#the 'forever' hits different for them yknow
thjslove · 11 months
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I'm trying to see the cards that you won't show I'm about to fold unless you say "Don't go" I would stay forever if you say "Don't go"
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z3rinn · 1 year
featuring : leona kingscholar and malleus draconia !! fun fact! Ever since you bid Malleus or Leona goodnight, they literally can’t sleep without you saying it.
aaaaa I'm sorry for not posting in so long!! but I hope you all enjoy ! mwah !
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Everyone knows that the second prince of the savanna loves to sleep. Everyone knows he'd drop anything he deemed unimportant just for a quick nap. But nowadays he found it harder to sleep than usual. The prince couldn't even figure out why. Maybe it was because all these Herbivores were annoying him. Or maybe it was because Jack was following him around.
So here he lays, in the middle of the botanical gardens. His thoughts completely consumed by one thought- and one thought alone. You.
He wouldn't admit it- but deep below Leona knew it was you who was the problem. It was all your fault. You were the whole reason he couldn't fall asleep. And it was all because you bid him goodnight.
It was on a day just like this. A perfect evening for napping. A perfect evening to sleep with his Herbivore. Leona rested his head on your lap, eyes closed as you nonchalantly ran your fingers thru his hair. "Yknow I gotta go right? I'm gonna miss class- with no excuse. Do you know how mad Riddle would get?" You sighed, looking down to the lion unimpressed.
He just dragged you out to the gardens. Making the both of you late for class. It wasn't even the first time he did it. And you doubted it would be the last. Leona just rolled his eyes at your comment, soon closing them as he shifted around. "Shut up. Riddle's not even your housewarden. And you can miss one class."
You groaned, throwing your head back against a flower pot. Your hands tugged at his hair causing him to hiss.
A small, mischievous smile formed on your lips as you looked down at him. "Oh Leona- what if I just leave real quick... and then later on today I'll come visit you in your room and we can chill there. Or you could come to Ramshackle if you want?" Your hands ran down the side of his cheek, a soft hum leaving your lips. "And then you can lay on me allll you want."
Leona tched, "No. That's too bothersome. I'd rather be sleeping at night."
"Uh- bro so would I??"
Leona narrowed his eyes at you. "What did you just call me!?"
You hummed, slumping further. "Oh nothing."
It was silent for a moment, and it was right before Leona fell back asleep when you spoke. "Goodnight, you little Lion." Before grabbing one of his braids and pressing a kiss to it.
The Lion's eyes opened wide, his eyes immediately falling to yours. He could feel his body gaining heat, freezing in place as he flushed. That was when you smiled and stood up. Leaving him on the floor, dazed, and confused.
Ugh. This was all your fault.
A heatwave rushed across Night Raven College, hot and annoying. Heatwaves were common yes, but in winter? Well that was something completely different. The sudden change in temperature confused many, winter had just begun- why would heat of all thing suddenly consume the island? Only a few people knew of what caused this, or rather who.
It was none other than a prince, the prince of briar valley, a prince who had just been hit by the effects of love.
It was another late night at Ramshackle when the incident occurred. Another late night where the fireflies gleamed in the dark. Another night where you and Malleus could walk, feeling the breeze across your skin as you walked side by side. It was nights like those where you could just walk silently, basking in each other’s warmth as you shielded from the cold.
It was a night where no words were spoken, yet the fae prince had no trouble with that. He quite enjoyed these quiet nights together. No one bothering him, no one following him around, “guarding.” It was but a perfect night. Him and his child of man together.
However, he knew that these nights couldn't last forever.
You walked just slightly ahead of him, towards the patio of Ramshackle. Malleus listened as you crunched your feet against the leaves on the floor.
"This was fun," You spoke softly, giving the dragon a light smile, "I should go now though, before Grim gets hungry."
He smiled, "All right, shall we meet again tomorrow?"
Your smile grew, "Of course, I'll see you then?"
Fireflies swarmed the fae, signaling he was about to leave. "Very well, then I shall take my-"
"Ah! Wait, before you go!" You ran down the steps of the building, stopping right in front of Malleus. You had a sly smile on your face as you leaned closer into him. Before the prince could question you, a small kiss was pressed against his cheek.
He felt your lips on his soft cheek, gently pressing down into his face. He could feel his face slightly flush but just as it began, you suddenly pulled away from him.
You gazed into his eyes as you leaned away, that smile on your face growing tenfold due to his surprised expression. "Goodnight, Tsunotarou." And just as you came, you left. Leaving him alone and confused. And with dreams for days.
Malleus lied alone on his bed, holding a pillow to his chest, his face flushed. Thoughts of you and him consumed his mind. What did this mean? Where you trying to court him? Did you want to start planning for your future together?
All of his feelings and emotions poured out as he sighed into his pillow. Only for it to cause yet another wave of heat to rush across the school. It was honestly a surprise no one (Lilia) hadn't yet talked to him....
He wasnt quite sure what these feelings were yet.
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that-starry-freak · 1 month
Yknow what? I have to rant about this this has been eating me up for forever. Fuck confessions I'm going to do this here.
I fucking hate old moon
Do I love his sass? Yes. Do I love how Reed plays him most of the time? Yes. Do I love how he interacts with other characters? Yes!
Do I like him as a "person" and for what hes done? Absolutley not. He abused Sun, and when he found out the daycare exploded his first reaction was to be upset because THE STICK HE WOULD ROUTINLY HIT SUN WITH was fucking destroyed. I'm sorry bitch what??? That's disgusting Moon I wish you burned in hell <3
I also absolutely hate that no one saves Nexus
Do I think it was Sun's fault? Absolutely not, he has had way too much shit to deal with. Do I think its Earth's fault? While I think Nexus was absolutely right for calling her out for not being a therapist, she has every right to be upset for him saying he'd kill her. Do I think its the families fault in general? No, Nexus pushed them away and hurt them, they did try.
You know who I do blame? Who should understand Nexus better than anyone? Who even admits partial responsibility for it, and pretty much denies any sort of redemption for Nexus?
Mother fucking Old Moon.
Old moon committed arson. He abused Sun routinely (forcing him to go to dangerous dimensions. Hitting him. Calling him stupid. Having a clear power difference between the two and abusing it). He put his killcode in Sun and is literally the reason Eclipse exists and terrified their family.
But no, Nexus is the one in the wrong. He's the one that will have to do soemthing huge and grovel to be redeemed. Because he threatened the family after having hallucination and literally going insane and mourning his best friend, and feeling like he wasn't good enough and spiraling cause he couldn't bring Solar back, and then joined Dark Sun whos known to be exteemly smart and manipulative. Not Old Moon, who did so much worse. No, he gets to rejoin the family after apologizing and promising to do better (and yes, he is doing better) sure, Sun doesn't forgive him (and im proud of him for admitting that <3 that's very strong of him), but still.
Plus, Nexus is literally the youngest family member. He's a lot younger than Earth and Sun and Moon and Lunar. He isn't Sun's twin, and he isn't Earth's older brother. He is the youngest. And that should be addressed, because that means he is much more immature. He hasn't had all the time to grow up like the rest of them have. Moon has had years to grow as a person. Nexus has had a year.
Anyway, tldr. I dont blame the family for what happened to Nexus, I blame Old Moon
Also sorry for bad spelling or grammar or autocorrect or whatever, I'm not rereading this
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arrowheadedbitch · 4 months
Okay everyone, get ready for a long as hell post.
