#the Trisha paytas effect
honeyv22 · 8 months
The Trisha Paytas effect might happen again
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mymeloana · 1 year
Before You Binge
you're allowed to binge ... if you do all of these steps first
chug 1l of water
drink a cup of peppermint tea
and a cup of green tea
and a cup of hot lemon water
brush ur teeth
run up and down the stairs five times
do 20 jumping jacks
do 20 squats
do 20 prayer pulses
do 20 butt kicks
follow a lazy girl workout video
go for a 15-20 min walk
watch an episode of supersized vs superskinny, my 600lb life, freaky eaters, or a trisha paytas or nikocado avocado mukbang
put a face mask on
read a chapter of a book
read 5 more chapters of the book
finish the book
do duolingo lessons until you run out of hearts. then do practice lessons until you regain the hearts you lost
watch a disney movie
then watch a ghibli movie
watch an episode of that show you'd always meant to watch but never got around to
work on journalling, creative writing, or writing poetry
do some stretches
practice a hobby that keeps your hands busy, like knitting, gaming, or playing an instrument
paint your nails
watch a fashion show
watch media with a celebrity whose body you consider to be goals, like music videos/live performances for singers and movies/TV shows for actresses
watch interviews with aforementioned celebrities
start taking a free course on coursera.org, there are some you can complete in a couple of hours. or you can take a longer course and just do a lesson each time you feel the urge to binge
do a workout that's 40 mins or longer
shower for 20 mins with music
put lotion on your entire body
do the chores you've been ignoring
read an article about the effects of hunger on the body
drink another litre of water
and a pot of herbal tea
watch a documentary
watch a ted talk
you are probably tired after all this, so take a nap for half an hour or longer
if you still feel like binging, honestly, you earned it
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thewinchestah · 8 months
ok but my mind keeps coming back to those 7 years. To me alastor was clearly topside being a menace to society on earth and there are a few thing that are living in my mind rent free now
1) how long took him to commit his first murder when he tuned in to modern radio stations (those who cut the song in the middle, have the tacky sound effects and go THE BEST RADIO SATION, THE ROCK STATION ETC)
2) his stance on podcasts. I know from his beef with vox that he knows what they are and thinks they are bootleg radio shows BUUUUUT
3) I’m sure he knows everything about what went down on the frenemies podcast and has insane beef with trisha paytas. Hell he might even caused the insane beef that killed the podcast!
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allys-diary · 5 months
stories i om-nom-nom'd :: april 2024 (week 2)
I honestly didn't nom through too much because this week was mostly spent on my 'main' blog which is by the site's terms my side blog but let's be real, that's where I'm most active, it's my main blog 😤 Anyways, most of the week was spent reading through my friends' and fellow writers' stories and progressing my Tumblr TBR, writing my own stories, and also downloading and posting all the photos that came out this week from the events that Tom Hiddleston attended (legend has it, I'm still downloading).
As always, spoilers, thots, and thoughts all under the cut
The Antisocial Network
I wasn't expecting this to take the turn that it did, documenting the butterfly effect of the creation of 4chan and how it snowballed into January 6, 2021. I ended up liking this a bit more than I expected going in, but I also have a little bit of an opinion…some of these guys really shot themselves in the foot revealing themselves to be a part of Anonymous because now…well they're kinda the opposite 🥴
Quiet on Set: Breaking the Silence
The check in with the people that were interviewed felt like a necessary part of the entire process, but honestly…there was something in the vibe of this episode's execution that felt off to me. It was like the host was putting on a performance like they were filming in front of a studio audience and the tone just felt like it was too chipper if that makes sense? Like you're supposed to be checking in on them and asking them how they've felt since the documentary came out and how their lives have been since, so why are you sounding like you're reading them today's headlines? Like I can't believe I'm even saying this but Trisha Paytas did better--
It just felt a little heavy-handed to me, but I can get behind the concept of having this follow-up episode that addressed the absolute garbage fire of a video that Foot Man put out into the internet trying to do damage control but honestly should've just been titled "Dan Schneider digs his own grave even deeper for 20 minutes straight".
Delicious: True Love
Stage 5, Day 1: Emily arrives back home to her restaurant/apartment in Snuggford and the poor beb's so heartbroken and hyper-focused on that, that she doesn't even notice there's a big gaping hole in the middle of her restaurant, with a burst pipe making an accidental water fountain. Patrick only sees her going upstairs to unpack and assumes that her trip went well and basically declares to her family and her best friend that now that she's got her love and she's happy, there's no more reason for him to stay.
Dude no, we've officially entered idiots in love stage. 😩
The day ends with Emily sobbing the second her mom goes up and checks in on her. I'm gonna say one more time for good measure, if OG story Jean-Paul has zero haters, I am dead.
Stage 5, Day 2: Emily's parents are worried about her since she hasn't come back down from her apartment, and Francois gives her some tough love telling her to at least show up for work because he won't make excuses for her absence. Nothing much happens on this day, since she goes straight back upstairs when the shift's over, other than her mom Evelyn basically saying she should have meddled in the beginning by never giving her the letter to begin with.
