#thank you for the huuuuuge ask this was so fun to do!
3 and 5!
thank you for the ask!
3. Do you share your fic ideas, or do you keep them to yourself?
I share a lot of ideas. I don't share all of them, especially the half-baked ones, but I do share plenty. I'm always up for prompts and I'm happy if someone has the same/similar idea. Then we get two fics of the same idea!
5. How many wips do you have?  What fandoms/pairings are they for?
Unpublished wips - a huuuuuge amount. Published wips? Only 2. Cariad and A Changing Pack. Both Harry Potter, both Remadora, though A Changing Pack is going to see Sirius flirting with a certain very cool Auror ;)
Oh, and A Changing Pack is going to have Hinny angst shortly. *Gonna torture them, gonna be so much fun!*
fanfic writer asks set 1
you can also ask from set 2
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domesticated-feral · 3 years
SFW: 10
SFW: 14
NSFW: 15
Okay so, *cracks knuckles*. Everything's under the cut!
Sciles (Scott/Stiles)
Who buys the groceries?
Two scenarios for this q, imo: 1. College Sciles - they don't buy groceries unless they absolutely have to. Most of the time it's cup noodles, snacks, soda, all the cheap unhealthy junk. 2. Adult Sciles (who got some of their shit together because who really ever has all their shit together?) - Scott does the groceries most of the time. He likes to cook on his off days and Stiles would sometimes whip up dinner too. Sometimes they both go to the grocery store and end up stocking a whole shelf in the pantry with snacks.
Any kinks they clash on?
Stiles finds humiliation a kink for him but Scott just can't, however hard he tries, to say any degrading words towards Stiles. It's been tried a few times but none of the attempts end satisfyingly.
Sceo (Scott/Theo)
Any pets? Or plants?
Personal hc is down the line, Scott gets a dog, a boston terrier and Theo is a bit wary of it, never having a good experience with dogs as a kid but the pup pulls at his heart strings and he forms a soft spot for it. They have tried keeping a few plants alive but after they managed to kill a cactus, they both sworn off plants as pets.
Quickest turn ons? Immediate turn offs?
For Scott, his quickest turn on would probably be touch, it's almost like Theo knows where he needs to massage or caress his fingertips over to get Scott into the mood. However he's easily turned off when he senses unease or any negative emotion in the other.
For Theo, he's easily turned on whenever Scott rides his hand up under his shirt or when his fingers are dangerously close yet oh so far from his crotch. He also likes it when he's pushed onto bed, pinned down. Yep, he wants to be rowdy in bed. An immediate turn off is pin drop silence. It makes him feel like he's not doing a good enough job and makes his mood turn sour like a switch.
Stackson (Stiles/Jackson)
Who is the highest maintenance? Does the other mind?
The answer is very clear that it's Jackson. He's very, Very, VERY high maintenance. Even though he's a werewolf/kanima hybrid and everything, he maintains his 10-step skin routine, owns a lot of different soap/shampoo/whatnot bottles, and everything is highly glamourized with him. Stiles at first thought he'd find it annoying, but strangely he finds himself to be neutral about it, even letting Jackson put a face mask on him sometimes. He will take it his personal duty to tease Jackson about it from time to time though.
Open or closed relationship? Do they sometimes share?
Big rule in their relationship is that honesty and communication is key so they hold somewhat of an open relationship. Multiple threesomes or occasions where Stiles/Jackson will hook up with someone else and later relay the details as they both find it to turn each other on. Danny's mostly thrown in the mix, but since Danny doesn't prefer on threesomes with both of them (saying that it would be too much work), he's tossed around like a hot potato in between whenever he's free and up for it.
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scummynami · 3 years
Do you have any Yandere Hermes headcanons?
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Also, please feel free to give me more asks, I unexpectedly like doing these... As twisted as it sounds...
Warnings: Short mention of c@nnib@lism, r@pe, m@nipul@tion, mentions of abooos, inappropriate speech and behaviour.
!!Read at your own discretion!!
Well, my headcanons for yandere Hermes is a bit, how do people say it, deviant? Or warped? But don't worry, it's only a bit.
I see Hermes as a yandere who'd do anything... just to steal from you, whether it be a dress, jewelry or food. Because apparently, and with his own words I quote, “... a few freshly cleaned togas from your dressers are more valuable than his worshipper's prayers and abundant offerings.”
A huuuuuge creep.
I'd say Hermes is a different yandere to Dionysus. Dionysus is calm and collected (I like to say that it's due to his personality and age), while our bitch Hermes radiates full on blinding beams of youth.
He has lots of energy to waste, which isn't really an advantage for you, especially when all you wanna do is run away from him~
Like Dionysus, he'd eventually turn to manipulation and msybe sprinkle a bit of guilt tripping for some spice.
Sneaking around him isn't even a choice anymore, that man can hear you from a mile away and would be by your side in a flash while taunting you and asking (in a very humiliating mocking way) what your next step is.
Of course, he'd only do ↑↑↑ this if you were trying to run away from him, and if not, he would just play along and pretend that he doesn't see you sneaking into the kitchen, acting like a thief, as you rummage through the cupboards for the delicious sweets he brought over yesterday.
If you found out about his... other side, and tried to run away from him. The least most painful he can do to you is humiliating you. Yep. Out of all the things in the world... Humiliation is the way to go with that blondie.
He'd try his best to get those rare opportunities to humiliate you and crush your confidence, before building you up with clumsy hands and double meaning words.
He loves showing you off. That's it. Period.
Has complete disregard to your heart. Him before you is what he likes to say.
Oh what's that? You're sick and you'd get worse if you keep moving about? Oh, don't worry! He'll just call Apollo over and make him heal you, only after dancing though. He wants to dance right now and he's going to do that with you whether you like it or not.
A big, ass, motherfucking hypocrite. I don't even want to get into the details, you'll just be left annoyed.
Will punch air if you're seen spending time with other people, whether said 'other people' is family or friend.
Why are you spending time with those greedy, disgusting vermins? Is he not important enough? Should he just take you away and isolate you from the whole world until you realise that the only person you'd ever need to talk to... Is him?
But don't worry, being his darling doesn't only have cons, there are some pretty good pros too!
He would never ever let you do chores ever, especially for him. His angel only needs to relax and look pretty for him, while he does everything for you. And it's times like these when you'd pray to thank his parents for making him a hypocrite.
You'd be showered from head to toe with the world's luxury... If you're a good darling. If you were the resistant and feisty type, I'm so sorry but this mans loves being in charge. He'd lose interest in you as soon as he sees you acting so stubborn against him.
I get the feeling that he gets this sense of thrill from having a sub darling.
Punishments with this big boyo is definitely not fun. But don't worry, he'd never rape you. He'd rather die than to lay a hand on you. Why? Well, you're special. You're not just something that keeps him up all night. You make his heart beat in a different way.
But don't be too relieved yet, he will still hurt you, just in a ~different~ way.
*domestic violence has joined the chat*
Like I said, he's a big, big, hypocrite.
He will confuse you to no end! One day he'd say he loves you so much, he's give the world to you. Then the next day, he'd embarrass you in public just because you forgot to serve him wine that evening. You'd never know when he'd strike you or kiss you. You'd be at luck's mercy, and unfortunately for you, he's the God of Luck so...
If you ever live through the abuse and finally managed to learn how to avoid triggering his aggressive side, don't relax yet because that man is so unpredictable, the next day, you might be eating your first born because of a minor mistake you did last night.
Giver of Trauma is his middle name~
Side note: If you ever try to cheat on him. Don't. Of you do, then all I can say is don't worry, he won't kill you, no. That would be way too easy for both you and your partner. Instead, he will traumatise you so bad by slowly torturing and killing your lover in front of you, I like to think that it would be so bad, you'd never consummate with anyone at all apart from Hermes, fearing he'd do it again.
And as disgusting as this sounds. Even after all of the emotional, physical and mental torture he put you through, he will definitely act as if nothing even happened while also discreetly reminding you of it by wearing a warm smile while saying the three most dreadful words ever to exist.
Because at the end of the day, whether you like it or not, he is your lover and you are his. Isn't that right?
"I love you, [name]."
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jesterjangles · 2 years
tw/ vent?? kinda? i've been dealing with some very weird feelings about myself lately that were hard to put a name to until i wrote them out.
i've recently realized that no matter how much i talk to people, and however much practice i get with my ~conversation skills~, i can't shake the feeling that i'm not a very fun person to talk to. which, y'know, is pretty upsetting to me as an extrovert who naturally loves to talk and loves to be loud and expressive and silly and wants to be fun to be around. like for example, every time a conversation comes to it's natural end and we go our separate ways, i'll, without fail begin to worry about whether or not i either 1. just wasted their time for an hour and a half, or 2. downright fucking annoyed them the whole entire conversation. and this isn't just a strictly irl thing either. it definitely happens with almost every online chat i have as well, sadly. if my brain can find something, literally anything to stress about in a conversation, you can bet your ass it will. but i can't just ask people "uh hey am i irritating the fuck out of you or are we good?" in the middle of a convo,,, way to bring everything to a grinding halt bro!! so i'll just kinda sit there, and wonder if this person wants to be around me or not. and honestly i wish i could say that this insecurity with myself is 100% completely irrational and out of nowhere but. it's not. huuuuuge shoutout to my middle school teachers for telling me that i was loud, disrupting, personally irritating to them, and literally verbatim to "do myself a favor and shut up". a middle school teacher!! telling a 12 year old to shut up!! in front of the whole fucking class!! thanks guys that totally helped and definitely didn't fuck up me and my perception of myself for years and years afterward. i'm fucking overjoyed you told me that actually!! now i have trouble keeping friendships going because i'm too afraid to open my fucking mouth to talk. oh, even better- thanks to that lovely little piece of trauma, for a few years after that, i began trying my absolute best to be quiet and be a good listener- which i was! to the point where it stunted my conversation skills so bad that even now i cannot express myself or my thoughts in a way that's understandable or meaningful. i can try to give compliments and i can try to tell people things i like, but it always ends up sounding. wrong? i guess? at least to me. and it makes me so fucking jealous of people who can express themselves because god, i want to do that so bad but its literally impossible. even if i do try, i'm just gonna end up hoping i didn't waste the time the person i was talking to could've spent talking to someone who was more intelligent and funnier and just a better person to chat with.
i don't know how to fix this and there's no viable/inexpensive way for me to start taking the steps to do so either, so. guess i just gotta learn to deal better.
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rachi-roo · 3 years
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#peach stole one of my friggin socks and just found it under my bed again 😂
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Ashfudjdnfksksnfia Queen PLZ! >////w////< As you wish!
Haikyuu: Asahi tickle Headcanons!
Asahi, the gentle giant from Karasunos volleyball team. How can someone so big be so soft? Here are a few examples of just how soft this big ball of mochi can be~
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Asahi is a Lee. 99% Lee. He just loves the physical contact, reminding him of the strong bond he and his friends have.
Honestly, when it comes to tickles this man is like a big ol' puppy who wants belly rubs, though he's far to shy to actually ask for them. So his friends make sure to ask him at least every other day if he wants some tickle time. His burning red cheeks are all the answer they need.
As Ducky here informed me, Asahis most sensetive areas are his tummy and sides.
Most of the time, he will try and be still for his ler, that's the best way to get the best tickles.
Raspberries are his favourite. The way he twitches and giggles in anticipation is just pure, untainted gold~
He always has to have something to hug, since he can't stand seeing what's going on. Make sure to give him a hoodie, bag, a big plushie, anything that he can squeeze the life out of whilst you give him what he deserves.
He doesn't mind rough or soft tickles. Anything that gives him that sensation will do.
He won't talk much during his wrecking, his face buried to deep in whatever he's hugging. However, if you did want to hear his laughter better, you'd have to get someone to pin his arms up. Tag-team that big boi.
When attacking these areas his laughter is big and hearty. A little snort here and there too~
Another spot he's sensetive is his ears. If you're not a giant then you'll have to wait until he's sat down or make sure you can jump high enough to sneak a little puff of air into his ear.
Ear tickles make him squeak, yes squeak. He will scronch his neck and shoulders up like a little turtle hiding from a predator.
A great way to tickle this spot is whilst he's napping. Just a little whisp of air or even a feather if you have one on you. His sleepy giggles are too pure for this world and those who've heard them are blessed and should feel honoured.
This man is so easily flustered. Just a nose boop is enough to have him giggling and blushing.
Lots of head shaking, lots of leg flailing but other than that, he's a very well behaved Lee. 100/10 highly recommend~ 🧡
Although Asahi is a Lee, that doesn't mean he won't give his friends an affectionate tickle or two.
Big hands. Big huuuuuge hands. And what they do? They tickle. Really, really... Gently. Yes, despite his huge hands he's incredibly gentle.
Too gentle. It's cruel how nice he is whilst he's being the ler. He doesn't even realise he's teasing you when he talks.
'Having fun?'
'Haha, that smile is precious.'
'Well that was an interesting sound.'
Of course it depends on who he's tickling and why. If it's Noya because he's being a little shit his choice of words are more along the lines of-
'Done being an ass now, gremlin?'
'You need to learn your lesson.'
But even then, he's still so gentle. Probably because he's worried he'll hurt those small people.
