#the child version of me would SCREAM to wear this
dipplinduo · 5 months
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Phew!!! Sorry I took so long to finish this. Hope you like it!
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daycourtofficial · 9 days
Worms, worms, worms!
Pairing: Modern!Eris x Rhysand’s sister!reader | WC: 1.2k | warnings: none
Summary: Eris's son Atlas is finally asking the important questions about life and how far his dad’s love extends
Author’s note: and that’s a wrap on @erisweekofficial for me!!! Had to end it with this idea from @pit-and-the-pen. I had a lot of fun. I posted 32.7k worth of words about this ginger man who won’t leave me alone (and probably have 10k worth of words sitting in my drafts that I didn’t finish).
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It had been raining for three days in Autumn. Eris woke up to a small body tackling him, giggles filling his ears as a tiny but loud voice screamed in his ear, “worms!”
Eris quickly clamped a hand over the toddler’s mouth, looking over to find his mate still snoring lightly. He looked back at his son, hand still clamped to his mouth but he felt the grin beneath it.
“Let me get dressed and I’ll find you in your room.”
That was not a suitable answer for Atlas, who was currently in a phase where being away from either of his parents was considered cruel and unusual punishment. His little lip wobbled, tears quickly springing to his eyes before Eris realized his error.
“You can stay as I dress if you are quiet and do not disturb your mother.”
His whispered words were stern, but Atlas nodded and Eris removed his hand from the toddler’s mouth. He walked backwards, watching Atlas cuddle up in his spot on the bed, his little body wanting to cuddle up to his mother.
Unfortunately for Atlas, you had spent the night throwing up, and in a hormonal fit banned Eris from the bathroom. He couldn’t decide what was worse - comforting you while having to watch you vomit or having to listen to you throw up in the comfort of his bed.
The two of you were still trying to figure out when to tell Atlas his reign as the youngest Vanserra was coming to an end, but there was still time before you began showing. You hardly showed at all while pregnant with Atlas - maybe Eris would be lucky and not have to tell Atlas until the babe arrived and then his son would be so enamored with the thing he wouldn’t have time to be upset. Atlas loved his cousin, Nyx, but there was no telling how he’d respond to another child around permanently.
Eris pushed away his doubts and scooped Atlas into his arms. He carried him through the door and down the hall back into Atlas’s room before setting him down on his bed. The miniature version of himself looked up at him, a tiny furrow in his brow.
“Worms are outside, Dada.”
“Yes, but if you want to find worms, you have to dress for worms, not wear your pajamas.”
Eris moved through the drawers, finding clothes for Atlas to wear, as well as his raincoat and mud boots. It took several minutes of wrangling and holding him down to get his son dressed, but he looked adorable in the bright yellow raincoat. The hood of it even had tiny eyes and a bill sewn into it, courtesy of his Aunt Elain. 
The day Atlas grew out of loving ducks would be a very sad day for Prythian. 
The two walked down the hall, or at least they attempted to. Atlas’s boots made him waddle ever so slightly when he got too fast, which was very often as they got closer and closer to being outside. They went to the back of the house, Atlas’s boots squelching with each step in the wet ground. Beyond the house, just before the trees, was a clearing that Atlas has figured out is the perfect spot to go hunting for worms. The land was full of mud - occasional hoof marks and carriage tracks, but the air smelled of fresh rain and dirt.
Eris turned his head just in time to hear a plop as he watched Atlas sit in the largest puddle he could find, sticking his tiny fingers into the mud, squishing the mud in his fist as he giggled in happiness. Eris hiked up his pants before crouching down next Atlas, balancing on his heels as he helped Atlas dig in the dirt. A short silence overtook the pair interrupted only by a soft squeal and wet dirt being flung into the air, thankfully in the direction away from Eris. 
“Atlas.” Eris’s voice was stern, a sheepish look on his son’s face. “We’ve talked about this.”
“No throwing dirt.”
Atlas was an easily excited child. He loved all things in nature and oftentimes was not wholly aware of his surroundings, leading to several people having what is now commonly known as ‘Atlas dirt incidents’. Whenever they would complain to Eris, he would look down his nose at them and ask, “why were you standing so close to a boy playing in the mud?”
Eris continued helping Atlas dig through the mud, his soft squeals of excitement reminding him of Clover’s new litter of pups that happened to coincide with this newest babe. The pup will be six months older than this new addition, plenty of time for Eris to train them a good bit. 
Atlas’s own dog, Pumpkin, had remained inside - usually as rambunctious as Atlas, it was a funny sight how the rain caused him to cease all interest in expending any energy. He was likely sprawled across Atlas’s bed, the wetness in the air outside keeping him asleep.
Atlas's small hand had formed a fist in the mud, the ends of a few worms wriggling, attempting to escape his clutches. Eris lightly grabbed his son’s hand, trying to get him to relax his grasp. He often got so excited over the worms he found, he would inadvertently squeeze them to death. The tears that formed from that seemed to last for a week, his son’s voice trembling as he asked over and over again if he was getting banished to Illyria for being a worm slayer.
It would be funny if Eris didn’t have to be the one consoling Atlas.
“You love me, right Dada?”
“More than you know.”
Eris held onto a few of the worms so his son could look at each worm individually. As if he were inspecting them, his eyes assessed each worm with intense focus, before he would proudly proclaim the worm’s name. Last time they did this, Atlas named seven worms - three were named Pumpkin, two were named Mama, and two were named Dada. Despite his many talents, Atlas wasn’t very creative with worm names.
“What if I was a worm?”
It’s on the tip of his tongue, the resolute what a silly question, why would you be a worm? But Atlas’s big eyes looked up at him, dulling his sharp tongue. He kept Atlas’s gaze, trying to soften his own and smiled.
“Very much.”
Atlas would tell you later on about this and you would spend all week teasing Eris by asking, “would you love me if I were a tea kettle?” and “what if I were a cow, hmm?” You would tease, despite the fact that Eris was sure you had asked him your own fair share of silly questions. 
That’s okay. He’d take the teasing. He’d carry you and Atlas around in his pockets, providing fresh dirt every day if he had to. He’d do anything to make the two of you happy, including indulging his toddler’s questions about life as a worm.
He would love a worm if it would spare his son a moment of heartache.
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Divider by @tsunami-of-tears
Permanent taglist: @vanilla-seabass @cyrygher @lees-chaotic-brain @topaz125 @chessebookgirl @fides25 @lady-of-tearshed @ashbatz @fxckmiup @lilah-asteria @justvibbinghere @daughterofthemoons-stuff @mybestfriendmademe @heartless-tate @tsunami-of-tears @idrkwhatthisisimsorry @olive-main @azrielsmate3 @pit-and-the-pen @durgenyx @dee-writes-smut @chairofchaos @thelov3lybookworm @berryzxx @throneofsmut @kennedy-brooke @prythianpages @itsswritten @acotarxreader @milswrites @the-golden-jhope @hannzoaks @secretlyhers @tothestarsandwhateverend @sarawritestories @chxosangxl
Eris taglist: @magicstrengthandcourage @book-obsessed124
Thanks for reading❣️
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kefiteria · 5 months
A comfort letter from Scaramouche, just for you.
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So, I've noticed you've been retreating into your mind more than usual lately. It's like you're doing a disappearing act even Houdini would envy. But hey, I get it. People are complicated creatures, and occasionally it feels safer to hide behind our thoughts than to face the chaos out there.
About this facade you've got going on. You know, the one where you're holding on to your inner child like it's a winning lottery ticket? It's almost comical how tightly you cling to it, as if someone's lurking around the corner waiting to snatch it away. Newsflash: nobody's taking it from you, dear.
Now, about those tears. I know, I know, crying is for the weak, right? Wrong. Even the toughest nuts crack sometimes. Take it from me, I've shed more tears than I care to admit, and yet here I am, still standing, still better as ever. You don't have to plaster on that smile 24/7, you know. Let those tears flow like a leaky faucet if you need to.
And speaking of tough times, let's talk about failure. It's not the end of the world, despite what your overactive brain might be telling you. Trust me, I've had my fair share of failures, and look at me now—still standing, scheming and myself.
So, when are you going to cut yourself some slack? Stop beating yourself up over things that are as out of your control as the weather. Tomorrow's just another day in the grand circus of life, and guess what? I'm your ringmaster, baby. You're not in this alone.
And those feelings you've been bottling up? Yeah, it's time to pop the cork and let 'em out. Trust me, it's like a pressure valve for the soul. Cry if you need to, scream into the void if you must. Just don't keep it all locked up inside. That's a recipe for disaster, believe me.
So, here's the deal: you're not alone in this. I've got your back, whether you're crying like a baby or plotting world domination (ugh just do it in moderation though). Just remember, it's okay to let your guard down once in a while. After all, even the sharpest swords need a little sharpening now and then.
Alright, let's wrap this up before I start growing a conscience or something equally absurd. Seriously, who knew pouring my heart out on paper could be so exhausting? I feel like I've been on a marathon run through a field of emotional landmines, and I'm not even wearing my running shoes.
But hey, if this little rant of mine manages to knock some sense into that stubborn head of yours, then I guess it's worth the carpal tunnel I'm bound to get from all this writing. Just promise me one thing: don't go making a habit out of this whole “feeling your feelings” nonsense. It's bad for my image.
So, there you have it. Consider this your one and only free pass to the sappy side of Scaramouche. Don't get used to it. Now go on, get out there and conquer the world, or cry yourself a river, whichever floats your boat. Just remember: you're not alone in this crazy circus we call life. I've got your back, whether you like it or not.
