#that is why they are the greatest ghost hunters of all time
escelia · 2 years
Thank you so much to everyone who enjoyed the first part! I hope I didn't miss anyone in the tags.
You can click here to read the prologue and here to read part one.
Not So Normal pt2
Bruce had gathered his whole brood in the Batcave for their debrief. This time, Danny included. He'd hoped that one day he would bring Danny down here and tell him all about their nightly activities, just not so soon. His newest son didn't even seem fazed at all by all the vigilantes flooding into the cave. Not that that really meant anything with him floating down through the ceiling with Dick and Damian in hand. To think one of the kids living under his own roof was a meta and he hadn't noticed… he had to step up his game as Gotham's greatest detective.
"Is the Joker alive?" Was Bruce's first question once everyone was situated and settled. He had a personal rule about not killing his rogues, but honestly, after what the Joker pulled, he thought he might be able to overlook it. After all, when an eldritch being takes a life, who is he to argue?
"Of course he's alive! Nobody dies when I get involved." Danny puffed his chest proudly. He hadn't broken his no casualty streak since he started hero work over a year ago. Not many heroes could say that, and Danny worked damn hard to keep it that way.
Bruce let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Out of relief or disappointment, he didn't know.
"Next question. Where and what is 'clown jail?'"
"It's a subspace of the Infinite Realms." The detective tucked that term away for questioning later. "It's a trick I picked up from my Head Guard back in the Realms. It's basically a space where you experience whatever punishment I think fits your crime. But it's all psychological, so no one ever gets hurt there."
"And what's his punishment?"
"Are you a meta or an alien? I can't tell at this point."
"How long have you known about us?"
"Why did you look so different back at the warehouse?"
"You have a Head Guard?"
The questions came in like a flood. Danny flushed at all the attention, unsure where to start first. He looked to Damian for help, but he only folded his arms and smiled smugly. That little traitor! But he supposed that's what he deserved for waiting so long to tell his family. In his defense, the last time he told a family about his abilities he'd ended up strapped to a table with a scalpel poking at his spleen.
"One question at a time, please!” Danny screeched, covering his face in embarrassment. He stared at Damian pleadingly one more time.
"I told you to tell them before something drastic happened, so don't look at me. "
"You knew?" Jason pouted. Damian just smirked and puffed his chest in pride. He knew exactly why Daniel hadn't told them, but had been confident that his new family wouldn't react the way his old one had. Perhaps this would teach Daniel to trust him a bit more. And wasn't it something that Damian wanted Daniel to trust him.
"They aren't like the Fentons, Daniel. You should tell them."
The words were like a balm on Danny's nerves. The others were smiling patiently at him, judgment absent in favor of eager curiosity but not in the cruel way it had been on Jack and Maddie's faces. He took a deep breath before starting in on the details. No place like the beginning, he guessed.
He told them about how he half died when he was 14 and all the abilities he gained as a result. He told them about his hunter parents and his colorful array of rogues turned friends. Bruce had paled considerably when he got to the part about Pariah Dark whisking their town away and his subsequent defeat of the Ghost King. And he looked downright nauseous when Danny detailed his victories over several of the more godlike entities of the Realms, like Overgrowth and Vortex. He left out Dan, skipping to the part where he'd effectively become the ward and apprentice to the Master of Time, Clockwork. And finally, he told them about Jack and Maddie.
When he'd stumbled into Gotham after the vivisection and begged Bruce to take him away, to protect him, "please, I just wanna feel safe again," he'd told him that it was abuse and refused to outline the details. This time, he looked him in the eyes, and with one finger wrapped around Damian's for support, he told his family about how the Dr's. Fenton had cut him open and poked around in the name of science.
"So… you're not a meta?" Duke asked in the silence that followed Danny's confessions. He had to admit he was grateful his brother wasn't dwelling on his past. Damian had been right, they were taking it well. Boy, did he let it show on his face in a typical, 12 year old, "I told you so," fashion.
"I don't have a metagene and I'm technically half-dead, half-alive. Damian used the term Pseudo-Meta. I kinda like it."
"So let me get this straight," Jason began. "Since dying, you won the Ghost King's crown by right of conquest, defeated several godlike entities, who are now your friends, and your mentor is the literal God of time?"
"Pretty much."
"Damn," he whistled. "I don't think I died right the first time. I want a do-over."
Danny snorted in laughter and Damian tutted at him while the others elbowed him in ribs.
"Does that make you a god?" Dick teased.
"I don't think so, but every time I ask Clockwork he gets all cryptic, so maybe?"
Bruce was getting a headache.
"Alright, it's time to solve some real mysteries now," Tim said with a gleam in his eyes. They'd migrated up to the kitchen for post patrol cookies. Alfred had been pleasantly surprised when Bruce had explained that, thanks to Danny, everyone had made it home relatively unscathed. And considering they'd had a run-in with Joker, that was worthy of cookies in his opinion.
"Danny, how in the world did you get Damian to stop trying to stab you?"
"Actually, yeah! You guys have gotten really close. What's the secret?" Dick asked with a raised eyebrow. Damian rolled his eyes and answered for Danny.
"I challenged him in combat and Daniel accepted. It's not my fault none of you were intelligent enough to realize it was a bonding tactic." Bruce tried to hide his laughter in his mug while the others blatantly gawked at him.
"No way."
"I have a picture of the first time he managed to graze me in a sparring session! You guys wanna see?" Everyone swarmed him to see the photo. Dick cooed and tried to pinch Damian's cheek, but was met with snapping teeth. Steph, with eyes sparkling, just muttered, "cute," so as not to stir the youngest's ire. Danny ended up promising to send the picture into the group chat later.
"By the way, you never did say what Joker's punishment was," Jason mentioned casually. Danny smiled cruelly, his frosty blue eyes glowing.
"His greatest fear, of course! A prolonged stay in a Gotham that has not nor will ever know the Joker. I swear, I've never met a clown that wasn't a total narcissist." Danny popped the last bite of a cookie into his mouth and dusted the crumbs off on his pants. "No one is allowed to hurt my brothers. Ever."
Damian was just about to climb into bed when he heard a knock at his door. He looked up just in time to see Danny phase through it into his room.
"Why even bother knocking?"
"Because it's polite!" Damian rolled his eyes. "I just wanted to say thank you for earlier." He took a seat at the end of the bed and Damian sat next to him, as was tradition for their late night chats.
"I'm the one who should be thanking you," Damian countered. "You weren't ready to tell everyone, and yet you came when I called."
"Of course I did. You're my little brother. And I'd do it for any of you." Danny nudged him with his shoulder, and it earned him a tiny, barely there smile.
"Thank you Danny."
"Using a nickname, huh? Don't let Dick hear that, he'll think you're playing favorites."
"Of course not. I have a reputation to uphold after all. Besides, Richard already thinks you're my favorite. It's giving him a complex."
"Well, aren't I?"
"Tt, don't push your luck."
There was a beat of silence before they erupted into laughter. Danny was so proud that he could make Damian laugh, even if it was more reserved than the guffaws he and their brothers had when they found something particularly funny. He couldn't wait to brag to Jazz about it once it was safe to contact her. If it was safe to contact her.
"I'll see you in the morning," Danny said, leaning lightly against his brother's shoulder in lieu of a hug. He floated over to the door. "Goodnight, Dami."
"Sleep well, Danny."
Vlad Masters gnashed his teeth while he stared at the computer screen in his office. First Daniel up and disappeared without so much as a word, and now he was all over the news and tabloids as the newly adopted "Daniel Fenton-Wayne." He was annoyed. He was furious! He was… confused. What had that fool Jack done to get Daniel taken away? Why hadn't Maddie stopped it? How did Daniel end up getting legally adopted by Bruce Wayne of all people? The boy should have come right to him if something was wrong. He deserved it! The boy was his or he was no one's!
The man swatted the mug off his desk. It shattered against the wall.
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bittergirlsworld · 8 months
I finally gave up and saw TVD to understand some stuff in TO, and I just have to say: what an awfully written show. My goodness, how the hell is the most annoying girl in Mystic Falls the anchor who holds them together? Caroline, the fandom darling has no personality whatsoever. She's a camaleon, she's what they need her to be in the episode. Sometimes, she's the greatest soul alive, sometimes she's only there to slutshame another girl for doing exactly what she does. Sometimes she's pinning after her boyfriend, sometimes she backstabs him. Sometimes she's so repulsed by the 1000 year murder who bribes her with fancy things and sometimes she's okay to use the hell out of him to have what she needs. Elena, who's supposed to be the protagonist, becomes more and more the love interest to Damon. His love for her, that both recognize as toxic, comes from a sire bond and everyone insists to pretend that she loves him just the same without it as if she wasn't heavily projecting Stefan on him to the point he calls her out. The Originals, who were supposed to be invicible, the most insane of them just dies for a teenage hunter. Finn, the most sane one, portrait as a bore because he resented the bother who kept him in a coffin for thousands of years. Katherine, who I swear is one of the only two female characters really interesting in this show, is called a bitch all the time for the unforgivable crime of running from a psycho hybrid who wanted to slaughter her and then slaughtered her fucking family. Elijah and Rebekah does not exist outside of Klaus. Rebekah was just extremely annoying till they gave her a real personality and in the spin-off. Out of nowhere, she was obsessed with being human. Bonnie, poor Bonnie. The racism was blatantly showing. She was only there to be the magic negro trope. They didn't even allowed her to have romantic storyline! Her boyfriend who she resurrected cheats on her with a freaking ghost and she still back with him in season 5? She deserved so much better. Damon turns her mother in a vampire and then she's his best friend? She loses her entire family as well and is never treated with the same courtesy Elena has been treated. Not even the fancy balls she could attend, apparently. (Her wigs were also terrible. Poor Kat, they made her appear so old sometimes with those hairs).
And the romantic pairings? Awful. Damon and Elena were downright disgusting. He raped Caroline. Why everyone pretends he wasn't compelling her while having sex with her? Why all these centuries old man are so obsessed with fuck teenagers? How's that's romantic, date a girl on high school when you had two shares of a lifetime? Even if we take in consideration the lore that vampires stop aging when they're turned, the only couple who would make sense in this logic were Stefan and Elena, since Stefan was a teenager when turned. Klaus and Caroline had no romantic connection. She used him dry, he bite her to die to make a point to her boyfriend. He would be her last love but fucked her and left. She hated him but would happily accept his gifts while treating him like a dog. Damon and Elena loudly assume to each other that they are terrible together but then forget because they're fucking again. I swear to god, that relationship was pure based on their sex drive. She wanted that old dick so bad she blamed dead Katherine for the fact he killed her friend and threatened her brother.
The timeline made no sense. Plotholes all around. Why Bonnie couldn't make magic while being the anchor? Must be because she would be too powerful, and with Elena being so useless, they couldn't allow that. Caroline is another one completely useless for the plot. She could disappear from the show and wouldn't change a single thing.
It's really awful. After finally seeing this I can say with conviction that The Originals was the best they could have.
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34saveme34 · 8 months
SMG34: The Rot (a fic by yours truly)
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image semi related
summary: 3 gets told to come and investigate this thing called "The Rot" in a forest, so him, 4, Meggy, Mario and Boopkins (surprisingly) set out to check it out, although things get a little odd as the Rot's influence gets to our favourite man. Sure wonder what'll happen to him!
word count: 5722
3 wasn’t happy he got roped into this. However he owed this one… he owed this one to Meggy. He hated how the closer he became to 4’s crew they only seemed to able to collect more firt on him. Although he didn't know how she could get her hands on his online activity on such forums, he thought he was better this time at covering his tracks…At least he wasn’t alone, a few others came along, like 4, Boopkins and Mario.
It was… a hike. Through the forest. Meggy had seen strange sightings and wanted to bring along others as well. This worried 3 because he really really didn’t want to break his streaming streak. He had been doing so well, having a schedule and everything and of course as soons as he got on track, someone had to come in and ruin it. This always happened so it didn’t surprise him too much but he was mad about it either way.”
However, Meggy agreed with him that he could stream this, it would be especially cool if they were to find something interesting, as if they were ghost hunters. At least something 3 can look forward to. Things that could make his streaming careers more successful always had an easier time persuading him. And he knew that, he wasn’t happy about it, but it was just a fact of life. Just like how he knew how close he grew to 4. It was hard to deny, he really cared about him. Though sometimes, scratch that, just about all the time, he made it really hard to do so. He didn’t remember a prolonged peaceful time with him. Something always has to happen, with the tension they developed over the years. But honestly, who could blame them for that?
Something that Meggy forgot to do among all things she should’ve done, was ask the others if they’re okay with the livestream. It’s really not the greatest thing to argue about on live.
