#that i had failed to embrace myself fully when everyone else was
patrice-bergerons · 2 years
You know that the school of thought that says queer narratives focused on [insert]-phobia are depressing, trite and relics of the past, and what we ought to celebrate as true marks of progress are narratives freed from such -phobias even where doing so runs foul of accurate descriptions of the place/time period?
It always, always rubbed me the wrong way and there is nothing like watching a good Russell T Davies drama to remind you that exploring joy and humour and the impact of homophobia are not mutually exclusive. You don't have to pretend it doesn't exist to have a good story that's not only about suffering. And while there may be a space for stories completely free from this conflict we deny ourselves so much depth if we demand it of every story or else label it outdated.
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majoringinsarcasm · 1 year
“V9 was filler because nothing changed about Ruby or Jaune, she could’ve had her breakdown in Vacuo while the real plot was being fleshed out.”
1) Above all else you sound like you hate fun bc V9 was so freaking cool and visually stunning and new and different and weird and wonderful
2) Had Ruby gone to Vacuo right away she would NOT have properly grieved Penny nor would she have had time to vent her frustrations because she is a Leader, capital L, and it’s been 8 volumes of her not addressing her issues or having bursts of anger and then immediately trying to comfort someone else. See V4 when she tries to tell Jaune that Ren and Nora will be fine. He responds “you don’t know that” and we see her smile fade. Her uncle might die and it’s her fault he’s hurt but she’s trying to comfort Jaune. No time for her.
Or in V6 where she just learned the big bad they are fighting seemingly can’t die. She goes to Oscar and makes him feel human she comforts him even though she’s no doubt flipping out inside. And then later when she smashes the bottle to wake Qrow up she is visually upset that he’s passed out drinking again but she softens and hugs him and offers support.
She has been trying to prove herself since Volume 1. She is the one who tells Jaune that as Leaders they have to put their team first and themselves second and she’s stuck to that rule. She wants to prove that Ozpin making her Leader wasn’t a mistake. With Jaune, it’s similar, he doesn’t ask for help from anyone with his emotions. He’s the golden retriever, the lovable idiot stuck in the tree. He didn’t want to be a team player at all he wanted to be The Hero, someone who didn’t need help, someone who could save his friends instead of being shoved in a locker and moved to safety. He didn’t want to work With them, he wanted to save them all.
And that’s why V9 is so special. For the first time since the series began Ruby Rose “puts herself first”. She’s been lamenting all of her failures she’s been stewing in this hopelessly because she thinks SHE is the issue when that’s not the case.
“What about me?!”
“What happens if I choose me?”
She decides she is Enough, flaws and failed plans and all. She does not need to change into someone else to be better because SHE was never the problem. The world would have fought against whoever came out of that tree and she’s holding her own hand and saying “I will be there for this girl I will grab the weapon she made and I will fight for Myself as well as everyone else. I am worth fighting for.”
And with Jaune, well he got to be The Hero all by himself. He got to be the protector of a group of beings that did what he asked and wanted to make him happy. Who Let Him Help. No one shoved him into a locker, he wasn’t laughed at for making up silly team attack names, he was in charge all by himself. He was selfish but he STILL wasn’t putting himself first at the same time. He was clinging to unhealthy ideals because he was without a team to lean on or even help. He had no one to call him out nobody to keep him level. It’s not until the final battle that he gets to be “the man he’s always wanted to be.”
Jaune is a strategist. He’s good at looking at the whole picture BECAUSE he’s not on the frontlines from the start. He provides perspective and new ideas. In V4 he also plays this role but he’s a bit reluctant. He’s without a weapon and sees at first the role as lesser, but now he’s fully embracing it. He’s from a big family and then had a team he’s not Built to be a lone wolf. He’s built to be with a family, he’s meant to be part of something bigger. After years of being the rusted knight he never changed or got better and THAT was the lesson. He got to play out his ideal and was worse because of it because a hero isn’t what he thought it would be. Or what he wanted it to be.
In the end Ruby still doesn’t call herself a huntress. Somewhat calls her that. In the end Ruby still doesn’t pick that definition for herself, but someone she showed kindness to and helped just because she could called her that. THAT is what makes Ruby a huntress. It’s not just about fighting monsters or even protecting those who can’t protect themselves. It’s about kindness, it’s about love, it’s about patience.
Ruby Rose is a huntress, because SHE embodies what a HUNTRESS should mean, not the other way around. And That is why this finale means everything to me. She’s better than the heroes in the books, and now she gets to save herself along with everyone else.
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My Midnight Rose ((Vamp!Yami x Reader Part 1))
((Whaddup, dudes and chicks. Since last Halloween, I’ve decided to create my very first YuGiOh fan fiction X Reader for the fans out there as well as across the globe. But with the handsome Yami Yugi as a sexy vampire for the fangirls. ;) Took my time to write anything like this without rushing myself whatsoever, tho. Plus, I was gonna do a full fan novel, yet I had to divide into two parts instead because I’m lazy. Sorry XD. Alright had the first one done last month, so I’ll might do the second next soon. Tried my best to create the fictional story even though I sucked. XD It was still fun nonetheless. Anywho, without further ado, please enjoy this steamy story before your peepers! :D))
It was an utterly pleasant mid morning evening onto this first day of autumn where several other leaf bearing trees especially bushes all around the area have began to merge into five colorful shades that will not only make the entire vegetation themselves look more pretty, yet so can the lively twilight atmosphere/mood as well for every generation or few to fully indulge the seasonal beauty right before their outstanding plus awe inspiring eyes.
Regardless about how unlikely chilly the weather degrees could truly be according to the television forecast, it's still blissfully sunny outside for local individuals besiding with civilians to gain extra fun underneath the friendly orb of daylight granting them a brightening smile upon its face followed by a warm loving embrace that'll surely keep them cozy from a slight cold season than a late winter.
Not to mention, of course, that upon this monthly event of October arriving onto the bone chilling rise of a bootiful nightfall for plentiful frights, thrillers, screams, petrification, horror, even some harmless tricks as well as tasty treats, is the upcoming spooktacular holiday known as Halloween revealing itself into an unexpected preparation or simply thrilled to spread out multiple scares everywhere without a rest to require until a single shrill has been blown from anyone's mouth instantly when it comes to frightful haunts casting a roaring fear into everyone's hearts which shall force their bodies to rock a terrified shiver downward the spines.
Although it wouldn't be a scarerrific blast of a celebrational enjoyment without a few dozen laughs, happiness, and let's not forget, a joyful get together activity to make any holiday a lot more smashing, especially through good as well as bad times in life no matter the odds nor difficulty if necessarily.
Returning home by a comfortable stroll throughout the neighborhood after a wonderful day in high school holding less books into your hands to study for homework, you, a beautiful yet also sweethearted young woman as well as honorable grade A student who hardly fails at anything, would also appreciate a rather decent environment of a season heretofore your graceful gaze including everybody else there is in the faultless suburban locality.
Witnessing deeply on how entirely breathtaking this Fall themed scenery before you really is since your early childhood, a gentle sigh from your thinly maw had escaped within a form of a puffy mist while remembering your first experience of this calming season as an innocent toddler observing the emerald coated leaves at the window transforming slowly from a normal color into several opposite, but wonderful hues of any kind such as red, brown, yellow, brown, as well as orange. Greatly astonished by their fascinated changes, it properly fills your heart with absolute delight siding by a rapid clap of your hands, marking as your far most favorite season to easily enjoy in absolute history.
Right now, as a youthful late adolescent, your love for hue changing plants next to spring blooming flowers will hardly cease to appease the living heck out of you for one minute, and nothing shall effortlessly rearrange your mind. Never now, nor ever for your whole ordinary young adult life.
Approaching toward the closed door of your household taking out the key from your pocket then placing it into the knobhole turning carefully to hear a click meaning that it's clearly opened, you entered inside. Home sweet home, as some or more people would always say when they can relax their energy from work as well as school at last. You, on the other hand, have plenty more in your system to spare for your daily chores across the living room, upstairs, and backyard before starting your homework about the origin of mythical monsters later tonight.
Placing down your homework books carefully upon the coffee table, you begin to stretch your arms all the way up high non tightly, cracking both knuckles especially the neck left and right following with a self indoor inhales then exhales various times to prevent a stressful pressure on yourself during an inauguration of your quotidian home cleansing. Rolling your inexisted long sleeves in ascendance mid high since they are mediumly short lacking any further ado just to stand around goofing off by doing plural stretching exercises, the task for tidying this normal abode into a standard non rushing pace than hasting oneself nevertheless, will now commence.
Meanwhile, into the distant location of an hollowed yet quiet park fields atop the half risen moonlight darkness, leaving only a couple of few benches sided along with empty swing sets instead of guiltless denizens who are now at home, a mysterious creature known as the bat flutters forwardly into the world soaring within the tranquil breeze like a free bird, but thrice dark.
Gliding its way over to the branch of the tree for a safe hover/land above it after a pleasing hobby of an enjoyable saunter in a blackened flight observing the gorgeously white diamond sphere centering into the dim blue navy skies at ease, until surprisingly, the half large devil winged beast have finally started to morphed itself from an airborne animal into an incredibly suavish human like form whose superior beauty will instantaneously outclass all handsome men that are unequally bested from someone more dashingly masculine such as he.
Fully revealing himself than just his godly attractive muscled slim feature alone, but secondly the slightly paled yet smooth looking skin, ravishingly amethyst pupils of his unbeatable manly eyes, four brassly shaded bangs that flow majestically through the singing wind considering the three pointed strands as well as the tri colored spiked hair dough, donning into a sleeveless obsidian shirt same for the leather pants, visibly showing off his kinky abs of a crop topped midriff designed with a navel pierced jewelry curved within the shape of an ancient object called the Millennium Puzzle, although basically in a small size unlike the original one he adorned across his neck and buckled choker. Cloaked with the extended indigo jacket worn onto his shoulders posing as a cape to act seriously cool than solely for show.
Slowly writing a fanged smirk within his luscious face as he seated onto a branching tree crossing his thin legs lounging properly to peer upward the delightful moon endlessly for awhile heretofore proceeding onward, the well mature shadowed person that goes by the name of Yami Yugi began to speak with a sexually deep voice.
"Hmm.... What a magnificent sight to behold indeed.... Yet also very beautiful to observe so closely...." He said calmly, having his golden bangs besiding with multi color mane softly brushed by the peaceful chill of the midnight gale. Unlike his faraway kingdom, he enjoys a great deal of close up observation seating on the front row branch, which it better than a balcony.
"Nothing shall be far more satisfying than the first glimpse of the graceful full moonlight of this fascinating night..... It truly does steal away my very breath and soul quite quickly.... Ahhhh.... How I adore such a lovely environment...."
As the mythical book obviously indicates, is that these night dwelling monsters known as vampires are famously realized for their possessive immortality beside in shimmering daylight when it comes to seeking as well as preying upon aidless flesh by their necks for refreshing blood to survive without the urge for harshful starvation whatsoever.
Unfortunately for this mysterious gentlemanly figure of a pharaoh before all, he is exceedingly beyond deathless compared to those that are foolishly ordinary and weak against him in every way indefinitely. In fact, no one else around the universe would even dare attempt to increase their worthless level up to his for something that barely matters to him at all.
His unsurpassable speed, strength, suave, even power comprehends no measley equality undoubted according to his inexplainable origin that remains a difficult mystery for all scientists, librarians, intellectuals, teachers, the whole rest to easily specify. Meaning that nothing or nobody will eagerly find out about who, what, or where he actually existed from, or their demise shall be crucially met by his punishable wrath.
This supremely charming vampiric male, additionally a sovereign prince, is also symbolized as the most powerful being in the world partially above all complete mortals alike, possessing such a dreamily unblemished complexation body as well as everything which can simply conquer the hearts of every beautiful helpless mortal women in the planet.
Speaking of that, he also inherits a bewitching type of spell, or more, so inescapable that their trained resistance would scarcely avail them from his dazzling stare or possibly an alluring belly dancing hex once their will has been dominated permanently, stealing away their attention from what they focused on within life by sensually beckoning his prey to come toward him.
Before the comforting initiation of inserting his pearly white fangs into their soothing colled skin quite deeply, he would sexually seduces his compelled victims without a practice to abstain himself from doing whatever he wishes to do, whether they appreciate it or not. As an example, requiring the desired taste for their delectably fresh anatomies to place his tongue onto than only the neck alone itself, slithering it very slow as well as steady with ascend and descend by pleasant force as possible.
For now, on his unrestrained well earned free time at lonesome, all that he has to do is rest soundly to the serene nighting scenery before him lying half way onto a branch sideways to obtain a clearer view of a nightfall entertainment. Magically snapping his gothic nailed painted fingers to create a formal glass of crimson wine, raising a glass mid up in a toast for a marvelous evening without an end.
"Here's to the most ravishing mistress of the eternal nightfall who has established such rare beatification for my utmost enjoyment...." The vampiric blonde smiled, complementing toward the gracious viewing of a noiseless darkness as well as the shining moon rising his glassed beverage once more then offers himself a nice mannered sip on a sweet red refreshment from a pure stainless wine glass that touched his dangerously mild lips.
Whistling both a soft satisfied sigh as well as deep chuckle exiting from his mouth, his tongue performs the honors by circling across the non salivated lips numerous times with a decent leisure, resuming his silent indulgement relishing the ageless outlook of the youthful night pleasing his needs.
"Ahhhhh..... It is so good to be greatly free within the gifted sea of midnight than to rest upon the throne with the lack of excitement that will entertain my interest...." Yami sighed in complete relaxation, hidden his arms behind the head while his legs are still firmly crossed wallowing into the comforting palms of the night goddess that is nighttime.
Until suddenly, appearing from afar or out of nowhere have came an unknown sweet aroma traveling through the personless park into a formless mist like an unseen fog guiding its path toward the tree where the crowned man is sitting, circling his surroundings just to gain his attention from the nightly daydream.
"Hmm? What is this?" He questioned, seeing this curious mist that emerge his presence with one of his eyes opened. Having no clue of what this strange odor could be, he would decide to take a careful whiff of it to make sure it's hardly gas, poison, or the putrid stench of a disgustingly raw onion smell that most vampires strongly despise. Then, an opposite sort of a aroma that's very harmonic had simmered his curiosity down to a minimum.
"By the Egyptian gods.... What is that lovely aroma that I have smelt? And where might it come from?"
Howbeit, toward his shocking discovery, it is neither one nor three of those rough stentches that he suspiciously detects at all, but a different type of fragrance to which surprises his keen sense of smell ever so quickly than several more boorish odors would ridiculously hope to impress his strong whiffing ability.
Above several kinds of foul stenches, this strange yet ultimately sweetened aroma emitting from farther beyond known as perfume has intrigued him so quickly he continued to sniff it non stop once it enters his nostrils. Purring in interested, the starfish haired prince was delightfully moved by this freshly scented fog like mist than multiple reeking odors at best.
"Mmmm.... Such a delicate scent... So sweet and pleasant..... It has lifted my very soul so vastly than anything else in the world...." He had almost swooned by the incredibly unique fragrance used by millions of ladies in different ages to kill off the repugnant stink from their bodies to smell real nice for any occasion or place to go.
Still totally phased by its angelic fragrance embracing his anatomy so closely refusing to let go, he had decided to pay a certain person, or to his case a kind young lady, a pleasant little visit while risen himself up from the seated branch after a wonderfully hobby of nightseeing, flipping his bangs slightly by the hand writing a seductive smirk into the handsome facial expression.
"Hmm. It would seem that I will have to investigate this ravishing smell before me in order to obtain my answer... And when I do, it will be quite a pleasure to sink my teeth into something, or otherwise, someone so beautiful and innocent.... He he he he he....."
With that, he began to sets off to locate a compassionate girl by following the fairly scent in front of him using teleporting to move himself toward the mellow neighborhood via swarming bats that transport him to any destination, making it more simpler to just beat the snot out of walking.
Back at the mellow suburbian area into the centering start of Halloween where children, teens, as well as adults cladded into their costumes all at once stroll across the district collecting loads of delicious candies offered from many houses that gave them all out, having tons of fun as safely necessary as the streetlights are on, while you are upstairs into the bedroom spraying your favorite rose scented perfume across yourself from a nice long shower you had after sanitizing the whole household living room and all before doing your homework.
Wearing a water absorbed bathrobe on your somewhat drenched body as you dry off your hair with a towel sitting on the bed folding your legs firmly, you would gaze the direction of the exquisite nightrise from the window viewing it on about how breathtakingly graceful this dark navy skied background properly is to you than only the love for autumn at solo. Grinning peacefully at its timeless beautification due to the middle of desiccating yourself, you decided to seat by the casement to side watch for a few minutes.
Outside reappearing into the neighborhooded location done by teleportation, the handsomely divine pharaoh looks around the area left, right, top to bottom feeling mildly impressed by such a remarkably normal suburbs that humans live here without a sign of violence whatsoever.
"My. This is such a rather peaceful community when I first laid my eyes upon it. Very non threatening indeed." He said admirably. "But I cannot fool around for much longer. I must locate the elegant scent immediately."
