#take my online biology exam for me
mathexamhelper-tutor · 8 months
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loose-leafstudy · 2 years
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sunday, jan 29
happy sunday! 
online school isn’t going too bad, i've only had one all-nighter so far lol. i’m really enjoying my pathophysiology class though! and my goal for this week is to get most of my assignments and quizzes done by wednesday, fingers crossed 
wishing everyone a great week ✿
+ important biology lesson below
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(don’t ask me how many times i've learned the cell parts for a class lol)
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crescentmp3 · 1 year
hi please pray for my math exam to go well. please......... this->🐛 is me
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myriadfrogs · 2 years
c2 english exam tomorrow. i think i’m gonna explode
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lawva-girl · 3 months
Historically.. We don't mix.
Law x fem!Reader, College AU
Notes: the things that don't mix are history and stem majors!!! this came to me in a dream forever ago and ive been sitting on it since. This is only part one to... idk how many but yes! I have a loose outline, we can bet on 5 parts but thats a scary bet to make methinks. Enjoy :) also i apologize if the pov switching in the first bit is weird, i thought i was cooking and i kinda think its cute now so it is.
WC: 1976
The classroom was quiet, you were the only one there. Class officially started in 4 minutes. Right as you pulled out your phone to double check the room another person walked in. You assumed she was a student since she was about your age, at least she looked it. When the woman instead walked to the front of the class you realized she was the professor. Shoulder length black hair, with bangs trimmed right to her eyebrows. Wearing a white cowboy hat, which you thought was peculiar. 
She removed the hat and set it on the desk, resting her bag in the seat. 
She wrote on the board “Robin, overview of women in war” then she leaned against the desk and pulled out her phone.
You looked back at yours, 11:18. Two minutes until class began, and there was now roughly 15 people in the room. You sat in the second row back from the front, and you noticed only one person in the front row. He had a weird beanie on, dark hair, and pierced ears. You tried not to stare, since you knew he could glance back at any second.
“Okay everyone, I am Nico Robin. I’m your professor.” She smiled for the class, and continued, “this class should be very exciting, we get to learn about women like Joan of arc, who really was a delusional farm girl, and Molly Pitcher, a women who fought in the American revolution. The syllabus is online, you will need books by next class. The student store has them for 15 dollars, I won’t take any excuses.” 
The professor paused, then opened her bag and pulled out the book, “it looks like this. It’s a small booklet of primary sources, mostly text and images, that we will take a deep dive into. Your grade this semester will be 40 percent exams, 25 percent homework, and finally 35 percent participation. Yes it is a lot, this class is modeled after my time researching, you cannot be a historian or teacher without being able to work as a group and communicate. I know it’s a challenge but try your best.”
A beat.
Law felt sick. He was not a talker, especially to people who were history majors. The men were always blood hungry, the women always poetic. This class would be rough, but if he could find one person bearable enough it might be okay. Sitting in the front seat, he couldn’t glance around to see his peers. While the professor was going on about the school's mandatory syllabus information, he took a quick look behind him, as if checking the clock. 
No one was paying attention, and he glanced quickly around the class. There was only one person who looked back at him, meeting his eyes. Of course they looked away immediately, and so did he.
The professor finally finished and gave the students time to “meet their neighbors”. Law turned and found the one student who made eye contact with him. 
“I’m Trafalgar Law, I’m a double major in history and biology.” He stated right to the girl, with no excitement in his voice, tone steady.
“My name is Dracule y/n, I’m a history major, and you are insane, Trafalgar.” She had a bit of sarcasm in her tone, which he took offense to. She was the fifth person to tell him that today.
“I’m not insane, I just like history and I want to be a doctor.” 
“That’s cool I guess, I’ve never met a stem major I liked though. You guys are all so “history is just memorization and dates”, I can’t stand talking to ‘em.” 
Law looked back at her and thought ‘I have never met a history major I liked either’. He decided on saying, “If you ask me historians are basically philosophers, you just think all day and pretend like the world changed.” 
She made an obvious frown, putting her hands onto the table with a bit too much force. “Huh?!”
“History majors have two options, teach or research, both are dead end jobs that don’t help people. It’s simple.” He stated nonchalantly, like it was crazy to major in history. 
“Well life isn’t all about jobs and helping people. It’s about living?” She looked him dead in the eyes before finishing with, “it’s not like the world collapses when doctors aren’t around.” 
“Well it was nice talking, but I’m gonna chat to my other neighbors.” He said with a huff, he didn’t have to talk to you at all, in fact he hoped he wouldn’t have to again. 
After about 10 more minutes, professor Robin spoke up again, “okay okay, since we don’t have textbooks yet I decided to make a fun assignment. I’m giving you your first and last handouts, you will need to fill them out before next class. Other than that, please look at the canvas page. Read over the syllabus and take my obligatory syllabus quiz. You are now free from this class.” 
You walked out into the hall, and booked it to the student store. You told your only friend and sister, Perona, that you would meet her there.
Law, coincidentally, told Bepo the same thing. Bepo was his only friend, having grown up with the white haired bear. 
Only 10 minutes after class had dismissed you arrived at the store, already spotting Perona’s pink pigtails. 
“perona!” You whisper-screamed in her ear, trying to scare her. 
“Ahhh y/n”, she sighed, clearly unaffected, “you know you’ll never scare me. Anyways, what is my cute depressed friend doing on Friday?” 
You and her walked into the store, “studying... So I’m busy.” Giving her a quick smile before you two settled in the textbook section. 
