#the Chaos Bestie on her birthday
maximura · 1 year
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The High Table: A John Wick Verse. Introducing Choi Yeonjun
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grimalkinmessor · 2 years
Nah but one of my FAVORITE things is half of Team Whammy becoming Team Kira because FUCK that poor excuse for an orphanage and then they slowly infect Team Kira with their inevitable Absolute Chaos Vibes™
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delulujuls · 5 months
young, dumb & bwoke | ln4
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hi! as u can see i couldn't stop myself from writing about last saturday events in amsterdam with mr norris as main star (he was more popular than the king himself lmao). lando is literally what i always bring to the function and yup, enjoy him being the chaotic drunk bestie while max and y/n are his literal party parents. its nothing crazy and without plot basically, i just added sum to this years' koningsdag so yeah, enjoy!
summary: there is nothing that lando loves more than a good party and his beloved dutch friends so imagine him with drink in his cup surrounded by whole orange nation. it could be nuts and it was
warnings: TONS of alcohol, lando being drunk (and hurted), mentions of blood, basically sum chaos
pairing: fem!dutch!bff!reader x lando norris (ft. max verstappen)
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Lando couldn't wait for the plane he was on to break through the heavy cloud cover and land in Amsterdam.
China and Miami, which were the next rounds on the calendar, were separated by two weeks that were nothing else, in Lando's case, than a time of stagnation. Add to this the fact that Lando had bad memories of his performance in China and, what's worse, the sprint he failed so badly and which constantly played in his head like a jammed record, one could go crazy. That's why the Brit was extremely happy when he received an invitation to spend the weekend in the capital of the Netherlands. He was invited to Amsterdam to celebrate King Willem's birthday by none other than his favorite flying Dutch.
The friendship of Y/N, Max and Lando began in 2019, practically from the very moment he entered Formula 1. The kid, who was barely 20 years old but looked like 12, immediately won over the Dutch couple with his smile and sense of humor, who, due to their sometimes severe temperament, could not boast of having many friends in the paddock. Even though the three friends were only two years apart, Max and Y/N naturally became Lando's racing parents, with whom the Brit spent practically every moment, from time in the paddock, through celebrating on the podium, to time away from competitions. So it was no surprise when they invited him to spend the weekend together, to which he, of course, eagerly agreed.
When the plane landed, Lando pulled the hood of his orange sweatshirt over his head and slung his backpack over his shoulder, in which he packed everything he might need for the coming days. As you could guess, there wasn't much of it, he actually had everything he needed on him and the most important part was an oversized orange sweatshirt. Waiting for him at the airport was Y/N, who couldn't wait to see him. She didn't have to wait too long, because a moment later he walked out in front of the terminal. Y/N smiled as she saw her friend walking towards her and she hugged him tightly.
"You knew I was coming, you could have asked the king for better weather," Lando joked, trying to sound serious, which only made the girl giggle.
"If you think that the weather will have any influence on what will happen in the evening, then unfortunately I will have to disappoint you," she replied, getting into the car. "It's already starting to get crowded in downtown, and it's not even noon."
Lando threw his backpack into the backseat and got into the passenger side. He smiled like a child, looking forward to how the weekend would unfold. It looked like he would spend a nice few days, able to finally de-stress and relax, and in the company of friends. But speaking of friends, one of them was missing.
"And where's Max?" he asked as they left the airport and were on their way to the girl's apartment. "I thought he had been waiting for me with the welcome committee since yesterday."
"He's already in town, I dropped him off while I was on my way to pick you up."
"He's fast," Lando laughed and shook his head, "I hope he's still on his feet when we get to him."
At that moment, Lando didn't think about the fact that no one else but himself would be able to stay on his feet. When the Brit set off for Amsterdam, he obviously expected to spend two days drunk, with legs sore from dancing and a sore throat from singing, but he forgot that he has absolutely no immunity to alcohol.
When the three friends were finally together, alcohol quickly appeared in their hands. Y/N and Max started with beer, but Lando had no intention of wasting his time drinking something that would only cause pressure on his bladder. As soon as he boarded one of the barges floating on the Herenbracht Canal, he drank several shots at once. Y/N and Max just exchanged glances as he drank the drink standing on Garrix's console in one gulp, who didn't care one bit about it, being already in a good mood himself.
"I'm a little worried about how this might end," Max said in her ear as she took a sip of her cider, watching Lando jump happily.
"Even if he's drunk, so what," she replied, handing him her bottle and taking away the body paints in circulation, "He didn't come here to be bored."
Max was about to say something, but she pushed his hand slightly, bringing the bottle he was holding to his lips. Max shook his head and took a few sips from it, while the girl started painting flags on his cheeks. When she finished, she waved them up, attracting Lando's attention, who understood what she meant and nodded eagerly. The girl squeezed through the console and stood next to him, leaning him against the barge rails, because Lando had trouble not bobbing to the music for a moment.
The smile that never left his face wrinkled his cheeks, on which she tried to paint Dutch flags. When she finished and turned to pass the paints, Lando took off her sunglasses and put them on himself.
"Have a drink with me!" Lando shouted, holding out his empty cup to her, and she raised her cider bottle in response. He rolled his eyes in dissatisfaction when suddenly a bottle of vodka appeared in the crowd and someone handed it straight to his hands. Without much thought, Lando unscrewed the cap and took a few sips as if the contents were water, which of course met with the crowd's approval.
Y/N took the bottle from his hands, fearing not the amount Lando drank, but the relatively short time it took him to do so. However, not wanting to seem boring, she tilted the bottle herself, letting the liquid burn her throat. Delighted, Lando clapped his hands and hugged his friend, causing some of the alcohol to flow down her chin. She smiled, wrapping her arms around his waist as well, and raised her hand in a toast, which was joined by everyone who had something to drink.
Max also raised his beer bottle a bit. However, somewhere in the background of his mind there was an image of Lando and what he would look like in the near future. However, the Brit himself did not care at all about this. As long as he was in the company of his friends, his plastic cup was full and he could jump to the music and sing along, he was happy. Even the fact that his face was in the wrong place at the wrong time, when someone, completely by accident, punched him in the face, didn't disturb it.
Y/N, who also decided to pick up the pace after drinking her cider, immediately sobered up when she saw blood on her friend's face. She quickly pressed a tissue to his nose, but he tried to assure her that he was fine. His brain didn't encode the impact or the pain, didn't acknowledge that he was bleeding, even when he ran his tongue over his lips and tasted blood on them. People in the crowd started calling out to each other to see if anyone had a first aid kit. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a bandage appeared, and just as Y/N, being drunk, thought it would be a great idea to wrap Lando's face in a bandage, Max started asking people if they somehow had band aids. He couldn't let that dumbass parade around like that for the rest of the evening.
“I've sobered up a bit, I can keep drinking,” he said as Y/N finished clumsily bandaging his face, “I probably look worse that i did when i crashed in Vegas.”
Her friend tried to be serious, but it was impossible to stay serious around Lando. "You have to be careful, Lan," she said, trying to retain some sanity and touching his cheek, looking into his eyes, "I hope it's not broken."
"Bwoken," he repeated in silly voice, giggling "Oh no, it couldn't be bwoken"
"Honestly, i also hope it is not," Max interjected when he managed to rejoin his friends after some time, "Getting to the hospital now would be a near miracle."
"Hey, I'm fine," he said as Max waved the Band-Aids in his face and began to remove the clumsy bandage into which their friend had probably poured her whole heart and a few drinks that she drank earlier.
"I'm glad you don't feel anything, but that doesn't change the fact that I won't look at it," he replied, lifting his chin and examining his nose from every angle. Luckily this one seemed fine.
Once Max had placed two tiny patches on him, Y/N handed him his mug with a fresh drink again. "Brave patient," she smiled at him.
"In a state like this, I'd be surprised if he felt something," Max admitted, taking a bottle of vodka standing nearby. He decided that since Lando had had an accident, nothing worse awaited them and he could allow himself to loosen a bit more. He took a few sips and handed the bottle to the younger one, who smiled, tightening his hand around it. He looked at his friends standing in front of him, slightly drunk but still fully focused on him. He knew he was important to them and that he is not alone in all this madness.
"I love you guys," he said, with a bottle in his hand, pushing himself off the railing and hugging them, "You are the best in the world, simply the best."
The rest of the day and later in the evening took place in a great atmosphere and the party lasted until 3. in the morning. For the rest of Amsterdam it probably lasted longer, but for Lando it began to end after two o'clock, when he was barely able to stand. Partly from being drunk, partly from being tired. He didn't stand still during a single song, so the next day, apart from his face, his legs will certainly be visible. Taking a break for something warm to eat, Max, Y/N, and Lando sat down at one of the wooden tables. While waiting for their orders, Lando rested his head on Y/N's shoulder and closed his eyes. It was obvious that he just needed something to lean on to fall asleep.
"I think it's time for us to go," the girl announced, directing her words to Max. "The baby is only fit for bed now."
"He's been in great shape for a long time anyway, judging by how much he was on his feet today," Max concluded, glancing first at him and then at the girl, "But you're holding up pretty well, aren't you?"
"Yes, I do," she nodded and hugged Lando, who began to slide off her shoulder, "But I'm also getting sleepy."
"Me too," Max rubbed his face with his hands, "At least we can be sure that no one will wake us up first thing in the morning to explore the city."
He said, glancing at Lando, who was dozing with his mouth open on his friend's shoulder. After eating casseroles and fries, which were for Lando and which he was unable to eat, the three of them went to the girl's apartment. Of course, only she and Max were walking on their own, Lando was between them, leaning on their arms. He was muttering something incomprehensible under his breath, so it was obvious that he was alive and everything was fine, besides the fact that he was completely drunk.
When they arrived at the address and crossed the threshold of the apartment, they immediately went to put him in the bedroom, not wasting time in unfolding the couch for him. Max was in the process of stripping him of his shoes, pants, bloody sweatshirt, and all the necklaces and ribbons he had collected the previous day, while Y/N placed a large bottle of water, painkillers, and a bucket by his bed, as if the contents of his stomach had suddenly decided that they wants to get outside. However, there was no indication that Lando was going to have a restless night, because he started snoring softly as soon as his cheek touched the pillow. Max covered him with the blanket and took a few steps away from the bed, standing next to his friend who was looking at the sleeping boy.
"Can you hear that?" Max whispered, glancing at her, and she frowned questioningly, "It's silence, listen to it, because when he gets up, the only thing you can hear will be his lamentations about how hungover he is."
The girl snorted quietly and shook her head, taking Lando's clothes to the laundry.
"The most important thing is that he had a good time. And a little hangover never killed nobody."
The next day, however, did not bring anything unexpected. When Lando woke up, the first thing that hit him was a terrible headache that got worse when he sat down and tried to get out of bed. When he stood in the doorway of the bedroom, Y/N and Max's eyes immediately went towards him and Lando could swear that they looked like they spent the entire last evening on the couch.
"Hi honey, did you sleep well?" Max asked playfully, in the perfect mood for jokes since he himself was fine after last night.
Lando just blinked several times and wanted to wipe his face with his hands and collect some words to answer, but when he touched his cut nose, he cursed loudly.
"What the fuck?"
"A souvenir from yesterday," the girl answered him, getting up from the couch and taking out a frozen package from the fridge, which she handed to him, "I recommend a shower and I'll make you some coffee."
He closed his eyes and put the package to his nose, sighing and grabbing the bathroom door handle. Before he disappeared, Max just shouted after him.
