#rant about transphobia i guess
boatemlag · 2 years
rant about trans stuff under the cut
been thinking about recently how when trisha paytas came out as a trans man in 2019, the trans community reaction as a whole was incredibly alienating to GNC trans folks.
tldr if you didnt know, trisha paytas came out in 2019 as a trans man in a long video that basically said that she's a trans man because she's attracted to gay men. which is definitely... something. considering that most of her content revolves around rage clicks and drama, it garnered some pretty serious skepticism, mockery, and outrage from the trans community. she's since come out as nonbinary and uses she/they pronouns.
trisha by no means is an admirable person. she's always centered her internet content around clickbait and often outright discriminatory behavior and ragebait. she often says and does things she later rescinds because it will get her views, and views=money. it's unsurprising that her coming out was treated the way it was. but the way in which the community turned, pointed fingers at her, and spewed straight up transmedicalist rhetoric was the most blunt and flagrant display of the prejudice against GNC trans people that i've ever seen.
i don't really blame trisha for what happened. i don't like her, but i don't blame her. and i'm not saying that how trans people reacted would've affected how cis people reacted to her, and just GNC trans people as a whole, at all. but the appalling comments i saw from people within my own community about how trisha's femininity "disqualified her from transness" and how she "couldn't possibly be trans" because she stated she "wasn't interested in changing her presentation" was absolutely sickening. everything i saw about it was one step away from hate speech.
and i'm not stepping in to defend trisha, either. i'm no fan of hers. i'm not going to claim that she 100% wasn't farming for clicks and media attention. i don't pretend to know what happens in her mind. but i will say that the display of horrific behavior from within the trans community that week was so disappointing and indicative of a larger problem within the community.
people want to pay lip service to GNC trans folks. people want to say that they're not transmeds and they support gender nonconformity. but the speed at which people jump to scrutinize someone who isn't what they consider to be cookie-cutter trans is not just directed at click-farming micro-celebs. at the end of the day, who it really will have an effect on is the GNC trans people you know. in or out of the closet, we saw how you reacted, and it told us how you really feel about us.
and the kicker is, trans people kicking down on our own community will only ever serve to hurt us. cis people don't care that you're deepthroating the boot. a trans person kicking down on other trans people is only going to serve as confirmation bias to cis people. cis people see trans people as inherently other no matter how we express ourselves.
i wish i could say that the community has gotten its shit together since 2019, but. well. i can't, so. (gestures up at the other paragraphs)
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Do you think that terfs will calm down with hating on trans women once womb transplants are a thing? Because their whole argument is that "trans women aren't women because no womb uwu"
No, because that frankly isn't their whole argument. They don't argue against trans women solely because "no womb," and if womb transplants were a viable and safe measure, that would absolutely not be a good argument to calm their grievances - a transphobe doesn't deal in a genuine care for others, it a disgust response.
Transphobes already have issues with trans women getting FFS, vaginas, and hell, they even have issues with trans women being fem (or masc), even if they say, "we're okay with gender nonconformity!" as a cover. Because, again, it is a disgust response that blooms in response to their own transohobia, it isn't about being able to debate them, really.
Additionally, with my experience of dealing with that kind of extreme reactionary transphobe, they don't fucking care if they're wrong. Like, do you know how many times I've talked to a TERF who tells me I only transition because of misogyny, only to then talk in circles once I say, "misogyny against me had only increased since I have transitioned to male, plus, I never faced misogyny before I transitioned," because again, it isn't about the trans people themselves per se, it's about this viseral disgust response. It is them trying to reason with their discomfort with hatred. That isn't going to go away when trans care expands or becomes even more advanced.
I really want to stress how important it is to not whittle their whole argument down to "[trans women*] don't have wombs," because you will end up missing a lot of trans people who are affected by this type of extreme reactionary transphobia.
