#that might just be new baby smell also but I am not around newborns a lot jkfdksfd
Lil' angy baby eglantine
(Yes, at the grand old age of three days, Eg decided she was sick of people touching her!!! Unfortunately, she got touched a lot, bc the gummy bear stage meant a lot of being moved around and needing to be cleaned frequently!!! So all she could do was angrily wheek or squeal like a desert rain frog!!!!
Also fun baby Eg fact; During her time in the time in the lab was the only time she smelt nice!!! Mostly like strawberry milk, bc she ate a lot of milk and fruits)
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foggyfanfic · 10 months
The Jorge Situation
Preview: Day ten (night): Crack opened up right in front of me, ran out to the courtyard to ask Casita what had happened. Casita had no clue. Leandra, I know it’ll be pre-coffee when you wake up and read this, but can you ask around to see if anything of note happened last night? Also, your dog is making that weird smell again, it’s worrying the rats.
5. Passing Notes
Day One: Technically this isn’t day one, I know that, but it is day one of taking notes so yeah. Anyways, five new cracks. Casita got really messy today when Amada and Camilo decided juice is for throwing at eachother, not drinking. Casita didn’t seem upset, but maybe Casita is just being very patient with them? They are only kids. Pepa’s hormones are playing havoc on the weather, so she has been trapped in her room all day, Could the cracks be responding to her frustration? Octavia stubbed her toe and said a bad word, one that I certainly didn’t teach her, Leandra doesn’t see what’s wrong with the kids saying bad words every once in a while. No matter how many times I tell her it’s rude, and could get them in trouble. Maybe the cracks happen when somebody in our family is rude? Or when we fail to live up to the miracle’s standards?
To Bruno,
As I said, I don’t want our kids growing up thinking words like “fuck” or “Asshole” should be used as weapons. I am very familiar with the “I only use those words when I want people to know I’m serious” philosophy, and I think it’s immature. If you’re serious then you shouldn’t be cursing, you should be speaking as calmly as you can manage! Stubbing her toe is the perfect time for Octavia to say “shit”, the only better way to use that sort of language is to compliment somebody. For example, “Holy shit! My husband is handsome as fuck”. See! Isn’t that nice, wouldn’t you rather our kids grow up to say things like that? Anyways, if you read this before you come back to bed, feel free to wake me. I worry about you crawling around in the walls all alone (because I love you a fuck ton).
In short, I’m completely correct,
Day two: Alright darling, I see your point, I still worry the kids might make trouble for themselves if they get used to using that sort of language. What about when Octavia goes to school? We need to talk to her about when those words are and are not ok. Anyways, one of the cracks from yesterday has sealed itself up, but two more have formed on the opposite end of the wall. Nothing happened that might have upset Casita today. No change with Pepa. Luisa had to get a healing arepa when she twisted her ankle. Is it more likely that her physical pain effected the cracks? Or Julieta’s worry? What about Agustín and Félix? Do they have any effect on the cracks?
To Bruno,
Yeah, you’re right, wake me up when you see this. Let’s figure out what we’ll tell her. About the cracks, if Agustín and Félix affect them, I probably do too.
Be safe,
Day Three: Casita in a good mood. No change with Pepa. No injuries in the family. Talk with Octavia went well. Cracks same as yesterday.
Day four: Same as yesterday (except we didn’t repeat the talk with Octavia).
Day five: Had surprise vision, saw Pepa’s newborn son. Asked her if she wanted to know the gender of her baby. She spent the next hour pacing back and forth, trying to make up her mind one way or another. She eventually decided no, I got up to leave, then because I’m the world’s most subtle person I said, “For the best, he was a happy surprise, right? Might as well keep it going”. By her own admission, Pepa is not sure if she wants to laugh or smack me. Says she’ll know when she wakes up tomorrow. Leandra did an admirable job of pretending she wasn’t amused by my being a total disaster. Agustín and Félix did less admirable jobs. All but one of the new cracks have closed.
To Bruno,
Maybe they were laughing about something else? Maybe they both just happened to think of a really funny joke right when you finished telling us what happened.
Love you,
Day six: Don’t patronize me. The joke was me, mi amor. Three new cracks, nothing of significance happened to cause them as far as I know.
To Bruno,
You’re not a joke.
Day seven: Tell Camilo that.
To Bruno,
Everything and everybody is a joke to Camilo.
Day Eight: That’s true. Two new cracks, no fucking clue why.
To Bruno,
Dearie me! Such foul language! Gasp! Shock! Horror! Whatever shall the miracle think?
I’ll pray for you,
Day Nine: “You’re not a joke” said Leandra, my supposedly loving wife, lying to my face. If you wake up and I’m gone, no need to wonder why. Unbelievable!
To Bruno,
This note is made even funnier by the fact that I woke up to you clinging to me like a lonely koala. You might not be a joke, but you are a true master of comedy.
Your biggest fan,
Day ten (morning): Woman, stop complimenting me, I’m trying to be annoyed.
To Bruno,
Have I ever mentioned how beautiful your eyes are when you’re annoyed?
Forever yours,
Day ten (night): Crack opened up right in front of me, ran out to the courtyard to ask Casita what had happened. Casita had no clue. Leandra, I know it’ll be pre-coffee when you wake up and read this, but can you ask around to see if anything of note happened last night? Also, your dog is making that weird smell again, it’s worrying the rats.
To Bruno,
I’m just going to write this here, that way we can come back and reference it. The only one who admitted to anything was Camilo, he snuck out to grab a snack and accidentally broke a plate. The poor thing was so worried he was in trouble, maybe the crack happened because he thought he was letting the miracle down. I took him to get a new plate and that seemed to help. Gabriel probably had a bad dream last night, you know how he gets; was extra clingy today, but also didn’t want to let any of the younger kids out of his sight. I’ll admit, I eventually redirected him to Pepa, hopefully it made her feel better to be doted on all day. I asked Julieta outright, since she knows about the cracks, confirmed nothing happened with her, Agustín, or Mirabel (other than the fact that Agustín fell asleep during Mirabel’s turn reading their book, so he slept in the nursery last night). Neither Luisa nor Isabela admitted to anything happening last night, Luisa didn’t seem to be hiding anything, but honestly, who knows with Isabela. Her poker face is pretty damn good. When I asked Dolores, she said “I was reading when it happened” so she definitely knows what’s going on. I’ll follow up with her later. Amada might, as well. But nothing happened with either of our daughters. Asking Pepa was inconclusive, she’s so frustrated with her gift, and going stir crazy that she just sort of unloaded everything. I’m going to organize the kids into getting her another (non-pool related) gift, we’ll see if that affects the cracks.
Day eleven: I have marked and measured each crack, but otherwise left them alone to prepare for your experiment.
To Bruno,
It’ll be two more days, had to give Luisa enough forewarning.
Day twelve: Marked and measured cracks. Going to bed at a reasonable time for once. Would have a much easier time writing this if a certain someone wasn’t leaning half her weight on my shoulders.
To Bruno,
Stop writing and come to bed.
Day twelve continued: Actually, now might be the perfect time to start writing my memoir. I will title it “My wife just bit me”.
To Bruno,
And I’ll do it again!
That’s a threat and a promise,
Day thirteen: More measuring, the experiment is tomorrow, right?
To Bruno,
Considering you wrote that after midnight, knowing I wouldn’t read it until this morning, I have no idea if you meant tomorrow as in today, or tomorrow as in tomorrow. Either way, the kids and I all worked together to bake Pepa a cake. The cake didn’t turn out great, and the frosting melted when Pepa rained on it, but it definitely lifted her mood. Looking forward to reading about the cracks.
Day fourteen: All the cracks I’d measured are gone, but new ones popped up. I am so confused. Going to hold off on taking notes for a while, unless this is helping clear things up for you?
To Bruno,
It is not. This whole thing is weird and makes no sense. I have enjoyed “passing notes” to you though. We don’t get to spend as much time goofing off together as we used to.
Day fifteen: Have officially decided to only take notes if something noteworthy happens that I need you to know about before breakfast. (And yeah, you’re right, there is a distinct lack of goofing off in our lives. Tragic.)
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five-rivers · 3 years
Changeling Chapter 1
A DP Fae Au fic. I've been promising you this for so long XD. I can hardly believe I'm finally delivering, even if it's only one chapter for now.
Chapter 1: In the Beginning, There Was an Offer
They studied legends. According to those legends, today, Beltane, was a time of renewal, of birth, of fertility.
It was not supposed to be… this. Their dreams weren’t supposed to be crushed today. Not under this sun, not under these blue skies and among softly blooming flowers.
This kind of news should have come with rain. It should have come with storms.
Maddie wiped tears out of her eyes and Jack patted her on the back. The air smelled sweet and dusty at the same time. The bench was uncomfortable.
“We could try adoption,” said Jack. He sounded shocked, too. Drained. His voice was pulled taught over a great hollowness. “Lots of people adopt. We can- can do some good in the world, maybe.”
Maddie sniffed and cried harder. She’d wanted her own children, and Jack knew it. Adoption was all very well and good, but at this point the suggestion felt like some consolation prize, and she felt terrible for even thinking it was, because Jack was right, it could be a good thing, and…
She wanted children. Her own children.
“Excuse me, I believe I can help.”
There was something about how he said that, about how the voice wound and slipped through her ears that had Maddie’s head snapping up. The man who stood to the side of the bench wore a long coat with a deep hood. Symbols, symbols that Maddie had spent hours, days, weeks, researching were stitched into the fabric. His eyes glittered in the shadows. The fingers of his hands, clasped in front of him, were too long, their coloring faintly lavender, as if they had been dipped in ink and retained the stain even after they’d been washed clean.
This was not a human.
“How?” asked Maddie, feeling hope drip back into her limbs even as Jack tensed behind her. “How can you help?”
“We shouldn’t have done that,” said Jack as they drove home. “We really shouldn’t have done that. Maddie, they’re evil, there’s always a catch and it’ll always be looking for a way to push us into it.”
“The catch is in the open,” said Maddie, leaning back against the seat of the car and closing her eyes. “It isn’t as if it’s in the fine print and we’re going to stumble into it. We have one, and then I get my tubes tied, or you get snipped, and we go on with our lives.”
“What if we have twins? Triplets? Maddie, we should have talked about this.”
“There wasn’t any time,” Maddie said defensively. “I had to decide right away.”
“What are we going to do if we have twins, Maddie?”
Maddie bit her lip, her eyes opening without her full permission as she thought. “We know how to deal with things like him.”
The car jerked just a little to the right as Jack failed to suppress his flinch. “Do you remember our work on motivations? On why they take artists, musicians, children?” he asked. He forged on without waiting for an answer. “Creative sterility, we called it. For this one to be able to cure sterility, he has to be powerful. I don’t think nails in pockets and inside-out clothing is going to stop him.”
Such protections were hit and miss to begin with. One faerie might hate bread, another might love it. The sound of bells would drive off one, and another would wear them in their hair. Even cold iron was no guarantee against them.
“We’ll have to find something better, then,” she said, firmly.
Maddie laughed. Not a twin. A single child showed on the ultrasound monitor. A girl. A beautiful baby girl. Perfect.
On the other side of the bed, Jack sunk into a chair, obviously relieved. “She’s healthy?” he asked the OB/GYN.
“Completely,” she said. “This is quite the miracle the two of you put together here.” She shook her head. “We must have gotten something wrong during our examination. I can’t even begin to tell you how sorry I am to have put you through all that, and I won’t blame you if you wanted to find a new doctor.”
“It’s fine,” said Maddie, patting the woman’s arm. “It happens.” Yes, being approached by a powerful fae just ‘happened.’ “The important thing now is to make sure there aren’t any complications.”
They made sure Jazz was born on a Sunday, with two middle names, one of which Maddie made sure to forget. They scheduled her baptism for as early a date as possible, even though both Jack and Maddie were as lapsed as it was possible to be.
Jack had his surgery only a month later.
They were safe. They had won.
The family of three snuggled together on the couch. Well, Jazz snuggled inasmuch as a newborn was able. They watched TV.
“Jack, dear,” said Maddie, roused to awareness by a news story about a rising young businessman. “Is that our Vlad?”
Jack blinked at the screen. “I think you’re right,” said Jack. “I haven’t seen him since college. I don’t think we’ve talked to him since college.” He frowned. “Did something happen? The three of us used to be so close… He was the only one in the whole folklore department that would put up with our theories, do you remember?”
“I don’t know,” said Maddie, trying to remember. “It was like he was there one day, gone the next.”
“Do you think he’ll mind us getting back in touch?”
“Only one way to find out.”
(As it turned out, Vlad did not particularly care to get back in touch.)
Jazz was not a normal child.
She saw too much. She understood too much. Her teeth grew in early. She learned how to get the milk out of the fridge at about the same time she learned how to walk. Her eyes were too large, even for her age. She didn’t start talking until she was almost two, and when she did, it was in complete sentences. She took to responsibility like a duck to water. No, she demanded responsibility, from waking up the family in the morning to answering the door. She loved rules and games, and the rules of games.
But they had never raised a child before. Perhaps this was simply how they were. Perhaps this was within the expected variety of humanity.
Most importantly, Jazz was theirs. Completely.
Maddie was not terribly concerned when her period missed a few days, or even when it was late by a week. But when it started pushing two…
She bought a test.
It came back positive.
Danny’s birth was different from Jazz’s in almost every particular. Instead of being infused with a sense of joy, proceedings were overshadowed by dread. Jazz had been born in a hospital. Danny would be born at home, behind every ward and protection Jack and Maddie could conceive of. The midwife they hired was more than used to odd belief systems and threw a few of her own traditions in as well.
It couldn’t hurt.
It didn’t help.
After the birth, Maddie held Danny in her arms. He’d been born in a caul, which had been slightly alarming, even though Maddie had known that it was a thing that happened regularly, and that, by most accounts, it was lucky.
He was such a tiny little thing. Smaller than Jazz. Which made sense, he was a little premature.
“I won’t let anything happen to you,” she promised him, whispering into the silky, wispy curls on top of his head.
Someone knocked on the door. Maddie jerked her head up, even though the front door wasn’t at all visible from the basement. Jack flinched hard enough to drop the towels he was holding. The midwife froze.
“Hospitality,” croaked Maddie. Those rules were always humanity’s first defense against the uncanny. Don’t want something in your house? In your life? Don’t invite it in.
Although, she had arguably already invited in the fae they were worried about. Hence all the other contingencies.
The knock came again. And again, louder.
Jack let out a sigh of relief. “It can’t get in,” he murmured. Then he smiled, broad and bright. “We just have to wait it out.”
Maddie nodded, tears in her eyes. The knocking continued. This was far from ideal, obviously, but she’d been half expecting the fae to simply rip through the wards like tissue paper.
Perhaps the theory that more powerful fae were more bound by custom, more vulnerable to their weaknesses, held water? She and Jack had always dismissed it as fanciful, but they’d never been able to gather evidence before.
Then, a sound that made her heart stop.
“I’ll get it!” called Jazz, childish voice muffled by distance and the obstacle of the floors above. She’d been told not to answer the door when Danny was being born, to wait patiently in her room, but for all her unusual maturity, she was only three.
Faster than she’d ever seen him move, Jack bolted for the stairs, pushing aside several pieces of furniture and medical equipment in his haste. He took the stairs four at a time and nearly taking the door off the hinges.
He wasn’t fast enough.
“Who are you, mister?”
“Me?” said a voice Maddie had prayed against ever hearing again. “I am your uncle, my dear. Did your parents not tell you about me?”
Jazz tipped her head to one side and stared up at the man, making her eyes extra big. She knew it made a lot of people uncomfortable when she looked at them like that, so she treated it as a kind of test.
The man smiled, kind and patient. He was kind of funny looking, but in a good way.
“No,” she said finally. “Are you Mommy’s brother or Daddy’s brother?”
“Ah, you already know about uncles, then. I was worried I’d have to explain. May I come in? I would like to greet your little brother, as your parents promised I could. I have gifts for both of you.”
Jazz liked gifts. “Okay,” she said. “But I dunno if Danny’s been born yet. Mommy said it can take a while. And I dunno if he can have gifts, yet. He’s gonna be really little. That’s what all my books say, and also the internet.”
“Jazz! Don’t!”
Jazz turned to see her Daddy skid around the corner, just as her uncle stepped across the threshold.
“Not quite on time, I fear,” said uncle. “Young Jazz has already let me in.” He patted Jazz on the head. She ducked away and stuck her tongue out, like she always did when Daddy did that. “Having greeted my niece, I would like to see my nephew.”
The fae did walk past the rest of the wards as if they weren’t even there. It didn’t even break them, just ignored them. Some of them he even commented on, as if approving.
He gazed down at Danny with his otherworldly eyes. The midwife had retreated to the corner of the room, refusing to look at what was happening. Jack had attempted to attack the fae with his bare hands, only to be pushed away with something approaching gentleness by an invisible wall. Maddie didn’t know where Jazz was. Upstairs, somewhere, hopefully.
“So beautiful,” the fae said, brushing Danny’s forehead with his off-color fingers. Faster than Maddie could react, he had a pair of scissors in his hand and was cutting off a lock of hair. “A lovely child.” The lock of Danny’s hair disappeared into the fae’s coat.
If Maddie didn’t know better, she’d call the expression on the fae’s face love. But she did know better. Love was as incomprehensible to the fae as fae laws were to humans, so she’d call it by its true name: avarice.
She tightened her grip on Danny, as if she could keep the fae from plucking him from her arms.
“Not now,” said the fae, after another moment. “Soon, I should think.” It ran a hand over Danny’s head. “Soon.” The fae looked up, meeting Maddie’s eyes. “I will return,” he said, “in one year.”
“For what?” demanded Maddie, unwilling to get her hopes up.
The fae blinked slowly. “For his birthday.” He tilted his head. “To determine whether or not he is ready. Perhaps, also, to visit my niece.”
“You stay away from Jazz!” snarled Maddie. “You have no claim on her.”
The fae merely shrugged, then smiled, slyly. “She does, however, have a claim on me. I promised her gifts, before your husband whisked her away.”
“Gifts,” repeated Maddie, hoarsely.
“For the sister of my child, yes,” said the fae, voice and face as calm and even as ever. “Would you ask me to forswear myself?”
“Then,” said Maddie, “you can leave them here, with us.”
“You will give them to her?”
“Yes,” said Maddie, through her teeth. She did not say how long she would let Jazz be in the presence of these ‘gifts.’
“Very well, then,” said the fae, pulling a number of boxes out from beneath his coat. “One year. Be prepared.”
And, with that, the fae faded from view, as if he had been an illusion all along.
Danny was still with them. Their son was still with them. Still theirs.
“One year,” she said, breathless. “Only one year.”
“One whole year,” corrected Jack, rushing to her side. “You’ll see, Maddie. Next time, that fae won’t know what hit him!”
“One whole year,” echoed Maddie, weakly.
“One year to prepare,” said Jack. “Look what we did with half that time! We’re Fentons! We can do it!”
“We can do it,” breathed Maddie. “One year. We’ll be ready.”
Jack nodded, firmly. “We’ll be ready.”
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alienheartattack · 3 years
A Nameless Love
@dewipersikkk You want Ackerbabies? You got Ackerbables. I also threw in some light canonverse cottagecore. Enjoy!
"She's a week old. We have to pick a name sometime." Mikasa shoots a heavy-lidded, weary gaze at her husband as she rocks back and forth in her usual chair on their porch, their baby suckling noisily at her breast. Levi sits next to her in his own rocking chair though he sits still, watching the baby's lips work around his wife's nipple, a thin stream of milk running out of the side of her mouth and down her face. He retrieves a handkerchief from his pocket and reaches over to dab the milk away, watching intently as she completely ignores him in favor of Mikasa's breast.
Fatherhood is a bizarre thing to him: the baby is a strange little creature that seems only to sleep and scream and eat and shit, and he has been enraptured by her since the moment he laid eyes on her, bluish and bloody and shrieking. Despite his mind and body screaming for him to run away, he has cleaned up all kinds of nightmarish bodily emissions, happily so, marveling at the myriad of new sights and sounds and smells even when they make him want to retch. How is he supposed to put a name, a collection of mere letters, to the infinite, life-altering depth and power of his love for this tiny thing?
"We don't have to pick a name just yet. We can just call her 'the baby' until she's not a baby anymore. That gives us, what, a year? Year and a half?" Levi raises his eyebrows a little, a slight motion that could signify a joke or a serious proposition. Having known him for so long, Mikasa understands that his actual intention is a mixture of both.
"I'm not going to entertain that for even a second," she says, looking off into the distance, over the grassy knolls previously obscured from view by the wall. A gentle breeze stirs the tall grass, making it dance in the first golden rays of the sunset.
"We should just go with the original plan and name her after both of our mothers," he grumbles.
She looks over at him, her dark eyes hard and sharp as the swords they have not touched in years. "Shiori Kuchel, then?"
He glares at her. "Kuchel Shiori."
She shakes her head, then takes the baby away from her breast, cradling her in one arm while she fiddles with the neckline of her dress so she can feed the baby on the other side. Mikasa grunts as the baby latches on, clamping down hard with her little gums.
"You okay?" Levi asks.
"Yeah," she grits out. "Still getting used to this."
He makes a low "Mm" sound, ending that line of conversation. They frequently talk like this, letting the conversation peter out and enjoying long stretches of silence before resuming. The baby is almost finished feeding when he speaks again.
"We could flip a coin, see which name goes first."
"I am not using a coin flip to pick our daughter's name," she retorts.
Levi purses his lips, but they still perk up a little at the ends. "I guess I respect that."
The baby's mouth moves more slowly and her breaths grow soft. Mikasa smiles at the sight, her little girl's eyes closing even as she drinks, and runs her fingertips through the baby's soft black hair. The pressure on her nipple decreases, and soon the baby is breathing deep, her mouth still working lightly, but not drawing forth any more milk.
"She's asleep," she whispers.
"Can I hold her?" he whispers back.
"Yeah, of course."