"And don't puke in the shower!"
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cheezeybread · 3 months
The clothes swapping headcanons for Jamil made me smile today and now I sense the comedy potential. Lets say Jamil is keeping the relationship private from his family but Najma has noticed that some of the clothes he brought back with him aren't his usual style. Jamil manages to dodge all questions and Najma is determined to figure out what is going on. Cut to a school event where families are allowed to visit and Najma gets her parents to let her go "check up on her dear big brother". Skip ahead and Najma is looking through all of Jamil's stuff and finding more inconsistant clothes. Then she spots our dear MC wearing one of Jamil's old shirts. Cue chaos and Jamil vowing her to secrecy in exchange for being besties with MC.
Could I get a one-shot of this please?
Sorry this sucks and is so short, I'm having to type on my phone right now! XD Also, if Najma is ooc, that's a my bad, I haven't seen her in the story yet 💀
"Well, well, well!" Najma cried out in delight, her hands gripping at the shirt laying out on Jamil's bed that was most definitely NOT his.
There was the sound of pounding feet on carpet out in the hallway, and the door to the room burst open, a very flustered, very annoyed Jamil standing in the doorway, his chest heaving in rugged breaths.
"Oh, hello, brother!" Najma said in her innocent way, tilting her head to look at him. She hummed under her breath, continuing her examination of the shirt in her hands.
Jamil said nothing for a moment, trying to catch his breath "....what- what are you...doing here?" He asked, still gasping for air. Geez, he must have really been running if he was so out of it.
The girl flashed him a wide smile, holding up the shirt as she shrugged "Oh, I just wanted to look through the Scarabia dorm while we were here! I was oh, so excited to see what sort of living conditions were here, since, you know, it's an all-boys school that I'd never have a chance of entering....and wouldn't you know it, I just so happened to stumble into your room!"
"...And mother and father?" Jamil asked, taking a cautious step into the room, his gaze fixed on the shirt.
"Oh, they're out on the campus lawn, being entertained by...oh, what was their name again? Y/N, that's right, yes, they're out with Y/N." Seeing Jamil's face twist into a look of nervousness, Najma giggled "Alright, alright, the jig is up, brother. I know that you're dating them."
"But-" he started
"But how?" His sister grinned "Well, after you started showing up in strange attire that didn't match what you normally wore, then I noticed a certain someone wearing an outfit I bought you for your birthday a few years back..."
"It's really not that hard," Najma finished, proud of her own conclusion. "Now, how would mother and father feel about this news..."
"Don't. Tell. Them." Jamil whispered, closing the door to his room behind him after peering out in the hall to make sure there were no eavesdroppers "What do you want, Najma?"
"I want their phone number." She said simply, Jamil raising a brow in confusion "Oh, come on, my brother's finally dating! Let me be friends with them, please? I won't tell our parents, I promise. Just let me be friends with them, alright? Deeeeeal~?" She held out a hand, smiling coyly.
Jamil huffed, taking her hand with a glare "Fine, deal."
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vanishingcherry · 1 year
Hello !! I hope you're having a good day!
Can I please request a Daniel Ricciardo X Reader Instagram thing, but can it be platonic??
Like just imagine being childhood besties with him, and now you work with him as his Assisstant or something, getting to travel all over the world together!! And the chaos that the friendship would have too :D
Also the face claim can be the one requested from the Lando thing? I don't remember her @, but the face claim was so so pretty 💕💕
Tysm :)))
here you go! its set in 2022, and there is slight romantic lando x reader. hope thats okay with you!
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liked by yourusername, danielricciardo, landonorris and 94,857 others.
daniel3.jpg Smileys
view all 1,295 comments
f1fan isnt that the girl that lando is dating?
↳ dannyfan yess! shes childhood best friends with daniel, and is his assistant, thats how her and lando met
↳ f1fan ohh okk thanks!
landonorris whose the girl in the fourth picture?
↳ yourusername idk shes kinda hot
↳ danielricciardo @.landonorris stay away from my bestie
mclaren 🧡
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liked by landonorris, danielricciardo, yourbff and 39,857 others
yourusername te amo sao paulo
view all 987 comments
danielricciardo you're supposed to be assisting me. not posting on instagram
↳ yourusername you're supposed to be driving. not commenting on my instagram
yourfan oh to be y/n
danielismylove its the way she was best friends with daniel and now this is her life. why wasn't i best friends with a f1 driver
landonorris pretty girl
↳ liked by yourusername
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liked by yourusername, mclaren and 143,587 others
danielricciardo when @.yourusername gets lost in london and you have to spend 3 hours searching for her
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yourusername i didnt get lost. i was just exploring
↳ danielricciardo why did i get multiple calls from you explaining that your gps wasnt working and that i had to come find you
↳ yourusername i wanted you to join me and be the boots to my dora
yourbff you promised you wouldnt lose her. next time this happens im taking her back
↳ danielricciardo HOW IS THIS MY FAULT
↳ yourusername @.yourbff is right. this is all your fault how could you let me go exploring on my own
↳ landonorris YOU LET HER GET LOST?
↳ danielricciardo i give up
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liked by f1, mclaren, lando norris and 823,475 others
yourusername a series of events that occurred the day daniel found out that lando and i were dating. he claims it was an accident.
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danielricciardo i don't like what youre insinuating
↳ yourusername its not my fault im right
↳ yourusername watch me
ilovedaniel im obsessed
landonorris my nose hurt so much that day mate
↳ danielricciardo you deserved it
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liked by danielricciardo, f1, mclaren and 208,159 others
yourusername ive known you for as long as i can remember, and you've always been the best friend anyone could ask for. from the moment you let me try out your go kart till the moment you won your first grand prix, its been an honour to support you. the opportunity to travel the world with your best friend doesn't come along everyday, and ive never been more grateful.
i'm not very good at being sentimental, but for what its worth, you have all the love in my heart. happy birthday danny.
on a more serious note, he wet the bed till he was 10, pass it on.
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danielricciardo thank you ❤️
danielricciardo you were gonna make me cry until i saw that that last line. for everyone reading this, y/n had (has) the biggest crush on seb.
↳ yourusername dammit. and thats a lie, do not believe him.
↳ landonorris babe... seb? really?
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arisdaughter · 4 months
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Hiya, I'm Serene Zhang!! Younger half-sister of Frank Zhang, Daughter of Ari★*⁠.⁠✧ Apollo ☀️☀️(apollo has been disowned)
14 years old, Birthday 22 December!(Yes, the winter solstice)
Here's a bit about me!!
I am a Greco-Roman Demigod
Bisexual 🩷💜💙
Hera is her patron goddess (that kidnapped her and put her through intensive training since she was 2)
Former spy from the Titan Army to watch Camp Half-Blood 🤫🤫
Has a jade dragon bracelet that gives me the power of invisibility🐉🐉
Starting my own army to better the world🔥🔥
Cheese fanatic 🧀🧀
Excels at anything concerning the arts🎨🎭
Ability to control light and use it as a weapon ✨✨
Archer 🏹🏹
@morpheus-child-phobos-legacy Kaden!! He has a nickname for me!!
@that-asian-child-of-aphrodite STEPHIEEE MY BEAUTIFUL KIND BESTIE<333
@love-lightning-forethought BROOKIE!! my super amazhang hairstylist
@demigod-jack-hearth Jack! Dude's basically a god at this point, has like a thousand patrons and kids-
@daughter-of-the-storm Darya! She adopted me as her sister! Very cool very cool
@if-chaos-was-a-boy Calix! Mildly concerning but otherwise pretty slay 💅
So, this is me!! Welcome to my world!!
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#serene rambles #serene answers = ic/ask answers
#zahrawrasaurus rawrs = ooc
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robinbuckleysfringe · 2 months
paper rings
a joseph quinn social media au
pairings: joseph quinn x keery!reader
warnings: pronouns for reader vary between she & they, I've tried to keep it as gender neutral as possible even tho I do use female faceclaims
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
*madelyncline has posted*
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tagged yninstagram
liked by rudeth, hichasestokes, josephquinn, florencepugh and others
madelyncline surprised my bestie on their trip to LA. happy birthday flower 🌼
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madelyncline photo creds for the 1st pic to @/rachelzegler who helped set up the best birthday surprise
> madelyncline and of course photo creds to @/rudeth for the 3rd photo of me and my bestie goofing around on set
yninstagram aww, thank you maddie 🫶🏻❤️. love you and can't wait for more onset chaos soon!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
yninstagram and thank you to rach for somehow keeping this whole thing a secret 🫶🏻❤️
> rachelzegler happy birthday babes. love you big time 😘🫶🏻
maya_hawke happy day of birth to the best on screen girlfriend ❤️❤️
> yninstagram love you maya!! 🫶🏻❤️
joekeery you're old now, happy birthday y/n
> yninstagram shut up. 26 isn't old 😤
josephquinn happy birthday y/n xx
> yninstagram thanks joe. come to LA soon so we can hang before I leave for Charleston!!! xx
hichasestokes happy birthday 🌼
> yninstagram 🫶🏻
gatenm123 happy birthday y/n. thanks for being the best on screen sister ❤️
> yninstagram aww, love you gaten. miss you already 🫶🏻❤️
florencepugh happy birthday babes!! have the best day, you deserve it!! 💕💕
> yninstagram love you flo!! 💕💕
zendaya happy birthday y/n, miss you!! x
> yninstagram thanks hun. miss you too!! xx
user omg happy birthday y/n!!!
user their friendship >>>>>>>> everything else
user does this mean we're getting OBX3 soon??!!!
> yninstagram soon!! I promise as soon as we get a date, you fans will be the first to know!!
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y/nupdates | Y/N spotted getting all cosy with her stranger things costar, Joseph Quinn, in LA this week
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user omg are they together??
user they're so cute together oh my gosh!!!
user omg new ship???
> user2 yes!!!! what would their ship name be tho??
user I wonder if they're dating
> user2 I wouldn't be surprised if they were tbh
> user3 thought y/n was dating Rudy Pankow, her OBX costar, no?
> user that was just a rumour I think. neither of them confirmed anything
user have you seen the way he looks at them?? someone get me a man who looks at me like joe looks at y/n 🥺🥺🥺
user they'd make such a cute couple if they're not already dating
> user2 so true!!!
user omg I hope its true that they're dating. but even if they're not and they're just friends, that's cool too. they should be allowed to be happy regardless
> user2 THIS ^^^^
*yninstagram has posted*
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tagged obx, madisonbaileybabe, madelyncline, hichasestokes, jonathandavissofficial, carlaciagrant & rudeth
liked by josephquinn, rachelzegler, joekeery, drewstarkey and others
yninstagram we are so back baby!!! season 3 of the beach show is officially in production!! 🏖🫶🏻❤️
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user I've been waiting for this one!!!
millybobbybrown girl, isn't this like your 5th project in a row or something? pls take a break
> yninstagram my 3rd. but yeah, I hear you. I'm taking a long ass holiday after we wrap this season
> millybobbybrown I bet you're exhausted
> nattyiceofficial y/n, hun, please make sure you're resting xx
> yninstagram love you guys 🫶🏻🫶🏻
obx P4L!!!
