#tcw doom
kbirbpods · 8 months
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[Podfic Link] | Length: 9 minutes, 42 seconds
Original Work: Of Attitudes and Assessments by @wanderingjedihistorian
Clone Wars: Howzer, Doom | Rating: G
“It was pointed out to them that we aren’t third stage cadets anymore, right?” Howzer asked. “Don’t you know? The five of you are lowly CTs, you aren’t supposed to be able to handle a CC rated course,” Doom deadpanned. Howzer blinked. “This was a CC course?” he asked.
Notes: Part 6 of [Podfics of] Here There Be Dragons
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Round 2b Part 5
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I've seen how much tbb fandom thirsts for Tech, so Doom is doomed
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eclec-tech · 5 months
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It's been years since we've seen those ears!
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clonememesfrikyeah · 25 days
Due to an employee error the ration bar factory accidentally laced all their product with space weed, what do you think happens to the GAR?
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gamelpar · 3 months
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clone commanders + emails
first batch | second batch
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frostbitebakery · 4 months
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“Let’s put you out of your misery,” Doom says, checking the charge on his blasters while keeping an eye on the stray droid crawling towards an abandoned E-5 rifle.
“You’re mine,” Doom grits out, gets his fingers around the leg of the droid making for General Tiplar. He pulls, rolls. The droid is on his chest and he clamps an arm around it, sinks his knife into its neck. Wipes the blood out of his eyes.
“I need answers,” Doom says, arms crossed so he doesn’t try to strangle the holo. “See that you get them.”
“I will get them,” Rex promises, voice stoic to resemble a Commander’s.
Doom doesn’t snort but it’s a close call.
“I’m sorry for your lo—“
He flicks the comm off. He doesn’t have the capacity for niceties.
Tiplee is slowly finishing the transport box for her sister. “We fought a lot growing up,” she says. “We were in separate crèche clans even.”
His jaw ticks under his bucket.
“We only grew close once we were both adults. People are in motion, always. In body, in spirit. Sometimes you are only meant to meet at later points in your life even if you’ve known each other since you were born.” She strokes a careful hand over Tiplar’s forehead. “I will let you say your goodbyes.”
Doom steps up to the box once Tiplee is gone.
Tiplar hasn’t gone grey yet. There’s a furrow burnt in her brows, the confusion over a clone shooting her carrying her to death.
“I will watch over her,” he states. Promises don’t mean anything in war. So he doesn’t promise. His heart skips a beat. He was meant to watch over Tiplar as well.
“Botany,” he slurs out, clinks his cup to Tiplee’s when she holds hers up. “I love sunshine. And plants. There’s so many!”
“I’m gonna,” she hiccups, booze sloshing over the rim of her cup when she points at him, “I’m gonna sneak you into the gardens in the Temple and show you the strawberry patch.”
“Sneak?” He thought everything in the Triple Zero Temple is free to roam for all Jedi.
“Totally,” Tiplee agrees with an enthusiastic nod and he realizes he’s spoken aloud. “But sneaking is funnierer— funner— funyun?”
He nods right back. “Funyun sounds right.”
“What do you mean, poisoned?” Doom asks. According to survival sim training, the strawberries look pretty unpoisoned.
Tiplee holds up a berry, turns it around a bit. “The Dark is ever growing. Spreading throughout the Galaxy, into the earth of every planet. It has changed the very matter of things.” She smiles up at him. “I remember them sweeter.”
“I will help your strawberries be the best they can be, I— promise.” He wretches the word out of himself. Pulls and pulls until it’s off his tongue and out in the open. “Hold on until then, yes?”
Tiplee smiles at him, taps her thumb against his temple. “Doom, you have found a place where you feel you are meant to be. It will be alright even if my time has come.”
“Uhm,” he says. Blinks. Swallows.
Maxir leans back, hands disappearing into the robe sleeves. “I’ve read this wrong?”
