#that happened a few months ago and I'm pleased to report that it's been fine
culmaer · 1 year
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imhidingonceagain · 10 months
Slimeriana and QSMP fans, we need to talk (really, I'm going to talk about a few things).
CW: nsfw
Warning: long post.
At this point I think majority of you guys know what happened with Mariana yesterday (especially because the fliporiana community is small compared to other ones).
I'm gonna write some stuff Mariana said and I'm gonna be explicit about it because I want you guys to understand the severity of the situation (this is your warning):
Context: He was curious to see if people actually posted nsfw stuff about him (and poor boy, he really thought he wouldn't find any).
And I quote what he said after seeing some posts: "No, no, no! Why's Slime penetrating me?!" (He was probably looking at a fanart)
"I'm not doing role like that with Slime anymore. I thought you guys found it funny (he was talking about the sex role in the QSMP) but it only fills your minds with shit"
"I'm gonna say it in English because I know there's QSMP fans who do it as well: Don't draw hentai about me, don't draw us fucking, that's being a pervert, that's wrong"
Some months ago I wrote a post when we got the first warning in regards of this topic.
Mariana and Slime have talked about fanart before and at the time they didn't seem uncomfortable about it (though it seems like Charlie's girlfriend was).
So I wrote: it's not necessary to stop doing fanart about them. Just be careful with what you draw and where you post it.
To me even "suggestive" fanarts are "okay" (but with suggestive I mean the characters looking at each other like they want to kiss each other so bad, that's it). But when and how did that translate to some of you thinking that drawing real people having sex and not only having sex (because there's always ways to show intercourse without being explicit or disgusting) but also showing private parts is okay?
Because it's obvious Mariana saw something super explicit by the way he reacted (because he doesn't get bothered too easily). My poor man was distressed!
And let me tell you something. This is not only about Mariana and Slimecicle. This is a REAL PROBLEM within the fandom. Let me give you some examples:
I love reading fanfiction and months ago I was scrolling through the QSMP section on AO3 and let me tell you something: the amount of fanfiction written about the eggs and their parents in a non platonic way is CONCERNING.
Especially Wilbur Soot's fandom seems to have a lot of rotten apples who think that writing abusive stories about q! Wilbur and Tallulah is fine.
I understand some people write stories like that not because they're crime apologists, but because that's their way to deal with trauma (and dealing with trauma through art is okay). But PLEASE remember that while the eggs are fictional, their "parents" are REAL people.
Use fictional characters, please. Stop writing real people into pedophilic or highly abusive situations. THAT'S HORRENDOUS.
Another example is the following: Some weeks ago people were reporting a Twitter account and I clicked on the account (I personally don't like reporting people without making sure they deserved) and it took me like three seconds of scrolling to see more than 5 Ccs being disrespected (including Slimecicle, Quackity, Cellbit, Roier and Badboyhalo). Explicit Pictures, videos and fanarts were being posted about these creators.
You know what I think? I think Cellbit made his character asexual not only for the representation (it's clear by now that q! Cellbit is a sex positive asexual which is still representation yay!) But because he has been on the internet since around 2011 and he knows how disrespectful people can be. I think he knew that his and Roier's ship was getting too popular and that makes them both unprotected to shit like this.
Sadly, it's clear that it didn't matter that Cellbit made his character asexual, people can't seem to respect that detail about his character and about himself as a real person.
To some people it doesn't matter if the Cc is ambiguous or completely clear about their boundaries, they still don't give a fuck.
Please remember that behind each character is a real person. I understand sometimes you guys want to see your favorite characters fuck -me too, honestly- but for people like streamers that's out of the questions because not only they're real people, but because their work is related to social media and the possibilities of them finding EVERYTHING we write and post about them are super high.
I don't know how to feel. It's obvious that Mariana has not been feeling the same about the server since Juanaflippa died. Maybe this will make him feel even worse about the QSMP but I hope I'm wrong.
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genshindreamer · 2 years
My child, the best?nurse ever!
Aka: They get injured and you "help".
Tw: Burning in Kaeyas, broken bones in Diluc's, Dottore being his own warning, prejudice in Itto's, infected wounds in Childe's, near death in Thoma's, Amputee! Gorou, OOC Dottore (I have no idea how it happened), mentions of reader having ears and tail on Gorou's, light Angst in Scaramocuhe's
Key: (m/n)= Mothers name, (y/n)= Your name
Translations: Baba=Father
I think reader is like 4-7, old enough to know they're hurt. But not old enough to really understand how to actually help yet.
Also thank you guys for almost 300 Followers! I was thinking of adding one these as a new dad for 300 followers. So please let me know who you'd like out of these on the straw poll Whoever gets the most votes gets added!
Voting is now over!
It had been a fairly simple thing, really. Dispatch some Abyss Mages, report back to Jean, coast clear, go back home.
Only these were the types of mages that were kind of annoying becusee they actually had some braincells to rub together.
So your father got a pretty nice burn on his torso.
They doctor figured he could be back out in a few weeks, but when he first got the burn, it hurt like hell!
Your mother was playing his sexy Beautiful Nurse.
Luckily you were there to be the most adorable little Assitant Nurse!
You came home from school and found your father relaxing in his chair after your mother so kindly changes the wraps around his torso.
"Daddy!" You grinned and ran to him.
He smiled and opened his arms.
You jumped into his arms, making him grunt.
"Careful, Snpwdrop, Daddy's still a little tender." He said, looking at you sweetly.
"Sorry..." you pouted and wrapped your arms around him.
Kaeya smiled and kissed the top of your head, wrapping his arms around you.
"Daddy feel better?" You looked up at him.
Kaeya chuckled softly. "Your hugs make it all better, (y/n)."
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Diluc got hurt quite a lot sadly, thanks to him being the hero after all.
Usually, they were just cuts or scrapes.
But everyone In a while, and he gets more seriously injured.
Like in this case, he broke his ankle.
Meaning he was in a cast for a while.
And your mother got the wonderful job of reminding Diluc that "no. You can't fight right now, you're just going to have to trust the KoF"
And you, were her backup.
"Come on Diluc, you can't go out. You're still in a cast." (M/n) said as she pushed him into bed. "Mondstat can survive a few months."
"You sure about that?" He half joked.
"I'm positive. Jean and the others are just as capable, as you." (M/n) said, sitting beside him and tracing patterns on his chest.
He rolled his eyes. "And the Tavern? Who's going to keep Kaeya and Venti from robbing the place?" At this point, he was just looking for an excuse. Grumpy man.
Your mother rolled her eyes and got up, walking away for a bit before returning with you. She gently threw you on the bed and crawled in bed too.
Diluc rolled his eyes but naturally wrapped his arms around you both. "My weakness..."He grumbled.
"I know." Your mother replied, laughing softly.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Again, Zhongli hasn't been hurt in some time, especially when he had his gnosis.
Even now, years after he gave it up, he sometimes forgets that fact and will overestimate his abilities.
And those Lawlachurls are usually when he overestimates his abilities.
Zhongli managed to escape, but not without breaking a couple ribs.
Luckily, he had a cure little nurse.
"Baba okay?" You asked as you walked in to his bedroom early one morning. Well....early for you, your father had been up for hours.
He looked up from his book and smiled a bit. "I am fine, little one."
You walked closer to the edge of the bed and Zhongli glanced over to his wife before back to you. He smiled a bit.
"Anything I can do to help?" You asked sweetly.
Zhongli hummed in thought. "Think you can make baba some tea?" He asked. He had shown you how not long ago, after all, it was a very important skill.
You wandered to the kitchen and, using the step stool, began to carefully make the tea your baba wanted. You knew he had a fondness for Honey in his tea so you guessed the amount he put in.
You then made yourself some too, and took a cautious sip. You made a face but took another sip, and another. You wanted to be just like your baba and that involved you liking tea.
Shrugging, you brought the tea back to your Baba and presented it to him.
Zhongli chuckled fondly and carefully leaned down to pick you up, grunting. You were almsot to big for such things.
He sipped his tea and red, and you tried to follow along with what he was reading, but you were still pretty young and the words flew over your head.
Zhongli smiled a bit. "Would you like me to read to you?"
You nodded and cuddled up, eventually falling asleep to his deep, soothing voice.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
This man is so stubborn when he's injured its not even funny.
He was stubborn before you came along, and after?
He never wanted you to see him be weak!
Which works great until you land on your back wrong. (Old man!)
So he was put out of commission for a few days.
Xiao groaned as he rose out of bed, cringing at the ache in his back. Was he getting out of shape? Or did he just get weak? Why did his back hurt so much? It's not like he hadn't landed on it before.
Granted, it usually wasn't on a very sharp rock that could have impaled him.
You panted out once he finally got sat up just hanging off the edge of the bed. Your mother had gone out to get more medicine for him from Baizhu.
You, being the curious 5 year old you were, opened the door and walked in.
"(Y/n)...you shouldn't be here..." Xiao grumbled but didn't....couldn't, do anything to stop you.
"Baba's hurt. I want to help." You said firmly. You walked further in the room and hopped on the bed.
"Hmg...careful." Xiao grunted out as you jostled the bed a bit too much. He took deep, controlling breaths.
You looked at the scars that littered your fathers presently bare torso, including the new one, located dangerously close to his spine.
You traced them all and Xiao turned to watch you, but didn't stop you.
Finally, you reached the new scar, and his back was all tense and hard where the rest of it was relatively soft.
Hesitantly, you applied pressure and watched your father groan. You remembered watching your mother do this for him yesterday so you began to mimic her motions. Of course, you didn't really help, but you also weren't not helping.
Xiao hissed in mild pain but looked at you fondly. He appreciated the gesture, even if it wasn't nearly as effective as your mother's.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Being a Samurai, or at least, an ex-Samurai, your father didn't usually get hurt.
But that didn't mean it was impossible.
And honestly, he probably deserved this one.
See....he was walking out on some ice and slipped in just the wrong way, fracturing his wrist.
Honestly his pride was hurt more than anything.
Kazuha was sat on the sofa writing poetry to pass the time. Your mother was out tending to her garden when his arm began acting up, causing him to make a face.
You looked up from where you were trying your hand at Poetry with your father (it wasn't going too well).
You got up, wordlessly, and wandered to the kitchen and carefully prepared some tea woth herbs you knew your mom used to help your father, and you brought it over carefully.
"Daddy, I made this for you." You said.
Kazuha turned away and smiled at you presenting a far too large cup of tea, but who was he to scold you for a gesture so sweet?
"Ah, thank you, Bug." He smiled, ruffling your hair affectionately. He sipped the tea. It was a little too strong for him, but it wasn't by any means something he'd reject. You made it after all!
You sat next to him and cuddled up to him. "Daddy feel better?"
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
It's something that rarely happens. He prefers to do bard jobs, but sometimes he'll go with the traveller or the adventures guild.
And this can lead to him getting hurt. Usually though, the wounds fade.
But sometimes, he gets a little more injured.
It wasn't his week to have you, but your mother was out on a date (why did Venti feel jealous?) So he got you.
But he was also stabbed by a hillichurl so he had a nice limp.
"Daddy!" You grinned, running to him. He caught you in his arms and grunted a bit.
"Careful, Birdie. I hurt a little bit." He said, looking at you.
You tilted your head. "Hurt?"
"Yeah." He said, taking your hand and walking with you, trying to hide his limp.
You hummed and once you arrived at his apartment, you pushed him on the couch. "Sit." You ordered.
"Hm? (Y/n), what are you doing?" He asked.
"Daddy hurt and limping. So sit. I'm your nurse." You declared, and Venti let out his signature giggle.
"Alright, Birdie."
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Sometimes, Albedo has to protect his lab from hillichurls. Nothing unusual.
But he got outnumbered and ended up getting hurt pretty badly.
Your mother went to town to get him some medical supplies since they used what they had at the lab.
You stayed with your father
"You need anything?" You asked, looking at where your father was sat on the sofa, holding his side.
Albedo smiled as he looked at you. "I'll be fine, (y/n)." He said.
You frowned at him, seeing how he still clearly hurt. You gently pushed him to lay down and Albedo looked puzzled.
You walked over to the cabinet in the small shack and pulled out the bandaid usually reserved for you, given they had some cute design on them. You walked back over and lifted your fathers shirt up, exposing his abdomen.
Albedo held hurt shirt up and watched as you put your bandaid on his new scab from the sword the hillichurl wielded.
You put the bandaid over it and kissed it, like your father did for you when you got hurt.
"Thank you." Albedo said, laughing softly.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
This man is clumsy as shit, tell me otherwise. I dare you.
So it's not too unusual to see him hurt
However, what is unusual is seeing his reaction to beans.
He was just midning his own business when some jerk decided to just throw beans at him. And then his buddies joined in.
And Itto ran to the safety of home, and his girlfriend.
"Itto! You okay?!" (M/n) said, running to him and pulling the normally big and strong Oni in her arms. She held his trembling form as the reaction worked its way through him.
"Just some beans. Nothing that...won't go away..." He mumbled.
Your mother frowned. Why couldn't people understand her Oni wasn't a bad guy? Sure, he was a little stupid, and maybe even dense, but he just...was so sweet and loving. Just loud, really.
You heard the commotion and wandered out from your room, holding your stuffed Ushi your mother had made.
"Oh no...Sweetie....you probably don't want to see this...." Itto said. Truthfully, he wasn't sure he got the beans fully off of him and he wasn't sure if you were as allergic to them as he was, and he didn't want to find out.
You however, didn't listen to him and made your way closer, seeing your father was lightly burned in some small spots.
You frowned and hugged him, making Itto tense, but he relaxed once he saw you weren't reacting to it. He held you in his strong bicep.
"Daddy okay?" You asked, looking up at him.
"Yeah. I'm much better now." He said. And it was true. You just had such magic little hugs!
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Being a figure of nobility in Inazuma meant Ayato always had a target on his back, especially by organizations such as the Fatui.
He had been walking alo g the beach when he got ambushed by the Fatui.
Thankfully, he managed to take them out, but his usually white outfit was stained by red at his hip where he had been stabbed.
He sat on the bed while your mother, who thankfully had been a medic back in the day, was stitching him up.
He hissed a bit in pain, but watched as you made your way to him. "(Y/n)...you shouldn't have to see this." He said.
You shook your head and carefully climbed on the bed and hugged your father, laying on the bed with him as your mother kept working, a fond smile gracing her beautiful features.
Ayato smiled a bit but didn't squeeze you or anything through his stitching process. He instead ran his fingers through your hair and kissed your forehead.
Your mother smiled and cut the remaining thread and wrapped the wound. "There." She said.
Ayato carefully rolled over onto his back, holding you in one arm and opening the other. "You want to join?"
Your mother laughed softly and wrapped her arms around him, and Ayato held his small family in his arms and gazed at your mother with a loving look.
Hmm....maybe once he heals he should consider expanding the family?
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Being a Harbringer isn't exactly the safest job out there.
Especially for someone as battle hungry as Childe.
So it wasn't unusual for him to come woth a few new scars to add to thr collection.
That being said, it was unusual for him to faint at the door.
"Ajax!" Your mother yelled in surprise in caught her husband before he would have fell.
You watched, whimpering. Did your daddy die? Your little mind just could process.
"(Y/n), cam you grab the first aid kit under the sink in our bathroom?" She asked while she got your father on the bed.
You nodded and walked to your parents bedroom and them into the bathroom, opening the cabinet and grabbing the white box, and wandering back out. "Here mama!" You said.
Your mother smiled and looked over your fathers body for wounds and saw a pretty bay infected one.
"Stupid Harbringer..." She mumbled under her breath.
"What?" You tilted your head.
"Nothing! Nothing!" Your mother chuckled nervously.
She quickly cleaned the wound after draining the pus (ew). She stitched it closed, thankful she had gotten pretty good at patching your fathers wounds.
She threw away what she used and sighed, covering Ajax with a blanket.
You smiled and snuggled into him for warmth, manipulating him so his arm rested over you.
Your mother gave a soft look, watching the scene.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
He was doing some errands around Inazuma, as per usual
That was, until a group of Treasure Hoarders ambushed him. There was so many of them and Thoma was only one man
So for as good of a fighter he was, he got overwhelmed and defeated.
He was lucky that Yoimiya found him.
How long had it been? Was his first thought as he opened his eyes, finding himself in a hospital. He swallowed thickly and shakily tried to sit up, but he gave out, collapsing back on the bed.
"Be careful, Lovie." Your.mother sais, walking over to him. "You've been out for a couple of weeks...."
Thoma went pale. A couple weeks? How were you then? Did you know?
Your mother laughed softly. "They're fine." She assured. "I just didn't want them to see you like that. But since you're awake, I will bring them tomorrow." She assured.
Thoma relaxed slightly.
The next day, your mother brought you to your fathers hospital room, where he was shakily eating some Ramen.
He took one final mouthful and swallowed the noodles before setting the bowl aside. "Come here!"
You grin and ran to him, and he lifted you onto his he'd and kissed your cheek, and you giggled at the feel of his stubble.
"Daddy!" You grinned and Thoma nuzzled you. "Missed you!"
Thoma felt his heart burst with cuteness. "Missed you too." He replied and held you close, squeezing you gently.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Since he wasn't a general anymore, he very rarely, if ever, battled anything anymore.
He just wasn't as limber as he used to be with two prosthetics.
But, sometimes, he'd get phantom pains.
Those days were rough on the poor doggy general.
Gorou hayes the mornings he woke up feeling like his stumps burned. Like he could feel them being sawed off.
They used to happen all the time, but hadn't had the phantom pains in a long while.
His ears flattened in pain, whimpering softly. Dammit. He was so weak...
(M/n) woke uo, and rolled over to look at him. She wrapped her arms around him from behind and Gorou turned to her.
"It's okay." She said softly. "You just relax today, you've earned it." She said, sitting up.
"I didn't mean to wake you..." He said softly.
She just kissed his cheek and got up to make breakfast.
You woke up to the smell of food and frowned seeing your father wasn't making breakfast like usual. "Daddy?"
Your mother looked up. "He's having a rough day. I was going to make his favorite breakfast today, want to help?"
You nodded and helped your mother make breakfast, and you carefully carried the wooden tray of food to their bedroom.
Gorou perked his ears up hearing his two favorite people enter the room, and he saw the breakfast. "Aww...you guys..."
You smiled, tail wagging, as you went to your father and presented the tray.
He smiled and took the tray on his lap and admired the sweet gesture before you and your mother joined him in bed, sandwhiching him in between you two, not that he minded.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Scaramouche thought he knew pain.
But when he went to Sumeru and got his gnosis ripped out from him just after your 5th birthday?
He was lost. Utterly lost.
He returned home, defeated. Weak.
He lost his purpose.
He walked in the door, quietly. He didn't want to wake you guys. He clutched his chest, feeling how empty it was. It was like his heart was ripped from his chest.
Who was he anymore? He wasn't the sixth Fatui Harbringer anymore. He wasn't a puppet cast aside. And he sure as hell didn't deserve the title of 'dad'.
He felt as though he had been reset. Perhaps he had.
He heard footsteps and saw (m/n), the only person to never cast him aside when by all rights she should have.
She didn't say anything, just gave a face of pity and walked to him, wrapping her arms around him and cradling him, running her fingers through his hair.
Scaramouche broke down, crying. Finally letting his walls crumble to ruins.
(M/n) startled before tightening her grip on him and rubbing his back.
"Who am I?" He asked her, although muffled by her soft chest.
"Well, I'm not sure I'm the one who can answer that question, Scara, that something you'll have to figure out for yourself." She said softly.
He sighed softly and held her close before hearing you.
"Dad!" You greeted and ran to.him, and Scara felt his heart skip a beat. He didn't say anything when you approached and joined the hug. He didn't push you away, in fact, he held you close.
Months passed, and Scaramouche's mind was still a haze, but when he saw you wear his old fat, that was, far too big for your head, he gave a fond chuckle as you stumbled to.him, unable to see over the brim.
He gently lifted it up so he could see your face. You beamed at him and Scaramocuhe smiled. Maybe....maybe he did deserve one title.
Next he knew, he felt a weight in his hand and looked to see an anemo vision, and you grinned.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
He wasn't usually sent out in the field, despite being a harbringer. He was far better served in a Labratory.
If he was called out, he usually would send a clone.
But the Tsarista requested him personally to deal with the Traveller in Fontaine, to slow them down.
And he obliged.
Needless to say, the traveller defeated him, not without a few wounds themselves, but Dottore was simply no match anymore.
He managed to find his way back to his lab, thanks to a teleporter he had built in his lab.
You mother had been keeping an eye on his expiraments for him, mostly his test subjects. Series, when she was particularly impatient, she'd remind them that they were locked up with a mad scientist and his equally mad lab assistant. (You really think she'd get with Dottore with a completely sane mind?)
But she turned seeing Dottore appear, clutching his side. It was bleeding, and quite badly. His face was pale, and getting paler by the second.
"Dottore!" She said in surprise but caught him as he stumbled towards her as if drunk. He wasn't in good shape, that was for certain.
She carefully let him use her as a crutch as she got him to a more private part of thr lab. She began to get IV full of various medications attached to him. And one of spare blood.
She waited for the pain medication to kick in before she began to patch him up.
Luckily for her, Dottore made some strong ass medicine. Unfortunately, it made it's subjects higher than a kite.
He mumbled, mostly nonsense about the traveller and how annoying they were, before he finally turned to her. "I missed you." He said.
She looked up, startled. She smiled a bit. "I missed you too." She continued to stitch him up.
He watched her carefully, and sighed a bit.
He stayed silent until she finished. He could feel himself slipping away to unconscious, his body needing to heal.
"I...." His voice was slurring. "I love you...(m/n)"
Your mother paused, turning to him. She wanted to believe what he said, so badly. But...he wasn't in the right state of mind.
"Id love to hear all about it, when you're not hooked up to Morphine." Was her simple response.
Dottore woke up the next day, seeing all the medications he no longer was hooked up too. His body hurt like he had been hit by a meteorite.
He rubbed his head, and the scene from last night popped into his mind. He pursed his lips, but he didn't push the idea out of his mind, either, like he usually did.
(M/n) was special to him, he knew that much. You think he would have had a child with her (or rather, give her a choice if she wanted to have the child?) If he didn't?. But love? A strong word. But the evidence was strong.
He sighed, confused, but looked up as you walked in.
He chuckled seeing you had what appeared to be homework in your hands.
"(Y/n)....what is that you got?" He asked, sitting up a bit.
"Science." You said, pouting. "The teacher explained it funny..."
