#that and i just found out we're traveling next week so like
hairtusk · 10 months
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impossibly long week ahead of me, but made infinitely easier knowing that i am so deeply beloved by my boyfriend and that we belong entirely to each other :') the light of my life forever and always
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coffeeshades · 1 year
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credits to the gif maker!
summary: the trials and tribulations of falling in love or two idiots who are obliviously in love.
pairing: pedro pascal x actress/singer!reader.
word count: 13.5k
warnings: 18+ (minors dni). filthy smut. angst. cussing, age gap, mentions of drugs and alcohol. no use of y/n, if i missed something please let me know!
a/n: i know i made you guys wait a lot for this but i wanted it to be perfect and i was really busy but it's finally here now! thank you for the love on the first two parts, i love all of you. happy reading!!!
masterlist with next parts!
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"Oh yes! I forgot about the most exciting part. It's your friend, Pedro Pascal."
You're not sure who it's exciting for, because it's certainly not you. Sure, Jon had no idea what had happened between you and Pedro, but you were hoping he did at the time. Because if he did, he wouldn't be gushing about how exciting it is that the two of you are going to collaborate.
You try to hide your dismay and muster up a smile as Jon continues to talk about how great Pedro is. You can't help but wonder how you're going to make it through this project without letting your personal issues with Pedro get in the way of your work and finally driving you into insanity. 
Regardless, you know you have to remain professional and focused. It's just a job.
"Does he know about me?" you hesitantly ask.
"Yeah, he's known for awhile." Jon replies, "We asked him not to mention anything, but I've gotta say I'm surprised he actually didn't."
"I've got to say I'm surprised too."
For the next few weeks, the only thing on your mind was Pedro. You couldn't stop thinking about what he might have said or what he thought when he found out you were going to work together. This war between you and your brain was pretty stupid because you could just call him or send him a quick text.
Hey, guess what? We're finally going to work together! :)
Simple as that.
The problem was that you didn't want to be the one to bring it up first. You weren't the type to hold a grudge over trivial matters, but here you were, silently punishing him for what he did last month.
One of your last shows on the tour was in New York, and as usual, you invited most of your friends. Even though Pedro had been living in London for the last few months, you still sent him a text inviting him. He had taken a flight for other stuff, so it was safe to assume he would make the effort for this as well.
You: Hey! I know you're in London, but my show at MSG is next week, and everyone's coming. I would like for you to come too :)
Pedrito: Hi, my schedule here is pretty tight for next week. I'm sorry. Next time?
You: Bummer. Sure.
Despite your disappointment, you understood the situation perfectly. His work schedule has become quite hectic recently, as he has been traveling and shooting movies in various locations such as Hawaii, Boston, and now London. Your schedules no longer seemed to be in sync, and neither of you made an effort to rearrange your plans to fit the other. 
Those months he spent filming with Oscar in Hawaii were by far the worst. Mostly because they were having fun and you weren't part of it. To put it mildly, the FOMO nearly killed you. The group chat and his Instagram were filled with pictures of them surfing, hiking, and exploring the island while you were miles away alone.  
The night of the show arrived, and everything went smoothly as planned, leaving you with a feeling of relief and satisfaction. That later changed when, backstage, in the midst of winding down, Oscar approached you with a smile, "Too bad Pedro couldn't make it, he would've loved this outfit."
You smile as you look down at your own stage outfit, knowing he'd like it because of its purple color.
"Too bad he's in London," you reply back.
Oscar's face falls slightly as he responds, "London?"
You nod as you chug down the last of your water bottle.
"No, he got here days ago," he says, huffing a laugh. "I called him so we could ride together, but he never answered. I figured I would run into him here."
Oscar's expression is slightly puzzled, as if he's trying to connect the dots between the two statements. "Is everything okay between you guys?"
You wanted to lie so bad; say yes and play it cool. After all, that's what you two have been doing for the past nine months: playing pretend. But this whole exchange has caught you off guard, and you're not sure if you want to continue with the facade or finally be honest about the situation.
"I don't know anymore."
Your attention snapped back to the present.
For days, you tried to brush it off and convince yourself that it was no big deal, but deep down, you couldn't shake off the feeling of disappointment and hurt. He had been there and chose not to go. Not even a call or text to explain or apologize. Nothing.
So, no. You weren't going to text him first, were you?
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Manhattan Beach Studios, Los Angeles.
October 2018.
If somebody had told Pedro three years ago that he would be starring as a bounty-hunting badass in a signature Star Wars series, he would've laughed in their face. But here he was, about to start the table read for the first episode of The Mandalorian, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves as he waited to see how his character would come to life on screen.
It was a pinch-me moment. He had come a long way since his early days as a struggling actor, and he was grateful for the opportunity to work with such talented people on a project that was sure to be groundbreaking. As he looked around the room at his fellow cast members and crew, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment.
Until his eyes landed on you.
He then felt shame and guilt for how he handled things a month before. He knows he fucked up. You're sitting across from him, the heavy, discerning quality of your gaze sending shivers down his spine. It's as if you're peering right through him, past the gleaming politeness to the rough edges beneath. If looks could kill, he'd be a dead man.
Your expression says, "Wipe that smile off your face. There's nothing to be happy about."
He was convincing himself that he didn't exactly know what drove him not to tell you the truth about his availability. Except he did. His time away from you had allowed him to get you out of his system, and he didn't want to fall back down the maybe-I-have-feelings-for you rabbit hole again. So in true Pedro fashion, he avoided it.
He knew he'd be back in New York for your concert when you texted him. Yet he boldly lied. And it bit him in the ass.
He couldn't throw away all the progress the two of you had made, so he knew he had to make amends for his behavior before it was too late. He made a mental note to talk to you after the reading was over.
The reading was over in what seemed like an eyeblink. You were so thrilled to be part of this, and even given everything that has happened between you two, you would be lying if you said you weren't happy you're doing this with him.
Though you weren't doing a particularly good job of displaying it. You barely talked to him when you got here, quickly exchanging hellos and moving on to something else.
You were settling into your trailer with your agent, going over some details, when you heard a knock. Your agent quickly rises to unlock the door as you continue to put some of your things in a drawer. When the door opens, you hear him before you see him. "Taylor, Taylor, Taylor!"
Taylor couldn't help but laugh at his antics, and you can't either. A smile formed on your lips as you closed the drawer before collecting yourself and remembering that you were really mad at him.
"Pedro, long time no see!" she says as they hug and exchange pleasantries.
Taylor looks my way. "I am going to get some of those snacks we saw earlier," she says, "I'll be back in a bit."
As she exits the trailer, you make your way to the door. Pedro is standing there, dressed in a black sweatshirt, olive green trousers, and white sneakers, which you can only describe as attractive.
Needless to say, he was making it difficult for you to hate him right now.
Pedro's mind goes completely blank when he sees you; it's as if he has forgotten everything else around him and all he can focus on is you, making it hard for him to form coherent sentences.
"You cut your hair," he blurted.
"It looks very pretty; I like it."
"Is that why you came here?" you inquire, "to tell me my hair's pretty?"
"No, I came here to apologize," he replies back as he steps into the trailer and closes the door behind him. He watches you sit on the edge of the sofa that adorned the room, hands on each side of you, waiting for him to continue.
He takes a deep breath. "I know I messed up and hurt you. I just wanted to make things right, kid."
"Because you’re the last person in the world I want to upset. That would be, like, devastating."
"Hmm," you hum, a blank expression on your face, "you're not doing a very good job at it."
Pedro couldn't help but smirk at your jab, "Clearly. You looked like you were plotting my murder in there."
"Oh, I already know where I'm going to hide your body."
His laugh fills the room, and your face softens. He began walking towards the couch, and you both slumped back into it at the same time. "It's nothing really; I'm over it," you say, staring at the wall.
Pedro tilts his head to look at you, "When will you learn that you're so bad at lying that it's not worth even trying?"
You face him, your beautiful eyes catching him off guard. "This is the worst apology ever, by the way."
"I know, princesa," he says softly. "But I mean it. I'm sorry I didn't go, and I'm sorry it took me this long to apologize."
You slowly nod, your face displaying a hint of uncertainty. As if you're trying to figure out whether he's sincere or not, which he wishes you didn't have to even wonder about. "It's okay if you didn't want to go; I just wish you would've said that instead of lying and making me look like an idiot, P."
No, no, no. I wanted to go, but I'm a fucking coward.
Your words pierced him like a dagger, and the pang of guilt washed over him again. He's been drowning in it for the past few weeks, but to actually hear the disappointment in your voice is a completely different beast.
Before he could even muster up a response, you speak again, "But I forgive you."
Pedro's breathing slowed down as you placed a hand on his thigh, and he heard those words. He reciprocated the gesture and then put his hand over yours, gripping it softly, his eyes never leaving yours.
"Good," he says, "because now we can properly freak out about this," excitement overflowing through him as he couldn't keep it in anymore.
He needed to share this with you. When the creators of the show approached him, you were the first person that came to his mind. One of the things you've always wanted to be part of was Star Wars, so he knew you would be jealous to find out he was cast in this and couldn't wait to give you a hard time, just like Oscar did when he got the role of Poe.
That plan quickly fell apart when the creators revealed they were bringing you aboard, and even though it meant he couldn't torture you any longer, he was overjoyed you were going to be by his side in this.
“You must be ecstatic,” you tell him, your hands still connected, "this is a big deal."
"Yeah, who would've thought?"
"I did," you attempt to correct yourself, but it’s too late. Pedro has already saved the words for later in his mind. "I mean, we did! We all did. Your friends, I mean. We knew things were only going to get better for you. Even before I met you, I knew you were going to do great things. Sarah talked about it all the time, too, and we're pretty sure this is only the beginning."
He's stunned at the rambling explanation of your thoughts about his rising career. He looks at you with gratitude in his eyes, feeling fortunate to have supportive people like you in his life who believe in him.
The lack of hesitation in your voice did the opposite of what your words had done; it cooled down the hope that had lit up like a flame in his chest.
"Now, come on, let's find Taylor and those snacks," you tell him as you rise up from the couch and extend your hand to him, "I'm hungry, and we still have costume fittings," you add. He puts his hand in yours, restraining himself and letting you struggle to pull him up as you try your hardest to do so.
"You asshole!" you yell, tightening your grip on his hand, "Stop that and get up!"
He can't stop laughing as you finally manage to pull him up. "you need to work on your strength, baby," he says between chuckles.
You scoff and playfully hit him on the shoulder, "My strength is fine, thank you."
"Ow! Who's the asshole now?" he exclaims, rubbing his shoulder.
“And don't call me baby,” you tell him. "I forgave you, but that doesn't mean I'm not still mad at you."
"I don't think it works that way, baby."
"José Pedro!" you exclaim, clearly irritated.
"Sorry, old habits die hard."
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The next two months were amazing, to say the least. It's as if all the two of you needed was to work together on a TV series to realize how much you needed to be together. Just like your on-screen characters, you two were tied to work together by a third thing, that thing being, of course, the child.
Speaking of the child, you were obsessed with it. You couldn't believe a green, Yoda-like animatronic puppet could win your heart in such a short period of time, but here you were. It was magical. Truth be told, everything about The Mandalorian was magical.
Every day you had to step on that immaculate set that's built and surrounded by volume, which creates an infinite sort of visual experience in terms of skies, planets, space, ships, and all kinds of things, was magical.
It just felt like you were stepping onto these highly sophisticated amusement park rides, with very little being left to the imagination because of how incredible the design work is from all the departments.
Another magical thing was seeing Pedro bring the character to life. His ability to convey so much depth and complexity to a character that is mostly hidden behind a mask is truly impressive. From crafting his "Mandalorian" walk and stance to his deep, jarring voice.
That voice.
That voice was made to torture you and send shivers down your spine. That voice made you forget all of your life's problems. Actually, that voice was made for one thing and one thing only, the bedroom.
"Oh my god, it doesn't sound like a bedroom voice!" he protested, as he highlighted lines in his script.
You were joining him and the creators in the recording booth for his voiceover session.
"It does! It's a sexy bedroom voice." you teased, making everyone laugh. "That's not very Disney of you, P." 
He gets closer to the mic and whispers, voice altered because of the modulator, "Bite me."
"See? It works perfectly."
You were having as much fun as you could. Simply put, you two were menaces on set.
You could tell Jon, Dave, and the rest of the crew were patient with your antics, but it was clear that they were also entertained by your on-set dynamic. It's not everyday that you get to work with your best friend, and you two made it everyone's problem.
Although sometimes you have to admit you take it a little too far.
"Catch me if you can, Boba Fett wannabe!" you scream.
Pedro was chasing you through the set with a prop sword, trying to get you to stop teasing him about his costume. "You are one insult away from getting a taste of this sword!"
"Okay, tin can man!"
You were running away from him as fast as you could, hoping to find a place to hide before he caught up with you. You quickly hide behind one of the makeup trailers and peek out to see him come to a stop, catching his breath. He was wearing his Beskar getup, minus the helmet.
“Give up yet, old man?"
He laughs. "We're being extra cruel today, huh?"
Taking advantage of his momentary pause and facing away from where you were hiding, you slowly inch closer to him, trying not to make a sound. As you get within arm's reach, you draw one of your prop knives from your costume pocket and hold it to his back. Using your free hand to hold him steady, you lean in and whisper in his ear, "I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold."
He turns his head slightly, and you can see the smirk on his face. "That's my line, thief."
Before you could pull away, he grabbed your wrist, pulling you back toward him. He takes hold of you and tightens his grasp on your waist. "Let me go, P!"
You struggle to break free from his grasp, but he only holds you tighter. "I am going to squeeze you so hard you will fart," he chuckles.
You snort. "You have such a way with words."
As you try to wriggle out of his grasp, you accidentally elbow him in the face, causing him to release his hold on you and stumble into a piece of plywood that had been propped up.  
"Aw, fuck!" he cries out, clutching his nose.
"Holy shit, I'm sorry!" you rush to him, cupping his face. "Are you hurt?"
He removes his hand from his nose, revealing a cut and a trickle of blood. "It's alright, just a bloody nose," he says calmly.
You touch his nose gingerly, and he winces in pain. "Nevermind, I think it is broken."
You begged Jon to let you ride to the hospital with them; after all, this was your fault. When you get there, the doctors rush to Pedro's side and begin examining him.
If you weren't preoccupied with being mortified over this, you'd laugh.
The scene before you is straight out of a sitcom, with Jon frantically explaining the situation to the doctors, Pedro in full costume with fake injuries and blood that you were pretty sure the doctors thought were real, and you standing there with an expression that screamed: Hey! It's me! I did this!
After a couple of minutes of clearing up that it was an accident and that the blood coming out of his ears was fake and not the cause of a brain hemorrhage, one of the doctors led us to a room to examine his nose.
"It's not broken," the doctor said, as she prepared to clean the wound. "He's just going to need a couple of stitches."
"Oh great, we still need to finish a scene, and they're waiting for us." Jon replies.
"This will take 15 minutes, tops," she says, grabbing a tray of medical supplies. “I will be fast.” 
"I'll call the guys," Jon tells you as he exits the room.
You nod in agreement and stand in a corner as you silently watch the doctor carefully clean, anesthetize and stitch up the wound. You feel relieved that it wasn't anything more serious. 
After she finishes, Pedro thanks her, and she nods with a smile. "You're going to need to take some analgesics for the pain. I'm gonna go grab my prescription pad. I'll be right back."
She exits the room, and you walk over to Pedro. He moves his head slightly, showing off his nose.
"How does it look?" he asks teasingly.
Your cheeks warm with embarrassment. "I can't believe I ruined your perfect nose."
"Who said it isn't perfect still?" he says it as if it were a challenge. His brow is arched, with the tiniest smirk hidden in one corner of his mouth.
"Don't start. I'm mortified."
"Tranquila, princesa. I said it was okay after you apologized 20 times on our way here," he reassures you. "Plus, now we have a funny story to tell during our press tour next year."
You sigh. "I guess you're right."
"You know," he says, "what hurts right now is that today is our last day of shooting. I can't believe it's been two months already. Time fucking flew."
Your heart sinks as you're once again reminded that this amazing experience is coming to an end. The day you've been dreading for weeks is finally here, and you're not ready to say goodbye. It's not like you already know you'll be back next year for the next season, but you're not ready to say goodbye to him and the daily routine you've formed, which mostly consists of breakfasts together, long hours on set, and late-night movie marathons. 
"Yeah, I'm trying not to think about it," you muttered, "gonna miss our little routine."
Pedro studies you. "Maybe we can extend it for a little while longer."
Not knowing where this is going, you raise an eyebrow inquisitively. Pedro smiles, "I..I was thinking maybe... maybe you could come with me to Chile for Christmas with the family." 
Your heart skips a beat as you process Pedro's words. You open your mouth slightly to say something, but you close it again, momentarily speechless, overwhelmed by the unexpected invitation. 
"Uh… I know you probably have plans with your family,” he interjects, “but I thought this would be a good time for you to finally meet my father and the rest of the family, and—" 
Before he could finish, you nodded eagerly, feeling a rush of excitement at the prospect of spending Christmas in Chile with Pedro and his family, “Yes, I would love to." 
You've never seen him smile as broadly as he does now, and you know that you have made the right decision. 
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New York City
December 15, 2018
“Dude, he invited you to his hometown with his family, and you still think that man has no feelings for you?” 
“Taylor...” you paused, picking up a clothing item that had fallen to the floor. “It's just a friendly gesture.”
“Yeah, I'm sure he invites everyone to his hometown to spend the holidays with his family. Sureee.” 
You didn't want to go there; you'd promised yourself that you wouldn't get entangled in what ifs, so your friend's teasing wasn't helping you keep those thoughts at bay. 
“I told you, he doesn't like me like that. I know he doesn't,” you say, suddenly remembering that night when you overheard him telling Sarah how he felt about you. “Plus, as my agent, you more than anyone know I can't do relationships right now; my life's too busy." 
Taylor finished zipping up the last of your bags for the trip and gave you a reassuring smile. "I know, but it doesn't hurt to have a little fun, does it? And who knows—maybe he has changed his mind. Just enjoy the trip and have fun." 
No, he hasn’t changed his mind. 
“Yeah, I just want to have a good time, really. Things have been so good between us these past couple of months, It just feels...right again. I don’t wanna mess it up.” 
"Understandable, bestie. However, I think you’re both making a huge mistake.” 
You shake your head in amusement. “Thanks for helping me pack.” 
“Thanks?” she scoffs. "I'm expecting a raise." 
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Santiago, Chile
December 20, 2018
After the chaos of the day leading up to the flight, it was actually a relief to be sitting here. The large, comfortable seat, with your feet tucked up under you as you gazed out the jet window, felt very much deserved.  
While the gentle buzz of the flight filled your ears, you laid your head against the window of the plane and watched the clouds and the seemingly endless expanse of sky fly by.
As you began to drift off, you did your best to keep your attention on what was outside the plane rather than allowing your mind to wander to what would await you once you arrived at your destination. The mixture of excitement and exhaustion lulled you into a peaceful slumber, dreaming of the journey that lay ahead. 
The taxi ride from the airport to the Balmaceda-Pascal's was a blur of unfamiliar sights and sounds, but you couldn't help feeling a sense of wonder and curiosity as you took in the new surroundings. As the car comes to a stop in front of the house, you shoot Pedro a quick text. 
You: I'm here, tonto. 
Pedrito: I'll be right outside, tonta. 
Since you still had a few things to attend to in New York, he had arrived two days earlier. After insisting like a madman that he could pick you up from the airport and you insisting like a madwoman that you could easily get there on your own, he gave up and let you take a cab. 
The driver has already gotten out of the car to wrestle the luggage from the trunk. You clamber out after him into the brilliant sunlight, the heat instantly making your travel outfit—which consisted of a pair of black leggings, a sweatshirt, and Pedro's Freaky Tales green hoodie—feel suffocatingly thick. The change in temperature is a shock to your system, having just come from New York's freezing climate. 
“Hey you!” Pedro's booming voice interrupts your thoughts, “Nice hoodie. Where'd you get it?” 
“Um, someone left it at my place a while ago, and I decided to keep it. It's really comfy.” 
Pedro smiles and nods, "It suits you. You should wear it more often." 
“Thanks, but not here,” you tell him, your face flushing from the heat. ”It's burning hot."  
“Welcome to Chile, where it's scorching hot during the winter and freezing cold during the summer,” he says in a joking tone, as he tucks a strand of loose hair behind your ear. “Let's get inside, it's cooler.”  
The moment you stepped into the house, you were greeted by a refreshing blast of air conditioning. The house was lovely. You take in the Mediterranean decor style and the large windows that let in natural light as you look around. On either side of the foyer, stone archways lined the way up two stories to an ornate ceiling.
As you make your way to the living room, you catch a glimpse of the various family pictures that adorn the walls. The living room was spacious and inviting, with plush couches and a fireplace that made you feel right at home. 
Dropping your bags next to the stairs that led to the second floor, Pedro places a hand in your back and gestures you towards a hallway, “C'mon, everyone is out back.” 
At the back of the house, tangled trees press close, the forest extending as far as you can see, and off to the left, in the meadow, a gazebo adorned with wild grapes stands within a smaller thicket of trees. Bright glass-shard wind chimes and cutesy bird feeders swing in the branches, and the path cuts past a row of flowering bushes before curving onto a footbridge and then disappearing into the mountains on the far side. 
It's like something out of a storybook. Charming, picturesque, and perfect. 
“You're here!” A familiar voice drew your attention back to earth. “And right on time. How was your flight?” 
Pedro's sister, Javiera, lit up with a smile as she hugged you tightly. You returned the embrace, grateful for her warm welcome. "It was long, but good nonetheless," you replied with a smile.  
“Well, if it isn't the infamous best friend I keep hearing about?” you turned around to see Pedro's father approach you with a friendly smile on his face. 
"Yup, that's me," you reply, extending your hand for a handshake. 
"I'm glad to finally meet you," he says, shaking your hand. "Pedro talks about you all the time."
“I hope good things,” you chuckle, “and it's great to finally meet you too, Mr. Balmaceda.” 
“Oh, please call me José,” he tells you, waving his hands. Just like his son, you notice that José has a warm and welcoming personality, making you feel at ease. “And please, make yourself feel at home; we're thrilled to have you.” 
“No, he's thrilled to have a world famous superstar staying at his house,” Nicolás, Pedro's brother, retorts back at his father. Making everyone laugh and leaving you feeling a bit embarrassed. 
"Oh, I don't know about being a superstar," you say lowly. 
“Are you kidding?" Nicolás cuts you off as he takes a seat, "Don't be modest. It's literally an honor to have you here." 
“Yeah, you're sooo cool,” Javiera's older son added. 
"Okay, alright, that's enough." Javiera must have noticed your embarrassed expression. She reached out to you and held you by the shoulders, reassuring you. “Let's not overwhelm her with too much praise. Let's give her some space, she must be tired." 
And she was right. The almost 12 hour flight has left you feeling exhausted, jet lagged, and in need of a very long nap. 
"Vamos princesa, I'll take you to your room." Pedro turned around and led the way towards the room while you followed him closely, trying to keep your eyes open and fighting the urge to just collapse on the floor. 
As you reached the second floor, your attention was drawn back to the house. “This place is so gorgeous, P.” 
“We got it a couple of years ago. We wanted something a little bit bigger so we could have everyone over for vacations, and we also wanted something that felt like home, you know?” 
“I love it,” you tell him.  
“This is your room,” he says, jerking his chin at the door on the right, “and this is mine.” 
He opens the door to the room on the left. His room, much like mine, is absolutely huge. The bed is along the wall immediately to your right as you enter, a recklessly comfortable looking king size bed doused under the weight of a fluffy duvet and an insane amount of pillows.
The bedding is bright white and contrasts sharply with the dark wooden floorboards. "Your bed looks like a big fluffy cloud," you say, giggling. 
"It feels like one," he says, smiling. He can tell what you're thinking by the look in your eyes,"Go on, I know you want to." 
Like a little kid, you start running towards the bed, feeling the softness of the plush carpet under your feet. As you sink into the bed, you realize that it's even more comfortable than it looks, and you can't help but let out a contented sigh. 
“P, I’m never moving again,” you say, your voice drifting over to him. 
"Ha. You’ll have to.”
“Hmm, why exactly?” you turn over onto your stomach and lean against your elbows to face him. 
"Because it's my bed," he simply states, "and I have plenty of plans that don't include you spending the entire trip in my bed."  
Bravery takes over, and you give him a playful smirk. "Well, I guess I'll just have to make sure those plans change then."
He chuckles and shakes his head, “Good luck with that, sweetheart.”
You know this is cruel. You were torturing yourself. Being so optimistic was cruel, but because of your longing and deep, hidden desires, you couldn't help but indulge in silly fantasies and play along. 
“Alright, I'll go to mine,” you say with a forced smile as you get off the bed, trying to hide the disappointment in your voice. “I need to nap right now, or I'll die.” 
“I will, uh, come get you for dinner later.” 
“Sure, boss,” you tell him, patting him on the shoulder as you walk past him to leave the room.  
“Sweet dreams.” 
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In the past four days, you've learned many things.
First, Chile was sickeningly beautiful. The vibrant colors of the buildings and the breathtaking scenery of the Andes Mountains made you feel like you were in a dream. It spread out beneath you like a patchwork quilt, with each square representing a different aspect of its culture and history. From the bustling city streets to the serene beaches.
The food was also a highlight, and you're pretty sure you gained a few pounds from indulging in the delicious local cuisine.
“Here, try this one.”
“That's the biggest empanada I've ever seen in my life,” you exclaimed as you took a bite of the savory pastry, filled with juicy meat and vegetables. “This is so fucking good.”
Pedro chuckles. “It's filled with a mixture called Pino.” 
“Okay, forget the manjar. This,” you say, mouth full, “is my new favorite thing in this country.” 
Pedro gasps. “I thought I was your favorite thing in this country.” 
You grin and give him a playful nudge. "Okay, fine. You're still my favorite, but this empanada might take the top spot."  
“That's better,”  you look up at him, trying not to melt then and there at the signature wide grin spread across Pedro's gorgeous face. “But you know, there's still plenty of time for me to prove that I deserve the top spot.” 
You chuckle at his remark, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. "We'll see about that, Pascal," you reply, taking another bite of the delicious empanada and secretly hoping he succeeds in his mission. 
Second, Pedro's family were the warmest hosts you could have imagined, eager to share their traditions and stories with you. They accepted you as one of their own and made you feel like a member of the family.
They took you on various adventures throughout the city, showing you hidden gems that only locals knew about. The tradition of taking a trip to a hiking site outside the city whenever all of them got together was in motion and this year it was the Valley of the Moon's turn.
“That hike was so worth it, guys," Nico says, a little out of breath from climbing up the steep trail. 
Damn right, it was. As you're standing atop a giant sand dune, you're bewildered by what you're witnessing. The view as the sun slips below the horizon is out of this world. The ring of volcanoes and surreal lunar landscapes of the valley are suddenly suffused with intense purples, pinks, and golds. It's the most beautiful sunset you've ever seen. 
You quickly grab the camera that's hanging around your neck and start taking pictures, trying to capture the breathtaking moment before it fades away. “Guys, get together!” you shout, “A family photo with this stunning backdrop is a must.”  
As you finish taking the pictures, Pedro's voice breaks the silence, “Javi, grab the camera and take one of us, please.” 
You comply and hand the camera to her. Pedro sneaks a hand around your waist and pulls you close, “Smile, princesa.” 
“Don't tell me what to do,"  you playfully retort, leaning into him and smiling for the camera. 
And third, Pedro has always had a thing for theatrics. Today, some of you decided to take a trip to the beach. The heat was unbearable, and the cool ocean water sounded like the perfect way to beat it.  
He would often come out of the ocean dramatically, splashing water all around and pretending to be a sea monster to scare his nephews. As soon as he saw the waves, he ran towards them and jumped into the water with a loud roar. His nephews laughed and cheered him on as he swam towards them, pretending to be a giant creature ready to attack. 
After spending most of the day in the water, you were sitting down on the sand, attempting to make sand castles with one of Pedro's cousins. The sound of waves crashing against the shore was soothing, making you feel relaxed. “My god, he's like a kid,” you tell her, looking at Pedro as he continued to play with his nephews, now closer to the shore. 
She laughs. “He's always been like this. As a child, he was always playful and energetic, and he never lost that spirit as he grew up. It's one of the many things we love about him."
The sandcastle you were working on was slowly starting to take shape. Pedro's cousin continued to build it and tell you stories about him, letting nostalgia wash over you.
She told you about his grandfather and how he used to take them to watch double features of old movies, and how that heavily influenced Pedro's love for storytelling and cinema. You didn’t know him then, and you'll never understand why it feels like you did. “But you know, one of my absolute favorite memories is when he recited Hamlet here on the beach with Grandpa." 
“Actually, it was Death of a Salesman, cousin.”  
His voice startles you as you turn to see him standing behind you, a small smile on his face. "I do remember that day," he continued as he lowered himself onto the sand behind you, legs on each side of your body. He places a hand on your thigh for a brief moment as he settles behind you before removing it.
You want nothing more than to reach out and put his hand back on you, to insist he keep touching you but you don’t. 
He starts helping you with the sandcastle, and your breath catches in your throat as you feel his familiar warmth spread through your body. Droplets of water from his hair fall onto your warm skin, and the small elephant tattoo on his right inner thigh catches your eye as he reaches for a shovel,  "I was about 14 years old. I videotaped it but lost the fucking camera on the trip back to the States.” 
“Damn, I would've loved to see that.” 
He chuckles in your ear, sending shivers down your spine. “Maybe I can reenact it for you.” 
“Please do.”  
Pedro suggested you two go outside and stargaze with a glass of wine after returning from the beach. The evening summer breeze was much cooler than the daytime breeze. You were both sitting on the back porch, leaning back on the cushioned chair, the wooden floor creaking under your weight.
“Want me to open another bottle, princesa?”  
“Are you trying to get me drunk, Pedrito?”
