#suspicious partners is an absolute fave
alexiethymia · 2 years
The poetic cinema that it was Mr. Ji’s inkblot he made in anger which caused Chi yeol to discover that he was the one who kidnapped Haeyi and the fact that the first episode dealt with a mostly harmless stalker while the dangerous stalker was by his side all along.
Love or hate the murder plot, I do love the twists, not necessarily with regard to the suspect or motivation, but how it’s a scathing social commentary. Because wow, it really is the adults who are the most reprehensible, huh? Because kids absorb everything around them like a sponge, but adults should know better.
And Mr. Ji, as much as I would love to hate him, I really can’t because he is far too tragic. He’s no mastermind. All of his crimes have been sloppy. Even his choice of weapon - a slingshot and not a gun - show that a part of him is still that abused kid, like his anger and his impulses and the way he can change his devotion to hatred at the betrayal he feels toward Chiyeol. The adults around him really screwed him and his sister over. Even when his sister wanted to do the right thing, all she got from it was abuse. And it’s really dangerous that this kind of abuse is being normalized when justified that it’s for grades or the future of the kid. The adults screwed him up so badly that he could only trust a single adult, and fixated on him in a way to have a connection with his sister. I’m sure he became obsessively protective because of the residual guilt he felt at not being able to save his sister on time. If he had gotten therapy or the support he needed back then, even after he had killed his parent, would he have had a chance to heal alongside Chiyeol now?
The parallels are heavy with Mr. Ji, Seung-jae, and Su-a, and again it is a tragedy that the adults around them pushed them to the brink. Although there was still an element of choice because Mr. Ji still chose to kill his mother and others, I guess Seung-jae had what Mr. Ji and even his sister didn’t have at the time. Seung-jae would have gone the same route if he wasn’t pulled back.
And it’s really refreshing to me this emphasis on found family. It’s not necessarily that blood family is automatically bad, but you shouldn’t let preconceived notions and moral superiority cloud your judgment to the point that you’re already seriously damaging your child because you think you’re doing what’s ‘best’ for them. It’s refreshing to me that Haeng-seon wasn’t submissive towards her sister and was rightly mad because Haeyi is her daughter not anyone else’s. Same with Jaewoo. I’m glad they’re not going to push the redemption arc for their eldest sister just because she’s ‘blood’.
Another refreshing thing about this episode which I didn’t expect but really loved is the communication between Haeng-seon and Chiyeol. Chiyeol takes her concerns seriously because of course she would know Haeyi best. And I really didn’t expect it because most kdramas would have the lead keep it as a secret (another source of danger and misunderstanding), but I love, love, that Chiyeol was genuinely honest about the proof he found about Mr. Ji. I’m sure that even if Haeng-seon thought that Mr. Ji hated her, she didn’t expect him to go that far.
Another reason why I like the murder plot is because I prefer this as a source of tension rather than the usual break-up, miscommunication, long-distance, timeskip plots that usually happen during these final episodes. I would prefer my ship to be communicating as they hurdle outside obstacles together.
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deareststars · 1 year
General relationship hcs for Morty, Steven, Wallace, and Volkner with gn s/o?
similar to the last one, i'll be splitting this into 2 parts. first will be morty & volkner bc i wanna keep our fave gen iii boys together :,)
characters: morty (gen ii/iv), volkner (gen iv).
content: gn reader, established relationship, feel-good stuff all the way through. reader is a pokemon trainer, but their full occupation is unspecified in both morty & volkner's hcs.
tw: none.
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the two of you meet in ecruteak city at the bell tower. morty sees how stunning you are, and immediately uses his world-famous pickup line: "i'm able to see the future, and what i see is the two of us together."
he's absolutely a cheerful, flirty partner who never relents on pickup lines no matter how long you've been dating. everyday is a new adventure because this man has so much energy.
"morty, where are we going?" you ask, exasperated as he pulls you along the cobblestone paths in ecruteak. it's autumn, his favorite season, and his partner pokemon, gengar, is running alongside you. he looks over his shoulder and grins. "there's a new place i want to show you! it's almost as stunning as you, my will-o-wisp!" as he watches your lips curl into a bright smile, he laughs and begins running faster, excited to see how you'll react to seeing this new place in person.
even though he's obvious with his feelings (the man thinks he's smooth, but when he's in love, he can never stop nervously laughing at every joke you make and always finds an excuse to touch you), you have to make the first move. i imagine his confidence is a facade; deep down, being groomed to take over the gym after his parents, and many people generally being suspicious of him because of his love for ghost-type pokemon, has left a lot of scars and trust issues.
but when you do start dating, physical touch becomes his go-to love language. draping himself over your shoulders, holding your hand, wrapping an arm around your waist—PDA has become an integral part of your relationship.
of course, tell him if it makes you uncomfortable, and he'll tone it down in public. but when you're in private, cuddling is a must.
gengar becomes an integral part of your relationship, too. the pokemon is actually more mischievous than his trainer, leading to more than a few...incidences.
you stand in the kitchen, humming to yourself as you cut up some vegetables for dinner. morty is directly to your right, boiling water on the stove and dancing to the song you're singing. a chill runs down your back, and you look down. you shriek as you see your shadow begin moving around, jumping back into morty, who catches you. "gengar!" you yell, scowling as the purple ghost-type leaves your shadow and appears in the kitchen, snickering and pretending to act innocent. morty laughs, and despite your annoyance (the surprise made you drop the knife, meaning you'd have to spend extra time cleaning it before you could finish dinner) you couldn't help but laugh, too. "one day, i'll get used to it!" you exclaim. "i mean, i don't mind being your knight in shining armor," morty teases. gengar makes kissy noises behind his stubby little hands.
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you meet volkner in the midst of his burnout. after a lot of prodding and poking, he finally agrees to battle you in a friendly training match—and is electrified by your presence.
he's not the most cuddly person in the world. PDA is incredibly limited, and when you're home, you have to initiate most of what you do. what he does enjoy, though, is taking care of you: cooking you food, giving you massages when you come home stressed, making sure laundry is folded and put away as soon as it finishes.
i imagine you have to pull him away from his work often. having made so many things in sunyshore, volkner is out late at night, making sure everything is still working.
you walk into vista lighthouse, and finally find volkner on the observation deck, overlooking the city. "hey, it's getting late," you say, coming over to him and putting a hand on his back. "i know," he replies. "just...thinking. i'll be back home soon." you shake your head. "no, sir," you tease. "'soon' is going to turn into coming back at sunrise. let's get you some tea and a good book to read, okay?" he stares at the moon, high above the ocean. "but what if something happens?'" he asks. "and what if i'm not here to fix it?" "dear, you've got to stop worrying about things like that. eventually, something will happen, but you can't fix it if you're not in fighting shape, right?" with that logic, he finally relents and lets you guide him back down. he kisses your cheek, apologizing and promising to make you breakfast first thing in the morning.
volkner is someone who appreciates intelligence. even if you're not as well-read as him, he likes talking things out with you: schematics for new projects, battle strategies, new inventions he'd like to make someday. listen to him ramble, ask questions, and give him your input if you feel confident. he'll appreciate it no matter what you do.
when flint comes by and they have their occasional battles, it's like a totally different version of volkner. he's energetic and passionate as he comes up with different ways to catch flint off guard, and every time he does, he immediately looks to you like he's trying his best to impress you.
"luxray, use thunder fang on magmortar's arm!" flint's eyes widen as volkner's partner pokemon grabs magmortar by the arm and crushes it between its electrified fangs. magmortar grunts and tries to throw luxray off. "now, throw him to the ground!" luxray goes back onto his hind legs, managing to pull magmortar with him, and throws him down. the force is enough to crack the floor, and flint chuckles. "you never run out of ideas, do you?" volkner's not paying attention to flint, though. he stares off into the stands, making direct eye contact with you, and grins. you roll your eyes and cup your hands around your mouth. "pay attention to the battle!" "right, right," volkner says, turning back to the field as magmortar gets back up. "don't worry! i'm just getting started!"
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ktarsims · 1 year
15 Questions for 15 Mutuals
I was tagged by @simstryingtheirbestok @mainlyjustthesims @spaceapples98 @agnelid @nocturnalazure @papermint-airplane and @samkat10423. Thank you! I feel popular. LOL
Answers below cut for those who prefer to scroll past.
1. Are you named after anyone?  I am. My middle name is my father’s first name, and my first name is a play on my mother’s middle name.
2.  When was the last time you cried? Within the last week sometime, probably. I cry when watching sad things sometimes, when I’m extremely frustrated, when I’m having an anxiety attack... you know, the usual.
3. Do you have any kids? Yes. Just one. Y’all have benefited from the tools he makes me to help me with my Sims 3 game.
4.  Do you use sarcasm a lot? Not really. When I do use sarcasm, I’m very careful with it, only using it with a small audience of people that I’m 100% sure will know that it’s sarcasm, or in an overly exaggerated way that I feel fairly certain cannot be misunderstood. I feel like sarcasm is an easy habit to fall into that often creates misunderstanding. My partner says I used to not use it at all, but nowadays I use it carefully.
5.  What sports do you play/have you played? The only sports I’ve ever played were the ones I was required to play in school. Then the asthma got bad, and I got a doctor’s note to be excused from PE class my last two years of high school, so no more sports for me. I do enjoy playing with a frisbee, ping pong, or badminton from time to time, but not as a sport, just as playing around. If you want to get serious about scoring, I’m out. That’s stress I don’t need.