Levi gets out of his chair and retrieves the baby, sliding his hand beneath her head to support her neck, cradling her against his chest. She instinctively snuggles against him, molding herself to his warmth, and for what feels the millionth time that week, overwhelmed tears blur his vision.
My girl, he thinks. My perfect girl.
He sits there rocking the baby, too busy watching her small face, trying to discern his own features in hers, to notice the sun setting in vivid watercolor hues. Mikasa notices, but only as a backdrop to the much more beautiful view of this scarred and hardened man glowing with rapturous joy as he beholds his sleeping daughter.
"Is there anyone else you'd want to name her after?" he asks, looking over at his wife. He has so many names in mind, so many loves lost, that he is reluctant to start naming them. He feels comfortable with the ghosts of his past but prefers them as a fuzzy background to his current life: the simple pleasures of working the land and providing for his family, of loving and being loved.
"We've lost so many friends. But..." She leaves her thought incomplete, choosing instead to focus on the last rays of crimson on the horizon.
"I know you have someone in mind," he says, feeling pleased by how calm and tender he sounds compared to his former military bark. "Just say it."
Mikasa sighs, a rush of breath leaving her body. "Sasha."
Levi finds himself nodding, not necessarily to agree but in the hope that if he remains in motion, he won't lose himself in the sickening memory of that day in the flying boat, the smell of blood and gunpowder, the cries of his comrades. Mikasa's cries.
"She does like to eat," he says, looking down at the baby again, her little mouth sucking at an imaginary nipple even in her sleep.
Mikasa smiles despite the ache in her chest, a wound to which she has become sadly accustomed, though it hurts less often and less deeply these days. "Sasha Kuchel?" she asks.
"Sasha Kuchel," he repeats, testing how the name feels in his mouth. "I like it."
"That was a lot less painful than I thought it'd be," Mikasa admits, letting out another heavy breath, this one relieved.
Levi laughs. "I'm too sleep deprived to make a dirty joke out of that, but just know I'd make one if I had full use of my brain." She joins in, her giggle quiet and musical, and for a moment he feels so in love — with his wife, with his newborn daughter, with the cerulean twilight, with this simple life he's fought tooth and nail to have — that he thinks he might burst with it.
At that moment Sasha stirs in her sleep, stretching out her tiny arms before curling them up against her chest. Levi rocks her in his arms until she starts snoring, then leans down and brushes his lips against the baby's forehead.
"Daddy loves you, Sasha," he coos. "Daddy loves you so much."
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amelialincoln · 4 years
“Hey.” Link was breathless as he brought the final bits of outdoor furniture into the kitchen. It was supposed to rain tomorrow and Seattle had become covered in a thick layer of fog that seemed to cling to him as he closed the door to the backyard.
“Everyone headed out?” Amelia asked, scraping the last of the kid’s leftovers into the compost. Link nodded, placing a lingering, cold kiss on her forehead that made her shiver.
“Seemed kinda awkward between Jackson and Winston.”
“Well, it’s not Maggie’s fault that Jackson’s dated every person in a fifty mile radius,” she responded bitterly.
“This is true,” Link nodded.
“What’s going to make things worse is that she’s going to have to explain that all of us are mourning her other ex’s death,” she added grimly.
“No,” Link’s voice was soft. “I thought he pulled through.” 
“Richard just called me to see if I wanted to join a meeting on zoom tonight, everything fell apart and Teddy and Owen couldn’t save him.” Tears were starting to fill her eyes. Deluca hadn’t spent much time on her service recently but he and Sam were pivotal when she was working on Kimmie’s tumor. When it came to her own tumor, she was surprised how much Deluca had shown his support.
“So, he’s just gone?” Unlike Amelia, Link hadn’t experienced a whole lot of death.
“Yeah.” He pulled her into his chest and rocked gently. It almost hurt how nice it was to see the few people that had come over today. Despite the house they were living in being chaos, the couple had never felt more isolated and alone. “I had to tell Zola that Mer might possibly not wake up.” Amelia whimpered. “She was so strong. She doesn’t want to worry Bailey and Ellis so she told Maggie and I not to tell them. If anything happens to Mer, Derek made Kathleen their godmother, I can’t watch these kids get shipped off to New York, they’ve had it hard enough.” 
“I know, babe,” Link sighed, pulling her in closer.
“I have to go feed Scout, my boobs are gonna explode,” Amelia finally shed herself of Link’s arms after a couple of blissful moments. “Can you read to Zola and Bailey? I can handle Ellis because she’ll get like five stories out of you if I let you go in there.” Link chuckled.
“You’re probably right.”
“Auntie Amelia.” Amelia was relieved to be greeted with a sleepy voice as she stepped into the pink monstrosity that was Ellis’ room.
“Hi Elle belle.” She smiled in response to the little girl’s arms reaching towards her. “Come on sweetheart, let's pick some pjs.”
“Can you make it a surprise?” Ellis asked in a way that made Amelia’s ovaries explode and she found herself wondering what Link would think about trying for a girl. Hormones, Amelia, focus. “What about these?” She suggested, holding up a pair of pastel blue Moana pajamas. Ellie nodded happily, squealing as Amelia tugged them over her pudgy arms.
“Can we read the cookie mouse story?”
“Of course,” Amelia grinned. “It’s not like we haven’t read it every day this week.” She lowered herself gently down onto Ellis’ bed. Recovery hadn’t been the easiest when chasing three children around the house and caring for a newborn. Link had pulled out Amelia’s stitches the night before, using his phone’s flashlight, since neither of them wanted to go to the hospital and then go through the trouble of getting tested. She had tried to hide the pain for Link’s sake, tired of him expecting her to be constantly resting, but she hadn’t expected the pain. Link was an incredible ortho surgeon but when it came to the little details, he was sometimes a bit careless.
Amelia closed the door to Ellis’ bedroom as quietly as possible, trying not to chuckle at the little figure sprawled out across her twin bed. For such a small girl Ellis was notoriously known as the most impossible person to sleep with, taking up spaces three times her size. She walked past Zola and Bailey’s room, hearing Link’s animated voice through fits of giggles. He definitely outdid her in the storytelling department, and really in every department, which she tried to not think too much about. Scout was babbling as Amelia entered the familiar room.
“You hungry, big guy?” To Amelia’s relief, Scout had progressed past his grumpy and problematic eating phase. She hugged him into her chest, breathing in his sweet and comforting soft lavender smell from the bubble bath they’d used this afternoon. “My beautiful boy.” She was still in disbelief, even staring down at him in her arms, that he truly existed. As he’d gotten bigger, he’d started to become a perfect combination of his parents. With Link’s strong features, like his nose, and what Amelia could tell would be his jaw, along with her dimple and piercing blue eyes.
“Hey mommy,” Link’s amused voice came from the doorway. “You feeling better?” Amelia wasn’t sure whether he was referring to the soreness in her lower half or the news about Deluca.
“He makes everything better,” she sighed, fumbling with one of the buttons on Scout’s onesie.
“You going to go to that meeting?” Link asked, she could tell he knew something was bothering her. “I already missed it.” She shrugged, glancing at their bedside alarm clock. “I’ll probably just feed him and then pass out.”
“Do you want me to grab the baby wrap, you were lifting lots today already with the furniture.”
“Sure,” she nodded, not feeling like having a conversation about how perfectly fine her arms were. Link nodded, placing a soft hand on her back before rummaging through their closet for the wrap. She was happy to find that Scout latched on easily and without protest, feeling a little guilty about the lack of attention that he’d received today. She knew that people were suffering way more during this time and she couldn’t help but feel guilty for wishing that she, Scout and Link could be spending quality time in their apartment for their maternity leave like planned.
“Lift your arm a bit.” Link ran a soft hand along the side of her forearm as he tied the piece of fabric around her shoulder and managed to wiggle Scout into it, without removing him from her chest.
“Thank you,” she smiled tiredly.
“No problem,” he yawned, practically collapsing into bed beside her. “Fuck, Amelia I’m exhasuted.”
“Me too.” She ran a gentle hand through his hair, tugging out some of the frequent knots that had begun to form since his hair had begun to grow out.
“Is your incision site healing okay,” he groaned into the pillow, melting a bit as she massaged the root of his neck.
“I haven’t checked,” she admitted with a yawn.
“Want me to grab some polysporin?”
“It’s okay, babe, it feels fine.” She sighed slightly, playing with the idea of bringing up a topic that has been bugging her but not wanting to cause an argument that neither of them were up for. “You started drinking pretty early today.”
“Amelia,” Link groaned tiredly. “It’s not a big deal.”
“It was just unnecessary, no one wanted...I’m just worried.” She shifted Scout to the other side uncomfortably.
“It’s not my fault you see addiction everywhere. I had like two beers.” Silence hung thickly in the air and after a couple of minutes Link turned to face her. “I’m sorry. I know it makes you uncomfortable.” 
“You don’t really seem to care,” she answered honestly.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He replied defensively, tiredness had seemed to leave his body momentarily. “I don’t--”
“The fridge is stocked, Link. It’s like a reminder every time I go to make food. There’s a cooler in the garage for a reason.”
“How am I supposed to know,” he sputtered. “Meredith downs tequila in front of you like this is a frat house. You hang out with our friends when they drink all the time.” 
“It’s different when you're surrounded by people. When I’m alone and just staring at a fridge filled with booze it’s hard to not want to take one.”
“Amelia, you haven’t relapsed in years, why would you even--”
“Because I’m an addict, Link!” The increase in volume of her voice caused Scout to shriek in protest. “Don’t you understand that? It doesn’t get easier. It’s a fight every fucking day. And when my boyfriend starts drinking every day at three o’clock in the afternoon, it makes that fight ten times harder.”
“Well, I’m sorry you feel that way,” he grumbled. 
“Are you serious right now?”
“About what,” he shot back.
“Well, I’m sorry you feel that way. I thought you’d be considerate enough to validate my feelings instead of acting like I’m being dramatic but instead you’re being a child.”
“Mia,” Link groaned, slamming his head back into the pillow, looking as childish as ever. “You’re--”
“What? Overreacting? The fact that you don’t see this as an issue is concerning.” Scout’s shrieking turned into a full on meltdown as their “perfect” son burst into tears. “Oh, baby, no. It’s okay.” Amelia sighed, finding tears of frustration begin to build at the sides of her own eyes and let out a tiny whimper as she held back any sobs that attempted to be heard. Of course Link noticed, as always, and rolled over to witness the upset state that both his girlfriend and baby were in.
“I am sorry,”
“Show me then,” Amelia hissed through a clenched jaw, wiping away some stubborn fallen tears. “Cause right now I don’t believe you.”
“I’ll put the packs in the cooler tomorrow,” he promised, with a hint of resentment. Amelia shrugged, finally giving up on feeding Scout and bringing him tightly into her chest.
“Hey, it’s okay, mommy and daddy fight sometimes, but everything’s going to be okay. Don’t cry Scout. We love you so much,” she murmured into the crown of his head, causing Link to melt a little inside.
“Are we going to be okay?” Link asked, receiving a teary glance from his girlfriend. 
“Not if you can’t get this sorted because I cannot be his mother and also be passed out in a ditch somewhere on opioids.” Link nodded, moving to tug her shirt back into place and took Scout into his own hands, marvelling slightly at the little miracle they had created. “I don’t want to screw him up.” 
“You won’t,” he promised her, pressing a kiss to her forehead before grazing her slightly chapped lips. “You’ve been a mother for a month and have already proved that. That’s the last thing we need to worry about right now.” He patted his chest. “Now come to sleep because if we stay up any longer I feel like I might end up on the couch,” he chuckled. 
“Don’t give me any ideas,” she replied with a yawn. 
“I love you,” he sighed.
“I love you too.” 
what did u guys think of 17x07? i did find the beers at like 12 a bit weird and with the upcoming episode’s synopsis “Jo, Jackson and Link play a drinking game” I wonder if Amelia and him will have a conversation about her addiction bc I feel like they haven't really talked about it. lmk what u think!
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mychemicalimagines · 4 years
You’re My Forever-Jasper Hale-Chapter 9
Summary: After the Battle of the Newborns, Bella reveals she’s getting married to Edward. After the wedding, Alexia’s life has been nothing but up. She gets to be with the love of her life forever. One little thing chances that. Will she actually get her forever…or will it end before it begins?
Warnings: Cussing, Angst, Supernatural, Paranormal, Love, Bella-Bashing, Smut, Blood
Words: 3556
Tag List:  @jayrart @elskinner45 @nocturnalherb16 @buckysforeverprincess @diyunho @negans-womam @deepobservationcherryblossom @fangirl1029 @thelostallycat @dreamslove92 @scarletmeii @thecaptainsgingersnap @jai-lynne-unknown @0-r-1-0-n @stephbass28 @magnificentzombiebasement @arseofrivia @vampiregirl1797 @millie-753 @fandom-imagines1 @aylamlc @celyndavies @geekysimmerthings @krazykatkay456 @marvelofwitch @frozenhuntress67 @sooophie19 @xcharlottemikaelsonx @azure23x @luna-thedarkwolf @treestarrrrrrrr @hi-my-name-is-riley @salsameter @jasperschillvibe @mikariell95 @whattheheckisevengoingon @starcatcher-kay @awesomebooklover17 @strangerthanfanfiction713 @nj01 @vxidnik @oi-itsemily @i-love-you-green @bubblyanis @emma-is-a-nerd @amethyst-atf @thegirlwhowishedeveryonelived @whyisgmora @kawaiikpoplover268 @booksalwaysandforever @fandomsstolemylife00 @rororo06 @jgtfvhsg @unadulteredscreams @justfangirliing @bitchy-witchy-post-mortem @kyky9103 @it-is-rebel-owl-ma-dudes @hiisay @aknerdchick @sana-li​
A/N: i have some news! Chapter 10 is probably gonna be the ending to this series! Oh my god, I never thought it would get this far! I love you guys!! (no it’s not a puppy XD!!!!) Comment some things you wanna see in the last chapter!!
Ask box is always open to ask Jasper and Ally some things about their relationship that you have ALWAYS wondered! 
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That night, I’m laying on Charlotte’s bed, reading her a bedtime story. Well it’s not really a bedtime story, but rather it’s a book that’s filled with poems. Edward bought her the book so that she can get into poetry. It’ll give them something in common. He bought it before she got into piano but Charlotte loves it when we read this book to her anyway. This specific poem is called The Lotos-eaters  which is by Alfred-Lord Tennyson.
“There is sweet music that softer falls, than petals from blown roses on the grass.” I read aloud. “Or night-dews on still waters between walls, of shadowy granite, in a gleaming pass. Music that brings sweet sleep down from the blissful skies.”
I glance down at Charlotte who’s laying in my arms. Her eyes are closed and I smile. I gently move her and put the book on the side table after marking the spot we managed to get to tonight.
“Mommy?” Her sweet, precious and oh-so-innocent voice whispers.
“Yes, baby?” I look back down at her.
“Did Aunt Alice and Uncle Kevin run away because we’re gonna die?” She opens her eyes. “Because of me?”
“No, sweetie. I think they left to keep us safer.” I admit. “That’s what all these other people are here for too. I’ll never let anybody hurt you.” 
I kiss her head and cover her up more. She snuggles to her stuffed bunny that Emmett bought for her.
“Go to sleep baby.” I whisper before standing up.
I turn off her lights before walking into the living room. I sigh and pick up the note that Alice left with Sam. Why would they just leave? I sit down on the couch while reading the note over and over. I glance up after a few minutes when I hear quiet footsteps. 
“It’s strange. Physically, I feel like I could demolish a tank...Mentally? I just feel drained.” I look away from Jasper as he sits down next to me.
“How about a bath?” He asks, leaning over to me. 
He starts kissing on my shoulder making me bite my lip softly. He reaches over and unbuttons my shirt...technically his shirt because I stole it from his part of the closet. I giggle slightly.
“I do remember how to undress myself, you know?” I smirk at him.
“Yeah, I just do it so much better.” He kisses my shoulder again. “For you, it’s just another mundane task. For me? It’s fun!”
I giggle slightly before looking back at Alice’s note and sigh. 
“Ally, I’ve had a bad habit of underestimating you.” Jasper admits, looking at the note, keeping his chin on my shoulder. “Every obstacle you’ve faced, I’d think you couldn’t overcome it...and you did. You’re the reason I have something to fight for...My family.”
I look up at him and smile before kissing his lips, softly and yet still passionate enough to express all my love for him that I could never express in words alone. He smiles into the kiss before slowly leaning back, breaking the brief skin to skin contact.
“I’m gonna get the water running.” He stands up and kisses my forehead.
He walks into another part of the house and I stare down at the note. I flip it over to read the name of the book she ripped it from for the fifth time. Raising an eyebrow, I glance over to the bookcase that Jasper made sure to put in the house. The book is in the middle of the second row. I quickly stand up and speed over to it. Taking the book into my hands before taking a deep unneeded breath.
I open it before flipping, page by page until I see a familiar handwriting. Right before the first chapter, there’s another note from Alice. 
‘J. Jenks, Seattle - destroy this.’
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I raise an eyebrow once again. Alice made sure only I would get the message. She must have had a vision that I was a shield just like Bella and that my mind would be safe from Aro. I glance up when I hear Jasper’s footsteps again and I quickly throw the book into the fireplace. 
The fire welcomes the book and starts burning it quickly. 
The next day, I call and make an appointment with this J. Jenks. I decide to take Charlotte to my dad’s house to decorate the Christmas tree since Christmas is just around the corner. Seth wants to come with since his mom would be there as well as his imprint.
“You said your dad knows about you?” Seth asks, glancing at me from the passenger seat.
I nod. “Yep. He just doesn’t know about you guys. All he does know is that you and your mom know about me and the Cullens. I also don’t want him to come around the house with the 27 vampires. All of them around one human? That wouldn’t be so great. I don’t think that any of them have as good self control as I do.”
He chuckles before nodding. “I’m glad to get away from them. Their eyes kinda scare me. And their smell makes my wolf super mad.” 
I glance over at him with a raised eyebrow.
“I know they’re the good guys but my wolf wants to attack. You’re different. You’re the mother of my imprint. My wolf likes you.” He chuckles again.
I nod in understanding before parking in front of my dad’s house. My dad and Sue walk out of the house just as Charlotte unbuckles her seat and jumps out. 
“There she is!”
I get out at the same time as Seth. My dad catches Charlotte in his arms and swings her around for a second.
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“Wow! Look at you! You’ve grown half a foot!” Dad says, wrapping an arm around her. “Seriously! Like six inches!”
She laughs and hugs him. 
“Come on inside. Lunch is on the table.” Sue smiles and waves us toward the door.
“We got a tree to decorate, huh?” Dad smiles widely at Charlotte who nods fast.
“I’ve actually got a few errands to run. I’ll be back soon, okay?” I call out.
My dad looks at me and nods. “Is it a...Family thing?”
I get what he means. Is it a Vampire thing?
“Yep. Don’t worry. I’ll be back in time for the star on the top.” I smile widely.
“You see, Charlie, mommy over there ALWAYS puts the star on top.” Dad tells Charlotte.
“Really?” She giggles. 
“Yep! It’s been her job since she was your age!” Dad kisses her head before waving at me. “Maybe even younger!”
I giggle and wave.
“Love you, guys!” I call out before getting into my car.
I hear them yell it back before I pull away from the house. I drive all the way to Seattle with one thing on my mind. ‘Alice’s note gave me a sense of hope. Maybe she had a plan for us after all and maybe J. Jenks was the key.’  I pull into the restaurant that we agreed to meet at this morning and I park my car. I walk inside at a human speed before being directed to his table.
I see an African American man sitting down with a briefcase in his lap. I stop by the table causing him to look up.
“Miss Swan.” He stands up and puts his hand out.
“Hi.” I smile and shake his hand.
“I am so happy you called.” He admits before we both sit down. “I always meet my private clients here, it’s more….comfortable than the office.”
“And it’s more public.” I nod.
He smiles before nodding. “Yes.”
“So what type of work do you do, J?” I ask, putting my hands in my lap.
“You know, this and that. It’s always different which keeps it interesting.” He reveals.
“Have you known Alice and Kevin long?” I ask.
“I’ve been working with them for more than 20 years. And my late partner knew Kevin 15 years before that. He’s...uh...unusually well preserved.” He whispers.
“Yes, he is.” I nod.
“I trust that Mr. Kevin is enjoying his vacation?” J raises an eyebrow.
“He didn’t tell you where he was going, did he?”
“No, no, no. He just mentioned that he was leaving when he came by to place his order.” J moves his briefcase.
“I assume his order is ready?” I bite my lip.
“Of course. I’ve never been late with a delivery.”
He opens his briefcase and hands me an envelope. I open it up to find forged passports and documentation for Charlotte and Seth. I bite my lip. Only they will be getting away if something happens. Jasper and I might lose our lives in this battle, but at least our child will be safe. That’s what matters to him and I at this point.
“Is there a problem?” J speaks up.
“No, my fiance and I thought we’d all be traveling together.” I lie easily.
“Kevin said only two were traveling. His instructions were very clear.” J says.
“It’s my mistake. Apparently that’s not going to happen.” I sigh.
J and I quickly end our meeting and I drive back to my dad's house. Alice’s vision was clear. Charlotte would have a future but...Jasper and I wouldn’t be a part of it. That night, I watch as Jasper quickly picks up Charlotte who squeals in delight before hugging him close. I smile and bite my lip, trying to get all the memories in now. If something happens...I want to know that we’ve done everything we could for her.
I walk into her room and quickly pack a bag. Packing in some clothes she’d need and money that I'd stashed away for a while, I make sure to get whatever I think might make her happy for her new life...one without her parents in it, if it comes to it. I grab one of her notebooks and write her a note.
‘My beautiful and wonderful Charlotte, I thought we would have forever together. But Forever isn’t as long as I’d hoped. I know now why Alice left me clues...It’s to keep you safe. Everything you and Seth will need is in this bag. Seth will protect you and he’ll help you learn about the Quileute Legends. Know that your father and I love you more than anything in this world. You are the best thing to ever happen to me. Hopefully one day you will be able to have your own children and know exactly what I feel everytime I look at you. 