Tw, suicide attempt, suicide, suicide talk
This is my really indepth Shawn hc that is more of just straight up a story at this point
Okay, so during the ten years, at some point Shawn is super duper depressed. He's not going well at all. He's thinking of offing himself, and he has it all planned out. But, he calls his dad first, in hopes that despite their rocky relationship his dad will talk him out of it. But, as soon as his dad picks up the phone...well, you know Henry, he assumes the worst. So Henry is already yelling at him, why are you calling, what do you need now, blah blah blah, so shawn hangs up on him without ever getting a word in edgewise, he never gets to tell him why he called, and now it's just confirmed to him that he should end it and he's feeling a little spiteful too, so he downs a bottle of painkillers, one of the ones with the candy coating, yknow? He only survives bc he didn't care to lock his apartment door and one of the random girls he's always hooking up with came by to get something she accidentally left there, he doesn't answer but the door isn't locked so she thinks she'll just slip in an get her stuff, but instead she finds shawn and gets him an ambulance. After Shawn gets better, he either manages to charisma his way into convincing the doctors that it wasn't *really* a suicide attempt and gets realesed or does his regular sneaky shit and escapes and dips town so he doesn't have to do any therapy or go to grippy sock jail.
To this day, Henry doesn't know, GUS doesn't know, NO ONE KNOWS, *shawn tells NO ONE*
And he can't take advil anymore, can't stand the candy coating.
Hear me out, him accidentally letting it slip during a big argument with Henry
I'm thinking Shawn says something that alludes to what happened during the argument without out right saying it so Henry gets to be more confused than angry as Shawn realizes what he almost reveals and completely shuts down refisung to elaborate
I'm imaging that scene in modern family where Alex accidentally mentions to her dad that she did stuff she wasn't supposed to as a teen and slowly backs out of the room
And I could go on a whole rant about the candy coated painkillers, and I will!
The idea of picking something that's supposed to be sweet, that is supposed to go down easier
Because that's kind of the whole point of candy coating, and Advil tastes good as hell, I don't care what anybody says
He chose something that would be sweet and go down easy for his final moments
But it ended up sickly sweet
And it still got stuck in his throat
And it burnt on the way down
He started out tasting good (there's a reason Advils child lock game is so good) but it ended up tasting awful and burning
The burn and pain contrasted with how he thought he would go out
(Maybe even a perfect metaphor for his relationship with his father too....)
The taste is stuck in his mouth forever, a taste he can never forget
The sickly sweet burn of a whole bottle of candy coated painkillers
And even just the term "Candy Coated Painkillers" feels kind of perfect for Shawn, like aiygjvifjtjejjdksndh
Also the fact that he never tells Gus? AUGHH hits me right in the heart
He doesn't call his mom or his best friend, he doesn't tell them, they wouldn't even know until after he was long gone
Maybe Lassie finds out at some point, finally switching gears from looking for something in his criminal record to checking his medical history
Or as a favor for Juliet (thank you Sid/@obsidiancreates ) to find out the truth about a scar he won't tell her about
Lassie doesn't tell anyone, but he does switch out Juliet's stash of Advil for Tylenol, no candy coating.
Shawn finds out he knows because he gets protective of all the new suicide cases in a completely different way than before
Shawn has to tell him to tone it down before Gus starts getting suspicious
And then of course, there's the major angst potential of an AU where Shawn /does/ die
Especially if told from Henry's perspective...
Especially if all of Psych is just Henry imagining what could have been if Shawn didn't die......
But that's all for now!
Enjoy, angst lovers!
[Thanks to @obsidiancreates and @mores0 for talking with me about this AT LENGTH in the Psych discord :)]
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ftmtftm · 9 months
different anon, but I remember being like the transmed and thinking being trans was the worst thing that could never happen to me when I first realized what I was. I made myself miserable trying to convince myself that I wasn’t, that I didn’t want to be, and if I just avoided thinking about it or doing anything about it then I could just keep pretending I was cis forever and no one would be the wiser
however, it was the idea of having to be either binary gender that made me feel dysphoric to the point of spiraling. neither of them made sense to me, I felt like I was entirely without a place in the world, completely illegible.
it was realizing that everyone experiences their gender and presentation differently that finally helped me remember how to breathe.
I really hope transmed anon, once they grow into themselves a bit more and feel a more secure, realizes that trying to insist other people are “being trans wrong” will never make them not miserable, or give them the validation they evidently don’t have within themselves and are seeking externally. other people having different reasons for going on HRT or not starting HRT have nothing to do with them or their own process.
I never understand how those kind of people don’t realize that trying to say “You Must Do X to be Trans” just means they aren’t taking people at their word when it comes to their identity and who they say they are.
as in, the thing that causes us so much pain when cis people do it.
but yknow. it’s sometimes easier to hit the people closest to you when you’re afraid ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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I think you hit the nail on the head with the last sentence of your first ask.
It's sometimes easier to hit the people closest to you when you're afraid.
Because you're absolutely right. Especially when you view those people as lesser than you in response to their proximity to you. It's a way to make yourself feel big. It's a phenomenon that happens with most bigoted / hateful pipelines. You see it in the working class with the poor, you see it in gay spaces with bi people, you see it in conversations about race and blood quantum / mixed racial identity, you see it with people like marginalized Republicans, etc. etc. etc.
It's easy to try and protect yourself by trying to be one of the good ones in whatever way grants you safety and security. But that's not true safety and security, it's just temporary.
Also 100% - suffering isn't moral. We're not Protestants here and also - I'm sure anon has had some shitty experiences with other trans people. I think most of us have because trans people are not a monolithic force and some of us are absolutely going to hurt each other. That doesn't mean the entire community is at fault for those experiences though.
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Hey there! I saw ya post and uh wondered if I could request Tom smut.
A one shot where reader and Tom sorta hate eachother but always have this sexual tension, and one day when the group was bored and decided to host a "party" (it was js them watching movies and not really paying attention to it with junk food and soft drinks)
After Edd n Matt go to bed Reader and Tom are left Drunk outta their minds, so yknow they decided to start insulting each other but Tom accidentally lets his real feelings slip and called Reader Hot or smth and they start uh doin the thingy yknow. Sorry if this is long
Fem reader if that's alright! Also I'm sorry if this is too specific but can reader also be around Tom's height? Thanks!
| " Hate and lust are so similar "
AUGH I LOVE THIS??? Sorry it took me so long to see this-- been without a monitor for a little while. Hope you like this! NSFW ;; MDNI !! Tom x FEM!Reader ( P in v, switch!Tom + Switch!Reader, degrading + praise, hate sex(? Maybe?), hair pulling, drunk sex ) okay so this has been ROTTING IN MY DRAFTS FOREVER,,,, and i dont have the motivation to continue it so im posting it as is, if people like it i'll probably finish it
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Tom, with his weird black eyes, ugly brown hair, and a smile that made you weak in the knees with.. disgust. You hated him, really. Hated him so much. Though you didn't know much about Tord (you had moved in after the mysterious Norge left), you could understand why he supposedly hated him.
And Tom hated you, too! So it was justified.
"..Ugh, fine." You groaned at Matt, who was stood in front of you, bright eyes sparkling as he had been begging you to get out of your room to hangout with everyone. Including Tom. But, he had promised free drinks.