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fragglez · 1 year
things proffesionals at the sexology-clinic denmark have told me when I wanted to start on hrt: (i was 13-16)
have you considered that maybe you're just a masculine lesbian and not transgender (because clearly you can't be both at the same time /sarcasm)
have you had sex before? no? maybe try having sex and then come back again (I am 13 years old..)
do you want to kill yourself? no? then do you really need to start hrt
are you into girls or boys... no one? well but uhh if you had to choose tho (sorry aromantic is not an option!)
how many partners have you had (because that matters for some reason)
tell me, a stranger you met five minutes ago, and with your parents sitting right next to you, explain everything you don't like about your body... in details please
are you autistic (whoops guess autistic people can't be trans sorry)
tell me what did you wear as a child when your parents were buying you clothed and still dressed you (if you answer clothes for your agab then wrong answer! sorry! you're not trans)
you're a teenager! stop worrying about this go to parties and have sex and then you'll be more sure about who you are
some "trans" person in england changed their mind and sued their clinic (that is not my problem why are you telling me this)
what clothes do you like to wear (maybe take a look at me and see what i am wearing)
come back when you're 18 there's too many trans people so we don't really want to help any of you sorry
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alilweirddragon · 1 year
"we don't follow the main stream media cuz we're Gods children. We aren't sheep." bitch you're still a fucking sheep you just follow someone else.
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urboymutual · 2 years
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frogwhispererer · 2 months
transphobe logic is so cooked i genuinely don’t get the mental gymnastics they’re doing constantly
i’m trying to understand
they think that when a transgender person uses a bathroom or transitions or just fucking exists at all, we’re freaks and perverts.
but when transphobes are constantly thinking about a stranger’s genitals and hormones and chromosomes, they think that’s a morally okay thing to do ? and doesn’t make them the freaks and perverts ??
cos idk. PUBLICLY thinking and speaking about the sex organs and personal medical information of someone WHO THEY HAVE NEVER MET sounds like creep behaviour to me. doesn’t fucking matter if their target is trans or cis, it’s fucking gross behaviour. the only people who really even need to know are sexual partners and certain healthcare providers (depending of course on what healthcare service they are providing). it’s literally no one else’s business
anyway transphobes should stop being pathetic loser creeps and get a fucking hobby or something.
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newtclovers · 1 year
this history teacher is making me read an article from quilette (the very transphobic, very pro-eugenics website) for this assignment this has got to violate some sort of educational policy man. if i wasn't a coward i'd be like hey this is not right at all? the rest of this website's content is highly opinionated transphobic hitpieces? can we... can we use literally any other source when we talk about modern china?
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yes ok cool thanks for the unbridled transphobia this morning, pastor. very cool. you’ve been weird and vague about it until this point but i’m glad to know where you finally stand. thanks for telling me my experience and how i deal with my feelings is completely invalid. i thought i could trust you but i guess that’s what i get for taking another chance on this religion. peace love and communism everyone i love you so much
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puppiekit · 4 months
I think the funniest thing ever to me is seeing people on tumblr preach "transandrophobia bad" but then you look at the transandrophobia tag and its basically just "transmascs are not cis, do not have cis privileges, and still face oppression / societal discrimination" and "I have personally faced (X) and (Y) issue because of my tansmasc identity"
.... Aka literally no different from any other minority on planet earth talking about their issues.
But for some reason people on tumblr want to tell you acknowledging this issue specifically, and putting a name to it, is not only bad (because for some reason acknowledging that transmascs have issues = claiming cis men are oppressed...? Because idk people feel the need to make shit up);
but actively harmful to transfems (And I'm going to be blunt here: acting like transfems are the only ones who have problems, or are the only ones allowed to talk about their problems, is so incredibly horrible it's actually insane. And quiet frankly very infantilizing).
To be quiet frank it only boils down to the communities continuous hatred for masculinity. Nobody wants to admit the fact that their community will never be a truly safe space before they stop labeling people "good" or "bad" dependent on who they are or how they chose to identify. It's harmful when cis people do it, and it's equally as harmful when queers do it.
And don't even get me started on the fact that a large part of this pointless beef is rooted in the communities refusal to acknowledge intersectionality (aka a bunch of white people unable to grasp the fact that they are not the default and peoples race can play a part in their gender, how it is perceived, and how it effects their oppression... Including masculinity).
I know this is going to piss a bunch of people off but to be entirely honest I was raised a woman for 18+ years, and I still socially pass for a woman NOW, and the shit I get in my day to day life does not even compare to the amount of hostility I face FROM MY OWN COMMUNITY as a transmasc.
At least a random person on the street will be blatant about their hatred for me, trans or not. The people in this community will instead manipulate and gaslight and try to convince you their crap treatment towards transmascs is "a good thing" or "good allyship". No, hating others for identifying a way you don't like and and "betraying their womanhood" does not make you a good ally to anybody, and especially transfems -- in fact, I'd say you're kind of throwing them under the bus by using them as an excuse to be a terrible person.
