#than praise vil for that is what im saying
yyokkki · 27 days
Vil Schoenheit's Resentment
Vil x GN!Reader/Yuu warnings: mild swearing, petty vil supremacy, reader is called yuu, reader is a lot shorter than vil and somehow has clear skin, neige slander im sorry i love him i really do TT, s-silent treatment? pov: third-person wc: 1021 words
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Vil Schoenheit; top model, renowned actor and acclaimed singer. For as long as he could remember he’d been wearing a mask in the eyes of the public. 
Cool, calm and collected. It took years of practice to perfect his persona. 
Extremities were frowned upon so he had to balance his traits. Not too cold, not too warm. Not too approachable, not too lofty. Altogether, he was the spitting image of a perfect celebrity.
Just one glance was enough to tell anybody; that right there is a star.
So why?
The Ramshackle Prefect enters the scene. They were shy and soft-spoken, with a little too much fringe blocking the world’s view of their eyes. Quite pretty eyes at that. Moving on, they slouched while they sat, left crumbs around their mouth and when they did speak, only the crudest vulgarities left their lips.
Vil would never! Ever! Waste his precious time even interacting with a slob like that, much less fall in love with them.
But if there’s anything fate has taught him, it was to never say never.
You… You’ve ruined everything..!
Vil Schoenheit, the fairest of them all, as many would say, was having a crisis. 
It was hard to describe what he was feeling. A giddiness bubbling up in his stomach that made him start kicking his legs while screaming into his pillow as if he weren’t a superstar but a delicate maiden, followed by a sharp realisation and… Shame. 
It had been a while since the VDC and S.T.Y.X. incidents. He’d gotten much closer to Yuu, the Ramshackle Prefect during that time. He’d long let go of the notion of them being a slob. If anything, they worked much harder than anybody else did. 
Since he had taken them under his wing, it was up to him to bring that inner beauty of theirs up to the surface. To let the whole school marvel at his little spudling in full bloom.
Mascara, maybe some lip gloss. Some blush and by the Sevens, Epel, I need your brush. He was going to make them beautiful.
And beautiful they were. 
He couldn’t explain the slight twinge in his heart as he watched Rook lather praise upon praise on them and noticed the turning heads following them down the hallways.
Then came that fateful day. After weeks of denial and renditions of ‘I Won’t Say I’m In Love’ (Rook played the part of the Muses), he’d accepted his feelings, and was ready to put them into action.
He’d seen the way they looked at him. The twinkle in their eyes, the unintentional smile they couldn’t keep down. All symptoms of a disturbance in the heart. He knew it well, he was afflicted with the same illness after all.
So with a carefully penned, scented letter sent over to Ramshackle’s doorstep, he’d collapsed into his bed, eagerly awaiting the next day. He resented Yuu. The way they made him feel. But it was a sweet sort of resentment.
Yuu, a.k.a Ramshackle Prefect a.k.a. Caretaker of Grim a.k.a. Beast Tamer, after making it out of seven overblots by the skin of their teeth, was having a crisis. A love crisis.
It had been a few months since they started dating Vil Schoenheit and so far it was going great. It was the first time Vil had been in a relationship (which surprised them at first but made sense considering his background), but he was a natural. He took the lead and was always trying to better both himself and Yuu. 
Dates were fun and relaxing, full of self-care and spa nights where he’d personally massage the knots out of their weary shoulders and apply face masks onto their skin along with those cucumbers they’d always seen in movies.
“It’s truly a miracle your skin is as healthy as it is, considering you’ve neglected it so much these past few months,” he’d whispered under his breath the first time he did their makeup. They’d caught on to the tinge of envy in his voice and would chuckle at the thought every now and then.
But back to the topic at hand. Vil… Was a vindictive boyfriend. Not to say he would lash out at them or anything but sometimes they wished he would. 
You see, the first and most obvious sign that Vil was mad at Yuu came in the form of silent treatment. 
“Vil, Vil! Look, I got a ninety-eight on my potionology exam! It’s all thanks to you,” Yuu gushed, running up to the man. 
He didn’t reply. Didn’t even turn around to acknowledge them. 
“Vil? …How come you’re wearing your fifteen cm heels today,” they faltered, a little nervousness starting to creep up in their voice. This was yet another sign of Vil’s anger. Even barefoot, the top of Yuu’s head barely reached his shoulder so whenever he wore his heels, they had to crane their head up to a painful degree just to get a look at him. It was a petty move but oddly effective.
The model looked down on them from above, before huffing and strutting away, his heels clicking on the hallway tiling.
Oh shit.
Yuu  honey  Yuu darling 🥺 Yuu light of my life 🥺🥺  Yuu talk to me please 🥺🥺🥺  did i do something wrong? Yuu im sorryyy
Hah. Did I do something wrong?? The audacity!
Imagine Vil’s shock and betrayal when he’d been idly scrolling through MagiCam after a relatively good day only to find a post from his dreaded rival, Neige Leblanche (which in itself would’ve dampened his mood), only to see that his very own beloved had liked the forsaken post.
Okay, fine. Maybe he was overreacting a little. But it mattered! It mattered a great deal to him!!
Me Give me a day or two to cool down.  Me And for Seven’s sake, PLEASE block that little twink on MagiCam right now.  Me You know who I’m talking about. Yuu okay done  Yuu if you need anything ill be here <333 Yuu love you 🥺
…He was starting to feel a little guilty.
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After your most recent yandere TWST fic (the one w/ Vil, Neige, etc) I just need to beg you for more yandere RSA content 😭😭
I just need more yandere Neige/Chen’ya/Rielle whatever if it’s against their rivals, fics, headcanons, blurbs, if it’s set within the Crewel’s Daughter timeline, if this is now just going to be an on-going thing
-From an anon who needs to be thrown into the sun🤡
Well anon who needs to be thrown into the sun
I'm happy you like them, I'll try including them more
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The Dangers of the RSA | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
In a way, it’s almost worse than the boys at Night Raven. In NRC everyone at base level is a jerk or majorly insensitive. But once you peel back the layers of their onion actions you find they have a warmer center, a softer center. Even at the height of their obsession, you can’t say you don’t feel for them. And in this way, RSA is bound to be rotten on the inside. On the outside their sweet and kind, welcoming you with open arms and less confrontational behavior. But as the ice cream melts you’ll find on the inside they aren’t so sweet and instead reveal the harmful hidden danger they pose. The world loves them, their kingdoms love them, and they’re already so sweet you’ll be the one who’s crazy to turn tail and run: 
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Neige Leblanche
He’s the worst 
he never outright says what he’s doing 
Or even acknowledges
Gaslighting, gatekeeping, boy bullying you into becoming his 
It seems like everyone around you is warping around you
Forcing you to play the role of his perfect little partner
And no! He’s not at fault here
He’s never at fault
You’re the one who is crazy when you plead for help
The only ones who probably believe you in any regard 
Would be your beloved crew at NRC
But even so, he has eyes everywhere Rook
So it won’t be long until he’s hugging you tight
Pouting as globs of tears fall down
“Oh thank goodness (Y/n)! I was so worried you wouldn’t have made it home!” 
Crewel's Daughter Reader is better at fending him off
Never before has a student of the Princess Academy gotten so far with such a sly tongue
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Annoying and presumptuous 
So deluded in his belief that he is meant to woo you
He can’t seem to wrap his head around the fact that you’re just not interested
He pushes through your barriers, solely focused on getting his hands on you
Well don’t be sad that he’s cursed your legs to become a tail 
It's your fault for not running into his arms immediately
You thought he was just a friend? 
No no, when he invited you to his house that meant he wanted to court you
And by eating a biscuit he made you said ‘yes’
Foolish you!
The world bends a little but not entirely 
Rather than blind praise, he’s excused 
‘He doesn’t know any better’ 
‘He’s just trying to be a good boyfriend’ 
As is with most in RSA 
It doesn’t help to call anyone other than the slimiest at NRC
Who suddenly looks a whole lot more cuddly when he’s more than willing to start a war if it means having you in his arms
Everything means nothing without you
And if the world doesn’t corroborate his philosophy 
Too bad he’ll just burn it with that fire he’s so enamored by
“Yo~ho my pearlfish! When you ran for our hide and seek I was worried for a second there! Don’t be scared of these guys beside me they’re just here to protect us!”
