#thats his guy right there. he loves that wizard.
jacqcrisis · 6 months
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sorry im coping with aus again oopsie daisy. anyway here's my take on a fantasy au
it all started with me rewatching the D&D movie and thinking "hm. what (broad) classes would the neighbors have?"
and after much thinking i came to the conclusion: Barnaby = Bard / Eddie = Paladin / Sally = Sorcerer / Julie = fighter / Frank = monk / Howdy = Artificer / Poppy = Healer / Wally = 'Wizard'
those seem fitting! BUT i don't like restrictions or rules so in this very light worldbuilding for a casual (strongly glaring at myself here) CASUAL au, it's only dnd-esque. not actually dnd yk yk
in my head, they're not technically puppets for this au. they're flesh and blood, they've got bones, etc. they're actual Creatures, though they still look like Them! Julie's still pink w/ candy-corn-horns! Frank is still a gray tube! Barnaby is a big blue dog! they're just... not puppets. it's the same for the other beings in this fantasy world - they all keep the style, but they're all flesh n' blood if that makes sense. a cartoony fantasy world
so they have their little found family adventuring group titled, of course, The Neighborhood. because when they were first forming, Wally went "oh! are we a neighborhood? i've always wanted neighbors!" and it Stuck. so they all lovingly refer to each other as neighbors, even though the closest they get to being actual neighbors is pitching their tents next to each other & staying at an Inn in neighboring rooms
like your classic group of adventurers, they're almost constantly on the move. the longest they stay in one place is a couple of months - the rest of the time they're wandering! they take quests, get roped into general Shenanigans, etc. they adventure! and get into a lot of battles of varying severity
so Barnaby is still kiiiiind of a bard? best i can describe him is jack-of-all-trades moral support! he provides battle music, keeps the mood light, and stands off to the side to offer quips and tips. he prefers not to fight, and only Gets Involved when the others need Backup. even then, he usually takes the role of defending his neighbors. he has a good eye for whether or not physical support is needed - he never needs to be asked when there's a legitimate need for him! unless he's thoroughly distracted from the goings-on. he does have magic, but it's more for show / defense-based
Eddie's still pretty classically a paladin. healing powers, armor, there to be on the front lines and Protect! the group's sword and shield! he technically serves a god but he forgot who <3 he just makes the occasional general offering and mumbles some vague prayer. he's super friendly! super helpful! super willing to dive into the line of fire! Will disregard his own safety without a second thought! his magic is pretty much restricted to healing, and it's weak healing at that (maybe because he can't properly serve his god...), so it's mostly good for quick mid-battle heals and little wounds. temporary fixes!
Sally has innate fire/light magic, and she's very showy with it! she puts Flair and Pizazz into all of her casts and is very dramatic on the battlefield - she manages to turn her fights into a performance. She tag-teams keeping the Neighborhood entertained with Barnaby. he handles the humor/lightheartedness, she handles the escapism/encouragement. she writes scripts & stories in her off-time, and often reads them (or spins a new one) after dinner. when they have weeks / month breaks in one spot, sometimes she'll recruit local thespians to create a play
Frank is all about that hand-to-hand combat babey! he wants to feel bones break under his fists! he wants those split knuckles! he very often starts fights, and even more often finishes them - what he lacks in raw power he makes up for in vicious tenacity. he just Keeps On Going! he seconds as the group's Knowledge Guy. while his hobby is studying insects, he also catalogues/studies monsters and enemies and terrain so that the Neighborhood can always be prepared. the only time he stays out of fights is when he's researching or note-taking. he tries to micromanage the battle from afar anyway
Julie is like... put a druid, a fighter, and a barbarian in a blender. she's got a big sword! she's got seemingly endless energy in battle! she can talk to plants, especially flowers! her flora magic is very minor, so it's not like she's making giant roots burst out of the ground and strangle people. but plants can give her information, and if she asks nicely and they feel like it, sometimes they'll help her out. in battle she's a force to be reckoned with! nothing will stop her and her sword! she's usually the second (closely following Frank, with Eddie hot on her heels) Neighbor charging into battle - but she's the one with the stellar war cry! & where Sally and Barnaby tend to the Neighborhood's emotional wellbeing & entertainment, Julie keeps things fresh with Physical Activities during their downtime!
Poppy is a powerful healer! she draws on an individual's energy (often taps into her own as well) to convert it into healing power. it's draining but it's damn good healing! she also takes the role of the Neighborhood's cook (the others still like to help, especially Frank who is essentially her sous-chef) and makes sure they're all healthy. she hangs back during battles, waiting to (and hoping that she doesn't have to) heal a wounded Neighbor. if one of them is badly hit, she forces herself to run into battle and drag them to safety before working on their injury. she has a tiny bit of illusion magic, which she'll cast from afar to assist her Neighbors. she tries not to use it outside of emergencies - it takes a lot of energy, which she tries to conserve just in case.
Howdy has Zero Magic! none! four hands and none of them are magical! however, he's a damn good inventor & a whiz at potion making. he can Use magical items like there's no tomorrow - he just can't wield it himself. he supplies the group with potions, helpful items, all sorts of goodies - given that they can trade for it with anything he'd accept in-canon. the only exception is when they're mid-battle - he hands stuff out when needed without haggle. he supplies the group with their cash when they're not getting it from looting/quests - he has a magic backpack that can unfold into a fully-stocked merchant stall! he sells at towns, on the road, anywhere he can! In battle he hangs back with Poppy and, yes, supplies items, but he also uses ranged attacks - magical weapons that cast for him, magic 'bombs', that sort of thing! but there's a little secret - he's the Neighborhood's secret weapon. he invented fantasy guns! four magic revolvers that, when the 'second safety' is turned off, multiply into a giant clusterfuck of guns (with ammo ranging from magic 'bullets' to essentially rocket launchers). unfortunately he can only use this setting once & for a limited time before the guns overload & have to be manually repaired. so he either uses them off of the first safety (i.e, they're 'normal'), or not at all. you know shit is Really hitting the fan when he joins a fight
and Wally! Wally Wally Wally... you may have noticed that i put his class 'wizard' in quotes. that's because he says he's a wizard, but he's not! he just says he's one due to the automatic stigma and fear of what he really is - a Warlock! his patron is Home, an eldritch horror that many would classify as a demon. they have a very special, codependent pact that neither of them can live without - Wally wears their 'seal' as a house-shaped pendant on a choker (necklace) hidden under his clothes. Home is extraordinarily powerful, but Wally barely taps into that power. he has a grimoire that Home inscribed with a bunch of sigils that convert into spells when drawn & then cast in the air. the only other powers he uses are seeing-in-the-dark, seeing-magic, and opening teleportation doors! Wally can't sleep, but he can doze - though he's never fully unaware of his surroundings (its kind of like how dolphins only sleep with one half of their brain). he still eats with his eyes, which both feeds him & acts as a form of providing daily energy to Home, since Home can't exactly consume souls every day. If Wally uses too much magic, he has to rest inside of Home's house-form, which is the only time he actually fully sleeps. no one knows about Home, or that Wally is lying about his wizard status.
