#thank you so much for this ask ;;;
im gonna be honest, I keep rereading pt 3 and 4 of the slasher handler and fantasising about how incredibly sexy it would be if kyle acquired a handler of his own by accident or on purpose and he finally understands simon's obsession now 😵‍💫
Slasher Handler Masterlist
Kyle and Simon aren't friends, per se. They only met through Johnny, because Johnny is sloppy and impulsive and never knows how to clean up his own messes. It's offensive to Kyle's meticulous nature and, apparently, appeals to Simon's need for a pet.
Since Johnny's been serving time for the last nine months, with nine months to go (sloppy work, he's lucky Kyle was able to clean things up), Simon's gone to ground. Every now and then, news of his work pops up. Once, one of the victims had ended up at the hospital Kyle works at.
"The Ghost Killer strikes again! Ah...! Run...!" Kyle had muttered to himself, taking the unconscious young man's rapidly fading vitals. They'd found him in an abandoned building, an old hospital well outside of Simon's usual territory. Which means something has changed.
That evening, sipping a beer, he'd called Price on his burner.
"What can I do for you, Kyle?"
"Just letting you know that your dog is out of the yard. The big one, not the terrier," Kyle answers with a smile. "He left behind a bit of a mess, but there was only one little rabbit left suffering. I handled it."
Price had hummed on the other end. "I saw the news. 'S not like him. I'll check in." And then he'd hung up.
Months later, and Kyle finally has an answer when he catches Simon trailing behind a woman not once but three times. He's surprised to see her face, an old classmate and the justification for his second ever human kill. He's almost sad to know that she's been marked for death. When he hears about the Ski Lodge massacre and the Ghost copycat, he has a drink in her honor.
So it's a surprise when she reaches out to him online and asks to meet.
She's frazzled and wild-eyed when she sits in the chair across from him. She's also wearing one of Simon's beanies. And when she reveals what Simon's been up to, he can't help but laugh.
Simon - the weird, off-putting, murderous Ghost - has somehow managed to find the one person in the world who devotes herself to a project more than him. The Final Girl Girlfriend.
They're both doomed.
Kyle begins the painstaking process of reviewing his daily journals for mentions of Simon and their shared connections. It's very unlikely that Simon would be caught alive, and even more unlikely that he'd say anything about Kyle or Johnny or Price. But unlikely isn't impossible, so it's important to start getting his stories straight now.
Reviewing, flagging, and annotating his journals from his initial meeting with Johnny to now takes a month and three days. It's always an interesting process, looking at his life with the advantage of hindsight. There's always a new fascinating pattern to examine. For example, that first summer, he'd meet with Johnny every other week, and two and six days later, he'd gradually step up a patient's blood thinners.
Another pattern that's emerged is that he hasn't dated anyone for more than 35 days in the last three years. That's about as long as it takes for his exacting nature to become... a conflict. It's not much of a problem. He's a nurse, he works long hours. He's got a gym routine and volunteers at the local pet rescue once a week. He's a part of the community, so he doesn't stick out as a loner. But he's also solidly at a point in his life where someone would expect him to have a partner.
He makes an online dating profile. It takes a week for him to delete the app.
"Darlene," he greets the head nurse with a smile and her favorite coffee at the beginning of his next shift. "How are you today?"
"Kyle." As always, she barely glances at him, just holds out her hand for her drink. "You're early. What do you want?"
She's right, he's thirty minutes early. He grins. "You wound me. Can't I just want to know how a beautiful woman is doing?"
Darlene gives him a blank look over the top of her bifocals. "Save it for the maternity ward, Garrick. What do you want?"
"Just wanna know the lay of the land," he says, coming around the desk and taking the seat next to her. He likes Darlene because she only expects him to be coy for a short time. "Been on the apps, trying to date. But my hours make things difficult. You know everybody's business. How is anyone in a relationship around here?"
"The surgeons are all on meth, the rest of the doctors are on coke, and the nurses are either fucking each other or their high school sweethearts," Darlene says, dry as a desert. "You know this already. What do you actually want?"
"That's it," he says with a shrug. "Just want to know who's not seeing anyone, or if you know of someone at another campus with the time."
She takes a sip of her coffee and thinks for a moment. "Stay off the psych and plastics floors. Maternity floor's about to get a whole new batch since all of those idiots got pregnant within three months of each other. But there's something in the water up there, so unless you also want a baby, I'd say leave them alone."
