#the detail a little too fine for my current skill level
vvelegrin · 6 months
okay. gonna go settle down and break in my new craft area that i put together this week. i will work on some writing. and maybe start a new whittling project.
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morningmask27 · 8 days
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acrylic on canvas 30x40 cm
it is very evil of Belladonna to not bite women when she probably has the entire lesbian community on their knees now
anyways, Dracula's Ex-Girlfriend was so fucking good and despite my hatred of drawing (let alone painting) humans it compelled me to create something.
I'm just going to leave a wall of commentary on the process under the cut because I need to chatter about all of this real quick
I chose this scene at the end because 1. it was super hard to find one still where Bella and Fay are both properly visible (yet somehow Fay's still facing the other direction) and 2. this scene just hits a bit different to me.
the discussion of smoking, a thing that's bad, but it being life, right as Bella drank that bartender dry made me think of a few things I experienced and while I personally will still keep on going against what Fay said here, I still got to see things in a somewhat different light I guess.
Fay's care is also so present here. Bella is self-destructing massively, but Fay still comforts her, even after she "fell back" on her bad habits (she never quit) and this hug just hit me personally quite a lot. the silent care, the "you're warm". I can't fully describe everything it makes me feel, but this scene was good.
on a more technical level. I had to take some creative liberties with the lighting and such because it was DARK and my painting skills aren't ready to make such minute details with extremely dark colors. It would get ugly and muddied, so I had to adapt. the harsh shading on Bella's face is less striking, but I don't know if I could make it better with my current skills.
This was also one of the first times I've really rendered a human face; Last time I "tried" it was 1. without a ref (unwise) and 2. when I was even worse at drawing humans and I ended up so mad at this painting that I Could Not Go Paint Again for a while because of how mad I was lol, so I'm honestly really impressed with how I managed to do this without making a huge mess.
At least until I got to add the blood. It still looks good now, but I had to fiddle a lot with the reds I used and the skintones to mitigate the damage of a few first strokes that got too grandiose.
I also decided that Fangs. I am a bit of a vampire researcher and seeing the different traits they get in different media is always fun and here the fangs seem a bit retractable, but Bella's a vampire and I am a sucker for fangs, so I had to include them.
my handwriting also didn't fail me too horribly, even if I had a few accidents and had to clean them up before I got this "clean" little text. I really don't have good brushes for very thin and precise strokes (nor the capacity to not tremble the entire time honestly)
This was honestly quite fun too. Four hours of listening to some music, having a weird moment with my mother on the phone and just painting. I did really not want to draw Bella's face at first and drew nearly everything else before I began, but once I did I got into the groove and it went fine, so I'm pleased with this.
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ash-says · 6 months
hiii ! i love your post about being audacious 🩷 do you have any tips about improving people skills/ being more charismatic? thank youuuu 🤭
Hello girlll!!! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the audacious post. It's one of my fav tbh I literally came up with it while I was cooking. So coming to your question let me see how I can help you out tbh I share my opinions and what has worked for me so far. So practice discernment and take everything with a pinch of salt✨✨
Tips to improve People Skills/ Being more Charismatic:
1) Find your USP:
USP means Unique Selling Proposition. What makes you unique and I mean it in a personality sense more here. You can extend it to your looks but start from a personality trait cause it will be forever and very personal to you. Even if someone copies it, it will always be a cheap one.
I will elaborate on this with an example:
One of my ex colleagues was really good at socializing. He was 27 years old but I kid you not he looked like a 20 year old or even younger at times. He had a boyish charm and he used it to his full advantage. He literally had a child's energy and would jump here and there in the office, act like a literal child when not working. He had a refreshing energy to him the type that reminds you of your childhood days. Heck after a meeting with the CEO he used to watch cartoons to destress and made us watch it too so we could also relax but when it came to work he was smart, efficient and knew how to use his easy going socializing energy to generate sales. So you get my point right?? Find what attracts people to you or what value you can offer to them.
2) Knowledge. Education.
I personally swear by this. Be as disgustingly educated as possible. Know about various topics at least the basics of current trends or what's hot and some off topics. This adds dimension to your personality and helps you to hold a conversation with anyone. Plus you never run out of topics to speak on.
3) Confidence. No elaboration needed.
4)Sense of humour.
Why bore people to death by reciting the merciless nature of Julius Caesar when you could present it as a joke when something relatable comes up??? People are more likely to find you charismatic if you can make them laugh.
5) Master the art of Storytelling
This!!! Right here is a cheat code I tell you. You don't have much knowledge to speak on for now? Fine as you gradually work on it hold conversations by sharing bits of your life in a colorful way. Engage people with your life stories. Make them fun and a little dramatic. I am not advising you to lie. There's always a way you can convey something in an entertaining manner. Master it. I personally use it a lot and it's fun to connect with people cause they too loosen up and share their stories and then you link it up with your sense of humour by adding a nice comment or comeback.
Warning : Never share details that are very personal to you. Only share funny incidents and situations that won't bring you in trouble if gossiped about. Practice with discernment.
6) Learn positive body language and develop empathy. Empathy truly helps you in connecting with people on a deeper level and creating a bond based on trust and emotions.
7) Smile. Don't grin like a fool but when you see someone you know make a note to address them. Wish them good morning ,etc . Pass a genuine smile towards them. Be polite.
8) Be genuinely interested in other people but not in a nosy way instead in a healthy way. Help them out if you can. A good deed never goes to waste.
9) Have a positive outlook on everything. No one wants a pessimistic person around them. Even on days you can't. You know the mantra ," Fake it till you make it".
10) Support people. Be kind. Soft spoken. Know your place. Don't downplay yourself in front of people who are clearly not at your level and don't overestimate yourself in front of people who are professionals in those fields. Get a grip on how to act with whom. You won't know it until and unless you won't do it. Have a strong sense of self, be opinionated, confident and be witty. It's fun that way. Push your limits and don't be afraid to network with new people and talk to strangers. Who knows what will happen??
Possibilities are endless.
I hope this helps you out✨✨
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
coming from one of those "born in mid 2000s and is now suddenly an adult, making everyone feel old," people, do you have any resources to learn how to bullshit your way through getting a job with zero experience. cause i cant even put like "babysitting" or anything since covid prevented literally any teenage-typical jobs and i kinda dont know what to put on a resume beyond the university im currently attending and the high school i graduated from. and they still dont teach you this in school even though we've complained for years 😭
Okay my chilluns, listen up. This is how to bullshit your way into a basic 1-page resume even if you think you have absolutely dum-dum-diddlysquat to put on it. I completely feel you, as it's hard as hell to get a job even in the ordinary course of things, and especially when everything seems to want 10 years of experience and a bachelor's degree (and still pays like shit). But you gotta be persistent anyway. So here follows the step-by-step guide of How To Resume:
Open a new Word (or other word-processing software of your choice) document.
Pick a nice, professional-looking font (for the love of God, no Comic Sans). Times New Roman is fine; you don't have to overthink it. My own CV is currently in Perpetua, because it's a nice serif that looks crisp and a little different, but it is still clean and readable. Garamond or Cambria or other starter typefaces are fine too. Make sure it is the right size, usually around 12pt.
Put your full name at the top, centered, in BOLD CAPITALS. Increase the typeface size a few more points on this, to make it stand out and to make it take up space.
Underneath this, in regular-sized text, put your contact information: mailing address if you're comfortable sharing it, or if not, at least your phone number and email address. Use a school email if you have it, and not some weird/in-jokey personal email.
Start a new paragraph. In a slightly smaller font (italic if you want to make it look classy) write a few words about yourself. This should be something like I am a [Major] student at [University] looking for a part-time, entry-level position in [sales, retail, office, etc]. A [year] graduate of [High School] in [City, State], I am [prompt, reliable, detail-oriented, mature, friendly, etc] and a hard worker who is eager to gain experience and positively contribute to your business.
Start a new paragraph. Change the alignment from Center to Left. Create a new heading in bold underline labeled Education.
Under this, fill in your education (college first, followed by high school). Include the institution name, city, and state, the year you graduated or expect to graduate, any honors or awards, any extracurriculars, any grade-point averages if they're good (i.e. 3.0 and above), and your expected major in college.
Start a new paragraph. Create another heading: Experience.
This is where you put absolutely anything you can think of (in chronological order, most recent first and counting backward). Did you volunteer for something ever in your life? Put it down! (Title of work, dates, location, brief description of work). Did you do yard work for someone for a weekend? Put it down! Were you (or are you) part of a student club or organization in high school or university? Have you organized or taken part in any local initiatives in your community or neighborhood? Put it down! Basically, absolutely any kind of work, paid or unpaid, that might be relevant, regardless of how long it was or when it took place.
Under that, put the new heading/paragraph Skills and Interests.
Have you worked with Microsoft Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Adobe, Photoshop? Put it down! People love that shit! Do you use social media and/or know how to work it better than the average grandma? Put 'er down! You get the idea. Think of anything in your daily life that can be put in Job Language and then see if you can do that. You are in university; do you have any projects, papers, or other things that you're proud of? Have you successfully managed a (gasp) group project? Do you make any kind of art? Are you a registered voter who has taken part in civic/political organizations, drives, or events? (If not, REGISTER TO VOTE! This is your angry grandmother speaking). All of that can go down. Even if it's not job experience per se, it's life experience and shows that you are someone who is engaged with the world and working to gain more.
Last paragraph and heading: References. Ask a few trusted adults who know you well and aren't related to you, such as a favorite high school teacher or a university faculty member/degree advisor, if they'd be willing to serve as referees. Put down their full names, titles/place of work, email addresses, and phone numbers.
Voila! You have a full page resume, probably even a little more if you're lucky. Proofread, make sure the spacing is even and the alignment is right, it doesn't look weird, the text is a consistent size, it's all the same color, there are no glaring typos or grammatical errors, etc. etc. Save it as a PDF.
Boom. Done. You are now a Job Hunting Maestro.
If you get an interview, you don't need to pretend that you have tons of experience or that you're something you're not, but you can present what you ARE in a positive light anyway. Don't apologize for yourself or play yourself down pre-emptively; be confident about yourself and what you can offer. You're a college kid looking for your first part-time job, COVID prevented you from a lot of normal teenage work experience, you're willing to work hard and learn new things. Here's your resume. What would be a good time to talk again.
Good luck! I believe in you.
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
hi, correct me if i'm wrong but i seem to remember you saying that you're majoring in illustration! i'm currently in the process of applying to colleges and i plan on majoring in illustration as well, so i was wondering if you had any advice for portfolios. I could really use some tips on the presentation aspect specifically, bc I'm a little lost when it comes to stuff like the arrangement/organization of pieces, how I should crop my pictures, etc. any advice you can give me is greatly appreciated!!
hi yes i can totally help you out with this! i like to think my college portfolio was pretty good bc i got accepted to every school i sent it to lol :) the main pieces of advice that i was given when building it were this:
studies and pieces that show off your technical skill are great, but limit them to around a third of your portfolio at most. art schools DO want to see that you're technically skilled and can like, draw a charcoal still life or a self-portrait, because those ARE important skills to have, but ESPECIALLY if you're applying to a school that's more known for contemporary fields like animation or illustration, it's much more likely that they want to see your creative mind at work. the single best thing you can put in your portfolio is a BODY OF WORK, and specifically a body of work that shows off your own ideas and your own take on whatever you're producing. this means 3+ pieces that are interconnected or related to the same central theme. my portfoilo, for example, consisted of 2 or 3ish traditional, technical pieces which showed that I had a certain level of technical skill, and the ENTIRE rest of it was devoted to a series of original interconnected narrative comics I'd written and drawn. Every reviewer I met with told me that this was what made my portfolio stand out to them--it showed that I was not only technically skilled, but that i had something i wanted to DO with that skill, that I had direction and drive with my art and was able to produce work that reflected that. If you're maybe (definitely) not quite as ambitious as me, something like a series of 3-5 interconnected illustrations or a short comic if you're into that might do the same thing.
as a side note, if you DO have a body of work as the central focus of your portfolio, a lot of colleges will be interested in your process as well! for example with my comic portfolio, i used one slot to demonstrate my process, because I penciled every page traditionally before digitalizing it and i had extensive character and worldbuilding sketches. I wouldn't devote more than one slot to it, but if you have a body of work where the process is important to you it could be worth throwing in!
arrangement is tricky, but the advice I generally heard was "put your best stuff first." whatever you're most excited about, whatever is going to grab someone's attention the fastest, that's what you want to have in your first slot. (I actually don't think I followed this advice on my applications LOL but it's what i was TOLD to do and i think it's solid advice.)
in terms of editing, assuming we're talking about traditional pieces being photographed, you want to make sure your pieces are 1. well-lit, (DO NOT TAKE YOUR PHOTOS WITH OVERHEAD LIGHTING. wait for an overcast day and take them outside trust me) 2. legible, (no weird shadows obscuring parts of the piece, high-quality enough that no details are lost due to digital pixelation, etc) and 3. as color-accurate to real life as you can make them. most of this is just about getting a decent-quality camera (a newer iphone should be fine) and a good location. (outside and overcast, as previously mentioned) you may want to throw your pics into photoshop and play with the balance slightly, but I wouldn't do anything too drastic, try to get the most accurate photo possible without any editing. (if your pieces are small and flat, scanning them in may work better. most public and school libraries have scanners you can use for free.)
finally, cropping. the general rule that I was taught is to crop the piece, not the photograph. if you've got a piece on paper and you're not sure you like how the actual drawing is oriented on the paper, crop the PAPER down to size, and THEN photograph it. your photos should aim to show the ENTIRE piece from edge to edge (unless it's a detail shot obv) and I even like to include a little bit of extra "breathing room" around the piece so that it's clear exactly where the dimensions of it end. here's a piece I used for my college portfolios for reference:
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i lowkey do not like this piece now but that's not the point. this is what i mean by breathing room--a few extra inches of space around the actual canvas so it's clear that this isn't a closeup and you can see where the canvas actually ends. the same is true for digital pieces. if it's a full bleed illustration (something with full color all the way to the edges of the canvas) just make sure you like the composition cropped the way it is and submit the full piece as-is. if it's a floating spot or something similar without hard edges, leave a bit of white or transparent breathing room around the edge of your image.
hope this helps! if you have any more specific questions lmk :)
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ghostboy-art · 8 months
Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy
By: Queen
anytime i refer to them as gay I mean that with our silly human terms. obviously. an angel and a demon dont apply to our silly little terms.
im so gay :>
this is filled with typos and ramblings. i wrote this at 2:00am. apologies.
this is a surface level rant on my part. honestly if i had the time and research skills id look up the context of why this was written and how its been used in media up till this point. honestly i might. either way its fairly surface level.
