#that would SUCK
eidolons-stuff · 8 months
Yoko: "I really don't know if this will work"
*Bus starts up*
Thing: *signs* "SHOTGUN!"
Wednesday: "I prefer a morning star as my weapon of choice. Unfortunately, Nevermore confiscated it"
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the-writing-mobster · 30 days
I know the most dangerous game is a Frans fic but I’d be lying if I said you didn’t make me ship your OC Ibrahim and Frans so hard 😭
AS YOU SHOULD! FRISKRAHIM 5 EVER!!!!! He is the sun to her cold Earth! He chases away the winter and melts away the ice! He supports her in every way he can. He is true romance! He is everything she deserves and she doesn't even believe she deserves him at all! IF YOU LOVE IBRAHIM THEN I HAVE DONE MY JOB!!!! It'll make the tragedies of this fic hurt all the worse and your tears taste the sweetest
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The Frans of this fic is not really a romantic ship as much as it is a HORRIFYING PREDATOR PREY DYNAMIC that is interesting to explore. BUT IN NO WORLD WOULD FRISK EVER FALL IN LOVE WITH THAT IRREDEEMABLE PIECE OF SHIT!?!? Also Sans just sees Frisk as an object (albeit a fascinating one) to conquer.
This sums up the Frans ship of TMDG:
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(also thank you @marihem for those two fabulous pieces of TMDG Fanart hahaha. FOLKS my oomfie draws Ibra so well, she is the BACKBONE of the TMDG fandom)
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luminousjellyfishy · 1 month
Hey look I'm capable of writing?? Woah???
It's a oneshot, so it's not too much, but I'm still proud that I wrote something.
Haunting Lullabies
Characters (all Sanses from UTAU/MV): Nightmare, Killer, Dust, Horror, Cross
Word count: 3609
Trigger warnings: Swearing and harsh teasing (it's pretty much bullying)
Summary: Nightmare tasks the gang with watching a child for a day while he's out, thinking things will go smoothly. To his dismay, they don't.
The Bad Sanses were sitting in the living room, Nightmare on his chair, Killer and Dust sharing the larger couch, and Horror and Cross sharing the loveseat. Error had been absent for the majority of the day, either off destroying or hiding away in the Anti-Void. The five present members were each doing their respective hobbies in relative silence, enjoying the calm evening after a long, tiresome day of causing havoc throughout the AUs.
Nightmare took a rather large sip of his coffee, then said abruptly, “I feel that I should let you know ahead of time that Error and I will be gone all day tomorrow, and in our absence the four of you will be looking after a child. I owe a friend of mine a favour and it seems that… babysitting, is the task they’ve chosen.”
This sudden comment drew the attention of everyone in the room, actually resulting in a true, pure silence. Panicked eyelights were darting around the room between one another and Nightmare, desperately hoping that they had misheard.
“What…? Boss, what do you even mean? A kid?” Killer started suddenly, confusion all over his features.
“Please tell me it’s not a human.” Dust added, his eyesockets wider than his usual apathetic appearance allowed.
A small chuckle from Nightmare, “No, he isn’t a human. He’s a skeleton monster like yourselves. However, he is quite fragile, so please do be careful with him. I can imagine that you’re all wondering why I don’t watch him, as I’m the one who owes the favour, and the answer is quite simple: I don’t want to.”
Cross stared agape at the smirk on Nightmare’s face, apparently not understanding how one could just not follow through on a debt just because they “didn’t want to”.
“Is something the matter, you two? You seem awfully quiet and I thought you’d have more to say on the matter.” Nightmare asked Cross and Horror in a low voice, however completely unthreatening.
“Well, I don’t really know much about takin’ care of a kid… the best I got is Aliza.” Horror said slowly, evidently still processing the situation. Cross quickly nodded in agreement, still silent.
“I mean, you’ve had Chara living in your skull for a while now, so you’ve still got a step up above the rest of us. I mean, I guess that I worked with Chara for a while, but they were a maniac, so I don’t think they really count…” Killer said to Cross; however, quickly trailing off in uncertainty.
