#thank you to this guy for breaking me out of an art funk
leavingautumn13 · 6 months
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new bg3 character is of the "extremely tired parent" variety
[i have commissions open now]
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keiscait · 4 years
Hello!! I see that your matchups are open and I was wondering if I could get a Living Room and Bedroom one? Living Room would be more preferable if u can’t do both. I’m not sure if this is enough to cover both…I’m sorry agdhshdhejdbjdj
I’m not sure if u can do this but could u make this anon too? You can associate me by this emoji: 🕺
Here’s the info:
PRONOUNS: she/her
PERSONALITY (Living Room): I am generally very shy and closed off, always making sure I avoid people. I stay away from large crowds because I’m a ball of anxiety (I get anxiety easy) and I get really nervous whenever someone approaches me, especially around guys like I usually won’t look at them in the eyes because I become a blushy mess and lose my words. I am also usually very quiet too and don’t talk a lot. 
However, when I talk to my close friends, I literally become Hinata (no joke). I get so hyped, energetic, cheerful, make my friends laugh, and help them a lot too. I am also very passionate about things. When I am suffering with a problem, I don’t like telling friends because I don’t wanna worry them because I feel bad. I end up telling my best friend (they are literally Kageyama to me LOL). I also apologize a lot if I felt I did something wrong and I am quite odd to my friends. I end up getting into playful banter with my close friends where I tease them with playful jokes. I am quite observant too since I don’t usually talk to people, so I notice things from afar. I can tell if a friend of mine has a slight change in their behavior and I will ask if they are ok to be sure. I am also very honest, straightforward and pretty blunt about things. 
Do not get me upset. It takes a lot for someone to make me upset and actually angry. The most I would get is being annoyed. However, if you managed to get me angry, I lose my temper and yell and my friends have mentioned it’s as if I would snap someone in two. I do curse like crazy so people get surprised since I am usually quiet. Again it is rare, but I’ve been told it’s scary when I get angry. I will eventually be alone to recharge and wouldn’t want anybody to talk to me. 
When it comes to relationships, I don’t have that much experience…I hate PDA so I’m really private. I’m actually afraid to love somebody because I’m afraid I won’t be good at all so if somebody was crushing on me and shows affection, I try to divert that attention to something else because I get shy and get so scared. Again it’s hard to look at someone I like in the eyes because I blush so much. It’s hard to show affection by words so I show it by actions like hugs. I would love to hold their hands, caressing them or squeezing them just to feel the comfort and warmth. I think I might be very tender and gentle but I think as I open up, I might get cheery and energetic but that’s a theory. I do try my best to make them happy even if it takes me a while to get comfortable and I’ll try to shower them with love by physical actions. Maybe I’ll draw for them too to make them happy…
I love art. I love to draw for my friends because I love seeing them get so excited for the finished product. I also love listening to music every day so when I’m alone and away from everyone, I just blast music through my headphones. I love gaming too so you’d find me playing the Switch!
I am a perfectionist, hardworking and always try my best even if I get put down. Sometimes I might overwork when it comes to drawing but that’s because I get so eager to improve every day. I also love to give support to my friends for their dreams and but I am not an optimist or pessimist, I am a realist. 
IN BEDROOM: Pretty much the same when it comes down to relationships. I get extremely flustered and shy about physical affection and worry if I’m not good at all. I might be a bottom aagdhhshdhsjdjd I just don’t see myself having confidence in these kinds of experiences. I would love if somebody was gentle and passionate with me tho…Since I don’t rly interact with people in the public, I think I might be touch starved so any physical affection might drive me crazy (in the good way). As flustered as I get, I am pretty dirty-minded. 
THINGS I LOOK FOR IN A PARTNER: quiet, calm, observant, passionate, playful, a tease, cold yet caring, strong, emotional, empathetic, kind, understanding, respectful, and not afraid to speak their mind
HOGWARTS HOUSE: Gryffindor!!
FAV FOOD: I loveeee food. I am always hungry for food. I love spicy food especially. I love pasta/spaghetti, pizza, sushi, and I love chicken burgers
FUTURE PLANS/DREAMS: I just hope to be successful and actually feel happy. I hope I’ll land a good position for art like for animation or games (especially if it’s anime-related!) I’m not sure if I’ll find someone to settle down with but only time will tell. 
MUSIC TASTE: Rock, J-Rock, Future Funk, Lofi, and I adore anime and video game OST LOOKS: I’m smol like 5'3. I have light skin but not pale (it’s like Hinata’s) and I have red/brown hair and brown eyes. I also have little freckles on my cheeks I’m so sorry if it’s so much but maybe it helps ; __ ; Thank u for doing these and make sure to take breaks!!
Hello and welcome, dear! This is wonderful - thank you for all the details, it gives me a lot to work with! ❤️ I’m so excited to get started with this. Let’s go to the living room! ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
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For you, I’ve invited over…
Kita Shinsuke! (Runner up: Sugawara Koushi)
Our lovely Inarizaki captain may come off as cold and stoic, but he’s really just unbothered my trivial things. He strives for improvement daily, and ensures he goes through the motions before reaching perfection.
- When you two first meet, I don’t think there will be a lot of interaction there - but when there is, it’s definitely more comfortable than it is awkward. Kita has the effect on people that makes them feel safe and secure, like all the pressures of life just disappear for a moment
- This is how your friendship starts. He proves himself more and more approachable by the day. You’re both straightforward and observant people, so you two would probably tag-team when interacting with other people. He’ll make you feel secure in the friendship despite his no-nonsense bluntness, while he appreciates that you aren’t a flashy person
- The fact that you’re a hardworking perfectionist helps him relate to you on a deeper level. He’d be so happy to find someone who understands this part of him
- He will probably make himself more present in your life by doing little things - helping you clean up after class, sending you tips on how to study for a subject you’re having trouble with, offering an ear for you to rant if he notices something’s off
- He does everything slowly and with very close precision, all in the hopes of you becoming more comfortable around him
- the man is near perfect, what more can I say 
- OF COURSE he succeeds. He’s Kita Shinsuke
- Don’t worry, he won’t be thrown off by your more playful side once it comes out. Kita most likely already got hints of your sunshine here and there while he was slowly gaining your trust
- Once he feels like it’s the perfect time, only THEN will he ask you out
- Let out your inner gremlin!!!!! He can 100% handle it, since he’s so used to the chaos of his team by now and he has somehow remained?? completely SANE?? what a man
- AND the difference is, he LIKES YOU!!!1!!!!!!!1!!
- He will adore all your little quirks, and may even participate in your playful banter
- Does not mind that you’re not into PDA. Hell, he might even be relieved–
- He’d notice how you try to divert affection, and will try to talk to you about it. You won’t have to say much, he’ll be able to tell from your body language that it’s because you’re anxious to love somebody, and will never take that against you
- Will work on trying to break through those walls, but wouldn’t ever force it
- Prepare for a beautiful domestic future 🥺🥺🥺 a simple life on a farm in the Japanese countryside with the man of your dreams?? You, an artist, and him, a farmer???? The absolute PUREST domestic dream 😭😭😭
You were sat in your worktable, sketching away the morning. A deadline was fast approaching, so you could hardly allow yourself to rest - so the first thing you did today, as with most days, was work. 
The art block hit a few days back. Your nights have recently been filled with drooping eyes paired with a throbbing headache, and they were now slowly eating up your mornings, too. You massaged your neck, sore from hunching over your desk so much - all you could at the moment was stare at the now blank sheet in front of you. You weren’t satisfied with any of the pieces you made, so you always ended up scrapping whatever it is that you were doing.
You were snapped out of your daze at the sound of the cuckoo clock. You noticed that you were gripping the pen a little too hard, causing some redness on your fingertips. A frustrated groan escaped you as your hands rubbed circles into your temples. The morning felt so dull.
The time read 7AM. Two hours on the desk and not a single thing, you thought to yourself. Like clockwork, you heard the door open and close as Kita came back from field work. He stopped in his tracks upon seeing you.
“You’re awake?” His tone was more concerned than surprised. He had witnessed your restlessness these past few days, doing whatever he can to ease your frustration a a little bit. This wasn’t anything new to him, seeing as you were both workaholics, but he couldn’t help but worry about how this deadline was treating you.
You managed a weak smile as you met his eyes. He looked pretty in the morning light - sweat trickling down his neck, some of his hair clinging to his forehead, lips slightly parted to allow better breathing. It was rare for you to see him like this since he usually gets up and finishes work before you get up. The sight comforted you a bit, as if the bleakness dissipated for a little while.
He walked over to the coffee machine to run it. “Still no luck?”
“I’ve been at it since 5AM.” You let out an exasperated sigh. “I woke up when you went out to work. I couldn’t go back to sleep thinking about it.”
He hummed in acknowledgment. The two of you stayed quiet for a while, with only the sounds of the coffee machine and birds chirping. The peacefulness almost sunk in until you were reminded of the stress looming over your head. You let out another sigh.
You were staring down the blank sheet again, sick of the emptiness it posed. With a pen in hand, you tried to mimic the motions of drawing strokes, hoping for a sudden burst of inspiration. Nothing. 
Kita laid a cup of coffee next to you. “You barely slept, y/n. At least eat a bit.” That elicited no response from you - all you could do was lean back in your chair, feet put up onto the seat.
Your boyfriend placed his finger under your chin, making you look up at him standing next to you. “Y/n.” 
He examined your expression - you were so tired; redness peaked from the corners of your eyes, and your lips were almost pale. “You need food in your system, y/n.”
“I don’t have time to eat, Shin, this is–”
“Food is what the brain runs on. Even a child knows that,” he teased as he pulled you on your feet and led you to the kitchen table, “Eat.”
You had no choice but to oblige. You plucked a banana from its bunch, munching away while Shin scrambled some eggs. Before you knew it, a breakfast was spread out in front of you. The brown-eyed boy pressed a kiss at the top of your head as you praised him. “I don’t deserve you,” you said with a smile.
“It’s just breakfast,” he chuckled, “and you do deserve me. You deserve the world.”
The world suddenly felt full of color again, and you were ready to face the dreary white that’s been mocking you the whole week.
I hope that was alright with you, dear! Let’s head over to the bedroom ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
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Look who’s here for some alone time!
Semi Eita! (Runner up: Kageyama Tobio)
One of the prettiest setters to date, Semi here has his moments of sincerity despite the scary attitude he puts up. He comes off as a domineering personality, but I feel like in the bedroom, he’d be incredibly tender.
- Don’t believe the mask he puts up. Semi bb is a big softie for his s/o!!!!! CHANGE MY MIND
- In the bedroom, you well-being would be TOP priority - he would constantly ask you if this or that is okay, and make sure your comfortable with whatever the two of you are doing
- Your first time would be SO intimate: if you planned it beforehand, he’d go as far as laying out candles, setting up a fragrance to fill the room, and maybe even laying out roses; if it isn’t planned, he’d hold you close the whole time, and won’t really get rough with how he handles you
- Has enough confidence to take the lead. He’s pretty self-assured, and this will really translate in the bedroom
- Knows where to touch you and is gentle about it, making sure to test things out first before going at it
- When he gets to know your more dirty side, that’s when he brings up stuff he’d like to try out. Try surprising him every now and then by telling him you want to try something new (  ・ิω・ิ)
- Oh, his moans. SO GOOD. They’re soft, but so raw, and it would almost sound melodic. Would also chant your name a lot
- I can’t imagine him being loud in the bedroom, but he’d definitely be into dirty talk - I imagine it’s one of his top kinks - more praising than degrading
- He’s also into choking, unless you’re not comfortable with it, then for sure, he wouldn’t force it on you 
- Would lay on top of you (or under, whichever position you were in) for a while before aftercare. He wants some time to hold you while winding down
- Aftercare would be quick but careful - he wants to ensure that he’s got everything covered
- The epitome of Making Love, as opposed to simply “having sex”
Sorry for the long wait, darling! I hope you enjoyed all of that, and thank you so much for your patience. Feel free to pay me another visit, or just sit and chat with me anytime :D
Thanks for stopping by! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
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Virtuoso - A MYG Story
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"We've decided to transfer you to the Chattanooga store."
My manager's words felt like a bad breakup. I felt my heart sink in my chest. This transfer, though unexpected and utterly terrifying, was going to be a huge leap in my career.
The music company I worked for was a small, but very well-respected chain in the tri-state area. I was proud to hold a position there, hosting field trips for elementary-aged children, and helping students demo instruments to find the perfect one. It was a rewarding job that I looked forward to every day, and I was eternally grateful for the opportunity. This transfer would have me leading the new field trip program that the company was getting ready to roll out at the other store.
I had worked at Bangtan Band Box, or BB's as the locals called it, for nearly four years. It was a great place to work, and I had watched business really take off over the time I'd been there. Thanks to a recent year-long renovation project at the store, all of the studios were now equipped with gorgeous new digital pianos and state-of-the-art soundproof walls. Everyone was thrilled with the way it turned out. We even had a grand re-opening block party. Of course, without fail, there was always at least one person who still had a complaint about something.
"The sound on these things just isn't the same. The keys don't feel right. It's not a piano..."
Ninety-two year old Jane Young was the sweetest little lady I had ever met. She was probably the only person at this store whose complaints didn't annoy me. We had grown incredibly close over the past few years I'd worked there. She was a sort of relic, being the very first ever piano teacher to teach lessons at BB's original location. Mrs. Young was the childhood piano teacher of the company CEO, and he had insisted on bringing her onboard when he opened up shop over thirty years ago.
"Jane, I completely understand where you're coming from," I said, reaching out to place my hand over hers on the counter, "They really don't feel the same as acoustic pianos, but admittedly they are pretty nice. At least we'll save a few thousand dollars a year on tuning. And I suppose all we can do at this point is just make the best of it, right?" I smiled, hoping to pull her out of her funk. Jane had been through so much over the years, spending nearly every day of the past three decades in this place, and she was not keen on all the sudden changes.
"You really are wise beyond your years, Faye. I suppose I could at least appreciate the new carpet. That iced tea stain from three years ago will certainly not be missed." she chuckled.
There's the Jane I was hoping to see today,  especially  today. Should I tell her? No, not yet.
The Following Monday
"Faye! How've you been?" Jin flashed his familiar warm smile and casually held up a hand in a lazy wave. He was always so soft spoken, but still cracking quiet jokes that had you in stitches. He'd worked at the Chattanooga BB's for a few years and we'd known each other from district meetings. He was still fairly new to being an assistant manager, but seemed to be pretty comfortable in his position.
"A bit nervous about the sudden change, but I'm looking forward to working with you. Glad that you're here on my first day. Makes it a lot easier, that's for sure." I sighed. Despite years of auditions and stressful interviews in my music career, meeting new people was still sometimes a bit stressful for me.
This store had a very loud door chime, entirely different from the one at my previous store. It was jarring, making me jump. Jin let out a louder laugh than I had ever heard come from him. I suppose being in his own store, he probably felt more at-ease than when he was attending the stuffy district meetings. It was nice to hear him laugh so genuinely.
"Didn't you guys have a bell like that at your store?" he asked, setting down his keys next to the register and taking off his coat.
"Nope. And I startle easily, so this will take some getting used to I bet."
"Hey man!" I heard a booming, but cheerful-sounding voice from somewhere over my shoulder. I turned to see a beautiful man with warm, honey skin walking towards me, his dusty blue sweater and light blue jeans accentuating his perfect tan. He had just walked in through the front door and was sweeping his wind-blown golden brown hair out of his eyes. He had a guitar case slung over his shoulder, covered in happy stickers - rainbow flowers, smiley faces, Korean hearts, and the words HOPE WORLD in big, bubbled letters across the center of the case lid.
He must be a teacher here.
"Hope! Hey, this is our new transfer, Faye Jansen. She just moved here from the Woodland Hills store. Faye, this is Hope." Jin said as he motioned towards the statuesque man in blue who was now standing face to face with me at the counter. Hope flashed me a huge, toothy smile as he carefully dropped his guitar case to the floor next to him and extended his hand to shake mine.
"Pleasure to meet you, Faye. What a nice surprise!" he smiled and squeezed my hand gently, "You can call me Hobi."
Why do I feel a little flustered? Is it warm in here or...?
"Y-yes. Thank you. The pleasure is all mine. It is wonderful to meet you, Hobi. What instrument do you teach?" I asked, trying to turn the attention away from myself. I had seen the guitar case, so he was obviously a guitar instructor, but I was too flustered to think straight. I wasn't normally shy around anyone, but he was strikingly handsome, in a way I had not seen in real life before, so I almost needed a moment to catch my breath.
He seemed to notice that I was feeling a little flustered, glanced down at the guitar case then back up at me and smiled, seeming a little amused.
"Guitar. I assume you play something as well?" he asked, his fingers fidgeting with the strap of the clear plastic messenger bag slung over his shoulder.
"I studied classical voice in college, but I also play oboe and piano. I did all the demos for the field trips at the Woodland Hills BB's." I was proud of what I did, but I wasn't trying to sound too proud. Musicians can take perceived cockiness to be a huge turn-off.
"Ah, wind instruments. I envy that. I could never get past my initial few trumpet lessons as a kid. I thought I was going to pop a blood vessel in my face!" he laughed, "So instead I break old peoples' hips."
"Oh yeah?" I laughed, "That sounds terrible. Care to elaborate on that?"
"A group of us here have a jazz ensemble. We play shows every Thursday and Saturday. The older folks love to get up and dance. Let's just say that sometimes they dance themselves right into needing a wheelchair the next day. Anyway, we get pretty decent paying gigs at The Yeontan Lounge, playing all the old jazz standards. You should join us sometime. We love having other artists step in. Speaking of, Jin will you be at practice tonight?" Hobi said, suddenly turning towards Jin.
"You're in the ensemble too, Jin? That's amazing. What do you play?" I asked, excited to hear more about the group, and especially excited to hear them play.
"Upright bass. You should sing with us tonight, Faye. I heard you sing karaoke at the company party a few years ago. You sounded great. Are you still performing these days?" Jin asked.
"I haven't performed in quite a few months, but I'm sure I can manage a casual jam session tonight. What song should I prepare for you?" I asked, my disciplined mind already scrambling to come up with the perfect piece for my vocal range.
"Why don't you sing At Last by Etta James? That's a classic. Can't go wrong there." Jin suggested, glancing over at Hope for approval.
Hobi stuck out his lower lip and nodded, raising his eyebrows. He seemed pleased at the song suggestion.
"Hearing a classical singer take on At Last is going to be something special, I bet. Looking forward to it," he said. "See you tonight."
"Likewise," I said, watching him walk towards the hall of studios.
There's that goddamn door chime again.
Startled at the sound, I clumsily dropped the pen I had been holding against my notebook, and it loudly clinked on the glass countertop.
As I reached to pick it up, embarrassed at my unintended slapstick routine, out of the corner of my eye, I could see someone walking in my direction from the front door.
I looked up, and it was as if time slowed to a crawl. My eyes met the gaze of a tall, slender man with shaggy black hair and smooth, porcelain skin, wearing a button-up denim jacket, skinny jeans, and converse - all black. He didn't stop walking, but our eyes locked until he was out of view.
Instantly, I felt this surge of electricity throughout my body, as if he physically touched me when he walked past me. It was strange... and exhilarating. His deep chocolate eyes had so much fire behind them, they burned straight into my soul.
I had to know his name.
Thank you for reading the first chapter of my book! I'll be updating every Sunday at the very least, but hopefully more frequently than that.
Looking forward to your feedback and suggestions!
This first chapter is dedicated to the lovely 0o_pervy_noona_oO who started me on my Bangtan ff addiction, and inspired me to write my own.
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inspirationdivine · 4 years
Blank Space || Todd and Lydia
Timing: Current Parties: @itsyaboytodd @inspirationdivine Summary: Oh Anna, if only there was somebody out there who loved you... Warnings: Emotional abuse, domestic abuse, drug manipulation (leanan sidhe kiss)
There were a dozen reasons why Remmy leaving was devastating, but it made one single task easier. Lydia had spent hours dwelling on the bad, not enough considering the delay it had brought into other parts of her life. Now, it was time.  Lydia reapplied her ruby red lipstick, and pulled on her glamour, although Todd would see through it as he had the last few times they met. At the center of her chest, she was starting to feel him. Like a little bud, showing its first leaves, he would grow inside her from each meal she had from here on out, his emotions fogging up her own. Better than Chloe’s, Lydia hoped. Lydia looked at the text she’d sent him. Can you please cancel your plans for today? I need to see you. Like a good little human, he had. She climbed out of the car with a smile. “Todd! Oh gosh, you have no idea how much this means to me! I’ve just had such a difficult week, I’m so glad you’re here!” She wrapped her arms around him as if she meant it, and immediately took his hand in hers. After today, Lydia wasn’t going to let go. 
 Todd smoothed his hands over his shirt, making sure that it looked nice and neat. He wanted to look his best for Lydia-- he alway did! But, like, she’d been the only thing on his mind lately. After their last date, he’d been up all night, his mind just playing the date over and over again, his entire body practically radiating with excited energy. His mind kept going back to the kiss, to that perfect kiss. He’d been mixing for days after, the beats coming so much smoother, the melody of songs clicking together like effortlessly matched puzzle pieces. The bass, the kick, the build up to the awesome, absolute banger of a drop? His latest song, he wanted to show it to her. When he caught sight of Lydia stepping out of the car,  she looked absolutely… amazing. So fucking amazing. How did he get so lucky? “Of course! I’m glad that I could help, I’m sorry that you’ve had a bad week, that sucks.” As she took his hand, he could feel his pulse speed up, stomach flip flopping with nerves but also excitement. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
 Oh, this sweet innocent pea. Lydia smiled at his carefully chosen attire. He was completely under, wasn’t he? He could see right through her now, which was always a mildly concerning proposition, but apparently even on second viewing he was completely overwhelmed with her. She quickly raised his hand so she could press a quick kiss to the back of his palm, a seemingly casual show of affection, but really a re-enforcement of his good behaviour. “Can we just go for a walk?” Lydia asked. “I just… really want the company. I want to hear about good things. How are you?”
 Todd couldn’t take his eyes off Lydia as she took his hand, a slight shiver running down his spine as she pressed her lips to his hand. She was well, she wasn’t like other ladies he’d dated, for sure. Not only was there the whole, like, luminous skin, pointy ears, all that stuff, but she was the only one who’d ever really… liked him for who he was and supported his dreams. “We can definitely do that.” He said with an enthusiastic nod, holding out his arm for her, because he’d seen a dude do it in a movie once. It was, like, the polite thing to do for a classy lady, right? “Good things-- I posted a new song on soundcloud and it got a LOT of traction. Like, way more than I expected.” He said with a slightly flustered laugh, “And I think I might have a new gig coming up? I sent a guy my tracks and he’s gonna let me know, but I think I’ve got a shot.”
 Lydia smiled brightly as she tucked her hand in his arm, falling in step beside him as they walked seemingly randomly, but Lydia was slowly steering him towards Harris island. She listened attentively, looking up at him as he talked. All his wonderful progress would have to be dismantled, of course, the existence of DJ Dayze carefully erased from the internet over time. Right now, though, she wasn’t about to curb that enthusiasm. Let him feel inspired. It would make everything so much easier, so much more comfortable. “Oh, I’d love to hear it!” Lydia exclaimed, grinning up at him. “I’m so happy for you, you deserve so many good things.”