You can't help but stare as Pedro throws back his head, a bellowing laugh escaping him into the quiet night air. His eyes crinkle at the corners, and he shakes his head, still chuckling. "No, I just want to make sure you're enjoying yourself. And if that means another bottle of wine, then so be it." 
He reaches for your glass, hands touching briefly, and pours you some more. Even in the dark, the blinding white of his smile and the twinkle in those achingly beautiful brown eyes are impossible to miss.
With the moon low in the sky, his silhouette was even clearer to you: the way the bridge of his nose dips into the top of the large glass, the delicate hold of his fingers on the stem, and the mess of his hair.
Cicadas screamed into the night air as the taste of the rich, velvety wine danced on your tongue. Now, slightly tipsy on the red wine, you were nearly too lost in your memory of the moment to notice that Pedro had turned his head from above to look at you. Clearly, your staring had captured his attention, but you went to stare resolutely at the night sky again. 
He sobered quickly, but his eyes never left you. You felt the weight of his lingering stare and were thankful that the darkness of the night and warmth of the fire covered your suddenly flushed cheeks. “Excited for Christmas tomorrow?” you ask softly, trying to break the tension with a light-hearted question. 
“Yes,” he replied with a small smile, "but I'm more excited that you get to spend it with us."
A warmth filled your chest, and if your cheeks weren't already blushing already, they certainly were now, but you wouldn’t look away from him. The meaning wasn’t lost on you. “Thank you for inviting me, really. I thought I was going to be sad, but you guys have made me feel at home." 
Pedro frowns. “What do you mean? About being sad.”  
“I kind of hate this season now because it reminds me how lonely I am,” you chuckle, gripping the wine glass slightly tighter. “And don't get me wrong, I love my family and my friends, but after you spend years with someone, Christmas just feels different without them around, you know? It's like...” you trail off, trying to put into words the feeling of emptiness that lingers within you. “Like there's a void that can't be filled no matter how many people are around you. And-and it's not like I miss that person in particular, I just miss having someone.” 
His unblinking eyes hadn’t left yours, and you continued, feeling vulnerable but also relieved to finally get that out of your system. “I know it sounds silly, but I think it’s just a reminder that things change. you meet people and you love them, and then you lose them. It's inevitable, and it happens to everyone.” 
It falls quiet between you again, the familiarity of the years of friendship meaning you are both comfortable with it. The weight of what you just said still hangs heavy in the air until he nods slowly, breaking the silence. “I get it. I feel the same way somehow,” you tear your eyes away from the constellations above to stare at him quizzically, a raised eyebrow telling him to elaborate. 
He huffs out a laugh, as if he's amused by your confusion or embarrassed by his own vulnerability, and continues, “I guess that's one of the reasons why I don't date. I'm saving myself from that.”
“Yeah, I guess now I am too,” you respond, nodding in understanding.
"Also, not to sound like an arrogant asshole—" 
“Which you probably will anyway,” you add in a playful tone. 
“Ha, ha. Very funny,” he says mockingly. “But my schedule is busy, if I wanna be involved in something, I want to pay attention to it and nurture it. It takes energy to be with someone.” 
“It's not arrogant, it's the truth. I was telling Taylor the same thing the other day,” you tell him. “I can't date because I don't have the time to, but...” 
“But what?” Pedro interrupts. 
“Don't rush me, dude,” you chuckle. “But I'm also human, and I have needs sometimes, and it sucks that I can't just go to a bar like a regular person and sit on the barstool, have a drink, and wait for someone to approach me so we can go to their place and have sex and forget about it the next morning,” you finally admit, staring down at your finger swirling over the rim of your glass. 
“No strings attached," he adds, his voice scratchy. “I, um, ha. I wish I could do that too. You're not alone.”
“Hooking up with someone like that in our world would involve lots of NDAs,” you say, laughing. 
“Oh yes, very romantic stuff.” 
His eyes were doing the thing, the Pedro thing, and you did your best to ignore the way your heart lurched. The moment was charged with tension, and you both knew that there was more to say, and since neither of you dared to break the silence, someone else decided to break it for you, clearing their throat loudly and making you both jump. You turn to see Javiera standing by the door, looking amused and a little bit smug. 
"I just wanted to let you guys know the rest of us are going out for dinner, in case you're interested in joining us," she said, her eyes flickering between the two of you. “Uh, no. Thanks, I'm beat. The wine has made me sleepy.” 
“I'm gonna have to pass too, sis,” Pedro tells her. “You guys have fun.”
“Yeah, you too,” she says with a sly smile. “We'll be back late!” 
After she leaves, you stand up and stretch your arms, feeling the effects of the wine yourself. “Woah. Too much wine,” you chuckle. “I should head to bed now before I regret it in the morning.”
“Me too,” he breathes out as he gets up, collecting his glass and yours. "Goodnight, princesa," he adds with a smile before you head towards the door. “Goodnight, P.” 
As soon as you entered your room, you immediately hopped in the shower, hoping to wash away the exhaustion from the day and also the dirty thoughts that had been lurking in your mind.
The warm water cascading down your body helped ease the tension in your muscles, and you let out a contented sigh. After a few minutes, you stepped out and changed into fresh clothes. 
As you lie in bed, the conversation you had an hour before with Pedro seems to replay in your mind. 
I wish I could do that too. You're not alone.
You promised yourself you wouldn't cross that line again. The last time you took that black, bold line and made it gray, it came with consequences. But you're not known for making the best decisions when it comes to these matters anyway. 
You start to feel anxious and restless, unable to quiet your thoughts or fall asleep.
Perhaps a glass of water will help.
As you walk out of the bedroom, everything is dark, meaning everyone is still out for dinner. You have only the soft glow of the city outside the large windows to guide your way. 
Hesitating as you walk through the hallway towards the stairs, you slow your steps, not entirely trusting your eyes to keep you from running into anything in the dark, unfamiliar space in such low light. Before you reach the stairs, you notice the light underneath Pedro's room, casting a faint glow onto the hallway carpet.
He's still up, you thought. 
Before you even realized what you were doing, you were heading toward his room. 
“Pedro?” you call out his name as you gently knock on the door, “You up?”
“Bathroom! Come in!”  he screams. You reach the doorknob and push it open. The sound of water running fills your ears as you step inside. You plop down sideways on his bed, legs dangling off the edge, and wait for him to finish his shower. The chilly night air seeps in through the slightly open door of his balcony, making you shiver. 
“Can't sleep?” His voice is soft and soothing as he walks out of the bathroom, toweling his hair dry and wearing only black boxers. You avert your gaze, trying to ignore the way just looking at his face, with his golden skin from all the sun exposure, the shadow of dark scruff on his cheeks, and his brown eyes crinkled by a soft smile, makes your heart race. 
“Nope,” you mumble. “Too much on my mind, I guess.” 
“Enlighten me, please,” he quickly replies, returning to the bathroom. You get off the bed, take a deep breath, and try to compose yourself, but the sight of him in those boxers makes it difficult. You know that if you start talking about what's really on your mind, things might get even more complicated between the two of you. 
“Uh...” you huffed out a laugh as the scenario played in your head, your legs almost giving out as you felt your guts twisting. Your mouth fell slightly agape as he stepped back into the room, “What's so funny?” he inquired. You fidget with your fingers and look at him, still chuckling a bit, “That conversation we had earlier. I can't stop thinking about it," 
Pedro leaned against the bathroom door, his face puzzled, reflecting that he had no idea which of the many conversations you two had today you were referring to. “The one about hooking up, I mean. And how you wish you could do that too," you continue, not bothering to try and hide the small beginnings of a smile from Pedro's watchful gaze, entirely more interested in testing the waters than anything else.
“Oh?” is all Pedro gives by way of a reply, not that you mind much since that works just as well as a real answer theoretically could. “Oh," you confirm. This could go either way, but as of right now, you're willing to take the risk. 
His gaze is fixed on you, and you go back to lying on the bed, closing your eyes as if you're bracing for the impact of the unknown. “I was wondering if—and I might be making a complete fool of myself by saying this—but what if...” you trail off. "What if we..?” you can't bring yourself to finish the sentence, suddenly realizing that once you say it, you can't take it back. 
“Fucked?” he interrupts, and your eyes shoot open, surprised by his bluntness. You sit up on the bed, heart racing as you try to gather the courage to speak. “I mean, we-we know each other, and we're both horny, and we wouldn't have to sign any NDAs,” you joke, trying to lift the weight off the air.  
"That's true," Pedro quips quickly, though any hint of eagerness in his reply is tempered by the softness of his voice. You feel the blush that rises in your cheeks at the implication in his words and you look away, seemingly breaking the trance you’ve been in. “Okay.” 
“Okay?” you repeat, dumbfounded.
“Would you rather have me say no?” he chuckles, crossing his arms as he leans one shoulder into the doorframe and deciding that for now he’ll stay where he is, knowing he looks like a smug jerk but unable to help himself. 
“No!” you tell him, rather eagerly. “I mean, of course you can say no. We don't have to do this if you're not into it,” you add softly. 
He says your name and looks into your eyes, "My answer's yes.”
“Okay, but I have some rules,” you get off the bed, body tensed with anticipation. “Of course you do,” Pedro says, arching his eyebrow and giving you a knowing smile. 
“No feelings. This can only happen while we're here. Once we go back to our normal lives, this never happened,” you tell him. He nods, taking a slow step forward and then another, and although there’s still a great deal of space between the two of you, you can feel the tension building. "Also, we can't tell anybody about this, not even our closest friends,” you continue.
He's closer now, feeling his breath on your face, and his hands find their way to your waist. "It's our little secret," he whispers, and you grab his shoulders to steady yourself.
“And no nicknames. No princesa, no baby, no love,” you try to sound stern but your voice betrays the excitement you feel. 
He grins mischievously, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “But there's no fun in that.” 
“Fine. You can call me whatever you want,” you give in, finding his amusement endearing.  
“Well, that was easy,” he chuckles, his grin widening. “Are you done with your rules?” 
“Yes, I guess so,” you stammered, feeling a bit embarrassed for being so easily swayed by his charm. 
“Good,” he says, and you feel a shiver run down your spine as he leans in closer, his breath hot against your ear. “So I can start doing this,” he whispers, his hand sliding down your pajama shorts, sending a wave of goosebumps across your skin. "And this," he adds, as his lips press against your neck. 
When you finally make yourself let go and stop fighting for some false sense of restraint for even one second longer, you notice that something changes in the way Pedro touches you, as if he's more confident and sure of himself.
His free hand moves up to hold the back of your head to hold you in place. You do the same, your hands finding their way to his broad shoulders for support. The tip of his finger under your shorts traces over where you’re slick and too ready for him. His mouth is tantalizingly close to yours, brown eyes staring into yours, pining and desperately waiting. “Can I?” he asks. 
It's humorous and sweet even that he's asking permission to kiss you when one of his hands is already under your pants. Every rational thought disappears, and you crush your mouth against his. 
Everything is slow and heavy, and he never lets his finger slide into you even when you silently beg for it. Just dragging it over and back—too little and too much all at the same time.
He presses the pad of his finger into your clit, and you have to break away from his mouth to groan, overwhelmed, knees wobbly. Pedro laughs quietly and nuzzles against your neck so his beard scruffs. 
“Mi princesa,” he whispers against your neck, kissing it softly, “you make such pretty sounds." 
There is a real chance you could spontaneously combust into flames just from the sound of his voice and his sweet nothings. He continues to draw circles on your clit making you moan and writhe in pleasure, feeling like you're about to explode with ecstasy. As he whispers more sweet words in your ear, you can't help but surrender to the intense sensations he's giving you.  
“Is that good?” he asks, his voice rough, “Does that feel good?” 
“Yes," you whisper, a hand traveling to his hair, tugging it tightly. “Yes.” 
Just when you're about to come undone, he suddenly stops. Your eyes quickly find his for some explanations as to why he decided to put on hold the very satisfying and impending orgasm that was building up within you. “Oops,” he simply states, a grin plastered on his face.  
“I fucking hate you,” you whine, pulling away from him. “I was so close! What you do that for?”
"I have some rules, too."
“Now?” you ask him, clearly frustrated with his antics. “Well, go on.” 
“Actually, it's just one,” Pedro says, arching his eyebrows and giving you a knowing smile. His reaction is met by narrowed eyes, like you’re making sure to watch him closely until you figure out where exactly he’s going with this. "You do as I say. Which also means you come when I say." 
“Sounds—” you're regaining your footing, regaining control over yourself, trying to reinstate some power, but the way he just said those words has taken away any sense of authority you thought you had. His voice is commanding, with no room for compromise or disobedience. “Sounds dangerous, but... alright.” 
“Good girl, now get on the bed,” he says, and the timbre of his voice nearly kills you then and there, the dropping pitch making the words come out rough and serious. Pedro still sounds like himself, since his normal voice is more than enough to make you a little weak at the knees on a regular day, this new variant is a completely different monster. 
You lay there, waiting for his next instruction, as the shadows danced on the walls and the sound of his footsteps echoed in the silence. Once he reaches the bed and fists his hands in the sheets on either side of your thighs, bending down until he’s face to face with you, your eyes level with his. You let your hands roam over his broad shoulders and down his torso, feeling his tense muscles relax under your touch. 
“I need you now, P,” you mumble, and you move your hand lower to hold him through his boxers. He twitches into you. 
“What did I say?” his dark eyes are fixed on you as he reaches for your hand and pins it above your head. "I don't think you fully understand the consequences of disobeying me. We'll do this my way," he whispers menacingly.
This dark side of Pedro is one you've never seen before. The Pedro you know is a sunshine. However, the man on top of you right now is a completely different person, and you're more than the ready to get to know him. 
“Keep your hands above your head. No touching."
Your body is aching for him, all willing and open, but he’s sliding down you, pushing your shorts down as he goes. His soft hands trace your thighs and stops at your knees, “Open up for me.” 
"So pretty," he says, voice thick. You look down to see his face, pupils blown wide. “Can't wait to taste you, baby.” 
You're a wreck. A writhing, moaning, shaking wreck. Shit. You don't even need to be looking at his face to know how arrogant he is right now, not that you could—it's buried deep inside between your thighs. You're desperate to grab his hair just to see where misbehaving will take you, but you settle for the headboard. 
He kisses your cunt, messy and hot. A groan rumbles in his throat and he moves his tongue in circles, exploring every inch of your wetness. You arch your back, lost in pleasure, as he continues to devour you with his mouth. When you look down again, his brown eyes are staring back at you as his fingers slide into you, finding the right spot in milliseconds. It's fucking game over. 
His pace increases as he pumps his fingers in and out of you, perfectly coordinated with his tongue and his goddamn nose. “Pedro...” you whimper, out of breath. “P-Please let me cum." 
“Not yet, baby," he chuckles, fingers continue to expertly tease and stroke your sensitive areas, bringing you closer and closer to the edge of orgasm. "I know you can hold it for a little longer,” you cry out, gripping the bedsheets as you desperately try to move your hips to ride his fingers. Your eyes are watering slightly from how good he’s making you feel. 
“You can cum now.”
Every part of your body spasms, and you scream, everything buzzing and vibrating as you tighten around him, bucking and thrashing, pleasure and electricity flooding your body. Removing his fingers, he starts kissing the inside of your thighs, all the way up to your belly and lips. As you try to catch your breath, he whispers in your ear, "That was just the beginning. I want to make you cum again and again."
You can tell Pedro loves the way your face heats up at his words. “Please do,” you tell him, grabbing the waistband of his boxers, and your wandering hands are met by bare, warm skin and the short, neatly cropped hair that grows thicker the further down your fingers dare to venture.
“I know you said you're in charge, but I really need you to take this off,” you say, losing your ability to wait for orders. To your surprise, he complies and gets off the bed, slides down his boxers, just as you get rid of your t-shirt. You can't help but admire the sight of him fully exposed and ready for you, moving to the drawer to pull out a condom, tearing the packet and rolling it onto himself. 
“You can take a picture, it'll last longer." 
“Don't get cocky.”
Pedro settles between you once again, and you grab his face. His eyes glistened, his hot breath on your skin as he leans in closer. Your thumb brushes against the tiny white scar on his nose. “You've marked me forever,” he chuckles, as he cradles your head and kisses you, his nose brushing against yours. 
You grab his length and give him a slow, steady stroke from base to tip, then back down. His mouth leaves yours as his dick twitches in your firm grasp, causing him to groan involuntarily. The pace of your hand up and down his length never picking up or slowing down, instead maintaining the same teasingly slow pace.
“Are you sure?” he whispers softly.
Pedro guides himself over you, the head of his cock slipping over where you’re open, up to rub on your clit so your fingers dig into his shoulders. His nose nudges gently against yours, “I'll be gentle, princesa.” 
“I don't want you gentle. I want you rough.” 
“Is that so?”
You moan, eyes closing. You can't even remember how to breathe, let alone speak. Pedro pushes only his head into you, opening you before pulling out, leaving you contracting around nothing. “I'm going to fuck you roughly, and you'll take it like a good girl, won't you?”
“Yes, P,” you rasp, hands sliding across his back. He's playing with you and knows how to make it almost unbearably good. He pushes deeper into you this time, and you can feel your body resist, protesting that he's too big, too much, and he pulls out. He drags his cock over where you're slick and messy before thrusting forward as far as he can. Your nails sink into his broad shoulders, back arching and pushing your stomach into his. "Oh my God.”
“You feel so fucking good, baby. Like you're made for me." 
Your legs wrap around his hips, ankles crossing at the bottom of his back, to keep him there, deep inside you. His head drops to your shoulders, pressing his lips to your collarbone. You're close, again.
“Please...” you beg, moaning like you've lost all sanity, his mouth pulls away slightly, his breath hot against your skin. "Please what?" he asks, his voice low and husky. 
“More, please, I need more."
The way Pedro's fucking you right now borders on dangerous, making you question lots of things—things you'd rather not think about right now, as he reaches for your hand and places it on your lower stomach. “Feel that?” 
You're not sure who moans louder: you when you realize why he's put your hand here, or Pedro when your walls clench involuntarily around his cock at the sensation. Your entire body tightens as you cry out, coming undone once again. 
He presses his lips against your forehead and rolls you over, his cock still buried inside you. 
“Pedro…that was…” you pant, body on top of his. “Did you come?”
He smirks. “Not yet, because you're gonna ride me now.” 
Despite the fact that your body is weak and spent, the simple thought of being on top of him is enough fuel to make you feel a surge of energy. You straddle his hips, feeling his hardness against you, and sinking down on his dick. 
“Like this?” you ask as you begin to move your body in sync with his, Your hips swirl and grind down, and Pedro's face is filled with pleasure. “Yes, mi amor. Just like that.” 
Every rock of your hips and the way Pedro's pushing into you are the perfect rhythm. His hands grip your hips so tight, you're pretty sure it'll leave bruises for days. You lean down, his mouth close by your ear, as he fucks into you, hearing him whisper things only you get to hear. “you feel so good, baby, taking my cock so fucking well.”  
Everything is so overwhelming—your body responding to his every thrust and word. It's a moment of pure ecstasy, and you never want it to end. Collapsing onto his chest, your fingers reach up to grip his hair. The satisfying sound of slapping skin echoes through the room, and you're suddenly glad there's no one in the house. 
Pedro slaps your ass as you're still rocking back against his thrust. “You're gonna cum for me again, baby?” 
“Yes, yes, yes!” you moaned as your body trembled with pleasure, mouth crashing into his, squeezing him so tight he can't hold back, and you feel him spill into the condom. He curses out your name as he's twitching and spasming inside you.
The post-sex haze settles over you both as you lay there, catching your breath and basking in the afterglow. After a couple of minutes, Pedro finally slips out of you and heads to the bathroom. You manage to get up, body aching. As you gather your clothes from the floor and dress up, he emerges from the bathroom, his face puzzled.
“What are you doing?” 
You chuckle, “Leaving.” 
Of course you didn't want to leave, but since you agreed this was just sex and nothing more, staying sounds like a dangerous situation.
There's no need to make this situation more complicated than it already is, even if you gaslight yourself into thinking this is fine as long as you're both on the same page. 
“No,” he interjects. “Stay.” 
“Pedro, we said—"
“I know what we said, but stay. Just for tonight.” 
You give him a warning look, and he gives you the same look back. “It'll make me feel dirty if you leave." you burst out laughing, and his face turns red. How's this the same man that just minutes ago was whispering the filthiest things into your ear?  
“Okay, I'll stay.”  
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The next morning, you woke up to an empty bed and no signs of Pedro. If you weren't lying on his bed, legs hurting like you ran a marathon, and your body wrapped in his warm blankets, you would have thought it was all a dream. Because in your dreams is the only place you are together, it's where you come home to him and he comes home to you. 
You could still feel his hands moving over your skin, his breath on your neck, and the way he whispered in your ear, making you feel like the most loved person in the world. 
Except it wasn't lovemaking; it was just sex. 
The warmth of the hot chilean sun spilled through the bedroom window, casting a golden glow on the walls and illuminating the dust particles that danced in the air. The distant sound of soft music and laughter from downstairs made you smile as you sat up against the headboard. 
The sound of the door opening interrupted your thoughts, and you looked up to see Pedro wearing the coziest looking sweater, his dark hair all over the place, and presumably a cup of coffee in his hand. “Good morning, solecito,” he says sitting down next to you. "I made you a cup of coffee, just the way you like it." 
You take the cup from his hand, fingers touching. “It can't possibly still be morning,” you rasp, voice still hoarse. 
“No, it's not," he tells you. “It's 2:30pm.” 
The fear in your face is palpable. “Fuck, did I miss the gift exchange?” you blurt out.
Pedro's pursed lips and guilty expression made it clear that you, in fact, missed the happiest time of the day. “No...” you dragged out, “Why didn't you wake me up?!” you demanded, hitting him on the shoulder.
“I didn't want to disturb your sleep, you looked so peaceful," he replied with a sheepish grin. "But if it makes you feel better, everyone loved what you got them." 
You groan in response. “I hate you so much.”
“Are you always this mean when you wake up?" 
You shrug, bringing the cup to your lips. “Eh, only when I have to deal with people who make me miss the fun part of Christmas." 
“Let's talk about how my dad got the better gift, by the way,” he tells you, moving his hands energetically. “And how I'm definitely not jealous at all.” 
“I had to impress him, and you can never go wrong with a Rolex,” you remark with a grin. “Plus, you deserve it after doing the most evil thing you could do to me.” 
“You mean caring for your wellbeing and letting you rest after the very... eventful night you had?” he says teasingly. “Shut up,” you reply, grabbing a pillow and throwing it at him. In true Pedro fashion, he dramatically dodges the pillow and grins slyly, "You can't silence me that easily."
“I have other ways,” you quickly reply.
Oh, how you love to play with fire. 
Pedro raises an eyebrow and chuckles, “Is that so?”
You hum. The tension is palpable in the air as you look into his eyes, trying to read his face. You wonder if he can hear the rapid beating of your heart. 
“Wanna see what I got you?” he asked, breaking the silence that had settled, his eyes still on you. 
“Dying to,” you say, pretending not to notice how he changed the subject, setting the coffee mug on the nightstand, “but first I need to shower before I go downstairs.”
“No need,” he reaches for his front pocket, pulling out a small wrapped package. You eagerly take it from him, eyes lighting up with excitement.
“Espero que te guste.”
Tearing the paper off and opening the black box, you find a beautiful necklace with a delicate gold chain and a small emerald pendant. “Now I feel like an asshole,” you say, immediately regretting getting him a bunch of funny socks. Your eyes are still fixed on the necklace. 
Pedro laughs, your favorite sound in the world, “Hey, I love my socks. You didn't have to get me so many though,”
“I didn't know which ones you'd like better, so I got you a bunch of ‘em,” you say, a hint of embarrassment in your voice. “This is so beautiful," 
“It's your favorite gemstone," he says softly, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. Your eyes meet his, and for a split second, everything is okay.
You rush forward to embrace him, catching him off guard by the way he chuckles and says oh. He wraps his arms tightly around you, and you nuzzle into his neck, feeling the soft fabric of his sweater and the familiar scent of his cologne. “Thanks so much, P,” you say, voice drowning on his skin.  
“Merry Christmas, mi amor."
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No strings attached, spontaneous, fun, and only while you're here. That's what you and Pedro agreed upon when you decided to have sex five nights ago. But the way he has you pinned against the shower wall and making your legs tremble with pleasure right now has you thinking of a way to make him not want to do this with anyone else.
The slick, wet sounds of Pedro's fingers pumping in and out of you filled the bathroom as you moaned in bliss. “Can you be a good girl for me and be quiet?” his nose brushes against yours, “We don't want them to hear us, do we?” 
You shake your head, blown away, feeling suffocated, as he drags two fingers over your swollen clit. Your jaw sags as the pleasure floods your body as he applies more pressure to it, causing you to grumble in pleasure. As two fingers slide into you, deliciously stretching you, he covers your mouth with his, absorbing your satisfied moan.
He pulled his mouth away from yours, and the water slipped through his hair, dampening it and sticking it back on his forehead. "Open your mouth," he says, a glint in his eyes as you look at him, bewildered. He presses two fingers against your tongue and the sweet-salty taste fills your mouth as you suck on his fingers. “See how fucking good you taste.”
You hum, wrapping your arms around his neck, “I need to feel you inside me."
Pedro lets his hand wander around your hips and slowly drags it down, lifting your leg and securing it around his hip. He took the space between your thighs, aligned himself with your entrance, and pushed in, giving you a split second to adjust before pulling out and thrusting back in.
He was moving faster, and you felt like a ragdoll in his arms, so euphoric from your high that he could do whatever the fuck he wanted to you and you'd gladly accept it. 
“F-faster, please,”
You've had sex in a variety of positions over the last few days, but there was something about this position and the access it provided that you found incredibly satisfying. His wet, solid chest pressed against yours, his hand tight against your thigh as he buried himself deep within you.
Pedro let out a low groan, one you were all too familiar with by this point, indicating that he was about to finish. His hips trembled and he let out a final grunt, his breaths ragged and heavy as he came inside of you, mouths meeting in a kiss. 
The two of you stood there, still in that proximity for a moment, full of love and softness because above all else, he was your best friend. 
“Can I wash your hair?” 
“Only if you let me wash yours after,” he replies, reaching for the shampoo bottle.
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Since they had a low-key Christmas consisting mainly of hot chocolate, fuzzy sweaters and movies, the family decided to plan a big New Year's Eve celebration to make up for it. Which prompted you to take a quick trip to the city yesterday in search of a dress because you hadn't packed anything fancy. 
Pedro insisted that you didn't have to stress over that, to which you obviously objected.
“Sorry, but I'm not taking fashion advice from someone who has like three t-shirts and a pair of jeans,” you said, scrolling through your phone in search of stores. “You wound me, baby,” he replied, putting a hand on his chest in mock pain. “But if you insist on shopping, let me take you.”
“No, you still have to help Javi with the party,” you said, getting up from the the couch. “I'll drive there, and I'll take Pedro and Bruno with me.”  
Pedro looked at you slowly, processing your statement, looking uncertain.
“Google Maps is a thing, and we'll be fine. Now give me your keys.”
“I like it when you're bossy,” he said, his voice lowering with a hint of a smile. “They're on the counter."
And thanks to the heavens, you decided to make an effort and find something suitable for the occasion because they went all out. 
The bass pounded through the walls as the guests danced and laughed, enjoying the party. The colorful decorations and delicious food made it a night to remember.
“Oh my god, they're gone,” Javiera groans, referring to the tray of now empty lemon bars that were apparently the highlight of the dessert table. “I wanted another one!” 
“I made another batch, I hid them in the oven,” you quickly tell her, feeling a little proud of yourself over the fact that people were enjoying what you made. “I'll go get them.”
“I will come with you.”
Once you both reach the empty kitchen, you go straight to the oven, pulling out the tray of lemon bars and setting it on the kitchen island. 
“Thank you for taking Pedro and Bruno out yesterday, by the way."
"I had so fun much with them. They're great boys and even better fashion advisers,” you tell her, gesturing to your burgundy dress. 
“Glad to know I've taught them well,” she says laughing. 
As you cut the bars into perfect squares, Javiera grabs one and takes a bite, savoring the tangy sweetness. "These are amazing, you should consider selling them," she exclaims, closing her eyes in content. 
You smile. “In another lifetime, I own a bakery in a small town with a living unit attached to the top. I have a beautiful green kitchen, and I don't feel the need to prove myself to people."
Javiera gives you a warm smile as you grab the powdered sugar. “You know,” she says reluctantly. “I see things and I feel things,” you stop what you're doing to look up at her, confused. “My brother's just scared.” 
Confusion is quickly replaced with clarity as you realize where she's going with this. You open your mouth to say something, but she shuts you down. “He's created this wall to protect himself, he's been through a lot, and he has convinced himself that this is enough, that he doesn't need more, but I know better.” 
A sigh leaves your lips, all of those feelings bubble up until you can't get a good breath, until you’re drowning. She continues, “I have seen you two together, friends don't look at each other like that." 
You know that she's right, but things aren't so simple. Not when it comes to this. 
“Maybe in another lifetime," is all you tell her, grabbing the lemon bars and heading out of the kitchen. 
The backyard is a wonderland of string lights and bunting, the air is filled with the sound of laughter and music as people dance under the stars. You were lost in conversation with Pedro's father. He shared more stories of his youth, what got him to pursue medicine, and how he met Pedro's late mother, leaving you feeling nostalgic for a time you never knew. 
He catches you looking away, follows your gaze straight to Pedro, and smiles knowingly. “I hope you have a good flight tomorrow.”
“Thank you,” you say, blushing a little at your own transparency. “Thank you for everything, really.”
“We hope you come back soon, It was a pleasure to have you,” he tells you, placing a hand on your shoulder, reassuring you. He walks off, pausing for a moment to talk to Pedro. Smiles were exchanged, and then he continued his way.  
Pedro looks exceptionally good tonight. Hair perfectly styled, white shirt perfectly stretching over his back. You drink up his movements as he approaches you, a smile plastered on his face.
“Who did your hair?” you ask him, knowing damn well this was someone else's doing because he didn't know how to do it. “My sister,” he replied, chuckling. 