“You are so coming with me then! I’m going to the mall that’s next to campus, I’m already so bored of our dorm room decorations. If we go to 5below I can get way cuter stuff for us! You need to come since it’s your dorm too, so I won’t take no for an answer.”
“Perona you have really good taste in stuff, you should be fine on your own!” You put some enthusiasm behind your voice, to encourage her. 
She frowned back at you, not buying into your typical antics. “If you don’t come then you won’t be leaving all weekend! You need to go outside y/n!” 
“Perona!? Hi!” A voice from behind you called out to her, causing you to turn instantly. 
“Bepo! What a coincidence! Do you have a picture of the textbook we need for thermodynamics?” Perona said, already stepping towards the bear.
“Of course! I have to be studious this year!” 
The two of them found the text book, it costed a whopping $300 dollars, and was written by their professor. 
“We can share, right Bepo? That way it’s only 150 dollars?” The both of them had a cloud over their heads as you watched the sad situation unfold. Peronas face was for sure one of desperation.
“Wait is there a digital version? It’s usually cheaper.” You suggested, reaching to pull out the info card. 
“Bepo! I’ve been looking.” Whoever said that sounded quite angry, and familiar?
“I’m sorry Law! I saw my classmate and got excited… sorry” Bepo turned to face the man. 
“You couldn’t have texted? just once?” Law replied, only just then looking at the two people who were with Bepo.
“Great this guy again.” You said with sarcasm dripping from your voice and turned to Perona, “we should leave, he hates me.” 
“I don’t hate you. I don’t even know you.” Law said, pinching his nose.
“Whatever, do you have Bepo’s number Rona?” Calling her by her self appointed nickname always made her happy, right now you were hoping it would get her to leave with you to the history section. 
“I don’t actually! Bepo! Here, put your number in!” She said with a smile, being way more friendly than usual. “I’m Perona by the way, how do you know my friend y/n?” 
It was a simple question but the way he answered really bugged you, rattling off a “we have a class together”. He was looking down at his phone and didn’t even bother to look up when he answered. Hell he didn’t even bother to introduce himself! 
“His name is Trafalgar by the way, we have women in war together.” You had a straight face, conveying how much it bothered you well.
“Awww how wonderful!” Perona had an enthusiastic tone but looked at you with a smirk like no other. “Would you be her friend? I’m the only one she has right now!” 
You cursed your friend and her constant medling. She loved to stir the pot, and when you got upset she would always say “you are so cute when you’re mad though!” With her words to Law, he finally looked up. 
He opened his mouth to speak, but was instantly interrupted. 
“He only had one friend too!” Bepo handed back Perona’s phone, “it’s me!” He said with a big smile.
“He seems like he would have no trouble! My y/n is super awkward and shy!” Perona practically ignored you, as you had started to form words before she interrupted you.
“No no! He’s pretty judgmental so a lot of people stay away from him, he also thinks he’s smarter than everyone!” Bepo replied back, as if they were two parents gossiping about their kids.
“She thinks the same! Maybe they could be friends?” Perona and Bepo look at you and Law.
“I am smarter!” Both you and law said in unison. Immediately looking at each other with frustration.
“Don’t say what I say!” You said to law.
“How would I know what you were going to say? Do you even think?” Law argued back.
“Of course I do! Do you?” You couldn’t think of anything better… 
“Good one. Bepo we’re leaving.”
“Rona we are leaving too! At least I don’t constantly speak in contractions…”
Law turned his head so you would hear, “you just said one too!” 
You and Perona had already turned the corner, you quickly led her to the history section. You spared her no look, you figured you would talk about it once the two of you got back to the dorm. Once you reached the history section, you squatted down in front of the book you needed and saw there were 3 left. Grabbing one then standing. Just as you were about to go pay for the book, you heard him again.
“Are you following me Dracule? Typical.” He said, with a touch of sarcasm. 
“Typical? We both know you don’t have anyone interested enough to follow you. Also, are you even thinking? We are in the same class so of course we would both need the same book.” 
“Whatever, I’m getting my book and leaving.” He quickly bent over, grabbed a copy and was gone.
“No comeback!?” You said, just a bit too loud. You wanted him to hear you, so that he knew you knew he couldn’t come up with anything. Feeling a bit triumphant you turned to Perona, who was standing behind you with a smile. 
“What now?” 
“He’s cute y/n!”
“No chance. He’s mean, and a biology major!” 
She scoffed, “there is always an exception to the rule! Like me!” 
“Yes Rona, an exception. A single exception. There can’t be two exceptions.” 
“Anything could happen! Plus if me and Bepo end up sharing a book you might be forced into hanging out with all of us! Who knows, maybe they also share a dorm!” 
You sigh and look at her, she looks so happy at the prospect that you might have a friend, especially one that’s a guy. You settled, your good side winning out. “Fine. I’ll be open to it. Only if he is nicer.” 
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stuckinapril · 11 months
Hi Cianna, just wanted to say I really admire your study ethic and general vibe on this blog (you inspire me to do better!)