6.  What's the first thing you notice about other people? I’m honestly unsure about this. The first thing I LOOK for is how they’re behaving towards the people around them. Polite, respectful? Helpful? Or if they’re not interacting with anyone, does their behavior seem normal and can I make a good guess as to what they’re doing or does it seem abnormal and possibly suspicious? Yes. I actually go through that sort of process with every person I encounter. Aside from simply being female, I also have an anxiety disorder, and I’m fairly asocial as a person, and due to life experiences, I think the scariest thing in the world is other people.
7.  Scary movies or happy endings? Happy Endings. I state this conditionally though, some movies are considered scary by some that I don’t really think are very scary? I mean, I watched Supernatural, and the original Firestarter is one of my favorite movies... so... but they do have good endings. Good endings are required. I will absolutely skip ahead to the end sometimes to make sure it has a good ending if I’m getting nebulous vibes about a show or book.
8.  Any special talents? I would say that I’m good at organization, but I���ve come to know some people in the simblr community that are WAAAAY more organized than I am. I’m great with sorting out a physical space though, and have sometimes been asked by friends who aren’t good at it to help them out.
9.  Where were you born? Long ago and far away... in the not so grand ol’ USA.
10.  What are your hobbies? Sims, Reading, watching various shows (sci-fi, fantasy, occult, and mystery themes), Pokémon games, occasional other RPG console or PC games, and sometimes DDO or LOTRO.
11.  Do you have any pets? Nope. I sometimes moonlight as a pet caretaker for people on vacation though, because I’m very good with animals. One of my friends dubbed me the ‘cat whisperer’.
12.  How tall are you? Short enough to be considered petite.
13.  Fave subject in school? Uh. I once took a class in business and psychology and I really enjoyed that. Otherwise... math and science maybe?
14.  Dream job? I have often thought over the years that being someone else’s personal assistant to keep them organized would be what I would excel the most at, but having looked at the job descriptions for some of those jobs, I’m less certain of that. For now, I’m just hoping to score a job I can do mostly from home.
15.  Eye color? I agree with @simstryingtheirbestok that these questionnaires sometimes tend to ask too much personally identifying information, or information that is commonly used in answering secret questions. However, in this case, having made a simself that’s been commonly shared here, my brown eye color isn’t a secret.
I don’t know if I can find 15 people to tag that haven’t done this, because I’ve seen hordes of these cross my dash in the last week, but... I’ll give it a go for at least five: @aisquaredchoco @cas-sims @sharssims @wannabecatwriter @nornities @blackbriarsraven @spnmoosejerk @id-element0 @chazybazzy @simlicious Okay, I made it to 10. Don’t feel obligated if these are not your thing, and if you do decide to do it, I do encourage you to exercise due internet caution when answering the questions.
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xiuminscheeks · 10 months
Top 10 kdrama recs? You seem to rb quite a few different ones, so im curious about your faves :]
- 🌱
hey! I recently got into kdramas (again) and I have SO many faves now, its hard to choose only 10! but let me try
suspicious partner. my first kdrama (I think) and one of my absolute faves. great chemistry, mystery and overall a nice pace.
100 days my prince. a historical drama, with lots of comedic moments. Nam Ji Hyun has to deal with an amnesiac male lead.
Shopping King Louie. wholesome drama with two characters who are THE purest beans. Nam Ji Hyun has to deal with an amnesiac male lead (again).
fight for my way. friends to lovers. the end. (also, both are poor which is a pleasant surprise).
hometown cha-cha-cha. one of the episodes will tear your heart into pieces but you wont mind cause this is such a feel good drama, you will fall in love with every single character. also, Kim Seon Ho is a theater actor and you'll def notice that. my man desrved an oscar, an emmy AND a grammy (no, he doesnt sing but he deserved it).
doom at your service. more mature drama, lots of heartache, amazing performances and a motherfucking kiss you'll never forget.
business proposal. you'll fall in love with both couples, like you don't even have a choice. funny af.
strong woman do bong soon and weightlifting fairy kim bok joo. yes, im cheating cause these are 2 seperate dramas but let's ignore that. male leads are head over heels for female leads. female leads are cute as a button.
destined with you. CHEMISTRY WAS CHEMISTRYING. plot holes here and there and you wont even care.
the king's affection. aka when bisexually was invented. just trust me and watch this. softest male lead EVER.
king the land. lots of people didnt like but idk, I loved it. zero toxicity, no dumb ass decisions by the leads, cute second leads. I laughed a lot and generally had lots of fun. first kiss? you won't forget this either.
honorable mentions cause these are on-going:
perfect marriage revenge. budget of a one dollar and a dream, and you'll love every second of it.
a good day to be a dog. idk, just thinking about this drama makes me feel like the world is not such a horrible place after all. female lead? my future wife
the matchmakers. a very different historical drama. [retty cinematography, interesting characters and Rowoon in a very different role than usual.
another honorable mention (the drama ended last year but I'm watching it now) is cafe minamdang. lots of different opinions on this drama too, but so far I've laughed my ass off and Seo In Guk looks *chefs kiss*
let me know (if you want) if you end up watching any of these and your opinion. thank you for the ask <3
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dark-muse-iris · 2 years
Hot take: Hyuna hasn't been happy for a while but P Nations whole marketing was them as a couple. It's super cynical but crazy to me they went from engaged right around the Ping Pong drop to breaking up after they finished their contracts... SUSPICIOUS.
To be fair, has *anyone* been happy in the last two years? 💀💀💀
I don't believe their relationship was purely a marketing ploy. They dated privately for two years before we knew about it. Being together for 6 years at their age and career field is a huge accomplishment, tbh, and it couldn't have been easy for either of them being public in an industry that thrives off stalkery parasocial attachments to celebrities. Most of our faves who are dating are absolutely hiding their partners from fans. At least Hyuna and Dawn had the courage to be together in front of us, their fans.
I didn't care for P Nation's marketing of them either, but the company did do a fine job making Cube look like gutter trash. No k-pop company is ever going to touch Cube in terms of doing the most to ruin idols' careers.
Honestly, I think recent years and being in a different work environment gave them a chance to reflect and this outcome is pretty normal. People change as they get older, especially in the 28-30 years range of living where most adults really pause, look at themselves, and take an account of things. Almost everyone I know who made it over 30 changed something huge about themselves too, myself included. Half of them broke up with or divorced a partner. 🤷‍♀️
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barbierpt · 8 months
i'm rlly glad you mentioned separating fcs from their views. i've always been the kind of person who creates a character first and then tries to find a fc to fit them, but there are so many people in this rpc who have a handful of favorite fcs and reuse them over and over again for different rps and build characters to fit the fcs rather than the other way around. i don't know how it is for you and i certainly don't like generalizing but from my pov it seems like the people who are 'fc first' so to speak are a lot less capable of separating fcs from their irl views and actions. it's like an intense focus on celebrity and influencer personal lives that i simply just don't understand. i'm totally content using a fc and knowing absolutely nothing about their actual life and history bcos all of that has nothing to do with the character i'm trying to roleplay
"i've always been the kind of person who creates a character first and then tries to find a fc to fit them"
SAME. the character idea always comes to me first and then i find a fc to fit them. sometimes i see a fc that inspires a certain character but at the end of the day that's really all the fc is –– a face, a physical representation of my character. the personality, backstory, everything else is what makes them, not their looks. now, that said, i'm also very committed and even my very original characters that i started with 10+ years ago have had the same fcs because now i can't imagine them any other way, but i'm also now in a place where my fcs are pretty underused nowadays because new and "more popular" fave fcs have been popping up over the years.
but like you said too, i'm totally content with using a fc and knowing nothing about their actual life and history because it has nothing to do with the character i'm using them for. and same goes for my partners. i don't keep up with every celebrity's life because i don't have that time and energy. the only celebs i know anything about are the ones i'm personally invested in as actors or musical artists.
i do feel like the majority of the rpc is always so "fc first" or "face chasing" even if they don't realize it. there are even tiny hints at this behavior i've noticed. i've got a friend in my group who'll see an app count post and be like "oooh who's the (for example) keanu reeves character? 👀 i love his face." okay what about the character??? it's clearly the fc you're drawn to and not the character there if you're so interested before the character has even hit the dash and started writing. i've had people say they want to write with a character of mine because they "love the fc" and that to me is kinda suspicious because if you want to write with me because my character is a popular fc and it's not for the character then that feels like face chasing. those are just a few examples from my experience of course.
but yeah, i agree with everything you said. this is roleplay, we're creating fictional characters and writing with each other. shouldn't the focus be on that than on the fcs we use?? idk where anyone has the time to keep up with so much celebrity drama and history.
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actualbird · 2 years
have you gotten far with the lost gold dlc yet? replaying it makes me laugh so hard akdsf tell me this isn't the funniest event i just love nxx squabbles
ive gotten far-ish (in the mountain area now)!! but im taking it slow replaying since the dlc is gonna be here permanently so i no longer have the original "holy fuck i gotta finish this as SOON AS POSSIBLE" manic energy from last year HAHA
but abSOLUTELY replaying is a delight!! lost gold is my top fave tot event thus far, so well written so full of juicy character moments and so full of the funniest fucking things ever jHVJHDSFS
one bit that got way funnier to me playing it the 2nd time was this moment where bryce roasts marius for his lack of romantic-partner-pulling prowess
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like, believe u me, this was funny the first time around
but the second time around---aka knowing that bryce was nuts and then tries to fucking kill marius later on---made me wonder oh huh at this point theres a non-zero percent chance that bryce already is suspicious/wary of marius (and mc) and is thus ready to Dispatch Him.
which means that bryce---probably already intending on stabbing marius later on---decided to emphasize to marius while he was still unstabbed that hes absolutely BITCHLESS
i love lost gold so, so much
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tressasinterlude · 3 years
𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐓 #𝟑: Female Public Figures Dating Men with Questionable Views That Contradict Their Image & Alleged Politics
𝗗𝗜𝗦𝗖𝗟𝗔𝗜𝗠𝗘𝗥: These rant blog posts are really just reflective of my thoughts at the time that I make them and are posted here because I need an outlet to release all of this shit I have going on my busy ass mind. That’s it and that’s all. Now let’s get into it..
