#tdc aor fanfiction
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After your many travels you arrive, tired and famished, to a cave in the woods. It has a long entrance made of mud and it seems to go on into the hill. Just as you're about to call out for the dwellers, a bony, firm hand clasps your shoulder from behind, a hand with sharp talons at its fingers' end.
You cannot turn around.
Behind you a low growl makes itself present and a wet breathing arrives at your ears, sniffing you intensely. With the corner of your vision you see a sharp beak with a ring dangling from a nostril and old scars marking its old bone.
"Well well, you're a new one" a soft, raspy voice says, like a whisper, an old dusty wind breathed through layers of ancient cobwebs. It said so in the old Skeksis tongue and yet, you understood it.
The bony hand clothed in a black lace glove finally lets you go and you see it.
It's a Skeksis.
She stands tall in the meadow, fierce in her pose, and she addresses you directly: "are you in need of help?" she says, still in her whispery tone, pointing her finger at you; she sounds mechanical, like this is a behaviour she isn't very used to. You nod, unsure and a little afraid of the towering figure.
She moves past you, her step determined and quick, but you notice she leans foward with her head and hands, fingers twitching. She stops right out of the hut: "Enter", she says, dry and to the point, but not commanding; she parts the foliage at the entrance with a hand, making a friendly gesture with the other.
You enter the hut, it's completely dark except for some skylights on the muddy ceiling for ventilating the air and you have some troubles making out the shapes of the objects. When you've adjusted to the dim lighting you notice that the hut is kept very neat, the raw ground is kept level and clear of clutter and all the utensils are on the sides of the home. And what appliances there are! You see cabinets full of jars, some with strange substances, others with various herbs and mushrooms. Near the entrance of the hut there's a section with a bed near a large window and close to it items of the medical kind, by the wall a tub and clean medical instruments on a shelf lay ready for use. Going through the long shape of the home you see the resting place of the Skeksis: a large bed near a wall, strangely much larger than she would need it to be; next to the bed lay neatly a mining pick, a hoe and a rack, still with dirt on it. The Skeksis makes sign for you to sit on a rug in the middle of the long cavern and hands you a wooden bowl with herbs and dry Nebrie meat inside. She points at the bowl and nods: "Eat" only that word and she sits next to you, waiting. You eat the meal, the dry meat is tasty and the herbs are freshly picked, it's not the grandest meal, but it helps you to replenish your strenght.
Just about when you're finished you hear heavy, slow footsteps making their way towards the hut, rustling the grass.
The Skeksis grunts, unamused, and takes your bowl to clean it with fresh water, in the tub. A head pokes into the entrance: "Hello, skekNyx, I smell we have...a guest!" says a deep, jovial voice in the Skeksis tongue, the creature comes foward and you see it in all its massive glory: it's one of the reclusive Mystics! He has long hair that even covers his eyes and lots of leaves and small branches woven in his long mane. He comes towards you, and with a hand reaching he almost touches you but then backs away. You take his hand, its heavy and gritty, a hand of a hard worker, with its palm hard and coarse, but also gentle and warm. The urRu smiles calmly: "I am urYen...the Farmer and...this one...here...is my...companion...skekNyx...the Potionist" he speaks slowly, but at the same time seems excited to get as many words as he's able out to you; "are you...in need...of any help? We...will try...to aid.........as much as we can" he finishes, letting out a potent sigh and smiles. SkekNyx puts a hand on his shoulder and looks at you: "Now tell us of your travels" she says.
The Farmer coughs softly.
"...please" she adds, stiffening up and flicking urYen's head softly, while the Farmer chuckles in his warm voice.
The Farmer and The Potionist sit down on the rug while outside the window the Third Brother sets behind the trees and the first firebugs rise from the bushes, making their way into the home, and illuminating your sight with a faint, mystical glow. You look at the two creatures, one of sharp edges and the other of warm sounds and you wonder what tales they would have of their long lives, what perils, what wondrous experiences they must have lived! And you can't wait to hear them all.
You feel welcome.
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lilac-city-skylines · 3 years
Ding ding ding! Wrote a new chapter! Come get ya juice!
The newest chapter to my Brea x Rek’yr fic can be found here. As always, thank you to my lovely editor @artemismohr18 for reading my work through and making my writing more coherent! 
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feusus · 3 years
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Commission for @orange-yarn (actually commissioned as a gift by her friend @tofadeawayagain !) 
If you haven’t read her fanfiction “When you follow the strange trails” HERE , you must be really confused! In this story, Deet has visions of possible futures and in one of them, Rian became that abomination made by SkekTek! In our discord server, we named this spooky boy “Knife Hands Rian” 
Poor Rian, he can’t catch a break, even in alternative futures! But at least, he can’t lose his sword...
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thra-athon · 3 years
Hello Thralings! 
As you can see, there’s no Thra-Athon this year (There’s plans for next year, celebrating the movie’s 40th anniversary!) 
But we made a partnership with an event celebrating the second anniversary of Age of Resistance! It will take place during all the anniversary’s week. So artists and writers, stay tuned, the announcement will be later in the day. 