All I'm gonna say is…remake Evelyn is definitely the better Evelyn 🥴
Stage 5, Day 3: Patrick reveals that he's moving to New York since his business is growing and the new shop's gonna need his attention. Then Angela, Emily's little sister, shows up with puppies and asks her all about Paris, which causes Evelyn to shout at Angela rather than just calmly tell her that it's a sensitive topic (Clear to see where Evelyn's playing favorites). Angela leaves the restaurant but instructs one of the puppies to stay behind with Emily, which kicks off our side quest for this level where we call back the pup when he strays from Emily's side.
The day ends with Emily keeping the pup with her for a day or two, and talking to her mom about what happened in Paris.
Stage 5, Day 4: The big hole in the middle of the restaurant's all fixed, and it's bringing in more foot traffic to the restaurant. Emily makes a note to call to have the floors polished, mentioning she likes the floral scent, and Francois tells her that Patrick's moving to New York. He also accidentally kickstarts the dreaded miscommunication trope because he said "something about someone needing his attention there".
Gotta love them himbo besties 🥴
Stage 5, Day 5: Emily gets to see more of Patrick's green flag status when he tends to a kid that hurt herself when she tripped, taking the kid's mind off the pain and giving her a little flower and doing a magic trick. Then he confirms with Emily that yes, he's moving to New York because "it's time to move on", and I wanna bonk some heads together all over again. Francois tells her that she and Patrick have been flirting for so long that it's like "watching the same car crash on repeat" and he tells his therapist about it sometimes, and then accidentally breaks the vase that Patrick put a rose he set aside for Emily in, scattering marbles all over the floor and giving us our side mission for this level.
The day ends with Emily turning down an offer for a girls night out, and holding on to the rose from earlier.
Stage 5, Day 6: We officially unlock this stage's Entertainer, which is Francois with Emily's new puppy from Angela. Not much happens other than at the end of the day, the previous owner of the restaurant Mr Farrell visits the place to reminisce, and he talks about his "one that got away" because he was a teenage boy that fapped over Marilyn Monroe (my words, not his). Then one day when he finally came to his senses, the girl already stopped showing up at the restaurant.
Stage 5, Day 7: Emily's heart's finally starting to heal and she wakes up realizing that her apartment's a total mess ever since she got home and started her one-woman misery party. She still has the rose from Patrick at the center of her living area, and she reads a card that basically boils down to "Emily babes wake up your true love's been right in front of you literally giving you flowers every day". Unfortunately, that last scene from the previous day feels like heavy-handed foreshadowing because Patrick says goodbye to Emily after giving her one last delivery of fresh flowers for the restaurant.
The day ends with Mr Farrell bidding Emily and his old restaurant goodbye since he's moving to Florida to stay with friends, and a regular customer Gladys walks in looking for her purse, and wouldn't you know, it's Mr Farrell's TOTGA, and she moved back to Snuggford after her husband passed away so she could be closer to family. This makes Mr Farrell decide that he doesn't wanna move to Florida anymore.
Undercover: Blood Bonds
Chapter 10: Vera clocks in for the morning shift and finds Bluejay in Club with her pajamas on, finding out that she doesn't have a place to stay so she's been sleeping in the backroom. Vera offers her to move in so she doesn't catch a case for breaking in. At the end of the shift, Jericho reveals he has mind control powers and he used them to make Crystal exit the room before he ordered Mr Smirnov to get rid of Vera because she's asking too many questions.
Chapter 11: Vera meets up with Hank at a pub called Smokin' Wheels, and he tells her that Mr Smirnov's on a mission to get her sacked. Lilly's ex boyfriend Sam shows up and Vera spends that shift trying not to get noticed by Sam. At the end of the shift, we get a flashback of Sam being overprotective but concerned about Lilly coming home late and he pulls the "you're mine" card, while Lilly walks away going "You don't know anything".
Pretty sure the cops are wrong that Sam's the culprit and it's actually Mr Mind Control with the glowy red eyes Jericho that they should be looking up.
stories to om-nom-nom next
The Tortured Poets Department
I'm already sharpening a pitchfork with Joe Alwyn's name on it.
Hello Kitty Island Adventure: Imagination Celebration Event
I have no idea what this side story's gonna be, but all I know is that they made my precious bb Kuromi the villain of the event, and ngl I'm fuming. My sweet mischievous baby deserves better 😤
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That's all for this week. See y'all next week unless I fall into a rabbit hole of planning out new stories for the WIP pile because I up and decided to Phase 1 plan for a "The Tortured Poets Department Collection" 🥴🫡
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kylejsugarman · 2 years
im sorry but anyone who thinks cancel culture is in any way real or effective is a moron. remember when lea michele was “cancelled” for being difficult, cruel, and straight-up racist?? oh wait no, she’s now in her dream role on broadway being lavished in critical and audience praise. remember when kevin hart was “cancelled” for making homophobic jokes?? oh wait no, he’s still starring in multiple mainstream movies and making the same millions he was making before. jake paul, trisha paytas, gabbie hanna, pewdiepie, jon tron: social media stars, youtubers, influencers from every corner of the internet who have been “cancelled” who are still making tons of money and haven’t lost their huge platforms. even when the fucking law gets involved, nothing ever sticks (bill cosby was released from prison, kevin spacey was still getting roles). cancellation isn’t a fucking thing!!!!!!
