#thanks for the ask fumi!
terrovaniadorm · 1 year
For the Halloween ask... what If Flynn and Nanoya wanted to catch Keres of guard as a surprise. You know serial killers better than I do so if it's alright I wouod leave the choice to you who they would look best at. If not... I can offer their dorm skeleton costumes too.
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Keres is happy that their constant horror infodumps worked~ They are very happy to see the polisonalle duo!! They were successful at surprising Keres, hopefully they can enjoy their time at the party.
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ellovett · 2 years
I want chaos instead of ships
So I dare to Kiss you with Jesse and Nakamura, Beatrice and Godfrey,
Just me being random for fun.
DAMNN I LIKE THIS APPROACH OK LETS GO [lets just imagine that like the reader dared them or smthn KDJHJ to make things easier for me]
also these r long im srry like the first draft i realized that i wrote the intros too long and i had to cut it BAHDHAHA
"Ah, Nakamura, there you are." The demon spots the white-haired as he briskly walks over.
"Noctis." His brows rose, not fully expecting for his attention to be called, especially from a fellow professor from the other school. The interschool staff meeting had just concluded, which was mostly just about future events and festivals, so everyone was leaving.
But Jesse..he seemed to be in a rush, did he need to talk about something urgent?
"I have something to request of you."
Nakamura blinked. "I see, you seem to be making haste..what is it that you mmph-!"
His words were muffled as their lips suddenly met with his. Eyes widening as he stumbles back a little, with Jesse's hand instinctively grabbing his wrist to stop him from falling back. They pull away as quickly as they started, letting go of Nakamura, who was slightly out of breath, felt his face slightly burn.
"I.." He pants, directly contrasting Jesse's calm demeanor, as he blinks towards the other man completely unfazed, as if he hadn't just kissed his co-worker with such passion and fervor, "What the in the name of god was that-!"
"I, unfortunately, have been dared by a co-worker of yours." He huffs, a clawed hand fixing his hair that had become slightly disheveled. "How curious, really, how the people of this world turn these sorts of things into ..juvenile party games. Honestly, talk about peer pressure."
They complained, not noticing Nakamura's appalled stare, he knew how the otherworld-ly demon was kept unaware of some aspects of human culture, but he didn't know that they could be this dense..
"...Noctis, you do realize that in a game of 'truth and dare', you can refuse to take said dare?"
It was now Jesse's turn to be confused. "You can do that..?"
??? Did he not.. "Yes..you can.." Nakamura replied.
His mouth hung open, as if to speak, before closing it again. His pale cheeks dusting a light pink, "Wh- I didn't- I wasn't told that .." He sighed, excusing themselves before swiftly turning a heel and sauntering out of the conference room. "UNOSIS." He yelled.
Of course! Fucking Unosis! Nakamura exclaimed in his head, following the demon suit.
"Godfrey, darling."
"Yes?" He calls, not looking up from the work on his desk as his friend, Beatrice walked up to him, bending down to lean her elbow on his desk.
"May I kiss you?"
Godfrey's hand falters in its writing, facing his friend with a calm look and a raised brow. "So forward, Bee, at least take me out to dinner first.." He jokes. "What for?" He then asks seriously.
There wasn't single trace of flusteredness in their expression. Beatrice expected this, Godfrey was always stiff as stone when it came to receiving romantic advances, despite him being oh-so coquettish himself.
"Hmm.." Leaning back, Godfrey hums as he glances at his side and towards their onlooking co-worker that had a certain..look..on their face. Catching on, he shifts his eyes to Beatrice. "Let me guess, this is for a dare, isn't it?"
She leans in with a smile. "Just go along with it." And Godfrey shrugs in response. "Fine by me."
Without any further words they kiss. A quick yet soft one, despite this being the first time that they had ever done something like this. With neither of them out of breath and their composure's still solid, they pull away.
She feigns a hurt look, "How interrogative of you, can't a woman just kiss her dear colleague without rhyme nor reason?"
"Oh, she can. Don't get me wrong." Godfrey leans back from his desk. "But if my intuition is correct, then I say we give that little darer of yours a show, perhaps an encore?" He teases, proposing that they do it again. "I'm a damn good actor, yknow."
Beatrice rolls her eyes in a playful annoyance, scoffing.
"Tempting, but aren't you pushing it a little now?" She plays along.
"Pfft- I only jest, Honeybee!" He laughs, throwing his head back. "Now if that's all you're here for, I'd like to return to my work, a kiss doesn't grade papers..as much as I wish it did."
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starry-night-rose · 2 years
Carol rarely gives nicknames, but I can see her call Ellis sometimes Elly... she is just usually not so the type for it.
Yasuno would call Victoria Babe, Pretty eyes, V.... he is just very casual about it even before their relationship to know he finds her handsome.
Fennec is also someone who rarely uses them but I think he did call her his light before... as in that he would come back to the light she emits from his journey... his light home.
Awwwww I love the nickname elly! I’m also sometimes called it so I am very fond of it! I can definitely see Ellis responding to it positively!
Victoria probably brushed off being called babe but pretty eyes will definitely make her happy! She enjoys the fact that people find her eyes enchanting! I can also see Victoria liking being called V as it sounds kind of mysterious in a way! okay but fennec calling Ellis his light is just so romantic to me like aaaaaaa like yes Ellis will definitely love being called his light. It’s just so sweet and wholesome!
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tonyboneysblog · 4 months
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parings: hawks x mother!reader
word count: 3.2k
warnings: none!
notes: “die Ryuji” we all say in unison while holding hands. (Thought it would be appropriate to post this on Mother’s Day…)
summary: You, the mother of Fumikage Tokoyami, are just a simple nurse! Who caught the eye of a certain pro.
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It had only been a few days since the villains attacked U.A. high, your son Fumikage said he had something important to tell you.
“Don’t get mad, okay?” Tokoyami says while twirling his fingers together.
“Just tell me Fumikage” you reply with annoyance. you hated it when Fumikage dragged things out, felt like he was about to tell you a family member died but really all he did was accidentally break a plate.
you don’t know why he became like that, he used to just clean it up and go on with his day.
“U.A. is going to have their sports festival, and I was wondering-“
“Already? Didn’t they just get attacked by villains.” You say with a disapproving tone, seriously what was U.A. doing…
“They wanted to prove that this attacked hasn’t affected us.”
“I doubt that’s going to go well.”
showing the villains all of the students skills sets is such an amazing idea U.A.! You thought with sarcasm dripping from it, you didn’t want to say that infront of Fumikage- he likes that school too much.
Fumikage hesitates slightly, “Do you think you be able to see it?”
You sigh. “I’ll have to see my schedule.”
Fumikage looks down in disappointment but tries his best not to show it.
“But hey, I’ll try my absolute best to see my amazing boy win.” You tap his chin, making his eyes face you.
“Promise?” He says quietly.
“Pinkie.” You raise your pinkie finger, Fumikage chuckles and shakes his head.
“You can’t break a pinkie promise, mama.” He interlocks his pinkie with yours.
You smile at him, “Wouldn’t dream of it, Fumi.”
You were glad that Fumikage asked you to watch him at the sports festival, all your friends joke about how he’s just some emo teen who’ll scream at you about how “it’s not a phase!”
you didn’t really care if it wasn’t a phase anyway. You’ll love Fumikage in whatever form he’s in.
Speaking of your friends, they have recently asked you to go clubbing with them on the weekend saying, “you need a break, sweet cheeks.”
You accepted gratefully and as the clubbing day came close Fumikage always came home and told you all about his classmates.
He spoke a lot of one named shoji, you hope with all your heart they become good friends.
When Fumikage was younger his only friend was dark shadow.
you never want to hear him say, “what’s wrong with me, mom?” Just because kids
used to be scared of him and his quirk.
Now it was time to do one of your favorite things ever, but groceries.
You caught Fumikage trying to sneak out of the house and do it himself but you tackled him back into his bed until he gave up.
Grocery shopping was always so calming for you, Fumikage used to come all the time until some old women asked if he was even yours.
sure he had a bird head just like his father but- still super rude!
Putting your groceries into the cart then checking them off your list, you finally made it to your last one.
Chocolate chip Cookie mix.
Fumikage recently said that the cooking hero made one of the best cookies he’s ever eaten and you will never accept that.
Mamas cookies will be better! well when
you can actually grab the box.
The box mix was on one of the highest shelves in the store, you jump once to grab it- you miss.
you jump again, and miss.
Thirds times a charm right? You jump once more and instead of grabbing it you just push it back more.
well you suppose it’s time to start climbing shelves.
But then a calloused hand came to save you, you immediately think it’s hawks- he’s always somewhere near you.
A deeper voice say your name, “Y/n..?”
Not hawks.
You don’t turn around, your too scared to
suddenly your thankful to that old women who accidentally made Fumikage stop coming with you, you wouldn’t want him here-not now.
You turn around.
Hawks off days were usually spent inside relaxing or trying his very best to actually relax.
lazily getting one of bed, the one with your weighted blanket, he makes his way to the Kitchen.
Grabbing the cereal box, he tries his best to pour it into the bowl but nothing goes in.
Well looks like he needs to go the grocery store.
Getting dressed in a simple outfit he makes his way outside then flies off to the store!
hawks always liked his little adventures, he hoped he’d see you on this one but he highly doubts it.
But hey, speak of the devil because you’re right there in the aisle when he walks into the store!
Seems like you’re talking to a man, nice looking, about 6’ foot with dark brown hair.
Hawks has never heard you talk about your friends, mostly about your son- what was his name again?
You look…scared? Which is weird because at first hawks just thought this was an old friend you were talking to but..
why would you look scared?
Hawks sends over a small baby feather to let you know he’s there, you shouldn’t be scared.
he’ll keep you safe.
His feather tickles your back softly, you jump at first but keep your attention towards the man infront of you.
“So, how’s Fumikage?” His deep voice says.
“Fine.” You say quickly.
He sighs, “look y/n, I know we left off on a bad note but I’m better now.”
He says all of these words so soft and kind, but you remember when that same exact voice pinned your son against a wall and screamed at him.
why would Ryuji even care about how Fumikage is doing.
You snap out of that thought, “what.”
“It’s nice to see you again, you look good.”
Ryuji and that sliver tongue of his, always trying to butter you up.
“Thank you, Ryuji, but I have to leave.. Fumi-“
“Could I talk to you a little bit at least.” He raises his voice.
He’s blocking you in, what are you supposed to do?
“Please Ryuji-“
“Everything okay here, sweetheart?” A cheerful voice calls next to you.
It’s hawks, he has a lazy smile on his face you can’t really tell if he’s angry or not also- sweetheart?
“And who are you?” Ryuji asks hawks, who doesn’t know hawks though…
“Well I’m her-…” hawks paisss for a moment, “boyfriend!”
Ryuji chuckles softly, “sure you are..”
You sigh at hawks terrible attempt of pretend.