Also, I’m putting a little promo here for the Center of Puppetry Art, there will be an online conference on August 29 with the Jim Henson Creature Shop discussing about their work on AOR. Link Here ! 
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Goodnight, and your fanfiction is recognized and appreciated greatly.
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tofadeawayagain · 3 years
Story Update
Chapter 2 of Maudra is now live! https://archiveofourown.org/works/26671624/chapters/84256462
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candythemew · 4 years
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     There he stood. Looming over the makeshift cradle protectively. Inside the altar turned resting place, laid a small skekling. Rustled up and shivering against the red cloth that lay in the altar’s centre. A handcrafted garment insulated with azure feathers that smelt of salt and the sea. SkekZok had found it alongside the small one when he had first found the skekling a few weeks after he had… Well, he’d rather not dwell on what he had done. That was in the past; and he had to do whatever he needed to do to secure his place at the emperor’s left hand. Even if it tore what little was left of his cold black heart asunder.
     The skekling shifted around. Letting out soft cries as it attempted to get comfortable. It hadn’t grown in all its feathers yet so life was just a little bit harder for the mewling infant. It nuzzled it’s face into the feathered cloth, finding comfort in it’s familiar scent. But the cold castle air made the small bundle quiver. SkekZok pulled something out of his sleeve. It was ornate and plush. A blanket perfectly tailored to the skekling’s needs. He had commissioned the Ornamentalist to fashion some fabric into a baby blanket. It would help keep the newborn warm and safe. One of the duties SkekZok had to perform was making sure that the little one’s body temperature was always at a safe level. As well as many other things. He had to check, feed, and monitor the skekling multiple times daily to ensure the small one’s survival. This was the task he had been assigned… the task he had accepted.
     The Ritual Master reached out a clawed hand to place the blanket on the childling. Initially spooked by SkekZok’s scent, the skekling attempted to back away chirping noisily. It could barely crawl and it’s eyes were still fastened tightly shut, so it only fell back into the palm of The Ritual Master. Just as he had planned. He slightly lifted up the babe, swaddling the infant in the thick blanket. Making sure to bring the garment it adored oh so much close to it’s face to ensure it was comfortable. The skekling’s cries diminished as it nuzzled into the feathered cloth. The combination of the warmth that enveloped them, and the feathers that brushed against their cheek lulled them into a deep sleep.
     SkekZok sighed as he looked over the skekling’s sleeping form. It was peaceful. It’s breathing slow and calm like the ebb and flow of a wave. Looking at it rest peacefully almost made him as calm as it was. This was something he hadn’t felt in trine. Soon he found His thoughts wandering back to when he first brought the little one to the castle…
     Many of the Skeksis court questioned SkekZok when he returned to them with a trembling childling in hand. When he was sent away, his task was to persue the traitorous Mariner to get her out of the way of the empire’s plans. So, he was sent away. Being the bearer of the news of SkekSa’s failure and betrayal, as well as one of her closest “friends”. SkekZok was the perfect candidate to pursue her. As well as a smart one due to his knowledge of all the places she may try to hide away. He knew all the little things that made her tick. Although as hard as he looked, he never found her. Far and low, never a trace. Except for one thing… A cry.
     It had turned out that The Mariner had carried a child with someone. He had found her childling in the company of ruthless Sifan mariners. Who SkekZok had claimed were torturing the poor whelp and were about to drown it before he had bravely intervened; Slaughtering them all mercilessly. Taking the small wriggling creature back with him. Suspicion naturally arose when he told his tale. It seemed a bit… Convenient. Had it not have been for his slashed and torn robes and a fresh cut on his cheek left by a sword they would’ve assumed he was bluffing… Maybe he was.
     Everyone could tell the child was SkekSa’s. Her striking appearance was unmistakable on the little creature. But who was the Sire? Whoever it was must be punished.
     The punishment for an unmated pair to produce a skekling was severe. Especially for one to be birthed from a traitor! SkekZok had known this law well. After all, he made it himself as per the emperor’s request so that a very small amount of skeklings would ever be born. He swore that he would gladly deal an appropriate punishment to whoever the father might have been. As soon as they found out whoever that could be. The Ritual Master told the court that He had no idea who the sire was, as he had found it in Gelfling hand. The skekling was also far too young to tell apart any features aside from the ones it’s mother bestowed upon it. But he would find the father, and a fitting punishment would be served! …So he told the court…
     The other Skeksis cackled at the thought of some pathetic peer being mercilessly punished and humiliated for a period of days or even weeks in front of the whole court. Oh what a sight to behold! What exotic punishments would be deployed? Something awful to be sure. A crime on this scale was to be dealt with painfully. But before they all got too ahead of themselves, SkekSo the Emperor slammed his staff on the ground. Directing everyone’s attention back to him. As well as making the newly found skekling cry from the shock.
     “We must not forget what we have here.” The emperor spoke in a mighty tone. “Another life, another mouth to feed! …But also another addition to our legacy.” He continued as he stood up tall.