 Cheeks reddening, Todd walked alongside Lydia, only too happy to follow where she led him. He wasn’t super sure where they were going, but he wasn’t exactly an outdoorsy kinda guy. White Crest was cool because there were parties and bars with sick setups for him to play at, not because of the trees or whatever. “It’s honestly a ba-- really sick song,” Todd said, deciding mid-word that “a banger” wasn’t exactly how he wanted to describe his music to someone like Lydia. “Thanks! I… Yeah, I do.” He said with a sheepish grin. It felt a little weird to say, but Lydia was right. He’d worked hard for what he’d accomplished. And sure, it wasn’t much right now. But it would be.
 “You do,” Lydia agreed. “It’s just such a shame your friends can’t see it.” He would be less likely to disagree with her now, but even if he did, all it would reveal is that she had extra work to do, extra things to fix as she brought him in. His sound studio wasn’t even entirely finished, the fog had caused absurd delays in her construction, but she would figure it out. The sooner she could get him productive, the better. Of course, there was also the issue of getting Chloe back to being productive, and she hoped company and a new soul to talk to would draw her out of her… unfortunate funk. Lydia walked with him along the causeway, looking out to the ocean. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it? Sometimes I come along here just to enjoy how beautiful and peaceful it all is. Especially at sunset.”
 At Lydia’s words, Todd’s forehead wrinkled in a slight frown. It wasn’t that they didn’t see how hard he worked, right? They were just busy… But, that was kinda the same thing, wasn’t it? They were just, so into their own lives, so busy doing their own cool, awesome real adult stuff that they couldn’t see that he was doing just as serious and awesome stuff too. Swallowing, he shrugged. “I’ll show them once I get my big break.” He said with a grin and a nod. He was going to be the best DJ in Maine, no, in the entire Northeast. And then, he was going to go nationwide. He was gonna show them all that DJ Dayze was the real deal. That he was the real deal. Glancing out at the sea, Todd took in the dark waves. “It really is. I’ve never spent much time out here.” He admitted, “But it’s really really pretty.” 
 “Absolutely,” Lydia agreed with a smile, but he would never get his big break, would he? She would get hers, but oh, he wouldn’t. “Are you more of an indoors, person, then?” That was good news, if so. Lydia still didn’t quite have them exactly where she wanted, but being down to one meal was horrifically monotonous, and frankly unhealthy for both of them. She needed to be back up to a full house, so the rest of the ground work would have to happen later. All the same, outdoorsy humans were a nightmare to keep in the house. They bounced off the walls, itched to go into the garden, which also wasn’t feasible with Remmy there, and were just harder upkeep. “I’m working on a painting at the moment, repairing it, that shows the Irish coast line. When I look at it, I think of home.”
 With a rueful smile, Todd nodded. “Yeah, I’ve always liked chilling at home or like, going to movies or clubs than the outdoors. Like, outdoor sets are fun! But, I’ve never really been a great outdoors kinda dude, you know? I think it’s super pretty though!” He said quickly, just in case Lydia was like, a hiking kind of girl. He didn’t wanna make it sound like he’d hate it if she wanted to go spend the weekend in the outdoors or something. “Oh, that’s really cool.” He said, genuinely interested by that. He didn’t know much about Lydia, where she was from, or how long she’d lived in White Crest. “Have you lived here all your life? Or uh, are you from Ireland?”
 “Oh, I get it. My brother is like that. Rather at a nightclub than a forest. Which I totally understand, I love both, the balance. But in my mind, Nature is the original artist, and we can only ever aspire to be as great as her.” Lydia paused, thinking of Sammy’s blood on the walls, how her first thought when his body had dropped to the floor was that the blood spatters had looked like a bouquet. She smiled, shaking away the thought. He had become irrelevant, Todd was the human that mattered now. “Sorry, I hardly meant to wax lyrical like that.” She wrapped her arm around his waist, holding him close. “I grew up in Argentina,” Lydia said. “And Peru. I’ve lived in Northern America most of my life, but my family has a special connection to Ireland. One way or another, it is always home. Then, I’ve only been here in White Crest for a year….Hey, my place isn’t far from here,” She started, as if it was an errant thought, rather than a carefully planned trap. “Do you want to come over for a bit?”
 At the mention of a brother, Todd realized that he didn’t even realize that Lydia had siblings. He’d talked about his own siblings, with their careers working for his father, their lives as just three more cogs in the corporate machine. But, had he really never asked her about her own family? “For sure, for sure. I kinda think of music the same way? Like, there are so many cool sounds in nature. There’s music all around you, as long as you listen for it.” He said with a nod. As she apologized, he shook his head energetically. “No, no, I like hearing you talk about art.” He said with a grin. She’d always listened to him, he wanted to show her that he cared too. Because he did, even if he didn’t super get it. “Oh forre-- really? My family’s from Brazil, actually! I grew up in Boston, but I’ve been a couple times. Never been to Peru, though.” At her suggestion, Todd blinked, startled. She was inviting her back to hers? She’d never done that before. “Uh… Yeah! Yeah, that’d be really cool.” He said with a grin. 
 “I couldn’t agree more. The most joyous sounds of spring are the birds returning, in autumn, the gentle rustling of leaves underfoot.” Lydia laughed. “But those are perhaps not the noises that inspire your music.” Lydia pressed herself closer against his side, lighting up with a false excitement at his agreement. “Wonderful. You can tell me about your trips to Brazil as you go. I’ve been to Brasilia, but nowhere else, which is a horrific shame considering how much the country has to offer.” Lydia said, slowly ambling them along to her home. “I feel so much better just for having you with me, you know? You’re so… You make my life so much more vibrant. You fulfill part of me.” Specifically, her stomach, but she wasn’t about to mention that, not yet. This was all part of the game. First, she would express something loving, intense, what they wanted to hear, and then… Lydia shook her head, smiling in a self deprecating manner, looking like she might blush. “Sorry. I must sound so silly.” Let them tell you how much they wanted to hear it. Make it all seem more real, like you were as swept up by it all as they were.
 Letting out a small laugh, Todd nodded. “Yeah, not quite the sounds I go after. But, like, you get what I mean.” He grinned as they continued to walk, arm in arm through the woods. The feeling of her body pressed against him sent his heartbeat racing. God, Lydia was… something else. Just being around her, he didn’t even know how to describe how she made him feel. It was like she was really seeing him, for who he was. “Brasilia, I’ve never been there. My family, we’re from São Paolo, so that’s usually where we went. I’ve been to Rio a few times too, mostly for Carnival with my cousins. Carnival is such a cool time.” He said, thinking back to the colorful costumes and amazing, wild nights he’d had. At her words, Todd felt the feeling in his chest swell, warmth washing over him. “No, no, it’s not silly at all. I, uh… I feel the same way. About you.” He said, a touch bashful. 
 “That sounds amazing,” Lydia said, leaning into him as she slowly meandered back to her home. Nearly at the end post. “I can only imagine. I mean, I know you’re the party type, so I can only imagine how much you loved Carnival.” Not that there would be any raves where they were going. He blushed, warming up under her words. Lydia’s smile wasn’t as bashful of his, but rather like someone who had drawn the perfect hand in poker, or someone who wanted you to believe they had. “I’m ever so glad to hear that,” she said, tracing small circles on the back of his hand with her thumb. “We’re here,” she breathed, walking them into the driveway of her mansion. She pulled out her keys, waving to O as she unlocked the door. “Well? What do you think?”
 “It was just so awesome, being in the middle of it all. We were there for a week and it was the craziest thing I’ve ever done. I want to go again someday. It’s just such a cool time, cuz like, the entire city is just one massive party.” Todd said, thinking back to the crazy times he’d had in Rio. It had been so much fun, partying with his cousins, just bouncing from street party to party that spilled across the city. He’d loved every second of it. As they walked up to the massive house, Todd blinked in surprise. Not that he didn’t expect a mansion-- she had a private driver who picked him up whenever they went places, like, he didn’t not expect a mansion. But, seeing it for real? That was a different story. “Wow. This place is huge. It’s uh,” He nodded, still startled by the house. “It’s amazing. Really really pretty.” He said, not really knowing how else to describe the giant home. “You live here all by yourself? That sounds… kinda lonely.”
 Everything was pristine. Lydia wanted it to be. A new start, for him and her both, was just what she needed to get her household under control. A Magritte hung on the wall with a dark wood polished to perfection. There was no evidence in the hall of that dreadful attack, the Bannister and door frame and floor all following and new. Upstairs, she already had new clothes in the dresser, new sheets on the bed. Sammy Metz was all but replaced. "You're ever so kind. I made this place somewhere I wanted to live and show off." She took him by the hand, tugging him into the living room so he could see the large French windows into her small garden. "No, not entirely by myself. Why, are you offering to keep me company?" Lydia murmured, wrapping her arms around his waist, smiling up at him. Even if he wanted to pull away, he couldn't. "You could belong here, you know, here with me. If that's what you want."
 Still taking in the massive house, the art, the wooden banisters, Todd was in absolute awe. There was just something so distinctly Lydia about this place. It was elegant and pretty and polished in all the same ways she was. “Makes sense, it really looks like it. Like, that’s… a really cool painting. I feel like I’ve seen it in a museum somewhere.” He said, nodding to the painting on the wall. At her question, Todd felt his cheeks redden and he waved his hands apologetically, “I, uh, that’s not what I was getting at-- it’s just, it’s like this huge house, you know? It seems like it’d be really lonely to be in, that’s all.” He said, trying not to be too forward about the situation. But, Lydia didn’t seem to mind? At least, that’s not how it seemed, with her holding him tight and staring up at him. Swallowing, he looked at her, “Uh… are you sure? I mean, I don’t want to get in the way or anything.”
 “You probably have. I was loaning it out to a museum for an exhibition for the last few years,” Lydia replied, grinning up to him. Why were all humans in their twenties so uncultured? Why couldn’t he name even that it was a Magritte? It was truly appalling that the best company in her home was a cat. He blushed, with every beat of his heart stepping closer into her trap. Without Remmy here, it was lonely, but Todd would hardly alleviate that, would he? “I’m sure. Are you? It has to be your choice. I don’t want to pressure you into anything.” The gesture was symbolic more than anything else, but the rituals of the old ways still needed to be followed. He had to say yes, even if her magic was part of the reason. She had him so thoroughly wrapped around her finger that he would have said yes, even without the kiss, but he still had to say it.
 “Seriously? Wow, that’s ins--” Todd caught himself, he didn’t want to sound like a total loser, “Incredible. Like, really. That’s so cool that you have something like this. But, uh, I guess it makes sense, given your work.” He nodded, trying to hide how just out of his depth he was. He knew that Lydia worked with art, restoring them, but the specifics of it were all a bit of a mystery to him. As she continued to talk, Todd rubbed the back of his neck, trying to hide how her words made him feel. She was sure, she wanted him here. She knew how hard he worked for his music, she appreciated him. And she… wanted him. It felt nice, being wanted. “I, uh… If you’re sure, I’d like that. I’d like to, uh, live here with you. Together.” He said.
 Lydia could not stand this small talk for one second longer. His talents far outweighed how interesting he was. She just smiled appreciatively, tucking her hair behind her should. “I like owning pretty things.” She was so ready to pull away from him to wash the human grime off her skin, and then when he spoke she had to stop herself stamping her feet in annoyance. I’d like and I will were just ever so grammatically too far apart. In spirit, they were the same. She just needed a little more, to ensnare him in her little red promise threads. Lydia pressed herself a little closer, grinning so much it hurt her cheeks, as if he had made her whole week. “Promise me you won’t leave me?” She murmured into his ear, sliding one hand around the back of his neck.
 The way she was looking up at him, the way that she just seemed to see him, all of him, and care? Todd was smitten. He… wow, he really, really liked her. More than any other girl he’d dated, because she wasn’t like the other girls. There was more to her and he wanted to know it all. She cared so much about what he did, had supported him so much, and he wanted to be able to do the same for her. At her question, as she wrapped her hand around him, he could feel the warmth of her pressed against him. “I… I’d never leave you. Never.” He said, shaking his head at the idea. “I promise, I’ll be here for you.” He said, because it was true. In all the ways she’d been there for him, he wanted to be there for Lydia. 
 “Oh Todd…” Lydia smirked, running her fingers through a lock of his hair. “That was far too easy.” She dropped back down to her heels and stepped away, smoothing down her clothes. She chuckled, giddy on a successful hunt. It was almost good enough to heal the ache in her chest. Her face shifted, her affection mask dropped to one of indifference to him and pride in herself. It was a delicious feeling. “But then you never were the brightest spark. Chloe!” She called up the stairs, pursing her lips as Chloe slunk into view, staring at Todd with a sinking look of understanding. “Meet Todd. He’s the one the sound production studio is for.”
 “Easy..?” Todd echoed, not sure what was going even as Lydia pulled away. What did she mean by that? What was going on? His eyebrows pinched together as he watched the way her face shifted, into an expression he’d never seen before. It was a completely different side of her. What? “Brightest spark-- I don’t understand. Who?” Head spinning in confusion, he looked up to where Lydia was speaking and saw a girl emerge from one of the doors, her face falling as she stared at him. It almost looked like she was… sad? Sad for him? What? “Sound production studio? What’s… what’s going on, Lydia?” He asked as he stared back and forth from the two women. “Who’s that?”
 “How can I put this succinctly? Todd, you aren’t my dinner date, you’re my dinner,” Lydia gestured for Chloe to come downstairs. “Come on now, you can see I’m not human.” She gestured at her ears and her wings. “You’ve been able to see that for a while, there’s no denying it.” Since their first kiss, after all. “Chloe will take you through the details, I’m far too busy for all that, but now that you’ve promised to stay here, you won’t get to leave. I’ve already even picked out your new clothes.” She pat his cheek with a bright smile. “Smile, Todd. This is an honour. An honour where your brain and body collapses under my influence until I have consumed every part of your spirit in a few short years, but an honour nonetheless. You were the most talented of all the humans I hunted these last few months.” Lydia wondered what Remmy might have said, had they seen this. Would it have horrified them more or less than the basement, she wondered idly. She shoved the thought away before it could sour her mood further. “Chloe, darling, now.” She glared at the other woman, before looking back at Todd. “Of course, I expect your complete obedience, but don’t worry. I will reward good behaviour with the approval you desperately crave. Chloe! Speaking of, Todd, give me your phone, and any other communication devices you have on you. Now, please.” She held out her hand with an expectant smile.
 Chloe stood frozen at the top of the stairs, staring down at the boy in the hall. He looked even younger than Sammy had, but she didn’t know if that was because he was, or because he looked so lost. No matter how much she willed herself to move, she couldn’t quite do it. Anneliese had done it for her, and for Sammy. She’d done it without flinching, with a soft smile and a kind hand as she explained in her soft voice the hell they had found themselves in. Chloe had resented her for it for months, and Anneliese had just smiled and accepted that as she smiled and accepted everything else. Like Anneliese had been playing the good jailor to Lydia’s bad jailor. Even as their friendship had grown, it had taken Chloe years to realise that that gentle warm flame had to be carefully cultivated and protected from every icy gust and flaring temper. Sammy hadn’t gotten angry at Anneliese at all, but he hadn’t processed anything for a week, until one night he’d collapsed in Anneliese’s arms in roaring sobs. She’d been strong as a willow tree then, and had held him as long as he needed. But now there was no Anneliese. There was no Sammy. Chloe would have to do this for Todd. She didn’t know if she could. Chloe swallowed as Lydia barked her name, and slowly forced herself down the stairs. She didn’t even look at Lydia, watching Todd to work out what he needed. Praying she could provide whatever that would be. 
 Still frozen in place, Todd stared at Lydia, not able to comprehend just what she was saying. Dinner… She was… He-- what? “What do you mean I can’t leave, I can just,” He said, starting to turn towards the door. But, even as he took the first few steps towards the door, he felt his stomach start to twist and turn. It started out as discomfort before shifting into full on pain as he tried to put his hand on the doorknob. His hand felt like needles, burning hot and searing, were being pushed into his skin as he gripped the door and he let out a cry before pulling his hand away. Looking down at his hand, Todd stared. It looked fine, there was nothing wrong with it. But, his stomach continued to writhe and the pain continued to grow and grow until he was dizzy from it all. Shaking his head, he reeled away from the door. “What’s… what did you do to me?” He asked Lydia, not understanding what was going on. “My phone? I… Why?” He asked.
 Lydia rolled her eyes, pursing her lips as he made to move for the door. She didn’t move, she didn’t have to, as the invisible chains tying him to this house made themselves ever so clear. Humans were so repetitive, really. Every hunt was a carefully choreographed dance, and Lydia always knew what her prey’s next step would be. “I made you mine. Isn’t that what you wanted?” Her smile was sharp and icy, lips closed, so that he knew her patience was wearing thin. “Because you won’t need it anymore. God, you are slow. I don’t have all day, you really don’t want to provoke my ire.” Lydia clicked her fingers impatiently, before opening her hand for his phone again. 
 God, she had faced so much of Lydia’s rage and grief recently. Was it terrible to be the tiniest grateful there would be someone else to share it with her? It was, Chloe decided immediately, looking at the confusion and hurt in his eyes. Lydia had been hunting him for so long, now. “Todd, please- please just give it to her.” Chloe hated saying it, the words sickening her mouth. It felt like a betrayal. But Chloe hadn’t insisted the Sammy let go of his plans with Ariana, and- her stomach lurched. “Please.” Her voice cracked. 
 “Made me yours?” Todd shook his head, clutching at his stomach. He felt sick, he felt like his body was going to collapse in on himself as he tried to fight through the feeling. She didn’t, she didn’t control him. He wasn’t hers. Not like that. He cared about her, he-- God, he thought he loved her. But this, it wasn’t love. It was all an act. “You don’t… I thought you cared about me.” He said, bitterness and fear leaking into his voice. “My friends, they’ll know something’s up if you take my phone. They’ll figure it out.” Todd said, pleading. Hoping that it would work. He could only hope that it was true. But, would any of his friends notice? Would any of them care?
 Looking at the other woman, he stared at her with wide eyes. “Chloe-- who are you? Why are you listening her?” He asked, though a creeping feeling grew in his stomach, overwhelming the sense of pain. The feeling was dread, was fear. Fear that she was exactly like him. Trapped. A hostage. A prisoner. 
 How many people had Anneliese done this for? Six, seven humans, who had walked in here looking for love, attention, fame, and had not walked out ever again. Todd looked at her with a slow realisation that cracked open Chloe’s heart and splintered her soul. How Anneliese had done this more than once was beyond her. She tried to smile, but it felt more like a gash across her lips. “It’s o- I’ll help you, okay? I’ll explain everything.” But she didn’t dare go closer, not while Lydia glared daggers at him. When it came to her own instincts and the magical desire to please Lydia, the latter would always win. 
 Lydia’s voice had no such kindness in them. “I think you have excessive faith in your friends. You certainly have excessive faith in my patience. You’ve barely been here five minutes, and you’re already a disappointment. I really expected better of you, Todd.” He’d succumb. They all did, in the end. And once he got a taste of how good obeying could be, she wouldn’t have to deal with this again. Especially once he succumbed to the promises she would ask him to make. 
 Eyes darting between Chloe and Lydia, Todd felt the fear grow and claw in the pit of his stomach. Chloe was going to help him? Could he even trust her? But, he didn’t see how he had any choice in the matter, not anymore. Looking back at the door, the motion sent a fresh wave pain shooting through his body and Todd let out a whimper of pain. He did his best to hide the way it hurt, the way all of this hurt. Not just on a physical level but… he’d thought that Lydia had cared about him. He thought she’d loved him. How had this happened? With a reluctant expression on his face, Todd pulled his phone out of his pocket and handed it to Lydia. “That’s all I have. I don’t… Please. Why are you doing this?” He asked, still trying to wrap his head around it all. 
 “There. Oh, Todd, you’ve made me ever so happy. I knew you would do the right thing.” Lydia pulled a face at his lock screen before turning the phone off altogether. Then she looked up at him and smiled, stretching on her toes to kiss his cheek, knowing with a precise cruelty how much he would crave her acceptance. It was like giving a starving man a Christmas roast. “Because I need to eat. There are worse places to be. Honestly, Todd, you would have inevitably been eaten by a zombie or something in the next few years anyway, torn limb from limb in some terribly disturbing way. Here, you get all your own space, your own sound production studio, you’ll spend the rest of your short life in the lap of luxury, if you behave.” Lydia gestured Chloe over, who paused just short of putting a hand on Todd’s shoulder. “I’m not particularly interested in answering all your questions or dealing with… this, so I am leaving you in Chloe’s hands. I still have to get the singer, and then deal with your social media presences. It is ever such an inconvenience how much all modern artists self-advertise these days.” Lydia looked to Chloe sharply. “Sammy’s old bed is already made up. Show Todd around, and make sure that by the time I’m back, he is ready to make the rest of his promises. I don’t want to deal with this behaviour again, am I understood? You’ll be good for me, won’t you, Todd?”
 The relief, the strange easing sense of calm that washed over him at her words, Todd couldn’t understand it. But, it felt so good, knowing that she was happy with him. He wanted her to be happy, that was… no, it wasn’t all he wanted. He wanted to leave this place, he wanted to run away as fast as he could. But, it felt so good, so right, knowing that he’d done well by Lydia. It just didn’t make sense, it didn’t. He hated this, but he loved her, hated what she’d done, but couldn’t help the way he just wanted to please her. What was happening? Barely able to focus on her words, Todd nodded dumbly, still in a state of shock. What was she talking about? Need to eat? Zombies? What? No, those things were just like… horror movie gimmicks. They weren’t real. But, her question jolted him out of his daze and he blinked. “I… I want to.” He said because, as much as it pained him to admit it, the words were the truth. Even though every inch of him screamed no, he still wanted to be good for her, to make Lydia happy. Why? Why was this happening?
 “That’s what I wanted to hear,” Lydia pat his cheek twice, with another rewarding smile. Beyond that, this wasn’t her problem right now. She pulled out her own phone, texting her next treat as she turned away. 
 He looked like someone had wacked the back of his head with a pan. What had Anneliese even said to her, the first time? Had she made her a cup of coffee? Hot cocoa? Had she shown Chloe the shared upstairs bedroom, their own private bathroom and kitchenette area? Chloe remembered learning about these things, but it was all stilted, as torn up as she had been when she’d realised her escape had been impossible. The bed had been good; Chloe had just sank into the mattress and pulled the duvet over her own head until the world had melted away in her own tears. Was that- was that what Todd needed right now? She tried touching his shoulder, as if that might snap him out of his daze, and opened her mouth only to close it, the words dying in her mouth. Lydia seemed unperturbed by her flustered silence, switching out her coat for a more distinguished, autumnal look. Like a whirlwind, Lydia was back out of the door, leaving them both in the synthetic cold of her absence. “We’re not supposed to linger in the hallway.” Even to Chloe, she sounded hollow. 
