#the character posters for this show fuck severely i love them
the-karma-cafe · 2 months
Medium honor Arthur picks up character but it’s for a crime she didn’t do! Oh and outdoorsy love stuff
a/n: omg ok i dont know what you mean by outdoorsy love stuff is that SEX or is that FLUFF (im giving you both) thank you for the request !!
warnings: DID NOT PROOFREAD, sex (hell no !!!), spanking, he's a little mean but not really (as medium honor usually goes), mildly dubious consent
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Warm | Arthur Morgan
It was the age-old story of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. When I discovered Mrs. Braithwaite on the floor一thick, wine-red blood pooled beneath her chest一I’d barely had a second to react before one of her sons screamed, tackling me to the ground. His fingers were bruising against my arms, shaking me, asking what the fuck was the matter with me, telling me I’d fucking swing for this. 
I don’t even remember how I got away from him, slamming something into his skull and breaking free from that iron grip, leaping off the balcony without a second thought.
It was only miles away on one of their prized horses did it finally hit me that whatever case I’d had to defend myself with was long gone. I wouldn’t be able to show my face in Rhodes again一or really anywhere else一with a high-profile family like the Braithwaites on my ass.
I kept riding further north, hoping to put as much distance between me and that damn corpse as possible. Of all the people, it had to be her, and it had to be me. 
By the time I reached Valentine, I’d felt more sorry for myself than I had in a long time. Thanked my lucky stars I always kept my money on me and bought some supplies there to… well, live on the lam, I supposed. 
But for the first couple nights, I moped. Stayed in the saloon every morning and the hotel every night一not much else to do in a livestock town. 
When I felt a bit better, I sold the Braithwaite horse. It was big and proud and all sorts of attention-grabbing. I bought a different one一drab and small, but fast. 
Sooner than I thought, the news had travelled. A new bounty poster was slapped right on the wooden post outside the saloon, my sketchy reflection glaring back at me. MURDEROUS MAID. 
I pursed my lips. They could’ve spared me the alliteration.
Tore it down, stuffed it in my bag, and left town. Wouldn’t take long for a small town like Valentine to put two and two together. 
The bounty was nothing to sneeze at. I was almost flattered. Wanted alive, $500. I figured it’d take a lot to deter bounty hunters from $500, so I took to the mountains. It was likely just a matter of time, but by god was I going to make them work for it.
Now, here I was, having found some barn to hole up in, next to the remains of a torched homestead (I’d briefly picked through it and rescued a dented can of peaches and a lock box holding some fancy necklace). Would’ve preferred the house, but shelter was shelter. Peaches (affectionately named after said can) seemed to like it in here, at least.
“You want one, boy?” I held one out to where he sat a foot or so away from me. For only having just met me, he was a sweet horse, resting his head on my lap while I slept, following me around while I hunted (although I quickly found he loved to scare off game, and it took a lot of convincing to get him to just stay put, goddammit).
Peaches leaned his big head forward and sniffed at the proffered fruit. To my surprise, he snorted and turned away from it, flicking back his ears and giving me a severe side-eye. “What!” I laughed, bringing it back away from him. “Now you tell me.”
He huffed out of his nose, like it should have been quite obvious, thank you very much. I giggled and continued to eat, idly watching the flame flicker in one of the lanterns hung from the ceiling. 
I eventually drifted off to sleep, still not any closer to figuring out my future than I was a month ago.
The next morning, I ventured back into the wilderness to hunt. So far, I’d been a bit less successful than I’d hoped, but I had done well enough for myself. 
I breathed out slowly, my arm steadily following the movements of a buck a couple yards away. My breath puffed out white in front of me, warming my nose. This was the closest I’d ever gotten to game this big.
The buck lowered its head, nosing past the snow to the damp grass below. I kept my arrow aimed above, where I knew its head would return. A breath in. C’mon…
It raised its head, staring off to its right somewhere, and I stretched back the string, my grip still a bit wobbly against its force. Another breath out. 
A whisk of air whooshed over me, and I startled, releasing my grip on the arrow. It flew a couple feet away before planting headfirst into the snow. Something forcibly tightened around my torso, crushing my arms against my sides. What the hell?! I yelped in surprise and wobbled from my perch, falling backwards.
My head dented the snow behind me, sending it down my collar and into my hair, freezing my neck and ears. “Ahh!” I struggled against the coil around me, simultaneously flinching away from the cold now assaulting my warm skin.
Footsteps crunched over to me, and an upside-down face and chest soon came into view. He looked down at me with a pleased expression on his face, or at least it seemed like it, it was hard to tell behind that high collar and tipped hat. 
He rounded to my front and his gloved hands yanked at the rope, pulling me slightly up from the snow to face him better. He squinted at my face, now surely pinkened from the snow I could still see on my lashes. His chest rumbled with approval, and he nodded, more to himself than me. “Thought so.”
“What?” I exhaled, staring up at him dumbly. 
He cracked a smile, and this time I could tell. “The murderous maid, I take it?” 
My blood ran cold. Oh, fuck. I had almost forgotten, tucked away in this silent, snowy haven. 
Apparently my expression was all it took to confirm things for him. His smile turned to a smirk and he tugged at the rope, bringing me up to stand. I instinctively pushed away from him, but he held me firmly to him, his arms thick and strong (my god this man was big). He looped the rope around me again before tying it securely at my front. 
Then, he promptly threw me over his shoulder and began to walk. 
“Let me go!!” I thrashed from my perch, kicking at him. 
He growled and tightened his grip on my thighs. “Kick me again and I'll make you regret it, girl.”
A fearful whimper slipped past my lips and I stilled. 
“That’s what I thought,” he grunted, but his grip didn’t loosen. 
He whistled, loud and sharp, and I heard the familiar sound of hooves approaching. The image of Peaches by himself in the barn flitted through my head.
“Um, mister?” I whispered, my tone timid and polite. The tone I used to use with the Braithwaites. 
He heaved a sigh, annoyed with me. “What.”
I bit my lip. I didn’t want to anger him further. “My… my horse. He’s in a barn nearby, I don’t want him to be stuck up here all by himself.”
He didn’t respond to that. I grimaced. If I’d kept the Braithwaite horse at least he would’ve saved it to sell it一Peaches was likely barely worth the walk to a man like him.
His horse slowed to a stop nearby, and the man none-too-gently threw me over its back. I winced, feeling its butt dig into my stomach. 
The bounty hunter made quick work of me, tying my legs together and then securing me to his horse. He patted my thigh, “Comfy?” I could almost hear the smug look on his face.
“More ’n ever.” I grumbled, mostly to myself. He barked a laugh and pulled away from me, leaving me cold. He mounted up on his horse and began to ride.
I couldn’t see much from my “seat,” but I began to vaguely recognize the path he followed.
“Are you…” I started, my voice quiet. I turned my head to look up at him, and raised my voice. “Are you goin’ back for him?”
He didn’t answer, and made no move to indicate he had even heard me. 
Not wanting to push my luck (or Peaches’), I stayed quiet.
Sure enough, we reached that barn and he dismounted. When he returned, Peaches was in tow, neighing happily when he saw me.
I laughed brightly despite the situation. “Hey, boy!!” The bounty hunter released his reins and Peaches bounded up to me, nuzzling and snorting into my hair wetly. I giggled and tried to move my head away. “Oh my god, Peaches, gross.”
“Peaches?” the man echoed, a note of disbelief coloring his tone.
I turned and smiled up at him. “What?”
He shook his head, gesturing to the horse. “Ain’t he a boah?”
He snorted, but didn’t answer me, instead mounting back up on his horse. My smile faded from my face as we continued. My last days of freedom.
I stayed quiet as we rode, figuring that was the best way to get on his good side (I didn’t need to get smacked for yapping). The horse’s gait made me feel sick enough that I didn’t want to, anyway, its back poking into me, alternating between every corner of my stomach with each step.
Eventually, the snow began to taper off down the path, though a chill still hung in the air. I shivered, the back of my jacket still wet and cold against my neck. The sky was beginning to darken, subtly and colorlessly as winter skies often did. 
Wordlessly, the bounty hunter turned us off the path and into the trees, likely seeking some spot to set up camp for the night. Peaches followed dutifully behind us, although he seemed to have sobered a bit, as if sensing my discomfort. 
He must have found a spot he liked, as he dismounted and reached by my side for his tent and bedroll. He pulled them off and got to work setting everything up. 
I felt my eyelids droop, my body finally able to relax with the horse stopped. 
Not ten minutes later, I was jolted awake by hands grabbing me off of the horse and hoisting me up. I made a small noise of surprise in my throat, feeling him drop me back onto his shoulder, carrying me over to his makeshift camp. Truthfully, I had thought he’d just leave me on his horse for the night. 
I wasn’t sure if this was better or worse.
The bounty hunter dropped me to the ground by the fire, and I huffed, adjusting myself to sit upright. The warmth wafting off of it confirmed that this was definitely better than being stuck on that horse all night. I leaned closer to it, and made to bring my hands up, but was cruelly reminded of the ropes keeping them by my sides. I heaved a sigh.
A bottle appeared in my vision. I blinked down at it in confusion, before looking up at the man who held it. “Whiskey?” I prompted.
“If there’s any time to drink, it’d be now.” He nudged the lip of the bottle closer to my mouth.
I held his gaze for a moment longer before turning to it. “…Can’t argue with that.” I pressed my lips against it. He lightly tipped the bottle, letting a good mouthful flow past my lips. I choked it down, then another, then another, then another, before finally wrenching my face from it, coughing. “Jesus!”
He laughed, corking it and tucking it into his satchel. He knelt down behind me and I felt a pressure on the ropes before they snapped away. I brought my arms forward slowly, rubbing my hands over them. He stood and rounded the fire, plopping down on the other side of it. I looked up at him in confusion.
He grinned. “Gave you enough whiskey that even if you try to hop away,” He paused, his grin turning wolfish, “You won’t get far.” He stretched out languidly, finally allowing himself to relax. 
Heat crept up my neck, flustered at his reasoning. “You just get all your bounties drunk?” I spluttered.
He shrugged.
I huffed, holding out my hands towards the fire to warm them. “Creep.”
“I ain’t the one goin’ around killin’ old ladies.” He retorted.
I threw my hands in the air in exasperation. “I didn’t kill her!” 
“Sure sounds like you did.”
I raked my hand through my hair. “Why the hell would I kill the woman payin’ me to live?” I met his gaze again. 
He didn’t seem very sympathetic. Another shrug. “Lots of people wanna kill their boss.”
“Not me!”