Refocusing on the top priority at hand self preventing himself not to stand oddly by or come here just to tour throughout the neighboring fields before him, he teleports yet again. But this time, his next stop: your place.
Fully clothed into your collared pajama gown at last, but deciding to let your temporarily locks out to blow dry as well as brush at the similar time while sitting onto the mattress at still, you grabbed both of them from the dresser next to you, plugging up the dryer first then setting it to high making it easier to dehydrate your hair thrice faster.
Elsewhere outside your humble abode appearing once again standing atop of the tree branch next to the window, Yami is still on the endless search to seek the mysterious aroma that increases his desires up to maximum. Finding out that either one of the houses he investigated do not have the succulent scent he whiffed back at the park.
"I have investigated every single household around this stationary neighborhood, but no sign of that sweet scent." He quietly growled, almost giving up on the lonesome search party until checking on the last house for tonight.
Sighing underneath his breath to get this wasteful reconnaissance over with, the dashing heir would ascend forwardly by staring into the window in a slight distance. Scrutinizing closely with the assistance of his transparent vision changing his eyes from purple into black, he can now research what's inside the building carefully.
Examining the entire bedroom non stop to capture this secret source of the delectable scent, his pupils would slowly direct their attention toward a special someone whose magnificent innocence than only beauty alone brings out a trillion smiles upon all faces unconditionally throughout the worst times in the world: You.
Silently gasping both in total awe as well as flabbergasted at your pure radiance before his violet peepers, he has never seen anyone this outrageously gorgeous heretofore in his immortal life until right now, causing his heart to skip a non rushing beat including eyes to half widen.
"My gods..... To who might be this....beautiful creature that stood before me? For I have never seen such rare elegance within my eternal life..."
Observing your flawless feature from head to toe with instant fascination by the window until a familar aroma had made its returning arrival yet again to surround His Royal Hotness by giving him a reminder about the real source that will surely answers his desperate question.
"There's that heavenly scent again.... And it's very close to this house... Could this mean....?"
Placing all of the pieces of the solving puzzle together into his mind during the temporary trek, the true answer lies toward this household directly before him through that bedroom window for you are sitting next to. Which can also mean that the marvelous fragrance he had been shortly trailing at the start, definitely comes from you all along.
You are the rare source of this gifted redolence that called onto the fanged pharaoh from the beginning because your window was slightly opened to air out the room since you covered your body with a scented Spring Rose perfume too much. Toward his liking, he always loved the smell of the crimson blooms so much when he was only a young prince.
Finally, the soughtful task of seeking the memorable scent from his childhood has offically become concluded to a close now that he possesses the answer into his palm. As a victorious celebration for his hard work, the greatest reward of all is clearly right in front of him, ripe for the taking.
"At long last..... I have found the source of the remarkable fragrance that I truly long for...." He grinned thankfully, redirecting his observation toward you in the resting room window brushing your lovely mane into a slow careful paste. "And I must admit, for an innocent young mortal such as her, she has a delightful scent of a beautiful rose...."
Proceeding once more to enjoy your richly blessed innocence spending most of your time on your own getting yourself together to start working on your homework before a gentle knock on your window glass, the mild mannered brassed vampire prince shall now perform on what he'll do best: paying a kind visit to your room and to have himself a permanent fun with you, including your scarless body, when you're unexpecting something or not looking, which is simply easy for him.
Only when the time comes, of course, but very soon you will become his favorable little rose to harmlessly play as well as seduce with all night long. Depending on how long the private romance between a human and vampire could sometimes take.
The blessful night remains within its youthful stratosphere caressing the calmly matured pharaoh's shoulder to ease his non stressful nerves, a beautiful full moonlight pours out its glimmering light upon the world featuring him himself, and lastingly, the sounding cry of the howling wolf echoes around the celestial sphere being the comforting music toward his ears. Now, without any further ado, a pleasurable evening, shall be formally introduced at last.
"Enjoy your most precious moment of your sweet young life, my darling little rose~ For it can be the only matter of time....until you, your body, and the elegant taste of your warm marvelous blood, will belong to me~..... He he he he he he~....."
((To Be Continued))
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adorable-american · 2 years
Little idea I had
Hetalia, human names used.
"Honestly Arthur, you have repeatedly failed to turn me back into a child-" Alfred said with an annoyed frown. "I'm starting to think you don't actually want that so why do you keep trying?"
Arthur winced as America spoke to him in such a cold and cynical tone. "It might have worked if you would stop dodging!" He sighed. Alfred folded his arms and looked at him like he was waiting for an answer. Turning his back to Alfred he looked down at his feet. "Because Al, I want another chance to hold you like I did back then." Folding his arms tightly he looked back at Alfred. "I spread myself too thin back then. You all were just children in my care and I couldn't give you all the attention you needed." Arthur spoke now of all his colonies. "You were the one that learned the quickest to fend for yourself, you didn't need me."
Alfred let his defense drop a little as he reached for the other but Arthur pulled away.
"I failed you, you learned too quickly to take care of yourself. A-and I just want to hold you once more and tell you it's all going to be alright." He faced Alfred fully again. " I see you are hurting and you won't let me do anything about it."
"That's dumb." Alfred said bluntly as he grabbed the older nation in a strong embrace. "You can always hug me and hold me, I may not always want it but I won't stop you. Saying you want to hold me like a child again is dumb, I'm not a child so don't treat me like one. You don't have to turn me into something I'm not. If you wish to comfort me then just do it."
England was shocked by the hug but returned it, placing his arms around Alfred's lower back he pulled his head back to look at the others face. He could see Alfred's walls crumbling even as he was being told how dumb he was acting he couldn't help but laugh. "Listen at you, see what I mean. So grown up. Alfred, you are still a child. I just want a redo, you shouldn't have to act so mature at times." England said surprising himself as he saw the mask fall. "Stop pretending America, I know I left trauma in your past. So stop acting like everything is ok for everyone else's sake. Stop acting like nothing matters when truth is-" he brushed Alfred's bangs aside one hand still on America's lower back, the other caressing his cheek. "You're hurting. I see it, Canada sees it, France sees it. We are your family so let us treat you like family."
America's eyes watered as he was forced to look England in the eyes. "But I don't want to be family in the way you think." He said without thought.
"W-what do you mean?" England stiffened.
Putting his own hand over England's, America kept it close to his face as he kissed England's palm. "You are my chosen family, yes, but I don't want you as a big brother like France." He said with tears breaking through. "I want you as the person I can allow myself to be vulnerable with- the person who can treat me as an equal, not a child to comfort after falling and scrapping a knee. Arthur, I- I want you-" this time America was cut off, not by a choked up sob but by England, placing his lips to America's.
"I'm sorry America. I'm sorry I have been denying your feelings. I'm glad you finally were forthright about them to me-"
"You mean you knew?" America interrupted.
"I had an idea and France told me I should talk to you about it but I was afraid..." England looked down at himself. "I can't believe it though. As I just said, I was terrible to you as a child, I don't understand why-"
This time America took England's face in his hands. "Stop beating yourself up over the past, you weren't terrible, you have always been the most considerate of me. That's why I like you, but I too was afraid that you would not reciprocate me, especially since I believed you only see me as a child."
"You are a child. But, not in that sense I guess..." England interrupted before trailing off.
"And?" America asked. His eyebrows raised as he pulled himself against England again.
"And you have matured greatly, even if you try to hide it for some unknown reason." England put his hands on America's face, letting his thumbs wipe the tear streaks that were left on his face.
America pushed his face closer as he kissed the Brit again.
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
i’ve had a peculiar memory looping in my head for quite some time now. i am in white palace. the pale king is sitting next to me, weeping onto my shoulder. he is mumbling — whether to me or himself, i’m not quite certain — about what a terrible king he was, how he did everything wrong, how horribly he had failed everyone in hallownest. i am holding him in my embrace. it is all i can do. i have no words to comfort him; or perhaps i simply have no voice to say them with. (not literally, of course. i am not a vessel.)
i cannot fathom the circumstances in which we would have had this interaction. i once read a fanfiction in which i was told that i was just like the pale king. i was flung into a rage so furious that i had to spend several minutes just to calm myself down. it is a strange wrath, one that lies dormant in my heart and soul and flares up with an intensity that i have never felt before. it feels as though it is subdued, somehow; come from a place deep within me that i can never fully access. it is the fury of a goddess, carried in my spirit — a fury that my current body was never equipped to handle. perhaps it is for my own sake that i can only feel so much of it. its strength is already more than anything i have known before. if the pale king ignites this raging flame within me, how could i have been sympathizing with him? and yet, here we are.
it has certainly made me think, and i’ve come to realize something: the pale king and i have much more in common than either of us ever thought. we were both terrified of the situations we found ourselves in, and made decisions in our desperation to salvage what was happening that we never would have made had we been of sound mind. as a consequence of our actions, the people that we loved suffered, and eventually, our downfalls and deaths awaited us. we rotted in our dreams before we could ever be forgiven or forgive ourselves for what we had done. i’d never thought i had shared anything with him until now. now i see that we shared an experience no one else in hallownest could have understood. perhaps that is why we shared such a tender and emotional moment together.
i think i have misjudged you, wyrm, at least to some degree. under different circumstances, perhaps we could have gotten along; or perhaps our shared experience of hurting each other while trying to protect ourselves is the reason we have anything in common at all. who’s to say? if we were to ever meet again, i’d like to think that, despite everything, we could be friends this time around. we’re such different people now, after all. i am willing to come to a truce with you. it hardly matters now, when all is already said and done, but there is only one way to start to heal what we’ve broken, no matter how little or how late. my light goes out to you, and this time, i bid you only peaceful dreams.
- yours truly, the old light, the radiance.
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nocasdatsgay · 8 months
✨disclaimer this is my onion and I will not argue with you about it. This is not Feyre hate btw this is just a literal me thinking aloud✨
I was looking through ACOMAF for some info and I came across the part where Lucien finds Feyre and begs her to come home.
Feyre tells him that he never fought for her. She blames him fully for not helping her even though objectively, he was in the same boat she was. He had to yield to High Lord command. SJM says over and over how high lords can issue commands that can’t be fought against if you swear allegiance to them.
Anyways I realize my biggest issue the first time I read this, was that unlike Feyre, I never got to blame or call out other people. I was never allowed to yell at the others around me for not protecting me. For not saving me. I had to be the understanding eldest child. I had to process everyone else’s emotions for them and analyze why someone did what they did. Then go about my life swallowing down those things. That was the only way to keep myself safe.
It doesn’t help that, as I saw it, Lucien was in peacekeeper role. Trying to keep Tamlin in line while trying to make things better but utterly failing because Tamlin was out of control. No matter how much Lucien diverted, things would explode again anyways. He was literally under Tamlin’s thumb when it came to what was happening. I’ve been a peacekeeper in an abusive situation. It’s hard. You get yelled at and abused no matter what you do. But you keep trying cause the other options seem worse until you’re free.
And obviously as a reader, one can do both. One can feel how Feyre feels but also realize through her narrow POV what’s really happening around her. But because of my own experience, first time through I couldn’t do that.
I think that’s the biggest divide when it comes to these books in this fandom too. There are people who embrace Feyre’s pov and their are ppl like me who can’t really do that without sitting in it for a while. Even after all this time, I still have issues with just sitting in how Feyre feels without taking into account how all the other characters feel.
Anyways all that to say I am gonna go sob at the fact that she got to yell those things and not feel a bit of fuckin remorse for it afterwards cause there was no one there to tell her she should or force her to be “selfless”. Also she didn’t have to be the peacekeeper. Maybe one day that will be me.
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moonlit-wolf-tears · 2 years
Today 8/30:
This blog has to be about me. This has to be about my pain, my grief, the closure I will never ever have. That, in short, is the greatest of all possible griefs, the place where I would strip my back bare and flay my flesh with a scourge so I could feel something - so I could block out all else, the ocean where I would drown from these tears by choice - if I could just let myself cry, the place where I could scream my rage and dig into the earth in moonlit thunderstorm and cast insults at the Universe for making my heart so soft..
This is the month of the worst of it. The memories of the agony, her second worst betrayal and the loss of all the ones I loved the most - at once. I survived. Even though it almost killed me, very nearly, close by mere inches, once, twice, and three times in the stillness of the night. Memory of bearing it alone so as to not make my potential death a thing of trauma and deep suffering to others. The decision not to give in. Being on the floor and whispering my defiance, embracing that stubborn belief - that failing everything else, I'll never give him the satisfaction of hearing that I died by my own hand, that the illness finally killed me. I will not let anh woman believe that I was so pathetic as to let her betrayal be the trigger for what ended up killing me hope - and then me,..in the end, it was as simple as 'I'll be godamned if I spent so much of my life suffering for it to end like this'.
I have always believed that I can and will make it all worth it somehow. That I will embrace every lesson even if I have to crawl through glass to arrive at it.
I am stubborn. Where stubborn isn't enough, I will survive out of spite and defiance.
It has saved me.
But August. The trauma - who knew it was SO much? The nightmares, the sleepless nights, the intrusive memories, the wave of re-experiencing when I pass the stone in front of the house where we sat, the place where we sat in this park...the powerful feeling of wanting to protect her from her, of wishing that I could have the opportunity to be with her, care for her tenderly and well for some quiet days - away from everything, from my life then.
I gave it all up. I did it before I was truly ready to let it go, before I had fully stopped loving the woman who had been beside me for so many years.
I thought I was moving to clarity, change and evolution, to something normal and quiet enough to give us both the space to be.
I was so, so very wrong. I was wrong beyond all imagination.
I was so naive that I thought it was inconceivable that anyone would put themselves, me and everyone else through everything that preceded those pivotal days to be false, to reverse course, to bring the chaos next door - again.
How could I have known? How?
She was my dear, treasured friend, who I thought was also falling for me. I thought she adored me just like she said.
Lies. So many. I do not and cannot write them all. I cannot sit here and think of all of them. I can't endure it right now.
I could not imagine caring and loving this far down the line under the strangest and most dysfunctional of circumstances. And yet, I did. I didn't think it was possible. I didn't think that was me.
I betrayed myself, over and over again to hold a little bit of love for her, to make myself believe that maybe there was some point to it, that some good had somehow resulted or could. Something to redeem and grant meaning to it all.
For nothing. For a girl who never once looked me in the eye to say the words. For the girl who discarded everything we were to each other - friendship included - like shedding a sweaty pair of socks. Replaceable, cheap, ordinary, easy to overlook, low-value objects.
I hold it. And yet, I had chosen to forgive in the interest of peace, with the possibility of friendship, and even for a brief moment, the possibility of something more under the right conditions. After time and healing. Maybe. But mostly, good will, peace - oh God how I wanted those two, closure - this I wanted more than anything and would have bled for - with healing, healing for everyone.
Why would anyone prefer chaos, enmity, cruelty, deceit, endless cycles of pain and injury...how???
I don't understand. None of what I've learned is enough. It will never be enough. Acceptance is all there is.
I was wrong. I was terribly wrong.
The biggest lesson: Be very careful with your empathy.
Run at the first sign of deceit or emotional callousness.
I saw it once, and fairly early. She let her mask slip briefly. I saw it. I saw it.
Why did I make myself believe that it was something other than it was?
Why did I not trust my instincts every single time they tried to protect me?
At the end, the biggest part of the story is what I choose to do with it. It's about me now.
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leggerefiore · 2 years
What if they manage to catch reader after ripping out ingos antennae? I suppose they'd be very apologetic, after emmet is done with them. ingo would still love them? Right?
i was just wondering about that myself...
cw: yandere, a hand being broken, blood, overall a bad time.
You screamed out as Emmet squeezed your hand until a sickening 'crunch!' was heard. The pain that blossomed from the action was fiery and unbearable. His smile was viciously wide; silvery eyes regarded you coldly. “My poor brother gives you nothing but love,” his grip grows impossibly constricting on your injured hand, “He cherishes you like no other. How do you repay all of his kindness; how dare you repay my kindness? You rip his antenna off!” He begins to pull, and you shake your head. It's mocking, this you know.
His anger is not masked; no, it burns a blinding red-hot to remind you of what you had done to the hybrid. The state you had abandoned him. Weeping on the floor, iron stinging your nose and food still hot on the table. Ingo was pleading for you to stop; to stay. You ignored him as the blood the stained his beautiful alabaster fuzz. Tears poured from his eyes from both the physical and emotional pain. He crawled toward you desperately, wings twitching as you opened the door. A loud sob of your name came from the hybrid, and you were finally free at last.
It was short-lived, as you did not hide well enough. Passing through Castelia City to the docks with hopes to escape undetected by the seemingly endless connects Emmet had made, the younger twin caught you in your dingy motel. His first words of, “Right now, I'm very, verrrrry angry with you,” sealed your fate. He grasped your hand as you struggled against him, the cover of night hiding you from prying eyes. You were returning to Ingo's side, where you belonged, Emmet claimed. When you had nearly escaped his grasp, the brother became unbelievably angry. Enough was enough. Ingo would not punish you properly; his heart too soft and valuing an idea that you would come around on your own accord.