Probably not? “I don’t know,” he almost says until instinct takes over to not show indecisiveness. “Yes.”
Maxir’s face colors. He doesn’t tend to get cute blush spots high on his cheeks but rather an all consuming flush that looks close to blistering. “I’m sorry. I misjudged. It will not happen again.”
Jedi are so graceful in their apologies, Doom has learned. It’s charming.
He holds up a ripe non-perfect strawberry. “You look like this.”
“I beg your pardon—“
“You’re safe,” Doom gasps, wildly looking at Maxir’s frozen figure. “You’re safe.”
“Come here. Sit down.”
The calm authority in Maxir’s voice has him on his feet and back on the ground before he knows it.
“You are safe,” Maxir reassures him for whatever reason, filling Doom’s spotty vision and leaving room for not much else. “May I touch you?”
It’s a new helper droid. Gangly limbs for reaching deep into the foliage without damaging it. Looking like a B-1. The clippers looking like a blaster.
Its head lies halfway across another crop’s field. The body stabbed with its own limbs and the clippers.
“You are safe.”
Doom doesn’t believe him yet.
“I don’t recognize you anymore,” Doom says to his reflection.
There’s laughter lines around his eyes, his mouth. He has freckles from the sun. Permanent dirt under his nails he recognizes as dirt, not blood. His body is covered in flowers.
Last night he met up with the last of the 962nd and Master Tiplee. Six, Mimic, and a few others had helped him haul around the huge crates of produce into the AgriCorps’ building and kitchen.
They’d blasted each other’s asses while peeling, tasting, cooking, and fighting over seasoning. They fell asleep under the stars, occupying chairs and hammocks dotting the terraces. Tiplee had drooled on his shoulder, the tips of her fingers still red with strawberry juice.
“I don’t recognize you anymore.”
“Mrnng,” Maxir mumbles, slowly shuffling his way past Doom to the shower.
“Maybe that’s a good thing,” Doom says to his reflection.
“No,” Doom murmurs, wrings his shoulder against the doorframe to Maxir’s office.
The desk is cluttered with data pads and flimsiwork bearing the AgriCorps seal. Analyzing crop conditions and rotations has taken up most of what is left of their day after tending to the fields and labs.
Maxir looks at him over his glasses before pushing them up, ruffling the short hair just under one of the horns. “No? I surely thought there was caf left…”
Doom pushes himself away from the door, takes the three steps to the desk before sitting down on a free-ish spot. “No, you didn’t read it wrong,” he non-explains. “Also, for safety reasons I disposed of the last of the caf.”
Maxir glances at the clock above the desk. “It’s been five hours. The sludge level must still be within reason.”
Doom blinks blandly at him.
Maxir blinks back before it visibly clicks. “Oh!” He buffs the back of his hand against Doom’s thigh. “I told you I’m nearly always right. Also,” he parrots back with a mischievous grin, “the fact we’ve kissed and held hands and you let me dote on you—“
“Excessively,” Maxir agrees. “I broke all constraints when I bought you last meal that one time.”
Doom pushes Maxir away from him by way of the rolling chair he’s sitting in while Maxir recalls in detail and with a lot of hand gestures how Doom had gracefully accepted being cared for.
“Or when you let me clean all the petri dishes by myself,” Maxir says excitedly, seat slowly spinning in a circle. “You were snoring so adorably on the lab bench.”
“I regret meeting you.”
“Mimir shoo for half the night cycle!” The chair slowly rotates back towards Doom. Maxir’s eyes soften. “I, for one, am very glad we met when we did.”
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WIP and backstory
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redbean-nom · 4 months
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(aka trash children, chaos children, and children who understand 98 is getting graded on this)
Inspired by @thefoundationproject! Closeups under the cut:
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jesse got this pic from jangotat:
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mearchy · 1 month
The clones with drugs and alcohol - HCs
In no particular order. Obviously TW for mature themes.
