#symbiotic for all involved
cayennecrush · 11 months
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evangeline (loves bugs) keeps some terrariums and invertebrates and jackie (scared of bugs but SO brave about it) helps sometimes
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kitausuret · 2 years
Rules: post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to ao3. if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics.
Yoinked from @abc2411 because it looked fun!
The Look of You Eddie first started to notice the difference with his other. 
(Whatever Happens) We've Got Us Jubulile first spotted it when they were setting up back on the boat to get to the nearest airport. It looked like a huge puddle on the deck - like a giant puddle of oil, all colors of red and blue, tangled up together in purple.
Where My Path Will Lead Peter dropped down to the ground as he watched Venom fly away, their words still ringing in his ears and he stood there and tried to wrap his head around them.  “-Flash will probably find you first-” It couldn’t be, though. Brock was fucking with him, just to be cruel; Peter was sure of it. One last stake in his back to remind him of his personal failure and just the latest in the list of people he’d loved and hadn’t been able to save.
Complicate Me, Elevate Me “You wanna switch?” Eddie scoffed at Flash’s reaction. “You don’t have to sound so incredulous about it.”
Add Without Subtraction “Hey, lover – we getting Chinese or pizza tonight?” Peter leaned back in his chair, looking at his wife upside-down with a tired smile. “It’s not a burrito kind of night? Because I’m pretty sure it’s a burrito kind of night.”
What Binds Us Together Wanda wasn’t certain what had brought her to the northern Australian city of Darwin. A feeling, perhaps.
Darker Than Death or Night “Brock, I need your help.” He shouldn’t have picked up the phone. “You have the wrong number,” he muttered, and pulled the cheap flip phone away to hang up.
Out Like a Light Harry Lyman, Chief of Operations at the Manhattan headquarters of Parker Industries, was sleeping with the boss, and everyone knew it.
Finding the Light Again It started with just the two of them, laying on a blanket on an abandoned island, miles from every care in the world, thoughts of long-deceased enemies behind them. 
Learn to Let it Show As far as first dates had gone (well, the first date they were calling a date), all had gone well. Flash had seemed his normal, charismatic self, if not a little awkward, but it was kind of endearing, and if Harry was being honest, made him less nervous.
Bonus, it wasn't a new fic, but an update on an existing one, when I posted chapter 13 of Dust to Dust: Eddie was uncomfortable, but at least it was a base in the middle of nowhere and not an actual courthouse. While Price’s lawyer argued with Manuela over the matter of his – of their – presence, Eddie found Lee Price sitting on a bench outside the room where the hearing would take place.
Tagging whoever wants to do this, since I know a good bunch of you were probably tagged by one of our other mutuals LOL
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styllwaters · 1 year
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Hailing from the harsh planet of Ettera, Knights are the only sophont in the Zhagaviit system made of two consciousnesses. ---
At last, here they are! Nearly finished with redesigning every Vivere 44 species. These guys are retconned werewolves which I posted about some time ago. You might have noticed I brought back some space unicorn aspects as well! They've been through so many design changes but I've finally settled on something solid.
More information below!
I'll try to keep this concise. Most of this info is introductory biology.
Knights are the only sophonts living on Ettera, a mostly barren planet where survival is tough. Their civilisation is the least advanced compared to others in Zhagaviit, such as Arrows and Sea Crawlers. They were the third species to be contacted by the ZGC (Zhagaviit Galactic Community) followed by Post Humanity. Knights are known for being hardy, efficient, and motivated.
If it isn't already clear enough, Knights are two species in a symbiotic relationship acting as one individual. Helmets and Hosts have an evolutionary history so intertwined that one cannot survive without the other.
The Helmet is attached to the head of the Host, and will remain there for the rest of their life (unless separation happens - but we'll get into that later). In the relationship, their role is vision and dexterity. Since the Host is effectively blind, it is the Helmet's job to guide them. Their hands are also important, being the Knight's primary manipulators. They played a large part in early tool use. The Helmet lacks a mouth, and receives all its nutrients from the Host through a specialised organ not unlike an umbilical cord.
The Host is essentially the main body of the Knight. Wolflike and mammalian in nature, the Host is the Helmet's mode of transportation. Because they need to eat for two, Hosts are omnivorous and will eat just about anything. Although majority of their diet is comprised of meat, they are capable of digesting plant matter and bones. They are highly skilled and effective hunters.
It is in both party's best interests to assimilate as soon as possible. The Host cannot see without a Helmet, and within a few weeks bonding will become impossible. The stakes are higher for a newborn Helmet, because they cannot feed by themselves and will starve in under a week without a Host or an artificial feeder tube. Prior to first contact with the ZGC, Knights did not have the technology for artificial feeders, and infant death rates were high.
So how do two beings coordinate one body? The fact is that once assimilation occurs, they become one being. The Helmet's brain and the Host's brain are connected by millions of nerves exchanging signals. It's complicated, but the best way to describe the experience would be a 'mutual trance' in which full body coordination is achieved. They have shared interests and intentions. However, a Knight can mentally separate the Helmet and the Host, gaining back individuality; they do this for many reasons, perhaps to discuss something among themselves or simply for company. Yet on the whole, a Knight will spend 80% of their life in this 'trance'.
Both Helmets and Hosts have noticeable sexual dimorphism. Male Helmets are called Pikes, and females are called Guards. Pikes are distinguished by their horn, bold stripes, and more prominent crest spines. Guards lack a horn and have less contrast in their thinner markings.
Female Hosts are called Forts. They are larger than males and have a mane of fur on the back of their necks. Male Hosts, Spires, lack this mane.
In Knight society, individuals are usually referred to based on their combination of Host and Helmet. Since there are four sexes involved, there are four possible combinations.
Guard-spire [female Helmet, male Host]
Pike-fort [male Helmet, female Host]
Guard-fort [female Helmet, female Host]
Pike-spire [male Helmet, male Host]
(Knight languages have their own version of pronouns for each, but in English all are referred to as they/them by default. Of course, each individual has their own preferences. Usually a Knight will refer to themselves as we/us).
I'll get into Knight social structure, cultures and more in another post! For now, if you have any questions, feel free to send an ask. Always happy to answer!
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neo--queen--serenity · 6 months
Found family is such a huge theme in the Apothecary Diaries.
You have Luomen, raising Maomo from a young age, despite her being biologically his grandniece, but raising her anyway.
You have the Madame of the Verdigris House, who is Maomao’s maternal grandmother, but never tells her. She takes care of Maomao, helps raise her in the brothel the best she can, but tries not to show how fond she is of her.
You have Meimei, Joka, & Pairin, three famous courtesans at the Verdigris House who not only physically raised Maomao in her infancy (an imperfect process, as to be expected when one tries to collectively raise a baby in a brothel), but also breastfed her. These women staunchly refer to themselves as Maomao’s sisters, despite having been old enough to be her parents themselves.