See the full post
52 notes • Posted 2021-07-11 12:20:32 GMT
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No need to thank me ❤️👌
62 notes • Posted 2021-07-28 21:32:52 GMT
So, Heisenberg.
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I've never understood the whole 'daddy' thing... Until today. Um. Yeah.
75 notes • Posted 2021-06-30 20:33:55 GMT
Issac Foster tickle hcs!
This been on my miiiiiind 🤭 Baby boi ❤️
Warning, rough tickles/handling
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Zacky boy doesn't even know what tickling is when you first meet him but after some time you finally manage to pluck up the courage to ask if he is, without fear of being stabbed.
"The fuck is that? Some kind of mental problem'?"
"That's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard. Of course I'm not."
Once you explain, you swear you can see the red glow of blush through his bandages.
Over time Zack learns that tickling can be used to get what he wants, or to make you suffer without having to brutally murder you! :D
As a ler, Zack is a force to be reckoned with. Evil. If you're not comfortable with rough tickles, you do not want him to catch you.
He will give you a time limit to run, counting loudly with that dirty grin on his face. Usually three seconds, you know how he likes the chase.
Once he's had his fun chasing, he will pin you any way possible. His favourite method is sitting on your waist with your arms pinned under his thighs.
He will tell you not to smile, threatening to 'kill you' if you do. By kill he means wreck you harder.
His tickles are rough and rude. He wants to break you, make you beg and maybe even tear up if he's feeling especially cruel. Sadistic little shit.
He's full of teases too~
"Tickle, tickle, ya' little fucker. Should have run faster!"
"If you weren't such a crap victim we wouldn't even be in this situation!"
"Uh oooh, now you've gone and done it, shit head. Time to die~"
Que him mercilessly attacking your worst spot until you almost wet yourself.
After he's finished tickling you to near death, he will probably tussle your hair and watch you try to regain your composure. He isn't one to flee after a wrecking because he knows you wouldn't dare attack him.
He does know when to stop though, he knows you and what the signs are. He may be an asshole, but he'll always at least ask if you're okay. If he doesn't think you are, then he'll help you up and fetch you a snack or even wrap an arm around you comfortingly.
Yes, believe it or not, this multi-murder-maniac has a Lee side. And when it surfaces, it's quite entertaining.
If Zack is in one of his rare, yet very intense, Lee moods, he will do everything in his power to get you to notice without actually saying anything. He's gotta keep up that scary guy aesthetic.
When in this mood, Zack will walk around with his arms over his head, put his feet in your lap, maybe pretend his checking his bandages by leaving his hoodie unzipped.
Lots of huffing and sighing too. Very grumpy. Not-so subtly staring at you out of the corner of his eye to see if you've noticed then quickly gazing around the room if you look at him.
If you haven't noticed soon enough, he'll probably walk away without a word, hiding in his room like a grumpy kid.
If, however, you do catch on, you're in for a treat.
One rule Zack has, no tools. Only fingers and mouths. Something about using tools just makes him very uncomfortable.
His most sensetive spots are his neck, ribs and inner thighs. Any of them make him melt.
See the full post
95 notes • Posted 2021-06-23 19:08:32 GMT
For the crime of stealing the hearts of millions, including ny own, Rody Soul is sentenced to the tickle chair until our hearts are returned.
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This might take a while. Tragic. UwU 👐
I'm so proud of how this one turned out! I'm using less and less references for body structure and almost on track to finding my style! ☺️💕❤️
109 notes • Posted 2021-11-07 04:16:10 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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strwrs · 3 years
19 and 20!!❤
thank you so much for asking, rea!!!! <3
19. Is there something you always find yourself repeating in your writing? (favourite verb, something you describe ‘too often’, trope you can’t get enough of?)
oooohhhhh i love this question. i use the word 'myriad' a LOT. also, i talk about eyes a lot. like, who's looking at who and how. and how it makes the other person feel. or the person who's looking feel. i'm also huuuuuge on feelings and like. using metaphors and similes and all that stuff to make it flowery. and of course, obi-wan is perfect for flowery writing bc he talks like he's a character in a work by shakespeare aslkdjasldj. i also talk about arm placement a lot. tbh obi-wan is really fun to write partly bc of this aslkdjalskdj. i love having him cross his arms, and it always makes me think of, "dreams pass in time." i could probably go on and on, but i won't lol
i will say this, though: angst is my sweet spot laksdjaslkjd
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
ohhhhhhh hmmmmmmmmmm. OH. okay. i'll try to do this without major spoilers, but reader is basically anakin's foil, in a way. not in their personalities or even their upbringing. because they're pretty close: reader lived on the streets of mos espa from age 8 until 15, and anakin was a slave on tatooine from age 3 until age 9. and i show how reader can be at odds with obi-wan for the same reason anakin is. or how she understands anakin more than obi-wan sometimes does. but she, like anakin, doesn't open up a lot. she doesn't want to be vulnerable. and there are more ways in which she's like anakin, but they're bigger spoilers. but the way in which they're foils is how they end up. basically, the story is about vulnerability and accepting limitations and yeah. that's really long, and i hope it makes sense lol
also for the clues for future scenes, i have one word: BONK (and another lil clue: chapter 2 lskdjalksjd)
(all in reference to dreams of peace)
send me some fun meta asks for writers!!
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Know Your Enemy: Side AC vs DB Pt. 1
Harajuku’s Alley Catz and Akihabara’s DayBreakers meet at Chuo-ku in preparation for their battles. The birth of their rivalry awaits!
Natsuki: So this is Chuo-ku. Impressive.
Haruto: Whoa, if Natsu says it’s great then it must be.
Natsuki: It’s not great, it’s clearly bad for the environment.
Kosuke: I mean, it is Chuo-ku after all.
Haruto: I wanna see inside!
(Runs toward entrance)
Natsuki: Don’t run around!
Kosuke: I think he’ll be fine. He’s just excited. You are too aren’t you?
Natsuki: I’m more apprehensive.
Kosuke: Well, the rap battles here do get intense, but I’m sure we can give them a run for their money.
Natsuki: Getting ahead of ourselves does no good.
Haruto: Hurry up you two!
Natsuki: (starts running) Get your butt back here!
Kosuke: (quietly) ...man... this is kinda nostalgic isn’t it?... Wonder if they’re here already.
Emiko: Woooooow!~ ☆ It's so big!
Seiichi: *whistles* Isn't this just the gate?
Hiroshi: Yes, it's quite a spectacular display. Although I think it's the security we should be more concerned about.
(walks towards the entrance)
Emiko: Mmm.....do you guys think we'll be ok?
Seiichi: What do ya mean? You alright? You look kinda down all of a sudden.
Emiko: Who me! O-oh yea! No worries I'm perfectly fine see! Ah he he!
Seiichi: Well if you of all people are nervous then I guess we're screwed.
Hiroshi: Now don't say that. Same to you Emiko, how else are we going to win if you don't encourage us with that pretty smile.
Emiko: U-um, Hiroshi, I don't think that's really helping. 💦 But thanks.
Seiichi: Oi check it out. Looks like one team is already here.
Emiko: Really? I thought-Hey wait a sec. Hey! I know you!
Natsuki: Haruto! You’ll get us lost!
Haruto: Well then you and Ko-chan better hurry it up!
Natsuki: Where do you get this energy?
Haruto: Uhhhhhh. My job?
Kosuke: *chuckles* He makes a good point. Hm? Oof-!
Emiko: Huuuuugs! Kosuke Kosuke! It’s me! Do you remember me!
Kosuke: A-ah! E-emiko?! And of course I remember you! 
Natsuki: Who is this hyperactive woman?
Emiko: Yay! I missed you!
Hiroshi: *sighs* Emiko, what have I told you about clinging to people like that? 
Emiko: Oh, my bad!
Seiichi: Who’s the beanpole? You know him?
Kosuke: O-oh! I’m Kosuke Furuhata! 
Haruto: Heyo!
Natsuki: Can you for once take after Kosuke? And Kosuke, that kid just called you a beanpole.
Haruto: No can do! Wassup slowpokes?
Emiko: Hello! Emiko Akaibara at your service! It’s super nice to meet you.~ ♡
Emiko: C’mon, you guys say hi too. 
Hiroshi: Hiroshi Sakura, it’s quite a pleasure.
Seiichi: ..........
Emiko: Seiiiiichiiii. You too.
Seiichi: .........
Natsuki: (forces Haruto’s head down) I apologize for my brother’s horrid behavior. I am Natsuki Morikawa.
Haruto: (struggling) Name’s Haruto!
Emiko: *giggle* You’re friends are funny Kosuke. And I’m sorry about Seiichi too.
Seiichi: ...Shutup....
Hiroshi: Can’t you at least try to be social for once.
Kosuke: It’s nice to see that you’re in company as well Emiko. Are you here for...
Emiko: Yea, kinda nervous though. Since....well, you know, everyone who’s participating. 
Kosuke: Yeah...Though I’m looking forward to talking to Ichiro again! I haven’t seen Jiro and Saburo in ages!
Natsuki: We might face them in later rounds. Don’t get sentimental
Emiko: Well, I wouldn’t mind seeing some old friends! I miss the Buster Bros too!
Hiroshi: The boy’s right, we’re here to win. And we’ll do just that. 
Natsuki: I’m a full grown adult, shouldn’t you know?
Hiroshi: Oh are you now? My apologies. 
Seiichi: *whispers* Tch, weirdos. Can’t we just go inside already.
Haruto: Hey! Don’t go around calling others weirdos!
Natsuki: Watch your mouth Haruto. Do something that they don’t bother to at least.
Kosuke: Um, guys, I think we should save this for later.
Emiko: What are you dummies doing? Don’t be mean. 
Hiroshi: As you wish, although, I don’t see why you’re mad at me. It’s not like I was outright insulting this man. *sends a cheeky smirk* 
Seiichi: ...Fine...
Natsuki: ...
Haruto: Fiiiineeeee!
Emiko: O-ok then! We’re gonna head inside so see ya later Kosuke!
[drags them by the sleeves into the building]
Kosuke: R-right!
[Door opens]
Haruto: Not bad!
Kosuke: We’ll be waiting here for the matchups.
Natsuki: It seems comfortable enough.
Haruto: Maaaaaan! I wanna explore though! I mean, this place is huge!
Natsuki: I want you to have self control. I mean, you are an adult.
Kosuke: *laughs* I’m sure you could explore, we have some time after the matchups are announced so you should be able to make it back.
Haruto: Score!
[runs out the door]
Natsuki: Hey!
[runs after him]
[door closes]
Kosuke: (Opens his bag) I hope they have fun. Hm? Ah. . . I’ll need to see if the infirmary’s close by. . .*sigh* What is wrong with me these days?
[walking outside]
Haruto: Man! If that’s what all these guy are like I might actually go on to insult them like you Natsu.
Natsuki: They’re jabs at people, not insults. And keep your head clear.
Haruto: That’s basically the same thing man!
Natsuki: Kosuke thinks too much, you think too little. God.
Haruto: Hmmm, speaking of him, doesn’t Ko-chan seem to be out of it?
Natsuki: Like I would know.
Haruto: Liven up a little big bro! Todays a big day! I can’t be the only one who’s pumped!
Natsuki: I hope he stays this naive
[walking towards Emiko’s room]
Seiichi: Wonder if they have anything good? At least better than a freakin’ soda machine.
[a door opens nearby]
Hiroshi: Oh Seiichi? What are you doing out? 
Seiichi: I was just gonna ask if you guys wanted some grub. Wanna come with? I’m starving!
Hiroshi: Actually, I came out here to do the very same. Thank you. 
Seiichi: C’mon, lets grab Emiko and-
Hiroshi: Wait a minute there. I’ll come with you but let us leave Emiko be.
Seiichi: Why? I’m sure she’d like to go out, isn’t that what you social butterflies do?
Hiroshi: What I’m saying is that she has a lot on her mind. Did you see the look on her face when she was speaking to that boy? 
Seiichi: I guess, she did look kind of sad for a moment. Plus, there’s the pressure of being our Division’s leader, she’ll have the weight of the whole town on her shoulders. 
Hiroshi: Exactly. But, if it pleases you I would be happy to accompany you. 
Seiichi: Guess I really am stuck with you huh? *sighs* C’mon, we’ll grab her something on the way back. Just make sure you keep that mouth of yours shut you stupid Ladykiller.
Hiroshi: *chuckles* Whatever you say.
[they leave the hallway, as Emiko listens inside]
Emiko: Those guys really are sweet. They better not start a fight while I’m gone!
Emiko: ......... Can I really win this? .........
Emiko: I’m scared Kazue. What do I do?
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merryfortune · 4 years
Day 25 / Buttercream
Clover and Violets 2021
Ship: not applicable | Romin/Sorako
Universe: SEVENS
Word Count: 1,414
Rating: T
Tags: Cakeverse Elements, Food, First Kiss, Humour, Interspecies Relationships, Xenobiology, Joking Discussions of Cannibalism
   Sorako giggled to herself, “It’s good to see someone so voracious about eating food, beep boop.”
   “I can’t help myself…” Romin mumured in utter bliss. “Your ramen is so good. It really is out of this world.”
   Sorako giggled again. She could always appreciate a good alien pun but judging from how happy Romin looked - all pudgy cheeked and with her weapon of choice, a spoon firmly in hand - Sorako didn’t think it was intentional. 
