#taang one shots
stitch1830 · 5 months
Hello there, and I hope you have a nice day.
I have been reading your fanfic stories on the Archive of Our Own, and I am loving them, especially your Taang-centered ones.
I would like to ask:
First, will there be stories where Aang and Toph meet their grandchildren (the children of the Dunebabies)?
Second, will there be stories where Aang and Toph celebrate each of the Dunebabies achievements? Examples include Lin becoming Chief of the Police of Republic City. Gyatso becomes an airbending master and takes the reign of the Air Temples. Suyin is establishing Zhaofu. Finally, Kenji succeeds through the path he chooses.
Third, and probably a sad one. Will there be a story of Toph and the Dunebabies in Aang's last moment before he dies, followed up with the funeral service?
Much appreciated if you would answer.
Hi Anon, thanks for the ask!
Very glad you like the Taang stories! That lil universe is near and dear to my heart because it's what got me into writing fanfiction. For the past few years, I've focused more of my writing efforts on Toph/Kanto, but I'm always happy to answer Taangy asks!
As far as writing for Taang, I don't want to give any false hope. It's been quite a while since I've touched those wips (or any of my wips, for that matter 0_o). My inspiration and, frankly, my outlines, are old and I don't quite remember the trajectory of certain stories. Even if I started writing for Taang again, it would be a while before I finished them. Also, it's just easier (and more fun, perhaps?) to just talk headcanons with people, so I think if you're itching for Taang content from me, you'll likely find it on Tumblr and not AO3.
I do have a very soft spot in my heart for my Dunebabies, and would be more inclined to write about them and their adventures as opposed to new Taang stories. I might even have an old ficlet or two collecting dust that's about them. When I have the time, I'll try to upload them!
Probably not the answer you're looking or hoping for, and I'm sorry about that! On Tumblr, I'm very much a "never say never" kind of person, but also, I don't wanna string anyone along by promising new stuff :/
Like I said though, if you'd like to chat about Taang, you're always welcome to send more asks! Back in the day, some moots would send asks about my Dunebabies, there should be a big archive already if you're curious and want to read more.
Thanks for sending this ask, though! I will say, you did get me to open my Taang wips/documents (which is impressive, considering how long it's been since I opened them—), so maybe if the stars align and I have the inspiration and the time to write, I'll write a ficlet or two.
Hope you have a great day!
Send me asks about ATLA or LOK!
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ya-so-im-here · 2 years
As Thick As Thieves
Writer: Me, I have it published under my wattpad account TheNinjaOfCake22
Fandom:Avatar the Last Airbender
Ship: Toph x Aang (Taang)
Word Count: 3026
He wasn't doing this right. Granted Aang didn't really know what he was doing but he certainly wasn't doing it right. He had never had a date before, heck he'd never liked a girl before. Toph was amazing, she was strong, confident, and a girl who knew what she wanted it was all those things and so much more that led to Aang falling for her. However, Aang didn't know what Toph wanted.
  It all started when he asked her out, she caught onto his intentions instantly given she could sense his heartbeat quicken the closer he was to asking her on a date.
  "Yes. I'll go on a date with you Twinkle Toes" she said this with a smirk as well a full blush on her cheeks. Aang's smile could have lit up a room when he realized that Toph felt the same way about him, to which he decided he was going to take her on an amazing and memorable date... but that's when the issues arrived; as he soon realized he didn't know what people did on dates, let alone a good one.
  He tried asking Katara for help and as much as she did try to give good suggestions, every single one just didn't seem to match Toph. So he tried asking Sokka, while his suggestions seemed more along the lines of things Toph would like, they weren't very date material.
  It was all much harder then he expected it to be as soon a couple days passed by since Toph agreed to go on a date with him, he was starting to get anxious. Was he taking to long to actually set up the date? would Toph loose interest? maybe she would change her mind and say never-mind. Those were all things he definitely didn't want but he still didn't know what to do.
  "Hey! Twinkle Toes" called the blind earthbender grabbing Aang's attention while he mildly panicked on a rock away from the rest of the camp. He looked up at her, meeting her face  within a close proximity. "I thought we were going on a date. What happened to that?" she asked mildly perturbed but Aang could sense how she was also a bit nervous as well.
   "I am! I mean yea we're still gonna go on a date" he blerted out nervous she would think he wasn't sincere.
  "Well it's been almost five days and we haven't done or talked about doing anything. Did you forget?" her voice was mildly softer at the end.
   "I haven't forgotten I promise. I've been thinking of it everyday actually, but I-" he paused feeling embarrassed at his inability to plan a date and didn't really want to admit it, but he didn't see anything around it. "I don't know how to plan a date. I don't know what to do and I tried asking people for suggestions or ideas but none of them seemed good enough for you and so I've just been trying to plan an amazing date for you, but I can't think of anything amazing" blathered Aang quickly and consistently that if he wasn't an airbender he may have ran out of breath.  
    "Aang." stated Toph firmly gathering the avatar's attention "You asked everyone but me." Aang looked at her perplexed, he was allowed to do that? "What? you thought of asking everyone for ideas but the person you're actually taking on the date?" teased Toph with a small smile creeping upon his lips.
   "I just thought- thought you weren't supposed to do that..." he mumbled out softly
  "Say's who? Besides it doesn't matter what people say what we're supposed to do, as long as we have fun then that's all that really matters right?" her face had a soft tint of pink on her cheeks as she spoke which made Aang's heart calm as he smiled back whether she knew or not.
   "Yeah. You're right. As long as I'm with you then I think almost anything would be fun."
  "Okay then, what were some of your ideas?" asked Toph with genuine curiosity. Aang opened his mouth to start listing his ideas when he stopped with his mouth still gaping open. "What? I thought you had ideas"?
   "I do. But um.... they all kinda cost, and we don't have any money. I haven't really thought of anything that doesn't need money" explained Aang with an even further rush of embarrassment.
   "Really? Money is your concern?" Toph began to laugh as she tightly grabbed Aang's hand and began to drag him behind her.
   "Wait where are we going?!' he asked concerned as well as greatly intrigued.
   "We're gonna make some money."