     “We ARE ETERNAL! And this… childling…” he hissed. Looking it up and down. Flashing a disgusted grimace that soon turned into a wicked smirk crept across his rotten face.
     “Although a bastard— it immortalizes our legacy here!”
     ”The Mariner was one of our finest warriors. Surely her child will follow in her footsteps.” He concluded. His hand elegantly motioning through the air as he spoke.
     “A new light be shall soon shine through our empire through the sins of those who betrayed us! Our glory shall be sung to the end of time and BEYOND!” The Emperor shouted triumphantly!
     The others cheered loudly at the speech SkekSo had given. Chattering incoherently amongst themselves. A few gossiping, Others sending suspicious looks SkekZok’s way. The Ritual Master was cold and cunning. Never caring for another soul other than himself, the law, and the phony cult he had called a religion. To “rescue” a traitor’s childling was extremely out off character. Especially a bastard childling. He had been the one to create the law against them hadn’t he?
     SkekZok The Ritual Master stood tall, making himself known and dignified. The other’s petty gossip did not phase him. He knew where he stood. He was loyal. He puffed out his chest and spoke:
     “My emperor. I am the one who found this skekling. I see that it should only make sense that I should be the one to see to it’s well-being and care.” The Ritual Master stated clearly. The frightened skekling squealing pathetically as it attempted to hide itself amongst the folds of his golden robes.
     “I only see it fit Ritual Master. You were very close to SkekSa after all.” SkekSo remarked with a click of his beak and a twirling toss of his staff.
“But if it shall interfere with any of your duties I will not hesitate to have the sniveling thing taken from your hand and given to the Scientist. SkekTek could always use more… “Volunteers” The Emperor snickered with a large toothy grin as he looked SkekTek’s way.
     SkekZok barely contained the snarl he was about to let out at the emperor— But he bit his lip and accepted the terms through clenched teeth.
     “I shall see to it then My Emperor.” He bowed.
      SkekZok’s attention naturally gravitated to SkekShod the Treasurer. Who had remained silent the entire time that SkekZok had shown the newborn to the court. He stood playing cat’s cradle with some golden thread. Although he may have seemed aloof, in reality he was soaking in all the information he had just received from this meeting intently. Deep in thought, he returned the gaze of The Ritual Master.
     “Come Treasurer, I require your assistance.” SkekZok beckoned to his closest ally. Skekshod lifted his hunched head and nodded. Following close behind as the two made their way into SkekZok’s cathedral.      The tall gold-adorned skeksis led his ally into an old room hidden behind the echoing halls of the chapel. It was once a meditation chamber used by SkekZok to receive visions from Thra, although he quickly abandoned it once the visions wouldn’t tell him he wanted to hear. This would become the newly adopted Skeksis’s room until something more appropriate was constructed. It was a wise choice. Being one of the safest rooms in the holy place. There were no weapons, no bloodstains… Dry and hidden away, with not many remembering its existence. Only adding to the feeling of safety.
     “Skekshod. I want you to hold the skekling as I empty the altar of the water inside. Together we will create a temporary nursery for this little one until it has its own quarters.”
     He passed over the overwhelmed skekling to The Treasurer. The babe still lost and scared, continued to sharply cry. It’s mewling echoing throughout the dimly lit room as Skekshod confusingly tried to carry it properly. Holding the weeping infant upside-down.
     “The one with the power blesses us for caring for his chosen and lost. Remember that as you endure it’s squealing and scratching.” The Ritual Master recited as he prepared a place for the skekling.
     Soon... things were starting to get hazy… Memories and reality blurring until he was brought back to the present… SkekZok quickly shook his head from side to side. Ah. He had been day dreaming of the unum’s events. Had it really been a whole unum? It went by too fast. That didn’t seem right. Although… nothing seemed right anymore. The world was never a simple place and he knew it. And it never would be that wonderful, simple place ever again. Not after what he had done to her… But the brief moments of relief he felt when he would care for this strange childling was all worth it.
     Taking a quick look around the chamber he noticed nobody but a few podling servants lighting candles. Good. As it should be. Once he knew he was all alone and not a sound could be heard; he lowered his large skeletal head down to the altar. Nuzzling the skekling’s soft cheek with the tip of what remained of his snout. He smiled subtly as the baby yawned and stretched. It’s gangly little limbs reaching out to him as he brushed against them. The skekling grabbed at his face with an exhausted peep, but soon grew tired again. Turning to face the opposite direction as it continued to sleep peacefully.
     The Ritual Master slowly removed his head from the cradle with a quiet hoarse chuckle. He smiled as he brushed it’s cheek one more time with his fingertips. Ever so careful as to not cut open it’s tender skin with his talons. He then stood up straight with an unmistakable wheeze as he sighed.
     “There is much I must attend to little one. May the one with the power bless you and keep you.”
     After reciting his blessing, his face returned to its natural scowl as he left the room to attend to the rest of his daily rituals and duties. He looked as if nothing had changed in his life. And everything was the same way it had been for the last 1,000 trine. Good. That’s how it should be. He was just The Ritual Master. Left hand to the Lord of all of Thra. There was nothing he wouldn’t do to keep his power intact. Not even a little childling that had grasped his heart tightly in its little azure claws. Or at least that’s what he would let the world see.
