#take my online english exam for me
mathexamhelper-tutor · 8 months
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ramsay-examhelper · 9 months
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Ok, everyone's been doing this lately, so I also need myself one of those.
Haven't been able to start doing anything for way too long now. I AM planning on starting going through my to do list now on the weekends, but 3 hours in my day I haven't been very successful about it... So some extra motivation would be extremely helpful right now.
Ok, let's do this:
10 notes I'll do my Finnish Duolingo for today (5 lessons)
20 notes I'll start doing some stupid music assignment that'll take 20 min max what even is the point of music assignments?!
40 notes I'll start the other a bit bigger and less stupid music assignment I still don't get the point of music assignments
70 notes I'll write a review of a random piece of media (most likely GO, anybody surprised?) for English class
100 notes I'll clean my room
200 notes I'll complete my part of the Economics presentation (due on Monday)
400 notes I'll start writing my Economics essay (also due on Monday)
700 notes I'll go ahead and learn Finnish for 2-3 hours cos I really need to and I haven't been doing it for a month already so every time I have the online lesson I have no idea what those guys are talking about
950 notes I'll go for a walk (and may or may not buy myself some chocolate)))
1000 notes I'll go to sleep early (like 22:00 early)
All tasks before the cut are all more or less due on Monday
1200 notes I'll learn some Maths I've been putting off for way too long (it's not school work but still. I'm getting dumb without it)
1500 notes I'll start researching for universities for my future studies
1900 notes Do a presentation about the them for sharing in class (why do we have to do this?!)
2000 notes I'll start finally doing my research practice essay task (first part of which was due a month ago😭) (I did confess to the teacher tho, and she said it's not a big deal now, because it's not even graded, but it is for my own good because next year it will be very much graded)
5000 notes and I'll read the book we have to read for the exam and start getting ready to tell the teacher something coherent for 10 min straight on the exam day (I don't think I'll be physically able to do it, I'll start asphyxiating on the second minute of the speech (not that I have breathing problems, but the social anxiety does things to me))
Idk is that the appropriate amount of notes for each task?....
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petday · 7 months
whats little magic?
It is a puzzle game for the Super Famicom and Game Boy Color video game systems. I like the Game Boy Color game much more for its art direction, and it's also just more fun for me to play with the 'bubble magic' mechanic in that version. I wrote more about my enjoyment below, in case anyone is curious.
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The game’s box art is very beautiful, right? It caught my eye right away. The in-game 'cutscene' artwork appears to be carefully-made pixel art versions of the same artist's illustrations and they are similarly beautiful. (Sorry in advance if my photograph quality is not great.)
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But the actual levels themselves look very haphazard. Clashing colors and tiles. It's easy enough to guess that a blue tile next to a white tile represents water and snow, respectively, but what does the yellow cluster-of-boxes tile represent? Yellow bricks of a tower…? How about the spike-y objects in the snow-water levels? I guessed they were underwater mines, but then there's the same tile in a later level too, just palette-swapped to be red… The two monochrome tiles in the third picture above teleports your character, but it has a two-frame animation that made me think of an ‘industrial grinder’ and ‘static noise’, so I assumed it was dangerous at first. Was it intended to be nondescript ‘sparkly magic’? Where are all of these levels taking place, anyway? No other humans are in these areas, just various animals and vague environmental indicators. There are cute snakes in some ‘yellow brick’ levels that end your life upon touching them. Seems irresponsible for a teacher to allow her student into perilous areas, no matter how eager she is to pass her final exam at magic school and become a magician.
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Oh, I should explain the story. (None of the above photos are in sequence, just wanted to show more of the game.) The story is about a girl who attends magic school, and aims to pass a series of tests to become a full-fledged magician. Her teacher encourages her. The lack of explanation in the story is another fun point for me. Her magic teacher doesn't explain why 'learning magic' consists of pushing a heart into a heart-shaped hole that triggers a staircase to appear, which is what you need to do to complete each level. (It’s a beating heart – is it alive?) No explanation as to why snakes end your life instantly upon touching them. The context of 'because you want to pass your exams, a teacher is putting you through trials to help you become a master of magic’ isn’t an adequate explanation, because the teacher also tells you that she has not passed the final exam - why is a teacher putting a student through something that is too difficult even for herself? Who is in control of all of the strange areas you need to ‘complete’ in order to become a real magician, then? (After you complete the game with the student, you can play a different set of levels as the teacher, but even the usual sparse context-giving ‘cutscenes’ are not there… Mysterious…)
So, all of that is why my drawing about ‘Little Magic’ is about ‘confusion’, ‘going along with something that makes sense at first, but quickly unravels to not make sense any longer’, ‘growing distrust of authoritative figures’, and ‘frustration from stagnation.’ https://petday.tumblr.com/post/730315736066768896
Maybe the instruction booklet explains everything; I did not have access to that while playing, and I like that feeling. ‘Renting a game from a video game rental store that did not come with an instruction booklet, and being perplexed by it, forced to create your own context because you have nothing else’ feeling. Randomly selecting games to play that do not have much documentation online is enjoyable to me, because of that feeling.
