#the darkest show in the world smh
feathereddragonkin · 3 months
What kind of cruel joke is it that a Ratchet fictionkin, a FIELD MEDIC, was born into a family that believes that doctors are evil power hungry people who just want to stuff you with more pills so they can make more money??? That's not true at all, but that's what I grew up on. My parents were so paranoid about doctors; I hadn't seen a doctor since I was in kindergarten, and only within the last four months began going to regular checkups. I didn't have a gp until I was 20, this is ridiculous.
I wanted so badly to be a doctor as a kid(now I know why, smh), but I couldn't tell my parents that because it would end in a lecture on the corruption of mankind. Jokes on you, I'm not even human, but that's neither here nor there. I always just said I wanted to be a veterinarian, because that was the closest thing...
I binged shows like Bones, NCIS, ect, because it gave me a peek into a world that felt forbidden. I read medical books of every kind, as it fascinated me. I wanted so badly to help people, to be there for them in their darkest hour and tell them it would be ok. And then make it ok. When someone got hurt, I would feel awful that I couldn't help them the way I wanted to.
In my alterhumanity I found the answers as to why I was so fascinated by something I was told was so awful. I am a medic. I carry my first aid kit with me every time I leave the house, I always have an extra bandaid or bottle of hand sanitizer, or burn kit, or treat for a sniffling kid who let me patch them up. Echoes of the life that feels so familiar to me, echoes of a life that feels right, feels like mine. And now that I know who I am, I want to shout it from the rooftops.
I am Ratchet. I am a medic. I am here, and I will be here for any who need a guiding hand.
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thebleedingeffect · 2 years
if you had to like
kin assign. (like what they have in common/resonate with in one another)
the sbi all the different versions of link
what would u give them
i'm curious. it has been in my brain since i saw your carrd.
Ohhhhhh okay I thought pretty hard about this and I think I have a reasonable estimation of what I believe would be sbis kin assignments/most relatable to the links.
First of all, Techno is most similar to TP Link! Why do I say this? Cause surface level everyone believes TP Link to be the most gritty, serious, and even amongst the darkest of the Link's but that's simply not true! Because if anything TP is one of the kindest, most patient of the Link's with a love of animals and helping other people out. Everyone thinks that Techno is this super serious, stoic guy when in reality he's very emotive and cares a ton! He just shows it in a different way than most which people wrongly interpret as not caring/being super dark.
Going off of that, TP Link and Techno both share a love of the chill, farming lifestyle and always default to a protective, defensive role when alongside someone! Also like, they're both absolute sweeties and both share a big big love for animals, you're telling me you wouldn't find Techno in castle town petting all the cats and lowkey ignoring the looming twilight?? Smh, he wants to pet the kitties leave him BE.
Alright, now for me I've always thought Phil to be pretty similar to BOTW Link! The reason I say this is because the both of them are extremely freedom loving and have a highhhhhh affinity for traveling/exploring the lands. Neither of them stay in one place for long and are always itching to learn more! But this also leads to the both of them having buried feelings of loneliness that they have no idea how to deal with or how to approach. Another thing is that both BOTW Link and Phil share the whole 'I'm all alone in a world filled with remnants of the dead and I'm piecing everything together because I'm so hungry to know of what I lost'.
Also just, they're both so so chaotic, but get away with it due to their cute faces and the fact that they're extremely generous and easy-going. WAIT ALSO, both BOTW Link and Phil share the trait of getting distracted so so easily and oops, wasn't I supposed to be saving the princess? Welllllll I'll go do that after I go to this shrine-
And for Tommy! WW Link :D! And I actually have a pretty good explanation to why that's the case. The game is about jumping into the unknown, about exploration, about being risky and willingly submitting yourself to the terrors of the uncharted, free world. Its also about finding the people and companions that make every step of that fear worth it! It's finding the little pockets of humanity that survive in the face of complete and utter devastation no matter what. That feels very Tommy to me! As well as the fact that both WW Link and Tommy are SCARILY stubborn and have absolutely no chill factor whatsoever!! Tommy and WW Link both like to have companions that challenge them AND balance them!(Tubbo and Tetra).
Also like, Tommy feels like the kinda guy who would go along with being shot out of a cannon if it only meant to serve a point. He's stubborn and endearing like that, I love him. Both of them have baby faces which means alot of people like to downplay their emotional depth but in fact they hide some of the most hard hitting morals and messages in the entire story.
Okay now here's the thing, Wilbur is really difficult for me to place cause I've ALWAYS associated him with the Zeldas moreso than the Link's. The fact he has such a strong sense of duty, the authority and respect he carries on his shoulders, the suffocating pressure of wanting to protect his land and people. Its all of this and more than I'm gonna break this a bit and say that Wilbur is OOT Zelda! The reason I say this is because I feel like Wilbur is someone who's always been obsessed with the past, present, and future of the story that he's forced himself to carry. OOT Zelda is someone who carries a SCARILY large responsibility from such a young age that I feel like Wilbur can relate to a ton!
OOT Zelda saw Ganondorf and saw hyrules downfall, Wilbur saw Schlatt and saw L'manburgs downfall. He's also someone who carries so many masks in order to protect himself, just like OOT Zelda, but will uncover his true self around those he truly trusts and loves! Wilbur also carries so much guilt, oh so much, and OOT Zelda is someone who feels extremely similar despite the fact that it was utterly out of their control. They just carry so much in their hands that they feel responsible any time something slightly goes wrong :(
So uhhhhh yeah! That's my answer :]]] Techno = TP Link, Phil = BOTW Link, Tommy = WW Link, and Wilbur = OOT Zelda!
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forbescaroline · 3 years
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TOP 100 SHIPS OF ALL TIME: #29. octavia blake and lincoln (the 100)
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shyrose57 · 3 years
Tubbo may be threatening his war heads to anyone who dares oppose him, he sadly cannot. In Times far FAR before him, the Powers of the world came together, after witnessing a great calamity that nearly wiped out the world, it was barely stopped at a great price *subtly looks at foolish*. Even back then they rarely agreed on anything, but yeah, they would all like the world in one piece and liveable. So something had to be done. Heres the thing, Fae deals are very unique, in such that they truely cant be broken, The Powers agreed that The Fae Monarch, Eret, was appointed the duty to make a deal with every being with a drop of magic ability, a simple one, They must not do anything that might harm the Earth in any meaningful way, purposely or not. a bomb? Sure, Nature can reclaim what was destroyed, A warhead? no life might live there safely for hundreds of thousands of years.
They all know better than to call the bluff, just because he cant use war heads does not mean he doesnt have the means to make you cry and beg for mercy.
Coincidently This also Consolidates Erets claim to the throne and makes it very hard to form a coup against him, His throne is back by VERY old magics. Not just anyone can sit in it.
This could also be why Erets eyes are glowing white, showing all who look at just how much magic resides within him
(Also had a thought that Eret wasnt always so kind. Age, duty and loss has humbled him, but Long LONG ago, The Fae Queen was said to Have a Heart colder than any glacier, and A wit so sharp it flayed the minds that crossed paths with them. The Conquerer they call them. The servents Cowered in the halls as their King strode by, they did not want to be the one who earned their gaze. He made no Attempt to Hide his Name, (the throne has power more than what it was given after the Calamity) No one dared to speak it anyways, too terrified that She might hear. Parents told their children to behave ior he would come to take him away. Very few walked away alive after seeing him.
Eret is not his true name after all, and yet Herobrine is gone as Eret lives on, Long Live Eret! They rather like the person theyve become, its not easy, it took so much violence to be this gentle. Eret is much lighter Name, everything feels lighter Now, They rarely look back.
Very few people remain from those times, Immortal they may be, The Veiled Lady Death has everyone in the end. No matter how immortal one may be, the weary who feel like theyve seen too much may rest under her many wings. But some remain, in the darkest corners one may hear whispers of what was before, but as those who didnt live in those times gaze upon their leader, they cannot see it, however those who press the Gentle Ruler thinking it easy game, they see. A darker gleam in the eye, a shift in their posture, their primal instincts scream of a predator. Its gone a split second after, and Eret smiles with a bit more teeth gleaming out at the prey.)
( I wanted herobrine thory bc its neat, ad If I gotta world build a Fricking Thone I will do it. The Ruler of the Fae cannot have their name stolen nor can they Give it. They do not hold it after All. They are bound to the throne and the Throne alone, which holds the name of every Ruler to sit upon it.)
(I am so sorry this ended so Long, I started with Tubbo and somehow Ended with Eret and Not even I am sure how it got so far.)
Can't believe they nerfed Tubbo like that, smh.
A True Name....Names are strange things, aren't they? Especially ones so foreign to the mortal world. Meanings to them must be unique, their very essence defined within it's sound.
A Name that makes the monarch's eyes burn a bit dangerously, makes their words a little colder and cruel.
And yet, after so long, it is no longer the one that defines them, no longer the Name that makes them.
(Someone calls out the Name, triumph and arrogant, thinking themselves so clever, and-
-none are more shaken than the monarch, when it comes out like plastic, a false name like all the rest.
Who are they now?)
I wonder what that means.
What do you think?
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Merry Christmas to you, @downton-not-downtown-smh! I hope your holidays are happy and full of warmth and light!
For the secret Santa, I've written you a little something set during The Duchess and the Devil, as Horatio tends to the near-starved Archie.
I have to admit that I don't usually write m/m, and have to date only dipped my toe into Hornblower-related fics, but I hope your preferred themes of friends to lovers (although I don't think Horatio can quite identify his feelings for Archie yet...) and huddling for warmth shine through! In an allusion to your url though, I am sure Horatio asks himself Did I Make the Most of Loving You? as he sits by Archie's bedside...
Wishing you wonderful holidays,
His Warmest Affection
All night, Horatio sat beside the bed they had put Archie in— the first decent bed, he wagered, the latter had lain in ever since he had been taken to that place. He recalled too well the night of Archie’s disappearance at the taking of the Papillon; the grief he had swallowed at losing the only person on board he had considered his friend. Of course, as an officer, it would not have answered to show his mind, and speak his soul: the death of a fellow officer, or supposed death, must be taken with sobriety, and a stoic continuation in the way of duty: at war, such a loss must be daily expected.
Yet Archie had not died at war: Archie had disappeared in the jollyboat, and Simpson, that damned rascal, had set him loose. Perhaps he should have been more reconciled with the loss of Archie had he fallen in battle, fighting by his side: a valiant, brave death he himself had sometimes longed for in his darkest hours. Instead, his friend had slipped away from him, without a word of farewell, without the comforting knowledge that his life had been given for some cause deemed worthier than a single, fickle life: Archie’s loss had been quiet and unnecessary.
And there now he lay before him, sickly pale, his spirits so utterly broken Horatio barely knew his old friend: the Kennedy of old he had envied for his wit and admired for his merry mien, worn almost constantly, was gone, and the frail shell bearing his countenance contained but the ghost of the friend he had known.
The worst of it was, that it was his fault entirely that Archie had been lost in the first place, and he had become guilty of neglect a second time when he, traipsing along clifftops and having conversations with the Duchess, had not noticed his friend had elected to leave this place, this world for good. If only Archie would care to understand just how dear he was to him, never would he care to leave this place without him, even if all locks were opened, all guards vanished, he would still remain if Archie could not accompany him.
But Archie was a defiant patient, refusing anything offered to him with what little strength remained in him, and it cost Horatio much patience to remain amiable and of good cheer with him: he should have liked to shake sense into him by taking him by his shoulders, yet was dissuaded by his tender feelings for his dear friend and the latter’s present frailty.
At last, when once again they warred and squabbled over some water he wanted Archie to take, he could contain his feelings, that did not matter one bit weighed against Archie’s illness, any longer: “Archie— I won’t survive if you don’t help me.”
And it was the truth, he would not. He would die of guilt and grief and shame of having permitted, twice, the death of so excellent a man as Archie Kennedy, a fine officer, and an even better friend.