"Is that so?" He mused. "Why don't you come up here, little one?" He pat the spot next to him and you beamed at the opportunity.
Usually, your father didn't let you get so close to him. Sure, a pat on the head here, maybe even a hug on your birthday, but outright inviting you close? You weren't going to waste the opportunity.
You climbed up next to him and kept a distance, but shyly scooted closer after a moment, shocked he didn't push you away.
"Now, what is it?" He looked at you and you showed him the paper. He read it over. The paper was simply on the science of the water cycle and nature.
Sure, not a field he was known for, but he was a smart man, and in all fairness, you were only 6 so this was basic stuff to him.
He wrapped an arm around you as he explained it to you.
Your mother walked in on the scene and she stopped, stunned.
Dottore looked at her as he watched you write the summery you two had worked on together for the paper. "What?"
"Nothing...it's just..." She stammered
"Not what you expected....?" He supplied.
She nodded, hesitant.
He chuckled. "I suppose that's to be expected. Being away...it made me raise a few things about myself I had been avoiding." He said, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
He then turned to her. "Nothing I said last night was a lie."
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────●
Omg how did Dottore's get so long? I was just vibing I guess lol? It's funny, I always swore I'd hate that man yet I think I actually fell in love with him instead.
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heeseung-min · 1 year
hi i love your writing and the creepiness of the yandere love you do for the enhypen members, would you consider doing a part 2 for this one? (police officer LHS after he murders y/n sister) i just have to ask otherwise if i can use my imagination but would love to see more of your creativity.
Hello, thank you for sending the request and im sorry for answering it late, anyways i hope you enjoy it😁 Part 1 for the story is here [10:34]
"So, do you have any news about my sister?"
It's been like one month since you reported about your missing sister to the police. They did investigation at the places your sister went before she went missing. However, nothing new has been discovered.
At the same time, you also made friends with the new police there, Heeseung. He will always assure you that everything will be fine. Sometimes, he will bring you to the places he need to investigate. You were grateful to have him as your friend.
"Sorry, y/n. There is still no sign of your sister. Our captain said your sister might be kidnapped by someone and got murdered. That's how usually the case will be when someone go missing."
Heeseung said with guilty on his face. He didn't say anything more and waited for you to response. You knew the police had tried their best to find your sister but when there is no any sign or clue that can be used, it's useless.
"Are you okay, y/n?"
"I- I'm not Heeseung. I just wanted to know where is she. Even if she is not alive, at least let me know how she looks like. At least I can prepare a proper funeral for her."
Heeseung pulled you closer to his body so you can cry on his shoulder. Ah, he wished he can always hugging you like this. He frowned a bit when you slowly distanced yourself.
"I will try my best to find your sister, y/n."
"Thank you so much, Heeseung."
You were busy studying at the library before someone knocked the table you were using on. You looked up to see your sister's classmate, Jay. Sometimes both of you talked to each other when you guys see each other.
"Are you okay, y/n?"
"You must be worried about your sister, right? I'm so sorry for you."
He patted your head making your eyes tearing up a bit. You looked to him and smile brightly.
"Thanks for being caring."
"I don't like see you sad. Let's have lunch together at your favorite place."
Both of you ate and catching up with each other. You can see how Jay is trying hard to not make you think about your sister too much. He ensure that you are really okay with everything.
"Oh? What happened to your arm?"
Jay chuckled a bit when looked back to the scratches he got few days ago.
"I got scratched when I tried to feed the stray cats."
"Jeez, you should be careful Jay."
But little did you know, Heeseung saw the two of you. And he really didn't like the sight. Only him that should make you smile that wide or laugh that loud. Only him should make sure you are good and not someone else.
Heeseung: Y/n, we found your sister.
You rushed to the location that Heeseung sent after the text. Your heartbeats increasing and you tried to control yourself. You saw some polices and paramedics on the site. There were few people asking the polices what is it about. You looked for Heeseung and when you found him, his reaction was gloomy.
"Y/n, I'm sorry you had to find her this way."
You looked down at the body bag. Once again, you controlled your breath before opening it and there you saw your sister. Her face was very pale like she has been drowned and there were few stabs on her chest. You closed it after you finally had enough look.
"Did you catch the culprit?"
"Yes, it was her classmate Jay."
You don't want to believe this. No, no no no. That's not true at all. You don't want to believe that the man who is so caring towards you will be the one who caused you nightmare. You turned around when you heard a scream.
"I didn't kill her!!!!! I swear!!!!"
"You can explain it at the police station."
Jay looked at you. He was shocked and scared when he saw disappointment on your face. He can see how you were being hesitant to take one step closer to him.
"No, y/n. I will not do that. Trust me!!"
"Can I really trust you?"
You watched him became speechless and brought inside the car. The paramedics also had took your sister to the hospital for investigation. Heeseung brought you inside Jay's house to show where they found your sister's body.
"We came here to get his statement but then the dog smelled something at his backyard and begging us to dig it. There was where we found your sister."
You followed him into the house and keep walking into the basement. There, you found the room creepy. There were many pictures if your sister and few pictures of you. Some of the pictures has been crossed out on certain person in the picture. You also saw of your sister clothes. You wanted to throw up. This can't be real. There is no way that all of this is real.
"The forensic still investigating but what my team can conclude that Jay abducted your sister and killed her in here."
"I-I I can't believe this."
"I know. We were shocked too. The forensic found his DNA on your sister's nails and that made us really confirm that he is the culprit. She must tried to escape from Jay that time by scratching him."
You suddenly remember the conversation between you and Jay the other day about the scar on his arm. That made you disappointed more on him and furious.
Heeseung hugged you when he saw you wanted to cry. He let you cry on his chest for few minutes while caressing your hair gently.
"Thank you for helping me find my sister, Hee."
"Anything for you, Y/n."
Ah, he loves playing as a hero. Especially for you. Now, he finally get you and pushed everyone else from your life.
It's not that difficult to fabricate everything.
Especially when you are a police.
I hope this part do good, thank you so much to those who read my story. I really appreciate you guys. Taglist: @stacey-stonem @duolingofanaccount @huggyuvita @obsessed1with1straykids @rinbowaman
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trust-m3 · 1 year
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News reporter: sorry for the urgent news break but this afternoon an unknown cases of people getting murdered has been reported.
News reporter: Victims who witnessed the crime stated that the murderers they saw are people who had pass away years ago.
News reporter : although we don't have that much evidence of what are the victims have been seeing for the past few months but Various professionals are still researching what is the cause of this uncanny situation, we will get back to you as soon as we have the answer.
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News reporter: we advise everyone to please stay indoors, as well as keeping the doors locked, shut the windows and– ca-- [REDACTED]
News reporter: --1- an- Don't trust anyone–----
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Juza:Muku are you okay?
Muku: we're all gonna die...
Muku: we have no hope it's all over for the three of us..
Juza: For the last time muku we're gonna be okay-
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Muku: we can't survive just by staying in this house, how many days have we been here? IT'S BEEN 3. DAYS. JUCHAN AND NO ONE HASN'T COME HERE TO SAVE US
Muku: what if it's really..... The end of us
Muku: If- if they're going to kill us, they should kill me first im- I'm just a useless bits of fried up flour that was left in the oil fryer-
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Juza: Muku- muku calm down we're not gonna die, stop thinking about that.
Juza: If we believe in eachother everything will work out easily, trust me
Juza: if no one's coming to save us then we can by ourselves. We're stronger than you thought muku
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Kumon: Listen to niichan muku, even if things are getting a lil freaky outside our home we'll stick together no matter what.
Juza: Kumon's right muku, don't lose hope
Kumon: and everything is gonna be fine because your best cousins are here to make you smile again!
Muku: Juchan... Kyuchan....
Juza: muku we've all been through the same situation as you muku, but we got to beat them up think about yourself too, aunt sakisaka will surely be proud of you if you stand for yourself so cheer up.
Muku:....thanks juchan :')
Kumon: hhnngghff hate to break it but I'm kinda hungry tonight I've eaten all the canned food earlier
Kumon: we should have bought some groceries before this happens
Juza: None of us wouldn't know this will happen kumon.
Kumon: i know niichan, everything just happened so quickly, like everyone turned to zombie
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Muku: Uuuuuuuwaaaa ma-maybe they're actually zombies!
Kumon: but... Zombies eat not kill- AH! Or an Alien invasion!!?
Kumon: Wha- i wouldn't let that happen to you muku! I'll protect you from them!!!
Muku: th-thank you kyuchan im glad you're here with me
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Juza: mmhhnnm
Juza: i think i still have a few sweets stored in my room, lets just eat that for tonight
Muku and kumon:!?
Juza: you guys wait here im going to my room
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Juza: Tadaa~
Kumon and muku:!?!?!?!!?!!!
Kumon: As expected of niichan!
Kumon: You even have energy bars! This is good
Juza: yeah..
Juza: But we can't just eat this everyday I can't let you guys get sick because of me again.
Muku: this is enough for the both of us, me and kyuchan.
Juza: but still
Juza: I have to go out there and get food
Kumon: niichan!? you can't go out there alone in the middle of the night! We'll go with you
Juza: no. It's not safe for you two to go out there
Kumon:niichan it is dangerous out there, please reconsider this!
Juza: kumon didn't you said, i am strong and can beat everyone's asses in 1 second
Kumon: that is not the point niichan- there are strange things happening in this world, This is different!
Juza: don't worry i can defend myself, besides i got our lucky baseball bat here
Muku: Juchan i know i said something earlier but please, don't risk your life just for us
Juza:...if you guys are that worried, then I'll stay here with you guys instead.
Kumon: thank you niichan, we won't be complete without you.
Juza: don't worry I won't leave you two alone
Kumon: hehe, anyways let's go munch this up! Im starvin'!
Juza: yeah, let's eat.
Muku: uwa! Juchan also had my favourite chocolates!
Kumon: I'll eat these energy bars, muku do you want some?
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the-firebird69 · 4 months
Fmr. President Donald Trump arrives in Lexington for fundraiser
This is the idiot and he went to Lexington Kentucky but it's this message about our son's wife and he does it all the time to him and her son says it's fine but you died like 75 times this month and we're only halfway through the month and if you can't keep track of it gee that's real surprising and people do have numbers like 73 and it went around cuz they're arguing the number and he said could you please and things like that and he's a huge huge p**** right now it's running around town trying to drum up support against our son to have people fume against him and bother him and his clones don't want to do it no they do so they're getting eliminated. And then they find them they go after them and he is putting them out it's been happening all afternoon though just for the hour and they're getting killed and people need to know and it is not a small thing and it's not a bad thing for us it is dangerous and these guys are going people like George Stephanopoulos a preparing to leave Florida and bringing their whole troop and they are understanding that this place is hell for their people and it started to get worse and these people are nuts and we don't think that they'll pay our son a dime but we're seeing it because when he's dead and people be imitating him and they will not be as huge of assholes about it and we're going to use it they're very clan and a lot of them will be claiming to have done it.
-that brings us to an important topic. It is Warhammer 40K and it's going around they think his time is at hand and it is because the robots and people are going down and they're going to find out their Giants there and that the idiot has been telling people that and then find out that they're Trump's Giants it's coming across the radio waves now and they're saying they're pretty big and there's quite a few and and it's going to be a battle and everybody is prepping and to shut them down
-we want a major victory today we won a major victory and it was our son telling all these assholes and saying I don't get any of my money at all from them in any way and it's absolutely true they don't get him anything and we heard them laughing totaling and saying rude things this afternoon after he announced what's going on with the class actions and they said just sit up and stuff and send it for what you're a little giants so what people find them this afternoon and dispatch them because your attitude is so horrendous and inside I'm laughing at you because you're so stupid and the guy goes around telling people he's saying this and people going to dispose of them and he's saying it out loud and trunk caught up to him and said what are you talking about he said this guy said they're going to destroy the Giants it's kind of saying it and he says it's his dream to mess us up and he stopped talking and he said just don't talk about it y'all want us dead already too late too late because the guy said okay and he stops and about 50 people are asking him what he's talking about and it was at the library and he started to cough and shake a little and couldn't help but he was saying and it was horrifying for him he's telling him he'll be eating up and use this fuel and starts screaming it and his father came by and said what are you saying I told you to shut up and it would not stop and it got really bad about 20 minutes ago and this a****** is back and he would not stop telling his son to shut up in public and the sun says I have to say something you're not going to let any of us live you have these Giants and they're doing your work and you say that they're the ones loyal to you and they shouldn't be and he's trying to break into this dance and he's telling on them saying they suck and yeah he has his own Giants and it's the same business the same modus motif and everything and it says what are you going to do with yours and he says to eat yours up and they're coming for you now and they're having a war. No they know about PGA and he has Giants too but these guys are fighting up front and think they can get things rolling and they're probably going to try and take over DC pretty soon and it is coming up real fast
Thor Freya
They look like the characters quite a bit and the Simpson grounds have been brought up quite often and people are going after them and there's going to be a war out there as well and it's going to happen real quick
0 notes
awakeshedreams · 3 years
sugar and spice ( 1 )
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pairing : resident bad boy!jjk x model student!reader
setting : highschool!au x stepbrother!au
summary :
a messy highschool!au x stepbrother!au where model student reader who has quite a few dirty little secrets sees her world take an unexpected turn when her mother comes home one day with an engagement announcement, to the father of none other than the school's resident bad boy.... Jeon Jungkook.
genre : smut, for laughs, kinda pornish, slow burn with collosaly overwhelming sexual tension
rating: soft m ( for now ) due to adult content
warnings : unconventional relationship of sexual nature, tropes and clichès, teenagers partaking in porn-esque activities, made up things with made up people happening in a made up world, don't like don't read XD
wordcount : 2.3K
a/n : i've been fighting in a long standing war and I have lost. the man known as jeon jungkook had his foot on my neck for years and today, I have finally submitted to my fate and surrendered to his reign.
yes. after a hundred years, i'm writing again. specifically, writing for bts. particularly, writing for jungkook. its been a long time coming.
life just took over and I transitioned into an adult and kind of grew out of the state of mind I was in before. but. sigh. jeon jungkook has been tormenting me the whole time. it was only a matter of time before i relapsed honestly.
so here I am again. in mind, body and spirit, a different person from who I was before but still the same in the sense that with the way bts have my whole heart, jk will always be the demon in the corner of my room that I invite to bed for a cuddle even though it's (probably really) not good for me.
do not misconstrue. I love him more than I can say. but. sigh. he has me in a chokehold, loves. please try to understand where I'm coming from.
anyways, enough with this ranting. you all came here for the nitty gritty so let me not hold you hostage with my dilemma rambling any longer. here's to the first bts fic i've posted in literal years. introducing- sugar and spice.
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Unless they told someone, no one would have been able to guess it.
At school they were complete strangers.
She was the nice head girl with a clean record, all smiles and straight A’s. He was the mysterious bad boy with a track record, all tatted up with bruised knuckles.
She wore plaid skirts with neat pleads in them and pastel sweaters with bows at the collar. He wore jeans with rips in them and leather jackets with studs.
They couldn't have been any more different.
As far as anyone was concerned, they existed on two extreme ends of a vast spectrum.
What they didn't know was that they shared a dirty little secret.
You were a girl with many dirty secrets.
For instance, you used to sell nudes online. It was a side hustle you did.
Not because you needed money.
Your mom was a renowned doctor so there was more than enough of that in your life.
Not because you needed validation from people online either.
Even without the constant compliments and the praises you knew you were visually blessed with a pretty face and a nice body too.
All things considered, you simply thought you had a nice pair of tits and you took pictures of them sometimes.
Posting the shots you snapped online came much later when you heard about this website where people were getting paid crazy money for posting racy things.
‘It’s just so degrading…’ It was one of your friends, June, who sneered, pretty nose scrunched up. She fixed her long ponytail and rolled her brown eyes while looking in the mirror at her locker. ‘Who would do such a thing, am I right?’
She said this, but June was the girl who has slept with more boys than she could count on her two hands. And those were the ones she told you about.
Like every other time, you said nothing. Even when it carried on to lunch with the rest.
‘Pretty desperate if you ask me.’ Mei the stellar track runner shrugged casually as she stretched her limbs like routine.
‘Where are their parents?’ Nina the library nerd shook her head in disapproval as she fixed her glasses so it sat right on the bridge of her nose.
‘Um… I don’t think it’s … appropriate… to talk about ….’ Kiko the one who always carried a cross and bible around mumbled into her sleeve.
All your friends spoke of it in derision and repulsion of course. This was a school for proper children so they were proper girls. At least they were supposed to be.
Regardless the conversation sparked a curiosity in you.
So you made an account and uploaded your first picture. Nothing bizarre. Just your tits in a pretty lace bra.
You made sure to keep your face out of the frame because that was the smart thing to do and you were nothing if not the smartest student in school.
In all honesty, you weren’t expecting anything out of it. In fact, in between work with student council and tutoring your juniors with finals right around the corner, you even forgot about it for an entire month.
It was by a complete whim that you decided to open the app while you’d been unwinding at your desk following a tedious day at school.
To say you were amused by the response you found waiting for you would have be a grave understatement.
You were staring at the four figure digit that now sat in your bank account.
Reading through the comment section was even more interesting.
There were all sorts of people there who had all sorts of things to say. Ranging from honestly sweet to downright dirty.
You had never been brought to tears laughing in her life before until then.
It was just so funny to see people misbehave and lose their minds over a pair of tits.
From then on it just sort of became a thing.
But that wasn't the worse of your secrets.
You were making a name for yourself on the crude web months later.
The next step was naturally to move from making taking pictures to making videos. Since you was already in too deep you didn’t see why not.
So you upgraded and opened another account. An amateur one where your touched yourself for an audience.
You were no prude.
You might have never been touched by a boy before but you had touched yourself plenty times. Stress and frustration came hand in hand with being head girl. Since you couldn’t quite vent it out at the annoying troublemakers at school, this was your second best option.
Third was watching porn, but that was mostly when you were extremely bored.
But that wasn’t where that little endeavor ended.
Later on it became a lot more risqué.
It all started when your mom hit you with a marriage announcement.
She met a guy on her business trip who she really liked and she was convinced he was the one.
Your mom had a tragic history of being a bad judge of character.
You’ve had this conversation at least five times since you became old enough to understand that boys and girls who were just friends didn’t kiss and sleep with each other.
Most times, it felt like she was doing it because she thought you needed a dad around.
You might have once, when you were younger and your mom was too busy with work to be there. But she worked from home these days and you were soo busy with school to worry about things like that.
This time it was like she was doing it for her. You were glad.
Your mom looked genuinely happy when she spoke about this guy.
Who were you to get in the way?
She spent almost the whole weekend in the kitchen. It was the longest you’ve seen her in there in your entire life.
She was excited for the dinner on Sunday.
Mr Jeon was the name of the chosen man.
He was coming over with his kid. A son, his only family. His wife passed away years ago.
You wore the dress your mom picked out for you, something cream in color and off the shoulders that brushed your knees. She looked pretty in her champagne dress. It was different from the office slacks and loose blouses you were used to seeing her in.
You stood by her at the door while the guests came through.
Lifting your head from a polite bow, you found herself staring straight into an achingly familiar pair of glinting dark eyes and went completely still.
‘Sweetie,' Your mother said sounding delighted, a soft hand on your stiff shoulder. 'This is Mr Jeon and his son Jungkook.’
Ah. Fuck.
‘Jeon dear, this is my daughter. Isn’t she lovely?’
Dinner was a mild affair, with small talk and the occasional clinking of cutlery on fine china.
From the outside looking in, you probably looked the picture perfect family already.
Only if no-one looked close enough.
Arms crossed, tongue in cheek. Your discomfort could be detected from miles away.
The two adults were oblivious.
The dark eyed boy with the slightest wave to his nape touching, brow grazing, ear covering onyx hair sat across you though; he took note of this with a passing glance and wordlessly returned to his food.
Jeon Jungkook had a countenance that betrayed his reputation.
Even though you’ve never talked, you knew plenty about him and you were sure he knew a lot about you too.
You went to the same school.
Dressed as he was in a crisp white dress shirt buttoned at the wrist and dark tailored pants with a fine belt on, it might have been hard to tell what kind of person he really was.
You lifted her gaze from your plate to look study him wordlessly, idly twisting the noodles with your fork.
People either called him the black sheep or the dark cloud but for you, Jeon Jungkook was the school’s resident lone wolf.
He smoked in the secluded areas on campus, sometimes playing his guitar. Beat up people who got on his nerves, sometimes using his guitar. Slept in class the rare times he was there, many times on his guitar.
Being his senior, you had never seen any of any of that for yourself. But you received plenty reports weekly to come to a sound conclusion.
There was no way people hated him enough to join hands in solidarity and make this all up.
It was quite the contrary actually. He had an alarming number of fans.
On the surface level you couldn’t see why. Most times you saw him, he looked bored out his mind and honestly, intimidating.
Maybe it was the tattoos. Or the ripped skinny jeans. Or the leather jackets with studs.
Maybe it was the domineering height and fit frame and structured face.
Maybe it was the intense dark eyes or the silky ruffled hair.
Even then, you failed to see the irresistible appeal in him. All those things that made him up only added to his unapproachable aura.
Bottom line was, he was bad news.
You didn’t want to be a spoil sport.
But how much of a thug your mom’s boyfriend’s son was shouldn’t be something that would make her like him less.
They were both their own people. Right ?
It was just that you just didn’t want her to be shocked and devastated if something happened later. When it happened.
Yet it seemed the serious conversation would have to wait.
After dinner your mom suggested you head to the living room to chat over wine and cheese.
You stayed back to do take out the dishes.
Earlier, your mom had stood to do it instead at first.
‘Don’t bother with that, dear.’ She reached for the plates in your hands. ‘Let me do it.’
‘It’s okay, mom.’ You smiled a little. ‘This is your night. I’ll meet you in the living room.’
'Sweetie...' Your mom looked close to tears. ‘But there’s so much of it…’
‘Jungkook,’ his father's voice had cut through the moment. He was a serious man in a crisp suit with a stoic countenance. His voice was just naturally authoritarian without him trying ‘Give her a hand.’
Jungkook stood, almost robotically.
‘It’s fine.’ You said. Politely. Nicely. Tightly. ‘I can handle this much.’
You left without another word.
That had been moments ago and now you were done with cleaning.
You stood at living room entrance for a while, taking in the scene.
The two adults were exchanging moon eyes and whispering in each other’s ears at the love seat.
Jungkook was sitting on a solo seat, but he was on his phone, completely unbothered by what was happening.