A fan translation group translated the Game Boy Color game from Japanese to English in 2018. There wasn't a lot of dialogue in the first place, though. I like games where there is little to no dialogue because one can imagine a story/context besides what is shown. Up until 2022, I could not find a solution for the teacher’s final puzzle, so I interpreted the ending of the game’s story as, ‘The magic teacher thought she could harness a type of magic far stronger than what she could handle, accidentally designed an impossible puzzle for herself and is trapped for eternity.’ Of course, the puzzle has a solution, but I wanted to honour my strange interpretation regardless. When I play games and have weird interpretations of them, I am definitely not saying, 'I bet this is what the people who worked on this game were thinking!' I dislike that attitude. It's just imaginative interpretation, and working with the odd way I interact with things in order to maximize fun for myself…
A part about old games that I also love, is that they can never be updated; they had one chance to release a finished game, and maybe another chance to fix glitches in a re-release if they sold very many copies the first time. I greatly enjoyed the ‘imperfect’ tilesets and abrupt feeling of this game, which might have been ‘improved’ in a patch if it had been released in recent years instead of 1999.
(I wasn’t sure where to include this point, but I must also say, my favourite YouTube comments are about someone’s unusual interpretations of a game, when they did not have access to a guide at the time. I read one recently – the comment author and their brother rented ‘Final Fantasy IV’ from a rental store, and they did not know about the ‘Poison’ status effect that depletes the characters health. There is a strange pixelation effect and a ringing sound when you walk around the overworld while poisoned. Because the save file they were playing from was during a point of the game where you visit the moon, and because of the unfamiliar visual and sound effect, they interpreted the ‘Poison’ status effect as, “The moon must be running out of air.” Things like that are beautiful to me.)
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(I also wasn’t sure where to put this point, but the main character, May, from ‘Little Magic’, is stylized differently in some ‘cutscenes’. She resembles a dragon to me. It’s cute.)
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midwest-quill · 4 months
My DPS Headcanons
If the poets had phones:
Neil: His search history could be full of “How to know if a boy likes me?” “How to flirt with a roommate?” “Am I gay?” in reddit/quora and he also might search for some unique deep english words to impress Todd
Todd: Will stop everything he is doing if a random idea pop ups on his mind and will quickly open the notes app and would probably be frustrated if he didn’t remembered the idea
Charlie: Would probably be the one who falls for the free iPhone scam ads
Knox: Would “occasionally” stalk Chris’ profile and would overthink of who is she talking about in her posts and is also probably searching “romantic places to date someone near me”
Gerard: Has a “unique” and different usernames all over his social media and would rant to Meeks about the “allow cookies” thing because he has not recieved any cookies at all (Idk I just found this funny 😭😭)
Meeks: The one who would use acronym and tone indicators ALOT and would take time to search what are the meanings of those new acronyms/tone indicators he encountered and is also taking a lot of time trying to decide what emojis he would use on a three-word phrase
Cameron: Would probably bully kids online and consider it as an achievement and whenever he accidentally forgot his ruler, he would just use his phone as his alternative ruler andd would use online flashcards to prepare for an exam
ps. idk if anyone had the same idea already but yeah anyways..
I have quite a lot of headcanons rotting in my notes app, I might post them whenever I feel like idk you guys lmk
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hidiustd · 4 months
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10.06.2024 — finals season
went to the uni for the last time this semester, doing a marketing research project in the behavioral lab and also met my classmates (i was so happy to see them, we don't have much time together with all this online learning stuff and sometimes i feel like we really miss the student experience) today i'm finishing my last assignment this semester (it's driving me crazy tbh) and tomorrow i'll take my last exam (english). really hope to pass at the first try. wish me luck guys 🙌🏻
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the---hermit · 3 months
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Final day of studying for my English lit exam, I cannot wait for it to be over. I have reviewed things so much I honestly can't take it anymore. I also found out that we'll take the exam online and not in person, so yay for me because I won't have to commute and I'll get half day off after the exam. Then next week will be just me trying to work on my history lab paper as fast as I can, but I am trying not to think about it too much.
Today's productivity:
finished my last English lit review
finally managed to book an appointment to get my degree documentsTM after over a year (and I was so lucky I got it on the same day I have an exam so I will get everything done in one single day)
🎵: this has been my go to study playlist in the past couple of weeks
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spanishskulduggery · 3 months
I love scrolling through your blog because of all the great resources and explanations! I’ve been speaking Spanish with my partner (who only started learning English a year ago) everyday since 2020 but I took a little CEFR test today online and got B1, which seriously shook my confidence. How do I start filling in the gaps in my knowledge and learning all the stuff I’ll never pick up just speaking at home?
