#teacher conference
desicat-writer · 1 year
Port: ok Oobleck, the first thing we need to discuss is your sleeping problem.
Oobleck: What sleeping problem? I don't sleep.
Glynda: We know, that's the problem!
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theoutgriber · 1 year
Abbott Elementary 2.16 "Teacher Conference" Bullet Points
I was trying to guess the word on the board before my brain caught up ("Ex-Miralax!").
Love how Janine and Jacob boo Gregory when he enters the lounge (such 'comfortable friends acting like trash' behavior)
"So what's cool is that no matter what I do, no one's happy." :,)
Maybe Gregory and Amber's activity problem could have been solved if he had just pivoted and taken her along to the conference (with pool and hottub). Glad Amber mercifully cut it off, though.
I've been to my fair share of conferences. They can be such an exciting liminal space. I'm a lot like Janine and Jacob.
Barb just automatically covers Melissa while she steals stuff. XD
I want to hear the rest of Ava's talk. Maybe speaking at the conference got her free or reduced admission.
"I'm literally obsessed with you tip to tail." I think I got some weird, cringy asmr from that.
"I'll take a carafe of Sex Ed on the Beach."
I really see the threesome implication when Dawn Nichols. That excitement! That arm touch!
There's a little Janine-Barbara character parallel when Barb makes a "Dawn" pun (like Janine's "grant" pun!).
Of course they went to Oberlin.
Janine does a version of her "Get it!" (Tariq) dance with Gregory.
I like how Melissa and Kristin Marie put aside their bickering to defend against a random meanie (and Barb just watches with amusement).
The Living Classroom is beautiful. I would've been excited about those terrarium bookbags too.
And they connect over making plant interpretations of their teaching and life experiences aww.
I like how Gregory initiates the kiss but that it's clearly mutual.
Also, Janine pulling Gregory to her by the Lanyard is one of my favorite moments.
It's sad that they immediately classify the kiss as a "whoops," but it's understandable when Gregory is only single as of yesterday and Janine is dating Maurice.
Janine has "Love" and "Kindness" necklaces on.
Aww, Jacob has grown. He respects where the kids come from instead of assuming they need to 'make it out.'
"Last night, as the kids would say, was a Film." I think it's supposed to be "movie"?
Yep, they must've had a threesome with Dawn Nichols (or at least flirted aggressively) to get those gluesticks. Also, it's kind of neat that Barb and Melissa are getting what they need from the conference and helping the school in their own way.
Barb sounds so childlike when she realizes she forgot her shoes (and her little socks are cute). Aww.
It would be funny if Melissa couldn't find the room key(s) and they had to go to the front desk for help.
Kristin Marie with her trench coat and squashed Trilby hat. That's so extra. I'm guessing she just wanted to do it that way.
I like that blue shirt Melissa's wearing.
"And Allentown." "Sexy place!"
Ava's 'tea' at the end--would've been fun if she hadn't specified the genders of the hookup, but the bit was funny anyway.
Canon: Ava is bi.
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captainsolocide · 1 year
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bluerosefox · 2 months
Siblings Behavior
It's shenanigans time guys
So have this DpxDc idea.
So, the Justice League and the Light (OR villains in general) have two newish members, they've both been around for about a year and they're from the same plane of existence (a place called the Infinite Realms according to those who dabble in the occult)
And the two seem to have some serious beef with each other.
Wisp and Wrath are basicly feral cats hissing and hekles raised when they spot the other and their fights normally ends in draws. They're evenly matched and sometimes the two even fight to the point they are out of steam and just fist fight.
Needless to say everyone believes they totally hate each other and might one day kill (or end?) One of them.
So everything gets turned upside down when suddenly both factions of heros and villains are suddenly summoned to the Infinite Realms.
In a throne room.
In front of the Infinite King (or most commonly known as the Ghost King)
A King who looks very, very much like Wisp and Wrath (like yeah the two do sometimes look alike, like when they grin with sharp teeth and their hair color, but one has blue skin and red eyes for crying out loud!)
He's staring at them, glowing green eyes that seemed to just... know.
"Welcome to the Infinite Realms. I am King Phantom." His voice echoing in the throne room and seemed to rattle them deeply, like a sudden chill in the early morning.
"I have summoned you all here for a single reason." He continued to say "Tell me..."
Here he paused, closed his eyes before leaning back on the chair then he smiled big and cheerfully asked.
"How are my kids doing in your world? Dan and Ellie aren't causing too much chaos in their wake are they? They tend to go a tiny bit overboard sometimes but what siblings don't when they rough house you know. Tell me everything."
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to-be-a-dreamer · 1 year
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It's not even a Neverafter screenshot but Zac Oyama is never going to beat the cat allegations for the rest of his life
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crippledanarchy · 1 year
If you're in the US and you're concerned about Palestine, leave US Jews alone, and start asking your local evangelist how much money their christian church sends annually to support the genocide being committed by the state of israel.
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gracekraft · 4 months
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ah bless, my secret Pearlmethyst moms BG characters made it into the final Clone High Ep
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albatmobile · 2 months
parent teacher conferences and other places to meet a pornstar pt. 2
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[1] [2] coming soon: [3] [4] || ao3
𓅪 Rated: E | 8k includes: cam girl AU, teacher AU, masturbation, public sex, caught, fingering, voyeurism, come swallowing, facial, deep throating misunderstandings, confessions
𓅪 cam girl fem!reader x jason todd, cam girl fem!reader x roy harper, cam girl fem!reader x jason todd x roy harper
After your wild night out, you’re not expecting to be approached by Roy- Mr. Harper, you correct yourself.
“It doesn’t feel right with me knowing,” he paces into your classroom as soon as you open the door for him.
“Well, hello to you too, Mr. Harper,” you rub at your temple, feeling a headache stirring. 