This song is heard when Crowley is going back to Aziraphale in season 2 after he found out about the book of life erasing thing. After listening to this song I have to say. THIS IS AMAZING. obviously the song is good its queen.
Crowley's songs are always queen songs and given the title and given Aziraphales regular dress and general pop culture knowledge i think we know who the “good old fashioned lover boy” is.
This is obviously a romance song but similarly to “A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square.” the lyrics fit their relationship so nicely!!! (as well as being an absolute bop. LISTEN TO THIS GODDAMN SONG. i like the part at 1:44. so cheery!!!)(also this is why Neil Gaimen is AWESOME such small details in the fucking SONG a fucking BENTLEY plays.)(its like 1:09am and im still up after not getting sleep last night and prob none today so ima go on tangents like this hehe)
“Dining at the Ritz, we'll meet at nine
(One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine o'clock) precisely
I will pay the bill, you taste the wine
Driving back in style, in my saloon, will do quite nicely
Just take me back to yours, that will be fine
Come on and get it”
like come on man. “Dining at the Ritz” its Aziracrows THING. their whole routine is dine at the ritz, Aziraphale eats and crowley drinks copious amounts of alcohol, Crowley is always seen paying the bill (or doing something of the sort), they drive in a cool fucking bentley (with a James Bond bullet hole window screen insert), and they go back to Aziraphales bookshop. and the “that'd be fine” matches Aziraphales general attitude when inviting Crowley back to his place in the 1st season and in older flashbacks. Now thats the most obvious. there are many other examples of lyrics that very conveniently match to them.
“Say the word, your wish is my command”
throughout history when Aziraphale and Crowley met up they did favors. whether it be making Hamlet successful, performing magic on the west end stage, getting holy water (“You go too fast for me Crowley.”YOU MF AZIRAPHALE WHYYYY) or magicing away some paint on a very old well kept jacket. they always do things like this for each other. focusing solely on Crowley's perspective he, throughout history, has always been the one to accept Aziraphales requests with little to no complaints. (until Armageddon i suppose)
even in season 2 he lets Aziraphale use his bentley. Although there is some bickering there, he still lets it happen. He doesn't sell books while Aziraphale is away and he even carries them around (the sleeve garters are a whole other thing in this scene)
now realistically the “good old fashioned lover boy” is, im sure, referring to both of them. also the song just feels gay. just listen to it. its gay. i swear.
Now. not saying it matches perfectly. obviously it doesn't but even the GO fandom links the two pieces of media on occasion(see second link). they are inexplicably connected, whether its false pattern recognition (i have currently forgotten the proper term for that. T-T) or intended by mr gaiman i think its so intriguing that the songs picked to play fit so nicely into the deeper narrative. this. is good media
“Write my letter, feel much better
I'll use my fancy patter on the telephone”
Essentially means smooth talking on the phone. Which you have to admit Crowley does to Aziraphale quite often. And Aziraphale writes letters. honestly its cute. specially im thinking of season 1 when Aziraphale is writing a note to Crowley while they are on the phone. its later in the season in the last ditch rush to stop the antichrist.
I used the bit of lyrics that fit them the best in the beginning of the rant. and time for my least convincing point. the vibe just fits them so well. the slightly old school beat with simple romantic lyrics. Its not anything overtly sexual. just the simplicities of romance. IT FUCKING FITTSSS!!!!
There is so much more but i dont want to make this 10000000000000000000 paragraphs long and i have other good omens stuff i want to rant about:>
just my opinion on a silly song that appears for like a minute in the show!
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carnelianwings · 2 years
Harvestella Review
For a game I meant to just spend the afternoon on, I ended up playing all afternoon, followed it up with a 4 hour impromptu stream, and now it’s 1 am. So to me, it’s been a fantastic game so far. Definitely not a game you want to rush, as I discovered after dying no less than 4 times in the first 2 chapters alone, but if you take it at a casual pace and don’t actually push your character harder than the game wants you to, you’ll be fine. (I’ll come back to this point later.) Also I should note that I jumped into this game blind knowing that it’s a full game and a farm sim/rpg hybrid and zero knowledge of the staff credits (especially the composer rofl).
Doing a proper detailed review based on the 8 hours I’ve spent playing this today, tucking this behind a cut because good god this got long lol.
tl;dr: Unexpectedly fun, worth trying at least the demo if you’ve played (and enjoyed) Sakuna of Rice and Ruin (it’s very similar in concept and execution except you’re growing more than just rice and it’s a full fledged 3D action RPG instead of 2D beat ‘em up), OST is amazing, it’s just that $60 price tag that’s a little YMMV. Based on the 8 hours I’ve played today, easily an 8/10
Starting with the cons - the biggest one here is the price tag. For the type of game it is, I’m not entirely sure it’s worth the $60 release day price tag. Definitely get it on sale when it happens; it’s definitely worth it at a lower price. At its current price, though, it’s a massive YMMV. I’ll give it some more time to see how the story pans out to decide whether or not it’s worth the price tag - I’ve spent enough years of my life playing Tales to know just because the opening plays all the tropes straight doesn’t mean the rest of the story will too.
Speaking of Tales - despite this being a SqEnix title complete with the Final Fantasy style character designs and look, there’s definitely a few things that scream Tales and Star Ocean in here. Time will tell whether or not how much of those “Hmmmm this doesn’t feel like FF but definitely feels like Tales/SO” vibes pan out.
The biggest win (actually there’s 2) for the game is definitely the OST though. If you loved any of Go Shiina’s contributions to Tales OSTs over the years (especially his contributions to Zestiria/Berseria’s) definitely give the OST a listen. It’s fantastic, it’s amazing, even though it’s not a Tales OST I actually want a copy of it. If this is what we get from Go Shiina parting ways with Bamco Tales Studio, then I’m not going to complain too hard.
The other big win (which I think has been spread around the internet at this point), is the fact you can choose to play as a male, female, or non-binary character. I’m honestly impressed they included this as an option, now all I’m wondering is if the post-game romance options also let me romance any character of any gender, because 8 hours in and I have to say - I kind of have a crush on Aria, and I would be very sad if I can’t romance her post-game just because I opted to play as the female MC. Also just saying I made my female MC with blue hair and eyes before I even saw Aria, so I swear we’re red/blue compatible and just ... let me date her and make her happy *sobs*
Combat is a little “meh” for now, but there’s signs it’ll get better as you unlock new Jobs and gain levels. Despite people saying there’s no dodge/evasion in combat, there is, but it’s a skill you have to learn off of melee classes ... which, if you’ve been around Tales long enough, will sound really familiar. I can definitely say if you’ve played Tales those same skills will help you get pretty far, and being able to equip 3 Jobs with you when you go out exploring and swap between them gives you a lot of flexibility ... kinda like Ludger actually. My biggest gripe is that there’s no healer for now, so you’re really reliant on early foraging for food and whatever you can farm for HP recovery - but at least you can eat food while you’re in combat and whatever you use on yourself also applies to your other party members so you’re not burning through all of your food stores before you get around to renovating the kitchen and you can cook food for better buffs/HP recovery instead of stuffing your face with whatever random herbs/veggies/fruits you’ve foraged/grown. The AI is decent, but you can’t really adjust what they do in combat or their strategy but at least they won’t go half-cocked on what’s essentially a Giganto Monster and get one-shot. It’s a little annoying though if you’re playing as a Mage because this means you have to be the one to open combat and the monsters aggro on you once you get into (casting) range so it’s a little annoying.
As for the farming sim part, it’s pretty standard farm sim, straight out of the f2p microtransaction mobile game playbook. That said, this is a full game so you don’t have to wait for onerous timers to grow your crops, the farming itself is more plant/water/wander off and do your questing/monster smacking/materials gathering and come back to harvest the next day kind of deal. Having played Sakuna of Rice and Ruin (and loved it) I was hoping this would be how it got implemented so I’m satisfied with how that turned out - plus this also scratches that “I want to play a farm sim” itch I get once in a while that leads me to downloading some terrible f2p microtransaction mobile game to play for all of a month before I hit the paywall of “wait 1+ day(s) for thing” and get fed up with it.
As for the general side quests - I highly recommend you do them as they pop up, as they really help you with earning money and gaining exp for leveling. They also show up at the right time for your level/story progress, so it’s definitely a good way to supplement you with what you need to tackle the main story. Plus you get to learn more about the NPCs in the town, and everything seems to point in the general direction of “You really should get to know everyone in town Because This Might Be Plot Important Later”. Oh, and that’s also where I’m getting a lot of the Tales/SO vibes - for all that the overall game world looks bright and shiny and happy, there’s definitely undercurrents of “This is actually a Crapsack World” that wouldn’t be out of place at all in a Tales game, with a few NPCs you encounter that wouldn’t be out of place in an SO game for both aesthetic and world building information they’re dropping. Also they encourage you to enter the various dungeons multiple times, which is a good thing, since that also helps break up the leveling monotony and it doesn’t feel like you’re just grinding monsters for exp.
Overall, it’s a pretty fun game, the characters are engaging, the plot is interesting thus far (even if it’s pretty standard JRPG storytelling) and as a casual-ish game it’s fun. Maybe not worth the $60, but definitely worth getting if you see it on sale.
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luckycauldron · 2 years
I'm keeping this here. What for? I don't know... but I know that I want to look back into this on a happy note. One day.
I want to remember that most of the times, things in life won't work a certain way I expect it to be - and it's fine. It is. It completely is.
I just let out a sigh as I'm writing this haha.
I mean, who am I kidding? Life has been... how do I put this into words, hm? Bitter... sweet? Mindboggling? It feels like I got punched multiple times in the most hurtful ways, but every. single. time. I kind of... managed to survive? I couldn't dodge though, so I'm left with some real ugly bruises. But they're fading, so it's fine, except for the new ones I just got HAHA.
Ok enough with the metaphor.
Now on to the real talk. This would be the first time I'm voicing out what I'm about to.
And there goes another sigh.
Back on August last year, I broke up with my longtime boyfriend - 5 years and 8 months went down the drain. It was a mutual agreement, I initiated though. The guy was a coward, so I did what I had to do. I always knew it was coming, we were like spoiled milk, what do you expect? He made me wait, maybe too taken aback with my advance. I remember one time during my suffocating wait, I was praying and silently crying in the upstairs room, holding back a scream because everyone was asleep and I ended up with the most terrible stomach cramps I've had in my entire 27 years of living. That made me stop crying abruptly, and the next thing I knew I was clutching on to the nearest table tops because I thought I was gonna die from the pain. Very dramatic. Even my cats were judging from afar. 'Ugh, when will this end', 'Make it stop', 'What an embarrassment' were evident on their evil little faces.
So then the breakup happened. It was sad, but I was mostly relieved that the spoiled milk had finally find a home - yes, the garbage dump, duh! We also had this stupid thing where we say "Let's be friends. I have a feeling we'd make the best of friends even we're no longer lovers" as a closing statement. Total cuckoo move. Can't believe Vicky was right.
To be honest it was hilarious watching myself going through my first breakup. Definitely a journey not to be missed out. I'm not gonna go into details but let me paint you a picture through the songs I associated during this 'self-discovery' phase.
Phase 1: Astrid S - It's Ok If You Forget Me
Phase 2: Taylor Swift - Tolerate It & Champange Problem
Phase 3: Billie Eilish - Happier Than Ever
Phase 4: Cokelat - Karma
Phase 5: Tulus - Hati Hati di Jalan
Yeah, I basically went through the infamous 5 stages of grief without me realizing it.
Fast forward to October. I am ashamed to admit this, but deep down I kind of expected him to wish me Happy Birthday. But of course, he didn't. Fucking asshole. Let's be friends, my ass.