“I don’t wanna have the pressure of invisible eyes on me while I don’t even know what I’m facing!” 4 whined, he looked a bit scared.
“Finally, I can add more to my smg4 fail compilation, you better not disappoint” 3 giggled, making 4 groan.
“It’s not funny, you know! Also I'm just as capable to embarrass you as well! I know what you are”
“Oh, you bastard? Are you threatening me? Right in front of my viewers?? I’ll get you cancelled on Twitter for this one!”
“Not Twitter, god no, though I bet they would like some things I have a hold of myself, like that search query you did concerning-” 4 smirked at 3, seemingly the 2 were just about to fight before Meggy pulled them apart.
“Okay, guys, that’s enough! Let’s get going”
“Oooooh” Mario pouted, putting down the popcorn he pulled out of nowhere. He loved to watch his guardians fight for such low stakes. There was something special about the ones making him dance like a clown dance for him on their own volition. 
“So what are we looking at anyways?” Boopkins asked, looking scared.
“I… can’t say. I think you have to see it yourself to believe it. Although I just like to call it the rot.”
“Th… The rot?” my guy was shaking. Boopkins, what the hell, you just got here.
“Why are you here anyways? No naptime for you?” Mario teased him. 
“Umm no… I just wanna try and get braver! So I can be there for my friends even more!”
“Aww, yea yea now let’s get going!” Meggy truly had enough with the banter. But would it be a real live stream if it started smoothly?
They started walking, with Mario and Meggy in the lead, with Boopkins not too far behind them. However 3 and 4 were at the back, not much further but they definitely weren’t as close to Boopkins as he was to Mario and Meggy.
3 turned his camera at 4 which made him frown.
“What, am I that interesting? Am I getting views for you?” 4 whined sarcastically, he didn’t feel like being on a stream right now. Especially since this expedition pulled him away from meme creation. As in his one and true love!
“Well, you might! Just do something embarrassing, that’d definitely work!”
“Like what, tell them about when we were younger I busted you in the toilets with-” 4 got slapped before he could answer. 
3 wasn’t having any of it.
“Very mature of you to bring up the past, really, classic SMG4”
“At least I didn’t like, I don’t know, try to kill people”
“Don’t you have a body count higher than zero?”
“You… can’t prove that. Besides I bet you killed more!”
“And that’s in the past, you know? Besides, being an ex villain makes me hotter, just ask my fans”
4 looked so done with 3, especially after he showed his chat filled with overflowing thirsty support for his post villain self. 3 loved the reaction, it was like warming him up from the inside. Although he would like it better if his charisma was more appreciated by his guardian partner. 
“Aaah yes, so hot twitch streamer, Super Meme Guardian 3, I could never compare” 
3 laughed and looked at his chat then frowned. This surprised 4 a bit, especially since 3 decided to face his camera ahead again, to record where they’re actually walking. 3 sighed, which held 4’s attention longer than it should have.
“What’s up?” 4 asked quietly.
“Not much… just a cringe comment I didn’t like” 3 basically brushed him off. It seemed he didn’t want to go into it so 4 left him to it. It had been hard, but 4 had been trying to pay attention to when he needed to stop. He had been getting to a point where he could tell that he shouldn’t bother 3 further. It became mildly easy as he noticed how much of an open book 3 is. Just push the correct buttons and you get him all wrapped within your grasp. Like to do your bidding and stuff. 4 considered 3 a great ally and he used him a lot as well. Although he still cared about him a lot. Sometimes he wondered if 3 realised that. He just didn’t really know how to be affectionate towards 3. Whenever he tried to be serious about it, it kind of fell apart. Wanting to be kind towards him in hard situations, like when they were stuck in the elevator, yet he was met with hostility. The whole situation reminded him of a cold, snowy day as well. He shook his head hard, he didn’t need that thought right now. 3 looked at him confused, then saw how 4 was looking in the distance, and sadness he forgot to hide still showing. 3 passed his camera to Boopkins for a bit.
“Can you hold this for me for a bit?” 3 reached to Boopkins who took the camera gently with a smile. Since he helped him out with the date with M… Mi… Micheal? What was it again? He felt a bit more tolerable. Not by much though.
“Sure thing!”
Although the camera looked a little funny in his hands, considering how the camera was like third his size.
4 paid attention to this, a bit confused at what 3 was doing. He did find Boopkins struggling to carry the camera a bit funny though.
“So” 3 pulled 4 close by his back, wrapping his arm around him, continuing in a hushed tone “What’s the gloom for? It’s super obvious and it bothers me so that’s why I’m bothering you about it”
4 chuckled.
“I’m glad you care. That’s all I needed actually” 4 showed a genuine smile to 3 which left him speechless. 4 could see he made 3 a bit flustered, maybe a bit more than just a bit…
It’s like he was buffering or something.
“Ugh” 3 pulled away “Your sweetness makes me sick, god damn it… baka”
Slowly Mario turned around, pulling out a tiny rainbow flag.
“This you?” he pointed at the 2.
3 was too shocked to react, 4 threw a loose branch at him which got into his eye. Mario started screaming in his iconic way. Meggy slapped him into a new shape.
“Shhh!!! Don't disturb the wildlife, idiot!”
Mario whined quietly, removing the tiny branch from his eye. Just as he removed it, he basically forgot it was there, as he continued frolicking.
3 finally took his camera back from Boopkins.
“Finally, my arms were starting to get tired!” Boopkins sighed with relief. 
Meggy turned to him although still walking.
“I could coach you to get stronger”
The relief quickly flew out of Boopkins, rather replaced with a pale expression.
“I hope I don’t hurt you with this, but I’d rather not if it’s okay”
“Your loss” Meggy shrugged.
As they continued, they started to find traces of the so-called Rot.
“This energy feels familiar” 3 exclaimed.
“Same here…” 4 added, as he exchanged a glance with 3. 
“That’s a good thing! Any idea what we could be dealing with then?”
“So…” 4 started “It could be a new meme. Although I… don’t remember ever seeing it before”
“The name rot does fit it though” 3 continued “You think it could do with all the memes people used to make about bogs?”
“That’s a nice thought! Or maybe one of those nature allegory memes that sometimes pop up… most of the time from Tumblr”
“Ah right, Tumblr, this could be one of their creations”
“I thought Tumblr was dead” Meggy looked behind at the 2 as they continued on, seeing more rot on the trees and in the ground. It seemed they were getting closer and closer to the core of it.
“That’s what they all think” 3 and 4 said at the same time, then laughed at how in sync they were.
“What is tumblr?” Mario asked. The others looked at him with a knowing look. He deflated, seeing no one wanted to elaborate.
While the lighthearted banter they got into was nice, 3 couldn't shake off the tension he was feeling. Probably thanks to 4. He didn't like how his mind went for the worst when it came to him. He tried to concentrate on the task on hand, the sooner it was over, the sooner he could escape.
As they continued on, 3 was starting to feel a headache get to him. It was starting to be a bit difficult holding the camera. He tried so hard to be there but it felt like slowly everything was slowing down around him. He looked ahead… then he found himself staring at 4, getting even slower, blurrier, slowly things becoming less and less comprehensive, yet he could still feel in his heart just how worried 4 was. It felt… nice. He was glad 4 cared about him. Then everything went black. At least mostly. He was stuck in a weird state, still lightly aware of his surroundings, as he could feel himself falling over, then being grabbed and held close… Held close…? What for?
He lightly managed to open his eyes and tried to perceive the world around him, although it hurt him. It was difficult, but he figured out he was stuck in 4’s arms. Not exactly somewhere he wished to be while in a state like this. He kind of imagined feeling this sick while being cared for in his bed. Thinking about it… he wouldn’t mind 4 being there then. But this is just… embarrassing… He really hoped the stream wasn’t getting any of this… He already saw that one comment referring to 4 and him in weird ways and he didn’t like that. He felt uncomfortable on 4’s behalf as well. Who knows how hard his fans would tear him apart if they knew that he and 4 need to hold hands to use their meme guardian powers. It made him think about how he would even handle having a relationship like this. Either he would have to hide this person even if he was proud of pulling a bad bitch or have them be on display but risk the parasocial freaks coming in and ruining his dating life. He wasn’t new to the parasocial rodeo at this point, he knew about the sexyman allegations. Though it’s not like he wanted a relationship right now anyways. He liked to joke about getting bitches but he really just did that because he felt humiliated at the thought that he couldn’t pull anyone. He closed his eyes, trying to close out the sight that was 4 carrying him. That’s not to say he was fully against it but he won’t admit that so soon. But as he closed the sight out, he could hear words better.
“Homo…” he could hear Mario start then if he was guessing right, he got slapped since he stopped speaking.
“Well I’m not just gonna drag him by the foot, that would be cruel” he could hear 4 retort at the homosexual allegations.
“Is he gonna be okay?” Meggy asked, concern in her voice. 3 was kind of glad he had friends that cared for him. He wished he could say that without getting embarrassed. He hoped that they knew about it at least a little bit, as much as he could hint. But not too much, their annoying asses didn't deserve to see THAT much of him.
“I think so” 4 said “But he’s definitely not streaming like this, can we turn it off?”
“Well if you insis-” Meggy started.
“Nnnn…nnooooo… ss… stream…” 3 tried to get it out, the words small and weird. But they were heard. He didn’t like ending streams so suddenly. He’d rather die on camera than suddenly end a stream.
He heard 4 chuckle.
“Look at him, even in this state, he cares about his fans”
“How nice of him” Boopkins spoke up.
“I can see said fans are feeling the same way!” Meggy chuckled “It seems a lot of people are interested in what’s up here anyways so… for 3!”
“For 3!” both 4 and Boopkins cheered. 
If 3 was fully there, he would be so embarrassed. He’d hate it. He’s starting to like this… as if he’s looking in from the outside, not subject to the actual affection of his friends yet still being the subject of it. Unbeknownst to him, he was smiling about this in 4’s arms, who noticed so. But didn’t dare comment on it. Who knows how his insane fans would treat it. Although he couldn’t just go without letting 3 know, if he could hear him.
“If you only looked this cute while conscious” 4 chuckled into 3’s ear. It sent a jolt through 3’s body, but still not enough to get him out of his state. So it was all still energy, so much, as if continuously zapping his mind. What the FUCK did 4 just say?? HIM??? CUTE??? Well, he was handsome but CUTE??? HIM??? No way, 4 didn’t know what he’s talking about. Yet the words rang in his mind, foreverly so, not leaving him. Like a forever moment. Feeling obsessed with it, even if he didn’t want to be. It made him feel so warm. Like he could feel it physically now. He heard 4 chuckle, unsure where to put it, it only made him feel weirder. It was like 4 had his fingers wrapped around him in a mental sense as well, whatever he would say, he wouldn’t be able to escape. It was… weird feeling this vulnerable.
Slowly he stirred more in 4’s arms. Still remaining as calm as he could manage, to not disturb 4 too much. He was actually kind of comfortable. Not like he’ll say that out loud. Maybe he’ll write it down in his notebook later. It had been a great source of coping for him. Writing about the things that made him feel feelings usually made them easier to digest. He looked up at 4 with half lidded eyes, he seemed so… focused. He noticed then 4 looking down, which surprised him a bit. 4 smiled, then looked to the side.
“It seems he looks a bit better now”
“That’s good! Makes me feel less bad about how we keep on going”
“We should stop for a bit though… my arms are standing to get tired… he isn’t exactly light”
“...Bitch” 3 muttered, first coherent thing he said since falling over like a log.
Everyone kind of laughed about it.
“Mario agrees!” Mario stopped and immediately whipped out his pocket spaghetti. Who knows how long that’s been there. He seemed to be happy to eat it either ways.
They all laid down for a bit, 4 laying 3 down as well then sat beside him. He really just decided to sit beside him. Maybe he really did care.
3 reached up, as best as he could as he regained his strength, reaching to 4. 4 looked at his hand a bit confused, then decided to hold it, not really understanding what 3 wanted.
“Pfft… sure whatever”
“What?” 4 asked but 3 only rolled his eyes in response.
“Guess you don’t need it then”
4 took his hand away. 3’s smile lightly faded away but not too much. He didn’t want it to be too obvious that he was disappointed about that. He wasn’t even sure how to explain that he was disappointed. He just knew that it meant a lot to him that 4 did that. He never imagined he would get so weak about him. Weak about whatever 4 directed his way.
Let it be his insults or the looks he could give him when he showed he cared. He wanted to have him whole, with all those silly little intricacies that made him who he was, even his cringe memes. Never did he care so much for someone in his life… What… What did he mean by this? Oh… OH… no… not here… not now… why couldn’t this happen at like- a more appropriate place- somewhere without 4 preferably- Well, the world is cruel to him so now he had to keep himself together in this damned situation.