You have Gyokuyou, who doesn’t have a good relationship with her own family, and actively distrusts them. She invests wholly in the women she instates as her ladies-in-waiting, treating them, instead, as her family, and as the only people she truly trusts. It’s for this reason that she asks for Maomao to return to her service over and over: because she trusts her, she loves her as a member of her own household. She shows defiance and even possessiveness when Jinshi’s involvement keeps Maomao from being her lady-in-waiting permanently, as truly trustworthy people are so hard to find, in her world.
You have Lakan, who adopted his nephew Lahan when Lahan’s own family rejected his genius and his potential for growth. Lakan, in general, tends to take in orphans and young children into his estate as servants, when he can tell they have specific talents that would be wasted when they grew older. One of his hobbies is fostering the talents of these strays he takes into his employ. Even if his motives are grey, he still drastically changes their lives for the better.
You have Chou-u, who Maomao indirectly adopted as her own (even though, age-wise, he’s closer to a brother figure for her). Since he’s lost his memories, Maomao is all he knows as a parental figure. She let him live with her, she tried teaching him medicine like Luomen did for her (even though it didn’t resonate with him). And when Maomao spends long stints away from the pleasure district, Chou-u experiences acute separation anxiety, though it slowly improves over time.
You have Ah-Duo, who acted as a surrogate mother to Lishu for both of Lishu’s tenures in the rear palace. Ah-Duo couldn’t have a normal relationship with her own child (Jinshi), so she doted on Lishu instead. This was a truly symbiotic relationship for them, as Lishu, for the longest time, had very few people she could trust or rely on as a friend when she was a consort.
And these are just the relationships I can think of at the moment!! The story has so many bonds like this. It’s one of my absolute favorite aspects of the series, and one that I think Natsu Hyuuga handles incredibly well.
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yandere-kokeshi · 1 year
Yandere Miguel and Miles with a gn darling who's hosting Venom
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Warnings: yandere behavior
A/N: this was requested but I accidentally deleted it. To whomever sent this on anon, please enjoy :)
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Miguel O’Hara:
Miguel likely finds out pretty quickly about Venom, seeing you sweat profusely and talking to yourself was a huge giveaway.
But he also used his free time to use his tech to find out about your ‘Spiderverse’, therefore, witnessing video/and photo evidence of Venom. The minute he comes to you, he’s in your face, inquiring about the so-called symbiote, which leads to you confessing about Venom.
He’s a bit impressed by Venom’s uniqueness. Finding the black liquid wraps around your figure, transforming you into something abnormal isn’t an everyday thing you see. Which leads to him asking a bunch of questions, especially about how their voice works.
Dating you and Venom was quite hard at the beginning. Not only did his spider senses go off constantly — but the parasite teased him often; sticking out its tongue from behind your back whenever you turned around to do things.
At first, Miguel will try to find a ‘cure’ for you, wanting to get rid of the damn parasite. He viewed them as nothing but a pawn in a pack, using your body as it pleases. But the more he watched you laugh, getting comforted by the symbiote whenever Miguel wasn’t there, or getting along with it, he realized it was a part of you; just like how he’s part spider.
As much as he hates to state it, he appreciates how Venom can protect you. While Miguel would prefer to be in control, protecting the only family he has left, he’s relieved Venom can easily take over your body — directing you away from the danger or taking care of the problem itself without you being involved.
Speaking of Venom being in full form, the first time Miguel witnessed them taking over your body - its tongue and sharp teeth expanding, the dark voice shaking the ground, he was… surprised. He stared up at Venom, before cursing them out, demanding they bring you back, but due to Venom’s humor, Miguel was annoyed with their teasing.
Both of them don’t get along well, but they have times with bonding, something in common which is their protectiveness and possessiveness towards you. At some point, they may become competitive against each other but in all, they both work together when it comes to making sure you stay as theirs.
Venom loves to tease the hell out of Miguel, touching him whenever the two of you are holding hands or hugging him. Sometimes, the symbiote will pop out and try to scare the man on purpose.
Miguel often wants to strangle the damn symbiote and will angrily laugh when they get upset at him when he calls them a parasite or alien. At this point, he will purposely nickname that but will stop if you say so, but expect no apologies.
The strictest about Venom listening to the rules Miguel places out — hence the talk of: “No eating people”. This also involves getting aggressive and setting boundaries with the damn alien, going as far to threaten to take them out himself.
Isn’t afraid of using vibrations and intense heat to get the symbiote out of you if they become too bloodthirsty within a fight.
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Miles Morales:
At first, Miles thought you were ‘sick’, at times taking it as one of your quirks as you constantly whispered to yourself and often bought a bunch of chocolate to a point where it was unhealthy.
Sure, he commented about the chocolate. Always suggesting you should eat something healthier. But it was you. So he took your answer and often didn't question it again.
He figures out your situation when the two of you were on a date and a band nearby was playing, making you cover your ears, Miles could see you were in pain; worry covering his face as he moved you to somewhere quietly, which leads to you telling about your buddy.
At first, he was confused at your words, worrying you’d lost it, but when a mass of black blob came out of your shoulder, revealing terrifying teeth and white eyes, he freaked out.
Getting him to calm down was a bit troubling, but soon after explaining about Venom and how you two bond, Miles… is pretty nonchalant about it surprisingly. He nods along, often looking at Venom fearfully before asking normal questions.
Miles has a sketchbook dedicated to you and Venom. Almost every page is drawn in extreme details of you being transformed, your smile, and Venom’s tentacles appearing on your body.
While dating you, he’s grown to Venom’s constant interruptions in the conversations, talking to the both of you and often ignoring their teasing. Eventually, he’s grown to be braver on comebacks to the damn symbiote, laughing and smiling cockily when they get ‘offended’.
The time Miles witnesses you being transformed into a giant abnormal figure with terrifying teeth, he fears for a second — but slightly calmed down when Venom tells him it’s them and that you’re fine. The moment you turn back into yourself, he quickly interrupts your apology with a quick hug.
Venom loves to tease Miles. Whenever they catch him staring at you, they always call him a ‘lovesick idiot’ and ‘a doofus’.
Seeing Venom get aggressive, often itching for a fight worries him like a mother hen. He’s always the one to talk it out through Venom, often making them question their behavior and see what the consequences will do if they decide to continue.
Although your interesting ‘power’ intrigues and amazes him, he gets nervous around you, stating his worries about the symbiote possibly using you or waiting for the right time to consume you and many others. But, he’s learned that Venom is quite fond of you; wrapping their wraps around your figure when you sleep to make you more comfortable.
While he does worry occasionally, he's more prone to acknowledge and be okay with Venom; seeing them as a roommate which leads to Miles likeing Venom a lot.
While he does get irritated when they tease him too much, or say awakward things in public that he has to cover up with odd answers to people, he does appreciate how protective they are over you and him — often wrapping their tentacles with you when you hug or kiss him. He likes it when they curl around into cuddle sessions, their wraps covering you both as you two asleep.
They both work together, often in protecting you. Not only does Venom likes the way of Miles thinking but, Miles appreciates the help in making sure people get what they deserve from looking at you weirdly.