Crewel Daughter Reader has trouble with him as well but the best method is to keep him on the farthest edge of your circle
The closer he gets to you the more likely he is  to delude himself that you return his affection
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“Chen’ya” Artemiy Artemiyevich Pinker 
Sneaky in a way that’s hard to miss
Not usually taken seriously after the initial shock of meeting him
He sways you and everyone into a false sense of security
Usually revealing himself with his head or a sneaky laugh
Because of his silly demeanor
You hardly suspect an invisible cat boy to be bearing witness to your most intimate moments
Or that the same smile is behind the sudden disappearances of your friends
He’ll let you fall in love with him
Or at the very least turn to him as a friend in need
He’s good at loosening people up 
And he’s only helping you relax after an inexplicable tragedy
“Kekeke poor neko-chan you look as though you’re going mad with pain! Let me help you~!”
Crewel Daughter Reader use their magical prodigy status to force him to reveal himself 
Which can be hard when he’s deciding to be wary 
Deciding to pick off whoever what?! you’re not watching
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ghostieyanyan · 1 year
~Fox and their love-sick hound~
Yan!Dog!Rook x Fox!Mc
Warning: yandere, hunting (its rook...), stalking, drugs??,
I really wanted to write something for this. like I said in the mainly art version of this. I 100% think Rook as a Dog is a Golden retriever. they're hunting dogs but also little ray of sunshine. i know there is a movie about the fox and the hound but in the movie the dog is a blood hound. but rook... as a golden retriever.. i had to qwq
~~You found the fanfic! There’s an art piece that goes with this, here you go! Enjoy ^^~~
Surprise! surprise! the classes were over and everyone were doing their club activity. You were just stopping by each club to see how everyone was doing. a friendly visit, you can say.
You stopped by the music club and saw that their 3 members were playing a new rhythm game on cater's phone.
You stopped by the Basketball club. you quickly left when you say Floyd throwing the balls like they were dodgeballs...
you stopped by the board game club. Azul and Idia were playing a card game that you couldn't understand with Azul honey laced words trying to explain it to you.
you see the film club in the hallway for a film shot. vil seems to be lecturing a freshmen... fun.
you see malleus on the roof looking at gargoyles, you wave to him and he waves back.
you watched Riddle ride his horse, flawlessly. Silver was sleeping on a horse and Sebek was screaming at him to wake up.. fun.
the magical shift club were playing their game
you see Jack and Deuce running around the school and you quickly yelled at them to not to drink water.
now the science club, you were honestly on the fence on even entering. its nothing about the club that made you uncomfortable. it was a certain hunter that did.
when you first meet him, he went on and on with compliments about your beauty. at first it was nice and quite flattering but it started to make you feel uncomfortable and you started to feel a little self-conscious. did everyone notice that you misplace your buttons? or did everyone notice the way you part your hair? all this "positive" attention was too much for you to handle and when you confront him about it.... it was like he was holding back before cause now he just wont stop! You started to avoid him every chance you got. the spotlight was just too much for you to take and you didn't have the heart to tell anyone about how you felt about this. it was too embarrassing and frankly silly to not like all the "praise".
you were still at the door to the science club... and you really didn't want to leave this club with say hi or checking in like the others... plus! Trey will be there! he might help if Rook does... a Rook.
You took a deep breathe for courage and open the door. you were introduced to a cloud of purple mist that smelled floral but sour? with the force of the mist, you were knocked down on the floor. you immediately braced yourself on the floor. the mist took a good minute for it clear out.
"Little pup! Are you okay?"
towering over you stood Divus Crewel, you couldn't see his face but you did see his coat which helped you to identify him. his hand was extended to you.
"im okay.. what happened here??"
you took his hand and stood. with your other hand, you waved off the remaining mist.
"tsk.. it seems a pup mixed the wrong herbs to the base making the reactions to be more... monstrous than it was intended. we normally have good ventilation here but.. frankly, if you haven't open the doors, we'd likely suffocated by the fumes, so thank you pup."
he starts to walk away to check his students, leaving you standing there process what he said... good thing you went into the science club then huh.. you thought. you make your way in the class room and helped some of the students clear out the rest of the mist, it was still kinda hard to see everyone but with a little wave of a notebook as a makeshift fan, it cleared up quickly.
you noticed that there is a lot of beastmen in here? weird but you didnt seem to mind too much. the kicker is when you recognize a non-beastmen beastmen.
"trey? aww you have cute little doggy ears!"
Trey has cute dog ears on his head! one of the ear's is up and the other is flopped down. They were just the cutest! As you were distacted by his ears, he laughs and turns to show off his tail. he knew what he was doing.
"heh.. we were making transformation potions kinda like the sea Witch but instead of turning merfolk into human, we tried humans into beastmen."
"ah.. that makes sense but... umm... may i..?"
you motion to his tail and ears. he lets out a charming laugh and nods. your face beamed as he bends down to you so you can pet his ears. they were so soft and when you brushed your finger on the bottom edge of his ears, they twitched. you tried to hold your joyish squeal and just hugged trey.
"hehe... im guessing you like my ears and tail?"
"mhmm..." you said in his shoulder
"you dont look half bad yourself, perfect"
you felt a flitch on your... head, no... ears? you immediately push yourself off trey and ran to the nearest glass shelf to look at yourself in the reflection. you had big long ears standing on your head. they looked a lot bigger than trey's ears but not like bunny ears. you looked at your behind and saw you had a big long tail. it was flowy and the fur looked coarse but soft too.
"but how-?"
"it was likely when you opened the door, and the mist hit you. any ways, i need to check with Professor Crewel and see when an antidote can be made. if you don't mind perfect, can you help out the other freshmen to clean up? we should get this place clear out of the mist or any hidden residue. there's extra lab coats and gloves over here."
"o-oh! ya sure. i dont mind."
you ran to slip on a lab coat and... felt someone's eyes on you. you looked around and everyone seemed to do their own thing. maybe your just not used to the extra sensations with your ears and tail?
you shrugged it off and hurried to check on everyone and clean up.
3 days...
3 days until you ears and tail were gone. Trey said since they were mimicking the sea witch's merfolk to human potion. they estimate they potion will last for 3 days. anyone with ears and tail (that aren't suppose to) are suppose to check with professor crewel immediately.
Frankly ace and epel are not helping! they keep laughing and messing with you. blowing wind in your direction to watch you ears and tail twitch. if you're nice they use magic, if not, they get close and blow in your ear.
"my gosh! quit it!"
the only time they actually stopped (until next time) is when deuce and jack are protecting you from them. such sweet hearts. they compliment it and Deuce actually ask to feel them, he's just curious!
Sebek isn't much help either. he doesn't play jokes on you but his yelling is 10x worst now. you were half tempted to go straight to malleus or lilia and ask if they can talk to sebek about his volume.
other than that everything has gone quiet... its just smooth sailing. until 3 days is up, you continued your day like normal. you get comments here and there but everyone (except ace and epel) has been main respectful. bet the science club are getting lots of questions. maybe some went to azul for a temp cure, i mean, scarabia can be really loud with all the parties. what about Trey? cater is probably all over him with request for pictures or maybe he should get ears and a tail.
you laughed to yourself as you make it back to the Ramshackle dorm. Grim is with ace and deuce right now, after they were caught messing with the desserts. so you have alone time for a while, yippy!
your ear twitched and you quickly turned around to find... no one there.. maybe.. an animal? with too many strange feelings, the ears and tail sensing things, you just haven't been able to feel alone recently.. you quicken your steps and rushed inside your dorm. you quickly locked the doors and check the rest of house. locking doors and windows. you did a quick clean of the place, no hanging jackets or clothes that can be mistaken as figures in the house. you're suppose to just enjoy alone time... which you don't feel alone.. which is concerning.. you run to your room and try to get comfortable. new clothes, and your phone with ace and deuce's number on standby.
you lay down on your bed and took a deep breathe.. then you were out like a light.