Home is a lovecraftian being with three forms. the first is the lowest power level - a cute one-room house with Eyes! i.e: Home Classic! Wally's pendant unfolds into it, and it's the main way Wally and Home physically interact & communicate. the second is possession - if Wally explicitly allows it, Home can completely take over his body and kind of 'tuck him away' to have a nice deep nap while Home takes the reins (Home can technically force this, but it's very difficult and would not go over well w/ Wally - it would also be an unstable possession). the third is Home's true form - a massive shadowy eldritch monster made of writhing darkness and nightmares that no one in their right mind would look at, let alone fight. Home has very complicated feelings about Wally & the Neighborhood. they are also, quite literally, Wally's heart - which is part of their pact.
i have some scene ideas & little Plot Concepts (most notably the times the Neighborhood learns two Very Big Secrets about Wally, one of which being the warlock/Home reveal).
but yeah that's moooostly it. basic stuff yk, not very in depth! just fun things to feed my maladaptive daydreaming & escapism
#warlock-masquerading-as-a-wizard wally is fun#cause youve got this funny little guy! in his little wizard outfit and his staff and classic wizard eccentricities!#but he has a lovecraftian horror curled up in his chest excited for its next opportunity to consume souls#home when making wally's body: ah fuck how do people eat again??? with their eyes right??? that sounds right... thats how i eat...#home a week later: shitshitshit their MOUTHS they eat with this Mouths goddamn it.... too late to fix it now#cut to wally internally panicking while watching other people drink/eat normally#hm i Realized that like... half the Neighborhood more often than not doesn't outright fight#poppy hangs back. howdy hangs back. barnaby rarely joins. frank is often busy researching#and then you've got eddie & julie going full-tilt nonstop absolutely mowing down enemies like there's no tomorrow. sword besties <3#wally and Sally casting from the middle ground...#wh fantasy au#maybe the howdy enthusiast in me is jumping out lately but hes soooo good in this au i swear#he's out here bargaining over a potion with his own neighbor mid-battle#bc he Will be funny about it when the stakes aren't high#forcing them to go through transactions even though he'd give the goods to em anyway#him vibing with poppy & barnaby while explosions go off in the background#and then when shit hits the fan he gets to be a Certified Badass and whips out the big guns with the cockiest grin you've ever seen#hes fun. i love him.#they're all fun. i love them.#home & wally make me especially Ough in this au. their relationship is so messy and you literally cannot have one without the other
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captainuranium543 · 2 months
Thing I've noticed about the Fairy tail fandom misogyny problem (I'm about to sound like such a nerd)
Not to be the loser of the year but the easiest way to see the bad treatment of women in the ft fandom is by imagining what would happen if you swapped the genders of gray and erza.
As we all know gray has a running gag of taking off his clothes, however while people clown on him for this it's also well known and obvious that he is more than that. He has depth and character beyond just that gag. In the more recent 100 year quest he really hasn't done that much by comparison to natsu Lucy erza or even Wendy. This has been (reasonably) upsetting to some fans arguing that he deserves better. I agree with this but I need you to imagine what the reaction would be if he was a women because it would be a completely different story.
If gray was a character who didn't get a lot of development and was always taking off his clothes as a women people would not be saying he deserves better then would be absolutely dog piling this dude calling him useless and fanservice only completely ignoring all his previous development.
How do I know this? Because that is literally what happened to Lucy. Back in the 2010s people WOULD NOT GET OFF HER ASS. people were constantly calling her useless (completely ignoring the fact that she's a brand new wizard being compared to guys who've been doing this since before puberty and NO SHIT SHES NOT THAT GOOD YET. THATS WHERE THE DEVELOPMENT COMES IN). It made sense for Lucy to be weaker than the others she was brand new to this and that was literally the point of her entire story to watch her grow as a wizard and become more independent and powerful. In some instances Lucy was written to be a damsel in distress character but rather then looking at her as an obvious victim of bad writing it was treated like it was somehow her fault. Gray and Lucy are very similar characters but gray is treated far more favorably right now than Lucy ever was back in the early days.
As for erza, people cannot stop calling her a plot armor character. All I see online is none stop hating, some people even claiming it's worse than natsu. The things is, to a degree they are right erza does have plot armor, the issue is that so does literally everyone else. As much as you don't want to accept it erza fights more so it's more noticeable with her but every single fairy tail fight outside of a few will have an element of plot armor ESPECIALLY for natsu.
The issue I have isn't that people are wrong it's that they completely ignore the fact erza is literally only being treated the same way male anime characters have been since the dawn of time but now suddenly it's a problem. Being overpowered and winning by punching things harder is fine as long as you're a dude ig.
It's even worse when people argue she's a Mary Sue because she objectively isn't. She not only has so many flaws that come to mind easily, she had probably one of the strongest character arcs I've ever seen. She's gone through more character development then 99% of the cast the only problem is that it happened very early and afterward Hiro didn't really know what to do with her.
That being said, even if she had no character arc at all I STILL WOULDN'T SAY SHES A MARY SUE. BECAUSE A MARY SUE IS A CHARACTER WITH NO FLAWS. AND NOBODY IN THIS SHOW IS MORE FLAWED THEN ERZA IS. I've heard people argue that all her flaws are comedic and, ignoring the fact this is just not true she has plenty of flaws that are genuine problems she needs to grow from (ie galuna island, tower of heaven and edolas), who cares if they are comedic? Natsu is also a very flawed person and has not had to change even a fraction of the amount Erza has and does that make him a Mary Sue? No. Do I still love him? Absolutely, he's funny as hell.
This post was not made to complain about gray or natsu btw Its not that I think they're useless or Mary sues I just don't think any of these characters are at all and I think people who do think that should all explode. Anyway this is just what I think feel free to disagree but don't try to argue with me because nobody is changing my mind on this one.
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shadowstarion · 6 months
ahem ahem aheeem..... ermmmm as a poly party enthusiast, would youuuu possibly have any more headcanons on the tadpolycule? 👀👀👀 thank you so much!!!
YES I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS. i’ll go character by character for headcanons and how i imagine different dynamics.
tadpolycule headcanons!
shadowheart is basically programmed to be non-monogamous and extremely repressed at the same time. it’s just sex and physical attraction with astarion and karlach until it isnt and then things get complicated. the idea of casual openness throughout the camp is comforting to her— clearly if they were interested in pursuing other partners that meant whatever they had with shadowheart wasn’t anything serious, right? she’s definitely closest to astarion and karlach but not at all opposed to fooling around with anyone else (maybe even aylin and isobel if they’re into it)
astarion isn’t sure about all this, but the lack of exclusivity is similarly comforting. he can make his own decisions about who he wants, what he wants, and when he wants it. he can decide that he’s craving a particular partner or type of play and he’ll have it damn near guaranteed. he’s showered in love from head to toe in every way he could possibly want it. the additional benefit to having flexibility in partners is that he never has to go without blood again, but he does have his preferences. shadowheart, halsin, and wyll are his top 3.
karlach has big feelings for everyone. shadowheart is her primary partner in the sense that their relationship is both romantic and sexual. when it comes to the rest of the group it’s usually one or the other; she has strong platonic bonds with wyll and gale that seldom cross into sexual territory, and sexual attraction to astarion and halsin thats more of an undefined grey area between romantic and platonic. she is also the group nicknamer; she will call you things and they will stick. shadowheart is shaddy or princess, astarion is fangs or stars, halsin is big guy or boss, wyll is prince charming, gale is teach
gale my absolute autistic legend does not even realize he’s included in whatever this is until it’s far too late. he can flirt yes, but being flirted with almost always goes over his head. gotta push my bladeweave agenda here by saying he’s ultimately closest to wyll, they’ve got some real friends to lovers/same trauma let’s kiss about it dynamic going on. as for the others i think he’s down horrific for shadowheart and halsin. has some weird sexually charged rivalry with astarion that’s mostly one-sided on astarion’s part. and karlach is just a solid bro
wyll is the group goody two-shoes without a doubt. he gets so easily flustered especially when it comes to astarion, karlach, and shadowheart. astarion flirts with him and poor wyll is a trainwreck, karlach is majorly physical once she’s able to be and it makes wyll’s heart race every time she hugs him, and shadowheart is so pretty it leaves him tongue tied. wyll’s a gentleman about everything too, he’ll give gale his coat as soon as he notices the wizard is shivering, insists that halsin take a rest and let him finish up chopping their firewood, etc.
halsin is the poly expert!!! he would absolutely be the one to give everyone else they language they need to discuss their relationships and boundaries. he’s the most sexually open of them all and doesn’t have any particular setbacks when it comes to sex; he’s happy to indulge anyone who wants him and let them indulge in whoever else they’d like. with halsin everything is super casual but intimate at the same time, all about pleasure and connection and enjoying life as nature intended. he’s the group service top and has definitely been called daddy at least once by everyone.
