#that's gonna scar
linecrosser · 2 years
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Febwhump 2023 - No.5 - That's gonna scar
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whumpshots · 2 years
Febuwhump #5
trope of the day: "that's gonna scar"
Caretaker winces when they look at whumpee's gaping wound on their leg, already working to make the bleeding stop. Whumpee keeps their head on the ground, not really needing to either see their wound or caretaker working on it.
They feel nauseous enough without seeing it themselves.
"I am almost done, just... hold on a little longer," caretaker mutters and does their work. "That's uhm, that's gonna scar," they add and whumpee lifts their head for a second, a small smile on their lips.
"Wouldn't have guessed," they scoff and lie their head back down, closing their eyes. They don't know if they miss old caretaker, but the new one seems still a little nervous around them. "I'm sure you did your best, scars won't be anything I complain about. Just make sure I won't lose my leg."
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writersmorgue · 2 years
Febuwhump Day 5 - "that's gonna scar"
Read on ao3
word count: 654
TWs in tags
This had been a long time coming. 
Although Fuyumi tried her hardest to prevent it, in the end, she was the catalyst. Now she lies motionless on the floor, victim to another childish temper tantrum. 
After the initial impact, she’d passed out briefly, only waking to Shouto checking her breathing with a hole worried in his lip.
She could move now if she wanted to, but she’s scared. Not of her father, not of the pitiful shell of the man he was not thirty minutes ago. 
No, she’s afraid of her brother. 
“Touya, I already told you, it was your sister-, not me.”
“SHUT UP you pitiful excuse for a man, you’re going to blame your goddamn daughter for the mental breakdown you CAUSED?! Shouto is permanently scarred because of your insolence, you brute!” 
“You weren’t there-”
They had long since passed the demands for his oldest to quit talking to him like a judge to a prisoner. Endeavor seems to have accepted his fate, being considerably weaker than his son, now that he has proper quirk protection. 
“YOU’RE DAMN RIGHT I WASN’T THERE!” Touya screams, pointing an accusing finger at his father, “I do everything I can to keep my family away from you, and as soon as I leave for one goddamn mission my sister falls apart. I should’ve seen this coming, but damn it I wish I didn’t have to.”
Endeavor scoffs, though it’s strained, “If she didn’t escalate the situation I wouldn’t have had to take such drastic force, you’re a hero, you know how-”
“Don’t throw your flimsy little excuses at me. She was punching your chest because you threatened to destroy her career if she was to date a woman publicly. You are five times her size, her forearm is the size of your goddamn micropenis. There was no reason for you to raise a finger at her.”
“You don’t understand-”
Touya shakes his head, blue eyes flashing dangerously as he stares down at the other man, silencing him without words. 
“No, I think I understand perfectly, Endeavor. And I think when you go to work tomorrow, you’ll have to explain to the press that the shiny new burn you’re sporting is in honor of your youngest son. An apology, for making his life hell, and relentlessly abusing the rest of your family as well.”
“You wouldn’t dare-”
“Oh, you know I absolutely would. I only wonder if you’ll be able to handle what you’ve been crushing us with for the past decade. Fire is dangerous, you know.”
Blue flames lick the air as Touya closes in on their father. 
Fuyumi moves, sitting up and tucking Shouto into her side. He doesn’t seem worried, but she thinks this isn’t something he should see. 
She’s not sure if she wants to watch, herself, but she can’t deny the morbid fascination of watching her abuser get what’s coming to him. 
“You- Touya don’t!” Endeavor shouts when the first of his son’s Hell Fire attacks his face. It shreds through the skin surrounding his right eye as the man screams, the sound of his boiling blood like fizzy soda. 
Fuyumi finds her hand begins to slip, allowing her baby brother to witness the retribution. 
She finds maybe it’s not so bad, that maybe the screams of her father are what she needs. Her face barely even stings, now.
Shouto’s hand meets hers and tangles their fingers together. Neither tremble in fear, but in dreadful satisfaction. 
Touya’s grin is manic. He drags his hand down to his father’s neck before finally relenting. 
“Wow, Endeavor, you took it like a champ.”
