#thats a lotta damage
satansleftnutcheek · 1 year
Just had like the biggest brain realization about Astarion bear with me I think I'm onto something here. Spoilers ahead for those who don't know about his "condition" or haven't heard about his tragic backstory™
I think people generally overlook the bite scene in favor of focusing on how it reveals Astarion being a vampire, how it can benefit the player if you're trying to romance him, or find an easy way to get him out of your party. I would like to note that there’s nothing wrong with this response! I did the same in my play through because I already knew he was a vampire due to spoilers. I just saw the scene as Astarion looking for his equivalent of a sandwich when it happened.
But why does Astarion bite Tav of all people?
The obvious answer is because Tav's the protagonist. Any important character scenes will happen to or involve them because they're the player character. It's the nature of how RPG stories are told. However, Larian Studios has put a lot of thought into this game, so why not dig a bit deeper?
Assuming Tav has everyone in their camp when this scene is triggered, Lae'zel and Shadowheart are off the menu purely because if things go wrong they'd immediately kill Astarion. Not good! If things go wrong with Karlach he could possibly smooth talk his way out of it. After all, she's a very kind person who goes out of her way to help people. But she's also twice his size and could snap him like a twig, which is not a risk worth taking.
Wyll isn't nearly as much of a threat as the other three, if it came down to it, Astarion could probably take him in a fight. The main problem here is that Wyll happens to have a habit of killing monsters, which would make talking things out really difficult. Astarion's relied on skills like persuasion for the past 2 centuries so he'd probably want to have his best skills be viable options if things go awry. Halsin, much like Karlach, is twice his size and could kill him with ease. Hard pass on that! This leaves Gale as the last, and really only, viable option. I mean look at him, he's frail as hell, always having the lowest HP in the party, and his weapon is a stick. Worst thing that could happen to Astarion is a bonk on the head.
So then why Tav? Why are they the one Astarion bites?
Now Tavs come in a lot of varieties. The player could be doing a Dark Urge run, they could be playing as the embodiment of pure evil, the kindest soul that is second only to Jesus, or somewhere in between. However, the one thing that unites them all is their power. They're the leader of the party and the others (to varying degrees) respect them. Tav is the one that chooses where the party goes, who they help, who they kill, and even how they'll have the tadpoles removed. In a way, Tav controls the party.
Remind you of something that Astarion openly talks about wanting?
For two centuries Astarion hasn't had autonomy, respect, freedom, resources, or control. What he's learned from those centuries is that power always gets you what you want. If you want freedom you need the power to control others. So while biting Gale would be the easy answer, it doesn't have the perk that biting Tav does.
If Tav wakes up during his biting attempt, Astarion could smooth talk his way out of it. If things go okay and Astarion gets to keep his head, he'll have gained more of Tav's trust. This in turn would give Astarion greater power over them as they'd be easier to manipulate, which in turn gives him more control over the others. If he ends up killing Tav then that technically would open up a power vacuum in the party. Whoever fills it would have all the power and control that Tav has. I don't think any of the other characters would let that happen though. Astarion's the person who you don't want to be the leader because he's clearly performing this role for his own self-centered reasons. Also seeing as this scene generally happens early in the game, nobody likes him enough to just let him become the leader.
Now if Tav lets Astarion bite them things get more interesting. It's a possibility that never occurred to him, but he isn't going to turn it down. First of all, it establishes Tav as an easy food source. Astarion has a consenting snack that in the future, might let him bite again. If that happens then Astarion's food source becomes far more reliable and surviving becomes significantly easier. Tav's consent also reveals how much they trust Astarion. From his perspective Tav's shown too much of their hand. Astarion's simple plan to manipulate Tav for the sake of his security has become child's play at this point.
All this being said having Astarion choose to bite Tav over Gale reveals so much about his character. While Gale is the safest choice to make, Tav's position of leadership is what entices Astarion to bite them over Gale. After experiencing two hundred years of mental and physical abuse, Astarion values power so much he'd be willing to risk his ability to not become a mind flare, and his life, in order to gain it. All because this is what he learned from being Cazador's slave for 200 years.