> yninstagram P4L bby!!!
josephquinn good luck with your next project, you busy bee 🐝 xx
> yninstagram haha thanks joe xx
rachelzegler I love seeing you win at life but pls come back to LA, Lenny misses you 🥺🫶🏻
> yninstagram I miss you too!! come to Charleston!!! 🥺🫶🏻🫶🏻
> rachelzegler getting on a plane rn
> yninstagram bitch, you better be 🫶🏻
been a few weeks since I posted part one of this little series, apologies for that. hope you enjoyed reading this chapter 🩷
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callofdudes · 2 months
Call it your own what if bestie ☺️☺️
An alternate reality where Tommy, Beth and Joseph are still alive. Simon invites y/n back to Manchester to visit them and a huge amount of chaos unfolds between the two
I really really enjoy making this au with you @itsscromp and it's given me a bazillion and one ideas for it. It's kind of funny how in the reboot I imagine Simon and Tommy's complexions switcheroo-d. You've sucked me in, I was listening to Billie while I wrote this periodically.
Summary: When Joseph's birthday comes up, Simon takes leave to head home and spend time with them. With him, comes y/n with nothing better to do, looking to meet the family.
Riley family functions.
Simon didn’t speak about his family much. It was a private matter close to his heart, and after so many rough years he wasn’t ready to share that with the world. He'd been putting things back together with his brother, and for once in his life, things seemed to be working out in his favor.  
Meeting you had changed something in him. When he was changed to 141 his barrier started to deplete just enough that you could wiggle your way into a friendship with the brute. And Simon wasn’t bad. Everyone feared him but the bravado he showed the world wasn’t what those closest to him saw. 
You’d been his friend for a while, and Simon had never mentioned his family. Hell, you didn’t know if he even had a family. Given his whole identity and government shtick you almost assumed not. 
Simon was in his little world, however. His nephew’s birthday was coming up and he’d promised Tommy he’d be there. So, he took his 30 days and before long started to pack. And that’s when you saw him. 
“Where are you going, Lt?” 
He grunted half-heartedly. “Not your business.” He zipped up his suitcase and pondered over what he might get Joseph. The little guy already had toys, and he wasn’t that old. A couple of years? It had been a while admittedly. Maybe he was 6 by now?? 
“Oh, come on. Don’t want to tell your buddy where you’re going??” You walked over and looked over what he was packing. Clothes, snacks? Paperwork?  
“Ghost, where are you going?” 
“Already answered you.” He grunted. You gave him a look as he left his room after packing up. You crossed your arms, and in his mind, Simon heard Beth chiding him for not being open with his friend. He could imagine her saying, “Invite your friend, I’m sure they’d love to hang out with you, and Joseph can get some more social time.” 
“You’re not going to stop bugging me, are you?” 
You considered and then shook your head. “Nuh uh.” 
He rolled his eyes and sighed. “Going back to my family for the month. Nephew’s birthday is coming up. They want me there.” 
“Aw, you have a nephew??” You smiled, already walking faster to keep up with him. “How old is he?” 
Simon shrugged. “Five, maybe six? But that’s givin’ the kid credit.”  
You chuckled softly as you followed along. “So, you like your nephew??” You smirked upon seeing the little glint of warmth in his otherwise unresponsive irises. 
“Yeah, I guess so.” He stopped and turned to you, catching you off guard with your stride. “Let me guess…” 
“I’d love to meet your family; I could use a break.” You smiled. “If that isn’t too forward.” 
He considered this, shifting back and forth from foot to foot. And eventually, he relented. “If your shit isn’t packed by tomorrow don’t bother coming.” 
You smiled wide. “Right away lieutenant.” You winked and headed off. 
A couple days later, Ghost found himself squished on a plane with you. His legs tucked in; his arms folded awkwardly as his elbows pressed into the hard armrest. 
You were curled up similarly, Simon never spent enough money on these dumb flights to get him comfortably from base to Manchester.  
“So, what are they like??” You asked to try and pass the time, turning to him. 
Simon grumbled and shifted again. “They’re fine. Nephew’s a little ball of energy. Can never get that kid to relax. Beth, my brother’s wife is… Strong-willed. If you could put it that way.” 
“Oh?? Strong, is she?” 
He raised his eyebrows. “That’s an understatement. Not mean, but not afraid to call bullshit in her house.” 
You nodded. An awkward moment passed between you, and then you frowned. “What... what about your brother??” 
Simon was quiet throughout the flight. “He’s not bad. Can be an asshole, like every older brother.” 
“Oh, so he’s older?” 
Simon huffed. Seemingly annoyed he got stuck with the role of the younger sibling. Forced to live life vicariously through his brother. 
“Well, they sound very nice, it’ll be nice to meet them.” You reassured him. Simon didn’t talk about his family for the rest of the flight until the plane landed. You grabbed your bags from the terminal at the airport and headed to your cab. 
 Manchester was dark and gloomy by this point in the evening. Rain started to flick down on the windows and drip down from the rooftops. 
You looked around, taking in some of the features of gloomy Manchester. The drive was quiet, the sound of the rain and the tires was the only noise between you both.  
Finally, Simon lifted his head upon reaching a pale blue house, light pouring out from the window, soft white curtains fogging up any inside activities. The railing looked somewhat old, wrapped in Christmas lights that hadn’t been taken down yet. 
“Is this it? It looks nice.” You spoke. 
“Yeah, it is.” Simon paid the driver and got out into the rain. The pour got harder as you two flipped the trunk and got your bags.  
“Lovely weather!” You said over the rain, seeing the wet cat look on Simon’s face. “Bloody hell.” He remembered times when Tommy would lock the house after he got home from school so Simon would have to sit out in the pouring rain until their father came home. 
He walked up the wet steps, seeing the lilacs were growing nice. He stood at the door and knocked heavily after a moment of hesitation.  
“Coming!” There was a call from inside, someone rushing to the door. A woman opened the door, looking around the same age as Simon. She smiled upon seeing the younger man, “Simon! Oh, my goodness, come in out of the rain.” Her chest-length hair tied back into a messy bun, a few strands falling into her face. 
“Oh, and your friend, I assume?” 
“Y/n. Yes. A friend.” Simon came in out of the rain, and you followed. Beth led the two of you into the house and instructed Simon where to put his bags for the time.  
“Come in, get comfy. Tea? Coffee?” She turned back to you two with a polite, yet warm smile. 
“Coffee please.” You spoke up, “Thank you.” 
“Of course. Simon, I’m making you a London fog.”  
Simon opened his mouth to speak before waving his hand with a curt dismissal. “Sure, fine. Do whatever the hell you want.” 
You chuckled and sat on the couch. “This is nice.” You looked around once comfortable. The carpet was nice, and they had some decorations up. The house smelled of cinnamon and scented candles were set up in the kitchen. The soft beige color of the walls feels simple but not out of place, making it a warm atmosphere. Toys were scattered around the room where the Christmas tree was in the corner. 
“Why is that bloody thing still up?” Simon grumbled.  
“Maybe they haven’t had time to take it down?” You whispered to him, gently hitting his side. “Ease up.” 
Simon huffed softly and crossed his arms. Beth hummed gently as she made drinks. “Thomas! Simon is here!” She called.  
Simon’s thumb dug into his bicep; arms firmly crossed over his chest. He tried to ease the twist and pound inside his chest.  
“Comin!” A voice called back. 
Tommy wandered down the stairs, a little one clinging onto his pant leg. Tommy looked over at Simon and smiled a little. “Hey, you made it ok?” 
“Hello, we did.” 
Tommy looked toward you. “Oh?”  
“Oh, y/n” You smiled, quickly rushing to introduce yourself. “Thomas. I see you’ve met my less handsome half.” 
“Fuck off.” 
“Don’t use that language around Joseph.” The two tossed words back like a mental game of ping pong. Passing off ideas to see how comfortable they could get invading each other’s space. But that was brothers, already poking each other's buttons as much as they could. 
While they did, you smiled at the small boy clinging onto his dad. He peered over, looking at you. 
You waved softly, but that only prompted him to hide more. 
Beth returned with tea, giving Simon his London Fog, and your coffee. The mugs were warm and decorated with sayings like ‘best mom’ and ‘I wear this expression to work’.  
“Here you are.” 
“Thank you.” You brought your lips to the cup, hovering over the warm drink, blowing over the cup gently. 
Tommy sat in the seat across from you and Simon. “How’s work been?” 
“How do you think?” Simon replied. 
Tommy shrugged. “I dunno. A pain?” He opened his arms when Joseph beckoned to be in his arms, allowing the little guy to climb onto his lap. Tommy gently patted Joseph’s back, “Well, I’m sure Joseph is happy you’re here.” 
You saw Simon’s snippy attitude soften. Joseph looked over at him, nodding in agreement with his dad.  
Simon took a sip of his tea. “Remind me, how old are you Joseph? One?” 
Joseph went shy and shook his head against Tommy’s shoulder. 
“Oh you’re not?? Hm, what about two?” 
“No…” Joseph whispered with a soft smile. 
Simon leaned back, propping up his leg so his ankle rested against his knee. “Ok, tell me if I’m warm?”  
Joseph didn’t say anything, but Simon took it as a yes. “Ten??” 
Joseph giggled a little, shaking his head. 
“What about… Six?” 
Joseph considered this, and Tommy leaned in to whisper, yes, he was turning six. Joseph nodded, looking over at Uncle Simon with a small smile now. Through his small smile, his gap-toothed expression was evident. It warmed your heart at how adorable the little guy was.  
“You’re getting pretty old. Dad’ll start charging you rent soon.” 
“Oh shush.” Beth gently scolded him. 
“Gotta prepare him for when he’ll be pitching in for rent. That’s what we did when we were little-“ 
“What’s the rule about no trauma dumping on the first day?” 
“No trauma dumping on the first day…” He muttered and sipped his tea. 
“Sharp mind.” She teasingly patted his shoulder. She was like the firm older sister Simon didn’t have the dreaded experience with. He suffered enough with a brother, he couldn’t begin to imagine that with a sister. 
He was glad Tommy didn’t find a pushover pill pusher, but she was like a ruler. Bend it too far and it snaps right back to hit you in your face. But she was a lovely woman regardless. She’d been the main middleman for the brother's continued talks, working toward tranquil redemption. 
“Did you two get dinner??” She perked up, looking over at you.  
“Oh, no we didn’t. It’s no problem though-“  
She raised her hand and stood. “I’ve got leftovers from last night I can toss in the oven quick for ya.” 
“Yes ma’am.” Simon didn’t argue this time. 
While she did that you three talked together. Tommy asked you about how you enjoyed and dealt with working with Simon. The playful banter between the brothers made you chuckle in between serious conversations. Cheap quips and snide teasing. 
Beth brought you two trays of cabbage rolls, and oh my goodness they were heavenly. The best cabbage rolls you’d had in your entire life.  
“Oh, Beth,” You hummed, eagerly digging into more. Beth smiled proudly. 
“Told her once, she should go on Master Chef.” Tommy said to Simon. 
“You kiddin’? She’d make Ramsey cry.” 
The two snickered, you and Simon finishing the last of the leftovers. The pace of the evening continued on. 
Soon it was Joseph’s bedtime, and Beth went to tuck him in. Not before rushing for a quick hug from Uncle Simon, who squeezed him gently. “Go on, get some sleep, bubs.” 
He rushed to Mom, who picked him up and carried him to bed. You were the next to go, yawning and slumping into the comfy couch. “I think he’s onto something.”  
“Tired too, huh?” Tommy nodded. “Well, you two had a long flight here. Best let you get some rest. The spare room is open, we’ve got an air mattress we can set up? Unless one of you wants the pull-out couch.” 
