#the breathing method
the-red-butterfly · 5 days
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I'm Doomed
Sandra Stansfield (The Breathing Method by Stephen King)
That night I had the worst dream of my entire life--I woke up from it in utter terror, and if I had been married, I suppose I would have frightened my poor wife to death. In the dream I opened the door to my consulting room and found Sandra Stansfield in there. She was wearing the brown pumps, the smart white linen dress with the brown edging, and the slightly out-of-date cloche hat. But the hat was between her breasts, because she was carrying her head in her arms. The white linen was stained and streaked with gore. Blood jetted from her neck and splattered the ceiling. And then her eyes fluttered open--those wonderful hazel eyes--and they fixed on mine. "Doomed," the speaking head told me. "Doomed. I'm doomed. There's no salvation without suffering. It's cheap magic, but it's all we have." That's when I woke up screaming.
Finally finished my four videos and drawings of the stories of Different Seasons! I'm so happy for the small achievement hehe. But particularly because this was a bit of a challenge for me, I tend to be very afraid of shadows and contrast in my art and I tried very hard to be conscious of that in this piece. Also, finding the right palette to make it look properly horror-y, that was a bit of a challenge too.
But I'm very happy about it all in all! Even if the story did break my heart a bit ngl (,:
You can watch me draw this piece in the review I did of the book here:
-> The Breathing Method // Book Review + art <-
Open for Commissions
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k-star-holic · 2 years
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"Son of the Dead King" Yoo Jun-sang, Lee Jae-wook known and kicked out Alchemy of Souls'
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tia-222 · 5 months
OMG 😳 I entered void with the wim Hoff breathing method it was QUICK,I would also like to thank @graychrissy she made it thousand times easier for me to get in the void state because I was struggling to get rid of the nagative mindset.
And also would like to thank you for this amazing post we don't have tiktok here in India so I'm so thankful for telling us this amazing method.
So so when I saw your post today when I woke up I felt a little confident because Pink also had a similar method but I failed with it. But it gave it a second shot today because I love you🥹🌹, at first I was struggling ALOT to stay calm I was getting demotivated with all this negative thought. So I texted Christy and she helped me and told me to observe my thoughts and to stop identify myself as this body (it's easier once you try) and since she also practice non duality she told some stuff which made it easier for me.
And just few hours ago I entered void very quickly,after the breathing technique,my thoughts reduce alot but this time instead of going back to focus on my thought I observe them,slowly but gradually I drifted and my heartbeat got faster but again as Chrissy told to don't identify with the thought,feeling,and body just observe them.
And it probably didn't even took less then 10. Minutes to enter void😳🤯 like I'm shock,the experience was surreal and I affirm for me to enter void easily with this method every single time.
Aww, it's great that you got to affirm in the void that " you enter easily with this method", that's super smart of you. Wim hof is the best, honestly!!! @graychrissy is a wonderful blog and also gives out really helpful advice, I'm glad her advice helped you angel. Thank you so much for sending this ask and it's gonna motivate sm of people to enter the void state. Once again, congratulations love!! I love you so much <33
Post about wim hof breathing method → wim hof pink breathing method
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tswwwit · 2 months
How would bill feel if dipper reincarnated as an incubus?
Thrilled. Delighted. Tickled pink! Partly because hey! That's a great look for him! Inhuman and demonic and oh-so-cute. Another part because of all the demonic subtypes he could end up as, this one has to be the most ironic, a bit of him thrilled just because it's good to see him again -
And of course, a Big Ol' Chunk of delight for the other obvious reason.
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reamed · 1 month
It’s wild how ppl will treat u when they’re jealous LOL
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halfhissandwich · 4 months
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Logic helping Anxiety out of a panic attack using a breathing exercise, vs Virgil helping Logan out of his rage using the breathing exercise. They help each other help each other.
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chromaticmagpie · 8 months
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Linktober day 13: spirit/ghost!
Love those dead guys <3 I also like toying with the whole "the old Link died in the calamity, is what came back truly the same person?" thing ✨
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novelmonger · 1 year
As someone who gets the hiccups a lot, I'm curious how others deal with it.
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crimeronan · 5 months
back to thinking about that worst timeline princess AU concept where luz and hunter end up with camila in the human realm when camila hasn't met vee and doesn't know about the isles. & so camila thinks that the two of them have just been held captive together for years.
i'm mainly thinking about my 100% certainty that luz would develop a Crippling case of agoraphobia for..... very obvious reasons. double-checked the definition just now because i was like "i'm pretty sure it's no longer referred to as a fear of being outside??" and yeah -- it's a fear of being in environments where you'll be helpless or unable to escape if something goes wrong. which. well. you guys know what she's gone thru.
that combined with the general confusion and sensory overload of the human world.... i think luz would get Very Very Very Upset if she was forced to leave the house. and going anywhere without hunter especially is a non-starter. like one of u guys said a few days ago, the sheer LEVELS that her separation anxiety would ratchet up to.... she's basically following him to the bathroom whenever he gets up and sitting outside the door like a lonely cat. i don't even want to CONSIDER the kind of breakdown she'd have if she was made to go out with camila to, like, a completely normal therapy appointment.
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starofhisheart · 8 months
So much of the "bad" behaviour in ofmd are trauma responses and i love that they show how yeah sometimes we dont respond in the most healthy of ways, we fuck up and we hurt those closest to us, but we still deserve love and kindness at the end of the day
Just so important to me
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turbotheduck · 11 months
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i just think grumbo fusion's redstone would be super innovative, inefficiently efficient, and very VERY touchy
(emerald fusion design by @d0not-disturb, grian/mumbo designs and au by @chrisrin 👍)
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charcubed · 4 months
post written by someone who either watched BBC Sherlock with their eyes closed or has bought into prevalent revisionist history about it
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“I swear I’ll drop you if you keep this up.”
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themanirealityshifter · 2 months
sorry, peeps, forgot to say happy shifting and goodnight last night. i was up late posting. anyways, i tried to enter the void last night, using the wim hof breathing method that i’ve seen before (but this @auroraaura-11 lovely person convinced me to use it finally), and i didn’t, BUT in my first round of breathing, before i hit the 30 breaths even, everything got brighter behind my eyelids, i got the sense that my body had been pushed slightly above me even if it didn’t technically feel that way, i felt like i got a lot lighter though, and i wasn’t so aware of my limbs. but then i got spooooooked and stopped. that was cool though!
(edit: forgot to mention this is pretty much my first time trying to enter the void state)
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wisdomfish · 7 months
Hume's 'naturalistic philosophy,' applying the scientific method to man, fails at the outset. Man is not merely natural-flesh and bones-materialistic star-dust. Man is a spiritual being, he possesses the breath of God [Genesis 2:7].
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skrunksthatwunk · 9 months
so i read cyrano today. here's some parts i thought were funny in/out of context
cyrano's debut comes with bullying an actor he doesn't like offstage. two acts later he sends a band of musicians after him just to get them off his hands. he also tells them to tell this actor he sent them
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and, of course, marmaladegate
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