“Ryuji, that is hawks- he’s...” you look at hawks for a split second, “my boyfriend.”
You can see ss hawks wings flutter for a moment, not a good time for him to be acting all embarrassed.
Ryuji stammers, “Oh, I-..I just wanted to say to you y/n that I’m real-“
you cut him off, “why are you out so early?”
“Hell y/n, you know they don’t really double down on all the ‘domestic abuse’ bullshit.” Ryuji says curtly.
You can see hawks face twist in realization on who this man actually is, you’ve only told him about Ryuji once or twice before.
Ryuji continues, “where’s Fumikage anyway, don’t he always come out with you?”
“He stopped coming out a little while back.”
“Terrible thing really, he’s a good kid.” Ryuji says softly, almost like he’s talking to himself.
“Didn’t think he was a good kid when you were with me.” You say with distain dripping from your mouth.
You don’t really understand why your being like this with Ryuji, maybe hawks is giving you some boost of confidence.
“Don’t get mouthy with me.” Ryuji snaps back.
“Don’t you speak to her like that.” Hawks finally gets himself involved in the small spat.
Ryuji pauses, “Say that again, I dare you.”
You can see Ryujis fists tightening slowly, that’s never a good sigh with him.
“I will make your life miserable bird boy, even when you’re sleeping.”
Hawks steps closer to him, “You wanna go?”
You know Ryuji, he never makes an empty threat.
You grab hawks shoulder, “W-we’re sorry Ryuji.” You stare at the ground, not daring to face him.
“You need to keep his damn squawking to a minimum, y/n.” Ryuji says bitterly.
Hawks looks at you with confusion, you were just talking back to him weren’t you? Where did the confident side of you suddenly disappear to?
You step closer to Ryuji, whispering.
Hawks doesn’t pick up on it, ryuji seems like he’s staring straight through his soul.
You retreat next to hawks, Ryuji scoffs and starts to walk away towards the next aisle.
You let out the breath you were holding, finally relaxing.
“What’d you say to him?” Hawks cocks his head curiously.
“Nothing important.”
“Everything you say is Important to me.” Hawks says softly.
You pause, you won’t tell hawks about Ryujis quirk. You hope that he decides not to use it on him, even after you mouthed off to him.
Ryuji always used his quirk after you fought about something, you would go to bed and he would haunt you in your sleep.
You’d beg for his forgiveness every time, you never stood your ground.
Him hurting Fumikage made you change though.
“I just told him to stay away from Fumikage
That was a lie, hawks accepted it anyways.
Hawks shifts into his more happy go lucky mood, “Are you almost done with shopping?”
“Yea actually, I just needed that cookie mix up there.” You point towards the highest shelf.
Hawks chuckles softly and sends a feather up to get it, “make sure to give me some after you’re done baking.”
“Do you wanna make it with me?” You offer.
Hawks feels his heart skip a beat, you? Asking him to be in your kitchen? Baking sweet treats?
It wasn’t even a question.
“What kind of person would I be if I declined someone in need?” He smiles brightly.
You and hawks proceed to the check out, you’re quite lucky you encountered him at the store because there were almost far too many bags for you to carry.
you walked to the store as well so you couldn’t even put them all into your trunk, thanks for saving the day once again hawks!
He carries way more bags than you do, you’re a little worried he may blow out his back from all the weight but he seems fine.
You notice Ryuji as the two of you walk away, instead of staring at you he stares dead at Hawks.
You try your best to ignore it and continue walking towards your house.
After a couple minutes of walking, Hawks speaks up.
“Your house is just around the corner right?”
“Yep, it’s the white house.”
He snickers, “can’t believe I’ll be meeting the president.”
“Trust me when I say Fumikage is not the president.” You say sternly.
“Could I be your body guard, I heard you were hiring- Mrs President~” he says teasingly.
“You’re more like my stalker and less than some bodyguard.”
Hawks face twists into pure horror, sure he always bumps into you but that doesn’t mean he’s a stalker!
though he wouldn’t mind being your stalker in another universe…
You break through this thoughts with your small fit of giggles, laughing about his ‘silly face’ as you put it.
He was just glad you were looking at him.
Finally the both of you made it to your home, Fumikage left a note by the fridge that said he went to some training thing.
He always worried you, you much rather he called than leaving you some cryptic note- but then again you do the same thing.
Hawks picks up the note, reading it over.
“Hard worker ain’t he?” He chuckles quietly.
You smile, “Yea, just like his father.”
Hawks stiffens slightly, “His father?”
“Mhm, we met at the same hero school actually, he was the top of his class.”
Hawks raises his eyebrows in surprise, “You were training to become a hero?”
“Yea, then I found out I was pregnant with Fumikage so…kinda gave up on that pipe dream. That’s why I became a nurse instead, I still wanted to help people y’know?” You say with a soft smile.
Hawks nods with understanding hum.
He’s quiet for a moment, “And then you met Ryuji?”
“I met him when Fumikage was eleven, Ryuji promised me the world when reality he just gave me a rock.” You laugh at your own bad joke.
You hand hawks a bowl filled with the cookie mix and the milk, even though they’re not completely home made it’s a lot easier and less time consuming.
You speak up, “So, how about your love life?”
Hawks can feel himself choke on his own spit, you? Asking about his love life? His day just keeps getting better.
“Actually I’ve never really dated anyone, always too busy.” He sighs.
You gasp a small, “really?!”
He chuckles at your bewilderment.
“I mean I just thought some with your looks would have one by now!”
Hawks ears go red, even after all that training to control his poker face he still can’t resist blushing at a genuine compliment.
He can hear you chuckle, grabbing his ears and tugging slightly.
You giggle, he loves the sound, “Sorry for making you all bashful.”
One of his wings smacks your arm, you chuckle and shake your head then you bring a pan next to Hawks.
“Your done mixing right?”
He nods and you bump him out of the way, taking the bowl and starting to roll the mixture between your hands.
Hawks admires your handy work with content, he likes hanging around with you.
You spot him staring from the corner of your eye, “Need something, birdie?”
His wings flutter softly, “nothing in particular.”
You finish your work and place the cookies into the oven, Turing around face a relaxed Hawks.
Hawks watched you as you lean against the oven, staring back at him.
Hawks speaks quietly,
“Is Fumikages father in a mental institution?”
Now it was your turn to choke on your own spit, “what?”
“I mean he must be insane for leaving someone like you…”
You laugh, “well aren’t you the charmer?”
“Only for you.”
You pause, is hawks pinning for you or something?
He steps closer towards you, looking away slightly.
You lean more into the oven, “hawks?”
He steps closer, caging you in, “y/n.”
You can feel his breath come in contact with your face, smells minty.
The door suddenly opens, “mother, I’m home!”
It’s Fumikage!
…it’s Fumikage, who will soon walk into you and some man on the brink of canoodling.
You push Hawks off quickly, speedily walking over to where Fumikage is supposed to be.
“Fumi! Did you have fun training?” You open your arms for a hug.
Fumikage accepts it and hums.
You kiss the top of his head then ruffle his feathers, “you smell terrible.”
“Go take a shower, cookies are in the oven.” You say with a smile.
Fumikage nods and starts to walk over to the bathroom, the one that passes the kitchen.
Until a terrifying scream comes from the kitchen, quite high pitched…
“Fumi?!” You call worriedly.
“M-MOTHER THERE IS A MAN IN OUR HOME.” You peek out into the hallway only to see dark shadow out, mostly about to beat the tar out of poor hawks.
You walk over to Fumikage quickly, “hey, hey! He’s just a guest!”
Fumikage retreats towards you, getting a good look at hawks.
He’s quiet, “you…”
Hawks starches the back of his head, “yea it’s me, the number three-“
“You’re the crazy stalker who was on my mother’s balcony!”
Hawks face twists into confusion, “wait what-“
Fumikage whips his head towards you, “Mother you need to call the police immediately!”
You sigh, “Fumi…”
This was the second time hawks had been called a stalker today….
Suddenly a devious plan spawns into your head.
“Fumi, there’s no one there.”
You suddenly wave a hand towards hawks in a ‘get out of here’ motion.
“Fumi, look at me.” You grab his face, forcing him to look at you instead of hawks.
“Mama, are you okay…? Clearly there’s a man in our kitchen-“
Hawks suddenly jumps through the window in your kitchen, you didn’t really expect him to do that but okay…
“See Fumi, no one’s there!” You point into the kitchen as Fumikage whips his head to face the kitchen.
“W-what, he- he was just there!” Fumikage whips his head around wildly.
“How about you go cool off in the shower?” You suggest softly.
Fumikage looks down at his hands baffled, “I-i…okay.”
He walks towards the bathroom, closing the door.
You’re surprised that actually worked…
You walk into the kitchen, taking out the cookies that were just saved from being burnt.
Until a small little paper caught your eye, you pick it up and read it, it says a series of numbers.
“text me?” With a cute smiley face next to it.
now you have obtained hawks personal number.
What an eventful day?
Soon Fumikage returns from the bathroom, dressed in one of your old metal shirts from your high school days.
“Cute shirt.” You say sarcastically.
“Looks better on me.” He says sassily.
You wrap your arm around his neck and frazzle all of his feathers.
Fumikage claims that he hates it when you do that but he never resists it.
Fumikage tossed himself down onto the couch with a loud sigh, “y’know I didn’t fall for your whole kitchen trick.”
“Yea I know, smartie pants.” You toss one of the cookies you made towards Fumikage.
He catches it, “why’re you being so friendly with a pro hero..?”
“We keep meeting, next time you see him apologize for that stalker comment also.”
Fumikage takes a bite from the cookie, “can’t take it back if it’s true.”
He sighs, “alright, I will.”
You pick up Fumikages feet and place them into your lap, Turing on one of those cult classic movies that he loves so much.
“Noticed you got Groceries.” Fumikage says Groggily, tired from training most likely.
“Yea, y’know who I saw there?”
Fumikage perks up, “that crazy old lady?”
“Nope, Ryuji.”
Fumikage stiffens slightly, “did he talk to you?”
“Small bit, no harm done.”
Fumikage relaxes slightly, “I should’ve gone with you.”
“It’s no sweat Fumi, your mama can protect herself you know?”
Fumikage sighs and nods, you notice his eyes flutter softly trying his best not to fall asleep.
He does anyway, you’re glad that Fumikage is getting the rest he needs because you want him to always be his best self.
And if Fumikage can never become his best self then you wouldn’t mind, you’d still love him anyways.
You stand and carry Fumikage to his room, placing him into the bed and tucking him in like he was 6 again.
You kiss him temple, and hope he dreams the best of dreams.
Someone who wasn’t doing that at the moment was Hawks.
He barely dreamed so when he went off to slumber land he didn’t expect something so terrifying to meet him there.
Blood and grim, screams of the people he never saved, it always haunted him in some way but never to this extent.
He wakes up in a cold sweat, your weighted blanket only giving him some comfort.
He was never like this before, they were never this intense.
