#thank god i decided to add a cut to this one
ellecdc · 3 months
hi mother i love ur writing !!! i was just wondering if you could write something with any ship that has james in it, where they're proud of reader bc she cleaned her room? i have really bad adhd and im cleaning it rn and im pretty proud of myself :) anyways its okay if not ! i love youuu !!!
thanks for your request, lovie (and congrats on cleaning your room!!!) here's a little baby blurb for you <3
marauders x roommate!reader who cleaned her room [500 words]
CW: platonic but could be read as something else, fem!reader, hints at non-platonic feelings but nothing outward
“One second, I’ll ask.” James says before he’s knocking on your bedroom door.
You had hardly raised your head to answer before he was pushing open the door door, his knock unanswered.
“Hey angel! Sirius and Remus are wondering if we want them to pick up- OH MY GOD!” He cut himself off, shouting as he looked around your room in…horror?
No, he was looking around your room in shock.
“What!?” You could hear Sirius shout from the other end of the line; a conversation that James had seemingly abandoned as he stared around your space. 
“What did you do?” James asked you breathlessly; finally moving his disbelieving stare from your belongings to yourself.
You suddenly felt horribly aware of yourself. You’d been cleaning all day; you had moved every piece of furniture and hoovered underneath and behind them, you had sorted out your closet and dresser, and you had finally organised the things that you had stashed under your bed to ‘deal with later’.
All this to say: you were sweaty, likely dirty, and you were sure your hair was in a right state.
“James what the hell is going on!? Is everything okay!?” Sirius’ muffled voice shouted from James’ phone. 
“James, you’re giving Sirius a fright.” You chided instead of drawing more attention to yourself.
James seemed to remember himself at that and brought the phone back up to his ear. “Sorry, sorry. What was that, Pads?”
Sirius’ response was quieter than before, but you could tell by the tone of his voice that he was still worked up.
“No, no. Sorry, everyone is fine. It’s just…bloody hell Pads, she cleaned her room!”
Another hot flash of embarrassment surged through you.
“It wasn’t that bad.” You mumbled as you folded your last shirt.
“Of course it wasn’t, angel. That’s not what I meant.” James offered; significantly softening at your worried expression. “I just know this had been on your list for a long while, and I also know how fucking hard this must have been.”
You hardly had a moment to wave him off before you heard Sirius shout “we want to see!” from the other end of the line.
Protests meeting deaf ears - because it apparently didn’t matter that they’d be home in a measly half hour - James was quickly turning the call into a facetime and pointing the camera around your room.
“Oh my god!” Sirius echoed James’ earlier sentiments. 
“It looks great, dovey!” Remus chimed in. “You must have been in there all day!”
“It looks amazing.” James agreed quickly, bending over to survey under your bed. “Think you can do mine next?”
“Prongs!” Remus was quick to admonish. “No, she’s done quite enough for the day I’d say.”
“Forget I asked anything Prongs; we are getting pizza and we are celebrating.” Sirius decided. 
“We don’t need to celebrate the fact that I cleaned my room, you sods.” You scolded.
“Oi.” Sirius called with faux severity. “Let us celebrate our sweet girl if we so please.”
“We should get a cake, too.” You heard him add as he and James ended the call.
“It looks really good, angel.” James repeated; no longer looking around your room in awe, but rather at you with a peculiarly soft expression. 
“Thank you Jamie.” 
James spent a moment longer smiling at you before he was turning to leave your room. “I’ll set up the living room for us. What movie do you want to watch? Don’t answer that; I already know!”
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
hi neil, i hope your day was better than mine.
i got my hair cut today and i can't stop crying about it. it looks so bad. and it's right before school starts too. i'm not exaggerating when i say it looks like a 5 year old took scissors to my hair while i was sleeping. and it was done by a professional at a good salon! i don't know what happened but i'm devastated and maybe i'm just emotional/sentimental but i keep crying about it and i feel silly after because i know it's just HAIR.
anyways, you probably won't see this but i had to let someone know. and also, i think you would be proud of me because i have been in a reading slump for a year and last week i decided to do something about it. so i read coraline one day, ocean at the end of the lane the next, the graveyard book after, and lastly i took two days to read anansi boys. i'm planning on reading american gods next. the idea was to start off short and small and work my way up and i think it's working. thank you for your work and please never stop writing. and great job on season two by the way, it was beautiful.
please come to wisconsin soon so you're able to sign my good omens copy!
with love, ollie
Here. I will try to cheer you up with me in October 2016 as Hurricane Matthew is hitting Florida and I have just had a very strange haircut from the only barber who hadn't closed because of the incoming hurricane. The wind noise in the background is the start of the hurricane. The haircut was because I thought we'd lose power and I might have to fight zombies and shorter hair would help. To add insult to the haircut, it had a ducktail at the back.
The khaki jacket had lots of pockets and was hurricane gear too. (I slept in the bathtub that night. The howls of the wind got loud but I didn't lose power and I was fine.)
And it still wasn't as bad a haircut as the one I got when I was 16 when my dad took the hairdresser aside before the haircut and told him that whatever I asked for, what he was to do was cut it all off and give me a short back and sides. And he did. There are no photographs.
I hope this helps. I'm proud of you too.
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gay-dorito-dust · 6 months
How I think Jason shows his love includes…
Annotating/highlighting romantic passages or moments of high tension between two characters in the books he reads before passing them over to you. He’d even have the exact pages marked and when asked why that was, all he says is that they were the key pivotal moments in the story that he thoroughly enjoyed, and all with a cherry red face might I add as he intentionally leaves out the fact that he envisioned that it was the two of you in those moments as he annotated the books.
Will stand close to you for a plethora of reasonings but the main one being the fact that he wanted to be the first one you look towards when in need of anything. Comfort, protection or reassurance. Just say the word and Jason will do it without question like an obedient dog, he just wants to be someone you can hopefully rely on and trust in the future, only if you let him in first.
Jason just wants you to know that no matter what happens he will always be in your corner, uncaring for what the future will have in store for you both, whether it’d be good or bad. He’d willingly stick his neck out for you in any given situation, even if it meant putting himself in the line of fire, a few new scars won’t bother him if they were earned by keeping you safe and sound.
He doesn’t care about himself nearly enough as he cares about you and your well-being. He just doesn’t and it’s not until you were pleading with him to take care of himself, that he ultimately decided that to care for you was to care for himself as well; So for your sake he keeps himself relatively stable.
Not a great mindset but it’s Jason, he’s not exactly a practitioner of affirmations, journaling his feelings or having healthy habits.
Smiles more when he’s with you, even if it’s corny dad jokes or just bad jokes in general, Jason still smiles and might even let out a chuckle now and then.
Spends an unhealthy amount of time with you that it was impossible for you to be seen without Jason following close behind. Also Jason isn’t great with voicing his feelings in wanting to spend time with you, and instead just asks what you’re planning to do later on and whether there’s room for one more and takes it from there. He cuts out the bullshit and gets straight to the point of what he wanted to ask you.
Night rides on his bike.
Now this is mainly a boost for his ego as he loves feeling you clinging onto him for dear life as he speeds down the road with little care for the speed limit. He’s such a prick but will slow down if he see that your visibly distressed with the speed of which he was going, after all he was always going to prioritises your wants and needs above his own.
Teaches you the basic defence and even teaches you in the usage of weapons, and all for the sake of your own protection.
He doesn’t like the idea of you walking through the streets of Gotham amidst criminals and creeps alike without at least some form of defence. Jason doesn’t trust anyone with your safety except if their names happen to be Roy and or Dick. Other then that, Jason likes to be the one protecting you but had to accept that he wouldn’t always be there to do so, which lead him to constantly pester you into taking up his offer in teaching you self defence.
God knows what he’d do if something happened to you, all he knows is that it would be brutal, violent and bloody for sure.
It’s annoying at first, being pestered and all, but you understand Jason’s reasonings and went through with it for his sake.
Lastly Jason trusts you enough to bear his heart out to you and be vulnerable in your presence, so much so to the point that you knew stuff that he wasn’t as willing to disclose to even the ones he considers his closest friends and family. It’s not often that Jason bears it all to someone but when he does, he does so out of confidence that they wouldn’t use it against him down the line.
He hopes that this method could be applied to you as well and he thanks every god in existence when you open up your arms for him to fall into them in acceptance. He smiles as he closes his eyes, feeling warm and safe within your arms, forever wanting to stay here for as long as forever allows.
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ginax0916 · 5 months
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✿𖡼 𝐁𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐝, 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐟, 𝐌𝐮𝐭𝐞 𖡼✿
Sturniolos x little sister (LS)
Warnings: Blood mentioned
Synopsis: The triplets and their LS decide to try the blind deaf mute challenge, without knowing the chaos it would cause.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚✩
“Hey everyone! Welcome or welcome back to our YouTube, so today we’re doing another part to our Blind, Deaf and Mute series. But today we have our little sister here so she will be joining as well” Nick introduces the video.
“Since there’s 4 of us, one of us will have to be both blind and mute so we’re gonna do rock paper scissors to determine who is what” Matt adds on.
“Ok ok Rock paper scissors shoot!” Chris’s says as we all play the game. The winner of each round gets to pick what they want to be, the last one is the one who will be blind and mute. And due to my luck, it was me.
“Ok so I will be mute, Chris will be deaf, Nick will be blind and y/n will blind and mute!” Matt says.
“Thank god I won’t have to hear her annoying voice” Nick mumbles quietly.
“Hey! I heard that!” I angrily say.
“Alright alright enough let’s start” Chris yells not knowing how loud his voice is because of the noice canceling headphones which are blasting music in his ears.
I put on my blind fold and put one of Chris’s bandanas over my mouth and so does Matt meanwhile Nick puts on his own blind fold.
Truth be told not being able to see is quite scary. Especially around my brothers.
“Ok let’s fucking start already get the stuff out!” Nick screams.
“Shut up Nick I can hear your loud ass voice even with the headphones on!” Chris screams back.
It hasn’t even been 5 minutes and the screaming matches have already began. I know for a fact it’s only about to get worse.
As I’m emptying the bag of cake mix into the bowl, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I jump from the sudden touch but then I realize it has to be Matt since he hasn’t said a word. He carefully hands me 3 eggs which are needed.
I proceed to crack the eggs into the bowl using my hands to guide where the bowl is. As I’m about to crack the last one, Nick pushes me as he’s trying to get to who knows where. The egg falls onto the counter and completely shatters causing it to go everywhere.
“Ughhh” I groan into the bandana.
“Nick you made a fucking mess!” Chris screams at him as he sees the mess all over the counter.
“I can’t see mother fucker it’s not my fault!” Nick screams back.
“So then stop moving around dumb fuck!” Chris replies.
All their screaming isn’t going to help clean the god damn mess up. I start growing irritated at them from screaming instead of helping me get paper towels since I can’t see either.
I feel two hands on my shoulders, I’m guessing it’s Matt, who guides me to the counter on the other side where the paper towels are. But then the hands let go.
“Matt get off!” Chris screams. Well there goes Matt into the fight.
I feel around the kitchen with my hands trying to find the counter where the paper towels should be. Finally I find it, but to my luck, once again, it’s a closed packet of paper towels. I try to feel around in hopes of finding an opened roll but nothings around.
I grab the pack and try to rip it open with my hands. It doesn’t even budge. I feel around some more and I finally touch something other than paper towels. It’s scissors. I carefully try to place the scissors at a correct angle to cut through the plastic. Without a thought I snap them shut.
“Oh my god” I say, muffled through the bandana. A stinging sensation starts to form. Only getting worse and worse. I rip the blind fold and bandana off with my free hand only to be met with the sight of blood on the counter and on the scissors. It’s not a huge amount but it’s still there. I look at my finger and it has a pretty deep cut. Not deep enough for stitches but deep enough to bring tears to my eyes. I don’t do good with blood so I start to panic. With my shaking hand I grab some of the paper towels I just opened and put them on my finger.
“Guys I need some help” I say with a trembling voice.
“Stop being fucking idiots and mix the fucking batter!” Nick screams at Chris and Matt.
“You’re being an idiot you aren’t holding the bowl strong enough so every time I mix it moves around moron!” Chris screams back. Matt only groans loudly since he can’t speak.
“Guys seriously I need help” I say a bit louder.
“NICK STOP!” Chris screams louder if that’s even possible.
I can’t do this. The screams. The blood. The stinging. I start to breathe heavily and my eyes fill with tears. I run out of the kitchen and up to my room quickly. As I shut the door I burst out into tears holding my bleeding finger close. Small blood stains get all over my shirt. What am I meant to do?
Matt pov:
“Y/n can you pass me another spatula please?” Nick asks.
“Y/n?” Chris calls out.
We all turn around only to find her nowhere in the kitchen. We all take off the stuff we had and realize that she isn’t in the kitchen at all anymore.
“Ok guys seriously where did she go?” I ask.
“I don’t know but there’s fucking blood on the counter” Chris says with panic and he points to the counter opposite from us.
“What the fuck” Nick says as we all walk to the counter with blood and paper towels.
“Ok c’mon let’s go find her she’s obviously not ok” I suggest while walking to her room, my brothers following behind.
As we get to her door, I knock three times but no answer.
“There’s blood on the counter and she wasn’t in the kitchen I’m not fucking waiting for her to answer the door. God for all I know she could be dead!” Chris says as he barges into the room.
