#tells her she’s better than everyone else there
alltimefail · 2 days
Okay I'm on my 5th rewatch of Dead Boy Detectives and I have to know if anyone else finds it funny (and a little bit maddening) that in episode 6 when Monty needs help finding his fake ghost friend Gladys it's CHARLES who dismisses him immediately?
Like... they go so far as to make a point of showing us multiple reactions to his dismissal. First Crystal, who has no reason to believe the boys will turn down Monty's case due to Edwin's assumed crush and Charles' people-pleasing nature. She agrees to the case quickly because it's the perfect distraction for the boys and will buy her time to get her powers back... but then, to her shock, Charles turns down the case!! Charles who is all about gentleness and "Bedside manner," who cares deeply about being a "Good guy" and about being liked, the guy plagued with worry about how he is perceived by others and who never wants to disappoint anyone, the guy who is suuuuuper sentimental, protective, has a strong sense of justice, and is notably dedicated to protecting his friends and helping the people he cares about at quite literally any cost.
Even Monty is surprised, too!! It's clear that Monty anticipates Edwin's lingering guilt and old-fashioned sensibilities regarding decorum and conflict avoidance to be enough motivation for him to take on the case, that Edwin would agree just to avoid adding any more animosity or awkward tension to an already delicate situation. Monty had to know, going in, that he really only had to get through to Charles (who he admittedly had neglected in the past and been cold to in previous interactions due to his crush on Edwin). Considering Charles' easy-going nature, this should have been quite easy as Edwin is a much harder person to win over, whereas Charles is quick to see the good in others!! That's why he compliments Charles (despite the sentiment being disingenuous) and contrives a story that, knowing what we all know about the boys by this point, should have struck an emotional chord for Charles especially... BUT IT DOESN'T which is like... very weird!!! It's normal for Edwin to act logically, to put facts over feelings, to "play hardball" as Charles puts it in episode 1. But Charles is emotional, he's compassionate, he's impulsive more times than not, so this is notably weird behavior for Charles!!
BUT THEN it gets even better because Charles is immediately like, "Edwin, you know what I'm saying, right?" He throws the ball to Edwin, expecting Edwin to agree with him - a reasonable expectation as, again, Edwin is the logical one - but then Edwin doesn't agree, he sides with the girls instead and takes on the case for, what we can only assume is an unknown/indiscernible reason to Charles. (Remember, Charles has no clue that Edwin already turned Monty down, and we know he thinks that Edwin has a little crush on Monty at this point as well!!) Charles doesn't push the issue, but it's clear he's not particularly happy... it's hard to nail down what exactly he's feeling (we can't read his mind) but he's clearly feeling some type of way. You can tell by his silence, by the tense, tight-jaw frown and his eyes wandering to the floor that he must have been expecting a different outcome. It felt like he asked Edwin in a way that felt more like he was testing something, like he was hoping for a certain outcome...but WHY???
Well, let's acknowledge the context in which this strange interaction happens. In the same episode we see Charles:
Note how weird/off everyone is behaving specifically after Edwin is awkward with Monty on the roof.
Checking Edwin out, up and down, after Niko tells him he looks good (This is an irrefutable conclusion as he openly comments on Edwin's change of clothes later, so like... he noticed lmao)
Acting colder than he previously has to Monty by the time they get to the tall forest, despite the possibility that Monty may have lost his friend who comforted him after his own near-death experience. (This happens after Edwin agrees to take on the case, btw. Even when Crystal points out that there's an issue between Monty and Edwin, Charles makes no move to inquire, to "fix" it, or to be especially gentle as he normally might.)
Boldly and instinctively reach for Edwin's hand while making pointed, emotional eye contact as a "last act" during their near "death" experience.
And that's not even everything!!! So like... yeah, sure, it could be nothing. It could mean nothing. Allll of this could just be coincidental. Maybe Charles was being logical and responsible for once, maybe he really did just feel like they were already too busy to take on an extra case.
OR, more likely in my personal opinion, HE WAS JEALOUS AS FUCK!!! We know, based on their interaction at the end of the episode, that Charles has always had at least some idea that Edwin is not straight. We know that everyone is convinced Edwin has a crush on Monty. We know that Charles, after meeting Monty for the first time, has an expression of disdain on his face while watching Monty and Edwin interact (when Monty is showing Edwin his astrology chart). We even know that, following this interaction, Charles is frazzled/irritated when he fails to get Edwin's attention away from Monty's astrology book (clearly upset that Edwin's attention is occupied elsewhere and suddenly eager to remind Edwin that the goal is to leave Port Townsend with haste). Monty aside, we're not even getting into the protective and emotional response Charles has at the mere mention of the damn Cat King...
SOOOO TLDR; I've watched this show every day, and the more I watch it the less I can be convinced that Charles is not jealous AF and stupidly, deeply in love with Edwin...even if he isn't aware of it yet. I have no idea why so many people think Charles has 0 romantic interest in Edwin and that he "turned Edwin down completely" on the stairs to hell... because that's simply just not what happened lmao. Seeing the word "queerbait" being attached to these two is giving me whiplash... like that's just not what's happening here. That's not the proper interpretation of the nature of their relationship. I don't think there is any possibility, not a chance in hell, that Charles will not reciprocate Edwin's romantic feelings because he quite literally already does and just doesn't know it yet. There's no other way to interpret the acting choices made (which are brilliant) and the writing choices (which are also brilliant).
Anyway, hopefully that made sense. I just needed to share because I am gnawing at the bars of my enclosure going absolutely batshit over this show! 😇
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burningstar-light · 3 days
How they comfort you
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Category: Comfort & wholesome
Character category: Hotel patrons
Charlie & Vaggie (Poly), Alastor, Sir Pentious, Angel Dust, Niffty and Husk.
Rating: SFW
Type: Headcannons
Charlie & Vaggie
Charlie wraps you up in the biggest hug, like she will not stop hugging you unless you ask.
Vaggie is less touchy but her way of comforting you is sitting next to you in a quiet soothing atmosphere.
Charlie sings softly to you, holding you as tightly as possible, her fingers sometimes sneaking down to tickle your sides.
Vaggie pats your hair back gently, whispering comforting words into your ears.
They both go on and on about how they love you so much.
Prepare to get absolutely smothered in kisses, ends up with the three of you curled up in a cuddle pile.
Our dear deer, will drag you up into his room, or if you are up to it to his radio tower.
His way of comforting is less touchy than the others but if you really want to be held, then he would do anything for his little deer.
Plays old jazz and showtunes for you, he hums along.
Lets you cuddle up to his side as he reads to you, he loves the classics. 'Moby-dick', 'The catcher in the rye', 'Dracula' and so on.
Keeps a spare coat around so you can wear it when you're upset, so you are surrounded by his scent... He also just really likes seeing you in his clothes, marks you as his so everyone knows not to touch you.
He his shadow makes you a cup of tea, he makes sure you drink it all before it goes cold, gently pats your head once you finished it.
Sir Pentious
He gives the best hugs, curls his whole body around you, rests his chin on the crown of your head.
He squeezes around you and chats your ears off, he will talk about anything and everything in order to distract you.
Gets the egg bois to put on a show for the two of you.
Will happily stay curled around you for as long as you need, in fact he loves it, absorbing your body warmth is so good.
Has definetly fallen asleep cuddling around you.
Tells you about all his new inventions.
Angel Dust
Takes you out for a night out on the town.
If you enjoy the club scene he will take you ou there, is very careful that you both avoid the people that he usually hangs out with.
Makes sure you both only indulge in alcohol, is very careful to not let you or him get swept up into his old drug habits.
If you dont like the club scene then to a bar it is, he asks Husk for some good bars.
Takes you to one where he can play slow music, he'll keep a sent of hands on your hips and the other cradling your face. Keeps your eyes on him and only him, doesnt give a single fuck if he gets looked at oddly.
Tells you shitty flirty jokes, just so he can hear you laugh, its his favourite sound in the world.
After you are both liqurored up, you'll both go home and cuddle deep into his soft warm bed. Fat Nuggets, joins you, snuggled in between you.
Niffty (platonic)
Bakes with you, please watch her carefully or else she is 100% putting blood in the bakes.
Happily chats with you about all the bad boys, she'll go on and on about all the bad boys and how she wants to punish them.
Sit on your head and happily plays with your hair, if your hair is long enough she'll twist it into braids.
Laughs happily as you two chase around bugs, well shes chasing the bug and you are chasing her.
He will get you to come sit at the bar with him. He'll gently hold your hand any chance he gets.
Will nuzzle against you cheek and purr softly, anything to get you to feel a little better. He doesn't particularly like giving into his animal instincts but for you anything.
Hums jazz songs for you as he cleans the glasses and wipes the bar.
Once all the others have gone to bed and he can finally leave with you up to his or your room.
But before that he curls his arms, wings and tail around you, his purring is so loud you can feel it in your bones.
Once you two are up in private, he'll put on a nice jazz record, fix you two both a drink to unwind.
He fluffs up the pillows, making a pillow mountain so he can lean back on, gets you to sit between his legs with your back against his chest. His wings wrap around you, cocooning you in a world of safety and warmth, his tail curling around your waist.
His purrs are embarassingly loud as he rests his chin on your shoulder, he loves your scent, keeps rubbing his cheek against your neck to give you his scent.
Shows you little tips and tricks with cards as you two relax.
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a-b-riddle · 3 days
I read the 8 chapter of 'can't stop thinking about' and i was wondering if you are planing on showing us the guys's perspective of the break up? Is Johnny being silent because he's sad about the break up? Is John barking orders at others because he's frustrated? Is Kyle working out all the time to take his mind of reader? Is Simon even more silent and intimidating because he knows his fuck up broke reader completly, which led to the break up? Are they trying to came up with something to try and get her back? Because i have a feeling they took her for granted and forgot they also have to contribut to the relationship.
These are just my head cannons to them grieving, also sorry it's so long. It came out conger than i planed.
I’m thinking about it but idk how that would go honestly.
May contain spoilers:
Johnny is more so tucking his tail and feeling like a piece of shit after reader left him because all he can think about is how he made her feel like that…
John is always on edge with work, but honestly doesn’t interact with the others as much. Like Gaz has his own friend group, Johnny has his family, so everyone isn’t exactly living like one big family. But overall, he’s been just kind of silently stewing. He doesn’t shout, but the glares he’s been giving recruits on base since the breakup is LETHAL.
Kyle would be basically avoiding everything he did before. Bailing on plans with friends. Keeping inside. Essentially all he does is work when needed, go to the gym and stay home. It’s not that he’s sad and wants to sulk like Johnny. But he doesn’t want to come to terms with the fact that everything else he indulged him made him lose you.
Simon is the one telling the others to let her move on. As long as she’s safe, what she does and with who isn’t their concern. You go on a date? You’re to be left alone. But someone touching you without consent (I’m fucking looking at you Percy) then they’re to put a stop to it.
John, Kyle and Johnny are all working on themselves to be better and Simon is just wanting you to move on to something he feels would be better
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lcvclywon · 2 days
can you see me i'm waiting for the right time?
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synopsis ᯓ Kim woonhak. You've had the biggest crush on him for as long as you can remember. Despite being a year younger than you he never failed to catch your eye whether it be his guitar skills or photography. You had come to terms with the fact that your silly school girl crush would never be reciprocated, but when he suddenly joins yearbook committee your fate might change. As you two grow closer you find it hard to contain your feelings, but then again, there was never really a right time to tell him.
now playing > •၊၊||၊|။||||| 0:10 bags - clairo
warnings ˎˊ˗ errrr kinda open ending, skinship, cursing, yn is kinda a lewserrrrr, angst if you squint, idk anything else so lmk!
thoughts frm yuya💭 first bnd fic heheheheh had to write for my pookie woonhak ! also im procrastinating on my jay fic its still at 18k i apologize. but also this is super duper self indulgent hahahahah my queen juni only knows of that 😁 but anyways HOPE YOU ENJOY! lmk if you would like more bnd fics ^^
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“Everyone please welcome the school band!” your principal announced before moving off the stage so that the auditorium could get a better view of the musicians. 
And that’s when you saw him. 
Kim Woonhak. 
He stood there, guitar in hand and strumming along to whatever melody the lead singer was belting out. But in all honesty you couldn’t really focus on the music, well other than the guitar solo, because your eyes were too stuck on Kim Woonhak. And in that moment, you swore you were what the poets could only describe as: lovestruck.
