"What kind of job has enough payment to buy a place like this sunny! Tell me! We were living from paycheck to paycheck in motels we could and now suddenly we are moving in a house that's double our old one? I'm sorry if I seem suspicious but this just doesn't add up" Peach crosses his arms giving a stern look to Sunny
Sunny sighed and gave a glance to Mango who just shrugged, Peach noticed and got angrier "Oh so Mango knows but we don't?"
"Peach call down" Sunny bit his lip before giving in "Me and Mango got offered a really good paying job after we.... you know, they liked out work and offered us a place at their agency and we were able to pay for the house and I was able to finishing paying for the legal fees to keep you guys"
Plum walked over being that he overheard the conversation "I'm sorry, but what do you mean they liked your work? Who would contract you for" Plum looked around to see if Spamton was there and when he wasn't they whispered "killing our parents"
Sunny laughed "well wouldn't you like to know" when Peach and Plum gave him a stern look showing they were not in a mood for jokes he gave in "Uh well, they got me a job as an assassin, Mango being young just cleans up after me"
"YOU WHAT!?" Peach shouted but Sunny sushed her "not to loud, or Spamton might get worried" he sighs "Yeah, I know not the most ethical job but they payed a good amout so how could I say n-"
There was a knock on the door wich instantly put the brothers on edge
Plum slowly approached the door and looked through the peephole and let out a sigh of relief before opening the door
"Miss Tasque, what brings you here?"
"Oh, nothing much just came here to give you a warm welcome to the neighbourhood! When we heard of your family's arrival we just had to prepare something! We never receive new people here"
Sunny walked up to the door with a warm smile "that is very kind of you ma'am, we just got out of a rough moment of our life so it's great to know we are welcomed here"
"No problem dear, say I heard you had a young boy with you" He nodded "well I have cars back at home so if you ever want to bring him over to play with them they'd be happy to play, and there are some kids in the park he can play with too, they are all sweethearts, a family of birds"
"Thank you Miss Tasque, we appreciate this" Plum said as they walked over
"I HEARD THERE ARE CATS!? CAN I GO PLAY WITH THEM NOW!" Spamton shouted from upstairs
Sunny looked at Tasque "Oh of course! I wouldn't mind it at all"
Spamton screamed eith excitement as he ran down the stares "Thank you Miss, we appreciate it alot"
"No worries, I'm just doing my job" she said with a smile that sent shivers down his spine, now he was questioning of he should have let her take him
But before he could protest they were off, what did she mean by "doing her job?" Is this what the agency ment by keeping an eye on them
He shook his head, if that was the case than he didn't need to worry
"Now, back to our conversation" Peach said still annoyed
"Right" this was going to be a long afternoon
It hadn't been long since the rest of the eldest brothers joined the agency and found enjoyment on their work, it distracted from their real life problems and was able to help them in the long run
They got other jobs as well so no one would be getting suspicious of them, Sunny became a trainer at the local school and working on the gym, mango started to work at a hardware store that payed ok, Peach was the one who got the most jobs, tea shop, candy shop, clothing store and made the most money outside of her other job and blue was left to take care of Spamton on their free time
They were young prodigies at the agency, together they worked better than any other agent in that place
They grew exponentially fast, both in their main job and as assassins
No one knew about their other job and they didn't have to know
Spamton looked up to his brothers, wanting to grow up to be like them one day
So he worked hard, finding an interest in mechanics
He had a bright future ahead of him, and the Addisons were going to make sure no one took that away from him
End notes
WOW this took me a while to finish hkskkakfa
I'm glad we didn't have the first period class, was able to finish this faster lol
But I hope you enjoyed this! I will probably make a separate post but if you are reading the notes, feel free to ask question about/to this little murder family and ill answer them ^^
I'll also probably do some drawing for it to lol, reference sheets and stuff but idk when got my hands a bit busy
Anyways hope you enjoyed it ☺
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Praise Me - Lee Felix
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–pairing: lee felix x reader
–genre: fluff, strangers to lovers, school au
–word count: 2,1k
– summary: what happens when reader stumbles upon a beautiful person singing?
– @districtninewriters writer’s room, inspired by bar’s quote (@yyxgin) in her fic sweet night :
“ I wish you sang more, I like your voice”
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You find yourself scrolling through the empty hall of the third store of the school for the third time this week. It was exam week and you were desperate for a quiet place to study. The halls around the actual classes and the wards outside were too chaotic and stressful for you to actually be able to relax and be able to concentrate easier, and since the third floor was actually almost always empty, since most of the classes were downstairs, it remained empty for the most part of the day so it perfect for studying. You pass all the empty classrooms and take a seat at the bottom of the stairs that lead to the rooftop. You put your open book at the stairs and open your drink to sip it as your eyes take in the material in front of you. You still had time till that test but you felt it was better to finish studying the materials quickly to have more time for more difficult subjects. 
How long will this continuing routine of studying keep going? You think as you finish studying the first half of what you had to learn. It was the student's duty to learn what the teacher said like the back of their hand, but what would happen if you didn’t learn the way it is in books? What if you took a step back and actually thought before consuming everything? You sign, putting your back against the wall of the building, taking a look outside of the big windows of the halls. Too many thoughts on your head, but you decide it’s not worth putting energy in them, deciding on finishing your school life peacefully. 
A faint voice, coming from across the hall, breaks you out of your thoughts. A sweet, yet deep, musculine melodic voice was coming  from somewhere, pulling you in. Curious about it, you stand up to investigate. You’ve never heard that beautiful voice before in the music events the school heard before, who was that person, singing so beautifully?
You slowly approach towards the open doors of the classrooms, coming closer and closer to that sweet tune. You hear his sigh midday in his singing, he seems unconfident, and it’s making you frown. What is making him feel like that? His singing is wonderful and definitely worth praised for. You finally peek inside the room he’s into and you almost gasp.
A beautiful boy was sitting beside the window. His eyes were closed as he sang the song over and over again, obviously getting tired for the many times he practised the same thing, but still not satisfied by it. He looks too pretty for this world, sun falling nicely on his freckled skin, the slight wind browning his hair back slightly. You swore to yourself that there wasn’t a more beautiful sight as the one you had in front of your eyes. In your daze, you move your feet slightly and it accidentally hits the door, startling both you and the poor kid. You take a few steps back in panic at the fear of him catching you looking at him singing and you run, you run to hide back at the same stairs you were hiding before. You put your back against the wall again letting out a breath as you put your hand on your fast beating heart. What did just happen?
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“ Do you mayhaps know who he is?” you say pointing to the boy that was currently leaning on his friend's shoulder, covering his mouth as he was laughing hard at something someone told him. Hyunjin turns around and smiles as he spots him. “That is Felix actually, one of the popular kids, why?” he says putting their head on his hands, very interested in your very sudden interest towards the well known sunny boy.
“Do you know what club he’s in?” you say, your attention still on Felix, as he is now asking something, his friend and you smile slightly, as you swear you notice stars in his eyes. “Volleyball” he says and they raise his one eyebrow in question. “What’s with all these questions y/n, please tell me” he says and you sigh and you put your chin on the table in front of you. “You know… I caught him singing yesterday” you say and he gasps. “you caught Lee Felix singing? When?”
Startled by the volume of his voice, you put your hand on his mouth to sush him panicked. “Not that loud! From your reaction, I’m guessing people don’t know about this” you sigh as you lean back, “anyways, it was yesterday, while I was studying in the third store”. “His voice was truly amazing but I think he wasn’t really confident about it” you sigh thinking about all the times he gasped in between his singing, frowning. 
“The real question is… Does he know you heard him?” Hyunjin wonders and you flinch at the memory of almost getting caught. “No he doesn’t… He almost caught me listening but I got away fast” you say and Hyunjin laughs at his awkward friend in front of him and it’s sudden interest in another human being.
“But I think I’ll reveal myself today… I want to actually compliment him, if i get to hear him again” you say and he nods his head smiling, happy with how everything is going. It felt like it was the best way to do this. No one knew what would come out of this new interaction, new friends or a love interest? Regardless of the outcome, a little compliment never killed anybody, maybe you’d be able to boost his confidence and then he’ll be able to bless everyone with his miraculous voice. All you had to do was take the first step and approach him.
Free period comes again and you can’t help how excited you were. You go up the stairs quickly with your books clutched to your chest, quickly plopping on your usual spot, with a big smile on your face. Was he going to sing today? What was the right thing to say to him without sounding weird? Deep on your thoughts again, you almost miss the soft singing, softer than last time and definitely more hesitant than yesterday. “He must be hesitant since what happened yesterday” you pout and you stand up, not missing any more minutes.
You approach him slowly and you spot him again in the same chair as yesterday, his back turned to you, as he sang the same song from yesterday.
“I wish you sang more, I like your voice” you say softly, without even thinking, the words are already out of your mouth. You gasp when you realise what you did putting your hand on your mouth and he turns around shocked, a light blush decorating his face. “I- I’m sorry, I didn’t want to interrupt you” you say putting your hands up, and your palms forward, clearly showing how flustered you are. You wait for a response, anything, that would show that you didn’t actually destroy the very important first meeting by speaking your mind without any filter beforehand. 
What you don’t expect him to do is to shyly smile at you, and rub the back of his neck “Really?” he says kinda high pitched, clearly not believing what you said. “Definitely, I was mesmerised yesterday… I would love to hear you sing again” you say smiling back at him, relieved that he didn’t actually think you were a weirdo. 
“I swear, I won’t bother you, I’ll just sit here silently and read” you say taking a seat close to him and he laughs finding your attinks cute.“I would really enjoy it if you joined my singing sessions, really, I would love to have someone here with me… Maybe then I’ll be able to sing live”. You didn’t talk more that day, you just simply stayed by his side, as he practiced his song over and over again, with a smile on your face because of how the vents turned out.
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From that day on, you kept getting closer and closer to Felix. It became a routine to spend the free period in that empty classroom, next to him. Felix started becoming more confident with his singing, day by day, his voice getting more clear and strong around you and you couldn’t be happier. But with all of what’s happening, you notice some changes in the way he treats you as well. He became more sweet around you, he treated you more gently than his other friends, greeting you with a big smile in the busy halls between all these loud students. He brought drinks for you and even gave baked goods, and that made everyone confused, as to why he was taking so good care of you.
“y/n, what is this container?” Hyunjin laughs as you get into class struggling with holding your books and the big container Felix gave you. “These are brownies, Felix gave them to me” you say as you put the container on your desk, and your books in your bag. “This is weird, this is the third time this week that you have a container this big in your hands. First cookies, then cupcakes, now this, there’s no way this has no meaning behind it, he wants to tell you something” he says and his eyes land at the orange note stuck at the back of the container. “AH” he gasps “What is this?” he says as he takes the note as his hands and opens it:
“Dear y/n,
Inside this envelope is a ticket for the little concert the music club does at the end of the next week, I would be incredibly happy if you’ll be able to come
yours, Felix”
“This is it y/n, he’s going to confess!” says Hyunjin, waving the note above his hand. “Don’t be ridiculous, there’s no way” you say, feeling your heart starting to beat faster “he just wants me to be with him during an activity that he loves, that’s all” you say excited for the event.
