#the car's a thing i'll probably need at some point in the future but i can get by with what i have right now
reikunrei · 4 months
feeling incredibly averse to posting this but i'm just gonna drop my kofi link here in case anyone wants to help me get out of my increasingly shitty situation living with my parents
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more info below ig
after having given my parents nearly $100k over the last four years, i'd love to be able to actually leave. my future job situation is still up in the air (i've submitted for about a dozen positions and the only one i've heard back from and interviewed for hasn't gotten back to me yet), and i haven't been able to build up any savings because, again, i was (and still am) helping my family afford rent and bills, and probably the taxes my parents are behind on, but if i think about that, i'll get too angry. no joke, i've given my family, at the bare minimum, 85% of my income over the last 4 years. the rest of it has gone toward medical stuff and, now, my car
at this point, with the combo of my mom refusing to lower her standards and my dad's seeming refusal to hunt for a new full time job, i don't see how they won't continue to bleed me dry. my dad even has a bad habit of taking money out of my old savings account that he's a joint owner on or whatever from when i got it set up when i was 16, even when i stopped actively putting money in it, so now any time it gets its automated $1 transfer from my checking account, he'll just take that $1 without consulting me. i'm not exaggerating, even if it has $1-2 in it, it'll be gone within a week
i've even put off starting on testosterone because of this. i wanted to start it like 3 years ago, but kept putting it off because of money issues and wanting to save as much as possible. i got really close to actually starting it this year, but because of how messy everything is, i put it off again bc having one more thing on my plate, especially when my parents are already weird about me being trans, was not something i wanted to deal with
not to mention, we're still currently not living under a lease in our house that we're, as far as i'm aware, still tens of thousands of dollars behind in rent on (again, my dad refuses to disclose our financial position honestly with any of us) and it's developed many, many issues bc the landlord, even before we were behind on rent, is shit and refuses to actually fix anything. and my dad loves to just ignore things unless we beg him to do something
i'd love to be on my own (in the, much more affordable, midwest) by the end of summer. i by no means want to rely on donations and i have other avenues i'm working with to make money (i still have my current full time job, but i'm going through my old belongings and selling a lot online), but i'll take any help i can get atp because i'm truly at my wits end. i'd start doing art commissions again if i could, but doing that from 2020-2022, partially on top of my full time job, absolutely wrecked my right hand and i'm still in enough pain that i can't make it a regular activity
idk how much else there is to say. there's more i could say but... i don't really wanna air all my dirty laundry here. i'm miserable in so many ways and it's just become increasingly clear that my dad expects me to constantly cover his ass. my younger brother gives money too, but he manages to go on big cross-country and overseas trips with friends, so i think i've been stuck with the burden of giving the most money. there's so many more things going on in the world rn and everyone is stretched thin so i don't expect much, or anything, but. idk. might as well throw it out there, right?
i’ve also since taken down the gfm i set up last year when we got our first eviction notice bc, while we still need the money, i don’t feel right keeping it up for multiple reasons, including “i don’t want to give any of that money to my family” and it feels too… serious to keep it up when i could just throw out my kofi instead
i just want to make sure i have some sort of safety net to catch me if i move before anything job-wise is finalized. i need to be able to afford a place to live for at least a month so i can job-search while physically being in the area i wanna move to, which would ultimately make it easier for me to find a job at all. i'm working on being more firm with giving less money so i can actually have the means to move and be safe and comfortable, but... that never lasts long in this house
anyway. that's it, i guess. thanks for reading
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bronx-bomber87 · 2 months
Hello my wonderful fandom family :) Thanks for being so patient with me. I know I have till January but I am moving/slash road tripping at the end of Sept to a new state. Which is a HUGE change. Going two time zones ahead and everything. So wanting to get it out there before I move and have even less time LOL Also thank you for wanting to take this journey with me. S6 was hard on all of us.
Haven't had a show rock me this hard in a very long time. So I'm forever grateful for the love and comments these in depth reviews get. Never want to take that for granted. This was a ROUGH season to say the least. But I’m excited to dissect it with decompressed eyes and somewhat healed shipper heart. Be lying if I was saying it was fully healed. But was a much needed break for me. Let us begin shall we?
6x01 Strike Back.
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Premiere starts off with a literal bang. They’re all trying to figure what is actually happening. The mastermind clearly not the man they just took down in Luke Moran. Also loving how scruffy Tim is in this first shot of the premiere. The stubble all over that gorgeous jawline of his. Mmm. Delicious dusting. Love to break me off a piece. Wouldn't be a review if Feral Caitlin didn't make an appearance would it? ha God he's beautiful I can't help myself. This is his fault really.
Anyway back to matter at hand.... Lucy points out Luke may have been a patsy for the real crime. Diverting all their resources to this this one spot instead of their real target. Our girl always being the brains and Tim being impressed by it. They go hand in hand. You know that man loves her brain. Her intelligence is just one of many reason's he fell in love with her. Fun to watch her flex it I have to say.
There’s so much to love about these shots in the shop with them. The Metro call sign being one of them. It does things to me. It’s just sexy. Also the automatic way she’s paired with him in this moment. Like anyone else would be in that car with him but still. Ever the packaged deal. Just the little things I always love so very much. They don’t share shops anymore. So this is a treat. Riding together, brainstorming, and just being the bad ass team they always are in the field. Makes my shipper heart happy to see it.
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After the Federal Reserve mayhem we skip 6 weeks into the future. I always wondered what happened in those six weeks with our ship. Probably nothing massive tbh. But be fun to know what shippy goodness could’ve occurred. I imagine they had some time off after that. Spent it together and decompressed from the madness. Just a nice thought to think about is all. *cough fic writers cough.*
We start off our cuteness with Lucy in Tim’s office studying. There’s so much to love about this scene it’s unreal. Let’s start with Lucy taking residency in his office like it’s hers. Knowing it’s a quiet place for her to retreat to. Also I’m sure Tim offered it up long ago for her. Which makes me giddy to no end. He’s not the least shocked that she’s using it. Only that she’s not out on patrol. Married status continues to level up in this moment.
Lucy explains she’s fallen way behind in her studies. OT is killing her atm. I can’t imagine how stressed she feels. Lucy is our resident academic. Not having the time to nerd out on her studies has to be killing her. It’s why she reaches out to her man for help. To pivot this in a different direction. Something that worked for Tim when he needed studying time. Asking if she could ride with him today? Could quiz her between calls.
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Getting flashbacks to 2x02 when she helped him study between calls for his exam. I always love the callbacks they do for them. Continuity is ship crack for me. I eat it up. He accepts and Lucy is beaming. Their smiles in this scene are so adorable. Couldn’t be more in love if they tried tbh. I remember thinking how much I missed our idiots in love so much. I'll be this way for S7 too. I miss them.
Tim looks excited for this challenge. You can see it in his face above. But he is also letting her know how hard it’s going to be if she wants him to do this. That it’s probably not going to solve her problem. But he’s willing to expand her knowledge base on wildcards. This way she can take any curve balls Primm has to throw. Lucy’s smile is everything when she thanks him. Relieved her man is gonna help her her out. I mean of course he would. Nothing he wouldn't do for her and she knows it.
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I remember seeing the funniest post for this moment before it aired. How it was her basically asking ‘Babe, please be mean to me.’ LOL Lord knows this woman is well aware he wasn’t gonna take it easy on her. Just like the old days. It's where she learned the most. So it makes sense she would wanna dip her toe back in that pool.
Tim is ready to roll. Starting his ‘boot’ engines back up. Don’t tell me it's not a little bit of a kink for Tim. That man is too damn excited to be able to boss her around again. That being said says she learns best when she’s pissed off. I mean he’s not wrong…No one knows how to teach her better than he does. Lucy counters by saying does she? Or is this is just giving him permission to be an ass?
Tim letting her know if that’s really how she feels she doesn’t actually want his help. Lucy backtracks and is desperate for him to guide her with this. Saying she needs it. Tim is lighting up like a Christmas tree. You know that man LOVES her needing him professionally. It’s been awhile since she has. He’s excited. Lucy has been a self sufficient cop for long time now. Hasn’t needed his guidance for quite some time. So for her to come to him with this he is a happy camper.
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Tim is thrilled to put his T.O. hat back on for her. They have such married energy through out this scene. Lucy telling him she doesn’t like his excited smile. Tim deflecting saying it's just his smile haha The absolute wifey look she gives him is hilarious. They just be flirting freely in the hallways. Like they aren’t completely married at this point. Even though he’s driving her insane she follows him out with an 'in love' smile. She loves her ass of a boyfriend haha
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They hit the road and Lucy is still questioning her decision. Oh my girl. Saying maybe should’ve chosen Harper or Lopez instead…Tim makes a joke how Angela just got back. Her cop brain is just booting up. Which earns a smile out of Lucy. She loves this man sitting next to her so very much. Written all over her face. Doesn’t take long before Tim triggers a Lucy rant though.
Poor man is just trying to help the woman he loves get through this. Wasn't expecting the time bomb he received. He sets her off by saying no matter who teaches her they all have the same database. That there’s only a 8 percent difference between ranks. This is what ignites the Lucy meltdown above. That Primm is going to use that eight percent to trip her up. His face above when she starts is priceless. Tim is just bracing for impact at this point LMAO Ain't no stopping what's coming his way.
The flood gates have opened and phew lord what a meltdown it is LOL Holy hell. She is the queen of them. I adore how Melissa can shoot off so much dialogue in one breath. It’s impressive af if you ask me. Also makes me cackle so much cause I’ve been her. So many times when I’m under immense stress I do the same. You prattle on until you run out of steam. I can’t believe there isn’t a gif set of this rant so I made one. It’s too good not to have in this review.
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It’s the look on Tim’s face that has me ROLLING. It’s been awhile since he’s had an epic Lucy rant thrown at him and it shows. Eric the King of facial expressions is at it again. I’m laughing so damn hard. I remember having to pause cause I was laughing so much at his expression. He most definitely wasn't expecting the rant that he got. If you can look at him above and not laugh you're made of stone. Hang in there Tim lmao Your girl Is worth this intense stress/anxiety vomit she just spewed all over you. It's like he doesn't even know where to begin after she's done. So he just doesn't....
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The married energy continues once Lucy has wrapped up her meltdown. Tim being the smart man he is doesn’t say a word. He’s learned a thing or two from this relationship. Lucy though takes his silence as saying everything for him. With her ‘Please don’t.’ Tim trying not to start anything telling her he’s said nothing. He truly wasn’t expecting the explosion he got. Was happy to be a passenger princess today, while he quizzed her through out the day. And instead got an epic freak out right out the gate.
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Tim can’t win for losing in this scene. (or this episode really) Lucy telling him she hear him thinking it. I remember there being a Chenford Bingo of some sort before the premiere. And exasperated husband was on there. This delivered that in spades. His reaction after her saying this is gold. Haha This is the woman you’ve chosen to love Timothy. LMAO You know he loves her to death neuroses and all but good lord ha.
Their banter never fails to hit and the marriage vibes on top of this is top tier. I am here for it all damn day. One of those 'When did they get married again?' moments. His look at the end is like he’s chanting to himself . ‘You love this woman…you love this woman...’ Lucy tops it off saying she just won’t sleep till the exam. Leaving Tim to shake his head more and not say a word. Only look out the window as he rolls his eyes. Primo banter and chemistry here. *chef kiss*
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They roll up to their first wildcard. I adore the Metro call sign as they do. Tim assigning the crime scene to Lucy as he does. *fans self* I can’t explain why the call sign so sexy. Just is. Also them sharing it on the scene also gets me all in my feels. Tim is telling her that he is there as a resource for her. But she is the one in charge. Asking her what’s her first move?
The Plain Clothes Day vibes are all over this scene and it's fantastic. Another callback I am so happy they touched on. Lucy confidently strides onto the scene and explains her move. Tim tells her to call it in. Love the way she looks at him the entire time she does. Tim asks her what else? This is where Lucy’s confidence starts to wain sadly.
Where that panicked rookie from all those years ago begins to resurface. The way she is talking at Tim trying to figure it out oh my lord. The PCD vibes are so strong. Only this time Tim is helping her out a lot more. Unlike back in S1 he was there to watch her flop around, second guess herself and drown. It’s much different this time around. He truly wants her to succeed and let's her know as much in his responses. Lucy doesn’t see that in this moment though unfortunately.
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Tim telling her the obvious boxes are checked but what’s her wildcard? The spiraling is so real for her in this moment. It hurts to watch the anxiety build in Lucy. Tim testing her knowing she can do this but her confidence is eroding in this moment rapidly. He is trying to get her there faster by saying she doesn’t have a minute. Which she really doesn’t when we know how this scene ends…
One of my fav parts of this scene is the line above. The kindness and gentleness Tim has. Because he wasn’t in love with her during PCD like he is now. Here he is trying to be supportive and gently guide her to the answer. Even give her an out for it. S1 Tim never would’ve said there’s no shame in not knowing the answer. Not this directly anyways. Doing his damn best to support her through this. But also help her get to the answer so she learns. Lucy takes it the wrong way though.
Reason being it has nothing to do with the man next to her. That man would die first before not supporting her. Level headed Lucy would know that. Sadly she is not here with us at this crime scene. Who she really is mad at is herself at this point. Because she should know the answer and her brain is stalling out in this moment. Tim told her he wasn’t gonna take it easy on her. But breaks a little with his kind reply. Giving her an out if she wants it. Lucy can’t handle it though...Because she is being far harder on herself for this than Tim could ever be. I can relate so hard to this it's unreal.
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I do love the way she says ‘Sergeant Bradford, please.’ Lucy feels like she’s suffocating in her own thoughts. The panicked rush to get this right and hitting a wall. The anger building towards Tim at the same time. The confidence she has built since S3 just melting away the more she stresses. All the while taking it out on Tim. Why you ask? Because in this moment she is projecting that anxiety and stress onto him with her reply. Defense mechanism thy name is Lucy Chen.
Doesn’t take long after that line for the sprinklers to come on….The wildcard revealing itself on its own. We watch as the evidence literally gets washed away and the bullet down the drain….Lucy rushes to chase it and watches as it goes down a storm drain. A reflection for how she feels about her hopes of passing this test…It’s a rough scene to watch unfold for her. The devastation on her face when she realizes that bullet is gone is very rough.
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They return to the station and Lucy is as defeated as she can be. Hoping no one knows about it as as she rubs her tattoo. They start to play clown music as she enters. SMH. Tim trying not to laugh. Aaron doesn’t help when he also laughs at her misfortune. Not a good day for our girl….Lucy gets distracted by Wesley being there with the baby.
We get a small sweet departure from her anxiety in this moment. While she has him she wants his legal opinion on her crime scene. He too laughs. These men in her life are the worst right now. Not helping her building anxiety and loss of confidence. Wes telling her she fatally ruined that scene. That she’s gonna need a straight up confession to convict someone. And that’s only if she finds the killer…oof.
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We rejoin our beautiful duo staking out the crime scene. Lucy grasping at straws to fix what she so royally screwed up. Her heightened state of spiraling continues on in this scene. Lucy admits she wants to skip the exam. Her face breaks my damn heart. Killing me here Melissa. I do love the way he says her first name in response. Still gets me he can. After years of Officer Chen and ‘boot.’ Just hits differently and makes my shipper soul happy.
Tim tells her she is ready. That man would not tell her she was ready if she wasn’t. Relationship or not that man doesn’t hold back. Wouldn't send her head long into failure. If Lucy was in a better place emotionally she would’ve heard him. Heard the confidence in his tone. Seen the empathy he was exuding for her. This man has changed so much in his time with her.
It sky rocketed when they got together. Tim couldn’t have been more supportive if he tried in this scene. Hell this entire episode. But she is so very stuck in her head. A place Tim could normally shake her loose from. A specialty of his really. He can’t gain an inch of ground in this scenario. Lucy has dug her heels in so to speak that she’s gonna fail. Nothing he says is getting through.