 The moment Lydia had left, Todd had assumed he would feel some kind of relief. That he would feel glad that she was gone. But, instead, the same kind of aching yearning that had filled him since that date, when she’d pressed her lips to his and everything had changed. Bitterly, he shook his head, running his hands through his hair. “Why’s this happening to me? I... I thought she cared about me.” He muttered, tears starting to prickle at the corner of his eyes. Todd swiped at his face with the back of his hand. He didn’t want to cry, he didn’t want to just stand here and cry in front of a total stranger. Sucking in a deep breath, he nodded. “Yeah, sure.” He said, “I’m sorry.” Todd mumbled, miserably. He wasn’t sure why he was apologizing, only that it felt like the right thing to say. After all, she was stuck here too, right? 
 “It’s not your fault. It’s not-” Chloe choked on her own words, because how could she tell him right now that Lydia did? In her own monstrous way, she cared, because she felt what they felt. She would hear their dying thoughts, strip them of all their privacy, and perhaps that was the only reason she cared, but she did. She chose the victims she could most tolerate being around, and that was as much as Lydia could care for any human. But it was no reassurance that the monster in the would destroy them with affection. “Don’t apologise to me. You’re going to be doing it so often anyway.” She was still rooted to the spot. “Uh, shit. Um. I’ll, uh, I can show you the bedroom? We can, uh, talk or you can have some time. We have to talk, before she gets back, but if you need a minute- I-” How had Anneliese done this? Chloe ran her hand through her hair. “Shit. Let’s go upstairs.”
 Feeling numb, Todd nodded at the woman’s words. “I think… I think I need a minute. But, thanks. Chloe, right?” He asked with a weak grin. He didn’t know how she’d wound up in this situation too, or even why he was here. Lydia’s words, they just confused him more and more. But, his mind was too much of a mess for him to process anything else. He needed to be alone and just get a handle on what was going on. If he even could. Following her up the stairs, he entered one of the bedrooms. The room was clean, the bed neatly made, clothes hanging in the closet. It was cold and clean and completely removed of any sort of personality. Sinking onto the bed, Todd dropped his head into his hands, his shoulders shaking as the fear finally overtook him. A strangled cry of anguish worked its way free from his throat and he shook his head violently from side to side. No, no, no, no, no.
 This morning, he’d woken up, thinking that it was just any other ordinary day. And now? He was a prisoner. 
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cookiem1996 · 3 years
The Scottish Stranger Chp2
AN: Ahoy there! I know it has been awhile since chapter one, but I have been very busy with work and life. Now that I am sick, unfortunately, I have had enough time to update and continue this story based off of Zelda’s recounts of her Academy days featuring a crossover of Supernatural’s Rowena Macelod. I hope you guys enjoy this second chapter and I am hoping to continue more on this installment and perhaps a reunion between a present Zelda and Rowena. This chapter does contain some actual Gaelic mythology. I thought it would please you all witches at heart. Enjoy.
The Scottish Stranger Chp 2
  Another great storm thundered in Greendale.
This time it is in the present. The rain still intrigues Zelda. She finds herself curled up by the window as she marks last week’s exams in the comfort of her home.
Sure, she usually spent a lot more time at the Academy of the Unseen Arts, but she was done hearing her sister’s pleas to pry her out of the environment lest, ‘you start becoming a hermit in that office’.  
Honestly, it relieved Zelda to be home; she found it to be a comfort. Her family home never always used to be this way, with its thunderous memories of decay and turmoil. Now, the only memories that went through her mind were times of happiness, times of family...times where she would hear Sabrina ramble on about menial means of her adolescence.
Oh how she missed her niece. A weak smile graced her aged features as she thought about the day when Sabrina got her green thumb.
“Auntie! Auntie! Look what Aunt Hilda and I planted!”
Zelda neatly folded her newspaper and set it down. “Come now, let’s see it.”
A young Sabrina tugged her Aunt Zelda with no care to the garden where Hilda knelt feeding a plant with some plant food.
“My lilacs will grow right there, Auntie! You’ll see!”, Sabrina beams.
Zelda glanced down at her little niece with the softest grin. She knelt down and brought her into a hug.
Sabrina crinkles her nose, but hugs her back. “What’s this for?”
Zelda shuts her eyes to fight back a tear. “Don’t you ever change, Sabrina.”
Zelda frowns then seeing a watermark over Michael Hanover’s test. Her fingers wander up to her cheekbone feeling wetness. With a soft sigh she grabs a tissue and dabs gently under her eyes.  
“When will I be done with these accursed tears?”, she asks herself in defeat.
She was ready to take another sip from her cup, but made a face. “Hilda! This is empty!”  
There was silence aside from the storm. She furrowed her brows not hearing any footsteps. It took her a moment to realize she was truly alone now. Hilda wasn’t here, of course. She was home with her new husband. Ambrose went away to ‘find himself’. All Zelda had was Vinegar Tom and Salem.  
It surprised the witch that Salem continued on living even with his charge, Sabrina, being no longer of this world.
Zelda sighs and sets aside all of the graded papers. She gets up wandering to the kitchen. She grabbed the kettle to make more tea. She felt so lifeless, so out of place. She knew she had to get out of this funk soon-for her coven.
Zelda nearly jumps out of her skin feeling a slight brush against her legs. She glances down to see Salem curled up around her leg. Although she didn’t like the feline from the start, it seemed the cat warmed up to her and she warmed up to him.  
“I know, Salem. I miss her too.”, She speaks softly.  
Zelda gives herself an assured nod before proceeding to brew some tea. She turned on the TV for once to see more news. She read this morning’s paper at least three times bored out of her mind.
There was a news report about the President having been attacked and that the assailants were in custody. She raises a brow noticing they didn’t name the criminals, but were focused on the President’s accounts.  
“Breaking News: seems the brothers in custody have escaped. Be on the lookout for Sam and Dean Winchester.”, an anchorman reported.
Zelda tilts her head. Those names sounded familiar-for sure. Vinegar Tom barks lightly and nudges at his food bowl catching his charge’s attention.  
“Okay, okay, sir.”, Zelda coos toward her familiar. “Help yourself.”
Zelda fills his bowl and sets it in front of him before doing the same for Salem. She rolls her eyes turning off the TV when the stories went on about what hairstyles were in for the season. Nothing intrigued her much except for political world affairs and stories with meaning.
Zelda hears the whistle of the kettle and scuffles over to it to turn off the burner.  She moves the kettle away from the still heated kettle and stares off.  
That whistle...
Academy of the Unseen Arts-Past
  Zelda sighed in defeat hearing the lunch bell go off. She became so engrossed on today’s lesson: Demons and the Archeron. Demonology really piqued the young red-head's interest. She could spend all day reading spellwork and the ways of conjuring one of Satan’s helpers.
  She gathered her books and bag as she watched everyone rush out of the classroom, clamoring about today’s newest gossip; it was all anyone could talk about now-the new girl.  A roll of Zelda’s eyes didn’t go unnoticed by her professor.  
Professor Ghastly arched an old withered brow as he cleared his desk. “Ms. Spellman, is everything alright?”, he asked.
  Zelda’s blue eyes looked up toward her professor. She sighs before she answers, “Quite. I am just upset the lesson is over for today.”
Professor Ghastly scoffed lightly and smiled lightly. “You really are one who truly appreciates my lessons. Don’t worry, we’ll touch more tomorrow. Who knows, one day you’ll be the best spell-caster the Coven has ever seen.”  
Zelda offered a faint grin and gave a curt nod. “Thank you, Professor. I shall see you tomorrow.”
With that, Zelda left the classroom beaming in pride. She knew she already was the best spell-caster. Faustus leaned against the wall ahead in the hall watching her like a hawk. He approached her with a sly grin.  
“Done being the teacher’s pet?”, he sneered teasing her.
Zelda rolls her eyes and nudges him as she walks side by side with him. “Done drooling over every witch you encounter? I swear I should conjure up a spell to castrate you.”, she teases back.
This is what her and Faustus Blackwood did every day; they would taunt each other whilst casting a lustful stare. Zelda knew she couldn’t want him. Faustus would be fawning over the next new thing like nothing occurred between them. The only girl he ‘stuck with’ the most was Constance. Zelda didn’t understand why, the girl was petty. Constance was a jealous cow because she knew even though Faustus would stray, he would also go back to flirting his way with Zelda as well. Zelda figured Faustus didn’t know what he wanted. Constance’s family had been in good noble standing, whereas with the Spellman’s, they were known for their wit and they were quite the impeccable conjurers. She assumed he had the future in mind-the right Blackwood bride.
“My, my, Ms. Spellman. How naughty of you.”, Faustus feigned offense. “You may have some leverage yet.”
Zelda shrugs with a skip to her step. “I’d say so.”
Faustus nodded in greeting to his inner circle. The best of the best warlocks the Academy had to offer. “Perhaps I should meet you after your rehearsal this afternoon. What do you say, Spellman?
Zelda pursed her lips playfully and tilted her head. “Depends...”
Faustus raises a dark brow. “On?”
Zelda stops and leans to whisper in his ear. “If you bring the thing I mentioned.”
Faustus’s smirk grew. “Certainly.” He winked and then went off with his friends.
Zelda watched him go and sighed deeply. Quite the bad idea for sure. Unlike Faustus, she hadn’t been thinking of the future. Whatever she wanted to do, it would be for the moment-living in the now.  
Before heading to the cafeteria, Zelda went on to switch out her books for her next class. She didn’t get herself a locker, thinking it was the worst idea to cram one’s books in such a cramped space. She walked down the hall to her dorms, which to her convenience, was right nearby.  
She paused then, furrowing her light brows hearing this soft whistle. The whistle echoed lightly down the hall. It sounded so...enchanting, the melody she couldn’t place. This sound made her venture forward, passing the large wooden door to her dorm.  
There, nestled by the window over-looking the outside of the Gehenna Station sat none other than that bloody Scot. A scowl rose on Zelda’s perfect upper lip having found the source of the light and strangely enchanting whistle.  
Rowena’s features remained calm however, her pale fingers drumming against the window pane. She took notice of the presence behind her through the reflection of the window and started to sing that tune she whistled earlier.  
Zelda did not recognize what seemed to be an old folk song, but she knew the girl sung in Gaelic. Zelda knew her languages very well. She knew how to pick up an old dialect when she heard one.
 “Ya know what this song is about?”, Rowena broke the silence.
Zelda tilts her head in wonder. Although she recognized the language, she hadn’t been translating it in her mind word for word-instead having been enchanted by that voice of hers. This frustrating newcomer sang like the lark, her beauty matching her voice.  
Zelda snaps out of it and huffs, placing a free hand on her hip. “I am sure you will enlighten me.”
Zelda could just feel that growing smirk on the other girl’s lips. She saw the way her shoulders rose up, mischief teeming in her body language. This girl...she was so animating.  
“It’s about a man’s burning lust for a bonnie. How his pecker hurt because she is this image of perfection.”
Zelda’s face turned a bright red. Who would make such a disgusting...
Rowena laughs, throwing her head back in amusement. She turned to take a look at Zelda’s growing irritation. “Had ya going there, didn’t I?”
Zelda’s resting hand on her hip squeezed, eyebrows furrowed as she glared right at the Scot.  
“Hilarious. Were you the jester in your podunk village?”, Zelda sneers.
Rowena’s red brows flew up, but the wry smile never went away. “Is that all ya can come up with?”, she retorts. “At least ya find me humorous.”
Zelda’s jaw set as she scrutinized the smaller girl. “You didn’t want me to forget that you were a poor simple girl the other night. You want people to pity you, don’t you? It’s pathetic.”
Rowena scoffed and snickered shaking her head. Satan, in Hell, she was irritating.  
“Bold of ya to say, spoiled brat. It’s so easy to look down on those beneath ya, eh? Ya think I want pity? Why do ya even think I am here?”
Zelda shifted in place clearly not wanting to deal with her right now, toes turned back toward the door to her dorm.  
“You’ve got nowhere to go...”, she began stepping closer so she towered over the seated girl. “You need a roof over your head, food in your belly, someplace to mooch off of. You may be a young witch, but you are standing in a great Academy for witches who want to learn, want to let the Dark Lord into one’s life. You don’t just come here to use this as your lounging spot.”, Zelda spat as she nudged toward Rowena’s seat.
Rowena narrows her green cat-shaped eyes. She slowly gets up, her nose nearly grazing Zelda’s chin. It miffed her that Zelda would take advantage of her height to be intimidating. Rowena sniffed as her eyes wandered up to gaze into those stormy blue eyes. She could smell that wonderful scent: fresh strawberries, lilies in the field. A part of Rowena wanted to be enveloped in that scent forever, wanted to test those beautiful red lips before her. Freak the girl out? No way. No one ever talked about the temptations of wanting the same sex. Rowena slowly discovered that the moment she saw the curious gaze of Zelda Spellman.
She wasn’t alone. Oh no, Zelda thought about gripping her red locks and giving into her temptation as well. The Dark Lord did say everyone had their own free will to take as they wanted, to sup and lap at every desire. No, she couldn’t desire the stranger. How dare she speak to her the way she did and still appeared as pretty as she did?
Zelda lifted her chin lightly appearing still to be mightier than the smaller girl. She couldn’t let herself give into those emerald eyes, those pouted pink lips, those amazing spackles of freckles on her porcelain skin. Her skin must have been soft, but her hands looked calloused and worn from what seemed to have been manual labor.  
This temptation she would not submit to.  
“Ya couldn’t be more wrong. In fact, I start classes tomorrow. I have just been trying to catch up on a few studies. You’ll be seeing me around a bit longer. I hope yer ready for that.”, Rowena spoke lowly and then gave her a smile like a crocodile. “I hope yer ready to see what I’m made of.”
Zelda scoffs trying to show her she didn’t fear her-not in the slightest. “Is that a threat?”, she asks quietly, eyes briefly glancing at those pink lips, mouth nearly watering to try them.  
Rowena bit that cute lower lip as those deep green eyes seemed to glint brighter in mirth. “I assure ya it’s no threat. It’s a promise.”  
The next day, Zelda entered the earliest to her favorite class of the day: Spellwork and Conjuration. She polished off her workspace and organized her ink jar and quill to the right corner of her desk. She smiled as she pulled out a fresh piece of parchment, taking in the nice smell of new parchment paper. She loved to learn, loved to show off how much she absorbed being such an avid learner.  
Zelda tried not to think about what Rowena said yesterday. So far, she didn’t have a class with her-how would she prove her ‘point’?
The rest of the class started to file in. They settled in their seats ready to learn. Zelda folded her hands in front of herself, sitting upright, but ready to pick up that quill when she needed to. All seemed to go well, until...she walked in.
Zelda’s blue eyes narrowed following the messy-haired petite witch as she made her way to the teacher’s desk. She bowed her head politely, which made Zelda roll her eyes. Of course she would do that. Being all proper-like, like she wasn’t raised in a barn.
“Oh look, better not catch the hay fever from Farm Girl.” Zelda sneered toward her friends as Rowena walked past her desk to find her spot.
The other girls snorted and eyed the smaller girl down, thinking they found their new harrowing target. Rowena ignored them, chin lifted and unamused as she sat down primly. She sets her textbook down and brings out a quill and ink jar. Unlike the rest, her quill was weathered and old, and her jar barely had a drop left.  
“Okay, settle down, witches and warlocks. Now, if we can begin our lesson. Ahh...Rowena, I see you need a refill...”, Professor Ghastly began. He lifted a finger and her jar refilled.  
Rowena gaped in surprise and smiled. “Thank you, Professor, sir.”, she replied sounding so refined as she sat upright ready to learn.  
Zelda could not help but roll her eyes at this. There was no way her favorite teacher could take this peasant seriously. She didn’t even have her dress all the way buttoned at the front, the collar not propped up around her neck, rather it flopped down. Her messy curls were all astray and her fingers were already stained with ink from perhaps having used it in earlier classes. Yet, the way her green eyes lit up, eager to learn, eager to take in this lesson-the same enthusiasm Zelda had about learning made her wonder: would she take this class seriously? There had been no doubt that Rowena acted theatrically about everything, acting horribly to get her way-oh no. All that little teenaged girl had to do was bat those gorgeous eyes and she’d get her way. At least Zelda had her peers on her side, for now at least.
"Now for today’s lesson, we’re getting right back into trapping a demon into an archeron. You see, many warlocks of our time have created this contraption in efforts to seal away the most abhorrent or pesky demons that victimize a witch or warlock’s home. You see, the home of a spellcaster is the most vulnerable for what reason...Mr. Redburn.”, Professor Ghastly begins his lesson and calls on Bradley.
 Bradley Redburn snaps out of his daze as some of the students turn to face him. Professor Ghastly loved to call on those who weren’t paying attention. If one had been asleep, he would place a simple ,harmless charm to jolt them awake. It amused him greatly as it had the students.  
“Uhh...”, Bradley contemplates as he plays with his fingernails. He obviously had no idea what the answer was. It annoyed Zelda to bits that no one could be as passionate about these lessons as her.  
“uhh...”, he drones on again and averts his gaze from his patient professor. “Because that’s where people sleep?”, he finally guesses.
Professor Ghastly sighs unsatisfied by that answer. “You’re on the right track. Ms. Spellman...”
                     Zelda perks up in her seat ready to answer.  
“Why is a spellcaster’s home vulnerable?”, He asks again knowing very well Zelda could get them through the lesson.  
   Zelda knew people envied her for her attainable knowledge. If anything, it made Zelda feel special. It made her feel proud that she added nothing but respect to the Spellman name.  
  “It is vulnerable because a spellcaster’s home is known to be the heart of their power. You see, most spellcasters...”, she glances at Rowena wanting her to know she didn’t belong here. “have a long line to their name. They remain in the family home, where magic is built upon, where the ancestors remain to guide their successors to improve their bloodline. Destroying the heart would destroy the very thing that connects a spellcaster to their family, their honor. A demon may want to attack that to test us in the Dark Lord’s name. If we pass the test, the Dark Lord rewards us.”
  Rowena tries not to scoff at the so obvious hit below-the-belt comment thrown from Zelda. Nonetheless, she takes notes on Zelda’s answer, finding that part very vital in learning the culture of this coven-family was important.  
Professor Ghastly’s expression brightens as he pats Zelda’s shoulder and walks on through the aisle of desks. “Very good, Ms. Spellman. If you would all focus on your studies, you would understand the importance of defense. You should not let anything deceit your family name. The Dark Lord will smile upon future lines as long as you remain in good graces with him. You must understand he doesn’t mean to foil with us, make us feel small. We owe it to him to accept his tests and gladly do as he tells us. Now, I am going to show you diagrams of different archerons.”
Professor Ghastly made his way to the front of the classroom. He waves his hand over the chalkboard chanting under his breath. Before their eyes, an archeron was drawn on the board, filled with runes and sigils at every angle. The students watch in awe.  
“This is an example of an archeron. A warlock and friend of mine created this trapping a demon who tried to snatch his children from his beds. Now sigils and runes make a spell, whether that be just specific to the demon or it be dependent on a warlock or witch’s background. Do any of you recognize these runes?”
Everyone in the room is silent as they observe the picture. Zelda redraws one of the runes on her parchment paper as if to help her decipher it. In all honesty, it had her stumped. She swore she never saw this before. She couldn’t have missed a lesson unless this was something they were yet to go over.  
Suddenly everyone whips around in their seats seeing a fair, small hand raise up. Zelda follows their gazes and finds they’re observing Rowena herself. She knew? No way...
Professor Ghastly’s brows rose though he didn’t look so surprised. It’s like he felt like she would have known. Were they in cohoots?  
“Yes, Ms. Macleod. What do you know about these runes?”, Professor Ghastly questions as he sits at the corner of his desk.  
Rowena barely took notice at the eyes on her. She clears her throat and sits up more in her chair, legs uncrossing beneath her desk. “They’re Celtic.”, she responds. “I have seen those on some of the old monuments in my village. I studied them as they are a part of my culture and within my family line on my mum’s side. Those specifically translate to ‘The ‘napper of the furnace, ye shall not snatch the children of the Night. They are the future and are in the hands of the Dark Lord when they’re ready to give in’. It is clear that the warlock who created this has Celtic or Gaelic origins or...if we’re to be specfic...”
The students lean forward in their seats in innate curiosity. Zelda feigned disinterest, but she wanted to hear more, especially from that accent of hers. She licked her lower lip quickly and held onto her quill.  
“It is the demon Fideal. It is known to inhabit a body of water-to drag down women and children to their deaths. Perhaps, the warlock’s children had been playing by the water and so he decided to trap the demon once and for all.”, Rowena finished and leaned back in her chair looking pleased with herself.
 Fideal? Zelda never heard of that demon. How ironic, that the demon in this lesson was one from her homeland.  
Professor Ghastly chuckled and nodded. “Very good, Ms. Macleod. It seems you could teach us a thing or two about your culture.”  
Rowena flashed him this bright smile. “I would love that, Professor.”
Zelda nearly broke her quill, teeth gritting in irritation. She couldn’t get her favorite professor to like her too.  
“Wonderful. Now, yes, it is not always the spellcaster’s origins that inspire a spell or trap although, using one’s family’s skill to outwit a demon is always helpful. You see, you also need to know your enemy. Not only should we take into account on what we know of ourselves, we must also be comfortable in learning to adapt-to use what we learn to expand our knowledge to perfect our powers.” Professor Ghastly went on and then turned his back to create a new picture.
Zelda looked at her trembling quill, her nerves and anger getting the better of her. She twisted her lips in thought, giving a quick glance toward the satisfied Rowena. She put two and two together forming a most delicious plan. Zelda formed a smirk reeling her attention to her ink jar. She lightly dabbed her quill as if attempting to write some more. She lifts the quill and yawns before flicking it in Rowena’s direction to splatter her with ink.  
Zelda’s friends watched knowing very well what would happen in anticipating. They covered their mouths from an eruption of laugher.
What Zelda didn’t expect was Rowena’s attentiveness.
As the ink flew, making its way in Rowena’s direction, drops almost landing on her nose and the white drooped collar of her dress, her hand lifted halting the drops in place. Her green eyes changed, emitting this bright purple glow. The drops hovered in place, pulsating, awaiting for their permission to move again.  
The room grew silent, jaws all agape in surprise. Zelda gasped inaudibly, the sound caught in her throat. Zelda paled and gulped wondering what Rowena’s next move could be. How did she do that? No witch she met could do that, could just freeze time without an utter of a chant or spell.  
Professor Ghastly turned on his heels feeling this energy in the air. He himself stood there in shock. This witch was like no other witch-no, she was different. He marveled at how composed she made herself to be, her glowing eyes concentrated at even the tiniest drops missed barely by the human eye. It’s like she could even freeze the entire room with that magnitude of power in that petite body of hers.  
Rowena held her breath before exhaling and pushing the droplets forward. Her eyes dimmed, hand lowering. The droplets fell right on the floor in front of her desk, nearly missing Lottie Scuzman’s hair, landing inches away from her chair leg.  
Zelda did not move a muscle. Her throat dried. What was she? No witch can be that powerful, can she? Zelda turned in her seat quickly and set her quill down. Rowena did not back away from her promise. She did not expect this.  