…A familiar whimper could be heard echoing within the cathedral.
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beanie-on-a-string · 4 years
Finally - Modern AU! Dark Crystal AOR
Hey! So, a few months ago, I posted a Dark Crystal AOR Modern AU post, and someone sent in this ask:
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And a few months later, here I am. With the fic. Idea by @canadachild9​
If you want, you can read my Dark Crystal Modern AU post first for context HERE
“Gurjin, that’s a terrible idea.”
“Aw, come on!” Gurjin rolled over from his sprawl on Brea’s couch, moving into a sitting position and leaning in closer to Brea, who was sitting on the floor in front of him. “We’ve tried everything else.”
Brea scrunched her face up a little. “I still don’t know. Maybe it’s –“
“What’s going on in here?” Tavra poked her head into the living room. “I heard… how shall we say… heated conversation.”
Brea turned to face her sister. “Hello Tavra. What, no Onica this time?”
“Oh no, she’s in the kitchen.” Tavra gestured to the doorway. “She’s cleansing her crystals. Anyway,” she said, smirking, “I didn’t forget the reason I came in here. What’s going on?”
“Gurjin wants to put Rian and Deet on a boat together,” Brea replied. “He thinks that they’re going to confess their love for each other or something.” Just as she said this, Lore, the family pumi, shuffled into the room and curled up into Brea’s lap
Tavra laughed lightly at Lore, then looked back at Gurjin. “You’ve been watching too much Disney lately.”
Gurjin huffed and sprang into a standing position. “We’ve been trying to get these two idiots together for – what, a year now? – but they’re both so dense that they refuse to believe they’re liked back. It’s literal torture, you know. I’m always telling him that Deet very clearly likes him, but then he’s all,” Gurjin’s voice shifted into a mopey impression of Rian, “ ‘Oh no, I don’t know, Gurjin. I’m pretty sure she doesn’t.’ It’s so stupid I could cry. Neither of them have made anything even close to a move yet, and anytime we try, they undermine themselves.”
“You have got a point there,” Tavra murmured. Brea emitted a little cry of betrayal as her sister said this. “I mean, whenever I’m around them, I want to kick myself. And trust me, I have come close to actually doing it.”
Brea huffed. “Usually I’m up for these ideas, but this sounds like the equivalent of locking them in a closet, you know?”
“It’s not really like that, Brea,” Gurjin insisted. “A closet has… implications. But a boat? If it goes wrong – and let’s damn hope that it doesn’t – they could just have a conversation or something. And if they don’t like it, they could always swim back to shore.” That last remark earned him a slight dirty look from his friend.
After a moment of thought, Brea spoke up again. “I’m still not convinced. Too many things could go wrong.”
Gurjin pulled at his bun and inhaled. “Okay. Brea. If you don’t do this with me, I will make sure that you find a pigeon in every room in this house.”
Brea’s eyes widened, whispering a soft “no,” as Tavra doubled over.
“I can’t believe we’re doing this,” Brea scowled as they stood at the line where the dock met the grass, watching Rian’s silhouette approach them. “Correction – I can’t believe you dragged me into this.”
“Look, it’s nice to drag someone into something instead of being the one dragged into everything for a change,” Gurjin shrugged. Brea shouldered him lightly with a soft “you’re lucky we’re friends.”
“Hey guys!” Rian jogged to them, pulling Gurjin and then Brea into quick hugs, then casually placed his elbow on Gurjin’s shoulder.
“Hi Rian,” Brea giggled as Rian softly poked Gurjin’s bun, the mass of hair slouching to one side.
“Give me a break, why don’t you?” Gurjin lightly bumped his friend off of his shoulder as Rian gave an exaggerated huff. Gurjin rolled his eyes but smiled as he took his hair down to fix it. “Now all we need to do is wait for Deet. Right?”
“Deet?” Rian’s eyes widened. “Deet’s coming?”
“You didn’t know?” Brea asked. “I thought we’d told you.” She turned to Gurjin. “I thought you’d told him!” She hissed quietly.
“I must have forgotten,” Gurjin whispered back. “Sorry. I had to help Naia prepare for a trip, and it completely slipped my mind.”
Brea shook her head a little. “It’s fine. Sorry.” She turned back to Rian, who was quietly waiting, fingers absentmindedly lacing through his necklace.
“So. Deet.” Rian laughed a little nervously. He brushed his bangs out of his face. “Yeah.”
Gurjin resisted the urge to facepalm. “I forgot to tell you about it earlier. She got pretty excited about observing all the plant life out here. She also got pretty excited when she heard you would be coming.” His delivery was one of someone who had gone through all the possible options and was now on his last leg.
“Oh?” Rian’s eyes lit up slightly. “Well –“
“I’m sorry I’m late!” Rian’s gaze snapped over to the girl racing towards them, cheeks flushed from running. She stopped, chest heaving, by Rian, who was staring at her with a wide-eyed mixture of fondness and nervousness. She turned to him and uttered a ‘hello’ with a small smile, and the two observers could swear Rian melted.
