#thanks kaly!!
solarpire · 1 year
Hello, optional tag game here! List 5 things that make you happy. Then if you want, you can put this in the askbox of the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. Learn about your mutuals and followers~
Ohh this sounds fun! Ok ok
1. Trying new foods. Especially fun drinks. I cannot get enough of fun new flavors. I've discovered I really like brazilian cheese bread (unfortunately dont remember the name, but it's such a nice squishy texture), sweet potato fries, chicken hearts, chicken katsudon, taro boba (when it's made well, some people make it very rubbery and flavorless(and I LOVE when I can get cream cheese foam on it)), cheesecake, melon flavored drinks, lychee flavored drinks, and calpico to name a couple things. I used to be really picky when I was younger, so I'm really happy I'm at a place where I'm comfortable trying new stuff :)
2. New hobbies. I really love finding new things to do with my hands, it just feels good to see the evidence of something you've worked hard on. I've tried sculpting, carving, jewelry making, bone cleaning, sewing, book binding, writing, baking, acting, etc etc. I just love figuring out how something new works. Atm I really want to get into fursuit making, game making, car maintenance, and getting better at writing. I've got two different stories on the back burner, a queer slasher horror book and a horror dating game about people in different fields of medicine/science (I really havent worked much on either, but they make me happy to think about and talk about. If anyone is interested in hearing about either just lmk ^^)
3. Being butch. This is a part of my identity I've only recently become comfortable identifying with, I was worried it shouldn't be for me seeing as I identify as nonbinary and tend to be attracted to men and nonbinary people more often than women, but now I feel so at home in it. Loving others and loving myself has just felt so much more authentic through this new perspective on my identity. I love being butch, I love the way my body looks, how I am big and strong and soft and fuzzy and made for loving and caring for the people around me, I love my relationship with queer masculinity, and how it doesnt restrain me from taking joy in my queer femininity when I feel it, I love the way it makes me feel when I clean or fix or make things, when I use my hands, I love how I look with my boots jeans belt and carabiner with a little bear tag on it, I love taking care of my loved ones and making sure they know they're cared for, and I love the way I am loved for it. Butch boy bear girl is just who I am 👍
4. Tattoos. I plan on eventually going into tattooing as a job! Theres a couple things I have to get taken care of before I start seeking out an apprenticeship, but I want it more than anything. I feel like I would really enjoy the medium, and helping people decorate themselves in whatever way is personal to them, whether it's got a deep personal meaning, or they just think itll look nice on them. I think helping people feel that freedom of identity is such an honor and I cant wait to get there
5. My partners. YEAH ITS CHEESY IK. But I just got into a new relationship with two more people that have been my closest friends for a few years just a week or two ago after getting to meet them in person for the first time. We're taking things slow, but all three of them just make me so so happy, and seeing how happy they are with each other makes me even more happy, and I'm so glad and grateful that these wonderful lovely people are in my life (I wont name or @ any of them for their privacy, but if any of you see this hiii ❤❤❤)
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jayswhorex · 4 days
jason todd groans under his breath as he splits you open with his cock. he dips his head into the crook of your neck, breathing in your fresh scent. one hand gripping your hip, the other cradling one of your tits. there wasn't a part of you he hadn't missed or craved in his time away and he could finally get his fill of you once again. he couldn't help but move his hand down from your hips to your ass, giving you a firm squeeze, earning him a soft gasp. you're pressed down in between him and the bed with his hands all over your body, your nails bruising your skin. "fuck it's been too long baby" he mumbles as he completely bottoms out into you, "way too long" you whimper, at the prolonged feeling. there wasn't a part of you jason couldn't help but crave, he needed all of you. after weeks of waiting for your husband to come home, here he finally was, showing you exactly how much he missed you. "you're home jay…" you mumbled out, your words barely even coherent "mhm i'm home baby" he said, mumbling an incoherent plea of love in your ear.