This rant was greatly inspired by none other than Ms. Robyn Rihanna “Tell Your Faves To Pull Up [in regards to social injustices directly affecting black people]” Fenty and her openly colorist boyfriend, A$AP Rocky. Aside from the fact that Rihanna tends to slip under the radar and is never held accountable for her problematic ways due to her conventional beauty (i.e. Her heavy usage of anti-Asian slurs, particularly targeted towards Chris Brown’s ex gf, Karrueche), it’s very alarming that a woman who has an entire makeup brand with a campaign based around the inclusivity of ALL black women is publicly flaunting a beau who once said that DSBW do not look good with red lipstick.
And yes, I’m very much aware that Rakim said this tasteless comment over 8 years ago but from the looks of it, not much has really changed with him. Don’t @ me about it neither because I don’t care.
Also peep how he compares a hypothetical darkskinned woman to a man (Wesley Snipes) while trying to explain how his antiblackness isn’t wrong because he said something about white women as well. Gaslighting at its finest. Don’t you just love it! 😀
Furthermore, you would think that somebody of Rihanna’s level of stature would know not to associate themselves with someone as messy as A$AP Rocky but... Stupid is what stupid does, I guess! I can’t even begin to place the blame on him anymore because he’s revealed his true colors and we all have made the deliberate choice to either accept it or don’t and have discontinued all support for him. Unfortunately, misogynoir is never the dealbreaker for most people and the hatred for [dark-skinned] black women is so engrained in society that it’s frowned upon when we publicly speak out against it. Very ass backwards if you ask me but that’s society for you. Now, enough about that. Let’s focus back on Ms. Vita La Coco.
As a woman who claims to be a girl’s girl and is always presenting herself to be someone who is the epitome of a pro-black feminist bad ass, it just makes her alleged activism come off so disingenuous when she’s also laying down with the same man that actively attacks the demographic she’s supposed to be standing in solidarity with. It’s “Black Lives Matter” on the IG posts but your vagina is getting moist for a man who openly stated he doesn’t relate to what goes on in Ferguson because he lives in Soho & Beverly Hills. Ferguson being the exact place where a 17-year-old black boy’s lifeless corpse laid on the hot concrete for FOUR hours after he was murdered by a police officer. He couldn’t 'relate' to the fate of so many black men, women, and children who are murdered or seriously injured from state-sanctioned violence because they’re poor and he is not or so he thought.
But then again, what can I really expect from a woman who identified as being “biracial” until as recent as roughly 6 years ago? What can I really expect from a woman who called Rachel Dolezal a ‘hero’ for cosplaying as a black woman? I’d be lying if I said my expectations for her were high in this regard because sis has always shown us she was lacking in this department. And just for the record, this is not a personal attack on Rihanna at all for the die-hard Navy stans in the back. I admire her latest fashions and bop my head to her music just like the next person but she’s getting the side-eye from me on this one.
Trust and believe me though, she’s not the only woman who I can call out for being a hypocrite. Of course not! This stone can be cast at a few others. So without further ado, why don’t we bring Ms. Kehlani Parrish to the front of the congregation? Prior to Kehlani’s recent declaration of identifying as a lesbian, her last public relationship with a man was with YG. Yes, the same YG who felt it was necessary to say him & Nipsey had ‘pretty light-skinned’ daughters to raise in the middle of his deceased friend’s memorial. By the way, Nipsey’s daughter is not even light (or at least not in my book anyways.) She’s a very deep caramel tone just like her father which makes what he said even more moronic. Yes, the same YG who thought it was clever idea to use slavery as an aesthetic for a music video to a diss track about 6ix9ine. And yes, also the same YG who has derogatory lyrics targeted at bisexual women. Just to end up sweating the red carpets with one. I swear the jokes just continue to write themselves.
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This raises the question once more; How high of a pedestal can I really put a multiracial woman who has a song titled ‘N*ggas’ and when received backlash for the song in question, she used the ultimate ‘I’m mixed’ copout while not having a visibly black parent in sight?
It’s also kind of suspicious to me that many were not privy to Kehlani’s secret romance with Victoria Monét (pictured bottom right) until Victoria did an interview with Gay Times revealing she fell in love with a girl but they subsequently broke up because Victoria had a boyfriend and that girl was pregnant in a polyamorous relationship. Fans began to speculate because both Victoria & Kehlani previously candidly spoke about their sexual orientations, Kehlani had just had Adeya and they both were seemingly close. Their short-lived fling would later be confirmed when Victoria released the song ‘Touch Me’ on her last project and Kehlani hopped on the remix. Meanwhile, Kehlani’s relationship with Shaina (pictured bottom left) was very overt and all over her Instagram feed from my recollection. And as you can see, Shaina looks absolutely nothing like Victoria. They look like the complete opposite of eachother in every aspect which is kind of alarming(?) to say the least because why is it that the women she proudly claims as her partners tend to have a very racially ambiguous look such as herself but her ‘sneaky links’ on the other hand are undoubtedly black women? Again, it could just be me jumping conclusions. You know, I’m kinda good for that however something tells me I’m not. Y’all be the judge of the material though.
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Last but not least, I’d like to touch on Ms. Raven Tracy very briefly. I was very weary about even including in this segment and if I should just put her in a entirely separate blog post with other women who openly date abusers despite their checkered past (alongside Nicki Minaj & her r*pist murderer of a husband, India Love & Sheck Wes etc.) being this particular blog post was based around the theme of lightskinned/mixed women dating men with extremely problematic views about DSBW. Raven obviously isn’t lightskinned or mixed however I refused to ignore how contradictory her [former] relationship with an alleged (I used this word very loosely and mainly for legality purposes.) serial r*pist while promoting a brand that is all about feminism & body positivity. This also traces back to A$AP Rocky by default being that Ian Connor is his very close friend and he came to Connor’s defense when several women came forward detailing accounts of Connor allegedly s*xually assaulting them. (I wish I could place the actual video of what A$AP Rocky said verbatim but Tumblr only allows one video per blog post. 🙄)
Back in June of this year, Ian & Raven had a back & forth on Twitter after Ian tweeted about Raven “fucking everybody” behind his back. I can only assume that he was alluding to Tori Brixx posting a video of her ex, Rich the Kid & Raven kissing on her story. Disgusted is not even the word to describe my feeling when she admitted she stuck by Ian despite of his many allegations of s*xual abuse because she loved him and her being a empath causes her to want to help everybody. Imagine aiding and abetting a predator and even paying for his bail & legal fees just to turn around and expect sympathy because this same individual cheated on you and exploited you all over Twitter for the public to see. The same man that you would get back with not even a WEEK after the fact & turn off your IG comments because it isn’t our “business” after making it our business...
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That being said, I just genuinely want to know: Why do these women completely go against what they stand for in regards to these men? Maybe it was never genuine from jump street and if that’s the case, why jump on the bandwagon of performative activism? Is it because it’s profitable right now? Is it because disrespecting black women is not an immediate death sentence to your careers and more often than not actually helps you advance even further? I guess that’s the billion dollar question that’ll never truly be answered. I just want the world to stop using black women as their stepping stool to get to where they need to go and then discarding of us when we’re no longer beneficial. Support us all the way or don’t support us at all. We deal with enough disrespect as is so we’d appreciate if y’all would stop straddling the fence and partake in your misogynoir out loud if that’s what you choose to do. We have no use for fake allyship and quite frankly, it’s doing more harm for us than good. Please and thank you!
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tellywoodtrash · 3 years
I don't know how many kdramas you watched but i watched like 6 (suspicious partner, healer, love struck in the city of seoul, Hometown cha cha cha, Goblin and Touch your heart) but i haved observed that kdramas love Fate and meeting/crossing paths as children. Its like kumkum of the Indian tv. P.S: Do have any suggestions for good romcom kdramas
Some suggestions of shows I watched and enjoyed: Fight For My Way, Oh My Ghost(ess), A Love So Beautiful (the Chinese original is more acclaimed, but I liked the SK version better), My Secret Romance....