   The duo were dressed up as commoners, blending in with their surroundings as they scoured the local town for fishy business, and mild gambling ongoings. To which they found in a back ally behind an old Tea Shop. A woman who was  hosting a game of Sic Bo, with a moderately sized circle of people gathered around. The mischievous smile upon Toph's face said it all.
   This was the game the two would win at.
  "COME GATHER AROUND! TRY YOUR LUCK AT A GAME OF SIC BO!!! WINNER TAKES HOME TWENTY SILVER PIECES!!!" Announced the woman with much enthusiasm as she waved her arms about gathering people's attentions.
  "Ma'am, I only have two silver pieces, can I still play?" Toph asked sweetly mimicking the impression of a young naive little girl, her specialty. Aang watched her eye Toph curiously.
   "How do you intend to play hun, it requires you to be able to see?" she asked bluntly.
  "That's why I have my boyfriend with me, he can see for me" Toph gave a wide smile as she purposely gestured to the opposite side that Aang was on. Aang's face lit up brighter and hotter then a fire at Toph's words resulting in his rambling of words.
  "Yes ma'am. We wanted to see what it was like to play and I can help her do all the seeing" The woman looked down on them with mild curiosity on why two twelve year olds would want to gamble, especially ones that looked so gullible. But who was she to turn away free money.
   "Alright you can play. But only one of you can call numbers, not both." she stated firmly.
  "Yes Ma'am. I'll call the numbers, he'll read them for me" informed Toph as she gently outreached her hand with the two silver pieces, waiting for the woman who upheld the role as the Groom-Porter (aka host) to take.
   "I wish you two the best of luck" she added as she took the silver pieces and placed it in the center of the small circular wooden board on the ground with all the other gamblings of the other players.
  "Okay everyone! I am Samara and I will be your Groom-Porter. All bets have been placed in the middle so now take your box and dice and lets begin!" she announced loudly as the crowd gathered around within the circle.
   Aang sat closely to Toph, eager and nervous at the same time. Toph gently scooted over a tiny bit until her shoulder was touching his, she then whispered softly "We got this Twinkle Toes." With a soft and genuine smile before she placed the dice in her box and held it shut.
  "Alright my castors (players) call your mains. What do you think will be your lucky number today my friends?" Aang turned to Toph as she over-dramatized her thinking for the sake of the audience as the other castors called out their mains.
   "SEVEN!" shouted Toph with a childlike giddyness in her voice.
  "Then let's begin!" everyone began to shake their boxes as the dice danced around inside as one by one each castor placed their box down
  Everyone sat waiting to lift their boxes, as Samara leaned over to Aang and Toph "Okay you start, what's your roll?" she asked as Toph lifted her box revealing the two dice before her. Aang leaned over her dice revealing a five.
  "Five" stated Aang though he was confused. Certainly Toph knew that they needed a seven to win that's why she claimed seven. Samara leaned over the two double checking their dice as was part of her role as Groom-Porter.
  "Alright, you didn't loose, so don't worry yet. However, now for the next round if you role a seven you will loose, too win you have to get a five." She explained to them as Toph pretended to search for the dice and then place them back in the box. Once again she shook the dice and placed the box face down. Aang sat their nervously, surely Toph knew what she was doing, they didn't have any pieces left so they couldn't reenter. With anxious eyes Aang watched as Toph lifted the box revealing a 2 & 3, they had made a five.
  "Nice luck kids" Samara added before turning to the next gambler for their turn. Aang turned to Toph with a large smile plastered on his face.
   "And you doubted me" teased Toph sticking her tongue out and scrunching her nose in a teasing fashion. Aang laughed lightly as the castors went after each other.
   "I won't do it again" he teased lightly
   "Good" said Toph lightly punching his arm playfully.
  "Okay, only three castors remain! pick your main and lets head into round two!" Called out Samara. All that was remaining was Toph n Aang, a large burly man, and a two sisters.
  "Eight!" called out Toph as she began to shake the dice within the box, flipping it over face down just as all the others were doing as well with their own chosen mains. Samara turned to them as she did before informing them that they could flip over the box, Aang leaned over as he did previously as Toph revealed the dice... it was a perfect eight.
  "Wow, you guys sure got Agni on your side tonight, congrats you won the round." said Samara in awe, as she watched the two kids smile brightly in true excitement before turning to the other two castors.
  "That was great! said Aang beaming over at the girl he liked, she was smiling as well, showing just how much fun she was having too.
  Toph turned her head towards Aang facing him the best she could with a smile "See, anything can be a date if you want" she whispered gently, trying her best not to appear to romantic but the light blush on her cheeks was always her dead giveaway.
   "You're right. And this might be the best date I could ever ask for" added Aang also in a hushed whisper.
  "Here we are folks! the last two castors remaining!" She looked over at Aang n Toph then over at the burly man, as the two sisters lost their round. "Claim your mains!" she announced proudly. All the previously outed Castors as well as the audience gamblers gathered their attention closer to the game.
  "Six" claimed Toph as her opponent claimed "nine". Just as before Toph was up first, she placed the dice in her box and shook it gently feeling the dice move around inside before placing them onto the ground, waiting to turn it over.
  "You're up" announced Samara as Toph lifted up the box and Aang leaned forward revealing the dice of the unlucky five from the first round.
  "OH, back to old five. Don't worry you still got one more chance to win, maybe Agni will aid you in your win as he did in the first round" announced Samara loudly for all of the crowed to hear, "Now turning to Yuuto, will he get the lucky nine?" Yuuto shook his dice and revealed a eight. "OH and we were so close! that means folks, who's gonna win with their chances? Now folks here comes the best part! who wants to make a bet for either of our wondrous contestants?" declared Samara. Gesturing broadly to both.
  "We have Yuuto with his chance of eight vs...." She paused for a moment turning to the two of em with the realize she never asked their names.
   "Toph and Kuzan" replied Toph straightforwardly
  "Yuuto with his chance of eight vs Toph and Kuzan with their chance of five!" the crowd murmured amongst themselves weighing the risks of either side, it seemed Yuuto was the most promising with his possessing higher chances to get an Eight compared to Toph's and Aang's much smaller percentage. It was becoming clear who the audience was going to place their bets on.