Love Always and Forever,
Mommy <3’
I jump when I hear a small knock on the door. Alistair is smirking down at me. 
“It’s a romantic notion, isn’t it? That a righteous few can defy a great evil. But I must admit you...uh..even had me believing for a moment. Well, good luck.” He says before walking away. “You’re gonna need it. Cheers.”
I jump out of my seat and grab onto his arm. His head snaps toward me.
“Alistair, it’s a precaution. Alice…” I sigh. “Alice thinks that Charlotte and Seth will be able to get away if the fight does start. I want my child safe. You have to understand that.”
“I do…” He starts.
“Please. Don’t leave.” I whisper. “We need you.”
He sighs and nods. “If a fight starts...I’m out just like your family.”
“I understand that.” I nod. “But please...witness with them as well...”
He nods before I gently remove his arm.
“Thank you.” I whisper again. “I owe you. Anything you need.”
“I’ll hold you to that...forever.” He smirks.
I giggle and nod. “Forever.” 
He quickly speeds out of the room. 
Dad has been asking about Bella. I finally had to reveal the truth...like I have done for everything. I told him that Bella was mad that I had gotten pregnant so she left. She wanted Edward to be angry as well but he was excited. He wanted to get to know his niece so Bella left him. 
Dad was upset. Said, ‘How could she do this? It’s not like it’s the end of the world that you got pregnant.’ I told him how she wanted to be a vampire and because I got pregnant it ruined her plans. He just rolled his eyes and shook his head before I put the star on the tree yesterday. But today is Christmas and we’re, of course, spending it with my dad, Sue, and Leah. 
I sit on the arm of the couch watching Charlotte and Seth play a game on the floor. I giggle as Charlotte wins for the 2nd time in a row.
“How are you doing that?” Seth asks, staring at the board.
She giggles. “Uncle Emmett loves this game!”
“Again!” Seth resets the board.
I shake my head and look up when I feel a hand on my back. Jasper smiles down at me.
“Hi, sweetie.” I whisper softly.
He winks before kissing the top of my head.
“The snow is sticking.” I sigh.
“We still have today, baby.” He rubs my back.
I nod just as my dad walks out of the kitchen.
“Alright! Present time! Leah, stop eating. Seth, you start. Get it going.” Dad sits down in his favorite chair.
Seth hands a small package to Charlotte when I stand up.
“Here, dad. We didn’t have time to wrap yours.” I hold out an envelope.
He raises an eyebrow before taking it. He opens it and his eyes widen.
“A five day fishing trip to Fraser River?” He looks at us.
“It's for you and Sue.” I smile widely.
Jasper wraps an arm around my waist. “You leave tomorrow.”
“Wow, that’s really nice. Thank you!” He starts to read the tickets before his head snaps up. “Tomorrow? I can’t...I can’t leave tomorrow.”
“I made arrangements for you at work.” Sue walks in with two cups. 
He nods. “Sneaky and extravagant.”
“And non-refundable, I’m afraid.” Jasper speaks up with a smile. 
“You two trying to get rid of me?” Dad asks, watching us. Jasper and I glance at each other before looking at him again. “‘Cause it’s working.”
Dad laughs and looks back at the tickets. I relax and smile. He doesn’t know about this meeting we’re going to have. He just knows that the Cullens, Jasper, Seth, Leah, Charlotte and I are going on a small vacation so we won’t be home. 
“Fraser River...that means we’ll be chasing cutthroat.” Dad looks up to Sue who sits on the arm of his chair.
“We might even hook a rainbow or some bulls.” She smiles.
“Woman knows her trout.” Dad smiles at me.
I’m happy he found Sue. Someone he’s known his whole life and knows about my… condition and isn’t gonna ask why his granddaughter was looking 6 years old yesterday and now she’s looking like she’s going to be 12 next week. Charlotte stands up and holds up her present from Seth. I kneel down to her level.
“Hey, sweetie. That’s beautiful. Let me see.” I take the bracelet from her hand.
My eyes light up when I realize what it is. It’s a Quileute Promise Bracelet. It’s their version of a promise ring. I glance at Seth with a smile.
“Seth made this for you?” I ask, causing her to nod fast. “Wanna put it on?”
I put it on her wrist before kissing her head. She giggles.
“It’s so pretty.” She looks up at me.
“It is pretty. Just like you.” I poke her nose which makes her giggle. “Don’t forget to thank Seth.”
She turns to him and hugs him around his neck. I look up at Jasper who is smiling down at me. Best Christmas ever. 
I finish putting up Charlotte’s tent. We only left my dad’s house a few hours ago and now we’re having a small bonfire before we have the…meeting tomorrow. I make sure she’s covered up before I read her a little more of her poem book. Right before she falls asleep, I give her a locket that Jasper got me for our first Christmas together a long time ago. 
She opens it to reveal the photo of Jasper and I from our first date. The one where we’re dating and I’m laughing at him making fun of the instructor. Next to it the words ‘Plus Que Ma Propre Vie’ are engraved.
I kiss her head before whispering. “This means ‘more than my own life’, and that’s how much your father and I love you. Tomorrow I’m going to need you to stay with Seth, no matter what. Even if I tell him that…” I sigh. “That he has to take you somewhere.”
Charlotte looks up at me with a few tears running down her cheeks. 
“I love you, mommy.” 
“I love you, sweetie. Never ever forget that, okay?” I kiss her head again.
She nods against me. It doesn’t take long for her to fall asleep. I quietly slip out from under her when Seth crawls in. I pat his back and crawl out before standing beside Paul who’s hanging out at our bonfire tonight. He smiles and looks back at his small pile of wood. Benjamin walks over with a smile. He holds up one finger and fire appears. 
I shake my head with a giggle. He holds up three more fingers, fire at all the tips. He then throws the fire at the logs creating our bonfire.
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“That’s what I’m talking about. A little pre-battle bonfire, telling war stories.” Paul cheers a little before grabbing my arm, gently.
He pulls me down to the log where he’s now sitting causing me to sit on the edge. I bump my hips into his and he scoots over. Benjamin sits down next to him with a smile. Paul looks up at the rest of our witnesses with a raised eyebrow.
“What are you doing, standing there like a fucking statue?” He scuffs.
I playfully, and gently, smack his leg before pointing toward Charlotte’s tent.
“She’s asleep.” He rolls his eyes before smiling at me.
Garrett speeds over and sits down on a log next to ours. 
“Name any American Battle, I was there.” He smirks.
“Little Big Horn.” Paul immediately says.
“I came this close…” He holds up two fingers. “...to biting Custer but the Indians caught him first.”
Kate speeds over and sits to Garrett.
“Try Oleg’s assault on Constantinople, he didn’t win that one on his own.” She smirks at him.
“If you’re talking about battles, you’re talking about the Eleven Years War. No one does rebellion like the Irish.” Liam speaks up from where his family’s sitting.
“You lost the Eleven Years War.” Garrett points out.
“Aye.” Liam nods. “But it was one hell of a rebellion.”
Everyone laughs and agrees with him. I try to listen to the rest of the battles and war stories but my ears pick up Jasper, Edward and Carlisle’s conversation.
“I can’t help thinking, all these people are putting themselves in danger because we fell in love with humans.” Edward mumbles.
“You guys found your mates. You deserve to be happy.” Carlisle pats his shoulder.
“But at what cost?” Jasper glances at his adoptive, vampire father.
“Everyone here has something to fight for. I certainly do. I have a granddaughter that I never thought I would have. I have a wife...my children. I would fight every day for them if I had too.” Carlisle reveals. 
I feel eyes on the back of my head before someone else speaks.
“I never thanked you for bringing Alice, Kevin and I in. If you never did, I wouldn’t have the life I do now.” Jasper whispers but not low enough.
“Don’t thank me.” Carlisle chuckles. “Thank that wonderful woman you’ve got.”
A few seconds later I feel Jasper speed over to me. I look up just as he kneels and wraps his arms around my neck from behind.
“I love you.” He whispers in my ear.
I put my hands on his forearms and smile widely. “I love you, Mr. Whitlock-Hale.”
He kisses the back of my head before letting me go. I watch him bump into Paul’s back. Paul looks up, briefly, before asking Benjamin to scoot down. He does and Paul scoots down, following him. I scoot down the log as well. Jasper takes his place next to me, gently taking my hand, and weaving our fingers together as looks at everyone. Paul smirks and leans down. 
“Finally found some people older than you, Mr. Steak Sauce.” 
Jasper laughs and nods. “You’re right about that, kid.”
“I’m not a kid!” Paul playfully glares at him.
“Besides Charlotte and Seth, you are literally the youngest!” Jasper laughs.
“Least I’m not hard as a rock.” Paul crosses his arms. 
I snort softly, hiding my face against Jasper’s neck, whispering. “I like it when you’re hard as a rock.”
“At least I’m not hairy.” Jasper retorts, gently squeezing my hand, before whispering, low enough for just me to hear. “I know you do, baby.”
Everyone laughs and Paul grumbles to himself. Garrett smirks before bringing up another battle he was in...but Kate reveals he needed help there as well.
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gingwrites · 3 years
Untitled Vampire AU (ot7) - Part 3
Series Masterlist | BTS Masterlist
Summary: Min Yoongi gets turned into a vampire and abandoned by his sire, but is adopted by the Kim coven.
I decided to turn my one shot about maknae yoongi teething as a vampire into a full fic. Title subject to change. I just really have no idea what to name it right now.
Pairing: Established ot6, future ot7
Seokjin blinked and then rubbed his hands over his eyes. The light was gone. It had to have been a trick of the light. There was no way that Yoongi had magic. Had that magic.
Not all vampires had magic, and it was so rare that most vampires didn’t let others know they had magic, as some vampires would do anything to have a magical vampire in their coven, whether that vampire wanted to be there or not.
Quickly dismissing the notion that this newborn had any sort of magic, Seokjin settled back into his chair, content to wait until the baby woke back up.
“What is going on?” Namjoon asked as Jimin and Taehyung pulled him, Hoseok, and Jungkook into the living room. “What is that smell? It smells like…”
“A baby!” Jimin all but yelled. 
“What did you do? And does Seokjin know about this?” Namjoon spun to fully face Jimin, leveling him with a stare that would terrify anybody outside their coven. “Oh god, you’re just a baby. You can’t take care of a baby. That’s a lot of work and-”
Jimin cut off Namjoon’s rambling with, “He’s not mine.”
Namjoon paused.
If he’s not Jimin’s, then it must be…
“He’s not mine either, hyung!” Taehyung scrambled to get out before Namjoon could turn on him, holding his hands up in a defensive position.
“Then whose is he?” Hoseok finally spoke up. “And where is he?”
Jimin made his way over to the couch, the others following behind. He quickly told the story of how he had found the baby and the state he was in (which earned a few growls from the others) and how he had brought him home.
“And now hyung is with him upstairs until he wakes up,” Jimin concluded. “We don’t even know his name yet. I wish I had thought to get that before I brought him home, but we’ve just been calling him baby, which fits him since he’s so cute!”
The others nodded, taking in all the information. After a few moments of silence, Namjoon decided to take over.
“Alright, well since we now have a baby in the house, I guess we need to be prepared,” Namjoon said, clapping his hands together. “Jimin, you said he had burns? Go ahead and get the first aid kit and we’ll apply some aloe once he wakes to help him heal a little faster since you said they were so bad. Taehyung and Jungkook, why don’t you two go ahead and get one of the spare rooms set up for him. Lots of blankets since he’ll probably be sleeping a lot for these first few months, and make sure to put blackout curtains up. I don’t want to see any new burns on the baby.
“Hoseok, why don’t you go ahead and get some blood ready for him once he wakes up,” Namjoon ordered. “And I’ll go ahead and make some calls to get him registered. The Council is not going to be happy to hear that he was abandoned.”
Excited about having a new baby in the house again, everyone rushed off to do their jobs.
It was a few hours later when the baby started to move. In a split second, Jin was back by the side of the bed, wanting to make sure the newborn didn’t freak out once he finally opened his eyes. Jin still wasn’t sure how much the baby remembered about what had happened or even what was happening to him.
A few more seconds and Jin could start to see bright red eyes.
“There you are, baby,” Jin cooed. As much as he hated seeing red eyes on older vampires who could control it, he loved to see them on newborns. “Can you open your eyes all the way for me?”
The baby did as he was told, wide eyes flitting around the room, trying to take in his surroundings and figure out where he was. Even though vampires didn’t need to breathe (it was a hard habit to break in newborns), Jin could tell the baby was on his way to a panic attack.
“Take a deep breath, honey,” Seokjin spoke softly, reaching out to rub his hand up and down the baby’s back. “That’s it. You’re okay. You’re safe now. Everything’s going to be okay. That’s it. Good boy.”
Jin continued whispering praises until the fledgling seemed to calm down.
“What happened? Where am I?”
“First, can you tell me your name?” Jin asked.
“Alright, Yoongi. Thank you for telling me,” Jin praised. “My name is Seokjin, but you can call me Jin. Now, first, you’re in my home. You were found abandoned in an alley by one of my nestmates. We’re not really sure what happened to you before then, but I can tell you that you’re a vampire now, Yoongi.”
Seokjin then paused, waiting for the baby, Yoongi, to freak out at the news. Humans didn’t generally know that vampires existed, so when they found out, they tended to panic just a bit. 
“Oh,” Yoongi finally replied, face stoic.
“Oh?’ That’s all you have to say?” Jin asked incredulously. He was expecting a fight or a panic attack, or at the very least, a firm denial. He’d never seen a fledgling react this way when told that vampires existed and that they themselves were a vampire.
“Yeah, oh,” Yoongi replied.
“You’re not surprised or disgusted or angry?” Jin questioned, still in shock himself over Yoongi’s reaction.
“No. Should I be?” Yoongi asked, but continued once Jin shrugged his shoulders. “I mean, it really explains what happened to me over the last few days. I can’t remember it all, but I know that I woke up in a puddle of my blood, too much for it to be humanly possible for me to be alive now that I think about it, and I got severely burned by the sun, so I guess it really makes sense. Also, my throat is burning, and I know it’s super cliche, but isn’t that what happens to newborn vampires in the movies? I didn’t know vampires were real, but it’s cool for now I guess. Ask me again in a bit and it might have finally sunk in that I died. But, I’d rather be a vampire than dead. What happened to me? Was I attacked?”
“We’re not exactly sure what happened to you. All we know is that you were abandoned by your sire, which is illegal in the vampiric world, and left alone in that alley for a couple days before Jimin found you,” Jin explained. “If we ever were to find out who did sire you, they would be taken to court and most likely put to death. It’s a massive offense, one that we don’t take lightly.” 
Yoongi nodded, taking in Jin’s words. 
“Now, why don’t we take care of that burning throat and get some blood in you. You’ll need a lot of blood over the next week or so to make up for the past couple of days, as well as because you’re a newborn,” Jin suggested. “And, you can meet the rest of the coven. You up for it?”
Jin stood up and held out his hand. Yoongi glanced at it, but decided he already trusted Jin. He didn’t know why, but he did. He placed his hand in Jin’s, pulling himself off the bed. 
“I’m up for it.”
So, what does everyone think? Theories? Thoughts? Ideas? Let me know via ask, on ao3, or on curious cat!!
Also, I have a general idea of where this story is going, but as with all my stories, if you have ideas or suggestions of things you'd like to see, I'd love to hear them! Even if I don't end up using it, it's always great inspiration!
Follow me on twitter (@/yoongimandu) or follow along on ao3 (@/newtmasofficial).
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megan-is-mia · 4 years
hi! can I req vil with no. 2 from smothering list? I just think that his costume fits that one really well! thx before
(You’re very right this prompt matches the vampy boi to a Tee!) 2. “What do you mean it hurts? If it hurts, it’s because you’re struggling!” (Yandere! Vil Schoenheit x Fem! S/o)
The noise of the party was making (Y/n)’s head hurt. She didn't know why she had let her friends convince her to come with them in the first place. Crowded spaces, loud music, and lots of people all made for her worst nightmare. She stumbled around the edge of the room looking for somewhere, anywhere to sit down. Eventually, with a defeated sigh she made do with leaning against the wall and sliding down into a slump against the cool tile.
“Well, what do we have here? Do my eyes deceive me or is there a wilting rose against this wall?” a smooth male voice said, causing (Y/n) to lift her head to see who was speaking. The man before her was like none she’d ever seen before. So beautiful, so poised, everything about him just oozed sophistication. She stared at him dumbly for a long moment before she realized he’d been speaking to her. “Nah, I’m no rose. Wilting or otherwise but I appreciate the compliment” (Y/n) said with a weak laugh at the young man. “So do you use that line on all the girls you find slumped over against the wall at a party or am I just special?” she asked with another weak laugh. Really she just wanted to be left alone but she couldn't force herself to be rude to this pretty stranger no matter how hard she tried. “Please do not get the wrong idea, I am not one for idle flattery. When I give a compliment it is only because it is the truth that must be said” the stranger said suddenly dropping into a crotch before (Y/n) as he smiled toothily at her. If she wasn't suffering from how overwhelming everything at the party was she might have taken notice of how unnaturally pointy the young man’s canine teeth were. “Well sorry to disappoint you, but whatever you’re trying to do I’m not interested. I just want to find my friends and go home so i can sleep this awful party off” (Y/n) said with a shrug. “I’m sure there are plenty of other girls here you could work your magic on that’d be happy for the attention from a hottie like you” she added, the last part slipping out of her lips before she could stop it and getting her a chuckle from the stranger. “Well why don't I help you find your friends then?” the young man said grabbing (Y/n)’s wrists and pulling her to her feet as he also stood up. “No point arguing with me, I can't in good conscience leave such a pretty maiden to fend for herself” he declared firmly before she could open her mouth to protest. “By the way, I didn’t catch your name before” the stranger added as they began walking around the party looking for (Y/n)’s friends. “I didn’t give it to you, besides isn't it polite to give your own name before asking other people their names?” (Y/n) said sharply and received a light squeeze from the young man as he held her arm in his. “(Y/n), my name’s (Y/n). Now it's only fair that you tell me your name as well. I don't want my friends asking me about you later and only having cute blonde guy as my answer to them” she added reluctantly after a few moments of silence.
“(Y/n) what a pretty name for a pretty girl. As you said it is only fair that I give you my name in return” the stranger said coming to a sudden stop and cupping a hand to (Y/n)’s ear. “I am called Vil Schoenheit” he whispered before dropping his hand and resumed guiding the girl around the room as they continued the search for her missing friends. They didn’t have any luck, and eventually (Y/n) let out a sigh. “They must have gone home without me, damn” (Y/n) said with a huff of annoyance. “They were my ride home from this place, now I’ll have to get an uber or something” she went on pulling out her phone from her purse only to find it dead as a doornail. “That's weird, I could have sworn it was at 62% when we left for this party” she added after a moment feeling her stomach twisting anxiously. “I can take you home, fortunately I brought my own transportation to this event” Vil said with a grin. “Don’t try to make excuses, I don't mind helping out a pretty girl like you” he added once again, preventing (Y/n) from getting a chance to protest the decision he made. The girl reluctantly let herself be led outside into the back of a fancy looking car where Vil joined her after speaking to someone upfront for a moment. The car revved soft as it shifted into motion. (Y/n) felt her stomach twisting even tighter than before. The back seat was dark and she had no idea how close Vil was sitting to her until his arms were around her waist and he was pulling her into his lap. She tried to struggle against him, but his arms were like iron bars and she quickly ran out of energy to fight the position she’d been forced into. “You’re very pretty you know, and you smell delicious” Vil said in a low voice, his breath making the hair on the back of (Y/n)’s neck stand up. “So delicious, like a dash of confectioner’s sugar on a cookie” he added his teeth pressing lightly on the nape of the girl’s neck almost puncturing the flesh but not quite yet. Vil wanted to savor the moment, this delicate moment before he feasted on this foolish girl’s blood. Finally, he could wait no longer and dug in, drinking greedily.
(Y/n)’s neck felt like it was on fire, pain coursing through her system like a bolt of lightning as Vil consumed her blood as if he were enjoying a glass of fine wine. She tried to pull his arms off of her waist but if she had been weak before, the lack of blood made her as strong as a newborn baby. “Please, please it hurts! Please stop! It hurts so much” she begged pitifully still trying to get free of the vampire’s hold. “What do you mean it hurts?” Vil said softly, pulling away from her neck for a moment to lick over the puncture wounds he’d made with his fangs. “If it hurts, it’s because you’re struggling. If you’d just hold still like a good girl perhaps it wouldn’t hurt as much” he scolded before digging his fangs into the crook of her neck now. (Y/n) went limp, giving up the fight, and was rewarded with a hand being run gently through her hair. The petting helped take her mind of the biting and bloodsucking. It didn't get rid of the intense pain by any stretch of the imagination, but it was something pleasant she could focus on instead to help distract herself from the horrifying experience. Eventually, Vil was satisfied and pulled away from her neck again but did not stop petting her hair as he began peppering kisses across the uninjured side of her neck. “There, there you did a good job (Y/n). A very good job indeed, if your blood wasn't so divine I might be tempted to let you go as a reward for being so compliant. However, I think I will be keeping you on as my new bloodbag” Vil said softly nuzzling (Y/n)’s collarbone and sighing contentedly. “As my bloodbag you’ll be at my beck and call, if you try to fight me I will be forced to punish you” he added with a dangerous ring to his voice. “In return for performing this service to me, you will be well cared for at my mansion and never want for anything ever again. Do I make myself totally clear?” Vil said curtly as he wound his fingers tightly into (Y/n)’s hair as she weakly nodded her consent to the arrangement. “Good we should be home in a little while, you may sleep until we get there if you so wish” he added softly. (Y/n) let her eyes fall shut, she’d deal with this supernatural mess after she got some sleep…
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ayuuria · 4 years
Inuyasha & Yashahime Translation: Shounen Sunday Super December Edition
Takahashi Rumiko-Sensei’s Question Corner Rumic Question
From the many questions we received from readers via the web, we chose 20 questions for Takahashi Rumiko-sensei to answer!!