"Great!" Matt exclaimed, grabbing your hand and dragging you excitedly to the living room. Whoa, Matt and Edd had gone all out, huh? The table was filled to the brim with an assortment of snacks, and beverages, both alcoholic, and regular.
When your eyes settled on the familiar brunette, you felt a pang of annoyance hit you. To be honest, you had forgotten Tom would be here too.
"Oh, great," Tom's voice drawled out, "the local douche is here. Y'not gonna ruin this for all of us, right?" A sigh emerged from Edd, and Matt rolled his eyes. You weren't as amused as Tom seemed to be.
"I should be asking you that, fuckass," you countered in a huff, walking to the very opposite side of the couch and plopping down.
Despite the few quarrels between Tom and yourself, the night had been going surprisingly well! You and Tom had even agreed on something; choice of drink. Smirnoff. It was obvious, you two were clearly drunk off your asses.
"Shouldn't you.. slow down?" Matt offered meekly, brows furrowing. You scoffed loudly, flinging your arms up. "At least drink some water, Y/N!" he demanded, thrusting a bottle of water at you.
With some argument you took the water and downed around half of it. Then chased it with another shot. Matt, clearly frustrated, stormed off. He tended to get pissy when he wasn't listened to, after all. Edd called out to Matt, before following, leaving Tom and you alone. What would usually be your worst nightmare.
But tonight it seemed.. different.
"Ain't Matt such a buzz kill?" you asked Tom, laughing. A chuckle escaped the brit and he nodded, "Always and forever." The two of you cracked up in laughter.
Then, Tom's face turned sour, as if he had tasted something foul. "Shu-- shut up! Yer' laugh is so annoying." You were taken aback, your expression turning less than happy as well. "Excuse me?"
"You heard me, Y/N! Your voice is annoying, every'hing about you s'annoying!" He threw his arms up, as if to somehow make his point more convincing. "So I'm annoying? At least I don't look like a freak!"
The two of you shot back and fourth insults at each other.
"Well-- well YOU sound stupid, stuttering all the time!" You hissed, scowling at Tom, lips curled in a sneer. Did Tom tend to stutter? Not exactly, but sometimes when it was just you too, he'd slip up over his words.
"It's not my fault you're so hot!" He countered, before stopping, going bright red.
You weren't sure if it was the drinks getting to you, or the fact your heart skipped a beat when he had said that-- but you felt an odd feeling collecting at your core. "..You think m'hot?" You asked as carefully as you could.
Shamefully, Tom nodded.
With rather quick movements, you found yourself on Tom's lap, peering down at him expectantly. "Holy fuck-!" He gasped, hands instinctively flying out to grab hold of your waist. "Did you really mean it? Or-- or was it the.. y'know," you nodded towards the empty cans lying around.
A small huff escaped Tom, and he leaned forward, pressing his lips against yours. Deciding that, 'what the hell, I've already come this far', you immediately kissed back, your hands resting themselves on Tom's face. You felt the brit's teeth nip at your lower lip- silently asking for permisson.
You hummed against his lips, not opening your mouth in the slightest. This seemed to annoy him, and his hand snaked around to your back, sliding down ever so slowly. He squeezed hard on the plush of your ass and it caused your breath to hitch, a small gasp escaping you as your back arched.
Tom took the opportunity and shoved his tongue into your mouth, his hands letting up their tight grip on you slightly. After a bit of tongue wrestling, you eventually began to feel something poke at you from underneath.
When you pulled away from Tom, a small string of saliva connected your lips, and the sight made the thing poking you become harder. A grin spread across your face, and you rolled your hips ever so slightly. "Y-- Y/N!" Tom gasped, his hips bucking up slightly, thrusting against you.
Feigning innocence, you cocked your head to the side and raised an eyebrow. "What?" Tom whined as you continued to roll your hips on him, his hips rutting up for any sort of friction on his aching member. He didn't care what stimulation or friction it was-- he just needed something. Anything.
"Quit teasing me, fuckin' whore.." he murmured, clenching onto your ass tightly. You chuckled, shaking your head. "I dunno, your pretty mean to me-- a lot."
Typically you assumed you'd be disgusted at the idea of doing anything like this with Tom of all people.. but the way he looked up at you, his boner rubbing up against you, expression glazed with need, and lust; it made you want him, badly. Feeling your resolve buckle, you swiftly made to unzipping Tom's pants- an action that clearly surprised the drunk.
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thevoidofwinter · 4 months
this is SUPER late bc its been A Time lately and i also kinda forgot for a while oops. BUT. a little bit of rambling about my cccc/hms designs + interpretation as requested by @keruukat :]
so first off, all three of them in my "main" designs for them are incredibly creature coded. this is literally just because i wanted to and enjoy that type of theme. mind is dragon themed, heart is... bird creature thing. themed. and soul is cockatrice themed which was actually not my idea and a big brain suggestion my friend @atticustimestwo came up with (thank you forever atticus btw. probably never would have thought of that myself sLJFKSL) !!! as a result of this, they're all incredibly instinct driven and highly reactionary. yes mind hates this.
side note, i also have different names i like using for them! mind is helios, heart is lunaris, and soul is anularis. this was mostly just to separate them when doing rps with friends but i've come to really enjoy these names :]
but with that out of the way! i'll start with my mind design bc i'm biased towards blue and dragons oops.
originally, he started out being the least creature coded of the three, both in terms how i was messing around with design and actually in how i read the "timeline" of the album, as it were. in character wise, he absolutely hated being "inferior" to the other two. he didn't have any claws to speak of, no scales, no feathers. he was the most human looking and he didnt like that. so what does he do? oh yknow.
design wise, i realized i liked leaning more into the robotic theming like a lot of people do bc idk! it's fun. why not. and then my dragon bias hit when i heard that One Line in RoE while drawing one day and the gears started turning. i still haven't ironed it out 100% drawing wise, but here's what i have so far:
a good part of the left side of his face is a screen! its default is just an eye, though it can be just about anything. it definitely turns to a clock during RoE and i do imagine it becoming super animated during TME. also glitchy from Be Born into TME as well.
his floating crown is a hologram he keeps up at most times, but the sun halo is just kind of. always there.
there's a lot of metal. like. a LOT. his neck is plated + his modulator is built into that. his entire spine is reinforced with metal. metal arms, probably some metal patches elsewhere too. and yknow the robotic dragon tail
he glows ominously in the dark. you can see that here- just kind of an aura type thing along with the glowy robotic bits on him.
he has irises and pupils, though most of the time they aren't visible bc he is. Tired. they snap into visibility when he's focused or angry though. (i have a very vivid mental image of them snapping into focus during the intro of TME)
he has mechanical wings! they're retractable and mostly are just there because, again, he couldn't bear to be "inferior" to heart and soul, who both also have wings. he can fly with them, though most of the time they're literally just for threat display. also yes, there are slits in the back of his jacket for the wings i just forget to draw them lol
he has an innate need to Be The Tallest. they're literally all the same height but this bitch wears heeled boots with metal on the soles to make himself taller.
the sun patch on his right jacket sleeve was put there by heart; the crown on the left he did himself.