Your mom seemed to think it was the perfect time to pull out the photo album right then and there upon seeing you.
It was embarrassing but at least you knew you didn’t have to worry about the pictures spreading at school.
Jungkook was looking, picking up a picture occasionally to rove over, but he wasn’t the type to do that.
He also wasn’t the type to stare but you felt his glance shifting to you and lingering multiple times.
Once, you caught his eyes and he just stared at you across the coffee table wordlessly with a curious tilt to his head, idly flipping a picture of you dressed as a knight in glitter shining armor for Halloween at eight in his hands.
Honestly, it was starting to get annoying.
But you endured. For your mom’s sake.
Your alarm went off at exactly ten.
As subtly as you could, you excused yourself with an apology to the guests, saying you weren't really feeling well.
In hindsight you probably should have used a better excuse.
Your mom was notorious when it came to worrying, especially when it comes to your health.
Also, you probably should’ve locked the door before undressing just for good measure since people were over.
But in the moment, you were too busy setting your camera up where you were kneeling on the floor at the foot of the bed to be concerned about that.
That day you were testing out a new toy.
Distractedly, you took note of a couple of people asking you if that was your boyfriend’s shirt you had lifted over your tits.
You ignored them.
Couldn’t a girl own an oversized tee without getting any flack?
Trivial comments like that aside, a good majority of the audience are fawning over how wet you were and how perfect you bouncing tits look being played with.
Your head fell back and your eyes fluttered shut.
You were sitting there, knees raised to your chest and legs splayed, your gushing pussy in full display where the toy was stuffed deep into her tightness, vibrating pleasantly.
‘I’m close…’ you mumbled throatily, squeezing your tits and pinching your stiff nipples in between your moving fingers. You moved your hips move faster, feeling the toy buzz against fluttering walls. You took a hand off one of your tits to rub at your engorged clit. ‘Fuckfuckfuck…’
Deep in your high, you didn’t hear the door open and close with a foreboding click.
You only heard your name being called by a deep, smooth voice through the heady haze.
Instantly you stilled.
When you snapped your head to look over her shoulder Jungkook was there, hands in his pockets, leaning against your doorframe with his sleeves drawn up to his elbows, muscle roped, inked skin on full display.
When he tilted his head to the side a little, appraisively, you dared to say as a quaking chill ran down your spine and your entire body felt like it was about to burst into flames, a bit of his hair fell over his face.
His eyes were like two black in the dark as he took you in, dragging his gaze up and down your exposed body languidly.
In the back of your mind, you wished the ground would part and swallow you whole.
‘Your mom,' he starts, capturing your attention wholly, dark gaze finally flickering to your face, his voice suddenly lower, hoarser. ‘She sent me over to check on you.’
It took you a moment to realize where you were, who you were, who he was.
It was like a bucket of cold water had been dropped over your head.
Jeon Jungkook, the school's resident trouble maker, soon to be your step brother, just walked in on you fingering yourself in in front of a recording camera.
Well. Yeah.
You gulped.
You were royally fucked.
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depending on the response I get I might ( most probably will ) delete this. not because I'm ashamed of my work. because I'm embarrassed of myself. I really swore to never write again and here I am. sigh. yes, I have seen my previous works and noticed just how terrible they were and this is a big reason why. so sorry for putting you through that. a million apologies.
also, that's right. I have adopted a new style which might not be to everyone's liking. another reason why.
anyways, if you liked this filth ( i know it seems mild but I can tell you it's very likely gonna get worse ) please idk uh... fuck this isn't ao3. hm.
like and drop by in the ask box if you liked it and want to see more. it makes me happy. its like serotonin fuel to me.
have a nice day. see you next time ( maybe ). stay fresh. yeah. 💜💜.
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mamabearcat · 3 years
Body guard AU and sick/injured prompt with Inuyasha x Kagome pairing please! 😊
I LOVE your fics! Instinct is my all time favorite and my go to for an Inuyasha sick/comfort fic ☺️
Aw, what a lovely thing to say Nonny 😘 So I've gone starlet Kagome and bodyguard Inu for this one. If you like the idea of Hollywood couple inukag, you should read The It Couple by @meggz0rz
Okay, let's do this! I'm gonna put this one under a read more because there's mentions of stalking and shooting and suicide from a fan.
"I got a bad feelin' about this one Kagome. Stay close to me, okay?" he muttered. They could already hear the cheers of the crowd as they approached the theatre.
"Inuyasha, it's going to be fine", she whispered, squeezing his hand. "Besides, I'm always safe when you're around, aren't I?" She grinned at him, her face lit up with a teasing smile, blue grey eyes alight with mischief.
He let out an irritated huff, but squeezed her hand back, adjusting his head set, checking in with the other security staff, his eyes already scanning the crowds through the tinted windows of the limo provided by the studio.
As her personal bodyguard, he'd advised Kagome against coming to this premiere, but the studio had insisted, saying that they would work with the police and double down on security to make sure their newest star was safe.
For the past few months, ever since the trailer of the movie had come out, the fan mail she'd been getting from some sicko had been getting weirder and weirder. At first it had just been badly written poetry, then letters of adoration. When they'd escalated to dick pics he'd begun opening her fan mail for her.
He was glad she hadn't seen the last few letters. She was nervous enough without seeing the evidence of having a dedicated stalker. A slightly blurry polaroid of her out jogging, another of her laughing while she was out having coffee with her agent Sango, a third of her sunbathing out by her pool. And then last week, a press photo of her with the eyes stabbed out, with 'blind love conquers all' scrawled across it. The last one, received only two days ago, mentioned a suicide pact. All those letters had gone straight to the police before she saw them, even though he'd told her the situation was serious.
She never left the house now without him by her side. He wouldn't trust anyone else with her safety, he couldn't. He could tell she was frightened, even though she put on a brave face. The studio knew what was going on, that she had a serious stalker, but they still wanted the photo op, saying it was important for her to be seen on the red carpet with award nominations coming up.
At first Kagome, Higurashi had just been another job. But over the months they'd become closer. Shared secrets and stories about their childhoods. Bonded over both losing their fathers while they were only children. He'd grown to care for her so much that it frightened him a little. He didn't know what he'd do if anything happened to her.
With one last squeeze of her hand, he exited the car on the side away from the red carpet, helping her out as she adjusted her dress, a long sleeved, high necked sequinned shift dress, short enough so that those long toned legs of hers were on display, but not so short that her ass was hanging out. He was surprised the studio had let her get away with wearing something so conservative, but she'd said Sango had arranged this outfit especially for her.
He herded her along the red carpet, past the group of screaming fans as she smiled and waved, the flashes from the cameras reflecting of the bright white and silver sequins. Even though he wanted to be glued to her side, he could see the studio executives gesturing to him to move away so the press could get their shots without him in frame. Just a little bit further. He could see the spot where she was meant to talk to reporters just a little bit further up, a spot away from the fans. They were nearly there.
"Kagome, I love you!" screamed a voice. He heard a click. He was reacting before he'd even made the connection, his hand reaching out.
The bullet passed through the centre of his palm and straight into Kagome.
There was another shot, and more screaming from the crowd, this time full of fear. Before anything else could happen he picked up her limp form, crouched down over her as he ran towards the theatre auditorium, past the yelling reporters and the camera crews, past the studio executives. He could hear the police talking on their radios, saying the shooter had shot himself at point blank range, but at the moment all he cared about was Kagome.
"Here, over here!"
There was a paramedic over to one side, thank fucking Christ.
He gently laid her down. There was blood all over her. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't breathe. He moved aside so the paramedic could cut through her dress to assess her injuries, using his uninjured hand to smooth the hair back from her pale face. She opened her eyes and his heart throbbed.
"Don't talk baby, just stay still. Don't move."
"Inu, it's okay", she whispered, and he realised he was crying. Her voice sounded forced, and she was taking shallow little breaths. He was amazed she was talking at all.
"Kagome, please, baby, just-"
"She's going to be okay", the paramedic said with a relieved sigh. "I don't know who insisted you wear a bullet proof vest tonight Miss Higurashi, but I'm pretty sure they saved your life. You've got some pretty bad bruising though, maybe even a fractured rib, so I'm calling an ambulance, alright? And sir, I'll need to attend to your hand, most of the blood was yours."
"Inuyasha, you got hurt?!" Kagome's eyes filled with tears, and she tried to sit up, both the paramedic and Inuyasha gently pushing on her shoulders to keep her down.
"It's okay", he said, his eyes shifting to the paramedic with a warning glare. "Just pack it a little and bandage it up." The paramedic's eyebrows raised slightly until Inuyasha muttered "youkai healing", and then he just nodded.
Inuyasha thrust his injured hand out, so Kagome couldn't see it, focusing all his attention on her. He could see she was in a lot of pain, and he wanted to distract her.
"So, we're gonna have to thank Sango once you're okay huh? She's the one that organised the vest for you?" Kagome nodded, blinking away tears. "I am so gonna pamper you when we get home", he said, kissing her forehead. "Anythin' you want."
She gave him a strained smile.
"What if... what if I wanted just you? Just my Inu?"
Her hand reached up to stroke his cheek, and he couldn't help the tears that he'd barely been able to keep at bay. He moved his mouth to kiss the centre of her palm.
"You sure about that sweetheart? Because, if you say that, I might never let you go."
She giggled then grimaced in pain, panting a little, then smiling.
"Sounds perfect to me."
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In which, Luke develops feelings for Matt’s little sister. 
Luke Alvez x Reader, Brother!Matt Simmons x Reader
Warnings: fem!reader, sibling banter, cm level of case details/violence, mentions of death, guns and gunshots, lots of pining, mentions of pregnancy and birth, kissing.
Category: fluff with a little bit of angst 
Word Count: 3.5k
Author’s Note: combined this request and this request to come up with this :) 
The phone rang at what felt like quite literally the crack of dawn. “What?” you groaned when you picked up. “Where are you?” your brother’s voice filled your ear from the other side of the phone. 
“In bed, where else would I be at..” you pulled the phone away from your ear to check the time “5:56 in the morning?” 
Matt chuckled, “do you know a girl named Jenna Parker?” he asked. 
“I do, why ? Oh god, you're not cheating on Kristy right ? I swear if you’re calling to lie for you Matthew, I'll-” he cut you off.
“Shut up y/n and what did I tell you about calling me Matthew? I’m not cheating on Kristy you idiot, Jenna was killed last night” you sat up in bed, “What ? I saw her at dinner last night” 
“Stay where you are and get dressed. Agents will be at the hotel to collect your team for questioning” he told you. 
“Matt I had nothing to do with this, you know that right ?” 
“I know, standard procedure. I’ll see you later” he hung up. 
You dragged yourself out of bed and got dressed. Jenna’s face kept reappearing in your thoughts, she had only joined your team recently and she was an absolute sweetheart. She was telling you how excited she was to join the team last night at dinner. 
A knock on the door broke your thoughts, you unlocked it assuming that your brother had come to get you. 
This was most definitely not your brother. 
The man at your door had dark brown hair and tan skin.Something about his eyes made you want to stare into them forever, they were a soft brown mocha colour. He had a piece of paper in his hand, his finger ran across the page, “are you.. y/n?” he asked you 
“I am and you are?” 
“Agent Luke Alvez, I’m with the BAU. I’m here to pick you up for questioning” 
“Oh yeah, get me one second” you turned around and headed back into your room, Luke followed you in. “Ever heard of privacy ?” you picked up your phone and a sweater. “Oh sorry, I can’t let you in here by yourself until we processed you” he explained to you. “Lovely” you pulled on your sweater, he motioned for you to head out of the room. 
You stepped out first, he shut your door as the two of you walked down the hallway. “Your last name is Simmons ?” he looked over at you as you got on the elevator. “Mhm hm” you pulled your phone out to text your brother. 
To Matt: On my way now. Your friend is weird. 
From Matt: Who’s my friend ?
To Matt: Handsome guy with the pretty brown eyes, think his name is Luke 
From Matt: stop objectifying my friends, I'll see you soon. 
Luke didn't say anything else to you, the drive to the station was quiet except for you conducting your own little interrogation. 
“How long have you worked for the BAU ?” you looked out the window, 
“About 2 years now. How long have you been swimming ?” he rebutted. 
“My whole life” 
It did occur to Luke that you might be Matt’s little sister. He knew how proud Matt was of you and your swimming career, he also knew that Matt was supposed to see you this weekend while you were in D.C for training. After all, the sweater did say Simmons on the back, it couldn’t be a coincidence. 
Luke walked you into the station, the rest of your team was already there. “Hi, you must be y/n” a tall woman came up to you, she had short brown hair and she looked remarkably good considering how early it was.
“That would be me” you smiled at her, “you are?” she stuck her hand out for you, “Dr. Tara Lewis with the BAU” you shook her hand. 
“Nice to meet you Dr. Lewis” “You too”  
Tara excuses herself from you, Luke walks you over to a waiting area. All the girls were separated for obvious reasons but with nothing else to do, you figured you’d irritate Luke. 
“Why can’t I see the rest of my team?”
“Standard procedure” 
“And what is this standard procedure ?” 
“It’s-” “Stop harassing him y/n” your brother said as he walked into the room. 
You stood up and gave him a hug. It had been so long since you last saw your brother. 
“Hey you” he gave you a good squeeze, “hey” you smiled at him. 
Matt led you to a room and you took a seat at the table. “I can’t do your questioning because I'm your brother but I'm leaving you in good hands” Luke and Tara walked in a few moments after. “You’re leaving me with pretty eyes over here ? I might just get distracted and forget what he asked” you chuckle, Luke looks away but you manage to catch the blush you comment caused. 
“Behave y/n, I'll be back later” Matt kissed the top of your head before walking out. 
Luke and Tara sit across from you. “How did you meet Jenna ?” Tara asked you, “she was on my swim team, she joined a few months ago” 
“Were the two of you close ?”
“Not really, we didn't hang outside of practice but we got along” 
“Is there anyone that would have a reason to hurt Jenna ?” Luke asked this time. 
You paused, something Jenna had said to another one of the girls cause caught your attention a while back. “Not that I know of but apparently someone had broken into her apartment a while back. She was telling one of the other girls and I heard them. She moved from there though” 
“Do you have the address ? I’ll have Garcia check if she filed a report” 
“47 Park Street, not sure what unit was hers” you drummed your fingers against the table. Tara’s phone rang and she excused herself before stepping out of the interrogation room. Luke was also on the phone but he stayed in the room, you took a moment to really look at him. He wore a black button up that fit him far too well for your liking, his hair was messy but not like he had just rolled out of bed, more like his hands had been through it a few times. His tongue ran across his lips while he talked on his phone. Luke's hands rested on the table, he spun the pen on the table around a few times before getting off the call. 
God were his hands pretty, the things you’d let him do to you with those hands
“Y/n ?” Luke’s voice broke your thoughts. 
“Do you know if Jenna was seeing anyone ? A boyfriend maybe ?”
“Um no boyfriend but she was seeing a girl she met through our coach” 
“Oh okay, do you know her name ?” 
“Erica, uh her last name started with a G ? I’m not really sure” 
“That’s fine, thank you. I’ll be back” was all he said before stepping out of the room. You watched as he walked out, he stood by the window talking to some skinny guy. 
Your definition of the perfect man was Luke and everything he seemed to be, but you doubted that anything could happen between the two of you. He seems to be ignoring your glances and your flirty remarks all morning. Matt was the other issue, never would he ever let you date anyone on his team, let alone one of his close friends. 
“Alvez!” Tara shouts as she meets him up by the suv “Hey, need a ride ? I'm headed to the crime scene” he asks her, she nods before getting in the car. The drive was quiet, Tara kept glancing over at Luke and snickering. 
“Okay c’mon, what is it ?” 
“You keep looking at me funny, what happened ? something on my face?” Luke runs his hand over his face, Tara shakes her head. 
“Tara, what is it ?” 
“Luke, you’ve got a crush on Simmons” she laughs. 
“Matt ? I don't have a crush on Matt”
“No you idiot, y/n. You have a crush on y/n” 
“What? No I don't” 
Okay maybe Luke did have a tiny crush on her but Matt would never approve of him dating his little sister and he wouldn't let a crush affect his work life. 
“Alvez, don’t act stupid. I know I wasn't the only one noticing the glances between you two, I saw them since the two of you came in this morning. And that ‘pretty eyes’ comment ? she totally made you blush” Tara chuckled, “she’s into you dude, and you’re into her” 
“She’s Matt’s sister Tara, I’m not gonna do that” 
“So what if she’s Matt’s sister? She’s her own person. Matt doesn’t control her Luke.” 
Luke just hummed, Tara did have a valid point. Y/n was a grown up, she can make her own decisions. So what if Matt was mad at them ? 
God Alvez, what are you thinking ? That’s his sister, you couldn’t do that to him. 
Luke pulled into the hotel parking lot. He followed Tara inside but he wasn’t paying attention. He was there but he wasn't really there, his mind kept wandering back to y/n. 
Oh how he envied Spencer in that moment, he knew that he wouldn't remember how y/n looked exactly when he first met her but he’d keep that memory for as long as he could remember it. Her shuffling feet, her messy hair and her sleep laced voice, she seemed like an angel on earth to him. 
“Kid?” an older man shook your shoulder gently. “Hm, what is it ?” you stretched, you must have fallen asleep after Luke left. “you can leave, maybe get some rest when you get back to the hotel” the man chuckled, and you smiled at him. 
“Thank you,” you looked at his badge, “Agent Rossi” you finished your sentence. 
“Please just Dave” he smiled and opened the door for you, you stepped out of the room. “You’re Matt’s sister aren’t you ?” 
“That would be me” 
“He’s outside. He should be able to give you a ride back to the hotel, if not, I'm in here” Dave told you. 
“Thank you, it was nice meeting you” 
“You too kid” he patted your back and headed in the opposite direction. 
You walked out of the station to see your brother and Luke standing by the suv talking about something. “Hey ugly” you poked Matt’s side, “hey tiny” he hit your arm playfully making you pout. “I’m not tiny” 
“oh but you are” 
“shut it Matthew, I need a ride” 
“Where to ?” 
“My bed bro, Dave said I could leave” 
“You’re on a first name basis with my colleagues?” 
“Jealous that they’ll like me better?” you raised your eyebrows and held back a laugh. 
“Oh yeah totally oh my god, y/n please don’t take my friends from me” Matt said sarcastically while giving your shoulder a little nudge. 
Luke chuckled at the both of you and your banter, it was sweet how close the two of you were.
Your sweet moment was ruined by the sound of bullets hitting the suv. Matt’s first instinct was to wrap his arms around you, Luke stood there with his gun drawn and no one in sight except you and Matt. 
“What the hell was that ?” Luke asked, he stepped back taking a look around once more and turned back to you and Matt. “Are you okay ?” Matt asked you with his arms still around you, you nodded. “Are you okay ?” you asked him but your eyes were on Luke. Luke noticed your look and gave you a little nod, “I'm fine, let’s get you back” 
Luke left you and Matt in the parking lot with the keys to his suv before heading into the station to get Emily. Matt drove you back to the hotel, you sat in the parking lot with him for a while, Matt was showing you pictures of the kids and how big they’ve gotten. You had yet to meet the newest addition to the Simmons family, the little one that has yet to be born but it’s like the baby is already here. Matt was so excited even though this was the 4th time Kristy would be giving birth.
“You’re going to be okay ?” Matt asked you as he walked you to your room 
“Yeah, I'll be okay Matt” 
“You know what to do if you need anything right ?” 
“Yes Matt, I'll call my super cool FBI agent for a brother to come rescue me” you laughed making Matt roll his eyes.
“That’s exactly what you’ll do, now you’re sure you don’t want to come back to my place ? Kristy and the kids are at home and I’m sure they’d love to see their aunt” 
“Hm, maybe. Let me get my stuff ?” 
“I’ll help” 
Matt walked into your room and helped you gather your things before heading back to the suv and driving you to his place. “Babe!” Matt called as he walked into the house, “Shh the kids just went down for a nap, they were playing outside all day” Kristy told him, giving him a hug. 
“Is the case over already ?” she asked him, he shook his head. 
“No, just had to bring our guest over” 
Right on cue, you walked in with your bags. “Hey pretty lady!” you pulled Kristy into a hug, “Hey you!” she hugged you back, well as best as she could considering she had a huge bump right now. “Ready to pop yet ?” you laughed with your hand on her belly. “Just about, I told him no more after this one” she gave Matt a look and he just shrugged. 
“I can’t help it, you’re just so-” Matt started but you cut him off
“Gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, I don’t wanna hear that” 
Matt and Kristy laughed at your comment, Matt headed back out to work while you helped Kristy make dinner for your little rug rats.
Luke sat in the conference room when Matt came back. “Hey man, where’s your sister?” he glanced at Matt, “she’s at my place with Kristy and the kids” he told him. Luke let out an ‘oh’ that sounded rather sad. 
“You okay man ?” 
“Oh yeah, I'm fine” 
“Then what’s with the sad look on your face ?” 
Matt sat across from Luke waiting for his answer. Luke contemplated if he could tell Matt what was really on his mind or if he should make up something. Would he be mad if I liked her ? The voice rang through his head over and over again.  “She’s her own person. Matt doesn’t control her Luke.” Tara’s words came back to him. He should just tell him how he feels, he doesn't want to lie to him. 
“Is your sister seeing anyone ?” Luke blurts out much more awkwardly than he’d expected, Matt gave him a weird look. 
“I don't think so, why do you ask ?” Matt looked over at him 
“Oh just cause the case, gotta cover all the bases” Luke lied 
“Are you sure that’s the reason you’re asking me about her ?” 
Did Matt know ? No, he couldn't know. He played it cool. Oh what was he thinking? Tara figured it out, Luke’s sure Matt did too. 
“What do you mean ?” Luke avoids Matt’s stare, instead he busies himself with the papers scattered across the table. 
“You know exactly what I mean Luke.” Luke’s eyes met Matt’s, Luke knew that Matt knew and he couldn't bullshit his way out of this one. “Come on” Matt stood up, Luke mirrored his actions. “Where are we going ?” 
“Just come with me” 
The two men walked out of the station and got into the car. They were now 15 minutes into their ride and Matt has yet to tell Luke where they're going. Luke looks over at him, “I know you like her” Matt says quietly. “I do” Luke replies. 
The rest of the drive is silent, Matt pulls into his driveway. 
“Tell her” was all Matt said to him
“Tell her what?” 