Q: The names of the characters in “Inuyasha” are not only original but fit them so well that you can’t think of any other name; peerlessly cool good taste! How did you come up with their names?
Once you name a character, you cannot change it so that’s what I worry about the most. Even if I give them a temporary name for when they make their debut, if it doesn’t stick I will think all the way up to the last minute. While all I can say is “That was the name that fit that character” … a name that is easy to call, draw, and remember. A name that fits the story. For example, in flower language, Kikyou means “Unchanging love” or how Kagome is like a children’s song and cute. I feel like Sesshomaru originally had a different name, but I forgot. On the other hand, I remember the outfit design solidified when I decided on the name.
Q: There are a lot of demons that appear in “Inuyasha” but who was the hardest and easiest to draw?
Magatsuhi was the hardest to draw. He didn’t have a solid form afterall. Also I drew them as I pleased so I don’t remember really struggling.
Q: Is Buyo a male or a female?
When serialization first started, I thought they were a male at first but as I continued to draw, I started to think “This cat might be an old lady”. They might be a female. Well Buyo is Buyo so I think it’s fine if everyone decides for themselves whether Buyo is a male or a female.
Q: I want to know how Sesshomaru and Jaken first met. Was Jaken an old man from the time they first met?
I remember their meeting being drawn in an original episode in the “Inuyasha” anime. I can’t remember which episode number though. According to that, Jaken was a demon leader who lost to Sesshomaru in battle and thus decided to follow him, I think that was the scenario. And I think he was an old man as well.
Q: If Kikyo had lived on, would she and Kagome have been good friends
As long as Inuyasha is around, I think it would be really hard for them to be friends like nothing happened… I imagine they would have this strange tension between them as they accepted the other while feeling uneasy. I don’t think Inuyasha could mentally handle that either.
Q: I like small creatures that appear in the Rumic World like Kilala and Shippou so could you tell us what you focus on when drawing these small creatures?
I make sure that they’re fundamentally cute in appearance. Also because of how small they are, they ride on a main character’s shoulder. Anyhow, I make sure they can share the spotlight.
Q: I think Tessaiga is a good sword that is considerate of the main character such as when it gives Inuyasha a warning so as not to hurt him but Inuyasha treats it so recklessly in comparison. (Though he acts like that fully trusting Tessaiga) If Tessaiga could talk, what do you think it would say to Inuyasha? I have loved “Inuyasha” since I was in elementary school and I’ve viewed the manga and anime but looking back, I feel Tessaiga was gallant in responding to Inuyasha’s recklessness… I was curious about this so I decided to ask.
Tessaiga is a sword forged from his (Inuyasha) father’s fang so while being Inuyasha’s “friend”, I would guess that it might be an existence of higher status. If it could talk, it would probably say “Hurry up and catch up to me”
Q: Thank for the Anime Support Project. “What a time to be alive to be able to send a question to Takahashi Rumiko-sensei” Is what I think (laughs). I’ve loved “Inuyasha” since I was a child and it’s my life’s “bible”. I admired Kagome and lived thinking that I want to be a kind, strong woman like her. Now here is my question: There was a scene where Sesshomaru said “I don’t eat human food” but for a demon that doesn’t attack humans, what does he eat to sustain his life? I mean Inuyasha and Shippou ate with Kagome and the others so do demons and humans eat the same thing? Was Sesshomaru by chance bluffing with that line? Lastly, I look forward to the serialization of “Hanyou no Yashahime” and “MAO”! Thank you for all the wonderful works.
Thank you for your support. Sesshomaru’s meals, I can’t imagine it after all. There’s a possibility he absorbs mists of “essence” or “energy” of the demons he’s defeated. Also fruits are another possibility.
Q: Within “Inuyasha”, is there a story that was most fun for you to draw? Also I would love for sensei to tell us your best (favorite) episode!
I have a lot of favorite episodes so it’s hard to decide. Black haired Inuyasha on the Night of the New Moon was refreshing and fun, and the stories of Inuyasha going to the Modern Era and loosening up as he took a break from fighting had me in many laughing fits. Also drawing the story for the Band of Seven made me excited. And, while fun may not be the right word, I put a lot of effort into Kagura’s death and Kikyou’s last moments with the idea that I wanted to give them a proper send off. The process of Kagome and Inuyasha and Miroku and Sango’s relationship gradually changing was also fun. Ultimately if I had to pick one, it’s probably the final episode. I finished drawing it feeling “I finally made it” and it was satisfying.
Q: I love the Band of Seven in “Inuyasha”! Did Bankotsu, who is the strongest member of the Band of Seven, scout the others? Bankotsu and Jakotsu seem close so are they the first members? I’ve always wondered this. I look forward to appealing enemies appearing in Yashahime.
I think all the other members of the Band of Seven most likely had enough strength to make it on their own. For all those people to come together would require a very strong leader at its core which is basically what Bankotsu was. Also, being together made jobs easier or they felt there may have been a merit. I feel like Bankotsu and Jakotsu being the founding members does indeed fit really nicely.
Q: I really like Monk Miroku and Sango in “Inuyasha” and I continue to support them even now. My question is in the end, how many children did these two, who said “Would you be willing to bear 10, 20 children?” when they purposed, have? If you have back stories and such for the children, I would love to hear them.
I only remember the twins and the newborn baby boy that appeared in the last chapter of “Inuyasha” making an appearance in Yashahime. In my mind, I didn’t think of anything beyond that but they are still a young married couple so I think there’s unlimited possibilities. I am happy that you like these two even now. Thank you very much.
Q: I have a question regarding the different use for “Scent” and “Odor”. The expressions for when Sesshomaru smelled something, for Rin it was constantly “scent” and for everything else it was “odor”. When they first met too, the expression was “A human’s scent”.  Just as Inuyasha called Kagome’s smell a “scent”, is it because it is a “smell” that they like?
I had an image of Inuyasha and Sesshomaru differentiating between friend or foe with “smell”. Of course “scent” is friend while “odor” is enemy. In addition, keeping in mind of the image that comes to readers minds when they see these words, I fundamentally had “scent” used for female characters. I wanted readers to get a sense of purity and cuteness from it.
Q: If there’s an episode or scene in “Inuyasha” that ended up turning out differently than what was originally thought up prior to serialization, could you please tell us?
First, I only started the story with the idea of half-demon Inuyasha, getting back stabbed by Kikyou and getting sealed away, and having a sword that was his father’s memento. Everything else, I created while thinking on the week of. Thus, Naraku came after, as well as I thought of Shippou, Miroku, and Sango when they debuted. I had thought of Sesshomaru possibly dying after protecting a human but it seemed like such a waste and I became unable to kill him. The direction of the story was decided when the antagonist, Naraku, was born. I’m an adlib (improv) type person so I won’t be surprised by what I draw if I decide things too far ahead. It’s fun to imagine every week “What will they do, what will happen”.
Q: “Inuyasha” is my bible on life! When talk of Yashahime happened, what was your first thought?
In my mind “Inuyasha” was complete so when they spoke to me about this, I thought “You’re going to do this?”. However Sumizawa-san, who handled the scenario for the “Inuyasha” anime, is a person who, in addition to being adept and talented, does not make mistakes so I felt that I could leave it to him.
Q: In the final chapter of the original work, Sesshomaru was gifting Rin a kimono but how did he go about obtaining it? I’m really curious as to if Sesshomaru delivered something Jaken prepared or if he went and bought it himself?
I thought about this over and over after I received this question. I think after all, he would order Jaken to go buy it and to continue buying until he bought a kimono that fit his image. On top of that, he probably doesn’t tell him (Jaken) a precise image to begin with.
Q: In “Hanyou no Yashahime” we saw Grandma Kaede. Seeing her surprised me… she hasn’t changed from the time of “Inuyasha”! Is Grandma Kaede by chance a demon?
She’s a human. However she still has the role of advising the young folks and having them listen to stories from the past so maybe she doesn’t age because it’s something worth doing.
Q: In “Hanyou no Yashahime”, Inuyasha and Kagome’s child, Moroha, appears. Inuyasha is a half demon, Kagome is a human, and Moroha is cross between a human and a half-demon. Do the three of them age differently in the Feudal Era?
In the span of the story, they seem to age the same. I’m sure the results will gradually begin to show after a few decades.
Q: In “Hanyou no Yashahime” Moroha wears a red ribbon; is this ribbon something with Inuyasha’s ears in mind? Also why is it that Inuyasha, who is a half-demon, has dog ears but Towa and Setsuna, who are also half-demons, do not? I can under Moroha since she’s a quarter (demon)… is there a basis for the dog ears? Please tell us!
Just as you guessed, Moroha’s ribbon was a projection of Inuyasha’s image. In regards to the dogs ears for Towa and Setsuna, Sesshomaru takes a human form and reversely, Inuyasha was something like half beast. The half demons that appear in Inuyasha have all sorts of appearances so understand that it depends on the individual.
Q: Ever since I watched the anime, “Inuyasha”, when I was 5 years old, it has been my absolute favorite work. When I was young, whenever I looked at the sacred tree at the shrine, I always imagined “Was Inuyasha sealed to this tree?...” It’s been 12 years since the original work was concluded. 10 years since the anime “Final Act”. I’m so excited for “Hanyou no Yashahime” beginning this fall! What was the most important thing when you designed the half-demon princess, Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha?
Scenario writer Sumizawa-san asked of me the following images: Towa as a “White Sesshomaru” and Setsuna as a “Black Sesshomaru”. While they’re twins, they grew up in two completely different eras so I designed them as two separate individuals. In addition, while Towa wears a boy’s uniform, I thought it would be good if she had a feminine streak to her. Moroha strongly resembles Inuyasha and Kagome. She’s a cheerful character so I didn’t have any second thoughts when I drew her into what she is now.
Q: Is there anything in “Hanyou no Yashahime” that you would like readers to pay attention to?
Sunrise’s beautiful pictures and animations as well as the story is also entertaining. The previous generation will periodically make an appearance and I think Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha are each charming. I think it’s a work that both first time people and people who watched “Inuyasha” can enjoy. Also Wada Kaoru-san continues from “Inuyasha” as being in charge of music. I’m excited for this as well.
We received a comment, autograph, and illustration for all the readers from Takahashi Rumiko-sensei!
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letsperaltiago · 4 years
a merry little christmas
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Welcome to (once again belated) door four of four! 
Behind my Christmas calendar’s fourth door is a... baby’s first christmas, pure fluff oneshot ♥️ 
Summary: It's Baby's First Christmas and Jake and Amy are taking it all in - both presents and tiny surprises from their son. Pure domestic fluff for days.
Rating: G
Words: 2.2k
Read on AO3 here
Right then and there keeping a straight face, or just anything that looks somewhat close to it, is beyond impossible.
It’s Christmas morning, six AM to be more precise, and the still rather new, little family of three is slowly making their way through the presents waiting for them under this years’ Christmas tree. As a matter of fact, it’s rather Jake opening gifts meanwhile Amy is on the couch with their two-month-old son eating his second breakfast - that is if his previous meal at three AM can be considered breakfast. Jake likes to call those meals Midnight Mac Snacks.
“They really need to communicate more,” Amy chuckles, which causes her chest to jolt just the tiniest bit, alas apparently enough that it earns her a grumpy little cry from Mac to which she immediately reacts by stroking and repositioning the tiny infant’s head. “No need to complain, Mr. Mac. Mommy and daddy are just having some fun.”
“He’s bitter because all he got for Christmas is ‘Baby’s first Christmas’-ornaments.” Jake hasn’t stopped laughing since he opened the third ornament, from auntie Roro, which came after uncle Charles’ ornament. Upon unpacking this second ornament, from Charles, matching the first ornament from Holt, it didn’t cause much worry. The new parents simply saw it as a matching coincidence and they’d just keep both. Although upon unpacking a third one, they should’ve known: it was a perfect, hilarious 99th precinct-disaster.
Fast forward to present time, Jake is sat on the living room floor with not three but six ‘Baby’s First Christmas’ ornaments for his son. Sure, they’re all different styles and designs but Jake can’t help but laugh. In retrospect, he and Amy had told the squad that baby Mac didn’t need anything grand for Christmas as he was still so small and had everything he needed so far. They told their friends to save the money and spoil Mac for next Christmas, a Christmas he’d understand much better than the current. Turns out great minds think alike and everyone’s creative take on Mac’s gift had been the same.
“It’s kind of cute that they all had the same idea.” Mac has gone back to quietly suckling on Amy’s breast, allowing her time to chime in on perhaps this Christmas’ funniest moment yet. It’s too soon to declare it the funniest as they’re headed to a huge Santiago Christmas-dinner in the evening and anything can happen there.
For Christmas morning though they very early on, already before Amy gave birth, decided to stay home as they knew it’s what they’d prefer with their very new son. Sitting there, in the moment, looking at gifts from their incredible friends and Mac quietly eating in the lights coming from the Christmas tree, they’re both thankful to have made that choice. Sure, Santiago-Christmas morning was an event that you didn’t want to miss out on but this year, with very few hours of sleep behind them and vomit on both clothes and hair, it’s nice to be able to soak in the sweet surrender of their little trinity.
“We do have the best friends.” He picks up the ornaments, hanging them on his fingers to put on display for his wife. “What do we do with these?” A sheepish smile replaces the goofy grin from before.
“I don’t know…”
The doubt on Amy’s face, biting her lip, thinking hard, is clear as day which is understandable since Jake himself doesn’t hold the answer for their little dilemma. Giving them back to their respective giver is not an option - what would Holt do with a ‘Baby’s First Christmas Ornament’? -  and getting a refund also seems too cold. Fact is that each of their friends has had the same idea: they wanted to mark and somehow be a part of Mac’s first Christmas. Jake and Amy can’t, nor want to, take that away from their son nor their friends. All in all, there seems to be no good solution but one: keep all six ornaments.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Jake cocks an eyebrow, implicitly suggesting what his wife is already thinking.
“If you’re thinking that we should keep them all and put them on the tree, then yes, I am thinking what you’re thinking.”
At just the right time, almost as if he’s agreeing, Mac lets go of his mom’s nipple before letting out a small, hazy gurgling sound. A sound he’s never made before. Both parents freeze on the spot, forgetting all and everything about the ornament-issue.
“Did you hear that?” Amy asks, making it sound as if she doesn’t believe her ears and a second opinion is needed. Having studied all and everything for her first child’s arrival, everything this could possibly imply, Amy shouldn’t be surprised that her two-month-old is finally introducing his first small noises. The fact resides very clearly on the Milestones to Expect-index, page 2, in her ‘Two month’-binder. Yet here she is, Jake right there with her, surprised by this new accomplishment of her newborn - one of many accomplishments that she both loves and, even two months in, still is a bit nervous about discovering as she just rather know her baby fully by heart already. On those occasions where Mac’s changing, something she swears happens daily, makes her feel uneasy as if she doesn’t know him at all, she holds onto Jake’s reasoning: Some tests can’t be studied for.
And no matter how much she hates that fact, Amy knows her husband is right and she does love him for reminding her whenever she happens to fall down a spiral of doubt and frantically tries to grasp for the control that lies within facts, books, and lists.
Jake jumps from his spot on the floor as if it were lava and falls into place beside her on the couch where he can hover over his incredible son.
“I did but I didn’t fully realize where it came from right away, but oh my gosh, Ames! Our son is a genius!”
“Perhaps… Or simply in accordance with average-”
“No, Amy - a genius! Like his parents.”
Her husband looking as if he could burst any second, a firecracker of sorts and there’s no stopping the explosion, Amy hurries to put down her before lifted shirt and places Mac against her shoulder. Here she hopes he can both burp and, hopefully, make another glorious sound for them to be proud of. Jake leans in as though he and Mac are to exchange secrets behind Amy’s back and the milk-drunk infant, unable to control a whole lot, waves around his arm and just so happens to grab Jake’s index finger. During these first two months of Mac’s life, this has happened a few times already, the first time being at the hospital which caused Jake to cry happy tears Still, every single time, Jake feels reaffirmed by the fact that creating this tiny human being is one of his best decisions ever - that and telling Amy Santiago that he wished something could happen between them - romantic stylez.
“C’mon, mister. Show daddy how you talk.” Jake coos even though the little man of the moment seems far from interested in or bothered by his parents’ admiration and swooning over his new talent. His mommy patting his back does feel good though, especially when it helps a burp escape and Jake, of course, has to laugh because Mac is truly and fiercely his son. “Now that’s talking!”
“Not what I had in mind but nice to know he’s burped.” Amy chimes in and replaces the soft patting with small loving strokes, hoping to soothe her boy to sleep as the next step in his ‘eat, burp, sleep’-routine - even if Amy wishes Mac would make another sound. Just to confirm that she wasn’t hallucinating before.
“Make a sound for mommy, baby. Just a tiny one.” Amy takes her turn cooing a plea but it happens to be very much in vain.
“Aaand he’s dozed off,” Jake chuckles quietly whilst using his thumb to caress the tiny fist still wrapped around his index fingers, a fist that doesn’t let go even though the owner is already fast asleep with a mix of drool and milk caught in the corner of the gaping mouth.
“That was fast.”
“I don’t blame him. Life is exhausting.” Jake is carefully pecking his son’s head covered by thing, soft, black hair and even though Mac on her shoulder blocks the view, Amy smiles and wonders how she got to lucky with these two boys.
“Bedtime?” Amy asks, expectant of confirmation of whether or not Mac is far enough gone to be moved without waking up and throwing a tantrum that’ll mean they’ll have to spend another half hour or so lulling him back to sleep.
“I sure wouldn’t mind. I did prepare breakfast though.” It comes out mid-yawn, proving Jake’s point further, as he nods his head in the direction of the pancakes, courtesy of Jake, and hot cocoa, courtesy of the local bakery that has blessed their lives by opening at five AM, waiting for them in the kitchen.
“Not you, silly. McClane. You and I are definitely having that delicious cocoa. The smell of it has been tempting me since I sat down to feed.”
They mostly call him Mac. Mac or a thousand other things like Mr. Mac, Magic Mac, baby, monkey - one time, macadamia nut - and the options are limitless and renewed every day. Jake doesn’t know for sure but this might be the reason why the full name McClane being said, the context being that it’s his son’s name, makes him feel butterflies in his belly.  Either that or because he still can’t believe they named their son that. Perhaps it’s a bit of both reasons.
“Still can’t believe you agreed to that name.”
“Must’ve been a moment of weakness for me. I was pregnant and delusional.”
Amy teases and proceeds to carefully remove sleeping Mac from his spot on her shoulder, relocating him to the safety of her cradling arms.
“Delusional from the incredible round of sexy timez we had just prior to picking his name.”
“Jake,” she scolds as if the sleeping baby, which doesn’t even grasp the concept of speaking yet, were to be scarred by their explicit flirting.
Amy’s already up on her feet, heads down the hall and into their bedroom with Jake close on her heels.  “I remember it so vividly.” Jake points to their bed. “We were right here, post incredible sex, and we got talking about baby names because a new suggestion had stroked your mind right before I came in and wooed you with my good, amazingly hot looks.” Amy’s head whips around from where’s she’s just focused on placing Mac in his cradle, double-checking that he’s still asleep, now displaying a cocked brow and overall expression that challenges his recollections of that conclusive night. Defeat hits him and his shoulders drop with a sigh.
“Okay, you were seven months pregnant and going through a particularly horny phase - which I, by the way, loved - and I, being a dutiful husband, couldn’t decline your explicit requests. But I do still stand by the fact that I boinked my way to the name McClane.”
“Oh my god,” Amy groans, partly in reaction to her husband, partly in reaction to her sore back making an appearance when she straightens up from tugging in the baby. “Stop besmearing our child’s name. I can still change my mind.”
“I’m right though.” In the meantime, Jake has approached his wife and wraps his arms around her. Pulling her closer, back to chest, and she instantly relaxes under the pecks he places on her neck. “And it’s an amazing name for an amazing little human.”
They smile in unison as they admire the life they created, carelessly and contently sleeping Christmas morning away, before them. Wrapped up in her husband’s arms and their perfect little son to look at, a fuzzy feeling that is way beyond and greater than happiness flows through Amy’s veins. The pecks to her sweaty and tired-feeling skin pick back up where they left off, systematically and how he knows she likes it, going around her neck and shoulder-area.
“I really wanna give in to how inappropriately horny you’ve suddenly made me, but…” she trails off with a sigh.
“You can’t stop thinking about the hot cocoa.” He finishes her sentence and the pecks are replaced by a muffled chuckle that tickles her skin. “It’s okay, Ames. I’m right there with you.”
“Thank God,” she groans.
“Hot cocoa and a Christmas movie we can fall back asleep to?”
This suggestion of Jake’s that will allow Amy to give into her tiredness is what she’s wanted to hear all morning.
“Sounds perfect. Grab the baby monitor?” She turns around to follow him back to their kitchen only to see him already holding the gadget with a tired, knowing smile plastered across his face and to Amy, even with his messy curls and shirt clad with stains of baby-vomit, her husband looks absolutely perfect.
Baby’s First Christmas might just be her favorite Christmas so far.
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Lamia Drama (Part 2)
See previous post for warnings and general info.
Credit for the lamia species (or at least the specific species, not lamia in general) goes to @vex-bittys
Keith decides to give this new girl a chance and introduces another lamia! DnD shall come whether Hux likes it or not. Coral boy is jealous.
           Keith and Hux had just been talking DnD with each other when a girl with short, wavy blonde hair walked into the back. Keith’s flickering tongue caught the taste of sweat, dirt, and a variety of plants. Real plants, not like the fake trees, though he could identify some of the smells as the foliage they could keep here. His soul leaped in his chest, he could feel it immediately, they were meant to be.