“It's okay, your world, and feelings are precious, so precious just like you are now.”
Fondly yours (don't make it a habit),
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Other Version 🍨: Zhongli , Kazuha, Xiao, Thoma
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campbell-rose · 1 year
Helluva Rewrite: Millie
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Okay, i dropped my phone in water and was so scared i'd ruined it, but thank the gods it was fine. Though it's fucked so i'm going to post all the IMP redesigns in short order before it dies and i lose them forever. Onto Millie!
I wanted Millie to read as a country girl. I remember being like ‘oh, that’s her voice?’ when I watched the first episode, because for some reason it just didn’t match her design for me. I considered giving her back the white splotch in her hair, but decided to change imps and give fem imps white horns. I’ve got two guesses for why it was removed: 1) she was originally trans and it was changed 2) the dimorphism of imps was thought of after the pilot. Either way, I like it. I suppose the explanation for this version since her horns are fem is she might have been born intersex?
I wanted her and Moxxie to contrast in their designs, as such she’s wearing less while he’s fully covered, she’s tall he’s short, etc... Now, as a Wrath imp, she has a darker skin tone and has spikes on her body.
Now, as a character, i'll build off of what the show has given us.
Supposedly Millie is secretly very insecure? From leaks she’s like willing to die because she thinks she’s holding Moxxie back and in Unhappy Campers she had that whole breakdown. Now, I think this actually could’ve been built up a bit.  
In the rewrite, Millie is the youngest of her five siblings and the second girl. Now, from the bat lets make her a bit of a drain on the family. They hadn’t planned for her birth, and it was another child her parents had to take care of with limited money. She picked up on this when she was little, realizing that her parents often cut corners and struggle, and she perceives this as her fault. This ties into how she mentions her family going to Loo Loo Land, except in this it was once and was specifically for her birthday. She knows her parents had saved up for months to afford the trip and feels innate guilt for it. Boom insecurity explained. 
Now, in this Millie meets Blitzo first. They bump into one another once Millie moves away from the Wrath Ring to Pride to try and alleviate her parents’ stress. During this time Millie has been working as an assassin for a couple months and ends up bumping into Blitzo who was hired by a different person to kill the same target. This would be during Blitzo’s attempt to start his business in hell killing demons. They fight for a bit, then realize ‘oh wait... let’s work together!’ so Millie was the first to join IMP. 
Millie trains endlessly. When she isn’t doing her job, she’s at the gym. She is constantly striving to be the best because her parents pitted her and her siblings against one another (unknowingly, with things like the harvest festival). As a person she is very observant and emotionally intelligent. She is very kind and loves conversation. She also is very tight with money, and very appreciative of any gifts she receives because she grew up with little. She treasures things genuinely and is just all around a very genuine girl. 
Now, other than fighting, she is fairly mediocre at anything else, due to the culture of Wrath mainly being kill or be killed and you have to be tough. One hobby and talent she does have and is working on is singing, something she shares with Moxxie and works as something they can do together. Millie loves to play guitar and sing and is constantly striving to improve. On the topic of Moxxie, Millie loves him deeply and wants only the best for him and some part of her feels like she isn’t enough. 
All around I want this Millie to come off as a very confident and genuine person, trying her best to push down the deep feeling within her that she is a drain on everyone around her. So when people start showing her with praise rather than screaming in agony she is enthralled. She loves the cheers of crowds, as it was often Sallie Mae getting cheered on during the Harvest Moon Festival while Millie was always second best. She wants that kind of adoration and acknowledgement. 
That’s it. Gotta work on finishing Blitzo and Moxxie rn
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lynn-w3st · 3 months
MK1: Sneak Peek (Thantophobia)
(Noun), The fear of losing someone you deeply love and cherish very much.
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Pairing: Dark Bi Han x Reader
Warning ⚠️: Mention of Blood and Gore
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You were humming along with the radio on while folding some clothes in your bedroom when your father burst in as the sound of cries and screams can be heard outside. The once sunny day was now filled with dark grey skies and an intense raging blizzard snowstorm.
“Father! What’s going on!? Why is everyone screaming!!” You said worriedly as your father was holding an injured Jun who laid him on your bed. Jun began to cough uncontrollably as blood began to flow from his mouth as he had a very nasty and large cut slash on his right eye.
“We are under attack (Y,N)! You have to escape. The Lin Kuei are attacking!” He stated as he wrapped a towel around the child’s wound. You were confused as the last you heard the Lin Kuei were at war with the Shirai Ryu and the Tokugawa clan. “They are killing anyone who are supporting the Shirai Ryu and Tokugawa.”
“What?! That doesn’t make sense!! Why would they attack if they are….” You were caught off by a man being thrown into your bedroom with two large ice spikes implanted on his back.
“By the elder gods! We must go now. It won’t be long until HE arrives to get you. You and your father aren’t save here!!” Uncle Jun said holding his bloody right eye as your father place a cloak over you to hide your face. The three of you had made a quick swift escape from the back door.
The sound of cries and screams were loud as people were running and knocking each other down. Some people in blue and black assassin garments were killing the villagers left and right as crimson blood splatter the walls and ground.
Beautiful lifeless angels were scatter across the village as you were following behind your father and uncle who shoved people out of the way. You felt someone grab your shoulder which made you jump in fear but the man was met by an ice spike piercing through his head and fell.
You let out a scream as his blood was splattered all over your face. Your uncle Jun brought you back to reality as he held your arm and took you away. The sound of your screams was heard by the Grandmaster Bi Han or in this case another version of himself but a much darker one. He couldn’t believe it. You were alive here.
His beautiful wife that he thought he had once lost was here right in front of him, only a few feet away from him. Bi Han’s rage intensified as your uncle was taking you away from him. He command his horse to take chase as two other Lin Kuei rode behind him as they follow close.
Bi Han felt his heart race in anticipation and excitement as just a few more feet and he can come in and carry you in his arms like a good husband he use to be. In the midst of the chaos and running you were then hit an ice dagger and let out a painful scream before falling to the ground. “(Y,N)!!” Your father yelled as he was running towards you but an ice dagger pierce through his chest and fell to the ground a feet away from where you were sitting with a wound.
“No!! Father!!” You cried in desperation as with the little strength you had, you crawled towards your father’s lifeless body and brought him into your arms. “Please!! Papa wake up!! Please we have to go. Don’t leave me here!” You cried as his blood was staining your dirty pink kimono.
Your body was shaking from the adrenaline and pain. The heat of your skin was sweating rapidly as the blood was flowing through your shoulder. Your uncle ran towards you but he too meet his fate as he got his head cut off by an ice dagger.
His crimson blood stained your face as his head rolled towards you with his eyes still wide open. You scream and held your father’s head close.
The sound of footsteps caught your attention as you look up to see a man wearing ninja armored clothes with white eyes standing in front of you. Bi Han had finally found you. Oh how he would never hurt you, darling. Never.
The blizzard stops down to a small snowfall as he approaches you, slowly lifting his hand to his face and removing his armored mask, revealing his starstruck face. The adrenaline in your body ceased away as you fatigue from the cold.
Without warning Bi Han caught you in his arms as you fainted. He gently rubbed your cheek with his gauntlet hand before carrying you in a bridal style position. One of his men brought his horse as he got in with you secured in his arms.
My darling,
You will never be unloved by me
You are too well tangled in my cold soul
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Note: Sorry for the lack of updates on this story. I never thought you guys would still be interested. I’ve been dealing with a personal issue recently and attending work training.
Also, I’m very rusty as it’s been a while since I posted anything for this story. I’m most likely going to stop at chapter four simply because I want to do other fandom and take a break from MK1 and focus on other things in the future.
Sorry for the inconvenience, hope you guys enjoy this sneak peek. Please message me if you guys have any questions and concerns.
Tag: @mkcrush, @khaotic-kris, @multiverse-fandoms-2001, @mamkdirb273, @can-i-be-your-blue, @coolpizzazonkplaid, @hauntedsignal, @yandere-transformers-rock
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ablobwhowrites · 2 years
Well then, lemme just-
You know how some teens try to act all tough and serious so they can look cool and "mature for their age" but in reality are a complete sweetheart (and maybe a scared cat/crybaby too lol) and all of the adults there know this bc they knew/know them since their parents had them? Yeah<3
Reader: Nothing scares me😎, I'm awesome just like that-
Kevin: Oh! Hey Y/N, how are y-
Reader: *high-pitched scream*
When Reader discovered what Bob had done it probably hit them HARD. They thought he was the COOLEST dude on the neighborhood who always gave them free food after hard days at school and would let them hang out at his work when their parents were away, now you are telling them that police discovered that he was a killer?? That gotta be a very hurtful event, especially if you are a kid.
So they kind of created this fake version of themselves to make it seem that they were over it and that it actually didn't affect them, they became this "too cool for school😎" teen who didn't have any feeling besides "chill" and "stoic". Which ends up making some of the people they grew around worried, they know why they became like this but nobody has the guts to confront them about it, knowing how the topic hurts them
Lila: So...do you want to talk about Bob-
Reader: Why would I? I don't care about what happened 😎
Lila: Well then...take your glasses off please?
Reader: 🤏😎....🥺
Bob(after escaping prison) probably wouldn't recognize them at first, only when they start to cry and beg for him not to kill them is when he notices that the teen in front of him is that kid who would always hang around when he was working. At that moment he kinda freezes, he can't believe it! They look so different! He tries to calm them down, telling them that it's only him, Bob! You remember him... right?