Masterlist || Please consider reblogging and commenting instead of liking, it helps me as a creator!! Stay well!!
© yandere-kokeshi 2023 — Do not copy, modify, edit, repost, or use my works for ASMR readings, tiktoks, or other content.
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Gay wrongs tournament, round 2.5 of the major bracket
For Eddie Brock and Venom:
I'm pretty sure its Canon in the comics and like, Canon adjacent in the 2nd movie??? Idk I just watched the first one sooo, anyways, this isn't propaganda i just couldn't remember if you said they needed to be Canon so I put what I rembered about that here, idk I'm proboboly just gonna send the propaganda in the ask box at a later date 
They eat people:) venom is an alien symbiote and Eddie is the host and they have melded together into one being. They care for and protect each other and are so intimately intwined they are only ever separated by force. Also they’re both absolute disasters and they periodically bite and eat the heads off their enemies. 
They eat people <3 
For Will and Hannibal:
Ive previously only heard the term "murder husbands" refer to hannigram so it feels flitting. The whole series culminated with a murder they did together bathing in blood. 
The show and ship that coined murder husbands. It’s in the text in s3 from a journalist side character. They do Many murders either together or as a message to each other. Usually this involves turning the dead body into an art piece. The show ends with them killing a guy together in a slo mo scene backed by porno music.
They're both batshit and manipulative.
ALRIGHT so they're not canonically together but it is HEAVILY implied and they have some sort of fucked up psychosexual obsession with each other. in the later parts of the show they start committing murder and cannibalism together and they're soooo unhinged but it's awesome
kill people for each other. maim each other. kill people together. most batshit insane metaphors. send each other to jail. ruin everyone’s lives. someone can probably say this better than me but these gay people are insane
Literally THE murder husbands. They kill for each other. They've tried to kill each other. They're canon in all but name, like the homoeroticism between these two is the driving force of the show.
one time hannibal folded a guy into an origami human heart
They are in love and they kill and eat people. They are called Murder Husbands in canon.
The original murder husbands (literally, that's not just their ship name, they get called that in canon)
The show begins with Will working for the FBI and trying to catch Hannibal, but because Hannibal is so intrigued by the way Will is able to see the world and the motives behind the killings so easily, it becomes a game of Hannibal isolating Will even more from the people around and seducing him to try and kill. By the time Will starts embracing the side of him that Hannibal sees, he starts oulling back and trying to distance himself so that when the time comes for Will to fully embrace himself and Hannibal, no one really suspects what they have planned. 
hannibal literally does murder as courtship and it works bc will is also a fucked up little guy
I'm actually quite offended they aren't included by default (joke). They are THE murder husbands!!!!!! (mod note: they should have been, but I wanted to see how many submissions they'd get. They got 19, making them a little more than 6% of total submission count).
do i have to say it. they literally get called murder husbands IN THE SHOW
There are 3201 works for Hannibal on ao3 tagged Murder Husbands. They are the ogs, they are the pioneers we owe it all to them.
THEE murder couple. You know it. I know it. They commit crimes at each other as courting and then commit crimes together and then fall off a cliff to wash up somewhere and live on to serve cunt. Get referred to as 'murder husbands' in canon. What more do you need
Hannigram were literally called Murder Husbands in canon, they are the og, they are THE blueprint. They were gay as hell and comitted so much murder so many crimes. THEY RAN OFF TO EUROPE TOGETHER.
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wolfjessedragon · 1 year
Based on @liliacamethyst Webs of series
Webs of What if
Part 1- Webs of Forgiveness
“Miguel, we have a major issue in Sector 12! The anomalies...” she starts, then catches sight of Sunny’s tear-streaked face. “Oh, am I interrupting something?” Miguel was about to respond when he caught a glimpse of Sunny. Her eyes were bloodshot and teary, a vivid reflection of the weight she was carrying within. Time seemed to stand still as Miguel's gaze locked with hers, capturing the silent plea hidden behind those teary orbs.
In that moment fate offered Miguel a choice….
Miguel: *sigh* Yeah just give us a couple minutes.
Jessica: Alright, I’ll see what we can do. *heads out*
Miguel: Okay say what you- *he sees that she’s trembling at that his gaze softens a bit* Is every-
Sunny: I’m pregnant
Miguel: ……What?
Sunny: I just found out a few days ago, had every test done to make sure, and they were all positive. I am pregnant, with your baby.
*Suddenly the monitors start going off like crazy, Miguel still in shock, Sunny looks to see it’s a symbiote variant.*
Sunny: They need you with them, go.
Miguel: I- I-
Sunny: Go!
Miguel: *about to go out the door then turns back to Sunny* Just stay in here, we can talk more about it after I get this under control, okay?
Sunny: Okay *gives a reassuring smile*
Miguel: *gives her a quick kiss then runs*
After the breach was taken care of…
Miguel: *Gets back into his office, pretty beat up, and Sunny comes to help him.* I’m fi-
Sunny: Save it *She props him on his desk chair and starts nursing his wounds.*
Miguel: *Just watches, a million thoughts going through his head. Despite the many voices telling him that this shouldn’t be happening. That what he and Sunny have was nothing but a way to release a cardinal urge and that the fetus growing was a stupid consequence, he couldn’t convince himself of that…*
Sunny: *As she finishes the last stitch she looks at Miguel who is just staring at her abdomen.* I’m roughly at nine weeks, give or take. *Unsure of what else to say, she cautiously takes Miguel’s free hand and places it on her abdomen.*
Miguel: *In that moment all forms of doubt silenced. As his hand rested on her abdomen he couldn’t help but smile a little as he thought about the tiny life growing in there.*
Sunny: *inhale* Do you want to be part of this? *Miguel looks up at her but she cuts him off.* Look with or without you, I’m doing this. You can’t change my mind on that. If I have to raise this baby on my own I’ll do just that. I just thought you should know and I should give you that choice because… I care a lot about you Miguel. Like a lot. And I- I- *tears started welling up in her eyes as she struggled to find the words*
Miguel: *gently caresses her face and looks into her eyes reassuringly, he sighs* I want to be part of this
Sunny: What?
Miguel: I want to be involved… *He gently pulls her in closer* I- I care a lot about you too *His hand never leaves her abdomen.*
Sunny: Y-you really mean it?
Miguel: Yes
Sunny: *passionately kisses him*
Miguel: *doesn’t pull back instead wraps his arms around her*
Later in Miguel’s apartment..
Sunny: *Lies there, completely naked, in his bed, Miguel’s arms gently wrapped around her with one of his hands caressing her abdomen as they spoon.*
Miguel: *Plants soft kisses along her face and neck as he holds her even closer.* Te amo Soleada..
Sunny: *Turns her head to him and smiles softly with tears rolling out of her eyes* I love you too Miguel..