“Tell her you like her, you both deserve happiness. I trust her judgement, she always did know what was good for her and you, I trust you with my life man, I can trust you with her” Matt told him before getting out of the car. Luke stayed in the car for a few minutes gathering his thoughts before headed into the house. 
“Hey” he smiled at Kristy who was in the living room, she looked over her shoulder and smiled at him. 
“Hey Luke, how are you ?” 
“I’m good, how are you ?” 
“Very pregnant” she laughed, Luke chuckled making his way over to her and gave her a hug. Kristy knew why he was there, Matt wasn’t the only one with profiling skills in the house. 
“She’s in the backyard” Kristy gave Luke’s hand a squeeze, Luke had an amused look on his face as if Kristy wasn't supposed to know about his crush on y/n. Luke whispered a thank you to her before heading to the backyard. 
You sat on the swing hanging from the tree, you had been there when Matt put it up. Kristy had a vision of a swing from her tree and Matt being the husband he is, made her vision a reality. The sound of footsteps filled your ears, too heavy to be Kristy or the kids and too light to be Matt’s, you look up to see Luke standing in front of you. 
“Hey there agent, here to arrest me ?” you stick your hands out in front of you, the blush you saw this morning was back. “Kidding Luke, what’s up ?” you asked him, he leaned against the tree watching you swing back and forth. 
“Just wanted to see how you were doing after this afternoon” 
“Oh the parking lot thing ? I'm fine, are you okay ?” 
“I’m good too” 
Silence filled the air, you swung back and forth on the swing while your feet dangled above the ground. Luke stood in front of you, his hands on the rope stopping you from swinging again. You looked up at the man who was looking down at you. 
“I came here to tell you something” Luke says.
“I’m listening” you look at him.
“I like you” he admits.
“That’s cool, I like you too” you reply casually.
Luke gives you a look, only then did you realize that he meant he liked you, as in he was attracted to you and not he likes you as a friend. “Oh you like like me?” you said making Luke chuckle, “yes y/n, I like like you” he admitted to you. 
This whole scene made you feel rather childish in some ways. Your older brother’s friend was towering over you while you sat on a swing like a child and he admitted he had feelings for you, especially after you asked if he “like likes’ you. 
“Well for your information, I don’t like you” you said rather bluntly. Luke’s smile dropped from his face. “Oh okay” he turned on his heels and made his way to the fence, you sat on the swing and realized he wasn't coming back towards you. 
“Luke!” you shouted as you ran after him, meeting on the front lawn, he stopped and looked at you. “I was only kidding” your hands cupped his face, “I do like you, a lot.” you admitted. 
“Do you like like me though y/n?” he asked seriously. 
“Yes Luke, I like like you” you rolled your eyes playfully. 
Luke pulled you closer to him by your waist as he leaned down towards you. You were on your tiptoes, his hands on your hips to hold you before you toppled over. Luke’s lips met yours right as the sprinklers on the front lawn turned on. 
The two of you stood on the lawn, the sprinklers soaking your clothes without a care in the world.
All you could think about was Luke. 
taglist: @aaronhotchnerr​ @mac99martin​ @aaron-hotchner187​ @luke-alvez​ @iconicc​ @tclaerh​ @lieberhers​ @pumpkin-reads​ @ssa-holmes​ @katexrichardson​ @sluttytears​ @thelukealvez​ @scandinavian-punk​ @haleymalaffey​ @sunnymulti
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floating-mid-air · 3 years
The Princess of all Saiyans
Hey Everyone! It's been a while. My life's been kind of hectic the past couple of months. Long story short: I Graduated from Highschool this year, so I was busy with everything having to do with that. Then my summer job sadly prevented me from writing as well. And then I started College, which was a big change for me. For now, there are no more chapters in my life opening or closing. Now I'm finally in a place where I feel comfortable continuing this book again. I could've honestly been writing during all of this chaos. But I wouldn't have been pleased with the quality of my writing. I'm really excited to get back into the swing of things. I don't think this chapter panned out the way I originally planned, but I'm still happy with it. As always, I hope you enjoy it. And if you have any comments or concerns, feel free to let me know. My inbox is always open!
Chapter 11
You've been walking for quite some time now, and the experience has been excruciating. You haven't been in this much pain since you and Raditz were on planet Telia, ten-something years ago. Those damn underlings were able to get a good sneak attack on you. Though you can't say, you let them get away scot-free. You made sure to make their entire dreadful race pay for that injury. You and Raditz had covered up that incident, much like you're doing with your current injury.
"So---" You can hear Goku talking to Krillin from just slightly left of you. "Did you guys find the senzu beans?" Wow, Kakarot may be the least subtle creature you've ever encountered.
"Ya." Krillin chuckles. "All four of us were in pretty rough shape." Goku glances at you with a worried look on his face. You glare at him as Raditz eyes the two of you skeptically. He knows something's off between the two of you. Maybe something serious did happen while you and his brother were trapped together. 
A bit more time has passed, and you've been trying your best to keep up with the others. But it isn't as easy as you thought. You're now trailing behind the rest of them, with Raditz turning back to look at you every so often. The largest Saiyan slows down to catch up with your slower pace, now walking beside you.
He turns to you, whispering in a low tone. "Something's off." Raditz can no longer stay silent about his concerns. First, it was the strange vibes between you and Kakarot. And now it's your out-of-character demeanor making him uneasy.
"About what?"
"You. Typically you walk beside your brother, and when he doesn't let you, you make sure you're always only a few paces behind. But right now, you couldn't be more content to trail everyone. Plus, you're far too confident to not be in the very front." Raditz has been around far too long for your liking. Damn him. He knows you far too well, and you hate him for it.
You roll your eyes at him. "So this conclusion of yours is based on the way I'm walking? I'm tired. When I fought, Burter, that physically drained me. And then I got trapped in a ditch with your moronic brother, that mentally drained me. I'm exhausted, Raditz." 
"It's not just the way you're walking. It's your mannerisms as well." He points at your side. "Your hand hasn't moved from your side from the moment I first saw you."
"God, Raditz." You scoff. "Stop overanalyzing everything."
"Getting defensive now? That's your M.O whenever you're hiding something." He looks back and forth between your face and your hand that has remained glued to your side. The gears in the older Saiyan's head slowly but surely turning. " Y/N, are you hurt?" 
"No." You snap your eyes shut, biting your lip hard enough to draw blood in an attempt to suppress a wince of pain. "I'm fine."
He tilts his head at you. "Y/N, I know you claim otherwise, but I'm not stupid. I know you're in pain."
You chuckle softly in a self-pitying way. "Am I that easy to read?"
Raditz shakes his head, smiling to himself. "No, I've just known you for a long time now." He returns to his serious demeanor, his gaze returning to the area of your wound. "How bad is it?"
"I barely feel it at all. Though, climbing out of that ditch must have reopened the cut."
Raditz snickers. "You're a bad liar."
"That's strange. I've been told in the past that I'm quite good at lying."
A smirk spreads across Raditz's lips. "Well, you apparently aren't when I'm involved."
The larger Saiyan glances at the back of your brother's head. You respond with a glare, firmly pulling on a large chunk of his hair. You know what Raditz wants to do, and it's not happening. "Don't even think about it."
"I-I think we should tell him Y/N."
"No." You let go of his hair, tapping his chest with extreme force. "You're going to keep your big mouth shut. Vegeta will freak out. You know how irrational he gets."
Raditz decides to let you have your way--- for now. The man can't help but wonder why you're so stubborn, but then again, his nature isn't much different from yours.
With every minute that passes, your condition only seems to worsen. Your eyes even start to droop. "Y/N?" Raditz turns to you, his features beginning to fill with worry. He places one of his large hands on your forehead. You're burning up. "You have a fever. Your wound must be infected."
"No." You shake your head in disagreement, almost like a child. As your mental state becomes more and more delirious. 
"Vegeta!" Raditz shouts, gaining your brother's attention.
"Fuck you, Raditz! You're such a blabbermouth!" You shout at the larger Saiyan in front of you.
"What's wrong this time? Is my sister trying to pull you into another one of her elaborate schemes?"
"Y/N's hurt--- bad." Vegeta's eyes widen, and not even a millisecond later, he rushes to your side. "She has a fever. I think her cut is infected."
"Where is it?" He crosses his arms at you, noticing your hand placed firmly on your side. He moves your hand out of the way with ease, lifting your armor. "How did this happen?"
"Burter nicked me during our fight. It's no big deal."
"No big deal? It's infected, you stupid woman!" He turns his attention to Kakarot. "Did you know about this?"
You snicker. "Oh ya, Vegeta. I get hurt, and the first person I run to tell is Kakarot." Vegeta's fists clench at your sarcastic remark, turning his fit of rage back at you.
"You know, in certain situations, you're more prone to infections. And a planet like Namek checks all of the boxes! You know you need to be more careful. Damn our mother and her faulty genetics!" Sadly that's a trait you had inherited from your mother. On most planets, you'd be fine, and injuring yourself would be no big deal. But Namek has specific conditions that result in you being more vulnerable. 
"Raditz, pick her up." Raditz picks you up, giving you a piggyback ride. You wrap your arms around his neck, giving yourself better balance. Vegeta glances up at you. He looks even madder than usual. "With the condition, you're in, you will not be fighting. You will stay away from Jeice, and you won't even enter the same proximity as Ginyu. Do you understand me?"
"No!" His voice booms, gaining the attention of every creature for miles. "I'm not kidding around. Do you understand me?"
You bite your lip, tilting your head downwards, avoiding your brother's gaze like the plague. "Yes, Vegeta." Vegeta returns to the front of the group, his mood sourer than ever.
As Raditz begins to walk, he starts talking to you again. "Are you mad at me?" You don't verbally respond. Instead, you claw into his shoulders, your nails digging into his flesh. "Fuck. I'll take that as a yes."
"You're a tattletale."
Raditz chuckles. "No wonder why Vegeta babies you. You'll thank me for this later, you stubborn woman. And I've kept your secrets before, handfuls of them, actually. Like what happened on planet Telia----" Raditz realized the grave mistake he had just made, mentioning that incident in the presence of the very being you worked so hard to hide it from.
You slap the older Saiyan upside the head as Vegeta turns backward, a scowl plastered on his face. "What happened on plant Telia?" It was a rhetorical question, mocking both you and Raditz. "Oh, the three of us will be discussing this in length later. Because it sounds to me like you both lied to me on that initial report." You and Raditz gulp, you've heard that tone from your brother millions of times now, and it has never once become any less terrifying. 
"Oh, lighten up, Geta." You groan. "That was like, what? Around thirteen years ago?"
"The amount of time that has passed matters very little to me. As I said before, this is a discussion for later."
A few more hours have passed, which honestly feels like days at this point. And considering Namek's strange day cycle, it very well could've been. "How much farther?" Your question was clearly directed at Vegeta. And at this point, you're not even sure he has any idea where you're headed either.
"I don't know why you're the one complaining." Raditz huffs.  "You're not the one doing all of the walking! And if you ask him that one more time, I'm going to drop you." Ok so maybe, that wasn't the first time you've asked that question today. Or the second, or third, you're very bored. 
"Man Raditz." You roll your eyes, which are barely open at this point. "You sure complain--- a lot."
"You were just complaining." The long-haired Saiyan grumbles. 
"No, I simply asked Vegeta a question. There's a difference Raditz. I know it's hard for your feeble mind to understand." When you're sick, you tend to act, oh what's the word? Bitcher than normal. And that's saying a lot.
Raditz clenches his jaw. "Vegeta. I need a break from your sister."
"That's how I felt ninety percent of the time I was stuck in a room with you, Nappa, and Cado. And you didn't see me running to wine to Frieza about it."
Before Raditz can retort, your brother interjects. "That's enough! From both of you!"
Krillin, Gohan, and Goku have identical bewildered expressions on their faces. Krillin turns to Vegeta, lowering his voice to a whisper. He doesn't want to be the next victim of your wrath. "Do they always fight like this?" The human finds this perplexing. Back on Earth, the pair seemed inseparable. They appeared to be the Saiyan equivalent of what on Earth would be considered best friends.
Vegeta lets out an exaggerated sigh. "Yes, but typically it's more playful in nature. When my sister is sick, she becomes even brattier than usual."
Vegeta's warning to both of you seems to have fallen on dead ears. Because your quarrel has not ceased, in fact, it has only elevated. "I will drop you, you royal brat!"
"I dare you to you second-class runt. I could still kick your ass even in my delirious state. I wouldn't even have to try very hard."
"I'm considering----"
Before Raditz can even get three words out, your bickering is once again interrupted, and not by the person you may think. "Enough!" Gohan shouts. You honestly forgot the others were here for a moment."If you two keep fighting like this, you're going to get all of us killed!" You and Raditz stare at the boy in shock. It's been a long time since the two of you have been yelled at by a child. The last time being when you were children yourselves. Vegeta hasn't changed much since childhood. He's been bossing you around and shouting at you since you were children, but I'm sure that's not very surprising. 
"Ya, and I can take Y/N---- if you need a break." Goku rubs the back of his neck, chuckling sheepishly. "Not that I want to hold Y/N or anything."
"No." You rapidly shake your head. "Raditz, I'm sorry. I'll be good now--- I promise."
A wicked grin spreads across Raditz's lips right before he grabs your hands with his larger ones. He loosens your grip around his neck, moving your body with ease, scooping you up into his arms. Every step Raditz takes toward Goku seems even more antagonizing slower than the last. Until he's standing directly in front of his younger brother. He elevates his arms slightly, dropping you right in front of an unsuspecting Goku.
Lucky for you, Goku has sharp reflexes. That allows the Saiyan to catch you easily. Raditz look's his brother dead in the eyes, his typical arrogant grin still on his lips. "She's your problem now, Kakarot." Raditz gazes downward to look at you. "Stop pouting. Maybe next time, you'll be nicer to good old Raditz."
A low growl echoes in the back of your throat as you glare daggers at the Saiyan standing before you. "Ya, or maybe next time, I'll rip out your tail and strangle you with it!" The only thing that's stopping you from lunging at Raditz is Goku's firm grip holding you in place.
Rather than arguing that the entire group has become accustomed to, the whole area has become dead silent. You're no longer pouting. Instead, you are glaring at the man who continues to carry you bridal style. You've never liked being held like this. It makes you feel weak like you have no control over your own body.
What makes you even more irritated, Is how Goku reacts to your death stare. He just grins at you. Does he just never get angry? What kind of Saiyan is he? It fills you with so much anger that someone as dopey as Kakarot has Saiyan blood flowing through his veins. 
You clench your fists. You just wanna punch Kakarot so badly. He just has such a punchable face. If you could take away his cheery personality, he'd actually be quite attractive. Wait--- what the hell are you thinking? Kakarot is stupid and way too friendly for you to ever think of him in that way.
 You move your fist up, finally giving in to your urges, attempting to punch the man holding you. Probably not your wisest moment, but your brain isn't functioning normally right now. Goku catches your hand with ease. His reflexes are unreal, or maybe this fever has you more sluggish than you believed. You'd prefer to think that it's the second option. He chuckles to himself. He's still not upset. What the hell is wrong with him? "Come on, Y/N. You gotta be quicker than that." He's challenging you. How Saiyan like of him. You seem to always be able to find specks of Saiyan nature in the cheerful man. And those are the aspects you actually like about him. 
Your eyes begin to once again feel heavy as your eyes droop shut, just before you fall asleep in the arms of your enemy. 
Twenty-Something Years Ago:
You're sitting on your bed, sitting crisscrossed, a book laying open on your lap. Since your father is currently off-planet, you can read all you want. You're enamored with your newest book. It's all about a topic referred to as diplomacy. It's fascinating and has many concepts that are entirely foreign to you, yet at the same time, some of these ideas are also familiar. 
As you read, your door slams open, but you pay the interruption almost no attention, not even bothering to look up from your book. Honestly, the unwelcome intrusion has you more angered than anything else. "God, Vegeta." You roll your eyes. "Haven't you ever heard of knocking?" Something's not right. When Vegeta usually bursts into your room, he's automatically shouting at you.
Out of pure curiosity, you look up from your book. However, standing at your door, you don't find Vegeta. A boy with a very similar appearance but with a much smaller stature stands in your door frame. He's out of breath, desperately huffing for air. "Tarble?" You furrow your brows at your brother, launching off your bed to get closer to him. "What's wrong?" You have this sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. Your twin has never behaved in such a manner before. 
"Captain--- Captain Ginyu is here." Tarble is shaking, his eyes watering slightly.
You scowl ever so slightly. "But Ginyu's not scheduled to be on planet Vegeta any time soon." 
"It's--- It's a surprise visit. What do we do, Y/N?"
You contemplate for a moment before your features fill with alarm. "Tarble? Where's Vegeta?"
His lip quivers as he looks down at the floor. "He's with Captain Ginyu."
"Damn it." You mutter under your breath. Diplomacy is a skill you need right now. And Vegeta doesn't have a single quality that a diplomat possesses. Your elder brother is more likely to unnecessarily provoke the Captain, putting your entire race in hot water with the Frieza Force. 
You rush over to your bedside table, rummaging through the drawer. Once you have your scouter in your hand, you run back over to your brother. "Stay in here, and use this to channel our father. Let him know what's going on." You push past your twin, about to leave, before Tarble's voice calls out to you.
"Wait, Y/N!" You turn back to look at him. "Where are you going?"
"I have to go stop our older brother from doing something stupid. Everything will be fine, I promise. Just calm down and do as I said." And with that, you take off, praying that Vegeta hasn't already done something rash.
As you sprint down the halls of the palace, you run face-first into the torso of a large body. "Princess?"
You look up at the bald Saiyan, the one who's supposed to be at your brother's side at all times. Since the future king of planet Vegeta needs to be protected. "Nappa, Where is my brother?"
The imbecile scratches the back of his neck, contemplating much longer for your liking. "I'm not sure. I haven't seen the runt in quite some time. You should probably ask Vegeta." 
You scowl at the Saiyan. "Not Tarble, you fool! I'm asking you where Vegeta is!"
"Oh, Why didn't you just say so?" It's taking every ounce of restraint you have in your body to not viciously attack Nappa. "He's just outside of the palace." 
You run through Nappa, intentionally knocking the large Saiayn onto the floor. His stupidity lost you precious time. It was quite an amusing sight, though. A mere child, being able to take down one of your father's best warriors. 
You arrive outside of the palace, your eyes landing on your target. This is the first time you've ever seen Captain Ginyu. Sure, you've heard stories of the purple man. And much like your people, Ginyu is just as bloodthirsty and just as ruthless. Much to your surprise, the Captain doesn't have an army behind him. This was just before the Ginyu Force had formed. All Ginyu was at this point in time was a captain of one of Frieza's many armies. 
You walk over to them, now standing at your brother's side. "Captain Ginyu." You speak with your hands, an exaggerated smile appearing on your lips. "To what do we owe the honor?"
The man looks down at you, clearly analyzing you with his scouter. "Well, if this isn't a surprise. I think this is the first time I've had the pleasure of meeting you, Y/N." Ginyu extends his large hand out to you, causing Vegeta to feel a great deal of alarm. Your brother's body has gone tense with an apprehensive look on his face. But when your older brother looks over to you, there isn't even a glint of fear in your eyes. You're calm, almost as if one of Lord Frieza's deadliest warriors was not standing before you. You accept the Captain's hand, presenting him with a short but polite handshake. "Your father doesn't like showing you off much, does he?" 
You chuckle softly. "My father likes to hold his cards close to his chest. I'm sure a man like yourself is quite similar." Sucking up to Ginyu is not your favorite pastime, but it needs to be done. And every Saiyan on this planet knows your big brother is far too prideful to do it himself.
Ginyu looks between you and Vegeta carefully. For someone so highly regarded by Frieza, he sure isn't subtle. He's trying to read your facial expressions. Unfortunately for him, your father has raised you both much better than that. A poker face to you feels more natural than a genuine expression. "Speaking of your father, where is he right now?"
"He's of---"
You quickly cut Vegeta off. "He's in a meeting. That's why our father sent me out. He wanted you to know he sends his regards, but his hands are tied at the moment. He will be here at soon as possible. I hope my brother and I can suffice your needs in the meantime."
Captain Ginyu eyes you skeptically, tilting his head at you ever so slightly. "That sounds serious. I hope it's nothing too pressing."
"Of course not. It's nothing my father can't handle."
You're about to continue your schmoozing, but you're stopped by Vegeta aggressively yanking on your arm. "We need to talk-- in private."
You grimace at your brother's words. He just always has to make everything that much more difficult for you. You turn back to Ginyu, offering the man a cheerful smile. "Will you excuse us for a moment? We'll be right back."
Vegeta drags you around a corner, concealing you both from Ginyu's prying eyes. "What do you think you're doing?" He huffs at you in a whisper. "I had everything under control."
You snicker, crossing your arms. "You were just about to tell Ginyu that our father was off-planet. It sounds to me like I got here just in time to prevent you from making a grave mistake."
"I don't see why that matters."
"And that's the issue, Vegeta. Now we don't have time for this. Let's go." You turn back around, walking back over to Ginyu, Vegeta trailing not far behind. "I'd like to apologize for my brother's rudeness, Captain Ginyu." You shake your head but with a slight smirk across your lips. "All Saiyan men are the same, and my brother is no exception. They're incredibly thickheaded and quite savage. I'm convinced they don't even realize what brutes they are." You watch your brother ball his hands up into fists from beside you. It fills you with an immense feeling of joy knowing you're getting under Vegeta's skin for once. You turn back to Ginyu, plastering that disingenuous grin on your face. "Now, how about we give you a tour of our wonderful planet?"  
You and Vegeta have shown Ginyu around almost the entirety of your planet, and you must admit you're beginning to grow worried. Luckily you've managed to hold off any more questions about your father's whereabouts by charming him with various facts about planet Vegeta. But to be honest, you're not sure how much longer you can hold up this charade for. You've exhausted pretty much every idea that you've been able to come up with.
"Captain Ginyu!" Your father's brash voice invades your ears as you turn around to finally see the man you've been anxiously waiting for. You've never seen your father walk in such an urgent manner, and it's pretty funny watching your twin struggling to keep up with your father's pace. 
Your father places himself between you and Vegeta, ruffling your hair affectionately. You look up at him. "How'd your meeting go?"
Your father meets your gaze, catching onto your deception almost immediately. "It went very well. Thank you both for keeping Captain Ginyu company in my absence, but I think I can handle it from here." He directs his attention back onto Captain Ginyu. "Now, how about we discuss you're abrupt arrival somewhere more private."