And they're not traditional romcoms in that the plot is largely about other aspects of life (and fair warning, kinda violent and gory), but my absolute faves are Vincenzo and Happiness coz the couple dynamics in them is just *chef's kiss* 👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽
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greenbriar-j · 3 years
Wip intro: Ordinary Man
- nanowrimo 2021 project; goal 5k -
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genre: detective/crime-stopper romance 
inspos: keishichou tokuhanka 007, the infernal devices, hometown cha cha cha, vincenzo
| wip playlist | Pinterest board |
taglist: lmk if you want to be added!
isabella (bella) - sweet but will also stab you with her heels and never bat an eye. reckless. loves to an unreasonably giving degree. smiles a lot and has all the different flavor chapsticks. always has her hair in space buns (kohl often has to fix them mid-mission because they are lopsided and he can’t stand it)
kohl - also smiles a lot, but it’s a lot emptier than bella’s. has shoulder-length hair he keeps in a rock-star-esque half-up style. he looks super tough (and is super tough), but the expression on his face is 99% of the time because he is sleepy and not because he’s actually threatening you. similarly, squints because he has bad eyesight, not because he is suspicious of literally everything that moves.
for whatever reason, both of them are partners as detectives. i’m currently leaning toward the concept that kohl has always been a detective and he literally BEGGED bella to work with him because she ended up being a victim in like 5 kidnapping cases that all landed in his work pile. she fancied herself an amateur crime-stopper and got reassured and reckless the more times he saved her, so he just dragged her on board so at least it’d be easier to keep up with her when she tossed herself in danger’s way
specific scenes i have in mind:
bella is under what i call “the will herondale curse” which is effectively a self-imposed belief that everyone she loves ends up dying an untimely death. however, it is just her nature to love people, so she “makes up for it” by doing absolutely reckless things in the name of keeping her loved ones safe
“there was only one bed” set up except there ends up being two beds, much to the disappointment of one or the other. (they end up sharing one bed at the end anyway)
they act like a couple for the entire wip but i never address it until someone has an oh moment and chaos ensues because everyone thought they were already dating when in fact, they’ve never even discussed romantic feelings with each other
domestic domestic domestic! kohl only eats instant noodles bella preps bc she has secret ingredients and it’s his fave. kohl does her hair for special events. bella paints his nails. kohl uses her flowery hair clips in the office to keep his hair out of his face. bella’s wardrobe is 50% contraband from kohl’s closet. they have matching rings from when they played as a married couple and simply never got rid of afterward; both of them have turned it into a necklace
kohl is a hardass for several consecutive chapters and then turns into a whiny baby when it’s just him and bella in a room
Tagging some old friends for the attention: @aelenko @cannivalisms @chazzawrites @unbearable-lightness-of-ink @luminesent
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dramarants · 4 years
KDrama Actors Who Caught My Eye
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GIF by iamacolor
Ji Chang Wook 
Surprise! Healer is one of my all time favorite dramas and this man has one of my all time favorite faces. He gives the sweetest heart eyes, can handle heavier emotional scenes, and most of the main roles I’ve seen him in are puppies with grumpy exteriors which he does so well. His latest drama choices haven’t been great (older posts in his tag can tell you more) but his swoon factor makes the mediocre ones worthwhile!
Dramas watched: 7
Greatest Hits:
Healer (2014) - action, political drama with fluffy angst romance
Suspicious Partner (2017) - lawyer romcom with a serial killer plot line
Empress Ki (2013) - jcw as a sheltered crown prince, the show guts you
Melting Me Softly (2019)
Lovestruck in the City (2020, still airing)
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Park Seo Joon
Tumblr was in love with this man when I first started watching kdramas and he grew on me too. He kept showing up in popular recommendations (and in the boba shop across from my favorite study spot on campus lmfao) and his charms work well in bringing warmth to some of the typically “alpha” characters he’s played. What can I say, I’m a sucker for smiles.
Dramas watched: 6
Greatest Hits:
Fight for My Way (2017) - slice of life romcom, a tumblr fave!
Itaewon Class (2020) - slice of life with some punch, great OST*
What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim (2018) - psj fan holy grail romcom**
Breakout Roles:
She Was Pretty (2015)
Kill Me, Heal Me (2015)
*haven’t seen this yet but really looking forward to it!
**ngl this cloying tropefest was too much for me but v cute, great kisses
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Kim Seon Ho
Oh man where to begin. When I first saw him on the Start-Up thumbnail, I thought “who casted him, he seems creepy” and good lord was I wrong. By ep 3, I was completely awestruck by his talent, expressions, charisma, dimples, voice - okay I’m stopping you get the point. This man is an insanely wonderful, versatile actor (plus a total dork on season 4 of 2 Days 1 Night!) and I can’t wait for all he has in store for us.
Dramas watched: 7 (in 30 days, whoops)
Greatest Hits:
Start-Up (2020) - tech workplace drama, jipyeong breaks your heart
Catch the Ghost (2019) - subway action dramedy, lead role!
Welcome to Waikiki 2 (2019) - pure comedy, he just looks pretty even when he’s suffering
Breakout Roles:
Good Manager/Chief Kim (2017)
Two Cops (2017)
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Im Siwan
I’m cheating with this one bc there’s other actors I’ve seen more of but recently I’ve been obsessed with his absolutely adorable, grounded portrayal of Ki Seon Gyeom in Run On and I just started Strangers From Hell where he plays a much darker role! He’s an idol turned actor I believe, and while I haven’t seen a lot of his work, I’m loving what I’ve come across so far.
Dramas watched: 2, one in progress
Greatest Hits:
The Attorney (2013) - legal drama movie, his breakout role 
Misaeng (2014) - classic workplace ensemble drama, so so good
Run On (2020, still airing) - feel-good slice of life, awkward cinnamon rolls with various burn degrees
Hell is Other People/Strangers From Hell (2019) 
Honorable Mentions: 
They stood out in the roles I saw and star in dramas in my watchlist!
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Kang Ha Neul - 3, so glad he never got braces for his dorky smile
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Jo Jung Suk - 3, hospital playlist is what really sold him to me
Nam Joo Hyuk - 5, didn’t realize I've seen so many of his dramas
Yoo Ah In - 2, secret love affair?? Jesus Christ??
Lee Junho - 1, his performance in just between lovers is exquisite
Jung Hae In - 2, fits the beta lead trope so well if you’re into that
Kim Myung Soo - 3, held his own across shin hye-sun, a cutie
Oh Jung Se - 2, stellar performance as kang tae 
Lee Jae Wook - 2, mostly fascinated by how a man can look like a dinosaur but still... cute? dare I say hot?
Jang Seung Jo - 1, wanna see more after his role in jtbc’s chocolate
Kim Won Hae - 9, one of the busiest drama dads/comic reliefs in the biz let’s be real
Sung Dong Il - 8, another busy drama dad/comic relief/evil historical politician but his role in my drama journey has to be acknowledged
Happy to discuss or get recs for dramas with strong performances or your favorite actors!
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myfavoriteskdramas · 4 years
So guys, I've wanted to do this kind of list since a lot of time ago, of the kdramas that from my point of view are underrated, and I think more people who loves kdramas should give them a chance and watch them, so here is the first part:
1. Hogu's love aka Fool's love.
Ho Goo has a twin sister Ho Gyeong. He has tried to pass the civil service examination, but has failed for 7 years. He also has never dated in his life. One day, he meets Do Hee. She was the most popular girl back in his high school days. She is a member of the national swimming team and has a burning desire to win. She also talks like one of the guys. They spend the night together, but the next morning he finds a baby next next to him and Do Hee is gone. After Ho Goo meets Do Hee again, he becomes involved in a complicated romantic relationship and a dangerous friendship.
Link where you can watch it: https://dramacool.so/drama-detail/hogoos-love
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2. The tale of nokdu aka Mung bean chronicles (one of my faves).
Jeon Nok Du is a man with extraordinary ambition to experience the big, wide world. With looks, brains, and athletic abilities, he is the epitome of perfection. After being swept up in an incident, he disguises himself as a woman to join a mysterious all-woman community and meets Dong Dong Joo.
Dong Dong Joo is a prickly gisaeng trainee. Along with her fiery personality, she is clumsy, has absolutely no sense of rhythm, and is tone-deaf, which makes all of her peers look after her. However, she is skilled with her hands as she can make anything if given the right tools. Unable to stand injustice, she speaks her mind.
Due to this fact, Jeon Nok Du ends up saving Dong Dong Joo from a dangerous situation. After that, she suddenly becomes Jeon Nok Du’s adopted daughter and he decides to live in the widow village for 1 year.
Link where you can watch it:
Is on Viki but you can watch it in this link too https://dramacool.so/drama-detail/mung-bean-chronicles
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3. Clean with passion for now.
Jang Sun Gyeol has wealth and good looks but suffers from severe mysophobia. He is obsessed with cleaning and even owns his own cleaning company. However, he meets a carefree and untidy girl named Gil Oh Sol after she enters his company as a new employee.
Oh Sol has worked all sorts of part-time jobs while striving for a full-time job and does not have the luxury to date or be clean. She gave up on being neat after facing the tough reality of the world and is known for always wearing her trademark tracksuit. But she has a bright personality and does not mind getting dirty. With the help of Oh Sol, Sun Gyeol faces his mysophobia and also falls in love with her.
Link where you can watch it: https://dramacool.so/drama-detail/clean-with-passion-for-now
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4. Live up to your name aka Deserving of the name.
Heo Im, who is born in a concubine family in Joseon era and has very outstanding medical skill, is frustrated about his career as he fails to climb to higher positions in the government because of his background. By accident, he travels through time to modern Seoul 400 years later and meets modern doctor Yeon Gyung. Thinking that Heo Im is weird, she hopes to get rid of Heo Im but instead, they travel back to Joseon together again.
Link where you can watch it:
Is on netflix, but you can watch it too in this link https://dramacool.so/drama-detail/deserving-of-the-name
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5. Live On (Just finished one or two weeks ago) if you want to watch a short kdrama, this one it only has 8 episodes.
