#thanks steph i love you
elvain · 9 months
1, 3, 5, 9, 10, 24, 25 for the year in review . hi mk
did u ask enough questions. did u wanna ask more.
What’s something new that you tried in a fic this year? How did it turn out? Would you do it again?
i wrote in second person POV for the first time ever with visions of the self! it was a really interesting experience. writing in second person POV forces you to think a lot more about the character themselves and that can be hard for writing purposes. when we write, we can fill up a chapter or passage with exposition or dialogue or general descriptions/storytelling. with second person POV, all you have is your character and how they feel/think. that being said, it's definitely something i would wanna explore in the coming year.
3. What piece of media inspired you the most?
oh, bridgerton, for sure. once upon a time, i would have been embarrassed to admit it, but not anymore! The Beau Monde was inspired entirely by bridgerton and 95% of it was written while listening to various soundtracks by string instrument groups + the official bridgerton soundtrack. i have rewatched this series more times than i care to count.
5. What ship(s) captured your heart?
there is a variety, actually! i really fell in love with johnnywyatt, which inspired dream a little dream of me. i learned about daeronmaglor only a week ago and already have a kinslayer in the woods. i have a new fic coming next year, inspired by alison blaire/jen walters. i have another fic of aragorn/eomer and still another one of eomer/lothiriel. lastly, i wrote Good Food, Good Mood and completed gave myself over to the wonderbeast of it all.
9. What fic was the most satisfying to finish writing?
All Those Who Wander. it's always satisfying to finish a fic, but finishing a 14.6k fic in 2.5 days is another feeling altogether. i'm very proud of my writing and my dedication to this story. as a lucky bonus, the quality of the writing worked out, too ;)
10. What fic was the most difficult to write? Did you finish it?
The Beau Monde. not a single doubt in my mind about it. i have a very long history of writing, both fic and non-fic, and i always thought i was used to posting things and not receiving a huge amount of feedback or love for them. coming back to fic with regards to marvel comics highlighted that for me, and i like to think i overcame it well enough! but The Beau Monde was by far my most niche and self-indulgent fic, which evidently comes with a marked reduction in the interest and feedback that it generated for me. on one hand, it made me cherish all the feedback and reading i did get even more! but on the other, it made writing the fic harder than i expected. in the end, this story went from having 38-40 chapters to about 26. but i did finish it and the last chapter went up today and i am immeasurably proud. :)
24. If this were an awards show, who would you thank?
first and foremost, brieuc. secondly, everyone that has read or commented or kudos'd my writing. i recently joined the fotfics discord server, which is sooo helpful, and of course, i have to mention the multiverse of madness (derogatory).
25. What’s something you want to write in 2024?
my wlw dimension hopping fic is COMING. i'm also interested to explore more of tolkien's rohan. and i think i wanna start writing more wlw in general! The Beau Monde really helped with my confidence re: writing wlw and i'm excited for more.
end of year fanfic asks
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littlefankingdom · 3 months
Bruce Wayne is canonically a very handsome man (he is called a "pretty boy" and he is in his 40s, for fuck's sake), and he is pretty famous as a rich philanthropist who doesn't want to leave his awful cursed crime infested city. So, there must be a ton of people thirsting over him on the internet. Fancams, edits, fanfics and imagines ("kidnapped with Bruce Wayne 😍 by a Gotham rogue"), the whole charade!
And anytime one of the batkids stumbles on a thirst post, they have the most dramatic disgusted reaction, loudly gagging, before sending the link to the batkids chat, because if they must suffer, then they should all suffer. Clicking on a link in this groupchat is like playing russian roulette, and getting rickrolled is a good ending.
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cordiallyfuturedwight · 4 months
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jungkook + mic stands for @cosmicdreamgrl cr. 0613data, namuspromised
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fireworksgalaxy · 4 months
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happy birthday, @cosmicdreamgrl 💜💕!!
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f1version · 8 months
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SEB!!!!! 💘💘💘
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neptunesenceladus · 1 month
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made by @sotakeabitofcalpol
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Daisy Chaining; Or, Connecting the TBR!
Does anybody besides me like to find Connections between Seemingly/Largely Unrelated Books and use those connections to plot a route through the old TBR?? I don't know about you, but I have a LOT of books I want to read, and sometimes I get Whelmed™ by my choices. So I'll either pick a small stack and make that a particular month's micro-TBR (good if I have specific Goals!), OR I'll start with something I really want to read, and I'll daisy chain from there.