   Luckily Toph had a plan.
  "I've already won with a chance five... Who wants to bet I can do it a second time! and for the win!" It wasn't sound logic, but it was thrilling. The excitement from the idea that a young girl would win was one thing, but if she won with a five, which is the lowest chance of winning after already doing it once, well things got a whole lot more interesting.
  "Okay folks, all bets have been made and the winnings have doubled, instead of twenty silver pieces the winner gets forty! Now for this round both of you shake your dice and reveal at the same time when I announce it, understand?" announced the Groom-Porter overflowing with enthusiasm.
    "Hey, you're supposed to wish me good luck" whispered Toph as she gently leaned in a bit closer, Aang looked over at her as he was about to wish her luck when he stopped himself. He leaned towards her instead and kissed her cheek quickly but sweetly, "Good luck" he whispered back sweetly into her ear. Both of their faces flamed in bright red blushes. "Thanks" Toph whispered softly as she turned her ahead away trying to hide the obvious blush on her face then turned back to the game.
  Both castors shook up their dice and placed them to the earth, awaiting to lift their boxes eagerly. Subtly and oh so gently Toph flicked her pinky of her left hand.
  "AND REVEAL!" instantly both Toph and Yuuto lifted their boxes. It was settled, Yuuto got a six and Aang proudly announced a five. The crowed erupted with shock and awe when Samara announced the winners "WE HAVE OUR WINNERS! TOPH AND KUZAN WITH A MIRACULOUS CHANCE FIVE!!!"
  "We did it!" announced Aang grabbing Toph and pulling her into a giant hug which she reciprocated with just as much enthusiasm. The crowd went about exchanging their gamblings as Samara gathered the gambling winnings from the center, placed it within a leather pouch and handed it over the two winners.
  "Congratulations you two.   I don't know how you've managed to have so much luck but you definitely had Agni on your side today. Here's your winnings." The crowd was in awe, so was Yuuto who had hoped he'd take home the winnings. Even with it being a game of chance no one had expected the two kids to win the game.
  "ALRIGHT FOLKS! Who wants to test their luck? Let's begin another set of Sic Bo! CAN ANYONE SURPASS THE DOUBLE WINNINGS OF FIVES?" Announced Samara as a new ring of gamblers took their place, and Toph and Aang made their way out of the gambling ring.
  The two of em made their way through the town now with their winnings in hand, laughing together about their miraculous win of 'chance'.
  "So, tell me Twinkle Toes, now that we've got the money what's your date plane?" asked Toph, her face illuminated with bright smile. Aang returned the smile towards his date with pure excitement and joy.
  "I think we should use it for our next date" said Aang before he realized he had just assumed their would be another date and began to panic "I mean if you want to have another date? or if this didn't actually count as one then we can use it for our first official date, I guess this could have been seen as just a hangout or a means to get money so we can have a dat-" Aang was interrupted by Toph placing her hand to his mouth.
  "I would love to use the money for our next date" she said calmly, using the location of her hand on his mouth Toph leaned forward and gently kissed Aang, on the side of his mouth, only missing partially.
  Aang's heartbeat faster then he ever thought it could, he felt ecstatic as his face lit up bright. Toph felt his heartbeat and excitement through the earth as she herself felt her heartbeat quicken. Both their faces a rush of red.
   "So does that mean it was a good date?" Aang asked quietly, still really close to Toph.
  "Yes it was a really good date" she replied and Aang reached in for another kiss, this time aligning up their lips without missing each other. This was definitely going to be the beginning of a great relationship and many more exciting dates.
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katarasmomsnecklace · 5 months
I wanna talk about all my fav ATLA ships cuz being a multishipper can suck sometimes
I wanna look at ship tags and not see hate for another ship in them
KatAang: Classic friends to lovers. Couples who commit ecoterrorism together stay together
TAang: She was a punk He did ballet what more can I say. But like actually they're so fun to analyze with what we have in canon, they legit give soulmate vibes.
ZuTara: SHOT THROUGH THE HEART another fun one to analyze, opposites attract/enemies to lovers it's a good time
KaToph: They're defined by overcoming their "weaknesses" Katara fought for her right to be a master despite her gender and became one of the most powerful benders because of her will to fight. Toph literally invented a whole new bending style BECAUSE of her blindness. Love them
MaiLee: Bad bitches deserve bad bitches, we love a sunshine and sunshine protector. Their fighting styles compliment each other as do their personalities
MaiKo: 'I love Zuko more than I fear you" will never not be the hardest line in the show. *doesn't care she got pickles* "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU SHE SAID NO PICKLES"
Ty Luki: I just want Suki to show TyLee the ropes of being a kyoshi warrior. They have so much they can teach each other also if you like the Airbender! TyLee headcanon there's something poetic about her unlocking her powers with kyoshi's fans
ZUe (I actually don't know their ship name) we in rare pair hell but SUN AND MOON NEED I SAY MORE also applies to Yue x Azula you guys come up with the coolest scenarios that put either of the fire siblings in the north pole, this fandom is so creative
ZuKKi: Let Sokka pull lol but actually a King and His Guard and King and his Ambassador, it's like Sukka is great but make it better
Mai TyLee and Suki should be a bigger ship cuz I swear I'm the only one that sees it (help me name them)
Tell me about your favorite ATLA ships I freaking love these characters and I love when they love each other
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lannika · 1 month
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More Taang, probably gonna do some sort of one shot based on this photo alone. This was one I did a little bit ago, still worthy of posting tho cause it’s THEM <3
also ignore how dark this drawing looks my lighting was straight doodoo and I couldn’t get it right😭
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arshifiesta · 4 months
13th Anniversary of IPKKND Celebration
Hi phati-sari's, sanka devis, khoon bhari taang (and the occasional laad governer?)! So it's going to be IPKKND's 13th Anniversary on 6th June 2024 & we have decided to host Arshi Fiesta for the entire month ☺️
We will be putting out moodboard prompts for you to create any fan content you like, be it a one-shot, a fan fic, video edits, fan art etc.... it's up to you, really! 😇
We would be delighted for you to engage in this event and show love towards Arnav and Khushi's story in any way possible! ✨
Note: Although, there aren't any age restrictions for submissions, we request you to add community label (mature) wherever necessary!
