#take my online algebra exam for me
mathexamhelper-tutor · 8 months
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schiltron · 4 months
This is math anon. I know European high school calculus (differential, integral), statistics and analytical geometry/linear algebra. So the reason I'm scared shitless is that my country has a system, where everyone can get into engineering, but they try to weed out as many unworthy ones as possible during the first year. Other engineering students have only told me horror stories of extremely difficult exams you have to complete in a short time frame, coupled with minimal support from professors that just read off their powerpoint to a lecture hall of 700 people. I'm talking fail rate over 80%, even the geniuses scraping by on a D-. I'm goodish but NOT a genius and now need to concentrate on maximum preparation and self-teaching to survive this first year. Thanks for any advice
The only way to get better at maths is to do it. Practice drills and putting pen to paper.
If your university website has a brief overview of modules that may be offered in the upcoming academic year, take a look at those and start practicing those topics. Look up youtube videos on the subject, and do practice problems. I usually do any practice problems offered in the video on the subject, and I google "(topic) worksheet" (make sure the worksheet has solutions) or "(topic) exam" (again, with solutions). This way you'll be able to learn while also rehashing your previous knowledge as mathematical knowledge is cumulative.
Keep a note on the topics you're currently doing so that you can have a more structured leaning path for maximum efficiency.
I'd say that if you want to be prepared for next year, have at least a working knowledge of the topics you're going to be starting next year before the academic year actually begins.
On the lectures, I know what you're talking about, I had lecturers just like that. In this case, you should create a system where you can self-study. Not that I recommend this, but personally, I would usually skip those lectures if I knew the material was going to be online anyway because I wouldn't really get anything from sitting and listening to someone talk about the topic at hand when I could actually be practicing it. I'd go home and just employ the same strategy I told you about. Watch videos, do practice problems, DO EXAM PAST PAPERS.
When you're actually in college, the most important thing, like I said, is put pen to paper. This means handing in your assignments on time, doing any practice work that your professors may put up. You don't want to find yourself in a position where you're 3 weeks behind, and have to go back and do 3 weeks worth of learning because you did not do the learning on the week that the topic was presented to you (but if this happens, it's not the end of the world, I think literally every student has found themselves in a similar position at some point).
Maths is cumulative, and you want to make sure that you have a solid foundation. I think that this is the reason why most people fail maths. They skip assignments, don't hand in work when it's due, don't rehash their knowledge, and unfortunately that means maths gets increasingly difficult for them as they don't have a solid base of knowledge and experience on past topics.
In summary: during the summer, have a study plan laid out for topics that might come up, in college, keep up with your work, hand in your assignments, go to your tutorials (if you have such a thing).
If you have any questions about what I've said, any comments, etc. you can send me another ask and I'll answer you. Hope everything I said was clear.
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cherisheye · 2 months
☆ first semester of uni - update☆
i meant to make this post a month ago but i ended getting caught up in other things, but! now that my second term of uni has started it made sense to write a review of this past semester, if only for records sake :)
☆ i ended up very pleasantly surprised with how well i did this semester. i was very worried at the start of the term, because i realized that i had such a weaker foundation on many subjects compared to my classmates - but, not only did i manage to get past that, i also did incredibly well on my classes! i'm so proud of myself for that, all my efforts paid off! of course, i still have trouble with many things, but i hope to tackle those in this new semester
☆ if there's one thing i hope to improve, though, is just to plan and schedule things better, more so i can avoid cramming and burning out. i also hope i can do more social things, if possible. i spent 90% of my time so focused on writing and studying i barely hung out with anyone except for my roommate :')
goals for this next semester:
☆ organize my studies in some sort of method or routine (god. I'll need it *side-eyes the syllabus with a million trillion exams*)
☆ try to get closer to the few friends i have made so far, talk more about my personal life rather than just studies with them, hang out with them outside of classes
☆ put more effort into grasping physics
☆ begin to look into research projects and maybe talk to a few professors, network
☆ take on artistic projects that are more low-stakes (no deadline is a start)
thoughts on the classes i've had so far below the read more:
☆ calculus i - surprisingly, i actually rather enjoyed this class. my professor was amazing and he did a great job of teaching. that is not to say it was easy. god no. but i think i actually learned a lot, and it did make me excited about calculus! - final grade: 100% (thank god for extra credit)
☆ linear algebra for chemistry - i did not enjoy this class. i struggled hard with this subject, but it was manageable, and i even liked it at times. the problem was that the professor just did not click with me. i had to decipher everything he taught after class, and unfortunately, i lacked a lot of basic knowledge that would've helped. i had to spend so much time filling in the gaps.by far the class i struggled the most in, but i can say that i got through it :') - final grade: 92%
☆ general chemistry i - i loved the subject, unfortunately the classes were a bit hard to get through (boring). i struggled at times but it was that satisfying sort of struggle you know? where you feel like you're learning something? yeah. the professor was an absolute sweetheart though and i loved hearing about his research project - final grade: 99%