The man stares at his son through his remaining eye, tears evaporating away into the air. 
His voice is incomprehensible, and Fuyumi doesn’t bother trying to parse it. 
“I think that’s gonna scar, don’t you, ‘Yumi?”
She hears the question for what it is.
“Yes, I think it will do just fine.”
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@febuwhump DAY 5: That’s Gonna Scar
Under the influence of the Venom symbiote, Peter fights his former friend Harry and leaves him with deformations after the detonation of a pumpkin bomb.
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arecaceae175 · 2 years
Febuwhump Day 5: "That's gonna scar" (Wild)
AO3 link. Warnings: discussion of wounds, infection, burns, and stitches
This one is kinda strange, I'm not sure how I feel about it. It's also still not whump. Only one of these has actually been whump so far lol. This is turning out to be more of a h/c event than a whump event.
Wild sat quite impatiently on the log as Twilight finished dressing the wound on his back. The battle was a long one, at the end of a rough week, so their healing supplies were running dangerously low. The gash on Wild’s back was ugly, but by no means life threatening. 
Twilight was taking his time to dress it properly to prevent infection, and Wild was vibrating in his seat. He got the wound pushing Four out of the way of a sword. It had been aimed at Four’s throat, so Wild acted fast and took the blow instead. He didn’t have time to survey his surroundings, and he pushed Four right into a fire chuchu. 
Four was across the camp, fists clenched, eyes tightly shut, and teeth grit in pain. Against the backdrop of Legend’s half-hearted protests, Hyrule was draining his magic to try to heal the extensive burns on Four’s sword arm. Hyrule was being completely supported by Legend. He was pale and looked ready to collapse. 
Warriors knew the most about burns out of all of them. He’d taken one look at the burn and said that if it went untreated it could affect Four’s ability to properly wield a sword. The last of their health potions had been used to stabilize Time’s stab wound, so Hyrule had volunteered his magic. 
Wild’s insides roiled with guilt. This was his fault. Time and Warriors had lectured him countless times about battle strategy, being aware of everything happening on the battlefield at once. Wild could pinpoint every sound in a forest, he could take in every visual cue and make split second decisions, but while fighting his focus honed in on his opponent and the locations of his companions. Nothing else. 
His single-minded focus had gotten him through his solitary adventure. Working with a team was something Wild was completely unaccustomed to. He was getting better at it, they all were, but Wild’s progress was slow. 
A stick broke, and Wild’s head shot up. Warriors was staring at him from across camp with an unreadable expression. Wild bit his lip and dropped his gaze. Honestly, he wished Warriors would just get it over with. He knew he screwed up, and he didn’t need to keep being reminded of it. He would make it up to Four, then he would work on being better. He didn’t need Warriors to tell him that. 
Warriors’ gaze made something in the back of his mind itch, but he barely registered the feeling over his buzzing anxiety. 
Twilight pat Wild’s shoulder and pushed himself to his feet. “There you go. It’s gonna scar, but at least it won’t get infected. Do you…”
Twilight’s words faded into a high pitched ringing. The edges of Wild’s vision went white.  
It’s gonna scar… infected…
Wild felt his body go lax as his vision blurred, and all of a sudden the hero was gone.
“It’s going to scar, there’s nothing I can do about that. It went too long untreated. We’ve taken care of the infection, though. It should heal within a week,” the nurse reported. Their voice was quiet and clinical, and their head was bowed as they gave their report. 
The Royal Captain had his arms crossed and a scowl on his face. Behind him, a curtain was drawn around another medical bed to protect Princess Zelda’s privacy. Guards were stationed at each entrance and exit from the medical tent. 
“Good. Thank you. You’re dismissed,” the captain said. The nurse nodded, gathered their supplies, and scurried out of the room. The captain’s eyes were fixed on Link the whole time, and Link had to fight with every fiber of his being to keep his back straight. 
Link wished he would just get the punishment over with. He knew he had massively screwed up protecting Zelda, and he knew the captain and the King wouldn’t be able to let that go. But he was tired, and he was in pain, and he worried about Zelda.