So gear up for the upcoming week and put on your creative glasses! 🤩 Do not forget to share your content here, we'd love to reblog all submissions (given, of course, that it's been properly credited to us!) 🩷
Hosts: @featheredclover @hand-picked-star @phuljari
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P.S. We'll be announcing the theme on 6th June! Make sure to follow this blog and turn on the notifications or follow the tag #IPK 13th Anniversary Fiesta
See you soon!
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tthethruthuntold · 1 year
Heya what’s your favorite Taang fanfic/s?
Hello! Sorry for the late response. Wow, another hard question 🤣. I haven't read every taang fic out there yet, but these sure are some of my favorites from what I have read.
1. The Princess & the Badger-Cat by panaili [COMPLETED]
(AU) In a land never torn apart by the Hundred Year War, the sixteen-year-old Avatar Aang is trying his best to keep the balance between the four nations, including the increasingly antagonistic Fire Nation, which, despite his friendship with the Crown Prince Zuko, refuses to acknowledge him. Elsewhere, Sokka and Katara have been separated on their quest to find their missing father, and Sokka, pursued by the same bandits who kidnapped his sister, finds himself on the balcony of some rich girl's house in Gaoling. Oh, and a sorcerer has turned him into a badger-cat. It's just one of those days.
This one is probably my favorite of everything on this list 🤣. Even though it's not taang-centered, the potential in their connection and relationship here is just SO GOOD. I love how much more can be explored of their story here (I really wish the author had continued the story 😭).
2. The Darkest Nights by lingerinthesadows [ON GOING]
In which the world wept and suffered at the failure of one man. The five-year aftermath of the “Hope of the World” losing and running away for the second time and him returning just as much.
This one's really interesting. Their relationshiop here isn't developed yet because it is very story-focused. But the POTENTIAL is great as well!
3. If I Lose Him Like This by mycomfortblanket [ON GOING]
At Aang's wedding, Toph is drinking the pain away. Rating for language and mention of underage drinking.
4. Inevitable by shipsandme24 [ONE SHOT]
For him, loving them both was inevitable. Just two very different types of inevitable, as they made two very different types of sense.
SUCH A GREAT ONE SHOT. I love the different perspective that both Katara and Toph are two amazing women that Aang's going to inevitably love and learn from.
5. A Matter of Honor by Adridere [COMPLETED]
Preface: During the long days of fighting, warriors tend to forget about things. Like being young, carefree, or able to sleep until noon. Warriors are serious minded people. They do not worry about fancy clothes, shoes or jewelry. They do not have time for lazy gossipy afternoons drinking cosmopolitans. They do not confess that besides saving the world all girls, even warrior girls, just want to have fun.
This was such a roller coaster ride!! But a fun ride!
These are some of them for now! Still need to double check the others I've read 😊. Thank you for the question!
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eponastory · 5 months
Heya! Me again! XD I might need some writing advice.
First of all, I'm trying to get back to writing something, but I want to write an ATLA AU retelling where the characters are older and it's Zutara/Sukka/and Taang-based! :) Problem is, I have like 23 unfinished stories on AO3(four more on FF.Net), and I don't want to like, make another story to add it onto the pile, but...well, in your expertise (I mean, I hear that you write really well), should I just focus on the ones I've written now?
Secondly, how do I get back in the groove of writing? I feel like when I get myself going back to it, it just makes my head feel heavy or something, or I'm just tired. ^^; I don't know, maybe I'm writing too much. I just got other stories to update that I haven't for a while and I want to like...not let everybody wait for the next update on those stories, and...well, I just need some advice on procrastination, I guess. ^^;
I hope I'm making sense. I want to write, but I can't seem to get it going. Maybe I'm distracted too much. What do you do when this happens? What should I do? :O
(Also, no worries about the crossovers! I have two one-shot fics of ATLA, but they're both Taang-centric. ^^; They also have Zutara and Sukka in them, but they're only minor. XD I also did some Taang Week stories that I did in 2020. :) Either way, if you don't do crossovers, there are those to read! :D )
I will definitely check them out!
When I can. Because I've got like... four papers to edit for these people in college that are too lazy to edit their own. That's okay, I get paid for it.
And then there is my current fic I'm obsessed (it's unhealthy, I know) with and then I have to start planning for ZKBB...
Please have mercy on me.
I'm also pretty hungry for Chicken Shawarma for some reason and I really need some ice cream. And chocolate. Lots of chocolate.
@omegansamurai *edited because I am a dingus*
I totally missed the middle part of this ask. I apologize for that... I feel like such an idiot for missing that.
So, a neat little trick I like to do is a word avalanche. It helps get the thoughts going and keeps you on track. You just start with one word, and then you find the words, emotions, or senses that go with that word. It helps with creating scenes and prompts, you name it. I've been doing it for years, and sometimes, it ends up being a whole outline for an epic adventure.
If you have the opposite problem of too many projects at once, cut back on the stories that you feel aren't cutting it. Don't try to force something if you get stuck. Let it sit. Think about it while working on another project. Then go back. I like to keep a journal of all my thoughts that randomly pop up when I'm having a difficult time with a story. I write down those thoughts so I can go back to them later. Most of the time, especially with some of my original works, I get really stuck, and they sit for months. With fan fiction, it can be years before I go back to them. But when I do decide to pick them back up again, I have a journal with everything written down on where I wanted to go with it.
Prompts are also a good thing to practice getting better at introspective and character analysis if you are having issues with that. Putting characters in sticky situations tends to develop them more.
Also, it's totally okay to let go of stories you don't feel connected to anymore. You can always go back to them later on if you ever get the drive for it.
But rule number one is always do what you can make the time for. Overwhelming yourself will cause burnout. One idea at a time. Develop it, write it down. Make it work. But don't try to do too much at one time.
Again, I'm sorry for totally missing the point of your ask... I think I had just finished up that chapter and was posting on both my phone and computer.