   But Romin couldn’t help but think she was so lucky. She hadn’t seen Sorako in ages and that meant none of her really good Noodle Planet ramen and then bang, clang, crash. Here she was in the Kirishima family’s lounge room. She had flown through the window at pure chance but Romin took it well. Of course, now she had a lot of broken glass to explain but it was totally worth it meant that she had Sorako for company.
   “Thank you, beep boop.” Sorako said and then shrugged. “I can’t help but pity humans, beepo boop, you lot have it tough, beep boop.”
   “Huh? We do?” Romin said, perking up as she finished draining her bowl.
   “Beep, boop?!” Sorako exclaimed when she glanced at Romin’s bowl. It was completely empty, licked clean, and Sorako had only poured it out for her not too long ago.
   Yet Romin seemed totally oblivious to how Sorako’s eyes bugged and her antennae stiffened. She licked the spoon for remnants of flavour, “What do you mean?” she asked, trying to get the conversation back on track.
   “Oh, um, well human tongues aren’t quite so advanced unlike us of the Noodle Planet, beep boop.” Sorako explained. 
   “Huh.” Romin blinked.
   “I have bazillions more taste buds than humans do, beep boop. Even you, beep boop.” Sorako said.
   “Aw, gee, thanks.” Romin said and she took that observation more like a poor compliment but Sorako was largely unaffected by her lack of enthusiasm to learning such a fun fact.
   “No, problem, beep boop.” she chirped with a smile.
   Romin sighed.
   But Sorako’s happy-go-lucky expression softened. Became pitiful or sympathetic unto Romin. She exhaled a small, almost melancholy breath.
   “It’s a shame, beep boop,” she lamented, “there are so many wonderful woods in the galaxies that humans may never get to sample because their sensory organs aren’t quite so specialised, beep boop.”
   “Yeah, that does suck…” Romin lamented in agreement to Sorako.
   “Even humans have complex flavours to them that other humans can’t detect, beep boop.” Sorako said. “That makes me very sad, beep boop.”
   Romin stiffened and she raised a hand to a barrier between herself and the very foreign life form sitting beside her at the breakfast bar. Her eyebrow twitched as her heart began to hammer in her chest.
   “Y-You’re not talking about cannibalism… are you?” Romin asked defensively. “Because cannibalism is a huuuuuge no-no here.”
   “I know that, beep boop.” Sorako blinked. “But that’s eating, not licking, or tasting.... Or kissing, beep boop.”
   “O-oh, oh, you meant. Kissing. That makes a little more sense, I guess.” Romin said.
   “We are made of the same ingredients as food though, beep boop.” Sorako pointed out.
   Romin waved her hand in front of Sorako, “Stop it!” she scolded Sorako, who laughed, blase, but that just worsened the morbid curiosity that Romin had now. She exhaled shallowly and took a breath of equal depth. Somehow the allure of breaking that taboo outweighed her maidenly desire to cherish her very first kiss. If this was going to be it, so be it: it may as well happen with an alien, of all people. That would make for quite a memory, too. Romin scratched her chin and looked away from the kitchen and from Sorako before speaking in a tiny voice. “But, um, what do humans taste like? Do you know?” She shuddered. “I hear, um, I hear that like pork or like fish are common answers.”
   “I don’t know, beep boop.” Sorako told her very plainly. “But even if I did know, beep boop, the answer would look vary from me to you, beep boop.”
   “So, like, um you’ve never had a first kiss or anything like that then?” Romin asked awkwardly.
   “Nope, beep boop!” Sorako chirped rather brightly and unfazed.
   “Me too…” Romin whispered.
   “Well then that settles it, doesn’t it, beep boop?” Sorako announced.
   “Huh? It settles what?” Romin asked, a touch alarmed and it showed in her stiff body language.
   Sorako was as happy and as flappy as a wet noodle though. “We should kiss, beep boop!” she chirped.
   “Wh-What, wait, no, it’s so sudden but,” Romin rambled as Sorako looked very waitingly at her, her malachite eyes shining, innocently, and Romin licked her lips, she was curious, she had never tasted Noodle alien before, “but if you insist. It’s for the good of bettering our knowledge of the known universe after all, mm-hmm.” She spoke decisively, punctuated with a few, sharp nods. She folded her arms.
   Sorako thought she was being silly but so be it.
   But she put her hand on the marble counter, it slid forward and with it, Sorako leaned in. Romin was a little bit scared. She couldn’t help it. She stressed about this sort of thing but Sorako was a beam of serenity, even as Romin winced in anticipation as something as chaste and gentle as a kiss on the lips. She closed her eyes tightly and she waited. And she waited. And she waited and then yuck!
   Romin’s skin crawled as she felt Sorako lick a stripe up the side of her face. 
   “Yum, beep boop,” Sorako chirped, “you taste just like buttercream frosting, beep boop.”
   “Wh-What?” Romin mumbled.
   She was entirely helpless as Sorako continued to lick stripes up and down the side of her face. All but lapping her up so she could get a better taste of the bizarre and apparent sweetness that Romin, a human, a species known to be made of meat, could taste. It just simply did not compute with Romin as she blushed.
   “Wh-What, how?” Romin stammered.
   With some reluctance, Sorako pulled back but Romin still felt icky for having been licked. She shuddered as Sorako hummed in thought. She tapped the side of her face in thought as she tried to come up with a way to explain Romin’s taste back to her.
   “Noodle People have a very advanced sense of taste and there are a lot of elements in humans, known to your primitive elemental table, that have sweet tastes, beep boop. As such, beep boop, you taste very delicious, beep boop. Like a nice, big buttercream cake, beep boop. With a nice, big berry compote taste underneath that vanilla, beep boop. So good, beep boop.” Sorako rambled dreamily.
   Romin blushed. She didn’t know if she ought to be flattered or not but she was. Sorako beamed at her. 
   “May I have one more taste, please, beep boop?” she asked. She was cute as she put her hands on her knees, leaning in, her head tilted slightly to the left and with her antenna bouncing as she batted her eyelashes.
   How could Romin ever say no to such an adorable face?
   She sighed, “Sure, go ahead.” Romin said, fully expecting more licks to her face, as uncomfortable as it.
   Instead, with her expectations subverted once again, Sorako kissed her right on the lips. She gently licked over the ridges of Romin’s lips before kissing her in full. Sorako savoured the berry taste of not only the lip balm that Romin used but also of the compote that she was compiled of. Whether or not her puny little human sensory organs could detect it or not.
   It really was a delicious kiss. Eyes wide open and Romin watched, she could have gotten lost in the stars of Sorako’s eyes as she hoped to give a very human, if awkward and stilted and girlish, first kiss back to her.
   “Thank you for that, beep boop, it was really good, beep boop.” Sorako whispered to Romin as she went red in the face; Sorako smacked her lips together, pleased, as well.
   “Y-Yeah, thanks.” Romin replied, stuttering.
   And now she was thinking of the taste that Sorako had given her. It was salty and savoury but it was super, duper delicious as well. She could only have envy for the aliens who experienced such out-of-this-world tastes and flavours as she let it settle on her lips kissed for the first time.
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My Strength - Risotto Nero
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I was sitting cosily cuddled up in my blanket, enjoying a warm cup of hot chocolate and a good detective-lawyer book by Steve Cavanagh, while listening to Guns’n’Roses in the background, when a loud bang comes from downstairs, and next thing I know, I see my younger sister dressed in my clothes, which was rather unusual, with a huuuuuge grin on her face.
“Whatever it is, the answer is NO.” I say sternly, turning back to my book. “But KAAAAAAAAAAT! There’s this rock pub that just opened and it’s very close to home! Come on, I wanna party! I haven’t partied in SO long! And you know I only trust you to take me home when drunk!” she begged, making me roll my eyes. “No wonder you stole my clothes without even asking me. The answer is still no. You know very well I’m not a party person.” I answer, flipping the page. “But siiiiiiiisssssss!!! It’s rock music! You like that kind of stuff! I promise we won’t stay long! J-Just an hour! Please, just get me out of the house, I’m going insane! Pleaseeeee!!” she got on her knees at the foot of my bed, and I could only sigh in aggravation, hitting my head with my book, before carefully placing it on the nightstand and getting up. “You owe me big time...” I mutter, going to get ready, as I could hear her loud cheer.
I put on an AC/DC Tshirt, with black jeans, black combat boots, a jeans chain, a necklace and do basic make up with a cute eyeliner and purple lipstick, before exiting and raking my fingers through my long, red hair, fixing my fringe out of habit, then put on my black scarf and a black cardigan, get motion for her to lead the way to the place she mentioned.
As soon as we got in, we could hear Guns’n’Roses’ November Rain, and thankfully enough, we found a single table for two, the only one available anymore... But it was next to a big round table where 9 very intimidating looking people stood and chatted, while drinking.
“Uhm...Maybe we should go back home.” I mutter, putting my hand on Christine’s shoulder. “What?! No way! Besides, they look so cool! They’re so hot! Think I can get laid tonight?” she smirked, dragging me to the table. “They look dangerous. I’d rather go home.” I sigh, covering my face with my scarf, feeling anxious. “All the hot people have this refined and mysterious vibe around them, otherwise they’d just be super dull! Liven up a little! Ah, look the song changed! It’s Ozzy Osburne, isn’t it?” she smirked at me with much pride, but I only dragged my hand down my face in desperation. “IT’S MARILYN MANSON, DAMN IT!” I growled a bit louder than I wished for, earning a few glances from the scary table, which made me hide my face even more. “Ah, whatever, who cares, same guy. I’ll go get drink.” she got up, but I quickly grabbed her wrist. “Get me a Pepsi, but make sure he doesn’t take the cap off.” I ordered sternly, as she shrugged off my hand, rolling her eyes.
Thankfully enough, she came back with the bottle just as I told her, and using my key, I easily take the cap off, and use a straw to drink the soda, before I hear one of the guys kept asking for a lighter, just then, I could see Christine’s eyes light up with lust, as she jumped to her feet in excitement.