He didn’t sleep for the rest of the night.
What horrified him most is that you were in it, you were scared.
Why is he dreaming like this..?
@lost-in-horrorland @boopjuice @validveenus @qardasngan @arminsarlerts @star-the-rabid-dog @bunni-teeth81 @lightsgore @portgasdbruh
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soloroomies · 3 months
lifemate (Chapter 11/ Sakusa x f!reader)
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summary: you find yourself tormented, questioning every moment of the last six months with him, while desperately trying to drift your thoughts away from him. word count. 2.5k cw. marriage pact au, mature content, angst (emotional turmoil) a/n. we're nearing the end of the story guys! there'll be like two chapters left! thank u for enjoying the story so far<3
You consider leaving the gym quietly without Kiyoomi noticing, but then you remember that you've sent him texts. Fuck. You don't feel like you're in the right headspace to meet him right now. Feeling your emotions are still all over the place. You think you can abandon your feelings, numb them somehow, but not right now. Can you unsend the texts?
You still stand in the back rows of the bleachers, in fight-or-flight mode, considering all the options you have. Suddenly, your phone vibrates. Shit. You pull it out to see that it's Kiyoomi calling you. You excuse yourself from Fumi, hearing her say sorry while you just wave your hand, mumbling "it’s okay" to her, then you answer Kiyoomi.
"Hey, are you in the gym? Just saw your texts," he says.
You bite your lip, trying to control your overwhelming emotions upon hearing his voice. "Yeah, I'm in the gym."
"I didn’t expect you to come here. I was about to have dinner outside."
Is it with that woman? 
Feeling your emotions intensifies with your own thoughts. You know Kiyoomi is unaware of this, but it still stings.
"I'm sorry, I was just bored in the house and made too much food."
You hear Kiyoomi hum. You really want to slap yourself. You shouldn’t have come here. This was such a stupid initiative.
"Want to head home? I’m done practicing, actually. I’ll just eat the food you brought at home."
"Where are you?"
"I'm taking a seat on the bleachers, in the back."
"Oh, okay. Meet me at the carpark? You see the car, right?"
You walk to the car while trying to control your breath and think straight. When you arrive at the carpark, you see that Kiyoomi is already there, leaning on the car door.
"Hey, let’s go home," he says, unlocking the car. You nod and get in.
On the way home, Kiyoomi asks about the food you brought. You respond, not realizing your answers are too curt and your tone colder than usual. He frowns and takes a double look, "Is there something wrong?" You bite your lip, mentally cursing him for how he's getting better at reading you.
"Nothing," you reply.
"Weren’t you with Fumi earlier?" he asks.
You hum in response.
He looks at you, concern in his eyes, and asks tentatively, "Is she giving you a hard time?"
"No! Of course not."
"Then why?" he asks.
Finally you decide to bring up what you saw earlier. "It’s just that… Fumi saw me seeing you with that woman—"
"What woman?" Kiyoomi interrupts.
"I don’t know her name. The one from the social media team?"
"Hiyori?" he asks, and you really don't want to know or hear her name. How many more could there be? You sigh, frustration boiling over.
"I really don’t know, Omi," you say, feeling your voice start to crack. "She sat next to you on the bench."
His frown deepens. "Are you being jealous?" he asks.
"No! I mean, it’s alright! It’s just that Fumi pointed out about you both," you're just babbling at this point, feeling increasingly defensive. "I’m just worried if other people notice it, too, okay? It’ll just look bad on us."
Both of you fall silent for a moment. Your heart feels heavy as you say the next words, "I’m just glad we’re always doing it safe." That earns you a glare from him. His expression is unreadable. After a brief pause, he sighs and grips the steering wheel tighter.
"Right," he says. "We can see other people, right?"
His words hit you like a punch to the gut. He’s right, but you didn't expect him to throw that fact in your face right now. It feels like a punishment for wanting more of him. You bite your lip, not having the courage to speak. You’re sure if you say a single word, you'll break into tears.
The rest of the ride is quiet, the air tense. As soon as he pulls up, you get out of the car and go straight to your room. You try to calm your breath, but you can’t hold back the tears that start streaming down your face as soon as you close the door. Hundreds of thoughts flood your mind. How could something beautiful turn ugly like this?
If you want to point fingers at who's wrong in this, it's definitely you. You knew better than to feel this way towards him. Now, you're ruining something delicate you had with him just because you decided to have feelings. 
Is it better if you weren’t married to him in the first place?
You might still be good friends with him until at least you’re 40 or something, until he forgot you. But now?
There’s only one solution for you right now: avoid him at all costs. You’re still too emotional. The next step is to numb your feelings. That’s easy, right?
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In the morning, you wake up earlier than usual, hoping to avoid bumping into Kiyoomi. Knowing his routine, you're confident you can leave the apartment without seeing him. Thankfully, he did stick to his schedule, allowing you to slip out unnoticed.
You stop by the coffee shop near your office to buy coffee and a pastry for breakfast. Suddenly, you remember that you didn’t make him breakfast this morning. It’s not like you feel you owe him or something, not a guilty feeling either. You’re just dwelling on the fact that he will see that there’s no food for him on the table, which maybe he didn’t expect. Then, he will have to— stop. Why does your mind still drift to him somehow? First step you need to do is to not think about him. 
But throughout the day at the office, your mind keeps pulling you back to the memories of the last few days. Sitting at your desk, you reflect on the past six months of your marriage, replaying every moment.
Wait. Tami is coming into town. Shit. You feel terrible about potentially dumping all your problems on her. The plan was to have fun, but now... well, shit happens, and you created this mess yourself.
When it’s finally time to go home, you pack your things quickly. You had a phone call with Tami and suggested a night out at a club. She was surprised, but you insisted you needed to let loose after a tough day at work. The truth is, you don't want to burden her with your problems right now. In a quieter setting, she would see right through you and probe for details. You know she expected a more relaxed evening to catch up. You'll tell her everything eventually, just not now. Definitely not now. 
The reason why you get home as quickly as possible is that, of course, you want to avoid Kiyoomi. You know he always comes back later than you. That’s why you want to get home to get ready for a night out with Tami and leave before he arrives home.
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As soon as you arrive at the hotel where Tami stays, Tami greets you warmly in the lobby and invites you up to her room so she can get ready. The moment you close the door behind you, she exclaims, "It’s been so long!! I miss you!" She runs over and hugs you tightly.
"I miss you so much, too!" you reply, returning the hug with equal enthusiasm.
She pulls back and studies your face. "Damn! You really do look tired! Work’s that bad, huh?"
You gulp, feeling the tension build. She reads you too well. "Ooh!" you blow air from your mouth, trying to lighten the mood. "It’s so bad! I was given a much more complicated task than before." You pull a distasteful face, hoping it sells the story. Thankfully, she seems to believe you.
You quickly switch the topic to her, "Anyway, how's everything with you and your husband? Are you still juggling those insane work hours?"
"Oh, you wouldn’t believe it! He’s been so busy with his projects, and I’ve had back-to-back meetings. Sometimes, we barely see each other!"
You nod, genuinely interested. "That sounds intense. How do you manage to keep up with everything?"
Tami laughs, "Barely! We’ve been trying to carve out time for each other, but it’s a struggle.”
She dives into her stories enthusiastically, and you find yourself getting lost in her words, grateful for the distraction.
Before heading to the club, you decide to call room service for dinner. While waiting, you help Tami get ready, doing her makeup and picking out an outfit. She looks stunning when you're done.
"Are you sure this looks okay?" Tami asks, checking herself in the mirror.
"You look amazing! Trust me, everyone's going to be jealous," you assure her, doing some touch-ups on your own makeup. She scoffs incredulously at you.
Once you're both ready, you get into Tami's car and drive to the club. "It’s been so long since we last went out. Remember our wild nights back in college?" she reminisces.
"How could I forget? Those were some of the best times," you laugh, feeling a sense of nostalgia.
As you arrive at the club, the excitement builds. IIt’s been so long since you went there. Probably last year? Or two years ago? You can’t really remember.
The pulsating beat of the music fills the air as you step into the vibrant club, a popular spot for night owls. The colorful lights dance around the room, casting an electric glow on everything they touch. Everyone is dressed to impress, and you're glad you’ve chosen an outfit that compliments you. 
“Let’s sit there first!” Tami points at a corner of the club, a quieter place than where you stand now. You nod and she grabs your hand to walk there. You order your first round of drinks—something light to start with—and settle into a cozy booth. 
“This place is lit!” Tami exclaims happily.
You agree with her, “Right? Let’s just have fun.” 
Tami nods at you. “Wait! I forgot. Isn’t Kiyoomi’s match tomorrow?”
You're silent for a second. To be honest, you're not planning to not go to his match. But your heart still feels heavy at the thought of seeing him so soon. You can't decide now. “Yeah. I’ll make sure to wake up right on time.” You offer her your best smile.
She frowns a bit at your dismissive answer. “Well… I haven’t heard anything about you both! Is there anything interesting happening?” she wiggles her eyebrows, her tone teasing.
Shit. You laugh at her question, “Well, you know? Just me and my friend living together. Nothing much, really. It’s just like living with your roommate.” You wave your hand dismissively. “We have separate lives, you know?” you say with a nervous laugh.
She smiles, “But, like—” she is interrupted as your drinks arrive. “Thank you,” you say to the waiter. You quickly take your drink and gulp it down.
Tami stares at you. “Whoa whoa. Wait. What was I gonna say?”
You shrug at her question, pointing at her drink. “Your drink looks good. What is it?” you ask, trying to distract her.
She looks at her drink and takes a sip. “It’s just my usual!” she says cheerily.
Phew. She's distracted. “Let’s finish the drinks and we’ll go to the dance floor!” You gulp more of your drink and finish it. At this point, Tami already notices something is off with you, but she knows you don’t want to tell her. Most likely it relates to Kiyoomi. Your answer is way too off.
As you and Tami get up, you order more drinks from the bar. It’s time to just let loose. As more drinks enter your system, the alcohol quickly starts to lift your spirits even higher. You grab Tami and walk to the dance floor.
On the dance floor, the lights flash and bodies move rhythmically to the music. You join in, losing yourselves in the rhythm, your worries melting away with each beat. You keep ordering more drinks, each one bringing you closer to that carefree state you crave. Tami asks you a few times whether you’re okay or if you want to go home. But you dismiss her, just nodding to any of her questions.
As you dance, you notice a few guys across the room. 'We can see other people anyway, right?' Kiyoomi's words ring in your head. It fucking stings. You can just do that too, right? Be with anyone you want. You’re not bound by anything. Nothing.
Wait. No. That’s just too fucking impulsive. Luckily, you still have a bit of your awareness left. You shake off the thought, focusing on the music and the moment. 
After a few more drinks, your movements become less coordinated, and everything seems a bit blurry. You find it harder to stay upright, the room spinning faster with each passing moment. You nearly black out, your vision narrowing and your balance completely gone. Tami quickly notices and guides you to a quieter area to sit down.