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maifandom · 1 year
Fifteen Years Later...
15 years ago today, ATLA's finale aired. In commemoration, I dredged up my initial reaction to the finale, which I posted in the shipping thread of ye olde AvatarSpirit.net's forum. Consequently it's very shipping-focused and includes a billion portmanteaus. But it's the closest thing I have to a liveblog for ATLA, and I love nostalgia.
A little context, first. I found Avatar through Zutara fanart at the end of 2007 and caught up on all the existing episodes in probably January 2008? Disappointed that Kataang was so obvious, I turned to Sokka ships and decided I liked Tokka best. I lurked in the fandom for a few months, joined the forum shortly before everyone found out that the Boiling Rock was going to get a DVD release on May 6, two months before it actually aired on TV. I spent a lot of downtime debating the merits of Tokka and making predictions about the show based on random commercials and then the finale trailer. On the shipping side of things, my reaction was kinda negative. I was increasingly disappointed leading up to the finale. Don't worry, it gets better.
Brackets indicate present day edits or comments.
[Begin finale reaction]
OH MAN, WHERE TO START? [...] I guess I'll start from the beginning.
Zumo! ♥
Harutara, ahahahaha.
Nylappa! ♥♥♥ (Ahahaha.)
Irko reunion! ;_; Oh man, I cried. xD
Maiko reunion. xD Seriously, Zuko's eyes. Zudorko. ♥
Okay, I guess it's time for Sutokka stuff, right?
Sukka... were practically glued together. Seriously. And I'm sorry, much as I try to be unbiased, I just really didn't like it. D: There were moments. Mere moments, like back before I had a particular bias. I don't truly dislike it, but when it's so constant and final it's hard to ignore.
It made Tokka moments hard to come by. Or in fact, many other character interactions. Sokka was seriously obsessed. @_@
Did anyone else notice the only time we got Tokka moments was when they were separated from Suki? Dx Aside from the Tokka hand-leading seconds previous. I dunno. I suppose I should be thankful that they made a point of including Tokka. But much as I ADORE this scene:
[Image - probably Sokka covering Toph from debris]
*Insert fangirl scream that gets cut off*
...well it didn't really lead to anything else. ;_;
See, I wanted angst! And drama! And depth! And at least someone acknowledging it. ANYONE.
Frankly, I hated the apparent Toph x everyone-ness. [Zuko, The Duke, and...?] I'm fine with those ships. In fact, I ship more than one of them. But when they're all there? That just says Toph is fickle or childish, to me. D:
I would have liked it better if Tokka was never a romantic ship. Or if we were shown Toph was boy-crazy from the beginning -- with Taang, or some random one-shot character. Why did they save it all for the finale?
But I don't think that's necessarily what's happening. (Reminder to self: don't listen to every conclusion the fandom comes to. >.>) In which case, we still have Tokka disappearing as if it never happened, and Toph doesn't care one iota.
Apparently I came in at just the right time to stew in all the Tokkaness, come to all these conclusions, and then have pretty much everything I ever thought about Tokka or Sutokka be completely undermined. :P
I get the sense that M & B were looking over my shoulder at the things I listed that I didn't want to happen with Tokka, and thought it was a recommendation. :P
However, much as I must seem to be ranting, I'm far more apathetic than angry. Some of that fan depression I had after I watched EIP -- I got this sense I lost my favorite characters, because what I thought was there no longer was. D: [Particularly the way Sokka is characterized, since he's my favorite.]
So, oddly enough, the Sutokka plotline was probably the one I was least interested in, except in with glimmers of hope that those characters I loved might come back. (And they did. Some.)
But, oh man, you should have heard my breathing when Toph got in her metal armor. :P Sutokka got some of the best action EVER.
Wait a second. Pretty much EVERY moment in the finale that had action in it was better than everything else in the whole series. Where can I begin?
[I rambled about staying on topic.]
Except... Crazula? Seriously, I can't say enough how astdirl,dtbmortsnehjAMAZING Crazula was. AZULA, where did you GO? ;_;
And the Kazuko [platonic Zutara] was better. :D
Okay, I'm still not done.
Yeah, it's okay. (Best in EIP.) [Eh???]
Remember the Kataang commercial?
"I won't let him fight alone?" :P
I find it highly ironic that Katara was on ANOTHER CONTINENT THE WHOLE TIME.
Heh. Oh, well. I'll just pretend there's a little extra Kataang in there more along the lines of EIP. ^_^ And then I might be able to say I officially like Kataang, or something.
[End finale reaction]
Years later, I'm rather bemused by some of my thoughts. My disappointment in Tokka makes sense, since they would be so awesome. :P During ATLA, I assumed that shipping details were done very purposefully and would lead somewhere, even if it was just a character arc. After watching LOK, I came to understand better how the writers used shipping more for fun, especially with secondary characters. Part of the magic of shipping or just being in a fandom in general is the fans' imagination. I've been (more or less) happy to continue Tokka using my imagination. I can even imagine contradictory scenarios - angsty, happily ever after, silly, serious - so it really doesn't matter what happened in canon after ATLA.
I don't think Toph was boy crazy, but I do think Sokka will forever care about her well-being. Nowadays Sokka, Suki, and Toph's side plot might be my favorite plotline in the last two episodes, but it's really hard to choose. The Agni Kai is beautiful, the Old Masters are powerful, and Aang's battle against Ozai is intense and important.
My original thoughts on Kataang are really weird to me now. I think I finally warmed up to them a couple years later. I'm not sure what I thought was so good about them in EIP - maybe the fact they actually talked a bit about their relationship? But watching Aang kiss her prematurely is so cringy to me now, and like many I would have liked some sort of interaction before they kissed in the final moments. But I can enjoy it now!
I might dredge up more old posts from the days of great debates, or try to find my first impressions of a few more episodes. (I know I've always loved the Boiling Rock.) Let me know if that's of interest!
In other news, Kataang week is next week, and I am plotting to participate for once.
Now... back to drawing!
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Honestly it’s not surprising that Zutar@ manages to fuck up and be annoying to ships that commit the crime of ‘getting in their way’. But it also treats the ships they claim to like along with their own as garbage as well.