Do you have any advice/tips for good study habits and staying focused? I find that I get some work done, but after a break I can't get back on track
Sorry for the long ask/ studyblr type of question;; what is your favourite hairstyle that you do with your hair! (I also have curly brown hair :)
Have a lovely day also <3
hi! i touch on a lot of points in this other ask, but a few specific learning techniques i abide by are:
parkinson's law. parkinson's law states that work expands to fill the time. basically if you have an essay that's due in a week, it will magically take you one week to get it done, even if the task itself could've been done in one day. to counter this i just set artifical deadlines for myself--even if an essay is due in a week, my personal deadline has it due in two days.
prime your brain prior to learning. if you need to study a biology chapter, pre-skim it the night before. this is not the time to go into detail--it's the time to familiarize yourself with the overview of the topic, so you should only be making a quick scan of the chapter. another priming method is to make a concept map of topics before diving into a chapter. as you skim write down key terms haphazardly, google those you don't recognize, and draw a concept map linking them together. this is effective bc it requires you to actually put effort into connecting the topics, takes no longer than 15 minutes, and speeds up the learning process that follows. it doesn't matter if you find out you're wrong once you dive in; what's important is you're actively thinking of how these topics coexist, as opposed to mindlessly taking notes or highlighting only to forget what you learned a couple hours later. i'm also a fan of concept maps bc i get to go back and highlight stuff i'm weak in, which is always a plus.
if you like to take notes, use it as another means of active recall. don't just passively take notes as you go along. what i like to do is i read a paragraph, close the book, then try to take down notes based off memory alone. this helps me both phrase the topic in my own words and realize what my learning gaps are, rather than just passively summarize without putting effort into truly understanding/memorizing something. anything i get wrong i hammer into my brain until i can't get it wrong anymore.
take notes effectively. our brain does not learn in sentences and paragraphs. it learns in bullet points, diagrams, and figures--and that's how i like to frame my notes. first i ask myself if i actually need to take notes to begin with, or if there are online notes out there i can use to save time (which, as a stem student, there typically are). if i do decide to take notes, i never mindlessly summarize. i always condense the material into bullet points, diagrams, concept maps, or visual representations. i also like to phrase my notes as questions rather than just passive summaries, so that when i review them i'm already testing myself in a way. most people would not understand my notes bc they're either very low-yield stuff, stuff i'm weak in, or bare-bones fragments of information.
always prioritize weaknesses. if you're weaker at chapter 18 of your textbook vs chapter 1, maybe start with chapter 18. don't spend 6 hours taking notes on chapter 1 if you're already strong in chapter 1. always attack your weaknesses first.
practice practice practice!! so so important. i owe all my As to mock exams, quizzes i make myself, end-of-chapter questions etc etc. imo practice matters a lot more than passive content review.
interleaving concepts helps with retention. an example of this is i like to do biology and chemistry one day, biochemistry and organic chemistry the next day, physics and psychology the day after... i'm not just doing biology all day, every day. another thing i like to do if i'm in a massive rut is i hop between tons of different subjects on the same day, which keeps me from getting bored/helps me understand the subjects better through distinguishing their differences.
retrospective timetable. an example of this is if i find i'm pretty weak in a particular physics topic, the next few days will disproportionately focus on physics over other subjects. inversely, if i just breezed through a biology chapter, the next few days will have less biology than initially planned. i'm constantly going back and revising my study timetable based on my performance of the day, rather than relying on a rigid prospective timetable that doesn't take into account my progress.
less passive learning, more active. spaced repetition is a big one. i love anki for this bc there's an algorithm that dictates how often topics come up again based on how well you answer them. other methods include active recall, having friends quiz you, and trying to teach the topic to others (or the plushie in your bedroom haha). if you find you're struggling to simplify topics and explain them, that's a sign you don't understand them very well yourself.
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yourfavepookiebear · 10 months
Introduction (again 😭)
Requests: open (?)
I'm currently less active since I have exams coming up, so I'd rather answer any requests once my exams have passed. I'm gonna post my WIP soon, I just have to finish it first
Again, my only side account is @thepookiestpookiebear
Request Rules :
Character limit : generally 4 unless it's a group
I don't write incest, racist, homophobic, or that kinda stuff
Uhh I don't have much rules
I can write yandere stuff, I can also write self aware stuff
I write for twisted wonderland and genshin impact, and maybe tokyo revengers too !
And that's all, moving on :
Feel free to chat, I LOVE MAKING FRIENDS and i love talking/chatting ❤
If you don't like my works, just ignore them. If you don't like my account, block me. If I offend you somehow, either ignore me or block me.
I don't argue with people (most of the time)
I'm a pacifist, I have a teeny weeny wittle tiny eety beety bitty bit of anger issues
I haven't made a masterlist yet bc I don't know how to sorry
Do not steal my works, they are mine. Do not do anything with my works unless I consent to it, please. Don't copy !
Pookie, come and have some chai with me ♡♧ (or some coffee if that's what you prefer idk)
Hi pookies! I'm a beginner fic writer. I write for twisted wonderland, self aware twisted wonderland, and a slight bit of genshin impact, but mostly sagau. I'm a ✨FaLLeN AnGeL✨ /HJ SORRY 😞
My pronouns are she/her
I'm half European half Asian (specifically middle-eastern asian) my first language is French and my second language is English (chronologically), oh and I can speak in total 3-4 languages.
Edit: I have a lot of names and nicknames, so you can call me whatever you'd like, but here is a list of what most people call me, both online and irl :
Pookie bear
Jessica (rarely)
Catastrophe (a nickname my previous classmates used to give me)
Sometimes even Catharina, or Catherine/Katherine
In conclusion, I have a lot of names and nicknames, so just call me whatever you'd prefer to call me, I just gave that list so maybe you'd have an idea.
Sometimes I'm dumb sometimes I'm smart, it all depends and varies.
