#the animal can be big irl I will just doodle it small
braxiatel · 2 years
VOTE FOR SCAR if you haven’t already and send me proof, and I will doodle you a small animal of your choice
[ETA: Closed for the day because I need sleep]
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shirefantasies · 6 months
Hello!! I saw that you're temporarily open for matchup requests so I hope that I'm not too late with this! :) specifically from LOTR please~
I'm female, 5'7", Virgo, ISFP, with stronger preference for males. I have pale skin with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. My wardrobe mostly consists of darker colors, my favorite combos being black with red or pink.
I consider myself empathetic and honest. I am reserved most of the time, only ever talking if someone else initiates the convo, though I can go on and on about my hyperfixations and interests. Like even when I'm with a group of friends, I'd stay quiet most of the time and just listen so I may come across as a bit socially awkward. I've been told I'm a good listener and so I end up being someone many confide in or as someone who becomes stuck in the middle of a conflict. I am a night owl and get easily exhausted or even irritated when I'm out and it's crowded so I definitely need time and space on my own to recharge after a long day. I suppose among love languages, I lean to using words of affirmation. When I do have enough energy, I also like to cook and bake for my family and friends (and get upset if it doesn't end up turning right).
I really like animals, especially big cats, dogs and wolves. My favorite genre of fiction is horror so sharing scary/ghost stories would be my favorite group activity. My sense of humor tends of be on the dry, sarcastic side. My preferred methods of workout are swimming, badminton, and walking. When I get bored, I tend to doodle and hum. I don't consider myself a good singer and I'd only get the confidence to sing in front of others if I was a bit tipsy (I don't drink much, I am so lightweight it's not even funny and if I do, I stick with cocktail or beer).
In video games that involve combat and exploration, I tend to rely on speed and stealth (my footfalls are actually quiet irl too). Among weapons, I prefer using swords (dual wielding, if available), though having a bit of magic would be fun to use too (especially if you can set things on fire) :3
congrats on the 300 followers!
You are not at all! Thank you for waiting between my recovery buffer posts & older matchups! So here we go now love! Your match is…
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Some people joke what a funny couple you are due to you both seeming so quiet, but in truth you are drawn to each other’s peace. Legolas is drawn to your gentle presence, the light falls of your steps upon the bank of the river where he meets you, water flowing at your feet. You are not the only one swimming that day, but you cut such a majestic figure as you move gracefully through the water, emerging with illuminated droplets descending from your dark hair. Since that very first moment you stuck in Legolas's heart.
He loves the way you hum as you work, dark skirts swirling about the floor as you swish through the kitchen. A smile plays on his lips as he compliments the work you've let out to cool and you drily tease him about stealing it. Instead, he offers to help hand it out and you are grateful to save your energy. Normally you do not prefer company in the kitchen, but this elf's presence is calming rather than draining. Your motions and his assume a rhythm unbroken by distraction.
He runs into you out in town, smiling at the large dog following at your heels while you carry your basket. You look content as you go to market, purchasing all you need. Catching the way your hand runs wistfully over a small ornately bound book, he finds his feet carrying him to market as well, his hands delving into pockets and being rewarded with the weight of a tiny tome. The following day's trip to your kitchen is met not with wry humor, but wide smiles and sheepish revelations of art. "You may think them the smallest of sketches, but to me I see a connection to this world." "Is that your way of saying you can't draw?" Yet another smile you've drawn from the elven prince. "You've caught me there."
When orcs attack your village, his first thought is to get to you, your hearth and your dog and all your little captures of your surroundings, and let any who dare trifle with it know it has a blade and a bow behind it. Boots thudding lightly as always against dirt, then stone, he arrives outside your home to see you there, a glinting sword swinging in each hand. Grinning, he shakes his head. He should have known. Shooting one of your twin assailants off you, he joins the fray. "Sorry I'm late." "You should be!" You grin back at him. "This party started an hour ago."
This visit has only a few days left. Ignoring that, you climb higher into the tree before you settle, pulling the red-and-black swirled book from your small satchel. Legolas sits in the crook of the tree right below yours. "Shall I read or would you prefer to?" It's as if he can sense your energy, see right through your facade to the highs and lows of your heart. The book in question held some of your favorite ghost stories, old legends and more local frights alike. You joke about the prince being able to handle it, but in the end you know whose voice you would prefer to ring out with it that day.
You are the only one Legolas trusts to saddle up his horse, hand him the bags he'd surreptitiously caught you slipping a copy of your book of horrors into as a memento. He says your name softly as a wish when you stand at his mount's side, catching your nod before he captures your lips with his, motions slow, deliberate as if he would wake up from the dream at any moment. Your name is even more delicious whispered after a kiss. "Wait for me." "Who else would I even look twice at?"
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @mossthebogwitch @ibabblealot @kilibaggins @joonies-word @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia | Reply/Ask/Message to join 🥰
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kyetalksshit · 6 months
Omg I came on here to post a cute lil blurb about how much I love my friends and was reminded that I'm SUPPOSED to be keeping a dream journal more or less hahaha oops
Anyways last night's dream was... a trip and a half tbh so let's recap it while I still remember (even tho it's almost 1am and I should be asleep but here we are)
There was definitely a smaller dream that i completely did not remember even when I first woke up, let alone now. But the last dream...
SO. I get home from work or wherever and I come back downstairs with my dog so she can go potty outside. I notice that there are a lot of people running in and out moving my roommate's stuff out of the house. I'm like omg thank the gods maybe he's moving out and I'll have the place to myself for a little while!!!
I ask someone in passing (I think it was his family or friends) "hey is he moving out?" And they're like "huh?? No, he's not leaving." I'm like 🤨
Then once the living room is cleared out, they bring in this HUUUUUUGE couch like one that has no business being that big. And I overhear someone (or maybe I just knew somehow? Idr) saying that he can afford to upgrade now that he's got this extra money (ie me paying rent). I then see a little dog that looks a lot like his dog that passed a few years ago irl but with a bit of husky? I'm like ?? Weird that he didn't tell me he got a dog but I've got pets here so ig it's not that big of a deal. I pet the dog and say hi.
...then I meet ANOTHER dog, this time a big St. Bernard/GSD mix named Tuck (who I know irl because of my job but in this dream he was now also my roommate's dog). I'm like?????? Wtf man
AND THEN I MEET A THIRD DOG. This one is a small doodle of some kind with wiry hair and smells awful and in dreamland I had a memory of this dog being at the house one other time overnight and I was complaining because it was very yappy. So knowing that not only were there suddenly THREE NEW DOGS in the house without my knowledge, but that at least one of them was gonna be yappy and irritating???????? 🙄😭
I'm irritated but letting my dog play outside and I guess my sister or friends or something are there too because I'm chatting with them about how annoyed I am and I drop my phone, only to pick it up and be DEVASTATED because the screen is SHATTERED literally shattered like to the point that touching it is making my finger bleed. I tape it and then my friend/sister is like wait a minute he has more pets??
I'm like IM SORRY WHAT and she points and says there's a bunny there and one, two, three cats. So that means he has 7 animals??????
Idr how but somehow I find out that he's had the bunny and 3 cats this whole time but made a point to hide them from me. Which is bad enough but three dogs ON TOP OF THAT???? Sets me off.
So I start bringing my dog inside (and now all his friends/family are gone and so are my friends and my cats somehow got out of my room so now I have to wrangle them too) and I see him laying on the couch under a single throw blanket, snoring. And I'm so mad. Because irl he keeps sleeping on the couch EVEN THO HES LIKE 50 and I hate it, so ofc I also hate it in the dream.
I start mumbling to myself about how irritating that is and then start directing that energy at him and getting louder, and he wakes up. I continue yelling at him louder and louder about how he is a grown ass man with a bedroom and a mattress upstairs and it's so frustrating to have to tiptoe past him all the time, and then I bring up how he has people over every single night (which irl he was, though recently it's been more sparse, which is v interesting that it lined up in the dream) and then say I mean you've been getting a LITTLE better on that but-- (about to transition into how LOUD he is on his own)
And he interrupts me by yelling "yeah that fell through, so THANKS FOR THAT!" (Like implying I did magic to force them out)
And this red knotted string on the wall (like those Chinese good luck pendants) that in this moment i understand to be one of his wards, falls off the wall and onto his head. Like as if by saying "I'm glad they're gone" I hit one of his wards and it broke right in front of us and bonked him on his head (giving him nasty repercussions).
He turns to me so angry and curses at me in what my dream self interpreted as Arabic (his native language), like he was cursing me out but also trying to fling evil eye at me. I spit it back at him to deflect that energy, scoop up my pets, and storm upstairs to my room. And as I do I yell down "GROW THE FUCK UP." And then I slam the door behind myself, leaving him speechless below.
I remember collapsing on my bed with my pets and then going ok yeah no I need to move, I cannot stay here and live like this. And then of course I have a panic when I realize that my (shattered 😭) phone is still outside where I had it last and I do NOT want to pass him to go get it.
And then I wake up.
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allbeendonebefore · 3 years
I wasn't tagged by @judiejodia but i was mentioned in the post and encouraged to do this and tag her if i enjoy these kinds of things so I DID HA
[also me, still feels too shy to tag anyone else but you can say i tagged you if you want to do this too!]
1. Why did you choose your url?
two canadian hit songs that were influential when i was growing up in the early aughts. people can usually guess one of them but I don't think I've seen anyone guess both yet hehe.
2. Any side blogs?
@hyperboreanhapocanthosaurus - personal and political posts as well as general reblogs
@acetechne - art blog
@athensandspartaadventures - comic about ancient city state personifications
@battle-of-alberta - comic about modern canadian city personifications
@project-canada - i still admin this blog although i have zero plans to revive the project itself
@lazylacadaemon - studyblr although im no longer in school so there's not a whole lot there. If you want to talk about academics or ask for advice you can still shoot me a message there though.
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
uhhh 2010? 2011? something like that.
