#that was a ride from start to finish wow wow wow okay then
Haha lol Ice Emperor goes Brrrr part 10
Wind snapped at his face like blades, cutting in its chill, yet familiar in the ways it swept between his metal plating. At his back, Boreal’s wingbeats hit the air like drums, rattling the sky with the force of each downstroke. Below, trees blurred into indistinguishable stripes that raced Boreal’s shadow as they soared.
It was an hour, maybe two, that Lloyd spoke up. “I thought you sent the palace guards.”
Julien, who had thus far been doing little but staring blankly at the white landscape, blinked back to himself before answering. “I did.”
“And we’re flying out, too?” A hand against the inner lining of his stomach. Minuscule compared to him as it lightly brushed along the ripples, and folds, and scars. “Not that I want to turn around, but…?”
When he considered it, it was acid on his tongue. Burning and tearing as it dripped from his teeth in tar-like strings. As he made into words what had only been impulse and thought. As form took from shadow. And, in the end, he swallowed the fire and let only the steam rise from between his lips. “Something came up. It will be faster to resolve it now.”
While the warmth of implications drowned in his throat, he steered Boreal off the face of a cliff, keeping the cloud-muffled sun to his back and letting their combined shadow fall across the frozen fields below. A herald to his arrival in shades of blues and blacks, even as storm swept up behind him in a swirling mass that howled like the ghosts of those grieving. Flecks of ice gathered on his shoulders.
When the sun fell too low to travel, the group set down, and a simple wave was all he needed to raise a dome of ice. Vex, for all his muttered complaints, slept quickly that night as Julien listened to the woods. The hum of… something. A presence, almost.
Come daybreak, they were back in the air again.
It was early dawn when Vex spoke again. Lloyd was still inside, though the puff of his breathing against Julien’s nerves soothed his fears of hypothermia.
“M’lord, are you entirely sure you know where these… ninja are?”
Boreal passed low over trees, the thick rumble rolling from his chest shaking the snow from most. The powder that fell bloomed into the air in plumes, dusting what it touched in a fine white.
“I am sure.” He wasn’t. He wasn’t, but the snow stretched below in wide swaths broken only by sparse forest. He wasn’t, but Boreal hummed whispers of knowledge. Of something so quiet and subtle that it ran undetected through the air. A taste in the wind.
A taste that only grew stronger as his familiar dipped, brushing the snow with a wingtip, and skimming along a ridge with ice so fine, it barely glimmered. Such that there was not a point to gather light, nor a facet to reflect it. There, atop the claws of the world, the song of metal rang and danced to smile in their face and beckon them down. The sound of battle rose in a cry for blood, and the thump of ice samurai boots. In the smell of blood and the corroding metal. In the crumbling snow and reddening ice.
A beat of Boreal’s wings, and Julien’s eyes caught on the black-blue-red of dyed clothing. Backs pressed against each other, thin, blurry figures darted in a practiced pattern. Like a lotus unfolding, each struck individually, fanning out in ever-widening circles. Their movements spiraled in graceful loops, like a dance, pushing back the armored forces trying to press in on them with blades of ice.
His forces.
Boreal landed like a cataclysm, his claws coming down with a sound like cracking rock. Vex was nearly thrown from his back simply from the force of the jolt, and Lloyd woke with a startled movement inside.
The Emperor slid from his dragon’s neck, ice crackling in his footsteps as he raised his voice to be heard over the clashing of swords, and cracking of steel. “Enough!”
His army stilled as if they’d been struck, hundreds of wide, enchanted blue eyes turning to look at him. “What is the meaning of this?” The question spilled from his chest without any command from him, echoing against his teeth.
The army fell to one knee, a general appearing from the ranks with his hands folded at his back. He dipped into a deep bow at the waist, voice carrying a rasp as—
His attention drifted lazily to the ninja despite the rattle in his chest as his systems stalled. A shudder as his breath came in a puff of blue frost that seeped past his mouthguard and crystalized against his face. The ice keeping his hand bound to his staff flaked even as black bled into it. Even as a thickness rose in his throat like tar. Even as Vex’s protests fell into the blank buzz that had taken place of his thoughts.
When his voice rose to the backs of his teeth—when the ice cleared to let a breath pass—when his eyes blinked in and out of functionality—when he managed to speak, it was little more than a whisper. As if they may fade away if he spoke too loudly. “I… I could be called that.”
The last piece moved on Zane’s mental chessboard, trapping the memories of The Falcon. Whispering the names of what he once may have known. Pushing the guilt, and loss, and grief  into his eyes as silence reigned between them. As his mind remained quiet, and blank, and empty.
“Zane!” They were coming toward him. Running. Weapons in hand, yet they only smiled at him even as Vex shouted. Even as he slipped out of their way with a step, the ninja turned just as quickly, gesturing, and talking, and cheering.
And yet, as he turned to face Vex, his voice, no more than a whisper, carried to his advisor.
“Did you know?”
Silence fell on the mountain. Boreal flaked away one shard of ice at a time, head lowered and rumbling quietly in the back of his throat. Something that Zane thought may be a sound of mourning.
“My—my lord. You must understand—”
“Did. You. Know?”
“No, my lord. I didn’t.” And the Emperor smiled at him. A soft, sad sort of smile as the words of the formling he’d imprisoned hissed a symphony.
“But you still lied to me.” Lloyd was active again. He was moving, and shouting, and pushing at the synthetic walls. Zane did not hear him. “Why did you lie to me, Vex?” The ninjas’ presence behind him was like a rock wall. As if he could back up and be pinned between them and Vex. As if he could not simply fly away.
Then again, as Boreal’s eyes shattered upon hitting the ground, Zane supposed he couldn’t.
“Zane…” From behind. Quiet, pleading, he would say if he considered it. A raised hand was enough to silence them.
“Why did you lie to me?”
“I—I recall no such thing, m’lord! I have been your loyal advisor for decades—”
A tilt of his head. Just slightly. He did not blink. “I was not the original emperor, Vex. Grimfax usurped no throne, for the throne was never mine to begin with, was it?”
His advisor’s face turned hard. A dark scowl twisting into something like a snarl as white teeth flashed at him in the light. “You seem to have made up your mind.”
“I have.” He could not have been the emperor before Grimfax. He lived with his fellow ninja… brothers. He could not have been usurped by formlings, for he had no throne to usurp. “What else was a falsity?” A step forward. “Who else have you misled?” His space encroached on Vex’s.
“You never really loved me, did you?”
Vex’s eyebrows raised. Two black streaks that grew clouded in Zane’s wavering vision. “No—no, my lord—I promise—”
The knot in his throat unraveled into something hot. Like lava had been poured down his throat and into his core. Like everything he’d never said tied him at the wrists and forced his mouth open. “Your promises mean nothing!” It was a roar more than a shout. Such that it rattled his plating and he loomed over Vex. Such that he found a hand ripping Vex’s helmet off in a single movement before he could even think about it. “What do your words mean to me when you have fed me nothing but lies? Did you—” a crackle in his voice. Like his modulator failed. “—did you lie about the formlings, too?” A breath. Inhaled sharply through his teeth as he raised a hand to unclip his mouthguard. To tear it from his face in a crackle of shattered ice.
His voice gave rise to the thought even as it spilled something warm and wet down his eyes. “What… what have I done? What—what have you asked of me?”
Hurt. Hurt and grief and emptiness settled in his frame. Weighed down his metal even as Vex’s face shifted from something unreadable to… to angry. To rage and anguish.
Lloyd’s voice. Echoing in the depths of the dungeons. The barest sound before he changed his mind.
“It was you who ordered the attack on the ninja, wasn’t it?”
Vex’s back straightened, and acid rode his voice as he pressed himself into Zane’s space. “You question my motives? After all these years? My Emperor—”
“I. Am not. YOUR EMPEROR!”
Like a wave, ice rose behind him, arching up in nothing but solid black ice. It cut out the sun, swallowing the sky and parting Vex and Zane from the world. An unbreakable dome, it surrounded them in cold darkness.
“And you will die for what you have done.”
He was across the makeshift arena in a heartbeat, ice coalescing into a blade-sharp shuriken in the same instant he pushed off.
Vex’s blood steamed as it hit the air.
It was barely a scratch, really, dripping crimson lazily into the snow and melting spots in the ground. “Tell me the truth, Vex. Tell me what happened. Tell me or let your spirit rest in ice forever.” Zane touched down at the adjacent point from Vex, his steps ghosting against the snow. Vex’s snarl dripped of malice as he looked up at Zane.
“They banished me!” Vex’s shout rattled the air in the dome, but Zane’s scowl bared his own ice-tipped teeth. “The formlings left me for dead in the ice for not having a form. They mocked me! Whispered about me!” He lashed out, and Zane danced out of the way, one of his shurikens shattering against the opposite wall where it missed. “I did what I had to do!”
When Vex lunged again, Zane caught him around the neck, claws made of black ice digging into his ex-advisor’s neck as he pushed Vex’s face into the blood-dappled snow. “And what—” a push against his stomach. Lloyd’s voice, yet muffled by Zane’s own shouting—“did you do?”
Vex’s spittle poked more holes in the snow when he tried to spit at Zane. “I convinced you that you were the emperor. That you ruled this realm. That Grimfax stole your throne from you.” The slightest slice of flesh. Warm red ran down Zane’s fingers. “When the formlings took ill to your encroaching onto their territory, I commissioned one of them to try to assassinate you. The little eagle woman—do you remember her? She screamed for hours after you impaled her. The formling healing factor is impressive.” His ice spire had pierced flesh and bone. At the time, he hadn’t realized he could do that. “And when the formlings organized to figure out what to do about you, I made plans. Sketched up scores of them for your guards to find.” Etchings carved onto beast hide. Plans. He suspected spies at the time. The castle diagrams were too… perfect.
“And you fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Every formling frozen solid or imprisoned.”
The warm, wet dripped down Zane’s faceplate, splattering against Vex’s armor. His ex-advisor’s face softened. His smile was sad.
“I really was just doing what was best for you, you know. With your powers, they would have come after you a—” His hand clenched, cutting off Vex’s breath. As he clawed at Zane’s hands—ripping his gloves and tearing his sleeves—Zane peeled him off the floor, snow falling in clumps.
When Vex hit the ice wall the first time, it cracked.
A second, and the structure creaked.
When he was thrown—bloody, broken, and trailing red—his body shattered the dome, sending Vex’s limp body into the snowdrift Boreal had originally landed in.
When he moved, it was the gait of a predator. A low stance laced with blood and trailing a carpet of red. His eyes fixed on the still figure of his former advisor.
It was only when hands—cloying. Clinging. Familiar—snagged onto his clothing and dug into his shoulders that he heard it.
Shouting. Yelling. Begging.
Lloyd’s voice in his ear. Over, and over, and over. “Don’t do it,” he screamed, voice raw and hoarse from something Zane didn’t remember. “Don’t do it, don’t do itdontdoitdont—”
His hesitation was just enough for the hands around his shoulders to drag him back, his dorsal column hitting something warm and firm, and steady, even as arms wrapped around his shoulders and a head buried itself into his neck. As people dressed in odd colors gathered around him and pressed their hands—foreheads—faces into his sides. As the liquid in his eyes spilled over properly and he buried his own head into a security he didn’t remember.
======================================== The close of arc 1 Fun facts: >Total word-count: 12882 words. >Total page-count: 36 pages >Each part was made the day it was posted save for part 4. >My favorite scene is the one with Kataru in it (read; bear boy)
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girlokwhatever · 4 months
Ugh I’ve become obsessed with Paige. I actually showed a friend a video of her trying to explain my crush and the first thing she said was “wow, I didn’t expect her voice to be so deep”. I’m likeeeee SEE 🫠
For a request how about a late night call with Paige while she’s out of town. That voice in your ear, saying all the things she wish she could do and will do when she gets home. 😈
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ᯤ༉‧₊˚.*ੈ✩‧₊˚‧₊˚ ⋅* ‧₊ on the phone,,
paige bueckers x fem!reader
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you were in your bed getting ready to finally lay down after the long day you had. paige’s side of the bed was left empty and cold ever since she left for an away game. it’d only been two days and she’d probably be back tomorrow, but you still miss her an unbelievable amount.
your head hits the pillow when your phone starts ringing, paige’s name spoken loudly in the air by your phone. it startles you a little, not expecting to hear from her again today.
you reach over and answer it, pulling the phone close to your ear. “paige?”
“hey ma, how are youuu?” she drags out the ‘you,’ making it evident she’s happy and in a cheerful mood. you can’t help but smile just by picturing her face.
“i’m good, about to go to bed actually.”
“not yet. i wanna talk to you for a little bit. i’ve missed you.” her tone changes with the last few words, voice lowering in a seductive manner. it already has you turning in bed as the heat creeps up your body, the tone all too familiar to you.
“i’ve missed you too p.”
there’s a pause on paige’s side of the phone, silence filling the line. you hear her labored breath fanning over the microphone and wonder if she’s just as worked up as you are right now, even though she hasn’t actually done anything.
“i’m so excited to come home tomorrow baby. can i tell you something?”
“i wanna fuck you so bad right now.”
“oh-” you have no time to speak because she’s cutting you off immediately to follow up on her statement.
“when i get home, fuck- you have no idea what m’gonna do to you.”
now it’s your turn to pause, carefully thinking about what your next move is. you could just tease her, tell her to go to bed and make good on her promises tomorrow. on the other hand, you could play into whatever she’s trying to do and see where it goes.
you opt for the second option.
“yeah? what’re you gonna do to me paige?”
“you wanna know?”
your girlfriend squeezes her eyes shut, praying that she doesn’t finish just by hearing the sound of your voice. you’re so intoxicating to her, always knowing what to say and what buttons to press. it’s almost embarrassing the affect you have on her.
“i wanna bend you over the kitchen counter, get you warmed up on my fingers. maybe three fingers, that sound good? i’ll make you feel so good baby i promise. i’ll start off slow if you want, or fast, it’s up to you.”
you’re breathing heavy too, considering dipping a hand down into your pajama shorts because she’s turning you on so much. the wetness between your legs grow, rubbing them together for some relief.
“once you cum two or three times i’ll take you to our bed- are you okay babe? i can hear you moving a lot.”
“m’okay. keep going,” your hand snakes into your underwear, collecting your arousal and using it to rub tight circles on your clit. the simple pleasure is enough to make your head tilt back and hit the headboard. the sound echoes through the phone and paige knows exactly what you’re doing.
“i’ve been wanting to taste you so bad too, gonna have you ride my face until i tell you to stop. want your legs around my head, cum dripping on my face. i want it so bad ma you have no idea.”
“yeah?” it comes out more like a whine, voice high-pitched as the pit in your stomach grows. you haven’t gotten yourself off in so long. the feeling is foreign to you, arm growing tired from the constant strain.
“yeah. won’t stop until your legs are shaking.”
“oh my god paige.”
“gonna fuck you too. nice and slow and deep so i can take my time, i want you to ride me after that. i love it when you ride me- i get to see everything. i’ll fuck you in the shower, on the fucking wall for all i care. i’ve missed your pretty pussy so much it’s all i can think about.”
you moan into the phone, making it blatantly obvious what you’re doing if it wasn’t already. paige feels her chest swell with pride and she’s so turned on she thinks about doing the same thing as you; dipping an eager hand into her pants to relieve the pressure.
“i won’t stop until you beg me to. i don’t want you thinking about anything else but me and how i make you feel, okay? want you chanting my name.”
“yes-fuck! nothing but you p,”
your hand gets tired and sloppy as your orgasm approaches, back bending off the bed to help you grind on yourself. paige is still talking but you can’t even hear her because your ears are ringing and you’re so close-
“you gonna cum baby?”
you hum out, near delirious and probably crying as her words send you over the edge. your whole body shakes at the sensation but it’s nothing like how paige makes you feel.
you can’t wait until she’s here and not just on the phone.