This can be difficult because it's partially skills and partially knowledge, and each person is different
(Also can be difficult when speaking with native speakers who use "incorrect" grammar aka the way they speak is correct but not how formal Spanish wants you to speak, like saying "ain't" in English isn't correct but it is what sounds natural)
Like if you take the test and you're great at everything but the listening part (that was me on my exam years ago) then it's a skill thing
Knowledge is easier to fix. It depends on what your gaps are though. There are some big things like understanding subjunctive or preterite/imperfect that are common missteps... and there are minute details that trip people up. Like they always try to make sure you know y/e or o/u
In practically every major competency exam for Spanish, you'll see something like siete _ ocho horas "seven (or) eight hours" or something equivalent and it wants you to put "or", but it should be siete u ocho horas because o "or" turns to u when it precedes a word with O- or HO-
Spanish Grammar Online: Contents (Enrique Yepes, Bowdoin)
This is what I usually recommend for people who are more intermediate because it gives an overview of the major things you should know. There are some minor things that aren't addressed though
I would also recommend WordReference, Linguee, and Contexto Reverso which are my usual go to resources for finding the right words / seeing how something is translated
Also don't knock Wikipedia in Spanish - the amount of times I've had to look up specific geographical names/spellings or especially looking up names of specific animals/plants/minerals... it's truly a lifesaver and you get to practice your reading
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drunkwhenimadethis · 1 year
The Twitter studyblr-esque girls are really getting to me like studiousness really is so beautiful and fun let me go sign up for a course my brain cells are wittling away completely. Personal essay workshop online maybe. Have to study the B2 Cambridge English exam format because I will be tutoring a group of piccoli italiani in their English starting next month. Time to buy a hot pink binder and....a pencil case. Anyways. Going to take melatonin tea and watch either Basic Instinct or In the Realm of the Senses. Or Wild Orchid
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beansterpie · 11 months
ES21 japanese volumes - part 1/??
part 2 >>
Sooooo I recently got my hands on the complete Eyeshield 21 manga series in Japanese and as someone who's only ever read the story through fan-translations on dodgy websites online, I wanted to go through and "live" blog about it, so to speak. I thought it would be interesting to see the changes between the languages and where the fan-translations likely fail with mistranslations. (No shade btw, I think fan-translations are great both as a hobby and the fact that they're doing their work for free, but it's also a reality that the vast majority of fan-translators are amateurs, many of whom don't fluently speak the language they're translating, so there's bound to be mistakes!) Also, I wanna know what they're originally saying because I’m nosey <3
I know the official English translation by VIS is allegedly pretty decent, bar the toning down of some things (like Hiruma's language lol) so if you've had the chance to read the official version, feel free to chime in on differences with the fan-translation that I'll be referencing, or potential differences between the Japanese version too!
And finally, while I am half Japanese and grew up there, tragically my language skills are imperfect. I speak it, but my vocabulary isn't very robust, so I do look up the definitions for a lot of words and kanji, as well as more nuanced connotations or references that may go over my head. Bilingual problems <3 But again, it's good practice for me and I think it'll be kind of fun!
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Right off the bat, this page. What it’s saying is essentially, “You better come out and play (in the) American Football match!” But because Japanese syntax is different from English, it’s structured like “American Football Match you better play!!” The translator was confused by the final line, because in Japanese a way to say ‘participating in a match’ is by using 出る which means to ‘go out’— sort of like ‘go out (into) the match’. Maybe a better option would have been ‘get the fuck out and play!!” or just “you better fucking play!!”. It still keeps the overall sentence structure which sounds awkward in English, but at least it gets the meaning across.
(I’m not gonna get into every little mistranslation btw, because that would take forever, but I felt that was a good way to explain how frequently there are little mistakes like this.)
Putting the rest under a cut because I imagine this will get long
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Look at our boy <3 So as you know, we start our story with Sena Kobayakawa timidly seeing if he passed his high school entrance exam into Deimon High School, with his childhood friend/older sister figure, Mamori Anezaki lending moral support.
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In the third panel, what Sena says is actually “I feel like I’ve been praised for the first time in 10 years—” (maybe they changed it because that was too pathetic 😭) Then in the fourth panel, what Mamori says is more along the lines of “And to think you were a total mess in math and English… It’s all thanks to Mamori-sensei!”
Also I want to point out that Mamori is a little cheekier in the first few chapters. Like obviously still kind and nurturing in personality (her name is literally ‘to protect’), but she teases Sena and feels more like an older sister than like, an overprotective mom lol. Miss that for her 😔
Then along comes our kind senpai to accost our clueless protag...
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There’s no mistranslation, but I just wanted to mention that the way Hiruma talks in Japanese is so funny? Like in panel 1, he’s speaking with a dramatic affect, he sounds like some sort of npc in a jrpg giving the protag a quest. And then in panel 2, his ‘of course!’ is this shortened, slang version of the word that sounds almost cute and very modern after the previous line. Hiruma uses a lot of slang in general, though I can’t say if any of it is like, common or used by teenagers (of the time, anyway) or if it’s just Hiruma-isms.
(Look at Kurita doing the sign of the cross in panel 3 😂)
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I can’t believe Hiruma managed to physically emulate the experience of contracting some shady internet virus…..
Something that’s done with Hiruma’s dialogue a lot (it’s done w/ other characters too, but most often with Hiruma) is where there’ll be a word/term in kanji that means one thing and pronounced in a certain way, but then the furigana (so the phonetic pronounciation, basically) next to it says something different. Now, in some stories (like Berserk for my pals out there), this is used to create poignant, layered meanings in the text. In ES21 however, it’s mostly used for sports manga flavor. For example, in the above page in Hiruma’s spam fax message, he uses the word 作戦, which means tactics or strategy, and is pronounced: “sa - ku - se - nn” さ-く-せ-ん. But the furigana next to that word reads タクティクス which is quite literally just the English word ‘tactics’ spelled phonetically in Japanese lol (aka a loanword).