how and why were you running? it was the third day, you were suppose to say good bye to the ears and tails, plus the strange feelings those ears and tail senses you couldn't shake off. you were tired of it, the first day, they were really cool to have and the senses were really neat but the strange feeling of just something, or someone, just made the whole experience sour for you. even when you were in the ramshackle dorm with grim, grim had to contently be your voice of reason, which is new but not unwelcomed. you could tell that grim was starting to worry for you, which made you feel a little guilty.
that night, you needed some fresh air. once you were out of the dorm, you sat on the pouch. the cold winds felt nice on your ears. you took a deep breathe and looked at the stars to calm your nerves. you just had to wait a few more hours... until midnight, right? you took a few minutes to just relax in the stars until you felt like you had enough and started to make you way inside.
when you stepped inside, you were greeted with a shadowy figure in your way. you froze, all you can see from his figure were their sharp eyes. no one moved for a moment...
the figured jumped at your direction! the ears and tail wasn't just for show, the potion gave you beastmen abilities too, like speed and strength. but mainly the speed part is important right now.
you swiftly jumped out of the way and ran.
you didn't know where to go. if you try to run to the other dorms, it'll take you some time just to get into the hall of mirrors. but if you head to the forest by ramshackle, there's a tiny chance you lose this creep but if they catch you, its all over for you.
you had to pick no chance or a tiny chance!
but you have beastmen senses, if you go into the forest. maybe they'll aid you away from this creep!!
who cares, just run!!
you were hiding now...
you do have beastmen abilities now but doesn't mean you still wont get tired. you were hiding in a little hole, two fallen trees made this small hole in the ground and you were so grateful that you noticed it. maybe you could run out of the forest now and hide in another building? maybe you successfully made the creep lost? hopefully..
you tired your luck, your chest felt so heavy but you had to get help.
you tired to be slow and quiet as you crawled out of the hole. an arrow was shot right in front of you, in the ground. you let out a quick scream and ran.
your running was short lived when heard a whistle in the wind and a sharp pain in your leg, you were shot. you fell and rolled into the dirt.
this is it. you couldn't make it home and now no one will hear from you again. you felt like your life was flashing before your eyes. regrets... guilts... what was the last thing you said to everyone..? would they be okay without you..? would you be okay without them...?! you feel hot tears falling from your eyes. you didn't want to go like this! there was so much you wanted to experience in twisted wonderland! please someone, hel-
"Aww~ Trickster, no need for these tears. shh... i was only playing~"
your heart downed, you slowly turned your head around to see him, Rook Hunt.. he stepped closer to you so you can see him better. he had floppy golden ears on his head and a wagging tail to follow...
"Aw~ My Trickster~ i see I've stolen your breathe away so let me explain. the day where you heroically saved everyone in the science club from our demise, we, including yourself, were gifted beastmen abilities. id admit, it took every fiber of my being to not just jump you when you were all over Chevalier des Roses. but.. i decided, since we were gifted these abilities, i should test them out. to understand your creations, you must test them. so i selfishly took on the hunt for my mon cher renarde~~"
he took off his hat and bowed, taking one of your hand and gently kissing your knuckles. you were too shocked to even respond. you were feeling too many emotions at once. does this mean you'll live? Rook was the strange figure that you sensed... that's why you haven't seen him in days. he did all of this to test the potion...? he shot you in the leg!!
you started to feel little headed and just collapsed on the floor. as you were falling in and out of conciseness, rook picked you up bridle style and started to talk some more.
"Ahh~ Mon cher Renarde~ watching you deny your instincts only to let them take over was truly an honor. Vraiment magnifique~ your cute little twitches, ahh~ i couldn't get enough. i might force you to take the potion again.."
he stops and smiles at you. a smile that made you feel sick.
"hehe~ just kidding~"
French words!! i used google translate so sorry for the people who knows french.
Mon cher Renarde = my dear fox
Vraiment magnifique = truly beautiful
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cummin-n-cryin · 2 years
How do yput hink yandere malleus/vil and azul reacting with a afab reader topping them? 🤔
Im sorry im such a sucker for sub character :(((
~Thank you for your request!
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Put Them In Their Place
Malleus + Vil + Azul x afab!reader
Tw: Yandere, afab reader, Nsfw, kidnapping, obsession, lemme know if I missed any!
Wordcount: 286 + 320 + 292
Side Note: I love your request thx you~♡ Sry for taking so long! This is a bit short but I hope this was okay!
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~Malleus Draconia~
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Malleus doesn't mind.
In fact, he is glad that you're so willing to copulate with him. He was worried that you'd never return his affections. You seemed quite stressed after he took you from Ramshackle and whisked you away to your new home with him, so it is quite the relief to see you feeling better.
Either way, he's yours just as much as you are his. So yes, you may top him.
Depending on what type of top you are he'll have varying reactions.
If you're on the softer side his heart will warm at any compliments you give to him, to be praised by someone he loves so dearly makes him beyond happy. He also enjoys a slower pace, it gives him enough time to really commit this moment to memory.
If you're on the rougher side, he'll definitely be a bit surprised but he's a powerful fae. He doesn't really worry about you hurting him too much, mostly because you can't. Though, do keep in mind he's not the biggest fan of degrading.
Whether you're wanting to ride him till the sun sets or you want to rail him with a strap-on, it should be noted that he's most definitely never been with anyone before you. All of this is very new to him.
His reaction to sex toys is very amusing though. He looks at such objects in both awe and confusion. Humans are very... Inventive?
Of course, we can't forget the fact that he has such a gorgeous pair of horns. I mean, they're just sitting right there waiting for you to reach up and grab them.
Be wary though, he may get a bit crazy if you do grab them.
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~Vil Schoenheit~
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You want to top him?
Vil is pleasantly surprised when you try to bed him. He's glad that you've finally learned to accept him as your romantic partner. He's clearly the best match for you so it's nice that you have finally realized that.
Well, he certainly doesn't mind but first you'll have to catch him when he's in the mood for it. Vil is typically very busy so he doesn't usually have much time to indulge in more carnal desires. But at the end of the day, after he's finished everything, he might entertain your desires.
If you're a softer top, Vil enjoys the more relaxed pace. The slow pace really helps him wind down from a long day of work. He enjoys the sensual touching and your worship of his body as well as the praise, but the praise doesn't affect him that much. He gets told how attractive and amazing he is all the time, though hearing the words come from you does make it a bit more special.
If you're more on the rougher side he'll be a little surprised but nonetheless interested. However, if you're going to be so rough, you better make sure to put your all into it. He doesn't tolerate people who are lazy.
Any form of degradation is also a bit surprising. Mostly because not many have the courage to degrade or insult him, so it's definitely a surprise to hear you say such things. The only thing he really won't like is any bruises or marks being left behind. (so make sure to ruin his pretty skin as much as you can!)
Whether you're rough or soft as a top, Vil doesn't mind. He's very adaptable and he will thoroughly enjoy teaching you all the ways on how to please him while also making sure you don't hurt yourself. He doesn't need you hurting yourself or damaging your beautiful body.
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~Azul Ashengrotto~
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Of course, Azul is more than willing to let you top him.
Azul will do just about anything he can to keep you with him. Lie, cheat, steal, kill, you name it, he's probably done it. All to keep you forever trapped with him.
The fact that you're willing to have sex with him makes him both extremely happy but also very worried. He's afraid that once you look at his nude body you'll change your mind or perhaps you'll think his abilities in bed are lackluster in comparison to others. (If you've been with other people before him...)
Whether you're a soft or rough top he'll have different reactions.
If you're on the softer side, Azul will almost cry at any praise you give him. You mean so much to him and hearing your praise makes him feel like your relationship with him is almost normal. It makes it seem like you actually love him back.
If you're more on the rougher side, Azul will try his best to please you. Degrade him, bruise him, do whatever you want! He deserves it after taking away the life you had with those contacts of his.
At the end of the day he'll still worship you, even as tears stream down his face. He's so obsessed with you, so if doing this for you makes you happy then so be it.
Whether you are more soft or rough as a top, Azul will try his best to please you either way. He's just so desperate to keep you with him, so desperate to be good enough for you.
If the only way you'll love him is in bed then then he'll make sure he's the only one who can satisfy your every desire.