ᯤ༉‧₊˚.*ੈ✩‧₊˚‧₊˚ ⋅* ‧₊
a lil short fic for my paige girlies
part of me fears i made this a bit too freaky……
partially spell checked idk
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marvelstan0905 · 3 months
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Kenji Sato X Interviewer!Readers [afab] (Oneshot)
Strangers to Lovers AU!
TW : flirting/crude comments/ fluffy/ blushing/petnames/persistence/skepticism/stuttering
©all rights reserved. the modification, translation, and plagiarism of my work is strictly prohibited.
Another interview. Kenji was getting sick of them. They're a waste of time and he's already answered these questions five thousand times. This interview he couldn't pass up, his manager was quite strict about it. Kenji just finished putting Emi to sleep which meant he had three hours for this dumb interview and hopefully he could spare a nap. Kenji was quick to ride to the location of his interview, considering he was 30 minutes late.
Kenji ran into the private room of the restaurant where he'd be having his interview, he stepped in and his whole world froze. Those dazzling eyes..those plum lips..the contours of her face. The glow of her soft skin, the contours of her beautiful, earth shaking figure. Her scent, even from where he stood, Kenji could smell the sweet decadent scent that surrounded her body. She was gorgeous. Kenji didn't believe in love at first sight but God..she was perfect. From head to toe. The man hadn't even spoken to her yet.
"Hello" Kenji cleared his throat with a hint of flirtation in his tone. I rose a brow and looked at my watch. I sighed and gestured for him to sit. I really needed the interview pay.
"You're late, Mr Sato but let's graze over that,hmm?" I smiled a small smile. Kenji sat down. I slid over a menu and I sipped on my virgin cocktail. "Are you ready to begin?"
Kenji didn't even notice he was staring at this woman for so long, he was practically a deer in headlights. I waved my hand in front of his face. "Are you okay, Mr Sato?"
"Y-Yeah..I'm sorry..please continue!" Kenji said a little startled as he looked to his menu and pushed up his sunglasses. I blinked and tilted my head.
"OK..are you sure you wanna wear sunglasses indoors?" I asked confused whiles looking at him. Kenji nodded and cleared his throat. I shrugged considering this is the Ken Sato were talking about. He does whatever he wants. "OK. Let's start. Can I have your consent to record and publish this interview later?"
"Yeah,yeah, sure" Kenji nodded dismissively. We quickly ordered our food before I started my recorder.
"Great..so Mr Sato-"
"Ken. You can call me Ken. Mr Sato is too formal." Kenji cut me off and smirked smugly. I nodded a little flustered but this should be expected.
"Okay uhmm...Ken. Is there a reason you left America and came back to Japan?" I asked. The interview was pretty mainstream and tedious from there. We finished up quicker than I thought. Kenji was pretty straightforward with his answers. We continued eating from there considering neither of us wanted to leave and waste food.
"So..um..off the record..how..how are you?" Kenji asked with a light pink dusting his cheeks. I stopped eating and raised a brow.
"I'm o-okay..how are you?" I say..unsure of where the hell this was going. Kenji removed his glasses and looked at me. I was confused by the look he gave me. Consider me dense and blind or am I seeing..interest and desire in his eyes?
"I'm good. So I never properly got your name, you know?" Kenji started eating his Ramen. I blinked in confusion.
"Y/N L/N." I answered skeptically. We just had an interview and the whole time he didn't know my name. That is..wow..and ouch.
"Nice to meet you..I'm Ken Sato" Kenji smiled offered his hand. I hesitantly shook his head and tilted my head.
"I'm sorry. Did we not just have a whole interview just now? I'm sure I know your name" I blinked in confusion with all these introductions.
"Yeah but it's kinda like a fresh start, kinda..we're off the record right?" Kenji smirked and cooked his head to the side whiles taking a long, tantalizing sip of his whiskey.
"I guess, you could say so. So what are your intentions,hmm?" I questioned skeptically as I propped my elbow on the table and laid my hand on my palm. "What's this all about?"
"I can't simply want to have conversation with a beautiful woman? I'm a little offended." Kenji mocked a dramatic gasp as he placed a hand on his chest. I blushed at the compliment and turned away
"I..I never said that..I'm just a little skeptical.." I shrugged flustered. Kenji leaned in slightly.
"You know..if you let me I can make you even more flustered." Kenji whispered suggestively whiles keeping hard eye contact. A smug, seductive smirk painted his lips."I want you and when I want something I get it...how about a date?"
My breath hitched and I blinked a few times in complete confusion. I thought about it..I mean I'm lonely, single and God this man was FINE..but then again his reputation and ego are far too douche bag like for me..it could be a front though..if I turn the other cheek, he's kinda my type.
"So? A date? Dinner..maybe we can catch a movie and a late night stroll? Yes?" Kenji suggested being quite persistent.
"Before I give you my response...are you playing some game? Or is this a dare or prank? Like I'll just be another girl to fall for your charms and then when you win you'll leave?" I rambled worried and skeptical. Kenji's smug look fell and it was replaced with sincerity.
"N-No..I-Im being really genuine. I promise! I-I know I don't exactly have the most humble reputation..but uh if you get to know the real me..you know, Kenji Sato. I promise you won't regret it" Kenji, spoke softly and sincerely almost pleading. I looked at him with widened eyes. I chewed on my lips and observed him skeptically. I sighed at the 'kicked puppy look' he gave me.
"Fine..fine. I'll go on a date with you." I sighed with a sheepish smile. Kenji smiled in triumph and grabbed a hold of my left hand giving my knuckles, a soft but firm kiss. I flushed once again as he was so quick to show affection.
"You WON'T regret it..God I promise I'll treat you like a queen. You won't know what hit you. I swear it." Kenji promised sternly. I blinked slowly in shock by his forwardness but it was refreshing from his arrogant persona. I nodded.
"O-Okay. You seem pretty determined, huh?"
"Yeah I am. I want you. I will make you mine. You're the finest specimen I've seen on this Earth. I'll move mountains to win you. I promise-no, I ultra promise"
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mattitties · 7 months
Can you do one when you talked to a guy and he was flirting (at a party btw). So matt becomes rlly angry and the whole ride home u guys were fighting. When u arrived home you went upstairs changed into smth like rlly showy (as pj's) and it turned on matt. Then y'all took it to the bed. (I wrote you as in y/n)
based on this request ^^
possessive - matt sturniolo
SMUTTY AF!!! dom!matt and sub!reader. choking, tying up, degrading, the whole nine.
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“Come onnnn, we’re gonna be late!” Matt groans from the kitchen. 
“Sorry, coming!” I call back as I spray some perfume on before walking to meet him. “Ready!”
“Great, let’s go,” he huffs, giving me a kiss on the cheek. 
We’re going to one of the fancy LA influencer events that the triplets get invited to, which I also get invited to by association. Chris and Nick had been hanging out with friends all day so we’re meeting them there, and I may have made us leave a little later than we planned on. 
“You know how long it takes you to get ready, so you should start getting ready with enough time so we can actually leave on time,” he tells me after a few minutes of silence in the car.
“I know, I know, I’m sorry,” I apologize. “But we’re not thattttt late, and it’s a party! Nobody shows up on time.”
He waves a hand at me as if to say forget about it. “It’s fine,” he says. “You look beautiful anyway, so being late is worth it if I get to stare at you looking like this all night.”
I roll my eyes and smile. “You look pretty good too. Maybe we should just turn around and skip the whole thing and have a party by ourselves.”
“Oh don’t tempt me,” he smirks. “I don’t even wanna go to this thing anyway.”
“I know you don’t,” I pat his thigh for some comfort. “Let’s just spend like, an hour there, and if we wanna leave I can say I don’t feel good or something.”
When we arrive, he immediately grabs my hand without a word and makes a beeline towards Chris and Nick. 
“Fucking finally!” Chris says, throwing his hands up. “We were placing bets on if you guys were gonna show face at all.”
“I made us late, but we’re here now!” I try to take the attention off of our lack of punctuality. “I’m gonna get a drink, you guys want anything?”
“Nick and I are good,” Chris holds his Pepsi can up.
“I’m okay baby, thank you,” he smiles and gives me a quick peck before I head to the bar. 
“Vodka cran, please,” I tell the bartender, then open Instagram to pass the time as he gets my drink. 
“Vodka cran is your drink of choice, huh?” a voice next to me says. I look up and see a brunette with green eyes leaning next to me. He looks familiar and has an incredibly friendly smile. Probably an influencer, but I just can’t place him.
“Oh, yeah,” I smile. “Always has been. It disguises the vodka taste pretty well.”
“Yeah, I always just stick with beers. I can’t stand hard liquor, it’s awful.”
“Me too. I’m such a pussy when it comes to alcohol. If it’s too strong I just won’t drink it,” I tell him. The bartender puts my drink in front of me and I pull out my card to pay as I thank him, but am stopped by this man (whose name I do not know) as he pulls his own card out. 
“Let me buy you this one,” he smiles and winks. He’s clearly flirting, and I obviously have no intention of doing anything, but why would I turn down a free drink?
“Wow, thank you!” I say. “That’s very nice, I appreciate it.”
“No worries. Do you wanna–”
“No, she doesn’t wanna. Thanks man,” he’s cut off by Matt, who had put his hand on my waist before I even realized he was behind me. I look up at his face. He looks pissed. 
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize you had a boyfriend,” the guy says. “Um… I already paid so… don’t worry about it… but…” he walks away awkwardly without finishing his sentence.
“Free drink! Score!” I smile at Matt and hold up my cup.
He doesn’t smile back. “Mhm.”
My face drops. Okay, clearly he doesn’t find the situation very amusing. “Matt, come on, I wasn’t gonna do anything. We had barely made any conversation before he offered to buy it for me.”
“He was clearly flirting with you. Why were you even entertaining him?” he asks.
“I wasn’t entertaining him! I said two sentences to him, got my drink, and he pulled out his card before I said anything else. What was I supposed to say, ‘no, don’t buy me a drink, I have a boyfriend’?”
“Yes!!!” he shouts before walking back to the booth Chris and Nick were sitting in. 
I follow him, not sure if I should give up or try to prove myself more. I choose the latter. 
“Okay, first of all don’t yell at me. Second, all he did was buy me a drink. It’s not like he tried to kiss me or anything, he was just being nice!” I retort.
“He was not just being nice,” he says as he sits back down. “Guys never buy girls drinks just to be nice. He was trying to get in your pants.”
“Okay, well so what? If he started doing anything weird or outwardly flirtatious I would have left the situation immediately. I don’t think it’s a crime to accept a free drink,” I tell him, sitting next to him.
He closes his eyes and inhales deeply, like he’s trying to calm himself down. “It’s not about the drink. It’s just about respect. You don’t accept a drink from a guy when you have a fucking boyfriend.”
I sit for a moment, thinking about my next words. I still don’t think I did anything wrong, but I don’t want to keep fighting, so I back down. “Okay,” I say softly. “I’m sorry.”
He looks at me blankly. “Do you know what you’re sorry for? Or are you just saying that?”
Damn, he knows me too well. 
I don’t say anything.
“Yeah, exactly,” he scoffs. We both sit in awkward silence for a couple minutes, neither of us being in any mood to talk to people, until I bite the bullet and speak.
“Do you wanna go home?”
He rolls his eyes and gets up. I look at him, unsure of what he’s doing, until he says, “Are you just gonna sit there or are we gonna go?”
I follow him to the car, and we sit in even more awkward silence. I don’t want to piss him off even more, so I say nothing. 
“You know, it’s not even about the drink anymore,” he starts. “It’s about the fact that you don’t even know what you did was wrong.”
“Because I don’t think it was wrong,” I say calmly. “I was never going to reciprocate any flirting or do anything to show I was interested. All I did was accept the drink.” 
He grips the wheel in frustration as we pull into the garage. “Whatever. I’m done arguing about this. It’s just ridiculous that you can’t see where I’m coming from.”
“I can see where you’re coming from,” I tell him. “I just think you’re being a little too jealous and possessive for this situation.”
He looks at me as he turns the car off. “You wanna see possessive? Go inside and get on the bed.”
“What?” I ask. His whole demeanor just changed. He was pissed before, but now he’s like… primal. Talking through gritted teeth. His neck veins bulging. It’s kinda hot…
“Do you need me to repeat myself? Go inside. And get. On. The. Bed.”
Oh shit. He’s got some crazy animalistic thing going on. And I don’t know why, but I’m incredibly turned on. So I listen. 
I get out of the car, go inside, and sit on his bed. He comes in shortly after, taking off his belt without breaking eye contact with me.
My heart is racing, but I keep staring at him. 
“You have no idea how possessive I can be,” he tells me, leaning onto the bed with both hands on either side of me. Our faces are inches apart. “You may not know what you’re supposed to be sorry for, but you’re gonna apologize to me in the way I want. Got it?”
I nod, and he grabs my jaw. “Words.”
“Yes. Got it.”
He stands up and removes his shirt from the back of his collar with his tattooed arm, then leans back over me and slowly pushes me back onto the bed with his hand around my neck. “What do you have to say to me?” he says deeply.
“I’m sorry…” I whisper, debating on whether or not I should continue my sentence with the word I know will drive him crazy. I go for it anyway. “Daddy.”
His eyes darken and he kisses me harshly, not giving me any warning before his tongue slips into my mouth. I’m completely at his disposal, and I need more. 
“You’re gonna show me how sorry you are, yeah?” he speaks into my mouth as he reaches into his now unzipped pants and his black briefs and pulls out his dick. I look down for just long enough to see how hard he is, as red as ever and making his hand wet as he rubs his tip. I know what he wants from me, and who am I to deny him of that? I usually would be a brat, but I guess I’ve been a brat enough for him tonight. 
I sit up and softly take him in my hand, running my thumb over his slit and looking up at him through my eyelashes. He groans under his breath. “Come on baby, don’t tease.”
At that, I wrap my lips around him and begin to bob my head, swirling my tongue and licking up and down. He responds by taking my hair into a ponytail in his hand, looking down at me with furrowed brows and his mouth slightly open. “That’s it,” he moans. “Take daddy’s cock just like that.”
I push myself deeper and grip his thigh for support. His hips are bucking and he’s hitting the back of my throat. I’m fully expecting for him to cum in my mouth until he pulls out and flips me over onto my stomach without warning. 
“Hands behind your back,” he says, and I immediately oblige, laying my wrists on top of each other near my lower back. He uses the belt that he was wearing earlier in the night to tie my hands together, then he lifts my hips up to meet his own and lets my dress fall forward so that my bottom half is accessible for him. 
I whine as I feel his tip run over my soaked thong, and then wince as he gives me a harsh slap. “You were a bad girl tonight, you know that?” he says as he pulls my underwear off and tosses them. 
“I know, I’m sorry,” I apologize. “Please fuck me.”
“Shut up,” he says, but he’s clearly just as eager – he pushes into me quickly, giving me a few seconds to adjust before he begins thrusting hard. 
“FUCK,” I shout as the mix of pain and pleasure washes over me. 
“Mmmm, yeah baby?” he grips my hips and pounds into me, the sound of our skin slapping overtaking the whole room. “You like being punished?”
“Uh huh,” I’m incapable of saying anything else. My orgasm is already approaching and I push my head into the bed for some sense of control as I feel my body start to fall apart. 
“That’s it princess, keep clenching around my cock like that,” he says, his thrusts getting deeper and deeper. He reaches his hand around my neck and lifts me up so my back is pressed against his chest; his mouth is right next to my ear, and it’s heavenly. 
“Daddy, I’m gonna cum,” I whimper. 
He groans in response and chokes me tighter as I clench around him. “Fuckkkkk, that’s so good.” He repeats a string of curses, his dick twitching inside me before I feel him releasing and his thrusts get slower and softer.
We stay there for a moment regaining ourselves, then he undoes the belt on my wrists and pulls out of me. I collapse on the bed, too out of it to even notice him coming back with a wet towel to clean me up. 
He lays next to me and kisses my temple. 
“Are you mad at me?” I ask, turning my head to look at him. “I really am sorry.”