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itsbansheebitch · 1 year
I can't even. This article doesn't even make him look good. He admits he's still messaging minors. He is so disconnected from reality.
“Quickly, please name five famous male gay celebrities from the ages of 20 to 25,” he says. “You can’t because they don’t exist.” - James Charles
Remember this is the guy who defended Colleen Ballinger and called Adam McIntyre a liar. He was fine with a 30 something year old sending lacy underwear to a 13/14 year old. He could easily date someone older, but he CHOOSES to message minors. This is so disgusting and spits in the faces of everyone he's affected.
He complains about being "canceled" but then is dead silent when Adam, Johnny, Becky, Oliver, Ella, Alex, and more come out about their stories. Not to mention the victim blaming in this article. he is AN ADULT he should know better! I don't care if he's in his 20s, as someone younger than him, I find his behavior to be REALLY WEIRD at BEST.
Not to mention Colleen's Ballinger's lawyer may or may not have defended Armie Hammer, Prince Andrew, Brian Singer, Danny Masterson (and maybe Bill Cosby, can't confirm though). :/ The lawyer also sent a cease and desist to to the WRONG email. The email of a fan account of the H3 Podcast (Ethan's Basement). That's some Onision energy lol (Wrong Chris Hansen)
I'm so done with YouTubers (Especially OG ones) being creeps and predatory. Someone needs to crowdfund a lawsuit fund for these kids. Some of these kids have JUST turned 18. Colleen and her family KNEW that Trent was at LEAST creepy towards kids, enough for them to warn him against messaging people under 18 years old. He literally told Oliver that when HE WAS 13 YEARS OLD. You don't even want to know what else he messaged them.
I want to add that Johnny, Becky, and Oliver are not "Weenies" (one of the group chats), however, this does not make their experience any less valid, in fact I'd say it is even more horrifying since that means THERE ARE EVEN MORE VICTIMS.
This situation is insane and my heart goes out to those effected. Both the "direct" victims, those speaking out AND those staying silent. My heart also goes out to former fans of Colleen, I know how it feels to find out a creator isn't who you thought they were. I hope you all find peace. <3
It should also be said that Colleen has children. She has a family channel, a vlog channel. I'm not saying she or her family should be harassed, but we need to hold them accountable for their actions. If Adam is telling the truth about being sent Trisha Paytas' nudes at ~15 years old (which I have no reason to believe otherwise, however, I am open to the truth no matter what side it come from) then Colleen may have committed a FEDERAL CRIME.
This isn't YouTube drama, it's crime.
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bracingtincture · 2 years
RPDR s15e04:
- well, the twins DID bomb entertainingly. Spice’s Miley would’ve been absurdist art if it’d come from someone else, someone more intentional. she was literally playing a cartoon character in live action. it was bad and stupid but it was at least, like, interestingly bad and stupid, which is more than i can say for some failed Snatch Games.
- as for Sugar, i’m too curmudgeonly for ~*~internet personalities~*~ so i only barely know who Trisha Paytas is, and what i DO know is consistent with Michelle’s critiques, but! i’d still say that was a better/more entertaining Snatch Game performance than [SOME OF THE SAFE QUEENS] giving us nothing. maybe they were better in the parts we didn’t see, because we didn’t see much from anybody but the twins, Mistress, and Loosey.
- i do think the twins would’ve benefited immensely from having someone coach them a little on what exactly is funny about Miley or Trisha. there’s ample material! both were incredibly strong picks for Snatch Game, but unfortunately, the twins are not...seasoned performers, we’ll very generously say.
- i don’t think influencers and such are inherently bad Snatch Game picks the way some people do, i just think there are good and bad examples and good and bad ways to play them. the real reason all the queens who attempt those kinds of characters fail is that they tend to be young, inexperienced, and lacking the broad cultural knowledge base that Snatch Game requires to be able to pull up witty answers on the fly.
- i love Mistress and i think she’s funny but i didn’t think she was AS funny as everyone else apparently did. was it the edit? it was probably the edit, right? this season is so badly edited.
- Loosey was great and deserved the win, and i also loved her runway the most. something made of those materials with a Jason Vorhees theme shouldn’t, in theory, be elegant, but it really was!
- i also loved Sasha’s runway but like, really, when has she ever not killed it on the runway. it almost goes without saying now. “i loved [name]’s runway look the most” means “besides Sasha’s.”
- <stan brained> Anetra is underrated as a comedic performer and i knew she’d do well here so CONGRATS GIRL, IN MY HEART YOU WERE TOP...FOUR, PROBABLY </stan brained>
- i can’t believe they censored “shite” ffs
- but if we’re honest with ourselves, at this point Anetra could say just about anything in a comedy challenge and i’d twirl my hair and giggle and go “omg she’s soooo funny, isn’t she soooo funny?”
- the same kind of goes for Sasha but i feel really cheated by not getting more of her Jan Crouch. she was great from what we got to see! on twitter she claimed it was the editing that made her look better but idk.
- the show has always manipulated situations (and editing) to support The Narrative™ but this season feels like the seams are showing more than usual. it’s the bad editing! who do i blame for this, MTV? that WeHo show? Ru? Viacom? Elon Musk, somehow? can we pin this on him in some butterfly effect thing?