You follow behind his quick gate, stopping yourself just barely from laughing as he plops into the small kid chair that sits in front of your desk. You move to sit behind your desk, noting how you’re suddenly an inch or so taller than him in your position. 
You’re wearing a tight, white v-neck, long sleeve bodysuit over top form-fitting professional pants, red heels and your signature glasses. The low-cut top leaves Mr. Harper at eye level with your lofty cleavage, something he evidently becomes distracted by. He shakes himself from it quickly enough, though, to focus back on your confused face.
He seems to disregard your words as if too lost in his own head.
“I’m sorry,” he finally says. His guilty green eyes peer up at you.
You’re quickly losing patience and he’s quickly losing confidence.
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“I didn’t mean anything by it,” he begins quickly. “The tip was a mistake. I was going back and forth on it, but again, I seriously didn’t mean anything by it and I-“
“Mean anything by what?” This dude is not making a lick of sense. What tip?
His eyes search yours for something, but you only offer him confusion in return. He seems to notice and continues on with his ramblings, “I swear I didn’t know it was you at first. Once, I did I just-" He continues to babble and you find yourself tuning him out. 
Your hair keeps falling in your face and this is already the second time you’ve pushed it back behind your ear but it’s obvious it won’t cooperate. Maybe if you’d been paying more attention, you’d notice the way Mr. Harper’s eyes linger on the hair tie you have around your lithe fingers. Maybe you’d even notice how he trails off, mouth agape as you tie your hair up and out of the way.
When you go to stand to put an end to this, he pops up as well and it’d be hard not to notice his-
“Mr. Harper,” you trail off uncomfortably as you eye the growing situation in his pants. You can’t help but be reminded of the voyeur in the alley last night. “What exactly’s going on here?”
He quickly grabs a folder off your desk to cover himself, something you grant him the consideration of ignoring as you edge closer to the door.
“Jesus,” he uses his free hand to run a terse hand through his fiery locks. “I’m not trying to- Look. I just,” he trails off in frustration. “I know what you do,” he says, sounding the calmest he's been ever since this weird conversation started.
You freeze, hand on the door as you face the disheveled man in front of you. You don’t necessarily think he poses a threat, but you don’t fucking know and he obviously knows what you are.
Knows what you do. 
You’re fucked. You’re fired. Sayonara, bitch- that’s how this always ends.
You mentally prepare yourself for the tough road ahead, figuring ending this conversation is the first step to fucking moving on, but he won’t even grant you mercy.
“Then say it,” you urge defensively, hand curling more around the handle with each passing second.
“avid_reader,” he says, watching as your hand tightens around the door handle.
You’re debating just leaving him there in your classroom, but your shit is all still on your desk. You probably should leave him in here and go get help, but you don’t. What would you even say, anyway? ‘Hey, I’m a cam model on the side and this dude who jacks it to me just figured everything out. Please help?’ Yeah, that’s not going to work.
Instead, you stand there feeling tidal waves of embarrassment and anxiety washing down on you.
“You’re not the first person to figure it out.” The words snap out of your mouth before you can stop them. You cross your arms across your chest as a means of comfort, but it only puffs out your cleavage even further. You sigh, dropping your arms as you approach the redhead. You don’t mean to but you stop closer to the man than you’d meant, leaving him to back against the desk behind him as you continue forward. “If you want to transfer Lian, I understand,” he’s shaking his head, eyebrows furrowed like you’ve got the wrong idea, but you continue. “Just please don’t tell,” you plead with him. “I can’t afford to lose this job again.”
He looks completely stupefied by how this is unfolding.
You half expect him just to walk out the door as you’d planned to do, not even seconds prior, but he doesn’t. If anything, he seems relieved (?) by your reaction.
“Why do you even need the side job?” Out of all the things to come from his mouth, you’re definitely not expecting that. 
“Technically, if we’re talking pay, this is my side job,” you gesture to the classroom around you halfheartedly. “35k a year doesn’t exactly pay bills, or well, much of anything at all,” you snort humorlessly. “Again, I totally understand if you want to transfer Lian, though.”
His mind still looks like it’s reeling from the reveal and his dick still obviously is, too, as it remains half-mast.
His voice is gruff as he stares down at your smaller form. Even though he’s the one being cornered, you still somehow feel like the prey.
“Why would I do that?” he asks quietly.
There’s an obvious heat behind his eyes, one you’d have to be dumb not to miss. It’s clearly not escaping either of you that your close position is reminiscent of your infamous scene.
You watch as his lips open, then close as if debating whether or not to take it further. His eyes are half-lidded, almost like he’s high on your presence alone. 
He gulps, watching your eyes trail across his every minute reaction as if it might stop at any second. 
It has to stop.
It’s one thing to be a cam girl and it’s another to suck off one of the parents in the classroom. Yup, nope. Not doing it. 
You grant him the satisfaction of staying a finger-width away from his chest for just a moment longer.
“I don’t have time for this superfluous conversation, Mr. Harper,” you give him as stern of a look as you can manage.
“Damn, you’re killin’ me here, babe- Miss,” he says your name again and watch as his breathing sputters under your slitted gaze. 
“It’s best we keep this completely professional. Just because I…” you trail off, knowing he gets the point. “Doesn’t mean we can ignore the circumstances I’m under. I really care about these kids and I wouldn’t want anything to jeopardize this position.” 
You know he’s holding off on a comment about the position you’re both currently in in favor of backing away in understanding.
“Totally got you. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable at all.”
You sigh in relief. Out of all the confrontations you’ve had about this topic, this has definitely been the easiest. Dare you say that Mr. Harper even seemed like a pretty cool dude. If you weren’t his daughter’s teacher, you’d definitely-
No, you can’t allow yourself to think like that.
“Thank you for, you know,” you hesitate, “Not ratting me out.” 
“Never,” he assures you with the most seriousness he’s displayed since you’ve met him.