He does this A LOT, most frequently with sports terminology, where the kanji are pretty dense, technical terms, and the furigana a loanword version of the same meaning. (though now that I think about it, it might also be because while パワー (power) and スピード (speed) are frequently used and well known loanwords to the average Japanese person, タクティクス (tactics) might be more obscure, so the kanji is there to like, clarify the meaning? 🤔)
Also I love all the early 2000’s tech we see in the early chapters— flip phones and fax machines galore! Even within the later segments of the series, the flip phones start to magically get more advanced, but in my heart ES21 takes place in like, 2003. If they ever do a remake of the anime (which is unlikely to say the least) I’d want them to maintain the early 00’s vibes. It just wouldn’t be the same if everyone had smart phones.
Skipping ahead a few pages, I remember this bit never really made sense, but I got enough of the general gist that I kind of shrugged and moved along. But!! the translation is just making stuff up here?
So for context: it’s Sena’s first day at Deimon, and Mamori (who’s a grade above him) advises him to make proper friends this year, since he has a history of only ‘hanging out’ with shitty bullies who used him as an errand boy.
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In the English translation, Sena seems to get a text from a mystery number, telling him to pay up for a bet we never saw happening. He goes to meet up with the texter, who we assume at this point is a previous aquaintence, since he had Sena's number? Maybe one of those bullies that Sena hung out with from middle school? They make Sena go and get them an unspecified thing, but because Sena ran there and back so quickly, they don't believe that Sena actually went, and is lying when he says they were sold out. They drag Sena to a small shed to beat him up, and in the last panel of the third page, Sena says that he's been their errand boy since kindergarden?
So for a number of years I was under the impression that the Ha-ha brothers knew Sena from before the series, even though that never seemed to come up in the rest of the story.
But in the original version, Sena is actually getting a text from Mamori-- which makes sense because it was established earlier that his cell phone is brand new and he only has Mamori's number in his contacts. Mamori's text says: "If someone tries to make you run their errands, tell them 'let's decide by rock-paper-scissors!'" Sena is understandably kind of embarrassed by this, and mutters to himself that he's not a kid anymore.
Then it cuts to Sena being picked on to be an errand boy lmao. Presumably this is because Sena just looks like an easy target to bullies, not because of any previous aquaintence rip. The blond bully tells Sena to go buy them bread (which might sound weird, but Japan has a lot of tasty snack breads that they sell everywhere). In panels 2+3 of the second page, Sena timidly tries to bring up the rock-paper-scissors thing, but is intimidated into giving up and just doing what he's told.
Again, they don't believe that Sena actually went all the way to the school store and back with how quick he was, so they decide to beat him up in the shed. As he's being dragged, Sena says, "It really was sold out! I've gotten used to being an errand boy since kindergarden, so I've just gotten fast--!"
So yeah, if there were any other people who've only read fan-translations and were confused by this bit, there you go.
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oh you just know it smelled like ass in here.....
(I never noticed the shotgun propped against the desk on the right before lol, idk why I'm surprised, but Hiruma really just left his Actual Guns lying around huh?)
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(2nd pic - Kurita: "New club applicants!!?")
There he is!! Our boy Kurita!! I do miss when he occassionally had like, more human features lol. As much as I love his big ol' smiley face, it does rub me the wrong way when the fat characters (because Komusubi falls into this too) are the only ones with anpanman faces.
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(anpanman, for the uninitiated)
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(Kurita: "To literally clash with the opponent in order to pursue a goal together with everyone-- that moment is exhilerating!")
Aw look at Sena feeling inspired! Honestly I really love how Kurita is Sena's first friend he makes in the series, and that vibe in the early chapters where it's just Sena, Kurita and Hiruma is so much fun <3
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(P1: Kurita: "Way to go Sena!" Imaginary Coach: "It's thanks to you that we could participate in the Christmas Bowl!" Mamori: "You're so cool Sena!"
P2: Mamori: "You have to make the first move!" Sena: "U-um!"
P3: Sena: "Can I... be the team shumu*?" Kurita: "WHAAATT!? O-OF-OF COURSE!")
*Ok soooo I don't fully understand what a shumu is lol, or how you'd translate it to English. The word itself apparently means 'person in charge' so? The fan-translation just calls it the manager, but based on something Hiruma says later, I get the impression that the shumu and the manager are technically different roles? But when Mamori becomes the manager later, she takes on a lot of what are allegedly 'shumu tasks', along with Hiruma, so idk. If anyone's read the official VIS translation, feel free to chime in on how they did it, because I'd be curious to know!
That being said, adorable of Sena to think he could have handled that responsiblity at all 😂 our boy has many talents, but being smart and organized is not among them.
Ok fun feelings are over, it's time for pain.
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(Sena looking at his contact list, having just added Kurita's number, then wham D: )
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The three bullies from before were waiting to get revenge. The dialogue is a bit different in the original. Juumonji (the blond one) actually says: "That fatso a friend of yours, Sena? Tell me his contact info-- if you do that, we'll let you go." To which Sena timidly and reluctantly agrees. Then Kuroki (the dark haired one) says: "But do you think one bat will be enough? With that brute strength..." In the final panel, Juumonji says: "It's better with just one, since we're gonna call the police beforehand." Togano (with the glasses): "The police?"