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Our girl is experiencing massive amounts of anxiety and self doubt. The panic attack is real. The fact that the one person she would’ve sold her soul for, in order to get his support back in the day, isn’t getting through is a problem. Lucy goes on to say she knows herself. That if she takes this test right now she will fail. Her confidence will die along with it. That it’s better to wait. Tim steps from one minefield to the next with this convo.
When he once again is just trying to be supportive and says ‘Then wait.’ Not only is he being in her corner he gives her something she can do in meantime. Something he hates the idea of. Her going UC while she waits this anxiety/doubt out. If that isn’t him supporting her idk what is. He is also still learning how to be there for her emotionally and she isn't giving him the grace for that. Sadly Lucy isn't in the right mind to see that though. She is just stuck in the mode she's been trapped in all ep.
I get it I really do and empathize with her. I’m the same way when my emotions are in a heightened state. Nothing gets through. I'm frozen in place emotionalIy. I get very doom and gloom as well. Lash out at anyone who isn’t going to be positive and reassuring. Which Tim is doing his best to be. But Lucy is in such a dark state of mind she doesn’t see it. All she sees right now is he doesn’t believe in her and is kicking her while she is down. She needs reassurances right now. To her he isn't delivering that the way she is wanting at this point. Him agreeing with her that she should wait is only making matters worse.
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Anxiety is a cruel cruel master. It makes you believe things that aren’t true. Amplifies them to the point that you’re so wound up you’re lashing out at everyone. Even your person. Which is exactly what’s happening with Lucy in this moment. Her accusing him of making it worse with how bad she already feels. When Tim is professing words of encouragement all she hears is him saying she can’t do it.
Tim is desperate for her to know he’s in her corner after this display. Asking her if she heard him? Lucy is distracted by someone showing up to the crime scene. Tim asks her what? Lucy replying that woman was looking at the crime scene while crying. Tim is so sassy in his reply I’m proud of him. ‘Or maybe she just had a frustrating fight with her girlfriend’ heh love this. Calling her his GF always gives me the feels.
Lucy gets a last minute win with this case. Catching this lady trying to get her bracelet back after tossing the gun. Her cop gut serving her well. Sadly Lucy doesn’t see this win as such and it bleeds into this final scene unfortunately. Once again the music is absolute perfection. I’ll post some of my fav lyrics at the end of my analysis of this fight. But first let us witness the incredible chemistry that is Eric and Melissa in this final portion. You know your ship is amazing when even their angst is lightning in a bottle goodness.
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This fight I will say when I watched it originally excited me. Because it just showed they’re human. Real. The both of them. They make mistakes and aren’t perfect. How healthy this was for them to get off their chest. Because honestly the UC/detective tension has been building for a long while. This was the boiling point for it IMO. This scene hurt so good to watch. I rewound it a few times before I could process it the first time.
Tim starts off with congratulating her on her 4th quarter win. He’s genuinely so proud of her for bouncing back. Felt like she NEEDED this win. So he makes sure she knows. But like I said earlier Lucy isn’t viewing it that way. Her perception is more than a little skewed atm. Her building anger at Tim has reached it's peak. She is cold to him and brisk as hell. Tim immediately picking up on her clipped ‘Thanks.’ Like she was going to be able to hide her anger and frustration from him. Girl no. Tim asks her what? Lucy shrugging him off once again.
Tim pulls on her arm gently and parrots her own damn words back at her from 5x21. That they’re not gonna work if she’s going to lie to him. Lucy conceding immediately to that. I mean they have a lot to work on communication wise, but they’ve also come really far in this aspect too. Don’t wanna disregard that. Look at Tim confronting this right away and communicating effectively. There are causes for excitement with that growth. That being said they have a ways to go. This fight is proof of that.
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Lucy pulls zero punches when she asks if he undermined her today so she wouldn’t make detective? The absolute look of hurt painted across his beautiful face kills me. As you all know I relate with Tim so very much. He is so deeply loyal and loving. That any of his motives are to help those he loves around him. He truly thought he was helping her out today. Being supportive and helpful. So for her to come at him like this is leaving him stunned and extremely hurt.
His person the one person who knows him better than anyone, accusing him of something he would never even fathom doing. I was hurt for him watching this. Last thing he would ever do would be to hinder her intentionally. Loyalty to a fault is having someone else hurt you first before you’d ever do the same. That’s Tim. It’s why he is so defensive the rest of this scene. And rightfully so. I'm proud of him telling her it upset him she would even think that of him. Because IMO he did not undermine her. That man did what was asked of him.
All of Lucy’s pent up anxiety, anger, and frustration comes out full force at Tim in this scene. And my boy didn't deserve it. I was on his side the first time I watched it and I am now. I didn’t see that changing though lol. Do I understand what Lucy is going through? Yes. Good god yes. I've been her. I feel so much for what she's going though. I want to make that very clear. But Tim didn't deserve this barrage against him. Wanna also note i’m so proud of the writers for tackling mental health from the jump with this season. Both our babies got issues and this was the precursor to the season really. We just had no idea at the time....
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Lucy assumed all day he was undermining her. Instead of just confronting that fact she sat in it. Stewed in it really. ALL. DAMN. DAY. Which isn’t like her. She is the type to face it right away and voice that to Tim. But didn’t this time. Giving us a little taste of their communication problems early on this season. There’s that saying. 'When you assume you make an ass out of you and me.’ And by the end of this convo Lucy is feeling like an ass. I guarantee you that .
Lucy continues to dig herself a hole when she bring up that maybe it was "unconscious". Not deliberate but also that he couldn’t help it. Which doesn’t make Tim feel any better. Nor would it make me feel any better either tbh….Basically saying he has no control over things he does. Which just insult to injury at this point for him. Then Lucy goes for her next punch below. One I still feel was unfairly delivered.
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Does Tim still carry those issues? Of course he does. 100% that is still a weight on him. It’s reflected in the next ep when the subject of UC comes up. But does it belong in this fight with him? No. It has zero place in it. But like I said before she is feeling a loss of control and confidence in herself. So she is projecting her insecurities and feelings onto Tim. By bringing up his and using them to stabilize hers. It's a low blow she is dispatching to him.
She is running from her own feelings about this. She is also protecting herself by making it about Tim and his problems. (Which he has for sure) Because she isn’t ready to face the fact that she’s afraid of UC and all that will come with it. How being a detective on top of it is going to pull her from him even more.
She voiced these concerns in 5x19 when she was originally studying for her exam. It’s easier for her right now to hide in and blame Tim for his problems, than deal with her own right now. Tim’s reaction is so valid in this moment. Because to him all he did was have her back from the jump. He is feels sucker punched by this explosion and it's written all over his reaction.
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Lucy asked him to help her. He did. Even told her it wouldn’t be easy and he wouldn’t be soft on her. She accepted the terms of this situation willingly. Tim supported her best he could through her meltdown. Did his damndest to not comment on it. He knows it’s her process to spiral a bit then right herself. Because he knows her so well. He had her back in trying to help figure out her wildcard. She rejected it and drowned.
Tim was calm and kind even if she didn’t recognize it about the exam. When she was doubting herself he built her up letting her know she can do it. Did his best to be in her corner if she truly felt she wasn’t ready. Then congratulated her when she got her case win. To Tim all that was him having her back.
It’s why he’s so blindsided and hurt by her words. Lucy is basically kicking him while he down in this moment and it hurt to watch. Because her anxiety and immense stress has blinded her. Making her act so very not like herself. She came at him with a one-two punch. First punch accusing him of undermining her and second being an unfair Isabel punch.
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The K.O. punch really is him reading her face above. The way she looks at him when he says ‘But if you can’t see that then…’ Doesn’t even finish his sentence. He can read her just as well as she can read him. Lucy cannot see that right now. Too clouded by her extreme anxiety and stress to see him and his intentions clearly. So he ejects out of the convo. She has knocked him down for the count.
Tim can’t take the way she is looking at him right now. The way she is making him feel. Tim has always held how she viewed him in high regard. Nothing means more to him than what she thinks of him. So for her to level him with this is heartbreaking for him. So he reverts back to old Tim and clams up. Tells her he’s tired and for them to take the night off. Then walks away from her with no way for her to retort.
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Lucy is a block of ice until this line of his. She was fully expecting him to apologize and go home with her. And he did not. He ejected out of the conversation to go lick his wounds. The look of shock on her face is everything. She wasn’t expecting that at all. You can see the panic on her face. That raw panic of her being left behind by him. Of Tim leaving her. The tears building in her eyes as he does this. Oh the painful foreshadowing that is this moment…..
The lyrics for this scene are so poignant and perfect. As is the entire musical lineup for this season. Perfectly encompasses Lucy in this episode and especially this scene. Here are some of my favs.
‘I think I’m losing my mind. I see you’re losing your light. Drowning out the decibels. Do you wanna find the antidote? Trying to watch my obstacles, see how fully I’ve been broke.’ Lucy is so broken in this episode and doesn’t reach out to the one person, her person to help fix her. She was drowning and went to him for the antidote and then refused it the entire time. Then gets consumed by it all.
Just a glaring look into how they both deal with being emotionally overwhelmed and vulnerable. And it’s not a good look for either of them this season tbh. But we start out with Lucy’s where I side with Tim before we go head long into Tim’s and I side with Lucy it's balanced at least lol. Damn good premiere though. I was buzzing with excitement after it.
As always thank you to anyone who read this. To all the likes, comments and or reblogs I may receive you are the best. I shall see you all in 6x02 :)
Side notes-Non Chenford
Scruffy Tim in this ep has my ovaries in overdrive. Mmm just wanna nom on his jawline like corn on the cob.
Nyla Harper being a bad ass in a tense situation is primo. Can always count on her. The aftermath sucks for her though.
Angela being more excited to see a burrito than her husband is hilarious and so on brand haha
Main baddie gets eliminated at the end of the ep. Not sure I remember why tbh haha Things got hazy at the end of the season for me with the SL.
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f1-birb · 2 months
in reference to this, the lovely anon came back to give full thoughts from a union rep perspective so I have taken the text from two asks and put them under the cut - incredibly interesting read and sheds light on a lot of assumptions I'd formed but from a more knowledgeable perspective:
As I said in my initial message, I have a lot of thoughts on the entire radio interaction throughout the last 20 laps of that race yesterday, so to keep things from getting too chaotic, I'm going to try to discuss things in sections.
I actually think this is a two-fold problem.
So, for starters, we get the message
"Lando, he can't catch you. You've proved your point" towards the end of this whole ordeal. Every interaction prior to this point involves some variation of "We're stressed about the tyres, Lando. You need to save tyres, Lando." (Coincidentally, every message about saving tyres is followed up with some variation of "Remember to let Oscar through." I'll come back to this in the section about Will). Except, we can see from the photos of the two McLaren cars in parc ferme that Lando's tyres were fine. The fact that he was able to push and continue building a gap shows that his tyres were fine and weren't dropping off.
This, right here, prime example of gaslighting. A driver can feel when he starts struggling with the tyres, we've heard Lando himself complain about the tyres going off on the radio before.
He wasn't struggling at all here, the team was trying to convince him he was to slow him down. This, already, to me is extremely unethical and sets a dangerous precedent. If the team is willing to gaslight and lie to him about something occurring on the track, directly related to his race, when he's driving at high speeds and has no access to data, how is he supposed to know when he can trust them? Not only is this example gaslighting, it's extremely manipulative. They re trying to make him believe something that isn't at all true so that he does something completely unnatural to his nature as a racing driver (intentionally driving slower for like the last 15 laps) that benefits them.
Now, probably the most controversial part of the interaction occurs when Lando says he's fighting for this championship (presumably the Driver's Championship), and Will responds with
"The way to win a championship is not by yourself. It's with the team. You're going to need Oscar. You're going to need the team." Now, l'm going to be completely honest with you, if this interaction had occurred in some kind of interview between Will and Lando or in a free practice session or hell even in a qualifying session debating who would get a tow or prime track position, l'd probably be like "Yeah, fair enough, that's 100% true, needing a supportive team behind you to be successful is true of a lot of industries, including mine." But you have to remember the context here: They're trying to manipulate him into doing something he's expressed discomfort in doing, using tactics like gaslighting, blatantly lying, appealing to his emotions, and now threatening him.
This isn't the "You're part of a team" message some people are trying to play it off as to make it sound lighter than it is and like others are
overreacting. There is no "Remember, you're part of a team that can help you get that championship." The words of
"You're going to need the team" are very deliberate and intentional. They're basically telling him, if he wants the support and aid of the team, he has to do what he's being told regardless of if he agrees with it or feels comfortable with it. Again, they're trying to use tactics like intimidation and fear of future retaliation to get him to do something he's uncomfortable with.
Courtesy of Ted Kravitz, we now know Andrea Stella was the one telling Will Joseph the exact messages to relay to Lando. So, let's just break this down.
This is the team principal himself - the man whose job responsibility is quite literally to manage the team and driver dynamics.
His team has fucked up. He knows they've fucked up. Hell, even Lando knows they've fucked up and asks at one point why they didn't just pit Oscar first. Instead of owning the team's fuck up, he tries to make Lando the scapegoat. Even after the race, in the media, he's still trying to make it look like McLaren deserve no criticism, Lando does for trying to steal a win from his teammate (that his error-prone strategy team dangled in front of Lando). So, he's still resorting to abusive tactics like emotional manipulation to his driver who in the end did exactly what he asked despite being uncomfortable doing it. This is also just extremely narcissistic - refusing to acknowledge his and his team's role in this mess and instead placing it all on Lando.
And then the radio messages that he was feeding to Will Joseph to in turn feed to Lando. The "obey or we'll never support you" message would have been bad enough coming from Will, but there's a whole other element at power when you know it was the team principal, someone who strategists and engineers answer to, threatening this.
This is someone who very well could ruin Lando's entire career and stock in the paddock with the staff and resources at his disposal, and he's essentially threatening, on a public radio broadcasted to millions, to do just that if Lando doesn't obey him.
This wasn't a "frantic race engineer trying to reel his driver in" situation like we originally thought, this is a team principal - again, responsible for managing the TEAM and DRIVERS - basically threatening to have the team leave one of the drivers out to dry and focus all of their efforts and attention on the other if this one driver does not conform to his will.
And I know a lot of people are upset that Lando is not speaking out against the team, so let me pose this question:
If Andrea Stella is perfectly comfortable acting this vile - gaslighting, blackmailing, threatening - on a public radio broadcasted to millions, and the threat of "obey me or this team will not support you" is already hanging in the air, do you really think Lando could criticize the team publicly and get out unscathed? Given these radio messages, does Lando even think he could fairly criticize the team, publicly or privately, without jeopardizing his own career? We think because he's a multimillionaire (and he is privileged, I'm not denying that) with millions of followers that he has all this influence, but the one with the real power - the one who tells Zak Brown who he wants in those seats - has basically just publicly sent him the message that if he wants to stay in his seat and actually achieve his biggest goal, he'll shut up and listen regardless of his own thoughts or opinions.
Let me preface this by saying I don't think Will is completely blameless in this situation. That being said, he was manipulated by Andrea Stella and his tactics just as much as Lando was, and as l'll go into in a moment, I think there are definitely signs that he wasn't 100% comfortable with what he was doing and was still trying to look out for Lando while placating their boss.
But first ... the power dynamics, again.
Much like he has the power to destroy Lando's career if he wanted to, Stella also has the power to destroy, frankly much more quickly and easily, Will's career if he really wanted to. And we already know from his radio messages to Lando that Andrea Stella is not against threatening to do just that if his employees do not obey his orders. So, despite still being angry at Will, I do recognize he was in a lose-lose situation.
I really do think if you read between the lines of those radio messages that you can see that Will did try, in his own way, to look out for Lando, but that also makes some of the things he said a bit more eerie of some of this toxic behavior existing behind closed doors as well.