☆ basic chemistry - nothing much to say about it, it was an online class - i kept up with it until halfway through the semester, then i gave up. but i took the exams and did well anyway. my chemistry technical course served me well here gdjtdstursu - final grade: 96%
☆ general chemistry lab i - i really loved this class. i loved going to the lab and thought the experiments they picked were great. i faltered a little with some lab reports but i guess i have to get more practice writing them. ps.: the TAs were incredible - final grade: 93%
☆ fundamentals of experimental chemistry lab - i liked this lab a little less. it was still enjoyable, but i had way more trouble with the lab reports in this class :') - final grade: 81%
☆ physics lab - i did not like this class at all. all the experiments were boring at best and infuriating at worst. the lab reports were so intricate it was insane. the only part i enjoyed was that the professor actually explained the concepts pretty well (even i got it even if i have trouble with physics) and i got to group with my friends - final grade: 86%
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studyblr-perhaps · 1 year
I noticed mathy looking notes in your post earlier. I've just returned to school after a 10 year break and I've never been particularly good at math. I'm taking a remote double time math course over the summer semester that starts in a few weeks and I'm a bit nervous as I've never taken math remotely. Do you have any pro-tips? :)
Hello! Tbh I don't think I'm the best person to ask for tips related to math, considering I barely just pass all my math courses. But I haven't failed any so yes. Disclaimer: I don't really know what remote learning is, but I'll assume it's similar to either the online classes we took during covid, or pre-recorded classes which we can watch later on. So my tips will be considering these two scenarios.
First of all, I think it depends on what course you're taking. Is it a specific course, like linear algebra, geometry, calculus, or any of the sort. If it is, I'd advise you brush up on the basics of those once (i.e. trigonometry and stuff for geometry, limits and all for calculus etc). Although I am sure your teacher will definitely go over the basics, most of the times the difficulty in solving maths lies in not being able to understand the basics.
If your math course is a non-specific course, whenever they start a new topic, they'll probably provide some basic info. Same as above, always understand that first. A lot many times in maths, I have come to realize, you can solve a lot of questions by knowing just basics, and not formulae.
Second, Solve questions. This is something I myself don't do often (thus the barely passing marks) and karma has bit my ass a lot many times for this. Maths is a skill, and you can only hone it by doing as much problems as you can. Now, don't overwork yourself and stress over all questions, sometimes some just don't solve no matter what you try.
You don't need to do every question in your practice problem sets, just to the most varied one. That is, if two questions have a similar approach for an answer and you know how to get to the solution after doing one, don't do the other. You can save that time and brain space for a different question which has a slightly different approach. Warning: some questions look solvable but then you sometimes get stuck on it halfway, be careful while judging which questions you know and can skip.
Third, make notes. It seems basic enough but I don't just mean the lecture notes. Make a separate sheet of just formulae or theorems which you require. You can use that sheet when you're solving practice questions. As you keep solving, you'll realize after a while you wouldn't need that formulae sheet at all. And if your examinations allow cheat sheet, you've already made one!
Fourth, google. Don't know the question, google the entire question word for word. Don't know a concept, google it. Can use chatgpt? Use it. Be honest when you're practicing, but when you can't understand or solve a question, be honest and just google it. 8/10 times the answer (or related similar question's answer) will always be there.
On the same note, youtube has some really good teachers. I do not know what level course you're taking, but Khan Academy and Organic Chemistry Tutor's videos has helped me way into two years of college. You can try these channels, or you can try other ones you find and like, too!
Lastly, find past questions. This is an occupational disease (if you can call it that) which has been ingrained into me after high school and the ridiculous amount of college entrance exams I had to give. Also Asian. Definitely also because I'm Asian. Questions which come in the exam are barely anything which you use practical knowledge for. I have done many many projects with my friends and none of us have ever used maths in the way we use and write in exams. Exam taking is a skill (I am bad at it) and it measures how good you are at taking an exam than how good you are at the subject. Sadly they do in the end judge us based on scores, so past year's question papers is absolutely necessary! A lot of times the questions are similar (my quantum mechanics midsem was the exact same as the previous batch's only the values were different. Same question, same concept, same approach to solution.) This will definitely give you an upper hand at solving exam questions.
And that's it! That's all I can think of right now. But please remember, learning is unique to each individual. What works for me may not work for you. Always, tweak and twist and experiment on what works best for you, and go with that. Sometimes it's exhausting, and it's okay if you spend an entire day binging a show (definitely not speaking from experience, nope). Just know that the next day, you'll pick up your pen and continue on your journey with maths!
TL;DR: brush up on basics, practice questions, use google and youtube to it's fullest, get past year exam papers, take rests and don't feel guilty, it's alright sometimes.
With that being said, thank you for the ask! I hope your course goes amazing and you have a wonderful time with it!!!!!!
Happy learning!