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thegoldencontracts · 17 days
So the game itself refuses to give Azul any progress when ti comes to his food issues right? all it does is reference them over and over again but never do anything about it.
Makes me imagine a scenario that could have happened in book 4 where Kalim holds a banquet and the tweels convince him to at least have a bite. And Azul DOES, and we get a moment where he praises Jamil for his cooking and Jamil getting to be proud about receiving praise from someone else... it's so simple why can't they let him grow... that's all it would have taken to show he's genuinely progressing. The same way Cater/Trey say "Riddle's been way more chill with the rules lately" (paraphrase) they could have simply had Azul say "We already had lunch?" and one of the tweels go "Oh yeah, you did eat a decent meal already." in their own way.... he's not immediately fixed but he ate enough to make THEM happy with it so that must mean something!?
Disney pleaaaaaaseeeeee pleassseeeeeeeee Im begging u make zuzu go to therapy PLEASE
Azul isn't necessarily better altogether but he's making progress and that's what counts... makes me wanna go into the messy aftermath of his overblot sm (if you don't mind ydaz though I can rec a no thank you helping by siffy) also stares at ch. 11 of Part of your world angrily because it wont write itself for me and it's the only thing stopping me from starting book 3 and delving into all of azul's misery
Also... Azul talking about octopodes more happily. Azul being willing to share details about his childhood...
But yeah there is one subtle example of this (very subtle, to the point where I wonder if im just overanalyzing this) in the glomas event where azul is actually willing to eat a croissant even if he's still holding back... wish they did more though esp in book 4
Also quick yap time I feel like book 4 just didn't really... show azul improving all that much. It showed his true intellect when he isn't bogged down by 1 million issues, yeah, but at the same time it didn't actually dive into his improvement all that much. Book 3 showed Leona being more openly kind, book 2 showed Riddle being less strict, Book 5 showed Jamil being more honest, 6 showed Vil actively admitting his errors and being willing to give up his own beauty, and I haven't read book 7 yet so I can't comment on Idia but from what little I've seen it does show him working with others so... progress.
But Azul? Azul's improvement is never actively portrayed. You could say his plan was better than his plan in book 3 but that's about it.
Anyways I think Azul should've gotten more open growth... feel free to argue or yell at me about things I got wrong etc.
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frenchfrywrites · 2 years
OMG REQS R OPEN its so nice to see that ur open to it once again(≧▽≦q)
soo im here to req aftercare hcs for the dorm leaders(ofc excluding the underage ones)
Aftercare HCs for the 3rd year dorm leaders
This catboy needs pets hehe!
In all seriousness I can just see him needing quiet time with you playing with his hair or scratching behind his ears..
He does not give a single fuck about cleanliness at first I’ll tell you that much
He’d rather have you lay with him and listen to you breathing and your heartbeat while you cuddle than ever have you leave him to grab a washcloth
Because leaving him alone makes him panicky 
Of course there’s always the chance he’ll pass out afterwards
In that case he doesn’t need aftercare… yet
When he wakes up he’s very demanding of you helping him clean up, getting food and drink inside of him, and physical affection
PLEASE you know he has the most extensive aftercare out of all of them
This is partly because I think Vil loves things gross and rough 
But also clearly absolutely partly due to how… fixated he is with maintaining his beauty lol
Part of me wants to say that he likes to do a lot of his aftercare routine on his own, but I also like the idea of him laying back and letting you take care of him
Either way his aftercare requires a dutiful skincare routine somewhere in it
If it’s been an especially hard scene he’ll need some praise
Tell him he’s always the fairest and most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen 
It reassures him
Overall tho I think Vil needs you to tend to his cleanliness and physical state asap, and everything else comes secondary
His aftercare requires loads and loads of praise
Just tell him all your favorite parts, and how well he did, and that you’re proud of him, etc
No matter how many times you’ve been together baby is always gonna be a lil insecure 
Also for the love of god get him water
Cause we know he doesn’t typically drink enough of it !!
This is actually the perfect time to make sure all his physical needs are met
He just likes being cared for afterwards, I think you could really go in any direction you want with aftercare
But make sure u add the praise!
Okay he loves praise and reassurance as much as the next guy.. 
But for some reason I see him as needing massive amounts of cuddles!!
To me Malleus would rather be sticky with sweat and cum but have you cuddling and kissing him, than have you leave for a second to clean him up
Eventually he’ll want to tidy up and maybe eat and drink
But being able to cling to you is what will tend to his needs the best 
And like I mentioned, ofc he likes praise!
Maybe don’t heap it on
But if you tell him how pretty he was or how well he did while you run your fingers through his hair he gets so flustered its adorable 
Overall he just wants to be cuddling n clinging to you, and to have you cuddle n cling back (bc he needs to know you won’t leave)
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hello!^^ this is my first request [its been a really long time since ive acc requested on tumblr and stuff so sorry if im crusty o(TヘTo) , ps how are you? :D] could i please have a twisted wonderland match make personality: im a person would will throw myself on you as a 'hug' , and i will roast the mfing out of u if you're super annoying [pls i acc nice] , i hate hate hate when fights break out in my class but ill stil give a non-biased report on every.single.detail. I can lose my temper quickly and would "talk back" even though its hard to control my mouth , anyways i love cats i will litterly miss my bus for petting a cat. i wont budge if you shout scream or even hit i really wont bother if you're just downright giving me a headache , i love to just drop kick people like i did once when it was on accident but my friend fell on her back and i was apologetic. MBTI:intp likes: reading [a really big bookworm] , i like to play on my switch and i dont personally like art but im good at it , i love creative writing and and im in the makes of making own , its a dark angsty novel if ya wanna know.[ a lil sneak peak 'As Francis held the remaining petals, his sobs were filling up the silence in the hole of his mind yet no sound truly came out. he felt that his legs fail to support him no longer as he collapsed into the pitch black void of his feelings....'] i like desserts and sour things , dislikes:i really really hate being confronted, and i hate over working to much since i feel exhausted . i hate being accused a lot and i really really really hate being bullied. appearance: shoulder length dark-brown hair with hazel coloured eyes, i short despite my age and was mistaken for a person about 2 grades/years younger than me 😭 , i wear blue ombre glasses! [ps. dont overwork your self on anything - a new follower☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆]
Awe well aren't you just the sweetest!! I match you with...
... Ace!
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Can I just say, c h a o t i c. But in a cute way😻
We all know how it went down when ace first met yuu, so when he was being a little ass you did NOT hesitate to put him in his place, after a little rivalry you grew closer and instead of being eachothers problem decided to be the nrcs problem ✨
Ace is cheering you on whenever your beefing with riddle, which to may I add is basically every single day- I mean who are you to blame? He is overly strict and someone has to be brave enough to tell him so, which is why ace bows to you, and as a gift gifts you a cherry pie which he made himself! (I hc he's good at baking especially when it's related to cherries)
expects praises but doesn't at the same time, like he'll be all "oh I'm such a good boyfriend I deserve compliments!!" and when you actually compliment him he freezes and blushes;
He is so jealous of grim, he can't pry your hANDS OFF OF HIM, your holding grim 24/7 and ace just stares at you, with tears in his eyes/hj
Asked vil if he could turn him into a cat once no joke, he actually did, he was a ginger cat with the softest fur-
You gasped and immediately cradled the cat in your arms unaware who it really was, coincidentally the spell wore off soon and he turned into his original form which you were barely able to hold;
He apologized and so did you, you told him you'd make it up for him with a date to which he gladly agreed to;
He definitely takes glances at what you're writing " is it about mee?~" "Ace for the last time, NO-"
You drop kicked him and he deserved it
If you accidentally overworked or are close to it he immediately runs up to you and drags you far away from your desk, bringing you anywhere else to either cause trouble or just relax, yep ladies gentlemen and non binary hoes ace actually can relax, crazy ik😻
But yeah he may be an ass but he cares, so much about you, loves you dearly but wouldn't admit it outloud unless you were asleep, then he whispers it, you smirk and he chokes on his words and yells at you;
You 2 are the enemies to friends to lovers couple
Thank you for the request dear annon! Your book sounds very interesting, I might take a peek👀, bye for now! Have an amazing week<3
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v-anrouge · 1 year
I'm the type of mentally ill mf that likes his ships to be both platonic and romantic and like rookvil is PERFECT for that. it doesn't matter if you view them as friends or lovers they are exactly what eachother need. ppl say rook is a toxic friend but that's fucking bullshit im pretty sure that vil himself said that he appreciated the fact rook didn't hide his opinions in order to please vil, that's exactly what vil wants, he wants to be treated like equal but he also enjoys the praise rook gives him, vil accepts rook for who he is he doesn't try and fix rook and has made it clear he will only stop rook when rook has gone too far and only ever asks rook to not cause trouble with the other dorm leaders, vil and rook clearly trust eachother even if not 100% it's clear that they're extremely close and share a special bond that tbh seems closer than even trey and riddle who mind you; are childhood best friends
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somehowmags · 10 months
thank you for telling me what happened!! vil criticizing rook's lack of manners when talking to trey seems very likely. im also sure vil has quite literally told rook to shut up before, so if he wanted rook to shut up, he'd quite definitely have already made him do so. and yea, i also don't agree with the absolutely soul sucking standards of the industry vil is in because the damage it can do is irreparable but regardless of how any of us feels about it, vil is very much still adamant on remaining in it. so he abides by its standards. i would never comment on anything, appearance wise, that can't be fixed in a few minutes, regardless of our bond. that is where rook and i differ, but only because i don't have a friend who benefits from the type of criticism rook gives and my friends don't require it from me. i tell my close friends things about me i could not say the same for with an acquaintance, because i can rely on the formers acceptance and understanding. rook is the same in that there are more things he's likely to talk about in close relationships because there is the level of trust that permits it; in which case, is vil's trust in rook's reliable judgement.