“You still have that lighter with you, right?! You always play with it don’t you? Come on, give him a fire for his cig!” she grabbed me roughly, until he shoved me to the shaved man who looked like a hobo, who smirked up at me. “Ehhhh? What’s this, a bella ragazza wanting to enjoy my company?” he spoke, eyeing me creepily. “Don’t flatter yourself...She forced me to give you a light.” I mumbled, as I turn on the lighter and light his cigarette. “Why, thank you, gorgeous. Wouldn’t you like to stay with us?” he spoke in a slurry voice, putting one of his hands on my waist. “Paws off, or I burn you.” I threatened lowly. “Awww, little kitty has claws, how cute!” he spoke, but before he could finish the conversation, I turn the fire volume to the highest for a few seconds, which burnt his face...Or his big nose, rather, before turning it off back again. “WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR, BITCH?!” he shot up to his feet, towering and glaring over me. “I warned you not to be a jerk. You play with fire, you get burnt.” I say in a low voice, raising my scarf slightly. “WHAT THE HELL, KAT?! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?! APOLOGISE RIGHT NOW!” Christine shook me slightly, which made me slap her hands away. “No. I’m going home, bye. Have fun with your little group of hot shots.” I shrugged, turning to leave, before she grabbed me again. “No! You can’t leave! Mum doesn’t let me alone by myself at night! She’ll punish you!” she shrieked desperately. “I live alone. I don’t care what she does, but she can’t ground me anymore.” I rolled my eyes, turning around, before the purple haired man got up. “Hey, Risotto, these 2 are pretty fun. What do you say we let them stay with us? There’s plenty of space around, right?” he smirked, which only made me more uncomfortable. “Don’t bother, I’m out. Ciao.” I shrugged, making a few steps towards the exit, before my sister started shouting after me. “Mum and Dad are gonna disown you if you leave me here all alone, y’know? You don’t want that, do you?!” I could literally feel her smirk, which made me whip around, glaring at her. “You’re lucky I care about our mess of a so-called family, otherwise I’d have been out of here faster than the speed of light.” I sneered at her, as I sat down on the seat brought by one of them, between the purple haired and the silver haired men. “Di molto, this is fabulous! Such a bella donna with a fiery attitude and a heart of gold, my, you’re perfect!” the purple haired man started grinning and gushing about me, which made me hide my face in my scarf feeling very uncomfortable. “Melone, stop that, you’re making her feel uncomfortable.” the silver haired man spoke up. “But Risotto, she’s so pretty! You can’t deny that! And you know what they say about fire-kissed girls~!” Melone smirked, which made me blush and bite my lip. “I don’t know, Melone, she’s pretty, alright. Pretty rude!” the guy whose nose I burnt grumbled. “I’m not rude, I’m just shy.” I mumbled, leaning back on my chair, still holding my scarf to my face. “Awwww, she’s so cute! That’s it, I’m adopting you! Formaggio, if you say one more bad thing about her, I’m killing you!” Melone growled at the shaved man, while putting his arms around me and pulling me to his chest. “Whatevs, her sister’s much better. Como ti chiami, bella signorina?” he flirted with her, and she was already gleaming, head over heels with glee. “Oh, brother...” I facepalmed, completely done with life. “This is gonna be a long night...” I rolled my eyes, getting out of Melone’s grasp. “Yeah, for me and Christine over here, sure will.” Formaggio’s sleezy smirked pissed me off, so I used a little power of my Stand to deduce where to throw my lighter, so it would bounce off the table, into his forehead, and then back to the table and perfectly in my hand. “I don’t really care what you do, as long as you aren’t disgusting enough to talk out loud like that. Nobody cares.” I say, throwing the lighter and easily catching it back in my hand. “HOW DID YOU DO THAT, PUTTANA?! YOU’LL PAY FOR THIS!” he shouted, shooting up to his feet, but the man on his right easily stopped him, shoving him to his seat. “Stop being such a nuisance, you’re gonna get us thrown out of this place, and Capo’s gonna be very pissed.” the dark haired man with hair hair tied in multiple places glared at him. “Capo...Huh. What a surprise.” I let out an amused breath.  “Capo? Who is Capo? And what kind of name is that?” Christine asked dumbly. “Oddio santo...How are we related...” I sighed in exasperation. “Actually, never mind. Capo is a...Uhm...A nickname for one of this guys. Y’know, all groups of friends have that one person who’s more of a leader? Capo’s kinda like that. Nothing important, so don’t fret over it.” I shrugged, waving my hand dismissively. “Oh, woaw, that’s pretty lame. How come you’re not Capo, Formaggio? You’re so cool and strooong~!” she kept touching his biceps, as he flexed. “Kill me.” I facepalmed, utterly disgusted. “May I speak to you outside for a moment?” Risotto got up, extending me his hand. “Sure.” I mutter, getting up without taking his hand. “Huh...The music can still be heard from outside too. That’s pretty neat.” I said softly, leaning back on the wall. “You know.” he stepped in front of me, looking at me with stern eyes. “Of course I know, I’m not stupid. I’ve known since I first saw you. I just wasn’t sure what you were exactly.” I shrugged, not meeting his eyes. “Why aren’t you running away?” his voice was obviously an interrogation one. “If you’re the Mafia, I can guess you’re Passione...We used to live in a different city, where Buccellati’s gang was protecting the city, and trust me when I say this, but regular criminals wouldn’t teach a guy a lesson for beating up his elderly mother, nor would they try to keep themselves in peace with the whole city like that. I sort of...Owe a favour to Passione because of that...And honestly, you think I can just pick that idiot up and get her out of here that easily? Look at me and my noodle arms and realise that I sometimes struggle to open water bottle caps, okay?” I looked away in embarrassment, hearing a low, amused chuckle coming from him. “Melone was right, you’re pretty fun. What sort of favour do you owe Passione?” he asked simply. “Now, then, don’t you think you’re getting a bit too curious? What happened is between me and Capo Buccellati...Then again...You DO kill, don’t you?” I shifted my gaze to him, smirking slightly. “What makes you think that?” he answered my question with another question. “Buccellati’s gang had a much more protective and gentle aura surrounding them. You and your people are much more threatening and menacing. Especially you...Capo.” I spoke in a softer voice, not sure how to react. “You do realise I’d have to kill you now that you know our secret, correct?” he asked rhetorically, yet his actions betrayed no malice. “It’s your partner’s fault he let that slip, not mine. Besides, it’s not like I could do you any damage, correct? I’m just a frail little girl who is studying to become a Vet. A girl who’s half your height isn’t too threatening, is she?” I chuckled breathlessly, as the song changed to Metallica’s Unforgiven and I unconsciously started humming the chorus. “You’re spared, however, you will have to keep this secret all your life. In addition, to protect our secret, you will have to join our organisation. Medicine is still Medicine, humans are mammals, so if we need help, you won’t be a burden. On a side note, next month is a Metallica concert, if you want to go.” his words had a paralytic effect on my nervous system, so much that I could only stare at him with wide eyes, much like a fawn meeting her hunter. “Katrinaaaaaaaa! Let’s go home with these guys~!!!” all of a sudden, the pub’s door was slammed open, which made me jump and squeal in fright, only to realise it was my sister, dragging Formaggio away. “Wh-What...?!” I could only stare at them with my jaw agape, many question marks appearing above my head. “Come on, have some fun! You can fuck Risotto and Melone all you want too, don’t be so shy!” she giggled, obviously, but despite that, my face became redder than a rose and I had to hide my face in my scarf. “Katrina, huh? What a nice name. Let’s go.” he guided me to the car, and getting in, I glued myself to the door, not wanting to touch anyone by mistake.
It sure has been a while since we met, I thought to myself as I snuggled closer to Riz’s chest. I’m still very shocked how our relationship developed so easily and so fast, while my relationship with my sister only went down the hill, just as fast. Not that it was any surprise, to say the least. The only reason why I still answer calls and go to family gatherings is because I have a very conflicted moral and ethical compass, unfortunately, and I’m too afraid to sever the ties that keep be caged.
A year already passed since I was ultimately forced to join La Squadra Esecuzioni, and to be fair, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it’d be, considering they are a bunch of killers. Being the only girl around, and being such a shy trainwreck, it sort of made them try to make me feel comfortable around them...And by that, I mean mostly Melone, Risotto and Prosciutto. The others were more passive...While Formaggio was still a jerk, most likely because I tarnished his pride twice with a simple lighter, and Ghiaccio was...Always in a weird mood. I was mostly allowed to stay at home, no problem, continue my Vet education, while in very rare occasions, I was called over to heal anyone that needed it, or told to go on a mission with someone, but nothing too bad, nor that put me in any danger.
Now, I should emphasise the word ‘ME’ since it wasn’t ME who got in grave danger, but Risotto, in a mission, about 6 months after I joined the Gang.
Pesci and Illusio put Risotto on the bed while I got by his side and to examine how grave his injuries are, and as soon as I realise the hemorrhage and I told everyone to get out as I ripped off his blouse and took out my Stand, and put her hands over his injury, using my healing water to stop the bleeding and stitch back the flesh.
It took quite a while, but after hours of tending to him, his injuries were completely healed, and yet, he was still unconscious.
After making sure that he’s comfortable in bed, I go to the kitchen, make something fast to eat, get a bottle of water and get back to Riz’s room, and thankfully enough, he was still asleep. I put the tray on the nightstand and sit on the side of the bed, holding his hand in both of mine, gently stroking it and kissing his knuckles, waiting for him to wake up.
“Kat...?” I hear a groggy voice call out my name, and snap my head up, only to see Risotto’s eyes fluttering open. “Yes, I’m here, Riz. You’re alright, you’re home. Don’t worry about a thing.” I lean towards him, brushing his fringe away. “The mission...” he mumbled, still exhausted. “It’s okay, the others took care of it. I healed all your injuries, but you should still rest for a while. Take it easy.” I smile softly at him, still stroking his hand. “You did well, Katrina. Thank you.” he said, slowly getting up into a sitting position. “Here, you should eat and drink to regain your strength.” I explain, putting the tray in his lap. “I’ll let you rest.” I was about to get up, but I was stopped by him grabbing my wrist gingerly. “Will you stay?” Risotto asked, which made me smile softly, sitting back down next to him. “If you want me to.” I said, looking down slightly. “Are you scared of me, Katrina?” he asks, making me snap my gaze to him. “What? Where did you get that idea from?” I asked, blinking in surprise. “You always avoid eye contact. You always look away. Why?” he asked in a serious tone. “...Uhm...I don’t know, I guess I’m just shy. I’ve never been able to hold eye contact with anyone.” I mutter, scratching at my neck, a habit I have to combat anxiety. “I remember, I know that. It’s a pity.” he took my hand in his, while I was still confused. “What do you mean? It’s no big deal...It’s not like I really have friends to annoy with that or anything.” I shrugged simply. “It’s a pity that someone as nice as you lets others take advantage of her.” he says, which made me bite my lip and frown. “Why does it matter so much? I’m just your subordinate, you call me when you need my help.” I raise my eyebrow in confusion. “You’re not just a subordinate, Kat. You were forced into this. You shouldn’t be involved with the Mafia, you’re a kind soul. You’re so kind that you let your sister make you miserable.” he pointed out, which made me get up, looking at him awkwardly. “I don’t get why you’re so interested in this all of a sudden. I’ll let you rest, good night.” I say, but the instant I turn around, I hear a commotion from behind me, and I see Risotto getting up. “Wait, no, don’t get up, you haven’t rested yet!” I instinctively rush to his side, putting my hands on his shoulders to put him back in bed. “A subordinate wouldn’t behave like this. You saved my life, so I owe you a favour. Ask anything of me, and I will give it to you.” he said, which made me tsk at him. “You let me and my sister live, when you could have killed me. Consider me saving your life a debt paid, so we’re even. Now please leave this be and stop pretending to care.” I looked away, ready to leave. “And if I do? Am I not allowed to?” he spoke with as much firmness as usual. “Why would you, anyway? It’s not like I’m anything special. Why do you insist so much on this?” I sighed, looking at him with a deadpan expression. “Because you are special, and if you had someone to support you properly, you would know that. Kat, let me be your strength and stand up to those that are being toxic to you, even if those people are your family.” he stepped in front of me, gently brushing the back of his hands against my cheeks, before he raised up my face slightly. “I...I can’t do that...I can’t...I...” I stuttered, feeling my eyes starting to water. “Why can’t you, Kat? What are you so afraid of?” he asked, stroking my hair. “I asked Buccellati to get revenge on my ex for what he did to me. My family’s no different...But family is family, I can’t do anything about that except listen and do what they say.” I explain with a sigh “Nothing like that will ever happen to you, I can vow for that. Just let me be your strength, the same way that you and your kindness are the reason why I don’t forget my humanity.” he confessed genuinely, which made my bottom lip quiver. “Is that really...Okay...?” I spoke, barely audible, to which he smiled softly. “I don’t see why not, dear.” Riz leaned in, brushing his lips against mine so softly and tenderly, almost as if afraid that I’d break, which wasn’t far from the truth.
That night was free for the both of us, so we thought it would be nice to go for a walk by the beach, look at the twilight as the Sun set and the sky was painted in all the most beautiful colours. We walked with our feet in the water, my arm loosely wrapped around his waist, while his was pulling me into his side by my shoulder. Everything was chill and calm, and yet, my nerves were on the edge, even now.
I guided him to the little pontoon bridge and let our feet dangle, touching the sheen of the water.
“Go on, cara mia, I know you want to tell me something.” Riz pulled me closer to him, kissing my head. “Risotto, darling...You know that I hate social interactions, right? Well, mostly because I’m very bad with them.” I ask, speaking in a soft voice. “You’re not rude, just shy, was it?” he chuckled lightly, looking up at the now starry sky. “Yeah, something like that, I guess. I forgot I even said that when we first met.” I shrugged with a smile. “Remember my sister?” I ask again. “Ah, yes, the one who tried to fuck the whole Squadra, but only managed to get Formaggio, right?” he let out an amused breath. “The one and only.” I smiled slightly, before it faltered. “My cousin is getting married and she invited both of us. I...I don’t know what to do. I really don’t wanna go...But...” I trailed off with a sigh. “Family is Family, huh? You’re still going on with that.” he asked rhetorically, looking at me as I could only nod. “Want me to come with you?” “You’re my only friend, Riz. Having you there would make things much easier to cope with...But...I also wouldn’t want to subject you to such torture.” I mutter with a sadness. “How bad could it be?” he smirked, which made me snap my head to him, frowning. “I wouldn’t wish it to anyone. Not even my worst enemies.” I speak in a clear, firm voice, to get my point across. “I’ve been through almost dying quite a few times because of our Boss. I’m sure I could survive it.” he ruffled my hair playfully. “Are you sure you’re willing to go through that kind of emotional torture just for someone like me?” I tilt my head up to look at him. “I’d go to the end of the world for you, pick up the stars and put them in your hair.” he declared, which made me hide my face in his chest, hugging him as tightly as I could, no longer able to hold back my tears. “I don’t deserve someone like you, Riz. I’m not even worthy of standing around you. You’re an angel. I want to be selfish, I want you to never leave me, but honestly, I don’t deserve you and your kindness.” my voice trembled, just like my body, and then, I could feel his embrace loosening slightly, as he put his hands on my face, lifting my face up to plant a kiss on my forehead. “I know you can’t see how special you are to me, but even so, I’m not going to let go of you. Ever.” he stroked my hair, letting me calm down.
Of course, Melone was sweet enough to come with me to help me choose the right dress, and then helped me with my make up and hair, saying that his cute little sister should have an amazing date and feel beautiful.
“Oh, I feel so, so awkward...Dresses aren’t my thing. Get me out of here.” I tugged at my wavy hair, curled for the first time, no longer as untamable as usual. “I don’t know about that, I think you’re beautiful.” he stepped closer to me, rolling up the sleeves of his blazer to show off his tattoos.  “Me? Beautiful? Look at you, Riz! You’re perfect!” I frowned, pouting as I poked his chest with my finger. “Let’s go inside, it’s getting chilly. Wouldn’t want you to catch a cold.” he chuckled, putting his arm around me, guiding me inside the restaurant. 
I gripped Risotto’s sleeve tightly, wrinkling it in the process. We were met by my cousin, who was with my sister and our mother, who looked at us with a fake smile and obvious disgust in their eyes.