“I can take the couch.” Simon muttered. 
You wanted to fight it, but if Simon wasn’t comfortable sharing a space with you, you wouldn’t push.  
Tommy nodded and got up. “Come on then, I’ll show you the spare room.” 
You followed Tommy closely and made it to the bedroom. A queen bed with comfy blankets and a nightlight on the side desk.  
“Thank you, for the hospitality.” 
Tommy nodded. “Look, he may be an asshole. But any friend of Simon’s is a friend of ours… For the most part.” 
You chuckled softly. “Goodnight Simon!” You called back, hearing him grunt in indignation.  
Simon slept on the pull-out couch. Slept is a very loose term. It was sleep, and then periodically waking up when the house settled or just to do a once over of the shadowy, dark living room.  
He survived the night in the house, around 6 he heard shuffling upstairs. 
Beth opened one eye slowly, barely aware Tommy was leaving bed. “Thomas…” She reached out and grabbed his hand gently.  
Tommy looked down at her, gently squeezing her hand. “I’m going to shower, not leaving yet.” 
“I’ll make you breakfast…” 
He gently shook his head, leaned down, and kissed her tenderly. “I’ll pick something up.” She hummed, resigning and shifting back asleep. Tommy grabbed his work clothes and went to have his shower. After which he cuddled her some more before heading downstairs.  
Simon skulked over the counter, a cup of tea in hand. Tommy brushed his hair back, jumping slightly when he saw Simon. “Fuckin’ hell… Ugly mug in the mornin'" He muttered. 
“You’re one to talk.”  
“Skeleton lookin’ ass.”  
“Suck up.” 
“At least I have a wife.” Tommy grumbled.  
“You can keep her.” 
“I planned on it.” 
The two nodded firmly. Tommy grabbed his work jacket and started to put on his boots. He grabbed his keys and went for the door, then sighed softly.  
Simon looked up from his cup. “Wot?” 
“I’m… Glad you came to stay.” 
Simon looked down again. He didn’t say anything, leaving Tommy in an awkward silence. “Alright…” Tommy inhaled deeply and stepped out the door. 
When the door closed again, Simon’s shoulders dropped, and he continued to sip his tea.  
He felt heavy at the table, letting the warm drink wash over his muscles, soothing each overactive muscle. 
You were the next person up. After dressing you wandered out to the living room, spotting Simon clanking around as quietly as possible in the kitchen. 
“Looking for food?” 
“Forgot where Beth keeps her instant meals…” 
You raised an eyebrow as he continued to roam around the cupboards and cabinets. You looked at the fridge and wandered over, inside were five or more stacked meal preps she’d done. “Had you checked in here?”  
He perked up and looked at the fridge. A pause. “I was going there next.” 
You couldn’t help but chuckle. “I’m sure.” You pulled out the one labeled Tuna Salad and popped open the lid.  
Simon took his meds in the meantime, and you served each a bowl. “She’ll be ok with this?” 
Simon shrugged. “She usually doesn’t give a shit what I eat.”  
You both sat at the table and ate in peaceful silence until Beth joined you. “Oh, Tuna Salad? That does sound good.” She went to the container, seeing there was still enough for her, Joseph, and Tommy when he got home. 
She joined you at the table.  
“Where’s Tommy?” 
“He’s at work. But, he’ll be off early for Joseph’s birthday tomorrow.” 
“That’s nice.” 
Not long after, the little guy scuttled down the stairs and rushed over to Mum. “Mama…” He gently tugged her shirt.  
“Hey baby.” And smiled at him. 
“Where’s dad…?” 
“Work baby, he’ll be home later. You hungry?” 
He nodded, so she got up and served him a bowl of Tuna Salad. He poked at it, sticking his finger in the tuna and eating from his palm. 
You chuckled softly, and Joseph’s gaze was on you. You looked down at your food, letting Joseph eat. 
Beth gave him a soft look. “Did you tell Uncle Simon we got your electric train working?” 
Joseph momentarily stopped mashing the food and looked up.  
Simon took a sip of his tea. “You get it working?” 
“Dad,” He made motions with his tuna and lettuce-covered hands. “Fixed it.” 
“You gotta show me then. It looked pretty cool in the video.” That made Joseph smile. His toothy little smile, those two front teeth missing, giving him an adorable smile. 
He rushed from the table, making Beth chuckle. He wiped his hands on his pajama pants, that she wasn’t too happy to see. He went to the living room and scrambled to get the electric train from under the tree.  
Simon moved from the kitchen to the living room, squatting down while his nephew set up the tracks. They are all connected and could be rearranged to make different paths. The bottom of the connecting train’s rail piece was a small button.  
Joseph pressed it, and the train started up. His smile remained bright, proud of his cool train. 
Simon whistled softly, “Well look at that.”  
Joseph pushed the button again and the train sped up a knot. Simon watched the train go in its circle, pistons trekking quickly over each wheel to keep it moving. 
“What if we made it go underneath?” 
Simon looked around for visual representation and spotted a stack of Beth’s books. “Sorry.” He said half-heartedly and stacked them, putting one of the tracks across the staircase leveled books. “You think we could build it to go up?” 
Joseph’s eyes lit up like saucers, nodding wildly. He scooted closer and Simon helped him build an extravagant track for his train.  
You smiled, watching the inner child of such a harsh man shine through. “Is he always like this here?” 
Beth hummed softly. "Eventually. Sometimes it takes him a bit. But that's Uncle Simon." 
It was warm and lively. You joined them halfway through to see their progress. "Ooh, looks good."  
"Thanks for the approval, Egg." 
A heartbeat or two later you both heard explosive giggles. Simon smiled softly and looked at Joseph who laughed.  
"What's so funny?" Your smile softened too. 
Joseph's cheeks went red, hiccing and giggling. "Egg!" 
The two of you chuckled too. "Yes, that's Egg." 
"Cracks people up." You grinned. Simon said, "Oh, that was good." 
"Right? I'm so quick with it." 
Joseph was laughing in tears but managed to recover.
"I coined it for them."  
"Thanks for that." Said sarcastically. “But the call signs aren’t technically supposed to be cool, and I don’t think I have the worst call sign on base.” 
"You're welcome." Simon replied, taking all credit. 
Your visit with the Riley family was fun. For Simon’s family, you didn’t expect them to be as lively as they were. Beth was Tommy a pair of incredible parents. 
“Dada.” Joseph pointed out the window to a truck driving along the neighborhood, beckoning his father over. Tommy came over, kneeled beside Joseph, and watched the garbage truck go by. "Look at that, hey?" He smiled a little, admiring his son's happy expression. And they sat there watching the garbage men go down the street.
He'd sit with Mama Beth at the table as she cut his toasties for him. Pecking a soft kiss on his hair and helping him with anything he needed.
Joseph would sit on his dad's lap, cuddling with him and his stuffie as they watched Tommy's favorite cowboy movies or YouTube videos on cool machinery. Joseph loved it, and would usually fall asleep if it was late. His dad went upstairs and tucked him into bed.
Uncle Simon would continue to play with him and take Joseph out for adventures. Telling him his awful jokes and the PG version of his missions. Joseph saw him as the ultimate hero, aside from his parents.
Tommy was always there to have the occasional casual conversation, hated talking about his work. Beth would let you invade her kitchen and would not hesitate to put you in place if you got rowdy.
Whenever Simon and Tommy started to act like brothers do. The classic pranks like pink hair dye in the shampoo, laxatives in tea, and tearing off the moustache with duct tape, she's the one to end it. And they never fight Beth.
You were there to witness Simon and Tommy coming in after a game of football covered in mud. And the horror in her face when she was told they might have gotten tangled up in the plants... You've never seen Simon submit so easily. His sister-in-law is scary ok!?
But she was chill with you. You're her new favorite.
And then came Joseph's birthday. The brothers were rowdy. Of course they let the little guy sleep in, his birthday being on a Sunday.
Beth and Tommy got up to make Sunday breakfast and the rest of you periodically got up.
"Ew, Beth, what is that?" *Simon scrunched his nose.
She looked over at him before frowning. "My husband you dumbfuck."
Simon raised his eyebrows briefly. "Shoulda seen that coming..."
Tommy snickered, leaning over to give Beth a kiss while washing the strawberries. "That's my love." Beth smiled a little, nudging him back and stealing another kiss.
"Ok, ok we get it, you're in love." Simon said, his tone in a sarcastic drawl. "Ugh... Get a room."
"Yeah, you wish we would." Tommy gave Beth a light snack on the butt.
"Oi! Behave- both of you." Beth went slightly pink, shaking her head and reprimanding the two back into their place. The brothers continuing to mime mocking words at each other. Simon stuck out his tongue, Tommy flipped the middle finger.
Geez, it was like watching two middle school kids argue over the sandbox.
"Well, everyone seems lively today." You looked at Simon, nudging him to stop sticking out his tongue at his brother.
"Huh?" One Simon who had been very caught up in his young sibling antics. "Yes, yes very."
You chuckled and shook your head softly. Oh boy, you know he didn't hear a word you said.
And then the little guy came waddling in. "Mama...??" *He rubbed his tired eyes, going over to her and grabbing onto her side, hugging it.
"Good morning, baby. You sleep ok?" *She reached out, gently ruffling his soft hair.
"You ready for your birthday breakfast?" She asked, combing through his hair. "Mhm." *He replied.
Tommy and Beth got the table set and brought food over, serving Joseph up a plate of pancakes and whipped cream on top. Joseph muttered out a quick thank you before eagerly digging in. Consuming it like a black hole.
Simon smirked as Joseph inhaled his pancakes.
"Wow." You whispered.
"He inherited my appetite. It skips a generation." Simon replied with a smirk.
"Oh, does it now? Are Joseph's grandchildren going to get it?"
"Very likely. It's horrible."
"I feel so bad for them." You chuckled, smiling softly and grabbing a serving.
It was odd seeing Simon like this, but it was rather endearing as well. Simon was always this big strong man, and he still was, absolutely. But something about getting to see him domestic hot differently. Seeing how he got up with his brother, how gentle he was with his nephew, and the snarky little shit with his sister-in-law. You smiled as you watched them, saw how they interacted.
Joseph seemed equally as happy to have his family all in one place. And then Tommy brought a couple boxes to the table. "Ok bud, all yours."
Joseph looked at the boxes, eyeing them with stars in his pupils. He bounced in his chair and picked the top one up, early tearing into it to see what it was. He shrieked, his smile going wide. "Batman!?"
"Yep." Simon smiled proudly, watching Joseph pick up the Batman costume he'd ordered online. He was lucky it had reached their house in time.
"That's from uncle Simon." Beth said.
"Thank you!" He squirmed from his seat, eagerly to wrap his arms around his uncle. Simon gave Joseph a little assuring squeeze. "Any time, bubs."
Tommy pushed a present closer, and Joseph smiled at his parents. This was from them. He could feel it. So he broke it open, and looked inside, smiling warmly. A remote control car.
"You've done well with the train, so we figure it can't hurt to let you go 4-wheel drive."
Joseph smiled, waddled to hug both mum and dad. And they hugged him, of course.
And you felt like you couldn't come to their house without getting their son a gift.
So you slid it across the table, smiling at Joseph, who perked up and looked at it. Ooo.
He picked up the gift shyly. "Thank you..."
He looked it over before opening it up. He smiled, looking down at the bag of gummy worms.
"it's... Not much, but your uncle likes them, and I trusted his word that you did too."
