leoleolovesdc · 1 year
When Dick first became Robin Alfred was really pissed at Bruce for letting a unprepared nine year old fight crime, so B-man gave him a pocket taser so Alfie would feel like he was safer (it didn't help) and Robin was just enchanted by that taser, he never went anywhere without it, never fought anyone without using it and just developed a passion for tasering people, so much so that when he grew up he couldn't let go of it, so he made escrima sticks WITH tasers so he could still use the love of his life while fighting crime as Nightwing.
The og taser is in display on the batcave as the first and most efficient weapon that a Robin ever had. Damian is very jealous of that title and still doesn't understand how he didn't surpass Dick with his cool swords, little does he know how much chaos and destruction a untrained nine year old with a taser can inflict in a city.
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ausetkmt · 1 year
NBC News: Florida deputy charged after stun gun turned man covered with fuel into 'human fireball'
A Florida deputy accused of recklessly deploying a stun gun on a man who was covered in gasoline and became "a human fireball" has been charged in the incident at a gas station last year.
Osceola County Deputy David Crawford was charged this week with one count of culpable negligence with personal injury, a first-degree misdemeanor, according to the State Attorney of the Ninth Judicial District.
Jean Baretto had second- and third-degree burns to at least 75% of his body after the February 2022 incident at an Orlando gas station.
Deputies were pursuing Baretto, who was "accused of violating traffic laws as he 'popped wheelies' in traffic while on his dirt bike," and a struggle ensued, the state attorney's office said.
Baretto was pumping gas when Crawford tackled him and "become smothered in gasoline," according to Mark NeJame, Baretto's attorney.
Crawford then deployed his Taser, setting Baretto on fire and turning him into "a human fireball," NeJame said.
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NeJame says the charge "is but a first tiny step."
"Law enforcement is supposed to protect us, not incinerate us," NeJame said. "This was a grossly excessive use of force that should of and could have been avoided."
The Osceola County Sheriff’s Office said it is letting the criminal justice system decide if Crawford committed a crime.
"Over a year ago, we investigated this case and sent our findings over to the State Attorney’s Office to review. We feel it’s appropriate to let the criminal justice system determine if Deputy Crawford did a criminal act that could be proven beyond a reasonable doubt," the statement read.
 Crawford joined the agency in 2012.
If convicted, Crawford can face up to one year in jail and/or a fine of up to $1,000, according to the state attorney’s office.
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robinrites · 2 years
Clueless in New York
Whumptober Day 10!
Prompts: Poor Unfortunate Souls, Waterboarding, Tasers
Summary: Reimagining of TUA 1x04 :)
Tw: Torture, general whump
“Y’know you guys could really use some work on your bedside manner.” Klaus sputters out as he bends over in his seat.
Hazel and Cha Cha both glare at him for this, unamused. If Klaus had to guess, he’d say it’s been maybe eight hours since he was picked up by those two and dragged to some hotel in god-knows-where. They’re determined, Klaus’ll give them that. Unfortunately for all of them, they managed to snag the one person who has no clue what is going on with his family, or more importantly his brother. 
“Maybe we’d be in a better mood if you’d quit stalling and start giving us some answers, ever thought of that?” Cha Cha sneers, leaning closer to Klaus. When Klaus laughs in response, she pulls back. “What’s so funny?” 
“It’s just,” He cuts himself off with his own laughter, “You’ve been at this for hours and you still haven’t figured it out?” 
Hazel steps closer, suddenly interested in what Klaus has to say. “Figured what out?” 
“You assholes got the wrong guy!” Klaus laughs some more before struggling to catch his own breath, his laughter dissolves into coughing. “You claim to be time traveling assassins and yet you can’t even manage to grab anyone who might actually have information for you. I mean how stupid can you be-” 
Cha Cha swiftly slaps him across the face, then turns to the beds. She digs through one of the suitcases, before pulling out a small black taser, then she smiles. “Don’t let the size of this guy fool you. Like you said, we’re ‘time traveling assassins’ which means we’ve had time to fine tune our tools of the trade.” She presses a button and the taser begins to click, blue sparks shooting out the end. 