Then, came December. If this was a movie, it must be the crazy sister of Denis Villeneuve's Enemy - for its next level of mindfuckery. It actually left me saying 'what the fuck?' even today, because what in the actual fuck is happening, really? I blinked and what... he got married now?
He fucking did.
Now, this was the moment where it finally came down to me that; this is it - The Grand Finale. I've had billions of scenarios I always play in my head; what's gonna happen that now we're on our own. It did occurred to me that cases like this would happen but I calculated and the chances are slim, because I was confident that I'll have it first. I'll be happy first. I'll meet someone first. And he'll live a miserable life knowing I am the best he's had. Oh, I know I am. Still, what a dick. Good luck, though.
Lesson learned: please improve on your calculation skill, it is highly unreliable. /look self in disgust/
Just around the same time when the breakup was about to happen, I was offered an opportunity in my current job for an overseas relocation. The timing was just too perfect. I couldn't say no. No, why would I say no?! This has been a lifetime dream of mine. You see, the whole year I was struggling to find the time to prep for my scholarship permits and docs with Schoters which I subscribed to but never had the time for - now I didn't have to reach so high, because this time it's handed to me on a silver platter. For once, life finally gave me what I want.
So, I agreed instantly. I didn't even have to think.
Two weeks ago, I was informed that my IPA has been issued and I should be able to fly there by early Feb. What an opener for a new year, right?! Until today happened... they told me that overseas assignment will be hold until further notice. Apparently, the project I'm handling is causing quite a loss to the Company so they want to cut costs and might opt for offshore assignment instead.
I am at loss of words.
Lesson learned: i've spent 5 minutes just thinking about this, and i still can't come up with anything good. I'll see and come back to this on end Feb. Fingers crossed everything's settled by then.
Yep, that's all I want to say.
Before I end this entry, I want to put here these very cute pictures of me and my 10+ years girl friends, as reminder that nothing is or will be too bleak with them around.
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niuniente · 3 years
Is it strange that I'm ok with being mediocre at drawing? I know there is unspoken "rule" in art community that you should strive to be better and practice everyday and because of that drawing felt like competition.
Anon, are you kidding me?! I JUST thought about this subject like an hour ago! Pondered if I should speak about it here but then went "nah". Clearly I need to give my two cents for the topic as you send me this ask :D
So, the answer is no. It's not strange. You don't have to give your ultimate best 100% skill-level final stage stuff in everything, including things you love to do. There's no need to intentionally aim higher and get better and develop this and that and grow more and more.
I'm a self-taught artist. Were other kids at age of 3 draw nonsense circles and shapes, I drew birds with skills that were years up ahead of a normal 3yo kid's art level. I'm born with skills which could be taken really far if I wanted to.
But I don't want that. The older I become the less I want to draw well. I just want to draw. That's all. I could do better, much more skilled and detailed works if I wanted to, but I don't want to. I could get even better if I studied and practiced but I don't want to.
If you look at my art now and how I used to draw in my early twenties, my art was much more detailed and more refined back then. In style sense, I have gone backwards.
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Here's stuff from 2007. Before I went to art school (I somehow managed to go through elementary school, junior high and high school with ZERO art teachings, so all you see here, I learned myself).
Now, it doesn't really differ that much from my current shapes and ways of drawing if you exclude the colors. No development in 15 years - because it didn't interest me.
Look. If anything, the art has just gotten simpler and more straightforward. I give less effort to the art and mind only little about details. As long as it works, it's fine:
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You're fine with your art, that's enough. There's no need to always keep getting better. You can go "backwards" too, if you wish. Like what Tsutomu Nihei did with his comics: extremely detailed, very black art with lots of small details turned into almost purely white stuff with only basic shapes drawn vaguely.
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He could draw better. We have seen it. But this fits him and he’s clearly happy with this new style.
So, in short; you don’t always need to use and utilize your best skills in art. Just draw/paint. It’s fine.
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rinnepegger · 3 years
hi i love ur blog and i’ve been meaning to send in a request for a while now :3 can i request kohaku with a crafty s/o and how he would react? like his s/o loves making clay crafts or beading and always randomly gifts them to kohaku~ thanku in advance!
Aww thanks for requesting! Glad that u enjoy my blog (✿^‿^) Hope you'll enjoy this one as well :D
TW/CW: fluff, GN!Reader
Kohaku Oukawa with a Crafty GN!S/O
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Absolutely adores your handicraft! How did you manage to incorporate such intricate, fine details into a simple bracelet?
He doesn't have the patience for these kinds of activities so that's what just makes your crafts 10x more admirable than it is! However he couldn't turn down your occasional invitations for him to join you in making bracelets.
You guide him along and have to very frequently step in to help him. Of course he can't help but feel slightly embarrassed, thus a slight pink frequents the tip of his ears.
Loves seeing your gifts on the nightstand after a long day of work. He has a small box where he keeps all of your cute little gifts and notes as well! He finds them so adorable and touching that he just wants to cry sometimes.
He whipped his head around to see you jogging towards him with a small drawstring pouch in hand, neatly decorated with a pink ribbon.
"Before you go, take this. I know you'll only be gone a week for the festival, but I'll miss you... So take this with you!"
"I'll miss you too Anzu," he responded, pressing a chaste kiss to your temple before he waved goodbye to board the bus.
He sat himself down next to Himeru, who was currently bantering with Rinne. Kohaku reached into his jacket and pulled out the small pouch you handed to him before his departure.
He slowly undid the ribbon, tucking it away in his pocket, and slipped his fingers inside to reach for your gift. He pulled out a set of matching keychains— a small sculpture of him made of air dried clay, and another of you.
He blanked out for a moment, trying to process the absolute masterpiece you had given him. Paint job done so well that not even a single crevice was devoid of any pigment.
He quietly attached the keychain to his phone, slipping yours back into the pouch and into his bag. He tried his best to keep himself calm and not to attract attention from his other group mates, but he couldn't help but blush furiously as an affectionate smile crept his way onto his face.
Though he's not good at handiwork, he has crafted several matching items with you, such as matching bowls, bracelets and tiny trinkets.
Growing used to your habit of gifting, he's always expecting a gift from you every now and then. Yet that still doesn't stop him from feeling his heart beat a little faster and and butterflies from forming in his stomach whenever you show him these small acts of affection.
Thanks to your frequent gifting he can't help but feel a little embarrassed and guilty for not gifting you anything in return, though he's sure that you're doing this purely out of love.
So he'll either result in buying you something that you've been bringing up lately, or he'll try his hand at making some sort of earring for you. No guarantee it'll turn out good ☺️
But hey! It's the thought that counts right? Reassure him that his skill level doesn't matter, and that you're touched either way. He'll feel his heart flutter at such a statement, since previously he was so embarrassed to gift it to you.
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Hello, I want to adopt a pokemon and was curious to what you would recommend me. I'm planning on going to college and I'm going to have roommates so one that's low maintenance and easy to care for and quiet would definitely help. Also can adapt well cause I'm planning on moving far from my current address once my four years are done. I really like drawing and writing stories but I lose motivation very often so I'm often behind when it comes to things I want to do(I currently have five separate projects going at the same time so-), I also have severe anxiety, and I have ADHD. I HATE being too hot or too cold, and I'm allergic to cats and pollen
You need to give yourself a pat on the back, Anon, because this one was actually quite the challenge. That being said, after much thought and deliberation, I believe you would meet your match in a Munna!
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Sweet-natured, easy to care for, and small enough for even the tiniest of dorm rooms, there’s a reason Munna have been steadily gaining popularity among college and university students over the past few years! But I suppose you’ll be wanting details, hmm? Well, don’t mind if I do.
Thanks to their short, fine fur, grooming a Munna is easy-peasy, a good brushing once or twice a week is usually all they ever need. That being said, many Munna seem to enjoy bubble baths so, if you have access to a bathtub (or even just a large sink), that could be a nice way to spoil your flower-patterned friend a little bit!
Much like their Drowzee line cousins, Munna are capable of eating dreams which, under ideal conditions, make up a majority of their diets, though they may also eat fruit, berries, leaves, and other forms of tender vegetation, as well as premade Psychic-type Pokémon food.
Note: While the prospect of having their dreams eaten can and does intimidate some people, I assure you that the process is completely safe for all participants and, in fact, can actually be quite beneficial, especially for individuals who suffer from chronic nightmares.
Known for their calm, docile demeanours, Munna are generally considered to be safe Pokémon for owners of all skill levels though, like all Pokémon, they will not hesitate to defend themselves if they feel as though they are threatened and unable to flee, so just keep that in mind and you everything should work like a dream!
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] Shaw’s Creative Date
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 创意之约, which has not been released in EN! 🍒
This date features S2 Shaw, but contains no spoilers for S2!
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[ This date was released on 13 May 2021 ]
Removing the VR headset, I rub my slightly sore eyes. Seeing the familiar modern furniture leaves me in a momentary trance.
MC: I finally cleared it - this game about the ancient times is pretty immersive.
Aside from completing missions, the game also has a rich plot written in a classical literary style. As a “workshop apprentice”, I successfully created a string of wood carved persimmons.
Rotating my aching wrists, it’s as though the sensation of carving products is still lingering on my hands.
MC: It’s a shame that I could only do that in the game...
Just when I’m about to continue grumbling, my phone suddenly rings.
Tapping the answer button, a familiar voice drifts lazily to my ear.
Shaw: Not a sound from you even during the weekend. What are you up to?
MC: I just played an immersive game, and it’s pretty fun.
At the other end of the line, Shaw makes an “oh” sound, then continues asking.
Shaw: Are you planning to stay at home today?
MC: Mm. I finally finished a big program, so I’m pretty comfortable playing games at home.
Hearing my response, Shaw’s tone lifts slightly at the end.
Shaw: It’s just a game. You can play it anytime, can’t you? The weather outside is great. Staying at home is such a waste. Why not take a stroll outside?
My gaze sweeps over the VR headset. While I’m hesitating whether or not to agree, a thought suddenly flashes across my mind, and I have an idea. 
MC: Shaw, why don't you accompany me somewhere?
Shaw pauses for a moment, his subtle breathing drifting over the phone along with the electric currents.
Shaw: Where do you want to go?
MC: I’ll keep it a secret first. You’ll know when you get there. It’s definitely a place you wouldn’t expect.
Shaw chuckles softly, and he seems to stretch.
Shaw: All right. Since you invited me with such magnificent hospitality, I’ll reluctantly keep you company.
Soon after, the both of us stand at the entrance of a wood carving studio. Shaw tilts his head, looking me up and down.
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Shaw: You sure we’re not at the wrong place?
I nod my head.
MC: How is it? I already said you definitely wouldn’t expect it. 
Shaw arches his brows, a somewhat surprised expression in his eyes.
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Shaw: When did you get a new hobby?
Not giving Shaw a direct response, I lift my hand, raising my phone to his face. The picture on the screen features the string of wood carved persimmons I made in the game.
MC: Look at this string of persimmons. I carved it bit by bit in the game. Looks good, doesn’t it? I plan to carve a replica based on this later.
Shaw leans closer to give it a sweeping glance, his expression a little subtle.
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Shaw: ...the object in the picture isn’t too bad. But do you like it that much that you must carve a string of persimmons?
MC: Don’t underestimate this small string of persimmons. Slow work yields fine products. The smaller something is, the more patience and carving skills are tested. Also, this is the first wood carving I made in the game. Furthermore, “everything will go according to one’s wishes” is a wonderful message and well-wish. Making it myself will feel very meaningful.
[Note] For the translation of “everything will go according to one’s wishes”, What MC says is “柿柿如意”, which is a pun based on the popular well-wish “事事如意” (“everything will go according to one’s wishes”)
“Persimmon” is 柿 (“shi”). “Everything” is 事事 (“shi shi”)
Shaw: But based on the level of complexity, you can’t make it without having a foundation in carving.
Predicting that Shaw would say this, I make a fist, lifting my head up confidently. 
MC: Don’t underestimate me. I think I’m naturally talented in handwork. If I can make it in the game, I might be able to in reality.
Hearing my “lofty aspirations”, the corners of Shaw’s lips hook upwards, and he elongates the tail of his sentence coolly.
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Shaw: Fine, I’ll wait and see. 
Probably because it’s the lunch break, only the boss is in the shop.
After telling the boss my purpose in coming, he very quickly prepares the wooden block and burin, then comprehensively explains some matters I should take note of.
[Trivia] A burin (刻刀 - “ke dao”)  is a handheld steel tool used for carving metal or wood
MC: Draw a design first, then trace a copy onto the wooden block, then...
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Hearing me mumble to myself, Shaw can’t help but arch his brows.
Shaw: It’s no use simply memorising the steps. You’ve got to get started to get the feel of it. 
...that make sense.
Very soon, I successfully draw a design based on the picture. However, I keep sensing that something’s missing when I look at the picture of the string of persimmons in my hand.
Darting a glance at Shaw, who occasionally looks at the drawing paper in my hand, I turn my body to the side, displaying the drawing paper in front of him.
MC: Shaw, didn’t you brag about being the “best in hand-drawn sketches” in your department? Want to take a look and make adjustments for me?