“She's doing the Lord's work,” you tell him, folding your arms, feeling exposed by the way he's staring. It's comical that you feel this way, as if he hasn't seen you naked for the past week. 
“I'm gonna have to hire someone to do my hair at all times if you like it this much.”
“I like it either way,” you admitted, "but I just think it looks extra good when it's styled like this." 
His mouth splits into quite possibly your favorite of his various smiles, the one that makes it look like there's a secret tucked up in one corner of his mouth. “Dance with me?”
You take his hand and pull him to the deck, beneath the twinkling lights and away from the crowd, while the Bee Gees' “How Deep Is Your Love” plays like the universe just wants to mock you. Pedro folds your hand up in his warm palm, and you rest your cheek against his shoulder, closing your eyes to focus on how this feels. 
It feels right, it feels perfect, and it feels like it's gonna end. 
He nestles his mouth into your hair and breathes you in as you sway. His sister's words ring in your ear once again: My brother's just afraid. 
You allow yourself to imagine this feeling lasting. A world within a world just for you and Pedro, where people just let you both be. Where you belong to each other. And then you invite reality forward to change the story. 
You're working all day, taking endless flights to different locations, because you're trapped in a cycle of wanting to do more and never feeling like it's enough. Pedro exhausted from long days of shooting, press, taking endless flights, and getting pulled down by gravity. 
Unaswered texts. Missed calls. Grief. Hurt. Distance. Missing each other. Fighting. Falling apart. 
And you realize you're afraid too and this can never be.
There's a lengthy silence. His voice is a raspy, growly mutter. “I know. But don't say it.”
You don't look at each other. You just need to hold on to each other because if you look, you'll see that this make-believe game is over. You both feel the warmth of each other's embrace and the unspoken words between you. The silence is comforting yet suffocating.
His arms squeezed around you as everyone started to countdown. Cheers filled the air. Fireworks broke out over the sky in a thousand different colors. He tells you happy new year, and you say it back, never letting go. 
Even though you never said it to each other, you both knew. The love was there, and it didn't change anything. 
Maybe in the future, maybe in another lifetime.
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Reblog or like if you enjoyed it, thank you for reading :) (i know this ending feels like this is it for them HOWEVER i will be making several other parts because i can't stop writing about this lol)
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otterneuvillette · 4 months
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⋆🌼🃏— Pairings: tighnari x gn! reader x cyno (can be read as platonic or romantic, pick your poison :0)
⋆🌼🃏— Sypnosis: You have been targeted by a group of Eremites for unknown reasons, so for your safety and the sake of their worries, you have been staying with Gandharva Ville. Here's how your life has become since then.
⋆🌼🃏— content: gn! reader, mentions of injury and just fluffy with light angst.
It happened all so suddenly.
You were a Rtawahist researcher, one of the best of your years. You went on an expedition to the desert with a team of adventurers to research the sudden change of movement of the stars.
Along the way, you and your team had a couple of gnarly encounters with the same group of Eremites, which was weird, why are they so intent to capture your group? As far as you know, none of you had offended them or made them feel threatened.
Until they finally captured you while the others were sleeping.
"Come on, give us your research papers and your Mora, and we won't hurt your pretty little head, yeah?" One of them spoke with a gruff voice.
Your eyebrows furrowed.
"Archons! Why do you need my research paper so badly?! Like I understand if you wanted just my Mora, but my research papers??" You exclaimed.
"We don't have to give you our reasons, brat."
They stood up and stabbed the dagger they were holding into a crate next to you.
"Just give us the damn papers before things get ugly, you hear me?!"
You shook your head stubbornly.
"No! I worked hard on those, I will not let you have it!" You yelled.
They let out a sound of annoyance.
"Fine, I'll just do this the hard way then." They lifted the dagger up again, it's chilling glint underneath the desert moon made you shiver.
But you'd rather die than let them have it.
You closed your eyes, preparing for a moment of pain that never came.
A groan of pain echoed in your ears, and the sound of cold metal clashing made you open your eyes.
Sliver hair filled your vision along with flashes of purple lightning. You were dazed by its familiarity as a thought crossed your mind.
That was a week ago.
Cyno told you that your expedition had lasted an extra week than you wrote in your letters. He went looking for you out of concern, and he had found your team and they told him that you disappeared overnight and that the group of Eremites that were terrorizing you and them.
You thanked him with dinner and a couple of rounds of TCG, which you lost, miserably.
And you managed to hand over your research papers to your professor before the deadline.
A win-win situation one might think, right?
Because when you get home from running some errands—
—most of your house was burned down.
All your equipment, your research books are half burned into a crisp.
You felt yourself holding back a scream.
No, this is not the time for an emotional breakdown. You ran inside what's left of your home, as you took whatever you could save in it.
Photo albums, important documents, your boxes of trinkets, anything.
You groaned softly as you cursed yourself for getting a place further out in the city in the first place.
By the sevens, who could be this cruel to do this?!
After a couple of hours, you salvaged quite some stuff. But you were glad that the box was unscathed from the fire, it held all of your precious trinkets that you kept growing up. Everything that they had given you.
You dragged your stuff into a cart that you kept in your yard and headed towards the city. Along the way, you passed by a certain blonde haired traveller who helped you with your other stuff that you hadn't managed to fit into the cart.
When you arrived, you managed to get yourself a place to stay for a while. And without wasting any time, you reported what happened to the Matra. They told you that they will open an investigation as soon as possible. You thanked them as you went back to the place you were staying.
Moments later, you heard a knock on the door, and you opened to find a worried Tighnari and also a serious-looking Cyno.
"Hey, we heard what happened, are you okay?" Tighnari asked you, his ears twitching slightly.
You nodded quietly, too tired to give him a proper response.
"I have some leads to who's the culprit that burnt down your house." Cyno said sternly.
You looked up, curious to hear his answer.
"The group of Eremites that terrorized your team a week ago might have been the ones that did it." He said.
You sighed defeatedly.
"Honestly, I was dreading that. Archons, I have no idea why they are coming for me and my work." You sighed, slumping on the bed.
Tighnari approached you and placed a hand on your shoulder to comfort you.
"You should lay low for now. I suggest you find a safer place to stay, they may still be on the lookout for you." Cyno said softly, feeling quite sympathetic for you.
"You could stay with me? I'm sure Collei would be happy to see you again..?" Tighnari offered. His tail swished gently,as he looked at you with concern.
"I agree with Tighnari, you'll be safer staying with him." Cyno nodded.
"Meanwhile, I'll lead the investigation, I'll make sure the culprit will get the judgment they deserve." He added.
"Fine, I'll stay with 'nari. But only, until I repair my house." You said, sighing.
Both of them nodded in agreement, as you stood up to follow them to Gandharva Ville.
"Let me help you with your cart," Tighnari said, already holding on to it.
You thanked him, while Cyno informed the nearby Matra to gather information about the incident.
You hoped that this matter would be over soon.
It's been a few weeks since then, whoever did the crime was insanely good at keeping their tracks clean, it even had the General Mahamatra stumped.
Yet, both Tighnari and Cyno did their best to help you take your mind off it, they didn't want to see you stress yourself sick.
You'd just been in your room, minding your own business, when you started to hear voices coming from the living room of Tighnari's house. You decided to go out to the living room to check out what was going on.
"Well, you see, it's funny because-" Cyno seemed to be explaining some dumb joke.
"Oh, archons! Stop with the terrible jokes already!" Tighnari groaned, but his ears perked up when he saw you enter the room. "Make him stop, please!"
"Cyno....please behave?" You whispered quietly, clearly exhausted from the house repairs the day before.
Cyno's playfully pouted, but he sighed and gave in to your gentle request.
"I suppose I can behave myself. For now, at least."
He smiles at you affectionately and then turns his gaze to Tighnari, whose eyebrows were furrowed.
"What's with that face, 'nari? Are you having a headache again?" You said worriedly, hastily approaching where he was sitting.
Tighnari nods slightly, a small frown appearing on his face. "Yes. It's been a long day. The headache seems to be getting worse every day. Archons, I wish they'd go away." He sighs quietly, his ear flicking down in displeasure as you move closer to him.
"Hmm....maybe you should take a break... I'll talk with the other rangers, Let me help you with the patrols for the week." You immediately offered, without even a stutter or hesitation.
Tighnari blinks his eyes in surprise at your eagerness to help. He shakes his head slightly, a small smile appearing on his face. A soft, affectionate gaze wanders over your face.
"No, no. I'll be alright. You know I'm tougher than I look," he tries to protest, but you can tell from his expression how much your offer means to him.
Cyno steps forward and places a hand on Tighnari's shoulder. "Come on, Tighnari. Take a break for once."
"See? Even the General Mahamatra agrees with me. So, just sit tight and rest. Let me handle the rest."
Tighnari sighs and looks up at you then at Cyno, then sighs again, giving in. A slight smile forms on his face as he looks back at you, clearly relieved.
"Alright, alright. I suppose I can take a few days off. But you better not overwork yourself," he relents, his tail flicking slightly.
Cyno smiles and nods affirmatively. "That's better. You look like you haven't slept in days," he comments as his hands gently brush back Tighnari's hair to examine his face.
"I promise I won't overwork myself. I can handle the patrols for a few days. Don't worry, 'nari. I'll be fine," You reassure him, offering a comforting smile.
Tighnari lets out a quiet sigh and closes his eyes, clearly exhausted, his ears slumping down a little.
"Alright, alright. I trust you. Just..." He reaches out and takes your hand, squeezing it gently. "Take care of yourself, okay?" Cyno watches the scene with a fond smile and adds. "Yeah, don't do anything reckless. We both know how you get when you don't take proper breaks."
"It's not really that bad, guys! I promise." You whined playfully, before patting Tighnari's shoulder.
"Let me go make you some herbal tea. I've acquired some new medicinal tea from Liyue from my pen pal." You said excitedly.
Tighnari smiles faintly as you pat his shoulder, his ears twitching slightly in appreciation.
"Thank you. That would be very helpful," he says quietly, clearly grateful for your offer.
Cyno, meanwhile, gives you a slightly teasing smile. "Yeah, sure. And maybe don't forget to take care of yourself, okay? We don't want you getting sick, too. You're not immune to everything either," he adds, his tone playful and affectionate.
"Says you, Mr. "Oh no, I have fallen ill because I refuse to wear proper clothing during cold desert nights!" Seriously, Cyno. You should let me knit you a blanket or something." You huffed as you started brewing the tea, filling the small space with a light jasmine scent.
Cyno groans quietly, a little embarrassed that you've brought up the incident again. His arms crossed defensively, but he can't help but chuckle.
"I'm fine with my clothes, thank you very much," he responds, a hint of defensiveness in his voice. "Besides, I like the feel of the desert air against my skin. Even the cold is refreshing." Tighnari, meanwhile, chuckles softly at the exchange, his ears perking up in amusement.
He raises an eyebrow at Cyno, his tone lighthearted.
"You're always insisting that your immune to everything, but look at you. You're just as susceptible as the rest of us," he points out, a fond smile on his face.
Cyno sighs and chuckles, unable to argue with that.
"Fine, fine. I see your point. But... I still enjoy the cold air."
You chuckled, shaking your head.
"Sit down, Cyno. I'm bringing the tea over." You called out.
Cyno sighs and obeys, flopping down on the couch next to Tighnari. His lips curled as he heard your lighthearted chuckle.
"I guess you're right," he admits, leaning back on the couch and stretching his arms. "But I'll still take my chances with the desert air. As long as you brew me some tea to help me when I get sick." Tighnari glances over at you, amusement is evident in his expression.
"The things I'd do for the both of you."
Cyno chuckles, a fond smile spreading across his face.
"And we appreciate it. We really do," he reassures you.
Tighnari nods in agreement, his expression softening. "You always take such good care of us, even when we're too stubborn to admit it," he adds, his tail flicking gently against the couch.
Cyno glances at Tighnari, then back at you, a grin spreading on his face.
"Yeah, you're practically a miracle worker. Always knowing when we need a helping hand, even when we're too proud to ask for it."
Tighnari laughs quietly and nods in agreement. "We're lucky to have you around. Who else would put up with our nonsense?"
"You're being too sweet, just drink the tea already!" You said softly, flushing slightly.
They both chuckled at your reaction.
"This is delicious. You've outdone yourself this time," Cyno compliments you.
Tighnari nods in agreement, his expression softening as he takes a sip. "Yes, it's so soothing. You're quite a talented herbal tea brewer."
"Thanks, I'm just gonna leave you two to it. I have an appointment with Kaveh soon, so I need to prepare some supplies."
Cyno raises an eyebrow, a teasing smirk spreading across his face.
"Kaveh, huh? What are you two getting up to?"
He takes another sip of tea, his tone lighthearted and playful.
"It's not what you think. I'm just going over my house plans with him. I'm repairing my house because a part of it got burned down, remember? The arson case a few weeks ago? The reason why I've been staying with Tighnari since then?"
Cyno's teasing expression quickly turns to one of concern.
"Right, of course. My apologies for teasing. I remember that case. How's the repairs going?" he asks you.
Tighnari nods in agreement and his ears perk up slightly as well. "Yeah, I hope you're not having too much trouble with the rebuilding," he adds, a hint of worry evident in his voice.
"Well, between having to acquire materials and trying to not break my back fixing it, I'd say it's going smoothly."
"I just hope that my savings are enough to cover for it. The prices of materials are insane." You sighed.
"But Kaveh has been helping out with finding affordable yet quality materials, so I think the repair would go as smoothly as I hope it to be," You reassured.
Cyno nods gently, relief is evident in his expression.
"Sounds like you're in good hands. Kaveh always has a knack for finding good deals. And as for your back, maybe you should take some breaks. Can't be overworking yourself with all this rebuilding," he teases lightly, a gentle smirk on his face.
"I know, I know, thank the Seven, Alhaitham offered to help me with my work, even if I didn't want him to, I could have perfectly done it myself,"
Tighnari nods in agreement, his ears perking up.
"Well, Alhaitham is somewhat of a difficult person to get along with sometimes, but I can't deny that he's quite considerate and helpful if the situation calls for it. Maybe he just wanted to return the favor you extended to him when you helped him in his research." He pauses for a moment, his expression softening. "But you should still take care of yourself. Don't overwork yourself, okay?" He adds, giving you a gentle look.
"I will. I'm going to head out now, so I'll see you tonight, 'nari and you later, Cyno." You said softly and waved the two of them goodbye.
As you leave Gandharva Ville to meet up with Kaveh, Cyno, and Tighnari continue to chat in the living room over tea. Cyno shares a few jokes with Tighnari, who rolls his eyes but secretly smiles at the playful banter.
As night falls, the house feels a little emptier without your presence. Despite their easy-going demeanors, Cyno and Tighnari can't help but feel a slight sense of worry and longing for your return.
When you finally return home, the apartment is quiet. Cyno and Tighnari are just lounging around the living room. When they hear you enter, they perk their ears up slightly and look over at you. A wave of relief washes over both of them, and they can't help but smile at the sight of you.
Cyno greets you cheerfully as usual, while Tighnari gives you a gentle smile and a tail flick.
"Sorry I'm late, I had to run away from some angry group of Fungi on my way here." You said, catching your breath.
Cyno raises an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued.
"Angry Fungi? Sounds like quite the adventure. How many were there?" He asks, a serious glint in his eyes.
"A whole group of five huge Fungi. " You answered him.
Tighnari's expression softens and his ears twitch slightly. "Are you alright? Did you get hurt at all?"
You scratched your head bashfully, before looking at Tighnari.
"I might've....gotten a massive bruise on my back...."
Tighnari's expression immediately turns to one of concern upon hearing about your injury.
"Oh no... Let me see that bruise," he requests gently, taking a step closer to examine your back.
"I-I'm fine! I swear, 'nari!" You said hurriedly. taking a couple steps back.
"One of the Fungi headbutted me from the back while I was busy dodging the other ones."
Cyno raises an eyebrow at your insistence that you're fine.
"Headbutted, huh? You should be more careful. We can't afford to have you getting injured. Especially when we're not around to look after you," he remarks, his expression serious for a moment before his usual smile returns.
Tighnari's ears twitch, his concern still evident. "Regardless, let me just take a quick look to ease my worry," he insists gently.
"Fine, fine, just let me change into looser clothing first." You muttered.
Cyno nods in agreement, acknowledging your need for comfort.
"Alright, take your time. We'll be here when you're ready," he reassures you, his ear flicking a little. Tighnari gives you a reassuring smile and nods as well. "Yeah, no need to rush. Just take the time you need to change and then we can check your back. We want to make sure you're alright."
You quickly changed, and soon, Tighnari carefully guided you to the couch.
"How is it? Is it really bad?"
Tighnari examines your back, his fingers gently ghosting over the massive bruise that has formed there.
He winces slightly when he sees the extent of the injury but tries to maintain a calm demeanor. "It's a large bruise. You're going to have to take it easy for a few days to avoid aggravating it. I'll prepare some herbs to make a salve that can help speed up the healing process a little. In the meantime, try to avoid any unnecessary movement, okay?"
You sighed yet again. "I guess I have to postpone the repairs again....." You muttered under your breath.
Cyno overhears your muttered comment and his expression softens, sympathetic to your plight. He puts a comforting hand on your shoulder.
"Hey, it's alright. There's no rush. Your health comes first. We can figure out a way to handle the repairs later when you're feeling better."
Tighnari gives a nod of agreement and gently pats your back. "Yes, take it easy. Let us handle the repairs for now. You just focus on resting and getting better."
Cyno and Tighnari help you get comfortable on the couch, bringing you pillows and blankets to make sure you're as relaxed as possible.
Tighnari prepares a soothing salve to help reduce the pain and inflammation in your back, while Cyno grabs a cold pack from the freezer to press against the bruise.
They sit with you, keeping you company and making sure you're feeling alright. They chat with you softly, making lighthearted jokes and sharing stories to keep your mind off your pain.
Eventually, Tighnari returns with the salve he prepared, and he carefully applies it to your back with gentle but firm movements.
As the salve works its magic, slowly reducing the pain and swelling, Cyno gives you a smile and speaks in a teasing tone.
"You know, maybe this is just what you needed. A little break to rest and relax. Maybe a few days off might not be so bad after all."
"But I was supposed to help you so you could take a break, 'nari!" You whined quietly, pouting.
Tighnari smiles at your pouting expression, amused by your stubbornness.
"I appreciate the thought, but sometimes life has other plans. Right now, the most important thing is for you to focus on recovering. Once you're back on your feet, you can help us all you want."
Cyno rolls his eyes playfully and adds in a joking tone. "Yeah, and speaking of being back on your feet, maybe you should try picking on smaller targets next time instead of those huge Fungi."
"It wasn't my fault they came on me in the first place, I don't even know why they were so irritated in the first place!"
Tighnari chuckles softly, trying to imagine you fending off a horde of angry Fungi.
"Fungi can be picky sometimes. And they tend to guard their territory fiercely. Perhaps you accidentally wandered into their turf without realizing it, and they took action accordingly."
"I was walking down the designated path to Gandharva Ville! The Fungi weren't there when I first passed by on my way to Sumeru City!!"
Cyno bursts out laughing upon hearing your playful defense.
"Ah, well, perhaps those particular Fungi took a sudden detour and decided to set up camp on your usual path without warning. Those mischievous creatures can be quite sneaky, you know," he teases.
"Whatever..." You groaned, voice muffled by your face planting into the pillow.
Tighnari grins at your reaction and gently pats your head.
"Don't be upset. We're just teasing. We know you did your best." He turns to look at Cyno, a mischievous sparkle in his eyes. "Cyno, why don't you make it up to them with one of your jokes? That'll surely lift their spirits."
"Please don't, can't you see I suffered enough? You guys are bullying me, I swear."
"Oh, don't worry, we're not bullies. We just believe in the healing power of laughter!" Cyno says proudly.
He takes a moment to think, then grins wider. "Hey, what do you call a snake with no legs?"
"What is it?" You groaned.
"An adder. Get it? Because it's a snake, and it has been 'added' without legs? Haha!" He laughs at his own joke, clearly pleased with himself. Tighnari hides a small chuckle with a cough. They both look at you, eagerly awaiting your reaction.
"I hate you guys...."
Cyno laughs even harder at your response, clearly enjoying your reaction to his terrible pun.
"Oh, come onnnn. Don't be like that. You know you love my sense of humor." He says with a smirk.
Tighnari can't help but smile at your groaning. He reaches out to pat your head softly, trying to soothe you.
As the evening progresses, Cyno and Tighnari keep up the light banter, sharing jokes and stories to keep your spirits up.
Slowly, you start to relax, the stress from your injury fading away as their company puts you at ease. The room is filled with laughter, and a comforting atmosphere settles in. Cyno tells another terrible pun, and even though you try your best to maintain a scowl, you can't help but let out a small chuckle.
Tighnari notices your slight smile and grins at Cyno, silently signaling him that their efforts are working. They exchange a sly, knowing look, grateful that you are starting to feel better.
As the night drags on, the room gradually falls silent as you doze off into a contented, healing slumber. Even after you fall asleep, Cyno and Tighnari take turns watching over you, making sure you're as comfortable as possible. They can't help but share a warm, fond smile, appreciating the peace and tranquility of the moment.
Your healing progresses in the following days, Cyno and Tighnari take turns caring for you. Tighnari diligently prepares meals and soothing herbs to help with your recovery, and Cyno occasionally comes by to offer his own unique way of making you feel better – by sharing yet another one of his terrible puns.
Despite your protests, Cyno's jokes never fail to crack a dumb smile on your face, and you find yourself secretly looking forward to his visits, just to hear those awful puns.
Eventually, your injury starts to heal as the days turn into weeks. Your pain and discomfort gradually fade away, and the bruise on your back begins to yellow before finally disappearing completely.
Tighnari examines your back once again, his fingers lightly tracing the area where the bruise used to be, before nodding in satisfaction.
"Yup, it appears that you have fully recovered. The injury has healed nicely, and there are no signs of pain or discomfort left."
Just as you're about to express your relief and thanks, Cyno chimes in with a dramatic sigh.
"Ah, it's a shame that you've recovered so quickly. I was already working on a new series of puns to keep the cheer going."
Cyno remarks, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.
Tighnari rolls his eyes but can't help but smile at Cyno's antics.
"Oh yes, because your terrible puns were an absolute cure for all our ailments. We simply would be miserable without them," Tighnari retorts, his tone dripping with sarcasm.
Cyno pouts, feigning offense at Tighnari's words. "Hey, they weren't that bad! And besides, I had a whole new stockpile ready to go."
"Maybe, some other time, Cyno." You giggled.
"Spoil sport," Cyno grumbles, crossing his arms in mock disappointment, but a smile creeps onto his face at your laugh.
Tighnari lets out a lighthearted chuckle, shaking his head at Cyno's antics. They both sit quietly for a moment, enjoying the light banter and the relief of your full recovery.
You felt relief knowing that no matter what, come rain or shine, both of them would go to the ends of Tevyat for you as you would do for them as well.
But for now, let's just enjoy the tranquility of the moment, shall we?
Tighnari: hey, I noticed that you kept the pictures of our student years in the albums you have in your cart.
Y/N: of course I did, they're really precious to me.
*Cyno come closer and picks up a picture.*
Cyno:....hey, when did you take this photo of me passed out on Lambad's Tavern, and...wait...DID YOU SERIOUSLY BALANCE PLATES ON ME?!
Y/N: ......yeah, i'm just gonna leave- *sprints*
Cyno: OH NO YOU DON'T- *runs after Y/N*
Tighnari: *dies of laughter.*
182 notes · View notes
Liar part 2
Dean Winchester x little sister!reader, John Winchester x daughter!reader
Synopsis: John goes after you and Dean after you left him behind.
A/N: here’s part 2! I hadn’t planned on this, but I got some inspiration so here it is. Not really my favorite, but it’s alright.
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Previously on:
"Dean? Why didn't you want me to go back to the room?"
"Can't you just trust me?"
"Don't say that, I do trust you, always. But I wanna know."
Dean tried his best to force a smile on his lips as he reached over and ruffled your hair.
"Doesn't matter sweetheart. What matters is, you're safe, and we're gonna be ok."
"What about dad?"
Dean forced himself to look over at you, and he felt a pang in his chest when he saw you. You were curled in on yourself, looking up at him. You looked so small.
Honey, I need you to just trust me. Please, can you do that for me?"
You didn't even hesitate.
"Ok Dean. I trust you."
You were true to your word. Over the next several days, Dean drove you as far away as possible from John, stopping every night at dingy motels. Each night while you slept, Dean searched for a job, trying to make this trip seem less aimless.
Even though you had no clue where you were going, or why Dean had left dad in the dust, you didn’t ask Dean about it again. He asked you to trust him, and he was incredibly proud to discover that you trusted him this much. Enough to leave dad for the time being, to travel across the country, and not ask him why, simply because he had asked you not to.
Your patience could not last forever, though, and that night when Dean informed you that you’d be driving through the night, you finally brought up the cursed topic.
Dean turned down the music and glanced over at you.
“What’s up?”
“When are we gonna see dad again?”
Dean sighed. He knew this would have to come up eventually.
“I don’t know.”
“You can’t stay mad at him forever. He has to be worried about us.”
Dean shook his head, “It’s not about being mad at him.”
“Then what? What’s important enough to make you leave him behind?”
Dean just stared at you.
It took three weeks for John to track down his children. He sat in the motel parking lot, debating his options. He’d arrived there just after ten at night, and even though he’d found one of Dean’s aliases checked into a room, he didn’t see the Impala anywhere. Dean must’ve been out to a bar. Not that it mattered, because after weeks of searching John was just now realizing something; he had no clue what he was going to do.
He’d thought about reasoning with Dean, but he was kidding himself. Dean always obeyed John, always, but John had never seen him more determined than when he stormed out to take you away. Dean wouldn’t be giving up.
But John couldn’t either. He couldn’t let you stay with Dean and become weak. Being weak meant you were vulnerable, and being vulnerable meant you could die. He wouldn’t let that happen. And if that meant taking you on hunts, then so be it, and screw what Dean thought.
John finally stepped out of his car, his mind made up.
You were rudely awoken from your sleep by a loud knock at the door. After two days of barely any sleep in the Impala, you had decided to hit the hay early while Dean went out for a drink.
You figured he’d probably forgotten his key, so you rolled out of bed and went to open the door.
You most certainly weren’t expecting John to be standing there when you opened it.
“Dad,” you breathed, your face lighting up. You restrained yourself from going in for a hug after what happened last time, and instead decided to see what he did. If he was in a good mood, maybe he’d let you greet him properly, but if something was going on, if danger was near, then you figured it was better to let him get down to business.
“Hey kiddo,” he spared you a half smile before glancing around the room. “Dean’s gone, right?”
You frowned, hesitating before responding.
“Yeah, he went out for a drink.”
Why had it sounded like John wanted Dean to be gone?
“Great, get your stuff and let’s hit the road.”
Your instincts told you to obey, but you stayed rooted to the spot, too confused to listen.
“Without Dean?”
John rubbed a hand over his face, “Look, it’s been a long day, and I don’t want any arguments. Let’s go.”
“Are we gonna get Dean first?”
John’s patience was beginning to wear thin.
“No, no we’re not. Now get your stuff.”
Your stubbornness wasn’t wavering.
“I don’t understand. What about Dean?”
John gritted his teeth, “Dean has a job he needs to work on here. We’re going. Now I won’t tell you again, get your stuff.”
You snatched your bag up and tried to find a reason to stall.
You weren’t really sure why; after all, you had been following a chain of command your whole life. John told Dean what to do, Dean told you what to do, that’s the way it had always been. You trusted it. You trusted Dean and John. But now…
Now you were starting to wonder if you trusted John because you trusted Dean.
And now, after Dean had run off on John for who knew what reason, and John was telling you to leave Dean behind…
What did you do? Who did you trust?
“Kid,” you nearly flinched when John clapped a hand on your shoulder. “C’mon, time’s wasting.” His tone was softer now, and you felt your resolve slipping. Maybe Dean really wasn’t fighting with dad, maybe it really was just some job.
You could trust John. Dean trusted John, and you trusted Dean. Dean practically sung John’s praises, so he had to be safe.
You looked up at your father and smiled.
“Yeah ok. Let’s go.”
John drove through the night, parked in a clump of trees on the side of the road for a few hours sleep, and then drove until midnight before the two of you finally stopped at a motel.
“Get some sleep,” John instructed. “In the morning we’ve got a job.”
Your head jerked up, and you frowned.
“We? As in…I’m going?”
John grinned at you.
“Yeah. I think it’s about time for your first hunt. You’ve been training with Dean, right?”
You fidgeted nervously, “I mean…yeah, I know how to kill a lot of different types of monsters, and he showed me how to use a gun and a knife and-“
“Good,” John interrupted. “Then get some rest, tomorrow’s the day.”
“But…but I thought you and Dean thought I should wait.” At least that’s what Dean said.
John just shook his head, “Dean can think what he wants. But I think you’re ready.”
Dean wasn’t sure how frantic he should be. For about forty-five seconds, he’d been freaking out, before he saw the symbol you left on a scrap of paper on the dresser.
It was an upside-down J, the symbol he’d taught you to leave if dad stopped by while he was gone.
Years earlier
“Ok, so let’s go over it again.”
“Dean, this is stupid. What are these even for anyway?”
Dean scoffed, “It’s not stupid if something comes to get you while me and Sam are gone.”
“But if it gets me, how is this gonna help?”
“Look, kid. If something happens, and I get back to the hotel, and you aren’t here, I need to know why. If you need to be on your own for a little bit, there’s a symbol for that. If you get taken by cops, we’ll know where to look. If it’s humans, we’ll have a place to start. You get where I’m going with this?”
You sighed, “Yeah ok ok. I guess that makes sense. But how am I supposed to leave this symbol if-“
“Look, I’m not saying it’s a fool proof plan. Most likely you won’t get a chance to leave me a message, but if you do, you won’t have time to think about it. That’s why you need to memorize these symbols well, so that if you do get only a split second to give me a clue, you know how to do it.”
You nodded, glancing at the symbols again before smiling up at Dean.