He snorted. “I’m shoah.”
I shook my head at the fire, deflating. “I had it made working for her. Easy work, good pay, didn’t really have to talk to anyone, and,” I shrugged my shoulders, “best part of having a lady boss is she won’t let the men get away with being terrible to you.”
He stayed quiet, and I felt myself ramble more, “I mean, sure, she was a miserable old hag, mean ’n sour, but as long as you stayed out of her way and did your job, she was cordial enough.” The image of her on the ground flicked through my mind. “Shit.” I pressed my palms into my eyes, wiling them to cast it from my brain. “Can’t believe this is how it ends.”
The drink began to encroach further into my head, making my thoughts hazy. I cursed again under my breath, the reality of the situation truly, truly, settling in. This was it for me. Swinging from a rope for a crime I didn’t commit. 
“You really didn’t do it.” 
I scoffed, not meeting his eyes. “Been sayin’ that, haven’t I?”
“…That you have.” 
Silence fell between us once more, each left with our thoughts. It felt nice to be believed by at least one person before the end. 
A gust of wind blew by, and I shivered, reminded of the wet coat I was still shrouded in. I glanced over the fire at the bounty hunter, but he didn’t look up, eyes hidden under his hat.
He raised his head, and that piercing gaze met mine. I faltered, almost losing my voice to it.  
He heaved a great sigh. “…Arthur.”
He sighed, raising his hat momentarily to rake a hand through his hair before placing it back down again. “Call me Arthur.”
I smiled softly in spite of myself. “Okay.”
“…And what did you need?” Arthur prompted, as I had already forgotten. Perhaps he was right about that whiskey.
I rubbed my hands on my arms. “Do you have any… drier clothes I could wear?”
He nodded, pushing up from the ground. I watched him make his way over to his saddlebag, watched him rifle through it for something dry. 
It had to be the whiskey. Or that he was the first to believe me. Or that he was really the first person I’d seen in weeks.
His back was just so… broad. My eyes followed how the muscles underneath his shirt moved, following his arms’ movements. My mind helpfully supplied how one of those big arms felt wrapped around my thighs, how that big hand felt patting my thigh, so close to…
He turned around, and I forcefully muted my thoughts, spreading a polite smile on my face. He made his way back to me, some bunched up garment in hand. I began to shrug off my coat, struggling with it as it snagged on my undershirt and held tight to my shoulders. 
Arthur watched me try to figure it out, but eventually I just gave up, so fatigued from the day that I just didn’t care anymore. He chuckled, kneeling down next to me. “Outsmart you, did it?”
I rolled my eyes and sighed. “I’ll deal with it in a second,” I offered a small smile, “Thank you.” 
“I got it,” he said, and at first I wasn’t sure what he meant. He dropped the coat in his hand and moved in front of me. I watched him wordlessly, suddenly feeling very tired of talking anyway. 
Arthur’s eyes met my own for a moment, searching my face. Whatever he found there, he seemed satisfied with, and he moved his hands to the buttons of my jacket. He started from the top, unbuttoning each at an impossibly slow pace, or at least it felt like it.
He smoothed his hands up to my shoulders, and gently pushed off each sleeve, taking out my arms. I shivered again, my skin now freshly exposed to the cold. I spied the slightest twitch of his lips. He reached around me, his body hovering slightly above mine, his neck an inch from my lips. I felt myself lean forward, my nose brushing up against him. His hands pulled the rest of my coat off from behind me, and he sat back, bunching it into a ball. He then took his dry coat and pulled it over me in its place, rubbing his hands slightly up and down my arms. “There,” he said, and rested back on his heels again. 
I blinked up at him, my lips slightly parted. His face softened, his lips pulling down into a teasing smile. He reached out and cupped my cheek, and I leaned into it almost immediately, not caring enough to be embarrassed by it. So big and warm. “Lookit you…” he cooed, his thumb stroking my skin. “Feelin’ that drink already?”
I hummed noncommittally, too focused on the newfound warmth from his jacket around me and his hand on my cheek. 
Arthur huffed a quiet laugh, “Guess that’s a yes.”
He stood, dropping his hand from my cheek, and my head dropped slightly. I sighed, snuggling into his jacket to make up for it. It wasn’t the same. 
“‘M still cold.” I complained.
“Yer insatiable.” He said, but knelt back down again nonetheless. I raised my head to meet his gaze. He thinned his lips. “Don’t think I’ve ever had such a whiny bounty.”
“Sorry, Arthur.” I mumbled, looking over at his tent longingly. It wasn’t my barn, but it would give at least some protection from this wind, as opposed to sleeping out here. 
Before I could ask about it, air whooshed beneath me, and I yelped in surprise. Arthur had hoisted me up into his arms, and began to carry me to his tent. My eyes widened slightly. “A..Arthur?” I whispered, subconsciously snuggling into his chest. He was so strong, it was like I weighed nothing to him.
“You’ll just whine all night if I don’t let you stay in here.” He explained, ducking past the flaps to drop me down on the bedroll. He was probably right about that. Or maybe this was just another way of making sure I didn’t escape while he slept.
I rolled under the cover, snuggling into it as far as I could. I inhaled deeply, breathing in the scent of him, so much stronger here than on his jacket. My eyelids fluttered closed. 
I felt him sigh and enter the bedroll next to me. It was a tight fit, Arthur pressed against my back to keep any amount of cover atop him. His hand rested on my hip, heavy and possessive. “Warmer?” He whispered, his breath tickling my ear. He was so close.
“Mm-hm,” I hummed, my voice barely coming out. 
I thought that was it, but then…
His voice dropped lower, quieter. “…You sure?” 
A shiver ran through me. What? His hand squeezed my hip lightly, pulling me closer into him. His breath ghosted past my ear, against my neck. Was he…?
I exhaled shakily, some deep part of my whiskey-addled brain telling me that this was my chance. That if there was anything that would convince this man to let me go…
Lightly, I pressed back into him, sighing when I felt his hand smooth to the top of my thigh. “Could use a bit more,” I murmured.
It was all the prompting Arthur needed. Hot lips pressed against my neck, his hand insistent on molding my ass against the hard line in his pants. My breath hitched in surprise, and I felt myself rock back against him before I could think. He cursed under his breath, dragging his hand forward and between my thighs. I attempted to part my legs, allow him better access, but was met with resistance. 
Oh, right. The rope. 
He laughed behind me, smoothing his hand back to grab my ass instead. I squeaked in surprise, feeling him push me onto my stomach. “Don’t think you’re gettin’ out of those anytime soon,” he promised. I flushed at that.
Arthur yanked me back, forcing my ass into the air. I felt his hands palm me, smoothing circles into my pants. “Looks even better like this,” he muttered, and I couldn’t tell if he was talking to me or himself. 
Before I could respond, he reached around and unclasped my pants (much faster than my jacket), pulling down at the sides just enough. The rope bound me mid-thigh, so he could only get my pants down so far. A cool breeze blew past the tent, and I felt a bit of it ghost against me. My face reddened, feeling all at once how wet I was. Really? I felt surprised at myself.
I squirmed, rubbing my thighs together. “Arthur, are-“
A slap to my ass silenced me. I squeaked and jolted forward, the heat in my face increasing tenfold. “Dealt with enough of yer whinin’ for one night.” He bit, soothing his hand over where he slapped. 
I exhaled, burying my face deeper into the bedroll, feeling my hips sway against his hand, begging for more. 
His hands smoothed down my ass, reaching down to squeeze my thighs apart, to better see me, see how wet I already was for him. I hoped he couldn’t see. It was bad enough to have him feel- 
“A-Ah…” my breath hitched, feeling his thumb drag down through my folds. 
He hissed, sliding the pad of his thumb against my clit. “Shit, sweetheart, you’re soakin’,” 
I squirmed against his touch, trying not to moan, unsure if I’d be punished again for it. He pushed his thumb back up, pressing it inside of me, and I felt myself try to part my legs again, to feel more of him, deeper, and almost cried in frustration when I couldn’t. 
I heard him chuckle again behind me. “Aww, I’ll take care of you, darlin’, don’ worry,” he said, moving his thumb out to trace back down to my clit, pushing another finger inside of me in its stead. I muffled my moan into the pillow. 
Arthur continued working at me, circling my clit with those deft, rough fingers of his, slowly pushing in and out of me. I pushed back against him, desperately trying to feel more, but every time he just shoved me right back where I was before, keeping up his torturous pace.
All at once, he pulled away, and I whined. Another slap to my ass as a result, and I let out a muffled groan, feeling my eyes roll back. “What’d I say about whinin’?” He admonished.
I wiggled my hips back, hearing him undo his own pants. Please, please, please. He was all I could think about, my legs desperately trying to separate, to take in more, more, more. 
I almost wept when I felt him nudge against me, coating himself in the wetness he’d created. I pushed back, trying to take him in, knowing if I angled it right he wouldn’t even need to help me. His hand kept my ass steady, soothing circles onto it. “So needy…” he mocked, smoothing his hand down to my hips, to my waist, squeezing there. 
Slowly, god, so slowly, he pushed into me, forcing me open around him. I moaned obscenely, unable to keep it back anymore. He didn’t seem to care this time, letting out a low curse of his own under his breath. Almost there, almost there… and he thrust into me, making me gasp at the sudden movement. 
He pulled back and rammed back in, setting a bruising pace. I pushed back into him with each thrust, the ropes cutting into my thighs with how I fought against them, trying to take in as much of him as possible each time. 
His hands gripped the tops of my thighs and part of my ass like a handle, using me like some kind of toy. “God-damn,” his voice came out staccato, matching his movements, “you’re so fuckin’.. tight.. for me…”
I whimpered, arching back, so lost in pleasure that I truly didn’t care what he did to me. He could have whatever he wanted, as far as I was concerned. 
Drool dribbled out of my mouth, wetting his pillow. I felt limp under him, only kept upright by those rough hands of his.
“Fuck,” he muttered, his movements becoming less regular, more frantic. He swore again before pulling out of me, spending onto my ass and back. 
We stayed like that for a moment or two, catching our breath, before he swiped off my back with something and collapsed next to me. 
I flopped onto my side to face him, my legs still bound together. “Thank you, Arthur,” I whispered, “I’m much warmer now.”
Arthur snorted, snaking his arm around me to pull me to his chest. “My pleasure.”
The next morning I awoke alone in his tent, hearing him shuffle around outside. I blinked blearily, reaching up to rub the crust from my eyes. I yawned, laying onto my back, stretching my legs apart.
Wait. Stretching my legs apart?