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vanillalemur · 5 months
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based on a friends hc that ruined king is a dnd campaign >:3
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barrymccaulkinem · 1 month
i keep getting the idea in my head that i can beat nidhogg with odr but it would be so much better for me if i didnt
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potatochipflavor · 2 years
That's a lotta damage! *Chainsaw noises* Now THATS. A lotta damage!!!!
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gamertales · 25 days
Gotham, July 30th, 2024.
Hey, over here. Youre that blogger lady, right? Looking for info on the supposed ring of collectors of objects belonging to the Bat clan? We talked...well texted a bunch recently about the market.
Hah. Well i cant speak to this supposed ring, but i can show you my own personal collection. Sure its secured, i get a lot of people sniffing around so i try to keep it locked up, but im not stupid. No point tryin to hide from the Bats or what have you, this is just for the schmucks and their bosses. Hah.
Alright, if you follow me into my van.
Oh, yeah, i get that a lot. But look, im 52, i havent got the energy to flirt with 40 year old tired house moms. Kidnapping sounds like a lot of work.
Bit of a shocker compared to the outside, huh? Yeah, I had the interior and body upgraded a few years ago, added comfort and protection,still kept the rough looking exterior tho, keeps attention down.
Yep. Glass repair, window replacement, skylights. Heh. Youd be surprised to know how many small contractors making a living cleaning up qfter the Bat clan. Lotta companies downtown cant get insurance for windows, doors, ventilation systems. Gives us smaller guys a little more space to play.
After that throw down between Nightwing and Riddlers goons across from the Bank of Gotham last week, i managed to get in quick, and lock down the window contract.
This parts important, first crew on the scene gets to move in after the cops move out. Now Gothams finest do their best, but the number of small things they miss...
Take this for example, its a section of Nightwings glove with those fancy little spike things on them. Found it in the rubble under the skylight. Along with some mooks hand. Turned the hand in of course.
What? Oh its an informal alliance, but we keep each other in the loop, and let each other know when shits going down near em. If I cant make it across town, i'll send a text to the crews closest.
The goggles? Harley quinn dropped them a couple years ago, found them in the bushes outside the Exchange. Thats not the prize piece.
This. Two Batarangs from the Bat himself. To be fair i didnt really have to go far to find them. Summer of '19 the big guy landed on my roof. Hard. Dropped, rolled, and started running down the alleyway. Now i was dozing at the time, and that startled the literal shit out me. Cue the clown goons jumping on my truck to give chase. Big threw four of these beauties, making them scatter, and doing more damage to the van.
Four batarangs tho? I sold 2 of them to my buyer in the city. A collector of this stuff. He calls it "pretentious peacocking for poorly adjusted prats." Yeah, Mr Wayne is different enough. Only met him the one time, but he was very affable, even hired me to do the new windows for his guest house.
Made enough to upgrade ole Greaser here to their current condition. And a little.
Other than Mr Wayne? Im afraid i only deal with Mr Wayne; he pays fair, promptly, and usually sends a gift basket. No, i go thru his Butler now.
Right? A Butler. In 2024. Still, he seems harmless enough, spends all his time at charities i hear.
The Ring again? Look, im serious i have nothing to do with that side of the market.
...if you are really determined tho, contact Marc Belvedere, if anyone i know knows about this, itll be Marc.
Listen, i have toinstall some skylights at the City Hall in an hour, so i gotta get moving. Yeah, tell your friends Karl Aleksev is The Window guy when in a pinch.
By the way, what was your name again? Barbara Gordon? Like the Gordon Gordon? Your his daughter? Well, good luck, and be careful, theres a lot of money in this business, and money gets people killed.
Yeah. I guess you didnt really need that advice, huh.
Maybe we will cross paths again.
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ao3-shenanigans · 10 months
My thoughts on The Marvels and Suggestion for an Alternate Ending
Oh thank goodness @yalocalfanficaddict you’re my new bestie, I’m proposing right now/lh
So… The Marvels
A lotta people think that it’s Bad™️ and I won’t say that their wrong per se but also think there’s more to it then that
Spoilers for the movie, obviously
Here’s who should watch it
1. People here for a silly goofy time; with low expectations
2. People who like cats eating people
3. People who like women
4. People who like muscular women in tank tops
5. People who had a musical phase and aren’t quite as over it as they’d like everyone to believe
6. People who think Kamala’s brother is attractive
7. Ms Marvel fans
8. Did I mention the cats?
If you’re coming to watch a serious Avengers: Endgame type movie, I’m sorry but this ain’t it. However- However, I do think it’s a very enjoyable film.