           … According to who? Or what? Some bred in biological imperitive? It was just there to make him easier to adopt, right? But it felt real…
           He wasn’t going to leave Hux and the others behind. The woman didn’t seem to have even noticed anyways, so maybe he was just imagining it. Heck, he probably was. Then again, if anything was going to seduce him – something he felt was pretty impossible, he’d just never been interested – it’d probably be someone bringing their own books and homemade fucking cookies. Yes please. They smelled like chocolate and peanut butter – questionably healthy at best, but he’d take it!
           … He should probably answer the question, huh?
           “Yeah, nice to meet ya. Name’s Keith, I’m the DM,” Keith said, slithering down to her level.
           “So, you think you have what it takes to play with the big boys?” Hux said. “Heh. How’d you even find out about that?”
           “There was a sign,” the woman said. “My friends are busy with college stuff right now – I’m on break, doing work in a greenhouse and all – but my evenings are totally free. Kinda have to leave early though, have to be up before the sun. I love the job, but that part sucks.”
           Keith chuckled, “I feel you there.” He’d stay snuggled in a nesting mound half the day if you let him. What? Blankets are soft, and it’s not like he had to leave to read things. Beds and blankets make reading better if anything. Prime coziness.
           “I think you should look somewhere else,” Hux said. “We go until, like, two in the morning sometimes.”
           Before Keith could stop himself, he found himself saying, “Eh, we can end early for a little while. Or hey, maybe have a side campaign with you or something.”
           “What?!” Hux said, standing high as he could on his tail with his arms thrown out. “Dude! We’re halfway through Pipsqueak’s character arc or whatever! Can’t just push him aside…”
Pipsqueak was Trousle’s (a bitty Papython) mousefolk bard; he’d been looking for pieces of the Worldsong, a song that, once played, was supposed to give the musician power over all things. Pipsqueak had managed to get half of it and was facing down with Caterwaul, the Tabaxi bard, who had the other half. It was looking like Pipsqueak was questioning whether the song should be played by any. However it played out was going to be awesome, though it might or might not be the end of the campaign depending on how Trousle played it.
           Since when did Hux care so much about that though? He wasn’t exactly a roleplayer type…
           “I mean, if you guys are full or in the middle of something, I can just… not?” the woman said.
           “Nah, don’t mind Hux. It’s alright, uh… What’s your name?”
           “Oh! My bad. Call me Alex. You said it’s, uh… Key?”
           “Keith,” Hux said, unimpressed.
           “I am the actual worst at names,” Alex said, sighing.
           “Eh, it happens. But I bet we can work something out.”
           “We don’t need to work things out,” Hux grumbled, curling into a ball on the floor and sulking, hiding his skeleton half under a ball of black and red scales.
           Keith rolled his eyes. Hux never liked change and didn’t seem too fond of people. He was tolerant of the people running the place, but no one else. That said, it was no excuse to be a dick. “Hux, be nice. Sorry about him, he’ll warm up to ya. Why don’t I take you to meet the others? We can work something out. Not like we’re going anywhere…” And that was fine by him. Home was here with his own batch of misfits. “Get Liam, will ya Hux?”
           “Ugh, why do I have to?”
           “ ‘Cause you can never find Trousle.”
           “Why don’t I go looking for Oozy?”
           “I’ll bet you a week’s snacks that Oozy’s in his hammock.”
           Hux huffed and crossed his arms with an adorable blush on his face, flustered. He was, apparently, not willing to take that bet. As much as Keith liked to stay curled up all cozy, he had nothing on Oozy. It wouldn’t be the first time they had to carry him in the hammock to DnD night. Hecking cornies.
           “Thought so,” Keith said, chuckling. “I’ll go get Nikolai. Hope you don’t mind kiddos, Lex.”
           “Is Nikolai a kid?”
           “Nope,” Keith said. “Follow me.” He slithered past the jungle of fake plants, real plants, and various toys and hiding holes that made up the dim room he liked to call the “Chilling Room.” It was a little cool in here, but mostly he called it that ‘cause this area tended to be more quiet, lacking the toys and people-chairs that littered the rest of the back. Sometimes you just need a place to be a Snake and stalk your friends for a little while, or somewhere to just hide in a hole and listen to the same song until it was playing through your dreams in utter bliss. That second one seemed unique to him.
           “… I’m not gonna remember any of these names,” Alex whispered to herself. She stopped to pull some dead foliage from some of the plants, fingers working fast with practice. For a moment she paused then put a leaf in her mouth. “Stevia leaves the weirdest after taste. Not bad though. Also, why do you have stevia?”
           “Is that what that is? I think the Honeybos like to chew on it.”
           “Is that why they’re Honeybos? ‘Cause they’re full of sweet?”
           “I mean, maybe! Never bitten into one.”
           “Not even licked one?” Pause. “That’s a weird thing to ask, huh?”
           “I mean, I smell with that y’know. But some of them do smell kinda sweet.” He had the oddest urge to nibble a snake now. Logically he knew they were not just little slithering sweets, but a little voice in the back of his head whispered but what if they do taste like honey buns?
           Keith really hoped that voice wasn’t Alex’s. That’s just a weird thing to think. Even weirder if you aren’t a snake. “Do you stick a lot of random stuff in your mouth?”
           Alex kinda went quiet, staring at the floor, and Keith tried to stifle a laugh, stopping in his tracks to look at her behind him. “Oh my god. You have, haven’t you? What’s the weirdest thing?”
           “Probably either crickets, an agar plate – one of those things they grow bacteria on – or my salt lamp.”
           “Can confirm, those are salty.”
           “You too?”
           “Nope. But Trousle dared Liam to once and he swallowed the whole thing. We had to pull it out by the chord.”
           “That… That’s both amazing and dangerous.”
           Keith nodded, “Yep. Never dare a Mamba to do something unless you want to face the consequences.” Looking around, he brought out his phone and showed some pictures of Liam – a full sized Mamba – with light streaming from his mouth and tail as Hux and Nikolai (a King) tried desperately to pull the lamp out. Trousle was on the table, shouting encouragement but too small to actually help. “That’s why we’re not allowed to have salt lamps anymore.”
           Alex was snorting as she laughed, hand over her mouth and eyes crinkled behind glasses. “Oh my goodness. Reminds me of when I caught a baby rabbit and found out they can scream. I almost dropped it.”
           “Oh no!”
           “It tried to escape! But I caught it midair. And then it just stared at me, judging. Relatedly, gardening gloves have multiple uses. One of them is bunny catching. They have claws and will kick the shit out of you.”
           He’s tempted to mention that’s why he just eats them, but gets the feeling that won’t go over well. Since when does he care? He’s a snake, she should know this. It’s natural.
           “You like cute? C’mon,” Keith said. It was a short slither to the very back room. Alex stopped, staring at the “Staff Only” sign, but Keith gently tugged her through, “It’s fine.” The door opened up to a humid room with multiple little lamps scattered over eggs and newborns. The nursery. They were greeted with a variety of hisses and chirps from little baby snakes and a much louder hiss from Nikolai. The King’s hood flared upon seeing the stranger and he stood as tall as he could, clutching three squirming baby Pygmy (full sized, but still so small) to his chest protectively.
           Alex froze up, face going blank as she stared at the sight of King’s hood and fangs, venom dripping from them. Maybe Keith should’ve warned Nikolai first, but better late than never?
           “Alex, this is Nikolai. The most broody bastard you’ll ever meet. Nikolai, Alex. She wants to play DnD. And probably to also hold some kiddos, but who am I to judge?”
           Nikolai narrowed his eyes, somehow keeping hold of the Pygmy as all three attempted to go in different directions, unfazed by one of them trying to put his hands in Nikolai’s eyesockets. “Keith. We need to talk.”
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haberdashing · 4 years
The Nose Knows?
Best Revenge AU of Gravity Falls (superhero AU + Angie and the Gucks); Bethany makes some unexpected discoveries regarding her civilian coworker Angie.
on AO3
While few visits to the hospital were happy ones, especially for masks like Bethany for whom bodily injury was simply part of the trade, she was actually looking forward to this one.
Her coworker from her civilian job at the zoo, a nice woman named Angie, had just had a baby, and Bethany was glad to be there to support her however she could, especially since the road had been a bit of a rocky one for poor Angie lately. (Bethany was pretty sure she didn’t know the whole story, and pretty sure that she didn’t want to know the whole story either, but between a bitter divorce and getting pregnant not long after meeting her new beau, Angie deserved a minute to just breathe, to appreciate what she had now rather than what she’d lost.)
As Bethany approached Angie’s hospital room, though, her superpowered nose kicked in to make her aware of a few familiar scents along the way. She could smell Angie, of course, and what must be her newborn baby as well, but also...
Was that Bethany’s coworker she smelled there? And- and the other person in there, was that Undertow, one of the supervillains she’d fought time and time again?
Bethany hoped she’d mistaken the scents, but they just grew stronger as she hurried her pace, clearly coming from the same area where Angie herself was.
What were a superhero and a supervillain doing in Angie’s hospital room? Were they fighting? Angie was just a civilian, she didn’t deserve to be caught in the middle of this-
Bethany’s heart was racing as she opened the door to find... not the chaos she’d expected, not a fight in the making, but Angie holding her baby with a grin on her face while two men peacefully stood by her side.
“Oh, hey, Bethany. C’mon in.” Angie said, gesturing for Bethany to come closer, which she did with only a hint of hesitation. Clearly her first impression had been mistaken here...
“This here is Lute, my brother.” Bethany took a breath in through her nose as unobtrusively as she could manage to make sure she could tell who was who. Undertow. Without the mask, the resemblance between the two siblings was clear enough.
“Nice to meet ya.” Bethany extended her hand, and Undertow--Lute--shook it.
“And this is Stan, I know I’ve told you about him.” And he must be the coworker she knew, then, the guy with teleportation powers; he didn’t get out on the field often or make much in the way of small talk, but he made a damn fine secretary for the heroes. He wasn’t wearing his glasses now--was that his version of masking up, then?
“Right, yes, Stan, good to, uh, meet you too.” Another handshake, firm and strong on both sides.
“I hope you’ve told her good things about me, Ang.”
“I’ve told her the truth, Stan, for better or for worse, so that’ll hafta do. Speaking of, Stan, Lute, Bethany works with me at the zoo. I’m glad y’all are finally meeting each other.”
“Yeah, thanks for introducing me as I... meet everybody here for the first time.” They didn’t know who she was, did they? Or... Stan should, at least, since he’d see her both masked and unmasked. But had Undertow just learned her secret identity just as she had learned his?
“Uh-huh.” Stan didn’t look as out of his depths as Bethany felt right now; she couldn’t help but envy him a bit for that.
“Well, not everybody. I��ve met ya before, of course. But I know who you’re really here to meet, and little Junior is right here... uh, you feeling alright, Beth? You look a little pale.”
Bethany took a deep breath and tried to stop feeling like the world was crashing down around her. “Yeah, I’m fine, don’t worry about it.” She inched in closer, getting a good look at the baby. “So. Junior, huh?”
Bethany was close enough to Angie that she figured dropping by her place--her current place, anyway, as she was pretty sure her and her boyfriend were looking to move out sooner rather than later--unannounced wouldn’t be a big deal. Work was stressing her out some, especially with hero duties on top of it all, and she could use a friendly face and someone who’d be willing to just listen as she aired out all her grievances. Plus, who could stay stressed for too long when getting to see someone’s precious baby boy?
A quick knock on the door, and Angie opened it soon enough, the smile on her face making it clear that Bethany had made the right call.
“Hey, Bethany! C’mon in.”
A sweet scent wafted in from the kitchen as Bethany stepped inside.
“Ooh, what are you baking?”
Bethany headed into the kitchen, where she wasn’t all that surprised to see that Stan was in there, helping with the baking. Part of Bethany’s mind wandered to Angie’s ex, Max--he might have just stood back and watched as Angie baked, seen baking as women’s work and thus beneath him, but Stan wasn’t like that. Though if he didn’t really need those glasses, he probably shouldn’t leave them on in the middle of such a messy activity...
“I was just helping Angie make cupcakes for the bake sale.”
“Good timing, too, we could use another taste-tester--here, try this and tell me if it’s too salty.”
Angie held out a cupcake, but before Bethany could reach it Angie slipped and the cupcake went flying, icing covering Bethany’s sweater before the cupcake hit the ground with a moist splat.
“Oh dear.”
“I am so sorry! You can wash up in the bathroom if you’d like--it’s just down the hall, first door on the left.”
Bethany nodded, grateful that the sweater she had on today wasn’t one of her nicer ones--she’d known that coming to a house with an infant in it came with its fair share of messes, but a rogue cupcake wasn’t one she’d anticipated!
When she tried the first door on the left, though, it was locked.
“Occupado!” said a rough, gravelly voice that seemed oddly familiar; Bethany considered trying to sniff out the source, but there were too many smells around for her to make it out, and besides, the smell coming from the bathroom right now was a lot less sweet than that of the cupcakes baking...
“Uh, who’s using your bathroom?”
“Oh, that’s Stan.” Angie said, her voice calm. “He just got back from work, he won’t be long.”
“That’s... Stan...” Bethany looked over at the man in the kitchen who she had assumed to be Stan. “Then who’s with you in the kitchen?”
“That’s Ford, Stan’s brother. He’s been visitin’.”
“Have we met?” Ford said. “You do look awfully familiar...”
The bathroom door opened, and out emerged Stan, who indeed looked startlingly similar to the man in the kitchen, albeit sans glasses--and he smelled startlingly similar, to boot. “My hands are clean now, time for that cupcake! Oh, hey Bethany, good to see ya!”
“There’s... two of ya...”
“You’ve heard of twins, right?” Stan said.
“Stan, don’t be rude!” Angie said.
“I mean, Junior gets confused, but he’s a baby...”
“Stan!” Angie fake-swatted at Stan with wooden spoon; Stan, for his part, mimed his painful and elaborate death by spoon before looking Angie’s way and grinning.
“I, uh...” Bethany struggled to get the words out as her head was spinning. “I might have misunderstood some things... care to explain while I see Junior getting confused over the twins?”
“Absolutely.” Angie said with a grin.
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Love Is Blind: Chapter Twenty
Robyn sighed as she carefully made up the bed then plopped down to catch her breath. The kids were asleep but Chris was still up doing work for when he returned back to work. He had agreed that it was time for him to move back into their bedroom but she was really worried about whether that’s what he wanted to do. They hadn’t slept in the same bed in weeks and she was concerned whether it would be awkward for them.
“Babe, you up?” Chris called out as he made his way to their bedroom. Robyn turned towards the doorway just as he appeared, “hey you. How’s work going?”
“It’s going. You ok? I thought you’d be asleep by now.”
“I needed to change the bedding and stuff. You alright?”
“I’m good. I think I’m done for the night.”
“Oh. Just coming to say goodnight then?”
“I thought I was moving back in here unless plans have changed.”
“ Huh? No. I just didn’t- never mind.”
“You thought I changed my mind?”
“I didn’t think you were gonna do it anyway.”
Chris chuckled lightly as he walked over and sat down beside her, “I thought we were working on trusting each other.”
“We are. I just didn’t want to rush you into anything. It’s only been a week or so since we’ve started hashing things out.”
“We can hash things and still share a bedroom.”
“I know.”
Chris slipped his arm around her shoulder and hugged her close to him. Robyn kissed his chin before resting her head against his chest, “you drive me crazy but I love it.”
“I don’t mean to.”
“You still do. How was lunch with Mel?”
“It was good. I liked getting out of the house.”
“I’m glad. I’ve still been a little worried about you being isolated here.”
“I’m isolated for medical reasons and I’ve learned to accept that and adjust. My life is just gonna be different for a while, that’s all.”
“How’s the business going?”
“Good. Mel and I dropped in on the shelter while we were out. We hired another on-call doctor to help with the increased business but other than that not much has changed.”
“Beverly enjoying being the boss?”
“She’s always thought she was, now she just getting the pay too.”
Chris laughed, “gonna be hard to talk her down once you go back.”
“I think I’d let her stay vet director and just be the doctor for a change. I can’t handle the stress of patients and paperwork.”
“Oh, that sounds great.”
“If having a five minute argument with you had me passing out, I don’t think dealing with vendors and donors is gonna be too good for my health either.”
“Understandable. You sound a little winded, do you need your inhaler?”
Chris reached into the nightstand and handed the item to her. Robyn pumped on the trigger two times before inhaling deeply. She handed the inhaler back to Chris and he put it back in the drawer, “Sorry.”
“What you apologizing for?”
“I’m sure having to take care of a sick girlfriend, a toddler and a newborn wasn’t in your plans when we got back together.”
“No but it’s nothing I can’t handle.”
“We’re being open here, you don’t have to say the ‘right’ thing.”
“I’m not. Listen, having you back in my life in general was not something I ever thought would happen. Being in a relationship with you and having a baby, double miracles in my book so I am happy to take on whatever I need to because this happened.”
“Don’t start making me be all mushy.”
Chris chuckled, “Don’t start crying or I might have to get your inhaler back out.”
Robyn laughed as she leaned into his chest, “I have a feeling I’m never gonna get rid of that thing.”
“There’s always room for things to get better. Do you feel like your legs are getting better?”
“Yea, I can stand a little longer so I guess the physical therapy is working. I still got months to go unfortunately.”
“What’s so unfortunate about it?”
“Us can’t do us things because I can’t physically handle it. I’m not trying to have a seizure while we fucking. Too weird.”
Chris laughed, “Robyn, the last thing I’m worried about is sex. As long as I can wake up to you, I’m good.”
“Here you go being all perfect again.”
“What would you like me to say, Babe?”
“I don’t know. Just stop being so good because it makes me wanna fuck you and I can’t.”
Chris kissed her temple as he wrapped his arms around her, “Woman, I love you so much, you know that?”
“I love you too. You’re really gonna stay in here with me tonight?”
“Tonight and every night after.”
“I promise.”
“Can you do me a favor?”
“Whatever you need.”
Robyn smiled up at him, “stop being so sweet. Anyway, can you check my stitches for me?”
“Of course. Is the kit where I left it last?”
“Yea. I’ve been trying to keep it clean but I don’t know if I’ve been doing a good job because I can’t really see it.”
“That’s not an issue, Sweetie. You could’ve asked me to do this a long time ago, you know?’
“I was embarrassed. I still am but since we’re being open, I’m rolling with it right now.”
“I understand. Lay back.”
Chris went to the bathroom to wash his hands and grabbed the little medical kit out the bottom of the sink then went back into the bedroom. Robyn was lying on her back with her shirt pushed up to the underside of her breast. Chris sat the kit on the bed beside her then put on some latex gloves. Carefully he pressed around the sides and top of her belly then moved down towards the spot where the doctor’s had cut her open. He gently pressed against the closed wound, “can you feel that?”
“Yea, I can feel it.”
“Does it hurt?”
“No stinging? No sharp pains?”
He shined a small flashlight on the area for a second then grabbed a small jar of black/white ointment, “have you been putting this on?”
“Trying to. I don't know how much I’ve actually put on the stitches or just around it.”
“It looks pretty good to me. It doesn't hurt but you’re also not numb and there’s no smell to it. I think you’re good.”
“Ok. Thanks, Babe.”
“You’re welcome.”
He carefully put some ointment on the area before throwing his gloves in the trash and repacking the kit, “you got any other pains in your belly, not just near your stitches?”
“No. I’ve had some stiffness in my neck but that’s usually only in the morning.”
“Have you told your doctor?”
“I mentioned it but it wasn’t that bad really.”
“So you mentioned it but you downplayed it.”
“Kind of.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Sweetie, the fact you are still having so many aftereffects is concerning. Nothing is a small thing when it comes to that, ok?”
“I know. I just didn’t feel like having them poking me and sending me for a bunch of tests.”
“What else is bothering you?”
“I’m forgetting stuff more frequently.”
“Things or thoughts?”
“Thoughts. A lot of my memories are fuzzy or missing parts. Sometimes I can’t remember what I did for pockets of time.”
“Robyn, I think you’ve been having mini seizures.”
“What? No. I don’t shake or nothing.”
“Not all seizures require shaking though, the doctor told you that.”
“He did.”
“I think we really need to get you checked out.”
“In the morning, please. I really need to sleep.”
“Tomorrow morning we are going to the hospital, ok?”
“Ok. I promise to cooperate.”
“I don’t want to lose you not just after getting you back.”
Robyn gently palmed his face, “don’t get all melancholy on me. I’ll be fine.”
Chris kissed the palm of Robyn’s hand as the doctor hooked her up to an EEG, “you ok?”
“I’m fine,” Robyn replied as she looked up at him, “you’re more nervous than I am.”
“You can tell?”
“Definitely can tell but I appreciate the concern, Baby.”
Chris turned to the doctor, “Will you be able to tell if she’s had any previous seizures?”
“We will attempt to use her last EEG and compare if there has been any changes. There’s no guarantee that we’ll see anything but if she’s been having them often, there should be some kind of abnormality,” Dr. Richardson replied as he carefully checked the placement of the nodes, “it doesn’t hurt a bit and should be over fairly soon.”
After a few minutes, they were sitting in a regular examination room as Dr. Richardson placed her EEG results up on a board beside him, “so, there is definite evidence of prior seizures. Have you ever felt stiff, unable to move, sort of like you're frozen in time?”
“Yes, a few times,” Robyn replied.
“You were having mini focal seizures. People often don’t categorize them as seizures because there’s not always shaking or twitching involved. When this begins to happen postpartum, the usual cause is eclampsia. They are also contributing to your respiratory issues as well.”
“Oh. Does it affect memory?”
“Yes, it does. We may need to change the anti-seizure medication you are currently using because it doesn’t seem to be working for you.”
“Do you know how long I’ll have this problem?”
“Usually it only goes on for about six weeks postpartum but seeing as yours has persisted beyond that, we don’t have a clear window on whether your body will completely return to normal.”
“So I’ll be on anti-seizure medication for the rest of my life probably?”
“That is a high possibility.”
“And the respiratory issues?”