I glanced down to visually confirm the sensation, finding my legs freed from the rope. I also noticed my pants had been pulled back up to cover me.
I sat up, peeking through the tent flaps. He sat at the fire, his back to me. Was he just letting me sleep comfortably before we left?
Despite the threat of death hanging over my head, I felt myself warm at the thought. This was a much sweeter awakening than I had expected.
Before I could think about escaping, or at least putting off our trip to the hangman, Arthur turned, as if sensing I was awake. "Mornin'," he greeted, his voice soft and low. I shrank a little under his gaze, and whispered a greeting back before creeping out from the tent. 
Once outside, I shivered, pulling his jacket tighter around me. Arthur grunted, beckoning to me. "C'mere,"
I obeyed, walking over to where he sat. He spread his legs, patting the ground between them. I blinked down at him blankly. 
He rolled his eyes and snatched at my hand, pulling me to the ground. I made a small noise of surprise, falling to sit between his legs. His arms and knees caged me in, bringing me back into his chest. This was so strange. 
But not unwelcome.
I snuggled back into him anyway, not about to turn my nose up at the last physical affection I'd ever receive. 
We stared into the fire for who knows how long. I almost didn't breathe, trying not to remind him that we had places to be. 
Arthur squeezed me lightly, propping his chin on my shoulder. "Y'can relax," he sighed, his accent thicker now, in the morning. "'M not bringin' y'in." 
What? My breath hitched, my heart beating faster. Was he serious? I turned in his hold slowly, craning my neck to look back at him. I didn't trust myself to speak.
He met my gaze, his expression unreadable. 
"...Thank you," I said dumbly, breaking eye contact. Well, now what? 
Now, I certainly didn't want him to change his mind.
I turned a bit more in his hold to better face him, feeling his arms adjust around me. I smoothed my hands up his shirt and met his eyes again. He watched me carefully, suspiciously, like he was expecting some kind of attack. 
I moved slowly, not wanting to startle him, inching my face closer to his. I watched his eyes drop to my lips, his own parting in anticipation. I hadn't noticed before, but I seemed to have some sway over this bounty hunter, readily accepting whatever touch I offered him. 
I smiled softly at that, and closed the gap between us, gently pressing my lips to his. Warm. 
He melted the slightest amount, his shoulders sagging, his chest leaning closer to me. He was sweeter, now, in the morning. Softer, more patient. I slipped my hands up behind his neck, scratching lightly at the hair poking out from beneath his hat. He sighed into my mouth, his arms squeezing me closer to him. 
I wasn't sure how long we stayed like that, warm and close. When we broke apart, he cleared his throat, looking past me to not meet my eyes. "You..." his voice scratched out and he cleared his throat again, "Y'can stay with me, if you want. 'Till this whole thing blows over."
I had a sneaking suspicion it would be a long time yet. I nuzzled my nose against his jaw. Staying with him was safer than anything I would try on my own. "Thank you, Arthur."
He hummed. 
a/n: on a scale of 1-10 how terrible is it that i posted this from class NOT WROTE IN CLASS posted from
anyway teehee hope you enjoyed and also hope it wasnt obvious that i kinda had no idea where to go with this teehee im just a girl
(also posted on ao3 under same user)
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 6 months
Autistic Anime Boys Prelims - Propaganda Division - Group 2
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Kyouya -
"what's there to say? you know him. you love him. vote kyoya."
Rinnosuke -
"Rinnosuke Morichika lives in an overly-cluttered curio shop, and has a special interest in making magical inventions. Since he doesn’t live in a modern setting— but a pocket dimension slightly disconnected to the outside world— whenever a modern item shows up in his shop via spiriting away, he can obsess over it for extended periods of time. He is quite blunt without realizing it, even to people he cares for. He also has a special ability to generally understand the name and use of any item he touches (though this backfires sometimes, he thought a Gameboy was a doomsday device once)."
Fuuta -
"okay look theres so many fucking signs hes autistic. he cannot tell tone and often doesn't know how to react to stuff which is a major point in his character id say. he was asked if he remembered his victim's name (hes a murderer. oops!) and his response was something along the lines of "Of course I do. I saw it everywhere." because he did not understand that they wanted to know what it was since it wasnt directly stated. im convinced that hoodies are a comfort object of his because i genuinely have not seen him without one except for one time. also hes canonically a chronically online twitter user. also he gets really passionate about his interests. also not really related but everyone in the fandom agrees hes transgender but no one can agree on what way. ive seen every single gender hc for this dude. vote kajiyama fuuta for this sopping wet poor little meow meow of a man."
Hansum -
"He's just a very odd and strange lad, can't remember names well, is an alien (mild spoiler), he's very popular, obsessed with Doritos and becomes their mascot, just refers to everyone as humans which is a mood, and is completely socially oblivious."
Miyuki -
"Relatable neurodivergent-Gifted Child syndromeTM case with all the superiority-inferiority complex that results. A chronic show-off and scheming strategist with a lowkey hopeless romantic dramatic aspect to him, silly cool and pathetic in a very hilarious way. Shirogane has a trademark glare purely thanks to his eyebags as he runs on coffee everyday having to support his family with multiple jobs in addition to class, on top of student council president duties. He's kind and an obsessive perfectionist who fills his entire wall with the weirdest motivational posters. Shirogane is very devoted to his love. He likes penguins (Kaguya and him is peak asd4asd and bi4bi btw)."
Kirito -
"He's autistic and bisexual as hell, and there's a good bit of trans coding in him 🥺
Autism coding: Bro's literally got a sword and swordfighting hyperfixation where, despite playing a game that focuses around guns, he still chooses to use a sword!! We also see him completely missing Asuna's flirting at first (he tells her she could have just checked her friendlist to make sure he was alive, in response to her tracking him down to see him)
Bi coding: Dual wielding swords is literally a euphemism in Japan for bisexuality; and Kirito initially tries to hide the fact he can dual wield out of fear of how the people he's close to will view him (and once he reveals it to them and they accept it, he begins to be more open about it.) Also in the Underworld arc he becomes very close with Eugeo to the point of living with him (and sharing a bed on occasion), and there are several parallels between Eugeo and Asuna, and they're so gay for each other that despite the anime having only a toned down version of it, they're still very affectionate (Also of note is that Eugeo is the only guy in SAO canon to consistently have a 'laying in bed with Kirito' talk CG in the spinoff games) (There's more but it's spoilers and this is a shortened version)
Trans coding: Kirito is very trans coded in the light novel (which shows Kirito's thoughts in much greater detail than the anime) Aincrad arc reveals that Kirito explicitly Does Not Like his real face, and dislikes how feminine it looks (he mentions that its led to him and his cousin being mistaken for sisters) And in Phantom Bullet arc, he's visibly uncomfortable at being mistaken for a girl due to his avatar's appearance, and in response to being misgendered he briefly panics and checks to make sure his chest flat (at least in the anime adaptation) 🏳️‍⚧️"
Shirou -
"Has one goal in life and ignores almost everything in favor of trying to fulfil that goal."
Keith -
"Speaks in a way that is seen as weird and has mannerisms others think is funny. He struggles with not being taken seriously by others because of this and many of the things others say goes over his head. He struggles to connect with other people because of these things. His entire arc in the second film is about him deciding that the people who don't accept him for who he is aren't worth it and that he's going to continue being himself."
Junpei -
"for other fans of this series, I know the more obvious representation here may be Luou, Junpei is So Good. his special interest is ballet and he has so many hangups involving how his family sees him and how other boys his age interpret him to the point that his idea of masculinity is extremely narrow and he enforces social rules on himself to mask and keep people from realizing that he loves something that Isn't Manly. he misinterprets social cues and takes things literally, like assuming that when Miyako asked him to dance with her she meant Right This Minute rather than as a pair in the studio. for some reason the point where he cuts his hair super short to prove his devotion to ballet is also sticking with me, I think maybe it's the combination of the way it's normal for boys/men in Japan to do that, yet Junpei didn't realize that kind of attitude/action didn't suit ballet at all? he wasn't aware that the context was completely different. Junpei also doesn't act or pretend very well, he's gotta put his whole entire ass into his roles, which he then proceeds to get TOO into and cause a lot of trouble, without giving too much away! he's really relatable to me as someone who's socially anxious but very skilled at masking, and seeing him become more comfortable with himself and start to show how he really feels is so inspiring to me."
Kazuma -
"He may be (wildly) misguided but his intentions are good kinda! He’s just the Guy of all time idk how to explain it."
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snowflakesincalifornia · 11 months
I couldn’t reblog the og post bc ig Tumblr’s ruined the code, so this is a copy of it. Please give credit to the og posters.
It dosen't really matter that Percy isn't hurt by Annabeth insulting him all the time and sometimes even being physically violent to him(he should be because that's a realistic response from an abuse and bullying survivor but i digress),not just because he's a fictional character and not a real person with free will,but also because that's Annabeth's way of showing she fucking hates him.Her treatment of him has literally not changed since they were 12 yet nobody in this dumbass fandom can shut up about how ~developed~ their relathionship is cause they make out now and are planning on having a dysfunctional cishet marriage while trashing the characters of color for being 'annoying'.
Percy and Annabeth are not 'made for eachother' because Rick wrote everyone in-universe as telling them that and i'd like to remind y'all that this is the same guy who wrote Luke,an adult serial abuser and ped0phile,as a 'hero' because of the Great Prophecy.Destiny means jack shit and Annabeth and Percy-ESPECIALLY Percy,who's been doomed to trauma over and over again despite his best efforts to escape it-should've been allowed to choose who to love instead of having it shoved down their throats by both everyone in their franchise and the creepy weirdos in the fandom too
Hi! As someone with ADHD who's been in several abusive relationships before, I figured I'd add something about why it IS actually realistic that he doesn't appear hurt, but that's actually even more alarming. So it starts with meeting them (obviously) and especially if they don't really have any healthy romantic IRL relationships to compare it to (which the books go out of their way to emphasize that this is the case) then it can be really hard to notice when red flags like that start to come up. "Oh it'll get better!" "They're still adjusting to it!" All of which are valid! There's healthy relationships that start rough and there's relationships that start really well and then something happens that doesn't go super well and it turns bad real quick. I've been in a few of both. The problem comes when it still happens after they're asked to stop, which is what happens in Percy Jackson. This can lead to things like "Oh they're just kidding, surely they don't mean it!" "Oh that's just how they flirt/show they love me!" Which, again, is fine IF IT'S WELCOME. However if it's not then eventually it's "Oh they're just like that." "Oh it's fine I guess, it's not like I can stop it." Just because someone doesn't complain doesn't mean that they're consenting. It means they're resigned to the abuse. And that means that he's internalizing and normalizing it. "We don't hear any real negativity towards Annabeth in Percy's thoughts though!!!" Well no but we don't hear any love either. We don't ever hear any thoughts about her really ever. Nothing about how pretty she is or how cool she is or anything. Percy Jackson has thoughts about EVERYONE. As someone with ADHD, this level of no thoughts is concerning and no basis for a relationship. He deserves someone who will treat him well. She deserves someone who thinks about her fondly. Both of them deserve better but they both need to undergo some character development and serious therapy first.