You arrive at the event that Friday and you can’t wait for what’s about to happen. Since you never hang out with Felix outside of school, you don’t really know what to expect. You enter the room and Hyunjin waves at you, so you can come closer to him. 
“What are you doing here?” you whisper yell at him as you take a seat beside him. “I’m here to watch the show!” he said and you roll your eyes since you know he means you. “Anyways, your seat in the front, Felix told me, go sit there” he says and you obediently go and sit on the front, waiting for Felix to appear.
The show starts with no sign of Felix. You start feeling antsy, did he stand you up? You look at Hyunjin and he smiles at you, murmuring to you to be patient. A text for Felix appears, saying that he won’t be late and you sigh in relief, sinking back in your seat.
What you don’t expect is Felix to appear on the stage in front of you, dressed so elegantly, and beautiful you can’t help but gasp. “Hello, this is Lee Felix and I’ll sing a song about a very special person that helped me be more confident in myself and praised me whenever they could” he says, locking eye contact with you, giving you a sweet smile and you really can’t believe your eyes. Lee Felix, about to sing in front of a crowd. The boy that couldn’t even sign without his voice shaking of fear, being confident enough to do it. 
And he starts singing, and you feel your eyes watering, too many emotions from the beautiful voice that made you fall in love, for that boy that with a single glance, stole your heart. You feel yourself lost in the moment his voice taking you in, a single tear dropping from your eyes. As the song ends, he bows at the crowd and you stand up to clap at him, and the whole does as well.
“This song was actually made for y/n. I wanted to thank them for helping be more me and taking care of me” he says into the mic and gasp, not expecting to actually mention your name. He steps down from the stage and takes  delicately both of your hands in his and says “I don’t really know if this is okay, but will you date me?” he says looking hopeful in your eyes. In the back, you hear someone cheering, and you’re sure it’s Hyunjin.“Absolutely” you say and kiss his cheek, making him burst into giggles.
tagging: @fluffyskzclub
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inseongsfoxybae · 3 years
29 + Rowoon + fluff but make it Sunday cuddles? 🥺💖
Hey, babe Sush! Such a cute request 🥺 Hope you like it 😘
29. Sit/Lay next to me
FLUFF under the cut
It's a sunny day outside and you’re seizing the calm and lazy sunday to just chill at home and catch up on your reading, spread out in your bed, the air-conditioner cooling down the hot air of summer time.
Eventually, you glance at your boyfriend, who’s invested in studying the script of his next drama on his desk, admiring his tall figure for a brief moment. You know how hard he’s working and you’re very proud of him, but, at the same time, you wish he could have a good rest for some days, oblivious of his too busy schedules and fame. 
“Woonie”, you whine, trying to get some attention from him. 
“Yes, baby?”, Rowoon looks at you with a soft smile, his heart melting at your little pout and innocent doe eyes. 
“When are you going to finish this?”, you ask, pouting even more and tossing your book on your nightstand.
“I don’t know, Y/N. I still have a lot of lines to memorize, but I’m struggling here”, he heavily sighs, stretching his tense neck.
“Maybe a pause can help you. Come here, lay next to me”, you suggest and open your arms for him, knowing very well that he can’t resist to your cute request.  
Rowoon chuckles, defeated, getting up from his seat to lay with you. You craddle him on your chest, his favorite place to relax when he’s exhausted, one of your hands softly running through his hair as the another one gently pats his back. 
His strong arms embrace your middle, relishing at the warm and loving feeling of being in your arms, a small smile plastering his lips when you place a sweet kiss on his forehead. 
“I wish all of our days were like this”, he lazily mumbles, tightening his grip around you. “Just you and me cuddling, without any worries”.
“I know, babe. I wish that too”, you whisper against his hair, thumbs barely caressing his cheek. “But you know I’m always here for you, right? Doesn’t matter what happens”.
Rowoon lifts his head to look at you with a cute smile and loving eyes. “I know. And that’s all I need”, he says, leaning in to place a soft kiss on your lips. 
You spend the rest of your sunday in bed, cuddling, sharing soft make out sessions, just relaxing in each other’s arms. 
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Family Business II
A follow-up to “Family Business.”  More family, more Scoundrel shenanigans.  If you want to see anything in particular or have any requests, feel free to tell me!  As usual, no one except Drake belongs to me.   
“I bring peace through superior firepower.”  -Thomas Drake
After introductions were made, the various Scoundrels mingled throughout the room, speaking with the families of the only two among their number that really had them.  Many of them knew that Kirk had a family, somewhere, and that his upbringing was quite good, especially compared to most of theirs, but he never spoke of them, and they never asked.  Shepard stood near his mother, who was currently shooting ‘we’ll talk later’ looks in his direction.  They were deep in discussion with Kirk, apparently speaking of the various intricacies and differences between the Starfleet and the Alliance Navy.  
Vir was next to his parents, talking politely with Cooper and Quill.  Solo and Cain stood in the middle of the room, holding drinks and generally mingling, but not speaking to anyone.  Solo did this out of habit; he really had no desire to speak with anyone, and in most of the parties he went to, talking with others was a good way to die quickly.  Old habits.  Cain looked completely at ease, not wishing to speak with anyone.  He found tensions flared quickly with the people of these new galaxies when they asked about the Imperium of Man.  Best not to upset anyone.  
To the surprise of every person present, a group of Vir’s nieces and nephews had immediately gravitated to the Chief.  One of them grabbed him by the hand and outright insisted he come with her.  Currently, the massive armored form of the Master Chief was sitting next to a gaggle of children as they played some sort of game.  The more talkative were babbling to him as he simply sat, almost unmoving, watching curiously.  The children thought he was great.  Here was an adult that actually listened to them!  It also helped that he was wearing a very cool set of armor.  Children were odd like that, thought the Chief to himself.  He didn’t have much experience with them, but he’d heard stories.
Thomas Drake found himself face to face with Thomas Vir.
“Thomas.  A pleasure to meet you.”  He stuck out his hand.  Vir took it.  
“And you as well, Thomas.  A good name, Thomas.”  Pale skin met black leather.  Vir looked up, puzzled.  He half-held a slip of paper to the light, slid to him during the handshake.  Before anyone else could notice, Drake moved forward.  In a completely unobtrusive and natural movement, he lowered Thomas Vir’s hand into the shadows.  
“Don’t speak.  Look natural.  Talk to whomever you wish after this, but still, act natural.  I know you can.  In several minutes, excuse yourself.  Go to the bathroom, and if there isn’t anyone there, look at the note.  If there is, go in a stall, wait for them to leave, I care not.  After this, quietly and unobtrusively tell them the contents of that note, and make sure they keep it a secret.”  Drake flashed a grin.  Vir looked worried.  He’d been a part of things like this for far too long, and wanted to put it behind forever.  “Relax, Thomas.  It’s a party.”  Drake made a move to pull away.  Vir stepped forward to block him.  
“Why me?” he hissed.
“Because I trust you to know what you’re doing.  You and your father are the only ones with the skills to do this and do it correctly.  There’s more to us than meets the eye, Thomas.”  With a wink and swirl of his coat, Drake disappeared into the talking throng.  
Twenty-ish Minutes Later
“So.  You’ve been stationed aboard my son’s ship?” asked Martha Vir.  Admiral Vir himself stood nearby, ready to quell any arguments about to start.  He’d learned from almost bloody experience that the Imperials did not initially get along well with the citizens of the other galaxies, and vice-versa.  He tried not to think of the beginnings of Imperial propaganda he’d seen springing up on his homeworld, and the people who might accept it…  But he knew his parents wouldn’t.  They were better than that.  And, from experience, so was Cain.  The Commissar stood across from Adam and Martha, resplendent in his dress uniform and far too much gold lace.  
“I have indeed,” replied Cain.  Gloved hands covered a glass of some sort of alcohol.  He had no idea what it was, but if he wasn’t put in these new galaxies to sample all their drinks, then what was he here for, Throne-dammit?  “It is a fine ship.”  He pursed his lips, considering for a moment.  “Very new, a bit small compared to most of the battleships I’ve been on, but a wonderful ship nevertheless.”  
“Small?  It’s one of the biggest ships in the galaxy!” teased Martha Vir.  “Tell me.  What’s the largest in yours?”  
“I am by no means a naval expert, so I wouldn’t really know,” offered Cain apologetically.  
“Nonsense!  Give me your best guess,” insisted the Vir matriarch.  
“From what I have heard amongst the naval officers and Astartes personnel I’ve had the pleasure of serving alongside, I believe the largest would be the Gloriana-class battleships assigned to some of the Space Marine chapter fleets,” said Cain.
“How big are they?” asked Admiral Vir, his personal and professional curiosity piqued.  
“Gloriana-class battleships are extremely rare… and are usually about twenty kilometers long.”  The silence was deafening.  
In another corner of the room, Thomas Vir spoke with his father.  He had discreetly gone around the room and passed on Drake’s message.  It had been simple, two lines of pencil scrawled on a tiny piece of paper.
Do not speak of Eris.  Do not speak of Adam and Sunny.
Thomas was an intelligent man.  He realized the tensions between these new galaxies, but only now did he understand their full extent.  If Drake had sought to warn them already, even against members of his own group… well.  That wasn’t good.  The bigger question was: how did he know, and what was he going to do?
“What do we do, Dad?” asked Thomas Vir.  His father considered for a moment, frowning.
“I’ve talked to all of these people your brother works with.  Especially that one.”  He pointed to Cooper, currently speaking with Quill in underhanded tones.  “He’s fine.  Special forces.  Seems like a good enough person.  But the one who gave you the message…” he trailed off.  He sighed and closed his eyes as he remembered.  “I met a man like that once.  During the war.”  Thomas kept quiet.  His father rarely talked about his time serving in World War III.  “We saw him around occasionally.  He said he was a clerk.   He wasn’t.  It was too obvious.  He never had the skills or temperament of one.  But no one ever asked, because there was something about him… some core of sheer violence behind his eyes that everyone knew they probably wouldn’t be around long if they questioned him too much.  Some sort of special forces.  Or a spy.  We never really knew.  But him,” Vir’s father nodded over to Drake.  “He’s like that.  He’s dangerous.”  
“What about everyone else?” asked Thomas, not wanting this opportunity to go to waste.  
“The other two that scare me are him,” he pointed to Cain and the golden Aquilia on his cap, “For obvious reasons, and him,” he pointed to the massive armored bulk of the Master Chief, “For also obvious reasons.”  
“So why are we letting them play with the kids?” muttered Thomas.  Indeed, both the Master Chief and Thomas Drake were over in the open space to the side of the ballroom entertaining the children.  Thomas Vir and his father watched with slight trepidation, and, in the other corner, Han Solo, with amusement.
“And then James said he’d go with me and then we did and it was awesome!  And there was a big hill and we played king of the hill and I won but I still rolled down the hill because that was fun and have you ever done that?” asked one of Admiral Vir’s nephews, continuing his story.  Master Chief regarded him with solemn eyes behind his golden visor.  