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shop-korea · 9 months
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0% - AGAIN - LEFT - MY - BLK - ONES - SO
ME - 1 MONTH - MORE - 2 - READ - MY - 1ST
AS - AGE 58
$10,000 - MONTHLY - SO - TAKING - GED
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narrativesofzi · 1 year
AY22/23 Semester 1 (Y1S1)
hello! just a brief background regarding this semester, i dropped out of school the week right before finals, as i had been struggling with mental health and ended up hospitalised, hence the reviews of the modules would not be complete ><
my first semester was very stressful and honestly, i was so distracted and overwhelmed that looking back, i did not learn anything at all haha
i had to take an LOA and apply for Special Consideration (SC) for the modules that i did not take the finals for, but the process was rather smooth
but anyways! here's my experience as a Business Analytics student for Y1S1!
modules taken:
CS1010S Programming Methodology
BT1101 Introduction to Business Analytics
MA2001 Linear Algebra I
IS1108 Digital Ethics and Data Privacy
LAK1201 Korean 1
CS1010S Programming Methodology
Professor: Leong Wai Kay
28 Sept (Mid-Term)
12 Nov (Practical Exam)
22 Nov (Finals)
Language: Python
Coursemology - 25%
Participation - 5 %
Mid-Term - 15%
Practical Exam - 15%
Finals - 40%
please note that i did not take the finals for this module ><
having no background in coding, this was definitely the killer module as it had the highest workload and toughest concepts to grasp. after every lecture, there would be a lecture quiz regarding what was taught in class, followed by tutorials and missions, and recitations (optional!). in order to secure 25% for Coursemology, we had to reach level 50 by earning XPs through completing tutorials and missions (too much work for me... ).
i would spend my whole day trying to figure out how the code works, find its bugs and generally struggle to keep up. i even ended up having nightmares about coding because of how much time i spend on trying to code.
unfortunately, i did not have the greatest help from my TA and it got really demoralising to the point where i was reluctant to start on any tasks because i knew i would get stuck and spend hours and hours but to no avail.
regarding the weightage for mid-terms and finals, they introduced progressive scoring, where you have a chance to redeem yourself (if you messed up your mid-terms) because your finals results could potentially fully overwrite your mid-terms results.
Prof Leong was pretty chill, i would say. i was not exactly able to always catch up with his content but there were online videos to refer to, so probably not that big of a problem.
Be prepared for the intensity of this module
Cheatsheets are allowed
Mid-terms was conducted in pen and paper
BT1101 Introduction to Business Analytics
Professor: Sharon Tan, Zhai Yingda
18 Oct (Mid-Terms)
24 Nov (Finals)
Language: R
Online Quiz & Datacamp Assignments - 15%
Tutorials (best 6 out of 9) - 24%
Lab - 6%
Mid-Terms - 15%
Finals - 40%
please note that i did not take the finals for this module ><
the module is split equally by the two Professors, with Sharon teaching the first half of the semester and Zhai teaching the second half of the semester.
the general workload of each week includes watching lectures and completing online self-learning activities, completing tutorials and lab sessions. it was still manageable, though R can be quite confusing as it is not very intuitive for me.
for tutorials, they do not really provide you with the model answers so you cannot exactly refer to the codes to do your assignments... but other than that, i do not really have any comments regarding this module.
regarding the mid-terms, it was held online on Examplify where there will be no access to the internet. it was a combination of MCQs and long answer questions where you will have to provide your own code as the solution.
Cheatsheets are allowed
Would recommend you to build your own code bank for reference during exams
MA2001 Linear Algebra I
Professor: Dilip Raghavan, Ma Siu Lun
23 Nov (Finals)
Online Quiz - 15%
Homework Assignments - 20%
Lab - 5%
Finals - 60%
please note that i did not take the finals for this module ><
this module was more of H2 Further Mathematics, so if you have experience in that, good for you. we were learning about matrices but on steroids.
the general workload for each week includes watching lectures, completing tutorials and occasionally assignments. lectures are all recorded (thank god), and you can pretty much self study for it.
everyone basically got full marks for online quiz, homework assignments and lab because there was a Telegram chat where everyone would discuss answers and learn from each other. the killer questions were proving, and that would pretty much be the separation between the As and Bs.
i freaking loved Professor Chan Heng Huat's teaching and he was very passionate about teaching the subject. i attended his tutorials and every session was just like WOWWWW (but i still struggled a lot haha).
Cheatsheets are allowed
IS1108 Digital Ethics and Data Privacy
Professor: Lee Boon Kee
Tutorial Attendance - 10%
Case Scenario - 20%
Quiz - 30%
Reflections - 10%
Project - 30%
at the end of the course, i do not think that i have learnt anything new or useful. this module is basically fluff and actually reminded me of PW in JC. did not watch any lectures and still managed to get a good grade.
tutorials were 2 hours long to analyse case scenarios based on a given framework and give a short presentation to the class. the TAs will then give feedback based on the presentation.
as for the final project, just treat it as another PW - look for problems, analyse stakeholders, provide solutions, evaluate pros and cons. as long as people in the group pulled their weight, it should be fine. if not, i guess you just gotta suck thumb.