"James is on the maternity floor," Kyle points out.
"James cheated on his boyfriend and his side piece with another nurse," Darlene points out, settling into her coffee and gossip. "Which is another reason to stay away from plastics, but also trauma and rads. I didn't know you were bisexual."
"Doesn't come up much," Kyle dismisses, sipping his own coffee.
By the time Kyle has to clock in, they've explored the pros and cons of almost every department. The prospects are pretty grim. Maybe being single isn't the worst thing in the world.
He makes a point of spending time with the other nurses for the next month. He goes out for drinks and karaoke, attends a couple of baby showers. Lets on to a couple of gossips that he's looking, tells another that he's not sure he has time to date. Enjoys the conclusion of a project when a racist old bastard finally has the heart attack he can't bounce back from.
And then the nurse coroner flags the death for investigation.
Kyle doesn't panic because technically all deaths in the hospital are investigated. But he is intrigued. His own notes show that the patient's condition was well within the expected parameters of recovery and relapse. His medications were administered appropriately while Kyle was on shift, and the hydrogen peroxide added to his IV would have been nigh undetectable.
In the end, the hospital is not determined to be at fault for the death, and that's all that administration cares about. But the cause of death is changed from heart attack to embolism in the record, and that is intriguing.
"Knock knock," Kyle says, poking his head into the office area of the morgue. He expects to see Dennis, the older gentleman running the morgue unit, who waves back at him. He doesn't expect the new face, sitting across the desk from him.
"Good morning, Kyle," Dennis greets, waving him in. "Been a bit since you've come to see us. Care for some tea?"
"Can't," Kyle says, apologetically. "Just dropping someone off."
"Well, at least let me introduce our new nurse!"
The new nurse gives him a no-nonsense handshake and a nod. They don't say much beyond their name, and Kyle is pleased to put a face to the name on the investigation into his last project. He wasn't exaggerating when he said he couldn't stay long, so he says his goodbyes.
But when his next completed project is flagged for investigation again, he decides that maybe it's time to take an interest.
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your art is so gorgeous omg!! 😭😭 I would love to see Roach, Gaz, or Soap in your style if you ever want to draw any of them (or really any of the COD boys lol, I adore the way you draw Ghost too!!) ^^ <3
oh my gods, thank you so much luv <3
you just made my entire day with this, how about all three? (gummy style)
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and a little extra roach on the side, just for you (/-w-)/
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elitegreet · 3 months
I just wanted to say thank you, I'm sure it's a very small thing for you to post a little meme video each morning, but it really does mean a lot to think that someone is willing to do this every day just to make mine and other people's mornings a little bit better.
Even if it is just a little meme video it does make my mornings better and it really does make a difference. Thank you.
honestly, thank you for sending this ask. im really happy that this blog can make other peoples mornings better.
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hyperblue · 1 month
Everyday I scroll through your blog just to remember what happiness is.
Also, I did have an actual question or request(?) I suppose, I want, NEED more details about your specific AU with Wendy and Jackie, what fo they enjoy? How often do they fight with their fathers? What do they grow up to be??? You've said before that Jack is scared of his powers, so does this result in him going out and having a 'normal' life? How would that affect his relationships with his family?
Of course you don't have to answer but I am very curious!