Whatever... Ignore my rant... I'm tired of people being terrible to eachother. And also it super pissed me off as a POC to see people compare talking about the problems transmascs face to "what if white people claimed they were being discriminated against for being white?!?!?!" as if that is anywhere near the same..... Like are you a legitimate dumbass or what? Why the hell do you people always use POC and their experiences as leverage against others.
How are you going to compare a TRANS person talking about their unique experiences with TRANSPHOBIA to a person at a societal advantage falsely claiming to be oppressed??? POC are only worth considering when you can use our issues to your benefit I guess
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chaifootsteps · 7 months
Sallie may's valentine's day merch feels so fetishy... all but one of her merch pieces gives her a huge bulge and out of all the characters she has the most merch showing a buldge. except for blitz who has the same ammount (4 that i counted) but he has 4 others that don't give him a bulge. sallie has 5 merch pieces total but 4 out of the 5 have a bulge and only 1 that doesn't. she has more bulge merch pieces than asmodeus! the embodiment of lust! why does the single trans woman character have the highest percentage of prominent bulges in the character's merch? i know a lot of trans women don't get bottom surgery, but i highly doubt any of the merch designers are trans women. one of the designers said that sallie's VA specifically requested the bulge but like? why does that mean most of her merch needs a bulge? why doesn't she get to show off her legs or ass or back or boobs like all the other women? why so much focus on her buldge? is that what these merch designers see trans women as? just "ooooo you got a penis how sexy!!!" if there was only a couple of pieces that had the buldge i wouldn't care but it's every single piece of merch she's in except for one! it just feels like these merch designers are fetishizing the fact that a trans woman has a penis! sorry for the rant i just find sallie's merch really distasteful. it reminds me of that one artist who drew trans steve rogers with huge boobs. nobody had a problem pointing out how fetishy and gross that was but because sallie is a trans woman i guess nobody cares
Pretty much. Sallie Mae's a trans woman and voiced by one, which not only invalidates all criticism of Sallie Mae, but any and all criticism of anything Viv writes or says about trans people, past or future.
I'm not exaggerating. Point out the transphobia doc and they won't even read it, they'll just say Viv is friends with Morgana so it's impossible for her to hold any transphobic opinions ever.
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thecluelessdoctor · 11 months
ok ok fine I'll make the rant I've been planning for like.. a week now.
It's about time I talk about Helluva Boss, It's fandom, and it's creators themselves.
i personally really love helluva boss, even though it definitely has fallen short since the last season. I think the most recent episode is probably going to be their best one and they'll go back to falling. but, personally, I like the show! It's goofy and when it's not being srs, it does it's jokes well! Normally. There is one joke I hate though (if yk, yk. It's in happy campers 💀) ANYWAY
Character design in the show is... okay?? I guess???ammon looks like a Christmas tree so idk man.
But we aren't here to talk about the show itself rn. I just had to say some praises before I start bashing it otherwise stans will come after me and that's not a fun brawl.
I wanna talk about it's fans. Some of its fans are really chill (like myself) and only get stirred up if something really bad is being made of is happening. But other fans are more.. intense. It's in every fandom so I won't say too too much on it, but yall- stans please chill out- let bigons be bigons endless its something immoral. (Like more than murder. Yk what I mean)
The major reason I wanted to make this is to talk about Viv, and spindlehorse in general. Mainly because of my recent AU, I really need to make this clear.
I do not support Vivziepop, or any of viv's actions.
Ive been reading about all the controversy and discourse involving her and Brandon (yeah he's not innocent here don't act like he is) (we will only be talking about recent things, basically from Hazbin to now)
And jts.. something.
Abusive work, transphobia, ablelism, favoritism etc etc. yeah so that's fun.. it's hard to know what is stated is true or not, so I'll just settle on saying this
Viv is juvenility petty. Like, I'm still pretty young, but this is just insane. I grew out of these behaviors by 11ish, and I'm still younger than 16. She's what- 30ish now?!? She shouldn't be acting the way she is at her age, just saying.
I also wanna touch a bit on Brandon (even though I know less about him than I do Viv) but I.. highly dislike how people are claiming Brandon to be innocent and Viv isnt. Like- that's not fair. Let me point this out, viv and Brandon are working TOGETHER on this, all the writing and shit. Meaning Brandon also gave the "yeah this is good" to all of her petty shit.