Archie protested again: but his lip trembled now, and Horatio suddenly became aware of his hand resting on Archie’s chest, as if to ensure his heartbeat would not leave him: whatever was in his might, he would do to fight death, and rip from his claws the soul of Archie Kennedy.
“You don’t need me,” he scoffed, but Horatio could tell his resolve was faltering: he must break down the last battlements of Archie’s stubborn resolve. “You’re one of us. We don’t leave unless you do,” he reminded Archie, and by “we”, he meant himself for God knows, there were enough men who would run if the chance presented itself to them, or would only remain behind out of loyalty to him, not to Archie Kennedy.
Indeed, his words were showing an effect on his patient: Archie no longer resisted when he put a cup of water to his mouth and bade him drink: in fact, he drank it all, parched as he was. Horatio felt that it was important to encourage his friend to drink some more, but not in excess, uncertain if his stomach was prepared to hold so much after having gone without for so long (even in the naval service, having been born the son of a doctor sometimes had its advantages).
The water had an immediate effect, for his body appeared less restless, as if his instinct to survive was now placated, allowing Archie to fall asleep. Horatio did not prevent him, sensing it was important that his strength and spirit should revive through rest: a valuable restorative.
Despite the room being well-heated thanks perhaps to the Duchess’ intercession, Archie would not warm; he added a piece of wood to the fire, and then another; but although the room was more than warm enough for him now, it was not for Archie, for despite having been put under a set of warming covers, his skin was still cold to the touch.
Even on board Indefatigable, in the close confines of their quarters, he had always been conscious about dressing or undressing in front of his peers; the memory of the gangly, unsightly shape of the seventeen-year-old weighed heavy on him, and still, he felt others would still think of him as the same when viewing him. Yet presently, such near childish considerations could not matter: he divested himself of his coat and shoes before laying himself alongside Archie, who had commenced to shiver in his sleep. Drawing the covers up, he slipped below, and immediately felt Archie’s form welcome his presence, for he gave a little sigh and pressed himself closer against Horatio, without waking up. Being so close to Archie, he became acutely aware of the latter’s shocking state: as he spread his arm across him to hold him even closer, he felt every rib below his fingers, reminding him just how close Archie had come to succeeding in his design— he swallowed at the thought.
“When you are well again, Archie,” he murmured into his dear, dear friend’s ear, “and we have escaped this place,” he went on, not knowing why he talked; Archie, in his sleep, could not hear him: or could he? “When you are well again, we shall leave this place: imagine that, Archie, imagine that— the wide expanse of the world open to us again, and the sea—! We shall be at sea again, together.”
In his sleep, Archie’s deathly cold hand reached for his, pulling him even closer, so that Horatio’s face was near buried in Archie’s hair. “Horatio,” the latter murmured quietly, but did not wake: instead, he appeared to sleep sounder now. Seeing as his treatment appeared to succeed, Horatio did not let go of Archie’s hand and continued to talk to him: of how happy his family should be to see him safely return, of how happy Pellew would be to receive the news of his survival and at last, how happy he was, how happy that he had met so excellent and dear a friend as him, and how they would, without a care in the world, sit in a Portsmouth inn, drink ale, playing cards and recount their adventures to eager listeners, their pockets full of prize money. Although he generally disliked company and the attention of strangers, he knew Archie, who was more inclined towards the company of people, would love that— and he in turn, would love it for Archie’s sake, and gladly endure a thousand pairs of eyes (more like fifty perhaps in reality, if at all) stare at him, as Archie, rosy-cheeked and happy, would recount how they escaped a Spanish prison.
There was no prize-money, no escape, no end of the war yet, but one could dream of that, and Archie certainly did now, and it did him good: his skin had assumed a more florid, healthy colour, and he no longer shivered.
It was not long after that Horatio too fell asleep, his hand entwined with Archie’s, only to wake early enough in the morning to be awake before him. Rested, his usual sensibilities made themselves known to him again: what if Archie, more awake and collected now than the previous night, might not relish the idea of finding him beside him in his sickbed? Besides, the bed was rather small for two— regretfully, he lingered a moment, pressing Archie’s hand, feeling the wonderful, wonderful slow, regular rise and fall of his lungs, almost like a ship at sea. With a pang in his heart, he rose, lifting his head off Archie’s shoulder, and made certain the latter was still well wrapped up in his blanket, before he went to add another piece of wood to the glowing embers, hoping it might catch fire, and returned to his seat beside the bed, where he was once again conquered by sleep, and although the place was now a different, less comfortable and above all, comforting one, his dreams were the very same.
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hiimsociallyawkward · 4 years
the darkest hour pt 2
i'm back with my bs. this is for my bestie @lady-ofmagic-andstars. basically, all of my dumb thoughts while i watched 'darkest hour pt 2', 04.02 of merlin. in case you weren't aware.. ✨spoilers✨
right off the bat i'm sad
ok when i first watched this i was really confused. i mean, you see others when they interact with the dorocha have that perpetual frost on their face right? all of them, every single one. so imagine my surprise when merlin has no frost on his face, and he's miserable yea- but he's not dead??
like tbh, watching this again, ik why but when i first watched this, i was SO confused.
arthur looks so worried slkdjfalskfsd
him being willing to abandon the mission to get merlin back to camelot to be treated 😔🤪😎🤤🤩 lots of emotions
LANCELOT. of course it's lancelot. santiago is perfect. actually.
merlin looks so SICKLY. it physically pains me to see him like that
okok hahaa. the scene where percival is carrying merlin. i have several notes on that.
1) ik it's supposed to be all 'noble' looking. yk? them walking in slow mo, percival carrying merlin like he's been slained in battle. knights looking knightly
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like pls
second note, idk why this remind me of hagrid carrying harry back
idk maybe that's just me but it feels oddly reminiscent
colin is SO pale my heart is actually hurting for him what the heck
asf;lsdjfa;lsdfj 'take me with you' stop.
dude they ACTUALLY care about each other. i just love them. arthur is so worried rn and while i'm like 'alsjfalsdj i don't want arthur to be sad and worried' we can see just how MUCH arthur cares about merlin.
like yea, we KNOW that they care about each other. but arthur is the prince and merlin's a servant so arthur can't have friends, but they're friends, and they care, and it makes me happy
ok it's sad and everything that merlin's basically dying but is it bad of me that i chuckle at merlin SLUMPED over on his horse?? probably.
but i mean, merlin is already raising himself up so he can sit more comfortably on the horse. ik that doesn't mean that he's in the clear yet, but he's doing a LOT better than the other people who ran into the dorocha. idk where i'm going with this
to quote the destiny and chicken podcast (who i love btw, if you want an awesome merlin podcast, check them out), they stay on arthur's face for SO long after merlin and lancelot leave.
i feel EVERYTHING that arthur is feeling in this moment. he's so pretty
there's another beautiful landscape. i'm not even sorry i'm gonna attach them ALL.
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tell me that's not gorgeous
gwaine is the EMBODIMENT of 'boys will be boys' when he sticks his hand into that tree and gets swarmed by bees.
he's adorable and i love him
ok but also, someone tell me why capes are so hot. someone TELL me.
separate from the episode but on the note of capes being hot, i want a cloak SO BADLY. like the whole gist. floor length, big hooded cloak. why?? it's not like i'm sneaking anywhere but still. ✨cloak✨
ok the line where leon goes 'if anyone can get merlin back to camelot, it's lancelot' and arthur's face?? idk what to make of it. someone help me pls.
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ok actually this probably isn't the best reaction shot but someone please help
the only thing i can think of is that arthur momentarily forgot and was reminded that merlin was in danger bc of him?
another thought is that he thinks he should take merlin back instead of lancelot?
ik for a fact you guys are better at analysising this stuff than i am so pls, thoughts?
i love lancelot so much. first time i watched this, i was CRUSHED
him carrying merlin to the lake(?) pond(?) area and then covering him with his cape? i love it
ok idk why but i love the idea of merlin instinctively going towards the water
it makes me think back to how he's made of magic and basically everywhere, espeically nature, has magic and instinctively- he wants to connect with nature as much as he can so his body just puts his hand in the water
a dumber thought i had, his hand is ✨sparkly✨in the water HAHAH
omg when the water called lancelot i deadass thought it was freya. i'm actually dumb i have WATCHED this before and i STILL thought it was freya
'a future that has been written since the dawn of time' makes me so proud but also so sad at the same time
it's like, yes, merlin is going to 'save the world' but it's like he's there just to do that. anyways, i just want him to be happy
these water spirts are op but also MORE SPARKLY. hehe i thin kthat's so funny
also, i'm literally only like 7 mins in. buckle yourself in
l;askdjflskdjf arthur going into the tunnels with the wilderons?? i miss merlin ouch. AND THE GAJA BERRIES. arthur misses merlin.
ok percival tackling gwaine?? cuties ;))
heheheeh gwaine kicking a skull and then running directly behind arthur for protection?? pls stop. i already love you
yes im dumb, but the 5 of them slowly peeking over the rock and then ducking back down?? i love that so much they're so cute
omg what's wrong with me. not these knights literally FEARING their lives and me going 'they're so cute'
gwaine you absolute dumbass. smh merlin just took it but you just HAD to stab it. #cancelled
YES. i have a love hate relationship with gaius, but BUST into the council room. king energy right there
smh gaius you pUSH over.
stfu agravaine 'gueniviere'. ST F UP
ok gwen. pop OFF
you KNOW that arthur would've fought agravaine on this. GO GWEN for speaking her mind
oh look at me with anotehr fic rec. sort of, not really. ok but this scene with gwen talking about all the villagers remind of this fic called To Love, Honor, and Piss Off by @thenerdyindividual .
ok so it's basically a fic where basically merlin and arthur have this 'arranged marriage' type thing for 3 years, and merlin is arthur's 'common consort'. what that means is that arthur marries merlin as a show of good faith and to learn more about what it means to be a commoner- merlin giving arthur the tea about commoner life
anywAYS. check that our if you want, but i loved it
stfu 'i feel the pain as much as you' agravaine. hop off my dick
wow when she's intellegent with her speaking so everyone HAS to side with her but also respectful so NO ONE can get mad at her?? i stan. i ACTUALLY stan
santiago is so pretty
the PANIC in his voice. i stan.
merlin is ready to GO. he's like, sorry for almost dying. that was ill advised of me.
i'm actually soft for any displays of friendship ever. what does that mean about me 💀 KIDDING. anyways..
i love the *swing* *duck* 'yea, not as quick as arthur
sa;kfs;akdfj lancelot insisting that merlin go back to camelot and merlin just nOt
stop rn. lancelot's face when merlin turns away. i am in pAin. I AM SO SAD OVER LANCELOT. PLS LANCELOT.
this isn't exactly, but morgana's paleness from here on out reminded me of merlin when he was literally DYING.
anyways, that's my note on that
like, yes- i get it- morgana is evil now. but idk should i feel bad for her? she looks so pale and ghasty and just :(
aksfhaskdjfas;ldf morgana
stfu don't kill gwen i'll KiLl you
agravaine literally needs to die
again, someone tell me why capes are so hot. especially these red ones?? i'm in love with them.
ok see this guy?? he just died with the forst on his face. not merlin?? he started getting better. surly that should've tipped them off that merlin was different
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wow. seriously. i'm gonna attach all the pretty landscape pictures
morgana's like 'i'll cut a b!tch'. ok ik morgana's evil and everything, but morgana flinging that guard against the wall is bad ass
oh this is weird but gwen telling agravaine to 'show courage' but the whole room tinted green? ik this isn't harry potter or anything but idk i thought that was interesting. i'm not abt to go into if i think agravaine is a slytherin or what but still
morgana :( smh you can't deny that morgana and gwen carried for each other and morgana flinging gwen away is making me sad. don't touch me
asldjfasldasd 'you're never alone' elyan i love you
lancelot and merlins being lads. omg no them talking about gwen
lancelot is SO noble. stop this reminds me of Die for you in secret by @emrysofmagic so much right now. not gonna lie. your fic LITERALLY lives in my head rent free and sometimes i think of it and my heart just HURTS in those last few chapeters. PHYSICALLy. i am in pain. anyways.