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mybeypage · 4 months
For entertainment purposes, I sometimes play around with an incorrect quote generator. To make it fun, the characters + quote have to be completely random / I can't shuffle names, and they have to make me laugh.
Here are some of my favorites. Hope they bring you a laugh.
Kai: Sometimes I like to call people by the wrong name to show them I don’t care about them. Ray: That’s brilliant. Kai: Thank you, Kenny.
Max: I dare you- Kenny: Kai is not allowed to accept dares anymore. Max: Why not? Kai: "I have no regard for my own or others personal safety", as some would say.
Kai: Ok so, apparently the "bad vibes" I've been feeling are actually severe psychological distress.
Max: What's worse than a heartbreak? Ray: Stepping on a cat's tail and not being able to explain that you're sorry.
Kenny: Just be yourself. Say something nice. Kai: Which one? I can't do both.
Kenny: Emily noticed only today that they can label their email inboxes, but they took apart their entire bloody laptop two weeks ago. Ray: This reminds me of the Emily who couldn’t turn on the coffee maker, but remembers about 500 digits of pi. Kenny: I’ll be delighted to inform you that this is the very same Emily.
Kenny: That sounds like a terrible plan. Ian: Oh, we've had worse.
Emily: Just trust me. Have I ever put you in an unsafe or uncomfortable situation? Kenny: All the time. Emily: Then you should be used to it by now.
Emily, to the Squad: If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands! *silence* Emily: Damn, y’all depressed as fuck... Salima : You didn’t clap either- Emily: SHUT UP!
Ray, staring at Mariah in a cage: ...Why are they in a cage? Tyson: Because they growled at me.
Ian: You’re giving me a sticker? Julia: Not just a sticker. That is a sticker of a kitty saying “me-wow!” Ian: I’m not a preschooler. Julia: Fine, I’ll take it back- Ian: I earned this, back off!
Bryan: You know you've made it when you see your picture everywhere you go. Max: Those are wanted posters!
Kai: Yesterday, I overheard Max saying “Are you sure this is a good idea?” and Spencer replying “Trust me,” and I have never moved from one room to another so quickly in my life.
Julia: I’m not being weird. Am I being weird? Tala: Yes, and that’s coming from me.
Kai: I assume you realize that this kind of idiocy will not be tolerated in this house. Ian: Is there any kind of idiocy you would be more comfortable with?
Mariam: The best part of an oreo is the cookie part, not the frosting. Deal with it. Salima : Darkness without light is an abyss. Light without darkness is blinding. You cannot have a coin with one side. Emily: YO SOCRATES! IT'S A FUCKING COOKIE!
Mariah: Here you go, Emily, a nice hot cup of coffee! Emily: It's cold. Mariah: A nice cup of coffee. Emily: It's horrible! Mariah: Cup of coffee. Emily: I'm not sure if this even IS coffee. Mariah: C U P.
Mariam: I don’t need to touch grass, I need the fall of capitalism.
Bryan: Would anyone know any good vendors for professional-quality brass knuckles? Ray: I know you’re serious, but you say the scariest shit sometimes.
Julia: Why would you give a knife to Kai?! Kenny, shrugging: Kai felt unsafe. Julia: Now I feel unsafe! Kenny: I’m sorry… Kenny: Would you like a knife?
Emily, to the squad: And remember, if I get harsh with you it is only because you’re doing it all wrong.
Julia: Bryan’s gonna kill me. Spencer: No, he'll probably make me do it.
Kai: That's it, you're grounded! Tala, no adventures for you! Mariam, no fighting for you! Ian, no stealing for you! And Bryan... oh my god, is there anything that you love? Bryan: Revenge. Kai: No vengeance for you. Bryan: I was going to say "I'll get you for this," but I guess that's off the table.
Max: You're violent. Ian: Yeah but I'm also short and that's adorable.
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autistic-skeletons · 9 months
Good Omens season 2 is about what religious trauma does to indoctrinated people, and here’s why.
so i finally watched Good Omens after my friends BEGGED me to ever since the first season first dropped and even though the ending stabbed me in the balls repeatedly for several hours i can’t help but marvel about how genius the ending really is and how crucial it is to both Aziraphale and Crowley as characters
i was hesitant to watch this show bc i was indoctrinated and conditioned by evangelicalism from birth (i’m literally the kid of two ex-missionaries and my dad was a chaplain for 36 years) and i knew that i could easily get triggered if i wasn’t careful.
i’m so glad i watched this show. there’s many reasons but i really just wanna talk about the ending of s2 aka The Divorce. it went entirely over my friends heads bc none of them grew up in the church but when i watched the ending it felt like i was watching pieces of myself at war with each other even though they didn’t want to be. to me, i was watching two people so broken by heaven and hell that they don’t understand that what they’re doing is hurting themselves more than it’s hurting each other. this is a pretty long ramble so i’ll continue under the cut
Aziraphale and Crowley are two halves of the same coin (literally soulmates) and are narrative foils to each other. obviously right, i mean, everyone noticed that. but what they truly represent in the grand scheme of things is the fallout of religious trauma. Crowley has seen the absolute Worst of heaven and the angels. he’s been outcast, scorned, and tortured for (assuming based on the opening scene of season 2) simply asking questions and questioning his faith. Aziraphale is the poster child of what a good angel is in the eyes of heaven and has reaped the benefits for millennia.
what is happening here is a war between two halves of a whole, Denial vs Bitterness.
as a young child it was drilled into my head over and over that my faith had to be as strong as a rock all the time or i would crumble like sand. i idolized all the bible characters and memorized all the verses and did all the good and right things i was supposed to. i was a standard in all the churches i went to, i was the example of what a good christian was, and i knew it.
then, over time, i began to see behind the curtain on what was really going on in the church and i was devastated. how could something based on love do all of that? why am i so scared to think freely? why do i feel like i can never be good enough? the more i questioned the more shame i felt and the more bitter i became, but i longed to go back to that innocence of being the best little christian kid in the church.
Aziraphale cannot truly comprehend the uncomfortable reality that what he’s been subscribing to all this time isn’t good for him. heaven has been hurting him for a long time and he doesn’t understand that. how can something he thinks is so right, so true, so good hurt him and his friends so much? no, it must be something he’s done right? it must be some bad apples right? the whole orchard can’t be bad right? he just has to fix this. he just has to make it better for him and for Crowley and then everything will be ok again.
Crowley can’t wrap his mind around why Aziraphale cares so fucking much. hasn’t he seen what heaven and hell have done? they barely stopped the end of the fucking world!!! they tried to destroy both of them with holy water and hellfire!!!!! they’re still trying to meddle in their personal lives after everything!!! why is Aziraphale so stubborn???? why does he choose something so asinine over him? Crowley has been there for Aziraphale a hell of a lot more than heaven has, can’t he see that?
both of them are hurting deep down into their very souls and they just can’t see it. that’s what religious trauma does to you. it strips you so bare of your personhood that without your religion, who are you? without your god, you’re just an empty shell. you’re nothing without “us”, without the church.
without Aziraphale trying and failing to fix heaven, he’s never gonna understand how corrupt of a system it all is.
without Crowley learning that Aziraphale is hurting just as much as he is, he’s never gonna learn that Aziraphale really had his best intentions at heart and just wanted to do what he thought was the good thing
without both of them realizing that they’re both wrong, they’re never gonna come together and really stand up for themselves and for their friends and for earth as a whole. without this grief, without this pain, without this separation, they’re never going to be truly free
and i, for one, cannot wait to see them kick some ass when they decide that enough is enough
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lunarriviera · 5 months
no one, literally no one:
so funny story, instead of doing work i was trawling the depths of a tumblr tag, as one does, and i began to uncover a vast conspiracy a bunch of thirst traps of 金世佳 jin shijia, so i investigated further.
yes, these are actually him and so here they are, because if i had to be exposed to all this selfie game so too do you. explanation of one of them to follow. trust me, you will want the explanation.
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"that's not an actual poster for anything," you say. "definitely not in china," you say. "it's a manip!" you say. WELL THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT TOO but it absolutely is not, it's from 2013 and it's an actual poster for a completely dreadful-looking series called 爱情公寓 iPartment (yes that is the translation) that ran for 5 seasons and over 100 episodes, with a couple of standalone movies attached.
look i do not judge, apparently after it became clear that jin shijia would never be an olympic swimmer he went to grad school in japan, and at one point was so poor that he had to choose between buying cigarettes or a bento box (he picked cigarettes). and then he came home to shanghai in 2009 and made—whatever this was. so, you wind up making a drama poster completely in the nude with a clothed man's hand on your ass. hey we've all been there. more fascinating facts about iPartment and/or its infamous poster: first of all netizens were shook:
The poster immediately caused a commotion on the Internet. Netizens reposted it frantically on Weibo, saying "Love Apartment 3 has unlimited sexual love and is becoming more and more trendy." Some netizens also found it difficult to accept this: "For a long time, Love Apartment has always followed a fresh and fresh approach, but suddenly it became so fragrant and heavy-flavored. I really couldn't accept it for a while." [mtl from the original]
it sure is fragrant alright. the director's defense? it's all about the brotherhood, man:
Director Wei Zheng responded: "This poster is just a kind of publicity for us. There is love, friendship, and brotherhood among the tenants in Love Apartment, and what this photo shows is brotherhood.”