That was in sophomore year and since then you really couldn’t get over your crush on Woonhak. Slowly but surely you learnt more and more about him: you learnt that he just transferred to your highschool from the bustling streets of seoul, you learnt that he was a year younger than you, that he was an avid football enjoyer, and that he had absolutely no clue who you were at all.
In all honesty however you really weren’t trying to do anything about your small crush either, you were perfectly content with admiring him from afar. Partly because of the fact that if you were in a situation where you had to speak with him you feared you would only fumble over your words. It’s not like Woonhak was scary or intimidating, actually it was the complete opposite; contrary to his bandmates Woonhak was one of the most approachable members of the group. Yet every time there was an opportunity to speak to him you stumbled over each phrase leaving your mouth. 
But it’s okay, it’s not like Woonhak even liked you back. 
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“Hi, is this the yearbook club?” How come that voice sounds so familiar? 
Turning around you were met with a sight that you truly weren’t ready for “It’s Kim Woonhak, from uh class 11B! I was hoping to sign up” ah…so that’s why. 
“Oh nice to meet you, YN is the leader so talk to her about joining- er she’s right over there!” curse you Yeji. 
“Hey YN right?” he said before quickly tapping your shoulder. Regaining your composure you cleared your throat before turning around to face him, said composure you just regained suddenly seemed to melt away in an instant the moment he flashed that toothy grin at you. 
“Oh uh- yeah yeah…” smooth YN, real smooth. 
“I was wondering if you guys had a photographer yet? I know your head of the editorial team so I assumed you would know..” 
“Oh we um, we actually don’t-” 
“Oh that’s perfect! Well I mean, not perfect for you guys obviously, but uh- I was hoping I could work on leading photography this year?” oh and he’s multitalented, great. 
“I didn’t know you did photography” you mumbled whilst typing away on your laptop to add his name to the yearbook committee
“Oh I don’t really talk about it a lot, but it’s just a casual hobby you know” his hand reached for the nape of his neck as his gaze averted down to the floor
“Ah that’s nice,” you replied absentmindedly “well you’re now a part of the team so uh, I’ll email you the pictures we need soon…”
“Great thanks YN!” fuck, there was that smile. “I’ll get going now, I’ve got band practice..but it was great speaking to you! Promise I won’t disappoint you leader.” he added with a playful giggle while mock saluting, you couldn’t really control your face when a slight smile appeared across your face. 
“Oooh someone’s not over him I see…” Yeji chirped up the moment he left the room, the smile on your face immediately dropping before you turned away to pack away your belongings
“What are you talking about Yeji, we said like 3 things to each other…”
“Three things are enough for me to know that you definitely aren’t over that guy!” 
“Okay first off,” you started before finally zipping up your backpack “We were just having a friendly conversation, nay not even friendly considering it was for work.” slinging your blue backpack over your shoulder you added “second off, I didn’t even have a huge crush on him. All I said was he’s cute, and that was like what- sophomore year? It’s been a year, it was nothing seriously..” yeah you weren’t even buying your own lame excuse 
“Mhm, sure…I know you still like him!” She called out as you were halfway out the door, earning nothing but a slam in the face from you leaving.
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“Hey YN?” 
You immediately shot your head up from the peaceful nap you were having, Kim Woonhaks voice immediately snapping you out of your dreamlike state. Looking up at him with dazed eyes and thought still admittedly fogging up your brain you could only utter out “What- huh?”
“Oh sorry did I wake you?” he replied, his tone was a mixture of what you could assume to be a wince and giggle combined into one
“Um kinda,” you reached over to rub your hazy eyes before staring back up at him “What’s up Woonhak?” 
“Could you look over these pictures I took of yesterday’s sport festival, I’m not sure if they’re alright or not-” handing you his camera you couldn’t shake off the feeling of his hand grazing yours as you reached over 
Shaking your head in hopes to rid the burning sensation firing through your arm you diligently looked over the snapshots he took, nodding slightly in approval at each one. “These look great Woonhak, thank you.” you finally commented before handing him back his camera. Standing up from your desk you were amidst packing up before he jumped in to add “Ah um sorry there’s one more thing I need to do…”
“When taking the yearbook committee’s photo I didn’t realise my SD card wasn’t loaded up so I kinda didn’t get to save any of the pictures I took…I got everyone else’s photo I just need yours” he explained whilst holding up his camera 
“Oh wait like- right now?” when else YN you idiot
“Yeah I guess…” 
“Ah okay,” you replied before walking over to the nearest blank white wall in sight “Is this okay?”
“Yep perfect, just hold that pose for me…” he trailed off whilst snapping a few photos “How are these?” walking over you examined each photo he took closely, not minding how his face was a few mere inches from yours as you did so.
“Aw wait I look so bad in these-” you whined out, slightly embarrassed that you looked this dishevelled in front of him 
“What no what do you mean, you look pretty” he mumbled under his breath, obviously not noticing the red hue that flushed over your face the moment he uttered that. Becoming all too aware of the heat creeping up your cheeks you backed away slowly before muttering “I guess it’s fine then…”
“Alright then, thanks YN! I guess I’ll get going now..” wait fuck was he going already? YN come on say something, say anything! Ask him to hangout later, ask him something about himself, talk to him, he’s right there what are you waiting for? 
“Hey Woonhak-”
“Oh hm?” his head immediately perking up at your voice 
And in that moment, the moment his eyes met yours, it seemed all the words died on the very tip of your tongue “Ah it’s nothing, uh just remember to send me the pictures later you know?” 
“Ahh gotchu gotchu, I’ll make sure to do that! Bye YN” and in that moment you wanted nothing more than to call out his name to stop him from leaving, but you didn’t.
Great YN. 
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Come on YN, you can do this. He’s just a guy, you’ve spoken to guys before, who cares? It’s not a big deal just go in and-
“Oh YN is that you?” ah shit.
Letting out a loud sigh you cleared your throat before creaking the door of the music studio room open to peek your head through “Hi Woonhak, er is this a bad time?” you asked after seeing how you unknowingly interrupted his guitar practice 
“Oh no, It’s fine, come in!” rushing to put down his guitar he pounced up and briskly walked over to the door to allow you in 
“Ah I just came to say some of the files got corrupted when you sent them to me so I was wondering if you could send them to me again” you said before timidly stepping into the studio, carefully examining the sheet music he was playing 
“Oh yeah no problem,” he seemed to catch onto how your eyes scanned through the sheets of paper and how your hands travelled across the metallic strings of his guitar, “Do you um- do you play?” 
“Oh what?” your tone was jumpy, suddenly flustered at the question “ah no no, not really…I mean I kinda do play, but I’m not very good. I’m still really bad…” you trailed off, gaze still directed to the sheet music 
“Do you want to try playing?” his hand now reaching over to hand the guitar to you 
“Ah I only know I few songs though-” still you timidly took the instrument in hand and began strumming a few open chords whilst singing in a barely audible tone; woonhak still caught it though, and you could tell as he swayed his head side to side to the melody. 
“I’m still um,” you finally said after finishing playing, “I’m really bad” you couldn’t help but add a nervous chuckle to the end of that sentiment, you expected him to laugh and agree in response but instead he just said “Don’t say that, there’s always room for improvement.” before standing up to sit himself down next to you. 
“Do you want me to teach you how to play, I was just practising and I’m sure you can get the hang of it” you can’t help but feel your pupils dilate and blood to rush up your cheeks before hesitantly nodding
As he guided you through the chords of the song you couldn’t help but hold your breath as his face was a mere few inches away from yours, you couldn’t help but feel your heartbeat out of your chest as his hands held your fingers to adjust it accordingly to the notes, you couldn’t help but stutter nervously every time you asked if you were playing the right chord to which he only responded with a reassuring nod and gentle grin.
“Look at that you’re a natural!” he exclaimed the moment you finished the song
“Well it was only thanks to your help, do you have any tips to improve?” you asked trying to continue the conversation, this was the one time you actually had the guts to speak to Woonhak and you were not going to fumble
“I guess just improvise a lot, also try and practise scales since those are super helpful as well…actually most electric guitar songs are built on scales so once you’ve got those down you can pretty much play a ton of electric guitar songs!” suddenly pausing he reached to the nape of his neck before sheepishly mumbling “ah sorry I’m rambling, I probably sound like a huge music nerd right now…” 
“No, It’s cute that you’re passionate!” oh, for once your mind seemed to run faster than your mouth. 
Suddenly perking his head up to meet your equally shocked gaze he let out a nervous chuckling before mumbling something you could only assume was thank you. The silence in the room becoming all too overwhelming you cleared your throat slightly before stuttering out “Uh well, thanks for the impromptu lesson Woonhak- I’ve got some yearbook work to finish up so I think I’ll get going…” you didn’t really wait for his response before briskly leaving the room, face still flushed with embarrassment. 
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The next few weeks consisted of more interactions with Woonhak than you’ve had the entire two years you’ve attended the same highschool as him. It wasn’t anything big: a simple wave across the hallway as you passed by each other, small talk in yearbook committee meetings, the occasional music sessions together in the band room, it was fun. It was really nothing, but you cherished those fleeting few moments you had with him. Over time you came to the conclusion that the relationship between you and woonhak would stay this way, acquaintances. So imagine the whiplash you got when he approached you at your lunch table through the crowd of people. 
“Hey YN!” he chirped out, cheery as every 
Slightly coughing on your yakult from surprise you gathered yourself before replying a bit too quickly with “Oh Woonhak! Hi- uh what’s up?”
“Oh I had something to give you,” carefully he pulled out a small tupperware container of bright red fruit from his bag, placing it in front of you “they’re strawberries! It’s from my grandma's garden actually-” 
Startled by the sudden kind gesture you could only stare at the container with your mouth slightly agape, “Oh what, thank you wow- uh what’s the occasion?”
“Oh I heard you complaining the other day to Yeji how the canteen only ever gives you 2 strawberries each. So I thought you would like some extra!” he answered, hand extending to open the container for you 
“Oh wait you really didn’t have to-”
“I wanted to don’t worry!” He had to stop doing that. 
Before you could answer you were cut off by someone shouting his name from across the lunch room; a slightly older boy, hair hazelnut brown and arm slung across one of his other friends. “Hey Kim Woonhak, stop being Romeo and come back to eat!” 
You observed how Woonhak rolled his eyes in annoyance before grunting out a response back to his friend. “Sorry, Jaehyun hyung is calling- Uh hope you enjoy though!” he didn’t really give you a chance to respond before rushing back to his table, earning a shove in the shoulder from one of his other friends. 
Looking down at the fruit you couldn’t help but smile to yourself before savouring the sweet taste when you bit down on one. However your moment of solitude was short lived as your friends approached the table in a giggling storm.
“Oooh what was that hm? Finally making some progress with loverboy?” Yeji teased before sitting down next to you, helping herself to one of the juicy berries 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” you deadpanned, voice slightly muffled from the fruit in your mouth 
“I didn’t even know YN was close too Woonhak like that” Lia added whilst poking at her rice 
“We’re not that close, we’re just friends you know? We work on the yearbook together so…”
“Well best not to get too close I guess,” Ryujin commented in between spoonfuls of soup “I heard he’s leaving in a couple of weeks, something about his parents wanting him to go back to Seoul for the family business? I don’t know-”
Everything stopped, you tried to play it cool and ignore the dreadful feeling simmering in the pits of your stomach but you really couldn’t stop a small frown forming across your face after hearing the news. 
“Oh I heard he likes some girl in his class too, he was gonna confess to her on his last day or something? Jo Yuri I think that’s what her name was” Chaeryeong added nonchalantly, clearly not noticing how your head dipped down more and more as the conversation went on. Suddenly you weren’t so hungry. 
“I uh-” you stood up and began packing away your things “I think I’m gonna get a head start on yearbook work today” 
“Wait YN are you okay?” Yeji asked, clearly concerned 
“Yeah I’m fine! I just have a lot to do today that’s all-” you attempted to sound carefree, even throwing in a slight chuckle. But your friends obviously weren’t buying it, so instead you just rushed out of the canteen. But not before sneaking a glance at woonhak: seeing how carefree and happy he looked with his friends, how sweet his gaze was and how cheerful his toothy grin was. But also noticing how his table was right next to Yuri’s, fun. 
Well it’s not like you had a chance anyways, guess that just solidifies it. 
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“Woonhak?” creeping into the yearbook club room you peered over at his sleeping figure on the table, god why did he have to look so peaceful sleeping. 
Walking over to the table he was dozing off on you situated yourself next to him allowing yourself to lay down as well to face him carelessly snoozing off. Chuckling a bit to yourself at the sight you allowed yourself to gingerly run your hands through his hair, well it’s not like he was awake to notice it. 