For example, one thing I noticed with the "Save tyres" messages was that every single time, there was some sort of plea to swap positions. And again, this is mostly speculation, but I think that was Will's way of saying like "Your tyres are fine, they are just demanding you slow down for this switch." Evidence of this: "We need you to save your tyres please and we do want to let Oscar through." "Ok, Lando, we still think you're using the tyres too much Turn 4 Turn 11, and the rears at exit Turn 6 Turn 9. Oscar's 3.5, I know you'll do the right thing." "We think both cars are using their tyres too much. Just remember every single Sunday morning meeting we have."
I also, and again this is mostly speculation on my part, but I do believe Will was trying to avoid saying some of the harsher things like the threat that Andrea was telling him. At the time, I thought the urgent messages in which Will insists he's trying to protect Lando were about protecting him from a potential undercut and thus needing to pit him first, but as quite literally every analysis has pointed out, Lando wasn't even under threat of that for the final pit stops. They could have pitted Oscar the lap they pitted Lando, pitted Lando the very next lap, and everyone would have maintained their original positions. I also just, idk, felt the urgency in that "I'm trying to protect you mate, I promise I'm trying to protect you." message just wouldn't have matched up if all they were discussing was the pit sequence. Like, Will sounded full-on frantic at this point, and then mind you, the very next plea Andrea has him give is the threat about Lando not having the team's support going forward if he doesn't swap positions.
So, despite still being mad as hell, I understand power dynamics were shifted in both Will and Lando's cases.
Stella was on a power trip and would have happily (and did, as we see Lando still taking the brunt of the blame for Stella's team's failures) thrown both Will and Lando to the wolves if he didn't get his way. And that intimidation factor easily allows him to manipulate both Will and Lando.
This is more like the arguments/ evidence I would use if this incident were to get reported to HR, and, as a Union Rep, I was chosen to go advocate for Lando and Will against management. That being said, much of what we focus on when we are advocating for employees are the power dynamics at hand, and that's something about this situation I don't see people recognizing enough. Andrea Stella is in a position of power over both the other men involved in this situation, and according to Ted Kravitz, he was the one pulling the strings with the gaslighting and blackmailing and manipulating. Had Will refused to convey Andrea's messages, he could have been demoted or maybe even terminated altogether. As we heard in the messages themselves, had Lando refused to bend to Andrea's will, there's a chance the team really does hang him out to dry and prioritizes Oscar at all costs.
It's difficult to provide a full Union Rep analysis too because so much of our work relies on reading actual employee contracts, and obviously those aren't just freely available online for F1 drivers. That said, I can already tell you they very clearly and deliberately broke one of their own team values with this behavior: "We act with integrity and work together to address challenges with respect, openness, and honesty." So, I wouldn't be surprised if there aren't mandates against this behavior in Andrea's own contract, and l'd be very surprised if McLaren didn't have just a general employee Code of Conduct that basically this entire incident broke.
and on the term 'workplace harassment':
I noticed the term "workplace harassment" used in the reblogs of one of your posts too, and while I didn't really use the term "workplace harassment" in my previous message, I would also throw in that I know Stella's (and by proxy, Will's) behaviors towards Lando yesterday 100% be considered workplace harassment. Intentionally withholding or spreading misinformation that impacts
someone's ability to properly do their job is workplace harassment (and granted, there's a lot of examples of that from McLaren and F1 as a whole, but the key word here is intentionally. that's normally genuine strategy blunders and not a team legitimately telling their driver lies to try to slow them down). Completely overbearing supervision can also be a sign of workplace harassment, and I'd argue by Stella literally trying to make Will his mouthpiece, he was definitely doing that. Making threats concerning job opportunities or job security (in the workplace, not in like a performance review) is ALWAYS considered workplace harassment, and well. We have direct evidence of Stella and Will both engaging in that.
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mybelovedwoo · 1 year
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i'm glad i have you with me
bff!san x f!reader
fluff, comfort, childhood best friends to lovers (slow burn) / wc:1.3k
warnings: cheating, crying, swear words, cuddling
note: so tell me how you liked this one. i am a bit nervous because this is my first non-wooyoung fic, but i really enjoyed writing it. please stay tuned in the future for other members' fics too. if you want to be tagged in any of my fics you can apply here <3
san masterlist - main masterlist
Sitting on a couch at a house party all alone with people you don't know, there's literally any other place you would rather be. Originally you came with you're boyfriend Seungjun, but you haven't seen him in hours. You weren't much of a party person, but this time you accompanied him, because he begged you for days for it, but now you are starting to regret it honestly.
You take out your phone from your back pocket, but before you open it, you look around once more to see if your boyfriend pops up somewhere, you are out of luck, so after you unlocked it, the first thing you open is your messages. Your fingers linger over Seungjun's name, but it says he's been unavailable for hours, no shit Sherlock, you think. Instead, you scroll down a bit and open the messages for your best friend, San.
You know well that he probably not gonna answer, because it's Saturday night, and he is most definitely out with his friends too. You don't care, you try it anyway, he is your best chance to rescue you out of this hell. "Hey, San." is the first you send, you're not sure what to write him, you don't want to bother him. "What are you doing?" you wait a few minutes, but he's not responding, his phone is probably on mute. "I'm kinda bored, I don't know where Seungjun went. I need your rescue ㅠㅠ." Nothing, no response. You feel really annoyed at this point, but not because San, poor boy did nothing wrong, it is just a bad moment. "You know what I'm gonna look for Seungjun. Don't worry and have fun." You lock your phone and put it back in your back pocket.
You look around the kitchen, then in the yard, but you don't see him anywhere. You are getting kinda worried that maybe he left you there. At last, you walk up the stairs, the hallway is full of kissing couples, who must have only met tonight. The moment you enter one of the rooms, you regret everything you did until now. Your boyfriend was there with another girl you had never seen before, doing things you never expected him to do with anyone except for you. 
You didn't know what to do in the big shock, but you didn't speak up, maybe they didn't even notice you or just didn't care. But you turned around and hurried down the stairs, unable to control your tears. You just needed some fresh air, you had to get out of this place immediately. You crashed out of the entrance of the house and fell down to the stairs. Sitting there you didn't even think, you were already calling San. This is urgent now.
Your phone didn't even ring for two seconds when they already answered it. "Hey Y/N, is everything okay? I'm sorry my phone was on mute I haven't seen your texts. Have you found Seungjun? Wait, are you crying?" You couldn't even speak, though you wanted to tell him everything. "Y/N please say something! What happened? Are you hurt?" You took three big breaths to calm yourself down enough to talk a few words. "He cheated on me. Could you come to pick me up?" You didn't have to say more. "I've already sat in the car the minute I saw your messages, don't worry. I'll be there soon."
He wasn't lying, he got there in record time. You watched as he pulled up with his car to the driveway of the house. When he gets out of the car, is only when you get up from the stairs you've been sitting on. San rushed towards you at a high speed, so you didn't have time to move even an inch in his way.
"Where is that dickhead?" He asked with blunt words when he got to you. He seemed really angry, maybe even angrier than you, you had never in your life seen him like this before. You shrugged, implying that you don't know and don't care either. But that was not enough for him. "Is he still inside there?" You started to get a little worried.
"I think so. But please don't make a scene, let's just go home." You pulled him through his forearm when he already started walking to the entrance. "Wait for me in the car, okay? I'll be quick, I'm not gonna do anything he doesn't deserve, I swear." He said to you, while he stroked your face with his right hand. You hesitated, but who are you to tell him what to do, so you went up to his car and sat on the passenger side for like five minutes.
At this point you didn't care much about waiting a little longer, that's what you did all night long. San slammed the door behind himself, and somehow he looked even angrier than before. He got in the car next to you and when he looked at you his expression softened. "What did you do?" You asked him with a sobby voice. "I just showed him where he belonged. Let's just say he went swimming." You look down at his hands and you see it's all bruised up.
He started the engine. "San, I don't wanna go home. What if he comes there?" You didn't know what to do, since he had a key to your apartment. You couldn't bare to see his face once more.
"We're going to my place." He didn't even hesitate. You slept at his place many times now, but not since you started dating Seungjun. San was worried when you found out you are going to different colleges, he was afraid that you wouldn't spend as much time together as you used to. But you thought that was nonsense since you have been best friends since you were very little, you grew up together.
He never liked Seungjun, he always said he didn't deserve you. But he was your first boyfriend, and you were blinded with love, at least that's what you thought. Looking back, you also know that he didn't treat you well, but you don't know that when you're in it.
Entering San's apartment, all you could think about was that you needed to get some sleep asap. Weariness hit you the moment you got hit by the heat of the comfortable room. You didn't want to bother San with your presence, you don't know what plans he had. 
You've been quite comfortable in here, so you decided to lie down on the couch in the living room. "What are you doing?" Asked San, entering the room with a glass of water in his hand.
"Sleeping. I'm really tired." You mumbled, not able to speak properly.
"You can't sleep here. Go to my room, there is my bed. I'll sleep on the couch." You sat up at his statement. "No, you can't. This is your place." There's no way you letting him sleep out here in the cold living room when he has his own warm bed just a room away. "Let's sleep both in the bed. I think it's big enough for the both of us." You said. It's not like this is the first time you sleep in the same bed, you always fell asleep next to each other when you were little.
"Are you sure?" He hesitated. "We are not so small anymore." The joke made you both laugh, it made his heart clench to see you happy again.
After you took a warm shower, he gave you a big shirt of his and a jogger pant that was definitely too big for you. You got under the cover, San was already there, lying down. He turned off the lamp on the bedside table, which illuminated the whole room until now. 
As soon as it got dark your eyes started watering again, you remember everything that happened today. All of a sudden, you feel a pair of hands slip on your waist. San hugged you tightly from behind. "I got you." He whispered in your ears. He didn't let go of you all night long, you woke up in the same position the next morning.
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barrenclan · 3 months
I think that cormorantpaw is just father by the front bottoms but turned into a bisexual cat
I mean, that's not inaccurate.
I have this dream that I am hitting my dad with a baseball bat And he is screaming and crying for help And maybe halfway through, it has more to do with me killing him Then it ever did protecting myself
As soon as I come, you will probably forget my name I hope I fall asleep at the wheel and crash my car on the ride home Or I could just stay here
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Haha, a Spongebob song. I worked that show last summer so I've heard these songs a lot. I like the idea, though!
Stay away from the future (Stay away... stay away from the future) (The end is coming, the end is coming!) No point in making plans (No point in making plans) It's all deranged (The end is coming, the end is coming!) (It's all deranged...) No control (No control...) (The end is coming, the end is coming! The end. is. coming!)
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It doesn't seem to have been! The music tag is quite long at this point so it's pretty hard to find old songs.
When life loses meaning, there doesn't need to be a reason There doesn't need to be a reason, there doesn't need to be a reason
When you're stuck in this position It's like training for the wrong conditions You've been training for the wrong conditions
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Aw gosh, that makes me a little bit sad. Beautiful song, though. I can hear her as a good voice claim for Slugpelt, too.
Any place is better Starting from zero, got nothing to lose Maybe we'll make something Me, myself, I got nothing to prove
You got a fast car I got a plan to get us out of here I been working at the convenience store Managed to save just a little bit of money Won't have to drive too far Just 'cross the border and into the city You and I can both get jobs And finally see what it means to be living
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Thanks, I'm glad you like the comic! I'll check out the album.
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Ooh, spooky!
Don't cry when lanterns fade Soon we'll be awakened But it breaks my heart to say No one will save you now
Listen closely for your sister's footsteps Lest you fade here all alone I have never seen a night this haunting In these streets of blood and bone
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Wow, I'm honored to be the sponsor for your Tumblr account! I like this song for Cormorantpaw.
I was lost Calling out for someone just to come And show me love Teach me how to function as a modern man
Every night talking in my sleep to tell you That I lied and I was just pretending to keep Holding out for someone better
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Very cool! And very Rainhaze and Ranger, or maybe early Prowl and Deepdark.
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I made a post about this, a long time ago. Here it is:
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Yeah, I can see it!
Pulling it up From the wet ground I couldn't stop Had to find out
Picking the scar I know it's the wrong call It won't bring the relief I know that I long for Some things are best left to rot Some things are best left to rot
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I'm always taking song recommendations! It's like, at least 30% of my inbox at any given point in time.
Coyote I'm treading water Don't lead me Straight to the slaughter 
He's watching under the silver light  He's stalking now for a time that's right
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coff-in · 4 months
can i request ashley with a fem reader (either the same one, or a different one entirely) but with ashley's like... unhingedness and yandere(?) attitude cranked up to the max? like, reader can already hardly talk to anyone else as is but i feel like with that cranked up more than usual, she probably really tries to isolate reader from friends, potential love interests, and even family members to a certain extent. ( ^∀^)
i'd imagine jobs are super finicky too, reader can probably never hold down a job too well because of whatever ashley throws a fit, likely over reader leaving (reader tries to have the discussion that she needs job because job = money!! it probably works at first and then falls onto deaf ears later on ( ・ω・))
if reader tries to leave the situation? ashley probably blackmails her into staying with whatever she has for leverage or do the classic old "i'm the only person willing to be by you!!" type shtick that manipulative people tend to do ( 。゚Д゚。) if reader does leave successfully you bet there's going to be hell until ashley inevitably finds reader. i am running out of fuel though;; so insert potential dubcon/noncon situation here
i should've specified this earlier and you don't need to rewrite my one req bcs you didn't know but i just ask for no incest in my asks due to some personal reasons ( >Д<;) please don't feel bad, though, since you didn't know!! i'm pretty much open to anything but incest and all the grossout fetishes, though! ^^ again, i am so sorry for the inconvenience on that part!! ( ´д`、)
also ^^ just assume all my reqs will be fem or gen neutral reader ゚+.゚(´▽`人)゚+.゚
- 🕊
notes from coff-in: i'm sorry, i didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable about the incest (i think it might've been the petplay one? but lmk if i'm wrong if you want to). BUT thank you for telling me this! i'll try to keep it in mind in the future when responding to your asks :) and thank you for requesting! :D there's no smut in here, just some dialogue and me trying to get a hang of their dynamics is all. you can interpret this as the previous [reader] to your other asks if you want :3 lmk what you think
[fem] reader-insert
The phone rings once, twice, thrice. Then once, twice, and thrice again. You're hoping that he'll pick up. You don't know how long Ashley'll stay asleep. Your worry and frustration grows as you notice how cold you're getting, standing outside. The sky is blue but not sunny. It is very early in the morning. You made sure to come out at this time on purpose.
Once, twice, thrice-- and then it picks up.
"Hello?" The voice on the other side is low and groggy. You obviously had just woken him up. Good, you think, he should be awake. I should be inconveniencing him.
"Andrew. It's [reader]." You don't try to make small talk, you want to get straight to the point with this, "Have you talked to Ashley recently?"
He groans, "Yeah... I talked to her yesterday. Why?" The cold air only adds to the apparent bitterness in your voice.
"Can you please tell her that I have to leave the house to work so I can make money?"
There's a tense pause... "What?"
You sigh, "Ashley won't let me leave to go to work. I am politely asking you to talk to her about letting me go to work." You look back at your apartment, where Ashley decided to sleep over for the night. You hope she's still asleep. "She usually listens to you." She used to listen to you, too.
It's Andrew's turn to sigh. "I can't make her do anything, [reader]--"
"At least fucking try! Please..." You add on that last part in order to not sound like an asshole. "I'm sure the last thing you want is her or me asking you for money. I'm trying to support her too, Andrew, but she's not making it easy. I'm asking you to help me." There are cars loudly passing by and you try to focus on them to calm yourself down. You feel... scared. Scared that this won't work. Scared about what Ashley would do if she caught you talking about her like this. You used to not be scared of her. "And I doubt your parents would fucking help me..."
"Bloody hell..." Andrew groaned and shuffled around on his end of the call, "I'll... I'll, uh, see what I can do." It sounded forced from him. Take your fucking time, you scowl at your phone.