*They kiss and soon fall asleep while embracing one another.*
The next morning…
Sunny: *When she woke up rather than the coldness of her alone in bed again, she felt warmth. A sleeping Miguel was still holding her close to him. She tried to move only to feel Miguel’s grip to gently tighten around her. She couldn’t help but smile as she closed her eyes again.*
Miguel: *Wakes up and looks at seemingly still asleep Sunny. Careful not to wake her he leans to her abdomen and kisses it.* Hi little one, this is your dad. I don’t know if you can really hear me right now, I like to think you can. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that although you’re just the size of a kumquat right now, I already love you so much…. You and your mom are the best things to happen to me in a long time. *As if the floodgates opened he starts crying. Tears of regret and of happiness. He catches his breath as her hand gently caresses his face.*
Sunny: *She smiles softly at him and places a peck on his lips.* Good morning *She whispers as she wipes away a tear.*
Miguel: *He blushes and hides his face in her chests then mumbles* Buena
Sunny: *giggles and hugs him*
A bit later…
Miguel: Sorry I don’t have much besides cereal, I’d make you something else but I believe me when I say I’m sparing you.
Sunny: *giggles* You can’t be that bad at cooking
Miguel: The pots and pans I had destroyed over the years would say otherwise. *chuckles*
Sunny: *chuckles* It’s alright Miguel, cereal is more than alright. *Eats and notices Miguel just staring at her* What?
Miguel: Oh nothing *Liar. He notices she has the pregnancy glow, and doesn’t want to admit that he thinks she’s beautiful.* So… does anyone else know?
Sunny: Just Peter B. Parker
Miguel: *groans* Out of all-
Sunny: Hey, he’s my best friend, practically my brother. And he only knows that I’m pregnant, not about you being the father. And honestly you should thank him.
Miguel: Thank him?
Sunny: Had he not said “Maybe you should reconsider telling the father.” I wouldn’t have told you at all.
Miguel: ….What?
Sunny: You heard me
Miguel: I- *At that moment Miguel remembered the fact that this was their first morning together. That after every night they were together he’d leave her before the first ray of daylight and she’d have to wake up alone. How throughout the day he’d hardly look or talk to her. Then of course there was yesterday, and how he almost threw it all away. He took her, his companion in the darkness, the woman now carrying his unborn child, his Soleada, for granted.*
Sunny: Miguel?
Miguel: …I’m sorry
Sunny: What?
Miguel: I’m sorry for all the times that I made you feel… alone.
Sunny: *lays a hand on her abdomen and grasps one of Miguel’s hands with the other*
[Authors Note: Hi everyone, so this is the first part of a what if series, warning lots of fluff and angst ahead. I urge y’all to check out the original series by @liliacamethyst she is an amazing writer and hers is pretty groundbreaking. Also sorry not sorry for the drastic differences in formatting, I just write better in script style. I still hope y’all enjoy it. Anyways have a wonderful day and see y’all in part two.]
[Also please feel free to comment and stuff, I love reading y’all feedback.]
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cheemscakecat · 2 months
Spy’s Disguise Headcanon Time!
TW: Loss, body horror, angst
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The glitchy disguise kit should have been rejected by BLU Spy’s body the first time he tried to use it. But the fact that he was able to keep transforming with it meant that his body accepted it.
Personally, I think that the disguise kit has its own programming that was at risk of being overwritten when it glitched. Maybe the brain and nerve endings sent new commands to the kit when Spy first tried a building disguise.
Either way, the machine aspects of CyberSpy were under his control for a while, like an extension of his actual human body. It didn’t seem at all difficult to get a certain part that functioned like a real building, and it didn’t even take a verbal command.
While this felt like an excellent new tool in the eyes of Buddy Engineer and CyberSpy, it was actually a massive red flag. His body shouldn’t have accepted foreign metal and unnatural transformations. It should have attacked the machinery like a virus. He should have had pain signals all over his body telling him that the machine was dangerous.
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Instead, the building aspects assimilated in his body. He didn’t even need the kit to transform past the first incident, which was also a massive red flag. They not only began acting as flesh and weapons, they began acting as an immune system.
The problem is, these mechanical parts were never, ever meant to be part of the human body. They were never designed to protect the body from harm like white blood cells, and had no backup programming should something like this happen.
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When Spy took fatal damage, the machine aspects went haywire trying to repair him. The Medic that was always sent to deal with respawn failures had barely interacted with his patient when this became apparent.
I imagine that any attempt to insert an IV or make an incision was met with uncontrolled transformations. The false immune system was trying to protect the body, but was too powerful and unpredictable for the doctor to fix this cyber-mess.
Dr Ludwig was called in after the whole RED team permanently died and most of the local BLU engineers were slaughtered. It’s possible that that particular BLU team was mostly just Engineers, and that might have been why Spy knew how to kill one in the first place.
Maybe they used healing dispensers instead of hiring a local BLU Medic. But that didn’t absolve Buddy Engineer and CyberSpy from their involvement in the deaths. They didn’t report the glitch. They didn’t try to fix it when it first occurred.
They embraced it. Spy kept using these new, unnatural powers without any regard to his health or how unfair the battle would be. Over and over again, the symbiotic relationship between his natural body and this machine was tested and strengthened.
Maybe a Medic could have cut out the invasive metal when the incident first occurred. Maybe there was a way to prevent this from getting so severe. But by the time they called in Dr. Ludwig, it was far too late.
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It didn’t take long for the devastating consequences to rear their head. There was no way to stop whatever mutations the glitch had caused. Before, Spy could switch back and forth between human flesh and machine. He started to lose that control.
In response to his injuries and the threat of more created by hallucinations, the metal became dominant. He couldn’t make the buildings go back to being dormant; they replaced parts of his body. He looked the part of a cyborg, whether anyone liked it or not.
Like an infection, it continued to spread. CyberSpy’s declining mental state only made the metal infection spread rapidly. Paranoia and hallucinations set in, and made the machine wary of any person who Spy didn't recognize.
It only took three months for him to get so bad that his head and neck was the last of his humanity, and Buddy Engineer was the only person who could interact with him without being fired at. By four months his mind was gone. Only the machine remained.
Buddy Engineer kept the machine, which somehow remained docile towards him. He kept fixing it and insisting on keeping the battery and fuel tank from running empty. In his mind, that would mean death.
The new teammates went from supportive to concerned. They could see that Buddy Engineer wouldn’t let Spy go, even though he had long since died. They feared that he’d lose his mind talking to that robot much longer. So they reported him to the Admin.
She had the machine confiscated, to Buddy Engineer’s fury. He tried to break into her storage to make sure “Spy” didn’t power down, but he already had by the time he fought enough underlings and found the right crate. Admin had him dismissed from BLU and barred from joining RED.
Grey Mann wanted an army of robots, and he wanted good engineers to design them. Buddy Engineer agreed to help him, even with the annoying caveat that they had to use money as fuel.
He wasn’t the only disgraced Engineer who agreed to Grey Mann’s offer, so they divided up the workload.
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Buddy Engineer insisted on designing the robo-spy. He based it off of the lifeless machine that his friend became. Of course, he didn’t trust Grey Mann worth spit, so anything that didn’t directly have to do with Spy work was left out of the manufactured bots. No machine guns or jet packs.