I’m talking of course about Taang and Sukka.
I genuinely like Taang myself. A lot actually. At points it’s even my favourite Atla ship.
But you can really really tell when someone doesn’t ship it because they like both Toph and Aang as characters and find their dynamics and backgrounds and even potential spiritual links interesting: but are instead using it as an excuse to get Aang out of the way.
Their barely hidden contempt for Aang especially when they spout tripe like ‘Toph wouldn’t take any crap from him’ . All while posting a fic scenario which has Aang, someone who genuinely tries to understand people most of the time and even has a genuine religious philosophy: instead seem to have an understanding about friendship or forgiveness more akin to a three year old. Or like has shit like momtara and dadko scenarios (excuse me while I throw up) where he sneaks off to date Toph as if he had to ask these KIDS his PEERS his FRIENDS for permission in their deranged nuclear family take on the gaang. Yeah it was a ‘joke’ but they actually think of the gaang as working that way. Fucking straightest fandom imaginable frankly. Can’t think of dynamics in any other way without making some kids into the mother and father.
Because to them Katara and Zuko are 40 to Aang’s 12 I guess. Sure. 👌 Zuko who is ultimately and obviously the least mature member of the gaang. Katara who enjoys having fun and needs to be reconnected to being a kid again and gets that from Aang in the first episode. Sure. Sure. They can’t even fucking have Katara and Aang be the equals and friends they are.
Overall it really makes them show their ass when they attempt to spew out how much better it would be for Aang to be with Toph and this happens. It’s extremely frustrating trying to find Taang content sometimes because for every genuinely good piece you find there’s like five or more of this utter garbage. It leaves me cold honestly. I’m not sure how a genuine Taang shipper could not have at least some contempt for the louder parts of the Zk fandom.
Sukka doesn’t get it much better, though at least they don’t seem to hate one or more of its members. I have to admit I’m not really a fan of Sukka myself. I don’t hate it. The opposite actually. I don’t generally have any strong feelings one way or the other. It’s perfectly inoffensive but I’m not really into it.
But it’s kind of amazing that Zk fans try to say it’s ‘the only good canon ship’ when they make basically next to no art or fics of it apart from being heavily heavily in the background or in group shots.
It’s not the only ‘group ship’ fandom guilty of this mind you. Not even just in this fandom. Hell, arguably and oddly not even the only group that does this with Sukka.
But it’s fucking hilarious how full of shit they are. They don’t make any actual content of it! They don’t actually care for it any more than I do! It just doesn’t get in the way so they leave it alone except to use it to make posts to shit on the (lbr more interesting) Kataang and Maiko. Wild. I mean I don’t care for Tokka much either which sometimes gets thrown in as Maiko and Kataangs group: but at least people seem to actually and genuinely like that ship and have made content for it.
I just sometimes think about when Sokka says ‘You talk too much’ before kissing Suki: which in context isn’t anything to be mad at, clearly. But we all know it would have gotten Aang eviscerated by them if he’d said it to Katara in the exact same context.
Also ZKs would be crowing with glee that ‘See!!! Zuko can’t stand anything coming out of her rancid mouth!!! She’s so abusive!!! He kisses her to shut her up!!!!’ If Zuko had said it to Mai. You’re not slick. You’re not clever. Everyone can see the truth. Sukka is a prop to you and nothing more.
Leave Taang and Sukka out of your ship posts when it’s clear to everyone with a brain cell that you don’t care anything about them. They deserve better. Or at least Taang does. Don’t think I’ve ever seen a single person for whom Sukka is the ultimate ride or die OTP. But they probably exist you know? It’s a decently sized fandom after all. They’re unfortunately probably buried by all your garbage hot takes. And even if I don’t care for it, you’re probably fucking up what could be a fun experience for them.
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stitch1830 · 2 years
Hey Stitch! Hope you’re doing well my friend!
I kid you not, I finally have some free time for the first time in months and I’m spending it by starting a Taang One Shots “re-read”
Take care :)
Thea!!! So good to hear from you! I’m glad you’re finding some free time, life certainly does get busy :)
Goodness, it’s crazy to think I’ve been done with that fic for some time now :O I admit I haven’t really written for Taang in a while but I’m still very fond of my lil universe, especially the dunebabies! Those kiddos deserve the world <3
I’m so glad you like that story to this day. Maybe if we find another ATLA renaissance I’ll find more inspiration to write for lots of ships once again! :)
(Of course, I’m always happy to chat, I just have to dust off that universe au and remember all my headcanons hehe)
Anyway, thanks for sending an ask! So lovely to hear from you, and I hope you have a fantastic day!! :D
Send me asks if you’d like :)
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on the "Negative FX LP," the self-titled debut album by Boston hardcore punk band NEGATIVE FX. The album was recorded from April-November 1982 but wasn't released by Taang! Records until 1984. Photos from the collection of Cooch of the @hardcorearchaeologist.
BONUS PIC INFO: Spotlight on a shot of Choke and guitarist Pat Ratferty of NEGATIVE FX taken by Corey White at a gig with BAD BRAINS and GANGGREEN from McNasty's in the Fenway (Boston) on May 2, 1982.
REVIEW: "Even though this is ancient material from a band long gone, it is representative of one of Boston’s finest outfits at its time. Holding the distinct Boston characteristics heard in GANG GREEN, SSD, DYS, and more, NEGATIVE FX packed strong musical combustion with hoarse vocal deliveries. Rapid, powerful, and totally enjoyable, NFX is a classic Boston band but this should have come out at its time before all the duplications arose."
-- MAXIMUM ROCKNROLL, c. fall 1985
REVIEWER: Brian "Pushead" Schroeder
ISSUE MRR #28 • September 1985
Sources: www.picuki.com/media/26619404373531898Bs & www.maximumrocknroll.com/band/negative-fx.
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neva-borne · 3 years
One Shot Prompts
Send me a number and a pairing and I will write a one shot based off that combo. I will keep this open depending on how many I receive as I will try to keep these fairly short.
I mostly write Zutara, but feel free to select a pairing from the list below, or if you have a different pairing you'd like to see, feel free to ask and I'll let you know if I'm willing to write it!