"Thank you." You then promptly hang up the call and stuff your phone in your pocket. You stand outside in the cold for a little bit longer. The birds chirp their songs on the bare branches of trees and clear sky contrasts just nicely against the dark landscape of your apartment's parking lot. You like the blue hour.
But like every hour, it comes and goes, and so do you. You turn tail and climb the steps back to your apartment. Walking down the hallway as quietly as possible, you take out your keys and put them into the lock. However, before you can open the door, it opens for you and you're face-to-face with Ashley Graves.
"Where were you?" She's staring you down with a death glare, her face dark and pink eyes burning through your skin and soul. She's mad. She's mad and that's never a good thing. You try your best to steel yourself.
"I was downstairs."
"Why? How come you didn't wake me? What was so important that you had to get up and leave without me?!" She was raising her voice as she dragged you into the apartment, violently slamming the door behind you. You held back a frustrated sigh but couldn't stop a frown from appearing on your face.
"I had to call Andrew for help." The mention of his name made her pause for a bit. You took that window of opportunity to explain yourself, "I asked him to help me with my job. I'm-- we're a little tight on money, Ash. You preventing me from working isn't helping either."
"As if you'd be better working with a bunch of fucking floozies!" She yells with her hands balled into fists, "I'm doing you a fucking service by making you stay here! Those no good whore would probably flaunt all over you and make you do all the hard work by yourself!"
"Besides, you don't need to work anyways. Why not just ask you parents for money or something? Why not stay here with me?!"
"Ashley!" You yell at her, causing her to open her eyes and look at you. "I have to work! I have no one else to ask for help because of you! I don't talk to my parents, I have no friends to help, and I barely even talk to my coworkers. All! Because! Of you!" You stomp your foot on the floor childishly, but you can't help it. It's all too familiar. You're just going through the motions at this point. "I'm trying my best to be there for you, Leyley, but you make it so hard! I need you to back off! Give me some space to breathe, please!"
She looks at you bewildered, eyes wide and eyebrows bent downwards. She slowly looks down away from you. "You need some space, huh?"
Oh god dammit. "Ash..."
"I get it. No one wants me around them."
"I'm just the fuck up of the family, aren't I? But guess, what! So. Are. You. We have no friends, no family, not lovers-- we're stuck with each other." She stares at you with intensity, "You chose me. YOU CHOSE TO BE WITH ME!!! No one else is going to take you in! Only I can love you for the fuck up that you are! No one else can love you the way I do! No you whore mother, not fucking Andrew, NO ONE ELSE BUT ME!" She comes closer and tugs on your shirt, your noses practically touching each other. "You have no one else but me. Got it?"
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zahri-melitor · 17 days
New(ish) Comics:
Batman #151: Zdarsky writes a competent Selina using her car burglar skills in this. Proof positive that Bruce & Selina make a solid investigative team.
There’s also a Tini Howard Harley Quinn backup, sigh.
Gotham City Sirens #1: I was mostly sampling this because I do like Selina and I enjoy Ivy, but a little Harley goes a loooong way.
Hmmm. The plot is a fairly weird and sort of forcing the three together, plus it looks like their main antagonist is going to be Punchline. That's...not exactly convincing me I'm going to enjoy this.
Blue Beetle #11: And that's the wrap for this series, as it's cancelled. I do wish that DC had given Trujillo one more issue to finish on #12, because it was clearly plotted as 2 6-issue arcs. So this issue is your classic "we shoved two issues of plot into one and ALSO threw in some pages of the future story we were drafting for year 2 because we liked it and wanted to show it off". Which means it reads as terribly disjointed: two separate relationships are announced by their participants; every page feels like a separate plot point, which normally would have some context and lead in; and things are hurriedly tied off without explanation. I think it probably would have gone more smoothly to read if Trujillo had left a few more threads hanging (like the Jaime/Ood'Li relationship, the Reyes family visiting, and whatever he was trying for with Traci and Nimue), but I get the desire to shove everything in so you can say you 'yeah I planned that!' and get the credit. I'll miss this. I would have liked to see the kids starting college together.
The Boy Wonder #4: oooh this is the Talia issue. I enjoyed the structure of how this was put together; echoing Talia's childhood against Damian's childhood and setting up the story of cycles of behaviour and the manner in which each of them chose to attempt to reach outside of the League's teachings. And they made different decisions! Talia chose to turn back towards the League, while Damian here is shown reaching out to change - BECAUSE he received that extra support from his brothers, which Talia did not get. It's just crunchy and really interesting framing and talks to a lot of things, because yeah. Talia did end up in a situation where she was pregnant, and her father and her lover were in opposition to each other, and she had to make a call about where she wanted to be, and where she'd raise that child. And she chose to stay with what she knew, rather than reach out and leave and tell Bruce and turn her back on her father. And that's an understandable decision she made, even if was probably the worse decision for all of Talia AND Bruce AND Damian.
Birds of Prey #12: mind empty, DinahBabs hug telling her "I love you. Never do that again!". Okay that aside this is still really good? It's a wild Xanthe appearance! I do agree that Kelly Thompson need to take a breath and slow down on trying to get to play with ALL the toys in terms of characters, but also I fully know if I were given a BOP run I would also have a cast list of at least a dozen characters who I wanted to play with, even if it was unwieldy.
Shazam! #14: Freddy has a lot of emotions and reminds you that he keeps it bottled up a lot of the time unless you're in his head. Also I enjoyed that Campbell has looped around to add Uncle Dudley back into the cast, after setting him up over in Power of Shazam; not only does he bring a lot of energy of his own but I think his thing of being unpowered and still fighting is going to link in well with the fact that Freddy, Eugene, Pedro and Darla are also still unpowered.
Plastic Man No More #1: okay, this is interestingly creepy. I honestly don't hugely care about Eel O'Brien, but it makes his condition fascinatingly horrifying plus leans into the fact that Eel's often used as a joke character. Even while on the League. Even by other characters on the League.
The Warlord #63: this week in Skartaris Travis Morgan and Mikola Rostov are off to see Jennifer to find out if she can cure his lycanthropy. Mikola brings up Mariah, because she was his student and lover, and Travis is like...oh yeah! Still trapped in the past.
At some point you'll get to come back to the story, Mariah. I believe in you. Hopefully you are busy spreading the good news of Communism among all the various gnomes in early Skartaris.
Also they drop in to see Aram's kingdom, where Shakira is spending all her time as a cat, and some fabled people who can talk to animals are visiting. They end up kidnapping Mikola.
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stormblessed95 · 2 months
Okay, so you probably don’t follow Stray Kids and won’t really get this and that’s fine, but I just had to share ‘cause my mind is like… a little blown right now. So for years now most of the SKZ fandom has been suspecting that the possibility that Minho and Jisung are like… romantically together is a real one. Not even in a shippy way; like they have their shippers, but plenty of people who don’t “ship” them are still like “yeah, they’re probably together.” They very frequently just kind of… do things that make people raise eyebrows, you know?
Notably: Jisung has pointed to Minho when a poster asked who his girlfriend was (I think something similar actually happened multiple times). Jisung recently allegedly introduced himself as Minho’s boyfriend at a music show (2 diff. sources, but it’s not really verifiable). There’s an infamous live where a commenter asks Jisung, “Do you have a husband?” And he responds, “Not yet.” To which Chan unprompted (like Minho wasn’t even in the room with them) says, “Isn’t [Minho] your husband.” (This was interesting to me regardless of Minsung because of the whole “yet” thing when responding to a question about having a “husband”, male specifically, thing.) Their entire episode of 2 Kids Room is just… interesting.
And that’s just some of them, if I were to list and source all of the things they’ve done over the years it would take ages. Anyway, the kids recently renewed their contracts with JYPE and they split into dorms of pairs (they previously lived 4-4 separately). Anyway, Minho and Jisung are one of those pairs and Hyunjin was like, “Minho and Jisung are together, no surprise.” Their reaction to that comment was also interesting, low key. (Oh, and for context they were previously spilt up between the two dorms.)
I don’t ship them or anything, but it’s actually crazy bro. I’m like sitting here in shock. I’m not really looking for your opinion or anything; you probably don’t know enough about the situation to give one, it’s just like—I have no words. Sorry I just had to share ‘cause I’m just a little befuddled. Nobody actually thought that this was happening. People were speculating because of cars and stuff that they had switched dorms, but even I was like like, “I’m staying out of this speculation. Who knows, let’s wait for confirmation.” And well we got confirmation. And they can actually say it cause it’s not weird if everybody’s in pairs, right? Guess it will be interesting to see if they ever move out or if in the future when everybody else has their own place, they’re like, “Well, we’re already living together and I guess we don’t really see a reason to move just yet.” I don’t know… I’m just really fascinated by all this. Not “excited,” like I said I don’t ship them, genuinely fascinated. Obviously, it’s not a whole relationship confirmation or anything and I would say I’m maybe 60/40(?) on the whole thing. In the end, I don’t think anybody needs to know and I don’t particularly care myself to 100% know, but it’s still a little crazy to me.
I have a friend who follows stray kids and they have been filling me in a little bit on who the members are and they also have apparently been eyeing this pair the same as you! I'll be sending them this post too lol, hope that's okay! I really don't know much about this group at all, but I am learning a little bit through osmosis from my friend 😂🥰 I do actually really enjoy the songs of theirs I've heard too
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This is who popped up when I typed their names into the gif search, so hopefully that's right!
Thanks for sharing with me 💜❤️
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dangerously-human · 8 months
Still fighting for my life with tuition benefit stuff, in case anyone was wondering. I would like to submit my request for this semester, but we're still duking it out over last semester because of a problem from over a year ago and I don't want to swing at two hornet nests at once, so. Took every single dollar out of my savings account to pay tuition for this semester and am just praying I can get reimbursed before another rent check needs to go out (and Lord willing, my car won't need massive repairs at inspection this year). I'm doing an actual research study for my mixed methods class this semester, and the professor keeps saying she's fine with giving us an incomplete so we have another year to wrap it up in order to actually get something meaningful out of it. I finally talked to her last night to explain that I cannot afford to take another incomplete and ask how I could do a legitimate study on such a condensed timeline. Thankfully she was understanding and came up with an idea I think will work, since it involves basically just doing the quantitative portion under an existing protocol at work and a qualitative portion that doesn't count as human subjects research, so I don't have to deal with an IRB pissing contest between institutions, nor the debatable ethics of collecting data without compensating people for their time, given that it's unfunded research (and I really can't afford to pay people out of pocket when I'm already paying through the nose to be in this class in the first place). I'm still reworking my research plan, but I do feel a lot better about this in comparison to my plan as of last week, which would have required either submitting to both IRBs (and my work IRB is notorious for having different standards than most, and they/the data lawyers that often end up getting involved move slowly in this kind of situation) or submitting twice to my university IRB, once per phase.
Anyway, dealing with all of this today had me looking at what I really have left to do before I graduate. I'm halfway through the program now, though it feels like I've done way more. After I'm done with this class, which meets my advanced methods requirement (although round 2 of statistics probably did too), I have to eventually go back and take the foundations of the program course that was a scheduling conflict my first semester and somehow hasn't been offered since; another research apprenticeship (I'll probably write another manuscript, ideally one that's already been in progress for a bit at work - if I can get a loan, maybe I can do that this summer with my brief report I'm first authoring); plus two electives, which I was hoping to concentrate on measure design but would also happily do more advanced statistics courses if I'm allowed to take them through the school of psychology (I've tapped out the school of ed on that score). I guess I should ask if I'm allowed to say my job counts as an internship, which from the course catalog it looks like it should, but idk. Theoretically that puts me graduating... fall '25? Maybe? I could go so much faster if it weren't for the financial aspect. I do have to meet with an advisor at some point, but I still don't have one at the moment (again), which really seems like a problem for future me to figure out. But future me before May, because I think I'm still recorded as supposed to graduate this semester, even though it's been clear from the beginning that I was not a full-time student. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
They really do make this grad school thing as complicated as possible, don't they?
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oh-cosmia · 4 months
12, 17, 19 <3
hiiiii alex <333
12. a trope you’re really into right now
haha well im gonna interpret "right now" as something i got into recently... dragon romance (YOU KNOW). also doomed friendship/friends-to-enemies arcs. does "the banality of evil" count as a trope?
17. talk about your writing and editing process
okay so uhhhh for fic specifically its like. if its a new fic or a oneshot i write down a really rough summary like, i just ramble in my word doc as if i was telling someone this outline. sometimes if i already rambled about fic ideas in someone's dm's ill just copy paste it and use that as an outline. this was basically how me and mal wrote the outline for wedding fic, and also i did this with me and liz's dms when i first drafted solo au. and then i just start writing and keep fleshing out the outline till its done.
if its a chapter in a longer or ongoing work, like db:
prewriting; i need to know what main events happen in this chapter and also what key information is dropped. in chapter 11, something big happens, the steward shows up! thats something thats gonna build up to something in future chapters, so it was necessary to introduce it now. another big thing happens, when min encounters a denizen whose suffering he was complicit in. those are the big things that Have to happen, but then also in between that i want to drop some pieces of information that will become relevant in later chapters. when i get an idea for something gay i will find a way to work it in-- like, i didn't Need to make min kabedon ryan in ch11, but i had a vision. i had a dream. i did that for ME
writing; okay so first i lay down . then at 9-11pm i write in stimuwrite and then copy it into a word document later. then i lay down some more. if im REALLY feelin wild and i get into a groove i just keep writing till i pass out at 2 or 3 am. sometimes i go to my favorite cafe if i need to Lock In. writing is just mostly cleaning up and expanding on my outline. when i know generally what the trajectory of the chapter is and what stuff i need to make happen, everything else i kind of make up on the spot, like, the car settings and denizens are based off of whatever ideas or images were interesting to me recently. if i see an opportunity for fun banter or interactions i'll just throw it in. if i think of something funny or gay i'll put it in too. idgaf
editing; most fun part. so first i lay down. then i get up and look at a random scene of the wip. i edit it a bit. then i lay down. then i review the whole thing and fix any obvious #cringe moments or typos or fucked up syntax. then i lay down. then i edit some more until i can bear to show someone else
peer review. i show my trusted friends the fruits of my labors. they tell me if the vibes are off. they leave comments on my docs and reactions that help me gauge if my intentions/tone came through the writing. also frankly showing my friends a wip is nice bc the writing process can be very lonely and its a good motivator to show people and get amped up to finish
illustration; i've probably been sketching ideas up till this point, but i usually pick scenes if they're either important enough to the plot that i want to give an extra "oomph" to the moment, or if i just really have a strong image in my brain during a scene.
publish it. lay down again. sleep for a week. start thinking abt the next chapters
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kolour-me-kourt · 3 months
Chapter Three: Ten steps ahead
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Otp with Trin
"Lorenzo called bae talking about y'all really not gon go back out I think that's crazy asf seeing how I saw you two and it was a spark YN stop self sabotaging!!!  you think you need to be single but you don't you can handle a man and do everything you're trying to do. I've never thrown no man at you but Lorenzo could really be your future stop chasing a unicorn man and try Lorenzo he's everything that you ever said you wanted I'm getting tired of this shit" Trinity rarely got her friend together and from Trinity point of view YN could totally understand why tf one of her best friends just snapped on her.
"Trin you don't understand everything that's going on I didn't say anything was wrong with Lorenzo I just said I can't date him now" "tell me what's going on then" "I'm not ready to tell anybody what's going on" "YN just go out with him again damn!" YN laughed finally giving in "only cause you feel so strongly about this .... I'll call him" "thank you hang up and do it right now" "damn bye trin" "bye YN"
YN took a deep breath calling Lorenzo could piss Lamelo off and she didn't wanna do that the last thing she wanted was him to leave her alone again. She contemplated everything Trin said was settling in because at the end of the day YN didn't think she would end up with Lamelo and yeah it hurt to think about but she needed to be realistic.