“Hello, Deet,” Rian softly said back, all confidence replaced by a flustered air that he never had around anyone else.
“Now that we’re all here,” Brea said, causing Rian and Deet to jump, “we should probably get to the boats.” She approached the rental booth, beckoning to Gurjin, who followed behind, leaving Rian and Deet alone together. For a moment, they did nothing, simply looking at the grass, then each other, then back at the grass again. Finally, Rian spoke up.
“You’ve got a – you’ve, uh –” Fumbling on his words, Rian decided to just pick the leaf out of her hair himself.
“Oh!” Deet’s hand flew up to the spot where Rian had touched it. “Thank you! Are – are there more?”
“I don’t see any more,” Rian said. “Wait, hold on.” He moved closer to her, turning to peek at the back of her head. “Yep, no more.” He pulled back, then frowned. “Deet, you alright?”
Deet furrowed her brows in confusion before realizing that she was holding her breath. She exhaled. “Yes. Thanks, Rian.” She smiled.
He smiled back, pink coloring his cheeks, and was about to say something else when Brea and Gurjin returned, life vests draped over their arms.
“So,” Brea said, clapping her hands together. “We got two boats, each one holding two people.”
“Brea and I are going to take one,” Gurjin said, “and you two can take the other.”
“…Us?” Rian asked after a beat, pointing to him and Deet.
Gurjin gave an exasperated sigh. “Who else? Now let’s get these on.” He threw a life jacket to Rian, who was too busy gazing at Deet to catch it. Deet giggled at the vest lying limp on the grass as she put hers (which Brea had simply handed to her) on. Flustered again, Rian made haste in acting like nothing happened and putting on his vest.
Soon enough, the two boats were on the water. While Gurjin and Brea were comfortably chatting (and sneaking glances at the other boat), Rian and Deet sat on opposite sides of the small rowboat, doing everything they could to keep their feet from touching (and sneaking glances at each other).
Rian cleared his throat. “Deet.”
Deet looked up. “Rian?”
Rian looked up at the sound of his name, surprised for some reason that Deet actually responded. “Oh. Yes. Um, lovely day, isn’t it?”
She giggled, her large black eyes glittering. “Oh yes, absolutely! It’s absolutely beautiful. Everything looks so alive.”
He nodded. “Yeah, I can see what you mean. How’s Fizzgig?”
“He’s alright,” she replied, referring to her pet dog who seemed more like a pompom with teeth than an actual canine. “He’s been a little more feisty than usual these past few days, but otherwise, he’s okay.” She grimaced. “I bet Hup’s got quite a few bandages on his fingers.”
Rian clucked his tongue, shaking his head a little. Hup was a boy who lived a couple houses away from Deet. He had big dreams of becoming a knight and was never seen without his trusty sword in hand. (It was actually a large wooden spoon, but everyone chose not to say anything about it.) He was often seen fighting dragons (Fizzgig) and saving a damsel in distress (often Deet, or a halfway enthusiastic Brea).
“I wonder what Brea and Gurjin are up to,” Rian mused. Deet followed his hand as he ran his fingers through his bangs to keep them out of his eyes, then squinted through the sunlight to watch the other boat. Turns out, the other boat was watching them, and Deet laughed as the other two waved to them.
“They can be so strange,” she giggled as she leaned cautiously to observe a particularly large lily pad. As she did this, Gurjin started waving frantically to Rian. Rian furrowed his brows, mouthing a “What?” Gurjin mouthed something, and Rian grimaced, circling his pointer finger in an ‘again’ motion. Gurjin mouthed again, and this time Rian understood.
Tell her.
Ah. So that’s what this was. Rian ran his hands through his hair again, this time in slight annoyance, as he pulled his phone out.
You: Really?
You: Did you set us up?
Gurjin is typing…
Gurjin: maybe
You: DUDE.
Gurjin: I’m sorry I’m just rlly rlly tired of watching you two making goo goo eyes at each other
Rian rolled his eyes.
You: We don’t make goo goo eyes. Please
Gurjin: yes u do
You: Shut up
Gurjin: tell her and I will
“Rian? Is everything alright?” Rian’s head snapped up, and his eyes softened immediately at the sight of Deet, hand just touching the surface of the water with a small, concerned frown.
“Yes, it’s all good,” Rian replied as he tucked his phone away.
“I was wondering... may I braid your hair? I mean, there’s not much to do on this boat, and –“
“Of course, Deet,” he said, already turning so that his back was to her. “Shall I scoot back, or…”
“No, no, I’m on it,” she said, the boat creaking quietly when it shifted under her weight. Rian could feel her breath on his neck as she gathered his hair up and gently tugged it away from his neck.
“I can never believe how long your hair is,” Deet murmured as she combed her fingers through his hair. Shutting his eyes at the sensation, he leaned into her touch.
“It’s beautiful,” she continued as she sectioned his hair into parts. “My hair could never be this soft. It’s like it’s made of silk.” She made to brush away a wisp that had fallen away from a section, but her hand caught the necklace instead.