Take it with your friends
LAK1201 Korean 1
Professor: Bae So Hee
Quiz - 10%
Written Test - 50%
Oral Test - 15%
Writing Assignment - 15%
Participation - 10%
24 Aug (Online Quiz)
31 Aug (Online Quiz)
15 Sept (Mid-Terms)
27 Oct (Oral)
8 Nov (Finals)
i took this module just to spoil market because i already kinda knew how to read and write korean letters so i did not think that i needed to put in much effort to do well. i got complacent and realised (late) that everyone had the same thinking...
learning a new language is always hard but i guess having the face to face tutorials help as it provides a space where everyone is able to learn how to speak the language. but languages being languages, i got very confused with how the grammar works, sentence structures etc.
in general, it was a pretty fun and interesting module and we even learnt how to fold a hanbok for our last session! would recommend this module if you are interested in Korean!
Final Thoughts
it was definitely a shame that i only dropped out the week before finals, but looking back, it was necessary because i knew that i could not perform up to my standards and would be disappointed in my results. it was a leap of faith to take up the LOA and further take a gap semester to heal, and i am glad that i took that step. there were many considerations -- forfeiting the school fees for the semester, lagging behind my peers, explaining to my peers regarding my mental health.
if you are struggling with your mental health, please do not push yourself too hard. if you need a break, please take one.
i hope that this would provide some insights to the life of an average BZA student :)
peace <3
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studyari · 2 years
march update
it’s officially midterms time. i thought i would post an update becuase this semester has took SO much out of me. i finished my internship funded by the national science foundation in january, can’t say i made too many ties there since i hardly saw my superiors. BUT i did get to know the metrology lab pretty well and even got their machine working. going into it i did NOT imagine i could accomplish that but i felt so good getting it working! i even made a little overturn training manual and gave it over to them. 
okay so starting this semester i am in my gateway courses. so a bunch of physics courses at one time ugh plus i was taking differential and linear algebra. i got so stressed out with the workload that i had a dream where i crashed into a forest and the airbags went off lol. that same morning i dropped my lab and differential equations. it was just WAYYY too much for me. 
i’m still a full time student so it was clear i was doing too much. hmm okay so i’m in my gateway courses so mathematical physics, classical mechanics, and modern physics. i knew i was going to struggle with classical mechanics because kinematics alone was hard for me to grasp and it’s basically dynamics. i didn’t apply as an engineering major literally because i didn’t want to take dynamics LOL i struggled in statics. Of course im taking the same class just named something else and a lot harder T_T. i also wanted to get some undergrad research experience and work in an electronic materials lab but yeah i’m just tooooo busy it was a good idea though lmao.
okay but honestly mechanics is the hardest class for me, modern physics is my most interesting class, and mathematical isn’t too bad even though i suck at math because our teacher grades us mostly on completion and work shown. the hardest thing about this semester is just the schedule itself. so we have to take all three at the same time for some reason or you wouldn’t be able to register for the class ummm overkill much?! and the schedule is from 10am - 7:30 pm ughhhh. I have to take the bus there so add on a couple hours and then i have to walk to class. ohhh i miss the online/hybrid classes so much lol. by the time i’m in my last class i am literally asleep. don’t worry ive started drinking coffee.
looking on the brighter sides of things i’m being a lot more involved in campus and i’m really liking getting to know my classmates! i am so antisocial and awkward so im surprised. i’ve been going to the women in stem meetings, society of astronomy, nsbe coding workshops, ieee circuits workshops, career fairs, and boba socials just for funsies. i realize school isnt all about good grades and killing yourself for that A. i’ve even had more time to spend with my friends (it is so true what they say about making time not having it lol). almost every other weekend we see each other and have little celebrations, watch movies, have study dates, go to the park, get coffee/boba, go shopping etc. and facetiming my friends back in arizona as well! one of my club advisors told me its actually the b and c students that do better in the job market and isnt that freaking crazy! ever since then ive been reminding myself that being perfect and getting a’s isnt always worth it. i have other life to live too and people wont necessarily fault me for that.
okay as for my grades though i have been bombing every single quiz like a 50 or LESS LMAO. that’s with me studying at least a whole day before. however as of now i have passed every exam so far. so my current grades right now are 90% in modern physics, 98% mathematical physics, 100% classical mechanics (but a lot f the grades arent in yet), and a 99% in linear algebra. See and thats me not killing myself this semester so im super happy i decided to not overdo it, it really doesnt make as much as a difference as i thought lmao clearly.
looking forward to spring break! i was in therapy/behavioral health all last year trying to tackle my anxiety and i would say its been helping. its all about making a choice. i’m also in physical therapy now for the next couple of months and then once summer starts i’ll start going back to therapy again. this post might seem positive but this semester i have never felt more unmotivated or stupid. some days i feel like i cant do this and that everyone else around me is so much more capable. but i know as soon as i give into those thoughts that i’ll end up giving up and i don't want to give up. my boyfriend also has been feeling the same way. 
i also lost my wallet this week soooo all my documentation and identification is gone ugh. i had a full on breakdown but am getting that figured out. i’m going to an applications of black holes seminar tomorrow and i am super excited about that. took my linear algebra exam today too, (WHY IS THAT CLASS SO HARD BTW). i havent yet applied but theres this summer research opportunity happening at the university of toronto (dunlap institute of physics and astrophysics) and i think im going to apply! i really want to travel this year and experience something new!
