#teenage greek gods
godsofhumanity · 1 year
[the gang going somewhere] Athena: Apollo drives. Ares: Why?? Athena: He's least likely to hit something just for fun. Hermes: True.
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marmialadee · 5 months
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green--tea-owo · 1 month
Odysseus after listening to Hermes singing and dancing about the Root that gives him "all the Power":  Hermes, Thank you.
Hermes: Dont thank me, you probably gonna die anyways lol
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wayward-wren · 23 days
Calypso is not a character that I LIKE but she is a character that I want to study like a bug
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gingermintpepper · 1 month
Absolutely the funniest thing about my current corner of tumblr is that pretty much everyone I've recently followed for Apollo-Appreciating Purposes are either genuinely Hellenist or just rather very into Rick Riordan's Trials of Apollo series which is wild because I know a net zero about both of those things.
#I've never been interested in Riordan's work and the Percy Jackson books I did read as a young lad didn't change my mind on that topic#Growing up I preferred a very one or the other method for my greek adaptational content#which essentially means either you're a play or an adaptation of a legit story or myth with recogniseable figures and plotpoints#or you're an original story with mythical elements but the myths and the adaptations and interpretations of those myths is secondary#Percy Jackson did both and it was very disorienting for me because the books were well grounded enough that when I came into contact#with some element I didn't recognise or couldn't remember I myself would get confused and go “Is that true? like really?? :0c”#Then I ran a library book club and Percy Jackson books were p much all the kids wanted to read#but they rejected all of my supplementary greek myth exercises and got a lot of stuff mixed around#because percy jackson does a rather good job of making a convincing argument that it knows its stuff and people will quicker cite that#than do readings of the much more difficult older texts and translations of text#It's not Percy Jackson's fault it's just a bad experience that stuck with me and by extension leaked over into Trials of Apollo when that#was released#Trials of Apollo was crazy because I generally make it my business to consume any and all greek myth interpretational media that bothers#to include Apollo (there is a shockingly low amount of things that do that)#however a LOT of novels especially never let Apollo retain the dignity of a god in their portrayals of him#and have him resemble a teenager more than anything even remotely close to an adult#I had just gotten finished reading a novel adaptation of the story of Coronis and Apollo with this same issue#so when I opened the first volume of ToA and saw that Apollo simply genuinely WAS a teenager#Frankly I just closed the book and put it back on the bookstore shelf and very calmly walked away LMFAO#I have nothing to say about Hellenists and neo hellenists y'all seem like wonderful people and I hope#you have a lovely time with your e-offerings and worship#unless you are my single personal friend with Apollo as your patron#then I wish you 1000 woes and 10000 divine brain blasts#toa#pjo#ginger rambles
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bugwolfsstuff · 17 days
Now I know Percy x any god is controversial but think of the hilarity
He really went and became the dad that stepped up.
Also a camper saying in the most horrified voice, 'Percy Jackson fucked my dad/mom' is fucking hilarious to me.
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unsurebazookacore · 9 months
just realized when I grow up I get to read my kids the Percy Jackson books a chapter a night each night before they go to bed and watch the series with them one episode at a time while we’re eating dinner because that’s a thing I’m gonna be able to do sharing my childhood with them like that and brb I’m gonna go cry now
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sylviasangel · 1 month
Please Camilla Macaulay... One chance
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galamurphy · 2 years
"He is half my soul, as the poet says."
"The Song Of Achillies" by Madeline Miller
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darkcrowprincess · 9 months
What's the demigod equivalent of throwing a house party while the parents are away? Mostly as a fuck you to the gods but also because they're teenagers? I know it's impossible and Zeus would likely smite them for it, but imagine if the demigod kids could throw a party(80s movie style chaos type party) on Mount Olympus were all the gods are elsewhere or something? I just want chaos, plus the gods to have a reminder that these are teenagers with issues, that are fed up with their parents.
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madhare0512 · 9 months
Keep Your Friends Close
Warnings include: violence, canonical violence, mentioned character death, mentioned major character death, spoilers for EPIC the Musical: Ocean Saga
Leo climbs the stone steps, swallowing thickly. All he has to do is get to the doors, find the god of the winds, and ask for safe passage. Simple, three steps and they're done. My lady, protect us, he prays. Athena sends a wave of warmth in response.