I'm a girl, bisexual + greysexual (basically a biromantic greysexual). I'm a huge simp -> (edit: sometimes), and I like cute things.
requests are almost always open pookies
Proud member of the pookie nation.
I will call u pookie or pookie bear no matter who or what you are.
I'm a pisces, my birthmonth is March. I'm not a huge fan of astrology but I do like astronomy tho
Subjects/topics I like:
Fashion, modeling, models.
Science (general base)
Philosophy (self-explanatory)
Edit : Sometimes history/SS too
Things I like/LOVE:
Vacuum cleaners ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤💖💞 (love of my life <33333333333333)
Food (everything except some seafood and mushrooms)
Cats (self-explanatory)
Cute things (self-explanatory)
Social media (sometimes, depends on the type)
My friends
My (new) classmates
My old school
Chicken nuggets
Dried bacon
Bacon and eggs
Scrambled eggs
Tuna fish cans (canned tuna fish 🔛🔝)
Basically any food
Chocolate, ex : chocolate cakes, chocolate milkshakes, chocolate bars, chocolate tablets
Nutella/chocolate milkshakes
Writing (depends, sometimes)
Ducks (And he waddled away waddle waddle waddle 🥲.)
MONEY (no need to explain)
My extra-curricular classes (kinda, sometimes I also hate them 😞)
Uh, a Lotta things, I'm just too lazy to write all of it (it would take hours)
Music too
My personality type:
I'm ambiverted actually so it depends, so idk.
Edit: I'm an INTP pookies
Little details about me:
I could talk about food for hours. (It's one of the only things I like more than astronomy and money.)
I can't focus for too long.
I have a wild imagination (not in a bad way tho)
I love mostly everything, except for a few people/things that I still hold grudges to. (For a good reason tho).
I have a super packed schedule most of the time, it's mainly cuz I go to 2 schools at the same time, along with extracurricular classes, and both school's homeworks, and school projects
My hobbies:
Writing (sometimes)
Studying (only rarely)
Jogging (but mostly cycling)
Track running
Cycling (every day, except for when I'm sick or not in form)
I don't like:
Judgemental people
People who have massive egos
Dirty people
Unsanitary people
Dirty food
Dirty water
Unhygienic people
People who don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom.
Some things you should probably know if you're one of my mutuals:
2. Also not that inportant, but I try to be nice to people because they already have enough problems and I don't need/want to be one of them. Sometimes though I may be rude or mean on accident, srry.
4. Also not important but I don't really think much before subscribing to someone, if I see a random stranger on the internet who has good humor, then I'll hit the plus button. Sometimes though it can be troublesome, since i don't really check people's bios.
ALSO this is my beloved creature that I found on the streets on a snowy day, it's my best friend now @farfarurfav
I'm in a lot of fandoms, mainly Twisted Wonderland, Genshin impact, Attack on Titan, Jujustu Kaisen, Honkai Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Sailor Moon, Naruto, Boruto, Assassination Classroom, Spy x Family, KNY, Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken/ That time I reincarnated as a slime, Obey me, Dark Fall, Etc etc and also I'm a manga, manhua, manhwa, and anime enjoyer and I also know some webtoons too !
ONLY Side account : @thepookiestpookiebear
Must read to navigate through my blog :
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Tags :
See "#yourfavepookiebear" for anything related to me !
See "#pookiebear rants" for whatever rants I've posted !
See "#pookie talks" for me talking with people or just chatting and stuff like that
See "#thepookiestwrites" for some of my newest works !
For now these are the only tags I'll introduce.
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for all the dividers ! ⬇️
Oh btw @cafekitsune , love your stuff
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kerostarz · 5 months
love you twice. kim gyuvin
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🍵 _
“and yeah he was really nice overall”
my roommate finally came back and i told her all about my official first encounter with kim gyuvin.
“this is the beginning of your rom-com.. are you kidding me ??” my roommate squeals, i laugh and shrug, “oookay calm down i don’t even have the time to complete half of these essays and research studies in time, you think i’ll have time for romance ?” my friend smiles and winks and i roll my eyes giving up.
⏰ *ringggg* *ringggg* (the next day)
i woke up and quickly got ready. today i had two midterms in biology. how exciting. truthfully with me being sick i wasn’t able to study much as i just felt dead for a whole week, so i decided to wake up early and go revise in the library.
it wasn’t too cold this morning as spring was approaching so i finally chose to wear a t shirt and some baggy blue jeans. i silently scurried out of my dorm as to not disturb my roommate who was still in dreamland.
after 2 hours in the library, it was finally time to take my test and i did not feel prepared at all. 1.5 hours passed by and the bell rang signaling that the test was finally over. it was well past 13:00 pm and i was so hungry. i quickly paced down the hallway but when i got down to the entrance, it was pouring rain outside. great.
for one: i had no umbrella in hand, and for two: it started getting cold and i had no jacket either. at this point my only choice was to run back to my dorm but before i could take a step outside, a hand pulled me inside again. huh ?
“it’s too cold, you’ll catch a cold again” i turned around, my face meeting with none other than kim gyuvin’s face. “oh it’s you!” i exclaimed in surprise.