“I spoke with the Princess,” the captain began. Link’s eyes dropped to the floor as shame and guilt burned through his body.
The captain laid a hand on Link’s shoulder. Link couldn’t help his flinch, and he looked up at the captain with wide eyes.
“You did a commendable job protecting the Princess. I’ll make sure the King hears about it. Now, get some rest. The sooner you’re back in fighting shape the better,” the captain said. He nodded to Link, and Link pushed through his haze of confusion to nod back. The captain pushed aside the curtain and left the tent. 
Link stared blankly at the captain’s retreating form. He was expecting, at the very least, a thorough reprimand. Honestly, he was expecting much worse, but he had been sure he was going to be punished. 
The curtain ruffled again, and Link rapidly straightened his posture. He hissed in pain as he felt the stitches pull on his back. To his surprise, Zelda peeked through the curtain. She glanced to each side then rushed into the room and to his bedside.
“Link, for goodness sake, what are you doing up? You should be resting!” Zelda said, and immediately tried to push him down onto the bed. Link blinked up at her and let himself be lowered onto the bed, mind too fever-addled to come up with a rebuttal.
Once he was laying on the bed, Zelda pulled a blanket over his legs and chest. She looked very pleased with herself. “There,” she said, and lowered herself to sit on the foot of his bed. Zelda bit her lip and dropped her gaze to her lap briefly.
“The captain didn’t give you too much of a hard time, did he?” Zelda asked quietly. Link shook his head no. His confusion must have shown on his face, because Zelda quickly continued.
“I told him you risked your life to protect me. I know you don’t agree, but I told him the truth. You did absolutely everything you could, and you’re the only reason we made it here alive,” Zelda said. Link felt his cheeks heat with embarrassment. He tore his gaze from Zelda’s face and it landed on the wrappings on her sprained ankle and bandages on her leg. 
“Oh, Link. This is nothing, truly. You’re in much worse shape,” Zelda said. 
Zelda’s mouth started moving again, but Link couldn’t make out the words. He was floating, and he was nowhere and everywhere. The world reduced to a blinding white light and a high pitched noise reverberated in his ears. 
Wild came back to himself with a gasp. He closed his eyes, let his head drop into his hands, and focused on taking deep, even breaths. Emotions swirled through him faster than he could recognize. There was a pressure behind his eyes, so Wild brought his fists up to rub them harshly.
“Cub?” Twilight asked softly. 
“I’m back,” Wild whispered, voice raspy and uneven. 
“Are you alright?” Twilight asked.
“Is there a scar on my back?” Wild asked. 
“Uh…” Twilight’s voice faded off uncertainly. Wild shook his head.
“Is there another scar near the one I just got?” Wild asked. 
“Yeah, actually. Right next to it,” Twilight said. He gently traced the scar through Wild’s clothes. Wild shivered involuntarily. He pulled his cloak over his head and let himself relish in the comforting weight while he reoriented to his surroundings. 
The sun had set completely, and the moon was nearly at its peak. He had been gone for hours. The campfire crackled just to his right; Twilight must have moved him closer at some point. All the other heroes were asleep. 
“How’s Four?” Wild asked. Four was swaddled in Sky’s sailcloth and curled up into the chosen hero’s side. Sky had one arm around Four and one gripping Wind’s blanket on Four’s other side. 
“Hyrule managed to heal most of the burn, so he should recover just fine,” Twilight said. 
Wild nodded and sighed in relief. He felt too drained for much else. He was glad his actions wouldn’t have lasting consequences, at least.
“He doesn’t blame you, you know,” Twilight said. Wild didn’t answer. “Might wish you had looked before you pushed, but you saved his life.”
Wild felt something clench in his chest. His brain felt full of fog, and he couldn’t quite figure out what the feeling meant. 
“Get some rest, cub,” Twilight said. He wrapped his pelt around Wild’s shoulders and Wild greedily grasped the soft fur. Twilight pushed Wild down onto his bedroll. Wild was asleep as soon as his head hit the cushion.