4. Do you have a queue tag?
Nope just assume 90% of what i post are queued lol
5. Why did you start this blog in the first place?
I wanted somewhere to post dumb comics about ancient history i started doodling in undergrad and people seemed to be migrating here from dA
6. Why did you choose your icon?
its a picture of me in crossplay as iamp alberta and thats as close as getting an icon with me on it as i will get lol
7. Why did you choose your header?
[checks what my header is] oh it's mama greece from hetalia, or at least how i imagined her before she had a canon-design. its my ancient/hetalia/history/whatever blog and i liked the drawing i did so i guess i kept it up haha
8. How many mutuals do you have?
UNKNOWN i mostly just talk to windex because quatsch is still waiting on her new computer/space to use it lol
i am notoriously bad at following people back partly because i am legit forgetful and also i think i make people nervous?? I'm also not a teenager anymore so I'm more cautious about following people I don't know in case they're not comfortable with it and idk their age.
Mostly i follow people who post stuff for fandoms i enjoy but i no longer use social media to keep up with what people are up to because It's Too Stressful to check up on everyone across every platform you have to write me a handwritten letter or bug me on discord if i need to know how you are at this point, i am both an irl and a digital hermit lol
9. How many followers do you have?
no clue, most of them probably aren't active anymore and a good handful are probably bots so i don't really feel i could give a Real estimate since i've been accumulating blogs for a decade
10. How many do you follow?
337 but probably over 90% are dead
11. Have you ever made a shitpost?
yes mostly about dead people and dead languages
12. How often do you use tumblr a day?
i check pretty frequently and if theres no news on the big tumblr i open the small tumblr on my phone and thats a problem
13. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
not directly but some dude is going around arguing with people who post about herodotus and i don't have the patience to respond to him explaining my own shitposts to me after seeing him sealion other bloggers on tumblr.clown.edu so i do not engage
14. How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
bad. i ignore every time. it's not as bad as it was ten years ago but it's still really annoying. (unless its like on a picture of a cute animal thats fine)
15. Do you like tag games?
yes i am just notorious about not tagging anyone in them
16. Do you like ask games?
yes and likewise lol although i think my answers are usually either quite boring or very sarcastic hahaha
17. Which mutuals do you think are tumblr famous?
I Do Not Know who are you guys
18. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
if we are mutuals come to my house i make you soup
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luminecho · 4 years
Show Me What You’re Proud Of
RULES: It’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought  into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want  (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to  awesome works.
@sister-dear did this and tagged all their mutuals who create things! Took me a moment before the realization hit me that, oh shit, I’m a mutual who creates things. Sooo here we go! Super nervous for some reason jdkjkqwdm.
I haven’t posted a lot of stuff publicly, let alone actually made things in general, and as far as writing goes I don’t have anything finished yet, but I used this opportunity to create a new art & writing blog (@echoing-creations) so I can hopefully start posting some WIPs and short snippets of stuff there from now on! ^^ Otherwise, I’m just gonna try my best to show what I have.
Again, I don’t really have anything posted or even finished yet (at least that I’m proud of). But I’ll share two WIPs/sneak peeks of the LU longfic that I’ve been working on these past couple of months. Because I’m pretty proud of some of the scenes that I have written so far! Unfortunately I’m limited in my choice of what I can include, because spoilers, but here’s what I’ve got. (They’re still very subject to change.)
- “Everything Goes Away” - Prologue
He was in control now. Not some selfish deity or petty goddess. For once, his destiny didn’t have to be set in stone. He could rewrite his story, re-weave the strings of fate. And it all started with a single thread.
Forgive me.
- EGA - Chapter 3
A cacophony of sound broke out around them as the other heroes’ reactions grew muddled together and incoherent. All the while, Legend and Warriors didn’t move, didn’t blink. The world was a swirling vortex of noise around them, a raging whirlwind of confusion and betrayal, and the two heroes stood in the center of it all, the eye of a hurricane, frozen in time. Frantic colors and voices spun around them like a cyclone in motion, tasting of forgotten courage and broken promises.
But all storms came to an end. As the tempest of sound and color died down into a suffocating silence and the world stopped spinning and lulled to a halt, a single whisper rang out louder than a gunshot, piercing the air and finally forcing Legend to break eye contact with Warriors.
- BotW Link - Wow, the only thing on this list that I actually have a link for! This post never kicked off, which kinda sucks, because I can’t even begin to describe how ridiculously proud of it I was (and still am). It took me ages and I put in so much more effort than I thought I would going into it. But I don’t really mind that nobody saw it, because I love it and that’s all that matters! It was all a big experiment (particularly with drawing humans) but I’m very happy with the outcome :)
Ummm I’m not really that proud of anything else I’ve posted, and there’s a lot of stuff I’ve drawn that I’m not ready to share with people yet cause I’m kinda self conscious, BUT I do have a couple of drawings that I still really like!
- First one is a ref for a Warrior Cats OC that I’ve had for... ah, almost as long as I’ve been drawing, actually. She’s a favorite between my and my irl friend, and she’s gone through so many redesigns I can’t even keep track, lol. This is definitely my favorite design of her by far, though, and is probably gonna stick for quite a while.
- Second one is just a random doodle of my catsona. Honestly not much to say about it. It was done for my part of an animation meme collab for a friend’s birthday a while back, and I kept the drawing because I really liked how it turned out. I honestly kind of want to redraw it soon with an updated version of my sona’s design and use it as my tumblr icon? Maybe? 👀 I’ve been wanting draw my own banner for a while now, so maybe this can be part of my blog makeover, lol.
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And that’s that! Not much, I know. I spent all evening trying to pull together scraps of stuff I could maybe share, but chickened out of showing most of it in the end. I’m kind of shocked at how little I actually created this year. I feel like my art has been at an all time low recently. I just haven’t really been drawing as much. Hopefully giving myself time and distance from it will help me to gather the motivation to pick it up again soon and be able to look at it without judging myself too harshly. As for my writing... I’ve definitely written more frequently this year than I have for a long time, even if I have nothing to show for it. I’ve been finding myself using my writing as an outlet a lot more recently than I did in the past, and I’ve been getting better at writing things down rather than just daydreaming them and letting the scenes float away into the void of my mind, lol.
Tagging all of my own mutuals (and followers!) who are creators!! Share what you’re proud of, even if it’s small <3
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ffamranxii · 5 years
I draw a manga/write a light novel series based on that manga, which is essentially an amalgamation of my favorite series and giving some of my favorite characters, who I feel were shafted in their source material, a better ending. That series is called C’est la Vie 5, because it originally featured five fandoms that I LOVED enough to have created an original character for.
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Now, like many people, I’ve created a fuckton of OCs for a fuckton of series. However, unlike, say, Dragonball Z and Pokemon (RIP to Son Mei and Cissy the Eevee breeder), I still use these characters. I am still active in these fandoms. Some of these characters are nearly as old as I am. Some have gone through so many iterations that they’re nearly unrecognizable from their original forms (looking at you, Haruhi, Suzuka, and Kinoko). But they have ALWAYS been there.
C5 the way it is now started as a fun little project in college to help me memorize my Japanese vocabularly. It was a series of one shot or 4koma doodles in the margins of my notebooks, featuring PGSM+Hina. Then the doodles got mutated. I replaced Makoto with an original character named Sun Hwa, who then was replaced with Ayumi Yamada from Honey and Clover. I added in Hagumi Hanamoto from H&C too. Ami was renamed Moeco, and her appearance changed. I ended up splitting Ami in two, because I loved her Dark Mercury arc so much, and ended up with Moeco and Akumi. I added Mio Kuroki but called her Arisa Kuroki, because my Usagi at the time was called Mio. I added Mikasa from Attack on Titan. Misa Amane (named Erika after her actress in the live action). And it spiraled from there. C5 went through a TON of iterations as well over the past ten years. There was a character called Haruhi, but she was from the Haruhi Suzumiya series.
Now it’s pretty ironed out. The cast is so big I’ve split the series into a set of volumes into one big volume, so it doesn’t become Naruto. Each volume has a set of plots, two of which are contained within that volume. It’s pretty easy and I like it.
HINA is a mishmash of three fandoms (two if you count PGSM and Sailor Moon as one fandom). I fell in love with Boys Over Flowers (the Korean version) after discovering the live action Sailor Moon, and had a complete fit the entire time that Jandi chose Junpyo. (WHY, Jandi. WHY. Jihoo was BETTER for you. BETTER!) I had a Korean friend in my Japanese class, and it was at this period that my Makoto doodle was replaced with Sun Hwa (another Korean) and that Hina Kusaka (who is exclusive to PGSM, and whose name I stole for my OC) became Hina Ku (after the actress who played Jandi, not Goo Junpyo). Hina and Sun Hwa had small side conversations in Korean that my friend taught me, while the group as a whole reinforced my Japanese lessons. C5 has plenty of Boys Over Flowers characters (a mix of the Korean, 2019 Chinese, and Japanese versions), but I never made an OC for the series. Hina filled both roles. In PGSM and Sailor Moon I kept her name as Kusaka, but in C5 it’s Ku, and she is a zainichi - Korean-descended. Hina also plays a different role depending on which series I’m using her in. In PGSM, I used her as Sailor Sun. Sailor Sun has been a character I’ve had since I was five years old. She’s changed style and looks considerably over the years, but she’s always been there. In every other iteration of Sailor Moon, I prefer the theory that Naru and Unazuki are Sailors Earth and Sun, and Hina is one of Usagi’s many friends. In the pre-C5 era, she, Usagi, and Erika were part of the 3 Bakas, for their bad grades. 
AKIHO is my newest OC and holy shiiiiit I have cleaved to the Persona series hardcore. Rather than create a new OC for each entry in the series (though I may change my mind when Person 6 comes out), Akiho’s look, style, and role in the story changes (I reconcile this to be something akin to Clara Oswald in Doctor Who). In P5, which she was created for, she’s a Phantom Thief. The idea came to me when I learned there has never been a playable character of the Temperance arcana, Hifumi was supposed to be a PT, and the general consensus that Mishima and Shiho should have been PTs. Akiho has been through several iterations herself but her general look is based on Tae Takemi from @scruffyturtles ‘s Adult Confidant AU. Her personality seems very calm and serene, but she is a secret metal head and a huge fan of Eikichi Mishina’s band Gas Chamber. Her PT mask is based off a butterfly. Her role in C5 is a shrine maiden, where she gets along with Rei (Sailor Moon), is the sister of Akira Kurusu (who is a separate person from Ren Amamiya), and the daughter of a pair of mobsters.
