#taco de salsa
miltacos · 2 months
#147 Taco de salsa verde asada.
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CIGMexico, Atizapán de Zaragoza, Estado de México.
Las salsas de mesa en México es un universo en sí mismo. Se trata de una combinación personal, casi fortuita, de cinco o seis elementos que dependerán del gusto de quien ejecuta, la intención de picor, la necesidad de saborización complementaria en mesa, y la proyección de mejoramiento de una cocina que puede considerarse lista.
Las salsas en la mesa son complemento, guarnición y extensión de lo servido en el plato o taco. Y luego viene el libre albedrío del comensal para añadir cuanta cantidad o porción requiera de acuerdo a su necesidad personal, intención de picor, o ganas de expandir las fronteras de su paladar. En muchos casos es incluso para enmascarar algún sabor, en otros para exaltarlo. La libertad de quien consume se asegura con cada cucharada de salsa añadida.
Esta versión es una de las infinitas posibilidades de salsas de mesa existentes. Elaborada con tomates verdes, cebolla y ajo asados que después son molidos en licuadora hasta obtener una textura golosa. Los tacos de salsa son comunes en las tortillerías o expendios de tortilla, y son ideales para comenzar una comida y asegurarse que lo servido a continuación será un espectáculo en toda regla.
Si la salsa de mesa es buena, la probabilidad de que los platos servidos sean exitosos es altísima. Pero siempre habrá sus excepciones. Es el camino incierto de la cocina mexicana.
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nicosraf · 2 months
do you ever get the urge to just drop a selfie and turn your phone off and see what happens. because /i/ get that urge and i have like seven followers.
All the time tbh
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fangomango · 1 year
😮‍💨 alas against all of my attempts to nkt fit into the Texas stereotype
It's was all futile for I am a simple Texan who eats breakfast tacos all the time and drinks sweet tea every god damn day
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uncensoredcooking · 2 years
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morethansalad · 2 years
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Taco Stuffed Sweet Potatoes (Vegan)
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little-lamb-lyosha · 2 years
Arthur y John comen algo bien enchilado pa lo del ask sksksnsjsjd
Sometimes somewhere else and peace is just a cozy taqueria in México for you, your husband, the weird ex detective and the Eldritch voice in his head.
"Jesus Fucking Christ Arthur hay una masa oblonga de carne goteando sangre ensartada en un pedazo de metal sobre las llamas, un perro enorme y mosntruoso está sentado a los pies del altar esperando por una oportunidad para abalanzarse y..."
– Uhh en realidad eso es el adobo de pastor, no sangre, los tacos al pastor son en realidad resultado de la influencia de inmigrantes libaneses y turcos en México en los años 20, no fue hasta los años 60 cuando se popularizaron en el país siendo una modificación del shwarma o kebab reemplazando el cordero por cerdo y el pan pita por tortillas de maíz.–
Jon se giró incómodamente sobre el banco de metal para ver mejor a Arthur.
– Y Titán no es monstruoso, los pitbulls son en realidad una especie bastante incomprendida, que es para empezar el motivo de porqué alguien lo abandonó, cuando Martin y yo llegamos aquí...
"El extraño hombre de las cicatrices puede escucharme?"
– John no seas descortés, Martin y Jon nos ofrecieron refugio.
"Bien, pero aún creo que deberíamos salir de aquí."
– Si, erm si desean irse nadie lo va a impedir, pero Martin y yo insistimos en que al menos coman algo primero.–
En ese momento Martin regresó con dos platos llenos de tacos en las manos.
– Cómo te encuentras Arthur? Se detuvo el sangrado?
Arthur bajo la mirada hasta su pecho por inercia como si fuera capaz de dar respuesta a esa pregunta.
– Uhh.
"Se ha detenido, las vendas siguen blancas e inmaculadas."
– Si, si, estoy mejor gracias.
Martin les sonrió y dejó los platos sobre la mesa antes de agacharse a la hielera a sus pies en busca de dos boing de mango, sólo lo mejor para alguien que había pasado algo similar a lo que ellos tuvieron que enfrentar.
A pesar de la reticencia de John Arthur reconocía que la comida olía increíble y no recordaba cuando fue la última vez que habían comido algo.
– Oh esperen, falta algo esta salsa la prepara Martin y es el complemento perfecto.
Jon no esperó más y puso una cucharada de salsa roja en los tacos tras lo que ambos empezaron a comer.