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Hey!! I just read your one cedric story and I literally loved it so much!! I feel like there isn't enough cedric x reader stories that aren't dirty so I wanted to request something from you!! Could you do something where like the durmstrang boys come into the school and show interest in the reader so it makes cedric jealous, but the beauxbaton girls come into the school and show interest in cedric and it makes the reader jealous but then at the end everythings good bc they end up together? so sorry thats so long lolll anyway, if you do this thank you so much!!
Jealousy, Jealousy~
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(I am glad you enjoyed it! I know my blog is 90% Hazbin Hotel, but I am happy to dabble in other fandoms I enjoy! I hope this is to your liking! I am just going to say Cedric doesn't die in this. We will just say that Harry never gets pulled and all is well.)
TW: Jealousy, Toxic Mindsets, Miscommunication, Cringe
The Tri-Wizard Tournament, a feared and respected event for many, was finally upon Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. All you heard from the Weasley Twins and Cedric himself all summer was how they would put their names in. Even as you guys sat in the stands cheering on your respective teams at the Quidditch World Cup, that's what you heard most.
You had been close to the group of boys, your father working at the Ministry with their fathers. This led to quite the odd friendship between you all. You were the same year as the twins, one below Cedric, but that didn’t stop you two from being best friends. If you weren't at the Weasley house, you were out at the Diggory estate. 
Due to this close friendship, however, many people assumed or just thought you and Cedric were dating. Not a day went by where his hand wasn’t holding yours or gracing the small of your back. He would walk up behind you and wrap you in warm hugs while placing his head on yours. However, as romantic as that was, you and Cedric always would say the common, “No, we are just friends, guys.” You had countless heartbreaks, though, watching Cedric win girls over and date them. However, the relationship never lasted long because as soon as they told him to stop talking to you, he quickly chose you first. You also had your fair share of relationships, some better than others. Oddly enough, though, they lasted about as long as Cedric's, but the guys always seemed randomly to break up with you one day.
Of course, Cedric was always right there, arms open and ready for your tears and healing. He would even commission the twins to give the blokes the what for. You two were always there for each other, never far apart, and never had you had a fight—until the day that Durmstrang and Beauxbatons joined you. 
Never in Hogwarts history did anyone expect to see Cedric fawning over a girl in blue and you a man in red. However, that was far from the truth. In reality, you both were just trying to make the other one jealous, and both of you were too afraid to be the first one to admit these feelings of love that extended farther than friendship. 
At first, Cedric was only friendly to the girl before him, just wanting to appease her curiosity about the school. However, when he saw the fire in your eyes, he hoped the same feelings he had ran through you. So he took it further, asking her for some butter beer. 
You were a stubborn girl, more stubborn than many cared to be. With his advancement on the young Beauxbaton, you sought out a particular Durmstrang boy who caught your eye.
Soon, it wasn’t just the Tri-Wizard Tournament games being played in the castle; it was a battle of wits and a relationship between you and Cedric. On the day the names were called, he all but expected you to run to him worriedly. However, as the Beauxbaton girl made her way to him instead, he was frustrated to see you have no care in the world speaking to that Durmstrang boy. 
Days went by, and you two played this back-and-forth game. One day, you tried to make him jealous over your affection for the Durmstrang boy, and the next, he made you jealous over the Beauxbaton girl. It was becoming painfully apparent to everyone except the four of you that this was obvious pinning between you and Cedric. 
As the trail against the dragons began, things turned interesting between you and Cedric. Your worry grew increasingly as he fought for the egg before him. You were on edge the whole time, and even though he was fighting for his life, he was looking right at you when he could. A warmth ran over your body; he was concerned about impressing you. Without hesitation, as the Trial ended, you made your way quickly to the champion's tents.
However, once you arrived, you were peeved to find Miss Beauxbaton hanging off of him, telling him how well he did. Your presence didn’t go unnoticed, however. As Cedric looked up to see you, instead of the worry-loving face you gave him in the stands, he got a callous smirk as you walked off. As he followed after you, it was his turn to grow angry seeing you and the Durmstang boy talking so fluidly. 
Things only grew more tense as you two battled out these feelings. Once the Yule Ball was brought up, everyone hoped you two would call this petty fighting quits and ask each other out. Of course, that would be too easy. Instead, Cedric asked out the girl from Beauxbaton, and you accepted the offer from the boy who attended Durmstang. 
The affamed Golden Trio had even begun trying to figure out how to fix the relationship that once existed between Cedric and you. What it all boiled down to was a masterful plot to make Cedric's follower and your follower fall for each other. Something much easier said than done. However, never expect anything less from the Trio, who has saved Hogwarts countless times. 
It started with simple misguided directions to where you or Cedric would be, leading to the two bumping into one another and sparking a conversation. Then it would turn into getting locked up in a classroom until a teacher came by, or the twins' personal favorite, a prank gone wrong, leading to the Durmstang boy taking the Beauxbaton girl to the infirmary. 
Things were going well, with your rivals quickly taking on their own relationship. However, the last push needed was for you and Cedric to break things off with your followers. That would be more challenging, as you two were too stubborn to admit you were wrong. 
However, considering how you and Cedric were at your breaking points, it may not have been as challenging as once thought. You had so much jealousy building in you that it was bound to break at some point, and it did come the night of the Yule Ball. Your date had taken to talking to Cedric's date, leaving you all alone; the same went for Cedric. As the night progressed slowly, you two leaned against the same wall, hands barely brushing against one another as you refused to talk about the elephant in the room. A slow song began as if the Twisted Sisters knew what was happening on that wall. 
Cedric looked at you briefly before placing his hand out for you to take. Slowly, you obliged and followed him out to the dance floor. As the song brought in more dancers, you were pushed closer to Cedric. Your face warmed, and you realized how stupid this whole game of cat and mouse had been. You buried your face more profoundly in the side of his neck. 
Cedric held you closer, inhaling your scent and enjoying the proximity that had been missing for ages between you two. With a resigned sigh, he spoke to you for the first time in forever. “I am sorry for how I acted; I was jealous when I saw that Durmstang boy fancied you.” You laughed and pulled away enough to look at him. “I can’t lie; I was overrun with jealousy toward that girl.” Pausing, you sighed and pulled yourself closer again. “I just wasn’t ready to admit that I liked you more than a friend yet, I guess.” Cedric stilled at your confession, looking down at you. A warm smile overtook him as he laughed and pulled you in for a sweet kiss. He felt light and airy when he pulled away, as did you. Your smiles rivaled those of the sun on a spring day. Some cheers and wolf whistles could be heard from friends who had been tired of watching the sicking display of you two playing your game.
As you leaned into Cedric again, you saw the Durmstang boy and Beauxbaton girl having their own slow dance. Who knew jealousy could turn into something so sweet?
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faru-itsok · 5 months
hi! and congratulations on having watched the new movie :) i'm curious, what are your top favorite dcmk movies and where would 27 rank?
HI! Thanks 🤗✨ and that is a difficult question 😅 hmm I will do a top 10!
So let's start!
1. Movie 27 “the million dollar pentagram”
Well after watching the movie it just moved right up the list, I just had to see Aoko there and it automatically became the best movie ever! Hahaha well it is a bit true, but the main reason is that the movie is entertaining, it had me giggling and shocked and then it had action and a bit of angst, it just worked so well I loved it!
2. Movie 19 “Sunflowers of inferno”
To be honest I would put these 3 movies as my seconds( 19, 26, 22), I really liked them so much, but I'm a huge Vincent van Gogh fan! I have been painting replicas of his works (not in an illegal way? Just painting for school projects, for me and gifts) since I was in middle school and when you combine my love for Kid and My love For art well… yeah it takes the cake 😅
3.Movie 22 “Zero the enforcer”
I had a hard time placing 22 and 26 i just find these are the best movies objectively speaking, they had a lot of action and are very quick movies, like there is always something happening and get your attention from start to finish, now 27 has that too and its why it jumped right above all XD. Now this one takes 3rd place because i just watch it more often, like when i travel or im bored and want to watch something exiting this is my go to movie along with movie 4 thats the only reason its above 26
4. Movie 26 “Black iron submarine”
As i said above this might as well be my second favorite as well, is a very well constructed movie, when I showed it to my family I actually said “this might be the best Conan movie in existence” to which my sister answered “because of Kaito Kid?” and when I said he didn't appear on it she actually felt curious enough to watch it and liked it. I really like the way things unfolded, had me focused the whole time and enjoyed it a lot.