Thinks of himself as a very responsible drinker, only occasionally indulges and usually when talked into it by his brothers.
Won't touch spice or any other drugs.
Able to be coaxed into shenanigans SO easily when drunk
Therefore his brothers have IMMENSE motivation to get him drunk when they want to pull Nonsense
Can also be a very sad drunk, I think. Please give him hugs.
Can hold his liquor... fine. His tolerance isn't great because he doesn't drink often but he's got engineered supersoldier metabolism so he holds up alright, to his relief.
Who do you think Rex got his responsible drinking and drug habits from?
Except Cody is the kind of mf who learned through EXPERIENCE.
His batchmates have stories about teenage drunk Cody that they are sworn to secrecy about on pain of death.
Drunk Cody is TWICE as ready to throw down and is five times LESS inhibited about bodily tackling someone with no regard for his own safety.
Cody can probably hold his liquor but wouldn't it be so funny if he couldn't. Marshall Commander two-sheets-to-the-wind-from-four-glasses-of-wine.
He's the guy who will make direct, unwavering eye contact (ha. just the one.) with you across the table as you're both taking a sip from your drinks and suddenly you're in a competition for who can keep chugging their drink until the whole thing is empty and he's so scary how is he DOING that-
Wolffe has a naturally competitive and snippy personality but I do actually think he softens more around the edges with a few drinks in his system.
Not in a sloppy way just smiling a little more and being more affectionate.
Doesn't like or trust any substances that aren't well known to him, won't touch anything other than alcohol.
Sloppy, loud, kind of peevish drunk. All the shit that's always simmering under his skin has an excuse to come out.
“Listen, man. We need to start a revolution. Why hasn't someone bombed the Senat- oh, they have? Shit, can I be in on that?”
Will drop space acid or smoke space weed but only if Echo does. And Echo is smart enough to know that the paranoia Fives gets when he smokes weed is not worth it.
Type of guy to run across some random person in the desert and take psychedelics with them and go on an intense spiritual journey where he communes with dead gods. And then he shows back up at camp a couple hours later having achieved six new levels of enlightenment looking none the worse for wear. Only ever tells three people about this.
Echo is the kind of guy to have an Excel spreadsheet of dosages so he can bake the world's most precisely engineered edibles.
It doesn't work anyway because Fives keeps sticking his fingers in the batter and now the damn ratio is slightly off, why would you do that-
Also cannot keep a secret for the absolute life of him so he cannot pretend to be sober and he must be kept contained while drinking/stoned illicitly.
Maybe a very loving drunk. Or very sad. I'm not sure.
You already know he's in the club taking shots dancing on tabletops with his shirt off.
Life of the party, BUT he also doesn't mind being the designated driver. Flyer? Designated sober friend.
Type of guy to cheerily carry his drunk, passed out besties home and dump them into bed.
He's actually an explosives expert not just an enthusiast and he’s kind of a genius and everyone forgets that until he gets drunk and starts writing the equations to create insane explosive devices on his napkin while enthusiastically explaining it to his friends.
Very high alcohol tolerance.
This man dresses like he's from Bangor Maine. I just know he was on that void planet smoking wild amounts of weed, and wearing Birkenstocks and a Patagonia puffer vest over a flannel shirt while doing it.
Thinks alcohol is a crutch.
World's most miserable drunk.
But also can act really embarrassingly flamboyant so he stays away from alcohol at all costs.
Heh... I should kill my boss heh... wouldn't it be fucking hilarious if ... haha if I just walked into his office with a grenade right now and pulled the pin... fine, fiiine, yes, stop yelling at me. I would neeever leave Thorn with that much paperwork.
Zero tolerance, complete lightweight, doesn't matter how often he drinks. Can't hold his liquor for shit.
He either does mind-boggling amounts of coke or he's completely 100% straight edge and always has been. Don't ask me how I know this.
He's so normal about alcohol I bet.