rook, if you overlook his morbid interest in breaking the boundaries of beast men, almost always keeps a cordial persona in front of others. yes, it could also just be the byproduct of his purposeful attempt for others to think he is less dangerous than he really is. but i really don't think the man who finds beauty in everything would be arsed to make a senseless comment. the most senseless thing he's done (saving vil) was done precisely because he thought the consequences over (putting the dorm in more chaos, losing his role as VH) and was very much ready to face them in return for his goal. he would never tell you about anything you also cannot fix in under a few minutes-- he knows it's not his place to comment on it, and he knows the consequences of it. observant and mindful is his middle name, so he can most likely tell that you're not comfortable about something personal. he'd likely change the topic, provide some words of advice you could easily ponder on or dismiss, or praise you. he'd very likely PRAISE YOU!!! yes, oddly personally at that, but he genuinely finds no issue in most things. it's rather ironic to think rook could respect your boundaries about yourself when he stalks others and inappropriately addresses beastmen and fae, but as hypocritical as his nature is, he's not fat phobic. he's never been one for the most conventional of views. vil supports you in that he helps you reach your goals; rook also aspires to do that, but rook can appreciate the beauty before him in present time more thanks vil can or does. (not to say that vil doesn't at all) so he definitely would have a positive view of you as you are, and the you you could be.
and yea, rook DID, in fact, shit on vil when they legit first met. but again, it's likely due to the part of him that is very intentional. vil did not turn him away, and infact came to trust him deeply, so obviously his judgement about vil's aversion towards him was right. maybe he was just lucky vil didn't beat him over the head with a textbook, but it's been 2 to 2.5 years since then. he's likely grown and developed a degree of manners thanks to vil, especially now that he's a face of pomefiore. sure, he could learn to be more respectful when providing the criticism he does with vil despite their close bond, but if vil really did think he was rude, he would just tell him. rook would adapt and take a different approach in telling him. we all have had similar thoughts about people close to us, but as we had time to process it, we come to realize what they were trying to impart on us potentially negates whatever tone or action they take-- which also leads our appreciation of the sentiment to overpower any feeling of irritation, anger, guilt, hurt, etc etc. rook may not change all his eccentricities, but he's not incapable of change.
i fucking love rook because he's just such a GOOD character?? he so obviously has his perks and flaws, his charms and distastes. that's what makes him so easily to like because he's so obviously not perfect that he feels real, despite his enigmatic nature obscuring any chance we have at fully understanding his character. he's not a good person, but he's not a bad person. he does good things, he does bad things, he does blandly neutral stuff. it may just be bias, but he's one of the most interesting and morally grey characters in twst. i also hate rook the most. i have a mostly love relationship with vil but i HATREEEERSTETE rook. i want to violently hit him with an ikea mug. i want him in a rutsack. i wanna kiss him. he's so ugly he's so gorgeous. also i love the way you draw vil he's so scrimblio
SO TRUE SO TRUE sorry this took so long to answer i was doing hot girl shit (grocery shopping, watching inuyasha) all day but this is so true!!! honestly the only thing i would argue with you on is that rook isn't exclusively weird towards non-human students; he ALSO pulls that shit with humans, like when he shot that arrow at ace, deuce, yuu, and grim during book five to send the message that they were chosen. he's an equal opportunity weirdo!
honestly what intrigues me the most about him is that technically, he's considered a "heroic" character- he has the same light magic that kalim and silver, who are both based on "heroic" characters do instead of everyone else's dark magic. and thats so fucking interesting like...i don't know if i would consider rook or the huntsman from snow white heroic characters exactly. sure the huntsman helps snow white but for us playing the game rook helping neige means WE lose out on a lot. in the end both of them do what they consider to be the right thing but god. i need to hit him with a 2x4 tbh
also thank you! i haven't drawn vil in so long i should draw him again...in 2020 i just could think of a lot more funny jokes about him to draw LMAO now im old and decrepit and i have no ideas
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themoonsbeloved · 3 years
same for pomefiore chapter too I havent finished it but like I’m pretty sure Vil’s very extreme disciplinary ways to convey that gender and femininity/masculinity is a social construct by fighting and abusing a 16 year old boy under the guise of “bettering him and his attitude” isn’t exactly the best way to write about and represent or TRY to represent those who aren’t cisgender and such identities/experiences....
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give me a hot second okay okay firs ur writing is bomb and id totally marry the hell outta it if it was a living person i can totally see how much effort u put into ur writing and i love ur character portrayals they are soo spot on goodbye im having an adrenaline rush
can i request vil and neige and malmal and riddle and lastly lilia (seperately) headcanons with a g'n reader who's just,, always really romantic unintentionally
like their love language is words of flat out love
they just look at vil/neige in the eyes and say " I would willingly spend hours of labor and no sleep just to keep you happy. " or
" you look like you were carved out of gold. "
you may decline this request if you so wish <3 gonna go request for rsa ocs on your other account kjfnksan take ur time
Go marry Miss Raven if you like my writing so much 😂 I try my best to write the boys in character, so I’m happy to hear that my efforts are appreciated!
For the future, please be clear if the relationship between Reader and the TWST boys is romantic or platonic! Just saying “[Character] WITH Reader” is vague, so I’m not sure what to do and will most likely default to platonic.
alndasdnaudsbaif Thank you for giving my side blog some love <3
Curiouser and Curiouser...
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Vil has received his fair share of compliments, given the industry he works in, and the types of people he’s surrounded by (namely, Rook). Because of that, Vil’s graceful and very socially intelligent.
He accepts your words with a nod, a thank you, and a smile (it’s nothing compared to the intense thirst comments he gets on Magicam, to be honest). Why not? Vil enjoys random bursts of praise throughout the day, it helps to affirm his hard work and efforts to achieve absolute beauty.
With time, his smile fades, and makes way for a bit of annoyance instead. Vil actually pulls you aside after class one day to admonish you!
He thinks you’re taking after Rook (whom he calls a “bad influence”)... But whereas Rook knows just what to say to to get under people’s skin, you lack the self awareness to recognize the gravity of what you say.
“Repeat flowery words too many times over, and they quickly lose their meaning, their value. Then... they are nothing more than lip service,” he lightly chides you. “Select your words carefully—we wouldn’t want you accidentally barking up the wrong tree. Or rather, accidentally flirting with the wrong person. You know how combative NRC’s students are.”