Live On” is set to be a romance story that follows the lives of Baek Ho Rang (Jung Da Bin), who is at the top of food chain at her high school where being trendy and popular brings higher social status, and Go Eun Taek (Minhyun), a perfectionist who is the head of the broadcasting club. Baek Ho Rang joins the broadcasting club in order get help from Go Eun Taek in uncovering the identity of a mysterious figure who is trying to bring to light parts of her past she wants to keep hidden.Baek Ho Rang immediately shot up to social media star status because of her beautiful looks and is one of the most popular girls at Seo Hyun High School. Despite being at the top of the social pyramid, she only has one true friend as she believes she is the center of the universe and looks down on others. Meanwhile, Go Eun Taek is in charge of the school’s broadcasting club and is someone who is sensitive, detail oriented, can sometimes be irritable, and plans everything out perfectly. Though he is strict and inflexible when it comes to his leadership, he never shies away from any task that is given to him and is loved by his fellow students.
Link where you can watch it:
Is on Viki but also you can watch it in this link
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6. Dinner Mate.
This drama is about a young woman going through a rough breakup with a longtime boyfriend she’s still in love with, and a young man who’s a serial dater and kind of tired of relationships. They both like to eat out but dislike having to go to nice restaurants alone, and they happen to meet while waiting to be seated at a restaurant, each of them alone. The hostess mistakes them for a couple and offers them a couple special, which prompts them to sit together and end up having dinner together. After their first unexpected meeting, they meet and have dinner together weekly. That’s how they strike up an unusual friendship where they get together just to eat out, and over multiple dinners, they open up to each other about their relationship troubles and grow closer.
Link where you can watch it:
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7. Oh my venus.
This is a drama about two Childhood friends meet again in their adulthood and find themselves making a bet on a “diet challenge”. The story focuses on their journey of searching for love and health.
Kang Joo Eun meets Kim Yeong Ho, who agrees to be her personal trainer to help her get healthier. As they work on her physical transformation, they both discover they have feelings for each other. As they grow closer, they heal each other's emotional wounds and fall in love.
Link where you can watch it:
Is on Viki but here's the link too
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8. Cheat on me if you can ( Is still on emission, there's only two episodes left).
For her work, best-selling crime author Yeo Joo researches how to make a murder look like an accidental death. Next to her is her younger husband, Woo Sung, who is a family man and works as a divorce lawyer. Woo Sung still thinks he's a sexy, attractive partner, and lives on with his wonderful marriage life. However, lately, Yeo Joo, who would rather be a widow than a divorcee, starts finding some of his behavior suspicious. Could he be cheating on her? Could Woo Sung possibly be enjoying a thrilling affair behind her back? Yeo Joo tells it straight: If he cheats, he will die.
Link where you can watch it:
Is on Viki but also here's the link https://dramacool.so/drama-detail/if-you-cheat-you-die
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9. The beauty inside (one of my faves).
Han Se Kye is a top actress, also known as a troublemaker, with many rumors around her. To others, her life appears as a mystery, when in fact she is faced with a strange occurrence where she must change into a different body and new identity for one week a month. She encounters Seo Do Jae, a brilliant man who is an executive at an airline company. He seems to have it all: a perfect appearance, knowledge, and a good job; but he has a secret too. He suffers from Prosopagnosia, the inability to recognize faces. However, he manages to hide this from the world, every day he makes an effort to remember people by their personalities.
Seo Do Jae's life begins to change when he meets Han Se Kye. She is the only person whose face he can recognize. But with Han Se Kye's constant disappearance and change how long can she keep her secret?.
Link where you can watch it:
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10. Royal secret inspector aka Secret royal agent (is on emission now, there's a few episodes left).
Set towards the end of the Joseon era, Sung Yi-Gyeom placed first in the state examination and he now works at the Hongmungwan (administrative and research department). He doesn't have a goal or ambition for his life. One day, Sung Yi-Gyeom is caught gambling. As punishment, he is assigned to work as a secret royal inspector. His job is to eradicate illegal acts and corruption by public officers. He carries out his new job with the help of Hong Da-In and Park Chun-Sam. Hong Da-In is a female inspector and solves cases with Sung Yi-Gyeom. Park Chun-Sam is Sung Yi-Gyeom’s servant. Park Chun-Sam is talkative, affectionate, and tearful.
Meanwhile, Sung Yi-Beom is Sung Yi-Gyeom’s younger stepbrother. His father is a nobleman, but his mother is a slave. Due to his mother's low social status, his father does not accept him as his real son and he is barred from having certain opportunities. He opposes his older stepbrother Sung Yi-Gyeom.
Link where you can watch it:
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yellraiser · 4 years
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Sweet Love Soiree 2k21: The Piers Interview Originally by @kalosian-writer​
“Before we start, I want to make one thing clear: I’m not here for rumor mills or sensationalism. I want my article to be a proper reflection of what’s going on. So please don’t try to feed me rumors as truth, alright?”
“Of course, of course. No rumours or anythin’ like that here.”
“Tell me a bit about yourself, mon ami. Is this your first competition, or if it’s not, how long have you been participating, either competing or spectating? Have you participated, specifically, in a Trainer Showcase before?”
“This’ll be my first time, funny enough. Back in Galar, we don’t really ‘ave anything like this, so it’s all new fer me.”
“What sort of background do you come from-are you a trainer, a breeder, a coordinator, or perhaps something else? Do you see this giving you any advantage in the competition/do you think you’ll enjoy the performances more?”
“I mean... I’m a trainer, of sorts. Used t’be a Gym Leader, even, but that was never my preference. I’m more of a performer, an’ I’m hoping that’s gonna give me SOME way of evenin’ the odds, but if it doesn’t, then that’s fine.”
“What are your thoughts on the competition here today? It looks like we have quite a diverse cast of Pokémon fans present. Anyone you know? Rivals, perhaps?”
“Well, I recognize Leon, that’s fer sure. He an’ I go back a ways. But the one that worries me th’ most is Wallace. I figured this’d be a good entry-level bout to try something new, somethin’ fun fer the team, but the instant I saw that THE Wallace was involved... Yeeeeaah, there goes any chance o’ me winning.”
“How are you feeling about this showcase in general? Are you nervous at all?”
“Oh, of course, I’m nervous. I’m gonna go up on stage and make a gorgeous fool of m’self and my Pokemon. But whenever y’get the pre-show jitters, the only way to get rid of them is to just get on with it... And then maybe stay the night in someone else’s hotel room afterwards until the regret stops.”
“Were you here for the last Sweet Love Soiree, or did you tune into that? If so, has that affected any of your choices going into this event?”
“I can say with one hundred percent certainty that I have no [BEEP]ing clue what happened in the last one.”
“Which have you decided to pour more energy into: your Theme or your Freestyle? Why? Which do you feel more confident about?”
“I’m going with... Uh... I think it was Theme? The one about love. Feel like that’s more in m’wheelhouse than doing something about forgiveness.”
“Can you give us any hints about either of your performances? Without spoiling it, what do you think will make your entries stand out?”
“Prolly the aesthetic of it. It’s gonna be perfect.”
“How did you chose the Pokémon partners you’ll be using in this competition? Are you trying to pick Pokémon to stick with the themes, or going with Pokémon that have experience competing?”
“Y’could say mine’ve got experience, yeah. Jobber’s been with me since day one, an’ Serj is a member of his own band, back in Galar. Only odd one out’s Insky, but I figured if I need t’make a spectacle, who better t’bring than a Malamar?”
“Speaking of themes, what are your thoughts on them? They’re obviously tied too very strong feelings. If you care to share, are you going to play directly to either of them, or diverge?”
“I’m absolutely going t’play to the theme of love. I sing songs fer a living, love is one of the easiest things to do anything with, an’ I fully intend to play t’that because it’s the safest possible option here. Wallace is involved, so I’ve already lost, might as well lose with as much grace as possible.”
“Are you concerned about the scoring? With the three judges prioritizing different elements, it seems like it might be hard to appeal to all three. Do you worry about any drama erupting, or do you believe the talents of you and your Pokémon will shine through and make things go smoothly?”
“Look. We’re gonna go out there, we’re gonna do our best, we’re gonna be beaten by someone who held the title of Champion somewhere in the world, and then we’re gonna go home. This song may be new, but our dance to it remains the same, drama or nah.”
“To say there’s been drama in the past, both with All Hallow’s and the Sweet Love Soiree, would be a terrible understatement. How do you think things will differ this time around, given the circumstances? Do you think they’ll change at all? Are there any other changes you think should have been made for the sake of transparency or fairness?”
“Only change I c’n think of is that there’ll be an Obstagoon-lookin’ cadaver of an ex-Gym Leader wonderin’ what the hell’s happenin’ as it all comes collapsing down around ‘em. History may repeat itself, who knows, but this time I guueeessss I’ll be ‘round to see it?”
“What are your thoughts on the judges in general? Do you think we have a good, well-rounded group this time around? Do you think more judges will lead to more accurate, unbiased scores? Or are you worried about anyone playing favorites or holding grudges?”
“I don’t know the judges, but I bet they’ll hold grudges... Wait, hang on, can I change my answer there, that came out as a rhyme... I mean that they’ll likely be playin’ faves, everyone does. It’s just how humans are. Can certainly say that at least two of ‘em look the sort that I’d try t’play to, though.”
“’Forgiveness’ and ‘change’ are major themes surrounding this event at large, and for good reason. On a personal level, how strongly do you believe in these themes?”
“I’d rather not comment on this. Do come down t’Spikemuth sometime, though!”
“Similarly, what are your thoughts on the change of venue for this event? Do you think this will have any effect on what plays out? Why or why not?”
“I don’t think so. Why, was it somewhere else before?”
“Do you think, given the quality of assistance she’s had, Ursula is capable of change and growth as she wants us to see? Or do you think that faith is misguided? If you think she hasn’t changed, do you think Zoey, Tobias, and Ezra can keep her in line for the event?”