he kinda??? has electricity abilities that he gained over the process of turning himself more robotic. this is important to note for a later note with soul :)
...that's all i can think of for now but i'm sure there's more i'm forgetting. its fine! onto heart :D
heart has always been the most creature coded to me, as the representation of emotion. and yknow. emotions can be pretty damn innate, instinctual, and visceral. or maybe that's just my take on it cause mine sure are lfsdkjhdfjk
i couldn't choose between black and white wings so his are both! a gradient from white into black with white speckles and purple heart-shaped markings on a few of the primary feathers :] he also has a lot of feathers in other places, such as covering his ears, his neck, chest, arms, legs, and of course tail.
his eyes aren't actually physically damaged! his near-blindness and extreme light sensitivity are actually a result of mind glowing blindingly bright (something something don't stare at the sun) after the shot, and then later the harsh red glow of soul's trident when he got the scars on his face.
his halo is a crescent moon most of the time, though it can change to different phases either on command or in reaction to his emotions. i haven't quite decided which phase stands for what yet, i'll figure it out eventually...
he loves loves loves putting patches on things, especially different textured ones. the heart patch on his hoodie sleeve is soft!
his blindfold has the phases of the moon on it! they weren't initially there as the blindfold was given to him by soul, but mind later embroidered the phases onto it during a concord loop.
his tail is actually kinda prehensile and really strong- he can totally use it to hang onto stuff and even hang off a branch upside down.
he used to be able to fly easily, but after getting his wings broken one too many times in scuffles, it's a lot more difficult to do so now. theoretically he still could with enough adrenaline, though.
he slouches a lot because of his wings, so he usually appears to be the shortest of the group. he can and will stand up straight for threat displays, though.
guy really doesn't like wearing shoes most of the time. socks it is.
aaand i think that's all i have for heart atm!
soooo, soul moment :] soul is such an intriguing guy to me. we really don't see (or hear, ig) a lot of him for a good part of the album, so tbh even to me he's still kinda an enigma. i do adore him a lot though. this guy is SO tired and done with heart and mind's shit, please let him have one (1) nap.
i went back and forth on this guy's design a whole lot before atticus suggested the cockatrice idea, and even a little bit after that i debated it for a while. should he be the most human, or appear so far disconnected that he's barely recognizable? WELL. turns out i went kinda midline with that lmao.
he has both scales and feathers to mirror heart and mind's respective features. i love a symbolism
he has a mane of feathers going down his spine, though it's usually only visible on his tail cause. yknow. clothes.
his wings are summonable, and he doesn't usually have them out cause they're HEAVY. they're a mix of draconic and feathered wings as well. he can also fly with them, though it's usually too much effort for him to even consider.
he has four red diamond-shaped lights hovering above his head at all times, like heart and mind have their respective permanent halos.
when under extreme stress/emotions, he has three light horns that manifest, reminiscent of his trident. he also glitches the fuck out
^ the visual glitching is actually a result of mind. what happened during the shot was that heart shot at mind (and missed, but the fact that heart even tried was the problem) -> when he finds out, soul unintentionally snaps and freaks the fuck out, attacking heart and mind -> mind panics and absolutely electrocutes soul, causing his form to glitch and go black and white -> ever since then, extreme emotions causes him to start glitching again!
the shadow half of him is also reactive to his emotions, though is there more often and easier than the glitching. it's pretty much his default, especially during cacophony. (i have a pretty vivid mental image of it fading into view during dream)
the back of his jacket has a trident, crown, and heart embroidered on it, something that all three of them worked on together :]
this is literally just for comedy reasons, but soul's shirt is usually a basic t-shirt, but sometimes it has text on it and the text can change at will
also have a few misc notes that i think are fun :]
while i do adore these creature-esque designs, i also want to do more abstract designs (that they're probably liable to shift to under extreme stress/it being their "true" forms), as well as closer to human designs :]
same thing with clothing designs. i'm so indecisive help. i think im gonna do all of one or two color designs, and then some alt designs where they mix and match colors some!
i do like to imagine heart is physically the strongest out of the three, mind mentally the strongest, and soul the strongest overall. just in relation to each other, of course.
...and i think that's all! at least all that i can remember right now lol, i'm likely to come back and edit this or reblog with additions when i think of more things. it's kinda intimidating to finally be posting this bc im usually so quiet on this front, but i hope whoever manages to read this giant wall of text enjoys! :D
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reitheist · 6 months
bucchigiri ep 9 thoughts:
taken over huh... is that also what senya is doing to arajin maybe? like with the magic trampstamp (words i never expected to write...)
shindo is a bitch and pathetic but i enjoy his character unfortunately (in my defense, my interpretation of him threatening to do That to mahoro was just to make arajin pissed and get him to reveal senya. i think it was kind of narrative low-hanging fruit honestly.)
'is that a yes or no' take a wild fucking guess buddy
zabuuuuuu you are such a good friend
senya hitting people as a show of affection lol
matakara gathering money, presumably he was saving to get an apartment with his brother. what's he planning to use it for?
oh my godddd the cat boy drama 💀 this side gag is so stupid but so funny i love it. i imagine jasmine as as a pure white long hair cat and pu'er as a classic brown tabby. also cat boy getting way too invested in his personal life is *chefs kiss*
arajin is trying his absolute best to convince himself he doesn't care about matakara
the dynamic between komao, zabu, and ara is really funny. i think in other shows they might just sideline the friend characters but they really have an awkward 'friend of a friend' dynamic i like. komao isn't really socially aware enough to be mean to ara despite being him being mean to matakara, and zabu is more hostile but puts most of that aside for matakara's sake. it's like your friends scoping out your awful crush lmao
THE LIFE SIZED NAKED MARITO DOLL? EXCUSE ME??? there is so much wrong with mahoro oml
wait is the life sized naked marito doll marito's? that's somehow weirder.
mahoro, is that concern for a person who isn't your brother? wow
matakara :(
so is the 'monster' literal or metaphorical? interesting
ichiya you're hot as hell but stop telling matakara to draw away from his friends you bitch
'one person would've wanted it' stopppppp 😭 arajin is realizing he liked having matakara around while matakara is being turned against his friends by ichiya. the dramatic irony is killing me
the fact that this 'love forever stone' is a lake blue stone wrapped specifically in a blue cloth as well... that thing is definitely going to be given to matakara by the end, right? pretty gay if you ask me.
ohhhh my god mahoro character growth. plus her relating to him specifically through their shared brother idolization is a good touch. very sweet
mahoro's basically saying like "dude how are you only focused on yourself and me right now. how have you not noticed your childhood friend is depressed and crazy in love with you. like seriously he has not been subtle. at all." lmao i love herrrrrrr
mahoro deserves her own show
also relieved to have ara's interpretation of matakara and mahoro's relationship as romantic to be kind of trivialized again in this scene. i think their dynamic is more interesting as two very different personalities which share just enough to relate with each other. she only wants ara to get his shit together for matakara's sake. i want them to be besties please
arajin is The Worst with emotions huh. he can't read other's feelings and he's somehow worse at reading his own. he needs to stop being relatable right this second
yknow at this point i think i can say i truly and properly enjoy arajin as a character. he's mostly an asshole and deeply emotionally unintelligent but i like him regardless and because of it
ah senya ichiya and arajin matakara parallels as i expected
so does senya=matakara and ichiya=arajin kind of?