“I killed my human.” Dust added softly.
“What’s that gotta do with it?” Horror asked, now looking at Dust.
“I don’t wanna accidentally kill the kid we’re supposed to watch.” He answered.
“Trust me, that won’t happen.” Nightmare replied, doing little to alleviate his concerns.
Silence followed briefly before Cross said, “So how old is he? Is there anything specific we should know? Is his magic stable? You said that he’s fragile, so will we need to dedicate certain times to healing? We need so much information to make sure we don’t kill him!”
Nightmare seemed to ponder the questions for a small moment before replying with a smile, “He’s a few months past 6 years old, however he looks, acts, and thinks much older. He doesn’t have much usable magic, so you won’t have to worry about that. While he is fragile, there is nothing you can do to help, so no amount of healing will do anything. Just keep him comfortable and entertained and you’ll all be fine.”
“You really seem like you’re purposefully not telling us shit about him.” Killer commented, shaking his head in disbelief.
“That’s fully intentional, but please, do not worry too much. You’ll be fine. When you all wake tomorrow, I’ll be gone and won’t be back until late at night. He will most likely be here before you wake, so please try not to sleep in too much.” Nightmare replied with a soft smile and laugh at the end.
A pained groan quickly erupted from both Killer and Dust at the knowledge that they won’t be able to sleep in.
Nightmare laughed again, shook his head, and refocused his attention back onto his book.
The child had been roaming the halls of the mansion for quite some time now, admittedly getting rather bored. He had pondered causing chaos multiple times since Nightmare left, but has decided against it every time… well. Every time but this one it seems.
He ran to the laundry area, in the hopes to find some buckets. After a short amount of time spent rummaging around, he finally found a few beside a washing machine. A silly, evil giggle erupted before quickly being silenced, even though he was two floors beneath anyone and he knew that no one had woken up yet.
He ran as fast as he could to the bedroom wing on the second floor, holding several buckets. After reaching the wing, he quickly made his way to Error’s room, hoping desperately that there was leftover string or yarn from the many dolls and scarfs that were so often being made. To his excitement, he found a rather large amount of lime green yarn that would work perfectly.
He set to work, filling four buckets with water and attaching fairly intricate pulley systems to each, rigging them all to dump at their perfect moments.
Now to wait…
He sat down quietly against a wall across from the bedroom doors and began to sleep. Or at least what appeared to be sleeping from an outside perspective. He had actually just entered a semi-unconscious daydreaming state that could easily be disrupted.
Time quickly passed with the child sitting on the floor.
Suddenly, a tired groan from one of the rooms awoke the child from his trance. He quickly stood up, waiting for whoever it was to leave their room. Some shuffling could be heard from what the child knew to be Killer’s room and they could barely contain their giggle when they heard him approach the door to come into the hallway.
The doorknob turned and the system was set into motion.
Killer opened the door and walked out, surprised to see the child waiting there, but raised his hand to say hi.
Out of nowhere, a bucket of water dumped onto his head, drenching him completely and resulting in a loud, startled yell of utter confusion.
The child burst into fits of laughter, unable to contain it any longer.
All the sudden commotion woke the other sleeping skeletons and forced them out of their rooms to see what the problem was. As soon as their doors opened and they walked out, buckets dumped cold water onto their heads.
Everyone was completely confused and staring at the child with reactions that varied from amusement to pissed off. The child in question was currently on the floor dying of laughter because apparently he found their suffering and misery to be hilarious.
“Ok… what the fuck? Huh??” Was all that could be said from Killer, still staring at the skeleton child on the floor.
Dust didn’t even bother saying anything about the situation, he just shook his head and turned back into his room to change.
There was a moment of stunned silence before Horror slowly approached the child, asking quietly, “I take it you’re the kid Nightmare wants us to watch?”
The child took a second to calm down, but then looked up at the large skeleton ahead of him and quieted down slightly, however still letting out copious amounts of giggles.
“Yeah, that’s me. My name’s Lullaby. You’re Horror right?” another burst of giggles, “Sorry about the water, I just got super bored because you were all sleeping and I didn’t know what to do.” The child, now Lullaby, answered through more laughter and wide smiles.