Martin puso las botellas de vidrio junto a los platos y añadió sin poner mucha atención.
– Jon prueba la salsa roja primero o ponle guacamole, probé una nueva receta pero no estoy seguro de qué tal...
Pero ya era tarde.
– Martin! Martin! auxilio la desolación existe en este universo y viene por mi.
– John? John qué está sucediendo? Porqué siento que mi boca está en llamas?
"No lo sé Arthur! Puta madre hay una botella de jugo a tu derecha"
Los dos hombres se bebieron el jugo en unos segundos tirando la mitad sobre sus ropas y haciendo aspavientos como si trataran de aprender a volar, la piel pálida de Arthur estaba roja y Jon parecía a punto de desmayarse.
– Martin auxilio! Necesitamos más agua!
– Chale pinches gringos chillones.
El único cliente a esas horas, un muchacho de piel morena y cabello rizado con manchas de cemento en la ropa se levantó y pagó su cuenta.
Martin no tuvo el corazón de decirle que uno de esos gringos chillones era su esposo.
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nycmixing · 2 years
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Metro Taco // Nacho Tower // Queso + Beans + Pico de Gallo + Pickled Jalapeños + Scallion + Mayo + Salsa + Shrimp
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I’m seriously craving Harley Quinn’s perfect egg sandwhich! 🤤🥚
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lyriakisser · 2 years
everyone be british again. for Koha. do it for Koha
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How to Recognize Authentic Mexican Cuisine
Mexican cuisine is popular for its meat and cheese. But the majority of fans also appreciate how fresh the vegetables and herbs we get with a meal. Entirely plant-based Mexican food has become extremely popular, returning the cuisine to its original origins.
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miltacos · 8 months
#257 Tacos de salsa y queso (botana en Valles Centrales de Oaxaca)
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LA COCINA DE FRIDA, dentro del Mercado Morelos. Calle Pueblos Unidos 104, Colonia Centro, Ocotlán de Morelos, Oaxaca.
En los lugares menos concurridos por turistas, y aún a salvo de la inminente gentrificación, los comedores populares mantienen la tradición de ofrecer a sus comensales diversas botanas que varían dependiendo el giro del negocio. En un lugar de comidas completas es común un plato de salsas rojas de chile de agua y jitomate riñón ligeramente picantes, un par de trozos de queso fresco y tortillas blandas o totopos de diversas variedades de maíz.
Con esto dispuesto y en la espera de ser servidos, los comensales comparten una serie de bocados que son tan variados como los convidados. Gracias al tamaño de las tortillas blandas (aproximadamente 20 centímetros de diámetro) es complicado que se preparen tacos completos, por ello, se corta a la mitad la tortilla y se dispone un mini taco que deja probar lo servido, abrir el apetito sin perder las ganas del plato esperado.
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Los tacos de salsa son una especie de bautizo y comprensión de la calidad del negocio en el que se está sentado. Una forma de verificar que el sazón general de quien cocina es adecuado, que las salsas podrán incluirse en los platos servidos, y la mejor manera de estimular las papilas gustativas antes de la comida solicitada.
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El taco de queso es una forma divertida de consumir el queso, probar su suculencia, frescura y calidad, y no excederse en contenido láctico o graso antes del plato principal. Combinado con salsa lo hacen un forma de calmar las ansias por comer, otorgar más horas de paciencia a la cocina, y convencerse de que la buena cocina es lenta y el buen comensal espera.
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chaoticnerdsstuff · 1 year
Man I made myself hungry😔
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jumexju · 4 months
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Pairing !! : House / Reader
Fic Type !! : Oneshot / Fluff
CW !! : House's jokes (He's an ass), reader is latino/a (gender isn't specified), untranslated spanish is used
Summary !!: He made a bet with Wilson.. and lost.
Note !! : the house md brainrot is consuming me lol (szn 5 is making me physically ill)
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“You Like them!” Wilson barged into House’s office as if he had made a grand discovery. House dismissed his team and continued eating his tacos de birria, waiting for Wilson to expand on his outrageous claim of him liking a woman. “It’s been three weeks and they're still living with you, ergo: You haven't kicked them out or you haven’t told me — and the latter can’t be true because you tell me everything!” The blonde had his hands on his hips while he talked. 
“Who? _____?” House asked, feigning confusion. “They cook and they're not boring. Plus they clean- And for free too!” 