Joseph took the bag, and looked at you, giving you a big, happy smile. "Thank you!"
It warmed your heart in a way you couldn't describe. There was nothing better than spending all the time with family. And Simon's family seemed wonderful.
(I wanted to explore with the family more, not sure if I did them heaps of justice but this project took a bit to come to me and I couldn't cram all my thoughts on the Riley's coherently into this without frying. But I want more for these three, I promise.)
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if-chaos-was-a-boy · 2 months
intro to a slightly crazy dude:
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↳CALIX or…….calcium.cal.calcharo.bitch.funnydude.joker.boyfailure.hoe. whore.sillybilly.menace.givememorenicknamespls.
⟡age: 17
FUCKING CHAMPION OF ACHILLES @achilles-the-greatest
⟡Gender: Male
⟡Pronouns: He/him
⟡Birthday: April 1 [i was a joke from birth]
⟡Zodiac Sign: Aries
⟡Godly Parent: Eris/Discordia, Goddess of Discord & Strife
⟡Sexuality: Straight, bisexual as HELLLL
⟡Personality Type: ENTP [the CLOWN]
⟡Relationship Status: my fiancé and fiancée @itsyourboyezra and @of-course-im-the-winner
⟡Height: 6’1 (hormones go vroomvroom)
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⟡Weapon of choice: Small Celestial Bronze Blade [I usually just rely on Charmspeak & Manipulation which is…not great]
⟡Fatal Flaw: Probably Hubris [im an attention whore]
⟡Lore: I was brought to Camp Half Blood after a very weird incident where me, a party pony and a cyclops managed to sneak onto a cruise. I’m spoiled to the core and an absolute menace. Call me funny, call me annoying, I’ll still be the life of the party.
⟡Chaos Manipulation-I can aggravate hostile situations till point of conflict, or I can slowly reduce the amount of chaos present (but that’s not nearly as much fun)
⟡Negative Emotion Manipulation: Anger, envy,wrath, frustration can be ramped up for the maximum amount of chaos.
⟡Flight: Like my mother-Eris-I can manifest fully formed avian wings to aid me in battle [more likely in shenanigans]
⟡Minor Control Over Illusions: Able to manipulate the mist to produce sensory hallucinations or illusions
⟡Appearance: A PERMANENT SHIT-EATING GRIN, natural messy black hair that can never be gelled down, striking maroon eyes that kinda looks at your fucking soul. Super Lean, you can only see the muscle definition when I’m wearing that compression shirt.
⟡fun facts about meeeee:
-I peel chicken nuggets
-I’m ambidextrous
-I have a hyper fixation with collecting nomnoms
-I love blind bags, mystery boxes etc @syd-the-nerd is my lucky charm, I’ve gotten everything I’ve wanted from blind boxes ever since meeting him.
-I have a skincare routine [can’t look this great without it, babe] -My dad gives me his black card to go do heinous shit, he says it helps with tax deductions
-I’m obsessed with my girlie/plat
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@that-girl-cupid (my ride or die, my best friend)
@chaos-pers0nified (best sister in the fking world)
@unhinged-waterlilly (she wildin )
@demigod-jack-hearth (op ahh, superhero)
@arisdaughter (relatable)
@hispanic-child-of-hermes (she intimidates me)
@love-lightning-forethought (legit my top 5 besties)
@debacleofdaemons / @iceweavercatlover [OOC I LOVE THIS GUY]
@daonedaonlyskh (actually the person with the sickest blog aesthetics)
@penelope-sato (my baby daughter)
@stephen-the-spider (Britney spears 😍😍)
@braydons-world (law student?????)
@of-course-im-the-winner (MY BEAUTIFUL FIANCÉE )
@itsyourboyezra (my fucking FIANCÉ)
My adoptive parent: @steve-the-union-man
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Heyhey, mod is currently going by either she/her or he/him (honestly gender fluid questioning) and a pansexual
Also im a MINOR so no NSFW BITCH.
Fun fact I have eczema so im sleep deprived coz I had too much fun in bed…….SCRATCHING MY FLESH OFF.
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erinwantstowrite · 3 months
Okok fr questions because I’m obsessed with Tim figure skater AU
Because the bats aren’t aware of tim being the one behind his vigilante mask, how are his relationships with them out of the suits? Do they interact often or on spare few occasions? (I see the happy birthday Bruce message and think they don’t talk *too* often? idk)
ALSO JANET AND TIMS SIGNATURES… them being so similar has me rocking back and forth crying (interpret as you will)
be prepared i am about to YAP cause i love this au sm and now i gotta talk about it LFMAO
So far, the backstory is that Jay ended up not dying and was just extremely injured after the Joker incident. When he got back on his feet again, he joined a hockey team to make more friends outside of the hero community. Cass wanted to try figure skating and they start going to a rink in Gotham, and that's where they met Steph, who is "not" a vigilante. (She is, but more on that in a sec.)
While there, they start to hear more about "Tim" who comes by sometimes and is Steph's friend (they met when they were much younger and they are besties), and they end up connecting that the Tim they're talking about is "that famous figure skater from Bristol" that's always in the news. Cassie is a huge fan of Tim's, and she freaks out when she hears from Jason and Cass that this rink is one that Tim frequents. That's why she ends up dragging Bart and Kon to the rink to see Jason's practices or to hang out with Cass- so she can meet Tim.
However, it's sort of a well kept secret that Tim and his rink friends have. He's not supposed to go there anymore, because he has a private rink. Janet lived, but Jack went into his coma still. He eventually woke up and while Jack is recovering, he finds out they moved back to Bristol full time and there's no more travelling. In turn, they spend more time with Tim, but it's also a strain on their relationships. Jack gets on Tim's case about school, and Janet becomes Tim's manager and pressures him about skating. So Tim doesn't get to visit the rink as often anymore because of his workload. Like, he's in the gym 24/7, does his schoolwork online (he's grades ahead), doesn't ever get a break. Meanwhile, Jack and Janet are always fighting and sort of using Tim as an outlet/weapon against the other.
Buuuuuut, when he does visit, he meets Jason, Cass, Cassie, Bart, and Kon through the connection with Steph and other unnamed rink friends. They start getting to know Tim through the times that he's at the rink, and Steph, who is Janet's #1 hater and an instigator at heart, starts pushing for the vigilantes to look more into Tim's life and befriend him.
The dynamics at play are super funny because Steph and Tim are a vigilante. "A" vigilante, as in sharing the same identity. Tim doesn't have the time in his schedule to go out there, so Steph takes up that part of the role and they share this identity together- Steph taking out the bad guys as "Bird Watcher" and Tim doing the computer/tech work as "The Ornithologist". They're both detectives in their own right and work so well together that it's incredibly hard to distinguish that they aren't one person. They both know that the Bats are the Bats, but the Bats are unaware that these two are the same vigilante they've been trying to figure out for years now.
The rest of the family meets Tim through Jason's hockey stuff, away from Janet and just who he is as an individual. And then they see his figure skating side and the dynamic he has with Janet when Cass enters the same competitions as Tim. (This is my world and they compete against each other.) Obviously, Bruce sees this black haired, blue eyed kid who has parents that treat him like shit and goes "Another one, thank you!" So Tim ends up getting closer to them that way and Steph (again, Janet's #1 hater and looking for members for her club) is having the time of her life causing chaos on the side.
There is... a "tiny" little detail that I won't share yet, cause I truly do want to write this au at some point, and it's way more fun to see people react in real time to it. (I have SOOOO many Tim aus it's not even funny. Blame alighterwood for that.)
Also YESS Tim and Janet are so alike but so completely different it makes me CRAZY
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elliesmainhoe · 2 years
Flour and Jam
Streamer!Ellie X Fem!Reader
Summary: Yours and ellies attempt at a cooking stream
Contents: fluff, fluff and more fluff, food fight, general chaos.
My Masterlist
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 (you're here)
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"Welcome to my kitchen" Ellie said, looking into the camera that was situated on a tripod resting upon the islands wooden countertops.
User1: New room unlocked 🔓
User2: omg are we cooking?
"Yes we are cooking, thought I'd do something special for you guys to celebrate hitting 500k on YouTube- which is honestly insane."
User3: Been here since 5k on YT 💪
"And due to this being a very special stream I have a very very special person to keep me company!" Hearing your cue, you stepped Infront of the camera "And because I can't trust Ellie to not burn down my house." You add on, smiling mischievously at her annoyed expression.
User4: my favourite person ever 😭
User5: One chance Y/N, plssss
User6: Ima steal Ellie's girl, just you wait and see
User7: omg look at how cute they look together 🥲
User8: The Y/N and Ellie tiktok editors are already screen recording this for later lmao
"Shut-" before Ellie could finish her sentence you pecked her lips- catching her off guard and laughing as you saw the chat go at the speed of light.
User9: Stop I'm so lonely 😭
"Your so lonely? L"
"Ellie! Don't be mean?" You scold her, shoving her shoulder playfully.
"Because I said so, be nice"
"Yes ma'am" Ellie replies, her right hand lifting into a mock salute as she laughs.
"We are going to make a cake. What kind of cake you may be asking?" She spoke, replying to an invisible comment.
"No one asked that baby" you laughed,, reaching up and messing with her hair. Her mouth went to retort but before any words could fall out you cut in front of her "yes I know I'll 'shut up'."
"Were making a 'victoria sponge' cake, because Y/N knows how to make it and there is a higher possiblity it will turn out least half decently" she grins, looking down at the ingredients you'd laid out on the counter. Eggs, flour, sugar, butter, vanilla, cream, jam (jelly if your American), icing sugar and strawberries.
"It'll be great, we'll do so well. I 100% believe we will make an edible Cake" you affirm, lying but trying to be positive.
User10: Uhuh very convincing 💀
User11: manifest it besties
"How the fuck have we managed this?" Ellie laughed out looking down at the mess you two had managed to create.
"I honestly have no idea" you reply looking at the copious amounts of flour and various sticky substances that coated the counters. "It could honestly be a modern art piece" you hummed
User12: Girlie said modern art
User13: #1 modern art hater for life
Ellie began spewing jokes, continuing to crack eggs and whisk, even though you'd told her to stop adding anything ten minutes earlier.
"You really have no regard for my advice, huh?"
"Nope." She said back to you, the familiar annoying grin plastered on her freckled face when she heard your disappointed sigh.
User14: she looks so done lmao 😭
You move out of view of the audience, silently searching for some emotional support for the foreseeable future. You entered the living room and the familiar ball of ginger fluff you were searching for was curled up in the cat tree you and ellie had bought him for his first birthday. After a few seconds of internal conflict on whether to leave him be or disturb him you decided on the latter.
Picking up the grumpy cat, who made his displeasure known by letting out a tired yowl as you cradled him, before coming back into the kitchen. "I needed some emotional support."
User15: Garfff 😭🐱
User16: pussy lol
User17: Everyone needs emotional support due to this chaotic asf stream lmao💀
You stood back, cradling Garfield in your arms, letting Ellie have free rein, giving a few tips and advice that were swiftly dismissed by Ellie as she continued to do her own thing, including putting salt into the batter instead of sugar, even though you had literally put out all the ingredients for her beforehand which did not include salt.
"Taste test?" Ellie asks, turning around to face you, a wooden spoon in hand a scoop of beige mixture on top of it. "Absolutely not".
User18: DO ITTT
User19: do it! do it! do it!