KINOKO is my second oldest OC, having been around since I was twelve. Her original name was Cherry (like every other Tokyo Mew Mew OC) and her original animal is lost to the sands of time. Luckily, my favorite animal is a red data animal, so she can be fused with that now! Kinoko has been through so many iterations it isn’t funny. In the TMM world, her hair is an auburn, a dark brown with red undertones, mimicking how some mushrooms (where her name comes from) appear. (It’s a callback to her original name). Her Mew outfit has also changed considerably and I still haven’t settled on it completely. The Mew Mews are not a unit in C5. Zakuro is a model with Ann and dating Minto, Ringo (LOVE Ringo) is a middle schooler who hangs out at an arcade and is best friends with Bu-Ling, Ichigo is a waitress with Berii, Retasu works with Ryou. And Kinoko works at a karaoke bar, chasing troublemakers like Bu-Ling out. She also interacts with the new Au Lait boys.
SUZUKA is also an old OC, her name having originally been Meiling. She’s from Fushigi Yuugi, which I was obsessed with as a child. She’s nearly as old as Kinoko - I was introduced to the series at around the same time. Suzuka’s original role as Meiling was Miaka’s attendant and general Mary Sue, and she was one of my first attempts at exploring fanfiction (along with Kagami the cat demon and Teiten the Thunder Sister from Inuyashs, RIP), because I couldn’t decide which of the original Suzaku warriors I loved most. Everyone had such a wonderfully tragic, lovely backstory, and I needed to give them all blankets and hugs, and Miaka was just a dumbass, okay? (I think I settled on Tasuki. Love me some Tasuki.) Anyway. Suzuka eventually morphed into the Priestess of Kouryuu once I learned that Fushigi Yuugi was based on real Chinese legends, and one legend sometimes included Koryuu, the Yellow Dragon of the Center. (Fun fact: There’s a video game that explores this option, but in it, Kouryuu, is treated as a false god.) In my OC world, Kouryuu is the Great Unifier, only able to be summoned once the first four priestesses have summoned Suzaku, Seiryuu, Byakko, and Genbu, and it is he that will stop the war that threatens the four countries of the Book of the Universe of the Four Gods. In C5, Suzuka works at a bookstore owned by Hifumi Togo that specializes in rare books.
HARUHI is the last old OC, but she’s also new? Haruhi was, for the longest time, existant in a stage of limbo. Fruits Basket was introduced to me as a teenager, when I was about thirteen or fourteen, and I didn’t quiiiite embrace the message, behind it. I couldn’t get past the art style (I was very picky about what I visually consumed back then), I couldn’t get into the anime for the same reason, and I couldn’t quite get past the whole “it’s called Fruits Basket wtf and also they turn into animals? And it’s not a magical girl anime? What in the actual fuck?” But like many things I of course loved the characters, I adored my baby Kyo, and I of course made an OC specifically for him, because I back then did not ship Kyoru (sacriligious, I know). I don’t even remember what Haruhi’s original name was. I just decided that she was a Sohma and the rooster, because the curse of the original rooster was broken, and broke a long time ago, so it was entirely possible for Kyo to have a love interest who was a Sohma and the rooster who was around his age (in my teenage mind). That old Sohma OC, is of course, RIP. I can’t even. And recently, I discovered Fruits Basket Another, and I somewhat resurrected that OC in the form of Haruhi, but as the child of the OG cast. Sawa needs more friends, more protectors, and there’s no tsundere besides Hajime. It always bothered me that Kagura never got any canon love interest or story wrap up after she let go of Kyo, and then in Another she doesn’t have children. :( I love Kagura, so Haruhi is hers! I’m also sad that no one in Another dresses in kimonos when so many in Furuba did (Ritsu, Akito, Shigure, Kazuma, Kunimitsu), so Haruhi dresses in them when she isn’t in school. 
KEIKO is special. Not only is she the newest, but she is also the only character exclusive to C5. While the other characters in C5 are based on characters from other fandoms and have their personalities and such shaped by the new series, Keiko is entirely unique. Her name is a combination of the two things that birthed the series: Sailor Moon and Persona 5. Keiko is for Keiko Kitagawa, the actress who played Sailor Mars in PGSM; and Makigami is for Kazuya Makigami, a major character in Persona 5 the Daybreakers. Kazuya is also Keiko’s brother in C5 and he is... not a great person lol. Neither is Keiko. Her appearance is based on how I wear my hair irl and the clothing of Jim Hawking from Outlaw Star, my favorite anime of all time. (I sadly never made an OC for that series. I tried but I am not good at space opera.)
None of the OCs ever cross paths in C5. It would create a temporal paradox and probably result in one of them fainting or dying lol. Since they’re all essentially the same person. Fun fact: I, Ffamran (known in-universe as Bideru the author) also occasionally make cameos, and I also cannot cross paths with the OCs. Luckily Tokyo, where C5 is set, is a very big place. 
If you stuck with me through this very long post about OCs, thank you! I just really wanted to go off about them since I’ve been in a writing mood and I’m on volume 2 of C’est la Vie 5 now. 
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twilightvolt · 5 years
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And so, another year has come to pass.....almost. ^  ^
Remember when i said i was branching away from Digimon back when i drew up Venom fanart? y’know, “I wanted to be more than what i used to be.” that being “a Digimon artist.”
2019 was basically just that. lots and lots and LOTS of fandom hopping.
If last year was me recovering from the pain and crippling anxiety of 2017, then this year was me finally getting up again, learning to stand up and live for myself rather than in fear of those i shouldn’t care about anymore. life still hasn’t been too kind to me even though, compared to last year, we’re in a better space. but i’ll get into more detail about that while i go through everything month by month on the clock.
Before we begin, if you’d like to see the previous years, here’s the links!
Might wanna grab your popcorn, my dudes. this is a long one.
January: On the Web
Coming out of 2018, things were pretty ok if i remember. i don’t remember much from this month aside from a few doodles i did like this one from when Spiderverse was the hottest thing. this was one of the last things i drew in my old style. before i decided to officially change things up in the next month.
February: Gotta Kick it Up
Pokemon Sword & Shield were announced and things were hype! oh, how things soured as the months went by. lol
But yeah, this was me taking that experimental sketchy pencil style from that Smash Bros. drawing and rolling with it all the way! it’s become my new go-to style and even though it’s still hella sketchy at times, i feel like it looks better in comparison to my old ink outlined drawings.
March: The Overdrive Dweebanoids
Oh right. my old Ben 10 phase that lasted for a millisecond in 2016 returned with a vengeance. and it was glorious. lmao
It spawned an AU that i didn’t delve into much, but if i ever get that spark for my favorite alien watch bearer, i’ll get back to it.
April: True Blue Lizard Bois
My Ben 10 streak continues and i was crankin’ out art left and right for it. i luved all the “doodle dumps” i made, but this drawing was wholesome and i picked it because of that.
To some extent, this could be a comparison between my past and my present. that being Overdrive!Ben being what, at the time, was my current obsession while Digimon!Vivi was a representation of where i used to be, back when i was starting out and entering Digimon OCTs on Deviantart.
May: Return to the Realm of Sleep ~HD ReMIX
Now THIS i feel was one of the grandest drawings i’ve done this year. hell, i even made a wallpaper out of it.
like, it was just a redraw of an old drawing from 2017. but to me, it was a way to tell me just how far i’ve come since then. and i couldn’t be happier.
This was also the month i rebooted my DA after a long time of inactivity!
....Iiiit didn’t really work much, but i’m still working on it. though i highly doubt it’s worth it considering most of the ones i used to hang with there are either people i don’t wanna associate with or people who left while i was gone. seriously, it’s a ghost town there.
June: Art Fight 2019 ~Dreams Vs. Nightmares~
Ahh, my second year of Art Fight. for this year’s event, i wanted to be a tad more grandiose. like drawing up this banner. i like being extra and stuff even if it kills my drawing hand, so yeah. lmao
Florida thunderstorms are friggin’ terrifying. idk HOW anyone can get used to that.
July: - BREAK DOWN -
Oookay, it was hard picking my favorite attack this year cuz i pretty much was satisfied with all of them. but i had to go with this attack because the artist i drew it for was someone i really admired for years and i’m just happy i could finally have an opportunity to draw them something. like, i luv how it came out, so yeah.
This was also the month i forced myself to finally do the thing and let go of the constant fear i felt towards certain people i used to hang with. while remembering 2017 will never NOT hurt, i can’t let that fear rule over me forever. i have to take control and not let it stop me from doing what i want. and that’s exactly what i did.
August: Ricky ~Sapphire, Emerald and AlphaSapphire
Oh yeah! after Art Fight ended, i returned to Pokemon randomly cuz i wanted to go back to my roots for a moment. revamping Ricky, formerly Ragna, and Yagami was something i’ve been meaning to do for awhile and it reignited a waning love for a series i started growing distant towards since Gen VII.
I used to really like Ricky’s old design even though i barely ever used him. but i guess this just shows how much more original i’ve gotten in terms of character design. ^  ^
September: Heartbeat Inferno
Now, i haven’t really talked much about what’s been going on life wise for most of this post, but trust me when i say irl, things weren’t really.....happening. like, it’s hard when you live (or rather, lived now) in a place with little job opportunity and you have NO experience whatsoever. the lack of progression must’ve hit something in me, so the week i drew this was me just....shifting moods, feeling everything at once. one day i’d be agitated as hell, the next i’d be so depressed i took a some odd hour nap and didn’t wanna get out of bed. like, for most of this year, i haven’t felt this stressed out and frustrated with myself. so this sudden crash was kind of....unwelcome.