For example: I'd been waiting for TRANSLATION STATE to release in paperback since the hardback was announced (because Translators, my beloveds). So I annihilated that in a couple days (it was very good, all right??), and then I had to figure out where to go next despite cruising on the Translators High.
Because the Translators' fucked up body horror (which I mean mostly affectionately, but I'm side eyeing the matching pretty hard) was at times....goopy...I thought a book about a shapeshifter whose default form is an amorphous lump would be good next, which got me to SOMEONE YOU CAN BUILD A NEST IN (which I also enjoyed!! shout-out to @asexualbookbird for gifting it to meee!!).
Since NEST is Monsters in a Fantasy Forest with a side of Politics and Power, my next read is THE BUTCHER OF THE FOREST (because it's also...wait for it...Monsters in a Fantasy Forest with a side of Politics and Power). And after that, I'll come OUT of the forest with AT THE EDGE OF THE WOODS, which promises to be weird and vaguely monstrous but with a literary bent (I put it on one of my writing TBR lists, and my general "read this by the end of 2024" list).
So, yeah! That's how you daisy chain to get from SF to fantasy/horror to fantasy to weird Lit Fic in the span of four (4) books, while maintaining something like a continuity. By the end of the year, my Books Read shelf looks a little chaotic, but there generally really is a rhyme AND a reason about it!
(Please click on the photo for better image quality! I edited it weirdly compared to usual and it looks good on my screen but ah. Less So, in tungledlandia.,.,)
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epiphanytear · 4 months
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I took the stars from my eyes and then I made a map
And knew that somehow I could find my way back
Then I heard your heart beating, you were in the darkness too
So I stayed in the darkness with you
For @cosmicdreamgrl
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bonerot19 · 5 months
I was wondering, what makes Steph and Jason’s characters different to you?
ooooooh okay I'm gonna be speaking generally here bc most of my Jason and Steph brain is taken up by my au which is obviously not canon-based
I'll start with their similarities, and then get into how I think they diverge
the most obvious similarities are their upbringings/childhoods. both with moms who are addicts, and dads in the criminal world (now, Jason's mom obviously dies and Steph's doesn't. and Steph's dad was a villain and Jason's dad was a 'goon' so there are different degrees to this)
they both grew up in poverty, were both Robin, both died (or, 'died') brutally at the hands of a villain. I think they're both underestimated and mistreated by the other bats
these similarities, though, make for very different characters. I think Steph can be seen as a impulsive, brash, eager to prove herself. she cares deeply and fundamentally wants to do good
Jason, on the other hand is angry, meticulous, pessimistic (but also, so so so secretly hopeful. like, he wouldn't keep coming back to Bruce is he didn't have some hope. he wouldn't do the whole utrh final confrontation if part of him wasn't at least a little bit hopeful it might actually go his way)
I think Steph looks at a fucked up world and thinks she can fix it (restorative justice), even if no one else thinks she can. and she's going to try and do it her way.
Jason looks at a fucked up world and thinks he can control it (preventative measures). like, I think part of his personal philosophy is well, someone has to do it I guess it'll be me since no one else is willing to do what needs to be done.
also Steph is, like, nice. and Jason is, in general, an asshole (affectionate)
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mischiefbuckley · 17 days
“So I showed up one day with this mustache thinking it was never gonna get approved and then it went up the line all the way up to Disney all the way up to ABC and they approved it.” - Ryan Guzman
Why is this giving the same energy that Debby Ryan gives in that one interview please I AM DYING
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stephmosphere · 2 years
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3416 · 11 months
thinking again about this.
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"their favorite restaurant" ... and how in the 2020 pandemic leaf to leaf with mitch/steph and justin/audrey... justin asks if mitch is taking steph out on a special date.. to a place she loves... where would they go. and mitch goes "i hope i'm right."
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the thoughts are never ending.
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flower, flower, flo-flo-flower, flower, flowers for @cosmicdreamgrl 💘💐
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f1version · 1 year
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oh! okay carlos see you then… wait
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imagoddamnonionmason · 2 months
Romantic stuff for both the twins
Get ready for my 12 AM babbling session for the goobers
Bullet isn’t used to being called by her first name, as far as she’s concerned it’s Bullet. She thinks her real name, Ester is ugly. Most people call her Essie or E if she knows them outside of work.
But Klaus calling her the whole thing- Ester. At first it’d piss her off. She notices that he calls everyone else ‘Mrs.’ or ‘Miss’ or ‘Mr.’, but not her. It basically means, at least to Bullet, that he sees her as an individual, not a bullet-sponge or a worker. Seeing herself as that would take her forever, with both what she went through in the Marines and CIA, being seen as nothing more than meat.