“You know, you’re kinda smart sometimes.”
“Yeah well, I have my moments.”
So John had you. Definitely not the end of the world, but there could be only one reason John would come in while Dean was gone and take you.
He wanted you to hunt.
Dean had never struggled with family loyalty like this before. His life had been simple for so long. Do what dad said, dad knew best, dad would protect the family.
But now dad wanted to put you in danger, and Dean knew you weren’t ready. You wouldn’t ever be ready.
It wasn’t your fault, you were a hard worker, and you would do whatever Dean said. You would train all day, every day, if Dean told you to. But hunting wasn’t an instinct for you, not the way it was for Sam and Dean.
Besides, even if it had been, Dean didn’t want you out there hunting until you were old enough to choose that life. He and Sam hadn’t had a choice, they’d grown up hunting and now they were stuck doing it. Dean wanted you to have a choice. If you chose hunting, then Dean would make sure you were trained enough for it. If you chose something else, well then you hadn’t made any enemies yet, so hopefully getting out would be an option for you.
But it wouldn’t be if John had anything to say about it. Not too long ago, Dean would’ve said that he’d do anything John told him to do.
Apparently he would’ve been wrong.
Every instinct in your body was screaming at you, begging with you, desperately pleading for you to just run. The plea was deafening.
But John yelled louder.
“Kill it!”
You were trying. You really were.
You backed away from the vampire that had cornered you, swinging your machete wildly but unable to get the vampire’s head off. Quite the contrary, you seemed to only be pissing him off.
You gave another, desperate swing, and the vampire grabbed your arm, twisting it until you had no choice but to drop your weapon.
He stooped to pick it up, still holding onto your arm.
“Now what were you planning on doing with this, huh?” He twisted it in his hand, and a cry of pain escaped you when the machete sliced a long, deep cut along your ribs. His iron grip was the only thing keeping you on your feet as you hunched over your injury.
You saw a flash of metal as the vampire lifted the machete to strike a fatal blow, most likely about to lob off your head.
You heard the swish of metal, and closed your eyes tightly so you wouldn’t have to watch. You hoped it wouldn’t hurt, that you would be dead instantly.
You waited. One. Two. Three.
You hesitantly opened your eyes when you felt the hand gripping you go slack. The vampire was at your feet. Or, most of him was. His head had rolled several feet away. You felt your stomach twist, and you cried out as a sharp pain in your ribs dropped you to your knees.
John’s strong arms lifted you up, and the two of you were silent as he half carried, half dragged you to the car. Of course the silence could only last so long, and not long after the door to the car slammed shut, the yelling started.
Dean or even Sam would’ve been completely prepared for John’s blowup, especially after a job went as wrong as this one did. You, however, were finally beginning to realize just how wrong you were in your view of your father.
You were finally beginning to realize just how much Dean had lied to you about him.
It didn’t take Dean long to track down John’s alias. Thankfully, he wasn’t trying too hard to hide. Dean figured that John was fine with being found, and was just assuming that Dean would “cool off” and listen to John. Well, Dean had no intention of changing his mind.
He pounded on the motel door, and waited a grand total of seventeen seconds before kicking it down.
John jerked his head up from where he was cleaning a knife, and Dean’s eyes swept right past him until he saw you, sitting on one of the hotel beds, a needle in your hand and blood dripping down an open wound across your ribs.
“Dean, what the-“
Dean ignored his father and rushed to you, his eyes going first to your wound and then to your face, his hands reaching up and grabbing your shoulders.
“Hey baby, are you ok?”
The second your eyes landed on your older brother, your whole body seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and he could see in your eyes how happy you were to see him.
“Dean…” the one word seemed all you could manage, but John was well ready to make up for that.
“Dean, you can’t just come charging in here! You have a job-“
“This is my job!” Dean whipped around to face his father, his voice raising until he noticed you flinching out of the corner of his eye. He lowered his voice, placing a hand back on your shoulder before continuing. “Watching out for her, that’s my job, you’ve made that clear since the day you brought her home. So now, I’m gonna stitch her up, and I-“
“I told you to train her, not baby her! She can stitch her own wound, it’s about time she learned how!”
You swallowed as you stared down at the needle in your hand. You had stitched up Sam and Dean many times, but the idea of putting the needle into your own skin was…sickening, to say the least.
Dean gritted his teeth, “She shouldn’t have to. I can take care of her.“
“You can’t-“
“And the rest of this conversation can wait until your daughter isn’t bleeding out on the bed!”
Surprisingly, John fell silent as Dean began getting you ready to be stitched up.
“Lay back,” he instructed as he sterilized the needle. You did as he said, nervously watching his hands as he worked. He smiled down at you.
“You should probably look somewhere else. It’ll hurt worse if you watch.”
You obeyed, turning your eyes from your wound to Dean’s face. He focused on his stitching at first, but once he had started he was able to focus more on you.
“So, what’d you hunt?”
“Vamps.” Your voice was quiet, and Dean could hear the barely concealed pain behind it.
“Yeesh, that must’ve been hard. Aren’t you Team Edward?”
You giggled, which made Dean’s job harder, but it was worth it to distract you from the pain.
“Hey now, I told you I watched the Twilight movies ironically.”
“They’re fun to make fun of!”
“Oh I’m sure princess. So, how many did you take out?”
You grinned, “Two.”
“Nice, Edward and his brother.”
“Sister, actually. And you know that thing about vamps always being hot?”
“Total myth, I mean this lady was ugly even before her head was rolling across the floor.”
Dean laughed, and you joined in before stopping with a gasp of pain.
“Ok, yeah maybe laughter was a bad idea.” Dean returned to silence for several seconds as he worked on your stitches. The tension in the room was palpable, but Dean finished the stitches quickly before John could start a fight again.
“Alright, you’re all set. Now go grab a clean shirt and change in the bathroom.” Dean helped you up and pulled you into a hug, kissing your head and whispering so John wouldn’t hear; “stay in there until I come get you, ok?”
You gave him a barely perceptible nod as you grabbed a clean shirt and disappeared into the small motel bathroom, closing the door behind you.
“So,” Dean sighed, facing his father. “I heard you, before I came in. You were yelling at her. Why? What happened on that hunt?” He stepped towards his father, “And more importantly, how could you let her get hurt? Why weren’t you watching her? This was her first hunt, anything could’ve happened!”
“How could I let her? Watch your tone, boy, I didn’t let anything happen. She was useless out there! I thought you said you trained her!”
“I didn’t train her to hunt!”
John froze.
Dean clenched and unclenched his fists, trying to diffuse his anger at least a little.
“I didn’t train her to hunt.”
“But she said-“
“I taught her how to use weapons, how to identify monsters, but I didn’t teach her how to hunt. I taught her self defense.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means, that if she gets attacked, she can defend herself, that’s it! I didn’t show her how to hunt, because she’s too young to be in this life! But if something or someone goes after her, she’ll be fine.”
John scoffed, “Well all your coddling has done is insured that she can’t hold her ground in a fight!”
“You’re right!” Dean exploded, “And she shouldn’t have to! I taught her all the best ways to get to safety!”
“She needs to know how-“
“How to what? To kill?” Dean was almost nose-to-nose with John. “No. She doesn’t. I’m not gonna teach her to kill. I’m gonna teach her to survive.”
Dean brushed past John and went to the bathroom door, knocking lightly on it.
“Honey? You ready to come out?”
You opened the door slowly, and Dean didn’t miss the way your head was lowered just enough for your hair to veil your face. Dean placed one hand at the back of your head, and with the other one he gently lifted your chin up.
You sniffled, trying—and failing—to blink your tears away. Dean pulled you into a hug, ignoring John’s scoff from the corner of the room.
“You did your best today, kid,” Dean’s voice was soft and quiet, and you pulled yourself closer to him, comforted by his tone. “And you’re never gonna do that again, ok? I’m never gonna make you hunt.”
“Hold on,” John would not stay silent anymore. “Dean, you can’t keep her out of this, it’s our lives.”
“Not hers!” Dean pulled away from you, but kept a hand on your shoulder to keep you close. “Not if she doesn’t want it. I trained her the way I did for a reason; if she wants to hunt when she’s older, then I’ll train her to the next level. If she doesn’t, then she knows enough to defend herself, but she hasn’t made any enemies. You’re not gonna mess that up, you aren’t gonna drag her into this life with no choice.”
John scoffed, “Well then why don’t we ask her?” John turned his laser beam face to you, “Baby, I want you to come with me. I’ll show you how to hunt, properly this time, since Dean won’t.”
You stared at him for a long moment.
This was your father, the man you’d looked up to for your whole life. The one Dean had looked up to for as long as you could remember.
But then you looked at the machete on the table, remembered how wrong it had felt in your hands. How scared you’d been going up against those vamps. How much you just wanted Dean to come and get you and take you back to the motel. How wrong it had felt to kill those vampires, to watch their heads roll across the floor, even though they’d tried to kill you.
You knew more than anything that you didn’t want to hunt. That wasn’t the life for you. But it was more than that.
John was asking you to choose him over Dean. This was not a situation you had ever imagined you would be in, and yet you knew instantly what choice to make.
There were many reasons for your choice, but one memory came to your mind as one of the best reasons.
Years ago
“He’s not coming, is he?”
Dean threw an arm around your shoulder, trying desperately to lighten the mood.
“I’m sure things just got a little hairy with that wendigo. He’ll be back in a day or so, though.”
“I think he might’ve forgotten.” You weren’t about to tell Dean, but that morning you had called John, desperate to hear his voice on your birthday. He had answered, surprisingly, but as soon as he found out that there was no emergency, he’d hung up with a simple, “I’ll be home soon…ish.”
He hadn’t said “happy birthday”, or “sorry I couldn’t be there”, or anything like that. You were almost sure he’d forgotten.
“Of course he didn’t forget,” Dean assured you, with so much conviction that you were starting to believe him. If Dean thought that John was so great, then surely he was right. Dean was always right, and he wouldn’t lie to you.
“Tell you what,” Dean continued. “Go sit in Baby, I’ve got a surprise for you.”
You obeyed eagerly, and as soon as you sat in the passengers seat, Dean handed you a small parcel wrapped in a newspaper.
You tore it open to reveal a cassette tape.
“It’s a mixtape,” Dean was grinning from ear to ear. “It’s got all your favorites on it.”
You giggled, “what happened to driver picks-“
“Eh eh, House rules still stand, but, if you’re lucky, or it’s a special occasion, I might just let you pop that in once in a while.”
You grinned up at Dean.
“Special occasions…like my birthday?”
Dean laughed, “Stick it in, birthday girl! I wanna make sure I got all your favorites on there.”
Two hours and a lot of karaoke later, you assured Dean that he had in fact got all of your favorites on there, and he smiled at you for a moment before-
“You wanna play them again?”
John stared at you.
You swallowed hard, nervously fingering the sleeve of Dean’s jacket as you stared back at your father.
“No. I don’t wanna hunt, and I want to be with Dean.”
“You…” John seemed at a loss for words. He couldn’t comprehend his baby girl picking her brother over her father.
“I want Dean.”
Even though your voice was quiet, the authority and surety in it was undeniable.
John didn’t speak. He simply grabbed his bag and walked out the door, leaving his children alone as he drove off.
“He’ll be back,” Dean assured you, and even though neither of you knew it at the time, he was right. John might not always be right about family, but he wouldn’t abandon them.
“Ok,” Dean was surprised at your tone. You didn’t sound as though you really cared if John came back.
“Are you ok?” Dean asked, sitting down on the bed so he was closer to eye level with you.
You sat down next to him and curled yourself into his side.
“I am now.”
Eventually, Dean laid back onto the bed, and you went with him, and the two of you laid there for a while, wrapped up together in a contented state. Dean was just about to drift off to sleep when you spoke.
“You lied to me. About dad.”
Dean’s voice came out in a sigh, and his chest rumbled under your head as he spoke
“I know.”
Dean hummed.
“Thank you.”
706 notes · View notes
leclerc-s · 8 months
the blue - part eight
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zendaya amelia grace holland be honest. how many songs ave you written about oscar?
amelia holland
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sam holland the better question is how many songs have you written about fake scenarios in your head?
amelia holland oh that one's easy at least five. this month. i've got a really good one called i should hate you, i wrote that one with aaron.
amelia holland i think he almost shit himself when he found out aaron was also producing this one. tuwaine barrett CHAMELIA MY BELOVED! GET THIS MAN ON STAGE WITH TAYLOR FOR A SURPRISE SONG! amelia holland he's been on my ass about that to. did you team up with him or something? tuwaine barrett why? did he say someting?
harry holland speaking of charles, how's texas? is it fun?
amelia holland it's hot as fuck.
amelia holland you're in texas now? any plans on coming home?
amelia holland kinda promised oscar and lando that i'd stick around for the triple header. there's a week off in between vegas and brazil but lando's birthday is a few days before vegas and abu dhabi is the next weekend. so i'm not sure. might be home for a couple days at most.
harrison osterfield it's almost like oscar's career is monopolizing all of your time
sam holland for the record none of us have problem with it. this is the first time in a long time we've seen you happy. if traveling with oscar makes you happy, do it. harrison's being a dick, ignore him. but like also please come home for the holidays?
amelia holland is that his default setting? - danny ric
amelia holland sorry about that, the fake american took my phone.
amelia holland real american here, is that his default setting? - logan sargeant
amelia holland charles here! is that his default?
amelia holland this group is tragic. ours is much more fun - max
amelia holland i would never piss a songwriter off because you'll be branded as the second string loser for the rest of your life. - pierre
amelia holland i swear they’re normally house-trained - oscar
amelia holland he's lying - alex
amelia holland it's quite fun. murder is threatened at least 3 times a day and lestappen is in full force. it is no just for the camera, i genuinely think they're in love with each other
amelia holland yuki’s quite violent, in case anyone was wondering. he may be pocket sized but he holds a lot of rage
harry holland and who exactly is in this group chat and why haven’t we been invited?
amelia holland the twitch quartet, max, daniel, yukierre, estie bestie and his two husbands, twinkclaren, and me
harrison osterfield you call your boyfriend a twink?
amelia holland it’s a term of endearment - lando
amelia holland she calls lando a fucking weenie and she called someone a weird second string loser, so i’m okay with twink - oscar
amelia holland SAVE US! - CHARLES & MAX
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ameliaholland posted new stories
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someone's super excited to be back in texas COTA! pre-quali look with oscaroo. he's not happy at the moment, says it's too hot to be in texas. i agree. :) logan said he knew a place and took us to cane's. clearly one of them is happy to be here.
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ameliaholland the plans made it out of the group chat, so when in texas...
tagged: oscarpiastri, lilymhe, francesca.cgomes, alexandrasaintmleux, danielricciardo, landonorris, maxverstappen1, charles_leclerc, alex_albon, logansargeant, yukitsunoda, pierregasly, georgerussell63, estebanocon, mickschumacher, lancestroll
view all comments
↳ ameliaholland you're missing out so bad tuwaine
↳ ameliaholland i'm not? there's a heineken in my hand? it's non alcoholic.
↳ landonorris she literally had shots with max. she's a liar.
↳ ameliaholland shut the fuck up norizz.
username oh god, i've never wanted to be apart of a friend group this bad
username thank goodness someone put boots on the correct way. if i saw another picture or video of the drivers with their jeans tucked into their boots i would riot.
↳ username i hope daniel scolded them for doing so.
samholland1999 PUT SOME PANTS ON AMELIA!
username now this is a group i never thought i would see hanging out. at least not all of them together.
username this is so iconic of them wtf?
georgerussell63 i have never met someone who can out drink max, please join us the next time we go out.
↳ harryholland64 did not know my little sister can out drink max verstappen but i'm somehow proud?
↳ username this just in, something max verstappen is not good at doing, out drinking amelia holland.
lilymhe we have to do this again!
↳ francesca.cgomes we do!
↳ alexandrasaintmleux oh, we should
↳ ameliaholland give me a time a place and i'll be there!
↳ carmenmundt count me in too! i would love to meet amelia.
↳ username icons meeting other icons, love to see it.
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finish the lyrics with lando norris and oscar piastri
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user we were robbed of cowboy oscar!
user lando and the holland brothers being the captains of the oscar x amelia ship is so funny to me
user but who did lando call a dick and why?
↳ user probably harrison, if the context clues we've been provided are anything to go by.
↳ user lando has been their biggest defender since day 1 and i stand by that
user was i the only one who caught that brocedes reference?
↳ user lando knew what he was doing making that joke.
user lando casually wanted to remind everyone that oscar's brother-in-law is spider-man.
↳ user had to quickly flex on spidey's biggest fan, estie.
user and to think this whole joke started because of a taylor song.
user lando is oscar and amelia's biggest defender, you can't change my mind.
↳ user it's oscmelia girl, get it right.
↳ user you're right my bad, terribly sorry.
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harrison osterfield i don't exactly appreciate your friend and boyfriend calling me a dick online.
amelia holland and i didn't appreciate being strung along for almost 2 years...
sam holland HOW LONG?
tom holland but he was with his ex for almost a year?
tuwaine barrett oh damn
harry holland you have got to be fucking kidding me harrison.
zendaya never trust blonde men with blue eyes
amelia holland what about max and logan? zendaya never trust blonde men with blue eyes whose name starts with an h or a j. those two you can trust.
tom holland by the way how's oscar doing? we watched the race.
amelia holland a bit bummed about the dnf but that's the way things go in this sport. besides it's not like it can get any worse than this.
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ameliaholland posted new stories
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💋 i'm totally going to lose tonight... you're looking at the winner of the bowling tournament. it was luck really, but operation cheer up charles and oscar was a success.
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taglist: @six-call @1nt3rnetgf @fernandoswarcrimes @skynel09 @arieltwvdtohamflash @Mimolovescookies @brekkers-whore @natcha888 @camdensreg @mycenterfold @woozarts @dear-fifi @tygecjjd @cataf1 @nothaqks @caipng @nataliambc @formulaal @lichterfee @prongsvault @kaa212 @anxxiousaries @julesbabey1 @julesbabey @georgeparisole @hobiismyhopeu @melissayalene @nikfigueiredo @bella-1 @nichmeddar @namgification @anniemae299
strikethrough means i couldn't tag you
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¡leclerc-s speaks! just when you think he can't get any worse, he does! i have very strong opinions about texas, in case that wasn't obvious. texas was my breaking point + brazil, in case you couldn't tell who my favorite drivers were, you do now.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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goosetheluce · 9 months
you're my home (lucy gray baird x fem!reader)
info: cussing, ever so slight angst, mutual pining, confession, reader is running from district twelve with lucy gray
a/n: it's not weird to have a crush on someone with the first name as you !! taylor swift and taylor lautner did it leave me alone
you stirred from your rest at the bright sunbeams pouring through the trees. and maybe also lucy gray's insistent tugging and repetition of your name.
"holy shit," she grumbles, clearly dismayed. "wake up! we're almost there. gotta get moving."
" 'm up. lord."
you heaved a sigh and arched your back, a tight line of pops rushing down your spine. you took a deep inhale, eyes shutting again as you ran a hand along your fucked up, greasy hair.
traveling on foot for a week isn't the most flattering look.
when you peeled your eyes open, you were met with lucy gray's judging stare beating down on you. considering the way the corners of her lips twitched, though, you knew she couldn't stay annoyed at your heavy sleeping for too long.
"gimme a break, lucy gray. i'm not used to this," you rasped. you rolled out of your tent and lay dramatically on the forest floor. what's a little more dirt, anyway?
she scoffed and her radiance peeked through her exasperated face. the wide smile woke you up a little more.
"should've hung out with the covey more while we were still around the district," she scolds, grabbing your soft hands and wrapping them in hers to pull you to your feet. "might've taught you how to not be a baby."
"maybe. but i ran away with you, didn't i?" you retorted. "i think that makes me pretty grown."
lucy gray's playful smile faded into a more serene one. she simply gave a nod and stepped away, picking up her backpack.
"look what i found while you were asleep," she murmured. she pulled out eggs (poor mother bird), and a bundle of herbs for tea later. your mouth watered.
"no salt and pepper?" you teased, taking an egg and inspecting it. it was heavy. you were hit with homesickness as you remembered your kitchen, which sometimes struggled to stay stocked, but at least you had the chance for butter.
you both decided on soft-boiling the eggs in the tiny pot you begged lucy gray to pack before you ventured off. you sat and ate, peeling away the crackling shell and talking about the journey and whatever else before packing up and hiking through another day.
things were natural with her. hell, everything about her was natural. her beauty was untouched by the standards of the capitol and instead flourished freely. it was evident in the lively bounce of her dark waves and her sunkissed olive skin. you wondered when the last time was you looked in the mirror without picking everything apart, envying lucy gray's outward confidence.
"i still can't believe we're doing this," you spoke up, the silence becoming insufferable.
lucy gray turns her head to meet your eyes, her expression neutral. sweat pooled on her hairline and dripped down her temples. you knew if you reached out to touch her, her skin would be blazing with the power of the sun. good thing she doesn't burn.
"like, running away and all that. i thought i'd rot away in twelve for the rest of my life."
till i met you, you added on silently.
lucy gray laughed.
"a woman like you? naw, i had to steal you away. couldn't let such a beauty go to work in those damned mines."
"you really think i'm that much of a priss?" you sighed, batting your eyelashes at her sarcastically.
"oh, honey, i never said that. sometimes a girl just wants a treat for herself. so i got my treat."
you blamed the high noon for your feverish cheeks.
the minutes turned into hours, and the shadows stretched across the grass. laughter rang across the fields.
"your first kiss was billy taupe? he's so fucking boring, i'm sorry," you cackled, eyes shut tight from hysteria. "sadly for the rest of us, though...next to you, anyone is boring."
"what? first kisses aren't exactly known to be glamorous," lucy gray defended. "besides, i got the real deal after him."
"oh?" you perked up, voice stabilizing. "this mystery guy must be the reason your head was in the clouds...at least, according to maude."
suddenly, the happiness drained from her face. "for a while, i guess. wasn't worth it." you averted your eyes to the front of the scenery. your grip tightened around the straps of your backpack.
"you deserve better. you'll find someone. a hot guy from district four, maybe," you teased, nudging her arm with your elbow.
like me.
"oh, perfect, a fisher! don't even need to buy cologne for his birthday; it'd be useless against that rank," she remarks sourly.
you giggled as her teasing gaze met yours. your grin was mirrored, and you memorized the crevices of her smile lines. her eyes fluttered down to your lips for a brief moment before she cleared her throat and unraveled her map.
you let out a deep breath and looked around. you remembered when you first met lucy gray, frozen and terrified to see somebody else outside the limits of twelve. she eyed you warily from the lake, her lips parted and brow furrowed.
you realized you should probably say something to the girl in the lake, but you didn't know what. she waded toward you and began a less-than-friendly warning before you interrupted her.
"we don't have food. i'm just out here to gather some things."
the girl's voice halted and her shoulders reluctantly dropped from their defensive position.
"thank god."
"what are you doing in there? aren't you gonna get caught?" you inquired nervously, eyes flitting everywhere. the girl laughed brightly.
"those joke 'peacekeepers' don't care about anything that goes on past the fences. not even a covey girl swimming. scandalous, i know."
you stared as the sun washed over her soaked hair.
"lucy gray baird," she offered up her name. "but you can call me lucy gray. that's what all my friends call me."
"i'm..." you started, walking to the edge of the dock to meet her at the water.
she muttered something quietly, bringing you back to the present.
"what's that?"
"ah, just that we should stop here for the night. it's not a good idea to go through the forest in the dark. so easy to get lost," lucy gray corrects herself. you nodded and looked around for a spot.
"there looks good," you suggested, pointing to a spot under a lone cluster of trees. lucy gray hums in agreement before starting towards the spot, taking your hand in hers. your heart skipped.
the sky wept deep indigo, bleeding down into the horizon as the sun sank. insects chirped and buzzed, their calls flowing through the tree leaves and across the grassy plains. the fire was warm; the smell of roasted game and pungent tea carried away in the wind. lucy gray's wavy voice split the thick summer air pleasantly. your eyes stayed fixed on her. her dainty fingers held her tea. a sly smile painted her face.
"you stare a lot," she remarked. "you know that, right?"
your eyebrows raised a bit. you kept looking, wondering how she'd noticed and still hadn't even looked up to meet your gaze. until she did.
god, you loved the way her eyes looked like a cup of black coffee. the way your grandma used to make it. or maybe the tree bark you peeled away from a rotting trunk as a kid. the soil embedded between your fingers after a long day of work.
"i do know that," you responded a second too late. awkward delivery. you swallowed and looked into the towering coniferous forest. shadows crept from beneath the canopy and raised the hairs on the back of your neck.
"we should probably wrap it up soon," you insisted. "put out the fire, get to bed, all that." you picked at a scab till it flaked off.
lucy gray scoffed, setting her tea beside your backpacks.
"the sun is barely gone. just 'cause the birds are sleepin' don't mean we are."
you said nothing in return, still wary of the woods nearby. your fingers pressed firmly into the skin of your arms, which were rested on your knees. you sighed and put your head down.
you felt lucy gray's gaze burning into you. you felt the former scab swelling and the droplet of blood spilling down your arm.
"you messed with it too much. might get infected if we don't clean it," she asserted. you smiled with your head on your knees. lucy gray was making an excuse to touch you. you wondered silently if she felt the same intense heartrate, the same jolt of electricity every time your arms brushed as you hiked through the countryside.
away from all the rules.
you lifted your head and saw lucy gray hurrying back with a damp towel and honey. your brow furrowed.
"what's that for?"
she chuckled as she kneeled down to wipe away the blood and dirt with the towel.
"it'll keep that cut clean. antibacterial properties an' all. trust me."
your breath hitched as the towel made contact with your cut. the gentle sting of raw honey being spread across the wound is what snapped your drooping eyelids back open.
definitely not lucy gray's lips so close to you.
"...hey," she whispered.
"hi?" you responded, smiling a bit.
"it's alright if you're homesick. you can talk to me about it, if you'd like."
you breathed out a long sigh and pressed your forehead to hers. she hesitated before bringing her left hand to rest on the side of your face.
"lucy gray," you began, but struggled to finish. you pulled back slightly to make eye contact.
"i'm not that homesick. i have you," you whispered softly.
"you're my home."
you were met with a tense silence. you wanted to turn and run, because how could you be so stupid to tell her that, and you ruined the moment, and-
suddenly her lips are pressing gently into yours. your eyes widened. the taste of the tea she was drinking lingered on your tongue as she shuffled back.
"fuck! fuck, i'm sorry, i wasn't thinkin'," she apologized, voice shaking as she stared at you. she fiddled with her hands anxiously. you'd never seen her so flustered.
all you did was make your way back to her, cupping her face in a heavy kiss. you smiled against her, feeling her body relax into yours. her hands rested on top of yours before sliding comfortably onto your waist. she pulled back, jet black eyes bright with starlight and exhilaration.
"coming with you, getting away from twelve...it's been the best decision i ever made," you confessed, dropping your hands from her face and instead rubbing her arms. "i've wanted nothing except you for like, a year now."
"we've known each other for almost three years. i'm wounded," lucy gray teased, her fingers unsuccessfully smoothing the top layer of your hair.
"well, was i better than billy taupe?"
"quiet, you."
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miniteezez · 1 year
Choi San x Fem!Reader
Wc: 2.9k
Warnings: sexual harrasment
Synopsis: after being left traveling alone, everything takes a turn when you meet a kind stranger.
part 2 part 3
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You hated it. You hated the whole situation you found yourself in. Due to a clash in schedules, instead of travelling with your family this year, you had to go a week later. Alone. Even if you weren't a child, you'd never got a plane alone before. So here you were, sat by the gate waiting anxiously for boarding information. You just wanted to get on the plane. The quicker you got on, the quicker it would be over. Everyone around you seemed so happy, excited for their upcoming holiday. Or maybe they were returning home after a long trip. Why wasn't the screen changing? It was past your schedule time. You dreaded to think of who you'd end up next to on the plane. Luckily, you had an Isle seat. Either way, you just felt so alone. A sharp ring from the intercoms caught everyone's attention, alerting passengers to look for boarding information. You looked, your heart sunk.
𝘍𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘥𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘺𝘦𝘥 𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘭 22:55
That was six hours away. Biting your lip, you watched as the other passengers left the gate in annoyance. Either going to the airport Hotel or one of the many places to eat. You couldn't bring yourself to move. Six hours longer, stuck there, alone. Picking at the fibers of your denim shorts, you wracked your brain for something to do. Just sit there? Waiting. No, because the gate would most likely change. Go get food? No, you felt so anxious it was making you nauseous.
"Excuse me?" A male voice broke you from your thoughts. Looking up, you found a young man standing in front of you. Wearing a large, very large but very warm looking, grey hoodie with the hood up. Red hair poked out the front, falling over his forehead and some over his eyes. Accompanied with oversized lightwash jeans and black converse, you were jealous of how comfortable the man looked. His face held a kind smile, but his eyes showed he was nervous.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I was just wondering, are you travelling alone?" Seeing the look of confusion on your face, he carried on talking quickly.
"I'm just asking because I am too. And I was wondering, if you wanted to come get some food with me? You know, so we're both not alone." Understanding now, why he had approached you, you contemplated it. The man didn't look like a murderer. He seemed to be friendly.
"Feel free to say no. You just look a little on edge." Hearing this, you smiled bashfully at the stranger.
"Just a bit. Sorry." Shaking his head, the man looked as though he understood.
"Dont apologise, I get it. So, what do you say? Crappy Airport food?" Giggling at his words, you found yourself nodding and standing up.
"Sounds better than sitting on my own. I'm (y/n) by the way." Clearly relieved you had agreed, he beamed at you as you took hold of your travel bag.
"San. Nice to meet you." 'San' took a few steps backwards, just to make sure you were following, then turned on his heal to carry on.
"Theres a few cafés? In the mood for something sweet?" He asked, gazing over at you.
"Always." You replied, maybe a little to quickly. But San just chuckled, leading you both into the, surprisingly empty, cafe. Finding two worn down armchairs, you two placed your things down then looked over to the board.