The two men exit your field of view, leaving the three of you alone. Tarble, in his typical fashion, glues himself to your side. "What the hell was that?" Vegeta spits out with venom. "Where was your pride? You were basically groveling at his feet."
You furrow your brows at him. "I was doing what needed to be done. And if you think our father isn't currently doing the same thing, you're a bigger fool than I thought."
"I know our father is being more agreeable with him, but not at the cost of his pride."
"It's always about pride with you." You step closer to Vegeta, closing the distance between you. "Your pride today would have cost the loss of countless lives today, Vegeta."
"Then so be it. If there are Saiayn's that inadequate on our planet, we should probably just exterminate them now. It'll save us the hassle later on."
You snicker, shaking your head at Vegeta. "Some King you'll be." You turn to your twin. "Let's go, Tarble. I have no desire to be near our foolish brother right now."
The conversation between Captain Ginyu and your father was brief. It was a very anticlimactic ending to the naked eye. The briefness of this encounter only set off more alarm bells in King Vegeta's head. It was clear to the man that Ginyu's excuse for being on his planet was bullshit. He's just not quite sure what the captain's intentions were, but he sure as hell is going to find out.
As soon as Ginyu left planet Vegeta, he promptly set course for his next destination. He's headed straight to Lord Frieza to report his findings, and he's eager to do so.
 Ginyu arrives on the planet in record time, heading straight for the throne room. Ginyu kneels before Frieza, waiting for his boss to speak. "Captain Ginyu. You're sure back early. I trust you were able to gather enough information on the young prince."
Captain Ginyu nods enthusiastically. "Of course, Lord Frieza. The Price was exactly the same as the previous data we collected on him. He's powerful and quite intelligent for a Saiyan. Though, he did inherit that nasty temper from his father."
Frieza sighs. "How disappointing."
"But I did discover something that you may find interesting, Lord Frieza."
Frieza tilts his head at the man. He can't help but feel intrigued. "Go on." It's not that easy for him to find an advantage over those monkeys, so he'll take any information Ginyu can give him, no matter how minuscule. 
"Y/N--- King Vegeta's daughter piqued my interest greatly. She's not even close to as strong as her brother, but she's remarkably clever. She's very good with words, she knows how to manipulate people. I'd say she might even be better than King Vegeta himself."
"Now, that is fascinating. Good work, Ginyu. I'll look into the Princess's abilities more in-depth later. You're excused."
This is just something I felt the need to clarify: So in this chapter's flashback, Vegeta is around three, and Y/N and Tarble are about two. In my head, I picture children on planet Vegeta behaving like miniature adults. My idea is once they leave their chambers (the tanks they are raised in to get their basic Saiyan instincts under control), their minds are fully grown, but their physical growth is quite delayed. That's why they curse and stuff. I have a minuscule window of time to squash in all of my plot ideas. So this was the best way to do so.
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jimlingss · 4 years
I love you. I love your work. That's it. I'm binge reading your fics. But I really had this dream that taehyung was trying to seduce me at work and I refused to give in because I'm professional. I went home and cried for rejecting him. Please write a fic about this for me. Why do I never get the guy even my dreams 😭 I'm a loser.
LMAO this is hilarious. I actually had a dream similarly like this too. I’ve always wanted to go to a fortune teller but the me in my dream was also a cheapskate and ended up not going ahahhaa so I feel you, anon. Hopefully this drabble can grant your dreams.
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↳ The Office Trip to Pound Town
2.5k || 70% Smut, 30% Fluff || Kim Taehyung
You’re neck deep in work.
Your hands flurry across the keyboard before you’re saving the document and grabbing your pen to look over the Jeon’s contract that needs to be prepared by tomorrow. There’s barely a moment to breathe, much less look up when there’s a quiet knock at the door and it opens.
“Go ahead with lunch, Wendy. I’ll eat after I finish this.”
“She already left,” a deeper, huskier voice says and your eyes finally flicker up.
Taehyung enters, shutting the door behind him. He’s without his blazer, simply in a white dress shirt tucked into his slacks that you remember you picked out for him a few months ago. His blonde hair is styled so half of it is pushed back to reveal his arched brow and the other half falls in front of his forehead to frame his face. It should be illegal to look this good, but you’re not complaining. It’s always nice to have eye candy around the office. It cures your fatigue. 
You smile at him, putting your pen down. “What are you doing here?”
“Thought I’d visit. We’re supposed to be on our lunch break, you know. But of course, you’re always hard at work.”
“How else are the bills going to be paid? Unlike someone, I can’t just dilly-dally.”
Taehyung grins and comes behind you. You learn forward in your office chair, already knowing what he’s about to do. And the moment, Taehyung’s hands lay on your shoulders, a sigh escapes your parted lips. His thumbs dig into a particularly sore muscle, but he massages it out within seconds. You hate how easy it is to melt into his touch. 
“Hey, I work hard too.”
You hum. “Not hard enough. I’m coming for your job, Kim. I’m going to get promoted to director of the department and you’ll get demoted to just being the manager.”
Taehyung scoffs. “I’d like to see you try, Mrs. Kim.” 
He digs harder into another sore spot and you jolt with a pained moan. You pull away from him and turn your head around. “Was there something you wanted to talk about?”
Suddenly, he licks his lips and your eyes flicker to the movement. Taehyung’s voice drops an octave — it’s never good when that happens since he knows what that does to you. “Do you know what today is?”
Your eyes are rounded. You quickly scour your mind, but come up empty. “What is it?”
He sighs and starts to roll up his sleeves to his elbows, showing all forearms and the popped veins spiraling up his arms. “I’m disappointed,” Taehyung says in a husky tone. “But then again, I’ve always been the one to pay attention to the details. It’s the first day of your fertile window.”
“Oh. Okay.”
The two of you stare at one another. 
He stares at you. You stare at him.
“No. Taehyung, no.”
His mouth starts to twitch and it slowly quirks into a smile. “Come on.”
“It’s unprofessional!”
God fucking dammit. He’s giving you bedroom eyes. And it hits you that the top button of his dress shirt is popped open. Oh god. He came in here just to seduce you, didn’t he?!
“Don’t you want this baby?”
“Yeah, but last time I checked, we have a perfectly good bed at home. King size actually, thanks to someone’s instance.”
“I’m working a late night tonight.” Taehyung comes closer, crowding you with his larger frame and you move back until the office chair can’t even wobble and your side is trapped at your desk. “We can’t waste any more time.”
“Taehyung,” you say his name in a scolding voice, but it’s already weakening by the second. He knows it too.
“You’re not going to make me beg for you, right?” he asks, caging you in with his arms. One of his hands curls around the chair’s armrest and the other is gripping the edge of your desk. “Unless you want me to.” 
You swallow hard, resolve crumbling. It’s not like you don’t want to….
You look over his shoulder towards the door that’s shut and the blinds that have long been pulled since your online conference a few hours prior. A beat later, your attention is directed to him and his sly smirk. 
Taehyung whispers, “Please?”
With a sigh, you close the distance and you feel Taehyung’s massive grin as he kisses you. He leans down as your mouths are still connected and you fall back into the office chair. Taehyung looms over your frame and he tilts his head, deepening the kiss. 
His hot tongue licks into your mouth, eager and impatient. At the same time, his hands cup your jaw and he coaxes a whimper from you that’s muffled at his lips. 
You’re supposed to be the strict, no-nonsense manager on this floor overseeing the rest. It’s pathetic that you can be reduced to a school girl by your husband. Taehyung loves it and truthfully, you don’t mind so much, but if anyone else knew, they’d be shocked.
The pair of you pull away to gasp for breath. The strand of saliva between your mouths break. Your lips are swollen while his are stained with your red lipstick. 
“This is so unprofessional,” you whisper to him between pants.
Taehyung smiles sweetly, forehead pressed against yours. “A lot of people already left for their lunch break.”
“That doesn’t mean there aren't people on this floor and right outside the door.”
“That’s what makes it fun.”
“It won’t be fun if we lose our jobs.”
“Not if we get this done quickly.” He steps back and starts pulling at his belt. It clicks, unbuckling with ease and your core starts to heat in anticipation for what’s to come. Taehyung doesn’t miss the way you rub your thighs together. He smirks and then gestures to you. “As your superior, I command you to bend over.”
You scoff, but turn around anyhow to lean your front onto the desk. You wince when the papers underneath your hands start to crinkle, but it’s much too late to move them when he roughly shoves up your skirt.
“I could report you to HR for that,” you quip.
“You’d never,” he retorts with a thick voice.
He doesn’t move for a few seconds. You wonder why he hasn’t done anything, if there’s something wrong, but then it occurs to you what he’s eyeing your ass in. “Taehyung. I swear to god—”
The sound of ripping follows. 
The bastard’s torn into your black, sheer stockings.
You curse and turn your head around to glare right as he tears down your underwear. “It’s fine. No one will notice. Faster this way.” You suspect he just wants to fuck you while you’re still in stockings, bent over your own desk, but you don’t call him out on it. “I’ll buy you a new one.”
“Easy for you to say—” You yelp when your left heel is suddenly lifted off the floor. He props your bent leg on the desk and plops down into your leather office chair as if he owns it.
Before anything else can be said, Taehyung dives straight between your plump ass cheeks. He holds your hips in place, fingertips sunk into your skin as his tongue laps at your hole and he moves his face from side to side. A gasp breaks from your vocal cords and you bring one arm back to grab his hair.
“T-There’s no time, Taehyung.”
“It’s fine,” he murmurs, moving to suck a bruise into your right ass-cheek. Taehyung really gives another definition to kissing someone’s ass but rather than feeling like the superior one, you’re keening into him, crumbling at his touch. It’s turning you on how much this is turning him on, with the way he groans into your skin like he’s fully enjoying this, how he’s eager and happy to be on the giving end. 
Unintentionally, you push his face closer into your ass and his slender fingers begin to gently caress your slit. Your mouth seals to suppress another moan when his warm tongue licks at your hole again. You can feel the heat of his warm breath against your cunt, so close yet still so far. 
A minute later, he comes out panting. “Damn. This is better than any lunch.”
You roll your eyes. “It’s going to be your fault if you don’t get to finish.”
“Relax,” he sing-songs and you can practically hear his grin. “We’ll get there.”
Without much warning, Taehyung plunges his two fingers into your already wet cunt. You keen, failing to silence your whine and your back arches. You don’t see his smirk, how he’s fully enjoying the view while sitting back in the chair. He simply starts pumping his index and middle finger in and out of your heat. Taehyung stretches you out, curling his fingers at a particular spot that has you gripping the edge of your desk until your knuckles have turned white. You try your best not to make a sound, but it’s almost like he’s trying his best to get you to break and be noisy.
“Fuck,” he moans. “You’re leaking all over my pants.”
Even when he’s behind you, you can feel his intense gaze that’s watching you closely.
It feels degrading to be bent over your own desk like this. You’re practically dancing in the palm of Taehyung’s hand, giving into his every whim without being able to control yourself. But at the same time, all of this, the thought of him claiming your spot and taking you right here was turning you on. You don’t want to admit that you’re enjoying this as much as he is.
“T-Taehyung,” you gasp, cheek pressed to your paperwork. 
He chuckles lowly. “Alright, alright.”
He pulls his two fingers out of your sopping cunt and sucks on them till they're clean. Then Taehyung stands and lowers his pants just enough to remove his hard cock from his boxers. He pumps it twice and positions the red, leaking head to your swollen entrance.
You’re about to ask him what’s taking so long, but you choke on your words when he enters you with a single push of his hips. Your cunt stretches to accommodate Taehyung’s big cock that’s practically nudging at the entrance of your cervix. Your fingernails curl into the edge of your desk while you fail to stifle the whine that comes out, even when your teeth have sunk into the bottom of your lip.
“S-Sorry,” he groans. “Couldn’t help it. Don’t want to run out of time. Already at twelve forty.”
You turn your head around. “What?!” 
But there’s no opportunity to react more. Not when Taehyung grabs your hips, eagerly fucking into you. Like a man on a mission, like he’s making sure he’ll get you pregnant no matter what. He withdraws his cock and then plunges as deep as he can inside your tight cunt, his hips slamming against your ass. Taehyung bends your leg to get at an even deeper angle and you turn back around, trying your best to keep in your moans and quiet the whines of his name. 
The urgency of time presses on your minds, but it also fades with the onslaught of pleasure. All the papers underneath you are sure to be crumpled beyond belief, but you can’t find it in yourself to care. 
The pens and pencils fall over to the carpet. Your eyes sting. He’s filling you up so well.
“F-Fuck, this is so hot,” Taehyung groans, watching his cock disappear inside of you with each rapid jut of his hips. How you’re trying to still hold yourself together. The way your stockings have been torn and his underwear and yours are barely pushed away. “You’re so hot.”
“Hurry, Tae!”
He hums and you start to squeeze around him. Taehyung’s hips sputter. His pace falters before quickening urgently and impatiently. “W-Wait, wait.”
Taehyung licks his thumb and finds your clit with ease. You gasp as he rubs circles on the swollen bit and your toes curl. “Tae, Tae—” You’re afraid you’re being too loud, but the concern is overridden when you cum. There’s white flashing beneath your eyelids, a wash of pleasure that renders your knees weak.
Taehyung follows a few seconds later. He plunges in as deep as he can go with brute force and a pitched cry leaves your throat, making him slap his hand over your mouth to keep quiet. 
The picture frame of you and Taehyung in Malta on your honeymoon is knocked off. 
And then cum paints your velvet, warm walls. It fills your cunt, leaking past his cock. Taehyung pants on top of you and thrusts twice more in spite of your oversensitivity and his own. He holds you still for an intimate moment as you both catch your breaths. Then, he withdraws.
You shakingly get up as he tucks himself back in, buckling his belt again after he snags it off the ground. You try to fix the mess of your hair and he grins, cheeks flushed. Taehyung comes close and his thumb lifts to wipe the smudged mascara at the corner of your eye.
He can’t hold in his smile and giddily hugs you. His face affectionately nuzzles into your hair while you wonder if he knows that his cum is still leaking out of you and dripping down your thigh. 
Sometimes the duality of Taehyung is jarring. You wonder how this can be the same man who just bent you over your own desk and pounded into you until there were tears in your eyes. But you suppose that’s what makes him so charming and why you married him. One second, he’s throwing you over his shoulder and spanking you till you call him daddy and the next, he’s pouting and begging you to call his dad for him because he just stubbed his toe against the door and it hurts and he needs advice on what to do.
“Sorry about the ripped stockings.”
“Uh-huh. You better buy me new ones.”
“I will.”
The pair of you pull apart and he pulls a tissue for you to wipe yourself with as you sit down and peel off the stockings once and for all to throw into the trash. If someone asks, you’ll tell them it ripped on its own.
“Well, at least that was fun, right?” Taehyung smiles as you put yourself back together.
You eye him. “What time?”
“What time are you done with the meeting?”
Taehyung blinks, not sure where you’re going with this. “Probably at eight.”
“I’ll be at your office at eight ten then,” you state plainly. “It’s only fair. I can’t be the only one having my office destroyed.”
Slowly but surely, an enormous grin spreads into his face. Taehyung leans in to kiss your cheek. “It’s a promise then.”
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we-dragons · 3 years
I'm from a different dimension actually Chapter 9 Damian x reader
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"What is this place, why is it shaped like a T?" We stand on an island with this enormous building smack in the center of it the sunset shade casting a large shadow over us, I can't get over how ridiculous it looks. Or contemplate my confusion, Nightmare makes an unimpressed huff and nuzzles back into my shoulder.
"Titan's tower."
"why would this be a good place to hide? It's the most obvious building here, I ran with you for several days I'm beginning to think I would be safer under my floorboards." He walks up to the doors and pulls out a card holding it in front of the circular panel. It beeps and a clicking noise comes from the door.
"Believe me this would be a better place for you." I sigh a form of any and all anxiety pools in my body, but I still meet him at the now unlocked door.
"Alright fine but you need to explain to me why here of all places."
"When we get inside." The doors swing open, the area behind it lights up leading to what I assume is an elevator. I'm pulled inside not giving me a chance to look around. "Hey!" He doesn't answer but pulls us into the elevator, I don't see him push a button but we almost immediately move up. It's fast but not as fast as the one I had to go down for training at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Though the feeling is familiar and I start missing my classmates all over again. I rub the wrist that Damian was holding to dragging me here. Nightmare growls at the space moving him and interrupting his nap. The space stops and the door opens to an open space that looks like a large living room. a white angled couch a large kitchenette and an impossibly large TV by open glass windows. The room has several people all staring at us, my anxiety hits me tenfold and I take a step back. A hand is at my shoulder the moment I do and pushes slowly while moving itself. The doors close signaling that I'm truly stuck here, a woman with Neon pink hair and bronze skin zooms up to us.
"It's so good to see you, and I see you brought a friend. Richard has been looking all over for you."
"I know that's why you can't tell him we're here." I'm pushed forward. "She's a mutant possessing the X-Gene, my father wants to interrogate her for the information, she needs to stay here till a better solution becomes present. Can she stay here?"
"Well of course she can stay-"
"What?!" Nightmare jumps from my arms and hisses. I walk backward, taking in this new information. "How did, you find out when-when." Fear creeps how long had he known how much trouble was or might be in. But he didn't mention this. but then again why would he. How does he know about the X-Gene though, from the research I did there were none here with it. The closest there was were Metahumans but even they didn't have anything close. My back hits the wall and I return to the world Nightmare growls standing guard in front of me. Everyone who was in the room now stood in front of me, a boy that was green from head to toe, another girl in a purple cloak and unitard, and another boy with something attached to his back. The pink-haired woman steps forward, but Nightmare swats at her yowling as a warning to keep away. She raises her hands in surrender but looks at me.
"There is no need to be afraid, I knew people like you, Jean Grey, Cyclops. they came here by accident once a few friends and I helped them get back. It would have been 7 years ago now." Damian steps forward Ignoring Nightmare, guilt is painted slightly on his face he tries to coax me from the wall. "I'm sorry I knew since the time you showed me, I checked my recorder after that visit and played it back home in front of everyone. I was to find out more from you and report back after we scanned those samples that healed me. When we were ready I was supposed to bring you back with me for interrogation with confirmation of your mother's research." Something snaps inside me and I glare at him.
"So all that was for those stupid journals. Wow, for how long were you faking nice. No, don't tell me it'll just feel worse. " I put a hand on my face willing the emotions of confusion to stop. A crackling noise makes its self known in front of me followed by screams.
"Holy Crap that thing has tentacles coming from its face!"
I gasp at the sight Nightmare had gone full flerken and is attempting to drag Damian in. I lunge at Nightmare dragging him across the floor. He lets go of Damian but he hasn't changed back to cat form. "Nightmare No! Calm down I'm fine I swear it! Stop!" The black fuzzball retracts his tentacles and hisses at the crowd.
"I'm sorry, he gets like that when he sees me upset sometimes. Not sure if you have them here but he's half flerken, they look like cats but they're quite deadly." I set Nightmare down and he crawls behind my legs once again hissing particularly at the green boy how has gotten closer, he turns into a green cat making Nightmare run in the process. Damian limps forward his leg is bleeding through his suit. I would let that heal naturally if only wounds inflicted by Nightmares in the flerken form never heal normally on their own.
"Y/N these are the Titans, the one mimicking your," he waves his hand in the air as if to find the world. "flerken is Garfield." He points to Nightmare being chased my the green cat attempting to lose him. The bronze woman glides forward stomping a foot from me the others followed behind.
"Hello my name is Starfire you can call me Kori, this here is Raven," She points to the purple girl then moves her other hands to the boy. "and this is Jaime. We are pleased to have you here Y/N." She grabs my hand pulling me away from the middle of the room where I had landed. "Now let's get you settled in I'll talk to Damian for a bit after." Nightmare notices my leaving and jumps onto my right sholder hissing at the green-skinned boy.
I honestly don't know how to feel, to be honest, I should have guessed it so it's my fault. I could have left him and then this wouldn't have happened, but then he would have died in my apartment. Could have been more hostile, but then he definitely would have gone with the kidnapping strategy and I would be already in the hand of batman. Now I'm in the known world of their superheroes, the superheroes know about the Crows and they know about the X-gene. That information can go from good to bad in minutes. Though Kori did know about Jean and Scott, though it was years ago they have traveled through many universes with a small team. I would have been about 10 when this happened and my mother didn't take me there for classes till I was 12. In their lectures, they didn't mention anything like this they did bring in Doctor Strange to teach those of us who could understand how to perform magic. I Now I'm sitting on an insanely comfortable bed knees curled up to my chest just reminiscing. I have been told to use my abilities only when necessary as not to attract any unwanted attention. But what did I do, I screw up my chances of living normally till Doc Strange can pull me back only to find I'm not in my home where I should be. Everything was going so smoothly till now.
The door opens behind me and by the almost silent footfalls, I can tell it's Damian. Nightmare has jumped into my arms forcing me to let go off my legs and watch as the boy drags a chair to face me.
"I suppose you want the whole story now," I said barely looking at him.
"I wasn't going to talk about that yet."
"What did you think you would find in the journals that my mother wrote?"
"An answer on how to stop the Crows."
"You most likely will."
"Than what's in them."
I sigh looking him dead in the eye, pulling myself together for this.
"My mother didn't only study history, in my dimension, she studied all sorts of fields one day she was asked to study something and was gone for almost six months. We hardly heard from her but just enough to know she was alive so naturally when she came back she swore me into secrecy. She explained that she had gone to another world entirely, she studies with them and when she came back more time had passed than when she was there. One journal explaining how she got the and how to get in and another explaining what she found, and the rules for everything she experienced there. She learned things no human should know and kept it from the people she worked for and everyone else. She-she found Avalon, lived among the fey in return for her curiosity and genuine interest they helped her make a guide and history of all fairy and Fae both the pure and the equally disturbed." I reach in my bag and pull out the books from missing from the very research my mother so loved. One being ordinary leather-bound and the other two bear a glowing purple gem on both sides of a very purple dark Tome thick and pooling with some sort of energy as the gem. I give him a serious look gripping both books. "She left it to me but I haven't read them yet, I...I couldn't bring myself to. It might be better used in your hands anyway. Though I shouldn't I still trust you for some reason, so under the conditions that you only use what you find for the better of those in need you may find your information. The journals, however, will stay within my sight understood." He nods, I start to give the leather books to him he stops me.