He shakes his head. “I was over it halfway through the drive home. Just fun to fuck the anger out, right?”
I smirk and nod my head. “So if I get another free drink from a guy, it’s fine?” I tease.
His face drops. “Don’t push it.”
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exhaslo · 10 months
Ahhhhh omg ty for writing my request of Pornstar!Miguel x Pornstar!Reader it was so cute and sooooo great <33 I loved it very much !!
IDK if you wanted to write a part 2 for it, but since you ended it off like you did, I was wondering what would happen when they meet outside. I kind of want to see a Jealous!Reader who gets jealous seeing Miguel work with someone else for a shoot cuz it looks like he’s having a great time with his co-star. But Reader takes him back to her place and gives him the night of his life? I appreciate a Dom!Miguel, but I was wondering if the roles can be reversed this time with a Dom!Reader? Not necessarily a Sub!Miguel but like more body worship and Reader trying to prove that she’s the only one for him. Get him pussy drunk >< Thank you again, and I hope the holidays don’t get too hectic for you ;-;
Ty & you're welcome!! I'm glad you liked the first request!!! I hope you enjoy this one too!
PT 1
Warning: MINORS DNI, Smut, riding, overstimulation, creampie
It had been a few weeks since you and Miguel started working together. The chemistry the two of you shared was nothing you ever felt before. Honestly, you might even call this love. You weren't quite sure, especially since the type of work you did made you question the concept.
But sure enough, Miguel gave you reason to believe. Every time the two of you shared a screen, you had to compose yourself and remember that everyone thought you were acting. Hell, they were fully convinced that you were a star.
You were good, that much was true. The only time you could let yourself go and be free was when you and Miguel met at either his place or yours. Miguel was absolutely destroy you, making you question if sex work was the kind of job you were good at.
Sex was different with him. Everything was different with him. Part of you wanted to tell Miguel that you wanted to quit working as a Pornstar and just be a normal couple with him, but you were scared. Part of you wondered if Miguel even liked you back. If he even shared the same feelings that you did.
"(Y/N)!" Miguel called out, waving towards you. You hurried to his side, nuzzling your head into his chest to hide from the cold,
"Gosh! I didn't expect it to be this windy today."
"Yep," Miguel wrapped his arm around you, keeping you sheltered from the wind, "Before we get to our movie, I want to tell you something. I got a gig with another person. My manager told me to take it, b-"
"I understand, it's the job." You forced a smile, resting your head against him, "As long as we still have these moments to ourselves, I don't...mind"
Oh you gave so much shits.
Literally the next day, you went to work and couldn't help but poke your head into Miguel's studio. There were butterflies in your stomach. This was a bad idea, but you were curious. You wanted to know who dared tried to steal your man er, partner, no, coworker. Yes, coworker!
You felt your heart sink as you watched Miguel smile towards your competition. Of course, it had to be your rival. The two started to shoot and it just kept getting worse for you. Miguel looked like he was enjoying himself with her.
Unable to watch as your rival started her horrible moans, you hurried home. You claimed that you were sick.
Miguel stepped out of the shower after his shoot, sighing softly. He glanced at his phone, seeing a message from your manager. Miguel furrowed his brows as he read that you went home. Sick? You always gloated that you never got sick.
"Wow, Miguel, that was amazing. You know, I think we make a pretty good team. Why don't we-"
"No," Miguel said as he quickly finished to get dressed,
"Awe, don't be so mean~ How about I take you out on a date?"
"No. Got me a girlfriend," Miguel said firmly, packing his bag. Your rival just huffed,
"And she's okay with your job? She's okay with you fucking another beautiful woman?"
That was it. Miguel felt a light bulb appear above his head as he hurried out of the shower room. Leaving for the day, Miguel stepped out of the building and saw you in your car. He approached, wondering what you were doing.
"Get in," You huffed, rolling down the window.
"(Y/N), are you okay?" Miguel asked, sitting down. You started to drive to your place,
"Yes." You lied.
Miguel smiled softly towards you, enjoying your cute jealously. He went to reach for your hair, playing with it as you drove.
You were mad. Once you entered your apartment, you pushed Miguel onto the wall and started kissing him. You didn't want Miguel to enjoy working with other women. You want him to want you only. Who cares about what your managers wanted!
Pushing Miguel onto your couch, you sat on his lap and started to furiously grind against him. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you deepen the kiss. Miguel just held your waist, moving his hips along yours.
Gosh, if you weren't taking charge of this, you'd let him fuck you dumb right now. Feeling the friction starting to hurt, you quickly took off your skirt and panties. Miguel helped with your shirt, before you returned to his throbbing dick.
Taking off his pants and boxers, you grabbed his dick and started to stroke it. You were going to have Miguel burn this night into his memory. Have him remember that you are the only one for him. Hopefully he thought that.
Sucking against his tip, you moaned lowly as you played with yourself. Miguel's dick was far too big for you to take in your mouth. You tried several times. You whimpered, trying to take more of him in as you stroked his dick faster.
"(Y/N), don't....force yourself," Miguel groaned lowly, gripping onto your hair.
You muffled in protest, causing Miguel to moan. With one more lick, you watched Miguel twitch, ready to burst. Precum already dripping from his dick. You resisted a chuckle, unable to hold out much longer either.
It was funny how good the two of you were when working, but when it came to being at home? Oh, you both let yourselves loose and gave into the lust.
"I hope you're ready for a long night," You told him.
You whimpered, moaning lowly as you slowly sat on his cock. No matter how many times you fucked, his dick would always stretch you out and fill you. You almost cam on the spot. Resisting a moan, you started to bounce against his dick.
The sheer size of him was going to make you tap out for the night. Your pussy kept sucking him in while his dick twitched inside of you. The sounds of his moans were turning you on more. Resting your head against his shoulder, you whimpered a moan as you cam hard.
Miguel was not long to follow. His tight grip against your waist made you weak in the knees. You kept bouncing on his dick, becoming a slightly moaning mess as he filled you. This wasn't enough. You weren't going to let him go so easily.
"Let me take over, (Y/n)." Miguel whispered, kissing your neck. You gently pushed him back onto the couch,
"N-No! I'm taking control tonight and...I'm not going to let you rest until you learn your lesson." You huffed. Miguel just chuckled, cupping you breasts,
"Very well. I'll just ruin your pussy by sitting still."
You moaned lowly as you began to shake. Your vision was blurring as you felt your burning knot about to burst again. Your gummy walls squeezing the life out of his dick, making your mind hazy. With another bounce, you cried out as his dick rubbed against you g-spot, causing you to orgasm.
"Such a beautiful sight," Miguel hummed. You were breathing heavily, unsure how much longer you could keep going,
Eventually, you gave Miguel permission to move you to the bed. He laid down, moaning and groaning to your uncontrollable lust. You were milking him dry. Bouncing against his dick as if him cumming inside you four times wasn't enough.
Miguel was breathing heavily now as he watched you cry out from overstimulation. You were struggling to fuck him, probably because your legs gave out. Sitting up, Miguel swapped positions, pressing you against the bed,
"(Y/N), you're so fucking beautiful. Of course I know that his pussy is mine and mine alone. Think I don't get jealous thinking about all the men who had a taste of you?" Miguel groaned into your ear, snapping his hips into yours.
"A-Ah~ M-Miggy~" You whined, feeling weak. Miguel grunted and moaned as he fucked you roughly,
"You're mine. Only I get to enjoy this pussy like this. Only I can have you like this."
"I...I'm going to quit..." You admitted, squirming as you felt another orgasm coming, "I-I only want you!"
"Then I suppose I'll have to quit too,"
Miguel pulled you into a kiss, shaking as the two of you cummed together. Miguel groaned as he pulled out, watching his cum spill out of your abused cunt. He pulled you beside him, nuzzling his head into your neck,
"You did well...I'm exhausted." He muttered. You rolled on top of him, smirking as you slid his dick into you again,
"I said I...was t-taking over for the night. I'm n-not stopping until you get drunk off me."
Miguel just chuckled weakly in response, already pussy drunk. He held your hips, watching you cry out in pleasure. Perhaps you were just trying to get pregnant, but whatever the reason, Miguel gave you want you wanted.
You both had a goddamn good reason to call out the next day.
Hope you enjoyed~
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kpop---scenarios · 3 months
Blind Spot (2)
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Pairing: Yang Jeongin x Reader x Lee Know
Warning: Heartbreak, Mentions of Smut [18+ ONLY. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT]
Word Count: 2k
Taglist: @number1jeonginstan @anskiiz @angelsquid @stay-tiny-things @theodorenottgf @caught-in-the-afterglow @endofjune30
@wife2straykids @bx-lov3
Everything Taglist: @ivydoesit23 @piscesrising01 @baby-stay92 @kisses-too-the-moon @dwaekkiiracha @rylea08 @imperfectlyperfectprincess1 @satosugu4l @iovecb97 @lordmaahes-nsc @sailorkoss @minh0scat @pixie0627 @50-husbands @jinnies-muse @yaorzu-blog @joyofbebbanburg @number1jeonginstan
@anskiiz @1810cl @tsunderelino @gabriellamarie @silly250
“Jeongin.” You call out to the living room, but hear nothing back. “Babe?” You yell.
“Hey, Jeongin.” You say, now walking into the living room. He doesn't notice you right away, too interested in whatever was on his phone. You walk over, trying to see the screen, something the two of you had done a lot of to each other, but he noticed you now, quickly turning off his phone, sliding it under the blanket that was covering his lap.
“What are you doing?” He asks, rubbing his eyes.
“Sorry, I was trying to call you from the living room but you weren't answering.” You say. You try to sit down next to him, but he doesn't move his legs off the couch, instead looking up at you, unimpressed and annoyed.
“What do you want?” He asks, throwing his head back on the back of the couch, barely looking at you.
“Minho texted me.. asked if we were coming to game night tonight.” You whisper. You really weren't sure what you had done to Jeongin to make him so mad at you but fuck you wished he would talk to you.
“Yeah, sure, whatever.” He sighs, moving the blanket to stand up. “I'm going to shower.” He finishes, walking past you without so much as a glance.
“Jeongin.” You call out. He stops walking but doesn't turn around to face you. He stands there, silently. “Are we okay?” You whisper.
“Why are you asking that?” He scoffs, still facing away from you. “Yeah, we're fine.. I just have a headache.” He now whispers, dropping his head. “I'm sorry.” He finishes, continuing to walk to the bathroom.
Why was he sorry? Was he sorry for having a headache? He didn't need to apologize for that. You shrug your shoulders, going to the bedroom to start getting ready. You tried to shake off the uneasy feeling you had in the pit of your stomach. You wanted to believe his words of the two of you were fine, but he really was less than convincing.
You finish getting ready by the time Jeongin finally emerges from the bathroom, water droplets dripping from his hair, down his body.
“How's your head?” You ask, sitting down on the bed as you watch him begin to get dressed.
“It's okay.” He sighs.
“You're not very talkative lately.” You mention, wanting to see how he'll react, or respond. But he doesn't respond, instead only sighing loudly as he slips on his shirt. You watch him wander around the room, putting on socks, spraying cologne, putting on his watch, still not saying anything to you.
“Let's go.” He says, slipping on his shoes before heading to the front door, he leaves the apartment, closing the door behind him before you even finished putting your shoes on. Wow, he was surely showing you how little he cared about you right now and you wished you knew what the hell you did. You walk out of the apartment, heading down to the parking lot where Jeongin sat in the driver's seat, car running while he smiles at his phone. You open the passenger door, climbing in and his expression immediately changes back to the straight-faced sour man you've come to know over the last week.
The entire car ride is silent, the radio volume barely up enough to hear it, Jeongin not interested in saying a word to you, while you sat there looking out the passenger side window, on the verge of tears.
As Jeongin pulls up to Changbin's house, he still doesn't say anything as he parks the car and gets out, you trail behind him with your head down, not feeling like being there anymore when apparently you had such problems in your relationship. You just hoped no one asked you what was wrong because you would surely break down into a sobbing mess and no one wants to see that.
“Hey guys, welcome.” Changbin smiles, opening the front door. He ushers you two inside, Jeongin's mood instantly changing into the happy, positive and joyful man you knew.
“So what kind of games have you got this time?” Jeongin asks, sitting on the couch, surrounded by his friends and a few of the girlfriends some of them had.
“For tonight's festivities.” Changbin begins. “We've got Uno, Twister, Truth or Dare, Never Have I Ever…” He says, continuing to list more games but you cringe at Never Have I ever. You feel ready to shut down, your body on the verge of tears again at the reminder of the game that brought the entire threesome idea up. Minho notices, moving to sit beside you. You weren't sitting next to, or even close to Jeongin. You were on the opposite side of the living room, watching him smile and laugh with his friends, wishing that he was going to be that way with you again.
“You okay?” Minho asks, leaning into you, but keeping his eyes on the room.
“Yeah.” You whisper, but even in a whisper your voice breaks and he knows you're lying.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” He wonders. You nod your head, afraid if you say anything else you'll start sobbing. You get up to walk away, Minho following you not long after to the kitchen. You lean against the counter, crossing your arms as he walks in, hopping up to sit on the island across from you.
“What's going on?” He asks, waiting for you to tell him.
“It's Jeongin.” You whisper. “Last week we did something we shouldn't have done and ever since he's been so distant, he barely talks to me, he doesn't smile at me, he's not affectionate anymore.. it's like everything has changed but he won't tell me why.”
“What did you guys do?” Minho asks, eyebrow raised.
“Ugh.. we had a threesome..with my friend.” You murmur.
Minho's eyes go wide. “Why would you do that with a friend?” He asks. “That's like rule number one of what not to do.” He partially laughs.
“Yeah I'm realizing that… not my finest decision. And it didn't go at all how I thought it would… It was more like them than the three of us.”
“You don't think he's…cheating? With her?” Minho asks.
“No!” You shout. “I mean, he's not like that, you know? He would talk to me if he wasn't happy…” you trail off.
“Would he? You just said he won't talk to you at all.” He says. “Look, I'm not trying to worry you or upset you.” He says. “I care about you, alot and I just want you to be happy, and you aren't.”
“What do I do? I don't know how to handle this.” You groan as you start to cry.
“Either you confront him, or you wait and see if you can figure out what's going on.” He says. “And as much as I love Jeongin, I care about you more. I really hope he doesn't fuck it up and lose you.” Minho smiles, sliding off the counter, heading back to the group.
Just as you're about to go back to the living room too, Jeongin walks in, straight-faced. “What were you doing in here with Minho?” He asks, grabbing a beer from the fridge.
“Just talking.” You say. “Something I wish you'd do with me.”
“For fuck sakes Y/N. Jeongin snaps. “Did you ever think that maybe I just don't want to talk to you?”
“Then why are you still with me? Clearly you're fucking miserable and hate me, so why stay?” You yell back. You did not deserve to be treated like this, and you were tired of standing back and taking it.
“Good fucking question.” He spits. “I'm out of here.” He says, slamming the can down on the counter, storming out of the room. You follow him, watching as Changbin and Chan try to talk to him. He waves them off, storming out of the front door, leaving it open. You stand in front of the open door, watching him get into the car and peel off, leaving you there, crying.
“What the fuck was that about?” Chan gasps, wrapping his arm around your shoulders, pulling you in for a side hug.
“I'm sorry, everyone.” You apologize, forcing a smile. “I'm just going to call a cab and go.”
“Nonsense.” Chan laughs. “One of us will drive you home. Unfortunately I've already been drinking…” He trails off.
“I can. I haven't had anything yet.” Minho says. “Just sit down Y/N and try to calm down. We'll go soon.” He half smiles. 30 minutes later, Minho grabbed his jacket and keys, waving at everyone.“I'll be back.” He tells the group
“I'm sorry for everything, you guys.” You whisper as Minho guides you out the door and to his car.
“So…” Minho begins. “What was that about?”