“Oh, so you made it. With a hook up, nonetheless. Bailed him out of jail?” mother sneered at us. “Uhm...N-Nothing of the sort. Uhm...Congrats on getting married, Anne. I’m happy for you.” I smiled anxiously, not able to look up at them. “Well, at least one of us. You’ve no chance, anyway. Who’d want someone who can’t even speak, hold eye contact or touch someone?” the bride laughed, while the other 2 women joined in, even louder. “Yeah, I know. Where are our seats?” I asked, sighing. “Oh, right, they are at the family table. I’m so glad you’re here, everyone’s gonna have so much fun, just like at all family gatherings!” she smirked, pointing at the round table in the center of the room. “Thanks.” I muttered, dragging Riz to the table, taking a deep breath to calm myself. “I see what you meant now by torture. How are you related to them? You’re nothing like them.” Riz scoled in annoyance. “I wanna go home...” I bit my lip, not daring to look up at him. “God, give me patience, because if you give me strength, I’ll burn everyone alive.” I pouted, feeling done with life. “I can set Metallica on them all, if you want.” he touched my cheek with the back of his hand. “Let’s go home after one hour. I can’t do this too long. I’ve barely been able to get myself back together since I’ve met you...And now...” I intertwined my hand with his, dangling it down between our chairs, as everyone sat down.
Of course, seeing me there only made them exclaim in surprise as I usually never leave the house, go to social events or anything of the sort. There’s always that family member that everyone must mock, tease and taunt, and I was the one luck enough to draw the short end of the stick.
“Oh my, how come you found someone willing to touch you with all that fat?” “I wonder which of you is more desperate to stay with the other!” “I’m surprised someone could stay around a boring nerd like you who’s afraid of men.”
These, and many more, were the things I kept hearing from everyone, until the groom finally arrived at the table...A man older than even my father.
“Oh, great, she has a Sugar Daddy. No wonder everyone’s kissing her ass like that.” Riz grunted next to me. “It’s fine...Calm down, it’s okay. We can leave soon.” I squeeze his hand under the table. “Wow, Katrina, I didn’t think you were this bold! Giving your hook up a handjob under the table! My opinion on you changed, you’re actually a freaky nympho!” my sister laughed in a pitched voice, which made me squee in shock and go red like a strawberry. “That’s it, I’ve had enough of this fucked up and disfunctional family. Even Passione is saner than them, and that says a lot. Come on, Kat, we’re leaving before I kill them all.” Risotto glared at them with his piercing red eyes as he grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of there. “Hold up, I’m calling Melone to get us home.” he grumbled, talking on the phone. “I’m really, really, really sorry, Risotto. I shouldn’t have asked you to come in the first place. Now I made you feel bad and that’s not cool at all.” I pouted, looking down at my feet. “I don’t want to hear it.” he spoke in a stern voice, hanging up and looking straight into my eyes. “Don’t apologise. I come with you because I knew you’d need someone to support you. But I wasn’t expecting it to be this bad. Now I can understand you better...Katrina, will you let me be your family?” he asked, so suddenly, which made me gasp in shock and confusion. “Wh-What are you saying, Riz...? I don’t quite follow...” I stammered, not sure how to react. “I love you too much to watch such a gentle and kind person like you get eaten alive by her own family. I know you’re too soft to allow yourself to sever any ties with people, but if you let me, as your boyfriend, be your sword and shield, I promise to take care of you and make sure nothing bad ever happens to you ever again. The Squadra already sees you as a family and as disfunctional as they are, they’d be a much better family than your blood one.” he explained, as he opened the car door and helped me in. “I can be your sis, if you want. I’d love to do your hair, nails and make up more often!” Melone smirked in the driver’s seat, which made me blush slightly. “See? It’s all gonna be much better if you stay with us. As family, not as a subordinate or anything of the sort.” Riz gave me the ghost of a smile. “Is it really okay for someone like me to join you, guys? I’m pretty useless...I can’t even stand up for myself. I’ll only be a burden.” I bit my lip, looking away. “Mi Tesoro, you are the embodiment of sunshine. These guys need someone like you around, and with your healing ability that you Stand has, just like how you saved me that day, you can help the others as well. Strength doesn’t have to be only physical, it can be mental, emotional and supporting, and Kat, you can be that Strength for us.” Riz stroked my hair gently, kissing my forehead. “I’m sure Prosciutto will be grateful to have you around more often, since you’re one of the only normal people he can have a sane conversation with. Gelato and Sorbet will be super excited to have someone to gossip and go shopping or get dating and fashion advice. Hell, maybe you’ll be able to solve the others’ behavious problems too. Kat, listen to Capo, he knows how to use everyone’s strengths.” Melone explained. “Eyes on the road, Melone.” Riz smirked, pointing out his lack of focus, to which the purple haired man grinned sheepishly, snapping back to watch the road. “Okay...Okay, Riz, I trust you. So...Please, take care of me.” I smiled shyly at him, holding his hands. “That’s the smile that lights up my days and warms up my heart. Keep it on, you’re my reason to keep on going.” Risotto kissed my lips gently, putting his forehead to mise. “Okay, Riz, I’ll be your strength, and you’ll be mine. Ti amo, amore mio. Thank you for putting up with me.” I grinned widely, feeling my heart beating faster. “Ti amo anch’io, fiore mio. One day, when we’ll be able to live a more normal and peaceful life, I promise I’ll marry you. You’ll be the most beautiful bride in the world, you’ll shine even brighter than the Sun. I want to make you the happiest woman and make sure this gorgeous smile of your will remain forever this way.” he hummed, putting a strand of hair behind my ear, before kissing me even more tenderly than before. “Ahhh, young love, you guys are so adorable. Can I be the Maid of Honour?” Melone looked at us through mirror. “Well, I will need one, so definitely!” I giggled softly. “It sure as hell ain’t gonna be her sister. Actually, never mind, none of your family is invited, unless you let me use Metallica on them.” Riz grumbled slightly, which made me chuckle louder. “Honestly, I don’t even care, do what you want. Have fun.” I grinned carelessly, which made him smirk. “That’s what I like to hear, babe.” he kissed my nose softly.
Soon enough, we arrived at home, and we thanked Melone for going through all the trouble of driving back to my home, before we changed in our sleepingwear, which for him was a pair of long PJ pants, and for me, one of his old band Tshirts and short, and we got in bed, cuddling the whole night.
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theantagonistsbliss · 4 years
My 2020 thus far..... in terms of girls.
November 15th, 2020
I’d like to start of by summarizing the amount of girls that have been a part of my life this year and have decided to up and leave for one reason or another.
Robyn C - I was casually seeing her from work. It wasn’t anything serious, but it was fun for the time being. I assumed we were going to continue seeing each other until she had to move to Vancouver for school; that was one of the appealing parts of the “relationship” because it would have an inevitable end not because of either of us but because of physical distance being placed....that ended early because she slowly stopped talking to me and started seeing someone else without letting me know. Dope. Found that one out through my roommate who knew for weeks. Stung a bit.
Sydney P - Aaaah yes this one. I simped for this girl really hard. Definitely not worth it though. This is the girlfriend that cheated on me the previous year. We didn’t talk for 6 months after that happened. Until I was an idiot and wanted to catch up and see how she was doing . Gave her a call and chatted for a while. We started texting again. I made it clear though that I didn’t want to hangout, because when we broke up I made it public that I caught her cheating, so it would also look bad on me if we were seen together again...because it was. Eventually I caved and we hungout in person...also one unfortunate night downtown at the clubs before lockdown, a very drunk me, her, and her friend ended up at her place and did some regrettable (But mostly awesome) things. Definitely shouldn’t have, but that night is burned into my memory now. Anyways, we were friendly for some time after that, even open about other people that we potentially wanted to start seeing or dating, and it was fine temporarily. Until she started seeing this guy that sounded awful, from her perspective not just mine. I sucked it up until she was drinking with him one night near my house and sent me DIRECTLY multiple snaps of them together kissing and what not, the day after I told her that I needed to take a step back from our friendship because I still had feelings for her. Huuuuuge mistake on my part for trying to keep her around and give her another chance. I clearly thought I saw something in her that wasn’t there, and she wanted me around as a friend. Which honestly I understand, I am a GREAT friend. Most of my good friends are female because of how open I am with them and how comfortable I am talking about my feelings. She felt that too, and wanted me to stay that way. But It would have been disingenuous to myself to ignore the feelings that I still had that she clearly didn’t. And after telling her that we CAN’T be friends anymore for those reasons, she disagreed and said I was “running away from the issue”. Which I’m going to chalk up to her wishful thinking, as she would assume me swallowing those feelings would have been better? I don’t know. All I know is that she is still with this dude and I shouldn’t have anything to do with her anymore. She wasn’t THE reason, but she was definitely a solid variable for me to leave Kelowna as I felt the need to physically distance myself from that kind of one sided toxic friendship. 
Katie B - Didn’t actually date her or anything this year, but she was my friend. And in my world where I was miserable and felt the need to move back home to save money during my last year of school because of the Corona Virus Pandemic, I thought it would be comforting to have a friend that I still messaged regularly to be waiting for me when I got home. But surprise surprise, we hangout one time and it felt...off. She was seeing some guy that hit one her when we were seeing each other, but to my knowledge it still wasn’t anything serious. BUT, she eventually told me that she was intentionally distancing herself from me to respect her now BOYFRIEND...when wee months before she was still sending me pictures of her ass while they were “dating”. To some point I can respect her decision but holy fuck does that timing suck for me. Thinking that I will have a friend in this tough time of isolation where there are few people I actually want to see in my home town. Jokes on me though, #BadLuckBrian
Abby M - for clarification, I never dated this girl. Not one time. Thank God for that though. We simply just messaged each other for years, talking fairly regularly. Because we never lived in the same city for the majority of our friendship we seemed to overshare a lot and be a lot more open with each other, since it was seemingly risk free. So EVENTUALLY, since I had to move back home we got to hangout...like one time. And previously we both said we had a bit of a crush on the other. We would not hangout again for weeks, maybe months, though I have had a lot of free time, same as her seeing as she lost her job and was making mediocre money from her mediocre only fans...Not the best romantic candidate haha, whoops. Anyways, I kept asking to hangout and eventually she said “no can do, I have a boyfriend”, which would be fine...if she didn’t lead me on for months. She said things like “Well I kept calling you my best friend, I put you in the friend zone”, buuuut simultaneously would send me nudes on the regular. Strange girl, strange thing. I called her out for leading me on and how that’s not okay and she simply just said I was simping for her haha. Sorry girl, I would NOT pay for your OF. Strange “Friendship” indeed. Truthfully I do miss some of the talks that we had when I wasn’t in the same city as her. When there was no real reason for us to be anything more than pen pals to each other. I think I learned something from this one. 
Makayla M - This one is the freshest. Scene, I’m still living in Kelowna. I match with her on Tinder, she seems like a cool girl. She wants to meet up for a drink. I tell her yes but I don’t want to waste her time and that I’m moving back home for approximately 5 months. She says that is unfortunate but still wants to meet because she thinks I'm a cool guy as well, at least over text/snap. We have a drink and hangout, its great, she’s great, we really get along. Nothing happens though, no kisses or anything, we both just go home. A few days later we hangout again, this time doing the “Netflix and Chill” thing. We have sex, its great, its fun, I don’t regret it. I leave in a couple days, on the night before I leave I’m having drinks with my roommates, end up going to her house instead of finding my way home, we have sex again. Still great. She's great. I leave the next morning. We ended up talking everyday for the next 4 months. I thought to myself “damn, she might actually still be into me by the time I get back!”. Which maybe was naïve of me. A few days after I told her that I found a new place and roommate in Kelowna and can actually come back she goes...quiet...We were talking pretty much everyday before this, so it was weird that she was being a lot more quiet than usual. It was like that for about a week. I was worried, maybe something had actually happened to her? I was about to straight up ask her roommate if something had happened to her of if I was just being ghosted. After about a week of that I messaged her asking if she was okay, suggesting maybe that she started seeing someone? She didn’t respond for another 2 days, but when she did she said “Hi! Sorry, I’ve been super busy with work. And yeah I’ve kind of started seeing someone”. Which for one, she works at a liquor store, not sure how busy she could be but oh well, and second ouch my heart. She definitely didn’t owe me anything, since we only really hungout 3 times, but I absolutely developed feelings for this girl over the 4 months of us talking everyday. We would send each other lude snaps, and cute messages about how we wish the other person was within reach so we could cuddle and give each other smooches & do cute things for the other. I was in it man, I really wanted this to be a possibility when I inevitably moved back. And then, once I am only 1 month from moving back she starts seeing someone else. I am immensely disappointed. Again, we didn’t owe anything to each other, but God I was into giving her more than she deserved. All I said to her when she sent that was “oh yeah I kind of figured, well good luck with that”. That was the last thing I said to her after months of sending cute nothings to one another. Disappointing is how I would describe that potential relationship. Right now I really want to message her, and let her know how much this upsets me that I can’t message her everyday like before anymore, and I know she will say “we can still talk and be friends!” but dammit I don’t want to be her friend. I want more than that. And I will not do what a younger version of me would do; say “Yeah I’d like that” and suffer silently when said person would get the benefit of having me as a great friend while I would be struggling to keep my composure around them. I’m still not sure if I should keep her on socials. I think it is still too fresh to think clearly about it. 