i really wasn't joking about them being exes huh
stoppppp ichiya gave him his name? senya was and continues to be so ridiculously down bad
'he meant absolutely everything to me.' dude.
senya is trying to get ara and matakara together bc he couldn't do that for him and ichiya
i am so gd curious what happened to drive them apart
matakara losing sight why he wanted to become a honki person in the first place (ara) and trying to destroy it
'what senya wants is your body' context needed.
i'm thinking maybe ichiya is willing to fully take over bodies and senya isn't, thus why he hasn't done it to arajin already. that or he was planning to in the beginning but got too attached
ohhh this is gonna make for a good dramatic fight
ughhhh another really good episode. i think the story's finally full found its stride. very hyped for the last 3 episodes. i think next episode will probably deal with betrayal between senya and ara, leading senya to explain exactly what happened between him and ichiya. matakara will trying to fight ara and ara will have to run away, frustrating matakara even more. mahoro might focus on trying to help matakara
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hi kane !! if u were in charge of writing the story for a cars 4 movie, what would u want it to be about ? 🤔 (@dmclr)
Ouughh. Ohhmgugish. I don't know why I'm like all "you're asking ME??🤧"
GENIUNELY NO ONE IS OBLIGATED TO READ THIS. I know the whole "I yap a lot" thing sometimes but this is geniunely like a rediculous length. I mean no one is obligated to read any of my posts but yknow.
I need like two read more bars for this post yall. I don't know why I'm yapping so much. In case it wasn't clear I had a lot to say here and thank you for asking me this(<- more thankfulness filled than I can properly express at the moment, so sorry). I didn't proof-read much of this I'm so sorry if it's like incoherent and has the punctuation of the "I'm eating, Grandma" vs "I'm eating Grandma" grammar tool.
Okay I'm like. Blaming the fact I messed up my sleep schedule and it's 11:27pm and I just woke up like an hour and a half ago and I side-tracked myself like absolutely crazy but keep side-tracking myself into different rants or tangents so it is just a forever increasing ramble, but TL;DR, I actually prefer media that is dead or left alone because I get so anxious when new stuff comes out cause I'm afraid of what they'll do to my faves or if they'll butcher them or add slap-stick love interests, etc., and when Cars on the Road came out(idk how aware people are that it exists), I spent the whole first watch through not really enjoying and savoring it cause I was so anxious over what was gonna happen that I spent the whole time making sure it was 'safe' and I wasn't going to have a pit in my stomach. Which, it turned out lovely and I actually have some things from it that I super love and adore, but I have actually unironically predicted my F/Os so strongly(among other listful factors) that I'd rather them finally put it to rest before it starts getting into beating a dead horse territory, cause I don't know if there's really much of anything left for them to expand on anyway.
My serious answer?: I'm not entirely sure, but I would enjoy seeing them just expand on some more smaller stuff, and I'd like it better if they didn't try to do 'revivals' of characters from past movies(ily Chick but Cars 3 was a bitttt of some injustice to you), I know they're supposed to be more action-y movies but I love slice of life stuff and I'd totally just watch an hour and forty minutes of Lightning just like playing around Radiator Springs or something(every Cars game ever). Though my ultimate ideal scenario is just none at all.
My slightly less serious answer that probabblyyy isn't gonna happen but the odds are never zero(he says humorously)?: They should spend the whole time doing documentary style movie about how it would've gone if I was in the previous movies +sketches/storyboards or reanimated scenes of small moments but I'm thrown in there. ALL IM SAYING IS Cars 2 would've been SO funny if I was in it okay. Would've been exhausted running around the entirety of Europe(+like US and Japan for a moment) nearly the entire time and someone watching would've been sick to their stomach cause the movie WOULD CONCLUDE with it all ending via the power love, and I'm not sorry. Would've had my 'Mary Sue' moment of like nearly every major(and some minor) cast role having SOME sort of feelings for me, most typically romantic. And it being reciprocated. You want an action movie?? There, now tell me THAT ain't action-packed. I refuse to believe the outcome of anything would be predictable. Every last interaction is gonna leave the viewers asking "what the HELL is going on and what will happen next". Pixar(and Disney) I am right here but it's okay if ur busy cause I'm busy too.
The stuff under the cut is basically the same thing I said here(mostly focused on my 'serious' answer bit), but veryy elaborated upon, so it's fairly lengthy. PUTTING MY PHONE DOWN AND HITTING POST NOW BEFORE I SOMEHOW ADD MORE. BUT THANK YOU THNAK YOU FOR ASKING THIS I DIDNT THINK I WOULD WRITE AN ACTUAL ESSAY I AM SO SORRY.
I don't know how much I really mention this, cause I think it a lot but I don't wanna like drive my blog viewers nuts if I say it so much over and over again, but I get like so anxious over whenever knew stuff or content of my F/Os come out believe it or not! There was only like.. one or two medias in the past where I was actually like.. excited whenever the person posted new stuff! Somehow I've had the luck of most things that I F/O from are dead upload-wise. I get so anxious that it'll go down hill(especially if the media has been going on for a while now, which.. Cars starting in 2006 I'd count that) cause I've watched some shows just go downhill or randomly butcher characters or add slap-stick romantic interests that it just makes me far too anxious!! Honestly, I thought Cars WAS finished and through with, but for whatever reason there was the release of Cars on the Road(don't know how many people know of that) and DONT GET ME WRONG I LOVED IT and I still do and think about it fairly often, I actually really really love and adore some of the qualities they expanded on with Mater and Lightning but that's a whole thing for another time probably-, but what I didn't enjoy was being so anxious over it that when it came out I practically spent my whole first watch through making sure that it was 'safe' and something wasn't going to happen that makes me feel like I swallowed a rock and my stomach sinks. Which thankfully didn't happen at all, I loved how it turned out and still rewatch it occasionally, I think they nailed it, but I didn't like the so nervous experience I had in the first place😅
I've heard some people talk about someone who did an interview with someone who supposedly works on the Cars stuff about how they still had stuff in mind they wanted to do with the characters, I'm HOPING I don't somehow jinx myself wildly but honestly I'd muchhh rather prefer it just gets dropped and they let Cars just be what it is for now. Sometimes I question if they just do this stuff because they milk a crazy amount of money out of how well the diecasts sell, which is why they have so many one-off diecasts like the off-roading ones or the glow in the dark ones, or just random sorts of themes. Which, entire tangent for another day, can't BELIEVE they put Jackson anywhere CLOSE do a dirt racing series even if it was just the diecast. But anyway.