“Let’s not be too hasty-” Klaus is cut off as the taser is put against his neck then turned on.
Thousands of volts of electricity course through his body. He bites back a scream, at least he thinks he does. A cloth is shoved into his mouth, which tells him he probably didn’t hold it in like he’d hoped. Finally Cha Cha relents, and the gag is pulled out of his mouth again. Klaus gasps for air as his bones ache from the electricity. He catches his breath after a few moments, then looks back up at Hazel and Cha Cha who are glaring at him expectantly. 
“Feel like sharing now?” Hazel asks. 
Klaus takes a few more staggering breaths before opening his mouth. “It all started when I was a child-” The taser is pressed to his side and turned on again. This time Cha Cha lets it go for a longer time. When it stops again, Klaus catches his breath and tries to start again. “My mom wasn’t around much and my dad was a total piece of shit-” 
Cha Cha turns up the power on the taser and continues to lay into Klaus with it. “Listen here you little shit, I don’t care what the hell your dad did to you. I am asking you about Five, so when I turn this thing off, we’re gonna talk about him, got it?” Klaus nods numbly, trying his best to focus on anything but the electricity coursing through his body. 
Eventually she turns it back off again, then looks at Klaus. “Look, I honestly don’t know what Five is doing back here.” Klaus sobs, the pain of being shocked finally getting the better of him. “He showed up a couple days ago and was spouting some nonsense about the apocalypse before running off to do something.” Cha Cha raises the taser again and Klaus shakes his head quickly. “I swear! That’s all I know! He had me go with him to some prosthetic factory a couple days ago but he didn’t tell me what we were doing there. He had an eyeball in his pocket though, which I thought was weird, but hey we’re all weird in our own ways I guess. It sounded like he just wanted to return the eyeball and he paid me to come with him so I went.” 
“Is he really….?” Hazel trails off looking at Cha Cha who seems to understand and finish the thought for him. 
Klaus shakes his head again, “I’m telling the truth I swear!” Hazel whips out his gun and hits Klaus with the butt of it, knocking him out. 
“That little shit really is trying to stop the apocalypse.” Cha Cha says in disbelief. “Can’t believe he would be that stupid.” She spins around and begins to pack up her things, gesturing for Hazel to follow suit. As the pair begins to head for the door, Hazel glances back at Klaus, gesturing with his head at the man. 
“What are we gonna do about him?” Hazel asks, stopping Cha Cha in her tracks. 
She curses under her breath before turning to look at Klaus. “Let’s just gag him and shove him in the closet for now, we can dispose of him when we get back. Or if our lead turns out to be a dead end, I’m sure he’ll have more information for us once we’ve given him time to think. I’ll meet you in the car, just make sure you put the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the door okay? Can’t have people asking questions. Got it?” 
Hazel nods, then sets down his suitcase so he can do what Cha Cha told him to. He quickly places a piece of duct tape over Klaus’s mouth, then double checks the bindings. Hazel adds an additional layer of duct tape around his wrists and ankles before dragging the chair Klaus is in into the closet. Satisfied, Hazel grabs his suitcase and heads out the door, turning off the lights as he does so. He meets Cha Cha at their car, where he gets into the passenger seat. She looks at him, raising an eyebrow, her way of asking if he did what he was told. He nods, then she turns on the car and pulls out of the parking lot, heading towards the prosthetics factory. 
Klaus hears the door to the room open and can instantly tell Hazel and Cha Cha are both mad. The door slams shut, followed by the closet door swinging open. Klaus nervously looks at Hazel as he is dragged out of the closet, back into the center of the room. Cha Cha’s face is nearly red with anger as she glares at Klaus. She storms over to his chair and cuts the bonds free, then drags him by his hair to the bathroom where she begins to fill up the bathtub with water. The duct tape is ripped off from over his mouth, and he takes in a deep breath of air. 