They just look so small and sad, there is this voice in the back of his head telling him to hug them and never let go, to comfort them like a parent comforts their child after a bad dream...and that's exactly what he would have done...if they hadn't ran away.
(idk man, just want Bob to be a platonic yandere to this teen who tries to act all tough but is absolutely terrified of him lol.)
(I love when anons or anyone explains and expresses their creativity and I'll make this into head canons with a tad of shitpost)
bob would have books on how to raise a teenager and other stuff. He does go out of his way to get you good animal meat sense you don't really have a wanting for it, which is fine but will the police on his ass and all
Bob does make dad jokes with a mix of cannibal humor in. Plus seeing you try to be cool but in reality a scared little kid makes him feel like a dad trying to raise a toddler who is afraid of their own shadow....he is convinced you are afraid of your own shadow, bob tries to make his house kinda child proof after hearing about how kids (which he kinda feels like you are) get hurt or almost get poisoned by things in the house or around the house so he trys everything to keep you from hurting yourself
He wears glasses....no one can change my mind, and bob does let you make friends. Well after he has you calm down after the fact he is a mass cannibal serial killer in a fucking devil costume, he is not above carrying you plus he wont spoil you a lot just at the beginning so you can at least calm down to know your not going to die....one time you went to go get a drink form the fridge at night and didn't know which fridge bob kept the drink (cause I headcanon he puts his drink and the dead bodies in two separate fridges cause he doesn't want you to get sick or just because your not use to the smell of dead corpses of victims old and new) and you open the wrong fridge and a fresh dead body falls out onto the floor your just use to it and shove the body back into the fridge and forget your drink.
Bob isn't bothered by you being gay or trans, pansexual ect. But he will need to see who your dating cause he wants the best for you....he makes "hi gay I'm dad" joke when you came out because you're his 'kid' and he will try to poke fun at any time he gets the chance, if you want to date two people that's okay but I feel like bob knows we're everyone lives in the town so he will get on his devil costume and go outside to check if your boyfriend/girlfriend is cheating on you and if they are....then oh boy he busting in and kill them.
You guys know when your trying to show your parents something on your phone and they do that looking far away from the screen to see it?....yeah bob has to grab his glasses and does that plus when he's cooking meat he knows how to season and make good ass hamburgers
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Home Is Wherever You Are P5
Adrian Chase/Vigilante x Reader
With a very heavy emphasis on platonic!Christopher Smith/Peacemaker
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 6, Part 7
Adrian Chase Masterlist
Prompt: Your Adrian has finally come to rescue you.
Series Warnings: mentions of child abuse, panic, meltdown, crying, divorce, mentions of August Smith, cannon typical Peacemaker violence and language, homophobia
A/N: Sorry for being so late. I had an incredibly busy weekend. This is also crossposted on my ao3 adriansglasses. I appreciate all your kind words so much! Hope you guys enjoy!
“Chase, we don’t even know if they’re alive.” Harcourt sighs.
“No, they have to be.” Adrian held his tension in his jaw, trying not to cry as he slammed your letter on the table.
It read:
‘Dear Adrian,
The day is September 9th, 1994. I hope you find this. I hope you find me.
“That is some pretty compelling evidence.” John egged him on.
“Thank you!” Adrian waved his arms in the air dramatically.
“It’s not safe.” Harcourt argued.
“I don’t care.” Adrian said. He didn’t have an ounce of doubt. He just wanted you back.
“Well I can’t let you go by yourself and there’s only three one way shots. What are you gonna do? Leave somebody there? Plus we don’t even know how this works! What if you never come back?” Harcourt asked.
“He’d be less of a pain in the ass if he wasn’t here.” John countered.
“Exactly!” Adrian agreed, missing John’s joke. “So if you let me go, I’ll stop talking!”
“As tempting as that offer is you’re not going.” Harcourt rolled her eyes, leaving the room. Adrian walked over to his desk, knocking over a plastic water bottle out of anger.
“Oh…fuck…sorry…” He sat down, slumping over the desk with his head in his hands. He heard whispering, but he didn’t care. The team often whispered about him. It wasn’t long before Leota approached Adrian, handing him a piece of paper. “What’s this?” He asked.
“It’s the address of the old ARGUS headquarters…ya know…just in case…” She said, mischievously.
“Didn’t they change locations in like 2002?” He asks, confused.
“Yup.” She smiled, waiting for him to understand.
“Why are you giving me a useless address? Do you need me to go pick up something from the old building for you?” He asked.
“I don’t need anything from there. I just figured you might…in case of an emergency…” He still didn’t get it, but in his defense Leota was never good at subtleties.
“What could I possibly-“
“She’s telling you to go dumbass!” Chris cut him off. Adrian’s eyes basically pop out of his head.
“I know if it was my wife I’d be going.” She smiled at him.
“Fuck. Thank you.” He engulfed her in a tight hug. Most of the team really weren’t big on hugs, but he knew Adebayo was.
“Go before Harcourt sees you.” She smiles.
Adrian takes the device from Leota and heads off.
September 12th, 1994
3 year old Adrian screamed in his bed. You sighed, taking Adult Adrian’s hand and slowly bringing him closer.
“Hey Ade, it’s okay, honey. Remember how I told you Vigilante was gonna look after you? This is him.” You smile.
“Wow! Way to go around sharing my secret identity, (Y/N)!” Adrian exclaims, not wearing his mask. You turn to him quickly and speak under your breath.
“First of all, he’s 3. He won’t remember. Even if he did, he’s literally you! It won’t matter! Also, don’t call me that. He doesn’t know my real name!” You whisper under your breath, anxiously.
“Well, how was I supposed-“ Adrian is cut off by his younger self.
“Mr. Vigiante?” He tries to get adult Adrian’s attention, still unable to pronounce the L.
“Uhhhh what’s up little m- man?” He asks, trying to avoid telling his younger self that he’s the older version. “See, I totally saved that one.” He whispers to you with a goofy grin. You missed him so badly.
Just as little Adrian is about to ask his older self tons of burning questions any 3 year old would have for a superhero, you watch Diane’s headlights cast into the room. When they hit your boyfriend’s face and you can see him a bit better you can feel your heart ache, starved of him, just needing to be with him.
“Okay Adrian, it’s time for Vigilante to go, but this is just gonna be our secret okay? If everybody finds out his secret identity, he won’t be able to go be a superhero and save people anymore. He needs our help keeping his secret. Can you do that?” You ask, hoping a toddler could understand the importance in this. You hate asking him to keep secrets, but the entire fabric of time and space depends on it. You shove Adult Adrian out of the bedroom door before his younger self can even finish saying yes. You pull him into your room and run to your closet to get a box hidden in the back corner. You bring him the box.
“This box is stuff your dad left when he moved out. There’s clothes in here. You need to ditch the suit before your mom sees.” You leave him there speechless trying to catch up with the speed and urgency. You’ve been running around with a toddler for the last couple weeks. You’ve gotten used to figuring out solutions fast. This is also probably an incredibly odd position for Adrian to be in; he’s in his old house, he’s holding his dad’s clothes, his younger self is in the next room, and his dead mom is about to walk through the door…alive. He hasn’t even had time to process Gut and Chris as middle schoolers down the hall. As you grab for the handle to your bedroom door, you spin around, running back to your boyfriend, giving him one last kiss before racing back out to his old bedroom to deal with his younger self.
“Adrian, I’ll make you a bet.” You tell him. He looks at you intrigued. Even at this young of an age he was competitive. You crawl into bed with him. “Whoever falls asleep first gets a dollar.”
“I’m so gonna win!” He giggles.
“You’re on, Mister!” You lay your head down, pretending to try to sleep. After five minutes he’s out like a light and you hear the bedroom door creaking open. You turn to see Diane’s frame illuminated by the light of the hallway. You tiptoe out of the room and close Adrian’s door.
“Sorry. I didn’t want to bother either of you. I just came to check him. You’re so good with him.” She smiles.
“Oh yeah…” You laugh quietly. “Bribing the kid just to get him to sleep was awesome.” You say, sarcastically.
“Kids are hard. We all have to do our best. Honestly that dollar trick was a pretty good idea. I’ll have to try it sometime.” She laughs. “You look worn out and I brought home a bottle of cheap wine from the restaurant. What do you say we go downstairs and crack it open?” She asks. Your mind drifts back to Adrian sitting on your bed decked out in his dad’s worn out old 80’s styles.
“Honestly…you’re right. I’m feeling really worn out, but if you save some for me I promise to drink with you tomorrow night.” You smile.
“Are you sure?” She asks.
“Yeah.” You smile. “Go watch tv and just unwind. You deserve it.” You bid her goodnight before trying to keep your excited legs from sprinting to your room.
Upon reaching your door you close it carefully, not wanting to slam it with all of this extra energy and wake up the boys.
“All set?” Adrian asks. You can’t hide your wide smile. You start to tear up at even just the sound of his voice.
“Nothing else is gonna keep me away from you right now.” You laugh, excited as a tear rolls down your cheek. “Not even time and space.”
You crawl into bed with him and he wipes the tear.
“You’re happy crying, right? Like that’s- that’s good crying I don’t have to stop, right?” He clarifies. You nod, cuddling into him, not trusting that if you open your mouth a sob won’t come out.
“Come here.” He sighs in relief pulling your body closer. “I’ve got you. I’m here.”
“It’s just so hard to believe this isn’t just another dream.” You whisper through a series of voice cracks.