"I don't want to see them before you," He takes the books from my hands and places them back in the bag. "If you are convinced that I should still read them, then I will convince where ever you wish to study them." He sits on the bed next to me staring out the window. "What I want to talk about is how we get Father not to view you as a threat and as a friend. I went over it with Starfire and we both agree this is the best option." He pauses before he continues. "We're you a hero in your world?"
"You want me to do hero's work and gain a positive reputation so that he's more willing to work with me than slowly forcing out of me."
"How do you know about the X-gene?"
"It was in our database from when Jean Grey and Cyclops had visited. They helped take down an invasion of the skrul and took them back with them to their own dimension. Father took some DNA samples to work with and ask about their abilities. There are entire folders on the subject alone." He pauses again running a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault."
"Not for that, for everything else."
"Yes that is very much on you but it's also on me. But if I had left you with Crow poison in your blood you would either turn into an undead flesh puppet in my room or die. That would not have gone down well for either of us. I was also mostly upset you broke my window and wanted compensation," I see him visibly tense and clench his teeth. "and didn't even bother to say thank you."
"I Fixed your awful goddammed window isn't that thanks enough." He glares at me.
"Was it? After all, you did spy on me and report it to the Dark Knight." I fall back onto the bed. "There's no getting out of this now might as well get used to it."
"You shouldn't be this comfortable with what's happening, I wouldn't"
"Then why are you smiling ya weirdo, It's almost creepy."
"Tsk, just hand me your computer so I can pull up Star Trek, I would like to finish and begin the movies." I hand him my laptop and he walks over to the wall in front of the bed.
"Um, you know we watch on that computer you making a get away with."
"Yes but the enormous 4k TV is here." He pushes a button I didn't even see before and as promised a TV appears. He smirks at what I assume is my expression. He opens my computer and within minutes Star Trek is cast on the TV. "Please hold your applause till after the show."
"Did you just make a joke? Are you joking now?"
"Aren't I allowed to have a sense of humor?" I Look at Nightmare who has the same thought in his head and I look back at Damian.
"Nope, Nada, No way."
"You know, you're the only one who has talked to me that way and lived."
"I should consider myself lucky then huh."My gaze falls to his leg, It's poorly bandaged so I pull my scales and Med-kit from my bag. " But before I forget I need to treat your leg before your tissue becomes necrotic. You can watch while I work, but you need to swallow one more of the "glittered plastic"."
"How do you make them?"
"The scales?" I pause stoping the wrap on the angry-looking tentacle mark on his skin.
"What do you think I was talking about?" I smile evilly.
"I thought you were talking about my jokes and wonderful sense of humor." I tie off the bandage and put away my first aid kit. "But If you must know it has to rain first, and I have to be in it. The acidity in the rain is was caused the scales to form but there has to be enough of it. In Gotham, the rain has plenty of it, It soaks into my skin and drains my health which is why I was sick for so long. In return for taking my health, the scales form with healing agents that even baffle me. Normally I would take one and feel fine after but someone decided to take them."
"Do you pull them off?"
"Takes too long and much too painful, I just pour scalding hot water on myself and they pull away from the skin. I clean them and there you have it. Health restoring scales." He stares at me, like I said I pour milk before cereal and then pop it in the microwave for 30 seconds in that order.
"Aren't there better ways to remove them?"
"Yes, but those are back at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters I couldn't pack it with me so I had to find other methods."
He silent again so I put my stuff in the closet, take my Suit out from the bag, and place it on the hanger, the vibranium fibers shimmer in the soft lights then I stuff the rest of my things in there. I have to tell Professor Xavier what's happened on the check update next week with any luck the multi-functional com-piece found the data by now and I can see what they already know. I inwardly sigh, closing the closet and making my way back to the bed. I see Damian drawn into the scene playing on the screen, Data has made his sacrifice saving the Enterprise. I wasn't expecting to last the cleaning to last that long, but then again the poisons from the suction cups dug deeper than I thought. I put some more things away in drawers even though I didn't have much to bring. "We probably should head to bed, I imagine I have to do a proper introduction and demonstrate some form of my power."
"Yes, probably." He gets up grabbing the two scales I gave him for when he starts feeling pain again. Moving swiftly to the door, he takes one more look back then leaves. My eyes fall on Nightmare who sleeps soundly on the end of the bed. I Climb into the warm comforter letting the warmth surround me. I don't even notice myself drifting till all I can hear is static signaling that tonight was going to be a dreamless one.
"What exactly can you do?" Starfire walks me down to the center of a metallic room filled with weapons and tools, no doubt the training room. I look around more absorbing the room but still answer the question.
"If I see something I can almost instantly learn it or adapt to it, powers, fighting styles, languages I just have to see or hear it. I've had to control it in order not to learn everything and overload happened one time was not pretty."
"What do you mean by almost instantly?"
"Things like shape-shifting are hard to master, but if I concentrate enough I can alter my physical appearance though it takes five minutes to get there and can't hold the form very well after an hour. The first time I saw someone change form my body tried to copy it but I broke my hand instead. But oddly enough I can learn most other powers and knowledge just fine."
"Really? Well just to check could you copy this?" Starfire lifts her hand and green energy forms around it. I lift my hand to match hers and form the same energy in my body, though not green It's a lilac purple. "Sorry still have trouble getting the colors right." The woman stares in awe at my hand, the knowledge of how to use the ability is stored in my memory. I turn my hand light off and look around. She had given me the tour of the building and probably saved this for last to test what I can do. They did the same at XSFGY and had us fight in the ever-changing challenge/training room. I hear the door open and two cheery voices call out.
"Hey Y/N, about to train?" Garfield, the boy in green calls out from the railing where the door is accompanied by Jamie how still looks half asleep.
"I was just about to test her now, could you all stay there, I'm going to pull the full immersion-based training." She floats to a podium on the far side of the room. the area around me pixelated before stilling into a jungle heat and all. Monsters appear from the undergrowth enough level but not easy looking. I raise two fingers to the sky and strike lightning on them Increasing the voltage when one didn't go down, I even open a few portals in the body to warp holes from the flesh. It took about a few minutes to finish and for the simulation to fall. The dark misty cloud vanishes when I flick my wrist. I hear cheering from the side, I turn to face them everyone was now there.
"No way! Did you just see that!!" Jamie is now wide awake sharing an amazing look with Garfield, Raven is a little shocked, while Damian holds a stoic face. I feel a hand on my shoulder and follow it up to the orange-haired woman. I don't catch that she isn't stopping and is dragging me out of the room. With the way her hand had angled, I dragged out facing the other people in the room. She moves so fast that they get so small to quickly "You did excellently today, I'm so happy to welcome you to the team! We shall celebrate with a feast fit for kings and I shall cook it."
"Aw hell no!"
They all start running after us, shouting and trying to stop the woman. I feel refreshed after getting the OK for using my powers finally releasing some of the tension I've felt. I feel exhausted though, probably anticipating all the social interactions yet to come.
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Begin Again
Thor x Fem!Reader, in which Thor almost ruins your day (but doesn't)
Likes, Comments, and Reblogs Appreciated!
❀ Word Count: 1,566
❀ Contains: A panic attack, Tony Stark's customer service representative, Fluff?
❀ Inspiration: Begin Again by Taylor Swift
//And on a Wednesday, in a cafe, I watched it Begin Again//
This was your first 'date' in almost 6 months. You were a little nervous and unsure of what to expect, especially because your date was more of an icon than an actual person. In fact, he wasn't even human at all.
You first met Thor a couple weeks ago while on your way to work. You had your morning coffee in hand and were in the middle of crossing the street when you bumped into each other. Well, you didn't exactly bump into each other because if you had, you probably would not have been alive right now. Thor had slammed face-first into the ground in front of you, creating a crater in the road about a foot deep.
"Oh my god. Are you okay?" You asked as he got back on his feet.
"I'm fine, thank you for asking. Tell Stark to fix the street for me, okay?" With this, he flies off into the distance.
You stand there in the middle of the street trying to process what just happened. Someone lays on their car horn, notifying you that you are still blocking traffic. You mouth 'sorry' to the driver and scurry to the other side of the street unsure about how to proceed. You don't know Tony Stark's number, and you certainly don't know how you're going to explain to your boss why you were running late for work.
During your lunch break, you look up Tony Stark's corporate number to try and contact someone so that they know what happened with Thor. The last thing you need is to be footing the bill to replace the damaged road. You dial the number and are on hold for a few minutes before you reach another human being.
"Hello and thank you for calling Stark Industries. How may I help you today?"
"Uh, yeah. Hi. I ran into Thor this morning and he told me to call Stark because he damaged a bit of the road."
"Please hold while I transfer you to someone who is more capable of helping you."
After being put on hold for another 10 minutes, someone finally picks up on the other end.
"Hello, you have reached the customer service department of Stark Industries. I heard you have an incident to report regarding one of our devices."
You're not sure where you were expecting to be transferred to, but it certainly wasn't the customer service department.
"Uh... Thor damaged a part of the road I take to work."
"When did this event occur?"
"About 4 hours ago."
"Where did this event occur?"
"The intersection on Hester and Eldridge Street."
"How much damage was done to the road?"
"The crater he left in the road was about a foot deep and the size of his body, so about 6 feet long."
"Were you harmed in any way? Physically, emotionally, or spiritually?"
"Thank you for calling the customer service department at Stark Industries. We apologize for any inconvenience or harm our devices may have caused you. Goodbye"
That night, a mysterious bouquet of roses and a sealed card were laying on your front porch. You assumed that the customer service department at Stark Industries had sent this to you as a way to apologize one last time for your encounter with Thor. When you opened the card, you were surprised to find out that they were not from Stark Industries, but had been from Thor himself. It read;
Dear (Y/n),
How did he get your name? He hadn't asked you for it. Your interaction was so brief that it could very easily have been in your imagination, if not for the giant hole at the intersection.
Stark gave me your name and address so I could send this to you.
That made sense. Sure, you hadn't given Stark Industries any of your personal information, but they had your phone number and could have easily traced it back to you. You highly doubt that Stark himself was the one to give Thor this information, but you didn't rule out the possibility entirely.
I wanted to apologize for what happened earlier today. It must have been a very scary and surreal experience, not helped by my sudden exit. I have sent you a bouquet of flowers in an attempt to make it up to you. I have also made reservations at a café for us to meet again to reintroduce myself to you in a more polite way.
As you read this, you were curious as to how much of this letter was sincerely from Thor and how much of it had been conjured up by Stark. You assumed that someone at Stark Industries had made reservations for the two of you at a café because Thor probably did not have enough time to do it himself.
I am so sorry for any harm I may have caused you.
When you arrived at the café where you were supposed to meet, Thor was already there. He was surrounded by a small crowd of people who were asking him to take selfies with him. A few photographers were scattered about the area as well, snapping as many photos of him as possible. You hadn't realized going to get a coffee with Thor was going to be such a spectacle.
The entire time he seemed to be scanning the block looking for someone; you. Eventually, he spotted you and politely moved the people in front of him out of the way. As it became obvious he was approaching you in particular, you felt the atmosphere change, and everyone's gaze shift from Thor on to you. It made you extremely uncomfortable.
"Hello, Y/n."
"Hello, Thor."
Your voice is very quiet and you can't look him in the eye. You are staring at the ground, clenching your fists tightly together. Your mind is racing so fast you can't think of anything. You are numb to any feeling except panic, and you begin to feel tears fall onto your cheeks.
You are having a panic attack.
Thor realized something was wrong. He immediately wrapped an arm around your shoulder and walked with you into the café. You were still staring at the ground, refusing to look at the world around you. Once you had looked up again, you were in the back corner of the café near the last booth.
"I'm sorry."
You begin to wipe the tears away from your eyes as your attack comes to an end. His arm is still wrapped around your shoulders, and you find it very comforting. Thor is able to sense when you are completely calm again and removes his arm from around your shoulders.
"It's okay."
His words were reassuring.
Neither of you brings up the panic attack once you begin the 'date' in the café. You are trying to pretend that it never happened, but your not sure why Thor wasn't asking you about it. Other people have, and they probably would have this time as well if not for Thor. You dreaded having to talk about it to others, especially with people you didn't know. You decided that it didn't matter why he wasn't attempting to discuss it, all that mattered was that you didn't have to discuss it.
Throughout your 'date' you get to know each other. You learn of the antics he and his brother use to get up to and you tell him about your childhood. You give him suggestions for books to read to better understand humans and he offers to teach you another language. He laughs at the jokes you tell and you laugh at the absurd happenings that make up his life.
Hours pass, but you don't even notice it until a waitress taps you on the shoulder.
"Café closes in 20 minutes. Please leave."
You comply.
It is dark outside when you leave the café. You are a bit uncomfortable walking home alone at night. Before you can ask, Thor beats you to the question.
"Do you want me to walk you home?"
"Yes, please."
You walk in silence for a few minutes and are a good distance away from the café before he speaks again.
"Do you mind if I asked you about what happened at the café?"
There it was, the question you did not want to be asked. At least he was polite enough to ask you while the two of you were a great distance from other people.
"I had a panic attack."
"Oh, Okay."
His response is so casual that it catches you off guard.
"You know what those are?"
"I have heard the term before, but I've never seen one. A friend told me they had them."
You don't ask which one. You don't need to know.
You walk side-by-side the rest of the way to your house. When you arrive at the front steps, you begin to say your goodbyes.
"Thank you so much for walking me home. and for consoling me. It means a lot"
"No thanks is needed. I should be thanking you for forgiving me for almost hitting you on your way to work."
You chuckle.
"I wanted to ask you one last thing before I left."
"What did you want to ask?"
"Can we meet again?"
Thor's question is vague, but you understand what he means.
"Of course. Good night, Thor."
"Good night, (y/n)"
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marsbutterfly · 4 years
The Scientist’s Gamble - Part 1
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Summary:  "Attention! Commander Erwin has sent me here today with an announcement! In exactly one month an expedition will take place outside the walls!", Moblit pauses for a second, paying close attention to the reactions in front of him. "The goal of this mission will be..."
Note:  I would like to thank my amazing wife for editing this fic for me, I know it wasn't easy and I love her very much. She has been nothing but supportive from the very beginning and her help is extremely appreciated as I try to find own my writing style in a whole different language. She's amazing and I'm very lucky to have her in my life!
Next Chapter
AO3 Version! | Wattpad Version!
"Wait... So we're going outside the walls to capture a titan so that Squad Leader Hanji can experiment on it?" someone asks from the back of the room.
"Well... Yes, but it's for the good of humanity," Moblit says while he holds the bridge of his nose. The expression on his face tells you that he did not agree with this, but he is willing to give it a go so long as life inside the walls could take its next step towards the truth. "The Commander has given his OK, so this operation will be moving forward. Now, how she managed to convince him to agree to this is beyond me..." His voice disappears as he walks out of the room, all the while scribbling on his clipboard.
As soon as his silhouette is out of sight, the room starts to fill with murmurs.
"That's such a waste of resources!"
"We should be out there killing titans, not this!"
From your spot in the corner of the room, you begin to write in your journal everything you might need to prepare for the expedition, such as a new training schedule and what arrangements would need to be done.
"Y/N?" says a disembodied voice, startling you a bit and pulling you away from your to-do list. "Y/N? Are you in there?"
You look up to see Eren waving his hand in front of your face, almost failing to catch your attention.
"Oh, I'm sorry," you say, not looking at him, and not really sorry. "What were you saying?"
He laughs. "You really are hopeless. Would you like to come train with us?" He gestures at the Cadet group as they walk out the door.
"Oh, not today," you say, "I need to head back to my room to collect some of my notes and deliver them to my Squad Leader. I wouldn't want our next expedition to be delayed, you know!" Although you try your best to remain serious, the enthusiasm in your voice is undeniable.
He rolls his eyes and allows his lips to curl into a smirk, "We'll catch up with you later then!" he says while walking towards the door and just like that, you're alone in the classroom. Packing your things, you make your way out. You read the notes in your hands as you walk, making sure you only need to make one quick stop before heading toward the lab.
Once in your room, you look underneath every book, paper, and pile of clothes. You try your best to find your notes on titan deterioration, but quickly realize they are nowhere to be found.
Did you not bring them back after the last expedition? No, you remember seeing them just a couple of days ago. Could they be with old reports? No, you just checked. Did someone take them? At that moment, you realize that just may be what happened. After what happened with Annie Leonhardt, you didn't know who you could trust, and as a result, you've been being extremely careful not to misplace your paperwork.
Yet somehow your most important piece of work is missing. Slowly but surely, panic sets in. "What will I tell Squad Leader Hanji? I don't want to disappoint her," you mutter, taking a deep breath. Panicking won't help right now, so you do your best to pull yourself together, and gather all the other papers you need before making your way towards the lab.
You knock on the lab door rather loudly a couple of times.
"Come in!" Your heart skips a beat at the sound of her voice calling from the inside of the room. You open the door slowly, remembering past instances of her dropping glass beakers when startled. Luckily Hanji is just sitting at her desk, writing reports. Likely about the most recent past expedition, probably where she got the idea of capturing yet another titan to serve as her experiment. At least that would give Eren a little bit of a break. He really needs it.
"Squad Leader Hanji, I brought you all the data I've collected about titans from previous expeditions. The most common sizes, our studies on abnormal..." Your hearts speeds up as you notice her looking at you, but you can't bring yourself to face her as you speak again. "I can't seem to find the papers about their deterioration. All the details we've collected seem to be lost. I'm so sorry, and I'll keep looking for it. If I can't find it until tonight, I'll write you a new report from memory, I swear." You can feel her eyes on you, and it gets a little harder to breathe. Your lungs try their best to keep up with the speed of your rambling.
"Well, Y/N," Hanji says, getting closer as she walks towards you. Tears of frustration well in your eyes, and you expect the worst. You worked so hard to become her assistant, to earn this. The thought of it all going wrong would be enough to break you. You're vaguely aware of her rifling through papers on her desk.
"It's alright, dear! I have them right here. You must have forgotten them here last night. I reminded you to grab them but you seemed to be in quite a hurry." Hanji could sense the uneasiness coming from her assistant, her face softening as she pulls you into a hug, and it's desperately what you need at that moment. You breathe a sigh of relief now that you know you didn't mess this up. At least not this time.
You let your mind wander to last night. You had spent hours copying the indiscernible scribble-scratch of Hanji's field notes. You think of how you called her over to translate a particularly messy section, and you think of the way she gently touched your arm before her hand slid along your skin as she reached for the pen. The hairs on your body instantly rose, and combined with the chills going down your spine, you couldn't help the embarrassment that flooded through you. Before she could've said anything, you got up and ran, wishing her a hasty goodnight on your way out.
Your cheeks burn. No wonder you misplaced your papers.
But realization hit you; Hanji has her arms around you in a warm and comforting embrace. She's holding you, cradling you. The heat in your cheeks spread across your entire face, a dark shade of red replacing your usual skin tone. One of the reasons you wanted to be her assistant in the first place was to spend time with her. Your crush on Hanji isn't something new and has never been a secret. Everyone seems to know about it... except Hanji herself.
"Are you all right? Your heart is beating so fast," Hanji says, breaking the silence between you two. She pokes two fingers against your neck to feel the pulse, but you swat her hand away. You quickly pull away while looking in the other direction, hoping she doesn't notice your embarrassment.
"I'm fine, Squad Leader! Do you need my help with anything today?" you say, gathering enough strength to sound like you aren't melting before her eyes.
"Not for now. Over the course of the next few weeks, I'll be mostly filling out paperwork and preparing the lab to receive our new visitor," she beams, and the stars in her paired eyes with the excitement in her voice is more than enough to bring a smile to your face.
Hanji grabs your shoulders. "All I need is for you to study our past discoveries, but mostly prepare yourself for all the new ones we're about to make!" She begins to gently shake you, rocking you back and forth in her excitement. "Make sure to practice your 3D maneuvers as well, I wouldn't want to lose my favorite assistant!"
You feel your blush deepen, and wonder how she doesn't notice.
"Of course, Squad Leader," you say.
During the next four weeks, you spend your days mostly with your friends in the hopes some of their strongest skills rub off on you.
Mikasa teaches you how she handles her blade. You try your best to learn from her, but handling swords isn't your strong suit. But still, there is a noticeable improvement in your form. Thanks to her, your blades can firmly and precisely cut through a titan's nape without any problem.
Eren and Jean argue over who would help you with 3DM air movements until they finally agree that it would be best for both of them to assist you. This plan lasts less than a week until finally after you break up two fistfights and countless arguments, the two of them come to the conclusion that being around each other is worse than a death sentence. You start to practice on your own, but they manage to teach you a few new tricks, like being able to do a backflip before slicing the titan's neck, that way you would be able to move quickly and proceed to another titan in a matter of seconds.
Armin sits with you every day during lunch and dinner, keeping your knowledge on Titans sharp. He shuffles through bundles of cards as well as notebooks full of information. He quizzes you every day and corrects you when you're wrong. He's the most helpful of them all.
Reiner and Bertholdt do their best to train you in hand-to-hand combat. You won't need it, and Annie was better than they are, but they must have sparred with her enough for some of her moves to rub off, and you figure there's no harm in being overly prepared.
Krista teaches you what she knows about how to care for wounds with ingredients you can find in the forest. She shows you how to wrap an injury and how to do it quickly. Nothing new, but she is very good at helping others. Ymir shows up halfway through Krista's splinting demonstration, and you're pretty sure she only stays there so she can play the part of swooning, Injured Scout. Every so often she would let out a long sigh and moan about her fake injuries. "I'm so hurt Krista, please take care of me," she says. "If I survive this injury, please marry me Krista." You don't ask Ymir for help with anything, you know all she really puts effort into is charming Krista.
Sasha and Connie... well, they're certainly a good distraction when you need a break. Sasha tells you her hunting stories, and when she notices you're interested, her stories become much more dramatically performed. She recruits Connie to help her put on a play, and he plays every character in her stories: Sasha herself, the injured animal, even the sound of the wind as it rushes past the trees. They are exceptionally good at making you laugh.
The night before the expedition departs, while you're in your room packing your bags and triple-checking your list making sure everything you might need is in it. Everything seems to be in order. Flare guns, medical supplies, a toothbrush and comb. A sudden knock on your door pulls you away from your thoughts.
"Y/N, can I come in?" says a familiar voice, and your heart skips. You nearly give yourself whiplash as you turn your head.
"Yes!" you call out, and the door creaks open. Your eyes meet Hanji's, and a familiar feeling overtakes you.
"I haven't seen you in so long. I miss you," she has a gentle smile on her face, and you feel your cheeks reddening as usual. Why must your body do this to you every time she's around? You signal for her to come inside, and Hanji closes the door behind her.