“Let’s go home!” Tami says urgently. “Do you want me to drive you to your home?”
You shake your head aggressively, “No! No, please. Let me stay in your room.”
Tami nods understandingly and helps you navigate out of the club to her car. You stagger slightly, leaning on Tami for support as the cool night air hits your face.
As the car starts moving, the combination of motion and the alcohol in your system makes you feel incredibly drowsy. The streetlights blur together as you drive, and you struggle to keep your eyes open. Your head feels heavy, and your thoughts become fragmented. One moment you’re aware of Tami talking next to you, the next moment everything seems to fade into darkness. You try to focus, but it's like grasping at shadows. The hum of the engine and the gentle rocking of the car lull you into a state where reality and dreams start to mix.
By the time you reach the hotel, you're barely conscious. Tami helps you out of the car, assisted by one of the hotel staff. The hotel lobby is a blur of lights and sounds, and the next thing you know, you're being gently laid down on the bed. The soft sheets feel like heaven against your skin, and you sink into them, finally allowing the blackout to take over completely.
Tami sits beside you, stroking your hair gently. "You’re going to be okay," she whispers, though her voice sounds distant. You try to muster a response, but all that comes out is a faint murmur.
The events of the night swirl in your mind like a distant storm. You think about Kiyoomi, the tension between you, and the nagging uncertainty of your relationship. The alcohol magnifies your emotions, making everything feel more intense and overwhelming.
Tami’s voice breaks through the haze. “Hey, get some sleep. We’ll talk in the morning, okay?” She pulls a blanket over you, and the warmth is comforting. You nod weakly, feeling the weight of the night pressing down on you.
As you drift off, you can’t help but replay the moments with Kiyoomi in your mind. The way he looked at you, the unspoken words hanging in the air, and the fear that maybe things will never be the same. But for now, you let the exhaustion take over, surrendering to the darkness and hoping that tomorrow will bring some clarity.
Taglist: @wolffmaiden , @fiannee , @nightlydream , @choizzn , @peachyaeger @crxm-dollx , @marisabel14 , @yunskook, @reimiiko
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heartofjasmina · 1 year
can i ask for an 18+ assertive pro hero!fumikage x fem!reader drabble? bonus pts if maybe you could include dark shadow? tysm. love your writing!! 🖤
Tokoyami and Dark Shadow are favs of mine tbh. Thank you!
People made a lot of assumptions about your boyfriend. Because he was polite, asked your opinion before making major decisions, and let you decide how you spent most of your time outside of school and hero work-- they assumed he was submissive and weak.
Because he loved gothic romances and poetry, and spoke in riddles that only made sense to him and Dark Shadow, they assumed he was weird and had no idea how to be a good partner.
Everyone was wrong on both counts.
As he showed you often, allowing Dark Shadow to manhandle you into whatever position they desired and held your legs open (they knew you got shy when Tokoyami got close to watch his fingers inside you and planned ahead).
"Hush now, nightingale, I'm listening to how hungry your pussy is." He spoke in a soft husk but you knew he was teasing you.
"You can whine all you like, sing for us. Fumikage loves to hear it too." Dark Shadow contradicted, his shadowe body warm as he supported you.
Tokoyami always wore rings on his fingers, heavy, silver rings that made his strong hands look even more attractive to you. As he fingered you the coolness of his rings contrasted from heat of your slick folds making you gasp and whimper.
"Need you, Fumi, Shadow. Need you both." You finally got the words out and you could see the satisfaction in your lovers gazes. It was something Tokoyami told you made both him and Dark Shadow pleased enough to chirp, treating them both as individuals in your relationship. ("Of course I would, why wouldn't I?" you'd said, annoyed to think of someone dating Tokoyami and not acknowledging Dark Shadow.)
Dark Shadow chirped softly in your ear as Tokoyami rose and climbed over you until you were sandwiched between them. His cock was long and pretty as it dragged against your clit and you made grabby hands at him, pushing your ass back against Dark Shadow until he groaned.
"You'll always get us." He promised as he pressed into you, stretching you open on his girth until you sighed contented. Feeling him inside you and all around you made you feel safe and free to bask in your pleasure. So you wrapped your legs around Tokoyami's slim waist.
"We love you eterningly, songbird." Dark Shadow echoed, reaching down to finger your clit until you panted.
Then Tokoyami began to move and time lost its meaning. All you knew was the pleasure building inside you until it snapped, his thrusts hitting that spot inside you making you clench around him.
His cum filled you up as you floated and Dark Shadow cooed as he nuzzled your cheeks.
"Shadow, Fumi, love you." You murmured smiling to yourself, your body warm and languid from your orgasm.
"Rest up love."
"Love you too nightingale."
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mindless-existence1 · 26 days
Summary: Y/n is preening Tokoyami's feathers after a hard day of training. (Romantic) Fluffy!
Authors note: I don't own the characters from mha. Reader is gender neutral and in Class 1-A but their quirk isn't mentioned. Dark Shadow is apart of the story but he's sleeping so doesn't have any interactions with anyone.
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All of Class 1-A were doing their own things, except for those in the common room hanging out. There were a few people in their dorms like Bakugo, who goes to bed way too early, and you and Tokoyami. Well technically you were in his dorm not your own.
It had been an extremely hard day of training on training on training. Class 1-A were doing quirk training trying to mark their special move even better. That drained you, Tokoyami, and Dark Shadow.
The lights were off and the only illumination in the dorm was purple led lights on the walls. There was some show playing on your phone but neither of you were paying much mind to it. It's soft background noice was paired with your humming as your ran out fingers through Tokoyami's soft feathers.
You both were wearing one of his hoodies, yours being stolen/given to you. The atmosphere was light, a contrast to the stressful day you both endured.
Tokoyami's head was in your lap along with Dark Shadow resting his head next to your thigh. Every once and a while you would take a hand from Tokoyami and move it to rub Dark Shadows Shadows head.
Your fingers were soft and delicate as you rubbed each feather from the base to the top. If the feather sheath was loose you gently pulled it off the soft feather. Whenever you did Tokoyami would let out a quiet hum or chirp.
His eyes were closed as his chest moved up and down in a slow motion. The only sign he was even awake was when he would say sweet nothings to you.
This situation wasn't foreign to either of you, Tokoyami needed preening every few weeks, sometimes goings as far to needing some feathers plucked out. You've helped him through his molts before as well, although those are very different from this.
Before dating you Tokoyami had to groom himself and he often suffered through molts since he refused to ask for help. But with you he couldn't help but give all of himself to you, including this vulnerable side.
It took him a while to open up to you about his feathers, but after you found him huddled up in his dorm during a molt he surrendered. After that day helping him preen became a common thing between the two of you. Well both of you and Dark Shadow.
Dark Shadow doesn't require much care so he often feels left out, to include him he gets head rubs while you preen Tokoyami's feathers. Dark Shadow often falls asleep way before Tokoyami resulting in the two of you getting alone time.
Your fingers run through a group of slightly matted feathers, you are cautious to be gentle as to not hurt your beloved boyfriend. Once you get them unstuck and smooth you hear a happy chirp come from below you.
As you softly pluck out a feather and look over Tokoyami's head, you say "I think I'm almost done Fumi." You hear a hum in response followed by "Thank you darling, it feels much better." His voice is slightly slurred and groggy from being in and out of sleep.
You chuckle to yourself quietly "Of course, what kind of partner would I be if I didn't help out?" You asking jokingly, after picking out a bit of dirt you pull your hand from his head. When you look down at him he's already staring back at you with a lovesick expression coating his face.
"What?" You ask with a soft laugh as an expression matching his comes to your face. He takes a minute to respond before saying "I love you so much y/n." Tokoyami isn't much for saying his feeling using words, he like to speak through his actions. So hearing him say that all of the sudden takes you back slightly. "I love you to Fumikage, more than you'll ever know." You respond.
He takes your hand in his with your other one gently laid ontop of Dark Shadows sleeping head. He squeezes your hand gently rubbing his thumb on the back of it. You lean down an land a kiss ontop his beak, you rise back up to look into his eyes.
You sit like this for a few minutes, just basking in eachother before moving to be in a more comfortable cuddling position. With his arms wrapped around you, you hear him let out a slurred "Goodnight my love." And with that you drift off into a deep sleep.
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ririya-translates · 6 months
Kokuto Neji's Story
Translation of Neji's concept art short story (original) for his birthday on March 22nd. Story by Shin Towada (JJ lead writer and Ishida's sister). Art by Lownine. Much like the others, there aren't really any spoilers as it's at the very beginning of the game before the first play.
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The stage is a gigantic machine. Jacks and Jeannes are the gears and I'm the mechanic who assembles them all.
The darkened room is lit solely by a clattering computer with light strong enough to rival the midday sun. The bookshelves along the walls are crammed tight beyond usual capacity. The remaining books that couldn't fit have been turned into a fort on the floor. "Hmmm." Out of that pile, he easily picks out a book while holding a cup of coffee in his other hand. The one craning his neck towards the computer screen is the owner of this room. He's a third-year at Univeil Drama School. Working under somewhat special circumstances, he's the leader of Quartz: Kokuto Neji. His classmates include the Quartz Al Jeanne, Sarafumi Takashina, and Jack Ace, Kai Mutsumi. Taking liberal advantage of Univeil's culture of respect for personal autonomy, Neji doesn't just write and perform. He's able to act as both a Jack and a Jeanne, using his many talents to bring the performance together. Even now, he's in the middle of making preparations for the newcomers' performance. His eyes dart around as he scrolls through the screen. He's fidgety inside his head. For this reason, a knock at the door rings out unusually strongly.