He slowly sat up, not really looking at anything. He slowly breathed in, then out, slowly calming the nerves that scream about what’s boiling underneath his skin, his mind. His feelings were. Restless.
“Are you okay, 3?” Meggy turned to him, with a soft, understanding smile.
“So-so… could be better” 3 smiled back, which surprised Meggy a little.
“Do you remember what happened?”
“Not much… But…” 3 took all the strength in himself, all his emotional strength “I think the rot feeds on… frustration? I think, or anger.. I remember feeling sort of angry before… since a certain someone here can be such a piece of ass here” 3 said as he directly looked at 4.
“Did you hear what I say to you? If so, right now I’m really meaning it”
“What did you say to him?” Meggy asked, a bit suspiciously.
“That’s between us” 4 said, as he got up “We gotta keep moving anyways, I can feel how close we are”
“Yeah… let’s” 3 slowly got up, stretching his back, being held for a bit there made his back feel like a quirky little snake. The slightly loud pop from his back made Boopkins jump.
Mario looked at the 2, a big big grin that kept getting bigger.
“Hmmmmmmmmmmmm” he teased the 2, just even with his menacing Mario gaze.
3 and 4 exchanged glances.
“Home of sexual” Mario claimed, with the same big grin. 4 was ready to throw hands but 3 just got up and started walking. This shocked both but especially Meggy.
“I have no power or need to feel angry right now let’s just go, I’ll feed him bombs when we get back” 
“Feeding time?” Mario looked on with great interest, his selective hearing deciding to focus right on the word ‘feed’ “Does Mario get his spaghetti?”
“Later, red, we have a mission on our hands right now”
As Meggy spoke, 3 realised his camera was in Meggy’s hand. He quickly took it back, Meggy barely realising it was taken from her.
“What’s up, chat! I live! I could never leave a stream interrupted, all of you know I’m stronger than that so I’m here again!” he marched on, with a big smile on his face. This surprised the others, especially 4 and Meggy as they looked at each other then followed after him, with Boopkins hurrying after them with his short legs. Mario shrugged, quickly forgetting about food as he followed behind them a bit delayed.
“Oh thanks for the bits! As for your question, we’re looking into something geniusly named the rot!.... ‘Is it really named the rot?’ It wasn’t named by me, I would’ve given it a better name, like forest meme fungus parasite or something like that”
“That’s actually kind of lame” 4 said.
“I agree actually” Meggy added.
Boopkins looked too concerned to end up on either sides.
“Whatever… ‘How far is it? We’ve been here for a while’ I think we’re getting closer! As you can see the trees look much different here” he put his hand against a tree, which leaked weird residue “AAAAH EWW EWW WHAT THE HELL”
4, Meggy and Mario laugh at him.
“Stuuu-piiiid” Mario keeps laughing.
3’s eyes twitched, but he was keeping his cool.
“And I think this isn’t even the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen him do!” 4 said.
Oh 4. His sweet prince. He’s done it. Truly. 3 slowly looked at him, 4 started to look scared. 3 ran at him, camera still in his hand, getting the weird liquid on him as well.
4 looked offended to hell, heaven and purgatory, he was NOT letting this go so easily. He grabbed a bit of rot as well and threw it at 3.
Mario clapped, the clowns are dancing again. Boopkins hid behind Meggy, who didn’t look very satisfied with Mario.
But, oh, if she didn’t pay attention to him, she would have realised that the ground was moving, but she only noticed when it was already pulling 3 and 4 down, and fast at that.
“4!!! 3!!!” Meggy cried out, trying to reach into the rot to no avail. It seemed she couldn’t get into it like those 2 managed to. 
“Oh nooo” Mario genuinely got sad as he got down beside Meggy.
“What do we do now?” Boopkins went there last, although just as concerned as the other 2.
“I don’t know… the best we can do is… I think we should go back and get some tools! Maybe we can dig them out. Hopefully before the sun sets” Meggy proposed her idea, the other 2 nodded as they got up and started to run back, although not too fast to preserve stamina. They’re gonna NEED it.
3 and 4 laid there, underneath for a bit. It took a while until one woke up, which was 4. They were on top of each other, which he wasn’t too thrilled about. Though, to his horror, he couldn’t get up. He was stuck to him like this. At least it was just by their waists mainly… Who was he kidding, that’s probably the worst place to get stuck at, hands were way better, he’d rather have a week of that than this! He looked around, seeing that the place wasn’t big anyways. It was kind of dark, only illuminated by the rot’s faint blueish-green glow. What a weird way for a meme to manifest. At this point he was pretty sure it was a meme, although a powerful one. It seemed it had a strong staying power, one he hadn’t seen in a while. Another sign that it could be from Tumblr. He never liked Tumblr memes, they were always weird and hard to deal with. Since 3 was still not awake, 4 couldn’t channel the meme away either, 3 had to be at least awake for that. At least it was calm. He decided to pay attention to 3’s face. Just like before, he looked so peaceful. Although he could appreciate the energy he brought, he sometimes wished 3 could direct energy like this at him. He smiled, glad that he could get something like this to happen, although he’s still not very happy about the situation. As 4 looked around again, he noticed the lightly damaged camera, directed at them, still on. 
“Ah” was all that was left in his mouth, as he went a bit pale, knowing what they were doing was broadcasted to many people. He got on 4s, in an uncomfortable way, considering he was still stuck to 3 and reached for the camera. 
“Ummm… Hello, SMG3 viewers” 4 started awkwardly “I’d like to say thank you for all of you being here. Especially thank you for motivating us to go forward. I think I know what we will have to do with this so-called rot… But I will end stream here, it’s been a good run, thank you all for coming” 4 smiled at the camera and waved before turning the broadcast off.
That was when 3 stirred.
“Nggghh…” 3 looked up, having to blink a few times to see what the fuck is going on, kind of not believing his eyes, as he could feel his ears and face heat up.
“OI WHAT THE FUCK DUDE” 3 flipped, literally flipped, thinking they could separate but instead they fell over together, now with 3 on top, and their faces getting a bit too close from the velocity. 3 got distracted for a second. 4 took a bit before he returned the favour, as 3’s careless outburst only served to make him angrier. And so they got into a cycle of throwing each other but the bond on them still not budging. 
“Why must you be such a bitch,,” 4 whined as 3 tried his best pulling 4 off of his waist, but he only bounced back, their foreheads meeting. which made both yelp in pain.
“FUCKING CHRIST” 3 cried out.
“DUMBASS” 4 cried back at him.
3 tried to calm himself down as he looked around, seeing his camera which was turned off.
“Did… the camera break?”
“No… I” 4 realised he might not live “turned off the stream” his words were small.
3 slowly turned to him, his face the reckoning, judgement upon him, all in a pair of eyes that belong to his meme guardian partner.
“You… did… what?” 3 leaned closer to him, it would’ve been an understatement to call his vibes menacing.
“I-I” 4 trembled under 3’s gaze.
“You don’t SIMPLY end my stream”
“I said goodbye!!”
“I thanked them for being here!!”
4 looked scared as hell, his puppy eyes coming out, begging for forgiveness. Those eyes hit 3 square in the heart.
“Shit.. whatever I guess, I’ll let you be about it”
“Oh, thank you thank you” 4 hugged him, 3 could only roll his eyes.
3 tried to get up again, and maybe stand up right if everything goes well.  And as he did, it seemed to be really hard for their faces to not be close. It was starting to frustrate both of them. Slowly, they both stood on their feet, although still stuck to each other. That’s when 4 remembered.
“Hey, wait, we can channel the rot away! You can feel its meme energy too, right?”
3 looked up, then nodded. 4 grabbed both of 3’s hands. 3 was sort of distracted by the whole thing. He didn’t like being so close so soon. He wanted to have at least a little bit of time to process his feelings. 4 noticed that, as they weren’t as efficient as they were supposed to be.
“3!! What’s with you??”
That seemed to snap 3 out of it, who looked to the side, a powerless sigh escaping his lips.
“I can’t explain”
“WHAT do you mean you can’t explain?? Let’s just get out here!! Don’t you want to get out??”
“I-... of course I do, you think I’m stupid?”
“Well, you’re looking very stupid right now, not channeling yourself!”
“Don’t you… don’t you see…? We’re just… a bit too close for my taste” 3 looked down, feeling ashamed. He didn’t want it to be true but it was, tears welling up in his eyes.
“What do you-”
“IT- IT WOULD BE SO MUCH EASIER IF YOU WEREN’T RIGHT IN MY FACE” 3 cried, tears rolling down his face “YOU think I WANT TO BE HERE?? I’D RATHER BE ETERNITIES AWAY FROM YOU RIGHT NOW” those tears just wouldn’t stop.
4 let go of 3’s hands, now pissed himself, both of them pissed in fact.
“BITCH” 3 added.
And they started throwing hands, fighting again. Which fell to an abrupt end, as 4 held 3 against a wall of rot.
“YOU’RE CALLING ME STUPID?” 4 leaned closer to 3, who seemed to feel more ashamed than ever, as if he said something sacred, as if he sinned.
“Ju… just sh-.. shut up already, fuck..” 3 could feel his heart twist. 3 looked at 4 slowly, cautiously sadness pouring out from his eyes. He couldn’t hide it. He felt ashamed but he knew no other way out.
“3… 3 I’m…” 4 returned to a softer gaze.
“Are you stupid? I said…” once again, 3’s heart, it couldn’t take it “I feel stupid WITH you”
“Wh… What?”
“You really are stupid…”
4 didn’t look amused.
“So you called me stupid anyways”
“YOU-” 3 clenched his fists, trying his best to hold back from screaming at 4 again “You just… don’t seem to understand. And… I don’t know if I’m… shameless enough to just tell you everything…”
4 could feel something in his heart now as well. He didn’t understand what was going on. 
“I’m… sorry”
“Oh? What did you say?”
“I said that I’m sorry…”
“Can you say it again?” 3 looked at him with a little evil grin, although still strained from the emotions he was feeling. It was obvious to 4. He gave him the stink  eye then moved one of his hands to pet 3’s head.
“Can a man not be sorry?” 4 joked, which kind of worked, although the head pat flustered 3 a bit.
“Shut the fuck up”
3 giggled, seemingly calming down a bit.
“Let’s just get this over with, 3? You did say you wanted to be gone from me” although 4 would usually hide his feelings better, he sounded more sad than he should have.
3 couldn’t help but smile.
“So you DO care, huh?”
“I- of course I do, you’re one of my bestest friends!! I wouldn’t wanna stay away from you”
“Right right…friends… “ 3 looked down, he couldn’t bring himself to be angry anymore. He was tired.
“Wait you- you don’t mean…” 4 stared at 3, who wouldn’t dare look back. Although, it was hard avoiding him when they’re stuck by the waist. 
Suddenly a lot of things started to make sense to 4. Memories flashing by him, as he looked at 3, looking back at everything. The things he would feel with him. More than just the meme energy they could channel together, there was way more there, more than he ever realised. They way he just… my god… The realisation hit him like a car crash. 
“I’m in love with you??” 4 spoke confused, 3 looked at him confused.
3 couldn’t bring himself to words, he could only look back at 4. 3 knew his heart was flying sky high though, with his face feeling god awfully warm too. After the confusion wore off, 4 smiled, kind of coming to peace with it. Skipping a few stages of grief there, huh?
“Let’s get out of here, 3” he grabbed his hands, once again, although softly. 
The 2 look at each other for quite a long moment, as they slowly channel the meme energy, yet they can’t help thinking: this is not enough. It’s kind of weird how they both leaned in at the same time, sharing a power shattering kiss that vaporized all the rot out of existence, even the thin layer that made them stuck. Although they were still stuck in the hole that the rot dug out. They looked up, finally seeing the outside world. It was a sight they didn’t think they’d miss so much. Ironically to what 3 was saying before, he didn’t seem to want to let go of 4. 4 didn’t mind that. 
“Hey” 3 spoke awkwardly “Just saying if you’d like to kiss me again, you’re totally allowed to” 
4 smiled brightly as he took on the request, melting into 3’s touch in the process. Nothing was perfect and wonderful sunshine forever rainbow though so…
“Guys, we’re- oooooooh” Meggy stopped as she noticed the 2.
“We’re here we’re- OOOOOOOOOH” Mario piped up even louder.
“What’s with the- WOAAAH” Boopkins seemed to be the most surprised. He didn’t even see it coming.
The 2 idiots finally noticed the outrage their homosexual activity made happen.
“SHUT THE FUCK UP” 3 yelled at them.
“Yeah you tell them!!” 4 cheered him on. 
The 3 other idiots, who patiently pulled them out of the hole could barely wait to ask about everything. What happened in there? Are they Homo Sex now? (A Mario original question) Most importantly: are they okay?