[Note] For those who are unaware, Shaw is the only graduate student in the archaeological department of Loveland University, so... of course he’s the best in everything LOL
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Shaw’s brows arch slightly. Grabbing a pen on the table casually, he starts making amendments quickly.
Shaw: Done.
Unexpectedly, with just a few strokes, the fullness and lushness of the persimmons are outlined, and the entire picture instantly becomes much more vibrant.
Once all the preparatory work is done, the next step is to saw the sides of the wood carving. Placing the wooden block on the machine, I test out suitable positions.
All of a sudden, Shaw presses on my hand.
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Shaw: Didn’t the boss mention that it’d be safer to place it a little beyond the peripheral line?
While saying this, he pulls on my wrist, causing the wooden block to shift to the side slightly. After verifying that it’s in the right place, he releases my hand.
Wood carving in real life is much more difficult than I imagined. The more I tell myself to be calm, the more my hands refuse to obey.
I take a deep breath - 
Shaw: Tch, aren’t you going a little too fast?
Right after he finishes speaking, my hand suddenly trembles, and I saw a small hole into the wooden block.
Shaw pauses for a few seconds, then bursts into laughter mercilessly.
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He leans over, pointing at the small hole, his eyes gloating over my misfortune.
Shaw: Heh. Did someone take a bite out of the persimmon? It’s actually pretty creative.
Faced with Shaw’s mockery, I pout without saying anything. Then, I mimic his usual tone and glare at him.
MC: Why are you laughing so loudly? My hearing is good, okay.
Shaw casually props himself on the table with his elbows. He turns his head to the side and watches me, eyes filled with interest and a smile.
Perhaps because we’re too close in proximity, I seem to feel his warmth encasing my surroundings.
Smelling the scent of peppermint at the tip of my nose, I subconsciously turn away, muttering softly.
MC: Stop crowding over here... it’s a little warm.
The corners of Shaw’s eyes lift upwards slightly, and he sweeps a gaze over my face. He chuckles, sitting down on the chair behind in a wilful manner.
Not long after, I painstakingly saw the overall outer shape of the wooden block. After that, I start using a chisel to carefully craft the outline and thickness.
Probably because I’m unfamiliar with the techniques, the thickness of both sides of the wood carving are very different despite me putting in a lot of effort into correcting it.
I steal a glance at Shaw who is behind. After some hesitation, I clear my throat.
MC: Erm, could you help me with a little something?
Shaw loosens his shoulders.
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Shaw: You want my help?
MC: Since you look like you don't have much to do, why not adjust the thickness of the outline with me?
Shaw doesn’t respond immediately. He folds his arms and leans against the wall, both legs placed casually.
Beneath the sunlight of the scorching afternoon sun, the corners of his lips tilt upwards, revealing a mischievous smile.
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Shaw: Someone made a solemn vow earlier that she could do it by herself. So, in order for you to experience this fully, I refuse.
I don’t even spare Shaw half a glance after this, heart sinking as I lower my head in silence, focusing on the wood carving alone.
Perhaps grasping some tricks, my actions are gradually much more proficient than before, despite slow improvement.
The doors to the shop are suddenly pushed open. A parent walks in with a little boy.
The boss greets the new customers. Shaw suddenly lifts his arm and waves, walking over to the boss.
Shaw: Boss, give me a burin too.
Thinking that Shaw was suddenly “pricked by his conscience” and is planning to help, I lift my head to look at him in anticipation.
Unexpectedly, after getting the burin, Shaw picks up the leftover linden wood that I had sawed off earlier.
He stands near the window, lifting his hand leisurely. Against the light, that head of bluish purple hair is even more eye-catching.
Shaw: It’s boring to wait. I’ll try it with you, and give you some competitive motivation.
He reveals a confident smile, his tone not at all humble.
Shaw: I’ll also show you what it means to be “naturally talented”.
Shaw deliberately sits down at a table that’s further away from me.
Seeing that my gaze continues to linger on him, Shaw lifts his eyes, asking teasingly.
Shaw: Why are you staring at me?
MC: ...you already know the answer. Also, you’re pretending to be mysterious. What exactly do you plan to carve?
Shaw: You want to know? All the more reason not to tell you.
With this, he lowers his head, the tip of the pen making rustling sounds. He’s likely drawing a design on the rough paper.
Pursing my lips with a “hmph”, I decide to throw myself into crafting the wood carving.
Just as I strive to painstakingly carve the appearance of the wood carving, the little boy who accompanied his parent here seems to be restless.
He runs around the shop, and finally scuttles to Shaw’s side.
Little Boy: Big Bro, your hair’s really cool!
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Shaw releases a “hmph”, paying no attention to the boy. But the little boy is fearless, and continues curiously.
Little Boy: Big Bro, what are you carving?
Unintentionally hearing this, I hurriedly perk up my ears, turning my body towards Shaw secretly.
Shaw glances at the boy from the side, placing the prototype wood carving on the table and leaning it from side to side.
Shaw: Make a guess.
The boy stares at it for a while, then exclaims excitedly.
Little Boy: I see it now - it’s a fish! Big Bro, did I guess correctly?
Shaw doesn’t deny it, revealing an expression which says “you’re pretty knowledgeable”.
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Shaw: [aww he sounds so affectionate] Little Imp, your eyesight isn’t bad.
Little Boy: But why do you want to carve a fish?
The boy doesn’t seem to understand, and is also slightly disdainful.
Little Boy: Fishes are so unimpressive. If it were me, I’d carve a big tiger. It’s the king of all creatures, and it’s so impressive!
While the boy speaks, he chuckles in satisfaction.
Shaw laughs, then purses his lips.
Shaw: A wooden carved fish is much more interesting than your big tiger.
The boy has an expression on his face which reads “nonsense”. Shaw casts a sidelong glance at him, scoffing softly.
Shaw: Forget it. You wouldn't understand even if I told you.
Little Boy: Who says I wouldn’t understand? I’ve already learnt many things!
The boy grumbles in dissatisfaction, his arms akimbo, pestering Shaw unflinchingly.
I try my best to control the smile at the corners of my lips, and suddenly have an idea. Clearing my throat, I pretend to be a bystander, inserting myself into the conversation.
MC: What this little boy said is correct. Young man, you can’t look down on others just because you’re older by a few years.
Little Boy: Hmph! That’s right!
My “encouragement” enables the boy to be even less willing to back down, and he purses his small mouth.
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Shaw: Oh?
Hearing my response, Shaw lifts his eyes, a mischievous smile curling the corners of his lips upwards.
Shaw: What is it? You also want to know?
MC: Since you started it, it’s only right for you to talk about it more.
Shaw: Since the both of you are pretty eager to learn, I’ll broaden your knowledge.
Next to the window, the rays of light are bright. Shaw arches his brows wilfully.
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Shaw: To put it simply, this is related to the history of “fish culture”. Since ancient times, fish have represented auspicious signs and well-wishes.
Little Boy: I know about this! Is this how people wish each other “may you have abundance year after year”? I heard my teacher mentioning it before. It’s because “鱼” and “余” are homophonic!
[Note] The well-wish the boy is referring to is “年年有鱼”, which is a pun based on the proper saying “年年有余”
“Fish” is 鱼 (“yu”), while 余 (also “yu”) means abundance
Shaw: In that case, your teacher only told you half of it.
Shaw fiddles with the burin in his hand, spinning it casually.
Shaw: Fishes are an embodiment of luck. Patterns of fish can often be seen on antiques.
MC: What’s the origin of wooden carved fishes then?
Shaw pauses for a second before responding.
Shaw: Over seven thousand years ago, the most ancient wooden carved fishes were in the Hemudu culture. Based on conjectures, they were likely used for praying and well-wishes.
[Trivia] The Hemudu culture was a Neolithic culture spanning from 5500 BC to 3300 BC, located south of the Hangzhou Bay in Jiangnan in Zhejiang, China
Shaw speaks indifferently, but the boy listens at the side, his eyes wide.
Little Boy: Big Bro, you really know a lot! You’re even more incredible than my teacher!
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The corners of Shaw’s lips hook upwards with pride.
Shaw: I guess so. Little Imp, remember to read more books and learn properly.
The boy runs away contentedly. My gaze lands on the wooden carving in Shaw’s hand that I can’t see quite clearly yet.
I didn’t expect the wooden carved fish to have the same symbolism as the string of persimmons. I tilt my head, feeling slightly emotional.
Time flows by as the seconds and minutes pass. Before realising it, the sky dims, and the studio lights are bright.
Swinging my hands which have almost lost all physical strength, I release a long sigh.
At the other side of the table, Shaw lifts his chin towards me.
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Shaw: Progress isn’t going smoothly? 
Looking at the half-finished product with uneven contours next to my hand, I shake my head a little despondently. 
MC: Looks like I won’t be able to finish it today, and would have to come back next time. Also, the actual wood carving is light-years away from what I expected...
Hearing my soft grumbling at the end, Shaw arches his brows.
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Shaw: Just by looking at it, the string of persimmons isn’t easy to make. But you dug this pit yourself, so I’ll wait and watch you fill it up.
Ignoring the teasing tone in his voice, I purse my lips.
MC: I definitely won’t give up. What about you? Are you done with the carving?
Shaw has an expression which reads “of course”, and he nods unhesitatingly.
Shaw: It was done a long time ago.
I’m stunned for a moment, both surprised and curious.
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One hand supports Shaw’s cheek lightly. With a stretch of his long arm, the wooden carved fish is brought before my eyes.
This is a bright coloured wood carving of a fish. It has a roundish head and a chubby belly, and looks extremely adorable.
I lift up the wooden fish sculpture with both hands, as though instantly struck by its adorable shape.
Shaw: Excellent workmanship with profound symbolism. Your goal has been overtaken by me.
Behind the table, Shaw arches his brows in satisfaction, casually twisting the burin, his pose utterly flamboyant.
Even though his carving is indeed not bad, the moment I lift my eyes and see Shaw’s insuppressible pride, I can’t help but remain silent.
With the sudden impulse to sing a different tune, I deliberately purse my lips, speaking calmly.
MC: It’s just like this I guess. In terms of exquisiteness, I’d give a passing mark at most.
The smile on Shaw’s lips retracts slightly. While looking at me from the side, he releases a “hmph” from his nose.
Shaw: You have the nerve to criticise me? Why don’t you look at your own standard. Also, this is my exclusive design. It’s much more creative than you making a duplicate from the game.
Hearing the unwillingness to back down hidden in his tone, I can’t help but smile secretly.
Shaw glances at me indifferently. He seems to catch the secret smile on my lips, and an indiscernible light flashes across his eyes.
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Shaw: Hey, shouldn’t you return it to me after touching it for half a day? You don’t like it anyway.
MC: Who says-
Almost making a slip of the tongue, I hurriedly change my words.
MC: Actually, on closer inspection, it seems that your carving is pretty okay.
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Shaw: Just “okay”?
MC: ...I’ll add one mark for its symbolism and origin then.
Pleased with this, Shaw rolls his shoulders, chuckling softly.
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Shaw: You still have some taste.
He crosses his leg over the other, his eyebrows suddenly furrowing. He seems to blurt out what’s in his mind.
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Shaw: But the head of this fish seems a little too round... Hm, it’s a little irksome. Looks like I need to make some corrections.
MC: No it isn’t? It looks just right like this!
Afraid that Shaw would snatch it back, I hurriedly fold my hands over the wooden carving, and notice a hint of slyness in his eyes.
He leans closer abruptly, instantly closing the distance between us.
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Shaw: Looking at your posture... What is it? Can’t bear to return it?
Specks of bright light reminiscent of daytime dance on Shaw’s bluish purple hair, outlining his expression and making it look even more triumphant.
I blink my eyes.
MC: Since you’re already done, I think I should observe it for a while longer, and have some “luck” rubbed off on me. I might even be able to quickly and successfully finish my wood carving too.
Shaw turns his head, the corners of his lips turning upwards relaxedly. A pondering smile surfaces in his bright eyes.
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Shaw: You’ve got taste. If you really like it, it’s not that I can’t give it to you.
My heart stirs, eyes widening as I look at him. But I have the feeling that there should be a second half to his sentence.
Shaw leans back relaxedly, stretching casually.
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Shaw: But I need to make up for the costs.
...just as I guessed.
Cradling the wooden carving in my hand, I lift my chin towards Shaw.
MC: Go on, what’s the “fee”?
Shaw lowers his head, pretending to deliberate for a few seconds. Then, he lifts his eyes, meeting mine.
Shaw: When you’re done with your wooden carving...
Shaw: It belongs to me. 
[Note] There are actually two ways one can interpret this line because it’s kept purposefully vague. It’s simply “归我”, which means “belong to me”. This means we can’t be sure if he’s asking for the wooden carving or MC herself :>
Shaw: How is it? Isn’t it very fair?
Light falls on the tips of Shaw’s hair, reflecting a bright and sly smile in his eyes.
Before I can react, he has already stood up.
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Shaw: All right, that’s how it’d be.
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🐟 Phone call: here
🐟 Support the cafe by dropping by the tip jar!
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teawaffles · 3 years
There’s No Business Like Show Business: Chapter 3
“Fred. How’s their acting like to you?” Jack asked in a low voice.
They were seated at the edge of the stalls. They could also see Bond from where they were, completely focused on the stage.
