#thank you anon 💚
vladdyissues · 7 months
Hello, I’m here to interrogate you about your fic, Familiar 😈
So, I fucking love the direction this story is taking, Danny getting more and more attracted to Vlad, while Vlad is subtly getting more and more possessive of Danny. It makes me really curious about how school is gonna go for them. Like, I can totally see Vlad somehow worming his way into the school system, just to make sure no one takes Danny away from him or hurts him in any other way.
It also makes me wonder about how the other kids are gonna treat Danny. Prep school is never a good thing. Ever. And if Danny was a loser at Casper High, he’s gonna be Loser ² at prep school. I’m just WAITING for some Dash duplicate to show up and shove Danny in a locker.
And if Danny does get bullied, would Vlad interfere again?? And if yes, how would Danny take that? I feel like he wants to be doted on a little bit? But bc it’s Vlad getting overprotective, he’s more likely to push him away first.
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simply DYING to confirm or deny but I can't just yet but oh boy do I love the way you think. I hope I can exceed (or at least match) your expectations!
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foxilayde · 7 months
I adore your Cecil fic with the SW and the way your portray him as an earnest dumbass. I just saw a tweet that said “one time a guy I hooked up with saw my stretch marks and kissed them and told me I didn't have to do that to myself anymore” and I was like “Cecil.” Lmfaooo
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That is so Cecil omfg. Ty for sharing anon I can’t get over how poignant and romantic he’d find it and how much reader would be rolling her eyes, biting her tongue to not ruin the moment because he’s on his way down and if she says something she’s going to derail the whole protective loving thing he’s got going on in his simple pretty head and it’s best to let him go on thinking whatever it is he’s thinking
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sharkgirldick · 10 months
here’s a BASED accusation: ur hot
Umm. Proof???
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I read your article about pentiment! I'm a immigrant - a member of a non-jewish diaspora with deeply mutilated ties to my "origin", and guy's situation hit me like a truck. like, it took me a while to understand why some people still hated guy even after his confession, because he made so much sense to me!
my "local" community ostracised my diaspora for years, such that I could no longer see them as "my" community, because I realised they never saw me as theirs. even when they didn't direct insults at me specifically, I knew their words reflected their beliefs about me. similarly, even if guy's Jewish identity wasn't known to others, that wouldn't make the ambient anti-semitism less alienating.
it hurts to live without any sense of community, so you imagine all the other people in your circumstances, feeling what you feel, and you are less alone - that was the first community I was a part of, intangible as it was. so it made perfect sense to me that guy's community was also "people in his situation", and that he steals (from already ill-gotten gains) to save its members. that's his tassing, and its people are in even deeper peril than the locals, and they're even less equipped to help each other, or to be helped by their respective locals! who knows how many people he was saving with those donations? what reparations would those conversos have received, without him?
the other thing that gets me: guy knows he's not easy to like, and how much more precarious that makes his situation. at the very least, the higher ups in the abbey know of his status, so he works hard in the scriptorium and flatters them to their faces, keeping his position secure despite being Jewish. and it reads as being desperate for approval to all the people around him, making him further disliked! having been both spiky and disposable for a long time, it got to me.
sorry for putting this much text in your askbox, but I was so happy to read your examination of guy, and I had a lot of feelings! it's morning o'clock at night now, so I'll just say I hope this came across as the solidarity I meant it to be and not as appropriative. we definitely have different levels of struggle, but I want to hug brother guy anyway
omg no don’t be sorry!! this was a lovely thing to see in my inbox and i’m glad you liked the article so much/found it relatable and thought provoking! i think you’re 100% correct about the conversos guy is helping being “his tassing” and there’s def a lot to chew on re similarities and differences of how guy and andreas both approach the others (esp. people with monetary/political power) in tassing/the abbey as two very different outsiders. i ALSO think it’s very telling that guy is one of the only important members of the abbey that Doesn’t make an appearance/doesn’t have explicit confirmation that he’s still somewhere within the church in act 3 (if he survives act 2) which could be like. pentiment’s intentional ambiguity at work just leaving the rest of his life open ended yk. but you can definitely take it as him cutting ties with the church and leaving for a different community 🤔
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waitingonavision · 2 years
Can you imagine Bruno’s arms getting softer and less boney as he gains weight and him at least pretending it’s muscle when he’s alone
Aw 🥹
Bruno’s paused in front of the half-mirror in his room, still in his sleep-clothes. He pokes at his bare bicep, fleshier now that he’s healthy.