“...w-wow.”, Professor Ghastly stammered and fixed his composure. “I-where did you learn that?”
Rowena shrugged and tapped her ink-stained fingers on her desk. “As long as I can remember, I’ve been able to do that. My mum would tell me it’s because I am a natural witch.”, she explained. “Also, as long as I knew how to defend myself...I wouldn’t need a spellbook.” At this, she looked right at Zelda.
Zelda didn’t need to look at her to know her eyes bore on her. Rowena: 1, Zelda: 0.  
Zelda hid her face of defeat.
  Spellman Home-the Holidays in the Past.
Being back home is what Zelda dreaded the most. She hated the holidays. This would mean she would have to face her father, Wilbur Reginald Spellman. Most would say Zelda resembled a lot of her father, with the strong chin, her blue eyes, and uptight demeanor. What her immediate family members would say is that they butted heads solely because they resembled each other in personality.  
Vesta Gale Spellman, her mother, is the silent submissive type. She hung on to every word of her husband with little to no opinion on her own. Still, she was pretty to look at with her fair strawberry blonde hair and her hazel eyes. She serves the family dinner and then pushes in the youngest Spellman’s seat with a light brow raised.
“Sit up, Hildegarde, dear.”, she chided the youngest quietly.  
Hilda. Sweet little innocent Hilda. Next year, Zelda’s little sister would attend the Academy of the Unseen Arts. Tomorrow night was her Dark Baptism. Zelda hid her enthusiasm that finally her little sister would be signing her name away to the Dark Lord’s book. She knew deep down her sister had her doubts. Every night, whenever Zelda was home away from school, she would taunt her sister, giving her fiendish nightmares so that should would finally give in and stop being afraid of that important night. She couldn’t squander the Spellman name. Zelda, in fact, was doing her a favor. If Hilda didn’t participate, she would find herself in one of Father’s fits of rage. Hilda knew going to the Academy meant she would never escape the terrorism of her older sister.
Zelda could not wait to harrow her little sister. She counted on it.
However, Edward had one more year in the Academy. Hilda would be safe in her first year. It made Zelda boil with anger that Edward always defended Hilda. Hilda’s growing of a backbone would simply be a necessity, a lesson granted by a loving older sister.  
The children waited until their father joined the table so that they all may join in prayer to the Dark lord. Wilbur cleared his throat and set a napkin neatly on his lap.  
“Good evening, children. Welcome back home, Zelda and Edward. Hildegarde, you will start next year. Your Dark Baptism starts tomorrow at midnight. Are you ready to take in the Dark Lord?”
 Everyone turned their attention over to the youngest. Hilda’s eyes hardly met her father’s. She nearly trembled in his presence, always having feared him. She fixes a small strand of her blonde hair before answering sheepishly.  
“Yes, Father.”
Wilbur accepts that response and nods. “Very well. Now, let us join in prayer. Dark Lord, may you continue to guide this family in your beautiful darkness and present even more wisdom into our lives so that we may continue to grow our line with the Spellman wit. We will present our last child to your grace tomorrow at the blood moon. We thank you for providing our sustenance, our power, and the shelter that covers our heads. Praise Satan.”
They all murmur ‘Praise Satan’ after him. In synchronicity, they pick up their forks to eat,  Hilda being the only one who doesn’t dig right in and picks around to eat the vegetables, of course.
Zelda ponders on her father’s prayer. Not everyone had always had a roof over their heads. She thought about Rowena. She came so far and must have gone through so much to finally have a roof, to have warm food to eat, water to drink. It must have been because her name had not been written in the Book. Perhaps, Father Mephisto would organize a Dark Baptism for Rowena as well. As if the coven would accept her. Zelda pushed her thoughts away and shook her head. That girl thought she was so great with her...not-so-interesting powers. Still, a part of her begged to know more, begged to see more...longed to learn from this ‘natural’ witch.
“Father...”, Zelda piped up after a long uncomfortable silence. “What is a natural witch?”
Wilbur set his fork down and stared at his plate. His brows rose in surprise, blue eyes searching for his wife’s hazel ones. Vesta shared the same expression, but did not say a word as usual.  
“Where have you heard of this? Have they been teaching of things outside of the Dark Lord’s realm?”, he interrogated.  
Everything felt like an interrogation around Wilbur. He did not know how to make a room lively. His demeanor matched the darkness of the family home. Only Edward and Hilda’s rare smiles could lighten up a room when their father was away.  
“What do you mean outside of the Dark Lord’s realm?”, Zelda asked eyes filled with piqued curiosity.
Edward wiped his lips with his napkin, head tilting in the same growing curiosity his sister had. Hilda chewed on a piece of squash, round green eyes filled with intrigue. Both of her siblings waited for their all-knowing father’s response.  
Wilbur did not expect that question, but he knew better than to underestimate his daughter’s irritating yet brilliant mind.  
“There are witches who have their source elsewhere and there are those who have powers unexplained. Powers bestowed to them by birth.”, Wilbur explained. “Those born with this are misguided, not having the Dark Lord in their lives. It is all heresy. That is why the Dark Lord does not protect them unless they give themselves over.”
Zelda furrows her brows, her calculating mind stewing. “If they are born with such abilities, where do they get it from?”, she pressed on, teeth ripping the mortal flesh from her fork.  
Vesta shakes her head at Zelda’s curiosities. She taught Zelda better than to keep questioning what is outside of the Dark Lord’s reach. She hoped it wouldn’t give her these ideas.  
“Why are you asking such horrendous questions? Do we need to speak to your Professors?”, Wilbur’s voice grew an octave.  
Vesta places a hand on her husband’s shoulder as if to sate on an upcoming battle-the usual occurrence at the Spellman table between father and daughter. She didn’t want to have to deal with both disastrous tempers. Wilbur visibly calmed, shoulders slowly releasing their tension.  
“My dear, remember what the physician said about your hypertension.”, Vesta murmured.
Wilbur sniffed and rolled his eyes. “Your daughter is asking the inquiries of a heretic.”
Zelda shut her eyes counting to ten before daring to defend herself. She hated that her father took things to the extreme.  
“I am asking because the Academy took in this new witch. She has not signed her name in the Book. She was brought in from the storm and had nowhere to go.”, Zelda began to explain.
Wilbur scoffed beginning his retort, “Since when do we unquestionably take in a witch? How do we know she isn’t a spy?”
Edward cleared his throat before he spoke up on behalf of his sister. “Father Mephisto grant it so.”, he responded calmly. “He foresees the Dark Lord bringing her to us so that we may perhaps guide her on her way.”
Oh yes, perhaps if Zelda dissuaded the intruder from the Dark Lord, then she wouldn’t further invade their lives.  
Wilbur lowered his gaze to the table. “If...”, he takes a sharp inhale. “Father Mephisto bade it so, then he is correct. The Dark Lord speaks to him. Perhaps, the Dark Lord should usher the child onto the Path of Night.”
Zelda stifled a scoff and played with her food this time. She still yearned to know more. “As I was saying, the girl had been taken in. In class yesterday, we discovered...something strange about her. She revealed glowing eyes as she froze an object.” Her blue eyes moved over to her father who paled in shock. “By your countenance, something tells me you know exactly what this is.”
Hilda’s eyes widened as she glanced between her sister and her father. “Her eyes glowed and froze something?”, she spoke up, voice pitched slightly higher.  
Wilbur balled his fists and maintained his composure. “Yes, I have heard of this. What you witnessed was indeed that of a...natural witch.”, the last part subdued.  
Zelda’s eyebrows quirked, brain marveling at the thought something more to their dark path existed-something she could use against the girl. “And where does a natural witch get their powers?”
Wilbur actually appeared stumped. “Natural witches are rare, Zelda.” He sat up straight before he continued. “In fact, not one of us know where they get it from. Most have died in the time of the Greendale Thirteen. Apparently, they weren’t wise enough to hide themselves in the shadows, thinking they could win over the mortals with their...mystique.”
He sounded almost rigid with his explanation as if he did not agree with the ways of a natural witch. Zelda took note of this.
“But perhaps if the Dark Lord commands it, we must welcome the new witch. He presents us with a test. If we change the ways of this young witch, then we may have more power on our side to the Path of Night. We mustn’t disobey the Dark Lord’s wishes, can we?”
Zelda sets her jaw as she holds contact with her father, the room being still and tense. She slowly nods in agreement with her father.
“Of course, Father. We shan’t.”, she replies with a small grin and fingers crossed behind her back.
To be continued... ;)
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nickysurfer28 · 4 years
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Summary: Desire and temptation take over like never before. Is it too much to handle, or not enough?
Warning ⚠️: 18+ adults only
Word count: over 1k
Characters: Dr.Nicky Ransom (female reader,you,etc.)x Chris Evans,Denise Ames (Cousin), Tim ( Denise boyfriend), clones, evil twin look-a-like (aka Adrian pretending to be Chris)
Chapter 11:
*dream sequence *
You look between Chris and his copy.
“This is...weird. I know this is a dream, but Whoa.” Nicky answered in shock.
They both chuckle.
“I can make more, Nicky.” Chris answered.
“You...you can?” Nicky answered startled.
“I can.” Chris answered.
He draws nearer to you,placing a soft,promising kiss on your lips. His clone comes up behind you and plants a soft kiss on the back of your neck.
“H-how many can you make?” Nicky answered blushing.
“To start, how about this.” Chris answered.
Three more mirror images of Chris appear. Their taut muscles gleam in the low light,and 10 brilliant blue eyes fall on you.
“What do you say,Nicky? We can date on you. Treat you like the princess you are.” Chris answered. “What do you want?”
“I could go for a cup of tea.” Nicky answered.
Quickly, you’re settled in at a round table with Chris and all his clones in a lovely bedroom. A tea kettle is being passed around. Cucumber sandwiches rest on fine,china plates.
“This is delicious. What’s in the tea?” Nicky answered.
“It’s a mix of cloves and honey.” Chris answered.
“It’s wonderful.” Nicky answered.
“Pass the sugar,please?”Clone 1 answered.
“Of course,Chris .” Clone 2 answered.
“Thank you, Chris.” Clone 1 answered.
“Does anyone else ever get a horrible itch after shaving their face?” Clone 3 answered.
“That means you’re cutting it too close to the grain. Ease up, Chris.” Clone 4 answered chuckling.
The six of you chatter amiably until all the tea has been consumed.
*end of dream sequence *
When you wake up, you feel yourself blushing bright red.
“Well, that was the wildest dream yet...”
Saturday evening finds you buzzing with excitement as you prepare for your date.
“Is it silly to be this stoked about a double date? No. So what if Denise and Tim will be there, too? It’s still a date. It’s normal to be excited.”
Nicky rifles through her closet.
“Hmm. What should I wear for a museum date?”
Nicky smooth’s the dress over her hips and admires herself in the mirror.
“Pretty damn stylish if I say so myself.”
Nicky gives herself one last appraising look and heads out the door.
You arrive at the museum just as the sun sets to find Denise and Tim waiting outside.
“Ooh, look at you, sexy mama!” Denise answered. “Chris won’t know what hit him!”
“Oh, stop...”Nicky answered blushing.
“Haha!” Tim answered laughing.
Tim’s arm rests loosely around Denise’s waist, and you smile.
“Never in a million years did I expect to se Denise this happy with a normal guy. There’s no way Tim would never... break into a Arby’s drive-through. I get Steve was hungry, but it was 11AM. I still don’t understand why he couldn’t just use the front door.”
Your musings are cut short by Chris’s arrival. He greets you with a warm hug, that makes your heart flutter.
“You look beautiful, Nicky.” Chris answered.
“So do you.” Nicky answered. “I mean, thank you.”
“All right, come on! We only have three hours before the museum closes!” Denise answered with excitement.
“Denise....that sounds like plenty of time.” Nicky answered.
“For lesser souls, maybe!” Denise answered.
“Okay, okay!” Nicky answered smiling.
Denise grabs Tim’s hand, practically skipping as she drags him toward the entrance.
“I hope everyone’s excited for art lectures! I have some very serious thoughts about Millais’s brushwork!” Denise yelled from the distance.
Nicky grins at Tim.
“Are you excited for art lectures?” Nicky answered.
“Of course! A teacher should always be eager to learn!” Time answered.
Beside you, Chris chuckles. He moves closer to your side, his hand brushing deliberately against yours.
“He wants to hold my hand.”
You turn your palm out, smiling encouragingly at Chris as he entwines his fingers with yours.
“You are entirely too cute sometimes.” Nicky answered.
“Part of my overall charm, I hope.” Chris answered.
“Very much so.” Nicky answered.
You walk hand in hand through the gallery as Denise waxes poetic about composition, lighting, and negative space.
“She could put the museum tour guides out of a job!”
Gradually you split off into pairs, you and Chris continuing on as Tim listens raptly to Denise’s highlights on Thomas Lawrence. You set a leisurely pace, commenting now and then on pieces or details that stand out to you before slipping g back into comfortable silence.
“This is nice.”
You smile down at your joined hands. As if noticing your gaze, chis raises your hand to his lips, grinning when you blush.
“Yeah. He’s way too cute.”
A certain painting catches your eye, stopping you in your tracks.
“The Nightmare “ by Fuseli.”
The painting is one you’ve seen before, and it sends a prickle of unease down your spine.
“The Nightmare “ again?”
“Why is “The Nightmare” here? Isn’t it in your house?” Nicky answered with shock.
“Ah, well. The one hanging in my home is of course a print. This appears to be the original.” Chris answered.
You shudder.
“Is everything all right?” Chris answered with concern.
“No. It’s just this painting. It’s...unsettling.” Nicky answered. “It’s so uncomfortable to look at. Fuseli clearly had a deep understanding of dreams and the unconscious mind.”
“All great artist do, I think.” Chris answered.
“Hmmm. You may be right.” Nicky answered.
“What are you guys looking at?” Denise answered. “Oh , “The Nightmare.” Yeah,this one always gives me the creeps. I wonder what inspired Fuseli to paint it?”.
You shrug.
“In the old days, people thought dreams were the result of supernatural forces.” Nicky answered. “Now we know they’re just what your brain does while you’re sleeping.”
“Which is comforting and way less exciting at the same time!” Denise answered.
Denise, Tim, and Chris begin to move on, but your eyes are drawn once again, to “The Nightmare.” The fine hair on your arms stands on ends.
“Nicky? Is everything all right?” Chris answered with concern.
You swallow hard.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m just...A little spooked.” Nicky answered. “I guess “The Nightmare “ kind of got to me.”
“Do you think some fresh air might help?” Chris answered.
You nod, following him out onto the veranda.
The two of you sit down on a marble bench overlooking the ornamental gardens. You breathe in the crisp November air.
“It’s starting to feel like fall.” Nicky answered.
You shiver on cue.
“Okay, that one was because I was cold!” Nicky answered.
“That’s easily remedied.” Chris answered.
He holds out his arm to you.
“Chris is so precious...and I am so freaking cold!”
You slide under Chris’s arm, and he wraps you up in his warmth.
“Much better.” Nicky answered.
He kisses the top of your head.
“I’m really happy to be here tonight. With you.” Nicky answered.
“Me too.” Chris answered.
You gasp.
“I almost forgot! Look what I found in my storage room the other day!” Nicky squealed.
You pull out a photograph.
“This is my sister,Clare.” Nicky answered. “Wasn’t she...beautiful. She had the most soulful eyes.”
But Chris doesn’t speak. His eyes widen, and he pales.
“Chris? Are you okay?” Nicky answered with concern.
“Ah- yes. Yes, just... taken off- guard.” Chris answered. “Your sister strongly resembles a...very old friend.”
His tone tells you all you need to know about that friends fate.
“I’m sorry, Chris.” Nicky answered sadly.
He shakes his head.
“Don’t apologize. I’m the one who made the situation awkward.” Chris answered.
He gives your hand a gentle squeeze.
“Clare was lovely. And I’m honored that you shared this with me.” Chris answered.
He kisses your cheek just as Denise and Time bounding over.
“Emergency change of plans!” Denise yells. “The new molecular gastronomy place down the street is holding a soft opening tonight, and my friend can totally get us in!”
“Let’s go eat some food that doesn’t even look like food anymore!” Tim answered smiling.
“That sounds...cool,but, I’m not quite in the mood for it tonight. You guys go ahead, though.” Nicky answered.
“You’re sure?” Tim answered.
“Positive. You two have fun.” Nicky answered.
They bid you goodnight and scamper off, talking excitedly about foam. You smile at Chris.
“Well, what now? Should we...go back to my place?” Nicky answered. “Netflix and takeout sounds pretty great right about now.”
“I...need to get going,actually.” Chris answered. “I’m sorry to cut the evening short, but I have some work to attend to.”
“Oh. Okay.” Nicky answered sadly.
“Raincheck, thought?” Chris answered.
“Sure.” Nicky answered.
Chris rises from the bench, leaving you colder in his absence. You stand up after him.
“Nicky.” Chris answered.
“Yes?” Nicky answered.
He leans down, moving as if to kiss you. You stare at his lips.
“He’s going to kiss me.”
You take Chris in your arms, kissing him back softly.
“I had a good time tonight , Chris.” Nicky answered.
“So did I.” Chris answered.
He hugs you tightly, seemingly reluctant to let you go.
“I don’t want I let him go, either.”
You kiss him again, more deeply this time, earning a low moan that makes heat pool between your legs. You’re both breathing heavily when you finally part. You reach for him once more, but he steps away.
“Tempting as you are, Nicky, I really do have work to do.” Chris answered.
The saucy grin doesn’t quite reach his eyes, though.
“Well. Goodnight, then.” Nicky answered.
“Goodnight, Nicky. Sweet dreams.” Chris answered.
After spending the rest of the night in a sexually frustrates funk,however, you suspect your dreams will be far from sweet.
“I’m really not looking forward to whatever my brain comes up with tonight.”
“The Nightmare “ creeps into your mind again, and you shudder.
“Ugh. Here’s hoping I don’t dream at all.”
*dream sequence *
But dream you do.
You dream of Chris who treats you cruelly, his touch brushing your skin, his kisses leaving your lips bitten and bloody.
“Chris...you’re hurting me!” Nicky yelled.
“Am I?” Chris answered.
He laughs coldly, pinning you against his chest.
“But this is what you want, isn’t it?” Chris answered. “You’re just as weak as Clare was.”
You struggle, but he holds you fast.
“She was never meant to live in this world. You’ve tired to survive by denying what you are.” Chris answered.” How is that working out for you, Nicky? Always running away?”
With one last burst of energy you break free and escape into the darkness, his mocking laughter echoing after you.
“I need to get out of here! There! Maybe that’s a way out...”
You follow the light...into a place you,know all too well.
The creature crouches over the young woman, poised for the kill.
“I need to save her! “
You try to move, to fling yourself at him. But no matter how hard you struggle, your feet are rooted to the spot.
“No! Not this again!” Nicky yelled.
The creature lifts it misshapen head, staring directly into your eyes. It’s bares it teeth at you in a ghostly smile.
“Yes...” the creature answered.
It dissolves into the vampire from your nightmare, hovering above Clare’s bloodless corpse as it beckons you near.
“Yes, Nicky. Come closer.” The creature answered.
And though every instinct tells you to run, your feet begin moving toward him.
“That’s it. You are curious, aren’t you? Come, then. Look upon my face at last.” The creature answered.
He removes his cloak with a flourish...and your heart drops into your stomach.
“No....”Nicky yelled.
“Yes. You know now, don’t you? But then, perhaps you e always known.”Chris answered.
You shake your head furiously back away.
“No. I don’t believe it.” Nicky answered in shock.
“Oh, but you do believe it, Nicky. It makes perfect sense, doesn’t it?” Chris answered.
“No. Chris.... this isn’t you, I know it!” Nicky answered.”I’m just having a nightmare! You- the real you-you’d never hurt me. Chris is a good man!”
He throws his head back and laughs.
“You are a loyal little creature, aren’t you?” Chris answered. “Pity the one of your affection is so woefully undeserving.”
“No. No, this isn’t real.” Nicky answered. “It’s just a bad dream...”
“Ah, but it isn’t! “ Chris answered. “Search your feelings, Nicky. You know what I am. What I really am.”
You shake your head again, but something about his words rings true.
“Chris... recognized Clare...”
Horror chills you to the core, and Chris laughs. He closes the distance stern you. Before you can blink.
“Yes, you,know!” Chris answered with a devilishly smile. “ you,know I’m not human, and still you want me. How very deviant of you.”
He lifts a hand toward you.
“Fuck that! I’m going to... slap his hand away.”
You smack his hand sharply. He takes a step back, staring at his hand as though he’s never seen it before.
“You’re...fighting me?” Chris answered startled.”Here?”
A lascivious grin stretches over his features.
“Oh, you are an interesting creature, Nicky.” Chris answered. “But how much strength do you have left, I wonder?”
You’re in no mood to find out.
You turn your heel, sprinting into the blackness.
“You can’t run forever, Nicky!” Chris yelled.
*end of dream sequence *
You wake in a cold sweat, your heart pounding.
“It was a dream. It was just a dream.” Nicky answered.
The image of Clare’s lifeless body swims in front of your eyes.
“No wonder my brain shut me off my lucid dreams when she died. It must have been protecting itself. I need to clear my head.”
You sit up, selecting one of Clare’s old sketchbooks from the bedside table to distract yourself. But the sketchbook is Clare’s last before her death, and the images grow progressively darker and more twisted as you turn the pages.
“This.. isn’t working as well as I’d hoped. Imagine living with all of this emotional turmoil inside you. Poor Clare...”
You turn to the final sketch, and your blood runs cold. Staring up at you is a photorealistic portrait of a familiar face.
“Oh no...this is.. this is a drawing of Chris.”
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malicedragoness · 5 years
Baby reactions: MK guys
So this was originally supposed to be a humorous reaction. However it turned more serious and fluffy. Erron’s part is REALLY long! He requires so much more explaining and development than the other guys.
This has fluff, humor, and seriousness in it. Please enjoy!
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Kabal - You’re gonna have an ‘oops’ baby. And that’s exactly what he says when you tell him you’re pregnant.
“Kabal, do you want a baby?”
“Like a living one?”
You roll your eyes at him. “Yes. Like an actual baby.”
“Well, maybe later on when-“
“I’m pregnant.”
Just like his powers, things go so fast when he’s in the mood. He forgets to wrap his willy one time because he was away on a mission for three months. Once he saw you, he immediately jumped you in the living room and he just. Couldn’t. Stop.
Kabal is happy, but shit he needs a minute to take all this in. He wanted kids, but he always imagined it would happen much later and he’d have his life together by then. Now he feels an immense pressure to find a more responsible job and have enough money for all the doctor/medical bills within nine months. When you start to panic because of how quiet he is, he’ll immediately snap out of his funk.
Kabal wraps you in a bone crushing hug and tells you he’s so happy he going to be a dad. It’s his dream to have a large family. He can’t wait to do birthday parties, go to Disney world, costume shopping for comic book conventions. If he has a girl she’s going to be dressed up like a Little Sister and he’s going to be a Big Daddy. He wants it all.