Cross looked around the hallway, noticing the very complicated design of the yarn attached to all four of their rooms, then back to Lullaby, very confused as to how a 6 year old managed to accomplish this, and wondering how long they had been here.
“You set all of this up?? How long have you been here?” Cross asked incredulously before Horror could think of a response.
Lullaby smiled innocently before saying, “I’ve been here for about 2 or 3 hours? Setting this up only took about 15 minutes, though.”
“Ok hold up, I need to wrap my head around. You’re telling me, this 6 year old brat that Boss is forcing us to watch set this all up in 15 minutes? I don’t buy it.” Killer said in a dark tone of voice, very tempted to summon some of his knives and get rid of this nuisance.
“Killer, calm down. It’s just water and not that big of a deal.” Horror grumbled in his raspy voice, watching carefully to make sure he didn’t try anything.
Killer just scoffed and turned back into his room, clearly annoyed.
“Don’t worry too much about him, he just gets… grumpy. Especially this early in the morning. Well, it’s early for him anyways.” Cross chimed in. He was still soaked in water, but was very clearly amused.
Dust finally came back out of his room, dressed in clothes perfect for lounging around the house all day. He approached Lullaby and kneeled down so they were on the same level.
“Good job, kid, I’m impressed. Not just anyone can piss off Killer so fast.” He said with a wide smirk on his face and held his hand up for a high five. Lullaby gave him one with a smile stretched wide.
“I know, I know. I should be a professional shit disturber, right?” Lullaby asked, his smile still going strong.
Cross and Horror broke out into small fits of laughter, clearly not having expected that, whereas Dust just raised his ‘eyebrows’ in surprise.
“You totally should, that sounds like a great occupation.” Cross replied, trying to steady himself. 
Horror nodded in agreement, then said, “I say we reward the newfound shit disturber with some nice cream.”
“Can I have some?” Killer called out from his room, still not opening the door.
Dust scoffed, “If you agree to play nice and not kill the kid then maybe we’ll consider giving you some.”
Silence followed for a few long seconds, when finally the door creaked open and out came Killer.
“Fine. I won’t kill him, BUT I will get my revenge.” He said maliciously, eyesockets narrowed at Lullaby.
“Oh noooooo, I’m so scared.” He muttered to himself; however, Killer unfortunately heard.
“I’m trying to be nice, and this is the reaction I get? Nah, I’m going all out. You’re going to regret coming here, kid.”
“We’ll see.”
As the day passed by ever so slowly, Killer stayed true to his word. He had his fun torturing Lullaby, by first stealing his nice cream, then scaring him multiple times throughout the day, then taking away anything that he had been enjoying, and many more things that progressively got worse. He would taunt him and insult him, commenting on his broken and damaged bones, calling him names, teleporting him to parts of the mansion furthest away from anyone else, making fun of his purple clothing, and just overall making this day very unpleasant for him. The others tried intervening when they could, but there was only so much that they could do.
At one point, Lullaby seemed to have a mini panic attack that caused Killer to slightly falter, but not stop.
Cross, Dust, and Horror all talked to Killer, trying to get him to stop, but they were all met with a shrug and a comment similar to, “He knew what he was getting into. Besides, it's not even that bad, I’m just teasing him. It’ll help toughen the kid up!”
Eventually, Lullaby started avoiding him, if he saw Killer come near, he’d leave immediately.
Around 8pm, Dust caught Lullaby hiding in a broom closet with his eyes shut tight and muttering something, seemingly talking to someone. He stepped inside and closed the door behind him, making enough noise so his presence was obvious. Lullaby looked up at him, startled as he sat down.
“Are you alright, kid? … No, that’s a stupid question. Killer’s been a complete jerk to you and it’s not fair or right. He’s not used to talking to people outside of our group unless he’s killing ‘em, so he might think that this is ok behaviour. I mean, fuck he’s always doing it to me. Well, not to this extent, but still…” Dust whispered to him, not wanting to draw outside attention. Lullaby’s shoulders sank and he hugged his knees tightly.