But he is giggling and kicking his feet and twirling his hair while talking to his brothers about Aayla and about the adventures of his men.
Absolutely incorrigible gossip.
Not braver after a few drinks just more prone to melting into a puddle.
Tried space MDMA once (spice?) just to say he did and hated it.
Uhhh if I do a part two it will include the bad batch and some other clones I missed.
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tesalicious2 · 2 months
Command Clone Currency
The clones are unpaid and therefore broke. They can’t really pay each other to do things since they have no money so they go for a new currency: favors
Now, the CTs don’t really do it the same as the Commanders because they have to be specific. They can’t return a favor between battalions quickly, due to fighting/locations/schedule. They’re at the whim of the war and pick and choose their repayment time.
The Comanders are different. They trade and barter like crazy. It’s favors with a few cases of alcohol. They can trade favors they are owed to others all the time, so anyone can cash it. They can pull the strings to get their payment quick.
For example, Cody needed a save from a small squad. He knew Delta was on planet doing some mission and he needed a detour but he had no connection or favor. However, Fox (for some reason) did. Cody offered a case of spotchka and a favor Monnk owed in return for having Delta do the detour. Delta owed fox one less favor, Cody owed no favors (which is the best outcome, since Fox WILL cash it) and Fox got something on Monnk and free (very expensive) spotchka.
Few CTs knew they did it this way, and the CT captains such as Rex and Keeli had to quickly adapt to this way of thinking. Rex made the mistake of owing Bacara before anyone told him. Keeli was lucky enough to meet the SpecOps CC Blackout, who clued him in on the difference but left him high and dry when it came to implementing his knowledge. (Keeli ended up owing Blackout two mini guns for his ‘friendly advice’)
Though, when times are tough and there is little time to barter, it is common to put off the payment until after the act is completed. Though many hate doing this as the trading can become unfair. What often happens is the party in need already has a deal prepared and states their need and their payment, it is hardly ever contested (however the helper may tack on another fee which is accepted or denied).
For example, Doom needed backup from Jet’s flame troopers. He quickly called, stated his need, and his payment of a case of charges. Jet had found the payment (though correct in price, unpractical for his squad) and changed it to half a case of fuel (easier for Doom to get a hold of and just as useful as charges to a Demolition team). Doom accepted the terms and Jet’s squad arrived right on time.
Though the bartering is mostly physical, many deal in the intangible. Perfect examples are all of the Coruscant Guard and the Special Operations teams. These are the only two groups who has everyone (including CT shinies) in on this system. They have the least to offer when it comes to normal ops, after all what GAR commander needs to know where a random Senator is going to be at what time or who slept with who. However, this trading info is perfect for the Guard who constantly works with/against (yay embezzlement and blackmail) these same Senators and for the SpecOps who need to know political climates and interpersonal relationships for recon and assassinations.
Most trading goes on between those two, and their prices are often higher since the missions are higher stake. Often Commando Squads are up for bids (who doesn’t want a four man 100% mission completion rate squad in their pocket), blackmail on natborn officers, republic secrets, senators schedules, crime syndicates favor and areas of interest, etc.
For the Guard, their trading goes further. They work with crime syndicates to keep it off the streets while keeping profit up. Those who do not work with them, go down. They’ve gain control of the lower 2000 levels through this and those who do not conform are forced to by the Guard or the citizens of the lower levels who don’t want to deal with the Guard, (peer pressure and bullying at its finest.)
The commanders learned this from watching the Cuy’val Dar, who would often trade on Kamino. The Alphas picked it up and used it but the CCs truly made it valuable beyond belief. The trainers traded for free shifts and booze, the CCs traded for mission successes and heavy artillery.
Many CTs attempt to learn how this system works. However, as few know it’s different, even fewer see the affects; those that do, know well enough to leave it be.
Despite there being no real difference in intelligence between the CCs and CTs, witnessing the speed and weight of the trades, makes even the Jedi’s head spin.