“No, it’s real. I’m here and I’m not letting you go this time. I’m gonna bring you home.” He kisses your forehead.
“I don’t care. I’m already home. Home is wherever you are.” You kiss again.
You try to go to sleep, but you can’t stop telling each other about everything the other person missed. You never let your voices get above a whisper for fear that somebody will hear a strange man’s voice coming from your room.
“Ade, how did you know coming here was gonna work?” You ask.
“What do you mean?” He asks, moving hair out of your eyes, so he can better see your face.
“How did you know that using the device would get you here? How did you know you would find me and it wouldn’t just like malfunction and kill you or take you somewhere different?” You ask.
“I didn’t.” He says very matter of factly. You look at him in a mix of emotions. Briefly angry he would put himself at risk like that, then distraught thinking about losing him, then relieved he’s alive, and finally overwhelmed by how much you love him and the thought that he’d do all of this with no guarantee just to see you again. “I love you more than quite literally anything like in the entire existence and non existence and past existence and future existence all of creation ever.” You love when he rambles. You missed his rambles desperately.
“You’re my everything…not just the world, but the stars, the planets, the rocks, the beings, the water, the light, the sound… You’re everything to me Adrian.” You smile. This is the first time you’ve felt complete in the entire time that you’ve been here and tomorrow he’s going to take you home and you’re never going to have to be apart like this again. You won’t let it happen and neither will he. He starts giving you little kisses all over your face and neck and arms and hands, anywhere he can reach easily. You start giggling. “What are you doing?” You ask him.
“I have to give you a kiss for every hour we were apart.”
“But that’s like 300 hours.” You laugh.
“It’s been way longer than that.” He says before going back to kissing you. You go stiff underneath him.
“Adrian, how long has it been?” You ask, not sure you want to know the answer.
“Why? How long has it been for you?” He asks.
“It’s only been 12 days. I think you got your math wrong.” You say, hoping you’re right and that he’s still just as bad at math.
“No, I used a calculator. It was around 726 last time I checked.” His words knock the air out of your lungs. “(Y/N), you’ve been gone for like a month in our time.”
“You came after I’d been missing for a month? That- that means we- we can’t go back to a week or so after I left. We’d fuck up the whole timeline. I went missing for a month. I left you for a month- Oh my god do people think I’m dead?!” You try to control your panic, so you don’t wake up the whole house.
“Chris and John thought you might be alive, but wouldn’t explain it to me. I guess they just had a feeling and Leota didn’t know what to think. Nobody was ready to give up, but Harcourt tried to have a funeral for you to put your family at ease, but I wouldn’t let her. We got into a big fight about that.” You turn to face him, your eyes building with tears.
“Did you think I was dead?” You start to cry.
“Only for a little bit!” Adrian clarifies, but it doesn’t make you feel better. You try to hold in your sobs as your body shakes with emotion. Your friends, your family, and the love of your life, at one point all thought you were dead.
“Okay you’re doing your sad crying face and your panicked breathing now, but it’s okay. You’re safe and I’m safe and I’m here and tomorrow I’m gonna take you home and we are never getting separated like this again, okay?” He tries to reassure you, slowly rubbing your back. “I’ve got you. I’m here.” He reassures you, but he’s also reassuring himself.
“If I was gone for a month and you thought I was dead, how did you find me?” You cuddle impossibly closer to him.
“Well that’s just because I have the smartest partner in the entire world and they actually left me letters.” He smiles. “I’m talking about you.” He clarifies. “Just in case you thought I had a different partner which I definitely do not because even if you were dead I’m not sure if I’d ever get over you and-“ You cut him off with a kiss.
“It wasn’t that smart. I got the idea from an episode of Torchwood.” You smile.
“That’s okay. That wasn’t the reason. I just always think you’re the smartest partner in the world.” You look at him as a light blush starts to dust both of your cheeks.
“Well then we both have smart partners I guess.” You kiss him again.
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
You both say it like you’re starved because neither of you deep down was entirely certain you’d get to say it again.
“I know we should get some sleep, but…”
“But what?” He asks. You sigh.
“Is it stupid I keep worrying myself that this is all just a dream and I’ll wake up?” You ask.
“That’s okay I’m worried I fucked up trying to get here and this is all some weird concussion hallucination or I’m in a coma or I’m like dead or something. That would like really suck actually.” You take his hand and put it on your pulse.
“Feel that? I’m real.” You place your own fingers on his pulse too. “And you’re alive.” You add smiling. “And as long as we’re together I think everything’s gonna be alright, right? Let’s get some sleep.”
You move, so you’re using his chest as a pillow. Being close is the only way either of you will sleep tonight.
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not-wholly-unheroic · 8 months
A Comparative Analysis of Hook’s Ship and Cabin in Popular Media Portrayals
Part 3: Steven Spielberg’s Hook
Not gonna lie—visually, Hook is one of my favorite versions of the character because both the captain himself and his living space are just so incredibly over-the-top with lots of attention to detail. The costuming and set designers really went all-out on this one.
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Dustin Hoffman’s Hook has a ship like no other! His Jolly Roger leaves absolutely no doubt from the second you lay eyes on it that it is a pirate ship and throws all sense of practicality out the window in favor of lavish decadence fit for a king. From the outside, the cabin itself is reminiscent of a large skull wearing a bicorn hat with two large windows serving as the eyes. Perhaps most interestingly, the very center of the hat bears what appears to be a slightly altered version of the Eton crest with a skull and crossbones over it. This “knock-off” Eton crest (which was probably altered in the film for legal reasons) or one similar to it, shows up in multiple places inside the cabin as well.
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If you look closely and zoom in on the two images above, you’ll notice one (not colored) crest over the piano, one on the desk, and one over the fireplace (which, by the way, does not seem practical on a wooden ship). Some other neat details I noticed in these shots include what looks like gramophones on the desk, images of fencing stances on the wall, and that the bottom of the bed which lowers down from the ceiling appears to be painted. I don’t know for certain but believe that the painting is meant to be this image used for promotional material but not ever actually visible in the film. (Thanks to the HookPosting community on Facebook for the image.)
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Interestingly, it still features the hook on the right hand. Perhaps that’s why it was never shown in the film. If this godlike portrayal is how Hoffman’s Hook sees himself, it borders on pathological narcissism.
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Back to the cabin itself… When the camera pans over to the other side of the room, we see another mock Eton crest in the background. In another, closer shot, we can clearly see the words “Good Form” over this one. This guy is Eton OBSESSED! (Which, to be fair, is pretty canon.)
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We get a few more interesting views of the cabin in the scenes where Hook is attempting to teach Jack and Maggie. There is another self-portrait—though this one is a bit humbler and more realistic. Again, narcissist much? But what’s especially intriguing to me is the fact that if you zoom in close, you will notice that below the painting, there are black and white photographs. Now, so far, everything else about this Hook screams 17th century with the one odd exception of the gramophone(s) on his desk. But one might explain that away as something he picked up while visiting the outer world. But to have photographs would seem to imply that he (or someone he cares about) is from a much later time period. The one seems to be a photo of a young man (Perhaps Hook himself?) while the other is, I think, a couple (His parents? A younger Hook and his former love?). There is another black and white photo, too, that you can see in a shot behind Jack and Maggie that looks like it might be of a sports team… Might this be a team photo from his time at Eton? Unfortunately, without better quality close-ups on these images and input from the set director, there is no way to know for certain, but it certainly is intriguing…and it might explain Hook connecting with Jack over his love of sports.
Hoffman’s Hook is an enigma. His ship is unlike anything that sailed during the Golden Age of Piracy—far too gaudy and over-the-top, both inside and out, to be practical. And yet, there are details that no child would think to make up like the ever-present Eton crest and the black and white photographs. The clashing of time periods apparent in his wardrobe and personal effects lines up well with Barrie’s own conflicting information regarding Hook’s murky past, but it leaves us as the audience a little unsure what to make of this man. Perhaps, Hook and his ship are still the product of Peter’s imagination…but since Pan has grown up in this retelling, the details of Hook’s cabin have shifted to reveal the same larger than life character as imagined by an adult.
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yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt · 10 months
hiiii i love your writing! can you write anything with ambrosius being protective over ballister (movie versions)? thank you for reading this either way!
That's so sweet! I'm so glad you enjoy it :) I've got just the thing!! Important context/summary for this piece: Ballister was an orphan, he was adopted at one point and then returned for being too rowdy as a little child. His "parents" show up. Ambrosius is Big Mad
Ballister chopped vegetables while Ambrosius flipped channels on the other side of the floor. It would be dinner time soon. He hummed and swayed to the music coming from his phone while he cooked. He disliked cleaning and he loved cooking, so this arrangement was an easy sell.
Since announcing their engagement, tabloids were, of course, annoying, so it was nicer to just spend their days off in their house, cooking, dancing, planning their wedding. It would be perfect. Neither of them wanted a big one, but it was going to be so beautiful.
A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts. He turned the skillet off and wiped his hands before proceeding over there. He was ready to turn away over-ambitious fans, or welcome in friends, or see whatever Nimona dragged back from her adventures. He was not ready for what was on the other side of that door.
When he opened the door, he saw an older couple and a young woman, smiling at him. He didn't recognize them, but there was something familiar, uneasy, that he couldn't quite put his finger on. "Can I help you?"
"Ballister, son!" The man said with a grin. "It's so good to see you again. You remember us, don't you?"