“This is so stupid…” you sighed out to yourself 
“I really could have had a chance to confess to you if I had just talked sooner, but now you’re leaving in a few weeks and I’m kinda hopeless. I really do wish I talked to you after your first performance that one day at school, god you looked so cool…I don’t even know why you make me so nervous” your fingers traced over the crinkled fabric on his shoulders, not really caring if he responded 
“Well I don’t think I had a chance in the first place did I?” you rambled on “Yuri is sweet, I’m happy as long as you’re happy you know…but I just wish it was me. I just wish you liked me as much as I liked you, I wish you got nervous the same way I do when I’m around you. I wish I spoke to you earlier. But I doubt that would change anything, I’m still just YN…the one senior you work with for yearbook, nothing else.” 
Realising how immensely self loathing and pathetic this whole situation was you slowly pushed in your stool in hopes not to wake him and tip-toed out the room. But amidst this you failed to notice how the tip of Woonhak’s ears turned pink, you failed to notice the incessant thumping of his heart, you failed to notice how his cheeks burned a bright pink, you failed to notice how Kim Woonhak was awake this whole time. 
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Stumbling into the auditorium you squeezed yourself into one of the chairs arranged in rows, squished against other students like a pack of sardines. Weeks passed and you hadn’t really spoken to Woonhak ever since learning he was leaving soon, you really weren’t looking to get too attached (not like you already weren’t). But before you knew it, it was the last day of school and you wouldn’t be seeing Woonhak for a long long time. However, you’ve learned to come to terms with this fact, it’s not like you weren’t already distancing yourself from him to prepare for it. 
“Hello everyone!” Jaehyun's voice bellowed through the speakers, snapping you out of your thought process. “Today is actually one of our band member’s last days. Our Woonhak is off to Seoul soon so he requested this special song! Hope you enjoy it!” 
They then began to play a melody you felt was far too familiar, but then it hit you. It was the song Woonhak was teaching you before in the music room. Ah shit. You tried to focus on what the other members were playing or singing but your eyes always managed to drift towards Woonhak. You really couldn’t help but have a slight melancholy feeling brewing in your stomach as you realised this would be your last day seeing him. The moment felt all too bittersweet but seeing him so happy on stage performing brought out a smile. It was the same smile you had when first seeing him, when he entered the yearbook club room for the first time, when he taught you guitar, and when you confessed to him. It was a smile only Woonhak could bring out. 
And as if he was peering into your thoughts Woonhak glanced up from his guitar and looked straight at you. His warm honey gaze met yours, eyes shaped like crescents as he adorned his signature toothy grin. For once though, you didn’t pull away first. Your eyes lay fixated on his as you smiled back. Perhaps it was because you finally got close enough to woonhak to do so, or maybe because you knew this would be the last time you could truly look into that flutter inducing gaze of his. Eitherways, you knew you would regret it if you pulled away. So you didn’t. You didn’t stop looking until the performance was over and each member bowed, but even then his stare remained on you. 
As the performance ended students began flooding out the auditorium, you doing the same, but that was until you felt a hand wrap around your wrist. Jolting back you were met with Woonhak’s sincere expression facing you, an expression you felt slightly uneasy about. 
“Hey YN, can we talk?” he said, pulling you back a bit away from the crowd
“Oh uhm what’s up?”
“So uh,” Woonhak’s hand reached towards the back of his head as he pulled a bit at his hair, he was acting uncharacteristically shy. “I’m leaving after today, well I guess you knew that- but yeah uh it was fun um…it was fun working with you!”
“Thanks Woonhak, it was fun working with you too.” your words were poignant as they left your tongue 
“I uh, I’ll miss you.” oh.
“Oh, I'll uh- I’ll miss you too Woonhak…” you were about to continue your sentence until the bell cut you off, signalling students to return to their respective classes “I should get going- you did great today though seriously! Keep doing what you’re doing, your smile’s always the brightest in every room.” you continued, backing away slowly to the auditorium gates 
“It’s reciprocated!” Woonhak called out
“What?” Were you hearing things?
“I like you too YN!” oh. 
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perm taglist (send an ask to be added!) @floweryang @cupidhoons @msauthor @dimplewonie @cholexc @i2ycat @bunnbam @tobiosbbyghorl @jlheon @dioll @jwsdoll
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miller-n-morgan · 2 days
Take Me Home
Arthur Morgan x Gunslinger!Reader
18+, mdni (this work is not necessarily 18+, but my blog as a whole is)
Summary: The famous 'kid' settles into the camp, but slight problems arise when Dutch learns his new gunslinger hasn't ever fired a rifle. Arthur Morgan, the loyal enforcer, is all too happy to oblige is lending his help... for a price. (Reader is based on Texas Red from the Song 'Big Iron')
Warnings: reader is female but is disguised as a young male (use of masc pronouns towards reader by everyone accept Arthur), use of guns, reader is described to have a masculine outer appearance (for show) and is mentioned to have reddish hair (for the sake of the storyline). A fake name is used but otherwise can be read completely as a reader insert.
Word Count: 3.5k (pathetic, i know)
Hey howdy hey, welcome back for part two of this fluffy little cowboy story that is going to become such a hellscape later on. Just sit back and relax while it lasts and enjoy it... bc it's gonna be so crazy y'all
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“Now,” he said, setting the rifle by the tree. “I don’t just go about teachin’ folk how to shoot for free.” “But Dutch said that-” “I know what Dutch said,” he nodded, approaching closer and crossing his arms. “I still expect something in return for my services.” You scoffed. “I ain’t got nothing you would want.”
You haven’t seen much of the nature of Agua Fria, but you’re glad you’re able to, now. You’d town hopped a few times within the city, letting new faces get a look at yours. But there was a sort of pressure in those crowded areas, and it doesn’t feel like that in the Van Der Linde campsite. 
The gang has taken well to you. It’s been a fortnight since you joined up, the ragtag gang of outlaws, thieves, and gunslingers had been welcoming, given your display on just the day after your arrival.
Dutch has yet to send you on any jobs, mainly because of something you revealed to everyone around the campfire a week ago. 
“How does one shoot a rifle?” you pondered curiously, the silence of the group making you anxious.
“Boy, you better be pulling my leg,” Dutch himself butted in, shaking his head in disbelief. A cigarette hung from his lips, but he pulled it away to stare you down. 
“Well, I just…” haven’t ever shot one before. You’d trailed off before any further mockery could be made, but it was too late.
“You mean to tell me, that in eighteen years of life, you never managed to fire a rifle?” Arthur chimed in, though he was in on your secret, this revelation still surprised him. What else were you hiding?
“If y’all are just gonna mock me, I’m turnin’ in.”
Dutch laughed, and everyone else in the circle made an attempt to undo the harm done. 
“Javier ain’t even played a damn note, and you’re gonna sleep?” John cut in, his gravelly voice full of resentment to your attitude. Maybe you were a bit touchy, but it’s not like you’d ever had close friends to joke around with before. Much less people who got away with poking so much fun to your name.
“Who cares if he can’t shoot a rifle? He’s got a faster shot than all of you with a pistol,” Tilly piped up, her sweet voice just about putting all the other men in their place. She looked at you with contrition. “I’m not very good with those big guns, either.” 
“Thank you, Miss Tilly,” you tipped your hat, sitting back down on the log next to her. 
Arthur chuckled under his breath watching the interaction, going back to the drink in his hand with a shake of his head. He wouldn’t say anything, he promised he wouldn’t… but some of these occurrences were just too amusing, he couldn’t help his genuine reactions. The slanted jokes about male anatomy towards you, usually coming from John, Sean, or even the calendar boys. The way that you nearly had a heart attack when Miss Grimshaw offered to help you out of your clothes to wash them. Even now, the sweet words from Tilly and the funny way you looked at your feet to avoid meeting her eyes. 
That was another thing… You couldn’t bear to break the young girl’s heart, although she would have to find out eventually that you were not in fact the man she thought you were. 
He’d been surprised, if he’s honest. He thought that with all her romantic notions and storybook thoughts that Mary-Beth would be the one to fancy a new gunslinger… but maybe you just weren’t her type. Perhaps it was the red hair that deterred her, he knows for sure that was the case when Sean tried his luck. Good thing Karen was there to catch his fall... But sweet Tilly had no idea what she was in for.
He’d teased you about it over the next week, and finally today, when it was time to show you the ropes of a rifle. Dutch insisted that running with them required knowledge of more than pistols and revolvers, and who better to teach than the enforcer himself?
“Like this?” you asked, trying to place the gun correctly. 
“Yeah sure, if you wanna blow your arm out of socket.” His low chuckle, followed by a drag of smoke was not helpful, and neither were his words, but your position was just too funny.
“I believe this is where you’re s’posed to be helpin’ me,” you replied, a fiery bite in your words. You’d been learning to warm up to people’s teasing, although it was still a long road to go. 
He stood to his feet from where he lounged by a tree, coming up beside you to kick your foot out a little. “Can’t stand like a tree, kid… you’ll tip over in the wind.”
"I ain't a kid," you mumbled, trying not to let him hear your annoyance to something so trivial... you just couldn't help it. People called you kid when they were trying to rile you up, trying to get you to shoot at them. It hadn't ever been used as an endearment before.
"How old are you, anyway?" He asked with a laugh, getting closer to you while he reached to adjust the gun.
He let out a small 'huh' before focusing back to the task at hand. He realizes he's only eight years your senior, not twelve. He pulled the butt of the gun into your shoulder, making sure you wouldn’t give out when the gun fired. 
“Alright, the shootin’ part should be easy for you. Just hold strong, that thing’s gonna kick back a hell of a lot more than any handgun.” 
You pulled back the bolt, raising the barrel until you could aim properly. The glass bottle on the tree branch down the way looked like an easy enough target, but when you fired, you weren’t ready for how much pressure the gun would push on you, and you stumbled back into Arthur. 
“Mind your step, will ya?” he teased yet again, and it took everything in you to just ready your stance and try again without saying a word. 
You took a deep breath, pulling back on the bolt once more. You had a good idea as to how much you needed to push back this time. Finding the bottle again, you pulled the trigger, closing your eyes at the explosion and faintly hearing the sound of broken glass in the distance. 
“I did alright,” you turned to Arthur, a narrow gaze in his eyes as he looked from you then back to the tree. It was quite a distance away, and he was surprised you’d hit so accurately already. Then again, you were kind of known for your accuracy… but you’d never fired a rifle.
“Yeah, more than alright,” he reasoned, taking the gun from you and turning to take a shot for himself. “Now ya just gotta work on speed. This ain’t nothing you can keep on your hip.”
He fired one round after another, each bullet hitting the same branch on a tree until it fell from the trunk completely. Wow. 
He smirked over his shoulder, and your face probably gave him an even better reason to be smug. You were clearly in awe of almost everything this man did. Taking care of his horse? In awe. Carrying supplies from the wagon into camp without having to make several trips? In awe. Even now, his accuracy and reaction time. He was so skilled, and you wondered if you’d ever match him. 
“Now,” he said, setting the rifle by the tree. “I don’t just go about teachin’ folk how to shoot for free.”
“But Dutch said that-”
“I know what Dutch said,” he nodded, approaching closer and crossing his arms. “I still expect something in return for my services.”
You scoffed. “I ain’t got nothing you would want.”
“Sure, you do…” he trailed, standing right in front of you and reaching down towards your hip. Your breath hitched in the back of your throat, even just having him this close to you. When his hand met your gun, pulling it away from its holster, you relaxed just a bit more. “How is it you shoot so fast?” 
Honestly, you didn’t have a clue. Everything you did to get faster, you’re sure he’s already done, and a million times over. 
“Nerves, mostly. My hands start shakin’ whenever I get a challenger, they start itching to shoot real bad… guess that’s why.”
He nodded, but was unsatisfied. Your answer was vague and unconvincing.
“What’d you do to learn? You obviously ain’t shot another gun but this one here, tell me how it came along,” he raised the pistol in the air, his skillful hands spinning it over a finger with ease. 
“I guess s’a long story.”
“And since you learned your way around a rifle so well, we got nothin’ but time.”
You sighed, stepping into the shade of the tree closest to you. You leaned into it, crossing your arms and watching as he continued to handle your closest ally in his steady hands. 
How do you even start this story? How does it even get told? You’d never uttered a word about your past to a single person since it all unraveled. You weren’t sure he’d stick around to hear it all, or maybe if he did, he would think you to be foolish. 