[op having flashbacks to the supernatural fandom and jokes beginning "i don't know what you do with YOUR brothers, but"]
finally, the show apparently had several openly gay characters and it ran from 2009-2020 so that...sure is something. china, you make about as much sense as my mother and i love you the exact same way, excessively and with a lot of crying sometimes.
now i understand why jin shijia is so excited about under the skin on weibo all the time. compared to iPartment, under the skin is prestige fucking television. poor jianci tho. "i have to work with this guy. the naked poster guy. i'm an internationally famous singer and dancer, i've made wuxia, do i really need this role. for why am i doing this"
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PS in case this random deep dive into jin shijia wasn't enough for you, he also had a cameo in captain america: civil war so let that sink in
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chansaw · 1 year
“I take it as a rule of nature that all American high schools are ruled by a pack of snobs, led by a supremely confident young woman who is blonde, superficial, catty, and ripe for public humiliation. This character is followed by two friends who worship her and are a little bit shorter." - American film critic Roger Ebert
“What do I get out of being friends with losers. I give them a piece of a winner and they stain me with loserness… You wanted to become a member of the most powerful clique in this school. If I wasn’t already the head of it, I’d want the same thing.” - Heather Chandler
mothers and fuckers of the jury, i come before you to speak on the topic of what it means to be a mean girl. i would like to speak of evildoing, malevolence, and misdeeds. why are we, as a society so fascinated by people who do bad things? perhaps it is our own incapacity for truly heinous acts that leads us to idolize pop culture villains, anti-heroes, and bad guys.
misty quigley is a great example of a character that’s dearly beloved by nearly everyone who watches yellowjackets even as she continues to commit worse atrocities in every episode. although misty quigley is an evil female character, she is not a mean girl. because misty shows us that in her own fucked up way, she does the things she does because she cares. she thinks she’s protecting ben by forcing him to depend on her, and the hidden camera she put in nat’s hotel room let her save nat from relapsing, so the spying is totally justified!
the mean girl, as an archetypal character, is a teenage girl who does terrible things because she fucking can. she doesn’t need any excuses or sad backstory or justifications for her actions. when inflicting misery on others, she’s unrepentant and unapologetic. all shall love her and despair.
now that we’ve established a working definition for the Mean Girl as a character, i’d like establish the chronological evolution of the archetype, and how heather chandler significantly impacted that development. although there are earlier incarnations of the Mean Girl, such as chris hargensen from carrie or betty rizzo from grease, i argue that heather chandler is the prototypal Mean Girl, spawning countless imitators for decades to come. her dna is evident in every other character in the archetype, both before and after her. additionally, heathers is probably the earliest media (or at least the earliest example i know of) to deploy the trope of the ruling triumvirate, repeated and paid homage by future iconic trios like the plastics and glee’s unholy trinity.
there are several arguments to be made against heather chandler’s status as the most iconic mean girl. but one of the most common and the one i want to address here is that she’s not even an important character since she only nets 30-35 minutes of screentime total, and dies in the first act without pulling off any truly ~evil~ misdeeds like jennifer’s cannibalism. to that, i say that though that may be true, that death is also the coda of the movie’s first act, where the film veers off the “john hughes parody” track and enters horror territory. it’s the inciting incident that drives the rest of the plot forward, and has a tangible effect on the rest of the main characters. but most importantly, heather chandler’s death is also an apotheosis of sorts. she haunts the narrative, both figuratively and literally. after being murdered, heather chandler ceases to be a person and becomes an idea; a mantle to be taken up (“Tomorrow someone else will move into her place. That person could be me.”), a poster child for the tragedy of teenage suicide, and a symbol of the very concept of power itself.
heather chandler’s legacy is the memetic proliferation of her character attributes in nearly every Mean Girl who followed her. regina george and jennifer check both owe their eternally giffable quips and witticisms to heather chandler’s acerbic turns of phrase. her pygmalion-esque transformation of a nobody into a protege - a somebody - is echoed in clueless and mean girls (among many others). and i don’t need to say too much about the dynamic of the triumvirate - the vindictive tyrant, the ambitious and anxious sycophant, and the dimwitted suck-up - that became omnipresent in teen films.
she is an icon. she is the blueprint. she is the moment.
all of that to say that it would be an honor to receive your vote in the @meangirlsshowdown bracket. i’m heather chansaw and i approve this message.
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I never really feel clever or informed enough to comment on the met gala but some folks I like skipped this year and at the very least I want to save my top ten for posterity so here we are.
I'll be doing this in several rounds. Theme Favorites: top ten that did a good job with the theme and were interesting enough for the met gala. That's A Nice Dress/Suit: top ten that were beautiful for some event that wasn't the met gala. Come on, this is for wearing theatrical art. Personal Favorites: top ten free-for-all in which I just pick my favorites based purely on personal aesthetic. Absolutely no attempt to even pretend I'm thinking of things like theme, craftspersonship, or style. Maybe a forth round for stuff I just want to talk about or things I did not like.
The 2024 theme was Garden of Time, the exhibit Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion. Most people took that in a historical and/or botanic direction, both themes I adore. Interestingly enough the Garden of Time is a short story about the hyper-wealthy walling themselves in their pleasure gardens with magic time slowing flowers until the hoi polloi riot and overtake them. Unfortunately I saw no outfits that incorporated the injustice of our capitalistic hellscape, the inevitability of death, or less generously: the unwashed masses destroying genteel beauty. Perhaps next year.
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Lana Del Rey wearing Alexander McQueen
There were a lot of outfits I really liked but I thought this one really captures the threatening beauty of nature, genteel isolation, and vague sense of mortality you get in Ballard story. I also dig how it looks like something a member of the fae would wear.
Everything else below the cut to keep this from being a color of the sky length post.
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Cynthia Erivo wearing Thom Browne
This number will be showing up in my favorites. When I imagine the anthropomorphic Death as she would appear in the Ballard story, this is she. The petals over the darkness are a bit on the nose as a death image, but I positively love it.
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Rebecca Ferguson wearing Thom Browne
Another one that will appear in my favorites. So it's hard to talk about the Garden of Time without mentioning The Masque of the Red Death. Both are about rich aesthetes locked away against the rioting masses and the inevitability of death. Ferguson is dressed to sweep uninvited through a decadent compound to bring darkness and decay in her wake, and really isn't that what we're all going for at all times?
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Demi Moore wearing Harris Reed and Cartier
God I love this dress. The spear things remind me of the hands on a clock and the peonies are that brilliant pink that makes me want to lick them. I like how the sleeves frame her, almost like wings or a halo.
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Harris Reed in Harris Reed
Amazing. Honestly I hardly have anything to say. I adore the sort of Georgian (I think Georgian, my art history is pretty shit) pattern and the halo effect of Reed's headpiece. A feel like he's pretty purposefully doing a saint thing in the picture and I love it.
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Tyla wearing Balmain
Holy fuck did this one fly under my radar. Much like an operatic magpie, I am attracted to bright colors and shiny things, and so missed the subtlety of this sand gown. She's dressed as the sands of time, very cool. Spoiler for an 80 year old short story: it ends with the main characters turning into statues, so I really like how the dress makes it look like she's turning into sand.
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Taylor Russell wearing Loewe and Fred Leighton
Like Tyla's gown above I like Russell's suggestion of inorganic transformation. She has a sort of sad dryad/maiden warrior chosen by god thing going on.
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Dan Levy wearing Loewe
Gives me Persephone energy. I like the floral color and life contrasted to the black. The transition reminds me of the transformation in the story and, if I sort of tilt my head, the passage of all life into death.
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J Harrison Ghee wearing ???
Okay so Ghee's gown doesn't really capture the themes of time or death but holy fuck I love it. This is how six-year-old me wanted to dress every day. A friend said "it's a carnival dress, though certainly a very good one." Personally I think it's perfect for any and every occasion. I love that they look like she's at the 1994 Thumblina film's Beetle Ball. I mean, look at this image and tell me they didn't come from the same party. Playful, camp, and over-the-top.
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kitkatopinions · 1 year
People really out there acting like the lackluster queer rep isn't tied to the fact that RT is a bigoted piece of shit company huh. Fucking wild lol.
Also really funny how they ignored the fact that you've talked about and reblogged posts about that RT being a bigoted, abusive piece of shit company. What, are you not allowed to talk about one of the multiple ways RT sucks when she's already covered all of the other crap they've done several times over? Do you need a disclaimer on every post that goes over all of RT's crimes?
Actually maybe we're onto something! Maybe you could add a long list of RT's crimes to every post so no one who reads them can escape from being reminded that RT is a vile, morally-bankrupt company that only cares about taking your money. :D Just really rub in that guilt for anyone who's even remotely defending anything RT does!
People will do whatever they can to pretend that 'RT' and 'CRWBY' have absolutely no overlap and that 'RT' and 'RT Higher Ups' has nothing to do with 'RWBY.' Why? Because they personally can't justify supporting RT in any way, they can't justify watching RT made stuff without being critical of it, and they can't justify enjoying something made by and influenced by RT. So they have to pretend that RWBY somewhere is entirely separate and entirely pure and entirely above criticism and that CRWBY is entirely wholly 'Not a part of RT' and that RWBY being on Crunchyroll is proof that watching RWBY doesn't help RT or bad business practices in any way. (btw I personally don't believe that watching or liking RWBY is bad, it's not the exact same thing as Harry Potter, I think talking about and liking RWBY is perfectly fine just so long as you acknowledge that it isn't perfect and are willing to critically analyze it as part of Rooster Teeth.)
And it's really funny because every time I'm like "what about the existence of Miles Luna" every so called progressive anti-rwde RWBY loving fan suddenly just be like
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Somehow, me calling out Miles Luna or pointing out how he was the head of animation at Rooster Teeth - aka, a RT Higher Up - for literal years, is something that they just never happen to see, so they can go on pretending that RWBY and RT don't overlap at all.
These people will say I'm being biphobic for pointing out the difference between coding and confirmation despite being a bisexual woman with tons of queer ships who writes queer fanfictions where I make ninety percent of my favorite characters including Blake and Yang openly and unapologetically bisexual and despite the fact that I'm actually actively pushing for more and better queer confirmation... And then when I say "hey by the way remember how Miles Luna told a 'funny' story about how his drunk girlfriend was making out with a friend and he and other guys stood around oogling it because it was just so hot that it made them super turned on and then went on to say that he wasn't threatened by it like he would be if they were men because women didn't have what he had?' They just shut their eyes and put their hands over their ears going "la la la la la" and never once condemn that or even acknowledge it and then will turn around and post on their own blog about how rwde posters are bullying poor helpless progressive Miles Luna for being brave enough to have two women hold hands and look at each other long enough to make fans feel like they might kiss next season.