'User30 donated $50: 'Do it Y/N, also congrats on 500k on YT Ellie <33'
"You hear the people. Taste." Ellie laughs thrusting the wooden spoon towards your mouth.
"It's confirmed, you all hate me and I will never forgive any of you for this" you scowl, opening your mouth hesitantly, allowing Ellie to place the spoonful into your mouths. The overwhelming taste saltiness hits your tongue immediately, making you gag at the unpleasantness.
You immediately rush over to the sink, spiting out the mixture, grabbing a glass of water and washing out your mouth, trying to rid it of the after taste that lingered behind. You hear Ellie's laugh from behind you, the only thing going through your mind was revenge.
Flour. Perfect. You reach into the half full paper bag pulling out a handful. Ellie was otherwise occupied, talking to her chat and answering donations, so when a handful of flour exploded in her face, it's an understatement to say it caught her of guard.
After recovering from a coughing fit triggered by the powder, she reached into an open jar, said jar having fresh strawberry jam inside of it. You saw this and of course, you began to run away, trying to get away from Ellie and the weapon that was her handful of red jelly. Eventually she caught up to you, her empty hand wrapped around your waist pulling you into her body as she smeared the sticky substance across your cheeks laughing at the ridiculous expression on your face.
Because your body was pushed against hers, the flour that coated her body transferred onto you.
"OH FUCK!" You yelled "my new sweater..."
"oh look, Y/N's discovered that her actions have consequences." She grinned cheekily, leaning down to kiss you, the jam from your face smudging onto hers.
Taglist: @aunslie @lonelyfooryouonly @strawberrysmoochesxo @daryldixonh0e @kittynnie @lovelyyevelyn @randomhoex @moonlightdivine @haerinwho @mufflaa @mial1l @sarahsmileslikesarahd0esntcare @moonlighting87 @escaping-reality8 @hejdevkdbdjsd @dergy @half-of-a-gay @ellieismami @cyberlainn @gollumsmygel @sseorii @kyleeservopoulos @taloulalila @ellieluhme @kiiyoooo
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lilislegacy · 6 months
I have some small and random headcannons that are not really big enough to justify a big ol' post about so I'm just dropping them in your ask box lol
-Jason is red/green color blind like a dog or wolf
- Annabeth has a little dolphin plushie that percy insisted that she get while they were at an aquarium to "heal her inner child"
- I know this is kinda already said because Piper's eyecolor is ambiguous, but what if she has spectral heterochromia. Like different colors in the same iris
- Leo knows all the words to all the songs in highschool musical (just seems like something he'd know lol)
- Annabeth wears noise canceling headphones a lot of the time because she's really sensitive to sound
- Rachel will give people like random things. "Here I found this rock and it reminded me of you" "have this cool leaf!!" Stuff like that
- Hazel and Nico are both short because it makes them closer to the underworld
Just some random thoughts lol enjoy!
thanks for the ask @invadericee!!
omg i love these
the jason color blind one is an interesting thought. follow up question: why would that be? is it related to him living with the wolves?
percy making annabeth buy a little stuffed dolphin, or buying it for her, is the cutest thing ever. and knowing percy he’d probably buy something for himself too lol (we shall never forget the fallen panda pillow 🪦💔). and you know every time she looks at it she’s gonna think of him (she’d totally sleep with it and snuggle it when he’s not there)
yeah piper’s eyes are said to look like kaleidoscopes. super cool and pretty!
leo and the high school musical soundtrack LOL. he would 😂
idk about annabeth being sensitive to loud noises, given her life is constantly filled with battles and giants and explosions and well… mass chaos. but i can totally see her wearing noise canceling headphones while she studies. she says in MoA that she needs her study space to be plain and non-distracting, so it makes total sense that she would need silence too (especially if percy is studying next to her and tapping his foot and pencil drumming lol)
rachel is TOTALLY the type of person to do that. she’s the friend who gives you the most random shit for your birthday. like she’ll give you dirty rocks with some special meanings that you don’t get 😂
bestie… the hazel and nico one is so out of pocket, and it made me cackle. that’s the funniest hc ive ever seen. i do picture them both being short, and this is the best explanation i’ve ever heard. leo or percy would totally say this. i love this 😂😂
thank you for your wonderful thoughts! i always enjoy them!!
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jacenbren · 2 years
My Saiki K headcanons because I can’t think of any other ways to satisfy my hyperfixation rn:
Nendou is fully aware that Saiki has psychic powers but it never crossed his mind that that was weird
Kaidou fucking LOVES magic: the gathering and has one of those books full of cards
He also loves digimon. Aren is a devout pokemon enjoyer. yes they are constantly at each others throats trying to insist that their favorite is better
It took much convincing, but the rest of the gang managed to convince Saiki to join their weekly D&D sessions. Saiki whines and complains every time they drag him there. he then proceeds to have the time of his life every session without fail
Aiura was one of those girls who had a shit ton of Barbie dolls as a kid and sometimes she and Toritsuka get together to play with them (aka act out horrific and violent soap opera scenarios that every child who owned Barbie dolls concocted)
Mera and Nendou bond over their mutual love of food and watch food network cooking contests with the enthusiasm of white suburban dads watching the Superbowl
Nendou regularly picks Saiki up like a sack of potatoes to hug him. Saiki will never admit in a million years that he absolutely loves it
Teruhashi saw that Saiki barely acknowledges her existence and had a realization of “oh wow he isn’t obsessed with me simply because of my looks and treats me like a person rather than some unattainable object of desire I want to spend more time with him because he doesn’t superficially adore me” but she misinterpreted it as a crush and is EXTREMELY confused
Akechi & Saiki = adhd/autistic besties
Nendou & Saiki = also adhd/autistic besties but in like a queerplatonic way????
Saiki won’t admit it but he likes hanging out with Akechi because the guy does all the talking for him and all he has to do is listen
Saiki secretly really likes Hairo because his internal monologue is pretty much the same as how he presents himself to others (Saiki finds Hairo’s sincerity oddly comforting)
Saiki also finds it oddly comforting that he can’t read Nendou’s mind because when spending time alone with him Saiki isn’t constantly bombarded by an internal monologue
Aiura and Saiki casually bully Toritsuka on the regular
“Just get a boyfriend arent you bi” “damn Toritsuka nobody wants you fr”
Kaidou can’t whistle. Aren constantly teases him about it. Kaidou will then attempt to climb his body like a tree and strangle him.
Aiura is a stoner
Saiki is very much affected by weed
Saiki + Aiura’s “special” coffee brownies she made one day and put in the fridge not remembering that Saiki is an utter bastard when it comes to stealing other peoples snacks = utter chaos
Saiko secretly really wants friends but due to his upbringing he doesn’t know how to act around people in lower tax brackets
Saiki sometimes sits next to him at lunch out of pity
Nendou learned how to make coffee jelly after finding out that Saiki loves it
Every year for Saiki’s birthday the gang throws him a surprise party (Saiki is never surprised because of his powers but he’s always so touched by the gesture that he can’t help but play along)
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beybaldes · 9 months
✨mr krabs i have ideas✨
festus with tanners mentor!girlfriend makes my brain tingle because there’s so much there
arachne and her being so happy they get to work together because they both got the 10s. controversially i am an arachne lover so childhood bestie!arachne is everything to me. they could never make me hate her. 😔
festus and her being there when arachne dies at the zoo and (according to book canon) walking home with clemmie and coryo after she’s taken by medics. festus proposes they all go to his apartment but when they get there he bursts into tears and mentor!girlfriend has to send clemmie and coryo on their way and ushers festus inside and stays with him.
later trying to convince festus to create an alliance between coral and tanner and festus teasingly telling her that he could think of a few ways she could convince him
her and festus being together at the arena but went their seperate ways to talk to other mentors and gather information. bombs go off and chaos ensues as they try to find each other
i have so many festus thoughts but im just going to leave this here and not be annoying
SpongeBob! You popped the fuck off with this one! (Also not annoying at all pls send me all your festus thoughts) also also sorry this took so long I finished uni for Christmas and have been in every day since oops, I really enjoyed writing this though. More festus to come ⁎⁺˳✧༚
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- you and Arachne are basically siblings the way you grew up together
- I’m talking inseparable : born within two weeks of each-other and grew up as next door neighbours, walked into the academy on your first day together holding hands, sat next to each other at lunch every day, had joint birthday parties every year, etc
- no one could tear the two of you apart
- well, except a pretty determined festus creed, who laid eyes on you the second you walked into that classroom at 6 years old and knew he wanted to be your best friend instead
- Arachne, ever the social butterfly, was quick to attract a large group of friends around the two of you, which gave festus the perfect chance to get to know you better
- as the years went by you and Arachne stayed best friends, but if anyone asked you to name your closest friends, festus creed would also be on that list
- he was ever so charming, and a good listener (though only when it came to you) and when everyone seemed to move at Arachne’s beck and call, he would wait for yours to do anything
- it was sweet, in its own way, and it’s one of the things that drives the two of you to end up together
- like, obviously, festus has had a crush on you since he was a boy
- but you finally start to realise you like him back when all these little things start adding up
- he looks at you for your reaction whenever someone says something, he sits or walks or stands next to you at every chance he gets, he brings you the homework when you’re sick, he carries your bag around for you, he pulls your chair out for you in the canteen
- honestly the list goes on and on
- but the thing that finally gets the two of you together is when you and Arachne have a fight
- it had only been something stupid, but because everyone was Archane’s friend before they were yours, they take her side
you’d been sat on the steps outside the academy, eating your lunch alone in the sunshine while everyone else had gathered at your usual table. Though you knew you were still welcome there, you didn’t want to have to deal with the silent treatment from Arachne (and therefore everyone else) while she built up the courage to admit she was wrong like she always eventually did when it came to you. It was peaceful away from the noise of the canteen, and you found you didn’t mind being alone - at least, alone until the sound of someone running down the steps and right towards you, reached your ears.
Festus Creed took a seat right beside you, his lunch tray in hand and his backpack in the other. “You didn’t show up to lunch. I was worried sick.”
“Me and Arachne had a fight, a squabble really. It was literally over what we thought one of the answers were on the history of Panem homework.” Festus laughed as you did, swapping half of his orange with half of your apple slices. “She’s upset with me though, so I figured everyone would be upset with me.”
“Well, if it makes you fell any better, I think she’s upset with me now as well.” You looked at him confused; your confusion only growing as a smile curled on his lips. “I don’t think she’s too fond of the fact that I am oh so fond of you.”
you lean in and kiss him before his words can truly settle inside of you. but hours later, when they fully do, all you can think about is how you can’t wait to kiss him again sometime.