You let out a groan, reliving the public outburst Jeongin had had under an hour ago. “He asked me what we were doing in the kitchen and I said just talking. I made a comment like it was something I wished he'd do with me and he lost it.” You hiccup. “He said ‘did you ever think that maybe I just don't want to fucking talk to you?’” You quote. “And so I asked him why he was even with me and he said it was a good question. And then you saw the rest… he stormed out and left me there stranded.”
“Stranded?” Minho laughs. “But in all honesty, something is not right with him.” Minho sighs. “He's never been like that before.”
“Yeah, tell me about it.” You whisper. “I'm kind of scared to go home.” You admit.
“I'll walk you up.” Minho smiles. “Whatever is going on, I'm here for you.”
“Thank you… I really appreciate this and you.” You smile.
The rest of the drive, anxiety fuels you, the knots in your stomach growing bigger and bigger with every second that you get closer to your shared apartment. You didn't want to go in. You were too sure on what you were going to walk into or if he was even going to be there. Once Minho pulls into the complex's parking lots all the small knots quickly turn into one giant knot as Minho parka the car, and begin walking with you up to your front door.
When you open the door, all the lights are off in the kitchen and in the living room, but even in the dark you can see Jeongin’s keys sitting on the kitchen table, so you know he is home. Maybe he's diffusing in your shared room? Taking a shower to distress himself? You just wanted to talk to him and try to get to the bottom of the issues that came on so suddenly.
“Innie?” You call out, walking into the house. Minho stays near the front door, waiting for you to tell him you're okay but you aren't sure yet. The bedroom door is closed, but you can see light shining from under the door. You make your way over there, your hand hovering over the door knob before you quietly turn it, pushing the door open. Your mouth hangs open as you watch your best friend, or ex best friend, ride Jeongin's cock, his fingers digging deep into her hips as she moans his name.
“I can't fucking believe this.” You scream. Chae falls off Jeongin, scrambling to cover herself with the blanket as Jeongin shoots out of bed, trying to put on his boxers as you turn to walk away from them.
“Y/N… please… wait.” Jeongin yells, hoping, trying to catch you while also trying to cover his cock.
“Save it.” You scream, turning around to face him. “I have nothing to say to you.” You sob, walking past Minho to get out of the building.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, man?” Minho says, shaking his head, closing the front door, leaving Jeongin standing there feeling like the worst person in the entire world.
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ltash · 4 months
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Make a wish
You celebrated your birthday with Ghost and TaskForce and you wished for nothing but him.
"To love is nothing. To be loved is something. But to love and be loved, that’s everything."
After Captain Price and his team finished breakfast, you settled in the living room. You brought the tea trolley over and made them tea, handing a cup and saucer to everyone.
"Thank you, kid," Captain Price said as you served him.
You gave tea to Soap and Gaz too. "Ghost, you want tea?" you asked.
"Sure," he replied.
You handed him a cup as well. "Yer hoose is braw, and it's right lavish an aw." Soap admired.
"English Mctavish." Ghost facepalmed.
"I said your house is lavish and its nice." Soap explained.
"Thank you. My father built it. I'll give you a home tour once you guys finish your tea," you offered.
"She is a master in archery aye. She has horses too. She can shoot an arrow right at the aim while riding a horse," Ghost added.
"That is impressive, Nora," Gaz admired.
"Thanks. I will show you how I do it," you promised.
"Oh, I forgot," you said, suddenly remembering. "I did some shopping and the bags are still in the car. Let me fetch them."
As you made your way to your car, Ghost followed you. "The guns you bought, let me take them inside," he offered.
You opened the car doors and took out the bags while Ghost grabbed the gun cases. Together, you walked back inside.
You handed over the bags to each one of them. "Soap, this is for you. Kyle, that's one for you. This one's for Simon and Captain Price," you said, distributing the gifts.
"Thank you so much, lass," Soap said rummaging through the bag.
"Are ye pullin' ma leg? how much did ye spend on thae things?" He asked.
"Well! That is none of your business. Gifts don't come with a price tag." You folded your arms on your chest.
"Thanks, Nora, but you didn't have to put in so much effort," Kyle added, looking genuinely touched.
"Thanks, kid," Captain Price mentioned, nodding appreciatively.
"Don't mention it. I went shopping and thought, why not grab something for you guys?"
Ghost placed the gun cases down on the table. "She bought these too," he added.
Ghost opened the gun and sniper cases in front of everyone, revealing the impressive weapons inside.
"Whoa! A sniper! Are you kiddin' me?" Soap exclaimed, eyes wide with excitement. "Whit will ye dae wi' a sniper?"
"I like snipers, plus Ghost is here. He’ll teach me before he goes back. He taught me a couple of days ago," you explained with a grin.
"Wow! This is one o' the best snipers in the world," Soap said, admiring the sleek design. "Thank ye so much."
"Yeah, Ghost recommended it to me, so I got it," you said, glancing at Ghost.
Soap looked over at Ghost in disbelief. "Weel, LT himself disnae hae a sniper like this. It's much better than the ones he's got."
You smiled. "Well, now he has it."
Ghost shook his head. "No, I don't. And I don't want it anyway," he said quietly.
Soap chuckled. "Yer loss, LT. This is a beauty."
Ghost simply shrugged, the rare softness in his eyes replaced by his usual stoic expression.
"Why? It's a gift from me to you," you said, looking at Ghost.
"If you had mentioned it when you were buying it, I would have never let you get it in the first place," Ghost replied. "It's too expensive."
You shook your head. "Gifts don't come with a price tag. Captain Price, please make him understand."
"Take it, Ghost," Captain Price said, nodding.
"I can't, Price," Ghost insisted, shaking his head in disapproval.
"Okay, then throw it in the garbage, will you?" You snapped, shutting the sniper case with a bang. Your lower lip started quivering, and tears welled up in your eyes as you ran upstairs.
"You broke her heart, LT," Soap said, his voice filled with disappointment.
You closed the door and fell face-first onto the pillow, tears streaming down your face. It was so embarrassing and disappointing at the same time. Your sobs filled the room, muffled by the pillow.
A soft knock on the door interrupted your crying. "Open the door, love," Ghost said in a gentle tone.
For a moment, you hesitated, your emotions swirling inside you, but then you slowly got up and walked to the door.
You opened the door, still feeling annoyed and hurt. "What do you want?" You said, your voice tinged with frustration.
Ghost came inside and closed the door behind him. He walked over to your bed and sat down, he pat his thigh and opened his arms for you gesturing for you to come sit on his lap.
For a moment, you stood there, conflicted, but then you slowly walked over and allowed yourself to be enveloped in his comforting arms.
"You cryin', love?" Ghost asked softly.
You wiped your tears hastily. "No," you replied, trying to regain your composure.
"Hmm, I see," he said, his gaze understanding.
"Why did you embarrass me in front of your team?" You asked, your voice tinged with hurt.
"You got it for yourself, love. That's why," he replied simply.
"I can get another one for myself," You insisted.
"Okay, I'll take it, but only on one condition," he said.
"What condition exactly?" You asked, curious.
"You'll have to take mine. I'll teach you how to use it. It's smooth in my hands," he explained.
"Okay, deal!" You agreed, offering your hand to shake, but he surprised you by kissing your knuckles.
"Come, let's go downstairs," he said, taking your hand gently.
"Ghost!" You called out as he turned to leave.
He looked back at you. "Yes?"
"Do you still have your navy blue uniform, the one you wore when I saw you for the first time?" You asked, still holding his hand.
"Yes, but why do you ask?" he inquired.
"Will you wear it for me on my birthday? You look so good in that. I'll unwrap you as my gift," you said, giggling at the thought.
"Yeah, sure, but get ready to explain why I'm wearing it to my team, especially Price," he chuckled.
"Leave it to me. No worries," you assured him, and you made your way downstairs.
"Did you change your mind, LT?" Soap asked as you entered the room.
"Yes," Ghost replied, a hint of amusement in his voice.
"Good," Soap said, nodding in approval.
Meanwhile, you glanced into Captain Price's eyes, seeing a mixture of curiosity and intrigue reflecting back at you.
You led them to the back of the house where your horses were stabled.
"Meet Arther and Elfie," You introduced Soap to your beloved companions.
"Such bonnie horses," Soap remarked, admiring their beauty.
Next, you demonstrated your archery skills, drawing back the bowstring with precision and releasing it with practiced ease. Captain Price watched intently, a glint of admiration in his eyes.
"Remarkable," he exclaimed, genuinely impressed by your proficiency.
Ghost retrieved his sniper rifle and handed it to you. "Try it," he encouraged.
You hesitated, feeling the weight of the weapon in your hands. With his guidance, you took aim, your finger hovering over the trigger. The rifle trembled slightly as you pulled, but you managed to hit the target, albeit not as accurately as you had hoped.
"It's not easy," you admitted, feeling a twinge of disappointment.
"But you did well, considering," Ghost reassured you, his tone encouraging.
You smiled gratefully, grateful for his support.
As the evening descended, the cake was delivered, marking the beginning of your birthday celebration. Your house help had meticulously arranged all the decorations and table settings before bidding you farewell for the night.
Meanwhile, Captain Price took the opportunity to discuss their upcoming mission with his team, their voices low and serious as they strategized.
Feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness, you retreated to your room to change into your birthday dress. The corset that came with it proved to be a challenge as you struggled to zip it up on your own. Frustrated, you knocked on Ghost's door, hoping for assistance.
He opened the door, and your jaw dropped at the sight before you. He had changed into the navy blue uniform, looking incredibly attractive in it.
"What happened?" he asked, noticing your expression.
You entered his room and closed the door behind you. "Simon, can you please help me zip my dress? I can't reach it," you requested, feeling a rush of embarrassment.
Standing in front of the mirror, you were almost ready, the dress clinging to your figure. He stepped behind you, his presence towering over yours. The corset accentuated your petite frame, making you feel even smaller in comparison.
His gloved hand brushed against the bare skin of your back as he took hold of the zipper, and you sucked in a breath at the unexpected sensation. Your heart raced as you felt the warmth of his touch, his closeness sending shivers down your spine.
He zipped up your dress smoothly, his voice breaking the silence. "You're good now," he said softly, his words lingering in the air between you.
"Thank you," you murmured gratefully as you turned around. He put his index finger beneath your chin and tilted your head up meeting his gaze.
"Ready to be be my good girl tonight. Will ya?" His masked lips touched your cheek.
You blushed and ran towards the door. Standing at the doorway you peaked a last glance at him. You exited Ghost's room and returned to your own.
As Ghost stepped out of his room, he encountered Soap making his way upstairs.
"Going on a mission, LT?" Soap teased, noting Ghost's uniform.
"Yes, birthday mission," Ghost quipped in response.
"Seriously! Why are you wearing your uniform?" Soap inquired, his curiosity piqued.
"Because she asked me to wear it," Ghost explained simply.
"Hmm, I see. She likes you in it," Soap remarked before continuing downstairs, leaving Ghost to ponder his words.
They all waited for you downstairs, their anticipation palpable in the air. With a final glance in the mirror, you made sure everything was perfect before slipping on your heels and descending the staircase.
As you reached the bottom step, you were greeted by their warm smiles.
"Here she is," Captain Price announced, his voice carrying a note of pride.
"Wow! Lass, you're looking so beautiful," Soap complimented, his eyes twinkling with admiration.
"Thank you," you replied, feeling a blush creeping up your cheeks at his kind words.
You couldn't help but notice Ghost's gaze fixed on you, practically staring. His intense scrutiny made you feel vulnerable, as if he was seeing right through you. Yet, amidst the intensity, there was a glimmer of admiration in his stare, a silent acknowledgment that spoke volumes.
"Make a wish, lass," Soap chuckled, gesturing towards the candles on the cake.
Closing your eyes, you made a silent wish. A wish for Simon to be yours forever, for his safety, and for him to return to you unscathed from every mission.
With a deep breath, you blew out the candles, the room erupting into cheers and the chorus of "Happy Birthday."
As you opened your eyes, you felt a rush of warmth and gratitude wash over you. It truly was the best day of your life after your father's death.
Captain Price stepped forward, presenting you with a small box. You opened it eagerly to reveal a beautiful, delicate metallic quartz watch nestled inside.
"Thank you! It's so precious," you exclaimed, touched by the thoughtful gift.
As you all enjoyed the cake and then indulged in dinner, Captain Price suddenly cleared his throat, directing his attention to Ghost. "Simon, why are you wearing your uniform?" His question caught Ghost off guard, but before he could respond, you jumped in to explain.
"Actually, I asked him to wear that for my birthday. I was curious to see him in uniform," you said, offering Ghost a reassuring smile. His eyes crinkled from behind the balaclava he was wearing, a silent acknowledgment of his amusement.
"Alright, gentlemen, want something to drink? Please, help yourselves," you announced, rising from your seat and making your way to the bar. You took out the glasses, giving them a moment to process the exchange.
Soap and Ghost then took the dishes to the kitchen while the rest of you settled in the garden, enjoying the pleasant evening. Soap, with his characteristic sense of humor, regaled you all with his silly jokes, eliciting laughter from all of you.
"Hey LT, what has five toes and is not your foot?" Soap said.
"What?" Ghost asked.
"My foot!." Soap said and burst out laughing.
You couldn't control your laughter too. Soap was so funny.
"Your turn LT". Soap pointed towards Ghost.
"What do we call the fish who wears a bow tie?" Ghost asked.
You looked at each other's faces.
"Sofishticated." Ghost said.
Nobody laughed.
"What? Wasn't it funny?" Ghost said.
He was met with silence.
As the night grew late, you found myself sitting beside Ghost. His hand resting on the small of your back while everybody was busy talking.
He turned to look at you. Your blue eyes met with his caramel ones.
You stood up and went to stand at the door, feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over you.
"Aye! Come join us," Ghost called out, noticing your presence.
"No, you enjoy yourself. I'm going to bed now," you replied, turning around to head upstairs.
But before you could take another step, Ghost approached you and grabbed your wrist. "Hi, Lieutenant," you teased, your voice soft and playful.
You placed your hands on his chest, tilting your chin up to look at him. "Hell, if you put a bullet through my heart, I will spare you my life," you retorted, a smile playing on your lips.
You took the whiskey glass from his hand and placed your lips at the same spot he drank from and chug it at once.
You turned to go upstairs, but Ghost surprised you by grabbing you around the waist, causing you to squeak in surprise.
"Is everything alright there?" Captain Price's voice rang out from the garden.
"Yes, everything is fine, Price," Ghost replied calmly, his gaze locked on yours.
With a swift motion, Ghost lifted you into his arms and carried you upstairs, his strength both surprising and comforting.
"Your room or mine?" he asked with a playful smirk, his eyes dancing with mischief.
Pic credit:
IG: Vehenan Virabelasan
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luvsubmen · 16 days
Feminine Pearls
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18+ MDNI
Pairing: stripper sub!wonbin x rich femdom!reader
Warning: stripper, adult themes, sexual themes, sub/dom dynamic, wonbin goes by he/him but likes being called feminine nicknames, wonbin is a feminine man, grinding, lap dance, pole dancing, femdom, body worship, oral (m receiving), teasing, choking, praising, orgasm denial, degrading, mommy kink, riding (f receiving), unprotected sex, (reader gets impregnated), dacryphilia, fluff (tender kisses, cuddles, showering together), buying a stripper off
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(A/N)- Before we start I just wanted to say credit to @dollywons because of their beautiful dividers. I’m so happy to write again it’s been years, to let everyone know I used to write on wattpad but now I’m ready to use tumblr for writing.
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He dazzled across that stage, he always caught the eye of the audience he was performing for every night. But, tonight was different as this mysterious woman he has never seen before caught his eye. This woman was dressed in a sharp black blazer with her cleavage being a bit visible and some dangerously pumped heels. He thought to himself, ‘God she looks rich, I wonder what she does for a living. I can only hope she picks me for a private show.’ Little did he know that she was interested in him too.
The way they locked eyes with each other all night. Even when Wonbin was supposed to be entertaining guess on stage all he could do was take small glances at the woman. Once he was finally called off of stage and was told to look at his private request. He’s used to getting many from old men or regulars but he noticed a new name on the list and it had the word VIP next to it. ‘Could this be the woman from earlier?’ With that thought in mind Wonbin went to the private room he was requested to.