You move, opening the door for him and getting blasted by whatever delicious cologne he’s wearing as you see him out. 
He hesitates as if he wants to say something, but you beat him to the punch.
“Have a good day, Mr. Harper,” you grant him a small, genuine smile before shutting the door behind you.
You know he hasn’t moved and you know he knows you haven’t moved. The two of you stand there on either side of the door reveling in the last dregs of whatever the fuck that conversation constituted as.
Finally, you hear the tell-tale sign of his sneakers squeaking against the linoleum and you finally allow your heels to clack back over to your desk. You slump in your chair, head in your hand, wondering what the fuck you’ve just gotten yourself into.
You received your annual invite to the Wayne Holiday Gala months ago, though you honestly had considered not coming this year.  However, after your run-ins with Jason, you decide to show up.
You end up spending most of the night with the kids in the daycare area. As unappetizing as it may sound to some, making small talk with the stuffy Gotham elites in the other room definitely sounds like the shittier end of the bargain.
You’re in the middle of a makeover session, which seems to involve a lot of poking and pulling when you hear it.
“Oh, no fucking way,” your body stiffens at the familiar voice. “This is so rich.”
“Mr. Harper,” you say without turning around. You thank the little kids around you for the glitter bomb they’ve set off on you as you rise. Your form-fitting, high-slitted dress unfurls as you do so, revealing the extravagance of your gown. (x)
He cleans up very nice. 
You try to hide how you check him out, but it doesn’t seem to matter too much as he’s preoccupied with raking his eyes up and down your curves. You watch as his freckled cheeks turn red.
“How’d you know?” His voice is extra scratchy tonight and it’s doing things to you.
“You’re the only one of my parents who curses like a sailor no matter who’s in the room,” you gesture down to the kids who’ve made you look like you’re going to Coachella rather than a gala.
The little girl closest to you keeps trying to tug at your hair, but Mr. Harper sits down and offers her his long locks in your stead. 
“Are you,” he trails off, looking away from your eyes to fiddle with his black tie. “Is it okay that I sit here with you?”
It’s a vulnerable question after the clear shift after he approached you in your classroom all those weeks ago. 
“I don’t own the place,” you shrug as you sit back down with crossed legs beside him. “So, what are you doing here tonight?”
“My friend’s back in town and said he might be here tonight, so,” he trails off as he motions to his cornflower blue tux. It’s fucking ugly as shit and, somehow, it couldn’t look better on the muscular man.
“Where’s Lian?” you ask, blushing as soon as you realize you’ve asked.
Roy, however, seems pleased by your question. He points over to the other side of the room where she’s playing some combo of hide-and-seek and tag with a group of kids. 
“She loves these kinds of things,” he says. “She wouldn’t let me miss out once she heard we’d been invited,” Lian catches your eye and waves excitedly before she’s pulled back into the game. “What about you?”
His voice lulls you into an easy smile, “Didn’t expect to see me here?”
“I didn’t say that,” he jests back as he tries to navigate the minefield that is this conversation. “You look good,” he says finally, though his eyes are forcibly focused on Lian.
You follow along as she gets chased around to avoid being tagged. The smile that’s adorned your face ever since he came in the room has yet to dull, something you’re sure he notices as his cheeks burn red.
“Thank you,” you say quietly. It’s your turn to blush when you feel his eyes finally shift back to you. You make the hard decision to focus on the kids running around rather than on his stunning, verdant eyes. “You don’t look too bad yourself.”
It seems like your words have given him the confidence to… well, you’re not exactly sure, but he definitely seems more cocky now. However, a tiny voice interrupts before he gets a chance to respond.
“No, you!”
Your head turns to the gaggle of well-dressed kids currently shoving each other your way.
“Excuse me!” 
“Hello,” you smile at the cute display.
“They said you’re a princess,” a small girl in a tutu sidles up to you, wringing her hands behind her back as three other girls stand behind her shyly. 
Before you can think of something to say, Roy swoops in.
“She’s 100% a princess,” Roy winks at you playfully. “Right, princess?”
You snort, trying not to be affected by the wink, “Right.”
You’re covered in shitty body glitter in a gown that anyone else’s here easily dwarfs. You feel far from a princess. Hell, the only reason you’d even been invited anyway had been because of your mom’s legacy.
The kids convince you to play heroes and robbers. Roy watches from the sidelines as you use a pink bow and arrow toy to stave off the waves of robbers that now includes Lian. Soon, she drags her dad to play, convinced that he needs to show you how to use the arrow for some reason.
“You’re not lining up the arrow right,” he says as he comes up to stand behind you. 
“Mr. Harper,” you can hardly contain your eye roll, “It’s plastic.”
“Is this okay?” he asks as his hand hovers above your own.
Is it?
“Yeah,” you say before you lose the courage.
His firm chest presses against your back as he guides your hands on the bow. His soft hands trickle along your skin, effortlessly teasing you all the while.
“You know, we’re not at school,” you startle at what he murmurs against the shell of your ear. “You can just call me Roy.”
You hesitate. 
Is this crossing a line? 
It’s just a name, you reason before giving in. “Alright, Roy,” you know he’s smiling big and a curious glance behind you proves it’s even dorkier of a grin than you’d imagined. “Don’t make me regret this,” you huff, settling back around the bow with his gentle guidance.
You release the arrow and, for once, it actually hits the target. The kids go nuts like you’ve just told them they get candy every day forever.
This is exactly when he shows up…
“Figures I’d find the two of you here.”
You startle, turning around with the toy bow and arrow still poised in your hands to find, “Jason.”
“What’s up,” he says, looking highly amused, though his only tell is the blatant mirth behind his emerald eyes.
Roy removes himself from around your smaller form to face your friend, who also seems to know Roy.
“I thought you didn’t come to these things anymore,” Roy says, confusing you even more.
“You know Jason?”
