#thank you for this again!
caelanglang · 11 months
So I've been seeing your art around and I finally decided to check on your account, stumbled upon your "itadakimasu, gochisousamadesu" comic (?) and I have some words for it.
First of all, your art is absolutely beautiful and I love the feel your lines give off. It's expressive and your chibis are absolutely adorable, while the more realistic shots are so well done <3
Secondly, I had an inkling that maybe it was Chuuya who made Dazai's food. Then Dazai smiled after eating everything and saying "it's empty already." I thought, hey this is so good, I'm alright for now.
But then. But then you- YOU. HIT. ME. WITH. THIS. SHOT. 😭😭😭
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I was wearing my glasses and they got wet from my tears. Genuinely had to step out of my room, go for a walk, cry a little, before finishing the rest of the comic T-T <3
The thought that, yes, Chuuya did make Dazai's food was already there. But then you actually see the EFFORT he placed and the amount of consideration behind his choices. Like, he searched the benefits of seafood for injuries and included crab because of course, Dazai loves that.
I am so not fine and I'm losing it over this work of art. I wish one day I'll get treated by someone like this 🥲; you've somehow raised my standards lol.
(also I find the detail of one of the books having "healthy food that kids love!" hilarious)
omg hi! thank you so much for dropping by! I saw the notes you left behind and I appreciate them all so much ;v;)// Sometimes, the feeling that you know something vs getting hit with that feeling is still very different and impactful. I'm so glad to hear that I delivered that with this!
I'm so so happy that you liked that scene! It was one of the visions I initially had and wanted to draw out for this comic (that and Dazai smiling to Chuuya :)) I always think that skk are the kind of pair who would exert a lot of effort behind the scene for the other but will never ever bring it up. It's a sweet thought (I'm sorry for raising your standards hhhhh I hope you find someone but I hope you treat yourself just as nicely! <3)
Thank you so much for this inbox! It made my day so so much! I'm smiling like an idiot right now TvT I'm glad my scribble comics were able to bring you warm emotions! Sending you hugs (and tissues for the tears ><;;)
Also!! I'm actually planning a part two for that comic! In which Dazai hunts down the non-existent resto that made the beloved congee of his dreams (ft. Chuuya making a fake takeout restaurant service to hide it ;3) It was deeply buried in my wips but this inbox renewed my motivation to work on it! Thank you so much again! I really appreciate you for this! ;w; <3
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wild-pineapple-butt · 2 years
I don't care if neither of us are on tumblr that much anymore. Fuck it. Juvia's here for Renji Day - She has train tickets to a lovely beachside town in Japanland. Sure, I mean, shinigami can probably just show up to the town for free with speshul shinigami powahs, but also... Train station bento! Seeing the countryside! And, "and Juvia has rented a small beach house for the weekend... I hope this is sufficient."
(Let me preface this by saying that you are such a sweetheart for remembering this day, despite the fact that Renji day totally slipped my mind. Work has consumed my entire being and it's been an entire shithole, so this really made my night! I really have a soft spot for RenJuvia so I will respond in kind. Thank you again for remembering my presh boi ♥♥)
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For as long as Renji could remember, save for the last couple of years, his birthday was just a normal day, grateful to be alive to see another year. That all changed when he met Juvia, a woman who was more than happy to shower him in affection and gifts, celebrating all these outrageous holidays that he'd never heard of, gifting him things that he'd never seen before all with a bright smile on her face.
His birthdays had become a day he looked forward to, not because he wanted gifts (although that was a nice perk), but because he could spend an entire day with Juvia, sometimes even two or three in a row. He never took his time with her for granted, for he knew that at any time it could be cut short. But, he tried not to think too hard about that.
This year was no different as he found himself on a train, far away from the bustling city of Tokyo, as the scenery outside the window became increasingly more and more green and less skyscrapers filled the landscape.
"Sufficient??" he squawked, quickly swallowing the piece of food he had been chewing, desperately trying not to choke. "Ya damn know that this is more than just sufficient!" he huffed, rudely pointing his chopsticks at Juvia sitting across from him.
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He sighed, and looked fondly at his girlfriend. "Ya know ya didn't have to do this right? I mean. An entire weekend? At ... wherever we're goin'? And ya rented a beach house?" His own salary of being a vice captain was nothing to scoff at, but he couldn't fathom that this trip was anything to scoff at.
"But you know, that doesn't mean I'm not happy about it! I really am! I'm really excited and grateful and 'm really lookin' forward to playin' in the water," he hurriedly adds, reassuring her that his outburst hadn't been one in anger. His brows furrow and shoulders sag "I'm just. I don't know if 'm worth such a big celebration."