Even so, Buddy’s extremely detailed work impressed the boss, and inspired the others to collaborate with him on the most complicated of the robo-mercs.
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love-hatred-stuff · 1 year
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》 hey, hi~ here's a draft that I wrote instead of continuing other fics that I wanted to write, lmao I hate myself :')
》 Eddie Brock(Venom) x (f)Reader
⚠ a little warning; age gap (10y), daddy issues here we goooo, just a tiny bit spice and some sprinkle de dinkle ★angst★
Eddie hadn't had sex in what felt like centuries. Actually just one or two years but who's counting when all he can do is use his hand and Venom mostly doesn't even let him finish. That monster doesn't give shit about it, he claims that Eddie wouldn't need it. He needs food and water but not a jerk off.
Well if he knew why he'd been going on it so much lately, maybe Venom would let him, but he's not ready to give that up yet. It's probably the only thing about Eddie, Venom hasn't completely figured out yet.
It was you. You were the reason he was slowly but surely losing the mind he shared with the compatible slimy alien inside of him.
"Eddie thanks for checking, but I can manage." You told him on the other line of the phone.
Eddie just wanted to help you pack and carry your things since you were moving to another apartment. You've been able to get promoted again and now you were at the very top of the not even so small company you've been working at for about five years now. You could say you were pretty good at your job.
"I habe plenty of strong people here, helping me out. I don't even have to carry anything, I just decide were the furniture and boxes are getting placed. You don't need to worry, darling."
Eddie had a smirk dancing on his lips. You knew he could do everything they were doing, at least twice as fast.
"I should come over later then. I'll bring dinner." He suggested.
"Great idea. But don't let Venom choose take out again, please Eddie." Ugh the way you were saying his name made his brain go blank and suddenly Venom was hyperaware of what was going on.
"Promise. See ya." He immediately ended the call, leaving you a little confused. Ed could sense what Venom felt, just beneath the surface.
"Holy Shit!!!" Venom growled.
"You kidding me? She's the reason you've been going to the gym and eating healthy now? Why you've been completely desperate to stroke your dumbass dick?" Then he laughed. Finding it hilarious that Eddie was in love again. After his last woman, Anne, he'd been taking a while to open up again. Actually he didn't talk to any other woman besides you.
The thing was just, that you were ten years younger than him and he'd practically seen you grow up. Of course he never saw you the way he does now, back then. But it was quite bad how hard he had fallen for you in the last few months.
"I KNOW! She's too young for me. I'll keep my distance, okay? It wasn’t my intention to develop feelings." He tried defending himself.
"As if I cared, you nasty human. Get you dick wet if that's what you need." The symbiot snarled.
Eddie was surprised, to say the least.
"You're not gonna disturb us?" He asked in suspicion.
"Thought you wanted to keep your distance? Not anymore? Kidding. Do what you gotta do. Since you're my host I gotta let you have at least one thing."
"That'd be great." He smiled to himself.
"Now get your ass up at get her something nice, if you wanna get inside her pants."
"I don't wanna get inside her pants! Well- maybe a little, but I care about her more than that."
Eddie sensed, by Venom's silence, that he doesn't wanna get involved in his love life any further. Although he couldn't blame Eddie, you were gorgeous little human. A young one at that.
So he showered and grabbed his keys, so he could get dinner and some flowers. He was a little nervous buying these, because he knew that would be the first romantic move he's ever made on you. You probably only saw him as like an uncle or something, nothing more. Knowing his luck, he didn't even expect you to like him back.
He would know soon.
Well, but who knew, he's gonna find himself underneath you instead?
Eddie was sitting on the couch, the only thing that wasn't completely packed with stuff and boxes. You were straddling him, taking his breath away with the way you moved your skilled tounge against his. He was a little hesitant though, barely touching your hips with his hands because he didn't know were to put them. He wanted so badly to grip your sides tight and push you closer against his crotch.
But he was unsure. Even though you clearly gave him all the signs that you wanted this, he felt like he was using you. Venom's earlier words spiralling in his mind; '-if you wanna get inside her pants.' No! He didn't! He wanted so much more than that. So it felt wrong to just jump you the moment you said you liked him back- well you didn't really say anything, you just smiled to yourself as you accepted his flowers and began to stalk towards him, until this moment, where you plastered him with marks and kisses.
Despite all those doubts, he felt heavenly, holding most of his sounds back, almost impossible. You were a woman with so many strengths, kissing and grinding being apparently one of them. Glad, he found out.
He only realised seconds later that you'd stopped and were looking straight at him.
"What's wrong?" Your worried look scratched at his heart instantly.
"Nothing." He lied.
He was a good liar. But you weren't buying it, you knew him well enough.
"You don't want this? You should've said so, Brock."
Ugh, another pang shooting through him stronger than he'd expected. The usage of his last name? Nah. You only did that when you were seconds away from switching your emotions. You were gonna tell him to piss off and stay away from you, until you forgave him, unless he would tell you the truth right f*cking now. He knew because he'd disappointed you once before. That was a complete different scenario, and now you felt personally attacked. He could feel it, even Venom could.
"No! I really really want this! Or else I wouldn't have told you what I did earlier. It's just, that it feels wrong touching you, with my hands."
Oh. No.
He just made it worse, didn't he? Judging by the way your face went blank, his speech definitely went sideways.
"Get lost." You were pointing to your door with your finger, giving him a stern look.
He felt like a little scared kid again, being scolded by his mom. Only ten times worse.
"What? No! I'm saying this because I'm so much older than you, y/n! I swear on my mother and the symbiot living inside of me that I've been craving you for the longest time now. I love you, god damn it! But I shouldn't and I know that, alright? But I can't help it. I'm sorry if I send you the wrong signals. I'm just worried that people will take you away from me, because of that." Eddie stood up and slowly walked towards you, trying to not make you even more uncomfortable than he already had.
You looked a little more relaxed now though.
"So you denied me because you feel a little perverted? God, Eddie you're not a grandpa and I'm a grown woman with a good life ahead of her. Do you think I would throw that away for a forbidden romance? You and I are perfectly okay to be with each other. Nothing's gonna happen, it's only ten years, Brock." Eddie flinched again at the end. Seemed like he had to soothe you a little more.
"Could you please stop addressing me with my last name, it scares me a little. I get it now. I'm sorry for worrying so much, sweetness." Eddie gently touched your cheek, caressing it and putting a strand of hair behind you ear.
"You have a lot of making up to do, you grandpa." You glanced up at him, allowing a tiny smile to dance on your cherry lips.
To be continued...?
Love, love, love
~ love-hatred-stuff ♡
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apocalypse-shuffle · 9 months
BEING IN A RELATIONSHIP W/ EDDIE BROCK & VENOM (generalized canon | 616 | venom movie-verse)
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random Headcanons
SFW, minor canon action, one(1) mention of sex
pic sources: Venom #20 - “All Out” (2023) & Venom #23 - “Symbiote Daddy Issues” (2023)
part one
First post of the year!!! Alright bye.❤️
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Eddie’s not a bad writer, and he can come up with a showstopper of an opening line off the top of his head. Because of this - and to Eddie’s constant objection - both you and his second half beg him to hit you with his best pick up lines. He hates it but always caves to elicit a smile or laugh out of both of y’all.