- when the reaping finally roles around, you and all your friends having to take on the role of mentors for the tributes, you and Arachne get the boy and the girl from 10 and it couldn’t be more perfect
- well, it’d be more perfect if you didn’t have to be mentors at all but, you know what I mean
- the two of you basically plan for your tributes to team up to fight against the other tributes because obviously 🙄 but all that goes awry when Arachne’s tribute kills her
your first reaction is complete stillness and silence. from the moment Arachne’s girl reaches through the bars of the zoo and stabs her right in the throat you have been completely silent. you couldn’t move, you couldn’t think, you couldn’t breath, you couldn’t scream. Total nothingness. you could only watch as Coriolanus ran forward, bravely pressing his hands against the wound in an effort to save your best friend. You didn’t even manage to get the words out to thank sweet Sejanus plinth, who dragged you to the floor and pressed you under him as peacekeepers rain bullets at the rouge tribute. Even when the gunfire stops and Arachne lies too still for a living person, even when Festus takes you from Sejanus and thanks him on your behalf, even on the walk home sandwiched between festus and Coryo, who’s hands are still covered in the thick of Arachne’s blood, you can’t seem to find the words. It’s only on the doorstep of festus’s apartment - the smell familiar and warm and welcoming - when things seem to catch up to you.
before he can even unlock the door to let you, Coriolanus, and Clemensia inside you’ve burst into hysterical tears: sobbing, gasping, wretching at the thought of what you’ve lost tonight. Festus sends Coryo and Clemmie on their way and ushers your inside, through the house and right to his bedroom, where he guides you to sit on the edge of the bed and kneels before you, hands cradling your face. “You’re okay, you’re okay sweet thing, just breathe.” His grip on your face tightens ever so slightly when you don’t seem to calm down, but it only helps to ground your more. “Breathe with me okay? You’re gonna be okay, sweet thing, it’s all gonna be okay.”
- you sit front row of her funeral beside Coriolanus and selfishly wish you had festus at your side instead
- when festus makes his way to his seat, which he finds is right behind yours, he reaches his hand between the gaps in the chairs and connects it with yours
- he holds your hand the whole way through the funeral and after, until the two of you end up in bed that night and he finally lets go to hold you fully, pressed against his chest as he cradled you to him
- when he wakes up the following morning however, it’s like he’s with an entirely different version of you
- it’s still you, but you’re cold, refusing to cry or grieve or do anything but focus on the games - all you want now is to get things over and done with
- winning doesn’t matter and you don’t really care what happens to your tribute, you just want to go home (which was concerning to you because physically, you were home)
“you need to convince Coral to partner up with Tanner.” you’re sitting at your dressing table as you to speak to Festus, him in his uniform on your bed as he waited for you to get ready to go and bond further with your tributes for the day. “He doesn’t stand a chance alone, he needs the help. Coral does, hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if they won.”
Festus only wiggled his eyebrows at you, meeting your gaze in the reflection of your mirror. “Well, sweet thing, I’m sure I could be convinced…” Festus is quickly quietened by your hairbrush smacking against his chest. “I was only saying!”
When he sees you try and smother the smile that tries to form on your face he stands from the bed, crossing the room, and wrapping his arms around your shoulders, speaking to your reflection. “Everything is going to be okay sweet thing. Trust me. In a week from now all this will be behind us and we can get on with the rest of our lives. You and me, a house somewhere in the upper city, two university degrees, other things. Whatever you want will be ours.” Your hands reached up to hold into his arms that wrapped around you, squeezing them lovingly as your stoic composure quickly dissolved. “But if what will soothe your roaring mind right now is an alliance between our tributes, then an alliance you shall have, sweet thing.”
You lean into his hold, titling your head to press a kiss to his clothed arm. “I love you, festus.” It didn’t matter that you knew he wouldn’t say it back just yet, he had always had a hard time verbalising his feelings, because you knew that he loved you, you could feel it right in this moment more then ever before.
- and then, only hours later, the trip to the arena came, and with it, the attack from the rebels
- festus had left your side for approximately 5 seconds, going to drag coral away from Tanner and the boy from 7 (who you hoped were all planning an alliance) when the first bomb went off
your ears ring with a shrill noise that only further disoriented you, your view blurry as you looked up from the rubbed floor of the arena and into the flames. the blast of the bomb from behind you had sent you flying forward, yet, you couldn’t see festus anywhere. smoke filled the room and rubble littered the floors, pieces of the ceiling and walls falling into the centre of the arena in the aftershocks.
you try and stand but your legs fail you and your arms shake with the effort you used to try and push yourself off of the floor. Rubble is falling closer and closer to you with each second, you can’t hear or see anything to anyone, let alone festus, and you’re sure that this is how you’re going to die.
just as you’re about it close your eyes and accept your fate, a shadow emerges from the ashes, running in your direction and yelling what you think is your name. it’s only when they grab you by the arms and hoist you up that you begin to see and hear properly again. “Coral.” You whisper, reaching out and caressing their face.
they seem unfazed, wrapping your arm around their shoulder and holding it against their collar bone while the other wraps tightly around your waist. “your leg is injured, so I’m going to have to drag you, okay? It might hurt.” your barley feel the pain in your leg and if you were any more conscious you might be worried about that, but right now all you can think about is how they came and saved you from the rubble. Coral could’ve ran, for freedom, to leave you for dead, for whatever. but they hadn’t, and a part of you didn’t really understand.
“you saved me.” you whispered, only loud enough for them to hear as they continued to drag you through the arena and to the exit. “what about you’re friends?”
“they’re fine.” they answered, helping you through the barricade and ever closer to safety. “so’s your little boyfriend. they all got dragged out by peacekeepers pretty quickly. we were too far in the destruction to be found as fast.”
you hear him before you see him. festus creed is calling your name in a wretched cry, sobs accentuating everything that came from his mouth. and when you catch sight of his frame, he’s being restrained by two peacekeepers, who seem to be insisting that he can’t go back in there, that’s they’ll find you but he needs to wait out here. before you can call out to him, Coral does so for you. “they need help! their leg!”
all eyes turn to you. you and the tribute from four gripping tightly onto each other, covered in ash and scrapes, hand gripping hand. it’s something festus never thought he’d see and it has him questioning everything he’s ever known. maybe the people from the districts were just like you and him. maybe everything he’d been told was wrong and it was silly to punish children, like himself, for the crimes of their fathers.
what he does know for certain is that he’s never run so fast in his life. he reaches you before the peacekeepers can and tears you from Corals hold, thanking them profusely even as peacekeepers drag them away to go with the rest of the tributes who made it out alive. he grips you with a strength you didn’t know he had, a hand cupping the back of your head and holding you tight against him. “I thought I lost you, God, I thought I lost you. I though you were…” he can’t say it, can’t bring himself to speak it out loud less he makes it come true. “All the rubble and the smoke and the fires, and when I tried to search for you they dragged me out. They told me I couldn’t go back in for you: I would’ve gone back in. I never should’ve left your side, what if you’d-“
He shakes his head, pulling you out of the safety of his hold so he can cup your face, thumbs runnings cross your tear-stained cheeks as he looks at you. “Never leave me. Not like that, not ever. Please. Promise me.”
He’s never sounded so pleading, so desperate, and he’s never wanted for anything more in his life. “I won’t, I’m sorry, I’m okay, I’m okay, I’m okay.” You’re a blubbering mess in festus’s arms, gripping to the back of his red blazer like your life depends on it. Your cries only worsen as the ringing in your ears starts to fade and you start to feel a throbbing pain in your leg. “I’m sorry. I love you, I love you.”
“I love you too, I love you too, I love you too.”
- festus follows you to the hospital and everywhere else after that
- but like seriously
- he already knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you and the attack in the arena only solidified that idea
- the hunger games are over and Lucy grey is crowned their winner within the week
- festus proposes the following morning
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
Roger really DOES have mad girldad energy and I am feral.
Welcome to my walls btw, it's hot af in Florida, so lmk if you need a popsicle/hj
Just. Omfg imagine Toki and Buggy bonding SO MUCH and Toki is the one who helps Buggy find Her Style and Her Confidence. Oden also has Big Himbo Dad Emergy too, so I bet he'd just be like ":000 a GIRL! WONDERFUL!!! I shall have TWO daughters!"
Roger ofc takes big offense to that and it becomes a shipwide brawl over who gets to be her dad, and Buggy is just laughing, crying, pickpocketing everyone. Only like. Three fellas even have the driving NEED to call her their daughter, they just love the chaos. Shanks is just left GAPING bc ofc he loves Buggy, he always has, always will, but the way she was smiling, the way she's just beaming at the acceptance, no matter how dramatic it is - by Davy Jones, it steals his breath away.
Whatever you do tho, don't imagine Toki dressing Buggy up in traditional Wano attire. Don't imagine Toki taking on the role of aunt or big sister and sharing this culture with Buggy. Teaching her the ways of warriors from her homeland, the codes and dress and recipes. Don't imagine Toki telling Buggy "family secrets" like recipes, fighting styles, etc. Don't imagine Toki just easily saying that of course Buggy needs to know these things! Blood is but the fluid of life, and love is what makes a family - and Buggy has so much love to give, so much to receive, and Toki calls her a child of Wano in heart and soul, in all the ways that matter should Buggy want that.
And Buggy, who has only ever wanted to BELONG, oh she accepts without hesitation.
Leaving Toki behind was hard, but she gifts Buggy an heirloom of sorts, a hair piece that she keeps either tucked under her beanie or safe in a chest, anchored to the floor of her room ((or hidden carefully with Devil Fruit powers)).
The day Toki manages to make/get a suitably sized kimono for Buggy, maybe for a party on the ship, maybe a birthday celebration ((and here I insert my Wano Culture Headcanons, that there's a birthday where children transition to young adults, and it's similar to a quinceñera but different, partially because it's done at 13, and then a second one at 18, a five year period of growth, life compared to butterflies, and so Toki convinces the crew to do these for the Cabin Kids-))
Buggy comes out, hair done, kimono flawless and bright and bold and so very her, a quiet joy on her face, and the crew is FLABBERGASTED.
Roger is sobbing.
Rayleigh has suddenly aged 20 years because oh shit oh gods she's going to be beautiful as an adult, oh damn it all he's gonna have to beat men off of her-
Shanks is caught between swooning, wanting to tackle her, and remembering just how the heck breathing works.
((Roger, Rayleigh, Crocus and Oden do rock paper scissors to get the first dance with her, and it dissolves into a fist fight somehow. Shanks gets involved and bites them. Toki takes the first dance.))
I have. So many emotions about transfem Buggy, bestie, send help it's all my brain can think about.
It's okay, I miss hot weather because here in Spain I am freezing and I am a spring child. My spiritual flower is a sunflower. I need the SUN. I NEED TO GO INTO THE FLAMES. So I'll stay there happily.
Please, Toki would so adopt Buggy. And Oden would be THRILLED. He'll see them getting along and he'd instantly say they look like mother and daughter. Buggy would be shy about it but Toki would probably laugh and say "Oh! Do we really? What do you think, Bugs?" and it's just,, So sweet,, Oden loves her a lot and he can't wait to see his Hiyori grow up too. Roger would be FURIOUS when he hears that because he "found her first" which, you know, true, but it's a weird way of saying that's his daughter. Anyway- Rayleigh would be so fucking done with everything. They'd fight about it and Buggy would actually have the time of her life because she feels important and flashy for once in a long time, and she'd laugh oh so beautifully at them when talking with Shanks about it in their room. Like she'd just laugh at the situation and Shanks is still not getting used to his very very not platonic feelings for his best friend. But he'd enjoy his time with her. He's just going a bit insane.
I can't stop thinking now about Buggy finally finding a place to belong. She's been lost for so long,, Feeling left out. And now Toki has gifted her with the most precious treasure there is: A home. Belonging. And I am so so emotional right now. Toki would be so proud of her and Buggy would just be so thankful. If Buggy called her 'mom' at some point, she'd feel embarrassed right away, but Toki would probably fight the tears and hug her close. Going crazy, really. All the men in Buggy's life fighting for her first dance,, Rayleigh just knows he'll have to fight all the men that hurt his precious star. And Shanks is starting to think about that too and the thought of Buggy dating somebody else makes him sick, so perhaps he needs to start with a plan to confess finally (he's so asking Toki about it. I'm gonna cry). Roger crying because he wants to enjoy every second he has left with her... It kills me.