But this Arthur Morgan, with his tough exterior and gruff voice had a soft spot. He was gentle when need be, kinder than most. You suppose he derives it from Hosea, given that the man practically raised him into manhood. 
“You know, I used to be a little rich girl,” you chuckled, watching for his reaction. It was surprising to him, but he waited, almost as if thinking you’d retract it as a joke. “Yeah… lived on a big orange grove in South Carolina.”
“You’re kiddin’ me,” he let out when he realized you weren’t messing around. 
“Had a rich daddy and a rich mama. My entire lineage has gotta be worth a couple million at least.”
“Then why on earth are you here? You’d have to be crazy to leave that behind,” he gripped your pistol tightly now, his entire stance leaning on his left leg as he narrowly watched you lounging against the tree. 
“Oh, I had a good reason,” you scoffed with wide eyes. 
“Good enough to leave behind a family fortune?” 
He’s a man. Every man you’ve ever met is the same. They pay no mind to you anymore because you look like one of them now. But before? It was practically a brawl at every public event you attended. You hope that Arthur does not prove to be like the rest. You’ve already been so sure that he stands out, it'll break your heart if you were wrong.
“I know it may not seem like it, but I used to be quite the stunner. I attracted quite a few suitors.”
He nodded, looking you up and down in one glance before coughing a bit and averting his eyes. You hid yourself well, but if he tried hard enough, he could imagine how you would look in more feminine apparel. He liked what he was imagining. 
“I don’t doubt it…”
“Well, my dad was in control of who would have my hand, and as you can imagine I wasn’t fond of that fact… He picked one of his old pals from Virginia, another big farmer like himself, wealthy beyond belief and probably thirty five years my senior.”
Arthur was still, blinking a few times. He doesn’t understand. Yes, you would have had to marry someone you were not interested in… but the situation seemed ideal otherwise. 
“You would have been well taken care of, wouldn’t you?”
“Oh sure,” you nodded, but there was a smirk on your lips. “I would have been just dandy until he found a reason to kill me like he did his first two wives. My father never believed the accusations, of course, and the evidence had been conveniently destroyed… but I knew better.”
He let out a low whistle, finally looking back to your gun and wondering if its origins were about to come to light. Yeah, he thought. That’s a pretty damn good reason.
“So you ran off?” 
You gave a small nod, remembering the last time you ever saw your home and family.
“When I was eighteen I was shipped off to Virginia with a caravan, but before I could be delivered to old Thomas Arlington’s doorstep, I hid overnight in a stable. I stole a horse and headed west a bit.”
“How far west?” 
“West Virginia,” you chuckled. “I got to lurk around there a while, I started dressing all boyish and helped a travelin’ musician with his shows. After he settled down I found that very gun on the ground of a saloon. No one ever claimed her, so I polished her up and started practicing draws. I got pretty good, made bets on shootin’ games to get by.”
“You just… picked her up and started shootin’?”
“It sounds real dull when you put it that way,” you laughed, holding your hand out to take the gun back. You’re not an expert with this thing, can’t even spin it half as well or efficiently as he does… but you might be the best in the world at drawing it from your holster. “I’d never shot anyone before, until one man got real upset that he lost a shooting game to me. It was my first duel… and I won. All because of a game. It was that can game we played after I got here.”
“I figured as much. I ain’t never believed anyone could shoot faster than me until I saw you that day. Paid close attention to those bullet holes.”
He was being far too kind. It’s not like you were anything like him. He had it all. Strength, skill, wits, and as you learned with every glance, the looks to kill.
“I ain’t any good besides the one shot I know how to take.” Your confession meant more to him than you realized.
Yeah, he thought. You can draw, but before today you’d never shot a rifle. You’d never used a knife. Likely never robbed a bank or a stage coach or anything of that sort. Aside from duels, you’re clean cut and inexperienced… your nickname holds far more weight than he’s sure you can actually hold. Ruthless killer? More like a hustler with a bit of blood dusting your fingers. You haven’t made any ground compared to him, yet you’re the one they know far and wide. 
“Let’s make a deal,” he started, his steps carrying him quite close to your form, nearly hovering over you. “I’m gonna make you one of us. Teach you everything you need to know. Fightin’, stealin’, sneakin’ round… all of it. And in return, you’re gonna teach me how to shoot faster than you.”
He knows it’s built on a prideful notion, but he reckons you don’t care, because he’s offering you far more than you can give him. Obviously you agree, because even if you try to teach him, you are almost positive that you don’t even know the secret to your speed.
“Alright, cowboy… I’ll shake on it.”
And you do, squeezing his hand tightly.
You find yourself settling into the camp a lot easier than the weeks before. The names of the people here just roll off your tongue... whenever you see them, a greeting is spoken. You’ve also been able to sleep soundly in your tent despite the fears of the animal sounds out in the distance. You’ve come to realize that you aren’t alone in the wilderness, and you have a sort of family to keep you safe, now. 
Arthur continues to show you the ropes, giving you tricks and quick witted thoughts for situations you would never have thought to put yourself in. They all are illegal situations, of course, but you listen intently, and learn each step with an absorbent state of mind. 
Even if he doesn’t outwardly show it, you think Dutch is happy about your progress, given that you are not only an asset to future jobs, but also because you seem to blend well with everyone. He definitely views his gang as a family of fugitives, and now that you’re one of them, he’s become warm with you, even calls you ‘son.’ 
There is one member of camp that to date, you haven’t gotten into conversation with. Hosea Matthews. The man seemed to be the fatherly type, and nearly everyone in the gang had a sort of paternal view of him in some way. You reckon Arthur has taken the man to be closer to him than actual blood. The great Mr. Morgan doesn’t often share details of his past, but you’ve heard here and there about the rascal that was his father, dead and gone when Arthur was a kid, but not soon enough. 
It was a Tuesday morning, after a round of stale coffee when he first sat down beside you for a friendly chat. You couldn't have possibly known the contents of the topics he had in mind, but you were about to be bombarded with them in the most gentle way you reckon a man can speak. 
“Mister Gunslinger,” he began, a gentle clap on your shoulder to garner your attention. “I’ve heard you’re getting to be the best man at camp.”
His friendly chuckle eased your nerves, but you brushed off his words anyway. 
“Not sure ‘bout that. Just learnin’ the ropes,” you nodded along to your own words, hoping they caught well with him. 
“Arthur told me you picked up a rifle for the first time a few days ago and blew him out of the water,” he mentioned, the tone in his voice suggesting he wanted his compliment to land. 
“He’s bein’ far kinder than I deserve,'' you scoffed, shaking your head this time. “Nearly took my shoulder out of socket on the first shot.”
“But you broke a bottle on the second,” he returned, likely quoting your dear mentor’s own words. “How did you learn to shoot that pistol of yours, anyhow?”  
Hosea knew everyone’s stories. He was the father of the camp, albeit not the leader. He knew everything about everyone, and he took care of them. You took one look at him and decided you could trust him from day one… but that didn’t mean he should know everything.
“Well, I found this gun a while ago, just started shootin’ it till I hit somethin’.”
He leaned forward in his seat, another chuckle rolling off his tongue, but the question went unanswered in the way he’d hoped for. He took a breath, turning to face you a bit more… He decided to be straight with you. 
“I’m sure you’ve probably got things in your past you’re not too proud of. I’ve heard the name ‘Texas Red’ in quite a few towns now. I guess I’m just curious about what you did before the gunslinging days.”
“Oh…” you trailed, completely unsure if elaborating on your past, even without context, could force you to accidentally spill something you didn’t intend to. So you took the safe route. “Not much to tell. Ran away from home, stole a horse and headed west. Found this gun in an old saloon and the rest is history.”
He saw through the act, but didn’t let on. He didn’t want you to feel like you needed to hide things, but similarly, he didn’t want you to feel pressured to talk. This camp was a safe place. As long as you kept to the rules and helped out, you didn’t need to do anything else. You could just live freely and have your being. 
“Listen, son… I know it’s probably hard to open up about things you’ve gone and left in the past. Every person here has a story, somewhere they came from or something they did. If you ever want to talk about yours, I’m always chipper for good conversation.”
You looked into his eyes, and they were full of contrition, full of compassion. You guessed there wasn’t a bad bone in this man’s body. 
“Thank you. I’ll keep that in mind.”
He nodded once before standing up and heading down to the river bank, likely to fish. 
You wonder if he has suspicion of you, or if he knows more already than he’s leading onto. But then you think, no. He’s just a kind older man that actually gives a damn about the younger folks here. He didn’t seem to have any biological sons or daughters, but this camp was full of family he could call his own.
You were starting to call them family, too.
(tags are open)
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zwedexx · 3 days
Day 2 - Sophie Schmidt x Houston Dash Teen Reader
Summary: R is the Dash's new signing and ends up struggling with their mental health due to the criticism and hate.
WC: 1,716
TW: Bad Mental Health, ED, Self Harm through overtraining
You knew it might happen. Everyone told you it was going to happen, but you didn't believe it would happen to you. You were the best college player, the #1 overall draft pick. You were destined for greatness. The path to the top was clear, and you were ready to conquer the world.
From the moment you were a child, you had a soccer ball at your feet. Your parents liked to joke that you were dribbling before you could walk. Soccer was your first love, your constant companion, and as you grew older, it became clear that you had a rare gift. You led your high school team to state championships, earned a full scholarship to a top-tier university, and dominated the college league. Scouts raved about your agility, your vision on the field, your uncanny ability to read the game several steps ahead. It was no surprise when you were the #1 overall draft pick. The world was at your feet.
But when you finally stepped onto the professional stage, it was a different world. You thought you would be able to keep up, but you were wrong. The players were so much stronger than you, faster than you. You just couldn’t keep up. It felt like you were running in quicksand while everyone else was gliding on air. The NWSL was a whole new level of intensity and skill, and you quickly realized that the gap between college and professional play was much wider than you had ever imagined.
Your first game was a blur of fast-paced action and missed opportunities. You felt out of place, like an imposter wearing the wrong jersey. Your touches were heavy, your passes imprecise. The crowd's excitement turned to frustration as the game wore on, and the final whistle was a relief rather than a victory. Your team lost, and the finger-pointing began almost immediately.
The criticism started to pour in almost immediately. You’d open social media, and all the comments on posts about you or the game were just nasty critiques. They said you were a bust, that you couldn't hack it. The fans blamed you for the team not playing well, and the weight of their disappointment felt like an anchor dragging you down. It was as if the world had turned against you overnight. Every mistake was magnified, every misstep scrutinized. You were living under a microscope, and the pressure was suffocating.
You tried to shake it off, telling yourself that it was just part of the adjustment period. But the comments ate away at your confidence. You started to dread checking your phone, knowing that it would be filled with negativity. Your teammates offered words of encouragement, but even their patience began to wear thin as the losses piled up.
One day after a particularly grueling practice session, you sat in the locker room with your head in your hands. Your teammate, Sophie, plopped down beside you. "Hey, don't let those idiots get to you," she said, her voice firm but kind.
You sighed. "It's hard not to. They think I'm the reason we're losing."
She nudged you with her shoulder. "We win as a team, and we lose as a team. You're not alone in this."
But you felt alone. You hadn't been called up to international duty, so during the break, you were going to do anything and everything to get better. While most of your teammates left to represent their countries or take a well-deserved rest, you stayed behind. You had something to prove, not just to the fans and the team, but to yourself. You went to extremes, cutting down food intake, going to the gym more often, training far more than anyone else. It was dangerous, but you were convinced it would make you better.
Your diet became increasingly restrictive. You counted every calorie, measured every portion, convinced that shedding a few pounds would make you faster, more agile. You pushed yourself to the limit in the gym, lifting heavier weights, running longer distances. Training sessions became grueling marathons of self-imposed drills and exercises. The world outside the training ground became a distant memory; you were consumed by the need to improve.
One evening, you were alone in the gym, drenched in sweat and gasping for breath after a particularly intense session. Sophie walked in. She watched you for a moment, concern etched on her face.
She had watched you closely, her concern growing as she saw the changes in you. You were leaner, yes, but also gaunt and tired. Your performances in training were erratic; moments of brilliance followed by periods of exhaustion.
"Hey," she called out. "What are you still doing here? It's late."
You straightened up, forcing a smile. "Just getting in some extra work. Gotta stay sharp, you know?"
She frowned. "You've been here every night this week. Are you sure you're not overdoing it?"
"I'm fine," you lied. "Just dedicated."
She didn't look convinced, but she didn't press the issue. "Alright. Just...take care of yourself, okay?"