V fusses over you big time. They treat you like the most delicate flower and it annoys you even though you know they're intentions aren't to belittle you.
Problem is V gets very high maintenance and clingy whenever you’re hurt or sick, and not only does they’re stalking get incredibly obvious, but you also can’t go to the bathroom without Venom forcing Eddie to come sit in the bathroom with you. And god forbid you need to go while out in public.
Can you get jealous? Yes. Do Eddie and Venom outdo you? Also yes. They do the most. Someone just looks at you up and down and Eddie's got his arms around your waist, pulling you close to his body and Venom’s snarling at the pest.
Don’t let somebody try to get with you either, having to talk Venom (and Eddie, he’s not innocent of this either) out of committing murder is not a particularly fun experience.
Venom is the dominant one in the bedroom, thank you very much. Problem is Venom is also a creature of sensation, he craves it and as such so does Eddie, so it’s not exactly hard to switch your dynamic up whenever any of you are in the mood.
Getting Eddie to be okay with submitting during sex is a labor of love. At first he’ll refuse to touch it and you’ll respect that just fine, but over time he’ll get little glimpses of being taken care of when you're being intimate and his curiosity coupled with the symbiote’s prodding will make him decide to take a venture in being submissive for you. Only you though.
Venom makes the first move in y’all’s relationship. If you want to consider a little mild stalking “making the first move”. It starts with the Lethal Protector showing up every time you’re in even the slightest bit of trouble or near a big fight going on, and escalates to Eddie frequently ‘running’ into you and striking up a good conversation.
He rings all your alarm bells until he reveals himself to be Venom though, don’t get it twisted. Eddie’s nice and he’s charming but he’s also too blunt and outwardly calculating to not seem at least a little sketchy.
Eddie has a tendency to naturally sneak around the house. Part of it is the remnants of a life lived under Brock Sr.’s roof, but most of it is Venom.
Long story short Eddie’s big and doesn't make much noise unless he wants to and when he just pops out of places a regular non-enhanced person has every right to be taken off guard.
It’s no secret that they would sacrifice their body, mind, and soul to keep you safe, but their jealousy can cloud that virtuosity.
Venom's an asshole when he's jealous and it's not particularly endearing. The hissing when the symbiote feels like it’s being challenged is really pushing it. Them feeling like they can start dictating the shit you’re “allowed” to do is also really pushing it and you nip that shit in the bud real quick; alien hormones be damned.
Both Venom and Eddie's soul purpose is to broadcast the fact that you are indeed off limits to ANY hormonal driven being, which is just the vast majority of humans at this point.
Because of this y’all engage in near constant pda (sometimes a little scenting is involved too). If Venom doesn’t get his fill he will be miserable for Eddie to be around until he does.
You’ll admit though - even if only to yourself - that you do find it kinda hot when they catch someone ogling you and Eddie's eyes flash white in a threat.
The symbiote tends to take control and outright ask the person if they like what they see too.
If they say yes they're basically putting their lives in Venom's hands.
You can't even be mad sometimes either, so you do find their jealousy a little bit endearing… sometimes.
The inevitable hissy fit sex is cool too.
It is aggravating never being able to leave the house alone (especially if you’re wearing something extravagant, form fitting, or revealing) without Venom and Eddie feeling the need to “reestablish” y’all’s relationship before you go out just so that you and everyone else don’t forget you’re taken.
Overall, boundaries must be set, but they’re not unable to be reasoned with, and they’re both far too sweet on you to risk truly upsetting you or breaking your trust (too much).
NOTES: Hope you enjoyed!!
This is just a little quick something, but I have been sitting on it for a while now. Also, yes, Eddie’s shirt does say “Himbo Frankenstein”!
btw: if you’d like to leave a comment I won’t always respond, but I’d very much appreciate it!
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entryn17 · 1 year
people can interpret my art however they like and frankly it's not that big a deal but when i made that comic with chara talking to the player about it being its/their/our nature to be curious about undertale i got people calling the player the game's ultimate villain and chara truly innocent. and i heavily disagree with that perspective, especially since in my art i like portraying both as chaotic, complex forces. i don't remember if i've talked about it in more detail here but i guess i'll do it anyways. (for the record before i go on with this - no, i don't think chara is evil or a literal demon.)
undertale intertwines game mechanics with its worldbuilding; it's integral to the story it's trying to tell and how it delivers its messages. often we portray saving, loading, resets and files as very literal and concrete things that exist in that world and while i think that portrayal is correct we seem to sweep the player's involvement under the rug no matter how we interpret the story.
in the first few years of the game's existence the framing of chara as a villain was practically inescapable. that coincided with people firmly rejecting undertale's premise of your choices having consequences when we made shit hit the fan. the player had all the agency in the world until we did something to destroy that world and got called out for it and then suddenly it was chara's fault. nowadays we've moved on from that (thank GOD) but have resorted to pointing the finger to ourselves and while yeah, we do tend to pick through everything with a needle to satiate our undying curiosity, i don't really like how fans tend to portray themselves as the ultimate evil that needs defeating, cause here's the thing
undertale doesn't need a villain. it doesn't really have one either. even if you searched for it.
the game intertwines game mechanics with its worldbuilding and the player is a part of it as well. without us there would be no undertale in a literal and story-wise sense, because we're the force that drives the main events, for whom the mechanics and worldbuilding were created. it's a symbiotic relationship. the game has things for us to do, to see, to try and in return we keep it up and running. it was meant for us and i don't just mean this in a "toby fox made a game for people to play" i'm more approaching this from an in-game, canonical perspective.
the player isn't evil, they/we just are. we're a part of this game.
and chara? well, i think they're a reflection of the player. someone to mirror us and that's why in turn they're also a chaotic force of nature. we name them, they haunt the narrative and we give them a life and finish their story. they aren't evil either. chara is just chara, flawed and complicated. that's it, really.
undertale doesn't have nor need a villain because it's not about "good vs evil". it's about choice and consequence which can be taken in every single direction. i really don't know what else to say
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hoseokslefteyebrow · 1 year
( Titleless)
Pairing : Platonic Miguel O' Hara X Teen, Daughter, Symbiote Reader
Genre : Mostly fluff, canon level violence, tinge of angst
Summary : Hiding your symbiote from your father was pretty easy. Until it wasn't anymore
Requested/idea by: @graesage
Wordcount: 1.2k
Miguel O'Hara Masterlist
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You really shouldn't have messed around back in the day in Alchamex. While your father had been off and about his about multiverse research, you had slipped into the hallway and into a seperate room where you found a bunch of funny liquid looking vials.
There, you found Toxin. It had escaped from it's vial, and slipped under your skin. It was so quick, you thought it was okay. That nithing remoteable had happened, though you did have a funny feeling.
Until you had looked into the mirror that night, surprised to see someone completely different in there. Because it was still light outside, you had shaken your head, thinking it was just a funny trick of the light. It wasn't, and you fainted when you found out that it could speak.