TO ACTUALLY ANSWER YOU QUESTION... I'm not super sure!!! I've heard some people talk about seeing more stuff about how Cruz and Lightning race together would be interesting, I think I'd prefer something like that as opposed to a revisit of characters from previous movies or such(ily Chick but they tampered your voice in Cars 3 and I'd argue your personality a bit as well), truthfully I'm not super sure, I've never thought about it so much before!! They should include me in the movie(/hj). Truthfully, normally each movie has been sort of centered around Lightning having some sort of character development arc he has to go through, I'm not sure what else he could be put through! Don't get me wrong, he's absolutely not a perfect character, which is what makes characters so enjoyable in the first place, but he doesn't have as big of a staple thing to go through like he did in the first movie where he was a "I can do it all by myself" i-use-my-ego-to-hide-my-feelings rookie. I don't entirely like how the third movie took it truthfully, with the whole "McQueen is getting older..😢😥..how will he still race?!" Cause like one of the staple differences between F1 and NASCAR is that so many NASCAR racers(especially if they made it good) stay racing until they are like in their 60s+ or their hairs are graying(which, arguably could happen whenever but for the sake of my point, stereotypical age-related graying). And Lightning is like in his mid-30s in the third movie at the LATEST. So I don't know what any of that was about. I know there was the whole new gen of racers thing but he honestly wasn't doing too bad keeping up with them until things got into his head and he freaked himself out(on top of the crash, and the like. Literal depression he falls in to). And then there's the whole thing of he actually had it in him the win the last race in the movie at the Flordia 500 blah blah blah but he wanted to switch out with Cruz so she could have her moment, which, I'm not entirely ecstatic over how they paced Cruz's development, I wish they let it marinate a bit more but I get they had crunch-time in the movie.
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kajinovaa · 11 months
i feel like i need to take a moment and give gratitude for the things that i have going on in my life right now cuz i just feel too damn good to not express it. gotta drop it out somewhere so the universe can take it yknow?
i feel like i'm in a whole new chapter in my life. like- the kinda chapter ive needed for the longest. to find like-minded friends, to be able to vibe and just exist without any pre-existing judgments or resentments. to be able to indulge in the same things as i enjoy. to grieve over the same things. to just be this from our childhoods or current ages... a collective of frequencies.
and im SO fucking grateful to have found a bestie in my life. a legit fucking friend i can confide in with so much hope, trust, and the need to preserve what we have. to openly be so hyperfixated on the same media and never having to think i probably went overboard, maybe even pushed them away on accident? like- i hold so much trust in em it hurts. if they told me to jump ill only ask how far. if they wanted to pull through with a 5-year plan to rise in riches and fame, im right there with them without an ounce of hesitation. i will FIGHT tooth and damn nail for them if the moment appears.
this might sound so fucking cheesy but i feel so strongly for them its like the platonic side of bkdk. my trust is already the thinnest its ever been and once its wounded in any way, thats it. its scarred forever. but with them? it hits different. idk. i feel like we can go through all the worst arguments and still somehow come back from it all because i value their existence in my life so much more than the possible grudges i could hold against them. theyre are my found family, and im going to hold that close to my heart from this point forward.
im sorry to those old friends that didnt stay around, and that i forgive you what youve done to me. in order for me to move on, i need to come to terms with that so i can heal and grow again. the lessons you have taught me were the highest in value and wisdom, so i thank you for teaching me what i really need in my life. it was fun while it lasted.
new universal frequency, new me. i release all of my pains and fears. blessed be.💖
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taurtise · 1 year
Fic Notes
Just typing them out since there's a lot and it's easier just to type it, and better for anyone who has a hard time just reading/needs a screen reader
Super long so, enjoy <3 If you wanna do stuff with any of this you can, just leave credit or a note to me if you take heavy/direct inspo and stuff from it
Early game/kinda set-up stuff: Scar talks to Grian being like "hey man. You seem stressed and territorial, you good? Oh. Oh you have a refugee, okay cool. Can I give him cookies?"
Taurtis and Pearl are besties bc I say so. Pearl's favorite past time with him is picking his brain for stuff that he's seen but she hasn't before, and they bond over liking weird alien stuff. She shows him her collection and 1.18 update investigation room.
Scar "you can't keep him in your house forever, G."
Gri "And why not!"
Scar "He's a person! How would you feel if you were holed up in someone's house and not allowed to leave?"
Gri "Shut up." (Cause, yknow, Sam locked him in the basement for three days that one time)
(Taurtis wouldn't actually be unallowed to leave, Grian would just be wary and anxious and paranoid about it)
Late night bed talks. One being where Taurtis asks "Grian, am I funny?" and G goes "Yeah, you're really funny. What, did you make a lame dad joke today?" And Taurtis pauses a bit before rolling onto his side, facing away and responding "Oh yeah, it was a super lame joke." And Grian kinda catches on that, hey this is weird behavior for Taurtis, and decides to confront him about it, hence these lines:
T "What, am I just comedic relief to you? Is that still all I am?"
G "You've always been more than just a joke, don't say that."
Mid-game: Scar's "Hey man you're a bit off" turns to "dude you're extremely bad right now. You need to relax. It's okay. Chill pill, my dude." And Grian is a stubborn bitch that keeps pushing his help away, so Scar tries to get Taurtis to help him with Grian.
Winter hits and Grian spends most of his days sleeping due to instincts, or something, idk it's an excuse to make him sleep and have Taurtis be crazy amounts of domestic with him. Taurtis "accidentally" makes too much breakfast to finish on his own so he wakes up Grian to share it with him. (He called Scar to see if he'd want it, not wanting to wake Grian, but Scar told him it'd be good for the pesky bird to have a meal before sleeping more)
Grian starts seeing shit due to his stress and the fact that the watchers have been following Taurtis this whole time without him realizing up to a certain point. Inspired by me seeing the foggy moon and going "huh that looks like a watcher eye." Thank you, Grian introject moment, pogchamp.
Xisuma starts asking people during casual chats if they've noticed anything different about the server. When he asks Grian, G lies and says he hasn't when he knows the watchers have found a way to get to Hermitcraft too, not wanting to expose himself and risk being looked into deeper from before joining HC. They know him and Pearl were in a server before, but not that it was a server full of watchers and eventual destruction. This causes Grian to get more stressed, develop worse insomnia, and try and figure out a way to send Taurtis home faster. He tries to ignore the inner misery and prioritize the safety of everyone else, but internally struggles with reassuring himself that Taurtis will even be safe after leaving.
Grian starts using his watcher powers when alone to influence the others to do things, just to show the other watchers that he's doing his job and they don't have to stay. They aren't convinced until him and two other watchers have a direct confrontation, in watcher forms rather than their human-esque forms, maybe spend a whole chapter showing their conversation before Xisuma locates where they are due to the heightened levels of their presence, confronting Grian now about what he was thinking and why all of this is happening.
Grian finds out that the other watchers lurking over the server managed to gain enough control to start forming an evo portal, finding it half finished and deciding to use his own control to make "clues". The clues are fake and only there to steer Taurtis away from the portal, but the other watchers change what Grian's clues say to lead him towards it no matter what. Taurtis sees the portal behind an evo symbol and gets mad at Grian, thinking he's tying to send him back to evo to be alone like he was before. (I didn't watch evo, just wanted to find a way to make it appear like Grian abandoned him from Taurtis's perspective.) Grian tries explaining himself, but Taurtis is done listening.
Taurtis starts showing more obvious signs that his sense of confusion from the down under has caused occasional confusion to places he's in, even if he's been there long term. Just a lil, lil somethin, y'know?
Grian's psychotic (literally) and Taurtis is autistic. Not mid game but just had to put that out there.
Long game/end game: (omg just like avenger's end game- shut up. No. Stop.)
There's a sort of banquet to celebrate the ending of season nine as they progress into season ten.
Taurtis has to face the truth that he's never wanted to leave in the first place. He had to accept that fact mid game, but here he has to say it outright to Grian who's absorbed himself into figuring out every nook and cranny and function of that portal, so much that the skulk and purple has grown more on him.