“here” gyuvin dropped his backpack on the floor and began to take his hoodie off, “you can have my hoodie” and before another word could leave my mouth, he motioned his head left and right and pointed his palm at me, “do not worry! i am wearing a thermal shirt underneath so i have come prepared for the weather AND i brought an umbrella too!” i smiled softly, gently taking his hoodie and thanking him as i put it on. it was warm and had a baggy fit on me.
gyuvin opened the umbrella and we took off under the rain, our bodies compressed under the umbrella as to not get a single drop on us. “what brings you in the biology building by the way?” i asked him, wondering since his major’s building was on the other side of campus. “oh! uuhh.. my friend left his pencil case so i went to drop it off.. yeah!” he smiled. “i see, well we just had an exam and i’m exhausted ugh, i have another one in the afternoon but at least it’s online” i sighed, a sigh of exhaustion. silence and rain fills the conversation for a minute.. “are you hungry? let’s go and grab hot pot” gyuvin suggests and i immediately agree.
“thank you for the meal~” i drop my body against the restaurant’s sofa, my stomach satisfied with the food, “you really didn’t have to pay gyuvin”. he refused to half the bill earlier and ran to the counter to pay. at that point i couldn’t say no so i remained in my seat laughing it off as he turned around smiling and sticking his tongue out.
“sooo.. when are you taking the test” gyuvin asks, we headed out the restaurant and began to mindlessly walk around the streets near campus. “ah, you’re right” i chuckled, “i totally forgot about it haha” i was having so much fun just hanging around with him that it only hit me now that i have yet another test to take. “i should head back to my dorm” i replied looking down at my feet. i felt gyuvin’s gaze laying on mine and i suddenly started getting nervous. but why ?
“it’s 5pm and the cafe should not be busy since it’s a week day.. we could pass by and you can take your exam there, yeah?” i looked up at him, his eyes shining like boba balls, almost as if he was begging me to not leave. “plus it’s nearer here than campus so we’ll save time and-” “let’s go,” i cut him off and smiled, gyuvin smiling back, his eyes forming a crescent moon shape.
“let’s get going then.”
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mostautisticangel · 5 months
homeschooler looking for exam help
guys I have to take an AP biology exam next Thursday and I don't know SHIT or FUCK about biology. I have a 93 in my online course but that's only because it's so forgiving with mistakes and giving multiple chances. You literally can't get below a 90 unless you try. The course I've been using is made for conservative Christian homeschoolers and I'm just.....not learning anything
Guys how do I cram for an exam. Ive never taken an exam that wasn't at home before. It's stressing me the fuck out. My mom might actually disown me if I don't get an A. Any advice is appreciated. Please help
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starmanbyler · 1 year
very important question ANY GCSE ADVICE i'm starting my gcse courses and i'm acc panicking sooo do u have any revision advice or anything!!!
and a fun question!! if u could be any animal for a day what would u be
first advice, don’t panic too much yet. or at all. i was freaked out when i started doing my gcses, but for now all you need to do is focus in lessons and if there are things you don’t understand, don’t be afraid to ask questions or look stuff up so that you aren’t left behind, because trust me, being confused about certain topics when everyone understands can be very frustrating. so if you need to do some extra revision to work on weak topics, that’s cool, but you will be fine if you don’t. at least take note of your weak points so you can focus on them later, because you’re saving yourself some unnecessary time. id suggest having a little notebook for that kind of thing.
if you want to revise this year (i’m assuming year 10) then i’d suggest maybe half an hour to an hour per subject in a week. and btw i did NOT revise at this point at all. i did revise for physics towards the end of the school year (like march-may) because i had a gcse a year early. but unless you’re really behind and stuck then just do the best you can and only intervene if you notice there are things you don’t understand, because again, this will really help in the long run.
i’ll be honest i didn’t start revising for the rest of my gcses until april this year. most of them i revised the night before. not to brag but then got 98877776666 😭 so in some cases you will do alright even with little revision. but you know yourself better than i do. look at how you do currently in exams and whether you struggle a lot without doing revision or not. some people tend to naturally be better at taking in and memorising content, but others need to work a bit more to solidify it which is totally okay and very normal. so if you do struggle then you should try and revise properly for the actual exams. start out just revising when you have specific topic exams throughout the year. revise for like a week before (cus these aren’t that important) and focus FIRST on your weak topics. that’s the key thing. don’t skim through easy stuff just cus it’s easy. it won’t help you much and is just a waste of time. you need to be honest with yourself and really try to improve the parts that are holding you back. try out different revision techniques every so often or when you have exams to see what works for you. i can’t give many specifics since i don’t know how to revise but there are a lot of resources and ideas online. some that worked for me are:
flashcards (i used quizlet over and over to memorise case studies and vocab)
free science lessons is a GOD
also mr salles is good for english! there is a little community on youtube of english teachers that i found helpful (and i’m doing a level now so hey i guess they worked) also just youtube in general is good for a lot of things, revision advice, actual specification content + explanation and whatever you want to find
if you play around with these now (and anything else you find useful) then you can be more prepared for actual exams.
when it comes to mocks (y10 and y11) they aren’t as important as people act like. unless there is a sudden awful outbreak of covid and they have to cancel exams (which is unlikely in a year or two), your mock results don’t have much effect. they may make you feel bad (i can promise you mine did) but even just a little bit of revision can make a difference come may of year eleven. from february mocks to gcses, i went from a 5 to a 7 in biology, and a 5 to an 8 in geography. i didn’t revise at all for mocks, and i did a day or two last minute for my gcses. i’m not saying that’s a good idea… but what i’m saying is that a little goes a long way. so don’t panic if you don’t get the results you want in mocks. i do suggest revising for mocks, to practice revising and so you have a better understanding for real gcses, mine is sort of a cautionary tale that just happens to have a happy ending. but if you don’t because you’re tired or struggling, don’t beat yourself up about it like i did, because it just makes you mad at yourself and it doesn’t help you motivate yourself. use this as fuel to try harder for the real exams.