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Juumonji: "As long as we get him wrapped up in the fight, it'll be fine. We'll say we got these wounds from being assaulted by the fatso with the bat -- We'll get him disqualified from the American Football tournament." One of the others: "Ooohh, smart!"
I guess the overall sentiment isn't that different, but knowing that the initial demand was for Sena to hand over Kurita's contact info with the promise that they would spare him if he obeyed-- and that at first he agreed-- makes his change of heart feel even more significant.
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(Sena: "IF YOU'RE GONNA HIT ME, THEN HIT ME!!! I'LL NEVER TELL YOU (Kurita's info)!!!")
Tell 'em Sena!! A part of me sort of wishes the story maintained this serious story beat instead of undercutting it with humor in the next panel (not shown here) but at the same time, ES21 is overall a more lighthearted, comedic story which I love it for, so I don't think I'd like it getting too angsty. I'll always have Berserk in my corner if I want some actual angst lol.
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(1st pic: various sounds of surprise or pain, and in the last panel: "Oi, don't let him get away!"
2nd pic: Sena -- "No way!!!" Hiruma: "Hm? Oh it's that guy" )
Lol I do love the little details Murata included, like Kuroki taking a swing at Sena as he's biting Juumonji's hand but then totally missing in the fourth panel because Sena's so fast. Also I'm always on the lookout for the kinds of stuff Hiruma buys, snack wise. We know he loves sugarless gum, obv, and drinks coke based on that one time he bought some for himself, Kurita & Sena, but what else are in those bags? I want to know!!
And lol apparently I'm only allowed 30 images per post rip, so I guess I'll end this here. I guess I can.... reblog and continue? Or I might just make another post for the next part 🤔 Besides this got way too long, so I'll have to be more brief in future posts lol.
I'm honestly not expecting more than like, five people to interact with this lol, but if anyone is interested in specific points of the story they want me to look at, please feel free to ask!
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mathexamhelper-tutor · 9 months
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wonderwithin-us · 1 year
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The dream you're looking for is in the work you're avoiding ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Guess who got their phone broken 💗 but it's alright, it's all ok now & I noted down all I did in the past 3 days. My exams were a little bad, really bad to be completely honest, but it's alright, it was my first time giving exams this semester and I learnt what I need to do.
11th of July, 2023 💕
100 days of productivity — day 5, week 1
Economic exam preparation ~ I was so confused, there were so many concepts I'd missed because of my sickness but I tried YouTube and notes online. Procrastination really did get the best of me. I need to lessen my use of insta, seriously, I think Tumblr is more safe in that regard.
Microeconomics — Introduction & Consumer's Equilibrium
Statistics — Introduction & Organisation of Data
I need to work on my graphs, practice more and overall concepts of microeconomics. Also, clear up my concepts on stats. It's easy, but revision is needed.
12th of July, 2023
100 days of productivity — day 6, week 1
Economics exam, yikes. Next exam was Psych the next day, so I was really nervous because I wanted to score well in it! ❣️
Procrastination got to me, again. I studied for a while then thought it was too easy and I could do it at night, which, evidently, I couldn't.
I think rather than seeing easy topics as something to skip studying or take easy, I should put more effort in them so I can get them perfect and let it pay back to me.
What is Psychology? & Methods of Enquiry
I need to work on my basic concepts, esp in ch-2, and notes. Visual learning works best for me, and making my own notes is essential to my learning 📖
13th of July, 2023
100 days of productivity — day 7, week 1
Dear god, I think my psych exam was the most terrible. Which hurt me the most.
I really did lose hope after this. Not only did my incredibly unclear concepts and no notes not help, but the exam was extremely tough, the questions were really vague and I didn't understand them, and the worst of all, I literally forgot I had a whole section to do as objective even after rechecking. I lost 5 marks from that, maybe more.
That really hurt.
Tomm was English exam! I had seen what had happened in the last papers, so I really worked hard here.
I mostly focused on literature, since the creative writing formats were mostly very easy and took less than an hour.
Chapters with details are hard!
Anyways, I was really anxious until the end, and kept a few detailed chapters to the morning after to revise.
I really need to work on studying chapters I've missed before the exams come. It was so messy and frustrating trying to understand all these chapters with online notes and summaries, especially when the chapters are so open ended and the teacher is so strict with answers 💌
14 of July, 2023
100 days of productivity — day 8, week 2
WAR!!! IS!!! OVER!!!!
Final exam day, I was nervous but it was actually quite alright!
I absolutely need to work on my speed, though.
Also, I almost always exceeded the word limit in answers. So, I need to practice my creative writing more, not just in my head, but actually on paper, and be more perfectionist in my answers in literature.
I went out with my big brother to eat street food and it was all very lovely 🍝
I also wrote a lot of poetry, which I'm really quite proud of. I also received some really good news! 💕
New week! The first week was really, really overwhelming, and I don't want my future self to end up like that again. It was exhausting and hurtful and I want to get better.
In the end, I've got a lot of stuff to work with and I'm really proud of my self to survive all this! ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* I hope nothing but peace upon my future.