The younger twin knew better. You needed a firm hand to redirect your terrible path. He had let it go on too long, and now his brother had paid the price. He begged endlessly for you, his heart fully claimed by the idea of you as his mate. Ingo would take care of you, and Emmet would supply him with all he needs. The twin was simply glad his brother had more smiles play across his features. Emmet had approached you after Elesa mentioned that you seemed like a good fit for him. You were not, he decided, but you were perfect for Ingo. All the younger brother did was show a picture of you to him along with your wants of a family and reliable partner, and the older twin pleaded for you.
Ingo and Emmet simply had given what you wanted, so why had you become ungrateful? You were shoved inside the apartment, all your fight diminished from the pain and ignorance toward your wellbeing by passerbys. Ingo was pacing back and forth in the living room when Emmet announced your arrival. Arms pulled you into a deep embrace, your face being pushed into his neck fur. A pheromone cocktail knocked you back into a sense of ease. Ingo hushed you, “My dearest… You're alright! I was completely overcome with worry about your safety after our fight.” The Frosmoth hybrid had convinced himself that everything that happened was simply because you were unhappy with the meal for the night. Emmet let him as did everyone else involved in finding you. They knew exactly what happened, however. You had failed your one and only chance at escaping the madness.
Apologies babbled out of you as Ingo's antennae twitched around. The hurt one weaker, and strangely paler. Emmet hissed that you would apologise and beg for Ingo's forgiveness as he dragged you along. A hand gently stroked your hair as Ingo hummed, the vibration echoing through your bones. “I forgive you, dear. I know you didn't intend to harm me, and our lover's spat had simply turned out to be too much. Please, never run away like that again, however. I was so worried, I couldn't sleep. I missed you horribly, too. To spend a cycle alone after growing close with you… I'd much rather die.”
A loud cry left you as Ingo attempted to hold your broken hand. Delicately, he observed it by bringing it into his sight. “Brother, this is terrible. They seem to have broken their hand somehow! We must tend to it at once,” the hybrid called to his brother, who watched your reunion with fondness and minor scrutiny. “Ah, that's awful! Yes, let's,” he feigned ignorance as to your condition. You would never tell Ingo that his dear younger brother broke your bones in retaliation for injuring him. Emmet had made sure you would not, with a lingering gaze on you.
It would heal soon enough. Your mind should worry more about Ingo's upcoming cycle, and how you would prepare yourself for his waiting clutch. Perhaps children would completely settle you down, Emmet pondered while following behind you both into the bathroom.
Emmet would always make sure his older brother was happy; always.
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opalesense · 3 years
more than friends
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kaeya & gn!reader
2k words • ~15 min. read
summary: feeling down in the dumps on a lonely valentine’s day evening, you are met with a pleasant surprise from your close friend, kaeya.
warnings: just pure lovesick fluff!!  shy kaeya my beloved... <3
notes: i defrosted this draft from valentine’s day aahhh hope you like it!! ;^; p.s. shoutout if you can spot his canon voice lines in this hehehe
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SITTING WITH MY BACK ON THE FOUNTAIN WALL and watching the rotating blades of the windmills in Mondstadt was not how I expected to spend my evening on Valentine's Day.
   To be honest, Valentine's Day was never that big of a deal to me.  For the past few years, I always considered Valentine's Day to be a day where vendors could get a boost of profit by exploiting the gift-giving aspect of the holiday and selling their wares to cheesy couples who wouldn't know any better.  Why was there a dedicated day to be sweet to your significant other?  Couldn't special gifts be given at any other time of the year?
  Despite my indifference to Valentine's Day, I couldn't help but feel a little lonely this year.  My back purposely faced the couples of Mondstadt who would walk by now and then on their way to their dates and instead I had windmills to accompany me along with a book to pass the time.  I figured my evening stroll outside wouldn't make me feel so disappointed in myself, but I was proven sorely wrong.  I couldn't even look at other people today without feeling sorry for myself.
   "[Y/N]?" a familiar voice drew closer behind me, interrupting my lament and startling me.  "What are you doing here all alone?"
   I turned my head to see my close friend and neighbor Kaeya approaching me, carrying a small leather pack along with his sheathed sword on his waist.  I realized he probably finished his shift at the Knights of Favonius headquarters and was just about to head home.  The sight of him eased some of my worries knowing that despite my usual solitude, at least I would talk to one person today.  "Just reading a book," I held up the cover of my book for him to see.  He gave a small nod to the title as I put it back down into my lap.  "How did you even spot me here?"
   "I can see you from my office," he pointed at a window on the wall of the headquarters, "You chose quite an odd spot for reading, dear friend. You must be uncomfortable on the ground like that.”
   I nervously laughed, not wanting to admit that I sat behind this fountain to avoid looking at how much fun everyone else was having.  My gaze turned to the sky, a vibrant orange that now began fading into a shadow of dark blue sprinkled with stars.  Dusk was approaching. “I suppose it is getting a little late for reading, now that I think about it.  I think I might head home now."
   "Allow me to accompany you on your walk home.  I’m headed that way, after all," he quickly offered as I began to prop myself up to my feet.  He held out his hand to help me on my way up, the sudden physical contact sending a shiver down my spine.  As clearly touch deprived as I was, my hand quickly pulled away once I was standing and dusted off my clothes, which were wrinkled from sitting for so long today.
   "You are too kind, Kaeya," I grinned, earning a grin back from him.  Maybe this is my loneliness speaking for me, but I swear that smile might have made my heart skip a beat.  Although I may have had a crush on Kaeya for the past few months, there was no way I’d ever let those thoughts resurface now.  I've done a good job of repressing the feelings for so long, whether I was around him or not.  At least, I thought I did.
   As we walked, it suddenly dawned on me that the feelings never truly went away.  They were persistent for months, despite being suppressed.  He was my closest friend for quite some time now.  So maybe it was a sign that it was meant to be...
   Chills ran down my spine at this realization.  And once the truth had settled in, the feelings I thought I had managed to stow away suddenly flooded my mind in a storm of emotion.  The more we talked during the walk home, the more eager my heart was to open up and let the thought of him fill the cavernous, lonely void inside.  My eyes nervously turned to our feet, which stepped together in perfect sync.  My attention darted to the hand at his side, which I ached to touch once more.  The more I tried to fight this longing, to forget about it and keep it isolated, the more it fought back in an effort to stay alive.
   "[Y/N]?" his sultry voice snapped me out of my delusion.  Do NOT let your emotions take control of you, I scolded myself.
   "Sorry," I shuffled my feet towards his figure, which had stopped a few meters away.  The world seemed to stop when I was lost in thought, and with each step I took towards him, the world slowly resumed from where I mentally left it.
   "Is something wrong?" he asked, now concerned.  "You know you can talk to me."
   "No, no.  I'm fine," I gripped my book, fighting the urge to break in front of him.  "I'm just a little lost in my thoughts."
   "Well then, what's on your mind?"
   "Kaeya, you won't make fun of me if I’m being honest with you right?" I started to speak without thinking.  No, no, no!  What are you about to say?!
   "What makes you think I would?  C’mon, [Y/N].  We joke around a lot but you know I'm good with secrets."
   What are you doing?!  Don’t fall under pressure like this!
   "Well...  I’ve felt quite lonely today.  A little part in me hurts to see so many people enjoying Valentine's Day, knowing fully well that I live alone and spend most of my days alone...   I guess what I’m trying to say is that it was very kind of you to go out of your way to talk to me today, Kaeya.  It means a lot more to me than you know."
   The silence that followed that regurgitation of thoughts was lethal.  Kaeya didn't even stop.  We just kept walking.  I ignored the instant regret that pounded the walls in my head.
   "So you didn't have any plans today?" he asked, as if he had just ignored everything I told him.
   "Not at all.  I was taking a stroll to find a good reading spot for today but seeing so many couples together...  I guess it was like pouring salt into the wound.  That's why I was sitting turned away from everything, if that answers your question from earlier."
   Now you've just told him too much.  If he didn't already think you were sad and lonely before, he definitely thinks so now.
   "You shouldn't isolate yourself like that, [Y/N].  We could've– forget it, actually," he chuckled and rested his hand on the back of his neck as we finally approached our residential complex.
   "Hey, spit it out!" I nudged him with my elbow, "I poured out my thoughts for you, don't get all shy now.  It's your turn."
   We stopped at my front door, exchanging small chuckles.  The space between us was killing me. If only I could get enveloped by his warm embrace now... No!
   "How about I tell you later?  Meet me here in around ten minutes."
   "What?!" I scoffed, "Now you’re just toying with me."
   "Ten minutes," he gave me one last grin and a short wave before jogging away towards his own house.  I shook my head as I turned the key to my door, feeling the slamming of my heart against my ribs and the sloppy mix of awe, nervousness, and regret boiling in my stomach.  His smile was frozen inside my mind like a photograph capturing a memory. It hurt to like him this much.
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   A knock on my door ten minutes later pulled me away from tending to my plants on my balcony.  I set the watering can down and rushed to the door, straightening out my clothes once more before opening it.  Contrary to my expectations, Kaeya stood in the doorway with a shy grin, his hands obviously hiding something behind his back.
   "I thought you were joking when you said ten minutes," I scoffed and crossed my arms, looking up at him to meet a pair of soft eyes.
   "Still don't have plans for tonight?" his eyebrows raised with the question.
   "No.  What, are you about to take me out on a date or something?" I said in jest.  He chuckled and uncrossed his arms behind his back with slight hesitation before revealing a dainty bouquet of calla lilies tied with a silver ribbon.  My jaw dropped slightly in shock with the sight of the charming white petals.
   "I am, actually," his voice was gentler and sweeter than usual.  "These are for you."
   He motioned for me to take the bouquet, which I gladly accepted.  The subtle fragrance reminded me of his own scent, which made me smile.  I secretly wished my entire house would smell like this unforgettable aroma – this unforgettable man.
   "[Y/N]," his words were laced with hesitation, "I have been waiting weeks to tell you this but...  you are constantly on my mind.  Whenever I see you my heart jumps and..."
   He chuckled with nervousness.  That grin never fails to make my chest light up.
   "...and I know you're not going to believe me because you say I smooth talk everyone, but I promise you, [Y/N].  I know you see that I’m nervous right now – that doesn't happen to me with anyone else.  This feeling hasn't gone away for months.”  Instant regret suddenly painted his face, which I quickly took notice of.  I stepped closer to him and lifted my hand to gently cup his warm, blushing cheek.  It was my way of telling him to keep talking without interrupting him.
   "[Y/N]..." he blushed more at the touch and sighed, "you are so special to me and... I’ll get straight to the point. I want to be more than friends. I really mean it.”
   He stuffed his hands in his pockets and waited eagerly for my response.  I was no longer thinking properly.  My heart had taken over my mind, and for once, it was for my benefit.
   "Kaeya," my voice cracked with a million emotions at once, "you have no clue how long I’ve wanted to hear you say that.  I am so in love with you it makes me sick," I admitted lightheartedly.
   He laughed with relief, taking another step closer to me and shrinking the space between us.  He lifted his hand to grab mine and intertwined our fingers together.  The mood shifted from nerve wrecking intensity to reassurance and gentleness the instant our palms met.  He caressed my hand with his gloved thumb for reassurance, chasing all my troubles away.  "I promise I will never let you feel alone ever again."
   We stood there staring into each other's eyes for a few moments, exchanging so many mutual emotions in mere seconds.  A blush began to creep up my face as well when he gave my hand a squeeze accompanied with a proud smile.
   "Well, now that we're both blushing messes in love with each other, how about we finally go out tonight?"  Our friendly dynamic finally returned to clear the thickness in the air once he broke the silence.  "I have to admit, I was feeling a little lonely myself and was just going to drink at the tavern with some of the other Knights tonight.”
   "Not anymore, I hope?"
   "Definitely not.  I’d rather spend the evening holding your hand and taking a stroll through the city so everyone knows I’m finally yours."
   This man sure knows how to say the right thing.  I glanced at the bouquet in my arms, partly to hide my reddened face but also to ask, "Could I put these in a vase first?  They're beautiful, by the way. I really love calla lilies.”
   "Oh yes, of course. But they’re not as beautiful as you, cutie," Kaeya said with no reluctance.
 There's the flirty Kaeya that I know.
 I let out a shy laugh as he let go of my hand, the loss of touch making me pout.  As I turned to put the flowers away, he leaned on the doorframe and let out a deep breath.
    "Well, I'll be here.  Don't make me wait too long, now."
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mcufox123 · 3 years
The Worst of You
Wanda Maximoff x fem reader
Synopsis: You have defeated Thanos but what does that mean for your relationship with Wanda.
A/N: In this story all of the characters survive Endgame because they just do. This is just part one, another part will be coming out soon. Also I wrote this based off the Noah Cyrus and P.J. Harding song “The worst of you.”
Warning: Alcoholism, Self spiraling, grief
Tony threw another infamous party on Saturday to celebrate one year since you all defeated Thanos and life returning to somewhat normal from the blip. The world was in chaos with half of the population returning that everyone was everywhere helping out wherever they could. It had been about a year now and things were finally getting back to normal. The Avengers had not been together at the compound since Thanos was defeated, so in a way the party was celebratory. You and Wanda however were not in the celebratory mood.
You and Wanda had been dating for almost 3 years now, theoretically. Your relationship had started before the blip, sneaking off to see each other was very romantic. Two years into the relationships the blip happened. She was gone, dusted. It devastated you. You two were conjoined at the hip, so her being gone left you lost. For the first 3 years after the blip, you worked so hard to get everyone back, to get Wanda back. By the end of year 3 however you crashed. You flipped out at Natasha, the one person who had been there for you. You stopped eating, only when you absolutely had to. And you almost never left your room. You had spiraled now realizing that your love might be gone forever.
By year 4 you had hardened yourself from all emotions. The only people who could see you, were Nat and Steve. You went on missions for them but when you returned you gave your report then went right to your room. You got drunk nearly every night. Drinking until you were numb from the pain and eventually passed out. That’s how the rest of the blip went, until Scott Lang showed up at the compound. You did not even indulge any bit of hope. You weren’t going to get excited about something that may not even come true. When everyone started to put in the work however, you helped. You played along with their plan.
After getting all of the infinity stones, when Bruce snapped, you did feel a bit of hope and it continue to grow when Clint’s phone range and it was Laura. That’s when you blacked out for a second when Thanos destroyed the compound. The fight that ensued was hard. Not everyone was back. They few that were fighting were injured. That’s when all of these portals started opening with all of your friends who you hadn’t seen in 5 years. It brought tears to your eyes. Not for long as the fighting continued. You did not even see Wanda during the fight. You only met her when all of Thanos’ army began to disappear. You sprinted as fast as your feet would take you to hug her in a huge embrace. You squeezed her so hard and cried into her shoulder. Your 5 years only seemed to be 5 minutes for her. You kissed her hard. Putting in all the pain and need into that kiss as your mouths moved in sync.
After the fight was over a majority of you moved into Stark Towers until the compound was cleaned up and rebuilt, but most of you were never there, always on missions. You and Wanda, after the first few blissful weeks of being back fell into a pattern. You always got drunk out of habit now and she was asleep by the time you went to bed, and she was always gone before you woke up in the morning running somewhere to save people. You weren’t into helping as much as she was. You felt that you had given 5 long years to helping people, it was time for someone else to step up, and of course Wanda thought that meant her.
Neither of you communicated as much with each other. She saw you spiral, she asked “Y/N, are you ok? I’m here babe I'm back you can talk to me.” She begged with glossy eyes. You however just shrugged her off “I’m fine Wanda, just leave it alone.” And you walked out to where the bar was and grabbed the whiskey, not even bothering to take a glass. Wanda didn’t ask again after that. She was trying so hard herself not to spiral so instead she kept her distance. This is how the past year went. You went to parties together and pretended everything was fine, putting on a great act in front of the team when you saw them. The nights that you pretended never involved going to bed, you would stay up in each other’s embrace, trying so hard to return to normal. After both of you were finished, you always put on clothes and walked out of the room to grab a drink, most the time crying. Wanda stayed in bed watching you leave as silent tears rolled down her face.
Both of you were so broken and couldn’t fix each other. But neither of you could bear the thought of leaving each other. You had already lost her for 5 years and you were not going to lose her again, you loved her so much still and wanted to get back to the place you both were. Wanda on the other hand still loved you. She could see your pain, the hurt you went through. She wanted so bad just to hold you in her arms and take all of the pain and suffering away. But every time you both tried the other person would just shut down.
Tony’s one year anniversary party, although supposed to be fun, was torture. You were already pretty drunk, and the party hadn’t even started a half an hour ago. Wanda was pissed. You were constantly leaning on her trying to keep your self up right and failing miserably. She decided to move you both to the couches where Steve, Nat, and Tony were talking. You’re eyes drooped shut, and you weren’t quite asleep but there was no way you could have a decent conversation.
“You holding up ok kid?” Tony asked Wanda, who had her head in her hands.
“As best I can. I’m worried about her. She gave so much, and I feel like the cost is me losing her.” Wanda said now wiping a tear away from her face. Nat quickly got up to hold Wanda in an embrace.