I went to see it with my sibling and we had a lotta fun, where there plot holes? Yeah and I’ll get into it a bit, but like the characters for the most part where very likable and fun to watch; there were some well done fight scenes and some character development that I think was pretty darn okay.
Here’s what I think didn’t work- the pacing felt at times a little off but I believe that’s because they could’ve lost their battles a little harder. The first few losses are devastating but the second half of the movie they had a pretty easy time and lost with minimal damage to themselves (physically and emotionally) and the civilians/cities.
Captain Marvel as a character is generally over powered. Thats kinda her whole deal. Which is great for Captian Marvel fans but bad for writers because how does one set up any sort of stakes for that?
The answer is to pull emotional punches - if you can’t level up physically, it has to be emotionally- which the movie *almost* manages to pull off. Carol struggles because she feels like she doesn’t measure up to the hero Monica saw as a child and the hero Kamala thinks she is. She thinks she has to earn her place with family, and the only way to do that is by solving everything and saving everyone on her own, but everything she does just ends up making things worse. She feels like she is responsible (and kinda is) for the genocide of an entire race and a half of people and has to shoulder the weight and grief of that on her own.
Which is A GREAT CONCEPT!! I love that!!!
The movie only half way fallows through with that though. At the three-quarters point of the film where the interpersonal conflict comes to head (where it always does), it doesn’t quite hit as hard as it should. It doesn’t make me feel it, I want the gut punch and stab in the back while you’re at it.
I think they apologized just a littttle too quickly, which *is* in character, but doesnt necessarily make for the most entertaining screen drama
Over all though, there was some very fun fight scenes- the characters basically have this thing where they switch locations if they use their powers so the first fight is actually three fights on like different planets before they meet and that was cool; really fun cinematography
The cgi was well done (in my unprofessional opinion) and the costumes looked pretty good over all
Kamala is my favorite as she’s a teenaged character who actually feels like a teenager
She’s also an artist and fangirl who animates and writes fanfic so obviously I love her but yeah she totally stole the show; her family is amazing as well; 20/10 for them
It is briefly implied that Valkyrie and Captain Marvel have some sort of relationship (platonic? Romantic? No idea, there were cheek greeting kisses)
Carol Denver is technically married to some random prince though she makes it abundantly clear that it is completely platonic and only for a political advantage, he belongs to a race of people that can only communicate through singing and musical improvs, there’s this whole bit and I freaking love it.
The prince gives off Conan Grey vibes, no I can’t explain, no there will be no further commentary on that.
There’s also a sequence where the flerken (space kitties with tentacles in their mouths) are eating crew members. It’s shot like a horror sequence but has the most beautiful operatic music behind it- ten out of ten, I absolutely adore every second of it
Things that I think could’ve been changed for a more satisfactory ending:
⁃ Carol has too darn of an easy time, here’s how I’d change the ending:
I would have her flying into and restarting the sun as WAY more of a big deal. I’m sorry but that was to easy, she was completely unscathed by that.
I would’ve also had that be the final sacrifice of the film, instead of Monica. Like I get that Monica’s set her up for multiverse nonsense but I would’ve rather her stayed and Carol being the one to give up everything to atone. Of course it would need a little more lead up, but Monica’s did as well.
Together with that, I wouldn’t have had the villain chick attack again after being impaled, I would’ve let it play out and given her a second look into her character and whether or not she’d forgive Carol. I probably wouldn’t let her ultimately live either- have them both die (or ‘die’ in carol’s case most likely knowing marvel).
I think this would give Kamala and Monica a satisfactory point to their character arcs as well- Monica having forgiven Carol and accepted her as family contrasting where the villain doesn’t, and Kamala to a point where she both recognizes her hero’s humanity and fallibility but also great sacrifice thus motivating her to do start a team and do better to live up to the name she’s picked for herself.