I will write: Zutara, Sukka, Taang, Mailee, Dramione
Don't make me do this
It was always you
If the world was ending, you'd come over, right?
I can't do this
Night owl/early bird
Please don't forget me
You promised
First kiss
Holding hands
Ice cream
Fuck you
Where were you
I need you
Why can't you love me
Life without you
You help me not be afraid
Unlikely allies
Who was that
Not meant to be
I dare you
Make me
The witching hour
This can't be happening
Hold me
One last time
Please don't go
You lied to me
Potted plants
Save me
Save yourself
I never loved myself. But you? Oh God I loved you so much I forgot what hating myself felt like
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mycomfortblanket · 4 years
The Wedding
Toph is standing in front of a three-way mirror on top of a pedestal while her mother and seamstress circle her making minor adjustments. Her face looks puffy from the crying she had done earlier in the day and suffocated from the make up that's plastered to her face. Her mom had sprayed some kind of chemical onto her face afterwards to keep the makeup in place.
She keeps her face pointed downwards so that her mother doesn’t see the tears that are threatening to spill over any second. The bangs that were normally hanging in her face had been pinned back so every emotion could be seen.
Standing in the doorway with his hands in his pocket, Aang watches as Toph manages to keep such a neutral expression that would have impressed Koh. He sees her hands balled up in fists at her sides and the glistening in her eyes, he wonders why her mother won’t say something.
Poppy looks up and sees Aang watching them and her eyes flood with relief, “Oh, Aang, honey. I didn’t think you were going to be able to make it today.” She must be thinking that Aang could calm Toph down and help her get through the day.
“Hey Mrs. Beifong, it’s good to see you again,” he says, accepting her outstretched hand. Poppy pulls him into a hug and kisses him on the cheek.
“I’ll leave you two alone for a bit. I’ll come back before it’s time for the ceremony,” she says, pulling the door closed behind her and the seamstress.
Aang looks back over to Toph and sees her still standing on the pedestal with her face casted downwards. Her tears are openly flowing now and her shoulders shaking just slightly.
Quietly, he walks over to her and stands behind her, looking at her reflection in the mirror. Spirits, she is gorgeous. Beautiful, actually, but her tears and clenched fists ruin the image.
Her wedding day shouldn’t be like this. She should be happy and laughing, throwing around sarcastic insults and punches, not looking like her life is ending. She should be marrying someone she loves, not the highest bidder with the most family connections. She should be marrying him.
Aang reaches up and lightly takes her hand and turns her towards him, “Come sit down with me,” his voice soft as if talking to a wounded animal. He gently leads her over to one of the couches, and sits beside her, careful not to sit on her dress. Spirits know that if he messed it up, Poppy would have his head.
Holding her hand in his, he rubs his thumb over the back of hers in a soothing motion as the tears continue to leak out of her eyes.
“I can’t do this,Twinkles,” Toph whispers.
The use of his nickname makes him smile sadly. He rests his forehead against her shoulder, trying to give her some kind of courage to get through this day. He doesn't think he himself can get through the day, but he knows he needs to be strong for her.
“You know I have to have sex with him tonight,” Aang snaps his head up to look at her. “I have to consummate the marriage, my mother said. My blood has to stain the sheets and the servants that come to change the bedding have to check,” her voice watery, but still she keeps her unseeing eyes facing straight ahead, as if she has already accepted her fate.
“They can’t actually make you do that, can they?” Aang asks in horror but Toph just nods her head before he even finishes his sentence.
“They’re going to know that I’m not a virgin. They’re going to know what we did and then the marriage will be a disgrace and my family's name will be tainted and… and…” Aang wraps Toph in a hug, his heart breaking for her.
“And if I do manage to get through the night and somehow I do bleed. Then what? I'll be stuck in a marriage with a man I don't know and eventually bear his children. I just can't do it, Twinkletoes.”
The thought of her having anyone's children but his makes him physically sick. He swallows hard around the lump in his throat. This was about her, not him. He could deal with his own problems later, right now, she needed him.
There's a knock at the door and they hear her mom call out to them, “30 minutes guys!”
Toph stands up and smooths her hands down the front of her dress and walks over to the water basin on the other side of the room. Dipping her hand inside the bowl, she feels the flower petals that are floating around. Slowly she drags her hand around creating a whirlpool and the petals get sucked under.
“Do you remember the first time we were together?” She says, her voice just loud enough to carry across the room to him. She lets out a small laugh that actually makes him smile happily for the first time that day.
Standing up, he goes over to her and wraps his arms around her waist from behind. He buries his face in her neck and inhales her scent.
“I got you drunk on that Fire Nation whiskey from Zuko’s palace and it seemed to put enough hair on your chest to get you to make a move,” She leans her head back against his shoulder. She lets out a long sigh and closes her eyes, enjoying the feeling of his arms around her. “I've missed you so much, Aang.”
The use of his actual name makes him wrap his arms around her tighter and a single tear escapes. Feeling the wetness on her neck, she turns in his arms and places a hand on his cheek and the other over his heart.
He covers her hands with his and stares into her pale green eyes, trying to find some hope in this situation. Not finding any, he leans forward and rests his forehead against hers, closing his eyes.
“I love you so much, Toph. I can't watch you do this. Please, let me take you away from here,” he whispers.
He feels her shake her head slightly, “I can't,” her voice barely a whisper. “I'm a Beifong. Even if I can't do this, I have to.” She removes her other hand from his chest and brings it up to his face as well.
Tears are flowing freely down Aang’s face now, skating around Toph's fingers as she holds them to his face. She pulls him to her and brushes her lips against his. Squeezing his eyes closed, Aang pulls her closer and with his lips, tries to convey all of his thoughts and feelings to her.
A knock at the door is what makes them separate. Poppy opens the door gently and finds them embracing each other in what she thinks is a happy and encouraging hug.
“Awe, aren't you two sweet. It’s time for the ceremony. Come on Tophie, we have to get you to your spot,” Poppy holds out a hand for her daughter.
Letting go of Aang, Toph moves towards her mother and she feels Aang clutching her hand, unwilling to let her go, until finally, she slips from his grasp.