5. Movie 4 “Captured in her eyes”
One of the best movies in my opinion! It has that quick peace that I like in movies and I just find it so beautiful!
6. Movie 14 “The lost ship in the sky”
This is other of my go to movies, it has that weird combination between action and humor that I love and I just loved the team work between Kaito and Conan
7. Movie 23 “The fist of the blue Sapphire”
It was a good movie! Don't get me wrong, I feel I should love it more, not that I don’t, is just it's not one of those movies I would seek to lift my spirits but the one I would watch to see just how cool Kid is and inspire me to write something😅
8. Movie 25 “The bride of Halloween”
I think the main reason this is even on the top 10 is because of Furuya Rei, I liked it a lot! Like most of the movies of DetCo but it lacked the sparkle? Idk I feel like I saw what was coming from the beginning but it was enjoyable. I loved the scenes of his past and Takagi acting like Matsuda 👌🏻✨
9. Movie 3 “The last wizard of the century”
It's just a classic you know? Like the whole story was entertaining, how Kid blew up a fucking power central just to find where the eggwas? the attempting murder on Kid, how he later saved Shinichi’s ass? It was glorious I really liked it but not as the ones up
10. Movie 20 “The darkest nightmare”
It's a great movie! I'm putting it down here because it made me love a character and then took it away from me so quickly that it makes me emotional when I watch it 😭😂✨
Wellp thats my top 10 is obviously based on my personal preferences and i tend to like the movies where Kid appears because it ads a bit to the comical area and the action (I have always loved movies with heists and thievery (not only kid and lupin the 3 ones)) so yep I hope you guys like this and i’ll be delighted to read your top 10 as well!
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doveissummerstuck · 4 months
PAGE 1-10 ACT 1
we here chat
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Ok this begins now,,,
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The iconic a young man stands in his bedroom he really do be standing tho
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but thats literally his name guys!!! and I got insulted,,, so sad literally cries
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yeah ok pal,,, im still gonna call you zoosmell pooplord,, :/ anyways first character of the comic he's really silly guys look at that goofy smile bro is literally 8D
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ok so first the room,, we sharin a bday ,, pretty cool next the fucking cake on the drawer..for what purpose john,, ok next the bed,, banger I love his sheets next the hot male above his bed,, smash /hj next the hammer and nails on the floor??? PICK THAT UP JOHN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! chest go hard tho but why there a cake on it
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yeah i can tell about the cakes,, I can tell johnny boy,, o em gee programmaer u nerd (i code for a living) I <3 paranormal lore yall,, and good for u as a magician but fuck dat have to do with the nails and on the floor and the cake on drawer,,,wait bars
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i didnt even notice he didnt have his arms what (homestuck brainrot)
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dumbass pooplord antics /lh
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yea do that remove that oddly placed cake
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i would NOT do that ( i would absolutely do that) but I wouldn't put it on his bed,, I've eaten cake in bed to many crumbs :/
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get yo arms my manz you you you armless
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what the fuck,, WHY ARE YOU HOKDLING UR OWN ARMS,, also why the photo in the chest look like his dad
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and they disapereadd with the captachalogeu
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oh they fake ik that ( no I didnt) now get up to some silly antics my boy ,,, bruh is a captachaloguemaxxing syalldex sigma 😹 (sorry) anwyas look at the other items
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first we got arms
next we got beans???
next we got ultimate silly antics disguise
a book titled Colonel Sasacare's Daunting text and Magicl Rivorioli and Practical Japripory
next we have a book titled wise guy
next we have a sword that looks like its made of white bamboo
a wizard hat that matches the chest
and more beans???????????????????
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oh,, ik that tottally, :3 i mean i got most of them right ,, but tf is a beagle puss is that what its called,,, anyways
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bro only got 4 lilttle logue thingies bruhh
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isnt vernaclaur a vein or something what
yeah bro and u have 2 cakes pls put 2 AND 2 TOGETHER
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this is finna be good!!!
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ion think bro can equip it
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knew he couldnt equpi it,, call me vriska cause I'm pyshcic (that joke made no sense sorry) ,, bro got the worst fecth modus every bro cant access shit,,, bros room finna be looking like he just got passed the blunt,, STACK DATA STRUTCTURE??? nerdy ass fetch modus bruh,, (I love the name) bro I find it puzzling and mildly irritating too bruh oml,,, "but with any hope" but with any hope.. but wwith any hope? but wvith any hope? but wvwith any hope?
sorry yrall ampora moment [the last 1 is my ampora oc guys :::::::;) ]
ok imma shut up now good night or good morning ,, imma contiunwe this later,,
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miahxrrington-blog · 11 months
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I miss, you
⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ ⋆ ˚。⋆
steve Harrington x henderson reader
warnings- angst (and un prof read work promise I’ll do it later I’m just really tired
also feel free to leave feed back this is my first time writing anything like this and feed back would be great fully appreciated practice makes perfect!
summary: steve and reader had broken up they now have to fight these supernatural beings together what happens when dustin confronts steve while y/n’s in the car and asks him about how he basically threw himself at nancy
I had broken up with steve a month ago its not that i didn’t love him still. it’s more that i knew he didn’t love me. his heart belonged to someone else. and i was foolish to think that someone was me.
because how could steve harrington ever love me. when he still not over his first love. at first I thought it was in my head. but i see the way they look at each other. the stolen glances here and there. and who was i to deny him the person he truly wants to be with.
so i had to let him go. because i loved him. and he loved her. he always has and always will.
it was the spring of 86 and once again we had gotten sucked into fighting the supernatural once again.
we had just been in the shed that eddie was staying in when we started hearing sirens with confused glances towards each other we look outside and see a bunch of police cruisers. we quickly tell eddie to hide under the tarp while we go investigate.
we all get in steve’s car and I get into the front seat while robin and the kids sit in the back. dustin and max look shaken up.
“hey it’s gonna be okay.” I console them turning around to look at them.
once we get to the scene, we quickly recognize a familiar face. nance. what was she doing there? I wondered. she gives steve a little wave and nods at him.
which steve returns.
we all make our way to the trailer park in which most of these events have taken place. we all sit at a picnic table I take a seat by steve being as thats the only seat that was left. I smile at him and then return to the conversation at hand. it doesn’t have to be awkward.
“so you’re saying this thing that killed fred and chrissy is from the upside down?” asks nancy
“if the shoe fits.” mentions steve
“our working theory is that he attacks with a spell or a curse. and whether or not he’s doing the bidding of the mindflayer or just love killing teens, we don’t know. ” dustin says trying his best to fill her in.
“all we know is that this is something different. something new” I mention.
“this doesn’t make any sense.” said a confused nancy
“it’s only a theory” reassures my brother
“no fred and chrissy don’t make sense. I mean why why them.” said nancy trying to figure out what the connection was.
“maybe they were just in the wrong place.” I answered
“they were both at the game”
“and near the trailer park” said dustin and max listing things on how this could all be related
“were at the trailer park. should we maybe not be here?” asks a concerned steve
“fred started acting weird the second we got here” said nancy
“acting weird as in??” asked robin
“scared, on edge, upset.”
“max said chrissy was upset too.” said my brother
“yea but not here. she was crying in the bathroom at school” adds max
“serial killers stalk there pray before they strike right? so maybe fred and chrissy say this vecman ” asks robin
“vecna” corrects my brother.
“i dont know about you guys but if I saw some freaky wizard monster, I would mention it to someone.” says steve I nodded agreeing with him
“maybe they did. I saw chrissy leaving ms. kelly’s office. if you saw a monster you wouldn’t go to the police they’d never believe you. but you might go to your.”