“I have,” he said shortly.  Although, not in the particular way the child was thinking.  There was a lot more gunfire and explosions involved.  
“Great!  So then after that we went near the river and we-”  The Chief tuned him out for a moment.  It wasn’t to say that the children were boring, but he was just so miserable at this party.  He had no idea what to say to the adults, and the children had already grabbed him to make him sit with them.  There was some sort of paper decoration on the top of his head, put there by one of the children.  He didn’t move to take it off.  It would fall off, eventually, when he stood up.  He had run through every conceivable situation he could think of that resulted in the room being attacked, and gone through each combat simulation in his head.  Twice.  He had gone through what might happen if one of the wait-staff was hostile.  Or one of the family members.  Or the children.  He looked down at the small boy, still babbling to him about things he did last week and how the starship ride to this planet was so cool.  So, probably not the children.  He couldn’t help it though.  He was built for combat, built for death.  He had no idea what he was supposed to be doing here.  
“Why do you wear gloves?” asked one of the children to Drake.  Another, her cousin, older and much wiser, tried to sush her.  
“You can’t just ask people why they wear what they wear!” she said to her cousin.  Drake laughed.  You could fool adults, you could fool super soldiers, you could fool demi-gods, but you couldn’t fool children.  Somehow, they always knew.  He knelt down to the youth and removed his gloves by the fingers; first the right, followed by the left.  In the corner, Solo watched with fascination.  Come to think of it, he’d never seen Drake without his ever-present black gloves.  He’d never thought about it until now, but it was rather strange.  Even when eating, Drake never took them off.  Why?  
  The two children recoiled, the younger with a slight shriek at the sight of Drake’s ruined left hand.  The third and fourth fingers, along with the flesh beneath, were horrifically burned.  The right side of the hand, fore- and index finger along with the thumb, were normal, unmarred flesh, though a shrapnel scar ran down the edge of the thumb.  The smaller child stared at the hand in horrified fascination, as one might look at a particularly dangerous animal in a zoo.  
“Don’t stare,” said her cousin.  Despite her warning, she, too, was sneaking peeks at the burns.  Drake chuckled at them again.  
“It’s alright,” he said.  He took his right hand, scarred, but not horribly burned as his left was, and traced the edge of the burn marks.  “I look at it, sometimes.  It’s interesting.  Like a science experiment.  Here,” he beckoned the two closer.  “It’s really interesting, actually.  Look at the contrast between the burned side and the regular side.”
“What is… contrast?” asked the younger one, her mouth still trying to frame the unfamiliar word.  Drake smiled again.
“Contrast means difference.  You’re learning about burns, you’re learning about words.  You must be smart.  I can tell that.”  The two children watched in fascination as Drake told them about burns, what they did to the skin, and how to treat them.  
In the corners, Solo and the Virs watched the two men, one a super soldier with an admitted zero amount of social skills, one a very dangerous gun for hire, play with small children, and did it well.  Interesting.
Ten Minutes Later
It was with a not insignificant amount of hassle that everyone was seated.  The children were at a smaller side table, talking amongst themselves, while the adults were seated at a massive long wooden table.  It reminded most of them of some sort of medieval feast table.  It was almost impossible to talk to the people on the other end, but, in the end, it somehow worked.
Vir and Shepard were next to their respective parents.  Quill still looked as if he had no idea what was going on, and Solo was next to him, having no one else to talk to.  Cooper had assimilated into the party wonderfully, and was next to the Virs.  Cain was on one end, looking slightly uncomfortable with the knowledge that everyone else was uncomfortable near him.  Poor Cain.  Drake had his gloves back on, and was looking over everything like a hawk about to strike.  The Chief was near the entrance door, having politely declined to eat anything.  This consisted of a much kinder “no” from him.  Oh, well.  
It was after the first course was served that it happened.  Everyone was talking, the idle dinner chit-chat so common amongst human parties.  The waiters had moved out of the way, their job temporarily done.  The double doors that led to the ballroom opened, ever-so quietly.  An unmistakable human figure, dressed in an all-black jumpsuit and mask, stepped forward, pistol outstretched, pointed at the table.  Before anyone saw him, it would already be too late.  
His arm was twisted, knocked aside with such force he was left temporarily breathless.  The gun dropped out of nerveless fingers, and the assassin screamed as the Master Chief broke the radius and ulna with a crush of his massive hand.  The black-clad killer only had a slight second for shock and utter horror to register beneath the mask as the Chief’s gauntleted hand punched him so hard it left a dent in the wall where his body impacted.  
A second assassin, wielding a much more powerful compact submachine gun, stepped into the space her fellow had vacated, weapon already raised and ready to fire.  Master Chief was out of position.  For all his speed, for all his lethal reactions, the Chief would be too low, and he knew it.  Shots would be fired before he got there.  
Gunfire rang out, the individual cracks! of pistol fire.  Drake and Cooper stood, hands forward, clutching guns they had summoned from the recesses of their coats.  The assassin’s head exploded, brains scattering in a ruined mess.  Children screamed.  The killer’s dead body slumped backward, into the hallway.  The Chief grabbed her weapons and shut the door behind him.  
The Scoundrels were all standing now, as was Hannah Shepard and Vir’s father.  Drake slid out of position, pushing his chair back in, and opened his coat.  
“Gentlemen,” his voice broke the eerie silence of the ballroom as everyone tried to react to what had happened.  “Meet your dates for tonight.”  Inside his coat lay a veritable armory.  Pistols and full magazines hung from holsters and hooks.  Dozens.  Dear lord.  Cain, Solo, and Quill were already on him, picking guns that looked closest to what they normally wielded.  Drake slid the other weapons on the table, which were soon joined by those of the assassins.  He grabbed most of the sharp steak knives off the table, and tucked them in his belt or gave them to his fellows.
“Drake?” asked Vir tentatively.  “How is it possible to carry that many guns and still move normally?”  Drake grinned as he pulled what looked like a sawed-off plasma rifle from his pants and assembled it.  
“Cybernetics in the coat.  And beneath.”  He tossed a weapon to each of his comrades, and one each to Hannah Shepard and Vir’s father.  
“You two know what you’re doing with these, I think,”  he said.  “Right.  So, uh, yeah.  I am going to take all the unstable maniacs, no offense intended as I am one, and we are going to kill everyone who dares interrupt this glorious dinner, while all of you who need catching up go catch up with your families,” Drake gave an elaborate bow to the still shocked table.  “Please ignore any explosions, music, gunshots, and unpleasant gurgling noises.”  He made a move to leave, followed by Quill, Solo, Cooper, and the Chief.  Hannah Shepard held up a hand.    
“Wait!  I wouldn’t want you to get yourselves killed on our behalf,” she said.  Drake only gave a lopsided grin in response.
“Haven’t you heard?  Legends never die.”  With a cackle of maniacal laughter and swirl of greatcoats, they were gone. 
And there we have it.  I hope you enjoyed the story.  More to come soon!  If you have any questions, comments, criticisms, concerns, or requests, feel free to tell me!  
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Humans Are Space Orcs, “Sandstorm.”
Hope everyone is having a good Monday, Hope you like the story )
Sunny stood beneath the blazing hot son. The Iranboo market on Irus was hot and dusty with clouds of blue sand puffing up into the air with every step. The little domes of white rock that made up the houses here, were draped in colorful cloth which stretched from  roof to roof to cast the sandy market into a measure of shade.
Sunny was used to the heat, though volcanic heat and the heat of a star were much different, the volcanic heat coming in waves, while the heat from above seared downwards with ever-increasing intensity that made her entire body tingle with heat, and so she stayed in the shade near one of the tents, perusing a table full of decorative daggers, lorded over by a dark-skinned human, covered in colorful cloth from head to toe, to the point that only his upper face was exposed.
She wondered how the man could wear so many layers in heat like this, but didn’t ask.
Off to the side, Adam was busy taking the statement of one of the market herb sellers. 
They had come here on the wind of some disturbing rumors.
Apparently, someone had got it into their heads that ground up Drev carapace had some sort of medicinal properties, sort of like ivory -- or at least that is what Adam had compared it to. Either way, they weren’t sure if the rumors were true, but a slow trickle of calls had been coming into the UNSC and revolved around Drev and their missing friends or family members.
Sunny shivered at the idea.
What kind of person would have the audacity to hunt Drev.
It was her impression, for that reason, that this in some way involved humans. That was not because she thought humans were the only ones sick enough to do something like this, but primarily because humans were the only ones capable of challenging a Drev. Perhaps a team of humans headed by a Tesraki mastermind, or others, but it remained her opinion that humans, or spirits forbid, other Drev were involved.
She glanced back at Adam, pleased to see that he was taking this as serious as any other investigation that they had done. Things were slowly changing, but the war hadn’t left the Drev in a good light and there were still some who didn't take the issues of her people as seriously as they should.
Obviously Adam was an exception to that rule and followed the plight of the Drev very seriously going so far as to say ‘ive been adopted into two Drev clans; your business is my business, and I intend to do everything that I can to help.”
So far he hadn’t lied, and she was more than pleased.
She turned her head away from his questioning and back to the rest of the market. Iranboo was a center of trade on Irus, far out in the desert, but close to at least three major interstellar docking stations. At least two of those three docking stations regularly received travelers from Anin, her home planet, and was often the last place some of the Drev were seen before they vanished completely.
With Adam still talking, Sunny walked a little further into the crowd following her ears and eyes. If she were a drev come off Anin for the first time, what would she be looking for? Food for sure, but the weapons would surely catch their eye.
So she made her way along the sand fruit stalls examining tier wares cursily before moving on. It was not their items that she was interested in, but the aliens who sold them.
She took a turn around the other side of the market, losing sight of Adam behind a brightly colored green banner. She lifted her head, and, off in the distance, she saw alow haze beginning to form on the horizon. 
It was a familiar sight, from a memory long ago when she had passed through Irus.
The deep blue of atmospheric haze was growing even deeper, until it appeared that bright blue clouds were forming on the horizon. 
A sandstorm.
It was far away right then, but she knew from stories how fast they moved and how dangerous they could be. 
She walked through the market stalls and past one of the low marble domes, her feet seering in the scorching sand as she stared out at the gathering dust cloud. Behind her the sounds of the market merged and roiled into one great amalgamation of sound.
Her thoughts grew distant as she stared out upon the alien landscape.
And then something clamped around  the base of her throat. She gasped and choked but was assailed by an acrid smell hissing through her breathing holes and into her lungs.
Something gripped her tight about the arms and waist.
She choked and struggled, kicking at the legs of whoever held her, but even as she struggled, her body grew weak and her knees gave out. She felt her legs burning as she slumped to the scorching sand. 
Her head spun.
“Hurry, get her on the truck, we don’t have much time.”
“You get her feet, I’ll get her hands.”
“Hurry damn it.”
Her vision faded in and out, but she felt her body growing light, suspended through the air by unknown hads.
Her head lolled slightly. She watched the city recede upside down into the distance as she was unceremoniously chucked onto the back of the hover truck, whose engine roared and slowly began to slowly accelerate forward.