“What do you need to do? What do you need us to do?” Steve asked. He wanted to have a plan that all of them could work on to help you.
“I can’t hurt her,” Wanda said in a whisper, “But I can’t keep hurting myself either.”
You heard this and wanted to scream, you wanted to run far away. Away from all the pain, and sorrow that you have caused. But you just laid there like a drunk idiot. After that you didn’t hear anymore. The thoughts continued running and eventually you did fully pass out.
“Why don’t you go away for a little? Be at peace with yourself and come to terms with everything. We’ll take care of Y/N.” Steve suggested.
“You can come stay at the cabin near my house. You can help Pepper with Morgan and have the space you need. I could use a little help cleaning the grounds and your help would make it 10 times easier.” Tony continued.
“At least think about it Wanda. We all just want to help, and I’ll keep my eye on Y/N, let you know how she’s doing.” Natasha finally finished. Wanda wanted so bad to take them up on their offer right then and there. But she couldn’t help loving the worst part of you and this relationship you both were in.
She told them she would think about it, before waking you up and taking you to bed. She cleaned off your makeup, changed you into pajamas, and put you in bed. Before climbing in herself she just sat on the edge of the bed. Staring at you and how at peace you looked. Wishing that you could stay like this all the time. She wanted so badly to help you through this time, but she was slowly losing herself. She finally crawled into bed and cuddled closer to you which she hadn’t done since you pushed her away once. This was one night when you both slept completely, no nightmares waking either of you up.
The next morning you woke up with an awful headache. You weren’t going to reach next to you because you didn’t think Wanda would be there, but she was. To you this meant that you had did something right last night, but you can’t remember what. You walked into the kitchen to get coffee for you and Wanda, deciding to continue your good streak with her today. When you enter your surprised to see Steve, Natasha, and Tony all talking. They quiet down when you enter the room.
“Love when people act like they aren’t talking about me.” You say in a snarky tone.
“Maybe we wouldn’t be talking about you if you got your shit together Y/N.” Tony replied just as aggressively.
“That’s rich coming from the man who disappeared into the woods for 5 years while the world fell apart.” You yell back. You were slamming things now, getting angrier and angrier. You saw Steve eye Tony, as Natasha got up and walked towards you.
“Breath Y/N” she soothed as she came closer to you and gave you a hug. You took deep breathes as you calmed down. A tense silent took over the room.
“Y/N, look I'm sorry. I’m just worried about you. Morgan misses you, ya know? She always asks when Elsa is coming back to visit. And well you’re not ok Y/N. I want you to be ok. I want the badass who fought beside me in every battle. Who also was having fun with me and going to fun places being the life of the party. Who always remembered what happened the day after the party and would most the time scold me. I want to help you can I help you?” Tony says while making his way over to you eventually placing his hands on your shoulders making you look at him.
“Shut up Tony. I would still be that person if you didn’t abandon us. I would still be that person if we didn’t fail. If I didn’t spend 5 years wondering if there was something I could’ve done to prevent all of this. If I could’ve saved everyone. If there was something I could’ve done to save her.” You push him away and abandon the cups of coffee you were making. Instead, you walked to the bar only to find it empty. This pissed you off. You kick the cabinets underneath. He was getting to you, bringing up all of the feelings that you try to keep buried. You couldn’t tell them; you couldn’t burden them any longer.
You eventually broke down with your hands on the bar. No one moved this time to comfort you seeing the ice that was forming on your hands. After a few minutes you composed yourself.
“I need to take a walk. I need to get out of here for a bit.” You say while grabbing your keys and walking out the door, not bothering to look back. You headed right for the local bar.
Back at the compound everyone wasn’t as ok with you leaving.
“What do we do?” Tony asked while looking at his friends. Bruce had now joined the breakfast crew.
“I suggest therapy, we don’t know if medication will have an effect on her. I think she also needs to go away, get some sense knocked back into her, maybe Wakanda?” Bruce suggested.
“They are both going to be devastated if we send her away. I think she needs to stay here and get help here.” Natasha challenged. She had both you and Wanda’s interest at heart.
“She can’t stay here with Wanda; they will both continue to destroy each other. One of them needs to get out. One of them needs to be ok.” Steve said sadly.
“I’ll talk to Wanda.” Natasha said getting up and heading towards your room. She knocked and waited for a response. All she heard was sniffling on the other side of the door. She walked in to see Wanda curled up on the bed, not even moving when Natasha sat next to her. She pushed some hair out of Wanda’s eyes.
“You’re not ok sweetie, and that’s ok.” Natasha said. “We just want both of you to get better, we miss our friends. She needs help Wanda. You have done everything you possibly could, but this is out of any of our control. We need to get Y/N help. She’ll come back to you I promise.” Natasha said trying to comfort Wanda. Wanda didn’t say anything though, just cried harder holding onto Natasha like a child who lost their favorite stuffed animal. Natasha sat there and comforted Wanda until she quieted down again.
“Tony called Happy, and he can be here in an hour and a half to get you. Pepper is setting up the cabin as we speak. This could help you both, this could help you get her back.” She finished as she felt the younger girl hold her tighter. Wanda was afraid that if she let go and went with her then that meant she was giving up on you.
Eventually Natasha pulled away and looked at Wanda in the eyes, “It’s going to be ok; she is going to be ok, you are going to be ok. Do the work, put in the time to get better and it will all be worth it.” Wanda nodded before getting up and walking to her closet to get her suitcase.
Natasha walked out of the room and to the kitchen where Tony, Steve, Bruce and now Sam and Bucky were.
“Well, she’s packing.” Natasha informed them.
“Ok so here is the plan.” Steve continued to tell the rest of them the process they would take to help both of their teammates.
Hours had passed and the time finally came for you to drive home from the bar. You couldn’t even walk in a straight line to the car but it was only a short 5-minute drive. You could pull it together enough for 5 minutes. The drive seemed to be harder this time, with things blurring together. All of a sudden you hear sirens behind you. Of course, of course this would happen to you. The police officer gets out of the car and walks up to your window.
“name?” he says not even bothering to look at you.
“Y/N Y/L/N.” you say just staring at the wheel that can’t seem to stay still.
“Are you aware that you were driving 20 over the speed limit?” he asks finally looking at you. It takes him a moment before he realizes who you are. His eyes widen.
“You’re an avenger. I am so sorry. You do not seem like you are in any condition to drive though, can I call someone?” he asks very apologetically. Being an avenger did have some advantages.
“Yeah, you can call Wanda,” and you gave the man her number. After trying 4 times she still didn’t pick up though.
“Anyone else ma’am?” this irked you to no end. One because Wanda wasn’t answering and two, he just called you ma’am. You didn’t show any signs of aggression however because you didn’t want to scare the poor man. Instead, you gave the one number you knew you could call if you ever got in trouble.
“Yeah, Bucky.” You told him. He called, Bucky picked up and assured the officer he would be there right away. Sam dropped Bucky off not even 5 minutes later and thanked the police officer. He also assured him that the avengers would be taking care of my punishment. You rolled your eyes and looked out the window as he started to drive off. Before giving him time to speak you immediately started.
“Where is Wanda?”
“Y/N I can’t answer that.” He continued driving straight faced.
“Why the hell not? Where is my girlfriend? Is she safe?” you said starting to feel the icicles forming on your hands.
“She’s fine Y/N.”
“Bucky these short answers are really starting to piss me off. Also, what do you mean the avengers are going to be taking care of my punishment? I don’t need a punishment I was fine. I am fine.”
“STOP LYING TO YOURSELF Y/N.” he yelled startling you, “god can’t you see you’re not fine. You need help. You were not ok to drive. You are really lucky that policeman pulled you over before you could do any real damage. I’m sick of this person you have become. You’re hurting me, you’re hurting the team, you’re hurting yourself, and something I don’t think you realized is your hurting Wanda. That girl would die for you. She would do anything to be with you and make this pain go away and your just being so selfish to even try. Get over yourself.” He says frustrated.
His words hit you like bullets though. The final one being that your hurting Wanda. You’re not sure what happens but you look down to see your hand on fire. This has never happened before. You knew that you had ice powers, but fire powers were a new thing. Just before you can do anything you feel a sharp pain in your neck and then the lights go out.
Bucky was stunned the whole way home. Where the hell did the fire come from. As he pulled in the driveway, he asked Tony to come out in the Iron Man suit.
“What the heck happened? Our directions were to go get her bring her back, don’t say anything so we could stage our intervention! Only use the needle if it was an emergency!” Tony asked a very shocked Bucky.
“I’m no expert Tony, but I think her shooting flames out of her fingers is a bit of an emergency.” Bucky says as Tony stared at him wide eyed.
Tony carries you cautiously into the compound and sits you on the couch. Bruce puts the antidote needle into your neck, so you wake up. As soon as the light reaches your eyes your furious.
“What the actual hell?” you sneer at Bucky. You feel the flames in your fingers and look down to see the bottom half of your body engulfed in flames. Oddly enough nothing hurts, and you just feel power. The all cower besides Steve who was ready with a fire extinguisher. You just glared at him, however. You got up from the couch and made your way to your bedroom that you shared with Wanda. Her things were all gone. You felt as though the wind got knocked out of you. She couldn’t be gone, not again. You searched the bathroom the walk-in closet everything, there was no trace of her anywhere. It was like the blip but worse.
Your throat felt as if it was closing up. You could have prevented this; you saw this coming and did nothing to fix it. Unlike the blip you were to blame this time. You chased her away. The one person you cared about the most gave up on you. You were nothing to no one. No family, no friends, no Wanda. You broke, not being able to keep any emotions in any longer. You sobbed. You didn’t know who put their hand on your shoulder, but you turned into them sobbing into their chest.
“It’s alright kid, just let it all out.” Tony murmured into your hair. You had always been closest to Tony before the blip. He was like the older brother you always wanted. After he went to the woods it felt like he had given up on you, but here in his arms you knew he hadn’t. He held you for a long time while you sobbed. When no more tears came, and the hiccups started getting annoying he guided you to the kitchen. Everyone sat around the table not saying much with a water in front of each. The only seats that were empty was yours, Tony’s, and Wanda’s. Your heart sank a bit.
“Come have a seat Y/N” Natasha summoned you to the seat next to her.
Bruce was the first to break the silence. “how are you feeling Y/N?”
“Like a complete failure. Like I lost the one good thing in my life. I need help guys. I'm messed up.” You said keeping your eyes focused on the fingers in your lap.
“Hey, I have something for you.” Steve says reaching across the table. Tony interjects “You think now is a good time?”
“She admitted she needs help; she deserves to see this.” Steve walked around the table to hand you the piece of paper. You see your name written in an all too familiar handwriting, Wanda’s. You unfold the paper quickly to read its contents:
My love, Y/N, I love you with all of my heart. I always have and I always will. I am not ok though. I need some time to process all of the events that have happened. I need to be ok again to even start being able to help you. I have had so much grief and you made it all go away at one point. You are the light of my life Y/N, and I'm not strong enough to be yours yet. This isn’t a goodbye; this is a see you later until we both get the help we need. I will be back and I love you so much. Don’t be afraid to let go and open up, you will feel so much better my love. Yours forever, Wanda xx
You felt even more awful now that you know it isn’t over. She’s giving you the time to get better and you will. You will get the help you need; you will do the work.
“How do I get better?” you say with a determined look on your face. They all stare at you shocked but a glimmer of hope passes by all of their eyes.
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winterbanner · 3 years
I Would Give Her the Stars (Bruce Banner/ Reader)
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Summary: "In that moment I would have gone to the ends of the universe if she pleased. I would have given her all the stars in the galaxy." 
Tags: Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Slight Angst, This Is Really Cute 
Word Count: 1684
Warnings: None except for some brief language
Paring: Bruce Banner x Fem Reader (uses she/her pronouns)
Additional Note: I rewrote this because it was absolutely awful. I think it’s better now! ;)
It was early, the tower was absent of noise with the exception of the whistling tea kettle sat upon the stove. Tony and I had been working all night to calibrate a new GPS system for the quinjet. It was hard work that required precision and concentration. That was hard to perform, however, when my lab partner was blasting Black Sabbath as if he were at some sort of underground warehouse party. 
My eyes ached from staring at my screen for so many hours, the throbbing synced with that of the headache that had crept its way up to my temples. I just couldn’t take the work any longer, which is something I don’t often say. I have a passion for lab work; I mean, I wouldn’t have seven PHDs in the sciences if I didn’t. That night, however, I needed an escape. 
I needed to go see her. 
I knew where she’d be. Up on the rooftop, staring out over the urban skyline. That’s where she went  to think after her attempts to get some rest were tried and failed. New York truly is the city that never sleeps, and neither does Y/N. 
I rummaged through the cupboard until I had retrieved her favorite mug, and paired it with the one she had gifted me last month. There had been no special occasion, she said she saw it and thought of me. It was one of those novelty mugs you find at convenience stores. On the front were the words “science is my bitch” written in a large bold font. I laughed the hardest I had in months after opening that gift. The rest of the team gives me weird looks whenever I use it, but that mug was the first gift I had received in a very long time. 
I took the kettle off the stove and prepared the two mugs of tea. One spoonful of honey, just how Y/N liked it. Afterwards I made my way to the elevator before requesting JARVIS take me to my destination. As I began my ascent my nerves began to get the best of me. I have this habit of second guessing myself, of letting my mind spiral into anxiousness. These thoughts, however, came to a halt as the elevator doors opened to reveal Y/N sat upon her chair serenely gazing out over the bustling city streets. 
At the sound of the elevator ding she turned her head, her lips curving upwards into a smile as she took in my presence. 
Y/N always smiled when I walked in the room. 
“Well hey there genius” she greeted, her grinning face illuminated by that of the dimmed roof lighting, and the neon glow of the Avengers symbol plastered on the front of the tower. 
“Hey Y/N, um- I brought tea.” I responded, gesturing the two mugs I held in my hands. 
“Somebody pinch me. Not only has Dr. Banner escaped from his natural habitat, but he also comes bearing gifts! I’m in shock.” 
I laughed heartily, “Well, my natural habitat has been invaded by a wild and obnoxious Tony Stark.” I responded. 
“Anybody who manages to survive Stark is more than welcome here. Besides you've been down in that lab for hours, you’re gonna fucking suffocate if you don’t get some fresh air.” She said as she gave the seat next to her a pat, thus signaling her wish for me to sit there. 
I thanked her before sitting down and handing her the cup of tea. “Careful it’s hot.” I warned, not wanting her to burn her hands on the hot ceramic. As I handed over the mug I felt her fingers lightly brush over mine, causing my heart to flutter. 
She thanked me in return before reminding me that she always enjoyed my company. Her words filled my chest with a warmth that I rarely feel nowadays. A warmth that I only feel when I’m with her.  
Afterwards we sat and conversed for what felt like both several hours, and a few minutes all at the same time. Conversation with Y/N flowed with ease, our topics ranging from the books we were currently reading, philosophy and politics, to Thor’s new obsession with microwaved popcorn. I couldn’t care less what we talked about, the only thing that mattered was that I was with her, and it seems as though she just might have felt the same way. 
I have always considered myself to be an awkward person. Social interactions were never really my forte, especially after the accident. With the big guy around, I didn’t think that anybody would want to be friendly with me. I assumed that everyone was afraid. With Y/N, however, it was different. She never once looked at me with fear in her eyes. Her disposition was so warm, so welcoming. If I ever needed someone to talk to I knew she’d be there, and she knew I was there if she ever needed the same. Around her I could be myself. She just felt safe. 
After a while I noticed she had grown quiet, her mind drifting off to somewhere else. She sat in her chair, her head tilted upward towards the sky, her brow furrowed in deep thought. 
“You okay?” I asked, concerned that she was upset.
 “Yeah, I just- I wish I could see the stars.”
I looked up, my eyes met with the inky blackness that was the New York sky, all of its stars drowned out by the light pollution and smog. 
“Yeah, it really is a shame isn’t it?” I questioned, receiving an affirming hum from her in return.
At that point we both sat quietly, our eyes transfixed on the sky above in search for the stars that were never going to appear. The silence settled between us comfortably. I knew she was getting ready to say something, but I couldn’t be sure what. 
“When I was a kid,” she began, “We lived in this house out in the country. Out there the stars were breathtaking. You could see every constellation so clearly.” 
I saw her lips curve upwards in response to the happy memories replaying in her mind. 
“Before my mom died, whenever I was upset or stressed out, she would take me out to the backyard. Together we would lay in the grass and just stare up at the sky. We would stay like that for hours; it was peaceful.” 
Her head dropped, her eyes now gazing forward onto the cityscape before us. “I miss that”, she said, her voice barely above a whisper. 
In that moment, as I observed her melancholic gaze. I wanted nothing more than to give her what she wanted, to give her the stars.
Then after a moment of thought, I realized that I could. 
                                    ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The next night I found her in the very same spot, looking over the city lights and skyscrapers unable to sleep once more. 
At the sound of the elevator’s ding she turned to face me , her lips once again forming a smile at the sight of my presence. 