stop the trope where it's like "i love them, but i just want them to be happy. it doesn't matter if they're with me or not. i just want them to be happy"
ok so it's been like a month ish since i've watched merlin bc i was waiting for @//f-f-podcast 's destiny and chicken podcast, so i don't exactly what terms kilgharrah and merlin are at right now
still i think it's very sweet of merlin to bow slightly when kilgharrah looks at him
'the bravest and most noble of them all' 🥺
aw. merlin is really saying good bye right now
ok this scene is weird bc like i said, i don't rlly remember how merlin and kilgharrah are right now but it still makes me sad
asldjfslakdjfasd merlin and kilgharrah are old friends now. that makes me happy but sad at the same time
ok the 'it will be an empty world without you, young warlock' kills me.
obviously, we know that even though they butt heads, kilgharrah and merlin both care about each other
not only is kilgharrah being forced to let merlin go right now, but he's making peace with the fact that he'll be alone
the last dragonlord is planning to die. and kilgharrah is going to be alone again, like he was in that cave.
another thing is that if merlin died rn then we would never have aithusia. i'm kinda going on a tangent now but idk this scene is sad
this forest is so pretty
literally just lancelot's face and lancelot in this whole episode.
that's my note
omg i always see posts about this.
like merlin and lancelot planned that lancelot was going to walk in first and trick them and THEN merlin walked in
that's so funny to me. they're SO dramatic HAHAH
merlin looks so happy
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Tell me why they actually look MARRIED here. PLS
🤠🤠 arthur wanting Gwen to be happy is KILLING ME. He loves her so much
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This is so pretty. Honestly like how
Who let merlin have this many pretty landscapes
Lajs;dlkfajd buds in a boat together.
This reminds me of going to amusement parks and there’s always that boat ride
They’re the cutest
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Ok so they also have this picture. It’s actually 3 pictures spliced together because the episode pans down and it’s really badly spliced (sorry) but LOOk how pretty that is.
Omg not me literally copying merlin with his slow mo head flick at the wyverns to make them go away
;sldkfjasdlkjasd leon percival and elyan and my heart.
Ok i’m not even gonna try to lie. They all have my heart
Frick you cailleah
Omg i was like ‘gwaine you dumbass’ jK i love him. Pls don’t come for my neck
Asldjfasldjfka ‘i’m prepared to pay whatever price is necessary’
Stopp rn. ‘It’s my density
stop rn merlin is all alone.
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Stop they all look so sad. I’m so sad.
merlin looks like he’s cried
I’m not sure abt arthur with his ‘no man is worth your tears’ type business but still
I am ✨sad✨
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I screamed at this picture. I am depressed
Gwen’s face is killing me
I’m so sad i don’t even want to write commentaries
Arthur realizing that lancelot only died because he loved gwen
Gwen standing in front of the fire
Aslkdfjasldjfa im so sad
✨we hate agravaine in this house✨
😭😭 not merlin having ANOTHER secret. I’m so sorry bby
Anyways! I’ll be back next week to rant more about the wicked day so I’ll see you then! thanks I love you bye
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doctorgerth · 5 years
Oh man Im so excited to request something from you! Youre one of my favorite imagine blogs youre writing is so amazing. Can I have ♡ 💟 💙 For Law
You are the sweetest, omg!! Thank you anon! Hope ya like it 🖤💛
Various HCs: Trafalgar Law
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♡: how do they act, consciously and/or subconsciously, around people they are romantically interested in?
- Law is either an asshole or an awkward mess around his crush, nothing in between
- he’s had very few romantic interests in his life, so he’s completely unsure of how to act around them; rarely will you ever see him be “normal” around them
- the crew are no help to their poor captain as they’re constantly trying to pair the two together, even offering Law some advice on how to woo his crush; honestly his crew is probably what makes him anxious towards his crush the most lmao
- he’s tried on many failed occasions to be a flirt, but Law forcefully trying to be smooth just doesn’t work for him; when he’s not trying to be a flirt he’s smooth af and never realizes it smh
- when they come around him, he gets very jittery and ends up yelling for no reason at all and usually just shambles away from them completely; the crew constantly has to find him, make him turn around, and interact with them 
- his go to is to straight up ignore their presence even though he’s sweating buckets around them and is only thinking about how they are so close to him
- he can be a bit tsundere-ish, often scolding them for little to no reason at all, but he cares for their well-being so even though he sounds a bit harsh, he has good intentions
- he desperately wants to pursue them but he’s not a fan of the way they make him so timid and nervous; Law is a confident and collected guy but his crush makes him feel the exact opposite and he doesn’t trust someone that has that kind of power over him lol
- and it’s even worse if he’s aware of their reciprocated feelings; if he knows they like him back, this is the most blushy Law you’ll ever see and though he’s ecstatic to know they like him back, he'll still be nervous to interact with them 
- but when he gets his crush alone and away from the crew’s wandering eyes, he’ll slowly learn to be a bit calmer around them; he’s still a bit tsundere-ish but he’s much better to be around when he opens up to them 
💟: what are three traits that they look for in a partner?
(side note: I don’t believe these three to be the top defining traits of Law’s ideal partner. I think these are a few of many and were just the first ones to come to mind!)
1) intelligence - you don’t have to be the smartest person in the world, but you need to have some wit on you in order to pique his interest. he’s very sarcastic in nature and not very open with his emotions so emotional intelligence is a bonus. though he constantly surrounds himself with dumbasses, he’d appreciate if his partner didn’t have to share a brain cell with someone else in order to function.
2) affectionate - they say opposites attract and as we all know, Law is the exact opposite of affectionate. so, having a partner that is affectionate towards him, whether verbally, physically, or emotionally (or maybe all three) really warms his heart, though he might not ever show it. it’ll take some time for him to be open to their affections (see security below), but he can’t say no to a partner that just wants to show him that they love him. 
3) security - Law’s had a pretty traumatic past and has lost faith and trust in others as a result. he needs to know that he can open up to you and not regret it in the long run in order to form any kind of romantic relationship with you. you also need to have the patience to wait on him to feel comfortable enough to be vulnerable around you. Law’s spent so long having to protect himself along with his crew, he’d like to have a partner that makes him feel safe.
💙: how would they handle seeing their object of affection falling in love with someone else?
- Law doesn’t tie himself emotionally to others very early on, so he typically handles this situation pretty well if it’s just a mere crush
- if someone he has a crush on falls for someone else, he can move on with his life fairly easily as he can detach himself at any time
- he might think about them during his darkest hours, but rarely does he think about it for long; it was just a little crush after all
- now, if it’s someone Law was actively pursuing, it is a bit tougher on him
- he grows very angry with himself, and though he tries not to, he imagines murdering the wretched person who stole his love away time and time again
- he might even attempt a mission to get them back, but his crew usually talks him down 
- the insecurities that reside within him bubble up tenfold and he’ll shut everyone out for days on end while he spends sleepless nights wondering “why”
- he won’t eat, sleep, or leave his room for days
- after a few mental breakdowns, he’ll regain himself and remove every trace of their memory from his brain
- he’ll act as if nothing happened and everything within him is fine, but it’s yet another scar on his heart that makes him reluctant to trust anyone ever again
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ladyanatui · 5 years
Ultimate Daiken Playlist, Pt. 2
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
This is the abridged version of my Spotify playlist for all things Daiken, organized from the start of 02 to...eventually.
Part 2 specifically covers from Ken finding Wormmon’s Digi-Tama to just after XV-mon and Stingmon Jogress-evolve into Paildramon.
TRIGGER WARNING: This post discusses depression, suicide, emotional abuse, and PTSD quite a lot. Take care of yourselves, folks!
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Spotify Playlist
Click the song titles for YouTube links (apparently you can’t have more than five videos in a post), and otherwise, enjoy me rambling about Daiken.
One final note: Within the lyrics, I’ve emphasized meaningful words, such as night/nightmare, dark/darkness, miracle(s), kind/kindness, courage/bravery, friend/friendship, sun/star/light, fire/burn/ignite, angel(s), and words related to water/drowning.
“What If This Is All the Love You Ever Get?” by Snow Patrol
What if it hurts like hell? Then it'll hurt like hell Come on over, come on over here I'm in the ruins too I know the wreckage so well Come on over, come on over here What if this is all the love you ever get?
If “Tell Me Why” by Three Days Grace focuses on Wormmon’s death, this song focuses on Ken’s trip to the Village of Beginnings, where he finds Wormmon’s egg and brings him back. Because Ken is absolutely scared that he won’t be able to find Wormmon because, as far as he believes, he doesn’t deserve to have him back. Obviously, that’s not true, and the pair is reunited and Wormmon even evolves to Stingmon between episodes (unfortunately).
“Aftermath” by Adam Lambert
Wanna scream out, no more hiding Don't be afraid of what's inside Gonna tell ya you'll be alright In the aftermath
Alright, this song is probably pretty obvious. Ken has to deal with the aftermath of what happened to him/what he did, and so do the rest of the Chosen Children. The others are cleaning up the Digital World while he’s learning to be an eleven-year-old boy again and allowing his parents to get to know him for the first time, even while he still tries to figure out who he is.
“Demons” by The All-American Rejects
Am I even here? Is it still even me? Am I some of the man that I still claim to be? It's like losing a fight, I'm alone in the ring You come to fix me? Would you believe, could you believe you need me?
Obviously, it’s not that easy, though. And when we experience trauma the way Ken does, having his choices and very personality taken from him, there’s a long road of recovery.
“Sinking Man” by Of Monsters and Men
Cold, dark sea Wrapping its arms around me Pulling me down to the deep All eyes on me
I pushed you away Although I wished you could stay So many words left unsaid But I'm all out of breath
I associate this song especially with the scene Ken and Daisuke share by the canal, where Daisuke asks Ken to apologize and join the team. The moment apologizing is mentioned, Ken agrees--which, of course, has Daisuke over the moon--but then he asks if Daisuke thinks the others would forgive him, if a mere apology would make up for everything he did.
Although he’s certainly right about them not accepting an apology without action and follow-through to back it up, he’s also (surprise, surprise) self-sabotaging. And that’s even more apparent the moment Daisuke calls him their “partner.” Ken flips out and runs off pretty quickly.
“The Real You” by Three Days Grace
And it seems like I've known you forever I'll keep you safe for one more night Need you to know that it's all right I see the real you Even if you don't I do I do
And this is the other side of the coin. Daisuke’s perspective of that same scene/situation. Because Daisuke looked into the Digimental of Miracles and he knows that Ken is good. He knows it with all his freaking beautiful heart, and he’s willing to completely ignore the other Chosen Children when they outright tell him they don’t want Ken on the team. He doesn’t care what they say because he knows how wrong they are, and he knows how wrong Ken is about himself.
It’s pretty safe to say that Daisuke is the only person in all of 02 who sees Ken for who he really is, and he’s willing to put everything on the line, including the team morale and dynamics, to support Ken.
“Numb” by Linkin Park
Can't you see that you're smothering me? Holding too tightly, afraid to lose control 'Cause everything that you thought I would be Has fallen apart right in front of you Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow Every step that I take is another mistake to you Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow And every second I waste is more than I can take
What playlist about a character with depression would be complete without this? “Numb” is an iconic depression song, made even more so by Chester Bennington’s death, though Linkin Park has so many songs related to depression and mental health.