"What are you thinking? I kind of want cake." Liking what he was saying, you hummed.
"Cake sounds good. What type?" Before you could give your input of cake flavour, you found yourselves speaking at the same time.
"Chocolate." Surprised, you looked at each other before laughing.
"Good taste. You stay here. I'll go get it, what drink did you want?"
"Just, hot tea. Thanks." Bobbing his head at you, San went over to the counter whilst you sat yourself on one of the chairs. Now fully distracted from your flight and situation, you grabbed your purse and waited for him to return. You felt lucky, that you were no longer on your own. Even if it was spurradic, you were grateful.
"Here we go. I got you sugars for the tea." San placed the tray down, moving its contents onto the table then put it aside.
"Thank you. How much do I owe you?"
"Nothing. Consider it a gift." Confused, you tilted your head, watching as he sipped his matcha latte.
"For what?" Gazing up at you, San put the plastic cup down.
"Our first date." He winked, heat rushing to your cheeks. Smirking, the red-head let out a laugh at your clearly flustered face. You busied yourself with putting your purse away.
"So, why are you travelling alone?" Surprised at his question, you stirred the sugar into your tea.
"Oh, well I had a final exam last week. So I couldn't fly with my parents. You?" San, who was focused on eating the frosting of his cake, locked eyes with you. Of course you had noticed how attractive this man was. His eyes were so pretty, smile seemingly drawing you in. Plus, his smile lines almost made you blush. It was slightly embarrassing. But San was clearly just not wanting to wait six hours alone. It wasn't as if there was anything else to it.
"I'm flying out to meet my friends. I couldn't get the week off work to go with them." You hummed again, taking a bite of your cake. Finding it to be better than expected, your eyes widened a little.
"Its good isn't it?" San had pretty much devoured his by now, showing he thought the same.
For the next few hours, you two sat in the cafe, discussing various topics. Like what he did for work, a dance instructor at his friends studio. You thought that was amazing. He too asked about your studies, allowing you to tell him all about it. San listened intently, giving you his full attention. You found it sweet that he was so intrigued. Eventually, your conversation drifted back to the holiday you were both about to embark on.
"So we've rented a villa for the next few weeks. Wooyoung, my friend, wants to spend it partying but he can't keep up with that." San laughed, crossing his leg so his ankle rested on his knee. Ignoring the fact you found that move particularly attractive, you giggled along with him.
"You not the party sort?"
"No. I don't handle alcohol well. You?"
"Me neither." You told him, liking that you had so many things in common.
"I'm just on a family holiday. We go every few years. We also have a villa." Noticing the lack of motivation in your voice, San sat forward.
"Are you not happy to be going?"
"I am. Just, my family can be a bit much." Deciding not to push it any further, he thought for a second.
" Hey, maybe we'll be staying near each other. Do you have the address?" Nodding, you pulled it up and handed your phone over to him. San brought his own phone out, clearly searching Google maps. His eyes lit up, getting up and sitting on the arm of your chair.
"Look! They're like a street apart." You smiled, seeing that he was correct. Feeling how close he was, you blushed slightly and gazed up at him.
"Maybe we'll see each other." Scoffing, San pulled his phone back and switched onto another app.
"Maybe? We can hang out. It'll be fun. Here, put your number and socials on my phone." Shocked, you didn't protest and did just that, handing it back when you were done.
"Hey where are you sat on the plane? I'm on row five." You deflated, San noticing and frowning.
"Sat far away huh?" You nod at him.
"I'm quite close to the back." You told him, leaning back against the chair. The male pondered for a few seconds before smiling again.
"Its OK. I'll come visit you." You couldn't help but laugh, getting shy again. Praying he hadn't noticed, you didn't see how he was looking at you. But that was fine, for now.
Spending time with San, time flew by and before you knew it, you were getting ready to board the plane.
"I'll see you on the other side." San joked. Scoffing, you hugged yourself tightly. It was now obviously much later and the temperature had dropped sufficiently.
"You're cold?" Looking up to the man, you just just gave a small shrug.
"I'll be fine." He rolled his eyes almost playfully and dropped his backpack. Your eyes widened as he unzipped his hoodie and walked to stand in front of you. You couldn't think straight, allowing him to slip the garment onto you with ease. San even zipped it up, straightening the shoulders out which were far to big for you. More to the point, your eyes were shamefully glued to his physique. How on earth was he built like that? Even if he was wearing a black tshirt, it was tight to his frame and you could tell from his arms how built he was. Sans hands stayed on your shoulders, admiring how small you looked for a second. That's when you snapped out of it, face crimson.
"No no, you need this. It's yours." He brushed you off, pulling the hood over your head.
"I'll get it off you once we land. We can share an uber." Chewing on your lip to stop yourself from smiling like an idiot, you nodded quickly and waved goodbye as Sans boarding group was called.
When you got you your seat, you found the rest of your row already occupied. By the window, an old lady who was reading. She looked angry, a permanent scowel etched into her features. In the middle, a man around the same age. Upon looking closer, you saw wedding rings. OK. An old married couple. Not bad. Or so you thought. Taking your seat, you accidentally dropped your bag, hitting the man. Gasping, you turned to him immediately.
"I'm so so sorry." Instead of yelling, the man gave you a smile that made your stomach turn.
"Its no trouble sweet cheeks." Deciding to excuse his language as "old fashioned" you just turned forward and took a deep breath. It would all be over soon. That's what you kept thinking. You gripped onto the arms of your seat as you took off, relived once the plane was safely in the air. Deciding to play some games on your phone, you very quickly became aware of the fact you were being watched. You could feel eyes boring into your side. Slowly, you looked at the man beside you. He just smirked, showing off his dentures.
"How old are you sugar?" Disgusted by the name, you moved yourself back slightly.
"Uh, twenty one." He grinned, hand making its way towards you slowly.
"Perfect. You're very cute." His hand landed on your thigh, making you flinch away. Now extremely uncomfortable, you looked to his wife only to see that she was drinking from a flask. Great.
"Could you move your hand please?" You tried, giving a weak smile in attempt to sway him. Instead, his bucked and wrinkly fingers began gliding along your skin. Suddenly, your vision was blocked as a hand grasped at the man's wrist.
"She said move your hand." San spat, shoving his hand back harshly. The man sputtered out a dumb excuse about being old but San just rolled his eyes, ignoring him. Grabbing your bag, he gently took hold of your hand and lead you down the aisle. Eventually he stopped at an empty row and let you sit by the window.
"Are you OK?" San asked, facing you with a worried expression. You nod slowly, rubbing your face with your hands, which were covered with the sleeves of his hoodie. San grabbed his backpack, pulling out an ipad and some ear buds. He pulled his tray table down, balancing the device skillfully.
"Wanna watch a movie? I have some downloaded." You agreed, letting him put a bud in your left ear. You watched as he pulled up the list and you picked a Disney film for comfort. San smiled down at you, taking note that you still looked stressed. Tentivley, he lifted the arm rest between you both and raised his arm. You didn't protest as he pulled you into his chest, your head resting there comfortably.
"You can sleep if you like? I won't move." He promised, a hand coming up to brush through your hair softly. Feeling safe, you finally smiled and fully relaxed into his hold. It didn't take long for you to fall asleep after that.
You awoke a few hours later, the cabin lights were dim as most of the passengers were sleeping. Looking to your right, you found San also asleep. He neck was bent awkwardly, head resting on the seat uncomfortably. Frowning, you gently moved his head to rest on your shoulder. Instinctively, the man repositioned himself so his face was in the crook of you neck. His body moving lower in his seat, arm hanging over your middle. You blushed, but smiled knowing he could rest better now. After checking the time, you saw you only had an hour left. For a while, you played on your phone, enjoying the warmth provided by the man next to you. So concentrated on your mobile game, you didn't notice when San woke up. It was only after your level finished that you noticed his eyes on you. He smiled, still half asleep before yawning into his hand.
"Are we nearly there?" His voice was deep, fatigue laced in his words. You nod, helping him to sit up straight.
"We should be landing in about thirty minutes." He hummed, pulling you back into hid arms. You knew you were blushing but chose to just bask in his comfort.
"I wanna keep watching you play." Even though you were surprised by his request, you smiled and began playing your game again. He watched, evem helping you through some levels. You only stopped when the pilot spoke over the intercom. San held you flush against him securely as the plane began it's descent. You tensed up, your stomach doing flips each time the plane lost pressure. As if sensing this, Sans grip tightened, his other arm coming to wrap around you as well. He didn't let go until the plane landed and the wheels came to a halt.
"You okay?" He asked, pulling away and cupping your cheeks. Simpering, you nod and sat back.
"My legs are so numb." You laughed, stretching out best you could in the restricted space.
"Need me to carry you?" San asked with a hint of amusement. You scoffed, standing with him and getting your bag.
"You couldn't do that." All he did was raise his brows, looking at you with a bored expression. Smiling, you looked down and allowed him to take your hand and pull you off the aircraft. It was early morning, around seven a.m. The sun was just rising, you saw through the windows. It didn't take long to pass security. San even collected your suitcase off the conveyer belt after you pointed it out. You stepped outside into the morning air and inhaled deeply, letting San book your uber. (He refused to let you pay). Realising you'd have to part from your new friend, you frowned.
"What's wrong?" He stepped closer, putting his hand on your shoulder. Shaking your head, you looked up at him.
"Nothing. I just. Thank you you for being with me today. It means a lot." Giving you a soft smile, San pet your hair affectionately.
"Its no problem. I really enjoyed your company." He told you honestly, his words lifting your spirit slightly. Sadly, the uber pulled up and you both got in, falling into a comfortable conversion.
Sensing that your stop was coming up, you turned to san with a mellow expression.
"I guess I might see you around." You almost pouted, but held back from appearing too disappointed.
"Might? (Y/n) I'm going to text you as soon as I get in. Then we can arrange to hang out."
"Really?" You practically lit up, grinning at him. San chuckled, Bobbing his head in confirmation. When the uber stopped, you weren't so upset about getting out. Leaning down, you gazed at San from the door.
"I'll talk soon then?" Smirking at you, he nod and responded.
"Definitely. I'll text you in...ten minutes?" Both laughed, him waving as you shut the door and he got driven away. Of course, you went to greet your family, giving everyone a hug. It was only when your mother pulled away that she noticed.
"What are you wearing?"
Dumping your suitcase, you lay on your bed and pulled out your phone to see a DM.
San: I'm going to murder wooyoung. This place is a mess.
Giggling, you liked the message before responding.
You: it can't be that bad??
San: you haven't met the boy. Mingi is also dead to the world so I'm going to have to clean up.😤
You smiled to yourself, giving a laughing face in reply before remembering.
You: by the way, I forgot to give you your hoodie back. I'm sorry.
San: keep it for now. I'm sure we'll be seeing each other very soon
You hoped he was right. Never in your life had you felt so comforted and safe by a stranger. Buy you weren't going to question it, just accept it. You had a month to meet up again. For now, you just had to wait and see.
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icycoldninja · 5 months
Promised (Sephiroth x Reader angst)
You, a youthful, yet extraordinarily sad teenager, were perched atop a cliff, feeling lonlier than ever. Your boyfriend, the young SOLDIER prodigy, Sephiroth, had been sent away to war and you had no idea when he would be back. If he would be back. Every day you traveled up to this precipice, where you two often met in the past. You found yourself curled up on the grass under the tree where you and he had carved your names into the bark.
Sephiroth x Y/N, forever.
Bringing your knees up to your chest and burying you face into them, you began to sob, worry and fear overwhelming you again, as it tended to do so every day.
"Y/N! Hey!" You turned and peered at the source of the voice with teary eyes, surprised to see a familiar, short teenage boy running towards you.
"Seph?" You sprung to your feet, dashing towards him and wrapping him in a tight hug. "You're back! I...I missed you so much." The young boy pulled away from you, standing on his tiptoes so he could plant a kiss on your forehead, all while smiling that sweet, calm smile he always did. You chuckled, remembering how you always teased him for being shorter than you.
"I'm back, you giant," He chuckled, gazing up at you fondly. Hope rising in your chest, you asked if he would be staying long, as there were so many new developments in your hometown; so many things you wanted to show and talk to him about. The look he gave you in response was answer enough; the way his eyes temporarily lost their shine and his mouth curved into the tiniest of frowns told you that the answer was negative.
"I'm...sorry, Y/N," He mumbled, fidgeting with his fingers. "I must go back next week. They're sending me to Rhadoran next." You nodded, crestfallen, though you tried to keep up a cheerful front.
Unfortunately, there was no fooling Sephiroth. His watchful, neon green eyes saw everything.
"I know it's tough," He whispered, taking you by the shoulders and pulling you close. "But you have to hang in there. I promise, when I get back, everything will be different. Just trust me."
You nodded, knowing that this wasn't easy for him either. You had to stay strong, like he was, and take comfort in the fact that soon, the war will be over, and then you could spend more time with your beloved.
"Don't worry," Sephiroth assured you, wrapping his arms around you and resting his head against your chest. "I'll never forget you." You nodded, biting down hard on your lip to keep yourself from bursting into tears. Sephiroth rubbed circles into your lower back; his touch cold because of the leather gloves he was wearing.
"I love you, Seph." You murmured, tightening your hold around him. "I always will. Forever." A faint smile tugged at the corners of Sephiroth's mouth. He pulled away again before fishing in his pocket, soon producing a tiny black case.
"I know we can't officially get married cause we're both still legally children, but..." He opened the case, revealing two simple, yet beautiful silver rings. "I got these from a jeweler who lived in a town we happened to pass through. They're promise rings, kinda like engagement rings, but for kids."
"They're beautiful," You whispered, causing a light dusting of pink to appear on the boy's pale cheeks.
"Really? You really like them?" He sounded uncertain and neverous, yet giddy at the same time. You nodded excitedly as he took one of the rings from the box and slipped it onto your finger.
"I love them, Seph--I love anything you give me." Sephiroth smiled, handing you the box so you could slide the other ring onto his finger.
"We're officially engaged now," He stated, once you were finished. You couldn't help but giggle at how matter-of-factly he'd said it.
"We are!" You cheered, hugging him tightly. Sephiroth let out a quiet sigh as he stood there, trapped in your hold, and silently wished that this moment could last forever.
Unfortunately, nothing ever did. After just one day of relaxing with you, he was once again shipped off to Rhadoran to fight in the front lines. Watching him leave was painful; the joy that had recently filled your heart quickly evaporated into despairing emptiness. He'd only just left and you missed him already. When would he be back?
You asked every soldier that came to your town, "When will Sephiroth be back?" Every time, they never gave you a straight answer. It seemed that they didn't know either.
You soon gave up inquiring and simply observed the passengers of each truck that arrived. Every time one arrived, Sephiroth was nowhere to be seen, and you lost more and more hope; the only thing you had to remind you of him was the promise ring he'd given you, which you wore every day without fail. You would treasure that ring; it was a symbol of your love and dedication, one of the few things that comforted you during these depressing times.
Several years later, you were perched atop that very same cliff once again, curled up under that tree where you and Sephiroth had carved your names, though the words had long since faded from view as bark, moss and flowers had grown over them. The only thing you had left of Sephiroth now was the ring, which still resided on your finger. Just looking at that simple silver band filled you with despair; you were soon sobbing into your arms, the many years of loneliness, worry, and sadness finally taking it's toll.
"Y/N?" A deep voice unfamiliar to you called, followed by the sound of jingling metal and heavy footsteps.
"Go away!" You shouted, thinking it was one of the village folks come to comfort you or persuade you to give up on Sephiroth and date someone else, as they frequently attenpted to do nowadays. The person sat down next to you; a sudden fruity scent filling your nostrils. A cold, gloved hand made its way down to yours, raising it up so that your ring shone in the sunlight.
"I see you still wear my ring." Your head snapped up; eyes widening in shock.
Beside you sat a familiar young man with silver hair and neon green eyes, though he was no longer the short, cute little boy you once knew. He was a tall wall of muscle, with a waterfall of gleaming silver hair; an imposing, threatening aura surrounding him unlike anything you'd ever seen. Was this really the boy you'd exchanged promise rings with all those years ago?
"Miss me?" He inquired, smiling that familiar, quiet smile. He chuckled after you failed to respond, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Do you not recognize me? I'll admit, I have grown," He pulled off one of his gloves to reveal a silver ring identical to yours sitting neatly on his finger. "But I have never forgotten."
Something clicked inside you, prompting you to throw yourself into his arms and pepper his face with kisses, all while tears of joy and relief streamed down your face
"I missed you so, so, so much!" You declared, squeezing him with all your strength. Sephiroth chuckled, pulling you into his lap and kissing your cheek.
"I know, I missed you too. But now, I am home, and now, we can get married. Just as I promised."
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moonlightpetalz6 · 1 year
Mark Me
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Character: Toji Fushiguro x Tattoo Artist Reader
Reader: Female Reader
Warnings: NSFW, MDNI, drug use, high sex, smut, violence, unprotected sex, blood, harsh language, pet names, Praise kink, Dacryphilia, Exhibitionism kink, Daddy kink, degradation, marking kink, Age gap (Reader is in 20s, Toji is 30), brat kink
Wc: 7,293
A/N: All I have to say is I worked hard on this, and I hope you enjoy it! Please be nice I rewrote this like 5 times lmao.
The sound of the front door opening, indicating that a customer walked in, filled your ears, along with the quiet buzzing of the tattoo gun in your hand. "Oh! Welcome, do you have an appointment?" You hear your person at the front desk cheer, followed by muffled voices. Your eyes, which were once solely focused on the piece of art you had been skillfully engraving into the tender flesh of your current client, drift over to the small watch that rests on your wrist. "How's it looking baby?" Your client questions his eyes, looking back at you with a slight smirk, causing you to groan in disgust. This particular client of yours had been flirting with you since the day he walked into the shop, which at first didn't bother you as you were used to those occasional clients; however, this one was super persistent about it, always giving you a hard time with his tattoo design making you change things that he was once okay with into something else the next visit so that he could keep seeing you. 
"It looks fine, however, we're gonna have to cut this session short as it's almost closing time and I have one more client for the night." The man lets out a small grunt, not finding a problem with your words as it just meant he could see you again, much to your dismay. "You got it boss!" He laughed while tossing his shirt back on, following behind your smaller form as you walked towards the front of the store. "Ya know I always found all those piercings and tattoos of yours to be." The man started his usual flirting with you, always leading with the art that covered your body. This time, you tuned him out, your eyes traveling to the two figures seated in the waiting room area, one of them being very familiar. "Ichigo set this guy up with his next session for me will ya?" You mumbled while snatching the last clipboard from the desk, your eyes scanning your next client's information. "Of course, boss right away!" Ichigo cheered brightly while quickly booking the man's next appointment. You didn't get many clients at your shop, at least not many rich ones, as you had built your place in a dangerous area where lots of criminals claimed to call their homes. 
It didn't bother you, of course, as you were already seen as a problem by many people due to your appearance, so you thought, why not make a profit when people will happily give you their money for the dumbest shit sometimes. "By the way, I see Mr. Playboy is back," Ichigo whispered into your ear, a playful smirk tugging on her lips as she went and pointed to what kind of tattoo the client wanted. You hummed, feeling your eye twitch as you read that same name. You found yourself tattooing on what seems to be hundreds of different women every few weeks. Toji. "This has to be his, what? Sixth girl this month?" Ichigo Scoffed before bidding your client goodbye as he shot you a slight wink, causing you to throw up in your mouth. "It's his seventh, actually." You sighed before pushing yourself off the counter as you called the two figures over. 
In front of you stood the familiar face of one Toji Fushiguro. Next to him was a girl not much older than you who desperately clung to the man's bicep, pressing her exposed cleavage against his bare muscle. "Okay, so who's getting the tattoo?" You questioned as if the answer wasn't as clear as day in your mind. You watch as the girl lazily raises her hand with a slight giggle as she makes goo-goo eyes up at Toji, who stares at you unimpressed with how long it had taken for you to see them. "That would be me~ I want it as a tramp stamp~" She sang, eying the tall male to see if he would give her the reaction she wanted. Toji grunts a lazy smirk, tugging at his lips as he tilts his head down at you, an all-knowing look in his eyes at what you must be thinking right now. "And this must be the lucky guy, huh?" You heard Ichigo laugh from behind the counter, earning her a slight glare from you. 
"Mhm! Isn't he so handsome?" She asked, squeezing him closer. You watch as Toji goes and wraps his arm around her waist, giving it a slight squeeze. "Think you can give her what she wants? Especially since you kept us for a bit?" Toji asked, giving you a smug look, knowing you hated doing these tattoos even more each time he brought in a new girl. "Follow me." You muttered, tossing the clipboard to the side. The two of them follow you towards the back, where you have all your equipment set up. "Let me just clean up really quick. My last client ran late, so it took a bit." The girl nodded in understanding; meanwhile, Toji just scoffed, scratching his head as he leaned on one leg. "You mean that scumbag was your client? Damn, how low have your standards become, Y/n?" He mocked while watching you sanitize your equipment and replace the ink. 
"Oh, shut it. He gives me money, so who am I to complain?" You muttered before glancing between Toji and the girl. "You should know what I mean after all." You added, causing the girl to frown, her eyes narrowing in annoyance. "Toji!" She cried, wanting the man to say something. Toji stayed silent, knowing your words were true as he did many things for many people, the girl next to him being one of his more frequent clients who paid him pretty well to go on dates and have sex. You just shrugged, taking Toji's silence as not wanting to get involved as you went and put your gloves on while carefully getting the stencil out. "Whatever, just lay down for me, cutie." You mumbled, a slight smirk forming on your lips at the girl's shocked expression, along with the tinge of pink that lightly coated her cheeks. 
Once she laid where you needed, you carefully took care of the area of skin she wanted the tattoo on as you set the stencil down. Toji hovered behind you, watching the placement, nodding in approval. "Looks good, baby~" He sang lazily, smirking, earning a giggle from the girl. You scoffed as you put your mask over your mouth and nose before turning the gun on. "Yeah, let's see how long it's gonna take." You muttered before getting to work. The sound of your tattoo gun and the girl's whines and cries fill the room as you carefully paint her lower back with the letters of Toji's name. 'Honestly, I'll never understand why so many girls get this.' You carefully wipe away some excess ink while glancing over at Toji, who stood leaning against one of your walls, eyes closed, probably thinking of other things he could be doing right now. 
'Especially when they know they're not the only girls in his life.' The girl suddenly jolts, causing you to pull away as you glance at her trembling form. You let out a small sigh, turning the gun off as you go and remove your gloves. The sudden disappearance of the buzzing causes Toji to open his eyes as he looks at you, a brow raised in curiosity. "Ya done already?" His tone sounded impressed with how your speed with these things has increased. You shake your head as you go and pull your mask down with a finger pointing to the girl who is lying on the table, still shaking. "I'm going to give her a break for about fifteen minutes, maybe twenty if she still needs time." You sighed before standing up to exit the room. 
"Ichigo, I'll be outside for a bit." You muttered to the girl, who responded with a pitched kay as you opened the front door to step outside. The nighttime breeze smacks you in the face, causing a relaxed moan to slip past your lips as you lean against your shop wall, reaching into your pocket to pull out a joint. You never smoked during your shifts or when you had clients; however, you had gotten so good at tattooing Toji's name on these girls that it didn't even matter if you were sober. You place the joint in your mouth before patting your pockets for your lighter. The bell to your shop rings, causing you to glance to see Toji standing in the doorway, lips curled up in a cocky smirk. 
"Oh? Is smoking while on the job allowed?" He teases, watching as you roll your eyes before returning to looking for your lighter. "Tch, I would be heading home right now smoking it anyways if it wasn't for you always bringing your girls to my damn shop last minute almost every fucking night." You growled, getting frustrated that you couldn't find the small device. Toji just scoffed, standing next to you as he leaned against the wall, pulling his lighter out and aiming it towards you. You hummed, nodding as you pressed the joint's tip to the flame, watching it light. "Thanks." You muttered, leaning against the wall. This wasn't the first time you and Toji had been in this position, as this happened with almost all the girls he brought over, one of them needing some break from the pain. Toji was the first to start conversing with you about who did your tattoos. He was impressed When you told him it was you or some friends of yours. Since then, the two of you found yourselves outside your shop, often talking about life and random things whenever you waited for the girls to feel better. 
You let out a puff of smoke, watching it disappear into the night sky. "How's she doing?" You asked, glancing at your watch to see how much time she still had for her break. "She'll be fine. Just give her the full twenty minutes." He muttered before going and plucking the joint from your lips, causing you to growl as you glared up at him. He just smirked, giving you a wink before hitting the joint himself. The two of you went back to saying nothing, a comfortable silence falling between the two of you as you passed the joint back and forth. You sneak a glance at Toji, taking in his well-built form, watching as the muscles in his neck slightly tense as he inhaled, how his bicep flexed every time he brought the joint to his lips. 
Yes, you found his muscular body attractive, and yes, you found Toji to be your idle type, but that wasn't what caused you to grow an interest in the man. What grabbed your heart were those piercing green eyes that held a mysterious dark hue over them as if hiding his true feelings. You don't know when you started feeling this attraction towards the man, but you knew that you would never give in or act on your lustful desires as you knew nothing would come of it. "Come on, don't take all of it, you jackass." You growled and jumped up to snatch the joint, which Toji had practically smoked all of. Toji chuckles as he leans his arm on your head, causing a vein to pop as your eye twitches in annoyance. "Oh, come on, Y/n baby~ You know I'll pay ya back." He cooed before snatching a strand of your hair between two of his calloused fingers. You ignored him, not minding that he was playing with your hair as you finished the joint before glancing at your watch. 
"Come on, lover boy." You tap Toji's chest with the palm of your hand as you walk by him to open your shop door. "Let's finish marking your latest victim." Toji just grinned at your words as he obediently followed behind you with a slight chuckle. "What? You want one too?" He joked, his eyes trailing down the back of your form, resting on your ass unbeknownst to you. You scoff, waving him off as you continue to make your way back to the girl. "As if! Keep dreaming, Toji!" You scoffed. 
Oh, he will.
You stood outside your shop, a joint in your hand, as you quietly watched the night sky. It's been weeks since Toji has stopped by with another girl, making you wonder if he's finally found someone or if he's marked every single client he has. "Hey, baby~" A familiar voice calls, causing your eyes to drift over to the sound. To your dismay, it's that client you had finally finished giving the tattoo to who had been nonstop flirting with you. You internally cringe but keep your professional, laidback persona as you provide a superficial nod toward him with a half-assed smile on your lips. "Oh hey, it's you. What's up? Is there something wrong with the tattoo?" You asked, tilting your head at the man curiously. The man shakes his head with a cocky smirk as he leans his arm against the wall. His head rested in his palm as he looked down at you with a predatory gaze. 
"Oh, the tattoo is bitching, baby~ thanks again for such a good job on my body~" He cooed his body language, signaling that he was feeling pretty bold and wouldn't be taking any rejection today. You stared at him momentarily before letting out a small sigh as you carefully took the joint from your lips. 'What should I do? I sent Ichigo home cause we didn't have any more clients tonight, so no one is around to help me get out of this one.' You think a vein is popping on your temple. The man notices this and smirks, letting out a small whistle as he reaches his hand towards your face. "I noticed you've looked stressed and annoyed lately, baby~" You go to move away from his touch, which causes him to get annoyed as he suddenly grabs your chin, forcefully lifting your face to his. "Hey, now don't go being a bitch just cause you look like some trash whore always showing off so much skin. Be honest, you don't do it to show off those shit tattoos; you do it because you want men to see how easily fuckable you are." His voice was harsh, his ego probably not liking how you had tried to reject him. 
"Why don't you come home with me tonight and show me all those shit tattoos, baby~ I can paint them so pretty with my-!" The man's words abruptly cut off as you watched a fist collide with the side of his head, causing a giant dent in your shop's wall. "Toji!" A girl's voice cried out in horror. You slowly followed where the fist came from, your surprised eyes meeting Toji's enraged ones as he went and grabbed the man by the front of his shirt, lifting him off the ground. "Who's tattoos are you calling shit, big guy?" He growled, face inches from the man's now bloody one. "Or better yet…" You watched as Toji's jaw shook from how tight he was clenching, its veins popping out from his neck and face as he bared his teeth at the now-crying man. 
"Who the hell do you think you're touching and calling baby you motherfucker?" Your body shivered at how bloodthirsty Toji's tone was not expecting to see such a sight from the usually calm and laid-back man. "H-hey, man! I was trying to get laid! I didn't know the whore was yours!" That did it. Whatever self-control Toji had was instantly gone as he went and smashed the guy's face in blood, splattering all over himself and you in the crossfire. The girl Toji had come with stood there horrified as she trembled, not knowing what to do. You quickly snapped out of shock as you grabbed Toji's arm. "Hey! Toji, that's enough! What's gotten into you?!" You yelled, trying to pull the bigger man away from the unconscious body. 
Toji's eyes shot at you, causing you to freeze as you felt your heart skip a beat at the feral look in his eyes as if he was a wild animal being torn away from his prey. When Toji realized it was you, he instantly calmed down, allowing you to feel the muscles in his arm relax as he went and dropped the guy to the ground. "Fuck." He hissed, running a hand through his messy hair as he looked from the guy to you to the girl he came with. "Give me that." He growled, snatching the joint you had forgotten all about. You watched him take a resounding hit off it before walking over to the girl. He appeared to be comforting her as he went and called her a cab. In the meantime, you dragged the unconscious guy into the alley next door, making sure he still had a pulse before heading back. When you got to the shop, you saw only Toji leaning up against the wall, a hand ruffling his hair as he let out a deep sigh, the joint hanging from his lips. 
"Toji." You called, getting the man's attention. You smiled as you carefully took the joint back, putting it between your lips. "I believe you still haven't paid me back for the last time I shared one with you." You joked, trying to ease the tense atmosphere. Toji looked down at you for a moment, a frown still on his face, before you saw the scar curl up as his facial features softened. "Is that any way to say thank you brat?" He scoffed. You hummed, scratching the back of your neck as you eyed the blood-stained sidewalk and the dent in your building. "Fix my wall and clean that blood. I'll call it even." Toji let out a gruff laugh, finding your response to the situation amusing. "So did you send her home?" You asked, addressing the fact the girl was no longer around. 