Once he got to the private room, he decided to shower and change the outfit he had on. Wanting to wow his new VIP he went with a sleeveless crop top that hugged his abs and put chained pearls across top. Wonbin paired the top with a white flowing short skirt that showed off his leg and only a flash of his ass. Looking himself in the heart mirror he applied a light pink lipgloss and contrast it with a bold eye look with a gentle pink blush. Applying a few rhinestones to his completed look. Almost being finished with his appearance he brushed his shoulder length black hair and pushes some pearls into his earlobes.
Wonbin smiled as he was in his full form ready for his guest to arrive. Sitting down on the lavish couch he waited for the woman. A few moments later, there was a knock on the door. “Come in!” Wonbin said from across the room. With permission granted the woman came into the room. Strutting to the couch she sat next to Wonbin. “If you’re wondering I am the one that requested you. My name is Y/N but you may noticed I used a code name when requesting you.”
Wonbin gripping onto the hem of his skirt be a bit nervous as Y/N gave serious dominant energy from the way she was dressed and the way she looked. Drifting off a bit by looking at her, he couldn’t help but find the gold buttons and accessories she had on so cool. His thoughts were trailing off and they were simply saying, ‘Fuck me! Fuck me! Own me! Own me!’ “Earth to Wonbin, Hello?!” Y/N waved her hand in the feminine man’s face noticing how dissociated he was in his thoughts.
He shook his head for a second and apologized. “I’m sorry, can you please repeat what you said?” Y/N gave a gentle smile and puts her hand on his back to help him relax. Rubbing his back slowly she repeated what she said. “It’s okay if you don’t want to but I was asking can you perform one of your signature strip teases or lap dances for me.” With that being Wonbin got up from the couch and started to circle around the pole, holding sensual eye contact with Y/N. He felt the music in his veins as he got on the pole letting it spin.
Feeling wet from the eye contact and the way he looked underneath the lights, Y/N bit her lip watching how elegant his moves were. She sat up trying to collect herself but his glistening eyeshadow, his body, the pearls, and his gaze all gravitate her. She felt lifted watching the feminine man perform for her, she shifted in her seat feeling her pussy get more soaked by his beauty. Wonbin looked like a goddess and this very moment. Feeling the heat and tension too he decided to finish his performance by tease her with a lap dance. Seeing him walk over Y/N mumbled “Fuck.” Underneath her breath as he sat on her lap and grinds towards her abdomen.
Y/N placed her hands on his hips as he grinds slowly on her while holding that gaze. Her mind felt hazy as he felt the same desire getting bricked up but this was just his job. He felt different this time though as if this should be more. Letting out a quiet moan he continued to dive into the little pleasure. “It feels good..” Hearing how needy he sounded and how pretty his lips looked…Y/N went for it and kissed him hungrily while grinding upwards into his body. Wonbin gasped as he complied by kissing back and placing his hands on her shoulders. The makeout session was hot and steamy, being at each other’s mouth to see who will be in charge.
Obviously Y/N won the tongue war and laid him down gently on the couch. Carefully taking off the pretty pearls, lifting his crop top up she let her hands slowly roam his body. She tenderly kissed his nipples and down his body. “So beautiful.” She whispered while going back up to suck onto his nipple and pulling at the other. He whined softly at the feeling and his body rose in pleasure. Y/N couldn’t help but find his little sounds so cute that she sucked on his chest more, letting her warm tongue circle his nipple.
He closed his eyes, letting his voice and body be heard like never before. Wonbin wasn’t new to femdom, he knew how to obey a woman and be a good boy. But, he felt like she might be his forever dom. He knew it was crazy but he fell for it her at first sight. “Please own me..fuck me..buy me off I don’t want to work here anymore I want to only serve you.” He whispered as she got finished worshipping his top half. Y/N smirks at his request and slowly pulled his skirt off. Rubbing his thighs and knees. She wanted to make him suffer by not giving it to him right away.
She slipped her hand into the panties he had on and let his cock spring out. Smirking while putting her lips on his tip then gives it a kiss. “How pretty it is.” Y/N said while putting his cock fully in her mouth to suck gently, keeping eye contact with him as she sucked him off. His glossy lips quivered as he let out soft moans in a row. Wonbin getting more desperate he begged for more. “Mommy, please please please fuck me! I want you to own my body! Please I’ll do anything!” Being satisfied by his begs she sucked faster and teasingly moans on his cock for more pleasure. “MHMMM!” Wonbin was squirming around thrusting inside of her mouth like a needy puppy wanting more.
Y/N takes back control by pressing his body down in place and stops sucking him completely but grips his throbbing cock. “What the hell is wrong with you? You really think I’m going to let you cum after what you just done.” She snapped while squeezing her hand around his dick harder as punishment. He whined giving her puppy eyes trying to give hint he was sorry. “But, mommy I was almost close..” He whined louder watching his red tip throb begging with rage to release. Y/N rubbed his slit brutally not liking his answer at all. “But, mommy nothing don’t do that again without my permission. Did mommy say you can thrust in her mouth?” Having a hard time answering as all he could do was whimper and squirm at the intense pleasure he felt. His cock was glistening with precum rolling down his pulsating veins knowing he can cum any minute now. She was abusing the fuck out of his slit having her thumb pressed against it rubbing down on his head.
“Do I make myself clear?” She said in a commanding voice. With tears welled up in his eyes he responded. “Y-yes ma’am!” That’s when Y/N finally stopped abusing his tip but now he was left almost so close to cumming. As soon as her hand left his cock he thrusted in the air like a pathetic slut. She was amused by the sight and laughed while taking off her blazer and panties underneath. She held his cock and sinked down on it gently. Wonbin let out a deep breath as he was already dangerously close and knew he wouldn’t last long. But, he knew he had to hold it in like a good boy and couldn’t cum without permission. Y/N sighed as the way his cock filled her up perfectly with no problem. “Fuck, you feel so amazing inside baby.” She whispered suductively to him before starting to place her hands on his abs and starts riding at a slow pace.
“Aah~” He cried out letting a few tears out a bit in pain as he had to hold in the overbearing flow he felt with obviously intense pleasure. Y/N noticed and got even more aroused by just how he looked now. Mouth open, eyes closed with tears, and his eyebrows furrowing. Fuck she would let this man impregnate her pussy right now. He’s so fucking pretty underneath. She wiped his fallen tears off of his rosy cheeks and kissed him tenderly on the lips. She loved how he cried and looked like the perfect doll for her to own. Y/N continued the gentle pace of riding his dick while slightly slamming down on him. Wonbin’s moans and cries were muffled by the sweet kiss but he still was a mess.
Y/N loved him, she does want to own him. She wants to give him a better life because she’s able to. Stopping the long kiss with saliva attached between the two, they just knew they felt the same for each other. She started getting faster as she felt herself get near to an orgasm. Slamming and bouncing onto him as her wetness was sliding down his cock. “Almost close princess!” Y/N yelled rolling her eyes and moved his hands on her waist as she moved in a circular motion bouncing her ass on him. Wonbin let out the most slutty moans getting louder and louder knowing the others can hear them going at it like crazy.
Choking the beautiful man she felt lifted by how they were almost there reaching their high. “Fuck! Fuck! Babyboy about to-“ Before she could finish her sentence Wonbin couldn’t hold it in anymore cumming deeply inside of her, filling her womb to the brim screaming. Y/N followed after cumming a few times down his cock. With that she laid on his chest feeling warm and full. She knew know she would have to keep him now as he stuffed her with his cum. Wonbin was a little worried to see what she would say as he did cum without permission. “Mommy I-“ Cutting him off she replied, “It’s okay I was planning to buy you anyway. You don’t have to do this anymore all night. You can just live with me and be my little housewife. I’ll give you everything you want and need, let’s be a happy family.” She puts his hand on her stomach to rub it gently.
As emotional he is Wonbin cried as he couldn’t believe that he could finally leave this horrible nightlife. He only became a stripper to pay bills and rent. His family kicked him out as soon as he turned 18 not liking how he loved exploring his feminine side. “Thank you so much mommy. I can’t wait to become a family forever.” The two laid cuddling and talking all night until they both fell asleep in each other’s warmth. They stayed like this until the end of Wonbin’s shift that lasted until 5 AM. Getting in the shower the pair was cuddled up and washed up before going to the owner’s office. Y/N pulled 100k out of her purse and slammed it on the owner’s desk with a smirk before leaving with Wonbin.
“Have a good life kid. You don’t need me anymore.”
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your-averagewriter · 5 months
“I’m gonna marry this woman.”
Summary: Cooper has a job to get to and (y/n) ends up looking after Janey for him when Barb isn't free leading him to realise that she's the woman for him.
Word count: 1.6K
Warnings: swearing, kissing, saying God not in the religious way (blasphemy I guess)
Cooper wraps his arm around my waist as we walk through the park, Janey holding his hand on the other side. Cooper and I have been dating for over a year and at the start he tried to keep our relationship separate from Janey as he didn’t want to make it too overwhelming for her after the divorce but now it’s been a while since we were officially introduced.
“There’s an ice cream truck over there.” I point out. “Janey, do you want some ice cream?” I ask, looking over to her.
“Yeah!” She smiles.
“Coop, do you want one?” I ask and he shakes his head. 
“You girls treat yourselves.” He says and then a ringtone comes from one of his pockets. “It’s work, I’ll be right back.” He gets his phone out and looks at who it is before walking a little bit away.
“Come on, Janey.” I invite. “Let’s get some ice cream.” I say as she takes my hand, which always makes my heart warm a little. “What flavour would you like?”
She examines the board of ice cream flavours before announcing her choice. “Toffee, please.”
“Good choice.” I smile, before walking up to the ice cream stand and buying her toffee ice cream and a strawberry one for myself. “There you go. Don’t drop it.” I pass it to her gently as she takes it and we walk over to a bench, sitting down and waiting for Coop to finish his call.
“What’s daddy doing?” She asks, enjoying the ice cream.
“Oh, he just got a call from work, maybe a new acting role.” I say and she smiles. “He should be back soon.”
“Did you know I used to act with daddy sometimes in the ads he used to do?” She says proudly.
“Oh really? Wow, you’re a little superstar.” I smile, Cooper walking back over not long after.
“How was the call?” I ask, as he walks over. “Any good news?”
“Mixed. Mixed.” He repeats.
“What does that mean?”
“Well, the good news is they wanna hire me.”
“That’s great, Coop.” I interrupt, jumping to my feet and wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him in for a hug with a bright smile.
“You haven’t heard the bad news yet.” He warns, pulling back with a slightly frown. “They need me on set in an hour to sort out some sizing and contract stuff.”
“What’s wrong with that?” I ask.
“I already called Barb and she can’t take Janey for the afternoon so I can’t go.”
“I could look after Janey for you.” I offer.
“I can’t ask you to do that.” He says.
“You’re not asking, I’m insisting. If you’re okay with it of course.” I smile as his hands find their place on my waist.
“If that’s alright…” He gives in after a few moments with a hint of a smile. “God, I love you, woman.” He says, pressing a kiss to my lips with a full grin now. “I’ll go check with Janey, if that’s alright. I’m sure she won’t have a problem with it, she adores you but I should anyway.” I nod, letting him go.
“I’ve got a job I gotta go to, sweetheart and mommy can’t look after you for the afternoon. Is it alright if I take you girls home and you stay with (y/n) for a little while?” She nods quickly with a smile, a resounding yes making Cooper chuckle.
“I think that’s a yes, (y/n).” I laugh.
“Let’s go then, we don’t want you to be late.” I say with a smile.
“I should be back around 5:00, 6:00 at the latest.” He reassures me.
“Babe, don’t worry about it, we’ll be fine, take as long as you need.” I press a kiss to his cheek. “Good luck. We’ll see you later.” I press a kiss to his other cheek and wave with Janey as he drives away. “Come on, sweetheart. Let’s go inside. What do you wanna do?” I ask, taking her hand as we go inside. 
“I wanna show you my room and my stuff.” She drags me towards her room, picking up various toy cowboys and horses that they ride. “You have so much cowboy stuff? Does your dad buy them for you?”
“Yeah. We’ve got matching cowboy outfits.” She says before diving into her draws and pulling out two matching outfits, one clearly an adult’s size whilst the other fits Janey. She begins to put it on above her clothes and I drop the cowboy hat on her head gently. “You should put daddy’s one on so we can match!”
“Really? You don’t think he’d mind that I was stealing his clothes?” I tease with a small smile.
“Isn’t that his jumper you're wearing?” She giggles.
“I guess you're right, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.” I say, putting the outfit on until we look like matching cowboys.
After a while of playing, I make some food for the both of us and a portion in the microwave for Cooper as it nears the time he said he would be home. Some tomato pasta that we eat while still wearing cowboy outfits. I chuckle as Janey gets some of the pasta sauce around her mouth, passing her one of the tissues to wipe her mouth with.
Cooper stands outside, about to open the door but looks through the window seeing Janey and I eating the pasta. A smile almost fills his face as he tries to cover his smile, mumbling to himself.
“I’m gonna marry this woman.” He whispers, sounding more like a stereotypical cowboy than ever before opening the door and walking in. “How’re my two favourite girls doing?” He grins as Janey runs towards him as he opens his arms to hug her.
He mimes the tipping of a cowboy hat at me with a small smirk and I shake my head, silently saying ‘don’t ask’ but smiling softly.
“How did the job go?” I ask, walking over to him by the door, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Good, first role I’ve got in a while.” He mumbles. “Just an ad but everything counts.”
“I’m so proud of you.” I smile, hugging him tightly, Janey doing the same despite not entirely understanding the context.
Cooper pours two glasses of wine, expensive wine, a celebration if you will after Janey’s gone to bed. Janey went to sleep in the cowboy outfit and made me promise not to take mine off so, being a loyal woman, I happily keep it on.
“Cheers to you, baby.” I smile, lifting my glass into the air as he does the same, clinking the glasses.
“Cheers.” He laughs, taking a sip before putting his glass back down on the coffee table. “I wanna ask you something and you gotta promise not to freak out.” 
I’m intrigued, sitting on the edge of my seat already smiling slightly but nervous. “Is it bad?” I ask, the anticipation now killing me.
“Nah, nothing bad, sweetheart, I promise.”
“Okay. I can’t promise I won’t freak out but I’ll try not to.” I say, watching him intently as he leans before kneeling on the ground in front of me. “Cooper, what are you doing?” I laugh with a smile. “Get up, you’ll spill the wine!” 
He kneels with one leg up, the other against the floor.
“(y/n) (l/n).” He starts and I’m still confused by what he’s doing. “I don’t have a ring but I thought this was the perfect moment to ask, will you marry me?”
I stand up, hand over my mouth, entirely shocked as I look down at him smiling up at me.
“Cooper, this better not be a fucking joke.” I warn, tears collecting in my eyes as I look down at his serious yet smiling face.
“It’s not, darlin’ I promise. After seeing you with Janey today, dressed up as cowboys making her pasta I just knew you were the one for me. I only regret not getting you a ring and asking you sooner.” He grins.
I stand absolutely frozen, standing up in front of him as a tear goes down my cheek.
“Why would you propose to me while I’m dressed like a cowboy?” Is the first thing I say, slightly muffled by my hand and he just laughs.
“I had to.” He kneels before me, without a ring but with all the right words. “Will you marry me?”
“Yeah, yeah, Coop, of course.” I say, overwhelmed with emotions, happiness being the dominant one but tears still in my eyes. “Oh my god.” I say as he rises to his feet wrapping his arms around me as I wrap my arms around his neck, as close as we could possibly get. “I can’t believe you.” I mumble into his shoulder.
“I love you so so much and so does Janey, you’re just so perfect for me.” He says and I could swear I hear a voice crack.
“I love you too. I can’t believe you though. What am I gonna say when people ask what the proposal was like? That I was dressed like a cowboy?” 