Overall I rate the movie an 8/10, Kamala stole the show, I loved Monica, there were some great scenes, I had a lot of fun and I totally recommend it to anyone who’s into that sorta thing <3
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clxckwork-sun-n-moon · 4 months
dumps a couple stars in your inbox ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ want director's commentary!
gimme so cries the wolf - and i do actually have a part specifically, namely the lil talk between eclipse and monty that ranger ends up eavesdropping on, oh and actually also also eclipse's thought process encountering the other demonic animatronics - he brought the broken animatronics in, safe, n seemed quiet about it iirc. but also yeah any bits u wanna talk about too i want lore gimme
(and, technically cheating bc theres no fic for old forest gods but. spare old gods crumb? something about the lore you're really excited about? honestly curious about how/ if/ when the bet reveal happens, can imagine y/n feeling rather betrayed, hurt, whole lotta drama, or alternatively thats what sun and moon (and eclipse? since he comes in later) expect but y/n just does their damnedest not to wheeze laugh bc of all the people to woo in that town they picked the aro one. great job guys everyone hit the showers. but here too anything ill take everything gimme pleaaaseeee)
ok so I'm gonna split this ask into two because hooooooo there's gonna be BIG responses here, so this post is gonna be for SCtW and I'm gonna make another for Old Forest Gods AU
god the lil talk between Eclipse and Montague, when Eclipse opens up more about his struggle between wanting to stay vs. their original intent to leave once separated from Sun and Moon. I spent like 2 months working on that conversation. it was like I was physically fighting Eclipse's emotional repression. one of the biggest challenges I've really experienced with Eclipse is that they develop like. lightning fast, in terms of personality.
the reader has to remember that when he and Monty are having this conversation, Eclipse has only been ALIVE for what. 2 weeks? maybe 3? his WHOLE EXISTENCE has been the barest fraction of a regular human. mix that in with the fact that he has scattered memories from Sun and Moon, and demonic instincts, and yeah. sometimes I've needed to take steps back and observe this myself. is this too fast? is this too slow? one of Eclipse's biggest struggles is he literally doesn't have words to express a lot of their emotions, because he hasn't learned them yet, which was an important part of the conversation that was overheard. he physically has to pick through describing these feelings, hoping that Montague can give a better explanation (because the 200 year old grimm can provide more insight apparently)
but yeah. at the end of the day, Eclipse is limited in experience and understanding. it makes him narrow-sighted unfortunately, and struggling with trying to talk about emotions with Montague vs spending so much time taking all those emotions and cramming them in a tiny jar when interacting with ranger!Y/N? not a healthy combination. certainly not a useful one for a writer who is desperately trying to figure out how their characters are supposed to be interacting on the page
the broken animatronics too, ogh. as far as everyone thinks, all the other animatronics have been in the same boat as Sun/Moon - there was a soul in there, it mixed with a demonic presence, and then instead of getting free like Eclipse, they got stuck in the animatronic and turned feral. Eclipse mourns that, in a way. he brings the animatronics remains in as a small act of respect. he believes these meant something or someone like him existed, if only for a few seconds.
for some more lore:
yes as you may have noticed there, Montague is well over 200 years old. the church he originally protected was de-consecrated and demolished about 50 years ago due to severe weather damage, and rebuilt over the graveyard. with shifting cultures, Montague was called a hellhound and barghest in his various sightings, resulting in his temperance shifting accordingly (great power in names)
in chapter 1 I put a direct quote from Castlevania because it was very funny and doubled as the first hint that Eclipse had memories from Sun and Moon's time in the daycare
ranger!Y/N put salt around their bedroom doorframe on Montague's advice, and needs to spend half an hour 'refilling' it once every two months by scraping salt in using sandpaper
I started hinting at Eclipse's 'lightning breath' in chapter 3, making it a solid 6 chapter lead-up to it finally appearing in chapter 9. well worth it in my opinion~
(response for old forest gods AU is HERE)
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stellarunimoon · 5 months
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im so scared right now. this is the first time ive posted on here in a WHILE so my artstyle is :skull: completely different. i plan on revamping this whole uhh profile. ill still keep up the artwork though so my growth can be visible :- )
so this is a part of my blue diamond au i was doodling. i dont plan on making any comics or anything just some little silly pictures cause i like that kind of thing.
so i kind of felt like keeping all their previous personalities, i dont like when they take after the one that they were replacing, but thats just a personal preference. im just gonna infodump lmao
yellow - since shes more of an easily aggrivated one and has a superiority complex, i thought instead of controlling gems like white does, she could paralyze them, so the finale keeps its effect while still being in character. her pearl is still the same, likely a different outfit or form though, i havent decided yet.