These people will say that rwde posters are secretly misogynists for saying we want Jaune to be less involved in the show and then when I'm like "hey, do you guys remember when Miles made tweets calling Tifa Lockhart a prostitute for wearing clothes he said were 'somethin' else' and do you remember when he made a youtube video called 'video games for your girlfriends' where he basically said women were too dumb to play hard video games but if you tricked her into thinking she was doing okay at a simple one, maybe she'd jerk you off? And do you remember when people posted pictures of him happily lounging with a body pillow of a then sixteen year old Ruby with the caption 'careful miles, she's still only sixteen' and I think he liked the tweet instead of being like 'what the fuck?' And also I don't know much about it but he apparently made a podccast called 'Fan Service' with Gray Haddock and that doesn't sound super feminist" And they once again just ignore me completely and pretend they didn't see that part of my post and then turn around and be like "well my latest interaction with RWDE has proven that they DOUBLY hate women because they HATE the guy who made the pixels that are named Ruby Rose look like a woman!"
These people will tell me that I don't care enough about RT's controversies and bigotry despite the fact that I've talked about it over and over and reblogged other blogs talking about it over and over (including a post where I told people to be careful to not harass random voice actors and animators demanding answers because the problem was clearly people who were higher up) because I don't post about it all the time without ever mentioning RWBY again (wonder why they want that -_-) but then when I'm like "Hey guys, remember the fact that Miles Luna the person who helped create RWBY and has been like one of the lead writers since RWBY's creation was also a literal Rooster Teeth higher up who was head of animation for years AKA a Rooster Teeth Higher Up," they again just fucking ignore that. And then turn around and post about how RWDE posters don't care enough about animators somehow and how we're being mean to the poor defenseless indefinable 'crwby.'
Anti-rwdes do not give a shit about misogyny, they do not give a shit about queer representation, they do not give a shit about the endless controversies of RT, they do not give a shit about examining the content made by horrible people, they do not give a shit about making sure bigots don't get platformed, they do not give a shit about even acknowledging things that are problematic. They only want the media they like to be considered above criticism so that they can watch it without feeling any bad feelings.
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whatwouldvalerydo · 2 years
Carnage Circus 🔥
Part 20/20 - The conclusion
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The end is here.
Thank you all for making this possible, for trusting me with your characters: @kc-and-co @lifeofkaze @the-al-chemist @cursebreakerfarrier @that-scouse-wizard
I can’t believe it's been more than a year since Circus was announced, but like all things, this too must end.
Shaking the cold from his bones, detective Winger walked with his head bowed, cursing under his breath as the sharp wind lashed against his face. As far as he knew the weather should have been sunny, however that morning proved to be the opposite as a dark, heavy, grey sky loamed over the city.
Stopping to get a coffee in order to warm up, his hand hovered above the door handle, eyes reading the poster in front of him. He felt as if his heart stopped for a second before it suddenly picked back up, Talbott feeling sick to his stomach.
Making his way to the station, the captain just set on the desk of his colleague a heavy dusty box “Looks like you’re in luck rookie, the Carnage Circus is back in town. Been a while since we had them in our jurisdiction.” Turning around, the captain pointed at Talbott “Winger, you go with him, help, show him the ropes. Maybe this time two heads will manage to get something out of that scum.”
Scoffing, Talbott just nodded as he marched over to his own desk, hands fumbling to light up a cigarette, lighter not producing even a flicker “Fuck.” Searching in his drawers for another, he finally managed to light it up, smoke filling the office from his desk.
Pulling out some notes his eyes landed on several names and information dotted down. Ethel and Selene left the moment they were set free, last he heard was that they were travelling, jumping from city to city and country to country as they were used to doing. They told Siobhan that way Akira could never find them, if they don’t settle, he cannot hurt them.
Siobhan on the other hand was still in the city. She found the love of her life and was working together with him, having opened up a veterinarian clinic. She was happy from what Talbott could gather, however if she ever caught a glimpse of him or anyone she knew, her face would pale and she would always look away. But who could blame her?
Reuben and Leila were also close to the city, living on the outskirts in a small home, content with their life together. She was even speaking or started to at least, that much he knew since she actually told him to “fuck off” in a not very friendly tone.
As for Talia, well most nights they spent together in the confines of his own home. She made a full recovery as far as her body was concerned, but her heart was healing still. When she did not know what to do with herself she would go and speak to Victoria and Oliver, them managing to put her back on the right path.
But Talbott knew that the moment she saw the posters plastered all across the city, it would be chaos and fear would bloom inside of her heart like a disease that decided to rear its ugly head after such a long time.
Just like years prior, Talbott made his way to the circus grounds at night, his colleague shuddering as the winds blew past them, the ticket booth screeching at them, the voice even more distorted than Talbott remembered.
The grounds were filled to the brim, despite the weather, main tent illuminated, peering through the thick fog, music playing from within it as Akira’s voice boomed, announcing the beginning of the show. Closing his eyes, Talbott took a deep breath as he walked inside, dust rising as a new act started under the cheerful applause of the crowd. The acts have changed, new faces smiling back at the crowd of people, but the detective knew the price that came with joining the circus.
It was all an act, hiding behind it a gruesome curse.
They patiently waited for the show to end and people to start leaving the tent before Talbott and his partner for the night approached the heavy curtains leading back stage “Listen to me” he stopped him from advancing, Talbott facing him “he’s very guarded, odd. You need to be careful alright?”
“Please, he’s just a man. They all crack eventually and if he’s responsible for those murders and people disappearing, then we will get him.” Puffing his chest, he walked past Talbott, hands moving aside the curtains. A gush of hot air rushed over their bodies, whispers being heard despite no one being in sight “Akira Crane, this is the police. We need a word.”
Shyly, a member from the team showed herself from behind some boxes “The director is busy. He must never be disturbed. You need to leave.”
“Not going to happen mam. Where can we find him?”
The girl shook her head, blonde locks falling in her face and Talbott recognized her from the poster as being the other half of the brand new trapeze act “Come on, I know where his changing room is. There’s no need to bother her.”
Walking ahead, Talbott felt as if it he could barely breathe, the air thin and far too hot. The corridor leading to Akira appeared to narrow down, shadows as if dancing around them, a low growl reaching their ears before they knocked on the door.
“You brought a friend.” They heard from inside the room, Talbott turning the handle. The setting was as he knew, him going to sit down on the couch, letting his partner take the lead “And somehow with two, the questions are just as boring.” Akira looked around, eyes dramatically rolling “I would have expected, all things considering, that this time you would…” he suddenly stopped, springing to his feet, eyes searching around, chest heaving.
“Akira?” Talbott leaned in closer, his partner basically having jumped back out of fright.
Letting out a shaky exhale, Akira shook his head, trying to gather himself “It would appear the last days spent preparing have been far too tiresome, haven’t slept you see. I don’t have time for the same line of questioning detectives. You know the drill, I’m here for an entire week and I know you’ll be returning.”
Watching him walk outside, Talbott’s brows rose. Something was off, way off, he could feel it. The sudden shift he could never deny his gut feelings. Something was about to happen. Or was already happening inside the circus and that’s why Akira suddenly reacted.
His eyes widened, Talbott also getting up “No, no.”
Running outside, his partner hot on his heels asking a million questions, the detective could not deny what was happening. The air was warmer, lights brighter, atmosphere a tad less creepy, even the fog lifting slightly. She wouldn’t. No. But it was the only scenario that made sense. The key was still out there and Akira was still in tune with her. Even if she was free from his clutches.
“We need to go, if you see Talia Crane let me know.”
“What? Why would she be here? Isn’t Akira the one that put her in the hospital? By the way isn’t it odd that she didn’t press charges?”
Sighing, he had hoped for once in his life that the new recruit wasn’t actually trying to make a name for himself “Look, I’ll explain later. If we find her, we find him. She’s like a magnet for Akira.”
And how right detective Winger was. Akira knew exactly where to go, Talia waiting for him at the camping area, the current squad not knowing how to deal with the stranger before their eyes. She asked questions, if they were treated right, if he was being mean or cruel to them.
Walking slowly towards her, she turned to look at him, a smile directed his way, his name leaving her lips “Leave us.” He ordered the crew, who shared confused looks between themselves, however still obeyed his command.
Walking in front of her, he removed his gloves, extending a hand out to her, Talia’s palm grazing his, a kiss being placed to the back of her hand, eyes never leaving hers “I wouldn’t have expected to see you again in this lifetime.”
“Truth be told, I did consider it. You have kept me under the veil of your darkness for so long.”
“You know why.”
Nodding her head, her eyes closed for a moment “I do now. But I hated you so much.”
Upon hearing her name being uttered, she opened her eyes to witness Talbott and a stranger running towards them. Stepping between them, Talbott stared Akira down “Never again.”
“What is going on Winger?” his partner demanded answers, Akira chuckling.
“I can’t force her to rejoin me. It needs to happen out of her own accord if she wishes to.” He tried to glance at her, however Talbott didn’t let him, instead pushing Akira a step back for good measure.
“She will never come back to you. You’ve done enough.”
Darkness swarmed them, Akira’s glare vicious “I’ve never hurt her.” The temperature appeared to suddenly drop a few degrees, the circus reacting to the director’s rage “I still won’t.”
Directing Talia towards his partner, Talbott refused to let Akira take even a single step “You forge destinies on blood and when you’re done with them, you dispose of them too. Don’t you?”
Akira scoffed, shaking his head “You still don’t understand, how can you?”
“He can’t.” Talbott and Akira turned towards Talia “Not yet at least.” Finding she managed to take the gun off Talbott’s colleague and was directing it at him “Don’t move, none of you.”
“Talia? What are you doing?” Talbott asked, trying to approach, stopping when she shook her head.
Her forehead creased, hand slightly shaking “As long as I am alive, I am linked to him. So that means I am never truly free, am I?” her eyes travelled to the gun, directing it at her own head, her taking a step back to create some distance “I can end it, tonight, pull the trigger and get it over with.”
“Please don’t do anything stupid.”
“Shut up detective. I can’t think with you talking constantly.” Her eyes travelled from Talbott towards Akira, who just shook his head “You know right? You feel it. What does it feel like?”
“Like you’re splitting me in two.” Akira replied his voice shaking.
“Mam, put the gun down and let’s talk about this.”
“Shut up!” Looking back at Talbott, Talia exhaled “You wanted to understand why some days are bad? It’s because I still feel the connection and it’s like it never went away despite being free. It tears you apart and you can’t replace the emptiness with anything. And I kept asking myself why? What’s the reason. But deep down I knew. Oh how I knew and refused to believe it.” The fog started covering the terrain more and more, winds stopping for a second, a sudden uninvited calm, Talia gripping the handle of the gun, trembling in her limbs subsiding “A life for a life detective. I hereby free Akira Crane and nominate Talbott Winger as the director of Carnage Circus.”
Turning the gun on Talbott’s colleague, she pulled the trigger, the sound of it drowned out by the fireworks illuminating the sky.  Akira’s caravan crumbled to dust before them, blood painting the earth as Talia dropped the gun from her hand.