“I’m not an actor myself, so this is just my personal opinion — but I think they’re awfully good,” Fred replied.
Jack gazed at the stage with a serious look in his eyes.
“I think so too. I won’t discount the fact that their sets and props look a little homemade, maybe due to a lack of budget; but when it comes to acting, each one of them is highly skilled. I can tell that the performers are all deeply familiar with the intent of the script.”
They were no theatre professionals for sure, but they possessed an eye for the true essence of their art.
The creases near Jack's eyes deepened as he quietly groaned.
“And best of all is that lady.”
“Yeah, I thought so too,” Moran agreed. With Fred included, all of them were focused on the lone person on the stage.
As Jack had pointed out, Maya, the chairwoman, was the standout actress even among the highly-skilled members of her own company.
Although she only held the lead role in “The Little Match Girl”, and was relegated to supporting roles for the other stories, the delivery of her lines, the movements of her body and hands, and even the slight shifts in her gaze — each and every one of her actions was perfectly under her control. They had seen a glimpse of this when she’d stood before her fellow company members previously, but this person on stage was completely different from the one who'd spoken to them at the entrance.
Even accounting for the fact that she had written the script herself, this level of sophistication in acting was not one which could be achieved by some run-of-the-mill actress. Moreover, the lines and pauses in the script had been carefully crafted to make it easy for the audience to relate to the stories.
From then on, the three of them enjoyed the rest of the play in silence, marvelling at her exceptional talent. Eventually, the rehearsal came to an end.
“——That concludes our performance. Thank you very much for coming.”
After her closing words, the company lined up on stage, silently waiting for Bond’s comments. While there had not been any flashy moments during the performance, almost all of them had sweat on their foreheads. Each breath they took revealed the depth of their concentration.
For a short while, Bond stared at the stage without saying a word. Growing uneasy at the silence, the company members lowered their gazes slightly.
After what seemed like an eternity, Bond cleared his throat, and adjusted his posture. Seeing that, the company members straightened their backs.
“——If I were to summarise my thoughts, I think your acting has already reached a high standard. I’m sure all of you have put in much time and effort to achieve this.”
Their faces beamed at his compliment. But Bond would not allow them to be satisfied with that alone.
He rose from his seat.
“But that’s also why some bad habits have stood out to me. For example, the witch in ‘The Little Mermaid’: there were times when your movements were too exaggerated. I know that you wanted to emphasise her sinister nature, but the way you did so may turn off the audience.”
The actress who’d been singled out hung her head, perhaps out of shock. But Bond ignored this, and pointed to another woman.
“Now, you played the main character in ‘The Red Shoes’. I watched your steps after putting on the shoes — have you properly studied dance? It’s true that even some stage professionals may think that it’s alright to just mimic the real thing, but if you really want to make your performance more authentic, you must take the time to learn how to do it properly. Your audience will not be satisfied unless you show them a level of skill that will astonish even people in that profession.”
“Understood!” she responded with vigour.
“Next up is you: the way you project your voice——”
Then Bond singled out each of the performers in turn, highlighting in detail what they needed to work on. He only needed to watch their play once to spot areas for improvement at such a fine level of detail — his eye for the arts gave them all a sense of the former professional’s brilliance.
At last, Bond finished addressing every member of the company. But he then swept his gaze over the entire theatre.
“In addition…… this isn’t your fault at all, but your success today was only possible due to the small size of this theatre,” he said, with some distress. “If we were in a bigger venue, the hall would be wider and deeper to accommodate the larger audience. In other words, I’m afraid that with your current performance, your voices simply would not reach the entire audience.”
Maya paled.
“So, in order to accommodate the size of the venue……”
“Yes. The worst-case scenario would be that you have to rework the entire play. By the way, when is the opening night?”
“T—Two weeks later.”
The entire room was enveloped in silence. Even from where they were seated, Moran and the others felt the weight of their despair: all the hard work they had put in thus far, might just have amounted to nothing.
Even Bond, who had revealed this harsh reality, dropped his gaze and grimaced.
“Well, there are a fair number of productions that focus only on the stage, and do not account for the size of the audience, so you may not have to change——”
“——No, we’ll do it.”
Maya sharply interrupted his proposal.
“You’ve seen how I am; I’ve always been timid and hesitant…… but theatre is the one thing I will never compromise on. Especially now — this is a rare opportunity for us. For my fellow company members, for the people who’ve supported us this far, I want to show them something I’ve put every effort into making.”
At her words, the rest of the company nodded in silence.
Even with the actual performance only two weeks away, Maya and her company had steeled their hearts and chosen to start again from scratch. That stubborn determination surprised Bond, and even Moran and the rest.
“U—Um…… Mr Bond, I actually have something I wish to discuss with you……”
Out of the blue, Maya’s voice had grown soft.
“U—Um, if it is alright with you, just for the next two weeks, could you sit in during our rehearsals? A—Ah, actually, just whenever you have the time would be fine……”
Bond chuckled.
Even after being told about all those problems, they refused to stand down, and even continued to ask for help. Their mental fortitude sparked hope in him, and he couldn’t help but let out a grin.
Bond shot the party in the stalls a questioning look. Moran looked to Jack and Fred in turn, before giving him a thumbs-up.
With that, the former flames of passion within Bond burned even hotter. He faced the company members with a determined grin.
“——Okay. But I will be especially tough on you all, so be prepared.”
Then, he called out to Fred.
“Fred-kun. I would like your help as well — is that alright with you?”
“Understood,” he replied, standing up.
“Bond, I’m always happy to teach knife-wielding.”
“And you can always ask me about gun handling.”
“Now that would be helpful,” Bond smiled at Jack and Moran’s jests, then turned back to the stage.
“Well then, everyone — for the next two weeks, let’s do our best together.”
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
“During a performance, you must be always be aware of three things: the audience, the other actors, and yourself. If the feeling of being ‘watched’ becomes too strong for you, first direct your attention within yourself. Then, you will be able to focus on your acting once again.”
“I don’t advocate the idea of getting into a role. In the end, acting is just a skill: what you should focus on instead is how you are moving.”
“Although an effective way of bringing out emotions is to dredge up your past memories, I would advise you to avoid that. Recent memories are too concrete and vivid — if you must do so, use memories from your distant past. And be careful: if you frequently immerse yourself in negative emotions, you will hurt yourself on a spiritual level too.”
In a small theatre in Whitechapel, Bond’s instructions came forth ceaselessly.
He stood on stage together with the company members: carefully reviewing their movements, even acting them out himself as an example on occasion, and putting in every effort to raise the level of their production.
The remaining two weeks were short, but with their foundations already strong to begin with, Maya and her company steadily honed their acting skills to perfection.
One week left until the show. His work as an instructor had finally ended for the day, and he let out a sigh as he sat in the stalls to catch his breath.
“Good work today — fancy a sip?”
Having watched the proceedings from the stalls, Moran handed him a bottle of water. It was a beer bottle — very Moran-like — and Bond accepted it with a smile.
“Thanks, Moran-kun.”
Bond gulped down a single mouthful of water.
“So, how’s the play going?”
“At first I thought we would be hard-pressed for time, but they truly exceeded my expectations. I think we might just make it. ……Scratch that, we will make it.”
Moran nodded.
“That’s right. And they seem to be well-liked by the residents around here. I really hope they can pull it off.”
As Moran gazed off into the distance, a thought just occurred to Bond. He cocked his head.
“Come to think of it, you really didn’t have to tag along with me all this time, you know?”
Ever since the day Bond had agreed to lend his support to the company, his other colleagues had stopped over from time to time to cheer him on. However, Moran had made it a point to come to the theatre every day without fail.
Moran scratched his cheek in embarrassment.

“……Well, it’s not like I have anything else to do when there aren’t any missions. As a senior member of this organisation, I’m just here to see how my junior works.”
“Even though you’ve been skipping out on chores at the mansion?”
“D—Dammit, I told you before: I always do my share of the work, you know.”
Bond had said that half-jokingly, but his words flustered Moran nevertheless. It seemed he had not been entirely wrong about that.
Bond returned his gaze to the stage.
“……Thank you, Moran-kun,” he said quietly.
“Hmm? Didn’t you already say that earlier?”
“This one means something different,” he said, with a hint of mischief in his voice. Moran raised an eyebrow in bemusement, but the presence of a caring senior alone warmed Bond’s heart.
Just then, they heard the sound of the theatre doors opening.
As the two men turned to look, they saw a portly middle-aged man with a magnificent moustache standing at the entrance.
Maya hurriedly bowed in his direction. “T—Thank you so much for your help thus far! What brings you all the way here?”
From her formal manner, it seemed this was the very noble who had asked them to stage the opening act for his theatre.
“Ah, you’ve been working hard, I see,” he said as he stroked his moustache, a big smile on his face.
“Yes; with your assistance, we’ve been able to prepare for the performance in time. I’m sure the audience will be satisfied with——”
“Well, about that.”
The man interrupted Maya, still all smiles.
“——Your performance has been cancelled.”
No one could believe their ears.
Her expression brimmed with confusion.
“U-Um, what do you mean……?”
“What does it mean? Just pretend our conversation back then didn’t happen. That’s all.”
The man made another simple pronouncement, then smiled as if nothing was wrong.
“Honestly, it’s just as well that this has happened, since I’ve also been troubled over your debut. So what I’m saying is, your company doesn’t have to turn up. That’s alright with you, isn’t it?”
The entire company was still in a state of shock. Then, Bond addressed the man directly.
“Now hold on just a moment. What do you mean, you were troubled? Then why did you ask them to perform? What’s more, isn’t it a little late to cancel the performance at this juncture?”
Hearing that, the man sighed in displeasure.
“Who are you, anyway? Someone connected to this company? I’m not happy to be asked so many questions at once.”
“Then I’ll summarise it for you. If you were going to cancel the performance so easily, why bother requesting Maya and her company to perform anyway?”
At Bond’s question, the nobleman shrugged his shoulders.
“Well, that’s simple. I just felt like it.”
Those shocking words froze him to the core.
“I’d heard about a reputable theatre company in the slums. Since there’s this notion of noblesse oblige anyway, I thought a performance would be a good topic for conversation and approached them. But then I grew to realise that the thought of poor people stepping onto the sacred stage of an official theatre just didn’t sit well with me. So yesterday, I finally decided to put an end to this madness.”
“How could you……”
He had asked Maya’s company to perform on a whim, and then cancelled their act on a selfish whim as well. And this was all decided just ‘yesterday’. Even though they had been putting in every effort into their play.
The nobleman continued.
“That’s all I had to say. You poor folk are living off the graces of the nobility, so be grateful that I even bothered to come all this way to talk to you. Now that I’m finished here, I’ll be leaving. The smell here is simply an assault on my senses.”
Right before he walked out, the man spat out one last line.
“Well, at least you all had a nice dream, didn’t you?”
A violent rage surged within Bond. Somehow, he managed to grit his teeth and hold himself back. If he were to retaliate right now, he would be inviting unnecessary reprisal on Maya and her company rather than himself. So all he could do was look daggers at the nobleman’s back as he left.
The theatre was enveloped in a mournful silence. Everyone seemed to have lost their verve, and no one uttered a word. Bond was shaking with frustration.
Amidst the heavy atmosphere, just one man — Moran — gazed upon the situation with composure.
Finally, Maya, the chairwoman, mumbled in a thin voice.
“Um, I’m so sorry. I think, I’m not feeling too well……”
Then, with a hollow expression, she headed to the dressing room, her footsteps shaky.
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ashsomethingart · 2 years
Commission Masterpost
I am always open for commissions, and I do regular deals and discounts; Want to know if I’m currently offering a promotion? Drop me a message or scroll my feed a little. Currently only taking commissions in specific fields! I may have a lot of artistic skills and abilities, however when I do all of them at once always, I tend to be spread too thin! I am currently open for the following commission types;
Digital Drawing and Illustration (Character design, illustrated scenes, portraits, pinups, etc)
Dry Media Traditional Drawings (Charcoal, Graphite, Pastel, ballpoint pen)
Graphic Design (Logo design, web banners, marketing materials)
I am NOT currently taking the following commission types:
Painting and wet media (watercolors, inks)
Photography and photo editing
Everyone always asks about pricing. How much do I charge; However what I charge is NOT an easy question to answer. I see a lot of people charging $5-10 for a headshot/portrait, and sometimes it seems like people are expecting an answer like that; However the work I do takes time and energy, and as an independent artist I have to charge an amount that will cover my bills and support me. I have a carefully crafted price list that covers budgets from around $10 all the way up to around $550 (Before commercial use licenses); If you want work done by me, I’m certain we can work something out for your budget, however the more detail you want in your piece, the more it will cost. For information regarding purchasing artwork from me for commercial use, or the rights you have when commissioning me, please refer to my Terms of Service Masterpost, which can be found here. PRICING FOR CHARACTER ART/FINE ART/ILLUSTRATION:
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To give you all a bit better of an idea of what these tiers and detail levels mean, the following image is a simplified price sheet showing Portrait, Half Body and Full Body of my CHARACTER style (These prices are the same for my pinup, Anime and American Comic styles), showing the pricing for Line Art,Flat Color and 3-Tone Cell Shading (Low detail render, not full render)
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And to follow all of that up, I mentioned at the top that I also do graphic design. My prices for graphic design are calculated in a similar way to the above, however it requires a very different method of delivery than the categories involved with my character art. Because of that, I have a completely different price sheet for graphic design, which you can see here:
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And as one quick final note, please be advised that while all graphic design comes with the basic commercial license, as stated in my TOS, the basic commercial license only allows your use of the work commercially; The work is still considered intellectual property of Ash Something Art unless you purchase a Commercial+ License or Exclusive Rights Transfer, and therefore can continue to be used by Ash Something Art for marketing and advertising purposes. Work that is the intellectual property of Ash Something Art cannot be copyrighted or trademarked by another entity, so if this graphic design is something you would like to trademark, please discuss your options with me during the consultation phase of your commission (before a deposit has been paid)
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The Strange Case of The Strangetown Metamorphosis
There is a mysterious Sim that appears in Strangetown.