“I think you’re worrying about the wrong things right now, sweetheart.” He chuckles.
“I know. I can’t even begin to process the fact we’re getting married.” I press a kiss to the side of his neck. “Oh my god, I love you. I love you. I love you.” I place a kiss for everytime I say ‘I love you’ and he just smiles, taking the kisses.
“I must be the happiest man in the world right now.” He says with a grin as wide as his face.
AN: I hope people aren't getting bored of Fallout fics because I am not.
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nycbaby21 · 1 year
Young and Stupid
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prompt: sharing a bed with your best friend's older brother
word count: 4,600
“I’m really sorry,” I hear my best friend’s voice rush over the phone. “Wow no hello, no how are you, no I miss you. You must be really sorry,” I laugh closing my book standing up and stretching. I had been sitting at my desk for the past three hours studying for my last final in an hour. “So I know the plan was for me to drive up and grab you and then head home,” Liana started and her voice trailed off. I groan already knowing I’m gonna hate what leaves her mouth next. 
“So funny story, you know that really cute guy I was telling you about,” she continued. “Yes, I remember the very cute blonde with super blue eyes,” I say grabbing everything I needed and heading out of my dorm. I began walking to my last class and stayed on the phone with her the whole way. “Okay so come to find out he lives like an hour away from my parent's house. So he is gonna give me a ride home,” I stop in my tracks.
“Li, what are you saying,” I ask having a feeling where this is going. “I already talked to my parents and they are super excited to meet him. I can really see this going somewhere,” I can hear the smile in her voice. “Okay,” I say stopping at the stairs of my lecture hall. “You aren’t mad,” she asks, concern in her voice. “No, I’m not mad. I’ll just have to find a ride after I finish this test,” I say. “Don’t worry I already have one for you,” she says. “Liana Barzal what did you do,” I ask with a whine in my voice.
“Love you! Talk later, good luck with your test. You are gonna kick ass,” she rambles and then hangs up on me. I can’t let myself think about it and walk into the room focusing on the test at hand. After an hour, I walk out of the building and head back to my dorm. I tried to call Liana several times, but she never answered me. When I walked into my dorm, I could see why.
“Mat, what are you doing here,” I ask seeing her older brother lying down on my bed reading a book. “Geez about time you got back. I was so bored I started reading your stupid little book,” he says in a teasing tone. I snatched the book from his hands and put it on my desk. “Let’s try this again. “What are you doing here Mathew Barzal,” I ask with an attitude. I loved the whole Barzal family, they have become like a family to me over the years. Our parents were friends and then they had Liana and I at the same time. But Mat was a whole different story.
Ever since I could remember he would tease me. Little things never anything terrible or purposefully malicious. He would pull my hair out of the ponytail, always call me stupid nicknames, and my personal favorite pretend he didn’t know who I was almost all of high school. I had always hoped it was the classic, oh he likes you because he teases you kind of thing. Those dreams were shattered when I was around and his friends asked who I was, and he just replied just some girl my sister is friends with no one important. It was not like I had known him my whole life or anything.
“Oh, you used my full name. I’m so scared,” he laughed sitting up and staring down at me. My bed was raised so I could reach to slap the back of his head so I smacked his calf. He laughed at me and I just kept hitting him. Not hard enough for it to hurt, but it did feel good to let out some of my frustration. I had been so stressed with finals, maintaining my grades, and stupid boy problems.
“What the hell are you doing,” my roommate Maddie asks walking in with her girlfriend right behind her. “Aw Y/n, good for you. I’m glad you moved on from that loser. Also, this one is so much hotter,” Olivia says sitting down on the bed. My entire face burns red and I stop hitting Mat. “No no no. This is Mat,” I rush taking a few steps away from him. He quirks an eyebrow at me. “Oh shit my bad. I thought. You know what never mind what I thought. I’m just gonna sit here and look pretty,” she jokes with me. “You think he’s hot,” Maddie ask looking from Mat to Olivia. “I don’t know for a guy yeah. I mean I would never ever never. But I could see the appeal,” she shrugs explaining to her girlfriend.
“I don’t know. How you treat people is way more important than looks,” Maddie rolls her eyes continuing to pack her bag. The whole time I refused to make eye contact with him. “You know who I am,” he asks hopping down off the bed and leaning back against it. “You talk about me Y/n,” his voice comes off condescending. I huff and let out a groan and Olivia throws a pillow at me. I whack him in the face with it. He grabs my wrist and makes me freeze. Noticing the tension Maddie saves the day.
 “I know a lot about you Barzal. Your sister is amazing by the way,” Maddie smirks, knowing she is riling him up. “You think Y/n/n talks about you. Please, you have no idea how many people try to get info on you from her. She has never once indulged them,” Olivia says thinking she is being helpful. I cut her a look and she stops talking. He looks down at me and his face softens. “What is she talking about,” he asked me. “Well, we should get on the road. Long drive down to Tennessee. Love you Y/n,” Olivia says grabbing Maddie’s stuff and heading for the door.
Maddie comes and wraps me up in a hug. “Call me okay. I love you and have a great break,” she smiles. “I love you and you guys too. Also Mads you got this. Any parent should be thrilled for their daughter to bring you home,” I give her arm a comforting squeeze. She nods and walks towards the door. “Barzal, if I hear one word about you hurting my girl you better be ready,” she threatens and closes the door. The air was thick in tension as soon as it was just the two of us.
Mat turns and opens his mouth to say something but I cut him off before he can. “Okay well, she should probably get on the road too,” I say grabbing my duffle bag and throwing it over my shoulder, and grabbing the suitcase with my free arm. I feel myself being pulled back and the weight on my left arm is now gone. Mat now had my pink duffle bag over his shoulder. He sent me a small smile and headed towards the door. This is gonna be a long trip.
I slowly walked behind him following him to his car in the parking lot. I let out a laugh and tried to cover it with a cough. His head snapped back to me and he smiled. “Yeah yeah, laugh it up,” he says putting my stuff in the back with his. “No I’m not laughing at you or the car I swear,” I laugh and he cuts me a look. “It’s just you’ve been in the NHL how long? They have to be paying you enough for a luxury car,” I say getting in the passenger door as he shuts it behind me. “Not that I need to explain myself to you, but there is no point in all of that. I mean this is a great little car, trustworthy, and dependable,” he says leaning over and looking backward to reverse the car. I hated to admit it to myself but he looked way too good doing that.
“No, you don’t have to explain anything to me. I just figured you would be all flashy and get a car to impress some girl,” I shrug looking outside my window and not at him. “Maybe the Mat you used to know would have done that. But I’m not that guy anymore,” he says glancing over at me. His stare makes me feel like the same little girl who had a monster crush on her best friend’s older brother. “Maybe,” I ask in a teasing tone getting a laugh out of him, like a real genuine smile. Happy with how the conversation was going and in fear of messing it up, I reached over and flipped through the stations trying to find a station.
“Here, just play something on here. The static is driving me crazy,” Mat says handing his phone over to me. I held it like it was a bomb, scared if I moved it would go off. “What,” he laughs eyes straight ahead. “I don’t know. It’s just no guy has ever just openly handed me his phone to go through,” I say opening his phone, he didn’t even have a password on it. His background makes me stop. It was a picture of Liana, him, my little sister, and me from one summer when we were kids on my dad’s boat. “Well you have been around the wrong guys,” he says snapping me out of my trance.
I didn’t even know that picture existed, let alone why Mat had it as his home screen. “Yeah well, you could say that again,” I laugh dryly and scroll through his playlist trying to find one. “Oh my gosh. You do not still have this,” I say shocked pulling up a playlist I made him one summer when he said I had terrible music taste and wanted to prove him wrong. I click play and the catchy beat of some random boyband I was obsessed with fills the car. He smiles and starts singing along with the song. “What? Don’t go feeling all special or whatever, it just has some good songs on it,” he says trying not to smile.
The next two hours are filled with us screaming the lyrics of the playlist and dancing around in the car. I had actually never had this much fun with Mat ever. He always treated me like his sister’s annoying friend. Right now it felt like he was treating me like a friend. The snow started to pick up more and more. We had turned down the music to almost nothing and I was helping him watch the road. “I saw a sign for a motel like half a mile back. I know it isn’t ideal but I can’t risk having you on the road in this weather,” he says slowing down even more and turning into the motel.
“Risk having me on the road? What about you,” I ask as he puts the car in park. “Liana and my parents would have my ass if anything happened to you,” he said looking over at me. I deflated a little bit, cursing myself for actually thinking maybe it was because he cared about me. I just nod my head and open the door grabbing my bags and heading for the door. “Hey wait slow down. What just happened back there,” he asks rushing forward and opening the door for me.
The lobby was filled with the same chill as outside. I shook off some of the snow that had gathered up on my clothes and hair. “I have no idea what you are talking about Barzal,” I say walking further inside towards the front desk. “Y/n you just completely shut down on me,” he says grabbing my forearm and pulling me back. I roll my eyes and look up at him. “I have no idea what you are talking about Mat. Look I’m tired and cold I just want to take a hot shower and sleep okay?” 
I hear someone clear their throat and we both look towards the guy behind the desk. He has an annoyed expression on his face. I pull my arm away from Mat and walk towards the desk. “How can I help you tonight sweetheart,” his voice sends chills down my spine. He looked me up and down like he was a wild animal stalking his prey. “Uhm.. a room please,” I stutter out completely creeped out by this guy. My eyes shift over to Mat and then back to the guy. “Okay, so two rooms. That will be,” the guy is cut off by Mat. “One room actually,” Mat wore a smug look on his face. His arm slipped around me, and this time I leaned in and didn’t brush him off.
“Yeah sure okay,” he grumbles out typing away. Mat gave my side a squeeze and his thumb rubbed back and forth under my jacket. I tried to ignore the feelings that came with being this close to him. He was just trying to help like a big brother would. He didn’t see me as anything else. “Right this way,” he said and we followed him down a long hallway and to the last room in the hall. He opens the door and we both can see the room only has one bed in it. I try to control my face, but it must have slipped because the guy smirks down at me. “One bed alright with the happy couple,” he said emphasizing the word couple. 
“Perfect with us. Right baby,” Mat leans down and looks at me. I nod my head, not trusting my voice in that moment. Fear overwhelmed my system, I just couldn’t tell if it was from the looks the clerk was giving me or the fact I had to share a bed with Mat tonight. “Well, I’ll leave you both to it. Come find me if you need anything okay,” he says directly at me slipping a wink in before walking away. Mat all picked me up and carried me into the room away from that guy. 
He slams the door closed and I jump at the sudden loud noise. He turns around and looks at me. I have never been able to read Mat well, he always held his emotions close to himself. But in this moment I was grateful I couldn’t. He was seething with anger. He paced around the room rambling about how no man had any right to talk to a woman like that. I sat on the bed and watched him continue to walk around. “Mat, please. You are making me dizzy,” I groan falling back onto the bed with my legs still hanging off. I hear a deep sigh and feel the bed dip down next to me. “You okay,” I ask looking into his eyes.
“That doesn’t matter right now. Are you okay,” he asked voice soft. I nod feeling very vulnerable under his gaze. I open my mouth to ask him more about what the hell just happened but my phone ringing cut me off. “Y/n, finally you answer me. I got an alert that you and Mat both stopped and neither one of you picked up. I was scared to death something happened to you both,” Liana rushes out. “Li slow down okay. I am perfectly fine okay. The roads just got really bad and Mat pulled over and we found a motel to stay at. We are gonna get back on the road first thing in the morning,” I explain calmly trying to help ease her worry.
“Hey you know I wouldn’t ever let anything happen to her right,” Mat says to his sister looking straight at me. “Yeah, I know. Sorry, it’s just you guys are two of my favorite people, and if I lost you both,” her voice cracked and we heard a hushed voice comforting her. Mat raised his eyebrows and I smiled. “You can’t get rid of us that easy. We are gonna be annoying you for the foreseeable future,” I laugh telling her and trying to get off the phone before Mat realized who she was talking to. “Okay I love you guys,” she says before hanging up. 
“Who was that,” he asked looking back to me. I laugh and shake my head jumping up. He quickly followed suit and stood after I did. “I am gonna go get that shower,” I say walking backward towards the bathroom. “Y/n tell me who she was talking to,” he says walking closer to me. I keep backing up until my back hits a wall. Mat is right in front of me looking down at me. “A friend,” I say in a hushed tone due to our closeness. “Uh-huh. A friend. Who is this friend,” he asks maintaining our current distance. “Maybe a friend who wants to be more than a friend,” I shrug and laugh at the face he makes. “Oh my god. She is a little rat,” he said backing up some. 
“Why is she a little rat,” I ask finally getting to take a full breath. “She totally used me asking to bring you home as a way to hang out with a boy,” he says looking back to me, and then his eyes get big. “What did you just say,” I ask stepping closer to him. “I have no idea what you are talking about,” he says trying to keep distance between us and trips over my bag falling down. “I’m okay,” he says looking up at me and then laughing. “Are you sure,” I ask laughing back at him. “Positive. Now go get a shower, you kind of stink,” he jokes and I kick his shin lightly.
When I was in the shower my mind drifted back to the car ride here. It was so different than any other time I had spent with him. Maybe he was right, he wasn’t the same Mat I knew growing up. I was more confused now than I was before. I shake off all of the feelings coming back from my teenage years and get out of the shower. I go to change into some clothes and realize I didn’t grab a shirt. “Hey, Mat. Can you pass me a shirt? I forgot to grab one,” I yell hoping he can hear me over the sound of the TV he had going. I hear a muffled sound and then a quick knock on the door. I open it and come face to face with him. 
His eyes drifted down and back up very quickly, he was hoping I hadn’t noticed. It was just the same as him seeing me in a swimsuit in the summer, which he had seen several times. Something different was floating around his mind, but I just couldn’t tell what. He cleared his throat and handed me the shirt. “Thanks,” I say softly and step back into the bathroom slipping the shirt over my head. I noticed how much bigger it was than normal and finally looked at myself in the mirror. He had given me one of his Islanders training shirts. I try not to think too much about it, but the small part of me who still believes in fairytale endings drifts.
I walk out turning the lights off in the bathroom and turning to face him. His shirt was so long it covered the shorts I had on. He looked up at me and his jaw tightened slightly. The air was weird between us again like it was earlier. “What are you watching,” I ask looking over at him when he doesn’t answer me. I call his name again and he looks over at me. “Oh uhm I don’t know some random comedy I found,” he says sitting up straighter in the bed. I nod my head at him and walk around the side of the bed opposite him. I pull back the blankets and carefully slip into the bed being very cautious of our personal space.
“Are you cold,” he asks looking over only being able to see me when the TV flashed a bright color. “No, I’m good I promise,” I say back lying to him. “Y/n/n, I can feel you shivering over there,” he says looking over at me. I feel his hand touch mine under the covers and he winces. “Your hands are freezing,” he says. He scoots closer and pulls me towards him. “Mat, I’m fine really,” I try and push him off. He ignores me and pulls me into his chest. I immediately feel warmer, either from his body heat or my face flushing. 
We both stay still as a board, both afraid of moving too much and scaring the other. I could feel his breath and hear his heartbeat. That was the only thing comforting me because he was as fast as mine. “Hey can I ask you a question,” he asks running his hand up and down my arm. “Yeah, you can ask me anything,” I say looking up at him. “Earlier when your roommate and her girlfriend were talking they said you never talk about me even when people ask. Does that happen a lot? People asking you about me,” he asks his hand stopping and resting on my upper arm. “Yeah, I guess it does. I mean people know me from Li’s Instagram and figure I am close with you or whatever. So girls try to be friends with me to get closer to you. Or guys only ask me out thinking I will introduce them to you,” I say scared of how he will act.