The purple area spreads more on his right arm since that's the one he stick into the rift after activating the portal again. Something that's noticed overtime as he continues experimenting on and interacting with the rift and the area it was at in general.
-----Additional Notes/How Watcher presence affects players-----
A large amount of Watcher presence will cause listeners and the watched to feel paranoid, sick or uneasy. The more watching them, the worse the effects are. This is how Grian connects the rift's sudden behavior change to the watchers, Mumbo pointing out how he's felt the past few days one night while researching and experimenting on the portal with him.
And then this all was going to lead up to an additional fic to the series where they'd have to do a life series to satisfy the Watchers's need for violence, but the watchers found a way to strike a deal with Sam to make things more interesting, and Grian and Sam end up being soulbound for it with Grian barely winning by killing Sam in the end after everyone else has died out.
Similar to Double Life, but would have more stakes and need for staying close to soulmates as well as different effects and changes to players with the loss of lives and distance between soulmates.
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soapsinthebox · 3 months
Ok, um, I'm here to bother you about upside down magic
Which of the udm class kid's power was the most interesting to you? Like, which one made you think the most? Which one did you lie in bed thinking about 'how would that work? How would that affect my life if that was me?'
WOOOOHere we Gooo
if i had to choose, probably marigolds or Baxes. their powers before its development in their books was just so... terrifying. sticks and stones has always been my favorite book in the series because of the questions it asks. what would happen if marigold shrunk a person? yes her victim did get back to normal size but what if their body couldn't ingest the drugs given, what if like, said person was someone like bax who couldn't turn back to normal after transforming. would he just spend his days being a boulder forever, while marigold has to live with the guilt and shame that action has caused to both the families and their friends? on the topic of bax,he can now turn into things like pianos or chairs and have some level of control over them, what happens if he gets strong enough to turn into things like statues, buildings? towns, planets even? we also have seen the drugs Bax uses (bretel bax was the name i think?) to its maximum extent. what if that drug was in usage after bax learned things like chairs or pianos? would tge whole place just turn into chair land or smth? and how can we predict the new drug wont have the same if not worse effects? ughhhh THESE BOOKS MAKE ME CRAZY-
the question of "how would that effect me" is a pretty interesting one because i actually relate to marigold alot. having something "wrong" within you thats unlike anything else both you or those around you have seen is such a MOOD, and i admire the writing team for writing a character like mari. if i had marigolds power, i honestly dont think id be any different then how i am now? just with the added benefit of yknow, shrinking everything and everyone around me till i am the most distrusted person in the world and everyone is afraid of me lmao-
bax tho, hits a bit different
i think the thing that would impact my life the most positively is just being able to opt out of stressful or unwanted situations whenever i please. just... taking a break from humanity for a bit and becoming a boulder could fix me i think
for the most negatively, probably how id be treated compared to my pears. the scene with coach and nori in sticks and stones hits differently now that im older. with the adult in the situation prioritizing helping nori instead of bax not out of malice, but because he just didn't know what to make of him i SO-
anyway i hope u understood this ask correctly, thank you for listening to my silly rambles ^^ sorry if this is a little incoherent i kinda just... screamed into my keyboard for twenty minutes lol.
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kil9 · 2 years
reasons to watch each of the taemin concerts:
hi its me, the self-appointed taemin concert expert :) i think we're all missing him a lot rn so its the perfect time to watch all his concerts >:) here's what i think are the strengths of what i consider his 4 quintessential concerts !!!! come join my world >:)
[DL link]
- his first korean concert ! he debuted most of the tracklist for the "move" album there (which is a phenomenal album)
- also performed "move" itself for the first time here !!! the energy of it is insane
- live band [!!!!] as the backing instruments for at least half of, if not most of the concert, gives a different feel to songs youve already heard :)
- because of that theres a lot of rearrangements, & his romeo + juliette solo version which is so beautiful
- (biggest selling point is the live band tbh but its so so good ^^^^)
- also the best door performance is the offsick one (yeah, the bondage one)
- the mystery lover vcr !!! (his indie horror movie) and a very cool dance vcr
- overall very fun & extremely energetic feel with a classic taemin edge !!
- this concert was such a big hit irl that he had to do it again in a bigger venue lol (his one and only public apology, not enough people got to see this concert)
[DL//watch link (eng subs)]
- a concert with a story !!! theres a LOT of overarching themes and storytelling in this, even the vcrs are mostly continuous :) !
- some very very beautiful expressive performances
- THE DOOR PERFORMANCE [!!!!!] its completely different from the usual tied-up door, but in a way that lends itself to the story very very well (i will never shut up about it)
- overall feels very musical-esque ? theatrical ? besides the vcrs, even the performances themselves seem to continue from each other in a sort of plot arch :) (if you care to read that much into it which, you should)
- very cool use of the background screens, feels more integral to the performances, rather than just something as a backdrop. the set design is super cool in general !!
- overall elegant and theatrical feel !! a lot of emotion in this. i go insane over sirius lore once per month
- space wolfs [!!!!]
(also known as "TMI concert") [DL link]//[watch link (eng subs)]
- a "little prince" themed concert with some of my favorite costumes and visuals out of any of them (i own the photo book :] )
- THE INCLINE !!!! a large portion of the stage is inclined and incorporated into the dance in very very cool ways
- ^^^ the incline !!!!! (emphasis) its very cool and steep, a lot of time he's on it he has to be held with a bungee, but since hes taemin, uses it to make the dance even cooler :)
- he debuted "identity" and "heaven" here (before they were full versions u know today) !!!!! the identity opening is one of the coolest things ive seen, he has so much power
- the very concert that gave us "taemins media bible" & songs transitioning into each other a lot (plus a taemin+shinee mashup)
- stone heart and back to you VCRs !!!!!! basically bonus music videos :) stone heart got the mv it deserves considering its the best song of all time :)
- overall cool cool cool feeling, prettyboy taemin strikes again, the feeling of a taemin music video, but 2 hours long
- the first taemin concert i watched :) my recommendation for newer or more casual fans
[DL link]//[watch link]
- his most recent in person concert, extremely good and epic !!
- i've seen this so so many times, also amazing costumes and visuals, so much power, he's truly living up to being called "king"
- there isnt really a gimmick but it has some of the most solid taemin performances ive seen (eclipse lives forever in my heart <3 most underrated performance) & a generally amazing setlist
- the famous album came out during this tour so a few songs from famous were debuted here :) !!!