Ballister furrowed his brow. The woman spoke, "It's us, sweetie. Your mom and dad."
Suddenly it all came back. Sitting in the adoption interview, sweating, doing his best to look like a perfect child, being so so so happy when he was told they'd chosen him, going to his new house, sleeping in a proper bed, wearing clean clothes and getting affection and attention as he needed it. Then the accident, running around with his little sister, bumping into the TV, getting cuts on her arm and his eye. The hospital. Stitches. Being dragged back to the orphanage. How he screamed and cried and begged his mommy and daddy not to return him. How they didn't listen. Getting dumped back like a defective toy. Getting bullied for being returned. Nobody wanting to adopt him again. How he missed his toys and warm bed and clothes and hadn't been allowed to keep even a single thing. How he firmly believed after that, for years, that nobody would ever love him.
"Don't – don't call yourselves that. What the fuck are you doing here?"
"We wanted to congratulate you on your engagement!" The woman, he remembered their last name was Clocksmith, said with a smile.
He blinked. "My engagement?" He was engaged to Ambrosius Goldenloin. A member, albeit unwillingly, of one of the wealthiest and most powerful families in the Kingdom without royal blood. If these people were his family, they would be a part of that family too.
Too bad they never signed the papers.
"Of course, son. What wonderful news! You must be so happy. We've missed you so much. When is the wedding?" Mr. Clocksmith asked, with a forced nicety about him that made Ballister's skin crawl.
"You're not coming to my wedding. The date isn't public."
Mrs. Clocksmith stepped forward, "Ballister, sweetie, I'm sure you're still hurt, and we're so sorry, but don't family bonds run deeper than–"
"You're not my family. You never signed the paperwork. You didn't raise me. You spent two months giving me some fun house mirror reflection of a family just so you could take it all away!" He looked at their faces and saw the cold, apathetic expressions as he screamed and cried, dragged back into the orphanage. "What kind of a family does that!?"
Ambrosius, who had heard the yelling, quickly appeared by his side. "Woah, woah, hey, Bal, what's going on? Who are these people?" His warm hand slid onto the small of Ballister's back and his kind, worried eyes tore down the rest of Ballister's walls as if they were made of paper mache.
"We're his parents, it's such a pleasure to meet you, Sir Goldenloin!" Mr. Clocksmith offered his hand.
Ambrosius's eyes widened and tears slid out of Ballister's eyes. Ambrosius immediately pulled Ballister away and slammed the door.
Ballister leaned against it and slid to the floor sobbing. He felt like that scared lonely rejected little kid again. Ambrosius knelt in front of him and held him tightly, rocking gently. "I know, Bal. My poor baby. I'm so sorry. I'm going to get them away from our home, okay? I'm gonna get them to leave and never ever bother you again." He helped Ballister to his feet and led him by the hand to the sofa. "You just relax here, and I will come back. I love you so much."
Ambrosius turned on his heels and marched back towards the door. His blood boiled. How dare those people abandon Ballister like that? To return him like an object? It had destroyed Ballister. Given him problems with intimacy that didn't break down until Ambrosius chipped away bit by bit at his walls for nearly a decade.
Now they were back. Ambrosius knew why. And he hated that in some way it was his fault. If he were a regular person, they wouldn't use Bal to get to his family. The fact that they had the audacity to show up now, so flagrantly to use and discard Ballister again was sickening. He equipped his sword belt to his side and threw open the door. The people startled.
"How dare you." He growled, stepping out and slamming it behind him. "How dare you show your faces here! How dare you so flagrantly try to use him! He's not a toy or a tool! He's a person! A very sweet, lovely, kind, angel of a person! You would have been so lucky to be his parents. You treated him worse than I could ever imagine anyone treating anyone!" He seethed. "I hate that I'm the reason you came here. No, you are not his parents. You will never be a part of my family, and in fact, with one call to my parents I could probably get all of you cast out to the street!" He hated playing this card, and he was probably lying, but people like this only cared about things like that.
The father tried defending them, "Sir Goldenloin, you weren't a parent, you don't understand –"
"But YOU were! And a horrible one at that! I hope your daughter is okay because even if you loved her a million times more than you did Bal, a million times zero is still zero!" He drew his sword and pointed it down the street. "Now get the fuck away from my house or I will place both of you under arrest for harassment."
He didn't wait for an answer before slamming the door and bolting in shut. He quickly returned to Ballister, who was biting his nails, curled up on the couch. Nail biting had been an awful habit for him as a child, and Ambrosius could remember his little hands with their dirty nails beds, bitten down past the quick and caked with dried blood. The therapist said something about him not having any comfort items to hold or other stress-reducing repetitive stimuli causing him to do it. He only did it rarely as an adult. "Are you okay, Rose?"
"Of course I'm okay, are you okay?" He sat beside Bal and took his hands, gently removing them from his mouth. Ballister nodded and shuffled closer, leaning against him.
"Thank you for making them leave. I'm sorry, I don't know what happened, I-- I just shut down. It was embarrassing."
"Please don't ever worry about anything like that. I know how brave you are. I know how much shit you've been able to put up with. You don't have to put up with that too."
Ballister hummed softly and admired his engagement ring before closing his eyes. "It doesn't matter. You and Nimona are the only family I'll ever need."
Ambrosius smiled and kissed his forehead, snuggling in closer.
In a wisp of pink, Nimona appeared in the room behind them with some groceries, apparently having flown through a window. "Hey guys, what did I miss?"
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What are your favorite things about the turtles that you like about them individually starting with Leonardo and then Donatello and then Michelangelo and then Raphael
My favorite things about the individual turtles (or things I associate with them)
Warnings: Somewhat emotional, talks of bullying by adults.
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All Turtles:
I feel like this is very important to mention first, as it speaks a lot about my love for the turtles in general. All of these reasons are very much personal, and have very little to do with the turtles personalities, and more memories I have with them and other people in my life.
I have been a TMNT fan ever since kindergarten. I was 2 years old when 2003 turtles first came on television, so when I started in kindergarten at 3, they were already pretty established not just for me, but all of the other kids in kindergarten, especially the boys. And that leads us to another important point - I was a tomboy when I was young, and to a certain degree I still am to this day. I hated pink, and would scream and yell if I was put into a dress. But I did enjoy “boy clothes”, and I did ask my mom to only buy me “boy clothes”, so she did. I also played with action figures or played “rough” with the Barbie dolls, and my closest friends were all boys, or girls that somewhat understood my way of playing.
Now, being a tomboy is nowhere special or anything abnormal, but in the kindergarten I was in, the adults not only saw it as abnormal and concerning. I was never bullied by the kids in my kindergarten, but I was by the adults. They sang songs that made me cry, and they tried to force me to play with toys a certain way. At times I even tried to run away from my kindergarten, going so far as to jump the fence and run home. It got so bad that my dad, who at the time worked at the city council, had to step in and threaten them with legal action, just to make them stop singing the song that continuously made me cry.
But throughout all of this, every high and low in kindergarten, I clung onto TMNT. It was how I could play with both boys and girls, and became my first hyper fication. It even led to a description of me that the other kids would use when describing me to the new kinds; “This is (...). She wears boy clothes, hates Barbie dolls and loves Ninja Turtles”.
TL;DR, TMNT became my comfort obsession during bullying from adults in kindergarten, and it has stuck ever since, coming back during my depressive episode in 2023.
Leo has always been my favorite ninja turtle. My favorite color was and is still blue, and I like to think he had something to do with it. He was the turtle I would dress up as at Fastelavn, and I really looked up to his views on honor and responsibilities. Back then I was the oldest child in the family, and I took my role as big sister very seriously, often seeking to protect my little brother.
I will even go so far as to say that Leonardo was my first fictional crush. I still remember watching 2003 in the living room, and getting somewhat irritated that he wasn’t real. Even more irritated when people had to bring up that none of the turtles were real. Way to kill the vibe for a 3 - 5 year old, lol.
In kindergarten, I would hide the Leonardo figure, or just walk around with it in my pocket. I clung to it, and got really sad when someone wanted to take it, since they were playing with the other turtles. Not long ago my brother dug through our old toys, and found the Leo figure my parents got me when I was young. It is now sitting in a bowl next to a Barbie doll I won at drag bingo, lol.
To this day Leo is still my favorite. I resonate with him and his struggles quite a lot. Each version of him always struck something with me, providing me with some sense of comfort. Maybe it is because he wants to protect, and that made me feel protected? Or he seems very driven by rules and morality, in a way that I do too. If I don’t, I get really anxious, so it’s nice to see someone else do it.
My love for Donatello is relatively new. I’ve always loved him, but for the little version of me, he was often forgotten. He was the last figure I would react for, and was the last turtle who’s name I remembered, often referred to as “the purple one”. Generally, in the kindergarten I went to, it was the fewest who showed interest in Donatello, always fighting over the other turtles.
However, as an adult, I’ve come to admire Donatello much more. It took quite some time before I came to realize the importance of him, and I would like to say that Rise played a big part of that. Up until then, I remembered Donnie as being shown as the “least coolest” (which I know now is very much not true”.
With Rise Donnie being coded with autism, my brother suddenly had a turtle to mirror with. While I had Leonardo in my childhood, my brother now had Donatello in his teenage years, and to be honest, that means a lot to me. To me, Donnie has now become a character that symbolizes late but powerful blooming. My brother is first now finding himself, and he turned 20 a month ago, so when he tells me that Rise Donnie makes him feel represented, and showed him that someone like him could be loved, it really touched me.