“I don’t really know this Ursula, but from what I’ve heard, an’ speaking from experience, I wouldn’t trust her to tell me the time of day. Good luck reelin’ that piece of work in, judges.”
“How would you describe the current atmosphere here, in light of these changes? Hopeful? Uncertain?”
“I dunno, just... An atmosphere? I’m not really here to read the room, I’m more just here t’compete and see how I do. Might even try this more regularly, depending on how it goes...”
“Is there anything else you’d like to say about this competition? I’m admittedly going to leave soon to get this article going, but I hope everything goes smoothly for you!”
“Not really? But thank you fer the luck, and your time. And look forward to seein’ me possibly bin it out on a major stage.”
“Do you have any other thoughts about this event, or any suspicions? I’m not going to publish them since, like I said, I’m not one for rumors. But I personally want to know what I might want to be keeping an eye on in case things do happen. Have you seen or heard anything suspicious?”
“There is... One guy I’ve seen around, with this green-ish hair... Isn’t he the guy from Team Plasma?? He kinda looks like how I remember seein’ him, but that was forever ago...”
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studylustre · 4 years
hi carol!! how are you? how's life? i've recently started watching kdramas. i used to watch them when i was younger then stopped so now i'm back again ahaha. i've watched crash landing on you, vagabond, the king eternal monarch and dots so far. currently watching what's wrong with secretary kim. what are some of your recommendations?
hi angel!! i’m good thank u, how are u? omg love that you’ve already watched two of my faves - i absolutely adored crash landing on you + what’s wrong with secretary kim 🥺here’s my other faves:
weightlifting fairy
it’s okay not to be okay
fight for my way
suspicious partner
scarlet heart: ryeo
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vandorens-archive · 5 years
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yes i used the word encomium and what about it
in my time in the writeblr community (which has just passed a year holy—) i’ve discovered, read, and loved many works, and so, since it is writeblr positivity week, i decided to put together a list of some of my most adored works on writeblr! while i wish i could add every single wip i’ve been tagged in, the list would stretch far too long, so i was forced to limit myself to a few. below the cut are some works and their respective authors that you should definitely check out if you haven’t already!
@etheriiums​ — ‘Til Morning
a contemporary new adult novel
a modern peter pan retelling that my peter pan obsessed heart didn’t know needed
the aesthetic?? is so cool?? 
peter pankhurst and his gang of lost boys run the city using the control of the drug dust, ‘ which is said to make people fly’. however, the drug is deadly, and many people have died because of it. this, however, doesn’t affect pan and his lost boy’s position, but wendy darling is determined to take them down, all the while protecting her siblings in light of their parent’s recent death
“  i have tried to be nice; let you get away with a lot of shit for the sake of a quiet life, but i promise you: i will raise hell to keep jody out of your cess-pit of dust. ”
@penkai​ — Imminent
a young adult horror story
about unlikely friendships and things more terrifying that graduating highschool
featuring a diverse cast of lgbtq and poc leads! (that i would die for)
natalia and nicolás cortez decide to host a graduation party/sleepover to celebrate their school leaving. coming along are rusty dean, nicolás boyfriend, dove jones, resident cheerleader and valedictorian, and local social pariah mallory harlow. an ordinary sleepover, right? but who the hell left the door open?
“ i’m mallory harlow, and dear god do i hate high school. ”
@theforgottencoolkid​ — The Sailors Of Time
a young adult contemporary and drama
starring what may possibly be the cutest cast ever
i love this wip with all my heart and trust me, you will too
ricquely theatre stands abandoned ‘on a quiet street in the old part of town, nothing but a sad sight’, until a group of teenagers—calling themselves ‘the sailors of time’ decide to breath some life back into it, and bring it back to its former glory.
“ sing the song of your own soul. find your anchor. and before you know it, you’ll reach your chosen destination.”
@vhanities​ — Darcy, Darcy
a dark academia thriller. you already know i’m swooning
a fairly new wip, but god, is it incredible already
richard vamir just died, and his friends saw the whole thing. they don’t know how, or why, but they suspect it has something to do with darcy, richard’s step sister, who somehow knows everyone’s dirtiest, most shameful secrets
“ richard vamir dies in five minutes but that is not how this story starts. ”
@sorroways​ — Godfallen
a low fantasy wip
one of the first wips i found on writeblr, and still has a place in my heart to this day
has the coolest characters ever, the coolest concept ever, and the coolest aesthetic ever
‟ it’s over, the sky tells him. it’s over it’s over it’s over. and he wants to tell her that he knows, he knows, but all that comes from his lips is a garbled cry, all anger and emotions he doesn’t dare let himself feel let alone name.
under his feet tower sways, steel construction falling apart under dust, glass cracking, snapping, leaving erin on the edge of the building, shoulders pulling up, tense as he waits for the building to crumble underneath him, leave him to his timely death. ”
@halohidings​ — Webs And White Roses
a young adult historical fantasy
as you can tell, i love retellings of my favourite childhood books. this is no exception. seriously, i love how this wip gives a dark twist to an otherwise pleasant story 
inspired by the winchester house and lewis carroll’s alice in wonderland
the main character is annie ‘alice’ pardee winchester, who is bound to the house. it focuses on the symbolism of the alice in wonderland characters as well as the history of the winchester house!
“ you can see the house from acres away. the strange, jutting angles of the roof, the 47 chimneys, the thousands and thousands of tiffany brand window panes. as you get closer, creep past the gilded fences, you’ll notice the oddities. the doors two stories up, leading to nothing. the eccentric patterns. you catch a glimpse of a young woman staring through a spider web. she’s there, and then you doubt you saw her at all. ”
@nmcwriting​ — Goldbone Three
a supernatural horror/mystery
themes such as morality and identity, wow!
i stan all of nikki’s wips but this one? it may just be my fave. is it because nikki wrote it or because it’s about a mysterious town? perhaps…both?
lucky lives in mothmourne, a very suspicious town, where the currency is tall tales and gossip. one of these is the myth of goldbone, a massive skeleton lurking in the forest, whose existence threatens the easy life lucky wants for him and his mother
“ small towns bred gossip. word of mouth was a trusted source, and the people of mothmourne latched onto legend without a forethought. rumours are groomed by each townie, growing in size until they became elated, exaggerated tales. ”
@fartistically​ — Saturn In A Bottle
a young adult superhero comedy
has some of the best characters ever? signing the adoption papers immediately
the writing is witty and wonderful, the perfect combination!
set in honeycomb city, the city’s most popular vigilante approaches theatre actor and son of a highly esteemed policewoman art carrington in search of a sidekick. together, they set out to figure out why the city’s group of superhumans are brushing questionable secrets under the rug, all while art questions whether he knows his new friend at all 
“ you could say that i’ve been paying too much attention to pop culture and conspiracy theories. true, but then again, there is a reason why honeycomb city has superheroes. ” 
@agnodice-writes​ — Knife Summer
a dark fantasy/comedy
two words: found family. ‘nuff said
elle’s writing is so good!! you just can’t stop reading it
seiko amano may or may not have just lost /the mantle of sea king/, and she may or may not be done with life and fate at this point, especially after ‘the chosen one’ decides to show up and take what should have rightfully been hers.  instead of wallowing in the pity of it, however, her partner jaune decides that there’s one thing that would be good for both of them: a road trip
“ ‘you were—you never let people see what you were doing. none of us did. you didn’t get attached. you had this shallow affection for everything and everyone. but you were—you were intrigued. and not just in the clinical detached kind of way.’ ”
@bitterbodies​ — To Wear A Fox
a thriller
positive south asian rep!
red always has this poetic thing going on in their writing that i am absolutely in love with
when twins amara and amir are sent to study in the united states, they meet the foxes, and slowly get wound up in their cunning, sly game.
“ ‘who are you to judge me? you and your brother as misfits, accented miscolored and unneeded,’ he wants to break her now, he does not want to wait for lysander’s second step, in which she would be tired and punished. she was prying too deep and she needed to be blinded. ”
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wellntruly · 5 years
The Exorcist (The Show) - Season Two, Eps 9 & 10
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Okay. Whew, okay. Let’s go through this together. HOOOOOOOO okay no we’re gonna be okay, we’re.....wow GOD BLESS, okAY!
I mean just, The Exorcist show....god they did the dang thing. I mean you just have to gaze in awe.
Season 2, Ep 9: Ritual & Repetition
this episode is sponsored by the wholesome Tom Hanks Mr. Rogers movie and I just feel like Hulu’s trying to take care of me with very gentle ad breaks
Marcus dragging Tomas out of the room as he repeats his name to himself with barely contained panic, over and over, “Tomas, Tomas,” like a prayer, like a rosary, like my heart in my chest. Ritual & Repetition!
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I...workshopped this story all season...and they’re just...doing it out loud
yesss, this was very key to my most recent iteration of this, Tomas distantly hearing/feeling real Marcus’s voice trying to reach him while he’s looking at a false Marcus. god, that one of the only things that could keep Tomas from Marcus is, of course, something that looks like Marcus.. a perfect trap! ha ha, I feel pain
Marcus desperately praying over him with his hand pressed to Tomas’s chest was aaaalways part of it
annnd Shade Marcus getting suspicious and this edge of threat creeping in to his form was ALSO SOMETHING I DEEPLY CONSIDERED
Shade Marcus advancing on Tomas: “You’re not going anywhere.” one version just stays in this mode for a distressing amount of time. because Tomas getting menaced inside his head by a demon that looks like his partner is an evergreen end-of-the-season move, great legs on that one.