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Happy Birthday to Me Pt. 3
And then I got crushed in the biggest bear hug I think I’ve ever had. Pretty sure my feet left the ground for a moment. 
Nie Huaisang’s brother Mingjue, who has now insisted I call him DaGe (Which I will do because I do, in fact, despite the apparently common public opinion that states otherwise, value my life), had engulfed me in his enormous arms. 
I returned the hug with a bit of awkward patting. Good to know he likes me I guess? Haha. 
And then Lan Xichen hugged me. I gotta say. His arms are thinner than DaGe’s, but just as strong I’d wager. He didn’t crush me but it felt like he probably could. Is that a Lan thing? Are all the Lans super strong???? 
(I’m thinking yes because Lan Yi seemed equally capable of squishing me like a tube of toothpaste if she wanted to when she hugged me later). 
Then I got a double hug from the girls. MianMian even kissed my cheek 
I even got a hug from Wen Qing! Without any pokes or jabs! I think Wen Ning convinced her to be nice. Hah. 
It wasn’t until Gamby pulled me into her arms that the emotions really really started to get to me. It started so hesitant at first, but then she held me so firm. Is that what it’s like to be hugged by a mother? Is… Is that…. Oh.
She told me she couldn’t believe she got to spend my birthday with me again. Did we before? We must have. With Mom and Dad. I wish I could remember. I wish I could remember anything. 
But with that hug. The smell of her. So familiar. Like a dream I’d forgotten. The feel of her arms so tight around me. It was so warm.
It was all I could do to keep myself from breaking down entirely.
I was saved by the kids. A-Ling and A-Yuan had yet to stop chanting surprise at me (their dedication was impressive) and the pair of them had decided to each claim one of my legs. It gave me something else to think of and a reason to end the hug, even if part of me wished I could stay in that hug forever. I decided that was enough for sentimentality for that moment and started stomping around with my newly acquired ankle weights.
“Rawrrr Rawrrr!! I will stomp this whole town down!!” he growled to the delight of my nephews. Our gleeful game was soon interrupted by a giant peacock. 
Shijie’s husband looked… well more resigned than anything, holding little A-Lian like a buffer between us.
Obviously I scooped that little angel up immediately. She’s quite lucky she looks more like her mom. Gotta say.
“My gift to you,” he said with what was, I’m sure, as much dignity as he could muster, “Is to be nice to you until 10:30 PM.”
Oh okay. Very slick. 
So you see, just after he and Shijie got married, I was forced to attend one of his glittering golden birthday parties. Now he may be a major pain in the ass, but he’s Shijie’s pain in the ass. So for her sake I decided that I would be nice and give him an actual present for one. 
But what do you give a Jin? They have literally everything! But, with my never ending pool of wisdom and grace, I thought of the perfect present. 
I told him that I would be nice until 10PM. When asked why only til 10, I answered with the truth. “I’m not sure I could last longer than that.”
That little brat decided to one up me by a whole half hour. That jerk. 
Well I’m not one to waste opportunities. So I did the worst thing I could think of at the time and gave him a biiiiig huuuuug. (he is BONY. Don’t know how Shijie can stand it. But whatever. She’s happy so I’m happy I guess.) ((Made sure not to crush my favorite niece though, don’t worry. ))
My ankle weights decided finally that it wasn’t fun to cling to my pants if I wasn’t gonna be a monster anymore. Jin Ling transferred his sticky fingers to his father’s pants instead. The look Jin Zixuan saves just for his children. We may never be best friends, but I have to admit that man loves his family.  You can see it in his face every time he looks at his children or my shijie. He adores the lot of them. And he’ll adore the new baby when it comes too. 
He actually restructured a large part of his business when he married Shijie. Made it so he didn’t have to live and die at work. He’s practically a house husband now. Dotes on the three of them.
Credit where credit is due, my dude. Credit where credit is due. 
And I KNOW it made a huge mess with his dad and everyone. Ended up giving a lot of power to his half brother.  Never seemed to regret it though. And I’ve never seen a man so devoted to his family before. 
So he may not be completely useless, but still rather not spend all my birthday chit-chatting with him. So I went off to find Lan Zhan instead. I bounced little A-Lian for a bit as I looked. I handed A-Lian to Shijie as I passed because the two were making eyes at each other and I’d never deny either of them anything. (A-Lian buried her face into Shijie right away it was so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute). Besides I needed my arms free. 
I kept that bounce in my step as I trotted up to Lan Zhan and pulled him into a hug. 
I’d wasted so much time trying NOT to hug him. I wasn’t about to waste any more than I had to from now on. 
Probably held on tighter than was strictly necessary but whatever. It’s my birthday. I hug who I want and everyone gets to deal! 
Besides, I needed a sec to collect myself again. When did I get to be this high-strung?
“So this is why you were on your phone all the time these past couple weeks?” I asked when I trusted my voice to come out not sounding like a muppet. 
He did that adorable little yes hum he does that always makes me feel warm inside. 
How does he do that????? All he has to do is HUM and I’m on cloud 9?????? That shouldn’t be allowed. 
As I contemplated this, suddenly I heard a little demon cough behind me. Damn it , SangSang. I was in my own little world and you ruined it ;3;.
“I don’t know what to say!” I said after letting go of Lan Zhan, hoping my face wasn’t as red as it felt. “I was not expecting all this but.. Thank you!”
Be gracious, Wei Ying. When people do nice things say thank you not sorry.
I’m trying to learn. X_X
Then the little demon spoke again. (Yes, YOU SangSang. Don’t deny what you are.)
“Leave the speeches for after the gifts! Now we PARTY!”
Can’t argue with that logic. Heh. 
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otomies · 4 years
Seduce Me The Otome fanfic - “Rose” Pt. 1
(1000 words)
[You are at Part 1] [Part 2]
As soon as her eyes fluttered open to the sunbathed bedroom, the pounding in her head began to rage. Immediately, her palm met her forehead.
“Eugh…,” she groaned. As she sat up, the throbbing only got worse. It didn’t help when her phone suddenly went off.
She glanced around the, for some reason, unfamiliar bedroom. Just where was she again? And, perhaps more importantly at the moment, where was her phone?
Oh! There it was. On top of the fireplace in front of her bed, just below the small TV. Just before it stopped ringing, she answered it.
An upbeat voice replied. “Yo, Rosie! So ---”
“Um, sorry, who is this?” 
The voice on the phone stopped for a brief moment, “It’s Suzu, ya dingus. I’m with Naomi at the store!” 
Suzu. Naomi. Right...Right! They were her friends. Why would she forget her friends?
To which a more muffled, but much more feminine voice could be heard next, who must’ve been Naomi, “Good morning, Rose!”
Suzu continued, “Anyways, so we’re at the store to get chips for the housewarming party, do you want cheddar or barbeque? Or maybe just normal ones?”
Rose blinked, staring blankly at the fireplace mantle in front of her. “Housewarming party? Sorry, Suzu, I just woke up. Maybe I’m still dreaming.”
Suzu chuckled, “Nah, you’re not dreaming, promise. But man, you’re struggling today, Rosie. The housewarming party? Because you just moved into your grandpa’s huuuuuge house?”
Her grandfather’s house...His mansion? She glanced quickly around the room, from the large glass doors leading out to a balcony, to the messy bed with plants on a shelf just above (which, oddly, were half wilted), to the entrance to the restroom, to the closet, to the exit of the room. Like ink bleeding through the fibers of a paper, memories were slowly, but surely, returning to her.
The feelings returning with the memories made her chest feel warm. Her grandfather was the kindest man she’d ever known. He was always looking out for her. Always there to comfort her. Feed her delicious food. Smother her in toys.
Toys. Toys! He was the owner of a toy company! Toys she helped him make; she would draw and design them and was amazed when her grandfather presented them to her in person. 
However, the feeling of warmth soon began to flicker away.
The toy company she was suppose to inherit. Because her grandfather couldn’t run it anymore.
Because he was dead.
How had he died? Was it a heart attack? Had he suffered? Why couldn’t she remember?! Why was she --
She dropped her phone, as a sudden light that began to glow from it -- or was it from her hand? No, no way -- and as it collided against the wooden floor, the battery fell out, cutting off the call with Suzu.
What the hell was that?  Was she seeing things? Well, it wasn’t unlikely. First memory lost, now illusions. 
Rose sighed, picking up her phone and placing the battery back in snugly. She walked over and glanced through her closet, throwing on a simple white shirt with a blue ribbon and some shorts. As soon as she had, the phone buzzed, indicating Suzu was calling her again. 
“Hey! Sorry, Suzu, dropped my phone.”
“Way to leave me hangin’, Rosie. Hey, so we just decided to get cheddar. Now we’re gonna come over to pick you up to go buy a dress, so I hope you’re ready!”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m dressed, don’t worry. I’m just gonna go eat breakfast and then I guess we can go.”
“I hope you remember how to eat!” 
“Pshh, thanks.”
Placing her phone in her pocket, she stepped out of her bedroom to the bright entrance to the mansion. A large, curved staircase was to each side of them. As she walked down them, she took note that they were rather dusty. She would have to clean them. Hopefully she’d get some help sometime? Like some maids? Maybe from Suzu and/or Naomi? This was a huge house, after all.
Then a playful thought poked into her mind -- sliding down the rail! Oh, man, that would be so fun. But, unfortunately, if she broke her neck, she wouldn’t be able to go buy a dress. Or figure out why she’d been seeing flashes of light. Or why her memory was hazy to begin with.
As she walked down the hall, she glanced around to get her bearings. She spotted the kitchen, which meant the dining area had to be close.
Rose wandered into the kitchen, the silence of the large house almost making her uncomfortable. She took a quick peek into the refrigerator -- not much catching her interest except the milk -- so she looked in the cabinet. In the top corner, there was some old cereal. Probably stale, she thought, but better than nothing.
Stale cereal and sour milk. A pleasant breakfast, indeed. 
Before the boring silence completely consumed her, it seemed that Suzu and Naomi had come to her rescue when the doorbell rang. Throwing the bowl into the sink, she tidied up her hair, brushed off her shirt, and opened the door.
Suzu was a sporty, short italian girl with short, messy, dirty blonde hair. She wore a small dark green jacket over a simple grey t-shirt. Very boyish.
Very cute. Rose thought, blushing slightly.
Naomi, on the other hand, seemed to be her complete opposite. She was tall, skinny, and had wavy long hair adorned with a white bow. She wore a pink shirt. Very girly.
Oh no, she’s cute too! Rose’s blush grew more intensely.
“Are you okay, Rose? You look really red!” Naomi asked, concerned, making Rose blush even more.
“I guess you can say she’s...as red as a rose!” Suzu giggled.
“Guysss, stop it.” Rose replied, rubbing her cheeks. “I’m fine! I think it’s just allergies. Let’s go.”
 “Hahaha, alright, alright. The three musketeers are off!” Suzu yelled, twirling around and marching back to her car. Naomi giggled. 
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cherry-holland · 5 years
Amor Prohibido - Chapter 1
Tumblr media
Pairing: Mob!Harrison Osterfield x Mob!Latina!reader
Warnings: some violence in the beginning, mild language, just overall Latina sass, and Haz being a cocky lil shit 🙃
A/n: WELL HELLO YALL. I know it’s been a minute since I’ve said I was gonna finish this 🙃 but this time of year has been really hectic for me, and I haven’t had the time to finish it like I wanted to. BUT, it is finished, and here for y’all!!! Huuuuuge s/o goes to @the-southernbelle for helping me with getting this to be a coherent piece, and @beautifullydisconnected and @osterfield-holland-andcompany for being just fucking gems 🥺 enjoy the first chapter! 🤗
You heard the door slam open, and various different voices shouting in Spanish and English, blending into one. Your mom held onto your hand tightly while the other held a shiny pistol, shielding your tiny frame.
“Mama, what’s going on?” You asked, lip quivering in fear.
“Shhh, mija, it’s gonna be okay. Just keep quiet, mi amor,” your mom whispered, running her free hand through your hair.
You nodded as you tried to keep your mind off of the chaos happening upstairs. Unfortunately, it was impossible to do so because of the ferocity of everything going on above you. You snuggled closer into your mom’s chest, covering your ears to aid in easing your nerves, but when gunshots rang out, you gasped softly, your tiny ears not used to the sound being so close to you.
There was one particular loud bang that shook you and your mother to the core, and then...
“Mama, is it safe to leave yet?” You asked after a long string of silence, looking up into her eyes.
“I’m guessing so, mija. Just be quiet and stay close by me,” she replied, and you noticed a flash of fear and anxiousness cross her eyes for a split second before her gaze grew back to the same look of bravery and boldness you knew her to wear.
You two quietly crept up the stairs from the panic room, and immediately you smelled the gunshot residue that thickly hung in the air. Once you reached the top, you saw a pool of red on the floor, and your eyes widened.
“Close your eyes for me, mi princesa? And tell me your dream from last night, the one with the unicornios and the Maceta de oro?” Your mom said calmly as she surveyed the scene in front of her, squeezing your hand that she was holding in reassurance.
“Okay, mama,” you chirped, “but what’s that red stuff on the floor?”
“Oh, just some paint. I think your papa got into a little bit of a mess this time, there’s paint everywhere,” she whispered. “Now, go ahead and tell me the story.”