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Take My Online Algebra Exam For Me
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onlineclasspro · 3 years
Take My Online Algebra Exam For Me
Can I hire someone to Take My Online Algebra Exam For Me? For all your queries, the only answer is onlineclassprofessionals.com. Our online exam experts guarantee you an A or B grade in your exam and if we don’t get you the grade that we promised, we have a policy of returning you your money. Got yourself enrolled in Algebra course now!
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gibsonhill · 2 years
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fowlblue · 3 years
What is something that has happened in your life recently (cool, fun, exciting, dramatic, status quo altering, etc) that you want to talk about but because no one else has the specific context of living your life, no one knows to ask about it?
While this is mostly just a matter for me, this semester, I actually passed my final Algebra class... which is huge for me.
My entire life, I’ve usually done pretty well with school, particularly regions like Biology and English- but Algebra has never made a lot of sense to me. When I was younger, I just couldn’t work out how to ‘solve’ these equations when there were no numbers involved, and the various laws and formulas would always evade me when I needed them most.
I would consistently have a poor grade when it came to algebra work, and eventually I developed a severe case of ‘math anxiety’, in which even the though of completing any of my math-related assignments filled me with panic. Because of this, I procrastinated like crazy, and it took me a long time to actually finish high school algebra at all (were I not homeschooled at the time, it’s very likely I would have failed it entirely).
And earlier this semester, I made a very questionable decision to take an accelerated Algebra course, as that is what was available to me at the time. It was extremely difficult, as I was having to review concepts I hadn’t touched in almost a year, and I was having to learn chapters of concepts in a matter of a couple days. And since all of my classes have been online, I couldn’t really ask the teacher for help either. So many nights I’ve been up well past dark, still scribbling away at equation after equation- I took detailed notes and I studied, harder than I have for any class previously. And, blessedly, the effort began to pay off. My exam grades were... not the greatest, but my homework and projects were actually okay!
And I passed. I passed and I’m done with that type of math for the rest of my life. I still don’t know anything about Gaussian Elimination, but it doesn’t matter because I never have to touch it again!
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sleepysstudy · 4 years
𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘪 𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘥 3 𝘈* 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘯 𝘈 𝘢𝘵 𝘈-𝘭𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘭
𝒹𝒶𝓉𝑒- 08/09/2020
hiya love
I am making this little blog post for past me, who would have needed this, bless her  𝓭𝓾𝓶𝓫 self. I thought that detailing the process and methods i used, for my  newly inspired study blog would be interesting to spread 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 and document my knowledge for future use and ideas for your 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒂𝒔𝒔 𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒇.
Anyway, lets get started.
 This is vital, challenging and rewarding, allowing for greater productivity while optimizing the space and time dedicated to your studies. Thus i will detail the manner which i decided to control the flow of my studies.
Schedules, work, but there are issues, which i had to work through. I had organised a schedule, i stuck to religiously. when deadlines came in I would stray from the schedule and complete the more urgent work and find I  would be off track- leading to the 𝔡𝔬𝔴𝔫𝔣𝔞𝔩𝔩 of that. I solved this issue by making dedicated time where i would have flexibility over tasks prioritizing and using my free lessons in school to focus on these. This seems really obvious but it took me a while to resolve (maybe I’m just slow :0) 
Having the weekends to study. I woke up at around 6-9 am each morning and studied until 1, then the rest of the day is free and can be used for urgent assignments or spent writing essays, going out or planning subjects for the next week etc.
Dedicated spaces for study/material and a clean and tidy space is important, i found having my desk be aesthetically pleasing motivated  me to work, pinterest board with ideas excited me creating positive  connotations when thinking about studying.
Lists, for everything, i mean everything, down to meal times, free time, Netflix time, etc it works so unbelievably well to keep you focused and on top of overwhelming days, although don't be afraid to stray because studying should be enjoyable not stressful or pressuring.
Also it might sound obvious but having a proper sleep schedule helps you be more productive and organised, waking up early allows for you to be in the right mindset for studying which i find is the most effective way of studying.
The Pomodoro technique, most students know of this, it entails effective studying for 25 minutes and then a 5 minute rest and then repeat the topic which then makes the information more easily retained.
Constant practice tests/essays. when I say, I have written so many essays i mean it. I aimed for around 3 a week per subject, this not including homework or set tasks. Ask a teacher for past papers and after learning the bulk of any unit bash out as many past papers as you can. I went from having 18/30 on my essays when starting A-levels to my lowest being 26/30 after doing a lot of essays.