You nodded, and she left. But her words lingered. Deep down, you knew she was right. But the fear of failure, the fear of letting everyone down, drove you to keep pushing.
When the games started again, you were definitely stronger. You were finally putting in good performances, and for the first time, you felt a glimmer of hope. It reinforced your sick ideas. You thought the extreme measures were working, so you pushed even harder. You went to such extremes that your body couldn’t sustain itself.
The day you collapsed on the field was seared into your memory with painful clarity. It was a crisp autumn afternoon, the kind that made the stadium lights sparkle with an almost magical quality. The crowd was buzzing with anticipation, their energy a palpable force as they cheered and chanted. You felt a mix of excitement and nervousness coursing through your veins. Today, you thought, you would prove everyone wrong.
The game started with a blistering pace. You felt strong, your movements fluid and precise. You were everywhere on the pitch, intercepting passes, making crucial tackles, and threading perfect through balls to your teammates. The crowd roared with approval every time you touched the ball, and for a while, it felt like everything was falling into place.
But as the game wore on, a strange sensation began to creep over you. It started as a slight dizziness, a feeling you tried to shake off. You pressed harder, ignoring the warning signs. You sprinted back to help in defense, your vision blurring slightly as you tracked the opposing forward. You managed to intercept the ball and sent it forward with a powerful kick, but as you did, your legs felt like they were made of lead.
The second half began, and the intensity only increased. The fans were on their feet, the noise in the stadium reaching a fever pitch. You felt a surge of adrenaline and pushed yourself even harder, determined to make an impact. But with each passing minute, the dizziness grew worse. Your muscles screamed in protest, your lungs burning as you struggled to catch your breath.
Then it happened. One moment, you were sprinting down the wing, the next, the world tilted and spun. You stumbled, your legs giving out beneath you. The ground rushed up to meet you, and you hit the turf hard. The noise of the stadium faded into a distant hum, and darkness crept in at the edges of your vision.
The next thing you knew, you were lying on the grass, staring up at the sky. The game had stopped, players from both teams gathering around you, their faces masks of concern. Sophie was there, her voice urgent but calm. "Hey, can you hear me? Are you okay?"
You tried to respond, but your body felt heavy, unresponsive. The medics arrived, lifting you onto a stretcher, the world around you a blur of noise and color. You could see the worry etched on Sophie's face, her hand squeezing yours reassuringly. "You're going to be okay."
In the hospital, you were surrounded by doctors and nurses, their voices a jumble of medical jargon. Sophie stayed by your side, refusing to leave. When the doctors finally left, she pulled up a chair and sat beside you, her eyes filled with worry.
"You scared us out there," she said softly. "What were you thinking, pushing yourself so hard?"
Tears welled up in your eyes. "I just...I wanted to be good enough. I didn't want to let everyone down."
She took your hand, her grip firm and steady. "You don't have to do this alone. We're a team, remember? We look out for each other. You need to take care of yourself, first and foremost."
You nodded, the reality of your situation sinking in.
The next few days were a blur of medical tests and recovery plans. The doctors confirmed what Sophie had suspected: you were severely malnourished and overtrained. Your body had been pushed to its breaking point. The news hit you hard, but it also brought a sense of clarity. You realized just how far you had gone in your quest for perfection and how much it had cost you.
One evening, as you were lying in your hospital bed, Sophie came to visit. She brought a small potted plant, placing it on the windowsill. "A little greenery to brighten up the room," she said with a smile.
You managed a weak smile in return. "Thanks, Soph. For everything."
She sat down beside you, her expression serious. "Listen, I know you've been through a lot, but you have to understand that pushing yourself to the brink like this isn't the answer. You have to find balance."
"I know," you said, your voice barely above a whisper. "I just wanted to be the best."
She reached out, placing a hand on your arm. "You are the best. But being the best doesn't mean destroying yourself. It means taking care of yourself, so you can be there for your team, for the fans, and most importantly, for yourself."
Her words resonated deeply, and you felt a weight lift off your shoulders. For the first time in a long while, you felt like you could breathe again.
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miss-eli-starfleet · 2 days
My critique of CW’S The Flash
The Flash is one of my absolute favourite shows, and I think it deserves one of these. Yes my favourite shows deserve critiques because there are changes I would’ve liked to see instead. This is all just my opinion on the show, not exactly hating it. Plus.. I saw someone else doing something similar to here goes.
Imma be clear at the start. I don’t hate WestAllen, just really really disappointed with how they were written in the latter seasons sometimes.
Props to every actor in the Flash who put all their effort into the show whether the script was cringe or not.
Season 1-2 was FIRE. No complaints. Loved the WestAllen.
Season 3 was good,
but I think they could’ve done Savitar better. Still liked him as the big bad being depressed/emo!Barry. I’ll say that I got really attached to Harry in S2 which made me wonder why they have HR there at all? The dude grew on me, and he added humour to the team, but honestly between him and Harry, it could’ve easily been Harry. Though it means he would die at the end.. so I’m glad Season 3 had HR Wells instead sorry not sorry.
The relationship between Julian Albert and Barry was so fun to watch. Which reminds me, LOVED Eobard’s appearance as Matt Letscher in 3x01. I have no idea why they continue to use Wells’ face like bruh. Your pretending as Wells is over so like why. GIMME MORE MATT!EOBARD.
I loved Frost???
Season 4 was also great.
I’d say more quality than season 3 because it was their first time against a big bad that WASN’T a speedster yet posed a more than adequate challenge to the team. The plot was nice and unique (I really loved Hazard!). I’ll say that DEVOE was kinda showing some red flags before becoming the Thinker in his relationship with Marlize, like he seemed kinda overly possessive of her. Glad that she switched to helping Team Flash after seeing what her husband had become. Loved her “Thinker’s first victim” line.
I felt like they started focusing on Cecile too much? Her role was vital to the plot at the end with helping Barry hop into Devoe’s mind to retrieve Ralph. And speaking of Ralph, I was neutral towards the character at first, but he grew on me. Also why fire him for sometning he did like 10yrs ago. That made no sense. I’d rather Ralph than more Cecile or Allegra.
LOVED ALL THE BANTER BETWEEN HARRY AND CISCO. And FROST FROST FROST!!! I liked her S4 outfit. I also think Barry’s supersuit was the best in this season.
One of my favourite episodes was “Flashtime”. Awesome awesome filler episode.
Season 5 was also great.
Barry’s supersuit was trash tho imo. He just looks like a weird deformed strawberry.
Above average but not quite as good as S4. LOVED NORA WORKING WITH THAWNE then Barry finding out and tossing her into the pipeline cell lol. Just the betrayal, and then dumping her in the middle of a random street in the future. Loved all the father-daughter moments she had with Barry. Cool to see the writers creativity in “meta-tech”.
However Iris.. bro in 5x19 she has some issues bringing up the fact Barry NEEDED to go into the Speedforce TWICE. And then her telling Barry to his face that she didn’t care that Nora was working with Thawne. Like bro, he murdered your husband’s mother and caused sm problems. And you don’t care about that?? Good to see that Barry called her out in the end.
Imma complain about freaking Sherloque again. Why not Harry? Even after what happened to him in S4, I think he could’ve figured out that Nora is secretly working with Thawne. Like dude’s still smart af.
Nora getting erased from existence at the very end.. sad :( I miss S5 Nora
Season 6.
I feel like this is when everything started going downhill. I didn’t care for Mirror Monarch. The mirror!Iris storyline was interesting to see. Idk what happened the rest of the season. That’s how much I didn’t care for this season lol. I think the other half was about Ramsey and how he wanted to make everyone zombies. Man I HATED Sue Dearborn or however you spell her name. She just took up too much screentime. This is when it started feeling like “Iris & Friends” instead of “The Flash”.
Liked to see how Barry dealt with slowly losing his speed bc he was killing the speedforce lol. Liked how the Caitlin/Frost duo became separate people. It was cool. At least we got that lol.
I think this is when Allegra comes in. I honestly can’t stand her. Like the whole her and her sister trope? Why.
The one thing I did like was Barry’s artificial speedforce gave him speed thinking. Awesome episode to watch. EXCEPT NASH. WHY. His sacrifice is useless in the end because of the whole “Iris is Barry’s lightning rod” thing. Have nothing about a speedster’s lightning rods in the comics, just didn’t like how that was written into the show. It eventually got really annoying.
Season 7.
Where do I even begin. This is when Barry’s “children” became a thing, and then suddenly speedforce!Nora wanting to kill all of them? Like what??? Where did that come from? Dion’s storyline was interesting. The rest were just.. Meh. And the CGI was so cringe.
I loved Abra Kadabra??? Why they gotta kill him off in one episode.
Does Chillblaine start coming in this season? I dislike him in general.
Season 8.
Now with Nora getting erased in S5, I really would’ve preferred if they gave us Tornado Twins instead. Like you can even use the same actors, but I honestly don’t really like the new Nora. I did like seeing her interaction between her and her family.
Also. Bart. I. Have. Major. Problems. I LOVE Bart but he is supposed to be Barry’s GRANDSON. Give us Don Allen instead. I did like the episode where they messed up the timeline, went back to 2013 and then accidentally reset Jay into the timeline. Also loved the episode with the whole Barry and the gamma radiation making him age hella fast. Bro was basically a zombie at the end and still overloaded the machine with the speedforce.
The. Stupid. Power Rangers godspeed arc was shit and them being Bart’s Thawne-like arch nemesis. Like boy, don’t compare Thawne with your godspeed problems. Don’t even start. Also what is with the “Negative Forces” and “Positive Forces” Power Rangers thing and then Iris’ time sickness? At this point, The Flash just started to feel like a soap opera.
I liked Chester even though he was a “replacement” for Cisco. He was unique. But the whole Allegra/Chester budding relationship where did that come from?? It just seemed very cringe and didn’t do much for the plot besides drama I guess. Khione was meh. Like just give us Caitlin with Frost in some way. I don’t care about Khione and her arc. Pls give us more Barry and not so much Cecile and Allegra.
Season 9
The show should just be renamed “Power Rangers: Iris & Friends” at this point. They made an entire episode without Barry?? Like if I pick up a Flash comic book, I expect it to be about THE FLASH. Not his random friends. Like yes, his friends can make appearances but don’t give me a whole dang episode without Barry THE MAIN CHARACTER. Also how the hell did Cecile become that OP, where is the character development.
Idk where Chillblaine comes in but I just don’t like him, not to mention that I don’t like the relationship between him and Frost. Like what.
Eddie’s Cobalt Blue arc and Red Death arc could’ve been done WAY better. I didn’t see any plot relevance in any way. It was written so poorly. Red Death was just like evil speedster!Batman or something. Please don’t bring our beloved Eddie back if you gonna write him all just jealous of Barry and him somehow becoming the new avatar of the Negative Speedforce. And what does Batwoman have anything to do with this (I believe she appears in the finale villains arc)l
There is legit only one episode I like in S9. The one that comes “full circle”. The one where Barry gets stuck in 2000, gets to chill with his parents for one day, and then comes full circle with Matt!Eobard killing Nora. SEASON 1 QUALITY. They even use the same bg music which awwww. And the “If I can spend one more day with my parents, then what would I say to them?” Line? Chef’s kiss.
Did not like the finale. His final run speech was okay about sharing his gift. Definitely would’ve preferred if Barry became the lightning bolt that struck him in S1 like in the comics.
Idk which episodes: Loved all the Amunet & Frost storyline, and then Goldface time to time appearances. Especially “Officer Chemist” lol.
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dark-elf-writes · 2 days
Sally would hear Poseidon say that and immediately attack him and Poseidon would just be taking and telling everyone not to interfere because, “he fucked up and that was not what he meant to say and it was worded really fucking poorly and he deserves to get his ass beat for that”
(That line causes so many feelings in me because Poseidon is trying to apologize for the pain Percy will be forced through for being born his son and part of me has always read it as Poseidon thinking Percy would suffer less if he was never born but he’s still grateful on some level to have Percy for a son and I’m crying)
“How could you?”
It took a moment for Percy to place the words. To register the absence at his side where his mother’s warmth had been. To realize why everyone else in the room stared in shock at the two people in the center of the room.
Sally Jackson was small. It was a weird thing to think. For so much of his life Percy’s mom has seemed to be so much bigger than him. So much taller. So much more prepared to take on the world. But here in the center of the throne room turned reading circle and occasional torture chamber where Percy was not only subjected to hearing his deepest thoughts but having to watch other people react to them too she looked tiny.