Hanji sits on your bed while reaching for your hand. She takes it and pulls you closer, excitement in her eyes. As soon as you readjust next to her, you impulsively wrap your arms around her shoulders. It takes Hanji by surprise, but she is quick to return the embrace. If only you had the courage to tell her how you feel before you leave tomorrow... but you can't risk clouding her mind with such thoughts. She needs to have a clear head tomorrow, and you need to be there for her no matter what. She may not know how you feel, but you need to remember her like this, just in case. You touch the rough fabric of her jacket, inhale the scent of her hair, feel the cold and hardness of her glasses press against your cheek. You just hold her, needing to feel her like it's the last thing you'd ever do on this Earth.
You wish you could stay forever in her arms, but you manage to pull yourself away after a few seconds. Hanji gives you a soft look. "What was that about?" she asks.
Your face feels so hot you're surprised you don't burst into flames. That familiar feeling takes over your body while your brain processes everything that just happened.
"I missed you too," is all you can say. "So, did you want to tell me something, Hanji?"
Her slight smile disappears. She takes a deep breath, as if the air in her lungs is about to be stolen, "I'm just a little nervous about tomorrow. I thought you might be able to help me calm down, but it seems like I didn't even need to ask," she says, smiling. "Do you feel ready?"
"Yes, I've been practicing to make sure I will not be killed tomorrow!", you say, forming fists with your hands and positioning them on your hips. You're proud of everything you've accomplished with your friends' help during these past few weeks. Hanji starts laughing, and you beam with pride. You hope this is what she needed.
When her laughter subsides, Hanji lets out a contented sigh. "I honestly don't know what I would do without you around," she says.
Your eyes widen, and you get embarrassed again. You can't help but look away. Her soft hand touches your shoulder, "I should get going now. I need to look over some details before we leave in the morning." She squeezes your shoulder. "I'll see you tomorrow?"
You nod. "Of course, Squad Leader."
"Our mission, the expedition to capture a Titan, will now commence! Give up your hearts for humanity!" Commander Erwin's voice echoes clearly throughout the scouts as the gate opens fully. While screaming, he signals with his arms and the horses sprint outside the wall in formation. The gate closes behind them with a heavy thunk.
The sky is a beautiful shade of blue, with very few clouds. The cold breeze against your skin brings chills everywhere it touches. There are goosebumps all over your body, but the excitement rushing through your veins is enough to keep you warm for now. You've been preparing yourself for this for the past month and you feel like for once, luck is on your side.
Right next to you rides Hanji. Her laugh rings out louder than dozens of thundering hooves and yelling Scouts. The Commander had asked you to stay by her side at all times, mostly to keep her from getting herself killed, and judging by the twinkle in his eye, you could tell that your affections were noticed even at the highest level of the Scouting Regiment.
As the formation rides out, Hanji takes a moment to meet your eyes, and you smile at her. Today is going to be a win for humanity, you think to yourself.
You could not be more wrong.
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helloalycia · 5 years
hey, stranger | lena luthor
summary: after Lena leaves for National City shortly after her brother's attempt to kill Superman, you're left to learn to live without her. Until a year later, when you find yourself as CatCo's new junior photographer and discover Lena Luthor owns the company.
warning/s: none.
author's note: buckle in folks, this is a long one
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One Year Ago...
"Look, I know that what happened was terrifying, and I can't even begin to imagine what it must have been like, but Lena, you can't just leave."
The raven-haired woman avoided my eyes as she crossed her arms nervously.
I felt a pressure on my chest at the mere thought of her leaving Metropolis, and stepped forward to lace my fingers with hers.
"You're not your brother, and people will see that," I told her, my stomach doing somersaults when her glassy green eyes stared up at me. "They just need time."
She swallowed hard. "I don't want to wait for the rest of Metropolis to play catch-up. I can help better the world in National City, where there's a fresh start and a different Super there that hopefully won't judge me on the premise of my name."
I frowned when I heard her say that with such determination and ferocity, as if she'd given it much thought. It was too late, I knew that voice. It was the voice she used when she'd truly made up her mind and there was no convincing her otherwise.
"Y/N, I love you so much," she spoke again, grabbing my attention when she pushed a strand of hair behind my ear and stepped closer to me, our bodies pressing together gently. Her eyes were bright and piercing as she continued, "I need you to know that you are one of the few good things I have left in my life, probably the only good thing." She chuckled dryly and rested a hand on my cheek. "I know that I'm not the easiest person to be with–"
"Lena, I've never thought that," I cut her off instantly, shaking my head. "Don't say that."
She smiled sadly, glancing down to the floor. "Look, I know that what I'm saying sounds insane. But I need this fresh start. I don't think I can stay here, having this constant reminder about what Lex almost did."
I knew where she was going with this, but she was beating around the bush. My heart was crumbling with each second passing, but at the same time, I felt a small sense of relief that Lena may finally have the chance to be truly happy elsewhere, without the immediate ties of her family.
"I'm not asking you to come with me," she finally said it, eyes meeting mine as a tear dropped down her face. "You have a life here. A job. Friends and family. You can't just pick up and move with me."
"I could try," I said, a little hopefully as I gave her a small smile.
She shook her head, her voice cracking. "I wouldn't let you."
I breathed out slowly, feeling a lump form in my throat. "When are you leaving?"
She sighed regretfully. "Tomorrow."
I raised my eyebrows with surprise. "Tomorrow? Lena, you can't be serious! I thought you meant a few weeks, maybe a month, but–"
"I know, I know, but if I stay longer, it'll only be harder, and I'm afraid that I may change my mind," she cut me off, holding my arms now. "It's better this way." She leaned down to find my eyes, certainty shining through. "Y/N, it's better this way."
I pursed my lips, my eyes watering as I realised how real this all was. She was really going to leave and I wasn't sure when I would next see her again. If I would see her again.
"We still have today," I said, a statement rather than a question.
She flashed me one of those rare beautiful smiles she had, only reserved for me. "We do."
I lessened the gap between us by leaning forward and going in for a kiss. I didn't spend long thinking about it, knowing I didn't have time to waste. I pressed my lips to hers in a passionate kiss, wrapping an arm around her waist and another on the nape of her neck.
Her floral perfume filled my nose as she kissed back, lips agape as she sucked on my lower lip. It was a salty kiss and it didn't take long before I realised we were both crying into it.
We pulled apart for air and I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment, feeling my warm tears soak my face.
"I'm really gonna miss you, Lena Luthor," I admitted, forcing a smile on my lips.
She sniffled adorably, wiping away my tears. "I'm really gonna miss you, too."
Present Day...
"I'm Y/N Y/L/N, the new junior photographer," I introduced myself to my superior.
"Oh, shoot, you're here," the head of the photography department, Mr. Rodriguez, said startled.
I knitted my eyebrows together with confusion, a smile still politely on my lips. "Er, yeah... should I not be?"
His mind seemed like it was racing a million miles a second. "Yeah– no! I mean, no, you should be. You're in the right place. It's me who's all jumbled up..."
He headed to his computer at his desk as I awkwardly stood by the window, waiting for further instructions.
He tutted to himself. "Sorry about this. My assistant wrote you in my diary to be showing up tomorrow. I had a whole thing planned and everything."
"Oh, I'm, er..." I didn't know what to say though, as I remembered clearly getting a call asking to begin today.
"It's not your fault," Mr. Rodriguez said, waving a hand dismissively before looking up from his computer. "She's new, you see. Still getting used to the computer systems."
"I guess I can come back tomorrow," I offered awkwardly.
"No, no, that would be silly, you're already here now," he said quickly and apologetically. "I'm just thinking..." He crossed his arms with thought as he began to mumble to himself. "I've got several meetings today... Sasha is out sick... Nick could– no, no, he's out working on a story... so is Jamila and Markus..."
"You sure you don't want me to come back tomorrow?" I asked again, feeling like an inconvenience.
He looked up as if suddenly remembering I was stood there. "What? No, of course not." He glanced at the clock on his wall before widening his eyes with realisation. "Follow me for a second, will you, Y/N?"
I had no choice but to follow the older, slightly baffled photographer, as he led me outside of his office. His office was an all-glass box essentially, as every other office in this place was. We stood outside the door a moment and I took in the hustle and bustle of CatCo's newsroom for a second time that morning. I wondered what we were waiting for when Mr. Rodriguez seemed to have an idea.
"Kara! Kara, can I borrow you for a moment?" he called out, stepping forward to get some blonde woman's attention.
The blonde stopped walking and greeted Mr. Rodriguez with a chirpy smile. "Yes, sir?"
He seemed to breathe out with relief as he checked his watch. "Kara, I'm sorry to do this but my assistant messed up my schedule and it turns out that the lovely Y/N Y/L/N, my new junior photographer, has showed up and I am unprepared."
I awkwardly smiled at the blonde as she glanced my way.
"Do you think you can show her around the place? Just until lunch and then I can make time to do things properly."
This Kara woman seemed unsure as she laughed nervously. "I'm only a reporter, sir, I don't think I'd be the best person to–"
"Please, Danvers, I'll owe you one," Mr. Rodriguez said with a pleading smile.
"I really don't mind coming back tomorrow," I chimed in, looking to him. "This seems like a bad time. You're really busy and–"
"It's okay, I'll do it," Kara cut in, smiling at me.
"Yes, Danvers, you're a life-saver," Mr. Rodriguez exclaimed before looking to me. "I'm very sorry for the unprofessionalism, Y/N, especially on your first day, but I will make it up to you at lunch. Meet me in my office at half twelve?"
"Of course, sir," I said with a smile. "You should probably go, don't want to be late for your meeting."
His eyes widened with realisation. "Right! You're absolutely right! I'll see you ladies later."
I suppressed a laugh as he speed-walked away, leaving me alone with the reporter.
"Is he always that panicked?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
Kara chuckled. "Yes, he is. It's probably best you saw him like this. Now you know what you're getting yourself into."
I snickered. "So, your name is Kara?"
"Kara Danvers, yes," she introduced with a smile, putting out her hand.
I shook it and returned the smile. "Nice to meet you, Kara. I'm Y/N Y/L/N."
"The new junior photographer," she filled in jokingly.
"Right," I agreed with amusement.
"Well, I guess I'm your personal tour guide for the morning," she said, before motioning around us. "This is the kitchen."
I laughed at her lame joke. "Look, I can totally make myself busy until lunch if you have stuff to do. I didn't know Mr. Rodriguez would ask somebody to help me."
"Nah, it's fine, I don't mind," Kara said dismissively. "I used to be an assistant for Miss Grant, so I'm pretty familiar with this place, including where you'll be based."
"Wow, assistant for the boss, huh? That must have been... an experience."
Kara laughed as she led me around the newsroom. "I guess, yeah, but I learned a lot. Miss Grant taught me things I wouldn't have picked up elsewhere and..."
"That was James Olsen," I said with amazement. "I just met James Olsen."
Kara suppressed a smile. "He's kind of the guy in charge around here. If you weren't introduced to him, it would be strange."
"You know he took the first ever photo of Superman, right?" I said, glancing at Kara, still a little starstruck.
"Yes, I do know that," she said, crossing her arms and watching me with an amused smile.
"His photography is amazing," I rambled on. "He's got so many great shots of Superman, and now Supergirl as well. He manages to capture the most heroic moments in a single photograph without fail. It's amazing."
"I know that, too," Kara teased. "You said all of that and more just a moment ago when we were in there."
I felt my face grow warm with embarrassment. "Right, right, sorry..."
Kara laughed at my dismay, patting me on the shoulder. "It's alright. Besides, I think I've almost shown you everything. There's a few people I can introduce you to though, if you want. It might make settling in here a bit easier."
"Oh, wow, yeah, that sounds great," I said appreciatively. "Thanks."
"No problem," she said happily, before adding, "I think my friend, Nia, might be free to–"
Kara looked over my shoulder and a smiled brightly at whoever was there. "Lena, hey!"
I widened my eyes, unsure if I'd misheard the name or not. I turned around and forgot how to breathe for a second, realising I hadn't. Because none other than Lena Luthor was stood before me, her smile fading as her eyes flickered to me from Kara, flashing with recognition.
I swallowed hard, before offering a small, friendly smile. "Hey, stranger."
She looked stunning, absolutely radiant. Just as I remembered, save for her hair which had grown a little longer. My heart was suddenly remembering what it was like to be with her, beating up an uncontrollable rhythm in my chest.
"Y/N," she finally breathed out, recovering from her momentary shock. "You're here."
"National City is a big place," I said, feeling like a teenager with a crush as her green eyes were trained on me. "I didn't think I'd see you."
"I own the company," she said quietly, still surprised.
I raised my eyebrows. "Wow. I didn't–" I cleared my throat, "–I didn't know that."
"Wait, you two know each other?" Kara asked, and I forgot she was standing there until she spoke up, looking between us with a puzzled expression.
I licked my lips and stayed quiet, not sure what to say. Thankfully, Lena spoke up for the both of us.
"Y/N is an old friend of mine," she said carefully, eyes never leaving mine. "Back from Metropolis."
Kara's mouth was agape with confusion, but she didn't speak. I could feel her looking between us both with much intrigue.
"What are you doing here?" Lena asked, cocking her head to the side, eyebrows furrowed.
I straightened up as I found my words. "I'm the new junior photographer. Today is my first day."
"Oh, well, congratulations." She seemed like she was still catching up with everything, as was I. "Have you met James Olsen? He was our lead photographer and art director before being promoted to CEO." She glanced behind me at his office before nodding that way. "I'll introduce you, come on–"
"Lena, it's fine, Kara already introduced me," I said, smiling appreciatively. "Thank you though."
Lena bit her lip and nodded, before looking down to her shoes uncomfortably.
"Anyway," Kara began, filling the silence, "is there anything you needed, Lena? I'm not on my lunch break yet, but–"
"There's no rush," Lena said, shaking her head. "I just came to check on things. I needed to speak with James about a few things." She glanced at me, adding, "Er, we're going out for lunch, if you'd like to join us? I mean, you don't have to, but if you'd like, you can..."
This whole situation was so out of the blue and neither of us could ignore the awkwardness between us right now.
"I've got plans with Mr. Rodriguez, but thank you anyway," I declined politely, forcing a small smile.
"Okay, yeah, of course." Lena nodded before smiling at us both. "I should get going."
"See you later," Kara said with a wave and a smile.
Lena returned her smile before looking to me, her eyes softening. "It's nice to see you again, Y/N."
"You, too, Lena."
I watched as she walked away, before releasing a breath when she was out of sight. It was just like we'd met for the first time all over again, myself feeling butterflies in my stomach and unable to get her piercing green eyes out of my head. And here I was thinking a year would make a difference.
"You okay?"
I blinked and looked up, realising Kara was staring at me with concern. I put on a smile and nodded.
"Yeah, sorry, yeah. I just– I didn't think I'd see her again. At least not today."
Kara seemed hesitant as she stayed quiet for a moment, before finally saying, "I'm guessing old friends means something else in Metropolis..."
My smile faded as I nodded. "Yeah..."
Kara led me away, the two of us walking down the hall.
"Are you and Lena, er–"
"No, no," Kara said, reassuringly. "We're just friends. Best friends, actually."
I felt embarrassed for even thinking I had a right to know. "Sorry, it wasn't my business."
"It's okay, don't worry about it." Kara flashed me a small smile. "She's not with anyone right now by the way."
I raised an eyebrow and Kara gave me a knowing look, as if she knew what I was thinking.
"Come on, I'll introduce you to Nia," she changed the subject, thankfully. "She's a reporter here."
I nodded and followed Kara, but I would be lying if I said Lena hadn't plagued my thoughts.
The last time I'd seen her was just over a year ago, when we'd said our goodbyes before she left. It was a hard goodbye, a hard breakup in general. I loved her a lot and knowing she was moving away to be someone better hurt because I couldn't stop her. I would never stop her. But I couldn't leave with her either.
We were friends long before we were a couple, so we made sure things wouldn't be weird when we broke up. Of course I still had feelings for her, but we agreed to try and remain friends.
It worked for a while. We would text and occasionally call, whilst she was settling into National City and turning L Corp around. But then the calls were fewer, and the texting lessened, and before I knew it, we'd lost touch. I wasn't sure if it was because maybe we both knew it would be easier and hurt less, to not have each other at all if not in the way we wanted, or if it was because we were getting busier, but it happened.
When I stopped freelancing as a photographer and decide to apply for a permanent position somewhere, the job from CatCo practically fell into my lap and I couldn't turn it down. I genuinely didn't believe I'd bump into Lena – this was a big city! But of course she owned the company. Just my luck.
I'd been in National City for a few weeks now and hadn't seen Lena since that first awkward encounter. I wasn't sure whether to be offended or not, since we were friends before being a couple so I at least thought we could pick up where we left off, but that was naïve of me.
I was enjoying my job at CatCo and already had a few things in the works with the help of Mr. Rodriguez. I'd also befriended Kara and a few of her other friends – Nia and James. It was still weird that I was 'friends' with James, since he was such a talented photographer and I couldn't imagine it, but it was great. They were a fun lot to be around at work, along with a few other photographers in my team.
My latest assignment was covering an L Corp gala, which wasn't my first choice, but I couldn't argue with it. Thankfully, the reporter I was partnered with was Kara, so I wasn't entirely uncomfortable. Apparently Kara had covered a lot of Luthor-related stories, so was the best person for the story.
So, that's where I found myself now, standing in the doorway of a massive ballroom, full of important-looking, rich business professionals. The gala was a charity ball, raising money for children's hospitals around National City, that Lena owned. I felt proud of her when I looked around and saw the impact she had made by moving here. She was certainly just as determined as I remembered her to be.
"This is very fancy," I commented aloud, feeling a tad bit underdressed in my dress pants and blouse.
"Wouldn't be a Luthor event if it wasn't," Kara joked, before nudging me in the arm. "Come on. Let's have a look around."
I followed Kara as we showed ourselves around, myself looking at the best vantage points for some nice shots, as well as subtly wondering if Lena was around.
Eventually, I left Kara to do her interviewing as I wandered about, taking photos of everyone. There was a lot going on, so it wasn't hard to find interesting subjects. I spotted Lena at one point, mingling with other guests. I almost forgot I was supposed to be taking photos when I saw her because she looked amazing.
She was wearing an elegant off-shoulder black gown and her long dark hair was sleek and straight, shining under the lights. I could make out the bright green of her eyes from the other side of the room and I had to remind myself that I was there to do a job before I began to drool.
I snapped some photos of her, maybe a few more than necessary, but she looked beautiful and I couldn't help it. I took more photos of everyone before deeming it enough and settling on a table on the 'quieter' part of the hall.
I was snacking on some of the hors d'oeuvres as I looked back through the photos I took when I heard Kara call my name.
I looked up mid-bite into a salmon puff when I saw Kara approaching me, Lena in tow. I straightened up and finished chewing my food before smiling at both women.
"Hey, Kara," I greeted, before meeting Lena's gaze. "Lena. This is a lovely event. You've done an amazing job."
Lena smiled bashfully. "If there's anything rich people love more than lavish events, it's lavish events that showcase their charitable donations."
I cracked a smile – her sense of humour hadn't changed.
"You get any good shots?" Kara asked, nodding to my camera.
I looked down at it. "Yeah, I was just looking through them."
"Can I...?" Lena smiled as she motioned to my camera.
I nodded a little too enthusiastically. "Yeah, yeah, of course."
She stood beside me, a little closer than I expected, or maybe it seemed that way because I was holding my breath. She accepted the camera from my hands and began to flick through the photos. She was smiling down at them all, nodding with approval.
"Still as talented as I remember," she muttered.
I didn't even realise she'd spoken because I was too busy taking in her profile. The sharpness of her jawline contrasted with her long dark hair pushed behind her ear was distracting, and I felt my mouth go dry when she looked up at me, dark eyes suddenly staring right at me.
"Huh?" I spluttered, unintelligibly.
She laughed and rolled her eyes playfully. "Never mind, Y/N."
I felt my face grow warm. "Sorry, I'm just... is this strange? Me and you?"
Lena cleared her throat and suppressed a smile. "If it's strange, it's my fault, sorry. I should have greeted you properly a few weeks ago. I really wasn't expecting to see you again."
"Me either," I said, shaking my head. "No need to apologise. I think we both thought it was a little weird... but it is really good to see you again." I glanced around. "You've achieved a lot, Lena. And I have a feeling this isn't even the half of it."
It was Lena's turn to get embarrassed as she avoided my eyes, smiling to herself. "Thank you, Y/N."
It went quiet for a moment, a comfortable silence between us, until Lena looked up and lost her smile.
"I know that things ended a little... suddenly between us, but I never intended for us to stop speaking." She frowned a little. "I don't really have any excuse for why we stopped. But I am sorry it did."
"Hey, it takes two to tango," I joked to lighten the mood, making her glance up at me. "We both lost contact with each other. It happens. But I'm here now, and you're here, and well, maybe we could try and be friends again. If you want, that is."
A beautiful smile graced her lips as she nodded. "I'd like that."
My heart skipped a beat at how her eyes lit up. "We can get coffee and catch up, if you'd like. I'd love to hear about all you've done this last year."
"Coffee sounds great," Lena agreed. "And it's not just me who's been up to new stuff. I wanna hear all about how you ended up at CatCo."
I chuckled. "It's a date." I widened my eyes when I realised what I said. "That's not what I meant, sorry. It's just a plan and–"
Lena's laugh cut me off. "Y/N, it's fine, I know what you meant."
I nodded, a little flustered. I soon realised we'd been talking a while and Kara was nowhere to be found.
"She left a moment ago," Lena said, realising I was looking for her. "Between me and you, I think she got us together today for a reason."
"She cares about you," I pointed out. "She seems like a great friend."
Lena nodded, smiling nostalgically. "Yeah, she is. One of the first I made when moving here."
"Come on, we should probably chase her down and let her know we're good."
"Lead the way, Y/L/N."
Lena and I followed through with our plans, meeting up for coffee to have a big catch up. It was amazing hearing all she'd achieved in the past year. I wasn't surprised in the slightest however, as I knew that if anyone could do it, she could. It was also lovely to see her look a lot better, health-wise. When she left, she was still shaken up about what Lex did – it was reassuring to know she'd recovered, even slightly.
We hung out a few more times, mostly with Kara, Nia and James present, but it still felt good to see her at all.
Kara even invited me over to her place one evening, claiming she hosted a weekly game night and would love if I joined. That was where I met Kara's sister, Alex, and their friend, Brainy. The two worked for the government, but weren't as serious as they let on.