Mind maps and timelines, mostly for more oral subjects but simple, obvious and weirdly effective.
Pre-test, going over topics and guessing the answers even incorrectly before extensive studying, practice or learning the content. Research shows that the future learning you will performed is enhanced and from doing essays this way i can say that it is effective and improves post-test results.
Practice spaced out. spacing out studying certain topics over a period of days can enhance memory and allow you to retain information in your long term memory rather than short term which allows you to draw knowledge about this subject better. Flash cards is a good way to review and come back to subjects.A rule of this method also would be that information which is answered with difficulty should be reviews two days later and those answered incorrectly, the next day.
Interleaving practice. this is really effective and entails focusing on problems or topics which are all of the same nature but involving answering the questions with different methods. Instead of a block of studying, an example would be in math doing algebra trigonometry and Pythagoras questions consecutively you make your brain accustomed to exam styled questions.
Teaching what you've learnt to someone else, maybe a study group and take turns explaining topic to each other, it helps you to wrap your head around the subject and you can see what aspects you have trouble explaining.
𝓇𝑒𝓈𝑜𝓊𝓇𝒸𝑒𝓈 / 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘴
Quizlet- for making flashcards and testing yourself on flashcards other people made
One note, excellent for organisation and a good way to keep your noted in order especially if writing essays or doing things online
libraries, obvious but i find that being in a space which makes me excited and feel motivated makes me better and more productive, but again this may only be for resources because some find studying at their desks better, down to preference.
Momentum dash, cute screen saver app for aesthetic studying, especially if you want an aesthetic set up.
cam scanner, allows you to take pictures of your notes and turns them into PDFs which is useful for keeping digital copies of notes can be more handy than typing up notes.
Minimalist, for making lists, good for keeping a digital copy of what you need to complete with you so you can keep a record of what you need to do.
That is really all i have for this post, thanks for reading, also this is my first post so please don’t judge, if you have any feed back please let me know 
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It’s that time of the semester, folks.
just waiting for it to end;
losing sight of the finish line;
feeling like I can’t do life anymore.
I’ve been burned out for years now. (Fellow former “gifted” kids, a show of hands please.) I really love note-taking—Mine are usually very compact but informative enough that I never have to touch other course materials again (a highly recommended strategy). But since I procrastinate a lot (what with the added fatigue of online classes), I also have a habit of abandoning entire study endeavours (sometimes entire semesters) because I don’t have enough time to put together the “best” notes.
But today I attended an online productivity workshop by UTSA (the turnout was HUGE) and was blown away by the overwhelming support. I used to go to so many of these on campus. I’ve missed it.
(I’ve randomly pasted my notes onto a couple of templates, in case they gives you hope too.)
I signed into another online talk hosted by Cornell. It put some really great career-/research-related ideas into my head.
The Linear Algebra exam I’ve lost sleep over was alright too.
Today was good. Amazingly, it also marks two months of me BuJoing (semi-) regularly.
The planner revolution never interested me (the infinite mixed-media scrapbooking possibilities give me anxiety), but the moment I first laid my eyes on a doodled-over dot-grid notebook, I was enchanted.
The Bullet Journal Method by Ryder Carroll was my first self-help book; it took my breath away with its combination of impeccable science and gentle empathy.
Last month, I used oh no nina's simplistic setup, and in combination with traditional BuJo bullets, it saved my life through a WILD sh*tstorm I never saw coming.
After over a year, I’ve found what works for me.
I am now SIGNIFICANTLY more mindful of how I divide my time.
And when I suddenly once again find myself buried under weeks of leftover work, I know how to dust myself off, reorganize my abandoned week-old bullets, and begin ticking them off again.
My resolutions after today:
Attend more online talks;
Set time aside a couple days per week for even my asynchronous classes;
Fix my sleep schedule.
// Oct 29, 2020
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
Okaaayy yes but Steve has severe dyslexia and he gets so frustrated when he and Billy are working on homework together because Billy will be done with the assignment before Steve even gets three pages in and Steve’s getting angry and he has a headache and he’s tired and feels like an idiot but Billy is the most comforting bf EVER
I was working on an assignment and I didn’t understand a fucking word so this is really just some angst because I started crying into my textbook. I usually try to get my books online bc you can change the font and background color (they’re also usually cheaper, wink) but this one I had to get physical and It’s been a long day and dyslexy brain was bein MEAN tonight.
Dyslexic is the only way I write Steve. (I love projecting onto this boy)
Read on ao3!
It took Steve a very long time to learn to read.
He didn’t begin until well past many other children did. He learned from a very young age what his big brown eyes could do. If he unleashed them in an unsuspecting nanny, he would always be read to, and could avoid wading through the gibberish another day.
It wasn’t until he reached Kindergarten someone noticed something.
Steve was okay with his alphabets, would sometimes get letters backwards, but overall, he did fine. His chubby five-year old hands were a little clunky around a pencil, but when the teacher, Ms. Green, upgraded from individual letters to everyday words, she started noticing certain things.