hello there!! I'm so glad to hear that you're enjoying my blog, thank you for your kind words 💙
and yes i will gladly answer your questions! this will probably get a bit long, i hope that's okay with you
au's mainly focused on twins when they are around 17-18 (kind of symbolic to tim's age when he cloned them because I'm prosy like that)
one of the main reasons why I've decided to go for twins in this au (aside from being indecisive about whether it should be a boy or a girl) is because it gives me a chance to demonstrate how two people can have same upbringing/surrounding and be influenced by the very same group of people AND still form entirely different perspectives and opinions on certain things. i'm going to use both kids' relationships with kon as one of the clearest examples:
wendy appreciates kon dearly, she thinks very high of him and constantly seeks for his company and attention. on the other hand, as she gets older, it becomes really awkward for her to be around him because she's old enough now to actually understand and pear wiggle the whole "my dad cloned me out of this dead dude's dna without his consent" thing in her head, until she has to stop for a moment and go: "wow. that was So Not Okay of my dad." on top of that she's facing a major identity crisis because you know, teens, and starts to question her own existence and even tim's love for her, because she can't be sure now if he actually loves her or if she's just a good enough replacement of what her dad could have loved, but never got an actual chance. which eventually leads to her bottling up lots of anger towards tim, because obviously it's his fault that she can't look kon in the eyes anymore, and none of this would've happened if he just had his shit together and didn't try to clone kon all those years ago (and she's not even entirely wrong)
what she CAN'T fathom just yet is the fact that she loves kon so much partly because she got to see him through tim's eyes; part of her affection for kon is deeply rooted in a way tim spoke about him when she was a kid, always loving, always in awe — essentially, tim was the first person who taught wendy the concept and the feeling of love. and even her awkwardness and guilt that she's experiencing around kon are inherited from tim; she's just mirroring her dad's own feelings about himself without even realizing it
jackie, on the other hand... it would be easy to say that he's just not as close with kon as his sister, but when you start to look at the reasons, well, it gets a little bit messy. you see, jackie was always a "daddy's boy"; he and tim were inseparable when jackie was a kid, they still are, actually, it's just that tim only now starts to realize negative side effects of their closeness but that's for another post. not only that, he's also much more... observant than wendy in a lot of ways, so while wendy was soaking in tim's affection for kon as a sponge to eventually make it her own, jackie couldn't help but notice how hard it was for his dad to have kon in his life only as a co-parent and nothing more (they've bended their friendship as years went by, but it was never easy for both of them); not to mention that tim, to this day, experiences a very severe depressive episodes, to the point of not being able to get out of bed — jackie was very affected by it too growing up. so to him, as of now, it doesn't make sense for kon to stick around and be his usual "weekend dad" if he's not willing to stay forever, and he's kind of resentful towards kon, because he always felt sorry for tim in this situation. not that he doesn't understand why exactly it's the way that it is, it's just that his philosophy on that matter is: if you can't stay forever, do not bother visiting us at all, and stop giving dad any hope for more. jackie's anxiety regarding his kryptonian powers also does not help at all, more on that later
(got carried away with this, sorry, i just had to take this opportunity to explain why there are twins in my timkon clone baby au)
so about the kids, wendy is a rebellious soul and free spirit, and her interests really show that about her — she's been horse riding since she was five, tim was a bit hesitant about it at first, but with damian's help they managed to convince him that everything is going to be okay; damian has also bought wendy her own horse, the one she's connected with in her equestrian club (damian is her favorite uncle ever since; she did not let him call her horse a "Bathourse", tho). aside from that she plays guitar just a little, tim's also tried to teach her piano but ended up failing miserably; he also wasn't able to pass on to her his music taste, wendy is almost strictly a pop girl. she's not really good at photography from professional point of view, but she almost always has her little digital camera with her to take snapshots of memories
(she's also really into true crime videos/podcasts, it's one of the activities that she likes to share with her dad; most times after a fight with tim, if she wants to make up or apologize, she just sneaks into his office and starts playing random true crime youtube video at full volume)
jackie doesn't really have a "main" interest or hobby, even though he's passionate about a lot of things, some of them include: art (because damian), sports (although he's not playing himself), cars (because tim), photography (once again, tim), also I'm pretty sure he's good at math — a little bit of this, a little bit of that, as he himself would say. it could create a major problem for him to choose between college programs if he hadn't already decided that he is going to inherit drake industries, so business it is. tim actually had a whole conversation with him, like, "are you SURE that's what you want," resulting in jackie just. shrugging his shoulders, because it's just about as good as any other choice; not that he has some big, special dream anyway. also i think that he probably skipped a class (wendy did not; she's not too excited about going to college)
speaking about jackie being scared of his powers, it's most likely the result of an accident/series of accidents from his childhood when he unwillingly hurt tim or demolished something during tantrums (he used to throw them a lot when he was younger); kon has offered his help at figuring out how to control it, of course, but if for wendy it was existing and she wanted to get even stronger and make more progress, for jackie it was always about keeping it at bay so to not hurt anyone else. he never really wanted to become a vigilante either, which is good enough for tim because he's worried enough about wendy rushing to the field; he's as close at being a civilian as you can possibly get while growing up with bats and having a kryptonian dad. mostly it's a relief for his family ("at least one of us is going to graduate college"), although wendy can't stop bugging him about joining in and being the coolest vigilante twins gotham has ever seen. it's a bit isolating for him, sure, considering that everyone in his family is a superhero of some sort, but with tim mostly being a stay at home dad and only managing comms every once in a while it turned out better than it could
it DID get long, and i start to lose the train of thoughts; nevertheless, i hope you'll enjoy this answer 💙 feel free to ask more about them, I'm always up to chatting about my babies
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charmwasjess · 6 months
Your opinions on Rael Aveross? Yee-haw, or no howdy?