“Oo-ooh, Paquito. Look at this!” Bruno addresses the rat that’s scampered over to greet him. He flexes.
“Iiit’s muscle!”
Paquito stares for a moment, nose twitching. Then promptly ducks his head to groom his side.
Bruno huffs.
“Wouldn’t kill you to humor your mamá for once,” he mutters, dropping his clearly unimpressive arm.
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hacked-by-jake · 9 months
🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶✨
Thanks a lot for sending it to me, lovely anon. 💚
Okay, uhh, current top 5 :)
Talk Sick - Corey Taylor
Dragula - Rob Zombie
12 Black Rainbows - Type O Negative
SIXX - Daniel Brooke
Perhaps - Guns N' Roses
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final-heavxn · 1 month
eddie doesn't have a Hispanic mother, his mother is Swedish!
You’re right!!! I misspoke
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bnesszai · 5 months
If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better! 💖💖💖
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Yes, you are! And you're a delightful friend too, seeing you pop in my dash or reading what you write is a highlight of my day :3
I'm going to drown in my own tears 😭
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egophiliac · 10 months
I saw that post about you feeling down on your art lately and decided it best to say something cause anon was honestly so real with you being an inspiration.
It was legit your art that made me want to pick drawing back up after I abandoned it for months. I was feeling low looking at my old works and thought it was a waste of time. But then a few weeks back I went to look through twist content and found myself laughing at the jokes and admiring the cute art and wishing I could learn to draw like you.
I mean when I look at your art is see great poses, unique character builds, and smooth art. It’s all very lovely!
So I picked up some books and YouTube tutorials to start practicing things like anatomy a bit more and such to hopefully improve on my stuff. That reignited fire is largely because of you. So thank you! I hope that you get a bit of that creative fire back too and you don’t feel low about your art, it’s really wonderful content you post! I look forward to seeing your future works!
anon, I am crying right now, no joke. this is SO sweet and SO amazing to hear; there have been people like that for me, and I am honored to be one of those people for you. 💚💚💚
one of the things I try to remember when I feel really bad about myself and my art is that drawing is just...fun! the process of drawing is really fun! even if the outcome isn't what I wanted it to be, I try to let myself enjoy the actual act of making it, because that's worth something on its own!
...hopefully that makes sense! and if not, may I offer you this gif in your honor:
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axellis · 2 months
After seeing your peppermint fudge posts with shadow milk...like the one with dark cacao and the one where peppermint fudge 'saves' shadow milk from a spore...aaaand the one where it looks like they are protecting shadow milk from pure vanilla...
I now can't help but imagine then wonder:
Peppermint fudge going to protect shadow milk....peppermint fudge then gets defeated or gets smacked in a way....would shadow milk just snap and be like 'THEY ARE SUPPOSE TO DEFEAT YOU CAN I CAN SWOON AT THEM, YOU [insert cookie version of calling someone an A-hole]' and then attacks them...taking on the role as knight saving someone VERY VIOLENTLY as payback for them hurting his love and for ruining the vibe of peppermint fudge being his 'knight'?
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if there's one thing shadow milk probably hates more than someone ruining HIS performances, it's probably if someone's ruining peppermint fudge's!
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melverie · 8 months
on a scale of 1 to satan how bbg is mephisto
Satan has had far more time to establish his place as the ultimate babygirl (to me at least), so I can't give Mephisto the honor of being anywhere near his level but man the devs are making sure that he's at least getting close
I mean he
is the local horsegirl
apparently has a massive sweet tooth
stakes his entire self-worth on being useful to the future ruler of the land
seems to be great with kids
is super diligent. Just look at how much effort he is putting into journalism despite absolutely having no interest in pursuing that field in the future
is an honorary member of the Anti-Lucifer League, yet refuses to spread any false information about him in the school newspaper and mostly ends up singing his praises instead
runs said newspaper (and as someone who did the same for a year, I respect that a lot)
isn't really all that interested in MC, which is a nice change of pace
and finally, seems to dye his hair purple which makes him look like an eggplant <3
Also when he saved MC from falling on the ground and then brushed it off afterwards because he "only did what anyone would have done" back in season 4? That part was so good
ALSO Solmare could easily give him the perfect blushing face. Just look at him
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ghost-bxrd · 28 days
so i am absolutely obsessed with jason and bruces relationship, its so complicated and messy and ugh. anyway. I made a playlist with all the songs i thought kinda fit their vibe, and i tohught id send it to you cause ur one of my favourite blogs on here (i absolutly love owl song btw!!!)