In the light of Olympus his mom was so small. So mortal. And yet there she was beating against his father’s chest with closed fists as she sobbed in a mix of grief and fury.
And Poseidon, the god of the sea, the earthshaker, the stormbringer, was letting her.
“How dare you!” She screamed again, the words sounding strangled. “How dare you tell our baby that!”
Zeus rose, reaching for a bolt he wouldn’t find (all of their weapons had been confiscated after all or Percy and Ares would have slaughtered each other by now) but Poseidon waved him off. Waved Paul off too when he rose to pull her away.
“I know.” He said instead, sounding ancient and tired and full of so much grief Percy wanted to cry. “I know.”
Whether he knew why Sally was attacking him or whether he was agree with her that he deserved it Poseidon didn’t say. Simply let her slam her fists against his chest over and over until she slowed and her sons took over in full force.
It was too much. The knowledge of what Gabe had been doing to her son, of what Percy had been forced to live through to save her and the rest of the world, of each and every horror her son had been forced to live through when they hadn’t even finished the first book. Hearing Poseidon, her first love and the man who had given her the most precious gift, say it was a mistake shattered something in her.
Poseidon wrapped his arms around her, tucking her close to his bulk while she sobbed.
“I worded it poorly,” He said full of apology and anguish. Those sea green eyes met Percy’s over his mother’s head. “I am several decades out of practice with children, but that is no excuse. I should have worded it better, and by failing to do so I hurt you. I’m sorry.”
Zeus choked. Percy wondered just how many times any of the gods apologized much less one of the big three.
He didn’t know what to say. What was the protocol for a god apologizing to a mortal? Was there one? Percy doubted it.
“Perseus Jackson if you say it’s fine I swear I’ll—“ Annabeth doesn’t finish whatever she is planning on doing. Percy has just enough self preservation not to push it. Barely.
But it was fine. Kind of. He knows it’s not what his dad meant. Sure it hurt but that was years ago now. It didn’t matter. It couldn’t matter. And Percy still didn’t know what to say.
“I will always be grateful that you are my son,” Poseidon said, sparing Percy. “I was simply… regretful that the life of a Halfblood, a hero, is one that is rarely peaceful. You were not a mistake. I just wish I could spare you the pain.”
That Percy knew what to do with, sort of. “I wouldn’t change it.” He said, his smile feeling gossamer thin on his face. “No matter what I wouldn’t want to be anyone other than your son. This is where I was meant to be. What I was meant to do… and Thalia would have sucked being the prophecy kid.”
“You were a tree, Grace!”
“I was a damn good tree, Jackson!”
He was grateful she picked up their usual bickering so easily. Grateful Nico made a show of arguing his own merit as a prophecy kid. Grateful that the eyes turned away from him and went to the growing spectacle.
Percy honestly had no idea how they were going to make it through the rest of the books.
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spewing whatever shit pops into my head for all my fav tma characters
ALRIGHT babes a whole entire six people wanted to see my opinions on characters so far (i just finished #103), but i don't rlly have a direction to take with this. i was thinking about giving them ratings but idek what i'd rate them ON lmao. SO!
Jon-ohoho he's so DRY and so FUNNY and somebody needs to bitch slap this man. how am i supposed to get a goofy workplace drama if he's so genre-aware?? i don't like him THAT much, but honestly the whole show would be a lot more boring without his paranoia. also was his skin rlly so bad that it took an entire MONTH to get him thoroughly moisturized? ur body is a temple, johnny boy :(
Martin-omg he's such a bean. i relate to this man a lil too much for comfort-he's bullied waaay too much by absolutely everyone in this podcast. if he reads too many statements and turns into another jon or smth i'll SWIM to the uk specifically to yell at the writers, this man is to be PROTECTED at all costs! also he SOUNDS like a fucking redhead. you can hear it in his voice. and it shows very clearly in his poetry.
Tim-hehehe ICON. s1 finale tim was honestly the greatest thing ever, the way he's changed is absolutely breaking my heart. prancing into the office during a worm attack and immediately sitting down on 20 cans of CO2 sounds EXACTLY like smth i'd do, honestly props to him for staying so calm during the whole thing. and the fact that he's fucking all these cops for information is just *chef's kiss* tbh, his entire EXISTENCE is a power move. he's got a statement coming up and i'm kinda terrified. he's been so.. depressingly realistic lately and i'm scared for him :(
Sasha/Not Sasha-sasha seemed so sweet, i wish i'd gotten to know her better before the switch! all i remember from her first vocal appearance is staring into space afterwards, trying to remember how i used to pronounce 'calliope'. i feel like her death/switch didn't hold as much gravity as it should've-i rlly wish i'd seen more of her! also, the way not sasha was the LEAST suspicious to jon-that monster's got acting CHOPS. we need her in the local theater group, HOW TF can anyone be that convincing?!?!?!
Monster Pig-last statement i listened to, so it's VERY fresh in my mind lmao. this pig deserves DEATH. i don't fucking CARE if it's "friendly", it ATE a FUCKING CLOWN. KILL ITTTTT. i am a VEGETARIAN
Michael-by FAR my favorite, the best character i've come across in quite a while, god's favorite princess <3 i adore this wonky man, he's such a legend. PEAK laugh. and he's so chaotic lmao!!! (no he absolutely did not die, what are you talking about???? that didn't happen. or Michael Shelley's tragic backstory that had me literally crying over a gd podcast, no way. i'm in DEEP denial) i adore how his first vocal appearance was just strutting into Jon's office, kidnapping a realtor, monologuing abt his identity issues, stabbing the archivist, and sashaying away. SUCH a funky dude, i adore him
Elias-he gives me bitter oldest kid vibes, this man needs therapy. what a kooky asshat, stop peeping on people.
Jude-hot in every way possible. sorry but it's TRUE. a rlly bad liar tho. not only does she speak in fucking italics, but you can tell she's giggling kicking her feet twisting her short little hairs as she's trying to get jon to shake her hand. bitch, you're sexy and you know it, SPEAK UP!!
Wormy Jane-an icon, honestly. the whole EMBODIMENT of ick. not to mention if i actually saw this woman i'd lose my SHIT, she terrifies the bejeezus outta me. her statement was what made me (sorta) stop picking at my face (for a little bit at least). i honestly wonder what she was on that made her stick her whole fucking arm in a HAUNTED WASP'S NEST. it's also so hilarious that she was camped outside Martin's apartment for WEEKS and nobody rlly questioned it-this woman is on a MISSION. slay, ick queen.
Melanie-this woman has more balls than anyone else on this damn podcast (ahem, elias mostly). we stan a girlboss with a knife-the way she was just planning to JUMP him??? melanie's 100% RIPPED, she SOUNDS like a gym rat i think. i wanna see her beat the shit outta all these ghosts :3
You're A Lighter-idk how to spell his actual name and i'm too lazy to look it up, so this is what y'all're getting. the snotty old library dude with such a kooky voice, all i could think of when i first heard him was the Kool-Aid man lmaoo. and he needs to take better care of his assistants!! EXTREMELY unsustainable :( he's like a bowerbird collecting all the shiny homicidal books.
Helen-she ATE my babygirl??!!!!?!?!!?! COMPLETELY unacceptable. i won't deny the girl's got guts for just.. chilling in Michael's creepy hallways, but COUGH UP THE CREEPY BLOND for christ's sake.
Trevor Herbert-10/10 honestly. i LOVED his statements, the vampires are SO CRAZY CREEPY and i love how he just kinda fucks around? does some light stalking? and usually ends up with a bunch of dead monsters! in essence, he looked an eldritch horror in the face, called it a slur, and whacked it with a stick. legend.
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I think my ego is getting in the way of my writing. It's confusing, because I doubt my ideas and writing, but I still feel competitive in a way. I don't like reading about others' WIPs, I avoid reading the genre I want to write, and I automatically dislike authors who's already published a book similar to any of my WIPs. I quit the ACOTAR series because the themes were too similar, and I'm scared of Priory of the Orange Tree because the worldbuilding has intense good praise. I need an egodeath.
Case of Strong Ego or Low Self-Confidence?
If you're doubting your ideas and writing, I would question whether it's actually your ego getting in the way and maybe not just good old-fashioned low self-confidence. The reason I wonder is because your dislikes and aversions all sound fear-based to me. For example, if your ego were an issue, you probably wouldn't dislike or avoid authors who did something similar... you'd more likely scoff at their relative inferiority and boast that you did it better. You wouldn't be afraid of a book because its world building received good praise... you'd roll your eyes and say you don't know what people are going on about, because your world building is so much better.
Dislike and aversion instead seem to indicate jealousy and self-doubt. The good news, however, is that low self-confidence is actually pretty typical for writers and it's something that gets better with time.
Here are some things I hope will help boost your confidence, or at least give you hope that it will get better:
1 - Writers with big egos probably aren't as great as they think they are. In reality, storytelling is a craft no one can truly master, because reader appetites, story material, and even mechanics to a degree all evolve over time. What makes a good story is also very, very subjective. There are people who consider Jane Austen one of the best writers to ever grace the Earth, and there are people who think she's one of the worst. I think truly good writers can know that they're good without thinking everyone else is beneath them.
2 - You can't doubt your ideas and writing without understanding where you want your ideas and writing to be. In other words, you know what good ideas and good writing sound like to you, which means your taste and style are intact... you just have a little bit further to go to get your own ideas and writing where you want it to be, but that's okay. Going back to #1 a bit, writers don't hit some magical peak early on and level off at greatness. There's a lifelong upward trajectory with each book being a little bit better than the last. And sure, it's not a perfect upward trajectory. You can have periods of leveling out or even dropping off, but most writers will continue to get better over time. So, again, it's okay that your writing isn't quite where you want it to be, because it's that feeling that drives us to get better and better and better. This shows you're on the right track!
3 - Those similarities aren't the big deal you think they are... I've been at this a long time, and I'm going to tell you right now: stop worrying about "similarities" in other books. I've posted about this a lot because it's a common concern, but similarities are a dime a dozen in fiction. For every book about a high school girl who falls in love with a vampire, there are a dozen more. For every book about a woman who quits her big city job after a divorce, moves home to her small town, and falls in love with her childhood nemesis, there are at least twenty others. There are countless stories about young women getting wrapped up with fae princes, sad boys/men whose lives are invigorated by a Manic Pixie Dream Girl, murder mysteries set in quiet fishing villages, horror stories set in dilapidated old mansions someone just inherited from a long lost aunt, kids or adult who learn they've secretly been magic all along and get roped into fighting a Big Magical Bad. There are over 100 million books in existence, and that number increases by hundreds of thousands every year. You're never going to write a book that doesn't have similarities with dozens of other books, so stop worrying about it. Remember, it's not the similarities that matter... it's everything else... all the things that only you can do.
4 - Similarities are actually a good thing. The truth of the matter is, similarities are actually a good thing. That's why you can look back through cinematic history and see major trends... monsters, westerns, musicals, disasters, sci-fi, action, epic adventures, rom coms, superheroes... It's why when a book about a young woman toppling a dystopian regime becomes massively popular, dozens of other dystopian books hit the shelves the following year. It's why we gravitate toward favorite genres and tropes and comfort shows. Its why we go to the same restaurants and stores over and over again instead of going to a brand new one every time. Humans like a bit of repetition, and if your book has similar world building to Priory of the Orange Tree, that's a bunch of readers who are going to gravitate toward your book.
5 - There's only so much material to go around. I was interested in the fact that your concern about ACOTAR was that the "themes were too similar," but I promise you, those themes are in a million other stories. When it comes to tropes and themes and character arcs and magic systems and settings and... all of it... there's only so much material. Themes aren't something that are created from nothing. You can't make up an original theme that no one else has explored. Themes are inherent to human existence. They're truths about humanity that beg to be examined and explored. It's not the themes that matter so much as how they're explored and what you say about them, and even if there were similarities there, odds are there were far more differences.
I hope this resonates and helps. I hope I was right that it's more of a self-confidence issue than an ego issue. And if I was wrong, maybe something here will still resonate. You might spend some time in the "writing-related fears" section of my Motivation master list to see if anything there resonates, too. ♥
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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chunghasweetie · 1 day
Tumblr media
— pairing | collegestudent!oc x collegestudent!pjm
— summary | friend of taehyung and jungkook’s ends up spending more time
with you than he thought he would.
— warning | bad writing (i’m doing my best)
forced proximity, unprotected sex, play fight, light dirty talk, semi public sex, exposed
— word count | 3.3k words
— song suggestion | closer — jihyo
“Alright. Meet up on Saturday right?” Jungkook asked the girls. “Maybe we should go bowling this time.”