I just know that to this day, Buggy still thinks about Toki as her mom. She never mentions it to anybody, but she feels such a strong connection to Wano and she's dying to go there finally someday. She might have not been born there, but her soul belongs there. And it's just so sweet. I am sobbing, thank you. Every time she does her hair, she feels Toki's hands instead of hers and she remembers everything she taught her,,,
Now I have on my mind a very silly Shuggy thought about Shanks trying to flirt with Buggy but failing miserably (because he's a kid and he only knows how to tease her or follow Roger's advice which are, um, not good) and Buggy just being so done and exhausted. She can't stand him! He's so annoying! Sometimes she doesn't know if she wants to punch him or kiss him! And she doesn't even know if Shanks likes her back because he keeps acting stupid. And she goes to Toki for advice and she's like "oh, darling... Men are stupid. Do you know why you felt smarter than them when you were unaware of being a girl? Well, one of the reasons is that Shanks is a kid. He's dumb. But he loves you and cares so much for you... He's just having a hard time trying to make his way to your heart" / "But he-! He's so damn- Ugh. He's such an idiot. He already did, and he just doesn't know because he can't see it and I can't stand him-" / "Well, maybe you should be the one telling him, huh?" / "What?! No! And give him the satisfaction of thinking I fell first?! I'd rather die. No. He has to make the first move". And now Toki is involved (like the rest of the crew because Shuggy is a whole teen drama) in their love story because Buggy keeps complaining about men being stupid and Shanks keeps saying he doesn't get how Buggy can't see he's in love with her.
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New Girl At Nekoma:
Kuroo's Crush
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Tetsuro Kuroo featuring Nekoma x female! reader (she/her pronouns)
Warnings: none
A/N: This is a request @times-new-roman-in-pastel! It's also this roosters birthday so Happy Birthday to our favorite Sports Promoter 🥰🥰
I apologize for being MIA for a while, poor mental health and general sickness have all but consumed my life but I promise I’m around 🖤
Oof YN 😬
Having to switch schools at the beginning of your third year 🫠
Honestly I don’t even know if crying will help at this point
Your guardian accepted a new job in Tokyo so of course you followed suit, moving from a small town to the huge city
It was a big change and an even bigger change looking at your new high school
Nekoma High School 🙌🏻
Honestly we love it
Well YOU don’t currently love it night but trust me you will soon enough 😏
Trust the process YN
You stand outside looking at the school as you take a deep breath and walk in
The halls are crowded and everyone is staring at you
Not only because you are the new kid but also because you are so pretty 🤩
Turning heads everywhere you go YN!
However right now it’s very overwhelming because, well once again, everyone is staring at you
You look around, trying to find your classroom but much to your dismay, it seems to not exist
But we don’t give up so easily! Oh no no
You mentally calm yourself, turning around to start over
Unfortunately when you turn around you turn smack into two boys
Subsequently you tumble to the ground, landing hard
“Are you ok?” An angelic voice chimes
You look up, seeing a tall boy and a shorter boy staring at you
“Yeah I’m ok, sorry for running into you,” you say as the shorter boy extends his hand to help you
“Sorry for knocking you down, ummm I’m sorry I don’t know your name?” The shorter boy says
“Oh I’m Yn, it’s my first day,” you say smiling and fixing your skirt and blouse
“Welcome to Nekoma YN, I’m Yaku and this is Kai,” the shorter boy says
“It’s nice to meet you,” you say smiling softly
Yaku and Kai smile back but before you can say anything
We hear an agitating, grading voice 😒
“Yaku!! Hey Yaku!”
You look over to see a very tall, white haired boy and a boy with a Mohawk approaching
“Yaku, hey I need your help!”
Yaku rolls his eyes as you watch their interaction, “Lev if it’s help with your receives, I’ll pass”
Lev 👉🏻 😱 offended
Meanwhile the boy with the Mohawk is just staring at you 👁️👄👁️
“For goodness sakes Yamamoto, stop staring at the new girl, it’s creepy!”
“Like you yelling that isn’t also creepy,” another boy says as he walks past with his head in a video game
“Hey are you really a new girl?” The tall boy known as Lev asks
You just smile and shake your head
“What in the heck are you all doing-” a tall, handsome dark haired boy approaches and halts as his eyes meet yours
You blush a little, smiling at the boy
Kai and Yaku be like 👀 😐😏
So now you have two guys staring at you as well as utter chaos ensuring around
Way to go Yn 👏 great job 🙄
“Umm hello, I’m Yn. I’m sorry for causing all this commotion. I’m new here and I’m afraid I’m lost,” you say
The tall, rooster haired boy 👉🏻😳
“What classroom are you looking for Yn?” Kai asks
You tell him as Yaku interrupts
“Hey Kuroo’s in that class, he can show you the way right captain?” Yaku says smacking Kuroo’s back
Kuroo👉🏻👁️👄👁️ umm yeah
“Thanks Kuroo, I appreciate it!” You say beaming
Please Yn, he starts blushing so hard 🥹
Yaku and Kai watch as you and Kuroo walk to class
“Heys making a fool of himself,” Kai says
“Isn’t it glorious?” Yaku laughs 😂
From that day forward, it was safe to say our precious captain cat developed a tiny crush on you
Well not really TINY
Man’s fell so hard for you Yn it’s unreal
He loved spending time with you, walking you to class and even eating with you
Subsequently, you became besties with the boys volleyball team
Your proximity to the team came with mixed reviews
Lev was rather annoying per the usual, Kenna acted like he normally did and Yamamoto essentially ceased all functioning when you were around
Honestly what I wouldn’t give to be a flu on that wall 🤣
You developed a closeness to the boys and soon found yourself in the current situation
“YN you should just be our manager,” Yaku blurted out one day at lunch
Kuroo 👉🏻 *literally choking* 👁️👄👁️ whet-
“I mean, she’s always hanging around so she should probably make herself useful,” Yaku shrugged
“Wow what an enticing invitation,” Kenna said 😐🙄
“Well I mean, Kuroo basically drools- HEY!” Yaku screeched as Kuroo jabbed him in the stomach
“I do actually know a little about volleyball! I use to be friends with the manager of the volleyball team at my last school!” You smile
“You mean, we could actually have a girl manager? Yamamoto exclaimed
“It’s up to the captain I think,” Kai said as everyone looked at Kuroo
Kuroo looked over at you as you beamed at him, how could he say no
He’s literally such a simp for you Yn and this was his chance to keep you close 🥰
“Well if you want to Yn-”
Before he can even finish, you fling yourself into his arms for a huge hug
Kuroo 👉🏻😐😳
You 👉🏻🥹 🫂
Yaku and Kai 👉🏻😏
Yamamoto 👉🏻 jealous 😠
Kenna 👉🏻🙄 📱
Please YN do less ✋🏻
As it turns out, you becoming Nekoma’s manager was both a good and a bad decision
Because now Kuroo would have to share you with not only his teammates but with the teams they played against
For example, someone’s always interrupting his nerdy jokes 😒
“Hey YN, why can’t you trust an atom?” Kuroo asks
“I don’t know why?” You say
“YN EMERGENCY HELP!” Lev screams as he runs in, Yaku hot on his tail
“LEV GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!” Yaku screams as Fukunaga, Yamamoto and Inuoka follow
“What happened?” You ask as Kuroo narrows his eyes 😑
“Yaku said Lev would never measure up to him and Lev said ‘but Yaku I’m already taller than you’ and Yaku got mad,” Yamamoto said
You 👉🏻😐 really?
“YN stop him from killing me! You need my height!” Lev screeches
“You suck Lev we can do without you,” Kenma says
We love it here 🤦🏻‍♀️
Meanwhile poor Kuroo is just standing there with the punchline to his joke, all deflated 😞
The punchline btw was “because they make up everything” 😩
Often times, Kuroo finds himself just watching you
kind of creepy? Yes but stay with me
“Why don’t you just tell her you like her?” Kai asked
“I don’t know what you’re talking about?” Kuroo says
“Really? We can all see how bad you have it for Yn, you are horrible at hiding it,” Kenma says walking past
Kuroo 👉🏻🥲
“Just confess to her,” Kai says
“I don’t know how and what if she doesn’t like me back?” Kuroo asks
For real?? Have you seen yourself Kuroo 🤔
“The training camp is coming ip next week, that’s the perfect time to confess!” Kai shouts
Kuroo thinks about it as he watches you
What does he really have to lose? I mean you’ve always been sweet to him and kind
Surely you like him too right?
Spoiler alert: you do 😍
Summer camp comes and Kuroo is so nervous
He has it all planned out perfectly
He will tell you how much he likes you and you will reciprocate and you will both live happily ever after 😍
Too bad that doesn’t happen 😃
“YN??? Is that you??” A voice booms from behind Nekoma
Karasuno stands there, their eyes wide as you stare back
“Holy crap! What are you guys doing here?” You yell, running towards them as Kiyoko appears
“YN HOLY CRAP IS THAT YOU?” She screams as you both hug
Nekoma is looking on, so very confused 🤨
“Uhhh YN?” Yaku asks
“These are my old friends! I use to go to Karasuno before I transferred here!” You smile
“YN we’ve missed you! It’s so good to see you!” Daichi says, hugging you
Oof Kuroo is seeing red right now 😡
“YN are you with Nekoma?” Suga asks as you nod
Kuroo stomps up to you, putting his arm around you as Daichi looks on
Kai, Yaku, Suga and Asahi 👉🏻👀🍿
“YN is my manager,” Kuroo says oh so confidently
“Our manager, idiot,” Kenma corrects, walking by 🙄
Daichi and Kuroo are in a staring match right now Kenma don’t interrupt!
“Come on YN let’s go,” Kuroo says, pulling you away
“Oh ok! I’ll see you guys later!” You say waving at your former school friends
As training camp progresses, Kuroo finds himself more agitated 😠
Seriously, on top of his team not letting him have a moment with you, now Karasuno is monopolizing your time!
“YN it’s so awesome to see you again!” Asahi says
“I can’t believe you’re working with these city boys now YN!” Tanaka scowls
Please Yn, smack him ✋🏻 🧑🏼‍🦲
“We all know YN really misses us the most,” Daichi adds, smirking at Kuroo
Kuroo 👉🏻🔥👄🔥
“Daichi knock it off-” you start to say, too bad you are interrupted by a certain someone 👀
“As a matter of fact, my dear Daichi, YN is SO much happier at Nekoma. She’s way to pretty and perfect to be stuck in some country bumpkin town!” Kuroo shouts
Kai, Yaku, Suga, and Asahi 👉🏻😳😲
Kiyoko 👉🏻😏
You 👉🏻😐😳🥹
“Tetsuro you think I’m pretty?” You say
“And perfect Yn don’t forget he said that too,” Yaku adds
Kuroo realizing what he said 👉🏻😐😳😰
“Ummm well yeah I do-” but before he can finish his sentence YN swoops in for a cheek kiss 😘
Kai and Yaku 👉🏻😐🤦🏻‍♂️
Suga and Asahi 👉🏻 😃😃
Kenma 👉🏻 🙄 📱
“I like you too Tetsuro and I’d love to go out with you,” you say as Kuroo practically explodes and grabs you, swinging you around as you laugh
Yaku and Kai are probably whipping tears away 🥲
YN you are one luckily lady!
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