He’s going to be at every doctors appointment that he can get to. If he’s out of town, you better call him and put him on speaker. When he sees that first ultrasound he cries. You’re going to have twins. (I LOVE that part of his tower ending!) He so excited but he also feels so freaking macho! In one shot he was able to get two babies inside of you! He’s feeling proud of himself right now. Let him have his moment. He will also want to know the gender of the babies. He’s too impatient to wait, so don’t expect him to.
Once Kabal finds a house for you two, he’s going to get that nursery set up ASAP. It’s so much fun shopping for baby clothes and toys, he’s practically a big child himself.
“Hey babe, lets get them these nerf guns!”
“That’s for when they’re five.”
“Well...this one won’t be here in five years...they need this one.”
When you go into labor, he’s going to be that guy that asks you if you’re ok a million times until you tell him to shut up. He rocks on his heels, cards his hands through his hair, and breathes heavily. He’s so nervous. He doesn’t want anything bad to happen.
When the babies are born, he’s in absolute bliss. Kabal never thought he could love something so unconditionally like he does these babies. He holds one in each arm while you sit back and sleep. No one is going to take these babies from him.
He is definitely going to be the fun dad. Birthday parties are at the house and he invites all of the twins’ friends over. There’s a pool, bouncy castle, water guns, face painting, silly string, and lots of junk food. There’s also a mountain of gifts for them. When it’s time to cut the cake and they wish on their birthday candles, they both say they want a little brother or sister. You and Kabal talk at the same time.
“I’m pregnant.”
Well...he did say he wanted a big family.
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Kuai Liang - “I want a baby.” Kuai looks up at you with hopeful eyes. “Say that again.”
You do as he says, and he walks towards you with a look of amazement. He thinks you’re the most divine being to ever exist. You’re kind, intelligent, and beautiful. And now you want him to father your children.
Kuai gently caresses your face. He has a genuine smile and his eyes hold so much adoration for you. “I would be honored to have children with you.” He gives you such a sweet kiss that makes you blush as his cold hands cup your face. He will make tea that increases fertility and will also use positions that have deep penetration. He wants this baby as much as you do, and he takes this seriously.
Out of all the kombat men, Kuai is the best partner to have when you’re pregnant. He attends to your every need, no matter how silly. You want to eat a whole bowl of macaroni and cheese and a pop tart instead of a healthy lunch the Lin Kuei prepared? That’s all right with him. But he will encourage you to eat at least some vegetables. 
When it’s three in the morning and you have legs cramps, he will be right there to massage them out and give you some water. As your bump gets bigger Kuai will want you to stay off your feet more. If you need something, either Kuai himself or whomever is assigned to you will get it. Your feet hurt and he doesn't want you to strain yourself.
When you go into labor, he will keep a level head and listen to the doctors. Not once will he leave your side unless instructed to. In fact, his experience mentoring comes in handy here when he encourages you to push. Just knowing that he’s there and he believes in you, helps you through the pain of the contractions.
When the baby is born he feels as if half of his heart is living outside of his body. This baby is the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. ‘I wish Bi-Han could see this’ zips across his mind unwarranted. He can’t help but cry and hold the both of you to him.
Kuai is a wonderful father without even trying. He teaches his child about discipline, honor, and respect. He has a strict schedule for them including schooling, training, and housework. They will also go to bed on time and eat healthy meals, no exceptions. The way they will bond will be through training. Most of the time it is taken seriously. However, there will be times where Kuai can’t help it and let them wrestle him to the ground. He’s such a good dad.
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Kenshi - One thing about dating a telepath, they always know what you’re thinking. It’s both a blessing and a curse. Kenshi could tell you wanted children. He knows it will be a while before you ask him about it. So he takes this time to contemplate whether if he's ready for another child. He's older and missed out on most of Takeda's life. 
He feels guilty because he never got to be the father Takeda deserved. It would be so selfish of him to start a family with you, when he couldn't even be there for his own son. It wouldn't be the right thing to do. Kenshi decides he won't have any more kids, and he desperately hopes this won't break your relationship.
Takeda and Jacqui come over to visit frequently. While you and Jacqui go into one room to talk about art, the men are at the table alone. Takeda could tell something was on his father's mind, and he's too stubborn to leave until Kenshi talks about it.
He cracks and tells Takeda that you have been thinking about children recently. However, he fears that would be unfair to him as he was never around. He was more concerned about revenge than being in his only son's life. Why should he get a second chance at being a father again?
What Kenshi didn't expect was to feel a wave of sadness coming off Takeda.
"So, not only were you not there during my childhood, but you'll deny me a sibling."
Kenshi is taken aback and doesn't say anything. They have a heart to heart talk for over an hour about the mistakes they have made and what they would have done differently. Takeda wants his father to be happy. And he wants a little brother or sister to take care of.
After they leave, you put your hand on Kenshi's arm and ask him what him and Takeda were talking about. He grabs your hand and follows your voice. "Let's have a baby."
He smirks as he can feel shock, happiness, and hesitation all run through your body. "Are-are you sure?"
His hands run up your sides pulling you closer to him. Beard hair scratches against your neck as he whispers in your ear, "Yes, I am."
When you're pregnant Kenshi is a very helpful partner around the house. He helps with the dishes, laundry, vacuuming, anything you need help with. What pisses you off is when he uses his telekinesis to handle multiple chores at one time. You spend all day cleaning the house and here comes this handsome dork doing everything within forty five minutes. And he does all this with a cheeky smile, knowing you get so annoyed.
Kenshi experiences everything you do during your pregnancy. He feels your mood swings, cravings, leg cramps. He can even tell when the baby kicks and gets excited everytime. And since postpartum depression can start happening even during pregnancy, he's there to bring you back from the edge. He also knows when he needs to bring you to the hospital when the contractions start getting closer together.
After the baby is born, Kenshi is in a state of nirvana. You're relaxing in the hospital bed, Takeda and Jacqui are there holding the newborn, and he's soaking in everyone's happiness, being lost in the moment.
Kenshi missed out on this part of Takeda's life, and both of you are thankful that him and Jacqui are there to help out when they are able to.
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Kung Lao - "I want a baby."
Lao looks up at you with big eyes and the widest smile you've ever seen on his face. He grabs you in a bone crushing hug and spins you around, laughing in pure happiness. He plants a big kiss on your lips and leans his forehead against yours.
You smirk at him, "So that's yes, I take it."
"I would be honored to father your children." He kisses you again and then picks you up bridal style. "Well, we better start now."
You laugh as he takes the steps two at a time to the bedroom.
When you announce you're pregnant, everyone is ecstatic for you two. Although they do have some interesting words.
"That's wonderful news," Jade says. "And also very..."
"The timing of it..." Kitana trails off her sentence.
Johnny Cage walks by and notices everyone staring at you and Lao. "What's going on?"
Lao has a big grin on his face, "We're having a baby!"
Johnny lets out a quick laugh. "That was quick!"
He wants to do his best to take care of you while you're pregnant. He gives the best back and foot massages you've ever had. If you're craving cookies in the middle of the night, he gets right up and does his best to get some for you.
However, when it comes to giving birth, he will be that dad who faints when the baby's head starts to come through. Which then takes some of the nurses away from you as they try to revive him.
I've mentioned this before, but if you have a boy his name is going to be Lao. He was adamant about the name and carrying on the line of the Great Kung Lao. You cannot change his mind.
After the baby is born, the weight of responsibility hits Lao quickly. He knew having a child wasn't going to be an easy task. He just didn't realize how much hard work goes into raising them. And he couldn't be more thankful to have you at his side.
He matures significantly and is more focused on raising your child than trying to become the best Shaolin or beating Liu Kang. After all, Liu Kang and Kitana don't have any children yet. In his eyes he already won.
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Erron Black - So lets be honest. Erron in his Black Dragon days will only be your fuck buddy. He’s not committed to anything or anyone. This is the prime of his thrill riding days. So if you ask him for a baby, he’s gonna deuce out. He’s not looking for that shit, he’s looking to have fun.
Fast forward to his Outworld days. Yes, he’s 150 years young, but he’s definitely getting older. More scars, more wrinkles, and a lot of grey hair. You can tell he’s feeling it in his bones, and he’s getting to the point that thrill seeking isn’t getting to be as fun as he thought. He’s still not going to commit that easily. His parents weren’t exactly the best role models in life.
I imagine his father knocked up his mother and they just dealt with the idea that they’re having a kid now. He was abused by his dad, so when he excelled at handling guns he finally decided to shoot him. His mother was a tough woman and didn’t show any affection. She was more of a tough love kind of lady, but I suspect she slapped him around when it suited her. This is also why he’s attracted to strong and dangerous women. It’s familiar and it feels like he’ll get his mother’s stamp of approval and some type of closure. (“My Ma would’ve loved you, Cassie Cage.”)
Erron doesn’t want kids because he’s scared of that kid having the same childhood he had. He doesn’t want to be like his father and he doesn’t want anyone like his mother to bare his children. Best to forget the whole idea all together.
But then here you come along, with your irresistible smile, quick wit, and dynamic personality. And it completely threw him for a loop. How was he supposed to ignore you when you’re so damn beautiful and you can make him laugh and feel young again. He sure as hell was not gonna let some other man steal you away.
It’s still going to take time and patience for him to break down that wall he’s spent decades building before he lets you in completely. There’s going to be fights, there’s going to be him walking out to the bar to run from his feelings and his past. He’s not used to healthy relationships of any kind.
Erron does notice when you cook for him, do his laundry, and take care of him when he gets hurt. Especially one time when he had to have bed rest for a week and he was acting like a child about it. You waited on him hand and foot without even being asked to. And goddamn it if that didn’t make him love you. Once he finally breaks down his wall, it’ll still take him a couple years before even considering the idea of kids.
One day, the two of you are out on the back patio looking at the stars. Erron is strumming an acoustic guitar, humming a little song to you. You look up at him and he looks back with a slight smirk. “Erron, do you want children?”
Cue the screech sound of his hand slipping from the guitar. He freezes as he gives you an unreadable look. After a minute of silence you start to panic. You tell him it’s ok if he doesn’t want kids. You love him and you’re not going to leave if he decides against it. You just wanted to see if he was interested.
You continue to babble until he tells you to let him think on it for a while, and then he’ll give you an answer. When you agree to that he’ll continue strumming his guitar, but now he’s staring off in the distance.
The next few weeks you can feel his eyes burning a hole in your back. When you turn to look at him, he just stares at you with a heavy look.
“You all right, handsome?”
“I’m good, baby doll.”
It’s all that’s ever said.
You’re cleaning the dishes from dinner. When Erron wraps his arms around you from behind and rests his face against your neck, swaying you from side to side. He eventually turns you around and looks you deep in your eyes. His calloused hands cup your face and he leans his forehead against yours. “I love you.”
When your breath catches in your throat, he gives you the sweetest kiss you’ve ever received. In the few years you’ve been together, he’s never once said that. And that night is the most sweet and passionate he’s ever been with you, that it made you cry.
When you’re pregnant expect Erron to be super protective of you. He doesn’t want to take jobs that are far away, but that’s not always possible. So while he’s gone, Ermac and a few midwives are there for you. He gave them specific instructions to not let you pick up anything heavy, make sure you’re eating enough, and to go walking once a day. Walking is supposed to help you when it comes to pushing, and he doesn’t want you in anymore pain more than necessary. He wants his sugar taken care of.
Erron loves to hold you from behind and rub your bump. He can’t believe any of this is actually happening. This beautiful and kind woman is going to be the mother of his child. He never plans anything in his life. It’s mainly just seeing where the day takes him. But now he can’t wait to take them horseback riding, shooting a gun, and going hunting together.
When you go into labor he has no idea what the fuck to do. So he calls for the midwives and they get to work. Erron is sweating bullets the entire time. But holy shit, he is amazed by how strong you are. When he sees you give birth to his child, he tells you it’s one of the most amazing things he has ever witnessed.
Erron is used to not getting much sleep when he’s out on missions. So when the baby cries, he’ll usually get up and help out. He loves to hold and stare at them. Never once did he think this moment would be possible in his long life. Yet here he is with a good woman beside him and this little bundle of life in his hands. He’s trying to be the best dad that he can be. He’s so terrified of his child growing up and hating him. But he knows you’re a much better person than his Ma, so he relies on you a lot for what’s best for the baby.
Erron may not be a super fun dad like Kabal will be, but he teaches his kid how to defend themself. He’ll teach them everything there is to know about guns, hunting, and fighting. This is how they will bond, and your child will know they can always rely on their pops to protect them.
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softboywriting · 5 years
Both | Shawn Mendes
Summary: You and Shawn are unapologetically goofballs and you’re absolutely perfect for each other. New merchandise arrives and the two of you just have to test it out in your own special way. [fluff] [non au]
Word Count: 1k
|Masterlist In Bio|
The day the new merchandise arrives for the upcoming tour you are on set for Shawn's newest music video. The two of you have been going back and forth for months, debating whether or not to have you in the video with him. Eventually both of you decided you were confident enough in yourselves and your relationship that you were ready to do something like this.
Tension has been high on the set all day. You've been shooting for hours, going from location to location and you're finally settled down at the studio you started at. Everyone has been kind of trying to lighten the mood but it hasn't necessarily worked. Shawn is trying to get the director to listen to his ideas and he does, but he doesn't quite grasp what Shawn wants. Everyone is frustrated because the video isn't going as smoothly as planned and parts of it aren't flowing.
You head to the changing trailer and find Alissa, Andrew's assistant, has left some of the new merchandise in a bag for you with a note that has your name on it. She knew you loved to check out everything before it got finalized by the team and Shawn.
You smile to yourself. This would be a perfect way to lighten up the mood. You put on a shirt that has Shawn's name in his handwriting signed across a guitar on the front and a pair of sweatpants that have roses down the side and head for the set.
Shawn is filming a solo scene, laying on a couch in a fake living room set up. You sneak around behind the director and the sound and camera crew and stand just where Shawn can see you. It's then you start posing, dramatic arm over the face, a little exaggerated model strut, stop, pivot, and strut away. He starts laughing, waving off the cameras and calling a cut.
"Can we take a break?" He asks, getting up and going over to the director, Martin. "I just need to clear my head."
"Sure. Let's take a break and get some fresh air. Relieve some tension and regroup."
"Thanks." Shawn says and he walks over to you, a huge grin spreading across his face. It's nice. He's been in such a funk all day long he's barely looked like he's enjoyed your first video together. "Hey you," he smirks, hands going to your waist.
"Hey. Look what I found."
He looks you over. "Mmmhmm. Alissa must have brought it for you huh?"
"You knew it was coming?"
"Yeah. It arrived at Andrew's place last night and she said she was gonna bring it today."
You step back and take his hands, swinging them back and forth. "I think we need to test it."
"Oh absolutely." He grins, lifting you up with ease and carrying you to where you direct him over to the bag of stuff you brought with you from the trailer.
The first thing you do is try a few of the shirts. There's a pink one that is particularly ugly in your opinion. Now, you love pink, but this shirt was borderline salmon colored and the line art of Shawn's most recent floral tattoo is lost in it. You didn’t sit through a long as hell session with him for that tattoo not to be done justice on his merch. Next up is the hoodies. They're super soft and high quality, both with vivid coloring and embroidery. Shawn shucks his jeans and pulls on a pair of sweatpants to go with it.
"These are nice." He squats down a few times. "Real nice."
You pull on a pair and cross the empty area behind the living room set and squat down like a sumo wrestler. "So stretchy."
Shawn looks over and squats down, mimicking your pose. The two of you look like a couple of weirdos, wide squatting in the middle of an empty warehouse studio.
"We must give them the ultimate test!" Shawn laughs and starts doing an awkward crab walk forward with his legs spread wide.
You almost make it to him but you're both in tears from laughing so hard that you have to stop. You both collapse on the cold cement floor and Shawn pulls his hoodie drawstrings tight, creating a tiny hole for just his mouth.
"Kiss me." He says with his lips puckered and sticking out.
You pull your drawstrings and do the same thing with just your mouth exposed. "My love, I cannot see you!"
"Oh!" He laughs. "We must kiss our way to each other. There is no other way."
The next two minutes consists of the two of you scrambling around the floor trying to find one another blindly. When you finally do, you manage to miss his face like three times, kissing his eye and nose before your lips meet and you're cracking up laughing again.
"What are you guys doing?" Brain asks when he finds you guys behind the set being goofballs.
Shawn pulls the hoodie over his head and leans back on his elbows. "Trying out new merch."
"Quality control obviously Brian."
"Right. Well, I'm going to get lunch while you guys do...whatever this is."
"Okay bye." You laugh and wave him off. You look over to Shawn and he's got the collar of the salmon pink shirt in his mouth and one hand tucked up under the bottom hem, showing off his abs. "What the hell..."
"Am I sexy?" He asks with a choked off laugh.
"Dead sexy. The salmon really brings out your eyes." You let out a terrible little flirtatious growl like noise and he falls back laughing. You get up and peel off your hoodie, getting too hot from goofing around. "We should go get lunch while we can."
Shawn gets up and nods. "Yeah, and take the merch back to the trailer for Alissa."
You walk around in front of Shawn and he grabs your shoulder gently, turning you around to face him.
"Hold on."
"What's up?"
He smiles softly, eyes on yours. "You should keep this one." He gestures to the shirt you're wearing, one you put on out of the bag after the salmon one when you were trying on everything earlier. "My name looks good on you."
You pull the shoulder forward to glance back and see it's the one that says Mendes on the back across the shoulders like a jersey almost. "Are you just talking about the shirt or like y'know..."
He smirks and leans his head against yours. "Both."
Thank you so much for reading ! Please Reblog if you enjoyed it :)) - A
*****Note: none of my works should be posted anywhere outside of my linked accounts. I do not give permission to repost with or without credit to my accounts. Please notify me of any reposted fics.*****
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poppibranchlover · 4 years
Here’s my theory on why Branch is jealous and the cause of the presumed Broppy break-up.
Okay, so first we have this:
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This is shortly after the Lonesome Flats escape scene and I think they might have landed on a bouncy canyon or something (since the canyons are made of blankets) before it propelled them to the water. After getting out of the water and drying their hair, the four Trolls continue their journey. But along the way, Hickory was talking to Poppy and it’s causing Branch to become jealous of all the attention from Poppy he’s getting.
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Of course, Branch’s emotional state was getting out of hand when this happens. He was also in this type of way when Creek was with Poppy in the first movie. The more stressed he becomes, the more he gets suspicious of their bond.
Later, Poppy, Branch, Hickory and Biggie made a raft to go across the river. While there, the smooth Jazz Troll threatens Poppy, Branch and Biggie, leading to Hickory rescuing them since he’s the only one not affected by the brainwashing music.
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After Hickory kicks Chaz into the river, Poppy realizes that he saved their life and gratefully thanked and praised him, causing Branch to become more upset. He would be very upset that he’s supposed to be the one protecting Poppy, but he wasn’t able to due to being caught under the Jazz spell earlier. He might just mumble something about Hickory that Poppy ends up hearing, and she’ll ask him why he wasn’t grateful for Hickory saving their life.
I think this is causing Biggie to be upset when overhearing that Poppy was having a fallout with her two friends at one point, and he’ll just leave the three of them, thinking Poppy broke her “pinkie promise” to him to protect everyone.
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Now Branch wasn’t satisfied. Poppy tried to explain, but Branch was now like angry that she’s pushing him away throughout the entire mission. This is causing the two of them to argue, and eventually Branch tells Poppy that his stress bothers him that she is becoming close to Hickory because she’s supposed to stick with him. She shouldn’t have rely on someone else because he is there for her and because he loves her.
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Poppy won’t hesitate to process what Branch just told her so they continue arguing until she understands what he is feeling right now. Not wanting to fight again, they end up going their separate ways, possibly during the Funk village scene as said in the art department schedule list.
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But clearly, that was my opinion so far. I’m just concerned about how Poppy and Branch’s relationship was completely tearing up because that might make Broppy fans feel hurt. If I’m certain we all wait until the movie comes out, depending on where you guys live, I’m sure you are all able to find out about the situation and that would totally surprise you guys.
Feel free to add your thoughts and opinions and let me know everything you want to know how it goes. Remember, it’s just my opinion and theory. Let’s hope the real film explains a lot.
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maydaymemer · 4 years
Steam vs. Sledgehammer
Yep it’s time to review two songs in one. My favourite song ever: Steam (yes, Steam), as well as one of the iconic songs of the ‘80s: Sledgehammer. Both by Peter Gabriel, both heavily influenced by funk and both with music videos directed by the late Stephen R. Johnson.
Sledgehammer needs no introduction for anyone over 40, which means it does need an introduction here. The song is the lead single from Peter Gabriel’s 1986 pop opus “So”, and is his only American #1 (it only got to #4 in the UK, which makes me more ashamed to be from here than ever). It’s known for its pioneering stop-motion animated music video which is still well regarded today, heck it kickstarted Aardman’s career before they made Wallace and Gromit. The song is a loving tribute to Gabriel’s favourite funk and Motown songs he listened to in his youth, there’s even a funny anecodote a read about Gabriel in his early days going to a soul cafe or something and being the only white guy there. To be a fly on the wall on that day. Methinks he was there to pick up chicks, not just listen to the music, which only makes me love the guy even more to be honest.
Steam on the other hand I don’t think anyone who isn’t a Gabriel fan remembers. Sure, when it was released in 1992 it was a hit but was generally seen as a Sledgehammer II: Sledge Harder, and didn’t set anyone’s world alight. Plus, people weren’t listening to Peter Gabriel in ‘92, they were bumping Nirvana and Tupac. On the bright side we did get a fucking insane music video which I love showing to people to get a reaction out of them.
One of them highly acclaimed and the other mostly maligned, but both are typically overshadowed by their music videos. I’m here to dig into what makes both these songs great, and why they’re both intelligent, finely crafted pop songs. I’m also going to note the similarities between the two, and why I think Steam was a more than worthy follow up.
Let’s get down to the start of both songs. Sledgehammer begins with a synthesised flute that goes on for about 15 seconds, before launching into an opening tune that knocks you right off your seat like, well a sledgehammer. This sets up an appropriate atmosphere for a song that combines the clever soul with the sexy sounds of the ‘80s to create a song that transcends past dated into just a banging tune that holds up today. The song has an excellent bassline and feels simply big. Then we get Gabriel coming in with a prolonged “Heeeeeeey” followed up with a more muffled “tell me how have you been?” to take us into the first verse. The song sets a mood and it sets it well, this is bouncy and fun Peter Gabriel, not weird psycho Peter Gabriel (which is pretty much his default).