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em-writes-stuff · 2 years
“that’s gonna scar”
@febuwhump day 5
characters: hero, medic
warnings: bullet wound, meds
211 words
Hero winces and pulls away, “Come on, doc. You’re supposed to be the best.” he says playfully. Medic stops in its tracks and looks at Hero. “Geez, just trying to lighten the mood. Who pissed in your breakfast?”
“Figuratively? You. Literally? My kid’s asshole cat-”
Medic rolls its eyes and gets back to work, “I still don’t know how this happened. You said there wasn’t anyone around.” 
“There wasn’t-”
“Well obviously there was. Because they shot you.” Medic interrupts. “Now shut up and let me work.” Hero huffs and mumbles something Medic can’t quite catch, but it smacks the back of his head anyway. “Quiet.” 
The bullet clinks on the table and Medic whistles, impressed. “That just missed an artery, you’re lucky.” it plunges a needle in Hero’s arm and sighs, “It’s gonna scar though. And I’m putting you under house arrest for the rest of the week.” 
“A week! I can maybe do a day, but a week!? That’s-”
“Another word and I’m making it two,” Medic snaps. “Now, take these, drink some water, and go to bed.” 
Hero opens his mouth, but before he can get a word out, Medic shoves some ibuprofen and pours water in, “Swallow.” 
Hero gulps and glares, “That was so rude.” 
“Bite me.”
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Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: M/M Fandom: Critical Role (Web Series) Relationship: Orym/Dorian Storm Characters: Orym (Critical Role), Dorian Storm, Melora the Wildmother (Critical Role), Cyrus Wyvernwind, The Raven Queen (Critical Role), Derrig (Critical Role), Will | Orym's Spouse (Critical Role), Otohan Thull, Chetney Pock O'Pea, Fearne Calloway, Berenie (Critical Role), Nel (Critical Role) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Alternate Universe - Class Swap, Alternate Universe - Gods & Goddesses, Alternate Universe - Legendary Warrior, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Touch-Starved, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Cuddling & Snuggling, Arranged Marriage, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Sobbing, Blood and Injury, Hurt/Comfort, Canon-Typical Violence, Angst, Reunions, Panic Attacks, Implied/Referenced Torture, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Children, Illnesses, Mind Control, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Longing, Loss, Reminiscing, Panic Collections: febuwhump 2023
Summary: Collection of prompt fills for Febuwhump 2023 with specific tags listed at the beginning of each chapter.
Chapter Preview
Everyone being battered and bruised from an extremely difficult fight meant there wasn't nearly enough healing to go around for all the injuries they suffered. Most ended up closed enough that they stopped bleeding and only stung a little bit when they moved, but more concerning ones sometimes got missed. Especially when the one that got a horrible injury was one of the ones dishing out healing to everyone else. It wasn't until after Dorian spent the last of his healing on him, then cleared away the blood obscuring his vision that he noticed how bloody Dorian looked.
By that time, Fearne and Grass were already too exhausted to do anything for Dorian. That left it up to him to press some moss into the wound, so Dorian didn't bleed out before they got back to the inn. Even though he couldn't provide much support, he kept a hand on Dorian's hip just in case he lost his balance. Luckily, he didn't need to save Dorian from falling flat on his face. They both got safely back to their room where Dorian immediately collapsed back on the bed without changing like he normally would.
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astaldis · 2 years
Febuwhump Day 2: Flinching
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Summary: When Geralt leaves Regis and Cahir to meet Avallac'h in the cavern below Devil Mountain, Regis takes care of Cahir's recent head wound. (Missing scene from The Tower of the Swallow chapter 7), 1,690 words
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“What if he's not coming back? If something happens down there in that cave, something—"
"Don't worry about the Witcher too much, Cahir," Regis interrupts his young comrade in a raised voice so he would be able to understand him over the noise of the nearby waterfall. "He will be fine even without his sword and knives, I'm almost sure. It is a risk, of course, however, what is not? You took the risk in Belhaven and it nearly cost you your life, but you are still here, aren't you? Undeniably and very fortunately." The higher vampire smiles at Cahir through pursed lips. "Which reminds me of my duties as a barber-surgeon. How's the head?" He looks at the makeshift dressing wrapped around the young knight's brow meaningfully. The torn-off black shirtsleeve is stiff with dried blood. There are blood stains on Cahir's clothes, too, and Regis can smell the scent of blood even on the horse's mane and neck.