“your shrink” I said finishing max’s sentence
once we were all done talking we headed to steve’s car. nancy clearly taking a different direction. i started opening the car door when i heard a
concerned steve yell over at nance
“whoa. whoa, nance, nance! where you going.” he asks. ouch. i try not to let this affect me. I mean isn’t this what I wanted. and more importantly what he wanted. I ignore the pain in my chest.
“something I wanna check on first” she answers
“something you wanna share with us?” asks my brother
“I mean yea I thought we were all in this together.” I say
“I don’t wanna waste your time, it’s a real shot in the dark.”
“yea, okay are you out of your mind? flying solo with this vecna creep on the loose no it’s too dangerous, you need, you need some to” steve tried to think of something
robin stares at me and clearly sees my discomfort.
steve then tosses his keys to robin.
“here. I’ll stick with nance, you guys take the car, check out the shrink.” if only he was that persistent when we broke up. I thought rolling my eyes at his behavior.
“I don’t think u want me driving your car” says robin
“why?” asks steve
“I don’t have my license.”
“why don’t you have a liscense”
“because im poor.”
“I can drive” says max
“no, no, no never again. please. anybody but you no.” said steve persistently
“alright just give the keys to henderson.” my brother raises his eyebrows and reachers for the keys.
“no obviously not you dipshit your sister”
“I mean yea I could drive but I don’t necessarily have my license either. are you sure you want to trust me with your car?”
“you’ve driven my car plenty of times I trust you.” said steve reminiscing those times he would teach you how to drive when you were first considering getting your license.
robin then stares at me obviously noticing I didn’t want him to leave with her. robin didnt really understand steve and how so clearly he could’ve chosen you the girl he loves but he keeps doing stupid shit like this.
“alright this is stupid.” said robin grabbing dustins walkie to insure we have communication she smiles and winks at me.
“us ladies will stick together. unless you think we need you to protect us.” I snort which then causes steve to glare at me they both make there ways to nancys station wagon.
my heart aches.
“be careful.” steve yells
ouch. see I was okay with them being together but them rubbing it in my face like this hurt. and maybe it wasn’t intentional all I knew is I never wanted to see this again.
“your just gonna stand there and gawk harrington.” noticing the same thing i noticed
“shut up.” answers steve
I enter the front steve of the car while dustin and max head for the back. I roll my eyes.
“why don’t we go okay?”
“shut up and get in the car and wipe your feet.”
“on the outside not the inside.” says steve in a disappointed mom tone I laugh
steve eventually get in the car.
“always the babysitter. always goddamn babysitter!” he hits the steering wheel.
we arrive at ms. kellys house and we watch from the car as she goes inside
“okay. she’s in”
“we can see that. im missing collarbones not my eyes.”
“so…. dustin continues. we gonna talk about it?”
“im sorry talk about what?” asks steve
“your temporary insanity earlier today when you basically threw yourself at nance.”
i snort.
“that’s not what happened.” steve mutters
“pretty sure that’s what happened it was pretty public. there were a lot of witnesses including my sister.”
“don’t bring me into this.” I say
“are you implying I have a thing for nance?” asked steve
“no im not implying. im stating as it relates to your steadfast refusal to get back together with my sister it’s pretty much the only logical explanation.”
“no way your the one putting these ideas in your sisters head henderson? that im still into fucking nancy”
“I don’t know steve you tell me”
“why are we talking about this situation as if I’m not here.” You mention
“no because you and your brother seem have this stupid idea that im still in love with nancy when so clearly the only person i care for is u.”
“steve can we not do this while my brothers in the car. please.” you pleaded tears threatening to fall out of my eyes
“alright so get out and cover your ears henderson. the adults need to speak ” he rolled his eyes looking out the window
“steve i promise we’ll speak later can we just focus on max.” I asked he nodded and we continued on our journey.
later in the day we made to nancys house we all had to keep an eye on max after everything we had just found out.
once all the kids were sleeping and only me and steve were awake he dragged me to the bathroom and locked the door.
“ we’re talking and I swear to god if henderson is putting ideas into your head that I’m in love with nancy-“
“steve it’s not dustin it’s everyone, we all notice the way you look at her you never look at me that. ever.”
“I don’t want to be in the middle of that you deserve better.”
“baby…..” steve whispers holding my face as he sees the tears I push him off.
“no steve i can’t keep dating someone who is still in love with someone else. I mean look crazy you got back at the trailer park”
“because she’s a friend and I care about her. I don’t see a future with her y/n I see it with you.”
“steve you can’t say things like that.”
“y/n im serious I see you being mrs. harrington one day and carrying my babies. I don’t see that with nancy I see it with you. and im tired of fighting because I miss you. and im sorry if I haven’t been verbal about how much you mean to me y/n but your my entire world..” I stare at him letting him console my cheek while starring into my eyes
“not nancy. you henderson. and I’d kill my self before I’d ever let anything happen to you.”
“im sorry…”
“it’s okay baby it’s, okay just come here.” he says pulling me in for a hug.
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hauntedwizardmoment · 2 months
okay. this is. potentially such a weird specific ask but as i am over here getting ready to tpk my party who said that. what do you think would happen if for w/e reason jace's college party like. brought jace AND porter along for a mission. no idea WHY this would happen but i'm. literally just picturing the weirdest pissing contest between peregrine and porter during fights and jace is fighting for his life because the tanks are trying to one up each other so he can't even clock that he's kind of being fought over actually.
OH MY GODDDD YEAH. god. i have so many thoughts on this bc like
peregrine and porter are both like. so insecure about their masculinity in ways that i think would clash TERRIBLY. like, if this is adjacent to blood and turpentine canon. maybe their new offensive caster (drow wizard, name currently undecided but he's ysvelde's cousin) bites it and aurora's not able to resurrect him. so they need a backup.
and invidia is like "guys we're close to elmville. i know none of you like him but we could get jace" and dagbert and ysvelde are like "it's not that we dont LIKE him its that he's just. a lot of drama. with aurora and peregrine and everything." but then invidia asks peregrine who's kind of like the unofficial party leader and he's like (convinced he and jace could have an affair bc he's unhappy in his marriage and in his mind jace has always been available to him as a backup option) "well, we need all the help we can get and he's our best option" and i think the only reason aurora would agree to this is bc she thinks whatever mission theyre on might actually kill him
anyways. jace shows up with porter, to everyone's shock, and is like "you guys remember porter? he said he was free too and i figured we could use extra muscle" and IMMEDIATELY peregrine is like "why'd you think that? dagbert and i are--" and then dagbert (only professional on the team) is like making nice with porter and theyre like bonding and peregrine is like [grits teeth] okay. okay. it's fine. it's just a week in the red wastes like old times.
and porter KNOWS about jace and peregrine so he's like playing up the fact that theyre together. like jace gets hurt by something and aurora like rolls her eyes and moves to heal him and porter's like nah don't worry i got him, and kisses jace's hand for a Lay on Hands. and peregrine is fully like [actively seething] calm down calm down calm down calm down
ofc this leads to peregrine taking stupid risks in a major battle bc he thinks he'll win jace over by showing him how he can protect him. and he gets hurt as a result. and so does porter bc now he's taking damage that was meant for peregrine. and jace has to be the one to burn his 9th level spell slot and kill whatever monster theyre fighting. and he's like "guys youre both better adventurers than this?? what the fuck was that?" and neither of them want to admit that theyre kind of in a contest for who can show off in front of him so theyre like "it's nothing, won't happen again"
but ofc it DOES happen again. and again. and aurora who has made it her mission to not interact w jace at all lest she "accidentally" let off a 7th level inflict wounds and reduce him to a pile of black ichor when they still need him is like "you need to tell your little dalliance to knock it off because if you two get my husband killed i can't be held responsible for what i do. youre not even dressed like a whore this time around, i dont know what kind of hex you cast on him but fucking stop it"
and jace would ignore this because to him thats classic aurora, pissed off at him for no reason & blaming him for shit he didn't do, until invidia is like "did you bring porter to fuck with perry on purpose because that's SO you and SO petty i love it" and jace is like "no of course not, i genuinely thought we could use another tank" and ysvelde is like "okay but like, you wanted to fuck with him a little bit, right? make him jealous?"
and jace (low int) finally gets it and is like oh my god. martial classes are all fucking IDIOTS. is that why theyve been absolutely fucking useless in every fight? i shouldve gone through with marrying you ysvelde my life would be so much easier if i'd done that. and THIS is when invidia and ysvelde spill all the drama to him about peregrine and aurora's crumbling marriage and jace comes clean about peregrine coming onto him at his own wedding. and they laugh and laugh and it's like old times for a brief moment.
and then peregrine and porter get into a physical fight bc peregrine doesnt like that porter's been very touchy-feely with jace lately and porter was like "what's it matter to you? he's mine now, not that he was ever yours" or some other creepy possessive bullshit like that. and jace has to separate them and talk both of them down (well he yells at porter and is very soft-spoken and simpering with peregrine) because they wont listen to anyone else.