The darkness travelled towards Talbott, leaving Akira entirely, the detective feeling as if the weight of the world landed on his shoulder, crushing him under its weight “You don’t love him.” Knowledge that was not there previously suddenly latching onto every part of his mind, history not his own becoming a part of him.
“Don’t I?” taking a small bow, Talia looked him dead in the eye “It’s your turn. You will need to find your key, set them all free and end it. End it all. The last time, the last curse. Free yourself, free them all.”
Turning towards Akira, she extended her hand out to him, him taking it as they both walked away. Taking the gun, Talbott aimed it at Talia, her turning around to look at him, a smile on her lips “You can’t hurt me or him. We’re free director Winger.”
“What if you are my key?”
Glaring at him, Akira spoke “Even if you think it, want it, she was never yours to begin with.”
Inside the fortune teller’s tent, Orion welcomed his latest customers, a smile shaping his lips as he stared inside the crystal ball.
“I see you are happy with the outcome.” Victoria smiled, taking out a random card from the desk, Oliver sitting beside her.
Lifting his eyes, Orion nodded “As are you, only you knew how she could free Akira. Tell me how did you convince her?”
Putting the card back, she shrug her shoulders “I didn’t, she asked, she wanted this. It was there, despite what we did.”
Flipping the card around, Orion hummed in response “I have all but forgotten she drew another card.” The lovers being set between them.
Glancing at them, Oliver shook his head with a chuckle “What now?”
Peering inside the crystal ball, Orion smiled “Now we do it all over again, but this time is the last one.” His brows drew together as he looked over at Oliver “Please don’t intervene again, once is enough too many. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go help the new director.”
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ascendandt · 1 year
i know everyone is talking about utena right now but for fucking real. it is obvious that tge person who made that post watched less than half the show... i dont blame them or anything its heavy material and i dont think youre like legally obligated to like or be comfortable with ANYTHING. but like almost every point made is refuted explicitly by the text itself by the end. under a readmore cuz it got long oops
like, first off. the only person sexually abusing anthy in any way is akio. everyone else in the show wants to "win her" in duels because with that comes the power to change the world. in fact anthy in the duelists eyes is reduced to a symbol (inb4 this is criticized by the text.).
second. the character design argument is all a bit silly. utena is the main character of course her outfit stands out. it is still also masculine compared to what she is Supposed to be wearing so the point of it still comes across.
third, in regards to the way the underage girls are treated. i wont say it isnt uncomfortable but it serves a purpose. it isnt in any way meant to be titillating, its in service to the larger theme of patriarchy and how it objectifies and sexualizes young girls. again not saying you have to endure it if it turns you away but personally, saying that because uncomfortable dareisay fucked up content exists, it is a signal of shit writing is reductive.
fourth, calling utenanthy s-class is insane to me bcause utena and anthy literally make out in the film. and by the end of the show itself it is abundantly clear that they are mutually and romantically interested in each other. again this is a product of the poster only watching to episode 14.
fifth. juri is not uniquely tormented by her lesbianism. her and shioris problems, like everyone elses on the show, come from the fact that she is a fucked up person, and also from the fact that she fell in love with a homophobic girl and refuses to acknowledge it to herself.
sixth, and very importantly, they claim that the statement "all girls are like the rose bride" fails becsuse anthy is the only girl who is a rose bride. the third arc of the show is literally about the girls of the show taking on the explicit role of rose bride, and how this hurts them. they wear anthys outfit even, its not exactly subtle. even utena.
seventh. the claim that utena is "supposed" to save anthy on a textual level. this is astonishingly wrong like holy shit. spoilers i suppose but in the last 2 episodes utena tries several times and fails at saving anthy from her situation, and is literally removed from reality for it. the only person who can save anthy is herself, by also leaving the reality constructed by akio. the thesis of the show is that being a prince is bad to oneself and others. EXPLICITLY!!! its examined in fairly high detail actually.
i wont say that there isnt racism in the show i am not stupid. but acting like the show is utterly morally reprehensible because you only watched the setup of misogyny and homophobia in the homophobia and misogyny are bad show is just, i dont know. silly.
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not only she's a 2nd lead, but bithc is fuking dead. who ship them?
lol don't be mean, well, idk ppl have different tastes. I honestly try not to judge too much, bc even tho our ship is canon and got their happy ending, it's still twisted af you know lmao
But what I do NOT like is when people don't see the clear creator's narrative, that's what I'm talking about. bc for example when I ship smth that's uncanon or even some bromance when there's a romance too, I still see clearly who is the main couple, whether I like it or not. I mean, I'm not gonna sit in denial.
So dead or not (even if she stayed alive) the plot structure would've stayed the same. The whole point was that Gaon couldn't be himself with her, and she couldn't except the real him. Well, and about how everything is not black and white and how you shouldn't be a hypocrite.
I just do not get when it comes to BL ships especially why ppl suddenly lose the ability to catch the basic plot structure. I mean, when you watch classic romcoms or smth no one wants Sandra Bullock's character to end up with the guy in a coma instead of his brother, right? Have anyone seen "Enchanted" and rooted for her to stay with prince charming? Or again "Light on Me" if you wanna talk BL, have anyone shipped the main lead with a president? It doesn't always have to be some completely bad 2nd character on the other side, just a classic situation often used when the main character realizes at the end that he originally picked a wrong one. Or realized that it wasn't love. Or that they could only be themselves with another one. Most times it turns out that the right one is the one who pissed them off from the very beginning haha
Like it's a VERY very classical romantic storyline that is hard not to get. YET here some ppl are. Not getting it. Bc they switched genders. Like it's just very weird to me that creators had to explain such basic stuff.
And I mean I constantly see ppl saying stuff like "you have a BL in your eye". I personally don't. I can split very well my ships into bromances and gay romances truly no matter how hard I ship some bromances. I DO tho think that some ppl have hetero in their eye. I mean it's seriosuly like "Free!" situation. Kyaoni have several shows with hetero couples who share SAME romantic scenes, same posters, same everything as rinharu, bc its their signature romantic moves, for ppl one is canon, the other isn't… bc they're both boys.
I do not get why some while watching bl stuff suddenly lose their usual braincells. Or does it nowdays apply to everything? Bc I do not get how can you not get such simple plots. Like just cause its bxb and not gxb doesn't cancel basic human things. We can all be dumb in love, we can all be confused about love, we can all be scared when it comes to love. Rules of love don't apply to one gender. It's just general romantic tropes, not heteroromantic tropes.
So even if she wouldn't die, Gaon wouldn't stay with her. He already while leaving Yohan's house and telling him all that nasty and how "she's his everything" and watching him cry, knew that he was lying to himself, he knew that something was off, he just couldn't admit to himself why it felt so wrong. But it was just easier to take that road, than deal with the fact that someone not only accepted him for he was but also made him feel so many things. So either way it would've ended the same way.
So like that's why I didn't bring up that argument even until the very end, and usually don't bring it up at all when it comes to such arguments, bc I really truly don't see how it even matters, if she died or not. It doesn't change the whole point in the plot about her NOT being the one for him. Whether someone likes it or not.
Do I think ppl can ship whatever? Yes. Ship ppl with fucking ghosts if you wanna for real, Idc. I personally hate dead ppl in ships, I want my ships alive and happy, but to each their own. Just don't be in denial of the narration. You can say you didn't like how it ended/went bc you shipped smth else, but being like "it was like this, not like creators created" in all seriousness and being blind is already another thing.
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bardkin · 8 months
hearthome posting about Skag Domestication & Imported Pets.
Pandora houses (a lot of) predator-class creatures, super-sized insectoid-arachnids, and various megafauna. pretty much all of which are extremely territorial to the point of people openly describing the wildlife as “more than happy to attack you.” (hell, even the plants can be hostile.)
skags are one such creature; kind of a fucked up reptile-dog with a vertical, bisected mouth. they’ll eat genuinely anything, but whatever they cannot digest is regurgitated. (they also eat and defecate out of the same hole. i.e. their mouth. something something, circular/looping digestive tract.) they’re pack animals, similar in hierarchy structure to wolves or hyenas. They communally raise their young, and sometimes split off from their family pack when they’re old enough to mate.
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aren't they cute? 💖
within the games, they serve as early, non-human enemy fodder, with stronger variants as you progress. throughout the series, there’s been several instances of clearly domesticated skags. Scrappy, in BL1. Dukino, Willy, and Ol' Pukey, in BL2, and Benjamin Blue in BL:TPS. (there was one or two in BL3, owned by Tiny Tina, but the wiki has yet to list them by name, and I don’t feel like traipsing through the game itself to find out.) this also counts for skags that are used as mounts, in place of a horse-like animal.
so you might be wondering: “Steven! Why in the everliving Hell would anyone want to even get close to these animals, let alone domesticate them?” or maybe not, idk-
to which i answer, uhhHhh, humans will packbond with anything lol
a lot of skags are used for protection, since they're tougher than dogs, armored, and some even have elemental affinities! there's not really any dedicated "domestic skag" breeding programs, as most pet skags are taken from the wild & hand-raised at a very young age.
which got me thinking: Pandora (as well as the border planets in general) visually lacks any kind of common domesticated pets. cats and dogs alike are referenced enough, but are never shown in any of the games. one of Brick’s dogs is shown via a flashback, but only illustrated. there’s no in-game models of cats, dogs, or hell, even birds (aside from Bloodwing, but she’s an alien bird so it doesn’t count).
and you’d think, for a planet teaming with humans that came from other settled planets... that we’d see at least some pets they brought over. right?
in-game, nah. but they clearly Exist on Pandora & her moon, Elpis, and arguably on any other planet in the border worlds, thanks to characters referencing them: Handsome Jack had a cat (or two), several characters mention their love or distaste for cats, Brick as a whole owned two/three separate dogs (that were unfortunately killed, and who’s paws he wears in remembrance), and that’s just stuff off the top of my head!
so like. where are the cats? where are the dogs?
they’re part of the world, but not important enough to the story to be shown in-game. but they are There, and there's a pretty sizeable stray population on Pandora alone; mostly centralized in settlements and cities. in the wild it's generally kept down by all the local fauna. you'll see plenty of "proper" pet cats, dogs, and other pets in corporate-funded settlements and big cities.
metatextuality, they were most likely out of the budget. or it’s possible the writers were like “this would be a good running joke, where we mention earth pets/animals but never have any show up (except in One inspirational poster that, in-universe, might just be a drawn illustration).”
but that's honestly just a guess on my part lol
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After the heartache of the Volume 8 finale, I would like to return to a happier point in the show and suggest some memes/jokes that I like to think the students at Beacon would have had. More closely inline with the RWBY Chibi-verse, than the actual show - where Nothing Bad Ever Happened.