“I just thought it would be funny… I figured he of all people would agree. Do you think he hates me…?” He asked reluctantly. Dust’s head snapped towards him, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape.
“No, kid. Not at all. He’s just a massive hypocrite who can dish it out but can’t take it. Stars, it’s nothing against you.” He shook his head and pulled Lullaby closer to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. He felt him tense up at the contact and quickly let go.
Lullaby looked away with a sad expression on his face and nodded, standing up to leave. Dust followed suit, opening the door and walking out.
The two walked the halls towards the kitchen, hoping to meet Horror there, but being intercepted by Killer. Lullaby hid behind Dust, grabbing onto his sweatshirt and careful not to touch his scarf.
“Awww, is the little baby hiding behind Dusty? C’mon kid, I thought you were better than that. Aren’t you the one who said ‘we’ll see’ when I told you that you were gonna regret coming? You think that was a little cocky of you? Maybe you regret your stupid your stupid water prank?” Killer taunted, his voice chock-full of spite.
Dust glared at him, “Seriously? He’s 6, Killer. He dunked you with water, because it’s funny. I thought you of all people could take a joke. You’re way out of line. How the hell do you think Boss is gonna react when he finds out how you’ve been acting? We were charged with watching the kid and making sure that he’s ‘comfortable and entertained’, neither of which you’ve been doin-”
“Aw come on! I’ve totally been entertaining!”
“Leave him alone. If I find out that you’ve continued antagonizing him, there’ll be hell to pay.”
A quick, unreadable look from Killer, and he was gone.
Dust turned to take Lullaby’s hand so they could keep walking, but quickly saw that he was crying. He kneeled down and used the sleeve of his shirt to wipe away the violet tears that looked much more oily than a regular skeleton’s tears would. After wiping them away, they seemed to stain his bones a much darker colour than the tears were. It was almost black and caused Dust to do a double take.
“Kid? Why a-”
“He’s just like them.”
Dust sat in silence, his ‘eyebrows’ scrunched in confusion.
“Whatever, it doesn’t matter. I don’t care. I’m staying.” He muttered to himself, but Dust could tell that he seemed to be telling someone else that he was staying. Someone that wasn’t himself or Dust.
The two of them stood up, and resumed their walk to the kitchen.
They walked in silence, eventually getting back to a sight that they didn’t expect.
Killer was sitting at the dinner table, his head in his arms and Cross beside him with a resigned look on his face.
Dust could feel Lullaby tense up, but neither said anything.
Killer looked up and his teasing stature seemed to crumble.
There was silence for a moment before he began, “Listen, kid. I’m sorry. I’m sure they’ve told you that I ‘struggle with emotions’ or whatever crap excuses they tried to give you to cover up for me. I dish out my pranks and comments to everyone, but I don’t know why I’ve been especially mean- no, cruel. To you. I guess I was taken aback that you got me first, so I tried making up for it like this. So I’m sorry.”
Lullaby said nothing, but Dust felt his grip loosen.
“I get if you don’t wanna talk to me or anything, but I just wanted to tell you that I really am sorry.” Killer muttered resignedly as he got up from the table and began to walk towards the door.
When Killer passed by Lullaby and Dust, Lullaby quickly grabbed onto him, pulling him tightly into a hug.
Killer stared down at him in shock, then slowly hugged him back.
“It was nice to hear you say that, but I can’t make myself believe it.” Lullaby said, dropping his arms and pulling back so tears could be seen to form in his broken eye sockets, “I don’t want to do this anymore. It’s too cruel. You’re great people and it was nice to meet you, but I really wish we could have started off better. Maybe I’ll bring myself to speak to you again later.”
Everyone’s faces shifted from confusion to shock when Lullaby’s body began leaking a dark substance from its crevices and orifices, especially his right eyesocket.
Slowly, Lullaby was completely engulfed in the goo, all of his injuries hidden and the hole where his right eye should have been was covered. Finally, his eyelight changed to a cyan slit and his demeanour changed from being a scared child, to that of a very pissed off King.