But this drawing was a fresh change though, if i’m being honest. i’m not usually this uncaring about how clean the coloring job is, but i like it! i’d choose that other drawing i did for my friends’ birthdays, Skirmish at the Cable Club, but this one had a more personal drive behind it.
October: - PAPERMOON -
beastarsbeastarsbeASTARSBEASTARS--*COUGH COUGH AHEM* I MEAN....hai. :D
Continuing with my Pokemon shenanigans, i drew this big piece which was something i had in my head for years now, but never actually acted upon it cuz i always felt it was too big of an idea to work on. i’m happy i’ve managed to capture what i envisioned originally.
As for interests, i’m sure most of my current followers can deduce that i quickly shifted gears to Beastars as soon as the anime was released and so far, i regret nothing. it’s spawned a metric butt ton of new art from me and the way i see it, this phase ain’t stopping as long as this series continues. brace yourselves fam, i believe i’ve finally found the successor to my Digimon phase. lmao
Like, damn, i had a tough time choosing art for this month. i was stuck between this, - SMILE/WILD SIDE - and Slip Into Madness. so many good drawings i was satisfied with, y’know?
November: The Future is Now
I was SO planning on putting something else here, but then suddenly i just kinda had this urge to redraw that uggo gouache painting of Miyagi from highschool. and it turned out so good that i had to. like, really. lmao
As with the redraw of Dream Drop Digital’s key art, it was a reminder of how far i’ve come since then art wise. and i feel like i’ve accomplished so much this year because of it. ;w;
December: Winter Lights
And now we’re back to the present time. after over a year or so of living in Florida, we’ve moved once again back up north a bit. yet another clean slate, but things seem to be looking up despite the rather large bumps in the road the past week or so. lately i’ve been feeling that seasonal depression starting to set in, but i think i’ll be fine as long as i stay positive. cuz y’know, it’s not being happy all the time. it’s just knowing that things will get better someday.
One of the other reasons i drew this drawing was cuz i REALLY wanted to have something Beastars related on this clock. this series (and Legoshi in particular) really inspired me, so i had to leave a wedge open for my boi.
Looking back at the beginning of this decade (as 2020 would mark the next one), i realized that the 2010′s were basically me becoming more artsy. finding enjoyment for a new hobby that quickly became something i’m now more passionate about than video games which i didn’t think would EVER be the case.
Funny enough, it all started in the RP section of a little forum for an MMO called Wizard101. i was only in middle school at the time and, to tell you the truth, i had no idea i’d be going at it for this long. thought i’d just do it on the side but not really delve into the art world more.
But despite all the trips and falls, fandom drama or otherwise, i wouldn’t change anything if it meant i wouldn’t have the friends who’ve stuck by me in the aftermath of those times.
I may not be really succeeding in much, but it’s the small steps in life that matter most in the end. these past few months in particular was me getting fed up with feeling sorry for myself for not doing the things i was interested in in the past, getting over my regret and making plans for starting something new even though i know i’ll suck at first and not worrying so much about how others might perceive me.
And just like how life was changing for our resident grey wolf this first season, mine seems to be doing the same. and i believe this decade ended on a better note than i thought it would during the past couple years leading up to this.
Here’s to a new decade! ^  ^
~ For a future I want to believe in. ~
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briar-darling · 6 years
Yandere Toga Himiko x Reader
(not that toga isn’t already a yandere, but)
Series: Boku no Hero Academia / My Hero Academia Characters: Toga Himiko Pairing: Toga Himiko x Reader Warnings: Yandere content, (like the usual stuff), kidnapping, unhealthy relationships, knives, blood, ingesting blood, death. Don’t like don’t read. Please message me if you’d like additional warnings.
Note: It’s okay to read/think about it however: Yandere relationships are NOT healthy. If you are noticing bad behaviors similar to these in an irl relationship, it may be a bad sign. Reach out to people around you if you can, and keep yourself safe. Take care of yourself.
-She saw you at your cutest! Ah? You aren’t cute? Of course you are. Beat up and bloody! Blood is sooo cute! Aren’t you the cutest? You’re SO cute!  She had to have you. 
-Manages to trick you by appearing as someone else, a baby faced girl looking lost, a close friend asking to hang out, an elderly person asking for help. Whatever she thinks will work the best. 
-She’s not dumb, she’s just a little excitable and passionate. If she cares about something, or in this case, someone, she’ll do her best to learn what makes it/them tick. 
-There are times where she is wrong because she makes assumptions, (examples: everyone thinks blood is cute, it’s the best to see your crush beat up and bleeding, cutting up your s/o is normal and romantic) and is sure she is right, but she can usually get a feel for what trick would work best. 
-She’ll knock you out when she has the chance and squirrel you away to a place where she can keep you. 
-Yay! You’re here! You’re awake! You’re gonna love it here!!! 
-It’s probably some kind of abandoned but functioning place, or some sort of place where villains often live. If the league ever ends up getting their shit together, maybe there. A small studio apartment style space. 
-The room is sort of cute, although cluttered, due to her personal touch. A little TV and dvd player. Fashion magazines and assorted clothes on the floor. You’re in a large soft bed. There are stuffed animals, soft blankets with cute patterns, on the desk, different colored scented candles.
-And of course, the wall with lots of very cute pictures of you! With lots of hearts! Oh and. A bunch of used knives. Also very cute, obviously. Heavy door locks! One is shaped like a heart. How cute. Take a look! The chains holding your wrists have little phone charms on them. She put them there herself, hope you like them!
-In general, you’d be decently entertained. She has a lot of magazines, comics, and movies. She’ll try to get you the ones you like too. She’ll add touches to her room for your tastes. 
-Knives are haphazardly strewn about, so be careful where you sit, lay down, or walk. 
-Not that you’ll be able to avoid getting cut in the long run. It’s Toga. She can’t NOT cut you. 
-The way the blood starts beading up in a tiny line from a small knife scratch. 
-When it starts to spill over the edge, and falls away from a slice.
  -The heart shape she carved on your leg, filling itself red with your own blood. -It’s all very cute to her. 
-Ah, she bites too. So. Watch out for that. 
-She will get you cute bandages after if she can. If she only has plain ones, she might doodle little hearts or flowers on them. 
-She thinks it’s cute if you try to stab her with one of her knives that she left around. She thinks that you want to see her blood too! She’ll willingly share it with you, dear, all you had to do was ask. 
-If you keep on stabbing her, she might get tired of it and actually clean up her damn knives. 
-Feeds you her blood whether you like it or not. “Isn’t this romaaaaantic?” Likes the idea that she can become a part of you, and that you can become part of her as well. If you keep being resistant, she’ll just mix it in your food. 
-Mentioned in a different post, she kinda gets excited when she sees you crying. There are days she gets tired of it, because she wants you to be excited to see her, not to cry. 
-She can be a crybaby herself sometimes cause she wants you to like her too, but she just doesn't understand that it is not very fun or romantic to be kidnapped, locked in, restrained, cut up, licked, bit, and kept against your will. 
-To her, she’s showing her love the way she knows how. The way that SHE would want to be loved. Her feelings are earnest, but she just doesn’t understand how to behave in a way that is healthy. 
-On her bad days, she actually doesn't really take it out on you. She wants you to hold her and stroke her hair while she pouts or sulks. She gets quiet, and just lays with you even if you won’t hold her back. 
-She doesn’t really have violent temper tantrums towards you. She just kinda cries it out, and throws some knives around to get out some stress. She won’t intentionally kill you, but killing people is a way she likes to let off some steam. She might go out and do that, so if she comes home covered in blood, she probably did it on her way back so she could spend a quiet evening with you. 
-Chatterbox. Even if you don’t talk back, she has a lot of things to say. What she did today, stuff she saw, about the news. What the League of Villains is doing, their likes and dislikes. A prank she pulled on one of them. 
-Honestly she has really loose lips with you, and if you ever got away, you would have a good chunk of information to give to the police about the whole League of Villains. Unfortunately, it’s very unlikely that you ever will get out. 
-She’ll talk about whatever, and she’s kind of easy to talk to. Not so dangerous to tell her about most things. She doesn't care about hurting you emotionally, she only wants to see you bleed, because she likes blood. It doesn’t really cross her mind to use your fears and worries against you. 
-If anything she’s more likely to bring home something that you mentioned you liked, like food that you missed, a lotion that you liked, a poster of something you said you were a fan of. (No hero posters though.)
-There is one big dangerous thing however. Talking about friends and family. If you say you miss them, she might go out and try to get their blood so she can transform into them for you. 
-If they put up too much of a fight while she tries to get their blood, she’ll kill them. Their lives don’t have much of a value to her, so she’s indifferent about if they get hurt or worse. 
-She didn’t do this to scare or intimidate you, she just thought you would be happy to see someone from outside. 
-Her “normal” is twisted, so the things she thinks are normal are twisted as well. 
-It’s difficult for her to think about other people’s real feelings. She’s almost always making assumptions about feelings. She just thinks that: If she did this, you would feel that, and if she thinks it would make you happy, she would go through with it, without thinking that it’s possible that you might feel unhappy or angry that she did this. If she thinks you’d like it, she’s sure you’d like it. If she thinks it’d make you sad, she’s sure it’d make you sad. Never actually asks. 
-She gets sort of confused when you don’t react the way she thought you would, she thought it would make you happy, but instead you’re hurt and upset. 
-Toga’s not oblivious to your feelings though, she just was certain in her head that you would react a certain way. She is a little unhappy with herself for being wrong, and making you feel bad. 
-She can see that you don’t like it, she understands that you are upset, but she doesn’t understand exactly why.  She might ask why you don’t like it, but even if you explain it to her, she still doesn’t get it, and she’ll probably just drop it, and try not to do it again. 
-Like I said before, she wants you to like her. She wants you to be lovey dovey with her, she just is selfish in the way of thinking that everything she likes, someone else will like too. She knows people have different opinions, but since the two of you are “In Love”, she figured you’d enjoy the same things she does.