“Don’t say shit like that!” Nick replies before following us into her room.
“Y/n?” I call out.
“What do you guys want” She responds with an angry tone while walking out of the bathroom with a first aid kit in her hand.
“What happened? We saw blood on the counter” Nick asks.
“You would know what happened if you had answered me when I asked you guys for help but you were too busy screaming at each other to even hear me” Y/n says angrily as she digs through the first aid kit for bandaids.
“Look we’re sorry. We didn’t mean to get into an argument” Chris speaks up.
“The video was meant to be fun but I ended up with my finger cut open and you idiots going at each other” Y/n says with an angry tone.
“Y/n please. We’re really sorry ok? We didn’t mean to ruin the video and we didn’t mean for you to get hurt” Chris speaks while walking closer to her.
“Here let me help” I say as I grab the bandaid from her trembling hand.
“Does it hurt?” Nick asks.
“Mhm it really stings” She nods while flinching as I try to put cream on her cut.
“Hey it’s ok” Chris says hugging her as he noticed tears prick at her eyes.
“We’re so sorry we ruined the video y/n I know you were looking forward to it” I say as I finish putting a bandaid on her finger.
“It’s ok just try to get along better sometimes please. I don’t like watching you guys scream at each other all the time. Especially when we’re trying to do something fun” She speaks.
“I know and we promise we’re gonna try ok?” Chris says, still hugging her.
“Alright then” She smiles.
“Last one to the kitchen has to clean all the mess!” Y/n screams and takes off running in a fit of laughter.
“Hey that’s not fair we weren’t ready!” Chris screams as we run after her.
Low key hate this 🤗
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hwaslayer · 28 days
vivrant thing (jwy) | one.
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—SUMMARY: after getting into a little accident, wooyoung decides to do his sister a favor by pretending to be your date at the company summer party. as soon as the night ends, wooyoung would go back to his usual routine of hanging out with his boys, keeping his distance from committed relationships and being a typical brother to jiwoo. except, the favor comes with more than what wooyoung expects and he finds you occupying his mind more than usual. 
—PAIRING: jung wooyoung x f. reader
—GENRE: (18+ - minors dni) bestfriend’s brother au | fluff, angst, eventual smut
—CHAPTER WARNINGS: cussing, mature language/sexually implied content, mentions of a small car accident due to texting & driving (pls do not ever do this), lots of sibling bickering (i promise they love each other ok), alcohol consumption and intoxication, mentions of toxic relationships (not oc), mentions of sickness and death in immediate family
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"Are you actually fucking kidding me?!" Jiwoo yells as she heads outside to meet her brother. "Wooyoung, you had one job!"
"And I got the job done, didn't I?" Wooyoung holds the grocery bag up. "Just got into a little accident, that's all." He points to the dent on the front of her car. 
"A little?! It's a huge dent! What did you do?! Mom!" Jiwoo yells as she heads back into the house. "I told you I didn't want Wooyoung driving my car!"
"Your car was already out in the driveway." Wooyoung adds, rolling his eyes as he leaves the grocery bag on the counter.
"Yeah, so ask me to move next time!"
"Stop yelling, your voice is giving me a headache. It's annoying."
"Mom! Dad!"
"Jiwoo, stop yelling." Their mom comes from out of the room, followed by their father. "You don't need to yell—"
"I do, because Wooyoung took my car and dented it!"
"What happened?" Their father asks, his hands on his hips.
"It was an accident—"
"You haven't even said sorry!"
"And I won't if you keep cutting me off and yelling." Wooyoung glares at her. "Yeah, fucking keep it up—"
"Hey!" Their father chimes in, cutting Wooyoung off. "The both of you, be quiet! I'm not going to ask again. What happened to your sister's car?"
"It was an accident." Jiwoo crosses her arms as Wooyoung repeats. "I just didn't brake in time so I gave the car in front of me a 'lil love tap."
"You were texting and driving, weren't you?"
"For the record, I responded to one text."
"Ugh." Jiwoo groans loudly. "I literally just got the car, Wooyoung!"
"Say sorry to your sister."
"Now, is that necessary? Cause I'll—"
"Jung Wooyoung." Their mother sternly calls for him, making Wooyoung let out a deep sigh.
"I'm sorry." He looks at Jiwoo.
"You make sure that car gets fixed, Wooyoung. And take care of the costs. Your sister needs her car."
"What am I supposed to drive in the meantime?! Wooyoung's car?" Jiwoo smirks at him.
"Hell no!" Wooyoung spits. "You'll probably try and crash it into a tree the first chance you get."
"You can drive our SUV until it gets fixed."
"No!" Jiwoo looks at Wooyoung. "Wooyoung can just drive me around."
"I have shit to do that isn't on your time. Take the SUV." Jiwoo groans and rolls her eyes, brushing past her brother to get ready for the party.
"You're unbelievable. Seriously, what kind of brother are you?"
"Enough! Can we finally get ready for the bbq, please? People are going to be over soon. Can't get one moment of peace in this house when you two are home." Their mom checks the time, walking off to the kitchen with a loud sigh. "I hope you got everything from the list, Wooyoung." She yells just as she's about to dig into the bag.
"Be a little nicer to your sister."
"She's the one always jumping to conclusions and getting all mad. I didn't purposely try to get her car wrecked. At least I'm fine and not hurt, right?" Wooyoung rolls his eyes.
"I know, and yes, thank god. But, still. All you two do is butt heads, jeez. Can't you both try and get along sometimes?" 
"Whatever." Wooyoung heads up to his room, already annoyed by the fact that he has to be here with his family all up on his case about the accident. He can admit, maybe he should've paid better attention on the road. But, it's the way none of them even asked if he was okay— Jiwoo constantly whining and yelling at him, his parents getting on his ass and backing her up. His little sister was definitely the favorite, being the top student and all. Golden child. Was in band and the church choir, never really rebelled. While Wooyoung skipped a class [or the whole day], talked back to his parents, stayed out late and just.. enjoyed having fun. He had his good days, but he also had his bad days. He wasn't necessarily cold, but he wasn't going to sugarcoat shit either.
He's a stark contrast to his little sister.
So, he shouldn't be surprised that his parents are taking her side. He shouldn't be surprised they'd come to her rescue first. He shouldn't be surprised at all. He can't wait to get the fuck up outta here when the bbq is over. He'll be out as soon as the morning hits, before any of them can wake up and pester him about anything else.
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You gather your hair back and secure it with a claw clip, running your cherry-flavored chapstick across your lips before pressing them together to spread it out. You check yourself in the mirror once more, not entirely crazy about your outfit for Jiwoo's family bbq today.
But, it'll do.
You had known Jiwoo since elementary school, meeting her in the 2nd grade when you sat for lunch alone and the boisterous girl joined you. She was the new girl, but she surely didn't act like it and you admired that about her. Since then, she never left your side despite your shy nature— not engaging in much in the conversation, only humming a few words or sounds in response when she ran through list of never-ending questions. 
Even though her and Wooyoung were 2 years apart and very different, you felt like they were alike in many ways [which they'd deny until the very end].
That's how Jiwoo became your bestfriend. Because throughout all of life's changes, through your losses, she was your constant. She stayed, never wavered. Was your biggest support system alongside of your grandpa. Without her, you're not sure where you'd be. You owe alot of the push you've done in life to her.
yeosang: i'm downstairs!
you: cooooool, be down in a sec
*yeosang liked your message*
You check your outfit in the mirror once more, smoothing down the fabric before spraying a bit of perfume on your wrists. You press them together and rub it down your neck, down your clothes— a simple yellow floral tube top, white distressed jeans and your tore up chucks. It seemed fitting for a summer bbq; not one to wear dresses, shorts or mini skirts like that.
"Yo." Yeosang quickly scans your outfit just as you plop into the passenger seat and greet him. "You look nice."
"Thank you." You smile. "And thanks for picking me up." He reciprocates the smile, waiting for you to buckle up before driving off to Jiwoo's parents' house. From your tiny studio, it's about 25 minutes of a drive. Yeosang doesn't have to take the highway or anything, but he does have to navigate through the busy streets of the city before reaching their neighborhood. Jiwoo's parents celebrate their birthdays a day apart from each other, but it fell during the work week this year. So, they decided to throw a bbq with family and close friends on the weekend in order to be with everyone.
"What'd you do today?"
"I just went to get some groceries and bought a little gift for Jiwoo's parents. What about you?"
"Uh yeah, I just got their gift right before I picked you up." Yeosang chuckles. "Otherwise, I slept in a bit too much and by the time I knew it, half of my day was gone." You laugh.
"Yeo." You laugh. "You should really try waking up early. It's nice to get the most out of your day."
"It is, but you know what's also nice? Being under my covers." You laugh and shake your head, eyes fixed on the view through your window. The rest of the ride is comfortably silent with Yeosang's music playing in the background, especially since it isn't much of a drive. He does chime in here and there when he's reminded of random things he has to do or thinks about. Besides that, Yeosang is good at leaving you to your peace. When he pulls up to the street, he's having to park across from the house— Jiwoo's family and their close family friends already filling the spaces nearby.
"Oh! Y/N, Yeosang!" Jiwoo's mom sees you first, pulling you both into a hug before gesturing towards the kitchen. "Jiwoo is in here!" You both greet her happy birthday before following her into the chaotic scene that is the kitchen, Wooyoung quickly brushing past with a huge bowl of marinated beef in his hands and almost bumping into Jiwoo as she holds a huge pitcher filled with juice in her own.
"Wooyoung, move!" Jiwoo nudges him away and he glares at her.
"Stop! You'll make me drop this."
"What about me, butterfingers?"
"What about me, butterfingers?" He mocks her with a look before rolling his eyes and heading out to the backyard to meet his dad by the grill.
"I swear to God." She groans, before finally shifting her attention to you and Yeosang.
"Hi." You smile at her and you expect her mood to be lifted, but she continues to pout.
"Y/N, Yeo. Finally. Get me out of here. Please, let's just slip through the front door, no one will notice."
"Where's Joong? He has to come on our escape plan, too." You playfully go along with it.
"He's not here yet." She sighs.
"What's wrong?" Yeosang asks with a small chuckle. You look at Jiwoo with a slight head tilt, reading into the frustration in her eyes.
"Today is just so messy." She whines a bit, setting the pitcher down onto the main dining table. "Wooyoung's dumbass used my car and got into a little accident earlier."
"Oh, is he okay?"
"Yeah, look at him! He's the fucking same. But, you know what isn't? My car! The bumper is all dented and everything. You didn't see it walking into the house?" She lets out another frustrated groan and shakes her head. "Whatever, anyway, he's gonna make sure it gets fixed. He better."
"Was it his fault?"
"Yes." She sighs. "Texting and driving. Like an idiot."
"It'll be fine, Jiwoo. It's unfortunate, but I'm glad he's okay. I'm sure your brother will make sure it gets fixed in time." You add.
"He's so frustrating sometimes. Can't trust him with anything." You both follow her out to the backyard that is already filled with familiar faces. 
"It's okay, it'll get fixed." You give her a small smile and squeeze her arm. "Let's just enjoy today, okay?" She gives you a small smile and throws her arm around you, bringing you over to one of the free couches near the back corner of the yard. Some of her family members are playing badminton on the other side of the backyard, while another cousin is playing music and has Wooyoung and his friends hovering around, conveniently close to the grill.
"Oh, Y/N. I wish I could be like you, sometimes. So much patience and grace. Things I need to be successfully related to Wooyoung."
"You have it. Just.. needs more practice." Yeosang responds, making you chuckle. You finally find her dad and greet him happy birthday before greeting the rest of her family members. You, Jiwoo and Yeosang hang around the backyard for a bit, talking about work and the upcoming summer party. You don't chime in much, nor do you want to being that it'll be your third year not attending. Luckily, at this point, Jiwoo's boyfriend, Hongjoong, walks into the backyard and starts greeting everyone before he plops himself right next to Jiwoo.
"Yo! Sorry I'm a little late." He looks at you and Yeosang. "Friends! I missed you, guys. It's nice to see your faces." You laugh.
"Hi Joong."
"Where were you? I was texting and calling you!" She pouts. "We had an escape plan ready."
"Escape plan?" Joong cocks a brow up.
"Yes, so I can get away from this mess named Wooyoung and cry to myself in peace." 
"Baby, I'm sorry. I was caught up with my dad, he needed help with a few errands. The car will get fixed, okay? Glad no one was badly hurt." You smile to yourself as he kisses her on the temple. Hongjoong is a really good guy. He's perfect for Jiwoo and has a lot of patience for her. He cares for her a lot, and it's so clear you wouldn't ever second guess his feelings for her. He's selfless and would do anything for his lady without question.
You wonder what it'd be like to experience genuine true love like that. You've been in a relationship before but you couldn't exactly say it was love. Not a genuine, raw form of love, not a deep connection. Just a relationship where you learned about your partner and they learned about you, but that was far as it went. You don't remember feeling like the relationship was special, or like it was meant for you. It was more so another experience, another lesson in your book.
How does it feel to be completely, utterly, disgustingly in love and smitten with someone?
"I'll be back, I'm gonna get a drink." You mutter mid-conversation, getting up from the seat to head back into the kitchen. To your surprise, Wooyoung is there, sorting through some of the drinks set out.