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I’m the Only One
Sequel to One is the Loneliest Number, One on One, One Little Thing, Only One I See, One Thing Leads To Another, One Message Waiting, One Day Closer to You
Warnings: none, Professor Steve (that’s a warning in itself)
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The tea shop is nearly empty that night. You glance through the window as you approach. It’s  Monday evening. Time’s ticking and exams are looming just around the corner. The air is crisp with the heightening winter and anxiety.
As you enter, you nearly collide with another. You apologise but your name stops you from backing out onto the pavement. At first, you don’t recognise him. It takes a moment before his name flickers in your mind and you say it in unison.
“Jensen,” you greet and he smiles at your recollection, “hey, uh, that’s the right name, right?”
“Jake, Jensen, either or works for me,” he steps out of the way and waves you through, a paper bag pinched between the fingers wrapped around a lidded cup, “how’s it going?”
“Uh, well, it’s fine,” you shrug, “you?”
“Yeah, um, good,” he says cheerily, “I’m so happy I ran into you. Without Inez.”
“Oh? Really?” You muse.
“She’s nice and all but… scary,” he scoffs, “no, actually, I wasn’t sure if I would. Uh, run into you, you know?”
His stammering is endearing as he adjusts his slender glasses on his nose. 
“Yeah, sure, I… you meet so many people here, you never know if you’ll cross paths again,” you push your shoulders up higher, “you’re in… engineering?”
“Computer science,” he corrects you, “but close. English?”
“Yeah, that’s it,” you chirp, “boring old stuff. You know, one day I’ll be a barista… maybe I’ll even work here.”
“Don’t sell yourself short,” he says and blanches. He drops his free hand and touches his coat pocket, “dang, I’m sorry, I’m actually headed off to work on a project but uh… I’ll see you around?”
“Sure thing,” you answer, “Jake Jensen… think I could probably hunt you down online. Or… you’re in computer science, you can find me.”
“Don’t encourage me,” he chuckles, “I got a few tricks up my sleeve already.”
“Right, um,” you look around, “oh, and looks like I’m keeping my study buddy waiting too.” You spy Professor Rogers in the corner. He’s watching you but as you look at him, he doesn’t really seem to see you. His eyes are pinpointed on Jake’s back, “I’ll let you go.”
“Right, uh, bye,” he angles around you, an awkward shuffle as you try not to trip over each other.
The door dings as it shuts and you hike up your bag as you head toward Steve. He winces as you get close and the tension eases from his jaw. He smiles as you slip off your backpack and lower yourself into the armchair by him, a low coffee table in the small nook.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to hold you up,” you say.
“Hmm, oh, that’s alright,” he waves you off, “that a friend of yours?”
“Jake? Not exactly. I know him through Inez, they, uh, play a game together,” you explain, “I don’t really get it though.”
“Oh, that’s… cool,” he comments, “I don’t know why but I thought…” he laughs and shakes his head, “I don’t wanna embarrass you but I thought you and him were maybe, more than friends.”
“Ah, oh,” you’re taken aback by the suggestion. As much by the idea that you and Jake were anything more than brief acquaintances or that Steve would even think of that, “no, no. Ha, no. You know how it is, you go to all these things and you meet a billion people you’ll never see again.”
“Guess I wasn’t that popular in college,” he kids, “mmm, before I forget…” He bends over his lap and grabs his messenger bag, “I actually meant to get this to you at the end of class but it slipped my mind.”
He reaches under the flap and wiggles a shape free. A rectangular white box with a silver emblem embossed on the side. He holds it out to you as he hugs his bag.
“What’s this?” You wonder, “Professor, I can’t–”
“Steve, and… think of it as a congratulations. For the TA position. It’s a big achievement.”
“Really, it’s so nice, but I really don’t think–”
“Please, open it,” he pleads, “I got it for you.” His brows draw together, “I really don’t wanna tag it back to the store. I kinda made a big deal about hunting it down.”
You feel helpless. If you accept it, it’s inappropriate. But if you refuse, well, that feels worse. Well, who would know but you? You take the box from him and cradle it in your lap, pressing your thumb to the logo.
“Well?” He urges eagerly.
You bite your lip and open the top. You unwrap the tissue paper from the top and reveal the lid of the mug. You pull it out a few inches and turn it. It’s almost the exact same one you broke at the orientation. You can’t believe it.
“How did you find this?”
“Well, I set my mind to something and I make it happen,” he rubs the back of his neck, a touch of pink in his cheeks, “do you like it?”
“It’s so nice of you– I– Thank you, Professor, you really didn’t have to do that,” you slide it back into the box and stuff the tissue down as you close the box, “I… I better work hard if I’m gonna make up for it.”
“You’re perfect, I mean… you’ll do perfect,” he leans forward, “really, you’re a great student. You’ll be great.” He peers around, “so you want a tea? Coffee? My treat.”
“Erm, okay,” you accept, “but let me get it. You got the cup–”
“I insist,” he stands and feels around for his wallet, “a student like you, you should save your money. For parties or whatever. Or ramen.”
The joke falls flat but you muster a laugh for him. You feel bad. He’s trying and he just seems so stunted. Like he just doesn’t know what to say. Like your mom whenever she was around your friends in high school.