“Nngh,” Rian’s eyes fluttered open and he winced as the necklace began to grow tight against his neck. “Deet…”
“Hm?” She felt a tug against her finger and saw the necklace wrapped around it. Then she saw Rian. “Holy Thra!” She twisted her finger, and the necklace fell back onto Rian’s neck. She could hear him suck in a breath. “Rian, I’m sorry-“
“No, it’s alright,” Rian quickly waved his hand.
“Should I stop?”
“No! No, please continue.”
“Alright then,” she said as she adjusted again, picking up the sections. After some braiding, she spoke up again. “I’ve never asked about your necklace.”
“Oh.” Rian’s voice was deeper, more relaxed. Deet could feel the blush growing on her cheeks at the sound of it. “It was a gift from Mira. She left before you moved here. A year before, maybe.”
“That’s lovely. What’s the bottle in the front?”
“Ah. The vial.” She could hear the smile in his voice. “A few years back, Mira and I… we used to date.”
Deet blinked. “You did?”
“…yeah, we did. We eventually broke up. Well, obviously,” he said, the smile back in his voice. “but it was on good terms. When she was about to leave, she gave me this. She made it herself. The vial was… something of an inside joke that’s kind of a long story to tell – don’t worry, I’ll tell you eventually – and something to remember her by. Oh, and it glows in the dark.”
She laughed. “I like glow in the dark things.”
“I know you do.” His words were interlaced with a chuckle.
“Okay – done.” She leaned back a little to admire the French braid in his hair, smiling at the streaks of blue peeking through the brown.
“Can I see?”
“ ‘Course you can! It’s your hair, after all,” she said as she pulled out her phone. Leaning back just a little bit more to get the right angle, she snapped a picture. “Here.”
Deet leaned back in to show Rian, and he twisted to look.
“It’s amazing,” he breathed, sounding as awed as the first time she had braided his hair.
“Thank you,” she whispered back. Rian was suddenly aware of how close they were, and that their hands were touching, and-
“I like you.” The words tumbled out of his mouth, and he couldn’t catch them in time. Deet froze.
“What?” Her voice was quiet, shaking. He slowly looked up at her. Her large eyes were on him, wide and surprised.
He inhaled. “I like you, Deet. A lot. It may even be more than a lot. And I understand if you don’t feel the same way –”
“Are you crazy?”
Damn it, Rian, he cursed himself. You were an idiot to think she’d ever return your feelings. He looked back down, shoulders beginning to sag.
“Of course I like you.”
What? “You- you-” He looked at her again and nearly melted. Her eyes were soft, and she was beaming. “I thought you didn’t –”
“I thought you didn’t!” Deet began to laugh, which caused Rian to do the same. Soon, the two were laughing so hard the boat began to sway dramatically, and the laughter died down as the gripped the edges of the boat to keep from capsizing. Rian met Deet’s eyes, a silly grin wide on his face.
After some time, she spoke up. “I would really like to kiss you right now.” She blinked, her eyes wide. “Sweet Mother Aughra, did I just say that out loud?”
Rian chuckled, scooting closer to her. “Yes, you did. And I would just like to say that… I wholeheartedly accept your offer.”
“Oh, good, ‘cause I-” She wasn’t able to finish the sentence before Rian had brushed his lips against hers.
“Sorry for interrupting,” Rian muttered, face impossibly close to hers. His voice was low again, but heavy this time. Deet was sure she was blushing furiously.
“It doesn’t matter,” she muttered back. She saw his eyes flick down to her lips, then back up to her.
“Can I kiss you again?” He asked quietly.
Deet answered by closing the distance between them. She could feel Rian’s arms wrap around her back, gently pulling her closer. She slowly moved her hand to rest on the back of his neck, her fingers lightly tangled in the wisps of hair too small to stay in the braid. She tried to soak up the moment as best she could. She wanted it to last forever.
Deet and Rian jumped back in surprise, Deet emitting a little yell of shock. Gurjin was close to standing, Brea attempting (and failing) to tug him back down as her laughter resounded across the area.
“I’ve been waiting for goddamn ages. Ages!”
Deet turned her head slightly to Rian, her eyes meeting his. She raised a brow, clearly amused. “Rian, how long exactly have you liked me?”
“Uh…” he ran his hands through his bangs. “Around since you moved here, if I’m being honest.”
“Oh?” Two years? Deet began to giggle. “Two years? Rian, I- I-” she couldn’t find the words, so she settled on pulling him close again and pressing her lips to his.
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orange-yarn · 4 years
couple of drabbles
posting these over here because why not??? we do weekly “write-ins” over on our discord server, where we all chill and listen to music and work on writing prompts. here are the two I did today.
theoretically, these are themes / scenes that I plan to work into strange trails at some point in the future, but probably not exactly the same. or maybe close to the same?? who knows, i’m stalling because i’m nervous to post these.
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pinkykitten · 4 years
Gurjin protecting you imagine...