Oh, YEE-HAW. Giddy up, Rael Averross!
I admit, it took me a sec to warm up to Rael. If you include Dooku's Sith-era when he was self-medicating with apprentices, the man trained so many students already, characters ripe to be fleshed out, and now instead they invent a new one?? And it's this cowboy-ass talking motherfucker?? (The audiobook voice didn't do me any favors.)
But THEN. Rael. Under that crack cowboy exterior, this is such a fascinating character. He is clearly Dooku's firstborn son - a duelist, Council problem child, card-carrying disaster lineage asshole with all the requisite drama and trauma - but he also has some wonderful warmth to the character. He treats Qui-Gon like a baby brother. He checks in on Dooku's emotional health repeatedly and isn't afraid to speak the truth in love to him. (Hell, he confronts him about his feelings for Sifo-Dyas?) He talks about Master and Padawan dynamics in terms of love and family. He's physically affectionate. He smokes, he curses, he drinks. He fucks. He also says, of Yoda, and I'm quoting directly from Gray's Master and Apprentice novel here: "up the hell, he should shut." There was no going back for me with the character at that point.
I think I like Rael most of all for how he shows us what a Jedi can look like. And for how tremendously his inclusion fleshes out Dooku, in turn, especially early in his life.
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writhing like can kirtsch fawk reader like is it even physically possible n the way his species doesnt pair bond n dont experience romantic love like humans like pLORDDD. also how tall is kirtsch approximately like is it 8ft+? 10ft? I won’t him.
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Okay, so, Kirtch felt at first meeting like he was about seven feet tall, however (Reader) was bent in half and lifted up to his head. Outside of the cage, I didn't want to specify his height, only because I don't know how tall my readers are. The biggest issue I faced growing up with the early days of x reader fanfiction was that my body never really fit in with the stories, and it would always take me out and make me self conscious. Which is why unless the physical trait is important to the characterization of (Reader), like the barbarian! (Reader) being extra stronk, I try not to describe anything in too much detail. A six foot tall man is giant for a four foot six reader, but only a little taller than a five foot eleven reader.
So, I'd say he's about the height of a half giant, he's in the seven foot range in feeling
If that makes sense. I want him to be taller than you by a ridiculous amount, but not so tall that he rivals an ent.
Also, his species doesn't have romantic attachments to those they decide to mate with, they choose partners based on logic instead of feeling. They may not even particularly care for each other as friends, but decide that they trust each other to create life together.
Not to spoil part three, but the question of intercourse will be answered ❤️
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cinamun · 4 months
Hi cinamun!
I'm cracking up over the Drake family dynamics like everyone else.
My ask is about this:
We know that Indya has the ability (from her level 10 Wellness skill) to appear by her children's side at a moment's notice. But there's something more...the sixth sense about when to appear (or disappear and let hubby deal, as the case may be).
Is there lore to explain this sixth sense and how does that relate to Jerriah's apparent inheritance of it?
Merry coming with SUPER DOPE lore questions that we all love!!! I love this question friend so thank you!! It started as just comedy, me being the goofball that I am and knowing Indya, why wouldn't she magically appear if her girl's are going through life-changing moments?
But then there was a point where writer-brain took over and in this essay I will.....
Anyone famliar with the story knows that Indya and her mother had a relationship that wasn't a good one, and that's putting it lightly. Indya's mother was not raising her and she was left to fend for herself from the time she was old enough to reach the counters to fill her starving belly with moldy bread and expired bologna. One could argue that she didn't really have a mother; which ultimately led to her not wanting children at all. The same could be said about Jerri, honestly, but Jerri grew up with a grandmother which was at least something.
Fast forward...
She has daughters now and keeping them safe is personal; becoming her mother and ruining them is her biggest fear (and still is). When you have this kind of trauma-response you become hyper-aware of situations that may put those girls in danger.
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Indya's 6th sense, so to speak, is out of a fierce protection and love for her girls that she didn't have the privilege of experiencing and learned through the actions of mothering.