“Something wrong?” He nervously asks, despite knowing damn well that something is definitely wrong. 
“It was a dead end, you little shit.” She spits out, “Couldn’t find any trace of Five in their systems, or in the security footage. But hey, at least we got to blow a lab up right Hazel?” Even though he can’t see Hazel, Klaus can still feel him nod.
“We also left a note for your brother.” Hazel informs Klaus, as he grabs his wrists and binds them behind his back. “Told him that we had you and if he didn’t turn himself in there’d be hell to pay.” 
Klaus can’t stop himself from laughing, “You guys really don’t know Five then, do you?” Hazel and Cha Cha don’t answer this. “He may have vanished into the future for fifty years, or whatever, but he’s still the same cocky guy I knew growing up. He’s also not an idiot and I’d say there’s no chance he’s turning himself in for me.” Cha Cha turns off the water, returning Klaus’ attention to the bathtub he’s kneeling in front of. 
“Let’s see if you’re still saying that after a little waterboarding, hm?” Cha Cha laughs, followed by Hazel grabbing onto Klaus’ arms tightly. 
She holds onto Klaus by his hair before pushing his head down underwater before he has a chance to hold his breath. To his credit, he does manage to make it a minute before he runs out of air and tries to push back against Cha Cha’s iron grip. Seconds before he blacks out, his head is yanked back above water. He coughs up water from his lungs, gagging slightly. Klaus takes shaky inhales trying to catch his breath, unable to before Cha Cha quickly shoves him back underwater to repeat the process. 
When she pulls him up a second time, she leans closer, her hand still tightly wrapped in his hair. “How about you share some more about Five?” 
“I already told you!” Klaus says in between gasping for air and coughing up water from his lungs. “He disappeared when we were kids and only recently came back! Hell I’m not even sure why he still looks like he’s 12.” 
“I’m sorry, say that again?” Hazel says, slightly loosening his grip on Klaus’ arms. 
“I said ‘he disappeared when we were kids’.” Cha Cha smacks the back of his head for this. 
“Not that part idiot, the part about him looking younger.” Cha Cha can’t help but groan and wonder how she ended up interrogating the dumbest person on the planet. 
“Well, me and my siblings were all born on the same day y’know?” Klaus asks, nervously hoping he won’t give away anything important. “So we’re all the same age, but when Five came back, well he still looks like he did when we were kids.” Cha Cha releases his hair, and Klaus allows his head to rest on the edge of the bathtub. 
“So we’ve been looking for an old man, but we should’ve been looking for a kid this whole time?” Hazel asks redundantly. “Fuck me.” 
Cha Cha stands up, “You stay here and watch him, I’m going to go rewatch the security footage and talk to some people.” She starts to walk out of the room before pausing, “Don’t let him out of your sight, understand?” Hazel nods, allowing Cha Cha to leave. “Can’t believe that fucker’s in disguise.” She mutters under her breath as she heads for the car, “I don’t get paid enough for this shit.”
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sspacegodd · 6 months
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I'm shocked! At last!
The police commission is finally doing something about all the static electricity left over from cops using their taser on perps. Clive and Mrs. Beefhaven harvest as much lingering electricity as they can carry in empty olive jars that they get from Safeway.
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selfdefensegearco · 8 years
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Check Out This Fantastic Post Just Published on https://selfdefensegearco.com/personal-protection/do-tasers-always-work/
Do Tasers Always Work ?
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Before Tasers, the police used other tactics on unruly folks. Choke holds and police dogs come to mind. I’m sure the “Don’t tase me, bro” guy would have been choked in the days before Tasers. Sure, a few folks were killed, so the two techniques may be tactically comparable. The Taser’s clear advantages of officer […]
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jraker4 · 1 year
Boy howdy, it’s not often you get so stark an example of how fucked up American priorities are.