"It's nothing, Geralt took care of it."
"Let me be the judge of that, son. Geralt has many qualities and surely can perform some basic first aid and stitching up of wounds, however, he is not a healer. And that bandage definitely needs to be changed." The barber-surgeon stands up from the boulder he is sitting on and walks over to his faithful mule Draakul to get his satchel with medical supplies.
When, a minute later, Regis touches the bandage around Cahir's head to remove it, the young knight flinches reflexively, going even paler than he was before ...
Continue reading on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44138242
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sylvanfreckles · 2 years
(Day 5: "That's gonna scar")
They needed each other. Amity needed someone to depend on who wasn’t their overbearing mother or underwhelming father, and the twins needed someone to keep their heads straight. It was just the Blight siblings from now on, rain or shine.
Except they didn’t even have Amity anymore.
First dive into The Owl House! I'm always a little nervous entering a new fandom, so please be kind!
I have some more ideas for this month, so stay in touch if you like this!
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sometimesraven · 2 years
@febuwhump​ Day 5:"That’s gonna scar”
Fandom: Quantum Leap Whumpee: Jenn Chou
Summary: Jenn has healthy coping mechanisms. Usually.
AO3 Link
Her blood was boiling. A confusing slurry of emotions tightened her chest and pounded in her skull until she didn’t know if she wanted to cry or strangle someone. Maybe both.
Ben had died three cussing times already. Two more and he was dead for good, and Magic was letting someone who might very well be the reason for all this get a vote on how to save him. It was bull. Absolute bull. And now Sam was probably going to die and the whole program would fall apart and there was nothing she could do about it.
Before she could think she threw a punch at the wall, failing to actually check what she was swinging for -- and bit back a grunted cry as her fist flew straight into a fire extinguisher mounted on the wall, ricocheting off of the hard metal as her skin made contact with one of its bolts. She withdrew quickly, cradling her injured fist with a hiss of air between clenched teeth. Bleeding. Great.
“Feel better?” Ian’s voice chuckled from behind her, equal parts concerned and amused. Damn.
“Thought I was alone out here,” she murmured, not turning around just yet. Embarassing enough that they caught her like this, let alone seeing the mess she’d made of her hand.
“Yeah, well, your angry flouncing isn’t exactly subtle~”
“I don’t flounce,” she huffed, rolling her eyes as Ian stepped around her with brows raised, holding out a hand to take her injured one.
“Sure.” Ian winced at the sight of her bloodied hand, sighing deeply and pulling her reluctantly down the hall to find medical supplies. “This is gonna scar, you know.”
“Whatever.” Not like it’s the only one she’s got. “Ian, I’m fine. We don’t have time for this.”
“Technically speaking we have around twenty-three minutes before the next loop,” they countered, moving to gently clean the blood away from her knuckles. “And it’s not like I have to be at my desk to monitor the leap.”
Jenn sighed, realising very quickly by the pinch of Ian’s brow that this was one of those ‘just let it happen’ moments. She couldn’t deny the soothing attention was nice. “This is so screwed up, Ian.”
“Yeah.” She could see it now: the sadness behind their eyes. The way they avoided Jenn’s gaze entirely. Ian was fussing over her partially to distract from their own feelings on it all, and somehow that made her feel better about talking.
“Ben could die out there and Magic is just--”
“I know.” Ian sighed, their admissions careful and feather-light as they began to wrap her knuckles. “I-I’m sure Magic is doing what he thinks is best. I trust him.”
“So do I but I don’t trust her. I just-..” She took a deep breath as Ian finished bandaging her hand, biting back a wave of emotion that threatened to break her composure. “I don’t understand why he’s trusting her over us after everything we’ve done for each other.”