  -During this period, there’s a possibility she might learn SOME things about how other people feel, and that emotions are complex, but there’s a lot to cover. She might begin to ask if you would like something or not, before doing it. (This does not include cutting you, she will do this regardless of your feelings towards it. She might be a little nicer about it though)
-If she did end up killing you, it would be by accident, because she became too passionate. She would mourn for a while, saving up the blood she could before moving on to a new love. It’s likely she has killed “lovers” before in attempts to “Become Them”, but she can’t get new blood from you if you’re dead.
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moteloleander · 6 years
A 30 Day Art Prompt Challenge For Someone Trying To Get Back In To Drawing
It does not matter if it takes way more than 30 days.
It does not matter if a prompt leaves you cold (there are alternates at the bottom of the list)
If you want to make it fandom, make it fandom. If you don't, don't.
There are no limitations. Just do the thing.
Day 1: Start small. Take 20-30 minutes and doodle things you can see. A glass on the table or flowers in a vase or a dog outside a window or the elderly drunk chef on TV. It doesn't matter in the slightest if they're a mess
Day 2: Tighten up a bit. Take one doodle and try to make something you're happy with. (Happy-ish, I never met a creative who was happy with anything)
Day 3: Draw an animal walking a tightrope. You were serious yesterday, you don't have to be serious today.
Day 4: Sketch your left foot. If feet are hard, just do the big toe. If toes are hard, pick a wrinkly knuckle and do that (hairs and all)
Day 5: Draw something you'd like to eat. OP accepts no responsibility for Tumblr bans incurred by creative misinterpretation of this prompt.
Day 6: Get a knife from the kitchen (or some other utensil if you're not to be trusted with knives). Do little texture studies - of a shiny blade or a rubbery grip or a wood handle, whatever you've got. It doesn't matter if the page looks like a patchwork quilt rather than a knife.
Day 7: A whole week's worth of good arty fun! Today draw somebody telling a joke! It's up to you if they are confident or desperate, if they've already made themselves laugh. If in doubt, go tell a joke and take note how you feel.
Day 8: Don't try to draw the room you're sitting in, you'll break your brain. Take care of yourself. Pick one corner or one little image. Draw that.
Day 9: Make something complicated really, really simple. You might suggest a brick wall just by sketching one or two bricks, or suggest the lacy pattern of leaves on a tree by just outlining the empty spaces. Plaid, fur, a shelf full of books - invent a shortcut!
Day 10: Speaking of a shelf full of books - get a book. Go to page 46. Eight lines down, six words along. Draw that word. (If the word is 'the' or otherwise uninspiring, practice lettering, or illuminate it, or do something with the letters themselves)
Day 11: Get out of the house and doodle. I don't care what you doodle. Streetlights, drain covers, a billboard, a terrifying black-out drunk dude nodding out at a bus stop, just so long as it's not indoors.
Day 12: Break time! Take your favourite holiday and your favourite non-human creature and put them together. The St Paddy's Day Siren. The Chinese New Year Mutant Abomination. The Alien Of Christmas Past.
Day 13: Sketch a wall. With graffiti on it. In an art gallery. Shelves with interesting things. Covered in overlapping posters. Idk. Find a wall and draw it, k?
Day 14: Today we are looking at age. It doesn't matter if you make a complete drawing or just texture studies. A cracked stone step. Chipped paint. The worn corners of a notebook that's been knocking around the back of your desk for a year. Or ask the bus stop weirdo if he'll sit for you again. Make a friend, hey, why not! (Please don't.)
Day 15: Stretch out your legs and draw them. You can leave out the feet if those are still hard. Pay attention to where they touch or don't, to where they get squooshed out of shape, to the creases and seams in any fabric.
Day 16: Chill. Draw a complete freakin cliche. A nerd with big glasses and ink stains. A heroic collie posing on a hill. A fat chef. An old hill ffs just draw something you've seen a thousand times. That doesn't mean it's bad. Enjoy it. Be happy-ish with it.
Day 17: Look at something melting - candle wax, chocolate, that bacon grease you forgot to wash off the tray starting to burn because you need to use the oven again...
Day 18: Watch something via streaming or DVD. Look at a particular character for five or ten minutes. Then fastforward. Pause just as soon as you see that character again. And I don't care how weird that face is, draw it. If faces are daunting, just try and space out the features, get a curled lip right, or a squinting eye.
Day 19: Get tied! Tie some knots in string or in the cord of your jim-jams or the belt of a bathrobe, you could even braid your hair, and sketch how things tie together and wind through each other.
Day 20: It's time for hands! (Sorry! Tomorrow will be chill, I promise). Draw whatever hand isn't holding your pen/pencil/scalpel/quill. You can pose it however you like. If fingers are tough, ball up your fist
Day 21: You're on your damn way! Relax today. Doodle something from a movie you love. It doesn't have to be good. If all you've got in you is a stick man being tackled by a Blob Of Unusual Size, just tag it Princess Bride and we'll tell you it's beautiful and put it on the fridge.
Day 22: Look at some sports people, irl or on TV or online. Try and sketch some muscle form. A big thick football neck, a sinewy female MMA shoulder, a sprinter's calf
Day 23: Let's look at liquid - a puddle, a running tap, how milk kind of clings to a glass, the dregs of a cup of tea with biscuit crumbs. Just some kind of damp, k?
Day 24: Shiny shiny! Shiny things and light! Gather some shiny things together - glittery costume jewelry, a compact mirror, that bit of sea glass you can't part with, put everything in a glass jar, whatever, just S H I N Y - and draw what you see. Don't worry if it makes sense. Little reflections and flashes of light like you're drawing a treasure chest. It's all about how light hits and bounces.
Day 25: Okay, remember the sports day? Well, this time you're going to look up some dancers. Look at the whole body this time. Find the strangest, most contortionist poses. Draw exactly what you see and try to understand how tf they got their leg up there
Day 26: NEARLY THERE! Today your theme is cheese! A cheesy grin! A little mouse trying to get cheese out of a trap! A monster made of radioactive cheese! The moon, made of green cheese, complete with Clangers and Soup Dragon!
Day 27: Sketch out your favourite room in the house. You don't have to get the kitchen counters exactly level, you don't have to draw the fish tank if you don't want to, maybe there's just a lamp you're particularly fond of. Just draw a background from your own home. It can be the garden if you like!
Day 28: Try and draw some interaction. Use stick-men if you want to, or simple outlines. Make them shake hands or get in a fight or slow-dance. Or all three, in sequence. Cute couple.
Day 29: Look at two buildings next to each other and sketch what you see. Is there an alley between them? Is it overgrown? Do they butt up against each other? How do the two surfaces meet?
Day 30: IDGAF what you draw today, bunny, because it's thirty days and you made it and you did all these stupid little exercises and you did good! You're happy, right? Happy-ish?
Here are some loose alternates you can sub in if you don't like any of the days above.
Alt 1: A Sad Piano
Alt 2: A Friendly Ghost or Monster
Alt 3: A Fruit In Love
Alt 4: A Battered Fish
Alt 5: A Nun/Priest Of An Alternative Religion
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exileoblivion · 7 years
all of them for you too buddy
alrighty, here goes!!1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? I try to make it equal, but I always end up with more milk than cereal
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? For the most part, yes. Unless I’m not feeling well or whatever
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? Whatever’s close at hand that’s flat and small, lol
4: how do you take your coffee/tea? My coffee has to have a LOT of creamer and/or sugar. My tea depends; for the most part, it HAS to have at least a little bit of sugar, but there’s some that I don’t mind not having sugar in, just depends
5: are you self-conscious of your smile? YES.
6: do you keep plants? No
7: do you name your plants?No
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? Either writing or drawing
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? Yup!
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? Mainly my sides, but I’ll lay on my back when I’m sick or hurt
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends? …oh god…my one friend and I have one that deals with DMMD, and I am SO not talking about that here pppfffttttttt
12: what’s your favorite planet? I don’t really have one
13: what’s something that made you smile today? I WATCHED THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE, AND IT WAS SO DAMN CUTE ALSDKFJELAKJSDF
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? Dorky AF. Probably a lot of purple/shades of purple for the colors
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! Space smells like burnt meat and metal, or something like that? I remember hearing that a while back
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish? Chicken alfredo, or Mushroom Ravioli alskdjfalskjdf
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? I REEEALLLLYYYYYY want to dye the right side of my hair pastel pink
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. that same inside joke about DMMD omfg alskdjf
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? a writing journal? No. I do have a TON of sketchbooks though, which have random doodles in them.
20: what’s your favorite eye color? Blue. BRIGHT blue. I’ve also lately REALLLYYYY been loving shades of brown that almost look red. 
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. I recently bought a Castiel bag from Hot Topic, and while it’s not old, it has gone on a few adventures through the woods with me, and went with me to my last job quite a lot. I’m going to be using it a TON when I get my fursuit partial in 2018.
22: are you a morning person? Depends on if I get enough sleep, and wake up in a good mood
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? Laying in “bed” curled up in a few blankets with snacks and watch youtube vids
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? In the past, yeah. I haven’t had someone I could trust that much in a looonnnggggg time though
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? Technically it wasn’t breaking in to, but I went to explore my old abandoned house and it was SO cool, omfg. 
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit? Lately it’s either my red converse or my gray winter boots
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor? Man, I haven’t chewed gum in YEARS…I dunno?
28: sunrise or sunset? Sunset
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? i can’t think of an answer to this one
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? OF COURSE
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. I love them in the winter! I love the ones with patterns, or things on them. The plain colored ones are so boring, tbh. I loooveeee the ones that go up to my knees, or the super fuzzy ones. I also super love slippers asldkfj 
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. I can’t stop thinking about that damn DMMD joke between my one friend and I alskdjfalkds that happened WELL after 3am when we were both super tired to the point of delirium, and it’s just so funny alskjf
33: what’s your fave pastry? It’s a tie between pie and cinnamon buns/rolls
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? I had this plush cat that my one grandma gave me for christmas like…a year or so before she died? I named her Jellybean, and I took her EVERYWHERE with me. I should still have her…at least I did when we moved here when I was like 15…but I haven’t checked…she could be ruined for all I know ughhhhhhh
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? Yeah! I use stuff like that on rare occasions.