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lynn-tged-posting · 1 month
tged webtoon ep 155 spoilers but its part two and im yapping specifically about a certain line. below the cut!
(i rlly need to get into the habit of posting these on pc bc then i wont be limited w the number of imgs i can add to a post,,, but i forgot this time! whoops,,, its fine tho this is fine)
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im shaking lloyd so so hard. with love! need his thick engineering-pilled brain to understand /lh /aff
im amused and admittedly a lil confused bc i thought we had a whole bit where they at first didnt consider each other friends, but then they were fighting that dark wizard guy in the bone dragon (i forgor his name) and we saw them both realize each other to be friends right? i reread the webtoon recently i am not trippin i swear
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LIKE WE HAD THIS WHOLE MOMENT were we not supposed to assume that they considered each other friends at this point bc it like,, idk interrupted that memory of lloyd saying they werent or whatever 😭 U GOOFBALLS
AND YET HERE WE ARE 😭 it is interesting that its a mirror since lloyd says he was just curious when he asked javier abt his parents, and now javier says he was just curious abt what kind of person suho was,,,
unless like this is. idk some kind of ironic gag and they do consider each other more than just business,,, maybe i just dont get it,,, in which case well done adapter u played me like a FOOL,,, but if its not a case of silly irony gag then WHAT THE FUCK ADAPTER 😭
anyway that made me insane. i couldnt stop laughing in anguish for a couple minutes. it was a time. this ep gave me whiplash HAHA
ok NOW see yall next week for reals this time
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halevren · 7 months
FHJY Spoilers || my live thoughts as I watch episode 9
i got a new job and I felt sick last night so. I'm watching this very late. it has been tough avoiding spoilers but I Have Done So
hiiii one and all!!! hii intrepid heroes!!!!
i have been told stuff happens this episode. I'm so excited
"You're mad we're not doing drugs."
"I think this might be gorgug's worst day of his life."
so much happened last episode
totally healthy adult activity.
I love the projections
I think Brennan is loving being the vulture king
"One answer and it's Riz."
"I'm so glad I died on that battlefield."
A crisp 500 dollar bill
I love this so much
This is so silly
"Hey, I'll kill you, you fucker." "kiss him!"
"Can you bring his parents up here—" "NO."
"Feels like five"
"You wanna be in our crew?"
Kristen is really trying to get her friends to romance the vultures.
"Are you a God of some kind?" "I don't mind man."
This season is just Brennan breaking the PCs
oh good god
"Summons 1d4 vultures, they are not under your command."
no bring us back to the vulture dimension im obsessed with it
18 damage 😭😭😭
"I'm going to think about that for days."
"get out of my yard."
(Brennan rolling too many dice.)
the little fireball that could!
Concentration lost 🔥🔥🔥
is Ruben only able to give bardic
what are we making dex saves for.
"I'm dead from shame."
So many dice for Fabian
"Don't worry I got the ones out guys" Emily 😭😭😭
"I'm actually a huge fan."
so now that grix is destroyed does that mean there's no principal?
Ruben's frantically calling for Wanda
"I'm real right?"
"What happened? I was taking a shit."
"Do you have a warrant? Do you have a fucking warrant?"
Adaine is still dead on the ground
grix is untampered with
I miss ayda
29 investigation 🔥
24 points glowing red
Rage connection!!
"Can we get some hot sauce before we leave?"
"Found another glass of water"
Fabian finally getting his kisses in.
Nat 20 history rat check
"You know thats triggering for me!"
Rat stores
"There's not a rat world under the school."
Rat World!!!
oh god fig gave Fabian a bardic
sexuality inclusivity for cassandra!
aww..... fabian took bardic from fig earlier...
"You are. Cursed."
RIZ NAT 20!!!!
Force damage...
Three hours????
ah yes another use of the identity spell!
"You could multi class into wizard!" "Yeah, add it to the fuckin' pile."
There's something under the tree?? glyth???
I think Fig's bad luck is genuinely effecting Emily too with all these bad rolls 😭😭😭😭
Did.... Did the rat grinders kill Lucy???????
let adaine use the diamonds. finders keepers
divine intervention........
Kristen will have to work so hard to get cassandra back
spies tongue curse???
"Call an adult?"
"You were such a good teacher, I'm sorry I just got a C..." 😭😭
level of exhaustion :(
elmville police departments always on fire
did he just take the dirt like a line of drugs?
one becomes a 10 which becomes a 19
*head in hands* "is it okay if I ask you about your case, mom?"
"So I'm unbelievably wealthy. And me and my friends just discovered the site of a double homicide. So....."
Group IV time, or group shock therapy.
Gorgug putting barbarian first
"We need a word."
Gorgug talking to Porter is so funny
ok. wait this is actually kinda sweet between Porter and Gorgug
"I feel lucky to have you in my class." 😭😭😭😭
The Last Stand exam?
oh god. 4 stress tokens
I wonder if the intrepid heroes are aware of the 5 stress token
"I'm in a lot of school."
Gorgug looking into building a time machine real as hell
Oh my god gorgug is still on the owlbears
"Okay I think I have to lie down."
I'm going to fight the wizard teacher
"I love my life. Everything is perfect."
10 CATS??
aelwyn and adaine bonding 😭😭
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via-the-cryptid · 1 year
Im He/Him thank you so much :)
I got another funny idea: The events of "The Visitor", but its Simon and Martin.
Maybe Simon was in one of his travels when he came across something he was not expecting to find, another human. He comes close and he looks pathetic and small so Simon lets his guard down, but as soon as its obvious that he is not dangerous the stranger comoletely changes his atittude and thats how Simon realises he is not one to trust and also he seems familiar. They have a little adventure together and its only at the end that Martin tells Simon his name and thats when he connects the dots: This is the man who hurt Betty's son, HIS SON, and Simon losses it, imagine Marceline beating Ash on the ground but with all the might of Magic Simon.
Also, Betty trying to make Finn an Ice arm to make him feel better, maybe transfering all the overprotective tendencies she had towards Simon into Finn because someone hurt her baby and she wont let that happen again.
ok so first of all, this is the funniest fucking thing I’ve ever seen because I’m imagining Martin, freshly crash landed on Ooo, meeting this bizarre twink of a man and deeming him to not be a threat, right? and the guy says he’s a wizard or something but all he seems to do is float and sometimes laugh at weird times, so like, probably not a very good wizard. not gonna be an issue. Martin’s playing it safe, he’s keeping his name to himself rather than tell the dude literally calling himself ‘Magic Simon’ (is he brain damaged? is there something wrong with him? probably but it ain’t Martin’s problem) until it’s about time for him to leave. he tells the weirdo, “thanks for the help, you’ve got Martin Mertens’ thanks!” and the words have barely left his mouth before the guy fucking decks him. Magic Simon and Martin Mertens are gonna throw down in the post-apocalyptic Denny’s parking lot. Simon is spitting insults about literally everything and may have also cursed Martin like six separate times by now. Finn is invited to watch but Jake comes instead to report it back to him so Finn doesn’t have to deal with Martin’s personality. Simons gonna curbstomp him. Snow Queen has never been more in love.