id say for actual gcses, start properly revising in the january of year eleven. january is mainly mock revision, but after mocks, you can focus more on the right topics from march-may. and make sure to continue revising before each exam. it can work to just go over your weaknesses over and over again until it’s basically branded on your brain. even if you forget these the second you walk out of the exam, you will still succeed. especially with right-wrong answer kind of subjects (maths, science and maybe geography) gcses are 1% inspiration, 19% motivation and 80% memorisation. that’s probablt an exaggeration, but my point is, it’s okay if you don’t really have the capacity to fully comprehend every concept, just memorise things so you can regurgitate it into your exams. no harm done really. it’s only important to fully understand the subjects you plan to continue onto a level and beyond.
i knoww this is mostly year eleven focused so it might not be as relevant now but trust me the main point is do not stress right now. you are safe so don’t freak yourself out. it’s good to try and get ahead if you have the motivation, but now is your time to have fun and relax before all the academic pressure piles up. not slacking off, but just don’t worry! especially when it’s just september. you don’t need to start immediately, just try things out and work your way up to a system that works well for you!
and out of interest, what gcses did you choose? (besides the obvious maths english etc) and does ur school make you do religious studies?
and good luck of course!! i sincerely hope you do really well and you deserve it :) just work hard and do your best really.
also, if i was an animal for a day it would not be any bug cus i’m dead. if i had a human brain maybe so i wouldn’t act like an idiot and annoy people. or a dog because they’re chill. and cats can climb shit so maybe cat.
anywayssss love you i hope you have the best time at gcse cus i’ll be real with you i wish i could go back sometimes. sixth form is super interesting but way less worry free; so save your worrying for later!!
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can’t believe i just put a lana gif in a post. lmao
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study-with-aura · 8 months
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Tuesday, January 16, 2024
I had my piano lesson virtually today, and I told my teacher that I started practicing two hours a day and my plan was to do so, one hour per piece, on days that I had the ability to. She was ecstatic and told me how proud of me she was. Honestly, if I want to register to take the Level 9 exam in May and pass, I don't expect distinctions, then I have to up my game. I have no choice. Why do I do this to myself? It's the feeling of accomplishment afterwards. It feels exhilarating.
In other news, the Khan Academy videos today were long, but it did give me further insight to the French Revolution as it expanded upon my actual class which is only a broad survey of World History. Why am I taking World History on KA and a CLEP course supplementary to my actual class? Because I'm obsessed with World History. It's beyond fascinating!
Tasks Completed:
Geometry - Learned about angles on and inside circles + practice + practice with inscribed quadrilaterals + honors work
Lit and Comp II - Reviewed units 13-15 vocabulary + read two WWII articles + read about writing a biography + decided on my topic (Gwendolyn Brooks, not one of my original choices, but I love her work)
Spanish 2 - Reviewed vocabulary + reviewed time expressions with hacer + completed oral exercise with hacer time expressions + quiz (100%)
Bible I - Read Deuteronomy 4
World History - Read notes on Napoleon and the French Revolution + watched a presentation on the French Revolution
Biology with Lab - Read about complete and incomplete dominance + Punnett Square word problems practice
Foundations - Read more on loyalty + completed Lumosity daily brain workout + watched a video on word choice + watched a TED Talk on what to do and not to do when giving a speech + created a five-bullet outline for a speech telling a story about my life
Piano - 60-minute piano lesson + practiced for one hour
Khan Academy - Completed World History Unit 5: Lesson 2 (parts 1-3) + completed High School Geometry Unit 8: Lesson 10 + completed High School Biology Unit 5: Lesson 2
CLEP - None today
Duolingo - Completed at least one lesson each in Spanish, French, and Chinese
Reading - Read pages 140-181 of Promise Boys by Nick Brooks
Chores - Completed laundry
Activities of the Day:
Online ballet class + pointe
What I’m Grateful for Today:
I am grateful for a slightly warmer day, although it is still quite cold and below freezing.
Quote of the Day:
She was learning to love moments. To love moments for themselves.
-Gwendolyn Brooks
🎧Suite No. 4 in E minor, HWV 429 - Second movement : Allemande - George Frideric Handel
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academiawho · 9 months
Hi!! wow okayy I really want to get some neet guidance from you. I'm in 11th right now will be giving neet in 2025. The field that I'm choosing later on is Veterinary.
so uh I've had some 720 marks test, and I have only scored like in the range of 390-400/720 (ik these are really the worst marks) and after the paper I get my mistakes reviewed from my teachers but again in the next exam my score is the same or just a couple marks above or below.
Now I really want to keep a consistent score, and I want to have that burning passion (which I don't) and stubbornness to study which I don't )
Can you give some guidance on how you studied in 11th and did you face issues like this? btw, my zoology professor once was just having a deep conversation over this scores and all, and he said that not all the time you might score what you wanted to score, there will be times when you'll fall back the stairs. But you can slowly climb back on them. It's exactly like the quote success doesn't happen overnight. It takes time and patience.
Uh anyways, you can ignore all of that. I just wanted to ask you how you used to manage your studies and the entire day and how did you prep for it during 11th?
Thank you in advance! <3
Hey, thank you for trusting me with this information, and thank you for waiting for *checks watch* *sees that eons have passed by till I answered* such a short time
I'm not aware of the depth of your passion for Veterinary Sciences, but I believe that it wouldn't hurt to keep options open.