“I am really sorry that happened to you Y/n,” he says looking down at me. I look up at him and smile. “It’s okay Mat. Not anything I’m not used to,” I replied. “Has this always happened,” his question made me sigh. I just nod against his chest. “How long,” his voice breaks. “I don’t know, freshman year. It wasn’t because you were mister hot-shot hockey back then. It was because you were this hot older guy every girl our age was crazy about. So that’s why Li and I have always been really selective of our friends,” I answer back. We stay quiet for a minute and then I feel his chest vibrate some. “What,” I ask looking up at him and seeing a smile on his face. “Every girl your age thought I was hot, eh,” he asks in a teasing tone, but not the same one from childhood.
“Wow out of all of that, you wanna know if I thought you were hot,” I roll my eyes and push away from him. His grip tightens on me and I laugh with him. “Why does it matter what I thought of you way back then,” I ask. “I don’t know,” he shrugs. “Can I ask you a question now,” I counter and he nods. “What did I do to you growing up,” his eyebrows furrow at my question. “I mean it was like you had it out for me. Anything I did, you had a teasing comeback for it. And then in high school you just ignored me. So I’m asking you if I did something,” I ask waiting for a response. 
“You didn’t do anything, I swear. Well not intentionally anyway. You couldn’t help me having feelings for you. I don’t know as kids I thought of you just like Li and your sister. And then one day you weren’t the same anymore. I noticed how my feelings were changing with you. And I was stupid and young and had no clue what I was doing so I was just mean.” I stayed quiet just listening to him. “Then high school came around and some of the jerks I called friends started asking questions about you. Like who you were and some other stuff I’m not gonna repeat. So I just thought if you weren’t an active part of my life maybe guys like that would leave you alone. You were way too good for them,” he finished and stared ahead. “Mat, will you please look at me,” I ask, his eyes drifting across my face and landing on my eyes. He nods and I look at him,” Why didn’t you ever say anything?”
“Like I said, I was a young stupid kid. I was scared of you. You were my sister’s best friend, our parents are super close, and I just knew that I would screw something up. And it wouldn’t just be us it would be us I messed up, but everyone else would suffer,” he said. “Well are you still,” I ask, taking a leap of faith. “Still what,” his voice is filled with confusion. “Are you still young and stupid,” I whisper back to him. “Up until yesterday. Yeah, I was,” he replied. “What changed today,” I question leaning in closer to him. “I finally quit trying too hard around you. I was just Mat with you today. And it felt really nice,” he smiled leaning down our lips almost touching. “Tell me to stop and I will. We can pretend this never happened and go back to whatever we were. Even though that might actually kill me, I’ll do it if that’s what you want,” he says his breath fanning my face.
I close the distance between us by grabbing his cheeks with my hands pulling him closer. It didn’t even take him a second to fall into rhythm with me. All those years of secretly pining and hidden feelings were finally being released. I kissed him until I physically couldn’t anymore needing to breathe. “Holy shit,” I say resting our foreheads together.” If I had known that was what I was missing I would have said something sooner,” he laughed making me smile. “Well, we have about ten years to catch up on,” I smile at him reconnecting our lips.
The next morning I woke up all tangled up in Mat’s embrace. I nuzzled into his chest harder, waking him in the process. “Please tell me last night wasn’t some dream,” he says not opening his eyes yet. “No, you dork. It wasn’t a dream,” I laugh kissing the space between his shoulder and neck. “I don’t really wanna leave the motel, is that bad,” he asks running his hand in my hair. “No, it isn’t that bad,” I smile. “Good because I’m pretty sure Li may just kick my ass,” he laughs. “Am I worth it,” I ask looking up at him. “Worth every second of ass-kicking,” he says kissing my nose. I kiss his lips again and my phone ringing interrupted us. “Oh god, it’s her, isn’t it? She is already cockblocking me and she doesn’t even know yet,” he groans throwing his head back.
“Are you both still alive,” she jokes. “Yes we are both still alive,” Mat groans into the phone before moving us to where he could rest his face on my neck. My hands go to his hair and start running my fingers through it. “Well, I’m sorry for asking. Geez Y/n maybe you should have given him some and he wouldn’t be acting like an ass this morning,” she laughs and stops when she realizes neither one of us answers. “Oh my god. You did not,” she screams.
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writing-fanics · 1 year
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rambunctious[part i]
Jaime Reyes x F!Reader
Rosa Alejandra L/n-Reyes, one year old, time having went by so fast. She’s a adorable rambunctious babbling and talkative baby. Despite her only knowing, ‘mama’ ‘dada’ ‘bye bye’. Other than that she wakes around wobbling on her little feet.
Walking around the Reyes household catching everyone’s attention at how adorable she is. Watching as she walks around with her tiny legs, or she starts playing with her toys in the living room.
“Rosa~ are you excited to see daddy today!” [Y/n] cooed, as she walked over towards her daughter sitting on the ground playing with her toys. She turned to look at her mother, “Dada!” She exclaimed excitedly, clapping her hands and reaching out towards her mother.
She picked her up kissing her little girl on the cheek. While the Reyes’ pulled into Rudy’s Truck. [Y/n] opened the backseat of her car and placed her daughter into her car seat buckling her in, and making sure she’s secure. Before getting behind the wheel and driving towards the airport.
“Dada!!” Rosa shouted, reaching out for him. Jaime excitedly dropped everything and smiled, “There’s Mi princesita,” He exclaimed, taking her from his girlfriend’s arm and kissing her on the cheek and playfully tickling her.
“I’ve missed you so much.” He said, and [Y/N] watched folding her arms across her chest. “Yeah I missed you too,” She said to him. He immediately looked up walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her, planting a kiss on the side of her head. “I missed you too mi amor,” he whispered to her, she smiled pulling back planting a quick kiss on his lips.
“Dada!” Rosa shouted placing her hands on her fathers face. Giggling causing Jaime to chuckle. As he took his girlfriend’s hand and walked towards the car.
Jaime decided to ride with his daughter and girlfriend. Sitting in the back with his daughter who gave him a show. “You’re getting so big Rosa,” He exclaimed, looking at his daughter she giggled.
Babbling acting like she’s having a conversation with her father, “No, really?”
“Oh no!”
“Y/n,are you hearing what I’m hearing?”
She chuckled, “I sure am.” She responded looking up at the mirror for a moment. Keeping her eyes on the road as they drove towards the taco restaurant. “oh, I think Rosa pooped her pants.” Jaime said, smiling as he booped his daughter tiny nose.
“Poop.” Rosa said, bursting out into laughter. “She’s definitely your daughter.” [Y/n] said, to Jaime.
After changing her diaper and ordering their food. Rosa squealed at how delicious her food was, as she at the chopped up beef.
She looked at her father curiously as he ate his taco. He turned towards her smiling and made a goofy face, causing her to laugh. She then immediately went back to eating her food, grabbing her sippy cup and drinking her watered down apple juice.
“Wow, you must’ve been hungry.” [Y/n] said, looking at her daughter who frowned at her finished plate. Sill hungry, for such a tiny human with a tiny stomach she sure does have a big appetite.
“Okay okay, here you can finish mommy’s food.” She said, cutting up what little was left of her food giving it to her daughter. She babbled excitedly, grabbing the food with her hands and shoving it into her mouth.
“Okay he’s had his tacos.” Milagro said, wanting to finally break the ice on everything that the family had been keeping from Jaime. Jaime was confused as everything was dumped onto him. The auto shop having closed, his dad heartattack, they are about to lose the house.
_____time skip____
‘Sun goes down and we are here together’
‘Fireflies glow like a thousand charms’
[Y/n] sang quietly while rocking her daughter to sleep in her arms. Her daughter absolutely loved it when she sang songs from her childhood. Particularly Barbie as The Island Princess, whenever she put it on she would clap her hands and laugh excitedly.
“Stay with me and you can dream forever”
“Right here in my arms tonight”
She looked out the window while rocking her to sleep, and she continued to fuss. She always had trouble sleeping meaning extra time for her to try and get her to fall asleep. In all honesty , she wished Jaime were down her to help her fall asleep so she could get her much needed break.
But with everything he’s now stressed out about after it was all dumped on him after returning. He needed some time to think on how he was possibly going to help out his family.
Rosa opened her eyes unable to fall asleep, her mother quickly shushed her in a soothing voice. Carefully rubbing her back while quietly humming the song.
“It's magic when you are here beside me”
“Close your eyes and let me hold you tight”
Rosa whimpered and her mother at down on Jaime’s bed. Continuing to sooth their daughter, “Shh Shh, it’s okay sweetie.” She soothed, as she continued to hum while looking out the window at the bright lights of the skylines and skyscrapers.
She looked down at Rosa who started to nod off, she smiled softly placing a kiss on her forehead. Gently running her fingers through her black curls, before standing up walking towards the crib crammed into the tiny corner of the room.
“Everything that I could ever need is”
“Right here in my arms tonight”
She sang, gently placing her in her crib before slowly backing out of the room. “La la la, la la la.” She whispered, while turning off the light and turning on the battery operated night light and lullaby player.
a/n: sorry for the abrupt end
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luffyvace · 7 months
helooo can i request saiki x reader bf texts please? thank you so much !! anything is fine honestly as long as its saiki content i miss him 😭😭😭😭
ooooou I haven’t got a request like this yet and it seems very fun!! No problem hun <3
IKR after you finish the anime it feels like such limited content is left for the saiki k fandom!! 😭😭
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💓💗 Saiki and his boyfriend~ 💗💓
“Wanna go get some coffee jelly”
“This is oddly specific but can you tell the magician outside to leave please?”
”can you keep aiura and torisuka distracted so I can leave school?”
”thanks I’ll pay you back in (favorite thing)”
”let’s meet at the arcade”
”I’m annoyed my mom is forcing me to go outside but I know I’m gonna run into kaido”
”please come with me to make this more bearable”
”don’t forget to study for that test”
convos :3
”how do I make friends with that average guy from the other class without seeming weird”
”Kusuo idk just go up to him and talk to him 😭”
”yeah but if I don’t have something to talk about it’ll be awkward and my likeability meter will go down”
”can you figure out his interests for me so I can talk to him?”
”what? YOU do it 🤦”
”no i can’t the nuisances will find me”
convo 2 ;P
“Do you wanna come shopping with me?”
”your not gonna invite the nuisances too are you?”
”no kusuo 😭”
”oh okay well no”
“I'm NOT!”
“I know but nuisance number 4 just showed up”
”at your house?”
”no at the mall”
”ohh well fine 🤦”
convo 3
”can I borrow your bike nendo broke mine”
”idk he sat on it”
”I need it so I don’t have to go shopping with my dad”
”why is that so bad?? 😭”
”because he starts begging for things at the store”
“Isn’t he a grown man?”
”yeah I know that’s why I need to borrow your bike”
”sure babe..😭🤦”
convo 4
”my mom wants you to come over for dinner”
”oh alright!”
”say your sick”
”kuu why? 😭😭”
”can’t I come over??”
”no my parents are embarrassing”
”but I’ve come over plenty of times before tho”
”I know but, please just don’t come over”
”what’s happening??”
”fine. My dad wants to play a prank on someone because when he try to scare me it didn’t work. So I need you to come over and pretend to be scared so my mom doesn’t kill me”
”what?? So now I’m supposed to come over?”
”let’s just get it over with”
”you go through so much I swear 😭💗”
convo 5
”when you come over and my mom asks if you wanna meet my brother say no”
”whaaat but I kinda wanna meet him”
”say no”
”for both of our sakes”
”if you don’t go I won’t have to either”
”fine 😒”
convo 6
”goodnight kuu”
”goodnight m/n”
convo 7
“I hear nuisance number 4 isn’t showing up to school today”
”no she isn’t”
”rejoice. God is real.”
”KUSUO 😭😭”
convo 8
“your driving home today right? Can I hitch a ride? Nuisance number 1 is here”
”wait which nuisance is that again?”
”how can you forget? It’s the second most terrible one. Nuisance 1 is nendo”
”hurry he’s coming”
convo 9
”come with me to nuisance number 2’s house so I don’t have to go alone”
”kaido right? he’s not so bad right? I can’t I have homework”
”no he’s just really weird and cringe and awkward”
“I’ll wait”
”okay 😭”
convo 10
“can I come over and we can watch that show you recommended me?”
”yeah sure any time kuu”
”you really don’t have to ask, I could get you a spare key if you want”
”yes an emergency escape route in case of nuisance surprises”
”and you ig”
convo 11
”that was sweet. what you did for them”
“Yeah I guess they’re not so bad for now”
”for now Kusuo?”
”you sound like my mom”
”actually, that’s not an insult I love your mom”
”I know”
”WYM 😭”
”you hug her more than I do”
”well that proves smth 🤨🤨”
”eh. I’ll get her a gift”
”good cuz she’s awesome 😙”
convo 12
“let’s finish playing that game you have”
”you have never even played it he’s so annoying”
”you wouldn’t even think it’s funny if I hadn’t have told you”
”come on at least least me see the chapter you said you hated”
”you just wanna see me suffer”
”If I did I wouldn’t have distracted hairo for you earlier”
”LOL YIPPIE I’m coming over as soon as I’m done with my homework 🙂”
convo 13
“How do I transfer to class 2”
”you just wanna be with satou don’t you”
”you don’t know how?”
”no kuu, I don’t 🤦”
convo 14
“I have to go visit my grandparents and my granddad is really awkward come with me”
”why do you love my family so much?”
”they’re strange”
”I love YOU 😒”
”are you calling me weird”
”in what way are you normal mister magic powers with weird friends and family who also has to stop a volcano from erupting yearly”
”those are just ordinary daily tasks”
”now your coming right?”
”I should leave you”
”you wish you were normal so bad”
”when are we going”
”on second thought you can stay here”
convo 15
”let’s reschedule the coffee jelly date for Sunday”
”it’s too chaotic”
”it’s Friday”
”I know I’m dreading the weekend”
”my poor kuu 😭”
”you sound like my mom again”
*read* 1:39pm
LOL I LOVE CONVO 10-15 😊😈 (it got more chaotic as it went on- 😭)
muahahahahhaha hope you enjoyed! these were quite fun :3
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withlove-amber · 7 months
Peaches and Cowboy
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gibbs x reader
This does take place before Jack Sloane appears in season 15
Peaches. (Y/N) only had to thank one Leroy Jethro Gibbs for that nickname. He insists it’s because she’s so sweet and kind. But, she’s pretty sure it’s because of her perfume. He calls her that only when they’re alone, neither of them want to ruin his reputation. 
Her head was down on her desk, with paperwork covering every inch of her desk. Gibbs was growing concerned, because she was looking paler by the hour. Once Tony headed to interrogation, Ziva was checking out a lead, and Tim was getting an update from Abby, he made his way over to her desk. That’s when he smelled her perfume, peach with just a dash of vanilla. “Hey, peaches, you feelin’ okay?” Her head instantly rose from her desk, and she sleepily responded, “Yeah, just a headache the size of Texas. I’ll be alright. Just need to drink more water.” He was still concerned, but ultimately said, “Okay, let me know if you need anything.” “Will do, hun.”
The day went by and by the end of it, she was very excited to go home, make some soup, and crawl into a warm bed. Gibbs had the same idea, but because he was still concerned, he offered to drive her home. She was hesitant at first, saying she didn’t want to be a bother. But he insisted. And she damn near fell asleep during the ride home. She was so out of it, she didn’t even notice that it wasn’t her house. It was Gibbs’ house. Fair enough, they only live a street away from each other. She only noticed something was different when the front table was in a different spot than it was in her house. He led her to the couch, and told her to make herself comfortable. As she did, he disappeared into the kitchen. He reappeared a few moments later with two bowls of soup, water for her, and a beer for him. She felt a little bad that her friend was taking care of her, but ultimately felt so grateful that he cared enough about her to do so. 
They ate in comfortable silence, and after finishing her soup, she started feeling incredibly exhausted. To no shock, he noticed that she was starting to fade. He took the dishes back into the kitchen, and when he returned to the living room, found her half asleep, curled up on the sofa. He gently pushed her hair away from her face, and gently laid a blanket on top of her. He whispered, “Goodnight, peaches.” She responded with a half-hearted mumble that sounded similar to, “Goodnight Jethro.” And with that, she fell into a very blissful sleep, where she dreamt of a very familiar silver-haired, steely-blue eyed man. 