Steam, on the other hand, doesn’t introduce itself. The song just abruptly bursts into your door after a short bassline with the distinct drum and bassline with all sorts of sounds flung at you. Horns, electric guitar, you name it. Gabriel yells “Stand back! Stand back!” And you almost think “yeah maybe I should I shouldn’t really argue with Peter Gabriel”, especially in the video where he’s wearing a pimp suit to accompany this. He continues, shouting “what are these dogs doing sniffing at my feet? / They’re onto something picking up / picking up / this heat”. I still have no idea what this intro means, but then we transition into the abolsutely magnificent instrumented chorus as Peter sings “Give me Steam / and how you feel can make it real / real as anything you’ve seen / get a life / with the dreamer’s dream”. I’ve heard reviewers call this song overproduced, and I would agree the song is very maximal in terms of production, but I wouldn’t remove one instrument. The song’s various mood changes from chorus to verse to pre-and-post choruses take me where the song wants me to go emotionally every time. I find the “Give me Steam” part specifically to be rather exciting and really impressed me the first time I listened to this song, last year I believe, and it still impresses me now.
This is where we take a look at the verse structure of both songs, which are pretty much the same not just within the songs but between them. The first verses of both set up two metaphors:
“You could have a steam train / if you just lay down your tracks
You could have an aeroplane flying / if you bring your blue sky back” - From Sledgehammer
“You know your culture from your trash
You know your plastic from your cash” - From Steam
Peter then connects these to the message of the song at the end of the verse:
“All you do is call me
I’ll be anything you need” - Sledge
“Whenever heavens doors are shut / you get* them open but / I know you” - Steam (alright I’m cheating here, that’s three metaphors, but this illustrates my point better)
So as you can see this is where the two songs split off. Sure both include Peter’s patented silly sex puns, a Sledgehammer is long and hard while Steam is hot and wet, but the meanings of each song is different.
For Sledgehammer the song is about how sex can be used to communicate and brighten up the mood of someone where words simply can’t help. The philosophy of the song is that sometimes you just need some fuck. I imagine a narrative where maybe Peter and this lady friend he’s talking to through the song have just broken off some long term relationship, and they’re very good friends so they spend some time together playing with her bumper cars and his big dipper to take their minds off it. The song isn’t really about love, it’s about having fun, but as I illustrated with my interpretation it’s not about sex with someone you don’t love it’s about sex with someone you’re not IN love with. So kind of a FWB/rebound kind of thing, though not a romcom version where they get together in the third act. It’s a very different approach to an ‘Intercourse with You’ song and told in a very fun way. The song has a bounce to it and a sort of mature naivety, Peter comes across as genuinely joyful to the woman he’s narrating too, they aren’t using eachother but they’re not in a serious relationship either. Good stuff, Pete.
Steam on the other hand is about the relationship, it’s about that spark and connection with someone. Specifically it’s about a relationship where the woman is cultured, sophisticated and generally a classy lady but Peter isn’t. He’s talking himself down, except for one subject: when it comes to the lady, he knows her better than she does and that’s the most important thing of all. Maybe he knows how to please her, maybe he knows her deepest depths, maybe it’s both but the songwriting illustrates that Peter is just in awe of this woman and she might not be in awe of herself just yet. I always interpreted this as Peter writing about a relationship between classes, but in a smarter way than say Billy Joel. Peter grew up middle class but in this song it’s like he’s putting himself in the shoes of a working class guy who’s in a relationship with someone who should be out of his league, but perhaps because of those virtues have led to him knowing how to socialise he can get the depths of her heart better jan a thousand potential rich suitors and their relationship just works. I’m being a bit old school with the picture I’m painting but a genuinely smart way of basically writing Opposites Attract but without the cartoon cat (instead we get a CGI Peter Gabriel Chair, perhaps that’s not the best trade off). That’s why I love it so much, it writes a geniunely smart love song about a relationship working despite the differences which a lot of songs do but they never go into why they work together. Peter explains that while he can’t know a lot about art or money he does know a lot about humanity (and sex, as Sledge shows).
The rest of the verses follow this same formula, I’ll close the review by pointing out how the finales of both songs basically are the same again.
With the finale of Sledgehammer Gabriel refers to “shedding his skin”. He then says “this is the new stuff”, which probably sounds like a birthday suit reference to you but I have a more indirect interpretation. What I love about the line is that in a way it’s Gabriel saying “I’m the shit!”, predicting that the song will become ‘the new stuff’ as it did. Which is why it’s one of the things I do prefer over Steam, which goes for a more obvious orgasm innuendo:
“Roomshake, earthquake
Find a way to stay awake
It’s gonna blow, it’s gonna break
This is more than I can take!”
Tho back to praising Steam, it is my favourite song after all, I think that song does pace itself better. Steam is a minute longer and has way more variety, with a lot of change ups with an occasional pre-chorus peppered in. It’s a longer song that feels shorter and endlessly replayable. Granted a listen to both of these songs an unhealthy amount of times, so I wouldn’t recommend any of you reading this skip out on them. Listen to them however you can, they’re a great time. Heck, buy the albums they come from because the rest of the songs on there are great too.
Thanks for reading this review. It’s a very quick one drafter of hopefully many that I’m posting to sharpen my writing skills. Hope you enjoyed and I’ll make sure to improve these over time. I have ideas for little bite size and more cohesive reviews of the following songs: Uh Huh, Girl, Babooshka
*note: thought he sung “kick” but apparently not. Personally I think “kick” has a better kick to it, funny enough, in terms of annunciation.
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otherluces · 4 years
Luces’ 2019 Fanfic Round-up
I might do an end-of-the-year thing reflecting on the year in my personal life and Tumblr life, too, but first I’m going to do a masterpost of the stuff I wrote this year because I’m all about that shilling your creative works life. I suppose this is kind of a writing version of those year-end posts that artists do, giving their favorite or best pieces from each month.
March 2019: I ran the first annual @clenny-week from March 25-31, 2019, and although I wasn’t able to do a fic for each day, I managed to complete 4/7 prompts. I thank everyone who participated in that week, and I hope to see you for Clenny Week 2020. ^^
Santa Daddy - Clyde/Kenny - Rated M - The main four are back in town for winter break and Cartman challenges Kenny to sit on the mall Santa’s lap (and ask for a dirty gift). The mall Santa happens to be Clyde, who had a crush on Kenny in high school.
Pinot Noir - Clyde/Kenny - Rated T - Clyde is nervous as he and Kenny go out on their fifth date, as he's decided to finally confess that he has a ten year old daughter.
The Princess of Mischief - Clyde/Kenny - Rated T - Princess Kenny has been captured by the Dark Lord Clyde. Everything was going according to plan...until an unexpected visitor makes Clyde break character.
I’ll Always Be Here - Clyde/Kenny - Rated M - It's the one year anniversary of Kenny's death, and Clyde is not coping well. Meanwhile, in Hell, Kenny is given a special Deathday wish candle by Satan, allowing him to make a wish that is guaranteed to come true. He wishes to spend one more day with his husband.
August 2019: This year, the South Park fandom on Tumblr really blew up with theme weeks! The upside to this is that people are taking charge of their favorite ships/characters, especially underrated ones, and using the platform to try to bring together others who enjoy those. The downside is that the more weeks there are, the more overlap there is, and people have to pick and choose which to do. Also, there can be burn-out. I felt a lot of writing burn out after Clenny Week, and I didn’t really write anything publicly for the majority of the spring/summer. (I’ll get into what I mean by “publicly” later.) @tweekweek and @clydeweekis-canon both got me out of my writing funk a little bit, as I managed to write two one-shots that allowed me to explore concepts/characters that I don’t use often.
Tweek’s New Project - Tweek/Craig (but NOT the focus) - Rated T -When the stress of life and work get to be too much, Tweek likes to retreat to his den where he can work on arts and crafts and practice mindfulness and meditation. He is particularly excited about this new project, and waiting all day to work on it is torture.
Tell Me I’m Pretty - Bebe/Clyde - Rated T - Bebe Stevens always presents herself with confidence and style, but even the strongest of women can break sometimes. Clyde thinks she’s perfect, no matter what.
October 2019: In October, I finally published the fic I wrote for the first zine I participated in, South Park: Growing Up. I wrote this story at the very beginning of 2019, the zine was sold digitally in March 2019, and then I didn’t write or Tumblr much after that. ^^() 
Snow Is Hell - General - Rated G - Snow. Poets and artists and songwriters of Christmas songs may try to convince people that it's always pure, fluffy, and delightful, but those who live where snow is commonplace know the truth. A field of freshly fallen snow is not “a marshmallow world”. It's a battlefield. At least it is for the children of South Park, Colorado. A Saturday morning of peacefully playing in the snow, making snowmen and sledding, can quickly devolve into a battle for school yard supremacy.
December 2019: December means the holiday season, which means holiday themed fanfiction. This year, I was able to finish a WIP from 2018 that I had started for @cryde-week, and I participated in @craigandthoseguys-week Secret Santa event, writing a D&D themed one-shot for @nokoikoi-draws.
Your Voice - Clyde/Craig - Rated M - At his company Christmas party, Craig watches Clyde's co-workers surprise him by showing him they've learned ASL so they can better communicate with him. Feeling ashamed (and a little jealous) that he's never learned ASL despite having a mute boyfriend who uses it, Craig decides to spend the year taking classes so that he can surprise Clyde with it next Christmas.
Dungeons and Flagons (of Cocoa) - Craig/Tweek (but not the focus) - Rated T - It's Christmas Eve and the adults are all out at some boring Christmas party. Clyde is bored, so he invites his best bros over for a Christmas-themed D&D one-shot campaign.
Ongoing fics: Sooo...this year wasn’t great for my ongoing fics. ^^() Back at the end of January, it had been one year since I had started Dumb Boys, I had 12 chapters completed, and I stated that I wanted to focus on it more so that I could do better than a one-chapter a month average. That didn’t happen. ^^() Also I had started a multi-chapter Creek band AU at the end of 2018, but then didn’t update for months. So in 2019, I managed to update two new chapters to the band AU over the summer, and three chapters to Dumb Boys. Needless to say, I neglected my children. =/
Dumb Boys - Clyde/Kenny - Rated E - It's senior year at Park County High and Clyde Donovan is ready to cement his legacy as the number one guy in the school. He's already one of the school's football stars so it shouldn't be difficult, except that Kenny McCormick, the lead snare drummer for the marching band, seems to be taking that spot without even trying. In order to determine once and for all who is the top guy, Clyde decides to challenge Kenny to a contest of who can have sex with the most people in a semester.
He’s With the Band - Tweek/Craig - Rated E - Tweek is the lead singer for the up-and-coming band Humble Folx, but when he's not performing on stage, he's somewhat reclusive, and he always refuses to join his bandmates in interviews. Craig Tucker is a 23 year old music journalist who can't quite catch a break. He's hung up on his ex and his career at Treble and Bass magazine isn't headed in any real direction. That is until he's offered the chance to go on tour with Humble Folx and get the exclusive interview with Tweek.
Unpublished fics (aka fics for fanzines): In addition to “Snow Is Hell”, I also wrote fics for two other fanzines over the summer. (I had to focus what little writing energy I had on them, which is why my ongoing fics were so neglected.) I wrote “Duality” for the Creek zine @adealandadevilzine, which if anyone has the digital copy and has read the fic, I hope you enjoyed my attempt at writing high fantasy. Hard copies should be going out in the spring, so once we get the okay, I’ll be putting it on AO3, so expect a lot more shilling then. I also wrote two fics for the upcoming @crennynationzine (follow for more info!), a sfw story called “The Games We Play” and a nsfw follow-up/sequel called “A Two Player Game”.
WIPs: Finally, I’m going to mention a handful of fics I started this year and will hopefully finish at some point in my lifetime. ^^() “Getting His Just Desserts” is a fic I started for @bottomcraigweek with like 5 Craig ships involved. “The Long Haul” is a Twyde fic where Clyde is a truck driver and Tweek is a server at a roadside diner. “Chicken Soup for the Eldritch Soul” is a Clenny fic where Clyde makes chicken soup for a sick Kenny...but doesn’t notice the body horror going on in the background. “Dr. Craig’s Miracle Tonic” is a nsfw crackfic where Dr. Craig is able to cure his patients with the power of his penis. Finally, I wrote like 300 words for “Born to Run”, the Natural Born Killers AU Creek fic I’ve waxed poetic about for two years.
Total words written in 2019 (not including unpublished works): 53,901
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cecilspeaks · 5 years
155 - The Heist, part 3
Leave no stone unturned. Leave no rock unpivoted. Leave no pebble untwirled. Welcome to Night Vale.
My brother-in-law, Steve Carlsberg, is still in jail, wrongly accused of the recent bank heist. But I am happy to have my husband Carlos back home. The Sheriff’s Secret Police had only taken him in for some questions regarding the robbery of the Last Bank of Night Vale. Sheriff Sam had deemed Carlos a person of interest, which I’ve been saying for years, but Sheriff Sam meant it differently.
Carlos said while he was being questioned at the police station, he saw the other bank employees who were there the day of the robbery. Genevieve Daly, the new bank teller, was being asked if she saw anyone other than Steve Carlsberg near the vault that day. Carlos said she was stone faced, unhappy with the interrogation. Susan Willman was there, crying, as the police asked her who else, other than Steve Carlsberg, could have a key. And security guard Jesse McNeil was there looking quite ill, almost seasick, according to Carlos, as the police tried to badger him into implicating Steve Carlsberg.
Carlos has been home for a couple of weeks and in a terrible funk. He said Steve has a nearly impossible case. The police are convinced of Steve’s guilt and all their evidence points directly to him. Carlos hardly has any energy or emotion to work, or even leave the house. I feel awful for Steve too, and we are doing our best to support him and our family.
I tried cheering Carlos up by telling him my favorite science jokes, like two chemists walk into a bar and one tells the bartender, “I’ll have an H2O” and the other says “I’ll have an H20 too,” and the bartender says and sighs.. [fed up] “It’s been a long day guys,” and then the two chemists nod and say, [embarrassed] “Yeah oh god yeah sorry, just a couple of waters thanks.” And then later they make sure to tip very well. But Carlos didn’t even crack as mile, let alone laugh, and I asked him how his doorless fridge experiment was going and he’s welcome to work on it here, in his home laboratory. I don’t even mind if he keeps staining everything green with that weird gel he’s been using. “I ran out of gel, Cecil,” he said, prone on the couch not opening his eyes. “I couldn’t work on that, even if I wanted to. which I don’t.” Hm. I wanna curl up on the couch too, stay home from work. But I know that would be terrible for Carlos. There are many times I’ve felt flat or depressed, and Carlos has been there for me, keeping me company, taking in my sadness and reflecting back not a false smile but attentive eyes, a listening posture that makes me feel heard and understood, and that’s what I want to be for him. Besides, I think Steve can beat these charges. Steve may have been the only one with a key to the vault, but they cannot prove he opened the vault, as he was locked inside his own office during the robbery. And besides, Steve keeps very detailed accounting so they wouldn’t be able to find the stolen money, not even if he had taken it. Steve Carlsberg is… [moved] the nicest man in Night Vale. He’s a good boss, breaking his foot to get free to try to protect his employees. He’s a fine father. A loving husband. And a perfect brother-in-law. It’s just not... it’s not possible. You know, if someone on the inside did this, it was probably Susan. Susan Willman is the least trustworthy person in that bank, if not in this whole town. So if you’re going to…
[loud scary noises] Station Management just slit a memo under my door gently, reminding me about libel laws. The memo is written in fire on a sleep tablet, and there’s a snake curled around it so, uhh.. I’m going to leave my Susan WIllman theory alone. But. Let’s just say that there was an untrustworthy person in that bank, and that her name was Su..anne Wilt..son. Yes, Sue-Anne Wilson, yes and this hypothetical jerk was always complaining at PTA meetings about her own personal problems, rather than focusing on the agenda, let’s just say. And this Sue-Anne Wilson once accused Steve Carlsberg of censoring her, when Steve was just trying to finish the meeting in a timely manner so that the basketball team could se the gym for evening practice. This person might well hold a grudge against Steve Carlsberg and want to not only steal from him, but frame him for the crime. 
Or, what if the Sheriff’s Secret Police… [loud scary noises] was doing a really great job, so great that they didn’t have a lot of arrests to make because the town was so safe. And of course, [chuckling nervously] they would never need to frame someone for robbery! So they would look like they were solving one of the major crimes in recent memory. Or maybe it was space slugs. Some distant aliens from across the galaxy somehow found our solar system and spotted our Earth, and then randomly chose Night Vale, and for whatever reason, they really wanted our money, so they went down inside the bank vault while the building was on fire, and without the safe key they entered the locked room because these space slugs can crawl through walls, and then they stole all the money. I don’t know! I feel helpless.[loud scary noises fade out]
Reading the news and getting angrier and angrier, but you know there’s little I can do about terrible things that keep happening. I’m sure you can’t relate. Maybe a community calendar will cheer me up.
This Saturday, the Desert Flower Bowling Alley and Arcade Fun Complex opens its annual Haunted Halloween Hayride. There was complications this year, because Ghost Union Local 31 went on strike for an increase in pensions and maternity leave. Teddy Williams, owner of the Desert Flower, argued that ghosts cannot retire nor get pregnant, but the union countered with vaguely human faces muttering in the shadows while Teddy screamed, and eventually, a deal was truck.
Sunday morning is the pie eating contest at the Night Vale fair. Contestants will be competing for a top prize of a 1991 Buick Le Sabre, autographed by former US presidential hopeful and Illinois governor, Adelai Stevenson.
Tuesday afternoon is a tedious song. Wednesday night is the high school dance team’s statewide semifinals at the rec center. Our own Night Vale High School is competing that night. Their top rival is Red Mesa High School, who will be performing a jazz routine called Tommy Tunes Broadway: an upbeat medley of classic show tunes. Night Vale’s dance team will present (--) [0:09:21] postmodern masterpiece (-): contemplative blend of sculpture opera and dance defined by its explosive physical bursts, chanting, and (contra-) movements born of a 22-member ensemble, who express the human body as a multidimensional art installation. Good luck to all dancers!
And finally, Thursday is sick, so Friday will be covering Thursday’s shift. Eh, except for the part about the haunted hay ride. That did not cheer me up.
I’m getting word that the Secret Police have made a breakthrough in their bank heist investigation. Or maybe they found the real thief and can let Steve Carlsberg go? [clears throat] Sheriff Sam said the lab reports came back, the fingerprints were inconclusive as their top suspect Steve Carlsberg worked at the bank, so his fingerprints were everywhere. But the lab reports did detail a strange goo police found on the vault walls. This goo, a light green gel, was also found on the walls of the cells that the other robbers had escaped from two weeks ago. So maybe my theory about space slugs is correct. No wait. The lab reports showed that this unusual chemical can render certain metals intangible, allowing people to reach through walls without breaking them. [stutters] Police believe whoever used this greenish goo used it to rob the bank’s vault and to free the prisoners inside the abandoned mineshaft outside of town. The Sheriff then said they discovered this exact same chemical on Steve Carlsberg’s property. They discovered it inside the shed behind the house, and that this is the final piece of evidence that links Steve Carlsberg to the robbery of the Last Bank of Night Vale. They believe that, oh no… Um, that Steve did not act alone, that he had an accomplice, a scientific mastermind who created this chemical for him. Who generated a complex concoction that enabled them to walk through walls stealing whatever they wanted. They have a warrant out now for Carlos’ arrest. I’ve gotta call Carlos. I- Oh, it looks like he left a voicemail.  
[beep] Carlos: Hey sweetie, it’s um me. So listen, I have um, I so-so I’ve just been arrested. No biggie, no biggie, I’m fine. This is actually good news, because I wanted to talk to the Sheriff anyway about all this, so that-that’s great. And um, I do have some new thoughts about what happened at the bank, and they’re really interesting, so they’re driving me downtown to meet with uh ooh, ouch, those cuffs are a bit tight there, officer… officer (Q. Fortier). Ah, that is a beautiful name. I-i-is that Franchian? If you don’t mind, Officer Fortier, I’m going to just finish my voicemail to my husband. So Cecil. When I get downtown, I’ll explain everything to them, Steve and I clearly did not do this and that’s what I’ll tell them, they’re police! [chuckles] You know, they just wanna know the truth, and uh ooh uh, oh Officer Fortier, I am not done with my call yet. Uh sir, what-what are you doing with my pho- [beep]
Cecil: I… I… Let’s go to the weather.
[Good Luck with That” by Fathom All the Animals https://fathomalltheanimals.com]
Cecil: Listeners, we now go live to Steve Carlsberg’s press conference at City Hall.
Steve: This has been a difficult month for me, and for my family. I thank you all for hearing me out today. I’m glad to know that these criminal charges are behind me, and I think Sheriff Sam and their secret police, as well as their Overt Police, for listening to reason and overturning the charges against me. [sadly] But of course, I’m sad to learn about their most recent arrest. Breaks my heart to know that such a dear friend of so many years, someone who’s been in home many, many times, someone I consider family, could betray me, my bank, my town in this way. I don’t even know how to talk about such a breach of trust by someone so close. [crying] Carlos! Oh Carlos. Thank you Carlos, for your brilliant and thorough evidence that put Jesse McNeil in jail today. Our security guard of nearly 50 years committed a heinous crime, and he nearly sent the two of us to prison for it.
When Carlos arrived in my cell this morning, he was all smile saying he had figured it out. He called the Sheriff over and said, “Check Jesse’s skin for the same chemical they found on the doors.” Carlos had been experimenting on the gel that allowed him to reach his hands into refrigerators without opening the door, and thus lowering the temperature of the food inside. He’d developed this chemical. He’d developed this chemical in his temporary lab in a shed behind our house. The problem with the chemical wasn’t its effectiveness and intangibility. He had been able to make that work. No, the problem with the chemical is that it stained everything it touched a dull green, including skin. Carlos showed me his own hands, which were green from the fingertips to about halfway up his forearms. He said the last few times he had seen Jesse, Jesse looked ill. Not like a flu or cold, more like seasick: queasy, green in the face. Carlos didn’t put it together right away, because we all felt sick about not only the robbery, but the false charges against me.
The police report also showed that none of the cash tills on the teller wall were affected by the fire that broke out during the robbery last month. Which means the fire had to have started on the opposite wall, which is by the front door, Jesse’s usual station. The smoke from the fire and the three robbers waving guns provided a distraction for Jesse to cover himself with Carlos’ intangibility gel, sneak downstairs past my office, where he had locked me in earlier than day, and then unload the cash from the safe and carry it into the alleyway behind the bank where his car was parked. When the fire trucks arrived, Jesse ran deliberately in front of their hoses so that the gel would all be removed from his body before the police began questioning those of us who had been inside during the robbery. But, as Carlos pointed out, the gel stains the skin for a long time, water alone won’t remove it.
Sheriff Sam brought Jesse back in for questioning based on Carlos’ statements, and found Jesse’s skin was the same dull green as Carlos’ hands. But unlike Carlos, the green stain covered Jesse’s whole body, not only his hands, indicating he had used it to walk through walls, rather than merely reach to a door.