"Yes, yes, come iiiin!" As Neji snaps back to reality, he opens the door with a feeling of anticipation. "Thanks." Behind the door stands a person with pale skin and soft hair. So soft it's as if the colour has faded and dissolved. This utterly adorable person raises his eyes towards Neji. "Why on earth would you call me over here then ignore me? I have things to do too you know." The edge of criticism in his voice gives a very different impression from his outside appearance. "Sorry about that, Shirota!" Mitsuki Shirota. He's a second-year, one year below Neji. As one would expect from his looks, he's been assigned to female roles as a Jeanne. "Honestly, I didn't think you'd actually show up." Shirota's eyes grow sharper as he speaks without hesitation. "Using a first-year as your carrier pigeon, what kind of excuse is that?" Neji had casually requested one of the brand new Quartz students to send Shirota to his office. "Well weren't you the one who told me to stop asking Kai to do things?" "Obviously. You shouldn't be using our Jack Ace for your trivial errands." "Right, so instead I asked this new person to be a pinch hitter." "I said to stop doing that too. Ugh, what do you want?" "How did that kid get you to come here? What kinda trap did he use?" "…You called me here for no reason didn't you. I'm leaving." "Hey, wait!" As Shirota turns to leave, Neji holds out both of his hands as if to say 'I'm sorry, I'm screwed up!' Shirota's expression darkens, recognizing that Neji hasn't reflected on his actions one bit. "So? What do you want?" Neji prefaces his words with, "I guess I messed up a bit," before finally cutting to the chase. "What is your impression of the first-years?" Shirota furrows his brow. "You asked Fumi and Kai this too, didn't you?" "You're right, I did!" He had asked both Fumi and Kai the same question. "If you have answers from both the Al Jeanne and Jack Ace, that should be enough. Why do you need to ask me too?" "What are you talking about?! You're our Tresor. You're our flower too!" Tresor is the name for Univeil Jeannes with strong singing abilities. The title suits Shirota perfectly. His outstanding vocal talents add vibrant colour to their performances. It's popular with audiences too. "I am glad you're with Quartz still though. I know you're pretty in-demand with Rhodonite." Shirota stays silent at the mention of that name. Univeil is divided into four separate classes with their own special traits. As the "transparent" Quartz class, they are primarily made up of inexperienced performers who have yet to find their true colours. This could put the class at a disadvantage, but really there are quite a few who enrol brimming with hidden talents. Quartz gives them the space to let those talents free. The content of their performances are tailored specifically for the current state of the class. The songs, dances, acting, all of it.
In contrast, classes like Onyx and Rhodonite have clearly defined colours. Powerful Jack dancers are the main selling point of Onyx, whereas Rhodonite pushes the dazzling singing talents of their Jeannes front and centre. Considering Shirota's abilities, it wouldn't be strange at all for him to have been sorted into Rhodonite. Actually, Rhodonite's class leader is pretty taken with him. But whatever class you look at, all of them are desperately aiming for that top spot -- now more than ever.
"So? What do you think of this year's new students?" Neji's tone of voice drops for the first time in this conversation,"You know it won't be good if things stay as they are, right? What with Amber and all…" That's the name of the fourth Univeil class. But it's hard to act as if the others are on equal ground with them. Shirota seems to grasp the weight of these words. He grips the sky blue tie around his neck as he appears deep in thought. He finally opens his mouth. "…There are three people I noticed," he says bluntly. Starting with Person 1. "Orimaki. I don't know how he got into Univeil with his singing skills so low, but his voice is strong and direct." Onto Person 2. "Yonaga. Him being as he is, he's a late bloomer who's constantly nervous about how he even got into Univeil. But he also thinks twice as much about the meaning of each song. That being said…"
Shirota's immediate answer suddenly hits a pause. "It's possible both of them just got my attention because they aren't very good." "In that case, they should consider themselves lucky you graced your eyes on them." Neji jokes then stares at him intently. "And the third person?" Mitsuki sighs at being asked for his final answer. "It's the one you made into your little carrier pigeon." A voice deep in Neji's heart whispers 'I knew it.' "So then, does our carrier pigeon also have a glimmer of sparkle out of a mountain of problems like Orimaki and Yonaga do?" "No, that guy is…" Shirota hesitates a moment as he chooses his words carefully. "I still don't know yet." "You don't know, which means…?" "Exactly what I said." He speaks as if to say he will give no further comment on the matter. "Is that enough for you now? I'm leaving." Having finished what he was asked, Shirota heads for the door. "Ah, one last thing! How did this pigeon get you to come over here?" Shirota is the type who prefers not to group up with others in class. He keeps a distance between himself and other people. He's not the type someone could easily convince by just asking outright. Even moreso if it comes from a student younger than him. "……" Shirota responds to Neji's hastily thrown words with silence. He opens the door to leave. That's as far as we're getting today, is it? "…It wasn't anything special." Neji's mood suddenly shifts at the sound of a reply he didn't expect to ever hear. "I was just taking a short break during practice and he came up to me and said 'Neji was asking for you'." A surprised 'ohh?' slips out of Neji's mouth. "So in other words, he chose when to make the request based on timing that would work for you?" There are times when Shirota is busy singing of course; however, there are also a lot of times when he appears to be doing nothing, but is actually busy arranging music in his mind. Figuring out the timing of when he's truly taking a break is no easy task. Even aside from the music, there are times when he doesn't want to be hassled with having to talk to someone. Using this understanding of his quirks, that carrier pigeon was able to start up a conversation. "Isn't that actually quite special after all?!" Neji says with a nod of admiration.
Upon hearing this, Shirota restrains himself from turning around and calling him a bald-faced liar. "This was all part of your plan, wasn't it?" His eyes sharply say, 'You haven't fooled me.' "Turning him into your carrier pigeon worked out just as you planned. Getting me to show up here and to name him as one of the students I noticed. You already knew all these things. It was just a ploy to confirm them." Shirota states his assertions strongly. Neji grins. He keeps up the act that there's no hidden motive behind his actions, but it smells like a lie. Shirota's face fills with disgust. He passes through the door, speaking as if he cannot bear to be around Neji any longer. "Please don't use me as a ruler for measuring other people." He shuts the door immediately to not let the conversation linger. "My my, Shirota is quite clever isn't he." Listening to the footsteps fade into the distance, Neji stifles his smile. "But regardless, the fact that pigeon was able to navigate this sense of distance with Shirota shows he might have quite a number of uses." This could be precisely reflected on-stage too. Neji's mind overflows with so many different ideas at an intensity that could give birth to a whole other world. "However, the 'I still don't know' part is there too. Fumi and Kai said the same thing." It seems difficult to learn the true nature of this bird. Even for Neji, there's many things about this younger student he's still unable to grasp. "The stage is a gigantic machine. Jacks and Jeannes are the gears…and I'm the mechanic who assembles them all. What shape will these talents take? Just watch and see." Neji takes a sip from the coffee he's been holding all this time. It went cold ages ago, but in this moment it's just what his body needs.
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studious-bookworm · 2 months
So fanfic idea, Port Mafia around the world.
Called Port Mafia around the world, Where the story is told in Kaji's perspective.(my favorite lemon boy) and his time with the port mafia.
•Its about how all the port mafia doing theor job overseas and even disguising themselves.
I created different crime organizations in different countries with powerful ability users some are even stronger than chuuya.
•But also explores the friendships between Akutagawa, Kaji, And Chuuya. (Which are like the main 3 in the show)
•So like in one chapter we have a mafioso from France, Her name is Annie (i thought it would be funny to call her that after seeing Chuuya dance like Michael jackson in BSD wan).
•She has blue hair and purple eyes, And her ability is called "Titan" where she can make herself bigger.
(This may or may not be refrence of attack on titans tho)
•One of the chapters would probably feature Q, As he needs to under cover as a student to find one of the rival mafia boss's daughter. While he is undercovering as normal student, he makes some friends who are also orphans and they call themselves the "tiny mafia."(but i might change this)
•The next idea in this, Project Fumi, Fumi is a little girl who was running away from the government because they were experimenting on her and ran in to Chuuya asking for help. Chuuya takes her in and the develop a father and daughter relationship.
She ends up dying by sacrificing herself so chuuya could live (evil laughter).
•Then its Mafia in the jungle, Where its like jumanji, (probably the 1st episode) where they're mission is to steal red ruby in the jungle. I say this because i love Koyou's explorer outfit. I kinda wanted to draw it before writing this but nah.
•Next episode, Would probably be funny one for my skk shippers. Where Shirase gets a gf and wants to take in the festival in Yokohoma.
•He and Chuuya rekindle and he askes Chuuya if he is still single. In which Chuuya lies, And no, and that he has gf. So Shirase invites Chuuya to double date.
(Reason why he lied is because Dazai decided to tag along, and was about make fun of him for being single)
This can go two ways:
1) Dazai calls Chuuya out on his lie, Chuuya gives in and admits his lie. But, Dazai decides to dress up and be Chuuya's fake girlfriend for the festival/double date.
2) Chuuya calls Annie, Askes her to be his fake gf. She accepts. But on the day of the festival, Dazai decides fo surprise Chuuya by being his fake gf.
So he introduces himself as Chuuya's gf buy Annie who came in late, Also introduces herself as Chuuya's gf. So these two have to pretend to be in polygamous relationship.
But then, More girls from different crime organizations that the port mafia have an alliance with comes in and claim to be Chuuya's gf and everything is just a mess. 😂
•The other chapter would be mafia in paradise (which is either going to be one of the first chapters or a seperate fanfic.)
But this one takes place after the current arc. Natsume decides to thank the PM and The ADA fot saving th city by paying for their trip in a tropical resort.
The mafia needs to be roomates with ADA members.
Fukuzawa is roomates with Mori
Chuuya roomates with Dazai
Atsushi roomates with Akutagawa
(These are funny especially when it comes to shower time, Mori takes a Looong time in the shower just to piss off Fukuzawa.
Fukuzawa: "you've been in there for 45 minutes, Get out! Already! "
Mori:" i am not with my 50 steps skin care routine so have some patiences"
Fukuzawa:"50 STEPS?!"
He doesn't but its funny.
And when Chuuya takes a bath, Dazai breaks in his bath and takes a bath.
Chuuya (relaxing) : Aaaah...this is the life,
Dazai: tell m about it
Dazai: relax chuuya~ we use to take bath like these together all the times.
Chuuya: Why You-
And Atsushi forcing Akutagawa to take bath.
Akutagawa running from Atsushi, While Atsushi has a spray of water, soap and a bath towel. And chasing akutagawa around to take a damn bath.
And Kunikida is roomates with Katai.
Where he just talks all day on how he needed to deal with Dazai and his annoying ex Partner. And Katai just silently listens to him. While forcing himself to make soup dumblings for Kunikida. (He gets depressed because he burnt them, but Kunikida eats them anyway because of their besties)
And Yosano is roomates with Koyou, Which she hates because Koyou is loyal to Mori. How can anyone be loyal to someone like that?
Q is with the Kenji, While Kyouka is with Higuchi and Gin and Naomi.
Tachihira and Horitsu are with Tanizaki and ranpo.
•Tachihira does meet Yosano, And Yosano sess that Tachihira looks like the boy she met long time ago. (Tachi's brother).
•But that's basically the rundown of paradise.
I also plan to write a backstory Kunikida and Katai, How Kunikida was adopted in to the Yakuza family, met Katai because he was being bullied at age 12.
(In the Kunikida and Katai LN, They met at age 12 but they never told us how.)
And they became besties for 10 years, Katai joined The ADA for Kunikida ( Katai joining the ADA kunikida, is actually in the LN between them)
But, it was never specified why he left ADA.
In my headcanon, Katai left because he felt like burden to Kunikida and felt like he couldn't protect him as a partner.
"Katai looks at Kunikida and smiles"Thank You". Before pushing Kunikida out the building. the building explodes and goes up in flames
Kunikida lands in the water, watching the building go up in flames. He joined the agency to save lives, and yet he hasn't saved any, He couldn't even save his own best friend. "
(Yeah, Imma find a way to traumatize Kunikiiiidddaa-kuuuun more)
Damn i wish i was better at writing XD.