"Fuck it!!!" YN screamed and FaceTime Lorenzo. She only FaceTimed cause she looked really good right now after shooting some pictures for Instagram and she needed him to remember her face. He answered pretty fast. "Ohhhhhh shittttt I thought this was a butt dial" YN laughed "nooo its not... you alone?" "Yeah I'm alone wussup" "so when you called the other day it gave me really warm feelings and I um was completely telling you the truth I am in something but .... I really would like to go out with you I don't know it's something about you and if I'm gonna continue to be honest Trin is pissed at me" Lorenzo laughed "don't feel forced to go out with me cause ov your friend"
"no not forced she's just never set me up with a man because she always felt like nobody deserved me .... And then you came along and well" "you think ima say no to your pretty ass? Of course not" YN laughed he continued to talk "I actually have tickets to the Hornets game on Tuesday I'll love to take you" YN started to panic "um you sure you don't wanna take a friend ... to the game?" "Nah I definitely wanna take you I know you like basketball soo.... And then we can go to dinner or whatever you want after" YN wanted to correct him nooo I like basketball .... Players.She smiled at her thoughts but continued thinking what's the luckily hood that Lamelo would see her in the stands like 3%?
"Okay yes that's sounds fun" "alright the game start at seven but I like to get there a little earlier" "okay I'll be ready" "I'll come and get you I'll probably try to get to the game at the latest ... 6:45 so if you can be ready before then" " okay Ummm yeah I'll send you my address and I can be ready by like 6:20 so ...." He laughed "okay perfect thanks for calling" "thanks for answering byeeee" "bye YN" She hangs up the nervousness that ran through her body was on a thousand.
*game night*
Lorenzo was already outside waiting YN sprayed her perfume and looked at herself one last time before relaxing at least she looked good.
She walked out of the house he was waiting beside the car. "Wowwwwww" he claps as she walked out "nahhh stop" "you look amazing" "thank you" he open the car door for her. Allowing her to get in and then he shut it. Getting back in the drivers seat "I can't get over how good you look" " Lorenzoooo" she laughed "okay YN I'll chill out"
* at the game*
The game was at halftime and so far so good Melo hadn't looked in the stands not one time. YN did see Lamelos girlfriend a couple of rows down she tried to stay clear of her. But all those good vibes went away when the Jumbotron started to pan around the crowd doing something newly introduced "fit check" they were looking at some of the best and worst dressed people  YN was scrolling through her phone while they were doing this and then the camera stopped on her Lorenzo tapped her pointing at the screen making her look up. She smiled out of nervousness as the man asked her to stand up.
YN of course put on for the camera it was a really cute outfit. Soon enough the camera moved on and she saw Lamelos girlfriend staring her down. Waiting for YN to make eye contact but YN wouldn't and then the bold bitch walked up to her. "Fuck play it cool Lorenz" "what's going on?" "Lamelos girlfriend is coming up here to talk to me" and then she was in her face "heyyyy YN why you didn't tell me you were coming I would've got you better seats" Lorenzo looked at her like shady bitch which made YN laughed. "I came with Lorenzo it was a last minute thing" "oooou so is this date number two?"  The game was about to start back so YN tried to doge the question "oh looks like their about to start back up.... I'm sorry what were you saying" Lorenzo laughed he realized what she was doing "oh I was coming up here to ask if you two wanted to hang out with me And Melo after the game we have dinner plans for four but the other two people canceled ... wanna come" before YN could say anything Lorenzo "hell yeah we'll be there" "yay okay Um I'll send the address" "okayyy see you later" YN says "see yaaaa"
Both of her man in the same room.... At the same table......, and she was just supposed to be normal wtf? "Oh shit I get to meet Lamelo Ball that'll be fun" "yeah Um he's super chill not stuck up at all" "good I guess I won't ask for pictures and embarrass you" YN laughed she wondered how Melo was gonna react when his girl tells him..... oh well too late to back down now. Plus when she saw Lorenzo face get so excited she couldn't take this opportunity away from him.
   *time skip*
"Are you ready?" YN asked Lorenzo before they got out of the car "yeah you good? You got a little quiet on me" "yeah Um I'm just a little tired ... the game was so good all that screaming got me ... tired" YN sighed he laughs "oh okay well if you get too tired let me know and we'll go" "okay sounds like a plan" she reached for the door he stops her by placing his hand gently on her arm "can I ask you something?" "Yeah" "do you not like his girlfriend or something?" YN laughed "um I don't have a problem with her I just don't know her that well" "I get a vibe from her" YN lifted a eyebrow
"oh really? Do tell" Lorenzo laughed "you want me to be blunt?" "1000%" "okay I think she wanna fuck you" "whatttt!" "Yeah who gets up and goes like six rows back just to talk to one person she could've got your number faster or even dm you and then the way she looks at you and she's trying to see if we together together or just a few dates and you always dodge those questions"
YN sat there shocked that would explain a lot "oh my gosh she wanna fuck me" YN started coming to the conclusion "probably a threesome" "ew" he laughed "you don't like threesomes" YN eyes got wide "I haven't been in a threesome that would imply that I was eating the box and I'm not especially not hers" "wym?she fly Why you say it like that" "if I was gonna date a bitch she wouldn't look like everybody else .... I can pick out four people who look just like her without even trying no shade though " "you wild but you right" "I know I like when celebrities date women who just look like women they still be beautiful asf without all the extra whatever or those black men you never seen with a brown or dark skin girl .... Likeeee you ain't never seen a bad dark skin girl? I know you fuckin lying or the dudes who just straight up don't date black women or if she black you can't tell she black that shit annoys me" "I can tell" he smiled a little bit she tried to relax "tell me that makes sense.... Like yes they're some bad bitches who are light skin but they're some bad bitches who are darker too like I don't get black men who straight up don't date black women it's wild asf"
"nah I definitely agree with you especially men of certain status only date the type of women you name it gives off a certain vibe and I don't like the message that put out there .... Shit I'll probably have a dark skin daughter and I don't want her thinking she less beautiful because the media that shit wild" "wow .... You actually know about colorism and pay attention to it" "yeah I'm educated about black issues of course" YN smiled..... a deep conversation.... Something she's never had with Lamelo ".... Um you wanna go in ? Before I change my mind?" YN smiled "yeah let's go" they walk into the building it was a pretty small restaurant so Lorenzo was looking around "oh they back there" he pointed grabbing YN's hand pulling her along "slow down please" "my bad I was trying to move out of people way" Nobody was around he was rushing to Lamelo she rolled her eyes and then they were at the table.
She knew Melo long enough to know he was pissed and trying to hide it. His girlfriend jumped up when she saw YN. "Babe you remember YN and this is her boyfriend.... I didn't catch your name" YN bit her lip this bitch did not just say boyfriend Lorenzo quickly spoke up "um Lorenzo and I'm not her boyfriend.... Yet" YN laughed out of nervousness "heyyy did you get drinks yet?" "Nice to see you again YN nice to meet you Lorenzo" Melo shook his hand and Lorenzo sat down beside him
"no we were gonna wait on you to get drinks" "aww thank you" YN smiled Melo watched YN intently he didn't even realize he was doing it " uh good game bro" Lorenzo tried to make conversation with Melo "thank you ... it's to be expected" YN laugh Melo licked his lips sitting up "what's so funny?" "...bae" his girlfriend warned him YN smiled "y'all don't always win nobody always wins .... Soooo how is it expected" "I was on fire my teammates were on fire and the team we played was cold so by the second quarter you already know that shit was going our way" "oh okay well I don't pretend to be a sports head so what would I know" "you love basketball though at least I thought you did" Lorenzo chimes in "uh I watched a lot of sports yeah but I'm not a expert ask me some dance questions and then I can tell you the ins and out" "oooou so you were a dancer?" LBG says trying to change the tense conversation
"yeah from like 10 to 18 when I got to college I just wanted to focus on being in school so I stopped" "wowww you went to college pretty and smart" "thank you...I try" "so you didn't play any sports growing up?" Lamelo asked "I just said I danced" YN squinted her eyes "dance is a sport?" "You think it's not?!" "You do turns and shit anybody can do that you don't need to warm up for that" YN laughed "wowww anything you do conditioning for and you sweat for is a sport shit if people think bowling is a sport dance is for sure a sport" "oh okay nice logic" YN couldn't roll her eyes hard enough "do a split and then you can talk to me" " a split makes somebody an athlete?" Melo
Laughed loudly "Nah but you claim that anybody can do what dancers do so do a split" "my dick too big" "Lamelo!!" His girlfriend kicked him under the table YN laughed "I doubt it" YN laughed and then continued talking "anywayyyyyy hi Baeee" she said talking to Lorenzo waving at him sipping some water
"hey beautiful" "awww you two are so cute... right bae? .....Aren't they cute?...... y'all are cute!!"  His girl kept talking because Melo never chimed in "yeah" he says quietly to shut her up "your watch is nice" Lorenzo said to LBG  "thanks I got it on my birthday.... Maybe two years ago" and it was then YN noticed her bracelet.... The very same two tone Cuban link Melo had given her just last week. Melos phone started to ring "ima go outside and take this" "okay Bae"
"Nice bracelet where did you get it?" "Cute story actually Melo just brought it home from Chicago said as soon he saw it he knew I would love it .... He was clearly right" "ohhh I have one like that and a necklace too" "oh really? where'd you get it?" "A friend gave it to me a little while ago" "oh great minds think a like I guess"
YN phone vibrated she looked down to see Melos message
GO TO THE BATHROOM NOW!!! And don't even think about playing with me
"it's great when they just know right?" "Right!?! I guess we've been together so long he should know these things .... Lorenzo what type of things do you think YN likes" "we still getting to know eachother it's really the first date ... we always end up with another couple right YN?" "Right it's crazy how that happens no telling who it'll be next time" they shared a laugh "hmmm next time?" Lorenzo licked his lips YN smiled "and on that note I have to go to the bathroom really quick ... do you know where it is?" "Yeah it's right by the entrance" "okay I'll be right back" she winked at Lorenzo and picked her phone and purse up heading to the bathroom and it was just a two stall bathroom and Melo was in there waiting for her.
"Yes?" She said sweetly "don't fuckin play with me! You bring that nigga right in here in front of me be glad I didn't slap that nigga" "For what?" "YN you deadass  right now?" "Daddy don't be mad he had tickets and I really wanted to see you" she rubbed his chest down to his pants "stop touching me" he calmed down considerably "move away and I will" he didn't move at all "why did you come here then?" "Your girl went out of her way to invite us" "she said you invited her" "what?!?! No she legit got out of her seat and came back there just to talk to me and then she invited me" "why she lie then" "why tf would I know" "damn"
"does she lie about a lot of things cause she told me an interesting story about the bracelet she got on" was YN jealous? Yes cause why tf would he get them matching jewelry like they sharing dick already can he get original gifts "she sent me a picture of it and said she wanted it so I got it for her" "before or after mine?" "After yours my jeweler posted the necklace and bracelet I got you so she said she wanted it so I had him make her one too"  " that's not the story I got" "what story you get" "basically you saw it and said she had to have it and brought it back for her" he smacked his lips "bae I promise she lying"
"bae!?!?!?!?l" "shhhhh calm down" "you calling me bae while talking about your bitch? That's wild" YN laughed he shook his head smiling he didn't know what came over him "let me leave but know I'll be at your place soon and you better be alone" "yeah yeah yeah whatever " Melo grabbed her neck kissing her deeply "you wanna play with me? I can't wait to fuck yo ass" and then He left "I can't wait for you to fuck me" YN laughed while actually using the bathroom and then washing her hands walking out.
Melo and Lorenzo were deep in conversation about something "glad your back they're having boy talk" "ooooh about what?" "Mortal Kombat something you don't know nothing about" Lorenzo said YN gasp as she sat down "nigga I'll beat everybody at this table in Mortal Kombat don't play with me" "who you play with then?" "The bad bitches Jade  Mileena or Kitana if I'm trying to switch it up Fr I might play with Raiden or Scorpion" "I play with Scorpion" Lorenzo said "oh I'll love to beat yo ass with a Character you play with" "so much for boy talk" LBG said YN laughed
"my bad girl" Lamelo laughed he couldn't believe the situation he was in was he pissed at YN hell yeah but at least she made it fun.And he appreciated YN especially tonight cause he knew one thing for sure ..... his girl be lying on him.
*time skip*
The dinner was done and now Lorenzo was walking YN back up to her door. "Thanks for the call.... I hope you had fun" "I definitely did we have a lot in common" it was at this very moment Melo pops in her head screaming about niggas don't date without fucking "uh so I think we can be friends or something because I have a sick feeling that my competition is way out of my league so ima bow out gracefully" Lorenzo said softly almost like he didn't wanna say it
"I get it I respect it... gimmie hug" YN laughed and they hugged eachother he smelled so damn good he kissed the top of her head making her pull a way "well YN I had a great night I'll probably see you a game night with Trinity?" "Yeah she mentioned it to me no details though" "oh well hopefully I'll see you then if not I'll see you around"
"okay Lorenz.... Drive home safe" "I will" he started to walk off "byeee" "bye!!" YN unlocked her door walking in....
"Boy why are you sleep on my couchhhhhh" YN whined "hey to you too" "heyyy why you in my house Lamelo" she takes her shoes off after locking the door and hanging her keys and purse "you took too long to get home where y'all go after dinner" "where you go" "depends on who asking I might be out with my teammates and then the gym the real answer is straight here .... Now answer me" "we drove around and talked and got some desert .... Wait a second how you get in here?" "YN everybody know where you keep the key you need a better hiding spot" "clearly!!!! for it not be you next time I thought that fake rock was like so smart " she laughed
"I heard what happened at the door" "and?" "You would've still be dating him he broke up with you" "ain't no break up we wasn't together" "whatever you know what I'm saying" "nah tell me ... what are you saying?" "Why you let that nigga touch you?" She bit her lip "I'm waiting for a answer YN" "nahhh you called me bae earlier .... I like that" he sat up on her couch waving her over "come closer" she walked over to him "he kissed you?" "I only got one kissed tonight and that was from you" "good I still gotta wash you off though..." "wash me off?" "Yeah for me to fuck you like I wanna fuck you I don't need no trace of him on you" he stood up playing her to her bedroom.
"Get out of those clothes while I get the shower started" "you really gon wash me?" "Yeah is that a problem? You don't want no dick?" "It's no problem at all" he smirked walking into her bathroom the shower turned on. In some fucked up way she liked this. 
After he washed her slowly he took her to her bathroom counter bending her over and pulling her hair. She didn't even have anytime to register what had happened. "Fuckkkkk meeeee" "I don't even know why I'm giving you no dick .... You don't deserve It" "why not daddy" "shutup you had that Nigga in my face be glad I didn't beat his ass" he slaps her ass and then pulls her leg up so it can rest of her counter . Making her bend over even more
"blame your bitch" her eyes rolled in the back of her head Melo groaned "pussy so fuckin tight ..... you better not have no other nigga in my shit ever" she let out an airy moan she no longer could argue  "you hear me?" "Yessss" "I think this is what you wanted ... to get me all upset just to see how I would fuck you" "I—" "well now you know shut your mouth" she tried to listen she really did but this angle was doing something to her it's like he was hitting all her spots deep inside of her she felt so full.