“None of you speak of what you saw” 3 pointed at Meggy, Mario and Boopkins. Boopkins and Meggy nodded, while Mario had different intentions. He was going into his usual devious Mario smile. 
“Mario” 3 looked at him with violent intent.
“Hee hee hee”
“Mario, he’s serious” 4 added, also ready to throw hands.
Mario took a few seconds then suddenly took off.
And so they couldn’t catch him, now everyone knew that his guardian partners were also romantic partners now. A beautiful ending <3.
Hope this was enjoyable! It is my first fic with this series so obviously it's not perfect. Fun fact! I wrote this in one night.
I may possibly have more ideas but nothing too concrete yet oopsie
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cynthiav06 · 15 days
I had originally intended to make this post on Percy's birthday for some well-intended chaos, because why not? But I had a bit of a health crisis since then, and I had no time nor strength to do anything, so here's this now. I have seen so many strongest demigod tier lists, and half of them I find to be somewhat inaccurate, so here's mine:
If you guys want to see specific 1v1 between any characters just post an ask and I will do a breakdown on following criterias:
Strength Knowledge Durability
Speed Battle Strategy Abilities
Stamina Battle Experience FEATS
Now feats is in bold because in the end, that's what actually determines the power level, so keep that in mind. A lot of people might riot, but it is what it is.
This current tier list is also based on the aforementioned categories:
(I don't want to argue over this there's. no argument to be had it's crystal clear)
Twice savior of Olypmus (the only one)
Was offered Immortality
Was War General of Camp-Halfblood during Titan War
Former Praetor of Rome
Bore the weight of the sky without Artemis's blessing
Survived Tartarus
Fought Kronos
Only one to survive the Curse of Achilles
Only one to overpower a primordial entity
Killed multiple Titans and Giants
Sat on a Gods Throne without any consequences
Blessed by Pan and Hestia
Defeated Geras
Wrestled Nereus
Considered to be the only one worthy of commanding a God by Apollo when he initially turned mortal
( Has killed so many notable entities and has probably hundred more feats but I won't mention them all or else it would all be a Percy list)
[ Okay, hear me out on this before everyone explodes. Nico has definitely one of the, if not the strongest, abilities in the verse in terms of both power and versatility. But he comes up short in terms of strength, stamina, endurance, and feats.]
Former Praetor of Rome
Defeated Krios
Has Killed more than one giant
Has Killed the Trojan Sea Monster
Has the highest combat experience/training out of all the demigods
Hera's favored demigod
Could go toe to toe with Percy for a good amount of time
Survived Tartarus
Brought back Athena Parthenos, the Bane of the Giants
Faced a Primordial and got out alive
Half the reason the Titan War was won
The Ambassador of Pluto
(There's a few more but those are more on the abilities spectrum more so than feats)
The Ghost King
Could fight Nero equally for a while ( who is considered to be equal to a Minor God)
(Between her and Meg I guess it's sort of debatable given Meg has more abilities and many feats, but Hazel has stronger feats and solid abilities herself)
Killed a Giant (more than one, with help but it's very impressive either way because of her significant contributions during those times)
Granted power by another God who is not her Godly Parent
Magic user
Has the strongest mist control out of all demigods
Tamed Arion
Praetor of Rome
(No don't bother debating this. It's true)
The sheer number of abilities she has alone is good enough to put her here.
Can summon Karpoi
Strongest demigod child of Demeter
Opened the Grove of Dodona(with Apollo)
Tons of feats ( check @respect Meg McCaffrey on reddit for elaborate descriptions)
Has mastered one of the deadliest forms of combat known (Dimachaerus, an ancient gladiatorial mode of fighting from the roman times. Apollo states it is one of the rarest and deadliest forms of combat one can master)
Was chosen to command a literal God turned mortal
Fought all of Hades's furies and the worst of the monsters Underworld has to offer before her "death"
Has the blessing of Artemis
Lieutenant of Hunters of Artemis
Defeated Luke Castellan completely in pure combat who was before Percy, the greatest swordsman born in the last three centuries.
Fought Iapetus briefly and survived
Survived Orion's attack on the Hunters and fought him briefly and survived
Was considered the strongest demigod in Camp Half Blood before Percy Jackson
Praetor of Rome
Could lead a legion of dead soldiers
Neptune's gift of shape-shifting
As of ToA his life is no longer attached to the wood
The physically strongest demigod
Has the blessing of Mars which gives him enhanced strength and stamina
Can turn into a literal dragon (Need I say more?)
Fought and helped defeat a giant
Blitzed a minor God
(More cool stuff, people need to puts some respect on Frank's name)
(Before the Piper stans roll in, Reyna worked for Circe for a good long while before she and her sister fled after the pirate attack so there's a good chance she knows how to resist charmspeak which is something alike Circe's enchantments.
Now Annabeth's a good contender to fight Reyna, but I am basing this on higher feats. Reyna fought and defeated Orion and was probably involved in overthrowing Krios while the only powerful being Annabeth has gone toe to toe with is Kronos inhabiting Luke's body and she does manage to corner Annabeth in Mark of Athena and Annabeth herself says she is unsure if she could win against Reyna, [it's super close though])
Former Praetor of Rome
Returned Athena Parthenos, the Bane of the Giants
Could easily go toe to toe with Annabeth who has far more training and combat experience than her.
The only Roman demigod to recieve Athena's blessing
Received a piece of Athena's cloak/shield Aegis.
Fought and defeated Orion, a giant who had previously almost completely decimated most of the Amazons and Hunters.
Has the blessing of Artemis
(Yet again, to Piper fans,Annabeth is a child of Athena, born from divine, though, so i think Annabeth would be able to resist Piper's charmspeak to a certain extent and Annabeth has more feats and overall higher comabt and knowledge plus intelligence)
Held up the weight of the sky for half a day(with Artemis's blessing)
The only child of Athena to find and secure the Athena Parthenos
Fought Kronos and held her own while using just a dagger against his giant scythe
Outsmarted and trapped Arachne just using trickery
Tricked Polyphemus
Was able to fight the giant Mimas briefly with Athena in Blood of Olympus
Survived Tartarus
Architect of Olympus
Honestly I can't decide between this. I am going to need you all to decide this one.
Most of Leo's feats are constructing or repairing things. Festus, Argo 2, Archimedies circle, convincing Apollo, and so on.
Piper's feats are all based on her charmspeak and nothing else. Khione, Medea, and even putting Gaea to sleep (because she was already sleepy and in mid-air cut off from her domain for long enough). The plan was Leo's, but the execution mostly depended on Piper, so it's a tie, I think, but let me know your opinions.
Feel free to share your honest opinions; though, mostly, let's agree to disagree on the Top 5. I can welcome debate over 6-10. But I think the Top 5 are mostly factually canonically accurate.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 3 months
AGSZ goes to Yharnam (Bloodborne world)
Written by @heraldofcrow , Bloodborne expert:
• Angeal dies first (lol) and ends up in the Hunter's Dream. Charmed by the Doll, fascinated by Gehrman's sagely regret, and delighted by the mixture of cool weaponry and garden atmosphere, he ends up staying there and ignoring the hunt. After a few hours, he has bonded with Gehrman over the mutual agony of training unhinged students and inevitably being separated from them via some form of suicide.
• Genesis somehow ends up in Cainhurst and first gets lost in the library because he's distracted by all the old books. But every time he tries to start reading, several of the ghost women screech at him, giving him multiple heart-attacks. He can't believe he will never stop being tormented by people with long silver hair and sharp objects wherever he goes.
• Then, after accidentally killing the frozen popsicle man (he melted him with a single firaga in a panic because he got jump-scared), he meets Queen Annalise (the vampire queen) and thinks she's Minerva, so he pledges loyalty but he doesn't get why she keeps telling him to fetch tadpole-shaped blood for her to consume. (Do NOT question why they look like tadpoles).
• Sephiroth ends up in the nightmare realms because he kept following the Amygdala to "free them from the lives of misery Hojo definitely created them for," and then he gets zapped into The Layers, where he somehow comes across Micolash (Hojo 2.0).
Micolash: Ah Kos...or some say Kosm....
Sephiroth: I have gained 99+ insight and the voices have spoken to me. You are my father. You have been my entire life and you never once admitted it to me. How could you, Hojo?
Micolash: Wait what
Sephiroth: Was I nothing but your greatest experiment to you? Was I like those abominations you created for the sole purpose of communing with Jenova?
Micolash: What the fuck
Sephiroth: And even worse! You were British this whole time! I can't believe this. My life is an overarching, singular lie crafted by your scientific hubris. I have no choice but to kill you now, Hojo.
Micolash: WHO IS HOE JOE?
*Sephiroth throws Masamune at him and misses because Micolash jumps through a mirror screaming*
Written by yours truly, lacking all knowledge of Bloodborne lore, relying solely upon the miracle of Google images:
Zack: Cool! Mutated dog beast!
The hunter: That is in fact the scourge.
Zack: It's the s'cute! :)
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i-hug-exploder-shanks · 3 months
A Cautionary Tale: Saint-14's Blunder
"Some still speak of the day, in hushed tones in the shadows corners of the tower, that Saint-14 fucked up.
The guardians know better than to speak the words too loudly for the great warlock Osiris is able to be anywhere and everywhere at once, but they have to warn the new lights of this cautionary tale.
You see Saint-14 and Osiris have faced unspeakable odds and still come back to each other with their bond stronger than ever. Their story is one of love conquering even time itself. So what could break such a perfect couple? What could bring the greatest love of the ages to a shaky edge?
It was not the hive, fallen, nor even the terrible vex. No my sweet blueberries, It was a bird.
Don't laugh, it's not a joke. Look to your elders and see their expressions little lights. Birds are no laughing matter in the tower. You have seen Saint's flock of pigeons, haven't you? Heard the tender way he calls Osiris his phoenix?
But this bird was neither of these. No, this bird was a Crow. A scrappy little Crow with a broken wing that Osiris found lost and abandoned by its flock. He was very protective of his little Crow. So protective that when Saint upset the little bird, even by accident, Osiris fell into a fit of rage even at his most trusted partner.
He yelled so loud you could hear it on the other side of the city. He snarled and hissed like a mother cat protecting her kits- honestly if you were there it was kinda sweet but you didn't hear that from me- anyway! The point was, Saint-14 was brought to his knees, pleading for forgiveness and repenting his mistake.
What? What did he do? I told you, he made Crow sad. Oh, how? Well Crow had this frankly stupid haircut and Crow overheard Saint joking about it to Geppetto. Oh, no I didn't mean an actual bird. I was being dramatic. Saint-14 and Osiris adopted the Vanguard Crow ages ago back when he was all sad and broody. Anyway, the lesson to be learned here kids, is to never insult Crow where Osiris can find out and he will find out no matter where you are. You should never-"
Osiris crossed his arms raising an eyebrow at the ghost bobbing on a plain tower shell surrounded by new lights and when one of the young hunters turned and yelped it caused the group to scatter like cats from a cucumber.
"Sagira, you can't keep doing this or none of the new lights will ever look at me without jumping." He tsked at her and she giggled as she moved to hover over his shoulder.
"Don't lie, you love watching them cower. Plus, it's funny to see how they all look at Crow after. He has no idea why he has an army of tiny guardian ducklings trailing him." She said dawning her usual shell with a flash of light now she wasn't trying to secretly spread rumors through the tower.
"At least you stopped telling them all I was in my boxers when I yelled at Saint. They really don't need to know those sort of things." He sighed as they headed toward the hanger.
"It was hilarious! You telling off Saint for making fun of Crow's terrible haircut while wearing nothing but your boxers and slippers and sleep robe! I can't believe Crow was brave enough to wake you up to make sad eyes at you over Saint mocking him. This is why he's my favorite." She chirped and Osiris rolled his eyes.
"I thought he was your favorite because he and Glint saved you from the traveler and helped you regain your memories so we could be reunited?" He hummed and she bobbed.
"You can have more than one reason for someone to be your favorite Osiris. After all, I'm sure there's many reasons I'm your favorite." She teased and Osiris frowned.
"When did I say you're my favorite? Did I not tell you of my close bond to the pooka I adopted?" He asked and grinned as she started ranting about how much better she was than some over-empathetic flying fish.
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deconstructthesoup · 8 months
Some Adventure Time characters in D&D, 'cause why not:
Finn: I think he would start out as a Champion fighter, but then eventually switch to a College of Valor bard---fitting his more musical side while also keeping in line with his desire to be a hero and not making it all about violence---and maybe take a few levels of a Monster Slayer ranger for good measure. That last one is mostly due to the growth he goes through in Hall of Egress and him learning from Huntress Wizard, but I think it works. Also, he's still obviously a human.