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!!!! oh but I didn’t think to do THIS!! Tomas wrenching open the door to escape, only to reveal a room from somewhere else, like in that one episode in the good season of Legion aka one of my favorite sorts of thing!!!!!! ALL MY FAVES HAVE SPOOKY BEAUTIFUL MINDSCAPE LABYRINTHS I JUST AM WHAT I BE
your outfit is so fancy now, have you been dream-promoted?
he’s a Bishop!!
aww, of course Father Tomas Ortega would miss having a congregation, well-played Satan
o-KAY now we’re COOKING, the ferry line “Nachburn” Island is supposedly on includes Bainbridge and, ding ding ding, Vashon! so yeah this is supposed to be way south, not up near Orcas and my family home. I mean in real life I’m absolutely certain they shot in British Columbia with the Vancouver tax breaks, but this whole area looks like this so that not remotely a problem
so who the hell are these guys
Friars of Ascension?
well they are no longer, Mouse got ‘em
sigh, no I can accept Marcus leaving catatonic Tomas to try to find Andy before the demon hurts the kids, because we want to see what happens to Tomas in here and can’t take Marcus out of the action for the whole time that’s happening. and also it’s for sure what Tomas would want him to do.
I wonder where Demandy would have taken them anyway. the Witch House maybe?
y’know I made that Howard Shore reference last time and now Marcus is reading the signs of what happened in here last night just like Strider tracking Merry and Pippin in The Two Towers. I’m chuckling
oh man. who’s gonna get…..pitchforked. grimace.
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Shelby why are there NO boats in your marina
yeah I just parked facing straight down the boat ramp—get in! :)
once again, the temptations this demon rolls out only reveal how cutely provincial---lol literally in Tomas’s case---its targets’ fantasies are. its latest Tomas Trap™ is “getting to conduct a mass back in Chicago.” god all of Tomas’s fantasies are just like, doing his job. u nerd.
Casey!!! oh this is very intriguing. did the demon fuck up and thought seeing her would bring verisimilitude to the dream, instead of retriggering his feeling that something is wrong? oooo or is Casey the form his OWN mental defenses are taking, to help him fight this? I’d pick that one, ohohoho yes
Witch House, nailed it
“What do you think, Harper?” “I think you killed my mom.” oh my god, biscuit :(
“You can be mad all you want. But if you think about it, God killed your mom.” listen we must say this about Demon Andy: he’s got a delivery and a way with words that is never dull!
Caleb reaching over and taking her hand, oh the solidarity with these kids!
Shelby: “I’m not going to let him hurt you.” Harper: “Shelby!” Shelby: “Don’t watch.” a little Marcus in training :(
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my babies! I love Harper’s face a lot because this almost comical sad grimace is also me watching this show!
sidebar but this series nearly always takes place in autumn and it’s right and good
oh poor Caleb, can only hear them screaming!
—I was really not prepared for Marcus walking through the spiderwebbed woods and almost getting run over by a horse. to be fair, neither was Marcus.
ohhh, all the animals running away, past him
to be perfectly honest, Demandy whispering to Caleb “I got you, I got you” as he carefully carries inside, then just dumping him on the ground, made me laugh
Shelby: “V! Rose! Oh thank God.” Demandy: “God?” Demandy: [kicks Shelby over] this demon has gotta stop being so funny, I have got to stop laughing at this oh no
oh it’s Tomas’s cute little nephew hiii!!
Casey, Casey, please tell me you’re here to help, that would be so cool
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I forgot how beautiful she was. y’know since she spent so much of last season looking like a demonic nightmare
ah, no, this Casey is an enemy
ooo it’s interesting watching the demon’s tactics not quite work. her face sorta falters, and then she tries a new track.
“You’re not Casey Rance. And none of this is real.” good job Father!
eurgh, gruesome, Shelby’s broken ankle…
I like when the demons get all mad about God because it’s reminder that it’s all just this like, petty grudge gone WILDLY out of control
it’s a good thing the Island Demon is a such a drama queen, it’s buying Marcus a lot of time to get over here. hope he rides up on the horse.
Rose :(
the Kim kids had a bit of a coordinated effort there and I’m impressed! run Verity run!! maybe you’ll collide with Marcus in the woods like aahh and he’ll be like “eeasy, I got you---where are they?”
Demon your arguments to Tomas are such a mess, none of this logically holds together. that’s one thing we don’t talk enough about: the Devil’s Advocate does not make strong points.
oh they went with the other option for the Marcus reveal: the footsteps at the door to the Witch House are OUR GUY
oooooo, clever clever girl, walking backwards over your own footprints! damn now that’s a survivor
this is nice, Caleb will be Shelby’s leg and Shelby will be Caleb’s eyes
yeessss Rose is still alive!!
Rose: “You gotta get out of here please run, run, don’t worry about me please!” Caleb: “Yeah that’s not happening.” <3
aah glasses, the little boy! oh my god if there’s a drownedy ghost in here….
oh worse, a fucking snake
Demon Casey just called him Tomasito and I horked
“Maybe. Maybe I wanted that a long time ago, when I was a very different man. Do you really want to know what I want?” yeah. yeah I do. “I want to watch you die, you son of a bitch.” Tomasito!
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aw, aw, family, you guys are cute. now get OUTTA here!
Marcus just body-slammed Demandy in midair, if you were wondering after that horse moment if this episode was just going to keep really going for it
...I think I have this holy water jam jar. that design on the lid, the bevelled….hold on
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well what do you know
ugh I’m really not liking dead-looking Nicole, this gal is freaking me out
c’moonnn Tomas, we need you
Tomas: [bangs open the bathroom door; Full Demon Casey is standing there] me: “oH jesus christ you’re still in the fucking dream”
yes yell it away Tomas! 
well Denikki just up and bit Tomas on the shoulder like a vampire, and I can’t say I saw that one coming. honestly why is Tomas always getting bit anyway... oh, hah well that’s an easy joke: he’s a snack
yes, yes, yes, I wanted this too: Tomas starts fighting ~The Presence~ from within his weird in-two-worlds-at-once position, and it has a noticeable impact here in the waking world
oh Andy! real Andy! of course, he’d be here in the liminal space the same way real Cindy was at the start of this season
she did it she woke him up! “I’ve come a long way to find you.” imagine waking up from like 24 hours in Demonland and hearing that first thing.
Season 2, Episode 10: Unworthy
oh no, visions of his sister: Bennett is definitely dying.
these jerkfaces have gotta stop trying to en-demon Father Bennett, I’m gettin’ annoyed. can I suggest a book to you all, entitled He’s Just Not That Into You?
Marcus has spent so much time in the last day dragging unconscious men around
finally, bring my boys back together
I appreciate the gradations of guilt across Tomas’s face here—guilt over getting took, transitioning into guilt that he hasn’t come alone, and seemingly knew that upon seeing Mouse Marcus was gonna be like !!!! oh god
Tomas, hilariously: “Are you gonna talk to her? Or just keep brooding?”
Mouse: “I left [Bennett] in a hospital outside of Spokane. He was injured by your friend, Maria Walters.” Marcus, concerned: “Is he alright?” Tomas: wait---
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ohhh, their warning message was about how the Church was compromised and the exorcists are being hunted down, I remember now. yeah that kinda got lost in the shuffle for me what with all the other dangers.
Mouse: “I was in hell, Marcus, for six months!” Tomas: [~*swivel*~]
seriously Alfonso Herrera is just reaction imaging real hard in this scene and I’m loving it. this is so funny. like imagine you’re Mouse, and you’re having this weird reunion with Marcus who is really uncomfortable and upset that you’re here, and meanwhile his new partner is just bopping around openly listening to you like “what! ohh! hey wow” while he ties up a dude to an indoor tree
Marcus: “I fought to save you, day and night, everything I had, everything inside me—it wasn’t enough. *I* wasn’t enough. You needed help that I wasn’t fit to give.” ohhhhh. it’s A Metaphor. and suddenly there we go I’m fine with the Mouse/Marcus plot, it was that easy!
LIT ERALLY Tomas: “We have no time for this.”
annnnd literally Demandy, this show’s funniest demon:
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whose boat are you even on kiddos, where are you going, it’s going to take you SO LONG
oh you shouldn’t be out on the water with another uncharacteristic northwest thunderstorm rolling over
Verity: “Is there like some, stupid Bible verse we can say or something?” Shelby: “…You mean like a prayer?” them
Marcus’s Tomas Soft-Focus extends to also being able to swiftly protect him from getting beaned by an old timey stove flying across the Witch Room
well good thing there’s three of you to fight this very strong demon then huh!
oh yeah kinda forgot Mouse’s “fuck it, just kill them” attitude. compLETEly at odds with Marcus Keane, if we recall that one episode with the nuns and the belladonna.
“Tell me I’m wrong,” Mouse challenges, and lord you can visibly SEE Tomas fighting against just going like “Okay—”
Marcus: “We’re exorcists.” Me: “not executioners?” Marcus: “Not executioners.” Me: “there we go.”
Demandy just went “That’s what makes it all so taasssty” and I FUCKING LOST IT
I’m really really grateful for whatever mood Alfonso Herrera was in when they were filming this, his reaction to everything is a delight. it’s like he’s our audience representation in the room and I’m living for it.