**Okay, it’s pretty safe to say the next six songs have to do with the two-part episode (episodes 26 & 27) revolving around Daisuke and Ken’s initial Jogress evolution. It’s kind of a big deal, so it’s a big deal in the playlist as well. The event functions as 02′s midpoint and centerpiece, so it’s one of the most emotionally charged and important scenes in the whole season. It really can’t be summed up in a song or two.**
“This Is How I Disappear” by My Chemical Romance
Can you hear me cry out to you? Words I thought I'd choke on figure out I'm really not so with you anymore I'm just a ghost So I can't hurt you anymore
This song in particular is about Ken’s suicidal ideation, the technical term for suicidal thoughts. Ken is what is sometimes called “gray suicidal” (since people often think of suicide in black and white terms, which isn’t accurate) because he has no specific plan to kill him, he’s never attempted suicide, and he doesn’t want to actually die.
And yet, he thinks about death a lot and that he deserves to die and that his death would help fix things because he can’t hurt anyone if he’s dead. He wants to punish himself, and he wants to carry all of the burden because he thinks he deserves it. (Obviously, this isn’t true, as Ken’s story arc is more about overcoming trauma than about redeeming himself--but you’d have a hard time convincing Ken of that fact.)
“Friend, Please” by Twenty One Pilots
Would you let me know your plans tonight 'Cause I just won't let go till we both see the light And I have nothing else left to say But I will listen to you all day, yes, I will
So basically, these next couple songs sum up the argument Daisuke and Ken have before their digivices light up for the Jogress evolution. First, Daisuke tries to convince Ken to let them help, that they’ll work together, but...
“Save Yourself” by My Darkest Days
I’m the devil’s son straight out of hell And you’re an angel with a haunted heart If you’re smart you’d run and protect yourself From the demon living in the dark There’s nothing to be gained cause I can never change And you can never understand my sickness
Oh, look, Ken is being stubborn and frustrating and self-sabotaging yet again. He legitimately thinks the others will be better off if they leave him alone, and he means that both because if he’s the only one inside the base when it explodes, they’ll survive and because if they keep their distance from him in regards to friendship, he can’t hurt them emotionally. And worst of all, he’s roped Wormmon/Stingmon in on this suicidal atonement thing. *smh*
Ken: I won’t let people suffer anymore because of what I did...no more. ... I want to restore the Digital World with my own hands, but things just keep getting worse. I can’t stand it! Stingmon (to XV-mon): If there’s any way I can atone for the sins I’ve committed... Ken: It doesn’t matter what happens to me! Right now, I have to stop this reactor.
Bonus points for references to angels and hearts, though since this is from Ken’s perspective, Daisuke would be the “angel with a haunted heart.” Not sure that imagery works well, but the rest of it does.
“Die for You” by Starset
Some day when galaxies collide We'll be lost on different skies I will send my rocket ship to find you Because I know you're lost when you run away Into the same black holes and black mistakes Taking all my will just to run alone Until I bring you home
And what’s Daisuke’s reaction to Ken being stubborn and stupid? Bitch-slap him! He fucking needs it. (That’s everyone’s solution in this show, I swear.) And Daisuke isn’t going to let him get away with that shit. He yells and shouts and berates Ken until he finally looks at it from someone else’s perspective:
Daisuke: You idiot! *slap* How can you say that? Daisuke: Think of who would be sad if you were gone. If I let you go now and you never come back, I’ll regret it forever. So I won’t let you go! Daisuke: You may be okay with it, but I’m not. Ken: Motomiya... Daisuke: Live! Daisuke: If you die now, you won’t be able to accomplish anything. I don’t want that. Ken: I don’t want that either. There are still many things I must do. Ken: Besides, I don’t want to make my family sad anymore...
Note: I cut out XV-mon’s lines to Stingmon here because Daisuke’s words are the important part of this conversation, but I separated Daisuke’s lines where XV-mon spoke for clarity.
“Divide” by Bastille
Why would we divide when we could come together? Just bodies that collide, lost and found each other So don't, don't leave me alone Don't leave me alone, don't leave me alone Why would we divide when we could come together?
It’s only after that, after they understand each other on a monumental level, that they are able to Jogress evolve. And boy is that an experience. No other Jogress partners (except maybe Taichi and Yamato) have this intense of an experience with Jogress evolution, none have their bond.
And quite frankly, this song is about as poorly veiled a hint at sex as Jogress evolution is. Just listen to it. You’ll see.
But this song also shows Ken’s hesitation when it comes to Jogress. They work so well together, they’re completely in sync, they understand each other, but he’s definitely not ready to join the team or be Daisuke’s partner.
“Heartlines” by Florence + The Machine
Your heart is the only place that I call home Can I be returned, you can You can, we can
Just keep following The heartlines on your hand
Okay, and last one about the Jogress evolution! This one should be pretty damn obvious too: When Daisuke and Ken have their initial Jogress, one of the most notable things that makes it different from all others’ Jogress experiences is the fact that they can feel/hear each other’s heartbeats.
Soul fucking mates.
“Pieces” by Sum 41
This place is so empty My thoughts are so tempting I don't know how it got so bad Sometimes it's so crazy that nothing can save me But it's the only thing that I have
But when everything is over and Daisuke explains exactly how the experience was for him (“When our Digimon combined, our thoughts and feelings flowed through each of our bodies. Our hearts beating as one…it was an amazing feeling of unity! That’s when I knew we were partners.”), Ken panics and tells him, “I’m qualified to be your partner yet,” and walks away before Daisuke really has the chance to process what happened. Despite Daisuke’s words before they Jogress-evolved, Ken is still determined to redeem himself before allowing himself to join the team.
“Run” by Snow Patrol
Light up, light up As if you have a choice Even if you cannot hear my voice I'll be right beside you, dear
Of course, that would require Daisuke to know how to take no for an answer. Even if Ken isn’t going to listen to him and join the team, he still includes him as much as he can, and he is determined to stick by Ken’s side even if he doesn’t want him there.
And it may look to an outsider like Daisuke isn’t respecting Ken’s wishes, which yeah, that’s technically true. But by this time, Daisuke understands Ken better than anyone, save Wormmon, and while Daisuke may not respect Ken’s wishes, he respects Ken more than Ken respects himself. More than anything, he wants to help Ken, and he will be there for Ken to lean on if he ever needs to.
“Not Today” by Twenty One Pilots
Heard you say, "Not today" Tore the curtains down, windows open now, make a sound Heard your voice, "There's no choice" Tore the curtains down, windows open now, make a noise
I'm, I'm out of my mind, I'm not seeing things right I waste all this time trying to run from you But I'm, I'm out of my mind
To an extent, it is because of Daisuke’s forwardness that Ken keeps running away, as Hikari says on multiple occasions. He keeps trying to run away from Daisuke, from the other Chosen Children, but for some reason (*cough* Daisuke *cough*), it doesn’t seem to stick.
“Arch Drive Goodbye” by Eve 6
Wanna keep you from breakin' Wanna keep you from shakin' Wanna keep you from keepin' You down Wanna keep you from sinkin' Wanna keep you from drinkin' Sometimes Wanna keep you from keepin' You down
Ringing in my head All the things you've said All the things you've done I wish I could compromise But there's only one way to go And I'm going alone I'm going alone
I see this song as a sort of duet. There are sections/lines that would be from Daisuke’s perspective (the first quote, though obviously ignore the line about drinking--they’re eleven) and sections that would be from Ken’s (the second quote). Daisuke wants to help him so badly, but Ken is still so determined not to need help and to go it alone.
“Someone to Save You” by OneRepublic
All right Sit down and spill your heart
Let’s start from the very start 'Cause I can see by your eyes You're wasted Your energy comes and goes You taking your time, you know Nothing can change what happened
Not that Daisuke will listen to that, right? No matter how much Ken insists he can go it alone, Daisuke is always there to be supportive. He’s just as determined to help Ken as Ken is to refuse help. Actually, no, Daisuke is way more determined. He will always, above all else, persevere.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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flyswhumpcenter · 5 years
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Bad Things Happen Bingo! The event where you send me requests according to this marvelous card! (Red cross is the completed prompt, character headshots are prompts I’ve already filled. I don’t have any request left, so feel free to send in suggestions for this card!).
I need to write more Makaito smh
Y'all don't even know how surprised I got to see @mythgirlimagines had sent me a request. Most of all because I rarely get those, but man, that was a good surprise. I had to ask her for another duo (as I know nothing about UDG, not gonna lie), but I always love more Makaito in my life despite the appearances. I always get crazy about the worldbuilding in this AU, but in short: everyone has powers (yes, everyone, even your grandparents). They're called mages. There are three types of mages: weapon users, spell casters and healers. Sometimes there are hybrids between these models (of 2 kinds at the same time). Hybrids are chased by bounty hunters for plot reasons. Maki used to be one, but she's become a "hunter of hunters". I think that's all you need to know for this fic? Oh yeah, this fic contains some French because the main setting, the city of Hellesimbault, is heavily based on French culture. It just made more sense to keep some French in.
It should have been angstier than that, but I was in a fluffier mood today, so here you go. I really need to provide more for this ship.
Flickering Lights
Summary: The night has never been safe for anyone in the darker streets of the city, yet a duo makes it way through the shadows with vigilent crimson eyes and purple thunder. Still, even the most attention doesn't always give away damage people can take, doesn't it?
Fandom: Danganronpa V3 (magical people AU) Ship: Makaito (Established)
Wordcount: 2.2K words
Event hosted by @badthingshappenbingo
AO3 version available here.
Quartier de la Lune, Hellesimbault, January. The dire cold blew in harsh winds as the dust and garbage littered on the barely lit ground fly right against the ground, their mass never quite taking off. The artificial lights flicker in incoherent rhythms, drilling into the skulls of passers-by with their constant noise you can’t quite get used to, even after hearing it for a while (it just stops being your main nuisance). The rest of the streets leading to the old Moon Temple is sunk in the night’s darkness, with only a few flashes and bursts of clarity piercing through the sea of shadows.
Personally, Nerio was one of these shadows, and had always been. She had gone through everything possible: abandoned girl, orphan raised along the nice and the bad, forced through the grinder to become a bounty hunter, now on the opposite side of the underground war. Hidden under her hood, crimson eyes focusing on any light and ears open to all possible noise, she was used to the darkness.
In fact, she was in unison with the underground, hostile, familiar universe of Hellesimbault’s darkest streets and ruins long buried by modern civilisation.
 In the shadows, she felt safe as soon as she was wearing the mask of Nerio, named after a goddess of war, a bloodthirsty figure in need for a vengeance and taking it out onto bounty hunters with no hope of redemption. It felt good to shoot arrows at criminals like those who had forced her into the network as a preteen whom life hadn’t directly shown its atrocious parts to yet, and it was the one way she had ever felt alive: reclaiming her rotten childhood and early teenage years by showing them she’s now better than them.
She hadn’t quite killed her abductors, even when an untold furry had possessed her into doing so by hindering any semblance of reason she could have had, only because some guy who couldn’t get enough of her had put his hand on Enyo’s shoulder and whispered to her, in a disapproving but paradoxically soft voice:
“Maki, that’s enough.”
 That was the day where she had truly stopped only considering herself as Nerio, bloodstained shadow and reluctant, yet effective, bounty hunter turned hunter slayer, a figure of the shadows, and more like whom she had been during in the daylight all this time.
All thanks to an absolute idiot she had met in class because he wouldn’t stop not wanting to talk to her.
 Their tandem made no sense. She was a figure of the night, a girl shrouded in darkness, content being left alone. Her arms and legs were covered in scars, her hands calloused from handling her magical weapon, her feet permanently threaded with the liquified mana of her former adversaries. Her spirit was calculating, her character quiet, her face always covered with a mask. She never had had friends before high school had come around, before people flocked to her because she had apparently stopped being threatening to some. That was around this time that Nerio started to fade and Maki took her place, progressively, until Nerio was the persona and Maki the person.