Nightmare glared at Killer, his tentacles lashing around violently, displaying his anger.
“You have no idea how much shit you’re in, Killer. It never occurred to you that maybe you should stop when you triggered him into having a panic attack? You never stopped to wonder why he did so? Why he hid?” He hissed, his tentacles sharp and pointed at Killer.
“I didn’t stop to think. I was upset that he got me fir-”
“I heard your whole speech earlier, don’t waste my time by repeating yourself.”
There was silence as Killer looked to his feet.
“Can’t explain yourself? Fine, then don’t. I don’t care to hear it anyways. As for my explanation, Lullaby is the name my past self goes by, as the name ‘Nightmare’ contains far too many negative connotations and memories. He follows me as a ghost that I can see and communicate with. I’ve been watching you all day, and honestly Killer, I’m very disappointed. You practically reenacted the worst years of his life. Of course, your ‘apology’ helps your case; however, I’m still quite upset.” Nightmare scolded, still glaring at Killer.
“He wanted to meet all of you, so we agreed that today would be a good day to do so, as Error would be out and we had no plans. I want to thank the three of you,” he looked to Dust, Horror, and Cross, “for assisting and comforting him. I appreci-”
“I’m so sorry.”
Nightmare looked back to Killer, only to see far less Hate leaking from his eyes, however being replaced by his red tears.
“I didn’t know. I thought that we were just having some fun, but I guess towards the end, I was just being mean on purpose because I wanted to feel powerful. Ha… feel powerful over a fucking 6 year old. Man, I really am the worst…” Killer sobbed, trailing off at the end.
Nightmare’s tentacles calmed and rounded slightly at the tips. He was at a loss for words. It was a very rare occurrence to see Killer cry, but when he did, it was genuine.
Everyone was quiet, broken only by Killer’s weeping.
Nightmare sighed, then pulled Killer towards him with his tentacles, gently embracing him. The other three respectfully kept their distance.
“Lullaby said it’s ok. He doesn’t blame you and you shouldn’t blame yourself. We both knew what he was getting into by taking control; however, I cannot let this go unpunished.” Nightmare murmured, gently rubbing his back with a tentacle. He felt Killer tense up slightly and he could feel his dread radiating. 
“It’s nothing cruel or torturous, I assure you. However, you won’t like it.”
He could feel the others’ apprehension as he continued to console Killer.
“You’ll be taking care of everyone’s chores, you’ll be assisting Horror with dinners, and you’ll be going to bed at 9pm, all for a month from today.” He asserted, instantly feeling his disappointment, but also understanding. Dust cheered when Nightmare said Killer will be doing their chores, Horror groaned when he said that he’ll be helping in the kitchen, and Cross laughed at the fact that he’ll have a bedtime.
Killer pulled away, wiped his face with his sleeve, and nodded.
“You said, Lullaby followed you as a ghost, and that you heard me talking earlier, so does that mean he can hear me now?” Killer asked slowly. To this, Nightmare with a quiet sound of confirmation. “In that case, I’m sorry, kid. I really am.”
Nightmare’s eyelight flickered into Lullaby’s purple one, but he didn’t uncorrupt, instead he said in his lighter voice and with a smile, “It’s ok. I really don’t blame you. Personally, I would have revoked your nice cream privileges, but this will do.”
His eyelight flickered back to cyan and his smile changed to a smirk, “I actually think that’s a great idea. Fuck you, no nice cream for a week.”
Killer fell to his knees dramatically, seemingly mostly back to his old self, and yelled out numerous profanities.
Everyone laughed at the sight, Lullaby included.
So, this follows my headcanon that Nightmare is made up of three consciousnesses: the original passive Nightmare (he goes by Lullaby now), the Corruption (literal negativity - goes by C), and Nightmare (he's a combination of the other 2 - primarily has control of their body). Lullaby can take control whenever he wants since he's the original (the other 2 can't take it from him), and C can take from Nightmare, but Nightmare can't take from C. For about 2 centuries after the Apple Incident, C (he went by Nightmare to keep up appearances) had complete control over their body because Lullaby didn't want to interact with reality at all (at this point, he wasn't even following as a ghost, he was just gone). After those ~2 centuries, the combination between them formed and others would notice that Nightmare had significantly calmed down, signifying the formation of the current and most well-known Nightmare.