Marcus telling the demon it’s the first one who actually got one of his neuroses right is a fun neat moment, because the demon is happy and flattered but this also kinda diminishes its power in an odd way, because Marcus just cavalierly admits it but isn’t acting on it
OH oh, oh is this gonna be it, is this when Tomas proposes he go in there, help Andy and try to make the demon easier for them to kill? just like I keep predicting? yes yes?
oh my god it was possibly even better I imagined: Tomas: “There is another way. We offer something it wants even more. Bait.” Marcus, springing the fuck to attention and coming over real close: “Absolutely not.”
of course he’s going all self-sacrificing on you, he’s a priest. this is one of the reasons I love priest characters so much!
oh Marcus is just panicking at the thought of the darkness eating Tomas’s soul, and can we blame him
Tomas: “It’s my fault. … I need to make things right.” Marcus, desperate: “What by throwing your life away?” Tomas: “My life belongs to God.”
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I cannae handle it Captain!
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Marcus: [nods, trembling and fierce]
the……entire promise of this show, just….given to us, here in the last episode. this is why we did all of this, it was always for This. ever for this. for Tomas to take a breath and walk open-eyed into Hell, and Marcus behind him wrapping a rosary around his hand, getting ready to fistfight the Devil to get him back. and you very much might lose him, and it’s TRUST and DANGER and ohh I am just calling out into my arms, just wordless pained joy! WHAT a special, special series. what a treasure I will hold always. the sad hot priests show that knew what it was ABOUT son. IT’S THIS, IT’S ALL ABOUT THIS.
in the first episode of the series Father Marcus looked at the young priest standing in front of him, led to him by strange visions, and said sadly: “They’re gonna love you.” and in the final episode of the series, he holds himself back as Father Tomas walk up to the monsters and says: “You want me? Come and get me.” as the monsters were always going to. and he’ll do everything he can to drive them back from him, like he was always going to.
I mean this is a PROGRAMME
(there is one other step though I would have liked and also would have been smart: Marcus tying Tomas up before he basically just asks to be possessed. testing the ropes to make sure they’re secure and then faltering because it’s Tomas’s wrist he’s tying down, and Tomas just smiling reassuringly as he winces a little, going “It’s okay; I don’t want to hurt you.” oh god and then we can---nope, nope not the time)
oh the dark light in here is real good
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oh the dark light in here is REAL good
wait hold on, why I am a watching this SOBER? hang on, drink necessary
okay I made my emotionally reckless Babylon Berlin drink from last winter: a whisky toddy with half a shot of absinthe
I decided to drink half of this before I start playing this again so that the wormwood can hit my system and a) it has, b) I’m beginning to comprehend  the possession potential of a demon having access to Tomas’s entire mountain of feelings about Marcus to work with in tormenting them both and ho boy
I cannot BELIEVE the first thing the Devil provided Tomas, literally on a fucking pedestal, was a flashlight with which to poke around, knowing that I hate that. maybe the most! maybe the most I hate this. this feels personal!
oh some dark shape has already run by, excellent! drinking heavier!
great. freaky paintings.
Tomas your mind is *literally* a haunted house
I was full-on just looking at the rose hips on my coffee table and keeping only the corner of my eye on the screen but luckily, did manage to look back to catch John Cho just fucking obliterate a creepin’ shadow figure with a baseball bat in glorious slow motion.
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really unexpected Hero Shot and I’ll take it!
Tomas, amazed: “Andy!” Andy, badass: “We have to hurry. It won’t be gone long---it never is.”
y’know Andy, you might find a priest knows a lot about forgiveness
this internal confession scene…aw, aww
Mouse, pacing: “You could have stopped him.” Marcus, sitting cross-legged on the ground, keeping his eyes locked on Tomas: “You don’t know my partner.” ha ha I’m a mess
Andy and Tomas: sneak out into the hall Hulu.com: would like to know your location Me: “fuck you Satan!”
ohhh ahaha, I just recognized the energy of how I’m enjoying this dark mold-dripped set of the house that a newly badass character is stepping through with a baseball bat: it’s Steve in the Upside Down
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and I mean, John Cho sure has the amazing hair. I appreciate that they let him keep it throughout, like “so you’re gonna look pretty rough, but your hair’s still gonna be banging”
does fear run on the same channels as pain? this thought brought to you by starting my second toddy and wondering. I find I am more relaxed about alarming things now, and of course just more sloppily fond of everyone. this is ideal.
something I’ve always found very sweet is when non-religious folks call religious leaders by their titles. it’s so respectful and nice, the same way you might call someone “Doctor.”
of course the demon would take Tomas by forcibly making out with him, that is the essence of their thing: assaulty. invasive and bad. I feel cold and nauseous, nooo Tomas, god---
ohhhh, Andy. a beautiful man, a true dad, throwing himself in front of the whole damn world to protect his kids, and anyone else’s kids. back to himself, looking Marcus right in the eyes, the gun in his hand: “Do it.” a father saving a Father, oh it’s so lovely :((
god and Marcus is going to be in agony—he loves Tomas so much that he did something that he’ll absolutely think will move him beyond the range of God’s love. this is the perfect torture for Marcus and also for me to watchhh!
wait….the body in the tub was Mrs. Graham, it was real it was there?? wowww this show did a great job making me think it was just a one of Tomas’s spooky waking hallucinations!
good, good, I’m so glad Rose is coming out of this looking like a baller to the authorities. that’s what Andy would have wanted too
Suit: “Those kids are alive because of you.” Rose, knowing it’s the other way around: “When can I see them.”
ohhhh this is my kind of thing, a priest delivering someone’s messages to others, even the romantical ones—I am just a conduit for Love, the Priest Story. god, into it into it.
Andy, to Tomas, to Harper: “And even though you weren’t in my house for long, you’ll always be my daughter.” I’m genuinely tearing up. found families, foster families, are just as strong as biological families, that is the message of this season and I’m??
Verity..! oh I’m crying, this was so sweet and tenderly done
ahhh, Tomas trying to forgive Marcus so hard, and Marcus resisting!
Tomas, kind of shocked at himself: “I would have done it.” Marcus, in so much pain: “But you would have been lost.” Tomas: “It was a sacrifice I was willing to make.” Marcus, quickly: “I wasn’t.”
AAA-AA-AAHHHHHH?? Aaaaahhhhhhh! desperately pulling himself away from you because he’s so scared that he loves you too hard..!! OH MY GOD
Tomas, pleading: “Marcus, Marcus—I don’t know how to do this without you.” I’m…falling apart
Marcus holding out his hand to him, hurting and jumpy, “Until the next time”, and Tomas just looking down at it, bewildered, how can this be what you’re doing?
Tomas just pulled him into a long hug and whispered “Adios, hermano,” not knowing that’s what Marcus had quietly, wishfully said to his retreating steps in that bar in Chicago and I’m !!!! 
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“For now,” Marcus, shaking, turning to walk out the door, I !!!
oh you’re just gonna push me deeper, telling Mouse not to let Tomas drive, little things to take care of him...
Tomas standing there so forsaken, I can’t!!
well Season 3 writes itself at this point, but I’ll let you know if it holds after the final act
okay, that commercial break included a Hot Pockets ad and I’m here to tell you that idk, 14 years later they’re still using that “Hot Pockets!” two note jingle, and for a moment I truly felt like I had come loose from reality. I’ve had two toddies. anyway.
I fucking, can’t, I tried to make it more than thirty seconds into this but Tomas was distressedly taking off his collar and rubbing his hands over his wet eyes and apologizing to Mouse, and saying “He does this sort of thing. He’ll come back,” (heartbreak heartbreak) and Mouse said gently “I don’t think so,” and Tomas, Tomas he sat down like his strings had been cut, his hand stretching out on the dresser for support !
ohhh, nooo but she wanted to turn him into a bomb, compared to Marcus’s scalpel….. oh Season 3 writes itself!!
noooo Bennetttttt. booooo, dislike. unless Demennett is also hilariously dry in which case I could at least still appreciate that aspect. but nooo.
why are wide shots nerve-wracking
well that was at least very stylish and visual! Demennett where the FUCK did you get those outrageously oversized shears?!
three months later is a whole half the time Marcus and Tomas spent on the road together, bold
Truck to the orderly, seeing Rose: “Am I allowed to hug her?” Rose: “Yes.”
Rose: “You have to promise me something. This is a brand new foster parent, never done it before. So you’re gonna have to be patient with her, okay?” this…is so so lovely
oh my god it’s Roooooose, ahh i’m crying, this is so sweet god
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aaaAAAAH and all the other kids are there!!! MY BABIES. oh god I seriously cry
camera: [panning over this waterfront] me, quietly: “(that’s Vancouver)”
Marcus on a boat? Boat Marcus?
Marcus in a scarf
Marcus, trembling: “Yes. I can hear you. I’m listening.”
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fucking No Effing Way, nooOOOOO???:D:D!!!!! I’M SO HAPPY, no, fuck!!!!!
WHAT GOD you REALLY really did this!!!!?? you ended it this way!!!!!! BIG, GLORIOUS cancelled series energy, a final gift/the ultimate prompt: To Our Audience, you the real ones—go wild you emotionally horny diamonds. Love ya.
I mean, the ~poetic cinema~ in this…because now it would be Marcus trying to find Tomas. God putting Marcus in Tomas’s head in the first season, bringing them together, and now God putting Tomas in Marcus’s head---in terrible trouble, aah Marcus’s broken-open voice---now go bring him back, like you promised.
oh god I feel Incandescent
thank you forever, hot sad priests show
Previously Season One Part 1, Part 2 Season Two Eps 1 & 2, 3 & 4, 5 & 6, 7 & 8
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