Jake: Astral Self monk, Swashbuckler rogue. His whole deal as a stretchy, half-alien dog is very difficult to translate into D&D terms, but I think it'd make sense for him to be a changeling and a werewolf, keeping the whole canine aspect while also adding in the shapeshifting and the, uh... well, the whole "we have a kid who is definitely from somewhere else but we're keeping him anyway" thing.
Bonnie: I think her whole deal speaks to her being a textbook Alchemist artificer, and her princess nature, long lifespan, and a somewhat loose grasp on the concept of morality absolutely reminds me of high elves (no shade meant to PB, I love her and her emotional growth). However, just making her a high elf isn't enough---the fact that she was literally born from a mutagenic gum formed in the wreckage of a ruined world can easily translate to her also being a Reborn. Fitting, for a mad scientist.
Marceline: She's quite clearly a bard, and I think College of Spirits suits her the best---she's got a lot of connections to ghosts and undead things in AT canon, after all, and seeing as she survived an apocalypse, I think it's fitting that her college of choice would be one that's all about singing the songs of the departed. And, well... tiefling vampires are probably a thing in D&D, so. Yep.
BMO: He's an Inquisitor rogue and a lil' autognome. 'Nuff said.
Flame Princess: Circle of Wildfire druid, for reasons that are kind of obvious. And a Fire genasi. For reasons that are... also obvious.
Huntress Wizard: Um... a Hunter ranger. Probably an Eladrin due to the forest-like appearance, though I have no idea what her season is.
The Ice King/The Ice Thing/Simon: So, the Ice King, to me, is an eeeeeeeexcellent portrayal of a Great Old One warlock---specifically, a Pact of the Talisman warlock---gone horribly wrong. While the crown might not seem very classic GOO at first, the fact that using it literally gambles away your sanity is pretty in-line with the risks of that patron.
Gunther, pre-fusing with the crown, is really just a Great Old One on his own, albeit one that's been stuffed into a safe and squishy container. After fusing with the crown, and likely losing his memories of his time as Orgalorg for good, I think he probably became a Storm Sorcerer, as what powered his ice magic was now (almost) irremovable.
And Simon... honestly, between his nerdiness and his low constitution, he's just your classic wizard, really. Probably Chronomancy, due to his penchant for bouncing through time and multiverses.
Betty/Magic Betty/Golbetty: Order of Scribes wizard, who eventually became a Wild Magic sorcerer, who eventually became the Greatest Great Old One that there ever is. And yes, that makes Magic Man a Wild Magic sorcerer, because of course he is.
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syn0vial · 2 years
including the full transcript of shane's estes method "conversation" with the spirit box in the hull house bc i still can't get over how coherent the whole thing was:
Shane: I'm now reaching out to the spirits of the Hull House. That includes ghosts, ghouls, goblins... Spirit Box: Why you, son? Shane: Son? Sons, daughters. If the Devil Baby is here, please say my name. Spirit Box: Have to work. Shane: No, you don't have to work. You're here to play! You're here with the boys tonight. We're gonna have a good time. Spirit Box: What is? Who are you guys? Shane: Okay, Devil Baby. We're Ryan and Shane. We're the greatest ghost hunters currently alive. We want nothing more than to make contact with you. We come here with good intentions. We might be a little nasty here, a little rude... Spirit Box: Call someone. Maybe you're— Shane: Maybe I'm what, you son of a bitch? Sorry, that was a little— Spirit Box: —dead. Shane: Oh! Okay! Alright! This is a very confusing conversation, Mr— Spirit Box: Nut crack. Shane: Now I feel like you're threatening me. Spirit Box: Good. Don't go anywhere. Shane: Now I feel very threatened because you seem like you want to beat the shit out of me. Spirit Box: Hi. Hi. Bring it. Shane: Okay. Are you asking me to kick your ass? Spirit Box: I'm good. Shane: I don't know if that means you're good or if you don't want me to kick your ass— Spirit Box: Can't. Bring it. Shane: You're sending mixed messages, man. Spirit Box: Fight. Shane: I think I'm gonna kick a ghost's ass tonight. Spirit Box: Bad. Shane: No, it's gonna be bad when I'm done with you, sir— Spirit Box: Misery. Shane: Exactly! That's what you're going to be feeling when you meet my sweet fist. [kisses knuckle] Spirit Box: Cute. Shane: Oh, it's cute, huh? How do you like this? [begins punching air] I might've just hit you for all I know. Did that hurt, huh? Spirit Box: Huh? Shane: Is there anyone here? [continues punching air] Am I hitting a ghost? Spirit Box: Wrist. Shane: Missed?! Spirit Box: Back. Shane: What do you think about that? How'd that feel— Spirit Box: Who is this? Shane: My name's Shane. I just beat the shit out— Spirit Box: Scared? Shane: Yes, you are scared! Spirit Box: Go. Hit me.
like, wtf. this is probably just one hell of a coincidence but it really does look like shane had a believable verbal exchange with something responding to his picking a fight.
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The Bird And The Man
Chapter Eleven
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Rated: Explicit | Warnings: reader takes charge! good for them!, reader wears a dress (still gn!)
Chapter Ten | Chapter Twelve (coming soon)
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There are one hundred seventy thousand words in the English language, twenty-six letters in the alphabet, and yet they are all escaping you like fish running away when a rock is dropped in the pond. Scattering in all directions and you have even tried expressing your desire for him for late. A taste of ‘sin’ has awakened something within you一 As Marquis de Sade would probably say. Maybe? Maybe it seems unseemly but you tried doing research on sex and the science behind it when you were not in the manor. The person you were ghostwriting for wanted to explore romance and eroticism—Of course, when his father found out, that was scrapped.
‘In order to know virtue, we must acquaint ourselves with vice. Only then can we know the true measure of a man.’
You recall the quote from Marquis de Sade as you turn your head to the side and then peer down. The papers with the fantasies about Nightmare— Orpheus— Are under your bed in a small briefcase. Those words flowed out easily, still do when you think of him, about that night and… 
Yet, you struggle! 
You have done this before, ghost-wrote love letters for money on Valentine’s Day, yet you cannot write a letter for the man you love! 
You turn your head back to grab the top of your head, angling down as you groan in frustration.
This is not working and it is killing you!
They say the best way to express love is with one’s talent, to create a piece to express emotions without having to speak.
You used your letters to Victor to express your want for a friendship and the man replied in kind with a steady flow of letters between you both. You think maybe friendly letters are easier than romantic ones… Yet, you have done it! For strangers… For people you have no clue about… For money to keep a roof over your head and food in your belly.
Why is it so hard?
You tried doing it again, but the words did not flow out. They keep being scratched out and rewritten repeatedly until you start crying in frustration.
Tears on the page ruined the ink that was drying, you felt at a loss when trying to think of what to write to Orpheus the greatest novelist of your time! The pages are scattered on your desk and it is a mess. The more you look at it, the more you stare at the many messy papers of words…
Then glance at the briefcase, back to the desk, then the briefcase. Then your heart started racing, a spark of inspiration— Not to write but to use the material right in front of me.
Getting out of your slump, you get up and grab the briefcase, placing it on the bed. Opening with quick hands, you turn to your desk grab all the papers, and shove it in the briefcase.
Call of the Abyss has few plots of romance though it all ends in doom. Call of the Abyss the sixth book plot was a romance with the dark twist of the surviving lover willing to sacrifice the world to be with him. It is a sad story, as expected of the great Novelist Orpheus to create.
You hope he will appreciate this gesture of romance… Before you can regret this, you close the case. Your eyes go to the miniature clock on your checking the time, you have an hour to spare to get ready for your dinner date with the hunter.
You will make sure he knows all you have to bear is for him tonight.
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You have been in this manor for maybe about a month or two, maybe longer as it is hard to tell time in this manor. You only knew time passed by as the events for holidays are celebrated. This is your first Christmas and New Year here, both of you are happy 
He formally invited you to dinner in the tea room knowing everyone would not be in the connected manors. This only happens during events, near the height of the events. Lady Nightingale is one to enjoy parties and socialize, this allows it to happen more smoothly.
Nightmare greets you at the door when you knock on it in a specific pattern, he is wearing a dark formal long coattails suit with a purple vest to break up the dark colors. No hat, you noticed his long feathers look shiny and smooth down. A graceful bow before moving to the side letting you in.
He points to the briefcase and tilts his head causing you to giggle with excitement.
“A surprise.” A big smile on that face he adores.
Nightmare is taking in the beautiful sight of you, he is surprised you choose a gown. A rather risqué one you are proud to have obtained (you still are surprised you persuaded Lady Nightingale to give you this!).
But Nightmare is a gentleman, his hand never drifts lower from the middle of your back. Disappointing, you are hoping to skip dinner and go straight to dessert, yet it is sweet to see him courting you.
The tea table with a colorful choice of dinner that smells wonderful, the candles, a bottle of wine. A polite and aesthetically pleasing sight, just in many books you have read everything is to the letter. To letter by pulling up your chair for you to sit then pushing it in when you are comfortable. Sitting down, pouring you a drink, your eyes widening when he removes his plague doctor mask revealing his bird-shaped face.
You swear he seems shy about it.
“Orpheus…” The table is small and is leaning a bit over it allowing you to read up and touch his beak, “Oh, you are so handsome.”
His head tilts leaning his beak towards your hand, “You are breathtaking.” The two-tone voice is low and soft.
Dinner is pleasant, light on your stomach, it makes you antsy too. He brought the phonograph down here too to play music, to invite you to a dance. It is picturesque, romantic and you feel loved.
But if you want more, you need to express to him how much you need him.
The strike of midnight, the new year is here in the manor, and your body is on top of the creature when the grandfather clock upstairs goes off
You give him the suitcase, “Please open it.” It is better now or never, this is torturous for you.
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Each page was read, all of your honest words on papyrus and ink, you are crossing the point of no return.
You both are. Nightmare knows there will be complications and consequences, he does not give a damn as each word cannot be taken back. You love him. Love him so much that you wrote your heart out to him.
“I love you, Orpheus!” Yelling at him when the anxiety got the best of you, “Allow me to love you in every manner possible!” Begging to properly, to finally, show him as he has shown you the weight of this love on your heart.
Your poor misfortune heart who has no clue about the dangers of tasting a Nightmare. Heaven or Hell, you likely would make the same choice no matter the outcome of the pain you will endure… So long as Orpheus holds your hand.
“Hypnos.” He catches you as you run into his arms, “My budding novelist.” You never saw yourself worthy of the title. You are simply a writer, nothing grand. “How your words touch me.”
“I want to touch you, Orpheus.” There you say to him with much urgency so he understands how much you want him, “There is not a moment in the night I do not think about you,” Pouring your heart out in words you hope to capture the desperation you are suffering. 
“Show me.” The permission is granted.
The wine cellar is not ideal however it is fitting for the crime of passion, to embark on a path of love and lust, the Baron will be crossed— Not that Nightmare cares, you are stronger than either men will except of you.
“Show me it all.” Taking you to the nest he created innocently to indulge in holding you for the rest of the evening, but he sees it will have a duel purpose.
Nightmare holds you and guides you onto his lap, making himself comfortable and exposed for you to take your time with.
There you are looking above him as you straddle his hips. Quickly, eagerly, your dress is risen to your waist exposing the garter and stockings, your hands up zipping the back but the gown remains on as you are trying to tease him by only giving a pick.
The creature holds your hips, carefully, and he lays under you, his chest moving up and down. Puffs of hot air escape his exposed beak as you rock your hips, grinding your crotch against the growing bump of his pants.
Gentle, his touch has no weight to them.
“Stop fearing you will hurt me.” You whine as the wine in your system has made you bold, needy, begging for him to take you properly, “I want you. Please, share this with me, Orpheus.” Gasping when his hips move up, more stimulation, you moaned not realizing how sensitive you are from being so pent up.
It was not long ago he touched you yet your body yearns for him as if he has not touched you in years.
“I am addicted to you,” Moaning as your hands barely can keep you stable until you lay on his chest, “Needing you so much.” Your movements are not the best but he adjusts you with his hands, “Orpheus, please!”
In the wine cellar, you are tucked away with the bird man, the noise from outside not heard down here, the music playing softly in the background long forgotten. He created a small romantic spot, a perfect place for you both. The wine has made you bold. The wine has made him far more aware of his desires. This was going to be a night to bask in one another, for him to have you experience pleasure like before.
“Whatever you need, let me help you feel good too.”