“Not for free, they need a place to live, they're probably just being courteous, House!” Wilson warned, “You’re trying to hide the fact that you care about them because then it makes you seem more human and you don’t want that because you hate when people see your nice side!” The Oncologist kept lecturing him but he wasn’t really paying any attention to it. 
“I have a nice side?” House's words dripped with sarcasm. He did, however, seem to be enjoying the birria tacos you’d made the day before. Apparently it was a big thing in latin american culture to cook as if you were feeding a whole village, so you had a lot left over. 
“Yes, you have a-! That’s why you’re letting them stay!” Wilson argued, a boyish smile on his face at the realization that his friend had a crush on a fellow colleague. 
“I’m not letting them do anything, I’m just taking advantage of their cooking and cleaning skills.” He dipped the end of the taco in the consumè you’d made, savoring the explosion of flavor that was currently happening  in his mouth. 
“You know that’s not true.” Wilson sat in front of House’s desk, facing him with the smile still present. “You L-I-K-E  them,” The blonde spelled out, “Just admit it!” 
“If I do, will you leave me and my tacos  alone?” House lifted a brow as he licked his index finger and thumb. 
“You didn’t happen to delete a message they were expecting from an apartment manager, did you? ,” Wilson questioned, a knowing look on his face. 
“... No-”
“Aha!” Wilson exclaimed, “Your hesitance indicates that you did! Jeez, just ask them out, House. It’s not that hard,” Wilson shrugged, “Unless you’re too chicken of course…” 
“You wanna bet?” House laid back in his chair, empty tupperware sitting on his desk as he smirked. 
“A hundred dollars if  you ask them out and go out on a genuine date.” Wilson said as he crossed his arms. See, he knew something that House didn’t. Around a few months ago, you confided in Wilson and told him about your feelings for House. However, when Wilson had suggested that you ask him out, you said you didn’t want to risk it, especially because you knew there was a high chance he wouldn’t reciprocate. Of course, Wilson said it was reasonable and left it alone, listening to your vents about House and whatnot whenever your attempts to bury your feelings failed. 
Unfortunately for House, You were a great actor, because not even he knew of your feelings for him. You kept it professional, or well tried to before you had to move out. You didn’t tell him the details of that, but somehow you ended up living in House’s…  house. Certain that you would say no, House replied: “If you lose, you owe me a hundred.” With that, the bet was in place and House couldn’t be more excited to get his hundred dollars tomorrow and see the defeated look on Wilson’s face when he told him that there was no date. 
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With a pep in his step, House could hear the faint salsa playing before he even opened the door. His keys jingled while finding the right one but before he could insert it into the lock, you opened the door. Did you recognize the jingle of his keys? “Hey? You’re back late.” You smiled before leaving him to walk in and close the door himself. 
“Yeah it Wilson was begging me not to go, He’s clingy.” House joked. 
“You guys make the cutest couple,” You said sarcastically as you stirred the rice you were making. 
House sat on the couch and popped a pill, “I wear the pants in the relationship, just so you know.” 
“Yeah I can’t picture you wearing a skirt,” 
“I can picture you wearing a skirt,” House insinuated as he checked you out, “You’ve got a great ass for it.” 
You rolled your eyes, “You’ve gone senile, Atrevido.” You shook your head and laughed at his comments. “Has that line ever worked on anyone?” 
“Usually,” House shrugged.
“Yeah maybe back in your day,” You finished off the rice and began slicing the potatoes you’d put off to the side earlier. “Anyway, You haven’t heard any messages about  the apartments I applied at, have you? They said they’d call me back like two weeks ago and I haven’t heard anything.” 
House pursed his lips and acted clueless, “Nope, Nada.” The older man shrugged and positioned his feet on the coffee table in front of him. “What are you making?” 
“Carne con papa y arroz,” You told him. “My mom used to make it for me as a kid and I missed the taste so I’m making it. ¿Te terminaste los tacos de birria que hice ayer?” 
“Yeah.” House left out the part where he smacked Wilson’s hand for trying to steal a taco. 
“What’d you think of them?” 
“They weren’t horrible.” House, being himself of course, wouldn’t admit that he loved them. 