Nia and James were also present, along with James' sister, Kelly, who was also Alex's girlfriend. Lena was there, too, and admittedly, I looked forward to seeing the raven-haired woman yet another time.
"Charades?" Alex suggested, already grabbing the bowl of charade ideas.
Everyone agreed and naturally got into teams. They'd been playing a while, so it seemed that they had teams organised in advance. The Danvers sisters were one, the Olsen siblings were another, and Brainy and Nia (who had been flirting all night) were the last, leaving Lena and I to pair up.
"Is that okay with you guys?" Kara asked, realising we had been left to team up. The blonde had been hesitant in pushing us together too much when we hung out, clearly worried about pressuring us into anything. It was thoughtful and I'm sure Lena appreciated it as much as I did.
"Being partnered with the smartest person in the room?" I asked rhetorically. "Why would that be a problem?"
Kara seemed taken aback as everybody laughed. Lena nudged me in the side jokingly, just like old times, and Kara finally came to her senses and grinned.
"Game on, Y/N," she played along, before standing up. "Alex and I will go first."
The Danvers sisters performed alright, managing to get eight points in the 60-second round. Next up was Lena and I.
"You wanna go or should I?" I asked, glancing at her.
"You go, you've always been better at it than I have," she said, ushering me to stand up.
I chuckled and stood up, readying myself.
"And... go!" James said, starting the timer.
I grabbed the first slip of paper. Water bottle.
I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering how one could act that out, but nonetheless, I locked eyes with Lena and began to make a drinking motion.
I shook my head and repeated the action, emphasising it a little.
"Water! Glass of water?"
I repeated the action, motioning to the 'bottle' in my hand.
"Water bottle!"
"Yes!" I shouted back, before moving onto the next slip of paper.
Watching a romantic comedy.
"Ooh! Okay, okay, er..." I sat down on the floor, looking ahead at the TV as if I was watching it.
"Watching TV," Lena guessed.
I pretended to laugh one second and then cry another.
"Watching a comedy!"
I wiggled my hand to show she was almost there. I made a love heart with my hand and did the whole thing again, hoping it would make sense.
"Watching a rom com!"
"Yes! You got it!" I shouted with a grin, before moving to the next one.
Finding Nemo.
I began to make the whale noises similar to how Dory does in the film and Lena guessed it instantly.
She laughed as the others were watching eagerly, curious to if we would mess up or beat Alex and Kara.
Scuba diving.
I pretended to dive off the couch onto the carpet and she guess it immediately.
"Five more to go and thirty seconds left," Nia reminded us.
Hide and seek.
I covered my eyes and began counting backwards from ten.
"Hide and seek!"
I wasn't sure how to act that out, so I said, "Er, that, er, the shop opposite the McDonald's down the street!"
"Walmart!" Lena said with a laugh.
"Can she do that? Talk in the game?" Brainy asked as I moved onto the next slip.
"Technically she didn't say the answer, so yeah," Nia said with a shrug. "Three more left and twenty seconds, guys!"
Having a bright idea.
I pointed to one of the light bulbs above as and motioned to it on my head, making a 'ding' noise with my mouth.
"A bright idea?"
"Yes! Okay, er..."
A penny for your thought.
I dug out a penny from my pocket and held it up before pointing to my head.
"Penny for your thought!"
"Okay, how is she getting these?!" Alex complained, mildly confused.
Kelly laughed at her girlfriend as I moved onto the next one.
"Shoot, er..."
"Five seconds left!" Nia called out.
"That thing your car ran over on our second date!" I shouted, meeting Lena's eyes and hoping she'd understand.
"Oh! Er, it was..."
"Come on, Lena!"
"A coconut!"
"Time's up!" Nia called it, and I looked to her to see how many points we got. She looked at her point system before sighing disappointedly. "Nine points."
"Yes!" Lena and I shouted with excitement, and she stood up to embrace me in a hug.
We were laughing as James tried to get our attention.
"You drove over a coconut on your second date?" he asked, probably for everyone, and all eyes were on Lena and I as we remembered it like it was yesterday.
"Look, I don't know how it got there, or where it came from," Lena began, a hint of amusement in her voice, "but we were driving back from this restaurant when I drove over a bump or something."
"We stopped to take a look and it turns out it was a coconut," I finished, shaking my head. "Weird time. But yeah."
Everybody seemed confused, but Lena and I exchanged amused knowing glances.
"Okay, well you two aren't going to be partners next week, since it's unfair how well you work together," Nia commented, before standing up. "Brainy, it's our turn."
Lena grabbed my hand and led me to the couch, the two of us sat side by side watching the others have their go. I didn't even realise we were still holding hands at first, then I felt the warmth from her skin touching mine and smiled to myself. Friends could hold hands, so it wasn't a big deal, but it felt right. I had missed this.
Some time passed and any hint of awkwardness between Lena and I had disappeared. We were friends, like we used to be before we got together, and it was nice. I tried to ignore any old feelings that were trying to resurface when I was with her, and I assumed it was working since I hadn't done anything stupid to ruin what we had.
It did feel good to spend all this time with her as well. I'd forgotten what it was like to have her in my life, to have someone with me who understood me. We had inside jokes, memories, time spent where we knew each other inside and out. It was almost a relief to have that, knowing we didn't have to start from scratch.
I guess it was always expected – we'd loved each other dearly. That couldn't be erased, not even after spending a year apart.
A few months into the midst of this friendship, I was at CatCo, in the darkroom processing photos from my camera when I heard a knock on the door.
"Y/N? You in there?"
I recognised the voice as Lena's and called back, "Yeah, you can come in, just be quick!"
The door opened and closed quite quickly, barely a sliver of light creeping into the room thankfully.
"Woah," Lena said, looking around.
"C'mon, you've been in a darkroom plenty of times," I teased with a half smile, glancing up at her.
"Not for a long time, actually," she retorted, playfully glaring at me.
I grinned at her as she joined my side, watching as I hung up some prints I'd just processed.
"So what's up?" I asked, glancing between her and what I was doing.
She was distracted by my hand movements, finally looking to me when I spoke. "Huh? Oh, right. I was wondering if you wanted to get lunch with me. I was free, but now I think you're a little busy."
"No, lunch sounds great!" I said, smiling at her. Her eyes were dark in the red light, yet they made my stomach do somersaults nonetheless. "I just need to finish these last prints. You can stay if you want."
Lena nodded and watched as I moved some more prints from the stop bath to the water tray.
"Where are these?" she asked, looking at the photos hung up already.
"That rally downtown," I remembered. "A few days ago, I think."
"Oh, right."
I glanced at her, watching as she stared at everything with awe. I smiled, admiring how adorable she looked. She always used to do that whenever she'd join me, back when we were dating. No matter how many times I showed her, she still found it all fascinating.
"You want a go?" I asked, earning her attention.
Her head darted to me as she raised her eyebrows. I nodded to the prints that needed 'washing' and she nodded.
"Sure, what do I do?"
I handed her a pair of metal tongs. "Just pick that up," I pointed to the first tray, "and put it in here." I pointed to the second tray. "But first, hang that print up on the line above so it can dry."
She did as I said and I watched to make sure she didn't spill any of the chemicals on herself or her fingers.
"Okay, just a few more here," I said, pointing to the last few prints. "You think you can handle it?"
She rolled her eyes at my playfulness and I smiled as I watched her finish up. When she finished, she set the tongs down on a paper towel. I spotted a little bit of developer solution on the counter and spotted the rest of the paper towels on the side, next to Lena.
I rested a hand on her back as I leaned over her, grabbing the paper towel. I cleaned up the last spot and tossed the paper towel in the bin, about to speak, but I was surprised when I looked to Lena and saw her move forward quickly, pressing her lips to mine.
She pulled me close by the waist and kissed me hard, making my heart beat faster and faster in my chest. I relaxed into her embrace, resting a hand on the side of her face. She moved closer, my back hitting the counter behind me as she swiped my bottom lip with her tongue.
It was like we hadn't been apart when she pulled away for a second, before reattaching her lips to mine. I was still surprised and I knew I should have stopped us, but my heart was saying otherwise as I kissed back, missing the taste of her lips against mine.
She slipped her tongue between my lips and I let out an unsolicited moan, definitely knowing I should stop this now.
"Lena," I breathed out, managing to part our lips for a second, but she reattached them in an instant, and I almost gave in all over again when she began to suck on my lower lip, enticing me with her Luthor charm.
"Lena," I tried again, using every ounce of willpower to pull apart from her.
She finally listened and pulled apart, her eyes meeting mine apologetically, realising what she'd done. "I'm... I'm sorry."
"It's okay," I assured her, tucking a loose hair behind her ear. "That was... unexpected."
"I actually wanted to do that for a while," she admitted, eyes flickering to the ground. "I tried not to, but I couldn't not do anything..."
I felt a little hopeful as I watched her. I couldn't help but blurt out, "I think I'm still in love with you."
This got her attention, as she looked up and searched my eyes. "You are?"
I nodded slowly, holding my breath for her response.
She pursed her lips, raising her hand to caress my cheek. "I think I'm still in love with you, too. I don't think I ever stopped."
I smiled as she looked between my eyes. I always felt a sense of calm when looking in hers, and I guessed some things didn't change.
"I really missed you when you left," I admitted. "I tried really hard to get over you, but I don't think I did. Not really."
"I missed you, too," she muttered. "I hated that I left you."
"You didn't do anything wrong," I said, shaking my head. "Sometimes, the timing is off. But I'm here now and I think that maybe the timing is in our favour again."
"Are you saying you want to try this again?" Lena asked, a hopeful smile on her lips.
"Well, it's either that or we make out every now and then without any real resolve," I joked, and she laughed, smacking me in the shoulder before pulling me close again.
"Nothing will get in the way of us this time," she said confidently. "I won't let it."
I wrapped an arm around her waist and smiled down at her. "You do tend to get your way."
She smiled and leaned into me, her head fitting into my shoulder. I held her close, closing my eyes and smelling that familiar floral scent of her perfume.
She pulled back and met my eyes, a sense of relief present in them.
"I'm really glad you're back," she said softly.
My heart was still pounding in my chest as I smiled at her. "Me too."
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soldierallen · 4 years
Married. 13
Tagged @hiddlestonstansworld @lovely-geek @imcalledflorence @misz-adrii @escapistdreamer-wishfulthinker @someplxce @cuddlesforlashton @coffeebooksandfandomsohmy @weasley16 @ilovethewayyourheartbeats @vogueworthy-barnes @xeniarocks @thisismysecrethappyplace @racheo91 @gravedollie666 @inlovewith3 @supernaturaldean67 // if anyone wants to be untagged or tagged please leave a message ty♡ also I do not own any gifs or images of any kind.
Part 12:
Appearances; Alexandra Daddario, Chris Evans, Chase Crawford, Sebastian Stan.
Warnings: sexual themes, a bit smutty, fluff, blood? Idk if that’s a warning
Note: I’ lost the password to this account I lost my god damn mind and I gave up on my favorite story, the one that I’ve been wanting to tell this whole time the second to last chapter starts now❤️
Sebastian Stan x Reader
Christmas had passed so did new years, y/n's job was fantastic she was having the time of her life traveling across the country for interviews and really putting herself out there being a director for the paper it was amazing, oh wait you're wondering what happened to Alex and y/n?... oh right that part...
That night.
"I didn't mean to hit you in the face it was by mistake" Alex yelled, sebastian pulled y/n throughout the house to get her into the kitchen she slowly lifted herself up onto the counter whilst he looked at her nose blood gushing may I add droplets falling into the floor
"Alex what the fuck do you want?" Sebastian opened his freezer looking for something to ice her nose that was bleeding harshly, y/n's head tilted back slightly
"I wanted to talk to you, But she’s always here she’ll always take up your time that letter you wrote that wasn’t for me it was for her you lied to me... you never loved me it was all fake" she was crushed, both Sebastian and y/n rolled their eyes not believing her bullshit, but also y/n thought... what letter?
"how's this, how dare you think that it's okay to barge into someone's house uninvited and unwelcomed hit someone in the face with a door that LIVES here, oh should I also mentioned how you got her fired, broke her mentally and almost made me lose my relationship with her because of some "agreement" with money, Alex we talked about all of this and it never once came CLOSE to you apologzing to her, I never wanna see you again" he handed y/n a small bag of icey broccoli she laughed at the bag and put it on her nose extremely dizzy
"if that's what you want seb, i- I thought we meant more than that" she swallowed "I'll walk myself out", and with that she left
"That was first time I ever heard you defend me from her" her eyes got watery
“I’m sorry I never did, I’m never I never thought about your feelings or even thought about how you felt or what you was going through seeing you with Henry was enough for me to know that I wanted you she wasn’t the one who helped me all these years it’s always been you.." he kissed her head gently as she came off of the counter
"Seb, I love you" her heart stopped in her chest, and sebastian’s heart starting beating so loud I think the neighbors next door were able to hear it, he put his hands in his pocket.. He was spechless not able to configure words
"I didn't expect me to say those words with a broken nose a bloody floor and as your roommate... sebastian stan I love you and if you don’t love me that’s fine I’ll move out I’ll move to Alaska an-" he pulled her body closer to his, his hands leaving his pockets wrapping around her waist as he kissed her his other hand around her neck thumb caressing her cheek she was in awe, he pulled his lips away and her forehead touched his "I'm madly in love with you doll I want this to work let's make this work"
And after that night they went on their first date which was an absolute disaster from start to finish, starting off with y/n’s dress getting soaked from a pitcher of water spilling on her, Sebastian tripping over nothing and taking a bad tumble, to right before they got home the car breaking down it was just a mess.
It's been three months, everyone is friends again I mean y/n and Henry aren't too friendly but they talk when there in the same room together. Tonight should feel no different and it isn't but what y/n doesn't know is that sebastian's hiding something.
Pretty important might I add.
"I'm going to work extremely early tomorrow so I'll be home at like 6pm okay?" She was standing behind the couch as Sebastian was sitting he put both of his arms out behind him he brought her body closer to the back of the couch and himself they kissed upside down "I love you" her heart fluttered at his words "I love you too" he touched his sweatpants pocket and slowly stopped she went in her room closing the door and he groaned loudly into the pillow putting his hand in his pocket pulling out a velvety red box
"Just do it? What’s wrong with you" he looked at the engagement ring box he heard her bedroom door open again QUICKLY shoving it back in his pocket, "hey seb can you come to my bedroom” she yelled out from the other side of the door, he slowly walked to her door, when he pressed on the door revealing her room candles lit, she was sat on the edge of the bed dressed in a silk robe, a bra and panties he flirtatiously smirked at the sight of her "what do I owe the pleasure.." he asked pushing up the sleeves to his crewneck sweater, "I regretted your offering a few nights ago I told you I wasn't ready yet to start getting intimate like that" he nodded remembering crossing his arms over his chest clenching his jaw, "please forgive me" she untied her silk robe letting it fall to the floor seductively his breath hitched in his throat at the sight of her for the first time he was mesmerized by the shape of her body it didn't matter to him what she looked like the curves of her body or her petite figure he didn't care, she was his and he loved her.
"you're forgiven" we're the only words he could let out, he wanted to know every wrinkle, every freckle, every beauty mark, on her body he wanted to be a genius of the anatomy of her body, he got closer his hands finally finding her skin chills circulated all over her body as he got right behind her kissing her neck one arm creeping to her stomach her back pressed up against his front she felt the heat between her legs light a fire
as he gently unclasped her bra taking the shoulders down sensually his lips connecting once again with the skin between her neck and shoulder loving the feeling she reached over behind her touching him through his pants he felt a little hard which turned her on even more, the hand that was on her stomach slowly inching closer and closer toward her heat, she loved this teasing she just knew she would miss work tomorrow, "tell me if I should stop" he whispered so low she barely heard what he said, his hand found her heat rubbing circles teasing her so badly her body pressed up against his she stopped him turning around ripping his shirt off his body revealing his magnificent body his chain dangling her hands gently reached his waistband of his pants pulling them down as he stepped out of them, "this should be fun" he whispered finally their lips connecting the only thing keeping them apart were the underwear between the both of them, the teasing kept going which made things more interesting when finally they had enough with the foreplay.
"So how was I I haven’t been at it in some time” she said with a smirk he traced her skin with his fingertips loving the warmth her skin held
"phenomenal" he said in the lowest voice he sounded cheesy as hell she pushed off him which made the two laugh a lot they cuddled closely to each other a moment they never wanted to forget for as long as they lived..
That morning she got up got ready for work she picked up the clothes off the floor his sweatpants inside out she picked them up to fold them when something fell out of the pocket a red velvet box her eyes widened her skin was getting really hot, he was gonna propose??? Or he is? What- she quickly put the box back in his pants and threw them on the floor
"Y/n, mr Crawford needs to speak with you." His assistant came up to her at office “can’t he just call me men are useles Lucy” the assistant laughed walking out, she got up going to his office "chase if this is about me being late-" she was going to explain herself until he stopped her, "nope I have a job proposal” proposal that word it scared her to say the least... “I'm handing it over to you first if you don't want it I'm giving it to angie. Y/n I want you to take the duchan case." Chase said She was in shock "chase-" "you know how much you mean to me and this company you're the right women to take it I offered it to you first" "what do I tell Sebastian?" "If you take the offer? Well hi honey baby sweetheart I have to leave for the next 5 months to Brazil and I won't be back anytime soon and also I can't have any contact with you or anyone else for that matter just my boss" chase said with a laugh he clicked his pencil once he ended his sentence.
"Haha very funny," she rolled her eyes "listen can you give me two days?" He nodded standing up as did she "I need your answer by morning the second day alright kid" "yes sir" they hugged and she left, her relationship was very friendly with mr Crawford he didn't treat anyone in the company the way he treats y/n I guess because they get along so well. Y/n has a chance to leave the country and figure out a case and be a reporter something she'd never thought she would do, but she would lose seb..maybe even lose the proposal if she leaves
"Hey I'm home" she yelled as she took her keys from the lock, closing the door she felt a strange sensation come upon her like it wasn't sebastian in the house but someone else, her instincts kicked in she grabbed the stick for the fire place walking around the corner it was a women cleaning which startled the women that was cleaning she threw her rag in the air she was filled with fright, "miss I'm so sorry I thought mr stan told you I was coming in today" y/n huffed with relief "it's okay not to be rude but why did he call you to come in today?"
"He said a special occasion" she told y/n, she shrugged her shoulders what was sebastian's special occasion? Is he gonna propose???
"I never got your name?" Y/n said
"Margo" she reached out her hand for y/n to shake it and she did "um I guess carry on sorry for almost beating you to death" she laughed and the women did too she went into her bedroom and laid on the bed “what am I gonna tell him do” she was in panic mode what did she do when she panicked... “CHRIS come over” she said he laughed on the other line “what is it this time” he said “an emergency for your ears only mr Evans I am warning you”
It was an hour later Margo cleaned the entire house it was spotless... why did he ask her to come in?
“He’s gonna WHAT” he said
“YEAH I saw the box”
“did you see the ring?” He whispers
“no I wanted it to be a suprise! Now tell me what to do”
“Don’t take the job offer” Chris said “are you gonna elaborate or that’s it just don’t take the job” she was anxious
“you’ve wanted him your whole life and you have him now and you’re gonna give up on him for a job? There’s more to live than a job” Chris said “you’re right I just this is so good for me I’m scared that.. I’ll lose on this opportunity and I lose out on my seb” she wanted to bang her head into the wall
“Choose Sebastian or the job”
“Than you’ve made up your mind!”
“I want him Chris i always will but will he always want me like he does right now will he change his mind in 5 months will he decide he doesn’t love me after all, I have to think about these things because he makes promises and doesn’t keep them... I just hope I’m making the right choice” she said
“You are” he pulled her in and they hugged while they sat down, their legs up bodies close their heads on top of each other’s, they heard the door open “cheating on me already” Sebastian walked in with a laugh “yes kiss me” she said with her lips puckered he kissed her sweetly “hey Chris” they hugged “I guess I’m gonna go... good luck” he said grabbing his jacket and kissing her cheek “bye text me when you get home”, and he left Sebastian nowhere to be found
“Seb....seb....” she looked in the kitchen in the bathroom in their separate rooms where?.. oh the “backyard” he looked out into the skies some beautiful buildings “I have something to tell you” he said looking at and it at her, “what” she got closer closing the door behind her.. “I got offered a job..and I’m not gonna be here for a while” her heart broke “what...” “my boss told me I have no choice I have to take this job she can’t lose money on my account, baby” he turned towards her “ it’s in another country they want me to run one of our out of country offices for the next 5 months” she laughed, “I got offered a job today that I can take or leave they want me to report a story in Brazil for 5 months and I didn’t know if I should take it because of us..” he was amazed “baby a reporting job that’s amazing I’m so proud of you” he kissed her for a brief moment putting his hands on her shoulders rubbing them “tonight was suppose to go a lot different, this wasn’t suppose to be happening now” he fiddled his pocket pulling out a letter “hi beautiful, I’m writing you this letter cause god I miss you things haven’t been the same without you I haven’t been able to see you remember when we slow danced at dance rehearsal, when you helped me pick out the flowers for the wedding, I just want you to know that I love you and when the right times come they come. Seb x” he said as he read out the letter “she found the letter when she came home after a few days away thinking it was for her, I wrote this letter for you I wrote letters every time I missed you he pulled out three letters from his jacket pocket “I confessed my love for you in all four letters because I thought maybe you’ll reciprocate it one day I hope today is that day” he got down on one knee her heart was racing she pushed her hair out of her face to wipe her tears
“We’re going to be apart for 5 months I don’t think I can wait that long to marry you y/n so for gods sake y/n y/m y/l will you marry me so help me god you stay in my life for the rest of my life” he said with small tears pouring out of his eyes she hugged him so tight she was bawling her eyes out she kissed him a million times it felt like “I knew you didn’t even care about the ring” he laughed she didn’t even put the ring on she knew he loved her a ring didn’t mean anything
“Yes a million times yes” she couldn’t believe she was saying these words to Sebastian of all people she was saying yes to getting married to him she was engaged!
“Sebastian it’s so big!” She was amazed “you deserve it my fiancé” a smirk left his lips she loved hearing that word come out of his mouth “I might just rip your clothes off now” “is it cause I said my fiancé” she nodded kissing him once more “I’ll only be able to call you once a month for the 5 months I’m going to be gone” she said he nodded “me too” they both knew this was going to be a hard task however it’s happening to both them..
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