“Two nights in a row?” Y/N questioned, “ That big brain of yours must be really fucking tired.” 
“Actually,” I said,  “this big brain of mine has something to show you.” I waved my hand signaling for her to follow me. 
She smiled in both confusion and amusement as she stepped into the elevator. We stood side by side, our shoulders brushing up against one another as we made our descent down to the lab. 
“Now close your eyes.” I requested 
“Bruce what is this-” 
“It’s a surprise, now close your eyes.”
She complied, the corners of her lips turning upwards as I grabbed her hand and led her down the hall to the lab. I led her to the center of the room and requested her remain there as I went and turned off every light I could find within the vicinity. Afterwards I felt my way back to her through the darkness and positioned myself so we stood directly in front of one another. 
“Okay now open your eyes.” 
“Bruce, is the surprise the news that I’ve gone blind?” she questioned causing us both to laugh. 
“No, just watch.” 
At the press of a button the room became illuminated with starlight. Stars, galaxies and planets hovered above our heads, in majestic hues of purple and blue. The scene was nothing short of magic. The universe on full display, three dimensionally projected all around us. 
At the sight of the stars above her, I saw Y/N’s face light up. Her face filled with amazement as she beheld the multitude of constellations shining before her eyes. Her smile beamed, its brightness competing with that of the brightest stars in the room. 
To me she was the brightest star in the room. 
She slowly spun in a circle in the attempt to fully take in her surroundings, her eyes reflecting the twinkling of the floating stars. She was the most beautiful person I had ever seen. 
She turned to me, her eyes glistening with moisture. “Bruce I-” 
“Do you like it?” I asked, her lack of words worrying me. Maybe this was too much?
Her silence, however, was replaced by her embrace. She took me in her arms as she gently wrapped them around my neck and pulled me close to her. 
“Thank you, Bruce. Thank you so much.” She whispered, her voice cracking at the end. 
I held her tighter in an attempt to pull her in even closer. Her embrace radiated pure love, a love I hadn't felt in a long long time. 
“Y-you’re welcome.” I answered, overwhelmed with adoration. 
As we pulled away I looked at her face illuminated by the glimmering starlight. I felt as though she was the only person that mattered, that she was the most precious thing this world had to offer. In that moment I would have gone to the ends of the universe if she pleased. I would have given her all the stars in the galaxy; and to this day, I still would.
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saphirered · 3 years
I thought this would be an interesting twist: After the failed ritual, what if Lucien's s/o ran into Molly? Thank you!
Okay so this one came out quicker than I expected 😅. Little 'twist' at the end because I could not help myself. I hope you enjoy it! 😘
You warned him. You warned him so many times but he wouldn’t bloody listen. Too caught up in his own game for power, never satisfied. But what were you supposed to do? Stop him? No, you’d never. You loved him more than that but you were not prepared to follow him to his own death. Lucien, you idiot how could you? You tried everything but he didn’t come back. The ritual failed. You didn’t want to uphold your part of the bargain. You knew this mage had ulterior motives and after being granted a peak of those pages she wouldn’t back down.
The woman wanted it all for herself and Lucien stood between her and that power the Eyes of Nine had to offer. Knowing the Tombtakers would follow Lucien to the extremes they would also accept the risks of this ritual and would be content but disappointed should it fail. With what you had seen you knew it shouldn’t fail. You had warned Lucien of your suspicions but his own arrogance made him blind to the consequences of this all. He wouldn’t listen and you were becoming an obstacle so when the ritual was to go down you weren’t there.
Lucien has slipped away from your warm embrace in the dead of night to perform the ritual and of course Vess messed with it, assuring he wouldn’t be able to return to his body therefor as per the agreement, she’d take the book as payment. It was too late when you found him, already dead. No amount of healing or revivification could bring him back to you. You had to accept that but you could enact revenge on the bitch that took him away from you. You’ll have her wishing she was the one in a shallow grave instead.
The Tombtakers diverged, finding their own paths. Cree tried to take you with her but you wouldn’t. You had your own task to complete. After that you could rest. Making the arrangements, finding allies where you could, earning and cashing in favours from anyone of power or resources you could left you with quite the arsenal at your disposal but you couldn’t just walk into the capital of the Dwendalian Empire and murder one of the archmages of the Cerberus Assembly. You had to be patient, lay low and let everyone think you moved on.
Still you visited the grave whenever you could. There was a comfort in the hope that maybe, wherever he was he could hear you. Lucien would probably scold you for going on a revenge path against one of the most powerful magic users on the continent all by your lonesome. He’s one to talk. Nevermind, you told him about your adventures, and hoping to acquire the resources to attempt to bring him back. You won’t give up hope.
Then you returned, returned to find the grave empty. You followed the tracks but they lead you nowhere. You had to find him. You had to find Lucien before anyone else did because what might they do? What state would he be in? Does this mean he’s already ascended? Would this mean he’d truly fully become the Nonagon for once and for all? But most of all, you just want him back in your arms knowing he’d be safe. You’d scour Exandria to find him.
There you are standing in a dark alleyway, hood blocking direct view of your face as you’re quite literally in the middle of a back alley deal. You’re no stranger to the shady business and shady people can most often be found in these places. You pay your contact in exchange for the information your requested, satisfied with the results. You hear commotion on the main street. Guards. Parting from your contact you wait for the guards to pass. That’s when you notice a lavender tiefling bolt past you. A very familiar lavender tiefling.
Confusion, relief, heartache, panic, happiness, disappointment, a wave of emotion hits you in a way you’re not even sure how you’re supposed to feel at this point. Many questions accompany those feelings. What are you supposed to do? Well, go after him of course! If Lucien’s back and he’s being chased by guards, that’s not a good thing for the current situation. Sticking to the shadows you trail along. Lucien may just have lost his touch but perhaps the city is an unfamiliar one to him and alone, he doesn’t know the way. The tattoos are new, so are the rather colourful clothes but you know he never does anything without reason.
You figure out where he’s going, the direction at least and from your own past encounters here you know the side alleys. You take a path that should have you end up ahead of him. You’ll have to take a few rooftops and private yards but it’s the quickest and you’ve done it plenty of times. Once you get in place you take off your cloak, get ready. You hear the guards shouting for reinforcements. The closer he gets from around the corner you can see the smug grin filled with mischief as he runs. You’ve missed that one.
The moment comes and you grab onto him as he passes pulling him into the alley with you, wrapping your cloak around him and pulling the hood up. Hands on both sides of his face you look at him closely. There’s confusion in his eyes as they focus on you. He’s already out of breath but you pull him into a deep kiss. Lucien hits the wall behind him and readjusts the hood of the cloak to keep his face covered. The response to the kiss only comes with the sound of the guards drawing near and is very confused. The guards pass by. They glance into the alley but awkwardly turn back to following the street upon seeing the two of you together.
As soon as they’re gone Mollymauk breaks away from you. He’s breathing heavily more from the run than the kiss you shared. He’s very confused. Indifferent to being kissed by a stranger, this… unexpected to say the least. He’s got no idea who you are but you saved his ass so you’re alright in his books at the moment. That doesn’t mean he’s not wary of you. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out you know him, or well whoever he used to be and with the conflicting emotions running through you he’ll have to think fast to spin his bullshit correctly.
“You have no idea how happy I am you’re alive. Does this mean it worked after all? Did you succeed?” You run your thumbs over Lucien’s cheekbones as he holds onto your wrists lightly. The pressure in your chest grows heavier as you await his answer.
“It did. I did. It didn’t go as planned but I’m here now.” Molly works his charm like his life depends on it because he entertains the thought it might. Your touch, there’s something eerily familiar about it, akin to being reminded of a distant long forgotten dream. Hazy but it feels real. He still has no idea who you are and there’s no bells ringing either. While he much rather run far away avoiding any and all connections to a past not his, he cannot help but commend whoever came before him. The one that got buried definitely had a good taste in lovers? Friends? Molly’s not going to assume even though you kissed him quite passionately.
Your chest clenches and it feels as if your breath won’t leave your body, your blood stopping in your veins, like you got hit by an extra dimensional force attempting to pull everything away from you. You listen to Lucien’s words. It looks like him but why do you feel like you hear someone else? It’s not an illusion or some trick you’re sure. If it were your enemies would have known to pick a better imposter and you’d have been dead already. Your own mind fights against this train of thought, justifying it. Lucien had been dead for weeks until you found the empty grave. Of course there were bound to be side effects or even consequences to the ritual. But then again, it had been two years since then. Two years to recover from whatever happened…
“You don’t know me, do you?” Speaking the words out loud breaks your heart. You don’t fight the pain they cause. There’s no tears. You’ve already grieved Lucien once. You’re not doing it again. This will be nothing more than a painful reminder, a cruel joke from the gods behind the divine gate. Why must the fates torture you so for nothing more than loving an ambitious man reaching for the stars and beyond?
“No. I’m sorry.” Molly can’t help but feel your pain. It’s clear you cared a great amount about his predecessor, the way you speak reveals intense heartbreak at the passing of that one. It also shows acceptance that whoever he used to be is gone and you’ve come to terms with that a while ago. That’s enough for him to recognise you won’t hurt him. Molly had never felt sorry for the death of who he used to be and he won’t start now but he does feel sorry for you. This whole situation is messed up.
You close your eyes and nod, dropping your hands and take a step back. No matter how much your heart may tell you to be close to this tiefling, your mind knows it’s not Lucien. You cannot in good conscious hang onto whatever remains. It’s not fair you him, to Lucien but most of all not fair to yourself. Do you wish it was Lucien standing here in front of you? Of course you do. You’d do anything to get him back but what would directing all your pain achieve directed at this new person in the same body? It would accomplish nothing but more pain. You can’t imagine this tiefling in front of you doesn’t have any friends, loved ones, people who care about him. You weren’t going to put you don’t know how many others through the same pain you’ve been put through.
“I am as much of a ghost of the past to you as you are to me.” You’ve come to the conclusion that based of his responses there may not be any recognition, there is an unknown familiarity to you on his end. Perhaps the final slivers of Lucien remaining but nothing more than a fleeting memory. A hand reaches out for yours. You allow him to take your hand and he rubs circles in the back of it with his thumb in an attempt to bring you some comfort. It’s a gesture out of kindness. Not out of selfish intent or with the expectancy to get something out of it, like Lucien would when faced with a stranger he clearly had the upper hand over.
“You seem to have cared for my predecessor, Lucien, quite a lot. I truly am sorry.” You offer him a saddened smile as a silent thank you. He knows Lucien’s name so he must have learned something of the past. You gather it hasn’t been much and most definitely is second hand knowledge by his lack of information on the ritual, who he used to be, everything really.
“You know his name?” The sentence is voiced somewhere in between a question and a statement.
“A blood cleric named Cree. She ran into us-me and mistook me for him. I played along but I don’t think she really bought it. She didn’t reveal much.” The name of the tabaxi alone is enough to make your blood boil. If Cree had known for however long, why hadn’t she gotten in contact with you? You know exactly why and are debating wether or not you could do with a new fur rug. You also acknowledge that Cree is a risk and this new-not Lucien will have to watch his back.
“Since you’re not Lucien nor do you seem to be using that name, what do I call you?”
“Mollymauk Tealeaf or simply Molly to my friends.” The tiefling-Mollymauk smiles at you, a genuine smile. You have to appreciate the small gestures of comfort and kindness.
“I would give you my own name but for both of our sakes I won’t. You may refer to me as an old friend. I know I have no right to but may I ask you a favour?”
Mollymauk nods. As always he leaves a place better than he found it, tries to bring joy and happiness wherever he can even if that means making a fool of himself. Very few times has he been faced with someone who needs his help as much as you do. While there’s definitely limits to what he can provide, you deserve some compassion. Especially after the shitty cards life had dealt to you. He’ll try to ease that if he can.
“May I- May I ask you to tell me about your life, Mollymauk?” Not the request he expected. Then again, to be fair he didn’t really know what to expect. A kiss maybe? Stick along for a while? Perhaps even a final goodbye so you could close this chapter once and for all? But of all the things you asked about him. Not Lucien. Him.
“It’s a long story…” Molly drifts off reminiscing the wild ride of the past two years, especially the events of the last few months upon joining the Mighty Nein and the adventures they had already gone on; were currently on but if you really wanted to hear all about that, he’d tell you.
“I have plenty of time. How about we walk and talk? Get you back to your traveling companions? Your friends? And if there’s still plenty more to tell, if you want to you can tell me over a few drinks. My treat.” You feel within yourself you’d better be able to let go knowing this Mollymauk is happy and lives content. Lucien might be gone but Mollymauk deserves a good life free of Lucien’s burdens. You’ll do what you can to assure that.
“Never tell a story for free. That sounds like a good deal.” Molly offers you his arm and when you hesitate, expects you not to take it but to his surprise you do. There’s something strangely comforting about the whole ordeal. You’re both strangers to each other but it still feels like you have known each other for years.
On your way to where Mollymauk is staying he feels no need to hold back or deceive and instead tells you what happened to him; how he woke up, dug himself out of a grave and was found by a kind man, joined the circus, became a fortune teller, made friends along the way, found a family, many tales of the mischief he was up to, leaving every place better than he found it. You had some good laughs and were able to ask some questions throughout. All in all you came to the conclusion Mollymauk’s life hasn’t been an easy one but it was a good one and he was happy.
Then he found this group of strangers in a tavern somewhere in Trostenwald. His old family was torn away in the wreckage of a devil toad but he found a new one in these strangers. The Mighty Nein. Their time together has been but a few months but they already feel like family and he’d do anything for them. They might be assholes but they’re good people.
You got to meet them. Molly- as he keeps insisting because you are his friend now, introduced you to this Mighty Nein as he thought it best you heard some of these stories from their mouths too for the sake of perspective. He introduced you to them as such; an old friend from the past. The details were left blurry but Molly’s confidence was enough to leave them at the very least accepting and not mistrusting you. They shared their stories with you. They needed him. They may have come far from the assholes they were, but they still had a ways to go. You knew you could not tear that away from him nor did you feel right to join them, even if temporarily.
It’s time for you to say goodbye. You bid your farewell to the Mighty Nein and while they would ask you to stay just a little longer, you know you cannot. You will not insert yourself into their lives based on the merits of your own lies and life. They are free so let them be free. Molly walks you out so you may have one final conversation before you leave his world behind you.
“You don’t have to go yet. They enjoy your company and honestly, they could learn a thing or two from you.” Molly offers as you stand outside of the tavern, the sky since having grown dark and the stars out. The air is cool, winter is drawing near, before you know it the frost will stick to the ground and you’ll be back in Shadycreek plotting the demise of a certain Cerberus Assembly member. You’ll have to leave this all behind.
“You know I can’t. For all of our sakes.” You offer Molly a smile. You’re happy with what you got to see, the stories you were told but this is where it ends and that’s okay. Molly knows it too. Sometimes it’s better to let go than to hang on. You have your own life just as he has his.
“So I guess this is goodbye then.” Molly takes hold of both of your hands and squeezes lightly before he pulls you in for a hug. You return the embrace. Pulling apart enough to look him in the eyes you stroke his cheek, tracing the tattoos fanning up his neck and jaw.
“I am still but a ghost of the past. A ghost I will remain. I wish you a good life, Mollymauk Tealeaf. May we one day meet again.” You kiss his cheek and despite the appearance of Lucien, it doesn’t feel the same. Despite how it may sound, you’re happy it doesn’t. You step out of Molly’s arms.
“May we meet again.” The words Molly speaks are like a breath upon the wind as you walk backwards, one final look at the lavender tiefling as you blend into the darkness, fading like a ghost.
There may be many more things Molly would like to ask you. He’d like to get to know you and the thought that maybe one day he might, sounds like a good day in his mind. You have your own business to take care of first but maybe one day you will meet again. For now a ghost of the past he doesn’t recall you will remain…
But a few months later you find your way back on the road to Shadycreek Run. There you found a grave marker along the Glory Run Road… The marker held a colourful ostentatious red coat embellished to the nines. It appears to have been left to the weather for some time but you recognise it. Hit with a sense of dread you approach the grave already knowing who it belongs to. The least you can do is pay your final respects to the friend you never got to know more.
You dismount your horse guiding it the reins closer to the marker. That’s definitely Molly’s coat. There’s no denying that now. You walk further up the hill offering a silent prayer to the Moonweaver who Molly admitted to being a follower of.
Approaching the grave you see it dug up. You expect grave robbers, thieves of some kind as you brush your fingers over the fabric of the coat. You get a glance of the grave and see it empty instead. Not robbed; empty. No body, nothing but the marker and the coat. Down the other side of the hill you see a figure, a lavender tiefling, tapestry draped around him watching the skies. The back is turned to you so the tiefling doesn’t see you. A wave of both relieve and dread washes over you as you are met with your own ghost of the past.