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So when the youngest of her girls felt she couldn't be open and honest and ended up keeping something dangerous from her, it absolutely devastated her. She took it personally.
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While this 6th sense is sharp with her daughters, it took awhile for her to figure it out with her son, but once she did...
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The point in all of this, is that Indya's growth through motherhood was rooted in the fear of becoming her own mother, the fear of failure and the trauma of growing up the way she did, with the mother she had. In fact, her mother is where all of her insecurities lie; even if her mother has long since passed on.
They say sometimes trauma (and actions associated with the response to trauma) can be inherited. Generational trauma, if you will. I would say if Jerriah sensed that energy shift, there is a strong chance that she inherited more than just red hair from Jerri. Perhaps she, too, is hyper aware of mood and energy shifts because, let's face it, you have to be when lived the life that Jerri did.
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cerealboxlore · 2 years
hey so ya know the prompts or whatever where cap changes to his billy form and the league think he’s deaged and he just goes with it?
what if that happened but instead of billy pretending he reverted in mind completely as well that he still has his memories as captain marvel?
so like he can’t use any cap abilities but he can use some magic since is still the champion
what if he pretended that while he does have his memories his feelings and behaviours are more like when he was this age?
just imagine the league thinking that the cheerful, childish captain would be even more like that as a child but just seeing him extremely bitter and never smiling
what if they finally make him smile like once around them and notice how different that smile is to caps?
I totally and completely love and worship the prompt/idea of the Justice League believing that Captain Marvel got de-aged when they see his Billy form. It makes me go feral!!
I've really been wanting to see a scenario like the one you described, where Billy doesn't pretend to have amnesia and finally gets a chance to be just Billy around the League and just breathe. That kid needs a break every now and then. He gets to have a little excuse to just sit in the watchtower to eat his fruit snacks and apple juice, and not feel bad about neglecting his duties. I mean, all the League sees is that one of their teammates and heaviest hitters just got turned into a child! Ah well, at least he still has his memories and some magic abilities left, he should rest after pulling so many night shifts and fighting so much lately.
However, despite expecting the Captain to remain cheerful and happy, what they see instead is this tired, malnourished, and bitter, young child. Was...was this what the Captain was like as a child? What kind of childhood did he have growing up??
The Justice League would be very concerned and try to talk to the little Captain Marvel, but every chance they get to get close to him, he flinches. He turns away. He runs away. Little kid marvel isn't as happy and bright as the "adult" version of him.
From the episode of Justice League Unlimited, "Kid Stuff", the League members retained their memories but acted more like their child selves in a way. They conclude this is something similar and begin to try and cheer the little marvel up. None of them know anything about him after all, they don't know what kind of trauma he's been through. Billy on the other hand, just wants to use the zeta beam and get out of there ASAP! He messed up when transforming and got into this sticky situation. When he finally gives in a little and let's them talk to him, no one can even see a glimpse of their Co-worker's smile on Billy's face. None of that glowing shine and warmth that it usually brought, just a small, tragic one that felt given out of pity to them.
Billy doesn't know it, but from that moment, he isn't allowed to leave the watch tower at all unless supervised until they find a way to turn him back.
Wrote my own little thing there for a moment, sorry, but I just adore this idea. So much can happen with the League interacting with who they think is a de aged Captain Marvel! It could also lead to Batman and others trying to corner little captain marvel into getting his secret identity from him, thinking that a kid version of him could slip his real name on accident. Billy doesn't play around though. Billy bites.
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captainqster · 6 months
Because I am a sucker for the best friend > pining pipeline, can you PLEASE tell me more about your character's love for their only friend?
Can I tell you more? Can I tell you more??? OKAY HERE IT GOES
Sorry for the essay but the context is important (to me)  
Ilya (my oc) and his friend Gia (@reap-the-game's oc) are both products of abuse by their Wood-Warder master and Garlean not-husband respectively. Ilya’s first love was murdered by his master, prompting his exile from Golmore, and Gia has a long history rife with mistreatment of a sensitive nature. While Ilya’s trauma resulted in a man who conceals his emotions and wants to be seen as a capable protector, Gia’s made him overly accommodating and willing to go to nearly any lengths to avoid violence, even if what he’ll provide means ruining a budding friendship. 