“... And sometimes, short, simple words are enough to convey all of your thoughts,” Vil adds, his voice softening. His smile returns. “By all means, adore me, worship me... But an ‘I love you’ will do just fine, dear.”
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Like Vil, Neige is used to being praised due to his celebrity status. He also takes to compliments pretty well, and has the social grace to keep from stumbling and blushing at your (unintentional) flirting.
Neige has an air of purity about him. He doesn’t really register the implications of your words or how they can be mistaken as flirtations, he just likes to hear people say nice things, so he’ll happily listen!
Neige is super excited to hear what you think of him!! He looks at you so attentively when you’re speaking, and you swear his eyes get a new sparkle in them with each compliment that you give. He just drinks up all the attention like an apple drinking up sunlight!
He makes really adorable little motions while he’s listening to you, like cupping his face in his hands, daintily clapping, or bouncing up and down on his toes. It makes you want to gush over him more, which of course leads to more cute motions... it’s an endless cycle.
Neige likes to get love, but he likes to give it, too! He’ll clasp your hands in his and tell you all the great things he’s noticed about you. The tables have turned! Before long, you'll find yourself as a blushing mess before the oblivious boy’s charisma and charm.
When he has to say goodbye and go to his next gig, Neige gives you a tender smile and a fond wave before departing. “My manager’s calling. I’ve got to go now, but I’ll see you around, okay? I’ll do my very best, so... please keep supporting me!”
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Malleus keeps a generally level head. After all, it wouldn’t do if royalty like himself were to falter in the face of flirtations. He’s been in many a court, and as a result, he’s well aware of the fanciful words and flattery nobles weave to curry favor. (... But surely, that can’t possibly be your intent, can it?)
He totally misinterprets what you say... but in a very different way. Instead of taking your words to be unintentionally romantic, Malleus takes your words seriously. VERY seriously, actually.
“I would advise for you to get an adequate amount of rest for optimal functioning. Hours of hard labor and a lack of sleep...” He shakes his head sternly. “Neither will grant happiness. Not to you, and certainly not to me. I could not bear to see you in a state of distress.”
“Shall I cast a curse upon you which turns everything you touch into gold? Then everything shall be gilded, not just I.” Malleus taps his chin, still set deep in contemplation. “Ah, or perhaps a miniature gold statue of me would also suffice. Sebek owns something to that effect, so you can two can match. I believe that phenomenon is known as ‘twinning’.”
Malleus is dense about your love language, but he’s genuinely trying to be helpful and give solid advice! He wants to help you out using all the magic he has at his disposal, like some kind of dark Fairy Godmother.
It’s not until he’s alone in his own chambers, that his mind wanders, and he finds himself musing about your strange sayings. And sometimes, when he thinks about it long and hard enough... his pale cheeks will color in a pleased pink--proud of himself for having assisted.
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As a Dorm Leader, Riddle holds himself to maintaining a certain level of decorum, especially in the presence of his peers. He needs to set a good example for others to follow!! ... is what he tells himself, but he loses his cool anyway.
It’s pretty easy to set Riddle off. One perfectly timed line will instantly ruin his concentration, no matter what activity he’s currently busying himself with. You can literally see the moment when his expression breaks and his face slowly changes shades until it reaches a deep carmine.
He’s not used to being praised for things outside of academic achievements and extracurriculars, so comments that appeal to his appearance or to his emotions are awkward for him to accept. Riddle gets all tongue tied trying to explain to you why he doesn’t care for those particular comments but ultimately just digs a bigger hole for himself (because isn’t he just so cute, even when he’s mad?).
Riddle will no doubt lecture you every time you let a “poorly worded phrase” come out of your mouth (yes, even if his face is already beet red). He’ll usually follow it up with a second lecture (which comes a little while after he has completely cooled off from the initial embarrassment).
“Honestly... It’s utterly nonsensical how you hand out praise like candy. Moderation is key.” Riddle sighs, ever pragmatic. “Don’t you care to stop and think about the consequences of your words? There are people out there who will misunderstand you, so you’d do well to watch what you say.”
Once he’s done giving you a piece of his mind, he’ll demand that you lower your head for him. You do, and you suddenly feel Riddle’s hand patting you. “Right, as long as you keep that in mind, we won’t have any trouble. Don’t give me cause to worry about you again, understood?”
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He actively encourages you to be as loose with your words as you like. Lilia’s not going to restrain you or tell you what you can and can’t say. It’s more more fun when you’re unpredictable, and it gives him a good laugh when you get yourself into messes thanks to being oblivious to your own words.
Lilia takes it all in stride! He’s heard all kinds of strange things on his travels, so casual romanticisms and being showered with compliments are pretty ordinary happenings by comparison.
Being as old as he is, Lilia’s aware that everyone has different ways of communicating, as well as different ways of expressing their affection. It’s super easy for him to read others and the intentions behind their words and actions... but hey, he’ll play along and act all "embarrassed” about your unintentional flirting, just for the fun of it.
“Oh dear, I think I’m being swept off my feet,” he jokes, a hand to his forehead to pantomime feeling faint. “Kufufu. Like a young school boy experiencing his first taste of love... How was it? Did my phenomenal acting get your heart racing?”
He’s not conceited, but he’ll act as though he were. “Tell me what big eyes, what big ears, what big teeth I have again!” Lilia calls out, pretending to nom on your shoulder--his fangs lightly scraping the area. “All the better to see, hear, and taste you with, my dear.”
You find yourself getting flustered with how readily Lilia takes to a counterattack (except, in his case, it’s completely intentional)! It looks like this old bat is a natural charmer himself. Now, the real question is, will you be able to make it out from his wiles with your heart, or will Lilia swipe it from right under your nose?
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bubbledumbbinch · 3 years
Heya! Congrats on the 100+ followers!! Your writing is really good and I enjoy reading your works!
If you dont mind, what would be your headcanons on the TWST dorm leaders of what prefrences they have for a S/O? Like what would they want in an S/O? (Also Im sorry if this has already been asked Im also kinda new to your blog as well ;w;)
Hii!! And thank you 🥰🥺💕 that means a lot to me!! I hope you stay and continue to enjoy yourself here!This hasn’t been asked before so I hope you enjoy!!! ;w; I hope you all enjoy I had a fun time (and a difficult time) writing this out! I think I made it too long, again ;w;
I made this SFW uwu just some fluff!!!! But please keep in mind before you follow me, I MOSTLY POST NSFW works.
Warnings: slight story spoilers for episode 5, for Idia’s part, if u squint
Pairings: Dorm Leaders x Reader
I put things under a cut for length!!
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle would probably want a partner who does well in school - at least someone who tries to! It would go against his own desires to do well in life if he has a partner who doesn’t have the drive to succeed like he does.
He isn’t particularly fond of people who have a lot of potential yet waste it on being lazy. Like I said before, it goes against his own morals.
I also see him wanting someone fun-loving! Riddle grew up in an environment where fun was essentially taboo so he would be drawn like a moth to a flame to someone who has so much energy in them. Remember one of his best childhood friends is Che’nya so he would probably not hate the idea of joking around and being silly once in a while!
Someone who would love sweets like him! Not too often so he could maintain his shape, but someone who would love to indulge him once in a while!
Riddle would love to see an S/O who makes time for him and the unbirthday parties that Heartslabyul hosts! He feels like a good dorm leader and seeing you make an effort to come makes him feel like a great boyfriend too!
“Ah, Y/N, I was afraid you wouldn’t be able to make it today.” Riddle sighed to himself in relief. He feared his rose would come to the party late. “Ah, sorry Riddle! I was late because I was studying for Professor Crewel’s exam but I lost track of time!” You breathed out, a bit exhausted from running.
The redhead only nodded and smiled at you. “Don’t worry about it, my rose. We’ve only just begun the party, so no need to fret.” Riddle’s gentlemanly ways never failed to make your heart soar. “No no, I’ll make it up to you! I’ll bake you a tart sometime, you’ll let me right?” You playfully nudged at your boyfriend’s arm and smirked.
Riddle could only blush furiously. “Th-that would not be a bad idea. I suppose I would accept the gift graciously, dear, but only if we can cook it together. I believe it would be beneficial to both of us to learn!”