“Your respiratory system is stronger than it was, so it seems to have rebounded well. I still want you to take it slow, minimize your stress and continue your physical therapy.’
“Does this happen often?”
“It is rare for a case to be this severe but it does happen. Unfortunately, there’s no definite explanation for why it develops or why it persists longer for some women than others. With monitoring and care, you should be relatively back to normal within a few more weeks outside of the need for medication.”
“Thank you.”
“Not a problem. You’ve been doing well so keep up the good work but please don’t hesitate in letting me know about any more symptoms, I can’t treat what I don’t know about.”
“I understand.”
“I’m going to write a prescription for a new medication. You are not to take it for a week, I want your system cleared of the last medication before you start this to minimize any complications. I don’t want to set back your progress.”
“I will notate the date you are to start on the prescription bottle. After about a month, we’ll run a new batch of tests to see if it’s helped. In the meantime, if you have any more symptoms, that includes stiffness, numbness, an altered state of consciousness, inability to move your limbs, feeling like you're frozen, blackouts etc., return to the hospital. I don’t want you to ignore it and it becomes worse and possibly causes a stroke.”
“Yes, Dr. Richardson.”
“You can sit here for a few moments or go to the waiting room while I complete your chart and send your prescription.”
Chris shook the doctor’s hand before he left, closing the door behind him. Chris turned to Robyn, “how are you feeling?”
“Overwhelmed. I didn’t anticipate this after having our baby.”
“It’s a lot to take in but we’ll get through it especially now that we know what to expect going forward.”
“I just wanna go home and lay down.”
“You hungry?”
“No, I’m good.”
Chris helped her down off the table and to stand up straight, “you need your walker?”
“No, I think I can make it without it.”
Chris grabbed the portable walker and folded it up into itself while following Robyn’s slow gait out of the examination room. They sat in the waiting room for a few minutes before they were cleared to leave.
Chris watched as Robyn tucked her feet underneath herself as she sat in a chair on the front porch. The newly installed rocking chair helped as the weather got warmer and the kids wanted to be outside more. She carefully started to rock and Chris had to stop himself from going to her immediately. He knew she was still trying to come to terms with the doctor’s diagnosis. Having your miracle baby but developing serious health problems as the result of it is a lot for a person to handle. His therapist had cautioned him to let Robyn take her time to adjust to any new situation before he rushed in to talk to her about it. Everyone needs their space to think before trying to problem solve. He finished washing the cup he was holding when an idea came to him.
Robyn sighed as she brushed a tear off her face. She didn’t anticipate postpartum life being this hard. A few minutes passed when she heard a knock on the wall beside her. She looked up and Chris smiled at her, “Hey Babe.”
“Hey you. Mind some company? I got hot chocolate and sweet cake.”
Robyn giggled, “my favorite. I guess you can sit out here too.”
Chris set the tray down on the side table while he grabbed a chair from the other side of the porch to sit down.
“How you feeling, Baby?”
“I’m ok. Still wrapping my mind around my new body, I guess but I’m ok.”
“You know you don’t have to put on a front for me. I know this is hard and definitely not either of us anticipated when you got pregnant.”
“But you don’t have to suffer through this in silence. I’m here whenever you’re ready to talk.”
“I don’t know how we do this.”
“The same way we do anything else; we adjust, adapt and just do it. Unfortunately, there’s no prewritten playbook for this.”
“I know. It’s just- it’s overwhelming. How are you?”
“I’m good but I’m focused on you. I wish I could tell you I understand how it feels but I’m no woman and I have not given birth so I can’t possibly help in that aspect but I want to help you by making this easier for you to deal with.”
“I don’t know. I’m trying to adjust to the weight, the breathing, the walker, and the seizures all at once.”
“It’s a lot, Sweetheart. I know but you are the strongest woman I know. You’ve made it through so much that I have no doubt if we really give it our best shot, you’ll get through this. You’re not alone in this. Maybe we can approach this the same way we’ve approached getting back to center. One thing at time. Your health is way more important than the whole weight thing right now. Once we get your seizures under control which in turn assists with your breathing, we can worry about that.”
“I guess that would be best. I guess I’ll have to get used to being a size 14 for a while.”
“Which is not a bad thing.”
“You’re only saying that because my butt is bigger.”
Chris playing raised his brows at her and Robyn laughed, “Listen, intercourse may be out of the question for a while but my hands are not broke.”
“Oh my God, Christopher.”
“What? I’m just being honest. I can rub on you a little bit, it can’t hurt.”
“You’re such a troublemaker.”
“I love you.”
“I know. I love you too.”
Chris smiled and leaned over to kiss her lips, “you wanna go on a date with me?”
“We have the kids here.”
“I know. We’re not gonna leave the house but I wanna do something special for you.”
“You let me worry about that. Just need a yes or no.”
“Uh yes.”
“Ok, are your eyes closed?”
Robyn chuckled, “does it matter? I have a blindfold on.”
“I’m just checking, Ms. Fenty-Brown,” Chris replied with a laugh, “it’s just a few more steps.”
“I don’t know why I have to be blindfolded, we’re at your house.”
“Our house. And I still want this to be a surprise. You been fussing for the last five minutes.”
“Because I’m anxious. Hurry up.”
Chris carefully guided her to the middle of the backyard before standing behind her and taking the blindfold off, “what you think?”
“Aww Babe, this is beautiful.”
Chris held her waist to keep her steady as she started to walk around. Decorative lanterns were placed inside and outside a large tent with the opening flaps pinned to stay open. Small lights were hung inside the cloth and metal structure as the all white pillows and palettes glowed underneath them.
“Can we go inside?”
“Yea, just hold onto my hand  and i’ll help you get down.”
Robyn kneeled carefully as she held onto Chris’s wrist then slowly crawled inside the tent, “this is so pretty.”
“You like it?” Chris replied as he sat beside her.
“I love it. It’s comfy and relaxing in here.”
“So what else you got up your sleeve?”
“What you mean?”
“I know you and I sense there’s something else going on here.”
“There’s no hidden agenda here, Robyn.”
“I didn’t say it was a hidden agenda, I just think you got something else planned.”
Chris smiled, “it’s not anything like you think, I promise.”
Chris moved to close the flaps of the tent and shifted to press a button on  a small black box that was situated on a small table behind them. A lens popped up out the top of the box and began to project an image on the white flaps.
“Aww Babe, my favorite movie. This is so cute.”
“I wanted to get the usual movie stuff but I know you can’t eat any of it so...I got this,” Chris grabbed a tray and sat it between them, “so there’s some green tea with honey, some mini sweet cakes and cookies.”
Robyn did a little dance and Chris chuckled, “I’m guessing I did good.”
“You did perfect. I only find these cookies at the airport, where’d you get them?”
“You can order them in bulk online. I found them last week.”
“You even chilled the green tea. You remembered.”
“You’re the only person I know who drinks brewed green tea cold.”
“It just tastes better to me.”
“You ready to watch the movie?”
“Yes. Can you move closer?”
Chris furrowed his brow then moved the tray out the way and scooted closer. Robyn leaned down and put her head in his lap. She grabbed one of his hands to hold it as the movie began to play.  Chris leaned down and kissed her temple before whispering in her ear, “I love you.”
“I love you too, Baby.”
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bi-naesala · 4 years
Blood is the currency of the soul
Dismas goes to find an old friend with a specific request.
(Also on AO3)
(Spicy content up ahed!)
The way Dismas’ steps echo through the empty church hall will never stop being creepy, no matter for how many years he’s heard them. That’s something he doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to.
It’s not that he’s not used to creepy things, not when his job is to hunt down and kill all the monsters that fester the land, it’s just that this is supposed to be a place of worship and light but now it’s cold, dead and abandoned.
It’s such a weird place to be used as a house, especially if you are a vampire.
He cringes at the sound of his coarse voice; it’s certainly not something that should be heard in a church.
That simple greeting serves to warn the creature living here of his presence, creature that’s hiding behind the altar like he always does.
The first thing he sees are a couple of red eyes peeking from the stone surface, but they’re soon joined by a familiar head and a familiar body.
“Good evening, Dismas,” the creature says. He looks happy to see him, like he always does.
He begins to slowly walk towards him, until they meet halfway through their steps. The creature is imposing, but Dismas knows well that he poses no actual threat, especially to him.
“Good evening,” Dismas echoes him. When the creature steps into his personal space, he doesn’t move away not even an inch, and when he cradles his face in his hands - movements so tender for such a deadly monster - he can’t help but to smile.
“I missed you,” the creature says then, so earnest. Dismas rolls his eyes, though the smile doesn’t disappear from his face.
“You always miss me, Reynauld,” he replies, amused, though despite everything deep down he’s glad about this. It’s nice feeling wanted by someone, even if that someone is a vampire, but well, Rey is a special case.
Dismas still remembers their first meeting quite well, despite having been more than a couple of decades ago already. He was but a novice in the monster hunting business, maybe that’s why he let him live.
Reynauld looked so pitiful as he approached him - and what kind of vampire would voluntarily approach a hunter? - begging to be killed, that Dismas just… He didn’t have the heart to do it.
No matter how much he begged him, Dismas was paralyzed. He couldn’t bring himself to harm him! It was something so weird and unexpected that for a moment he feared that it was all a trick, a way to make him lower his guard, but no: Reynauld was being honest.
 That day, he left him where he found him, right there, in that wretched church.
The next day, however, he came back, and the day after again. The creature was still there, barely reacting to his presence if not to ask him to put an end to his life - or unlife, Dismas guesses - but the young hunter still couldn’t bring himself to do it; it should’ve been easy, right? The easiest kill in Dismas’ life, and yet he couldn’t help but to pity this creature who so much wanted to die. Hell, he never even attacked him! He never tried to take his blood despite the fact that he was clearly starving.
Eventually, he did something he knew he should’ve never done, something that goes against everything that had been taught to him: he got closer to the creature, removed one of his gloves and he sliced his wrist.
As soon as the smell of dripping blood hit the creature’s nostril, he recoiled like he’d been hit, crawling away from Dismas and muttering something that he wasn’t able to catch amidst as series of “no, no, no, no”.
“I’m giving it to you,” Dismas said then. Those were his first words towards the creature. “Take what you need.”
The creature made himself smaller on the ground.
“I can’t… No… Light please…” He began to crawl towards Dismas. “… NO!”
Before Dismas could react, the vampire lounged at him, making both of them fall on the cold ground. Dismas tried to move but all he could feel is extreme pain, like someone was sucking the life right out of him.
Then everything went black.
 When Dismas came to, first of all he was surprised by still being alive, secondly, he couldn’t believe that he fell for such an obvious trap.
Where was he even… Oh, he was still here.
Just what was exactly that creature’s plan?
 He heard the sound of sniffles coming from behind the altar. It must’ve been him.
Slowly, ever so slowly, he got up, trying his best to ignore the feeling of nausea that almost made him throw up. This time he didn’t move unarmed, dirk already in hand in case the beast tried some funny shit.
He walked with caution, measuring each step, circling the altar, until he got a view of the creature hiding under it. He was curled up around himself - almost like a baby - and there were crimson streaks across his visage.
Was the beast… crying?
Immediately the creature’s gaze snapped up, looking at Dismas with incredulous gaze.
“You!” he exclaimed. “You’re alive!”
Weird: even though he was clearly surprised, he hadn’t assumed any defensive position at the reveal. Actually, he even looked relieved.
“I am.”
Immediately the creature pathetically groveled at his feet, blabbering so fast that all Dismas could understand was “forgive me”. Alright, he had gotten enough of this story; he crouched down, putting himself at the same level of the beast, and put his hands on his shoulders, stopping him.
“Yeah, yeah, sure, I forgive you,” he begun. “But what exactly are you?”
“What do you mean?” the creature asked, confused.
“I mean, what happened to you? Why do you act so weird?” Dismas replied. “What kind of vampire begs to be killed, then eats, then asks for forgiveness?”
The vampire didn’t reply immediately; he still looked confused. Maybe, Dismas realized, he didn’t know it himself; it’s rare, but he’d heard tales of certain victims that don’t end up quite dead as the vampire feeding upon them thought. A mistake in carelessness.
In these situations, there’s only one way to act: grant mercy to the newborn creature and kill it before it can become something dangerous. Still, with what heart could he do that?
 He tried his best to appear non-threatening, which might’ve been a bit hard considering that he was still holding his dirk in hand, but whatever, he was never good at this stuff.
“Listen, how about you and I have a chat,” he begins, “You seem in trouble and I might be able to help you.”
He could see the conflict in the creature’s eyes; he was clearly having a hard time deciding what to do. Well, Dismas didn’t blame him: if their positions were switched, he would’ve had a hard time too for sure.
Eventually, however, he weakly nodded.
“If you’re offering, then I suppose I can accept it…”
He shakes his head, coming back to the present and - most importantly - to the amused Reynauld in front of him. He looks so different from the first time they met; he looks definitely better: with time he managed to accept his new condition as a vampire, also thanks to Dismas’ help. Dismas has no idea how he manages to balance the nature of his new existence - or un-existence he guesses - and his religious beliefs, but hey, whatever works for him.
“You were spacing out,” Reynauld replies, tilting his head. “What were you thinking about?”
“Will you laugh if I say I was thinking about you?”
Reynauld’s smile grows larger at those words; Dismas finds it beautiful. When he closes his arms around his waist, pulling him closer, he rests his hands on his chest in order to keep himself uptight.
“No, but I can say that I’m flattered.”
They kiss, softly, Dismas humming against Reynauld’s lips a reply that is soon forgotten.
 Oh, how long it took Reynauld to accept his touch: at first he was too afraid for them to stand close to each other, afraid that the mere contact would be enough for his worse instincts - the one he always tries his best to keep in check - to resurface and take control of him, like when Dismas sliced his wrist to feed him.
With time and experience, however, he managed to keep himself in check, and of the fear that was holding him back there is no trace now.
 He can’t help but to roll his eyes when Reynauld pulls him up - an easy feat for him - and takes him to a familiar place, though the gesture is half-hearted at best.
“What would your god say if he saw us defile his church like this?” he teases as Reynauld lowers him onto the altar. Despite still wearing his clothes, Dismas can’t help but to shiver at the cold.
“’My God’, as you call him, has sent you to me, so I don’t see why I shouldn’t honor you the way you deserve,” Reynauld replies, before cutting off any possible reply from Dismas with another kiss.
Yes, in the years they’ve known each other, Reynauld has convinced himself that Dismas is some sort of godsend or some bullshit like that. He’s still unsure of how he feels about it, but he’s figured that, for Reynauld’s sake, he’ll put up with it.
This doesn’t mean that he can’t tease him about it, however. As Reynauld had learned in the years they’ve known each other, nothing is sacred to him, not even religion. It’s a wonder how patient he is with him in this regard; Dismas has always wanted to ask him about it, but each time he decides to do it, he stops himself before any word can leave his mouth. Things have always been like this between the two of them: they talk about their past, but never enough not to sound vague. To be quite honest, it’s one of the things Dismas appreciates more about this relationship: the ability to mind your own business; they both understand that the past is a tricky thing, so why suffer because of it when they can just focus on the present, on each other?
 Dismas’ train of thoughts is forcibly interrupted when Reynauld kisses him; Dismas chuckles, keeping him close with his arms around his shoulders, and returns the gesture in kind, parting his lips to sneak his tongue between Reynauld’s, caressing his fangs with it. He’s tempting fate like this, he knows it, but what’s life without risk? Boring, that’s what it is.
He’s rewarded by an animalistic growl from Reynauld, a sound he makes only when the most bestial part of him takes control, and he’s pushed with his back against the altar by the same Reynauld who’s now pressing his body against his, leaving him with no way to move. It’s like Dismas is trapped, and he loves it.
This aggression doesn’t last long, however, and soon they’re back to exchange soft kisses and caresses. Dismas has always liked it when Reynauld goes hard and fast, but lately he’s finding himself enjoying this side of him too; maybe he’s mellowing out with age.
 He can’t help but to cringe at that thought. Yes, he’s getting old, while Reynauld…
Dismas has never been one to care about looks. It just never was his priority.
Now, however, he can’t help but to be a little self-conscious about his aging body, about the wrinkles that are starting to appear, at the gray that has begun to pepper his hair, at the loss of muscle mass.
Reynauld is always quick to shut down his insecurities whenever they come up, even when Dismas doesn’t voice them - by now they know each other pretty well, enough to know what they’re thinking.
He always takes his face between his hands, caressing his cheekbones with his thumbs, kissing each and every wrinkle, caressing his graying hair.
“You’re as beautiful as the day we met,” he always says, and what can Dismas do, if not to believe him?
 Still, he likes it less and less to be naked in front of him. He doesn’t feel adequate, that’s all: Reynauld’s beautiful, powerful, and he’s not so thin that he might snap like a twig if someone blows his way. How is he supposed to compare?
Things are going to get worse and worse as he gets older, he knows this. On one hand, it’s reassuring to know that Reynauld would never dream to abandon him just because he doesn’t look as young as he once did, but on the other…
 They have talked about it once, during a moment of weakness on Reynauld’s part: the pain of knowing that eventually he’ll lose Dismas was too much to bear, and he asked him to allow him to turn him. He begged even, on his knees, something that took Dismas so much by surprise that he couldn’t find the words to say.
After that episode, they never spoke about it again, but as of late Dismas has been wondering, wondering a lot. Most importantly, he’s reached a conclusion, which brings him to the main reason why he’s come here in the first place.
“Reynauld,” he calls him in fact, taking his face between his hands. “I want you to turn me.”
He hears the way Reynauld’s breath hitches at those words, how it quivers into something resembling a whine. How much as he thought about this?
“Are you sure?” he asks, voice trembling, despite the fact that he looks eager to do it, he still waits, he still wants to make sure. Dismas loves him so much, though his consideration this time is pretty useless. He nods.
“I think I’ve waited too much…” he mutters then. It was supposed to be a joke, but of course Reynauld takes it seriously.
“We waited until you were ready,” he replies in fact, going back to mouth at his neck. “If you’re worried about your appearance, you should know that--”
“That I’m beautiful as the day we met, I know, you always tell me,” Dismas interrupts him, unable to hold back a cheeky smile that Reynauld immediately kisses away.
 Dismas thought that he would’ve gone straight for the turning, but he doesn’t. Actually, Rey’s acting like this short conversation never happened, beginning to tear Dismas’ coat open and then his shirt, kissing every inch of skin he uncovers. It makes Dismas almost forget about it too.
“R-Reynauld!” he manages to mutter however, once Reynauld has unbuttoned his shirt and is not getting comfortable with his head between Dismas’ legs. He raises his gaze to look at the hunter; his eyes are ravenous, but not in the dangerous way, it makes Dismas shiver.
“What?” he asks then. Did he truly forget?
“Didn’t we say…” Dismas begins, but thankfully Reynauld understands immediately what the deal is; so he hasn’t actually forgotten. Good.
“Let me have you as you one last time.”
… As you? What…
“Rey, I’m not going to turn into a monster or something. I mean, you haven’t, so why should I?” Dismas points out. Is there something about the turning process he’s not privy to? Something Reynauld hasn’t told him?
“I know, I know, but…” the other replies, succeeding immediately into calming Dismas down - he doesn’t have to worry about too unpleasant side effects at least - but then he continues. “Let me just have this, please?”
Oh well, if he puts it that way…
“Fine,” he says, but when Reynauld still doesn’t move, he adds: “Are you going to ravage me like the big boy that you are, or are you just going to stand there all night?”
At those words, Reynauld rolls his eyes, though there’s a fond smile on his face. Dismas is about to say something else, but he’s quickly shut down by a kiss.
  When Reynauld lowers himself between Dismas’ legs again, the other also sighs for the relief; he’s been building up more and more tension without any way to release it, but now hopefully Rey will put a remedy to that.
He shivers at the light bites Reynauld presses into his thighs; in all the times they’ve known each other, Rey has always tried to keep himself in check when it comes to biting, aware that if he lets go even just one bit, it might lead to some unpleasant situations. This time, however, there’s none of his usual hesitation in the way he covers his skin in red marks.
A moan leaves Dismas’ lips when, once he’s satisfied with his work, Reynauld immediately takes him in his mouth, without any kind of warning. He bucks his hips up, surprised, but Reynauld keeps him still as he begins to suck him off with a speed and vigor that Dismas is now mad that he’s always withheld from him.
Still, he’s ever so careful in the way he moves his mouth, mindful not to brush his tusks against the sensitive skin; not that Dismas wouldn’t like it but, judging by the time in which he came immediately after he had accidentally grazed against his cock, he would like it too much, and Reynauld wants this to last.
 Apparently, however, that doesn’t go along with Dismas’ plan, who begins to grind his hips against him, trying to get more.
“Reynauld… Rey, c’mon,” he moans, impatient as ever. Were Reynauld free to move as he pleases, he would’ve shaken his head.
In the end, if he has to be honest with himself, he doesn’t really mind it, quite the opposite actually. He knows he just gives more voice to the most egocentric part of himself, something that he shouldn’t do, but hearing, feeling, how much Dismas wants him is something that he’s come to need the more time they’ve spent together. The thought of someone needing him, still wanting him despite his nature, has kept him from making very displeasing thoughts, and helped him come to terms with the fact that, even if his life has been irredeemably changed, this doesn’t mean that he can’t try to make the most of it, even if he keeps staying hidden from everything and everyone, except Dismas.
 That’s why, once Dismas begins to beg, he gives in.
He gets up, already taking care of his pants, lowering them enough to pull his cock free, giving it just a few tugs.
Oh, he can’t wait to be inside Dismas. What? He’s not the only one with an extinguishable desire, even though Reynauld has a habit to hide it; after all, Dismas acts enough for the two of them already, there’s no need for him to give his contribution too.
“Oil… Do you have oil?” he asks before he can do anything though. It makes Dismas rolls his eyes - he’s not made of glass for fuck’s sake - but he guesses he appreciates his care.