At present day, Ilya has been self-isolating while living in Gridania. He meets Gia, who’s overly friendly and touchy (and frightfully perceptive) and Ilya has to face how touch-starved and lonely he’s been. They immediately latch onto each other. Day and night, every possible second spent together, sharing a bed and each meal, etc. More and more Ilya finds that the man he really is (playful, questioning, confident) is a man he’s allowed to be around Gia without punishment, while Ilya goes about encouraging Gia’s autonomy, even slowly trying to teach him to be more selfish.  
However, because Gia has negative affiliations with sex and relationships, Ilya has resolved to keep his feelings hidden because he would rather have Gia as a forever friend than risk losing his company. Ilya is very much a worshipful guard dog for Gia.  
(Amusing note: Ilya is 26 while Gia is in his 40’s. Gia got a divorce and then went out and got himself a beefy young stud) 
I will say at this point the boys have engaged in sloppy makeouts and Gia realizes he has feelings for Ilya but doesn’t understand what those feelings are. Ilya refuses to give any input. He is just smiling and enjoying their time together because he’s young and in love.  
Also our rp has been going on pretty steadily for...almost a year and a half now and we have quite a bit planned out. Some favorite moments of mine thus far are: Gia ruthlessly beheading a dying decurion because he attacked Ilya, Ilya whipping a man bloody with his belt for touching his bestie, and Ilya showing Gia a selenite cave populated by millions of luna moths. It was very magical. It was very gay.  
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elkonigin · 1 month
I just came on here to say I love ur fics so much.
I’m currently reading supersum. I literally can’t stop. I read it until like 2am even though I had to be up super early for work. I read it on the subway there and during my lunch break too. Too good. I usually don’t read fics where kagome gets whumped bc she’s kind of a self insert for me but hurt comfort and angst hits different from u. The way u write I just get sucked in. I rlly love Brownie points too. I feel like ur stuff is the epitome of whump. The touch starvedness, hurt comfort, cuddles, caretaking etc… too good
I will be reading all the 1300 pages of supersum. (I downloaded it to files so I cld read it on the train)
That being said if u have any recs for inuyasha whump fics pls pls share bc I trust ur taste.
Ps. U definitely have ao3 author curse 😭😭 I wish u good luck in life
You have no idea how happy I am to hear this!
Supersum was a baby project of mine that like exploded uncontrollably. (I also didn't know that it was 1300 pages 😮).
But I do enjoy writing hurt/comfort. Like I want them to cuddle but I also want them to earn it, you know? I'm glad to know that my flavor of whump is appealing. I guess I don't like it when there's no payoff after all the suffering. Like I'll hurt them real bad, but then they get some struggle snuggles in and it's better. Not perfect, but better.
Some of these are from FFN, so bear with me. And some push the boundaries of "whump" but they're really good fics and I can't help but recommend them to everyone.
A Walk Through Hell Forget-Me-Not The Ronin All That Matters Fade to Black Clinging Fault Forget Me Not (this one is different) Miracles Not My Fairy Tale Pieces of Me Return to Me Sachi Light Me A Lantern
Okay, I think that's everything I can dredge up this quickly.
Also sorry it took me over a week to respond, I started at a new school and this past week I've been prepping for students and then I got them, and somewhere along the way I'm pretty sure my brain fizzled out.
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petrichormeraki · 1 year
Here’s a Hermit Tommy thought. Cub has been collecting books from the hermits for his museum. Of course he’d ask Tommy for a book. Tommy, who had time to adjust to Hermitcraft, knows that the museum won’t suffer the same fate as Ghostbur’s sewer, so what book would he write for the museum? A copy of the L’Manberg Declaration of Independance? How to Sex whatever edition he’s on? A book about Tubbo? A collection of clothing patterns he’s used for sewing? For that matter, how would Tommy play the museum feud? Would he bring up his history in exchange for some sweet, sweet diamonds? Would he make up history to get some sweet, sweet diamonds? Would he ignore the museums?
Oh my god thank you for this ask I had no idea the museums were even a thing!!
Tommy would absolutely write How To Sex 3 especially for the museum. It makes Cub laugh so hard that he almost passes out, and he expresses extreme remorse when he tells Tommy that no, he can't display this in his museum, no matter how much he wants to. Tommy gripes and groans but it's the answer he expected. They reach a compromise to keep it in a chest in a secret room of the museum that nobody can get to unless they know it's there.