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lousolversons · 4 months
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Kali Reis as Evangeline Navarro & Jodie Foster as Liz Danvers TRUE DETECTIVE (NIGHT COUNTRY) - S04E05
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stuckinapril · 5 months
Was sitting cross-legged on the ground applying my mascara last night when I finally. Mind body and soul. Let go of the whole “we COULD’VE been” mentality that has haunted me all my life. Like for the past month I’ve pretty much been stuck on this one boy bc “we could’ve been really cute” “we could’ve been something” actually no we couldn’t have been bc I don’t even know him that well and the version of him in my head doesn’t exist and it’s just time to let go of that (and of every other time I’ve extrapolated my own fantasies to someone, friend or crush or otherwise). If we actually could’ve been, then we would be. But we are not. Next .
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kalidels · 6 months
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another commission of eiffel and hera for the wonderful @commsroom <3
i can never get enough of drawing little moments of intimacy and i'm so lucky to be sponsored to draw it more!!!!!
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maplesleep · 1 month
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First time making a gift for @kalika999 for @fandomtrumpshate !! <3
(Gojo then proceeded to knock over the soda and get crêpe filling on Nanami's nice new suit immediately after this :3c)
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prettypangolins · 2 years
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[IMAGE ID: two MS Paint drawings of the autism creature on a white background. The top image has ‘Autisms!’ above the creature and ‘R U Hydrate?’ beneath. In the second image the autism creature has a glass full of water next to it and a straw. The words above and below read ‘It’s sippy’ and ‘time’. /END ID]
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ratanslily · 14 days
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I want it, I got it🫦
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the-whispers-of-death · 3 months
more older omega reader and alpha Kali
reader is finally wooed enough to let Kali into his nest. the nest is big since reader is big but.... it's rather threadbare because reader was raised in a strict household where he wasn't allowed "luxuries" so he was used to having a blanket and two pillows for a "nest". reader invites Kali to lay/sit down and they just chill together until reader falls asleep on accident (reader purrs while sleeping if the sleep is good and the purrs are so deep just like his laugh)
Considering that Omega!Stone also has a rather bare nest due to how he grew up, I'm not saying that Kali has a type.... but if the shoe fits... Anyways, that's not what we're here to talk about.
Kali would be pleasantly surprised that you allowed him into your nest. He is shocked at how you only have a blanket and two pillows for your nest, but he doesn't say anything because he doesn't want you think he's judging you. You fall asleep as you two lay next together, side by side with your head resting on his chest.
His alpha instincts relax at having you close to him, hearing your deep purrs. He wants to keep you like this forever, make sure you're taken care of.
He'd subtly introduce more comfort into your nest, giving you more pillows and blankets slowly but surely. You're his omega in everything except officially, and his alpha instincts are telling him his omega needs a more cozy nest.
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romance-club-daily · 28 days
@ the anon asking about the cultural sensitivity in KFS compared to KCD: it's honestly not much better. Like compared to Amala being a mixed British girl and experiencing a culture shock there's a lot less harping on about how uncivilized the locals and their beliefs are but Devi definitely has an annoying not like other girls mentality. I get that the author wanted to present her as this rebellious progressive girl ahead of her times but it's written from such a painfully obvious white POV. Every culture has its own issues but at least we grow up being able to navigate it with some nuance that Remy's missing. The way she writes Devi's animosity towards colonizers is pretty realistic tho, I liked how she stood up to Ian when he decided to open his mouth about the losses on both sides 🥴 like bro bffr. Other than that everything concerning culture and traditions is written pretty superficially. It's clear that Remy spends waaaay more time on character design than on research because she knows the majority of her readers won't care. She severely underestimates the number of Desi players lol
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lanesrequiem · 4 days
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devi u will always be famous mmmwa
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bridgeportbritt · 2 months
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Creeksbrey Ballroom | Umbrage, SimDonia
The guests have arrived! With lots of planning, strict NDAs, and a compressed thoroughly combed over guest list (at Grayson's request but Bria's sorrow) the guests were able to enter Creeksbrey Palace without causing media commotion. The guests include members of Grayson's family, Bria's close friends/special guests, senior Royals from Emmitt's family, the Selvadorada Royal family and the Lady of Umbrage's family.