Cowboy. Gibbs only had (Y/N) to thank for that nickname. She calls him that only when they’re alone, neither of them want to ruin his reputation. It was a slow day, the team didn’t have a case, so they took the day to catch up on paperwork. Sometime in the afternoon, they all took a break (minus one silver-haired boss), and took turns guessing what their favorite movie genres were. Lastly, it was (Y/N)’s turn. She correctly guessed that Ziva hasn’t watched a lot of movies, Tim’s favorite is action-fantasy, and that Tony’s was classic films. But Gibbs, she had a hard time figuring his out. But ultimately, she correctly guessed he likes westerns. Specifically, black and white westerns. “Yeah I see it, cowboy. It fits.” And with that, that’s how he became “cowboy”. Just with an afternoon distraction from the mind-numbing paperwork they had all been busy with all day. The rest of the day went by in a blur. They all said their goodbyes and went their separate ways for the night. Sometime in the evening, (Y/N) found herself in Gibbs’ basement, drinking bourbon out of an old glass, talking with not her boss, but her friend. 
“Why’d ya guess I like westerns?” “Because, you have this air of authority about you, your house is bare besides furniture, you have an old TV, and you build boats in your basement. Plus, at night, you smell like bourbon.” “Wow.” “Yeah… it’s one of my favorite things about you.” “What is?” “Everything. It’s just so you.” He leaned over and wrapped her in a hug. She swiftly accepted his hug, and held him tight. They spent the rest of the night laughing and talking about anything and everything. Not a lot of people know, but Gibbs can be very talkative with the right person. He also smiles his beautiful, soft smile quite a lot. But only when he’s with her. Only when he’s with his “peaches”. And when she’s with her “cowboy”, the sun will never be able to outshine her smile.
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sunflowersteves · 6 months
kinktober day 005 — thigh riding
pairing || joel miller x afab!f!reader
summary || you and joel liked to play games. how long can you last without him touching you?
author's note || wow so, I’m back! I know I dipped after one kinktober fic, but I was honestly forcing myself. I finally have the motivation and excitement for writing again <3
warnings || fluff, some soft!joel, SMUT, praise kink, thigh riding, dom x sub, [18+ only]
FREE PALESTINE - info, info, info
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kinktober masterlist
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“Are you going to behave?”
It was such a simple question. It was one that Joel had asked quite often—especially to you.
There was something in the way that he said those five words. His eyebrows were always furrowed, and a frown was etched across his features. His gruff, rumble of a voice would send shivers down your spine. Your nails would dig into his flannel jacket—just so you would be able to stay calm.
It was always a game that you so dangerously played. Who breaks first?
You had been teasing him quite literally all night. You teased him before communal dinner by swaying your hips a bit extra while walking down stairs. You teased him during the dinner when your hand gracefully placed itself on top of his thigh. You slowly inched your way forward toward the thing you had been so desperately wanting.
Sure, you were the one teasing, but had he seen himself? He looked so handsome with his dark flannel shirt and navy jeans. The cuffs of his sleeves were folded up, nice and neat—which didn’t help the ache in your heart as you stared at his veiny forearms.
So, you didn’t say a word to him. You couldn’t.
His eyebrow gently lifted, as if to say “I’m not repeating myself.” The action alone made you swallow thickly.
“Yes.” You barely whisper. All he did was stare at you with his bright, brown hues—and yet he melted you right into a puddle.
He has you on the couch, gently splayed on his lap. Your chest was facing his own with your legs on either side of him and it was becoming increasingly harder to avoid his intense gaze. His breaths were slow and deep, but you could tell that there was something tingling coursing through his veins.
“You sure?” He gruffed out. “‘Cause by the way you’re actin’ right now, I’m not so sure I believe it.”
You knew you had thirty minutes until Ellie, Maria, and Tommy came over for the weekly game night. You knew that if you acted anything out of line, you were going to get it when they left. There was a part of you that grew excited from the chance of pissing off your sweet partner—it made you giddy.
Joel had other plans, though. Normally, when you were misbehaving like this—he would make you wait until the unbearable possible second and then you would snap. Tonight was different.
Joel wanted to give you exactly what you wanted. He didn’t want to play that game anymore—it was predictable.
“I’m sure, Joel.” Half of the sentence that spews out of your mouth was jumbled from the way that his hands settled down to your hips and squeezed.
He huffed, not believing a single word. He knew you—knew that no matter how much of Joel you seem to obtain, it never fulfills you enough. You’re always ready for him.
He was just so thick. The way his arms bulged out of his sleeves and his chest pushing against the buttons of his flannel. His thighs—god, his thighs—strung right against the thick jean material. How could anyone resist that?
“It’s okay, sweet thing. I know you just need a little somethin’.” You become confused and almost deranged when one of his hands leave your waist and start to casually unbuckle his belt.
“Joel—” You couldn’t even finish the question that was perched on top of your tongue. Your mouth clamped shut as he shuffled his jeans down his legs.
“Jus’ sit pretty, would you?” He almost rolls his eyes. After being so long with one another, one would think you would have gotten used to Joel caring for you. Old habits die hard.
“Let me take care of you, hmm?” He asked, the hum vibrating against his chest. No matter what, Joel always made sure to get a verbal response. The action alone made your heart skip a beat.
He maneuvers you over so he can skillfully take off your shorts and underwear. His breath hitches at the sight of your hairy mound and the slick peaking through your folds.
“Oh baby,” he coos once more, “bet you been aching like this all day.”
He moved your hips forward, creating the friction right against your clit. You gasped at the newfound feeling, pleasure sparking against your spine. “So fuckin’ pretty, sweet girl.”
You whimpered at the praise. The way his dark eyes stared straight into you, not letting himself miss a single moment churned something deep within your chest.
“J-Joel—” It sounded so pitiful when the sound left your lips. Joel couldn’t help but coo. His hand briefly left your hip
Joel starts to breathe heavily, his boxers feeling even more tight around his cock. “Good girl. Look at ya.” He huffed out.
Your hips rocked back and forth on his thigh, slick dripping from your core and onto his unclothed thigh. You moaned, head lulling to the side at the pure pleasure coursing through you.
“That’s it, baby. Good girl.”
You whimpered at his praises. Your hand wanted to desperately reach out and drag his lips onto yours, but you refrained. Just like he asked. Sit there and look pretty.
“Doin’ such a good job for me, aren’t ya?” He pauses, head tilted down to watch the way you drag your puffy clit against his meaty thigh. “Look at you, pretty girl. Fuck—”
He could feel the way his cock throbbed against his boxers. He almost could smell the way your slick rubbed against his skin. He let out a moan when he heard a beg from your lips.
“Please, Joel—please.”
You were drenched in wanton. Your eyes were glassy with each roll of your hips across his bulging thigh. “That’s my good girl. Just needed me so bad, yeah?”
You nodded, whining when he pressed his thumb against your clit. “So bad, Joel. I need—I need—”
“Sh, I know, pretty. I’ve got you.”
His thumb pressed deeper onto your sensitive nub. Just the pressure alone, and the pure agonizing pleasure was just enough to send you over.
Your chest arches into him as you say his name over and over. Your legs start to shake and give out, but Joel still rocks your hips back and forth. The pleasure spins through your core and to your head, sending you feeling fuzzy and euphoric.
He presses sweet kisses to your cheeks, whispering praises against your skin. “Let go, baby, yeah that’s it. So good for me. You did so good. I know you wanted that so bad. Such a good girl.”
Finally, your body goes slack against his broad chest. He lets out a chuckle at how spent you look. He knew that going on patrol would leave you a babbling mess.
You practically purred into him. You pressed your cheek against his chest and inhaled his deep woody scent. His arm wrapped around your form and pulled you in deeper. He let out a content sigh before kissing the tip of your nose.
You never get tired of nights like this.
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halloween header by @saradika 🖤
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 year
Lucifer: MC, you're going to be late for school.
Teen MC: *14 years old* But I haven't said good morning to Papa yet.
Lucifer: Alright. I'll give you five minutes.
Teen MC: *rushes to his room*
Asmo: Aww~ MC hasn't changed even when they reached puberty.
Levi: That's a strong filial love.
Mammon: I'm sure Lucifer's a bit jealous. Whahaha!
Lucifer: Shut up, Mammon.
Teen MC: *comes back* Uncle, I'll be skipping classes today.
Lucifer: We were just about to leave.
Teen MC: Papa has caught himself a cold.
Belphie: Colds are very common nowadays.
Lucifer: I see. I'll inform your teachers.
Teen MC: Thanks, Uncle! *goes back to Simeon's room*
Mammon: Welp. Looks like we're going without them.
Asmo: Can't we just stay behind too?
Lucifer: No. You lots failed your last exam. Do you want to repeat again this year?
Levi: Wow. Talk about pressure...
Lucifer: MC is ahead than any of you. Do you not feel embarrassed?
Belphie: Yeah, yeah. We get it. Our nibling is serious about their studies.
Asmo: Say, have they already talked about their future plans?
Lucifer: No. Not yet. And we still need to go now. We're already two minutes late.
Simeon: *chuckles*
Teen MC: What is it, Pa? *has served him warm soup*
Simeon: Papa feels great that you're taking care of me.
Teen MC: Lucky. I would feel great too if Papa doesn't get sick.
Simeon: I'm getting old.
Teen MC: Don't use that excuse to me, Pa. You're still young.
Simeon: *chuckles* Can Papa get some cuddles after I finish eating this soup?
Teen MC: Sure. But cuddles won't heal you alone. You need to drink medicine too and then take some rest right after.
Simeon: *smiles* Okay.
Teen MC: *looking disapprovingly at him*
Simeon: *smiling* *starts washing the dishes with them* Papa is already feeling better.
Teen MC: But it hasn't been an hour?
Simeon: I've seen this famous amusement park on a magazine. Can you go with Papa this afternoon to see that amusement park?
Teen MC: *stern* Pa.
Simeon: I promise we'll just go there for sight-seeing.
Teen MC: ...
Teen MC: Just for sight-seeing.
Simeon: Yes. I promise.
Lucifer: Simeon, what did you do and your child got mad?
Simeon: We rode a rollercoaster. *is now feeling sick again*
Mammon: Bruh.
Belphie: So where is MC right now?
Simeon: They're with Satan. He's helping them to let off some steam.
Satan and Teen MC: *came back together, carrying some groceries*
Simeon: MC... I'm really sorry... Papa was too careless...
Teen MC: Hmph. I bought you some medicine and your favorite dessert.
Simeon: You're not mad?
Teen MC: I'm mad. I'm not going to talk to you after you get better.
Simeon: *sad pouts* I'm really sorry... Papa won't do it again.
Asmo: Aww~ MC, just forgive Simeon already~.
Beel: Yeah. He's just a fan of rides.
Lucifer: No. Teach him a lesson.
Satan: I don't want to agree with you, but yes.
Luke: ...
Michael: *reading his request to visit Devildom*
Michael: How long are you going to stay there?
Luke: For a year, if you would allow me.
Michael: ...
Michael: Are you still communicating with MC?
Luke: Yes. They're giving me updates about Simeon.
Michael: ...
Michael: I see.
Luke: ...
Luke: Michael? MC is also sending you letters. Have you ever written them back?
Michael: I don't think they need a reply from me.
Michael: But I'm sure they'll approach us soon.
Luke: What do you mean?
Michael: Father is still expecting them.
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sydsaint · 5 months
My silly commentary man <3
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Summary: Pat is present on the commentary team when his gf challenges Rhea for her title belt.
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It's eerily silent in your locker room as you break open your brand new gear from it's plastic cover. This is it. It's WrestleMania. And you've got Rhea in a title match.
You get dressed in silence, allowing yourself time to compose yourself. You and Rhea are scheduled for the start of the show, which is in less than 20 minutes.
"Okay. You can do this, YN." You stare at yourself in the mirror of your vanity. "You've beaten her once. You can do it again." You assure yourself.
You spot the locker room door creak open in the mirror and swivel around just in time for your boyfriend to step inside the room.
"Wow." Pat lets out an almost shakey breath. "YN, you look...wow." He shakes his head and shuts the door behind him.
"Awe, Pat. What are you doing back here?" You ask him. "Shouldn't you and Michael be headed down to the commentary table by now?" You glance at the clock on the wall.
15 minutes until kick-off.
Pat nods and crosses the room at a stride. "Michael's out in the hall waiting for me." He explains. "But I couldn't go out there without coming to see you one last time first."
"Awe." You coo again. "You are the sweetest man in the world, I swear." You gush as Pat leans down to hug you.
"Aww, well I try." Pat chuckles. "Are you ready for this title match? Because you certainly look ready." He grins at you. "I know you were feeling nervous earlier on the ride over here. But I just wanted you to know that I believe in you, alright. And so do the fans." Pat grabs your hand gently from your lap.
You nod, trying not to let any doubts seep into your mind at the last minute. "I'm ready." You assure Pat. "I've got the worlds best hype-man in my corner. How can I lose, right?" You tease him with a laugh.
"Exactly!" Pat beams. "Go kick some ass out there, baby. I'll be rooting for you!" He leans back down again and plants a sweet but firm kiss to your cheek.
You giggle and nod, eyes fixed on your dorky ass boyfriend as he disappears back out into the hall. Silence falls over the room again and you have time to do one last check before one of the backstage hands comes to retreive you.
Down at the commentary table, Pat and Michael finish up their intro for the show just as Rhea's music hits. The champs struts out to the ring looking confident as ever with her title slung over her shoulder. Pat remains relatively quiet, looking to Michael to do most of the work for Rhea's entrance.
Pat's uncharacteristic silence switches on a dime as soon as your theme music hits. Michael laughs as Pat hops to his feet and begins cheering and hollering like an idiot.
"Pat, come on." Michael lightheartedly chastizes his partner. "Sit down so we can get to the match." He gestures for Pat to return to his seat.
In the ring you drink in the cheers from the crowd as Samantha Irvin announces yours and Rhea's names. You see a few fan signs for you in the crowd, which is a nice confidence boost. But the biggest boost to your confidence comes from the commentary table. You have to stifle a laugh and remain serious despite the fact that you spot Pat making a fool of himself at the commentary table cheering for you.
Pat Mcafee is widely known as a goof and a bit of a stooge. But he's your stooge. And you'll be damned if you don't love that dorky ass sweeetheart of a man to death.
The bell rings, and your match with Rhea starts. The ensuing battle is brutal. Rhea is so much larger and stronger than you, so you've got to work twice as hard to keep up with her.
"Come on, YN!" Pat cheers for you from the commentary table. You can barely hear him over the crowd, but you know he's there. "Don't let Mami get you down!" Mcafee shouts.
After a merciless battle, you manage to work Rhea down to the mat. Rhea hits the mat, and you rush to the corner of the ring. You make the climb up the ring post and glance over at the commentary table.
Pat jumps to his feet, wires and cables bouncing up with him. "Do it, YN! End it!" He shouts.
You turn back to the ring and hit your signature moonsault. The maneuver hits Rhea spot-on, and you waste no time grabbing her leg for the pin. The referre counts to three, and the bell rings accompanied by the roar of the crowd.
"Yes!" Pat roars and turns to Michael. " She did it! She beat mami!" He shakes Michael's shoulders vigorously. "THATS MY GIRLFRIEND!" He adds before ripping off his headset and flying toward the ring.
You are handed your belt and step out onto the apron. Pat rushes over to the apron with his arms held out so you hop down and into his arms.
"I did it!" You laugh hysterically.
"You did it!" Pat repeats you. "I told you that you could do it, sweetheart!" He hugs you tightly.
You wrap your arms around Pat's neck and beam at him. "I couldn't have done it without my best cheerleader." You kiss him.
"I love you." Pat muses and sets you back down to your feet. "Your new WWE woman's champion! My girlfriend! YN LN!" He raises your hand up in victory.
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