She places her hand on her her mirror. "Look how sex you look while you getting fucked" he pulls her hair so she had no choice but to look in the mirror. "I'm gonna cum" "for who? Me or that Nigga?" "Youuuuu and only you" "tell me who this pussy belong too?" She started to bounce her ass meeting his strokes making it more intense for him. "This your Pussy" he lets go of her hair grabbing her hips with both hands and going in over drive making her cum hard screaming and shaking she leaked all over her bathroom floor. He pulls out. "Go to your bed" YN pouts " I like it right here Melo" "I didn't ask that though"
*the next day*
She woke up to Melos arms wrapped around her while he was still sleeping. It felt good until reality set in. She jumped up "get up get up now" "what?" He groaned slowly waking up "you slept over here!!! It's 12 pm go home" "oh fuck!!" He jumps up and checks his phone
He had miss calls from everybody "damn I fucked up" "get yo shit and gooo please" YN laughed "it's not funny you always getting me in some shit" Melo smiled making YN playfully roll her eyes he started walking closer "see you don't know how to keep your hands off me that's the problem" "I know how to I just don't want too" "you never went home last night that's gonna be a problem" he picks her up taking her back to the bed "I'm already not home I might as well get what I want" he slides inside her deeply making her lose her breath she taps the bed "ughhhh I knew you were Trouble" "my girl at home probably worried and I keep fuckin round wit you" she moaned loudly "well stop fuckin me then" "I don't want too" "then shut up" she smiled he put two fingers in her mouth and then shoved them in the back of her throat making sure she choked and gagged. "
You gettin bold again" "fuckkkkkkkkkkk Damn shit" " you gon cum for me baby" "yes yes yesssss" "you look so pretty when you cum for me.... When your legs shake and you moan my name" her eyes rolled in the back of her head as she struggled to do something with her hands
"aaaahhhhhhh don't you stop fuckin me don't you stop" and that's when she lost it all over his dick the liquid came squirting out of her catching them both off guard but he loved it. Especially fucking her through it as she moan and her pussy became even louder. "Daddy daddyyyyyyyy" her hand comes in between them where his thigh is slightly pushing him "don't make me stop let me hit this motherfucka you playing... squirt for me again" as her body shook again he smiled she gripped the sheets and the mattress"you'll cum for me?" YN nodded her head "nah say it" "I wanna cum for you again" "you wanna squirt?" "I just wanna cummmm"
"fuckkkkkkkk you got me about to cum with you gripping me like that" "cum for me daddy cum for meeeeeeeeee cum with me cum with Meeeeeee" and hearing her say those words along with how she was looking he  pulled out cumming right on her tummy while rubbing her clit so she could cum too.
He leaned down and kissed her as they struggled to calm down. "Let me go home before I never go home" he says on her lips she laughed "you ain't gotta go home.... But you gotta get tf out of here" "you drain all my nut and then say that?" "That's not all of it..... do me a favor don't wash that so she can taste me" "everybody should be able to taste you" he kisses her again "everybody don't get that privilege" "mmmm she'll like it" YN laughed "okay okay get out of here please I gotta shower.... Tell me how it goes when you get a chance ...." "I will I definitely think it's about to be a while.... That's why it's taking me so long to go" "it'll be okay" he kisses her check getting up he fixes his self.
"Alright I'll text you later or call you" "okay I'll be getting some work done cause I can't ever do that with you in here" YN joked some more making him laugh "my bad um bye" "byeeeee" Melo walks out of her room door she hurries and gets up "wait Melo!" "yeah?" "Did you put my key back?" "Yes it's back in your fake ass rock" she smiled "okay okay lock my door please and then put it back byeee" she really didn't want him to leave and she hated she felt that way. " I will Bye YN" he walks out of the front door. She sighs walking back into her bedroom it's a mess. Why was she throwing things during sex.... It felt that good last night? She doubts it.
*later that day*
....Take a ride into the danger zone You know my nigga be buggin' me I just be wonderin' if you can fuck on me better Itchin' for me like an ugly sweater Need it in me like a Chuck E. need cheddar I need to know
YN rapped the Doja cat Verse as she finished cleaning her house from top to bottom. After her shower earlier she noticed he had left hickeys all over her body ....which sucked because she was going to the jacuzzi today in Mayas complex trin was coming Asia was coming a few of Mayas other friends that YN didn't know that well.
As soon as she thought about him he texted her
PJ said I was with him the whole night so we good .... I wanna come back over there you tell me how you feel about that
I'm going out soon I have a little pool party to go to
What your swimsuit look like?👀 let me see
😂 no you won't be seeing and idk what ima wear cause somebody left hickies all over my thighs and tummy
Damn I was in beast mode
Boy .... Bye
Wasn't saying bye when you was screaming it's my pussy ...
Go treat your girl to a bag it's the least you can do
You might be right I'll hit you later tell me when you get home
She had about two hours before her party so she sat down and got some work done. Mostly organizing and paperwork that she had failed to do because she was running around the country with Melo. If it didn't happen between 8 and 3 while she was in the office it probably wasn't going to happen. Luckily she did a lot in those hours so that once she got home she could just relax ..... but like I said the paper work was behind. Thirty minutes later Asia was knocking on her door.
"Heyyyy!!!!!" "Hey you mind if I get ready over here and we ride over together? I don't know them other bitches I don't wanna show up alone " "No it's not a problem come on in" "what you in Here doing blasting music" Asia laughed "my work so I can enjoy my time later" "alright I'll let you get back to it you won't even know I'm here" "okay boo" Asia always came to YN house before events so it was no surprise to YN that was part of the reason she didn't let Melo come back. One thing Asia can do is keep a secret but she doesn't need her friend to know cause once she knows that's all their gonna talk about. About an hour later YN closes her laptop going to find Asia. "Sooooo what you wearing?" Asia asks while she was putting her braids into the perfect high bun.
"I have options but idk come chose for me" Asia finishes her hair and then they go up to YN's room looking at her swim suits on her bed
"I was leaning toward the white one or the black one with more coverage because I got some things I need to cover up" "ooou like what?" "Hickies" "I knew you been fucking!!! You too happy" YN laughed "yeah he definitely marked his territory on me though" "I think the white is so white that'll it'll bring attention to your hickies.... Where they at let me see" YN lifted her shirt showing her friend her stomach and thighs. Asia backs away slowly trying to see if she can see them from far away.
"The white one will actually be cute I think that's the way to go" "okay that's what I'll be wearing ... you need sandals? Or a towel?" "No I brought some and I brought a bottle for us and strictly us" YN laughed "okay I was gonna bring some champagne... you know how I am" "so we need to Uber" "definitely" "let's call Maya" YN FaceTimes Maya " do you have food and everything" "yeah can y'all go to the abc store....." "for what?" " I feel like we need more alcohol" "girl if you drink too much it's easier to drown" YN said seriously in the camera "it's a jacuzzi YN" "it's still a body of water" "just say you don't wanna go" YN laugh "I don't wanna go me and Asia ubering to your place anyway" "ooooh you should've been said that well okay let me see if trin will do it" "hoe if you don't just instacart some alcohol and get the simply spiked" "I don't have instacart on my phone" "just send me what you trying to get I'll send it to you damn" "thank you best friend" "uh huh whatever" YN laughs hanging up
***time skip**
The party was fun the night ended with no injuries and nothing but great vibes. YN and Asia had just got back to her place and Asia asked to sleep over which YN said yes of course. YN had a second bedroom specifically for this reason.
"Yooo you good? Im probably gonna head to bed soon.... You know where everything is so make yourself at home" "okay I'm probably about to go to sleep too I think I had too much to drink" "Asia don't throw up in my house" YN laughs "I'm not gon throw up .... I promise but goodnight" "goodnight" YN shuts the door heading back to her room
Im outside
Of course he is
I have a friend over
Im at the door I don't care
YN laughs and goes back to her front door letting Melo in. "Hello sir what do you need?" "I left my chain over here" "mmm that's the Only reason you came over?" YN had put it in a specific place so it didn't get damaged she grabbed it while talking and then walked it back over to him. "You said your friend here not much you can do..." "why not?" "You loud and im sure y'all drunk" "I'm not drunk" he laughed "it's hard to believe" "well you got your ch—" "YN do you have makeup wi—— oh wow hello" Asia walks from behind the wall "uh Hey" Melo smiled
"do I have what?" "Makeup wipessss... YN come here" Asia says suspiciously YN laughs and walks closer to her friend "yes?" "Why does that man look just like that basketball player and you know the one I'm talking about" "because that is him" "YN stop playing im drunk not crazy" "go introduce yourself again " "you know what I will" Asia and YN walk back over to Lamelo "I'm Asia and you are?" "Melo" Asia glanced at YN "we were all at that birthday dinner" Melo remind her
"oh yeah oh yeah that sounds right I'm out of it" YN shook her head "where are the wipes?" Asia says "In my room right beside my bathroom door on the little table" "okay nice to meet you Melo" "you too!" "Soooo that's Asia... she won't say anything to anybody so don't worry" "I get the vibe she minds her own business but yeah I'll see you after the next game we going to New York" "okay I'll be ready" he kisses her lips and then her forehead and then her lips again "you got me tempted" "always.... But go home be safe" she smiles "I will see you in three days YN" he says seriously "I'll be there Melo .... Byeeee" she laughs as he starts to walk out "bye"
Asia walks out of YN's room "sooooo you been taking trips with him... it hasn't been work?" "Pop some popcorn if you wanna know this full story but it stays between us nobody knows anything Asia" "deadass?" "Fr you wouldn't know either if you wasn't here but I really been wanting to talk about it 😭😭" "okay let's go" YN and Asia sit down and YN explains the whole story from beginning to end "so are you in love with him?" "No not at all" "and he still with that girl?" "Yeah .... Which is why I've been secretive" "he the one that gave you the hickies?" "Yupp" "damn bitch this is a lot to process" YN laughs "yeah like I never really thought to be in this position but honestly it's ideal for me he usually doesn't take up too much of my time and I leave after work and the next day do everything virtual so its not effecting anything negatively. I try not to focus on him having a girl mostly cause it makes me feel bad and selfish but also she knows about him creeping and never really cares so..." "oh wait hold tf up was y'all creeping when we were all at dinner?" "Yupp" "that's why that bitch was so mad at sidechicks you the side chick" "Chileeee I know but I don't think she's put two and two together like she be going out of her way to speak to me out in public so... idk"
"damn so okay okay I'm understanding that but word on the street is she not a good person anyway so whatever usually I would tell you you're wrong but that bitch annoying" YN laughed "wym what she been doing?" "I'm surprised you ain't see it she be low key starting shit with his fans cause they be going at her so she'll post stuff specifically to get them bothered and the people said she was trying to act like she was pregnant like posted a announcement and then deleted it" "what!!!?" "Yeah and other Instagram models be like she weird and be watching people pages and stuff and trying to befriend people just to fuck them over" "she be being real nice to me too like going out of her way when she sees me always speaking" "you better watch out you have your own buzz on Instagram too ain't no telling what she trying to do" "shit I'll be watching out definitely"
One things for sure LBG wasn't slow she was strategic and if she was coming for YN YN would be ten steps ahead of her.
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dearfuturehusbandblog · 6 months
ZMAN CHEIRUSEINU aka "I'M the terrible communicator!?!?!?!!"
Dear Future Husband,
I hope nobody ever quizzes me on this blog because there are so many things that I've started and stopped writing that never got posted that I literally never remember what I've actually put here...
Not that that's really fully relevant to what I was thinking about writing now, but I currently have two unfinished posts in my drafts folder (amidst 25 others that will probably never get posted) that are just a recap of this year so far.
Because I'm just a kid and life is a nightmare.
Explaining what's going on right now is kind of problematic because I haven't provided the lengthy backstory yet (which is one of the drafts I have yet to finish...)
Suffice to say, MotherLivelyHeart is being a nightmare to me again.
I think I've shared before that MLH and I share a vehicle? If not... yeah, we share a car. I'll have to look through my posts to see if I've explained that situation before, because that's one more thing to check off the "my life absolutely f*ing sucks" list.
Usually this isn't the worst thing in the world because we operate on different schedules and there isn't much crossover when it comes to who needs the car when, and when there is I usually drop her off somewhere, do what I need to do, and pick her up after.
For the record, I HATE when she offers the opposite because I have a history of being abandoned in places waiting for her to pick me up and it gives me such severe anxiety.
So last week on Sunday I asked MLH what her plans were for the next day. I asked this because I overheard a phone call she received on Friday from the dentist's office about an appointment she had on Monday at noon that she hadn't told me anything about and I knew if I was going to ever find out she was going to take the car, I would have to be the one to ask her. So I asked. And wouldn't you believe it, she had a dentist appointment on Monday at noon! Shocker.
Now, I'd been out of work since the beginning of January (again, details will hopefully be in another post) so I had a lot to take care of at work last Monday and I told her that.
We agreed she would have the car for her appointment and I would take the car to work when she got home.
Come Monday afternoon, suddenly everything has changed.
You see, her boss called in sick and she had the day off because she has a specific job that requires her to work alongside her boss and if he doesn't work, she doesn't work.
So she had the day off. Joy.
Of course, did she tell this to me directly? No.
Did she message me this information? No.
I'm just supposed to approach her and ask, "hey, did your boss call in sick and give you the day off?" I guess.
So she went to her appointment and ran some errands and called me while she was still out. Apparently some specific water bottles she can only get in like two places were available at one store about 20 minutes away from our house and she placed a pickup order so she could get them before they were sold out. The order had to be picked up between like 2:30-3:30pm and she called me at around 1:30.
She picked a pickup time that was directly during the time I was supposed to be at work.
Which she knew.
Because I told her this literally the day before.
So I told her fine. She should do the pickup order and when she got back I would take the car to work.
"Well, I also wanted to go swimming."
*Deep breath* Ok, what time is swimming?
"From 2-9pm."
At this point I didn't know how long I'd be at work because one of the things I had to take care of could be like 4-6 hours and I didn't know if there would be enough time when I was done to get home and let her get to the pool with enough time to swim before they closed.
"Ok, well why don't you go swimming, do the pickup order, and then I'll take the car to work?"
"Well, I want to come home and eat something first."
Ok. So now, what was supposed to be my time to take the car is going to be "stolen" by her coming home (15 minutes), eating something (15 minutes), going to swim (40 minutes), getting the pickup order (30 minutes), and coming back home (20 minutes).
This is TWO HOURS off of my time.
So she came home, ate something, and changed into her bathing suit. She left around 2pm for the pool.
I assumed at this point I'd hear from her around 3:30pm that she was around the corner.
But 3:30 came and went.
4:00pm came and went.
4:30pm came and went.
5:00pm came and BigSis messaged that she would be done at work in an hour and could either of us give her a ride home?
So it's been three hours without an update from MLH, but then she responds "I should be on my way back from the pickup order then."
EXCUSE ME!?!?!?!
She left for the pool at 2pm. THREE HOURS have gone by and she hasn't even gotten the pickup order that was supposed to be picked up between 2:30-3:30pm!?!?!?!!?!?
But she tells me that I'M a terrible communicator.
I was supposed to get the car by 1:30pm latest. It was now after 5pm and I STILL hadn't gotten to work yet.
As much as I hate when she offers to drop me off at work so she can take care of things that will take a few hours, SHE DIDN'T EVEN ASK ME THAT. She made it seem like I would have the car all afternoon to take care of what I needed to at work. And when her plans shifted, she made it seem like I'd have the car by 3:30pm latest.
But I'M the terrible communicator.
At that point I was so frickin annoyed already. MLH messaged me "should I get her or just come home" and I was so peeved I said "just get her because if you come home and I take the car I'm not picking her up."
She didn't respond to that message.
No thumbs up. No "ok." Just nothing.
Then at 6:12pm I get a message from her "car's downstairs in front."
So no message from BigSis that MLH had picked her up and they were heading home. No "we're around the corner." No nothing except over an hour later "take it."
At that point it was too late for me to do some of the things I needed to take care of for work because, again, I was supposed to have been there FIVE HOURS EARLIER. And a friend messaged and asked if I could go with her to Costco, so I said to hell with it and I went to Costco with her.
While I was at Costco I messaged both MotherLivelyHeart and BigSis about what I was getting so we were all on the same page. Included in that message was eggs because, well, I was getting eggs.
I got home at like 10pm and MotherLivelyHeart and BigSis were already asleep. I made a couple of mini salami kugels with some spinach that oddly floated to the top, waited for them to cool, tried 1/4 of one before sticking them in the fridge.
Next morning I open the fridge and there's a new carton of 1.5 dozen eggs. Because apparently MLH went to the supermarket early in the morning and got eggs because "we were out."