@trentonsimblr @whitmoreroyals @storiesbyjes2g @ladybugsimblr @atreanroyals
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toruvi · 1 year
Getting blasted with Levi on 4/20 where he smokes you out for the first time. Well, initially it was an entire party planned by his roommate Erwin. You're merely neighbors but have hung around the two often enough that they invited you over. Though when it gets a little too hot inside the apartment and maybe a little too loud you just need to step outside on their patio real quick for a breath of fresh air.
And with that step outside comes a faintly cool relief of the spring air. Accompanied with the slow lo fi beats emanating from Levi's phone that lays on the table. Next to it, a halfway, meticulously packed bowl and the man himself fixing it. His eyes are faintly pink when they peer up at you. You nod toward him in acknowledgement, and he scoots over on the bench to give you a spot to sit down.
"So this is where you went."
He grunts, continuing his work as he chews on his bottom lip. "Hange took three too many shots."
You laugh, your shoulder brushing into his as you lean back. He gently pats the packed bowl down with the butt of his lighter, then offers it to you.
"Ah--I don't really know how to light it and stuff--uh. Furlan usually does it for me."
His brow raises. "Furlan? He just burns the entire bowl in one go. It's almost a waste."
"Is that why my lungs feel like they're on fire when he does it?"
Levi shakes his head with a low, barely audible chuckle. "Shit. He couldn't even bother to teach you? Here, hold this and I'll show you."
He leans in to hand you the bong and that's when you start to smell the faint scent of his cologne--hell, maybe even his laundry detergent.
"When I light, you inhale. When this gets filled with smoke," he taps over the bong gently in the gaps of your fingers. "You suck harder. Got it?"
You stare at the lighter in his veiny right hand for a bit too long without an answer.
Levi clicks his tongue and you blink away the string of thoughts threatening to flood your mind in this proximity.
"Yeah. Got it," you murmur. He stares for a couple seconds before clearing his throat.
When he lights, you do just as he said. He's watching intently as the flame flickers away, replaced with a gentler orange glow in the bowl instead. "Go slow--yeah. That's it."
The praise shoots a soft burn straight down your stomach. His voice lowers as his fingers hover over the bowl.
"Gonna take this out, then you can go harder, yeah?"
It's taking all your concentration not to choke on the air when your eyes meet his. They flicker between yours and your lips. The glass clinks as he lifts the bowl, and Levi looks at you expectantly.
"There you go... Good."
Well, it was good until the second line of praise really distracted you. You cough and hold the bong away. As if he was ready for it, he's taking it out of your hands with that same baritonal chuckle.
"Hm. Better than Furlan at least."
Grinning, you take a deep, clean breath. "Pft."
He takes a hit of the bong like an expert, easily allowing the high to wash over him. He leans back against the bench with you, tilting his head up whilst exhaling the long trail of smoke.
Whether or not he realizes it, his shoulder is pressed heavily into yours. There's even a slight tilt of his head against you.
"How're you feeling?" He asks, running his hand through his hair.
"Yeah, me too."
"You usually stay out here during the parties?"
"Prefer to smoke out here. It's quieter. Sometimes they can be..."
"A lot?"
Nodding, he moves to light the bong again. "Want another?"
You watch how the muscles shift in his shoulders as he reaches for the lighter. "Kay."
He blinks back you. Though it's brief, there is that glance down to your lips again. You wonder if he realizes it. You wonder what he's thinking. If they're the same things as you. The silent, tense.moments like that may be brief, but they're starting a little too hot of a flame for you to ignore.
Again, he offers the first hit. It's taken graciously. He repeats those encouraging words as a reminder of the initial lesson. Inhale slow, when he pulls out, go harder.