"Who's child is this?" being used to refer to Ruby - the youngest student at Beacon - when she's left unsupervised and/or doing something odd.
"I'd let Glynda punish/whip me for one corn chip."
Every now and again "Missing - Have you seen this person?" posters for Professor Peach will pop up around campus. No one knows who it is that keeps making them.
Vomit Boy candids being taken and shared any time Jaune is Suffering™️ on some form of transport.
The Great One plush of Pyrrha exists in-universe... and becomes the go-to prize for any stupid competition between the students. There's at least a dozen of these dolls on campus now, owned by various people and won as "spoils of war."
There's a dedicated chalkboard in the combat room for tallying how many times Nora has launched someone into the stratosphere. Notable mentions are listed on the board alongside her of other people who have achieved this feat - including Yang, Yatsuhashi, and Glynda.
(She launched both Port and Oobleck one day when they kept annoying her. Sometimes, their screams can still be heard if you listen closely enough.)
"There's that old guy again..." "Oh, shopkeep? Yea, he's everywhere. Don't think too much about it."
This leads to "Don't think too much about it." becoming something of a slogan for every time anything unusual happens.
"Candy canes, kids! One for Sun Wukong, one for Yang Xiao-Long, ooh four for Coco Adel, you go Coco!"
Team STRQ having something akin to legend status at Beacon, whispered in hushed voices for fear and reverence of their names. There's a war between the students regarding team JNPR as their successors vs. the students who insist JNPR are not anywhere near worthy of such a title.
"How many team CRDLs does it take to beat Pyrrha?"
Blurry fancam-style videos of the Qrow vs. Winter fight out in the courtyard being traded around like baseball cards with other students. Some try and manufacture a "rematch" of this with the materials they've got - trying to get Ruby and Weiss to fight each other. 
That weird sing-song "HellOooOo~" that Yang sometimes does being mimicked by everyone. And I mean everyone.
Any time there's a significant lull in conversations or classes, someone often asks "Why are we here?" which never fails to make everyone in the vicinity groan.
"Ozpin is compensating for something" jokes about his office chair - including at least one popular response being "it's the war crimes", without them knowing just how accurate they actually are.
"On a scale of Ren-Nora, how excited do you want me to be?"
"Ladies Love Lavender" referring to Lisa Lavender having her own in-universe fandom mostly comprised of women. (Lavender being associated with lesbians irl, and I just think this would be funny.)
The sight of Ren just picking up and carrying Nora away from something is so commonplace that other people start doing it to their friends when they Need To Stop.
"Why is Blake's bow so big?" "Because it's full of secrets."
Blake being a closet faunus being such a poorly hidden secret that by the time she finally takes off the bow no one actually even notices. 
The betting pool surrounding exactly what it is in Ozpin's cup - coffee being one of the least popular options, and souls being the top choice.
Using Yatsuhasi as a unit of measurement. 
Photoshopping adorable images of Velvet onto various "cute" animal memes.
Everyone wanting to be spanked by Coco Adel. 
"I'd let Fox blow me up too."
"Why is Weiss' hair so long?" "To reflect the length of her father's crimes."
Everyone mimicking Pyrrha's memetic "I'm sorry!" anytime they apologise for anything. Even going as far to do it while apologising to things that don't require apologies - like inanimate objects.
"Are Port and Oobleck, you know... 💅?"
In fact, just that 💅 being used to refer to a large number of people at Beacon. Actual LGBT students picking this up and using it towards grimm when they're attacked to question the sexuality/homophobia of the grimm targeting them over their peers.
Threatening Neptune with water anytime he flirts with a girl who is clearly Not Interested in him.
No one knowing who, exactly, the other two members of team SSSN are - with wild theories abounding about who they may be. Popular choices include Shopkeep, Zwei, and Professor Peach.
This persists even after their tournament fights where they're shown. Scarlet and Sage are perfectly content with this, and participate.
"Arslan's/Pyrrha's back must be aching from constantly carrying her entire team."
And the respective responses of, "Reese/Nora are alright."
Similar jokes about Glynda also carrying the entire faculty/academy on her back.
The war between the "Irondaddy" fanbase, and his haters - who refer to him with various derogatory versions of his name. "Metalpenis", "Coppercock", "Chromeshaft", etc.
Anytime someone is doing something ~questionable~ donning a pair of glasses and/or imitating Oz or Oobleck pushing them back up their nose with accompanying menacing body language. (Kubrick Stare optional.)
Mercury having a foot fetish, courtesy of the people who caught him sniffing shoes at the festival.
"Did <character> just die?" "You know, it was really unclear." any time someone takes some insane damage in a fight and isn't seen for some time afterwards.
Everyone trying to locate and get a pic of the ~mysterious~ fourth member of team CMSN, who has only ever been spotted once - her tournament fight in the first round. Beacon's version of "Where's Wally?"
The Sympathy Fund for Emerald and her one-sided crush on Cinder. "She could honestly do so much better."
People offering themselves up as tribute to spar with Pyrrha/Yang/Coco/Sun just so they can be beaten up by the hottest people on campus.
"I drink milk!" being used as a defensive argument in wildly inappropriate contexts.
Naming grimm really boring names and attempting to keep them as pets. 
The innumerous times Port has allowed a "zoo-break" to happen under his watch and everyone having to assist in recovering his prized subjects.
"Where the fuck are all the fourth years?" "Ozpin's soul collection."
Candid shots of Glynda Suffering™️ being shared similarly to the ones of Vomit Boy.
Ranking people based on their Patience Levels - Pyrrha, Ren, Glynda, Emerald, and Fox being frequent top markers based on the bullshit they put up with from their respective teams.
"Saint Pyrrha" being a common nickname for her, and her neverending niceness towards people who absolutely do not not deserve it.
Weiss' "Hey!" being replicated amongst the student body and slowly growing more and more high-pitched in its replication until it eventually just becomes a shrill noise. Even so, everyone still knows what it means - and Weiss is absolutely unamused by all of this.
In fact, a lot of early!Weiss' comments being mercilessly mocked by everyone - "I'm a victim!" being one of them.
Renowned fear permitting amongst the student body regarding Yang's red eyes meaning Serious Business. Morphs into references of "going full Yang" to mean having rage-fuelled temper tantrums.
"Never miss a beat, never miss a beat" becoming a mantra for focusing on a task. This inspires several remixes of Neon saying it, and again with no one knowing who it is making them.
By all means, feel free to add any more that you all think of! I could use a laugh!
Also, check the notes for additions!
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headgehug · 2 years
dear headgehug the gang hits the slopes is very divisive and i would like to know what your opinions are
of course i have opinions. thank you for asking. and so polite too.
below the cut cause i got carried away. jesus fucking christ. sunny meta posters watch your backs. i can do paragraphs too. <3
slopes is a fantastic episode. sunny doesn't take the gang out of the bar often and so when they do it usually creates a very fun, upbeat one off episode, such as water park, the big game episode, jersey shore, etc. it's a big deal! this episode does not fall flat in terms of a little gang outting. are you kidding me?? an 80s sports movie parody? incredible. they pulled it off super well. all of the ways they make fun of it with the "i don't care. we're only here two days." and the announcer stuff and the ski dude being pathetic and disappointing. hilarious. if you disagree with me on this point consider that fast times at ridgemont high was my favorite movie for several months. spicolli charlie with a bagel in your pants come back to me.
okay. this episode has some of the funniest lines that never fail to crack me up. "his ankles are broken for sure" "oh they're surely broken!". classic. pathetic dennis. creepy dennis? tryhard dennis? where the hell did he get a whole ski crew dennis. dennis agreeing with charlie (iirc) about the candy mountain miniature.
"i fracked the mountain" as a frankgirl i absolutely love this episode. this is peak frank. causing mischief for a profit. destroying the environment. love it. always gets me.
here's something. i like how disgusted the gang is with the lame guy at the end. i'm sorry i forgot his name. and i'm lazy. you know the guy. it shows how they are all horrible people but they Do have limits. albeit limits that.. should have showed up a little earlier. perhaps that is out of character for them. i disagree. eh. it's interesting to have the dude off the rails not be in the gang for once. maybe that's what people dislike about the episode?
love the way they make fun of the announcer stuff. and charlie being the straight man about it. and then going uh nvm bro! when it starts to work for him. feels pretty classic sunny a la we're a gay bar now! but while also feeling like not another teen movie. or whatever that parody was. (great movie. btw).
alright. let's talk about the elephant in the room. charlie sex scene. listen. i'm tired of pretending this ruins the episode for me (i'm jk i don't think i've ever pretended that). i'm not only a charlie woobifier but also a charlie sexualizer and it's hot. i do think he would do the :D face the whole time. that does not ruin it for me at all. the scene is gratuitous and gauche and excessive and so so stupid and excessive and it makes me blush and cringe and yet... damn baby...
remember early in the podcast when they were talking about like, if you break your leg filming you better fucking continue filming because you broke your goddamn leg for that. well. i'm deeply disappointed of course if that scene was filmed outside of the actors' comfort zones. and i don't think they should necessarily do something like that again. but, they did it, and it's in an episode, so... you know. let's leave it in. anyways all things considered? the saxophone part is very hot. i think it could have been very tasteful to skip all the fucking and just cut to the sax part. it's the best part of the whole thing by far ///>w<\\\
not to mention i think a charlie romance/fling plot is fun. idk. i mean there's the argument that he Wouldn't Do That and that's absolutely fair, but also, this is kind of an au, i don't think any of them can actually ski in the show, it's just for funsies. charlie getting the hot model while dennis gets his ankles broken is hilarious. the hot tub scene is amazing. charlie climbing into the tub fully dressed is very hot. i think charlie is enough of a jerk that if a hot lady flung herself at him and he was frustrated anyways he would be pretty down. sorry for being a horndog charlie truther. i genuinely love all other opinions and takes though. none of my headcanons are really serious. i'm playing both sides etc.
anyways listen. i think slopes is a good episode. if it wasn't for the sexy part this would be the sort of episode i'd show ppl new to sunny cause it's hilarious and it looks pretty good and its lighthearted. ohh boo hoo it's not plot relevant fuck off. if every episode was dennis' double life or mfhp this show would have been cancelled a decade ago. i do not watch this show for plot. i watch it cause it's funny. any cool plot is just a bonus. slopes was good.
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