Roy backs away with an unreadable gaze as he shoots back a question your way, “Have the two of you met before?” It sounds pointed, like he somehow knows you guys fucked in the alley.
Your eyes flicker over to the darker-haired gentleman, wondering if Jason didn’t want him to know. He’s smiling like he’s in on something you aren’t, though, so you take it as a sign you can divulge.
“A couple of times,” you respond nonchalantly.
“A couple of times?!” Roy repeats in disbelief, shooting Jason a look he has no choice but to laugh at. After this, Jason and Roy seem to be holding a conversation with their eyes alone. 
You hand off the bow and arrow to the little girl who asks to use it before turning your attention back to the men who seem to have come to some agreement without ever having spoken. 
“I should’ve known the horndog dad she was talking about was you, Harper,” you look embarrassed to have been caught talking about Roy, but Roy’s too embarrassed that his flirting’s been so obvious. “So,” he drawls with his hypnotizing deep voice. “What’ve you guys been up to?”
“Just this mostly,” you gesture to the glitter and toys scattered around. Your heels are starting to kill your feet, so you make to sit down again. 
Both men, much to your amusement, help you down before sitting beside you. The kids immediately come up and try to play with his hair like they were with you and Roy, but it’s too short. They ultimately resort to makeup and more glitter, leaving you to wonder just who the fuck was giving these kids body glitter?
The three of you amuse the kids for a bit longer before Jason signals the two of you to follow him.
Roy tells Lian he’ll be right back and to stay in the childcare area while he’s gone. You watch after the two of them, not feeling Jason’s calculating eyes on the side of your face until you turn and meet them.
He just shakes his head with a light smirk. An attendant walks by with a fresh tray of champagne flutes and Jason asks for them to stop and takes the tray from their hands. You raise a questioning brow when he hands you one before downing a glass.
Yeah, you could stand to get fucked up.
You smile, following suit as you down the glass, then another. Soon, Roy sidles up beside you and joins in on a few. Jason easily out drinks you and you’re not trying to get to the point where you’re too drunk. Right now, you feel a pleasant, tipsy hum vibrating across your tingling skin.
Roy takes the drinks slower but still downs one or two.
By the time the three of you are done, the tray of 10 glasses is completely empty.
From there, Jason takes you and Roy around the parts no one else dares venture, ultimately stumbling upon Bruce Wayne’s office.
“Holy shit,” you gasp as you walk into the ornate room. 
The entire room is covered in deep, rich wood and is filled with shelves upon shelves of old-looking literature. It looks like what the two cheap sets you’ve been on were trying to emulate but could never come close to. 
Your fingers trail delicately across the fabric spines of books that adorn the wall-to-wall bookshelves in appreciation.
“Yeah,” Jason sidles up beside you to pull out the copy of The Happy Prince you’ve been eyeing. “Haven’t been in here since I was a kid, but it still holds up to what I remember,” he stares down at your pick before handing it off to you. You hold it delicately, something he chuckles at, “You’re not going to fuck it up; trust me, he wouldn’t notice even if you did. Old man doesn’t have time to read anymore.”
“Oh?” You say, not sure what else to say.
Jason merely nods, “I used to sneak in here or the library after patro- bedtime,” he coughs as he corrects himself. “Wilde is one of my favorites.”
You feel the all-telling stare of Roy from behind where Jason has you trapped against the shelf. When you turn around, however, he pretends to be preoccupied with the random knickknacks on the desk. 
“Who’s your favorite, Roy?”
He looks up from the paperweight he’s holding as if surprised to be addressed by you, “John Knowles is always good. Can’t go wrong with Ray Bradbury.”
You nod in approval, missing how Jason’s eyes flash mischievously as he glances between the two of you. 
“A Separate Peace has always been one of my go-to’s,” you add shyly. 
You don’t know what it is. Maybe it’s because you’re not at the school, maybe it’s the fact you’re far away from the party, but you actually feel nervous around Roy right now. What’s making it worse is that Jason seems to notice. Much to your chagrin, he ups the ante between the two of you as if finding amusement in seeing the two of you blush so profusely.  
Jason suddenly moves from beside you and off somewhere in the corner to fiddle around with an antiqued globe. You watch, trying to ignore Roy in your peripheral, as the top half of the globe opens to reveal crystal glasses and containers.
While Jason pours the three of you more drinks, you and Roy get to talking about, well, just about everything. The cadence and ease at which the two of you switch from topic to topic is incredible. You feel like you’ve known the redhead forever by the time Jason’s handing you a heavy, intricate glass.
You thank him, quirking a brow at his knowing smile. He just shakes his head, “You two are fucking hilarious, you know that?”
You don’t.
A quick look at Roy proves his confusion as well. However, one glance at his friend leads to another one of their eyes-only conversations that seems to bring Roy in on the joke. You, on the other hand, are left to flounder in front of your attractive company.
“And why is that?” you finally bite. 
Roy seems content to sip at his glass with raised brows as he watches the scene unfold. 
“I’m just surprised you guys haven’t up and fucked already.” 
You and Roy begin sputtering at the same time. Luckily, Roy seems to gather his bearings fast enough to respond so you don’t have to make a fool of yourself.
“Jay, what?”
You and Roy still, looking at Jason to gauge the seriousness of his words. Roy then looks down at you to judge your reaction.
You know you shouldn’t fuck him. You really shouldn’t fuck him.
You can’t fuck him, but…
“Guess it’d only be fair,” Roy snorts at Jason’s words, but you don’t understand. “I don’t mind sharing with friends.”
The three of you return to a silent stare-down of who’s going to be the first to make a move.
Fuck it. You’re tipsy and horny and there are two attractive as fuck men in front of you. This is definitely a far cry from the boring night you thought you were in for.
“Are you sure, Jason?”
Roy’s breath catches audibly in his throat once he realizes you’re seriously considering it, “Princess, you’ve had a lot to drink. I don’t think- I wouldn’t want you to feel like this is,” he trails off, eyes searching yours.