You nodded and rambled on about your dream, until you heard a blood-curdling scream from your mother. Your eyes flew open to find your father on the floor, surrounded by a massive puddle of red, similar to the one you saw when you exited the panic room. He had these odd little holes in his chest that were covered in crimson, that same crimson trickling down his unmovable body. A chill ran up your spine at the sight, but you had no clue why.
“Mama, why isn’t papa breathing?” You asked, examining the sight in front of you.
Your mother turned to look at you with the same fear and anxious look, but with an overwhelming sense of sadness that was flooding out of her flawless face. Sobs wracked her body as she saw your face change from innocence to understanding, her heart slowly breaking at the realization that her precious little girl is no longer going to have a normal childhood after all of this.
“Mija, papa is gone.”
You snapped out of your thoughts at the shrill sound of your sister, Marisol, calling out to you, causing you to groan and roll your eyes.
“Yes, Sol, what do you want?” You snarled, running your hands through your hair, ruby red nails peeking through your thick strands.
“Well, I wanted to go over with you just a couple of things for tonight,” Marisol responded sternly, igniting your annoyed mood.
An exasperated sigh left your lips as you looked up from your once-clean desk to face your right-hand woman. Her dark brown hair was perfectly curled and half-pulled back in a bun, the loose strands shining in the morning sunlight. Her black button-down top was rolled at the sleeves, black dress pants crisp and clean. Her bright red lips were a stark contrast to her olive skin, pursed as she waited for you to continue her daily update.
“Alright, go ahead,” you grumbled, leaning back into the sleek, black leather chair, crossing your arms over the long-sleeved red dress top you were wearing.
Marisol nodded as she continued, “First, we have the girls coming in at six to get ready for tonight. Second, that shipment of Bacardi is on schedule for this afternoon at twelve. And…”
You quipped a very nearly polished eyebrow at her, impatiently waiting for her to continue. “And what else, Marisol?”
Marisol cleared her throat, her hardened expression weakening before she replied, “The Osterfields will be in attendance.”
You rolled your eyes yet again as you placed your hands on your desk, folding them timidly. You’d heard about this other mob family that originated from London, and how they didn’t play well with other families. How they practically ran them out of the city, forcing them to either disbandon or flee from London and into the countryside. How their tactics were borderline sinister, and how they would stop at nothing to get what they want.
Unfortunately for them, you were not one to just give up.
Your family moved from New York to London after the huge success of your father’s underground strip club. Your father started the club when you were little, using it as a front to sell the most expensive drugs to the variety of dealers that surrounded the tri-state area. It went undetected for years, his connections with the NYPD being the massive benefactor to the success and longevity of the club and his deals.
However, the success came to a halt when your father was brutally murdered in your family home, with several of your uncles becoming casualties. Forgetting that day was nearly impossible since it was on replay all of the time, remembering the somber look on your mother’s face when she saw you father’s body, her clutching onto her swollen belly as she caressed your father’s face before his body was taken away by the coroner.
After that day, you were groomed to be the next boss of the family. Your mother took over most of it until you were 16, and since then you were running all operations - the club, the deals, etcetera. No one dared to speak out against your ascension to power out of respect for your father, and seeing how you dealt with the business--you had equally earned their respect. Just like your dad, you showed no mercy to those who try and cross you - if anything, you were less forgiving.
“Well, alright. If they want to scope us out and see what we’re made of, let’s give them a show, shall we, Sol?” You smirked, folding your hands neatly across your lap with a wicked glint in your eye.
“Y/n, need I remind you to not cause so much trouble tonight. We’ve only just got here to London, and we have yet to get these cops on our side,” Marisol warned. “So don’t do anything wild, loca.”
You let out a sharp laugh as you leapt out of your chair. “Sol, you know I show our camaradas the best time, don’t you worry.”
Marisol pursed her lips at your comment as you made your way out of the brightly lit office, the open windows streaming with golden light. “Alright, but no funny business.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” you turned on the heel of your red-bottomed stilettos mid-walk with a quirked brow and a devilish smirk as you made your way to your room to get ready for the evening, thoughts brewing for what was to come.
The flashing red lights and the booming bass of the bachata music that was flowing from the speakers of the club was fueling your excitement as you and your hijas arrived. You were thankful there was a line out the door that wrapped around the block, filled with posh Brits who wanted a fun night out at the new and intriguing club. Posh Brits with money to blow - you favorite kind of people.
You always loved being able to christen a new club opening - club goers anxiously waiting outside to see what kind of concoction they are in store for, the girls twirling around on the poles with wads of cash peeking from their underwear, the feeling of everyone not being able to pry their eyes away from you. The various mobsters you had come in contact with within the past eight years always acted the same - they saw you were a woman, and thought they could run you over or intimidate you. Unfortunately for them, they all found out quickly you were not to be messed with. It usually starts with a mild form of violence, a nip of the ear there and nearly strangling them to death there, but what really gets them is when you say who you are, and whose daughter you are. Your family name was not one to be messed with, and everyone knew it.
Entering in the club, you smoothed down the red, leather bodycon dress, long hair sashaying in the wind as you made your way through the massive crowd of people. Marisol was close behind you, her navy blue, off-the-shoulder bandage dress looking nearly purple under the vivid lights that illuminated the dance floor. You looked around to see everyone’s eyes glued to you and your ladies, and a wicked grin crept onto your face.
Got them right where I want them.
You made it to your secluded corner of the club, the bouncer unhooking the burgundy velvet rope to let you and your crew in. You took a seat on the cool white leather of the lounge chair as you immediately began discussing business with Marisol and the women that encompassed your circle when you hear the sound of someone clearing their throat.
You look up from your girls with a furrowed brow. Who the fuck would interrupt me like that? You thought as your eyes land on the culprit.
His dark blonde hair was neatly styled, the curls gently resting atop his head. Your eyes traveled down to his icy blue eyes, which were bearing a quizzical yet stern expression that could send even the toughest mobster shaking in their Italian leather shoes. He was wearing a cerulean three-piece suit with a crisp white button down, and the blue made his sparkling eyes stand out.
“My, my, my, what an honor it is to meet the Y/n Rivera,” The man draws with his accent thickening the tense air. “Really, it is an honor that you and your family are here. Never had such royalty in these streets before.”
You give the man in front of you a skeptical look as you get up from your seat, sauntering over to him with your infamous poker face painted on. “So you must be Harrison Osterfield, then. Never took you for a charmer.”
Harrison chuckled, looking down at the floor as his jaw goes slightly slack, a cocky expression encompassing his face. “In the flesh, darling.”
You pursed your lips and jutted your head towards the two men that were behind him, one with slicked back, dark brown curls, and the other with wild, auburn curls. “Who the fuck are they?”
“These are my right-hand men. Miss Rivera, this is Tom,” he gestured to the brunette on his right, “and this is Harry,” he turned his head towards the boy with the auburn hair. “Been with me from the start - they go where I go.”
The two men gave you a simple smile in response. You nodded your head with fake enthusiasm, and you stared at him unamused, waiting for him to continue on. “So, Mr. Osterfield, what is it that you’re here for?”
Harrison’s mouth twitched into a wicked smirk as he turned to Tom and Harry, and set his eyes back on yours. “What do you think I’m here for, Miss Rivera?”
“Well, I know how your operation works, Mr. Osterfield. You come in, intimidate the competition with your wit and confidence, and you think you can get anything you want with a snap of your fingers,” you demonstrated by pressing your fingers together, the snap echoing throughout the room, even with the loud music playing.
“But let me get things straight. You may have been the one to run these streets here, but now that I am here, this no longer applies. I am not one to be fucked with, do you understand? Not with your boyish charm, your looks, your money, or anything. Nothing you will ever say or do will ever get me to back down or even consider working with your family,” you snarled, getting up in the mobster’s face, which was red with anger. “So, Harrison, enjoy the fucking party. And if you ever try to pull this fucking shit again, your head will be on my silver platter. Understood?”
Everyone around the two of you was silent. Harrison’s henchmen were close behind him, chests puffed out and ready to defend their leader. Marisol was also beside you with the rest of your familia, guns out just waiting to be used. You studied Harrison’s pissed off expression, but you noticed that there was something else that he was hiding within the look he was giving you. Something almost… soft.
Harrison broke the silence as the anger immediately washed off his face, his smug look taking over. “Oh, darling, you’ll need me someday, I just know it. Because, like it or not, I know these streets like the back of my hand. And you’re gonna need all the help you can get.”
He turned to face Tom and Harry, who were silently glaring at your family to give them a knowing look, the two backing off with a nod. “We will be in touch, y/n.”
You watched the three men walk away, your nails making half-crescent marks in the palm of your hands. Your temper was through the roof at this point, steam nearly coming out of your ears. Your blood boiling, and it felt like it was about to overflow in your body. Harrison Osterfield was not about to get off that easily.
And you were going to make damn sure that he would regret testing you.
Tagging some mutuals whom I love 🤗 @farfromhaz @peterpxrxer @eeyore101247 @angelhaz11 @hoforhaz @hollandraul @heyhihellowhatsup0
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rxguebois · 4 years
Hi hi ^^ I would like to request a matchup, i am a 5’3 girl I am a huuuuuge beach bum and I grew up in the islands so I have that surfer ‘i am weirdly lucky and constantly need adrenaline’ vibe. It’s a thing, I usually spend my days finding something dumb to do, or just playing overwatch or Stardew valley ^^ I would say that I’m relatively a high energy kinda person and I’m pretty easy going, just a giant anime Stan as most Asians are. I love surfing, and cooking! Yeah, so thank you very much ^^
Here you go cutie! -Blake 💛
oh, it's no problem hun! 🖤 ~JJ
JJ matches you with - MAMMON
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JJ: You both would be such a cute couple! If you love to cook, Mammon wouldn't mind to be your taste tester! He would mumble about how amazing your cooking was with a small blush on his face. If you needed to look for dumb things to do, no need to look any further. Mammon would come up with a scheme that involved you both. And hey, he might be generous enough to split 50-50 this time! Most of the times though, he would get in a fuss with another demon, ending up with you grabbing him and running off to get away. He loves your high energy self, and your easy going approach to things, which helps him a lot in his self esteem. He would love to tag along with you if you ever decide to go to the beach, showing off his model body and fancy things he gets from his modeling jobs. Mammon would let you borrow a pair of shades if you ever wanted to! He's not the best surfer, but he would love to sit back and watch you surf instead, with a goofy grin on his face. As for playing video games and watching anime, he'd want to play with you in Overwatch, and his main would probably be Junkrat! He'd like to watch any of your favorite animes to make references without feeling any more stupid. Overall, you'd be the greatest couple the devildom has seen!
Blake matches you with - BEELZEBUB
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Blake: Looks like Beelzebub just found his new workout partner! He thinks it’s great you have high energy, so he offers you to workout with him, even though it’s not the same as surfing, you two can still have a lot of fun! He also asks you about your surfing experience, and asks if you could teach him someday! Maybe in the human realm, you two can go to the beach and have your teaching experience! He’s in awe of how amazing you look and how good you are at it, and will slightly get embarrassed when he messes up. But it’s all worth it to see you laugh when he attempts something, or to look at your face fill with passion while you explain what to do!
On days where where you just wanna chill and play some games, he’s right there beside you, munching on something while you play! Sometimes while you’re concentrating, he’ll plop the snack I’m your mouth so you don’t have to stop playing! Maybe you even cooked something for him before you starting playing, and he’ll absolutely appreciate it! Eating your cooking is the best in his opinion and will always anticipate it when it’s your day to cook dinner for everyone! He’s likes being your test taster, but watch out, he might eat everything if you’re not careful!
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hey-hamlet · 5 years
BNHA AU Ideas: Zookeeper’s Son
Also on AO3!
An iconic personality in the animal conservation scene has a popular zoo that people flock to from all over the world. But this isn't about him, it's about his son. And his son's massive crush. (Cheesy ShinDeku Crush) 
steve irwin inspired au, aka if you didnt know hamlet was australian, you do now
Ok but All Might is basically Steve Irwin in this au, Izuku is a huuuuuge animal fan
Allmight is Izuku’s dad and Inko is his wife and izu hung around animals loads when he was young, 1A are the zoo volunteers
is he like, steve irwin with crocodiles? or something like big cats or wolves. Honestly let's just stick with crocodiles
aizawa is the sleepy big cat handler
mic yells with the birds, mostly his job is actually the PA system but he teaches the birds to talk during his lunch hour, And he runs birds of prey shows
Shinsou comes to the zoo a lot cause he likes watching the tigers and their babies. shinsou giving a bottle of milk to a baby tiger because aizawa needed an extra pair of hands and our boy is crying actual tears because its So Cute
Todoroki was never allowed pets or to go outside much because he has to be a respectable rich boi tm, but he's always loved watching all mights ridiculous nature shows
w a  it
this means
allmight dies. Damn ok I guess this is getting sad now.