This is inspired by a YouTube video by AButterfly (www.youtube.com/watch?v=10iGbkHDafA) and I seriously suggest you watch it! Not even just for context, but because it's cool.
Thanks for reading! :D
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do you ever think about the fact that if Sky - y'know, Godslayer, Chosen Hero of Hylia, certified almighty badass - ever fought the Shadow, he would just be fighting himself so it would be the hardest battle he's ever fought and it would all come down to luck and attitude. yeah me too.
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soaps-mohawk · 3 months
I’m the anon that just came back from Scotland, and the weather being a cool mid 50s overcast, just to come back home in Texas with 105 temperatures, along with hurricane beryl, like why 😭😭 also the name beryl is so funny to me 💀 like out of all the “b” names, they picked beryl lol.
I'm so jealous 😭 I'd kill for 80 degrees right now, but 50s??? In July?? Unimaginable.
I hope you stay safe 😭 I don't live where hurricanes are a threat, but I feel for everyone who does.
Beryl is a funny name lol. My mom wanted to have a her name be a hurricane for some reason lol. My government name is almost a hurricane name this year.
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introverted-ghost · 1 year
Do you guys ever think about how red son befriending Mei and mk who are mortal that he’s gonna out live them by like a lot.
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beingharsh · 3 months
and thus we've arrived to the real reason why I haven't watched the bear season 2. i knew the show wouldn't be going up from s1; it was a perfect one-off season. stay gold, ponyboy
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dawnpix · 3 months
Teyz please you're breaking every single "happily ever after" delusion I've built up to cope
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dottores · 1 year
i thought crim was gonna be my fav class but im rlly loving torts
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iifishizzleii · 1 year
You know what would be crazy? If the reason Gabriella’s world got destroyed was because Miguel was there.
Like, what if SHE was meant to be the Spider-Woman of that universe, and her canon event was her dad dying? But, because he “didn't” since Miguel replaced him, Spider-Woman wasn't born.
Idk, but like thoughts.
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purpleshadow-star · 8 months
So, the season finale of Hazbin Hotel came out last night.
Spoilers ahead
I was never part of the Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss fandom(s), though I have been watching Helluva Boss since about midway through when season one was being released. I only watched the pilot for Hazbin Hotel maybe six months to a year ago, and I only ever watched it once. I never kept up with VivziePop or whatever was happening behind the scenes. I watched Hazbin Hotel as it came out the past few weeks, I’ve watched some TikToks about it over the past week, and I read through a few (like, three) of the character’s wiki pages like, yesterday.
So, with all of my inexperience in the fandom and in this universe, I’m going to try to predict how the show is going to end.
Kind of.
Well, I’m going to make a prediction.
I think Angel Dust will be the last resident of the hotel we see get redeemed.
Angel was the first resident of the hotel. It’s only fitting that he’d be the last (that we see, anyway).
I think that season one was almost like a set-up season. The main characters and their characterizations/arcs have been established. The main problem, the extermination, has been temporarily dealt with. It’s been proven that the main objective in the show, redeeming sinners through the Hazbin Hotel, is possible. Seeds of a bigger plot and future trouble have been planted.
Now that the bigger plot things are out of the way, I think the show will be able to (hopefully) slow the pace down now and really focus on the hotel itself and the redemption process of the sinners that choose to be there, along with the individual characters and their personal journeys and arcs.
I think that Sir Pentious getting redeemed and making it into Heaven proved that the concept of the hotel can work, so now that they have the bigger, newly built hotel, they’ll start to get more residents. We’ll meet and bond with more characters as the seasons go on and they’ll go through the hotel and eventually get redeemed and go to Heaven.
I think that during all of this, for the next few seasons, we’ll see Angel work towards redeeming himself too. At this point, he’s accepted the hotel. He’s accepted his place there and he’s been visibly getting better. We’ll see him continue his path to redemption while also dealing with Valentino, his contract with him, and any other personal conflicts that arise.