He stands near the back of the garden, behind all the seated guests. His hands are still in his pocket, clenching and unclenching his fists.
Standing at the altar, her face is casted down towards the floor. He hears the officiant declare them husband and wife and as her newly appointed husband leans in to kiss her, Toph jerks her head to the side so his lips land on her cheek.
Her husband seems to take it as a win and turns towards the audience, Toph's hand clasped tightly in his. He raises them in the air as everyone claps and cheers, his smile bright and cheerful. Toph lifts her face to the audience, her chin held high while tears continue to streak down her cheeks.
She turns slightly, facing his direction and across the audience, they make eye contact. The breath is stolen from Aang as a sob escapes his lips.
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omegansamurai · 4 years
A Helping Hand [TAANG ONE-SHOT]
FF.Net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13606731/1/A-Helping-Hand
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24556213
Just a sweet little one-shot of Toph and Aang! Tell me what you all think! :)
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theaalvez · 2 years
In honor of Taang One Shots by @stitch1830
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“But after a while, he got used to the routine and found himself enjoying the quiet moments before bed where they would talk about the work day or random topics that came to mind.”
I have always wanted to create an art piece for my all-time favorite duo of Taang 💚💛. I finally found my inspiration when I discovered Taang One Shots by @stitch1830! It was such a great story that was updated weekly for a whole entire year! I can’t even explain how amazing that was. It will definitely go down as one of my all time favorite fics :) Once again, thank you Stitch for sharing your wonderful story!
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sokkastyles · 3 years
What's with this common perception of K//taang as this "pure, wholesome, vanilla ship" when it actually has a lot of problematic and misogynistic elements to it?
Part of the reason is that people love to make simplistic dichotomies, which is odd for a show which has a major theme of breaking down dichotomies, but there it is.
At first glance zutara has a lot of the same beats as other enemies to lovers and hero/villain ships. Especially those involving a villainous male character and a heroic female character. And a lot of the appeal for THAT comes from the death and the maiden trope, which is as old as dirt. See Hades and Persephone. There’s also some Beauty and the Beast vibes. These are old, old tropes and they endure despite or because of the way they tap into darker aspects of the human psyche and desire. In a lot of these types of ships, the darkness is the appeal.
And zutara has some of this, which I suppose explains the popularity of the whole “I’ll save you from the pirates” thing, but really, if you were looking for that kind of ship, zutara isn’t really the one you would go for, because it’s like, the lightest possible version of this type of dynamic. Because Zuko at his most menacing is never really that threatening to the gaang, and most of the good shipping material for zutara happens after Zuko stops being such a jerk.
The appeal of any ship involving Zuko is really more of the appeal of the redeemed rival. Despite Zuko’s redemption, though, a lot of people still try to position zutara as the “dark” ship in comparison to KA, partly because the show does this in some ways - although in doing so, they kinda shot themselves in the foot, see episodes like “The Southern Raiders” and “Ember Island Players” which try to push the Zuko vs Aang thing in terms of their relationship to Katara but end up making Zuko look better in comparison.
There’s also the stigma around abuse victims that I’ve seen in other fandoms. Zuko is the “dark” option because he’s “damaged.” Even though his ending is one of hope and healing, a lot of the anti discourse reads as victim blaming, particularly when people say that Mai is a better option for Zuko because she “handles” him or puts up with him. Which is horrible for both Mai and Zuko.
I would also argue that it’s just regular old misogyny. We as a society are taught to view female desire itself as dark, which is why a lot of these types of love triangles follow the same pattern. The plucky good guy in pursuit of the girl who is attracted to a good-looking “bad boy” who is no good for her. By the end of the story, the girl will learn that the guy who is pursuing her is the one she should have chosen all along. This is the reason the myth of the Nice Guy persists. And the show creators themselves have used these words to talk about KA vs ZK, despite Katara never actually expressing attraction to Zuko in the series itself. But the idea that she could be is definitely present in the series. It’s also present in the way the fandom talks about these two ships.
And this is what really sours KA for me, too. I’ve seen SO many posts about how you have to ship it because “Aang is so nice.” And, um??? No, you don’t. In general, being “nice” is such a bizarre criteria for romance, that’s what so-called Nice Guys don’t understand. People who call themselves nice guys also usually aren’t that nice, but that isn’t the whole issue. The issue is that being nice doesn’t entitle you to a relationship.
And once you consider yourself a nice guy, you can justify all sorts of nastiness and entitlement. That’s the main difference between how KA is presented and how Zutara is presented. KA begins with the assumption that eventually Katara and Aang will get together, so every obstacle they face is just a bump in the road. Aang is, after all, so nice. He would never really hurt Katara. Therefore, if Katara feels hurt by Aang, it probably wasn’t as bad as she thought. Aang’s so nice, after all.
Which is...not actually all that wholesome at all. It has nothing at all to do with how nice Aang actually is, but the very fact that no relationship should be built on the assumption that one partner is infallible or “earned” a relationship due to being nice. That’s not how it works.
Contrast that with a guy who knows that he is capable of mistakes, who knows he’s capable of hurting others but is also capable of admitting it and apologizing and working to correct that behavior. That’s actually way more wholesome in reality.
I’m not talking about a situation where an abusive partner acts like they’re entitled for their partner to take them back because they’re sorry. In that situation there’s a likelihood that the abusive person will do the same thing again, whether or not they are actually sorry. But the beauty of Zutara is that Zuko never expects anything from Katara. He doesn’t change for Katara or the promise of her love or friendship. He changes himself, by himself, and it’s only then that Katara accepts him.
The reality is that anything that is presented as pure and wholesome is probably something you should immediately question. This is true wrt relationships, institutions, authority, and the discourse you read on the internet. People who are truly good don’t have to convince you that they’re pure. People who are truly good know that they’re fallible, and anyone who tries to convince you otherwise probably has an agenda that you should be wary of.
That’s why Iroh says that Zuko is pure, truly pure, at the end of the series. Because he’s been through the darkness and come out a better person for it. I’ll take that any day of the week over idealized vanilla white bread with misogynistic undertones.
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