Leo's thankful for her assistance. He reaches the last step and stands on the shores of the island, on the front stoop of a massive palace. Leo breathes in, the out, and nods to himself. He steps up to the door, trusting that the ground wouldn't give out under him. Trusting that the god of wind knows he's out here. Trusting the goodwill of Aeolus.
Leo crosses the boundaries of the palace doors and feels his feet hit solid ground beneath him. Aeolus knows he's here and, likely, is waiting for him. Far be it from Leo to keep a god waiting. Not after what he'd just been through with his brother's patron. Leo weaves through the castle. Modern castles had been based on the palaces found on Olympus and in other places the gods frequent - the seas, Hephaestus' volcanic workshop, the Underworld that Hades calls home - so if the modern age had gotten the structures right, then-
"Welcome, Leonardo of Ithica!" cries a voice Leo hadn't expected.
Leo startles a little, finding himself face-to-face with a young woman. Her brown hair wind swept and pulled over one shoulder, dark eyes dancing playfully, and skin pale, though as Leo watches, everything about this woman seems to change. "My Lord Aeolus?" he asks shakily. He'd hate to have gotten this wrong.
A mischievous grins stretches across the woman's lips. "Yes, that's me."
Leo lets out a breath of relief. "Forgive me, my Lord," he says.
The woman waves away the apology. "You were expecting a man," she states factually. Leo knows better than to argue. "Why have you anchored my island, King of Ithica?" Aeolus continues.
Leo straightens, making the mental shift from a man to a King, and speaks respectfully, peacefully, and diplomatically. "My Lord, forgive my intrusion," he begs, bowing his head. "I have only one request of you. My men and I have had a long journey and we wish to return home, but there is a storm blocking our way. I ask for safe passage back to Ithica, my Lord, should your winds permit it?"
Leo doesn't presume to know what Aeolus's mood is. The winds are ever changing and the weather is just as unpredictable. Leo knows that one cannot tame the wind, nor change the weather, and so he must also assume that the forces of nature are reflections of their master. Leo can only hope that Aeolus is in a good mood and will grant him safe passage.
Aeolus hums. "Let's play a game, King of Ithica," he says.
"A game?" Leo repeats, head snapping up to meet Aeolus' eyes.
"A game," Aeolus confirms. "If you win, you get safe passage and your crew will get home quicker."
Well, Leo would be a fool to pass up such a deal. "Deal," he says quickly.
Stepping down from the throne he sits on, Aeolus waves a hand. A bag appears at his feet. He reaches down and picks it up, holding it out to Leo. "This bag," he says, "has the storm trapped inside. To win the game, all you must do is not open the bag."
Leo takes the bag, already tempted to open it and see the storm himself. He pushes the urge aside. "This seems too simple, my Lord," he replies. If the game is so simple, then what might the catch be?
Aeolus smirks around a laugh. "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer," he warns. "You never really know who you can trust. If your crew wants to open the bag, then you'll tell them no."
Leo blinks, feeling stupid. "I'm sorry?" he says.
The god before him shrugs. "The ends will justify the means. Friends turn to foes and rivalries," he replies. "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."
You never really know who you can trust. The warning echoes in Leo's head as he heads back down to the ship. Once he steps foot onboard, two of his crew members, Jason and Timothy, immediately come rushing over. Jason is a friend to Leo's youngest brother, Michelangelo, and Timothy had been studying under Don before... Leo swallows down the sudden lump in his throat and shoves all thoughts of his brother deep down to be found again at a later time.
"Captain!" Timothy cries.
"What's happened!" Jason adds.
They, they both spot the bag at Leo's hip and ask together, "What's in the bag?"
"It's very dangerous, men, don't touch it. Where is my second-in-command?"
"He's with the fallen prince, Captain!" Timothy offers helpfully, eyes still on the bag. "Captain, what's inside the bag?" he asks again.
"Nothing good," Leo repeats. "Find my brother and bring him to my quarters, please." Then he rounds up the bag and disappears into the bowels of the ship.
Twenty minutes later, a rap on the door signals Raphael's appearance. "Enter," Leo says. "Raphael, come in," he continues when his brother pokes his head in. "Shut the door."
When Raph is seated, he puts the bag on the table. "This is from Aeolus," he explains. "It contains the storm we were traveling through. We cannot open the bag or the storm will be unleashed once more."
Raph, logical steadfast, nods. "The crew is already whispering about it. Timothy and Jason think it's treasure. We will sleep with it in shifts, it will be easier to make sure no one can open it this way."