Ian lifted their gaze then, wide brown locking onto hers with deep sympathy -- only for a notification on their PDA. Reluctantly they sighed and pushed to their feet, “I’ve gotta get back, sorry. Just-.. Talk to him, Jenn. If not now then when we get Ben through this -- because we will, okay? It’s no good holding on to feelings like this with people you love.”
“Yeah.” Jenn pinched the bridge of her nose, massaging away a growing headache. “You’re right. Thanks, Ian.”
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kira-angel24 · 2 years
Febuwhump 2023 Day 5
"That's Gonna Scar"
     Kira didn't know how long she's been here. At least she wasn't alone. Hange stayed with her. They would care for her, mostly tending to her broken ribs. A few tests were performed on her but all for understanding what she was. The muzzle only came off for food leaving her mostly silent. She grew a strange fondness towards Armin. The young boy would always come in and recount stories from that day. Whether it was training or something as simple as being with friends, he'd always tell his stories in vivid detail. Sometimes he'd bring books to read to her, many about the world she was in. His eyes would light up when he described the world outside the walls.
    "I think, it's safe to say your ribs have healed enough to let you walk." Kira's brows raised and she shifted. "Still, nothing too strenuous. They're not fully healed." Hange kneeled in front of the girl. They reached behind her head and unhooked the muzzle's latch. She let the leather fall to the ground. She took a few deep breaths and returned her gaze to the people in front of her. She felt the collar fall and the cuffs give way. Kira rolled onto her stomach and flapped her wings. She pulled herself up on all fours and shook her body. She walked around for a bit before sitting in front of the two. "Can you walk upright?" Kira kept her head low and nodded. "Do you prefer all fours?" She nodded.
   "That's strange, I wonder why," Armin pat her head. She turned towards the door. A noise came from the hallway.
   "I'm going to see what that was," Hange quickly left. "You check out that direction and you, stay here." The two humans left, leaving the girl alone. Kira stayed put and shifted on her makeshift bed. Another noise came and she perked up. The girl stood up and peeked out the door. She sniffed the air and followed the unfamiliar scent, mixed with the familiar smell of the boy. She kept her head low and her wings closer. She made sure to keep her eyes open and warily watched every hallway. She turned a corner and was quickly shoved to the ground. The girl didn't have time to think as a blade quickly trailed into her shoulder. She almost screamed before a hand quickly clamped over her mouth.
    "What the hell are you doing out here brat?!" Her eyes followed the voice, Levi's eyes piercing into her. She shifted and stayed down. "Tch, can't leave you alone anywhere. Come on let's get you back to Hange." He moved off her, leaving the blade in place. She rolled onto her stomach and got up on all fours. Kira limped back the way she came, the Captain following behind her. She glanced at the wound to find flowers blooming around the blade, loose petals falling behind her. Hange and Armin stood outside the door.
    "There you are, started getting worried. Oh, Levi, is..." Their eyes locked into the girl's shoulder.
    "You're not seeing things Four Eyes. Flowers have bloomed around her shoulder. It seems like it's stopped the bleeding." Kira walked inside and pulled the blade out, petals and a few whole flowers fell off and onto the floor. More flowers took the place of the stained blade. She turned back to find three pairs of eyes on her. The girl kept her head low and handed the weapon back to Levi.
    "Not even a flinch. She ripped that blade out with no hesitation and cleanly too."
    "Just make sure she doesn't get out again, and that nobody follows you two here." He turned and left, the blade on the counter. The two humans moved to look at the injury. "Knowing Levi, that's going to scar after it's healed up. Shouldn't be too big or noticeable. Let's just hope nobody saw her."
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crackedcrystal · 2 years
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Febuwhump Day 5
Prompt: "That's gonna scar"
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shae-la-hyene · 2 years
Febuwhump day 5 is up !
Parabatai feels again for today's prompt : That's gonna scar
Enjoy !
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valeriapryanikova · 9 months
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This season, on Hermitcraft...
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soosoosoup · 3 months
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Chord Striker Au by @thatbennybee
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lilybug-02 · 5 months
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Some fanart of a fancomic from a silly fangame of undertale or somethin'. idk seems pretty underground.
Eldritchrune by @lynxgriffin. Love their comics and work <3
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