You smiled to yourself, knowing House, that was probably the closest you were going to get to a compliment about your food. Because the tupperware was basically clean, you could tell he actually liked them. For House, his actions usually spoke louder than his words. Once the meat finished cooking, you added the potatoes and put the lid over the pot, the only thing left to do was to wait for the potatoes to soften. With a sigh of relief, you grabbed your cup of mango-strawberry flavored wine and hummed the tune that played softly in the kitchen as you walked over to the couch to sit next to House. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, House spoke up. 
“Do you wanna go on a date?” 
You looked up from your magazine, “A date?” 
House slowly nodded, “That’s what I said, yeah.” 
You shrugged, “As long as you’re paying.” You chuckled and kept reading your magazine, you didn’t even take a moment to mull it over. House was a little surprised by your lack of hesitance, but it was overshadowed by his disappointment. 
“Wait, really?” House asked but he didn’t seem thrilled by your willingness to go on a date with him. 
“I mean, yeah?  It’s free food. It’s not like you like me or anything so why would I pass that up?” You chuckled, “Unless you actually like me, in which case, I probably look like an asshole right now.” Your eyes widened and you put your magazine down. “You don’t like me do you?” 
“No, it was a bet, which — thanks to you — I just lost.” He sighed and slouched into the couch. 
“My bad,” You laughed, “How much did you bet on me saying no?” 
“A hundred dollars.” 
You almost spit out your wine, “You were that sure I’d say no??” 
“I was, up until a moment ago.” House glanced at you as if you’d sabotaged him. 
You patted his arm trying to calm his butthurt-self, a bright smile on your face, “Sorry House, Free food is hard to pass up.” 
“Yeah, Milk the hot doctor of allllll his money, that’s your plan huh?” House looked up at the ceiling. 
“Dunno about the ‘hot’ part but everything else is accurate,” You laughed, picking up your magazine again. 
“Yeah, I’m not as hot as the burning food on the stove right now.” House stated. Your eyes widened as you hopped off the couch, setting the wine on the coffee table and running to the stove. 
“You ass! You couldn’t just  remind me like a normal person??” 
He sipped on your glass of wine as you checked if the food was burnt, “I’m far from normal, I thought you’d’ve known that by now.” House chuckled. 
“You shouldn’t drink when you’re on drugs y’know.” You snatched the cup from him as you sat back down, “You’ll end up doing some serious damage to your brain.” 
“Like I can get any worse, It’s not like I’m dying.” He turned on the TV, the  rom-com you two would watch together came on. 
“Yeah it’d suck if you died,” You finished the cup of wine. 
“Would it?” He asked as he glanced at your lips, wet from the wine. 
“Yeah. Where else would I live?” You met his eyes. 
He scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Freeloader.” 
“Hey-! I’m cooking and cleaning as payment, so not freeloading.” You nudged him with your elbow, playful smile on your face as you looked back at the TV. 
Maybe Wilson was right. Maybe he did like you. 
Just a bit though.
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morethansalad · 1 year
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Hibiscus Quesadillas (Vegan)
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wawataka · 4 months
i m procrastinating my final essay SO recently my sister and i just finished rewatching mob psycho 100 and i brought up “what would be the casts go-to order at a taqueria” and we came up with this
mob: my sister initially went for tacos al pastor, with nothing on them. i agreed, but i thought he would have cilantro and onions on them. Ritsu’s the pickier of the both of them, one of them has to make up for it somehow. then i looked at his character sheet and
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OKAY so maybe no cilantro and cebolla but i think he’d have salsa on it just to have SOMETHING. also gets agua de fresa to go with it
ritsu: because i like to think ritsu is the pickier of the two, we thought he’d go with something basic. chicken or carne asada, also absolutely nothing else on them. maybe a Boing (mango flavored) to wash it down
teruki: cmon now he would order at LEAST two of every meat on the menu. maybe a burrito too fuck it. and he’d make sure they were loaded, he’s NOT about to be robbed. he’s normal about the cilantro and onion. he has to have salsa and limón on it or else what’s the point. he’d also take an agua like an horchata but in those giant cups
sho: a man of taste, he picks lengua or cabeza. also normal about the cilantro and onion, canonically has a distaste for citrus. also canonically likes spicy stuff so he drenches his shit in salsa. everyones like “dude just get a burrito mojado” and he’s like it’s not the same. i see him as a Squirt kinda guy too, but it has to be in the glass bottles
reigen: i don’t know how we came to this conclusion but we figured he’d get bored if he ordered the same thing every time. so every time, he picks something different. he canonically isn’t picky so. he’s like the most normal about everything. probably picks a coke with it too
serizawa: he’d get tacos de carnitas if he can, otherwise he’ll just have asada. he doesn’t like spicy things, that’s canon, so he’d probably avoid salsas unless they’re confirmed not spicy. i think he’d take a sangria with it
*tome: i’d say she also isn’t picky with her options. while she wouldn’t order everything at the same time like teru, she would get like two different things at once like buche and asada, or pastor and suadero. also the most normal about toppings. any fizzy drink works for her
*(hers was the most difficult since i couldn’t find any references for her preferences. i am open to discussion cuz i have no idea what she could like ;w;)
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breeistired · 6 months
JJ with Latina reader
Warnings: This is very short, suggestive content, reader is angry, and author is using google translate despite being Mexican
Tropes: Moodyxhappy, poguexpogue, angryxsunshine, golden retrieverxchihuahua.