"Oh, hey." Wooyoung gives you a small smile while you silently wait for him to move away from the counter where all the drinks are sitting— soda, juice and hard alcohol bottles spread across the surface. "Want me to make you something to drink?"
"Um." You softly respond. "It's alright, I was just gonna grab some juice." You point at the pitcher.
"You sure? You aren't driving anyway, right?" He points to Yeosang who is now talking to one of their cousins near the wading pool. 
"Mmyeah, I came here with Yeo."
"Alright then." He smirks. "I'll make it pretty light, hm?"
"Okay." You smile sweetly at him. You've always had the sweetest smile and Wooyoung does enjoy seeing it, he won't lie. "Thank you, Wooyoung."
"Course." You twiddle with your fingers as you watch Wooyoung make a pretty concoction in a cocktail shaker, pouring in peach schnapps and cranberry juice with a dash of vodka. He transfers the drink into a fresh cup, handing it over with a smile on his face. "Wanna taste it before you go?" You sip on the drink, eyes lighting up at how good it tasted. You weren't exactly a fan of cocktails [or alcohol in general], though you wouldn't turn down a drink or two on some occasions.
"Mm, it's good!" He chuckles.
"Yeah? Kinda pulled the measurements out of my ass but I didn't put too much vodka."
"What're you doing?" Jiwoo walks into the kitchen.
"Listening to Y/N tell me how good my drink is." She looks at you with a brow cocked up.
"You don't have to lie to him." You giggle.
"It's actually good." You hand her your cup to taste the drink. She takes a good sip and nods in approval, shifting her attention to her brother.
"She wouldn't lie to me." Wooyoung winks at you.
"Can you make me one?"
"Nah. Bar's closed now. See what all that doubting does?" Wooyoung puts the lid back onto the vodka bottle before turning on his heel to walk away.
"You're a dick."
"Love you too." He says as he walks outside and returns to his bestfriend, San.
"You okay?" You ask her as she pours some juice into her cup.
"Yeah, I just came in here wondering why it was taking you so long to get juice." You laugh as you follow her back out into the backyard and to Yeosang and Hongjoong.
"Caught your bartending brother before he closed."
"Bartending brother?" Yeosang and Hongjoong both ask.
"Mm, Wooyoung made Y/N a drink and didn't even make me one." They laugh.
"Of course."
"Anyway, do you guys wanna sit at the wading pool? Dip our feet in and watch my family act a fool?"
"Sure. That sounds fun." Yeosang shrugs.
Throughout the rest of the bbq, you, Jiwoo, Hongjoong and Yeosang engage in a few other activities with her cousins besides hanging around the wading pool with her baby cousins— karaoke, some rounds of badminton, watching Jiwoo go head to head with her brother and older cousins in beer pong. From time to time, you catch Wooyoung looking over at you, giving off tiny smiles to be friendly. It isn't entirely uncommon, Wooyoung was always nice to you despite the distance. You don't talk much, but he doesn't necessarily treat you like a stranger especially after all these years.
It's a nice thing about him, their family— they're there for you.
They're there for you so much that Jiwoo comes up with the most incredible [in her terms] idea while she catches you cheering for Wooyoung during the very last round of beer pong against their cousins. It gets rowdier and rowdier, Wooyoung and his cousins yelling back and forth; their voices echoing into the sky. You try to sink behind Yeosang, jumping at the sudden cheers and random banging.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, it's just a little loud." You scrunch your nose, Yeosang throwing his arm around you to provide some kind of comfort during the round. When evening officially hits, the partying doesn't stop. If anything, it gets a little more rowdy with alcohol running through everyone's system. 
"Oh, fuck!" Wooyoung says, the beer tipping out of his cup when his cousin rams into him and spilling onto your jeans. 
"Jung Wooyoung!" You hear his mom yell while his dad laughs alongside of her, nudging her to let it go.
"Oh shit, Y/N. I'm so sorry." He looks at you before glaring at his cousin. "You dipshit, look at what you did!"
"Wooyoung!" Jiwoo yells, dabbing a napkin to the wet spot on your jeans.
"It's okay, Jiwoo—" You try to chime in, but your response gets drowned within the ruckus.
"It's Sebeom's fault, not mine! Why is everyone calling my name!"
"You both are idiots!" She groans, taking another napkin to your leg.
"The hell is the napkin gonna do, Jiwoo?" Wooyoung sets his cup down before gently grabbing your wrist. "Let's go dab some water on that." You silently follow behind, letting Wooyoung politely drag you into the kitchen. He's clearly drunk, fighting with the paper towel roll before he successfully peels off a few sheets and runs it under the water.
"Wooyoung, it's okay. I can always throw it in the wash."
"Still, it'll get sticky and smell like beer in the meantime." He says, crouching down and dabbing the wet towel to the spilled beer on your jeans. "I'm sorry, Y/N. You know how my family gets."
"It's alright." You watch as he pinches the edge of your jeans and tugs it outwards, widening the surface area as he continues to wipe away. 
"It might look worse at first, but the water will help." He clicks his teeth. "Did it get anywhere else on you?" 
"Just my left arm but it's fine—" He stands, albeit a bit wobbly at first, taking another end of the napkin to dab away at the small wet spots on your arm.
"Okay." He says, tossing the tissue away. "Better." He gives you a toothless smile. "Won't do it again."
"Thank you, Wooyoung. It's fine, it's not a big deal. Really."
"As long as I did a better job than Jiwoo." He says, leading you back out to the backyard.
"You made it worse!" Jiwoo yells.
"It gets worse before it gets better! Plus, the beer smell won't be lingering." Wooyoung scoffs. "At least Y/N is grateful for it." As soon as you've settled next to your friends, everyone begins to sing happy birthday to Wooyoung and Jiwoo's parents before digging in for more food and sharing the ginormous cake Jiwoo ordered from a mutual friend. Wooyoung brushes Jiwoo off to the side, determining that he has the best cake-cutting skills between the both of them.
"Here, Y/N. For you." Wooyoung hands you a hefty slice of cake, eyes still glazed over from the alcohol he had been drinking. You watch as he licks the icing from his thumb, shaking his head in ironic approval. "The cake is so good. Thank god Jiwoo got it right for once—"
"Wooyoung, shut up!" 
"Don't start again!" Their mom yells from the other end of the table, yet the two continue to bicker. You, Hongjoong and Yeosang stay out of it and eat away at the cake, continuing to mingle with their family members for the rest of the night until Yeosang feels his social battery dying.
"You ready? We could stay if you want, though." You shake your head.
"I'm good. Let's go say bye to Jiwoo and her parents." He nods. You find Jiwoo first, talking to one of her aunts off to the side. You squeeze her wrist as a signal that you and Yeo are getting ready to leave, her eyes widening. Bottom lip poking out. Whines ready to leave her lips.
"Nooo, you're leaving me? Please take me with you." You laugh and rub her back as you pull away from the hug.
"You'll see me tomorrow. I'll be expecting you to come over."
"First thing in the morning. Leave some room in your bed." Yeosang shakes his head and turns to Hongjoong to bid him farewell.
"Make sure you bring her girlfriend home safely." Hongjoong says seriously, patting Yeosang on the back. 
"Will do." He nods. You follow Yeosang out towards the front door, clinging onto his sleeve as you navigate the busy house. You almost slip out successfully until Wooyoung pauses in his steps, doing a double-take when he catches you on his way back to the backyard.
"You're leaving?" You nod, chuckling to yourself when you see him drunk-whining just like his sister. "It's early!" He whines a bit. "Were you not gonna say bye to me? I thought we were cool, Y/N."
"Bye Wooyoung." You wrap your arms around his waist as he pulls you into a rough, but tight bear hug. "Bye San." You wave at San, in which he responds with a tiny smile and wave.
"Drive safely!" He calls out before leaving. You finally get out of the house, Yeosang waiting for you by the front door. You're not even gonna lie, you are pretty exhausted already, and you're excited to get washed up to lay in bed and pick up your current read. Jiwoo's family was always fun, so lively and full of energy. They fit so well together, like they were all perfectly molded and crafted as one. They've become like your second family, and you wished you had your own you could be the same with. But, that also goes to say, their parties always leave you exhausted.
When Yeosang gets you home, you thank him for the ride and give him a hug once he's dropped you off at the door. You slowly waddle into the studio, a smile on your face when you see your bed, your nightlight— the smell of incense still lingering in the room. You quickly hop in the shower and get ready for bed, looking at the big, bright 10:27pm in white on your nightstand clock. You slip into bed, getting cozy under your sheets before grabbing your book. Jiwoo is texting you and Yeosang pictures from today, including ones of her cousins getting crazy during beer pong.
Today was fun. It's over, and it was fun.
Today is not over for Jiwoo, though.
A few of their family members linger around while Jiwoo and her mom continue to clean around the house. She orders her lazy ass brother to haul out the bags of trash to the garbage can and to clean up the remaining mess from the beer pong game out in the backyard. Once all of the cleaning as finished, Jiwoo rushes to the bathroom to beat her brother for a shower. She feels like she can finally relax, finally settle down, finally set her plan in motion—
"I need you to do me a favor." Jiwoo leans against the doorframe of Wooyoung's old room as he folds his clothes neatly into his duffle bag, grabbing a new pair of clothes to change into once he's showered.
"Depends." He mutters, not taking his eyes off of his bag.
"No, you at least owe me this." He scoffs.
"Nevermind, I need to shower. Come back to me in 3-5 business days—"
"You didn't even make me a drink earlier!
"Not my fault you doubted my bartending skills." He furrows his brows. "Plus, I already told you I was getting your car fixed."
"Great, then you can do one more favor for me." Wooyoung sighs as he turns to look at her.
"What, Jiwoo?"
"Can you be Y/N's date to our company's summer party?"
"What?" Wooyoung furrows his brows and lets out a pathetic chuckle. "You're kidding, right?"
"What's that supposed to mean? She's my bestfriend."
"Yeah, clearly. Why can't she find someone else to go with her? Like that guy you two are close with, Yeosang?"
"Um, that's weird." She furrows her brows. "That won't do. If she wanted to go with him, she would've done it a long time ago. You know her. She hasn't gone the past two years, I'm not gonna let her pass up on this one."
"So then go ask your man if he has a friend he can spare?"
"She's not gonna wanna go with any of his friends!"
"Too damn bad."
"You cleaned up her jeans like a saint earlier!" 
"Because it was the right thing to do! What does that even have to do with this?!"
"Wooyoung." She whines, almost stomping her foot. Wooyoung pauses to look back up at her.
"Even if I agreed, you do know how awkward this might be, right? Not only for me, but for her, too." Wooyoung shrugs. "I know she's been your bestfriend for years but we aren't exactly close like that. We're two very different people. We can't exactly spend a whole evening together. Alone."
"I'll be there with Hongjoong."
"That's what I said. We'd be alone." Jiwoo groans.
"She'd definitely be more comfortable with you than someone else!"
"Doubt that. She's quiet and shy. Very much the opposite of me?"
"Yeah, big ass mouth."
"That can be useful." He smirks, making Jiwoo wince in disgust.
"You're so disgusting, Wooyoung. Maybe I should take this back."
"You really think she'd play along with this?"
"Yes!" Wooyoung squints his eyes.
"You didn't even tell her about this plan, did you?"
"She'll go along with it. Please. I just want her to go and have fun for once."
"Hm." He hums, deep in thought. "Nah."
"Just one night!" Wooyoung sighs.
"Wooyoung!" She pouts.
"Jiwoo, seriously. Quit."
"You owe me! I've had your back so many times, and I've never asked you for anything else out of the ordinary." He looks at Jiwoo and he actually feels a bit bad about the car situation. And it's true, even though they don't always get along, Jiwoo has always had his back and covered for him when she didn't entirely need to. She's always had his back even when he didn't really deserve it. He subtly nibbles on the inside of his cheek, letting out a deep sigh before shaking his head.
"Whatever. Tell me the details." She squeals and he quickly turns. "And by the way, this is your idea. Not mine. I'm only doing you a favor so you can stop hounding me about the car. It's one night and that's it. If she gets mad, that's all on you."
"Fine. Consider your debt paid." She gives him a small smile. "Thank you."
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"What are you talking about, Jiwoo?"
"I want you to go to the party and have fun." She pouts a bit, brushing your hair away from your face. You furrow your brows at her, pushing your glasses up the bridge of your nose.
"But, parties aren't really my thing." You shrug. "And besides, I don't really have anyone to go with. I hate to say it, but I don't wanna show up alone. Everyone has dates they can bring. You have Hongjoong." You look over Jiwoo's shoulder and catch Yeosang talking to his team members at the far end of the room. He catches you looking over, flashing you a small smile before returning his attention to his coworker.
Yeosang was great, no lie. He was a good guy, everyone could see that from miles away. He was smart, diligent, kind, and the biggest team player. He started at the same time as your cohort of new hires, Jiwoo starting a couple of months beforehand. When you saw him in person, you did find him attractive. He was at a good height and well-built, black flowy hair framing his chiseled face. At first, you thought Yeosang was just being nice to you. But, slowly, he'd accompany you to the break room for coffee breaks. Bring you coffee and pastries from another shop on random mornings. Occasional outings to lunch. Until finally, he'd accompany you to casual dinners where it felt a little too serious to be considered casual— you just didn't wanna dwell on it. Too shy to say anything or bring it up because your brain goes on overdrive and makes you think you're reading into this more than you should.