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now? STARSET!!!!!
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? I don’t have a room, and have way too much stuff in all different areas to keep anything organized. I HATE it :”D
38: tell us about your pet peeves! I CAN NOT FUCKING STAND THE SOUNDS OF PEOPLE EATING. IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT IT IS, I CAN ALWAYS HEAR PEOPLE EATING. I HATE IT. I HATE IT. I FUCKING HATE IT ALSKDJFALSKDJFLAKSJDFUUGHHHHHHHHHHHH. No, but seriously. I can NOT be around people that are eating. I HAVE to have headphones in. Like, no offense…I have sensitive hearing, and chewing ((honestly, any kind of mouth noise other than talking)) noises make me gag and spiral into a HUGE anxiety attack and it’s so bad alsdkjfalskdjf 
39: what color do you wear the most? Black
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you? Okay, so since I keep mentioning DMMD; I got an Industrial piercing in my left ear just like Noiz. It was the last piercing I got, and my first one from a PROPER piercer. The whole experience was awesome, and I loved it. It was back when our group was still 4 people, and we made a day of it. The piercer was SUPER nice, talked me through everything he was doing, being calm and reassuring, and just super sweet in general? Afterwards, he gave me a box of apple juice to help with my blood sugar, and I loved that idea so much, that to this day after I get tattoos or piercings, I always make sure to have apple juice as a tradition. I got my last piercing because 1.) I thought it looked HELLA cool, 2.) I reallllyyyyyy wanna cosplay Noiz, and 3.) Noiz’s character has a TON of meaning and stuff with me. Up next I’m gonna start stretching my lobes like him. Maybe it’ll be soon! 
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving? Another Note: The Los Angeles BB Murder cases
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! Sadly, no. If I did, it’d probably be a Starbucks or a Crazy Mocha
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? Like, actually laid out with a blanket and watched them for a long period of time? When I was a little kid with my brothers, watching a meteor shower
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? n-e-v-e-r~
45: do you trust your instincts a lot? sometimes
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of  for the life of me, I can’t think of any at the moment alskdjfalskdjfleakjsef
.47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? BLACK LICORICE
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? I think it may have been the dark…? And I mean…I do suffer from sleep paralysis…so…sometimes, kinda…..bllleeecchhhhhh
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? YES! The last two that I bought myself was  Gorillaz’s Demon Days and Plastic Beach 
50: what’s an odd thing you collect? Do stuffed plushes/animals count…? Cuz…ya boi has a bad addiction with buying stuffed things
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? The only ones that I can think of are all sad/depressing/triggering…
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? What in tarnation dog…I don’t get the whole babadook being a gay icon one, but it is funny af for some reason??? distracted boyfriend….is the “BITCH I WON’T HESITATE’ considered a meme at this point, cuz I LOVE that one even if it isn’t
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? I will NEVER watch or listen to that shit, get it out of here. Not yet, but maybe someday. HATE IT. Never seen it.
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? IRL…? no clue lmao
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point? God…I have no clue….probably like, raise my voice…?
56: what are some things you find endearing in people? …I really need to start paying attention to people more…I can’t think of anything…
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? Unpopular opinion…I hate that song. 
58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? I don’t have enough friends to apply this to anyone oops
59: what’s your favorite myth? I don’t have a favorite myth, but can we talk about conspiracy theories and stuff like that???? cuz, holy hell…my eyes are finally open to them and some of them are GLORIOUS
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? Poetry’s okay, I don’t have any faves
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received? Probably like everything I ever give people. I can’t think of any
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? If I have apple juice, I WILL DRINK THAT EVERY MORNING ALSKFJLSKEJF
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? I kinda just leave them be. As long as they don’t get ruined
64: what color is the sky where you are right now? It looks black?
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with? convention friends. I also used to have a lot of online friends who have all pretty much disappeared that I miss terribly…
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? It’d be made of golden flowers. because reasons.
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? ALIVE alskdfjaslkdfj
68: what’s winter like where you live? It’s all over the freaking place. Sometimes it’s super cold, snowy, windy….other time’s it’s kinda cold, no snow, we’ve had a few where it’s practically spring weather?!???!?!?! 
69: what are your favorite board games? I love CAH, and other kinds of adult humored games like those alskdfj
70: have you ever used a ouija board? Not an Ouija board, but I have used a pendulum thingy with a sheet of paper that almost represented an Ouija board
71: what’s your favorite kind of tea? I love ALL kinds of tea. I have so many faves, I can’t pick just one alskdjfalskdfj
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it? Sorta, yeah
73: what are some of your worst habits? Whew boy, just about everything I do anymore is bad lmao
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. um…they’re…human?
75: tell us about your pets! I don’t have any
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t? sleeping lmao
77: pink or yellow lemonade? yellow
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? HATECLUB
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? no one’s done anything cute for me in years thx
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? The area that I sleep in has white walls. It’s the color that was here when we moved in.
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. …it just occurred to me…that I have no idea what color eyes my friends have…WELP
82: are/were you good in school? Nope lmao
83: what’s some of your favorite album art? I think the art for Plastic Beach is pretty neat
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? YES!!!! I have my Bill Cipher one all drawn up, just need to get it done. And then, I’m thinking of getting the seal of Metatron from the SH series done on my other rib, and then….I have SOOOOOOoooooOOoOOOoOoO many more ideas for tattoos, it’s ridiculous, lmao.
85: do you read comics? what are your faves? I don’t read comics, but I do read manga lol. I LOVE Deadman Wonderland, I just got the complete series of MARS which was the first manga series I ever read through, Alice 19th is SO GOOD, of course my unhealthy love for Killing Stalking, Blood Bank…um…I can’t think of anymore atm
86: do you like concept albums? which ones? I honestly don’t know what that means….? But, it’s possible…?
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? Nightmare Before Christmas, Inception, Shutter, the original Halloween movies, Guardians of the Galaxy, The Lost Boys, Queen of the Damned, Ironman 3
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? Not really
89: are you close to your parents? nope
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. Okay, so…I’ve only ever been to D.C. once so far, but it’s REALLY beautiful alskdfj I can’t wait for next Otakon, and hopefully be able to explore it more. There’s such a surreal charm to it. You can reallllllyyyyy feel the history everywhere you go there. Just. Damn. 
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? no cheese plz
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most? messy buns or ponytails
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?…one of my brothers…???
95: what are your plans for this weekend? celebrate Thanksgiving, make a dessert for our dartball tournament…hope to hell I don’t get dragged to it…and hopefully write or play games. Maybe also clean too….
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? I tend to let them go for awhile before updating
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? INFP, Aquarius, Slytherin
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? too long!!! and, I think so?
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. Hiro no Tsuki/Melfina’s song, Is there Somewhere and Control by Halsey, just about the whole Undertale soundtrack, the sountracks to both Portal 1, and 2, ESPECIALLY Exile Vilify by The National, All of Me by John Legend,JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING BY STARSET, I know there’s a ton….but those are all of the ones I can think of at the moment
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? 5 years into the future. 5 years ago was TERRIBLE, and I never want to relive it again.
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silverspleen · 8 years
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Seeing a lot of seven deadly sin related media on my dash the past week and doodled potential demon ‘sona, posting it as I had a small reminder irl that my associated sin is Greed. Not finished as I’m not sure how I feel about my legs/general body shape/finger hands. Face good though and big horrible hairy bony bug arms good.
I do, in fact, put lots of things I probably shouldn’t in my mouth (my keys and phone, both of which I KNOW are germ infested cesspools being the two major ones), have been shitty and scummed things off of people solely by being like “I like it more than you do, you should gift it to meeeeee” and have kept random bits of metal/plastic/knick knacks I find on the ground in parking lots and things. It’s not bad, as I do fairly regularly “clean house” and get rid of small things I’m not super attached to and like ‘why did I think it was a good idea to stash this’ things, but every room I’ve ever lived in has had some sort of plastic container collection of junk I like just so I can go through it and feel Proud. I have no idea why I’m materialistic in the way I am but WHOOPS.
Presumably demon ‘sona Dragoon is less selective in her hoarding, and has some sort of sweet pocket dimension to keep all of the stuff she collects, which is just some hellscape of book shelves, shadow boxes, things in jars and plastic containers that gets cryptically rearranged every few moons like some kind of sacred museum to junk. If you get lost exploring it she feels bad, but not too bad and takes your mummified husk and stashes it with her OTHER mummified animal husks.
She can be called upon to organize and clean things for you, but she’ll take whatever catches her fancy as compensation. 
She’s got some kind of mega form where she’s just a massive armored bug silverfish kind of thing with tons of arms and mouth and tentacles and stuff probably.
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ask-jungshook · 8 years
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// HEYO! :D Here’s my version of the Meet the Artist meme that’s been going around! I got several admin asks as well, so might as well knock out two birds with one stone! 
Fun Facts & Q&As under the cut!
Sup! I go by Dissu! It’s my art/gaming nickname that was given to me by friends and pretty much just stuck with me to the extent that I respond to it as much as my real name haha
FUN FACTS! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
My corgi’s full name is Lucas GNAR (the latter being League of Legends inspired-- his nickname is Lulu tho ;o) I’m a total nerd and gamer if you haven’t guessed by now HAHA
I carry backpacks over small purses because I easily lose/misplace small things. (Bags with shoulder straps always slide off my shoulders too) My other two bags are a winged backpack and a small crossbody.
I carry a pillow in my backpack so I can sleep on the bus on my commute to work (I have no more shame LOL) Lucas ate an eye off it when he was a puppy, so that’s why it has one eye LOL
I doodle on post-its because they’re easier to get rid of/scrap if it comes out looking bad. I don’t have any sketchbooks because for some reason I’m really bad at drawing in books??
I have a slight case of RBF, so I will most likely look :| even though I’m :D on the inside
I dye my hair because my hair is usually extremely oily and dyeing is usually the only way to counteract it. (But mad respect to kpop groups because holy shit bleaching your hair pretty much fries it 2/10 would recommend -- also grey hair is rly hard to maintain zzz) 
My average sleep time on weekdays is 5 hrs, but on weekends it’s 12+ hrs. 