If she was used to the horrors of Hybrid trafficking, he couldn’t have. He was a benevolent figure of the day, loud to the point of being obnoxious, rude but well-meaning, never second-guessing anything, acting before he thought. His arms and legs, displayed by much more revealing clothes than her elbow-long sleeves and opaque tights, were defined yet not showing a trace of damage like a recently sculpted statue, his hands were strong but their skin soft, his character remarkable, his face displaying a smile and never hiding anything from sight. He was popular, dizzyingly so, people constantly around him, but he had his inner circle. He had come to her, introduced himself, asked her who she was and, before she realized it, he had accepted her into this inner circle so few would have even dared dreaming about entering in the Cité Scolaire, and that was when her façade crumbled before his friends and him. Before she knew it, Kaito had found himself a night persona, Uranus, who barely was different from the person.
It pained her to have him as her partner for this very reason: he was too good for the shadows, too bright for the darkness, and he’d only be busted before she could save him. She wasn’t ready to lose him to the urban abyss, but he insisted, and his presence was too warm for her not to want it.
 Still, Uranus had impressive fighting skills. His dream to one day be the first mage to reach space and discover if there was a world aside from theirs had pushed him to maintain a perfect form, despite an unfortunate illness trying to limit his life. She’d have expected him to be a weapon user, like she was, but the equivalent to his crossbow life had given him was a cape whom had the powers to create the tiniest blackholes and power up his offensive magic. They were power units in vastly different domains, sure thing, but she was still impressed by how many enemies he could take at once and still win over.
The main issue of their duet was their range: it was too long for close combat. If an enemy was to sneak up on them and force her to switch her weapon for her fists and kicks, there was no doubt she’d have a harder time taking care of them. He was more or less the same: long-range spells, very poor to non-existent support magic, a blackhole strategy that’d be more of a double-edged sword and, of course, his fairly frail constitution outside of his training. Neither was a healer, so they couldn’t possibly count on that either.
 Under the full moon of the harsh January, lights flickering above them like candles on a tomb flowing with the wind, they were fighting against an ambush. A bunch of low-grade Hybrid bounty hunters, eyes staring at them with an indiscretion she was getting tired of, their hands on their weapons and only waiting for the duo to slip up. Nerio wouldn’t give them the pleasure to kill her and take her corpse away for them to get compensation for a murder, so she shot arrow after arrow, ignoring various attempted status ailments thrown at her and gusts of winds repeatedly trying to flip her skirt up. All she had to hide under the hem of her dress were tights and a holster with a material hatchet in case she was in a desperate situation; but using it in front of Uranus felt dirty. It’d be nothing but a cheap shot at life when she had proved to him countless times before she was more than competent.
Their number was dwindling more quickly than her mana, sure, but the fighting was tiring her out, most likely him too, and they had class to attend tomorrow (Kaito had managed to convince her, with the insistence of the overly cheerful Kaede). She’d better make it quick, so she charged her cheapest shots in and didn’t mind the drawbacks of wasting more of her power endurance to quickly put an end to the fight. Rapid-fire, crimson arrows it’d have to be, in the end: not quite her Final Gambit spell, which she was still trying to control, but still one powerful enough to clear through the ranks and through her mana reserves. Any child of the shadows would have learnt that exhausting their magic entirely was nothing more but signing their worse-than-death fate: being forgotten in the icy streets of the underground city.
 Their adversaries were most likely scummy opportunists, because they disappeared after a few arrows had been thrown at them. It didn’t prevent her from exhaling a sigh of relief, the danger of the streets weakening around them as the lights stopped flickering. Too much magic in the air to make the one used by the electric network function properly, she supposed: it didn’t matter this much, to be frank. All she wanted to do was go back home, now that she had exterminated the vermin for the night.
Maki turned her attention back to her partner who, like her, was still transformed into his battle attire. He looked just fine, smiling at her with his darkness-eating grin and a thumbs-up. Giving him a nod, they silently decided to go back to their base, where surely Kaede and Shuichi were waiting for them before going to sleep at last. Despite her earlier loneliness, she felt safe and welcome around their little group, her companions, her friends.
 Yet, despite the peace of hearing nothing but their footsteps and breathing, the mandatory silence of the underground nights pushing them not to speak to each other before they’d safely make it to their home, there was something bothering Maki. It wasn’t the sudden silence: she was used to activity dying down and coming back much, much later, when they wouldn’t be there anymore. Thinking silence was a trap in those uncharted territories was a beginner’s mistake: it was a sign towards the right direction. The narrow walls always made sounds resonate and echo to a hunter’s ears.
It was a smell in the air, the faint smell of iron. It was close to her, yet hindered by something, and she couldn’t quite put her hand on where she had smelt it before. Her confusion merely lasted a few moments, though, until she realized it couldn’t have been anything but blood tainting something, its scent retained by something else, but remaining detectable nonetheless. One source and one source only: the dark crimson puddle she was seeing on her partner’s attire.
 “Kaito,” she suddenly said, stopping in her tracks.
“Hm?” He turned his attention to her, hand mindlessly over the epicentre of the issue. “What’s wrong, Maki Roll?”
“You’re injured, you idiot. I thought you wanted us to tell each other everything.”
Her eyebrows frowned.
“I am? I promised I would tell you everything, Maki Roll, you must be imagining things!”
She knew when he lied, when his voice would sound fake, when his eyes looked too much to the left and when he wouldn’t stop laughing nervously. It disturbed her that none of these cues were there.
“Your hand,” she only said as an explanation. “Look at your hand, you fool.”
 Kaito, luckily, understood immediately what hand she was referring to. He took it off the wound, eyes glancing at his mostly untouched palms, then the growing stain. It surprised it at first, almost sending him in a panic, until he breathed out and ignored the nervous sweat beads pearling on his temples.
“Ah, fuck, you’re right Maki Roll! They must have gotten a hit on me… Let’s get home fast then!”
She felt a tiny smile make its way onto her face.
“I’m surprised you didn’t feel it,” she replied as they resumed their walk, gaze often glancing at the stain. “It doesn’t look too deep, at least, if you can walk this easily.”
“Yeah… Most likely a bad cut. Nothing my sidekick can’t heal!”
“…you’re going to ask Shuichi to heal that for you?”
He blinked.
“On second thought, bad idea. It’ll heal by itself soon enough.”
“That’s also a terrible option. At least put a bandage on that thing, you moron.”
“Got it!”
 His eyes grew wider as he stared at her. Now, that was a look she didn’t like in the slightest: he usually gave it to her when he had a shitty idea to propose.
“Hey, Maki Roll,” he pointed his finger at her arms, “you’re injured too!”
Surprised, she stared at her forearms right afterwards, only to notice he was referring to small bruises and scratches.
“Oh, come on, you know this has nothing in common with what you could have been bleeding from, Kaito. It’s merely a scratch.”
“You should be careful too, then, if you scold me for being careless.
“I know what I’m doing, unlike you, but thank you for the concern.”
“Hey, I know what I’m doing too!”
“Sure, sure.”
 He showed her a hand, palm turned to her.
“Don’t worry, that’s one not stained with blood”. His grin.
She found him ridiculous and beyond cheesy, but took his fingers in hers anyway, enlacing them together.
“As long as you don’t need me as a clutch, it’s fine.”
“Of course I don’t! I’m Uranus, Luminary of the Stars!”
Oh god. He was ridiculous, and such an idiot, but her life had only improved ever since he had arrived there. She could only partially attribute it to his idiotic side, in a way.
“Your predictability is utterly disappointing, sometimes, you know that?”
“I also know you secretly love it, Maki.”
“If you say so. There’s no discussing with you anyway.”
 Right in front of her, he brushed his other hand on his attire’s pants, barely giving her the time to frown in disgusted surprise, and swiped her hood in a swift movement with the back of his hand. All of this to put a kiss on her forehead, a childish peck, that nonetheless makes her cheeks slightly heat up.
“You’re an untameable idiot, Kaito.”
“I’m your idiot, though, Maki Roll.”
She looked away, chuckling despite her best attempts at controlling herself.
“…I know, I know.”
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Hello, loves! So, I recently saw another masterlist post like this and as I’ve written a fair number of victuuri fics, I thought it could be fun to make one as well!!
I’ve written 27 Victor/Yuuri fics (no other ships involved) and all of them (except for one) are complete! This list compiles all of them neatly together and I can give some author insight into my own personal favorites versus which ones are my most popular, etcetera. 
The list will be compiled in alphabetical order! All relevant tags, ratings, author’s notes, and short(er) summaries will be shown in an organized manner. 
If interested, click the read below! Much love to you all and I hope you’ll like one of them, maybe!!! ❤️❤️
KEY:      ** = author’s favorite     bolded = top 3 kudos’d    IMG = embedded images in fic    
Abstract Intuition ~ Teen/3.2k words  ~ Introspection, Japanese Myths, Dreams vs. Reality ~ a/n: weird! loved writing it though ~ in which Yuuri understands more about himself than he thinks he does and believes in a Japanese supernatural being 
Aegri somniavana ~ Teen/2.3k words ~ Major Character Death, Heavy Angst, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Depression, Panic Attacks ~ a/n: sad! sad sad sad! if you don’t want to be sad, do not read this! ~ “The love of a half-dead heart will keep you half alive” 
a blessing in disguise ~ Teen/WIP~ AUs: Fantasy & Royalty, Witch Curses, Fairy Tale Elements, Mutual Pining, Magic & Wizards, Light Angst, Fluff & Humor, Child Victor (at times) ~ a/n: one of my favorites concept-wise, will update one day! ~ Victor gets cursed. Yuuri does not. Yuuri most definitely feels like he is though.
can’t buy love, but you can try if you’re a ridiculous man like Victor Nikiforov ~ General/495 words ~ SAPPY, old victuuri ~ a/n: domestic victuuri makes me so soft :’’) ~ Victor loves spoiling his grandchildren. 
Chair AU (series with 2 fics) ~ General/505 words ~ why ~ a/n: yes it’s that fic the terrible and infamous chair au, yes i wrote that, yes i am aware of its contents, yes it is ridiculous ~ yuuri is a chair
ethereal ~ General/877 words ~ Introspection, Canon Compliant ~ a/n: romantic drabble ~ realizations
even Time ~ Mature/18k words ~ Time Travel Fix-It With A Twist!, AU, Angst with a Happy Ending, Depression, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Poisoning, Depression, Complicated Relationships, Non-Linear Narrative ~ a/n: this was my 2nd yoi fic! there are two ways to read it (one chapter for each way). this is quite sad, but also… not ~ in which yuuri and victor get it wrong until time comes in and allows for them to get it right
finally ~ General/1.8k words ~ Mutual Pining, High School AU, Friends to Lovers, Getting Together, Oblivious Katsuki Yuuri, Fluff ~ a/n: ngl i wrote this so quickly and did not expect people to like it as much as they did ~ in which everyone got the memo that Yuuri and Victor are “totally dating” except for Yuuri
going places ~ Teen/1.2k words ~ Pre-Canon, AU- Canon Divergence, Self-Reflection, Adolescent Sexuality ~ a/n: my first fic!!!!!!!! i wrote this right after ep 3 was released, this was basically my take on how victor and yuuri knew each other before the reveal in ep 10 :3 ~ viktor remembers and yuuri helps
hearts beat ~ Teen/1.4k words ~ Introspection, Angst, Canon Compliant, Insecurity, set after the beginning of episode 12 ~ a/n: i wrote this for a friend actually :3 this isn’t as sad as people seem to think? like? it’s better afterward as seen in the show? people acting like i broke them up smh ~ Yuuri doesn’t see what Victor sees in him.
in sickness & in health ~ General/511 words ~ Sappy, Sickfic, Domestic ~ a/n: cute drabble :( ~ Yuuri takes care of his whiny and sick husband.
in sync ~ Teen/442 words ~ Introspection, Falling in Love ~ a/n: soft :( ~ heartbeat
inevitable ~ Teen/972 words ~ True Love, Domestic, Insecurity, Sappy Fluff ~ a/n: this is probably my favorite work for domestic victuuri ~ Victor had a bad day and comes home and snaps at Yuuri. Cue little fight and makeup. :)
love (leaf) pile ~ General/354 words ~ Fluff, Victor is Extra ~ a/n: this one was so fun to write! ~ Yuuri shows Victor the glory that is jumping in leaf piles!!
love letters are too cliché ~ Teen/7.2k words ~ Pen Pals, Fluff, Light Angst, Mutual Pining, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Coming Out, College AU (sort of), Letters ~ a/n: this was definitely one that took a lot of me to write for some reason but i’m proud of how it ended up uwu ~ Viktor and Yuuri are pen pals. They both get more out of it than they originally thought.
moonstruck ~ General/712 words ~ Canon Compliant, True Love, Gentle Kissing ~ a/n: i think this was my first ever drabble? i was so soft when writing it ~ moon·struck (adjective): unable to think or act normally, especially because of being in love.