The Round One cutoff for All India Counselling this year saw BVSc close at AIR 1,13,272 in case you wanted that information.
As for the mock tests, the marks, while not being downright horrible, aren't quite fully descent either. But what was the test syllabus, you failed to mention... Starting out at that score is but a stepping stone and you can progress from that with the right motivation.
I think more than a consistent score, one at your stage in preparation should focus on consistent concept-learning. Keep practising concepts, chapters, cover your NCERT thoroughly and keep writing tests at regular intervals after you feel like you've completed a particular portion of the syllabus that you can be tested on.
When I was in 11th, covid had just hit and I had just changed education boards and schools so it was all new to me. I wasn't aware of the importance of NCERT, especially for biology so I roughed it through 11th. But in 12th and my first gap year, it really sunk in and I marked up my NCERT, attended my online lectures and made sure I was clarifying concepts which I was poor in.
My advice for zoology is: NCERT is the best source of information you will find, but its format is often confusing. If your coaching offers any mindmaps of NCERT, I suggest you use those to revise. But each and every line of NCERT is important (for human physiology ESPECIALLY) so find a way to keep reading it. However casually you can read it, how many ever times you can set eyes on it, how many ever questions you can make out of the lines.... It's all on how you utilise the material provided to you.
(and maybe, start out with small, non-720 marks tests first, like little unit tests, quizzes or polls first)
Hope you have a nice day, wishing you a rise in your marks graph. If you need any more advice or talks about neet or anything else, I'm always here to lend a ear💛
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lilyfreshwater · 2 years
help how the fuck does one study for finals 💀 bouta fail both chemistry and biology, my two only classes
ok i did not do well in either of those subjects because i didn't know how to study and if you have tanked every exam so far you might not be able to salvage it for the final BUT i did do well in orgo and physics so i have some tips:
1) come up with a study plan. yes this means going through every unit and planning what you will study each day like a week before the test. more importantly, STICK TO IT. if you get behind you're fucked, so stay on top of your goals and get things done, your grade depends on it
2) everything is gonna take longer to get through than you think it will, and if it didn't then you probably don't know it. that being said, don't waste time on stuff you DO know, such as equations, exceptions, or lists of things. if for some reason you can already recite the krebs cycle off the top of your head without thinking about it, move on. if not, repeat it to yourself until you can (provided that's something you need to know)
3) actually do active recall and test yourself, don't reread your notes. for chemistry, the best thing you can do is practice problems. your textbook is bound to have content practice example for both theory and calculations, so do them! that's the one thing that prevented me from failing that class. if you don't have an answer key for the book, look online for a PDF or ask around with your friends. someone's bound to have pirated one. as for bio, it's almost all about memorization. i think flash cards can be really helpful for this, and if you've got time to learn how to use anki i would do it. it's free for the computer, and it not only acts as a flash card bank but it's got a super powerful algorithm to track your learning and help you study the right topics at the right time with spaced repetition. if you don't have time for anki, quizlet will do. you could also make yourself a study guide of shit and not quit until you've memorized the whole thing, but that borders on rewriting notes and that's not helpful. practice problems could be a game changer here too depending on the quality of your textbook
4) if you've got the exams and answer keys for this semester, go back through, look at what you missed, and make sure you really concentrate on those areas, both the theory AND the practical application. don't necessarily forget about the things you got right, but if you got every question about the ideal gas law correct throughout the semester it's pretty clear you are comfortable with that material. part of making a study plan is figuring out how to budget your time, and if you're in a finals crunch then that's vital
5) finally, don't make these exams the end all be all for what you want to do with your life going forward. if you're in high school, you'll be fine, just have some good ECs and get As in your other classes and colleges probably won't even notice. if you're in college, one or two bad semesters of a class, especially intro classes like bio and chem, will not prevent you from going on to grad school or getting a job. i got a B- and a C+ in chemistry, and Bs in biology. most people either would have tried to retake the class or just given up, but i stuck it out cause i figured what else am i gonna do? i figured out how to study, took a class that helped reignite my passion for science, and began to understand the work ethic it would truly take to make my career dreams a reality. in doing so i got an A-/A in orgo, and an A in physics, along with a 4.0 semester at the end of sophomore year. weed out classes like bio and chem aren't designed to weed out the people who get bad grades, they are designed to weed out the people who will quit after a bad grade. or two. or three. or two whole semesters worth of bad grades like me. what matters, and what future grad schools and employers want to see, is that we can stick it out despite failure, learn from those experiences, and come back better than ever
tl;dr: make a study plan, budget your time, focus on what you don't know, and do active recall. you got this. and even if you don't, it's not the end of the world
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howdywrites · 2 years
Oh god I have to decide in two days whether I want to take Earth Science in person or Biology II online during the summer 🙃🙃🙃 when I'm barely passing biology I as it is
The only two reasons I have for not doing the in person earth science:
1. My chronic illness(es) cause me to faint and be highly fatigued when it's hot and I live in Texas
2. It would be a 5 week course so I would have an exam every week and my class would be 6 hours long 4x a week
Reasons for not doing biology ii:
1. I don't handle timed tests/quizzes well and it would all be timed
2. The lab professor that teaches it has terrible rate my professor reviews (though the lecture professor for it seems phenomenal)
I also refuse to do my science during the fall because sciences take up so much time in my school week and I want to be able to focus on my human development courses
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andstilliam · 4 days
yesterday i went for a walk to the walmart to get my scientific calculator for chemistry. i have a graphing calculator which we are not allowed to use for tests and exams. i probably could’ve had accessibility give the green light but i don’t even know how to use the graphing function very well first of all. secondly, it was giving me the wrong answers for stoichiometry equations. by getting the calculator at walmart instead of the bookstore, i saved about $5-8.  