I am a self proclaimed sparkling rock (because I’m really bad at expressing my emotions irl lol)
ASKS! ( ˊᵕˋ )♡.°⑅
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BTS: JIMIN by a narrow margin, JK and NAMJOON are tied for a close second (Yoongi is forever my spirit animal though)
For other KPOP groups I follow currently:
Big Bang: TOP
Sechskies: Eun Jiwon
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I mainly use SAI! (and PS for animation)
And it’s ironic because I’m like 99% sure I messed up my brush settings yesterday lol but here’s what I have right now. I pretty much use the default brush for all my sketches, lineart and coloring. (The only difference is just brush size) 
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I’ve been playing around with my settings more and more just for fun/ trying out new things since I already messed up my settings /weeps (I should have had a screenshot of my original settings in hindsight . . . rip me)
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Q__Q omgsjakhgsdlkg thank you guys so much (●♡∀♡) <333 You all give me motivation to keep on drawinggg! <3 (I’m also rly bad at expressing thanks but tytytytyty x100000, it means a lot)
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Disclaimer: Just wanna add really quickly, take what I say with a grain of salt bc what worked for me might not work for everyone.
Don’t give up & practice A LOT!
I’ve never had any ‘legit’ art classes in the sense that the only art I got from school was one elective class in high school. The program I was in during HS and the field I’m in now are both devoid of creativity lol (Which is why people at my workplace are usually surprised to see that I draw) That being said, most of my art is mainly trial and error! But it’s a hobby that I enjoy a lot, so I don’t mind the trial and error aspect of it. I also really like the fact that you can like graduallllly see improvement the more you draw! :D Only recently, I’ve been actively trying to get better and improve since I have more time to do things now. (Legit school was probably the main reason why I couldn’t draw a lot -- exams man)
To elaborate a bit, overall I think I’m an average artist at best because there’s simply so much that I still need to learn. I feel like for me, I never fully grasped the foundation for drawing (mainly anatomy), so I’m trying to relearn that now that I have free time. (I think previously, all I drew was still-life, so I . .  . can draw fruit???? LOL) Like if you look at most of my older pieces, you can see that I have no clue how to draw clothing, body structure, or color theory. (The good thing is, that I know my weaknesses, so it’s a good starting block! haha)
But for art in general, it’s all about your foundation and how you build on it. If you don’t know how to break the body down by body parts, then there’s no way that you can free draw a person that looks perfect. So at this point, for me, it’s just a quest for learning & self improvement! :D
Another important thing is to step outside of your comfort zone! I strongly believe that you learn from failure especially for art. Like I think this year was the first time I drew a full body picture because I forced myself to step away from just drawing faces only. (LOL LEGIT I’VE ONLY DRAWN HEADSHOTS OF PEOPLE FACING LEFT FOR LIKE 99.9% OF THE TIME) While it wasn’t perfect, I definitely learned from it.
I also highly suggest iterative drawing! Which is basically drawing the same thing over and over, but changing small things with every repetition. That way, you can compare and see what worked and what didn’t and carry that forward!
Also, don’t expect like change overnight! That’s one of the things I think people have a misconceptions of-- especially something that new artists can get a bit down on, because they don’t ‘see’ improvement. But JUST KEEP ON DRAWING! Because improvement will always be gradual. (It’s very similar to working out -- like you’ll gain muscle tone over time & not overnight)
Like this is probably one of the first CG pieces I drew like YEARRRRS back (maybe 2009????) when I first tried digital art vs a WIP of what I’m currently working on right now (yes, dat’s a jimin) :
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So clearly, getting from point A to point B for me happened over a lot of years and not right away, but just know that it IS possible if you’re willing to be patient -- and that improvement is there even if you don’t see it! 
Also I just wanna throw out there that improvement isn’t always going to be a upwards curve, it might stagnate/plateau occasionally and that’s OK! I think when I was still in school, I took A LOT of art hiatuses that spanned months so when I would get back into drawing, my art probably looked worse LOL 
But for me personally, what it comes down to in the end, is that:
1) You’re making art because YOU enjoy it. If you go into drawing with the intention of getting famous or having a lot of notes, then there really isn’t that much personal sense of joy if you’re basing your accomplishments by how many notes you receive. Draw for the sake of yourself instead of for the sake of others -- it’s a lot more liberating.
2) You’re basing your improvement against yourself, not against other people. Everyone is different and everyone learns things at different rates, so don’t feel discouraged if someone else is improving at a different rate than you are. I know a lot of people get discouraged when they see how fast others may be improvement-- I mean there was a point where I was like that, but ultimately, improvement will always be a battle against yourself only. (This applies to like self improvement lol not just art improvement)
3) Have a positive outlook & be patient. Basically going back to point 1, art should be something that you enjoy doing/something that makes you happy! Personally for me, I don’t see a point of calling something a hobby if you find no joy in doing it. I feel like in the past my main struggles were that I was unhappy about my art because I kept on comparing it to like REALLY good people HAHAHA & because I had like no improvement in the beginning, but then I realized that there’s not point of being sad over something I can’t control. Because all artists have their own story and all artists have to start out somewhere. (tbh sometimes, all you have to do is just change your mindset a bit) 
TLDR; Lots of practice, seek improvement, try new things, have a positive outlook (BE HAPPY!!!) & don’t give up! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و HWAITING!
 >___> I just realized that I wrote a lot in no particular order, so I’m sorry that it turned into one very messy essay LOL but hopefully that was kinda helpful? igotlazierastimewentonthololsosorryifthelastsectionmadenosense 
BUT I THINK I’M FINALLY DONE LMFAO! (Also bless, this cleared out several asks from my inbox) :D If anyone’s curious about anything else, feel free to message me (or ask me stuff once my askbox re-opens) -- I’m always free to chat! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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gryffindorkx · 8 years
So recently I've really been struggling with mental health problems. Like I've known I've had them for awhile but I've never known specifically, and I thought maybe it's just puberty? But I'm an adult now and going off to college and I'm sick of not being able to do normal things? And idk what to do, I don't want to tell my parents because I don't think they'll believe me? But I don't know if I can wait until college? And even in college I don't wanna be judged? I just dunno what to do...
this is too close to home that it feels like i just ghost messaged myself. i wanna help ya out buddy but how can i when i don’t even bother to save myself and my own sorry ass? however, you plucked out the courage to ask me for help and it would be an asshole move for me to just leave it be, so i’ll try my best on this.
from what i think, this might sound cliche and overused, but everyone needs a companion. if you feel like your parents won’t believe you and the thought of it only worries you, then don’t tell them first. think of someone else you can open up to, may it be a friend or relative or even someone on the internet. it doesn’t have to be someone you know personally and irl, the internet is a great place too plus i’ve met a lot of people here in tumblr who are open minded and can be empathetic with such things. 
theres also this option of telling someone unrelated to you, aka a stranger of sort. i’ve met people who don’t tell their personal problems to the ones they’re close with because they don’t want them to worry or make their loved ones doubt them, so they find it easier to tell someone they have no relationship or whatsoever with.
i get it, its scary to tell someone. even the very thought of it alone unnerves me that i can’t even grasp how it would go. its an easier choice to keep everything in because of our fear of people’s reactions and the confusion we get if we really have something fucked up with our head or not. but think back, can you really go on like this, keeping it all in?
if ever you do find someone you know you can talk to, you don’t have to tell them everything. just share what you can/with what you’re okay enough with to spill out. it’s absolutely okay not to tell them everything, but just enough for you to lift the weight off yourself. it also doesn’t have to be a face-to-face kind of situation. if you find it difficult to say things verbally but easier to express something out via texting or writing, do it that way.
however, if you’re like me who prefers to keep everything in because i don’t like the feeling of people knowing too much about me, a companion doesn’t have to be human. my cat helps me out a lot and just hanging out with him eases my mind. animals are great friends to be with and to help keep yourself together, or for me anyway.
and ok, this actually took a while to answer because i wasn’t sure if i should put down on how i deal with my own but you know what? i’m risking it and yelling fuck you at myself so here i go.
if you really can’t bring yourself to speak it out, then here is my suggestion of what i do: i distract myself. i keep my mind or body or both busy enough that i can push it aside momentarily. ironically, its what makes me move my body to exercise or do the chores around the house.
you can try and write down with what you’re good with and list down examples/experiences about it to remind yourself. you can make something, a doodle or those edits and moodboards or basically anything, and use it to express out how you feel. find and watch tv shows where you see characters that you can relate with and, in a way, have that character support your back. find things or use every trick at your disposal to keep yourself to just, you know, keep moving. for me, that’s already a lot.
but if it’s too much for you that it takes a huge toll on yourself, lie down and play your favorite songs and just stay that way for as long as you need. or take a hot shower which is then followed up by wearing your comfy clothes and digging in on your favorite snacks. even the small and simple things can help.
for me, i self disciplined myself to keep on moving and thats how i go about with my days. one of the big reasons why i write stories and create my own characters is because it’s the biggest and most effective distraction that i could ever do. ultimately, i grew to love it and became passionate about it that it actually helps take the weight off myself even if its just for a moment. being passionate about something is the best way for me to distract myself from my fucked up self because it gives me some kind of purpose. it doesn’t matter if its a fandom, a hobby, books, movies, use it for your own intentions. idk if i worded it out right.
lastly, have this post
i’m in college myself right now and trust me that it’ll get more complicated but i’m still here. not exactly alright, i admit, but i still keep struggling on. and i’ll wait for the day where you’ll message me again, but this time it’s because you’ve found your own way to somehow make it through the day. for others, it might not seem much, but for me that’s already a huge step because fuck what others think. we grow and go on in our own phase.
if i was unable to help you, i’m sorry. i truly am. just know that i can relate with you on this and that you’re not alone.
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fearofaherobrine · 8 years
Roleplay Server Log #158
"More Bar Chatter”
[Doc] I wonder how long it will take Trender to get the rest of the list?
[CP] - Depends on if he uses his proxy or not
[Doc] Shudders - why would he do that? If he can use any door as a portal?