Much To Do About Everything ~ Teen/24.8k words ~ Enemies to Lovers, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Misunderstandings, Humor, Pranks and Practical Jokes, Fluff and Angst, Rivalry ~ a/n: this work is more dialogue heavy than my others and it was very fun to write that dialogue :) ~ Victor and Yuuri won’t stop complaining about each other. Phichit and Chris, being the wonderful best friends that they are, just want them to shut the hell up. Starfleet Academy/Star Trek/Much Ado About Nothing AU
**Pigeon Alley ~ IMG ~ Teen/35.5k words ~ Famous Actors Victuuri, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff, Insecurity, Implied/Referenced Alcoholism/Alcohol Abuse, Unresolved Emotional Tension, Non-Linear Narrative, Friends to Lovers to Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Media Attention ~ a/n: one of my personal favorites, writing this fic helped me in more ways than one ~ What’s meant to be will always find a way. Victor and Yuuri? They’re meant to be.
the rain before the rainbow ~ IMG ~ Teen/7.6k words ~ ANXIETY, Anxiety Attacks, Insecurity, Introspection, Post-Canon, Angst with a Happy Ending, Lack of Communication, Sick Makkachin ~ a/n: one of my more emotionally taxing fics honestly but working with Bee was so fun ~ Yuuri is anxious about marrying Victor.
recovery & the sun ~ Teen/1.2k words ~ Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Introspection, Character Study, Recovery, Drabble ~ a/n: one of my my darkest fics (if not the darkest) and also one where i wrote it just to project some of my own feelings ~ Yuuri understood in a way that Victor had never expected, had never even hoped.
Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy ~ Explicit/1.7k words ~ Anal Sex, Porn with Feelings, basically Yuuri rides Victor while Victor wears a cowboy hat, kind of a crack fic? ~ a/n: fjfjfjfjfjfjjfjfjjfj why ~ When Victor receives a cowboy hat from a fan, Yuuri may or may not want to devastate him.
strength ~ Teen/1.1k words ~ Gender Dysphoria, Trans Katsuki Yuuri, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Anxiety, Established Relationship ~ a/n: so this fic haunts me bc i think i misinterpreted the prompt wrong (didn’t see the “him” at the end there) and a big part of me wishes i wrote yuuri as a trans GUY and i feel bad whenever i think about this fic but some people liked it and yeah ~ Yuuri feels dysphoric and Victor comforts her.
sunflower ~ Teen/1.2k words ~ Slight Angst, Introspection, Femininity, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Fluff, Sappy ~ a/n: one of my fave drabbles! uwu~ Yuuri realizes it’s okay to like wearing dresses.
touch ~ General/439 words ~ True Love, Anxiety ~ a/n: this is also another one of my fave drabbles ~ Viktor and Yuuri express their love through touch.
**The Universe’s Secrets ~ IMG ~ General/5.3k words ~ Pre-Relationship, Mutual Pining, Sappy, Introspection, Canon Compliant, Tension, Relationship Study, Developing Relationship ~ a/n: another fic that took a lot of me but i’m proud of writing and ALSO another fic where i very much enjoyed working with jercy~ 3 times Victor smiles at Yuuri + 3 times Yuuri smiles at Victor. 
The World Opened With You ~ IMG ~ Teen/10.6k words ~ Famous Victuuri, Violinist Victor, Pianist Yuuri, Musician AU, Depression, Family Issues, Sappy, Introspection ~ a/n: this fic really popped off huh !! i honestly never expected it to and it meant a lot that it did and thank you STILL nikai for making gorgeous artwork, i really loved working with him too :( ~ Victor and Yuuri are paired up to play a duet together. More things come from it than expected.
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unholyforged · 6 years
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⤻   *       IIIIIIIIIIT’S EDIE !!!! :   back at it again   &   here to introduce you to my lil #irishaccentaf , #vsmol , #butvstrong , HENRIETTA FIGG !!!!!!!    
unlike my intros for siri sadboi black & frankleface longbooty , this intro post will ( hopefully ) not be , like , 1000000000000 words long b/c ,,,,,,,,,, like ,,,,,,,,,, i’m trying to turn over a new leaf ?? and am tryna live a life where i don’t spend 30 days and 30 nights pouring out my heart and soul into my muses backstories whilst crying into a pack of tim tams ??  :’) ajisodjeiowoew . so ANYWAY , without further ado , here’s the loml , henri ♡♡♡
** TRIGGERS : death , religious extremism , physical and emotional abuse .
⤻   *       APPLICATION   —— !
* ╰    ( KANG MINA )┋have you met ( HENRIETTA FIGG  ) ? ( she ) reminds me of ( holy water and incense ; a girl nailed to a burning crucifix . sorrow burdened , unholy forged —— magic mistaken for sin . could you speak through embraces rather than speaking with words ? it’s easier for her to understand the language of touch . there are brutal fists and the bloom of black bruises , she dreams of liberation ; she can find it if she chooses . so defying god , she closes her eyes , and with broken bones she refuses to cry —— she is divinity unto her own sacred self ; a girl reborn , all evil repelled . she dwells in that hazy in-between world which sits some place between where she’s escaped from , and who she’s yet to become —— an angel that fell , her tears are undone , she’s not holy , she’s no one ). a ( nineteen ) year old ( ninth ) year ( slytherin ), the ( unholy ) is known to be ( + adroit & + compassionate ), yet ( — feckless & — impervious ). that explains why they’re majoring in ( wizarding law ). rumour has it, ( henri ) is siding with ( the order ) in the solemn war that blazes just beyond the horizon. ( admin edie, 22, aedt, she/her )
⤻   *       THE BAD BEGINNING  ——   !!
YEAH , SO , HENRI !!!!!!!!
was born with the name delilah healy .
v religious parents
v religious upbringing
HAD a lot of faith in GOD before THINGS happened
“ what things though , edie ???? ” you may ask
VERY GOOD QUESTION. A++++ , my loves
my cupcakes , i shall tell you :~)
delilah grew up in the irish countryside . devout catholics , delilah’s parents had moved to ireland from korea when they were newlyweds , having heard of the large catholic population there . upon arrival , they changed their korean surname of ‘ hwang ’ to the irish surname of ‘ healy ’ ; the name change helping them feel more a part of the irish catholic church community . 
when delilah was a little bub , her parents just thought that she was the most perfect thing in the world ! with silken black hair & bright brown eyes eyes , delilah seemed like god’s gift to the healy’s , tbh .
delilah ( let’s just call her delilah until we get to why she changed her name to henrietta !!!!! ) was practically christined AS SOON AS her umbilical cord was cut tbh . all like *pops out into the world* *has umbilical cord cut* *CHRISTENED* !!!!
“ what a holy child !!!!!! an angel !!!!!!!! ” —— everyone would say this to the healy’s , and the healy’s were like HECK YA our angel faced cute patootie is the gr8est !
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and then , one day , STRANGE THINGS started happening .
only three years of age , flowers would BLOOM beneath delilah’s feet during moments of happiness , while during moments of distress , melancholy & anger , the ground stirred and shifted where she stood , as if it were about to SWALLOW HER WHOLE. 
“ WOAH , DEVIL CHILD , OUR CHILD HAS THE DEVIL IN HER !!! ” —— the healy’s . smh . 
a man who belonged deeply & FIRSTLY to god, his OWN SELF SECOND, and his WIFE AND CHILD THIRD , these mystical ( MAGICAL —— but normal WIZARDING WORLD ) happenings were painted by delilah’s father as evidence of his daughter’s DEMONIC POSSESSION . with misguided love & brutal hands , delilah’s father fully intended to cleanse delilah of the devil’s influence .
^ mr. healy began to beat delilah every time somethingmagical strange would happen
for a small while ???? this actually seemed ???? to solve everything ????? :( 
a religious girl herself , delilah believed that the magic , the BEATINGS , and MISERY that had consumed her life were all part of some GRAND TEST . all she needed to do , SHE KNEW , was PROVE HER FAITH IN GOD & SHOW that she was worthy , strong and true , and her hardships would be over . GOD would reward delilah for her love and devotion with kindness and fortune,  and everything would be fine in the end .
with this belief in mind , delilah ENDURED ALL OF HER FATHER’S BRUTALITIES for years —— she BELIEVED that she deserved the tattooed bruises of deep purple and blue that covered every inch her soft skin , and she spent day after day crying in the darkest corners of her room —— scarcely even daring to believe that she was even deserving of being touched by the rays of sunlight that crept in through her cracked bedroom window . SHE WAS WRONG , SHE WAS IMPURE , SHE WAS UNHOLY .
until one day around the age of 8 delilah turned around and was like “ NOT TODAY SATAN ” @ mr. healy :o & after a particularly harrowing beating , delilah decided to fight back . 
DELILAH WASN’T IN CONTROL as the furniture began to hover above ground , kitchen knives and chairs and cupboards levitating in an unnatural manner that foretold the DISASTER about to unfurl . as delilah let a wail rip through the air ( girl broken , girl afraid ) , a cupboard SLAMMED mr . healy to the wall —— CRUSHING & SWIFT . after a moment of pure terror ; the world grew SILENT once more . wood splintering , knives clattering to the floor , dust settling , and delilah held her father’s lifeless body in her arms until strange people called aurors showed up , obliviating her mother , and escorting delilah out from the premises .
six months after the incident, the wizengamot try delilah’s hearing . ultimately, the verdict was that delilah had killed her father ( unintentionally , through a burst of uncontrolled , pre-adolescent magic ) in self-defence —— an event that was built up over a lifetime of emotional and physical abuse at the hands of a cruel muggle mother and father . rather than being locked up , delilah was sent to a rehabilitative ward at st. mungo’s to receive physical treatments from healers , as well as emotional counselling . 
it is at st. mungo’s that delilah meets a healer by the name of fenella figg —— and , after establishing a relationship of trust and friendship , fenella and her husband ( ernest ) decide to adopt delilah into their family . 
⤻   *       SHE DEFIES GOD  ——   !!
the figg household is the exact opposite of the healy household ; filled with strange but affectionate creatures called kneazles , filled with magic and pumpkin pasties , and filled with love for the sake of people , not for the sake of god . best of all , the figg household isn’t lonely —— for more than finding the love of two new parents , delilah also finds the love of a sister , five years older than her : arabella figg . 
in the busy figg household , crowded with commotion , kneazles , and love , delilah finds the strength to defy god , and believe in herself instead . as a promise to herself ( a promise of never faltering again , and never fearing again ) , the girl changes her name to HENRIETTA ( derived from heimiric —— meaning home & power ) —— leaving delilah in her past with her fears & scars . 