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance 
Gurjiin x female! reader
Requested: By @harrington-lover​ Hey I saw u write for the dark crystal! I love it so much! Can I get a gurjin fic where u reunite with him at the last episode and one of the skesis almost kill u but he protects u. Super fluffy cause they missed each other so much since they last saw each other and were worried abt each other. Maybe they celebrate the victory together as well. Thanks so much!!
Authors Note: so i did not check for spelling mistakes or anything like that so if there is im sorry. but this is kinda one of my short writings its just something to get me back in the groove and kinda work my writing gears idk what im sayin lol. but i adore gurjin and i adore the dark crystal like fam i know it may look a lil intimidating and a lil scary but if u havent watched it i suggest u really do cuz its amazing and so beautiful and so creative and just there r so many good things about this show.
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You fought with your whole being. Understanding the importance of bringing down the Skeksis and knowing that should you fail, all of Gelfling would be no more and they would be wiped out from the population. You couldn’t let that happen to your people. You fought for your family, your friends, your lover, the people who depended on you. 
You were one on one with a Skeksis. He was much bigger than you. You were terrified for your life. You swung your sword trying to hit his chest but he moved out of the way. You hand’t seen Gurjin since he split from the group and all you wanted to say were your last words to him for this was surely the end of you. The Skeksis lifts you up from your hair and is about to thrash you against a rock when Gurjin comes out of the bushes to your rescue. 
“My love!” You smile seeing him. 
“Not to worry for Gurjin is here.” Gurjin started smashing his weapon against the Skeksis while you were dropped and you watched in amazement. Gurjiin finished him off while you were astounded seeing how strong a Gelfling could be. 
“You came back.” You searched Gurjin’s eyes. “I thought you-”
Gurjin quieted you down by embracing you. Tears fell down from your eyes as you thought of the worst. 
“I’m right here my love. I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner.” Gurjin wiped your tears away as he held your face. 
“All that matters is that you are here now, with me. Thank you my protector.” You leaned your forehead against his. 
Gurjin kissed your forehead and then your lips. “I swear to protect you. You matter more to me than anything else in this world.”
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Tag list: @harrington-lover​​, @angelgl16​​, @perfectlybeautifulsuit​​, @hyehoney​​, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly​​​, @totally-alexa21​​, @creamy-pasta-boi​​, @multireese​​, @fanfictionrecommendations-com​​, @prentisskelley​​, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97​​, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople​​, @collectiveyou​​, @wtfisalltherandoms​​, @dirbel​​, @eastcoasthaven​​, @fangirl-4-life415 (wont let me tag), @melonreblogsstories​​​​
wanna be tagged in my crap? comment!
Please Reblog, like or comment! It means a lot to me and I truly appreciate it:)
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doodleferp · 4 years
Someone please give me an excuse to talk about my Dark Crystal bullshit I want to share it
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lilac-city-skylines · 4 years
Sad Headcannon Song Thing
Imagine Brea and the ghost of Maudra Mayrin singing this together after Kira is born. Mayrin trying to give Brea advice and final words from beyond the grave as she steps into motherhood. Let the tears flow. 
I won’t apologize for this one fandom. It’s been in my back pocket for months now. 
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ohfugecannada · 5 years
Ok so I unintentionally pulled an all-nighter, came across this gem on Ao3, and long story short, this is one of my favourite skekGra/urGoh fanfics.
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thra-athon · 3 years
Me and @createforthra loved all your entries! But there are more Dark Crystal events to come, prepare your ships!
First @stonegrotweek (September 20th - September 26th) for Deet/Rian fans
Then @drenchgrotweek (October 1rst - October 7th) for Naia/Amri fans
We have no official partnerships with these events, but I look forward to see all your creations!
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StoneGrot hurt/comfort drabble
The air inside of the tub room was warm and humid, a perfect environment for this type of relaxation.
The Grottan never had any sort of spa, especially not one like this at Stone-In-The-Wood. Warm water was rare in The Caves of Grot, it was cold underground, so it was no surprise any source of water there shared that same quality, and to add that the Grottans rarely even bathed, there was no point in establishing something extravagant for the action.
It was because of this that Deet was eager to try this new method of bathing. She hadn’t known much on the traditions or rituals that go into topside bathing, but it didn’t take too much asking around Stone-In-The-Wood to find out all she needed.
Though multiple tubs were spread out across the large room, she was alone. It was not a surprise to her though. The Resistance still lived healthfully, so nobody really had time to do anything except plan and strategize, but she still felt weak after recently being cured of the Darkening, so she thought this may be good for her, to relax and wash away any darkness left.
Deet stood still for a moment, looking down at a large tub that had been prepared for her. She could see light steam escaping from the surface of the water. Not a moment longer passed before she rid herself of a light underdress, which she was instructed to wear by itself when entering these rooms.
She sighed, feeling the warm water against her leg as she stepped in. She let herself adjust to the temperature before submerging the rest of her body into the water. She let the warmth seep into her skin, into her soul as she closed her eyes. Though, the moment only lasted momentarily, as the door to the room opened.
Oh, right. As she was still weak and recovering from the Darkening, her friends insisted on helping her with anything they could, and even if she felt like it was unnecessary at times, she knew she needed it.