Another thing before we get into Zach- the first time Bullet and Klaus cuddled.
At first, she thought she was too good for that lovey-dovey shit. That her repulsive flesh was too rough, calloused, and scarred to be deserving of his delicate handling.
Until Klaus finally put his arms around her and she’s lying on him. Ester’s trying not to sob because she knows she doesn’t deserve it. He’s so soft, warm; she thought his muscles would be hard and stiff, but he’s like a damn pillow. With his hand running through her hair and fingers tracing her scarred covered back- goddamnit don’t cry don’t cry-
The torture she endured rendered her “too ugly” to be wanted by anyone.
At least Bullet will never need to buy a new pillow again.
Zach (NSFW warning)
Got some spicy shit for you today- (if you’re ever uncomfortable with this please lmk ASAP)
Zach LOVES hearing the noises that Steph makes when they do the deed. He mocks them and intentionally changes his pace to get more out of her. I mean dude loves everything else about Steph and her moaning ain’t really that different 💀
Physically, he’s very gentle with Steph in general, but that don’t change the fact Zach wants to her to lose it. He can be cruel, in fact he is most of the time, but he doesn’t like physically hurting Steph. Mentally? Yeah kinda.
He won’t move in the rhythm she wants, if he does, he moves in an agonizing pace; too fast or too slow. Zach will just spend any time they do the deed taunting her; whispering in her ear all sorts of things 🤭
Klaus and Ester
Klaus literally would refuse to call her Bullet. If he was told who gave and why she was given the name, he would be very quiet for a second, but you could tell that the knowledge pisses him off. His chest would inflate a little more in the breath that comes after being told, he'd hold that breath for a second before he lets it out through his nose. His nostrils would flare a little and his gaze would be very solid, still, intense as he's watching her.
He'd then very gently say her name again (I imagine that maybe this is a conversation they have once they've gotten to know each other a little better and maybe are in the beginnings of a relationship) and rest a hand on her cheek, but they're large enough that his palm is on her cheek, but his fingers encroach on the base of her skull. He'd little tap the skin there, before he then pulls her to him, his arms around her in a gentle hug.
"You are more than that," he'd say, accent thick, "and you know it."
As for the cuddling thing? This man is the champion of cuddles. You want healing? Klaus cuddle. Get one. Well, if Ester is willing to share XD Also, slightly similar to Zach with the scars, Klaus would make sure, in his own little way, that what Ester looks like, the marks and scars that she has, has no affect on the way he feels about her. He's not overly fantastic with the way he would word things, a little blunt and rough around the edges, but you can tell what he's trying to say, to remind her that "your scars don't define you" and she's beautiful no matter what.
Zach and Steph
Nsfw ahead
Steph would very much allow him to take the lead - I don't feel like Steph has a high sex-drive, in the sense that she doesn't seek it out often herself and goes on the cues of Zach, if that makes sense. Like, how do I even explain this XD Steph has a lot of self-control and can go without it for a very long time, but if Zach was to rock up like "bedroom, now, I have not seen you, felt you for too long and I'm going insane" she'd be straight in that room lmao
I've probably not explained that aspect very well, but I hope that something comes across anyway
Now, in regard with how they are, Steph would find herself very frustrated and whining whenever he does that kind of thing. Of course, it drives her crazy cause she loves him being in control. She also trusts that, even in the long game, Zach knows every aspect of her so well that he's doing this to give her the most pleasure and let's just say she never leaves the room dissatisfied.
Can she walk? Probably not...
Did she have a great time? You bet.
Is Zach smiling like a fucking idiot because no matter how long they've been together, it always feels like the first time again, with that excitement, that impishly driven, new lovers exploring and learning about each other vibe.
I imagine that he'd whisper sweet nothings but then tease the absolute fuck out of her, perhaps even giving slight demands.
"Use your words, honey, or else I can't give you what you want."
"F-fuck you-" She'd say because now she's frustrated.
"Ah ah ah, " he changes the pace, slower, as his hands trail down her thighs, "that isn't any way to speak to me, is it?"
She's whining, crying, almost at breaking point.
"Come on, honey, beg for me."
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stinkiesdraws · 2 years
18. how is your farmer at cooking? do they enjoy it?
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🥹 Alex helps her get some confidence back when she would cook his favorite meals for his birthday and he also gets into massive fights with her mother when they come for the holidays.
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