⤻   *       LIL TIDBITS   ——   !!
cool cool cool , TOIT !!! 
so henri is a pretty sweet chick 
she’s very capable
exceedingly kind
but pretty sharp most of the time
she will hex u real good if you’re mean
* mushu vc * she’ll hex u , she’ll hex ur cow , she’ll hex ur whole family 
dw tho , she will hex her own housemates when they’re being asses too ( and NOT TO STEREOTYPE OR ANYTHING , but being in slytherin , there are ,,, a LOT ,,, of assholes in her house )
equal opportunity amirite ?? 
henri loves : quidditch ( is slytherin team’s keeper ) , duelling , kneazles , cats, owls, rats, dogs , dragons , octopi , pandas , unicorns , elephants , tigers , chickens , ANIMALS !!!!!!!!!!! , people are okay too ......  !!!!!!!!!! , firewhiskey , bonfires , fireplaces , the colour red ( shoulda been a gryffindor , sorting hat wyd ??? ) , muggle films , kidding around with arabella , hanging out with arabella , arabella (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ , watching the sunset , watching the sunrise , hexing nasty ppl , healing kind ppl , knitting , speaking her mind , starting fights , winning fights , watching the stars at night , her family & those that she holds dear .
henri abhors : clichés, norms, being painted as a damsel in distress , the patriarchy, blood supremacy / and its gross supremacists , people telling her what to do , organised religion , dark magic , tuesdays , arithmancy , losing , being wrong , being woken up , lukewarm baths , peeves , bullies , food that’s gone cold , when it’s cold but not cold enough to snow , when her owl doesn’t come back to the owlery by nightfall , hard beds , disco , condescension , malice & the ones she cares about being hurt .
henri eats a lot . food is her friend . yorkshire puddings are yummo & they are her fave [ assorted devouring sounds ] . she’s also one helluva cook :~)))))))))))) 
henri has no chill when it comes to her values i.e. fighting against blood supremacists , fighting for gender equality , fighting for equal rights for centaurs ..... EQUALITY THINGS IN GENERAL !!!!!!!! -— henri has a teeny tiny short fuse when issues of equality are concerned & she is always ready to smite any sonuvabeech who crosses her on these issues . she’s also pretty aggro on the quidditch field yo’ . that’s the unholy 4 u .
my babe can drink more firewhiskey than the whole student body at hogwarts combined , but she never gets drunk . she has the alcohol tolerance of a large blue whale tbH ???? she’s the #mumfriend at parties because she’s the only one sober enough to be .
henri honestly really kind when she lets herself be ????? she finds happiness in watching the stars , in flying , in climbing trees and caring for others —— she finds knitting , and cleaning cathartic , and wants nothing more than to lie down in bed for the rest of her life , surrounded by fluffy duvets and warmth :~))))) however , amidst trying to escape from the clutches of her past , make headway as slytherin keeper in a sport that’s still predominantly played and spectated by men , and trying to come to terms with the fact that there’s a very real war on the horizon , henri hasn’t been left with much room for softness . she is , though —— ... she has the softest of hearts , which is exactly why she needs to make sure her exterior is impenetrable . 
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whatdafoxx · 6 years
“The Haunting of Hill House” Review
‪Bro, what the FUCK??? Ok alright alright alright, I never expected a horror show to have me on the verge of tears almost EVERY EPISODE. Netflix is hitting it out of the damn park with these originals lately. I thought “Maniac” was amazing (it still is), but “The Haunting of Hill House” (THOHH) blew me away. I thought it was just going to be some regular scary show like AHS or something, but man oh man was I wrong. ‬
There’s actually very few movies or TV shows I can say made me feel something I’ve never felt before from cinema. “Maniac” did similar in regards to it’s darkest of humor for sad stuff while THOHH does the exact same in it’s own right, constantly jerking me from side to side. That of which one side being fucking TERRIFIED and the other making me actually clench my chest while blinking repeatedly from keeping a tear come out. This happened CONSTANTLY through the series. You’ll honestly forget you’re watching horror half the time, because the themes are so serious and so well handled, but don’t let it fool you. Once your guard is down, that’s when they throw in those bitchass scares. 🤦‍♀️
Anyways, let’s talk about this work of art:
- Firstly, the complex story. It’s timeline is spread out across the season consistently jumping from random times in the past and to the present. It sets up so many questions from the start that gets crazy satisfying answers. It’s so well thought out, it’s fucking nuts.
- This ensemble gets their own episode each and they all shine so bright. Such unique characters and character building. By the end, it’s almost reminiscent of seeing The Avengers come together I swear. 😤
- Speaking of which, even the side characters all have their stories come full circle satisfyingly. THE DETAIL IN THIS SHOW.
- Oh, and you can play fucking “I spy” every episode with ghosts in the background and scare tf outta yourself while doing so smh.
- There’s SO many monologues in this show, even for side characters. They’re all executed so well and written so creatively. Such poetry in verbiage choices. (also similar to “Maniac”)
- So on top of the well done creepy/eerie directing, you’ll get a couple cheap scares but they’re at least unpredictable and will legitimately scare you. I swear to god I have such a love/hate relationship with this show, but I promise you’ll actually appreciate how well balanced this show handles the drama and horror. Plus, it’s ACTUALLY scary. 🙏
- I need to give a full bullet point just for one episode (ep.6). It was directed with about 3-5 single shots of around 10-20 mins each, that featured all of the cast including even the child actors. Acting and directing was absolutely flawless. This episode deserves a fucking Emmy for the love god if it doesn’t I’ll fight someone.
- Lastly, the TWISTS AND SURPRISES OMG, I SAID HOLY FUCK OUT LOUD THE LAST EPISODE SO MANY TIMES. Side note: the show finally got one tear from me during the last episode. Bravo, BRAV-O.
So in conclusion, FUCK this show I loved it. It’s possibly my favorite show of 2018. Yet another piece of art that’ll go down in cinema history. Thank you Netflix, and thank you everyone involved in this show. I def won’t be sleeping tonight while being in my feelings, so thanks for that too.
P.S. Nell is a damn angel who deserves the world. I would die for her. 😭😭😭
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utopianvoices · 6 years
love languages | stray kids
↭ a/n: this is based purely on my opinion and perspective of them!!
from what we see every vlive
his top love language will be physical touch 
he’ll come back from a long day at the studio or from practice
and he’ll just collapse on you
in need for cuddles
and just physical contact in general
whatever you and him do, there will be SOME physical contact 
brushing of hands, holding hands, his hand on your back, small pecks in between conversations, linking of pinkies ((this actually makes me so soft asdkfjaskf))
you name it and it’ll be there tbh
that being said, however, he’ll really respect your space 
so one word from you and he’ll be on the other side of the room
but you won’t miss the pouty lips he was sporting
but also lets be real who doesn’t want to cuddle him
we know he’s a great cook 
but loves it so much when you cook for him
because then he can back hug you and be that cute couple everybody cringes at but also secretly wishes that they also had that
loves winters only because he gets to cuddle you all night long without getting sweaty and shit 
also strikes me as the person who loves eskimo kisses asdlfgska; someone stop me im gonna combust from all this fluff
just give this boy all the love in the world asdfkdsjagl ;-;
oK this boy is cuddle king #2
its already established that he’s a cuddly bear
but i feel like he’s more of a words of affirmation type of person
he’s cuddly in the sense that he’ll be all up for cuddles and physical affection
but wouldn’t be as needy for it as chan
simple words can make his day
whether you say you love him 
or just things to compliment him in general
because he can get insecure sometimes
thinking that those around him are better and that he’s just not good enough to be doing what he’s doing
so your words to comfort and assure him would mean a lot to him
a “you’re doing great” 
or “that sounded amazing” when he just sang something
can 180 flip his day around SaKDa DwIJIbONa eY yO
someone take the internet away from me
like he could be having the most tiring day with nonstop practising and what not
but the moment you say these things
he just grins like the cheshire cat and collects you in a hug
thats uwujin for you
minho (lee know)
this bOi
oh snap
physical touch for days
okay he is soft yeS
not soft
did you see that miguk chum (american/western dance) on asc
minhoe be going all out
okay hear me out on this but he just seems like a tease yknow its like how he teases the members with food :’’)
like on normal days all he wants is to hug you but seeing you flustered is wayyy more amusing
so this is just him being a piece of shit when he teases you to no ends
like if you want to hug him he’ll just run away from you 
or if you want to kiss him he’s gonna tiptoe so that you cant reach him
and then when you’re done asf with him and walk away
he’s gonna swoop in and just smother you with love and affection
but i see him being a real softie whenever he’s tired
will be pretty whiny and clingy when all he wants to do it sleep
and you’re not gonna have the heart to tease him for all the times he did it to you
because he looks too tired and cute
so you’ll let him do what he wants without denying him of your attention
and he’s just gonna cuddle up to you and will probs be the little spoon ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
okay now we have the darkest member of sk
but also the aegyo king
this duality
but yes getting onto business
i see him really valuing acts of services 
if you see him struggling with something
a simple “can i help” or “is there something i can do” will make his heart go boom boom
because although he knows you can’t really help when he’s stuck with composing or writing
the fact that you thought about him and are willingly asking to help will warm his heart
also loves it when you help him clean up or cook for him
although he feels really bad for making you do it
but deep down he’s just loving it
like all he’d want to do is go home and sleep but thinking about the mess in his room and his grumbling stomach will overpower any thoughts of sleep
when he reaches home, tho, his room is clean and there’s some tasty ass food on the table
and these are the times he just goes asdfldksjf and attacks you with all the hugs and kisses
but this doesn’t mean he takes advantage of you oh no
when you’re having a busy day and he’s at home
you’re gonna come home to a clean ass house, some takeout food and the smell of smoke coming from the kitchen
he tried his best to cook but clearly didn’t succeed
okay this was surprisingly the most difficult to write
because hyunjin is still a mystery
one moment he’s chic 
and the next he’s goofing around with the members
so i think with him it will really depend on the time of the day and his general mood
but mostly he will really value quality time with you
but physical touch will also play an important role in the relationship
rmb when he said that he loves woojin because woojin doesn’t reject his cuddles
my point proven ladies and gentlemen
he will always be touching you one way or another when ya’ll are together
because this boy just can’t get enough of you
loves it when you feed him because he is a sOft boi
his favourite is when you sit on the counter while feeding him and he just stands in between your legs
because then he can see you eye to eye
and just admire you
is the type to interrupt you in a conversation by giving you small pecks
because why not
but at the same time while these cutesy things happen
talking about yourselves will play a very important role to him
because then he will trust you more and open up more and more
which is the most important thing for a lasting relationship
so for this boy, quality time and physical touch will have to go hand in hand
can i get a hwang hyunjin for myself (ಥ﹏ಥ)
jisung (han)
this squirrel
will looooooooove receiving gifts 
not that it’s a necessity for him
like even if you don’t buy the gifts it’s fine
but it’s the thought behind the gift that gets him all feeling squishy and cheesy and all that mush
going back to my point of not buying the gift
he loves handmade gifts more than anything
even a simple message on a torn piece of post-it that has lost its stickiness will mean the world to him
especially when he hasn’t seen you in a long time
he will feel bad if you buy him expensive gifts all the time
because he feels like he should be the one spoiling you
but even if you buy him a rock and told him it reminded you of him
you best bet he’s going to worship that rock to the ends of the world
that’s just the kind of softie he is
loves it when you leave small letters around the house for him to find
the thrill of finding a letter that you put your thought into drives him crazy
will keep every single thing you give him in a memory box and will actually lock it because he doesn’t want the members ruining it 
not because he doesn’t want them to know about it
because trust me the moment you give him something he’s gonna be screaming about it for the next few days to the rest of stray kids
and they’re gonna call you crying asking you to shut him up
this soft bub here deserves all the love in the world
all of them do
but like this boy strikes me as the type who just needs words of affirmation
like you know how he was beaming when jyp complimented him during the final mission on his korean
yes exactly
that’s how happy he gets
i feel like he will constantly need someone to remind him that he deserves everything he has and more
ofc he doesn’t expect you to be praising him non stop
but he appreciates constructive criticism more than just blatant rejection like how jyp did him dirty in ep 8
telling him that “it was really good but this part could’ve been better” and actually helping him get better will mean a lot to him
which also leads me to think that quality time will also be one of his top love languages
anyone who is willing to hype him up when he’s at his best but also spend time with him when he needs improving is someone he will appreciate for the rest of his life
also loves it when you send him soft messages at ass o’clock because he’ll wake up to your messages
and it’ll immediately make his day so much better
even if he has 10000 schedules that day
pls love him 
seungmin strikes me as the type to be really practical about life
and just about the outlook of things
so any acts of service will be enough to get him going asdlfjksaksdljf
because i feel like he is the type to believe “actions speak louder than words”
so if you want to express your love for him, he would appreciate gestures that show your love rather than just you saying that you love him
he’ll never get tired of you asking him if he has eaten or if he has gotten to his destination safely 
because to him it shows that you love and care for him that you are willing to ask him these things
also like changbin, will love it if you help him out with his work
he doesn’t expect you to help him but will be extra extra grateful if you were to help him
especially when he doesn’t ask you to
like if he has a habit of leaving some things around and then forgetting where he put them
and you make an effort to remember this and maybe help him create a space where he can leave these things
this is the shit he signs up for
this shit right here
so if you wanna make your way into this squishy left cheeked boy’s heart, empty words are a no no
stop sleeping on this amazing snail tyvm this has been a psa
jeongin (i.n)
this busan baby that’s killing everyone 
it’s busan’s water i tell you
jeongin is still at an age where i think the maturity in terms of relationships really hasn’t kicked in 
because they’ve been practising for debut and stuff which makes me think he hasn’t had time to really experience the world of romance
so i think he will really love receiving gifts 
bcs he’s a baby
and which baby doesn’t like gifts
but also at the same time
i think he is someone who likes spending quality time > gifts
you know when you’re at that age where all you wanna do is be with your s/o all the time
yep that’s him
he wants to talk to you about his day, his worries, his dreams, this dog he saw on the road and just basically anything 
as long as you’re willing to share everything that happens with you as well
because you naturally form a deeper bond when you share these things
so after a day at practice he’ll come home and join you in front of the tv
but no one’s gonna be watching that shit
ya’ll will just talk about your day and everything that happened while the sound of the tv just serves as background music for your deep talks
also loves loves spending time singing karaoke with you
even if you sound like a dying whale
totally serenades you with trot songs
and it works
because how can you resist this cutie with his braces
∞ end ∞
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psychologicalamino · 6 years
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Hello and i welcome anyone that enjoy dark aesthetics and psychological stuff to join our animo!! If you download the amino you join lovely community where we welcome artists, bloggers, writer or anyone. This is our cult where we share our love for dark and creepy thoughts or interests, we're like goths but minus the cringe jk not really http://aminoapps.com/c/PsychologicalMind We talk about anything to do with psychological stuff like manga, anime, shows, movies, art, science/psyche, or anything you think of; the science of the psychological effects us day to day, to how we think to what bothers us just by understanding this u can change or understand someone so use this animo to get rid of all your deep darkest feeling so you can hopefully feel better about yourself and make friends along the wayyyyy (sorry for dragon ball reference smh) The psychological genre delves deep into stuff that people in the outside world tend to keep to themselves and its often not talked about (almost making it taboo in a weird way) but have no fear because well, oh boy, oh boy, do I have a treat for you just by joining here you can express your feelings to everyone and possible help you deal with them and take your mind off your worries with like minded people. Make sure to follow our animo theme which is dark and edgy Peace out, By your senpai kona 👌
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butterfishgroup · 4 years
Less Human than Human?