Todoroki goes to the zoo for the first time ever and sees a mural to Allmight and just starts crying
so aizawa has been working at the zoo since izuku was born and was honestly his babysitter a lot with mic and tensei because tensei, the onsite vet, had a little brother the same age. and when the news came in? aizawa's heart sank because this little 6-year-old ball of sunshine didn't have a dad anymore
inko is the badass but soft mum but shes not at home, shes actually on a shoot at the time
izuku is running around the zoo and aizawa just scoops him up and gets him icecream because the kid doesn't know yet and he wants izuku to have 5 more minutes before his world collapses. aizawa lets out a single sob because izuku picked the allmight themed icecream thanks
Aizawa helps Inko around the house as much as possible and drives Izu to school when Inko is having a rough day
All mights animals being depressed cause he's gone and blessed 6-year-old Izu sneaking into a fucking lion enclosure because 'dad would want to cheer them up'
there was a lion cub litter born really close to izuku and allmight dotted on these cubs because he was all soft because his wife was pregnant, there are photos of toddler izuku with these lions. izuku burying his face into one of their manes and crying while the lions lay around him
Aizawa has been interning at the zoo since he was 15 and is 22 when allmight dies. its his first year really "working" there because he just finished uni and hes on fulltime
aizawa thought allmight was going to be kinda snobby but allmight said hi to him every day, remembered his name and attended his uni graduation, told him he was proud and told him he'd never seen anyone as good with the cats as he was
aizawa babysat his kid, saw this man almost every day since he was 15
Ok but what if Inko wakes up in the middle of the night hearing All mights voice. She's freaking out, but then finds Izu rewatching old footage of his dad. Crying but also using them to learn how to be as good with the animals as him
animals a d o r e izuku, all of them
like, even the crows at the park will sit on his shoulders and give him little shiny things the wolves like to lick him and crowd him when he walks in, the crocodiles like head scratches
allmight was so proud of his son, because even he couldnt get animals to like him instinctually
1A are all the little highschool interns
Shinsou crushes on the cute zookeeper boy and Izu gets him an internship eventually, he just sees izuku hugging a lion and falls in love instantly
aizawa is his uncle and is complaining about this "kid that doesnt listen to safety protocol" and shinso is like ",, h im"
Aizawa thought that shinsou hated outdoors and animals, but is confused when suddenly Shinsou starts going to the zoo after school everyday
the way this family works
aizawa was a foster kid bc his family wasnt trusted with him but he still had contact, shinso's family was falling apart and aizawa didnt want his cousin to go through the same thing so he takes shinsou in age 10
they say uncle bc aizawa is so much older than shinsou
izuku like, doesn't tell shinso hes allmights kid and izuku wears a facemask and dyes his hair all the time so its fair that shinso doesnt guess
so izuku is on messenger and tells shinso to open his window izuku is sitting on his balcony. hes got a torch in his mouth and a swipecard in the other. he just kinda, grabs shinso and hauls him over the balcony. shinso is in pyjamas and all he has is a phone
izuku grabs his hand and they run down the street and shinso is just??? so lost. aizawa lives su p er close to the zoo and they get to the gate and shinso is like?? why are we here its midnight
and izuku o p e n s th e g a t e
shinso is crying bc he has every reason to think he'll go to jail
(izuku turned off the alarms and warned his mum he was doing this but didnt warn shinso because thats not fun)
so izuku takes shinso to the farmyard, wakes up the horse, which is his horse, a pulls shinso up on it too the horse has little lights on it
so its midnight and shinso is hugging izuku on this horse because its cold and hes in pyjama's and hes cold and its dark and he doesnt wanna fall off this massive horse
so izuku takes him around the zoo at night on this horse and its honestly great? bc loads of the animals are awake and the zoo is empty. izuku whispers that hes not really supposed to do this but hes going to do it anyway and shinso is like??? please dont im too young for jail
but izuku just giggles
izuku lets them into the back deer enclosure and its m a s s i v e
so its 2am by now, all the deer are awake so izuku ties up the horse and leads shinso over to his fave deer
"ok so, dad used to do this to me when i was litte, but i figure youre still light enough”
and izuku just hefts shinso onto this deer. shinso is laughing and clinging to this deer for his life and so izuku gets on another and they run around the paddock
shinso is yelling and cheering as izuku laughs, the other deer are running beside them because deer do that and its honestly the coolest thing that shinso has ever done
4am and the deer have all fallen back asleep and shinso and izuku are on the roof of the vet clinic because the vet-clinic is still heated at night so the roof is warm and they kinda,, fall asleep on the roof. izuku wakes up at 6, but doesnt wake shinso up for 20 minutes because hes smiling even in his sleep
they have to sprint back to shinso's house
izuku helps shinso climb back up his balcony and waves goodbye and shinso just watches him run back to the zoo and hes blushing and messy and cold but hes just so happy
aizawa walks into his room a minute later and asks shinso if he slept outside for some ungodly reason because his lips are blue and there are leaves in his hair
izuku doesnt like people knowing hes allmights kid when hes just out and about or working or honestly doing anything that isnt a show or interview so the only people that know are tenya, bakugo, tensei, mic and aizawa
Every year at the anniversary of all mights death they all bring Izu and Inko to his shrine and thousands of people come from all around to pay their respects and Shinsou finds a crying Izu after and takes him back to the zoo after hours so Izu can be with the animals
shinso still doesnt know izuku is allmights kid and izuku just sobbing and shinso doesnt know what happened
izuku just talks about his dad vaguely, shinso knows aizawa used to babysit izuku too
aizawa makes a tradition of getting icecream for izuku on the date every year, they both get the allmight themed one
bakugo isnt a massive dick in this au but hes still not a soft friend. he will roast you every 24 seconds but the 2 weeks around allmights death? he looks out for izuku, makes extra sure no one works out izuku from school is "allmights son" izuku, makes sure he eats lunch, helps inko make dinner
bakugo threatens to rip off shinso's dick and shove it down his throat and shinsou is like???? WHat dID i DO???
Izu is being bullied for crying in school around the date, Bakugo fIGHTS
bakugo gets suspended for a day and aizawa picks him up bc his parents are busy. bakugo looks angry but also kinda, embarrassed for being caught and for getting that mad. aizawa just parks on the side of the road just out of school and lets out a massive sigh
"you shouldn't have done that-"
"You dont think i fucking know that??"
"shut up and listen kid. you shouldn't have done that. and im not giving you a pat on the head for breaking the rules like that. but you did a good thing. hes got enough on his plate. youre a good friend"
aizawa lets bakugo stay at his place so mitsuki doesn't have to find out bakugo got suspended, izuku takes bakugo to pat the wolves as a "thank you for throwing down for me" present
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mitkitty · 4 years
Gift of a Frenemy
((Happy birthday, Tessa! ^v^ *huuuuugs* hope you enjoy this oneshot))
((Aaaaaaah its all so cute, thank you so much!!!
Birthdays had always been a… mixed bag for Wil.
When she was able to spend it with her mothers, it was nice. They gave her their full attention, letting her pick whatever activity they did that day and whatever dish they had for supper (plus the homemade birthday cakes were nice too).
The birthdays where she had to spend it alone, however… weren’t so great. Students and teachers at school never remembered, and due to her lack of popularity, she wasn’t exactly the ‘birthday party’ type.
Until now, that is. To some, having a birthday party in the sewers was far from ideal. But to her - seeing her friends, her moms and her boyfriend all in one place, giving her the birthday party she never really had - it was absolutely perfect.
She lost track of how long it lasted, though a part of her wouldn’t have minded if it lasted forever. She laughed and joked around with her friends, played party games, ate good food, watched movies (NOT Lou Jitsu ones, thank goodness), danced and pretty much just partied to her hearts content.
“-Hey, we’re not too late, are we?” Wil turned her attention towards one of the Lair entrances, and grinned.
“N-Nope,” she told the gargoyles, hopping down from the second level to greet them, “C-Come on in!”
“Aww, thanks Wil!” Muninn said, smiling back. 
“Yeah,” Huginn nodded, “Happy birthday, kid.” He would have waved or offered her a hug, though the heavy gift bag in his and Muninn’s hands prevented him from doing so.
Not wanting them to strain their little wings any longer, Wil took the bag. “Aww, th-thanks you guys! You’re so sweet.” They flew over to her shoulders, nuzzling her cheeks a bit and making her giggle.
“Weeeell?” Muninn said after a few moments, “Come on, open it!”
“Heh, o-okay okay!” Setting it down, Wil opened up the gift bag - and while she wasn’t completely surprised by its contents, she was still touched by the meaning behind them. After all, she gave them snacks all the time, so it was only fitting they gave her snack in return. “Wowwww!”
She took each item out, wanting to fully appreciate the gift that she was sure they worked hard to get her. There was caramel popcorn, a jar of Nutella, a couple cupcakes, and even sugar cookies that had been frosted (albeit a bit messily) to look like her. “These are great!”
However, when she took out the final item - a small bag of blue, white and yellow M&Ms from the store in Times Square - she couldn’t help but smile. “Um, I-I’m sorry but- guys, y-you know I can’t eat chocolate.”
“Oh no, did we forget?” Muninn said in ‘shock’, his tone a bit forced, “Gosh, we’re sorry! Guess you’ll have to just exchange them for some non-chocolate candies.”
“Yeahhh,” Huginn nodded, smirking ever so slightly, “Though, I’d maybe wait until after you get Boss’ gift. You know, just in case.”
Wil gave them both a curious look, though didn’t get a chance to ask any follow-up questions. With one last hug to her shoulders, they wished her a happy birthday before flying up to the second level to see what other festivities the party had. 
“H-Huh…” Still wondering what Huginn meant by that, Wil gathered up all the treats and placed the bag next to her other presents before joining back into the birthday fun.
The moon was high above the NYC skyline as the Bulwarks returned home. Venny and Eva kissed their daughter goodnight before heading to bed. As for Wil herself, while the party had worn her out in the best possible way, her nocturnal feline instincts ensured that she would still be up for at least a couple hours more.
She fidgeted a bit with the (fake but still pretty) ruby covered bracelet Raph had given her as she thought about what to do next. “Maybe I’ll do some reading,” Wil mumbled to herself, thinking of the chemistry books and shoujo manga books Donnie and Leo had gotten her. Doing that would be both enjoyable and would make her sleepy. But before she could even begin to try and get comfy, there was a knock at their door.
Quietly, Wil padded down the stairs and opened the door. The tall figure in front of her took a moment to recognize, but once she saw the face underneath the hood, she wasn’t worried at all. “Y-You know,” she said, crossing her arms, “you c-could have just came to the pa-party.”
“Like I said,” Draxum grumbled, “I’m not much of a party person.” Besides, while Venny didn’t mind him and Wil and Mikey had wanted to include him, they all knew that there was still plenty of friction between him and Splinter. It would have been wrong to fill her special day with drama that she had nothing to do with. “Still, I figured it would be consider rude to let the occasion pass without a token of acknowledgement, so-” he reached into his pocket, and pulled out a vial, “Happy birthday.”
Wil’s eyes widened a bit as she took a closer look at the glass vial. Whatever was in it wasn’t green or glowing, thankfully. Instead, it was a cool, light shade of brown - almost like chocolate milk. “Wh-What is it?”
“Well… I was told you had allergies that prevented you from eating chocolate,” Draxum explained, “And judging by how many bakeries and candy shops there are in this city, I’d imagine that must be pretty frustrating. So, I thought I could help with that.”
Wil blinked, a bit shocked. “Wait, so… s-so, is this like an Antihistamine or-”
“One dose, and your dietary biology will be forever changed,” Draxum told her, “and you’ll be able to eat as much chocolate as you wish without any harmful side effects. Well, other than a stomachache and cavities, maybe.”
She stared at him, a bit shocked. She honestly didn’t know what to say. Seeing this, Draxum quickly added, “You don’t have to drink it. I won’t force you to. It’s yours to do whatever you wish with, including throw away. I just-… I thought that, after everything you’ve done for me, the least I could do is provide you with a mutation that you might actually want.”
Wil’s eyes softened a bit at that. “You big d-dummy…” Taking the vial, she hugged him. Surprised though not as annoyed with the action as he normally might have been, he patted her back. Hugs weren’t… that bad, on rare occasions.
“I n-never said I hated being a c-cat, you know,” she told him once the hug ended, “Like I t-told you before…” It had been scary at first - completely terrifying, really. But she was stronger and faster now, not to mention the fact that if she had never mutated, she might have never met her best friends. Sure, being a cat in a world of humans would still always have its difficulties, it was still her life. It wasn’t always easy, but she accepted it. She was happy, whiskers and all.
“If you’re wanting to m-make up for this wh-whole situation-” she gestured to herself- “then, well, y-you’re already doing it by trying to be a better person! That means more than a-any potion or mutation.”
“…” Draxum glanced away a bit. “I suppose so…”
Wil looked down at the vial. She was sure that Draxum had thoroughly tested it, but even so- “I’ll h-have to sleep on it a little b-before I decide to use this or not. Still-” she smiled genuinely at him, letting her appreciation be known loud and clear, “T-Thank you for the gift, Draxum.”
Draxum nodded. “Happy birthday, Wilhelmina.” With that taken care of, he began to turn away, figuring that he had already taken up enough of her time-
“Hey, s-speaking of birthdays, we still have some leftover cake, i-if you want some.” That made Draxum pause. “I know how much y-you love Mom’s cooking~” she added, giving him a small smirk.
Draxum scoffed, though didn’t move. “…I guess one slice couldn’t hurt. The walk over made me a bit peckish anyway.” Wil chuckled, and happily opened the door to let him in.
Yep… It really was a pretty perfect birthday.
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