Oh, but it gets better. Because the salami kugel I had tasted the night before was missing.
BigSis was working from home so I asked her about it and she said she had no clue.
So I asked MotherLivelyHeart about it, thinking maybe it slipped out of the fridge, smashed, and she threw it out.
But no.
Guess who ate it.
Yep, the woman who has been suffering from gout and avoiding meat for the better part of a year.
The woman who saw it in the fridge and said to herself "oh, that's one of the broccoli kugels LivelyHeart made for herself for Shabbos that she said wasn't good. I guess I'll eat that for breakfast without asking her if she really doesn't want it because although she's on a weird diet right now, there's no way she's made a meal plan for herself that includes this food item she made for herself."
Because, did she message me to ask if she could have it?
Did she knock on my door to ask if she could have it?
Halfway through eating it she realized it was salami.
And she still finished the whole thing.
And still at NO POINT did she message me AT ALL to even tell me that she ate it.
I had to find out by inquiring OF HER.
I shouldn't be mad.
It's just food, after all, right?
Except that it's not.
It's a frickin pattern of carelessness and disregard for me as a person.
And I'm so frickin sick of it.
I'm so damn tired.
It wouldn't have killed her to ask.
It wouldn't have killed her to apologize.
And what I haven't really explained here (because again, that's in a draft post) is that I've been on an elimination diet since January 1st which has cut most things from my available food selections.
But is she on an elimination diet?
So we have a HOUSEFUL, a PANTRYFUL, and a FRIDGEFUL of food she can eat.
And she chooses the ONE thing I made FOR ME.
Which she KNEW I made for ME.
Instead of the MYRIAD OF THINGS that she can eat that I can't.
Which means that she's not only taken a meal from me, but now I'm at a food deficit from the fridge while she lives in abundance.
So let's leap forward to today.
Today was Shabbos mevorchim. Pesach is in two weeks.
And MotherLivelyHeart decided we are going to change over the kitchen two weeks ahead this year.
So she scheduled her cleaning lady to come tomorrow (Sunday) to help clean the kitchen so it can be turned over.
Did she take into account that this would be motzei Shabbos and that we'd have to make Shabbos and that would involve dirty dishes and use of the stove/oven and pots and pans?
Yeah, no.
Did she take into account that the way she wants to clean the oven requires the oven to be self-cleaned before and after which takes a good several hours and creates so much smoke that we'd have to keep the windows open and also it's like 40F right now and she also wanted to go to sleep early because the cleaning lady is coming at like 8am?
Yeah, no.
BigSis went over the oven cleaning thing with her and she exclaimed "are you kidding me?! Then why am I having the cleaning lady come tomorrow?!"
Oh, but there's more. Because there's always more.
Thursday was another nightmare day for various reasons. One of which was that I ran errands with MotherLivelyHeart.
She scheduled an appointment for smackdab in the middle of the time I told her I'd be working.
And she wanted to drop me off at work and pick me up when I was done.
Well absofrickinlutelynot, thankyouverymuch.
I was supposed to work until 6pm.
I had told customers I would be available until 6pm.
Her appointment was scheduled for 6pm.
So of course "I need the car at 5:30pm."
She wanted to drive me to work earlier so that she could take the car at 5:30pm to her appointment that wouldn't be done until 7pm and then come get me an hour and a half after I was done working.
But I was supposed to trust that she wouldn't run errands or dilly dally around and that she'd actually get me at 7:30pm, which we know is never the case.
So I told her no, I'd be taking the car to work. But I would notify the customers I'd only be there until 5:30pm, at which point I'd get her and drive her to her appointment. Then while she was in her appointment I could do the Shabbos shopping, since it seemed pointless to have to wait for her to come home again before I could go out and shop.
For various reasons, we had three stores we needed to go to, one of which was about 20 minutes in the opposite direction of where her appointment was. I figured I could go there first, then on my way back to get her I could run by the other two stores, get her and then we'd go straight home.
But no.
Because it was raining and people apparently don't know how to drive in the rain. So despite me taking the highway, which should have cut like 10 minutes out of the ride each way, it took me about 30 minutes to get to that first store, which I was in for maybe 10 minutes, and as I was checking out MLH messaged "my appointment is almost over, where are you at?"
So all I had time for was turning around and going straight to get her.
Which, fine, whatever.
One of the stores we went to literally just for chicken.
And it was chicken for her because she wanted a specific type of breaded chicken for Shabbos.
So I figured I'd run into the store and grab it while she stayed in the car.
But no.
Because while I was unbuckling, she was unbuckling. Because she decided to come in.
So she went to look at side salads and I went to the chicken section where I waited but she never showed up.
Then I get a message from her.
"Where are you?"
Excuse me???? WHERE ARE YOU, WOMAN???
I told her I was at the chicken section waiting for her and she said "I already checked out. I'm going back to the car."
But she's checked out already!? WITH WHAT!?
Oh. Apparently something to eat. Because she's hangry.
Fine. Whatever.
So I bought her frickin chicken.
And then on the way home she got mad at me about three driving-related things that were out of my control (like the car started making a weird noise that might be the muffler, and there was a huge pothole I couldn't avoid, and I was coming to a stop at an intersection when some lady rounded the corner quickly and we barely missed colliding...) which resulted in her yelling at me that she hates the way I'm driving.
So, yeah, that was a fun ride home.
Anyway, on the way to her appointment she said "we never worked out a Shabbos menu."
I told her the same thing I've told her almost every week over the last three months: I'm eating differently from you guys, so you just tell me what you want and I'll grab it from the store, because I already have set aside what I'm going to eat.
And she tells me "my boss has off tomorrow, so I can cook."
Which is perfectly fine in my eyes because I'm still recovering from an injury (again, that's one of the drafted posts...) and I also had a horrendous cold for the previous two weeks so I'm still trying to get back to baseline. Any pressure off me is appreciated.
We basically worked out that for shabbos we'd do a big soup for Friday night (which I would make), then she wanted chicken (obvs) and I had bought green beans at Costco I told her she could have, and then Shabbos lunch would be fish and salady stuff.
Well, Friday rolls around.
The day already sucked because I tried adding some vegetables back into my diet during the week that are apparently problematic for my digestion. Fun.
But then MotherLivelyHeart decides to stick to her arbitrary Pesach cleaning schedule which says to clean the milchig dishes she's had piling up all week. So of course she decides to do this at like noon and doesn't finish the job and there are still milchig dishes in the sink at 3pm when I need to go in and make the soup.
Add onto that, one of my "chores" is the pareve dishes, some of which have been piling up too and also need to be done, which she feels the need to remind me of, despite her milchig dishes still filling the sink.
So I go in around 3pm and just start cooking, using the small bit of counter space that's available to me.
She decides that's the perfect time to finish the milchig dishes.
She gets them out of the way and reminds me YET AGAIN about the pareve dishes.
So around 4pm I'm back in the kitchen, doing the pareve dishes, of which I only got about half done because it was causing pain and I still had to cook.
So I pivoted and did the soup.
But nothing else had been cooked yet.
So I made the green beans.
And I had to separate the soups so I could add things to theirs that I can't eat.
At this point I'm still annoyed from her the day before, my insides are so unhappy with the newly tested foods, I'm in pain from the injury, and I'm trying to cook for Shabbos.
Around 6pm I asked BigSis if she could help with the chicken. She was like "I STILL HAVE TO SHOWER!!!" As though she didn't have all day for that and somehow me needing help is my fault. She said "if you had asked me like three hours ago I could have done it."
Except that three hours ago, the milchig dishes were still filling up the sink, so.... what exactly do you expect from me!?
Sometime a little earlier when MotherLivelyHeart had been in the kitchen it was clear I wasn't doing so well and she asked what was wrong and I described the pain and she was like "I'm sorry" and then disappeared.
So then she gets a "20 minutes to candle lighting" alarm on her phone, and she's been trying to light early in zchus of the hostages and chayalim, so she calls out "20 minutes to licht benchen." Which I responded to but she didn't hear, obviously, because she yelled again "LivelyHeart, did you hear me!?"
To which I responded an annoyed "YES!!" and she was like "you don't have to talk to me that way! I clearly didn't hear you. And BigSis and I can make Shabbos on our own, you know."
My responsibility based on our conversation was the soup.
SHE was supposed to do the chicken and the green beans and whatever else they wanted.
So now she's annoyed at me because I'm annoyed at her for not doing the thing she was supposed to do, but I'M the one in the wrong.
FINE. Whatever.
In the end I didn't do the chicken.
I literally didn't have the strength for it, let alone the energy.
Not that it was really missed at the meal, but she was a bit annoyed and gave me that same "BigSis and I can cook for Shabbos on our own, you know." To which I responded "You said you were going to cook." I literally don't even remember what her response was.
Well, fast forward through Shabbos to tonight because I asked her if she wanted the chicken for melava malka or if we should stick it in the freezer for a week since it's KFP.
She wanted it for melava malka.
Which, fine, whatever.
I told her if she could bread it, I would cook it.
She got gloves, she got bowls, she got the chicken, and she got eggs.
She did not get the other ingredients she needed for the breading. Or a plate to put it on. Or a fork.
She sat down at the table and then asked me to get the other ingredients.
Which, fine. Whatever.
I got an interesting piece of mail that I'll discuss in another post when I know more what's going on with it, but it basically called my attention to research something. So I was on my computer off to the side while she was breading the chicken.
The next thing I know, she's frying the chicken.
I went into the kitchen and asked her why she was frying it when I told her I would do it for her since cooking usually exhausts her, and she got all frustrated and exasperated at me and said something like "I DON'T HAVE ALL NIGHT TO WAIT FOR YOU."
And I was like, "what are you talking about!? I was waiting for you to finish breading it! you didn't tell me you were done!"
Which just pissed her off more.
But this is the time of year we celebrate freedom, right?
This is the time of year we thank Hashem for rescuing us from a horrible situation.
Well, where's mine?
We're supposed to celebrate every year as though WE ALL left Mitzrayim.
As though we were ALL saved.
But I am not saved.
I have never been saved.
The stupidity I've just described above is just a piece of the insane patterning of my entire life.
I have no escape from this nonsense.
And I'm just so done with all of it.
I want it all to be over.
I want it all to go away.
Where's my freedom?
Where's my salvation?
I really have to finish those other two drafts, because this isn't even the clearest picture of what I've been dealing with since 2024 started. It's barely April and I just want this secular year to be over.
There are a couple of people who have suggested guys to me over the last several months and, although they're not really what I'm looking for, right now I just don't have the emotional energy for a new relationship. I'm just so burned out from this one that I deal with every frickin day of my stupid life, which of course I can't even tell these people.
So... dear future husband, I hope you can hang in there, because I don't know when I'll be ready for you.
But maybe by then I'll be a good communicator.
And now for the story after the story:
So, after that disaster of a drive back from the store on Thursday night, we got home around 8:30pm and although she got something small to eat from that second supermarket I knew that MotherLivelyHeart hadn't eaten anything since lunch so when I made dinner for myself I made a second bowl for her. I brought it to her and she said "oh... you didn't have to do that." Not a lot of enthusiasm there.
She didn't eat it for about a half an hour, by which time it was probably cold, and the next thing I knew, she was in bed going to sleep without another word about how it was.
Now, I don't demand praise or feedback for anything I cook, but she usually makes a comment about whatever I make, so I found it odd that she was silent on the matter.
On Friday I went to ask her about something else and while I was talking to her I asked how her dinner was the night before and she said something along the lines of, "it was... interesting. ground chicken just doesn't cook well, it's not your fault. you prepared it well, it's just not that good. ground turkey is better."
No "thank you," no "it was sweet of you to think of me," no "I appreciate the effort especially considering that you're working through the pain right now."
Just meh.
I love when I'm appreciated.
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nyanpasuuna · 4 months
inspired by some tags i just wrote on a poll reblog:
anyone else feel conflicted about the direction tech, software, and the internet are heading?
like, appreciating recent conveniences but not wanting the "old" ways to die in favor of them?
i use the tumblr mobile app for 99.5% of things on this site (only opening browser tumblr if i need to see more in-depth stats or attach a file from a proper computer), my blog doesn't have a custom theme, i use algorithmic dash, i prefer the mobile app for especially the quickness and snappiness of reblogging and downloading full-res images compared to browser, and i just in general prefer to do my mindless scrolling on a mobile device, leaving the proper computer setup for productivity/gaming/watching stuff/listening to stuff/etc
but at the same time i will wholeheartedly defend blog customization and the algorithm-less experience as core aspects of what makes this place what it is, even if i don't participate in them myself at least as of now, and i strongly disagree with everything nowadays being forced into a secluded app when it could've just been a website
do you feel this is hypocritical, an attempt to have a cake and eat it too? do you feel this is "i disagree with what you're saying but i'll fight for your right to say it"-core?
or, the analogy i used for this elsewhere last night: like being a (yes i know this metaphor has been disproven but) frog in slowly boiling water, noticing the warmness and enjoying aspects of it, but still having a way out if you just jump out
where in this analogy the slowly boiling water is the direction of the internet, the warmness is the conveniences like not needing to menudive and know what a folder is to download an image, and the jumping-out is just you switching habits from the "new" to the "old"
what i'm scared of here is three possible outcomes:
the water is allowed to reach the boiling point and you are, quite literally, cooked (this is the timeline where user freedom and common knowledge of tech skills take a huge hit in favor of corporate profit)
the frog jumps out of the boiling water and into a container of liquid nitrogen, i.e. the enshittification is stopped but the pendulum swings so far back that we lose what to many is core functionality for purely ideological reasons (i call this the cohost timeline)
a lid is put on the boiling pot prematurely, taking away the frog's ability to leave before outcome 1 is achieved, causing it to sense something is up, leading to the frog protesting against the situation it's been placed in, with unpredictable results (the reddit API changes timeline, a very possible near-future event for tumblr as well)
and that's before you get into the whole thing about how things look
i'm probably one of the least bothered people i know when it comes to the look of modern redesigns, i think a lot of them look quite cool actually, but that is HEAVILY contrasted by my preference for the displaying of accurate statistics and precise information, needing search functions to do EXACTLY what i tell them to, etc.
because 9 times out of 10 those redesigns always take a little slice of user agency and precision with them, and that's not what i want at all
so i'm basically left here with the only people who Get Me on this topic being those people who theme the shit out of their linux installs for aesthetics, because they get how this stuff is supposed to be: personalized. customizable. tailor-made by you for you.
people should be allowed to choose their level on this stuff freely
someone wants to build their own gaming PC from individual parts while another just wants to plug in a console that works out of the box
someone wants to get a specific type of car and mod it a specific way for a specific motorsport while another is content just getting from point A to point B with public transport
so please, defend this diversity of options and experiences on the software side as well, everything should NOT be an app
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the-puniisher · 1 year
grgrgehrgrg okay so like
college au shit... like. majors and roomies and shenanigans...
I am CRAZY for college AU's.. LETS GOOO!!! After writing this all up I might make some drabbles based off of it...
Majors in Conservation/Research, studies Anthropology, the history of humans and their development.
Top of his class, the nice kid that's always offering tutoring to his classmates.
Dating Nick, always talking him up at any point in time. When people see Nick for the first time they're like "wtf.. this is your guy??" looking up and down a greaseball of a man. Vash is like omg.. yes.. isn't he wonderful.. as he permeates cigarette smoke.
THE definition of broke college student. He has $5 to his name after nessesities.
Absolute soft spot for anything living, has taken in a few strays into his dorm room. Nick is absolutely against taking in animals because Vash doesn't even have enough money to feed himself, and animals can be given to shelters. Nick always lectures him but doesn't have the heart to take the cats away from him... and he started to like them, too.
Obligatory plants around the room, loves to take care of things.
Absolute party pooper, prefers to study in the library alone than go to parties.
Hides behind bookshelves in the library to avoid Knives, how the hell is he supposed to study when his brother won't shut the fuck up about how proud he is of him for studying, anyways?
Majors in Philosophy/Religious Studies.