"Yeah, I apologized to her and said the next date was free." He sighed, annoyed that he had to waste his time for free on such an annoying girl. "How nice of you." You joked before stomping out the butt of the joint. Your eyes scanned Toji's hand, noticing the mix of his and the man's blood dripping onto the cold cement. With a sigh, you carefully take his hand, causing him to give you a confused look. "Come on, I'll clean you up." The two of you walk into the quiet shop as you go and sit Toji on one of the couches in the waiting room. He leans against the couch, spreading his legs as his arms rest on the back. "Where's your nosey assistant?" He muttered, taking note of the dramatic girl's absence. "I didn't have any more clients tonight, so I sent her home. Of course, I see you were planning on stopping by without even an appointment." You scolded while going through the first aid kit. 
"Hey, if it wasn't for me not making an appointment, who knows what that guy could've done to your dumbass." He scoffed before cursing as you went and pressed the rubbing alcohol against his cut knuckles without warning. "That's what you get. As for what happened, I could have handled it." Toji just scoffed, looking away from you with an annoyed look. Neither of you said anything as you silently treated his wounds before feeling yourself starting to get high. "Ah shit it's kicking in already." You muttered as you finished treating his hand. "They're all better. Next time don't waste your time getting hurt on a girl who does tattoos for your clients and you occasionally smoke with." You scold, standing from the couch. Toji was still looking away, causing you to sigh as you went to put the first aid kit back. 
You looked in one of the mirrors to see blood on your face. You stare at it for a moment, the look in Toji's eyes filling your mind as you bite your lip, feeling your thighs rub against each other as the effects of the weed and the memory of the fight cause your body to start heating up. 'Fuck I should head home.' You mentally cursed as you walked out of the room. 
Toji sat on the couch, his blood still boiling as he remembered walking the familiar route to your small shop. Yeah, it was small and out of his way, but he always found himself at your shop for some reason. Maybe it was because there weren't many people that stopped by when he showed up, or perhaps he was starting to find your assistant Ichigo entertaining as she would sometimes trap him in the waiting room to talk about some random shit he never cared for. Or maybe he came to the shop so much because of-! Toji's thoughts stopped when he and the girl turned the corner, his eyes landing on your familiar form, trapped by an unfamiliar, much bigger one.
 "Hey now don't go being a bitch just cause you look like some trash whore always showing off so much skin. Be honest, you don't do it to show off those shit tattoos, you do it because you want men to see how easily fuckable you are."
Toji instantly felt his body seethe with rage as he listened to the guy's words, his gaze finally falling on how the man squeezed your pretty face between his disgusting hand. Before he knew it, his body was moving alone as he angrily stormed towards the two figures. 'Who the fuck does this fucker think he is touching what's mine.' He thinks, remembering all the times he would mess with your hair or brush up against your body, pretending that it had been an accident or that he wasn't paying much attention. Toji loved it when he would poke your cheeks, feeling the squishy skin against his rough finger and how your eye would twitch each time, finding it adorable. As Toji reached the two of you, he heard the man's following words ring through his ears like a siren. 
"Why don't you come home with me tonight and show me all those shit tattoos, baby~ I can paint them so pretty with my-!" All Toji could see was red as his fist collided with the man's face. He watched as the man slid to the ground, face bleeding from Toji's fist breaking the skin. Without hesitation, Toji picked the guy up, feeling so enraged that he could hear his heartbeat in his ears. "Who the hell do you think you're touching and calling baby you motherfucker?" The words left his lips, but in his mind, there were so many things he never got to say, especially when the man went and called you a whore. Toji didn't know how many times his fist collided with the guy's face; the only thing he could hear was the loud ringing in his ears as he clenched his teeth, eyes feeling like he was about to break every blood vessel they had. 
Toji thinks back to one of the times the two of you sat outside. He had asked you about all your tattoos, questioning who did them. When you answered that it was mostly work you did, he remembers being impressed at how well the artwork came out and how proud you looked when you recalled all the time and effort you put into each one. "It's something I love to do…and I want to keep adding more and more art to my body because it's something I really love!" You cheered with the brightest smile Toji had ever seen across your face, a happy blush tinting your skin as your eyes sparkled with pure joy. Toji remembers feeling his chest flutter at the sight. 'How fucking dare this scumbag say they're shit!' Toji's blood boils as he feels his chest tighten in anger. 
 'Don't fucking touch her! She's mine…Mine. Mine. Mine!' The thoughts ran wild in Toji's head. A sudden grip on his arm causes Toji to shoot his eyes to the side, ready to kill whoever got in his way. "Hey! Toji, that's enough! What's gotten into you?!" Until it was your face that slowly cleared the red that had drenched his vision. You stood there with your small arms wrapped around his giant one, eyes filled with worry. Toji felt his entire body relax as he took in your expression, noting the tiniest glint of tears that lined your eyes, which he always wanted to see crying under him. 'Who are you making that face for, Y/n? Are you worried about this fucking scumbag? Or that useless bitch crying in the back?' After that, Toji only thought of you, not processing anything else that happened. 
'Will you worry for me? Will you cry for me again? I only want you to think of me.' 
Toji sat on the couch staring at the ceiling as he felt himself getting high from the joint, his body relaxing, allowing a small moan to leave his lips as he continued to picture your worried, tearful expression, wanting to see it again as he started to imagine you under his body eyes leaking tears as you reached your arms up for him while crying his name like you did earlier to get him off the guy. "Fuck." Toji curses, feeling himself start to get hard as he crosses his legs when he hears your footsteps approaching. "I got some of that guy's blood on my face." You grumbled as you went to the front door, carefully turning the open sign off. 
Toji watched as you tried to wipe the scumbag's dried blood off your cheek. As you stood there, blood staining your skin, Toji couldn't help himself as he bit his lip, letting out a low growl before standing up. Unknowingly to you, you continued to try and get the blood off your cheek while staring at your reflection from the door. "Hey, Toji, I'm about to head home. Are you going to be!" Your words stop as you feel rough hands gently grab your hips, pulling them back as your ass feels something poke and slide against it. You stand there stiff as a giant blush slowly makes its way to your cheeks as you slowly look up at the door's reflection. Toji stands there, his eyes narrowed, a slight frown on his face as he goes and lightly grinds against your ass, his thumbs rubbing circles on your hips. "T-Toji?!" You cried, shocked and embarrassed, as anyone who walked by the shop would be able to see the inappropriate scene unfolding. "Let me see it." Toji mumbled, his voice an octave lower, causing a shiver to run through you as you nervously looked back at him. "C-come again?" You asked, watching as Toji scowled, his brows knitting as he went and grabbed your face, turning your cheek towards him. "Fuck that scumbag's pathetic blood did get on you." He growled, his fingers twitching. 
You whined, feeling your upper body press against the cold glass as you placed your palms against it for support. Toji's hand that still held your hip tightened as he released your face, causing you to look away embarrassed as you felt the familiar warmth between your legs quickly forming from the constant grinding. "Y/n look at me." Toji commanded as he licked his thumb, ensuring it was coated in his saliva. You do as told, slightly turning your cheek towards him. You cringe when he presses the wet digit against your heated flesh, making sure to rub all that scumbag blood away. "Y/n, from now on, I want you to keep this in mind." He growled before roughly shooting his hips forward, causing a small gasp to escape your lips as you felt your chest rub up and down against the cold glass. 
'Fuck, this is bad...I didn't wear a bra today.' You thought, feeling your nipples poke out from your top, thanks to the mix of friction and the cold. "No scumbag is allowed to touch you, got that?" Toji growled as he pressed his body against yours, his giant size trapping you against the door. You can only whimper, your eyes slowly clouding with lust as you look into the reflection. Your eyes locked with Toji's as he smirked, sliding his hands up your sides and under your shirt, causing you to let out a small cry. Toji stiffens when he notices the lack of a bra before a giant smirk crosses his face as he goes and bites at your ear. "No bra today, naughty girl~?" He purred his rough hands, groping your breasts as he skillfully took your perked buds between his rough fingers, pinching and pulling them as if they were some instrument, loving each noise he pulled from your precious lips. 
"Fuck baby, that's it…come on, keep making noises for me." Toji moans as he nuzzles into the crook of your neck, feeling his erection getting more prominent as his mind becomes slightly clouded from the weed. "T-Toji, stop…what if someone comes by?" You whined in protest as you tried to push off from the glass door. Your actions cause you to grind into Toji, earning a rough grunt as he sinks his teeth into your neck. "A-ah Tojiiiii~" You whined body shivering as his teeth lightly pierce your sensitive flesh, a bit of drool escaping the corner of your mouth as you relish in the slight pain. Toji hums at this as he lightly sucks on the spot pulling away with a small pop as he grins his fingers roughly pulling at your nipples, causing your eyes to widen as you arch your back. “Is my Babygirl a fucking masochist? Do you like it when I pull on your nipples~?" Toji coos while leaving sloppy kisses up and down your neck, making sure he leaves as many marks as possible. "Sooooo sensitive, haha~" He mocked, feeling your body tremble in his grip. "I-It's cause of the weed….MMH!" You slap a hand to your mouth as Toji goes and slides his hand down to your crotch, roughly cupping it from your shorts. 
"T-Toji, please, someone will see…ah… i-i'll be ruined." You cried between moans. Toji growled, not liking that you thought of others when he was groping your body. "Tch." He clicked his tongue as he pinched your nipples as punishment, causing your knees to buckle. Thankfully, Toji had quick reflexes as he went and wrapped an arm around your midsection, making sure to hold your weak body up, his muscles flexing. "Who the fuck cares? Do you think you can think of others while I'm right here? What if I want them to see you like this, huh?" Suddenly, you feel your shorts get pulled down, exposing your wet panties to anyone who was to walk by. Toji glanced at you in the reflection, watching as tears of embarrassment filled your eyes, causing his chest to fill with pleasure as he loved seeing you so vulnerable. 
"What do you think that scumbag will return and see you like this baby? All wet and messy for the guy who beat him unconscious?" Toji's words cause you to moan as you recall the look in his eyes from the fight again, causing your eyes to roll into the back of your head. "Yeah? Does thinking about that get you turned on, baby? It's turning me on too. You can feel it. Right." He growls as he grinds into you faster while sliding his hand up your neck to tilt your head back. "Fuck Y/n, you look so fucking hot like this…" You whine, your mouth opening as you look up at him with lustful eyes, drool falling from your chin. Toji growls as his grip on your neck tightens before smashing his lips against yours in a heated, messy kiss. You whine, going and grabbing a fist full of his hair as he shoves his tongue around your wet cavern, wanting to taste every inch of your flavor. He moans into the kiss, pulling away with a few strings of saliva still connecting the two of you as he looks at you with dark eyes. 
"Open your mouth." He commands. "I wanna see you stick out that pretty tongue." You feel his fingers dance around your neck as you obediently do as you're told, making sure the wet muscle stretches out as far as possible. "That's a good fucking girl." Toji groans as he spits into your mouth, his dick twitching as he watches the glob slide down your tongue and into your mouth. "Swallow it, princess…let me see you swallow daddy's spit like a good slut." He groaned, watching you close your mouth, his hand feeling your throat expand as you swallow. "Fuck…Come on." He growled, pulling away from you roughly, picking you up as he tossed you over his shoulder. You let out a surprised squeal as you gripped the back of his shirt, causing him to chuckle as he went and smacked your ass. 
"God, you're so fucking sexy baby." He purred as he walked back to your station, carefully placing you on the chair. "You know how often I've wanted to fuck your dirty ass in this chair?" He growled, pressing his fingers against your soaked panties, causing you to moan as you tilt your head. "W-why my chair?" You sighed, finding that Toji fantasized about you sexy as you tried to rub your thighs together. Toji scowls at this as he roughly spreads your legs apart, pressing his fingers deeper against your wet panties, causing you to gasp. "Don't close your legs, princess…you better keep them spread for Daddy or else." He warns as he goes and sits himself between your legs. You watch through lidded eyes as he lifts one of your legs, pressing kisses up and down your inner thigh, leaving the occasional bite mark, shivering each time you cringe and squirm in his grasp. 
"Now be a good girl for me, Y/n." He whispers as he slides your panties off his breath, stopping as he watches a string of your slick connecting your needy hole and the useless piece of fabric. "Fucking hell, brat." He growled before ripping the material off as he wasted no time in consuming your sweet juices, a deep growl escaping his throat as his eyes rolled to the back of his head. Toji mentally curses to himself as he swears, you're one of the best things he's ever tasted, wanting to eat you out for hours as he slides his thumb down over your clit, the rough pad aggressively assaulting the bundle of nerves. You let out multiple moans and curses as you arch your back, your hands gripping the armrests of the chair as Toji eats you like a starved animal. "Tojiiiiii~ mmh So fucking good~" You cry out as you weakly grab a fist full of his hair. Toji grunts his tongue, sliding up and down your folds before he plunges the slick-covered muscle into your hole. 
"Fuckfuckfuck!" You cry, your legs tensing as you push Toji's face deeper into your dripping pussy; you feel your orgasm rush through you, sending waves of pleasure throughout your entire body. Toji growls as he makes sure to lap it all up, his tongue greedily sucking it into his mouth as he gulps your sweet juices down, pulling away from your needy hole, his face dripping with your cum. "Did my baby girl cum just from my tongue~?" He purred, his fingers sliding up and down your slick folds. You watched with hooded eyes as Toji watched some of your juices drip to the ground, some landing on the chair, causing him to grunt. "Come on, baby again…you can cum for daddy again, right?" He growled, leaning over your body as he pressed rough kisses along your neck, one of his fingers sliding into your needy hole. 
"Mmmmmm!" You moan loudly, your walls clenching around the rough digit as he presses it against the squishy flesh. "That's right, baby if you can cum for me, Daddy will reward you." He chuckles, watching your pleasured expression. "So, fucking pretty." He mumbled before sucking one of your breasts into his mouth, his tongue swirling around the sensitive bud as he lightly bites and pulls, causing tears to roll down your cheeks. "T-Toji don't! H-hurts! EEEEEK!" You cried, feeling the man pull harder as he looked up at you with narrowed eyes. "That's not what I want you to call me princess." He growled before leaving a few apologetic licks to the irritated bud. You whine, looking away, too embarrassed to look him in the eye, when you feel another finger being inserted into you, causing your hips to buck up. "Fuuuuuuuck~" You moaned, earning a satisfied hum from Toji, who decided to mercilessly pump his fingers in and out of your puffy pussy, licking his lips as he stared down at you with a cocky grin. 
"Come on baby say it! Say my name and I'll make you cum~" Toji went and licked your bottom lip, gently biting the tender flesh as you whined, eyes rolling back again. “D-daddy…ah…I wanna cum please." You cried while shielding your eyes from his gaze. This didn't sit well with Toji as he went and pulled his fingers out, causing you to whimper at the loss as you felt your walls clench around nothing. You let out a loud gasp followed by a pathetic cry as Toji slapped your pussy, eyes narrowed. "Y/n, you're being such a brat." He growled, pinning your arms above your head with a tight grip. You winced, letting out more whimpers as you looked at him with a pout. "Stop being a brat and I'll reward you now instead of later~" He whispered, licking the lobe of your ear, causing you to shiver as you felt yourself needing more. 
You bite your lip, eyes wide, watching Toji free his erection from his pants. You felt yourself starting to drool as you watched his sensitive tip pulse as precum oozed. Toji smirked, his ego growing as he watched you go dumb at the sight of his cock. "That's right, baby~ If you beg me for it, I'll fill your needy pussy as much as you want~" You watched as he slid the tip up and down your folds teasingly, causing you to whine as you tried to free your wrists from his grip. "Toji!" You cry, not liking how he was teasing you so much. "Uh uh…." He tuts as he smacks your pussy twice with his rough hand, causing you to arch your back, tears falling. He chuckles, leaning to lick the tears up while nibbling on your jaw. "Come on, princess…say it. Beg me." He growls while pumping his twitching cock. 
You bite your lip as you look up at him. "P-Please fuck me D-daddy." You beg with the most pathetic look Toji has ever seen. Before anything else can happen, Toji roughly thrusts into you, causing you to arch your back as you toss your head back from the intense feeling. "That's my good girl! Fuck you're such a good girl for me Y/n! Your pussy is so tight it makes me want to ruin you." He growls as his hips press against you. "Fuck! Daddy too deep! Too deep daddy!" You cry Toji just grins as he continues to pound into your abused hole, loving how fucked out your expression is. "Fuck baby, you look so dumb on Daddy's cock." He releases your hands as he tosses your legs over his shoulders, guiding your hands to his biceps. "You wanted to know why I always wanted to fuck you in this chair, right?" He growled as he pressed his forehead against yours, scanning your every expression with those eyes of his that you loved so much. 
"It's because every time one of those fucking scumbags comes in here to get a tattoo while their filthy eyes scan your hot body…fuck… they're going to be sitting in this chair embedded with all your slutty juices from being fucked by your best customer." He laughs at the thought while relishing as he watches your eyes go back into your skull as your walls clamp down around him. "Fuck baby, are you gonna cum for me?" He growls, grabbing your wrist and bringing it to his face, kissing each tattoo that graced your skin. "So, fucking beautiful. You look so fucking sexy with these tattoos, baby. That fucking scumbag didn't know what he was saying." He moaned out, his thrusts becoming sloppy. You moan, your nails digging into the flesh of Toji's biceps. 
"Daddy~ am I really that pretty~?" You whine, wanting to hear his praise again. Toji smirks as he presses his lips to yours in a passionate kiss while cupping your cheeks in his hands, his thumbs rubbing your tear-stained cheeks. "The prettiest baby. You're so fucking sexy crying under me, covered in your art. Fuck baby, let me mark you~ I want everyone to see you, mine." He growls as he feels himself reaching his limit, gritting his teeth. You moan as you feel your orgasm quickly approaching. "Mmmh~ I won't be labeled like one of your whores." You admit causing Toji to scoff as he bites at your lip, his lustful green eyes locking with yours as he presses a deep kiss to your lips letting out a deep moan. "You're nothing like them, baby; ~ You're only mine~ I'll make you a new mark, yeah? Would you like that princess?" He leaves messy kisses across your face while gritting his teeth. "Daddy will give you a mark that only you can have~" He moans before giving you one last harsh thrust, his cum spraying all over your walls as he roughly bites into your shoulder to muffle his noises. 
The two of you stay still for a moment, both recovering from your highs as Toji caresses your body, his hands admiring each tattoo he knows you worked hard on. "Yeah…I know what I'm going to do." He cooed, slowly pulling out from you and kissing your cheek as you whined from the sudden loss, causing you to feel empty. Toji hummed as he watched his cum spill from your messy hole, pride filling him as he reached for your tattoo gun, carefully turning it on as he gave you a sadistic smirk. 
"Be a good girl for Daddy one more time tonight, baby~" 
Your eyes slowly travel to the front door, where you see Toji standing with a new girl by his side. Ichigo giggles as she watches you lead them to the back and start tattooing the usual name onto whatever body part she's chosen. As you sit there carefully tattooing the girl, Toji stands behind you, his eyes landing on the tattoo, still healing on your shoulder. The detailed bite mark slightly starts to peel from the healing skin, causing Toji's eyes to narrow as he walks closer to you. "How's it looking Toji~?" The girl questioned with a giggle. Your body stiffens as Toji gently cups your shoulder, running his thumb across the healing tattoo. His eyes fill with lust as he licks his lips, noticing the deep blush on your cheeks. 
"Oh yeah… it's looking perfect baby~"
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chemicallywrit · 2 months
Happy Audio Drama Sunday! I was busy doing many things this week, but luckily they were the kind of things that facilitate a lot of audio drama listening. Shall we?
👹 G.O.B.L.I.N.S. is amazing. I love an office sitcom in any case, but an office sitcom with two goblins, an elf prince, and an overly enthusiastic government pencil pusher is an inspired idea. I really want this show to exist more, so if you can, consider helping them on their crowdfund!
💋 Josie’s Lonely Hearts Club this week was HILARIOUS. The presidential puns were so delightful, and I also ended the episode wanting to fight a veterinarian. Can’t wait to see where this season is going.
🌚 @hellofromthehallowoods is always so good at creating these gorgeous soft character moments, and I adore middle-aged Buck. Watching this man gracefully age into a husband and father who likes himself, who knows he is loved, is such a far cry from the poor little guy he used to be. I really don’t want him to get eaten by a vampire. Are you hearing me, Mx Wellman?
📻 Breaker Whiskey ended for now and ohhhhhhh. Oh man. I cried. The experience of listening to this story feels very early audio drama, and that’s definitely by design. Lauren Shippen let the story wander and discover itself, and we got to discover it too. Was it a flawless story? No story is, but getting to revel in the wandering just made it better. Whatever’s next for the story, I have enjoyed the ride.
🥛 The Silt Verses. That’s it. I found this episode entrancing. How’s this going to end?
🥃 Breathing Space this week was hilarious. In a rare voice acting appearance by Pacific Obadiah and some familiar voices from Melissa Lusk and Katrina Pecina as well as the ol' Breathing Space standbys, this heartfelt, witty, and above all very silly episode felt really good. I just loved it.
🐟 In Travelling Light this week, VERMI'S BACK. My favorite guy! And it seems we won't be seeing the last of this guy, either. Thank you Hero for my life. Friendship is gonna solve all the traveller's problems and I couldn't be happier.
🧟‍♀️ In Hannah News, The Dead started a new series called Turas that I really think you should check out. It’s set on a Scottish isle with Scottish Gaelic, and zombies, and sister dynamics, and it’s so good guys. Our main actors, Michelle Kelly and Bonnie Calderwood Aspinwall, are absolutely killing it, alongside an amazing cast. Please tune in, you won't regret it.
🧛🏻‍♀️ Also this week, I got the chance to hop on Re: Dracula's July Q&A for our patrons! You gotta check out our patreon, y'all, creating gothic fiction has been so much fun. We're hard at work on Carmilla while Re: Drac is having its second go-round. Join usssssss.
That's all for me this week! It's long enough as it is. See you next week!
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echantedtoon · 7 months
Love Is Blind Ch3 Not What It Seems
(WARNINGS: Mentioning of death, Mentioning of someone taking their own life, Kagaya being sick and having scars, and mentioning of him being burnt in a fire.
pic of Y/n above was edited by me. IMPORTANT THO!! This is NOT what Y/n looks like except for the white hair. I just wanted to make one of these picture edits for fun. Art not mine, found on Pinterest, credit to original artist, etc. The wisteria gate pic isn't mine either and was found on Google. If you need visuals on the wysteria gate and the garden they look exactly like the links below only that Kagaya's garden has WAY more flowers than cannon.
Wysteria gate
Kagaya's garden
https://www.ign.com/wikis/demon-slayer-the-hinokami-chronicles/Chapter_3_-_Death_Match_in_Asakusa )
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The sounds of a beautiful black stallion's hooves walked across the old dirt paths leading down the land and through the forests. Of course having walked along this road so many times, the mighty horse was already familiar with roads. A snort escaped from his snout before he shook his mane out from an itch.
"Easy boy. Just ignore the beast and keep going."
The driver of a sturdy cart ordered the horse giving a firm and hard slap of the reigns making the stallion snort once again but got it to ignore the fox that scurried across the road in front of it. The sly red canine stopped in the treeline and looked at them before turning away to quickly scurry into the forest.
"Pretty thing. If I brought my crossbow I could've gotten a good pelt for a muff."
"Let's leave it alone, Papa." A head of white hair shined in the sunlight as f/c eyes looked at where the pretty fox disappeared. "Something as beautiful as that deserves to live free."
The older man smiled at his daughter's beauty and kindness. "I agree. That's why we're going there. You deserve to have such freedom without someone trying to stubbornly take that away from you."
You turned to him smiling widely and sweetly at him. "I'm sure everything will be fine, Papa. It's just a small visit to clear up a misunderstanding. That's all."
Your father hummed again before whipping the reigns to make the stallion trot faster. "Your mother nearly ripped me a new one when we suggested this idea. I'm still surprised that I managed to convince her to let you come-"
"I heard that!" Your mother glared at him as he chuckled before crossing her arms. "I only agreed to it on the basis that we all go with her! There's absolutely no way I'm allowing my daughter to visit these strangers all by herself! Plus I'd like to give these Ubuyashikis a piece of my mind!"
"Now, Dear." Your father gave your mother a rare stern look. "Remember what we talked about. We're going to be polite AND civil about this. If there is a reason for stern talking then I'll let you know but unless that happens I WILL do the negotiations."
His wife huffed before crossing her arms with a pout. "Fine! But we're leaving at the first sign of trouble!"
You only shook your head from the back of the cart before leaning back against the wooded side and looked out as you all passed a beautiful field of flowers. It had been nearly two weeks of this kind of travel and during the entire time it had been beautiful and peaceful aside from your mother's occasional angry spouts but otherwise pleasant. In truth getting her to agree to your idea hadn't been easy as he DEMANDED you not go anywhere near the Ubuyashiki estate but in a rare stern tone your father had put his foot town.
"Our daughter is going to be twenty next year! She won't be a teenager anymore besides she's already a grown woman. Not a child. If she decides to go see this family then we can't stop her. I'm going with her anyways so there won't be any danger. There will be no more arguments."
Your mother had no choice but to agree but insisted on coming. Not wanting another argument your father agreed but only on the conditions that she wouldn't have any arguments when there. With all these things settled, your mother had gotten your older cousin to house sit while your entire family was gone and your father had talked his boss into giving him this extra route again as an excuse to make this detour. Now here you three were traveling through places you've never been before. This was both exciting and nerve-racking to say the least. The sun was high in the sky as the beautiful trees waved in the wind and the scent of wild flowers filled the cooking breeze. It made you smile and stretch your arms out. Even if you don't marry, the beautiful sights was making this trip all the worthwhile. Your father mentioned that the pathway to the estate was closer now and you should be there by tomorrow hopefully. 
The sun slowly went across the beautiful skies. Your eyes watching safely from the back of the cart until they felt heavy, and closed against their will before the moon could bless them with her presence.
The overarching flowers outstretched their petals looming overhead as arms getting ready to embrace the people below in their soft petals falling down from above as shining gifts from the heavenly tops of the trees. It was a blessed sight to wake up to once F/c orbs awoken hearing a gasp of another woman wake up and then a voice speak.
"It's so beautiful. I feel like we're approaching heaven."
It was like heaven. Staring up at nothing but beautiful wisteria blooms hanging down from the air as leaves blocked out most of the rest of the light but still patches of that beautiful sun flowed down in small splotches peeling through the trees and their heavenly flowers like shy mice. The aroma of the flowers filling this forest right out of a fairytale and the small animals running amongst the flora only added to that heavenly fairytale image. You spotted a mother deer and her two young fawns chewing on the delicate buds of the new spring grass. The beautiful mother looked briefly at the cart passing by before turning away to put attention on her children. A flurry of sparrows passed by the trees and f/c eyes smiled up following them.
"This is absolutely beautiful. It's like something out of a dream."
"This is part of the Ubuyashiki territory." Your father gestured all around the woods smiling. "All of this? They own every tree in it. In fact they own a huge chunk of this mountain. I heard it's been in the family for the past ninety five generations."
"That certainly is...a lot of territory to own." Your mother hummed with a deep thoughtful expression on her face.
"A lot of territory? Honey, these people own the entire town just on the other side of the estate! I go past it just to get to the city. If you don't know better, you'd mistake the big town for the city."
"Oh really?... That's a lot of revenue."
The cart still pulled past the forest down an old path as you looked around in awe. Everything looked so beautiful and birds were singing in the spring air. So heavenly. Unbeknownst to you and your mother, your father had continued traveling through the night turning his horse onto an almost hidden path leading deep into mountain forest and when you both had awakened, you had woken up to the most beautiful sight you'd ever seen.
"We're not too far away now. We didn't give them any notice we'd be coming so they'll certainly be surprised."
"Hmph. We're making the effort to come all the way out here so the least they can do is be grateful that we actually came here to answer them!"
Your father didn't comment on your mother's tone but did also the reigns making the horse pick up his pace trotting down the old pathway. Deeper and deeper and deeper into the forest you all went. The more wysteria trees clustered around until they seemed to be the only trees in the forest. Down the pathway farther and farther until they reached a small semi clearing at the end of the pathway. The driver had the horse turn around in the clearing and started back up the path you came before pulling it back to a full stop next to a small tree with the horse facing back the way you came. Without uttering a word your father got up and jumped from the wagon, taking a minute to tie the reigns around one of the trees branches to keep the stallion from wondering off before giving the horse a few pats. 
"We're here," he said turning back to you before looking past you making you blink and turn to see what he was looking at.
Another pathway lead from the original path leading away from you and towards the right side of the original path. But instead of dirt, this one was made of cobblestone and cut brick. A flight of stairs lead from the path up the hill and stopped to continue on in a normal pathway again starting under a giant wooden archway. Wysteria petals decorated the old stairs like some makeshift nature carpet and more scattered with the wind. You stared at it before a thud made you turn your head just as your father set your mother down from helping her out of the cart. You slowly stood up as he also reached out to you 
"Maybe you two should stay with the cart and let me handle this." He gently grabbed your sides before heaving you up and out of the cart before placing you down on the ground. "I'm sure I can handle it from here."
"No. I came all the way here to see him and if I don't show up they'll just send me another letter wanting to hear from me. We might as well go and clear everything up now." Your nodded firmly nodded in agreement.
Your father sighed before reaching in the back of the wagon and pulling out a small box the size of three regular books across and five inches high. He tucked it under one arm before turning towards the stairs. "Alright then. Let's go settle this. Just both of you stay close to me. And remember..." He gave your mother a firm look. "I WILL do the talking."
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Your footsteps echoed throughout the peaceful forest as the three of you climbed up the stairs towards the wooden archway above. Your father carrying the box under his arm and your mother holding onto his other arm looking around while you followed right after them. You stared up in awe as you all climbed up higher and higher until you all passed under the arch. Your head followed it by as you all passed it on the way through before looking ahead and following your parents down the old cobblestone path. The wysteria trees on both sides were stretched out as far as the eye could see. Beautiful purple flowers everywhere swaying in the breeze and the pleasant fragrance wafting in the air. Your mother was also in awe staring around her.