pink - she's still childish and tempermental, but it's more forgiven due to her rank, and it's less because of her responsibilities. her old pearl, pink pearl, was still given to white, however white also already had a pearl. she just has two now. ( it is not our regular pearl, its a new one with a new design ill give. ), she's probably the one who needs them the most, and they will NOT be controlled, pink pearl will just be rejuvinated and given a new form <3 more on that later. our pearl does not exist in this au, or she does, i guess, but since our pearl is just the "default" settings, i feel like THIS pink would give her a form that actually matches her, and due to the different style of her being raised, she felt less remorse for damaging pink pearl. still remorse, just less so due to her desensitization and her having to shatter gems with her role.
white - this was mentioned in the artwork but my handwriting is sloppy so ill repeat it. she controls all the gems in her court, because she wants perfection. this includes the gems of different colors, for example.. our peridot, our peridot WILL be a different gem, and she'll probably be a light pink naturally, white when controlled. during future all of whites court will be freed. these gems are controlled from screens, like the ones in yellows room in SU:F. most of her gems remain idle until necessary, but her pearls would assist her in controlling them because. That's a lotta work. she likely has a lot of different gadgets to figure this out cause, yeah, the gempire is big but . . i made this up like an hour ago so cut me some slack.
blue - blue will still be emotional, and that's likely a causation of her rebellion. her pearl is the same as hers in the canon, she did not hit her like pink did. their relationship is still toxic, and like rose in canon, she was trying to change. she just failed. while pink affected the gems because she didn't realize the power she held, and never finished what she started ( spinel being abandoned... she's a little freak for that honestly. also commanding pearl to stay silent, (i don't think that was intentional, i think she just felt like it was a normal request, and didn't realize how much power she still held. that could be debated though cause "for my last order to you as a diamond"..) i think blue affected them emotionally. guilt tripping, self pity, and 2-D thinking. blue was probably more prone to shattering, but would also be very hypocritical. she could not see from the rebel gems perspective EVEN THOUGh she's trying to recruit them. to her, she just wants to win.
anyways that was what i was thinking lmao i kinda just made this up #Sorry
i only drew banded white agate because i did "random steven universe character generator" and it was like "holly blue agate" and i was like Yea Sure im down.
thanks for listening if you did. if not i dont really care i mighjt just add do this IDK WHAT IM DOING!!! this is probably just gonna be a doodle account for my different fixations. (except saw i dont like drawing real people. yet.)
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for-flowers-sake · 10 months
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oof now thats a lotta damage
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crabknight · 7 months
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Okay see you later or in a second mr necrodragon!!!!
straight into battle yet again, huh?
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The sillies!!!
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Still cannot believe Boey says Skill Issue...
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Boy what
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In other news: Celica with the 8% crit... TWICE
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Huh! that sounds like a fun tool...
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Exploration time!
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Good news! Celica moves like Alm in the sense that she moves faster while attacking :p
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Kamui got a 7% Crit!!! and Boey got a 6% Crit but i didnt want it to happen
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Oh cool!
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Ohhh its like, past events!!!!
Your honor, he's gay
I also really like valbars unknowing himbo energy with not realizing the raging homosexuality in front of him
I love celicas little flame it's so cute
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pwnyta · 2 years
Saw a post about how Genshin and Vtubers are doing irreparable damage to character design, which I kiiiiiiinda agree with, lotta the designs are just way too busy for their own goods
But they talk about how the "bases" are all the same (again, they're not WRONG), but that's kinda just.. anime and stuff to begin with??? Like, if the character is supposed to be "appealing" they're gonna be traditionally pretty/handsome, with the standard anime face shape. Like, it's been lobbied against Oda hundreds of times that all his "appealing" ladies have the same body type and face shape because they're supposed to be pretty/sexy. You take Nami and Robin and strip them down to bare bones, and the only difference would be Robin's nose (and I suppose TECHNICALLY their breast size, but you can barely tell the difference between those chapter to chapter)
My Hero Academia does a good job creating WEIRD character designs, but they're never usually important characters. Like, 1-A has 3 characters that break the mold (all boys, mind you) and they really don't have too much to do plot-wise. 1-B has even MORE weird designs, but you barely ever see 1-B (also, again, it's only boys in 1-B that are breaking the mold)
Like, that's kinda just the THING about character design, especially designing anime characters. You tend to choose "safe" characteristics to make sure they're appealing to a wide enough audience. Gotta make sure they fit the waifu/husbando box
Yeah nah I dont think its Genshin/V-Tubers... the reason theyre the way they are is because of anime in general... and frankly anime and really other media as well is the way it is because thats what most people want to see whether they wanna admit it or not. Thin, pale, conventionally attractive characters will sell well. Anything else is far more niche.