“Pocket…” he mutters, reaching for the jacket that Reynauld has left on the altar. After fumbling a bit, he manages to procure himself a small vial of oil, and to offer it to Reynauld. “Here.”
Reynauld takes it, opening and beginning to smear some on his fingers, only for Dismas to stop him.
“There’s no need for that…” he says, making a meaningful pause as the meaning of what he said sinks in. Oh…
“You scoundrel…” Reynauld mutters, though there’s no heat in his voice. He’s smirking, actually. “Did you want me that much?”
“Of course, you old fool,” Dismas replies through gritted teeth. He never liked having to openly admit this kind of stuff, which makes extorting the truth out of him a huge pastime of Reynauld, though he usually has to work harder than this to obtain some resorts; he must be very desperate.
Oh well, it is what it is. There’s something more important to think about, now.
 As he pushes his oiled cock against Dismas’ rim, Reynauld can’t help the shaky moans that leaves his lips, not that Dismas is quiet, quite the contrary actually. Yes, they make quite a pair, the two of them, with how loud they are. Good thing they’re in an isolated place, right?
His voice trembles once Reynauld bottoms out, and he tells him to get a move on.
“We don’t have all day!” he says, which, as a matter of fact…
“We do, technically,” Reynauld retorts, although he gently begins to rock his hips back and forth, finding it hard to remain still, not when Dismas is so warm and inviting. He always talks big game about patience and all that bullshit, but then he’s the first one who can’t resist the temptation of a warm body beside his; not that Dismas is complaining of course. Whatever floats his boat.
Frankly, as long as he doesn’t stop moving, he doesn’t care.
 Gods damn it, he really isn’t young anymore, not with the shitty stamina he has nowadays, because he already feels close to coming. Thankfully for him, Reynauld isn’t that far off himself, so at least he doesn’t have to be too embarrassed about it, but that’s just because Reynauld gets overwhelmed easily during sex no matter how many times they’ve done it.
“Fuck…” he mutters, gritting his teeth.
“Language,” Reynauld reprimands him, but Dismas doesn’t let him utter another word as he grabs him by the hair and draws him closer for a kiss, clashing their mouth together. For such a big bad vampire, he sure can’t handle a few swear words here and here.
At least he seems to get the message and doesn’t stop pounding into him. Dismas’ back is beginning to hurt, but he sucks it up, not wanting to interrupt the moment. Besides, the pleasure he’s feeling is far greater than the pain.
He has no problems digging his nails in Reynauld’s back, leaving red marks, keeping him as close as he can. It makes Reynauld shiver, but he keeps going. Thanks to his vampiric abilities, besides, those wounds heal quite fast, though Reynauld would lie if he said that he wouldn’t mind if he could be able to wear them for longer, just like Dismas wears his. Would Dismas feel the same way he does if he could see the visible signs of what he’s done on Reynauld’s skin? He can’t help but to wonder, though now he should be focusing on something else, shouldn’t he?
 Dismas’ voice echoes through the empty church, filling it with his moans as he comes. It would probably be considered a sacrilegious act if only someone else was there to witness it; hell, Reynauld might’ve thought so at first, but after years of being together he’s gotten more tolerant to it, still without losing his faith, even if for the people who share it he’d be considered a monster. And yet, Dismas can’t help but to think, Reynauld is way more human than some of the people he’s met throughout his life.
“Gods above, I love you so fucking much,” he can’t help but to mutter before he can’t stop himself. He’s usually not one for these kinds of words: he’s more of a man of action, not words. Even when sometimes he says them, it’s mostly in response to something that Reynauld tells him first; sometimes he’s wanted to be the one pronouncing them first, but there’s always something that blocks him, a sense of shame that he’s never entirely gotten rid of, not towards his feelings per se, let’s be clear, but about having to voice them.
There’s nothing of that hesitation this time. He’s saying it with a sincerity that he hasn’t managed to reach since forever. All because of this man in front of him, a man that has become the most important part of his life, the man he can’t live without.
He can’t help but to smile, seeing Reynauld being thrown off his rhythm by that quiet admission, but he soon recovers.
“Me too, Dismas,” he says then, pressing his forehead against Dismas. “I love you too. Dismas… I love you so much.”
He comes. It makes Dismas squirm as he gets filled up, but it’s not unpleasant, not at all. He doesn’t have the time to say anything else that Reynauld’s back to kiss him with a softness that it almost hurts; it used to hurt once, when Dismas was still young and angry at the whole world, but not anymore.
 Still, there’s something else Dismas wants, and he wants it now, during this moment.
“Rey, c’mon… I’ve given you what you wanted. Now it’s my turn,” he urges him, eagerly baring his neck to him. This is something that goes against every lesson he’s been imparted in his youth, but the tiny scars that Reynauld’s fangs have left time and time again demonstrate that there isn’t really a risk behind it, not with Rey at least.
However, Reynauld still hesitates. “Are you sure? You won’t be able to go back to how things once where if you do it.”
“I know.” Dismas rolls his eyes. “Just do it already.”
Reynauld kisses him, just a soft peck on his lips, then he bares his fangs. This isn’t the first time this happens, but never with such intent. It sends a shiver down Dismas’ spine.
 He leans closer, always closer.
Dismas’ breath begins to itch.
He wonders if he’s making the right choice. What if he regrets it?
Ah, to hell with that. He wants to be happy, and he knows that Reynauld makes him happy. Besides, who would keep him company if he died?
 Then Reynauld bites him.
The sharp pain is familiar - it always happens during the biting - but soon Dismas is overwhelmed by a new sensation, something he’s never felt.
He wants to scream his pain out, but his throat burns, just as the rest of his body, and not a sound manages to get out.
It feels like he’s being burned alive. Did someone accidentally start a fire?
He can barely see Reynauld with how clouded his vision is, and he can barely hear him call his name.
 It burns and burns and burns and burs…
Until Dismas dies.
  It’s like being in a dream.
Dismas feels suspended into a sort of limbo.
He can’t see anything but he feels.
His body is changing, and he can’t stop it.
It’s getting colder and colder, almost soothing after the sensation of being burned alive he felt a mere moments ago, or is it more than just seconds? He has no way to precisely tell how much time has passed. For all he knows, it might’ve been centuries.
 Then, a pull, towards something that Dismas doesn’t know.
Maybe it’s…
 He opens his eyes.
The first thing he sees is the church’s stained glass, or at least what’s left of it.
How long…
 Mmh, he’s on the ground; he can feel the cold stone pavement freezing his butt off. When he tries to move, however, he finds himself unable to. At first he fears he’s been tied up, but he soon realizes that the reason is far different from that: he’s being kept in Reynauld’s arms, which are squeezing him so hard that he feels like he’s going to break him.
As soon as he notices that Dismas is awake, Reynauld softens his hold on him. When he turns towards him, he’s smiling, though Dismas can see the faint red marks on his cheeks that indicate that he has cried while he was asleep. Did he think that he had killed him as he cradled his body? Did he think he made a mistake?
“You’re awake…” is all he’s able to say, and Dismas nods. He reaches out for him and rests his hand against his cheek. For once, he doesn’t feel cold.
Actually, now that he pays attention to it, his hands, and therefore his skin, are visibly paler than how they used to be. Does that mean that…
“We made it?” he asks, half-incredulous. Did it really work then? He can’t lie, he’s had his doubts right at the end, but not about the thing as a whole: it’s just that it hurt so much that Dismas thought it hadn’t worked, but apparently it’s part of the experience. “You could’ve warned me about the excruciating pain,” he points out then, without any real bite in his words.
Reynauld’s smile becomes more sheepish as he replies. “To my defends, I don’t remember much of how it felt when I turned…” He rests his head over Dismas’ shoulder and he’s back again to squeeze the life out of him, but hell, he doesn’t mind at all.
 A new beginning. New chances. Reynauld.
He can’t wait to get started.
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Surveys #417-419
Been slacking on posting these, so here’s like three surveys over the past few days divided up. I just don’t feel like posting them individually. Beware, it’s a long post, haha.
Do you believe that animals don’t have souls? I lean towards the idea that they, at least more complex species with actual sentience, do in some way. It's hard to imagine like, a fly having a soul, but it's a nice thought. You could NEVER convince me some don't, though, like my late dog Teddy, Sara's old chameleon Jem, and I could go on and on. Have you ever not been able to swallow pills? No, I've always been able to. If you HAD to change your first name, what would you change it to? Maybe like, Quinn. Something you don't hear a lot, for sure. Something more memorable. What are your thoughts on orange soda? Orange cream soda is BOMB. Man, been so long since I've had that stuff... Are you good with children and/or animals? Don't mean to brag, but people say I'm like a magician with animals. No matter what it is, I bond with it. Children, not so much. I'm awkward around them. Who in your life makes you smile the most? My cat, ha ha. If you were cremated, where would you want your ashes to be placed? Hm. Maybe high up in the mountains or in the Kalahari Desert. Do you plan on going to your high school’s reunion? No. I'm pretty sure I'd shatter from memories just entering the building. Would you want revenge on someone if they killed someone special to you? Or would you find it in your heart to forgive? "Forgive" my ass. They'd better get what's coming to them, even if I've gotta be the person to deliver it. Is there someone you are dying to see? More than I think anyone could possibly know. But it's probably better if I never do. Could you picture yourself getting married and having kids? Married, yes. Having kids, no. I could only picture that in one phase of my life, but like I called it: a phase. I should never be a mother, nor do I want to be one to begin with, so yeah, no kids for me. Do you like to take walks? If my legs were actually worth a shit, yes, I would, if it's in a nature-filled area. What are you listening to at this moment in time? "Thoughts & Prayers" by Motionless In White. Did you ever kiss someone with a tattoo? No. Could you say something good about the last person you kissed? She's very resilient. Why are you single? Because 1.) I'm a very unappealing example of an adult, 2.) I'm not exactly very attractive, and 3.) I'm basically a hermit, so I don't meet people. Do you get jealous if your boyfriend hugs another girl? Hypothetically, in almost any case, I wouldn't. My imaginary boyfriend can have female friends. But I'll admit if it was like, an ex-girlfriend or something and it was a seriously intense hug, I might. Is there something that happened in your past you hate talking about? Yes, but I mean, who doesn't. Have you ever been completely alone with a boy in his room? You make this sound so scandalous lmao. Yes, plenty of times. I dated a dude and briefly lived with him for three and a half years. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for? No. Who was the last person that you cried in front of? I'm sure it was Mom. Is it hard for you to be “just friends” with the opposite sex? Nah. Do you remember every single person that you’ve kissed? Yeah. Do you believe that the world will actually end? Humanity, oh yeah. The planet itself, given the infinite nature of the universe, also yes. At SOME point, even if it's zillions of years down the line, Earth is gonna get fucked by something. Are you socially awkward? I am the literal avatar of "socially awkward." Would you rather watch a comedy movie or horror movie? Horror. Who is your favorite actor/actress? MARK IS A FUCKIN' ACTOR, Y'ALL. Are you satisfied with your gender? Yeah. Are you good at admitting your problems? HA! Yeah. ezpz Have you ever had a hangover? No, never been drunk to begin with. Do you know any strippers? No. How many times have you dyed your hair? I ain't counting. What is something that reminds you of your childhood? Dinosaurs. Do you think you eat healthy? I try to. I have my bad days, though. Are you sick quite often or hardly at all? My immune system is the fucking MVP. I am just about never, ever sick. Has anyone suspected you of being a different sexuality? Yes. Do you like chocolate or vanilla cake more? Chocolate, duh. Does it bother you to have blood drawn or not so much? Nah, no biggie. Has your cell phone ever rung in class? Omg no, I woulda been mortified. Have you ever tried opening your eyes under water? Yeah, as a kid. Would you rather have a cat or a dog? I prefer cats. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital? Like... six times, I wanna say. What would you say is your favorite type of flower? Orchids, but I also love dahlias. I've actually noticed that I've really had a greater "thing" for flowers lately. Like don't get me wrong, I've always loved flowers very much, but I've just found myself more drawn to them than usual, especially when taking the daily hour ride to the TMS office. Do you watch Toddlers and Tiaras? FUCK no. That show disgusts and angers me so much. If someone asked you to go to war today, what would you say? Yeah, no. Funny joke. I couldn't go anyway due to mental health issues and a suicidal history. Do you own an old vintage typewriter? We used to when I was little. I have no idea what happened to it, though?? Hell, maybe we still have it somewhere, but I doubt that. Do you like or hate the smell of fish? Ew, does ANYONE like the smell of fish??? Have you ever read any of John Green’s books? I got a few pages into The Fault in Our Stars, but stopped for no real reason. I didn't not like it or anything, I was just still in my "I don't read" episode. Are you a protective person? VERY. I'm a fucking guard dog over those I love most. Are you a fan of penguins? Yeah, they're cute. I especially think emperor penguins are very majestic. Have you ever met your favorite author? I don’t have a favorite author. Did you get your mom or dad’s eyes? Neither's. I think my maternal grandpa had blue eyes, though? I'm not sure at all, though. When was the last time someone bought you flowers? Not sure. Has there ever been a murder in your town? "A" murder? Thems is rookie numbers for my neck of the woods, fella. This place is known for crime, and that includes murder. When falling asleep, do you ever feel like you stopped breathing? Well, I have seriously severe sleep apnea, so... but the diagnosis came as a surprise to me, because I never DID think this. But sure enough, did a sleep study, and in just one hour's time, I stopped breathing like what, 30 times? What's the last thing that scared the hell out of you? Stupid drivers. Do you have any life-changing plans within the next 6 months? I guess getting a job could be pretty life-changing. As of right now, how do you feel about your future? I'm very, very scared. Who is the last person you ran into unexpectedly? Hm, I dunno. Where does your grandma live? Both of mine are dead, but my paternal grandmother lived in Michigan, while my maternal one technically lived in Florida, but stayed in New York with her son's family a whole lot. I don't really know where she stayed more. Do you know how to read music? Not anymore. Does the song you’re currently listening to remind you of anyone special? Not so much the song, but the band. Motionless In White is one of his all-time favorites, so I can't listen to them without thinking of Jason. Sucks because they've been becoming one of MY favorites, too, so I listen to them a lot. If the person who has hurt you the most, said they were in love with you, would you believe them? I'd tell him he was in a love with a person who no longer exists. It's impossible for him to be in love with me now when he doesn't know how much I've changed. If Facebook made you pay would you still use it? Ha, no. Have you ever been recorded on film without your permission? Not that I know of? Tell me about your last boyfriend? He's a wonderful person. He's been there for me without fail since we became friends in high school band, and he is SO fucking funny. He's always cared a lot about me, and I care a lot about him, just not in the same way he does me. He's like my big brother. Are your parents racist? My dad definitely is. What is your least favorite subject in school? Math and economics both sucked. Have you ever been involved in a custody battle before? Almost certain no. I'm pretty sure Dad didn't fight for custody at all, but it could've been something Mom just never told me. Have you ever babysat a newborn baby before? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I NEVER could. Do you have any siblings you neglect? .-. As a kid, did you ever go to camp? I went to Vacation Bible School, if that counts. Did your parents ever let you play in the pits of those multicolored balls? Yeah, until that big news story about a dirty needle pricking a child. Have any of your siblings ever had a crush on your significant other? Not to my knowledge. I highly doubt it. What do you usually order at Taco Bell, if you go there? Cheese quesadilla with fiesta potatoes. Rarely a pair of those cinnamon ball thingies. Ever consider a sex change? Nah. Do you eat whip cream straight out of the can? EW no. I hate the texture of whipped cream. What do you think of popcorn? Loooove. Have you ever dated any of your friends’ ex? No. Well, it's funny, Rachel (both Juan's and Jason's ex) and I are friends now, but definitely weren't at the time of us being together. Have you ever gone out with someone even though one of your friends liked that person first? If yes, did you feel bad? If no, were you tempted to? No. Would you rather be a rich musician, or a rich actor? Musician. What was the last charity you donated to? I don't recall. Did you like to collect frogspawn as a kid? I've told the "my friends and I saved hundreds of tadpoles" story enough times, so for this question, I'll just talk about when I would go fishing with Dad as a kid. Back then, if I got bored of actually fishing, I would walk along the riverbank and try to catch tadpoles and minnows in my hands. It was soooo fun to Kid Brittany. Do you walk fast or slow? I walk pretty damn slow. Can you juggle with more than two items? I can't juggle, period. Do you like jalapenos? Yeah! Do you like kiwis? Yessss, I love kiwi! Does anyone in your family go deer or bird hunting? Who is it anyway? I don't know if she still does, but my little sister used to go deer hunting with a friend.
Are you saving up for anything right now? What? Yeah, my pet snake's 40 gallon terrarium. What sort of things do you have bookmarked in your internet browser? It's quite diverse, but I think I mostly have templates for specific character profiles. Have you ever snuck in to a theater/dance/bar etc? No, I'm a good noodle. If given the chance, would you go to Ireland? Certainly! It's beautiful there. If you have a cat, does it ever “converse” with you? Oh, ABSOLUTELY. When I talk to him, he sure does try to answer me and it's the cutest thing, ha ha. Have you ever tried those electric toothbrushes? Yeah, that’s what I use. Has anyone told you that they wanted to marry you/were planning on it/etc? Yeah, guess he changed his mind. Name one of your ex’s mother’s names? Virginia. Does your favorite song have a meaning? BIG TIME. Have you ever written or received a suicide note? I've written one. .-. What is the worst thing a child has ever done to you while you were babysitting? When I was changing her diaper, she got up and ran around naked in the house. ;-; Do you own a nightgown? No. If you could get any pet right now, what would you get? i. want. my. tarantula. Have you ever actually been stuffed into a locker? No. That is just such a TV trope that I've never even heard of happening irl. Do you/did you decorate the inside of your locker at school with stuff? I only had a locker in middle school, and I believe I didn't. I didn't want one in HS. What’s the coolest thing you’ve made with Legos? I was never a Legos kid; I played with Lincoln Logs. Do you want to get pregnant right now? Fuck no, man. Or ever. Have you ever housed a friend for a long period of time because they had no place to live? No. If you have a favorite comedian, have they ever been in a movie? I don't have one, really. Are there any books you want to read? Besides the series I'm reading, I want to read The Testaments by Margaret Atwood, but idk if I'll ever get to it, really. If you have younger siblings, are you very protective of them? We don't have a close relationship, but I am nevertheless. If you have older siblings, are they very protective of you? Not really, it seems. First letter of the names of everyone you have kissed? J, T, D, S. Do you like going to school sports games? No, I hated it. When Ash was a cheerleader, Mom made me go, and I was never happy about it. Have you ever worn your boyfriend’s clothes? An ex-boyfriend's, yeah. Did you get into your mom’s makeup when you were a kid? I don't think I did? Do you want anything pierced? Ugh, a lot of places. The last time you washed your hair, did you use conditioner? I never do. Has your partner ever accused you of cheating when you actually didn’t? I've never been accused of cheating. Has anyone ever called you stuck-up? No. I'm quite the opposite. Have you been diagnosed with any mental disorders? Too many, really. What are you doing this summer? Nada. Do you still watch MTV? I never did. Have you ever spent the night with the last person you kissed? Yes. What’s the dress code for your job? Do you like it? I'm unemployed. Does your job allow piercings or tattoos? ^, and this might sound stupid, but I wouldn't work at a job that didn't. Especially tattoos. No job is stopping me from doing things that improve my self-esteem and body image, particularly when I LOATHE my body. If a little bit of art makes me feel better about myself? Nobody is stopping me. What are some trends you dislike that everyone seems to love? "Crocs. Whyyyy?" <<<< THIS. First people hated them, now they love them??? They're hideous as shit. If you got married and then got divorced, would you want to re-marry? I don't really know. How often do you use lotion? Not NEARLY enough for someone with skin as dry as mine. Do you donate your old stuff to Goodwill? If so, what was the last thing you donated? Yeah. Mom recently brought some old toys, I think? How weight conscious are you? You have no fucking idea. Rent a movie or go see one in theaters? I prefer going to a theater. I enjoy the experience. What’s the biggest personality trait turn-off for a potential partner? Probably being an explosive/volatile person. I can't with that. Would you ever go on a birth control pill? I already am to regulate my period and tame the cramps. And if I was sexually active, I absolutely would want to be on it. What's your favorite late night tv show? I don’t have one. At high school do or did you participate in Spirit Week? No. Do you have a favorite vocalist? Who? Queen's Freddie Mercury will probably always top the list. If you have a favorite photographer, can you describe their work? I don't have a favorite photographer. Surprisingly. Are sex and sexual activities something you enjoy? If it's with someone I'm in love with and am in the mood, sure. What is one aspect of your life that did not turn out as you expected? I did NOT expect to reach 25 like... *gestures at self* this. What is one thing stopping you from becoming a veterinarian? I could never handle euthanizing pets and watching the families' hearts break. How long have you lived in the house you live in? Not even a year. Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder? I'm definitely sadder. Especially today. Do you like Subway? I do. Have you ever seen a volcano? No. Have you ever found a spider on your bed? Yes. It's the scariest shit when one skitters across your blanket, because like, you LEAST expect it to happen in the comfort of your own bed. Are you satisfied with the way your life is right now? Not even remotely, if I'm being honest. I'm at a real low. When was the last time you ate at Burger King? Years ago, when I was a vegetarian and went there for the veggie burger. How often do you cry? lol a lot Ever had a crush on a teacher? No. Can you wire a plug? ... I don't even know what you mean by "wire a plug," so obviously no lmfao. Where were you when you got your first period? Well I think I actually *started* at school, but I noticed when I got home. Can you drive? I mean I'm capable, but I'm an incredibly anxious, overly passive, and just generally terrified driver. I'm so scared of when I finally get new glasses and therefore a new permit... but I have to get used to driving. Living where I do, public transportation is very, very limited, and I just can't have people driving me places the rest of my life. Exercise or healthy eating? I sadly hate exercising SO much. I'd rather eat healthy. Did you play Red Rover when you were a child? Yeah. Are you more attracted to men or women? This can actually vary with time, which I originally thought was weird but is apparently normal for some bisexual individuals. There are spans where I feel more sexual attraction to men, and then other times women. Has anyone ever called you rich? God no, I am so far from it. What makes you feel beautiful? Nothing. Are you considered a very sensitive person? I'm way too sensitive for my own good. Have you ever told someone you never wanted to speak to them again? Yes, my dad. I regret that letter I sent him so, so much. I honestly don't know how he can treat me with so much love after the shit I said. If you could watch any TV series right now, what would it be? I am... astonishingly behind on Meerkat Manor: Rise of the Dynasty. I know, seriously incredible. I just don't watch TV, man. It's strange, I'm into the show, of course I am, I just... don't like sitting myself in front of a television and purely watching it. I'll catch up, though. Do you grind your teeth, and if so, why do you do it? No. But it's not like people have a reason they grind their teeth... they just do. Do you feel the need to rant about anything right now? If so, go for it. I could, but I'm not going to. It'll just upset me. Do you have a friend named Nick? What’s his favourite food? My sister's husband's name is Nick, but he is definitely not my friend. I can't stand his bigoted, sexist, misogynistic, homophobic, racist ass. I don't know or care what his favorite food is. What are you listening to? I'm re-watching Gab and Sinow play Resident Evil 5. People can say all they want about RE5, but I love it. Do you prefer waffles or pancakes? Waffles, but only if they're still soft enough to not be considered crunchy. I prefer them because I can put peanut butter on them, and the grooves catch the syrup instead of just absorbing it all like pancakes. Do you prefer non-diet or diet soda? I don't/can't drink diet sodas because the artificial sweetener gives me a KILLER headache. Are you craving anything right now? You guys have no idea how badly I want Taco Bell for whatever reason. Which word did you say first, mama or dada? The latter. What was your first pet’s name? So, there's three answers to this. I was born into the family while we had a collie named Trigger, but I have absolutely zero memory of her. She passed when I was too young. Our first family pet that I clearly remember was Chance, our rescued cat. My first *personal* pet was either a guinea pig named Squeak or Chinese water dragon named Shadow. I can't remember who came first. Who was your best friend in elementary? It changed with the years, but I can say the three biggies were Brianna, Kim, and Quiata. Who was your favorite teacher in high school? Probably Coach Collie. He was so wise, kind, funny... He was all-around just wonderful and taught so many life lessons. When you go to a restaurant, do you have a go-to dish? Always. What is the best part of your most ordinary day? Waking up and doing my first sweep of the Internet before I get bored outta my fucking senses. Do you read any web comics? No.