MM Donnie is currently the turtle in the keychain I’ve attached to my backpack, and is the turtle that has made my brother interested in TMNT. I sat with my almost 2 year old niece, and she noticed the Donnie on my backpack. She started to play with it, and it very quickly became a great bonding experience. So to me, Donnie is closely tied with personal growth and bonding.
I’ve come to realize that I have much more in common with Michelangelo than I first thought I had. First of all, he is the orange turtle, and I’m a natural redhead, so we match. Second of all is ADHD. It wasn’t until I was 21 that I learned I have ADHD, and just before I learned how to tackle it, I was hit with the death of my grandma, and had to quit work due to stress which turned into a pretty bad depression.
Those that have read my Bayverse Children Series, know that I’ve called Mikey’s daughter Sunny and his son Luis, both names that I connect with ideas of the sun. Sunny because it sounds like the sun, and Luis because it makes me think of king Louis the XIV, aka, the sun king. That is because I see Mikey as a very happy guy. Obviously, he is not happy all the time, and when we do experience him being sad or mad, we know that something is very wrong. But he generally has a very upbeat personality that reminds me of the sun, or maybe even just sunlight.
If Leo is the comfort and a personality I can see myself in, and Donnie is personal growth and bonding, then I see Mikey as the light at the end of the tunnel. An friendly and sympathetic person that wants the best for you, and will help you on the road to recovery. That’s at least how I see him and his brothers, as imaginary friends that have wished me the best.
Doesn’t hurt that he is a cat person. Every moment or scene with Mikey talking to or helping a cat, very much reminded me of me and my own cat. Me and my cat was just as close as Mikey and all of his cats are. RIP Mini💔
Leo is my comfort and the turtle I mirror in, Donnie is growth and bonding, Mikey is a helping hand through the darkness, then Raph is personal drive and passion.
In kindergarten, Raphael was my second favorite turtle, but I do remember that he was many of my friends' favorit. During my internship at a different kindergarten, I learned that he was all of the kids' favorit. And honestly, I see why. To me, he is the stereotypical young kid that doesn’t know how to express his emotions in a healthy way, leaving them with a lot of strong emotions that only keeps building and building, until it reaches a boiling point. And I’m pretty sure that a lot of people can see themselves in that.
Like many people we meet in our life, Raph has a really hard exterior, but is truly a really emotional guy on the inside. I think many kids see themselves in his emotional outbursts, and understand the frustration and build up he can feel. But that doesn’t make him less of a good person.
At my internship, I learned that one of the kids from last year that is now in school (I never met him), was actually named Raphael. I’ve told this before, but he was a big TMNT fan and would carry plastic sais to kindergarten. I later learned from the adult working there, that he also had the personality of Raphael, and was in some ways just as “hot tempered”. He had a hard time communicating with the other kids, as his emotions would often get in the way, causing him to lash out due to his frustration. And yup, he did throw one of his fake sais ast one of the kids once. But like the turtle, it didn’t make him any less good. From what I’ve been told, he was very passionate about whatever he did, and was very good at involving other kids in whatever he was playing or doing. He has obviously had a big impact on said kindergarten, as even a year after he left, they are still talking about him. And honestly, I get it. If his anything like the turtle Raphael, he is obviously lovable, even if he could be a bit of a hard nail sometimes.
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rukia-writes · 2 years
Rainy days (Dad version-Part 2-Fluff)
Part 1 (Poseidon, Hercules and Hades)
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It was beginning to rain in Valhalla.
Buddha didn’t seem to mind, until he heard a toddler laughing. Looking over his shoulders, while laying down on his side on his comfortable bed he saw Kintoki playing with his son. The toddler was cute and Buddha believed he was perfect blend of Kintoki and (Name). The sound thunder caught Buddha’s attention as well as Kintoki’s son.
“I want to go outside!”
“No, it’s raining outside and it’s lightning. It’s too dangerous right now, little man.”
“….I want to go outside!”
“…Didn’t you just hear me?”
Kintoki loved his son to death but when his son acted like he didn’t understand him made Kintoki want to laugh and cry at the same time. Buddha chuckled as he stood up and stretched, sitting down beside the two Buddha gently poked the toddlers belly.
“Yeah, you don’t want go outside right now. Kaminari will get you.”
The toddler’s curiosity was thru the roof as he had never heard of the thunder god before today. Kintoki knew where Buddha was going with this and told his son that Kaminari was the god of lightning and that when it rained he would steal young kids belly buttons and then eat them.
This caused the toddler to freeze with shock for a minute or so until he told the two that they were lying. But Buddha agreed that he had his belly button taken away a long time ago and that he doesn’t go out in the rain, which Kintoki agreed that it was true. The thunder roared again making the young boy cry as he covered up his father’s belly button.
“Don’t worry, Dad! I’ll save you!”
Buddha couldn’t help but laugh as he saw the sight of the small child covering up Kintoki’s stomach with a blanket, Kintoki wanted to laugh and did his best to stifle his laughter as well but he was also worried he might have went overboard with the story telling.
“What about your belly button? We’ll have to cover up yours too.”
“How are we going to cover mine?”
“Don’t worry, little man. Your dad has you covered.”
Kintoki helped his son tuck in his pants and that seemed to work as the Kintoki saw his son smile again. Even going as far as to say he wasn’t scared anymore making Kintoki pat the top of his son’s head with a smile while saying “That’s my boy.” At that moment the door opened as thunder and lightning spread across the sky as a figure made their way inside scaring both Kintoki and his son while Buddha shouted “Hide your belly buttons!”
“Belly buttons? What who do you think I am?”
Stepping into the light everyone saw that it was (Name) wearing a black hood, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Kintoki told (Name) that they were telling their son about the superstition about the thunder god that steals kids belly buttons, in secret of course.
“Mom! Cover your belly button!”
“Mine is covered, no god is getting my belly button. I hope he didn’t get yours.”
“No, dad helped.”
(Name) noticed her son’s shirt was tucked in to help protect his bellybutton from the god, however (Name) placed her hand over Kintoki’s belly button as it was out of course making the handsome dad blush a bit.
“Don’t worry, I won’t let him get your bellybutton either.”
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An awful storm had hit China one night.
In the palace, a young boy was asleep but the sound of thunder woke him out of his sleep and the rain beating on his window scared him. So much so, the young boy quickly left his bed and went to look for his mother. Instead, in his haste running and his freight at all time peak he didn’t notice he was being followed and was quickly picked up by someone making the young boy yell, kick and scream.
“Easy, little one. It’s just me.”
Opening his eyes, he recognized the voice that belonged his father and sure enough it was him as the emperor the china lit a candle in the hallway. Qin Shi Huang heard his son sigh in relief as he thought a monster had gotten a hold of him, chuckling the emperor told his son he was no monster and that it was time to go back to bed. However, his son told his father he didn’t want to go to bed because of the bad storm.
“Oh, you’re scared of the storm? There’s nothing to be scared of little one. I’ll show you something.”
The two walked hand in hand to the emperors bed chambers. Quickly waking his wife up, Qin Shi Huang told his wife that she wouldn’t want to miss an amazing event. While, (Name) didn’t want to awaken her son and husband gave her no room to say no.
So, the three looked out the window as the rain began pouring down harder and the thunder roared about. Taking of his blindfold Qin Shi Huang told his son there was nothing to be scared of and that if he was quick with his eyes he could see a dragon appear. Like the lightning, the young boys eyes gleamed with joy and excitement as he wanted to see a dragon appear. (Name) also, wanted to see the dragon that her husband was talking about.
“Not only will you see a dragon but I’ll tell you how I became the emperor of china as it also rained that day.”
The boy’s eyes shunned brightly as he always wanted to hear how his father became emperor of China and now he would finally get to hear it. As Qin Shi Huang told the story of how he defeated the demon Chi You, (Name) noticed her son becoming more and more happier than he was when he came into their room and she knew it was because of Qin Shi Huang being an amazing dad.
A father and more.
“And on the final rainy day, I finally defeated Chiyou, causing the history of China to pass over into the hands of man and becoming known as "The King Where It All Began"….and here comes the dragon.”
At that moment lightning flashed across the sky resembling that of a dragon to the young boy making the fear he had of the strong force of nature disappear as he quickly shook his mother and repeating “I saw it! I saw the dragon! Did you see it mom!?” While (Name) did see it she was more interested in how her husband knew the lightning would strike at that exact moment.
Smiling while patting the top of his son’s head the emperor asked his son if he was still scared and when he received the answer no and that he thought the dragon was amazing and also that Qin Shi Huang was just as amazing the emperor hugged his son tightly.
It was a touching moment (Name) would never forget, as she truly thanked her stars for having an amazing husband and dad.