He’s cute and thoughtful, okay? How can you not fuck him now?
With Jason’s blessing, you push forward, corralling Roy against the desk until your chest is flush against his.
“Takes more than liquor and a few glasses of champagne to count me out, Mr. Harper,” you realize too late you’ve used the wrong name, though it doesn’t seem like he minds in the slightest. “Sorry,” you start, but he cuts you off.
“Don’t be,” he bites his lip. “It’s really fucking hot,” his hands close around the mahogany desk behind him as if keeping him from ravishing you right then and there. “Gotta admit, though, it’s been a few years since I’ve done anything,” he begins the tell-tale signs of his signature rambling, but you cut him off with a deep, slow kiss. It steals the rest of the words from his mouth as your body melts against his, “You don’t care that I’m out of practice?”
You slowly wipe at the spit you’ve left on his lips before allowing your eyes to flicker up and meet his. He’s already looking at you when you do like he can’t believe this is actually happening.
“Not at all,” you smirk lightly at his surprised look as you turn his words back on him. “It’s hot.” 
He groans at your words as if he’s holding himself back from flipping your position and fucking you against the desk. He doesn’t, though. Roy sits back against the desk and lets you do whatever you please.
“Really?” he stares down at your wandering hands with wide, uncertain eyes.
You nod, biting at your bottom lip, “I can help you practice.”
His jaw drops and you can’t help but laugh alongside Jason.
“Can I touch you?” his deep voice rumbles across your skin, further spurring the stammering beat of your heart. You nod, but it’s not enough for him, “Tell me you want me.”
You smile up at him, “I want you, Roy.”
“Fuck,” you watch as his dick twitches against the pants of his ugly suit. “Jay, are you sure you want to share?”
He’s sitting in the large chair behind the desk behind Roy, palming himself through his pants, “Just fuck already.”
Jason looks absolutely sinful. His thick thighs are spread temptingly in the head chair with his button-up completely unbuttoned to reveal his toned stomach. His suit jacket remains on, as well as his tie, though it’s loosened and strewn lazily across his shoulder.
Roy exhales sharply before flipping your position in the blink of an eye.
Suddenly, you’re being lifted onto the desk with Roy slotting between your thick thighs before your mouth is overtaken by his. You arch extra for Jason, who’s behind you and break away from the redhead to turn around and lean down slightly to kiss the other man.
Jason’s rough thumb runs along your jawline as he flicks his tongue teasingly against yours. Meanwhile, Roy’s hands roam your body tentatively as if he’s scared he’ll do something wrong.
“Jason,” you breathe against his soft lips as you pull apart, “tell him he’s not going to break me.”
“Tell him yourself,” Jason huffs like he can’t believe you pulled away to say that. Soon, he’s shoving his calloused hands into your dress to cup your lofty tits and expose them to the room. You gasp, something he uses as an opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth, though his hands eventually move, finding Roy’s hands and moving over top of them to sink them into your skin.
“Shit,” Roy groans as he finally allows himself to divulge in your curves. 
He throws off his blue suit jacket, unbuttoning the top few buttons of his dress shirt before focusing back on you. His eyes linger over your tits as if memorizing them. 
It’s cute.
Your finger beckons him hither. Your half-lidded eyes slip close as two sets of hands and mouths descend upon you in all the right places.
Jason moves to stand behind you at the desk, caressing up and down your exposed skin. His mouth leaves slick kisses along your neck, stopping to suck every few seconds to draw airy moans from your plump lips. Meanwhile, Roy’s mouth attaches to your collarbone, moving lower to suck your tits into his mouth with an appreciative whine as his fingers explore lower.
“Jay,” Roy’s voice breaks, leaving you to moan in response. His fingers trickle close to the top of the slit of your dress, begging to go further, “I don’t think she’s wearing any underwear.”
Suddenly, they’re on each other, kissing over your shoulder with a clashing of tongues and teeth. It’s aggressive and, honestly, some of the hottest shit you’ve ever seen. You spread your legs even further before allowing your fingers to trickle up to your pulsating clit, but Roy stops you.
You look at him in dazed confusion, just wanting some fucking relief, but he won’t allow it. “Please,” you beg, shifting your hips flush against the bulge in his pants, but he refuses to relent. “I need you to touch me.”
“Say my name,” he says darkly, fingers hovering right above where you’re desperate for it. 
You meet his wanton gaze head-on, whimpering as Jason leaves hickeys across your shoulders. You so desperately want to buck into Roy’s hand, but his firm grip on your hip prevents you from doing so. 
“Roy,” you moan, using your cam voice. 
He seems to notice because his resolve seems to crumble. “So good, baby,” Roy starts to ramble. “You’re so fucking sexy. You want to get fucked?” 
Jason’s breathing sputters against your ear as he finally allows himself to unzip his pants. His hard member rocks against the top of your ass and lower back with his hands reaching around you to tease your nipples. You arch backward against him with a loud cry.
“Please!” You’re not even necessarily answering Roy’s question. You just need something, anything from either of them and you need it right now. You squirm in the hold, bucking and writhing for any kind of contact you can get, but both are playing hard to get. 
“Should we give her what she wants, Harper?” Jason ignores your pleas completely.
You mewl when Roy finally rubs his thumb against your aching clit. However, the contact is gone as quickly as it began, leaving you just as desperate as you’ve felt this entire time. 
“I don’t know, Jay,” Roy responds sadistically. “Maybe we should make her wait a little bit longer.”
If they’re going to tease you, you’re definitely willing to do the same.
If they weren’t going to touch you, you’d just have to touch them. You waste no time in latching on to Roy’s sweaty neck, nipping and sucking hickeys into his collection of freckles as you mouth along his exposed shoulders.
“How are we doing this?” Jason asks gruffly, stirring excitement in your lower stomach. 