- also, i mean, we all knew the twins were gonna be made to lip sync against each other, but this quickly? the show must have some other bullshit manufactured drama waiting in the wings then.
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boatemlag · 2 years
rant about trans stuff under the cut
been thinking about recently how when trisha paytas came out as a trans man in 2019, the trans community reaction as a whole was incredibly alienating to GNC trans folks.
tldr if you didnt know, trisha paytas came out in 2019 as a trans man in a long video that basically said that she's a trans man because she's attracted to gay men. which is definitely... something. considering that most of her content revolves around rage clicks and drama, it garnered some pretty serious skepticism, mockery, and outrage from the trans community. she's since come out as nonbinary and uses she/they pronouns.
trisha by no means is an admirable person. she's always centered her internet content around clickbait and often outright discriminatory behavior and ragebait. she often says and does things she later rescinds because it will get her views, and views=money. it's unsurprising that her coming out was treated the way it was. but the way in which the community turned, pointed fingers at her, and spewed straight up transmedicalist rhetoric was the most blunt and flagrant display of the prejudice against GNC trans people that i've ever seen.
i don't really blame trisha for what happened. i don't like her, but i don't blame her. and i'm not saying that how trans people reacted would've affected how cis people reacted to her, and just GNC trans people as a whole, at all. but the appalling comments i saw from people within my own community about how trisha's femininity "disqualified her from transness" and how she "couldn't possibly be trans" because she stated she "wasn't interested in changing her presentation" was absolutely sickening. everything i saw about it was one step away from hate speech.
and i'm not stepping in to defend trisha, either. i'm no fan of hers. i'm not going to claim that she 100% wasn't farming for clicks and media attention. i don't pretend to know what happens in her mind. but i will say that the display of horrific behavior from within the trans community that week was so disappointing and indicative of a larger problem within the community.
people want to pay lip service to GNC trans folks. people want to say that they're not transmeds and they support gender nonconformity. but the speed at which people jump to scrutinize someone who isn't what they consider to be cookie-cutter trans is not just directed at click-farming micro-celebs. at the end of the day, who it really will have an effect on is the GNC trans people you know. in or out of the closet, we saw how you reacted, and it told us how you really feel about us.
and the kicker is, trans people kicking down on our own community will only ever serve to hurt us. cis people don't care that you're deepthroating the boot. a trans person kicking down on other trans people is only going to serve as confirmation bias to cis people. cis people see trans people as inherently other no matter how we express ourselves.
i wish i could say that the community has gotten its shit together since 2019, but. well. i can't, so. (gestures up at the other paragraphs)
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thorne1435 · 1 year
Re system discourse
Im a system and I have no clue what our origins are. I dont think it matters. It doesnt effect our experience to know either way.
Afaik there hasnt been all that much research on "how systems happen" anyway.
Re resouces: Usually the more common something is the more resources become available as awareness grows. Even people on gluten free diets as a fad diet buy products increase demand which increases supply which helps celiacs.
What resources are there anyway, that endogenic systems might take away from traumagenic ones? Whos even to say traumagenic system are the "more valid" systems? Who's to say its even a binary?
I don't know much, but Im not here to tell people theyre lying about their own experiences. Why fight when we can help each other.
And if someone is faking, what does that change? Do we want to be the kind of people trying to work out whos faking and who's genuine, that just hurts everyone and is so divisive.
(I mean caveat, i know trisha paytas claims to be a system and I don't believe anything she says about herself but thats a 'micro celebrity' whos always talking shit not a random community member and also I recognize this is hypocritical).
Id rather be in a supportive community than always trying to snipe out who the fakers are and worrying if Ill be seen as a faker. Thats just exhausting. And immoral in general re disability.
"And if someone is faking, what does that change? Do we want to be the kind of people trying to work out whos faking and who's genuine, that just hurts everyone and is so divisive."
That's sort of what I'm worried about. It seems so antithetical to a progressive mindset to be looking out for a "True ____" be it a "True Transgender" or a "True Gay" or a "True System"
But at the same time, isn't it sort of weird when it's like an actual mental disorder?? Like, gay and trans aren't conditions they're just traits. But you have to go through genuinely traumatic events to be a system, and maybe that's why traumagenic systems are so upset about endogenic systems. I mean, there's like a degree of disrespect they perceive from it, I think.
And this isn't unlike what you'll see from transmedicalists who insist that they're more valid because they experience dysphoria and so anyone who doesn't is just a trender.
But, like, trans isn't an illness, y'know? Like, it's medicalized like one, but it's not a mental disorder, it's just a social thing.
I think for these people, it's a bit like saying "I have OCD" to mean "I am particular about details" instead of like "I am compulsed to do an action I don't want to do and I can't stop." or like saying "I have intrusive thoughts" to mean "I did a quirky, weird thing" instead of like "I considered doing something that I didn't want to do because of The Metnal Illness."
Though, maybe you're right. Maybe that's just exhausting and irrelevant and vaguely immoral.
IDK, I'm mainly playing devil's advocate here. I'm still not sure what to think exactly.
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zukuist · 3 years
i was on tiktok and there was this video of a girl pranking her boyfriend by adding “mmm” at the end of every sentence. theres a video of trisha paytas adding that to her sentences unintentionally , like its kinda subtle but still noticeable lmao(just search up trisha paytas ethan klein mm) . so can you do that where reader pranks bakugo, shouto and deku by doing the same thing?