Leona Kingscholar
Someone who loves to nap with him like all the time
Leona would definitely want someone who is willing to praise him a lot. Growing up he never really had that and felt like he was overshadowed by his big brother, so this guy needs validation like crazy. Tell him how strong he is, how much you love him, how warm he is… he’ll scoff and look away but you could see the faintest blush on his cheeks. He secretly loves it.
I feel like Leona would like bratty tsunderes, for some reason. He would be the perfect teasing type for them and I think I can just picture Leona and his S/O getting into play fights that lead to something more, if you catch my drift.
Someone who can be “refined” enough for show so that when he brings you home to his family, they can accept you fully. The last thing he wants is his family pestering him about how his potential mate isn’t a good fit.
As tough as he may be he def wants someone at the end of the day to stroke his head and calm him down after a long and stressful day.
“Oi, herbivore, come here and be my pillow.” Leona’s gruff voice broke the silence of his room. He was sitting up on his bed while you studied on his desk. Giggling, you made your way into his bed, crawling over to where he was. Leona pushed your torso down gently and started nuzzling his head on your chest, and you could feel the vibrations coming from his body that was like a low growl. Or was it purring?
“Of course, anything for my big strong boyfriend, the best Magift player in the school, my one and only love~” you endlessly praised him, smiling at him as if he were a rare diamond. Leona only huffed as he wrapped his muscular arms around your form, effectively preventing you from leaving.
“Tch…. Damn right….” Leona mumbled. “Why don’t you tell me more while I start drifting to sleep?” Leona smirked. Running your fingers through his hair carefully, you obliged, feeling Leona’s breathing become more calm as you continued.
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul would ALSO want someone who praises him, due to his years of being bullied. Call him beautiful, smart, tell him he’s the most cunning man on campus. He EATS IT UP. This man will swear on his life for you.
He also would want someone who has the ability to work hard… what? The Mostro Lounge needs extra workers sometimes! Azul thinks that if he can own the lounge, manage contracts, AND study hard for school, his S/O should be able to match him!
I can see Azul absolutely praising/spoiling his S/O too. Since you give him so much happiness in his life he should pay it forward, no? What would you like, a new dress/suit? A new piece of jewelry?
Someone !!! Loyal!!! Azul wants someone who he can feel secure with in a relationship, so he probably wouldn’t want you to flirt with anybody else since his insecurities will SPARK UP like crazy!
Azul wants someone who loves him for who he is, unconditionally!
“Angelfish… hello, good evening. I’m sorry if I am a bit more tired than usual, I just finished with ordering more inventory for the lounge and dealing with some paperwork.” Azul sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. You dropped your bags on one of the chairs of the VIP room and walked over slowly to your octomer boyfriend. Bringing your arms to his shoulders, you slowly begin to knead and massage his arms gently. Azul groaned at the contact, muscles aching.
“How is this, Azul? I know how hard you work, you deserve to take a break too, sometimes…” you spoke gently into his ear, kissing the shell of it. The contact gave him slight goosebumps. “Ah, I would love to but, I have so much more to do… I know it’s going to be a late night for me, so why don’t you head on to sleep?” You tsked, upset with his answer. “I know it’s late Azul, that’s why I’m here. You know, if you keep doing this you’ll get wrinkles, right?”
“Ahem! Well. Then, this might be a good place to stop if that’s the case…” Azul huffed, standing up quickly to retire to his room, you in tow.
Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim wants someone who is cheerful! They may not be a ray of sunshine like he is, but I honestly can’t picture him with someone smug/gloomy. Kalim might be dense but he isn’t THAT stupid. I think he would be able to notice if you were upset which makes him upset.
Someone who is down for anything, Kalim would love to take you on a ride on his magic carpet at random hours of the day so be prepared to drop whatever you’re doing if you want to appease your impulsive boyfriend!
A fun loving person for sure, who isn’t super self conscious about what people think. If he asks you to dance with him he would really love for you to join! He wouldn’t want you to say something like, “oh, but I’m a bad dancer…” Kalim would shake his head and ask you why you would say that! It’s all about having a fun time together, right?
A patient lover is what Kalim would want as well, someone who’s kind, too. At the end of the day when Kalim is ready to sleep after his crazy antics, he wants a partner he can be able to lay next to and feel like himself.
Someone who loves him even if he weren’t rich, Kalim would want someone for their personality and not materialistic things or beauty. Kalim sees someone for their heart ! (*´꒳`*)
You yawned heavily while rubbing your eyes. Was that a tapping noise coming from the window? “Ugh…. What time is it?” Checking your phone, you saw it was 1:30am. You also had a text from Kalim.
*tap tap tap*
You groggily walked over to the window and opened the curtains to see Kalim sitting on his magic carpet with the biggest grin upon seeing you. Opening the window, you giggled lightly. “Good evening Kalim, fancy seeing you here so late.”
“Hi, Y/N!! I woke up and felt bored so, you wanna join me on a night ride around campus?” Kalim practically beamed at you, even this late at night. His smile never failed to make your heart flutter. The boy’s positive energy also transferred to you, effectively waking you up.Stepping onto the carpet from your window was your answer. After getting situated, you kissed Kalim’s cheek and held his hand. “Of course Kalim, I would love to.”
Vil Schoenheit
Someone who can tough out his callous words and treatment. Vil might be a bit much, but the reason why he does this is because he does it with the goal of ultimately helping you. He only wants to see the best out of people, including but not limited to his little sweet potato!
Someone who is patient. He knows he checks who the most beautiful person is quite often and he doesn’t do it to annoy you, it’s just for his own personal validation issues. Lay a hand on his arm, back, or head to give him praises and let him know he’s beautiful to you no matter what.
Someone who is willing to pepper him lightly with kisses (not the face though, he has makeup on!). He definitely eats it up and loves it so much, he feels like you are treating him like a king. He’ll pay that back tenfold and give you beauty treatments, it’ll feel like you’re at the spa on a weekday!
Vil is constantly posting on Magicam, depending on whether you’re comfortable enough to be posted on there he would want to make sure you are okay with him constantly taking photos to be posted on there. Whether it be food you cooked, matching couples outfits, or even pictures of you without makeup, be ready to face comments of all sorts coming from his fans.
“Mira Mira on my phone… Currently, who is the most beautiful of all?” You heard Vil speak outside of his room. Currently you sat on the small chaise at the foot of his bed. Vil told you he needed to step out for a second, so you could get ready for bed now. After putting on your sleeping clothes, Vil finally came back in, seeming more irritated than before. His eyebrows furrowed and his body looked tense.
“Vil, are you alright?” You questioned him as you made your way to his bed, slipping under the covers. Vil only sighed and exchange a quick “Mm.” as he changed into his pajamas and came to join you. He was turned so his back was facing you and he was a bit distant. You knew he didn’t get the answer he wanted when he got those search results back. You didn’t know how to convince your boyfriend otherwise but you decided you needed to talk to him.
“Vil, darling…” you spoke gently as you nuzzled closer, your chest pressing into his back. Your arm wrapped around him to pull him closer, to which he responded with finally relaxing in your touch. “You’re one of the best things that’s happened to me, Vil, I don’t know if you realize how lucky I am to have such a loving, caring, and talented boyfriend like you. Your beauty is simply the cherry on top of the person I fell in love with. To me, you’re perfect. I love you.” You ended your tangent by placing a gentle kiss on his shoulder, dozing off.
You couldn’t see Vil but he trembled lightly as tears silently fell down his face. “Thank you… I love you too, my sweet potato.” Vil whispered into his pillow. With you, he always felt like the most beautiful person.
Idia Shroud
Personality wise, I don’t think Idia would be picky. He’s a shy person and honestly would be surprised he could get an S/O at all! So is Ortho!
Speaking of Ortho, Idia wants someone who is kind and loving to his little brother. Knowing his partner loves his brother would only make him fall for you harder!
Probably someone who would give Idia his own space until he finally felt comfortable and wanted to take it further, he would prob take a few days to even kiss you!!!
Idia wants someone to be his player 2 :) like actually, come over and game with him and he’ll probably be the happiest boy ever.