Regardless of all the talk, you knew neither would be able to resist much longer.
Roy bites his lip, eyes trailing down your exposed body with his bottom lip bit cheekily as he considers the question. “I’m going to bend her over this desk, fuck her ass up,” Roy gauges your reaction and, when he sees no hesitation, does just this. “Feel free to join in, I don’t care,” he says to Jason as he rubs his clothed erection against your arched ass as if testing the waters. “This alright, beautiful?”
Roy’s cock against your ass, or the dangerous look Jason has in his eyes as you come eye-level with his leaking cock.
“Answer him,” Jason demands cooly. He lifts your head with an assured grip as he draws your gaze from his twitching cock to his dark eyes.
Your body responds earnestly to all the stimulation, moaning his name with a broken, “Yes.”
The tip of Jason’s tongue pokes out to lick at his lips. You watch as his eyes flicker to Roy behind you with palpable desire as he brings his leaking tip against your pliant lips. He slips in with a groan, hands falling to the edges of the desk, curled white-knuckled to prevent himself from completely ravishing your throat right then and there.
“So good,” he praises. His thumb trickles at the corner of your mouth gently while his hips snap slowly but roughly into your mouth. “Now, show Roy how good you are.”
You groan around his thick cock, eyes rolling to the back of your head as he picks up the pace. At the same time, you feel Roy lining himself up with your cunt and start to suck Jason more ardently.
Roy’s cock pushes against your tight entrance, slipping in slowly with an appreciative sigh from both of you. You feel him bob up and down from within you as soon as he settles. A quick look behind you proves how his orange locks cascade deliciously in front of his flushed, freckled cheeks.
“You feel so good inside me,” you wiggle your ass around his thickness, spurring an accidental snap of his hips. The sharp momentum sends you forward into Jason, who merely cups your face and draws you up for a deep, edging-on, rough kiss that leaves you backing helplessly against Roy for relief. “Fuck!”
He finally offers it, probably knowing he wasn’t going to last for shit anyway. 
His hands caress and spread your cheeks as he sputters out uncoordinated, breathy thrusts into your tight heat. All the while, he spews the absolute most obscene things you’ve ever heard.
He wraps your hair around his hand, forcing the rhythm on Jason’s dick as he fucks into you with reckless abandon. This only lasts for so long before you feel the shakiness in his thrusts.
“Jason,” Roy calls out from behind, “I need to tap for a second.”
Jason merely rolls his eyes, drawing you from his cock to his mouth for a lewd, terse kiss that leaves you breathless. You watch as his muscular form moves around the desk to settle behind you by Roy.
“You still good with this?” Jason asks, still a ways back from your ass that’s arched over the desk. 
You look at him from over your shoulder with a playful glint behind your eyes, “Just fuck me already, Jason.”
Jason wastes no time in pushing his tip in. He remains like this, creating lewd noises as his tip bobs shallowly in and out of your slick cunt. “Please,” you beg after he continues like this for another beat. “I need you deeper. Jay, please!”
He chuckles darkly, “Well, since you asked so nicely.”
It’s all the warning you get before he pushes into you fully. He remains seated as you squirm against the large intrusion, with desperate gasps and moans spilling from you as you do.
Jason’s thrusts start out innocent enough, exploratory in a sense. They soon grow more desperate and harsher as he responds to the wanton cries you produce each time he bottoms out inside you.`
Soon, Roy’s tapping back in and the fun truly begins.
That’s how you end up bent over the desk in your dress and heels, holding on to the edge of the desk for dear life as both men take turns fucking in and out of you. It’s completely sadistic how they use your body just the way you need, drawing noises and reactions from you that you’ve never experienced before. If this had been a stream, you know you’d rake in a record amount of tips- how could you not when you looked this wrecked?
You see yourself in the window in front of you, staring at your tits as they bounce in time with the varied thrusts. Eventually, they seem to catch on to what you’re doing and meet your unfocused gaze in the reflection as they make a mess of you.
“Shit,” Jason groans when his tip catches against your entrance as he slows down the pace once again to tease you. It works. You’re left mewling and bucking helplessly against his firm grip that keeps you in place from doing so. 
Roy decides he wants you to get a taste of him and take the position Jason had earlier for you to suck him into your mouth. His member is slick and tastes like your pussy, only serving to make you moan wantonly against his thickness. The vibrations only amplify when Jason smacks your cheeks in quick succession, then moves to cradle and soothe them.
You feel completely and utterly used.
Soon, Roy’s breathing sputters in just a way that Jason knows to pull out. He begins to jack off over your jiggling ass as Roy slips inside of you once again. Their lips connect and you watch their sensual kiss through the reflection on the glass as you feel pressure mounting within you.
Your tongue lulls out without you even realizing it.
Jason, however, does.
“Two guys in your pussy isn’t enough for you?” Jason questions darkly as he makes eye contact with you. “You need a cock in your mouth too?” you bite at your bottom lip, giving him all the answers he needs. “Tell me where you need me.”
Like he doesn’t already know.
“I need your cock shoved down my throat,” you maintain eye contact through the reflection in the window as you respond coquettishly. “Will you fuck my throat, Jason?”
“Say please,” he retorts in a dangerous voice that leaves you bucking back against Roy’s dick with a breathy moan.
“Please, Jason?”
“Good girl.” 
He complies easily, choking you with his length as he thrusts against your pliant lips.
Roy doesn’t last much longer after you beg Jason to fuck your throat again.
“Fucking, damnit,” Roy curses, pulling out of you before you can even comprehend what’s happening. “Man, what the fuck?” 
You pull off Jason’s cock with a lewd ‘pop’ as you look over your shoulder. 
Roy’s got one hand cupped under his dick to collect his come, with the other running aggravatedly through his hair. It’s definitely not the ending you were expecting and you can’t help but laugh. He’s such a fucking loser and it’s only making you more and more attracted to him for some reason.