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“they’re wondering why you’re mumbling.. that at the end of each sentence.”
FANDOM/S: 僕のヘロアカデミア // boku no hero academia [bnha]
INCLUDES: k. bakugō, s. todoroki, i. midoriya
your name is shortened to y/n, gender neutral!
ANYTHING TO BE CAUTIOUS ABOUT?: crack, but still lots of fluff so there’s nothing 2 be worried about
SIDE NOTE: lets pretend it hasn’t been like. . 18 days since i’ve posted something. yeah, i know i’ve received this a while back, so i am so, so sorry for the long wait also i know by the time i’ve posted this, the drama going on with frenemies rn is over but regardless💀 its still kinda sad
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so this wasn’t something trisha paytas did on purpose, but you still found it hilarious
to the point that you wanted to pull this ‘stunt’ on katsuki just to fuck with him 💀
and i placed quotation marks because this isn’t really the biggest stunt that exists out here, compared to the other shenanigans you’ve pulled on your boyfriend
like.. how you did that ‘hit your s/o with your bag’ prank on him, and didn’t see, or speak to him for four whole days 🧍
he was really mad at you
after setting up the camera, and making sure he isn’t aware of what’s going on, you begin
anyways, he highkey lowkey has grandpa ears, can’t say it’s his fault it’s partially a side effect of his quirk
so, of course he’s not going to notice the first time
then, you do it for the second time “katsuki, you trained a lot today mmmh.”
he hears the mmmh this time. he honestly doesn’t think too much of it (though he’s kinda like ‘???’ internally.)
“of course. i have to train a lot if i wanna be #1.”
“i knew you’d say that, but you still have to take care of yourself mmmh.”
he falls silent for a few seconds. and, he’s staring at you with that bewildered look, like 🤨
👹 “the hell was that?”
“what? what did i do?” you act oblivious to his question, and he’s still staring like 😟🤨❔
now the blond’s thinking ‘okay, i probably heard that shit wrong.’ and he drops the question, going back to the conversation
it makes him sharply snap his head right back at you, staring at you with the same muddled look.
you’re just surprised that he doesn’t have any whiplash, and how his neck is even. . okay.
but he’s absolutely certain that the sound was indeed, not a figment of his semi-horrible hearing, that’s can be blamed on his explosions “can you like.. stop that shit??”
“stop what, katsuki mmmh??”
his eye visibly twitches, and for the umpteenth time, you dig your nails into your palm to prevent yourself from breaking the scene
due to laughter
“you know EXACTLY what i mean.” and he’s growing agitated because why oh why are you making that sound 😭
a part of him thinks, and knows he’ll regret mimicking the obscure sound.
but seeing that you won’t really get what he’s saying UNLESS he directly addresses it, katsuki does it anyway “you know- the ‘mMmMh’ thing! you are definitely doing something!”
“katsuki, what thing are you talking about mmmh?” if it weren’t for the fact that you had this 😼 stupid grin on your face
it would’ve convinced him that he was delirious
“mMhmH!” he mocks, eyes going skywards
“you’re fucking with me. i just know you are.” and he was right, because you laughed like an absolute maniac💀
he had this revolted look on his face the day after you posted the prank online (he didn’t stop you, because of the fact that this is just live proof that you’re taken)
and he just hopes that (at the very least anyway,) it’d only reach his friends’ algorithm
and though he wouldn’t want his friends to see that, it’s better than having a ton of strangers see it.
i’d hate to break it to you katsuki but.. 😸
luck is apparently not on his side, and a lot of people saw the video, much to his dismay 🙎‍♀️👩‍🔧😾 how you make it up to him is up for discussion
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you’re aware that his reactions are indeed. . something else. in a good way though.
so you just wanted to know, would he call you out on it? would he even notice at all? you’ll find out in a second :]
you chose to ignore the possibility of him having a blank slate of a reaction
like the time you stuck your hand out to him, and all he did was wordlessly stare at it; before resting his head against your palm (it was vv cute, but definitely not what you were exactly hoping for)
and the other time you decided to ambush him with your bag, and all he did was stare at you blankly, before pulling you in for a hug and asking mysteriously for forgiveness 😟
after a little preparation, you sit yourself down and wait for the opportunity to spark up a conversation with your boyfriend
anyway, shōto’s highly attentive to your speech pattern, and offers you the highest quality of attention you deserve ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪
but despite that, he.. might not say or notice anything extremely special at first, it’s to be expected. say it again for the second time however? hm.. maybe he’ll start to pay close attention to it.
“love, for our next date, where do you want to go? i heard you wanted to go to that amusement park so..”
you smile, petting his silky bicolored locks. it is all falling into place. “i thought you didn’t like amusement parks, especially rollercoasters mmmh.”
you scan for a reaction, and it doesn’t seem like he wanted to say anything in particular about the mumble.
heck, it only made him show off that small, but genuine smile of his. the reason behind this was because he passed it off as you humming, due to the relaxation of petting his hair ☠️
which is a reasonable assumption tbh. anyone could get K.O. from extensively petting his locks.