He was just your friend, being your friend. So you'd like to think.
You weren't really sure what you wanted out of this, but at this moment in time, you felt like Yeosang was good enough as that. If people found out you weren't entirely into him, they'd probably think you're crazy. And you probably are, but as much as you appreciate Yeosang's company and his kindness, you fear you'd be forcing yourself into something with him.
That's not what you think Yeosang deserves.
If anything were to develop, you'd like it to develop naturally. It hasn't yet, so maybe this was a sign that you two were actually better off as friends? You're not good at this whole dating thing, reading into signs and signals.
"I know you don't really wanna go with him either."
"It's not that. I just feel like it'd be awkward and I'd ruin our friendship. It'd feel way too forced for me."
"Y/N, you're gonna have to tell him sooner or later." You shake your head. "Then?"
"Then, I don't know. I just don't know about him. That's why I'm perfectly fine staying home and being away from all of that."
"What if my brother goes with you?" Your eyes widen.
"W-Wooyoung?" She nods. "No, Jiwoo. Is this what this is all about?"
"Look, don't get mad, okay? Just hear me out." You cross your arms as she lets out a breath. "I asked my brother to accompany you to the party and he agreed to go."
"What?!" You say a bit louder than expected. "Is it because he feels bad for me?"
"No! Shh!" Jiwoo furrows her brows at you. "I mean, he also owes me, but—" 
"Jiwoo, I'm not a charity case!" You harshly whisper.
"I know, I know! You aren't. I just really want you to go." Truthfully, if this were any other person or circumstance, you'd probably feel a little hurt [even with good intentions]. You'd certainly feel like a charity case, and you'd feel sorry for yourself; especially for having to be set up in this way.
But, you're surprisingly not all that hurt by it.
Again, you know Jiwoo has good intentions and she would never do anything to intentionally hurt you. She does have a point— you haven't really gone to any of the big summer parties. You didn't mind it, but now that you think about it, you feel like you can't hide forever. The feeling of missing out settles in the pit of your stomach, and it's awful.
You're probably the only person who ducks out on these things. You're the one to blame for choosing not to be involved and for shielding yourself away from people, any inconvenience, etc. Shielding yourself away from fun, happiness. Life doing its thing.
"Mm yeah." You look at her. "I'm not close to your bother like that, though." It's true despite how he can be in person. Although you and Jiwoo were glued to the hip growing up, Wooyoung had his own group of friends and didn't pay much attention to you and his little sister. You both knew the basics about each other, have gone on trips together, tagged along with Wooyoung when he was the only means of transportation for you and Jiwoo. Why would he be worried about you, anyway? You two were busy fangirling over B2K, young Heath Ledger in 10 Things I Hate About You and Sean Patrick Thomas in Save the Last Dance, screaming at the top of your lungs whenever your favorite songs came on and shopping for hours at the same mall almost every weekend.
Not exactly Wooyoung's cup of tea.
Wooyoung was always rough-housing with his friends or going on casual 'dates' with different girls, blasting his 90s music in his room [like Vivrant Thing by Q-Tip, it's his fave] that'd shake Jiwoo's walls and drive her crazy. He had a few relationships that always ended up crazy toxic and you've seen the girls crying over him on their doorstep or throwing shit at his window to grab his attention after days of no communication. Despite that, he's not entirely a bad brother. He did his best to support Jiwoo throughout all her milestones in life, never missing an important event or being there for her when she needed her brother more than anyone else. They bicker and fight. A lot. But, they'd be there for each other in a heartbeat if needed. No question.
"You are, enough! You know he's full of himself and gross." You give her a look.
"Okay, really? That's supposed to make this better?"
"Sorry, kidding. Just my defense mechanism as his sister." She crosses her arms and sighs. "But, Wooyoung isn't exactly a stranger. And knowing my brother, he'd lead the entire time. Just let him accompany you to the party and call it a night! At least you'll be there with me and we can have fun together."
"You're gonna be busy with Hongjoong." You slowly walk back to your desk.
"I'm not. At least not entirely." 
"Jiwoo." You look at her.
"I won't be too busy with him! I promise." Jiwoo looks at the date on your computer. "It's up to you, Wooyoung already agreed. But, today's the last day to RSVP."
"I feel bad, I told Yeosang I wasn't going."
"This isn't entirely how I'd go about things but hey, he'll see you with my brother. Maybe that'll initiate a talk, and you can tell him you don't want to ruin your friendship."
"Mm." You hum and pull up the email with the RSVP button, not really trying to think about the whole thing too deeply. "I don't have anything to wear."
"It's fine, we'll go shopping soon! We have some time before the party." She softly squeals as she watches you type away and send off your RSVP.
"Jiwoo, I don't know how to get ready for these things. I can't even do my hair and makeup properly."
"Babe. I will help you get this sorted out. Don't even worry. We're gonna have fun! It'll be good. I'm just happy you're finally coming." You give her a small smile.
"I hope it'll be good." Your bottom lip slightly pokes out. "Am I supposed to text your brother and thank him?"
"No. Don't worry about him."
"He's accompanying me to the party, of course—"
"Seriously, don't. It'll be fine. I promise."
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"Papa?" You gently open the door and walk in, setting your shoes aside.
"Is that my girl?" Your grandfather comes from around the kitchen, holding two small bowls of rice in his hand. "You made it in time for dinner!"
"I can never miss dinner with you." You giggle, stepping out of your shoes and placing your things down before taking your place at the table. "How was your day today, papa?"
"Good." He sits in front of you with a smile.
"Did you exercise like you promised?"
"Yes." He gives you a look, making you chuckle. Your grandfather was 77 years old and still active, still healthy as can be. When you moved out, you made him promise he'd continue his exercise regimen and that he'd continue to keep himself healthy with wholesome foods. Reading. Going out and exploring the town. After all these years, he's the only one who has taken care of you well— having lost your mom and dad at an early age due to illnesses, same thing with your grandma. Despite the adversity, your grandpa made sure to put you first even if he was hurting, if he was tired, if he was stressed. He never took that out on you. He never made you feel like you were a burden, or like there was love lacking under his roof.
It was time for you to do the same.
"How was the bbq?"
"Good! It was fun. Loud. Chaotic. Per usual at the Jung household." He laughs.
"Sounds like you had a good time." You nod. "How about work?"
"It was okay. It was pretty busy at first, but eventually settled." You avoid contact, digging into your rice when you grab a piece of samgyeopsal sitting in front of you. He watches you closely, seeing how you've gotten quieter in the last few minutes, signaling you were hiding something.
"Did else happen today that's making you watch the rice in your bowl?" You give off a tiny laugh and shake your head.
"Mm, well. Jiwoo convinced me to go to the summer party."
"You're going?" He smiles from ear to ear, happy to hear that you're finally going to enjoy yourself at the summer party you always avoided. He never forced you to do things outside of your comfort zone, but he did wish you'd go and enjoy yourself from time to time. Be happy. Have fun. "Good, I'm happy you're going! Is Jiwoo going with Hongjoong?"
"Then.." Papa looks at you with a small smirk. "Are you going with Yeosang?" You shake your head.
"No?" He looks at you, surprised. You've definitely talked to your grandfather about Yeosang and how you were feeling about everything. Even then, he was still surprised you weren't going together as friends.
"I'm going with Wooyoung."
"Jiwoo's brother?" You nod.
"Papa, it's kinda stupid. The way everything happened and how I ended up going."
"Nothing is stupid. Try me. How did you end up with Wooyoung as your date?"
"Well, now I'm gonna sound like a charity case."
"You are not." You give your grandpa a look before stuffing your face with more rice and pork.
"Wooyoung got into a little accident while using Jiwoo's car."
"Is he alright?" You nod.
"Yes, he's okay. Jiwoo is having him cover the car.. but also slipped in another favor." You shyly look up as you continue to nibble on your food, and your grandpa laughs.
"Ah, and that favor is the party, I'm assuming."
"Yeah. It's silly."
"It's not. She's coming from a good place and just wants you there. The whole car thing is unfortunate but for her, seems to be the right stroke of luck to get her bestfriend at the summer party." You giggle.
"I guess you could say that." You sigh. "I'm just worried about Yeosang. I told him I wasn't going and I'm not sure I will."
"You'll just show up with Wooyoung?" You shrug.
"I don't know how to do these things, Papa. I don't wanna hurt him, but I really can't see myself being his date or taking this further. I don't know what to say or how to say it yet."
"Eventually, you're gonna have to, you know that, right? For the sake of your friendship. He seems like a great guy, and I'm sure he'll understand whatever the case is, Y/N."
"I know." You shake your head. "I will. But, not now." Papa nods quietly before eating another spoonful.
"It'll turn out fine, okay? Don't worry about it too much."
"Thank you." You softly smile.
"Anyways, back to Wooyoung—" He pauses to eat some more. "It's not the most common way to find a date. But, weirdly, I'm glad it happened this way. I want you to go and have fun." You silently look at him. "Life doesn't slow down, you don't get any younger. Take the opportunities no matter how silly it may sound at first. Make more memories."
"I know. I'm just.. I feel awful that Wooyoung even has to go with me. He's probably going to have the worst time."
"Don't say that. He's going with you and the both of you will have fun. Let yourself have fun. Plus, it's Wooyoung. You know him. I'm sure he'll do what he can to make sure you are comfortable."
"I guess so."
"Enjoy, and have fun. Don't worry about anything, promise me that?"
"I'll try."
"That's all I can ask for." Because all he wanted was to see you happy. Genuinely happy in your own skin. Enjoying yourself. Having fun. 
All he wanted was to see you smile over life again.
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—PERMANENT TAGLIST: @asjkdk @interweab @woojirang @svintsandghosts @cheolliehugs @persphonesorchid @mxnsxngie @jycas @cowboydk @heyitsmetonid
329 notes · View notes
livelaughlovesubs · 11 days
Hi hii for the prompt event can i request dressing childe/tartaglia in degrading outfit? 🙏🙏 take ur time and thankss ^^
Hiiii it’s been so long since I last saw Childes name in my inbox, hope this is to your liking :>
Dom!reader x sub!childe
Warning: feminisation, teasing, cross-dressing
Anniversary event
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“Is.. this really my size?” His awkward laugh echoed from the changing rooms, alongside the flicker of the shoji screen. You reassured him by yelling back, “I’m sure of it, it’s supposed to be a little tight. Are you done? Then come out.” One look and anyone could tell you were getting impatient, tapping your finger on your knee, gaze wandering around the establishment to look for anything interesting.
Despite your clear orders, he still hesitated, this time his hand emerged from behind the rood divider. “Are we alone?” The ginger asked, still mysteriously hiding himself, an act that was very uncharacteristic for him. “Yes, we are still alone, just like ten minutes ago.” You groaned, rolling your eyes at his behaviour. “Haha… right.” Tartaglia answered meekly, running out of excuses to use. The atmosphere was so dry, and so uncomfortable.
This time he really shot himself in the knees. He challenged you to a bet, and instead of you meticulously analysing your chances, you immediately agreed. That should have been enough of a sign, you’d never take on a gamble so quickly except it isn’t one. As things have been planned from the beginning, he lost, and had to obey to whatever conditions you set for him. Great, absolutely fantastic.
But why did your request have to hurt his pride like that? He could barely stand straight without shaking with his knees, and now you want him to expose himself to you? Bloody hell, you were so cruel he could feel himself falling for you all over again.
“Ajax, you really are testing my patience. If you don’t come out now, I’ll-” suddenly he moved the paper wall to the side and walked over to you, sighing defeated, “alright alright, I’m here okay?” Your expression changed for a split second, something like shock grazed your features, before you composed yourself again. He tried to stand normal and unbothered while your eyes scanned over his body, tracing every outline and shadow, devouring every inch of his body.
He felt like a prey being toyed with by the predator, you were making him squirm with that intense stare. That’s why you avoided eye contact, jumped from one foot to the other, and kept doing god-knows-what with his hands. At some point you were fed up and said, “hold still, are you a dancing monkey or what?” Childe could only response with another forced laugh.
As for why you were eyeing him up and down so much, well, simply put, he was wearing woman’s clothing. A qipao in a pretty dark red colour, the shade kind of reminded you of blood. Since the dress was cut to fit the build of a woman, it looked clumsy around his fairly muscular body. And even though it looked out of place, you still thought it was quite attractive. Unlike his usual fashion, the dress showed off his curves and exposed his bare legs, what seems to add to his embarrassment.
“Looks good.” You gave him a short, almost forced compliment. It wasn’t a lie, just you had way more to say than a simple ‘looks good’. “Wow, thanks I guess.” Tartaglia groaned, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Seeing what little effect your praise had, you decided to try again, “I mean it, you look good as a girl, as my woman.” Out of nowhere his body twitched and tensed up, he didn’t answer you verbally but with his body language. If he had a tail, it’d be wagging like crazy.
“Are you done gawking?” The male eventually asked, his face and shoulders got painted bright pink. His eyes told you the truth, that he was humiliated, ashamed and yet also excited. “What’s with the rush, can’t wait to show your new look off to the other people?” You teased, and your words immediately got his attention, making his brain ratter, “what do you mean by that?” A smirk plastered your lips, you chuckled amused as you explained, “we are going to have a nice little date night today, and you aren’t going to change until I’m done with you.”