On a more somber note, he trusts Cleo with a recreation of L'manburg's Declaration, as accurate as Tommy can remember it. It's not very close to the original, but he pretends it is, because the alternative is that he's been stuck in Hermitcraft for long enough to start forgetting his past, and he doesn't want to acknowledge that possibility.
He builds a L'manburg flag in Cleo's museum and a hot dog van in Cub's, and doesn't explain anything more than labeling them with a sign. Neither hermit asks specifics.
(Cub pays Tommy a few diamonds for How To Sex 3 as an apology for it not being properly displayed. It spurs Tommy to make a bookstore of (extremely non family friendly) self-written books that is condemned almost immediately by a terrified Bdubs. The scene remains the funniest thing that's happened in the Hermitcraft server in a long time)
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ask-theredcrown · 2 months
[Baal and Aym meet a lone hunter while travelling through Darkwood. The hunter, a dog, is kind enough to take them in to his camp and offer them some cooked salmon he'd caught earlier. As they eat the hunter starts to tell them a story.]
"I've heard the common folk talkin' ya know?" [The hunter said in his scratchy voice] "They say there's a great beast roaming these here woods."
[The hunter paused to take a sip from his water bottle before he continued.] "At first I thought they were talkin' about The Great Worm. But they say they weren't talkin' about Leshy."
[The hunter took a handful of kindling and tossed it into his campfire, watching the flames grow larger before they settled again.]
"They told me they saw a dragon of all things! Flyin' through the sky!"
"Around these parts? I think I never heard of that before..."
The twins were sitting next to each other around the bonfire, munching on the salmon that the kind hunter gave them.
They loved this, to go around and explore their surroundings, to talk to everyone that they meet along the way, to listen to their stories, and bring back new experiences to the Afterlife, to his Master.
"Do you think it's dangerous? Did it ever attack anyone?"
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arecaceae175 · 2 months
In Defense of Honor. Anything from chapter 1 for commentary
So when they first get to the bar with the cool lights, Warriors is nervous about going in because he doesn’t know if there will be people who still resent him because of the war. He puts on a big show of being super outgoing and knowing everyone but in reality he’s paranoid and sticks to his few familiar places in Castle Town. And, as we see later in the chapter, his anxiousness is justified. Sky touches on this a little bit when he first notices the people looking at Wars.
From the little Warriors has told Sky about his home era, it wasn’t friendly towards him. Warriors didn’t like talking about it. Sky also noticed, the few times Warriors did talk about it, a dark look fall over Time’s features. It was identical to the one he held when they discovered the assassins in Wild’s era. Sky put the pieces together and came to the conclusion that many in Warriors’ era didn’t support him, and some went so far as to want him dead.
There’s a subtle line about Groozelink in there hehe.
I imagine Sky being a very sensory-seeking person. He loves the sensations that come with flying and freefall, and above the cloud barrier the sun is ALWAYS bright. Woodcarving is a good way to always keep his hands and mind occupied. All that to say- blorbo would love the lights and loud music in a bar environment.
✨Blorbo is experiencing PTSD✨
“We were just leaving,” Warriors said. There was something off about his voice that had Sky blinking in confusion. He couldn’t place what it was, but it wasn’t a tone Warriors had ever used around him before.
The tone is strange to Sky because it’s a mixture of Wars’ captain voice and his voice betraying that he’s barely keeping it together. He used that voice a lot in the war. Mask would be familiar with it
When the bad guys try to start a fight with Sky, he doesn’t retaliate until someone hit Warriors. Sky knows his own strength and he’s not going to hurt someone in the name of protecting himself, but once he sees Warriors hurt that hero mode goes right out the window and he’s fucking pissed.
Out of the corner of his eye, Sky saw the first man raise his fist towards Warriors. Warriors kept both his arms at his sides and did nothing more than turn his face to the side. With a sharp crack the man’s fist collided with Warriors’ cheek.
Sky yelled and rushed towards him. He punched the man squarely in his face and he crumpled to the ground, unconscious. Warriors grabbed Sky’s upper arm in a tight grip and yanked him towards the door.
Unfortunately for Warriors, that does not help his image lol
Sky doesn’t realize it, but he’s being EXTREMELY hypocritical here 😂
Sky took a grounding breath and stepped closer. “Why didn’t you defend yourself?”
Warriors hesitated before answering. “I’m stronger than them. If I fight back, I’ll win.”