Reaching out his hand, Renji grasped Juvia's in his before planting a gentle kiss near the wrist. "Thank you. I really don't have the words t' express how much this means t'me."
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radiation · 3 months
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canisalbus · 5 days
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✦ Freshly ordained ✦
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ppeanutz · 1 year
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this has probably happened in the marvel canon hasn't it.
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mangoshibi · 6 months
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He practiced those faces before
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sinsydia · 3 months
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*chugs mayo violently*
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aterfish · 4 months
Good thing it was a short spin
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junosmindpalace · 9 months
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you don’t like to kiss satoru when he wears his blindfold.
you understand why he wears it, and you don’t have any problem with it besides how distanced you feel from him when he tries to be intimate with it on. so while you never ask him to take off his blindfold, you simply refuse to engage him when he wears it. 
guilt eats at you for even feeling this way in the first place—after all, satoru’s health came before your own menial, selfish wants. still, you couldn’t help the uneasiness that came as a result of trying to be affectionate with him while half his face was completely blocked off from you. 
and satoru doesn’t like this. he’s not immensely clingy, or at least not often enough to call him clingy, but he does like to have you near him, tuck you into his side and steal a slow kiss or two from you on occasion. especially when he’s feeling stressed or annoyed does he seek out your soothing touch, which tended to be pretty often from how demanding the higher ups are of him. 
you’ll still lend a listening ear, lean in real close and scan his face as if trying to see those bright blue eyes of his through the dark mask he often wears, perhaps even wrap your arms around him and card your fingers through his hair held up by the fabric around his head. and most of the time simply being near you, touching you in one way or another is enough to soothe his aching muscles and tense mind. but when he leans in to press his lips against yours and you dodge, he immediately realizes that it’s not enough.
“you’re mean.” he pouts, and though you can’t see his eyebrows crease in distress, you can certainly imagine it, and you laugh.
“when we’re at home.” you reassure him, rubbing your hands up and down his arms. 
he speculated for some time that you rejected him because of the setting, that it was unprofessional or perhaps embarrassing. but you had no problem angling his head toward you and stealing a kiss from his lips on the rare occasion he decided to wear his glasses to work, and so he eventually managed to piece together that the blindfold was the problem.
satoru’s frown only deepens, because he wants a kiss from you now. why should he have to wait to kiss his own partner? 
“just a small one. a quick one.” he tries to bargain, holding your elbows, but you only shake your head with an amused smile. 
“later.” you promise, and before he can press further, your students start to approach and your attentions are required elsewhere.
you uphold your promise, cupping his face and kissing him with so much love behind closed doors, as if you were anticipating the moment as much as he was—when his blindfold is off. but he’s still troubled by the fact that you refuse to kiss him with it on. it’s a part of him. do you think he’s ugly with it on? that’s got to be it.
he continues to whine and chase after your lips when the two of you are at work, but you only chuckle and angle his face away, and eventually it really strikes a nerve with him, frustrated over not knowing why you were so adamant on avoiding his kiss when he wore his blindfold. you haven’t tried to initiate, or even reciprocate his advances, even once! 
he brings up this concern one day when you two are at home, when your bodies are messily intertwined on the living room couch, satoru’s chin propped up on your chest and your hand cupping his face as you cuddled and giggled about whatever sort of conversation you were making that night. in the security of your shared home, and in your comforting embrace, does satoru allow himself to wind down, letting his cursed energy seep out, and using it as an incentive to relax a slight bit. 
you say something and he laughs, and upon seeing his smile and endearing eyes crinkle happily, you lean in to close the space between your lips.
he immediately reciprocates the kiss, the hold he has around your waist tightening. but then he remembers being in a similar scenario hours prior, and you refusing to meet his lips then. he pulls away gently as the dejection bubbles up in his stomach again, and his smile slightly drops.
“why don’t you kiss me when i wear my blindfold?”
the question, coupled with the blunt and slightly miserable tone satoru asks it with, catches you off guard, and his knit brows makes your breath hitch.
this was the thing about satoru without his blindfold. every piece of him—every vulnerable expression, every crease on his face, every emotion of his—was on display for you to bask in. rubbing your thumb over his cheek is welcome. there isn’t any fabric to bump into and make you feel like you’re being pushed out, make you feel like your affection is being suppressed.
satoru without his blindfold was open, intimate—whole. but when he wrapped the fabric around his eyes, it felt like he was also hiding a part of himself you adored. not the overwhelming strength he held in those enchanting cerulean eyes of his, but the love and affection they glimmered with when he was with you, a glimmer you’re sure was reciprocated in your own eyes as well. a part of him that displayed his adoration for you, for the things he loved most, clear as day. 