The way the colours left his face, letting him become as pale of a ghost was pretty amazing. He was trying so hard to accept his current situation, his legs were shaking again. “Come on, I already paid for the dress. So let’s put it to good use.” You encouraged him, holding his normal wear in your arms, now he couldn’t even run anymore. It seems there was no way around the straight up shameful act he was going to commit, and as if to add salt to the wound, he felt himself getting hard beneath the skin tight dress~ ♥︎
You walked ahead of him, motioning for him to follow you. All he could do was obey your commands with a sheepish smile, quickly rushing to your side while letting you show him off like your own little pet.
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kbwrites · 2 months
JJK On The Road!
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synopsis: how the jjk sorcerers are on a road trip—feat. Gojo, Geto, Shoko, Nanami, Haibara, Utahime
⚝a/n: I had to include baby boy Haibara.
⚝tags: headcanon, Nanami is an emo boy, Gojo is a danger to society.
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They all decided to take a roadtrip after graduation… it goes a little something like this
Gojo insisted that he be the one to drive. You assumed that his six eyes would give him some kind of advantage on the road.
You were SO wrong.
Mans is a DEMON on the street. Swerving in and out of traffic, the car is either at 0 or full speed no in-between.
“Huh? Where’d that guy come from?”
“Satoru you literally cut him off-”
“The speed limit is 45”
“Yeah… but that’s more of a suggestion right??”
Of course it isn’t long before you hear the sirens closing in behind you.
“Lisence and registration please.”
“Of course Officer!”
“This is your high school ID”
“Oh! Well about that..”
It takes at least 5 years off your life when Satoru is behind the wheel. You somehow manage to arrive to the destination in one piece. Everyone curses him out for endangering their lives (and driving with no license)
“Okay but did you die though?”
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Geto is in charge of the AUX (because last time Nanami made everyone cry)
Is the type to put on some chill oldies, and one Abba song (Because Satoru loves Abba).
Loves looking out the window and pointing out cool stuff, bums a cigarette off of Shoko to deal with the stress of Satoru's driving.
“Hey. look at that huge tree.”
The car swerves.
“Wait I don’t see anything!”
“Not you Satoru…”
Is obviously shotgun so he tries his best to stay awake, probably ends up reading a book he brought or reminding Satoru to actually pay attention to the rules of the road.
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Shoko is already bored when the car starts, plays “I Spy” with Suguru for all of 3 minutes before falling asleep. After her nap she wakes up and starts taking pictures. Can make even the most mundane thing like riding in car look like an aesthetic Pinterest board. Sneaks pictures of Nanami when he isn’t looking.
“Everyone smile.”
“Wait hold on I want to be in the picture too!”
“Satoru you’re DRIVING.”
Ends up vlogging the trip, texting Utahime to confirm Satoru hasn’t killed them yet.
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Nanami did NOT want to go on this trip AT ALL. He was basically forced by Gojo (then coerced by Haibara). He sulks and looking out the window and sighing.
“Nanami stop being Emo”
“I am NOT Emo..”
“Will you stop sulking if I play My Chemical Romance?”
Brings his DS or something, shows Haibara his animal crossing world. Actually freaks out when Satoru takes a ‘scenic detour’ which adds 3 hours to the trip.
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Haibara is in charge of the snacks. And thank god for snacks. 
Brings one cooler for everyone else and one cooler just for Satoru cause that boy can EAT.
Feeds Nanami trail mix
Talks Nanami’s ear off about how excited he is to be done with school </3. Tries to impress Suguru and Satoru by listing off fun facts about each area they drive through.
“Did you know that this is actually the longest stretch of road in the country?”
“Wow. That’s really Something.”
“Did you know that the native flower of this region is the hibiscus?”
“Uh huh.”
“Did you know that AHHH”
 Satoru swerves the car again, everyone gets thrown around the car.
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Utahime  refuses to ride in a car with Gojo driving, so she meets up with you guys in her own car.
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orderforbrian · 2 years
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asked for jmart valentines day prompts and decided to combine them into one little comic! <3 little late but better than never
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poor jon 🤭when he said intimate he meant more dear to martin's heart <3
[Start ID: Multipanel comic of Jon and Martin from the Magnus Archives for Valentine's day. Comic is in greyscale except for orange/pink of blushes and flowers. Jon is a thin Persian man with dark eyes and dark, curly hair tied back in a bun, there is a grey streak in his bangs. He has a beard and is wearing a blazer with a business shirt and tie. Martin is a fat mixed Polish/Korean man with dark eyes and short dark wavy hair. He has a beauty mark next to his lip and is wearing a striped, knitted cardigan with a business shirt, as well as browline glasses.
Panel 1+2+3: Martin smiles widely with a small tear in one eye, holding a bouquet of pink and purple flowers with a pink ribbon. He says, "Jon...thank you!! I don't know what to say!". Jon averts his eyes with a small blush and responds, "While flowers and chocolates are nice, I also wanted to get you something more...". It zooms in to one of Jon's eyes, dark and captivating. He finishes the sentence, "Intimate."
Panel 4: Martin blushes with a small frown, a couple sweat marks on his face. "O-oh?" he says, wary (but a little excited?) as to what Jon means by intimate.
Panel 5+6+7+8: Jon chastely holds out a gift box to Martin, turning his head away and closing his eyes. Martin nervously reaches for the box, tucking the bouquet in one arm. He thinks, "oh GOD why is he looking away". Martin opens the gift box, his face and hand silhouetted, and finds a pink polka dot tea cozy inside - over it says ta-da with sparkles. Next panel has Jon and Martin as floating heads. Martin asks with a shock, "Is - is this a tea cozy?". Jon's eyes are half-lidded, a bit embarrassed. "Yes, I knitted it myself." He quietly adds on. Martin bursts out into laughter, holding a hand in front of his wide smile. "Snrk-heh heh heh heh!" Jon is just buggy eyes and a wiggly mouth, asking "What? What? What?".
Panel 9+10: Jon raises a hand towards Martin, looking flustered, a couple sweat marks come off him. "Wh-why are you laughing? Do you not like it? I can get you something-". Martin cuts him off by kissing his forehead, lightly pulling at his neck to bring him closer. He nuzzles into his hair with a smitten smile. "No, I love it." His sentence and the kiss are punctuated by a heart. Jon, under the effects of being kissed, promptly shuts up, blushing and looking starry eyed. His one eye is closed where Martin is kissing his forehead.
Panel 11+12: Martin pulls back, blushing madly. Jon stares ahead with large sparkling eyes, blushing greatly as well with a tiny frown. Mistaking it as discomfort, Martin begins to apologize. "Oh! Oh, I'm sorry! I totally kissed you without--mmf!" He is cut short when Jon turns to him, grabs his cheek and pulls him in to a hurried (and quite fish lipped) kiss. Martin's eye is cartoonishly wide and he is somehow blushing even more than he was before. Lots of hearts surround the two. End ID.]
aaaand bonus little doodle for reading the ID :3
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[Start ID: Floating Martin head, he sighs with closed eyes and a tiny smile. He says "When you said intimate, I thought you meant like lingerie LOL". A tiny Jon in the corner screams in horror, "NOO!!" End ID.]
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daintylovers · 4 months
stiles right after a game??????????? hoooooolyyyyy god almighty above sweaty cocky stiles AHHHHHHH WHAT WHAT SOMEONE CHAIN ME DOWN HOLD ON HOLD ON
anyways speaking of stiles can I possibly request something like frustrated stiles !!! stiles in charge!!!! stiles telling the reader to watch her mouth!!!! thank you dear <3
im imagining this is season four stiles, this way he is fresh from void and still kind of on edge. and his hair is perfect (for... reasons)
you've been putting up an attitude with him all day. he's accepted it with grace, but can only last so long.
you should have noticed when to stop because he suddenly wasn't replying back with his usual biting sarcasm. instead, he was staring straight ahead, completely ignoring you. or- trying to.
but that just pissed you off more, so you decided to start walking away.
i'm specifically imagining when they are in Mexico. not to write lydia out, but it's you two who are paired together. so stiles does have more than enough reasons to be vigilant.
when you start stalking off, he is quick to encircle your wrist and yank you back to him.
"where the hell do you think you're going?" he asks, leaning down to whisper it rather harshly. I'm talking he's so pissed that spit just flew at your face.
not one to back down, you reply back, "away from you," and then just to add fuel to the fire, "asshole."
a million thoughts raced through his head at the name, most of which went straight to his other head. but he had to keep his cool. had to show you who was in charge here.
"watch your fucking mouth- got it?" and he is staring at you with the type of fervor normally reserved for... other instances.
you scoff in his face and make a move to reply back, when he grasps your jaw and pushes it slightly up. effectively shutting you up. "i said, got it?"
he's breathing heavy, so you're breathing heavy. and you spy him take a peek at your low-cut top. what? you're in fucking mexico- it's hot.
he waits for your reply, and all you can do is nod your head, slowly blinking up at him.
"good. if you try to pull that shit anymore today, I'll find a better way to shut you up. and i don't care who's around."
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vanesycho · 15 days
this edit made me think about giving head to taeyong after a tiring day
I liked the video but didn't add it to my favs..?HOW DARE ME?!# now I added it thanks to you🫶🏻
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Warning:Smut,giving head
Taeyong feels your gaze as soon as he opens the door. He gives you a tired smile before leaning his head against your neck and inhaling your scent. “Hard day?” He nodded and stepped back, placing a lazy kiss on your lips, walked over to the nearest chair, threw himself in there and threw his head back. You looked at him for a moment, licking your dry lips as you watched his neck. "You should take care of yourself."
Taeyong lowered his head and looked at you with slightly open eyes. “Being with you is enough for me.” You smiled, that was exactly what you needed to hear. You came closer to him and knelt down in front of him, he's watching your movements with curiosity. You moved your hand to his dick over his pants, he grinned when he realized what it was, biting his lower lip. "Decided to be a good girlfriend?"
You started to stroke his cock, you could feel it swelling just from that, you liked it, had that effect on him. "I could be a better girlfriend if you took off your pants." You didn't even have to say twice, It was an offer too good to resist. He immediately took off his pants. You grinned at his exposed and already erect cock. “Are you in the mood already? Haven’t even done anything.” He put one hand behind your head. “How about you use that pretty mouth of yours for something other than talking?”
You giggled and moved closer, holding his cock in one hand. You ran your tongue over the tip for a while, then took half of it into your mouth and started stroking the remaining space with your hand. Taeyong leaned his head back and closed his eyes, his tired moans coming out only as whimpers, taking deep breaths in between.
After a while, his entire cock was already covered in your saliva, this time you took as much of it as you could into your mouth. Taeyong opened his mouth slightly when he felt the warmth of your mouth around his cock, "Fuck..." he let out a silent curse. Pressed your head down harder. “More..fuck, your mouth is so warm, you wrap it so well, baby.” You did as he said, occasionally sending moans to his cock, which caused Taeyong's cock to twitching inside your mouth.
"Y-you're so good, fuck, you're gonna fucking make me cum early." You put your free hand on his balls and started playing with them, the extra pleasure made him whine even more. Taeyong opened his eyes and watched you, watching how you moved your tongue all over his cock and licked it, making it grow inside your mouth. He brushed your hair out of your face and glanced at you, said between breaths "Oh I want to come on that beautiful face of yours."
The thought stirred something inside you and your movements quickened, his cock filling your mouth perfectly. With that, Taeyong let out a loud moan. "Fuck- you liked it, huh? The thought of filling your whole face- oh god- with my cum." All those sucking sounds echoed in his ears, closed your his again and let himself be pleasured, when you realized that he was twitching inside your mouth, you knew he was close. Taeyong’s voice got louder as your movements continued non-stop, his tearful moans practically making you wet through your panties.
"I'm close- keep going baby, just a little longer..I-" His sentence was cut short, mouth still open as he let out one last deep moan, with that you pulled back and let all of his cum hit your face. He opened his eyes and watched, seeing his juices run down your face made him hold his breath for a moment. You lifted your head and smiled at him softly. “Feeling better?” He grinned and grabbed your chin tightly. Came closer to you and whispered against your lips. "Going to feel much more better if you take off your panties and ride me now.”
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number1jeonginstan · 3 months
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A/N: Fair warning, this was a two am thought and was written on my phone all in one sitting, so I apologize if there are any errors. I don’t know how I came to this thought, but I’m not complaining because I’m just glad I can write again. If you are not comfortable with this type of content, PLEASE skip over it :) I might add onto this, but DO NOT quote me on this, thank you!!!
Pairing: afab!reader x Jisung
WC: 2.1k (all written on my phone, god my fingers hurt)
CW: Step-cest, sub-ish!Jisung, noona kink (I’ve succumbed 😞), Whiny!Jisung, Reader is a year older,, common porno scene…
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You had just gotten back from your second year of college, and were welcomed by the sight of your mom, step-father, and younger step-brother, Han, eating breakfast on the kitchen table.
Your step-father, Mark, was looking at the morning paper as Han and your mother chatted away. As she looked up from her conversation from Jisung, ready to take another bite of food, her fork escaped her mouth, dropping down to her plate.
“Y/n-ie!!” she exclaimed happily, running out of her seat and into you, tacking you into a bear hug.
“Hi mom!”
You embraced her back as both Han continued to stuff his cheeks with the food splayed out in front of him..