Anyway let me wrap up by saying don't attack anyone mentioned or implied here, because doing that is cringe and it just waists your time. Anyway I'm dotty, and I'm a homosexual
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fuck-customers · 10 months
TW for transphobia and christianity
So might be a long one I just want a place to write this whole shit show of what happened to me out
So it starts out as normal, customer misgenders me multiple times. But he decided to ask what I said, so I decided fuck it I’m already moody might as well risk it because I don’t care. And got greeted with a king reminder as to why I don’t compromise with transphobes.
A second customer proceeds to make me repeat myself three times acting like they misheard me, and either decided to stop pretending because I wasn’t giving in or I managed to speak clearly enough that she understood. The first prick them started going on a rant talking about a god that I don’t believe in made me a certain way. The same one that supposedly gave us free will.
I’m very much NOT sorry to say that got me to say “LEAVE, please!” to a customer for the first time EVER
Second prick decided to act like a white knight and justify the previous douchebag’s actions by calling it “Southern politeness.” Which I clearly didn’t agree with so she proceeded to say “Then I’ll call you an it!”
Obviously she wanted to escalate the situation because I don’t think she’s shit brained stupid to NOT expect me to be pissed at that. She c proceeded to ask what I was superseded to be called so I showed her my pin.
The brain rotted fool decided to try to justify the self important prick by saying “He couldn’t see that!” Sure, like he would’ve acted any different? Mr. “God Made You A Certian Way”? Because you’re both too stupid to figure out what I meant through context? Because me correcting you because hey, sometimes people genuinely don’t see!, is apparently the same as attacking you or whatever?
She proceeded to accuse me of throwing her stuff (which I honestly don’t remember if I did or not), and the manager came over to see why some customers were saying I was having a problem with Asshole 1 and 2. She immediately was on my side when I said “A customer called me an it”.
Same Queen Prick decided to call to complain about me throwing her bags, and the manager came to ask with rage in her voice. I was nervous about that but she was apparently mad at the customer, not me. And I guess other customers were on my side because they told her the same thing about the other two being douchebags to me. Anyway Manager said that she doesn’t care how busy she is, if people are assholes to me again in the future to call her to deal with them
Posted by admin Rodney.
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king-of-havoc · 3 months
Just wanted to add something about Shingami eyes: It almost never actually catches people who hate on transmen/transmascs. I have seen a fair number of people who are marked as green on Shinigami eyes, but then I check them out and they say "DNI "transandrophobia truthers" and similar" in their bios, actively antagonize transmen, use the terms TME/TMA, etc. I've even seen someone marked green use the term "theyfab" unironically. There is no fucking moderation anymore, and what little they have is clearly biased. This became a rant but god, I had to get it out, because Shinigami eyes CLAIMS it also will mark "transphobic trans people" as well, but clearly it fucking doesn't, or at least doesn't for any hate towards transmen.
Y u p. I have a feeling that Shinigam Eyes fucking sucks at catching transphobia for trans mascs because people just generally don't take transandrophobia seriously. We have people, trans people, who deny it exists, but nah. That's not important
Transphobia is only bad if it's against specific people I guess 🫠
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Hi hi! It's ya girrrlll
So I read your rant (delightful BTW, I'm a nosey hater at heart lol) and am here to ramble too! :3
Firstly though, I'm really sorry for the situation you're in and hope it gets better. I'm lucky enough to have an accepting family (my parents and sister at the very least) and to have recently moved to western Europe where it's pretty progressive(?) in terms of lgbt stuff (ignore the fascists and right wingers behind me trying to access the governments), but I can imagine how isolating your experiences might feel. Hang in there, there are better things in store, I'm sure!
Now for the rest of your rant, I found that you've raised some interesting points, notably about how amabs can easily take on the lesbian label while some afabs have yet to claim it for themselves due to the homophobia they mightve endured and amabs probably haven't thus far (they probably dealt with transphobia as transfems, which I'm not gonna diminish no matter my views on transgenderism, but they probably haven't really dealt with lesbo/homophobia especially if they're pre-transition). Afterall, lesbian transfems were probably straight guys before, and their orientation is sure as hell not condemned by the wider society.