When you woke again, you were on the couch. And you weren't alone. There was a new voice in your head, a new kind of power in your system.
Eventually, you got to test it out. And testing you did. Now you just had to hide it. You couldn't let your father know. Your father is spiderman after all, so hiding the symbiote was much more easier than expected.
He was always busy running the multiverse. And now, from time to time, you would join in to help. Your watch is concealed by Toxin's skinlike suit, which leaves people in question how you really enter different dimensions when you jump out of the same portal they do. Lyla was the one who had given you the watch, helping you keep it a secret.
For a good while, you manage to hide your identity quite well.
" What hapened?" You ask your father as he steps into his lab.
You were helping him do his job as you so often do, looking at his screens while he's out. You're munching on a bar of chocolate as he steps in.
He looks a little roughed up, which is expected after the rough fight with a Mysterio variant.
" That spiderwoman showed up again." He huffs, approaching the platform.
You hum.
" Is that bad?"
" Yes and no. She's helping out for some reason. But we can't manage to track her signal. Which is annoying. Also you should really lessen on the chocolate. You've been eating as much as an addict would the past few weeks." He points out, barely glancing at the treat in your hands, stepping onto the platform.
" I've always been addicted though. Besides, if this spiderwoman is helping, why is she an issue?" You point out.
He starts messing around with the screens.
" Not like the past few weeks, you haven't. I'm surprised you didn't gain weight. And because I don't know her intentions. A lot of villains were a friend before they turned sides." He points out.
" My chocolate addiction isn't that bad. But you're saying she's a spiderwoman. What's the harm? Maybe you should invite her on the team." You huff before shrugging.
" She's usually gone before I get as much as a chance to do so. And I'm not sure if she really is a spiderwoman. Her suit is just,, different."
It all comes down when a Clash variant escapes. You and Toxin were less prepared than expected, as Clash's powers involved high frequencies, including the ones you're sensitive to.
" You! You're no spiderman!" Clash calls to you, engulfed in Toxin's form.
Toxin cocks its head. " So what?" It asks before charging.
Clash fumbles around with his machine, before it releases a high pitched sound, which disturbs Toxin's form. And so the inevitable happens.
Toxin pulls back into it's liquid like, globby form, jumping away midair against its will. Meanwhile, you're now stuck falling towards the ground, with absolutely nothing to protect you.
From a distance, Miguel's eyes widen, and he reacts quickly. Setting off, he webs his way towards your plummeting form. He catches you barely a few metres from the ground, and you look up at him sheepishly while he glares down at you, obviously not happy.
" I can explain-"
He sets you down on the ground, glancing at your watch, the pieces falling in place in his mind.
" Go home. We'll talk later."
He turns around, readying himself back into the fight. You sigh. You don't want to stay on the side. Knowing arguing with him is useless, you turn, leaving in a random direction to find Toxin.
However, you're not paying attention, and your eyes widen as a piece of rubble comes right for you.
When you wake up again, you're in the med bay. You've been here to visit your friends when they're injured. It feels a little weird to be the injured one now.
You're not alone. You're missing Toxin's presence, but Jess is by your side.
" Hey." She smiles.
You try to smile too, even though it hurts. Everything hurts. The rubble got a good piece of you. Your entire body is hurting.
" I know you're in pain, sweetheart. Miguel's on his way, said he went to get something that might help." She tells you, setting a hand on top of yours.
You carefully nod, before closing your eyes to rest again. Jess stays with you, a comfortable silence settling over you.
Your mind is a bit of a mess. Toxin doesn't belong in the universe it's left behind in, which makes it an anomaly. You're worried for it's wellbeing. And you don't doubt that your father is mad at you. You just hope you can convince him to find Toxic, who can in turn heal you.
About twenty minutes pass before you hear the door open. And by the footsteps you can recognise it's your father.
" Hey. Can you leave us for a moment?  I need to talk to her." Miguel asks Jessica.
She sighs, but stands up nonetheless.
" Don't be too rough on her." She tells him, setting a hand on his shoulder before leaving.
The minute she closes the door behind her, you open your eyes.
" Dad, I-"
With a sigh, he sets a hand down on your own, and you're left surprised when a glob of red and blue forms and passes through his skin, and over yours, before settling itself into your skin.
Miguel watches with concealed amazement as Toxin's form devolps yours, your IV and whatever else was attached falling off as he speeds up your healing process. It only takes a moment, and soon enough he shrinks back into your skin, and you're feeling much. much better.
' I'm back.' Toxin's voice sounds through your mind.
" No shit." You whisper.
You stretch before turning to face your father.
" Does this mean I'm on the team?"
To your surprise, he nods. His hands placing themselves on his hips, signaling he has more to say.
" But we're going to set rules. I'm going to mentor you. And you'll need to listen to what I say, got it?" He tells you with a strict eyebrow up.
You smile as you nod enthusiastically.
" Yeah, of course!"
" And no more secrets, okay kid?"
" None. I promise!" You grin, engulfing him in a big hug.
He easily returns the embrace. a small smile making it's way onto his face.
[ A/N: If anyone knows a title feel free to share I do not lol. ]
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dragons-and-magic · 13 days
TTTE has so many possibilities for really good villains besides the usual snooty bully type or devious diesel. It's awesome. Here's some ideas I had!
What about an engine (Any type) that hates humans for what they did to their kind? All the scrapping and stuff? And he wants to hurt/kill as many humans as possible for payback, completely passing over the fact that engines and humans have a symbiotic relationship and need each other. And that not all humans are bad. Especially the ones on Sodor. It could also be a good gateway for addressing the trauma some engines have from the 1960s scrapping period.
Or how about a driver and engines villain team? Where they team up to do some huge crime that effects both humans and sentient machines?
ELECTRIC ENGINES. They're very under used! Have the diesels and steam engines come together to fight a new supposed enemy, only to find out that it's just one in particular that's villainous and the rest are rather nice. The engine types are usually competing against each other for the humans good graces, so this could be eye opening for them.
Super NATURAL ENGINES. Give Lady a rival that's not Diesel 10 and is instead an entirely new super natural engine to fight! And you don't have to stop there! Add more engines to the Pantheon and really flesh out The Magic Railroad in Lady's Realm!
More human villains. So far we've only had Sailor John. WE NEED MORE! (EDIT: And Baz and Bernie. I forgot about them.😅)
Bounty hunter engines that chase down runaway engines, like the diesels that chased Oliver and his crew! And make them REAL bounty hunters. Pull out all the stops. And have their crews involved as well! Maybe some of them are scrap yard workers!
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onlycosmere · 3 months
Ironeyes: So, uh, we know that the charcoal creatures are afraid of coins.
Brandon Sanderson: Yes.
Ironeyes: So are the white chalk creatures, which I think are called Shadowblazes…
Brandon Sanderson: Yes.
Ironeyes: Are they also afraid of coins?
Brandon Sanderson Are they also afraid of coins? To a much lesser extent. I can give you guys some backstory on this.