He would scrunch his eyebrows at double consonants, words like button, balloon, alligator would make him huff.
When they moved on to phrases the true problem presented itself.
He would write words incorrectly, words like of and to were never quite right, and no matter how much she calmly explained the rules of a silent ‘e’, he just couldn’t get it.
She called his parents in for a meeting, sitting them down with the head of special education at Hawkins Elementary, Mrs. Collier. She handled them Steve’s work, examples of scrambled letters. Mrs. Collier produced pamphlets, threw around words like dyslexia, dysgraphia, learning disability.
Mr. Harrington was livid. He told them repeatedly he would not allow them to test Steven, that he just needed to focus, work harder. Ms. Green raised an eyebrow, said Steve’s five, he’s working as hard as he can, if we can test him to confirm, he could work easier.
Mr. Harrington had left in a huff, refusing to sign the paperwork consenting the school to test Steve, muttering all the way about no son of mine’s retarded.
Ms. Green exchanged a look with Mrs. Collier and the two women worked out a plan.
This Plan was handed from teacher to teacher as Steve progressed through Hawkins elementary. Mrs. Collier began each school year by explaining the situation to the teacher, working with them to create accommodations for Steve that wouldn’t get back to Mr. Harrington, his assignments were often printed larger, reading assignments were handed to him pre-annotated, sometimes deadlines were extended.
The Plan followed him to Hawkins Middle.
In seventh grade, he asked his English teacher about the accommodations, why his assignments were often due a week later, how he was encouraged to stay after his tests, take extra time and head off late to his next class with a note explaining he had an exam.
“When you were in kindergarten, your teacher wanted to have you tested for dyslexia. Your father wouldn’t allow it, so before every school year each of your teachers meets with Mrs. Collier, head of Special Education at Hawkins Elementary and we work out accommodations for you.”
Steve felt like he could cry. His father had always been hard on him, been vocal about how disappointing Steve was, is. He nodded at him, speeding out of the room to Social Studies, where he noticed his packet was at least two pages longer than anyone else’s, the font size large.
High school was much the same. His essays had three separate deadlines, he would meet with the teachers, would discuss alterations he could make to improve it.
He was assigned note takers in each class, a peer whose notes the teacher would xerox for him in case his own got messy.
When he started slipping, struggling, he would have peer tutors, kids in his class he would meet with in the library.
Senior year was the worst. He was struggling more than ever before. His father had doubled down since he didn’t get into college, would pretty much only talk to him to call him an idiot.
He was meeting Billy Hargrove almost everyday after school getting help with his Algebra. Yeah, algebra. He was a senior, in a class full of sophomores. But the formulas killed him, swam about the page like nothing ever had.
Billy was in AP Calculus B/C, the highest math class Hawkins High offered as a junior.
He swept into the private study room at the back of the library, Steve settled into one of the chairs already.
“Hey, Pretty Boy.” He kissed his head as he went past. Steve smiled at him.
“Hi, Bill.”
“How’s the math?”
“Fucking awful.” Billy took the sheet Steve was working on, grimacing at it.
“Yeah, Sweet Thing, these are, uh, these are mostly not correct.” Steve slammed his book shut, putting his head in his hands.
“I just can’t do this. I don’t know why this fucking chapter has been so hard for me.”
“It’s because you have like, nine formulas to memorize.” He got out a yellow notecard, writing out the formulas, the concepts for imaginary numbers, a few basic examples of factorials. They had found that the yellow paper was easiest for Steve to read on, Billy kept his handwriting crisp, big.
He slid it at Steve, between his elbows. He took his wrists, prying them away from his face, finding tears tracking down his face, his big eyes glassy.
“Hey, why the tears?” Steve just sniffed.
“Because I’m fucking stupid, Bill.” Billy used Steve’s hand to smack himself. Steve looked affronted.”What the fuck?”
“You know I don’t like it when you talk bad about yourself.” He made Steve smack himself again. “Be nice to yourself. Just because you’re struggling doesn’t mean you’re stupid. Because you’re not.” Steve was smiling lightly. “So, we’re gonna go through these problems slowly, and when shit gets wiggly, you tell me and we’ll give it a second.” Steve sighed, pulling the card closer, reopening the textbook.
“So, honestly I’ve been lost for like, a month.” Billy looked scandalized.
“Why didn’t you talk to me? You know I’m always happy to help you, Baby.” He stroked a hand through Steve’s hair, Steve dropping eye contact, his cheeks heating up.
“It’s just, it’s embarrassing. You’re so smart, Bill, and I’m, I’m not.”
“You’re plenty smart, Mac n’ Steve. Being good at school doesn’t mean you;re smart or not.” Steve gave him a Look.
“Whatever, let’s just work on this.” Steve huffed.
They spent forty five minutes working on Steve’s math, Billy flitting in between helping Steve and his own homework, flying through assignments like crazy while Steve had gotten steadily though four problems.