That's like saying "there is a fish that appears in the ocean", I know, so I'll be a little more specific.
They are an adult whose memories show inconsistencies with those of their family members. Something is missing!
Alright. That's also not saying much, that's like half of the premades in vanilla, non-clean hoods.
They are immediately recognizable by their appearance and, dare I say it, have distinguishing features unique to them.
Well, that also kinda fits everyone...
They feature in more than one installment of the series.
Again, not that helpful. I mean, almost everybody from the base game hoods is (for better or worse) represented in TS3 or TS4.
They appear in TS2 for PSP!
They are a member of a wealthy family connected to science and paranormal.
They are somehow connected to (possible) cloning.
I imagine that now you’re probably rolling your eyes and asking: Why didn’t I just simply say I was going to talk about Bella Goth?
Because... I’m not!
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It’s Loki Beaker. In this mini-essay I’m going to speak about Loki, what is the mystery around him, what hints are there and what are some of the theories and which one do I fancy.
It’s basically a routine round of the popular game “connect EAxis’ oversights and glue them together into a headcanon”.
So without further ado, let me introduce you to:
The Mystery of Loki Beaker!
0: Preface: Loki who?
“As soon as he perfects his latest invention, Loki is sure to get the recognition he knows he deserves. In the meantime, he keeps himself busy by trying to assemble a nuclear reactor out of common household items.”
On the first glance, Loki as a Sim seems quite straightforward. He is a Knowledge Sim with a very eccentric personality. All his trait points are in the extremes, as you can see:
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He is a scientist, a competent one at that, as proven by his high career level and the fun fact that some of the game’s horrible machinery you can buy for Aspiration points is attributed to his creation.
(It explains why are the Beakers the only ones who have the stuff lying around by default. It is normal for a Strangetown family to own a non-buyable reward object or two but those are career rewards, the Beakers are the only one who canonically own Aspiration points rewards.)
Even though he knows his stuff when it comes to his profession, he is very corrupt and tests his questionable projects on his captive, Nervous Subject.
To say that Loki is unpopular would be an understatement. No one but his wife Circe likes Loki, even his own sister is indifferent towards him. Yes, he has a sister. Her name is Erin and she also lives in Strangetown with a colorful collection of roommates.
Nothing mysterious about him so far. (apart from his eyebrows)
1: Characterization fallen apart
And then The Sims 3 happened. It was actually quite late into the game’s life cycle, the early 2013, when a beautiful nordic-themed world was released on TS3 Store. Its name was Aurora Skies and it featured Loki, Erin and their parents.
TS3 Loki is a child and Erin is a toddler.
Now I haven’t actually played Aurora Skies. I own (and love) TS3 but the price range for the Store worlds is too high for me, content-to-money wise. So there might be some hidden clues about the Beakers in their house or relationship panels that I haven’t been able to inspect but... not to sound cynical but I doubt it. I doubt such attention was given to detail of this family in Aurora Skies, as they don’t even have individual bios.
But... that is... fine? I mean, we have Loki’s TS2 bio...
Nope. Sure we do. And it would be fine if hair color and ambitions weren’t the only thing Loki and his younger self (from now on referred to as smol Loki) had in common.
Let’s take a look on smol Loki’s personality.
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The first noticeable thing is that there is not a trace of Loki’s trademark villainy. He’s not Mean Spirited, he’s not Evil, he’s not even a No Sense of Humor Sim. His extreme neatness and hyperactivity are nowhere to be seen either. While it is true that TS3′s capabilities of defining personality are very limited as it picks “outstanding points” rather than a position of each trait on a scale, and it only has 5 slots (and tiny teeny 3 for children), it doesn’t make any sense still for the devs not to pick some more loki-esque traits for the precious slots they had.
They didn’t care about Loki’s personality and there were no deeper intentions.
Unless the devs were trying to purposefully show us new angles of his character that either got suppressed while he was growing up, or manifest in ways that TS2′s scale system wasn’t able to show.
Could the Lucky trait in particular have had something to do with the change?
(Also, those traits of smol Loki are reason why I usually go for a Family Secondary Loki in TS2 and thus make Strangetown the purgatory of two unstable blonde Knowledge/Family sciency guys.)
We also must not omit that even though smol Loki didn’t display any of them, he still had all of Loki’s signature traits in him, as Loki in TS2 has his actual personality synced with the genetic one, meaning that there was something in there that caused him not to act so mean that got lost as he grew up. In other words, something brought up the worst in him.
And that’s not all. Smol Loki is not a regular TS3 child. You see, in TS3, premade children aren’t particularly known for being highly skilled experts. Neither are in TS2, for that matter, and it’s okay. It’s realistic.
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Smol Loki has a skill maxed.
It is very rare for a premade regardless of age to already start with a maxed skill and I personally don’t know of any other premade children that do.
And it’s writing.
What does writing have to do with Loki? Does Loki write? Probably he has to, those academic papers aren’t gonna spawn out of thin air, but that’s not what the writing skill in TS3 (or the hidden writing skill in TS2) are about. They’re about creative writing only.
Ok, ok. How high is Loki’s Creativity skill, then? In TS2, skills are much broader, they more resemble skillsets than individual skills, and writing categorizes under Creativity. Bring out the skill panel!
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Two. He has 2 points in Creativity. That is... low. That is actually very low, especially for a Sim that has supposedly been writing for fun since childhood. (and was a prodigy, while we’re at it) It is safe to say, I think, that if the player doesn’t make him do it, Loki doesn’t write anymore and he hasn’t been doing that for a long, long time.
While I would cynically admit that the dissonance in personalities might be just the lack of damns given from EAxis’ side, this seems to me too on the nose to be unintentional.
They would have no reason to bring the Beakers back without the “evil scientists” thing in mind. I mean, that’s what they’re iconic for. That’s what they’re recognizable by. (apart from their eyebrows)
So the person who was in charge of creating smol Loki probably knew they were recreating “Loki the mad scientist”.
So when they were picking the skill they use to demonstrate that this kid is gonna go far, they thought... “evil scientist = writing”...?
I would understand going for Creativity in general. I mean, Loki’s an inventor. That comes with the territory. But creativity as such isn’t really a skill in TS3. It’s divided to different activities.
Wouldn’t it make more sense just in general to pick logic, then? I mean, Loki isn’t that extremely logical by default but it is his second strongest skill and a feature unmistakably connected to being a scientist.
That’s what leads me to believe that writing plays a role in the story and it was chosen on purpose.
So how did a sweet little family-oriented boy talented with words transform into the ruthless catboy inventor we know and love?
And that, my friends, is the mystery of Loki Beaker.
2: A closer look at our environmentalist friends, the Beakers
If we want to get the full picture and come to a satisfying conclusion of some sorts, we need to inspect smol Loki’s surroundings. Maybe there is a clue to the continuous force or a traumatic event that shifted smol Loki’s direction in life?
Loki’s and Erin’s parents are named Gundrun and Bjorn. Even though their age would still allow it, they’re not present at the start of TS2′s Strangetown play, they’re long dead. Bjorn died before Erin became an adult and Gundrun died shortly before her son’s engagement to Circe. Because they died by the time Loki had (presumably) already long enrolled in his current life-path, we can safely rule out any tragic early death of parental figures scenario as a possible answer.
Gundrun is the only Beaker that canonically also writes. She has 5 points in the writing skill. She also shares some traits with Loki, namely the smarts and ambition.
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But she has little to do with science and is way more business-oriented which is a trait she shares with Circe’s ancestors, for example her father. Maybe the families knew each other from business ventures even before they moved to Strangetown? It is stated in their memories that Loki and Circe first met when they were children. But I digress!
Anyway, I don’t see anything in Gundrun that would suggest any abusive behavior towards her son that might have triggered his drastic change. Possibly but not necessarily she might’ve been a bit absent but nothing out of ordinary.
And now the father, Bjorn.
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Bjorn is the sciency half of the couple and works as an Aquatic Ecosystem Tweaker. Again, he has zero traits that would raise any red flags and he shares 4 out of 5 traits with either smol Loki or Loki. (I don’t know if Loki is a “natural cook” but he cooks quite well, so I think that counts.)
What’s interesting about Bjorn, though, is his speech that serves as a flavor text for the Aurora Skies store page.
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(Image transcript: “Do it for science! Science is everywhere around us, but at Aurora Skies it’s not just something you learn; it’s something you do!  We need bright young minds to make the dreams of the future a reality. Even now we’re finding more uses for garbage to help the planet. Charging batteries, powering machines - the sky is the limit. Just this last year we created a modified Hot Air Baloon using garbage as fuel and turning it into pure air with a pine breeze scent.  Now you can have efficient travel and an amazing romantic adventure with no cost to the ozone (or your nose)! Every year we’re creating more and more exciting things in the world of science. Garbage-powered hearts, heart-powered cars, solar-powered cats; what will you think of next!  It’s all up to you. Do it for Science! Did you know? Hot Air Balloons are an epic form of travel based around the simple principle that hot air is lighter than cold air.  They lift in the air based on the heat system in the balloon. Increasing the temperature of the air inside the balloon makes it lighter than the air outside and the balloon begins to float.  More air is required to lift heavier things; that’s why the balloons have to be so huge! How cool (or hot!) is that?”)
From this piece of text we can see Bjorn’s passion and dedication to “green” science. Nothing in his traits suggests he fakes it, so I think it’s safe to believe that this peppy idealist is a glimpse into Loki’s father’s genuine self.
He might have encouraged his children to follow in his footsteps (”We need bright young minds to make the dreams of the future a reality.“) and smol Loki, who later in life seemed to have similar levels of enthusiasm (science is his One True Hobby), might have been receptive to that.
Now just close your eyes for a second and imagine an alternate reality in which Loki picked up where Bjorn left and instead of a energy-refilling machine that electrocutes you if you’re not happy enough, he invented “solar-powered cats”.
Still no hints on what could’ve messed Loki up, though.
Let’s take a look at the parents in TS2. Even though they’re not present and aren’t even resurrectable, they’re still coded in the game for purposes of genetics, memories and family trees, so some of their characteristics are salvageable.
And by the Watcher, they were both Romance Sims.
They were workaholic Romance Sims who cared about the environment and liked recycling (and Hot Baloons).
And they were both extremely Nice and very Sloppy, if their personalities on wiki are something to go by. Which they unfortunately aren’t, at least not completely because most ancestors don’t simply have “their own” personalities and use presets instead, so they tend to be quite similar.
The same goes for most of the Beaker clan, unfortunately. Fun fact is that there is no Knowledge Sim in sight (before Loki, of course). Maybe they weren’t a scientist family, but a bunch of Romance Sims who used to spend their free time in between woohoos saving the planet with eco-science. (3 out of 6 of Loki’s and Erin’s ancestors were Romance Sims, 2 were Fortune and 1 was Family)
But! There is one outlier. Her name is Gertrude Beaker. She is Loki’s paternal grandmother.
And similarly to her grandson, she certainly has a personality to remember.
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She doesn’t use a preset, this is a personality that someone went and manually assigned (...or generated) for her. And she is Neat, Outgoing and doesn’t have a nice bone in her body. But unlike Loki, she has a sense of humor (which makes her even more dangerous, in my opinion) and is extremely Lazy.
She is a Fortune Sim and the only Beaker who shares the darker sides of Loki’s personality. (to be clear, I don’t mean their taste for cleaning but the round 0 of Nice points)
Because she doesn’t feature in TS3 at all, it is safe to say that she wasn’t in her grandchildren’s lives until the family moved to Strangetown. Could she be the corrupting influence on smol Loki?
As far as personality comparison goes, she seems to be the only possible culprit, the only one who’s personality shares the same unpleasant qualities he became infamous for. But! That’s not saying much. There is no evidence she actually did anything.
There’s not even any evidence that she ever met her grandson, given he has no memory of her dying which means she might have died before he was even born. That would be a solid evidence on the contrary and would rule her out. But I’m leaving some maneuvering space for theories here because she is the only Beaker ancestor with custom personality, after all, and that is suspicious.
That’s all the Beakers we know of if not counting Atom and Ceres, who came after Loki, so they’re not relevant to the question of his childhood. Or... are they?
3: And that’s when the trouble began
Another part of this question that might help us discern what happened to Loki is the when. All we know so far is that there is a big void of unknown between smol Loki and regular Loki and the point of transformation happened in there somewhere.