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saym0-0 · 7 months
oh my god. oh my GOD mechs esmp crossover. this is for SUCH a niche audience the esmp fandom is dead i dont care mechs esmp crossover
LISTEN TO ME okay ill have to add a sci-fi element to my established esmp world i am OKAY with this, grimlands are already victorian steampunk its not that big a stretch to add space travel, especially in the place of dimension travel.
okay so in my esmp lore the emperors are blessed by the gods with conditional immortality and flight, they know a new ruler has been born by if they're born with wings. i bet though i could twist that into the king cole/olympians idea of trading their citizen's lives for immortality. although it is kinda reversed? (mechs immortals tend to stop aging but can be killed, emperors still age and can die of old age, but cant be killed). hmm i mean theres definite differences between king cole and the olympians so maybe its just another variation, or something closer to the mechs themselves? though that ones less likely
honestly there literally is an esmp1 musical so i reckon its interesting enough to attract the mechs
but lets be honest with ourselves here, the only reason im doing this is so i have an excuse to draw grimlands!marius lmao
i think raph would be interested in it too though, with how they're so much more reliant on technical advancement than magical.
ivy would love the rivendell library, and crystal cliffs
hmmm jonny might have fun between mythland and the cod empire,,,
hmmmm brian would maybe like to hang out with shrub in the undergrove? he does like his garden,, maybe the overgrown with katherine too,, or gilded helianthia!
hrm,, i keep wanting to put people in the grimlands but i know thats only because its my favourite so therefore the most developed and also the most similar in vibe to the mechs
with that said though, tim really would have fun there,, like hes the gunpowder guy!! fwhip is the gunpowder guy!! they both r in charge of weapons!! guns, crossbows, same difference really
oough back to raph i think she and fwhip would bond over making their own wings,, fwhip made his to prove that he is fit to rule after gem fucked off to wizard school and raph,, uh actually i never found out raphs backstory beyond the fact im like 78% sure she made her and marius' mechanisms,, although that could be widely accepted fanon who knows not me
i think marius would also enjoy mezelea
but OH MY GOD TOY SOLDIER IN MEZELEA,,, i cant believe i almost forgot it,, i think it would immediately blend in with the clones and pretend to be one right up until they leave the planet, and have the time of its life the whole time,,
i dont know where ashes would go either.. i cant just say grimlands again because theres like four of them there already but,, the explosions!!
maybe mythland, or rivendell, those both seem like they'd appreciate a good mob boss taking over the place tbh
i think brian would get along with pix also
okay this isnt mechs but the fandom is a circle so if theres actually any fans of both out there reading this post, has anyone else noticed just how similar pix and jon's (tma) voices are?? genuinely when i started listening to the podcast i had to double check the va wasnt pix (and imagine my confusion when they share the same name too..)
anyways if anyone wants to scream about this with me please do, or if you want to know more about my esmp expanded universe feel free to do that too! in asks replies or reblogs idm
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rainbowgod666 · 9 months
Welcome to the Multiverse
Colors sendable (the first image is from @sizzlingcandyjellyfishhh while thesecond image is from @gaybichon), and also the @wynmu vibes thing. While the divider was made by @sister-lucifer (weird url ik but mines weirder soooo)
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To all RPers: my very existence takes the narrative and uses it as toilet paper. The 4th wall is my onahole. You can use the askbox to talk to your blorbos.
To let you get started, here are some of my best posts. Remember that the Ourple ones are KINDA mandatory if you want ANY background on wtf is this blog.
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List of my powers / Its the end of the world as you know it (and i did it on purpose) / an admin kicked me off the island lmao / Mental Health Time / You Absolute Buffoons / The Numeron Game / Well thats a thing that happened! / Out of touch: leap yeap / 🅱️usiness / Magnus did nothing wrong, except its steven universe / welcome to the internet, SCP edition / #HALLOLLAH# / AMERICA IS FASCIST HEAVEN BECAUSE FUNNY / Lost Childhoods / please save those poor gay americans / Free Disco Elysco / Bone to the bad / Priting Wrojects / the True Range of my abilities / the fuck's an apocalypse knight anyway? / @punkitt-is-here fucked Geronimo Stilton and i think its a good thing / Alex goes batshit insane and forces everyone to do as he says... again 🙄 / Screaming in a Pattern. / wizardposting: because powerscaling needed fuckign Zeno Dragonballsuper apparently / BEN 10 BUT LANCER? FUCK YEAH! / So i went batshit insane again / High Geology / fantasy settings on tumblr are really fucking cool actually / RIFLE. IS. FINE. BUT YOU FUCK UP DESIGN YOU UROD. / i technically claimed ownership of Dr. Bright and Betty from glitchtale do you seriously think im NOT gonna do that for homestuck? / XenasOuch / SCP-8000 contest, OR: WHAT THE ACTUAL FUC- / LEMMINO but like, 8 years ago / Hazbin Hotel: a necessary... something i guess. / research attempt: the wizardposting wine aunt /
Below is who i am, and also the tags you can (and should) search for
Hi, name's Alex.
Born on the first ever day of 2005 and also having aspergers, i am a guy from italy trying to make it impossible for anyone to spend a day without knowing who i am. Also i literally trascend powerscaling so hard the only things that can even put a DENT on me are... decided by me. Welcome to the multiverse i guess.
DNI: people who support genocide, people who tolerate corporate bullshit, racists, and terfs.
The following list is ALL THE TAGS USED TO NAVIGATE THIS BLOG. Seriously. This masterpost is an explaiantion for the "portal hub" i placed in the search bar
Lore Post: sometimes the lore of the multiverse, sometimes my personal life.
Welcome to the multiverse: sometimes MASSIVE textpost telling everyone "oh yeah right, this dude has autism", usually me existing. tHE MAIN TAG.
Alex's Answering Machine: literally my asks
The magical workshop: turns out the wizards of tumblr are the reason the phrase "some of y'all have gotten too comfortable saying stuff without getting punched for it" exist. And its up to my autistic, protagonism-fueled low self-esteem high self-awareness ass to... fix shit up.
Belowstory: undertale but REALLY FUCKED UP: so basically frisk falls down and is greeted by a feminine voice that calls itself chara (it becomes slightly visible after getting out of the ruins) and like the good boi undertale character he is he proceeds to save the world. This entire thing exists because one time I was like "how fucked up OP can a sans be before its My Immortal levels of wtf?" And uh yeah here we are uuuuuuh sans greets you by pointing a .44 magnum at you so thank the head of the guards (papyrus) for saving you. Everyone here is broken and just wants A Fucking Break. Also you gain levels in pacifist because LOVE is Level Of VirtuE. Fuck you lmao
Undertale.exe: so I looked at Camilla Cuevas being an awful person. Then i looked at the beautiful anime that is @jakei95's underverse... then i smushed it all toghether to basically create the perfect AU. Frisk is a pansexual fuccboi that Has Game, Chara is THICC and powerful, Betty is built like a ballerina and is 1000 years old, and Asriel is a Streemur. All of them live in this house far away from the city thats literally a larger version of sans' house. All charachters can legally drink (prepare for Drunk Chara shenanigans where its Betty Glitchtale the drunk one instead) and the only one who (probably) isnt gay is Asriel (even though frisk covets the Dreemur Dong) (one day soldier, one day...). Many chatachters from many AUs sometimes come to visit cause, you know. Its a nice place.
Curseworld: massive writing project of mine which is just "adventure time shaped mass of autism". The world is cursed and fucked over, and everything is colorful. Its also part Owl House because fuck you the magic system is FUCKED here.
Internet friends: basically internet stereotype-shaped people. We have a furry thats normal, a reddit/discord mod that just wants to work in peace, and the protagonist is Just A Guy but a-ha! He has both an xbox an...d ps5 thus fucking over any CAD reference. The last sketch i made was a mr.monopoly shaped guy who really wants youngsters to actually AFFORD shit who is married to a very obvious reference to Meru the succubus. Also i 100% intend to put a gag about mr beast living in an ATM when he isnt making videos
Im looking respectfully: look. Back then tumblr was basically Rule 34 with twitter users. Now its way better at the cost of a fraction of their value. Have fun looking at attactive women!