“I’ll have a green tea,” you say, “please. Too late for caffeine.”
“Green, got it. Lemon or honey in it?”
“Just the tea, thank you,”
“Anything,” he grins again and clears his throat, spinning on his heel sharply, “tea, yeah, that’s it.”
He strolls away to the counter, no queue there, and he taps his fingers on the counter. You watch him as he orders, taking a thoughtful moment to make up his mind as he makes a show of browsing the menu above. He almost makes you feel better about your own lack of social grace.
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gurofushi · 1 year
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“all long & pretty, jus' f'me?”
𝜗𝜚 tsukishima kei x small fem! reader. (fluff & smut)
warnings; nsfw content (size kink, fingering, choking, degradation but also praise– tell me if i missed anything!), mean tsukishima :<
🦷 (apologies for any grammar mistakes, english is not my first language^^)
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⚝ just tsukishima being a total softie whenever the two of you would cuddle.
he absolutely loves being able to hold you so close to him, especially after a long day of practice or work, all he would want to do is to snuggle up in the sheets with you.
every time you two did, he'd have one of his big hands around you, keeping you pressed up against his chest.
the other would either be on your thigh (running his fingers up and down your leg just because he loved the feeling of your soft skin on his own rough hands) or on you head (softly petting your head and running his fingers through your hair while he watched you drift away to sleep was his absolute favourite thing to do, he won't ever admit though.)
⚝ its kinda funny how easily tsukishima melts at evey little thing you do.
he never told you this but, he finds you absolutely adorable. you were so small compared to him and he's like ??? can he bring you around everywhere he goes in his pocket pls ???
anyway, he just loves it whenever you two held hands, he's always so fascinated at how you could wrap all five fingers around just his pointer finger.
not only that, he adores that you're always asking for his hand when you're together.
you'd just be minding your own business, playing with his long fingers or comparing the sizes of his palm to your own, and he'd always be watching from beside you.
⚝ i like to think that one of tsukishima's love languages is gift giving.
he just likes to give you little gifts to keep as a way of expressing his love to you.
once upon a time, he found a pair of matching rings online and thought of you.
of course, being the good bf that he is, he bought it without a second thought.
he thought that it was perfect, but unfortunately, he realized that he didn't write down your ring size on the order page, so both rings came in his size a.k.a too big for you.
he literally turned so red and was too embarrassed to talk to you for the rest of the day.
it was no big deal for you though, even though you couldn't wear it as a ring, you quickly thought of a solution and rummaged through your jewelry.
you had pulled out a small chain and slipped the it through the ring so you could wear it as a necklace!
needless to say, he practically beamed when he saw you wearing his gift around your neck, he was so happy. (great job, y/n!)
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⚝ can't help but think about how tsukishima would mercilessly finger you under the table after he offered to help tutor you for your upcoming exams.
you could only squirm and whimper at the feeling of his digits pumping into you as he asked you questions about the material he was helping you with.
he'd be laughing at you from his seat, making fun of how you couldn't even form proper sentences while you drenched his hand in your wetness.
“dumb slut can't even answer a simple question like that?”
(+ bonus; if you somehow managed to pass your exams, oh he'd be all over you again. he'd be whispering sweet praises into your ear– like, “im so proud of you, baby. my little girl is so smart, isn't she?.” while splitting you in half with just his fingers, telling you that this was his reward to you for being such a ‘smart little girl’.)
⚝ i'd do anything to feel tsukishima's hand around my throat while he had his way with me :(
just imagine being grabbed by the throat and pushed against the wall by him.
he would keep his hand there and occasionally squeeze your throat every time he was able to hit your sweet spot, leaving you breathless and dizzy from how good it felt.
and after a while, he'd be balls deep inside of you and kept praising you for being able to take in every inch of him.
“you're such a good little girl for me, y/n. sucking in every inch of my cock like this.”
⚝ remember when i said tsukishima loved touching your soft thighs?
oh yeah, he fucking loves them.
he loves to grab and squeeze your plush thighs with those big and veiny hands of his.
especially in the car, he'd just place his hands on your thigh and squeeze them all ride long.
once you two got home, he'd shamelessly thank you for letting him use your thighs as an armrest, claiming that his hand was tired from volleyball practice that day.
you could only raise your eyebrows at the stupid smirk he had on his stupid face.
“you're welcome, kei. i an glad that i could help, but my services don't come free, y'know.” you said, playing along with his games.
he responded with a chuckle and asked you how much your service costs.
of course, not without complaining about how he wasn't informed about the prices before he signed up for a lifelong membership.
you two kept joking around about what kind of services you offered and how expensive each of them costs.
maaaybe if you were lucky enough, he'd let you ride his fingers all night long as payment.
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yourfavepookiebear · 10 months
Introduction (again 😭)
Requests: open (?)
I'm currently less active since I have exams coming up, so I'd rather answer any requests once my exams have passed. I'm gonna post my WIP soon, I just have to finish it first
Again, my only side account is @thepookiestpookiebear
Request Rules :
Character limit : generally 4 unless it's a group
I don't write incest, racist, homophobic, or that kinda stuff
Uhh I don't have much rules
I can write yandere stuff, I can also write self aware stuff
I write for twisted wonderland and genshin impact, and maybe tokyo revengers too !