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silversodas · 2 years
I wonder if Caleb was really there (part 2)
Another point that makes me wonder if the ghosts were hallucinations or not is the guards all wearing their masks
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On one hand, Belos did mention that Hunter looked the most like Caleb, which could be a lie, I don’t trust a damn thing he says till proven otherwise. But if he is hallucinating, and was telling the truth, then that could be why they are all wearing the masks, because he doesn’t remember what they looked like
BUT ON THE OTHER HAND, people pointed out that Belos probably had them wear masks so people wouldn’t get suspicious on why the guards looked so much alike. And the mask always looked like it was more used to protect identity. People use masks to hide,they kinda touched on that symbolism with Steve even though it’s more of not being part of a collective type thing. and I mentioned that I had a feeling the ghosts guards were hiding around the pillars. I think that’s what the ones out in the open, and the ones closer to Caleb are doing too, they are trying to stand with him but still stay behind him. They are masking themselves, the best defense they have at the moment is to be unreadable, Belos doesn’t get to see they are scared. And it has the desired effect, I think, they don’t have a threatening vibe, but it’s still an ominous vibe that keeps you guessing
And I have another point for this scene here
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This could 100% be Belos’s lies he told himself coming unglued and the projection of his brother is a nod to the Shakespeare play Caesar where the ghosts of the betrayed just stood there silently, and the audience also never could decide if they were really ghosts or a guilty conscience.
BUT ON THE OTHER HAND! Caleb may be choosing not to speak because words and arguments are belos’s greatest weapon. He makes the others feel like they lose an argument even when they win. Belos even tries to put words in Caleb’s mouth “Don’t mock me!! I tried to save your soul!! It’s your fault any of this happened!!!” But Caleb gives him nothing, he just stares him down. He knows Belows doesn’t want a discussion, he wants a fight, he wants to feel like he is gaining an ounce of control back, and Caleb isn’t giving it to him. Hunter is good at strategy and figuring people out, I think he got that from Caleb.
Caleb doesn’t need to say anything anyway, the evidence is speaking for itself, Belos is grasping at straws, his time is running out, and has nothing to show for it, and all of that was able to get across just by giving Belos nothing, funny isn’t it?
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angelsdean · 1 year
It's funny for me that fanon Sam is, following his time at Stanford, thee greatest of ally and defensor of human rights, while canonically college turns him into a judgemental snob - frowning upon winning money as a hunter, saving the prisoners, etc, etc (snobbish s1 Sammy my beloved !!!) (PS: also his alternative self in Lebanon XD)
no literallly. sam wanted to fit in so hard at stanford he drank some of the snobby rich kid kool-aid. and like, dissecting that is infinitely more interesting to me than perfect liberal and allyTM fanon sam. like i wanna know what sam's problem is sjdkfdfk. s1 does a great job of creating this dichotomy, esp in the very early eps, where dean represents the hunting world, the fringes of society, the outcasts and Other, and sam is coming out of this perfect idealized world that was college, where he absorbed some of those snobby ideals, as a way to reject his family / lifestyle (tho mostly as a way to reject JOHN and john's ideas of what sam's life should be). But then we see sam throughout those early episodes making choices that actively lead him further down the road of hunting, choices that have him rejecting "normal society" and choosing this journey, this quest, taking up the mantle and following john's path.
(there are lot of examples and maybe i'll make a post abt them all one day but one that always stands out to me is in 1x06 Skin, where the conflict is about the isolation of hunting vs the desire for community and connection to the outside world. it seems like dean is pro-cut ties with the world, but why? well, we later learn in 1x13 he tried to let an outsider into his world and cassie rejected him for it. but sam, at the start of the ep, is trying to have the best of both worlds. he thinks he can keep his outsider friends while still hunting. then by the end of the ep, his friend now knows all about hunting and wants to stay in touch. and sam shuts her out and says she probs won't hear from him anytime soon. and it's just so bonkers to me !! but he's making that choice, he's choosing hunting and slowly rejecting and cutting ties to his idealized stanford life.)
and he wants it, is the thing. he's on a one track mind: find john, find the demon, kill it and avenge jess and mary.
this got long-winded but anyway, i think all that s1 snobbery is SO crucial to sam's journey, it's important we see it, it's important we see where he was coming from, how stanford had begun to change and shape him in different ways, how stanford was symbolic of this total opposite to hunting, it's the snobby rich who don't care about the people on the fringes, it's studying LAW while holding beliefs that all people in prison are not "innocent" and a ghost killing them off isn't the biggest deal. and then dean + the hunting lifestyle is meant to be the juxtaposition to that. he's living on the fringes of society, he's Other. That's why the shifter in Skin identifies with dean so much, aside from the queer metaphors. The shifter choosing fresh-off-of-ivy-league sam would not make for the same kind of parallel, as much as sam has his psychic kid stuff going on, that's only barely begun at this point. He doesn't yet think he's a freak for being psychic or the demon blood stuff, he doesn't even know abt any of that. But paralleling the shifter with dean highlighted the isolating, othering nature of hunting, in an episode where the "brother conflict" was isolation vs community. And through the shifter we learn that dean didn't Want to be a hunter either. He had dreams, wanted friends. And sam hears all of this, and still at the end of the episode chooses to reject his friend's offer to keep in touch. Taking another step away from the idealized stanford life and another step down the path of hunting + his revenge quest. And it's so goddamn interesting and delicious and fascinating to me !!!! fanon sam could never
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kuzann · 10 months
I finally got the next chapter out! orz This took way too long and I'm so glad I can finally post it. Total word count of 14.7k.
Chapter 9: Fighting Spirit
Kara returns and challenges the protectors of Amity Park to a tournament. Chapter-Specific Triggers: Trauma flashback, Past medical abuse Relevant Characters: Danny, Valerie, Sam, Tucker, Vlad, Jack, Maddie, Jazz, Kara(OC), The Box Ghost, Wulf, Clockwork
A familiar figure approached as Vlad reached the drinking hall.
“So, did you invite this one, Plasmius?” Danny asked, arms folded over his chest as he glared at Vlad.
“She’s an uninvited guest, which appears to be the norm of late,” Vlad replied, fixing Danny with a glare of his own. “I was about to speak with her and see if this can be settled quietly. Don’t get in my way.”
“Fine,” Danny said with a roll of his eyes.
The door to the main entrance was open when Vlad found it. He entered with Danny on his tail and flew above an enormous arena with tiers of tables set around it. At the far end of the hall was the largest seat of all, a throne of dark intricately-carved wood, and upon it sat Kara the Spirit of Battle. She was every bit as imposing as the pictures had been, muscular and with a proud aquiline nose.
Kara spotted them immediately. Her eyes were dusky-gold like the hunter’s moon with black sclera, and her irises had flashed briefly in the torchlight as if they were metallic. “The tournament does not start for at least an hour,” she said, in a voice befitting her strong physique. “So, why have you come here?”
“I’m here to see if we could work out a deal of some sort,” Vlad said as he came to a stop before her throne. “My citizens don’t appreciate being scared like this.”
“As if you actually care,” Danny said behind him.
“You are the leader of this community?” Kara asked, raising an eyebrow. “A ghost leading a human settlement? How strange.”
“Half-ghost,” Vlad corrected her. “They know me as a human.”
“Interesting,” Kara said, watching him keenly. “You needn’t worry about your citizens. Those in my care are safe, and those outside will enjoy the tournament from wherever they please.” She looked to Danny. “And why are you here, child?”
“I’m worried about the hostages,” Danny replied.
“Guests,” Kara corrected him.
“And I wanted to ask why you’re doing this,” Danny added.
“To measure the strength of this location’s protectors,” Kara replied. “You need only participate, then I will allow my guests to return home.”
“You should probably disqualify Vlad then,” Danny quipped as he jerked a thumb at Vlad. “He kind of endangers the city more than protecting it.”
“We beat Nocturne together, you brat!” Vlad snapped as he turned to Danny.
“And that’s against how many other times where you brought the problem here yourself?” Danny asked. “Undergrowth counts, by the way.”
“I didn’t even know he existed before he showed up!” Vlad snapped.
“You were still the reason he showed up at all!” Danny replied.
Kara watched the exchange with amusement. “So the leader of this place is also its greatest menace?” she asked.
“He is.”
“I am not!”
“So, menace—”
“I am not a menace!” Vlad cried as he turned to Kara again.
“—what did you intend to offer me that would be worth putting a stop to my tournament?”
Vlad paused to consider his options. He’d been ready to give her just about anything to avoid having to fight Maddie, but Kara didn’t seem like the sort who was interested in artifacts or favors. If she was only here to measure the strength of Amity Park’s protectors, however...
“I can prove that I’m strong enough to protect the city by myself,” Vlad said.
Danny burst into laughter behind him.
“Oh? All by yourself?” Kara asked, raising an eyebrow. “I will require you to back that up.”
Danny stopped laughing. “Uh, Vlad.”
“Very well. If you wish to prove yourself as the sole protector of this place then step into the arena.”
“This isn’t a good idea, Vlad!”
“Hush, Daniel. I told you not to get in my way, now watch and learn.” Vlad backed away from Kara’s throne and touched down in the arena, discreetly turning on the lightning-redirection device clipped to his belt.
Kara stood.
And was suddenly within melee range. A wave of wind flowed in front of her, pushed along by her sheer speed.
Vlad instinctively brought up a shield.
Kara’s leg made contact, her movements almost too fast for Vlad to properly follow.
The shield broke as he was thrown back and away, sparing him the worst of the kick.
His back made contact with the far end of the arena. The crash—or rather the tremendous noise that accompanied it—made his ears ring. Broken planks from the shattered wall rained down on him as he got to his knees. He’d been expecting lightning. He hadn’t been expecting raw speed.
Vlad’s body was a mass of pain as he got to his feet. Lightning-fast. Had the lightning depictions been metaphors for her incredible speed, then? Or could she do both?
Kara was upon him again, fist raised as she loomed over him.
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nerdasaurus1200 · 1 year
What's been your inspiration for coming up with all your Saporia and Corona Lore?
Ohhh man this is a good question. Forgive me, Anon, but I'm about to infodump.
God so many things...especially in the last year where I've been really heavily focusing on it. One of the biggest rules I've had for myself during this whole process is to treat it with the same respect as I would any other religion. Every culture has religion as a way to tell what they believe is the truth of how they came to be and how the world around them works. It's their truth, and I wanted to emphasize that.
So, Skinandi was essentially inspired by the Sundrop flower, and was the very first thing I came up with. In the very early stages the Norse gods were the inspiration for my Saporian gods, particularly their names. Back in the day because of their feminism I thought Saporia to be a pseudo Viking culture. Canis was also a big result of Nordic influence, Fenrir was a huge inspiration for that. But there were also some greek influences as well as I developed the gods. Vitur is a combo of Athena and Thor, Draumur could be seen as a combo of Odin and Orpheus. Jolakotturinn in Saporia is taken straight out of Icelandic folklore. And Hatid was heavily inspired by the Ghost of Christmas Present and Dionysus. It wasn't at all intended in the creation, but Wilkolak could be interpreted as Saporia's version of a Medusa-like figure. And lately folklore such as Baba Yaga or the Leshy has been inspired by Slavic lore.
As for Corona, I'm sure people have noticed this but a big inspiration so far has been German fairytales, but with twists. For instance in Corona Red Riding Hood is considered a famous Robin Hood type thief and her hound is named Wolf. The Princess and the Frog is one of Rapunzel's ancestors and her husband was cursed. Hansel and Gretel are famous soldiers of the Corona Guard who were witch hunters....not the greatest figures in the name of Coronan-Saporian unity. Elodie the Great but when I made her on Heroforge I was thinking of some...I guess Nordic/Germanic Paul Bunyan-esque wild woman. I'm still working out all the nitty gritty details but I do think by the time of Tangled Corona is a pseudo christian kingdom with some very faint flavors of Saporian paganism. And by extension slavic mythology is inspiration for Corona lore as well because I think they also have creatures like Baba Yaga and the Leshy but they're viewed in a slightly different light.
In the case of customs and places, Vox Machina has been an inspiration. Celtic lore might become inspiration for Janis Point because it kinda gives me Stonehenge/fairy ring vibes. My creation myth for how dragons came to be and why they're so important in the Corona/Saporia area is also inspired by the Fenrir myth.
And...I guess you could kinda say Paleolithic culture plays a smidgeon of a role as well? Cause I do think that the Lost Lagoon has a bunch of ancient cave paintings.
And also as of very recently, like last 24 hours recently, instagram, Scottish folklore, and Arthurian legend has been inspiration because I've been working out:
The idea of Arthur and Morgan le Fay being among the first if not the very first monarchs of Corona and Saporia
Some kind of lake monster that lives in the Lost Lagoon
How dragonseals are viewed in Corona and Saporia lore....and also Equis lore because it's a requirement. It's literally a seal, I have to
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
oh goddamnit. fine. old man yaoi.