It kind of reminds me of this one lesbian transgirl ik who I met on a server on discord and formed a group of online friends there which included her. I knew her before she came out/identified as trans and I remember at that time she'd sometimes mention how she'd listen to lewd asmr of girls and such. She also talked about how she wished she was lesbian. So I, being the lesbian debator I am, basically said that that's not a great thing to say (I refrained from saying it sounds fetishy), but she replied with basically saying that I don't understand and that lesbian love or whatever is so "pure" unlike hetero love or something. So guess how I felt when she started identifying as a lesbian trans girl and later found out it's something observable in a portion of the online transbian community (not saying every transbian is like this, but still). (Oh yh she also (sort of?) cheated on her gf so there's that but I don't think it's related.)
I think I feel a similar sentiment as you in the sense that while I can sympathise with some of the struggles transfems may face, I find it irritating at times when people seem to go above and beyond to label/treat them as "the most sapphic and lesbian ever" as you put it, most of the time in an effort to validate their identity and place in the sapphic and wider lgbt community, when they probably never had to face the struggles afab sapphics were faced with since forever and more importantly some say some... Questionable things about their orientation and attraction to women. Not all obviously, but still. Am I making any sense lol?
I definetely don't think transbians have 0 place in the sapphic community, I think it's a complicated matter and there can be some gray areas (I also have grown increasingly distant from the (at least online) lgbt/lesbian community the past year so idrc about most discourse ig), but I kind of wish this was all treated more "normally" if that makes sense and that afab lesbians or sapphic could talk about certain things related to their orientation without constantly being scrutinised to make sure they're including trans folk in everything ever. I also kind of wish we could call out problematic behaviour in trans people without being called transphobic, but I think this applies to specific cases mostly.
Anyway I think I was mostly nonsensical here, apologies, but feel free to reply to whatever you managed to latch onto here lol.
Also, if you ever feel the need to vent and don't feel comfortable airing those issues on tumblr.com for whatever reason, my dms are always open, I check into this hellsite daily <3
(wow retroactive preface I go on a long ass ramble about semantics in this I apologize in advance for how many times you might have to read the word "definition" lmao)
hey!! so happy to keep seeing you here around these parts (my inbox, that is) and I'm glad you especially do get some enjoyment out of my far less polished vent posts :p I always feel bad when I post something so singularly interesting to me and me alone because it is just a full on personal blog moment, but to be fair to myself this entire blog is an exercise in actually voicing my own opinions and feelings for the sake of learning to express myself better, and it is nice to know even in the least poignant or least thought out posts, it isn't just fully self-beneficial lmao
I also (of course, as always) appreciated your response! honestly, I admire how level-headed and nuanced you can be with these topics, I myself often feel like I swing wildly from being harsher with my words and trying desperately to be as passive as possible to appease everyone, and I do have to say it is an ongoing challenge for me sometimes to strike that perfect balance between understanding but still standing by my convictions and not solely focused on people pleasing. it's a bit of a weird life, in my private time I do feel like I tend to be highly cynical and sort of an asshole lolol, especially towards other people, but in public I would never dare say any of the things I think because at the end of the day, I do still feel as if preserving friendly atmospheres among peers is paramount to being a productive part of a society. I'm like the opposite of the asshole with a heart of gold trope, in a way. gold with the heart of an asshole lmao
all that to say, I think you make some really astute observations that are still compassionate to trans women who identify as lesbian, while still pointing out the objective faults of their common language and behavior! I really think this (like so many issues whose current is pushed most strongly by the english speaking west) is a matter of semantics for the most part. labels, communities based on labels, and their inherent flaws I guess. because I really have no problem with someone identifying as a trans woman and also having a sexuality surrounding liking women, or if they want to talk about it or even if they want to define it separately than heterosexual attraction. it's their attraction, and I'm not the ceo of how people choose to define their own sexuality (and I wouldn't want to be, that sounds like a headache job lmao). for me, I think the issue really comes with when personal definitions of sexuality are enforced upon others, and when suddenly, highly personal definitions become community-defining ones. the term "sapphic" is such a great example of this weird treatment of labels and their definitions. the term "sapphic" can mean a lot of different things to different people, despite the fact that it is, at its core, a term held together by a single definition. in our society people will ideologically define every single word in a definition differently (ex. what does love mean? what does a woman mean (lol)?) and so even a fairly universal term can be personal based on one's own framework of thinking. BUT the thing is, a lot of transbians/people who identify as queer/tra positive/whatever you want to call the current hegemonic popular opinions of the lgbtq+ have taken to a personal definition of words like lesbian and sapphic, and have decided to supplant the originally fairly universal term and replace it with something that does kind of inadvertently alienate a lot of people who identify with the most "neutral" and non-ideological version of the definition (women who love/are attracted to women). instead, the basic definition has essentially shifted in its meta, though the words stay the same, the meaning is pushed to imply these terms can be understood as "someone who identifies as a woman who loves/are attracted to people who they identify as women" and that's just both too broad and too specific at the same time, excluding those who don't agree with the notion of identifying into what was previously understood as a sex class, and including people who wouldn't have even met the original definitional criteria to begin with. this, in turn, creates a vacuum in meaning, allowing for "aesthetic" to take over as the primary meaning of the term. I think that's where that "weirdness" comes in.