Adam clicked the top of the pen and slipped it into his jacket pocket, “Thank you for your help, sir. If you hear anything, call the number on the card I gave you, and a representative of the GA will take your statement, and dispatch a ship if needed.” The man nodded and raised the sand fruit he was eating.”
Adam turned on the spot, “You know I never thought th-” He paused when he found himself alone, and Sunny nowhere to be seen. He turned in a wide circle searching for her blue carapace in the surrounding crowd, but found nothing.”
That was strange, where could she have run off to
He walked a few steps forward, a tiny bit surprised when he found a good portion of the vendors to be packing up glancing nervously between the buildings and out towards the horizon. He Followed their gaze and paused nervously when he saw the large blue cloud rolling up over the horizon.
A sandstorm.
He really needed to get Sunny and get out of here. They might be able to beat it to the docking bay if they were quick enough.
But where the hell was she.
He took a few steps into the quickly vanishing market, and an arm suddenly caught his bicep, squeezing tight enough for a shock of pain to be sent up his arm. He jolted to a stop and turned to look at the one who had grabbed him.it was the man from the knife stand, with his colorful head coverings, and dark skin.
His eyes were wide and wild.
He placed a hand before his face, one finger over his lips to sush adam, and then     motioned his eyes towards the side of the market fervently. Adam nodded and the man let him go. The wind was beginning to kick up around them, and he pulled up his jacket collar against little particles of sand as they flew up into his face.
He broke into a jog as he headed towards the side of the buildings.
He broke from between two houses, his eyes scanning over the wide horizon. At first he didn’t see anything, but flipping up his eyepatch and taking a look through his augmented eye, he zoomed in on the landscape, and managed to make out a little white hovercade of vehicles driving towards the storm.
He zoomed in a little further, and froze.
Froze at the blue body who lay listless on the back of the rear truck.
His heart turned to stone, and rage welled up inside him the likes of which he had never experienced. In that moment, it felt as if he could have melted the sand below his feet to glass.
“Sunny!” He screamed, catching a mouthful of sand kicked up into his face.
A man rode past him on a hoverbike nose turned towards one of the distant docking stations, but as he passed, Adam grabbed him by the jacket and yanked him o a stop. The man yelped, “Hey, what.”
“UNSC, I’m taking your vehicle.” The man toppled and fell into the sand hand raised as Adam swung himself up onto the back and gunned the engine. The man’s yelling voice faded into a background of wind and spitting sand.
Adam pulled a pair of goggles down over his eyes, pulling a bandana up from his neck and over his face as little particles of blue sand stung his skin.
His one mechanical eye zoomed in and focused on the retreating hovercade. He switched gears and the engine roared as he pushed it to the max speed. The sand flew by below him in great waves and before him a wall of blue sand rose high into the air what seemed like thousands of feet in the sky. His heart pounded against his chest as the first wave of sand rolled over the hovercade, and Sunny was momentarily lost from his view. He screamed Sunny’s name, but his voice was lost in a massive gust of wind.
Darkness enveloped him as great waves of sand slammed against his body. His hands stung as did his hairline.
Up ahead the hovercade, which had been growing closer, was almost completely lost from view.
He screamed again in frustration and toggled his mechanical eye for ALL heat sensing wavelengths hoping that at least one of them would be able to penetrate the sand. Through the pulsing waves of darkness, little pinpoints of light managed to make it through to his eye.
He switched gears and gunned the engine, fighting against the wind and sand that whipped past him.
The wall of sand towered over him into the sky, impenetrable and powerful.
He snarled as his mechanical eye zeroed in on a source of heat flickering in and out in the ghosts of sand, and reached down to the sidearm at his belt.
And that is when the wall hit him.
It was so powerful it drove the wind from his body and threatened to throw him back off the hovercycle, but he lowered his head against great waves of whipping blue sand pelting his face and completely darkening the sky above. His mechanical eye was his only saving grace at that moment
The Hovercade pulled into the sand like they had done thousands of times. It was dangerous, but it was good cover, and no one would be willing to follow them. The half unconscious Drev lay hal in and half out of a tarp in the back of the vehicle which whipped back and forth with the powerful sand. A Tesraki sat at the front of the vehicle hunched against the sand blowing in through one busted out window,goggles low over his face as a scarf whipping out behind him.
Two humans stood in the back, crouched against the cab against the worst of the wind and sand.
One of them turned his head staring at the wall of blue behind them which broke and undulated like the depths of the sea. Great towering rifts opened up in the san, and light filtered down from above only to be enveloped again. It was in one of these beams of light, that he saw it.
A figure roaring through the whipping sand.
A lone rider on a hoverbike crouched low against the roarin sand.
He stood, and was nearly blown over hissing in pain against the sand. His partner turned to look at him and he pointed back to where the sand had obscured the figure. He tried to scream over the wind, but his voice was caught up in a gust. Another rift opened up, and his partner saw it.
The figure even closer now than before.
They pulled their weapons, hanging onto the bars on the side of the hovertruck to stead themselves. One leveled a weapon, but the figure was faster taking a single handed shot that tagged him high on the cheek and slammed into the metal of the cab.
He screamed and put a hand to his cheek firing another round.
His partner slammed  his fist against the caburging the Tesraki to go faster.
The man on the bike saw what they were , and slowly stood on the buddy pegs, bringing his feet up to stand on the seat, hands still resting on the bars.
This crazy bastard wasn’t actually going to-
He jumped.
Flinging himself into the air, impossibly high, with great billowing drapes of blue behind him, and lines of light nursing down from above. The boke turned sideways, was caught by a gust of wind and then plowed into the sand, erupting with a gout of fire that lit up the sand with a momentarily burst of orange light.
The figure slammed into the side of the cab hands latching on to the metal bars.
They leveled their weapons, but the figure lashed out, grabbing the first man by the front of his jacket and pulling him into the line of fire. He jerked once and then twice before falling still, two bullets in his back.
The figure threw the corpse aside and it bounced once before vanishing into the sand. 
The second man brought up his weapon to fire again, but the gun was knocked from his grip and out into the sand. An elbow to the face, and he was knocked to the round. A fist was drawn back plowing into the side of his head and knocking him out cold.
Sunny woke up with a roaring in her ears and sand spitting at her face. Her vision was cloudy and uncertain as she looked around, feeling something tugging at her.
She looked up, and through the sand and wind she saw a face. His skin was plastered with blue, and his usually blond hair looked almost green. It was Adam, kneeling next to her on the truck.
Sunny had no idea where he could have come from, but there hewas, standing over her. Her vision faded in and out, and she felt almost nauseous.
She could see the bandana he wore moving, indicating that he might have been trying to speak, but the wind was too loud. SO loud that it was almost impossible to hear anything.
That was probably why neither of them noticed the man slide from the front of the cab to lean out the rear window, didn’t notice the gun he held until it was too late.
There was a flash of bright light, and a sharp burst of sparks as the bullet took him high on his right thigh, bouncing off the metal but imparting enough force to cause Adam to slip back. 
Sunny saw, as if in slow motion as his foot was whipped out from under him, and he lost his balance. He fell forward slamming hard against the bed, hands scrambling against the smooth metal. She reached a hand for him,but her fingers were lethargic and stiff.
His right hand caught hard against the back metal, his body whipping with the sand behind the vehicle.
And then a boot came down on his hand grinding into his fingers.
Sunny watched in quiet horror as Adam’s fingers wen limp and then detached.
H was suspended for a second with his hand reaching out towards her, before he was sucked backward into the sand and vanished.
Sunny tilted her head looking up at the human standing over her, just before the boot came down and she was gone.
The white sun beat hot down on the blue dessert. The sky above was a uniform green grey and the air was completely still devoid of wind.
The ground was awash with large dunes of blue sand blown over from the sandstorm the night before, an unblemished mass of blue untouched by any living creature.
Until a hand burst from the blue sending grains of blue cascading down its arm. A shoulder broke through, followed by a head, hair completely saturated with the grainy azure sand.
It gasped and coughed, clawing it’s way to the surface, hands against the sand, palms burning in the scorching heat.
Adam pulled himself for the hole in the sand kneeling against the blazing heat.
He was breathing hard and his entire body ached and burned. But worse than that, worse than that was the thought of Sunny.
He had HAD her, he had been SO CLOSE.
He bent forward pounding his fists against the sand, “He could see her face, obscured by a swirling of sand as the Hovercade drove away.
They were going to pay for this.
They were going to die.
He leaned his head back and screamed, a raw animal sound made worse by the grainy san clogging his throat. He screamed and screamed and screamed until his throat choked with pain and blood came welling into his mouth.
He spit it onto the sand teeth clenched.
They had taken the wrong Drev.
And now they were going to PAY
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lilbitosunny · 5 months
I wish there were more people I could talk to about my cotl obsession and my dca obsession
They have me by the throat rn but I don't wanna bother the friend who's been listening cause they're not as mentally ill about it /pos as I am 😭
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bunnyranger761 · 4 years
😳✏️👃🌀🍇🍴you better say your favourite food is sushi or i will come over there and tuck you in to bed *personally* /j
thank you for sending this, sorry its late!
😳= age you get mistaken for?
 I get told that I seem like a 15-year-old a lot? On here and irl, bit weird but not complaining.
✏️= Want any tattoos?
Yeah, I want the SPQR with a trident tattoo from Percy Jackson (yes, I know that it's an actually thing but I first learned about it from PJO and it holds sentimental value from that) and maybe a couple more?
👃= You hate the smell of?
I hate the smell of peanuts and peanut butter (any nuts but peanuts specifically) I'm allergic to nuts and have associated that smell with “BAD” since a really little age even though my peanut allergy isn't as bad as some of my other ones.
🌀= Favorite wether?
I like sunny and hot (hot as in like anywhere to 85F - 100F, nothing hotter) but I also really like rainstorms cause I enjoy splashing in the puddles and whatnot like a 5-year-old
🍇= Favorite fruit?
I like watermelons, Asian pears, strawberries, and oranges
🍴= Favorite food(s) to eat?
Sushi actually is my favorite food regardless of the threats I may receive from my slightly older sibling (literally 2 months /lh) ily sush but I also really like falafel 
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{I was reading this other fic & I really like the idea of the reader getting pushed down to thinking their not good enough for the anime character then they run off later on get encourage words from their friends, I really loved it so I tried it with one of my long time OC character}
Zoro x OC (Zay)
Humans were disgusting in every way possible. It was a normal thought for Zay a demon and literally only himself.
Of course, there were some humans who could regain his mind to morals and right ways, but then again…
Luffy a silly childish Captain, and a overpowered rubber man the strongest on the crew, the childlike boy was able to make him join the straw hats
Most of the crew where normal well maybe, not counting the devil fruit users
Zay a demon.
Franky is half cyborg not normal, Sanji is basically human?
Nami I don't know that woman can rob you faster than you could say "Fuck!"
Usopp... I don't think a long nose like that can be counted as normal
And then there was Zoro. He is 100% pretty much human...
 Well maybe?
In other words, this man was unbelievably attractive. With his sexy body and the way he train none stop letting sweat drop from his well built chest and abs, it made Zay's heart beat out of his chest getting all Sanji-like.
Well maybe only in Zay's eyes.