The Padawans are one of the few outsiders to see it in action. They do not really like it, but many pick it up for lesser trades (help with this paper or answers for this homework). Cal Kestis surprisingly picks it up the best. He’s the youngest so very impressionable, eager to learn, his CC Commander Steel, is very good at it, and Steel is possibly the only one to teach their General’s Padawan.
Steel sees that Cal isn’t going to be on the field much (Steel agrees with this and makes sure he stays on the Venator). So, if Cal ever needs help, he knows how to get it. Steel has made him be present for several trades and even made him come up with theoretical ones. Cal becomes very good at it, but is unable to flex his skills much due to the other Padawans unable to match his speed or skill. They are several years older, see it as in-Jedi like or are bad at it (or their Captains are bad at it and can’t teach them well), their concept of value is off (Jedi don’t often put a price on things and those that do have a habit of underselling due to being nice), and/or they do not know the range of what can be traded.
It’s very personal, with different Commanders wanting different things. Knowing who wants what can often make the payment cheaper for the offering party.
For example, the Marines often need heavy snow gear and blankets. So, offering a box of heating blankets in return for a case of bacta and blaster packs. This is a much better deal than offering a case of mini guns for the bacta and blaster packs. In the second case, Bacara may say no the mini guns or want a case of something else along with the mini guns.
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brrmian · 5 months
something that so many star wars fans somehow fail to realize is that george lucas always intended for the fall of the republic to be a completely unavoidable tragedy. that’s what makes it such brilliant storytelling.
placing the blame on just one party in the galaxy-wide farce that was the clone wars just isn’t interpreting the story the way its writer intended. neither is saying that all players should be held equally accountable. i don’t think the jedi were at fault for the state of the republic, and (despite the fact that he did horrible things) neither was anakin, on a galactic or governmental scale.
the real villain is palpatine, who shaped the government into a corrupt system by his own hand. the blame for turning a democratic republic into an authoritarian dictatorship (which it was long before it became the empire) under the noses of thousands of incredibly corrupt politicians must be placed entirely on him, and him alone.
by the end of the war, the jedi council recognized that they had already lost the ability to hold onto what it truly means to be a jedi. in their prime during the days of the old republic, the jedi knights were “the guardians of peace and justice.” they’re meant to as diplomats, peacekeepers, mediators, and public servants. when the clone wars began, they were essentially forced into being soldiers, generals, and quasi-politicians by palpatine and the senate. all of those things are antithetical to the jedi’s beliefs, but they had no other choice.
placing even the smallest bit of blame on the jedi for anything leading to the republic’s downfall—and their own—is not only unfair, it’s factually incorrect. the jedi order is a monastic organization. they have no say in the senate and no voting power. saying they’re corrupt, when in fact they were just as conned by palpatine as the rest of the galaxy, is victim-blaming and scapegoating.
palpatine shoved the jedi face first into fighting the war, and pretty much threw the clone army into their laps on top of that. the jedi had no say in the matter, and they certainly had no say in the war itself being started, either. because he controlled both sides, palpatine was able to make the CIS and the republic declare war on each other even though its citizens wanted the same outcome: political independence and survival. if not for palpatine’s schemes, the separatists would have been allowed to secede peacefully, the republic would have continued existing, and the war would have been completely avoided. but that was unfortunately not the case.
so in a galaxy thrown into an unavoidable war by its own secret dictator, with an army of sentient slaves suddenly at their command, and the risk of billions of deaths at the hands of the droid army imminently approaching, what do the galaxy’s official peacekeepers have no other choice but to do? be peacekeepers. why wouldn’t the sworn defenders of the galaxy be out on the battlefields trying to end the war? if they sat in the temple and did nothing, they simply wouldn’t be jedi.