it's hard to find community with people who are coming at the definition of what the community is built on from a completely different direction. when I think of being "sapphic" (other than the brainrotting pop culture/online/algorithmically driven stereotypes) I simply think of being attracted to my same sex, that being female, and that being women. but, I would assume for transfems, they obviously don't have the simple way of just relying on same sex attraction as a definition, because they don't see the world in that way definitionally, and must apply more effort to justify why their attraction to women deserves to distinctively be defined from regular opposite sex attraction. that's where we get the strange insistence on sapphic love being more "pure" or making their entire personality curated towards "sapphic culture". in a way, though on the surface I am still pretty jealous that they get the privilege to express these thoughts and be backed up so strongly by people I know who would care less about me, I do feel bad that they must subconsciously feel the need to "prove" they meet the criteria for these labels because for them, there is no easy, biologically material fitting of the definition. I personally will have never have to care that much about fitting lesbian stereotypes or involving my life in sapphic culture. in fact, I basically can't not be sapphic. it's just the only way my future looks. it's the only way my attraction manifests. people will see me as a lesbian (well, that or a nerdy disheveled teenage boy at first glance lmao) just based on how I don't present in a way that centers men. it's the only way I fall in love.
and yeah, it really would be nice if there was space for a community where we could discuss that reality, openly, in mainstream progressive spaces! but for reasons that would be pretty bleak if we unraveled them, people would much rather play these games of labels and proving your place in them than creating avenues for people to congregate in spaces that actually bring them community and cater to their needs.
as always after these really really tangled word threads I slowly begin to run out of steam so I'll just wrap this up and say you made excellent points dear anon! maybe one day we can all just accept that sometimes definitions should be exclusive in that they exclude people who don't fit them, and not exclusive in the way that they exclude people who do fit them, and that afab women, and especially afab sapphics, deserve the right to preserve spaces for themselves without having to worry about appeasing men or anyone they don't want to!
and wow holy shit this is a whole lot of words trying to pick apart the way words can mean other words sometimes I would not blame anyone if they skim most of it lmao.
tl;dr the meta of labels and their definitions are kinda dumb and I'm maybe more dumb for spending so much time thinking about them
and lastly, thank you for the kind offer of your dm space as an area for venting! perhaps...I will take you up on that offer...it is inevitable I will be struck by another petty urge to vent about people in my life because I continue to work with people who are essentially the most fascinating but headache inducing parts of tumblr and twitter personified and I do still primarily have very "gendery" friends irl! we'll see if I end up having anything interesting to say about it though first, or if I can bear to actually talk to someone online once instead of passively yelling into the digital void!
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radmalenia · 1 year
Isn't it annoying to see people in tumblr tags they have absolutely no business being near. A small rant incoming, you've been warned!...
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Did that set some alarm bells off in your head; do you think this isn't actually a woman and a lesbian? If "yes," you'd be right...
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It's a goddamn man, larping as something he can't possibly ever understand or be a part of (neither womanhood, nor same sex attraction).
And it gets better - after the pinned bio virtue signaling about how his blog gushes about women, and how that will always inherently include "trans women" and "nbwlw aligned people" or whatever the fuck; and how "transphobia" isn't cool - he throws in the anime gif, and the "MEN DNI" 😭
Can't forget the convoluted, terrible definition of "lesbian" that already excludes the dude himself.
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I guess what dumbfounds me so much is how a human being can exist in such an enormously high level of cognitive dissonance, delusion, and denial of self. How does the brain maintain it? How has this male made an entire blog larping as something he is the absolute total opposite of, how does he write out things that inherently mean he isn't a part of it; how does he attempt to ward away others like himself while not realizing he's one of them (i.e, the creep comment.)