Carlos explained that he had Jesse in his lab many times, Jesse and all my employees come to my house regularly for dinners. Like I said, they’re family to me. Jesse had taken an interest in Carlos’ science projects, so Carlos showed Jesse his doorless fridge experiment. Not long after that, Carlos noticed that the rest of his intangibility gel was gone. He thought he had just run out, even though he had made plenty of it. Never occurred to Carlos, until he saw Jesse’s green face a few days ago, that Jesse had stolen it to remove the money from the vault and his criminal colleagues from their jail cell. While I was the only person with the key to the vault, Jesse as a security guard was the only person with master keys for the rest of the building. My office door is never locked, so I don’t carry a key for it. Jesse knew this and locked me into my own office. Then his three collaborators Richard, William, and Emma created a fake robbery of the cash tills to distract from his heist of the vault. Sheriff Sam was impressed with Carlos’ explanation and arrested Jesse McNeil on the spot. Jesse turned to Carlos and Sam and said: [very deep voice] “I guess I’m going to jail now.” Sam said: [Sheriff Sam voice] “Don’t flatter yourself!”
Anyway, I finally get to return home, thanks to my brother-in-law Carlos. Thank you Susan Willman for managing the bank in my absence. Abby, Janice, I’ll be home in a few. Can’t wait to see you both again. Oh, oh, maybe I’ll bake some scones tonight! Carlos showed me a way to do it without letting the butter too warm. Oh-oh yeah!
Cecil: I’m so relieved and so glad they put the right person behind bars. And I have never been so excited to try one of Steve’s scones. That really is neat.
Stay tuned next for someone playing on a saw. No, ahem, (-) that, with a saw. It’s just someone playing around with a saw. Enjoy.
Good night, Night Vale, Good night.
Today’s proverb: Wisdom ages like fine wine. Knowledge ages like Boston lettuce.
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Two Hundred Seventy-One: Bewildering Experience ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
There’s certain social rules when it comes to high school. Navigating as many of them as you can means getting through those four years a little less scathed. While it’s tedious at best for most, there can still be moments that stand out positively for students. The typical dredgery of classes, homework, tests and exams have the occasional break in the monotony.
For Hinata, this is her final year. A senior at last, whittling at her schedule until graduation next Summer. A rather model student, her college is all picked out, major decided, and all that’s left is to get through this last batch of school days until...well, more schooling. But surely college won’t be nearly the task high school has been, right?
Well...so she hopes.
Hinata has always been a bit of a stereotype. The quiet, nerdy, shy girl...with a crush on the star of the basketball team. Fairly academic, she also branches into some of the more artsy institutions of her high school: choir, theater club, and the occasional art class. She even participates in volleyball and tennis. Her grades are top notch due to her diligence, and...lack of a social life, really. Her quietude means mostly being ignored by her classmates. A few like Sakura, maybe Ino, occasionally drag her along for something. But for the most part, she’s left to her own devices.
The only real talking she does is digitally. She texts, she IMs on Discord, lurks on social media...but she devotes most of her time and energy to her classes, clubs, and sports.
Most of the year passes fairly normally. The typical teenage drama, class difficulties, club activities...and then they enter the last quarter of the year. Hinata’s still in her clubs, and after Winter quarter off from sports, enters her last high school tennis season.
And that’s when things start to get...weird.
For the longest time, Hinata’s crushed on one Naruto Uzumaki: aforementioned basketball player, but also baseball. Alongside him is his best friend, Sasuke Uchiha. Naruto, however, has long crushed on Sakura: a rather jock-like girl who plays sports all year round, ending with softball. The pair seem to be teetering on the edge of finally going out, and...quite obviously, that left Hinata in a bit of a funk.
...but then the unexpected happened.
Sasuke offered to come watch her play. Which, Hinata supposed, wasn’t that unthinkable. They’d been talking about it, Naruto excusing himself due to watching Sakura’s upcoming softball match after Hinata had admitted to planning to watch the boys’ baseball game. She had been rather disappointed until Sasuke spoke up.
...and then he went and confronted her about her dead-end crush once the others had gone.
Hinata was...a bit flabbergasted. But he had a point...Naruto was never going to see her the way she saw him. But it was the subtle hint beneath it that left her a bit bewildered.
...was he…?
A challenging quip resulting in his blush and stutter all but confirmed it: he, in turn, was crushing on her.
...it was completely unexpected. He was one of the most popular guys in their year…! And he...he liked...her…? Why? She’s quiet, uninteresting, unnoticed...not anyone someone like him would care about!
And yet...he did.
Disaster nearly struck when - on her way to the game - she’d gotten a flat tire on her bike. But lo and behold, none other than Sasuke’s mother - also headed to the field - offered to give her a ride. Sitting next to both Mikoto and Kushina, Hinata had watched as they achieved victory, needing only one more win to make it to state.
He’d been surprised to see her there. Made a bit of flustered small talk. And then they’d parted ways rather...awkwardly.
And it only got worse the next time she really got to see him. Nailed by a flyaway baseball bat, he’d been left with a sizeable split in his brow. Hinata, excused from a cancelled practice, offered to take him to the nurse.
Cue more careful dancing around each other, Mikoto even teasing him when he drove home (Hinata accompanying to make sure he was okay to drive).
By then, it wasn’t quite so shocking anymore. Sasuke, quite obviously, despite the breaks in social hierarchy, was very smitten with the class wallflower.
...and after all her considering it, Hinata has decided...maybe she could like him back. He’s a lot sweeter than his typical aloof persona shows. Maybe not quite the brash charm Naruto has that she originally fell for, but...it’s nice. She feels rather at ease talking to him.
So, Hinata decides to break some social rules of her own.
Waiting outside the locker rooms after an afternoon of practice, she ignores the curious looks the other boys give her, clearly suspecting she’s up to something. But Hinata just waits until the proper one emerges.
Startling, Sasuke looks to her with wide eyes...and then promptly goes pink.
...she’s really starting to like when he does that. It’s just so funny compared to his typical composure. To think, she has that sort of power.
“...uh, hi?”
“I got out a little early, so I thought I’d see how your practice went,” Hinata then offers, still smiling at him.
...it’s his turn to look suspicious. “It was...fine? Why?”
“Just make sure you didn’t take any more b-bats to the face.”
His flustered expression gets all the worse, going from pink to bright red. “No! I’m fine, that was just...a freak accident. Besides, you’d probably find a way to hear about it if I did,” Sasuke then mutters, shoving hands into his pockets.
Hinata’s expression warms. “Sorry, I don’t m-mean to tease you. I really do hope you’re okay. How’s your forehead…?”
“It’s pretty much healed up. Really wasn’t that bad.”
After a moment of just...standing awkwardly, Sasuke tentatively starts walking, seeing her follow. “...so, did you...need anything else?”
“No. Not really.”
“...uh, okay. How, uh...how was your practice?”
“Fine! It was a bit of a light day since we have a game in two days, so...coach doesn’t want us too burnt out. That’s why I was able to catch you!”
“Oh...what team are you playing?”
“Iwa. They’re sort of our rivals in tennis. I’m r-really hoping we beat them. We’re already too low in the rankings to go to state, so...this is really our big push for the end of the year.”
Genuine concern bleeds through Sasuke’s expression. “Oh...sorry to hear that.”
“It’s okay. I’m h-hoping it means I can make it to some of your state games!”
“Oh, well…” Sasuke itches his neck, looking a little sheepish. “We still have one more game against Suna...we’re not there yet.”
“But I bet you will be,” Hinata counters, smiling. “You guys have done r-really well! And it would be so neat if you made it there your last year…”
“Yeah...I hope so. My brother’s soccer team went all four years, and won his junior year. I’d like to at least brush up against that, honestly.”
Hinata glances over at the wistfulness in Sasuke’s tone. “...I see. Will he...will he be able to come watch?”
“Maybe...he’s just out of college and working pretty heavily, so he might not have time. But I think the games are live streamed, so...maybe he can catch it that way.”
“That’s true. But...I hope I can go. I think a group of seniors are planning to skip out and go if you make it to the finals!”
“Mhm! I’d go with them, even if my dad might get mad...I’ve never skipped school before.”
Sasuke considers her for a long moment. “...why do you want to go so bad?”
“Well, it’s been a while since any of our school’s teams made it to state! I want to support them.” Looking up, there’s a small sparkle in her eyes. “...and that means you, too.”
A hint of pink creeps back into his face. “...well, uh...thanks.”
“Can I ask you something?”
“Uh, sure. What’s up?”
“I know you’re awfully busy with baseball and stuff, but um…” She looks to the ground, tucking hair behind her ear as she walks. “But...I was wondering if you’d like to...g-go out with me sometime?”
Sasuke actually freezes in his tracks.
Ending up a few paces forward, Hinata turns back toward him, seeing his wide eyes. “Would...would that be okay?”
“You...you’d wanna…?”
Dropping her coy teasing, Hinata softens, smiling warmly at him. “...I know we started off a bit, um...a bit awkwardly. With the whole...Naruto thing. But...it’s been nice getting to know you a little. You’re a very sweet person, Sasuke. I guess...I never got to see that until recently. I was too busy looking at Naruto, and...well, you seem to like to keep that sort of thing h-hidden.”
Slowly, Sasuke’s posture loses its tense edge.
Hinata glances aside, expression a bit unreadable. “...I’m sorry if you...if you had to keep this to yourself for very long. I know how that feels, and...I’m sorry for never noticing.”
“...well, I wasn’t exactly open about it. I just thought...y’know...you couldn’t really be interested with Naruto around.”
“...well, you were right. He’s never going to see me that way, and...maybe I need to try looking elsewhere.” Shyly, she glances up to him. “...maybe at...someone who already sees me.”
Nerves showing through his expression again, Sasuke dusts pink across the bridge of his nose. “...I’d...I’d like to try that. I know the year’s almost over, and...maybe we’ll end up apart once college starts. But...I really do like you, Hinata,” Sasuke offers in a rare moment of openness. “So...yeah. I’ll let you know when I’ve got some time where we can...do something. Hopefully a day will line up, right?”
She nods, smile back in place. “Okay. Here, I’ll...give you my number. And we can...text about it later? When you’ve got a moment?”
“Yeah, sure.” With digits exchanged, the pair stand in silence for a moment. “...y’know, I...wasn’t expecting you to do that. You really caught me off-guard,” Sasuke admits with a huff of a laugh.
“I f-figured I would,” she agrees with a laugh of her own. “But...well, one of us had to say something, right?”
“Yeah...glad you did.”
“...me too. Anyway, I...better get home. Homework and all that,” Hinata sighs.
“Yeah, same. I’ll text you later.”
“Okay!” Giving a beaming wave, she takes off toward the bike rack as Sasuke makes his way to the parking lot. There’s a happy little flutter in her chest. It was a bit of a bewildering experience on both sides, but...for once, she’s glad she took a leap.
Now to see where it will take her…!
     (This is a sequel to days 149, 168, and 183!)      More sportsverse! And I'm slowly making up my behind days xD With this I'm just one behind now, though I'm not sure when I'll have time to be 100% caught up. October is gonna be busy both irl and in regards to writing, so...we'll see!      Anyway, we have Hinata leading the charge for once! Nervous, blushy Sasuke is best Sasuke. And I like Hinata having her bold moments...especially when it's something like this! We officially have a relationship going, woohoo! Maybe another prompt will let me write a date xD We'll have to see!      But yes, for now I've got some irl stuff to get done, but! Thanks, as always, for reading!
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olboypacman · 5 years
3. Young Love (The Cyborg and the Kid)
A/N: The author of the following of claims no ownership of DBZ, or any mentioned characters. I mulled over whether or not I should make this a part of this series. While some of the focus is on 18’s relationship with Gohan, there’s one or two more moving parts to this one-shot. But I figured why the hell not, so here we are. Enjoy.
Erasa’s holding up a two-piece navy-blue bikini to the blue-eyed, ebony haired martial artist before her. “How about this one?” Asked Erasa.
Erasa’s wearing her signature sleeveless, shoulderless green tube top tucked into blue skinny jeans. Erasa’s wearing a look that’s a mixture of hope and amusement as Videl eyes her with the utmost seriousness.
“It’s skimpy, Erasa.” Videl responded coldly.
“Come on V, you’ve said that about every piece I’ve showed you today.”
“Well it’s true!”
“Come on don’t you want to model just one? I mean wouldn’t it be nice to show Gohan,” she pauses, as if contemplating something, stroking her chin, “Oh, what was it he said? ‘How you would look in something more flattering?’” She finished giggling, going back to searching the racks for more swimwear for Videl to potentially model.
Son Gohan had said that, about her!
Happy go lucky, almost always wearing a smile.
Son freaking Gohan.
The same Son Gohan who when hit square in the head by a fastball form Sharpner, didn’t even blink. He didn’t even raise his voice at their bull-headed, blonde-haired friend.
Running her hand through her newly cropped hair she wonders how she even ended up here in the first place.
A few days ago, before class, Erasa had talked Videl into going to the mall to shop for more clothes for the upcoming World Martial Arts Tournament (despite knowing the daughter of Hercule always sticks with bicycle shorts and oversized t-shirts for most occasions).
Somehow, the conversation moved to swimwear, much Videl’s dismay.
Gohan wasn’t even paying attention to their conversation, his face in a book as per the usual.
Erasa had become frustrated with Videl and on whim roped Gohan into their talks.
She’d asked Gohan how he think Videl would look in a bikini.
Gohan had said without hesitation, “Nice, I think. It’d be pretty interesting seeing her in something more flattering.”
Instantly the color had left his face.
He’d immediately gone into panic mode, repeatedly asking the ebony haired girl for forgiveness, constantly saying he didn’t mean anything by it.
The boy from the sticks talked without thinking, that much was clear.
He didn’t have a harmful bone in his body.
At least as far as Videl knew.
But that didn’t matter to her.
As such was in her nature, she’d taken what could’ve been interrupted as an insult and as a personal challenge.
“Yeah! Well I’ll show you Gohan! Why don’t you come with us and you’ll see how flattering I can be!”
Gohan wasn’t the only person who spoke without thinking that day.
And Erasa…
Erasa simply had the most satisfying smirk on her face. Almost like she planned this along.
“Great! It’s date!” She said.
She just had to use that word didn’t she. Thought Videl.
She pats imaginary dust from her oversized t-shirt and bicycle shorts, and reluctantly follows her friend further in the store.
Erasa brings up another number for Videl. This time it’s a collection of strings that somehow is supposed to be a swimsuit.
Red-faced, Videl practically screams at Erasa, “Shouldn’t you being showing Gohan some of these!? He the one that wants to see me in it!”
Clearly having fun, the blonde giggles and then responds, “I get the feeling our Gohan would be happy to see you in anything besides those oversized t-shirts.”
“’Our?’” Questions Videl.
With a knowing smirk, Erasa says, “Whoops! Sorry V didn’t mean to step on your toes. That’s your man after all.” She finished with a wink.
Videl’s unable give Erasa a piece of her mind, as her green tube top clad friend had scampered off, most likely in search of more swimwear.
Against her better judgement, Videl continues to follow Erasa around. Intermittently, Erasa continues show Videl swimsuits. The ebony-haired martial artist continues shooting them down.
Eventually, Erasa makes a proposition. “Hey what do you think of this, think we could get Gohan to model something instead of you?”
She’s holding up a red speedo, maybe a size or two too small for a man about Gohan’s build.
Her eyes find themselves shifting over to where Gohan is. He’s browsing the sunglasses rack. He meets her eyes, and looks away quickly, blush apparent on his face. He’s wearing his familiar red-orange pants with a long-sleeved white shirt under a black vest.
She’s seen him in his training outfit. That purple number that revealed his chest and arms.
Then the thought of him in nothing but that red speedo becomes her all-consuming thought.
Without realizing it, a dopey smile spreads across her face as it becomes as red as her maiden name’s namesake.
“So, I guess you approve, huh?”
“WHAT? NO! I don’t what you’re talking about,” says Videl, crossing her arms, turning her back to Erasa.
The blonde breaks into another fit of laughs at her friend’s expense. A strong gust of wind suddenly goes throw the shop and their friend is gone.
She looks around, and says, “Where did Gohan go? He was just here!”
They each share a look and say simultaneously, “Food court.”
Saiyans are mostly driven by two things.
Battle and hunger.
Despite it going against his physiology being only half Saiyan, Gohan has a disposition towards fighting.
He only does so when absolutely necessary.
But at this current moment he finds himself being driven more by the latter part of his nature.
The food court is awash with displays of food and smells most delectable to the young half saiyan.
Pizzas, fried chicken, subs.
Gohan can’t really decide on anything.
But anything would do to get his mind off his situation.
Those swimsuits Erasa was suggesting Videl try on kept getting more and more revealing, much to his and Videl’s embarrassment.
The last straw was when she’d suggested he try on something, pulling an undersized red speedo seemingly out of nowhere.
With his abilities, he went on his way without either of them being the wiser.
That darn Erasa!
Smiling that darn smug smile like she knew something he and Videl didn’t.
She just had to go and ask him how he’d think Videl would look in swimwear.
And he just had to go and speak from his heart without thinking.
And Videl went and took it the wrong way.
Like when he’d made the comment about her hair.
He didn’t mind the long pigtails on his blued eyed classmate.
He didn’t think she looked bad with it cut short.
And she'd cut her hair at his suggestion.
That must mean he must have made some sort of impression if she changed her appearance at something he said.
But that could mean she could possibly return his feelings.
The thought both scares and excites him.
“There’s a saiyan on deck! Might as well shut down the court!” Yells a familiar voice.
He looks around trying to find who it was that yelled at him.
He eventually spots a family of three at one the tables in the food court, two of which are waiving at him.
He makes his way to the seated family of Krillin, 18, and Marron.
Marron’s dressed in black jeans, black and white sneakers and a red t-shirt with a chibi caricature of Videl on it in a fighting pose, as she waves excitedly at the half saiyan with the widest of smiles on her face.
18’s waving is much more subdued, as is her expression: a slight smile, damn near incomprehensible if one didn’t look carefully enough. She dressed in a black shirt with white sleeves accented with thin gray strips, with blue jeans, black flats and orange socks.
Krillin is muttering quietly to himself, elbows on the table, hands in his hair over a container of what smells like bourbon chicken. He’s completely oblivious to what’s going on around him. He’s dressed in a solid black t-shirt with kaki pants and black shoes.
“Hey guys! What’s up with Krillin?” Asks Gohan.
“Hey Gohan!” Says Marron, running up to the half saiyan.
“Hey kid,” answers 18. She looks to Krillin, her slight smile becoming just a bit more than for just a moment. “Don’t mind him. He’s been going on about bourbon chicken recipes for the last few weeks. About how he can never get the ingredients right to match the taste of what they serve at the malls.* Marron and I tell him his is just as good if not better. What they serve here is fine if just a bit too sweet for my tastes.” She leans over and kisses Krillin on the top of his head. “I don’t know what to do with him.”
“Thanks babe.” Says Krillin. “How are you Gohan? What are you doing all the way out in Satan City, on a Saturday?”
Gohan thinks of the two girls he left in that clothing store and red begins to creep up on his face. “Well, I’m helping a few friends from school with some shopping.”
“Really Gohan? Then what is it that’s got you red faced, hmm? These friends of yours don’t happen to be girls, do they?” Asked 18.
“How’d…?” Trailed off Gohan.
“Chi-Chi told me and Bulma.”
“And what are these,” she stops for a moment barely able to contain her amusement, “girl friends of yours shopping for exactly?”
Gohan’s blush deepens.
“Come on kid, tell us!” Says Krillin, the needling of his young friend seemingly knocking him out his funk.
Krillin leans toward Gohan, as to tell him some secret. “You weren’t shopping for ‘unmentionables’ with them, were you?”
Both Krillin and 18 crack big wide smiles.
Gohan, unable to take the pressure the couple staring him down, “Swimsuits, bikinis.” He mumbles.
“Two girls,” said Krillin.
“At the same time”, responded 18.
“Hey, it’s not like that. One’s a good friend, the other one well…” Gohan trailed off.
They both burst out laughing, much to the young half saiyan’s chagrin.
Marron’s looking to her mother and father, and Gohan in confusion, missing the joke.
Krillin picks up on it and plucks Marron from her chair. He cuddles the young blonde close to him and says, “Our little Gohan’s growing up!”
She giggles at her father’s exclamations and affections.
He places Marron back down, patting his stomach. “I think all this bourbon chicken’s starting to catch up to me, excuse me. Take care of my girls while I’m gone Gohan!”
18 waives him off as he walks away, “I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself I’ll have you know.” She said with a smile.
Erasa had managed to talk Videl into buying one swimsuit.
A purple one-piece.
They mainly did it to buy time before they went to hunt down Gohan at the food court.
They’ve seen the boy eat before and it’s not a sight they care to subject themselves to too often if they can help it.
If Videl was being honest with herself, she’d admit she’s a little disappointed she didn’t get to model it for Gohan.
It was the lone piece she’d tried on today.
Seemingly picking up on her friend’s thoughts, Erasa says, “It suited you V. I thought it was flattering at least. Though I do think you’d really catch Gohan’s attention with a two-piece.”
“Thanks, Erasa, I really apricate it.”
The two continue to walk, making idle chatter until they reach food court.
They look around in search of their friend until Erasa exclaims, “I think I found him! And who’s that blonde with him?”
“What?” Videl practically screams in response.
“She’s beautiful too. She must be a model or something.” Says Erasa. “Oh, she’s got the cutest little girl with her too, must be her daughter. They look pretty chummy.”
So that’s it, huh?
He ditched them to pick up girls in the food court.
A sinking feeling begins to creep its way into her gut.
“I thought… I thought…” Videl mumbles to herself.
“Ah, V, maybe it’s not as bad as it seems. Maybe they’re just friends.”
18 places a hand on Gohan’s as she laughs.
‘Two-timer’ is the word that pops into her mind.
But that word would imply feelings she’s not ready acknowledge, or at least she wasn’t ready to acknowledge them before today.
She releases a breath, steeling herself for what she’s about to do, throws her bag toward Erasa and storms off.
“Videl! Videl wait!”
Behind the taller boy there’s a bit of a commotion.
18 hears a young lady calling another’s name, and she sees a teenaged girl, with short black hair and steeled blue eyes heading straight in their direction.
Her young friend’s crush.
Videl Satan.
“Look out Gohan, we’ve got a hot one coming in.” Said 18.
She points in the direction of the oncoming Satan.
“Hey Videl! This is…”
“Don’t you ‘hey Videl’ me!” She screams getting into Gohan’s face.
She's a personal space invader, this Videl is. Thinks 18.
She can relate to invading the space of her of crush.
Before she and Krillin were officially an item, 18 always found ways to break down the barriers of personal space that left her little monk red-faced, sputtering and finding one excuse or another to excuse himself in order to hide his embarrassment. She would sometimes chase him down to see what else adorable reactions she could coax out of him. 18 still on occasion invades Krillin's personal space, he still sputters and gets embarrassed about it, but he doesn't excuse himself anymore. She glances down to her wedding ring. He either really loves me, or he knows better. Or both. 18 giggles to herself.
Erasa reaches Videl, just before she goes into her tirade, “Videl, calm down! Let’s just think about this.” Said Erasa.
“You ditched us to pick up girls at the food court!” Screamed Videl.
“Wha…?” Responds 18.
“Kami! You’re Videl Satan!” Interjects Marron.
“OK. OK. Multi-pronged attack going on here.” Says 18.
She gets up from her seat and forces distance between Videl and Gohan, shoving them apart. A look of mild surprise is on Videl’s face, likely at the slender, curvy woman’s strength.