Loves Philosophy/Religious Studies OUTSIDE of school, but the second he has to read the bible for class he wants to commit several sins.
Absolutely sick of studying, always hosting room parties.
Undefeated keg stand pro.
SHOTS, SHOTS, SHOTS. Drinks the hardest ass liquor.
Dorm room is a fucking man cave. Curtains always drawn, lights always off. Dude hisses when you open his door. Clothes all over the floor, bed unmade.
Last to his classes, bedhead and pajamas. Who the hell gives a damn about keeping up appearances, anyways?
Walks with Livio to shared classes, always late and always together. They scheme shit like "Okay you walk in first and I'll walk in a few minutes later so it's not noticable." (Everyone always knew, they're inseparable.)
Shares a room with Livio.
Majors in Journalism.
Absolute teachers pet. Knows all of the hard shit that she realistically won't use in her future career.
Girlfriends with Milly... She is the book smart to Milly's street smart. The brains to her brawn, if you will.
Always hounding everyone to study, but is the first to get wasted at parties.
Known for being a vommitter at parties.
Minimalistic and very clean dorm room. Whenever the gang hangs out or has sleepovers, it's usually there because it's the cleanest and has the most room.
She's always taking polaroid pictures of the group, hanging them up on her walls.
Majors in Mechanics.
Criticized for being in "a man's field" but can do more than the men in her classes can.
Girlfriends with Meryl.
If anyone in the friend group needs to figure out how to do an oil change or jumpstart a car, she's your gal.
The sober friend, takes care of Meryl at parties.
Dorm room is a stuffie paradise, she has tens of plushes that each have names and backstories. She can tell you the year she got them and why. Silly names like shmoopkins..
Majors in Psychology with Botany on the side.
"Ugh.. I don't do parties." Goes to the library to study because he's above everyone, spots Vash and gives him a proud lecture about how he's being responsible and studying.. And not wasting his time with those losers..
The mom friend. Not in the sense that he cares, but is the one who sits back while everyone goofs off like "What the fuck are you doing."
Very punctual with top marks. Always early to class, fully prepared, reads in his free time. Probably never uses his phone.
Poor eyesight, takes the fucking grandpa glasses out to read or use his phone. "Hey Nai, look at this!" He slowly pulls his glasses out and squints at your phone.
Phone kept in one of those wallet phone cases for convenience.
Dorm room adorned with plants everywhere.
Also prefers to stay sober. Absolutely hates that he and Vash are the same because he can't excuse his brothers behavior with "He's drunk, he's not thinking right."
His room smells and looks like bleach... But he also uses citrus scents. He is a complete germaphobe and refuses to let ANYONE enter his room because they would tarnish it.
Has a roomba named "Vacuum" to keep his company because at least he knows it cleans and doesn't get everything dirty. Paces and rants to it like it's sentient, but gets sad when he remembers it can't speak to him and soon enough he needs to talk to real people.
Absolutely hates the friend group but has no one else, dropping them all would leave him with no one.
Majors in Childcare/Social Services.
Has been at Nick's hip his entire life, wanting to follow in his footsteps. Nick has to very sternly remind him to "be his own man" and "walk his own path" hence why he isn't also majoring in Philosophy.
At parties Livio tries to drink the same alcohol as Nick, but one shot makes him pass out.
Also a lover of stuffies, he and Milly often make them have playdates.
Lowest marks of the friend group, but way too stubborn to ask for help.
Best cook of the group, loves to cook and take care of everyone.
People often confide in him because of his gentle nature, he has a big soft spot for people.
Shares a dorm room with Nick, they cuddled to fall asleep growing up together, so they can't sleep away from each other.
Room reeks of cigarettes and axe.
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Ok so I was gonna go more in-depth about the timeline and try to figure some things out, but I got a little sidetracked and time got away from me so I might continue this later but for now I need to go to bed. Please enjoy this infodump about the apocalypse in Moth Wizard (my post-apocalyptic fantasy setting) and the origin of magic.
(Content warning: war, religion, death, extinction)
When exactly canon diverges from our timeline is not determined yet since I've currently placed the apocalypse really taking off "sometime in the near future" and I don't know how much of the bad stuff may or may not happen in real life. We live in scary times. Ideally I'd keep it "in the near future" for a while though, like I don't know when (if ever) I'll actually Make The Show, but I'd like for it to still be in the future when I do. It would make the "this could happen to our world" part of the "this could happen to our world and while you individually cannot save us from it, it is entirely in the hands of humans to stop it and turn things around before then" message of the apocalypse, y'know, still apply.
As I mentioned recently in a very excited tag ramble, the apocalypse has several components. I think the main ones are war, climate change, and similar corporate greed consequences like pollution, unsustainable hunting, and destruction of habitats. All of it is human in origin. This is important to me, because if it weren't humans, then it would be Hashem (G-d), and He promised never to do that again after Noah and his family survived the flood. What Hashem did was give humanity the magic that allowed them to survive (and which now fills their world with wizards).
I like to think of this as kind of an inverse of the story of Noah. Hashem did not raise the tides, it was man, and man did not create the means by which life was able to live on, it was Hashem. Are we even now? Probably not, I wouldn't claim to know whether "being even" is even an applicable concept, but I do think that this event thousands of years later changed something forever. A circle has been closed. Life on Earth will never be the same.
I'll uh, definitely consult a rabbi about this at some point though, because I'm mostly making stuff up that sounds right and fits what I have in mind for their world. I'd like to make sure it's at least not actively contradicting anything.
Anyway, so we have the nearish future timeline deviation, I hope, where everything gets worse, billions of people die in world war III and countless species go extinct. Every single country on the planet is either at war or caught in the crossfire. If not for the gift of magic, it would have been the END end of life. How long after this does the story take place? I haven't decided. It's hard to put an accurate number to things.
Let's say hypothetically, magic is introduced in the year 5800, nice round number in the nearish future (a bit over 15 years).
As I've mentioned before, the first people to discover magic were kids probably aged 12-17, because of how the magic system works. To use magic, you need to try and truly believe in it, recklessly, and I don't think anyone is better at recklessly believing in undiscovered magic than teens, speaking as a former teen myself. Too young and the line between make-believe and reality won't be the right shape, too old and they'll have lost faith in undiscovered mysteries. Teens inhabit the sweet spot where the world seems just strange enough that maybe if you really really tried, you could fly.
And suddenly one day, the teens were right.
Sidenote but what I really love about this part of the magic system is that it comes with built-in explanations for why small children are not blowing up cars on accident (it has to be fully intentional and separate from playing pretend), and why not everyone uses it enough to call themselves a wizard (it's hard to believe recklessly and intentionally enough), AND gives good excuse for why anyone desperate enough could do it in a burst of emotion (recklessness is easy if you have nothing left to lose, the exact boundaries of possibility don't seem so important anymore). It's great.
It takes a while for people to believe the kids who discover magic. Obviously this footage going viral on TikTok is faked, and now there's a whole trend about pretending magic is real. And anyone who tries while under the impression that it's fake will of course fail, they don't believe at all. But the news don't have to spread via social media, it's much easier to show people in person. And do you believe it when you see a flying car on the news? You thought this was a reliable source, why would they buy into this obviously fake nonsense? And then you meet your 11-year-old cousin who claims she can make animals talk. You don't believe her, of course, until she points to a squirrel and the squirrel addresses you by name. The world is already in chaos, and now this?
Within a year, I think, it is generally understood that magic does exist. The exact mechanics are still unclear and everyone has their own interpretation, but the fact that some people are genuinely able to do things that until a year ago were definitely impossible is hard to deny now.
Somehow, magic seems to favor saving lives over taking them. This is not actually because magic itself has morals, but because it favors vulnerability and cannot be controlled the way guns can be controlled. Governments try and inevitably fail to create magical armies. You simply can't command someone to use magic. They would need to raise such soldiers from children surrounded by cultish propaganda in order to control their faith to such an extent, which of course they do to all their citizens, that's how they ever got anyone to kill another human on command, but they didn't have the foresight to include "you will be a wizard" in their programming starting 10 years ago. And now they won't get the chance. Their time is about to come to an end.
Oceans rise. Nations fall. The world we know dies screaming.
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quanticowrites · 8 months
Future Planning (Branch Connally x Reader)
•• I hope you all enjoy! ••
Holding your phone up to your ear, you could already hear the annoyed tone of Branch's voice. He was out with some high school buddies and you'd promised not to call him. You hadn't anticipated crashing your car in the ditch and getting stuck inside. You were just happy you were tipped on the side and not on the roof.
"(Y/n)-" He started.
"I crashed my car." He stopped whatever he'd been starting to say and went still. You heard the bar's music in the background. It was a George Strait song.
"Did you call 911?"
"You are 911."
"Not three drinks in I ain't." He sighed. "Are you alright? What happened?" You winced, looking down at your legs. You knew they weren't broke, but they were trapped where the car dented inwards. You were pinned.
"The car's on its side in the ditch by Willow Creek...and I'm stuck in it."
"(Y/n), Jesus Christ!"
"An Elk jumped out in front of me! What was I supposed to do?"
"Don't swerve to avoid it!" You heard the music get quieter before ultimately hearing the door to the bar shut behind him.
"Oh yeah, because hitting it head-on is a much better idea." His lack of a response told you he got your point. The engine of his truck revved as he got inside.
"I'll call the station and get Ferg out there. I'm on my way too."
"Thank you, Branch." He huffed.
"Don't thank me yet, you're still in the car." You smiled. "I'm going to hang up now baby. You'll be alright?" You looked around at the interior of the car and took a shaky breath.
"I'll manage."
"I love you, (Y/n)."
"I love you too, Branch." He hung up and you stuffed your phone in your jacket pocket. Without Branch and with your newly broken window, you were able to hear an Elk call in the distance. Probably the one you'd almost hit. A dog howled closer. At least you hoped it was a dog. The last thing you needed was a pack of wolves to find your crashed car. This stretch of highway past Willow Creek was surrounded by acres of protected forest. It was also a great place to think, which is why you'd been driving through in the first place.
Branch was the first man to give you a shot. You'd never even been on a date until your mid-twenties. Being a bigger girl most people weren't interested, but Branch had been. The moment he'd met you as a "Secretary in Training" to Ruby at the Sheriff station he'd go out of his way to talk to you or buy you coffee on his way to work. Ruby loved having you around as she started to ease into a full retirement, and the more time she took off the more time you had with Branch. Almost a year ago the two of you moved in together at his house. Now you were thinking about the future, the future you wanted to have with him. You wanted to ask Branch Connally to marry you. It wasn't very traditional for the woman to ask the man, but you couldn't stop thinking about asking him. You'd been driving this stretch of highway to think for years. Before you made any major life decisions you drove from Durant to the next town over to think with a clear headspace. Thankfully, you weren't that far out of Durant now. Considering Branch was probably at the Red Pony, he wouldn't be much longer.
You perked up at the sound of a truck engine. The tires squealed as Branch put his foot on the brakes.
"(Y/n)! Damn it, girl, you didn't tell me it was this bad!" You laughed, tears brimming at the edge of your eyes. It wasn't that bad, honestly, but it was scary.
“I'm fine!”
“You know you can't lie for shit.” He hissed out as he attempted to turn the car over by himself. “Damn!” He huffed. “You wedged it in there, this bitch ain't budging.” He sighed. “Ferg better hurry the fuck up with that tow truck or I'm kicking his ass.” He went quiet for a minute. “You sure you're alright?”
“My legs are pinned but other than that…just a little shaken up.”
“Yeah, I bet.” He clicked his tongue against his teeth. Something he did when something was on his mind.
“Okay, say it.”
“Say what?”
“Whatever you’re thinking about. You did that tongue thing again.”
“I don't do a tongue thing!”
“Yeah, you do, I just heard it!”
“How the hell could you possibly hear that from inside the car?”
“You're like directly next to me, Branch. Come on.” He let out a small laugh.
“Fine, fine. I was-.” You both went silent as the sirens on Ferg’s Dodge Charger started to echo through the hills. “Took him long enough.”
“Don't you blame Ferg, you probably broke the law getting here.”
“Did not.”
“Oh, then how fast were you going?”
“The reasonable amount when your girlfriend calls you and says she crashed her car.”
“Which is?”
“You don't wanna know.”
“(Y/n)! You okay?!” Ferg yelled as he ran up to the car. “Oh my god!”
“I'm fine, Ferg! Just…flip me back over!”
“On it, (Y/n). The tow truck drivers hooking up the cables now.”
“Do it slow. Her legs are pinned.”
“You got it, Sir.” The new voice must have been the tow truck driver. You looked out the windshield at the sideways view of the creek bed. Your headlights illuminate the cattails and tall grass. You could see the water tricking past. Looking at that helped calm your nerves a bit, but trying to keep your head up at this angle was getting tiring.
“Alright, you ready to be turned right side up?”
“Okay, brace yourself!” You tensed up and screwed your eyes shut as he turned on the tow truck's pulley and the car started to shift. The metal of your car groaned as the pulley slowly brought your car back to being on all four tires. You held in a yell at how it jarred your entire body, not wanting to worry Branch or Ferg any more than you already had. You’d just barely opened your eyes again and Branch was right at your window, leaning in.
“Fucking Christ, (y/n), you weren't kidding when you said your legs were pinned.” He reached down and tried unlatching the door and cursed under his breath. “We're gonna have to cut you out of there. Ferg! Tell those Firefighters to get the Jaws of Life up here!”
“Firefighters? When did they get here?”
“They came as backup in case we needed ‘em.” Branch grunted as he tried to pry the door open again. “If we couldn't get you out ourselves.” You nodded, trying to ignore how hot he looked with the red and blue lights illuminating the side of his face. Now wasn't the time to be thinking that. He smiled. “I gotta get out of these guys' way so they can get you out. You do what they ask, alright?” You smiled back at him.
“Yes, dear.” He tried to be cool as he backed out the window, but failed. He bumped the back of his head on the top of the door. You could hear one of the firefighters laugh.
After the Firefighters got you out and had an EMT give you a checkup, Branch loaded you into his truck and drove you both back home. You went to get out of the truck yourself but Branch got his arms under you and carried you into the house and set you down on the couch. He left you alone for a few minutes before coming back into the living room with a bottle of whiskey and two glasses of soda.
“Here. Figured you'd want something stiff.” You took one of the glasses and held it up as he poured in some whiskey before taking a nice long sip. You sighed.
“Thank you.” Branch settled at the other end of the couch and poured his glass. He turned, licking his lips. “Hey.”
“You never told me what you were thinking about back at the car.” He blinked.
“Oh, right.” He shifted so he was facing you, sitting on his legs. “What were you doing driving out there?”
“You know I think better when I'm driving.” He nodded. Wanting more. “I was thinking about…asking you something.” He leaned back a little.
“Ask me what?” He said, setting his glass down. Giving you his full attention. Well, this wasn't how you pictured asking Branch but…after tonight you needed to tell him.
“I…wanted to ask you if….you’d want to marry me.” You jumped at how fast he threw himself onto you and slammed his lips into yours. You felt the glass of whiskey slip from your hands and clink onto the table. Somehow managing not to spill a drop.
“Course I’d marry you.” He puffed out as he pulled away, wiping at his mouth. “That's a stupid question. You're the best girl a guy could ask for.” He smirked. “You need me to remind you how much I love you?” You could feel the blood rushing to your face.
“I wouldn't mind.” He laughed, climbing off you and whisking you up into his arms.
“Then let's get Wedding planning.” He headed toward the bedroom.
“The bedroom?” He winked.
“That's where the best planning starts.” You weren't sure what kind of planning you could get done in the bedroom, but you couldn't wait to find out.
Tag list:
@stanathanxoox , @nikkiwierden , @malindacath , @havlindzk , @countrygal17a , @memyselfandmaddox , @octobersmog , @mizzezm , @diaryofafan17 , @emmitheacefangirl , @a-sad-excuse-of-everything , @marennnx
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