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fumiyami · 4 months
(or an excuse for me to dump all the thoughts my silly little critter mind thinks into your silly little critter mind!!)
1. autism!!! (I don’t have autism but I saw someone on tiktok headcanon him to be autistic so yeah!!!🤩🤩 if i’m not allowed to like headcanon him to have autism since I don’t have it then pls tell me!!)
2. dyslexia! (no specific reason for this just saw someone else headcanon him to have terrible spelling)
3. listens to mitski
4. dark shadow killed someone when they were both younger (possibly his grandad?) and it’s stuck with Fumi [like in that scene in Ep 44 roaring upheaval where when DS was going wild he said “get away from me!! you’ll die!!”☹️☹️]
5. he and dark shadow both had grudges against Hawks during the first week when they met him (birds hold grudges☺️☺️☺️)
6. gives crystals to those he likes (platonically or romantically your choice!!) like penguins do with rocks
7. HATES when someone ignores him. biggest ick ever (kinda canon cuz when Hawks ignored his phone calls and stuff during the vigilante arc and when izuku was just daydreaming about kacchan and accidentally ignored Fumi)
8. definitely got annoyed by class 1A (mostly Mina and Denki) once when he was eating chicken or something and they struck up a conversation about cannibalism (saw this in a fic I think??)
9. once got caught in his room doing a demon ritual (he revelled too much in the dark)
10. if he were looking for a romantic partner, he’d definitely go with someone who’s the complete opposite of him due to most birds liking shiny stuff (probably someone like Aoyama but I’m a multi-shipper so I’m fine with anything!!)
11. speaking about birds, most people think him to be a crow or a raven BUT he more resembles a Koel bird!! (thank you to someone on Tiktok who pointed this out, I will give you my liver☺️☺️)
12. I don’t have many headcanons for his parents but I imagine them to be..not the greatest people ever😰 (thought of this from when he mentioned in the school briefs how he’s never been to an amusement park before and I know that could be considered normal but hear me out u guys🤯🤯 I want my goth son to have angst)
13. favourite colour is purple, favourite number is 7 (I’m tweaking yall)
14. takes Halloween SO seriously (me too bro me too)
15. SOO ticklish but he vowed to take this fact to the grave (only dark shadow knows and they use it against him like “Fumikage if you don’t let me chew on Mr Aizawa’s scarf I’m telling everyone in class 1A that you’re ticklish”) OR SOMETHING
16. maladaptive daydreamer (I’m projecting with this one u guys!!)
17. knows the entire dance to Rock Lobster by The B-52’s on justdance unwillingly
18. his fav song changes a lot but at one point it was Goo Goo Muck by The Cramps
19. has to stop dark shadow from demanding pets from everyone in class 1A (it’s a daily routine)
20. knows a bunch of bird puns (blame the other silly bird man for this one😡😡)
21. won’t let anyone in his room UNLESS he’s super close to them (like how he tried to stop class 1A going into his room in the dorms episode)
22. (aged up Fumi for this one!!) the complete opposite when he’s drunk and/or high (like super chatty, energetic and giggly) is this realistic??? I haven’t been drunk or high before so idk😓
23. tolerates physical touch (like hugs and stuff) but only from those he’s super close to (or all might in that one episode!!)
24. the first time everyone in class 1A saw him without the choker on some of them (mina and denki and possibly Kirishima🤗🤗) asked him where his neck went..
25. absolutely knocked out when sick/feverish!! like incoherent mumbling, just super weak and dizzy and everything!! (I’ve been reading too much sickfics😰)
26. squawks involuntarily when caught super off guard and the first time it happened was in the class 1A dorms in front of everyone and he was so embarrassed he didn’t speak for a week
27. fluent in some random cool language (like Latin or something equally as cool!!😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎)
28. if he did have a human head then he’d dream of having every piercing on there as possible
29. has a mix of human hair and feathers so he’s gotta do like both brushing and washing it with shampoo and conditioner and stuff but also gotta preen with preening oil (birds naturally have that off of their tail feathers I think but like he doesn’t have a tail so😞)
30. you cannot tell me this man isn’t a writer like with the way he speaks it should be canon!! I can imagine him doing poems and stuff but also turning to other ways to write…(he makes sure no one in his life will ever know his AO3 username)
31. favourite sonic character is Shadow the hedgehog
32. stares outside and just zones out which resulted in the time he once accidentally spaced out while staring at someone (a character of your choice) and was so embarrassed after
33. speaking about embarrassment, he gets embarrassed super easy!!
34. is so painfully awkward around most tiny children (he’s warmed up to eri though after finding out they both have a shared love of apples)
35. sometimes cringes on what he says but knows he can’t take it back (it’s okay my son I’ll still platonically love you!!)
36. hates the fact that he’s been asked by people (TODOROKI.) if he’s Hawk’s brother or relative or something but hates it even more how Hawks barely denies it😡
37. gets his gothic mannerisms from both dark crystal (a pro hero who we can assume he idolises who is mentioned in the school briefs i think) but also a relative like an older sister!!
38. has crazy good intuition
39. is really surprised whenever someone mentions how cool or great dark shadow is since he never really heard that growing up (thank you Izuku!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
40. communication is SO important to him
41. finds it really hard to open up because of feeling like a birden (get it? “bird-en”? haha🙁🙁🙁)
42. he’s super close friends with mostly the heteromorphs of 1A like Koda, Shoji and Tsu but also friends with others who aren’t like Iida and Jirou
43. LOVES conspiracy theories
44. doesn’t cry often but when he does then you know it’s serious😞😞
45. HATES the fact that he has teeth (cuz it looks weird considering how he has a beak) so he’s vowed to never smile with his teeth
46. the type of person to say happy birthday the MOMENT it hits midnight on your birthday :))
47. used to be afraid of flying but made sure it wasn’t noticeable in front of Hawks
48. was genuinely surprised when he saw that the ones in 1A who saw dark shadow go wild didn’t like blame him or anything like how others have in the past🤯
49. dark shadow’s name is super simple because Fumikage had to pick it when they first manifested and since I can imagine he was super young when this happened he wasn’t very creative
50. whenever he and dark shadow play any type of board game together, he has to stop DS from eating the pieces when they’re losing
I got kinda unmotivated towards the end since I was so tired when I wrote all this but i’ll probably have more headcanons in the future!!🙀🙀🙀if y’all have any headcanons about him then please comment them cuz I always love hearing more!!
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kentofication · 2 years
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🔍︎ — hirofumi yoshida ✰ fem!reader
♯ — hirofumi receiving a little special gift from you.
∎ — 0.2k ✰ fluff
ⅲ — wrote this on my own free will. enjoy!
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“this for me?” hirofumi asked, dangling the keychain with his middle finger watching it slowly repeat the motions: back and forth. 
you answered him with a small grin and an audible ‘mhm’ as you watched his ministrations on the keychain. he gently gazed at the tentacles that connected to the octopus, examining the object very closely and conspicuously. 
his eyes followed every move that the octopus connected to the keychain made. he never took his gaze off the object. to be honest, you found it frightening that he was so indulged in this animal object that you bought him when he got back from devil hunting. 
suddenly, the movement of the keychain and hirofumi’s finger stopped. he placed the octopus keychain on his house key—made specifically to get in and out of your shared apartment. “thank you very much, love. i’m blessed to have a person like you in my life.” hirofumi said, extending his arms, internally asking for a warm, comfortable hug. 
you telepathically answered that internal request, giving hirofumi a big and welcoming hug. he embraced the warmth of your connected bodies, taking in every soft moment that he could possibly find in this activity. “i love you so much, you don’t understand.” hirofumi said, placing a long, loving kiss on your temple. 
you giggled at the physical feeling of his soft lips on your skin as you returned the favor—this time on his cheek. 
“i love you too, ‘fumi. i hope you enjoy your gift.” 
hirofumi let out a low hum as he exited out of the warm comfort he was previously in. 
“you’re the best gift i’ve ever had.”
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2022 © originally posted by @k-3nt0. please do not copy, translate, repost, or plagiarize. (reblogs are appreciated!)
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oniku-niku · 2 years
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You were busy running around the studio trying to clean everything up for when the others came by. Just as you put the drill back on its rightful hook, someone came through the door.
“Yoho~, (Y/n)! How’ve ya been doin’, babe?” the familiar voice of Hatsume Mei rang out. She slung an arm over your shoulders in a side hug before going to check out the stuff you’ve been working on.
“Hatsume! I haven’t seen you in so long! I’ve been doing okay, just working on one of the machines for the training grounds.” you greeted her.
“I’ve been meaning to drop by! But you know class 1A and thirst for destroying their gear. Keeps me so busy.” she sighed. You rolled your eyes playfully before nodding along. 
“Don’t I know it. You want to help me finish up these last pieces?” she enthusiastically nodded at the offer and picked up one of the wrenches.
“So get this. One of the students that were assigned to me had to drop out!” Your eyes widened as you two were twisting on the bolts.
“Yeah! He got so cocky about his skills that he ended up assaulting someone for beating him during the training exams. It was crazy, they had to have security drag him AND his family out after they threw a fit in principal Nezu’s office.” 
“No way, so you’re one person short?” You asked, screwing on the last bolt. She nodded before standing up to admire the work.
“Yeah, but I don’t mind, I think they’re trying to work something else out for me. Hey, I can bring this baby down to the grounds for you, it’s on my way back to my dorm before I leave.” she offered.
“You’d do that? Yes, please, thank you so much!” you thanked her as she grinned. Her arms easily lifted the machine onto a platform cart and wheeling it out of the studio with one last wave to you before she was gone. 
You were just wiping the grease off your face just as someone else walked through the doors.
“Oi, Nerd.” That gruff, rude, greeting could only belong to the one person you were avoiding all week. You turned around to see Katsuki standing there as the doors swung behind him. His hands were buried in his pockets as he stared at you. You hated to admit it but you missed his stupid annoyed face. You missed talking to him, and you hated how, even after getting into a little fight with him, he still made butterflies swarm your stomach at just the sight of him standing there looking back at you.
Your eyes lingered on his form before they caught the movement beside him. There stood who you could only assume was Fumi. Her eyes were taking in your figure, looking you up and down as a way for her to make out who you were. You noticed one of her eyebrows quirk up as if she was scoffing at you as she unhooked her arm from Katsuki’s.
“Hi! I’m Fumi! It’s nice to meet you!” she greeted cheerfully, but there was an edge in her voice and her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes.
“Oh, hi. I’m-”
“(Y/n), I know. I’ve heard a lot about you.” she cut you off as she looked around the studio. She grimaced as her eyes ran over the tools resting on the wall and the black soot in spots where machines have failed a few times.
“Tch. I’m not here to make conversation. Can I have my stuff now?” Bakugou asked. You quietly went over to where his gear was kept and took it back over to him. He examined it upon getting a hold of it.