What’s going on here is that the place these things come from linear structure and things like this are frightening to them, like they come from a non-linear location. Time does not move linearly where they come from. When they come into this world, structure and linear time progression, is bizarre to them.
And there are some who have embraced it, and been like, “This is cool and different!” and there are others that are still terrified of it, as a representation of what is so alien from the world they came from.
So that’s why we’ve got this whole clocks, and even structure, as a metaphor for something that is terrifying to them.
Rithmatist started in the Cosmere. The magic shares a lot of its roots, then, in Cosmere magic worldbuilding. I split if off because I wrote the whole first book with it being in the Cosmere. I split it off, saying “No, I don’t want Earth to be in the Cosmere.”
Even an alternate version of Earth. It just raises too many questions about the nature of Earth being involved in this. I want the Cosmere to be its own dwarf galaxy of which not even a dimension of Earth is involved.
And when I made that decision, I broke Rithmatist off. That’s the only one I had written that didn’t belong, but it still has, so, it means that the magic is going to feel very familiar to you, uh, it’s going to feel like the magic of the Cosmere. And Cosmere magic is based around, usually, human beings making a symbiotic bond with an entity made out of the magic.
This is, kind of, one of the origins of Cosmere magic, and Rithmatist has, therefore, its roots in that. I’ve done some things since I’ve split it off in the outlines to distinguish it, but it’s going to have the same roots. So you’ll notice some things like that, that are similar.
Questioner: Before you split The Rithmatist from the Cosmere, did the Shadowblazes come from the Cognitive realm?
Brandon Sanderson: Yeah. Yeah, the Shadowblazes were in the Cognitive realm, they’re--you know, well, they’re more Spiritual Realm. They were Spiritual Realm, sorry. They were Spiritual realm entities that got pulled into the Physical realm.
And the Spiritual realm has no time, it exists independent of time and location, all times and all places are one, and so, when something that’s from the Spiritual Realm got pulled into the Physical realm, it was like, “This is so weird!” And there are very few things in the Cosmere that exist only on the Spiritual Realm, which was a really fun thing I could do with this book, was show that. Cause most things exist on all three Realms. Um, so, yeah.
So, yeah, I mean if you’ve got, if you’re a Cosmere theologian--not theologian, magic, what do you call it? They call that, I have a word for it in-world. But anyway, if you’re a realmatic theorist, you can kind of pick out how the Spiritual Realm beings were related, originally, to the Realmatic theory.
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the-lunar-system · 4 months
Thoughts on troll gender and gender rolls:
1) trolls are all, reproductively speaking, one sex, because any troll can copulate with any other troll (with the involvement of a mother grub)
2) trolls still very obviously have genders, and genders are still clearly an important part of troll society
3) trolls do have certain physical characteristics associated with different genders (black lips and larger chests on women) that indicate there is a biological component to how trolls conceive of gender, similar to humans' sex "binary"
seemingly unrelated points:
4) trolls seem to mimic their lusii in physical traits (such as horn pattern, types of teeth, eyes) and temperamental/behaviors (like hunting patterns, or mental illnesses) in a way that seems a lot like humans inheriting traits from their parents
5) all the trolls we meet in homestuck use the same pronouns as their lusus
part of trolls symbiotic relationship with lusii is an ability to mimic traits of the lusus in the troll, including some sort of endocrine copying leading to "secondary sex characteristics" like lip color and chest size, socially associated with gender. as a result of trolls being socially expected to have the same gender as their lusus, transgender trolls also begin referring to their lusus with their new pronouns. Secondary endocrine characteristics are associated with and historically define specific genders, even in the absence of any sort of reproductive "binary"
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The tenth Doctor in journeys end (i think?) said a TARDIS is made to be piloted by 6 timelords, what roles would each have in the TARDIS?
What roles would six Time Lords have in piloting a TARDIS?
This is more speculative, based on the known features of a TARDIS.
Console Panels and Systems
A TARDIS console is split into six 'panels', with each panel operating a different aspect of the TARDIS' systems. When there are six pilots, each Time Lord would likely specialise in operating a specific panel and system. Although the console layout may change with each TARDIS's 'desktop theme,' the six fundamental panels remain the same.
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[Image ID: On the left is a top-down diagram of the 9th and 10th Doctor's coral theme TARDIS, divided into six panel sections. Each section is labelled from 1-6 clockwise starting from the 12 o'clock position. On the right is a text list of the panels and their names: Panel 1: Mechanical and Master Control, Panel 2: Diagnostic and Internal Ship Systems, Panel 3: Fabrication and Information Systems, Panel 4: Navigation, Panel 5: Helm and Dematerialisation Systems, Panel 6: Communications and Exterior Monitor./.End ID]
See this page on the TARDIS Technical Index for more variations on desktop themes.
👨‍✈️ Roles and Responsibilities
Here's a breakdown of each potential role and their responsibilities:
🔧 Panel 1: Mechanical and Master Control
Role: Chief Engineer
Responsibilities: The chief engineer monitors the TARDIS's overall operation. They ensure that all the mechanical systems and master controls are working properly. If anything goes wrong, they step in and fix it.
🛠️ Panel 2: Diagnostic and Internal Ship Systems
Role: Systems Analyst
Responsibilities: This person is all about the internals. They monitor life support, environmental controls, and the internal power grid. Basically, they make sure everything inside the TARDIS is working as it should.
🖥️ Panel 3: Fabrication and Information Systems
Role: Data Specialist
Responsibilities: Managing the TARDIS’s databases and info systems, and handling any fabrication needs. Whether it’s creating new tools, repairing old ones, or just making sure the information systems are up-to-date, they’ve got it covered.
🧭 Panel 4: Navigation
Role: Navigator
Responsibilities: Plotting courses through time and space. The Navigator makes sure the TARDIS lands where it’s supposed to, calculating all those tricky temporal vectors and spatial positions. They work closely with the Pilot to make sure the journey is smooth and safe.
🚀 Panel 5: Helm and Dematerialisation Systems
Role: Pilot
Responsibilities: This is the person at the helm, controlling take-off, landing, and in-flight manoeuvres. They handle the dematerialisation and rematerialisation of the TARDIS, making sure it takes off and lands without a hitch.
📡 Panel 6: Communications and Exterior Monitor
Role: Communications Officer
Responsibilities: They handle all external communications and keep an eye on what’s going on outside, involving sending or receiving messages or watching out for any threats or anomalies.
🏫 So...
Potentially, each Time Lord on the TARDIS would have a specialised role associated with a specific panel. Ideally, they're probably all working together like a well-oiled machine. However, poor old solo pilots have to jump around like madmen trying to cover all the controls at once.
Do we have any info on TARDIS biology?: Overview of TARDIS biological aspects.
Can a non-Gallifreyan benefit from a symbiotic bond with a TARDIS?: Non-Gallifreyan symbiosis with a TARDIS.
How to locate a TARDIS pilot: Guide for locating a pilot or other crew members using the TARDIS.
Hope that helped! 😃
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