I think that partway through the show, we’ll see Angel start to kind of put off becoming fully redeemed. Maybe he’ll just slow down, but I think we’ll see him become more apprehensive about completing his redemption.
At this point, he’ll probably already be in an official relationship with Husk, and his situation with Valentino might be resolved or at least not as much of an issue anymore. I think he’ll start putting off officially moving on into Heaven because he realizes that he doesn’t want to leave his friends behind. He won't want to leave the friends he’s made at the hotel, so even though he might be ready or almost ready to go to Heaven, he’ll just keep putting it off.
I think Angel’s ascension to Heaven will be the big series finale. I think that it’ll be a big emotional moment. Angel will accept that it’s time to move on, and there will be an emotional scene where he says goodbye to Charlie (who, as a Hellborn demon and not a mortal soul, can’t go to Heaven like the other sinners), and Vaggie (who will choose to stay with Charlie and has no desire to go back to Heaven), and probably Alastor (who loves his power and control too much to want anything to do with redemption himself) and maybe Niffty (I’m undecided about whether she’ll try for redemption, but I’m thinking no, at least as of right now). If Husk stays behind, that’ll be an absolutely heartbreaking goodbye too, but I’m thinking that, at some point in the show, Husk might decide to try for redemption as well, so maybe he and Angel are going together and saying their goodbyes together.
I think we’ll get a teary goodbye for the people Angel is leaving behind in Hell, but we’ll also get a joyous reunion scene where he meets up with all the redeemed souls in Heaven as well. He’ll get to see all the former residents we got to meet throughout the show, and maybe he’ll even have a moment where he gets to reunite with his sister, too. It’ll be a somewhat bittersweet moment, but a happy one overall, because Angel Dust, the first resident of the Hazbin Hotel, who didn’t take it seriously in the beginning and thought redemption wasn’t possible, who went through so much in Hell and who didn’t think things could get better for him, will have finally completed the journey to redemption and moved on to Heaven.
And then maybe we’ll get an epilogue-esque scene or series of clips of Charlie and Vaggie happily continuing to help redeem sinners in the Hazbin Hotel, of Angel and the other redeemed souls happily living their best afterlives in Heaven, of the redeemed sinners meeting and welcoming new redeemed souls into Heaven as they come in.
And maybe, taking place some time in the future, maybe years after Angel goes to Heaven, we’ll get a moment of Charlie and Vaggie, and any of the other original cast that stayed in Hell, being allowed to take a day trip into Heaven. Maybe we’ll get to see them reunite with the redeemed sinners in Heaven in person for the first time since the redeemed souls left, and it’ll be a happy reunion where they’re all just happy to see each other again and catch up. Maybe at this point the show has already established a way for the redeemed souls to still be able to communicate and keep in touch with those in Hell, so maybe this isn’t the first time the two groups have spoken to each other since the redeemed souls left the hotel, but maybe it is the first time since the redeemed souls left that they’ve been able to see each other in person, so the teary hugs all around are expected and maybe even appreciated.
Maybe the show will end on a happy note, where our first and most skeptical hotel resident ends up happily redeemed with a partner who loves and values him for who he is and friends who care for him, and where our main character is able to fulfill her dreams of helping her subjects find the best version of themselves and move on to a better place.
Maybe the extermination no longer happens, so there’s no more deadlines. Maybe being redeemed is no longer just an escape from second death. Not every soul in Hell is going to want to change, but for Charlie, it’s not about redeeming every soul. The Hazbin Hotel started as a way to decrease Hell’s population so that the extermination would no longer be necessary, so that no more souls, however awful, would be needlessly killed, but Charlie knows that the extermination was never about overpopulation, and yet she’s still going through with the hotel and she’s still working to redeem sinners.