Thankfully, we have something to give us an idea. It’s this snapshot in storytelling pictures for the Beakers:
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It shows smol Loki destroying a dollhouse. It seems to be in an impersonal environment of some sorts. The cheapest bed in the game is against a bare white wall, the window is hid behind blue curtains and there doesn’t really seem to be anything else but the dollhouse, a teddy bear in the background and that... very unpleasant bed.
It clearly tells us that Loki’s shift started in his pre-teen years.
And seeing that room which is definitely not in the Beaker Castle at 1 Tesla Court, it makes me think of a hotel or a cheap apartment the family was staying in while moving from Aurora Skies to Strangetown. Maybe the castle-like something the household inhabits at the start of the game wasn’t a property of the Beakers at all, maybe that was where the Salamises used to live and now it belongs to Circe?
Anyway, could it had been leaving Aurora Skies that sent smol Loki down an existential crisis and settling in the not exactly welcoming environment of Strangetown, enrolling in a local school, that sealed it?
But why all the stuff with writing? This would work with any other hobby but somehow it had to be writing and it’s our task to find out why.
4: Not your average tragedy
Now in our search we already have some ideas but it wouldn’t be thorough if we didn’t take into account smol Loki’s actual personality. I mean, we went into what traits he doesn’t have but what about those he has?
Namely Lucky and Family-Oriented.
I think Lucky is a very interesting choice. There’s nothing inherent about Loki Beaker that would make you go “that’s one lucky guy!” (if you don’t count his relationship with Circe as a stroke of luck, that is) and the same goes for smol Loki.
But... it could be a clue. His metamorphosis either couldn’t be triggered by trauma because he’s lucky and it would avoid him, or it must’ve been something tremendously horrid so he’s lucky he’s still alive.
Now we know we are searching for something that happened in his late childhood, verging on the start of his teenage years. His family was going through the turmoil of moving to a desert and he has already known his future partner Circe. Meanwhile Erin-
Oh, wait. Erin.
Smol Loki was Family-Oriented which implies he would probably have a good relationship with his little sister, as he would’ve naturally inclined to protect her and help his parents take care of her. But!
Not only do they have an amicable but distant relationship as adults but Erin seems to forget that Loki even existed in her childhood.
He has the usual set of memories of a sibling growing up well but she doesn’t, she has no Loki-related memories at all, not even of his marriage, which was a quite recent event.
Could the reason for Loki’s “downfall” be somehow related to his sister? Was there a dramatic event in which she lost a part of her memory?
5: Theories!
Ok, we’re finally here! Now I try to present some theories about what might’ve happened.
1. Burdens of the golden child
In Aurora Skies, Loki used to be the little wonder every relative was gushing about. With his father as an acclaimed scientist and a very liked person in general, there was little to no adversity his son had to face. He followed his passion and having nobody to really compare himself to, nor anybody who would terrorize him, he prospered.
But then the Beakers moved. Strangetown was... different. It was way smaller than Aurora Skies, so everybody inherently knew everybody and everybody had to interact with everybody... because the small space of a desert community didn’t leave them with any choice. And it was bleak and unfriendly. No one except for the Salamises knew the Beakers, so they found themselves under scrutiny from their new neighbors.
So Loki, who used to live thinking he was unique, was now sitting everyday in a much smaller classroom with Pascal and Vidcund Curious, whom he was immediately being compared to. But he wasn’t like the Curiouses. He was a kid of a scientist but wasn’t a science kid. He didn’t have much in common with Pascal who approached him and tried to befriend him at first but he wanted to. In Strangetown, nothing seemed to be cooler than being really, really into science. Pascal’s and Loki’s communication attempts were rather poor, though, and in the end, they never made friends. Loki slowly began to disdain the oldest Curious boy and it culminated a few years later in high school when Pascal made an attempt to woo Circe. It was even worse with Vidcund. Ever since Loki’s first day at the new school, Vidcund had been eyeing him with a disgusted look and Loki became quick to reciprocate.
In Strangetown, nothing seemed to be cooler than being really, really into science. Even Circe was on it! She was the only person his age he has know in Strangetown before his family moved in and he liked her. Not “like” liked her, yuck! But he thought she was cool. Her family used to visit the Beakers in Aurora Skies and they played together. She was a friend! Or so Loki thought. She seemed to like hanging out with the Curiouses much more.
In Strangetown, nothing seemed to be cooler than being really, really into science, yes. But not in the eyes of Buzz Grunt, the son of a general who lived in Strangetown. Their family were the self-proclaimed protectors of the hood but at the same time they weren’t shy to show a strong distaste for all that made Strangetown an important desert settlement in the first place. And little Buzz, although Loki doubted he understood the nuances, was very fond of asserting his dominance over his less sporty and hyper-masculine classmates.
Suddenly jealous of the Curious brothers, under pressure from both the adults and his peers comparing him to them and bullied by Buzz, Loki’s social life fell apart. He started having problems... and he came up with solutions. He has always liked science but from back then on he hyperfixated on it to prove everybody who picked on him for being a worthless parody of a science kid wrong.
Not only his social life and self-confidence were busted, though. Moving away from Aurora Skies to Strangetown that had much higher prices for housing because of the limited space, the living standards for the Beakers lowered. It was chaotic and uncomfortable. Plus, almost everybody in Strangetown was loaded. Why, Circe and her parents lived in a small castle! Loki felt like they’re the only “poor” family around and it played into his new-found insecurities.
And then there was Erin’s accident. She suffered a severe head injury and even though she fortunately survived, she was never... the same. She had issues with her memory. Loki tried to convince himself that he’s big enough not to cry but when they were visiting Erin in the hospital and she didn’t recognize him, he cried. It was his little sister! And... it was all his fault anyway! If he was quicker and pushed her to safety, she would’ve been fine! Or even better, he wished the car would’ve hit him instead.
Loki was becoming more and more snappy, focused on his grades and projects, unavailable. The siblings never mended their relationship, Erin, even though she recovered, never got to make new memories with her brother. Not remembering them growing up together, he was like a stranger to her. A scary mean teenage boy she didn’t know and, even though she was a very friendly child, she was too intimidated to willingly spend time with him. And Loki was always busy and moreover, he felt guilty and inexplicably angry, so he postponed approaching her, until it was too late, he was in college, she was in high school and it was too awkward.
And... there was no time to write anymore.
2. Gertrude the Neat and Mean (and Lazy)
Ok, Loki doesn’t have any memories of his grandma. But hear me out! Erin does not have any of him either and yet they met. This theory doesn't require any additional write up – he simply got under the influence of his 0 Nice points granny and she cultivated him to be just like her.
My personal take: This is maybe my least favorite theory of them all, even though it is quite straightforward. It doesn't take much into consideration and demonizes Gertrude, who as far as we know, might not done anything wrong.
3. The accident
This theory takes advantage of TS3's canon sciency machinery, namely Cerebralizing Brain Enhancing Machine 2.0.
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It can, among other things, change a Sim's personality. There is (quite unfortunately, in my opinion) no chance of consequential failure in the actual game, the most it can do is to (non-fatally) electrocute your Sim. But...
Imagine smol Loki sneaking into his dad's laboratory, most probably at his workplace.
He was curious. Ever since his father showed him all the equipment in there, all he could think of was the machine that made people smarter.
Maybe it could make him smarter?
I mean, Loki knew he was already quite smart. At least, he's been told he was and he had no reason not to believe it.
But he could be even smarter.
He could be like his dad. Or his mom. Or Erin. Everyone was talking about how clever young Erin seemed. Loki was proud of her but part of him just wanted that, too.
So what if... he went to dad's laboratory, just for a little while, and made himself smarter?
He made all the necessary preparations. It meant to memorize dad’s schedule, so he knew just the time when he could sneak into the laboratory. It also meant to get a good costume so he won’t be recognizable on the security footage!
And then finally, he was ready. To infiltrate the laboratory was easy enough but it only made Loki more nervous. He was on the edge but determined. He wanted to make it big in the world. He needed to seize the opportunity. And fear... fear was there to be ignored! Hands, stop trembling!
His confidence grew a bit once he got to the machine itself. He knew how to run it thanks to his dad and it made him feel competent and ready.
Little did he know that there was a huge oversight. Although Loki could operate the technology on a very basic level, his knowledge went nowhere near deep enough for him to detect that the machine has yet another set of settings and those currently expect an adult user. It wasn’t configured for a child patient.
But unaware of that, the boy in his patchy dinosaur costume climbed on top of the machine and with his eyes wide open and his heart racing he connected the Brain Enhancer to his system. Then, with his hand sweating, he pushed a button on a remote he was clutching to.
When Bjorn, alerted by Loki’s screams, rushed into the laboratory, it was way too late.
As his terrified father was calling the ambulance, the child was alive and even still awake. He was too weak to cry. He just watched Bjorn, wishing for death and looking for signs of wrath in father’s eyes.
There were none. Only fear.
Physically, Loki Beaker managed to recover just fine. With the power of advanced medicine and plastic surgery, the burns he suffered were reduced to nothing but almost invisible scars.
But inside, he was never the same. Literally. Even though the procedure backfired horribly, it still worked to some extend - but even that extend was warped. Loki succeeded in giving himself the Genius trait but several of his traits were replaced also, including the Lucky trait that probably saved his life.
6: Conclusion!
I like Loki very much. (no sh*t, who would’ve guessed) He’s a very controversial and over-the-top character who tends to be rather unpredictable in the actual gameplay. I started writing this giant thing to find an answer to his backstory that would satisfy me and hopefully also some of you.
With a heavy heart I conclude I’m not successful.
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First I have to admit I originally planned to present 5 theories instead of 3 but I scrapped 2 of them.
First was about Atom time traveling and replacing Loki, creating himself again and again in a time loop (would explain the huge personality difference between smol Loki and Loki-Atom) and it was very far-fetched but fun, alas I realized it was out of character for Atom, since he seems to love his sister and his Plumbot so much he would hardly leave them behind to pull that off.
The second was about Nervous and the corrupting power of Death he has inside that would slowly drive Loki and Circe “evil” even though it’s unclear whether they first adopted him with being a lab-rat in mind. But it would not make sense since a change like that would be visible on their personality panels. That’s not that important, though. What made me not include this theory is that it feels uncomfortably victim blame-y. It’s not directly since it wouldn’t be Nervous’ fault anyway but any attempt to shift the blame from Loki and Circe in this situation feels uncomfortable.
(To be clear, I don’t think the Beakers deserve demonization. In my opinion, the best way to treat them narrative-wise is like eccentric people capable of feeling love and doing good things sometimes, yet irredeemably self-centered, morally bankrupt and deserving a lifetime in jail for child abuse they have done on Nervous. Not one-dimensional but still villains and still objectively bad people.)
And those 3 theories above? They could’ve been better.
I think I like the first the most, even though I still feel like something is missing. I just tend to like relatively grounded explanations and this one doesn’t feature the supernatural nor any deus ex machina gadget.
What about you? And do you have any other theories? Sky’s the limit! It’ll make my day to hear them!
Whatever your takes are, they’re all valid.
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sou-ver-2-0 · 4 years
Sou Hiyori and Kanna’s Sister Parallels
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In my short time in the Your Turn to Die fandom, I haven't seen anyone discuss the similarities between our Sou Hiyori and Kanna's older sister Kugie. This subtle parallel is one of the many fantastic writing details in this game, and it happens to be my favorite one. So I wanted to talk about it! 
I love the irony that the characters in YTTD draw a more obvious parallel between Kugie Kizuchi and the game's protagonist, Sara Chidouin. Both Sara and Kugie are high-school aged girls, and Sara often plays the part of Kanna's big sister, leading Kanna to project her feelings for Kugie onto Sara. Although this is sweet, it's still a superficial parallel. Sara and Kugie play the same role, but how similar are they really? If you choose to chat with Kanna on the first day of Chapter 2's storyline, Kanna will tell you the truth about her adoptive sister. Instead of idealizing her, Kanna paints a more complex picture of a flawed young woman. Unlike Sara, Kugie bullied Kanna when they first met. It took time for the pair of them to feel like real siblings. On a deeper level, Kugie's own mini-character arc is very different from Sara's arc, but it perfectly mirrors Sou's arc!
Both Kugie and Sou have a cruel streak and they each make rash judgments about other people. However, they eventually reveal with their actions that they truly love Kanna deep down. While Sara can make the choice to abandon Kanna, both Kugie and Sou would die for the girl. Because of the striking parallels I see between Kanna's memories of Kugie and Kanna's present relationship with Sou, I want to believe that Kugie was just as willing as Sou was to die in order to save Kanna's life. Kugie's story effectively acts as a microcosm of Sou's story. So let's take a close look at it.
KANNA: ...Sara... / You're just like... my sister.
SARA: Huh...?
KANNA: Your strength... and your kindness... / ... / But my sister... / Wasn't always kind from the moment we met.
SARA: (The moment they met...?)