the jedi were forced into a lose/lose situation. every religion and organization has faults, but that doesn’t place any blame on them for the catch-22 they were trapped into falling for. when the clone wars started—and the key point here is that it never should have in the first place—the jedi still needed to be jedi. unfortunately for them, that meant having positions of power not meant for them being thrust upon their shoulders. they couldn’t drop the burden, because that meant actively choosing not to save lives—but the other option, becoming soldiers despite the tenet of their beliefs that dictates they shouldn’t, was no better.
see what a cruel trap palpatine set? it’s like a fish being caught in a fisherman’s net. the net is spread out across the ocean floor, and the fish swim above it, not knowing that the trap is waiting to be drawn in around them from below. in the end, when the net starts to tighten, dragging them closer to the surface, they can’t swim fast enough to escape from the middle to the edge—and to safety—before the net is completely tied. it’s the cruelest kind of trap: the kind that gives you just the right amount of time to think you can escape while being sprung just quick enough to make actually escaping impossible.
in the end, the order actively chose to fight the war because they needed to. there was no other way to continue on as who they were. militarizing the order was not the right choice in a vacuum, but this was not that; this was a situation in which every galaxy-changing choice was the wrong one. the jedi knew they were making a decision that drew them farther away from their beliefs, but it was the lesser of an infinite list of evils, and they didn’t see the walls closing in on them until it was too late.
lucas himself has even said that the order was not corrupt or decaying from the inside, nor did they make a series of bad choices that ultimately led to their own destruction. they were always just trying to do the right thing—but unlike literally everything else in fiction, the jedi order’s death was completely unaffected by any of the choices they made. no matter what they did, they were always going to lose. the fall of the republic wasn’t caused by its defenders choosing what they saw as the least bad choice. it didn’t come down to any decisions, political or not, that the jedi council made with the limited tools that they had. it certainly didn’t come down to one emotionally unstable twenty-three-year-old’s slow descent into insanity, either. the republic and the jedi would still have been destroyed with or without anakin’s unhinged nervous breakdown.
anakin, just like the order, the republic, and the separatists, was taken advantage of by palpatine. even if a person’s choices are their own, they don’t exist in a vacuum.
anakin would have made better choices if not for palpatine, but he didn’t. the jedi order would have kept the peace if not for palpatine, but no matter how hard they tried, they couldn’t. the republic, and democracy with it, would not have crumbled if not for palpatine. not the order, not anakin, not the separatists, and not the republic.
in the end, they were all just pawns in a decades-spanning plan, one that none of them saw coming until it was too late—and by then, it was already irreversible.
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thinking about cody and fox as inverse parallels. both initially feel isolated by their position (rank, workload, etc) but as the war progresses cody becomes more and more connected (to his men, to obi-wan and the jedi) but fox becomes more and more isolated (due to the chancellor etc). one ultimately survives (escapes) and the other doesn’t
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moxie-girl · 4 months
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incredibly niche sequel to the doomed siblings meme. trope specifically designed to deal me 100d8 psychic damage and make me read 1 million fix-it fics!!
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i'm sorry anakin. i'm so, so sorry
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tropesinatrenchcoat · 2 months
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clonememesfrikyeah · 2 years
Teenage Cody: “Umm, Seventeen, I need to tell you something but you have to promise not to get mad.”
Alpha-17: *already pissed* “I promise.”
Cody: “Oh thank god! So long story short, there’s a deadly lizard loose in the trainers wing, Rex is stuck on the roof of the city, Fox and Wolffe are in the med bay because it bit them, 99 is in the brig because he got caught, Bly accidentally started an electrical fire trying to open the hanger door for us, Gree fell into the ocean but don’t worry we threw him a training floaty, and Doom got knocked out by a flying fish so we stashed him in the basement. Now it’s just me, Thire and Ponds left and we’re low on man power and the beast is still loose so we need help before it destroys the whole city.”
Alpha-17: “…….”
Alpha-17: “You only had a 20 minute lunch break, how?!?!?!”
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littledoot · 2 months
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Doom! He's funky.
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