So, maybe the extermination is a thing of the past, but Charlie will still continue running the hotel and giving sinners another chance, because everyone deserves another chance. Because Hell isn’t forever, and despite whatever some people did when they were alive, they deserve the chance to try to redeem themselves. They deserve the chance to try to be better. And that’s Charlie’s dream. She just wants to give her subjects the opportunity to do better, and not everyone will take it, but in the end, we'll see that all the effort was worth it for those few souls who do.
So, to recap: I think Angel Dust will be the last sinner we see get redeemed. We might get clips and/or mentions of souls after him, but he’ll be the last character to go to Heaven who’s journey to redemption we’ve seen. In the series finale, he’ll be the last major character to be redeemed, and we’ll get to see him live his best life in Heaven while Charlie happily stays behind in Hell to help guide more souls along the path to redemption.
Or at least, that’s something I’d like to see, anyway.
#even if this doesnt happen i think it's a cool idea lol#i love the idea of angel starting the hotel and then finishing it (for us)#like i feel like angel moving on should be a big deal right?#there's no way they wont make it a big deal#and i feel like they'll keep him in the hotel for as long as possible because he's a very popular character#and sending him to heaven earlier would split the focus of the show too much bc there's no way they'd write him off the show#and he has a lot to resolve in hell before going to heaven ie the situation with valentino and his slow burn with husk#there'd not be enough proper time for that if he goes to heaven too early#but there's also no way he doesn't go to heaven in the end lol not with his current tragic 'life' story#i also really hope husk tries for redemption and goes with angel in the end#it would suck for angel to finally find and bond with someone who actually loves him for who he is only to have to leave him behind#that would suck#so idk this might be a hot take but i really do want husk to eventually start working towards redemption#but i also want it to be bc he wants it. not just for angel if that makes sense#like getting to stay with angel is definitely nice and good for him but i want him to ultimately try for redemption for himself yknow#anyway ive gotten way off track lol#i also kinda got off track in the post at the end oops. but charlie can actually be so interesting#anyway this might all be wrong and maybe vizziepop has already said smth about angel's fate but like i said im new to all this so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯#hazbin hotel#hazbin angel dust#angel dust#huskerdust#hazbin hotel theory#hazbin hotel thoughts#hazbin hotel angel dust#hazbin hotel analysis#hazbin charlie#charlie morningstar#vivziepop#hazbin hotel spoilers
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nanoa1foryou · 11 months
Natewantstobattle nation. Did Fvkd get released already? Because I’ve seen some people talk about it but no official posts saying it was released nor can I find the song anywhere.
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ghost-proofbaby · 7 months
someone is officially making guesses on the whole time travel aspect of “the moon will sing” on ao3 so that’s my serotonin boost of the evening
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cistematicchaos · 1 year
The transfeminist in me is legit frustrated with a lot of "progressives/leftists" on this website, specifically trans folks. like. Y'all are some shitty ass feminists. lackluster as fuck. part of me wants to say, okay, yeah, the anti-feminist campaigns in the us have been WILD and there're a lot of ppl in the us on here but honestly, most of y'all are ADULTS. the responsibility still falls on you.
most of you do not have a fucking clue what transmisogyny is!! you know the word, don't understand it. you also don't really care. same for intersexism!! a huge lot of you seem to think intersectional feminist means constantly centering men (perisex cis in particular) in your "feminist" discussions of the patriarchy and talking about how the patriarchy harms them without so much as a mention of misogyny or how they wield it, which is really not as feminist as you think it is.
you don't really care about race. or disability. or intersexism. or fatphobia. or transphobia. or ANYTHING and how it intersects with misogyny. some of y'all believe in misandry (tf?) you adamently REFUSE to interact with genuine feminist discussions bc they sound too "misandrist" or "TERF-ish" even when the op is a fucking trans woman and misandry isn't real!
the fact of the matter is y'all are shitty ass feminists and it ruins your trans-activism bc y'all don't understand that they're intrinsictly connected. like. feminist up, motherfuckers!
'cause if you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem and ion't really think i need to explain why you don't wanna be on the side of the patriarchy we're tryna smash.
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brecbc123 · 8 months
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genderfluidsgetguns · 26 days
oh boy hope I don't make the same mistakes as I did last time
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