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soothsayersblog · 1 year
Bounty Hunter Store
The Bounty Hunter Store offers the best technology in non-lethal weapons at the most competitive prices. If you find a better price somewhere else, we offer a price match guarantee. When considering purchasing technology products, it’s essential to do your research and compare prices and features across different retailers to ensure you’re getting the best deal. The Bounty Hunter store offers…
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devoutfervor · 3 months
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do you feel lucky ?
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
The police watchdog has begun an inquiry into the death of man who fell from a balcony at a residential block in south-east London after being Tasered by Met Police officers.
The watchdog said it had been told officers were responding to reports of a man threatening to jump on 12 April.
For more than an hour, the Met officers tried to persuade him to come inside, the watchdog was told by the force.
He was then Tasered by an officer and fell to the ground, the watchdog said.
He was taken to hospital where he later died from his injuries.
The officer who Tasered the man was on the balcony during the incident, in Peckham, which happened several floors up in the block and in the early hours, the IOPC said.
Body-worn footage
A mandatory referral was made by the Met Police to the independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC).
Officers are trying to identify the man's next of kin, while formal identification and a post-mortem examination are set to take place at a later date.
"We received a mandatory referral from the force and declared an independent investigation the next day," a spokesperson said.
"Our investigation is in its initial stages and we have secured officers' body-worn footage as we begin gathering evidence."
Det Ch Supt Seb Adjei-Addoh, in charge of Met policing for Lambeth and Southwark, said: "I know the community will be concerned about this tragic death and I share their concern.
"All police officers know that their actions will be scrutinised in situations such as these, and the Met is fully supporting the independent investigation by the IOPC."
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dinosaurswant2rule · 2 years
I've finally updated my Mac in prison fic from many moons ago. I have no idea if this new section is good or not, I wrote instead of resting/sleeping. Feedback is always welcome :)
Happy whumping everyone!
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singswan-springswan · 8 months
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thebibliosphere · 10 months
Playing GK, and I'm doing a "collectibles" run through Gotham tonight and went hunting for the street art in the West End.
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(Sorry for the potato quality; I had to lighten the camera to make it visible in screenshots. Also, image IDs are in alt.)
I was surprised when the descriptor "Born This Way" popped up when I added it to my collection, along with a description of the piece being commissioned for Gotham Pride.
"Aw, that's nice." I thought. A nice little bit of world-building that ties in nicely with Tim coming out as bi and Dick offering to go to Pride with him.
So, anyway, art collected, I hopped back on my bike, took off down the street, and then reversed at full speed because I realized I'd just driven over a rainbow crosswalk.
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"Aw, cool! That's a nice little touch. Wait a minute... is that an Irish gay bar?"
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"It is! It's a gay Irish bar! Huh... I wonder what else is around here."
So I get off the bike, turn a corner, and start counting the rainbow Pride flags hanging over fire escapes and windows.
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"Wait... does Gotham have a Gay Village?"
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"Holy shit, they gave Gotham a Gay Village!"
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"Wait, what does that sign say under the Pride flag... "The Quiet Escape Bookstore"... GAY BOOKSTORE GAY BOOKSTORE GAY BOOKSTORE GAY BOOKSTORE!!!"
So anyway, yeah. I have 154 hours in this game and only just now found Gotham's LGBT district.
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xionthedragonart · 2 years
Day 10 of Whumptober: Poor Unfortunate Souls | Tasers
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asyouleft · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark Additional Tags: Whumptober 2022, Whump, Accidents, Tasers, Mistakes, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Hurt Peter Parker, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Insecure Peter Parker, Tony Stark Has A Heart Series: Part 1 of Whumptober 2022 Summary:
Humming to himself, he had everything taken apart the way he needed it to be, reaching over he grabbed a small pair of tweezers. There was a very small wire that looked out of place, one that was definitely related to his taser webs. If that was crossed over with another one, it might have been the cause of the misfire. He needed to move the wire aside, try to figure out at what point it had detached from its usual spot.
The tip of the tweezer touched the wire and then, things went very wrong.
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lazylittledragon · 1 year
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parenting is hard y'know
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