Do you drink bottled water? Yeah, but like any water, it has to be COLD. Not room temperature. Not a tad chilly. I mean cooooold. When did you last use a straw? Earlier. I have a metal straw I use to drink water with because I drink faster through a straw, and with it being water, of course I want to try to drink as much as I can when I actually choose to drink water. Have you ever tackled someone to the ground? No. Do you know anyone who lies to make themselves look more interesting? My former best friend did that. She was an online friend, so it made it easy. I finally caught on and called her out on it, and then she just totally dipped. Do you like to sing? Not that much, honestly. Like sometimes I feel like it, sure, but not frequently. Are your parents in good health? No, not really. Have you ever been a caregiver to a sick/disabled relative? No. I feel bad saying it, but I know I never could be. I could NOT clean another human being. It's one of the bajillion reasons I'm not having kids. Do you like to take naps during the day? "Like" isn't the right word. I just... need to. Most days, there is NO way I can make it 'til night without one. What movie was your favorite to see in the movie theater? Even though it was sincerely a sucky movie, I really enjoyed watching Silent Hill: Revelation because I saw the 3D version, plus the hype over my favorite franchise getting a new movie was just very exciting. Favorite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle character? I was never into that. Ever watched The Blair Witch Project? Yes, and I positively adore it. I genuinely think it's a genius horror movie, never showing, but telling through other methods. Have a favorite AC/DC song? Probably "You Shook Me All Night Long." Are you good at selling candy for those fundraiser things? Omg nooooo I HATED doing that shit, especially when some amount of sales were like, required for whatever bullshit reason. I hate hate hate advertising to people. My parents always bought them instead. Have you ever had a crush on someone too old for you? No. Well, besides James Hetfield, ha ha. What's your favorite Dr. Suess quote? I don't know enough quotes to have one. If you were to have wings, what would you want them to look like? Dark and dragon-esque with lots of rips and tears in them... but not enough to stop me from flying, ha ha. Have you ever broken up with someone to find you want them back later? No. Has anyone ever dared you to eat a chili pepper? Did you do it? No. Have you ever tried Thai food? No. Have you ever watched Avatar? The TV show, not the movie. I've seen I think one season with Sara so far? I actually quite enjoy it. What's your cellphone's signature for text? WOW this survey is ancient. If you smoke marijuana, what is your preferred or typical method? I don't smoke it. Do you often take painkillers? I dunno about "often," but headaches to the point I take something aren't rare for me. Do you wish you were in a relationship? I mean yes, but I know it's for the better I'm not. Have you ever been to the ER? Many times. Do you ever feel guilty eating meat? I feel extremely guilty. I try not to think about it. Where have you lived for the most part of your life? Eastern NC. How old are you? 25. What are you listening to at the moment? Powerwolf came out with a new album, so I've been bingeing the shit out of some songs, ha ha. Right now it's "Blood For Blood." Do you watch WWE Raw? Ew, no. I have NEVER gotten the appeal of wrestling. Just like... why????? Do you dye your hair? Nowhere near regularly. :/ I haven't had it dyed in a very long time, and I hate it. I love colored hair. We just can't afford that expense on something so little. My hair does NOT take dye easily, so we have to have a professional do it, and that isn't exactly cheap. Have you ever lived in a different country that the one you’re living in? No. Which of your parents will you see next? I live with my mother, so. Have you fallen asleep in school? Not in class, no. In college when I would be in the library between classes, though, I've dozed before. Have you ever been hospitalized? Yes, but not for physical issues. Do you make fun of obese people? You're talking to someone who is. So obviously no, and you're a piece of fucking shit if you do. Do you have an innie or an outtie? Innie. Have you ever tried to headbang? No. Even as a metalhead, I don't get it, man. You're asking for a headache. Do you own any Converse? What do you think of them? I have a few and like them. Have you ever started a rumor? No. Have you ever been in a position of authority? I mean, I'm an admin on two sites, so I guess? Were your ancestors royalty? Yeah, I'm related to one of the Queen Victorias, I believe. I just know she had a thing for beheading people, ha ha. What do you like on your pasta/noodles? Sauce, butter, grated cheese, etc.? Just tomato sauce and meatballs, really. Who is the most ungrateful person you know? What makes them this way? My fucking ex-best friend. You could never, ever give her enough and she just... blegh. She was so fucking ungrateful for everything people did for her. It was just never enough. Do you like cherry Pepsi? I like cherry Coke. I don't like Pepsi. Have you ever held an uncommon pet before (ex: mouse, spider, snake, lizard)? I've held snakes, rats, lizards, and a tarantula. Who did you last play truth or dare with? No clue. Have you ever camped out somewhere for an event the next day? No. When were you the saddest in your life? 2016. Do you know anyone, personally, who is in an abusive relationship? Are you? No. If you have siblings, have they moved out or do they still live with you? Yeah, they've moved out. What was the most unique pet you’ve owned? I'd probably say my champagne ball python. A lot of people don't even know ball python morphs exist, so seeing her might surprise some people. Do you like Doritos? Yeah. When you buy clothes, do you always try them on first? No, but I need to learn how to... I just HATE doing it. Have you used bugspray recently? No. Do you enjoy swimming in the ocean? Yesssss. Have you ever tried to sew or knit anything? No. Has something ever happened to you that seemed like it was from a movie? Most of Jason's and my relationship felt like one. Hence why the breakup felt so sudden and just impossible. Do you find yourself to be a believer in love at first sight? Not even remotely. Is there something you want to do, that you swear you will, no matter what? Spread Teddy's ashes in Yellowstone. I promised him. Are you longing for the day that you’ll be an adult? (If you’re not already) I am an adult, and it sucks. What’s something you’ve vowed to never eat? Any meat that was hunted. Have you ever owned a diary/journal with a lock and key? I don't believe so. When you were little, what movie did you watch over and over? Mostly Disney films, like The Lion King and Finding Nemo. Are you deathly allergic to anything? No. Do you know what you want for your dream house? Nope. I honestly don't really care about having a "dream" house to begin with. I just need one that's cozy to me and gets the job done. Have you ever seen the movie The Notebook? Many, many times. It's my favorite romance movie. Have you ever used the photo editing site “Picnik”? No, not to my memory. Has an animal ever taken a strong dislike to you? Our old dog Bentley didn't like me all that much, and I didn't like him, either. Have you ever attempted to cut your own hair? No. Do you have a lucky or special coin? No. Do you love ice cream cake more than normal cake? No. Do you check your email daily? No. Is there anyone you know who’s in any way paralyzed? No. For you, do you commonly feel more jealousy or envy? Envy. Do you rely on the heads/tails flipping of a coin sometimes for decisions? No. Has a laptop ever burned your legs? Yes, actually. For a while many years ago, my old laptop left subtle burn marks on my legs. Anyone’s birthday coming up soon? My nephew's is next month. Do you like Laffy Taffy? I doooo. Are your biceps at all noticeable? Ha, no. Have you ever seen a walrus? Maybe when I went to SeaWorld as a kid? Did you ever have one of those easy bake ovens as a kid? Yup. If given the opportunity, would you ride on a camel? Sure. What flavor cake do you like for your birthday? Red velvet. Have you ever had a job you loved? Nope. Have you ever been in a building that was on fire? Yikes, no. Have you ever written a poem for someone? Two people. Have you been best friends with someone of a different race? Yes. Who is the person you are closest to that you’ve met online? Sara. What was the name of the first porcelain doll you got? I was very afraid of dolls as a kid, so I obviously didn't have one. Do you sell any products? If so, what? I mean, I'm a wannabe photographer that sells my service. Owls or peacocks? Owls. Lions or horses? Lions. Can you still fit into kid’s clothes? Hell no. What devotional do you read, if any? None. What do you make wishes on? I only ever do for the tradition of it on my birthday. I don't believe in the magic of wishes, though. Have you ever made a recipe you found in a magazine? No. Are you bitter about anything? Probably always will be. Have you ever been in a love triangle? No. How bad are your hangovers? Never had one. Have you ever broken a bone? If so, what was the cause of it? Yes. It was identified as a fracture, but a break and a fracture are technically like the same thing, so. At a skating rink, I fell and landed on my hand so the top of it nearly touched my arm, so my wrist got FUCKED. I will never, ever forget the severity of the pins and needles feeling and just the experience in general. It hurt so goddamn bad. Is this the best year of your life? Fuck no.
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etherealwaifgoddess · 4 years
Run To You - Chpt.1
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Summary: Bucky has had the day from hell and all he wants is to buy what he needs and get home to his sick kid. Enter Steve Rogers in the wrong place at the wrong time and Bucky’s day goes from bad to mortifying.  Master list is HERE :)
Content Warnings: A smidge of bad language, but really ya’ll should expect that from me by now lol
Word Count: 2.3k
Author’s Note: Hello lovelies! Who’s ready to start a new adventure with me? I knew I wanted to write a kid!fic with Bucky and Steve but I didn’t expect it to go quite this way until I jokingly called a friend “Captain Clueless” and then couldn’t get that name out of my head in relation to Steve. I fell completely in love with this little universe as I went and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did. XOXO - Ash
Chapter One
Bucky Barnes is not at his finest. He just got off a sixteen hour shift from his job as an ER nurse and can barely keep his eyes open. The shift should have ended four hours earlier, but a tour bus accident had them overwhelmed on what had already been a busy night. Bucky was looking forward to catching a few hours of sleep while Becca was at preschool but nope, he came home to a frazzled best friend/ babysitter and a sick four year old. It was always something with Becca, her immune system just wasn’t what it needed to be. Bucky couldn’t fault her for that, she had been born premature and that unfortunately resulted in a whole host of health issues for the little girl. He would never regret adopting her, it was the best decision he’d ever made, but some days parenthood wore on him. 
Bucky moves the load of laundry Natasha had started for him into the dryer. It smells clean but there will forever be a slight stain from puke on the ladybug print sheets. He can try his heavy duty stain remover on it later, but he knows there is only so much that can be done for white fabric and bodily fluids. There’s a reason most of his scrubs are black. After checking in on Becca, Bucky begs Natasha to stay a little longer so he can run down to the bodega to pick up a few things for when Becca wakes up. He would have sworn they had an extra bottle of Pedialyte, but apparently they’d used it up during Becca’s last bout with the flu. 
Natasha waits patiently, listening to Bucky complain about his shift while he quickly changes out of his scrubs into a pair of soft grey sweats and an old Blink 182 tshirt. She’s been his best friend since their first year of college when they met in Intro to Biology. The two of them have been inseparable ever since, both even choosing to stay in Brooklyn after college instead of going back to where they were from. Natasha’s family was from Russia but traveled a lot so she was happy staying in the city that felt like home to her, and Bucky would have done just about anything to avoid going back to the tiny town in Indiana where his parents were still selling drugs out of their trailer and making each other miserable. 
Bucky had thought he was free of his family forever when NYU accepted him into their nursing program. It was his way out of a poverty stricken little town that people rarely escaped from. Bucky had left home at eighteen with no intentions of returning, and he probably never would have, but during his last year of nursing school he found out through Facebook that his thirty eight year old mother was pregnant. To no one’s surprise, his mom was still dealing, still with his deadbeat dad, and was too far along when she found out she was pregnant to have any other option than having the baby. It was a repeat of the situation she’d found herself in at sixteen when she had Bucky. Knowing what it was like to grow up in that house, Bucky couldn’t allow another child to be brought into such a toxic environment. As soon as his mom confirmed the news was true, he hopped on the next flight out to Indiana and started the process to legally adopt his sister once she was born. 
When Rebecca Grace Barnes came into the world nine weeks early the doctors said it was a miracle she survived. She was so small, just barely three pounds, and needed to stay in the NICU for just over a month. Bucky had made arrangements with his professors to turn in exams and papers online, barely managing to finish up his nursing degree while biding his time before he could go back to Brooklyn with his baby sister. It had been a wild ride trying to get his nursing career started while caring for a newborn but Natasha had been a life saver. She and their other friend Clint had stepped up in a huge way, helping to watch Becca when he needed to work and daycare wasn’t open. Their schedules had gotten even messier recently when Becca started preschool. Bucky is counting down the days until kindergarten starts so their schedules will align enough for him to only lean on Nat and Clint one or two days a week at most. 
“Are you even listening to me?” Natasha throws a balled up Minnie Mouse sock at Bucky who’s too tired to dodge and instead gets a face full of pink fleece. 
“Yeah, Nat,” Bucky sighs, wishing he could take off his aching prosthetic but knowing he’ll need both hands for shopping bags. “I’m getting you a choco taco and a red bull this time. I got you.” 
Natasha nods happily, completely unphased by Bucky’s eye roll. She’s getting her wake up juice and her crunchy chocolatey sugar, and that is all that matters.
Bucky rushes around the bodega grabbing everything he’ll need to deal with a sick kid, throwing things in the basket without even bothering to check price tags. His bank account will hate him, but he doesn’t exactly have time or options to find the best deals. Grabbing Nat’s items and an iced coffee for himself, he waits in line as an older man chats with the clerk while the teenager rings up his order. The television in the corner is playing the local news, apparently Captain America visited a rec center in Brooklyn recently. There are sound bites from elderly residents and young kids fawning over him, and one of the Captain himself extolling the importance of community and keeping kids off the streets.
Bucky thinks his eyes will get stuck in the back of his head with how hard he rolls them. “This fucking guy.” Bucky grumbles as he places his basket on the counter, unloading his stuff. 
The clerk nods in silent agreement.
“I’m sure he was a ‘bright shining beacon of hope’ back in WWII but he has no clue what’s going on in the real word nowadays.” Bucky continues.
The clerk nods once again and Bucky, feeling particularly exhausted and grumpy, yells over at the TV, “It’s not all rainbows and sunshine Captain Clueless!”  
“Captain Clueless?” A deep voice rumbles from behind him, “I’ve been called a lot of things over the years, but that’s a new one.” 
Bucky sees the clerk's face go pale and the kid freezes, confirming what Bucky feared when he heard that rich baritone behind him. Oh fuck. 
Turning around, Bucky prepares himself for the worst. Instead, he finds an extremely amused looking Captain America holding a bottle of water and a bag of swedish fish. 
“I’m… I… I didn’t mean…” Bucky stammers. He doesn’t know how to politely explain I meant every word but never meant for you to hear it. 
The register pings as the clerk frantically finishes ringing up Bucky’s order, trying to get both men out of the shop before the situation can get any worse. The sound startles Bucky and he turns around to see the green blinking $58.79 on the little box. His stomach sinks, there went grocery shopping for the week. But, he reasons, Becca won’t want much for a few days while she recovers and he’s no stranger to a ramen-only diet. They’ll get by, just like they always do. 
Before Bucky can hand over his last three twenties, a sleek black card taps against the card reader and the machine starts blinking, processing it. Bucky spins around in surprise only to literally face plant into a solid wall of muscle. Muscle that smells like tea tree and mint, yum. Bucky moves backwards in surprise, bumping into the counter but getting himself away from the giant of man who’s also moving backwards after their collision. 
“It’s on me.” Steve tells him with a shrug. 
“You didn’t have to do that.” Bucky insists, “I insulted you.” 
“You were just being honest.” Steve reasons, “I don’t get to hear people’s honest opinions all that much.” 
“That has to be weird.” 
Steve chuckles, “Pal, you got no idea.” 
“Well, thank you. And I am sorry you heard that.” Bucky collects his bags, still dumbfounded by the whole experience. 
“I’d like to hear more about why you said it. Whatever you think it is I’m missing about the twenty-first century. I’m just out for a run so if you don’t mind company on your way back to wherever, maybe we could talk?” 
Bucky shakes his head. The man actually wants to learn how to be a better person after being insulted by a random grungey stranger in a bodega. ��You really are Captain America.” Bucky murmurs, still stunned. 
Steve chuckles again; a deep, throaty sound. “Yeah, guilty as charged. But you can just call me Steve.” Steve winks conspiratorially and Bucky thinks he might actually combust. No one should be allowed to be that good looking. 
Bucky waits as the cashier rings Steve up for his things and Steve taps his card again to pay. “I thought it was weird enough getting a card that swiped when I came out of the ice, but now this one doesn’t even swipe. It just taps and poof, done.” Steve says with a faint tone of awe. 
Bucky can’t imagine how many things Steve needed to adjust to after waking up from the ice. “Far cry from what you were used to, huh?” 
“Well, it sure beats keeping coins in old coffee cans.” 
Bucky glances over at Steve as they leave the bodega together, “You do that whole ‘awe shucks, man out of time’ thing really well. Is it real though? No offense, you can’t really be that well adjusted. You’re still human.”
Steve meets Bucky’s eyes for a moment, crystalline blue piercing into smoke grey-blue, assessing him. After a few beats he decides Bucky is someone who can handle the truth. “It’s a lot easier to do that than to curse up a storm every time some piece of tech pisses me off. Plays out a lot better with the whole Captain America image too.”  
“I didn’t think Captain America even knew how to swear.” Bucky teases. 
“He doesn’t, but Steve Rogers does. I grew up in Brooklyn, I know how to curse.” 
Bucky laughs, swinging his bags idly as they walk in silence for a few steps.
Steve breaks the silence, reminding him of why they’re walking down the street together in the first place, “So really, why do you think I’m so out of touch? Because I thought SHIELD did a bang up job teaching me about the world and what I missed while I was out.” 
“I’m sure they did, but SHIELD is still an agency with their own ideas and agendas. I promise you, you got a watered down version of real life. Do me a favor; when you get home look up what they say about The Great Depression and WWII. Do a little research on how we look back at those times. Then think about how it really was back then when you were living it. I would bet you lunch that the two don’t line up.” 
“I never thought about it that way.” Steve admits. “I’ll look it up today, promise.”
They arrive on Bucky’s stoop and he climbs up a step, looking down at Steve instead of up at him. He wants to know what Steve thinks once he does some research but doesn’t know how to ask. Luckily, Steve beats him to it. 
“I’m going to need your number if you’re taking me out to lunch.” Steve says casually, a light hint of teasing. 
Bucky blushes, trying to remind himself that he was the one who threw the lunch bet out there. Steve Rogers would never just ask him out like that. “I… uh… um…” he fumbles anyway.
Steve takes a step back in retreat, his own cheeks flaming. “I’m sorry, that was. I’m sorry. You clearly have a sick kid to get back to, and I’m sure a lovely wife waiting for you too.” he motions at Bucky’s bags. “Thank you, for being honest with me.” Steve turns to hurry off and, thankfully, Bucky’s brain catches up with him.
“Steve, no.” he blurts out. “No wife. Sick kid, yes. But no, um, no one else. If you want my number, I’ll give it to you. My schedule is a little weird because of my job but I do want to know what you think when you get done looking things up.” 
Steve smiles up at Bucky, soft and hopeful and genuine. It isn’t the All American facade grin he uses for the cameras, and it feels all the more special to Bucky because of it. Steve hands over his phone to Bucky so he can enter in his contact info and then sends him a quick text so Bucky has his number too. “So, I’ll call you later then?” Steve tries, sounding a little unsure still.
“Yeah, I’ll look forward to it, Steve.” Bucky looks up at his doorway, knowing he needs to get back to Becca but not wanting Steve to leave quite yet. 
Steve takes the hint and gives him another soft smile and a small wave as he turns and heads off down the bustling city sidewalk. 
Bucky stands there a moment, collecting himself and trying to process it all, before hurrying back upstairs to his little apartment to relieve Natasha of babysitting duty.
*** New chapters will be posted on Sunday and Wednesday nights until the fic is complete ***
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