They are two men out of time, and Samuel doesn’t even bother to look at him when he enters a room.
Henry is used to hierarchy. He’s spent his life working up the ranks, and he’s still- He was still lagging behind, not let in on the greatest secrets the Men of Letters kept within their walls. (All these and more are open to him now. He’s still working through the decades of knowledge stored in here with Sam. It’s the only way he can think of to bond with his grandson.)
Samuel sets off those old nervous tendencies in him to shut up and stand at attention for orders. It’s aggravating. He’s nothing more than a hunter, a prolific one with a base of knowledge that leaves Henry reluctantly impressed, but still as bullheaded and violent as the rest of them.
It hurts Henry that sometimes he sees more of Samuel’s face in his grandsons than his own. Even John’s features always took more after his mother than him. It catches him off-guard in awful ways, Millie’s words in their mouths, the way she used to let certain vowels melt into the same sound until he teased her for it. He can’t say a thing about Sam and Dean doing the same thing, only stand there pale as if he’d seen a ghost and leave the room quickly.
A humanizing quirk of Samuel: sometimes Henry looks up from a book to see his something other than stubborn indifference behind his eyes, his gaze falling on those boys in quiet grief and what Henry recognizes all too well now as horror.
None of them discuss why it is Sam and Dean don’t talk to Samuel like he’s anything more than a business partner, but Henry knows how betrayal roots itself. The Men of Letters require terrible things of those who prove themselves worthy.
Some nights (most nights) they get all to themselves. There’s a lot of old bottles stored in the Bunker. Antiques that Samuel cracks open and Henry doesn’t say a word so long as he gets a glass. They make Henry tolerable or Samuel less ill-tempered, or both too focused on remembering what they won’t get back to care.
“Tell me about Mary,” Henry asks, one night. He’s bold enough, or maybe drunk, or both. The way Samuel’s expression falls almost reels him back to sobriety, but then there’s pride there, too, and a fierce love Henry understands more than anyone else could. Samuel talks about Mary very differently than John chronicled her memory. She’s a hunter herself first, in Samuel’s eyes, and brash and stubborn as he is, but strong, head screwed on right despite it all, despite him, and sometimes, Samuel wishes he’d held on a little less tight. He’s lying, and Henry can tell, but he doesn’t say a word. His last memory of John is a bedtime promise he broke. He’d tear the whole world open if it meant going back for even one more hug.
And so, guiltily, he asks about John, too. There are so many parts of his son he never got to have. Even Samuel’s dim view of him is a welcome one.
For once, Samuel tempers his words. “He was good,” he says, and doesn’t add not good enough for Mary, but Henry smiles at it anyway. He imagines he’d be the same, if he’d been blessed with a daughter rather than a son. (He could have had a daughter-in-law, at least. The world could have been kind enough to give him that.) “Came back from the war whole, took care of his mother and worked hard. A good man.”
“Without me,” Henry says. “Despite me.” His chair seems unsteady. The world is spinning. Samuel catches his arm as he tries to stand and puts him back in his place.
“Too busy reading to learn how to hold your liquor?” It’s not kind, but it’s not cruel. Henry will take it.
“We valued sharp minds at any hour. No time for this kind of indulgence.” Now, their grandsons fight the war, and Henry’s bones are too old for his skin. Samuel looks the part he plays, aged fine and strong.
Henry looks at him too long some nights.
Wonders if Samuel misses his wife the same way Henry does his.
“Don’t throw up,” Samuel tells him. Henry tilts his head back. His world is moving too fast.
“And I could still have been sharper,” Henry mourns. “I never was a man for spellwork.”
“We get psychics to do it for us nowadays. The odd witch you don’t shoot in the back of the head,” Samuel comments, “or do after they give you the goods, if you’re hoping to live longer.”
“You would have made a terrible Man of Letters,” Henry says. What would those he worked with have said about the state of this place now, manned by two barely-legacies, a failure, and a hunter who didn’t bother with his own magic? The upside of them all being dead is that there’s no one left to disappoint.
“And you’re a shit hunter,” Samuel says, like they’re perfectly equivalent. Henry snorts. In this new future, he’s lost enough that they might as well be.
At least there are hunters out here fighting the good fight.
And it must be a good fight, to ask for so much and spit them out broken at the end with nothing in return.
“You’re going to need me to walk you to your bed, aren’t you?” Samuel grumbles. Henry tilts his head towards him. Samuel talks to him, and he talks to Samuel, and both of those boys walk on eggshells around them like they’re hoping to come back to the Bunker one day and find them gone.
Samuel’s right about the drink. Henry can’t hold it. He’s overfull with the details of lives he never saw led.
“I’d appreciate it,” he whispers. With the same strength he shoved him down with, Samuel hauls him up. Henry leans on him. Samuel stinks of gun oil, a compulsive habit of weapons cleaning for hunts he’s never asked on. Perhaps Henry should scan the newspapers (or that internet thing) for a case of his own. It’d do him good to get him out of the house. He could take Henry with him and let him escape this tomb for a week. If he didn’t end up kicking Henry to the side of the road in annoyance, maybe it would even be enjoyable.
“You let yourself get as bad as Deanna used to before she had Mary,” Samuel says. He does more of the walking than Henry does.
“And Millie would drink you under the table.” Henry’s chest aches, loneliness watered well until it chokes him.
He stumbles. Samuel steadies him easily. He has dark brown eyes that might have been warm in a kinder face. Instead, they set the handsome firmness of him in place, from his hard jaw to the top of his head. Henry swallows, trying and failing to keep an old sickness down.
Samuel could push him back first. He doesn’t.
He tastes like whiskey. Henry probably does, too. If the dead look after the living, he hopes they give their blessings. Samuel might not wear his wedding ring, but Henry couldn’t part with his yet. Samuel’s hand fits warm against the side of his face.
“That another thing your organization liked to keep quiet about?” he asks, when Henry’s only pulled back far enough that Samuel’s breath blasts hot across his mouth.
“We worked long nights,” Henry answers, “and if no one admitted to it, it never happened.”
“Funny,” Samuel says, and for the first time that he remembers, Henry sees him smile. It’s a hard and starved beast, and it might try to eat Henry alive. “I’ve known a lot of hunters who’d say the same thing.” Samuel drags him in, and Henry, ever a credit to his lost cause, does not go down easily. Samuel bruises him with reckless abandon. Henry strikes back in ways that make his head toss and groans rumble out of his chest. They make it back to Henry’s bedroom, eventually.
It’s a good thing the boys won’t be back for a while.
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fallen-gravity · 1 year
stay fond, stay fond of me
“I thought you said you were having a good time too?”
“I mean…” he sighs, “I really was having a good time! I really liked getting to know you. I was excited to hear more about you,” he smiles shyly, and brushes his hair out of his eyes with his wrist before he continues. “But…as soon as I mentioned being a ghost hunter, something…changed. You didn’t want to show me your room anymore, you didn’t want to tell me anymore stories about what it was like when you first moved here, you didn’t even want to come look for ghosts in the basement with me. It was almost as if you wanted to avoid me. And I…uh, I know it’s not exactly my place to ask this, but…”
Uh, oh, here it comes. Molly’s bracing for impact. Is there something you’re hiding from me? Why are you so weird about ghosts? Do you have a ghost living with you? Are *you* secretly a ghost?
“...Does that bother you?” he curls in on himself even further. “Or rather, uh…do…I bother you?”
…Except for that. Molly was not prepared for that.
please note that this fic contains major spoilers for the season two opener!! please try to avoid reading this if you haven't seen the new episode yet!
I am officially too far gone, my dudes. I know this fic only appeals to like, 1/8th of the fandom but this is my AO3 and mom said it's MY turn on the rarepair. If I finally get to be the first person to post a fic for a ship it'll be my greatest accomplishment.
I'm well aware this fic is gonna be outdated in about 11 hours. screw canon! they're my blorbos now <3
please note that this is a ship fic! This is a Molly/Oliver fic. Please ignore if that's not your cup of tea <3
It’s not fair.
It’s not fair! How can someone out there so perfect for you move across the street just a year after you’ve moved into your forever home, claiming they’ve been looking everywhere for their forever home, spend all this time getting to know you and telling you they want to spend more time with you, only to find out after getting your hopes out that they come from a family of ghost hunter? 
“It’s not fair!” Molly cries, planting her face into her pillow. “I can’t just walk right up to him and say I never want to talk to him again!”
“Well that’s easy!” Scratch replies, and Molly peeks out from her pillow to see him floating beside her with a big grin on his face. “All you gotta do is pull him aside after school, sit him down at a desk in an empty classroom, and get right up in his face and tell him how much you hate-”
“Because I like him, Scratch!” Molly shoots up in bed, just barely avoiding sending Scratch flying across the room with the motion. “I want to talk to him! I want to be friends with him! Maybe I want to be more than-” she quickly cuts herself off, slapping her hands to her face as a pink flush rushes to her cheeks. She buries herself under her blanket, and despite its usual ability to block out the light from her room, she can still see the gentle glow of Scratch’s ectoplasm as he moves to sit down on her nightstand.
“That is a tricky one,” is all he says, tapping a finger to his chin. “At least Libby didn’t completely believe in ghosts and we could just hide from her whenever we wanted, but this…”
“You’re not helping!” 
“Kidding, kidding” Scratch raises a defensive hand in the air. “Geez, just trying to lighten the mood here” he pinches at his temples. “Look, Moll, I hate this as much as you do! You think I like going back to having to hide out in here all day? Especially with the Ghost Council thinking they can just pop in whenever they please? I don’t!” he sighs, and Molly’s about to give up on the conversation altogether and roll over on her side before Scratch reaches out and places a hand on her shoulder. “But,” he emphasizes, “I make do, because that’s what works for me. If there’s anyone out there who can do more than just make do because she wants the solution where everyone can be happy together, that’s you. I believe in you, kid.”
Molly smiles at that, and sits up in bed. “Thanks, Scratch”
“Yeah, yeah,” Scratch waves her off. “Now, come on, let’s go get some food or something. I’m starving.”
Molly laughs awkwardly. “Actually, uh, I think I just need to get some air. You go on ahead without me”
Scratch looks surprised by that, but shrugs it off just as quickly. “Alright, suit yourself.” He waves goodbye, and phases through the floor in pursuit of the kitchen. 
Molly waits where she is for a few moments, just long enough that she’s sure she won’t run into him again, and then she slips down the hatch door of her room and heads for the backyard. Once there, she looks around to make sure none of her other family members are looking for her, and she slips through the gate to the front yard. 
She plops herself down on the front steps of her home, and stares longingly at the house across the street. It doesn’t look like any of them are outside, which is good, but it almost hurts her how much she wishes she could go over there and talk to them right now.
Or, uh, just Ollie.
She’d be okay if it was just Ollie.
Molly feels a blush rushing to her cheeks again, and she groans as buries her face in her knees.
They’re the last piece to our forever home puzzle! A best friend family!
It’s not fair.
It’s not fair that the perfect family moved in, it’s not fair that the son her own age is so cute and sweet and understanding and practically the second half of her that she’d never realized she’d been missing, and-
The warm, buttery sound of Ollie’s voice slices through her thoughts, and she nearly jumps a mile out of her skin as she pulls her head from her knees to see where the voice came from. He’s on the sidewalk just on the edge of her family’s home, looking like he wants to come closer but unsure if he’s allowed. “Are you okay?” 
“Me?” Molly’s voice squeaks, and she clears her throat before trying again. “Me? Y-yeah, just getting some fresh air and all that, you know?” She laughs awkwardly, and does her best to pat down her clothes and her hair to make herself look presentable. “Where are you coming from?”
Ollie smiles, and takes that as an invitation to step closer. “Oh, I was just going to check out the bandshell! I just had to see it with my own two eyes after you gushed so much about how you, uh…” he pauses, and Molly’s eyes must be playing a trick on her because he looks like he’s blushing, “...enhappified Brighton by fixing it up” he rubs at the back of his head, grinning shyly. “It’s really beautiful! I can see why you called it one of Brighton’s main attractions in your pamphlets”
Oh he needs to stop being so cute, it’s unfair, it’s unfair it’s- “Oh!” Molly grins. “Thank you! You know how it is with wanting a space for everyone to feel like they can come together and all that.”
For some reason her choice of wording makes Ollie frown, and he comes closer until he’s at the base of the front steps. “Yeah…speaking of coming together, that’s, uh, actually what I wanted to come by and talk to you about. Mind if I sit?” he gestures to the empty spot beside Molly, and the blush comes rushing back to her face full force.
“Y-yeah! Go right ahead, plenty of room” she beams, and has to choke down a squeak when he sits close enough beside her that she can smell his hair product. She grips at her skirt with both hands and prays that he doesn’t notice.