“Yeah, that’s what everyone wants to hear from a pornstar they bang,” his words only make you laugh harder. He smacks you lightly on the hip, motioning for you to turn over so you can press your bare body into his firm chest, “Give me a sec, babe. I’ve got you.
“I’m actually quite flattered to be called me a pornstar,” you jest as you wiggle into the new position.
“Well, what would you consider yourself?”
“A random bitch who does porn.”   He looks at you like you’re insane, “Your video got in the fucking millions, dude.”
He draws another easy laugh from you, “'Dude’ is seriously what you’re calling me right now?”
“No,” he starts lowly, “but feel free to start calling me Mr. Harper more often.”
At this, his dick slightly twitches back to life, leaving you to roll your eyes. However, you gasp when he drops to a crouch, now eye-level with your pulsating cunt and inadvertently attempt to close your legs, but he won’t allow it. He pries your thick legs open with greedy eyes and a firm grip, preventing you from shutting them again.
You groan, arching against his restraint in anticipation of what’s to come.
Jason runs a calloused hand through your hair that’s splayed out across his father’s paperwork. He then collects as much of your hair as he can and grips it, using the hold to force your head back onto his dick. His one hand remains in your hair while the other trails down from your tits to rub at your clit.
Your appreciative moans vibrate around his large member, drawing the most erotic noises you’ve ever heard from the man.
Roy’s tongue finally trickles out, teasing you with light licks along your folds, then pressured kisses to your inner thighs.
“‘M so fucking lucky, babe,” he groans against your cunt as he finally picks up the pace. His tongue seems to know all the right places and all the right pressure to get you bucking against his smirking mouth. “I’ve dreamed about this shit,” he meets your half-lidded gaze as he licks a long, thick trail from your entrance up to your clit. “Fucking you just like this, getting to taste your sweet little pussy,” as if to prove his point, he mouths along your cunt, slurping your juices into his already dripping mouth. “Forced me to sleep in underwear so I don’t have to change my sheets every night, princess.” 
“Roy,” you push further against his tongue, hips sputtering against his skillful appendage for more. Your head falls backward, taking Jason back into your mouth with a forcefulness that has him tightening the grip in your hair.
“That’s right, baby,” he says lowly. “Say my name just like that.”
He eats you out, only removing his mouth to shove a finger inside of you when you’re getting close again.
You let out an embarrassing cry, leaving Jason to remove his cock. He smacks your flushed cheeks with his cock so he and Roy can both hear the full extent of you coming undone.
“Please,” you beg, arching off the desk. “Right there, Roy- fuck!”
With two different people working your pussy, you know you won’t last long.
Jason’s calloused pad against your clit and Roy’s expert tongue is all too much. You’ve never had it feel like this before- not even close. All the while, Roy continues to use moves you’ve never felt, but damn do you want to feel them again. 
Preferably soon.
“You’re so fucking tight, baby. I need your come on my fingers,” he says your name like a demand.
You have no choice but to obey when he finally manages a second finger. 
You come against Roy’s expert tongue. Your hips sputter sporadically against his curled fingers inside of you, all while you force Jason back down your throat, effectively giving you the best orgasm of your life. When you finally catch your breath, you lift yourself weakly onto your elbows. The sight that meets you makes you laugh as both men are standing in front of you, ready for another round.
This round is hazy and steamy as the three of you find a new, sensual rhythm that drives you crazy.
They continue taking turns fucking into you with sloppier movements, taking turns kissing you and each other as Roy plays with your clit and Jason plays with your tits. At some point, Jason places his calloused hand on your lower stomach in a way that makes every thrust feel so much more intensified. You know you won’t last long.
Your hips snap tantalizingly against Roy’s thrusts. against his fiery hair with reckless abandon as you feel another orgasm drawing near.
“That’s it, baby,” he coos as your face scrunches up in absolute pleasure. “There we go. Give it to me, I want your come all over my dick. Good,” his fluid thrusts milk out your second orgasm of the night.
Your breathing sputters as you release on his hard length, squeezing down as you spasm around him until he’s forced to pull out. You’re still twitching in Jason’s arms as Roy spatters his come across your pussy and lower stomach.
“So fucking good,” you groan, allowing Jason to support the majority of your weight as you slink against his toned chest.
Roy stares at your fucked-out form in disbelief. He notices your smirk and blushes, beginning his usual rambling that you can’t help but be enamored by.
“If you want, my roommate won’t be in for most of the night,” Jason snorts, you assume, at Roy’s attempt to get you back to his place.
You surprise everyone in the room, yourself included, when you ultimately agree, “Alright.”
You wake up with a headache in an unfamiliar room.
There’s a random drum set in the corner, as well as various band tees and posters littered across the walls. 
Memories flood back to the forefront of your brain as you stare at the picture on the nightstand and groan.
Mr. Harper. No- Roy.
You hear the shower going from somewhere close by and use it as a chance to look around and gather your bearings.
You remember the office sex, driving back with Jason so Roy could put Lian to sleep. You remember coming back to Roy’s place and fucking, changing into one of his loose shirts, then watching some dumb movie on his bed with tequila. After that, though, the memories all carry a hazy edge.
You find your dress lying across the desk in his room and silently pad over to it. Underneath the satin fabric is his partially opened laptop that dings out a familiar tone as if on cue. You change back into your evening gown, looking at your phone that lights up with a notification reminder about your stream later tonight.
It’s too much of a coincidence for you not to sit there and debate snooping. Ultimately, curiosity gets the best of you as you open the screen fully.
What you find stops your heart.
He currently has tabs pulled up about some sort of mechanical issue with a motorcycle engine, the other tab is about nearby kids museums and activities. It’s the flashing tab all the way at the end that sends chills up your spine.
It’s your cam page.