But what she was not expecting when she peered to the door was see that it was Rian who had entered the room. In two hands, he carried a woven basket. Inside, it held many different kinds of body and hair washes, as well as some items to help scrub with.
Despite the already warm setting, Deet felt her cheeks grow hot.
“I’m sorry that I have to help out instead of Brea, she had to help Naia with surveying some of the injured soldiers.” Rian paused and looked to her, the door closing behind him. “..But if you would feel more comfortable with her, I’m sure she wouldn’t mind.”
It took her a moment to respond as she processed his presence, but eventually she shook her head and quietly spoke. “No, it’s fine.” He nodded slightly in response before approaching her tub. He laid the basket down onto the stone floor. She took a moment to look at his clothing. Other than his normal pants, he wore a loose, beige, short sleeved shirt that fell over one of his shoulders, exposing deep green skin that matched his forehead.
He felt like blushing, considering their current situation, but he knew that he was only here to help Deet, so he did his best to push any of his feelings back, no matter how difficult it was. He sat to his knees so he could reach her level.
It didn’t feel like much more time passed before he started with her. Using a cup, he gently poured water onto her skin, dampening it so it could be washed. Deet sat still, eyes closed. She tried not to focus on Rian, instead she tried to focus on her other thoughts.
She tilted her head back as he started pouring water over her hair. He ran his fingers through her wet locs, carefully detangling the white strands. He got to her wings, this time using his hands to gently wet the delicate chitin. He noticeably flinched, as his thoughts started seeping back into his mind. Luckily, Deet was facing away from him, so she didn’t notice his brief disruption.
“Rian..?” Deet says suddenly, as Rian was just starting to dab on some soap to a sponge. If it was just a bit louder in the room, he may have not heard her.
“Yes, Deet?”
“Do you ever get scared.. that maybe.. that maybe we aren’t going to make it? That we are going to lose to the Skeksis?” She asked, her voice tinted with a sorrowful tone.
“Of course not, I-“
“Please, Rian, be honest with me.” She pleaded.
He didn’t want to damage her mood or hope, even if it meant lying, but she saw right through him. He sighed. “Yes, sorry.” He paused. “I do get scared sometimes. Even if I work tirelessly all day, sometimes I feel that I’m not doing enough.. that all of this rigorous planning will be for nothing.” He looked down for a second, almost as if feeling shame for showing weakness and worry.
Deet gave a nod, then turned her body to face him. “Okay. I was just making sure I wasn’t the only one.” She said nonchalantly. Rian quickly looked to her, surprised by her words.
“You think we’re going to fail?”
She shook her head. “No, not all of the time. It’s only sometimes.. when I’m alone those thoughts come to me.”
Rian took her left arm, starting to gently scrub her pale green skin with the soapy sponge. He hated to see her like this, to see her feel hopeless and worried. He wanted to help her, but he didn’t know how to put his reassurance into words, so, instead he said, “You’re not the only one, and I’m sure it’s not just us either. Sometimes I lay awake at night just worrying. I worry about my clan, the Resistance, my friends.. you.”
Deet locked her dark eyes with his light blues. She looked like she was about to cry. “I know everything right now is stressful, Deet, but whenever I feel like giving up, I remember what I’m working towards. I’m not just working for myself nor just my friends, I’m doing this for everyone. I’m doing this so we’ll never have to do it again.” He paused his scrubbing momentarily, taking one of her hands into both of his, holding it reassuringly. “And, even when I doubt our success against the Skeksis, I remember that I have hope.. and- and I trust that you can find that hope, too.”
She felt like she could melt into his words, she felt touched, even though it was for something she barely contributed to. “Thanks.. Rian.”
Thanks to those who were interested from my post asking for prompts. I got a variety of prompts but all seemed to be StoneGrot, so I hope you like this! Thank you @rocky-fennek @fiercenaia @squidcalamari ? And @mygelflingchildren for cotributing to the prompts! Love y’all!
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ben-the-hyena · 4 years
Fanfiction : The forbidden chant (1/3)
HEHEHE FIRST FIC IN 2 YEARS IS SMUT. BEEN WANTING TO WRITE IT FOR MONTHS ! First TDC fanfiction !You MUST know that post with my 3 HCs to understand that fanfic better : ben-the-hyena.tumblr.com/post/…. Also if you didn't know yet, I HC SkekUng and SkekSil as exes who actually DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP down still have feelings for each other but are wayyyyy too bitter, angry, proud and grieving over the Skekling Massacre to get back together, their way to cope was to blame each other which started their hate relationship.This fic takes place about one century before AoR
Here : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PDaRvxZsWVuZEKMCZ-jcj7NZZjHtEuAS/view
Fandom : The Dark Crystal
Characters : SkekUng and UrSol
Rating : PG
Genre : romance, humor
I only post here the first part because the next parts are NSFW ! See my NSFW Tumblr, my DA account or my FA account for them !
*Edit* : now available on Google Docx, changed the link for it because DA became shitty and you can’t access the other parts without an account. So again check my NSFW Tumblr for access to the other links !
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