“Great! great,” he replies just as awkwardly as Molly feels. “So, uh, about the cookout our families had the other day…”
Oh. Oh no.
“What about it?” Molly squeaks. “I thought it was great! I had a lot of fun! Didn’t you have a lot of fun?” 
Ollie’s face falls at that reply, and Molly’s eyebrows raise in surprise as he starts to curl in on himself. “...That’s what I was afraid you’d say” 
Oh corn, why did that make him sad? She was fully prepared for suspicion, or for him to brush off her comment, but now his feelings are hurt? Oh corn, she hates making the people she cares about sad, she’s not good with responding to sad, what could she have possibly said to upset him? She knows she was acting odd, but that’s making him sad? 
“What do you mean?” Molly frowns, and she wants to reach out and touch his shoulder but isn’t sure if she’s allowed. “I thought you said you were having a good time too?”
“I mean…” he sighs, “I really was having a good time! I really liked getting to know you. I was excited to hear more about you,” he smiles shyly, and brushes his hair out of his eyes with his wrist before he continues. “But…as soon as I mentioned being a ghost hunter, something…changed. You didn’t want to show me your room anymore, you didn’t want to tell me anymore stories about what it was like when you first moved here, you didn’t even want to come look for ghosts in the basement with me. It was almost as if you wanted to avoid me. And I…uh, I know it’s not exactly  my place to ask this, but…”
Uh, oh, here it comes. Molly’s bracing for impact. Is there something you’re hiding from me? Why are you so weird about ghosts? Do you have a ghost living with you? Are *you* secretly a ghost? 
“...Does that bother you?” he curls in on himself even further. “Or rather, uh…do…I bother you?”
…Except for that. Molly was not prepared for that.
“What?” Molly sputters, grabbing his shoulders to force him to look her in the eyes, and okay, yeah, he’s definitely blushing. “Of course not! What makes you think that you bother me? You’re like, my kindred spirit, or something! I made a faster connection with you than I have with almost anyone else I’ve ever met!” 
Ollie starts to smile, but it drops just as quickly. “It’s just…most kids don’t take kindly to ghost hunting, you know? I got made fun of for it a lot at my old school. They’d call me things like ghost kid or spooky boy because they could never get past what my family does for a living. We can’t help what we’re into, you know? But classmates are harsh. They either don’t believe in ghosts altogether and make fun of me for wasting my time, or they do believe in ghosts, but they say I take the fun out of it by explaining things about ghosts in more detail than they’re used to hearing.” Ollie pushes Molly’s hand off of his shoulder, and turns away to avoid eye contact. “The whole reason I even told you we were ghost hunters in the first place was because you seemed really into ghost stuff too, and I thought you’d be different, but…” 
He sighs. “I don’t mind if it bothers you, honest. I just want you to be honest about it.”
He curls in on himself one more time. “And, really, it’s okay if it does bother you, honest, because…this has happened before. I’m used to it.”
Oh no…oh no, no, Molly’s getting very intense deja vu from this and she doesn’t like it. 
“Ollie, I…” she starts, but her voice fades out before she can finish that train of that. What even is the solution here? She can’t just spill the complete and honest truth, because even if by some miracle Scratch was willing to cave and reveal himself again, he’d be putting himself in genuine danger, and Molly knows she doesn’t want that. 
But she can’t tell Ollie she doesn’t like him, either, because that would also be lying, and it would break her heart to pieces, because she really really likes him, and if she’d have it her way they would be-
She shakes that thought out of her head, face flushing pink. “Ollie, that’s not it at all. Of course you don’t bother me. The ghost hunting thing was…a surprise, but I’d never make fun of you for that. I love ghost stuff! I’ve got charms and stickers all over my phone, see?” She says, and hands it to him so he can take a look for himself. “None of what happened had anything to do with me not liking you, or trying to avoid you, or any of that, because the truth is that I…” she pauses to make sure she doesn’t accidentally give away too much of the truth in that department, the blush on her face becoming more evident the longer she speaks. “I really like you.”
The blush on Ollie’s face deepens, but he’s not quite back to smiling like she’d like him to. “I really like you too,” he mumbles, “and I really want to believe you, but…” his voice fades out, and he’s back to burying his head in his knees. 
Molly looks around for some kind of idea, because she really does want to make it clear how much she likes him and wishes they can still be friends in spite of, well, everything, and she’s about to head inside to look for some way she can show that to him, but then an even better idea comes to her.
“Here,” she whispers, reaching out and tapping him on the shoulder with something closed in her hand. “Take this”
Ollie blinks, unsure of what to make of it, but when he realizes what it is his eyes widen. “Your bracelet?”
“My good luck charm,” Molly smiles. “This bracelet’s been with me through countless moves, and it’s always been there for me. I know it’s silly to get so attached to an object, but…” she smiles, “I want you to have it. As a token to show how much I like you”
“A-are you sure?” Ollie whispers, his eyes sparkling with awe, and it’s taking a lot of inner strength not to just lean over and kiss him on the cheek right now. 
“Yeah!” Molly beams. “I want you to have it.”
“But what about-?”
“Nah, don’t worry about me” she smiles, nudging him gently with her elbow. “I can always make more of these. Friendship bracelets are my specialty, after all. This one was special to me, but I want you to have it because you’re already special to me.”
Ollie giggles at that, and he’s making it harder and harder for Molly not to just grab him and kiss him right then and there. He hesitantly takes the bracelet from her and puts it in his jacket pocket, makes a quip about safe keeping, and you’re already special to me too, and yeah, if Molly’s not allowed to kiss him by the end of the month she’s going to lose her mind.
Once that’s settled, Ollie sighs and leans back on his hands. He seems to be satisfied with that, so Molly sighs with relief and mirrors his posture. It’s not a permanent solution, but for now, at least he knows that they can still be friends and spend time together, which is good enough for Molly. 
“So…” Ollie says a few moments later, breaking the silence of them just enjoying each other’s companies. “I’ve read your pamphlets on the best tourist spots around town, and how to help out the community, but now I wanna hear your input on what to do for fun.” He flips his fair towards her again, and if Molly didn’t know any better she’d swear he was doing that on purpose. “What would you recommend as the best places to go as a local looking for fun?” 
Molly taps at her chin while she momentarily contemplates the question, and her whole face lights up when an idea comes to her.
“Oh!” she beams. “My best friend and her mom actually own the bookstore downtown. I dunno if I can get out of some family stuff I have going on today, but would you wanna maybe check that out sometime next week?”
Ollie beams at that. “I’d be honored to!”
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sunnydaleherald · 6 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, March 16th
BUFFY: Hi. (awkwardly) How've you been? AMY: Rat. You? BUFFY: Dead. AMY: Oh.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Buffyverse Flashfic: No Hitting by NotASlayer (Willow/Anya, T)
The Spark by Enigmatist (Angel/Spike, not rated)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Raven, Chapter 7 by sparrow2000 (Xander & Spike, G)
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Buffy's Pack, Chapter 16 by red_jacobson (Buffy/Xander, multiple pairings, E)
Sunnydale Serenade, Chapter 12 by TheRealJeanGenie (Buffy/Spike, T)
The Vampire's Daughter, Chapter 20 by PuellaPulchra (Spike & OC, T)
Visara, Chapter 2 (complete!) BeaconHill (Buffy, T)
Three Slayers at the Same Time, Chapter 1 by In_the_universe (Buffy/Kendra, G)
Amara Time, Chapter 16 by Joan963z (Buffy/Spike, M)
Raven, Chapter 7 by sparrow2000 (Spike & Xander, G)
When Lust Wanders, Chapter 5 by BiggiePanda (CalliopeStar) (Buffy/Spike, E)
Greatest Love Story Postlude, Chapter 9 by FalseGinger (Angel/Spike, M)
My Love is Vengeance, Chapter 12 by CarrKicksDoor (Giles/Anya, E)
The Reason Why, Chapter 4 by Xyex (Buffy/OC, M)
A Different Path, Chapter 6 by Anaxilea (Buffy/Faith, M)
Horrorshow, Chapter 5 by vampbrat (Fanged Four, E)
Slayer No More, Chapter 4 by jsaint34 (Buffy/Pike, M)
The Boring Stuff: Inca Mummy Girl, Chapter 1 by missfiggy (Buffy/Angel, T)
remarkable people, Chapter 1 by luxaII (Buffy, The Avengers crossover, T)
And None Contented, Chapter 1 by ConstantCommentTea (Angel/OC, M)
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A Second Chance- Their Story, Chapter 8 by Loup Noir (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Keep Your Enemies Closer, Chapter 7 by disco-tea (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Afterburn, Chapter 25 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Forwarding Blue, Chapter 6 by Desicat (Buffy/Spike, PG)
On Our Wedding Day, Chapter 1 by Spikelover4ever (Buffy/Spike, R)
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remarkable people, Chapter 1 by luxaII (Buffy, The Avengers crossover, FR15)
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Love Lives Here, Chapter 36 by Passion4Spike (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Enemies to Ghost Hunters, Chapter 16 by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Bizarre Double Life, Chapter 16 by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
The Balance, Chapter 16 by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Triangles, Chapter 16 by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Tag, You're It! Chapter 16 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Glimpses of the Cellar Dwellers, Chapter 16 by Maldorana (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
How Could I Not? Chapter 16 by simmony (Buffy/Spike, R)
X.X, Chapter 16 by Rea (Buffy/Spike, R)
30 Ways to Say I Love You, Chapter 16 by Maxine Eden (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Dreaded Lurgi, Chapter 16 by SomeKindOfADeviant (Buffy/Spike, PG)
Forever and Always? Chapter 16 by scratchmeout (Buffy/Spike, R)
Dead End, Chapter 15 by all choseny (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Pick Me Up, Chapter 14 by Dusty (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
The Dawnster Drabbles, Chapter 16 by Passion4Spike (Buffy/Spike, PG)
Truth or Dare, Chapters 15-16 by Chelle (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Left on Read, Chaper 15 by ashcrashed (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
I love you, Chapter 16 by Lilacsandorangeblossoms (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Boyfrenemy, Chapter 12 by Lady Emma (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
We’re Having a Baby! Chapter 16 by Maxine Eden (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Beg, Chapters 1-10 (complete!) by Maxine Eden (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Something Lingers, Chapters 1-2 by goodbyetoyou (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: Buffy by nugge-is-my-duckie (worksafe)
Manips: Spike by All Choseny (some nudity, probably worksafe)
Icons: buffy summers s2 icons by kratosfilms (worksafe)
Icons: buffy summers s4 icons by kratosfilms (worksafe)
Icons: Buffy in Season 5 by kratosfilms (worksafe)
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Fanvid: Buffy Summers - Edge of Town by CaptainBlondieBear (vidder also reuploaded several other old vids)
Fanvid: honey honey (romance in btvs s2) by Celia (0)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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BTVS Rewatch Chronicles: Season 3 by QualifiedApathetic
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Video: Do you love Xander Harris? | The Harvest by Nerdy Investigations
Video: Is S4 Willow's Best season? + Relationship talk by Revisiting The Buffyerse
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I found out someone made an original song for Tara/Willow by Responsible-Try-7470
[Fandom Discussions]
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It’s somewhat criminal that Faith wasn’t there in Checkpoint to be able to appreciate Buffy dressed in a black leather jacket by coraniaid
[Willow in S3] by theredpharaoah
Which part of ATS do you guys most wish we'd seen Buffy's reaction to? [poll] by angelthemanspanker
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Rewatch thoughts and questions continued by vampmogs
Kendra's Parents by AbercornBay
Slayers Called After Chosen continued by sybil
30 Day Challenge: BtVS vs AtS continued by Stoney and Priceless
Did vampires originally have souls? continued by multiple posters
Pop Culture Roll Call is doing Angel next continued by Priceless and bespangeled
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A favourite ending to a favourite [Angel] episode by Goulet231
Angel Fashions: could someone please explain Wesley's long sleeve polo top by PotentialLanguage685
Tara looking out for Dawn (photo series) by JohnnyTightlips27
Xander's construction job by Tuxedo_Mark
Series Finale: Rant by Public-Counter-6505
How to Fix Anya by Moraulf232
Season 6 [reaction to Spike and Anya] by deadpolecat
Anya regretting her spider wish by Ok_Bill_2883
Question about the series [How strong each season performed] by Dappich
[The Best Episode of BtVS in Every Season - Season 4] by Jaxsonj01
There had to be a Season 8 plot for TV (high level at least), right? by redditwatcher11
Buffy and Studying History... (a ramble) by Usernamelesses
If you could change 3 things about your least favorite season, what would you do? by ginime_
Favorite Buffy that comforts you? by Anyanka_Tin
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