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ahsxual · 3 years
🌹 - congrats on 400!!! can you write a james smut where she’s insecure and he’s helping her realize just how beautiful he sees her as pls? my name is Madi, i’m 5’4, and kinda shy around most people. could you please make the insecurities that she has acne scars and stretch marks? thank you 💞💞
A/N: Thank youuu! I hope you enjoy this darling, and I want you to know that you're still beautiful no matter what! I'm sure James loves you a lot, and so do many people! I could relate to you on this one, because my acne scars are one of my mine insecures... but we can't let that affect us!! Our skin is unique and deserves all the love in this world <33
Warnings: insecure reader
Genre: Smut, fluff, angst
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It was a outstanding afternoon outside: the sun decided to show up and illuminate the beautiful city. It seemed like that day, the world gave an opportunity for people to smile, to be optimistic and feel happier, since the nature’s happiness is the most contagious of them all. Apparently, it had affected everyone... everyone, but you.
Most of the ghosts of the Hotel Cortez, including your charming husband, who founded that amazing, yet terrifying place, were having a great conversation in Liz's bar. You excused yourself to go to the bathroom a while ago, yet it felt like hours had passed because, according to you, you were looking at your worst enemy: your reflection on the mirror.
You took that opportunity to undress yourself from the long, red silk dress you were wearing, your husband's favorite. And once you did it, more tears fell down your hot, red cheeks: your stretch marks were pretty visible, and your acne scars made you feel disgusting and undesirable. How can James love me???, was the exhausting thought that always haunted your mind, nonstop.
"Darling..?" you heard James calling you, making you get out of your painful trance, to clean the damage on your face caused by the expensive makeup you were wearing, and get dressed as fast as you could... yet not as fast as your husband. "My love, tell me now what made you cause such distress??" he was extremely worried to see his beloved hurt: he had promised to kill whoever dared to hurt a single hair of your pretty head... however, what he didn't expect, was that the person who hurt you, was actually yourself.
"Please James, just give me a moment..." he could sense your sadness from afar, and that sigh made his heart completely ache. He immediately kissed your forehead and hold you in his tight, yet comforting embrace, and you couldn't help but hug him back in attempt to let some of your pain out.
James wasn't dumb: he could notice the many times you avoided to take your makeup in front of him, the many times you asked him to turn the lights off whenever you two made love, the many times you hesitated his touch because something was stopping you... and so he discovered you had your insecurities. Like everyone else... like himself as well.
"My love, please look at me!" he pleaded softly, and you obeyed. His eyes were also covered in warm, yet heartbreaking tears, but he didn't let them go, because he had to be strong for you. "Please... may I have the honor to show you, just how gorgeous and desirable my beautiful wife is?" he asked, before kissing gently your hands, and you smiled at his kind gesture.
"Y-yeah, I guess so..." all you needed was a little bit of reassurance from the person you loved the most, and that was what you were about to have.
James lead you to your shared room, and before he undressed you carefully, like you were the most precious, yet fragile diamond in this world, he kissed you. However, that kiss wasn’t hungry and rough like the other times. No. This time it was soft, slow and utterly loving. He pushed you gently on the bed, and started to kiss every beautiful stretch mark of your body, before you felt his handsome face getting closer to where you needed him the most.
"May I?" he asked like the real gentleman he was, the lust in his voice pretty evident. The moment he saw you nodding, he didn't waste any time in connecting his plump, soft lips to your swollen clit, that was desesperate for some attention.
"Fuck James..." you moaned at the sudden pleasure. No other man could eat you out better than James himself, and he seemed to be very proud every time you told him that. He switched from kissing and sucking gently your clit, to lick your wet pussy lips with his skilled tongue. It didn't take much for him to make you come undone right on his face.
When he finished his job, by offering you the first delicious orgasm of the day, he got up so he could look you straight in the eyes, and kiss every inch of your face. His lips were wet, a sweet mixture of your cum and his own saliva. Once he provided the needed attention to every acne scar of your face, he stared at you once again while putting his soft, yet cold fingertips against your skin.
"Everyone says that perfection is what we see in a model with soft skin, slender figure and blonde hair... but for me... perfection is right in front of me." a few fresh tears escaped your eyes once again, but this time it wasn't because of your insecurities. It was for being accepted and loved just the way you were created. "These... marks of yours, my darling, is what makes you unique. It's what makes my precious Madi the woman I fully immersed myself in true love, even when I thought there wasn't any hope for a man like myself. I wouldn't change any single feature of yours, because you're everything I deeply desire. These marks of yours, are pure art. Unique, gorgeous, incredibly outstanding and loved by your husband. And I won’t allow you to think any differently! You must see yourself as the absolute Goddess you are: nothing less, nothing more." while he expressed his true love for you, you could feel the tip of his cock being pressed against your tight entrance. Before you could answer to him, he entered gently, sending you a mix of pain and pure pleasure, since he hadn't prepare you previously. His thrusts started slow, but with time and your eager pleadings, he fastened his speed. While he fucked you fast and hard, his lips and hands never left your body: he bit, kissed you and sucked on your most sensitive spots, whispering sweet nothings in your ear, while his strong hands gripped your stretch marks hard, like he was marking them as his.
After a few minutes of pure love, lust and reassuring, you both laid by each other’s side breathlessly on the soft bed, smiling to yourselves. You could sense his stare burning into your body, until you decided to ask him what was wrong.
"Nothing wrong happened, my dear. I was simply contemplating my outstanding wife." his compliments never failed to make you blush furiously and feel better about yourself. "What about... we married again?" it came out as a simple whisper, yet you could still hear it like he was screaming.
"Honey, we can only marry once!" you answered him, while slightly laughing at his suggestion.
"And who decides that, huh? In this place, I make my own rules. That being said, if I wish to marry my Goddess over and over again, then my desire must be accomplished." he kissed your hand once again, and it was at that moment that you realized you don't need to use any makeup or expensive clothes to look pretty for him, for yourself, or anyone. Just being yourself and loving James was all he ever wanted and dreamed about, nothing more... and you couldn't be happier for having such a loving and supportive husband by your side... for all eternity.
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animeangel21 · 3 years
Part 1- ryomen sukuna
"You're emotions will be your downfall young one, try to relax yourself." Gojo senseis words rang in my ear as I got laid out on my back
I settled in my small room placing my bracelets on my dresser before settling on my bed. I placed my head in my hands and tried to suppress my anger that tended to over flow with inconveniences like today. I used the bracelets that were circular to help me control my abilities and it worked till I took them off. Once they were off there was very little chance of me fully being able to control my cursed energy.
Gojo told me to go and relax while the other 3 went on a mission that wouldn't require me cause it wasn't too serious but if back up was needed I would need to stand on call, I could feel my palms already radiating a lot of energy so I went to my room and sat on the floor and began meditating.
After a while I felt better and let out a sigh of relaxation. I got up and removed my shirt standing in my sports bra and my joggers that I had worn with my uniform. I found it easier to move in, easier to fight in than a skirt like most of the females at jujutsu tech wore. And don't get me wrong I had my fair share of skirts for casual days at school but today just wasn't one of those days. I ran the water for my shower and grabbed a large shirt and some panties to sleep in and stripped off the rest of my clothes before stepping into the scorching hot water.I washed away all of today's dirt, grime, and tension and couldn't help but relax more into the hot stream of water. Once I finished washing my hair and body I stepped out and got dressed tossing my dirty uniform into my laundry bin and laying on my bed looking at my phone. Hm.. usually Yuji would text me by now, it's been several hours since the mission and I was beginning to worry.
Eventually I fell asleep not sure what time but when I woke up it was to someone entering my room.
The only other persons with a key were Yuji and kugisaki and I wasn't sure who it was.
"H-hello Yuji..k-kugisaki?" I stuttered trying to control my nerves. My room was dark as hell and I was petrified to step out of bed and light the candles I had on my bedside.
My bracelets had been on the other side of the room so it wasn't any use running for them.
"Mya it's me Yuji"
I felt the familiar energy of Yuji as he neared my room. Usually I could feel sukunas energy as well and I could say me n him have had our exchange of words and it was never pleasant, but something was off.
"I-I almost... didn't make it.." he said and he was looking down the whole time.
I threw the blankets off of me and crawled to The end of my bed and embraced him in a tight hug.
"God, you're okay. I know it's scary almost not making it back.. I gave you guys the key to my place cause sometimes I can't get out of my head after something like that either so you're gonna be okay and you're gonna get stronger from here on."
"You're right, I am gonna get stronger." He said and hugged me tighter and his chin rested on your shoulder. There was a brief silence and he took a couple deep breaths. Something definitely wasn't right, his hold on me got tighter and my nails dug into his back.
"Maybe I'll take you down with me." Another voice, a deeper , repulsive voice said in my ear cutting through the night silence
I attempted to pull away but sukuna laughed at my failed attempt. "Suprise to see me princess? I do play innocent quite well." He said and held me tighter into his chest I looked around nervously and could feel a cold sweat cover my body.
"What the hell do you want! What did you do to yuji?" I said and he chuckled pulling away but keeping me close.
"Nothing, the brat is fine.he's still breathing if that's what you're really concerned about." He smirked in my face. My blood started boiling the longer I stared at his stupid perfect face, the longer I was in his arms the angrier I got.
" don't look so happy princess." He said sarcastically.
I clenched my fist behind him cause my arms were still stuck there.
"Let me go and we can forget about our little encounter here. I'm not gonna hurt you unless you choose to go that route." I said as calmly as I could muster up.
"I'll let you go but you definitely won't forget about this encounter. I'll have my way with you,remember our last little conversation." He said and my eyes widened with fear.
——————flashy back time——————
After the mission and yuji having his heart ripped out his chest by sukuna, I had a couple of colorful words for him every time he showed up.
This time it had been me and him alone in a single room.
"You know, you're quite angry for such a small woman." He said and I glared at him in anger.
I looked over hoping that megumi or kugisaki would wake the fuck up and bust in to help or Gojo would show up before I'm killed or rip this fool limb by limb.
"Fuck off, I just want my friend back. That curse is already done for so what more do you want?" I said looking at him as he smirked down at me from the broken ledge on the wall.
"Don't look up without permission doll face wouldn't wanna punish you." My eyebrows furrowed together in confusion and he just fell infront of me and put his fingers together.
Before I could even think it was really just me and him now, nowhere to hide or run. I had to get outta here.
"Domain expansion, innate domain"
I was ready for anything, no matter how quick he was I was gonna stay in my feet ready for anything.
"So this is your form of punishment?quite shitty for the king of curses." I said looking up at him with a smirk.
He looked down at me bored but smirked.  "I could do much worse but I wouldn't wanna split your body in 7 pieces and keep you alive to feel the pain." Quicker than I could process he was behind me and tapped my shoulder and drug his nails down the nape of my neck.
"Boo!" He whispered and when I turned he lifted me off the ground by my neck.
"You're in my territory n-"
"Let her go sukuna" yujis voice sounded and I moved gathered the energy to grab sukunas wrist and I choked out the words.
"Release me" his hand involuntarily opened and I fell to the ground.
"Incredibly annoying you are, just when it was getting fun you show up." He quickly went to attack yuji and once I could breathe in enough oxygen I stood up and grabbed his wrist once again.
"Don't move" I said and he froze but only to look at me and smirk.
"Fine have it your way." He said loudly before he mumbled something to himself. He grabbed my face and his nail cut my lip deeply and as the blood dripped he swiped his thumb over my bottom lip licking it off.
"Don't you worry I'll have my way with you regardless of your feelings" he said and as he put his fingers together  and smirked at me. gojos voice rang in my head pulling me out of whatever the fuck this was.
"Damn that sorcerer." He muttered through gritted teeth before watching me closely.
"Till the next time we're alone princess" he smirked and with that I was held in megumis arms and gojo held yuji over his shoulder with one arm.
"Ahh mya welcome back, hopefully you didn't do something you would regret."
"Other than potentially signing my life over to the 1000 year old demon Inside of itadori yeah I'm fucking amazing" I said my voice laced with sarcasm.
"You didn't do anything sukuna is just a grumpy old man who likes to bother people a little too much. Yes you probably  found a way to antagonize him but I doubt he'll do anything infront of our faces." Kugisaki said and I glared at her as megumi put me down.
"Heh maybe he likes you" she said lowly and a deep blush spread across my face and I looked at her with wide eyes.
"DONT SAY STUFF LIKE THAT! Oh my god, now that sadistic fuck is gonna think he has the right to flirt  and soon enough I'll be dead." I said and walked with her.
He wasn't bad looking.. I know it sounds fucking bad saying a 1000 year old demon with a hawty body and some black tattoos and spiky pink hair is absolutely attractive but that would be one of my biggest secrets till I'm in the fucking grave.
2 nights later after the incident we All had a sleep over in yujis room watching shitty horror films and anime. By the time everyone had fallen asleep I was the the last one awake yuji on his bed, kugisaki on the floor infront of a couch and megumi was gone stating he wasn't about to sleep on anything in yujis room. I laid on the couch and drifted off into a deep sleep.
That night had been so embarrassing for me it wasn't even funny or relatively okay in any matter.
"So now you're in my dreams asshole.." I said and he smirked looking down on me from his throne of bones.
"You should show more respect to your elders princess, plus I'm not doing anything this is all you." He said and soon appeared infront of me and grabbed my face harshly. His sharp nails dug into my cheeks making me whine in pain.
"Oh I love those little sounds you make, I could ruin you alone just hearing that."
My legs trembled as he stared into my soul.
"Your blood is pumping I can practically feel it, hear it, I wanna taste it again. Maybe taste something else too while I'm at it." And my attempt to pull away failed as I fell backwards I landed on blood red silk sheets and a large comfy mattress.
What in the hell was going on!?
I had to muster up some energy to wake myself up but nothing worked.
"Darling relax" he said grabbing a sealed ribbon and tied my wrist together and suddenly my body was frozen and I could feel each and every one of his touches.
I could only fight this mentally but physically I was frozen.
"Agree to relax and take this and I'll take the seal off." He cockily said.
"Fine I agree" I growled under my breath.
There  was a burning or stinging sensation on my thigh and his face was extremely close to mine and his large hand gripped my small wrist as if they were just sticks.
"I'll be addressed as master to you." He said and the stinging sensation on my thigh faded into a pleasurable sting.
The fuck is going on?!
He looked down at me and his large hand rested on my waist while the other pulled off my shorts.
I couldn't move my wrist still and huffed with annoyance.  His lips trailed from my ear down to my collarbone and he took in a deep breath.
" you smell delicious, hope you taste just as good" he said and his hand on my waist tightened.
"There's no running now princess." He smirked down at me and his sharp teeth sunk deeply into my neck.
I screamed in agony but his hand that ripped off my shorts slapped over my mouth and tears poured down my face.
His grip on my waist tightened significantly till it was painful.
"Hopefully I'm not a joke to you still, my punishment are no longer jokes are they princess?"
"N-no they're not" I stuttered from the pain and feeling of blood pouring from my neck.
"Wrong, how do you respond to me bitch!"  He said and his hand was squeezing my ribs tighter by the second.
I whined in pain and I could feel my body giving in and turning against me.
"N-no they're not master" I said lowly, and embarrassed.
"That's right" he said and raked his hand down my body to my privates.
The moment his fingers dipped inside my panties and he used one finger to rub my clit and spread the wetness that formed.
"To think you didn't want me, naughty girl." He mumbled. I whined in response and he laughed.
"Someone's desperate." He mumbled as one of his long, thick fingers slid inside me stretching me.
I wanted to grab his wrist or stop him in some way but I couldn't. I didn't move I couldn't,, I didnt resist him or the intrusive finger.
"S-stop" I stuttered patheticly.
"More you said? Anything for you darling"
"N-NO AGGHH" I screamed in pain as he thrusted another finger in harshly. Tears fell down my face as he looked down at me smirking.
I felt an odd feeling and when I looked down a mouth was on the palm of his hand and started to lap my wetness up.
His long tongue shot out his mouth as his face got closer to mine and he dragged it across my neck lapping up the blood that started to dry.
I let out a soft moan cussing at myself mentally for showing any sign of pleasure. His tongue dragged up my neck and licked away my tears making me shy away and turn my head from his touch.
"Tsk Tsk Tsk Cmon princess I like it when you cry makes me wanna corrupt that innocence even more" he said with a smirk and his lips dragged across my face to my ear.
His fingers were moving at an unbearable pace causing my eyes to roll back and ball my fist as I held in all the noises I wanted to let out so badly. I wasn't about to give in to this and let myself become vulnerable to him, but I already had. I let myself become vulnerable, his fingers were knuckle deep in me, his hand mouth was sucking and licking me as my wetness was dripping out of me onto the sheets.
I felt my stomach tighten and I clenched around his fingers signaling I was close to my relesase.
"Are you gonna cum on my fingers slut? You better beg for it the right fuckin way."
Fuck this is embarrassing. The last fucking thing and the last fucking person I wanna do this with is beg sukuna of all people.
I can't lie to myself and say I hadn't thought of sukuna dominating me but I'd never tell Anyone, I'll never tell them about the past 2 nights of me dreaming of the demon and waking up to soaked panties.
His hand removed itself from my waist and went to my neck and he grabbed onto it with such force and pushed me further into the bed under me.
"Say it" he demanded in a voice deeper and much more seductive.
"I- please, please, make me cum m-master" I said with a red face and my eyes shut from embarrassment.