“OK.” Says 18. She takes Marron by the hand, leading her to the Satan girl. “Go ahead sweetie, you were saying?”
Marron shyly approaches the young Martial Artist, excitement at meeting a genuine celebrity obvious in her bright eyes, “Miss Videl, I’m a big fan of yours. I especially like that you fight crime with Goh-“, she stops immediately her eyes darting to Gohan, realizing her mistake, “Great Saiyaman.”
Videl’s anger melts away at the sight of the earnest and bright-eyed fan. She drops to a knee, “What’s your name?” She asks.
“I’m Marron.”
She motions the little girl closer to her, and whispers, “It ok, Marron. I already know the secret. Gohan is Saiyaman.”
As if its even physically possible, Marron’s expression brightens even more. “If its not too much trouble Miss Videl, can I get your autograph?”
“Sure thing.”
The little girl scrambles immediately for something to sigh with.
“Here you go,” says 18 handing Marron a marker. “Can you sign her shirt, Miss Videl?” Said 18 with a teasing smile.
A similar smile that Erasa wore earlier today.
“Uh, sure,” Marron hands the marker to Videl and the martial artist goes about signing Marron’s shirt.
Marron, as pleased as punch, holds the bottom hem of her shirt in her hand, stretching it out slightly, admiring her official Videl Satan merch freshly signed by the heroine herself!
Marron launches herself at the Satan girl, “Thank you so much Miss Videl,” said Marron. She scampers over to her mother.
“Alright, now that’s taken care of what was it you were saying?” Said 18, referring to Videl.
“You and Gohan, flirting.”
“Excuse me?” Said 18, flipping her hair out her face.
“And you’re married!?” Said Videl incredulously, pointing to 18’s wedding ring.
At the implication 18's first instinct is go on the attack, like she often does whenever Vegeta's more abrasive nature collides with her. On the other hand, living with and learning some of the practices of Krillin's former life as a monk is causing her to reconsider that option. At the thought of further agitating the young lady before her, 18 thinks of example she's setting forth for Marron, not to mention what Krillin would think of her for further escalating the situation.
At the consideration of her family she takes a serious expression, folds her arms and says, "Videl. I've seen much about your crime fighting on the news, not mention what I've heard from Gohan here," she said jamming her thumb in his direction. What she does next would make Krillin proud (if would hurry up from his visit to the bathroom) and stuns Gohan. She bows respectfully and says, "Thank you for taking care of Gohan while he's in school and the city. And no, Gohan wasn’t flirting with me. As you pointed out, I’m happily married and to the best man a lady can ask for. I’ve known Gohan since he was 10-“
“11,” interrupts Gohan.
“What?” Says 18, turning to the half saiyan.
“You’ve known me since I was 11.” Gohan said plainly.
“But, Fuckface’s data base-“
“Hyperbolic Time Chamber.”
18 sighs, then turns back to Videl, “As I was saying, I’ve known Gohan since he 11. While I'm sure there's some young lady out there who'd be happy to have him, he's more like the little brother I never had.”
“But what about 17?” Said Gohan.
She scoffs, “I stand corrected once again. Gohan’s like the little brother I occasionally want to throttle, unlike my twin, whom I constantly want to throttle. But his constant interruptions are surely testing that theory.”
“Sorry,” said Gohan meekly.
“So, I thought,” Videl stammers, “oh Kami! I’m so sorry ma’am. I just. I don’t know.”
18 approaches the girl and puts a hand on her shoulder, giving her sympathetic smile. “Gohan,” she says turning to the young man, “do me a favor and take Marron to the merry-go-round please? I’d like to have a discussion with Videl and her friend here.”
“Uh, sure 18, lets go Marron,” said Gohan as he picked up the three-year-old.
18 waits until Gohan’s out of ear sight before she speaks.
“So, you’re head over heels for our boy, huh? That look in your eyes when you were storming over here. If looks could kill, I’d be dead a few times over.”
Videl looks away from the older blonde, “I like him, okay! I wouldn’t venture as far to say, ‘head over heels,’ but…” she trails off as a blush creeps it’s way up her face.
“Our girl’s it bad, whether she wants to admit it or not.” Says Erasa, as she takes her friend into an embrace.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t get your name?” Said 18.
“Erasa,” said the blonde extending her hand. “So, your name’s 18, huh? Interesting.”
“My father was, well that’s not important right now. What was your game here today?”
Erasa cracks that smile one more time, “I haven’t the faintest idea what you’re talking about.”
“Come on Erasa, I was talking to Gohan before all this jumped off. Videl maybe a Satan but you’re the devil,” said 18 cracking a smile of her own.
“Okay fine. I thought I could get Videl to model skimpy swimsuits for Gohan. Luckily, I managed to get both them to come to this trip. This smile and bright eyes are hard to say no too. I figured I can embarrass those two into admitting their feelings for each other. Or at the very least find great entertainment at their reactions which could have been delicious."
“I think I found a new friend.” Said 18.
Krillin comes back to the table, eating an egg roll and sipping a soda, “Hey, where’d Gohan and Marron go?”
“Merry-go-around,” answered 18.
He takes a look at the two girls and 18, “I feel like I missed something here.”
“You were right babe,” said 18 as she ran a hand through her husband’s hair, “our little Gohan’s growing up.”
*Real life strikes, someone help me!!
Read this and more @https://www.fanfiction.net/~olboypacman
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fabulousfabstuff · 6 years
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Rien de très intéressant par ici, juste la liste complète de la collection de synecdoques vinyles(299) qui envahissent mon appartement.
ARTISTTitle24 CARAT BLACKGhetto: Misfortune's WealthA TRIBE CALLED QUESTWe Got It From Here…thank You 4 Your ServiceABBEY LINCOLNThat's HimAL GREENLet's Stay TogetherAL GREENI'm Still In Love With YouAL GREENI Can't StopALAIN BASHUNGChattertonALAIN BASHUNGFantaisie MilitaireALAIN BASHUNGL'imprudenceAMY WINEHOUSEBack To BlackANDERSON .PAAKMalibuANDERSON .PAAKOxnardANDREYA TRIANALost Where I BelongANDREYA TRIANAGiantsARETHA FRANKLINAretha ArrivesARETHA FRANKLINLady SoulARNOHuman IncognitoART BLAKEY QUINTETA Night At Birdland, Vol.2ART BLAKEY QUINTETMoanin'ARTO LINDSAY / AMBITIOUS LOVERSEnvyAYOTicket To The WorldBANKSGoddessBARBARA LYNNHere Is Barbara LynnBENJAMIN CLEMENTINEAt Least For NowBENJAMIN CLEMENTINEI Tell A FlyBERNARD WRIGHTMr. WrightBETTY DAVISIs It Love Or DesireBETTY HARRISThe Lost Queen Of New Orleans SoulBETTYE LAVETTENearer To YouBILL EVANS TRIOSunday at The Village VanguardBILL WITHERSBill Withers' Greatest HitsBILLIE HOLIDAYLadyBILLIE HOLIDAYLover ManBILLY COBHAMCrosswindsBILLY COBHAMMagicBILLY COBHAMSpectrumBILLY COBHAMTotal EclipseBILLY OCEANTear Down These WallsBLACK SABBATHBlack SabbathBLOOD ORANGECoastal GroovesBLOOD ORANGECupid DeluxeBLOOD ORANGEFreetown SoundBLOOD ORANGENegro SwanBOBBY WOMACKThe Bravest Man In The UniverseBREAKBOTStill WatersBRIGITTE FONTAINE13 Chansons Décadentes Et FantasmagoriquesCARIBOUOur LoveCARIBOUSwimCHAKA KHANHello HappinessCHARLES BRADLEYChangesCHARLES BRADLEYVictim Of LoveCHARLES BRADLEYNo Time For DreamingCHARLOTTE GAINSBOURGRestCHET BAKERChetCHET BAKERChet Baker SingsCHET BAKERIt Could Happen To YouCHRISTIAN SCOTTStretch MusicCLAUDE LUTERClaude LuterCOMMONLike Water For ChocolateCOURTNEY PINEJourney To The Urge WithinCURTIS MAYFIELDSuperflyCURTIS MAYFIELDCurtisCYMANDECymandeD'ANGELOBrown SugarD'ANGELOVoodooD'ANGELOBlack MessiahDEPECHE MODEDelta MachineDEPECHE MODEExciterDEPECHE MODEPlaying The AngelDEPECHE MODESpiritDIANA ROSSDianaDOMINIQUE A.AuguriDOUNIAH & HIGH JOHNDream BabyEL COCODancing In ParadiseEL MICHELS AFFAIRReturn To The 37th ChamberEL MICHELS AFFAIRSounding Out The CityELLA FITZGERALDLive At The Deutschlandhalle In BerlinELLA FITZGERALD & LOUIS ARMSTRONGElla And LouisELLA MAIElla MaiERIK TRUFFAZMantisERIK TRUFFAZThe MaskERYKAH BADUBaduizmERYKAH BADUNew Amerykah: Part One (4th World War)ERYKAH BADUNew Amerykah Part Two: Return Of The AnkhERYKAH BADUWorldwide UndergroundESPERANZA SPALDINGChamber Music SocietyESPERANZA SPALDINGEmily's D+evolutionESPERANZA SPALDINGJunjoESPERANZA SPALDINGRadio Music SocietyESPERANZA SPALDING12 Little SpellsFATIMAAnd Yet It's All LoveFATIMAYellow MemoriesFEISTMetalsFEISTPleasureFEISTThe ReminderFREDDIE HUBBARDBreaking PointFUGEESThe ScoreGASPARD SOMMERAsking QuestionsGOTYEMaking MirrorsGRACE JONESIsland LifeGREGORY PORTERLiquid SpiritGREGORY PORTERTake Me To The AlleyGREGORY PORTERWaterGURUJazzmatazz, Vol.1HERBIE HANCOCKMaiden VoyageHI-TEKHi-teknologyIBEYIIbeyiIBEYIAshICE-TPowerIGGY POPPost Pop DepressionIGGY POPFreeJ DILLADonutsJACK WHITELazarettoJAINZanakaJAMES BROWNSlaughter's Big Rip-offJAMES BROWNThe PaybackJAMES BROWN & THE FAMOUS FLAMESPlease, Please, PleaseJAMES BROWN & THE J.B.'SGet Down With James Brown: Live At The Apollo Volume IVJANE BIRKINLolita Go HomeJANELLE MONÁEThe Electric LadyJAY-ZAmerican GangsterJAY-ZThe Blueprint² The Gift & The CurseJHENÉ AIKOSouled OutJIMI TENOROrder Of NothingnessJIMMY SMITHThe Sermon!JOE HENDERSONPage OneJOE SIMONGet DownJOHN COLTRANEBlue TrainJORJA SMITHLost & FoundJOSHUA REDMAN QUARTETMoodswingJOSÉ JAMESNo Beginning No EndJOSÉ JAMESWhile You Were SleepingJOSÉ JAMESYesterday I Had The Blues: The Music Of Billie HolidayJOY DIVISIONUnknown PleasuresJUSTIN TIMBERLAKEThe 20/20 ExperienceKANYE WESTMy Beautiful Dark Twisted FantasyKASHIFCondition Of The HeartKATE BUSHNever For EverKELISFoodKELLY FINNIGANThe Tales People TellKENNY DORHAM WITH CANNONBALL ADDERLEYBlue SpringKENNY DORHAM WITH SONNY ROLLINSJazz ContrastsLAURYN HILLThe Miseducation Of Lauryn HillLEE MORGANThe SidewinderLEE MORGANCornbreadLEE MOSESTime And PlaceLEON BRIDGESComing HomeLEON BRIDGESGood ThingLIANNE LA HAVASBloodLIANNE LA HAVASIs Your Love Big Enough?LYN COLLINSThink (About It)MACEO PARKERLife On Planet GrooveMADLIBShades Of Blue (Madlib Invades Blue Note)MADONNALike A VirginMADONNAThe First AlbumMADVILLAINMadvillainyMALIA, BORIS BLANKConvergenceMARLENA SHAWThe Spice Of LifeMARLENA SHAWWho Is This Bitch, Anyway?MARVA WHITNEYIt's My ThingMARVIN GAYEMidnight LoveMARVIN GAYETrouble ManMARVIN GAYEWhat's Going OnMARY WELLSBye Bye Baby, I Don't Want To Take A ChanceMARY WELLSMary Wells Sings My GuyMASSIVE ATTACKBlue LinesMASSIVE ATTACKProtectionME'SHELL NDEGÉOCELLOPour Une Âme Souveraine A Dedication To Nina SimoneMICHAEL KIWANUKAHome AgainMICHAEL KIWANUKALove & HateMICHAEL KIWANUKAOut Loud!MILES DAVISKind Of BlueMINNIE RIPERTONLes Fleurs The Minnie Riperton AnthologyMORCHEEBACharangoMORCHEEBAFragments Of FreedomMORPHINECure For PainMOUNT KIMBIELove What SurvivesMÉLISSA LAVEAUXCamphor & CopperMÉLISSA LAVEAUXDying Is A Wild NightMÉLISSA LAVEAUXRadyo SiwèlN*E*R*DNothingN.W.A.Straight Outta ComptonNASIllmaticNAS & DAMIAN MARLEYDistant RelativesNICK CAVE AND THE BAD SEEDSMurder BalladsNICK WATERHOUSENick WatherhouseNINA SIMONEPastel BluesNINE INCH NAILSHesitation MarksNIRVANANevermindNORAH JONESCome Away With MeNORAH JONESFeels Like HomeNU GUINEANuova NapoliOVERCOATSYoungOXMO PUCCINOL'arme De PaixOXMO PUCCINOLa Voix LactéeOXMO PUCCINORoi Sans CarrosseOXMO PUCCINOLa Nuit De RéveilPJ HARVEYLet England ShakePJ HARVEYTo Bring You My LovePJ HARVEYWhite ChalkPARCELSParcelsPEDERAnd He Just Pointed To The Sky...PINK FLOYDThe WallPORTISHEADPortisheadPRINCESign "O" The TimesPRINCELovesexyPRINCE1999PRINCEArt Official AgePRINCE & 3RDEYEGIRLPlectrumelectrumPUBLIC ENEMYApocalypse 91... The Enemy Strikes BlackPUBLIC ENEMYFear Of A Black PlanetR+R=NOWCollagically SpeakingRAPHAEL SAADIQThe Way I See ItRICK JAMESReflectionsRICK JAMESStreet SongsROBERT GLASPER EXPERIMENTBlack RadioROBERT GLASPER EXPERIMENTBlack Radio 2RODOLPHE BURGERGoodROLAND KIRKThe Inflated TearROY AYERSCoffyROY AYERS UBIQUITYA Tear To A SmileROY AYERS UBIQUITYEverybody Loves The SunshineRYO FUKUIMellow DreamRYO FUKUISceneryRYO FUKUIA Letter From SlowboatSADEDiamond LifeSADELove DeluxeSADELovers RockSADEPromiseSADESoldier Of LoveSADEStronger Than PrideSANTIGOLDMaster Of My Make BelieveSANTOGOLDSantogoldSERGE GAINSBOURGAux Armes Et CæteraSERGE GAINSBOURGBest Of - Gainsbourg - Comme Un BoomerangSERGE GAINSBOURGCouleur CafeSERGE GAINSBOURGL'étonnant Serge Gainsbourg (N°3)SERGE GAINSBOURGLa JavanaiseSERGE GAINSBOURGLe Poinçonneur Des LilasSERGE GAINSBOURGSerge GainsbourgSHADOWSweet Sweet DreamsSHANNONLet The Music PlaySHARON JONES & THE DAP-KINGS100 Days, 100 NightsSHARON JONES & THE DAP-KINGSDap-dippin' With...SHARON JONES & THE DAP-KINGSGive The People What They WantSHARON JONES & THE DAP-KINGSI Learned The Hard WaySHARON JONES & THE DAP-KINGSNaturallySHARON JONES & THE DAP-KINGSSoul Time!SOLANGEA Seat At The TableSOLANGEWhen I Get HomeSONNY ROLLINSVolume TwoST GERMAINTouristSTAN GETZ / JOÃO GILBERTO FEATURING ANTONIO CARLOS JOBIMGetz / GilbertoSTEVE WINWOODBack In The High LifeSTEVIE WONDERHotter Than JulySTUFF COMBEStuff Combe 5 + PercussionTAKUYA KURODARising SonTALKING HEADS77TEDDY PENDERGRASSWorkin' It BackTHE CUREPornographyTHE DAVE BRUBECK QUARTETTime Further Out (Miro Reflections)THE DAVE BRUBECK QUARTETTime OutTHE DAVE BRUBECK QUARTET FEATURING: PAUL DESMONDRecorded Live At Newport Jazz FestivalTHE DELIJazz CatTHE DOORSL.A. WomanTHE DOORSMorrison HotelTHE DOORSStrange DaysTHE DOORSThe DoorsTHE DOORSWaiting For The SunTHE ISLEY BROTHERSWinner Takes AllTHE PHARCYDEPlain RapTHE ROOTSHow I Got OverTHE S.O.S. BANDDiamonds In The RawTHE STOOGESRare PowerTHE STOOGESThe StoogesTHE YOUNG GODSData Mirage TangramTONY ALLENThe SourceTOWER OF POWERBump CityTROMBONE SHORTYFor TrueWAYNE SHORTERSpeak No EvilWENDY RENEAfter Laughter Comes Tears: Complete Stax & Volt Singles + Rarities 1964-1965WILLIE HUTCHThe MackWU-TANG CLANEnter The Wu-tang (36 Chambers)YELLOTouch YelloYOUN SUN NAHLentoOriginal Sound Track AlbumCLIFF MARTINEZ - DriveOriginal Sound Track AlbumHERBIE HANCOCK - Blow-upOriginal Sound Track AlbumISAAC HAYES - ShaftOriginal Sound Track AlbumJ.J. JOHNSON / JOE SIMON / MILLIE JACKSON - Cleopatra JonesOriginal Sound Track AlbumMILES DAVIS - Ascenseur Pour L'échafaud (Lift To The Scaffold)Original Sound Track Album Original Sound Track AlbumJackie BrownOriginal Sound Track AlbumPulp FictionOriginal Sound Track AlbumPRINCE AND THE REVOLUTION - Purple RainOriginal Sound Track AlbumVinyl: Music From The Hbo Original Series Volume 1VARIOUSThai Funk Volume OneVARIOUSWake Up You! The Rise And Fall Of Nigerian Rock 1972-1977 Vol. 2VARIOUSWe Out Here
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simcophogi · 5 years
hello r u doing ok?
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@starshine-sims THANK YOU!!! ♥
@surreysimmer @awolzai TY! I LOVE YOU GUYS!! Sorry, I went mia, I MISS U T^T
save yourself and just keep scrolling
I’m gonna drop a lot of shit fyi. tldr at the bottom if you don’t wanna read all this heavy garbage.
So for a general refresher on my life, because no one asked and i feel like oversharing in this chili’s tonight, we’re gonna dive in deep. I dropped out of college to deal with a shit ton of mental health problems last year. (severe depression, anxiety, toxic relationships, toss in some trauma from an ex-boyfriend, lots of panic attacks, like the list is massive) I had one year (or so) left so that really sucked and ended up hurting more than helping me mentally. Tack on emotional stress of now trying to figure out how to write a resume without adding the fancy BA in arts/technology (whatever the fuck I was doing), and trying to find a job before the boredom eats me alive. But not actually having a resume to give people makes that quite difficult. Plus living with my parents, who I adore and they’ve been helpful and wonderful and I couldn’t ask for more understanding or more supportive people, but I’m super cozy and haven’t had an intense need to get out of the house yet. Even though I really miss living on my own. 
My doctor has me on medication that ruined my appetite, so I’m eating maybe?? once a day? It’s not good. It’s helped with anxiety at least, so I’m enjoying the outdoors and occasionally getting out of the house. I wake up every few hours wanting food but not being able to eat it, so I'm exhausted. I’ve gotten to watch the sunrise a lot though. It’s beautiful but I would love to watch it without hearing my stomach roar. 
It’s been at least a month since all that and it’s gotten better, I’m at least sort of eating lunch and dinner. Maybe a snack during the day. Still not optimal though, still watching that wonderful sunrise and it’s really peaceful in the mornings I’ll give it that. I have good days that I’ll actually try to be social, but the majority are just, I lay in bed and watch the ceiling fan until I get called down for dinner, or I deem it an acceptable time to sleep. It’s incredibly dull and HOT DAMN I wish I could actually sit and play sims because I want to, but the excitement is just not there. Sometimes there’s a spark but it always fizzles out before I do anything.
+ if this wasn’t enough ranting already for you, add on the fact that my girlfriend/best friend went mia for another 3 months, came back and has been sporadically going offline and not contacting me for days at a time. She’ll come back, explain what happened and then we go back to normal. And then she’ll disappear again. It’s incredibly draining for both of us, and I’m always livid when this happens because a warning would’ve been nice or something but it’s almost always a reason out of her control that I won’t go into detail on bc it’s family/personal related. But it always seems like there’s something I could be doing or something she could be doing. Or that she’s not trying to talk to me, or she’s not trying hard enough and then I feel like shit because I know she is doing all she can. (A lot of or’s and what if’s here. She’s been mia since Sunday so I’ve had time to think of all the possibilities of what’s happened this time and it’s quite a ride.) I’ve never doubted her before, I mean we constantly talk about the day we’re living together, getting to take care of each other and doing face masks and playing stupid games. Married and have kids + trying to see how many dogs we can have without dying. We’re both incredibly excited for that. But this is happening more often and it feels like there’s some easier solution that we’re both missing. The distance hasn’t ever really been a problem for us, or at least not a major one. But six years have kind of/sort of finally started to wear us down and there’s this ache when I talk to her sometimes because I want her next to me. I want to be able to go on road trips with her and randomly bring home stupid gifts. I want to be able to buy her family things and play dumb drinking games with them. I want to be able to ask her when she’s getting home and have it mean when are you going to be able to hug me. I wanna have dumb fights that we settle with lightsabers. 
I’m moving on before I start bawling.
Literally, all my problems (or a large majority) would be solved if I could get a job. And there’s the cycle. I need a job to get money to visit my girlfriend, but I need a resume to get a job. I need a job/purpose to help kick me out of this depressive funk I’m in but I need a resume. And I need to not be so depressed and critical if I’m going to actually write a resume because every time I look at it and try to write it I break down sobbing and I feel like a failure and OOF. Plus I need some motivation to actually work on things to put in a portfolio so I can get a job that I actually like and won’t hate. 
If you read all of that I’ll send you a picture of Fudge because you are a fucking trooper. (and that’s also all i have to give but like you deserve something LOL) 
tl;dr Hi, I’m not ok. Like at all. Taking it day by day, looking on the bright side of things (trying to at least). I’ll be lurking, but I won’t be posting anything. Maybe the occasional reblog, but I’m just going on an indefinite hiatus until something gets sorted. I’m not super amazing at talking to people right now but I’m way more active on discord so if you want to chat feel free to add me and say hi (meg#5181). I’ll still talk here but I might take a while to answer.
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