People take cracks at Oda for his same-y female designs but frankly I think he does better than a lot of people. Like Sailor Moon for instance... basically all the same.
And as for busy designs... well if every character basically looks the same theyll need accessories to stand out. Just keep piling weird shit on them and hope no one compares your character to another character...
My character will be an average height, thin, pale guy, with a messy, black bowl cut and grey-blue eyes....
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At least that one on the end has yellow eyes instead! Hes a totally different character.... As is Shoto... since his hair isnt black.
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Hey! Dont forget about Pony! Ponys got a weird MLP face!
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zapsoda · 1 year
What is Postal? I find myself increasingly attracted to the Postal Dude and I would like to know.
Everything I suppose.
hell yeah!! based! so postal is a video game franchise (and also movie). the games are typically first person or isometric shooters (although in some of the games you are presented with the option not to kill anyone).
the games typically revolve around this fuckin ginger (some version of him anyways) and his deal is that he just keeps wnding up in situations where everyone is trying to kill him.
if ur interested in getting into specific games ; postal 2 is the classic, its a banger, everyone likes that one. lil bit cringe and edgy and dated but its a lotta fun. the deal w this game is that you can kinda do whatever the fuck you want (main appeal). like it has tasks that you needa complete to progress the game. but you can do those at whatever pace or order you want and in the meantime just fuck around exploring the map. you can pick up cats in the game :33. you smoke crack to restore health. theres a piss button and a suicide button. lotta bangin dlc
the first game (postal 1), the april fools game (poostall royale), and the third game (postal 3) are all free 2 play. the first two are on steam theyre cute lil isometric shooters. the first one has a lot of appeal with the story going on. between each level theres these little bits of text like journal entries from the dude. i did not read these the first time i played it and thus i thought it was boring. (eheh). poostall royale has a girl version of the dude (huge win for bisexuals everywhere).
postal 3 is generally considered the worst game ever made by redditors and the creators themselves, so you can only play it if you pirate it (which is endorsed by the creators lol). i cant say much about this one my only experience with the game is a russian speedrun of it.
more recent games are postal 4: no regerts, and postal: brain damaged. i have heard mixed reviews of the former, but there is a drag outfit and you can pet animals so those are pretty enticing imo
the latter is GREAT. fucking gorgeous trippy silly game. the dialogue is unbelievably cringe. love this one. 10/10. been trying to 100% it. slowly.
the movie is on tubi its. unrecommendable. but. i have a soft spot for it, it was kinda funny sometimes to me... i hate what it did to zack wards place in my brain. its like. edgy 2003 type shit. Based 9/11 humor. take this as you will (maybe give it a try?)
on tumblr you may find many people referring to a version of the dude who is ripped and dressed in a blue and white striped tank top. this is shtopor he is from some russian version of postal 2 made by a different company. its called postal: corkscrew rules by many, but thats not the most accurate translation afaik. it never got an american release, however it did get a japanese release which was dubbed in english. game itself is utter shit from what i can tell but i have heard good things about the music (banger russian indie metal). i dont think i can mention this game without mentioning that the plot revolves around sexual reassignment surgery shenanigans. idk how to elaborate on this one its a lot. lmfao.