“no, i don’t dislike it. if you enjoy it, then i do too. so, what do you say?”
“we can go whenever’s possible mmmh”
okay, so shōto has definitely noticed. it evident in the way he blinks slowly, and tilts his head in interest.
he doesn’t make a verbal comment however, and decides to proceed with the conversation, just to see if you’d do it again
“i think i could go next week, since next saturday in particular’s a rest day. don’t worry about the prices, because i’m paying.” he reaches up to cup your cheek, this making you almost forget about the prank. almost.
“shōto, you really don’t have to pay for all of it, i don’t want to do that to you mmmh.”
i think he’s more curious than confused, really. you really did just convince shōto that this was a new speech pattern trend. so what does he do? he copies you.
“it’s okay, love. i like paying for you mmmh.” shōto says, with the most UNREADABLE, STRAIGHT FACED expression that is very classic of him.
“i still don’t like the idea of you paying for the expenses i should be paying though mmmh.”
“i’ve covered for our expenses during our past dates though, so i don’t see an issue mmmh. just let me pay, okay? mmmh.”
this ultimately makes you break out of character, causing laughter to spill from your mouth. you fall forward, tears from laughter pricking the corners of your eyes.
he tilts his head, unintentionally mimicking a confused, and very lost puppy “what’s wrong mmmh? am i doing things wrong mmmh?”
this only makes you laugh HARDER, and in between bits of laughter,
you explain that it was a prank, something you’ve seen from a clip of a podcast, but it was mostly just because you wanted to see his reaction
it’s all clear as day now.
“so, it’s not a new speech pattern mmmh?”
“yes. sorry to break it to you, shō” you pat his bad when he looks down at your hands, a small little ‘oh’ leaving his lips
“well.. it’s okay mmmh”
in general, he’s just that enamoured by you. frankly, he’ll copy anything you do.
“shōto if you don’t quit it, my lungs are seriously gonna burst from laughter”
he then takes you seriously, and stops 😟 are we surprised? (nah, he literally took mt. lady’s words to HEART. man was mortified)
you had to tell it straight to him that it was an exaggeration
oh, and yes. the tiktok went viral. mina sent you a billion of comment section screenshots
mostly consisting of “awww, so fun! *blocks*” and “the way he mimicked the sound was just too cute”
which has made mina firmly decide that she’d be sending you shenanigan ideas (for future use 😎)
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his reactions to pranks are either over the top, or the entire thing backfires, and he misses the point
like that one time where you called him “midoriya” as a prank, and he looked INCREDIBLY hurt, and you ended up taking back what you said
besides that, it was a common thing to watch frenemies with izuku. it was just oddly interesting to watch for him (you wouldn’t have guessed, tbh no one else wouldn’t have.)
and his fascination obviously shows, from the way he makes frenemies references ☠️
“izuku, did you also get 12.4 for number 18?”
plus, the two of you are heavily invested in all of the seemingly never ending drama with ms trisha paytas (though, if it happened to izuku, he’d be TIRED; EXHAUSTED.)
anyhow 😍 besides the fact that you watched frenemies with izuku, you also wanted to test his observation skills, because why not?
you’re just in a silly goofy mood 😎 plus, testing your boyfriend out of nowhere is fun.
after a few adjustments and setting up the scene, you wait for izuku to arrive at your dorm, blindly walking into the scenario you’ve set up
and then he does, “y/n !” he calls out, “something interesting happened just now, it was just. . wow !”
you smile at the way he makes himself confortable, and unknowingly; places himself near the camera. “and you decided to tell me first mmmh? that is very sweet of yoummmh”
he halts, “did you say something?”
“hmm, nommmh.”
izuku, who was about to go off in telling the story, pauses buffers like 😃➡️😀? ‘nom??’
out of all of them, he’s the first one to notice the ominous sound. and that’s not very surprising
if there’s anything you’re aware about, it’s izuku’s astute observations. he’s probably the most observant guy in your class, literally. no sugar coating. and that says something
man carries a notebook and pen around, and has a makeshift one if he forgot to bring it with him 😟
and guess what? he’s even more observant with his s/o. some may say it’s just boyfriend duties, but he’s observant because he wants to catch all the details that are there.
he’ll take literally any information crumb you were to throw them at him
not 100% convinced, he takes a mental note of the sound, face slightly scrunching in confusion.
but, because of your encouragement to tell his story, he proceeds like normal
“all might said he loved this move, LOVED ! he never uses that term before, so this is progress”
“and you said you thought of that in your sleep? mmmh”
he goes silent for a second, confusion slowly coming back to his face. “. . . and uh. . yeah? yes.”
and you’re just internally DYING; like damn 😃 only you could have such mental strength🕴
“y/n. . are you sure you didn’t say anything?”
“like what?mmmh”
would probably see no reason as to why you’d lie to him about it, and has totally convinced himself that he went insane and he’s now hearing stuff
this time, he’s listens CAREFULLY. as CAREFULLY as he could“. . . and i thought. . ‘hey! i should consider developing the moves i make in my sleep.’”
then, the familiar noise and realisation slams into him.
it literally looks like a lightbulb popped up from his head
“oh!! i see! was that. . from frenemies 😀??”
“what mmmh?”