Summary: JJ spills readers cup and she snaps.
Bree speaks: Hi! Thank you for reading, just answering some questions before I continue writing. I do take reqs, but I do have a busy life, so please bare with me. I don't know how to make a taglist, so if you do, please tell me omg. Also, my askbox is always open, and i love answering questions, so before you go, ask me something! <3 Thank you, any tips are helpful! AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, I AM ADDING THIS TO ALL POSTS, AND IF I FORGET IT @brokenwingsgalore WILL PUT IT IN THE COMMENTS. IF YOU DONT LIKE IT, DONT READ IT!!! Thank you again, I love you and make good choices.
Today was supposed to be relaxing.
JJ had already taken you out to the beach, letting you play with the water and find those seashells you loved.
When you and JJ came back to the chateau, you had decided- no demanded you make some birria tacos for dinner.
You were already on edge from finding out JJ was eating moldy bread. But you didn't let that ruin your day... yet.
So JJ sat on the couch with John B and Pope, ranting to them how you had the most perfect ass.
"Have you seen how round it is?" JJ groans and moans quite loudly. John B, who already had a girlfriend was tuning him out, making JJ sound like a white noise in his ear.
Pope simply walks away now.
JJ stands up and starts to walk to you. You were listening to music, swaying your hips to it as you chopped up some tomato for the salsa.
He snakes his arms around your waist giving you a sloppy kiss on your neck.
When you two first started dating, you would push him off and giggle. But its been a year since you both were in the honeymoon phase.
You sigh and let him pepper kisses on your neck, continuing to cook.
Everything seemed perfectly fine, nobody was yelling, John B was finally being quiet, not yapping about Ward.
Pope was doing something outside, nobody ever knew.
Until, JJ goes to kiss you and spills your birria sauce you spent an hour on onto the floor.
You and him look at each other at the same time. You clutch the kitchen towel that was on your shoulder. Narrowing your eyes at him, you take a deep breath and sigh.
He thinks he's off the hook, grabbing your chin and pecking your lips. You smile and slowly push him him away.
Then that's when everything snaps.
"¿Sabes qué, pequeño niño blanco? Estoy tan deprimido con tu pálido trasero." You yell and throw the towel at him.
"Crees que puedes conseguir cualquier cosa, ¿eh? ¡Pues no puedes! ¡Espero que te mueras por tu estúpido culo de comer pan mohoso! Morirías sin mí Maybank." You poke a finger into his chest and roll your eyes.
JJ currently has his hands up in defense. He has a tiny smirk on his face. And you fight the urge to smack him.
JJ knows you want to use physical force, you can't hide your facial expressions very well. And to him, they were quite cute, even if you wanted to murder him.
"Será mejor que borres esa maldita sonrisa de tu cara. Estamos en la cocina, hay cuchillos y no me quieres cerca de los cuchillos, JJ." You frantically run a hand through your hair. By now, Sarah and Kiara have entered the chateau finding you two like this. John B, Kiara, Pope and Sarah have all gathered around watching you basically ripping him a new asshole.
"Ni siquiera dios puede salvarte de mí. Oren para que después de tanto grito no se queme mi birria. Porque si así fuera, puedes despedirte de mi trasero." You deadpan. You wipe your hands on your jean shorts and smile. You wave at the girls, acting as if nothing had happened.
After a few seconds of silence, JJ speaks up.
"Is it a good time to say that turned me on?" JJ mumbles and grins at how you look at him.
"No." Everybody says in unison.
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