Mark quickly put the paper down back onto the table before getting up and patting you on the head, exclaiming that you grew too much in the short time you were gone.
“Last time I saw you, you were still frazzled by the thought of packing your own luggage, now look at you” he grinned before ushering you to sit down and eat something.
“Noona, it’s good to see you back” Jisung shrugged before going back to his meal and phone, almost ignoring your presence completely.
“Honey, not to complain because I’m excited to see you, but what are you doing back a week early?” Your mother questioned before grabbing you a plate and a glass from the kitchen.
Her voice echoing throughout the house as you sat down and the table and snatched a piece of bacon, chewing on it before finally replying.
“My roommate kicked me out, or asked me quite nicely to leave a tad bit early so her and her boyfriend could have some “alone time together” before moving back, and since my finals ended early, I decided why not surprise y’all?”
“We are very happy to see you here” Mark coughed before looking up at your mom who shot him a quick glare.
“What’s going on?” You questioned, as you posted your food, looking at them with a quizzical expression.
“Well, since we thought you weren’t going to be back for another week, we booked a cruise for just the two of us, and it would be kind of hard to cancel it seeing as it begins tomorrow”
“Mom, don’t even worry about it, I can just hang out with Jisung and ask him about his first year of college” you grinned.
You punched his arm slightly causing him to give you a death glare before putting on his headphones and leaving the table, not bothering to pick up his plate.
“Are you sure?” Mark asked, his brow raised slightly, his glasses slowly falling down the bridge of his nose.
“Of course, I don’t want you guys to cancel your plans. Plus, it would be nice to have this air conditioned house all to my self, and Han of course.
“Well if you insist” your mother giggled coming next to you and kissing the top of your head.
The rest of the day wasn’t eventful, it was filled with you telling your mother stories from your last semester as she cooked some meals for Jisung and you, knowing how bad you both were when it came to cooking.
“I still can’t believe both my kids are in college” she sighed, cutting up onions to hide the real reason tears were trickling out of her eyes.
“Mom don’t cry” you whined, giving her a hug before she went back to her cheery self.
“Go call Jisung for dinner, I made both of your favorites”
You simply nodded, running up the stairs passing your room, your door still covered with hello kitty stickers from when you were younger.
When your Mom and Mark had started dating two and a half years ago, you never expected that your childhood house would be tainted with an obnoxious nerd that watched anime all the time and barely left his room, but here you were.
Jisung was the vain of your existence since your mom had introduced you to Mark as her fiancée. You knew they were serious, but you never expected them to get engaged, let alone married.
It also didn’t help that Han Jisung was now your younger step-brother. It wasn’t even that big of an age difference between the two of you, just 9-months, but he loved it.
It was his favorite thing to call you Noona, knowing damn well you hated it.
Whenever he asked you for anything he would always end it with Noona, batting his boba-eyes and smirking knowing just how much it pissed you off.
It wasn’t that the two of you really hated each other, but rather just ignored one another unless it was to tease each other. And sometimes it gets so bad that your Mom or Mark had to keep you locked in your rooms so you wouldn’t strangle mine another.
You quickly snapped yourself out of it as you arrived outside of his room, knocking slightly. When you didn’t get a response, you knocked harder.
“Jisung, come down for dinner” you spoke into the closed door.
You pressed your ear against the door hoping you could hear any sign of life, and you did, but it wasn’t anything you were expecting.
Usually, Han either had music playing through out his room or some random anime, but instead you heard soft whines,
You didn’t realize what was going on until you heard him moan “Need you noona, please” and another whimper escaping his plush lips.
Your face turned beat red as you quickly ran downstairs, your body flushed.
“Did you tell Sungie dinner is ready?” Your mother asked as she saw you back downstairs.
“I did, but I think he’s just busy and didn’t hear me” you quickly replied before setting the table to help distract yourself from what you had just heard.
“That boy always has his head in the clouds” your mom chuckled. “Don’t worry, I’ll go grab him”
Before your mother could walk up the stairs, Jisung walked down the stairs, a hoodie adorning his body and completely unaware that you had heard him jerking off into the only clean pair of underwear you had left.
The rest of the night went by smoothly, your brain totally forgetting what had happened just hours prior as you focused on Mark telling you about the cruise they had planned. Jisung had even offered to take them to the airport so your parents didn’t have to park their car there and pay extra fees.
In the morning, you woke up roughly thirty minutes after your parents and Jisung had left, your body still adjusting to coming back home.
You quickly showered, but as you searched for the last underwear you swore you packed because you didn’t want to do laundry right before you left for back home, you couldn’t find it.
“I swear I packed it” you whined to yourself as you looked through your suitcase once again.
“Fuck” you groaned as you just through on some random pair of shorts that you had and an oversized t-shirt. There was no harm in doing underwear as long as you did your laundry before Jisung came back.
As your clothes sat in the washer, you scrolled on your phone, your headphones blasting through your ears, as you tried to distract yourself from the thought that he was going to come home at any moment, especially after yesterday’s incident.
Thirty minutes later, your timer went off on your phone indicating that the cycle for the washing machine was over. You quickly ventured off back to the laundry room that was connected to the house's garage, and started shoving your clothes into the dryer.
Due to your headphones still being plugged into your ears, playing random songs from the 2010’s fullblast, you didn't hear the jingle of Han’s keys as he entered the house.
Your ass being out, barely covered by the piece of cloth you called shorts, was the first thing he noticed as you threw your clothes into the dryer.
Before you could even get back up to get the rest of your clothes, your body was stopped by a force trapping you into the dryer.
“What the fuck?” You questioned ripping your headphones out to get any sort of clue why your body was getting blocked.
“Wow noona, not wearing any panties is quite bold of you” Han chuckled, pulling down your shorts causing you to shudder as your bare pussy met the cold air.
“Han, what the actual fuck! Get away from you” you screamed, pushing your hips back into him, trying to get some distance so you free yourself, but if only pushed your bare cunt straight onto his crotch. The only thing standing between the two of you were his sweatpants.
You could feel his semi press into you, causing him to whine.
“Please noona” he whimpered, humping his crotch into you “I’ll make you feel so good, please just let me play with your cunt” he whined.
You tried to sternly tell him to stop, but just as you were going to, he brought a finger to your cunt, running it down your slit and collecting the wetness that slowly began to form at the thought of him fucking you.
“Han don’t” you moaned as he slowly rubbed your clit, his face coming directly to your cunt, his lips meeting your lower ones as he licked a fat stripe up your pussy.
“Please let me make you feel good noona, I’ll be such a good boy and make you cum if you let me” he whined into your cunt, the vibrations causing your body to convulse slightly.
“Okay Hannie, make me feel good, make noona cum” you whimpered as he began attacking your cunt.
His tongue lapped at your clit as he slowly inserted his finger into your hole, moaning into you as he felt how tight you were.
“Fuck noona, you are so tight, don’t even think you can take my cock inside your cute little pussy”
“Can take it, but first make me cum, please baby?” You moaned as he slowly inserted anything finger into you, his left hand pulling down his own sweats and fisting his cock.
The spit from him eating you out dropping onto his cock as he began fucking his hand at the same thrusts as he fingered you.
“So good noona, your pussy tastes so good” he grinned, nibbling at your clit as he curled his fingers in you, hitting that one spot that made you loose it.
Your moans echoing through the machine as the stimulation of both his fingers inside of you as well as him biting down on your clit causes you to reach your high. Your body convulsing in front of him.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck Sungie!! So good for me baby, such a good boy” You whined as he continued to abuse your cunt, before pulling away completely, ruining you from reaching your high for a second time from the overstimulation.
“Need to be in your cunt, please will be such a good boy if you let me, I promise” he whined as he slowly got up, rubbing his cock against your slit and collecting essence of your cum onto his tip.
“Please Sungie, fuck me, be a good boy and fuck Noona”
He groaned as he slowly pushed the tip of his cock info your hole, his whines filling the room as he slowly sheathed his entire cock into you.
“Fuck Jisung, your cock is so big and so hard” you moaned as he began thrusting into you,
“Just for you, my cock is only big and hard for you” he whined, his thrusts becoming more sporadic as he felt himself getting closer, your walls were clenching him so hard and he couldn’t help but whine and let out little “fucks” at each and every thrust.
“More!!” You whined, feeling yourself getting closer as his cock throbbed in you.
He slowly brought his hand down to your clit, rubbing it as he fucked into you, causing you to cum around his cock, your walls squeezing him in.
“Noona!!” He whimpered as he thrusted inside you one more time before painting your walls white with his cum. He continued to rut into you as the two of you came down from your highs.
He slowly pulled out of you, allowing your shared cum pool out of you down to your thighs as drops fell onto your shorts,
He slowly pulled them back up your ass as he pulled away from you, allowing you to slowly leave the machine that he had just fucked you into.
“We are never doing this again” you glared at him, your shorts covered in both of your cum.
“Sure noona” he smirked at you before walking away up to his room.
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recklesssturniolo · 11 months
can you do one with bestfriend matt and chris or nick wants to play hide and seek, and we end up being in the same spot as matt and he does ✨something to us✨ and we have to stay quiet while chris and nick search for us pleaseee
Hide and Seek - M.S
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As per request! Dom!Matt (ish), also had a request to write from Matt/Chris POV so this is from Matt’s POV
A/N: I rlly hope y’all like this cause I do even tho it’s a tad short
NSFW below, leave if you’re a minor
After Nick begging for almost an hour, Y/N, Chris and I gave in and agreed to play hide and seek. All immediately deciding for the first round that since Nick wanted to play so badly, he would seek us all out.
“Okay I’m starting to count go hide!” Nick yells out.
The three of us dispersed around the house trying to find a spot. I situated myself in a tiny storage closet, shutting the door and backing myself up as far against the wall as I could. Nick yells out that he’s done counting and within seconds I hear quick footsteps and the door being opened. Hoping I still couldn’t be seen I stayed silent.
“Matt! Move the fuck over I can’t find another spot and I’m out of time” Y/N whispered, shoving her way into the tiny room and shutting the door.
“Fuck sakes there is literally no room in here for two people” I whisper back.
“Stop talking I’ll make it work” She says back and hushes me.
I didn’t respond and tried to shift myself over but felt Y/N sit herself on my lap, we’ve been best friends for years so this isn’t really that out of the ordinary. I put my hands around her waist and on her thighs instead of them being shoved at my side. I notice goosebumps form on her legs, and her shift slightly. I smirked slightly to myself, did my touch actually affect her that much? That easily?
I’d be lying to myself if I said I never thought of doing anything sexual with Y/N. She was my best friend sure but that doesn’t mean she isn’t hot as fuck. I silently thanked Nick for even wanting to play hide and seek or I never would’ve been in this position. Deciding to take a huge risk, I move my one hand higher on her thigh, and slightly up her skirt, stopping and rubbing small circles on it with my thumb. I notice her breath hitch in her throat.
“You okay?” I ask.
“Uh yeah” She replies.
I then move my hand to the top hem of her panties, pulling them before letting them snap back. A moan escapes her lips, followed by “shit”, signalling to me she didn’t mean for it to come out.
“What? Are you getting worked up?” I ask.
“Matt” She whispers.
“Yeah?” I say.
“You can’t just tease me the entire time, touch me” She replies.
Moving my hand on top of her pussy, still covered by her panties, I whisper “so wet already”.
“Please” She whimpers.
Pulling her panties to the side I begin rubbing circles over her clit, while still exploring and playing with the rest of her pussy.
“Fuck Matt that feels so good” She whines out.
“Yeah? You want my fingers inside of you?” I ask.
“Yes -“ She begins but is cut off from Chris. Making me freeze my actions as well.
“Fuck seriously no way you found me first” He pouts.
“Sucks to suck, now help me find Y/N and Matt. Fuckers are hiding really well” Nick laughs back.
“Are you gonna keep quiet for me?” I whisper to her, Nick and Chris yelling reminding me of the fact they’re actively looking for us both.
She doesn’t speak but nods her head rapidly instead. I slowly push one finger into her, almost groaning myself at how tight she was. I add in a second and pick up my pace.
“Oh my god fuck” Y/N moans. I bring my other hand up and cover her mouth. Fuck I loved her making those sounds but no way I was letting Nick or Chris find us and ruin this.
“If you want to come you’ve gotta stay quiet, wouldn’t want them finding us like this now would we?” I question, but not stopping my actions.
“N-no I’ll be quiet, please I’m close” She whispers back.
Still pumping my fingers in and out of her, I rotate my hand and use my thumb to do circles on her clit. She threw her head back in response to this, and I could feel her quietly moan on my hand due to the vibrations from it. Both of us freeze - me only for a second, knowing she was close but freezing slightly due to hearing Chris and Nick’s voices become louder. Their footsteps becoming worryingly close before retreating away.
“Come on pretty girl, come on my fingers for me” I whisper, genuinely wanting her to come undone for me but also not wanting my brothers to catch us.
She whimpers back in response before spreading her legs open further. Her thighs slightly shaking as I bring my hand back over her mouth in order to silence her moans.
“Mmph fuck fuck Matt I’m coming” She grumbles out against my hand.
Once I knew she her high had finished, I pumped my fingers in and out a couple of times before pulling them out.
“Matt holy fuck that was amazing” She mumbles.
“Look at the mess you’ve made eh?” I say. Referring to her juices being all over my fingers.