Leo nods back. This is why he'd wanted to speak to his brother. Regardless of his wish to stay close to his twin, Raph would do as needed to ensure their safe arrival home. Even after their argument earlier that day, Raph would do so while taking care of his other duties and he would have no complaints. He'd rather be at home sooner rather than later. Home with his lover Traximus, a gladiator from Roman who'd asked for sanctuary after the Roman territories were taken over by a tyrannical leader. Home to his remaining family, with his nephew Cody and his brothers and his father. Raph sits up straighter as Leo stands and takes the back, putting it next to his bed. "I will take it tonight," Leo states, brokering no room for argument. "You will sleep."
Raph accepts this command without complaint. "Yes, sir," he replies. He stands himself. "What will you tell the crew?" he asks.
Leo hadn't thought about that. He brings one hand to his chin, thinking. "Gather them on deck. I will give them as much information as is necessary."
Raph nods and takes his leave to gather the crew. Leo comes out of his room fifteen minutes later when Raph tells him that the crew is assembled. With the crew assembled, Leo leaves the bag in his quarters and meets his crew above deck.
"My friends," Leo greets with a smile he doesn't feel.
"Captain!" exclaims one of the triplet warriors, Sydney. She pushes forward with a smile, apologetic and tinged with sadness. She, Timothy, many of those on the ship were inconsolable after Don was brought back from the Cyclops den. Sydney took it probably harder than most - almost as badly as Leo and Raph did. "Captain," Sydney says, "is it true the new cargo contains treasure? Can we see it, Captain?"
And just like that the crew was off, asking about the bag, asking to see the supposed treasure. They begin to crowd, shouting to see the treasure. Raphael does his best to help, but he's only one man and there are many of the crew crowding. Raph shouts, but it goes unheard above the calls for the bag to open.
Leo hears the calls and panic sets into his mind. He's already lost fifteen men in the stone walls of the Cyclops den, he's already lost one brother to Thanos' call. Leo will not lose any others.
"Do not!" Leo shouts when Timothy steps towards the downstairs, where the bag sits in Leo's bedroom. "Everyone, listen up!" he shouts to everyone.
The crew perks up, ready to receive orders.
Leo breathes deeply. Then he looks back up and states, "The bag is closed and that's how it's going to stay! The bag has the storm we were blocked by inside of it. We cannot let the rumors of treasure break our loyalties."
Some of the crew - most of it - nods in understanding and immediately backs off. Sydney, her siblings, Michel, most of the crew backs off without further comment. They respect and trust the word of their captain. Timothy and Jason exchange glances and reply, "We'll try."
Leo already hates his chances of keeping the bag safely closed with those two on his ship. He nods, heading back to his room. As he goes, he hears Raph giving orders. When Raph as gone, Leo is slipping behind his doors. He stops, stilling and listening.
Sure enough, Leo can hear his two crewmates outside his door. "The storm cleared up long ago. If it's in the bag, the bag would be making noise. It would be impossible to hide. I still say it's treasure, the Captain is pranking us!" Timothy says.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, you never really know who you can trust, Aeolus whispers in his ear. Leo's eyes narrow.
"I don't know, Timothy," Jason replies. "Everything's changed since Prince Donatello. The Captain never seemed like the joking type, but now?" A long sigh. "Now, it's just worse."
Timothy shakes his head. "No, you'll see. It's all a joke. Let's see what kinds of treasure the Captain brought back."
Jason sighs again. "Okay," he says.
Leo hears them walk away and suppresses a sigh. He hopes Raphael is up for a challenge.
It takes nine days for Timothy and Jason to actually try. Raphael has been keeping his word, when he's awake, he keeps the bag, and when he's asleep Leo has the bag. They make it nine days unopposed. Leo can see Ithica on the horizons, getting closer.
He sits in his room, smiling as he meditates and tries to connect with his father. His katana sits across his lap, the connection to the weapon of his homelands will be a help.
Open your eyes, warns voices that sound like his father and brother. He can see his father in his mind's eyes. Father is also meditating. They sit across from each other.
"Father," Leo greets.
"My son," Father replies. "You must open your eyes."
"Father, there's so much to tell you!" Leo cries. "I have so much to say."
"Leonardo, there is no time, you must open your eyes."
"Father, I don't understand!"
Father looks at Leo with eyes full of love and adoration. "My son, you must wake you."
"Father?" Leo asks.
"Wake up!" Father repeats with more urgency. "Leonardo, they are opening the bag, you must wake up!"