“No way. Let’s go shopping again.” Jeonghwa shook her head.
“We just did that today!” Taehyung argued.
“Omg so what? We had fun didn’t we?” Hani shook her head. “It’s not our fault you have to carry the bags. It’s called being a gentleman.”
“Fuck that.” Jungkook shook his head. “We want to go bowling. Even Y/n wants to go!”
“I do.” She spoke up. “Come on. They have good food there too and we can drink. It’ll be fun.”
“You guys should be like Y/n. She always has the best ideas.” Taehyung nodded, making the other two girls roll their eyes.
This was their friend group. Three girls being Hani, Y/n, and Jeonghwa whereas the two boys were Taehyung and Jungkook.
It was their senior year of college and the two had been friends since their high school years. They considered themselves family at that point.
They went out all the time, even with no location in mind.
“Okay fine. We’ll go to stupid bowling.” Jeonghwa agreed, earning a ‘yes’ sound from Jungkook.
“Yay!” Taehyung cheered. “It’ll be fun I promise.”
Y/n was at the bowling alley with her friends finally after a long week of studying.
“Oh look how pretty you guys look!” Taehyung announced as they all got out of the car together. “And here I was thinking this was a regular hang out.”
“You just have hot friends.” Hani replied.
“Eh, I’ve seen better.” Jungkook mumbled, earning a punch on the arm from Jeonghwa.
“Okay! You guys look cool I guess.” He shook his head, rubbing his arm as the group walked in.
“Oh shit. Jungkook we forgot to tell them.” Taehyung cursed.
“Tell them what?” Jungkook blinked. “Oh yeah, we wanted it to be an even 3v3 so we invited Jimin.”
“That’s fine with us.” Jeonghwa shrugged. “Whatever makes you guys feel better about losing.”
Jimin hung out with the group occasionally. He transferred to their college about a year ago.
He was closer with Jungkook and Taehyung and everyone else. Everytime he was hanging out with them, Y/n seemed to be busy that day so they didn’t ever really cross paths besides a ‘hello’ here and there.
“Like we’re gonna lose.” Taehyung nudged Jungkook before making eye contact with Jimin so was by the shoe rack.
“Yo Jimin!” Hani’s outgoing voice announced, “We’re here!”
It was hard not to notice the group of adults acting like children, pushing each other and bickering on the way in.
Jimin flashed an inviting smile as they made their way over to him.
“Jiminnn” Jungkook cooed, “You cameee”
“Why wouldn’t I? I like hanging out with you guys.” He laughed. “Oh and Taehyung texted like 16 times asking if I was still coming.”
“Goddamnit Taehyung.” Hani glared at him. “That’s why he only hangs out with us ever so often. You’re a fucking weirdo.”
“Dude he likes it. He sent me a heart emoji” Taehyung made a heart shape with his fingers, making everyone gag.
“Yeah because that’s not creepy.” Jeonghwa rolled her eyes. “Jimin do you already have your shoes?”
He nodded. “Nah. I wanted to wait for you guys.” He told her.
The group ordered their shoes to enjoy while they played.
“Aren’t you scared to drink Jeonghwa?” Y/n asked. “You got shit faced last time.”
“Yeah. You fucking threw up all in my car.” Jungkook groaned, reminiscing the brutal moment of his car seats covered in bile.
“Whatever. It’ll be fine this time!” Jeonghwa slipped on her bowling shoes.
“Who has my shoes?” Y/n looked over, not able to find her pair.
“Oh my bad.” Jimin handed her shoes to her, “Wasn’t really thinking, my bad.” He apologized.
“You’re good. I just thought Hani stole them.” Y/n chuckled.
He stared at her as he handed them back, analyzing the girl in front of him.
The two hardly ever interacted up close. Barely ever spoke full sentences to one another.
“Jimin! Y/n! Go get us drinks and snacks yeah?” Jungkook ordered.

The two looked at Jungkook then back at one another, “Oh okay.” Y/n replied.
“What do you think they’ll want?” Jimin walked with her to the snack bar.
“No idea. I’m just ordering what I would get myself.” Y/n shrugged. “Beer and chicken sound okay?”
Jimin nodded in agreement. “That sounds fine to me.” He ordered for them, getting his card out.
“You don’t have to get that. You’re a guest.” Y/n stopped him. “I got it.”
“Not a guest. You’re just never here when I’m around.” Jimin tapped his card on the reader, buying for the group. “I don’t mind.”
“I don’t think that’s fair but— Thanks.” She gave in, not wanting to argue to pay since it was already over and done with.
“Let’s start playing.” Jimin and Y/n came back to the group. “We can take a break to eat once the food gets here.”
The group bowled over and over, doing absolutely terrible.
Everyone was trying to show off for each other but it wasn’t going well.
Hani, Taehyung, and Jeonghwa were incredibly drunk towards the end of the game. They could hardly roll the bowling ball.
“D-Did I win?” Jeonghwa hiccuped.
“Oh my gosh.” Jungkook groaned in irritation, knowing it wasn’t the best idea to get stupidly drunk at the bowling alley.
“Jiminie will you drive us home?” Hani tried to act cute, but ended up looking like a drunken mess. “Pleaseeee”
Y/n looked over to him. “If you could…”
Jungkook drove them all there so at least one of them had to stay sober.
She wasn’t drunk like the rest of them but she was a bit tipsy. She didn’t feel comfy with driving.
After a long exercise of trying to take off their bowling shoes and replace them, the group finally made it to the car.
“Not enough room— Let me sit on your lap.” Jeonghwa whined, sitting on Jungkook’s lap. who happily agreed.
Y/n was buckling up in the front seat.
“You probably don’t want to ever take us out again.”
“No, I like this.” He chuckled. “It’s funny.”
“Are you saying that just because?”
“No.” Jimin began driving Jungkook’s car. “It’s refreshing. Yeah it’s sticky and gross but you guys are actually cool people to be around.”
“I don’t see how you feel that way, but that’s sweet.”
His heart dropped at her reply, suddenly feeling a bit nervous.
He wasn’t ill, but he definitely didn’t feel good. Maybe anxious, or some sort of nervous sweat.
How strange.
They pulled up to Y/n’s apartment. The two worked together to get the drunken adults in the car and into the guest rooms in Y/n’s extra bedroom.
“They’re kinda cramped in there.” He eyes the adults.
“Does it matter?” Y/n spoke. “They’ll figure it out.”
“Guess so.”
“Did you want to spend the night too?” She offered. “Your cars still over there. He just take you in the morning to get it.”
“You sure?”
She nodded. “Of course. The least I can do for you helping put up with them.”
“That would be nice yeah.” He smiled. “Are you going to sleep right now?”
“Nah, I’m wide awake honestly.” She shrugged. “Recently I haven’t been sleeping until damn near 4.”
“Same here. Don’t know what it is.” He replied.
“Oh sorry. Jungkook and Taehyung actually have some clothes if you want to borrow them.” She suddenly remembered.
“Yeah I’ll take them. I feel sweaty and gross.” He made a sour face.
“Go shower.” Y/n grabbed him some clothes for him to wear.
“Thank you so much.” He smirked. “You’re actually a really good host.”
“Yeah, that’s only for tonight only. Every time after this you’re on your own.”
“You think I’ll be over again? Nice to know you’ve thought that far ahead about me.” He tilted his head.
“Well— I don’t know. Just go shower.” She shooed him.
She was warming up to him. He could feel it.
He took the clothes and went over to her bathroom.
As he got in her shower he couldn’t help but have a stupid grin on his face, thinking of how cute she looked when he spoke.
He couldn’t help but be nosy. He examined her shower, looking at all the products she had.
“So many vanilla scents.” He mumbled to himself.
He barely knew anything about her. Everything he knew was simply an assumption.
The two spoke rarely ever and a lot of the knowledge he had came from being one of her followers on social media. He wasn’t sure she even followed him back.
Her friends spoke about her a lot. Telling him all sorts of adventures they had.
Her friends cared about her a lot, all four of them spoke so well about her.
It made him grow curious about her.
He finished up his shower, getting out and drying himself off.
He changed into the clothes she provided him.
He smelt just like her. The clothes he was wearing and the scents from the body wash he used.
He didn’t mind at all, he felt so comfortable and relaxed.
He got out of the bathroom, walking out to the living room where Y/n was on the couch.
“Feel better?” She looked over at him.
Her voice was like honey to his ears, even if before it was a few sentences here and there.
He nodded. “Much better. You have so many options to clean my body with.”
“I love vanilla scented anything. So I stocked up.” She laughed. “The boys hate it. They don’t understand how I’d want to smell like something edible.”
“I love it.” Jimin took a seat next to her.
“Oh it smells good.” She got a whiff of him once he sat down on the couch. “I must smell so good.”
“You do. I took a sniff earlier.” He joked.
“Cause that doesn’t sound creepy.” Y/n laughed.
“You’re such a hater.” He shook his head. “It was a compliment.”
“Creepy ass way of complimenting someone.” She giggled.
“Yeah, whatever.” She mocked him, “I’m gonna watch something.”
“Oh you’re gonna hang out with me on the couch?”
“You sound so excited.” She teased him. “You thought I’d go to my room and shut the door?”
“Something like that.” He shrugged. “We’re not too close so I figured you’d avoid me.”
“Why would I do that?” She furrowed her eyebrows. “You’re everyone else’s friend. Shouldn’t I get familiar with you too?”
“That’s true.” He agreed.
“Want to build a fort?” She blurted out randomly.
“You can’t be serious. At your big age?” He snapped his head in her direction.
“I’m up, you’re up. Wouldn’t it look suspicious if me and you are on the couch together when they wake up?”
Her logic didn’t make much sense. It’s more difficult to explain the fort.
But who was he to say no to a pretty girl asking him to build a fort?
“Okay fine.”
“This looks so bad.”
“Well they have all my blankets. What do you expect?”
It was a very sad attempt at a fort. With about 3 blankets a few chairs holding it up, it was the saddest fort she’d made in a while.
“You sounded like you knew what you were doing. I just went along with it.” He shook his head, turning her TV to face the entrance.
“It’s called fake it till you make it.” She told him, tossing some pillows inside. “Clearly that didn’t work out in this case.”
“I think it’s sorta cute. Especially with these pink girlie blankets.” He crawled inside with her, his legs almost sticking out.
“In its own way— sorta.” She agreed, climbing next to him.
“And you said this was better than being seen on the couch.” Jimin mumbled.
They were even closer than they were on the couch.
Their legs were touching and they were forced to be close to one another.
“Mm yeah. But it’s cuter like this no?”
“For us maybe. For them we just look like freaky losers.” Jimin joked, making her laugh.
“Yeah I guess that’s true.” She put on a movie for the two to watch.
The two cuddled under the blanket, finding themselves oddly comfortable with one another.
Jimin kept sneaking glances at Y/n.
She was prettier up close.
And she was actually funny, hilarious even.

The camera didn’t do her enough justice. Sure, she was beautiful on screen but damn she looked even better in real life.
She was cute. Her little giggles made him smile and he was more drawn to her with each sentence.
The two talked for hours, watching multiple movies under the fort together.
He felt like he really got to know her good. The forced proximity made it much easier for him to communicate with her.
She was able to know Jimin for Jimin. Not just her friend’s friend.
She wished she had been around a bit more.
It would be a lie to say she didn’t check him out multiple times during their talks.
She instantly felt comfortable with him, just like how she was with Jungkook and Taehyung.
Except in a slightly different way.
“Damn I wish I went that night. That’s so funny” Y/n’s cheeks hurt from giggling.
“Why didn’t you?” He asked her.
“Studying. Always.” She sighed.
“You can take more study breaks. You’re taking one now aren’t you?”
“I mean yeah.”
“And it feels good huh? Don’t stress yourself out too much or you’re gonna crash out.” He scolded her.
“Yeah okay dad.” She rolled her eyes playfully.
“Awe, why not daddy?”
“You’re gonna make me throw up.” She fake gagged.
“Whatever. You’re no fun.” He pouted cutely.
“Oh I’m plenty fun.”
“Sure you are.”
“I am!” She argued.
“Oh you must be. Cooped up in the house all day and then going out with your friends ever so often to do what? More studying?” He cocked his eyebrow. “So much fun.”
He got here there, making her grumble. “Whatever.”
“Awe her feelings are hurt.” He baby talked her. “Come here baby Y/n.” He opened his arms up to her.
She fell into his embrace, pretending to be hurt.