"Now look me in the face, in my eyes while you cum on my fingers." He said squeezing my throat harder making it hard to breathe.
I could feel that knot in my stomach getting tighter and tighter and before I came my eyes slowly opened and all four red eyes above me were staring down at me. My legs shook and I clenched around his fingers as my orgasm rocked my body but I didn't enjoy it due to my lack of air.
"T-too tight" I choked out and my mouth fell open as I struggled to pull in any type of air.
"Gnight" was all he said before I faded into darkness and woke up.
I shot up and I was covered in a thin layer of sweat and saw everyone was asleep. I looked around the room and everyone was fast asleep, I could feel the wetness between my legs and as embarrassing as it was I had to get up and leave or I could not ditch my friends and stay till morning.
I placed my face in the palm of my hands before getting an idea. I looked over at my overnight bag and decided I'll just go commando till morning and make up some excuse to leave.
I got up and walked into the bathroom, this was feeling really embarrassing and I'm gonna live with this for the rest of my life.
After peeling off my underwear and cleaning myself off with a wet paper towel so I wouldn't feel sticky while I slept, I walked out and placed the underwear in my sweatpants pocket and walked over to my bag placing them inside and zipping it up.
When I turned around I could see the smaller eyes on yuji open up and he smirked at me. His eyes
Opened as well and the black marks appeared.
Oh No,no, no,NO!
"Hopefully you're stretched enough darling I won't be so gentle next time" he licked his fingers and with that he was gone and it was just yujis sleeping figure sprawled out on the bed.
Suddenly feeling very cold in this room I tip toed back under my large blanket on the couch and tried to fall back asleep.
—————————flashback over——————————
  I glared into his red eyes with nothing but anger. "Don't look so happy again princess?" He said getting in my personal space.
"Who? me? Happy to see you? Give me a damn good reason why I should be." I spat with a smirk on my face.
"I think you could vividly remember a reason to be so happy to see me. I Gave you the best damn orgasm of your life, on top of that in your sleep" he retorted as his arms loosened their grip on me and I was able to push him back hard enough to put distance between us.
"Fuck you, I couldn't stop that if I tried." I said looking away with a blush covering my cheeks.
"hard to believe when you were as wet as you were. Let's not forget whose in charge here either." He said and in a flash he was hovering over me and my body was being pushed into the mattress under me.
"You've been on the brats mind a lot and vulgar thoughts might I add. So I took an interest in you as well and actually made the initiative to get you." His grip never loosened on my wrist as he leaned in more. "We're bound one way or another. you get the best of both worlds till death due you part." He said smirking down at me.
"What the hell do you mean by bound and best of both worlds." I said and he bought his mouth closer to my neck and took in a deep breath.
"The brat has feelings for you, me and you we have our arrangements now. Once your soul leaves your body, once you're dead, you're mine and you'll be stuck with me in my domain." An image flashed in my head once he finished his last sentence and it was his stupid signature smirk with a hand around my throat holding me close, my back to his chest and we were seating on his throne.
"But I think you'll find out soon enough about " he bit down and I gasped loudly. I couldn't scream or make a sound. My mouth hung open and no sounds came out.
"Silent and obedient. Like a little bitch" he said and drug his tongue over the bleeding skin on my neck.
I could feel my body burning and the rage over flowing.
"I'll never be your bitch of all people." I said turning my head and whispering in his ear.
"I'd relax if I was you, I can handle angry people in a heartbeat." He growled pressing himself into my neck firmly.
"You swear you're the biggest thing out there but here's a reality check, you aren't shit and the real bitch here is you." I said loud and clear making him pull back and stare me down. He moved to sit back and rested his body weight on my thighs.I couldn't move my hands and when I looked up there were ribbons holding my wrist to the bed frame. With a flick of his wrist all the candles in my room were lit.
"You're a fool. I'm not gonna kill you yet, just teach you a lesson. I can deal with brats and bitches, you just happen to be both."  He ripped off itadoris top tossing the shreds elsewhere and I looked away flustered as I tried not to look at his perfectly sculpted body.
A hand grabbed my face harshly and I was met with his Ruby red eyes staring deep into my soul and his smirk widened.
"Don't look away if you enjoy the view so much" he said and I squirmed but his grip tightened and he tossed my head back harshly to hit my pillows.
Within less than a second my shirt was gone and I was left in my underwear which was beyond embarrassing.
" your arousal is strong,pitiful" he said running his large hand over my face and gave me an experimental slap on the cheek.
My eyes went wide and I tightened my fist. It was a shock of pain and burning pleasure you would feel from spanking but it felt different on the face.
He leaned forward connecting our lips and his long tongue pushed forward past my lips and into my mouth.then I finally kissed back not really having an option.
His tongue was dominating the make out session and I didn't even attempt to fight him back as I would most definitely make him even more mad than I already had.
He pulled back and two arms formed from under his original set of arms with sickening noises to go along with it.
His arms held him up while his second set of arms pulled my underwear off and tossed them elsewhere.
"You're soaked, now if you really want something let's see if you remember my name." He looked down at me with a piercing gaze.
I was too ashamed to meet his gaze. I was very aroused and there was no hiding that from the king of curses..
"Being Difficult I see. Don't worry I'll get it out of you sooner or later." One of his hands ran down my body from my breast to my belly button piercing and tugged on it lightly. I gasped and choked back an insult to the demon straddling my body.
His hand trailed lower and he smirked at me and I felt something warm and wet trail up my slit and I squirmed from his touch. I was ashamed with myself for feeling any type of pleasure and I couldn't even look at him.
Two of his fingers roughly pushed their way into me and I whined in embarrassment for finding pleasure in this,from him.
The  same sensation from before was back and before I had the chance to pull or squirm away from him one arm wrapped around my throat freezing me and causing my body to react.
"Someone liked that a lot, let's see how you react to
This" his voice rumbled deeply as I let another whine slip as his fingers moved slowly.
I couldn't turn my head but one of his arms grabbed a candle that was closest to my bed and once it was in my view my eyes went wide.
He slowly poured the hot wax onto my stomach and moved upwards pouring some on my breast making my breaths short. It suddenly was a lot harder to breathe as I felt the wax cooling on my burning skin.
I allowed a small moan to slip and his long tongue shot out his mouth and licked away a stray tear that fell down my face.
" seeing you cry makes me wanna corrupt you a little more. You're mostly innocent, pure almost." He said with a groan and used his knee to spread my legs a little more. He curled his thick fingers and they hit a spot in me that hasn't been explored
"I-oh fuck" I moaned again and my hips bucked into his fingers involuntarily my walls clenched.
"Now, What's my name?" He growled in my ear and his voice only made me me a lot wetter.
I still refused to say it, I wasn't about to call him master, or king, or DADDY.  It's not gonna fucking happen.
"G-go to hell" I moaned out making his grip on my neck harder than before.
He reached for another candle and I prepared myself for the burning sensation and felt it on my stomach again but it trailed lower. He poured it on my thighs and placed it next to the other and removed the hand from my neck and his fingers stilled inside of me and the tears in my eyes kept falling. I really wanted to cum, I really need to.
He looked down at me and chuckled.
"How pathetic, you look ravishing like this, at my mercy. But, you won't beg for me your body is telling me one thing but your mouth says nothing and your mind says it all" he morphed his body back and had two arms again.
"How bout I ask you nicely once more and the next time, ill just drill you into the mattress till your screaming it." His voice seemed to drop or get deeper but i was Lovin it. "What's my name princess?"
"S-sukuna....R-Ryōmen Sukuna" I said with a smirk and he frowned before he bit down on my lip harshly and I could feel the blood pour from my lip and down my cheek.
I smirked as he pulled away before snatching his as I pulled his bottom lip between my teeth watching his eyes go wide as I bit his right back drawing blood. His hand wrapped around my throat and he shoved me down into the pillow roughly.
"You little vixen, I'll have your head on a stake and fed to the hounds for that." He growled making me clench around nothing and my eyes roll back.
My release had been so close and he decided to fuck with that so I was gonna fuck with him but I wasn't aware that it would backfire so quickly.
"Or maybe I'll just take you here, how I want, with you chanting my name like it's a damn prayer"  he tightened his grip even more and I couldn't even claw at his wrist to stop.
I was practically shaking under him more with anticipation than fear. I didn't know if I should feel this way with him, if I should just let him do the things I've only thought about him doing to me, doing the things I've only dreamt of someone doing to me.
I could feel my stomach turning in the best way possible all while it was the worse, I was gonna be ruined.
"Gotta love virgins, you get so worked up so easily and it's fun to corrupt and break you" he said as I squirmed in a failed attempt to get away.
His fingers drug down my body and dipped into my folds again and watched as my juices covered them easily.
I hadn't opened my eyes due to the burning blush that covered my face from pure embarrassment. "Open your eyes darling, look at the mess this cunt made all for me and I'm not gonna ask nicely the second time." He said in a singing tone
I opened my eyes slowly and his fingers lingered infront of my mouth.
"Now open wide." He demanding and I turned my head away earning a disappointing growl from the deepest pit of sukunas throat. "Difficult fucking brat." He mumbled and harshly grabbed my jaw and pressed on the sides to forcefully pry my jaw open.
"Bite me and you won't see tommorow" his voice promising and hard as he forced his fingers into my mouth swirling them around my tongue and pulling them out.
He mumbled about how perfect my mouth was and how he wanted it wrapped around his cocks.
I'm sorry did this man just say COCKS..aS in more than 1....
"The more you act like a brat the more tempted i am to ruin both of these tight holes with both my cocks. So I would sit there and behave if I were you princess or don't if you wanna be ruined" he said removing his bottoms and pushing my knees to my chest in a breeding position with our faces mere inches apart.
"This slutty fucking cunt is so wet, I bet you wanted this didn't you?" He said rubbing the head of his cock against my clit and awaiting hole.
I couldn't reply I was at lost for words as small shocks of pleasure were sent up my spine from my core.
"I expect an ANSWER" he said slapping the absolute shit out of my thigh causing an unexpected moan to slip out my mouth.
"Fuck!y-yes" I admitted as he smirked proudly above me.
The red tip of his cock pushed into me and I instantly felt like I was being split in half  and the smirk on his face said he knew. "If you don't relax you'll bleed" he grunts out
He kept going till each and every inch was inside of me and the tears on my face were continuously replaced with fresh ones as they rolled down my neck.
Once he bottomed out he immediately pulled back out and back into me.
"G-god fuck please nghh- wait"
"I'll try to take it slow, once you start moaning like a whore I won't hold back." He licked the shell of my ear causing me to squirm Even more under his gaze.
The pain continued to spread to my stomach and cervix in the position I was in it wouldn't feel better anytime soon but as he thrusted slowly in and out of me it subsided into a pleasurable sting.
"Clench around me like that again, just like you did my fingers." I did as I was told and he pulled all the way out before slamming back into me brutally.
He kept that same brutal pace and I moaned loudly almost screaming but his hand covered my mouth as he manifested a mouth into his palm.
It shoved its tongue down my throat swallowing up my moans. "My perfect little slut. Your tight little cunt takes me so well" he growled and picked up
The pace making my eyes  roll into the back of my head.
He moved his hand and bought his face closer pressing his thumb to my bottom lip.
" open your mouth"
"You have no say so in what you do and don't wanna do" he said and forced my lips apart and grabbed my tongue watching my saliva drip out and coat his fingers.
"Such a wet, warm mouth." He groaned and gave me a hard thrust causing me to squeak.
Drool slipped out the corners of my mouth as his nail pierced my tongue drawing blood and causing it to pool in my throat and on his finger.
I clenched around him as he continued to fuck me harder with no remorse what so ever. The knot in my stomach tightened more as he started to hit that special spot in me over and over again.
"Open wide" he laughed and pulled my tongue harder and allowed his saliva to drip down his tongue and into my mouth onto my tongue.
Look, I was into some pretty kinky shit but when he let his saliva in my mouth I wanted to barf, better yet slap the shit out of him.
His fingers curled around my neck and the mouth he manifested sucked a harsh purple mark onto my throats a he fucked into me harder than before.
And with that I did he released my tongue .I am..DISGUSTED. His hand squeezed my throat to feel me swallow and he released me pushing my legs into my chest further.
It was a spur of the moment dealio but I really wanted to cum and I couldn't if I didn't listen to this dumb fuck.
"P-please 'm gonna cum"
"Are you now? With whose permission doll face?" He smirked at me in a mocking manner.
His thrust never faltered as I pulled at the sealed ribbons around my wrist.
"Don't fight them it'll get tighter and snap your wrist, quit being stubborn and tell me my name, maybe I'll consider not fucking you till you pass out."
I clenched around him as my legs started to cramp due to the position I was in.
"Oh? Maybe you want me to do that. Ruin your little cunt then move on to your ass, or fuck that warm throat till you're choking and clawing at me to stop"
"Please I-I needa cum" I pathetically begged the 1000 year old sex god above me.
Even listening to the squelching sounds coming from my body I was embarrassed I was outright shocked.
The way his nails were digging into the soft flesh of my thighs was almost enough to push me over but what really pushed me over to my first orgasm was when he pushed me deeper into the mattress by my throat and had my ankles in his other hand pushing me down further as he fucked me raw. My body was bent in a way I couldn't imagine and he was loving every second till he pressed down on my tummy with a third arm.
"I'm practically in your guts, now be a good girl and cum so I can fuck it back in you while I cum"
He gave my throat one more squeeze and I released all over him with a loud moan that he cut off by shoving his tongue down my throat. His grip tightened on my ankles and I could feel the way he thrusted deeply and every inch of him twitching inside of me.
I let my tears fall freely and I failed to take in enough air while his tongue was down my throat.
"Dirty dirty girl creaming all over your masters cock look at the fuckin mess you made" he said finally releasing my legs and pulling his cock out and grabbing a wad of my hair to pull my face down and look at his still very much hard erection covered from tip to base in cum.
"Now, I bet you'll say my name." He
He grabbed my wrist that were previously tied up and held them in his large hands.
He flipped me onto my stomach and I groaned at the pain in my abdomen and soreness that set in my legs.
Everything was on display for him my cum covered thighs, my cunt that was dripping with not only my own arousal but his as well.
He went all in the moment he pushed my back to arch and my hips upwards in the air.
"You're soaked and your bed is too bet you want more dont ya? That burning little fire in you finally got a taste of something that's not your fingers stuffed in that cunt.something much bigger" he stopped and pulled out dragging the head up and down my slit collecting the juices that dared to fall on my bed.
"I'll keep giving it to you but just say my name and I'll fuck you so good mmhmmm so fucking good." He slowly pushed himself in driving me absolutely nuts.
My nails dug into the pillow that he pinned my wrist to.
"Y-yes yes I want more..fuck.." my face burned and he ran his other hand down my back to smooth over my ass.
I waited for an impact or anything but I only felt his dick sliding into me slowly.
" my name pretty girl, tell me my name let me hear it loud and clear, let me hear it while you cry." He pushed my hips back onto him causing a moan to fall from my swelled lips.
"Fuck m-master" it was muffled by the pillows but it put a smirk on sukunas face and hissed his dick very much hard.
I could feel his dick twitch in me and I could feel something else poking at me and I internally screamed as his other dick manifested just as big probably thicker than the other but maybe it was my fucked out head.
"Louder" he growled slamming his hips into me.
"OH FUCK MASTER PLEASE" I screamed with the side of my face on the pillow. My mouth was opened and drool fell onto my pillow but it was cut short as his fingers pushed down on my tongue but i Was gonna rile him up some more.
I swirled my tongue around his fingers and sucked on them.
" if you wanted to suck a lil dick you should've said so" the mouth on his palm voiced.
This made him shove those fingers further down my throat and when I didn't gag he let out a dark chuckle.
"Can't wait for you to take this cock down your throat" his loud voice echoed off the walls on the room.
His pace only seemed to get faster and harder making me moan with each stroke around his soaked fingers.
"Don't scream too loud darling someone might think I'm killing you instead of your pussy." He took his coated fingers out of my mouth so my moans soon became muffled by the pillow under me as he forcefully turned my head.
Sukuna had an internal debate with his own desires and what would keep you alive tomorrow.
Those fingers were either gonna stretch her other hole or he was gonna spank the brat out of her till her ass was raw and bleeding.
Maybe just maybe he'd hurt his ego and he'll save the anal play For your next hook up..
His bruising thrust continued and his anger from his little internal battle seemed to boil over to his hips causing these bruising thrust to pound my cervix.
"Fuck it DAMN IT" he said and slapped the fuck out my ass jolting my body forward. He was quick to grab my hips and pull my body back onto his cock.
"MASTER PLEASE" I cried into the pillow with a moan.
"Sorry can't hear you" he grunted loudly
He slapped me again much harsher than the last one and the tears fell out of my eyes but the burn was one that shouldn't have been so pleasant and it only fed that fire in me causing my body to take it and my walls fluttered and clenched around sukuna.
"Enjoying it much?" His sarcasm dripped like venom.
He smacked my ass again and gripped the flesh and pulled it as I moaned into the pillow while I cried my poor soul into it.