But when you try to huff out away from his face, his delicate fingers cup the side of your chin. His thumb keeps your mouth open. He leans in and you freeze, your chest hammering at how damn close he's gotten so suddenly. How you can now smell the spearmint gum he must've been chewing earlier. How the pad of his thumb stays perched on your skin... How those silvery blue eyes hold that expectant look again for an entirely different reason than earlier.
He instructs, so quietly you barely hear it over the boisterous laugher from inside his apartment.
"Go on."
Somehow, it clicks in your mind. You exhale and he allows the smoke between his own lips. They may not be touching yours but you swear you could feel them anyway. The high fills your head like the smoke he takes in, bleeds into every vein in your body and brain. After he blows away from you, Levi let's go of your chin. His cheeks have grown pink.
"Do you wanna--um," Levi hesitates, swallowing down what feels like his nerves. Funny, considering the move he just pulled on you. "Wanna stay the night?"
"Okay," you breathe, pressing your thighs together. Out of the corner of your eye, Levi's arm resting over the back of the bench flexes and shifts. His hand grips the wood tightly. "Yeah, sure."
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steviesbicrisis · 1 year
Season 2 rewrite that I think will be super cool: what if Eddie was a part of Kali's gang?
Maybe Eddie used to live in another state with his dad and when the police came to arrest him, Eddie doesn't wait for child services, he never finds out about his uncle, he just runs away.
He meets the gang and he likes what he sees: a bunch of outcasts, freaks, who want to take revenge on the people who hurt them. Eddie is full of anger, just like them, and he wants to make his father pay for what he has done to him and his mother.
But then, as he follows them in their avenging missions, something feels wrong. Despite all the anger in his bones, he can't bring himself to enjoy hurting others. He decides to stay on the sidelines, has no other place to go, no family, and doesn't want to turn his back on the first people who accepted him, even with their debatable moral compass.
When Jane arrives, Eddie, much like Kali, sees something of himself in her. When they go on her first mission, he decides to join them, much to everyone's surprise. And when Jane spares the man who she was supposed to kill, Eddie knows for certain she's just like him.
Jane doesn't belong with Kali, Eddie doesn't belong with Kali. But Jane has some people, friends, she told Eddie about, that are the closest thing to a family that she ever had.
The cops arrive at their hiding place, they're jumping on the van, but Jane doesn't. Eddie looks at the cops coming close, then at Jane, then at Kali, then he jumps out the van and follows her.
He wants to meet these friends who are worth fighting for.
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 10 months
stablehamd yang trying to climb up to princess Blake's room through her balcony Romeo and juliet style
Yang: (sitting in wait by the stables) Okay, wait until the candle shines in the window, and climb up to the balcony. Just like Blake said.
-Light in a palace window shines-
Yang: Bingo! (sneaks over to the castle and climbs up the vine covered walls to the balcony - Pulls herself halfway over the rail and freezes)
Kali: (sipping tea on the balcony) Hello, Yang. Wrong balcony, I'm afraid. Blake's is the next two over.
Yang: (wheezing) u-u-u-u-uh....r-right... I'm just gonna... (gulps) um...crawl on down and pack up my stuff in the stables.
Kali: Oh, I'm not going to fire you for something like this. You can head right on over to Blake's balcony. I'm not going to stop you. It might be easier to rail hop over though. Those vines aren't as strong as they used to be.
Yang: (complete shock) Right... Uh... Okay.... Thank you, Your Grace.
Kali: Yang, at this rate you and Blake will be married within the year. Call me Mom when we're in private.
-Candlight glows from the window two balconies over-
Kali: Looks like you're being summoned. Off you go.
Yang: Uh... Yeah... Thank you, Your Gr-
Kali: (pointed glare)
Yang: -Mom! Thank you, Mom. (balances on the railing and hops over to the next balcony until she reaches Blake's room)
Kali: (shakes her head and sips her tea) Candle in the window signal. They really need to think of more original secret messages.
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h4lcyonism · 1 year
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