An hour and Billy was finished with his own math, his lab write up for the AP Chem section he was in with Nancy, and had finished half his assigned reading of Moby Dick, the densest book Steve has ever seen.
And Steve, Steve had done four and a half problems.
He slammed the book shut again, tears once again in his eyes.
“I’m done Billy. I’m over it.” Billy was back to him, cupping his face in his hands.
“Hey, I know it’s frustrating but-”
“No! No, Billy. You don’t know. You have no idea how frustrating it is to sit here, barely getting through my work while my fucking genius boyfriend just finished all his homework for the next week.”
Billy didn’t know what to say. There wasn’t much he could say to Steve when he got like this.
It wasn’t as though Billy was trying to make him feel bad, this school shit just came real natural to him. But he guesses that’s probably the issue, that he didn’t have to work.
He just grabbed Steve, pulled him until he slumped into his chest, taking a few shaking breaths.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry so it’s hard for you, Baby.” Steve just whined, melted into Billy’s chest more.
“I have a headache, Bill.” He was getting pouty, which was always a good sign with Steve, when he got all cute, knew it made Billy weak. Billy kissed the top of his head, rubbing the spot above his ear, the spot Steve always complained about.
“You wanna go home? We can have a little fun before we keep truckin’ with your math.” Steve wiggled a little, shuffling to look up at Billy.
“Depends on what kinda fun you mean.” Billy smirked, Steve’s eyes bright.
“You know what kinda fun I mean, Pretty Boy.”
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secludedsunflower · 4 years
High School Plans Vent
When your child is having trouble in school, you’re supposed to help them not scream at them.
They genuinely may not understand the material. Maybe they’re really stressed out because of the transition to online learning. Maybe they just don’t give a fuck. All valid reasons. They need HELP. YOU can HELP them.
But no. You choose to scream at your child. So let me enlighten you on what your child will now do. 
So I have high school applications coming up. November 1st is when they open. And I know I will be pressured to apply for this really prestigious public school in my city. Let’s call it “IA” . It’s not necessarily a bad thing, it’s just that my parents are STRONGLY recommending I do my best to get in.
The problem is, I just want to go to the local high school where I already do color guard and winter guard at. I want the options they provide at the local high school. I want the extracurriculars they have at the local high school. I want to finally qualify for a school bus since I’d have to cross a main road to get to the local high school. 
But nope. All of my parent’s friend’s kids went to IA. My parents talk highly of those kids. And the kids that just went to the local high school, well let’s just say my parents don’t exactly deem them worthy of praise. I wanted to go to IA up until 6th grade. At the end of 6th grade, I just didn’t give a fuck anymore. 
My mental health was in a constant downward slope and I finally had something I could use mx+b=y for. Calculating the rate my life is going down.
Anyways, fast forward to where I am now. 8th grade. Dreading IA applications. Stressed as fuck with no way to cope other than “deal with it loser <3 you deserved it anyways you useless being”
So you know what?
Fuck my dreams and goals
Fuck everything that makes me happy
I’m going to grind to apply to IA and get in. I’m going to do everything I can to make sure I ace that entrance exam. And then I’m going to let myself fail
So here’s my plan. This is phase one.
I’m not going to apply until December, January at the latest.
I’m going to get all of my grades above 100%. All of them. I don’t care if I kill my mental health in the process. I need everything above 100%.
From here on out, I will dedicate the hours of 12-2am to Khan Academy. I will be learning Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2. I don’t care if that leaves me with 3 hours of sleep. I. don’t. care. I need to learn before April and I need to learn fast.
Then there’s the application lottery. Best case scenario, I’m one of the ones with a confirmed slot. Second best case, I’m put on the waiting list. Worst case, I’m not in either. But let’s focus on the two good cases.
I’m going to GRIND as soon as I found out that I’m accepted to take the entrance exam. I will give up whatever breakfast and lunch I had and just devote it to studying. It works with my ED too. Not a good thing but eh, I’ll let myself have snacks. 
I’m going to wake up at 5am and go to bed at 2am. Every day except weekends, that’s what I’ll do. Three weeks before the exam, I’m going to add weekends. The only nights I will let myself get 8 hours of sleep are the three nights before the exam. 
I will be reviewing notes. I will do my best to pass.
Then, I move onto phase 2 of my plan.
The first thing I will do if accepted is say no.
All that hard work and I will say no. 
Then my parents will push me to say yes.
Then I’ll breakdown in front of them and say yes. Then fall asleep in whatever position I’m in.
Then, I wait till the first day of high school. Phase 3.
I will make no attempt to make friends.
Why bother. I won’t have any friends going to IA with me.
I’m going to be the depressed loser that somehow still gets all A’s.
I won’t do any extra curricular activities. I’m going to block all of my friend’s numbers.
I might even delete some of my socials. Idk about this one yet.
I will not allow myself to have any fun.
This is survival.
And I need to be valedictorian to suit my parent’s expectations.
What a lovely plan <3 <3 <3
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