“Are there any new additions that I should know about?” he grumbled, looking at the spots where he damaged to see it was fixed like new.
“Nope. Just fixed the stuff you said to.” you quickly responded, not wanting to meet his eyes as the last conversation you two had ran through your mind. He doesn’t consider you as a friend apparently. There were so many thoughts running through your head and none of them were helping the situation.
“That’s a first. Well, I got what I needed, let’s go Fumi.” he cast a last look, hoping to meet your eyes (though you didn’t know, you were looking at everything but him). His hand went to grab Fumi’s as a last resort of getting a reaction out of you, but his shoulders fell when you didn’t. The two made their way from the studio, Fumi shooting you a last glance before she moved herself even closer to him as if to tell you to lay off. Even if she was trying to glare at you, you didn’t want to think that she had bad intentions, you barely knew her. She might be a good person for him anyway, who knows.
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cuspidgoddess · 8 months
🐦‍⬛🔥 i politely request the two emos 👉🏻👈🏻
That first night in the villa is surreal. Tokoyami Fumikage makes it look like this is normal, like the villains his brother has been living in luxury for a long time but when he asks the crow, he says this is his first time visiting this particular hideout, which makes him wonder just how much they move around. They fall asleep with Touya Dabi Touya Dabi Touya and Hawks Keigo on the livingroom floor, he can’t be bothered to care though, not when he has Touya back, and not when he wakes up to cool taloned fingers wrapped around his warmer ones from where Fumi is curled up under Ha-Keigo’s wing.
It’s a few more weeks before the next time Shoto is able to visit the villa with Fumikage, before he finds out that they're going to be sharing a room. It's fine, it's like a sleepover right? What's a sleepover supposed to be like? They only show girls sleepovers in Mina's movies, what if it's not the same?
He's so nervous he can feel his fingers starting to tingle, knees weakening don't do this not now, there isn't a threat, Endeavor isn't here. He forces himself to continue to breath normally, to continue to take soft deep measured breaths that won't alert the lovely little bird in front of him to his anxiety.
The room is soft and simple. There are lots of windows with gauzy white curtains letting light filter in and open black out curtains that could be drawn, likely for Fumikage's comfort. The walls are a soft grayish blue. There is two of everything: two beds, two desks, two dressers. Theres an open door leading to a bathroom and a closed one that he assumes is a closet but his focus is stuck on the nest set up on the bed furthest from the windows.
The bed itself is circular and walls have been built up from pillows and intricately woven blankets all in red and black. It's far more intricate than any of the nest examples he had seen in his research. Fumi's eyes follow his suddenly very quiet classmates and he can feel his cheeks heat.
"I can take it down if it bothers you-" Fumi says nervously, stomach plummeting. Even in his most depressed states he's always had a nest to take the smallest of comforts in.
"No." Shoto says firmly, eyes still drinking in the cozy sight. "I was just admiring. It looks very cozy, very well made." he tries to gentle his voice like how he's heard Touya speak to Keigo when he seems nervous or upset.
Fumi's heart races, crest feathers puffing up at the praise, courting, Shoto is courting us, he complimented our nest, he likes our nest! Dark Shadow shrieks excitedly in his mind.
"O-oh... thank you." Fumikage warbles, secondary vocal cords locking as his primary try to call and sing to his interest. Fumikage drops his patchwork dufflebag beside his bed and starts to strip to get ready for bed and that's a whole new life altering experience for Shoto.
Fumikage is tiny- dainty. His massive wardrobe completely dwarfs his petite figure Shoto learns, eyes glued to his classmate against his will. If I put my hands around his waist I think my fingers would touch Shoto marvels, blood rushing south. His back is crisscrossed in pink and silvery scars that make his bones ache at the pain they must have caused the little bird. He's almost vibrating out of his skin when the crow pushes his baggy sweats down, before he bends over, sticking out his perky, round little ass to rustle through his duffle for his jammies. Shoto doesn't realize he's staring with an open mouth, eyes drinking in his smooth pale legs. It isn't until he smells burning fabric that he realizes his hand has burned a hole in the hem of his shirt where he's unknowingly white knuckled the fabric. He whirls around before Fumi can catch him staring like a complete perv, absolutely mortified by his poor behavior.
That night though his self flagellation is not enough to keep him from staring across the room, watching the crow sleep, snuggled down in his cozy nest, Dark Shadow curled in his arms.
Thanks for playing 🙏🏻🥰
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giggly-squiggily · 7 months
Candy heart Red
Hey, can you... you know.
Tokoyami and Tsu
Oo, I haven't written for these darlings in awhile! I've gotcha covered, Sarah! :D
It's Love: "Hey could you...you know..?"
“Hey Fumi, can you…you know..” When Tokiyama looked at her, the frog hero’s face was pinched, brows furrowed as she tapped her fingers against her book.
Sometimes after long study sessions, she’d have what she declared to be “brain glitches” and temporarily forget what she was going to ask. He learned it’s better to give her a minute to remember than try to guess. “I..forgot what I was going to say.”
“Seems the silence of the library stole the words from your lips, seeking a voice of its own.” He hummed in his cup, watching his friend go from perplexed to thoughtful. How she was able to make sense of anything he said amazed him some days.
“Probably…OH!” She clapped her hands, twisting in her seat so fast it startled him. “I remember now! Dark shadow- can you let him out?”
“...Why?” He raised a suspicious brow, his tension not easing at her cheeky smile.
“What? Can’t I say hi to him? I’m sure he’s dying to come out, no?”
Tokiyami thought about it, then nodded. Dark Shadow appeared not long after, stretching out with a happy chirp. “Fumi! What’s-TSU!” The quirked beast practically lunged at her, wrapping his shadowy arms around her waist and snuggling into her lap. She giggled, running her fingers through the spikes along his head.
“Hi, Dark Shadow. Aren’t you sweet today?”
“He sure is..” Tokiyami tried not to let it show how her touch affected him. Tsu knew full well he could feel everything Dark Shadow felt. He thanked his lucky stars he could hide his growing blush beneath black feathers.
What he couldn’t hide was the startled smile growing when she started scratching gently into Dark Shadow’s neck and back. “T-Tsu!”
“Hm? What is it?”
“You knohohw what!”
“Do I?” She was grinning now, intentionally tickling along the spots she knew Tokiyami was weak. “Don’t tell me- does it tickle?”
“Yohohohoou knohohow it doooohohoes!” He shank in his chair, arms crossing over his torso in a vain attempt to stop the ghost tickles. “Tsuuhuhuhuhuh! chiiirp Pleahhhahah-aahhhahahse! Chiiiiirp!”
“Hehe, Fumi’s cute when he laughs. Oh yeah, right there..” Dark Shadow pressed his face further into Tsu’s hand as she gave his chin a scritch, even if it left his master a chirping mess of giggles on the ground nearby. “I like when you do this.”
“Hehe, me too.” Tsu agreed with a happy croak, smiling warmly at Tokiyami as he laughed himself silly. “And you're right- he’s really cute.”
Send me a candy heart and I'll write a dabble for it!
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soloroomies · 3 months
lifemate (Chapter 8/ Sakusa x f!reader)
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summary: addressing the tension you feel towards him word count. 2.4k cw. marriage pact au, mature content, smut (only oral m! receiving is written in detail) a/n. another updatee! hope u enjoy the story!
Last night was… something else. One moment, you were sitting nervously beside Kiyoomi, and the next, you found yourself climaxing hard under his expert touch. When you think about it, it’s not that strange. After all, he’s your husband now, and sex is a natural part of that relationship. But what makes it weird is that he was your friend long before he became your husband. That’s why you made the marriage pact with him and followed through with it. 
It feels weird because he’s been your friend for almost half your life. You’ve never seen him in any light other than a friendly one, and suddenly, you’re struck by how attractive he is. Then, last night happened.
And Kiyoomi? He left you feeling utterly confused. Last night you were left on the couch, dumbfounded after he rejected your advance, which he initiated by the way. He disappeared for the rest of the night after you cleaned up. This morning, when you made breakfast, he acted as nonchalant as ever—just in that typical Sakusa Kiyoomi way. It was as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.
This all leads you to one big question: what should you do? If you take his behavior at face value, it seems like it was just a one-time thing. But why did he initiate it in the first place? You know how you acted the last few days. Please, just don’t say it’s because you look desperate. You are desperate, but god forbid you look desperate.
You massage your temples and take a sip of the coffee on your desk, distracted at work by these thoughts. 
If you really squint, this is Kiyoomi, your high school friend. To be frank, you’ve never seen him attached to anyone in a romantic way. Like, in a literal being in love way. Fumi’s words about how hard it is to imagine him in a romantic relationship ring true. You can’t help but agree with her. So, maybe it’s not something you can expect from him. You know you can’t be too attached to the expectation that’ll only hurt you.
So, it’s final. You’ll act like you used to, maintaining the status quo. But you want to return the favor for last night. Just because. Just one last act from you.
Even though the memory of last night keeps replaying in your mind. Remembering how good he made you feel—you can’t remember the last time you came like that—makes you feel something soaking down there. Nope. Just one last act. And then, just… see how it goes?
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You come home after work like usual, arriving before Kiyoomi. After changing into more comfortable clothes, you decide to make dinner. After grocery shopping, you often prepare your meals in advance to make weekday cooking more convenient. Like today—you spend no more than 30 minutes making chicken katsu curry.
Settling onto the couch, you unwind and scroll through your phone. Soon, you hear the apartment door unlock, signaling Kiyoomi’s arrival. Suddenly, you remember your plan to return the favor. Biting your lip, you consider your options on how to approach the situation. Should you just go up to him and yank his pants down? Or just ask, ‘Can I suck your dick?’ Fuck. You don’t know what to do.
Popping your head up from the couch, you greet him, “Hey.”
“Oh hey. I thought you were in your room,” Kiyoomi replies.
“Well... no. I’m here,” you say with a nervous laugh. Kiyoomi frowns slightly at your response, making you want to disappear. Trying to recover, you add, “Dinner's ready, by the way.”
“Thank you. I’ll change first,” he says, heading towards the bedroom. You nod your head at him.
After changing his clothes, Kiyoomi joins you at the kitchen table. “Thanks for the food,” he says, looking at you. You smile, and you both start eating.
“So, when does the match start tomorrow?” you ask, breaking the silence. 
“At 1 pm,” he replies, taking a bite of his food. “But let’s leave by 10. You’re coming, right?”
“Of course I’m coming. Okay!” you reply enthusiastically. You search for another topic to discuss, but nothing comes to mind. Just two weeks ago, you were talking freely with him. Why does this have to happen?!
As you finish your meal, Kiyoomi's gaze lingers on you, watching as you take your last scoop of food. "Let me wash your plate," he offers.
"Oh, okay," you reply. He takes your plate, gets up from the table, and heads to the sink. You follow him with your eyes, observing his loose white shirt and black shorts. You can’t help but be distracted by how attractive he is, his broad shoulders, his black wavy hair, his long fingers that— stop. You bite your lip and close your eyes for a second. Okay. That’s more reason to suck his dick right now.