" you should thank me, you finally called me by my name and you came" he moved his other hand from my wrist to the back of my neck and pulled my face up and hauled his movements to lean forward and examine my face. In the process of doing so his cock sunk all the way into me and deeper.
"I said thank me you slut" he growled in my ear and spanked me again with a lot more force.
This pulled a whine from the deepest part of my throat and my eyes to squeeze shut.
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seungmoroll · 3 years
Please Be Patient With Me | Mark Tuan
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Word count: 1k
Genre: angst, fluff
Requested: yes
A/n: thank you anon for the request, I hope everyone enjoys it!💛
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           At this point all you wanted to do was lay down in bed, but here you were having an unwanted conversation with your longtime boyfriend, Mark. This whole conversation started because you had made an offhanded comment about Mark and another girl that you had saw him with earlier, and he had exploded on you. You had no intention to make him mad, but then again, you should have expected it.
           “Why don’t you trust me?” Mark asked, frustration very evident in his tone.
           Sighing, you explain to him, “Mark, it’s not just you I don’t trust. I don’t trust anyone. Please, I don’t want to discuss this anymore. Can you just please forget about the comment I made?”
           “No Y/n, this is something that we have to talk about. We’ve been together for two years now. I would think that by now I would’ve gained your trust. I just want to know why you can’t trust any other person other than yourself.” You knew if you told Mark the true reason as to why you didn’t trust anyone you knew you would break down in front of him, and that was the last thing you wanted to do.
           Within the two years that you and Mark have been together, you could count the amount times you’ve cried in front of him on one hand. It’s not like you were unemotional. You cried every time a dog died in a movie. You just happened to view crying as a sign of weakness and the last thing you wanted was to seem weak.
           Growing up, you were taught to be an independent person. You learned to do things for yourself, and because of that you held high standards for yourself. But at some point in your life, you had come across people that managed to bring you down and those very same people have ruined any trust you had for others. Which is why you couldn’t even trust Mark.  
           Wanting nothing more than to end the conversation, you ask Mark, “You want to know the real reason why I can’t trust you, or any other person?” Mark nods his head to your question. Tearing your eyes away from Mark, you take a deep breathe before you begin, attempting to will yourself not to cry.
           “I can’t trust you or anyone else because there have been people in my life that I thought that I could completely trust that have failed me and just ruined me. They led me to believe that they cared about me, that they loved me; only to show me that they didn’t mean a single thing they said. And you know what? I can’t find myself to be mad with them. It’s me who I’m mad at.” It might seem ridiculous to another person that you were mad at yourself, and not at the ones who had actually hurt you, but to you, your reasoning made sense. You were the one who had decided to trust them in the first place, so it was your fault as to why they had managed to hurt you; if you didn’t trust them so easily, then you could have avoided all the pain you felt. That’s why you were mad at yourself.
           You hear Mark move from the other side of the room to right in front of you, crouching down to be at your level. Still refusing to look Mark in the eye, Mark gently turns your head to make you look at him, but you keep your eyes close. It’s when he starts wiping at your cheeks when you realize that you were crying the whole entire time.
           Letting out another sigh, Mark begins to speak, “I know that that’s how you think, but babe, it’s not true. It’s not true that it’s your fault that people have let you down. You have high standards, and that’s okay. Not everyone is able to meet those standards. But until you find people to be in your life that will meet those standards, I don’t want you to blame yourself. And I know you don’t completely trust me, but I am willing to show you that I’ll meet your standards eventually and that you are worth the effort.” Hearing Mark’s words had you completely sobbing. You could only think of yourself as the worst girlfriend. You couldn’t even trust your boyfriend completely because of the way your past has ruined your mentality, yet here he was willing to do even more than what you could ask for, just so that you would be happy.
           Whispering, “Mark, I don’t deserve you.”
           “You’re right, you don’t. You deserve so much more.” You couldn’t disagree more with Mark’s words. To you, it was vice versa; you thought Mark deserved better than you. Deserved someone that could fully trust him and not doubt everything he or any other person does. Mark goes on to say, “I know you’re an independent person, and you prefer not having to rely on people, but just this once, forget about that and rely on me. I’ll be there right next to you every step of the way until you can learn to trust people again.” For once, you felt like you trust Mark’s words. You knew he meant every word he said. Up to this point, he hadn’t shown you that he was going to hurt you in any way, but you had created a wall in your mind that didn’t let you see it but see other things instead. Now, you wanted nothing else than to break down that wall because you knew that if you didn’t, you were at risk of losing Mark, and that was the last thing you wanted.
           Finally opening your eyes, you see that Mark too had been crying, and the sight makes your heart ache. Wiping at his tears, you quietly say to him, “Please be patient with me.”
           “I will because I will always love you no matter what and I’ll be right there next to you to make sure you know that.” Leaning forward, you let Mark hold you in his embrace, hands instantly rubbing up and down your back as an attempt to calm you down, “I love you too.”
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A/n: I really resonated with y/n for this request, so I kind of struggled to write this one. 
if you guys have any requests, my requests are open; you can see what groups I write for here: x
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frogecstacy · 3 years
Stargazing with Lucifer Chapter 2/2
Hey y’all I hope you like this story. It took longer than expected to write so I am sorry about that but here it is. If you liked it please leave a like.
Chapter 2
It was now morning and Lucifer was awakening from his slumber, normally feeling the warm embrace of your body heat you weren’t there to wish him good morning. Remembering the argument you had with him last night made him look forward to your kiss and apology at breakfast. He went to go freshen up and wait for you at the table but you never came. 
The brothers said you had gone to walk to school with Luke, Simeon, and Solomon. This seemed to aggravate Lucifer and the mood set at the table had dropped drastically. None of the brothers seemed to want to talk about the events of what happened last night, except one. Belphie trying to get on Lucifer’s nerves had said you looked pretty down and that your eyes were puffy. This made Lucifer worry a little, had you gotten no sleep as well. This comment on your behalf was not making the chat at the table any brighter so Beel tried to change the subject asking “Hey did anyone set up that picnic area in the planetarium yesterday?” They all shook their heads in saying that they hadn't set it up. If none of the brothers had done it then it had to be MC. Why did all his thoughts have to revolve around MC. Had Lucifer fallen so deeply in love that he wasn’t aware she had him wrapped around their finger. He already missed her touch, how would he go the rest of the day not trying to give in to this petty fight of theirs. 
While the six other demons looked at their older brother, he quickly erased the negative emotion on his face and said “What are you looking at, school starts soon.” Everyone scrambling to escape Lucifer’s gaze he pulled Mammon aside. “Gah, what is it Lucifer? I haven’t even done anything yet.” He quickly shut up as he saw Lucifer’s worrisome face “Was MC really that upset last night?” Lucifer asks this in a shaky breath. The mere thought of you crying over him made him push away his pride and want to put you first. His love. His life. His beloved MC.
“Mammon, do you think you could keep MC busy for about 3 hours after RAD.” Lucifer now asking with a plan and an apology comes to mind. “I could for a price or Gah-” Mammon was quickly shut up with a flick to the back of his head “alright, alright I’ll watch MC.” Lucifer now happy already looking forward to the smile that would be on your face in a couple hours. “Tell MC to go to the planetarium after the 3 hours are up okay.” “Okay, now if you’ll excuse me I have to get to class or could this be a free pass.” Mammon now having a cheeky smile. “Get to school Mammon!”
Lucifer now planning your relaxing evening. First he would be making you a dinner and serving it in the planetarium with candles and a beautiful dinner setting, after that he will then dance with you. And for the finale he will do something so much better than stargazing, he will show you the stars up close no telescope could compare. Flying. He hadn’t stretched his wings in a while but for you he would make the exception. For you he would make any exception, who would have thought the Avatar of Pride would be so madly in love with a mere human. If you asked for a star he would try even if it killed him to see that beautiful smile of yours. 
(Sorry if when I switch POV’s it’s confusing but we are now going to MC’s POV)
RAD was a blur as you had a crap night, no breakfast as you didn’t want to face Lucifer’s harsh punishment that you were sure would come sooner or later. However most of all you missed him last night, in the morning hell you even miss now. Now having thought over the situation maybe you didn’t read the signs and should’ve taken a hint that Lucifer wasn’t in the mood. The insecurities still seeping in through your heart, does he truly think I am needy and annoying? Does he love me or was he waiting to leave and I just happened to end the process faster? All these negative emotions clouding your right of judgement until you hear “Hey! Human, you are coming out with me for a while.” Mammon now declaring his presence you are looking at him lost “Didja hear me, The Great Mammon told you we’re going out.” “Sorry Mammon I think I am just going to go home, I’m tired and I want to go back to bed.” Mammon now frantically trying to find an excuse to keep you around. If the plan failed his weekend would be spent being upside down from the staircase. “Come on MC, you want to go home? Why, Lucifer is there. You're bound to get that punishment. Why don’t you live a little and come with me.” The thought of Lucifer’s disappointing face made your spine tingle, maybe staying out for a little with Mammon wouldn’t be that bad.
You were wrong, Mammon had managed to drag you to every thrift shop and boutique in the DevilDom looking for treasures. It had been almost 3 hours and he certainly was taking his time.
(Quick headcanon I think Mammon would be great at thrift shopping because I do it myself and all the valuable treasures and finds you can get are amazing. Mammon would be like those depop sellers)
Now whining to Mammon “Mammon, can we please go. My legs hurt and now I’m not even your shopping buddy. I'm just here to golf your bags. We’ve been shopping for almost 3 hours now, don't you think it’s time to head home?” Mammon now frantically panicking, he had lost track of time and was hurrying you back to the House of Lamentation. “Ah come one MC put those human legs to some use, we have to hurry we’re about to be late.” “Late? Late for what?” now trying to keep up with Mammon’s step. “I have to be somewhere and I have to drop you off at the house. Alright no more questions, just do what I say.” Now even more confused you just going along with it. This isn’t the first time Mammon has acted strange. 
Finally arriving at the House of Lamentation Mammon takes the bags you were holding for him and rushes you to the planetarium. “Mammon why are we at the doors of the planetarium, I didn’t leave anything in there.” You fully knew you left the picnic set and didn’t want to be reminded of your rejection. “Just go in there would ya. I have to go so bye. Make sure you go in there.” 
After just being left there standing at the doors you finally decide to open them. The sight you saw caused you to gasp. A beautiful table with a dinner that reminded you that you hadn’t eaten anything as you skipped breakfast. All around the room were candles and on the table an enclosed flower. One that looked similar to the one Lucifer had gotten you for Christmas. At the thought of Lucifer you heard someone’s voice from behind you. “Hello MC” behind you was Lucifer the Avatar of Pride holding a bouquet of roses and wearing an apologetic face. “Listen MC I’m sorry for what I said yesterday. I was tired and I wasn’t listening to what you were saying so I didn’t know the whole evening you had enjoyed.” You wanted to forgive him, but the words of neediness and annoying still hung in the air for you. Now turning to him fully, you are holding yourself with your arms, Lucifer starts to approach you but you step back. Lucifer now worrying even more, had he frightened you so much that you thought he would hurt you. Had he been that harsh? “MC please, I’ve missed you. I need to feel you again. I’m terribly sorry for what I said ``''Do you even remember what you said?” You now blurt out your thoughts in a shaky voice. Lucifer now answers hesitantly as he doesn’t want to worsen the situation “Not quite my dear but I take back whatever I said.” “You can’t just take back your words Lucifer! You called me needy and annoying! Do you know how much that hurts? My whole life people have told all I am is needy and annoying and hearing it from you made it all the worse. You never told me any of the crap but I guess you never expressed your true thoughts.” Lucifer now dropping the bouquet of flowers and rushing to wipe the tears that have started to fall from your eyes. 
Believe it or not in that moment the Avatar of Pride was panicking, the strong, mighty, calm and collected brother was in a panic over a human’s state of emotional stress. Who would have thought, certainly not Lucifer. Not knowing how to react he just kisses you. He pours all the feelings he has for you, every thought of you, every single meaning he has felt for you into that kiss because words could never describe your relationship. Art could never show how much he cared for you. Hell if he could he would ask Leanardo da Vinci or Michelangelo to paint the love you share. 
You are no longer trying to get out of his grasp, you have your hands entangled in his hair and wishing the moment would never end as it was the best kiss you’ve ever received. Now letting go for air you look into his glossy eyes and Lucifer saya “MC I didn’t mean any of that and if I had known you had gone through that pain in the human world I would’ve come and kept you to myself all those years ago.” pausing to see if there was still any anger in your eyes he said “I love you.”
Being held in Lucifer’s arms was always something you loved but it felt even better as he held you tenderly, holding you as if he let you go you would walk out on him. “I love you to Luci. I understand you are busy with work but remember to take a break and take care of yourself for once. Ok?” “Will do MC, now let’s not waste any time or else our dinner will get cold.” Now looking over to your right and you see the beautiful meal still warm waiting for you. At the thought of food your stomach grumbles Lucifer chuckles “I’m guessing Mammon never took you out to anything?” Looking away shyly now you make your way over to the dinner table. And on the plate was your favourite. Not wanting to waste anytime you wait for Lucifer to sit and dig in. You ate like you hadn’t in days but Lucifer only watched with admiration and love. “Haha, here have some of mine.” Lucifer now holding his fork up to you. You were shocked to say the least, Lucifer never fed you but who were you to decline him. You took the bite with a smile on your face. 
The rest of dinner was spent chatting and talking about how much you missed each other even though it was only for a day.
(Oh to be sickly in love with Lucifer)
After dinner Lucifer had gotten up and he reached his hand out to you. Now grasping his hand he pulled you up and held you by your waist and pressed your bodies together. As soon as you two start swaying music plays and now you’re dancing. The feeling of Lucifer’s hand on your lower back makes you tingle and your mind go fuzzy but you start swaying in circles to the music. You have never danced with Lucifer properly or formally so this felt magical and meaningful, the tap of your footsteps on the marble and the feeling of Lucifer leading the dance. This feeling new, something amazing. You felt light as a feather and your imagination made you feel like you were in a ball. A masquerade ball dancing with the man across the room. As the song started to speed up as did you. Now swaying up and down in circles, feet sink, you had a huge grin plastered on your face. Looking up at Lucifer you see him looking so happy, his hand on your waist tightening and his grasp on your hand tender. “Thank you Lucifer, I know how much time this must have taken out of your day. I really appreciate it.” your love and appreciation for him grew as you now thought that's why Mammon had dragged you out of the house.  “Anything for you my love.” Lucifer now whispering so you could hear. This image, this moment felt like you were the only people left dancing on top of the world. As the music starts to slow so does your dancing. When the music comes to a stop, it’s only you and Lucifer standing. Who would have thought that love would find you this way.
And yet your evening wasn’t over yet. Now you thought it was time to retire for the night, Lucifer quickly grabbed your hand and when you turned around, there he was in his Demon form. Standing there looking so majestic, his wings fluttering open, his horns coming out and the beautiful mark on his forehead. 
(I am an utter simp for Lucifer’s demon form)
“My dear I still have one surprise left for you.” Lucifer now holds his hand out to you once more. “Oh really, you have already done so much for me, what else could you possibly have in store?” Taking his hand, you are suddenly yanked towards Lucifer and he is picking you up in bridal style. “Remember how you wanted to stargaze? Well who needs a telescope when we go see the stars ourselves.” Letting you get comfortable in his arms he asks “Are you ready?” Looking up you can’t contain your excitement so you squeal “Yes!” 
Lucifer takes off in one swift jump and suddenly you are soaring through the sky. Going higher and higher as each second passes by. As the sky got closer and the Devildom got further you looked down and the Devildom looked like the night sky now. All the cities and streets are shining beautifully. You never would have thought that demons would have such civilised lives and live almost like humans. You were certainly grateful for the kidnapping of your exchange program. As you slowly came to halt in the air, Lucifer’s wings still flapping slowly and silently. “This is as high as I can take you.” Lucifer says as he hopes this is okay. “This is gorgeous Lucifer, I wish I could see the sky this close in the human world.” your voice barely being able to hold your excitement. “Well maybe we can, I think a vacation is deserved soon. I can also use all those unused vacation days from the last 100 years.” You and Lucifer chuckle. “Yeah that sounds nice Luci” Now just floating in the sky basking in each other’s presence, Lucifer is about to open his mouth but you say “Could we stay like this just for a little longer?”
Lucifer is now holding you and hums as a sign of approval, Lucifer was thinking back to your fight and how reckless he was with his words. He vowed to himself now to be more careful in what he says and always be grateful for your love. As midnight came closer and closer Lucifer finally suggested “We should go back now, I’m sure my brother will ask where we went in the morning.” “Yeah you’re right.” A huge yawn now escaping your lips. 
Once you guys reach the House of Lamentation you guys are very quick to get ready for bed and cuddle. After you guys are ready, you get in bed and Lucifer grabs your body from behind and pulls you against his chest. He starts kissing up from your shoulder to your earlobe giving praise to you and saying how amazing you are. He then admits that last night he slept horribly and never wants that to happen again. 
“I love you MC.”
“I love you Lucifer, goodnight”
With a sweet kiss to the forehead you both fall asleep. 
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