Zay has the most attractive boyfriend in exsistins. But sometimes, not so much could be said the same for Zoro's personality.
When Zay asked Zoro to be with him, it came as a surprise, he didn't have any talent he has a shitty personality and well his looks... well?
Zay is a tall man about same as Sanji's height, His whole body is covered in bandages which are used to hide his burned skin. With his short black hair and his sharp yellow eyes.
In the end Zoro said yes.
It was a normal hot summer day, on a summer island the straw hat crew decided to dock at, the whole island just being a tavern where by passers can stop to restock booze or sit back and relax with thier own BBQ near the tavern.
The hot sun high in the sky the tavern was stopped out on a small hill near the ocean waters as there where many customers pirates civilians and some marines.
The island welcomed any costumers along as thier a paying costumer.
Many at the bar drinking till thier hearts satisfied, some cooking up thier own little feast. One rare sight that there where many people laughing and chatting along with each other,
The Tavern owner let the bar out side multiple tables and seats set out for all the customers, the bartender refilling drinks giving them too waitress who's handing out drinks to the others that where outside the tavern.
The Straw hat crew decided to grab thier own little table near the shoreline setting up lawn chairs under an umbrella, Nami and Robin relaxed drinking and chatting with each other.
Luffy, Usopp and Chopper ran off to explore the small island running around like silly children.
Franky and Brook was all up in thier own conversation at the table.
Sanji at thier little table with a grill, cooking up some delicious mouthwatering BBQ, dress in a apron without a shirt and some short pants.
He was sipping his wine glass eyeing all the girls who were walking pass the table in their bikinis while doing his work.
Zay and Zoro laid a blanket under the shade of a tree nearby drinking from thier mugs enjoying the taste of booze on thier tongues, sitting next to each other, Zoro in his swimming shorts, exposing his bare chest with a large scare bare into flesh it kinda gave into his attractiveness.
Zay was just looking at Zoro from time to time when he gaze away Zoro would also be taking a few glimpses next to him at Zay who was dress only in his swimming shorts his whole body covered in bandages not a peek of skin showing
The scent of his delusions cooking traveled through the air making Zay a little hungry.
The Straws, being the some famous pirates, drew some attention from the people there.
Zoro facked a loud yawn slowly placing an arm around Zay's waist, the faking made him chuckle, he and Zoro bordly took another sips of thier drinks. Just enjoying thier drinks and each others company
That’s when the whispers began to float from a table near them, all girls.
Being Zay also known as the thriller of death, and from the demon race Zay gained a big reputation before joining the straw hat crew, by terrorizing towns and being Heartless.
His sensible hearing was able to immediately pick up the whispering
 “Is that Roronoa Zoro?”
“The pirate hunter?”
“Is that Zay? I tought that weirdo died in a crossfire back ages ago?”
“Why would the fuck would a demon like him be with Zoro?”
“You think his dating that Mummy?”
“He’s a beast and just eww. Of course his going to leash on the nearest person he could find.”
“In reality all the rumours about an Psychopath and bloodlust killing machine, all lies bet he only hide and pretend to play it big?”
Zay quietly placed his drink down, taking a glance at Zoro.
The look in his eye showed that he wasn't happy mostly pissed but he kept his cool, so there was no doubt that he heard them too.
His eye narrowed at thier table as more whispers about the Zay left thier mouths. The black haired Male let out a small breath, more of a sigh trying to calm himself down. They were just a bunch of jealous whores, Zoro wouldn’t think any less of me… would he?
A memory flashed past Zay as he moved away from Zoro taking off his hand from his. Kuina. Of course, Zay remember the name, Zoro childhood friend.
Not long after they fell in love..
Zoro trusted Zay very much he even opened up to him about his past, until a girl Zay doesn't know of came up the way Zoro spoke about her made him unsure about Zoro's feelings toward himself.
Zay would have understood if Zoro loved her. After all, not only was she described as pretty, but she kind and nice at the same time. Zay, on the other hand was the exact opposite rude and careless, would probably lose half himself in bloodlust nearly 10 seconds of a battle killing who ever gets in his way.
“Babe?” Zoro's voice brought Zay out of his thought. “Are you okay?”
“Fine. Whatever.” Zat growled before standing up walking off not hearing Zoro's questions. Leaving the swordsman.
Zay passed Robin and Nami both girls saw the look on Zay's face, he walked off to the Sunny it was a short walk as he went to the boys room slamming the door shut falling onto his and Zoro shared hammock.
The black haired Male felt his heart sink. Heavy breaths began to escape his mouth. Not only were he on the edge of riping off those girls heads and furious thinking so, but he couldn’t stand them.
Zay thought that maybe with Zoro there he would just drink the night away and stay at the swordsman hip being lovavble. He definitely helped, but the whispers that filled his ears were the last things he wanted to hear.
“Zay? Is everything okay?” Nami's voice traveled through the door as she knocking, Zay forced himself to look at the closer door, not a second later he flopped his face into Zoro's pillow with his hungry bloodlust grin.
“What? what do you want Nami?” Zay huffed an even more annoying thing to deal with.
“Is this about those annoying girls?” Robin questioned. “You don’t deserve that, Zay. No one does!”
“But their right,” Zay mumbled. “I’m rude, heartless, probably dengerous… Zoro deserves someone better, someone nice, cute, and more human girly someone who could be of actual love.”
“You’re actually very helpful, if it not for you Zoro would probably be training or sleeping himself to death.” Nami exclaimed, determined to prove Zay wrong. “You might not know the whole story. Zoro has never been happier ever since he met you! You take care of him, love him and you’re always there for him!”
“Zay you probably haven't heard what he says about you?” Robin asked, a gentle smile “He’s always telling everyone, Zay is mine and no one dares to take him from me I'll cut anyone down. Zay he loves you so don't push him away”
“Sush it you idoits-”
“They're only jealous, your the most basass bitch there is.” Nami and Robin said together and the two of them burst into giggles and Zay let out a loud hateful laugh.
He wanted to beat them up so badly, words ain't gonna cut it.
Zay let out a small sigh thankful for such good words. “Yeah. You useless girls are right for once.” and with that the blacked haired man slamded open the door waking pass them, Nothing left to say to the two.
Zoro found Zay in about an hour or so, after Zay left the boys room. He was a little worried but. He knew he should have told those girls off, after all, they were the reason Zay got angry.
“Hey, are you- oof!”
Zay clenched his eyes closed as he pressed his lips to Zoro's. His hands found Zay's waist as he pulled him closer to himself.
Feeling their tongues dancing with each other's the taste in thier mouths mixing and the biggest was the booze. The heat rising Zays fingers ran through the green hair of the swordsman, Zoro tightly wrapped his arms around Zays hips pulling him closed leaving no space between them they're skin would've been pressing together if it wasn't for Zay's bandages in the way.
Zay slowly pulled away not really wanting too, his cheeks a little blush and his eyes not leaving Zoro's.
“Well damn, ... your so fucking sexy”
Zay let out a low moan and buried his face in Zoro's neck. As the swordsman let out a low chuckle, kissing Zay's cheek softly.
“I love you.”
“You better cause you belong to me... and I love you too.”
(Almost to what Zay looks like {and Yes I know who this is}🖤❤🖤)
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ASoUE REWRITE - Season 1; The Miserable Mill - Part i.iv
⇢ Klaus x Reader⇠
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[not my gif]
A//n: Thank you all for being so patient and understanding. I'm sorry I couldn't get this to you sooner and that it's so short. I got stuck in one spot and then I began the Eddie Kaspbrak rewrite and it slipped through the cracks. I do hope to continue this series and I have also figured out your special talent! If you previously knew it to be running, I have made changes back under chapter "important" and updated it, feel free to check it out if you'd like! Thank you for taking time to read this authors note and i hope you enjoy this chapter! Love you guys!! ♡♡♡
     Klaus sat timidly in the waiting room of Dr. Orwell's office, his fingers absentmindedly twirling the severed left temple of his glasses. His eyes darted around the room worriedly, trying to decipher all the strange shapes he saw. A poor choice of words as he couldn't actually see very well, the lenses of his glasses were hopelessly cracked and it was lucky - a word so rarely used in the lives of the Baudelaires - that the glass lenses hadn't come apart as he wore them.
     Phil, who was sat upright next to Klaus, was happily humming a little tune. He was completely oblivious to the boy's troubles, as usual.
     In an attempt to calm his racing mind, Klaus turned to the hope of reading, as he always did. He picked up one several magazines, the only choice out of the selection that lay organized on the coffee table, that wasn't some form of optometry piece. He picked it up to examine it, and quickly found his hopes stamped out when he saw the title:
     Dreadful Pennies: RARE WORLD COINS and VALUABLE ODD COINS. The article of which I will spare you, advertised an analysis of coin trends, featuring the latest coin prices. Klaus had read hundreds of books in his life, and several of these books were of little interest to him. But this particular issue did not grab his attention so much and perhaps if he were bored, not worried, he would opt to pick it up and give it go, but the time simply wasn't ripe and he discarded the magazine distastefully on the coffee table.
     It was at that moment that the dull thud of a pair of three(?) footsteps echoed across the room from the small landing of steps. There stood Dr. Orwell, cane in hand - which had solved the quick mystery of three footsteps - and she gave Klaus a knowing look.
     "Klaus Baudelaire," she drawled, and Klaus gulped.
     He stood up in her presence, recognizing her as the woman he and his sisters saw pacing in the window when they first arrived.
     "You're Dr. Orwell?" He stammered.
     She stepped forward into the lobby and nodded.
     "Yes, I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I was on my lunch hour. Looks like somebody broke their glasses."
     Klaus felt a nudge on his shoulder.
"See?" Phil said. "Perfectly friendly."
Klaus removed his glasses and held them in his hands.
     "Well, you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar." Dr. Orwell said.
     "Actually, you catch the most flies with manure." Klaus pointed out.
     "Aren't you smart?" Dr. Owell stated, a twinge in her voice. "It's just an expression. A fancy way of saying you're more likely to get what you want by acting in a sweet way, than in a distasteful way, like vinegar."
     Dr. Orwell reached over and grabbed Klaus by the hand suddenly and pulled him away to the stairs.
     "Wave goodbye to your friend." She ordered.
     Klaus, who had stumbled over the coffee table as he was being so rudely dragged across the room, squinted at the Phil shaped blob in his blurry vision. His head whipped back and forth between the doctor and Phil in panic.
     Violet, Sunny, and Y/n sat at the very same table at which they met, waiting for Klaus to return. Night had fallen and their shift was long over, they sat at the table, the room illuminated by candles. Sunny, who had a particularly exhausting day, had fallen asleep on a mess of blankets next to her sister and her friend.
     "He should have been back by now," Violet thought aloud.
     "The handful of workers I've seen go to the optometrist usually take a while. I'm sure he'll be back any minute," Y/n assured, though her own confidence was beginning to waver.
     It had been a little longer than most.
Phil, who also sat at the table with a deck of cards, looked to the young sorrowful girls and gestured to his game of solitaire.
     "Why don't you ladies play a game of go fish to pass the time?"