(personally i dont ship brujay (no hate to people who do tho!) so i mostly ignore the romance aspects of the songs)
Oooooo that’s so cool! Definitely check it out folks 💚💚💚💚
And yes, their dynamic is super interesting! I lean hardcore towards fics that don’t portray him as a bad person but gosh yeah, definitely an abundance of angst there either way. 😭🙏
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littlemaple · 1 year
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its crazy, its party
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hacked-by-jake · 11 days
Are you okay and safe with the water and flood and stuff? I just read some things about that happening in Germany. Sorry if it's awkward I'm just always scared to reach out but I got worried for a second
Oh my- dear anon. 🥹 First of all, please never worry to reach out to me. Really, I love everything I get from all of you and every little message makes the happiest person alive, I promise you. 💚
And secondly, yes, I'm absolutely safe and it happens very far away from me. 💚
Lovely anon, you seriously can't imagine how much this asks meant to me. Someone just checking in and asking for my wellbeing is one of the things that really mean the world to me and I couldn't appreciate it more. And I wish I could do something to really show how heavily you just improved my day. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Your words will stay in my mind forever and I wish I could do something to give that back to you. 🥺💚
But yes, it's really horrible what is happening once again. I mean, the "first" time in such terrible proportions is not long ago. And I know I have some German followers so I want to use this to say: I hope everyone of you is safe as well and I hope that no one of you is affected by it and if so, of course, I wish you all the very best and I hope you get the help you need as fast as possible. Seeing the pictures is terrible and I really wish I could actively do something to help with that situation. And these words go out to everyone, no matter where you are on this earth right now. There is hardly a place where nothing happens and I want to say that I wish you all only the best. I know, my words don't change anything but I want you to know that you're not alone. And you're loved. 💚
I really hope your day/evening/night will be as wonderful as you made mine, dear Anon. I hope you're doing good. Please take care of yourself and stay healthy and safe! 💚
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saotoru · 7 months
dude my size difference kink goes CRAZY with re4 leon. he's so broad and tall and i just know that you would feel so tiny next to him, ESPECIALLY if he had you pinned against a wall, towering over you <3 and he can just scoop you up and toss you around with no problem. throwing you on the couch, holding you up against the wall, forcing you into different positions like you weigh nothing
but his hands especially??? DRIVE ME INSANE. his hands are huge, they'd spread across your entire stomach, pinky on one hip and thumb on the other. he'd be able to hold you down with just one hand while he fucks you ruthlessly. his other hand is running through his hair while he grins down at you or gripping your throat, of course <3
and i mean, goes without saying, his cock is huge. and he loves to just lay it against your lower stomach to show you how deep it's gonna go, just to see the fear in your glazed-over and needy eyes. he'll reassure you, "i know you can take it baby, i'll make it fit" while he grinds against your clit before just sliiiiiding in sooooo slow, letting you feel every inch. "oh, i know, it's so big in your little body. stretching you out so much, i know. shhh, it's okay, just keep taking it" while you wince and whine as he splits you in half 🩷🩷🩷🩷
(transmasc anon btw hey there 👋 i should probably take an anon title at this point lmao)
hi hi nonnie :3 UGH YOURE SO REAL & especially being short (5’2) im so shamelessly obsessed with being smaller than my faves and leon is no exception <33
this is so scrummy and sub!leon with a size kink would be so :((((( being the one to reassure him that it’ll fit <3 he looks so nervous when he lays his thick cock on top of your tummy, all heavy and hard and leaking. it looks so big compared to you–reaches all the way to your belly button. leon’s about to protest, say he doesn’t want to hurt you, but when you palm him, over the top of him–he can’t find the words to tell you to stop. he twitches against you, even more so when you tell i want you– you’re perfect. it’ll fit, i promise sweet boy. ugh and when he makes your tummy bulge !!!🥺 mouth hanging open and drooling, putting an equally big hand over your tummy and asking is that me? it feels so good when he presses down on himself and now he’s addicted to stuffing you full all the time </3 coughs sobs and throws up ORRRR spoon fucking w him :( his chest is so broad against your back, the weight of his arm around your neck and his thick cock being kept warm inside you makes it sooo hard to breathe because you’re just so full of him :((( sleepy slow lazy thrusts because he’s too tired to try n make you cum he just wants to feel you close ugh mmmmm <//3
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