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spacexseven · 2 years
ohhhhh tuna that was sooo good! if you have the desire/time to do so, id also love to hear ur thoughts on aku and chuuya with dr. darling! and OBVIOUSLY i wanna hear ur idea about underground medic darling like u even have to ask that question. 
mmmm so many thoughts on dazai having a crush on a doctor… his heel turn after realizing he likes them and coming back to the hospital would 100% give darling whiplash. he goes from spending most of his time glaring at them in silence unless he had a threat/insult/trick up his sleeve to excitedly babbling nonstop as soon as theyre in earshot. violently resisting even the most minor tests to being insistent that darling has to give him VERY thorough checks every time they see him. from chasing all darling’s nurses around the hospital (causing darling to have to give very awkward lectures on the dangers of getting “involved” with patients after catching them “getting to know each other”) to paying them no attention at all and only wanting to flirt with DARLING now. as an aside i know u dont usually Do male darlings but that last thing would be REALLY funny with a male darling cuz dazai would very suddenly go from giving darling one of his “i have no such tastes in men >:(“ tangents every time he so much as tries to take dazai’s temperature to coming on to him like CRAZY. like congrats on coming out but hold ur horses. hed probably leave his room just as often but instead of trying to get out of the hospital hes just trying to figure out where darling scampered off to. they left him ALONE while he's SICK and DYING! no he WONT go back to his room hes staying with them. he can help them with work, hes very helpful! he’ll even wear one of those cute nurse dresses for them if they want~
also i think chuuya would do the opposite thing with the nurses in this scenario in that hed start flirting with them AFTER he realizes he likes dr. darling. not because hes interested in them, he only has eyes for his cute doctor, but because hed be very embarrassed that darling’s first impression of him was “ungrateful, scary piece of shit” and it’d be his attempt to rehabilitate his image into “sauve, desirable guy”. of course when its time to put the moves on darling he gets nervous and falls flat on his face but hey he’ll get em next time. 
(sidenote i have a really really long draft about psychiatrist! darling would u be interested in an abridged version)
- 🩹
male reader is unfamiliar territory so im a bit nervous to try writing for them but! im always open to ideas u know. the bit about the nurses brought me flashbacks from the manga...the fact that dazai isnt bitchless scares me  And yes anything you have to share i am happy to see
cw: yandere character
after the first interaction with dazai, you're glad to see him walk away. he was most likely your most unpleasant patient by far, with the screaming and glaring and flailing around, going off about how you were trying to kill him (and when you finally got sick of him and told him straight up there were easier ways to kill him here, he went all quiet and stared at you with his eyes bugging out of his head for a moment before going back to shrieking at you). honestly, even that would have been bearable, acting like a grumpy, overgrown child, but what made you cringe was his constant, annoying flirting with the nurses who checked in on him. too many times now you had to talk to them privately, not wanting them to get in trouble.
and things went back to normal, the usual kind of patients coming and leaving, and no sight of him.
until...he came back.
some part of you was convinced that he had been taken over by some entity. he had completely switched from all those weeks ago.
and it was honestly a little frightening. the injury on his leg was…really not so serious that he needed to be hospitalized, but he inisisted, and convinced the staff that he was really in dire need of a thorough checkup and rehabilitation for his severely wounded leg. you weren’t sure if it was his dramatic acting or the envelope he slid over to the receptionist that got him a room. what changed, you wondered, that made him become so desperate to be hospitalized again?
he was all over you this time, happily chattering away when you had to go in to check on him, instead of the previous smacking your hand away and groaning about his right to leave. it was quite strange considering how boldly he had declared you weren’t his type the last time you had to grab his hand to move it aside, shaking you off with an irritated look. even more bizarrely, he had completely forgotten about the nurses who he was constantly flirting with the last time, now treating them with such indifference, it almost hurt you to witness. he demands you stay by his side throughout the night, casually offering that you could sleep on the same bed as him—of course he doesn’t expect you to stay up all night! he also starts following you around outside of his room, walking beside you in his hospital gown like it was a perfectly normal situation. if anyone tries to drag him away, his previously playful expression turns scathing in a moment, and they would scamper away and leave him to torment you. 
he’d have to be discharged eventually, right? once he no longer has an excuse—when he recovers fully—he’ll have to leave. how much longer can they entertain his presence when there’s people who actually need the medical attention waiting? when he is told he can be discharged, he instantly turns to you.
"come with me then," he says, like it wasn't the most absurd request you've ever heard.
“seriously, i can get you a better paying job. or you can just be with me, and i’ll take care of you.”
you refuse, obviously, but he doesn’t look disheartened. dazai osamu leaves after one last look and a promise to return.
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x0xqzra · 1 year
✐BOTH❦ - Levi Ackerman x Fem Reader x Hanji Zoe
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TW: sexual topic, yelling, crying, pregnancy, blood, angst, my own version of timeskip Levi and Hanji (that means this may not be connected to the manga/anime plot-- but may contain some spoilers)
(Y/N)~your name
(L/N)~last name
(F/C)~favorite color
(A/N)~author's note
P.O.V~point of view
Y/N's P.O.V
My name is (Y/N)(L/N), I am the girlfriend of Levi Ackerman .
We have been in a relationship for 3 years now.
I'm currently pregnant with Levi's child, 2 months to be exact.
I've been keeping my pregnancy a secret.
I didn't tell anybody about my pregnancy yet, even to my best friend Hanji.
I want Levi and I would be the first person to know about this exciting news, I am so excited and nervous to tell this to Levi because of his behavior recently, he would always come home late and drunk, and he is been more cold towards me.
I know, titans had been extinct so it's rightful for him to take some rest and loosen up, but I think his behavior is too much.
It's 12:35 at midnight and I still haven't slept because I want to eat dinner together with Levi. The food is getting cold but I still waited and did not eat. I will only eat once Levi come home.
Yeah, I know this is bad for me and the baby but I really don't want to eat if Levi was not here to eat with me.
I heard the sound of keys and the door knob being opened. When the door is finally open, there I see my boyfriend Levi, drunk again.
"hey levi are you okay?, did you eat already?" I ask him worriedly even though he act like this I still love him. I know I should be tough sometimes, but I just can't find it in my heart to be tough on him.
We used to be a happy couple. I don't know if it's just me, but once the titans have gone extinct, everything seems to fall apart.
"shut up!" Levi screamed to me "you're so f*cking annoying, no wonder I only use you for pleasure"Levi said to me, I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. I try to not cry and think that he only said that because he is drunk, he can't really mean it right?
"I-I'm sorry, let's just sleep"I said stuttering. I just wanna hug him while listening to his heartbeat... Like we used to do... that would surely make me feel better.
I then feel him slap my cheek so hard that make me sit on the floor while holding my cheek,the tears that I been holding finally escaped my eyes.
Wait no... This isn't the levi I know, he's just under the influence right? Am I too blind? Do I really deserve this?
I look up to see levi going to our shared bedroom to sleep, I just sob there thinking what did I do wrong. Why did we end up like this, Am I a bad girlfriend, is there something I didn't give him?
I then hear a phone notification sound indicating that there is a new message.
Since the titans have gone extinct, people are focusing on creating things that will make life easier, one of those are smart phones.
I slowly enter our shared bedroom to see Levi sleeping, I grab Levi's phone in the table beside our bed, I open the phone to see this;
hi babe, where are you? are you busy?,come to my apartment let's watch some movies
Yeah sure babe but I don't think where only watching movies I'm on my way, don't wear any underwear, that's an order.
*picture of petra naked*
Good girl wait me there
*new message*
Hey babe did you arrive safely?and babe don't forget your promise that you're gonna break up with that slut
I can't believe what I'm seeing.
I can't believe Levi was cheating on me... Am I really that blind... For love?
I don't even know who this Petra girl was.
Levi, the father of my child... The man that promised me he'll love me till death...
I quickly put all of my clothes and stuff on a duffle bag, yeah I love Levi but I love my child more... I'm done packing every single thing. I put my things in my (F/C) car and got back to our house to write a letter for Levi ;
As I gather the pieces of my shattered heart, I come to terms with a painful truth - your love for me has faded into the abyss of uncertainty. I question if you ever loved me at all, the echoes of doubt gnawing at my soul. In this moment, I find the strength to sever the ties that bind us, to walk away from what was once our shared world.
I want you to know that I will no longer intrude upon your life. No more texts or calls to disrupt your days, no more attempts to bridge the chasm that has grown between us. I promise to step back, to let go of the dreams we once held dear.
Yet, as I bear this burden alone, there is something I must share with you. Levi, I am carrying your child, and I cannot contain the mix of emotions that consume me. Amidst the heartache, there is a glimmer of excitement - the prospect of being parents together. But I fear that my hope is misplaced, that you will not share the same joy upon hearing this news.
I find myself torn between love and heartbreak, holding onto a love that may never return. As I bid my final farewell, know that my love for you was real, genuine, and raw. I cherished every moment we shared, and I will cherish the memory of what could have been.
Farewell, Levi. I loved you, and perhaps I always will.
I entered my car with a red nose and eyes. Sniffing on the way, I drove to Hanji's house sobbing and hoping she is still awake at this time.
I arrived at Hanji's house at 1:58 at midnight. I knock at hanji's front door several times trying to wake her up.
The front door opened revealing a bedhead hanji, I came in and hugged her tightly while sobbing.
"(Y/N)? ohh my gosh are you ok? Why is my baby crying?" hanji said rubbing my back as we hugged.
"L-Levi was cheating on m-me" I say stuttering while sobbing and hiccuping.
"shhhh shhh calm down (Y/N) this stress is not good for the baby" hanji said, I back away a little bit shocked that she know that I'm pregnant. I paused for a few seconds.
"How..." was all that is able to come up to my mouth.
She hugged me again while massaging my back.
" Oh come on (Y/N) I'm a scientist-doctor. Do you really think I wouldn't notice your weird behavior recently? Mood swings, cravings, vomiting, and many more weird things you've done recently? " she said smiling at me.
"y-yeah I kind of forgot about that " I said still sniffing slightly.
" Come on (Y/N) let's sit on the couch and talk about this" hanji said dragging me to the couch.
We sat on her couch. "so what exactly happened?" she asked me with furrowed eyebrows and a soft voice.