     The two girls looked at one another and then at the optimist, shaking their heads.
     Violet looked out at the moon, wishing for her brother's safe return.
     In response, she looked to Phil. "Hmm?"
     "That's not a window," Phil pointed out gently.
     Just as soon as he had said it, Jimmy began drawing more details of the moon in chalk. And Violet saw the illusion disappear before her very eyes.
     She turned her attention to the flickering candles that sat on the table and the two friends sighed in worry.
     "Lights out," Phil said quietly.
     Phil leaned down and blew out the candles, extinguishing all light from the dorms. Violet and Y/n were now feeling as lonesome as ever despite each other's company.
     Violet looked to her sleeping sister and smiled weakly. She was still fast asleep on some cushions that Violet had made into a little bed for her. She pulled the blanket up further around her sister and gently stroked Sunny's soft head fondly.
     A muffled pair of footsteps captured the attention of the two young ladies. It had come from outside the door and both Y/n and Violet's ears perked up when they heard the wooden door creak open. A phrase which here means, the two girls' attention was brought to the door, eager to see if the person opening it was Klaus Baudelaire. Their ears did not move in any way.
     The girls rose to their feet when they saw their beloved friend and brother standing in the doorway alive and well. Well, the term "well" is an inadequate word for this situation, meaning it is a poor choice of words for how the only boy Baudelaire was. "Well" would be a good choice of words if you were describing the quality of a good soup, not a fantastic soup but a soup that followed the recipe just enough. The point is the Baudelaire boy was not well, like a good hearty soup, but he was alive and that was what the three girls had been hoping for.
    Violet and Y/n rose to their feet and greeted the boy eagerly at the door.
     "We were worried. You were gone so long." Violet said.
     "Your glasses are gone, are they still being repaired?" Y/n asked.
     Klaus didn't utter a word, nor did he ever look the girls directly in the eye, but right past them. Like they weren't there. Naturally, this worried Y/n. In her time at the mill, she had seen several people go into the eye building and come out acting strange. She did not mention this to the Baudelaire sisters because she knew they were already worried and there was no sense in worrying them further unless he showed signs. Unfortunately - a word I'm afraid I will use many more times in the Baudelaire and L/n story - Y/n did see the same signs in Klaus. He kept to himself, and he had the same faraway look that had chilled her to the bone several times. 
     "What was it like inside the eye? Klaus?" Violet asked.
     With the same faraway look, he began walking slowly and sluggishly towards his bed. Violet followed him worriedly, trying desperately to pull any words, any at all, put from her brother. Y/n stayed rooted to the floor, watching sadly as she saw the same patterns emerge in her friend. Klaus finally stopped at the end of his bed and turned around to face the girls. He was smiling.
     "You're smiling," Violet said uncertainly.
     "I'm happy to be here, sir." He said finally.
     Y/n felt the final punch to the gut, and she frowned. Nobody punched Y/n for real of course, but the emotional toll she felt at her friend's condition felt as if someone had. Violet was feeling very similar at that exact moment.
     "What? I'm not Sir, I'm your sister. While you were gone, Sunny, Y/n and I heard Sir talking to Charles. He said he made a deal to cover something up." Violet continued even as her brother laid down for the night. "There's something bigger going on here."
     Jimmy and Ceasar rolled over in their neighboring bunks and began sushing Violet. Y/n finally left her spot by the front door, timidly she stepped around the bunk to face Violet, who was sitting in the chair that sat up against the wall.
     "Maybe we should turn in for the night? I know you must be very tired, and I'm sure Klaus is too. To tell you the truth, this behavior isn't that uncommon from what I've seen here at the mill. But it does always seem to wear off in a day or two, perhaps if we let Klaus get some sleep, and you too, we will all have a clear mind to regroup in the morning. Does that sound okay?"
     Violet thought about this for a moment, like she wanted to argue though she knew there was some truth to Y/n words. She looked back to her brother sadly, and she spoke to him soothingly.
     "Would you like to do that, Klaus? Would you like to go to sleep for now?" She asked.
     "Yes, Sir," Klaus said and closed his eyes as easily as one turns off a light switch.
     Both girls frowned and looked to one another curiously. 
     "I know this must not be easy," Y/n said grabbing Violet's attention. "I am worried for him too, but as I said, I have seen this behavior before around here, and it always goes away at one point. I'm sure it must be something Dr. Orwell prescribes, everyone always seems rather tired after visiting her, I'm sure that must be the case."
     "Maybe you're right," Violet sighed, looking anxiously at her brother. "But I can't help but feel like something is wrong. Am I crazy?"
     Y/n looked at Violet sympathetically. She shook her head.
     "No, Violet, I don't think you're crazy. I must admit, I do not understand why he is calling you Sir, but I'm sure there must be some kind of explanation."
     "But what could possibly explain that?"
     "I don't know, Violet. I'm sorry, I wish I did."
     Violet sighed, and she frowned when she saw Y/n yawn. She stood to her feet.
     "I'm sorry I've kept you up all this time, thank you for waiting with me."
     "Of course, I was worried about him too and I'd hate to leave you and Sunny by yourselves. And there are no worries, you didn't keep me from anything, I like you guys and while the circumstances are not great, I'm glad I met you guys." Y/n smiled sweetly, and even Violet felt a small smile tug at her own lips at her friend's kindness.
     "We like you too, Y/n. Thanks for all your help."
     "Of course, what are friends for?" Y/n yawned once more and she turned, eyes on Sunny behind her still curled up on the pillow. "I'm sure Sunny will be happy to hear Klaus is back and to get to bed. I know I'm eager."
     Violet nodded, and Y/n stepped aside to let her through. She gently picked up her sister and placed her on the top bunk before climbing up the latter and situating herself. Sunny had been so tired, she had barely noticed she had moved. Y/n took her spot on the bed across from Klaus, and Violet bid her goodnight.
     "Goodnight, Violet."
     "Goodnight, Y/n. Sweet dreams."
     "Sweet dreams, Violet." She said, her eyelids already growing heavy. "I'm sure tomorrow will be a much better day."
     Unfortunately, it wasn't.
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it was a bright sunny day out and I was waiting for harry to pick me up we were supposed to go to see his family he didn't see them because he was recently back home from his 2 months tour across the world.
' babe I'm here' the text from Harry said. Okay don't get me wrong we are not together but he had recently picked this nickname for me and I absolutely love it because I do love actually more than a friend and we are friends for like 3 years and I don't plan to tell him because I mean what can he possibly see in average and ordinary girl like me when he is the Harry Styles.
we were now driving to his family house in London and I was a little bit nervous I mean it wasn't usually thing to just visit his parents out of the blue I mean he also said that he had a surprise for me and I was actually scared no I was terrified I mean he could just jump out and sai hello I have a girlfriend and we are getting married and I really hope that that is not it because then I officially had lost him and I am also dead just kidding.
'Moooom we are here'
'Y/N honey we didn't see you in a very long time' ' and you my dear com here' Ann said and gave me and Harry a hug it was really sweet and warm and I kind of missed it
'gem come down here and great your brother and Y/N' Ann screamed 'coming' screamed Gemma from upstairs and you could hear her footsteps as she was running down the stairs
'hello lovebirds' she said and hug both of us I looked her kind of with face like 'shut up or he will now' because she was the only one that knew that I was in love with him I mean I didn't plan on anyone to know but she kind of said that is obvious but I guess not that much because he didn't notice it which I am also glad and sad. glad because then I didn't lose him as a friend and sad because I mean can you be that dumb? I guess yes
when Gemm said lovebirds I could see the blush on Y/N cheeks I mean is so obvious that she likes me I mean I like her too no I actually love her and I am planning to tell her today I told gemma about my plane and she will help me prepare everything I just hope it goes well.
we ate dinner and Harry said that is time for my surprise is just that I have to wait so he can prepare it and now, I was sitting in the living room with Anne and robin and I was playing with my fingers because I was so nervous I mean with Harry you actually don't know what surprise mean so I couldn't wait and see it.
I was with Gemma in the park and we were preparing everything I made romantic dinner under the little house that was in the middle we decorated it with rose petals and roses all around it and in the middle was a table with two chairs it wasn't exactly a dinner but it was filled with strawberries and champagne and the plan is that she comes here blindfolded and then the music started as I come here and pop the big question and then we can enjoy our beautiful night I just hope that is beautiful.
'come on Y/N all is ready I just have to blindfold you so just trust me. okay?' Gemma said as she took the scarf and blindfolded me I was actually a lot scared because of a blindfold surprise and harry all in one thing? oh not such good idea. as I was driving with gemma I don't know where it seemed like we are going on the middle east we took turns and I don't know what else we finally came to a stop she helped me get out of the car as she took my hand she guided me I couple more blocks I think and than in one moment there was no hand-holding mine I was alone
'Gemma? where are you? I asked here and when I didn't here response I took my blindfold off and I saw this beautiful place
I was stunned as I was walking further to see what it was in the house I heard a beautiful melody which I recognized as a song and it was You & I by One Direction. I was walking towards the melody when I heard a beautiful voice which I knew that is from Harry I turned around and there was he standing all cute and stuff with flowers in his hands I smiled at him and when towards him when he quietly sang the rest of the song for me.
' i was waiting for you' he said giving me flowers which I accepted with a huge grin on my face
' well here I am0 I said admiring him he was so beautiful. he took a step closer to me and put his hands around my lower back and pulled me closer I didn't bother because we were that close before it was only strange to see love and affection in his eyes.
'i hope you like it i maid it just for you' he said looking me in the eyes and swaying to the unknown melody i smilled at him and i just nod i was out of words really
' so what is the ocasion? i didn't forget anything did i?' i said a little worried
' no actually you didn't i just have something important to tell you' he said kind of nervouse which i liked becouse nervous Harry ist rembling and cute Harry that is the one thing that made me so in love with him
i was patently waithing for his question when i sudenly felt his lips on mine i was at first a little taken back but suddenly i relaxed and  kissed him back. after few minutes he pulled away whit closed eyes and i watched him
'so what was that kiss about' i asked him i wanted to her him say it i ned it for him to say it so i was sure that im not dreaming
' i like you Y/N, no actually i love you' he said it with blush and smile on his face i just looked at him with tears in my eyes and kissed him. after i puled away he asked me
' was that your way of telling me that you love me to?' he asked me i said yes and he kissed me again and twirled me around in his arms i started giggiling
' so was that your way of asking me to be your girlfirend?' i asked him he noded and smiled i gave him kiss on the cheek and i smiled at him
' so was that a yes?' he asked me smirking ' i don't know styles is it?' i asked him playfully he smirked and kissed me.
well you can imagine the rest of the night. oh sush don't have dirty mind we didn't do anything or did we?  :D
i hope you guys liked it so lets see if im going to start writing here. love you!! :*
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vannahfanfics · 5 years
Imagine what would happen if there were an army of clones of tony tony chopper.
I know you didn’t technically ask, but ye shall receive anyway because there was no way I couldn’t write a story on this. Behold, an army of Tony Tony Choppers featuring Good Dad Zoro: 
Look at All Those Choppers! 