Leo's eyes snap open to the call of his name. "Captain!" Raph shouts. Leo jumps off the bed, katanas in hand and rushes out to the deck, where Leo finds why Raph is shouting. Timothy and Jason are on the deck, trying to open the back. Raph stands at the wheel, unable to help lest the ship go off course.
"What are you doing!" Leo shouts, storming up the deck.
Timothy drops the bag as if he was struck by lightning. "Captain!" he cries.
Aeolus's light voice whispers once more. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Never really know who you can trust.
Leo rushes forward and yanks the bag away from Timothy and Jason. He quickly pulls the strings taunt and thanks Athena none of the storm escaped. "Have you any idea what you would have done?" he snaps at Jason and Timothy when he's sure the bag is secure.
Timothy and Jason both tremble. "We're sorry, Captain," Jason says, voice shaking.
Leo growls under his breath. "You," he snaps at Jason. "Go take the wheel from Raphael." Jason scrambles to comply. Raph is at his side in a second. "Raphael," he says.
"Captain," Raph grunts, eyes pinned on Timothy.
"Take the storm below deck. Put it with Donatello."
"Yes, sir," Raph says, taking the bag and going below deck.
Timothy trembles under the weight of Leo's stare, eyes on the deck below. "Captain, I-"
"Stop," Leo commands. Timothy wisely does. Leo digs deep for patience and tries to breathe evenly. "Out of respect for Donatello and your apprenticeship to him, I will not throw you off this boat as I'm sure my brother will undoubtedly suggest." Leo ducks his head, closing his eyes, grip tightening on his katanas. "You are confined to your quarters until we return home and I will decide on a punishment then." Leo looks up, eyes hard. "Dismissed."
Timothy bolts below deck and doesn't look back.
Leo breathes, trying to call upon the meditation techniques to promote peace.
"Leonardo of Ithica!"
Now what? Leo thinks, digging deep once more for patience. He turns and comes face to face with the sea itself. Shit, he thinks.
"Do you know who I am?"
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hatchetverse · 8 months
I want to write some lautski but i only really know how to write one thing and that doesn’t sit well with me for the characters as i know them
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starii-void · 4 months
going to chb must be crazy like imagine sharing a camp with
-one of the strongest demigods ever who's saved the world like at least 3 times, fought multiple gods & titans and WON (and is a tartarus survivor)
-the literal main architect of OLYMPUS who's also saved the world multiple times (also tartarus survivor)
-THE lord of the wild who's also close friends with the first two (and has helped save the world multiple times)
-an emo kid from the 1930s who again helped save the world and is also a tartarus survivor (TWICE)
-a son of apollo who survived tartarus with nothing but cargo shorts and sheer will (pun intended)
-the main designer and builder for the argo II, also the first hephaestus kid to have fire powers since hundreds of years ago (did i mention killed gaea? no? yeah he did that too)
-a girl who somehow charmspeak-ed gaea into falling back asleep (also side note daughter of super famous actor because why not)
-pretty much everybody is a two-time war veteran
-THE GOD APOLLO who just sometimes comes down to visit in the form of a teenage boy
-did i mention dionysus, god of wine madness and theatre
-also chiron, trainer of pretty much every greek hero ever
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cinnamonbloom · 9 months
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my friend challenged me to draw "turtle sun god"
Either turning one of the Mad Dogs into the sun god or turn the sun god into a turtle so here's Helios as an Eastern Painted Turtle
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unravelingwires · 1 year
The door to Athena’s office swung open. She didn’t bother looking up.
“Did you know that when you snap, the sound doesn’t actually come from your fingers rubbing together?” Hera asked. “It comes from your middle finger hitting the base of your thumb.���
Athena kept manipulating her console. “Yes, I did.”
“And when you make a th sound, your tongue is just shaping air to move through your teeth.” Hera bounced over to Athena’s desk.
Athena glanced up. “Does this have a purpose?”
Iphigenia stuck her head in the office. “I gave Hera a book of facts.” She walked away before Athena could respond.
Hera draped her hands over Athena’s console. “Crickets don’t actually chip with their mouths, they just rub their wings together to make noise.”
“You know, I write the fact books in the mindscape,” Athena pointed out. “You can’t tell me—”
“It’s called stridulation when they do that.”
“...you want me to take a break.”
Hera grinned. “You’re so smart!” Annoyingly, she didn’t sound sarcastic.
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