Not only that, but it’s his chat log with you, showing the last message he sent.
inmyarsenal: have to stop coming by your streams. tAke this as compensation- no refunds :)
Holy shit, he’s a stalker.
Holy shit, you walked right into it.
The shower’s still going when you finally find yourself able to move again. You waste no time in rushing out of his room, searching desperately for an escape. The front door is too close to the slightly opened bathroom door for you to be able to sneak out of. You turn around and find a balcony, sighing when you realize this is your best bet.
Fire escape it is.
Donning last night's dress and remnants of body glitter, you slip out onto the balcony for your first and worst walk of shame ever.
No, actually, it gets so much worse.
“Well, this is a new one.”
You startle, turning to face Jason who’s smoking, “Jason?” You’re entirely confused. He’s Roy’s roommate??? You move over to the ledge where he’s standing and look down at the ten flights you’ll have to traverse down in your heels with a sigh.
It’s going to be a long day.
“He slept on the couch, you know,” Jason says, taking a drag before offering it to you. “Nothing happened after the movie. I promise.”
For some reason, you believe him, but that doesn’t mean you’re not still seriously disturbed by what you’ve found. For fuck’s sake, Roy had watched your stream before the parent teacher conference knowing it was you and tipped you after. It’s entirely fucking creepy and way too contrived to be a mistake.
The pounding in your head takes over your senses as you take a hit off the cigarette. You sputter as soon as the smoke hits your lungs, immediately wishing you hadn’t taken the shit at all. Thankfully, Jason holds in the laugh you can tell is bubbling in his throat, something you appreciate.
Inside, the faucet squeaks off and you quickly realize that if you’re going, you better go.
You hand back the cigarette and shuffle down the first few stairs before looking back at Jason, “You never saw me.” 
By the time you get to the bottom, you look up to find the man’s already gone.
You need a fucking aspirin. 
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A/N: work has been stressing me out and I recently got diagnosed w an autoimmune disease so we b dealing with that shit. i saw the eclipse tho and it was p cool!
last thing, promise! be sure to check out my pinned post to show my other fics some love and go to the top right corner of my blog to turn on post notifs!
[next: coming soon] || masterlist || pinned || my ko-fi / tip jar
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caslutz · 3 months
Jamie, handing Roy the phone: It’s Isaac, he needs help.
Roy, taking it: Just snap his kneecaps and he'll talk. We're at a parent teacher conference.
Jamie: Anyway, you said Phoebe is enjoying finger painting! That's great.
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expelliarmus · 1 year
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starcurtain · 9 months
I haven't even started 4.1's archon quest and yet I am still absolutely shocked that I haven't seen a "rough-around-the-edges single dad meets his kid's gorgeous kindergarten teacher" AU for Wriothesley and Neuvillette yet.
The trope writes itself at this point, my guys.
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coquettejohnny · 2 months
ponyboy the typa guy to be a pleasure to have in class
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tealcicada · 9 months
For the Decepticon Sari AU, I imagine if the other Decepticons got to babysit a baby Sari, Starscream would have the worst time.
Lugnut? Sari loves him. It took Megaton to let Lugnut share Sari-sitting with the others (Lugnut thought that they were “UNWORTHY OF TAKING CARE OF MEGATRON’S SPAWN!”)
The Seekers? They felt like Sari wouldn’t like them (clones of Starscream, member), but she loves them, which makes them happy. (Skywarp is the responsible one, Thundercracker the fun one, Sunstorm the serious but caring one, Ramjet the weird one, and Slipstream the irresponsible one).
Shockwave? Overprotective Babysitter. When Megatron came to get Sari, he found Shockwave cradling Spiked Energon, while Sari was in the box. (Megatron didn’t question it. Probably because he had no questions).
Blackarachina? Well she felt… scared of taking care of a baby (Elita-One’s caring nature showing), but when Sari touched, Instant kinship. It took several hours to remove Sari from Blackarachina’s care, all the while Blackarachina screamed “KINSHIP” over and over.
Waspinator? (He exploded, but Sari got upset if they left him). He kept stating that Sari’s a “Queen!” She liked it.
Soundwave (Created through the Cyber Key)? Sibling, in a “I may find her annoying, but I will kill you if you hurt her” type way.
Swindle and Lockdown (Both tried to steal Sari for money, both got their afts handed to them by Megatron, then forced to join)? Very good with her, probably because Megatron is looming over them while they do it.
Constructicons? Uncles. (Dirt Boss First, Scrapper Second, Mixmaster Third).
Blitzwing? Funny/Weird/Cool Cousin. (Weird tried to eat her once, so he’s on thin ice. So is Hot-head, as he tried to teach her to fly by throwing her into space).
But Starscream? She’s an absolute gremlin. She purposely screws with him, get him into trouble, and frames him for things she did. And every time, when Starscream’s getting scolded, she gives him a knowing, Shit-Eating Grin, which infuriates him, and Starscream always gets in trouble, because no one suspects Sari. (She’s well behaved).
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I love every single one of these thoughts!! 1000% especially for lugnut, he adores Sari and sees it as a great privilege to babysit her and help teacher her the Deception way. Strika and Lugnut are like top tier aunt and uncle to her, especially Strika’s no nonsense training turns her into a warrior and tactician that the Autobots fear even though for her safety Megatron never allows her onto the field of battle so there’s very little known about her.
Will say tho, while they may have thought about it since Autobot command would have a ridiculous bounty out for the capture of the elusive heir to the decepticons, they would never try to collect on that bounty since Megatron and all the decepticons would torture the to them to the point that death would be a blessing for such a transgression.
I am always excited to talk head cannons Decepticon!Sari au, pls feed me your thoughts
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lxminesce · 3 months
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CAREY MULLIGAN | Vogue Beauty Secrets (2024)
The "Parent-Teacher Conference" Look
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kheyys-worms · 6 months
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A bunch of Trein doodles <3 we respect a man of history in this household ✨✨
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