Chopper’s hard reindeer hooves thunked against the wooden deck of the Thousand Sunny as he tottered out of the bowels of the ship to stroll out onto the main deck; as he walked out of the door, the loud clanking of his hooves became muffled by the embrace of the cushiony, green, grass-like carpet that spread across it, courtesy of the industrious and borderline over-the-top shipwright Franky. The aforementioned cyborg was currently stretched out on a beach chair beside the balustrade of the ship, hands behind his head, sunglasses on his eyes, and a little bit of white sunscreen shining on his metal nose as he soaked up the sun’s warming rays. Chopper really wasn’t sure how a man that a majority metal could get an appreciable tan, but the doctor was at least glad that he was taking the appropriate steps to avoid major sunburn and eventual skin cancer, at least. Zoro was asleep, as usual, propped up against the mast, Robin and Nami were on the third level of the ship (Nami was watering her tangerines and Robin reading one of her many voluminous history tomes), Sanji was in the kitchen preparing lunch from the delicious aromas pouring out of the slightly ajar kitchen door, Brook was probably down in the bowels of the ship sitting in the sitting area gawking at the fish swimming by the glass sides, Usopp was in his workshop working on the latest of his modifications for his slingshot, and Luffy was perched on the figurehead of the ship screaming into the wind- just a usual day aboard the Thousand Sunny.
Since everyone was too busy to do something fun with him, Chopper was forced to find his own source of entertainment for the day; he walked to a bucket of fishing rods in the corner of the main deck and picked out his special fishing rod, a child’s model that was the perfect size for his little reindeer frame, before tottering over to a barrel beside the side of the ship. With a grunt of exertion, he jumped up and grabbed onto the rim of the barrel with the rod clenched in his teeth, his feet kicking wildly as he pulled himself onto the top of the wooden container. He sat on it for a moment, wheezing to catch his breath, before making himself comfortable and casting his line into the water with a contented sigh. The water was calm today, barely lapping at the sides of the ship, and spread out like the shiny surface of a glass table across the horizon. The bobber made tiny ripples in the water as it shifted in the current, and Chopper hoped that below the opaque surface of the sea a tasty fish was circling the bait on his hook, ready to bite. His mouth began to water and he giggled a bit as he imagined the delectable bite that Sanji would cook up. He especially hoped that it was a large catch; because he was so small, he could never hook the big fish by himself, Zoro or Sanji would always have to help him reel it in.
This time, I’m gonna catch it by myself! They’re gonna be so proud! He thought in anticipation and wiggled a bit on the top of the barrel. He froze, however, when he felt the fishing rod twitch; he leaned forward slightly as he watched the bobber jiggle for a second, and then gasped when it was sucked underneath the water in one swift motion. He jumped to his feet on the barrel as he whipped the rod back with all his strength, and a beam of satisfaction appeared on his furry face when he felt the fish jerk on the line, obviously hooked. His front hoof frantically whirled the spindle of the rod to draw in the quivering line, and from the force working against him, his wish of a large catch had been granted.
“Ahahaha! I got a big fish, I got a big fish!” he squealed as he did a little dance on top of the barrel. In his glee, he forgot for a moment just what he was going up against and let a little too much slack into the line. His elation quickly morphed into acute fear as he was lurched forward, right off the barrel over the side of the ship and into the open air. A shriek spilled from his mouth as the bright blue ocean water came up to meet him. I’m gonna droooooooown!
Then, instead of falling, he was just hanging suspended in open space. He blinked his teary eyes for a minute, puzzled, and gazed down at the still-calm ocean water below. He then wailed and flapped his arms and legs about frantically because he had no idea what was happening.
“Chopper, relax. I’ve got you.” The frightened reindeer glanced over his shoulder as he was addressed to find Zoro leaning over the edge of the ship with a firm grip on the back of his striped shirt, holding him aloft. At the sight of the swordsman and obvious realization that he was safe, Chopper deflated like a balloon, immensely relieved; the man easily pulled him back over the edge of the ship and set him safely down on the barrel, then grabbed the rod- which he had miraculously managed to hold on to despite his panicky fit- from his hooves and with one powerful jerk brought a slippery, flopping fish onto the deck. His smile instantly fell off his face.
Chopper sunk down onto the barrel in disappointment; the fish was barely bigger than himself, hardly the trophy he had thought it was, and frankly dull-looking, just your average, every-day silvery fish. Chopper felt tears sting the corners of his eyes as he felt Zoro’s intense gaze on him; though the swordsman only had one eye, his glare still had the intensity of a lion’s. Chopper just knew that he was going to be scolded for doing something so obviously reckless. His bottom lip wobbled pitifully. He knew he was small and not such a beastly fighter as Luffy or Zoro, but that didn’t mean he had to be protected all the time. He wanted to be tough too, but no matter how hard he tried, things ended up like this a lot.
“I’m sorry,” he sniffled before Zoro could get the chance to chastise him. “I just wanted to catch a big fish… I caused all that trouble and look at it, it’s not even that big…” Wallowing in self-pity as he gazed miserably at his pathetic catch, his tiny shoulders were drooped and his head hung low; he could not even bring himself to look up at Zoro because he knew there would be an angry, disappointed expression on his face. He tried to keep the swordsman from knowing that he was crying, because he knew Zoro would call him a weakling for crying, too, but it was hard to hide the quiver in his squeaky voice or the tremble in his shoulders. Chopper just sat there pitifully, just waiting for his punishment. Then, unexpectedly, he felt Zoro’s big, rough hand plop down onto his head, squishing his hat down as he affectionately patted him.
“What are you talking about? That’s a great catch- right, Luffy?” Chopper looked up with his black eyes swimming with tears as he smirked down at him before nodding his chin at the captain, who had hopped down from the figurehead and strolled over to investigate the commotion, and, subsequently, Chopper’s prize. Luffy was squatted down next to the hyperventilating fish with a stupid grin, poking the poor creature in the gills.
“Hell yeah! Sanji can make us all a great snack with this! Shishishishi!” he snickered devilishly as he picked up the near-dead fish by the tail and hopped to his feet while cupping his other hand to his mouth. “Yo, Sanji! Catch!” he hollered across the deck of the ship. When the kitchen door opened further and the blonde cook appeared, the captain wasted no time flinging the hapless fish and sending it hurtling towards him.
“What’re you hollering about?” Sanji snapped back while standing there with his hands on his hip. He made a plfffft noise as the slimy fish smacked into his face, and he stood there stiffly as it slowly slid down his face while Luffy cackled hysterically, rolling around on the deck holding his belly while he kicked his legs. When the fish finally slipped off Sanji’s chin and landed on the deck with a wet slap, the cook was scowling in irritation and had a vein popping out of his head. “Luffy! You idiot; watch where you’re flinging shit!” he yelled at him before bending down to retrieve the fish with a weary sigh. He held it up by the tail, rubbing his chin as he considered it thoughtfully. “I could make some decent sushi with this… Thanks,” he said before whirling on his heel and disappearing back into his sanctum to work his magic on Chopper’s catch. The little reindeer was still huddled on the barrel.
“Did I really do a good job?” he murmured aloud, looking up at Zoro with hopeful eyes, and the green-haired man flashed him a grin.
“Sure did, but next time, just make sure someone is with you, Chopper. We can’t let our little fish-wrangler become fish food, now can we?” he mused and patted him on the head again. Under the praise and affectionate caress, Chopper snickered in delight and beamed. He isn’t mad, and more than that, he praised me! I did a good job!
Chopper felt like he was walking on clouds for the short time that Sanji spent preparing the fish. The rest of the crew, attracted by all the shouting, had meandered out onto the deck and given him the opportunity to dramatically re-enact his battle with the fish with just a wee bit of embellishment, and thankfully Zoro didn’t contradict him, only sat leaned up against the side of the ship with his arms crossed and approvingly nodding along- or bobbing his head in his sleep, who really knew? The crew was enthralled with his story, gasping every time he dramatically whipped his arms in his re-enactment of the grapple and cheering at his victory. When he was finished, he rubbed his hoof under his nose with a great big smile as they all complimented him on his great contribution to their lunch, and with no time at all Sanji was strolling out brandishing a tray of beautifully crafted sushi. “As the brave wrangler of the fish, I think it only fair that Chopper be the first to try it, don’t you agree?” he grinned and held out the tray in front of him. Chopper breathed in sharply with a watering mouth as his hungry eyes drank in Sanji’s masterpiece.
“No way! I wanna try it!” Luffy whined and stretched his hand over Sanji’s shoulder in an attempt to swipe a piece, but Sanji swiftly whirled about and crushed his rubbery hand underfoot, leaving the captain squirming and whining while the cook glared at him sharply.
“Stop being rude! You’ll get yours in a minute!” he snapped before turning back to Chopper with a serene smile. “Now, here you go, Chopper,” he said and held out the tray again. Chopper beamed as he picked up a piece of the yummy-looking sushi and popped it into his mouth; immediately his face scrunched up in delight at the savory flavor of the fish and the delightful chewiness of the rice.
“It’s delicious, Sanji! Thanks!” he beamed, immensely glad that his catch had produced such a tasteful creation. As Sanji straightened up to give the rest of the crew a piece of the sushi, Chopper’s face immediately went blank as a tingling sensation began in his body, making his fur stand on end. “Um, Sanji… I-I don’t feel so good,” he whispered as his stomach began to flip around uncomfortably inside of him, and he grimaced as he tenderly held his furry belly. Sanji hurriedly slapped a piece of sushi that Luffy was about to inhale, sending it flying into the sea much to the hungry captain’s disappointment, and looked at the reindeer incredulously.
“What?!” Chopper was too preoccupied with the strange bristling sensation to respond; he sunk down onto his bottom on the carpeted deck, quivering and whimpering as he held his stomach and felt like all the cells in his body were pulsing. Abruptly the strange feeling ceased, and he exhaled deeply as he melted against the deck.
“Man… That was so weird, guys. I dunno what just happened,” he laughed lightly and looked up with a smile, then took on a confused expression when he realized the entire crew was staring at him open-mouthed. “What is it?” Still gawking shamelessly, Nami pointed to his left, and as he turned his head to look at what she was motioning to he found his own face staring back at him. He and the other face screamed at exactly the same time and jumped to his- their- feet. “What’s going on?!” they wailed in unison.
“Hahahahaha! There are two Choppers! This is awesome!” Luffy howled in laughter, obviouslt excited at the bizarre development. Sanji scowled as he whacked him over the head with the empty tray, as he had tossed all of the apparently poisonous, clone-producing sushi over the side of the ship.
“You idiot! This isn’t funny! What if he clones indefinitely?” As he brought up the prospect, the fuzzy feeling spread through Chopper’s body again, and next thing he knew there were four of him standing on the deck. With all perfectly-times wails of duress, they began running around in circles with their hands on their hats, crying, and it made Chopper cry more that his clones were all behaving the same way he was, because now he wasn’t even sure if he was the real Tony Tony Chopper! What if he was a clone and just believed that he had eaten the sushi, but they were just memories of the real Chopper that he had just supposedly sprung from? The crazy idea made his brain and heart hurt, and he plopped down on the deck in miserable tears. There were eight of him now, all racing around the deck in states of panic or depression.