"This is incredible."
Your father chuckled. "Wait until you see the mansion. Mr. Ubuyashiki is actually very pleasant."
Your mother turned to her husband. "You've already met our daughter's supposed soulmate?"
"No but I met his father. He was rather old. In fact he was old enough to be my grandfather."
"If he's that old then how old is his son?! If he's some pervert-"
"Dear, we are not going to talk bad about someone when we haven't even met him yet-"
You squealed out as all of a sudden there was a metallic sound, a flash of shining silver, and then the cold steel of a sword was right in front of your father's face. Your mother shrieked clinging closer to her husband on instinct. The three of you froze as a cold blade was held out to your father's next. Your previous shrieks scaring birds away from you.
"Who the fuck are you people?!" 
You timidly peeked around your father's shoulder and looked past him only to pause seeing the man on the other side. It was a man around your age with short untamed white hair but what struck fear into you was the dark small pupils in his feral eyes and the fact that his body was littered in scars. When none of you answered he snarled and pushed the blade closer to the man's neck. 
"Are you all deaf?! Answer me!"
"Sanemi, that is not a nice way to treat people!" A much louder voice boomed out from behind you making you squeak again and whirl around to yet another man's torso with his arms crossed. You looked up at his face and paused seeing a head of flaming red hair and just as vibrant fire like eyes. You were stunned at...how absolutely handsome this stranger was as he tilted his head at you. "Especially woman. Now why don't you lower your blade?"
The white haired man narrowed his eyes staring at the frozen middle aged man in front of him. Before glancing at your frightened mother and your frozen form behind her. "...Tch." The large blade was lowered from your father's neck but not put away as the angry scarred man stared them down. "That still doesn't excuse them from trespassing here!"
"INDEED!!" The man with flaming hair agreed loudly causing you to wince at the loud volume. "As much as I don't like my friends violent methods, I agree that you shouldn't be trespassing here! I will have to kindly ask you all to leave!"
"We're supposed to be here." Your father somehow stayed calm throughout this entire thing to his credit. The box shuffled under his arm. "I'm delivering this."
Again the white haired man looked suspicious glancing between him and the box. "Yeah? And what's in it?"
"Herbs and medicine."
"AH!! Then this must be the delivery Oyakata-sama was expecting! EXCELLENT!!" You again winced at the red head's loud voice booming out.
"Oh really? Why is there three of you then? It doesn't take three people to delivery one puny package! Gimme that dam box!"
Your father made no move to stop the man from yanking the box away from his arm. No one made a move as he placed his blade under his arm and harshly tore off the lip to poke his head inside..... before he slowly placed the lid back on the box wordlessly.
"What was in the box?"
Mr. White hair ignored his college before shoving the box back into your father's arms. "Why are three of you delivering herbs instead of just one of you?" Despite his embarrassment he still demanded answers to his questions but lost that angry edge to his tone. 
"The master of this estate asked us to come here." Your father calmly said. "I thought it'd be best to see what he wants."
And again that suspicious look was back. "Why would Oyakata-sama ask to see you lot?"
"It wasn't this Oyakata-sama whomever he is. We were invited by Kotoya Ubuyashiki."
"AH!! THE MASTER'S FATHER!!" Mr. Red Head nodded in understanding. "That clears up things then! He probably has invited them here! For what purpose I am unsure however but we should take them to him!"
Mr. White Hair looked at you all before FINALLY slowly putting his blade away. "What would he want with two women and a delivery man?"
"LET'S FIND OUT!!" You jumped as Mr. Red Head quickly pointed his arm down the path again. "Please follow us! I'll show you the way there!" He looked back to your still staring face. "Miss??"
You still stared for about six more seconds until your brain finally registered he was asking for your name. "AH! I-I'm Y/n!" You gave a small bow in greeting before pausing...and slowly looked back up to him. He was rather handsome and..not bad looking. You leaned back up. Could it be-? "Are you.. Kagaya Ubuyashiki?" 
The man paused, blinked, before throwing his head back and giving a few hearty laughs that had you blushing. 
"PFFT!! HIM?! HA! That's a good one!" Behind you his college also began to laugh making you feel more embarrassed.
His locks swayed as he shook his head eventually his loud laughs devolving into amused chuckles. "I'm flattered you would give me the honor of mistaking me for that title, but I'm afraid you're just that. Mistaken. I am Kyojuro Rengoku, a guard for my Master's estate."
You blinked at him before turning to the now smugly amused white haired man who now had his arms crossed. Now looking at him...He was also quite handsome. Albeit in a more warrior rugged type of way but still fairly handsome. As if sensing your question he just shook his head.
"You're looking at the wrong person."
"This is SANEMI!! Don't let his scary attitude fool you! He's actually a very nice person! If you're here to see the Master's family then follow us. His home is just up ahead."
You were kinda disappointed this handsome man wasn't who you were looking for but at least you were in the right place. It was kinda awkward because Sanemi just turned and started walking away from you all with your parents following and you and Mr. Kyojuro following up behind them both. There was about an hour of silent, awkward walking as you turned your attention to the wysteria trees.
"My apologies for startling you all!" You again jumped and whirled around to Rengoku who smiled warmly. "But when we saw many people in a strange wagon we had to see what your intentions were!"
You didn't even see them coming in? Where did they even come from? Instead you shook your head. "I-Its alright. I would've been suspicious too if a bunch of strangers showed up to my house." You tried giving him a smile. "So..You work for the Ubuyashikis?"
He nodded. "Yes! For a few years now! I guard the estate for my Master!"
"You mean Mr. Kagaya?"
That peeked your interest a bit. Perhaps you can get some insight on this mysterious man. "Oh, I see. What's his family like?"
"Oyakata-sama's father is a very good man! I've known him for many years!"
"Oh that's so nice. And...what is Mr. Kagaya like?"
"The Master is the most honorable man that's ever lived!" His smile got even wider. "He's very compassionate and wise beyond his years. You'll never find another man like him even if you tried."
Your eyes widened with each word he spoke. Honorable? Compassionate? Wise? Those were traits that you used to spend countless hours everyday wishing your soulmate had until you decided to focus on yourself and your work. Could it really be everything you needed? Could the gods have sent you the perfect person?
"Is he as handsome as you?"
That caught him off guard as he blinked again before again giving a few loud hearty laughs. But it was a legitimate question from you. You wanted to know what he looked like. What he did. Who he was. What made up Kagaya Ubuyashiki.
"My dear lady, you flatter me!" He gave a few more chuckles but nodded. "But I would say that the Master is rather handsome in his own way!"
"How old is he?", your mother suddenly asked tossing him a suspicious look at Rengoku.
Kyojuro held up a hand. "It's alright. I actually don't know his specific age. Never asked! But I do know he's actually around my age!"
Oh. So that meant he was actually around your age too! That answer actually seemed to satisfy your mother and she huffed turning back around. At least it did not start an argument.
"You all seem very interested in the Master!"
"We're here to visit his family so it's understandable to ask about someone I'll be meeting." You thought about something for a moment before looking back to him. "You mentioned before that he's the Master of this estate. What does he do for work?" 
"The Ubuyashiki's have ran this land for generations! The whole town on the other side of the estate is essentially owned by them! But specifically Oyakaya-sama funds a rather large and successful school! I am also a teacher there when Im not asked to fill in for the usual guards here!"
"A school?" You had a small school back home you attended before studying under the local herbalist but you were surprised to hear a school being very successful.
He nodded. "He wants every child to have an education! My brother attends with his friends! I'm happy to give him a head start in life!"
"Wow. That's a lot of responsibility for him to take on."
"He's a very honorable and responsible man as I've stated before!"
Responsible. That's also what you wanted. Could this really be the one?
You all continued to walk to walk through this wysteria woods. Eventually you all walked over a cobblestone bridge leading over a small stream and continued to walk until you turned a corner blocked by a tree, and nearly ran into your mother as you looked up and let your jaw drop at what you saw.
It had to be the largest building you'd ever seen in both space and height! The old but nicely maintained building loomed over head covered in many purple petals from the surrounding wysteria trees. In the very front of the house was a very beautiful small clearing edged with small cut shrubs and the cobblestone path continued up to stop at the front steps of the manor. Eventually you all snapped out of your stupor to continue up the path and to the stairs. The first man, Sanemi, was the first one to reach the door before opening it and looking at you all. 
"I'm gonna let them know these people are here. Stay with them and make sure they don't try anything!"
"DON'T WORRY!! I'll be fine!"
Sanemi rolled his eyes but left you all awkwardly standing in the doorway and hallway. You watched him walk down the long very clean corridor before he disappeared around the corner and then looked around the tiny hallway as Rengoku just...stood there keeping an eye on you all. Eventually your mother poked your father's side.
"Where does this lead?"
He shrugged. "I don't know. I only came this far before delivering the previous order and leaving. I never saw the rest of this place."
That was helpful. You sighed and decided to look around the hall more to occupy time. The wooden floor was polished and well kept. Two paintings hung on the walls. One was a boat on the ocean and the other was too far away from you to see but you thought maybe it was a vase of roses?? A small table sat randomly near the corner where Sanemi disappeared and on top of it was a random decorative vase. And then there was the old man coming towards you-
....You blinked.
A little old man about your mother's height and grandmother's age came shuffling quickly down the hallway and smiled at you all. Behind him Sanemi boredly walked behind him with his hands behind his head. 
"At last!" He said in a happy but slightly raspy way. "At last! At last! AT LAST YOU'RE HERE!!"
His arms extended out towards you all as if to embrace you three. It wasn't until he was past the closest painting to you that you realized that..It was directed AT YOU. He was smoking AT YOU. He was holding his arms out TO YOU. And he was coming straight TO YOU!! You had barely registered this fact before suddenly arms were being thrown around you making you freeze as arms pulled you in for a tight hug. Your mother bristled and immediately looked ready to physically yank this stranger off of you.
"I was waiting for you for so long!" He pulled away from you to smile softly and it was only now that you realized that..his little old man was crying. Fat tears rollef down his crinkled face as he smiled widely, happily, softly. "Y-Y-You have no idea about how long we've been waiting for you! To find you finally before the unthinkable happens!" Huh? What did he mean by that? You blinked as his hands cupped your face. "And look at how beautiful you are! Such hair.. It's a rare color I've only seen one other person have!"
You supposed he was referring to Sanemi but- "I'm sorry but..Who are you?"
"Yes. WHO are you?," your mother narrowed her eyes with a frown at him. 
"Oh. Yes, yes. We haven't met yet." He quickly rubbed at his face but never lost his excited smile. "I am Kotoya Ubuyashiki." He gave as quick a bow as his old body could give before looking at you again. "I'm so glad you've finally decided to come! We've been waiting for so long!"
"*AHEM!*" Your father cleared his throat loudly gaining your the older man's attention to him. "Perhaps we're starting off on the wrong person. I'm Y/n's father."
"Oh yes! Mr. L/n, I remember you!," he happily greeted turning to your parents with a big smile, "You look well! And this must be your wife!" He smiled at your deadpanned mother. "I apologize for all the trouble I caused but I'm so happy you're all here! I've been trying to find my grandson's soulmate for so long. I feared he'd forever be alone once I passed away."
"Grandson?," your mother instantly looked suspicious at him. "I was told he was your son!"
He nodded. "He's that too. Won't you please come in?" He gestured down the hall towards the rest of the house. "Everything can be explained and we can discuss things."
"That is fine." Your father nodded. "But we can't stay long. My horse is down the hill-"
"Of course, of course. Rengoku please go bring the man's horse some food and water while we conduct business. Cone, come. I'm sure we have much to discuss."
You weren't too sure about this but your father wordlessly followed the smiling man and you reluctantly followed your parents leaving the first two men behind. Mr. Kotoya continued happily chatting despite your father's silence and your mother's scowling. Eventually turning a corner and pointing at random objects or rooms explaining what they were or where they came from until eventually he stopped in front of one room and smiled turning at you specifically.
"This is the indoor garden."
"Indoor garden?"
Kotoya nodded. "We grow plants inside when my grandson is unable to go outside or can't move around too much." Confusion graced your face again. Unable to go outside and move around? Did he mean when it was winter or raining really badly?? "The Library and study is just down the hall across from the dining room."
"That's...very nice but we should get back onto the topic we came back to discuss." Your father firmly looked at him and rose a brow. "We came here to discuss my daughter's involvement in all this and if you don't mind, I'd rather get this over with as soon as possible."
Kotoya eagerly nodded. "But of course. I think the sooner the wedding is the better. It'll take a little bit to throw things together but if you want it to be fast, I can have it all together in as little as a week!"
"I'm not here to discuss any weddings." Your father placed a free hand on his hip. "Ever since last October you've been harassing my family especially my daughter to marry someone she hasn't even met once, you've drove my wife insane, and you haven't taken a hint to our obvious nos!" Mr. Kotoya blinked loosing his smile as your father stood firm and your mother looked proud at her husband. "Now, Sir. I don't take too kindly to people who try and harass my little girl like this. I'm not going to agree with anything especially forcing her to marry someone. Now you better tell me why you're bothering my daughter with this or we're leaving this instant."
There was silence as both men continued to stare down one another bit your father's calm but stern gaze never wavered. Eventually Mr. Kotoya sighed and reached out to brush some of his long white hair from his old face. 
"My apologies...I guess I was just desperate for both our children to reunite and allow to have some happiness in his life after so much misfortune. He deserves to be happy for once."
"That still does not explain your actions. My family deserves an explanation for all this madness."
Again Kotoya sighed. "You're right. You're right. That's the least I could do for causing you all so much trouble. You see ..Ever since he was fifteen years old and your daughter's name appeared on his hands, I knew we had to find you. You see my grandson has always had a hard hand in life, when he was only four years old his mother passed away from an accident and my son couldn't handle the grief of living without my daughter-in-law, handling my grandson's conditions, and running the entire estate. Unfortunately he took his own life later that same year." Wait..What did he say about his grandson? "Ever since then I've adopted Kagaya and ran the estate until he was old enough to handle it."
"And you thought that sending letters constantly and asking us to force our daughter into an arranged marriage would be the best way to make him happy?" Your father's brow rose more. "You didn't even seem concerned about my girl's wants. What does your grandson have to say about this?" He looked around raising a brow more. "Actually...Where is this young man? I want to see him. I want to talk to him too."
At this Kotoya lit back up and smiled hopefully. "You mean Kagaya? Would you like to see him?"
Your father nodded instantly. "Yes! I think we'd all like to meet him and see what he's like. Where is he?"
Kotoya smiled wider at him. "He's in the back garden today. He wasn't feeling too good but insisted that some fresh air would be what he needed." He gestured for you all to follow him. "Come. I'll show you the way there."
He motioned for you all to follow him before slowly you all did again. Walking down through halls and past more people. Servants you supposed by the work they were doing. Most glanced at you all in surprise or curiosity as you passed but didn't say anything and just went back to work. Eventually Mr. Kotoya stopped and looked at both of you all with a smile before gesturing to a sliding door beside him. 
"This leads outside to our back garden. My grandson is currently meditating there. He's unaware you're here but I'm sure he'll be very happy to meet you finally."
At first no one spoke. No one interacted. No one did anything. Kotoya continued to smile widely as your parents looked at one another silently unsure of what to say or do. F/c eyes turned to look at the simple wooden door and just stared silently at it. Your soulmate was behind that good. The person who the gods had decided that would be your husband when you were fifteen. He was there. Probably waiting for you. What was he like? Was he really everything that you ever wanted? Was he really handsome? Would he be everything you needed? Would you love him? The questions swirled about in your mind...and there was only way to find out. Without saying a word you reached out and grabbed the door slowly. So slowly your parents didn't even notice until you slowly pulled it back startling them both. You all paused at the beautiful sight before you all.
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Sunlight shown down from the sky, illuminating what must've been hundreds of flowers blooming in a variety of colors and types all around. Their roots hugged by perfectly cut bright green grass. A full river ran right in the middle of the entire length of it only separated from the grass by cleverly placed rocks and a beautiful wooden bridge to step across it. The beautiful waters rippled and sparkled with sunlight hiding the majestic koi fish living underneath. A few small trees had stationed themselves up amongst the flowers along with a single big bird bath that was already occupied by a few...crows? You paused watching the shiny black birds. They cawed at one another in-between taking dios in the bath. 
Why were there crows here? They just seemed so...out of place amongst all the other bright and colorful surroundings. F/c eyes lingered on them a little longer before looking to the left and finding something much more out of place than the crows. A bench. And on that bench was seated a person. You couldn't tell if it was a man or woman because they had their back to you. 
... Unconsciously, your feet moved towards them.
The figure remained still. Unmoving as the birds sang and the wind blew. Shiny ebony shoulder length hair swayed with the wind as it rolled by. The slightly swaying of a haori coat also slightly swayed but not as much. Slowly a hand raised, and reached out to a nearby small rose bush and stayed there. A slightly shaking hand brushing so gently against the red petals. The hand jumping slightly as a fluttering little butterfly decided to say hello in greeting. You found yourself almost blank minded as you stopped just two yards away from the person. Despite the fact that your footsteps were completely silent, the head slightly turned to your figure, but not enough to show any facial features.
"Can you tell me what colors this beautiful creature is?" The hand raised up slowly to not jostle the small butterfly resting on his index finger.
Your body flinched at the voice. It was obviously a male voice and it was so.. smooth. So soft. So gentle sounding. It almost made you jump as you continued to blink at this now confirmed man. There was silence again as he didn't say anything else. Your blank mind slowly processing the question as you slowly looked from his head to his raised hand and the butterfly lazily moving it's wings.
"...The top part of the wings are pure white with black on the edges while the bottom of the wings are completely yellow," you slowly said a bit confused about why he'd ask you to describe it's colors when it was clearly right in front of him.
"Ah. An Orange Migrant." The hand slowly brought it closer to his face before it took off into the air again. "One of nature's beautiful children." It circled it's head before deciding to land on the bench a few feet away from him. His head turned back forward, a smile to his lips that you didn't see. "They're all so delicate and fragile yet they're bodies are so strong to withstand so much change. They're quite inspiring little ones."
Your head tilted at him for a moment. "Are you.. Kagaya Ubuyashiki?"
A smooth chuckle that had you blushing escaped the man in front of you before he nodded without turning around. "I am."
That got your heart beating what felt like a million miles a minute, heat rising to your cheeks. This was it! This was actually him! Your soulmate! The one who's name was once carved onto your palms. He was right here in front of you and now your body felt like any moment it would combust under the pressure.
"Your voice sounds new. I don't think we've had the pleasure of meeting."
"I-..I-It's b-because we haven't." You cleared your throat in an attempt to compose yourself. "I-..M-My name is Y/n."
"Y/n?" His gentle voice questioned as if trying the name out and it had you getting more red. Hands gripped together. "Hm. You wouldn't be Y/n L/n by chance would you?"
"That's right." You nodded. "M-My parents and I came all the way here to talk to you and your grandfather about this whole-..." You gestured to nothing. "Situation. I think they'd really like to meet you."
He fell quiet for another long moment before humming and again nodding. "Very well. You all went through all the trouble, it would only be right for me to see you all."
One hand reached out to grab the arm of the bench as if to use it to push himself up as the other arm reached out to grab the back of the bench for the same reason. A shadow falling over the small defenseless butterfly as the hand approached closed above it. F/c eyes shrank-
Before you could stop yourself, you had shouted arms reaching out. Crows cawed and flapped away in a scatter and flurry of wing beats. A few black feathers falling to the grass in their wake. Your yell had scared your parents in the doorway who had been distracted talking to Mr. Kotoya in detail but all three were startled into staring at the garden. Kagaya himself had frozen instantly arm still stretched out and raised just an inch away from crushing the poor butterfly that had decided it was still too lazy to move. For a long moment there was silence before you approached and his head turned to the right following you as you approached.
"You almost crushed it." You didn't pay attention to him as you pushed his hand away to stare at the poor thing, sighing in relief seeing it was perfectly alright. "Oh thank goodness. You poor thing." Soft hands reached out to it but didn't touch it's delicate wings. "You must be exhausted from all the flying you've done."
"....Will you be grabbing it off the bench?"
"Of course not! You can't grab a butterfly especially not by it's wings! They're fragile and it'll only hurt them more than help them." You paid him no mind only sticking out a finger to carefully nudge the little thing onto it. Smiling as it slowly clambered on. "There you go. Look how pretty you are." 
Without looking up from the butterfly you smiled sweetly and carefully stepped back over to the rose bush. Kagaya's head turning still following you as you knelt down to hold your hand to the nearest rose. Nudging your fingertip against the soft petals until it climbed onto the red petals, fluttering it's wings lightly. There. Perfectly safe and sound. F/c eyes crinkled up in a smile as the beautiful little thing fluttered back as if in thanks which made you giggle lightly at it. Lavender eyes widened hearing the giggling.
The woman's giggles were so...playful. So lively. So sweet. They radiated kindness and hidden love in them that had him pausing just hearing such a thing over a small butterfly and yet..She had refused to let it be hurt when he had almost accidentally crushed. ..A softer smile came to his lips. Until his body froze up. A burning sensation clawing up from deep down below-
You jumped startled hearing the sudden sounds of raspy coughing but was stunned to find Kagaya doubled over so low and far he might fall out of the bench. His hands grabbed around his mouth as painful coughs and gasps wracked his body so much his body shook with each breath. It looked and sounded painful. A shout came from the doorway as Kotoya made his way over quickly. 
"Mr. Kagaya?!" Startled you stood up and held your hands out but didn't touch him. "A-Are you alright?!" You couldn't see his face as his hair hid it from view like an ebony curtain. "W-What's wrong?!"
"Easy there!" Kotoya startled you as he ran around the other side of the bench and grabbed Kagaya around his shoulders as the man gasped for air. "I knew I shouldn't have let you walk out here by yourself! Now look at you. *Sigh* Easy, Son. Deep breaths in your nose and out of your mouth."
"W-What's wrong with him? Is he sick?"
Kotoya nodded. "Yes. He has been for a long time now. I've been praying for the gods to send him aid and they did in the form of you." Despite Kagaya gasping for breath, Kotoya shot a smile at you. "Your parents told me you were an herbalist. Thank the gods he'll have someone to care for him long after me."
You....blinked. "I'm sorry. Did you say that I would be... taking care of him?"
Kagaya's body stopped shaking finally before he slowly leaned back up. Head turning to you. You froze as white eyes stared blindly at you. Half a face covered in old, purpled scars. His mouth still open panting for air as he weakly stared at you. Fat tears stinging the corners of his lashes as you stared in shock at him. Despite your obviously shocked expression Kotoya patted Kagaya on the back with a soft smile. 
"It's ok. You're going to finally have someone to care for you now. You'll be happy finally."
".... P-PAPA!!"
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felice-jaganshi · 6 months
My Fallen Apple
Lucifer X Reader
Chapter 4
The next few weeks are an absolute delight! Visiting Lucifer has become your favorite part of every week. This week however, he's suddenly texting you to cancel your visit. Something about an extermination… you try to ask him more questions, confused by what he means, but he just says not to come today and that everything will be okay once it's over.
You spend the day a little mopey, and your friends question why you aren't gone with your secret boyfriend. You try to explain he canceled on this week's date.
Your bestie pulled you aside.
“Hey, when are you gonna introduce me to him anyways? It's not Adam, right? You're not secretly pity dating the bastard are you?” You practically gagged at the thought. 
“Ugh, no way! Never! I… I don't know if I can introduce you yet. We're not that serious…”
“Not that serious? When you see eachother every week, and sometimes sleep over? Girl, no. Don't let someone play with you like that.” She frowned. “Now i really gotta meet this guy and read him the riot act! If he isn't committing to you, he doesn't deserve you!”
“He's married! Okay?!” You scream back, tears in your eyes. You wait for her to judge you… there's shock for a moment, a look of contemplation.
“okay… so are you their third, or is his partner a bitch? Because you're not normally a homewrecker.” 
“I've never met their partner, they've been missing for seven years, and he's just so lonely and needs a friend. I didn't mean to fall in love!” You start to cry, and she wraps you in a hug. 
“Hey, hey, okay. Everything will be fine. Who is it? You know you can tell me anything.” She smiled, and it was true, ever since you became friends in life, you two were besties.
So, you took out your phone and showed him a selfie you and Lucifer took in the duck pile on your last visit.
She gasped, “oh my god! He's so cute!! Girl, absolutely you gotta get that ring from him. Let me be your maid of honor, please!” You smile.
“That depends, how do you feel about traveling to hell?”
“To… H- what was his name again?” She looked at you with a worried dread.
You whisper his name. “Lucifer…”
“Oh. Oh fuck. How did you meet him?!” She looks amazed, and just a bit afraid. 
“Remember when Adam tried to ask me out? He shoved me out of heaven when I turned him down, and I fell into hell and broke my wings.”
“Oh my fucking god! That dickbag! Nothing happened to you right?! Was your phone broken? I'd come right away if you called.” She hugged you tight again.
“No, nothing happened. Lucifer found me right away and healed my wings. He's really a nice guy, Zariah. He's so sweet…” she pulls out a handkerchief and dabs away your tears.
“I'll absolutely go to hell with you. Whenever you need me, I'll be there. You're my bestie forever. And if he really treats you so well, I'll support your relationship! You deserve a good one after all the shit you got in life. And hey, if you move there, I'll let ‘you-know-who’ know when she gets here. I'll give her your number and everything.” You hug her again tightly. The people you both left behind when you died wasn't a topic either of you liked to bring up.
After the heartfelt confession, you felt much better about your feelings for Lucifer. You could always count on Zariah's support for everything.  However…
“Why did you think it was Adam that I was dating? Come on girl, I have more self worth these days than that!” You laugh, letting her know you're just playing around.
“Oh, because this is the day every year he and a bunch of other angels disappear mysteriously for some ‘heaven mission’. I'm gonna find out what it is one of these days. Guarantee you that! Oh, and my research on serial killers is going so so good .” She smiled cheerfully, and you couldn't help but roll your eyes with a smile. she was so weird, but it was part of what you loved about her.
It was about a week later that your visits to Lucifer returned to normal. You decided to wear something a bit “nicer”. His wife had been gone for 7 years, that sounds like a long enough separation for him to find someone new. And if she couldn't see the value in this man, you'd do it for her! And maybe you'd get to meet his daughter eventually? Your heart fluttered at the thought.
As you arrived in hell, he flew up to meet you like usual only to falter at the sight of your dress. “Wowza! That's a really nice dress becca! Did I promise to take you somewhere and forget?” He grinned, struggling to keep his eyes on your face.
“Oh, no. I just bought this recently and wanted to show it off to my bestie!” You smile and do a little twirl before circling him, “I'm glad you like it.” You wink, and he blushes.
“I… y-yeah, I do.” He became flustered and slowly began his descent to his palace. You followed after, seduction plan phase one was underway!
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itslulabee · 4 months
Participation (Ch.2)
Sharing is Caring
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Kili x OC, Fili x OC (Smut!!)
(part one, part three, part four, part five, part six)
Description; This fanfic is posted to my AO3 as well, it's basically just pure filth with my OC Kaia and five members of Thorin's Company, we're continuing on with Fili ;)
MINORS DNI!! smut!! back off if ur a wee one!!
AN; I stand by the headcanon that Fili eats people out like a man STARVING
Translations for any Khuzdul will be at the end! <3
~ <3 ~
“Well, what do we have here?”
Kaia squeaks in surprise at the new voice, and both she and Kili look over to find the source of the voice.
Fili stands a few feet away, leaning against a tree. He looks down at the two, head tilted slightly.
“Are we having a little tussle?”
Kili scoffs, raising himself onto his elbows.
“No.” He says indignantly, raising his eyebrows at his brother. Fili smirks, and Kili sits back to pull up his trousers, blushing slightly.
Kaia raises herself onto her elbows, looking between the two brothers.
Fili looks back to her, eyes travelling down her dishevelled form. Her skirts are still hitched around her hips, displaying her legs. Fili deeply inhales at the sight of them, before looking over at his brother.
“Well done, Kili. Finally told her you care about her?” Fili asks, his voice tight.
Kili looks at her, and gives her a small smile.
“There wasn’t much talking…” Kaia chuckles, holding Kili’s eyes as he blushed even more. “But I got the gist.”
“Ah, young love…” Fili chuckles, “What would Amad say about you defiling your lady before putting a braid in her hair, Kee?”
Kili scoffs, leaning back slightly. “Amad will be happy I at least found someone... my One. How far have you gotten with that?”
At that, Fili smiles too. He gives Kaia a significant look, and her breath hitches. Fili’s eyes travel down her body.
Kaia watches Fili, before looking over at Kili. She was shocked to hear me call her his One, but her heart fluttered at the thought. She'd had a crush on Kee since the first week of their travels, specifically since he gave her a flower with a blush on his face. And they proceeded to fall halfway down a hill. He was truly one of a king, and she knew she was falling for him. 
Fili's next words brought her back to the present.
“As long as you made her cum, I see no problem…” Fili shrugs, crossing his arms across his chest.
Kili and Kaia are silent. Kaia avoids Kili’s eyes, clearing her throat. Fili stands still, looking between the two of them.
“Wait.... you made her cum, didn’t you, Kee?” Fili asks his brother, eyebrows raised.
Kili is silent, playing with a blade of grass next to him. Kaia looks over at Fili, who is staring shocked at his little brother.
“Kili. We were raised better than that!” His disappointment is palpable, and if it wasn’t for the fact that both princes looked completely serious, this conversation would be hilarious.
“Fee, it’s no big deal.” Kaia states, sitting up. She pokes her foot at Kili, who looks at her in confusion and surprise. She shrugs, looking over at Fili.
The golden haired prince gapes at her. “No big deal?!” He says, incredulous. He walks over to the pair, crouching down.