[CP] - The doors only go to his workshop, plus his proxy can just go in and buy the stuff
[Doc] Oh, Okay. I thought it was anywhere. Seems like the right kind of power for a boogeyman to have.
[CP] - I mean, I'm sure if he really wanted to he could make it work that way...
[Doc] Points to hirself- This is me never mentioning that to him...
[CP] - Your choice
[Doc] Sighs- Honestly... I'm kinda missing Splender...
[CP] - He's second oldest, when Slender can't run things, he does with some help from Trender
[Doc] I know... but he's fun to have around, and even though I know he promised to behave; having Ej in the house is stressing me out a bit.
[CP] - Can't relate to that
[TLOT] What it wouldn't bother you to have someone around who might try to eat your spouse?
[CP] - He wouldn't dare
[TLOT] Points at Steve who is curled up in the booth, and sleeping soundly. -
[Doc] We all have important people and things to protect Cp.
[CP] Grumbles-
[Lie] Checks on Stevie- Stevie, you need to finish your breakfast
[Stevie] - But brother isn't eating!
[Notch] I think Cp is like a cat, he wants to drag his food away someplace and eat alone.
[Stevie] - But Hope doesn't do that
[Doc] LH does it. And I bet Grinny does too.
[Notch] Big cats do it irl too. To keep other animals from stealing their food.
[CP] - Grinny will vomit it everywhere
[Doc] What? He has trouble eating?
[CP] - Nope, or maybe he would now, but it would probably be to spite you
[Doc] I just feel sorry for him. I hope his fur grows back soon.
[Lie] - It can take some time...
[Notch] Why don't you just make him some hair like you did for me?
[CP] Notices that Lie has his paperwork and takes it back- I hate working on this sort of stuff- He starts shuffling through it again
[Doc] Because it'll be wrong somehow. It'll just make him more pissed off because I'm touching him or something. - Lays across the bar in defeat.
[Deer] Finishes what she was working on and quickly slips the paper into her inventory-
[Doc] Sticks hir tongue out slightly and just stays flopped. - sigh...
[Notch] Cats are always harder to win over, aren't they?
[TLOT] But it feels like a victory when you manage it....
-There's scratching on the bar door-
[TLOT] His ears prick up and he gets up to open the door a crack and look out.
[Smile] Pushes his nose through- Hi!
[TLOT] Opens the door for the dog, - Hi Smile. Did Liu come with you?
[gem] -waves- hello
[Smile] - He was following, but then I started running- Grinny is flopped over Smile's back
[Grinny] - Ugh, stupid Dog
[Doc] Turns hir head to see where the quieter voice is coming from and fights down a little smile at the sight of the cat riding the huge dog.
[Sam] Is smiling hugely and already making food for the animals.
[Ruby] That is the biggest wolf I've ever seen...
[Smile] - BONE PEOPLE!
[liu] -finally catches up and walks in- hey.
[Ruby] Don't even think about it.
[Sam] Sets down a bowl with a pile of steaks for Smile and a smaller plate with flaked chicken on it for the cat.
[TLOT] Sounds like the dog was walking you Liu.
[Smile] Smells the steak and leaps over to eat-
[Grinny] Sniffs at the chicken-
[liu] smile is to big for me to walk him.
[Notch] He's nearly big enough for a person to ride.
[CP] Puts aside a few papers which are more minor things for the coronation.  He feels relatively safe about them since Steve is asleep-
[Doc] Just watches the duo quietly, not even sure xe's been noticed.
[Grinny] Takes a few tiny bites of the chicken-
[Smile] Wolfs down his food and looks at Sam with his best puppy dog eyes-
[Lie] Raises a brow and offers the rest of the sobering flower to TLOT-
[TLOT] Oh it's okay Lie, I'm not drunk. I metabolize things relatively quickly. Honestly I don't think Steve was that messed up either, alcohol just makes my lamb a bit sleepy.
[Lie] - I see, just offering
[Doc] Takes it and looks at it, twiddling it idly around in hir hands.
[Lie] Perks a little, Oh, I know something which could be added to the coronation- Spawns a Nether tree sapling- Just put down a bit of netherrack for these to grow on
[Sam] Slips Smile another steak-
[Smile] Happily eats it-
[liu] -sits down at a bar-
[Notch] That's really odd looking Lie. Does it do something special?
[Lie] - No, but it's able to withstand the Nether
[Sam] Looks at Liu with a questioning glance.
[Ruby] Leans back on hir chair and gives Liu's butt an appraising stare.
[liu] just some food please. -doesn't notice ruby staring-
[Sam] Brings food for Liu as well.
[Smile] Goes over and licks Liu's hand-
[Ruby] Meh. Not bad for a human. Hey Winston, hows your head?
[liu] -pets smile and eats his food-
[Grinny] Swats at Liu-
[Winston] - Still a bit fuzzy I'm afraid
[Notch] Quietly- Is that... the cat?
[Doc] Yeeees.
[Ruby] Nothing to be ashamed of man. Ya gotta relax sometimes.
[Winston] - That is usually difficult
[Ruby] The Nether is serious business, I'll give you that. I'm not a big fan of lava myself.
[Winston] - Lava to me is like water for you
[Ruby] It doesn't hurt you?
[Doc] Another one who can bathe with the brines...
[Winston] - Not at all
[Doc] What do you mean Winston? Can you only take it for a few minutes or something?
[Winston] - No, as in it doesn't hurt me at all, I was responding to Ruby
[Doc] Ah... just ignore me... I'm still a little drunk.
[Winston] - That is alright
[CP] Deciding to procrastinate more- Hey Doc, how pissed would you be if I held the coronation out in the real world?
[Doc] Gaaah.... yeah if you want several of us not to be able to go.
[TLOT] Count me out for that Cp.
[CP] Acts like seriously considering it
[Doc] You utter pissant.... you wouldn't. Where would you find a private space big enough for even a tenth of your mobs?!
[CP] - There are places
[gem] could he even take his mobs to the real world?
[Doc] Are you trying to fucking hurry me into building another body for Deerheart?
[CP] - Nope
[Deer] - CP, why are you being mean now?
[Doc] I know Gk would be disappointed too.
[Notch] Whispers to Deerheart - He's just trying to put off his work by picking a fight...
[Deer] Rolls her eyes- CP do your work
[CP] - Don't wanna
[Notch] I thought so.
[Lie] - Come on CP, if you really focus it shouldn't take too long
[TLOT] Yeah, especially after you yelled at Steve for trying to help.
[CP] - Shut up
[Doc] Sets the sobering flower upright in hir empty glass and drags a sheet of paper near hir. Xe balls it up and flicks it so it rolls gently along the bar and stops near Grinny.
[Grinny] Glares at it from Smile's back-
[Doc] Isn't even looking. - Lie? You should try and make a flower with Flux. Even if it doesn't do anything.
[Lie] With Flux?  Hmmm...
[TLOT] Takes out the sprig of catnip he offered to Cp a while back and breaks off a small piece. He sneaks over and puts it down in front of Grinny before sitting back down.
[Grinny] Flat out ignores it-
[Doc] Doodles on a bit of paper, xe's thinking of what to wear hirself since Cp nixed hir dragon idea.
[CP] Still shuffling through papers-
[gem] -is looking over doc's shoulder to see what xe is drawing-
[Stevie] Slumps against the table a bit- I'm full!  Can we go build the blanket fort now?
[Lie] Laughs a little- Only if you go get your pants on
[Stevie] - Okay- He runs back for the bathroom
[Notch] Can I help with the fort since all the critters are fed Lie?
[Lie] - I think Stevie would love it if you would
[Flux] Smiles a little-
[Ruby] Yeah, I got shit to do too. Call me when you're ready for the party Sam. Nice meeting ya Winston. - Goes to leave.
[Winston] - Master, perhaps you should send me back...
[CP] - Hm?  Oh, alright- Opens a portal
[Doc] Liu? Do you mind staying at my place for a bit? I'd like to keep an eye on Grinny and he and Smile seem inseperable.
[Smile] Perks at hearing his name-
[liu] uh sure.
[Doc] You know you're always welcome to come and hang out with us if you get lonely, don't you?
[TLOT] Hey, Gem, how are your wings? It looks like we got you to rest for a bit anyway, didn't we?
[liu] yea I do.
[gem] I guess you did but they are healing fast.
[Steve] Makes a tiny yawn and stirs awake.
[TLOT] Gives his mate a little kiss on the forehead.
[CP] Stands up, not noticing a few papers that slip out from his pile-
[Notch] Reaches down and hands them back to him- Here you go Cp.
[CP] Grumbles as he takes them back.  He's really not looking forwards to arranging this coronation-
[Doc] I have sewing to do anyway...
[Deer] - And I have ideas
[Doc] Gives her a sly look. - I know the kind of ideas you have....
[Deer] - Maybe it's a different kind of idea
[Doc] Ah, darn.
[TLOT] Come on Doc, you're still a bit drunk. No need to be surly.
[Doc] Either way, thank you for the food and alcohol Sam, it was all excellent as usual.
[Sam] Takes a small bow.
[Lie] - Remember, just get us a list of what you'll need and we'll have it ready for you when you get to the other server
[Sam] Already working on it. Thank you Lie.
[Lie] - You're welcome
[Stevie] Runs out of the bathroom with his pants on once more and clings onto CP's leg- Brother!
[Notch] You're popular today Cp.
[CP] Groans- I don't want to do any of this...
[Notch] I know the feeling, I was never fond of doing the accounts.
[Lie] - Just think of it this way CP, the faster you deal with it, the sooner it will be over
[Notch] chuckles-  You sound like someones mom bugging a kid to do their homework Lie.
[Lie] - Sometimes I feel like it
[CP] Just starts walking out with Stevie attached to his leg-
[Shuppet] Was hiding up near the ceiling and floats down to follow him out.
[Doc] Well there's nothing for it. Time to head home. Who's going my way?
[TLOT] Helps Steve up. - Right behind you.
[Flux] - I will
[Deer] - I will obviously love
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