But then, after Kiyoomi finishes washing the dishes, he starts walking toward his bedroom. Panic sets in. “Wait,” you call out, standing abruptly.
“Yeah?” He turns toward you, his brow raised.
“Can we talk about something?” you ask, your voice trembling with uncertainty.
“Sure,” he replies, his tone neutral, though you can see the slight furrow of his brow.
“About last night,” you begin, your heart pounding in your chest. “I’ve been thinking…”
“What about last night?” he asks, his expression unreadable.
You hesitate, struggling to find the right words. “I just… I wanted to know if I can, you know, return the favor?” Shit. 
He looks at you for a long moment, his eyes searching yours. “No,” he says simply, his tone firm but not unkind.
“Why?!” you half yell, immediately covering your mouth in embarrassment. “Sorry. I mean, why?” you ask in a lower voice, trying to regain composure.
“You don’t have to feel like you need to return the favor, okay?” he says.
“No–” you begin, but he interrupts.
“I don’t expect–”
“Please, just let me?” you plead, feeling desperate. “I don’t feel obligated. I just want to. Please?” How did this end up with you begging him?
He studies you for a moment, then says, “Do you really want to do that?” You’re about to respond when you notice the change of his tone. He’s fucking teasing you. This man fucking teases you. You didn't expect him to be like this in bed. The memory of yesterday flashes through your mind—him saying, “Is this what I get if you come to my match?” You feel so fucking embarassed.
“Fuck, you know what?” you mutter, turning your back to him, ready to head back to your room. But he suddenly pulls you by your waist, hugging you from behind.
“Sorry, I just…” He buries his head in the crook of your neck and mumbles, “You look cute doing that.”
Your heart feels like it's about to leap out of your chest, your face hot. “Doing what?” you ask breathlessly.
“Begging,” he whispers. You turn your head to protest, but he captures your lips in a kiss, his hands gripping your waist, pulling you closer. You return the kiss as the kiss deepens, becoming more urgent, more desperate.
You push him towards the couch, both of you stumbling slightly in your haste. He falls back onto the cushions, and you follow, straddling his lap. The feel of his growing arousal pressing against you sends a shiver down your spine, and you moan softly into his mouth.
Breaking the kiss, you slide off his lap and kneel between his thighs. Your fingers fumble with the waistband of his pants, and he lifts his hips to help you slide them down. The sight of him fully aroused and ready sends a thrill of anticipation through you. It literally surprises no one that he’s packing. You’re sure that god really takes his time when making him. Like, you never have real experience with men who are this size. You’re momentarily stunned, wondering if you can take him fully in your mouth.
Sensing your hesitation, he cups your face. “Are you sure?” he asks, sincerity in his voice. You nod, feeling more determined.
You take him in your hand, feeling the weight and heat of him, and then slowly guide him into your mouth. The sound he makes as you take him in is a low, guttural moan that sends a fresh wave of arousal coursing through you. You work him with your mouth and hand, alternating between sucking and stroking, taking him as deep as you can. His hands tangle in your hair, guiding your movements as he loses himself in the pleasure. You look up to see him. Fuck. He’s so damn hot, with his head falling back against the couch, exposing his neck. 
It doesn’t take long before you feel him tense beneath you, his breathing ragged and uneven. With a final, shuddering moan, he comes undone, spilling into your mouth. You swallow quickly, the taste of him lingering on your tongue as you pull back and look up at him. 
His eyes are dark with desire and something else you can’t quite place. He pulls you up onto his lap, kissing you deeply, his hands roaming over your body. When his fingers slip under your waistband, you stop him.
“Let’s just stop now,” you say, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek. “You have a match tomorrow. Let’s just rest, okay?”
He remains silent, staring at you with an intense expression. For some reason, you find him adorable like this. You kiss him one last time and giggle as you walk back to your room, feeling triumph that your plan is successfully executed.
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The next morning, you wake up at 8, later than your usual weekday’s wakeup time. You remember that you will go to the stadium at 10, so you get up from your bed and walk toward the kitchen.  The sound of the shower tells you that Kiyoomi is already up, taking a shower. You remember what happened last night and find yourself smiling. You feel like a weight has been lifted. Maybe it's because the sexual tension you had towards him has been addressed? You shrug and start to make breakfast for both of you—a simple taco stuffed with cheese and egg and topped with fresh tomatillo salsa. You enjoy searching for recipes on TikTok and experimenting with them, adding your own flair.
As you’re putting the final touches on the tacos, you don’t realize Kiyoomi is standing beside you, watching you arrange the food. “Oh hey, there you are! It’s almost done,” you say, startled. You see he’s already dressed, ready to go. You finish up and hand him a plate. “I’m done! Here, enjoy your breakfast.”
You’re about to head to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready when he grabs your hand. “Are you not eating?” he asks.
“I’ll get ready first!” you reply, giving him a reassuring smile.
After you both finish eating and getting ready, you quickly get in his car and drive to the stadium. You take a seat in the bleachers with a few other spectators, watching the players warm up with their spiking, setting, and serving drills. You spot Aiko and sit together, catching up on small talk.
As the match is about to start, you head to the locker room to wish the athletes luck. When you arrive, you catch Kiyoomi already looking at you. You walk up to him and hug him. “Good luck,” you say softly, taking his hand and kissing it. He stares at you the whole time, looking so endearing. Then, he lowers his head and gives you a quick peck on the lips, surprising you. He and his teammates then line up to head to the arena. Fumi, passing by, teases, “You damn newlywed!” You laugh at that, feeling a warm blush on your cheeks.
MSBY Black Jackal scores another win in the match. You stand up from your seat, clapping your hands, feeling so proud of them. You catch Kiyoomi’s eye from the court, and you wave enthusiastically at him, your smile wide.
The drive home is filled with a comfortable silence. You don't feel tense anymore around him. Actually, you're feeling more comfortable than ever. So comfortable that you praise him for his performance while taking his free hand and kissing it. You can't help but feel endeared by him nowadays, not knowing what shifted. Noticing him trying to avoid your gaze, you giggle and pinch his cheek. Since when did you find Kiyoomi this adorable?
As you step inside the apartment, you’re about to head to your room when you hear Kiyoomi call your name. You turn to see him frowning slightly. “Hey, what’s up?” you ask, walking towards him. 
Suddenly, he pushes you against the wall, caging you with his body. “I can’t stop thinking about last night,” he murmurs, his voice low and intense. 
You widen your eyes. Oh. So, he’s been distracted by that all day. You look up at him, cupping his face. Then, you tiptoe to give him a kiss, which he returns eagerly while lifting you. “My room,” you say between kisses. He nods, carrying you to your room.
He gently lays you on your bed, his eyes locked onto yours with an intensity that makes your heart race. “Do you have a condom?” you ask breathlessly.
He pauses for a second, then nods and quickly leaves the room. Moments later, he returns, holding a condom. 
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The room is filled with the sound of your labored breaths as you both come down from the high. You feel lightheaded from what just happened. That was just so good. You lie there, trying to catch your breath, a sense of euphoria washing over you.
As you begin to relax, you notice Kiyoomi standing up and leaving the room. You watch him go, curiosity piqued. Moments later, he returns with a wet towel in his hand. He gently starts to clean you up, his touch tender and caring. You can’t help but groan softly, feeling too tired to move a single muscle.
Kiyoomi’s movements are precise and gentle, making sure you’re comfortable. Once he’s done, he stands up and takes a moment to observe you. He leans down, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. “Good night,” he whispers.
You watch as he leaves the room, closing the door behind him.
Taglist: @wolffmaiden @yunskook @fiannee @nightlydream
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Once again, I think my asks are being eaten SO:
1) I am torn between two names for Koda’s pupper - Whisper and Moro. Whisper is a character from Sonic the Hedgehog. Moro is the name of the giant wolf that raised San in Princess Mononoke. Both work, but I’m not sure. 
(Also, I’m just imagining after the internships. Like, hey guys, how was it?
Kaminari: “I found out I have a sister cause my dad is a serial cheater.”
Momo: “I was used to shill hair products, and repeatedly insulted about my weight.”
Tsuyu: “I stopped a drug smuggling ring.”
Fumikage: “Eimi and I spent the entire week trying to keep up, and I don’t know if Hawks ever figured out that Eimi and I are separate people.”
Iida: “… I tried to kill someone via vigilante justice …”
Izuku: “I tried to STOP Iida from committing murder via vigilante justice!”
Shoto: “I helped Izuku and Iida not get killed by Stain.”
Himiko: “I was also there!”
Kouda: “… I found a doggie. She can change size. She saved my life, and we’re friends now. She can carry me, and is very fast … She said I’d be a good hero …”
Everyone else: “Fuck it, he wins.”)
2) Glad you like “Seance”! I think my idea was, Fumi can kind of … “connect” with someone via their Quirk, which … considering most Quirk users he meets are ALIVE, doesn’t do much beyond giving him some mild empathy powers. Though with Eimi, it lets them fight as almost one person. It’s not until he meets people with Quirks that have Vestiges, like Izuku and [Redacted] that he starts really getting anywhere with his Quirk, or starts realizing it EXISTS in the first place. I’m … actually not sure if Fumi would realize his Quirk? Like, with Vestiges, if he trains it enough, he could probably see and speak to them. Currently, he’s just … passively empowering them to be able to interact physical objects? That he’s focusing on? Like with the Ouija Board (I’m trying to think of limits so Fumi can’t just wholesale SUMMON GHOSTS).
Though, now I’m imagining he figures out his Quirk, gets it working, and then meets AfO.
AfO: *smooth, charismatic recruitment speech*
Fumi, looking at the literal ARMY of angry Vestiges around AfO: “Sir, I’m going to have to respectfully decline.”
Honestly the fact that Koda’s internship starts with ‘I need a new mentor because mine got hit with a bus’ and ‘the world is full of free dogs!’ he’s really just swinging between great time and bad time.
Also my only name thoughts is because I keep thinking of the size changing dog from Danny Phantom, which is Cujo, named after the Stephen King book. Which.... worked in DP but is too dark for Koda.
Re: Fumikage:
Honestly I’m liking it on just. Being able to click with someone’s Quirk mentally. But yeah he mostly hasn’t expanded on it because he doesn’t realize it’s there. He just clicks into Eimi’s energy because he’s used to it it takes no effort.
And now it’s getting a touch stronger already as he clicks with his classmates in battle, but it’s not as practiced on others so it’s more ‘general vibes’ rather than full on connection.
Plus! He’s now actually constantly around a bunch of Ghosts thanks to Izuku and [REDACTED]. His passive ability to sense them is constantly being activated, which has him looking closer, and eventually he’ll be able to see them properly.
Also YEAH The looking at AfO the most haunted motherfucker is just. OOH BOY.
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