If you speak to Kanna during negotiation time on Day 1 of Chapter 2, the girl begins her story by telling Sara that she's just like her sister, since Sara shares Kugie's "strength and kindness." However, she admits that her sister "wasn't always kind from the moment we met." This is the first major difference between the two girls, and it's what clued me into the idea that Kugie's story might be a metaphor for Sou's story instead. It's also an early moment in which Kanna reveals that she's not as naive as people think she is. She's aware that Kugie was flawed, just like she's aware of Sou's flaws. She keeps choosing to believe in their capacity for good, even as she understands that they are capable of hurting her. 
  Following this revelation, we come to a notable choice.   
1. CHOICE: You aren't blood-related?
SARA: ...Kanna. Are you and your sister not blood-related...?
KANNA: ...Right...
2. CHOICE: Guess I win
SARA: I was nice from the start, so guess I win.
KANNA: Ah... Even the way you say weird things like that is just like my sister...
SARA: (Strangely, that just got her more emotional...)
Sara can either ask "You aren't blood-related?" or smugly observe "Guess I win." Either way, Kanna will steer the conversation back to her adoption by the Kizuchi family. But the choice to declare "victory" over Kugie here fascinates me, since it's easy to connect this competitive sentiment to Sara's relationship with Sou. While Sara and Sou are obviously in a competition for their lives, what ends up mattering more is their competition for Kanna's affections. In both cases, Sou is painfully aware that he's the underdog with "zero percent chance of success." Sou is sure that Kanna would choose Sara's life over his life, if she were forced to make that awful choice.
For Sou, who believes that Kanna loves him less, his moral dilemma is whether to support Kanna in spite of this. The fact that he supports her unconditionally in the second Main Game speaks to his strength of character. He proves that he truly values Kanna more than his own life. For Sara, who already feels comfortable in the "victory" of Kanna's devotion, the moral question becomes whether the player will make choices that are worthy of the girl. Will you help Sou protect her? Or will you decide that Kanna's life is worth less than Sou's hacking skills? Sara's choice determines whether she truly shares Kugie's "strength and kindness."
I'll come back to Kanna's feelings on this "competition" later. For now it's enough to say that she recognizes that competitive streak in Kugie too, and that memory makes her "emotional." It shows how she loves these three characters even when they say "weird things." Again, Kanna is aware of Sara, Kugie, and Sou's flaws but still feels affection for them. That's just how it is when you love someone.
Kanna continues her story:
KANNA: ...See, Kanna's adopted.
SARA: ...!
KANNA: She came to her current family from an orphanage when she was little...
SARA: So you had different parents, too?
KANNA: Mom and dad were really kind... / Kanna... was determined to always smile, childishly thinking "I can't trouble them." / ...And Kanna's sister didn't seem to like her...
Here, Kanna reveals that she has always had the type of personality where she tries hard to please others. She was worried about being a burden long before the Death Game, but for a more ordinary reason; she's adopted. She's always been self-conscious. Her ongoing heartbreak and anxiety comes from a deep place of worrying that her big sister doesn't love her. This informs her current relationships with both Sara and Sou.
At this point, the narrative shifts to a flashback of Kanna's memories.
MOM: Stop it, Kugie! Why do you do such cruel things?!
KANNA: No, it's fine! Kanna's not angry... She's not, really... / Look, see! Ahaha... Ehehehehe...
KUGIE: ...What're you always laughing for?
KANNA: Huh...?
KUGIE: ...You're creepy. I hate it.
DAD: Hey, stop that! Apologize, Kugie!
Kugie calls Kanna "creepy" and even says that she "hates" that part of her. Sara can't ever say such cruel words to Kanna; the worst you can do as a player is speak sternly to her sometimes. But Sou absolutely can say cruel things. He has called Kanna "stupid kid," "dead weight," and a "hindrance" in front of the entire group. And just like the Kizuchi parents scolded Kugie for her mean words, our group members condemn Sou for his mean words.
Now, we know Sou wasn't actually speaking his heart with those words. He didn't have malicious intent. (In fact, he was trying to save Kanna's life.) Sou said those words because he wears a mask to cover his true self. That's the essence of his character. He tries to sound tough and logical to force people to take him seriously. He assumes that once he lets his guard down and shows weakness, everyone will vote to kill him. He becomes a bully because he's insecure.
What if Kugie was also wearing a mask when she bullied Kanna? Not because of the Death Game like Sou, but for a more ordinary reason. Maybe she was simply trying to sound "cool." Maybe Kugie bullied Kanna because she was also insecure, and it would be easy to take out her insecurity on a little girl like Kanna. Kanna is an awkward child who speaks in the third person and laughs for no reason. It would be easy for an older girl to look at Kanna and think, "At least I'm not as embarrassing as that." Even though we don't know Kugie as well as Sou, I think it's a logical assumption.
KANNA: Even then, I kept on smiling... I didn't... want to make sister out as a villain. / But one day, when it became unbearable... I ran away from home.
This is the saddest part but I love it because it's a direct parallel to what Kanna says about Sou! 
During the Second Main Game, when Kanna confesses that she took the Sacrifice card from Sara, she says, "Kanna...Kanna...!! She didn't want to let Sara die...!! And also...!! She didn't want to make Sou a murderer...!!" 
The things Kanna does for these two!!
In other words, there comes a point for both Kugie and Sou where their actions are so harmful that Kanna feels like she has to throw herself away to thwart their "villainy." She runs away from home. She takes the Sacrifice Card. Because she doesn't want these two people she loves to become villains.  
We continue Kanna's story with another flashback. This time, it's accompanied by visual imagery of a small Kanna sitting by herself and crying while hiding her face under a bucket.
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KANNA: ...sniff... sob...
KANNA: (narrating) I couldn't go home. I didn't want to... Thinking that to myself, I sat in the park with a bucket on my head and cried.
This is Kanna at her most vulnerable. She is isolated and alone. She has given up. 
In the present day, Kanna has many hopeless moments like this since she has just lost her sister, the person she loved most. We can judge any of the game's characters by how well they treat her, the most vulnerable among them.
In Kanna's memory, there is a character who comes to speak with her at this time. A little boy who tries to joke with her and cheer her up. Kanna only remembers him as "Brat," but to the player, he looks an awful lot like a small Joe Tazuna! The following confrontation between Kanna, "Brat," and Kugie is my favorite part, because it leads to my favorite parallel.
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BRAT: Hey! Whatcha doin'? / What's with the bucket?! Yer funny!
KANNA: ...sniff... sniffle...
BRAT: Huh? You cryin'?!
KANNA: ..........
BRAT: ...Alright. / *He lifts his shirt over his head.* How's that! Ehh?! Look at me! C'mon! Funny, right?
KANNA: ...uuuuu...
VOICE (KUGIE): What're you doing?!
BRAT: ...Huh...?
KUGIE: How dare you put a bucket on her head and tease her!! Beat it, you!!
BRAT: I-I wasn't teasin' her!
KUGIE: Liar!! Kanna's crying, isn't she?! D-Don't... be so cruel to my little sister!!
KANNA (narrating): ...That was the first time she called me "little sister"...
In the scene, "Brat" greets Kanna and tries to cheer her up by being a goofball. However, Kugie sees this and gets the wrong impression. She assumes that the boy is hurting Kanna and she rushes to her little sister's defense. As a result of Kugie's actions, Kanna finally sees Kugie's true loving heart.
This is, beat for beat, exactly what happens when Sou confronts Sara about Kugie's smartphone. Just like Kugie wrongly assumed that Joe was bullying Kanna, Sou wrongly assumes that Sara tampered with Kugie's smartphone to make it seem like Kugie hated Kanna. Even though Sou is wrong--Sara was trying to fix the smartphone, just like Sou was--this is the first moment that the player can see Sou's true heart. We learn that Sou's reasons for targeting Sara aren't due to him being some scheming mastermind; he's simply suspicious by nature and he makes rash judgments. He acts the way he does because he genuinely believes that Sara is dangerous. And for the first time, we see how deeply Sou cares about Kanna. We see him stand up to Sara to defend her. Then we see how he wrote a message full of love and hope on Kugie's phone. 
When Kanna finally receives the phone, she cries "tears of salvation" over Kugie's new message. But Kugie's words are really Sou's words. And by the time we reach Chapter 3, we learn that Kanna knew the truth the whole time.
(KANNA): Kanna was always with her big sister. / Because she loved her a lot… / But Kanna was always just a bother to her… / Even that time when it mattered most, she couldn't do anything. / So she thought she was hated… / But that message... made her remember. / That surely, her big sister was watching over her… / That she had to stay strong on her own… / But, well… / The truth is, she knew… / That it wasn't her sister who wrote that message… / *Kanna remembers Sou's face.* .... / ...There's people who tried to protect Kanna. / There's people who worked to encourage her. / So... she doesn't want anyone else to die. / Because... they're all such kind people...
In the game, Kanna shares these thoughts with the player in the aftermath of Sou's death. This is the scenario in which Sou gets to complete the same arc as Kugie. They both sacrifice themselves to save the little sister they love so much. I'm sure that Kugie would have been grateful for Sou's help in writing that message and saving Kanna's life.
I'll finish sharing the rest of Kanna's story about Kugie: 
KUGIE: ...You still crying?
KANNA: S-Sorry... sister...
KUGIE: ... / ...So you cry too, Kanna.
I think the wording of that last sentence in English is interesting. The obvious interpretation is that Kugie realizes that Kanna has been secretly crying and hiding her true self all this time. But on another level, I wonder if Kugie is admitting that she herself "cries too"? That would confirm Kugie's insecurity. And it would make this a moment in which Kugie sees herself in Kanna, just like it's implied that Sou sees his "weak self" in Kanna. In any case, this "unmasking" of Kanna's true heart is a good parallel for Sou's story as well. Kanna also hides her feelings like he does.
KANNA: ..........
KUGIE: .......... / Kanna... I'm sorry...
KANNA: ...Sister...
KUGIE: Mom and dad are worried, so let's get home quick, okay?
KANNA: O... Okay! Eheheh...
It is possible for Sou to apologize to Kanna in the prologue of Chapter 2, Part 2. His wording is more ominous than Kugie's, though he keeps Kugie's sentiment about returning home: "...Sorry. / Just relax. If you’re obedient, I’ll tell you how to survive."
Continuing with Kanna's story, the narrative shifts back to the present day.
KANNA: ...Ever since then, my sister and I got along really well.
SARA: I see...
KANNA: Without any blood relation... Kanna and her sister got along really... really well... / ..........
I love this line because it can apply to Sou as well, since he isn't blood-related to Kanna either. All of Kanna's protective siblings commit to her well-being by their own choice.
SARA: Kanna...
KANNA: Kanna... will definitely go home...! Because she needs to tell mom and dad...! / Determination... / A kind of determination... much too heavy for a girl her age to bear. / ...I should be going soon. Sou might wake up, after all... / Thank you very much... Sara.
Kanna ends her story with a determined speech to return home and honor Kugie's memory. As we read earlier, Kanna gives a similar determined speech in the aftermath of Sou's sacrifice. Later in Chapter 3, she further expresses a desire to honor Sou’s memory, saying “I want to know more about the man who sacrificed himself for me.” This is Kanna at her strongest! This is a Kanna who wants to live!
I mentioned earlier that I would come back to Kanna's feelings on the "competition" between Sou and Sara for her affections. Because Sara resembles Kugie physically, everyone believes that Kanna would choose Sara over Sou. Kanna even says that Sara is "the person she most wants to live." That is Kanna's emotional appeal to save Sara from being voted as a candidate. In the event that Kanna dies, Keiji rubs Kanna’s words in Sou's face at the beginning of Chapter 3, leaving Sou desolate.
But it's important to note that Kanna's choice was always to save both Sara and Sou. To say that she would abandon Sou discredits what actually happened. After Kanna makes an emotional appeal to save Sara's life, she shrewdly makes a logical appeal to save Sou's life. And when Sou tries to direct the votes to Kanna, thinking she has the Sacrifice card, Kanna easily thwarts his efforts by simply telling the truth. Kanna was the only character who chose to be honest about the Sacrifice Card, because she never intended to let anyone else die for her. 
Kanna's choice was to reject the “competition” outright. She doesn't even take it seriously. Her reasons for taking the Sacrifice card were twofold: to save Sara's life, and to save Sou's soul. It's never a real question for her which person she values more. She would have died for them both.
This matters because Sou doesn't parallel Kugie in such an obvious way like Sara does, but the parallel is still there. It's subtle enough that Sou can't even see it. He never feels confident in Kanna's affection, which is why he ordered her, "Kanna. / Don’t you betray me." He can't see what's right in front of him: that Kanna cares about him as though he were her own brother. 
In contrast, Sara feels self-conscious about the comparisons people draw between Kugie and herself. She always feels awkward about it. She is fully aware that Kugie was her own person, and Sara can only pretend to understand what she was like. I really like the way that the manga treated this issue. Although the manga cuts out many of the excellent character moments from the game, it adds more focus on Kugie.
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Sara thinks to herself, "I don't know...how many regrets that person had..." which neatly foreshadows that Kugie would have regretted bullying Kanna. Speaking of regrets also reminds me of Sou, who--in the route where he dies--regrets not trusting everyone sooner.
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I wanted to end this piece on a happy note, so I'll just say that I like to imagine that Sou and Kugie would have gotten along! Maybe they would even be able to see through each other's masks and help each other. They could work together to protect Kanna, and the Player could choose whether Sara joins them.
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