I told her what happened. Levi cheating on me, Levi slapping me, and me leaving... so practically... everything. I began to tear up again while she hugged me trying her best to comfort me.
"you can sleep in my room, if it is okay with you, we can share the bed, but if you don't want to sleep together, I'm fine on the couch you go to sleep in the bed" she said.
" Sharing the bed is f-fine" I said still stuttering because I just finished crying.
Hanji gave me one of her T-shirt and shorts that are oversized to me because I was short and she was way more taller than me, she let me wear it because she says that it will look good in me (sorry if you're tall A/N)
I entered Hanji's bedroom to see Hanji with red sports bra and black sweat pants, I don't know why but the sight makes me blush
'no this is wrong she is a girl and I'm also a girl, we literally just got cheated on' I mentally scold my self for blushing.
I am so confused of what I'm feeling, I shouldn't feel this way... Right..?
"oh (Y/N) come on let's sleep it's already 2 am" Hanji said glancing at the clock on the table beside her bed.
I lay down facing away from her.
I soon felt Hanji lay beside me, and before I drifted to sleep I felt Hanji's hand slip in my waist...then I fall asleep...
Continuation in my WATTPAD BOOK
Feel free to ask, my vamps
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I finished watching Quiet on the Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV around 12:30 AM, and I am absolutely speechless and mortified. The amount of sexual innuendo these minors were scripted to do under Dan Schneider's orders is beyond disgusting! Example: Ariana [Grande] was trying to squeeze a potato, which clearly looked sexual, and then lied upside down on a bed pouring water on herself while squealing and moaning. “Mmm, I’m thirsty!”, she said in a youthful yet slightly seductive tone. Another example: Jamie [Lynn Spears] had goo-like substance accidentally squirted on her face by her costar Alexa Nikolas (who's character, by the way, was heavily sexualized alongside Jamie and her character). Given how disgusting of a man Dan was, the substance intentionally looked like c*m. It was supposed to be a comical moment, but Spears clearly looked uncomfortable. Some other points:
The unsetting things the cast members from All That were put through, such as Bryan Hearne. He portrayed a rapper named Lil' Fetus. That alone is just racist. The costume and position he was forced to wear and be in... WOW. I have no words.
I vividly remember the kid version of 'Fear Factor' on Nickelodeon, but I never really watched it. Seeing some of the dares the kids had to do, such as put a live scorpion in your mouth or get peanut butter licked off your bare body by dogs, looked absolutely terrifying and, for some, traumatizing.
Drake [Bell]. WOW. Everything Brian [Peck] did to him at age 15...
"I was sleeping on the couch where I would usually sleep and I woke up to him, I opened my eyes, I woke up and he was sexually assaulting me, and I froze and in complete shock and had no idea what to do or how to react, and I had no idea how to get out of the situation. What? Am I going to call my mom and be like, ‘Hey, this just happened. Can you come pick me up? I’ll just sit here and wait.’ I had no car, I didn’t drive. I was 15 at this time."
There were 41 people that wrote their letter of support to Brian.
"His entire side of the courtroom was full. FULL. There were definitely some recognizable faces on that side of the room, and my side was, uh, me, my mom, and my brother. Brian had been convicted, but getting all this support from a lot of people in the industry and... yeah ... I was pretty shocked. My mom got up, she had a statement. I wasn't going to address Brian. There was no... no reason to.”
Brian pleaded no contest for two charges of child sexual abuse: "lewd or lascivious act" and "oral copulation" to a child under 16 years-old. 'No contest', man, seriously????
He literally only got sentenced 16 months in prison and had to register himself as a sex offender. That's it. What the fuck?! Oh, yeah, and then he ended up working on the Disney Channel show The Suite Life of Zack & Cody some time after his sentence was up. Again, what the actual fuck?!
A few of the petitioners that were stated are James Marsden (not Prince Edward from Enchanted!), Taran Killam (I only know him from SNL, but this still stunned me!), Alan Thicke, Thomas DeSanto, Ron Melendez, Rider Strong, and Will Friedle.
The amount of sexual references is ridiculous and, now, as an adult, uncomfortable to watch. I can't believe all of those [sexual references] went over my head as a kid! Dan said he knew kids watching these actions would find them funny, so that's why he made these minors do them.
The entire incident involving 12-year-old Brandi and former production assistant Jason Handy. Her mother, who was a legal assistant for Hollywood, said she didn't know if she should call the police or not after he emailed 12-year-old Brandi a nude picture (who, by the way, immediately ran to her room while screaming and then crying). She decided to not call the police because she didn't want to be seen as a "bad parent".
(previous bullet point continued) That is your DAUGHTER. I hope Brandi doesn't talk to her mother to this day.
Jason literally had a journal where he wrote about his feelings towards children, especially little girls. He admitted (in writing) that he wanted to go as far as to “r*pe” little girls too…
Penelope Taynt. I loved this character, and The Amanda Show! Please go research what a "taint" is...
Don't get me started on Amanda Bynes and everything that happened to her and her career, and what all happened between her and Dan. He got way too close to her...!
There's a lot more, but I'll end the bullet points here. I recommend watching this horrifying documentary. Dan was a misogynist, racist, egoistical, and disgusting man who had too much power. The more famous he became, the more powerful and rude he was to the cast (most all of who were minors) and crew.
🌷 March 20, 2024 🌷
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
I am lost in the sauce of thinking about how Bruce would react to Robin!Kon. Does he obsess over the fact that an alternate version of him lost and replaced Tim? Does he feel guilty for not taking Kon in in this version of reality? Is he paranoid about and/or intrigued by the potential of a Superboy with full Robin training?
(Knowing Bruce, it’s probably option D: all of the above, but expressed in the worst way.)
he would stand on the roof and brood. so much.
GOD okay no but delving into the bruce and kon dynamic is so... HNG. it's thorny because bruce has been written as warm and kind to kon AND an anti-meta racist asshole to kon. because of who i am as a person i tend to ignore and throw out the latter bc i want to like bruce and its really impossible to make him consistent as a character without picking and choosing stuff to throw out, but... whoof.
but with that established it's so... augh. the idea of having lost tim (who only ever became robin because he lost jason first - that's two robins, two kids, dead, one after another) absolutely would haunt him. the idea of superboy (an alternate universe superboy, no less, one he knows very little about) knowing all the bat secrets and tips and tricks... well, it's not as bad as it could be, since he does trust clark's judgment and clark trusts superboy and all, but. it's not his favorite thing.
honestly, i think main universe bruce would be so fucking awkward with robin kon, more than anything. he wouldn't know how to handle the horror of his existence + this version of kon who knows him so much better than he knows kon.
what i think is really fun, though, is robin kon's relationship with his own bruce.
tim dies. bruce spirals hard. he's in a dark pit. this is jason all over again - worse, in a way, because he never fully got over jason and now it's happening again and all the old wounds are reopening but now there's new ones on top. he is in a deep, dark pit.
and then superboy joins him there.
this is a young kon. he's still sixteen. he's never experienced loss before. his first brush with grief is his best friend being ripped away from him, and he's barely even a year old. it consumes him.
so he gravitates to the other person being wholly consumed by grief. and here's bruce, broken and grieving hard and furious with the world and himself, faced with another child who loved the child he just lost so much he can't let go. what can he do? can he bring himself to turn aside a boy who loved his boy? tim's best friend? can he really?
of course he can't.
they don't make each other better so much as they just... keep each other on a leash. bruce can't let himself go too far, get too reckless or suicidal or masochistic in punishing himself, because if he has a near-scare there's a boy waiting for him back home to cry and scream and rip into him that he can't do that, he can't, i've already lost tim you can't make me lose you too you can't do that to me you can't.
he trains kon to act as a robin. to wait, to listen, to learn. to hide his strength and his flight, to keep secrets bigger than himself. he trains kon and puts him behind robin's mask - another child in that costume, wearing new colors this time - and hopes he's not making a mistake.
but hey. at least this kid is more... crowbar/explosion/bullet-proof?
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manda-kat · 2 months
Look at my superhero characters and tell me which one you think sounds cooler:
Acidman. Shapeshifting villain who's body is made of acid. He can control which kind of acid he is made up of. Which means his powers include the ability to become orange juice. He has trouble reforming due to his naturally destructive abilities and inhuman appearance.
Alley Cat. An orphan teen who finally discovers the identity of her birth mother and finds that she comes from a long line of cat-powered people. Her mother was being hunted for her power by other animal-powered people. She is taken in by a group of more experienced young women with powers from the same source. She now embarks on a mission to discover her past and reconnect with this secret culture, hidden from society.
Atomic Girl. A young girl with incredible power. She was a popular hero years ago, becoming a child celebrity, but when the world became dangerous for super heroes she was frozen in suspended animation and kept hidden away to preserve her innocence as her life was destroyed without her. Her location has been lost and she is dreaming, unaware of her situation.
Banshee. A woman who was critically wounded in a violent battle. (not superhero related. Just personal drama) She was in a coma and set to die, but her body was taken by Necromaster, who revived her and gave her the power of flight alongside a scream that can shatter the mind and emotions of those who hear it. Banshee is incredibly unstable and spends most of her time screaming or crying. She sees herself as Necromasters greatest creation as well as his wife and will jealously attack anyone who gets close to him.
Beastmaster. He has a unique compound that allows him to transform any organism into a monsterous version of itself, which then goes on an uncontrollable rampage until the affects wear off. Why he does this is unknown, but with his frequent attacks he has definitely increased the need for supervillain related trauma therapy.
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