“There has got to be an antidote to this,” Robin frowned, and using her devil-fruit powers, used her hands to bring a set of books from within her library and began rifling through them all at once with her real hand on her chin.
“How do we know which one is the real Chopper to give the supposed antidote too?” Usopp cried, and when Chopper and his now-fifteen clones all chimed in unison that they were indeed the real thing, he shrieked at high volume and climbed halfway up the mast, quivering like a leaf as he hugged it for dear life. “This is so weird! What if it’s contagious?” Chopper, meanwhile, was on the deck sobbing again at his identity crisis and the idea that the crew was unable to tell him from his clones.
“Calm down, Usopp, it’s obviously from the fish,” Nami snorted and crossed her arms with a thoughtful frown. “We have to do something quickly, or this ship is gonna sink under the weight of all these Choppers!” She then jumped as the population of reindeer doctors rapidly doubled, leaving them surrounded by the short, furry clones.
“Waaaaah! Get a doctor!”
“Wait! I am the doctor!”
“No, I am!”
“Waaaaah! What if I’m a clone?”
“Somebody, help!”
The deck was a chaotic, bustling mess of the reindeer running to and fro or just plopped on the floor radiating sadness and doom, while the much taller members of the crew were jostled around. Brook and Luffy were enjoying themselves, at least; Brooke was loudly singing a tune while Luffy was flitting about picking up each reindeer in turn to comment on how they were all identical, which furthered their identity crisis and made them bawl more, to which Luffy would apologize and try to calm them with little effect. Chopper- or, the one who thought himself as the true Chopper- had given up wailing and was just miserably sitting on the deck sniffling, because what he had thought had been his triumph had dissolved into yet another messy situation.
If I hadn’t caught the fish, this wouldn’t have happened… he thought pitifully as he rubbed his teary eyes. He knew he was good for his medical knowledge and some level of fighting ability, but when he did things like this all the time, when would the Straw Hats decide that his cons outweighed his pros? He looked up when Robin gasped.
“Here it is. Chopper caught this fish, right?” she asked and waded across the sea of Choppers to show Sanji an illustration in the book she was holding. When he nodded in affirmation, she scanned the accompanying paragraph thoughtfully. “It’s called a clone carp. Its cells can survive up to several hours without the brain, even when fileted. When eaten raw, the fish’s live cells copy the genetic information of the person who ingested it, express it, and mingle with their own cells, reproducing by budding at an astonishing rate…”
“That’s real nice, Robin, but how do we make him go back?” Usopp yelled down from the crow’s nest. Several of Chopper’s clones had stopped freaking out and were now having fun, climbing up the mast and all over the banisters with giggles. Franky was poking them off the latter with the round end of a broom and then rapidly turning it around to sweep them down the stairs, sending them tumbling down to land in the wiggling, suffocating mass of brown reindeer fur. Chopper, or true Chopper in his mind, was nearly suffocating in the crowd and had climbed onto his barrel to escape death. The historian casually used her Devil Fruit powers to brush off clones that were trying to scamper up her body while she read the tome.
“Ah, here it is. He just needs an apple.”
“Are you serious?” Nami screeched from the top level; she had rushed to the aid of her tangerine trees, where the Chopper clones were braving the navigator’s wrath to try and pluck the lovingly tended fruits from the trees for a tasty snack.
“Woohoooooooo!” Luffy howled as he swung from the sails, a few of the reindeer hung off him crying from the fear of the height.
“The small traces of cyanide in the apple seed will apparently counter-act the fish’s toxin. It’ll cause the real Chopper to stop dividing by killing the fish cells in his body. The clones themselves aren’t dividing- we have to find the real Chopper and give him the apple. The clones cannot sustain the host DNA and express it without guidance from the parent cells, and will rapidly revert to regular clone carp cells.”
“Get all the apples we have, shitty cook!” Zoro yelled, using the scabbards of his sword to pushed the writhing mass of reindeer aside as he sloughed across the deck towards the kitchen.
“Shut up, kelp-head!” Sanji shot back as he dove into the kitchen. There was the clamor of banging pots and a stream of curses, and he came out with his chest heaving and a clone of Chopper on his head. “We only have one! Where’s the real Chopper?!” he said breathlessly as he pulled off the one on his head and inspected it with a deep frown. Chopper jumped up on the barrel to scream that he was there, but his voice was lost amongst the ocean of his clones that all agreed with him. His bottom lip quivered again as tears flooded his eyes. Was he really the real one? All the other clones were just as sure as he was. He plopped down on the barrel with a miserable sniff, until Zoro glanced in his direction, his one good eye trained on him.
“Give me that!” he grunted and snatched it from the cook, and held it high above his head as he began wading through the vast collection of what he believed to be clones towards Chopper. His little heart swelled when he realized that Zoro had managed to pick him out of the vast crowd, and he jumped up and down on his barrel waving his hooves.
“Zoro! Zoro, I’m here!”
“I’m coming, Chopper! Damn, there are so many of them!” he grunted as he narrowly avoided having the apple swiped from his hands. It made Chopper even happier to see that none of the crew had even questioned Zoro; they all moved into swift action to clear his path.
“Sorry, fake Choppers!” Sanji grunted as he jumped in front of Zoro to swing his strong leg around, carving a path through the rising wall of shrieking, crying reindeer. Chopper cried out and grabbed the barrel as the ship began to sway back and forth under the weight and collective movement of all his clones, causing the barrel he was perched on to begin sliding across the deck. He gasped happily when he realized he was sliding toward Zoro, but then the boat shifted with the vast surge of clones and he began sliding backwards towards the figurehead of the ship. The Choppers had exceeded the capacity of the deck and were dangerously close to spilling over the sides, and since they would have inherited the Devil Fruit and its inability to mix with ocean water, they were terrified to fall over the sides and were clamoring even more. Chopper wailed in duress as Zoro and the ability disappeared from his sight amongst the turmoil.
“Zoro! Toss it here!” he heard Luffy yell, hanging from part of the sails. He stretched his arm to pluck Chopper from the barrel by his shorts, pulling him up into his arm with a snicker; Zoro was just a smudge of green hair against the brown mass, but Chopper could see as he wound up his arm and chucked the apple into the air. Luffy perched Chopper on his shoulder to catch the red fruit, and was grinning widely as he held it up to the reindeer; however, before he could take it and eat it, an army of his clones came unsteadily tottering across the wood to grope for the apple, all claiming to be the real him. Chopper screeched as they clambered over Luffy, making him totter unsteadily on his shoulder while Luffy played like a contortionist to keep the life-saving fruit out of their reach.
“Back, you scoundrels!” Usopp called from the crow’s nest, sending a rain of pebbles from his slingshot down onto the perpetrators. They went falling down into the fluffy, pilllowy collection of their brethren, crying and holding their heads.
“Hurry, Chopper! We can’t hold them off much longer!” Franky shouted from the second deck, nearly buried under a mass of them. Chopper watched as Brook went sailing by, apparently crowd-surfing the Choppers while chortling contentedly. Chopper stretched out to take the apple from Luffy, but in the process unbalanced himself and slipped off his lanky arm. He screamed wildly clutching the apple to his chest as he plummeted into open air for the second time that day; he heard the clones below him surging upward with groping hooves, eager to claim the precious fruit from his hands. He squeezed his eyes shut as he prepared for his doom.
“Gotcha!” he heard Zoro grunt as he landed securely in his thick arms, and he looked up with a gasp to see the swordsman grinning down at him widely. Sanji had launched him up with a well-timed kick. “Quick!” he added as a tower of Choppers came rising up to meet them, and he flipped in mid-air to narrowly avoid them, knocking it aside with a blow from his scabbard. Chopper wasted no time in chomping down on the apple, core and all, and as soon as he had popped the last bit of seeds in his mouth, he felt the strange tingling sensation in his body again. Below him, the sea of his clones abruptly stopped moving, blinking, before rapidly turning into flopping, wriggling clone carps one by one with small pop!s. The crew made short work of flinging them off the deck back into the sea. Just as Zoro landed on the deck with Chopper securely in his arms, Sanji had sent the last fish hurtling into the horizon with a grumpy “And never come back, you shitty fish!”
“Chopper? Are you okay now?” Nami asked as he was set down softly on the deck, pausing to grab Luffy by his ear and yank him over to pry a clone carp from his hands and fling it off the deck. As the captain grumbled under his breath and slumped down in disappointment, she put her hands on her knees and leaned down over him. Her tangerine hair was disheveled and her face flushed with exertion; the rest of the crew was no different, obvious haggard from dealing with Chopper’s mistake. That thought made him dismally sad again, and he rubbed his stinging eyes as he began to cry again.
“I’m sorry… This is all my fault… I shoulda never caught that dumb fish,” he whimpered miserably.
“What’re you talking about? That was so much fun!” Luffy laughed, whirling on his behind to beam at him. Chopper would normally take him at face-value, but it would take a bit more encouragement to drag him out of his melancholy this time.
“No, I really messed up… I always do things like this and you have to protect me.” His shoulders sagged as he hung his head low. “I don’t deserve to be a Straw Hat.” He tensed up as a ripple of alarmed gasps went across the group.
“Chopper! Don’t saw that!” Nami cried.
“Yeah! You’re my doctor! I don’t want another one!” Luffy protested hotly.
“Everyone makes mistakes, Chopper. There’s no need to be so upset,” Robin told him with a gentle smile. At everyone’s continuous encouraging remarks, he looked up while rubbing the tears from his fur, and then turned to Zoro, who had yet to comment. He was intense as ever, arms crossed and expression serious. Is Zoro gonna yell at me? The man abruptly sighed deeply and poked Chopper in the top of the head with the hilt of one of his swords.
“Buck up, Chopper. You’re a pirate, remember? You made a commitment and you gotta stick to it,” he said sternly. He had told him that once before, when Chopper had made a scene when he had been stolen during the Davy Back fight. Zoro smirked at him with as soft as an expression as a chiseled, serious man like him could have. “You don’t have to worry about messing up, because we’re always here to help you clean it up. That’s what friends are for.” Chopper’s eyes widened and he gasped slightly, then began bawling with joy and jumped back up into Zoro’s arms.
“Waaaaaaaah! Zoro! Thank you! Thank you!” he cried as he nuzzled his face in his chest.
“All right, all right, cut it out, you’re getting me all wet!” he cried as Chopper continued to sob happily.
“Group hug!” Brook squealed and wrapped his bony frame around Zoro. Nami laughed and joined in, followed by a bemused Robin; hearts beat in Sanji’s eyes and he wriggled with joy while embracing the two women; Franky struck his pose before nearly crushing them all in his metal arms, and Luffy howled with delight before winding his rubbery arms around them several times before worming himself in.
“Hey, you asshats, cut it out!” Zoro griped, but Chopper could see him smiling.
Though he could barely breathe under the smothering hug, Chopper didn’t mind, because he was in the arms of his very best friends whom he loved more than anything in the world… And no matter how many of him there were, he was the one they wanted and cherished.
Enjoy this story? Here’s Part II! Feel free to perusemy Tableof Contents! 
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