“Oh shit, I - sorry you can - “ I don’t let her finish her sentence and instead take her fingers into my mouth, licking them clean. I notice her jaw slightly drop when I do so.
“That was so hot what the fuck” She whispers.
“Couldn’t resist tasting you” I shrug.
“Wait shh shh I think they’re coming to check here” I whisper, “don’t worry we aren’t finished yet”
Moments later the door whips open, Nick and Chris immediately cheering upon spotting us both.
“God why did I check this stupid room earlier? How did you both even manage to fit in it together it’s so small” Nick says, unable to not quirk his eyebrow at the sight of Y/N on my lap.
“Think it’s pretty obvious, she just sat on my lap bro” I laugh back, trying to get rid of any suspicions they could’ve been having, doubting that’d work due to Y/N cheeks still being flushed.
TAGLIST: @devsturniolo @strniolosworld
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333-luvsturns · 6 months
the hating game: one
other chapters: 2
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summary: matt and y/n have hated each other since they were kids. now, it’s their senior year and they can’t help but feel a specific tension between them — will they swallow their pride and come to terms with the new-found tension, or forever hold their peace?
contains: swearing, banter/arguing, mentions of alcohol/partying
pairing: grumpy!matt x sunshine!reader
a/n slightly boring first chapter but dw cus next chapter gets RIGHT into the drama! enjoy :)
matt’s pov;
Valentines day. You either love it, or hate it.
Personally, I fucking hate it.
The decorations everywhere, all that lovey-dovey couple shit, the roses, the secret admirers — I hate it all.
I walk through the crowded hallway — which, not to mention, is annoyingly littered in red paper heart cut outs. I make my way through the crowds of students, some walking at a normal pace, others deciding to stop in the middle of the hallway — or my personal favorite, the couples who make out against the lockers in the middle of passing time, which makes me psychically repulsed.
I finally make it to the cafeteria, to my dismay it has a huge banner hung above the first table in the room — ‘Get your chocolate roses here!’ and the table is filled with various chocolate roses, wrapped in plastic like a bouquet.
I pass that table and head towards the back, where my Nick, Chris and our friends all sit.
“Look who it is — Cupid himself!” Chris hollers when he spots me walking in, the whole table erupts in laughter.
I fake a dry laugh and sit down at my spot on the end, next to Nick. “Where’s your chocolate rose?” Nate asks jokingly from across me, “For your secret admirer.”
“I’ll go buy one and shove it up your ass,”
Nick turns to me with wide eyes, “Wow someones chipper.” He deadpans.
“Isn’t he always?” Chris snorts a laugh, Nate joining in beside him.
Before I can interject, a voice calls from down the table, two spots down from Nate.
“Cupid is here!”
I know that voice anywhere. I hate that voice.
I look up to see just who I knew it was, Y/N. With that smile that I swear never fades from her face, and that laugh that — though I’d never admit this out-loud — is so contagious, I hate it.
She’s like this constant ray of sunshine; sitting there, always shinning bright. It’s always annoyed me how happy and perfect she can be, she’s kind to everyone and gives everyone the benefit of the doubt, even when they don’t deserve it.
God, I hate her.
Hate’s a strong word, and I know it. But she knows it too, and she hates me just as much.
“I bet you love this corny shit, Y/N.” I say, gesturing to all the paper hearts hanging in the cafeteria.
“I do, actually.” She quirks, shrugging her shoulders.
It’s true, she’s always loved anything corny and cliché; when we were elementary school, she’d make all of us a Valentines day gift, which consisted of homemade cards and some sort of candy.
“You’re like a grumpy old man Matt, lighten up.” She adds, and before I can see what exactly she is doing, she is tossing me something from across the table.
All I see is her throwing something, so naturally, I extend my arm to catch it. When it lands in my hand, I look at her; shooting her a glare which she doesn’t reciprocate and instead shoots me her signature smile, then I look at my hand.
A chocolate rose. A stupid, overpriced, chocolate rose.
I look back up at her, an unimpressed look on my face, and a stupid, toothy-grin on hers.
“Enjoy, Cupid!” She laughs, before returning back to her conversation with our friend, Amaya, beside her.
An absolutely ridiculous nickname she coined when we were seven, and unfortunately, ten years later and it still stuck.
“Happy Valentines day!” She beamed at me, handing me a red card, hearts drawn all over, and a bag of my favorite candy.
I look inside the bag, seeing the candy and looking up at her with a grin. “Thank you, Y/n!”
Y/n nods with a smile plastered across her face, “You’re welcome, Cupid.” She giggled before skipping back to the school playground.
Of course, we were seven and the nickname made no sense, but I didn’t mind then. Now, I’m positive she calls me that just to annoy me.
“Matt,” Chris says, which makes me snap from my thoughts and look across the table to him. “Did you hear what I said?”
I just shake my head at him, before he goes on to talk about our upcoming Hockey game on Saturday, Nate and Nick both joining in on the conversation.
As we all talk, I can’t help but let my mind occasionally and unfortunately, drift to Y/n — I can’t help but wonder if she misses our friendship; who we were before we hated each other.
Of course, she can’t stand me, I can’t stand her, but things used to be so different.
Eventually, to stop from letting her occupy my thoughts, I settle on this; there’s no way she wonders the same. No way.
y/n pov
I make my way through the crowded hallway, attempting to make it to my English class (somewhat) on time.
Just as I reach reach the classroom, my hand literally on the door knob — the bell rings.
I quietly walk into the classroom, which is already almost entirely full, and take my seat. “Miss y/l/n, you’re late — again.”
Well shit. “I’m sorry, the hallways are crowded. It won’t happen again.” I say, glancing at my teacher who is glaring at me from her desk.
“Good, because the next time your late, you’ll get detention.” She retorts, before getting up and beginning class.
I sigh and take my seat, hanging my bag on the back of my chair and opening my book. That’s when I feel a pair of eyes on me, and when I turn to my side I’m met with the really cute guy who sits next to me.
He’s the star basketball player, tall with blond hair. When I look at him, he’s already looking at me, and when he notices, he smiles at me.
I smile back at him — awkwardly, at that, before looking down at my notebook.
Adrien Cole, is his name. One of the most popular guys at our school, and not to mention has quite the reputation when it comes to dating. But, as far as I can tell, he seems nice.
Thankfully, English goes by pretty quick, and even more thankfully, it’s my last class of the day.
As I walk out the school, my best friend Amaya is waiting for me at the bench outside the door — her usual spot.
When she notices me, she practically jumps to her feet and falls into step with me. “Guess what-!?” She asks, in a sing-song voice.
“I have no clue-”
“Josh is throwing a party tomorrow and we are going! She exclaims, quickly rambling over her words and throwing her arms up with excitement.
I widen my eyes at her. If there is one thing about Amaya, she is the life of every party. She loves a good party, especially our friend Josh’s — every floor of his house is always filled, the yard is littered with red plastic cups, kids doing keg-stands, notorious for causing cops to be called — that sort of thing.
I can’t say parties are my favorite thing, but I don’t mind them. Besides, to me, they are a rite of passage as teenagers.
“What’s the occasion?” I ask.
Amaya just shrugs, “Parents away for the weekend, I think.”
As we continue walking, making our way off school grounds and down the street, I take in the weather; it’s nearing Spring, and not quite warm but not entirely cold. It’s classic Boston weather.
Amaya and I walk side by side down the neighborhood street, chatting about our days till we hear hollering behind us. “Guys-! Wait up!”
I turn around and see Chris, Nick, Matt and Nate walking towards us, rather — jogging to us, aside from Matt, who couldn’t care less, his hands shoved in his pockets, trailing behind everyone.
When they finally catch up and fall into step with us, Amaya is quick to excitedly ask, “Are you guys coming to Josh’s party tomorrow?”
“Josh is throwing a party?” Nate practically shrieks with excitement, looking between us all for reaction.
Like Amaya, Nate also loves a good party. Maybe a little too much.
“I refuse to sit next to Nate on the car ride home!” Nick loudly states, “I will not be thrown up on again.”
We all laugh at this, remembering the last party we went to, specifically how Nate claimed ‘Matts driving made him throw up’ and then the pure chaos that ensued when Nates alcohol consumption got the best of him.
That’s when I look at Matt, still trailing behind all of us, staring at his phone, not remotely engaged in the conversation.
Matt and I are aquitances at the most. If anything, I tolerate him, and he tolerates me. I’m not entirely sure when exactly we decided we hated each other, but it started somewhere before our freshman year. Before that, we were friends — just like the rest of us.
“Why are you staring at me?”
I snap out of my thoughts, and look to Matt. Who is now looking up from his phone and studying me with questioning eyes. “Don’t flatter yourself, I was not staring at you.”
Matt chuckles at that, “I wasn’t flattered.”
He takes a step forward, finally walking at the same pace the rest of us were and stepping beside me. I glare up at him, and notice the smug smirk he has on his face, then up to his eyes that are half-lidded and glancing down at me as we walk.
That’s when he decides to ruffle my hair up, bringing his hand to the top of my head and messing up the half-up half-down style I had done.
I side step away from him, shoving his arm away as he laughs, “Fuck off, Matt.”
Apparently Amaya, Chris, Nick and Nate are still on the topic of the party, “Matt, we need a chauffeur.” Chris says, turning around to face us and walking backwards.
Matt is still eyeing me with a smirk, while I fix my hair and glare at him. “Matt,” Chris says again, this time louder and gathering his attention.
Matt looks to Chris, “What?”
“Josh is throwing a party tomorrow. Can you drive?” Chris says, again.
Matt looks like he in a deep-thinking state, “Last time I checked I am a licsended driver, yes.” He says.
Chris laughs dryly, “Real funny, Matt.”
Matt just grins at Chris, like he is proud of his stupid joke. “Depends on who I need to drive.” Matt says.
“Me!” Amaya calls out, “And probably Y/n, right?” She asks, turning to me.
I sigh, “Unfortunately, yes.” Matt is quick to answer, “Then, no.”
Everyone around us groans at this, “You two need to just suck it up and tolerate each other, I mean really, it’s fucking annoying.” Nick says.
Matt and I both glare at each other — it’s a classic look between the two of us, one that is practically laced with our hate for each other.
This time, Amaya interjects, “Seriously, you guys need to be friends again, this is getting ridiculous.” She scolds, pointing at us like we’re two small children who are getting in trouble.
Which, sometimes it feels like that.
“Fine.” Matt huffs out, “I’ll drive and you’re all paying for my gas money.”
Everyone shares another collective groan of annoyance as we continue walking, “Matt — Josh’s is two blocks away!” Nick argues.
Matt argues back — though, I think Nick wins as they are quick to fall into another conversation. That’s when Amaya turns to me. “So, what are you wearing tomorrow night?” She asks.
“I have no idea.” I sigh, shrugging. “What about you?”
“I was thinking — maybe you’d let me borrow that red mini-skirt you have?” Amaya smiles, hoping I’ll agree.
“As long as you actually return it.”
She scoffs, clutching at her chest like she’s offended. “Y/n! What do you mean, I always return your clothes-!?” We both laugh at this before I agree — under the circumstance that she really does return it to me.
As we all continue walking along the tree-lined sidewalk, all conversing about various things on our walk back to our houses, I feel a pair of eyes on me; looking up, I notice it’s Matt’s.
Obviously, I shoot him a glare, and he looks away — not without rolling his eyes at me, of course.
Sometimes I wonder where we went wrong, and I really try to remember what made us hate each other. I’m always unsuccessful and end up blaming it on Matt’s sudden attitude and tough, grumpy guy-persona that began the second we hit high school.
Maybe it’s the teenage hormones, or just growing up and growing apart, but every now then I miss when we actually got along.
I never dwell on it long, but this time, I can’t help but wonder if he thinks the same.
a/n next chapter gets RIGHTTTT into the drama lol. also, please don’t hesitate to lmk if there is any spelling mistakes etc. thank you guys!
p.s likes & re-blogs are very much appreciated:)
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fabbyf1 · 9 days
*taps microphone* is this thing on?
oh, hello.
it's me, yah girl.
you'll never guess what grandma's been up to.
after avoiding my google docs for weeks months, i have finally dusted them off and started writing again. i'll be honest with you guys: i've gone through a lot of ups and downs with writing recently, where i loved it one day and hated it the next, which is why i took such a massive break. i don't like to post things i'm not proud of, and don't fully believe in, so i'm glad i took some time away to do other things and not let writing fanfiction ruin my mental health.
but now? WE'RE BACK BABY. i followed troy bolton's advice and got my head in the game and thought to myself, what would bring you joy to write? and there was really only one answer to that question.
so that's what i've done.
i set out to make this a one-shot pwp, and if that's what i decide it's going to be, then it's pretty much complete right now and just needs an edit. but i think i'm gonna try to add more onto it over the next couple days and make it a short story instead.
it won't be anything massive like long live or vapor, but maybe a little more than a one-shot.
happy charles on pole day, besties. thank you for sticking by me while i got my life together.
snippet under the cut.
context: friend-charles has a bad hook-up and asks friend-max to give him an honest blow job review
Charles stretched his neck to the left and right as if he was about to hop into his car. 
“Do you always stretch before giving someone a blow job?” Max asked, ignoring the sweat that was forming around his hairline. 