And that's all, moving on :
Feel free to chat, I LOVE MAKING FRIENDS and i love talking/chatting ❤
If you don't like my works, just ignore them. If you don't like my account, block me. If I offend you somehow, either ignore me or block me.
I don't argue with people (most of the time)
I'm a pacifist, I have a teeny weeny wittle tiny eety beety bitty bit of anger issues
I haven't made a masterlist yet bc I don't know how to sorry
Do not steal my works, they are mine. Do not do anything with my works unless I consent to it, please. Don't copy !
Pookie, come and have some chai with me ♡♧ (or some coffee if that's what you prefer idk)
Hi pookies! I'm a beginner fic writer. I write for twisted wonderland, self aware twisted wonderland, and a slight bit of genshin impact, but mostly sagau. I'm a ✨FaLLeN AnGeL✨ /HJ SORRY 😞
My pronouns are she/her
I'm half European half Asian (specifically middle-eastern asian) my first language is French and my second language is English (chronologically), oh and I can speak in total 3-4 languages.
Edit: I have a lot of names and nicknames, so you can call me whatever you'd like, but here is a list of what most people call me, both online and irl :
Pookie bear
Jessica (rarely)
Catastrophe (a nickname my previous classmates used to give me)
Sometimes even Catharina, or Catherine/Katherine
In conclusion, I have a lot of names and nicknames, so just call me whatever you'd prefer to call me, I just gave that list so maybe you'd have an idea.
Sometimes I'm dumb sometimes I'm smart, it all depends and varies.
I'm a girl, bisexual + greysexual (basically a biromantic greysexual). I'm a huge simp -> (edit: sometimes), and I like cute things.
requests are almost always open pookies
Proud member of the pookie nation.
I will call u pookie or pookie bear no matter who or what you are.
I'm a pisces, my birthmonth is March. I'm not a huge fan of astrology but I do like astronomy tho
Subjects/topics I like:
Fashion, modeling, models.
Science (general base)
Philosophy (self-explanatory)
Edit : Sometimes history/SS too
Things I like/LOVE:
Vacuum cleaners ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤💖💞 (love of my life <33333333333333)
Food (everything except some seafood and mushrooms)
Cats (self-explanatory)
Cute things (self-explanatory)
Social media (sometimes, depends on the type)
My friends
My (new) classmates
My old school
Chicken nuggets
Dried bacon
Bacon and eggs
Scrambled eggs
Tuna fish cans (canned tuna fish 🔛🔝)
Basically any food
Chocolate, ex : chocolate cakes, chocolate milkshakes, chocolate bars, chocolate tablets
Nutella/chocolate milkshakes
Writing (depends, sometimes)
Ducks (And he waddled away waddle waddle waddle 🥲.)
MONEY (no need to explain)
My extra-curricular classes (kinda, sometimes I also hate them 😞)
Uh, a Lotta things, I'm just too lazy to write all of it (it would take hours)
Music too
My personality type:
I'm ambiverted actually so it depends, so idk.
Edit: I'm an INTP pookies
Little details about me:
I could talk about food for hours. (It's one of the only things I like more than astronomy and money.)
I can't focus for too long.
I have a wild imagination (not in a bad way tho)
I love mostly everything, except for a few people/things that I still hold grudges to. (For a good reason tho).
I have a super packed schedule most of the time, it's mainly cuz I go to 2 schools at the same time, along with extracurricular classes, and both school's homeworks, and school projects
My hobbies:
Writing (sometimes)
Studying (only rarely)
Jogging (but mostly cycling)
Track running
Cycling (every day, except for when I'm sick or not in form)
I don't like:
Judgemental people
People who have massive egos
Dirty people
Unsanitary people
Dirty food
Dirty water
Unhygienic people
People who don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom.
Some things you should probably know if you're one of my mutuals:
2. Also not that inportant, but I try to be nice to people because they already have enough problems and I don't need/want to be one of them. Sometimes though I may be rude or mean on accident, srry.
4. Also not important but I don't really think much before subscribing to someone, if I see a random stranger on the internet who has good humor, then I'll hit the plus button. Sometimes though it can be troublesome, since i don't really check people's bios.
ALSO this is my beloved creature that I found on the streets on a snowy day, it's my best friend now @farfarurfav
I'm in a lot of fandoms, mainly Twisted Wonderland, Genshin impact, Attack on Titan, Jujustu Kaisen, Honkai Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Sailor Moon, Naruto, Boruto, Assassination Classroom, Spy x Family, KNY, Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken/ That time I reincarnated as a slime, Obey me, Dark Fall, Etc etc and also I'm a manga, manhua, manhwa, and anime enjoyer and I also know some webtoons too !
ONLY Side account : @thepookiestpookiebear
Must read to navigate through my blog :
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Tags :
See "#yourfavepookiebear" for anything related to me !
See "#pookiebear rants" for whatever rants I've posted !
See "#pookie talks" for me talking with people or just chatting and stuff like that
See "#thepookiestwrites" for some of my newest works !
For now these are the only tags I'll introduce.
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for all the dividers ! ⬇️
Oh btw @cafekitsune , love your stuff
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