“it’s silly, satoru.” you tell him reluctantly, gently playing with his hair. his sad smile makes you feel guilty, gnaws at your heart. but the part of you that feels shut away with that blindfold overtakes an insecurity deep inside. “i don’t want to concern you with it.”
“you gotta tell me what’s up, sweets. think i’m ugly?” he tries to tease, and you roll your eyes.
“just feel distant from you, ‘s all.” 
voicing it aloud makes you feel just as small and silly as you told him it is. perhaps you were overthinking things too much. 
you’re afraid to explain any further, because you don’t even know if you can without sounding even more insecure than you feel, but satoru immediately understands, and all the tension he’s built over the situation melts away in an instant, and he chuckles.
“like my eyes on you, huh?” he wiggled his brows, and you scoff, moving your hands down to his neck. he leans in a little closer, speaks a little softer. “they’re always on you.” 
your heart flutters as satoru kisses over the side of your jaw, giggling at the slight tickling sensation. he mimics your smile from against your jawline when he hears you laugh. 
he thinks he understands. if he wasn’t able to see those gorgeous eyes of your as they crease when you laugh, or gaze up at him in awe when he pulls away from a kiss only you could make so sweet, he thinks he’d also feel shut out, robbed of that small but intimate and beautiful part of you that leaves him breathless. he had a responsibility as the strongest to keep himself in line, but he also had a responsibility to you. he committed himself to that responsibility ages ago when you first met. 
satoru stares up at you from the crook of your neck, and it’s as if there’s hearts in his eyes, a sight that never fails to fluster you when you realize that it’s all directed toward you, a result of you. it reminds you just why you were so insecure in the first place. why would you want to kiss him when he wore his blindfold when you were deprived of this sight while doing so?
“just try to kiss me with my blindfold.” he mumbles, and it sounds insensitive after what you told him, but it’s exactly why he wants to prove that not a single ounce of love for you is hidden away when he wears it.
you frown, but still reach to grab the black band from when he threw it on the coffee table hours ago. you wrap it around his eyes for him, feeling slightly saddened by the sight already, but his lovesick smile never falters.
as soon as your hands lower from behind his head, he’s gently pushing his lips against yours, and it feels every bit of kind and loving and special as it did when you kissed him without it. his lips move slowly, yet passionately, with yours, and for the first time, your hands move to cup his face in reciprocation. the touch elates satoru like nothing else in the world, and you can’t believe you ever expected anything different.
when he finally pulls away, you could swear you see those bright blue eyes of his staring at you with that dizzying gaze that makes you feel light and loved. the blindfold makes you feel a lot more exposed than he is though, and you can’t help but blush and bring your hands over your face to try and even the playing field.
he laughs at this reaction and tries to pry your hands away from your face. “so? anything different?” he grins, feeling proud knowing he accomplished his goal from your reaction, and you laugh. 
“i still prefer it off.”
“that’s fine,” he hums, lowering the band so it hangs loosely around his neck with one hand, bringing your hands down away from your face with the other. “i prefer it off, too.” 
and from then on you become a little more comfortable kissing satoru with his blindfold on, and he’s over the moon at you now indulging him when he’d pull you into a random empty classroom and lean in close.
but he doesn’t see the harm in compromise, however, so he’ll indulge you too. and when he’s feeling particularly eager, he’ll wrap an arm around your waist, quickly tug his blindfold down to his neck, and capture your lips in a breathless kiss. 
whether he does this in an empty classroom or to say hello or goodbye before heading off on a mission with his students, you get to see those mesmerizing eyes of his shine with all the affection and love he holds for you. 
besides, you can't help but admit that it’s even more satisfying when he does it in front of others, tugging the blindfold off simply for your sake, showing off to everyone else the state you reduce him too. 
so perhaps you’ve grown to like kissing satoru when he wears his blindfold.  
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chimchiri · 2 months
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Small art gift for @admiraldora who chose the awful teens as a motif. Had a lot of fun looking up their scenes again and figuring out their overall appearance and outfits.
JM always being in awe of Gideon's biceps are the cutest and funniest moments. I can only imagine how often she she gawks at Gideon in secret and inspects her own muscles in front of the mirror in the fourth's room.
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astearisms · 8 months
but it ain’t called love without a little tragedy 🍁
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morally-earl-grey · 11 months
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pinkhairswagtourney · 4 months
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while you're here , please consider helping a disabled trans lesbian survive this winter by donating or boosting this post . thank you for reading !!!
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journen · 22 days
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Cody and Rex selfie! ✌️📸
Commission for my awesome friend @bitwhizzle , or @/Bittipins on Instagram! 😊
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gotchibam · 5 months
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Arcanine and Scorbunny ko-fi doodle for @goldoans & @lunahearts!
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tbgkaru-woh · 7 months
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The new generation leaders
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