anyways. i focused mostly on the franchise itself rather than Him, i can elaborate on him more if u want. hope this was helpful nonetheless :-)))
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luckyavntrne · 2 years
hes not quite done yet (obv) but his phys dmg bonus LMAO
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triplexdoublex · 2 years
I definitely think it's over even Rooks dad posted a pic of the crew and put the song fake love don't last over it, not to mention his nail polishes weird breakup names and then they posted a TikTok video with a unreleased song last month and he sang "I know we had our problems but never mind, I'm sorry about all this time, I know things changed but every single song still feels like you, I never knew pain untill I met you". I think maybe this breakup was pre planned but Megan's part wasn't. Like their contracted ended or they already broke up a while back but they agreed to just now make the break up public at this time and then Megan maybe all of a sudden got pissed that is was ending and wanted to get petty and wanted one final big show and did as much damage as she could and did things she knew would hurt his feelings and just left colson to clean it up. Bc let's be real as big as Megan fox name is it doesn't hold weight anymore. She barly had 5 million followers before colson. She's going to barly get invited to anything and goodbye movie opportunities bc colson was her main connection to that world, he handed her almost all of her newest movie roles and colson is the one that's going to be the one thats still extremely public and his face is going to be the one that's everywhere. She got mad bc this breakup isint going to affect his career like it will with hers
Did Rooks dad delete it ? I don’t see it. But yeah now that you mention it there kinda have been a lotta hints at it being over before she even made that final post. We were just joking and speculating the other day about the names of his new polishes. She’s deff gonna be struggling for work now, no one has given a single shit about her since Jennifer’s body and Transformers until she started dating Kells. And even then it was only because she was hott, cuz let’s be honest it definitely wasn’t her acting!
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antiv3nom · 2 years
Here's a ponder for you: When people complain about strong grapplers and oppressive zoners, are they complaining about the meta or are they really complaining that they have to think about what they're doing and dislike that they can only use a portion of their toolkit? The way to deal with oppressive zoning is to learn how to block the high lows until you get close and when to jump in for a punish. The way to deal with a grappler is to learn the matchup and figure out how to use your zoning tools effectively or what moves beat the most common starters a grappler has at their disposal. I'm a citizen of Rollbackia so I've learned from Sir Sajam that strong zoning and grapplers are good for a game because they make more well rounded players. You can't play Skullgirls without learning how to handle a Peacock player (The Devil's own creation.) Or a Beowulf. But games like SF or Strive keep their zoners and grapplers weak at the start, meaning when they get strong, either by accident or by design, players complain, whine even, because they're taken out of their comfort zone and forced to think when they play. Just a think I've had. Them's Fightin' Herds added in Texas and players piss their pants trying to figure out what Potempkins will do (drink glue, guys! They always chug the glue! Use your head!) So I've been hearing a lotta wingeing that grapplers are too strong and it makes for poor neutral and a bad viewing experience. What I think they're saying is players aren't adapting at all because the whole point of grapplers are that if you have any ranged moves at all you can zone them out. No one watching a tournament is going to be fucking bored watching a Potempkin Buster. That shit is pure dopamine. So yes. Pondering on the ranges. What's your take on oppressive zoning and high damage grappling? Hope this helps!
HI!!!! i meant to respond to this earlier than i did but man i have simply enjoyed reading it and thinking abt it
so. i personally. have two sides on this. i have the side that despises thinking and simply wishes to press buttons and win that finds grapplers and ESPECIALLY zoners frustrating. HOWEVER. the MAJORITY of me absolutely agrees with your point.
like, how would things be nearly as interesting if every character simply wanted to play the exact same way? wheres the fun if you could encounter every matchup almost identically? and thats where the fun of fighting zoners and grapplers comes from. i also think it really really teaches you about the game, to an extent. sure, i can coast by with mediocre approach methods as sin against a lot of characters, but put me up against a testament? i have to THINK IT THROUGH, which is nothing but beneficial for my gameplay and progress as a whole. same with grapplers, if i have to account for whether or not a potemkin is going for the grab on wakeup then i have to be smart about like, whether or not to dp or whether im gonna jump or super or just block on wakeup. i gotta think it through!!!
but yes. absolutely agreed. i understand where people are coming from but in my opinion, diversity of viable characters within a meta is nothing short of amazing. the more things you have to learn to deal with, the better you get as a player, and the more you encounter said things, the more you get a chance to adapt to them.
and absolutely. its SO much fun to watch an axl absolutely demolish a character from all the way across the screen, or to see a potemkin finally land that HPB, i truly dont understand how someone could find that boring.
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ghostanoncjrp · 1 year
im just gonna
*leaves flex tape by them*
thats a lotta damage
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