“Fuck off,” Charles said lightheartedly. He brought his hands up and hesitated for just a moment before resting them gently on Max’s knees. Don’t be weird, don’t be weird, don’t be weird. Max was proud when the muscles of his thighs didn’t twitch or anything at the contact. “Now move your hand out of the way,” Charles instructed, looking down at where Max was covering himself.
“You’re bossier than I thought you’d be,” Max said, trying to sound as normal as possible. 
“Is that right?” Charles asked, hands still gripping Max’s knees. “Do you think about me often, Max Verstappen?” 
“I—” Max squeaked, which was somehow more embarrassing than sitting with his cock out. He glared at him as he said, “Fuck you.” Charles looked delighted by his words, which only made Max narrow his eyes further. “Don’t make me regret this,” Max warned, finally letting his hand fall to his side. 
Charles looked at where Max was lying soft against his thigh. “Do you need me to flirt with you or something?” 
Max scoffed. “No, asshole, I don’t need—” 
“Ohhh, Max, you’re so handsome,” Charles cooed in a high-pitched tone anyway. Max’s jaw dropped open in shock. “You’re so big and strong and fast,” Charles continued, batting his eyes at him in an exaggerated way that would be comical if he wasn’t on his knees. “Mister three-time world champion with a big dick and a—”  
Max’s cock twitched, and they both saw it happen. 
“Oh my god,” Charles said, gasping loudly before cackling. “Oh my god, that actually did it for you?” 
“No!” Max snapped, covering himself again with his hands. “Fuck you! It was a coincidence!” But he wasn’t even sure if Charles could hear him over his roaring laughter.
This might be the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to him.
He always knew that Charles Leclerc would be his downfall, but he never expected it to be over a blow job.
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erinwantstowrite · 3 months
Let me just quickly say, cross-overs can sometimes get REALLY difficult to map out and write in a cohesive way but you have absolutely NAILED IT!! I absolutely ADORE LoF!!! I usually don’t even bother reading fics with the ‘Richard Grayson is Richard Parker’ premise cause I felt like they were super confusing and overcomplicated but this fic?? SUPERB. ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE. OH MY GOD I ADORE IT. Everyone’s characterizations are so nice and wonderful aaaaaaah!!!! <33333
Ok ok I did actually have a question as well: would you be willing to share what your writing process looks like in terms of a chapter you’ve already posted? I was just wondering since I’m also currently working on my own fic (it’s been a few years but I managed to get fixated on an idea and it grew legs lol) and I’m currently fighting the organization of it haha.
How do you keep track of the plot points and/or foreshadowing you want to get a ‘lightbulb!’ moment for later? Do you have any tips?
Thank you so much! I absolutely adore your writing AND your art is so gorgeous omg it adds so much to the incredible story :DDD I hope you have a good day!!
I have a secret: I actually didn't like "Richard Grayson is Richard Parker' tag for a while for the same reason. Sometimes they felt like they missed the mark or it's just. A thing that's there? I almost didn't include it for LoF, but I'm glad I did because it changed the direction in such a big way.
Another secret: this made me incredibly happy because I have read so many wikis and scoured the internet to make sure that I had enough info on both fandoms so LoF could make sense to anyone who's reading it, whether they know Spider-Man, Batfam, or neither at all. Sometimes I worry a lot before I post that I'll miss a mark and will confuse people.
As for the question: I definitely am willing to share what my writing process looks like!
Be prepared for under the cut, I love to yap. It's in my blood to yap. And that's why it took a minute to get to this ask haha
(Spoilers for Leap of Faith!! Everything mentioned has already been published ((Chapters 1-11))
I had to go and find out which chapter I wanted to use as an example and I think we're gonna go with Chapter 5 for the most part :)
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My writing process is, as described by alighterwood:
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I think the description fits because while I'm all over the place, I have to be very detail oriented and I store everything in one spot.
Starting with the overall process, what I find is most helpful for me, when organizing, is having a notebook rather than doing it all digitally. I've been using a 70 sheet notebook that I had lying around waiting to be used, and as of yesterday, I officially filled the entire thing front to back. It's been an incredible help, for a lot of reasons, but mostly because it's a lot easier to remember something I physically wrote down than it is to remember something I typed. I'm now on to my second notebook for LoF, and I might even have to get a third.
In another ask, startupkat asked me this:
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And I shared a little about my outline process there, but I'll try to go into a little more depth here. Emphasis on little because this is so long.
I write a truly insane amount of outlines in this notebook.
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This is just what I can show you, but a good chunk of the notebook is just outlines. Over and over and over again. That's because they're always changing/adapting based on so many different factors. Sometimes I get to a chapter I thought I had fully planned out and then realize it just doesn't work anymore. Other times, I get to the chapter and realize I don't want to write that anymore/isn't as interesting as I thought it would be. A few times I got halfway through a POV of a scene I was struggling on and decided to switch POV's, which will change up the outline for a chapter every now and then.
Which is why I don't write incredibly detailed outlines and try to keep it vague until I actually get to that chapter. It's a lot less daunting to rewrite a chapter outline than it is to rewrite the entire outline.
Fic outlines and Chapter outlines look a lot alike.
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This is what I said in the other ask, but I didn't elaborate on it all the way.
I make a list just like that, and then I try to put it in chronological order/in an order that makes sense. I keep the Fic outline vague by writing down "Goals" for a chapter rather than scenes. But I also keep notes to myself if I really think something is important. The more important I think a scene needs to be, the more details I write down to make sure my future self recalls what I had in mind when I thought it up.
Really simple example:
Chap 1 Goal: Peter gets to Gotham and meets Babs while running around. Meet Nightwing too? Get shelter.
Chapter 2 Goal: Bats are like "???" about Peter. Batfam dynamic important... Peter stalking Batfam back? Peter meet Batman >:)
When I get to a chapter, that's when I make a far more detailed list of wants/needs/goals. It's the Step 2 from the Step 1. Here are some examples from Chapter 5:
Needed to have:
More POV's from universe 1299 (Peter's home universe)
Tony's POV more specifically, how he's doing/feeling, what he's figured out
What they've figured out on 1299 side vs what's going on in 1300 (Gotham)
Explaining more about Peter's trauma/his past
Dick learning more about Peter, and vise versa
Wanted to have:
Ned being a more central character
Natasha :)
Loki being a little shit
Tony and Cap bickering
Peter talking to Nightwing again
The last name Grayson
(This is the shortened list, because the chapters are so long)
When I looked at this list before writing my outline, I had to figure out how I could incorporate everything. If I needed more 1299 POV's, and I wanted Ned, Natasha, and Loki, there's one scene accounted for. I had to get their side of things and wanted that trio together. I needed a Tony POV, and I wanted Tony and Cap bickering, so those went together, plus I got 1299's POV of Ohnn and his plans explained.
I needed to have Peter explaining more about his trauma, and Dick and Peter to talk/get closer. I wanted a Nightwing POV, to have Peter say his last name, and them doing gymnastics. I knew Peter wouldn't willingly talk about that, so I had him have a nightmare. Not only did it give readers perspective but it made Peter more susceptible to talking to Nightwing because he was more emotionally vulnerable/lonely, and that's how that scene came together.
That's when I would write down the chronological order of these events by writing out "Scene Blocks." (This is what I wrote down but my handwriting was so bad I can't subject y'all to it):
scene 1- Ned talking to Loki. Natasha should be nearby and observing Loki's behavior. They are not on friendly terms. Ned is more worried about Peter than he is as to what Loki could be up to, so Natasha takes on that role.
scene 2- Tony is freaking out about Peter being in an alt dimension. He should attack Ohnn when he's not prepared for it. Beat his ass? Beat his ass. Cap there too.
scene 3- Peter's nightmare. "Ben, where do you go when you die?" "Where do you think?" "With you. Where you went."
scene 4- Nightwing and Peter.
Of course, things come to attention when writing. Like originally, Tony and Cap were arguing in the Tower. But it was a little too much like his and Natasha's argument, and I kept in mind that Tony is smart. Sometimes I forget that the characters are smarter than I am, so I have to account for what they would figure out. So Tony would have picked up the puzzle pieces and come to more conclusions than I originally thought about, and I figured he'd be way more proactive about it than just. Being in the Tower and waiting.
Which means that that scene ended up being as listed above: having a squabble with Cap, learning more about Peter's dynamic with the Avengers in this universe, and seeing how Tony is reacting to it by throwing himself head first into trying to capture Ohnn.
I'll realize I need something else to be mentioned or put in and I'll have to shimmy things around, but that's basically how it goes.
As for other forms of organization:
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Keeping a timeline is so important because it tells you a lot about the environment your characters are in. It's also important to remember what a character has on them, what money they've spent, who they've met/who you have mentioned, every alias that is being used, to read your work and write down edits you want to make before you make them, to write down ideas beforehand of situations you can use, and, most importantly: MAKE A MAP!! This has saved me so many times. Sometimes your brain WILL trick you or make it harder on you to envision a scene. Make a map of where your characters are physically!! It will save you too!!
As for foreshadowing and plot points, I'll let you in on yet another secret:
Your subconscious is doing a lot more than you think it is.
Sometimes when I foreshadow something, I didn't even know I was until I got to it. I very often go back to read chapters that came before this to see what I've mentioned and what I haven't, and when I do, I'll see something and go "I have to bring this back" or "I almost forgot about that!"
Other times, I am very aware of what I'm foreshadowing, and that's because I follow a mystery plot formula. You have to keep in mind everyone's intentions, all the time. How are they feeling? What are their motivations? And: what are they doing right now, while this character is doing this?
Like Beck and Ohnn. From the very beginning, I knew I had to make sure that it was obvious Ohnn wasn't working alone. From there, I had to weave through the story and slowly build him up as someone who's working behind the scenes. Even from Ned's first POV, I made sure to mention that this person knows Tony and is tech savvy.
My biggest tip is to make sure you reread your work or at least skip through it, because sometimes you don't even know that you placed something there.
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And sometimes, it's very purposeful. :)
I hope this helped! I really tried to keep it short but I am insane and the process is sooooo long. It sounds complicated but it really is simple when you're actually doing it I swear
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vinelark · 9 months
in return for the fic recs i got last month, here are a few fics i read recently that i want to absolutely yell about from the rooftops:
Iron, Fire, Mirror-Glass by PurpleSoot: an early batman days AU where, while slowly healing from a spine-shattering injury, bruce finds an old book about the fae. in a fit of desperation he attempts a Summoning to try to heal his spine. enter: robin.
this story is fantastic—the kind of longfic with a plot so good and satisfying that finishing it leaves you on a reading high for at least a week. one of the best early days bruce fics i’ve ever read, with honorable mentions to excellent alfred and clark and jim and selina characterizations—but robin (dick) really takes the cake here. the balance of chilling, otherworldly, not-quite-human vs. playful, earnest, Still Just a Child…chef’s kiss. the way robin’s character arc drags bruce kicking and screaming through his own emotional growth is so well-paced and well-wrought that i already want to reread just so i can experience it again. this is one of those god-tier longfics that i can’t believe i got to read for free on the internet.
mid-reading testimonial:
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The Lone Ranger Never Had to Deal with Bruce Wayne by @theskeptileptic: a tim-joins-the-family-early fic in which tim decides to do everyone (his parents) a solid by faking his own death and running away to canada, except his weirdo neighbor bruce wayne keeps butting in and messing up his plans.
this is one of the rare stories where tim doesn’t know batman’s identity yet, and even rarer stories where that somehow makes the whole thing even more compelling. this fic has two of my favorite things: small, lonely, moderately unhinged tim drake pov, and really good pangs—pangs that are expertly teased out through flashbacks that add context to the present action at exactly the right moments. also, a very fun cameo near the end. i had a blast reading this one, physically clutched my chest more than once, and am already looking forward to rereading.
mid-reading testimonial (feat. @cairoscene):
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equivalent exchange by scribblemetimbers (wip): an au set during tim’s robin days in which tim discovers 1) crossroads demons are a thing and 2) people can make deals with them. deals that include bringing people back from the dead, so long as you’re willing to pay the price with your own life.
this fic is so…🤌‼️ it feels like everything i want in a fic so far, down to two incredibly specific concepts i love (bruce, in his grief, saying something harsh to robin!tim with disastrous consequences later + tim making a big secret sacrifice gambit) which are both done so so well, within a larger plot that is also done so so well. the way this fic cuts in and out of scenes at the exact right moments for max tension feels like a masterclass in causing me to tear my hair out (in the best way), and instead of assorted pangs reading it is just one big Pang. it currently leaves off on an agonizing cliffhanger but, again, in the best way. highly recommend. (thank you again @owlbats for the rec!)
exchange between me and my friend after i sent the link, which about sums it up:
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and to cut this angst with some humor:
IRIS Log #1548 by @deadchannelradio: a night on patrol as recorded by the bats’ audio logs, centering around red hood getting flung into a ditch and everyone, eventually, getting home safe.
one of the top ten funniest things i’ve ever read—spiritually up there with send to all (and if you’ve seen my fic rec tag you’ll know what a compliment that is). this makes use of the audio log format SO well. the dialogue shines, the jokes land with excellent timing, and it moves at such a clip that it’s pretty much impossible to stop reading once you’ve started. every character shines in this, and i’ve randomly choked on laughter remembering the phrase ‘good god he got thrown like a corn hole beanbag’ like twenty times in the past few weeks.
mid-reading testimonial:
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