“y/n. . please say yes. it’s the sound that trisha paytas made, yes?, please confirm, or i might just tear up 😀😟”
and yes! he was correct. you explained to him that it was a prank, based off that frenemies clip.
which was a HUGE sigh of relief to him. the undetermined sound would’ve confused him all WEEK
oh and if he didn’t know it was a frenemies, or if you didn’t confirm anything, he would’ve just wrote it down on his notes 🕴
and by the way, when you posted the tiktok,
most; if not, all of the comments were talking about the fact that izuku midoriya has seen frenemies before ☠️
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©️ zukuist 2021, bnha|mha belongs to horikoshi kohei, do not repost, plagiarise, or steal ❕
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angeloncewas · 2 years
I said this to other people but like white cis men can make offense jokes day in and day out without bother no one cares but suddenly if someone not that makes the same joke you have people talking about the ethics of it, going "actually x group is really effected by that!" and how we need to suddenly need to hold people accountable specially that person.
Idk screams "I hate this group but I can't outright say it" it's giving "I hate this person irrationally so if they slip slightly I will scream" then a bunch of kids or stupid people get roped into believing it too because they think a certain way or talking mixed with the right words means they person is right.
I hope they makes more 9/11 jokes and those people mad pull up Hasan's stream to shit themselves
(I'm a bit mad sorry)
Abndkfkf I don't mind I like the energy
The way we (collective) are desensitized to some jokes/behavior is crazy like I didn't realize how often men call me "girl" in some capacity until I started considering myself an enby and then I was like wait why am I constantly getting called girl like no matter what that's a little strange... idk if this makes sense it's just one of those things
It's just so... I can't even bother myself with it when it comes to Twitter like no one's stupid enough to say 9/11 wasn't a serious tragedy are you fucking kidding me it changed the entire structure of America but I really don't think one jab at Trisha Paytas is what makes it the nail in the coffin for you... ridiculous
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omg okay so there was this tweet that was like “i think this is jungkook’s first life he seems so new to everything” or smth like that and someone else replied “i have this theory that jungkook is actually the second life of a very specific person. now don’t cancel me for this this is just my opinion and you can have your own etc. anyways i think princess diana—“ and something to that effect. and then there’s also jokes going around bc trisha paytas went into labor that the queen is gonna be reincarnated as her baby
Oh yeah!!! I remember that post now. I love finding out Trisha Paytas was pregnant and apparently gave birth at the same time because I judt don't give a shit anymore lol. Can't wait to see their eventual confrontation.
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She seems to be a less awful more talented version of Trisha Paytas. Especially with the chronic lying and narcissism. Narcissists never change or usually get the help they need as a side effect of chronic lying. Wouldn’t be surprised if she shopped for therapists to give her BD
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windblume · 3 years
Tell us (if you want) about nikocado avocado! I'm kinda curious now
UGHHH I TYPED OUT SO MUCH AND THEN TUMBLR JUSY RANDOMLY CLOSED AND IT ALL GOT DELETED😭😭😭 so im too lazy now to do all of it again sorry. heres the gist (i promise i condensed it as much as i could; i left out a lot) (its really quite an interesting case)
basically he used to be a vegan and a talented violin player. he was a normal healthy weight, around 146 pounds i think? somewhere there. he even made a violin cover of a trisha paytas song which was his first instance of contact between them (more on that later). he made modest vegan mukbangs with his pet parrot on his shoulder, which gained him an audience among other mukbang youtubers. he made videos about veganism but he always expressed his disdain for the community, saying that they had a superiority complex and felt as if they were better than non vegans.
he later stopped being vegan and continued mukbang videos, now with meat. his portion sizes grew and grew with his audience. he had notably feigned ignorance toward his weight gain, saying it was stress, water weight, and genetics, so he ate more and more without worry. he had a boyfriend named orlin, and. get this. in a vlog they stated that nikocado had slept with several men and cheated on orlin, and then slept with orlin and gave him an std. at the time he was worried about his weight gain and worried about the effects on his health, but…. he never did anything to stop it, so. he just kept gaining weight
he got into many controversies with other mukbang channels, but i dont know too much about those. im going to talk about his two biggest controversies: with trisha paytas, and stephanie soo.
trisha and nikocado had started chatting and nikocado brought up the idea of a collab. at the time trisha seemed amiable to this idea, and nikocado hurriedly bought a plane ticket and flew out to meet trisha. when he arrived, he texted her repeatedly, but she had ghosted him. nikocado felt hurt, and then started slandering trisha on the internet repeatedly. most notably he edited a clip of trisha on younow with another youtuber, and made it seem as if trisha was making a fatphobic remark on his weight. if you watch the whole younow stream, she was actually defending him against the other youtuber. trisha has maintained that she never actually agreed to the collab and nikocado just got over-excited. things between trisha and nikocado never got resolved… they just kind of died down over time.
stephanie soo was the end of nikocado’s reputation. at the time she had moved into a million dollar apartment and invited nikocado over to check it out. while she was in the bathroom, nikocado took photos of intimate parts of her home without consent. stephanie also said that nikocado made her feel pressured and unsafe in his vicinity, but she didnt bring it up because she was scared of what reaction she would get. during their mukbang videos together, stephanie said she felt pressured and scared of nikocado. stephanie was a victim of sa and other various terrible experiences and she felt that being with nikocado had made her feel similar to her experiences in the past.