Big big bonus if you love anime, cosplay, gaming, etc. It’s one thing to be an otaku like Idia but when he has a partner to fully indulge in his interests with?? It’s a win-win situation for everyone! He wants to do a couple cosplay one day if he gets the courage to ask you.
Someone who won’t pressure him too much. If you remember how Riddle pressured Idia into trying to speak publicly, you know how much of a scary situation it put Idia in, even though he was able to do it. Stressing him out is just gonna make him unhappy :(
Someone who enjoys spending as much time inside as he does! I’m not talking a hikikomori but someone who wouldn’t be opposed to staying inside with him 99.9% of the time lol
“Y-Y/N-shi, would you like to g-go on a date with me soon?” Idia fumbled with his fingers, looking away as he asked you. You raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Idia, this is the first time you asked me to ‘go on a date’. Don’t tell me, are we actually going out somewhere?!”
“Eek! D-don’t be ridiculous, Y/N!!” He almost screeched the words out. Suddenly he pulled out a couple of VR headsets with hand controllers, and handed one to you. “Fuhehe, I just made a bunch of simulation locations. We could go to the park, a restaurant, even an amusement park..!” He grinned showing off his teeth.
You giggled at Idia’s enthusiasm, loving the way he gets after speaking about his own creations. “What a wonderful idea, Idia. Maybe we could take Ortho to the ‘amusement park’ too? We’ll be a big family.” You mused. Idia’s face brightened and a faint pink tinge covered his cheeks.
“F-family, huh? Ah, Y-Y/N-shi…. That would be n-nice…” Idia blushed as he considered what the future would bring for the both of you.
Malleus Draconia
Malleus would also mostly not have preferences on a person’s personality. Like, he wouldn’t say something like: “I want someone shy vs someone bold.” Anything his child of man does is interesting to him and he’s entranced by you!
That being said, Malleus would not tolerate rudeness, disrespect to him, Lilia, or his fellow dorm mates, etc. He may love you but he values those bonds more, especially Lilia’s and his grandmother’s.
Malleus wants someone who is willing to teach him human tendencies, since he is curious about them. Malleus will also probably never stop asking you about your life in the previous world, and listen passionately as you describe the hobbies you had, family members, etc.
As long as you continue to love and treat Malleus like a normal person and with kindness, he will continue to love you endlessly. He’s so unused to it that he will feel so special as you only coo in awe instead of fear away, if he showed you a magic trick or maybe donned more of his draconic features like his tail or long claws.
You walked with Malleus under the bright moonlight in the woods near Ramshackle dorm. His height and charm never failed to impress you. And his face, he was so very handsome. His striking green eyes always made you feel hypnotized and his horns were so well taken care of, you almost wanted to reach out and-
“Hm, Child of Man… you do know it’s quite rude to stare, yes?” Malleus chuckled and suddenly broke the silence, making you gasp. “Ah, sorry Tsunotarou. I-,” searching your thoughts, you just couldn’t think of anything quickly enough. “I just couldn’t help myself. You’re very attractive.” You murmured, admitting defeat.
“Oh? Do I not intimidate you, my dear? Usually humans and even other fae fear my features and tend to shy away…” Malleus looked down in thought as he continued walking. You wrapped yourself around one of his arms as he walked, effectively stopping him in his place. “Well, you don’t intimidate me! I like being around you, so, let’s keep it that way. I want to stay with you for a long time so don’t get too tired of me okay, Malleus?”
Hearing you say his given name only made the fae’s heart beat harder in his chest. Surely you knew what you did to him. He smiled down at you, green eyes softening in your gaze.
“I assure you I won’t, little human.”
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teashopwritingzz · 3 years
Henlloo can I ask for headcanons of rook,vil,malleus,leona and jamil having a haircut so short ( almost like divus ) that it made everyone have a mental crisis. Whats even baffling is that the reason behind the decision is that they were jealous when they saw their crush or reader fawning over a person (in vil's case neige) and commenting how they love people with short hair
(im sorry this is so specific but I just find it really interesting)
Malleus and Leona with short hair,, Oh, I can’t see them having shorter hair it feels so wrong HSGDSHDG
Here’s your order! Five cups of Tea; One French Vanilla Black Tea, one Taro Milk Tea, one Jasmine Green Tea, one Decaf Lemon Jasmine Tea, and one Lavender Chai Tea! Enjoy~!
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Rook Hunt
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~ What’s this? You found one of the Pomefiore student’s hair cuts exquisite? Well, that’s no fair! What about his hair? It was silky, smooth, and long, perfect for running those perfect fingers of yours through it and soothing him, no? But if you kept gushing about shorter hair, the jealousy would get the better of him...
~ He obviously doesn't care if people are staring or are shocked by his new look. All he cares about is impressing you! And so as he strides through the halls looking for you, everyone he passes by doubletakes at him with wide eyes and dropped jaws. 
~ Once he finds you, prepare for him to practically glue himself to your side for the rest of the day. Look look! Look at his new hair do! Oh, don’t worry about why he did it, just look at his hair now! Cute and short, just how you like it, right?
~ He won’t tell why he cut his hair. Every time you try to ask, he’ll only say, “Non, don’t worry about me, amour, the moment is all about you~!” Cheeky hunter... 
Vil Schoenheit
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~ When he sees you gushing over someone else, he was quite upset, especially if it was Neige, of all people... Doesn't his hair look nice too, though? He's taken ages to perfect this look, after all. But if you don't stop, then his jealousy gets the better of him and he shows up the next day with wayyyy shorter hair!
~ When people ask him or point out his haircut, he just plays it off as "trying a new look". Short hair is fashionable, after all! At least, to you it is... He wants to surprise you with the look and when he does, he has a proud smile on his face.
~ Doesn’t he look great? Way better than Neige, right?? 
~ After a little while, he gets used to his short hair. Especially in the shower, it's way easier to shampoo his hair when it's this length! But he's a little sad he can't make his fashionable braids anymore... Maybe you could try cheering him up?
Malleus Draconia
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~ While you two were out on your daily walk in the forest, you’d talk about how nice Sebek looked with his hair and how it suited him nicely. The words made Malleus feel a little jealous, why focus on Sebek when he was next you on this lovely walk?
~ But he couldn’t stop thinking about how you cooed and awed at Sebeks hairstyle, so Malleus took matters into his own hands.(or, scissors...)
~ The next day when he joined you for the walk, you were surprised to find his hair was no lounger past his shoulders! It instead reached to his ears, or was it the same length as his bangs?
~ He’ll smile proudly while puffing his chest out. Was his hair suitable now, child of man? It took him a while to get it just right and he even had Lilia hep him! Maybe now you’ll give him praises
Leona Kingscholar
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~ During a playdate with Cheka, you kept running your hands through the little lion's locks and cooing about how soft his hair was. He didn't want to admit it, but he felt jealous from all the attention Cheka was getting that it got to Leona.
~The instant he showed up to campus with shorter locks, everyone immediately dropped their jaws and widened their eyes. His hair was now to his chin! Where did his braids go, and didn’t it go past his shoulders just yesterday??
~ He’ll smirk at you as he shows off his new look, teasing and encouraging you to touch at his fluffy hair. Didn’t you say that short hair was cute, herbivore? Might as well say that about his hair too~.
~ Honestly he doesn’t mind shorter hair. There won’t be any knots and it’s easier to manage. The only reason he wouldn’t like it is if you never even cared about his shorter hair, then his efforts would’ve been a waste and he’d be stuck with ir similar to Cheka’s...
Jamil Viper
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~ Your compliments towards Kalim's short, white hair made Jamil grit his teeth and tense up as he worked on his curry. What about his hair? The braids and style were good looking too, right? He puts work every morning on them! Guess not...
~ The comments got to him and he eventually decided to cut his hair, though he unfortunately needed Kalim’s help. A horrible decision, really 
~ He showed up to school with shorter hair and a few band-aids on his neck and even one on his ear. He won’t say why or what happened, he doesn’t want anyone to know what happened last afternoon. He even bribes Kalim to not say a word about it.
~ Hopefully you’ll compliment his new hairdo! He took ages on it and Kali nearly sliced his ear off in the process as well... All of the hard work would’ve gone to waste if you didn’t notice it!
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