“Lass, I know you’re used to the way of men. But, as we’ve pointed out, our ways are much different.” Fili says, seriously. “Dwarven women are precious to us. More than any gem. Making them happy is one of the most important things to us! This is why dwarrowdams have so many lovers. Satisfaction is a must.”
Kaia stares wide eyed at him, utterly confused. Both he and Kili are looking at her in earnest, expressions grave.
“I’m not a dwarrowdam.”
“If you are a dwarrows love, then you are practically one of us. You have the body of man, but your soul is made of the same stuff as us dwarves.” Fili nods.
“Now. Let us get one thing straight, ‘ibin abnâmul (beautiful gem). If a dwarf cannot satisfy his One, then she is completely within her right to seek satisfaction elsewhere.”
Kaia stares at him, confused once again. Both Fili and Kili are watching her, eyes urging her on.
“What do you mean?” She asks, breaking the silence that had grown.
“Kaia, it would be my honour to be your lover.” Fill says, taking her hand in his own.
Kaia gapes at him, before looking at Kili.
“Please, amrâlimê.” Kili pleads, taking her other hand in his own. His eyes and words are sincere. “Let my brother take care of you.”
“You’re… you’re okay with this… your brother, becoming my lover?”
“My heart is yours, ghivashel (treasure of all treasures). After tonight, I would be honoured to put a braid in your hair, if you would put one in mine.” Kaia’s heart warms to this, and beams at Kili. The two share a soft kiss.
Fili watches the two, his own smile gracing his lips. Looking at him, Kaia creases her eyebrows.
“You wouldn’t feel weird… or inferior?” She asks Kili, searching his eyes for any sign of discomfort. But, all she finds is love.
“It is an honour to know your lady is desired, to know she is loved by many. I want you to embrace our ways. I want you to never spend a day unsatisfied.” Kili murmurs, reaching his hand up to cup her face.
He shares a meaningful look with Fili. “It would not be odd for us, as we trust each other completely.”
The brothers share a smile, before pressing their foreheads together, before Kili looks at her and winks.
“Plus, we have always shared everything.” He teased, his hand moving to trace along her bare thigh.
“But.” Fili starts, “If you are uncomfortable, or you do not wish to take a lover, or if you do not wish for me to be one of them, that is completely fine.” He brings her hand up to his mouth, kissing her knuckles. “I care for you as my brothers One, nothing will change that. Please, do not feel pressured, sweet girl.”
Kaia is moved, tears prickling in her eyes. The love she feels from both of these brothers is something she has never dreamt of experiencing. She loves them both, in equal measure but in different ways. And she desires them both... 
“I would be honoured to be yours, Kili.” Kaia says, watching as Kili beams, before turning to Fili, “And I would be honoured to have you as my lover, Fili.”
Said prince smiled brightly at her, a dimple forming underneath his moustache braids. He leans forward and presses his forehead to hers. Kili kisses her hand, and Kaia feels her whole body glowing with happiness at this turn of events.
Pulling back, the older Durin prince looks over Kaia’s body. Kaia feels herself blush, her cunt fluttering at his heated gaze.
“Now that we’ve gotten all of that sappy shit out of the way…” Fill murmurs, looking over at his brother, “Let me show you how to properly pleasure a lass.”
Kaia giggles as Fili leans forward and steals a kiss, trailing his lips over her jaw, down her neck and gently bites her shoulder.
File crawls on top of her, gliding his hands over her shoulders, and across her chest. Kaia moans as his fingers touch her breasts over her corset. Fili chuckles into her shoulder.
“Sensitive, are we?”
“Stop teasing me, you fucker.” Kaia groans. Both brothers chuckle lowly at this, and as Fili moves his head down to her chest, Kaia watches as Kili leans back on his elbows, dragging his hand lazily over his crotch. He winks at her, taking his lower lip between his teeth.
The sight of watching him fondle his growing bulge, and feeling Fili drag his teeth over her clothes nipples make Kaia whimper, clenching her knees together to get some friction to her core.
File grabs at the top of her corset, tearing it open to give him access to her tits. She gasps, arching her back. The prince damn near groaned as he eyed her heaving breasts, taking a nipple between his lips. He sucked hard, making Kaia moan and squirm below him. He flicks the other nipple with his finger, his other hand moving to shuck up her skirt even further up her body.
His skilled finger found her cunt immediately, tracing his fingers across her sensitive slit.
“Fili, fuck!” Kaia groans, bringing her fist up to her mouth to bite down on her knuckles.
“Let me hear you, badgûna (lady of my dreams). Tell me what you need.” File groaned around her breast, moving further down her to press kisses along her stomach.
“File please… I need you… touch me…”
“As you wish, sweet girl.”
Fili plunged two fingers into her, pressing into her until he was knuckle deep. She gasped and moaned low, eyes rolling back at the combined feeling of his fingers on her breast, his lips on her stomach and his digits pumping into her.
File scissored his fingers into her, adding a third as her cunt began to grip him harder. She was a moaning, writhing mess as he dropped his mouth lower. Pushing up her skirt, his golden mane disappeared between her legs.
“FILI!” She screamed, as his lips latched onto her clit and sucked, hard. Stars appeared in front of her, as an earth-shattering orgasm hit her. She went silent, unable to form words as Fili continued to suck, four fingers pumping into her pulsing cunt as she came in waves over his face.
Kaia arched off the ground, hand moving to his hair pulling hard as he overstimulated her poor clit. He sucked and licked at her like she was the elixir of life, tasting her and urging her to give him more, he himself groaning as she tugged on his scalp.
Kaia opened her eyes to look at the stars above, vision blurry as her body built up to another orgasm, painfully on the precipice.
She moved her eyes from the sky, travelling across the landscape until they fell on Kili.
He was on his knees a few feet away, slightly hunched over as he fisted his cock. He was red-faced, mouth open wide as he pumped himself hard, his cock red between his white knuckled grip. He watched her writhing body, before turning his eyes to hers.
Immediately, he let out a loud groan, staring her in the eyes as his body shuddered, his cock releasing ropes of cum onto his hand and stomach.
He slumped over, still fisting his cock as he shook.
The sight alone made her cum again. She bit her lip to stop herself screaming out again, arching her back until she could see the world around her turn upside down. Her body erupted, her muscles spasming as she fell into complete bliss.
File gently played with her whilst she came down from her high. Waves of pleasure cascaded through her body like flashes of starlight.
She loosened her grip on his hair, running her fingers through it to bring her back to reality.
“How do you feel, ghivashel?” Fili asks, resting a hand on her cheek. Kaia lifts her own hand up, resting it atop his own. She is sweating and exhausted, but her heart is filled.
Yet, she still was not completely satisfied.
Looking over Fili’s dishevelled person, she noted his half-lidded eyes and rosy cheeks. His mouth is covered in her release, his moustache braids damp. His clothes are askew, his coat pushed slightly down his arms and his shirt slightly unbuttoned, revealing thick golden hair across his pecs. Travelling her eyes further, she bit her lip taking in the bulge between his legs.
“You’re so good with your mouth, madtubirzu…(golden heart)” Fili’s eyes and smile widened at the pet name, unaware that she had taken time to learn some Khuzdul during their journey.
Kaia smirked mischieously, reaching down to grab at Fili’s erection. “…but how are you with this?”
Fili grins devilishly, leaning down to press his lips to hers. His kiss was slower than his brothers, expertly dancing his lips over her own. She continued to grope him through his trousers, and he ran his hands through her hair in response, as he growled low in this throat.
He rises up to his elbows, looking over his shoulder at his brother.
“Are you watching, Kee?” He calls.
Kaia looks over towards Kili, who is now sat reclined against the soil, trousers done up again as he watched his brother and his lover.
“I thought you were going to show me how to pleasure her, Fee, not how to tease her and act like an ass…” Kili chuckled, winking at Kaia. She bit her lip at the brotherly teasing, enjoying their dynamic.
“Big words from a dwarrow who came the second he got his end away!” Fili sniggers, throwing Kaia a wink. Kili goes to say something else.
“Too much talking , not enough shagging!” Kaia groans, glaring good-naturedly at her boys.
Fili looks down at her, mouth open in faux-shock. “Wow Kaia, you’ve got quite a mouth on you.”
“And she knows how to use it…” Kili drawls, biting his lip.
“Alright, alright. She’s right, too much talking.” Fili leans down slightly to grab her by the backs of her thighs. She squeals as he lifts her legs, bending them and pressing her knees to his chest.
On impulse, she tries to shut her knees together, but Fili slides himself between them, trapping himself against her. He grinds his hard, clothed length against her, rubbing against her clit. Kaia gasps, staring up at him with blown out pupils.
Fili smirks at her reaction, nuzzling his nose to hers in a nose kiss. They share a smile, before Fili sits back on his knees, undoing the ties of his trousers.
“You might want to hold onto something, lass…” He groans, pulling out his cock and stroking it at the sight of her splayed out for him.
His dick is beautiful. Slightly shorter than Kili’s but thicker and curved slightly. Fili grabs her hips, pulling her up slightly as he looms over her.
“…I’m not going to go easy on you.” With that, he thrusts into her fully.
Kaia screams, throwing her head back as he fills her instantly.
He starts fucking her hard and fast, hooking her knees around his arms to open herself fully up to him. He sets a pace which is harsh, pulling her up and down his length in tandem with his own thrusts.
Above her, Fili groans and pants, staring down at her as sweat beads onto his forehead. Kaia stares up at him, mouth hanging open as she takes everything he gives her.
His hips hit her own at an angle, bumping against her sensitive clit every time he thrusts into her. Kaia can feel her head spinning and the coil inside her tightening with every punishing thrust.
Fili lets go of her knees, in favour of grabbing her ankles, lifting and stretching them up to place them against his shoulders. He leans down, foldering her in half under him, hitting her at a deeper angle.
Kaia’s vision goes blurry, digging her fingers into his tunic and becoming a writhing mess beneath this beautiful dwarf.
The new position has Fili hitting a specific spot inside her over and over again, bringing her closer and closer to yet another earth shattering end. Fili holds his forehead against hers, his hot breath fanning her face and their own sweat mingling.
Movement catches Kaia’s attention to her left, and she turns her face to watch as Kili lies down next to the humping pair. He watches her face, biting his lip as she smiles at him with a blissed expression.
“My beautiful girl…” Kili murmurs.
Fili continues thrusting into Kaia, pressing his sweaty forehead into her shoulder as his thrusts became more erratic.
“Kee, play with her clit.” Fili groans, his own hands too busy with playing with her tits and grabbing her hair in a vice like grip.
Kili doesn’t need to be told twice, he reaches between them and starts rubbing her clit in figures of eight, nuzzling into the other side of her neck. One of Kaia’s hands detangles from Fili��s tunic to grasp onto Kili’s unoccupied hand, and she feels him kiss her neck.
The coil inside her tightens almost painfully, and she can feel herself on the precipice once again
“I’m- I’m going to-”
“Cum, ‘ibin abnâmu. I want to feel you cum on my cock.” Fili moans, fucking her with abandon.
“Cum for us, Amrâlimê!” Kili pants, sucking on her pulse point and rubbing his hand against her clit.
Kaia does just that. Throwing her head back and letting out a silent scream, she loses herself in her third orgasm of this amazing night.
Kili kisses up her neck, kissing her cheek, her temple, her forehead and then her nose. She looks back down at him, and he gives her a dazzling smile.
Fili lets out a groan from on top of her, and she feels how his cock pulses inside of her as he finishes, filling her up.
She drags her hand through his hair, forcing his head back to look into her eyes.
Blue eyes meet her own, equally blissed out, ones. He gives her a smile, kissing her gently before pulling out of her, causing them to both sigh.
Both brothers collapse on either side of her, taking each of her hands in their own.
Kaia feels Fili’s seed slipping out of her, covering the ground beneath her. She lets out a contented sigh, excited to have a wash soon…
We're all whores here :) thanks for reading, chapter three will be up soon!! First four chapters are posted on my AO3, if you can't wait!
Translations ~
Badgûna – dream girl ‘ibin abnâmul – beautiful gem Amrâlimê – love of mine
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unmotivatedwrit3r · 1 year
One in Eleven Million
damian wayne x reader x jon kent  - ch.1
(A/N): The plot of this is mostly based off of a trip I took a little over a year ago, though there are liberties taken further on. And my memory is kinda sucky so take any airport lingo with a grain of salt. Also, thanks to @glorified-red for helping me outline this while I was heading to the same place this year and also for being my beta reader. 
This is fully written and has been for two months so hopefully I'll post a chapter a week or so? I am also posting this from hawaii so here's hoping a) I get new fic material and b) i've converted the time zone correctly and this posts late EST. 
If you saw this posted yesterday, no you didn’t. Posting across time zones is hard
wc: ~2300
warnings: plane travel; anxiety
Your phone buzzed in your pocket as you stepped off the tram. Above your head, the sign read Terminal B in large letters. The people ahead as you stepped onto the escalator were a couple with matching, brightly colored, floral-patterned carry-ons. 
The notification was a text from the airline. You skimmed it as you walked towards your gate, weaving in and out of internal airport traffic. We're ready to board your flight to Gotham (GHM) at Gate B6 and look forward to seeing you soon! The text was right below the one telling you about yet another delay. A quick check of the time declared that making any detours would cut your arrival at the gate a little close. 
“Worth the risk,” you decided for yourself. “Let's go.” 
The escalator opened into the middle of your terminal, a dozen gates from your destination. Even though the airport you were in was spread out massively, you weren’t too worried. Your boarding group wouldn’t even get on the plane for probably another ten minutes, so you ducked into the nearest restroom before crossing to your gate. 
The time in red on your boarding pass caught your eye. 70 minutes late, it read. Any other day, a delay would have been an inconvenience. This time, the buffer actually ended up being beneficial. You needed it when trying to catch a connecting flight—the second of two on your way home—after one already delayed. Your eye caught on a pretzel stand further down the terminal. You could almost taste the pretzels; it had been a while since breakfast. The usual delicious smells were covered by the perpetual airport scent of stale air and commercial cleaner. If you wanted to get close, you’d have to cross the foot traffic. The voice over the loudspeaker curtailed that hope quickly by announcing your boarding group. You sighed. Next time. 
The boarding line was long and you silently thanked yourself for checking a larger suitcase as your primary luggage. Your only current accompaniment was your airline declared “personal item.” There was no way there would be spots for any hypothetical carry-on by the time you got on board. As if to agree with you, the airline employees over the speakers nudged passengers once again to check their carry-ons. 
Like always, it took longer than it rationally should have for people to display their boarding passes and continue into the enclosed boarding bridge. Your chest squeezed as your seat flashed on the screen. The only seat available and in your budget had been a “B”: a middle seat in the back of the plane. Middle seats were the worst, especially when traveling alone. Too often you’d found yourself next to men (and even women, sometimes) that made you extremely uncomfortable.
You scanned the numbers above the seats as the line in front of you blundered along. Someone’s carry-on bag almost smacked you in the face before the line cleared enough for you to be able to see your row. Your heart sank just a little bit when you spotted the two heads in the A and C seats. No hope for an empty seat on this flight, then. 
When you stepped closer, you could see two men—young adults and not older men, you realized, thank goodness—conversing with each other, both tilted into the middle seat. You hoped, privately, that they didn’t know each other well, if only so they wouldn’t be talking right through you the entire flight. 
“Excuse me,” you said, stopping in front of the row, “I have the middle seat.” 
The boys sat back. The one in the window seat had olive skin and dark wavy hair cropped close on the side, dripping down across his forehead and over his eyes. The other, with lighter skin and fluffy dark hair, stood to let you in. You had to take half a step back to let him out. He was tall. And pretty. Nope, Shut Up, brain. You pushed the thought into the back of your mind; he could be the most homophobic person you’ve ever met, how would you know? 
“Sorry about that, go ahead.” 
“Thanks.” You smiled at the boy before sliding clumsily into the row and landing heavily in the middle seat. You shoved your bag under the seat in front of you and sat up stiffly, shoulders pulled into yourself. The seatbelt dug uncomfortably into your thigh. Silently , you shifted, sliding on the smooth airplane seat, to free it. A few minutes passed in awkward silence as the rest of the passengers boarded. Your headphones were down in the bag you’d just squished under the seat. Was it really worth it to grab them now? Yes, you decided, leaning down to maneuver them out of your bag. The fluffy haired boy spoke across the seats. 
“Damian, I can’t get the app downloaded.” 
You sat back up slowly, chest constricting again. They did know each other. 
The boy in the window seat—Damian apparently—looked up from where his head had been bowed over a book. You couldn’t really make out the words scribbled in the margins, but both the text and the handwritten notes looked like something in the Arabic language family. He put his arm out and the other boy reached across you to place his phone into the outstretched hand. 
“You need to turn on your cellular data for the app store. There’s no internet here.” His voice was low in pitch and quiet. The kind people listened to. Window Seat Boy (it felt weird calling him Damian even if you knew his name) easily unlocked the phone—a red-cased, beat up iPhone—and started rifling through settings. 
The other boy turned his attention to you and you gave an awkward smile. 
“I kinda just realized that it’s probably really annoying to be in the middle of us so did you want to switch with me? Like so every time we talk to each other you’re not in the middle?” 
Your eyebrows raised in surprise. The offer was unexpected, but he looked genuine. You didn’t want to wait for him to potentially change his mind. 
“Yeah, um, that would be good—if you’re okay with that?” 
“Oh yeah I don’t care. I don’t fly like this often enough to have a seat preference. But sitting in the middle of two strangers would probably not be it.” 
Your response huff of involuntary laughter surprised you. He seemed sweet. Your guard dropped a little bit as he stood up in the now empty aisle to let you out. You pulled your bag out from under the seat in front of you and dropped both it and your jacket on the now vacated seat before sliding out and standing up yourself. 
“After you.” You gestured to the empty seat. He shot you a grin before maneuvering more awkwardly than you thought possible into the middle seat. 
“These are so cramped. How do people fly like this?” he muttered, then accepted his phone back from Window Seat Boy. You felt a smile tug at your lips, shoving your backpack under the seat as you sat back down.
“It’s the lack of legroom that gets me. There’s barely enough space for my bag, much less my feet.” 
Now, Middle Seat Boy turned to look at you. His eyes—shining from behind black rectangular frames—were a startling crystal blue. A smile spread across his face and you felt your chest squeeze for a different reason this time. You didn’t even have it in you to reprimand your brain; it really was a pretty smile. 
“Yeah I don’t get it. How is this supposed to be comfortable?” 
“It’s not supposed to be comfortable,” you said, “it’s supposed to make the airlines money.” 
There was a soft huff from Window Seat Boy and Middle Seat Boy’s grin widened. He extended his hand, elbow pressed awkwardly against his torso, before seemingly deciding against it and putting it back down. 
“I’m Jon. And this is Damian.” He gestured to the boy next to him, whose face was once again buried in his book. Damian—now using his name felt less like an intrusion and more like decent politeness—gave a brief nod as he was introduced. 
You stuck your hand out and Jon let out a small laugh as he took it. 
You appreciated that he repeated your name back to you when you gave it to him. Most people just barreled on with their misunderstood pronunciations. 
“Are you heading home?” Jon looked actually interested in your answer. 
You debated for a moment before deciding to be honest. There were over a million people living in Gotham.  
“Yeah, heading back. This is my connecting flight to get home. How about you guys?” 
Jon glanced back at Damian before answering. Damian stayed invested in his book. “He’s from Gotham and I’m going back with him so technically, yeah.” 
“Work trip? Or a personal one?” 
Jon opened his mouth then closed it without saying anything. “Kinda work yeah. We missed our,” he paused as if searching for a word, “original flight so now we’re here.” 
You nodded your head understandingly. 
“Oh that sucks. Hope you weren’t delayed too long.” 
Jon hesitated, wincing as he stretched out his left arm. 
“We weren’t, technically. Was hoping not to have to fly like this, though.” 
You shrugged. 
“This is my usual airline so I don’t have much to say about that.” 
Jon found that funnier than you expected, but you felt a smile crawl across your face as he laughed. The crackle of the intercom interrupted whatever he was about to say. 
“Ladies and gentlemen, this is your pilot speaking. Thank you all for your patience this afternoon. As you know, weather delays kept the plane from arriving here on time and we are happy to finally have you on board. My apologies for the delay in takeoff. There’s been a slight mechanical issue, but we should get it all straightened out in the next twenty minutes so just sit tight. Thank you for your cooperation” 
You sighed heavily, eyes rolling.
“Of course there is.” 
Jon’s worried expression snapped to you. 
Your eyebrows scrunched down in confusion. 
“'What' what?” 
“You said 'of course there is'. Of course there’s what?”
You felt your shoulders relax. 
“Oh, another delay. Almost every plane I take on my own has some sort of delay. Like my last flight was an hour and fifteen minutes behind. And now this one. I just want to go home, you know? I’m exhausted.” 
Jon slumped in his chair. 
“Yeah, me too.” 
He looked exhausted, you realized, eyes decorated with underbags and body slouched into his seat. He was also wearing two sweaters, even though the plane was more warm than chilly. 
“Are you okay?” 
Jon shrugged, smiling. 
“I haven’t uh—I haven’t gotten enough sun recently but yeah.” 
You let out a small huh of understanding and looked out the window open across the aisle from you. It was dark out despite the fact that the sun hadn’t quite set. He wasn’t native to Gotham, you remembered. Cloudy days are the default there, but you knew a couple people who could never make it in Gotham just for that reason. 
It felt weird to put in your headphones and tune out the boy next to you now. Usually, you wouldn’t have thought twice, but you liked him and didn’t want to block him out. Instead, you tucked the headphones back in and pulled a craft project out of your bag, continuing the row of stitches you were on when you put it down at your first gate early in the morning. 
After a moment, you looked up to see Jon watching you. 
“Whatcha making?” He asked, eyes tracing the pattern of your project. You paused, hands stilling mid-stitch.
“Nothing specific really. Just something to pass the time. It’s a pattern I found online a little while back. I kinda enjoy the time on planes and the like that force me to not watch something. Even though technically there’s in-flight entertainment, there’s not too much I enjoy so I’d rather read or something, you know?” You completed the stitch, eyes flicking back to Jon as you tugged it tight. Jon’s head tilted to the side. You had to stop yourself from smiling at the movement. It was cute, a little bit like a puppy. 
“In-flight entertainment?” 
“Like movies and TV shows, whatever the airline puts on it. You didn’t know that?” Jon shook his head. “How often do you fly?” Jon’s eyes widened. For a moment you thought you’d offended him. “I’m not judging you or anything I just—”
“No! No, you didn’t. I don’t…take airplanes much.” 
“Ok well there’s a whole selection of movies on the app, if you have that. This plane has some TV channels,” you said, gesturing to his TV. It was streaming a basketball game, same as most of the others around you. You’d turned yours off before continuing on your project. A quick glance at Damian’s revealed that his was also turned off. “But there’s a better selection of stuff on the app and then you can connect your bluetooth or whatever headphones to your phone and watch with those.” You pulled your phone from your pocket, opening the app and navigating to the entertainment section. 
“See?” You hit the button for the ‘view all’ list and turned the phone to Jon. “You can’t do anything with it unless you’re on the plane but since we are, here it is.” 
Jon pulled out his phone and navigated to the same page you were on, then started scrolling down. 
“This one’s okay but I feel like I’ve seen it a thousand times.” He tilted the phone towards you, display open to a movie from a few months ago. 
“Oh, I meant to see that movie but never got to. Do you recommend it?” 
Jon returned to the main page and shrugged. 
“I think you can do better.” 
You smiled, stuffing your project back into your bag in favor of scrolling through the movie list yourself. 
“Let’s see what they’ve got.”
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i-writes-things · 1 year
Bring You're Kid To Work Day Maria Hill Edition
Maria Hill x (15 year old) daughter!reader
Warnings-NOne, fluff, a sugar rush, giggles, protests, whining.
Extra Pairings:
Avengers x Hill!reader
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Not my Gif*
Steve walked in with a plate of cookies. COOKIES! Maria swiped them from Steve, hoping to hid them from-
"COOKIES" Y/n, Maria's 15 year old daughter shouted from her spot on the ground.
"Oh god." Maria picked her head up, smiling at her little girl. "Yes, my friend Steve brought them for-" She looked at Steve.
"B-both of you guys." He smiled at Y/n.
"Oh my gosh, I have wanted cookies since last week." Y/n shot her mom a quick glance.
"I told you I looked down that aisle four times. How am I suppose to know they are behind a big box of healthy snacks."
"It's their tactic to keep us on a diet. But I've told you about this before."
"Okay, well I can't remember everything. You know that." Taking a cookie and going back to her seat, Y/n says,
"Well you should." And to make sure her mother doesn't hear she adds a quick, "Thanks Steve."
"You're welcome." Steve gives Maria a nod before ducking out and almost instantly someone else walks right back in.
"There she is! The infamous Y/n Hill. If only Maria told us she had a kid. Maybe you'd be an Avenger by now."
"No." Maria butts in, giving Tony Stark a look. "I think Fury needs you, he is on the other end of the hall." She points down the way. Tony hands Y/n a crusty popsicle that he probably found on the ground and leaves the room. Maria walks over and hands her daughter a cookie in exchange for the lolly. She throws it away, despite Y/n's protests. "No, you're not eating that thing. It's not even food."
"Mooooooom!" Y/n huffs.
"Hey, no whining, come on, we're in public. And you're a big girl." Y/n pouts at Maria. "My big girl." She ruffles your hair. Y/n takes another cookie and walked out the door and down the hall. Maria listens from her desk. She hears people greet her and her daughter's laughter as she traveled down the hallway. Hearing Tony again, and Monica, Carol, Wanda, even Vision's, offering her a brownie. And Maria knew bringing her kid to work was gonna be more mothering than work as Y/n walked in with a plate of cookies, a smile and Vision with Wanda on his heels. Come to say hi.
"Hi!" Wanda cheers!
"Mom look what I found!" She showed her mom the plate, offering her one. Which she declines, seeing the chocolate smeared on Y/n's face. She goes to wipe it off, which Y/n avoids, scrunching her face.
"Okay, I have to be at training, 3 minutes ago. She kisses Vision on the cheek and gives Maria and her daughter a smile as she exits.
"I shall be on my way too. Good to see you, Miss Hill." Vision waves good bye to you and your mom.
Over the next few hours it seems you just started to bounce off the walls after finishing BOTH the brownies and cookie plates. With Maria's help, but mostly your own.
"Babe." She held one hand out to you, the other trying to hold herself together. "Please. If you don't specifically need me, don't call my name."
"Mom?" Maria took a breath.
"I don't know I just wanted to say your name"
"That's-" You were now running down the hall saying, as it echoed across the walls,
"Look mom nooo haaaaands!" Running with your arms flailing about behind you. Giggling you ran back into her office running around to jump into her chair, trying to, but fitting awkwardly in her lap. Maria just let you go, knowing you would crash soon enough. And 30 minutes later you were asleep on the ground. Thor had come in to gift you surprise birthday cake flavored pop tarts but you asleep. So he left. Maria wasn't even able to greet him before he was marching back down the hall. He came back in, gently putting a small blanket on your back. Maria smiled. She finally felt how the rest of her colleagues did. She realized that they were all just big family. And they all love Y/n just like she does.
After Thor left again, Maria took a photo of her sleeping baby. She smiled and watched her sleep peacefully. Turning out the lights she left to go talk with her family right down the way.
@ravensinthedaylight @may-z3@youre-a-total--poser
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sanjiluvrr1 · 2 years
Warnings: none
Summary: Luffy falling in love…
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Luffy had always been one to follow his instincts. So when he found himself lost on a random island, he didn't hesitate to explore. He wandered through dense jungles and climbed steep cliffs, all in search of something new and exciting.
And that was when he stumbled upon Y/N.
She was unlike anyone Luffy had ever met before. She was strong and adventurous, with a fierce determination that matched his own. And as he watched her navigate through the treacherous terrain, he knew that she would be a perfect addition to the Strawhat crew.
"Hey!" he called out to her, bounding over a fallen log. "You're really cool! Wanna join my crew?"
Y/N turned to look at him, a puzzled expression on her face. "Your crew?" she repeated. "What crew?"
Luffy grinned. "The Strawhat crew!" he said. "We're pirates, but we're also friends. And we travel around the world, having adventures."
Y/N raised an eyebrow. "Pirates, huh?" she said. "I don't know about that. I've never really thought of myself as a pirate."
Luffy shrugged. "So what do you say? Will you join us?"
Y/N hesitated for a moment. She had always been a bit of a loner, preferring to travel and explore on her own. But there was something about Luffy's enthusiasm that was infectious. And besides, she had to admit that she was curious about this group of pirates who called themselves the Strawhats.
"All right," she said finally. "I'll join your crew. But just for a little while. I'm not sure if this pirate life is for me."
Luffy grinned again, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Awesome!" he said. "I knew you'd be a great addition to the crew. Let's go tell everyone else!"
And with that, Luffy and Y/N set off towards the rest of the Strawhat crew, who were waiting for them at the Thousand Sunny.
As they walked, Luffy couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and wonder. He had always loved meeting new people and going on adventures, but there was something about Y/N that was different. She was strong and independent, but also kind and compassionate. And Luffy found himself drawn to her in a way that he couldn't quite explain.
Over the next few weeks, as they sailed through the Grand Line, Luffy and Y/N grew closer. They would explore new islands together and battling fierce creatures. And as they fought side by side, Luffy couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for Y/N's strength and bravery.
But it wasn't until one particularly harrowing battle that Luffy realized his true feelings for Y/N.
They had been fighting a group of marines, and Y/N had been injured in the fray. Luffy had been frantic with worry, his heart pounding as he watched her fight for her life. And when it was all over and they had emerged victorious, he found himself unable to contain his emotions any longer.
"Y/N," he said, as they sat together on the deck of the ship. "I...I don't know how to say this, but...I think I love you."
Y/N looked at him, surprise evident in her eyes. "Love me?" she repeated. "Luffy, I don't understand."
Well Robin and Nami said that this fuzzy feeling I have whenever I’m around you is called “love”
Luffy took a deep breath. "So I mean, I love you," he said. "Like...more than a friend. I want to be with you…forever.
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