today i finished my psych quiz, bio lab and my part of my biology lesson. i wanted to get that out of the way so i can focus on chemistry all day tomorrow and over the weekend to prep for my exam but i did not finish my to do list. so i have to work on it tomorrow morning before starting chem. i accidentally completed the 2nd quiz for psychology before the 1st one and it was on neuronal signalling which i actually learned about over the summer with action potentials so that was cool to come across familiar terminology. repetition makes revision easier. unfortunately i missed the chem exam review via teams today. i totally forgot about it. but that’s okay. there’s so much stuff online. i might skip chem tomorrow morning because it's posted online afterwards anyway and i really need to finish this bio lesson because i can't let it pile up later. the notes are endless for that course.
i’ve been some having some nausea and dizziness lately. i still have some zofran left and i’m thinking of taking them again. 
honestly i can’t believe how easy life can be when you’re treated somewhat fairly. even just realizing i can easily access accommodations, like it changes everything. i can’t believe all that discrimination over the years was done just to make me skinny, depressed, hopeless and self destructive. that’s so fucked up, like just tell me to be skinny to access the basics and pleasures of life and i will… that’s a fantastic life if you ask me! in that case, i think a lot of us enduring anorexics are much happier having acquired that knowledge, the truth (at least those of us with a level of functionality). i will sacrifice my health and a deluded sense of “recovery” if it means i can get a degree, absolutely i will. no problem at all! anyway, all that matters is that i look the part. so that’s coming soon and i will never let it gooooo. 
aside from whatever may be brewing outside of me, on an internal level, it was always important for me to solidify my eating disorder behaviours away from the health adversities i faced. there’s such a difference between being in active crisis and finding solace within your disorder. i spent so many years in crisis and feeling like i required a lot of help and care to do the bare minimum. some of that is still true, but it’s not the same. i don’t feel lost without direction the way i once did. i don’t feel like i’m going to die unless i get an MRI— i got one already, like i went through my round of treatment and i feel like i can relax now. i can relax into my long awaited, preferred and perfected behaviours. i waited so long for this, to just be. it’s the external world that creates chaos. it’s the propaganada surrounding eating disorders that makes you perceive yourself as wrong, as less than, like “recovery” is this beautiful journey to embark on and none of that is true. it’s just not true. it creates so much trauma in our lives. i never would’ve felt less than, i never would’ve felt not good enough outside of myself if these sick eating disorder circles didn’t exist online. i would just be going my merry little way and i’d get medical care for any and every complication to occur throughout my life. because life really is that simple. so it completely ruined my mental health and my life and it did for many others too. i’m not alone.
i spent so long completely unable to control myself. it was progressive and i knew something was wrong with me. i waited so long just to get help. for me, this is not a teenage phase or rebellion, anorexia is about being who i am because i find peace in sameness. and i was unable to control my food intake and my response to it as well and that is the sole reason for my suffering here on earth, since i was very young. it’s distressing. and i am not distressed by accepting that i cannot eat regular portions of food like average people and i can even have fun with it and make a game out of it. for me, eating is pain. always has been. my darkest days come from 1) undiagnosed epilepsy and bartter syndrome and 2) believing in a false recovery narrative that was created for the purpose of toying with our mental and physical health. i’m fine exactly as i am. the real barrier is the lack of access to medicine. you can’t wilfully deny care to anyone. a lot of people struggle with their eating but only some of us with poor mental health are chosen to combat the system because we have the right connections, or because of tokenism. think about how much better my life could have been if i was just treated fairly by the medical system, if i was allowed to just be, if jennifer gaudiani never entered my life, if edtwt never existed… i would have been free. anorexic or not. bulimic or not. epileptic or not. i would have been free. the internet destroyed my life. i don’t want to be apart of this. i just don’t understand putting people through hell, children, literal children through hell because you want to prove a point. if i was a doctor and i found out that essentially i’m violating my oath by killing people and tainting the careers of other doctors, i would quit my job for the greater good. you’re just as bad as them. you ruined my life when i could’ve had the chance to move on, to be treated…….and the only way i can contribute to this is by starving myself. you don’t think that my life has more meaning than that? fuck you. and then it looks like i’m refusing to comply with a broken entity rather than the system refusing to work for/ with me. pathetic. how does it feel to be the devil’s advocate? you were better off hiding in plain sight, a wolf in sheeps clothing, because i still would’ve been free. what’s that saying again? oh yeah, misery loves company. as long as my family can protect me from these horrible doctors and help me get a job, well, that’s a fantastic life, i must say. i mean, i’m pretty mad….i’m still processing but also, like, this is the coolest thing i’ve ever been apart of in my entire life. i feel like i’m in a spy kids movie except the doctors are the evil sadists entrapping us and i don’t have cool intelligence gadgets to stop them. spy kids is way cooler. hopefully i can contribute in other ways aside from maintaining a low weight, but whatever works, i guess. ;) 
hopefully next year i can take stats and cs courses again.
mom saw a neuro hottie today, she said. my future hubby will definitely be a neurologist or at least a neuroscientist! :P
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