Yes, it does make you a creep to have sexual thoughts about women when you're a male and label them "lesbian" and try to force them and yourself into lesbian spaces. You can never understand gay/bi women's love and attraction for other women. It is so different from yours.
Anyway... I know there's a lot of these trans identified male "transbians" on here. I know it's nothing new. It just can't help but gross you out to see one in a lesbian tag projecting his fetishistic fantasies out as though they're coming from a gay woman. And the way so many people just smile and nod and let them get away with it relatively uncriticized. That's sad and nasty...such is the world in the age of gender ideology.
At least they make it easy for actual women to tell the larpers apart from us 🤦‍♀️rant over! Stay vigilant, ladies
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nightmareishomophobic · 6 months
Hi! I'm gonna try to break down the (canon and not?) Lore of NM is homophobic!
(TW for internalized and external homophobia and transphobia!)
Nightmare is a closeted gay man. Who suffers with EXTREME internalized homophobia. (From what I think, there's a good chance the villagers were NOT accepting of gay people, so NM has always been in the closet.)
(His brother however, is pansexual! There's a good chance after NM found out, he got even more jealous, but that's not important right now nor has supporting evidence!)
Dust working under NM, has been questioning her identity ever since she received a trans flag. Slowly coming to terms that, she is, a lady. Unfortunately as we've seen in a previous post, NM found out about the flag and yelled at her.
This, also proves NM is canonically a hypocrite. As he's previously stated (via a letter shown to us) that he supposedly doesn't care what his team are or aren't, as long as they still work for him.
Also, when Killer was asked, quote, "🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️❓️" He replied with a simple yes! This could mean, possibly, one of three things.
He's both trans and well, not straight.
He's in support of the LGBTQ+.
He is questioning his gender and orientation.
Either way, he along with the rest of NMs employees, appear to be pro-LGBTQ+ and even all part of it.
Going back to Dust, the sewn trans flag on her hoodie, along with possibly fake eyelashes? (I'm choosing to HC she got them from enby Lust) it looks like she's now canonically Transfem in the UTQV! (Note it's possible the HomophobeNMverse(?) and UTQV could be separate things, I'm not sure how you feel about it lol.)
We've also seen past NM, also known as passive. As normal, the bullying deeply effected him, but he isn't homophobic there, in fact, it's possible CURRENT NM isn't all that homophobic. He's said multiple times, he's 'just spreading negativity' and it looks like he's projecting more than anything. (Also the lie detector said so. When asked if he was REALLY homophobic, it flagged as untruthful!)
So lore— I believe, the main reason he has such bad internalize homophobia, comes from the bullying he endeared, and the things the villagers said about OTHER gay people—Causing him to remain quiet about his own identity. Now corrupted, he's projecting all his hurt, anger, and sadness.
Dust is trans fem, we also know Papyrus is an Ally, as in an older photo—It's implied Papyrus is suggesting to murder NM because he's a transphobe.
There might also be a chance that one of them (Most likely Dust, Killer, and or NM even.) Is a regressor. As we've seen they definitely have heard of it, and both Dust and Killer had a good understanding. It's not often someone knows about the community without having some attachments. However, this has no Canon evidence yet. And it's possible they're just Allys, which is super cool too! <3
Also, flowey has made multiple appearances and claimed to be gay. Meaning he's canonically gay in the HomophobeNMverse as well.
Another thing, NM doesn't like being threatened. Multiple times he's reacted with aggression if someone challenged him. I'm going to guess this also boils down to the bullying.
Also, he can break the forth wall. Seen when his creator was drawing, and he started yelling at it. (Fae don't deserve that, NM, you jerk-)
However, he seems a lot more tolerate of his own team? My guess, is he's either:
Has a teeny, tiny, soft spot in his cold heart for them.
Doesn't think it's worth the effort.
All these save for the first one, has supporting evidence.
We don't know too much about Horror, save for the fact that he HATES milk before cereal.
Cross, appears to not be a Canon team member. It's certainly possible he'll come in later, but as of right now? He's not in the equation.
ANNDD with all that said! Everyone seems to have the ability to have hearts in their blush—It's adorable.
Sorry for such a long ask! I'm sure there's typos, I'm suspected dyslexic and apologize! Hope you're having a good day, and love your art! You're super funny, and nice!
(I'll try make more stuff with horror. @hernameishorror can message me and help me. Lol :3( also Cross is not canonly in the bad sanses)
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