- specific shoutout to the slave performance.... yknow
- the lighting and camerawork is so amazing !!!!!!! seriously, i can not sing the crew's praises enough they deserve a raise
- they surprised him with an end of tour video it was really sweet :(
- "FLOW" & "CRYONICS" vcrs !!!! are so crazy... i still dont understand the lore but they fuck
- overall very solid and powerful feeling, taemin simply showing off what he does best !!!!
in summary: i can not stress enough how experiencing a taemin concert in full is very different from seeing the same performances isolated. him and the crew clearly give so much thought into them, the sequencing, the continuity, the set and costume design, lighting.... the secret lore thats going on maybe sometimes ??? i really think they deserve more appreciation (even if they get a lot lol, never enough !!!) so... yeah :) bye
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songmingisthighs · 19 days
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHSHSHHSSHS I SWEAR IVE TURNED INTO A MANIAC BC OF YOU AND ODLN!WOO BUT MAINLY YOU!!!!!!! NO WAY ODLN!WOO ACTUALLY DID THAT!!! IM SHOCKED BUT BOT SURPRISED!!! I WANT TO SAY I THINK ODLN!WOO WINS THE HATE BC NO WAY!!! BUT ALSO IM SO HAPPY THAT ODLN!YEO FINALLY WOKE UP!!!! about time you little ghost😭😭 gawd i hope mc and him get the happy ending they deserve! also, if so glad that his parents are finally letting mc into their and their son’s life. i’m genuinely glad that the boys vouched for her and told them the truth about odln!woo and mc. though i feel like the parents should apologize to her! and no little ass “sorry” will cut it. if it were me, if i were in their shoes, one, i’d be embarrassed and two, forever apologetic/“in debt” with mc. embarrassed that i accused the wrong person and never actually trying to investigate any further. then embarrassed again bc i assumed the worst of the same person without further investigating. second, i would not stop apologizing to her bc she really wasn’t responsible for either of his accidents. i’d apologize for assuming the worst, for telling her all those horrid things, and for not noticing how differently she was being treated compared to odln!woo. because honestly, the way her parents treated her so she would apologize to odln!yeo shouldn’t have been overlooked. i mean, think of it this way; had it been odln!woo, they would immediately assume it wasn’t him. they would have been fighting odln!yeo’s parents to defend him. therefore, had i been them, i would’ve thought it was weird. maybe not so much because one could think the parents were disciplining their daughter. but still, it doesn’t sit right with me bc there’s just signs ??? it’s just that no one paid any attention. now, i would also feel in indebted to her because she literally saved my son in many ways that i could even comprehend, even if only one of those times is known to me. anywho, imma stop here bc im just ranting fr.😺🏃🏽‍♀️
as much as i hate odln!yeo's parents for being so damn mean to (y/n), i kinda understand them ??? like if the roles were reversed and (y/n) had better parents or yknow just have granny jung and leo in her life, both granny jung and leo would go apeshit crazy on odln!yeo so yeah they owe her an apology but only for hitting her and calling her all sorts of hurtful names but not for defending their own son bc odln!yeo DID almost died and they do what OVERLY loving parents do. jump to conclusions and hold onto whatever explanation is available
but let us first be glad that odln!yeo is back and that now he can start making things up to (y/n) !! >:D
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bomberblondie · 1 year
Rating the ADA members' hairstyles #1
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Nakajima Atsushi: 4/10
A very tricky and controversial one to begin with. He certainly suffers from the changes in the anime. The black streak being erased certainly is a bigger betrayal to the fanbase than chronic betrayer Ango could ever hope to achieve in his career. Not only does Atsushi lose his tiger vibe but also his hair connection to Akutagawa.
As for his actual haircut, I do like the boldness, he certainly sets a statement with it, though what exactly that statement is supposed to be remains unknown. Once again he loses greatly in the anime bc even though the cut seems cleaner, this only makes it more apparent that the thing on his head was deliberate and it fails to explain its purpose. Sentence: mid (the worst thing that can be said about you)
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Dazai Osamu: 12/10
There certainly is a huge difference between manga and anime as well, equally in length, shape, texture and detail in his hair. While I am not a hater of his manga hair like some others who claim it to look greasy (I just don't really see that, what I do see however is that it makes him look more serious and less soft, which does fit the darker side of his character and adds a nice undertone to him), I won't concentrate on it.
To get to my rating of his anime hair: What can I say. I am absolutely smitten with every character design choice the anime producers made and one of their biggest hits is Dazai's hair. It's beautiful, so much fun to draw and suits him perfectly. Sentence: I'm on my knees
+ bonus points: He looks like a cocker spaniel with this I can't explain but yknow I'm right, he was the most dog of them all in the first BSD WAN episode, literally made to be a stray dog
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Yosano Akiko: 8/10
While technically a mere bob style, Yosano's hair still effortlessly managed to become one of the most noticed by me, which might be because I love her she is our first manga winner. In the earliest chapters, her hair is shown to be not entirely straight but rather facing inward, rounding the edges of her cut. Probably due to time management reasons, this falls of pretty early, but it will live on forever in my imagination.
We also have the butterfly hairpiece, which sets a nice contrast to her otherwise cool business look and of course is strongly connected to her ability and troubles. The placement is great too, truly a flawlessly executed look. However, she loses slightly in the anime due to the butterfly looking very heavy and the purple looking a little out of place. Sentence: I am torn (the first manga one is so slay but then it lacks spice)
Other parts of this series: #2
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thegamingcatmom · 1 year
I love reading your thoughts and ideas about Ellie, so I do hope that you continue to share them with the rest of us here in this little Maggot Mommy fan club!
I have a couple of questions for you, based on your reply to a recent ask from an anon about scents..
What is Momma’s favourite way to ensure that her most precious pet is covered in Momma’s scent?
What are Momma’s favourite parts of reader to bury her nose in, to inhale that divine good girl smell that she seems to love so much?
Does Momma have an ultimate favourite spot of reader to get her hellishly delicious hits of pretty pet scent from?
🖤 x
Hey mommy!
Aww thank youuu. 🥰
One thing´s for sure: with me it´s either nothing or go all out and in this particular case it´s go all out and further because I am OBSESSED lemme tell ya. 😩🤌
I do hope this fan club is gonna grow and flourish though because it´s SO much fun obsessing and gushing with yall. Maggot Momma got us in a chokehold and she loves it (and we might just like it). 😩🫠
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Ohhh these are some questions indeed, my goodness- 🥵
The quick answer to them: All of it, everything, now and forever-
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Like, favourite way to ensure her darling Drama Queen smells of her, reeks of her to such an extend people think they´re the one who´s rotting? Simple: smothering them, rubbing herself all over them with any part of her body, lick them like a lollipop and just-
Listen, it´s not possible there´s just not that one way for her to soak her chosen one in her scent (stench). For her, it´s not so much about how to go about it and all about going about it, if yknow what I mean. It´s her duty, has to be done no matter how it´s done. Same as a wolf marking it´s territory to ensure that intruders won´t get any ideas - it´s instinct.
However, being covered in blood and guts after a rather successful hunt is probably her most favourite time to hop on and yknow - get things done. She´s still tingling all over from the thrill of the kill, almost in a frenzy and the only thing missing now to achieve perfection is for her to mount them and just-
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As for favourite parts of a certain someone to get a good whiff of this is bliss, absolute perfection-!
...I think you already know where this is going. Because how could Maggot Momma EVER choose when there´s SO much of them and they´re just there and she´s there and there´s no way her nose is gonna let any part of their body be untouched, unmarked and she´s simply in heaven right now, sniffing like a hound that´s picked up on a scent and just-
However, only recently she seems to have discovered a special...fondness (she´s nuts) for a certain someone´s ears. You just never know with Maggot Momma...
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Now for that ultimate spot I feel like this ties in with the previous question. Every part of their body is that ultimate spot, deserves the same attention, gets her going just the same.
Only recently she´s noticed that something has changed about them. She hasn´t quite figured it out yet but their smell is just...different, more intense, more mouthwatering, more like home than usual which is something she never thought possible because her perfect little Drama Queen smells simply divine always, every time, now and forever she makes sure of that-
So, if she HAD to choose well...
It´s the crotch, no doubt about it.
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Thanks a lot for your questions. 🥰
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