prior to this, nikocado had a reputation of being someone who was skilled at taking down his opponents in these internet fights. OH i forgot to mention that he was also in a fight with mukbang youtuber veronica wang, and just know that he was in the wrong. i forgot most of the context. but now, stephanie had released a video titled “Why I’m Scared of Nikocado Avocado” and he had tried to once again skillfully take her down, but he failed because he had zero evidence and all the evidence was pointing towards stephanie being correct. the internet turned on him, and just as recently as 12 days ago, hes trying to hit 400 pounds. god bless
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star-fall-system · 3 years
The main reason I don’t participate in syscourse is that endogenic haters don’t understand why endogenics believe in what they do in the first place
I don’t believe you can have DID or OSDD without trauma. They are traumagenic disorders and they are caused by dissociating to cope with trauma in critical periods of childhood, which stops you from integrating your memory and personality correctly, etc etc. I don’t believe in endogenic systems.
But most syscourse from my “side” of the argument completely fails to understand why endogenics believe what they do! And it just is so unhelpful!
We always repeat that you need severe trauma for DID, and like, you do; but what’s severe to one person isn’t for another and a massive side effect of trauma is not believing you were traumatised or not believing it was “bad enough”! I’ve seen a lot of endogenics be like “yeah I had a bad family life and I was bullied and I May have experienced sexual abuse but it wasn’t bad enough for DID so I’m endogenic!!”
Like. We should phrase it as “trauma (and lack of good, reliable parental attachment!) bad enough that dissociation becomes your only way of coping”, rather than talking about how severe and bad it must be, because most traumatised people will not want to accept that their trauma was “bad enough”.
And two, a lot of people don’t remember their trauma! I have a trauma I’m not sure happened (plus others I’m sure of and one I’m not sure if it was mild or severe), but memory loss is a SYMPTOM! of a traumagenic disorder! Of course it makes sense for people to have trauma they’ve forgotten!
Of course there are some things that are spiritual beliefs and not the same as DID/OSDD, like tulpas. That should be treated differently, but not disrespected! We don’t know what these people are experiencing. It’s not alters in the same way as DID/OSDD, because they have an integrated personality, but we don’t know if it’s real or not, we just have our beliefs vs theirs. As long as tulpamancers are not claiming the same experience as DID/OSDD they should be left alone. And if they are, hatred is only gonna entrench them in their beliefs and separating the two (ie. communities for disorders vs beliefs) is best.
I believe that these two categories, traumagenics in denial and tulpamancers/similar, cover almost every endogenic- with a tiny, tiny selection faking on purpose, like Trisha Paytas or whatever. Those lot are actually probably more likely to claim DID, though, as it gets wider recognition.
Stop “hating” endogenics! Most of them are probably misled traumagenic systems. We should spread awareness instead! Yelling at people that they’re wrong isn’t going to make them change their minds. It never does. Instead we should give them the resources to gradually convince themselves first that they were mistaken and are traumagenic, and eventually to recognise endogenicism isn’t possible. This is actually productive at least.
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michaelmilkers · 4 years
i’ve watched jenna marbles every week since i was in the eighth grade. i graduated high school last year. she’s been a constant source of happiness for me for years, and i’m devastating that she’s stepping back from youtube, but y’all need to please shut the fuck up about cancel culture.
stop comparing her to jeffree star and jake paul and shane dawson and whatever other youtubers have done much shittier things than her, asking why people attacked her and not them, and framing this entire situation in such a manipulative way.
it is fucking MORONIC to even suggest that she has EVER received more hate and more ‘callouts’ than the likes of jake paul, jeffree star, or trisha paytas, because that is simply not true. she functions on a different set of morals than those people, and she is obviously much more deeply affected by them than they are. the fact that people are even making this about other youtubers when we should be supporting her is just disrespectful in and of itself.
jenna really, really cares about other people. she cares about accountability, transparency, and making sure everyone is having a good time. she said herself that she doesn’t want to hurt people or make them feel bad for any reason, in any context, no matter what her intentions were. she doesn’t care. she doesn’t want to contribute to that. that kind of stuff doesn’t need to exist. that is who she is, as an individual, and as a content creator. those are the values she chooses to embody and live by. she very specifically went over her points, her feelings about them, and how she feels about her content in general, and it’s fucking insulting to her that y’all are practically acting like she’s a child who was bullied off the platform and is quitting a decade-long career because of some mean comments.
she is a grown ass 33 year old woman. she’s been around as a content creator about as long as youtube has. as much as we all love her she doesn’t need protecting from anything. this is her decision, about her channel, and it’s obvious that she’s been very bothered by her older content for a very long time. how can you act like people bullied her into doing this when she talked about videos that she said no one even asked her to apologize for? it’s minimizing the thought that she’s put into this and the effect that this might have had on her mental health.
she said she’s doing what she would want a youtuber she admires to do. she’s embodying her values and morals. STOP TAKING AWAY FROM THAT. stop missing the entire fucking point of her video. she specifically said people calling her ‘unproblematic’ and saying she can’t do anything wrong unlike other youtubers makes her uncomfortable. be respectful of her, her choices, and what she wants to put out into the world.
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