“So it’s better to not even try?” Sky asked. Warriors didn’t respond.
Blorbos <3
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rambleonwaywardson · 2 months
Oh my goodness, equestrian AND men's gymnastics today?!? My Olymic AU fangirl heart was so full imagining Gale and John- I spent all day thinking about them lol. Thank you for writing them so beautifully!! <3
I KNOW!! A big day for sure. A big week, really. I watched some of the dressage earlier and just kept thinking about Gale and Whiskey. I’ll catch up on gymnastics later tonight! In the AU, John still has a couple events to go so I will be looking for inspiration.
I’m also going to take this as an excuse to talk about our real USA athletes:
U.S. eventing is in pretty good position going into cross country (our strong suit). USA’s Boyd Martin scored decently well in the dressage phase even though his horse spooked like twice and flat-out refused a flying change. I was dying laughing, because that’s just horses for you sometimes (this horse-rider combo is also a truly inspiring and heartbreaking story and I’m wishing them the best). Unlike Gale, who perhaps loves dressage the most, Boyd definitely pushes his way through dressage to get to Cross Country (which is common with eventers).
As for gymnastics, as I’ve mentioned before, John’s injury is largely based on Brody Malone, who has a very similar comeback story and didn’t return to competition until just a few months ago. Though I haven’t watched yet, I know he had an uncharacteristic performance in all around and took a few falls, and he did not advance to individual all around. I have a feeling he was nervous about his leg (especially after choosing not to use his brace for competition), but who knows. Absolutely devastated for him 😭. But heavily rooting for the rest of team USA going forward.
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WE DON'T TALK ENOUGH ABOUT CAIN. I REPEAT. WE. DON'T. VALUE. THIS. MAN. HIS CURT PHRASES, THEY WAY HE IS KIND EVEN THO HE IS SO CALLOUSED AND HAS A HARD TIME INTERACTING.. I just imagine his face when Reader begged him absentminded for him to save them the first time, i wonder if his face softed, I. LOVE. THIS. MAN.
I'll live a cute cottagecore life (just a little bit colder) if him if thats what he wants 🤞🏾 AND A LYNX ???? HOW ARE YOU SUCH A GENIUS HUMBLE LORD OF US ALL
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He doesn't know why he saved you, but he quickly realized that he needs you. Please need him too 🥺❤️
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spectrum-color · 6 months
re your tags on the chosen one post, I'm curious about the similarities you see between Rand and Fitz cause I've noticed them too (though you may have picked up more than I have)
Oh this is a good one! I have put a lot of thought into it.
-They are both orphans with a complex relationship with their heritage. Rand does have it better here as he was adopted at birth and developed a secure attachment to his adoptive parents vs Fitz who was taken in by a foster father at 6 and never truly felt like he was part of a family, but it is a theme for both of them.
-They were both foreseen as world changing figures and had an extensive volume of prophecy backing them. The Dragon Reborn and the Unexpected Son respectively.
-Their role was controversial among a powerful society of magic users (Clerres and the Aes Sedai,) with a particular powerful magic user dedicating their life to ensuring his success (Moiraine and Beloved) and those who had been corrupted by their selfishness and desire for power (the Four and their minions and the Black Ajah) worked hard to try and foil him.
-They both suffer from trauma and mental illness. Notably, they both go through periods where they deliberately isolate themselves and regularly struggle with suicidal ideation.
-They both take solace in a creative pursuit-Fitz in his writing, Rand in his music.
-They are both sought after for influence by those in power, both as leaders to follow in their own right and as a potential puppet.
-Rand is a quite literally the reincarnation of a very powerful person and this is explored a lot in the narrative, but it’s also implied at various times that Fitz may be as well (specifically Realder, with Beloved as the reincarnation of the female White Prophet he was Catalyst for.)
-Both Robert Jordan and Robin Hobb like to use them to explore the price of heroism as a theme. While they save the world every time, and ultimately make it a better place, it comes at massive personal cost.
-They both die in a way that allows them to live on. Rand gets a new body to go on anonymously and be at peace, Fitz goes into the Skill stream and another level of existence with his closest loved ones.
-They both struggle for control over their own life and are frustrated by how they are boxed in by their role. Though notably Beloved shares this in common with Rand even more than Fitz does, given that life as the White Prophet basically puts him on a predetermined path where his choices have to be about what’s best for the world vs what’s best for him.
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