TOH:NEXT GENERATION: not even @moringmark's comics are safe! Enjoy the adventures of ayzee commented by me... telling everyone that shes STRONG strong. Like holy shit girl inherited will much?
Warhammer 50k: listen. This is just me looking at games workshop and fucking emperors tts and going "fuck that. Heres mine". This is a project where my "shard" assegned to this universe basically copies the imperium because, and im not joking, "the emperor is kind of a baka, but then again tzeentch is a thing so...". Also btw TTS is canon as SHIT. Like fr its all canon. Yes even the shadowsun fling, let kitten rest.
Pluripotent Impotence: an scp canon of mine thats basically "the foundation is so cold and clinical they MASSIVELY misunderstood shit". 6140, 6500, 5500 and 7000 are canon. 2718 and 5000 are in the files but they basically might as well not exist. 3812 is living tech support. 166 is in her early 20s and 239 is 19 and they fuck nasty (theyre also childhood friends. Girl Love i guess~) because fuck you clef love wins especially yuri go snort telekill dust. 2317 loves humans and thins theyre cute and squishy and when its seventh child turned out to be fucking JoyBoy? Yeah get this: he DID condemn the fortune teller that was like "dude your sevent child is one of those prophecy children that are so in vogue these days" but also messed with fate so that her death ended up being the coolest and most inspiring shit ever because he was like "considering the average Evil King story, i might as well just... let this happen! Maybe i can convince my literal offspring to spare me!" And it fucking worked. Also a bunch of shit is canon. @i-am-dado looks like a Kpop star and is somft. Dr Jack bright is my character and mine alone and also elias shaw is there i guess. My OC bangs the first one of these 2 amulet boys on a regular basis and the second one occasionally, dont ask why is there a gay polycule when im straight, there are some things that escape my mind. I have been in SCP for a long time and regardless of me making my account 6/1/2024 (LA BEFANAH) i have been here longer than you believe in. From my perspective it took a year before a 5000 contest was announced, so fcuk yoyu
Earth-ℵ₀: the best way to take care of the DC and Marvel universes is... let an autistic dude fix damages done by money-hungry idiots in hollywood. The joker is unimportant. Dr.Manhattan is Done With This Shit. I made a squad with random charachters i like. Lmao suck on uranium rods UwU
ytposting: (Funkdela Catalogue: Encounter starts playing)
Omni-shit: ben 10 is actually a good series guys, and the reboot is an interesting way of showing what would Ben 10 Classic look like if it was made Now
1% enhancement: basically i look at something and go like "hey what if the charachters were basically part me but not in a Knights of the Apocalypse way"
Tumblr italia: aò sono italiano che cos'altro vi aspettate
components: basically i use tumblr as image hosting. LoL.
Items: images turned undertale items. For reference, i have 2³¹-1 HP and my stats are ATK 100000 and DEF 65535. Yes the attack is a yugioh zexal reference. NOSTALGIA IS PTSD BUT GOOD.
Mungeon Deshi: dunmeshi is a good anime and marcille is italian
Full Nelson Analchemist: if FMA exists in my presence im going to give the 20k mg weed gummy to Truth
Evangelion 4.0: look, hideki anno has gone insane. Every time he makes evangelion as the most brain damaging version of telling someone to go touch grass people inevitably miss the point. I take it upon myself to give the @jakei95 treatment to the poor creatures (also fun fact: KAWOSHIN CANON. THEY KISS ON SCREEN. FUCK YOU AMERICA.)
The hoes are stuck: homestuck. What you thought they were safe from my grasp? 人間 you havent seen sheiße.
FeeF the BeeB: minecraft mod bullsheiße
[[Nothing Is Worth The Risk]]: lets just say that sometimes, the multiverse isnt that "cool and good"
Ultimate Sonic: i have a Sonic AU where... uhm... just. If i have a post about that. Just look at it. LoL.
Multiverse Polls: i make tHEM-
Autistic and Artistic: (draws happily)
Side effects of reading this blog can vary between true insight into the inner workings of the universe and self-defenestration from the top of the burj khalifa.
Anyways welcome to the multiverse
Do yourself a favour and dont go out without a loaded gun.
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thesoulbox · 9 months
Do you have any HC on the relationship between Gregory and Glitchtrap? (sorry if I wrote it wrong)
do i?!?!? OMG, and dw! You didn't write anything wrong! Feast on this! When under Glitchtrap's control, he was totally the golden child, i mean, he's the wizard's favorite APPRENTICE for heaven's sake LMAO. Maybe he was seen as more important or valuable (since we know that Gregory is good with technology) than Vanny? So ... favorite child? (Vanny would totally resent them) I feel like Glitchtrap would probably teach him things though when it comes to coding and spreading viruses and whatnot too, because well, he's a virus after all. As a virus, you'd obviously want to take control of more things, and since Gregory can code and stuff, he'd be able to break through certain firewalls to let Glitchtrap through, thus spreading his virus. He would also teach him how to murder people (Although i feel like Glitchtrap would leave the murdery stuff to Vanny, since she's an adult and poor Greggy MaGee is just a lil kid.) But Gregory would totally know how to kill someone and hide their body, just saying. I also feel like he'd use Gregory as bait, you're more likely to trust an innocent lil kid than an adult right?
I feel like Glitchtrap would totally feel like a proud father when he sees Gregory in his dr rabbit suit, he's just so excited that his favorite apprentice is becoming just like him (Glitchtrap is so freaking weird i swear) And maybe in a way Gregory (Under it's control of course) might see Glitchtrap as a father of sorts (Although he's being entirely misled) I feel like Glitchtrap would be a totally manipulative little shit and would basically manipulate Gregory into trusting him, making the lil guy happy and then screwing with his head by making him kill someone a couple minutes later
But uhh..thats all ive got! thank you so much for the ask! i love receiving them!! Ive never really played around with their character dynamic before so this was fun to mess with! Thank you!!! <3
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quark-art · 5 months
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got a lot of art from various ttrpg campaigns im in that i just never posted? so heres just all of it
campaign / character info under the cut:
1: thats milly! shes my character in a middle earth campaign i recently joined. shes a hobbit warden, which is basically a bard minus spellcasting. shes talky
2: atmos is a poppet kineticist (air/water) in a pathfinder 2e rp server i joined, theyre nonverbal and filled with rage
3: ACE-9, an autognome (flavored as a different race called "cairnicks") warlock/wizard (hexblade/war magic) i made for a one-shot. despite being a warlock/wizard, she was the tank of the party bc she had crazy high AC, which drove my dm crazy (hi @arclundarchivist <3). she ended up sacrificing herself to save her AI patron
4-5: ive posted about zaltus before, hes my leonin cleric, the other guy in those doodles is andanan, the paladin in the party, who zaltus has a weird crush on bc he reminds zaltus of his wife (seen in 8)
6: zaltus got wasted one session and was super normal
7: zaltus is a sub. moving on
8: zaltus's wife was super hot but shes dead now bc zaltus got zorped 600 years in the future. sad
9-11: buoy is an owlin barbarian character ive got prepared for a campaign way in the future that im still playing with the design for
12: joey is my backup character for another campaign the same DM is running, shes a human ranger and she loves pokemon!
13: jacob is an npc from that same campaign, hes a conspiracy theorist who is unfortunately uniquely incapable of seeing supernatural stuff
14: same campaign, these are the folks in the highschool dnd club joeys in. the witches think they have magic and dont, the hunters think magic is real and are right. they hate each other
15-16: a scene from another campaign from the same DM, in the same universe as zaltus! ive posted about chomphuphan, my ursine cleric, and the other character is jengen, the barbarian in the party whos sorta choms father figure now
17: chomphuphans adoptive brother is named onkhot and he broke his leg protecting chom from bandits. theyre angsty
18: jengen had long hair and i didnt know this when i drew him initially. anyway he and chom are friends and jengen drinks fire resistance potions to bang fire giant ladies
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