“Poor Y/n.” He leaned closer, his hand reaching out to brush a stray lock of hair out of her face.
She looked up before meeting his eyes with hers.
The two remained eye contact with each other for a minute.
He holds her gaze, his heart pounding in his chest as he feels the tension building between the two.
He leans in closer, his breath hitching as he feels her breath against his lips.
The two naturally collided into a sweet kiss. He closes his eyes as he feels her lips against his, a surge of emotion coursing through him.
His arms wrap around her waist as he deepens the kiss, feeling lost in the moment.
When he finally pulls away, she looks at him. “Jungkook is gonna kill me.” She chuckled.
Jimin couldn’t help but smile into their next kiss before the kiss deepens once again.
His hands wander up her back, pulling her closer to him. He breaks the kiss again, his forehead resting against hers as he catches his breath.
“Goddamn that’s addicting.” Jimin kissed her again, getting rougher with his mouth.
The kisses were now wet and sloppy, demanding more and more.
His tongue slipped into her mouth as he explored every inch of it. His hands wandered down to her ass, squeezing it tightly as he grinds against her.
She could feel herself growing wet from just his kisses alone, whining into his mouth.
He can feel her liquid arousal and it only makes him want her more.
“Fuck, I’m wet.” She whined into his mouth.
He growls, his lips trailing down to her neck as he begins to nibble and suck on it.
He can feel her growing wetter and it only makes him harder. He reaches down, his hand slipping into her pants as he begins to rub her clit.
She knew she had to be quiet because her friends were in the other room but she couldn’t help herself. “J-Jimin.” She whimpered.
He smirks against her neck, his fingers moving faster against her clit. He can hear the desperation in her voice and he loves every second of it.
He sucks on her neck harder, leaving a few marks as he continues to pleasure her. "Shh, we can’t have them wake up? Specially not to their precious Y/n whining like that. Filthy girl.”
His fingers moved faster, feeling how wet and ready she was. He groans, his own desire growing with every whimper and moan that escaped her lips.
"You like that, baby? You like it when I make you cum?" He whispers, his lips trailing down to her ear.
“Mhm.. so good.” She tried her best to stay decently quiet, enough for only Jimin to hear.
He shivers at the feeling of her warm breath against his ear. He can feel his desire building up.
He knows he needs to be inside her soon. "I need to fuck you, baby. I need to feel you around me now already."
He knows he should stop now, but he also knows he won't be able to control himself once he gets inside her.
“Are you on anything? I don’t have a condom” He looked down at her as he laid her on her back.
“On the pill.” She replied, a hint of whining in the tone of her voice.
He slid her panties to the side. He was almost in shambles once he seen her glistening pussy in front of him.
"Fuck... I'll pull out, okay? I need to be inside you." He slid his boxers down. “Can’t wait for this pretty pussy.”
He positions himself at her entrance, his eyes locked onto hers. He can feel the heat radiating off her and it's driving him crazy.
He slowly starts to push inside of her, his breath hitching as he feels her tight walls gripping him. "Fuck... you feel so good Y/n"
He groans at the feeling of her squeezing around him. He starts to move his hips, thrusting in and out of her. "You feel so fucking good, baby. I won't last long."
Took them this long to finally meet, this was definitely the best introduction.
Her pussy was so wet and warm, inviting him in instantly the second he slid inside of her.
Their skin slapping sounds echoed through the living room. It didn’t help that Jimin was picking up the pace.
“Fuck— We’re gonna make them wake up.” She mumbled against his ear, almost dying trying to stay silent.
He smirks against her neck as he continues to thrust into her, the feeling of being so close to the edge only turning him on more.
"It's so hot, knowing we could get caught. You're so fucking hot for this, Y/n.” He leaned forward, kissing on her neck some more.
“Using every excuse in the book not to
meet me. Always studying.” He continued. “Now look at you.” He chuckled.
His words went in her ears and straight to her pussy, making her whine.
He groans and thrusts deeper, his hips snapping harder as he feels her start to tremble beneath him. "That's it, Y/n. Cum for me. I want to feel you cum all over my cock."
“Fuck I’m cumming.” She whined out his name multiple times before the two both reached their high.
Jimin pulled out, cumming on her stomach.
“Shit.” He cursed, instantly cleaning her up.
“Wow.” She panted. “That was something.”
“Yeah. I would stay home too if my pussy was that good.” Jimin added, cleaning her up.
“That good?” She rose her eyebrow. Jimin looked up at her seriously.
“That good.”
“Fuck it.” Y/n looked out the window. She could see the sun rise.
“One more round before they get up?”
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fern-funtime · 2 days
| True Blue | ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺
wc: 1,089
pairing: Navia x fem! reader
warnings: a little sad, beautiful gay women <3
an: this is kinda bad. i had major writer's block but i started it so i had to finish it, i hope it's good enough to read. oh and happy pride month everyone ・ ͜ʖ ・ -Fern xo ♡
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To say you were upset was an understatement, the girl you were in love with was a few feet away from you with a man. A man who was confessing his love.
A man you didn't even know. He gave her flowers and a very expensive necklace, the blue stones matched her eyes perfectly. Jealousy is a very strong emotion and it was overwhelming you by now. All you wanted to do was leave and rot in your bed but you didn't want to leave her, you guys were in the middle of a conversation. It was awkward, you shift in your spot and try to pay them no mind but you feel hurt. You think about how happy she looks, how beautiful.
After a few more minutes she comes back with a big smile.
"Did you see all that?" She laughs while awkwardly holding the bouquet. You gave her a fake smile
"Yeah." you try to be happy for her.
She sighs and plays with her necklace. "Isn't he charming." you feel your heart break slightly. "He seems nice." your words come out less emotional than you wanted. "Are you okay?" she asks softly.
"I don't think I'm feeling well." in response to this she moves her hand to your forehead. "You are kind of warm, you should get some rest."
You smile at her and say goodbye, but not before she gives you a big hug. All you can smell is her perfume and the vibrant roses she was gifted. "I hope you feel better Y/n." she spoke with sincere words.
You felt so guilty for being mad when she's so kind to you. You were now in bed doing exactly what you wanted earlier. You had been crying, your eyes are puffy and your heart is melting into the bed with the rest of your body. How could she ever love you. He doesn't deserve her yet you certainly don't. Maybe he's the love of her life, she'll be happy with him.
Happier than she would have with you.
You didn't even notice you tell asleep until a knock wakes you up. You notice it's now night and you can feel the dried tears on your cheeks. You slowly get up and groggily walk to the door. You open the door and you're met with Navia. She's holding a container and a bag of her belongings. She gives you a big smile and you move aside and let her in.
She walks in and places her stuff down "How are you feeling?" you watch her as she puts her stuff down.
It's muscle memory at this point, there's never a week where she doesn't come over and spend the night at least once.
You didn't even notice you fell asleep until a knock wakes you up. You notice it's now night and you can feel the dried tears on your cheeks. You slowly get up and groggily walk to the door. You open the door and you're met with Navia. She's holding a container and a bag of her belongings. She gives you a big smile and you move aside and let her in.
She walks in and places her stuff down "How are you feeling?" you watch her as she puts her stuff down.
It's muscle memory at this point, there's never a week where she doesn't come over and spend the night at least once.
"Better." you smile at her. A genuine smile this time, you're really happy to be with her right now even if its not in the way you want.
"I made you soup, it's my dads recipe." She grabs a bowl and a spoon. You watch her while she does this and you noticed her necklace was gone. "Where's the necklace that guy gave you?"
She lets out a laugh before saying "I gave it back to him, I didn't say it in the moment because I was flustered but...I have my eyes on someone else." She glances your way before putting the soup in the bowl.
Her eyes lingered for a second longer and you swore the whole world stopped. Confusion was evident on your face and you looked away and tried to wonder who she really liked. 'Me?' you thought before you were snapped out of your mind when she plopped down next to you, rather close too. She handed you the soup and you take in the smell. It smelled like home. "This always makes me feel better when I'm sick."
Instead of smiling you frown at her "I need to tell you something. I wasn't sick...I was mad." She furrows her brows "Did I do something?"
Now you feel really guilty, you made her sad. "No- no of course not, I was...I was jealous of him." you look to the ground. Your nerves had finally set in, you realized you just confessed to her. She thinks for a moment confused until she finally spoke. "You were...jealous of him giving me flowers?"
"You looked really happy...I want to make you happy like he did." You voice faltered a bit and your heart beat picked up faster and you were quite literally freaking out. As soon as you turned to apologize she pulled you into a kiss. It was only a peck as she pulled away quickly. "I am so sorry! I didn't know what I-" you kissed her.
You gave her a proper kiss. And she kissed you back. After putting the soup on your bedside table you both go back to each other's lips. You wrap your arm around her neck and she puts a hand on your waist. You pull away and look at each other for a second. She laughs, and you swear it is the most beautiful thing you have seen. "Have you liked me all this time?" she said in between giggles. "Oh my god. We could have been together all this time."
You start to laugh now before hugging her. "I thought you were into guys!" "Are you saying I don't give off sapphic energy!?" She laughs into your shoulder.
"I thought about it but I wasn't sure I've only seen you with guys." She kissed you on the cheek and you're heart almost explodes. "I love women too, and I love you."
"I love you too." You bring her back into a sweet kiss. "Can you please try the soup now, I worked hard on it." She fakes a pout before grabbing the bowl.
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Sukugo fluff part 2
The first Sukuna does after meeting Gojo is asking Uraume for information about the man.
The first thing Satoru does after meeting Uncuna is gushing to his mothers that this man could snap him in half.
Part 1
After further interrogating the brat and, by extension, Jin (who was verry haply to yap about another parent) he found out that Gojo is a pretty recent addition to their class. Yuuta is older, but he missed some classes before, so joined them sometimes. In Yuuji’s words “he’s super cool!”. Both father and son, presumably, though they had different surnames. Unfortunately, they didn’t have that much to tell about the man, cause apparently someone else usually picks up Yuuta. The only thing was that he always has candy on hand.
The Gojo, his mind accentuates. One of the strongest sorcerers, the owner of infinity. Sukuna can’t decide whether he wants to fight him or take him on a date. He wants to see those fabled eyes.
“Do you know anything about Satoru Gojo?” He asks Uraume because they have a habit of keeping tabs on everyone. They look at him a bit weirdly, but not.
“Hard not to. Is there something you wanted to know?”
“Is he single?”
Katsumi was never worried about Satoru the way Ai worries about him on a daily basis. She knows he’s selective about who to hang out with, and passing this selection is a terribly complicated job, but not impossible. He’s finicky and airy, but not stupid. If no one picked his interest that just means it’s not yet time. Her darling boy was a smart cookie, responsible, steering his clan in a better direction and taking care of a boy without family. Suffice it to say, when he appears with his son in his hands and an impish grin, she’s not surprised. Ai, who was just getting out of the car and opened her mouth to thank Katsumi for galiantly opening the door for her, slowly sinked back into her seat. The worrywort, Katsumi thinks.
“I got Yuuta, but thanks for coming,” he says. The boy sniffles into his neck and Katsumi looks closer and then cooes gently at the craped knee. Yuuta had just gotten comfortable with going to his school, what a pity to end his lucky streak. “Yuu~,” Satoru sings. “I know you can heal it yourself,” the scrape quickly heals back up, but the boy keeps quiet. “What, did you miss me?” He teases. “I missed you too,” Satoru gently kisses his forehead and Yuuta finally raises his head.
“Welcome back,” he sniffles and Satoru laughs warmly, settling them both into the car. Katsumi sits back behind the steering wheel, while Ai watches Satoru put Yuuta into the seat.
“What, are you too cool to greet your mother now?” She asks and Satoru laughs.
“Hi mum, hello mother,” he says obediently, tugging down the blindfold. “You won’t believe who I just met at the school!” Katsumi starts the car and hums questioningly. “Ryomen Sukuna!” Satoru announces with a grin and Ai chokes. “He’s taller than me, can you imagine? And those muscles! Damn,” he sighs dreamily and Katsumi almost stops the car. Ai turns to her with wide eyes — pretty pretty green — and then turns back to Satoru. She needs to focus on the road, but these are some news.
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abyssruler · 1 year
i love how scara’s eng va has a daughter. scaramouche dad girl agenda
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thepoisonroom · 6 months
i don't give a fuck that i'm getting older but seeing my loved ones aging does make me insane if im honest
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mihai-florescu · 9 days
The thing about being a bitch and a hater is that you need to be charismatic about it for people to still like you somehow. And most importantly you need to be a poor little meow meow people will want to help see win.
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