If you’ve ever lit incense in a room and invited friends over, you may find a variety of responses to the scent regardless of the type of incense being burned. For some, in my experience, friends have responded that it was off-putting, while most have made some kind of connection to a level of comfort or peace, sometimes using the words ‘purified’ or ‘safe’. It often reminds people of experiences they have had in the past. While I have yet to witness any arguments or violent outbursts stemming from incense fragrances, I’m mindful that it is indeed 2020 and somewhere in the world, this has probably happened, and someone is crying in the darkest corner of their room about it. smh.
The road towards a vaccine during this pandemic is decorated with similar sorts of differences in perception, finger-pointing, division, and overall skepticism. Littered within the anger-inducing 24 hour news cycle, which has provided such a rich source of nourishment for debate (and cynicism), we also see the effects spill over into our communities. It’s not new for humanity to hear of violence, protests, and inequity regarding social justice issues erupting from voicing our opinions or taking action to showcase what we believe to be the ‘right way of doing things’. Demonizing others is quickly weaving itself deeper into the fabric of society. The message that often gets communicated (whether consciously or subconsciously) to others of a differing opinion or circumstance is that they are less-human. What this looks like varies, but it often carries a spirit of depriving the other of their dignity. With a backdrop of this sort of attitude in our communities, we also sink our toes into the flavor of the month which is the recently approved-for-distribution Coronavirus vaccine. The announcement alone has already developed camps that have largely divided society into the vaccine takers and the vaccine haters. What a world.
And with it, we enter into a new cycle of demonizing others for their opinion, logic behind their opinion, and an overall distrust in the direction of our world at large. We have seen this before, it's been talked about, the topic is exahausting. But, before we get all our ducks in a row and unleash a flurry of social media posts with meme science supporting our insults (because that's just how it is, bro) , maybe this time we need to seriously consider what it means to be less human and honestly ask ourselves where it shows up in our own lives? I mean, it's been 10 months of #quarantinelife that also provides us with an opportunity to examine our deficiences, no?
But alas, we are Human, and often the louder voice in our ear is the one of distraction, self-doubt, and control. It is the familiar end of the spectrum, but I do wonder what happens when we venture off to the other end of the spectrum, the one that embraces collective goals, gratitude, and a healthy exploration of what it means to belong. With such distance from the opposite end of the spectrum, we may get a clearer view of our own fears, selfishness, and dangerous desires, which may very well be the source of many of our problems. To be Human might be all those aspects of our internal qualities, but an important element to consider is humanity as a whole and how each ingredient plays an important part of the global entree. Indeed we are a dynamic society reacting to each other's differences, but is it too late reframe the way we approach the wholeness of our humanity? Human capacity includes war and violence, but it may also include joy of inclusivity, healing (vaccines?) , and shared gifts if we want it to. If it is worth exploring the deficiences of our inner qualities as well as our outward expressions in order to see what being Human and all its loving potential looks like, should we keep pushing people to the side and marching on with our chests puffed until things work itself out?
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landraxbct · 4 years
Dang I am not good at keeping up with this blog smh. I tried to become more organised during this lock down. I needed to start making changes in my life, I am working on becoming more focused and creating a routine that will help me to keep up with my studies, which means that hopefully this blog will be updated way more frequently now. I mostly struggled with knowing what to write for these posts, but I sort of have an idea now since the lesson we had about what a good blog post looks like. I decided to do a recap for the lessons we have done already in the beginning of the year to help refresh my minddd.
Week One
CTEC502 (250220) - So during our first lesson in ICT, we got an introduction to what Creative technology is, we learnt about how different ways of thinking can contribute to our creative work. We want to find out ways of using technology to make the world a better place. Creative tech is about discovering new ideas, new pathways. Not particularly about finding what the best idea idea is, or the right pathway, it’s about knowing that there is always more than one way to do something. We familiarized ourselves with concepts and issues, and the theories and methods related to CT. The method we discussed during this week was Brainstorming. Our first Assessment was handed out during this week(vlog).
CTEC501 (260220) - We were introduced to the makey makey, I did not have much experience with this or papertronics and circuits before. I remember being excited to see what we could do with this. We used the makey makey to hack games on our laptops. The theme for this week was “What is an INTERFACE?” An interface is something that objects can use to interact, for example we used our bodies to control our character in a video game. We were then given an small assignment to hack a board game using the makey makey so that players can interact with the game more. My group chose to hack pictionary.
COMP570 (270220) - Introduction to the class and Processing. I remember being nervouse about coding because I had no past experiences with it, I struggled a bit in the beginning, but after studying a bit more in my spare time by watching videos on YouTube and reading through the Processing references I was starting to get a hang of thing. Still could use more practice.
Week Two
CTEC502  (030320) -  During our second lesson we discussed creative practice, we were shown a model about the four constitutive dimensions. The first two are how we react inside: Paradox(wanting to find contrast and being accepting of it) and Curiosity(asking questions and being open to newer ideas). The other two are how we react in the real world: Object and Experience(being creative with our engagement with the world through nature, materials, etc.) and Empathetic Collaboration(ways we can work with others, which helps us to be more aware of being able to do things differently). We looked at dispositions, creative myths, studio pedagogy, and reflective action. Our topic method for this week was Affinity Diagrams. This method is good for examining large amounts of data.
CTEC501 (040320) - We displayed our interactive game with the class. We discussed iconography, how it’s an important part of affordance, we need to understand icons so that we know how to interact with something. “Icons are all about context”. the theme for this week was “What is the EXPERIENCE?” What are we thinking? What are our emotions? We talked a lot about emotion, how our body reacts to emotions, what triggers certain emotions. An exercise we did was to find something (a video, photo, etc.) that triggers an emotion and show it to another group to see how they respond. We were introduced to scratch and audacity to help us with our next mini project, which was to create something that evokes three different emotions using sound. 
COMP570 (050320) - Computers are dumb, we need to understand how they work and also how we can control them. Discussed binary code and how to read them, I have no prior knowledge of learning about binary code. I was happy to learn something new that week, with the help of some friends I was able to get a hang of it and have a better understanding of what binary code is. Looked at abstraction layers between hardware and human. we also looked at drawing primitives. Our first assignment for this class was handed out.
Week Three
CTEC502  (100320) - In our third lesson we discussed creative potential. What parts of our own lives contributes to our creativity? This was interesting. Our creativity can show our uniqueness. Who we are shapes how we look at things, everyone is different, which is why collaboration is an important part of CT. Working with others expands our creativity because we get to see things from a different perspective. We looked at Concepts, they drive our projects. We don’t usually start them, we grow and develop them. Our topic method for this week was Interviews. We did an activity in a groups of three where we had to interview someone to try and find out their darkest fears without being too blunt and straight-forward. Interviews is a good method to help us find out more about who we are designing for/with. It helps us to understand a persons beliefs and behavior.
CTEC501 (110320) - We showed the class our projects, my table used sounds to make the listener feel like they are walking in a forest listening to calming sounds of nature ended with a some pretty strange noises to make the listener feel uncomfortable. The theme this week was “WHO is it for?” Who is our target audience and how can they interact with our projects. We looked at gestures and languages. Then we lab inductions, we got to see the other creative labs we may be using for future projects. Our new mini project assignment was to create a performance thinking of who it is for.
COMP570 (120320) - we looked at variables, being able to store info inside a program, we use variables to tell the program what type of variables we want to store(boolean, int, float, char, color). We looked at variable scopes and operators. We learnt how to animate images in our programs, how to use the If statement, and how to change or maintain velocity in our programs. 
Week Four
CTECT502 (170320) - Our vlogs were duo this week, I was able to hand it in on time. Discussed what a good blog post looks like, I found this very helpful because  wasn’t too sure what was expected from these blog posts. We discussed mental and cultural switches, Gibbs’ reflective cycle, design briefs, and technology. Technophilia is when people have a strong attitude and belief that “technology will save us”. Our method for this week was Image boards, they can help inspire ideas.
CTEC501 (180320) - We displayed our new projects to the class, my table did a performance based on a sword fight. We used sounds for effects, it was quite enjoyable to watch. Our theme for this week was “What does it ASK?”, we looked into E-textiles(electronics in textile), materials and how different types evoke different emotions. We went to a lab where they use materials such as E-textiles, our new mini project was to create something using E-textiles to design an interactive interface.
COMP570 (190320) - Our first assignment for this class was due the day after. I was able to finish, I struggled a little but got a few classmates to help guide me. I was proud of myself lol I had never done coding before remember! Anyways, for this lecture we looked at loops(for, while) and conditionals (if, else). We learnt to make objects bounce off edges, fading circles, and drag drop.
I’ll make sure to keep my blog update on how i’m doing with my work. yeah. ok. bye.
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